V ii i n THE DAILY KVENlNft TEIEGRAHf. VH1LADKL1MHA, SATURDAY, AtTGtTST 20, 18C1. 1J Grnuitg Sclcgtapli FATCRDAT. AUGUST 20, 1M. 8PIRIT OF THE HEW YORK PRE38. rAMiinTfJt nrtitnr the auo From fie Ttfrunf. We propose a fori- f rrvli w nf the rumos lint Will flrsi bt- tiroulit hcfira the ("liicno C jdvpo tion. Our review eli ill bo an ini.nriil one, If only for tie un-on that wo hnre no po-si'ile in terest Id mit of the c.milidii'i s nauirj. A De;n ocrnt mlpht be iiomiuatej whose elction mijrhl Dot Mi ni to in an atisuliiie calamity- ; hut this In to ImprobBl'l.-, ttinslil. tIiir the thnrae'er of tlio Convention, that we dismiss ibo possibility- as impossible. ( tl party bucks, ua uitomed to the grooves of arty mn lilnory, can never work tli"ir whirls i.nt of the ruts. It U absurd, rxra-t-tiiii; flfis from a tta"rn-tree; or a gDwl rtom.ln.it i'u, euili ii a loyal men could join in upiMrtln, frjni a collection of the old tim-slsv ry f mils evil pnstrfj the elil f rooncll of the D-niii-Mlc party. V shall then lore review tile i sniliiUtes i n nr. tiallt ; ar.rt. an rioselt as we can, from the stunl toinl in which tin y desire to le viewed by their Leniorrntr adberen'H. (i ncml Oiontc It McC'lellan Is the tlr-t rain on the list. Ilu rrl'C- mainly upon h feline; alleged Mixist tlirntinliottlilieurmy an 1 conivrr, to the ellt-et f t Injiimee lin been tlnno tu his) unlit 'ry taii nih b. thin "imlsoviio and h tiiilor Inft AilndnlKtiailiin." Oei.eral MCIellun Is the ineaina lon of hostility to Mr. Lincoln ami Mr. Lincoln's policy. Ilu is an officer of hla nelen personal rrutitci and .i highly eti mifUtof ii if.ire tho war by Ins nrothi r oltl 'ers more ospcily by those of strong Koersi in ntllliiitiniis. H pro poses 10 mo on the War IVmo ratic platform, and wilt be tiltlerly opposed by tho u'tra "Cop ferbcad" or ' ace-at-any priee" fuction. (enirnl McClelUq lift? rwciveri la't'tl injury among the older and after piltttc'aii tr.".n the ttlorta tnaite br certain of his less discreet fVUiids to thrum ti'fo down the throat or the Convention, vT.V. they nr Bill tbey. This hat been d ine oy 'Muftis Admiration Association," of which the Ketehnm fuoilly appear to be chief bJtt.e-wasri-ere, Messrs. Htirlow, M.irble, li.'lmotit, and the other acknowledged" friends of '-Little M ic," re pudlntmg all the outside efforts la this dirccti in, and Oenirai Mi-Cicllan nltnsy.f, it is stid, disap proving all ii'ch extra zealous advoca"y. Governor Huratio Mc) moor is the next on the list, and will epp'-ar as the sped il chtrnpWn of the Central and Western M.itoa against the alleged dictation of tho Now Lngland 1'uritao.s. He is also to provided with a scond stritnr to bis bow, as "grand resistor of the drift and of arbitrary arrests" a eh irti'-ter in which many of bis "frie"ds" will recognise hi in as a jerte t master of the situation. Ciovcrnor Seymour is a ?ictitli rn .m I y bir b and sdn-mion , n man of old atnlly, and pos e-s tig a largo landed stuko in the pi ai-e and prosperity of the Couu'xy. lie Is, thcretore, the lens to lie pardoued fur his pympathles, which a; distinctively' of the "Cop pet head" type; aud for bis course of o'llclitl action, which Dhh hi ret 'fore inamly tended to prodnee CHtriinsements h 'tw-eti tho forces of tbuatlonal and State authorities. Apart fru n his poll' I' al Uue s, which we h il l to be simu y execrable, he Is a p' rsonajfe who would rolleet no rociul discredit ou the requirements of tho Wluie House. He has all the extern il polish on wlih''i bis sxtpaitiiiTs of the NoU'harn "eh valiy" place so liifh a Viiiuc; iitnl iTuliilily t'lero could oe n man nom'iia'ud t) the Democratic (mny whose election would he ho fttal t i the advoc ito of progres". la the cectfoii which placed bi n in lii prei-ent position as Oovornur of our State he was largely and a -tiveiy aided by Mr. TU irlmr Weed and ull the inlnoren s of tho We"d wao.il of politics. Whether these gentluinun vm J ivt- him i he same Mipp irt while running :i:iinl Mr. Llneo n may he eo'is;(jurod donotful. Very certain it is, however, that In the Ci-ntral and Western Slates Umeruor Seymour's n no and antec drills would prove stro'ig; alihoiwh in the army Ms vote would pnDtitr fall shore of that which (iem r-tl McClell m ca.ild commaii'l. Seyn our w n Id mn as a positive mm, o i tho platfoiin of b a I ty to New Kngianil ideas and llillllt tn es, whi e General M':Cloi.iU would mainly npper as t pifying a want of cniifi lence in the cien nt ( turt Mnuttitiate and his advisers. Mr. l)ean Hn lnnotid is understood to dec aro that under no circumstances would hi) accept the iioiuina. ion ; and that be is not an active -ctiDdktair, utliir persona1!)- or tbrougii hit frienos, is Kdmit'ed. It Is thought, however, by muD.v who should know, that if noiuia'tcd hi would not decline j aud tor own p i t. it wuM require very clear proof Indeed to m ikn us bo leve that any imtkoii iioinim ed for tnu I'rendeney, with a pro-peci of success, would he anxious ti back out fn in ti.o posi ion. Tho L)c;in would make, hcy ml a'iy fount, a strong candidate, lie is regarded as a War I) -mociat of ver pr.) n unced views ; hut as he nevor sp' a'is iu pub lic, and nrv r vri'es lc ters, ho h is no rac rd to alienate Honi bis si.iiidmd the Vallaad gnatn V'ool Coppei hi-uds of his partv. In the railroad and r;inal system covering the faceol the I'liion.Mr. Uiclanotid w.mld Had a :tlve and expericneni poll 1 . al a;i.-n 'ies and alii in.vs. He Is the i l l-tj ie.tai.road king of the United Slates j and has I nil so much pr ictico an 1 success In runi.ing the New York Centr.il as a politico machine, that theie ran Ihi na telling whit he would or would not do, tf placed, by the nomi nation for the 1'iesidcr.cy, at the bead of tte entile railroad and cinul sys'em of thu Union. If elecud 1'ierid. nt, Dean Uichuioud would have no personul itching fo-ibocomp sitionof len.'tiy letters or the u iterance of tHi uiunv speeches. Ills style of eloquence is brief in the extreme, and bis b tttr never say u woid more than is abso lutely necessary. Genual John A Di.x would be the strongest candidate the Convention at Chicago could feint. He i, however, much too loyal and up right an olllerr to hope lor cansidcratwa in a taieinaclt g'ving shelter to so hi mv sn;ike of the Copperhead inttiity. Had General Di.x thrown up Ids coiunnsH on h hen ordered to suppress tho H'oW and Journal vf t'ummtrrt; bad he, in other wor. s, been soil y of open mutiny, his chance wonl'i have atrouiiicd to nhsiilu'e ceriainty of b coining the Deunx ru'lecholco. Heing a luial ofuVrr. Ii'iwever, and no: forget ful of bis oath to obey orders, hoc in'en'ed hliii sit wlih titer n a vltioroits protect against the otoer of suppression when first, received, giving tie truo history of ttie forged pr elaui vion la full, aud unoui,rn,B that he would not M-eute the eoiuivund sent t him until further advise I of tho wishes ol the 1'n snlcnt. Tha ordor of sup presnion w.i :hm r'ueatcd in a more p. ruinptory toitn, and (lerer.il Di.x had nothing fir it, but 'ther fi i bty or resign. Tot ilk of an oittcer's jea (ining win n gi eu tome dis as-efnl order il absi.id, aud would be un eud of mllit iry il.sei iline. flo officer' rt-nstion Is of avail un'd It has lutu ou y acepttd; i:nd therefore, e.ea ha I tieuenii II x u td rid Lis, ho would n ine the iiss have bail to put the ordcts in lift. 1'ae Oenetal, bowevur, I- a solol.