The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 20, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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4 af the Dnnlxli tVnr tr Ion of
"ollah 4 blrf I licrrliiit fi trout (Im
New Colloii He Ida.
Ike foreign mails by the Aii brim? thus 'o tho
flh Instant. A leiPftraiihio summary of t'ci '.
by this rrlvl has been pi)ll-li d.
lbs KmiI or flic IIjkiiI-.Ii 1or-l!licl,tl
It. Hnrist inn,
Hit official (inztite uf Vienna, in its ed ii u"
August 8, annOIIU 'CS the COOC'llS l Dftlj J lire-
Inlnarits of pac in the folio-vine; ;
"The armistice is rf ifl. Tim 1) t-'ikm of
lnciit)urn. hlc.iwirf, iiu.l llDiiti'in ti n ; lien
uarescrsedly ceiled. I Im re lltic.tiou of fr inrio.
agreed to ul the MniD titno hits been und r a .!ii
In the German Inteicst. (icriiiany owes the re Ui
ut loo ol one of the mot anient de.iriv of the
lion to th union of Austria Hnl Prrt-iia
the vl lories ol their ul lic-t armies. l'.uroc. h
Indebted Ui them f r tic removal uf a i-mw ;'
dungi-nou cumlu'is. The war has not tven a w ir
of couUct, nur him It hal in view tlis iruiiiip'i
of imiiKiiia y pretensions of na ion i liy, lnti it n is
lx"-u -xnl to cnforco the .initio; of p isitivu
rights. The war h ivui, e o-i-j-rm I'dy .v.lti ttie
rules of International law, ifiolisticef fuel ms
treaties, the I'I'tcm uf the An-tro- Piin-im .irmc
has ariuii ted Ihi' p i"ility of separating tun
Ki e Duchies Ironi Denmark."
A letter from Vienna of the nam-; d;'! stys:
'Yts'.cr.luv'a -uttinit of tin: C in Tor mi 'cat. v'in'!i
the peace pri'limlti'ines wer itr-reed to, fn'i?ii .it
lo a. M,, and did not teroun-iti! until J. I i
character it was uiui-iu iliy serious, an l socer.i
other pri-sona-vs of woe admit,-'! m .i Hi
tion to the ri'fiulnr incni'itTS. Immediately Ml'inr
the close of tbc idttini?, tho !'.niicror pive nuli
ern e to Count Keclihutt to ro ivc tlio report of
the eonclutiiou of the preliini unci, nod at oil'
telr(traphd In' person il coiuntulii'iiins to te
King of Prus! , tit (ia-iVm. M . - i.vs, in fi-t,
were de-iut hed In all directions coiiveyin;; tin
new . Il i aa follows
"VlK.NNA, AllUHt 1. Till.' ('().. ,(ll' l-i
formeii tli.'.t unolli('iii.epiiieoi'tli pt'iunuun.'H
and iho i-onrHe ol tho luno Milium inny su irtlv
e ( led irom Aitria ax well us i'rus.ii, mid
that the rf'Miits of the eotiferetn'O will l o roiii
inunlruti'd to the Turiom i iveriuncnts In fie
form of a cireulBT duiputeh wuhiu thunoxtfuiv
Aia. lb i-ame p.i. r nutea thnt iho rceo;ni
tion of 1'riiiie Ftvdeiiek of Auu-icni'ii v a'
Mwrvign ol the uniwi Duchies tins licen pruiniSfd
to Ilennmrk as -ooii a? th it 1'ri'ieo in dc iari'd
entiil. d to the tbrouo hy ihe Fcdi'ral Diet, It
declines, alt'O, that u very IHef period only i.l
elapfe bclorc the coiniueneenieitt uf ttio deiin Mvo
peace neizotiiitionr, In wliiili men thoroughly
((tiaiDttil i'b ttio uljc rt will he consulted us
to the eMiibliihmeTit of liio airuNyle frontier, and
the regulation uf the luitinciul qneftloiK in
volved." ExrriKlon of tti hlcls ot Itic I'olixli
intHnHl w-riiiniif ,
M. Trnngott, the head of the, Polish N ill nul
ftuvcmnietit, toethir with Kr.ijew. ki, Koi yski,
ZuliEfki, and Ji zionm.-ki, the ehiufu of lio lii
ferent departineiitH, wore haiif.ed at War-w,
AuRast t, un the glm is uf iheciudel.
The tehtenres uf denlh panned tip-. eleven
CjIMcIhIs ol the Nution il (jovt rnniciit nave linen
. commuted, in pome eimes to hard I tlxir, und ir.
the othera to impiiMiiaiient iu a iSilierian t iriio.H.
Cation Th Miitly nml ttK lroiM'tH.
The cotton news i.i belter; the new .ields are
yielding hanilsomely, and the Ki)y!ih iniuui'ao
tnrera are hopeful. At a inceiin of tin Ilriii-ih
Cotton bupply Association, held on the LM inst.,
a letter was read from Durban, N'a'Jil, enclosing
two fine Rampli'8 of Sea Island cotton, valued at
it. and 5e. per pound respectively. This deit ri
tion of cotton is aaid to mccced well, and
seemed !eUT adapted lo that climate th in any
1 ! - ..1. . .. .... .. 1
uiuir. n ueu piiiieo in it enoeoiui'j bauu louuu
mi vi v, ik r ht j'iuiiiii. xue miier u.tu r 1:110
which bo expected to bein lo a'jout the
mle'dlc of June. The unusually tOirmy nc'.tlier
which Lad lx.en experienced had douo cousl
uYittble cluningu to the crop, hut m not likely to
discturiire ii,nntcrs from inercu.lnK the produc
tion of cotton. A toiler revived trout Uiiira tar
nprctciitid the cotton in ljuriiary to i lo iknij
well.uiid that picking will eouinteucc toward" tlu
end of Augutt. The Ioors are onioning to iow
rutton in quantities, und sued had Ikch liheral y
dis nl iiti il. A letf r was rend from St. Tlioons
West Iin'ictj, staiiug thut the yo'ing tres and tlio
colli n tropit geuirally urn luoUin iiiiusially
hcH'thy, und growing fast. -S iho ea Island and
Kjptian cot'oii, gi own from tue seed supplied
by the u-soi iutiou, has been tol l in Liverpo .1 a
fuity-tMO pein e and ihirly-niue )ienco per pound
respectively. I'lie writ r stales that his cr ip so
far h,iF covered nil thu cxpcn-ei in urred in ro
' u 1 1 on, ni ii that it iho Aaicr tin ivar c's
tl ere will be a Inrpe margin for proiit. Alette.
wae ieieiel, advisin.'r the siiipmein of t vu h ties
of c tion fioiii tsi. Thorn :a to tnc a-s j. i iti m
lor sule. and enclosing a couiiminiiuilio t float
Yaneo, Porto I'.ico, Mt iling that iU unity h;s
been lurwardeu as u Npeciim n id ihd prudm;.; o''
the country. A line numplu of coiton, rown in
Ai.tif. ua In m New Orleans seed, wis roiwiveil
thn uh the Pourd of Trade from the Governor
of thut inland, together witu a despatch, st .Uni?
that the cotton wm grown under uni'avoraUo
circunisianc s, as true tho period of planting,
three ruontha back, up to tin) t'ma it was
picked, no rni'i hud f.Hl n. ' uo (J ivurnor is
anriuns that tho cott n grown oa tne island
blinll be fnirly tcjtid, iu onlor that if it
prombe to lie remunerative the many estates
iiu iiiik wiienj may uc u'lucr cui
ttvttion. A lei'cr wiis road from I'poln, one, of
tlie Navigutor I-lands, enclosinj a sainplo of cot
ton, ooo elating that the writer Id about to en'or
into the cultivation, und has olitaiued laud for
the purpo-e, but uu the seacoast und Inland,
which he anticipates will cost front ti.O to till
per in re to clean and plant thu first crop. Ho
expects to obiiiiii aiiu piuc lahor from the natives,
und lin ri quest to be supplied with seed und a
K ' u , to tic n iid for on1, of lue produce, was
A d rpatclt forwarded hy the l'nreign Cilice was
received front the Act ng Coneul-Uetierul at
Tabr en, r"f oning that tne high price's of cotton
in Europe haw given a great impai.-e to lis pro-
, dtict.un in bin exiiisulur disirict, and tn it a rott
sioui.l.le I'umii uy bus, coii.eiiucnily, been ex
ported to Kurone In IHO !-t i. ilie 'otal annninl
may Ihj esiiiniited ut fiom eight thousand to ten
thousand hules ol one bin ilrtd mul sixty p muds
eac, ;( jjriy ilouble tt at no-mtii," was evpar;i d
to Hussl i via T tlis and the 0 ispiim Sea.
