2 JL Gnting Selcgrapti a ah.t tmuiooi nvirtm. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Fill I Turn Cam MOoft, ar BmsTeawOetrTs fn Warn, tsaraMe estate OerrVw, aad atM I aa6serere as of tlx OUT al Miss DoLLsaa rI Assnil On Ooll.aa fl . Firry Cam to Two Mont,tBvsriaelyla adrsaoe , trlMHrtH srterad. iilliiMB InaorteA at ths e.eel rsUl. A liberal 1i i laial 4a M amtaaHH laaarusas. We aHf eat. to tat m a Aeaayaveaa OontmevtlcstlenS. Rbetaerar to aw.M ar tenliB .t be aalhen h-sted lac mm . a Mltfnw. wrtli ant Bcea.arU for antxwii.fi. Sot ea anararitee tor hli .x1 f.lih. ' We Ataaaot aedetlass ss mara refected OoaueunicaUoaa. 1 T AdTerrtliser-aj. (HrWt. the rroat Increase hi the (Irralatloo of Tin Srraa.se ai.suer. eoenpelllrm ns to ro to pre.s at an averts el, sre a njeritly rMiieat that Idvrnhfflirnu wif seave.fl la a. in. u la -. Ir eossUiui, lo .Kara Mat a laaarUM la au af oar MtUoaa ' BATTTRPAY. AUGUST 20. IWi. TUB AVA.ll NKWH. The inoTempnt on the north bunk of the fftaiM rirsr Is attended with that success Which Is lunuiUy Accorded to operations prose . touted rapidly. And with rgot and prudence. TTs obawrre, from the general feature ol the fUa, m dereloped, that General Gbant de- f Btrea tin) dcetnictlon of Fort Darling, and of the railroad connecting Richmond with fdtoreburf, which If the termini of five other i road, tereral of which are now of great use to the- Rebel. If the dealgn be anything nor than a feint, It will force General Ler to Cfaoof between two erlls the lose of the fiebel oapltal or the lost of hlj main depot ttt aappIlM at Petersburg. The alege of the latter place proceeds as tuual, and although tha city U not thoroughly ' Inretted by our forceeyet It b so beleaguered that the garrieon cannot muster either force t Or courage enough to raise the siege by , drlrlng our troops away. At the same time f OsAkt army 1 large enough to besiege one , . aad adrance upon the other, and possibly aault It. It is now bellered that the Dutch Clap canal caa be finished In a short time, ' trhen our fleet and army can co-operate In - th reduction of Fort Dariin g. I General Whiklxb's raid upon General SbmmaVb only line of communication with bis supplies and his Government was well de wWed, but, unlike some other military depart ments formerly, we find troops at all exposed points, and la sufficient force to repulse the . raiders. Bo General 8hcbman cannot be Jajared. seriously by any fire In the rear. General Sunn has whipped Forrest again. This la the way to work. The Rebels were dislodged and beaten from a fortified position on Hurricane creek, Mississippi, on the 13th Instant, and lost hearlly In the fight. Honest And earnest leaders, like A. J. Smith, always , snow to Victory. The guerillas under General Adam R. Johvsov, who hare been operating In Ken lucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and Indiana, so txtenelToiy of late, hare been defeated and dispersed at or near Morganfiold, Kentucky, ty General Alvix P. Hovkt. If General Bom has command In Kentucky very long, Jt will be Jus, worth a man's life to be a fpierllla for a single week. General Eablt has been keeping up such Ik bold front In the Shenandoah valley that Our leaders there seem to th'nk he has been largely reinforced. General Sukridan hat .; . retired to Berryvllle, seren miles northeast of Winchester, and Is concentrating his forces - tr either an attack or an advance. If Mr JerrKBSOsi Dayis told the truth a day or . two ago, when he said that Grant had lost more men In this campaign than Lee had In bis amy, the Lieutenant-General ought to take Ulohmond at once. Davis Intimated that Lei bad but sixty thousand men. A Conalderable portion of this army Is dead or Jtor At combat, and thirty thousand or more , ; nxewIUi Eablt In the Shenandoah Talley. ' . Vow we take from this, that either Ob ant ' must be operating against ton thousand men With one hundred and twenty-five thousand, or else Mr. Japfbhsow Davis is an atro cious liar. TIIK il.TBA PKACK MKX. WU4T U TH KY WMTt WiM the ultra peace men of the North tell the people fairly and squarely who and what they are t To be simply in tavor of peace is to be quite uudlHtlnguUhed, since all the pro- pie, of all parties and sections, are for peace, ! What kind of a peace, then, is It thut the radi os! peaoe men are- for f They might reply that they furor an honorable peace. But before that can be intelligible, they mut sy . frhat they mean by that adjective. Wh it they coay consider honorable may Le lu-M by ' Others, quite as free and as compe'ent toJu1;'e Of the uiatter as thcnwlve, eutinenlly Ui. ' booorable. Hence it Is Important that they ' sbputd define their position more distinctly, ' r, in O! her words, describe what kind of a peace they regurd as honorable, nmi would ccef.t If we may inter their intention Iro n 1'ir dwlaratious of their recouizi-d leaderi rn u ( tike the Woour, of New York, Vai.lankhi- , Bam, of Ohio, and RFP.n, of IVnnylvwnU the conclusion would be that the ultra peace me a are for ending the war even on the basis of a permanent separation of the States, and Other such conditions as the Rebel leaden may choose to dictate, if no better terms can be Obtained. But that Is not the sort of settle ment of this civil war which any considerable part of the people of the loyal States will be likely to consent to in any extremity ; and hence, no doubt, the views of the radical peacemakers are not unequivocally avowed. In a speech made at Dayton, Ohio, on the 13th, Vaixahdigham characterized war Demo crats as no better than Lincoln men, and iu this connection said : ' I thlt-k win put forward a peace eandi , "date. Why not? huppose we were lo nomi " uaie a w.r Democrat, pledged to prosecute the war ; iu wtiai mx-ci would ucb a tioAot be bot- lei than the Lincoi.m ticket ) yoa WOuld havs all ti e evi s of tin- war still to pren you down, " inmated tfw, drafts, and tho aighr of ' j ui olk. M'bat would ou nin by hielx t on i vtr thai of Lincoln ? You my that he iilu not i tc fire with the negroo a mtu. W. 11, that i no coii.lcii rniion wiilt mo. Wbt do c ure for the netToes down South when ' our nwn litxrtie. and lires are at t ? We " ai'ti a uiau who will try eomproml la the et- 1 tl pii n' at our national d.itlcuitioi ; and uch a nia himdrrs and ihouaands of Republicaas . " r ooking for. It hry m dut a war mao, they " hate a f ovu a out as Uiey could get la the per , TIIK I" son of I.mcoi.w. I would as soon te drafted .. . . . t - nr.. t . . , " unavr Dim ni it'm(n:rat. This is not very clear, but there Is some meaning In it that