-2 JL THE DAILY EVENING TELFGHArn.miLADELriTTA, SATUKDAY, AUGUST 20, 1861. turning tlcgrapli BATTMUT, At'flUBT 20, 18C4. . inr Mir or tub thai p. CALEB LWHTrOOT. Oil, tuf Home 1 ft room 7 on, very, Extending all over the town Fi.ull, rapacious, and Airy, Anrl jet it Is bimllr rny own i For the Mrds build their nosts all frout me, Aid rinlrr.'ls hp freely r)nnl Tk rich and the bnujrhty may flout me, ' Bn eraml'-r nno never was tourid. Th. n a fig fr the "ling" Or ibe "biM" or the rag Trim hangs like a rUg From my ale-ewe ; For j on , I'm a free Aa a chip on the se.it frbould it othrrwUe be 1 should grieve. IT. Oh. It" roof Is the archway of glory ; lie cnrtniDS, the lave of the dido; 1 1 pictures, the gurKeous old story 01 Kartb in the brightness of June. Its carpels were wove or the tinkers Ol deltliPAt raaideai the Honrs; Tbe breath of the dainxels suit lingnr All aiound me, enriching Uie (lowers. Then a l, c, Ac. in. When the "nnlktit ia leaving the meadow, And birdltnge are seeking their ne-'t, 1 tuck niyselt anUor the diali)w, And alumfxr as sweet as ibe twst : - Tbe down of the muss is my pillow, The croon of the streamlet no bright, And the soft, grutlo lougli of tbe willow, Are tbe la-t ones to b.d mc good-night. Tbcu a fig, Ac, At.'. IV. When the bosom of morning is heaving Wi'h rosy pulsations of love, And darkness is ti lppingly leaving 'I o miinc from valley und grove ; Win a crnt and a kls from tbe dimple 1 hut's wmmlng Iberlieck of the stream, All tbeery, contonud, and simple, I pass ou my way like a dream. Then a tig, Ac, Ac. Wtomiko, N. K. POMPEII. The discoveries which are mde la the nn overing of the rains of Tompelt increase In iute- Test from year to year. Tbe present system of excavation is more scientific, and the objects which are revealed to the eyes of the modern irorld are mora carefully preserved than for " metly.- The) axcavailona at Pompeii commenced as long ago as the year 1748, when a Colonel ' Alcnblerre, who bad been sent to inspect a new eanal or watercourse, observed that it was con - strut ted through ancient ruins. He obtained ' permiftlon from Cba'les III to make some excavat.ons, and iu a Itw days heoponedu house In Fompoii. 'the mined city was then sup . pored Ui be Stabir, and It was not till noirly eight years aft rtliediseovery that it was identified s 1Vui(k-iI. 'Ibe (onlinuous luturs ot the Nen politan Government, from thitl time forward, Lave uihov red an extensive city, with the street j and lower stunts of houses, the tuuiplus and batbs, tbe furniture und decorations, and ia juauy im-tanas witb tbe skeletons of the ancient " inLai it-ii t-. Readers are familiar with the tieta Is of these, olnrntfe and interesting dlscovc Ties. Tim more rereut excavations have added griitl'r to the interest of Pompeii, and Mr. Utus,rppl FiorelU hits achieved very important t.ticce.-B, furpasring, in some respect., all that had -J" bg done belote hit appointment to the supcrin - . MndrDr. Tbe Jierue del Deux SInndes lateiyrruva i ranwikahle rketcb of tbe life and career ot this very learned and accomplished Italian. Me was a nmi. ot (nat nnility, a scholar, at twenty-three years of age Vice-President of tbe 1'alian eon vinttoDul tarant at Genoa, the subject of pene eu Don by tlieNeapoli auOovcrnment, imprieoaed his nisnuscripts ues'royed, and hiimeli' finally ' reduced to earn bis living by luying pavement In the streets of Naples, lie was appointed Inspector of the Pompeiian excava i nn uftcr the " estebll-hrrcnt of the Italian kingdom, and be feat Justified tbe appointment. By a moro c ire- ful tysiem, be liai tuceeeded in uncovering .' the second story and projecting balconies of booses a feature bltberto unknown in 1'oiu . , pvit. This latter portion is built of brick, supported by timbers, anil the evidence thin ghluid shows that tho na: row streets of the city wtre baded from tbe sunshine much as oriental ci leu now are. 1 his gives us a new idea ot a Kcnian city. Pompeii was heretofore lilt e more thau a !ano; sree with ruin d wall, of tiou-cs on each idr. . No we can see the cilv ns U was. Tbe careful preservation of fragment, notiug positions in which fonnd, and observing miuuteat particnmrs ei.aoies nignor rioro n to restore tue ei.tire house, instead of leaving it a diiapida'ed ' mm as rieretolnre. tlut tbe most remarttauie discovery of Signor Florelll is to be mentioned. In the eruption which destroyed tbe city tho ashes fell in sosie places wi h considerable quan tities ot water, forming, In fact, a mnd or p-tste which bnrd.ncd over many objects. This fact .,, . bai been noticed in one or two instances, und tue great show alt cle of the munenm bad been tbe impi etsiun of a female breast lu the hardened mould. But F'orelli bos gone further, and obtained ' easts of tbe entlie body in several iUNtances. He " feat found tho moulds where the mud formed round tbe bodies of the dying Pomneiians, and pO'irlog pbister Into the hollow, he obtains i fac ' stmtte rtatne of the man or wouan, just as he or .- i aha yielded to ibe terrible caustropuu. Tue elo quence of these tntuesurpasses all description, 'i litre vere four bodies found in one street Aiuoiig taem were evidently a mother and , daughter. The mother died calmly, lying on ber , aide, i.crh ips suilocuted. The d.iugbter yielded i ot so easily. She was not sixteen years old. Her liu b, restored on tbe planter cast, are in an attitude of puiri, her mall fingers clenched In tbe avouj ol the death struggle, r-be bad thrown a yttt ovtr btr face, and bowed ber bead in ber ' arm to thield her fare frnm tho blast of the tlery 1 ' storm. The very fushi m of her dress is perfectly shown In the cust, and there is a startling pecu - lwtityintbe exhibition of the smooth -kin and r untied flesh where time are rent in ber tar i , . '. Tb' re can be nocritii'ism of suehst.ituo4 J as these. They are the reproduction out of tbe i d a ant past of the very ugonr of death coining on the itouian mother and ber child, l hereii '. bo fa lure in tbe copy. Tin re it b as the surm ' of a-hi s Ootb caused and preserved it in solid ' nicu d, the I n ma u anguish that the casting now reveals. Ixxiking at it, one hears the very moan ol the 50U111.' girl as site buries her fa in her rm, and ie cli to the terror of that awful nigbt on l'ouiptll. The oiber two of the four above tinMi'ioiiod are ' tbna descritjed by a writer m the r.dinburga He ' tiew. 'At some distnnco from Ill's jrrotip Ity a third i woman. Mie aiiiH-ars to have oeen uonut twenty lite yeiirs of age, mid to have belonged to a belter , class iIihu tbe other two. On onu of her finders . . wvie two silver ring1-, mid her gut iueu a iv re of u liour tuxiuie. 1 If r linen head-drexs, fallitig over her slioulrteiv like that of a in itron in a komm stati e, can still be distinguished, hhe bad fa len 00 ber sldu, overcome Icy tbu heut und khscs; Out a ternble s rnuKle seem to huvc prccciiuii her lat ugotiy. tLC arm If rsiel iu ileptirj ilia h.iiids are clenched convul-ively. Unr '."ir- Dients are gathered tip on one side, b'av.ng i-xrx sd a limb or lieautilul hape. vi perlei-t a diou d of it has been foi rr.