-i of toe old seho i I aril, l.aviDg vrt rJ b:s iuillvi'lual optaioti by bis piote-t, ho at i ticeand u iihout he I'niion pro rle to obey ti 0 renewed orders of those "in autbbitt) owt him." IVrsotmllv, (Jiura1 Oi.x s a yiH.ru an who wouid Uo ho . or to tnj Chief Mugirtrar) ( f the nat on. L'o is i.tirt ol the ftw luiv.v.ng ret iu ei 'a ivis i I that eldi r u::d h. t'i-r ty of k'&iirin.i ship In h:.:h c-scu at'.itiu mints si.d the p-ti'i- i cultivation ol be lutnlcc. wm- not eonshkri d dt rigat.ons fro-.i l)'.-uio?r.itle Mini dues. Hi ch lie s, ho'.vjver, a c nut cqiial Vi his mriiti ami his iiotninatioii would .-ry iiHeiy i to loweu t.y un organi.e i noli, ol the I'i sct-at fiiy-price I c ion, to b) Iij.Ijwc I hi- un "nii' tit di ionul psace" nomiiu i m. Of tl e time othir candidates, little need 1)3 ald. Kx 1'resli.cnt FninMiu I'lcreo is pipo-liy-ii g In a very alroit manner, to wseiird Gori'iral Jl.C'lellsn's dulcitl aud the reversion of the MrClellan strength. Ho professes unbounded 3evot on to the fortunes of "I. itclis Mac," in the ond hope that, if McClcllan be not successful, b.l friends will reciprocate favors, and "go solid" j'r the vx-l'resident, whoac rosideucn is a syno nym for "peace and concord.' Some Detnoirats think this a very pro'.ty stntauui, l)'it nwre pu tty than praeticalile. Ai' .i t from tho tiosailile access; in of stiencr h to ho gained In this wy, ex-l'reni'lin'. l'lerce is without followers or allies. As to the two remain ing candidates, they may bo quickly .lijse.l of. Judge Kelson ia a man of tho past, now nejrin his slxty-niutli year. The fxr'y will feel thU it needs a younger man for the position, aud ouo of executive experience to face tlu nnspeakable labors devolving on our National Chief Magistrate in such a crisis. For tho pant forty years, Judge Nelson Las bi en issuing judicial judgmonta ; but perlorming no executive, acts, nor ever aajuuiing authority in cases of doubtful precedent. Jlis whole education, high as it hasj been, Is of a character to disqualify him lor tuj oinVe t Fresideut; and, nt his age it would be impoasihlo to change tbelhabits of a long life to tm-h a deb'r jo as to tuable liliii to dischar0'd tho duties of thai cilice In such siormy timei as these. As to Mr. Uuihrie, of Kentucky, titers Is sumcicm o'ye ".ion In his great age and the iniinnities of miud and body ibirei.n attendant. With this brief ro.ie f lu cui didstus eomlng proininen'ly bei'orj the Jjruiocratie Convention, wn may safely ami cheerfully remit their olaiius aud poumd HEADY-MADE CLOIlllXa availabilities to the ronsitlora'irrn of ''whom It , my roncern" with something of the phllosnphl ral Iridltfet niT of the good woman who wtic4 j for the Isane of the combat between her hnsband and the bear. Kirg Oeorge, of (trecce, during bis late t. ur j ffcrongh his kingdom, rcineateil.on his arrival at MbsolmigM, to be shown Ilvron's tomb, and on ; observing I dilapidateil condition, gave orders for ilie immcdiato repair of tho poet's monument. flordon Coll y, of !loe:n. has given $K,o00 to WaterTlI!e College, tn lb condlilon that lOO.fXsj more shall ls rais.Hl, and th it a ma jority of the fnrolry sh-.ll hereafter be metnboti of Itaptist churches. About 17,000 of tho PIOO.OoO bna luen already secured. SPECIAL NOHCeS. rVr- AH KHAN HOI M YIIMI C nf ni'l . Sn. 7 i.OI H-.M1 1 II a H.I,L. I.I H tKV MSfl, !M ilnill l t'l'i. Tr t (' ii'ii i 'tif s snrsittiiHl t" pny M.s rti llt 'in's loir r' I llr i .isi - n.e' I " : M'ln . Ml. Ii. KHliAI-.iirO..i'U'.l li.fr tl'.ll, I" is nivs rr o 'llni's at h'. 7 l.i ll if Mil I is it.l . I 1 1'. K Ht si'e-t.lli.:r'Tl'lst,.'j In hi r.inr o' tie I'. ) mil ,, 1 smt llt s Inti fisted li pl.-iue ' -I! nt ti-1 h"ir - n K I- Ml NI...IIH, CI'SIIIIISII. t.nw ts ..in mi i:, .liNTM N HI I.I.Ot'K, I'Al I . J t ll'.l tl anwi-nt iiKoKUK v alMOxi. K$r i'1!I -vs cl.ru or iTiii.Mji.i.riin. st tlifl rs-i s-t cl a ''enttl u'loiisi niinh.rji mrnh-ts.isrut stprttrsct ilslri' l'il !. i' : -i-I'lna. hl Im ksi.i "ii i i,m: i v A'Tkh i is, 'ti, I' .1.. SI T.'. i'ilivk, In H H ft' I I'll si ii i it a l ui.u thrill f mreis c. C. I'. Ull lud, (.is. nr. m. Vsa. fl. t' is ii Hit,. I h., tseerftsr . aui" 't rjr NOTici:.-Titr. iooks ok tiik w3' w r vilt 'IM I ' II. c:t'tt'NV are nw .Men ff.r siil'srnt I' -lis t" II- CHI'IOU. ft' tl.' i- 4.) .le S'..4ll WAI.aLl fsirvi't. htntsi 'in b .111 tt. cix I i -hi lr 'sn tsme. JOHN . IK'l t'MA.S, rt-nusry. Tlir WI ST Vtl.'lll slA oil. C'lMPiXl, ll'IM.,u ill wli I sikt.i i CANral J.MC7"). . Kli a ir.i" '. I 'i i e s of 0 tie Ii. Ihe 'ri.M'ilis p-ifchssi-d l.v thl- I'ou.. s . srf Ave In nuii'Ki r, m li uutl will, csr- ly c e-tutu P'Tsnii. fw huiidrrn scrps, i iiiliiscir In trios -cwnil tici. nd ,r III I' sin j'lc f .rf'a"r "ii a l.v-s f r t isrnt i si-i. mi ib n s'fs. '.r tpiT-ii? VtHf . .'h fcl.irh V liaCr I w, u Ixirril to tt'i' il ptl. of .ne hiini oil a'id mnstf.' , W Ith s snrsl hi.w of eU, th n ts-liitf vrnrojllv pras- rt.lftil all of tlisse "i, srt,s iviiir In Wo..i ca.itv tv-tt VlrsiD's, ronvefiirol and w hb s'"S"l r-iaiti 1-sihn l" th t'lnoroe-. 'I Ins rit.ti Is r aiinuni si t the ol m-rt nf Vsaarirn pount- aa'si,fi te tl D'.rh.l" ot I r W-"-l f r l-ll. 1 be ar bulnii ad His Ip'Tilur;. in Itiit rwti.n il.av can s t Trie pr.iaiis-ts ul' ihia l oai an? ara must nal'i r Itis. Tl aa rrsini a In at orieOiai ati'.icrilH'ra will travp ail tts adaaiosis at a un roiit.anv, la'siii-, :ui maiiBhsil l si ns nni it.- It m inn ii r b..a,ns-s. t all nt i hs i nilcs, o .11 V A I.N t! T airatn, rr cireulara ot explanation. an'-: I JOHN H. llOt I MIN, MscnUrv. tST" I'MTKI) SIATES CUIUSTIAM COM- CAHU AfKKOWI.t.rM.MKNTS 1MB THE Wt.V.K KMOMI A"lll hi Is, 14. t i'llpet'on at fan Kranplirn, rl lollfK-tlun at bapa I'll C'al .aswi-K .. SM.S 0ISI.l,(IM)-tl0 l rr r. tsauier i o. t'hriatiuo ('oiiiiuliaili'U, JVnrla. III. por Thianas Illkhpa 'Ireas 10,000-00 r.. i.. tvillhitiiN & Co., lircuuirii, DKisnd, uor ttlnart bro rmiuvson. Hennfleld A Co., (laH'.")-v, Hcatla:l.l, por biuavt a hlo , iH sicrliiiK I'HILAIikLillIA. PAST DAT C'lNTMIH TIONS. Klfth Baptist ( him h X nion .M(t.na ot (.hurclics at Manayana, i'hlla Urli'h.a. ppr V'm A. -Imp-i.a .Imii (it fuilppeuilsnl Cnurxili i-aptial tburcb. .x.anayuni. LKShxiL eosibisi rtosa. Hainurl A . Li-svls ikIiM noiil lumanl Missionary tsaiihiith Hehool I reiissda of the aula ol a Taly pieseutrsl by a 31-nuu la.lv .tan pa r't III ail.iltin!!! Laillea' Chrlatluj i:imiuin.stiti t'nlon Mstliinhst l.l'lseopul i b irch, ppr Ml- .Vary Ann Willis. 'I n nnun-r Lalll'Ml, liirlatl'.n I'enimlsslun, Salrtn Msthodist kpisiopai I'hnrLii S (r 1'... brainsnl Ailasioa KaliDotb H. bool. por Henry sj. 100S1.I tun IDVI 14 i-tl III 5. 00 iS'lW 10 no rslisl 7D0 l'0 Ul IK) i siuiipfi. inasiiriT. IU I? .'OOtl Jobn C. kmrr, aodit'iinnl , rr.NsSlLVAMA. FAsr liAY CONTIItncTIOhS. Teeph Wooi:a rTpsbytertan ( hutvh.l'ri.sbytery of (. lail. n, kit llev. .iii'i. w rav UlU'TU CXutcli ul (tiir Huvlor.l'Inki'rt'iwti.AlontMouiftr I ountv, la H.n6 Crove i. K. t'hiinh, Devnluston, ;er Jtor. Vausbn fmilh 'M hi. I piera' al. 1.. t'liuteh. Itondlng, per J. MrrPdllh 1210 t nion Aiceilng at llinitbit,tlon. per Wai. P. Or- tpaur iHSI V'uien sleetm." at Allenviiio,tH'rJno. Huey Treas teW iicmbil eoNTRiul rioss. r'HIrsna Ol UMifialinrs. pur Jdo. K. Itube-Ui LaiiitM.' Lbrlstlan t en luisH.on, Hohiaii'jrs' 1jsl ihristinn ( ennnlssliia, Ait.'titown. per MUs Louisa llnm 2X-00 I'r. Jno. I urwln, llsrrtslmrif tsioa It. u. NorrlNiiivu i uo Am y 4'iii.iinttce l.t'thlenem. l'ar Itev. Bylves- U'l hour W17 M-.W JKKSKV. FAHT-0 AT C'ST IBI TOSS. ilr-l and Rrcon.i Kcturiiieil Uu.cb t'ti-ireasa, In l.iaii-aick til ii Fust ana CMeolnl l'rcsyierlau Cburcbes, Npw Iihiiiiv. lek 61M tlnit lii plun CLarch. New lllluwiok,.., M Ii l.Mlii rrl!v. V. T. tti ntr y: -Viiioit Collect ou iii Ai. l;. Church, Princeton, , I'M First 1 rvibyiHrian Cburch Caee Inland, pur Itev. .M.l.n i . Ciaik.iDu su'ls) Trinity i bur. b, &.ouut llelly. ner.f. V'. b-owa. iittt t'mon Y piling, hewtoti. pi r liainai-l Jolui.sou,.. 