J THE DAILY F.VEK1KG TELEGKAriT. riHLADELFIIIA, FTUDAY, AUGUST 19, 1861. FRIDAY, AVOV8T Iff, ! JBnirln ") A. f auir bt at. C. aII.tj. bfarta wfcon truth Ml prows) " ' I.tk thin art, told In eartb, " Triers, sbtiuld fcwrentb ba oT u . XlntbworWlUirwonii. lMle "Lay down and tl ""K-" . . 7 (. Mulligan's lat words. -lay m rlm. nd sar lbs h Jlng ero At from' fc'i harti-. "7 wooidi poured forth ti bksod-r-d lid. ...... For to a tent nd fearful shocX of battle i tnl alrlfA Tbe soldi' held bia conntry'i 6g far dearer ttian fal Hie! i' Aad re bti strrn and Iron men forsook, tbe chieftain's form. ' Urn tool rommand uprose again above the battle ' norm, And thru with raddencd hrart Ihey kft the patriot It aiter tlicre Tit fl ia: t iHved hia words stall U a nation a battlc-T.ro.ytt. Lay me down and sayf, tbe flag!" what bwsr t ,...la ah.ll ha '". levKrttvstl upon U atarry Bags and atandartls of Ue fine J . . Vha nobler wntb-worls ever fell from dying hero's lips r Tbry seem to place onr jioorfr deeds forever In otinap. ? yft tbank Uh, hero j for thy words from ontthat llav falin on our jjeriled land, a shower of , coldra rain . . , . . We tealler rote on hy bier, we beed thy last ' And honored it shall be at length throughout our v . bleeding land I .' All bail to e'erUstiug fame) farewell to martial Well save the "nR from traitor band" lor which . he (tare Ma lire ; , , VftH lay the hero down to sleep, to fill a soldier f And ronnd'tli faded brows will twine the laurel i -of Ibe brave. ' Uh, hero, iu thy warrior garb, no nobler shroud we know .- Than that In wblrh thy life was spent against thy country's foe; . A people brave have laid thee down, proud of thy noble name, .'And we will ave thy battle-flag and guard tby t potlew fame f ; CkiCaao, Angutt 1, l8fL "BIAM AND MADAGASCAR. ffs vWwd oh place f notnrty,)me ilunar'- from the rrrrr. it n nam tht a kin r gurtinir. Unas'- from the rrrrr. it n nam tht a orin '""f f Mum, open tlie birth. of a arm, waa told a aonthsaye r that the an Would one d.T eoat him bin life. Frar be ante nim until he aenttbe rliild away to Cambodia. When the ann irrew ap, and Iramed who be rvi, tie eniierira an army and atarted M attiirk hla father. The father heard of hie Oueniog, and marched out to vn"t him. They met nnon thla arxt, when hU futbr'i army wae defeated, and bimaelf hilled. A vrrr tiiab pagoda was erecu-d tijn tue annv prifeut kin(t hH ratlifr a diipiwition to multiplr piatea or renown, and naa cincqDuMiy onu -ratml from the ri r to tbe i aodn, a di.tn:ico of about filti'rn lulled. 1 he o d pattoda no naa en- vand with biirk, to that it baa become a monem p Tumid, wboae baae eoverf an area of atjnt tourxrea. it una wrorae pi-r m nii r.ri.. &nrl nilmia from lUtKo. Ilia the liat JiKCELLAKtOUa ITEMS. plaoe, howrve r, that a Kuiopi-aii woold o V) tor plramire. Tberannl Ktopa abort, and the wa rr la atiiKnant; ninMttitiea inn In thouand-; at v atlantal atcMl Nataral CinrartfirlMtle. , Very much of oar knowledge of Oriental l.md), w ihey exlet to-day, come to ui through tottere ' from mitsionariv in the Eaet. In the iut num ber of the 1'rettvteriaii Banner, a paper publiahed at riueburg, Pennsylvania, we find an Interesting communication from a missionary at Bangkok, Eianv frotn which we condenae tbe following. The letter ii dated May 9 : n The k ingdoxn of Slam la drained principally by . fsree large aireania, w men now aouui or auutu oulbwrtt into Ibe Gulf tbe Biimpnkonff on tbe l-eanit, tbe Menum or Menam Chowpivtain the an w die, and toe j.acoin on we weak i u,.ire mw wDtituMi the principal arteries of tbe kingdom, libongh there are other minor itreame of con- eidcrabe Importance. All these ktreama are con. ected togetber oy a aeries oi vauuis bhu Jwtndmg and twisting through each other, eo us tn rvirm a. kind ot Intricite network. Tbesoare , the bifc'hwiiya of the kingdom, and consequently o many avennes uf trade to the capital. Soets of all ilzei and descriptioni are con '' frUatly keen winding through theae cauala, or floating upon the boom of these brod nvera. Daring the dry season, one special work of the mkwonary la to thread theae weary canals, and 'to ascend these broad ri vera and dixtribute the Dlble to the perishing nntivei. Occasionally, too, a be make bolder push ont into the gulf, and init a wme province two or three hundred miles alown the coiut. On tbe present occasion we concluded to take the Turhln, as a region ai yot swmparatively little visited by missionaries. . I i x FLOATING HOKE. - " " V- lmagmaanatlvaboataboutfortyfeetlong.and bont six feet acroas tlie beam, and in the centre -a email cabin, about twelve leet long. This cabin . SM-rvcs aa state room, dining saloon, aittin-room, , Thm tmneina the mvjoionarv. bia wile, and three or tour children, ax the case may be, stowed away in that email cabin, logetber with store, bede, bedding, cooking ulenxils, and other inoia Mimahlra for the iournev. and you h.ive a pretty food picture of the minaionariea in 8iam nou a BQiaMon tour, cpon uie ucca aru u.o w j arwartby natives, acting aa boatmen, to propel the wi ,ih mra when necreaarr. but when a breeae prings up, to boidt sal), and then stretch thena selvca upon the deck, and perhaps sleep in the Mllinjr sun. . , . .. IAM Sl'OAR. The region along the Tachfn river has been ''devoted chiefly 10 the cultivation of sugar-cane ly the Chinese. Vaat numbers of Chinese of all dUlecte nock to Biam every year, and indeed 1 tbey are now the chief producers of the kiugdom. Rome of the more wealthy have gone into tuo t sugar bnsinew, and employ vast numbers of Coolies. On each bank ot the river m iv be aeen vast fields of sugar-cane, and in aome places it ia ut down and collected into bcai, reudy to be ' pat Into boats and taken to the mills, which atud Uie banks of the stream in great numbera. The same is ground upon a crude woodon concern, something like an old-fashioned cider-mill, only -on a much larger scale, and is turned with buffaloes. . 1 he inlca flows thronch pines from the mill into a kind of tank, wbenee It Ut taken in buckets to the place of boiling. A kind of furnace ia built, ahont ten or twelve leet hiuh. in the top of which lame iron k utile is nlactd. Tbe whole opera tion ia conducted in rather a primitive style, and, Bka all tucar-mUls. one who uaes much ot tbe article had better shut hia eyea while viHtting thrm. llin nianauc however, to in alto aome very pretty sugar, and very cheap, too, wbicu lake a a nerton wi nder, alter aeeing the crude mrniM tlirnnirh which h bus to Dan. A young tbinee nobleman in bargkok hUMHinttoEaropu lor an improved sunm hngar null, which is ex pected shortly. A S1AM1KI! 1ABMIWO COM M'.NITT. Leavlns the auKur dUtrict, we came into a farm lug neighborhood. Tbe l'ainora bcnaii to rear ka lotty bead, which indteaics u ricc growiug HDlnn. Ori'imioiiullv n Dlantaill-pardcu was aeeu ou the bank of the river, the broad leaves, split fey the winda, were "streaming in shreds" in tlio bieexc. Tbe inhabitants of a tannine community ..n.n. liv. in lift lii villscea uuon the bauka uf th river. DuiiuL- the day tbpy work iuthe tieldn, and at night they return home. The housei are h.,iit ..r i,.,,.i,,n ami covered with the leal of the haj fra palni.or a kind of thatch made of long coarte grasa. , ... Tbey are gem-rally more cotuforublo than , mom of Uiebuiuboo bouna in the city. In these villages tbe bonnes ae placed very rlosvly to vrUMr. and. ao far aau atianm r can ace, and oaie- ciullr a Eutouean. they aiipeai' to have all "thuiss comuicn." T'bcv live thus iu eonirutmi """ties prrbnpa becanae ihi'V areaomeaiuit ciamiisli, aad parti)' for mutual diiuLMi. l.iku all country reaidenUi, they arc comparatively free from many .of the vices touud in tbe lurccr eltii h, audi aa gambling, drinking, &r. llie temples, too, be-i-omer scarcer in proportion to the di-tuce t'rum the city. now the rkii.srs tr nva ruxtoioi a iss ihi c Tioa. The priehU are geuerully lay, atrogant aud isnorant. Thev are looked up to bv the people. suid indeed they are the professors of the coun try, and thus thev are spoiled. The temples are the public schools and colleges throughout the kingdom. We entered oue oi' these teruple grounds with an armtui or books, ibe priests aiovices and boys fathered around auto tlie iniru lMr of about thirty or forty. We commenced tolling them, as well as we could, the