The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 18, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 4

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1 1
;1 tlrgtapli
roLOM:ii jiiii Kx i itiiinou.
His Interview With Jefferson Davis.
rowf.KKATioNs audi r ri.Au;,
The following- extract from in iiiiii le Ju tho S'--,-it,r
nomler of the) Atlnntu'. Voifii, entitled
nior Vi to L'tchinon.l," by . I. II. 1,111, He, ,--
id rooi. t or the emiuu Inurce. to the It..;! capi
tJ recently tasen btr two loyal c(t:t n .. Mr. fin.,
om ac-companied I'o'onol ,Ia.qri-F., tU( ,
tailed icwoiit of tl rli Icniner. trs-nlnu'iit, ami what
I'U " iialiear-i. Hie fiiliowuiir extt-icti from
tlx rile1, will frailly pnMto, ami act it
rwt some notions about Mr. IUvtf d -ire lor peace:
How Their Wmt I Itl.-timnnrl.
W went tlu-re in an aml.n mice, anil we w. nl t.v
folher, too t nloiiol ami I li.ut got in won
wwiiii. letrlinpa, to mr; that e got mil n duo
alloM'llHT to bun; and a man more cool more l.raie,
acll-rcharit and mom acn-ii n.teit tiuin flint
ja.ct "Mli.'H pansou," it never waa my l.irluui lo
At Hue o'clock cn the altoinoun of July Ji'.ili,
mcantcd cm two rtiw.i..,iic.i is"ich of Hiii:itirA!4 w
great raid, and arnied with a ei;.-r In Jkf.-. 1'avlft,
a wkila cambric hamlkiTi-it el I to a inrt nick,
and an fiobcat lad-, tin Ik w h the i o n. el's, u
rode p to tbe Ife!.-! lino. A rain-ei. vi't'nw. tared
bev with a carbmo in one liuud ami another u nite
Lai-dkerchlei tied to aiiotiicr ftiort t,.k in iheoiU.r,
wmn out to duk'I na.
"I an you toll n, my man, where to Cud Jinlire
OriD, the kachaiiee I omiiiiMiniirf"
"ia. Ilirn and t'utlinr huiurc officers f nvr tor
h B antation bcyoiit (.hovkkh, i.-ii know
H lo li bcun' nary door nnr winder 'tin' niins..u
hm:iibtl. 1 In y ah Imsl, it in. tlm hrbilo-
Kalti tliiour;h tlio timber, i. d keen your nir K-I'yiu',
ir cur hoe i Ih.rkor 'n i.uci.c'i,e,ni.a in tin iu
wood, and tticy moujrlit pup ye, h tti.y tl.dn t
Meel It.
1 backing him, w turned onr horses Into tlia
M timber," and, KBllni.ine- rupiuly on. imn rmn in
ait 1,1 of tlm wwnni pianlatiou. lulling on tlio
ffraaa, ,n ttia aliad ot window'oi iuuiiiun, wo
wand the onlnli rair otticia . rhcy m-o a we up.
ororcbi-d j and on- ot n a d to the .ltdi, a ennr.
trooa. miaolr-aivd nnniaii. iu a Panama bat aud
I iQif ot aputicaa white Oil hnuat
" W e ai lain, but lt' your 'ault. Your iipo)i1i
Ird at ui down the rivur, ana w uad to t.iru liu.-a
and (time OTfr and."
" You Ooi.'t aupiinao they aaw yonr tlai?"
Ko. It waa bidden by the triw; buf a bot rame
anrumlnrtably near us. It ctruck tlin wn?-r and
neLorliuttcd not tbtee jarda off. A link nrrr and
it would bare aliorteuvti in j by a b ad, and tbe
lomue. by two Itol."
"VUat would bavo been a ad thunr lor vnu- but a
1m, you know, la na ood aa a mile," -aid tlm
Iude, evidently enjoy Itifr the "Joke."
"We htar (..rant wan in the boat that followed
yours, and was atrnek wlii at dinner," rwuarkeil
I aptaiu JlATrn, tlio Judun'a Adjutant, n .Mitln.
nan, and about the beat lookiuu uiuu in Dm t ou
eleracy. "Indeed! Po you believe It?"
"1 aoirt know, of courae;" and ln lnoks aiked
for an auawer, Wo lave l oin-, toi a'l ueh iiiliir
oiaticn ia contraband. We mwiu Imv,. ml. I
ttai biiiST, IUitick and FiwrER examined their
VMlllon from Mm. i.bovf.h B boinw, uhont tour linn
red ardad (tnnt, two houra alter the Keliel eaiituni
.an iniiwii a mean-down on the Lieu'euant-liene.
ral'a diuuer-table.
The Rebel tldliera.
We were then Inlrndiioed to the ether om. iuld
aiajor riKMniKKK, oi Hie war department, a yoiiin
muuu juiiiii-rij ui ni'a xora, oui now acnrni.ifr lliu
insulation oi leini a Yankee, and Mr. C'liaiiLPp
Jav.mi, of the 1 roio.t (iu-iiil of liieliinonil. lliu
latter indivmuul waa our aimdow in l'ii). He whs
oi muoiuui tieiirbt, atouily built, wit.i a "hnrl, ihiek
nerk, unu amis and rhouldera dneotnii' fnat
nrviiirlb. tie iooked a natural-born Viler, and
- ttich auch character as a timid man would not
care lo eucouuier, ei pt at lone raimn ot a rifle
wanantea to tuo twenty shots a tuiuute, and to hit
every time.
