The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 19, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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rillLADELrillA, mi DAY, AUGUST 111, ISM.
Preparations for the
on Foit Morgan.
wj: hold ouu own.
strfs-lal to The Evening- Tl-;rii..
Wasuinoton, August 19.-The tar says:
Th mall steamer Charlotte VontlTbiU, from
City Point, rcpurti thnt early yesterday m irnltig
be Rebel la front ef the 9tb Corpi mode several
desperate asnult upon our works, probthly
ndt the Impression that oar movements op the
James river bad obliged General Gra-jt to n.Vt-
rlally weaken bin line in front ot Petersburg.
Tb positions i( other corpi were also assnulte J,
and for atvoral boart a fierce contest raged.
The cr,onad;ng was terrific, intcrsper I
w(b nmsketry on either aide. Tbo enemy, bow
e': did not catt-h us napping, and thus were
- y repulsed, leaving tbeir dead and wotauded
o t Bold, between the two Hues.
L Reb, Is are aaid to bare lost be tvily, but at
t; me tbe VmJrrtrt left no aeuii ni l Boon
ted; Ihe main facte known being that tbe
ev. ..j bad been heavily repulsed, ami baa retired
again beyond tbeir works.
farxxtttkl to The Evetttasr T4slicrirh.
WeiiiioTOM, August I!). To-day's Wash
ington Chronicle lias a City Point letter dated
Ibe 17lb, which says : "Advices from Docp B A
torn are cheering today. Tlio Meianwra brought
down the first instalment of prisoners 2M prt
vates and. 17 officers.; out raptures are reported
at 1AO0 i it would be safer to say 800. An attempt
cm the part of tbe Relicls to flank as resulted in
f tbe capture oi the Hanking party.
General Orant was at the dock when the
prisoners arrived. Hie three store soon revealed
to them who be was, when some of the bolder
spirit Sainted bim, so eager were tbc rebellions
crowd to catch a glimpse of that great man.
Several slight skirmishes ensued for a com
standing position. One of the objects of the
' expedition is now apparent. Tbe Rebels hud
'become acquainted with onr canaling operations,
and were engaged in tbe enterprise of drowning
ms oat. Tbcy succeeded in drowning few men
land considerable amount of stores, before
Central Orant interrupted them by the attack of
tbe 10th Corps on their rear.
The work is now programing rapidly toward
vouipletion. ' "
Seven hundred sick and wounded of the. 2d
Corps have been received at tbe hospital at Ci y
Tbe weather, though warm, is favorable for tbe
poor ftlkowt, and the average of deaths is lighter
than asaal. r .
All accounts from Sheridan's army show them
1 to be concentrating at Winchester. Ho weut us
far into the Shenandoah at be intended, and (ullr
accomplished bis purpose. There arc renewed
rumors about another conwn.platod Rebel in
vasion of Maryland aod Pennsylvania.
Many people in thd previously invaded di struts
are growing alarmed, but those best lo'ur jed
have no fear.
Nfw Crlracs, August 12, via Cahio, Anrnst
IS. The steamer AW Tktk, from Fort O.iines,
Mobile harbor, yesterday morning, arrived here
Inst night.
Admiral Farragnt bad prepared bis fleet for
action, and iissned orders to attack Fort Morgan
st 8 o'clock yesterday, A. M. It wai to receive
an enfilading fire from the tlftet, and the land
force in its rear have Invested it wherever there)
was a foot of ground to stand npon.
The Rebels bad destroyed all the outbuildings
of the fort, and also hnrnod tboir only vcshc.I
lying under Its gnn. Everything about the fort
Indicated a determination to contest the bittle
till the last.
Tbe channel to Dog river was unobstrncied
The naval iron-clad force was eonMJeut of
At Ife hour lt night we heard that Admiral
Farragut bad demanded tbe nn -oodltljual sur
render of the Fort.
Admiial Farragut's demand for Its surrender,
made on Tuesday, was re'nsed, the commnniler
ol the Fort baying that he had six months pro
visions and fighting rations, and would resist to
the last moment.
Before this General Granger's force In tho rear
had cat the communications of tbe east.
Tbe ram Tonnesste wits in the attack on the
Admiral Farragnt was contident of reducing
tbe fort.
The ting-ship Hartford was badly injured. 4
We hold all tbc channels of the bay.
Ttif Nw DlAVrmrnt Th Orntl!W )
tt orih BKBk of lh James - rti
Operation In thv) NlirnimnftmU lley
Tri Itclirl ilr bj l'lin, oi-'jln.
linn, and l'rHrrii.
'Wakhihoton, Thursdajr, August IS. frt-
nlgbt ago, discussing the military outlook in
Virginia from the p ir.t of view of the unsuce(-
tul a-nnlt of the 3K of July, I adventaroj the
pr hery thst '-Ie's t-merity would be Orant's
Certainly there was very much In that afTiir to
stimulate, if not to justify, ra-h enterprise on
the part of the enemy. With the oet kssMiIo
eomliinatlons, wrought out in all tbeir proli'iil.
nary details with admirable kiicccS", I lie U"liot
was a bloody repulce. Kqnally shutout from
lorning either to the rifrht band or the left, our
army was seemingly omdemm d to atiar.Ks as
Slaughterous as ttiry are fruiilcus ; or, In ahoiw
tess dead-loek, to wateb from behind its earth
woiks Hie motions of an cm my lntowhoc hands
tli e power of Initiative would have pa-s-.-d.
Nor whs this all that appejred discoursing.
Ktill more onilnons than the failure it-elf w the
lull rence It sinned to warrant of tho enfeebled
anil dispirited eondnion of our t o ips. it was,
therefore, not wiihont the semblance, at ka t, of
reason, that tlie Copper liea-1 press exulliiuly pro
rlaitnrd that the campaign was cnle.l tint
Imiond liiulil not bt litkm." Tliis opi.lion
was eugcrly taken up and echoed hy the UjU!l
Tbc Nor hern nihi l," sai l the Richmond
Vhq, a day or two Hgo, "has reached tbe con
elusion that Ornnt's campaign is a 'failure,' an I
thnt 'Kichinond cannot tw taken;' and we arc
content to pnt weighty fa t iu the sculcs
ngainst tirant's svlf-evning an I uti-usuitned
declarations." In a "Itullar nr.iin wrote the
Fetirsburg Hstrr "We are inclined to think
t. h . . .
Artillery Fight at Petersburg.
Bte KU. Etc., E Ete., r.i.
LoitsviLLF., Angnst 18. A gentleman just
from tbe front reports that on Thursday General
Ptedman sturted from Chattanooga, and met tho
foe Ht Graysville, eighteen miles distant, and
several engagements ensued. The Federal loss
is not suited. It is reported that General Sled
man was severely wounded, and C jlouol Stroight,
of the 61st Iudiuua volunteers, killed.
A Rebel force is reported at Cleveland, Teun.
A brigude from Chattanooga lert Cleveland on
Wednesday. , , ,
The Rebel cavalry have into S'Uill
panics, and are demonstrating u;on the towns
In Nurihern Georgia and Tennexice.
Tbc Federal pi kets were lire I npon at various
points between Chatunooa aul Uridg-.-porL
The probable intention of the R oclsis to de-'.roy
tbe Bridge between Falling Waters aud ll.-idgo-
pirt. As our iufor.Tiant left, Major -General
f-l.dnian's Adjntnnt was leavla Chn'-tan'Oi
for Graysville with a cavalry force.