'ilie c uui ts of the groniii;; crop iu i tie I. "Taut
ctiniiiiue n os t.nor.ihlc. '1 tic extent ol griitul
utidi r coloration i- u b th it cothiiig f ha inled
in inning down the cm,i oiMn; rna, N inlnt n
' Atla Minor, c.,ni tio.i.o u i ,io j'tlmt of Adini,
hyria, Sc., at loti.tkiO; und ih it o liuiopcan Titr
Vk? and Un ece it! mini her lo I,u(i0 j la all, lor the
i wi n s of iIim. Tin hirdi Lioiniiiauib uad Gricte,
4W,M 0 Imlei.. ul i..t c t. c icb. I his is taking for
vrurted hut tl, (.uncut proud c will be ijniic l.
It is well to add tha' tlio danger hich was in st
to be ilresd , ii.., I! at of locust-, is uovuo
lilifir a n.i.iee of unfitly. I' uprupuioiii
Kiatbvr limy i aiiu: t'alnu.Te, but not to ut.y v. ry
impoitiiiii txti lit. There are no fears of iniiiida.
uun. (l tin above I'l l oi tl bales, r i'i ibly
ta l w.ll be of cuperi -i siap u, ussiini.uting t i
Anient ar, ai d hoiUi, in the present s ate ut Hi.'
Ut tket, '.lid. ui more. The c ittun will hr; i to
arvlve to ii arket in October t ext ; in Novcinli T
ui.ll I i cm Ikt lare iinnlities will have com !
It iwi r!) und hS d liutie.-s there will be grcn
at.xiely to pui-h shljimenls, pcihaps .'kI.ii iu bi!j
will lie tn thtirnuy to Llveip'-ol an 1 Hie conti
lieril by the 1st of Janu iry, lSo.J.
All these are interesting facts for the Itobcls of
tie ton lh to consider,
Hit! I.onJou yoiiciteniarKs, editorially :
"It it'd'iictory 13 find that the eumiuNt
sum whit b we ait m wealed upoa to par for
(unon does ut lea-t set ve lo In ink' us soiiit'thimt
like eur Old sii plies. The piantities iiuort-S
have iueieusid irom 1 .O e t-. in tiid lir-t
six indiitlis ot Ihoj, and I n Mi cwts. in the -aiuc
peiind uf 1,-Oit, to M,r t7 00U cuts, in the tir.-t hal1'
of this year, und the iuerea-e Iu lh. month ol
June it in a still greater propoitioii. We rn eive.l
hist June r'.Hi,:tot rnti,, against 4 )7,7 lJ Ct. in
June last year; and, remembering tbnt the great
iniiKiiluiiua ot coiton always tuku plu.c iu tlie
latter hall of tUc yiar, the total imported iu I hoi
will, wo iuiiT hoj-i, beur a fuir proportion to the
ten nililiou huui'ieu-wcittlits wc ii ccivct i.i tlio
htight of onr ti 'dc with Amirlcu. This gn at
mcieusc bad not, however, as yet click d tlio
in pt riaiinn of i t'uir lo.tilc mateii.ds. W'e bHVo
Imported 87ct,' "3 ( vrtp. of 11 ix in the fiivi bad of
thu year, ugaiust i'jj,iA c!s. in t ie tirst hall ot
Lit it.
"It Is a stilklng inflame of the eonotnj of o n
msiiiifaiturct that tiiu countries . hich scud its
tbe Uigett supplks of raw tottoii are the t-rcat-,
est eonsiiineis of our uiat.ufacuire 1 g'Xius. Kill
of theHOO.tKfO lsiOof yards ot totloit piece goo Is
exported, llritish ludia takes ju.tiftu iMi.'l. and
iiiibeyanu t.itypi together take 171.ihio,0HI o
raroi. j i,e tost ot larna -e ol ti e raw mutuiv
icie, nd of the munutai tnicd e ioiIh hack, i
more than con. pi utatij bv the diMcrence iu tin
cost ol manufacture. The t inted Mitts con
tinue in splie of ,o war to be our best customer,
lor liuiu goods j and, indeed, our i.poit. IJ I In
I nited Mte huve ou Iho whole been uu
tlithtiy tdvekd."
Historj' of the Army this
Nlirrinl to lli I v on, I mix Tslstrs li.
". "AsiitNoroN, Ancnat 21. To -day's Chroni V
pn bl ishes in-: follow i ng speci il cor r'spond'nr'o :
Citv Point, Va., August la yesterday's
il. up itch I should have mcnt on il the death of
( oloncl t raig, litV.h Pennsylv inia, cotnm mdmg
the .'d Ilngail t. .'I I Division, '21 Corps. Hi; was
killed ivkjle gailantly leading a charge on Taet
diy la't.
His tall at the hea 1 of the c olunvi Hire v it
font brief peri id into lisor.ler.during whi 'Il time
w- lost a niiniber of our men liy their being taken
prisoners. SMedily rillying, hoever, the
enemy w -c drnen from their nfl -pits, and it is
p'ported mat tonic of our men were recaptured
by the loth C orps.
It is still a i.ehatahie point whether wc sur
prised the enemy by falling upon him unawares
or whether he surprised us nto-t by his anple
preparations to receive tn.. Our movements as
to our ih tin ition were well covered, but Rebel
shrewdness broke the corering, f ir, on the day
the troops embarked, twenty-four Ilebel s 'outs
wero watching every movement from a large
whiln building, known as the Harrison House,
h lug below City Polut, north of the James.
In for in at Ion of their movements was given, and
by (burning pickets across the river the pirty
probably would have been captured, bat thoy
remained undisturbed until our lleet of trans
ports began to move, when one by one, at Inter
vals often or fifteen, ihcy galloped a. vy
inwards the enemy on our approach.
Tho latest news I hear from Deep llot'om is
brought by fleneral II irlow, who arrived at 3 P.
M, yesterday. Ho reports things progressing
fcvornbly our forces wi hin seven milesof Rich
mond, and holding a better position than the
Rebels. Our losses are somewhat heavy, but do
not exceed those of the enemy.
The. lo-scs of tho liJtn. Corps aro abo il luOD;
those i.f the 2 I Carps will roach 250O. .V)) m no
of tho sck and wounded of the 2d Corps arrived
a; City Point je-fkrday.
When the Sanitary Commission tug f,'.jiv i-ijor
Curtin left Deep bottom ut noon yesterday, the
hospitals were tilled to overflowing.
Numerous amputations had been made, and
the patients generally were cheerful. There
seemed to be a lack of surgical aid. If so, it was
c-rtainly only temporary, for there is an abun
dance hete.
Brigadier - General Rebol) was
wounded, ard died within our Hues yesterday.
Ho was a brave, reckless fellow, fonght hard, and
though repeatedly summoned to surrender, stub
bornly refused to do to, and not until he had
wounded four men was he killed.
It is generally believed that another Rebel oflt
ccr of a similar rank (rliigadler-tieneral Olierar
ilic) fell in the same light. We have on the
ordnance wharf here one siege gun, with thirty
boxes of ammunition, taken from the Reb Is ou
Tuesday, all bearing tho Richmond brand, and
the Julia A, Warner takes il twn tho rifer to-day
three huge rudely mounted pieces, 8-inch b oro,
a d a kind ol cross between a mortar and how
itzer eilicient, I should judge, ia delivering
grape and canister at short range.
1 had been spiked, and wero captured by
our mor between Deep Uotlom auj Jones' Land
ing, south of the James.
Ve had n severe but welcome, and refreshing
thncdor-shower yesterday, lasilm; from 4 to 7 p.
M., ami the atmosphere to-day is dellghttul.
Nbar T. i KUsHi-i.o, Vii., 3 o'clock A. M, Augus
Is. I havo this morning returned from the oth
and !Uh Corps, whore, In company with C tptu'n
llullowny, of the 1th Dlvi-lon, .5lh Corps, I have
bca witnessing rather an unusual exhibition.
At precisely 1 o'clock this morning, tho enemy
opened with artillery and mortars iu front of the
6'b, Dili, and 18tU Corps. The tiring continued
rapid for nearly two huurs, the Rebels having
things about their own way.
Very little of our artillery was brought into
action, and but comparatively few mortars. TUelr
tiring both from mortirs and artillery wai fir
superior lo any I have seen from them. Wbat
our casualties are I have not yet leai ucd, but pre
sume they are few.
Refreshing thunder-showers V'slted this sc-flon
every day this week, and welcome vi 1'ors ttj iy
are too. A race between two horses from the 9th
Corps came off yes'cnlay al'teraooii, a short dis
tance froui General Warren's headquarters. 0 io
was the property uf Colonel Thomas, the ottlcer
who took a tripto Petersburg uot long since, aud,
like the Colonel In his briUisiii excursion, cuno
out ahead.