To fclve ua a mocnligbt viewol the Rich :nond ioill
fkutiuiiB, the Judue pronow-d lo- an al'ier auudnwu :
tuii aa it warned aume Louiaot that time w seated
ami vis ou tbo around, and entered .inn convetva-
tH'U. The treatment ot onr pr toners, the ttntittot
Diaci iioona and lon-comiiatante, and all ttieiiie.
tloiia which have led to the MiHpemdou ot exeh.uies,
tad been flood natnrediy discussed, when tho ( an
tan', tool tun up tronione ot tiie oi;iieiu paiiera we
tad brought liim, said:
"Do you know it mortifies me that you don't bate
aaaa we bate vouf You kill ua an Akukux kill a flv,
bteauie yon Jove us,"
"li tourse we do. The North is being crucified tor
love ot tie Houlh."
li you love ua so, why don't you let us go V afked
the Joote. rather curtly.
"For toat very reaaou Nicanse we loreynu. If we
let you 0, witn slavery, and your notions oi 'empire,'
you'd ruu atiantht to barbarism and tun devil."
"We'd take the risk of that. Hut let me tell you,
if 5 ou are koiwj to Mr. JUvih wiiu any such idivn
yen mihl aa web turu back at ouc. He ran tnuke
fence on no other basis than independence, jte.n..
union mu-t le the Liyiniiiiu', m il lie and ending of
all m ifiiiiallnas. Our people will atcept peace ou no
tl er terms."
"I think yon are wrors; there, said the Colon. 1.
Vhtn 1 waa heie a year airo, 1 met many oi your
leaaina men, and tliey all awured ine they wanted
l-eara and reunion, even at the aacriiiee of slavery.
v iihiu a week a man you vein rule and hive baa uu t
tne at ha I tl more ami tieaouxnt me to come beie aud
tier klr. Hlvi peare on such foudiiions "
" ) bat may be. Some ot our old men, who arfi
weak in the kiiees. may want ieace on any terms;
liot the tScuibtin .eople will uot have i. witiiout
toriepeimence. Mr. JJavih kuows ihem, and you
will hud he will insist upon thut. onee.le thai, aud
we'll uot uuairttl alxiut minor matters."
"We'll not quart el atoll. Hut It's auudown, and
tlit.ewe were 'on to Ilicbmonn.' "
"I hat's tie Tribune ory'seid the Captain. rNinir:
"nd I hurrah tor the Tribune, lor lis honest, aud
I wunt my supper."
. We all iaunhid, and the Judire order d the boraea.
As we were about to start, I said to biin
' Yun've loruutten uur parole."
"ih. tevei nund that. We'll attend to that at
Metp nif Info his earrlaire, and nnfnninir tlieflo
ot Irnce, he ;ben led the way, bv a snort cm" aero-
tho eoin-tleid which divided the mansion, lrom the
hinh road. We loilowed In an ainhuluuce druwu uy
a yut d muli s, our shadow, Mr. Javinh, aitlnn;
biiwuen ua and the tv lliirl.t, aud Jack, a "lively
. baikti) ," alimmt file olo smvivor oi his umstnr'a
twelve Luunred s.avis, ("Ue ress all aiole, Massti,
atole by you Yankees ") oeeimied the front Beat, and
withaitood stout whip "working our uaasaxe" to
In Klehniond.
At ten o'clock that ni ht we planted onr
far (amiiini a lump post) iu the very heart of the
hoklilecily Ah we alyuted at the uoornuy of the
hpofewood Hotel, the Judtre said to the Colnuel :
"Hut. on oui oui side coat up closely. Your uni
form must iol be aeeu here."
1 he l oloii' 1 i. id as be was bidden; and. w.thout
eii.ii, io reriMei our name at the oltiee, we lo:
lowcdlhn Judun and the h( turn up to N j. t,l. It
waa a inrre, Kpiaie room, in the loiirth at iry, with
mu mHr" l::"eii rrpei. ailCI Lfln WUIT" Wall
ameareil wun aiot ai.d loliaoco Juice, .--evenil
cbaiia, a-maiblo top luLle, and a nine washMmid and
cloiuea plena trafir!d about the .wr, and iu the
corners were iniee leni, paruiHiieu with faltered
pillow-caat a. and coventi with whne ceuuti rpanes,
fMu fiey with louif'ni lor snu"iuils aud a wa. h
tub. The pla ner and huniMcr ui' tlie-. bedr nus
ieiieu lor ine i nriv sir. jivi.h; the other' h
i-wu uinue reaoy mr ine extraorilinBry envo s not
rtivoya extranrdinarvj who, in detittnee id all pre
cedent ami tiie luw of naiioni, had jn-t then "ukeu
x;iuirij;oiia. "
A sin;' Id iriis-'et whs buriiinir over the tunntei.
p.'', and aiuive it I snw o "wnlinjr on the wall
wiiM-ji impneii tnar r.tK jai.'iin ;tu.i r.iii up a
waMiuir M'lire oi nil y uuiiars r
1 waa conitiaiiilHtiiiff uiyaeit on not haviu fo pay
uiut wigiiitii i iiiuniii-y iiiii, wneu cue .luue n:ilil
Yon H unt supper. W hat nhnll wn older!"'
A slwu oi hot einii-biead woli.d Inaku me tho
napi lest man in Kiehmomt."
ihe t aptaiu fhoieupuu lelttbo riKim. and .-horily
rcli rLUia, Leu ajketi
"Ihe In nit :,ud swears vou'm lrom (jur;'iii. lit
nays none I ut a ,eori;iuii would eali lor corn-mead
i Ihia time of mebf."
tin that hint we aWe!, and when our rooty attend-
am raiiio iu with the miptier ihins, we
t.eorFia nniies, f leorr'ia hanks ami dem-'ia mo-niil'
toea, iu a way whit-h nhuwed that we hud Imn-ii bitteu
ly all of tlieni. Iu butt uu hour it was rioj.ed ad
about Hie hoU I Ihuf the two ftentjeiiien the I onledo-
racy waa lakiUK such excellent cni ui were Hum
'1 he meal ended, and a ouiet smoke over, our en-
tertainera rose logo. A the Jude bade us KO'-d
mriii, ne aaiu to u:
"In the luorulni yon had belter address a note to
Mr. liuijAaiiN. akuiK the imoryiew with the pre
sident. I will call at ten o'clock aud hike ft to li in."