-d by the soft and yleldirg ciud.that the cat would teem to lo taken from an exquisite work of Uroek art. MiC bud lied with ber little trciiMire, which lay scat tered around her two silver tups, a few jewels, and some dozen silver coins, hor bad she. lil.e it good housewife, forgotten her keys, alter hav ing probably locked up her stores before seeking to escape. They were found by ber side. "The fourth cast is that ol a man of the people, Derhans a common soldier. He is almost of r olnkkHl size. He lies on his back, his arms ex tended by bis side, and bis feet stretched out, as II, nnctog escape hiioosmoib, ue nau iuju miircu down to meet death like a brave man. Hl dreaj onsittd ofu short coat or jerkin and t'gbt-litting breeches, of some coarse sttifr, perhaps learner. Heavy sandals witb soles studded with nails, are laced tightly round his ankles. On one huger is seen bis iron ring. lli features are strongly marked ; tbe mouth, open as iu death. Some of the teeth still remain, and even part of the mous tache adheres to the plaster." Vienna is to have full supply of pure and ho)i-touie water, which it has much wanted. The following gives us some idea of tbe plan ; An aqueduct i to start from the foot of tbe tSem citnu, and uot to fail short of tbe stupendous aqueducts of the Homaiis. Three springs which rite at the foot of the pass, and furnish the coo.cst aud purest watur, arc to be chosen for the purpose. 1 heir water has been proved by chemi cal analysis, enu.il to the best drinking water, nd tbe amount they give will suttice amply for tbe wants of Vienna, 'i be aqueduct ia to ru n at a height of two hundred and titty feet, and to Lave a leueth of twelve or thirteen geoKmphicat miles, wl I e tbe network ot pipes intersuctiug the town, without counting the n a of the houses themselves, is to attain a lciH'tli of thirty four Biographical miles. It is calculated that tha whole woik wiil tui.e four or live years to com plete, and that the cost will be aixic.'U million florins oue uii.iiou ti. hundred thousand hounds oterliaif. BETEL I.EWS rEOM THE BOTTTHWEoT. Aftwirw im Tisxsm. from Ou Mt)inni Examiner, Auuit It, We have llonston papers of the 20th of Jane and lt of Jnly, from which we make un a lum inary 1 In Oalvonton T!rirdier-Oivncrat Haws Is In command. The butchers there are selling beef to the families of soldiers at twenty-five cents a pound. The blockading aquadron consists of twelve vessels. A sudden rle In the Rio firand.s, rsused by heavy rains, carried away five hundred bales of cotton. Coniedcrnto money In lloniton l rising In value, and the people aro celling their specie for Confederate notes, wherewith to pay taxox. Oenernl Klrtiy Smith, on the 1-t duv of July, was In llnnston, on his way buck to shreveport from Hi niptead Onvemor Murrali, of Tevos, H hard at work fortbesrroy. He Inn organised a field battery, sn J gi t it ready for senh e. Ilo has contra, ted f r a larro nnmher of piitolt (six shooti rs) for tbe rsncers. He h is t'orni-hcl HD.tHXi musket caps, nd proposes to man u tit turn all that tin; stmy on his t-ide of the river mny need. Ti Stale litis al' finui-lo 1 a 'i iautiiy of tran-porta-tmn and nuDpeu.nipage, and a'out H,D Hi worth (in specie) of clothing. Tho State trpa for the protection of tlie frontier, not turned over to the L'oTifi derate (iovcrnnient, mnuhcr from six tJ elcht th ui.iri I. Iho .Vcirs fays: "It h"rmn to ttc genertlly UT.dernood that "nera! Unckner In to lake the place of Cieneral T-iv lor in Kat Ioiinian.i, and a Rioven.ent to vatds vIivk. uri ii al-o reported to lo In hieiiaration. In the I ght at E.iglo Vfi some Mesicans, it efnis, catno over unit helpe l the Confederates. Wnirt'upon the Yankee Consul at 1'iedms Ne-grr- 'jne MeMatiu- ixed wroth, and "inH'.i tuied suit s gainst the Mexicans lor cross! ig the lines for our ashlstane, coutruty to international law." Ftom orders lesned bv General Mugnnler, It sppesrs that llriKadiir-Oeneral Dayton oui mands the country wet of the Colorado river. The rub ci mni'iudiTS are Colonels I'yron, Ford, and Ilankhend. Gem nil Maii-jhter is (ienerai Mautttib r's hii f of stall. Th re se ms to lie some s irt of nn exchange srranuemi nt made on the other side ot' the river, The fsme correspondent (from Cheneyvlllcj tat s : (since the agreement for tho exchange of prisoners, which was effected a few days ago, I am Informed by Colonel llardiinan, now com manding the 2d Cavalry Division, that tho enemy report' d tdnc humltcd for exchange, which in cluded those who were captured 011 Mustang Island und other points in Texas last fall and wln er. 1 huvt not, as yet, been able to learn any of the particulars of t tic exchange. i-'inm tho general t ine of tho papers I infer that the people of the trans-Mississippi are In a sound at (1 hcaliby mili'ary, political, and linam ial condition, and are chielly solicitors a'l ut events occuning on this side of the great river. The Nit nation at Mobile. tiik M'mir of Tun I'r.ori.p. thb city not to 11 b A SKCOMn NEW 0HL1:ANN-TIIF. VKOHTKCT, ElU. ft-urn the Rihmni :' orM'ar, Atijttt 1.1. The mail brought us yesterday Moliilo papers of the loth, tbe hrst that have beeu revived I Jr some time. 1 bey give us sumo news of the tight tin the 'nil, und the stiitc of feeling and excitement ID the city. 1 be itrqiiuer suys : On receipt rd' the news that tho enemy hid jasscd Fort Morgan, the Goners! ordered tho l.eil rung, aco irmng to ptcvious notice, ns a signal to the citixens that the time lor completing tneir organizations was ut baud, and tb.it this work could to longer be delayed. It is unnecessary to ray that this summons caused great excite ment; but if it partook ol the nature of panic wo were not able to discover it. Several now org mi- zallons were set on foot among the citizens, while tin se of tho military who are hero ao-ent from their command showed a commendable ulacrity in ihilr pn purations lor bearing a sharo in tbe woik la lore them. Among the earliest acts of the day was that of the Mujor and municipal boards, pledging the resources of the city to the commanding general, and ieiiiesting him to defend Mobile to tbo last extremity, 'lhese aro strong words, aud we doubt not tho city authorities used them with a full understanding of their great import. We understand them to mean that Mobile is not to be made a second New Orleans, but tbut when enough shall have heou done for safety, and in vain (If it niti-t be so), tho honor of the city will still remain in bis hands, and that the wish of the people is that it lie made a pile of ruins, an aiuiror saciince, rather man become tue theatre for such di-graceful scenes as have been enacted in our sister city. If there are any who distctit from this view, who would consent to live under Yankee rule, we warn them to look to Heir goods and chattels their household gods, and the only ones which their craven spirits acknowledge for we have sounded tho beans of the real people of Mobile in vain for the last tbiee years if it falls into tbo bands of tho enemy otheiwiso thun at a desolate, lire-blackened waste. lint wc arc p"r-nadi d better thingii, though we thus -prus. : and we do not believe it is written in tbe book of fa e that tho enemy are to troad even the a-In s of .Mobile, and iliey themselves do hoc cxpn tittbis time. hero Is their co-operai.ng land force r u'td without it, what impress, on c m I he j make upon our inner line of defenses ! ltiueed, it the ions but no a out, an opportunity pteseiiiii it-elf lor a splendid triumph, oven over their