JlKAIini AKTI KS I'll IH Aim Colll'S, H1.IOBB
I'LTLKKIH Kfl, AllgU-t IS, li A. M. Night B'.UOKS
have been of such lie-pn nt occurr 'nee d iriag tho
present campaign, that descriptions of Hum hive
become a thrn e-told talc At I A. M. beg in, and
for two hours con inn, d, one of the severest cin
noiiadings we have hal. lit pont of severity it
nearly npptoa. lied ilia l'oio;ug iliem uo cxplo
tion. '1 he i-neiuy w j the attaching party, an I
very am ihe cannon tiling was (uito general
idoug our line.
Takin s into a-eouut the h mr, tho moon shining
ilimly through a tilm ot clouds, rue reverberating
roar uf coMiiiiins. b-.t ciiudh and muakerry, the
ligbtiilpg-like li.s-.lies ilie bursting she Is,
and h't-siti.-; mid crashing of the scat cred frai;.
incuts, ami, turn gh a ibncM.ild was oiu
that never r-m be tally and jicricctly described.
The lb sultnry ilring in huh kept tip as 1 write.
I lie eni'o y fail-, d t it i ly in Hie assault. Our
n. i u -nod up magi.iiic.oit y to their work. Tuus
lar nr loss b s t en i ry Inthi.
Ilrigader-iriiir I Hii'ilcti c imiuandlni! il l
l'.riL'adc, Divi-ion, has g-.ito bo me ou slcit
leave Thii is hi lirsr a-ience since entering on
this camp Ign, alilnii!"h wounde I twice iu bittle
and having u good or ion uf the time been unlit
lor acthe s-rice.
A shewer to day and one yesterday are the
otily two even's of lb.'' pas t vo days worthy of
special nuiition.
in in. ir. ov tiir rr.Ati.
Nl'AR N'kw Mauket, Noiitii Sill". Of Jamis, August 17. The only thing of general
iuttrest ihat has transpired in Hancock's front
to-day has been the burial of the dea l umler
ting of truce. The dead belonging to both p.u 'ies
hud remained since ycstenlav between the
fnt line of t itle-pits, which w e capture I
irom the civ my, and vUich wo hold,
t.ud the secot.d lliie, width our troopa retired
from, until to-day, when General Hancock sent a
note, under tlng-of-trii'e, addressed to the com
manding oilicer of the Robel forces in front, sug
gesting that u truce should be arranged under
whi h the killed on both sides bet ween the lines
could lie buried. Major Mitchell, Senior Ai 1-de-Citiiip
to General Hautot k, w as tho bearer of the
He was met bv Cantalu Soau. of the Rebel
General l'icld's staff, und, after one or two pre ui v interviews, it was urtauged that tws
hours would be devoted to the pious purpose ol
binying the dead trom 4 till 6 o'clock this nber
itoi u. A ud to the dead were buried mar I'lus
siti's mills.
J aeh party buried its own dead. Ours nam-beu-d
about thirty. Tho enemy's loss was
ttriater thuu outs at this point, in const. laeiiee
ot Ihe rtM aUd citcmpt en bis part to retake the
works. All the wounded hail been removed, tor
in nc were loiiud upou ihe field. The Koiel
General Geary was piuent at this intoitiew, be
side a number of olliceis ou both sides.
We ebiniiid Ihe remains of (ieneral Cutin
bliss, di hvtred ihem oer to his friends, uml from
the nit n. v iu return we received the body ol
Coluut-1 Plimpton. It was astcriuiutd thit the
Rebel Colonel (.hcraTinu, kilted by onr
yctterduy, had Just beta appolutcd llrlgaUitr-
Oe era'. inconi leration of ervtc t n
tot lining Ihe asanlt by lliirnsi lo on Pet is
bur '. on the :io h Julv.
A P. M. thu truce w as ended, and the o'H r
f0 it both lilies retired within their p-spc ti u
iln '.
Cj cin l t'haplln, of tho lt Maine He ivy
Ar 1 ry, was killed lo dav on the 'nrin!sh Iln '.
Msi-t- rs in this Immedi ite vieini y remain in
sVa'u yue.
Rebels Again Advancing.
V V ' I 1 I 1 lit Illll ItlSalMII'f;.
Government Property Removed
to that Point.
iprrlnl Iu Itir I'lrnlntc Trlrarrnph.
Wasiiiniiion, August 2 ). the -fur has the
followinir H m.i.hsiow v, Md., August IS.
Considerable excitement exists here, oivu.;to
conflicting reports from the valley. A iigbt is
said to have taken placo on Tuesday, a. Cedar
creek, between Mierld m and a considerable body
uf the enemy, in which wo are rep irtcd to have
captured live hundred Re ails. No details of the
battle have reached here.
Averlll holds M irtinsburg yet, and at the latest
advices the Rebels bad in l ip no dem lustrations
against him.nn.l it w. is believed that no ejnsidera
hie body of tho enemy Is moving in tlia' direction,
the main Reb. l force having app irently sUrted
in ipiest of Sheridan. '
All Government property at M irtinsburg his
been removed to a safe place, and Assi-tant 01 tar
terma'ters llrown anj Wray have reached here
with their stores and trains, w here they h tve es
tablished their headquarters for the pre-ent.
The reinrn of iiitirterniasters' teams to this
place has ciused much uneasiness anion; fnion
men, and many arc making prepnr.t'i ins for an
other skedaddle.
The stage, with the mail ind passengers, whl' h
left hero thi inonilng at 7 o'clock, has returned,
having deemed it piitdent not to cross the r!vor
at Wddant-port.
A train of about fifty wagons belonging to the
Post tiuartennaster ut M.irtinsburg is now p tss
ing through Hag rslonu; and an umbulaneo lod
of wounded from the hospitals of M irtinsburg
bus also reached here. These were not wounded,
however, in any recent engagement.
In 1 1 Is- ol I Iiii'iis'iiiis Crci-K.
Handsome Union Victory.
Mkmi'His, August lib On the !3h General
Smith's command, consisting of one. brigade of
infantry and two of cavalry, attacked three
brigades of F irrest's command, who held a par
tially fortified position on llarricauo crock, Mis
sissippi. After a short but sharp fight the Relic's were
dislodged and obliged to retreat, leaving fifty
dead on the Hold. Our loss was not over
forty killed and wounded. General Washb trne
bus i-mied an order regulating the prices of pro
visions, in consequence or tho extortionate prices
demanded by the dealers.
KENTUCKY. of Johnson's Gang.
Isdhxaisimh, August 1!). A despatch to Gen
eral Carrington from General Hovoy, comm-tnd-ing
the forces sent in pursuit of Adam Johnson's
guerillas, says that he bad reached Morg lulield,
hud captured a few prisoners, and had scatter td
tbc balance of the guerillas Iu all directions.
Giuciul Ilovcy levii d an assessment on the dis
loyal cltuens of Union county, Ky., for Ji iJ.W ),
to cover damages sustained by the Oovoium ait.
Escape of the " Tallahassee'
from Halifax.
Halifax, Aiigu-t 20. Tho pirate TMuaise
sailed ut 2 o'clock this ucrning, going eastward.
The gunboat l'oitotuc arrived at (I o'clock, luiv
ii g been detained by a heavy fog. Sue sails Im
mediately In pnrsnlt. Another American steamer
is signalled to tic: westward.
The Rebel Cause Fast Failing
from Exhaustion.
I'lis- ICs-iiilbi'coiiiciit ol tlio
Union A.iti.v.
Letter from General Seymour,
Lately a Prisoner of War.
r. tt:r Fdt"r olif AVtr York Ttmft.
Nlw Vouk, August 10, IStii. I have ju-t re
ie:ved the lolloning most interesting letter from
Gctietal Vyii.oLr, lately released from "under
tire" at Charles-ton. As au old West Point otllcer,
with Geneial Andar.ouat Sumter, and stationed
many years in the t-outh, lie knows the (south
ern people well. He is a brave, true soldier,
devoted to ti e I rion, and, although, at the time
of Iho unfortunate but'le in Florida, he was ac
cused of iuLcwurranctt bv those Ignorant of his
character, ho has proved, by his action on many
a I attle-m ld, as well as by his plucky talk to the
Rebels at Gordons ilie, when captured in Mir
last, that he wa everv Inch loyal to the old Hag.
Yours, &.c.,
W. K. U., Jr.
Wiii.iAiihioWM, Mast., August 13, lVW. My
Dear Isit : You ask lor my impressions of the
pie em tomlitiou of the iSoutheru Cuntederai y,
ai.d you shall hate them. For the beuefit ol our
euu.-e I wUh they might u liuprtsMxl upon every
told 1" Ne bind, that the coulidtnce begotten til'
V"' luouths' observations iu the iuterior of
the Pnnth might be sh an d by evey m m who
has the I ast eoiiiu- 'Miin w tit the res m-oiulities
of this sin g jle. And I nu sure that liiese
opinion, are not psculiarto my sell. I'.nr.on
of the til'y nfll eis ju-t exchingcd i!lex rt-s
tho saiiiH i very one' of them, who her fro.n he
jails of Charleston or ihe ln-ns of M icon ind
Ai dcrsoiiv lilt, will cor tide it I y tc'l t'ic a in story.