"Very weil. But will Mr. Uavis a t us uu liuu
tlayr" "Oh, that will make no aid'ereuce."
The Next Day.
The next mornimr after breaklast, which we took
in our room with Mr. J&vise, we Indited a note, ot
which the following u a copy, to tho Conk-derate
Secretary of State:
KtoirtiviKjD Hovn, UlcnuoND, Va., July IT,
14. Hon. J. 1". I)eJAhim. riecretary of Mate,
cr Ixmr riir: The iiuderBicned resiaMitfulIy o
treit an interview with 1'renideut liana.
'they visit llichmond only an private citizens, and
wave so elheial oharacler or authority but they are
Je4iilut, d with the views of the l ulled Slates (,o
Ti.S'i""1 408 iimnnta ot the Northern
I..:... ' ".""ve to au adiualmeut of the dillereucos
iV-'f if,,! '' orth aud the South, and ear
to auch iel n'y ! "'e "
aM-aee Li Ian Ian ..I..T w ui lenuil iu rustonug
lllIe! tere.k'l, 01 r distracled counlrv!
Thi. ... .i..V'i',l.!,!Sl !S"to'lr vonw."
lUvr wlih a.ooaunieudatory leittr 1 had ri, Ji t
eettmu out, trum a uuar relative ol Mr. lAvia u ij.7,
Kelxl jewirlarr. Ju ball an hour Judge Ih'lu Z
fur mil, laiiue, '"jr. Jlr.aatiiia aeuda oa hueuia
pliu nl , and v 111 hi likppy K ace you at the tjtate
aieeraiary Jlenjuutia
We fonnd Ui a-coretary a abort, pi a 111 p. oily lmie
um iu Hack, Willi kaeu bbu'k eio, a Jvw bu, a
jiuliow aaiu, cuiJjr biack bu'r, vlvsw'ti iwuiuii black
w Mkers, and a ponderona a-ohl wat. hi'haln In the
aorihwiH room of the "1 ni ed Siai." i nrom
lloii. liver the door el tin room were the words
"Mate l"epartmetil," and round its walla were
hum a few mana and battle-plans, la one corner
a Her of shelve n h d with iHHrka, anuxi which
I aotieed tiiAOiaT a "HiHory," Iximi a I'irtse
nsllM.ierv,' rAKnn'a"liiii,.r. ' (Ihi ki rvV"Ain.H
ran I oi.flict." a complete set nl the H'-lti,m lUronl
and a tloreu niimberi ami several bound vo.umos ot
tl e Atumti,- Mmilhiii, and in the centre or the apart
?'-.i l li" ,",,,' "'ere. with re..n
e olh, and tilled with a nuiliiiude ot "Male jwiiors."
AflhtB table sat the Seeretaiy. He ro as we en.
hami; ;nd.;l:.;J-l1"?,' 0''U
" I am ulad, verv klad. tome, f von. etitl, men. I
l ava read jour nine, an i" Iniwiui to me "the
0 en lelier you briiiir funn . nur errand com.
niai:da my re'iieet and sympathy. I'rav he .,ati d."
A ne took the prolti-red ell' the I , donel. draw-
ft" his ilii-t. r," und di-pnty nit his unin rni,
' We t hank yon for thi ronli
I'rvuais, We tin.: 3,10 will he I
i'l rii'- iti.,n, M.
is jdud lo hear lis
uu Tim are 11, sec n.
"No ihlhM I drill be. Ii.r von eolile t.. tu'k I.T
pi ne", I eare i wliat ui' all waul."
"II Is indeed ; and lor lint ri tt"n we ari- rre to
sei' Mr, lis an w.- . hi 111. mf'
"Mo vou linn. uujriierturi. fo him from vm!
"No, ir. IVp linnt no or. rtur ami hnve no au
thority tiom our liovi'rnioi'iit. i' 'ne Hint In our
mite. We would be irlad, however to know wl at
feneswillhe seei' f.i lo '-ir ls is. I tlo y at
all hatiin nie with Mr I.ini 01 ..V view, we wi I re
pot t tin in lo him and so oneu ihe 0. i.r mr elli. ,ul
bvft llallens."
au- you aoiUHinted L 1 x n -"'
'I lie ol ua m. Hilly."
'Ind Mr. l.iM'cti.N. in a, ,7 e ",. antlum.. veu
Ceme hereT"
.No, sir Wo enme wlih hi. na.. In I e.e- hv hi
rci,uiM Wo ay, di-lineily, bn no oil end or
111:011 .mil atllh y. We iMim s n . n r'eli hri-.
funis, nut as dlphnnntlsis. hnpini-, in a (rank t ilk
w,ili Mr. Davim, hi ducunr ivy by whii h this
war may he .iiifit ."
v It. lentlemen. I w 11 renenl .l,a4 v,,. A
the !'ies dent, and il he lolhiw- my aoviei und I
chl.reh this nltertioou ; so, .uppn-e you c.ilj hire
loiiin ( win ne win meer von it., .1 iu.
nine mis en n'i.K. II anylhiiiir 'hoiild 11. ,M r in the
know Ihruiiiih Judi-e 'hi.i."