naval force, wiib whom it is a problem, for tbo toltition of which we sh.ill look witb rimuo curios tj , thow thev aro to run lnick past Fort .Morgan utter tney have oumca ail llietr coal. F.VCK, however, if tbe forts fall the powerful butteries which gird the front of our city remain to give tbe enemy another Fort McAllister les son, and w ith this ditlorenco, that at Fort McAl lister they bad uecp wati r to tiu'ht In, while hero its shallowness peimitsonly tho access of thoir wtuker craft, many ot which, if they have the folly to euguge the baiierics seriously, will be Sent to Keen tue lecumstit company. On tbut -lite we arc safe; on the oiler it be hooves us all, young men and old, to put our bauds to tue work una give our services to the com manding general, who will keep "watch against lunkco lorcc or gui'e. In tunc usion, to the people of the ciiv we can on ) f) c.nli in tho terms ol General .Maury's order. Itmtunstbat II. o city should strip for the light and send on the non-coiuliutatiu. Ihu stomn I outs and railroads will carry oil' all non-com I ui i am- who apply, and without cb irgo to tho-e who cannot puv. The object is to save life and limb when die city is sbollud. There is no thought ot MimnUi ting the citv, nor uny tKliel that it can be taki n. AJI AVI'K II. TO THK I ITKSa Ol' M'lllll.i: Tbe following uppe.il appears iu the pera of Moll Ic : An Ai if m. id .ml Minis this Commlsiiv to 'Ia k v. I'r Aiimk ix Ui.h.smu or tiii.iii IIomi s Gci.etal lialmcy H. Maury, eotuuiaud iiig the D.stnct of the Gu;f, has made tin appeal to all men in this community to take up anus und ori-'uni.e themselves at onco to repel the enemy, who has coma acain to po-so-s himself of i Ins hiitbor mid cut, and bus usdned to Colonel A. H. iierr. n the duty of organldn nud ci nuiiaudii the I otiMMtiiniiS irid the balialiou of cinpojecs; atid to Ci.loiul T. .1. Judge tnu ( lily ot orgaui. ng and commuiiding all other tioops wini Ii i. my he organized under his cud. The nnli r-l "lied nccejit the repi'etlve po-ltion nssigncd llii in by this older, und urg mly appeal to ull men in the ! rivinc classes dci'ua'ed to oipaid;'C ar once :ind report w ith their rcs,)Cciive i rsHl.istiOns to Die Military Court Uo-nu- in this city. OraniC into coiup '.nics, und uiirani.d spii dily, nun n-port imint di.iti ly. Mi u of iM. l ile and vicinity, do not "hang lire on this ap .:il. A. S. lli.i noN, T'rovAS J. .icnor, Colonels ami .Hid; cs of Military Court, Mobile. iIIF l llO'-l 1 (.1 W ILL MolllI.K I AM. ? So t'Si-as we can jtuk'e from the tone of the Mobi'e pre.-, there -ceum to be no fear or ilcs- pi udiTH v ou the part of her ciliens. The otiin ion there sicuis to be that the city yet is safe, and will be aide to bold out against any attack that mav bo attempted. The Georgia press seem to be e iually c ntidt nt. A paper familiar with tbe defenses of Mobile, says of the situation : The situation looks bad enough to the super c!ul obnTVcrj but to one acquainted with the poneiftil defenses of Moiiile between Fort Mor gan and the ci'y, ud ot which have yet lobe otircomc, the pkitire is not so dark una sointiie ImmidinWly cuaioing tho city, and just below its lower ouliiitbs, we have setcial sttong forts, constructed both upou artificial i.-hin Is and along the shire. In addition to these, obstructions are iliiven down In the water immediately under our heaviest gnus, which would be obliged to be removed belore a vessel of any class could go by and a i near in front of the city. We tbiuk there are many oiler works down the bay, of great and small proportions, which are ctpalde ol powerful resistance. If Admiral Farragut li )- oo uifaniry to co operate with his licet the city is not in much danger. MISCKLLANKOt S. The Mobile Uealiter says thai Admiral Franl, lin llucbatiau lost o leg by amputation, and is a iirisoner. Captain Johnson, of the TWincufe, is a prisoner, and unhurt. Captain Pat Murpliv, before aiiirendcring the Sfln.a, laid her alongside of Farragut llagshlp t rf mireri in her Dioad.-tues until uc was can tuicd. '1 he irou-clad double-eudcr engaged ber, and in tbe lust exchange ot shot the uaenmery of laith was disabled. The Hutfun is sate, und tbcto is a hope that tbu will leach the cut'. Just btioie ibe tiuht beuan the Il Jfliuintht tteuiuer ibu the blockade aud cuinc safely iuto pon. ' FOURTH EDITION, LATEST TELEGRAMS. IIS 1NKW IIA.VEM. More About tho "Tallahassee." MILITARY AFFAIHS IN CA1UO. DoillfrN ,l.tlu I't-Ml II t lll' Kte., Tlr., lie. l:ie., t.tVc., V.U, V.tv. i uti: i"r r.w little. Ni.w Havkx, August Jo. The larg'i four-st.iry carriage manufiii tory of Dunham & PcMth wis destroyed by tire this morning. The loss on the building and stock is i'lO.noi. Iu-ururKC, Sl.'i,0(X). M. T. Soult, iiU 'hinist-, ale j sus biined a heavy loss of stock. Httthis ok Tin: r 4M.4 HAftsir.', Hamiax, August 22 The following is a list of tho vessels destroyed by the pirate Tali-iha-irr . Ships "Atlantic," "Adriatic," and "James I.it tledeld." Diirqucs "Pay State," "Olenalvon," and "P C. Alexander." Itrig "lllllow." (Schooners ''Surah A. Uoyce," "Carrie Etell,' " A . Hichards," ' Spokane," " I.iinoiit," " Diipont,' "Henry Home," "Howard,",Fiora,""Kestless," "Caiolino," "North America," "Pearl, " "Sarah Louisa," "Magi tita," an l "Josinh Ostorne." Pilot bouts "James Funk," and" William lb II." The following vessels wero lioudeil : M sr. j n .; "Stilinte," brig "Neri," sch viners "Carroll,1 "11 X. Tucker," "S. II. Harris," and "Leopard." I II K flltAIK'4 TKlt:it. Pomi.A.Nn, Mo., August 20. I'h i Briti-h brig Jnmrs few, from Liverpool, reports tlut on tho night of ihe lib she spoke a yacht, or pilot-boat, the pi rtons In which made earnest in tulrics if we hud seen a st nmer wi'h one mast, giving a full description of the TaUahatme. The boa; was no doubt tbe New York pilot-boat Jamrt Funk, before reported as captured by the pirate !'Ar.t.iee. UtOtt 'tlK. t'Atno, Angust 19. The meeting held here last night for the purpose of organizing a Homo Guard was largely attended, and much enthu siasm was manifested. Three companies were immediately organised, nnd otbors are forming. Kccelpts of cotion for two days, U bales; tobacco, 41 hogsheads, from Podueah for New York. There are 100) hogsheads of tobacco at Paducah awaiting shipment. IT X 1 I. V A M t I. M i I S I. ATI; It K. Hahhihiii hi, August 'Jo. Sknatb. The Senate met at 10 o'clock. Mr. Clynier called up the resolutioi oM'cred by himself, yesterday, relative to the otll -ers ot the, .'id 1'eniiH) lvunia Aitillcry. The resolution wa pased. Mr. Johpsnn called up the act regula'ln? elec tions by soldiers in actuul service. - Passed by Committee of the Whole. The supplement to the General 1) unity Mil pus-ed a second reading.- Adjounii-d. Houhe. The House met at 10 o'clock, nnd was engaged during tho session in the consideration of numerous local bounty bill-. Acjourned until Monday ut 10 o'clock. FROM SHERIDAN'S ARMY. Tlie Bixtlt CorpK Itior(el A-t tiKilie-il. OUR TROOPS FORAGE IN TUB VALLEY. Baltimouk, August 19. I hive just arrived from Harper's Ferry. Tuere were reports this aficruoou (hat a portion of tbe titli Corps was uttacked lust night; but up to the lime wheu I kit. nothing conlnmutory had tieen received. 