story of JSSUSt Out mat onir vkuwu uicir nuiuuic. T, c all iIh m thev are wicked, and must be lost, on leas saved by Christ ; but that Is equally absurd, tor thev have been laying up merit lor years. To a-ocure attention we hare to touch a more toudor aioint. Their pride must be humbled. We ask thorn a question at w hit h they are at once brought to stand. By looking round ebost, and referring o Uia workaof nature by which we are sur rounded. e ask them who created the world and Sill tbUvgs in It. After some hesitation we get the tuuul rt-ljr, Kari no literally, "born itself " or came by ohance. Y'. then nrocecd to tell them tlie impoasibiUty of such a thing, and then point to the ervdrnce of deaun to avli thiiun.aad thouce o nio i"w. a ukwk aoei otuer remarKs Lad the dwired esieot In secanug atteution, and sifter dii-tribuung some books, we left ibi-ra read ing, at the top of their voices, tin history of crea tion aad some of the goepeu and acts, x roos flacs rob toi uuia. ' There is a total lack of variety in the scenery fill along those rivers. When a persou has seen three miles of it, he has sees the whole. One mile ot even the Uttio Juniata is worth the whole of it. There is not ereu a pleasing legend connected wi:h It, t Kiv it Interest. Where such a thing U tttwpied, it Ijso JubuJom Uial it Uoowtit dis- niri.,nv Hi inn jMinrs down lis rnya nnmerci fnllv, sr .l not a shade tree ohVra protection toin IbeKerrhmg hrat. The tonriht here, wheu coirs: to a distance, muht carry ev.rything be meua with him, us scarcely auythlug cjn be bought on the way MAMi.ar, hi in. Aa if to compensate in part f"r the warm wcatlKT, wc are r,ow enjoying some of onr ri '.het fruiia. AmoLg tbee, the mango stands perhaps ftrst a yebow, rich,.iuicv fruii. Have yon ever i sun a mango? Arler.liiinr, wcwill hareades-r-ert. llerecorrefadish full of the yellow Irutt. Kolloponr fhevea nearly to the elbows, and bate a basin of water stinding by your side to wai-h your hanos occasionally. A tingcr-howi mill answer tbe same purpose; hut that, in the eyes of some, mav appear extravaiant for inil i.ionries. A towel or fruit napkin Is also India penrahle. Home say the f.iehionabJe way ia to slice the fruit ofl close to the scud, and then eat v... .i.... wi k a ininn. but that 1 rather a clow pre cess, and besides some of the beat of the Iruit is thus lost. Alter all tbe precautions that can lie token, however, a person is ukcij h umu the jnlce runnlrg down over bia beard, and perhhus exteudlns: even to the shirts ot bis gar ii ents. After all the difficulty in eating It, hjw ever, tbe msno Is delicious. ri rntnes the manco stlne a tart, pulpy fruit, pnt np in lobes, within a dark, walnut-like al.elL Rtmk the i-hell and lift out the lobes with your foik, snd tbey melt In yonr month. Then there are the pineapple and several other fruits, not at all d.Iiicull 10 take, lint the frnit of the tratrn. smond the natives U the duricn a large frnit about the sUe of a man's bead, and Las a prickly shell. Within tbe shell are loltes, each containing a seed surrounded bv a white. duIdv substance, insipid to the taste, and which firms an f tllnvium of the same tia'ure ami even worse than that emitted by a spoiled iinr. As the bov aaid about tbe akunk, when ri nc it can be heard at quite a distanco. Olfac tories unaccustomed to tbe smell can scarcely endure it. Notwithstanding however, the natives pronounce it the best fruit of the season, and we urn anrrv to aav the tnsle of some of Ibo older missionaries has become so vitiated as really to enjoy it In the JViVmuV lim ine wo find copied from the Ixindon Friend an Interesting letter from Mada gascar. After recording the death of Mr. Stags, a respected misslonory, It gives this report of tbe reunions views of the Queen of the Island t The Government, though not hostile, Is favor able chiefly from policy. The Uuecu cm hardly in her judgment suppose there is any solid founda tion lor tic pietent-ioua of the idol-keepers, but perhaps has a sort of (ruprcaslon that her ances tors mrriknA-rr ri still trnstiiis In their ideas, and that there ean be no bbther ftate than existed la their daja. She may aiso imagine some uaeiui neta derived from the system of divination. I never heard of her nsing stronger term of confi dence In the inpen-titiona of tho couutry. The prime minister baa no belief in the idols, nor in the diviners, but believes his own understand, ing quite adeimato to tho supply of nil bis re on in meats for tho present und tue future. He knows a good deal of CbrUtiaulty, but perhaps has no real wish to become subject to its require ments. AM MTSIIVIBW WITH THE QtTEEN. Before the great annual festival of New YearV we went in a body to the Queen to tendur tiur congratulations, and offer tho "hasina," or customary dollar which each pirty offers on koiig into tho pretence of the sovereign on such ocaslons. I was requested to he spokesman, and In Malagasy addressed her Majesty, as she Fat surrounded by her court, as follows : "May you live long, sovereign laxly, without aflllctlon, and he happy with your friends. Wo rejeiee in being presented to you at this season of ttapranl good, or pleasure ; for the new year comes to ns with many blessings tbe favorable tenson the abundant prodnce the peace of the coun try. We thank God for favorable seasons; fruitful fields, pence and even life itself are all bestowments trom Ood. Wo also think you that yon allow no impediment, and give mmecilon to ail luo turimiiiis: uiiu wo wii- fide in von. sovereign lady, that this good treatment of the Christian by yon will not be changed. We ask OihI continually to bless your Wajesiy, to pro.per yonr crovcrnmen., tue nobles, the ollicers, aud all your M-ij sty's peoplo for we wish, and we have no other wifh in reference to your country tbuii the prospeiity of your Uovcrument and the hnppiiiei-s of your people. We prcset t onr ha-ina, and otrer our congratulations." The Queen, wuo wore a splen did notive lamiia, repitea onciiy, cxpre-oiuis nor pleasnre at seeing us, and returned our con gratnla'inns with the gently spoken "Vcloma," . . l... v.,.nnu ' ttliu li,n in..rn.l UM III .T1BJ J VJI4 in) uu,,j. ' v. - - her hand and retired, attended by the chief officers of tbe palace and others. A CVBIOUS CURBMONIAL. The meat w.rcinonv of the festival tho bath ing ot the sovoreign, tbe cooking ot tbe rice and the juka and the eating of tho same took place on Saturday. 1 went at Uie peatea invitation of tbe prime minister. It was nunr sunset, and we had to watt a mil uour oe.iore wo gaineu uu- mission to tbe palace. Tbe ministers and many of the nobles were alo wa ling. At length we entered tbo great room in the palace. At the north end wus a brightly burning tire ou a henrth. The room was tinea wi n peopio, an in red silk lam baa with different colored liorders rohnhlv between two and three thousand per sons pii'sent. Altera nunc IUC WMriVU CUI'-IUU Irom IOC nonn uour, wcunua; h biuuii uiiibiuii like silver balls on ber head, and wrapped in the folds of a fine large scarlet mantle. Iter Majesty siilutcd the people, received thiircongra'.ulatioua In return, anu men sat ii wnun a searieict'ucuor loldcu C4irpel. The room was lighted by gla-a cbiindelit rs.whlch did not burn very well ; and the vast assembly, when the yuifti wu scateu, s-it down ou the ground. We sat In the places as sisted us. Hi presentat ives of the royal family, i ho nobles, tbe officers, the landed proprietors, the indues, and general population, then ap proach) d the place wbeie the lire was burning, und mi -tiled their homage aud haslua to the Uueen. fur turn was rexi w mo uooios, uii the French next to us, in the oritur assigneu to us. Afier tome time, earthen vessels called kuk.i, und a ladlt u gourd, or cow's born, or shell wilb wooden bundle were oroiiKnt iu wnn greut cere niony, und tuken to the northeast corner of thu loom. 1 nete vet-eeis m ioiigeu to AiHiriiiiiiiio inemetiiia, Hie lather of the first lladama, und the founder of the present d nuty. Oibcr ves sels ol wster were then brought in with earthen pots, huh were pnt upon the stone trivet on tbe lire. In thise water and nro were put; and while the rice was cooking, tho Queen roe, und, atttnded by the olbeers ol the palace, wnll. cd to tbe northeast corner of the room, where the tool; oil ilic Inrirr scarlet lamba, which was then held before her by incu with outstretched linns, screening the corner to which tho Queen hud retired. Here alio bathed, this, ami the preparation and eating of the rice, eoi.siitiiiiiiK the (.