may be discerned. Oppo sition to the war Is plainly enough exprewtod ; and although Mr. VAt.i.AifDionAM does not state explicitly what kind of an adjudtment of the difficulty he designs or would assent to, he lets us know that the means by which he expect to reach some sedis of pacification is "compromise!" Now, we would like the spCAker Just quoted to say what there Is, In bin judgment, to compromise. It surely Is not the National Constitution. That never was, and is not now, the cause of the war, and is not an Impediment to a peace on the bails of a return of the seceded States to their alle giance to the General Government But If there were any constitutional ques tions or dllH-rences to be compromised, the compromise could not regularly to made, save In the mode and by the authorities desig nated by the Constitution Itself, for Its own amendment. But, then, what is the use of hoping for any conclusion of the war by nego tiation, except on the condition of a recogni tion of the Independence of the so called Con federate (ioTernmcnt? Did not Jkffkuhon Davis very recently say as much to Colonel Jaqvks at Richmond? In tho recently pub lished report of their conversation, the follow ing emphatic passage occurs: Colonel Jaui es to Davis : "Well. sir. hs that " ai It iray, ir I noderstand you, the dispute " bctwee your Government and ours Is nar ' rowed down to this Union or disunion i" "Yes i or, to put In other wor Independence " or suljogation." "1 ben the two Government" are Irreconcilably " spart. They bare no alternative but to tiuht It " out. rtdt It is not so with the people. They " are ilnd of tiRhiing and want peace; and as " tby bear all the burden and the snfferins of tho " war, is It not right they should havs peace, and " bava It on such terms as they like f" "1 don't understand you. lie a little more " expl clt." 'Well, suppose the two Governments should " sgrte to something like this : To go to the " p' pie with two propositions, tay, peace with " Ui-union and Southern independence and peace, with Union tmnncipatlon, no c nflca " tion and universal amnesty, as oars. Let the " citizens of all the Vni'ed States (as they existed " before the war) vote 'Yes' or 'No' on these two " propositions, at a s.-ccial election within sixty "days. If a majority vote disunion, our Gov " eminent to be bound b? It, and to let you go in " petce If a majority vo'el'nlon.vourstotio bound " by It, and to stay la peace. The two Govern " nients ran contrast in this war. and the people, " though cons itutiona'ly unsble to decide on " peace or war, can elect which of the two propo " siiions shall govern their rulers. Lei Lkr and " Gkakt meanwhile asn-ee to an armUtice Th s " would h aihe tho sword ; and if once sheathed " it would never again be drawn by this genera " Won." " The plan Is altogether imprnctirable. If the " South were only one State it might work ; but " as it is, if one Southern State o'-jected to em in " cipation, it would nullif. the wnole thing; for " you are aware the people of Virginia ctnnot vote flavery out of South Cunlina, nor tho " people of South Carolina vote it out of Vlr " (tinia." Such avowals as the above of Southern sen timent with regard to the determination of the Rebels to submit to no peace except on the basis of separation, ought, we think, to silence all those miserable demagogues who are prating about the possibility of ending the war short of a permanent dis solution of the Union. They know and must feel, even while they advocAta an effort for a peace that shall bring the revolted States back into the Federal fold, that the thing is now absolutely Impracticable; and therefore they should be ashamed to seek Im posing an idea on the people which they regard as Incapable of realization. Mr. Davis, to be sure, Is not the whole South. But he is a man of rare sagacity, fully understands the sentiment of a vast majority of the people whom he represents as the Chief of the Rebel Government, and is not likely to assert that sentiment as positively as he has done without feellue and knowing himself to be fully war ranted by the fact. Let, then, the peace men ot the North bo honceforth sileat unless they are willing to accept such a peace as Jkkucb nox Davis will grant LITKItAKY NOTICK.H. Mcs-rs. T. B. Tetorson & Bros, have sent us a new novel, entitled "Flirtaiious la Fashionable Life," wbn h 1. creating i,uhe a sen-atioa at pre sent It is well written, aud will no doubt mcit with a heavy sale. The same Loom; has favored ni with ffarxr i htngarinf for September, which Is the best num. tstr of this excellent magaxlae that we have seen for a year past. 4I1.NTON I OA I. A.11 IKON '! I'VXY. To thr Hoard of Dirrelott Gk.ntlkufn Accompanied by Nathan T. Mit chell and son, of Howaid, Centre county, Penn sylvania, I lately made a survey and examination of twenty-eight tracts of land belonging to your Company, and situate iu Clinton and Ceutre counties, Pennsylvania, containing between thir trin and four cen thousand acres. The lands commence at the Sutiuohanna River, near the month of the Sinnemahonlng, and extend South r.csrly to the lands of the Snow Shoe Land Association, being bounded on the west by the lt ndlnot lands belonging to the City of Philadel phia. Tbe bead w a'ers of Hecrh Creek und Jew's Hun, Hum's lion, Perry's Kiiu. und Spruce or Kkld't. Run, ri-e In, aud pass through tbe lacds, tbus nn rding facili ka for getting out the timber. I be timber in some p.irts has been destroyed by (ire, I nt, on other truc'j-, U., the Willuin V. Urody, Henry Goodlieart, John Yjiin, Havel Itoan, Duulcl Smitb, Jo-epb J. Wullii, Jjaj'-i Muck, Juuiis Tower, John l'?art, Win. Dovart, Wit,.Giuy, Robert (iray, It )b rt firidv, llunrv Dotilvj, Jt hu Ki ltl, Thomas Urui.tj C u sr.ei Hotiit., Iluiiy Suatler, Wnlnim C ok, Johu Bd, A iiliniii Wilson, eontiiiniutt nearly tun thousand acres, we lo.inil aliundauco o ivniieaud )elltj pli.e, hemlock, oak, maple, and h!rch, of lire (iia ity ai.d lundy to mdrku, and sitla i e lowuttood puns. ( uai i i-is in i)unJ incu !l Hit v IhDd-; it hi- liii sue. c-il. illy niMit on tho Siow Shoo l.'inls, lin-ni'diacely s( nth of your , for the pa.-t l-ir year-; has bvn b nmi of Hipeiior iu tiitv lor steam und ?is pur (c ' , ami e minnucs rcailj sale. Tneru ure a so ii(:t ijiiuMlUes of iron ore nad '.-ry, wiiicU an dally ts;c min mori imp rtai.t ami 'iluablc. A Iiiif.e poiilon or the U nl (say seven thousand aens) U of excellent -unility Iu.- fnnin;' puiint-, l.eltig well watered; the liiUn.