1 be Keuels ure said to be engaged in destroying tbe railroad near Win. heater. On the retreat of our army, orders were issued for the appropriation and destruction ot all bay and live stock -in the lonto; which order o ir cavalry saw thoroughly executed. No news 1 rum iUartmaiiurg. llnri-r'N I'erry DeNpttiWi. HaiiI'Km'b Fkruv, August 19. About thrno bundled prisoner urrived from the front to-dav, mine ot ilicrn lielongmg to lAiugaireet s t orpj. tscvcral hundred head of cattle and horses, cp tuied iu the valley, have also reached this p iut. The (enemy do not seem inclined to u -cept Geneial hhetiditn's iuvitatiou to buttle on ground of the latt. r's choosing. Meanwhile our army is fo disposed as to cover tbo fords ol tip. Upper Potomac uqd tbe approaches to Harper's Ferry, Huicker's, Asliby's, and Mma-sas Gap4, und pre vent any Hank movement of tbo enemy. Cuptuin Mann was killed aud Caputiu SchueUor woiinued at Front Itoyal, both of the 4ih New York Cavalry. WMhtiiiiictoii IKal'li. WAHnixoioN, Augunt 19. Tbercpurtc.l inove lnent ot C.ciur.il MniiJan iu tho valley is nut regarded here as a retreat, but a mano' ivro lor an admirati ons position, commanding all the avenues of ui pto.ch to the I'oioma liter. 1 be toponr .ptiy ot that pan ol the couniry is so poculiur tbut ii Sheridan had continue I his iiiiirch to Stra-I urg ihe enemy might have neen mlord.d i.n oppo.tiiiiity to get iu his re ir; and unul ihe truth of the report of large reinforce int nts to l .iirly 'j army was ascer amcd prudence rciiuiied that Geueial Klierid.iU should tal.e a position winch would enable him to meet the enemy wbertv. r liny should appeal, without allowing tin ui to get iu Ins re ir. The icconnoisniiiroiiow being made w ill imme diately uevelop the jioxitioii ami strougih of the K. licl-, and cmil le 'Sheridan to mote ug.iiatt Iheui villi eutiru contidenco. H'lnelteilr le.nlt'li AVini liksiiii, Vu , August 17. Two hundred of four hundred captured prisoners arrived hero to-day. They were taken by the cavalry. A c'tiieiiil ht'sp.tul lor wounded li is 0. en c-ta'i-lii bi.d at this place. Ail quiet iu this neighbor hood this in.iruiug. FAR RAG UT'S SQUADRON. Furthei Details of the Victory. THE NEW MOVEMENTS. Fort Powell Blown Up. Etc., lie, Etc., Die, F.ic., Etc., I'.le. OIllflAL ANNOlKCl.mjXT I1T ORNBRVI. CANIIV. IlEADyVARTKHS Ntl.tlARV DIVISION Wi;sr MissisMi'i'i, Nhw Oui-kans, Lu., August 9 MissisMi'l'l, Nhw Oui-kans, Li., August 9, ) rvj 1 . ltepoi'ti have just been receive! tUnttlie a .i ... r... , ... !..! .i oiuii noawvtet i o.i u.,..?, tue euuiCKtr.i. ou having mi rendered to the combined ioicjs ot the army and navy, Monday Homing ut a o clock. Iiy this fcurieiulcr, wc have captured eight htia drta uud eigbtecu prisoners of war, ii. eluding foity-bix coiumu-sionod otliccrs, twenty-six guus, a laixe amount of ordnance stores aud ammuni tion, and sahsistence stores for a garrison of eight hundred men for twelve months. 1 he surrender was unconditional and complete. Foit Powell wn evacuated and dismantled on the night of the 6th inhtaut, the gai uon escupiug toCtdar Point; but leaving all the guuH.evntocu in number, in excellcut couditiou fur iiuiuedlato servite. The Hebe I steamer Morgan has not gone to sea, as reported, but hat gone up the bay iu the direc tion of tbe city. Tbe ntbtr 'Porxl gunboat (ftm'nM) liai been destroyed by the Iletwi.- ibemscltes. The l'nnvtf wiil.l ui complete order iu few day a, and fit for duty on tbe right side. A uui :onal nilute w ill be fired ou the levee at 3 O'clock tbut aiternoon. L. 11. b. Cakhv, Major-Qenoral. ANNOt Mlllist 1 110H MAt AL ID.tLiul A1WKK). I'NiTru biAi rs Naval Hi.ahui autkiis, No. llHCANAl HllthlT, NtW OltLKANB, AllgUSt'J, lbGl. i oit Game autreadcrcd yesterday mora- Irif nt bslf-)ia-t 9 o'clock to the naval ami mili tary authorities. Fight hundred prisoners on tin Ir wny hi re. Forf Powell was evscna'ed and blown np on tbe night or the 5'h, as lamire stated. Grant's Pass is now open, as well as Pelican Pass. 1 rnnsports art now going In and nnt. at the bar. Fort Margin was Invested thtl morning. ADHIRAI. BICHAXMS'S CONDITION. Fort Gaixis, August H, P. M Tbo vessel that can led the wounded to Pensa ola has re turn H. 'Ihe llrter surircoii reports llmhinin'H wi und not so tenons ns ut lir-t supposed. His leg will probably be svveil. rir.NKMAT OltAXoril I.OSHS in r I1SP. MIX. The total loss thus far Iu Gnncral Granger' eoimniTd I" on man hided. Fori (idoes lost eiithf. or ten kllh'd by our pi. ket tirint: and shelling. t ASt'Ai.rii s or orricim in riiin.Mi: T's ilmrt. The following ii'e among the a-oia'Sies iu Kr.r rngnt'a lUctm 'he DkIk ot I r duv . Couiman li r Mt lahev, of the Onetdn, arm slot awi.y. I ii ntennn' Prentiss, of 'he V.i.vif,wi ,i, killed. Ma-lei's M.il" Cook, of the (mio'Wi, killed. Th I'd Am-iaot 10, vine r Mi Kwan, ol ihe llnrt finii, srin shot otf. K.n-'i'n lliggin'ioiu.ini, of 'V' llm 'I'unl, leg otr, sitne diid. l.ietHciiaut Adams, oi the llnr'f,l, side, splint, r, slighr. .Main's Mate lleiri.k.of ine Uirtfiid, leg, stilmter. Hi aisw tin Dixon, ot the ll.irtfuril, li ?!, spinier. 1 hen-, in additi n t ) those who we'll down In the 'VVcumvA, aru the oniy olll a rs injured in the fleet. Titr. citM.Ki.mn ok tut. roKiuujrs riimu (.io.tr Ni nnr.its. All the vessels report that they constantly ho. ird tho crack linn of the caps on tan torpedo a? they passed ; but tho .uo that blew up the Tecum... was the only one f'n. '.exploded. 1 have information that that oi.e und sctcral others in its vicinity were stink bur. a day or two before the llei t entered t ie harbor. Il is also reoorted, on Kelicl inithori'y, that upwunls of two hundred of these lull rmti machines b.ivc been sunk in the channel oil Fort Morgan. The result proves their wonlilcssness after being a few days In the water. tub st'iirKxnim or tout oaixki its oarhisox AMI) OI'MN. Nrw Ohi.kans, August !. Port Gaines sur rendered at 9 o'clock yesterday ui irnlng, with eight bundled and severity six pri-oners aaJt liny tlv.. guns. The Rctiels, finding I' imp issihle to save tho gunboat Uaiurt, have de.stroyed lier. iiy some s'.ta'egy ihe Itcbcl gudnat M itu maLugiU to elU'lC the vljiliincc of our lldlt, illl'l has goi.e up to tut ciry . 10RT MollON MI ST SI RUKN1IHI. Two thousand Union troops, from Pcnsacola, are in tho rear of Fort Mornu, nnd it must speedily aurrjuuer. TUB rillSONKl'.S sCXT TO NK1V 0111 E.V.sS. Tho pif-oners captured at Fort Gaines have left for iov Orleans on tho fiVnejee, Neiayn, ami Ilii-nt tiln. 