The Rebel cause is l ist fail nit from ehi i
tion. Their two grand armies have leen rein
forced this rummer from tbc lat reoures uf
li e Smith. From everv corn r of the I old e rr
old man and every boy rspit' lc of be Timr a nlle
has hei n inipre-'Cl, williuglyor unwilling y, anil
hurried to the fr uit. Iae' army was the ':rsi j
trcrgtlicieil. It wis a' the expense of H !'..
Governor llrown told th truth with a pUnn.'ss
that was very hitter, but It w is none the 'ess the
truth. I,H mo extract a few prominent tite.
inenls from his pr lain of July !, a Idrossed
to the "Ri ser e l Mi ilia of Ueocgia ."
"A late eorresponilenee with 'ho President of
the t'onfeile rite tvis'lci my moid thit
Geurvia it to 'e left to her own rn-oarces to
supply the reinforcements toG.n r il J ihnston't
aauiv, which are indlsnensable to the prow "Ion
ol Atlanta, mi l to prevent the Slate from lieing
overrun liy the overwhelming iium'aTS now
under romiu.ind of the Federal general upon our
"Iltit there is need of further rinfur.eimnH,
ns will be seen hy tlie a -co'iip tiiTing le ter ot
General Johnston. And it ec.)inet
my diny to call forth rvrnj man III tin! stue a ile
ti heur arms, us fast as they can be armed, tn aid
in ihe defense of our homes, our altars, and the
graves of our ancestors.
"If the Confederate Government w ill not jr. I
the large cavalry force mow engaged in rai l ng
ami repelling i.iiils) to ilestrov the loni line, of
railroad over which (ieneral Sliennaa brings his
supplies from Nashville, and thus compel him to
n il i at, with ihe loss of most of bis army, the
people of Georgia, who have eireadv be-cn drawn
upon more heavily in prooorfion io popuU'icu
than those of any other S'ate in the C i itcdeni ,
must at all haards, und at any sacrili e, rush to
the front.
"If (ieneral Johuston's armv is destroyed, tlie
Gulf Stairs are thrown open to the enemy, and
w e are ruincil."
There must, Indeed, have been dosperato weaH-rc-
when Georgia, and tbe Southern e uise with
it, were so neglected tin' I 'e's ar-nv might bo
made i iual lo the task of b ildlng Grant tn the
rutomui' or the J.unet'aiid the (opleof the
Soiuh arc in'elligeiit en nigh to understand sti 1
to appreciate the fact, and they have lost h ;art
'Ihe following is from a loiter writ'en bv one
Relad to another, that accidentally fell into the
bands of one uf my f How. prisoners, and for the
atithrntlci'y of which I vouch :
"Very lew persons are prep 'ring to o'ley the
late call of tho Govt mor. lis siiiirnoiis will
in i t with no response here. The pcop'c are so il
sick, and heartily tired of this hateful, homeless
tlr,fc They would end it if they could ; but our
would-be rulers will talie good ; care that uo op.
poriunity be given the peop'e to vote agiinst it.
liy Ii s, l.y fraud, and by chicanery, this involu
tion was iiniuguratod ; by force, by tvreonv ami
tbe suppression of truth it Is sustained. It
is nearly time that it should end, and of
sheer depletion i. must end n.oore long.
We tnive had enough uf want and of woe,
enough of cruelly and carnage, enough
ul ei l pies and corpcs. There is an abundance,
ol benaved parents, weeping widows, and or
phaned children in the land. If we can, let ui
not increase Ihe number. Tne men who, 1 1
sggrandue themselves, or to gratify their own
)sintical ambition, brought this cruel w r up n a
peaceful and prosperous country, will hive to
render a feat fill Recount of their misdeeds to a
wronged, robbed, and outraged pooplo K vtn
bns no punishment snltlclently meet for their
villainy here, and hell will hardly be hit enough
to rcatho them hereafter."
Tbi re is certainly a no small proportion of tho
Southern people (despite the lying declar ttions
of their Journals, as wo had good otcasion to
learn), that not only favor the progress of our
aims, but that daily pray that this exterminating
war may smm be brought to a finality hy our
complete and rx-rfect success. They liavo bid
too much of despotism not enough of the tri
umph promised them. Muny intelligent South
ern gentlemen do, Indeed, express strong hopes
of their ultimate independence, but su-h uope is
n t shared by the masses.
DI.Mippoir ted irom the lirst in net having been
acknowledged by foreign rowers more oittcrly
disappoint d in their ge'nral expedition tint
Normi-ni cowardice or dis-ension would secure
tli ir ends but a single change rem tins ant
that is the result of our next election for rresl
ilciit. It'll Democrat succoedsto Mr. I.lnc oln, they
prole-s lo feel sure of negotiations, and sure of
tbi ir Confederacy. They believe a Dom ient will
be elect d.
In Mr. Lincoln's re-election they see only .sub
jugation, annihilation, for tbe war must then
c ntinue, and continuance is their failure and
In military affairs it is an excellent rule never
to do wh it the enemy desires is It n it eiually
line in puliiics? Ceitaiu it is tli it tho ouly
lemuinlDg hope of tho Mouth lies in Mr. eln's
Now, I am not enough of a politician to kno
whe'ber tbe election of a Democrat can result as
lavoridily to tin' South us if anticlpa es. The wish
aione may be iho parent of their Isalief. Mm. I
assured all who expressed thut belief, that the
North, as a muss, is as united as tbe So uh ; that
no Democrat could be elected on a pea 'e pi it
form; and that any I'rcid-nt who would In
uuguruic ar.v incisure Kadin't to jiei e on the
ha-is uf S.iU'heru Independence, would be
promptly bnng, hy loyal acclamation, to the
lump post in front of his own presidential
However that may he, if we are? but true our
selves there can be but one result, ll'ior ire nw
ncdixiiun only men not substitutes or b re
lings who go for.h lor any motive but the coun
trv's good, and produce hut little beyond d 'pre
dating our armies but KM-sueh as n-al.y
const Pute lite State, und boast of lieing I'rectueti
and ihe sons of freemen. If these fad to supaort
thctr country's cause in her hour of peril, inoy
are unworthy of continuing freemen, and siiould
blush ever lo exercise a fieeiiiau's privilege.
Hut If bounties must be paid, lot it be in
Southern land, not In No lheru gold; und sr.nies
ol migrants, w ince sous may aspire to even the
rule of tbo nation, will cross the se i to win the
broad ams that ill-loyalty has forfeited to he
To every intelligent soldier who h is fought
through at 1 1 thc-e mile i-ive camianns ou
almost numberlo-s indeci-lvo fields, the i test'on
constantly arises, with t inching force, Why do
we nut overwhelm our enemies i
Tens of thoiis.niils ol lives art lost because our
arry of strength is soillHproportiottably lcsstlnu
Ibat against w hich we i.aitlo. livery a nere w e
me tun noirly eijnal terms, wtnre we mi -Jit well
have four lo one. I'll! co-t 'o us iu bl iolan l
treasure ol a pmloiigi d war, can hardly Iw lore
s' n the i ioiioiny is iuiiniteof stielt au cllort as
the Blot lull- North should put f irtu.
The South will light us long a tbe struggle Is
(iptal ; iC n ,d xulimit lo such prcposiderance as w e
should sliow in every field.
Glance nt the summer's campaigns If Sher
man httl but 011,000 or7 i,0 IU more ui n near, ihe
Soufh would be lost, be- iil-e Hood would Im
aunihila'rd. If Mi aile bud moved in the siuing
with r. sel ves ul 7 i.'SM lo lon.txm men, Lee w mid
have been hopcles-ly irti-liid. liven at this
moment a third column ol Iu.iksi to.Vl.o ) I ri.;!nly
moved, would give unopposed blows lo the Con
federacy from which she could never rise.
What folly then lo strngKlo on lit this way,
win n we cau send lo the field live times the for te
already there ! What weakness to think we can
not coniuer the South ! Behind the James ouly
boys and old men are to be seen, while here men
buy and tell at In the olden days of quiet, and
reglne'ts of. able-bodied citizens crowd the
streets of our cities.
There Is tuif ono course consistent with stf. ty
or honor. Let tbe people awuko to a sense uf
their dipnltv ond stten th, and a few mon'hs o'
com pn rat ivelv trifling exertion, of such effort as
alone is wortiiv of the great worl., and the Re
Ullion will criimM: before us. Fill this dnlt
prcmpt'y arili willingly, w ith good und true meu ;
send u few spare thousands over rather thin
under Ihe call, and the summer sun of lttui will
shine hi-oii a regenerated land.