-e I. notiy und not ail.iptc.il lor aricultiirnl pnr lcs, but abounds in mineral. At ('iiusnir Comer we found the coal velus cropping out on the sides of tho mountain ou the Huh quhanna, and I must say equal to any In tiio Snow Shoe region. On the Ooodheartaud Youn tracts is an abundance of the linest hemlock of pri nt value, plenty of conglomeration the sure indicHimn oi coai. At the loot or these tracts on Hutu's Run we found maple, lo usl, anJ icarer iv f , enormons white pine. This is a splendid nunerul tract, wi'.h un abundance of Umi'mt on haiol for uiininrf purpo-.es ; eay access u the I'hilii Cclphia und Knu Huilroad, tho distance being but one and a ball' miles, wiilijliiile or no grade. ; the coal here is all above water level ; tb-iro will also lie found two vein of iron ore. On tho Welling ton and Wallis tracts the timber is principally cbtsnut; on the Shaffer and Brady tracts wa found a dense forest of splendid hemlck inJi caiions of tour, if not tivu coal reins, and two of iron ore, one of tbe Utter above the coai and thd other t low. In conclusion, I would say that on a lure quantity of land like tbe Ciintoa Coal Company s it is dilhcult lo do junks; the uun tity of timber is far greater than the most accn- rato iudices could estimate ; tottered as it Is ovor an immense territory, noonu could possitily make a calculation as to its value. The tiniW on Beech Creek is in some places entirely white pine, iu others runs hemlock mixed; on the Sua. iioibunoa tributaries almost entirely hemlock of tho finest quality, worth now at Philadelphia from y'.'d to i0 per one thousand f. et. There is aho yellow pine and large quantities of oak, ail easy of access to market. The farming laads are woli watered with ne.er failluj streams, and Ihefaciliues for getting produce, & to market good. Burn's Kan has an aJmira ilo locuoni witbabridgs at this point where the river is only out hundred aud sevgnty-Uy yaidJ DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, wide, yon reach the north bank, and from thence h i but one mile lo tbe riiiladclphla and Krie Railroad. The cost of this bridge will not ex ceed I' 000, and will give the Company a g'Kxl market for their coal. Indeed, the railroad com pany will probably use all the real mined (or some time, and also the refuse timber which csn be readily rut into cord wood, thns making avail able that hu h is generally suffered to rot ou the ground. 1 here Is also another valuable Improve ment destined to be of immense valne to your Com pany, viz., tho building of the railroad from the inotii h of the Sinnemahonlng to K aithntis, the char ter for w hich has been obtained : this will give tho lands of the Clinton Coal and Iron Company a front of nearly eight miles along the Susque hanna, and ns far up as Birch Islam). No unim proved mineral bind-, known present greater in tfneemt nts for Improvement than votira, as there 1 land and coal snd facilities for si'x active raining companies. I also n itlced growing wild, nn I in rTst profusion, the "Tlica-tlridh Llnn"orTea lant, destiued at no very future day to prove of great Milne. Onrstincy was commenced on the 6 th of June, and concluded August 2, lHol. I am, very respectfully, August 12, 1861. Saml kl A. Coox. G8inwri's Kirst Batti.s. The goelette Srnnn "rVn remained nil night in the situation where she had reposed tho previous dsy. Two barques appeared from the Monte Video side, which Garibaldi persisted In supposing to bo friendlv, until tbe red fl ig had been displavel. This circumstance caused him to sot sail, yet "still he wnitcd for them, liscape was easy, a falsi confidence blindod him, while the vigilance of cenius still kept him on the alert. While in those opposing states of mind, one of the vessels Beared the god ate. Our Captain ordered the nrms epon deck, and the men to their quarters. Only thrre sailors could be seen on board the ba'qtie. As soon as It approached near enough the deck wa nt once covered with enemies, who tired inte the goetctte. Garibaldi resorted to taclicssntih as an experienced sailor would In such a case assume ; but the ship did not obey; the helmsman, I'lorentinn, a gallant Italim, tell dead from a mn-ket ball. Meantime, the ship being well manned, fastened Itself to tho goclctte, in order to board, and the crov begun to mount. Shot and cutlass disposed of the intruders swiftly and gallantly, Garibaldi's sword cl "avlng its desperate way foremost and truest. lie then seized the helm, by which Fiorentino lay a corpse. At that moment a bul let struck him between the ear and the carotid artery, passing to the back of bis neck. Ho fell senseless on the deck. The negroes whom he had liberated, and other sailors with them, hid in the lower parts of tbe ship, leaving tho comoat to the Italians alone. Those who most valiantly fought were Maurice Garibaldi and one Louis Camiglla, the pilot. The euemy, intimidated by the loi-s of life among bis crew, and the intrepid rellancc offered, shoved off. Thus our hero fought his first battle, won his first victory, received his first wouud. As at Aspramonte, bis last conflict, he is chief, and amongst tbe first to fall; as then, his horolc conduct won all who could see how nobly he dared and did. aiarrlf-sL. OHKF.K-RKBK'HON.-oa h Inth ln.tant.br Rev. Tbotiias MurpuT, .Mr. THOMAS OKKKN to Miss CLAC 1)1. St KeuICIIilN, all of fiankfiirj. rBCK'TKII I'ABBir. On lb ISth Inslaat, bv FrlnaJs' ceremony, at Cimtlnn H. J., In the preNfnr ot Afsrol V. C. build, W ILLIAM FKOC'TKK. Jr., of rtillvtalphla. lo 'ATII.itlM r.vllBV, or CroMwIcks, UunlDgioo county, K. J. HO.MFHS-TATM -On th 17th Instant, at Nn. 41 Homi'inM street. Port Rlehmnnd, hj Rpt, (I VV. hrlnriVII, Mr. AI.KUKI) HO.MKK.S to Mini MA 11 V A. YATtS, both ol Kss Harbor, N. J. HVS OVKK RKIrll AItI. On Tiinsclay. Aigmt ISth, st tlis restnenes ot Uie bride's father at Wllkcbarre. J. HKNKV HWOYLH and ALBKhllNE, daushtor or Jobs Hclrhard. WK. BKB KTTNKKL. On the lftth lnUnt brtheKnr. Mr Keuny. Mr. JOMKI'H WEUtB to MUs BALLY KINK. L, both ol rmiadelphla. WAMrlllBK-l'08KY On the ISth Instant, by Her. Wm. llarns, Mr. JONATHAN W A. MPS HI Ufc. of llsrks eountr, la., to Mua KI.1.ABKTU ANN I'O-IKk', of Chester count, Fa., (Moatsouery Ltdyrr please oopy.J IMed. ALRICH. On the Hlh Insunt, SAMtKL ALRICR, In the 4Mb. year ot his a"S. Itae relatives and lrlends of tbe fnm'ly. the members of Kouelouion Council, ho. 0. of tbe I), oft. A. M , and the Order In seneral. and the memhen of Mount Ver non lemple of Honor, 10. 