71 i) I non htn lpe at r'n-i Irpsulrrian Chiir. h, H'.aUlb. per.i. O. Niitlman $j 0i Contrttt.oll at l'.-iuoetou, pr J. W. Laua, 1 rpMsiirer 60tK) t oiiei t on rirat 1 reshy t rlan Cburch, Lumb.rt- VlUr U-T0 CoUovtiou at buoeasuuia, ar Kev. VY. W. Voor- beea moo OI.NKI.'AI. CONTttllllM'IOSH. CollectrA by Itov. Win. Pr.inklln Irotn hl nelsh- iM.raood and eoOLirca loo. luff lirA'icli tl'l Ladiia' i l.hstian Coininia-lon, TresaytiTian ( liurtb. I'rbioaloa. per Ira. .il. A.Wooil. Irea- suier M-M alt-PtiDs at Nnrrlntown SJtM'Oe Lsoloa' 1-e-llval i.rrl-to-A U tr iTI fflrst 1 resbyterlaa eaimaui Hetiooi. .Sor- ristoin 31 'M rabioliknat .v.orrla Aclsui horrl.t'n. x-l-ss aicolui at CluiUai Mini l,0it Cltlzpna of Frenchtown, per N. I. WUttnau.. Aluouut auknaMlttlaeU la reHaiou ,ap.Ti l I) t.'iil l Titai Atuoi'tit rrevloiistv ckiiov;leiltisl ,..) J 1 ... i,4JID) llsS.OJl II JOrt.PIl l'ATTI'lUS )N Trvasiirsr. The ro'ied s.t,L-f hri-lian Comuilision hairs Inave to aekuomkilkP ths ipoel.'t oi the following additional stores up to AusnatJ' , U4 : - Til I. A HIT ! Ill t 1 pares-l. I'biliidilpioa )ally .sp... H l.os i a. 1 p,.rkasc. Hi t'-iouil I -utnls burcli. lpiakas.0 Airs. li. oalitf. Jiersahe. A'rs. 1. Currnu. p. csaso A Lady. I packa. e, Mr . tsioibiarr. 1 box 'Ihlrd h.oriiisl l-ristbyiarlatl ('bur.'b. I box. Lumps' Alii tSiK-pi , h pnsli ti i M lm Cburob. adorial'laeaberrv hran.ly. Mrs. Kiel. !) ON. I LV A N i l. rottsvlllo, I box. lur. iKiij'iin a lis ini'i. ALInst n, 1 Ihi.n , Lrulu s' A id .snrl t.. . Iso illusion. I bos., bialles' Alii HoeiHV. 1 rlserorj, 1 box A.er.iiaburs'. I lux. Aid Rocietv. Kt.W oKlt-M . Patterson, 'i N.xsa, Kirst bv or. nod llul-h C'l'lfTh. I alter oo. 4 l'ir.-t l'n a iu lu t baivb. Wast luiftou 1 box, It. . ti. hryun. ilenipsburu 1 bos. Mrs. .1. liuekeloiv. l.ra lnvicl',1 burrs , aiatv f . Wlllietn. A lalsa liuuiWr . I Ooxis are ttekniMll'dtd claewlinru In the rclia-iou papo.a. i )t fi nini.ssh u asui calls unon every ( hrtsliiia os trl. tto aid iu lb' ir iiiliit-Lr,loou o tits orave ao.dlo.s of tho bi-pujlu au.l e-is-e.au..' to tao s.ck uad iso-i'idoj. 'Il l d. n. lied tor bo'i-h.sl .u.s !a , .pp. lull ur etit; it h4s Issea lamciy iiM-l b I!. e ir.ei'MS iml aixilitr.tti ol tlK rntis.', hut in spin of our t-x'-rtions il,p suolir is t am p lrlv ixhai stett. -p'i't vii and a.nd Isro.y It lud vould rpilsvi the .-nei rt"ts of il.oic w ho are aurtcrni f lor flip n.s. loo's pris.-r .ntl n mi.1 lionir. .na iIoh-kiIp vrfeslr m Ilie Army o' flic t'.nuiipilsnil lliaf .1 otnijf llveaieuhl tip s.c. ej llisl a-o no losi. if t .,ey lu I but tin' stores Hire-fiirv to rehp-'i' their wsuls. H:ir store hnllr4' Is flow pin.ite. vi lli rot til trim 4 ot till aoUl.pr nit it belorp yet can a- aia an.ieAi o thsin Heu-l storss to l.r.O. II 1411' i ll, ha-roiin i lir.-tl u Coinnilss.oa. I-". II liVSK hi reel, Willis.' 11 ;il.ia. jggT DI.Ar.MSti, N0IM'.S IX THK UK All, lUUHAT IllSI'-.tHKH, t ATvnuii. TIhiip isho snlcr fruia Ihsao uialaitiei have iiov Dt V o Im-I oi.p.'lleuit lr brdliif rs.Kt. I lm apparaui cnimnej by br. OS MllSI'lllah h.H la und jubustlr ibo luoal ptirloctly altwi-tiva arfent svar uaad for reaoliluf Ibe sowt of tbadia-asa to whuh II la dir eird, and aradl- catinif It wlib woiMVinul ruolcltv. Tn applkaUoa la Lainleia. ouice, .so. iirii ti a L..S u i Btrcsi. I KSTIVI.INIAI.S. To Dm Dfal'.-I r. V 'U Mo.chslkr, Anrlst, No. hr7 Waluut slreot. 0orasd ino-t Biice'fti.rull on nivo.irs, rest'irli a lue to rle-t h' rla', 1 aurrired from wl.ai ths r t-.j-slciaiia tailed a ir.iekeiiiii4 nf lli .hum of I fin esr. WILLIAM L'lt VS"K,llu:Wa-, )t" dn , So. s .J. He oiid trt. Philadoiphla, tiuuati, ls4 p:ni vim. I I'ioa, : "lib lin"S, 1-0 This la to '-irrlty, that for lonr )ara 1 Ji troiUisid wit i ail oilanalQ di.':i -r'-( S".roIupani' 'I is an uV lfu ss, I ll.iva b.-eil irdate 1 by .1 I-Ue-ioas ptiyrlPiana Wltboiit rpetuvtrM uoy brio 'It. AouM ui"btlis aio I apphY'l to Dr. Vou Moscloil sksr, whio has acc.uii'llilid a Lioriact euro. V0SKP1I SIOEW.KKH, Of the Hnu cl'Bh'Miuiakar i I Is lul. UrMunu. N 344 N. 11 road aucet. Frlvate rtsUlenes), Na. 72- O.ecn itroet. rVf! -Pr. VOM MOSCHl.-lKEIl eui bo conaiilteilon allaaoi'lUs of liiobis. Tlia hl.'K'ilCAL optf-ati'ius to reaiora Sloll 1 tklliull.v oeiT'.nue l. Oihoa, No. 1"17 WALNUT 8lre', Wt.era h isdreslflet'iiOilUif tiitlcioamia s uissb.)ve caa ps) ixaiu.iitd. aul-ti DEAFKEri.S AND BLINDNESS. J. S Iiaas-a, M D.. Profoaaar of tbo Ly and Kar, tnatl all dlaeaaea appsu-taUiuui ni Bba ahov-uaiaMluwovra wits llsa utmost aavosws. Testliosmiala from lis most rattan) Kuroca tn tr.s city aad country uau 1m ae.en al bis limca Ho. Ill Y ISK liineU ArUH lai Kyaa lnsartod wiUiout palo. Ho ahAJgea wade for eiaialnaoon. Oftlca aoiirs Iroiu H to Ut.H..lktr.M. . IU rikCSUHU ssI-Jsa AISD riKB XAlLOltlNQ DtVIDF.NI NOTICE. OVFICK OF u-rKJ thptUTkOli Cotnpanrof I'pnc h-ania. So. " H Al HUT istrtet. Pan i at psiia. Ainniat is. 14. T hp llearif of tllrse'nrs hava n,a dav ila. arrsl a dli-1. Jid'.r IV0 I'F.KCKNr. llrni csnls p-r map inn tin-rsp tai a Of-k . li of tfia earning of tlip i''.mpai'.T f ir .lull pNatt on and atls-fhp .slh tlss.. fypp nf iSMie'ta. 1 l.e ttai'S'pi i-ki m pp chSPil o i ire Slth, at i I. M ., ai itoi.i,. l i n lhnn. Jll si 'tls-K, "'-t si fippr -'arv an.1 Trp i-.i sr. TAKK NOTll'K. TUK Il()OIkSoT' By" "1 hp Waal Vbilnu Oil Cotrpany' ar novopsi . ml cr1m.ns to Its Cn,.iu 1. al toe olllce, No. ill WaL-Nl'Tfnss-i Call or er-si ctm. I.sr.o ran h' M ato k In ih, ir oti na tn and rluM. aiil'-l'.'t ,IOII II lilMti, Bicivtary. - TIIK TKF.ASUKF.H OF THK. FUND t rpll'-VP lha lllstn'ssed IiPH.IP of I hAiia..ral..irL' has ri-cplsru flip follop.!! i; auioiiius stme hn last rep.-rt, Ai'sii-t li AtuMint pieil"lisly irporteil, Csll, - - - - A II. .t M. II., - This. tier' IllUa, - Isvae iHtstr. A. Ili'l'll , i r .I...I ph ralUrsjn. -I puis 1 ft-inti. do .Ipiie a. Mason A ... I s'.iiipi e ss'tii-r, pir fl. I'lsnassti, 1(1 IV) :.() oft . t ii nt n it) .". m 1 i if ll IrTi ; i (, III Mil ; mi , V to d .1 I IUiIpj M Co., Vab Vn M ')' A A Ann. M .ttif r ., i ft -I. i -l , i ah. do l.i In 1'rv-r A V" r J. I.Mt kll, - W l;rtm .Mar i-, m-W.i ii ('' l. I'l IV; I II . . ti l V. 0,1 ll") ISI m is) .ptr M. A- H'-y-l. HfiTH'ifl A. l.i 1 1, - 1 n in i' l4w i . ll, A::i it M I U it, I'Awi, Ml.. .1. ! tt A lYi., A -. I i r t .-on N.J, - ., ;i .'!. Uk., Mri. . Miin Iik. - yi.i M Umn. . Mr S ' ni ii i i H. W He, - nsh H ( ir , A Lt ti , i - f 'n v, I . . Urnr. lo un ,'. on 1 IHI '.''1 IS' 1 VI 6 isi It i i T f V. -m A A id M ihk r, r. an is) ! u" - It no ll.. fi ;s) m lu oj ; is an l' w )i no '."'i in lm i) in ii r fsi ioi ud 1 il rai Ila- on ion ISI '0 IS) . no Tn .ft i ou Vital IS) till INI til) is) o n i i,i o) ni ffin.i iniMrnni(i, ; ii. o. ic iH'tmr 1 lie. Id n.Mtf il l Vr.K l. Wnnmi IW, - i Hui'T A VvM ftiih), - tvm. R. Vmx, ..... .1. i mt i Btf fii, - .Mm. M. Ii. 1 ., M .'inti" (lunch-Kina.Msiimt pw Krt.r. v. M -tl'. 