-rono ceremony of the oceasi-.u; Ibe lutter bchiK symbolical of the anticipated p enty of the season. 1 was iufbrniod that the Queen's lathing consisted chiefly in kitting down and bavir.g some water pourtu on ncr iieaa. as aoou aa the Queen came forth a signal was passed to the door, und the cannon along the sides of the hill announced to the people that the Queen had bathed, and authorizing them also to bathe. TBK CLOSING HIT OF ETIQl ETTK. The rice was by this time rooked, and was taken out and mixed with hooey, some in a Kilt dish being handed to tbe Queen. It was then served to the assembly in dishes of ailver und porcelain, c, and when these were not sullicicnt, on plantain lames. The guns were again tired, that the people might know the Queen had eaten rice, and might cook aud eat their own. Boon after thla the company rose, saluted tlie Queen, and retired. It stld rained, and I was amused to see the nobles and cbiets, as they approached the door, pull oil their silk lauibas, and fold them up and put them under the other garments, apparently tery anxious to prevent the rich borders getting wet. THE BITS Of Sl'ttlNKLIKO. Tbe Queen then walked through the crowd to the door, w ith a nicely curved bull's born in her left band. It was filled with water, which she sprinkled with the other hand on the company tight and left, and, proceeding outside the door, dispensed the same boon to the multitude there. I understood this did not represent any purifica tion, but promise of rain throughout the year now begun. The Prince and Ttincess of Wales have laid the corner-stone of a monument to be erected at the Royal Victoria Hospital at Netler, near Southampton, to the memory of tut medical ottiutrt wuo died la tut CrUuoan war. Mi Vrn a Brora. 1'onctuaMon that ta, rottnia- yonr stops in the rlstbt plaave cannot be too sedulously atndied. We lab'tT read. In a country paper, tbe following account of lxrd I'a anerston a appearance In tbe Iloase of Com-Xnotr-; "lxrd l'alirieratim Own errtwrBd on bit head, a while bat upon hla feet, large but well polished boot ujion hi brow, a drk hud In hla bund, bia tiUifil walking stiek In bia eye, a menacing star sieving nnlh'tig. He Sat dirwn. vitii. a,TTTK' fp Paris Tbe returns recrntly publlsl ed she the population or tbe city of I arts at 1,1 Wo.lM ; linn. Ix-r of deaths last year, 42, ICS. Tbe rami of mortality. It will be seen is about the same as that of New York, where tho population slletinv exeems ne minion, ami ine numfier of deaiba'ln 1W3 was reported at Vl.HM. The French cap I al is divblfd into twontv-one nrrondisn tnet.t", eneli ol wna n nia a ai-iyor. Numlitrof births last year, ;,! i,w.i ooys snd VA M7 r-l's. Of this numts r is.nui were llegittmate. 1 Le Ii n ruber ot marriag-'S was i.,un. The riiii.oanriiT or Heat. Philosopher to slia'p toy "Whnt are the pro,rile of heat f HOT nc cniei proeriy i mm ii. icjih" borliea, while cold contracts them." riilloC'i'br " very gooo, ni " "lb)y "In slimmer, when it Is hot, the dry Is k.ne ; in winter, w hen It is cold, tbe day is -boru" t.xit philosopher, iom in anmn ineni m.u u familinr an instance should have so long escaped his own observation. Cannino's Obatokk al Powana. Speaking, one day, of lb tine edge oi uanniug s nnmor, beobstrreO, "tousee niejuiw i.uhihu hi um eye before he gives it utterance. It nppearwl to ine to furnish a sort of Intellectual parallel to the natural tact that llctii travels qmcKcr man sound you I t bold the Hash before oo hear the tept-rl." On another occasion, he said there wire moineniswnen i io anu ru.s viuku umu audience along with them with power that nppcaied at the time almost Irresistlblo; "btit," lidded he, "so varied me Cantiiu;:' qualifications, nirh hia ek'iiiieBce. wlf. aud humor, and so striking bis liguie unci munnor, that 1 really mnst account tun, on the whole, as perfect an orator as I hove ever known. Ah ! said he, "Cannini is now at the ton of everything, anu ue m about to n.arrv bis dan filler into one of our noble families, ond Mrs. Canning will become a peeress and then Hie bubble will burst." Harfvrd'i Jino!lt tion$ uf to'i&rrfone. . Saia LiBittUNO tub A nr-iCAj. Drunk, tbe Amerii au is voluble enough : sober, be is a snrly, churlish, ill-conditioned fellow. Of course, 1 du not allude to Americans of liberal education or (ihtie breeding ; they are aa urbane and as chatty as gcntlelolks generally are all over the world ; bnt It is the sudden revulsion from in'er conrs e with polished, and cultivated, and sprightly ft lends, to a revolting fellowship with person j whore manners are as those of hogs, and whost demeanor ia a that of grialy bears, which dis heartens, and at length exasperates, a foreigner. Duiing my first n.ontb in America, I rollowed the enstom of lifting my but when I bad to ad dress a stranger, of aaying, "If you please, when 1 asked for anything In n shop, and 'Thank yon." when 1 received my change. I found that tbe people never dreamed of renders Irg me a like eonrtasy, so I left off being polite, demanded that which 1 required in us noarse, and overheating a tone ns I could command, ana got on much the bettor for it. Pori.Tictwo nut Wkono mav. A cunons iinr u m in- the rounds uf a mist ike in a mus tard prultk e at a hotel. A lady, whose husband was su tiering from cold, got up at midnight aud went below to letch a mustard poultice. In ber agitation she mistook tho room on her return, and went into one where there was a light burn ing as dimly us in that she left a room alto gclbt r similar, and apparently her htisbaud in bed fast asleep. (She applied the mustard poul tice to his chest, and sat quietly at his bedside till it began to draw. It did dru ( but it drew an infuriated scream from tbe ptnir fellow who had been the subject of her unconscious solici tude. At the round of the nnaccustomod voice, the nature of tbe accident which had befallen her and her patient was at once visible, and she rushed headlong from the mustarded man into t.A n-ma ,,t Ik v IIcda lord. Hotb unrtics told their story the next day, and had to (cave amidst tbe laughter oi tne uowi occupauus. "Comb and Sbh Mb." Never take "come and " a a nhnise meant in eartiost. unless it in accompanied with a date. An invitation without ".ir tiinaiRiice" ia no invitation at all. Depend npon it, if any gentleman or lady desire your company, he or she will appoint a time for your visit, "t ini on mo wnen you cu uiunu is u vi nient," "drop in as you are passing," "make us a visirwhenever you have an hour or two to spare," are social tndcliuitisms by which men of tbe world understand that they are not exoected to do the thing requested. When peoplo wish to be cheaply polite, there is nothing like this kind of vagueness. Tbo complimentary small change of scelf.ty should always be taken nt a large di-count. It is never worm us luoc, r uj tbing like it. Yet it is a convenient medium of exchange for all that, and heavy debts of grutituce, that ought to be requited lu better coin, ure of i n pld with it. People wbo have more pli-h than principle use It lavishly plain, blunt, honest men snurtusly or not at nil. Whoever makes a friendly visit to a fashionable house on the tn ngth of a mere "Come and see," will be likely enough to find that the family circle which he ha dropped lino by request is as ungenial aa the arctic circle, and to leave it with arbiily feel ing ubont the heart that will prevent him from venturing into Ibo sume high latitnde thereafter, liut when a whole-souled fellow, whom you Lnw to h vour friend. erans you vigorously by the hand and say.? "Come and dine with me to-day dir.ner on tbe table at five o'clock be sure to come, we shall expect you" go If you ran. and von will be all the Utter for it. both in mind and bodv. One likes to meet friends at the hospitable bouid one's own or theirs, it mutters HOI WHICH out a nou in tue airuvs wbiiiuiuukui fiom a fash kit uMc acquaintance. Why do wk Siiaxk II anus ? The learned Dr. Humphrey has given ns the solution to this Ire queully cor.iw lured problem. Ho says ; "It is a very old-fashioned way of indicating friendship. Jehu S lid to Jeboiuidab, 'Is thine heart right