1. also his fellow workmen at th machine sbop, Ac, ol tbe North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, are respectfully tntlled to attend the tunerai, Iroin his late rcildence. No. M4U llewsou slreet, below llelsrade, KlRbteenth VVard. late Kensington, on Hunduy aneruooo, the 31si Invtanu at 3 o'clock. HILLS).-fn the 17th Inilant, KKA N'CIS P. BILLS, In theSsth vear of bis aas, Ifae relHtirea and Irlenils of the family, also the Mount Vernon, No. 17, A. . ot (1. K., and the wurkrnen of .Morrlt A 1 inker's lonndry. are resnertiully Invited to atteml .lis lunersl, from bis late resldeuoe, No. 13.11 8. Klebtb stroet, on huiiday alternoon, at 1 o'clock. Xo prooeod to Lu theran Huryinu llround. C'l.INK Huddrnlr, on the 17th, Mr. VHILIP CUNE ha the TiA year ot his age. 1 he relatives and Irlends of the deceased are respsct lolly Invited to attend his funeral, from his late resl debce, ho. 41 tl. lhhd street, Camden, on Alonday oiorulnv, at S o'clock. Kunetal to proc A to Oleawooil l emeieiy, uy way ot aiaraet nireet sorry. ((ION. -On tbe 11th Instant, Mrs. JtACHCL 0 ON, In the 7ud vesr oi her ase. 1 1 e relsttves and irlends of the fnnilly are resneettullv Invited to attend the funernl, irom the resldoned of CiiHrtes Mcllsnb is, Hohuebiiri:, on Hunday, tbe 21st Instuiit, at II A. M. 'Jo proceod to Krauktord fresby te risn Hurial (.round. ( BEMT.-Hn Thursday, ISth, after a short lllniu,. (;koih.K t:. cull. Li, only sun of (iec.re K. ajd Jo anna 11. Creh , aKed 1ft yeari and i months. ll,e relatives aud Irlenoi of tlie lsmli are resnectro ty Invlirdto attend Hie luncral. Irom the resldeuee ol bis l..(ber, No. I7U N. His toenth street, o.t Moods atleraoon, 2VI, at o'clock, without lurthcr noUoe. I ARKV. At ouakertown, Bucks county, Pa., on the momlnv ot thebui Instant, hi. HAMl l.L CAIILY, In Uie ISth year ol his ase. 'J he relstlves and the friends of tbe family are Invited to attend Uie luneral. Irom his lata reslJeoce, on the 21st In'tnnt, at o'clock P. M. CHKW.-Oa the 17th Instant, BENJAMIN CHEW, sued 10 years. Ills n. ie Irlends are Invited to attenl his funerat. oa Monday tromlns neat, at S o'clock, from his late resi dence. Hermit's Isne, WbiHalilckon. Interment and ser vices to be at M. Peter's Cburcb, Third and Plus streets. KHCH -Onthe lsU) Instant, ANNA AwlTanf Mr. ('hsrles Pilch aud young-ast daushtor ol Mr. Joseph and Ann Pickering. Her relatives and Irloods are respectfully Invtted to at tend her luneral, truin her late renldence, no. 91 1 H. Thir teenth stieet, on Monday, Xld Instant, at J o'olora. JOHNSON. On tho ISth instmil, ot typhoid lever, AMSAI., daush.orof Major c . aud Lydla A. Johnson, aped 4 yean. We atehed her breathlnas throush long nlvhtsl And dave ot anxious wim. As In her bteast the waves of Ills Kept lioavinK to and int. Her birth morn came to us so sad And lull of earthly sorroiv. Her weary e.eeluls doted she had Anotber mora than ours. The rtleUves nnd Irlends ot tlis fSmllv are maM-o.,ii inv ted to aiteod the tunerul, iru.u her p!;r-uts' residence. No. 014 Kodiuan street. on Sun4.i aitemoon atfto'olosk. KIKtiL I'D th "I'th ii.tii.i, Mr. JtSK KlKHL, wUe ol J tin Klebl, Iu itte ffMh yi ar ol hr aF,-o. riinersl fri-m l.er la e resilience, No.l III Ch.'sniit street en S-onaay morning, at 10 o clock. I'r.Hoed to Laurel HIM LAPFKKTl.-On the ISth Inst.. JOHN T.AKPRRTT son ot John aud Rebecca l.srti rcy, In tho I tU rear of his a. Tlie relstves and rlends of theiamltrare rcs-evctfully Invtiedbi attend tho luneral. Irom tho re ideure of his psn uis, .Heettutf House lauo, ilebuvllle,1'wntr lnurtU H anl, on MneUy, ilt luilaill, at ) o'clock P. M with out lunher ni'tlee. McLAI (illl.iN.-On the 17ih 'n.Uut, Mr. liEOItiiB ii..nrnii,ni,ifl iu tne jan year ol ttls sue. 11 e n lutlv uil fr ei ds ol the family. al, Sol.,nton'a fnlrte, Nu. 114, A. Y. M. and the omoioyeo, of t o N.iry lui'l.aie rasiicrtiiilly Invited to atlend tlie runerul f om ins late res o rce. Mi. isti HHneoek street, events -nth M iiril, on Huiuln.v aiioruoon 211 Inbuilt, at 1 o'cluck. sltlieut i.irthei- umIIcc. To proceed to Lstirel litlL fiLIVr U.-lcstenlav. IlKoKilF MTLr,.y1 ynuniier , ner Frtvurd anil Helen oilier, ased & years and 6 nicntu. RM n II. - Ne.ir Jenklul'.wn I'.,i.i, the ISth of Aua AI.KKI.L, iiilanl nou ot llr. Iluury II, ant Mary li. Month. TIIOIIP.-Kllleil by tbe exilosln at ( Itv Poiut, Vs., AiuiMt S'll ,1AM K T -IIIKI', tortuerlv ol f'hcrtitt Hill. DELICIOUS NOTICES. I'XION M. K. CliriU'tl, FOl'IlTll "- Street, lus.tr Arch. Kali'iath, Aus'ut SI, It. v. JAM!.-, I ..A 111,, H. Ii . mil pteseh in u.e m riilmr 1 In', oe.ie k anil Ifev. J'lHN (M.MiMStl In bs evrwhiir at Ho'eNek tr r5ar ci'.NTKAf. v o n on r. oat i o nai. ( hue. h oev. H M. l l.'KLI.AMi will preiel, ai l iisri. K l I1A1.I. t i-niurrow at lo'J A. .M. and 8 P M 1'eiiile invfiid. it vp WAUNKR PBF.E INSTITHTK, SKVENTH J Htrest, above Culutnhla avetiiin. Preaclilnj to morrow alteruoon at. 4 o'clocs, by tho Rev, W 1LL1AX LAITA.All are Invited. Hosts tree- WHYCNK. Rev. fl. A. K. s UANCIH will presch to morrow uonilog, at 10H. und avcnuis at 7s o'Ciock. WrP BKV. JAM KS SKILL WILL PREACH I rt.Wm M. K. Cliure.h. LoMH VIII) street, below BroeJ .tro't. to morriiw moruhig at lu o'cluck. K,J UKCOHkl I'MTI'D I'RKUUYTKRIAV Church (Hev. Dr. Uslee'l, BACK and SlX I t'.KNTU Ntreebi, will he reopened for uutiil worship tu luotrow umrnlng at U,H o'clock. ,w Jfj-p. HVLL HIXTH AND OIUARD AVKNCE. taViiv. U. A. 1IOKPUAN will prciioh six oonseou tlva sermons on The Lieath ol Hebrew Worthlen." To. niiTTow eveuluf, o'clock, No i, Death oUoshua." Sl.y nil'BOIl OP TIIK. COVENANT, FILBERT Mtreel, .ibove Meventeenth. idvine eervlee to morrow isuielavl st 10 H A. St. and S P. M. Ili.h.iD Kr.VK.t4 will iu. V. preach Iu lbs niorniun sad Kv7 Mr. BKhij In lbs eynln-. KaT.TT'S PJ1ARIHEB AND PCHLICAN -REV. A ALEX. CLAKK oil this jiiblocl at llio Church ol ths New Te.taiunt, KIJSVKM'I'U and W(Sif) sirtmn, Ma ibath, lo A. M. and 4 P. M. The alternoon collection lll..A?.i"e.?i!l.if, 1 bsiiibersb int suilorerj. X, U. bf OCR f ON taking part in tbls service NOTICE. MARLTOV M. E CHDRCH EX- SKA SHOUK.-THK YOUNG MEN'S a--' ChrtNtleii Association will ;lva soother c.vcur lon rbls season, to til itlc City, nu I CEvllA Y, A iaml 1. 