Tbe Frankfort train is three honrs behind time
caused by the cars ruuuiug off tbe track near
Frankfort No casualties are rep rted.
t'KOYf CA1H.
Cairo, August 18. Two soldiers, belonging to
the 37th lowu, were killed an 1 seven Daily
wounded by being crushed between moving cars
and the wall of tho railroad dep. I. - .
The Memphis Argu of the l.'nU mentions the
capture end plunder of steamers by gnoilllas j
but docs not say when or where it occurred.
There are also rumors that tbe steamerx Olw
Bramh and Kihoard Wahh bad been robbed.
Gunboat No. 3 was fired Into on tbe 12ili by a
Rebnl ba'tcry at Gaines Landing. Thirty-throe
shots struck her, bnt no lives wore tost.
fViSurNOTON, August 19. A li tter from the
Army of tbe Potomac, dated at noon on Wednes
day, says: "The 2d Corps, baving been onsn
teosfnl in the attack on the enemy on tbe north
tide cf the James river, on Sunday, fell back to a
safe position.which they occupied nntil yesterday,
when another assault was determined on and
tarried successfully, tbe enemy baving been
driven from their works with heavy loss iu killed
ad wounded, and several hundred prisoners, bo
fell into oar bands.
; The 2d Corps also captured a few beavy gun",
wkkb tbe enemy bad not time to carry otT, be
sides quantity of small ami!. Our loss was
'quite severe. Our troops still bold the portion
they gained.
. Tbe cavalry, under General Gregg, bad an
engagement with the Rebels, and drove them
from sOroe works near tbe New Market rood ;
bnt they rallied from the different forts in the
'vicinity, and dually forced the cavalry back npon
tbe Infantry supports,! Gregg, commaud
lag tbe 2d Brigade, 2d Division Cavalry Carps,
was severely wounded in tho engagement.
"It is said that Goneral Butler's troops bad a
slight engagement yesterday ; but without mnch
advantage to either side."
IIrvomb Pf.tbhsbi'bo, August IS. About our
'clock this evening tbe enemy opened the
luost vigorous fire since the mine wa ex
ploded. It commenced on the right and centre
and was directed towards a valley where tuey
teemed to imagine that our troops were being
massed, and finally extended along the whole
Hue of the Appomattox to the Jerusalem plauk
' The night was beautiful, the moon sbiniug
brightly, but no damage of any account resulted
from the affair. It lasted about two hours, and
was thought to be a preluds to an attack on
some part of our line. Tbe usual ijulet has
since prevailed.
, Heavy firing was also beard during the night
in the direction of Goneral Butler's Dcp-.trtnv.ut
but nothing ha been beard from that point.
From New Orleua via Cairo.
Caiho, August 10. Tho steamer Olivt Uranci,
from New Orleans on the 12th inatant, has ar
rived. She was not mole.ited, as rumored in
'. Memphis. Her oUiocrs knew nothing of the cap
ture of tbu steamer Lady or any other boats
since the CariM was destroyed.
Tbu New Orleans Cotton Market was unset
tled and depressed; sales for tho week GOO bales,
receipt, &i27; exported, loofi; Block on band,
Hugar and Molasses held higher above
buyers' views. Flour declined; choi'w extra
13-25. .
Boston, Augunt 19. Tbe British brig FMa
Acllrt, from New Brandon, reports, on the ltith
in latitude 42 degrees 55 mluutes, longitude 66
degrees 30 minutes, saw the pirate TalUhawt
destroying vessels, cutting away spars, and scut
tling tbe hulls. Two barques, one brig, and
three schooners were in sight at the time all
American vessels. Alao saw one schooner, pro
bably tbe M- rcy A. Huwt, before reported, which
bad been scuttled, but could not ascertain Iter
nuuie, and took from ber four dories, sails, 1c
She sunk twenty minutes after. Too next day
n latitude ii degrees 50 minutes, longitude 07
degrees 5 minutes, spoke tbu steamer DacotaJi
steering east, and reported the above to her.
Bt. Johns, N. F., August 18. A suspicious
louMns baroiie-riggcd steamer kept lying oil Cape
lUtco on Saturday and Sunday, Monday aud
Tuesday. The weather wa very tine. ' ' !
Market y Tla-rtt.
NkwVoiik, August 111. Flour quiet. Soles
I il.uubftu ai Uwii IMcrHeor; Hl .,J l..r oalu
Ki-ULlicrn. SiU itA. (Vhnt iinlt. Halm uolmuoritult
Cum iiuittt. No 4lo of ImiMa-iunmi. Itavf d-iil. Turk
titfivy; !4uf4i' I.gri) ftrui ; JJ'.t U'liuky Una,
,i-w'of sl,buil prices UbttllerrHl: held at aLHJi touefS
I fcclja. Hoin.ll.Kr) tisrriU: Whr.t, lb,M0 hattiels;
Mil, .V.IA'I1 l-vsui ii.
Quiea Dowager Kmma, of the Sandwich
Uland!, mother of King Kamehameha V., intends
hiliag iiurope.
Uaupkr'! Fi rht, August IS. Advices from
the front Mate that General Meredith's division
of cavalry bud a tight with some of Kurly's in
fantry a day or two siuce, near f ront Royal, in
which the enemy were completolr routed, with a
loss of several hundred prisoners, includiug
fi.rty-neveu ttlicers and three battle llagi,.
1 lie ruoiiers were greatly cuugnued at nnaing
theinmlves tvliipped aud captured by cavalry.
Among the rnsualties Is the old wsr-horse,
Colonel Thos. C. Dovins, 6th New York Cavalry,
wounded in the foot.
Captain Morwid, (ith Pennsylvania, formerly
an aid to General Buford, it it reported, is killed,
nud Ma,ior Starr, of the bth I'euusylvauia, is
Lieutenant E. E. F.wing, 91st Ohio, reported
killed on July 24 at Winchester, although
seriously wounded in the chest, has just been
brought iu bere on bis wuy home, and is doing
Our cavalry Is reported to have recaptured from
tbe Rebels some of the animals recently taken
by the guerilla Mosvby. This achievement was
only accompluhed after a sharp light.
A chimney bnilt in ITXI. In an old house on
King street, in Northampton, Massachusetts,
and lately taken down, furnished bricks enough to
budd three modem chimneys, an underpinning to
a house, eight piers in the cellar, a cistern, and a
drain three hundred feet long, besides wagon
load sold, and a lot left.
but mi nielli nuant that tl,e jit) u Uf, or, to discard
figure, that the siege is a failure, aud the Yankees
are liusv in getting reauv lo sup away, oigaua
baggnae, if Robert L--e will only let t!iem."
It the only rttret of the la-e repulsu hi I b- en
to im-pire tliis kind of blaiue on the part of the
Relxl papers, it would have b-tn ol but lit.iu
ruomint. But It had far weightier results than
this it iutlucni-ed the a l,n of the enemy, it
has not been unknown to General Grant tint
for some time pat Lee, relying ou the impro
bability ol any lutther move on the part ol his
antagonist, was making large detachments from
bi fi-rce at Petersburg.