'I'he fieiie.sce und Srfatto liati arrived at Pass a POiium tlie lormer with one hundred and nfiy, the latter with t.vo hundred and liliy prisoneiH. The hiriuHlv has arrived ut Noath west Pass, with the icmainuer of tho pri mera nearly five hundred in uuiiiber. LATE REBEL NEWS. Encouraging Desertions from tho Union Armies. SUDDEN ADMIRATION Of FOREIGNERS Lato Despatches frsni Atlanta. J-Uu, Etc Kte. Klo,, iHto. Wamiinoton, Aua'tat 10. The Hichmond Seiititirl of .ho 17th instant contains the follo.v Ing order, Issued by tho Kubei War Dopartmcnt, encouraging desertions from tho Ciii m army : Adji tant and Insi'Hctor-Gknkkai.'kOfi-icb, Rn.iiMoNi), Virginia, Aueu- t 1(1, 1 Si4. General Older. ro. no. it having neon ropreBeni.cu to tho War Department that there ure numbers of fc.eir,iieis entrapped by ttrtnice and (ruud into the military and naval service of the I lined Mates, who would gladly with draw Inn: fimhcr participation in tuu in'onuin wiirfiiro w uged against a people who bave never given them a pretext for hostility, nnd that tUoio are uinny inhibitiints of Ihe I'l.itcd .States no retained in tbut service against their w ill, who ure avc.se to aiding in tho unjust war now being pro stcuicd ncainst the I'oiitederalc rttales; and it is being al-o known lb. t these me-i are prevented fiotn a'1 m 'onicg such compulsory service by the oulicultv tney ex3i'ioneeincciip'tig therefroni, it is orucrcd that ail stub persons coming within the hues of l lie Conteuerale armies shall be received, protected, and fipplied with the moans of su' Mricmc until such of tbcm us dosbo eau ho for warded to tho most convenient points ou tue border, where ail fa. illties will be n Horded them to return to thoir homes. I Iiy order) S. Cooim.r, A. A. General. The following extracts are from the Ilichiuond Suitii.rl of the 17th : On Mouduy tbe enemy advanced a large for?o of infantry, cavalry, and artillery ou the Central or Darliytimu road, and ulso on tbo duties City mad. Their udvancu was Impeded by our cavalry, and heavy skirmishing occurred through tho day. On Tuesday, tho enemy assaulted our works near White's Tavern, about six miles Iroin this city on tho Charles City road, aud Were repulsed with tevcre loss tJ them. Our loss was very slight, as tho men were pro tected by earthworks. Among our losses was General Chain bliss, w ho w as killed. Whe:h r Graut contemplates a serious attack on Kichinoid from the no. th side of tbo Jamos, or is simply ..ml iiitvirim. l.v- n kti-LV itf ili'tivitif til nr,..'nt ! (roopt Irom being nctif to tho Vallev, we do not know ; but whatever his intention "may be, be wnl meet with no D. ttur success ttiau wueu on I previous occukions he has measured bis strength j with Lie. I An olhVia! do)iatcli received on Tuesday night, 1 Rta'es tlut tho euemy yesterday (Monday, tho loth) ma le n determined uttnek on our huo, bo twiea the Darbytown and Charles City roads, and at one time broke through, but were re pulsed, and our origin tl positions occupied. Au ollicitil despatch, received ut the War De puriiiieut j tsterdny morning, says : " Colonel Moseliy reports that be uttacked the enemy's supply train, near llerryville, on the l'lth iu ataiit, c.iptiiri d and c-troyed seventy-live loaded wagons, and secured ovor two hundred prisoners, Inc udnig siv. iai officers, between live hundred and six hiindreti horses end mules; upvrat'iUof two bundled l ef cattle, and many valuable stores "A cciisltiriai le i'innl erof the enemy were killed and wound, d. Uis loss, two killed and three wounded. 1'i.e.o are reports alio it that Fit. I ce's (' vuli v laid defeated the enemy near Front K'.yal." Tbe ii.i. iu speaking ol the Tallahasie,-, pays she ' la eiy tui i d from a Southern port, and isoiieol the Mtiflc-t vessels all. nit, though the Northern pap. rs s.y she is slow. Whenever theie is a incosspy for it, Captain Wood will slmw Ihe. l i'.lciul c.iiisers that she can run as well ns tight " On '1 Iii.i'mI .y ln-t (the lfith) a duel came ort bttwtrn.lobn M. liinicl, the editor of the Itir,. maud i:iiih',er, and K. C. Flmorc, an oilit-iiil in the Kelicl 't reasury Department. Dtnicl was shot thiotigh the Itjf. F.liuore was unlnjureiU THE VVAK. front I! i Richmond kextintl, AuiuH li. Yesterday was to very warm that those who usually get up sensation riimonou uaJay kept uniieti'allv quiet. On Thursday evening last some of our field I 'n ' ., ' i Ii'P I'ottoiu. f)n SalurdaV the bnveries shelled, wiin eticct, a noirro camp near i eai my were discovered lnud- r h ,;."-,, P ,1I,i,.,tB u,l 111 IIWJ" H. .. w... ....... ... . (, .. ...... a 'buttery near Hoivlett'e openo.t upon them, which was was replied to by tho Yankee moni tors, nud the (unnonading kept tip until attot night. Our mortar batteries ou this side of the river shelled tho enotny'B pontoon brldjfo bjlow the Gap, at the same time. Giant has estublU-hed hia lines on our rglit, but seema from the ubovc to be threatening our extreme lift. It may be a mere foiut intended to cover another mining; opcrution, or more likely to secure tho removal of bis tro 'ps undis tuibtd to some other point. A day or twi will disclose his intention. We have seen a letlcr from Maryland, written at tbe close of lust werk, concerning the state incuts icli.tivc to the large number ol traenpor.s passing up the Polomuc to Washington, loaded with troops. Heavy columns of &moke were Men a.cu lin.T in Cheslettield from au early hour iu the morning vctterduv until night. i.Tl.e b'atteiy ut Howlett's house lost si;; or seven LillcJ or wounded, and tho troops suppD-t-iug the uioiuir buttery lost iu killed an i w ouudci nine i r ten. 'I be enemy's loss iu uuknown. AVo have otIlci.il iuformution that the enemy were udtniicing upou New Market bill, about thirteen miles below the cily, yesterday mora ngibut from tho fact that uothmg has b.ca beard from thnt.iniii lcr, at H o'clock last evening, it is presumed that the movement was not of a frrlous character. Tbe booming of ennnon could be dln'In'HIy heaid Inst evening In tho direction of Dutch Gap, whirb was thought to be from our rams and the Yankee iron-dads tiring across tbe neck. It is raid that Grunt is attempting to cn'. a canal through the land at Dutch Gt. which ii not more th.m Ihrco hundred yards across. Tbe cut or), it mailt, would shorten the dis anre seve ral miles. Atlanta, August 12. Them is brisk skir mishing on the. entire left. The hat'i rios of Mm etut street and the K isr. Stato r ind opened on H e city at 1 o'clock this morning, on I h tvo continued to lire up to the present, a rlkmg a number of honses on McDonough stroet. Nj i B'ua'tles reported. 'I he cni m t are still massimf on the left, but ure milking no eilorts to erend their right. Atlanta, Auen I 1:). lde enemy, yostcr.lav, aiUtinied his riuht ah nit one mile, at th sumo time extending his lett a short distun.'r; tuu hur tit illy wltliilinv both this morning, from soul'' cause aa yet unknown, to the original position. Their line officers attempted frequently, at dif fcii ni olnts alone th line to dav, coni niHiicii t ii With t urs. In several lnsun. es tin y pro P"s d a crs-ati.ci of picket tiring, w h ch wis not ctiiertnlni d In r nsc.uencc of its not coniiug through a proper channel. No shells wer? thrown Into the city during the niedd or to d: y, with the exception of slight arttl- icrv urine in rront ni n in s. llrigHdier-Gei.eral.lohn C. ltowen,ofTenncse, has been tini. orarily promoted to the rank of MujiT'tiencral. l.ienti nant-CoIonel James Kennerd, C S Ar liileiy, has been assigned to duty as Chief of Ordnance of the Army ot Tennessee. Aii.ants, Auirust 1"). Ai a late hour yesterday i tining the cue my attempted to dtivo in our picket. After a sharp skirmish they were ropulsed. There whs a desultory firing along the lines through! the niclit and to-day. Not a few shells thrown Into the city bad sciipturul quota Ions m Hi brtw pasted on them. A body of tho enemy's cavalry dashed Into Hi ca1 or tins evening, and moved in the direction ol Cole's Mill. A sui-.ll force of inianuy is re ported nt I'eeatnr. Their actions indicate another movement on our i ieht. Lively tkirmisliiiig is going on on our centre this cviiiing. I'.tery tiling looks brighter and more hopeful than at any