'fICMula SI M. To ha prvcuri.d at tiio Ujoum, No IS!H ly.nul Blrceri pugu'i, aivtta ami .HU1; Tra-t Bncl. ty, Sn.VU Chesnut trest; sud t the boat on ths momiugof the excurnloo Lat boitl leaas V uttsut wlinrfats o'clock A.M. Throe hmd-eil wuuuiled ..,1 diois. In cbaro ol Ihulr uhaplahu, will a -0'iuipaiy tlie racurrioa. ansa-itutrii H m. W A Ij It A V M N, BU'-tF.SIVl TO W. R. CARRVT, MAHONIO 1IAL.L.S Ha. 719 OHIflJTDT Street. WINDOW HII AIUH, OUltTAINS, e CiWJITO NBTTtf(M. BUSINESS ITEMS. (Hle fr the Iehlnta C'oaJ nnd Nntlicit- tion ('ompsuy, PlttLUiS.LritlA, Anjut 16,111 H0UtBS of lis OLD CEBTrriGATM OF LOA. Who ssbscribed Sir costerhiok into thr "iono lOan," on leaving them at THIS OPrtCK. can have tho New Certificates the hr.xr dav. JtUKCTRICIIY, IXKK AND LIVEl A WORD TO THE Wgn IS SL'KFlCIKNTt AU diseased eowdltlona, aodi acute an i ckrente, where tlieie la vitality enouh left to react, are permanently cured. by warantee, at No line WALNI T rittrat. Phila delphia, and In case of a failure hi most obeUnate maladies, no eharg la made. Electrical Instltatlon, established about Ave years a by Professor 1IOLLE8. Head the follow lag : A class of maladies prevails to a fsarfn! extent In com munities, dooming lbu,ono youths, of boia sssss. annaally to an early grave. These dlncsses are very Imperfectly understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous debility, reavistlon, and great exkausiion, maraamas,orsrttng and consumption of the Ussaas of the whole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurrlcA breathing on aseendlng a hill or fllKht of stairs, palpitation of tbe heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a dry, sore throat, trembling and shastng of the arms and lower llmbi, aversion to society, business, and to studv : sometimes dimness of the tyeslxht. 1"4 of memory, dlsslness of the bead, reuraisla pais In various parts of the body, pains In tb back and lower limbs, lumbsito, ays pepils, constipation of the bowels, deranged secretions of tbe kidneys, and msny other giaods of the body, pro dudrg vlrnlont diseases Inbotb males and fimsles; like wise t'pllepity. bystoria, and dlriercnt forms of nervous spasms. fcow.Uien, oinoty-nlac cases out of every hun dred of all the above-named diseases, and a host of others not named, as consusopUou of theliuige.orof the spinal nerv es, have their orb la In the pelvic viscera, hence the want of success by any of tbe old medical systems of practice. M8EA8E8 OP I'EM Kl.t.. Prolapsus Vtet, Leucoirhosa, Ameoorrl.ops, and Dys sneuorrbeea. All Uie above diseases sn other Ularlns complaints have their origin in a l"Si ol Uie vital power of Uie body, brotiiiht on by Inlunes, escssses, s dentary bahlts, personsl abuses, abortions, and Uie nse of poa'arful soedielnes. Bomo of Uie peculiar symptoms are dragging pains Uuottsa the hip and back, weakness of tbe Uejtw, aad extreme languor and debility throughout tho entire syntem. Tbe effects produced from these troublesome maladies are almost mulUtudlnous. Cotisumpiloa, Ds pepbia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Dcafnesis, Blindness, Flu, and Insanity, and even ldiiy, are aot nnooamoa. &o eflecltial or reliable remedy has ever been found for these tUsTtiilns complaints till our late discovery In the use of Electrlclt in strict accorJm ce w llh 'he positive and neiiaiive polarisation of the I lerlne Orsaua. We never faued In ouring all of tlie above discaies, except la case of orssn e dersngement, or severe Icjurlss of U.e parts. Mrs fulton, alady of irrtat expe'lsace and solilty, will have entire clisrge of treating In the ladles' departmoot. OonsullaUon free. Prof. IlOI.LFS A Br. BROWN", eu.'M' Ha. irni W aLNL T 8t:eot, Philadelphia. J ILIilE'H C1IILLE1) IKON 8AFi3 8TIT.L FKELINO rOB THE KNEMT, Who is like "PAT 8 U!A, WHEN VOU PUT YOOR riSOKH OS HIM HE AIM r THAU!" To bavid lsu. of ths firm of Evans A Wauoa : Six: Ion publicly as,ertd In a lale nowapapar article, that eu wnulil tlrlu any LloLIE'a HAr'K lt..w in use In the city oi Phliadoiphla lit two boors, Incimtltu; the ftattwattlie BiDk of Mortheru Liberies, c. We hare lalrl) met you on your own ground and gave you tare hours b Dtead of two hours (the tlma oa ake l),wltlio'it reeptsov. Hot you say In a .till lator article, ou will pled-e SIKO agulnsi SlulO thitl y u will SnU and open sime otuerof i.ll.l.ls'r; HAvKa tu turee hours. Now. a. you havo tot conlldeuce l put s vans A fal cons Meresuti e Ssfe a auut I.U'le's as a rlre Proof, nor Evans A Wetaoirs best Bans Mate aaalatt Lube's as a Burglar I roof, and as you have uot einndajui in iimr at'iiity to open one ot LIUI- s msiom at the Bank of lortliern Liberties In ihrve I ours, hut e'lll asisert liat u tan Open oilier ot Lillie's Sulci inthoe hours, and nib So pled.e tltse SkSln-t luo thai ou win tbus open l.ills'y eafe at Ilia l'lrnt iisUenai Baak, Che. ter, iho lrst hsuonai Bsnk a' Wuham.port, and oilier; new, tha' your vonttrr'ttl latent In drilling 'jh lled lnn Mhah nt be fild In a hiohol" or "walrd ou deeert air," we ptopnte In arrange witb eltcer of the above Rsuks fs.yno an elect) to allow you to jperate uooUtelrhafs. The icls wlnw ti. be the terms a d colul lion. : 7hete,i,,: Ksoti psrt sh,l put In o tlis hand, of the eaehler $111011. Tl e cushler to put Uie money la the s Us and lo, k It en bin con. b. nation. You are looparaie on the xale pm isely as proposed In our challenife to the clorn Exeesn,e Hen, iti nil respects, if you set p"t.ee rioti nt ti.e money iti tlirec hnlirs h Is to be ynuei, II . ot the nii'tiov is to he ours, and you are. In cae ot tall ore to tisy the dsmsKedi.ne t" the ase; and you are to he allowed ttvntf ti.e best etwcl drilly you cau procure to ope, toe with. Ths Cffiiho.jn. Vou shall flrnt arrange with 1hs4eetiUt Natieriai Bank. PbliaitelpUis, lo torniali .lielr .ate l, us to opirste upon, shi.uul yon succeou In open Lillie , aud e-ch pHri I pa.dt;c iis(i as shuve, und If we do not open tl i ir ssie, tnsile b Ltat'i A wt!on at a nit of Stssi, la two i'outi, wilp'itit pi'Wtlitr. and a Ith no uiore noie t'ttn you mske to (i c LlllieS, 11 u dioiiov Ui be ultra, sod the dnin;e to the nafe in be niado good by us. If wedosuo cced, tie money to he ours As yon tie- line to plsee Pvacs Wsts m's best Bsnk Nsfe eiHtiintf S1H4I, tu niiint l.tilie s. eostlnu SsM), ou eq .ai ternib as a Hurulsr prol wa now oiler you oue-hslf tin ro tiD'e tlisn u o :ieh (Mlmnld you sure -ed at ail. hhsll e yu' r aceplsni-ei i kwis mi. nr. a s3( M.C. Htlll Kit, Atf Nu '.! SoulU 8Kl K Situ Street. tl'lnes aud I.lijuora for nrUlolna.1 pnr- poi-ei. The purest o'S Port. Sherry, aad Madeira WUws, Alio, fine old Brandies, . for medlslaal purpotei. Cobs hintry on hand, by L-avis a mililDi. Arch ad Taoth uresis. F. u. Whitman at v., Mi;nniScturers ofNsw aad SeUdcni Confix Uo HI, AlutCDl Pole, Chocolate Caramels, Creams La Mode Ae Paris, exuulaitely flavored. , .Roasted Jordan Almonds, Ac., Ae. o. Uli Cheuint sb-sst.hslow Fonrth. tstfal A Co.'a FlaUMMt. IrXLCA A C0.