1'iutor. - I Mi M. K, liiiroh 11H' o'i. 'r IhouKs T MuMt'ii -f rti.ii icttii i r r.d Mit anir' linlt, l Mttilxr t i hx.r h, HiowniMllo, TiU i Mpitl lie iirifr." -.Mi i rn. hi? ki'avim k A C o., - - B 1 . Kll pHUll k. - U. K irU pHii tt k, - -P. hin pmrok A H'-ni, ilrKM'ti littril t Co., .... Vlll kflt, lH1 tfll I i'o., .... l'iwtfiA Wi'iKhtnmn, .... lif't-crjiirti ii A Hon. .... .lohciiti it. m'a. ..... - ?i a Ki rfitt l. 11mi r A iNo.tft, PrKpriotom t-t vtit l'ntd HfMti )rru, r A. Kt t II, Iltnty ('(.- A llrwlt 't'l'i-. ------ 1 Ixinitifi r. ( tp, K. U t r llfut-nv Tnut f'initanv. Hi. 1 'mil K iM-f-i i-l ( (nif t., Hlo mMiri, V., I'rlltT i ltfmf II. i. uU'-n, Ittvi'ir, C)'atnei K. f inn, - MM. Klwratrirt.. -A. W hitnt A wnwi - 'is ia Tt.tat, i ..in :;. r.llMt'M) A. BHI'Ill'i: Tip nun I b Sln-et vrliaif. l lilLi'trii bia, Auinist is, Isi aulK-.'i fCpr" OKKIt'H SWATAUA KAL.I.S COAL t'i tnisiu, Aus'ost ti.. lm,). Tt.p IHrpi lots hale this dSV lleel'in-'l a dl Mstld of ten I pr i . nl.on the canl'ai sn'k. i'a of ths net pa-nlnv-of II p l uil ini . pa) st.ls at the O'tice ot the ' S.ini.ao) , No. Ii in d I Ml, .1. Tlllltli mils i.oiioi alti r the .'..in Ina'snt, r :i-ar i t Mate taR. mil t I . S ITLIlRaT. Tiaiurar, f- THANSVOKTAl ION OKKICK P1UI.A- fli li'li., H tluiiuKU ii, tuid Itnlllim'iM KUnAtl (.yuni'tujj. Pllll AUKI.rtMA, AtlKUNt 10, l4i:. In Hcfi rUiiCc H Ith nil Art nl t nntjrfg n ( ,1unt !t, W I.I fctvoiuf ni-Minry li.it utl rocelin. kfiwn ly tiki CotW'tito tt'f m n-l an.'l c rict U ta 'r luti'i winiUinn Kois.4t titur ah INI I UNA I. UKNK.MJK si A Ml' the rtMiv- nf iVSd KNTS.itu- c.it tije of the daqic to be uf c lT tin pm tv t".-t ivlna mcli nrftt. A'l riipth tnkMi lit lftf timijiii fiir miThriil'i(t li ll t'ii M l-tllA.I4S A.1I I0 ItatlilM-il U -Kill I .unprtti, ( II KI I S K HK. (lull l-l M-iftsl?rt't It ifi-i-iruti.'ti. ty" oi nc p ok thk riii.A.marin ( AM WdKKH, A'.i.i mt I?, 'Hi. I. t uu ClIiiK of tlir HOeini ot TtttHtftaol ttir l'tiiiiiel)tim Ui'. H'ort, nUi t 'i tl v r.n. ti iifti.t, ti e Ii'mcwHh; trtmlle nn i ronMttta-n ft TV i1T't (t . inn a... Tee t,nt ad tin lb tho f I or llvtnc mprifd . i nnn-tnifvc rtnty oi' tiie i'Tin-ti-fn iu att .i'lt t t it "iiiM'i ol tl r i-i' plt ytfm ; hi ii wiicia, II. nni ol riiai and all tt) l T ll'Qti-' Itta hkimuitli I it uianutAi'tiiro f't (r llltl ait niH ?o t a f u r tlmt ruicli tm Tniin-fi. 1 1 or lip to -io imi tbo i ipp'-f f ni triiRt comratiiil t- inir c iirtrc fit n. .-ul" u. !.., hiki to ii.aki itie avni'ia' dtl ttn t ide Sii li p 11.111 r'niitvJ i. tnw , t ft . ; 'It prce oi liiia tilt) ti nt 'i r thoi. .ftiKi vub c ll P . T! t 'J i tthii are aart ilmt tie lurrrwf p irn will pivy i h liiirtii i. to Dmii.v contumr), 'tint I ;, ait ail.v fo ,rii t t' e i tt .ii. tlinl rcfihiri.n it; Out w lir-n ti "ca niffer ii tl' ctn if tt t nrh M-r nrticH v imtv'.nitc li-a mi h: ct l (n in M to n i -rv nt , ami e i.,(pio an art Vrtiic. oi titt lh x r ci ot. mi tin- tuain ai i! 1 uppn i it h vi til ( r tc rial.', t lift I'MN'ti tn lint Itv ai(A -nt, pr ilt tt i( w litu il i(tc rut' o-j if tl' pi ynrnri" intsn ti lint f rt i uiliil In h Jarii- kr a to the Trtiit, noliTi hot rd imj' c -ir !(. 1. 1 a I tttu- r.nti tti-.s- c imttpi-it un t- i'tr--'-i c al ai ii r iot tn nt ti-iy mttl tat f in- ; b" It ttiire!orr . -w.lvt il. Tint tin- t'liiu' t niftiiwr be .ilrts itsit to yU c piit.iii ' t in , tt ni on ui iiIIit h lirnt ilny of nxiitMntjcr i. vt li I'foi' ol i to pnvnti c n .iuit nhuil t? tlffft i.ol nt ti r ti oiikNiul mliH tt iii, lim a tluui.ntif ' pt-r CM.'. 1'r mil t LftMIU'llt, Hlul lib t ' till' I'l.rUlJ ki.i.i.m.. ' thomah 8 Mt:vv.ur, Altl Hit Clllff l.lUillVOf. R tJ IN IN O U I H KM!- Wt nfuiK tto Oi iniT. li dulrvi:. Tot . try lot fttUrta wbUh fali U fttt rcKct. FINK RIIIRT8, 01 T LtNwTUWlPK Or UVA .15. Ut.4 ot cw Tor a MUli Miultn, tn4 Try fl&4 Linaa Ucttoutt Only II 73 t'nial price tlMM. Will mH' Urn Mill Muitt-i. ana Art Uuju BoaoaiA, OMy -no. I tiuial prki $5."M ClrTUcMVl FX'KNISUING GOODS. HMITII JACOIIS ULt-ta Mo. lVUa MII.MNUT HtrmL l')'J4 flUNVT 8TRKKT. Tfc atswntk.n of LAPIF.A VT41tlHn THK 111 Y . ur tbokx- tlx lit I, laViH tt (urwiui' I113 rissftt." or "the t uuatr' U ropcti-illj li-Vtiit to th vtHil Nnt or HIIITB 1H'ifs-i fi:H..l-le for 11' MM bit W 'I. Alt. fat yunu uoium, m tuning wKAfrcua. Ave. Ap ixttiiiirr aaaonmrnt l oT-rid in i.mc and Worant LiUtH.st and inMrtnft. iu, IUa ierc'in tH t'tillart, iluv.anJ tn plain at 0 fancy fluid, iiriid, od I tiuuit A ntta tVi4.- AT PMCr H MUCH IIKU'W TiitUt lKIr-KNT li II. V 1,1'K l i i riBisWt Lirtfii t-aivt'nc Drt l"1.' plecra I'utlwit 1 i:(id. an-1 Strlpod ata Ui c: m. rs i :i:iIs.i. i-)0 IHHtP SKtlETS IOQ 'wO ii,Tct.f . NO 7 AUI I M(wt, MmtKc lll'i, ntftaU, itdfflpnUU (VlWtUait Ii04 UtlAll I ttr MlOt lIUlitl.i oJ,THu It Of Lftltll Mtaws, ftnt) hU ivfi' Hoop hairu tit trie city, iq nn r rei-ut Orv Ciask. atiiirt juf stu w, iir.itlJ. f.ara'iil it. tr.ac. ta.parw 1 o iia li tftt aiitM. skirl auAo u-ord a aitaiatV aril p'on. '-o. K I WM t HOIKINA. HA Ti: U 11 A (VO I NUM. KM MOV A I . JAMKH O. FINN, (IjTE Cf HOWKLL & BHOTHUUH), II ui ltomoeJ from No. CH to No. C28 CIIKSNUT fHivct, Ifavlug puMtniT-d Rtvik ot JAUT4 UUILKK, Jr. (Furmrrly Il!rMtM ), whra ti v ottt-r to hia "i.;uiui aiid 1 he publk' a laryri uJ i i.iint flsAuitmont 01 DtcordtlonH and Wall Pi.ptra G.neTaMij. Py r:h ivi Hi f t rauDal atttutkio to ttm iWl.in,' sa.l tt.ui Inn ti.arwoi, ho hopsa to cmiIiouu fj rrctv tfaa lifciiU paUoattKv 0! the puh.to. Cttlzttaa and TUltura im mpoctiVUj Invited to cxaialn tli variety ou httud. jTt lm ItM. A.OR.W.N. E. CORNK.R OP BIXTII IT and MINOR -trtu!, buy DUnjond, Watchc-i. tiw;a, Oliver, aim i.tmu iit a-n, XiiosL IM WANT OK UOS'KV CAi-L. AM buinrta coniltlciiUrU. du:9-3ua T A M B 8 11 A 11 11 U li ' H V VIKlthALl A HI) 1U.TAII, CLOCK KBTAliLIBIIMKNT, I. E. corner flklCOM) ud CHK8JJUT BuU TbiiAd A. AtlthCI FOB Tin. PATtNf ErALIZlNtl TUIfcTY-DAY CLOOiTS, A vary dilrabia artl-te fur CbuKbca, UoinU, BaaU, lXUUUDR'llu'i0, raraira, su. WMAKt'kAi Tt Ul'H UF F1NR H)I.I f K N i, (UX HH KKPAIIU.'J AN1 WAHHAtrf HU, JftlS-ly VUkM I'rUiiuiliitft U o ry dKaoxtvuo . PROPOSALS. OVVWK OK AKMV CI.(riUNO AND K lutpatft, omi't i f TMUallil aod OIKAKD Putt pt t rut. Aiiirnat IM. m;, alH f prpoil 1I1 bi- rtrcucrt at ituo oifli- until It oYIcrkM. on KUHi.W. tin- ai 'h in.'an', ft-r Ul7lti( tl hn ih 111 .r 11 at ltti l Jo ot inw urttrltn --1-Ahk lti.1 ' OA ' ii i nre-1 widi , tt.r i nuirm Contfi, army standard. WOOI.T.N l.i,. , . ,,.) 'inNr1, to wrlult fl piiofifix, and nirasiin 7 le-t bv ti"t i li.r ipb -iter I . (-, in olsiik, 4 Itirhi-i ow. ioUwcfntrtt). MltXTEIt t, my ittiiiilnrO, of Un-tl or Cf.tfMi; It mt'im, t.i r n-.t I i Hi -mi 7 ounrT t. thf tArilrt'ih . IrTlii . ; ll li'l ti, l i tsMi ltd I Hath mini tn- t f f yAMi 1 1 .'"'. .11. -i.i-i tl''p. fninpls i.f at Im.t opi .tri ol id. ma tl:1 v p..trt u- bi tnrnl-liru tuuii t-e ii.l- tii tttd Will, thf I.T.-Hl T'MtK tl?) K I tt ! 