First one division was sent to reinforee E irly
1n the valley, thin another, till tbe gros of bis
iilnraetion miiotmted to not less tlun I venty
thoosiiml men, Other tro-ips were despatched o
the aid ol Hood at At 'ant i, nn-l to meet the alia k
on Mobile, and tboLgb iuloruintion is not so pr .
ci c loi chmg the number of to these
named points, there Is nn doubt that certain de
taehmii ts h. v la'en maiie.
It Is for precisely sacb a turn cf atfairs that
General Grunt has been waiting and waie.iliu
day by da v. U is easy U believe that he his
been not unwilling that'll e should adopt and a t
ou tbe the ry ol the demoralization of our army,
ami one can r. adily see that it has not been w:tlt
oul a iiuit-t inward joy that he has learnt through
bis scouts of the luui doing of the enemy.
And It may bo remarked that, if It was a griev
ous humiliation to see an assault with such re
sults made bv i he has', erf) ient rorps of the army.
while filty thou-i n I splundid troops slotnl idly by,
tb-kt buniii at.nn will Una a pirtul coiit-ensiii.iu
If it produced iu tli minds of the Rebels thse
"e utll-aie and blown surini-es ' that appear in
th ir joiirnul-; and. alove all, if it induecj the
Ka el commander to enter on any such rash en-le-VriS'
S as he seems to have a (ventured.
There was one man who was determined
th it the Virginia campaign should not go out
in any such innie and impotent conclusion as
th Petersburg fiasco. General Grant is not tbc
in tu, with such au army as he yet commands, to
cry a bn!t or admit a failure. Ignorant of when
be is beaten, esteeming nothing eoneluded until
everything is tried, and every resource exhau-tod,
be was content to await oiner ami neucr oppor
tuniliis for a blow at his antagonist. Little recking
what, "line" he "lights it out" on, he hasalrca iy
crossed every lino ever proposed against Rich
mond, unit teitf try them all over ayom if nit tl ba
It Is bnt a liuv or two ago since every sign
set mtd to portend that the Rebel predictions of
the raiung of me siege oi retenourg woum oo
fullilltd. A large pi-rituii of the army was em
barked on transports, under sealed ordors, and
SDrcnhition was rile as to wbat line of oper itions
would in xt be adopted. And if, in the inointlme,
oihcroioects are on toot, it is sun not ocynmi me
reach of possibility that the siege of Petersburg
may be rabed. (Scleral Orant will certain'ydo
so. If his judgment should dietu'e this s'op.
It remains as yet a secret wun inoso in toe
conUdei.ce. of the c -nimaiulliig General, wbit
was the oriuinal destination of the troops that
were a few days ago placed upon transports in
the James river. That tbcy were shipped merely
for tho purpose of deceiving the enemy it hur lly
to tie supposed, for that would be calling iuto
pluy an apparatus enormously cumbersome to
licet what might h'we been equally erlicaeiousiy
aecompliehid by lunch simpler me ins.
1 bo inuications, uicreioro, seein to netuatit
was the original purpose to withdraw tue nouy
of troops named to ooinootht r field of operations ;
but that at the last moment it was determined,
from some Information snddenly received, to
throw this body on tbe north bank of the James,
for a new sally Inward Richmond b t'...U line.
With this view, the starting of the fleet in broad
day down tbe James, und its sudden and secret
recall after night, followed by tbu debarkation
of the troops- at Deep Bottom, was a well de
signed rutt at yimrrc, in keeping wita vieuurai
Grant'! favorite system of miliury stratagem!.
The line ol advance taken up In the Uto move
ment has been twice already, during the present
campaign, tbe scene of operations ; but they both
rllili red from me in-eieni movement in mat ouu
weie but feint. During the operations attending
the transfer of the army across tbe James river,
tbe 6th Corps was thrown forward on tho roads
leading lo Maivcra tun, aim it is ireso in me
public recollection thnt three days previous to the
last assault on the lines of Petersburg, tbe 2d
Corns, accxini uanied hy tbe cavalry, made de
monstrations on tbe roads by the north bank of
the James, with a view ol calling away
detacbmeui! of s army from t'etersburg,
while the real action was made elsewhere. The
cresent movement, whether desurned to aim
directly at the capture of Ricbmoud by a coup de
uimn.or only toseenre such positions as uny
further and facilitate subsequent operations
pgainst the Rebel capital by a slower process, is
at leust a trriuut one. Iadeed, from the distribu
tion of lor-'e, it would Appear that tho troops left
in the works before Petersburg are reduced 10
a purely subsidiary role; and what they do will
depend almost entirely on the developments made
by the powerful body operating on the north side
of the James.
Of the preliminary operations of this fnree, you
have already received advices ; they have beu
marked by entire success ; anu tnougii no ueci-
Five acliou has yet taken place, llw positions
eccured are ot hiKh value in view oi luturu op ra
tions. Sunday morning mr the 'Jd Corps (lian
cock) and the 10th Corps ( birnryl planted nn the
north side of tho James at Deep Bottom ; the loth
Corns holdlne the left of the line find resting on
the went bluff of Deep Bottom ; the 21 Corps on
the riiiht of l our Mile Kun.
A successful charge in tbe morning by portions
of both corps resulted in driving the enemy from
their fust line of rule-pits, and iu the evening a
succefcsful assault ana flunking movement, ny
General Uirnc-J'f command, dislodged the R'.-oel
from their tmcond line. These positions were not
pained without severe loss, but they were worth
v. hat they cost, as the points secured admitted au
extent-ton ana ueveiopmem ot our nue.
Accotdinely, on Monday, the 10th Corps, which
bad previously held the left of the line, was
moved round, and look position on the right of the
Vd Corps. Thoemanouvres would mem lo indicate
a purpose on tne pan oi ucnerni uruui to wuoei
the line of buttle round by the right ou the James
river, planting it opposite 1-ort Darling, wtiero
the heights of Ball's Bluff give a lommauditife'
vv nil our force on tue rear ot lug lorw uoiui
nating the blulfs of the James, tbeir reduction
w ill be a simple problem of engineering. Nor is
this all. Possession of the locality named would
plant the urniv in an interior position relative to
lUcLinoi.d and Petersburg, thus permitting rapid
concentration for an oiluuaive movement against
This division of fori r Is not lh result of nnv
w llnl p Ik y of t iking up two dill' r. nt lines of
npi raton atainst one and the same o'o-clve
point, wb'Cb wonld b A-mirarv to a-.i aporoved
max m ot the uiiotary art, the violation ol vSt- h
has too often cost us de rly, but lias rat In r b -"n
forced npon tbe dirertur of th armirs by tho
tnrn ( f events and the action of tbe enemy.
The presence near the borders of the loval
S aups ot a Kebel force powerl'ul enough to .latent
the lll-as-orted and worselireeted triHr! present
in MaryLirtd tooppo-c It, and ent rpi-l-ingenotMh
io set at will the population of tlia 8iatn and
Pei nsylvania into a blae, lmose I the obi Ba
llon otdrivfeg thi-i unilln men ic toasu tlcieet
remove to le no longer a cause of na iou il s'laine
aud bnniilnitlon.
Alter ih's force bad ret'rei sonth of the IVa.
nine, the duty still rrmaiued of pushing it ont of
the Nheiiandi ah vallev, w here it was aei-iunil-lating
large snpplii-s from the growing crops.