as my hiuit is with thine heart? If It be give me thine bund. It Is uot merely an out-lusuionea custom, It is a strictly natural one; and, as usual in such caies, we may find a physiological reason, it we only take the pains to search for it. The anlii'iils cultivate friendship by the senao of touch as well a by the senses of smell, bear ing, and siht; and for this purpo-e tbey cnsplo) the most sensitive part of their bodies. Ti t y lull their noses together, or they lick one another with their tongues. Js'uw, tho hand ii. n i ait of the human liody in which tbe sense ui touch is hiehly developed; and after the manner of animals, we not only liac to see and I bear our fru ud (we do not usually smell bun, though Isaac, when his eyes were dim, resorted to this sense us a menus ol iceogmiiun), we also touch him, and promote tho kindly feelings by Ibe conlnct and leciproeal pressure of the tcnsi the hands. Obmrvc, too, bow this principle Is illnstiatcd bv uno lurof our modes of greeting. Whtn wc wish to determine whether a substance be ptrlectlv smooth, una uie not quite satisfied , with ihc in ii iin in ion conveyed by the lingers, we ; FOURTH EDITION.IFIFTH EDITION! LATER FROM THE VALLEY. EARLY SAID TO HAVE BEEN REINFORCED. Rebels to take tho Offensive. Mpecial to Tits' KvrnlwsT Tlsrral. WAsniMoi'", August II). From the fAC. ol Sheridan rapturing prisoner belonging to umg- atreet'a Con. In tbe engagement near Stresburg, on Wednesday last, Is evident that Early h is been reinforced by a po'tlon-tho larger most tirolldv ot Iswastreefa foreca. It la known tha' I.ongs'Teet's men, wbo wero enptnred on Unnday by Blrney, above Deep Bottom, on the north side of the James river, bo. longed to a division which Was under msrihlng order for the valley wncn onr un ces crvsu mo rlvM and sot them Into the fight. There can lie no longer any donbt of the Uibol intentions In the Shenandoah. They have deter mined npon a vigorous camputgn. Eirly has been or will be reinforced. Grant, however, is fully prepared for an ,'h developments. TBOM rOBTEESS MONROE. Arrival of M'onnalrxt rtlll-ry Attack on the Mulls CoriM. Foi.tiikss Mokkoi , August 18. The hospital steamer Ihmnn ti- ut nrived today at noon, from Deep Bottom, James river, with 400 wounded, mostly in the battle of Tuesday, aud belonging to tbe 2.1 and 10th Army Corp, incywero tronsfeiTcd to the hospital steamship A'lanlic, at this Dta..e. which sailed tor Philadelphia at i o'clock P. M. Tbe Conn!, irfleft Deep Bttora this evening Yostcrdey was comparatively qnict with the army on both sides of the .lames mer. Whilst the r?.ccjif was lying at Deep Boltoin very heavy ennnonadina wa bend up the river, CJin- mencing at 1 o'claek and lasting till 2-30 this morning. The result was not ascertained when tbe steamer left. i. Arm. fi P. M. Tbe mall steamer VaHfJcrfcW, from City Point, has tost arrived. At 8 o'clock this morning tbe llebels ma le a furious attack on onr lines, or rather that portion consisting of uenemi Burnslde's old Corps, and to their left. Tho fighting was chiefly with artillery, nnd lasted nearly two hours, when the enemy fell back, wiihout attempting an assault on our works. Onr loss wa small. r.KKrVI.VAXIA a.Et.IMI.ATCRE. IUrhihih arc, August 19. Hhnatk. Mr. 8t. Clair oHered a resolution in structing the Judiciary Commit. ce to inquire Into the expediency ol bringing in a Dili io ois franchise deserters from the United Suites army l'usef-d. Mr. Clymcr i lfered the following resolution t It is alleged that tbe ollicers of the 3d Pennsylvania Artillery, or Provisional Kegtmcnt, are without commission, and the regiment, although In the front, without surgeons, rhrteforr. in order to ascertain where the natr'ar! lira, he it lirsoltrd, That the Governor be requested to furnish, at his eHrlient convenience, any corres pondence that be may have had with the Presi dent or the Wur Detriment in relation thereto. Tbe resolution was uiiopton. t. .lotiimnn rttternil the followlni : ituH-nui. The General Assembly is now In session under the prottlumatluu of the Governor, nnd an mljoiimed scssiou bus become uuuoces- aarv . therprhre. y ' . . . , . ... I .- i ; Jnnln.trt Hnmilrrn, 1 nut me joiuv renuiuiiuii s"-'"!' that tbe Legislature will meet in adjourned ses- iii n on Aueust V I. 1st), oe nnu tue aauio u h.tiv roueindpd -. and. In lieu thereof. Itnolreil, That the mcmliers of the two Ilonses will meet in tbe hall of the two Houses on Tues day, August 23, at 4 o'clock, and count the vote on tne Anienunicni. to ui iwubhiumuu. Th. f.olnfion was Massed. llotsii. Mr. Kmiih (Chester), from the Com miltet on llevcnue, presented a report, embracing some niodilicationa ot tbe law taxing railroad companies, bankers, ft.c, No radical rhongc was made In the amount or manner of collection, but several ambiguous ex pressions were revised. Tbe bill uccompnnvine tbe report was passed. A supplement to the General Bounty law, not aflcctiiig Philadelphia, was considered. MURDER ON THE HIGH SEAS. Hearing of Alleged Murderess, Margaret Clark. REBEL MOVEMENTS IN TENNESSEE. Woodward Mortally Wounded and Captured. fh.AsHB. Trnsi., Angus! 1U.-A sinaii scout sent ont from here ysstcrday returned at midnight, and reported three hundred llebels under Frank Woodward, at Carrettshurg, twelve miles from hero, at six o'clock laH night. They were well mounted aad armed, mostly with navy revolver", and wero pressing horses and mules Indiscriminately. They were supposed to ts en route to join Adam Johnson. Cl.RKSVIi.!.r, Angust 19, 18-30 A. M. WOOil- rard attacked llopkiusville about four o clock this morning, and was repulsed by a company of the 5'id Kentucky, and one hundred home guards. On the second charge Woodward was mortally wonnded aud taken prisoner. Two Ilebcl sol diers were killed, nnd the Union soldiers sus tallied no loa. The llebels are still hovering around the town, and another attack Is expected. REBEL REF0RT FROM MOBILE Dog River Bar Passed by our Gunboats. RAILROAD LINES. ISM. (Ot ) in Sis I is) I AO RAILROAD LINES. TIRE 0PEKED ON THE BEBEL BAT- TIRIES AND GUNBOATS. The " Mississippi Monitors" Open on the City. Wsiiikotow. August 1!). The latest Intelli gence from Mobile I tho following, from the Hlcbmond Sentinel of the 17th, received at the Navy Department to-dny : "Monu-B. Aueust 15. 1 his evening, two mom- tors and live gunlioats passed Dog river bir, aud coming op to within two miles of the ob structions, opened Cro for three hours on onr batteries anil gunboats, doing no damage. Our fonr gunboats replied handsomely. Our bat teries were silent at sunset, and the enomy hauled oil. "A special despatch to the Regoter, from Ux Pond on the 14th, says, Chalmers dashed into Abbeville aud whipped the enemy, capturing twenty-five prisoners, and then fell back four miles, when the cueruy attacked him and were repulsed. "Our loss was fi killed and & wounueu. m enemy lost 00 killed and 260 wounded and 40 prisoners. 'tiring was heard lu the direction oi run mor gan this morning." 14Jt' 4 AKHANOKMKNT8 OF irSl)-l. ii of k Mrs. Tht i 'ain'tsa aaa Amiwy ana rniiaittasia IMi im.n ftatlrnad tlrmpanMa' UM frnra PaluuMlWita M Maw Tort aa W ar l'iara raon wAijrrry. STBr.tT wharf, Will Wava ns fnUow rasa. At S A at.,riai'aiiiSrrn4 Aantxiy, O. an A. Ao niaani' dat tt 18 At s a. m , via i'aiBOD ana f.j city, M--anf Kxpr.M At 12 M . via Cadn ar4 AulKir, O and A. Acaora- rmCsMon At 11 P. M. via Caindoa and Aratuy, u. aud A. Kx- firr.s At 1 P. M.,rla I'airMtrn aail Aiatiiir.AcoroahHlAiloa) (Krelsht aurl Tsssenssr) At C t . l.,la ChhiSti slid Anil-or, AccMnmAdatM-in trrrlMhtand ransimser) 1st Class Ticket d t'lssn rti At 7 I'. M.. riar'aindfn and ArnHpr Aermmnnda- tl..n trreivM and I'aaarnsrr), lt ?lnss TkSai.... aa I 'In. . do For Manch ('Sims, (nnteivn, ni-inirnrm, neiviutrv, Kuus. I.amrrlvllk Klemlnst'm, Ac , T i P at. tnt Lamlirlvlll and intermainl Htsmni,a S P. M. for Mount, HiMv, Kvnnsvliu,, 1'rmbvrtou, and VSnoap town, at A. M., 4 and M'-M lor 1 r.rtuiMat A. M. and P.M. Y t Palmyrs. mrrrtnn, I)ol.no. Ilcrer!