There are some ho si-euk of peace! Ol all
Yankees the Koitthron most scorns those who do
not light, but are glad enough to employ them,
as they do their slaves, to iicrform their dirty
work. Tcacc lor the South w ill be sweet indeed ;
for us, except through Southern subjugation, but
anarchy and war fun ver. Tbe l'a-lltc, the West
ern, the Eastern Mates would at once tall asun
der. The Isoiitu would be dominant, and tlie
laople uf the North would deserve to be driven
a field under uegto overseers, to hoe torn a-td
tutton for Sotitheru masters.
Hut uo lainl-hcarled or short sighted policy
cau set aside the eternal decree of the Almighty,
who has planted no lines of dioiuion between
tbe Atlantic and the Western deserts la-tweeu
the great lukts and the Gulf of Mexico that sig
nify His will that we should be tcparated; and
unless so separated peace is a delusion, und It.
advocacy a liea.-on against the nticst and holiest
interests' of our coitutry.
Il has been with a trust that renewed hope an.l
vigor might be given, when igor aud hopo urc
m till til, ihat I have written, aud you hao iny
consent to using this as you please ; aud 1 am,
Vtry truly youis, T. ha moi k,
Jirig.-Geu. U. . Vols.
Fiats vt Tih-rhuhktsh To pat. Sis A. M.,
71. N sui, Ho. One I. M.. HI. Wind, li. by s.
Ahhival or Si k ami Wot ndi ii Soi.iii i.iis.
The Vnilcd States stt.,im transport Iria' , fro n
Foidcrs M n.roe, with 4'.0 sick a-i I wonnd'l
soh!icron 'nwJ, irrivi'd at this port last n'ght.
T'je nn n wire fr m-i m d to a -team-tug, tak n
up the Schuylkill, and I in led iielow u.ay's I t y
lo mi fn m whene! ttie.v were conveyed 1 1 tint
s vemi hospitals. Duronr the tri i up -hiee
deatlis o.-ciored .at lio.u-1 ; one, ,eurc vV'c!i i,
Co. 1". Hist Fi nn. Vols., ihe other t i unsno n.
The tiait'iort . .'. an 1 ''", e . . uy
It-It Furiress Monro! at the s.iino tune, rite form, r
ul w hieli arrived heielnis tnoruing, and pui ' I
In ot Calluivlnll s'reet whirl'. Sue brings J 17
I sicK and wounded colored ir-mps, and 1 i oth.aas.
I 1 he .- Jnuy Is utlli-eied as foilo.vs. I. i
Sc iM'rnc, Surireon ill cbairfe; 1'. I). I. 'vs, V " i
Assistant Surgeon and lixecutive tub i r; Win.
I liildy, Geoige K. ll -letr, an I R. .'. 1'. Go Iwi.i,
I Aetn it A-sisiant Surg, o is L'. S. A ; A. 1'. t' jlc
, ami 1 Ii. inias James, Hospital stewards.
Amiiiig the e ilored tnsipiwer.! thcfilloiiig
beluitgiag lo the Ud Rei;luient, re r ti e 1 in i'lit-
lao Ipliut :
I-a.e .1. w .titers, f t-w:, rt.iti. v
IV IIUlli lili.. f- It. t. -rt M'al.T, 1
! Whit... k Iriia ii'iue a'
Mt al-.n Ivo r., H w luWm liaii-l,-. It
In tiva llai.r s, It M ,ri ,i, llnriiuit. II
W it; t .n, p. F H.-utifii Kas., t:
W i i su II Wnillh. V
1 1n- olilccr- on lioanl were named as fo'lo i s
l non.U. 11. (leuld, ,'.'l h M.isH..'llli.tft's, i , im (1.
I'ttl 111.1. r-ins iirinB, Iteri I'tf insv it.ii; j avirv.
i 'i km-1 I iiielf i l hrti'lut, lt Minn" Ar'lll. r.-.
blfiiirnsnt I'ls-eni-l Shihu.-I W.L-'n.srS, Per m - .o-i-l. . tv. 4. 1'nrii!. sth I'wiiiisvh u na rv.ilr7.
U'ir II. I.. t'a'iin. 'i)iti iiat-a im.,. u.
I ue'.'ti J. II. Ha.i-I Ine. 'a P nn-iUil na ( a v n . -y .
A ImLtit l.iil.h I'r.l., l.ith I'.i n -vl nut 'itviilr-.
I limit M II. War.). 'HI f.ill.l si tie-i' ,..r.,'
A.lmtniit K. K. 'l mi.h, I' h I'nlle.l Si .t-'t I'ol-.r. .1.
I.i.utt'iitia K. Mitli.iia. 'Jil l-iins Ivanm MV.i rv.
l.l -jteiiael J K Amle:ir.i"l. M ri-ii'it I a tin i'.. sire.
I ttllMl.ia' K. W, lyler. 1st I'MIO .I Sin'.', rt H.
LtMii-rant jtuti" A.'. a i .ii.r-il.
Llrin.naiit Amlirw Si-Ilia, 4i li I -'nusviv-oiia .-air-.
i rperal K. bi rt J. M.rkl, S;i 1'oanti :i an.a "Avalry.
! iiuno t ion tiir "Majoii Rkviiold." In
her lust trip from tho extensive cainp-mee iug
near Salem, New Jersey, ue ir the mouth of
Salem creek, the aHeutiou of tho passengers ua
this boat was arrested by the heavy splishing of
the water nro'ind, which was ascribe! to thi
presence of large fish. A peculiar hissing sound
ac.'omp.niyiug the display within u few feet of
tlio lioat aroused them to the iinplc is.m' c mvie
tioli that the splashing was c uised liy shell falling
in tho water. 1 he captain interpreted it us u slg.
mil to return to the fort. Ho a:cordingly
turned the lioat, and just otitsi le the uioutli
uf ihe mt and hurded by a hJit
from agunlaitt lying near. The Cap am of the
gunboat orihrcd the If; Air hick to the f jrr, to lie
searched for a m'ssing Rebel otll cr IVoui atnong
a cuuip.niy brought down from I'hil idelphia.
Subseiptetitly it was astvriain'd that I'm prisoner
bad e-c.ipcd bcl'ie leaving the city, li the pur
suit, tbe lired four shots throe of theiu
over tin Mnjiir, and one at her. Tho (,'ip aut
stutid that the list shot tired w is meint to hit
b r, und it shows iho accum-y of their gunnery
that the shell passed but a few feet from Iho
wheel-house of the boat. Had the shell struck
and exp'oded, the consequences must hive le.-n
disa-troiis, as there was a larao number of people
ou hoard, letiiruing from camp meeting.
Ft ii its. The mof of the dwelling No. 131-5
Chesmit street was partially destroyed by tire
yesterday afternoon, and some household goods
w i re damaged by water. The house Is occupied
by Mrs. Sarah Crabh.
At the same lime the roof of No. II S. Tlro id
strict was also partially destroyed. This dwelling
isncoipied by Mr. A. T. Lane. William Herman,
an employee nt tho Mint, was thrown from a
ladder and severely injured aioitt the ankles,
while cmleavorinu' to stay the flames.
Ass h i t A!tn Tl i rmiiY Oe ire Hro'herton
was held in &'1.H) bail to answer ut Court, ycs
tcnlay, by Alderman White, on the charge of
committing nu assault and battery npon Chris
topher Morris, havinir struck him in the face
wnli a black jack. Morris was charged with in
stilling ihe brother of Urothcrtou while in New
AwAiTiNoTiitAi.. Francis McKoever, charged
with Ihe murder of Joseph MeMaster, and who
was admitted into the l'lnnsylviiuia Hospital
with a wound in tho hip, received during the
tight on board the, .my lvl, has so far recovered
as to enable him to walk to prison, where he is
now Incarcerated, awaiting his trial.
Diiownkii. A boy named Herbert Murdoch,
five years of age, fell overt) -ard from n vessel
l tin 'lu red ut Hcverly, N. J., yestord ty, an 1 ams
I drowned. The fatlier of the boy vainly endea
vored to save him from a watery grave. His
body has not yd been recovir ad.
Ssw i'liMiY Boat. A new ferry boa, for the
Camden and lTiiladclphi.t Furry Company is
ubouttobe built at Cooper's I'olnt. Tho Imit
i will have u length ot ile kot 1.12 feet, and a witltli
I of 18 feet. She will fie driven by an engiao ui "ii.
I inch cylinder and y feet stroke.