Pial work, looking towards this end, was bexun
wlu-n General Sheridan was put Iu c mi-nuud of
the half dccn Indepi ndniit and distrn- U'd b lies
i f iri ops that had heretofore been carrying on
tl e paimly of war.
1 o meet the vigorously pnahed advance of the
I niou Commander, Lee found it prudent to re
inforce the column of Karly by suecesdve lu
siallinents, amoaiitiiig in tke gross to twenty
thousand men. Corresponding additions wore
accordingly made to Sheridan's force. And thus
it happens '"'t, as a ready inilicaieu, tne tor -es
in Virginia pi -ear to tie almost diually divided
tat we- n the A my of the Janes aim tne Army oi
the Shenandoah.
So large a force as compose tho colnran in tho
Shenandoah valley will not Jusiify all that
should be hoped from it if It did no more than
dnve tbe Rebel f. rce bsvk tiwards Rielnnoiid.
A ictreat tn this direction, whether voluntary or
compulsory, is quite open to thoeuemy.and this,
Indeed, Is ihe crowning advantage whi. h K n ly
bas in bis position interior to the two halves of
the I'rjiun army.
foch a policy on the part of the Rebels could
only be regarded a a very great dUadvan-age ti
us ; for while It la open to the cnerav by a two or
three days' march to etli-ct a junction w ith Lve,
our column In the Shrnandoaa valley coma oi.iy
reai h t.iuiit by an exiremvly round ibout course.
It wiil be Gn.einl Sheridan s cire to pr-v -nt the
orcuiion of this deign on the part of the
fprmv, nnrt this be is now doing by vigorously
following him up. w hile. If tho no-essitb-s of tue
situation should tempt 1-ee bi withdraw the for
from the valley, an energetic demonstrali n
towards Lynchburg would compel the Hct Is to
retain a force powerful enough to de.t'end that
poii t, and the iuixrtant line of railroad cimiuu
nlca'lon there lup.ied. It Is In this w ay that the
co.umn under General Sheridan will act as a
powt riul diversion to the main operations under
Genera' Grant. '
That operation Is the siege of Richmond, which
the assured possession of the posit inns on the
north banks of lbs James, secured by the lata
movement, will enable him to open within hill'
adoteu miles ol the Kebel capliai.
Wh. SwiKroN,
.V. ", Timet.
Dkkveh City, C. T., August 18. The regi
mi nt of one handled days' cavalry, autboruel
by the War Department tltree days ago, to fight
the Indiana, is already more then half filled. It
is expected it will be In the field in less than te:i
d ijs. It is to operate In tbe Platte valley and to
protect tbe overland mail and wagon trains.
In this they are to have the co-operation of
troops from the east. It is hoped the route will
soon lie established, and tbe IuJIans severely
chastised. At present all trains and mail coaches
are stopped.
Friendly Indians report that extensive com
binations exist among the Cheyennes, Ar.ipa-
hoes, Klewas, Sioux, Camanches, V'tvs, and
Skancs, and that they iutend to wage a war of
extermination agaiust the w hi'es. -
Martial law is being enforced bere, and all
places of business have been closed until further
Several independent militia companies nre
utiont ready to start ont, and a few days -will
demonstrate the truth or falsity of the many wild
rumors floating about Provision! .jf ail kinds
are very bbjb and rapidly advancing, and unless
oommnnication with tbe States is speedily re
sumed there will be mnch suffering, if not actual
The Indian! murdered several families aid
burned a numlier of houses on Cherry creek,
wentv-five sullos from here, last night. Settlers
are ticelng to this city for protection. Tho com
mander of this district to-day Issued a special
order for the ei.rolmcnt of all the able-bodied
males over sixteen years of age.
Drafting to fill the 100 day regiments will be
commenced Immediately. A line of block bouses
is being erected around the city. Tbe fact that
tbe telegraph wires are unmolested leads to the
belief that no white men are engaged with tho
Indian! in their work of destruction.
Sr. I.oils, Autn: 19. -Infjiuutioii fi j.u Fort
Riley, General Blum's headquarters, say that
three ranches mar Llttlo Blue river have Lx-en
bumed by tbe Indians, the stock run otf, and
the inhabitants killed, their bottles being found
iu tho ashes Of the buildings. The of
Washington, Republic, aud Clay counties have
been armed by Uoueral Blunt. Four hunters
have been killed at Salesla, fifty miles west of
Fort Riley.
Between Nilcsburg and Little Blue no ranches
have been left standing, and between sixty and
seventy dead bodies have been seen. There are
no ranches reuiuiuing between tbe llig Sandy and
Little Blue, and no inhabitants between Fort
Kearney and Denver.
Four trains have been captured on the I.i -lo
Blue, and all the Hock, consisting of four hun
dred and fifty eattle and a large num'ter of mules,
drivcu oil'. Tho men belonging to these trains
The Indians ate well mounted, aud most of
them aimed with ioug-rango guns.
Captaiu Thompson, with thirteen men of the
Kith Kansas Cavulry nnd one how iUr, is pur
suing the Indians who committed the outrages
in .ilte Mule Bine. Despatches from him, d itud
the Mb, suae that the Indians moved towards
Republican Fork with 10M oxeu and Uige
of hoi see and mules. General Sherry, of the
Kuntosrullltla, has also joined the punnit, mov
ing nonb of Thoiiipiou's command.
Right dnys have elapsed sluce any coiuniuni
cation bus l-een had from paints further west
than siueiceu miles frjui Little Blue, within
which distance sixteen men, womcu, and chil
dren have l-een massacred, and every divelliuK
The families of the settlers have beeu sent to
the settlement!., and the meu turned upon the
Indian trail. General Bluut sent orders to t orts
Leaven, F.Uswortb, and Saliua for the commauds
there to scout in the direction taken by the In
dians, keeping ready to join in the general pur
suit w hen their trail was found.
General Blunt was doing everything possible
with the small force at his command.
Mpiflul nt'tspitkiV o Evenlntx Tt-Jt'crtph.
WASiiiN.row, Angus! If).
A VflMWIon.
PiigS'lii r-Ceneral Culkuui, Chief of Staff to
General Halleck, has gone upon a taision to
Oenr ml Sherman's army, and Is expected, be
abcnt a fortnlebt.
tporlrsl Itrnmsl wf tn. Hnrwrtilar''.
It is believed thst Ma ir-Oeneral Dou'iledav
has been assigned to commanl in Kentucky,
relieving Brevet M.jor-Goneral Biirbridge.
Ovrrlnnil Jit all Hvrxirr.
The r. stiniister-Oeneral has coueluded a ton
tract for the overland mail service from the Mis
souri river to California f..r four years from the
1st of O.-tobeV, at M.e ralo of ;.'.OlP"0 per annum.
On Melt iMve,
O.-neml J. J. Jlartlett, crtmnmndlng.i l Brirr uli)
1st Division, 6th Corps, passed through this city
to-day upon a sick leae of twenty days. The
General is prcsstratrd from one of those malarious
fevers Incident to the country In which be has
been campaigning.
Imm or nrrenry to Hllititl Its)nk.
Judge McCullough, Comptroller of tho Cur
rency, is Issuing bills from tils bureau to me
several National Banks h.;reto!oro org oiii'-d, at
the rate of .1,000,000 ;ier diem. amount
hcret.forc issurd to data) reaches tbe sum of
Ctttnatil rae.