--. BnrlliKtnn, rs.mica. Ilwlnt n. Aw., at S A. St.. IJ f., I. -I 3(1. and f. M. Ihe SualnUP At. Unas run dirael Ihrvugtl Io Trraton. . , ,r r mrra, Brvsrten, Htlanco. Beverly, and Partial -VnalTr.lil. an ainbnat Trantnn, trr llrlfol, BirSnut. Ttfvnlf, Tnrtnilal. ami Ti'iw ats-iwa. M. andU ' P. it. I.IKJH KIUM hENSlJItlTON ULfuT Will laav ai feliowi At 4 A. M .tniflii) la Kn.vn1nn ani Tors, W'asMnirti.n and VnrS Mall T J At II IS A.M., vlaBeinliMttuoai.d Jarsej CitaM prs. S'fS AH-:iP. M.,la HrnsliiKioa and Itnty City K iirssa a'Otl At -,. V W . . V ...Inulnn anil Jar.i V LltV. WasMniil'Hi and Nrw ork hs.rnss 3-01 Sunilay llnm 1. avs at 4 A. M. and 11 4S P. M. Ttiare will h iin llnf at 4 A. af. INlahtl on Mundavi. Pr W ater tiap, Hlr.iuil.hnra, Ncrantan, Wtlks.ham, HonlrtmcUrsat llTd, Msnehl'linnk, Alleniown, Hemla li.aa. ltetvlitf-m, Ks.tn, lmlM-rtvlllv, KlernlnirlnD. Ae ,at 7 It A. M. This llaeeiinnei ts wllh Uis train leaving Kastun fcr Hmh( tiiinkat s ail T at. Tnr LamlnrtrUle and miernv-ilIKo .tsU.m. at 5 P. af. For llrlwl, Treiikin, Acal Mi and 11 la A. at., aim a P. at. If at Hilniliiirii, Tanonv, Wts.lnomln. Wrlde.hurs, and Pranklerd at S A. At., 6, ft 46, and S 1'. At. Tin 9 A. At. Una liins to Hn.t.'l. ar-Kor New Vork and Way Ltnss loavlnir Ksnslrartna tWV' tAks lh" rars OD Kll'lh strset, above Walnut, half an Annr bastta departtira. Th Itnrs run Into rtia issuot, and on arrtral of aach train rua fri.ro U I)put. Fiiiv nounda of bniruaaa miv aliowad earn pasaanear. Pafl.'-nrrrs are nrnhiMted friiro tnkliiK anytMiiir as ta.-sea tnt tAelr wrarliia apparrU All biiifM ovar rmy IHionds ,i lie paid ft.r axira. 'J ha t muiiany li-nit tlistr rs.ponsl bllltv lor haarawc tn On liollar per pound, and wHI not ba balile fur an amouil bajond SluO. aacapt by i pedal m- tiratiam's Psrrars F.inraaa will ran for and dsllvsr haa sa, alU, isrion. Or. lets to ba kit at No WALNUT it, Vet. WJl. H. UAT.HLK, Asnt. 1U.1.B silOM VT.'V YOllK POR PUH.ADP.LPIIIA WI1X LEAVK From foot of Oortlan.1 alm-t al XI at. and 4 P. 4.,vta Jenay I'lly and I aimlen i al 7 and 10 A. at., 6 P.M., and H (NiU) vta.l-rs.-y Cliy and Ken.lnirt.in. From root m Rarelav street, at A. At. and 1 P. M , via Aiiihorandfawnlen. From 1'kr No. 1 Niirth Hlrar. at 11 M., 4 and 8 P. II. (f misht and Passor.ger) via Aruboy and Caunlea. EW RAH ROAD LINE MUKlli, Villi, r l.rillA Ti niUKiK i i a, H1....10I1 ll PIVK IIUI'KS. a fake s:. mn F,rrFaiow Ticimu, hhii) for thrf-R TiTtU. lis ami artar MOMiAV, Ansa ft I. IKM.Ualna wtH aar. ftioKif MSB S)trt, VhlUuleiphia, ery mornltif a. S A - it. (Sunday, rseept.u ). U'tri r by tha tamdan aad At-4 larlle and Harlian and llelawara Bar Hailmada to roVJ Mnnmnuth, and by lh oommodlno. aiaamar i.a Hnyt jn . anr to teat of Atlsntlr ilrt, llronklyn i ratnrnlna, Isara '. lantlo ritreet Wharf avfryday (Handayf aaerptsd), at ls2X Tra'Teirm o tha olty of V'w Vfrk are n itlfkd nat at ply Mr pa..s bv this Una, IhsHiais of Saw )ate'faa1 harms arainrd lo llif I'airnlrn as Amboy fannoixxj lh'! fsrln.ive prlvll.Kf nlomnil p.nier. sml f mht M an tm lwfi-a tin titles ot Pti lsil'h nla a id Nw VmS. hW-UT th W. F. tllltrr triit. tt.-neral WunarlntrBdoat. " ANDt"" at. lsiii. until tuHkaa. IlllIl.ADyi.rHIA, OKRMANTOWN, KORKISIUWH KAtl.ltOAO. TIMr. iAHl On and afur MONoAV, May IS. mwa. rnu nrituismvil. t.rarf Philadelphia S, 7, a s 10. 11 ' 12 A. M.; 1, 9. FlO I .IV a s a i a ,i ,n II l., u Lrrfve l,.itnannwn. S, 7, 7 .In. S, S -jn, tl, 10, 11, IS A. at. . I.S.S.4. i.,5, S,V. t. S. S, in. ll, and If P. M. 1 heS iddovn, amt the A aid t trains up, do aat ftaf, a the Ueriiiaiitwn Itrani h. I IIK-M T llll.L RAILROAD. leave PMlad. Iplila, t, S.lil.ll A.M.; . aV,5V.7. ami II r. M. I ca.rt h-.int ll'.ll, T ID.S.S 10, 11-40 A. at. 1 14, I t0 4 4H.S-4C.S IO, and in 40 P. M. . OK ONHIIOIIIM KKN A KT HOVBtSTOWW. T). l eare Philadelphia , 30. 11 06 A. M. l."a,J, !,() ' IV, s im. and lit. I1, at. 1a,e t..,rrl.lowB,4.'7, l',J and 11 A. M. 1 1. 4 C. amtS P. M ' "i i.e train an. wtU Bf.A at W laiaiitckoo. If aaAvaaUV andCuii.akeuiiiiy. , ion MANAvrKK. -va l.T, l.llli.ipiii...,.i.'t.i w m ..a, "I ..t VW aaB V K l.r, and 1 1 1 T. M . P"i I ' Leave at anayuult, S'.', 7,V, S-0, , A.M., 1,1, 7. Slid I'M... . , ... aval Wivrt. VTH a-id OKKKM Htraetf. J .. W . -' " " tread)! X'ORTII r r. IS ri W i L V A Is I A llAIL.ttUAU. 1 Tnr BrCTHLHIKM, DOTLF.4 ri iW N. F.AHrOW. THAI I ft CIII NK, HAZI.EION, WILKEr)IIAJllt;, Aoi w"'1875m. Hummin. ADIllTID.NAh ThtlNM. fi aad afir MuN HAY. J nne Is. Issii Pa.aanatr Tralai- will leave the Kew llepnt, TI1IK1) Hlre,als,vf Tharop-i on itraet, rniiadeipma, nany tsnnusji .jwiseiji a i Rntnoreit BeeosmolNawtico to ralr Oaikai. Washijioton, August 19. The man s.camer which arrived to-day reports that mere was a rumor at City Point when she left yesterday, that a strong reconnoiasance sent out Dy uenerai Hancock bad reached Fair Oaks. SORE DEPREDATION) OF THE "TAi LAIIASiNKK." Boston, August 19. The schooner Leopard has arrived from Cornwallls, N. 8., and reports that on the 10th, off Martinlcos, she waa captured by the TaJaiusd, and released on giving bonds for $2000. Tbe pirate pnt ten men on- board, belonging to a harnuo from Portland for PIcton. Next morn- l ng the Leopard steered Into Monhegnn, snd tho J men came ashore in a boat. The Leopard sub- 'seqncutly taw tho 7aaAafd capture and bnrn two schooners. The pirates destroyer an tue provisions and started the water-casks ou board the Ltopard. FHO!. 4JRMVT AND HHERIDIFI. Kerli lo The Evening; Tela;ril. Washinoton, Angust iu. mere is uu ue v,, to.ilav. esrent that from Generals Grant and Sheridan. Prow both tbe reporta are tavoranic. The lighting on tho north of the James is aevero, but our troops are making steady pro- gref.s. Tbe movement of Bherwan nerry vino waa for prudential reasons, to prevent a Hanking movement throngb Sulcliors Oap. ITBEIOIIT LINES FOR NKW Y6RK AND X all the stations ou Uis Caiudin and Amboy and eou aacUus Kailfoadn. Tha Caaiilen and Auiboy Kallruud and Traniportarloa rnnii.ani'1 Kralsbt Line, for Nuw York will leava Walun siremtiarr,on and after January b, dally iMundayi o- cePted), at 4 o'clnek P. M. heturulEg, Uia above Llnaa will leave aw York at 1 and 4 P al K rein lit most dellvored before 3X P. M. to be for warded the .ante day. t irelf lil for rrenlon, rrincefon, Klnnshin, Kew Bnins wteA , and all potnla oa tha Camden and Amboy Katlroad i also on Ilia llelvMero, llolawaro, and FKuitust n,Uia Maw Jersey, Die Kreehuld and JamslmrK, and Ilia Bardnslon ..... it...... u..ii alir.,n,l.. received snd fnrirarded np to 0'ek.rk P. M. HinaU package for Mount Holly rocolvod "hVBshldera Delaware Railroad eonnevta at Pbtlllps burvwlih tha Lebifh Valley Kailroad. Tbe .New Jeray Railroad conneeta at F.Halelli with tha Sew Jersey Central Railroad, and at Nawark iib thf Morria aad A s,lpUnie,JSl!ranilum, .peelfylnu tha marks and aom Ixra. ahlppera and tons'! e, a, mnal In eryln.tania M aenl wlih each load ol nud. iir no reeelpt will beviven. Increased laelUUea bavins been uiade tot tlie UJnporta iH.n ol Ll V K HTO K . drovers are lo Ited to Ut tin. roil ta. When tha tls:k la lnlahedln onantitleB of TlOijAll I.OADRor more, It will Be tleiivarru at tne ioooi rorvi-i, Iraet, near tha Ilrma Yards, or at Plar No 1 North Krter. a. tbeabippers may desisaata at Ilia time of tua ulilpm.nt. WaLTKR VllKK.M AN, Krelht Airont, So. 21 is M. Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. t.KO. B RAY MO N I). FralWit Aaent, jfto.1 1'ler .No. 1. Jiorth Hiref. New York. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. BPHtll-U AUKANIlKSIKNT. TllllOl'OU IM TWO IIOI'RH!!! Foia- uama dally to Atlantic City. On and afler MONDAY, July 4, trains leave Vluestrtrt Ferry as followa : 7 A 11. (Riprees) for Rrihtohem, Allentowa, Maaels I hank, w llkefosrre. wni?amiii"r,. i S l.'i A.M. (Aeriimmoilatliin) f..r Doylfstnwa. 10-IK A. St. (Aeeinin,ortainnl for Fort W'a.hlngtoa. S P. M. (Aceon-.motlatlot,) far lloyle.lown. , 8 4.'. P. M. (F.ipre.s) fur BnUilaliem.taJton.Ae. a-l t Sf tiain O.r Ikn, l..tnn. B IS P. M . ( Aceommodatloai for Bethlehem, Aileaww B. and Moai-b Chunk. I S In P. M. ( Ao'iamodatlon) for lAnsdala. . 11 P. 14. (Aocomniodallon) for Furl Waahlnxtoa. " THAIMM Kul! PIULAPELPtll A. SVad laare Bethlehem at S 30 A . M .! AM, J"d -7P.at iKiyleaiown at a ioa.m .j 4r.at.,an i r. as. Ij.iii.i1. ile air. A.M. ' Kurt Wailaugtoa at 11-1S A. M. and i P. at. ON SU NDAYS. Philadelphia Sir Bellilahcm at u A. M. Vhllad'lphlef.ir IViykstowa at 3 P. M. S Dnylektown for 1'hllatlelpLia at 7-'AI A. M. , Bethlehem ror Pbl-arielilila at 4 F. M. llllhnan s Basrae Kspreat wUI rau for aa J AoHvw bair k,-e at Uie depot. Order, may be 111 at No. 11S t. 11X11 Buei-t. Jel3 11 E A D 1 N O F.IXts) CLARK, ArnL RAILROAD EL n.rlT iruiiKR T.I1IK ruflM PIIILADKLHIA TO TI1K IVTERIOR 0. I'f.NNrLVANIA.THK KfllnTI.MI L, ttl'H olEUANNA.Ct'MIIF.HI.ANl), AUD WY0M1NO VAiXEY, KOKTH, yOKTHvrotT, AND TlUi CANADAi, PASHKNOKR TKAIN" ' ., Leave Ida rcmi-any a H-pot. at TIIIRTF.BVTH a CALLOVVlill-L HUaals. Pulladelpbia, at Uia IbUuWUH I houisi : a.f'nt.11.. nniu, . At SIS A.M.. for Keadliif, Lebanon, F.nhrat, LttJ, 1 i 1SG4. 