Tim Ti Atii Chop. The imantity of peaches
j brought last week from Delaware to this city
over the Philadelphia, Wilmlngo-n, and Halti
i) o:c Railroad am jun'el to thirty -ri c thomaud
I Imsk Is uaily.
I llKtovKiii.ii. The bady of John Mulltrons,
rged tight years, residing back of No. aoi-i
Catlitdriil street, and who was drowned in the
Schuylkill ye-terilay, at Cotites street wharf, has
been rccovetrd.
Mikitmi To-Nioiit. This evening an a.l
jounn d nititing of firemen, for the purposo of
ptrfec ing unungciiteiits for the reception of the
'J'M Ui gitnent, Iliinev's Zouaves, will bo bold at
the F r-evi aneo Hoe House.
I'asmmi CotNTiSHrair'. Kdatd lllu.'k
ami Janie-i Iaigui t were urrcsied by Oilleer snarl,
ut Second uui Areh streets, ycs'enlay, on the
chatge of passing t ounterleit money. They woie
held for a hearing by Alderman Welding.
'.si llittv ixo. Ge rge Thorn is was arrest-d
at Sixth and Ctusuut sinets ycsterdiy by O llcer
Steams, fur fast und reckless driving. H-j wis
held in tJI'K) bail toun-wcrby AIJ'rmti Junes.
A in 'it io lit i'aiit. To-day, nt 12 o'clock, tho
otl'iers of the S'eir ronnV's are ordered to re
pot t nt the Navy Yard, l'hc vesoel w.ll pro
bably U ave uu Monday.
IIahi; It w i.. This at ernoni at 'Ji o'clock tlio
re nut match between tbc Kc s'one and Ca mien
Club- wi 1 take pi ce a'. Twenty -llfth aud Jeil-r-son
CinnviMi Com K l.i n Wi.Ai'oNs Willi im R.
Cory was atresii d ut Front and M trket streets
yesterday, tiy Oltl t r Devcr, ou the, charge of
carry ing'cniiccakd tlnid y weapons.
1.01-Ai. lliu.vniKs. The work of putting the
unites of tho ChcMiut sire't bridge over Ihe
Schujlk.ll in pace will siar.u lie commenced.
The stone woik is so lar advanced as to allow the
progn as uf this w. rk....The double tra'k o' tho
I'hiia.'clphia unit lliliiiiioro Rai road I.- now
coinphtul to wi'hin six mile- of the Susi'iio
lianua river. ...The held on Tliurwliy
afternoon in lalialf of tho St. John's Orphan
As, linn yielded several thousand dollars. . . . I lia
Kunimat GiYiiiciu, for tome lime uuiitr repair at
the Navy Y'ord, goes Into commission to-day.
Tin: tjr'oO GRtr.NACK.
ar mr. ako or towss hall.
Yeims Ttlibets, wltb a juyuui air,
hjoaaiinii. "1Iuit.Ii ter l iiclti lltal"
lie Is, I HHtelv can (lei'lara,
't'l'e lifst anil wortliid.t ul inunt
Ai leiist. 1 never saw a lietier,
I- nr sunn ss c'r 1 illil uuliil 1,
.tiisl imw. Ills tateiit written Istter,
I illil llifs Uri'dUbuita's lace buteala,
"I ln tlllv iln linn; iiw-e a noat
Sum uimn whleh uiy trlsint inlsht iltas,
, -i In i'imt style, amt tiioa couipluls u
' Our rnvel w Itb .eear. ami wlut I ' '
I ut, when tlie icstlte aeeue Is dontv
Ami mv Itiu- ilreauit next iiiurniun rfxL
V list can I slum tbst 1 liavo wan. -My
(jru.-iibc'j. . in eicbanse fur tbsfo i
Tills sum would bur t luwelod rliif,
Hut that wuul't bf a very saiatl,
l.usilv lu.t or, thins,
Ami ol nu rual u. at alt.
All I nex I liusa. tvluit purehtso thawi
'1 lie Iwnt, Vet has lliuro Use than llmwt
Ami, lor suiiie wi-ll-m nle aow .tyle eiutlttt
lu llsaasii a liwar 1'U gaily to
We an ti'tltnff Hummer atnolt at ld priess, mu b
beltxe preltn cml ol Mine toaas Towat Haul,
No. MS Market (Strei-t.
liKsssrt t o-
I'eninaiishlp, Calculations. &c, at Crlttottdeu's
CoinmctcUl College, No. 0117 Chesnut ttroot,
cointr of Seventh. No Vacations. Students
instructed ut such hours as he-t suit their con
venience. Telegraphing taught by one ol Ihe best
of ptatical operators. Catalogue, for the la-t
yiair, coutaiuing tbe namos of nearly five hun
dred sliidcutc, terms, tie , may be had gratis, ou
Mosul I io Km, all tho patent frsmc, or any
other net. made to ht the bedstead, at i'atun's,
No. Hvtj Chesnut tltttt.
O' n t or Ins Itios.iTiiiiaini,!
aa'nr l7, Aan.l I. J
There is ) a t'vltv in the sps k Market this
morning, end the market is dull, but steady,
Government bonds continue in gool demand,
and prices h ive again advanced, with sV.- of
.V2is nt 1104 ; " .1o ut 1111, and fisof 1S-1 at .
Railroad shares aie without any mau'riil
change. It catling sold at 6j(a'titJ ; Heaver
Meadow at W ; Mine 11)1. ri.'li North 1'entisyl
vania, ill j Cal.iwi-sa preferred at 41" ; md I'hl
lalelplila and at .Ti(j 74 was bid for Penn
sylvania R .llroad ; 17 for l ittle. Selitiylkit'; lil
for I ong I-lund ; and fir Ca'awl c itirr.on.
Coal Oil sto- ks are s'ea ly at itixntt former
rales, w ith sales of Uix k Oil at 51; Org i ile. J ;
I..'eil, ft ; Perry, ? , an I D.nstnore, l:'i.j ij '.
Thn Hoard of Directors of tho Rock Oil C .n
pany have dcclur-.d a dlvlden 1 of 2 percent,
(twenty ceits per sh ire) on tbo capital st ick,
nut of the enrnirgs of ihe Company for J.ily,
payable oa and after the J'.'th Ins'. mt, it of
"state tax.
lisok share- eontinuo f'.rin at a') mt f.e-'ii'T
rates; 1 3:1 was bid I'-r I'hilu lelpbi i ; i 'l f ir
Farmers' and Mechanics'; V, for (" .Jimereiil;
24 for Mi eh lilies' ; 17 for Oir.ird , H'lfir West
ern ; '-'7, for Manufacturers' an I Meet ltd s' ; anl
.Vi for r'orn Kxchange.
Passenger Uadw.iy shares tire dill; 7J" was
bid fur Second and Third, ' fir Clicsuu: and
Walnut, and 21 for Arch Street.
Hy order of Sec y Fcfsendcn, the coupons dun
on the 1st of November on tho fi 2d lom, and the
eotijions on the 10-4) loan due on tlio 1st of Sep
tember, will be paid on pusenta'aon, without
abatement of interest,, by Arehilitld Molntrye
l ft. Mint.
In Gold there is very Utile living, and pre os arc
rather lower, opening a'. 2 ")i'4, advance 1 au 1 Sold
nt 'Jin" at 11 o'clock, 2-''.i at 12, and 2 t. at i'.'J
Thedcniuiid for money is Ilutilel, and tho
rates remain aliottt the same as last iitote I. l.nuis
arc plenty on call at r, per cent.; b.'t is
selling ut from 7t' 'J por cent. '
A despatch from Washington this morning
ays, supplies of the ncv 7 W Treisury notes
were sent yes'.rrd ay tj the Assiitint Ti jssnrers
of Philadelphia, Boston, and Ncv Vork. I'uis
will ennra uo ItitciTiip'ion iu tilling the sit'si rip
ti ons heretofore made.
I'UILADKI.i'ltl ISfjCKEXl'lIAN lE lt.ES. .110. -.M.
HaixirteU b t la.-k-ci a Co., Ilr.iaari, 1.1 s. Third at.
ludsli litailliia It.. bin i s'.,' I'ni.liiVira I'loil..!))
lisirll it.i ,.b.'.si4 ini -rt da bin ft
imisn an ti., .vu -n ji
1 It
f.'M uh I'M. .t oil Crk.
Olstl d 4
em sn Kutiert oil
t'i ii J
Inusti d
.Isll iln
tlisl.h do
in ill do ti
lift h d
!, ti 'i
pin sii I'lhinui roai..e
(slash II a e l.l.n.i...
ISu.ll ilo
Mil uh I ml. II oil tilt.
tP.O III de
li'sn .I.i I'i
vsi -I. Ii. ill i 'ro.'. a',
si-ii nt at r-t a
.u -ii1! i...ii m ire 17' :
'."I'I tli tin s ;.'