tiiiio since the siego. CITY INTELUOENCE. Onu '. I'MTi n Si irEs Distnii r Attornry, August 70 lo the President of the Green and ('nines .Streets Passenger Hallway Sir: Com plaints having been mailt; ut tbisoillce that your Company, through Its conductors upon yo-ir cars, bave, iu vin'a ion of the second section of tie Act of Congress, passed July 17, lH'i'.', circiila'eil and paid as chanif', and in litu of money of the United Sta'os to iho passen gers upon your cars, certain token In tbo form id Hnull eaids, it becomes my duty to Inform you that the penalty a i idled to the ollunse agnnst the law is a lino ot .f jiHI, and nn imprisonment ol six months. Yours, Ac , John H. TitYi:n, r C. Gii-i'i.x, U. S. Atty. The law upon the subject reads as follows : ''From and uftcr tho 1st day of August, lSn2, no private corporation, bankingassoci.it on, linn, or individu il sh ill muke, is-nc, cireuia e, or p iv any note, check, n.emorandiiin, token, or other obligation lor u less sum than one dollar, in lenoed to circulate as money, or to bo received in lieu i f lawful money of the United Siutes ; and cvtry person fn ollendiug sliali, on couvicion tliereofln any District or Circub Court of the. V nlti d S ales, be punished by a line not exceed ing Jf.'iOO, or by imprisonincn'. not exceeding six month", or by both, at tho opt on of the Court." I.ntkhnal Rr.vssiK. The following import ant decision has been made by the Commissioner of Int. mill Heveuue : "Manufacturers of clothing, cng.igcd in making both custom work and r. udy nmde doming, are Hihjcct to live per cent, tux, as other manufac turers tinder Section 93. Tbe exempti m S ction ill, puge .Mi, applies oulv to those who aro engaged ijrihmn ili in manufacturing custom work to ord.r." ' '1 his decision applies particularly to tailors, boor and shoe makers, batters, and parties making urticlts ol dress, &c. PKTllIN OK TUB T'W'r.NlY-TIIIKI) Ueoimi;st 1'iiXNBYLVANiv Voi.t NTmius The snrviving veterans of this regiment will return home on tbe 'j:id of this month, when they will meet with a hmidsome ovation at the hands of tho Philadel phia Fito Department, similar to that given to Baxter's Fire Zouaves. Tno T. I It giment was the Inst to leave Philadelphia forthethree months service. uul Ibe hrst to leave under the lir-i call of the President lor threo years men. Tney are one of the few Pennsylvania regiments that have their original numocrt The Cash of Maugarbt Ci.ark DisciiAitor. op tid: PitiNONKit. A continued hearing was had before Uuittd States Commissioner Sergeaut this morning, in the case of Mrs. Margaret Ciark, charged with the murder, on tho high seas, of Mrs. Ward. Dili ono other witness w is ex tiuincd, wheu uo testimony being olicitod to shv.v that the accused had iu any manner intended to in llict personal violence upon tho deceased, she was uieciiargeii. Passi.nokr Kaii.way Toki ks. The follow ing notice was issued this morning by tho United States District Attornoy. It explains Itself; , rllll.ADt.l.lMIIA 1BADE KEPOBT. Rati iiday, August 'JO. There is vary littlo Cotton hove, and it is hold (Irmly at .1K0. Quercitron Park Is lu demand ut .')1 ((' ton, at which figure V) hliils. were sold. TbeProti-lou Market is firm, with sales of Mess Poik ut 12, Hums nt 20(n 25c, nud Lard at The receipts of Flour still continue light, but the market is lii m, with very little doiug. The fculcs have been limited to 8U0 bids, for export at $V2 JJ' bbl. for cstra family, and Sl'2 50,o 12 7o for fancy ; the sales to tbo Undo ure making at from WU'7.3 for Cupertino up to T2 7.r. There is very little liye Fiour or Coin Meal here, und no suits of special note have been reported. Wheat is iu fcood demand, aud the receipts are light, and the stock almost exhausted. Tho sales compriso 3n0) bushels old Pennsylvania red, In lots, at 2-68 41' bushel ; tin for new do. ; und i'Z 70 for now Southern do. We quote white at 9'J'R0(n3. Hyc sells from the wharf atSl'KS. There is very little Corn here, nnd yellow Is in demand ut i a sale to tho extent of HO '0 bin-bels mixed AVostern was ellcctcl ut pd New Outs arc In duniind ut 9 ').' sine., and old ut 9")(''97e. Parley and Malt arc quiet. AVbudty has advanced liHJ lilils. rciilled at iff l'HO j SO bbls. Ohio ut 1 h'2j und hlids. nt A.1 St), Xarkrls Iiy leli't,-rnib. Nnw York, August 20. 1 'lour bus advanced 10 rents : I' iH. I l.l- ki'il ; hlHto it. Sin ,SVe III-'., ; Olili Sit LI." I - V' 1 .'lll!uln, b:.')K'r;ll : W Ic-Bt oraier ; sill tiiiliiii.rtAiit. e'..rn Miner: m;,'i..ii Oiole !. si, l.l nt Sr.. 4-. 1.. .. lo-il .li.ll I' .jk llrtn: IKil.ll.. JIiki ol.t il I (.1 in. i.uru firm si '."'. tt ni.kt iiriu. )i, 0 .ls el I I, nr. l'l.i.tairinrroll Wlie.it, le,Ulju,Uult .el ll, tt.OOU Ullli.tl. Nnw York, August '20. Slot ks arc better Ctei iio itn.1 K..ek lulmid, lit : I 'uihIm i (.ii.il prek-rred. ; iiuuxis t t uiri.i reni", i ! : sin Lieu'. ..i.l n ru, H' ci yn.k Cen'rul, l;rfl : K.-adlll". I II. ; llmlknn Kit l.t: Cunlun, ; f'.rii', I W : one esr t't rtilltu'es. tl lleutiiry Notos, 110; tive-tttculy Coupuui, 110; Ucult turrit I'M , ', Coupon til, 1"S, ; Krlstttod, li ', ; i.ulj JJNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMP3, P0!-TAGK STAM PS FOR S.VI.E. A 1)( 01 S'l OF TWO I'tl! CENT. OS ALL SUita Of t-M AND L'PtVAKUS. At ti.o P i -nc ! tl liepot for Ihe tale of Int .'rual R.'vt'Qiit Ht juit, Ki. t0 CIlKSNl'T Htreet, and aulu K.) UU 8. MFTU Street, PliiUJclphla. T III: NEW T A. X UILili llKVlSNHIi STAMP LAW. C'oiileaof the Ktw InBllliiiJ i:veoe gtamp Law. f,.r .ale wl.ole.ole .,J tetjlli aud K. teuiie Stiniin oi all d... ripliotiK voutlautly on kauu, .il tbe luUowlu,' ratet ol discount : On ordert of 'n, two yer rent, diiouut. " " lio.tliree " ' " " ai,iuir At the Frlnripal leit for the B.tle of fnu.malRer .iii e H'.iuipt, No.Hl C1I1.I.NUT iiroot.aiid Nu. 1:, b KIFVU rn.t't. 1 all deatiipttoui of Ibe dtautp Lett Ui painiia: .t Iweot. jtf.i-tf FOHNF.W YORK. DESPATCH .and bw ii.iire l.lliet. via lieiaware and II.U .tun I .1111. 'I he ttt:ill.er ot there line m .. lH.v.na dail) el 1' o'clock M , and h ociotk V. M., trout ttiitd pior alio, e Walnut ttreot. r lor fiuisht, wlieb will be taken on couuiio.l.Coj tornil. apple toWILI.l t.il U. bAlUlJ a; CO., -So. Ui S. fitLAWAKt Arvuiie. WEA LT It, HEALTH, AND BF.AI TK. If to esl aamlrlrs eves : irtn eau.r lnviS .Mis slths; If t'. he s ril.mm.air rioter, I'sdrsi, dylus In so hnnrflaACTT I t' In tisve a host Af frtASds ; lrfiT .ire lo ma is smnils ; If with Mi-h iMrn to wl: Ji'a msible nt.ii brn dao .W'i:s).Tal fi to live irtrnre arid fn, Wlfthlns il sffnlnt ft to Itrr a lll of pm:f l If lii ! ami so to iratf Bkali ii I If von wi.li s Urs of rlMtir t 1 you TBlu this world s trsinrsf ; l firj eonifo t vnu won).) Tsk in. adv. co. anil wl.h ail 'hree. Thon. HVIns nesllh. Wealth, srd Hfsiity, ou II bo ireprea for fvr .lutv. lly ararefnl D'Tinal ot I)r.lld.lM Yof(l' B.hV, 1IIK loAhlll Mil". lt;ilK tvhl. h tlieuiil In r. hy e-f r on Bol.ltiy ll.