18G4. aian, I on -is. wk. Frelsht, with paaenfer ear attaebed.515 A. M. Fxpresa (IbrouFh In 2 hours) -0 I'. At. A I lain le Aeounimvdiitlon, 41S P. M. Junction Aceninin .Mlailim , fi-so P.M. ltKTUKNLW! LKAVKH ATLANTIC, Accommodation ( Atlantic; 4 44 A. M. V.aprcsa. 7'tid A. M. l rslflil.ll-Mi A.M. Matl,4-4SP.lf. , . JuuetloB Aecommedatlon. S-73 A.M. v... i. 01..11.. i ii uound Trio Tkkata (roodonry for ike day and train on which tbey are le.ued) VJ 00. EXTRA HAIUM3NHE1.D THAI No, Tjfare Vine atreet If In A. M. and I ll V. M. Leave lladdonrleld 1-46 P. M. and 3 46 F. M. ON hUSDAYs). Mall train for Atlantlo laavea Ytna itreat 7-50 A. M. Sy.r A""'",,Wr-JMjOHN O. WtAW.im let! 4 PENNSYLVANIA IQtM 1M1-4. 4'KNIIIAL H.MI.ItOAIl. I2jA TIIK tlKFAT llUnl.K-TKA H HIIORT ItOI'TK TO TIIK WK.HT, JiOIITIIWEMT, AN ll 8llTllWF.i4T. iiiiliueiiiB snd laeilities lor U aala, .wly, and onm fortsbe tran.poiia's'Bwf pnsra, uasurvaised by aa Mntelntheeoiiiito. ..,, ... u4 Da-was Trnltis h-ave the itepot at nbti e- iu auw Htreeta as louowa Mall Truin at Fn.t Line at Thrtsisb Kspraet at Parkr.burx Train, No. 1, at., 7-13 A.M. 11 V A. M. 10-.10P.M. IU 00 A. M . 1-00 P. M. 1 UUP. M. 4 Ou P.M. upplj it lo tl e lips unu ruo ir gunny uion tiicin. M e ilo so l caii'e we know by expci ieiice thut the si use ol loui li is itioi-c actively ilcviloiei in ti e lips tlinn in the lmiiiis. Accordingly, hen e wish to recipiocnle thu wurrucr fcilinf-'s we me not cot tent with ibe lonMetof the hands, und wc bring l he lips into service. A abul.e of hi.int' m ttn i s tor lr:ciiisiii. in unuenion-iiauve , l- i g'aml at 1 ast ; hut a kl-sis the token of ainoro tn der aflu tidn." Tm Cam- oi nil. Evi . I'ist it otic In-gins to fu l the etlict of iu.puiied vision, he ctiu iianlly est n.ate tlievulueot cyt-s'ghl ; und, consequently, I Irom ifinorantie tr ci relcsaness, be is apt to uc glect a lew siinplc pti cautions, by the otsMTrsnce cfvliich hia sifht might be preserved. First, never use a writing-desk or table with your face towsrus a window. Iu such cases the rays of light cosue directly upon the pupil of the cyos, and, causing an unnatural and lorcvd contraction thereof, soau permanently injure the shtht. Nex.t, when your table or desk is nt ur a window, sit so that vour face turns irom, not towards, the win dow w hile you are writing. If your lace is towards the window, the oblique rays strike the eye and injure it nearly as much as the direct ruyt when you sit in front of the window. It is best alwuys to sit or stood while reading or writing with the window behind you ; und next to that with the light coming over your left side; then the ligiit illumines the paper or book, nnd does not shine abruptly ution the eye-bull. The same remarks are applicable to artificial light. We are often asked what is the best light gas, candles, oil, or cauiphene? Our answer is, it is Immutorial which, provided the light of either be strong enough snd do not tiieLcr. A gas nsh-tull burner should never be used tor reading or writing, bc-iaukc there ia a constant oscillation or flickeriug U the fame. Candles, unless they have self cotisuiulng wicks, which do not rexiuire snuii.ug, should not be used, We need scarcely say that oil wkks, which crust over, and thus diminish the licht. arc good lor nothing: und the same b lino ,.r i f.mriaiiifii. of tho. hiiinrfl of eaDibhene. unless the wicks are properly trimmed of all their fturumr deposit alter auinduig twenty-four hours, liut, whatever the artibcial lljht used, let it strike the paper or book which you aro using, whenever vou can. from over tha left ahouldor. This can always be done with gaa, for that light is strong enauh, and ao is the lif,'ht from cu- pbenC, Oil, SC., prvwucu ll conica luniusu a eir- cular burner liko the are.and. Hut the liKht, m tn.o-ier it be. should always be protected from the air in Ibe room by fciass chimney, o that th liht may t uauy. This morning, at the United ritatcs Conrt 1 Rooms, a further hearing waa had before United States Commissioner Rcrgcant, in the case ot Sirs. Margaret Clark, of county Antrim, Ireland, charged w ith the tnurdor, on tho high seas, of Margaret Ward, of Donegal, Ireland. The parties were passengers on the ship Lady i...i i.i from l.onilonderrv. and durirut the pnsugc, about two weeks since, a scuttle ensue 1 Lia.ua the wuineti Ward and Clark, during w inch it la nlleircd Hint the latter knocked her opponent down, run-ins: such serious injuries ii.mi ,t, ,t. utt. ni Mr-. Ward took nkicc thatniitht. The arre-t tisik pl.ee yesterday by Deputy United Ktates Nhaihey, during the progress ot the tiht on the same vessel, narrated in another nj.,tt,.n nt' TliK Tsll. S.OltAl'll. Mi Kei vi r, t -he aliened murderer of McMaster, la ,,, nt' tho orini iiuil witnesses asuinst Mareuret. Joint McCoy , sw ot n. Am a carpentor on board iho l-;,iiu . saw the occurrence of the ouar- rel; was sitting on the after-hatch, smoking, at the time; saw Mrs. Ward having bold of Mrs. r!,t,'a .1,11,1 1 saw Mrs. Clark Ciimimr and polling the child avny from her (Mrs. Ward), and giving her (Mis. Ward) a push. She (Mrs. Ward) l II on the top sail-yard, on tl.,. Lu iiiin or the hhin. aud then fell over ; Mr. Cole got bolt! of Mr . Clark by the shoulder and pu b d Lcr wnt . Khe (Mrs. C.) wont away, and Mr. t urn in me in ross to me and Said, "don't you think it ve.iv liiih'h M fallout about children?" She (Mrs.N nn0 it l-1 not full very hard; she hid no illMitncc to full : do not know whether she uiiii-lr her hi. it it nut: did not take any notice w hcthei she (M . Ward I golup withany dliUculty ; iiiiiimii.1. i.ici i.i-r ts'rson; she did uot Buy to tne the in- nrr ; M.d. Ward said she would t-'o ami lonk lot Mis t'nrk und make friends with Inr. 'I he iitti.it iM-etll I d about 7 o'clock in the even- 1,1-- m lu i i ii s I at-'uin at about 10 o'clock ; the at emu! -o ' c u. u delirious state then; she is'.lit don i'i-i tiini Iv; alio was not lying down, iii.ii .le.'l in the air. M.i. was vi... i t in her actions, and several bad m t.,,-,1 ir. .io ent calmer afterwards: she nktl men I e tm in'ngwhen I saw her, "Wh.t can ei vei mo ut i.'phi r"l told her ahe had better Ui, tn at.-, ll i .nil Lei half an hour before ahe died ; this ias in the latter part ol the day after the ditli culty occurred ; then she was lying lubed in a il..w atatA " ..... ... i . Ji.l Hull hour atterwarua sue uieu ; um am fii.i ti-, i a vonr stioni; woman : nrobahly betweea thitty and forty years of age; heard It aaid ahe was a weaK wouiau ; uu um mv. .uviuvi te.aa a LninAmls avfumtin Or UOt. John McCoy, sworn Am a vuynuau ou u.. tbe Kmilv Peel on ber lastvoyane from London derry c been pbyblciun since January last ; ray first vovaec on board this vessel ; saw dilUculty between Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Ward. It was the hitter part ot the month of July ; i 1 mora- wau atttlna- on the dooo of the 111 HI 11 .TUB. VIIW. " - " II , vessel, aud run down on hearing a cry i then saw Mrs. Clark give her (Mrs.Ward) a push, and she (Mrs. Ward) tell ; 1 iuiuk sue Kvo uot . f..ll ati.nffkiHH Ot tllO SUill. ' .h,k Mrs. Mar J struck her head in falling; Mr. McCool assisted her up; saw Mrs. Ward afterwards talking to Mrs. C ark, and saw her aeain aliout two hours afterwards, w hen 1 was called below to see ber in her bed, and found her delirious ; the witness contlhued to state that a.h a-., laboring irom nervous excite- mnt At ten o'clock she again came a.,-It riuv. h..r soma medicine at SIX '..i. ...i. ti.. ni aanniiwir tbe delirium had passed otT. Then gave her som wine and water, L...I..V. .i.. ,.,ih r,t awullow. taw Lor at ditfer- ent timts during the day until she died. b Bo marks of violence upon her body. I believed she died from the shock conso.meut to nervous eCwV;I2'Dn.,,..a,.. .ere belntr examined at the a : . n,.awi mir raritkl Mrs. Clurit la a young widow lady, with two children, and is quiia inv-v.