1. A 1 1, ti ... VAUK I'KiiOl IU.WKMH t -r Tuf tH'ry, yntta fofi 1 a ' I" iHfii-.iL'-l imlia ruhrtvr. I"'L ('III'! t r i uvtilijr, (iinia cr.!. ir vttU an'f1 nulla rtil-iHT ffnn.Ii a t f .h- Ha'pf prtf't MtnVeti i-'r Infanir- nnii rn. Ii for ra r) r.p(tl to bv lutius'if 1 mtit acctm pan) tin-1 roi'rt-( A:li v MM-duM p)tupl,i o ll.p (IrtrV t.llir (,( Plsitf.. Wo, h'li I'lankt-tn, fcliol vt t!i , ami tl 4'll-Mil ll.rpHil, rain he at, u j, uiini'.to vthuu tit liViTlfi iPUit (nrt'p J.irt hM tit'nt IM- giiarani.fd bv two flpnrM', pr-rtoii-. t oi .ur nii.n limit ho oppf'tt 'r1 tn tlir tina'an -ti r. ft; tt .T'iitt,t ft ,,. ,f tit -il ail'1 noiT I P' nt uriiV t i t" mnt" nt ii. olvi'ii , fcomc public f.incin'rirtr) ol ttio t'tlMtil MtltOa ltiu Huin fliraultln rntrartorii, anil th.o that d. not t fmity tr,th fs . -f.t,4 trfnrnt of lhl advf ril-teraoiit will noi in- riiimiV.ro It an fiirtn t-.-pi.!n,a1, tnt'e.rnr.' tl tr nni of tha vvt m 11 rvjinr tl on ot 1 hiil, rat- t. had on aprih'a'li at ioi oil ; ami nnf hiTpi tilt h dn not mrrr (mi s'lim .1:1 I- h I u b 1 01 ait)' ri il. tv T w ll. anvpropoial ln t D - mo n tl whi I, dtna iiot.? i'V, cvntwu t.l.f rr'julrotm nti th r in nt.iti-1. in. In n.iiat tw f nfhr.v " Proposal) f.r Army rtiipp,!," aUCiu 11.tr 1 .trticuia .ut.vlt hit. i.-r. U. II. CUO-n. N, W A.Q M.tn'M .H. Army OFriCK DKrOT commpssaky or stu e IK in?. Vin(vr Toy , D. O , Auxin. 1. I !. PRorosAL t'OU Kl-ttl. 8"ald rntrtai An lnici until Aiimnt ?. at U M .tor t jrji, -Itu.kf rtuiiienre t'uparouvnl with Ihi lli-'it-,h .'. ll -no;, of Kl.-nr. llio prupos.au win a t - what u U'wii at thli f.-p..t at i. I, i and i.ami ttidt will bv rutertaiiVHl lur ai) n -anti h- limn Uif whoin. Mid nu-r be in daphiate.ftnd fireAcK graU un tcpanut litai't 1 1 papr 1 hortPiivi-rv ttf the Tloiir tn fommtnp wilhln dvedai nom tho mtf nliiif ot tor'ntli, and In mcts fiiaiitlthM. daily . hm thr tiovfi niHinit mar dire 1 ; dullwn .1 ut bn itvrn tiii'nt Wanhtittip In i.tMri(oinHti. at tlicwbarroi ot rati-n-tui ni p In W a.litokit.-n. Ji t'. Tne d.-litrfrr ot all r lour awar1M tnb omplld w I till", twant) daj n Tom tha oottnittt; ot lie hnU. I'aynirnt will ha nv ih- in certtttcatca of lndbtiMti6M , nr in. h otiu-r tuada aa tUo (tovantanmt tuft Uava hr dta bnrt tripni. Tt utunlfrntfmmfnt r.ipttion w-H b ma-i nit bo fore thr Klour la rvmvad, ftn-l unnn will he ancop'tNl tirh la Put iiesh Kmutid, and tnndi trotn lieu around ia itic vii In mlure laAiifaCturod, uuh-it of ft vii aup'-rtor in-; ty 'Ot- tr must be delhrd 13 new oak hwreli, Li H-hflfd, r. n 1 1 si 1 1 1 st anlnc mnst ftrroBttanv ttift hid of ototj Mldrr, who tin not thi ..ail. in nit lu itiia oiUri. nn1 mt hid w tllhiiti!rtaltii'd from oftrtlot wr o hut a prtMOt.lv tai'-d loei.iiiply with their biila.wr from bidden ttol prv ii'tit to irapono. t;oiTnii.ent itwn n the nait tn rojtn t ftt. hid f.r ay reiiNf. HmU to t-e atiilrv-4.il to the iindrmtirned, at No.'il O trot.iidortd. "Pnipotain for t-'loiir." 8. t. i.KKr.SK,(ptaUiaijdC.i.T. UNHfcl) 8TATOS,-KATIiUN DISTRICT IT IKN NHV I A AN I A, SCT. TIIK 1-KKtlOKNT tK THK. HMTKI STATIC TO'JHK MAKMIM. Df IU KAsl'LUsN LHlKK T r IKNN8ILVAKIA, 0t. FA ltli; HUKhF.Art, TTie iMtrtrt Cwri rf tl e Unltnl StaU t In ml :r tl Ka-tiTii l trict .r P-nni vlvanfa, nffatlj nd priteiiiifci on a I.Ih-1. rlit j In tlo name .if tli I nnVd tte ol Aim-f'i n,li;iih det'.f.sfi ti) iKTMuti in iiiTal Mb 1 ha -',, or prtioml to tuivr. anv il.ht. title, or Intern! 11 i..e lo..p H..KAH .Mam, . w lu re ( . is mat t, her tii l . app-itvl aii'Miiri Mtire and tr.c ruro n w or la el) IhtJeii on h .ard ihi r of. CHPtttrtni hjr trie I h t d s atc er Nt.n ikl atiM t um'er em muni of ttii-riff W M o -d, Aril n 1 nli. ii'.i Uu- Nut) of (lm niteil Mie,loi-a m niflH d ciiid. aud raliid t Jmltfnii nt, at the t hue anil pine I'lidtrwritti n, and to tni eit"i bi-ri'Miu-r eprei j (riitn'i- vi n-iiiiiinMi V.u ar. the elure. i-haru'd and kiTti-tlv eti oiifd Hpd rotnnianited, that ymj uu t n t, hut tl ai bv p'.h )-lili u tlit si prr-eiil in at 'eait tw.i nf t-ie tt it 1 y 1,1 wpapra print oil and pnhitnhed In tn city i t 1 hi ailciphm, und m tho l.tin tnltviwrr, yt.-i 1)0 nion ii nndtttf.iir ranr to he monlihed antlrltml, iM'ti mpiortlv , all piMonii in Kitirnil wi'i hat a, or prcii'ni to l uve, any ru-hi, tit.e. or init-rtii In the auit alovi AH'H awKY,r.cr iMikle apparrt, an- inriil.un and tfii-1 ftrtt ni"i or Utly I len 011 h iard thereof, to appi ar hel. rr t e horn. ran.f. kill N f vt)W Al,MKli. ft -io Itv f th haul our. at t' l'ft icrt?oni riHt-n in thcCltv ori'hl Ihdciphia.on the tweith-tA Jay after puhl c1hi of tho He piuei isii it tfott 1 ot.rt ii' or i ini vn iht u-t (SMirt doty ti llf wQtt. hi tweeii the utuid hotna .t t:earinK ca i-nvt, ti.ou n il tl t rt mi ahon ,r al.rtr in duefttrm of lav. a rvaton-ft'lt-Htul lawful fi-u-e, l; ant tier Imvi', why the laid lo p All ll M Ah V. lift laonU', aptiMrrl. an l turriltur-. a 1 J lite rut-wit iw or In'fiv hid- n on hour ! thfrei-f, ftlioinil lot he pronounced to bvMm., at Ilia time of the caolure cf tl r a.ime. to ti t niMiiitn nf tno I Mtfii matek. ar t, aa --"d- of iiu-ir en-miti or o'ltorw '(,, iit.ii e and htibiCi t to OJUdt-run tti nt 10 be aii tiiH'id and rnndenined po d am 1av nil i-rais; tnl lurthir to do and rTive In ttilt 1m 1' i.f a 10 iu thr hlmll auMiftAn, And that (ndiiir ii tu.ft or cmie o he Intimated, nuto al p-'ioht aft.ra a:d..e- erally (tn whnmbv tn teiu r of thr-tn preentf it u aim IntKiotit di, that 11 tliti. rnah ( ftpr at the tiiut ai.d plicoatxive uit-firi'.nod. or appi r aiol iail iml ahew m a-in:tbi-ard hiwtu caue to thr cmtrary. lum kft'tl I1 strict Court doth tneud anl will p"i.i-d iitai1,u dua'loi ou the M rapture, and ma- pMUtnore that li. faid 1 'Oi isAKAtt M.tt Niul earO tllu hfloDK, at tht t.'po of lo taituri- of the fane, tn the eue ti.lcn ft ihf I uitt'd intraof Ao ru i, and aa ft tod ( tlo'lri nfn;la or m' arwlko.lianii-and att'ot-flt ti oonista l i tiajiur tidriniiiitlD, to br ailjuiKd aud c itidfinnd aa la fid price, thonb-aori, or ratuur con-it in uy, ol the por tot io riii'ii nut imiut' d ! anv wine iionvUlnitidiOstt aid that otidnh c ntfy 10 tho ald luirnt Onurtft.iat j 1 l d m 'hi' prinl.i , ittt"i r w lih tnio ptem n'. w ittite un iioutron3 ji?ti u w iiiViii.H, jiiutro f tie Mtli (.'Mitiir I'bim 'tiiptila.ihnt eih'.i't'u Ji dat of Ai'i:i"l, A 1. 1M 1. anil tn the cixniy.uluUi year ul the iMVi-.-vh 0"r o( threal 1 I'nlHd lHtt an.u . o. K. i i..t iHrtv uutrictooiirt. gUBtTIIUITSI SUBSTITUTE;!!! HU1IBTITDTKH I 1 1 Enrolled (iilzrni ! Knroilri Citizens! iNf) PAKTIli) UKKILOLH Or V0Ll II alNil, A:.- tnt'iiupil Uiat liie firm of W. II. .tOWil'H V OO. Uatve taken tbt Kudua No. 422 WALNUT STREET, I.au lj cctt. led lr tks irri.rsis' vdixn kelmi B.TtTiietoiiitTLE, Wtipra they will W pleuas si fa fui nlsk AL ENS, t'BTE- llxs, or luNTsABaMii. as ub.tltul. Aar t(- HOLI.fP CITI7.F.SS. and Mill pay to Huostillilo. the highest price paid. We arp alaotu waiilorvoiiinU-era, aud nUldia: IH... al. mllli Urol '.is. auiD-ot S. It. JOSKi'lC it CO. C1OKFKF AND 1UMU1 KttV.-AI.KX. afll.Lt.lt A t-O . Proprlpiora ot tn. IMU liorprimiPlit flit, r jii'i j a v a 1 im itr, liav. liotrovrtl ll.eir .iae. ol l.u-lnpss fn.in piv IIS N. ts.oobd str.at 10 ho. Vli AKt 'tt airsi-1, tviiprd liter ara trpj a' 00 to l.li a I onlers at ti.e -liri. nolup rlilei tt.a liuhlli tuii-r iawH llo-io wltn. 'ineir 1 .s-p. n.aa usoai.ii . Ui lu tl.. biukei. i tspj a'.-o l.a e tiie iml KAHrill'.Kill 1 I.' I- Itial la niaaofarlunil Ui Hie I'.v.lill al l.3i prlo-, nt s -in rn.1. il.a I-i'lt priopa lo.ilssial I'spaip sis', tin ni 1 pan oeiorr iiiiri iihiih pisr. orrr. is 11 t foruot (Ii. hliluoer, luls-lm '" i" AUf'H MinsM. 