J "' rn ii si) I.
VSI h Me ' "ilora ....
.ni'ih Uelltu'it ay 7W
ni-a a. ;!
.Hi 11 M nee -u i
.ss) .n K .cli il I. ..til) !,
K.l ill S .1 III I
.'.isftc'arl it 'll l
rntsr not uu.
At US.", ah Itiv It OH ,V(
ILl'i I NI -'I I'tfi.-y I! I.
f two t. ft. ,
t'S.Oti It.
S.V.O d.i.:-.t-IU I'll mi. 1 1
sn lM'ntm ire u.. i.",
.' o.a da UU I'S
1 M -l Hlltier I' i il.... Is
, SU th Iteu Nav li.... 41
1 I -li ll. iv. M-aJ... at
i -'I Vllnol.lll KI
KM sli S irili I'a It ... ill V
3oll il. 'aia'-.' or...b.iO is.,
i sh Mil'..-. s;ri.l..
Mi h MeinienKli .... iP,
fjoiii'ity U.iv.w fn!'
t'tnl I'etmn .1- tr".
a'fsi All-riti-t'i-'t-... sii
iisiur i A its,'i.ti
t iittiini'oal. .ISi la
5Hitli Iteuit II IS ',
Ion .h iia e.iHa
Pas. sh Ureanie oil.... I',
'.ssj .ii Halell (III .... s ,
Keporifd by ClarVton (o., Brolisrs, Na. Ut rt. Third at.
Pint Call. .Imiwi !tll
Itnltud Htara. r.i, 1HS1 , let oil.
, bid
, hid
ins 'tj sl1
a a!oa
till ; ialai
&,' 'a sn es
18 'j lataa
IliS, saloa
la: ' ,alei
a lea
lie'-. -al.;
l't'.liMlg liUl'r-iinl..
Illinois Oiaral KulJreail....
i l.lona
Saw Ywk t'e'cial Italtro'l.,
Sine llallmad
Ilarliit ftaihoad
I lilted Uttte, ;-jm
...Wi but
...II S HI. I
...VII ' Old'a'i'ri bid
...11 -'o bid
... Sinn.
(Jiiolations of tho principal Coal aud Coal Oil
stocks nt 1 o'clock to-day :
.ut. Hfl
lot, Hone.svivrtnia Pet.
9 IVrry Oil '.;
?li. Mini ral Oil i
tie, Kest..n on
Kullon dnl la
llU Mnuillrtill final. H4
.-. 1 A Mni. i 1 ial..'l
ir-eii Mr. (' .at ti
N iiri.fliicali .... 8
Sen l u ek I
t .-i iitr llaai Ciml. I
t'llnteii Coal , I 'a
Aini-rii an kin Iln.. a
I'. nil Mlnll.j S'a
lllrard Mlnliti;..,,. ..
l'tna lu,tne VI
I'l.lla. ami ll-iston. ..
Vliilidan Mima'
VirMtiitls Mlrlug. ..
t oiiiiim tlcut I,'
Al-ne Iron V,
OU frisk 7 .
.Viiii!' shtil. Oil. .IS
.M'l.nt.iek oil.... S
6 V liansu ill
IS, I ulaii t'elri.luuiu.
I', llrtraale ll
I lj I r." kiln 1"1
.. Unite ., KJ l 01
D Irvlns Oil
i )liill-r t'ual If
1.1 IKi'Jstnr.e 7.U10.... '-'
It tlen-morc I'i a
i llalellOII
4 Mellnennv 74
t Itnottrls iltl
J il'in-tcl 1
I'i Nauli. Al)
IH'4 tr.ut.rt
tit, iniHi. Islau.l
The follow iu are Ihe receipts of Flour and
(iiiiiii at this pet to-daj : Flour, 1:100 hbls.;
Wheat, 7100 bu.-h. j Corn, l'Jol) bush. ; Oats, 340J
Tbo following are the receipts of Coal Oil at
Ibis port to-day t Ctude, bbls. ; Kedned,
Hi NTi-sono axi Uito.iD Top Mountain
IUilkoaii. MiipiiieiiiM of coal ovei thu roa 1 dur
ing the we-k ending Thursd ay, Anoint ID, l'i4,
and since January 1, Istiii:
. Il seilr. I itrwmhi. Tutnl.
1RiI4, tons. i.'lH.i.'SI tons. VNH.UlO tons.
Ibt;8, 91. '10 " iai,2ll4 " 111? ,424 "
fner. 124 " W.idl " 50,51 "
The follow ii g is the i'oniiar.itive Htub'inetit of
the North Penusyh auia liuilrouil Company for
the moil ih of Julv:
Ian nines in July, Isot t'i,!T1 42
l-atrliilii's in Julv. ls"3 41 Si I IV)
For eighf months ending Julv ill. 111. .
J1 -!' t-i.lit tinilitlis niiiin.g .Jul) '!, leiMi.
4,iii. 0i
. S474,tli'7 s4
. :ufi,Vi)7 tti
li.ereiise lir ebrh tuotolis
. .irs.tto-a
The foilowiiu I Ihi itino'it.' oi'eotil (rn:sSirWl
over tho .- ' hn d ill Cmal iluriiur til." week end-
rig Aus. I", 1itl:
TorM. Ct.
. .. u.atrt ol
... i ill oo
...IT.lil'J 10
... 1.7i 01
Kiont Pert Ciil bon
I nun I'tilt-tilii-
I nun hi Inn Ikill 1 1 ii on . .
1 iilii 1 "Il I lililut
fi till for weel
I'M-V'nu-ly th.s tear
lo uiia-tilue last i ear. . . .
. .I.43H JO
.iii..,7a on
Mi,lJ la
I!,7l'i 0,1
..1M4-0 W
The follow iuvt i- uiiioiint of coal tra'isp.irt -d
on ll,c I'liiiudi'lpliia ..ud li'it line- Kiiilneul during
week eniling Tliiirsilav, August IH, listi4 :
fotif. Oifff.
Fmiii Pott Curboil lee.u'H 07
1 ottsnlle sis ia
heliu Ikill Haven 43HHJ OS
Auburn t 229 (
I nrl ( linton W.W4 IS
tiarrisburg aud Dauphin 76 13
Total Antbrar-jtc Coal for woek... bti.nna 01
Front Ilumsbttrg, total lliwiuiiuous Coal 7,076 10
Tutnl of ntl kinds fur week.
I'levioiirly tins) ear
.. 73,r,iii n
.. 2,04H,'il7 17
To same lime lust j ear
t.iiu.sia os
2,ia,17i) o
Increase W,ii2a01
The New York 7W.i this morning savst
"The Treasury Office in this city now holds
betwten thirteen and fourteen millions in gold
und silver. The current customs receipts are
laigclv in advance of ihe daily demand upon the
ic.'.'ic 'for gold interest. This accumulation
would continue until the 1st November but for
an order made lo-day by Secretary Fesseuden
that the Coupons due on the 1st November on tbe
fi '20 lantn, us well us the Coupons ou the ID-Id
Uiandueonthe 1st September will be paid oa pro
sentation. without abatement of interest, tue
Secretary incurs no risk iu niakiuir tsbls order.
He proi-s to enti.lp.-e ,,,L'12,Ni!.-r
fold interest on 1st "September and 1st Noie u-t-i'
fin he UM ia New York and other
omces, .i;dv.lthbis bankers In Loudou, mo.e
than this sum in gold and silver.
Thompson's Batik Rejwrter says :
The financial feature ol the week has been Cue
ihe In I'overiuiieiit secmitiea without au advau io
In t Iher stocks or in gold, showing au improved
rotifldeiice in our national attain, and a doci le I
iuipiovemeitt at regards our currency. Ouriiu
lK.rilng uiorcbants aie complaining that thei.
tales as yet, for Iho tall trade, aie
bt xt to noll'lng, and thty are free to tay th it
th'y w(.h fhelr trno is werebsrlt to Unrorxe. They
ai e heglnninir "i unders'anil tha tbe Atnoricao
peop'e do Tine - the wisdom of paying threS
t.rlees for good", enTi la grcenhaeka, wheaihat
nionev wilt pav tbnlr leb:s and hu gold-'ioarlng
bim s at pr cea below pea-e and specie par
Inir itines. The people are wl-e in eciuomling
now wben e.-otsimv la conducive to such (Treat
re nhs. It I. ea-iT to save money In psirer money
' sbstaming from nnnoecssaty p inciiawe
and laying asido tbe ( UTon -v, than it' is In
-perie nsy ng times; and thJto whJ lavuhlv pa-l
wl h their mousy because It Is on'T greobick
HI. at no dUtant dav,tee the error they have beea
led into.