-o . -t- ptuiauce. - MnrUeta by Tftloarra.pl.. DAl.TiMOBK.'Auguat 19. Wheat atcady. Corn in. I and 1 rent lower. Wulkky dull aud nominal atsisi. llroeeries AlUl. New Yoiik, August 19. Storks are easier. Ohtessn and H -i k Island, U'l', ; Cuail'rkinil preterred, 61 ; Illinois Ceniral Mcrip, '4'i ; MiehtKan Hout-iurn. 'l ; lluaianteed, 1-Ct' -. iscw lora vnitai, i.si'e i r.qn i "m, 11'.'! ileadlUK. tsi'.i Hudson Klvir, 1C; Km:, 1U; CleveJand and Toledo 1-U; Clovelatid and riltibnru, 1I81: Pitt.hiirar and Fort Vi'aiue 1'5S; Chleaifo and North Western, bVf, 'Ireatury Notes, 110; Ten Tony, Ins; Five twuiiiy Coiioiii, 110; Heslstarcd 4i,luS',; tlold, TKU88K8. BRACKS, &0., kltfulty adjiLPtd by C. II. N IlF.ILF.S, aor. of TW RLkTH and RACK Mlroela. Ladlea' Iscpartuient for aame, conducted by ladles, TWELFTH Street, (tret eoor below kUoa. Tlio moat txunplela aud varied ahs-k oa band, con.utliis. In part, of Tru.e. Huppormrs, Hhouidet llrasie., Baits, Baudavu, Kiaallo Blonklnsa, Hyrlusua, Arucloa ror nursery. nica autom, c leuaia PHILADELPHIA SUROLONS' MfSieWV n.Li.i.iu lUM-i-it-irrir Kin. 14 North Siata vinih Btrert. above Markot. Kopturea radlealhrenred by 11. KVUIKI'T'H l-romltini raieut tlradueonn 1'ro.anra Tru.a. huiienor r.uinio Ela.ltu H1ociins..rlupprUKa, nuuuiuar pi,r- Borte.. Cnrtelias. ate. ....-,,..,. , ,.r Laiuea atuuoi o vj alia. n.sj. r. 1 . . .. wtw ARTIFICIAL HAND. II. A. till.KKA, Inventor and llanutaetarar of tha A Jt T 1 1 1 : A L A U M, Approved and adopted nv -rue. BV KOEON-tll'.NKB AL OF TUB OK1TCD iTATK. firr KfiLllrra. Bftl in-vaav-ntly lmjaieu hit OfTU- aiul Fartorr at No. UU O. J II 1 U DUKIi )IA VSMVW trytt.W, m HtaaaaassM c 'jiy-vm W K A LT 11, HEALTH, AD n ! If lo antri ailtntrlDK : If tt ctkiirve lovidioiit fsirlnj Ii tit ho a tiUitnnls;; Mow t r, httdins, ();lnii Id aa lioiir tiN t I Ut have a hoat ot rYJenU; ll tor Tice tu ma to uiui iiUh; II Kkth lib-borRis'ootl lu w h1 ; ll a mm bit wt.niv whiu dtail- Wi u tm J( (o live tlireoacori' and Wiliair it e aa lonjt anfilfii R to livi a lite uf pean-; ii I4i die aad jju to irf n Hku. ry t If you wltiU a Ufa of ploatupaM ; If vuu value- tlila world n irtnutiraa ; li avery comtoil .ou would e. Take in advice, and wUh three. Ttieu. havliiK Bealtli, Wealth, anJ UraotT, tou 11 uc riared fr vtry duty. Rr a cartful di rual of lr. WILLIAM YOL'NO'H Kaw hiwk, 'I III. MAJtHI AtiK (U'lliK, wlilt h t.anid ba raad uyavarooo. boju y iHnii'-rfi ymrrBiiv, tui i ma iwiora cnita, tto. tib oratua ninaLi , ynce coma. au t SHIPPING. sjfaa hTEAM WK.KKLV TO LIVKlt aSk&aalakaPO'il, toiielitiis at t.Uenstown, Cork llarlior, 1 1,.. Ht'ti-atioa n stuaaiera of tbe Liverpool, Nuw Tirk, and l'hilsilvl,ina htuauialup t ouipauy aje lateaaed tu aan as iiMinns: l I t T lr iaimmin, nataraay. Aiisu.t v. CITl OF llAl TliaOKH.SSIilrJa;, Auu.l27. K1 .'A. Haturdav. huiilembur '16. Aniteturi aiiDeM-dOtu Malurdav. at aooa. flout Tier Na tiurtli Klvw. UATtS US TAHSAIMC. Fayatilein Oold, or It. eiiulvali-nt lu (tuirsaey ; llr.l ( alila S-siUl aiaereita HD-OO Flral Cabin lo l-ondou Hal Mieiasf to London.... :Hll Fitai l al.iu lo Paris... (s a eliee. iil-i-to Pan. enui 1 iml( aJ.in li.lii.uibiintl.KSi Hiaetajiato UambiirK. . 7 IX) I'as.euirer. are al.o lorwarde.1 to Havre uieuieu, llol teroam. AittM ero. At .. at eouaU Um rules. laro. fnui LneriHsil or yueen.town : I'iritraMil, STtl, SVi.Sins. airai.'e irirfn Liverp.1 ana vueeintoo u. rm. 1 Hose who v. uu lo eud lot tueiruwiae caa our l.f le at theae ralee. 1 ut luitliu tsioiautlon apply at tha Onmpaay's oiltcos. Jiin t. i..M.r.. aaeui, Ka 111 WAI.M T Sire.-l. Fiilladi-lplna, tssjTaaa. FOR LIVERPOOL, SATURDAY, 2Usiwaa, Ausoal l. lf.l. ii.t- linu.i. .i.ip AltWimi, Caplala i. U-CarUaia, w in .an a. aooi a. For iieiabt at pe.saffa, anply to no at Ad mrriAHuanH rv, bil-U f.lu WALMJI buafi. I'arkcsbuis Train. Wo. a. at. Barrl.liurs Acooiuniouaiioa at. . 1. nu,M Wat Pblladal. I B.. Bi.wiuwm.Mv. y.. - - - - a.aao libial at w vw r. fri ....h t,v the Fa.t Una reacb Altooaa litr supper, wbere will be found exoslHint aocomutodatlou. for 11 e nl.hl at the Loean Homo, and in Uia momma raay take ellber tlie Philadelphia ar Bnltlinnre K.sprues, eaal. of wblch auakea ooiiuaciions at IMileburs for all potula. A d.jllslit view Is thus atiordcdsr lbs oaiira liou audlu aiuvbincent enaty. Tlie Tbroiie-li tiprxas Train runs daily i all U.a otbar ..kin. .IkIIw ..-nt Stiiri.Lava. r'oil PlrTSIll. llll AND TUB WEST. The Wall 'Iruin.Fa.t l.lno.aud Through Express ooa neet at PKI.bU'k with tlinitikli trains on all illven.-ins roads frain lliat IKilnl, North to Ilia Lakes, Went lo Ibe Musls alppi and Mls.ourl Itlvi r.. aud Rooih and Houthwe.i to all points aoee.hiuic ny raiiroa.i. ,ueuun . m... .u-vv.-. Innd, IJctiott.Clikaiio, rit Paul, Chnnbui, InduiiiaiiHa, Ht l.oul, Louveimorth, K-ui.m, Wlieellna. llavton, Cin cinnati, l,ouiville, Cairo, and uli other prtuclpal avlnu, and baL-KSae checked throutih. 1KIHANA BHANC1I KULltOtli. Tlie Throui.li F.apraaa. leavlim al lu isi l: at., connecta at BlulrsMile tntrrseeUon with a truin on thla road hr 1. lulr.vlll.. I ...ll... Xi. 1.I KNHBI Ittl AMI CltF.KHOH BRAUCII BAtl.ROAfi. TheHimuKh Kspre.. Train. la lus at lo !MI P. al .,n at ett at t're.anu. at ln i A M.. with a train on tlie road for I'beiiFimrij A wain also Icui ca vresaou tor umuauaif ' ' ifilLt.IHAYBllL Hll IIKAN'-H lOAII. The Mull Tralu ut 7-i'i A. M .an.l Turoufh F.ipreaa at Ifttsi P. u., onuaent at Altootia Willi IraiD. lor inllldaja buritalTMP M. and K an A. 3t 1MCUNL AMI I IJ'AKI 11 1.1' rtKAStiii iia.ii. .. The ThruiiKh K.in-.. Train, leavlnsat 10 '60 I'. M.,a neets al Tvnuie lih a train for eSatnly Ki.lae aud Plillllie btirs. und Ii) Bald B D'lc V alley Bultr.ud lor Port Matilda MllestmrK, and llelletonte. 111 NVlMlllOM AMI BROAD TOP I'.AII.KOAD. Tbe Thioiisli Xsprass Tralu. leaving at In :i P. M . eon. met. at Haiiuiigdon wilb a train lur Hopewell and Bloody Soat'lJIKKS CKNTBAL ANU PIItLATIKIJ'inA Al KltlK BAll.ltia. ForHnLl'nrv,William-.pon, Lock Haven, Kimlra.Bo. eli. sli r. Ilulia'ln, nn.l Kiaxaru Falls, uaaat-nKfra t.kn.K Iba Mull Train at 7'V'i A.M., and Uie Tnrouali F.xiro at 10 SOP M.. daily eseept Minduys. so diioiily throtmb, wliliout cliaiixe ol' ours bctwoca I'lilladcipbia and Wit- .'.""vtlitK. II ASOVF.R. and flF.TTYlirR. the trains li-.HKultA.il. and iU P. 1 , connect at Columbia with train tin the KoillietntVuirul Kailroad. Ill allti'ltl.AMJ VALLKY I. AII.HOAn. The i) ail 1 rain at 7 vr A. At., and lliroutb Kspre.s a 10 . in P. M... .i.i.i ci at UarriatKira v. lib Irallia for Carllala, t:liainherhi-ri(, and Hautisionn. ....-.,. M AYM-liUrHll BRANCH KAtt.ROAtl, The tiaini. Itavliei at 7 -J.. A. M . and 2 P. at., fonneet i Howniusu.a n wlili tram, on Una load to rYayiiaiburn and .1 liin-tiii, disle slalaiua. ror lllrtlior ll.ruruiallon avpw at tnr r..Ka;n piwii4 ti. li. eeim r ,J 1.1J.X y.S'i II sun af AkKEI sllrceU. JAMF.M CtJWUKX, Ticket ABent. COMML'TATIOM Tfl'KKTM. t-n. 1 r. e. o ... I'l in,. ml. a. at verr I..W ralee. a-r tha tw- u.niniodaiion of persona llviniout of iov,u,r I k aiad wa or near Hie Una of tl e mad. ,,.,. tt.ll ft 1 IKM-l., ween any two pulitls. at about two ceata ner mile. Til. tlckotk .H loieuiled P UIO IK 04 ISUUIna travelinv Irniueiitly, and aro ul ral adrautac to venous Biakiun ucrasHiuai irins. ,..,.. 1 1 - ' ' . . . .. i. . , l or one or three months. lor " "f sclioUri atteadiuf aeliuol lu Uie dir. ........ .v. Wl-.nir.Jin raiimauu.. Aa rml.rint A r,.,i,iuio.lalioii tralu leaves Kb. 17 floek alteet ouily (tit.iida.if exceptedl at i o ilook P. M.jonVrttie oturiirtunia at Mle 01 aravei to laiuiue. wim,ii,a..i oue-hall ttio n.usl rateol tare, rarutuiar auc-uuuu a. ald to baKh'sse, lot wnion cueva. are tfiveu, aiiu uuaaaae luiw aided by Uie same Oaiu V.IIU pa.el!.tr, I 1 ur lull uiioruiaiion, spills lo f JVAatl'O av.., So. K17 lxMJt btroot. alAKK'8 BArttlAOB KMUKHH. An aavutoi Ihla reliable Ksprans tkMiipaity will pass tliie-iik-li earh tiaio Us. .it re.tl.liiK li e depol,and take up ill. ok s and deliver banvaac to any part of llif ntv. lia- faue will tie calli-il fur nrointiliy when orders are left at tbf 'asiriik-erliepol, Klevrnik aud Market ttroeta. Ttio irat oT !.. public arc assured '" " tmirely r4tioiuUiU. ,r llttllillTH. By Ihla ronlf frebjl.l. oi aU deteriptioni can be for wurded to and from aur points on the railroad, of Ohio, Kenuicly, Indiiiua, llliuoit, Wl.ouii.in, lowa.iar Mi.sourl, by railroad dirrci.or to any polui oa tlie aavlyabif waters of Uie West, by strainer from Pittuburtf. The rate. of irelkt to and horn any point In Uia West by lh Pennsylvania Ceutral Railroad are at alllluie. as favorable a. are chamad by other Kailroad Coui(anle. Merchant, und lluLtni euliu.tiug tb UaasporlaUoa af their freiKlit lo tin Couipuu cau rely with cotutdouca ua it speed trail!!. t or Irembi contract or ahlpplhf SirucUous, apply to tr ailiiros tl.e Asent ot the Company t. 11. KIMisTOK, Jr., I'liilaikliinla. D A. HTKtVAKT. Fllbbarg. t LAKK at CO., Cubase. l.r.k.cil A ( 0.,ha. 1 Aaior Hou.e.or Ko. I a. wuiiaaa atreet, .ew lark. I K.FCH A Ci., Vo. 77 Waalitntton atmt, Blo. Vill LIAM ItKOwN. No. ss korib suoat, Haliuworf, Avutixith.ut.uulllw.y. H H HOl..TOSI, run.ral FraUbl As. nt, i'lula-lelphla. -Lt-Wlsl t- H"l'Pr. Columbia, Harnbur, Pottsvllle, FimiKrove, lama-r li.,ni...M, u liliain.iw.rt. l.itiilra. lbciieier. rtiauwra r a.. Buflnln. Allci.towT-, Wi.kesbarre, PttUViO, York, Carillll CLaatrx-rshun, Hairerttown, Ac -' The trln eonneelf at UKAMNO with Eaat Fenntytrat , ala Railroad tram lor Alientown. Ac. the Reaillnf an" Ci liiruhla Ksllroail for Eplirala, Litis, and t'olnruhla. atsj . wlih the lhanon Valky train for ll.rrl.buf . Ac. i at PBf . CLINTON with CaUwusa Railroad trains tor Wllker.arrv. Yl llliaumport. lek Haven, F.lruira, Ao.i al HARKIS-JL. Bt'KO with ' Sorthfrn Central," Cutnirlnd Valley. and "Srhuvlkill and eWnnuehanna" train for SsHina" barland,WlluaaDll'wt.Yoik.Cliaa bersbitrK,PiniT0T, AFTFBKOOS K.XPRKHH ,.ZZ Leave I'hllatV It.hla at a 30 P. M. for Headl.if, Pott vllle, Plni frova, Harrnbofl., Ae., coanectt'ia at "arrtf"-" butir with pann.ylvanla Oentral train for Fltishnnr, a-ja. Korthsrn Central Railroad Iralnf for Hunbnry, Northus berlantl, r.unira, c, ana -or. v,.m.., - Kalinsid Ualna for Milton, rYilllaaurt. kJailra. lliuTa) , ' M1T)I0 AOOOMMODATIO!. ' , iavea Roadiua at fi 00 A. It., stopping at all way r t lion, arriving In pbliadeliuiia at S'OO A. M. rPB ' Returning, leaves PbUadclph at 5-00 1 . M. I arriTaaf tf . Sending at M'Oti P. M. ,. ... 1 ...1... r... ii,u.rf.inhia wave Harr l.burr at a A. V .aa'af I FotlsvUle at 9-lft A. At , arriving In Plilladeiplila at U , P. M. Ar-ernoon iraiu ieuo ,,, . r--Potl.vllle at 2-3i) P. arrlvlui! in Philadelphia at 7 P. Mr Market train., with a pasnenrer car attached. Mv Fbiladelptilu at 1 F. M . for Reatllnr and all way staUoor leave R.ading at l'i, noon, aud DownlturtowuatLi-JOI. M. for Philadelphia and all w ny nation. V All the above trains run dally, Sundsyf ep - f dtinday train leave Pottsvllle at 7'30 A. M., aad Folia dflpblaatuKiP MtnvAUEy kailkoad - Pa'sencers for Dov. nlncmwn and interuieilate i point Uie the li 10 A. M. and 5 Wi P. M. trains from Phiiadf la.hP , reiurnlnf from Jjowulogiown at A. M., and U STw VOBK EXPRESS KOTt PtTTSUUBQ ASD Ta' WKST. t , I.eaTes New York at 7 P. M., passing- Beading at M mid tilKht.andeonne.iluK a llairts'iurg with 1'aoo.ylvaai Railroad Kstses trains ror Pittsburg. lleliinilng Espres truin leave llarrlsbnrgori arrrtraJ, thf Pennsylvania Espres f-om Pittsburg at : A. M as.lng Reading at ati A. M-, and arriving at New Yer at 1-4-4 P 31. Weeping Cat accompany tbeaf trait' through, beiwecu Jersey City and 1'ittsburg, wiUiet C,M"irtrarrn tor Xew York b-as-a llarrl.hnry at 8 A. at and P.M. MailUaineibr Harrlaborg leava Haw mi Mi$ll" UtlLL VALI T KAIIKOAD. Trains h ave Pottsvllle at 7 15 A M. and 3-.)F M.,r tnrnlni:fnira Tn,carora at H It) A. M. and 4 : P. M. Bt'lll YLKll.L AMU Ml'SOl EllASNA RAH.KOAO. Trauia leave Auburn at 3 44 A. M. fur Plnotrrova aav. Ilarrlsbur, and at flO aud 7 10 P. M. fnf Plnegr.-ivf only. returning rram riKrri.otirg ai i r . o., . - frovaatslt. A. M., and 4 ami a .P. M. Thraanh rt-elns tlcktt. and emlcrant tlekftftfa the principal points In the Jtorth and West andOanada The thll.iwlng tickets are obtainable onlv al tbe omoa. Mine a n u A l.B-.tltlk TrMinrar. No. TU fl. fOl S I B Phl!aile,plla,OI U, A, All.VuUi urawai our"a 1rt, fading mmi,tation T,CKRT,i . , A2 per can t. dlscouat, bettvtwo any paints KSlr f"!iWiXC.Z T,KET, ttMVl Oood ft 5000 nincs.betwoea all pouii, at$4t93al f. ramiuos aud nW TKTKKTR, i For Uiree.Bia, nine, or twelre uoullu, for holders oaf ta all points, at reduced rotas. . CLKHtiYMEX . M . v llesidlneonOiolliieofthe road will be fvtrnlsaea wt. cards, enililini Iheraaslve aud wive to ticket alaar ENCUBSION Tff'RKTS) . . , i .. , arA ana Batr r rem I nwauvipi-ia iu piim-i- ' " ' . , -- -" day. Hnnilny, and M.indsy, at reduc-d fare, ta ba SAd ar ai Uie lkaotomo,aA'jmttraUi.snHaaCAJJWlUI Klrt-et. . raLii, in. aa floods of sll description li.rwarded to all the abo Boiiiis.frtim the Conipany'a sew freight deyot, BHOA mid TilLLoF. AMm T(UI-a Leave Philadelphia dally at A.M..1 P.M.aadSF.'JJ for Reaiilrg, lbanou, Uamsburg, I'otuvilla, iort Uu tub, aud polnU bejotlO. MAII, a Ch.a at the Philadelphia Po.-i-S for all phscat tn tsj road nnd Its bran. hr. at 6 A. kl., and for Uif prlodtp uuon. only at H-1& P. M. -i rESTCIl ESTER Ai7rTlILAULPliI 11 KAILltOAU, VIA MKIHA. , " h-'ltlNll AKKA MIEAIF.ST. On and after 1R111AY, Anil 1, lso4, Uie Tralaswllllaa'' ,c'lv'e'lrlltaderphla. from the Depot, corner of THfRP F1I1AT atidklARhET HtrveU, V A. At 11'Ud A.M.,lt r.M..4'S) l'.M.,8'4M'. M. I'lillathili.lila Depot chanted from KKIHTK.KNTH ar MAli'KtT blretU lo Tllllll V 1 ItlBT aud MARK. 'lcu'vi' West Chester, from the Depot on East MARK lltriat.ll'Sn A.M..7-40A. M.,11 A. ii ,2 P. M .4 4ft P. at. 'H,.....nf ,h. U'a.t I'l. IIm.1. Libia Pa.aai.aar Hailwa rotupauy (Market meet) mil usuvey l'uaeu,r ta a from the Pbiladelpbia Depot. ON NCNDAYri. I Leave I'l tl.lslphla at H M a. M. aud tt w P. M. Iav call Inkier al 8 A M. and 4 ' P. M. Tiami. U-avIng Pl.liaile plila at a A- M. aud 4 90 F. af and West theater at 7-4. A. M. and 4 id P. M.,coniH" wlih Ualna on the Philadelphia and Baltiiaora OaaUi llaliroiid nir Oxterd and tnlerioeillale polina. jai it UlCMiY woiili.l.eLerslhupernatandenL VEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES.- t omButirtiit au MONDAY, dune) SO, 144, frf Walnut aut-ei Whart. lOR CAl'E MAT. AtO, nd 111 A M. Ilni 4 no P. M. For Haletu slid Bihlkclnti, at A. M aad 4 P.M. For (ila.alsiro.al 0,11, and 10 A. M., and 4 and 4 SOP. M lur Wo.,liiury,Gluucier, Ac, at aud X, M.,Ua ari . anrf ri V U HETl-KNINn TR AI8TS LF.ANE OnpeMavat baud 1146 A. M.,andS10P. M. SliUviueatJ'40 A.M. .and 1-liiandSuOP. M. , halem at fi A. M., aud i ll' P. M. -1 Btldnetmatti IS A.M. ,180P.M. -lilas.lsiro al 7 111 aud a- A M-.tf iW, SO, aud 7.D0 P. V ts .KMiburi at7.7'40auds-64 A. M.,and 'i bu, .-its, and b in P.M. THE WERT .1F.HHEY EXPRESS COMPAbTY. 1 Offlce, Ko. 6 VYALSil'T Htrael, will oull for and delta. Biu!ge,and attend to all the uaual branches of Kspre, biuuica. Vaui u ai Mlet taken by S A. M. lino only, ar iiiiii,t be f nt t tlie onice the a vuuing prevlou. Prtw ble art. tie. by tills Hue nitl.t be sent Wore bX A. M. , weial uif.enirer aceouipaiile each truin. mjsl J. VAN llL.Nb.-il.LAKlt.buinrlotandant. lOl'i l'HILA DELPHI AAND IOfI.1 lcSO-4. ERIE RAILROAD. lOU'i Thi gnat line traverse Uie Hurt hern and Murtbws. counties aPenna.vlvauia to the city ol Erie on Lake ,rt It ha. been li-aMKl b thf I'ENNMYLVAMA RAILROA COMPANY, ant under their au.plcu ia bvlug raplOl opened throughout It. entire length. J 7t I now In u.e for Passenger and Freight bu.lnei ftoi Ilarrtsburg lo Ininoriuui. (Wi mmsi, .ion. and from buanid lo trie (7 aalia.,ou la Woalft aivil"U. ...inu una Of raasoaa - l'I'talli leave. n!?,ti o....ltviu aa-ut. Psita.l.li'lila. (NilCU LfcWid. 0aial (uyM uilttudaui, Aiiveaw, fa. fell i Refill ts-'aav 10"vlU J 'ciMTrun'rurouIh wrTH"i'T"iiaiV"lota way oa tha, traine batwrta n.lta.loiilila aud Lock llaveu, aad belwaa Ball mote aud l.ock Haven. 1 leaanl a)ieilug Car on the EipreM Tram bath wave kr.a- imoniiatlou reeoecllug I'aaaangar bualiiea. apply Ue H E. cruel ol EI.EVEKTIl and MAIthtT Huoola. And lir I relabt bualtu-a ut the Couipauv' Afebla j S. H.hln..UNi.Jr ,cornalArthl.Tllaud MAklk alreota, I'lillauolpiila. t . W. Reynold-, Erie. M. D.IU. A.ent, M S. C. K. tleneral Eraight Smut, Pbitad. Inhia. LEsYlH L. HoUPr. Oeaaral Thk.t Aaeut, Pl.lla.lrl,.kia jimt.ru r. run it. Jal-tf tVacral Msuatr, VVUliaaitpa