'A HI F 1 f, MA1T'., IHL 1 1AJI UM ANU t . sli.''ow Sliailta. -rom .ss-a Yort Aertsoa sal-sa. islljrru tvsi.) alanitlcotit Krnascla, '4 wt.lo, $.1 tn. 1 ifi.tl'M' aad ti'7-; ltoilatrf.r llrutaais, (caiutsx:,) j, STklo, rv ao. su roui. i .i-i. v a aut. u ai Tov-r. ts-naie ji-lepa; liiion.l I'sir.PIs tl ;I7 u SI-7". pw yunlt llis'ta'n. Ifom rsj PSMil. u -P - i sem-uan. -4.aH.aou lliiiio, rrnii. al. fe, 7k t" l I " "ri MaiUmn, Ui. lM--el SsaoriD-. nl .v-er ollrr. d In fhiladi Ijilila. from :17s. U CPrii-. a tuiil at Hi. 1'i'M I era Aaetlou Ha el l'o pot. (t- nnprls Kiiltilos- V) So. li! a tsr.l'ONIi HireU. Ural o,.or ai-oro v aioui. ot-ss:M- i orn r.si 'wia-s. . -CIKTT'9 TKA WAItF.tmUSE. I'.STA- b-lialiad In IHG0. -lmrr -raeo iM-Urin t Ida 'I -pa. wii.., and Lkriors. Choi.. Uaeara Cirara, Cross a l:iasrll I'leklaa and -sAfias ffcUak and HcAth Ala arsl t' .ruir. Caroad Moaia. rru!:e. H'mp. aa. ITa-ry Hcaxt Sat ap '"Jjy taasif ili a ri mii -iirtei. JDsllllA il. f Di.-hfY NO DKCKPTION. NO INI'KIUOU COAL pori ha-i ii 1st ol.'ar s.liis tfio mat prleo ol a anonot artlclT. HAMI p'.L W. ItKMM, BUOAK Sir.s-t, above Ua.-.. Usl aide. es-Ua Ui. B-ii'i.li.. KAIil.D VKIN, b-art aad punsiuiuust fsMSOd Blovo sUM.t-alt taiKS) Jut,10 rnaJtimsr. shoi'd nialta thalr (un-aaaesat one, pr. rlos.. tai alioae aJvai;o. salVJta UKV.N OF ni'AUTY.VHITK VIROIN VVas of AirT'ea l.s the n- ist pws'fis-1 prauaraHon of l', ami, for D- iilliM.ii, wlnteiiiLp, sii't l'ra,orv!u' tha e-aol'ssl-io. lllsuidOdiron jiui. sfblto Was, boii.-o it. eMiaorO'iinrr 'C aail.a lor oreaoivlil'i lti akin, inaklns 11 k.i'i, 'o ;., islr, .I'll) uo.is.'inoi.. It eor-a el.a,ji t.'",.l- ..r lit, rc.uo. ... pluiuUs. t-. P.-I.: J."i j.-aia. Ila-iuirtir.il ! IP'S r ro.,P. riira-rs. No 41 K. EiOll'1 11 St., 1 i!-"r als.ye ' t.a.nul, and aulA-lat hO.JJJ . pir.VKNTIl MUnaC al OLD'S lMrilOVEl) Sl'F. A VI AND WATKH- VJ" UKAT1M1 Ar-I-AHATL'SJ. I ji Warulr.'j tut) V'ir.uiaUti(( V.lj.la LulKlicws asil Prt vai. K.s.doncoi. vwattSSFi w.tTia.Bitiri coye.un w ruuuxitLi iiiA. " jamkip.wiWo, Ho. tl .S3 KOUKTH S'raaC aihju-Ha tt. rio,rvii.lx.uiWotBdat )AT1NTKD JULY 10, 18JI.- J 0 S K P II Moi ri'.T, Klo.o Jo l'arls, t'risiea s'tstia i),alii pitooilnii on any kinJ oi w.drtm ..piiaiol, ko 1u ea, Helta, aid l r.U.lrvii. Patent iiiir.li:s ioi' suvt-li'ini l.anla 1) on to flv. In.-lioa. No. VII N I '11 S)i oau limiiaU ho. Jsj8. MM nt dtroot, piiil.tlpliia iiJ-5n EM0VAL. lTi0MA8 M. FL0WM AH, Cu'iKititor and Bulldoi, bm mui.iaa ;ua aaop frooi Ko. : Htrawfron-y alisiot to No. -VI C l.-(i'K Ht..tt, ad i. ........ .v- .1., llrtl.-A HoilJInrf. II 'Vilof lutip.aa.sS faolUtlda for oan yhs " .o.loasa aUa s3r- ft bop, f raap.aj.anisruiMtiaAroias ai, KWiiP IVI UslNUSWII. STYtliS, FINANCIAL. N w , NATIONAL LOAN Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money. COUPONS A.TTACIIKD, Mi 'I INTERF.sT rAVABIJi EACH blX MONTHS. Tti ppfn.-lpa' Ii p.rabip Ir lawfol aionay.at U-.pml of thm TP.n. r, th. lul.ler has tli rtkt to .leniajid al that 11 mo Tie 5-20 Bonds at Tar Instead of the OaaL TWs prtvl'sssi ' Talna .'p.ai thieo a. 30 nondiaroottr nnt popaiar Loan, and are now selUuj at lc,-ht por o-at. prenlnm. Sabsorti'tloBi rpcst-d In tho niuaj maaiier, and ti. appeal asJ prop'Sala of the fipcrotary of Hi. Troa.ury, toatthar vta our Ctr?alan, aad all oeciiarj Inforuia loa, 1,1 bo funHshod oa application at our otflrs). JAY 000KE k 00., jyn-V tfa. 114 H. THIRD Hrropn. 11 lIt. M T IJ 10 II CO.. BANKKliH, No. JO 8. THIRD 8TUEET, rr ajn sai.L MOLD, SO.TU, ASf UO1t H JtLJfT SKCCKITIBa. H T O O K H B0OOBT AND "OLD ON OOMMiaHIOBT. (mUt JJ 13 XV 13 H A 11 A. II Ma BADTEBS AND EXOEANOE BB0KER8, Ho. Bi s, TBIHD I5TBEET. DtAinaa ia ePEClE, BANK NOTES, AND OOYBIIN MENT BECUBmES. Htorks Booirat and BoU on OommUston. Cotlactioaa arompsly aaada, as-V-tf gMITU A II A. W I O L I II. No. IS S. THIRD 8TKEET, BANKKHH ANL) UKUKKUa Bpas-ls,BtockA,QaAn.snaajtm YmKhanaadChrcas.aad aUOorarcivmil Kwartttp Boogtit and Hold. arhlS 1 L A 11 K 8 O N k CO., BANKElta, No. W. 8. THIRO STREET, PHTLAPKLTHIA. (rtsrwvmtnt Swtrlti.a of all laaooa Pnrehase.1 and for Mala. Stocks Bonds, aad Oold liotukl and Bold oa Oota oilasWa. USTEKPST ALL0W1D ON IiKPOSITS. f olleiUoni Promptly Mada. fti-tf MEEIOAN BANK-NOTE P.EPOSTES, THE ONLY BANK NOTE KKl'ORTKR IN l'UILADiarillA. PURI IHIIKO HKPKLi'. Tho on jor.oronlalniiiiiQl'OTATIOiiH of Bauk Notes In KOI U liTII8,U: PHII.MiM PlllA, llAlUHI'hK. JKW VOBK, CINC'INSATI. Ilie only or., whh b contain tl-e NATIONAL HANKS a . fast aa oi ani.ed (omdal Usi i. Th. onl oir tvhlcu cvataliii tho Oe.M'.B.VL DIsl COl'SfT lu EIGHTEEN ClTIEt, VIZ: Pnil.ADM.PIIIA. AHIIlMiTON, HtMilKH'IKU, l'll'lAllI IsU, niH'Allf), HI HI Ol P., B.U.TIMOI.-K, ( l VKI.AND, Al.UAtiV, TIIOT. HT. 1.0111, IiavkniiihT, NKW Y.IKsl, CINflNNATI, WILHINUlUsr, HT rAI L, LOIIHVl 1,1. l. lULWAlK.Kt. Tbe anl) or. whkb give, the earliest Information of hf.YT COIiJiTMtKKIT JlOIKD, UOMVHTI0 MAftrCKTS, STfX'K TABLES, ANb I liiaJitlAI, KF.W4. Th. fa-t.'U-i. of a.e AMEEICAN BANK-NOTE REPOETES, BOTfl riNAKCIAL AND TVI-OGKAPHIf. AKli CKKtfltALKD. Ssl'nHtll-nti.Ng (PKII ASS""), IV AlVAS.LL. Wp.sl) .l ' H.-BU Montbly ....t'4 M oi lb! tt. Ot't'lCF, tf tOH i. THIKO BlUtl'T.dUr.lna.'. AI'l'KtArt, H K. CO 1 IKN, aull-Itu PI IU IiSllKO. JBVALID8 AND CON V ALEBOESTB. IkV ALU'S AHit (i AJ.Krf IJITH. Inasi(l. ard t'onialeacrnta. Invalids and ( onvaleaeiqu, Pspitla'tj IKHADf) IS' DM.K'.YTi: III ALTU. tl'WA.'.t a IN IIVIIC ATB 111. AMU, llMsl 1.8 IN liWi'lAll: m.A.'.TII, Will find i ur Will Ard Qor Will find air taluofnia Win?., ailf .rsia iu, Cajlten'la M laoa. altlo.ula Wlnna, ( ailf..rn'.a H , C alu.-mla Wid, fswousrl .alu.'Uileta all eos of Uuini'ir.od great praa traMon of airenn'o. Auk Ak Alk Ask Ask Ask Ask Aik Aak AM Ark Ask Aak Adk Ak Dri. afeCLKaun. it.hAf', JaclLaoa, (of U 'C rennijiraoin 1'niteri.Ur), n.rlnc, Beren., tiros-oa, Hartabarna rVhrnvl., WUUams, Ilarllef, X.'dbard, WUaoa, Tlndal, Vlnal, Kobopt, XobJc, Koorr, Majland, Turner, and olfiar leadlnir pliyaWaaa, what tiiry think of th. medi cinal vb-IMs of California Wmea I Tboia (entleaM pr- se.rlb. our brands, and aaasu-oua of Us Demon pa Jama ratclve irera Ibtlr na I CS.I.IFOHNIA TV11JR Af.KNCT, fc-sM-lua Ko.fJ . F1IT1I itrcct, a'jov.f.eaa.il. MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL JOHN O. BAKKR & CO., Ko. 718 M.tUKKT STftSKT, ara bs,w rvcaivtng their iuptliaai'raah front Jie flrios. The siiporloriiy of their OIL In .very re.peut, has KAl'tcd for H a repolallon aud sak) oeoud any otAer ftiuid in lb. uarket. Tonalntala It, tlioy an determined to supply an a .