Lieutennnt-t oloiiel Elias M Greene bas been
promoted to be Colonel, and relieved from dnty
as Chief Qnartermaftrr, Department of Washing
ton, lie. is ordered to Cincinnati, and will re
lieve Assistant Qnartcrmasler-Genoral Swords as
Supervisory Quartermaster of the Westorn
Division. Quartermaster J. A. Kllison rm. coeds
Colonel Greene in this Departim-nt.
The ItMttlsi In She Vnlloy.
Sheridan came in co'lision with Karly's f or -es
in the Shenandoah valley, neir Strasbarg, yes
terday, and lome sharp fighting took pla-c,
which resnlteil in defeating and drvilng the
Rebel!. Three hundred prisoners were cap
tured and several stands of colors. It appoirs
that two division! of Lonjrstraet's Corps
have re In lore, d Early in the valley, and tint
Longslrcct's men, who were captured on Snniay
by Bimey above Deep Bottom, on tbe north xido
of tbe James, belonged to a division which was
nuder marching orders for tho valley, when onr
forces crossed tho rivur and got tham Into the
f gbt. Thus It will appear thot the Rebels h ivo
dcttmiined upon a heavy campaign in the valley.
Get eral Grant is, however, fully prepared for
Ihe One HoiMlwsl sad HI vty-loriU Ohio
Kco-tno-nt AdrfrrMwtl hy the Pmtldoui.
Yesterday aftcniixin tbo lOftu Ohio lleatimeut,
Colonel J. C. Lee, whoe term of service has ex
pired, paid their respects to tbe President, In front
of tbe Executive Mansion, who aldrosse.l tbem
as follows :
'Soldiers t You aro about Vi return to your
bonus and yonr friends, alter h.-ivlug. as I learn,
l eriornied in camp a comparatively short term of
duty In this great i-outc-i. 1 am greatly obliged
to von. and to all who coma forward ut tbe oil)
of their ronutry . I wish it might be more gene
rally and universally understood what tne coon
tty is now engaged in. Wo have, us ail will agree,
a fice Government, where evory man bas a
rlcht to be euual with every other man. in this
Brent strnKitle this form of government and every
foim of human rights Is endangered if our ene
mies succeed. T lii-re is more involved in this
contest than is realised by every oow There U
involved iu this struggle the question wnetuor
your children and my children shall eujoy the
privileges we oave enjoyeu..
I suv this in order to lm;rcs uoitiyaii.
if yon are not already so impressed,
tdat iu
small matter should diveit us from
purpose. There may bo some ine tu illiies iu the
Draciicai apuiicaiion vi our bvsiuiu. ti. i m-i
Uiateacb man shall pay taxes inexact pr.irsor.ijn
to .the vulueof his property ; but if woehoald wtit
be'l'ore collecting a tax tn adjust the taxes uiou
each man iu exact nroaorlion with every other man
we should never ooueei any tax ai un. tuere
nuiv be mlstiikcs majc sometimes ; things inav bo
done wrong, while. Hie otlioeraol'tlie Uovcrumeut
do all they can to prevent mistakes bull o.g
of yon, as citizens of this great lleiuibli -, not t.
let your minus ne c.imen ou iruiu me Hroii.iriv
we bavebefote us; thks sirugglc is too l-urg for
van to be diverted from It hy any sinan m itter.
When von return to vonr homes, rise up to the
height of a eeneiatkin of men worthy of a free
Government, and we will carry out tho groat
work we have cnuminuccd. I return to you tny
sincere thanks, soldiers, for the honor you h.ivo
dene me ibis uf.e'poou.
Chteis weie given for the I'rej.don, aud be
was sainted by the regiment, alter which tbo
march was t-ikon np for the railroad depit.
Pi ah or TiirnisoiizrB To bat. fllx A. M.,
70 Noou. 7. Oucr.M, 80. wina, Jk. . a.
either point at pleasure,
Ou the whole, the situation of the army on tho
James U very much brighter than it bos boeu
to cut an apisirtnt fucxtricablo knot.
But in looking beyond Ihu immediate bounds of
events huppening aud likely to buppeu in the pre
sent scene of military operations, and essaying to
estimuie (heir bearing on the general scope of the
campaign in Virginia, we must take into account
the position, relations, and prospects of all the
other forces operating in this theatre of w ar.
Tbe I line lias passed away whn we saw the
aggregate of all tbe contending forces massed in
tw o solid "points of mighty opiKsitc." Looking
ut tbe distribution of General Grunt's forces in
Virginia, we find it bisected into two nearly equal
parts, or rather we find two bodies siiitleiently
formidable lo be called independent armies. The
one is the army now oiwratiug south of Rich-,
mond i the other the army operating in the She
nandoah valley. . . ;
The printing pressmen of Boston have or
iranized a M Union.
Dr. Bushnell's congregation, at Uartford, have
decided to erect their new church edifice on Asy
lum Hill immediately. It will bo built of brown
freestone, iu the early English style, and will
have an ornamental stone tower one hundred
and thirty feet high, but no spire.
Probably no part of New Jersey is nvre
ranidly developing (says the Newark AdcertUer)
than the extreme southern counties of Atlantic
and Cape May. During the last few yean Ira
mense tracts of woodland in that region have
been cleared aud prosperous settlements estab
linked, around which productive farms are now
cultivated, furnishing the New York and Phila
delphia snorkel! every variety of produce, the
uewly-construeted railroads affording speedy and
ample means of communication. The occupants
of this region are mainly German! and New
Euglanders, who have brought with tbem tbe
bubits of industry ana tnnti wuicu always con
, stltute guaranties of tuccoss,
Tun Yoino Mcx'tiCMUiHriAS Association.
We tall the attention of onr readers to the Tuaog
Men's Christlnn Association of o-.-.r city, whose
oljict la the boned of our young men of all
classes, including thoie wh have served their
country. They have two fine rooms, Nos. 10VJ
und 1011, on Cbesnnt street, for which they pay
a b;gh icnt. In these roims may bo found a
library of over tvo hundred valuable bloke, a
great variety of pamphlets, uany anu woeaiy
ncw-pupcts, and oluor reading master, logi-iner
with a record of all the I'cnnsy ivam i soiuiecs who
have been received into our ho'pitals.and u record
of discharged sol ders and sailors ilesiriug em-
pluynient. m ona oi inc i'nm j
prayer meeting, continued foi aix yo.irs, is held.
In this mtctiugour country und o ir bravo soldiers
aud sailors are rumuiutierod dally, f.ecry uay
soldiers resort to tneso rooms to sum wn
letters, and to seek nuviee uuu oia nuiu iiiobu m
This important insiiuiu in invouu umiuii
.cursiof. U Atamic Ci'y on the IU.ll of this
month, and they rtoslic to Uko with them live
hundred of our disabled soldiers, and ask our
i uiens respectfully to pay for their tickets.
V.uch ticket I' Sl oti tor me. excursion, mimt m
our friends have subscribed lor foil tiukets lor
this ot ject, and WC trust many oiuers wiu give
their ti id.