-8 MASO M A HAMLIN'S PLUBOA CABINET MICH A CD. 0UOAJI8 PtAlfOI. J. E. C.O1TL0. BcvcbiA sail Chesaul toasts. rAU CXAIMS, HOUNTIE8, PKN8I0NS, TT PAY, snd all ibsiriptlon of claims acalnit tlie f 'nltid state tjvotunient uiljusted anUoollocled. PIUJC MoNEV We havs A full list of pii now paabl,aud the inuutj csn be eulle:iod al once. Apply or write to oi.OIO.K CltAI.C. A IIIKirilCK, Aruiy sod Nuvv t.'laun Intuits, sul? lm o.4i WALNUT SUecl, I. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, MILITARY NOTICES. jTWELrrn waed bouaty tund. k-s-ripl'of Mi Df-oitTr Fimtl enn Ih pW1 U t n rmi". r rf lli1 l r-lnrl C'mmilti-s, or K , If hN IKN, DnitviriAt. . w. cTnor ol f mflti nnil ...!' trr4m. am tn Is It. F.N'.M.. in-trrr. who with (VmmlM'-T will br t MA.K tl NM I VCKI'M ItO MH, bishtaw tifrsM, ntM'i r"on rt h , v-ry r vni a rir lrecjnit C'ioinltlt rttictiJ t ffitsiirf , o li'ncltpsl 4t.iv (iirt-n in' n nff tulfT'l lo flU our riMMn. J.ftf -i rl l"fi rpin(1 In 'h mil. to V9 Id ( l'ol I'l'lotii w pn'ciiltrlv ap.M'fii K'ry nn' In (ui W nt fl emit t' f (oiiiftiunt: fiiml II ot.o ulii,t tj (ltWl Civf lnl H )OI 1,.H. t),t HTAf Cftn b avti.-l. Itf-ninlssr. I tie tlmi' i'mrt IM-i M. i,M r, 1'raldnt. I, B KV(li;i,?., Vrvft-unr Two -a. II. C"M u., H'wfmry. ui' ?i fl EXTBA BOUKTI TO V0LUHTEEB3. AT THE MASH MKKTINll or CITIZENS OP nrTEEKTH WARD, Hi: I.J ON LAST MONDAY FVKNivri, It ii tinaninto- ny Bo-nlt-rd, Thfit th Kiorutlv f sfrom4t() bo fttil.mri.-vd It. p TWI.Mf -rivr. I KM. LA IES 'vrr ,,.., onliit lit In llit t'riti a 8ttri my Nfty or Marine Or,, t Mil ( I4M 01 If" A Wfttd. In iwTiriUnct? tltcn-wt'Ji n Wurd lionntror will b lidt t vi r tsurh rifrult, dul orlttud niid crditI, hf 1H .( M KKt'l-r, at l'rov(Mt Mur-hal a Oni-fj Jirnftd . t hpilnfi (.iMlin fclrnotJi. H. P. M. EIRKENBINE, i If It (.'liftirraiui Kucriitlvf.' ( oamittM. s UNION LEAGUE 1 PHILADELPHIA. fa view of tti9 mil of tfi PreflMnni fn- A liitndr4 UJsr.A1 ndr. wt pr-'porss? (v rlM ft II E G I M N T TWELVE MONTII.H. 00L0HEX HORATIO a. 6I0EEL (Istt of the Penuflylvania Reserves,) flu cenwuhd lo take tl coinmand. An onlMra dcauins t take pai In this ortanlaatlon are twiutetcd lo call oa COL HOEATIO 0. SIOKEL, auC-tf Ko Ittllft WALI.AOB STKKET. U IlKAIiQV ARTKUS l'HOVOST M VR- II thai. II -t lilnricl. I n . No. VI j H. TlflUll Street, III I'hlladelphla. Anyinl 11. IHA. ia To liikor prompt rrpih-i, to sll quoittlon on nrdlnsry sublett- conr.t-cied whh ths Knrolnicnt. iirs't. Kxi-mp-tlen I Isldii Issto Draft, Crrilt's a-ol Acckimiis or moa furnished, i Itis' lt arc rsiMe.tril l-i make api,lio lion 'o the I'rovost Mar.hai of the CunKresslonal Illstrict for such Innirmstion, and not to tha Provost Marstial-ftauud! at Washlnson. ty order Of the Trovoit Marnhel-G-n rsl. U ll. I MM K LK.II VI AX, Slll2-tf Captain snd I'rovost Msrshsl. S CITIZENS' VOLUNTKER SUBSTITUTE Con.ml'lce. AuitUht t, 1SK4. Thl office I. KKMDVKIl tn the southeast earner of HI XI II and WALNUT Hlr.oU. auis-u J. U. KOSKNOARTKN , Treasurer. 1 H I X T II UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. IS riF.W Or TBE fhBSlUEST 8 CkLX. FTVE HUNDBED TH0U8AUD MEN, Ttift MUlUrj Cvmnaitt-) of Iho Vnloa Lmuo Lve oiado ArTftnieaK-iKa with COLONEL nORATIO O. SIOKEL, latr or vns Third Pennsylvania llssorve aril as lilt other elnoers of that Veteran Corps, to meruit a kefcloicnl for on. year's service, under ths auspices of the Leaa us. We lovlic offlwrs desirous of takltur commissions In It lo make appUcailvn to I'alooel BlUKEb, at his head iner tia e, at NATIONAL OlTAltDH' HALL, (BAl E 8TRBRT, BELOW KlXlll ) It a III be oar effort to make tbls orxanlatlia In all n-tperia a worthy succetsor "f tt,e Pennsylvania Keserve AesUnaoU. THE BOUATIS WILL BE AS rOI.LO W8 : C'ltyltouoty f41n Cnttcd states bounty 100 i'sy &h 004 your M Msklns a cask total aC (f.tr one year) tost fr si.li s clotblnc snd .uhslsteace furmahctl by the Balled Mates ttvemmetit. iVcciults will be mustered as soon as recotvetl, and seat to csntp singly or In situatls. Citizens liable to draft, and desicous either of veluiiseer hili or of procuring substitutes, w Id And In this Regimaal r.eiy ladurement to enter the service. Aleuilicrs of the League ftiraisbhtf eohstltiitas are otHxiell reittickU'd tn cnd Hum lo this Keulmonl. Tho attuitlou of Ward Committees Is particularly casa4 tc tills unraulsaUon. J, K. FRY, Chairman, (ieoe a Trott, Ciiaite tnioln, lteor c. Loa, Jama U. true, ,loph IT. Tobias, N. H. lirowno, ChsrleN.4inl'h, Er.-a Kycr, M. !., Wat. '1 lliU.uau, J ft Kell, C. J. tlacouen. auS-lst B al.rrlton, .1 . Y d), ar Thniaua . Ellcrslio Walla. i , M. !., Ihhiv- I,. ('iHhoni, lli,rcr lilcni-y. Jr., atotlcn Mi at ci'ao', J. I. Clurk II -ro, ij-nrvi H Croaman, Wrn.D timrsc Whitney, Andrea' Vi hevlor, ll BOUNTY FOR MARINES. WANTED A for the I'nitcd Htates llslne liorps, a'tht-b'idled man filtn oar for iu tho dnuas) ol a soldlai at our Navy I'eiMa, is, and oa hoard I'liitMl SHaies sklpi-ol-war oa forava stations. Jiettsr oompeanstloii titan the enny. HlllkE LtjSlliKI UOI.1.AKI4 OOVITSWMHVT EOlkir; also, ALL TU LVv'AL B'JU.N litis paid ssoo snilstiueiu. vtajtuiM roi-eive Prize Money. War sll furtlKir tuloruiaUoo spply al IU KccrnlUat BeiiAesvotis, ho. 911 8. FBOKT Street, b'-kiw fti.ruce Dtrest, eetasva UielMUl of aod 3 clock. O. fl. M OAWI.KY, sssS-t Miuor aisl Iloriuunf omaf. pUBLODQHS PU1L0UQHS. OnVen sod soldiers vUittns ths cHy on forleesbi, seeolsf HWOJIUH, UtS OTMU MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, Ass ia-vrres so ths sxnstarvi MA1TV7ACTCIIINO UTABUBIfAIXaTf Of OHOItOn W. HIMONH A XSIfcOs AN SO 11 6TREBT BALL, BANSOal Street, aoore Wat. PRESENTATION SWORDS Hade to rder at the shortest notloe, wbtoa for rtahness aad mastnlfsnantsi ohaUetum eompatiUoa, ae ether boose la tae eoantry eombialBS the MAMUrACTUHINU MWKUCM WI1U TlLt: PRACTICAL SWOaO MaJtKB. lad CCEAI CKTHAL CL0IU1NQ UQVSE, 1861. VO OIIAUMIKU llOOKH NOW READY. . I. THE PRIDE OF LIFE! JANK, J,A1V Hf'OTT, Hai giiiet-ln-lsw .f Sir Waller 'co:'. ant auihnr it "Tlie l!tn r-ok -o HuKfisiui." PEIOE $150 IN PaPR; $2 IH OLOTH. tik. rt mr i-r i.nr a n..m. m iam.im., f i r We tt- m t- th.- in- p it. t n h cur it I a -i im f t ! 'tu, ! n- r 1 nf f tl -trt i- n t"i) a "1 lntll in I. -in n, r mr, 1 til I'l. mcM rl .1 ntfil Mt.it fir i i t i i nrn m flsMIM'l Uimh. Thr ttrt U fin. i I t '., 1'r i.f nt It Br')ii u i'pt,tt in li nt h r ill ti-g in lb ffi .riifT I' t lit ftll i.t'M nit',i ih-' Ui.'ff p'falHTl. Id tif lAi.Vh ii tHruua -tnf innrt i ,)" i L iii tlit Mt'ir l-.ri(- of I Usi 1 Hf.ct II. I" MHTATIONH FASHIONABLE LIFE, II V C'ATITAKINE .SINCLAIR, Al'hn' of "Hcaflce," yn-ern A .mpil.lmif n', Etc. FEICE $i'50 IS TAPiiEi $2 IN CLOrfl. The Kitl; )r t.f "io:rtr ' h ill ?