-tie). thaUoiay bo entirely relied oa for franAn.se aad parity. Bs)etoallmonliilsoiPi.niaaorsafMuUsIColl.sjs. au'l COTTAOLl O HO ANN, N.t only VECK1 LtD but UNEnl' ALIKI) In purity or Telle and Pow.r, deaisnad a.peelaliy for Churiuel aii.l Helioois, liul I'o'ind to be eo,uully well ail..ylasl ta Ul. 1'arl'wr and iirawliia Kooui. Vet .aia oaly Uy tt. r. hiic'-b, No. IS N. BKVKN'TII strict. Also, acompleta aisortai.ut of th. PeriMi kloio4oi'n COUstalitly ou liaud. anUt-.ia PKASO.NAXLl. r.UCl.9, FINANCIAL. (JOLiU. UOLD, UOLiD, i BILtTEB AUD rjAJS'K WANTED. DE HAVEN k BEOTKEB, aal-tf h. m a. miKu irp.rr. W IXAJV. WBW LOAN. U. S. 10-40". JAY CXOICI3 CO.. OPrt'.B rot 9AX.K THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, ppapiho rrrB rrrt rrvr. nrrp.KraT rs cortf. rsdpe triable an; lime afler TF TKAHa. at th. plea.ar. of Ui. Uorenaaent, and paralK PtiRTY TKAK aftar data. BOTH rOTJrOnT AND KPOIATr.BCD IIOMDII AT. s.ned for tbta Iian, of sam. dsaoaatQattoa as tb. H-90's. Thelntarrsit on f.'Oi and $110 s paraM. jarl;on al oilier denominailona, half yearl?. Tb. Id to aoad. ara dated sfairk I. unit. Tb. l.aU early Intareal fa I lint du Hepwaabar lat aad Maroh lat of aarh ear; amll 1st isp taaifesM, th. accroed lnlere.1 from tat of March IS raoutred to be paid by pssrehaaers ha csna ar ta LauAL ot'aaasrr, addlns fifty per oenc foe praralum, antll rarth.r antic AI LfrTHf.K UOVUIN Mi.aTT BkaJUBITIIsa BOUCIHT ASD bOLIi. JA7 000KE & CO., hj tf Ho. lit 0. THIP.II HTBKKT. gTOe-IiW AIVO t!I3CUltIXII3J BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOMMIHBION, DE EATEN & BEOTHEB, Vi. 0 S. TQIKD ATUEKT. fat. it u N I T 11 II M T A T 11 M 7-30 LOAN. Tl SecrrUiy of tiie Trrasnry sirs, notice Dial euo. Irrlptloai erlll bsj reretred fjr Coupa Trsaattry Sitst, pa) able throe years from Ananst Ik, I not, Ith seral-aa-linal Imprest at the rata of .ereii and lareo-tenths per cent, per annum, principal and Uitorrst (Ui to be paid la lawful money. These Dotes wnl tss convertible at th. option of the holder, at maturity, Into aia per cent, gold- bearing bonds, ps able not le than Ira nor mors than twenty ypsri from their data, as th. Government may rleet. They will b issued In denominations or t .'0, tK. soo, I1K00, and --XI, and aH anhscrlptloin uutt bo for any dollars or , Some multiple of fifty dollars. The nols-e win be transmitted lo tbeownpratro.oftraaf portatlon charges) a. soon after taa icrelpt of the orlglaal Certlfloalea of IriSMiaU aa tbty can bo prepared. Ai Mi. notes draw Intereit from August !", persons making depoilts sukaeiiuant to that data must pay tb. Interest a-cniPd ftom date of uol. to data ofdapo.lt. rartles d poftltlim twenly-Uro thousand dollar, aod upwa-ila lor UieaenoU. at any one time will be allowed a ctmmlbslon of one-ijuarter of on. per cant., which will b. paid by tlieTreatury Iieparuneul apon (ho receipt of a bill for the euiotirit, certlUed to by Iheotllcer with who m the depot It was made. No deductions for coi.uuliilona mtisttiem1( from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. It is a National Raving Have., offorlng a higher rate of interest than aay other, aud tfit Sesf ipvnmir. Any avlnt!. bank w hich paya Its depositors la t'nltod Stitei iitss cvUilCers U.at It is paying fa th. Ii-.t ot'eulAting ruodsmof th. oountry, and It cannot pay In anything Isstter, for Its own asset, are .Utter la (sovarnment eoourl tlea orlu note, orbonds paj able la Oorernmeat paper. It U) Mioally oonv.nlent as a temporary or permanent lnioatniMit. Tltanoti.can always b sold for wtthia a frsetlon of their fsva and acctimtilaled Interest, and ara Ihe U-at seciuliy with tanks, a. collaterals ar die casinla. CONVEKTIBU? INTO A SIX TUB CENT. 6-20 OOLD BOND. In adilitkiu to th. very llheral Interest on the ante, for thrpa years, this pihilege if oonTcraloo Is now wortli at'-ul tbrac prreiiL fer annam, for tiie current rate fur &-se lloi.aa la not lee. thau nine per rpn.yf-fmim,aad tu lore tl wa the premium oa six per cent. I'nlted Btatos atokawa. over twenty per cent. It will tie soon tl. at th. ; act.ial profit oa thit loan, at the pn-seat mark-.t rat., I. not I... tl.an tea per cent psiraimam. ITS KXF.MPTION KHOM HTATF. OK ML' NICII'AL TAXATION. I'.ui ahle Irom all if . adi antagps we La, enumerated, a special Aot ot C'.iii;ip.i r'P".;' off f'oorf, nnsf TVrasi'ry i-("Psr("ii lo.) la rwivn. On the avpratre, litis oaeup i.on Is aortti.booi two vr cest. per .Lnunt, acoordii'g ti U.o tatoof takallon lu Vrtiloii. paru ot tl.. country. It It nel!rtil that no accurlih's olfjr . sr.tt Iciuea n ctits to tenders ns those ! tued by th. lioveniment. Lu all ol! er forms of indebtedness. If falih or Ability of f rlrate part tee, or tos-k conipanlia. or .pfarate cowmual tl'., onl , Is plpdscd for payment, wldle tl.. wool, pro perty of the country la held tu .ecure tha dlscharyo ot all the oMiyfttlon. of loo t'lilled dtntoa. While the llovernuienl offers the must Uiiei-al leriua for It. Want, 11 believes that th. very strongest appeal Will b. to Ih. lo) say aud patriotism of tiie people. Dnpllcata enUlc.t.s will be based for all deposits. Tha party dotaattiog must endom. npoa th. eriginai certlfleata tha denomination of note, required, and w kether Ikoy are to be Issued In blank or ptyahlo to nid.r. When so endorsed, it limit be left with tha j otrcer rocelvunf tho de,o,ir, 10 ho foruitrded t.) tha 'I'ressnry llei'artmt'rit- Pi i-.Mi iio.-'S will st Bkcuvkb ly tha ireasortr of list I'nlted Ktatet, at Waskinirton,tss several AsiUunt Trtsaurt.-i and detJaualcd Depotliariis, aiid by Ui FLKBT SATIOSAL BASK OF PUIIADKI PIU A, PA., BKCONI) S ATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHI A, FA., TIllitD NA1IOSAL BANaT OF PHILADr LP1I1A, PA., FfVltTH N-tnONAi B.UtK CF rEILAPUPllIA.rA,. By all National EanLt whkb art depositaries of pablla money; and aul.'-UJ ALL HES1'1:CTA1SIJ: BAKK8 AXD B ANKEH8 TLiou.cout tLa ocustry will sir. furtlisr iafonaatlon and AF. OHU LVLIV FA31UTT TO BUBiiCUlBEIUI. AM) I'OUTLMiSsS 10 CISI0MK3. nationalba:nk or psiiAArELPiiiiL, Flnanoial Agent of tha U nitod States . , ' i UIMXJEI) STATE8 ? 3-1 TREAS UBY KOTES, NKW PATllIOTIO L-OArtT. Tridsr In.trortioaa rron, ttlt Trsr rsepartaKnt, UAt Bank Is pss.i-.rrd nsMv. nb.erfation. la that H.ar Pa rietK Loan, laaued In the frm of fire. oar Treasury .i... tx arii-a intrrsat at tl,. rat. of T t-1 asar oeat. asar aeoir..pe)al.s psal nuall, u Ufrful MoaaroatM l,..h ..! r.hraar, ana LUrMi re.pUs als . eo ear. Tlutja Tnsuurj Motea art ron.,i. at aiataritr, at tip optlm of th. holder, lata faltad ItaUt I pssr oeaC rioads. Inteieat ia in tom. M nmtlut Are and parable twsnf, yeaifrfm Aaett..t7. f!ir otPrllbl laiiiedln blank or paakw m ardor as m.) 1st dirrrVd bs Ue ttibtcrtber. tr suais ol . (ua. :. im.,anrt .vi. ' Interest mm I . al'ovad fro th.da-s af the saaarrtpUoa toll . I ik of Au, o.i nut, Uia o.i. of it,, rreaaao Him Tlu l.omar snkartlu. atur tk. lata af aaraataaat will he riond w pay th. sn-raea la mat r. the Xitm. Anr ore anl'strll ln for no- te.stbaa ttf-jai.aitb.Uasi at ajiT on. time, will b. alo.J a cob ovation . oaa qtiarterof one per cent., p.) aloe kf tae Traaarr tsspart nentonthe rrcsaot of ahlUft'fttt. aiaovat, approved, by the atiharilptloa axei.t. Iteferrit j 10 Dp eancipd aooasl of ths aeorata-7 f Ik) Treaaur;, I ask .11 those deal re oa at atdlag th. Uovsra tn.tr. to .ulscrihe to tula Loan. j. ii, rLAnn, PKKoina.if. and Ira T O THK J E O V I, K O K TBE UNITED STATEli' By an act af Contrrst, arp raved inn. M, latf.the Seora Isry of tk. Treasury la anthorlred u Is.ae aa aawunt a4 earreding two hundred millions of dollars la freatarf Nod a, hearing Intareat at a rat. not as Deeding a area anal three tenths per tettntn, redeemshla alter tlir. yean from date, and to esrl anire the sam. far lawfal ssaasr. Tk. Biarekary la t.nhap autnasiitss ta er-wrpn tka aasaa lato tsar da, bearing laia-aot at a rale sot aa.ndiag aai per cenluat. payaoieln i'oln. In Dirauanee of ua a.too rli) thus coo-emd. I now effar to the peop e af Ik. Caited Hi ate. Trruiirr Notes at dcscr.bd la my advtxdtsaiant, dated Jmy So, t 4. The c n lunttauces ander which this leak Is sakad for, and your aid Invoked, thoush dlfh-ritf widely from raa aalatlng .UK of affairs tl.iee year, age, an euok aa