Purchae nu merchandise that em he dia
pered with. If yon oe a deb', pay It no
whllr puper money Is so abundant ; aid arry sur
plus you havs put it tnt Government sa-urltieis
low whl'e ibey can lie hid at loss than firmer
peace and siiceie payintr pries.
"A shoit time will fssrore prl-ts of morelii
rilte and sios-ka. in biding onr PoUnral B-sadt, to
their normal standard, and o ir na ioud ere lit
wid be in the a- n ltncy. T he-re ara paloabla
signs of a change in this direction near a', ha, id "
arkivkd this onrn,.i '
I irted Mat-. irn M kmr IH) M Ut. ,
: ti h'iir fi.'iu rtt F'ohit. th Mn mu An wjbo,!
toiH-fro lo I nlf-iM. Mt Mr-iri Ifrtvt-ssa --,
I rr K. K.ll?, Jt-oir. t, 12 dav fYism I
tiaitlaot fn enp rtlll. ,
K-hr--t .Viiifl. ifi'mttn. 17 -1v imm 'in't, F. E,f
WtU igr t an ni')ituir--t n J.-'.n Mahoii t'n. f
rhr J ! H. rimmlMTH, t ewlvr, ft vim htnbmrf,n !..
tu tn.t-t-i -u ,,. aim . ,
ftib h, Hirifi iti, iiiii;lif, s 6ir irjtn Prt MayA Im
ft ii hi i''tn.
'ir.Tchii u irrn. Kf'. 4 dy fnHM PfoVail'ojb, la
r.Mi' im -ini'.r-'ina '''ill
H-'hr Jin f lildtTtlic, tltea, dttft irou Bottoa.tirltk
Ir-' In Hi(iilli
Hchr Jjaiuftas Ilrwitt, roatr, lYom Botftoa, to HIM it
to A. Ht- k-h.-r A 'o.
Krhr il. il4tn. I'I ita.rrora Soribjxiri, to tdlUK tt-
H hr r.ttlr rufrlkt KrlitV, foai Oouctjter ui i '
P- hr W flardnfr, S'Bir. frm rrtiv( Mr, !
Mlia-l lo i jlrr A (o.
Hi Ur l.u.e rlur,'m NtjwtKm, In 'tallpt l
nffitatn. 0
8 ii. l,nraArlhii,1llll, aco, la bIUit to tWratnttt,
Vmi hntafu A laoehman. , , . .
Sc'M oitiildf.M.ik.s from A vandrla. In b lat to
rapfaln, .
lir t:. W. r.Arrjr, Hllyt from r.Tnn, In ba'taK toetp
tair. Mi hr . rah l,urk, Otborna. frtim S'awport, tn b i'Uf t
rapiam. v
H hr Iforact f.trr-. i tlbb. -rlaT tm B "dfurd,
titi diii-i J. K liastlrv a 0t. . v
Hciir M ihtua, MK.n , day tfom Frltica Tk A wltH
grain in .itviKHft Itarrat , ,
HtrnaiM Vnl. au. Mo-H-mi. ?4 loan ftni Se Tortt
witri unit' to W. M, lia rtl A Co.
,.. m ,,, 5 '-.I
INftfltTriON8, ;)1
faportrJ or r.i Ertnimj IVltjr-ipH.
Oi-ANi.'-Nclir Wit Witiit. O lmr til t,it 'vft-!
HiiHHr i hh ni'1a-H-p J-if n Maoii
r , . i '".ulJ
ir-iM. J0H' IY STORK
. 3
' it .ri
Hob 617 Cbesnut and 614 Jayns &w,T
- ' - ' ' - Sll
: J
fct coma
1 eatodia
tu'.'O lit Ho. hOH OUESStlT StlMl,
An aOjADrned meeting of (lilacnt wilt ks held oa 1
Monday l-Jvenlnu:,' "23U Intl.,
At 0-e.ock, - - '4
cobveu cr WENnmi and coatk sthets.
7ha KzrcuUve Con nlttec will repart th pfifrs made
In .ei-O' int. men and m-uie-r. Tha be.ri oi-otwraMViu of
ciary Kuroilee CitueN I to aotoiaitbb ia a
uitie li-eitrd ohjuei of aiifnir tha iuta wittut a 4raia.
.Von.) I- t. reutli ae-eiil. Ni.bscripuiiiia win t r-enlvoia
hy tliOomuillaa. al iho UoaooJ. aouao,ftcsiBB . $mkck;K
evois vvt'tiUis, suit or ,
H. P. M. TiniKrjlltrsrB Chairman,
TlltlALAS WOUU, Trau-;r, .
Xo tiiue IVoad ttireat.
Jnh R Hi vioa, No. ftSt Minor atrsat, , ,, t -J.
T In ui son, No. 87 K. Saeond slro.1.
au Al 'Jt MMruri.
1 13 CiltliAT l-lltt3 A.T '
vitrrouv I VICTOKYI
12V-.V1NH Ai, WATSOW'8
Cn taat aaacaa, Augnsi IA, 1W4.
icsr.. A'-tfn. d' Wtto:
flKsii.. 'KN : Hit., la t tarorm you thai tho Baft par
rlias.U ol )uu .iime llioo alaea was .uteri-La luilioaraat
Hre ubiel' ean.uuivd nur .tore durlus Uit ItalMU lavaala
ott h. lit ti ol J oiy la.t. .
v'e a r I aptiy it .d that after we had taatn iar aafa
IVoui Ilia rulua, It had laid la a porloa us ihriw daya,
and iipitieti It. vie ftiotid nur Ihniii and paoaii la aa
as. .Haul eotidiitnu. a
Wi-would re. .iiuiuend your Kar.s to all persons wwt
wlh abood arur a. Vnnra trufv. .
tal l.l.l. II, IIAVIILTOM A M.
rHtMHhKsni HO, AujruM ls4.
Me ttrn . ,'rai d- H .i't;
ttiNTiaixi-a:- ssttii piisare intorm yoo Ihat on.xysia
Ins ln sate, iuri'liaseil trmn )iiu aieita tl im sipi-, an
Haturday v, unit fast, a si two iei aJiertae tHiratna of
our Kiwu by the Itilwo, I lnuml uiv Uoka end in
iniirh tMitier rondluun than I eapecie.l; oa otwiitua Hi
book, and iasr. tuuitd litem lei fuel. My sate was tn-iHUL-a
to lirul, nu aecmint ut tlm quantity ot oils aat
oilier otiuiliuatible uallur I bad In any oetnu-. I writs yoa
en iMitne is ttie iaiM.r ttiut wai In my aaio durln ' trie ds,
thai yuu tua se. liow well It waa praaorved. 1 wlM sooa
Aaut ail i-aie ref a nt-w one lu'i.
Very lerpeeltull; yuura, L. B. Jtk'STEE.
OHAMBKaaacao, Auswal 1, Issi.
A'rtirl."!!. S'ntaii,'- . . tj
to mi i il n - In the dreadful tire which de.tmrea my
ab re at d tlie ttreater pnrtl- n ul tin. toviu, waa "
lo Ihe Da-I.ols. ou lilt- Willi of July last, I Uad "'J'"
Klre .r..l hatea. pun liawd from yao awm sln,
wliKtie.itltauad lu ba,,.., PSIh'". a """' ! the iame, and ftililiuf aouia toD real, auit
i?u.aiau?i in II." rulna lor a ilod of ..
aVVr ii Ji . sravtrrrt from iheburoli f ma.t and opeued.
Vhav "il". ,3"aT.i!a Tlnuon., y..u U,at lu
wen funu f'i li a" 'li condition, and a. una It
a, a oiTlie maof wliomln your Bl. fully
! " L, "ii lies atlrll.uted to Uieiu. I MalU aa
aLiKiMl do u moot. , y
l.a.i-.tUull; yuuia,
J. L. tlbVCOKKT.
CiiAaat.itsSLtu, August U,1SH.
lfMrt faintd Wafrcll:--
)ar iuks : Tin. la In Inform you that the Haft) w
purthaM-d rinm )ou .unit llino at.ii was .ulijoeled 10 tlos
lire wtaeli oeBsuoitid ouroetuo duitug tha HeUel Invaaloa
ou the Uui. ol July last. Wo am happy to Bay that itta
aa'e itiKid U s test nt tlie tilt wull, aud wt recovarad our
liars" tniia ll lililnliilad.
ry re.'KtinuLv, V.EHNUOY 4 VlbL.
Mots aufui of tha kauu ood uuaJlty for tal at ,
Ko. 18 U.KODinU ttnt.
4li tal llrtawtUKWor lt BUolby CsU-l
Lotu.y ol Wv.-,.ie.y. MAimi- ,
12, T, T, Oil, , 1. 73, HI, 7, 77, 8.', id.
S,l, ', oM, AC, 73, 47, 64, 4J, 7.
. Cmiliar.Matya4aiau.t ,,' t Ot,