-.; fd ir rtiinl nMlttr Ir tl t.i w itK il l. ittii oi ttiiir. turc rrtm !' tml Mil) tiiftKrt'ei apt fti iiTiri m hn . itiirvftitl ilif tiir-nrj feKi ym r In-1 il. I- t in not ftsjl tu ir vi Hi ntftr tiiji -n mc'tty i d e roxluMy icrnnian-i.a n to mien i mr r' (.f'- 't. nt i ft r nll nVi d j ok Tic mii r or h r h i'M H rUht urd h-tt 4iiirit)M ti e 3 ; in I rl ti. e of th 'of ,ih p I'lrl'TU. B'mI IihiiI s-isisii th .1 ivn tl Ahniit4 w un1ia niiiNt tiis'ik 1 r for. l- n r- b'st'li inw unci H.4(i tHH.k.stnt onr wbidi )hll Itfcyf iu aitiLMturi' ioa iln- iim,uf ubh-l ps-x-ki- font fr tfiot( oa ivcHot of ntnli ri(, J" f, tlh rOci'ti T, B PLTIE60N 4 BROTHERS, 300 CliSSKlVT BrlKITT, rhllsdelpl l. Ta , Atit' tl'i y vlll rvi s vc pri.mpl stienlion. ht.d tor I elshMiic ana l'aiiva,s,' I'lrculnr. It rj'Ili: ritll.ADI l'lIIA SUK DAY-SCHOOL BOOK STORE or J. t rAUKldtlKS A- CO., No. 148 S. FOURTH STKKET. A ajiLMEs F THK C'tTvHK.Rl.stli. With an In trouciloi, l Ioh, h. IJart 1.1.. li. 7,cn's. 1ti in h r I'l rutln exam- Ie rf Mi- d Holmes, 4 . , this ts ti.'ul so:-J'tr.,t the c o-, nmi , -litijt-r ol b. c lunfy, yUJ Oiake tola b.ik a wrlcviue vohitne Iu every trie fat-H i n In me. A VKAU 1 THK IN'tANl SCHOOL. V Miss Mary I's v t tli SI. Tl Is c-rtsinly H:c moat adrailrstoe lest-ho'ic for an Intdiii-clSKii t. a'hcr that hs. ever iK-et ni.l4liej- it :s tr,iirel e ani.cllcsL and iindcti' nuns tonal. liAOS o (,oi.a. ll)i I . O K iucea's. I it HT AMI HIlAliK. Sl-M An cct ilent boos lor tut- to r aivanccd claaacs of tlie SaMi.tti htl ool KAl.RF.LVACC'I KK1. A.I..O. K. IVcenls. AM'Y IIAI.L, Inr Mih.ius hc.toi.AK IH tiis Aawr. 1 IV. A nrtv llsll v, a-siriilcn for Ilis '-Ktindav choi.l Ttnias." It Is Iron. t'C put, d pen of M l Ke ly. and ehcitcd uiurh liit.ra.t vlillclt v-ai, niakinit !ti yi-ekly apnearaui.e In serial io-Di. JKKUY AMI IliS t'KIKMiS. Tn rents. An excellent hi i k 0' en) s rniitiiK"Hi A Fkvi.m. t.i jKKtr. 85 cents. WINNIK MSIONK. 4- cents. KAHIIKNT'STKM-KltAN KTALKH; In ill volumes ; W' ci na t'cr volume Tne pi nt ira of the I'cti. ptiranoo hcii'irn tieid t of iril'cr rei'Miomeiidailon to notice. T elioloi thelstcH Suhnath School nooks etnstsntly on I ana. au.v-atut TV I AfiKK'8 KNVELdPK MANUFACTOIlY 111 s Al KKh PAPKK l-TOIlli. ho. Ulli (.'lit J.VIT hirn't. etsytr has Mil! onso" K'vetr.pi'i on hand II ai-ri tcatt-a KiMelopi a ol ant s'sc to oriler. s'nift las M. I. ton of Ki.atns of Note, Letter, and Cap I'rtt i r tin t snu Miicc sui tilles f.'lty ana ''out'try Hto'ekeepers at fair prlcts. MaK''e nisni'f.cturfs manv new s'yles of Fnvptop,. st 0 .ser, H hi'ltaale alio btsli, at ho BIS 1'llr.sSIcr SlIMt. MAOI E. Ko. :illi I'JS.VIT STRPKT, MAl KK, Nn. lilts ( lie, XI " SIKKs:r, aiiii r., h : k tnrsNi'T r k.kt, ni" A lAhl.ta Hi rtLk' Of LEAl ft.lCI'.Sl OS LAM'. auiti-Jt AiUf. JOMOPH HI ! IY DKSIUKS TO IN (on hft . iit?a th'it slit-1 it-r tnovHl lr,m ffo. ti7 lllt-Mt MiKrt lo h M .1, HII Ufll B rw)U I 1IAKK t HVrTV'N NKW BLANK ROOKS ai r Mist ODOt l-'orit.H Hireet. Opened To l'n j. pEM'INK AP.NOI.iTS W II ITI NO FLUID K slid Cop; Ipi: li k. Oir ct tent miiiiiii t CIIAKK A IKSTY'S New lllank bunk amlh-a I ncrv Htnra, t,.'."ll 101 lira Stroet. ON THE HLOCKADK-HUNNER " PRIN ci i-a Alct,' was rst'.tiri d n Involi-e tif thn World's Fs.'r YiUe I sp l ai tr, a por leu or v. h ch is for -a e at I'HASK MI KI V H KrVf B nlu, llntk and Ntal l.srv Store, ho. tt . roUKTII Street. 1)I.ANK BOOKS OP EVERY DESORIP 1 tlon on I aLd, or tnaue to ord-r. st a am ill adva'ioe on old prices, al (i.ahk 4 HUtri'S hew Itlark liook ans sta-io iery -itn, rlo.VJ fU JHTH Street. ANY OP THE OLD VARIETIESOP Letter, Cap. and Note Puper much suoerlor to these ol lalct maiiulacturr.onn ho i an at i'ii hk a lltrirrv, Vew Uiank liook and 8'a'hnM S-O'o. ho- JJH KUUKTU Street. "sOLL PENS AND PENC ILS TO SUIT aLI, . pre ereacca, and a arrant d 'or una yrar, eaa he taU at I IIKK A HIIKI'Y'H New Klaot llix.k and tatt n rv St ire, Ho Wrt. KOUHTH Hrest. PER CENT CAN BE SAVED BY PL' H avvy ohaalug uur Hiauoi.cr at ciitsK A imrTvs K.-vr Hlauk Hook and stituioi rv sin e, aiiltvitn No. l. Kuuuril sireet. G O G G fl Q ItE A I. E ST T E. It E Ala K8TA T E. It r. Ala 10 ST A T E. $5,000,000 WOETH TOE BALE. SS.OCO.OOO WOETH FOE SALE, $5,000,000 WOETH FOE SALE. X0 frJtSOS Bin in.I. TAlf. Tt C'ALf. Ot HK FIB4T IF IHr.V AlU? Ii Ill.'KsT OK AST LKBt ltllTIO.N or OITV l'UOl' F, H T Y. H.FflANT SlIIF.-VAKIl DWF.LLISfO, No !10 Frank I'n st eot : lot tfi U 111: tv,ity ruooiK ; price Sl,1. McATllk.-AI,l I) kl.l.lN'',vast side of rrauk lit. airirt. ro t.i of fi'plar; prici- Sl'.tU). ht AT liWKIJ.lNU. l o. '.'-'. I rmiklia street; lot IS fast (Incheahi I'.'Slii-t tiiep; piicet'rui. Khsl HIliK YAKil 1111. 1 INU.raatsido of Krsuklln B'r.e .shots Fopl ir; 1, Vti Dv PI; prlca $i4..oS. NKAT liWf.1.1 IKi , No U.J .N. rttvouih street; price S.VAMI. WKlL-ni'Il.TUWELLISO.No. 4.iJ N. Fourth streot; prlre MS0. KKAr. HI IDIBLY LO- kTKD DWKI.I.lH'1. No. 449 W. Hpvtuihatioeti lotUice.S luchos by Di) leet deep ; pr.ee SI'4SI MAOVIFIfF.MT lARflE DWKLUHfl.4, oa Spruce slieei; OWiss D-ich; p,scsilon given. KKAr DWH.I.ISit, en t'l.esnul street, cast of Six teenth: k t'.O by r.'j: pr e flLo-sl. It" ".ls nearly TWO i Hlol SANn OTUKR PliOl'El, Tim Uisti il in all portions ol Uiceity. furtli-a wiahit s t.i -iiiic'ia-e shiuld call al once, as pro irriy Is acvsiKii g cey day. GE0E6E 0. 1HLLEE, rilACTlCAL KKAL ESTATE 0 'EHATOn, No. 14 N. BIXTH HTREET. M'AOO A BROTHER, CORNER OP TENTH 1 and FINK.-oFKN, HAKOAINS FBOM AUCTION. Slate and Mark Ins-rain oottou Huiekinss, ,'ioc. hl.nil, bltucliod, and I town colUiu Muickm,., IU, 71, sod SI. Lead cnlorad llle thread Gloves, (Ilk tops, tn to Vic, Items' lltfriiu rilovi'S, kid iuisd. for driyhis.otitg Ik, flents' uithlschMd S Hose, atout tine. y:uibroioerd liaen st Is. Collar and 41eeves, li. F.nibroldered linun t'ollars. only 'i.'c. LaUles' coriU'd borO'-r. hcmoied linen HilkfS., 9V. KtisUi-h hand- made edses. lie Sin wide, to Tie. adles' buokskin ssmitiet moves, Sl-'S) toSi. Cambric aod Hwlas Kisss aad iBaoriiuis, cheap, riarritn Vails, satin hirt'era. Wjo llrvnsdlne V,-l s, beat !ia!lty, satin borders, 80c. I'antbric Hutttliiff. oolorcd'cdije, S yard p'eies, Joe. Vary wide and heavy black hunjiet HlhOou, loo. 4 Organoy l.awna, lUL-diuui llsiit, Jo. a .ri,-i.i, dark I'rhna. .t7ki;. Huluinral bkirts, HkIiI and dark , f 1 V) to 4 50. Suiumur l.reas Uooda.cloaliis out oneap. It IJIE JaARGfiST AND BESt AMUSEMENTS. MtOVHt'S NEW CM ESN IT STREET tut. IS-AUlK. TOla Z. PNINtl. Ill Sfsiif