-oi.i'lkrs n?nn -aiv, and at tl.o lifH'tor'a office, o. ti Ht'ftl I B MTKICKTi pries 14 centi. "' f A" WRIGHT & SIDDALL No. 110 Miivkft. Stvoot 1IFTWF.F.H rilONT AKD Br-COKl) "TnEETB. W. WBK.HT. r. II. S.D1)LL. DRUGGIST S, Pit YSICIANS, aso I.ESFRAL RTORKKEBrEIl. Can flndatonrestsbllihroont arullstsonmntorfmport4 aad Demonic f)rn, Popnlar Patent Modkdnos, I'slnts, C.l OU, Window (.until, I'rciertpuon Vials, Ac, at low rlosa ss ssnatne flmt-cUss food esa b 44. FINB r.NSKNTlAL OILS For Contsetlonsri, In mil varlrty. and ot th txst qnalhy. CoeMnuU, llonssl Indigo, Atsduor, I'ot Ash,Culir, Boda And, Alum, Oil of Vh riol, Anrutto, Oopporsi, F.suaot of txarwood, Ae., FOR DYERH' Die, alw ay on bona, at lowest net rsih prtcoa. PI KB FI'K'tfl FOR FA MILT VPE, Oronndoxprcssly for our istei, and I.) which we bivltetha AttontKin of Uioto In want of rellsnls articles. AIM, JXJJJUO, STAHVII, MV S TAMO, Jte., 0 tctr quality. Ordora by ntall, or city pott, win Beet wltn prompt t- tonUon, or apeelsl qootatlont wul tsa furnished whon re qoosnrd. V It 1 1 1 1 SE niLU'ALilJ, Wholesale Drug WsrpftoaiHi, Jsll-ly No! UO MARKET Street, abovo Front. L1 IGHT HOl'SE COTTAGK, a i its i rc nn, S. J., KE4HKST IIOI'SK II) TUB MRM II. This well-ltii.iwn tioaiie it now i.pea for uio racoiition of Board.-ru. Dittoing never was nsttor. .0") Im J. WOOTTOV, Proprietor. I IS XsJZT house, ATLANTIC CITY, DEW JEBHET. GEO, I. (JLCNN, I'roprlotor. (Lonff and imTorshty known aa proonotnr of OYsrTKl DAY, Hl.Vill und I'lltHNlIT 8trou.) Psrtlea aeeommoiistod with Hosts, n shin it IJnes,Ac.,Aa. Cart run to too bonae evory twontr mu.utoa. md-u I.-'XCHANUK HOTI'.L, ATLANTIC CITY. 1 j Hit tulmrrllier. irrsuiriil tor past favors, tendon tfmnki to bin pttront and the pnbao for the treneroat ciut torn invtn hlu, and orgs leave to say rhst he It now open tor Ihe teaton. sih) ready to ri'celye boardon, permenent end trenilent, on the most niodrrete t.-rrot. The bar wIL llmfi be slip plied with the ch.ileest wines, n.iuort, and clusrt, and inperiorold ale. The Ubles will he set with Uie he-t the marliet etlords. F Ulilnn nnet and tackle aiwaya nn nana All Uio coniforu of a home ean afwua be found st tha BichtDin I emu S12 per annum, urxuux inrntr, )e a Proprietor. fJOLUMllIA II O U H , CITY. AXl.AW'1 IU DEW JERSEY. B1TUATE ON KENTUCKY AVENUE, . OITOS1TE THE SURF HOUSE. EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. Terms to anil the Umel. IcS-tf s EA-BATHIN O 8 EA-BATHINO. r" i iu.vaii iialii. CATE INL.VD, CAPE MAY, V. 3. ChMn-n nndcr VJ vnr of te and narvanti htUfprtte. Bui't-nor cronitiiiHU'tonit nd tuple rioin YOU TWO Hl'NIHKl l'KlWmB. rii-im AAKOM OAKUtlflON. lroprtetor. QON WAY'S OYSTES BAT SALOON. 8. W. COIISER OF SECOND AND CHESNUT STREETS, JjrM-lm FIIILADr.LPBIS. TRUSSE8, BRACKS. Ac, klMuily sdinstod br O. II. .N KKDLKS. oot. ol 1 Wf'.l.r'rrl end BAf'B Mtreot. Ledlee' I ie pertinent lor tuuie, oooductod by istliee, TWKI.e-ril Htxeet, llrit ooor below Reoe The mott coruplete and varied slock on hand, eoneittlng, lo part, of Trutset, Huoporrrs, Hboulder ltraeet, Heltt, Haudairei, Kiaatlo ti locking, ByrlriKoa. Arliclei for nrterj.Hlck boom, he (o 10-Urn PHILADELPHIA BURGEONS' lllilliliill' IBU I I TilTV Nn A Mnrt KIN'I'll Htreot. aoove Market. Hiwturoe radically enred bv II. C. KVEKK'rr'8 fTerolnni Patent Oradnatllig rro.tnre Trust. Haierlor feUaillc Bltt. Elaatio Muck h. m. Hujipurlert, Huoulder Braoea, Sntpen Sirlet. Orurchen. Ac. J.adlct atuindi d Iiy If ra. II. C. EVERETT. rar-lF 'JU E ARTIFICIAL HAND. U. A. till. DBA, Inrrnlnr Mnd Muiiufut'turer of fha m 11 T 1 K I .' I A L A U If, Approved and adopted n y tiik HVRCEOS-flF-NEIIAL OK THE UNITED 8TATM, for Heldl.Ti, Hat permanentlv located lilt titlUe and Faetorr et Ho. til . Ft. I'll! li titled, tlx doors below rjpruca, Fkllada. je '.i'-:iin ELA8TIO K WI N O M BTITCH AC1UNKH, THE BKST IH USE. 730 CUI'.RNVT BtrMit. enM Net. WANTKI) TO PEI.L OR EXCHANGE, ff r.lli.tle NowltiB Machine, Thetlrev.r A Bakor bewlnf If iichlne, 1 lie Mil. kit do. And all Ihe .rin HcTlnf Machluos. AU aurntahed from their prlnc'i.al ofheet. Also, all kinds oi H. e..iij-llnil Machines, tor Hale and lt t all el at the u.w rflee of l.KAVKNS A FAtnKWF.R, No l'; N. Kl'inril HUecf, (Over Ion y..art with Ulitysir A Oo.) Ladlei faatht to oveiate. Joll a 1)F.NN 8TKAM ENGINE AND BOILER Works N K.AKI E A l.K.V V , I'ractical and Th.HiioUea. Kni'tiiiori, lltrhiiil.it, Holler-iuakert, lllaektmirlia and 1 ..millers, havinir lor ninny years hevnlu tucce.sfiilopera Ui.li, and been es. tneivejy ensa.'.'d In bnlldlns and repair Ins Marine and l:lver Enpinet, hn;Ii and low presnire, IrB Itt.tierik, VatT 'lanktj Prcpetlere, Ac. Ac, retp.-otiujl; oiler U.eir tervlret lo uie pnbhc aa tieliig fully prep.ir.sl u. ts.tiiraot fur K.nsln.'t of all tlaet, ktarlnf. River, and 8ia tlonury ; hat Ins tcln ol patterns of dlilercnt tiiet, arc ire paretl to exet uie orders ttltli Hiilek dekpateh. Every de erriptlon of pattern-uiakHifr luadeet U.c tiioneat n.4ioe Ui)'D acdlow prv.titre. Kliio,TiiL.iilar,artdt'Ttlndor bollert, ot tlie beat I'ei.ntyi.'uma cbarcsil iron, Korvlnst, of all eiei and alndt; I'on and bra.t I'aetlniri of all de.crlp tUini; l:..il-tuntUis. ps rew-cuttbas.aud alloUter workooa D.'eled Itb the ahove halneaa, Drawlnst and tpecltlcatlons for all work dona at this ttablittuiteiit freo of cl.arse, and work auaranteod. The tuiMorlbers bave ample whart-dook room for re pair of boau, where they can lie tu perfoct eaietv, and are trovldod witb tl.ejri, blocAs, WU, C, A., for rauluf avjr and Usht weUhtt. JACOB C. KKAFIE, JOHN C. LK If , la; tf BEACH and PALULii BtraoU. gSIDESBUEO MACHINE WOBKfl, OFFICE, NO. OS IN. FRONT HTREETi PUlLADKl.f'UU. We art prepared to fill orJats to any extent for our watt- knosea MACBIKKItr FOB COTTON AKD WOOLEN MILLS, Inclndhifall reeont Improveoerita la Caillaj, Bptnnlai, and wa. lug-. We in.Ko 0.0 attenttoo of ntaaatactuten to ear esttev Stve onu. lall-U AI.FKED JKNICH A HON. II K Ml Y H I 51 O N VMTED STATES NATIONAL WAGON AND 00A0H WOBEB, Omoe.No. 521 NLW MARICKT Btre-ta. And t'aclorr, corner of 6KC0.ND AKL) CUMBERLAtro BTKEETSJ, ruitausLruiA. Alt and evervllDtl of . . WAllOMrt, Vam, rRAT", WKEELBARItOWtl, and IlkllttJt WULI.L8, adapted to Ai my . Uoad, baliel, Or 1'lsiii.lU.n puip...ei. All work warranted, W "Otd vrs nomptljf aiteuded to. - w. Tt. MF.invrN , rn:n COLUMN fun mt i iii.nohr.K Mum mis. COMI'OI XDEDFKOal ItOorLBAUk", AND LEAVX8. CflKltnlFF. BF.VKtlY, Uie steal Indleu Irliiretlo, enrt ell dt.ea.ea of the MM VM urintrv oreta.. mk h Ii- AIM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM f eonlltieiir. of the t'rlne. In- .MM .MM reimn.tiin of the iii.ui.t, lis mm mh lnllmintll.bof the Kldtiryt, HM MM MM mnie In Hie ItladJer.Hirte- MM MMMM tnrr. Dmtel. (I)eet. oni r- MM MM MM rtiirt and Ii e.peellly re- MM MM MM connneiitl.-d In thosf cases of MM VMMM Finn, All u I..r Whits. In MM MM MM f nolle.) whffre til the otd nsii..yiui uiodlelnea hata VM MM . MM t MM I MM t MM MM I railed. rrvro i (. ce c ('! If IV C'C fv; or 10 rc I'O ou ITYfTf C CfCH'O It ta prepared In a htohl enni'iMitrtt. d fo m. the do-' only b"loe fron one tolw tiaoonliill three Umet pef. dev. ' It It dtnrettr and slteratlr. I In lit -tl'.n; purl yins tn. I clean. Ins tbo l.too.1, een.in, I It to tl" lo ell or lu erlA-lns'I pnrav end vsort tfmt rf J m.nrmg from Hie tyttem tlec Krn.oinnt osnses wbieh bee. dnced dltoeM. CHF.WOKF. F. INJFS1. 11. IS In lntrtif.-d a. en slly or t'ti.titiil t. the I'll I'.lto- HKt HI MKllV. and old r iim'S in ronleiifKin with that ni.llcine In all cast of f.'