.. . o.. ,,,,..., seen,, y.,,1, will li t veil
-T.ier M ua, scut in nnr room. mm. r-in with
.......... .,,, wiui'iiiTi? llic pu..i.r-l'y in tie. fre
1 mii itni ine in t. liw io they weie nn I how in, y
I1.ek.1l. I, nl siieh ililiuiiiution 1-.inn now ntrnhi.nd
-eeaue.i at'ain ai riiie u clock at th. MhIc !.
Jelters.iu Ilnvls
jnr.! iHviipied his pn yious - ut :it the
lame, nl Ins rleht ant a snare, in lea u red
.I, w 1111 iron-irrey nair and Heard, and a el. ni urey
eie lull 01 liio aud vigor. had a broad inx- lve
loreiira l, and a mnath and chin demitiuir ureat
ei etiy nnd stn iKfth ol w.ll. his lace was tinatiuted
b... mil, nr.uKieu, out, ills i.-aiures wi re irood etie
cially his eyes, thnuith one ol Ihein here a . nr. iii
paienily uiade bv xmie shurn instrument. He wore
a suit 01 (.reytsh-l rown. nily of tun lirn manu
la.ture and as he roe, I aw Hint be was about live
teet ten Inches uiirh, wlih a iiflit toop in tl,..
neoi.nierK. iiis maiini r w. re si nple. ,.a.y and
iiuilo iaciLatliir; and he threw an nul.-s. ribahlo
claim into his voice, as he extended hi" baud and
" 1 am glad to see yon, gentl. men.
welcome to l:icliinond."
Yon nj yery
Ard this was the man who was Tri-ddrm ot the
I. tnli d Mufea under 1'iianklin I'iijii k, and who i
i.,w me unu, sijiii auu nrmus 01 tne .southern ('en
ftderacy I
III manner nut 1110 cut r. ly at my easo; the
tolonel would beat bit II he stood Uloro C,i - u
and 1 replied ' '
"We thank yon, Mr. IIavts. It l not ofien yon
.. .-. i in. u ui uur emmes unu our priiiclpl. s lo liich
non.i." "Mot often, not so otten as 1 could wish: and I
ttn-t yourcoiuiiiir may leud to a more lieiu. nt aud
a uiore Ineudiy iiiloicou.-so bctwc..u tbo Aorth und
the SoLth "
" W e firtcerely hope If may."
"Mr. Uu-javim tells me you huve asked to no
me. to"
And 1 e pausi'il, as If de.lrinir we should fiuMi the
Sl-nteuee. I he I o.onei rejiiieil :
"In, sir. We huie tl 's Inhnl.w In the
hope Hut you may auff 'est !omr way by which this
wcr tun be slopped, nnr people want rs'aeo: v mr
pi op e do. and your 1 oeir, has rm eiitly said that
It' u do. W v have come to auk now It cau be. brouub'
"In a very simple way. Withdraw yoi;r aricii s
from our territory and peace will come ot itself. We
do not seek lo suhjiiiiate yon. Wo are not waintj
n oflcusive war. exoept so lar asit is orTens:vi-iI-f.
n.ive that is, s lur as we are tor.'i d to invnde yon
to prevent jour invading us. Let us uJoue and peice
will ceme at once."
I'nt we cannot let you olor.e io lona- a yon repu
diate' the I'mon. That is Ihe one thing the Northern
people will not surrender."
"I kui w. You wouid deny to as what you exact
for youi selves therieht ol seli-jroveriuueuf ."
"o, sir." J leinnrki d. "We would deny you tin
uituiai riaht. Hut we Hunk Union ossential to pcuee;
und .Mr. Jjavih, cm.f two people, wilh the same
language, siparated liy only an Imoifinary line, livo
at peacu wiiu each otiierF W.iuhi mil dniniM..,i.
stuntlv ailfc, aim cause, almost cou-taut war bctiyu
' Lnilonbtedlv. with this nenrrntlnn. Yun licv
sown such bitlerness at the have put "iich
an oci.un of biood between the to sections, tbat I
iler i sir 01 sceiiiK nny harmony in my lime. Our
children may lorijot tins war, but ice tuiinot."-
1 IUiLK the IllllelUess vail stii'nk nl sir " cn.
t'olouel, "does not reallv exist. Wnnni.t Ihiiiut..
as iricuds; our soldiers meet and fniteruize with en h
ether; aril 1 feel sure thut 11 tiie Union worn restnr. d
a more itieiully leelnifr would arise between us f nun
Las cvei existed. The war ha made us know and
le.-pect each other betterJhan i,,lore. This i- the
view of very many .Southern nun; 1 have hud itliom
many 01 them, our l. adluir ciiiens "
'inev are mtntaki u." re lied Mr ristrij rli,...
do not uu.le'siand Southern sentiment. How euu
weteel anytliinir but LiPermss towards men who
n ny us oui nirhlsr 11 von enter mv hniiR.. an, I
drive nie outol it am I nut your uaturnli neiuvf "
"louput lh cao too si ruin1 y lint we riunot
nVM louver; the war must cud at some lime; we
must finally auroo upon some hiiia-; can w not
auree now i.i.d slop tins triciitlul carimrfer We are ( hnslian unu, Mr. Uavih. ( an vou, us a
hns'ian man, Kuve untiled auv mi iu.-thol may
end to peace 1 "
'NO. I ranilOt 1 1.,trA n.,... Ms nm, 1, am wrnrt .1..
I deplore bloodshed is inueh ua vou do: ht 1 l.el
that uot one urop ot Ihe blood sued in this wur is on
mu nanus; 1 can ioK up Hi luy find aud say this.
i lrie.i an iu my power to avert this war. I mw it
ci lninf, and lor twelve venra I worked nlviit and
day lo preveut it, hut 1 could not. Ihe North was
mad ami blind; it would not lei us kovi ru ourselves;
aud so the war came, and now it, must go on till the
last man ol this iieueraiion fulls in his tracks, and
his children seize bis musket and tiht his battles,
unless you acki.owledne our riiht to aelt-irovern.
nent. Weurekot lu'lilliiu for slavery. Wo are
till linn loi iiiuepeiidonce; und that or exleiiuiutt
tion we w ill have. "
And there are at least four and a-half millions of us
leil ; so vou see jou huve a work beluro you," suid
Mr. Hiijavhn, with a decided sneer.