affori equal encoure. .meat and apconiy. Tim., wh i. pp. stag that th. afrarg'e for national anlty waa I exesed kt dara tion and severity oar wortt aatlelpatpsnt ,kae lesnet tks national elrcm Hi and devetapeg th. asUetial reaosir.ts an extant alike ai.epeHrd and miisrtaMe, aacltiag es).I attoiilahuirnt at h me and abroad Three years at war kav. burdened you with a deM whi k, bat three yaaia slnoe, woi.ld have seemed beyood your abf Ity t. assoa, Taf ibe accuia. Uteil wealth and produelire cn.rsfe.af ti.e rallvn have an vd w lie so sat I that U sate bean sssru wnh compara Ive isacard a pe act lul fatarewasiid hardby feel Iti weUht. A. a or... paid asr aatlvaai asiaiaoa,aaat Ue ptatorvatloii ol fi-te in.t:tutvat, It does aoideaorv. a w monunt'aconaideratlon. -j Thus tar ih. wat kaa been sirpaortad and oarrknl 0. aso It only oould hare baen, by a people resiaVad. al traaionr cost of blood amr ireaaara, tn treat aak, aaltapamst. ts poaterlty, Ih. ayatem of frs. goverussaat baqoeaUted Its them by Ih. ureal men who framed It, This deliberate anal patrtotlo resolve hat developed a power sarprlslng ea k thimtelToa. Ithasthoa that in loss Una a oenutrya nation bas aritrn, ttnturi'asaed In tla-or, aiis? rahaa dteas In rretutcre, al le to conduct, ttu-ouirh a serlea af years, war on lis most g'aj.tic sc ale, and lading IUou,waea near IU close, almost unimpaired In all tha ntatorial aes niei.lt of piwtr. It naa, at the present saai, arrest armies la lb. field, faru-g au enemr ap araatly aasroacaw Inn a period or atur .alisutiloti, bat aim siragsUat with a lorce the gnaiar and more deaperatr aa II as-ee, and bsv. caui . II see.. Hie near appmaoh of a final and fatal cob taiuiaiksa. buck, la my dellbtxata ludxaMat, b) ska I resent ooadltior. of tho great ooutast forclvtt Utterly ie wk' h oa art aw .'isased. I'p to the present moment yoa have readily and ekear fulls affotded the niea-sne'ethary to support yoar Clor emmrnt hi this rMtrao:ed strucsle. It is jrewr war. To proc a mid it, ai.d you hava suttainrd it aaalnst traltora. nerswl ere, with a atilolic devotion untsriiaatedlatha vo-ld't Mstor). Tle iacumtPs offond are aurh as alould imintad roar mstty confldi uce. Much effort hat been mado lo aiiake public faith In our i,atioual credit, bath al torn, aod abroad. A. yet we ba-easaed nc tbrriea aid. raiaiaiid trir-iaiiait,aiircwii mi an, kav. rha, fr prosred ad so 1 stay to our wants. II ey an yet am ale ta sani Ikoe af tka prcicat and tvo tntaie. It still remain, for a aitrfots pt-cple to furnish the needful supply. Th. brave mass waa art f .li'ing our battle, by land and aea taatt be fed' and clotlnd.BinnltiOna nf war or all klr.dt mttat n. fomhihed. or tle war Biuat end In defeat and disgrace. Thla Is not the time for au lover of his country to Inquln as lo tha state of the moi. e niatliet, c-r aak whether h. cai as) Invcat hit itvpius espial aa to JU Id him a largarntara. fo return aad no profit can b. dealrab' a followed bp nalu'bal dlse- tutlon ur natloiial diain-aos. Pnaeul proas tliua acquired, Is but the pracarsor of faun aad Mssaar dr.tiuitloQ. No Invea meat caa b. aa aureiy ppa ntable as tt at whl-n lands to iattin taa aatloaal es. tsteace. . ( 1 . I sm enrwaraaed inth. bellefthst by theraoent legbla lloa of ts'iiiiri aa onr finance, may soon be paaoed apaa a aout der and m. re ttahk) footing. Th. present deraagesl coBditlon of flie cnrreitry It imontabir In a great derma to dlstnrbar.ces artafng from th. withdrawal of Bareasara-r-kesks, iiftra Inevitah'e Ir, time of war, whsaexpeaduuna mesi tai.'ety reeedsay p-oialVe supply of cola. Taeap poriiiitiltea ti ua prestsiiesl to acquln euddoa wealtJk'Baaw led to vlclou. speculaison. a cooatiiiient Increas. of ariose, and vlo'ent ttusttiatlon. The remedy :t (o b. fsHiattoa'y In lOnlrolioK tho owstilt; whlck begets the evil. Hitherto we have felt the need of nion eatenetre east visoroot lasailoa. aover. corom.Bt bas bean saaae apaa what see mi d lo man) aa undue timidity and tatdlaeaa of artk 11 en the part of Consreaa, la tlile ratrsrd. I diem It but Jusl to aa; that srry anal nil.apereh.a alon has exl:,tid. and perhaps still .situ, upoo tbla peiat. Let.' tutors. 111. all cthen, tar. ssuck 10 leara In a uew othdi.loa of alfaln As .nttrety bow tyatem waa to be ccvf.ed. aud that tyttein mutt iiecesaarlly. be thegroetl. of time and experience. It It not ttraairs thai tirsl efforts should hate proved tiuperferl and la aJiunate, ToU l.eav la dent on a ureal aad patri otic pi opl. in audi a luauner at to be aqual, aad at to oceasir 11 the least amount of Midcrlns or auasiyaaoe, rtsiuirt a I ai. end tsutlos. aad vast labor; aad, witk) aillhi'teapei'ieiic ia needful to teat tli. valae ot the lyvK'n, a:.d cornel Its errr't. Sncb has been Ibe work whtih loo, ns. wat tadod apon 10 perfia-m. I amhappvto aay eh it dally re.uos are proving Hie ternal llov, hub set to .xceed lo .fartrrur the moat tai-'.iiine ex)ieotiitlont of Its antl'Ott. In tli. month at Juno, lift... It )ieli1(-d about fieir ard one-t.alf million, of oollsra, svhile tiie oorrcf poudl-g montl. of tM. year returned ah. uk flttrea nillloes, under the earn. law. I'udirtle new ?aw, whit k v ent li.tu operation Ike Irtt ilay cf ll'.e piestht monUi. tli. Treasury uol anfre guently re oiies ino mll:'0B In a dy. As lime aad tpe rtent. eitsnle the c tfleart emptyed In coileeHoa the nea nua to .nlorc tb. airineunl pro) it) ina 01' the new law, 1 trust that a million per day will be foand ih. rule, and not the exception, htlll, inuvh spar, is uadoahtedly left, far linprovenieril In Ihe law, and in Its adsalniatntion, aa a HtC'Steremswot of neri taary Infurmatlon is acqBireaL Th. proppr acureus of revenue, and the Bloat .fPadlva mode, of obtaining 11, are boat developed kn tb. executioa of existing laws. And t have caused' measures to as initiated which will. It is believed, enable. Congnas so ta Improv. and enlarge the system aa, w Vn takot In coo nertlon with the revenue from cuttoms, aud other souroes. to afford an ample and secure basis for tiw Ballon a! credit. Only on such a bulla, and lu a stvady and rigorous re stndnt upon currency, can a remedy he found for axltilag evils. Such lettsulut can only ha axercited wlssa tl 1 iovesninent is furriith.d with oiriuie to provide fir tla necessUlus. Hut wltbout the aid rf a patriotic pop. aavr Uovoxaaieit la pen arlest (or tut or aay other dosLrabM end. Tk. denominations ef Ihe sal a proposed to b. lsaiaadv ranging from tlfty to fire tnou.nd dollars, place ihaaav st curitsaa within f h. reach o( aH who an disposes) to a!4 tkolr oountry. For their redemption tka faith aud aoaer aad property ef thai country an solemnly pledged. A sas cessful Lsau. to this ciaueai, now beUeved to tse near at aaad,wlll largely enhane their valae to the hokter; aast paaoe one. teasored alt ban-dens can be llxhtly berne. Be who aaiflakly withhehia kls aid ia the hope of rum tag his nrallable means lo greater luuoedlate pront, si sissaslattBa' uyoa Ila country's ultfortuuai, wd may do 1 that what seems te be present gain leads oaly to fulun lows. laa paal.t erafura, wltk voafidenca to a loal and patrkitla people, and luvoka Hie sffortt of all who, leva their ooaatry, and desire fur ll a glorioas fntan, le aid Ih air Govern meal In snatalnias Its credit, and placing that credit apod a tabl. lioDndalWa. W. P. riSSENDEN, aB-U3017tl PECRLTABT OP TH TBEAil-'r 6, fi. WMER 6IXI1X WD MAJKII SIM, t)M