.n.irrhn u. llloot, I' nor Ail.ut or Whites. Its etfeett are hallnit. t.othins, and demnieem; removuif all eea.d im h.at. ciit.ri..e, and pe.n IniitM.lof Hie hurnmif etui aln.o.1 un. ndnrtli e psln tlat It etperleiieed with early all ti.a cheep qcutck U.jttiJoiia. nn nn mi im mi mi mi mi llllllltHltllllllll l I IIIUIU lll) II II nn mi mi mi mi nil nil im FKF.rfi-rp.R FKKttKiij:); IK I K f. K V fi F.f.Kaf KB K.I'. I I I '.F.CKFF.R KtKr.KI.KUC t Bthenseof theowr.nc Kr.l. HKMKDV end cii";' KDhKK IN.IBnnosi th, two medicine et the tain time ell improper di-e charges are r.- -iovei, sti.1 :h weakened ...g .ns a-e iieyo.l 11 y re.rored to full ruior an. strength. F.ir lull pertlcuutrs get oo, pnoiphiett ITom any dm. J store In the oiilintTv, or wrtl ne. tint we w.ll msil free t any aUdrniN a fuU treaiate. I rrlce.cnir.ItOKKKRr.MR IT. J re r bniiie, or thros toitlet lor $5 Prise. fllKUOKKK IN JF.i'TION.aj per ho'.Ue, or three botlt for K'. Bent by express to arty ad dres. on recel.t of price. fold by all draiaflsu every where). roimnnrtn )ttiDi)i)i)i)r) Mi in Ml DD m in HI) M) Ml 1)U HI) III) liDDIiDPriDU IlDliDUDDO .mii.'iiiitf bi rnrt An uDlalliim cure for Hp it nautrrhna rtftnlrtnl VV.ah a neni, Vocmnial K-nlaflroa aiil ail titneaatM caued h . Hrlf Bollutiun: ii urn a f F.F.F.Kf.K.KKK.ie K.i:tjK.bK:ia.K KK K.F. FKRF.R iv.y.t.n K.K KK KPKF.KKK.EKF. ttKhJ.ttt-.EB of Merpory, UniT).al LeiI tnd, Palni In the Bnrh, f Hi. nftft of Vlaiion, PrftuiatiiM OM Aire. We Serve. Itf tVonltv of nrwathln, Trem llntt, WakefuliPiiei, F.rnptlof nancn. Iimantty. Coniinu tlon and all fh direful c t Q-om ute pain oi nature. Thin nMlctnc li a ftlmpTO TK'I'1 MTrlCt, AFld UD on nhich m I rn rt l, as it hdK tvn fined In our prno f lf for mum yearn, and wtiJi ttiouraiK ireaiiMi, It hui itot tani'd In a Inultj tnttiant. lis curattTB powtTi huvt bten tuttUlpnt to gain vie tory over Uie biubI itubborn cane. I o thoNe who bave trifled will, tlit ir oiistlti.tiin. un til tlicy think thnii'1vt( botiOtho reach of tue. heal aid, we wuu'U say, lt H.'AIlt M ! ilie CHKHO K ( I KE will reniora you t health and vlKur.Miid atttr aiiuack doctors nave fated. na 1111 III. Ull 1111 IMI KIT mi mi iiii P For roll nan'cnlars, eel Circular from any or' Rtore In Die country, wite the Kroprlei.irs, wl will mall free, to any one 'L airing tlia tame, a full tre tlte In pamohlet fonn. Knees, 1 yet bottle, . three bottiet tor $., and f.t warded by Expects to . parts of the world. Hold by all retpecUc drusglsia everywhere. BPItRRHttKR KilHhIUtKHR IlHIt KKR KHK HKH ItKR KHK HKHRRRRHK HI.K ItKK KHK KKR 1KB KHK Kllli Klllt dr. WRinrrrH KEJI'VF.ATLMll EIIXlRI KS8ENCK Of" LIFF I Pr.'i aied irom Pure Veire- tab e l;tracis, cootainlng Dothmw liiinrloat to tlis n.oal delle.ato. Iho H.luveiiatlnK F.llitr 1 the remit of m.Mlem dis coveries In tho vcpetat.le klnitdnni; being an entirely n. w and ehMract metf d of CCCOf' cccccco CO CO CO CU CO CO CO IX oc CO Co C'lWfH.tO C'C'OCC .'ure. irrespective ot all uie otd and worn-out systems. Tnls medicine nas be tented by the most emin. medical men of the day, a by them pronounced to ono of the greate.t utedl ditooveriet of tne ago. One bottle will ouretleuei Dehilily. A few bottlos cure H3 terlca In femalre. One bottle cures FaJpl' UoD of the HeitrL A lew d.iset rettore t. organt of nuneration. Kiom one to three bott rettore the matiliueta a OOOO Oooooo ooo ooo (i(KJ OOO ooo ooo (KM) OOO ooo ooo tMK) OIIO OOO OOO oooooo OOOO lull viflor or youut. A few dotea rostoro the appetite. Thiee bottlea euro the worst a-e ef lnipott ne.y. A few doses euro Uiu low spirited. On botUo reetorce mental now er. A tew dntce bring tho rote to the cheek This medielne restores to manly viior and rohuat health the poor, dehllttaled, worn-down, and tie. pairing devotee of tvutual pleasure. nn 1111 IIII ft II 111 IIII IIII , IIII I iiii ; iiii mi f The listless, enarvs' youth, the over-taaked id of busiueta, the victim i nervoua depretaion, tbe ', dlvlduiil HUtterlns from gei ral dehiuty, or from wei note of a tliule organ, v all rtnd luimo.liate and p manent relief by the ote title ElUIr or Etience Life. KK KK KK KK. KK KK. KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK Price, til per bottle, f three botilue fur $&, aud )V KK KK KK we'ded by esprest, on re 1 pi of motley, 10 atty j drees Hold by all dragxistseve where. CHEROKEE Plf.I.HI S1IIAU (OATl.ll FEMALE lle.l.l I.A IOK, ys JP UKAl.'IH H-K.XK.KW'.H. NM H sf KltTAIN AMI HAKB NS N MV l'..r the Kemotal of Ob- SN -V W atrucilobs, and He lin.nr- K'N N Ml ante of KenuUrllv in the NN X MX lliiuinuec ol the Monihly UN N KM Periodt. N N K t They enra or obviate those N H y . nuoitrout dtea..i that 1.N si HIT tprlng fn.m irregulHtiry, ny ren.otuigthe trresuiantv rilj U- a.tf. Tbey enre Bnppretr Eieoslvo, and Paluiull stniaiioii Th. y cure Ureea Blckn ('hkiroeit). 1'hcy core Nervoae a Fplnal Alfectlon., pain the buck and h.wer part, the body, lieavui.s.t. Vat.it on ihgnt exertion. Pat tallou of the Heart, Lo nest of Hpirlts, ll.eto) Bick llea.'a.lie, Old.lla Ac. Ac. In a word, by t movies the Irregularity, tt rvinovolue cainte auil W It all Uie ettoota that tpr FRI'FliEKKI K 1.1 1.tLI.I-.I.KL l.K KKKKK 1.K1.I.E l.K IU kl.EFKF.EKEK LI I LMttl kbit uoto it. V.mooeil of : in tile vee- lulk' .Uwftri, Uu v-u.ia liOiMiK slUittriouj. iu uny Cf'iiwtitntlDii, iniMtver di U mtf. HisVtr liinriuiii Ltlntt lo ptibwlliuu nutarili furw'ii ue.p, hirti, ht'D Properly tin J, Ibi-y nt vtr iui( lo do. yiv be .) yu.iilM uny nvn, ttod r nv iwriml, b . I l l dl IIIMl I NK HK1 TI'KKK MON'HIH, duil n tf vhlrli th unritilhut i.aturr ol Ut-ii tirviou w-'iilj FFKEFfFFFR 1 t l.th tlXLlO F.KKEF.KKKKK l.KKKEKKKfclt IK K.K FKKBFJ KK.KEB KB l.K kKKEKEKERt klXEElSl.lCtJg All letters seeking laj Inatloa or advice will proinplly, freely ,attd dlaurt ly answered, l ull dlreoUons aoeompi rjeooipi a ''mVt H'.FEE FKKLE IK FK I ErFFFKF.EE U.l.LlXLiXij Th cnKKOKF.F. Mi:nr- iw 11 WIS. Irlce tl per box boxes r l.'i. twmt by mall, free or pc a'e, on receipt ol price. Bold by all rcjpaotu' IfUSltlS. K ClM-:ti iirfr old by 1 1 eitttsr- i in -inn Uruvutf iu thu -eJ vurlil. bo tue tniprm ciplrJ deaiiTti, Ituv evir.lry to kfll wortiili'hi cumpoimag l:i plure ol (Iium tlma which Uiflj 011 K't t a cht ttp prics9. and nuke mora niont b loiiliig tinm Uit-y rn on the UIKitoKKB ki K1U IKK-S. Ai you vaui your ImaliU ay1, the litaltu of your oMhpriiiK do Dot b dtl-d by rUCil UIHTlll- bhrl UH OHM bH ) bo4 ! BS BtiH 0.4 una MS BS6 tvsbf) ri(leU dniKtrltti. AK for the CliEKOKLR MK11 CINF.B. Hid luWe 110 otiir. a St.. I.. l.t. M lll a.ra. hmJT tllMIl fof TOO. lATlfJ ttt and wt 111 Mud tlit'in to o by fcprM. Prtiiuddrt a....... l.A..l.e. alalA the) 4l.fM. Ultl V UlliuLTlal. aVlld i partcultrit ia rtjuurd to tlitir cm. H Itmi ail 6Um ot a chruiilc nuure In al or fmal. I LiMlltVa OT g"U t aa Wl aava-.t a uw tea pwt CR'S, dnc, and we will Ui ail eaiiei rtaokvly and freely anau diir lettera. aa ve our aivlc a rwnrda eacfc e4veJ I'AiluiiU Uinn at a di.ts-.ictt ui-d nat he.ltattt btsca 9f tkvir Inability to visit u.. Wr hare tnated occT'' Mtit-ul lu all I'urtlun ol the civilized (lotx.. i Failtut adire.luAt ue will pleaj writ post Otll County, Mftu, au uaiu ot WilUii, plaiu, au4 Ur pofiaKf-iiauip torrIy. f Addreaa ell Icltert aud orderi to l)a. W. K. MKItWIN 1 CO., 1 Jiu.be LlbtliT I' STRF.F.T. ' I) . . , , ... 'KW YORH Agents for Penajranls. DYOIT A C0.,Ne. ifcii N.t BtCvM) lU.vl.Fiulaili.lvUlA. iiul-twe) t r