" e have no wish to exterminate vou," an.wer. d
the ( oh in I. "1 iH'lieve w hut 1 have suid, that thera
is no bitterness between the Northern and Southern
people. The North, I anow, loves the South. Win u
I euee eomes it will pour money and means into vour
iuucs to lepa I Ihe wumu cuused by the wui, aud it
would low welcome vou back end torsive you a. I the
lors aid bloudsh. d you have caused. Hut wo must
ciiisoour uini.c und exterminatu your
nieitt. Aud i uoi that alreaitv nearlv douer on are,
wholly w.thout money and at the end ot vour r.
s.uiiees. t,BT bus shut you up iu Ifiibu.iind.
run man isleior.i t!i.nia. Had ynu not thm,
bi Her accent hoi oialile leims while you can n nan
your i.rotiite aud aave the pride ot the "outhern
Mr. Ilnvl-. on the I uiiirdeiaii 1'ius.pri i.
Mr. D i vih smiled. "I re-pe. t voir i i-rm nn. ,
nliilu l, 1 nl you ,n ro! sc. m to iilider-.nii l th
-ill ut on. Wear, not exactly hut up in Hid m.iu t
II ii nr papers mil the Hu h, it - your capi ul H.ut is
In i. at lci , uol ours, s.ii.,.; w eks uvn l,n m cr.isJ. il
II e lai Mull to w hip I. i,K aud take Liehiiiond l.i t
diove hnu in ih.i first I uitic, ami thin i.hant eje.
uie.l wlai voui le. pie eah a 'hnlliunt ttnik move
meet, ai d totojln i.kk ai-uin dnne a
s. c. ml time, and ihenl.n.M made another ihuiic
icoveincni ; and so ile v kept on, l.i y nelppin -and
t.u.vr tluitliFic, uii'll liuvM- .-.,t he I
linw. "And what is tin net. r.-nllY (ibiit ih.i.i.i
feyeiilv-tiv.i orcii'hty thou und nu ll, luoie Ihuu l.l t
hud ut Hie outset, and b. no n. urcr lukiiia- Kicliinomt
.jinn in urn : ami i.kk, w no.e trout, hus never In
liiolcii. holds li i in completely n cheek, and has
men ei nucn i,, spure l.i mvad" Maivlund and thrcjt.
en v aiini Ton ! Mihimas, to be mire, ,V In lor
Atlui ia; hut niii..-i, he i, und sup'une he tckes jt
1 1 n allow niai ine Hintier In- jrucs ir-un hi ha-.- ni
shi p ies, ine Wf lie jrrows, and tho num. dlu.
Ill.liS de:eat will fa. In him And i. l..u, .........
so, In a iiullturv view, I -linnld cerluinly say uur pu
siilnn was l.eiter IliHi. yours.
' As lo money ; we are richer (hull vou ore. You
slid!.-, I nt adiii.l ibal our paper is worth nnilmiir: il
aiiMiers as a I'liculatitiT mciliiitn. and wn hold II ail
uiiiscirea. il every dollar ol H wero lost we should,
as we have uo Inrciuu debt, bo none the poorer.
Hut it Is worth something; il has the aokd basis ot n
lnrco cotton croji, white yours rests on nothing, and
VOU ,IWC ill ItlA Will 1.1 Aa In twos n ,1,, ..
lack for arms or ainmuiiilion, aud we Lave atill a
wine territory irom which lo aathur auiiilies. rio,
ynu see, wc aie not iu exiruuiitie-. But if we were;
If we were w th'iiit inouer, without food, without
weapons; it our whole country were devaitated. aud
our armies crushed aud di. handed, could we, with
out aiviiia up our manhood, irive ud our riirht to
froveiu oiirseivosf W ould you not rather die, and
l. el vonrscll a nmn. than livu aud be auhiect to a
ioreiirn power"
rroin vour stand-point there is lorcein what yon
say," replied the t olouel. " Uur we did not come
here to arrue with vou. Mr. 11 A via. We came.
ho'ii g to liud some honorable way to peace: and I
am aneveii io near you say w uai vou an v lion l
have soeu your vounu meu lying on the battle Held,
and your old men, women and chddreu starving iu
their humcs, J have fell I could risa uiy lite lo save
them, l-'or that rtisou 1 am here: aud aui arieved.
Itrieved that I here is no hope."
"i uuow your uionves, t.oioiiei ,iAC)rjEa, an.i i
honor vou lot- them: but what cau 1 tin more thnn f
imiloiVer I would irlt) my poor liie gladly if it
wouiti tiriiie pence aim gooa win to tiie two couu-
tnea, but it would uot. li la with your own peoplc
you i-huuJd labor. It il they who desolateour homes,
burn our w hiut-llchu, break Ihe w lus ls ol wagons,
curiyiug away our women aud children aud die
a roiiiig siiiii'iiva meant lor our su a. auu wounded.
At ur door lie all the usleerv aud Uie cruue ol this
war, and if is a leariui, leariui uecouui."