Cnri n to Mii.t. Tbo police auttiontles
ate determined to put a stop to the cruel practleo
ol mule drivers of beating the animals under
Ibilr charge. Shocking sights of this kind are
wilnessSHl daily on Market street aud Broad
street. A mule driver nam .d B. 1). Bitncr was
arrested at Twelfth ana Marki.l street yesieruay,
aud held to answer by Alderman Jones.
Buokk the Vkitkd Staths Comkissioker.
Samuel C. and Daniel R. Heyett, residouU of
CarlUle, Pennsylvania, were held in a thousand
dollars bail, for a further hearing, by tbe United
State Commissioner, yesieruay, ou me nmrgo
of inducing soldiers to desert from Carlisle barracks.
Rascally. Some villain started a report yes
terday afternoon that a terrible accident had
occurred ou tho Atlantic City Kiulroaa, by wnicn
some two or three thousand excursionists, return
ing to this city, were either terribly uiuuglcd or
killed. Of course there was no truth in the
Brokc ins Thiou. A soldier, named James
Hamilton, belonging to the 23d Pennsylvania
Volunteers, jumped from tho fourth story win
dow of tbe Barracks, Fifth and Buttonwood
streets, last evening, and brokc his thigh.
Ri-M Ovf.b. Archambald Chesuut was In
jured at Seventh and Market street! yesterday,
by being run over with a horse nnd cart. He
was tuken to bis home at No. 2J4 Lybraudt
Puomotion or a Philadfliiiiak. Lieuten
ant II. R- Need, signal officer on General Han
cock's stair, has been promoted to a vaptaiucy
(or meritorious conduct.
RsckviTJSQ. This morning warrants were
issued for the payment of the city bounty to 78
men, to b wvOitvd on hv dx4 uraJh
TltK TRAOI tlT OM OAn Twa PHlrLv I
IistLl Pisi.i.." Ooroni r Tay lor oomrarnced an
Investigation into tbe cause of tbe tragedy men-
tinned in our edition of yesterday ,a having hap
pened abent noon on rsrnrd Hie British ship
.nriy Kmity Ve', from Low i- aoer y. The
Investigation brought to light tne following
Yewtxniay morning several of the .Tew wen'
ashore, and among litem llotiert iouBorty, a
seaman. . . . ,
Alter a short ahsenen isongiw-ny rewirneu, ou
fomplniiiid to the captiifn that he liw not ua i
bis bretikfast.and gave as a reason that the cook
drunk, t'.int tin Penny ordered the co k
ashore, and directed tbe steward t J sue t tbe
men bi-vtng brwkl.u. isougnony coiumueu vi
find fault, nnd in this be was encouraged by
Francis Mt-Kecvcr. one ol' hii atilpm.itea. An
Dr.iv u the mult and the caotain aud l)W-
swain, Jo eph MwMasters.lntert'erred.anil parted
the colli rtaiitK. A tew minutes afirr. ibe qour
rol was renewed, and three or four of tbe rrc tint hnittswalu. Iii the midst of the
niliiiv. MeKeevcr drew bis sheath knife and
sijitiid McMiw-tern in tbe neek, sewrln th
carols. I artorv. and eaosfng death in a few
Mche, vrr was lilinwii sihoo.-ii in mn-o pi Vv,
but hv whom it is not kuown. Oneol the woutiiu
is tn the atxlouien auo is consicicreu uangvr.iu-i.
II was taken lo tbo hosoital. Kigbt of llio crow
weie anesfed, and r moved to tbe Cherry Street
Station House. Robert Donghortv, wli.s Doga-.l
the attray, beiLg aiiioug them. John Hester, a
t'nsti.m House ofHcar. tstltll that be saw the
affray, and that it began hy louglierty wrangling
alsout his breakfast. Heard some one say be
could wh p uny one on Isonrd tbo ship, and so-n
fier saw three men booting tbe ooanwala.
McKutver took hits knllo fiom M sheuh, tind
iiai bina-over, struck the deceowd iu the neck ;
saw the knile in McKoeviir 's band, aud was satis
fied that be gave the atab.
Captain Penny U-aUned that Be saw tue suite
in McK level's hand, and that an attempt was
mode to stick him with iu
tuber persons who saw the occurrence, testified
In the UMi tf the. kuile by Nctkevvur, yol no oue
aw McKecver stantied.
Dr. Sbaplelgh, who made tbo post ra irtoni ex
amination, testitied that the wound was nn inch
and a ball long, und the s-iine distance below tbe
left ear. It penetrated downward, sever. hit tne
prominent uiusoie in the side ol the nec, the ex
ternal ji.gnlar vein, and the carotid artorv. From
the appearance ol fb wixind tbo knife seemod to
have been turned iu. Very I'ttie is known ot
either MeKeevei or McMaaters. Doth are Irish
men. and shipped in L aid nderry. Ihe cause of
the whole all.ilr was whisky.
Tbc Coroner s jury exumineu a ntiuiner oi wit
nesfes, including ihe sailors in the atl'.ay, but no
laets were developed in addition lo those givua.
Ji verdict was reuituied to the or)uet,tbaa McAIas-
i. uint trnin Uin etlects ol a stun lunietou ov
MeKeevcr. and MeKcever wo committed for
trial. Five of the crew wire sent below as wit
F.Ni.!.snNQ in.ths N Most bittefcora
plaints are "till nuuie in regard to the inauuer In
which naval enlistments arc conducted Iu this
city. We arc, assure1.', u, ou the best authority,
that It s Impossible to have a recruit mnstorod
Into the navy and credited to tbe city ot Phila
delphia. Persons around the rendezvous re.spoct
fullv inform tbe reemit that If be will be credited
to New Jersey be will be accepted, it not ho will
not be taken at all. J his cannot oe none wnnuui
the kaowieiige of ibe otlli-ciw inside, who s-jein to
wink at this rascality. This matter has gone far
enough, and the sooner such men arerodo ouiof
town on a rail the better for l he iuterestsof Phila
delphia. Tbe uttalrboa been laid before tbe
comiuaudiiiit at the i'biladulpuia Navy Yard,
who, we understand, boo taken tho mittoriu
i bai'gr. Complaint has also been made lo the
Navy Departoiaut, aud if the evil is not at once
remedied, let the people lake the matter in their
own bands and teach these swindlers what fair
play is.
Military. Cnionol II. G. Sickle will com
mand the Sixth Union League Regiment, now
being raised under the auspices of th itb jdy. Tue
regiment is for one year's servico, and each rocr-iit
receives the city bounty in hand the moment the
mutur is complete.
Mr. Joseph Moore bus charge of tbe recruiting
of Bimev's Shariwihooters. five companies r
which are to b ruined in ihls city. RocruiM hive
the privilege ot enlisting lor oue, two, or thru
Most of the wards have completed their Bounty
Fond organisations, and many of these will
undoubtedly b relieved from iuuarait,cpociauy
where the quota is small. . .
RxTi'im 0PTnaPMiLniti.1-iiii Bcoi' r. TUl
morning tbe Philadelphia Scouts, un.tcr the com
mand of Captain Robert Kvans, of Common
Comicil, returned to the city. These men were
raised ut tbe expense of the city duriug tbe Ian
raid into Pennsylvania. They have been absout
nearly two mouths, duriug wuieu uuse tuey nave
rendered valualile service in the Cum sorland,
scouring the country lor miles around, ana ep
tuniig many Rrbel s-ragsrlers and Bjtea. The
company nntnlicrs ovcrlony men, all of whjiu
leturn safe. .