rotrsn'lr, tnnairal, er"a'UIRr drama, AI.AHIHN, lilt 1 HI'. WONl.KKt I'l. I.AStP. Prirtiteo. alar tl,r m,ntria' active prrparsib, SB a a a- i.t tn prua-ilrntr-.t niavi-Tlc' nra raplete with aroaaar li'MlatiMi. tTiStio' a ftiaaiatvaj.i tonr-av , r.oit msrehea. superb toattn,a ana prnteat.ev brauuio! sine-, aati r.rtirtisi s. Ir'ISU Ps.fT- PU OAPH MA.Y. 1HH STAI'M II ANf COMMflfUrtdS STEASfKB MANHATTAN." CAPTAIN K. A. R Y T II E R, Of thr I at Ma l ine, la n. ml.'r, hr rrsnlar Irlpe I- A I . M. leaXna A Kl II Sinet Wharf, every Taeadar " hiiracav. ar it Satunla' at Innti CKk ; rrlemlnn WIS leave t' l i every Vtorutav rtpilne.dsy and FrldS) at half nt aim. t n rim k. toiiuliii at Ni w ( sails oltaj am n ttitnniK. tare S.'ifi; rsrniue h're Inrfudad ( hlhlrrn I all t'.rlcoi ta-rlai- IiIit fmlodrd. Servant, SI M'; r rtlace h'rr etrs. I rclaht al lew rales N lKht receded ans' K o chrk. aid In ail cases taussk- prtrsid. i: '' -tf josK.i'ti a. st' wart, Asrnt. AUCTION SALES. ACKEYH Al'C'TION ROOMS, No. 82f aiAnn.i e'net. INAMtl.l.l li A M TiMtll IIO I IOW. WAtlJ 1 r k. sa a. I 11 d a.- . I r- u a.- A, At P f'YVrfr . t n Hivi.(, oi r-vsj itusi MMii.d rv.(' nn I-rt-wi r ii ic hf it iiiim n ' e i- ', c-t t mlr i .b-i. -ni k ; r.i atil h trlv ti , I Mat Pii H . MP) O hid O (if HTlwiM , CTA 1IN(J J. 1TiN MA HI K, Ar At I n c ts. , H aD'I nu l'rf, IWm.il I'nuinc Moh!ii Hf.iiiiir hJ-iii., (.;r:nii'ii c, wmx Tp-, Htixki Fit. I.AKOK fcAI.K Wit OI'VK fTS AMil'A K.K KOrK f BY AMI' (MMillK, I I. AT VI i ( A 1U1, ! OUN4, A.ll Ol K, Tl M H m;, HiaM" 1 M N KY, c Al I'S f.flufc. A hlu 'At iMiltf ni ' ' I . W to, Rtr f'w ham aid 1 lifw v ure ; a vr i'T;rif Wmi; lb ark,nrt''1 1 iniiti'( r. : - i n;.cti ft, Land '. al h Cl.lni.of.; ollirr Vmu d Catir-, Kcrki, and Npm Jfintnd altr; ion ntt iiiw, n a .) (p. Im iiei hffm' artolo, wlili h III tw nl1 In lots uitkM tr cdj ai4 couiilr ratll ato f nprt antl dtfticra. J -. M AIlHll A U'H 135 Bales and 216 Bags Cotton, &c SAMUEL 0. COOK. Auo ioneer. hvvlrli.eef a Writ of Sale. by the llm. JOHU fair WAi.AliElt, Jtidse of the Malrlct Co t of the Ualtr1! states. In and for h Raatem D snloi of Fennaylrama, Ad Ira ly, tome dfecied, will be so'd at pti alio sala t the hlyheat ar.d heat btdoer. for ( sth, al lo. l.ia r. I'llONT Htreet, IIBlAlW BAOf,, On MONDAY MORNIN , August 22, 1884, AT 11 O'CLOCK. Itolt-snnrl UM IlsgsCottoii 1 r jsitteia rajtiniM j 1.1 r I ass fl tine 3 llox.-aj 1 otil-o, 1 Impc 111 e-lJ a -lla-. . ' I On trsnaport "C. 8. tirjve." steamer "Ida," aleuV llcp ' and "Sarah Mar.t ." ( ATAI.Lt.I'LS NOW lit, nr. WILLTAM MILLWAED, l . a. WAB.1IUL, E. 1. FESaTA. auW-M WAIl5 4TEN VOLUNTEERS WANTED IMMB diatilv fir 'iirtic leara. SK'l aah d .van. and i.ll (Invert oienl Itminty. Voiunti-era to hat e Ibe colca of serrlee. siro aim.,. Fle Suhatluilcs watitcit. lor vh"ch tho hiche.t price w ec paa. v.. i. it.xrKNS. Ko.lldS a -VBN1H street. sulP ,' f itoom ho. IU, id Boas SUBSTITUTE WANTE All Aliltfl, ( alifrotnBlo lMA.M. Dr. W. II. mTDM.Mfl. aulH 8t - ho. is; n. riKi'H Htieet, rr K A M 8 T E U 8 WANTED x C'BIKr (jUAU'lKttMASTKR'S OPVIOR. Osill OS WasuisOTOST. WthlllKUHiS, l C, S.UKKS IS ISS4. WsntcA. st crce PIVK H'NliltP.I ,) to otl lilt. I SvNIi (ll.Hi) TPnMBTEhA Mull cai.ati s of drlr It, suit an i li-lite, and ma. alt , sl mu'e teaius. lohtHhwho are ctiifict.'nt to ponorm toeduty, IA. psv ir luiinih villi be tiurty-.lv. r-A) dnhai.. with aa r k- p- day, and hopl ai ,-rlvl. (., Uicludlux Uie kea n eo es site ance tvlu-n ah . M. n esierit iicid a Wa.. a Masters wtli reoelve sncf p.-ali'ni. neon utuigiui to th point twunty fire (io flood 'I ratiia e.fc. A.pto aptnln ('B4S.II TOMOKfNU. A Q. M .0 B A wrnerolTV- Uil nt bilL'C'auaiiu UStreeta. wash iLtftttQ,l. C. it n. ni.cKRA II Trailer General and Chiei uiiartennaatar, anlS 51 1 liesot ei Waihlnatoa. H AND OTHER SUMS TO 1 1 f f, l.oa ion klortitaire of city property, at K, t per cei.t. tor a tvttn ot yi a a, CUAULKrt lilfO vl.-i. Cnnvoyanorr. sulT Hi No. :iti8.SEVKM'U si reet. Ck HOUSE WANTED IN OERMANTOWh a CtieMiut Hill. To root f..r a year, or to punyiaw Auilieaa, with location and prloe, boa Til, Post OMoe PtnJam Iplua, aals-tt' Qtl Y I'OIINT, Vsa., Oystct; Iisitrr or Rvi slas, I s Artuiks Oi-naATfao akoaitwi Uiohuoh. ( WANTED, I 300 Tcnnislcrs, fM IVlieelvsrlKUta, 641 Ulivolta-mlt list, nnd Ml. CurrUuo Trimmers. Who wl i receive the h'e-lisrt ra'ee of Cwreraaiaat pay rations, and medical attendance Trail vportatioD funtiahed ay applyloc at No. 9)1 PENNSYLVANIA AVETNUa WAhHiKlTOir, D. C. E. J. STRANG, Cap alu, A 0J. kf . , JAMES M. KELLY, j sulr-lm Uaartertt e.tei-s Aceai. FOft SALE AND TO LET. ff FOR SALE A 1'ttOPERTY. COV 4 ti'alt lns:! acres of nrouurt, lorateA la the rhtlaS ftaid.letxeen t, raj's r'o.ry BriCK.i and l ulled Sua. Anei al, ba n u a font of aoont Imic hat up n the folia (lelplila, v llniuili'ii soil t'altiiiiore. and Gra 's rtri l'lta-cimer ltailn!. evu-ndliiK back to lnv.'.ater mart up n the HehuiUli ritor, w th a river fr nit of se vera hundred ttol. Theru an-three Ice Houses upon trepro peri,s d t pnrCoii of Urn upland Is now uaeii -or aan.ial tiirru putpos a. Thrre can be no boiler location la US. I'll Sir public worka or private re.ldencos. or further lDiurtuailua, apply to Vm. ii KKirm.ira, No. 4Ui I HAMKLI SlieoW ! I FOR SALE. THAT SPLENDID au PAHM and Country Beat, lale Die essaie of Ur, V. Yfumu, an tha ltoroutfh nf ( b'tter, l('biwiTf eouuty contalnliix Ion Aciva of LAND, lu a bfftb nui'mi acJvisv JK4 iionwwj l..r (.iil,a.v lin.irinslLn mil if f. WM. H. KKTCIir iNR, AOlS-thfltu2f Mo.41p'UANKLIN &trtvU i iM FOH HiU-K. 9.VO.00O WUUTU IN QtiOI iiQous, ifuriuJ tn.6ll, un tnna to autt purohaaera riiimr wlltt or whtiout liMumbntac, for cAtJl and goot trad. Iii'iufrc nf, from 10 tu lio ckx h A M , ( l'UOtt. M, 1 LOW Al AH, ISO. f1 8. FUUUXH fltraC D I A M O P X . r.ra.ma havlus Diamonds or ether Prejlem 8I dispute of will do well ey calllnf on I LEWIS LAD6MU8 & 00., j DlamondDesUers mid Jeweler IV. N4XS CHEHNDT Street. V, W! o will give the highest cs.h price, aolo-laj ' I " f 8. E. COBMiH SIXTH AMD MARKET BJ9-' tuio, iOKHtiT with tiic laiK" MiiOMon iiuma, iioc iiftnhrj 4 r4urtif Kana Hotinu, l.ani aud otUft -autliulliUuipi 'Ibe lawna aru cMnii.tvn anil bautliilly Uld nut. will 1 chvK tVult TrtM, rlhnibbery, Hittuary, Fuantulna. A. 1 1 Ai. prin nu r 1 liitroduceti Into all the adiat'tni) I turJliitf. TT.4 iiieprnvemonit ar upon tha mti.tft- I iv ftCHlt?, all tu moljin U'jiivtai)iicv. lhltu J tton ta a Jflljfmul one. V iiurihi.r, If )) Jnlrt(t f coiiUS t'll a lurwfl ih.rtlun of Ih" Urni i'ur 6uMJins uurpOM A