.Not all of It, ill . li.vviH. 1 admit a leariui ao.
count, but il ia Lot all at out door, ihe paasioua of
both sidea are aroused. L'Larmt-d iueu are banged
ami prii-oner are shot dow u iu cold blood, by your-
selves l.leuieutsol barbarism are entenug the war
ovi both aidiwi that ahould make us you aud uie, aa
hiMilau men shudder to think of. In Cod's
Uauie. then, lei Up mI..ii it. Ixt ua ,Lu lu.niethiinr. rini-
ckiMj M,iiH.itlii,Vi to bring alaiut peuoe. You cauuut
lAj-vy., wuu vuiy lour uu g bull m
lulllloiis, a t He,
tlrN.iAii) sava vou hold out lorever aaalnst
twenty millinlis "
Auain Mr. Iiavi sinheil.
"I'o von suppo-e there ari' twenty millions at tle
'orth d.'ternuried to crush g.f
"I do, to crush your fiovemnient. A small num
ber ol our people, a yery small number, are your
friends, hccessJom!. Ihe rest differ alsiut.
n.. a-utes and raiuh.lates bill ire united In the de
terminatluu fo sustaiu the Union. Wlns-vcr Is
elected In .November, he must, to commuted tti a
vtfnrotis prosei'utton ot tne war."
Mr. Ia us -hli locked incredulous. I remark i il !
"It is so, sir. Whoever fells yon otherwi'sr. d".
ceives ynu, I think I know Northern sentiment, and
I assure von II Is so. You know we have system of
Ivceinn-li ctnrliig in our law towns. At the elo-e of
them, lectures ii is the rn lniii nt the iieople to come
npon Ihe platforin and talk with the leciuii r. l ira
give" li 1 1 ii an excellent oppnitunity of ieiirning pub
lic sentiment. lj.f winter I lectured betnrc neatly a
bum o n of such associations all over the North
from l'nhu.iie to Hanger and I tiaik pains to ascer
bun Ihe t. cling ei the mom... I tumid a unanimous to cruh the l!i l llmM and save Ihe
( men nt every .nrriilee. 1 1. miijonly are Iu tamr
til Mr. I.i.n. in., aud iiertr.y all ol thos.. opposed to
him IT" npp.H.1 d lo hnu b H'nuso t fir y tllllik he iIim s
nol fliht vou with "nniifh vii'ur.
"lie ruilieal Kcpuhiiratis.wlio go for tlave suftr n.e
nnd thoiiiiiyh eonll-ration, are those who wui de
fcat Ilirn. il , s to la deli ated. Hut If he I- de
tente, In ,,re the people, Hi,. oile will elect a
worse man 1 menu wor-e tnr you. It is inure i alli
en1 thnn lie is (you can Hint 1mm Mr. ,vs,n ki'i
Hi cms ructhiii bill I, and the people are inore radi
cal than Ihe House. Mr. I.imhi v, I k now, is about
lo call out five hundred thousand more uu n, nnd I
can't -ee bow vou can rcn t iniii li b'ui'el ; t.ul It y(,u
do vnu wi.l only ile. H H the radical 'lis'linc rf Ihe
Nultlu rli peii le. I hey will now anvnvcin tnlr
hol.ornl.le, generous lerins; hut let Ihem stiller much
more, let ihem lie a dead man in every house as
there I- now Hi eveiv v Hinge, they will ge mu' n.i
l iiiis; they will insist on hangini! every lti.l,, I -mi'li
ol . I'ardon my terms. 1 menu no nDi'iise "
"onitive no nib ," he replied, suiilinir very
jileoantly. 1 wouldn't have vou pick your words
this i airahk, tree talk, ami I likv. you the better
fur faying ivhai vou think. Ho on."
"I was liier. lv guing tosav Ihnl. let Ihe Veril o,,,
i I"'' ", ." 1 .'"" -'"IT no IIOI le.
V't and they will insist, oil haiiirin,, ecru r
your leaders.'1 '
"Well, admitting all yon any, I can't scj how it
iflecls our iHirillon. Ibire urn some things worse
than hanging or extermination. Wn reckon giving
up the right ol w lt-gnvernmeiit one ol tho-e tilings."
"Hy seii-gnverunient you mean di-iiuioii Souihern
"And slavery, you snr, it uo loncer an tli uienl in
tl e cout.s.1."
"Nolt is not; It Beyer was an essential element.
It was only a mraus ol brlniriiig other coiithctitnt
elements to an curlier cuiuiiuaiiou. It bred the
tnnskel which was already capped and loaded, lhere
are essential differences between the Nin th and Hid
r-oiith that will, however this war uiay cud, make
them two nations."
"You isk ine to say what 1 think. Will yon allow
me to say that I know the South pretty well, and
never observed those diflorciices."
" I hen vou hnve not um .I your eves My sight Is
BnnriTthon yours, hut I bavo seen them mr years."
Ihe lentil was upon me, aud Mr. Hi n.ia.vjin en
joyed it.
"V ell, sir, betbatislt mav, II I understand you, the
dispute between your l.overiiineiil and ours is uar
rowed down to this: Union or disunion."
"Yea; or to put it lu other words; Independence
or subjugation."
"Then Ihe two (ioventments are Irrecnnrllahly
apart. They have uo alternative but to fight it out.
Hut it is nut so with Ihe people. They are tired ol
tl 'htliif! and want peace; and as they In ar all the
burden and suilcring nl ihe war, I- it not right tnev
should have peace, and have il on such terms as tu.'y
"1 don't undcMand you. He a little more ex
Illicit." Mr. Dntlsi Itelue uu Armistice.