Accident on tbeDklawark Bov Drowkbd.
- Herbert Muidock, aged irvu yuare, full into the
Delaware yesterday afternuon from a vessel an
chored at Beverly, New , J,rsey. The father
leaped overboard and succeudod in selling bis
son, but, bflooming exhausted, lost bold, and the
boy sank. F.vcry effort bv cltuens w.n made to
recovtr Ihe body, but without oil act. Tuo boy
bad light cnily hair, and was dressed ia a red
striped juckct, with mouse-colored pants.
K h.lisd. James McGlbbeu was killed on We 1
nesday right by falling from a window at
T weLty-lifth and Ashbunon streets.
Tncre lvcrylfn?c doing in City Tmnf if
Railway! this morning. , Second and Third Mi
at 71, and Ridge Aventio at 19. . ., , t
GolJ continues doll; Opening at 2V1J, ad-
van-rd and sold at V1 at 11 o'ekxk, 2471 1J
aod25al 12,. ..... - s "
ratuinraj'HiAirronKitxHAM'ia aaxm, awi. is,
sitxirwe by CUrksna it Oe., Rmktra. !. Ol 8. TUrtl flt.
V tk UH. ...M. ilal.
i,,s,'i a.. hw.
Vn" .1, Corn riatatr... 41,'-
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;iinth oo Hit 4-t
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Issith Ho bid tt '
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ililill 40
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1 1 ii d 14
Ottl DsUoU (HI....
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tit K-.d K....""
aooiih ...-,
IKIS'l ! V U..... 4Jl
llth M. llhanT,.,' T'd
. .Ii Hu(.CaHHihiir
Kvnh do....,,.! , aiV
la h Wmmin. th.! flu
:t) sti H..K OIL 4'i lit. h In-la o f ...1st V
litf do I l.l .S enti R Is'J
is. h I'll Oil r... I't V th P R ... 84
Innsli McfTlm....., Kltll....., tlj til
IKish 1-,-rrjr Oil .! do.. , ri
vnsk do V KlitiftiwauW... l )
0 tl Hi.U-ssv.iia., 9
ltk..) J t
k , .to :
lo sti a.. i-si s'i
MS; b Kfc Jrr I's.u... 1
ait. sd na'i-ii no . . .. s
Reported tij 1,' A Co., Brottn. Ko. 131 8. Thbs tl,
r,r CtU. SKK4 OaUi
t'mt.ii atatssa,lKm,intofr.....liJt bid .. ... saioi
HKet l-iaiid Ksilrojd...... kid I liJDi mmti
fir,., II, ,p l(Mr.i.l bid .. mios
linmai rvntrtl Hsiiroad .. N4 urn
Nw lull Contral Railroad l.',' t.ld .. saMd
Hrtt Railroad , WJ.' tt ' ,UV taste
llarV-ni Hailroad lai bid tak-s
llosl A .....7V1 bid ' i I.- aalis
I'nltnl Hlatrt S-SOt t" but ' ' 1' V ost
liorlitt.... ............. ...i a dj. i . - seaadr..
at Coose 4 1'n. qu.xa arvtraaXBt 8carnw, Ac., U
Boon louowsi-s . . , ,t . I
..t.......M.M..l V O tlAl I
KH 110
...... tMs ns; '
r.a. t, isxi . 7 U-IC SI..14
Cnin.-ttr I, Hw
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iii r r-
S-VUH-Mlils llH( ' tie
, Ia Bavim A Bro. Ne.90 8. TUIrd straM,qo4v a' Jr
lows: , . . .
Ami-rlrsn OnM .157S svia. V il.-ta
Isnttrd sUtti-s IW-nland j 1
AmiTican Hii'i-r S' sii't -V til ..da
iMmi-t ainl HaH 11iuis..'.m l;(s - SN n'Tl .40 ")
HpaiiUh ijutrtsm : 1.14 da ..4a
r-amsvlv aula CnrniDey. H Hi. , t Ala. fv
New Voct Exchaiiae. ' I-HIdd " u rae. ' "
M. ox-kulta A Cat., lis. M i. Tblrd ttxwt, rapetsj h
lew Ins- iiiiAititlons ror.Forvlsa Eaehaacs per tiaaMff
Oi7 ctLvnion, fraajtcw. ' a'
lnndon. CO days' tight. 17-.Si.vjmo t LonsVia,J lUvt.vMHi
tags,!; Carls, Ul .l.ot slht.-JI irSMUf.OlVl Parti. 5 lr,
Vi. i Antsserp, so days' ilht. ir.utiJt,; Hmnwi. au laf
alulit, n(r.('l IUliibur(. 0 dart' tlabt, ft O-Osnmn,
lul sk, HiTllu. ll lJ.ys' tlnhj, ISU; AwswrdoM, raaki
lort, Ut dajrt'.tlslx W. alarkat ttmdj. . '
. Qnotutions of the pnotipaj OoaJ asd Coal Otjtj
stocks at 1 O'clock to-day : , , , ,
"... ; . Jtitt its. I ' " " 'Jil H 'Jsll
Fullnn 4nl ,. H', lev, VaainiOtl .. . . .... V , I.
riis-anaisln Ooal. "i s. DnkimviuolMsa.. i 99
S. V Mid. 4':.aJ..VH. VI U Ur, aala Oil I. li
llr.H-nHt.tli al.... a'i 7 Mow a K4uj tttli. tV I I
4 .Irvliw Oil Its, 1
S Butter aaU..-.,n ; S9
ncvttnfMi inc.... I i
'i I
N I B.bolHfski
New l'r4 . 1 1
fwilur Haul VI
Cllniiai .tval. 1.
i'oiincclleut S
AUai-n Iniu IS
vim irren -
aUpii- suiad oil. .It
1 .KauellDU
.2- JdollhBi.y 1
- Tit K-iaaita Oil..' j... I
IS O'mslctd 1.. V
Mis-tsi.k Oil.,.. 4 . H RoiMiaiMiutsr.Wi :H
Irrrjoil iiv 1 nauu,,
Jtlrcraj OH... ... I 8lt Vrt.....J.
Ki'intiiar Oil l' X I sllsssru-a 4nlrs. 4-, .
' The following are the inspection of Flour acoT
Ileal hit tbe week entiiag Aagast t
Half barrels su pet tine ........i.... Vi
Barrels suserfine.....r..........-...??7
i Osnlrs. .4 ',
Corn Meal.,
' j - -
s(f-T t?7
. Total U...W48
Tbe following are' the receipts of Flour and
Grain at this port during the past weekt-t-ts
Flour, bbls.. ... . ... tsa - 8,22t)
Wheat, bushels., '..'.. 40,W)
Corn, ' do. ............ ....... ...... M.-toO
Oats, ! do., ...........s.4'2d)
The following are the receipt of Oooi Oil
this port during tbe past week: Crude, 20? 5
bbls. ; Refined, 42HO bbls. . ''
.The condition or thd hanks of tbe IBrtM arihX
c I pal commercial cities of the Union i exhlbitest
in the follow ing table, which gives the aggregate
of tbeir Inst weekly statements :
l mm. Hp: Otrtuhifn. 'P-vtU
J.'. V.. AllK.11..rVI7.,H4 1M4...( I.4I7.HH4 ),M,8Jn44
rhiia . Aur.l.v. . bis.'.'.ii b.asv,aw rvu.iwi .jij..j.;
i.,).t..ii,.iu.ii. i.i,i;i.v.; ,8m;,'m m x.,77a.isrj
Practical Issiiu'ction in Boor-xbki-ino,
Penmanship, Calculations, f.r , at Crittenden's
Commercial College, No. 037 Cbcentit street,
comer of Seventh. No Vacations. Sludouts
h.siiuetcd at snch hours as best suit their con
venience. Telegraphing taught by one oi the boat
of ptaiical operators. Catiloguea for the l-t
year, containing tbo names of nearly live nuu
drcd students, terms, oc, may be bad gratis, on
Moeot iTO Nuts, all tbc patent frame, or any
other net. made to tit tae bedstead, at Patten's,
No. 1-IUhCbcsnut street.
Wf. nAVB hv I'ar the largest stock and best
assortment of Clothing in 'Philadelphia, com-
all desiiable styles of goods, front
medium price to siipcrbue. Every oue can bo
u ...ii. iv tincd at mice from our stock, what
ever be bis ti.e or proponlons, In garment eijual
in aii icspects to work made to measure, ut muk
UiKtr pii: For those who prefer, we have
.,. a la.iolfie asaortincnt of niece goods, which
will be mado up to measure In a style surpassed
bv none. Bknnktt j Co.,
J ... ..... V.. ..IU U..PI,.I .(rl
IOW IlAl.b, llii.yioiB wim.
Comihin, No. 1517 Vine street. .
Ouici; oi Tux KviMio TrLvnan'H, t
usi t
Total Wi.wn tsu an.7i.9ii,imjaH sjvn,4MV4)
I.atl wifk.... tVsS.tWl.2J3 SjO,8'jttlli,44uVU4 xl.!H
It i-ri-aiiiia loans......... ....,.. SMM'e
i.--leus. In tpi-rls 147,17V
lirvrraM in clr.-iilalioa... .. ...... ' ShM.lia)
lu. M In di-osltt ,. i.lVifVl
The list statement of tbe hanks of Rhode
Island compares with the prevkia returas a
lollows: - I.:,- o- ' ' 1
mv 4. AouM 1.
I wi ,. ta JHW.4TI .. a . irjiMl
lisimslu 7,is-i,e , . , ,'iejsoi
Olreuailoa ,I44J1;4 ' ( 1SH.S1I
BjM-cia 4?,?ts ' "'-' 4Jji
Comparative statement of R-umlngs of (he
North Pennsylvania Railroad Comny '
Earnings in July, lr4.. f 0742
do do IStia 41JiV;s9
Fanning In 8 months, ending July SI,1
same time last year..
l-'riaar, Auku:
The excitement noticed iu the Stock Market
for several days past has fallen off, and the mar
ket is dull, but steady. Government bonds are
in demand and prices are better, with laloi of
5-20s at 110 and 7-3t)s at lOi'ij Cs of 1881 are
onoted at 1034.
There Is very little demand for money, and the
market continues dull. Loam are plenty on call
at 6( 7 per cent, pef annum. Best paper is aoti-
inc at from 7 to 0 per cent.
The subscriptions to the new 7 30 loan, reported
at the Treasury Deportment yesterday, amounted
to Sl.l8b.000
A despatch from Washington says tho amount
of fractional currency uow in circulation is i i,-000.000.
Iu Railroad shares there Is not much doing,
but price are eteady. Pennsylvania sold in a
small wuy at 71 ; Reading at 6o69; Wyrnln
Valley at K8 ; North Pennsylvania at !l;Cata
vitssa preferred at 41, and common at 2222;
63 was bid for Mine UUI, and 84 tor Philadelphia
and Erie. ' ' .
Coal Oil shares are lea active. Philadelphia
nd Oil Creek aold at 1 j ; McClintock. 6 ; Perry.
01, which U a decline; DalttAll. ; Densmore,
124 which is an aa advance, and Mcllhonny, 7 J.
iuink stiaitw eontlnu firm at about former
rate. 1A7 ' b'a for North Atnerica, 131 fur
Philadelphia, 0 for Farmer' and Mechanic',
8 for Commercial, 2H for Mechanic', 80 for
Western, 274 A" Manufacturers' and MecUan.cV,
nd 33 tor Consolidation,.
Friday, August 19. Cotton is still held with
increased firmness, aud good niiddUng is worth
The slock of Quercitron Bark i lova, and No.
1 is in demand at $31 V ton. In Tanners' Bark
no change. , ;, j .
Tbe offerings of Clovcrtced have been light,
bnt it is linn at 10 W 64 Ms. Timothy still ooa
titucs to be held with much firmness. Flaxseed
bas declined and is now worth 93-60 4J- bosh, j
Tbe Flour Maskot I rather isulet, but firm.
Supplies still continue to come forward slowly.
The soles comprise .1000 bbls. old and trenh Mock
Western extra family, at ll-2.Su2 4j bbi.1. 0O
bbls. Spring Garden mill and 600 bill. Redstone '
on U ims kept secret. Tbe trade ptinhaM at yeas
U-rdaj's figures. Rye Floor I worth flO. There
is very little hero. Meal kt dull. W 4tiiHe
Pennsylvania at $7 60, without sale!. - v '
Wheat still coutiuues in good resiaest, and
pi ices ore firm. Among tbe sale we notice 2MV
bushels prime old Pennsylvania red at ty
bushel ; some new at fZ 6.5v270, and 300 banheU
Kentncky white at 3. Th stock of Rye i low.
We quote at $l 5. Tbere U very utu Corn
bere. A aule or 2000 busbel yellow was effected,
at l-70. Mixed Western I worth ffl-tU, with
small sales. Oats of the new crop are steady at
90c and old at 95c. Barley and Malt remain a
last quoted.
Whisky U in good request. PensylvaniA
Prison and Ohio is worth I b0, with solos of 609
barrels. Holder are firmer in their yiew and
now demand $T82 . :
hear W. lOt'i iiwaouu.. rrevWoao., Mania, Caidwtol
Ji'Slo K.4 ard, WsHis, rrevttteaca, . B. Whit, i
K k. .,Krwla, Watliluiitoa.CHplaia.
fcKwJrtr?. l.iht. allae, rortlaiul, Costa, BUok-
a.r'Viiinrti'iIn,d!iokBon, Charlsttowa, W. H . Jolmi.
Sclir Msniou, 0 weut , llaldiaore, IJai A UuddolL
gi-hr Champion, (llai k, 10 d t from t'aialt, with luajkar
to at. Trum A Bou.
E. kll. MorreU, trout Malauaas, la ballast.
Alt i
O Bwrlysf Halifax, M.H., wlllharuf sotasaj
.,i. UH,M... l.v Ai.t-luAiiiiT hia adarta lo 'J. t . C
Juhnsou Co .IT touudart.iiOUdASiliildJlt
ontrtwt DrwwlBixBwr Use Mavlby sUbV
U,y 01 4-Ausw- ie. h4. - -'
8, 67, 78. 41. 22. tl, W. 7, '
KrA Clash .Ws-Aiariitl M. W. - j
S8, 1,47, SO, 29, 311 li,,H, A'''
Ok atari by a4d4vs.trA , q, , ..
" "