"Well, suopose the two Hoverniiicnts should agree
to do something like this : 'lo go to the people with
two propositions, say, peace with disunion and
Southern independence as your proiosilion aud
peace with union, emiincipnlfou, no confiscation aud
universal luuiesty, as ours, l-t the, citiciin of a'l
the I lilted Mnlesias They existed Isuor.! the war)
vote 'Yes' or '.No' on these two nronositious. at a sue.
cuil election within sixty days, it a majority voU)
disunion, our t.'overnmeht to lie bound by it, and to
let vou go in peace. Il a nmioritv voles I nlon. vnurs
to le bound by it, and to siay in pence. Ihe two
tioveruinents can contract n this vvuy, and the
people, though constitutionally tumble to d. rule ou
peace or war, can elect which ot the two propositions
shall govern their rulers. Ia'I I.i:k and Hiia Nr. mean
while, agree to an aimistice. Tins would sneathe the
sword ; nud If once sheathed, it would never ajraiu be
drawn by this generation."
I tie plan is altogether iniitrnrtir.ahl. li the
Knuth were ouiv one Mate, it might work: but is it
Is, it one Southern State ohiected to eiminci' ition,
it would nullity Ihe whole thing; toi you are aware
Ihe people of Virginia cannot vote flaveiv out ot
South arolina. nor the neonle of South t'arolina
yote if out ot Virginia."
Hut tbree-tourihs of the Sta'es can nm,.tul the
f 'oustltutiou. J,ct it be done iu thut way: m any
way, so that It be done by the people. I am not a
stu.4'siiiau or n politician, und 1 do not kuow Jus I
how such a plan couid he can led out; but you get
Ihe idea, that the people shall deride the iiuestion."
"1 hat tho majonty shall decide If, you mean. W o
seceded lo tid ourselves of Ihe ru'e of the majority,
and this wonid subject us to it agnm."
"Hut the majority must rule liuully, either with
bullets or bullute."
"1 urn nol so sure ol that. Neither current events
nnr history show that the inajoiity rules, or ever did
ruin. The contrary. I thiuk, is true. Why, air, the
man who should go before the Southern iieiiple with
swell a proposition, with any proposition which im
plied Dial the .North was to have a voice lu d' tcr
miLinrr tlm domestic relations of the south, could
not live here a day. lie would bo bunged lo thelirsl
tree, wiihout judge or jury."
"Allow m lo doubt thit. 1 think It more
likely he would be huugod, if he let the South,- m
people know tlio majority couldn't rule," 1 rep lied,
"1 have no fear of that," rejoined Mr. Havik,
also smiling most good-liumoredly. "I give vou
have to proclaim il lrom every house-top in the
" Hot, seriously, iri tou let the majority rule
iu a single State; why hot let It rule lu the whole
"Uei nuse the States are independent and sove
reign. I hecouutiv is not. It is only a I'ljiiiederatuui
ol Suites; or rather it was; it is now iwo coufedcra
tious "
" I lien we arc not a people, wc rc only a political
"That is all."
"Your very unm- sir, 'United Mate,' implies
that," said Mr. Hkn-iamin. " Hut tell me, are the
terms you have named Kmancipaiinn, no coiitis. a
lion and universal uinnestv the terms which .Mr. authorized you toofl'cr us?"
"No, sir; .Jr. did not authorize ine to
orlei vou any terjis. But 1 think both he nud the
Northern people, lor the sake ol pwic.', would acseiit
to som- such conditions,
"1 hey are very generous." replied Mr. IlAVm, for
the li st lime during the interv ew showing some
augrv feeling. "Hm, amnesty, sir, applies to cri
minals. Wo huve coiiiiuil cd no crime, l onfi-rii-tlon
Is ol no iiccoiint, unless you can enlorce it And
rinnnciimtiou! You hnvv already eumiu iputed nearly
two millions ol our slaves, and if you wl I lake cine
ol them, you may emancipate, the test. 1 hud a few
when the war bc'run. 1 was ol some use in them;
they ni ver were nl any to me. A.rufust their will
you 'emancipated' them, und yon muv emaneipnte'
lively n.gio in the l onledciaey. but we will be n-eci
Wc w ill govern oiirse.ves. We will do It If wc have
to see every Sunt hern plantation sucked aud every
Southern city in flames."
"I see, Mr. Ha vis. it Is useless to eniitliiuj this
c.uivcisuiinn," 1 replied; " aud you will panlon u-.
ii we have seemed lo press our views with too much
pi'ily. We love Hie old Hut, and that nin-i fl
our iipoi.igy lor Intruding upon vou nt nil."
"You huve not intruded upon ine," In. replii d,
rcniniinir his u-iml miuim r. " I inn glad lo have
ii el vou both. I once loved the old flag us web us
vou ilo: 1 Wlil. d have dud tnr it: hut miu il is l,. .....
only the emhli'iii nl oppression."
1 bm e the iluy mav never cninc, Mi. Inn.
when I say that," ulu the Uolon.l.
t lose of Ihe Iiilervievv
huli-lioiir's couvcrsution on other inpic, nol ,d
public interest, ensued, and then we rose to go.
we did so Ihe l.'eh. l l'ro-.c!ll guve ine Ids hiiml. and
bidding me a kindly good-bye, expicsscd th,. U)H.
ol seeing ine again iu Iflcliiiioud iu happier limes,
v heu peace -li.iuld imvc r.turii "d: hut with thi.
t ololiel his partiiji. e. a- particularly e.irdiu1. lukiti'
his lu' in both of his, he .mil to hint: "
"I olouel, I respect vour chuiaeti r and vour inn
lives, nud I wish yon well; I wish vou every I'lmd
eun wish you eoiwisiuully wlih the iiiutrvsia of the
i nub deraey,"
lheiiiiet, stralgblliirwaid beiulng und iiumuill.
uel n c.iuiiige ot our "liuhtill'.' puisnn'' hud
ivid ully impre-iM'd Mr. Iiavis very lavorulilt,
s we were ! at lllg the rinnit ll'i uddcd,
"Suy io Mr. Lincoln, lrom me. Hint I shull nt any
lime be bused lor.s'eiio lor peace oil t ic
h'is;s of nur iudi ticntlfllco. llwill be ii-el, i- to up
pr. ueh me with unv- other."
hen we in nt out Mr. Ill n.i a win cnl'ed .Indue
lit l.n. who bad lai'ti waiting during the whole in
terview, two hours, ut Ihe other eud of the ball, nud
we passed dow n the stairwuy together. As I put my
ami within Hint ot the Judge, be said to uie,
"Well, what Is the rosulir"
"Nothing but war; war to the knllo."
" Lphruini is joined to his idols; let him aloii ',"
addeu the t olouel solemnly.
Si.vTisiKS or LtctiFK Matchi.s. At a lec
ture recently delivered by Dr. Troctor , of York,
before the York Institute, the ltctuier gave the
following useful iiiformntlim lUwnt liioifev
matches : Metsrs. Dixou, Newton A Htutli have
a stock of tiiulier of the ya'.ue generally of from
ISuiiOto 10,000. Ther produce ycarlv 2,K.O,.
IKKj,(kK) nintehes. Itcikouinp the lcngili of tip U
nitttch at 2 iin lies, they would exceed the cir
tiiiiifeicnco of the plot?. It is citimuted that
l'2,0ti0to l.i,0' 0 grof.9 of boxes of uie
proiliued weekly in London alone. 'I he voui ly
cot.biiinption of phosphorus iu this country for
the iiiaiiiiiaeturv of lnatcbci is estimated ut U
tuns, which, nt 2s. tid. per II)., represents
tlo0. Our dally consumption of mutches
is ci.imideied to be 2.i0,0dl),WJO, or more thim
tight uiiitclicf a day for every indlvidmil in the
kingdom, lint the groat Hut 01' niutcU-nrnking
is in Anuria. For exuuinle, M. i'olliik, at
A'icni a, unci M. r urth, io llohoiuia. consume
together about twenty tons of phosphorus annu
nlly, and employ about (J'sjO persons. This
quuntity of ph.ospho.ui is duiliclcnt "to prodiuu
the amuinic nunilicr of sl.fvKi.OoO.oini uiatebn.
Ihe cost at w hich boxei and are mudu
is txiually alumina-. M. lunli sella his clieune.r
boxes at Id. per dleo, eai li bo coiiliuiiinir
eighty matches. Ilairoii, a 1'rueaiun, sells his
ilum boxes ut d. per hhi, and l ino iiliuts lor
d.i aud 1)6 Mojo, of Moravia, aclli a caie of
Jilt Ixixcs, each coutaiaing loo imii'crs, fur l i.
it sxy joniw.H.
A i m r. Mr. Iluntini.', to be ulvisertJ
the l ui puMtmn of the Sum ol the Clergy.
lUti.wAv Jv t n i.icrvcK. Wc cc there Is to
be a railway In Pliye. Wc I'tpposc the station
will lie iu nubtbttx.
It in wlilsji red in literary ( iroi. s that nn oppo
Ition jonrniil is almtit to be started In tho f 'o..i'.'
.Vert, edited by J-lm K tch, L.., nnikT the title
'if the Srrioui Soitir,
Tin: Y wn M. "Ill ti.'a (Is s." Sever il of the.
(!Oiniiiniider of the l ederiil iinny nre said to have
been lawyers! T lu American civil wur app- .trt
to I. e the Iiis'. in wlih h troupi have been led to
lit lion by attorney -giMivrnK
llinii Aiit. Thoro will lie, wo heir, in tho
coiirneof a few days, a reat meeting of all l( ival
Aeiiil.'mi.'irtiis, nt Sir rd,vin I amlsecr's rdsjikiice,
wlicre, in hii.own studio, the distinguish.) 1 artist
bns sportinttly niidei taken t j dn.v a Ux.lfr'.r.
Tiik Moonisii ijt i whv is tho p eni of
the "Fire-Worshippers." in "l.allit Uo .kh" unin
telligible iion-cnse : lleeimac it ia all (Jucl"c-nli
iplblicri-li I. ii hiu i :i little too bad, and uidst
But he ilonc any Mo irc.J
Slim Kim. II v t-1 i:mi i. Why slioulj il be
easy tu get a hut fur nothing this weather 1)0
iiiiiso we fhti sk: u jneat nmi.y thmiKna' i'ii'ts
(.thousand hats) llying a'jyiit every timo wc g i
A Vi T No nt v with A Vrvc.rwc r.. l-'otnl,
but 'timt 1'nrcnt : es, liie .lots tako nutirc so ;
and she's beginning I" know nil the In asts in the
nrl by iinme, t hi. llie.e, baby, wh it's this :
i lltildiiig nji bipjiiipotnninsi liuby Cuuliet-itiiig-ly
i .M.iui nia.
Oioantic l'rvi It was of the la(c
Tttiliort Hales, tho Norfolk Oinnt, that, when In
wunt of a resident e, he would co into the largest
towns and bmk one tlio hiKhest houses, Thil
may be ineiitione'l as an instance of the pow r
of his marvellous' height (;B'lit j in elio'Hin a
Til i; Vli ton Ol MTMIIIED.iw,
Ynu poets who're living, stand neuter,
The nubjcct'i not one you t-hoiild try n' ;
For, rotmidcrinir the county nm' shoo'er,
His bards should Ijo " Snrroy snd Y'y;i't."
Klyiian l'iclds. .Samlel Johnso.v.
(o.NJiOAt I'nasimitv. AY'orksliircpupciiny,
last week : "A 'lady' fell off one o( tho bout pleri
at 8curlsDroii(;h, und win in imminent dnni(er of
being drowned. 'Three tis)ieruien let each other
down, iVrniinff n chain of their b idics, and
saved her. The 'lady' did not even thank her
deliverers." Nor, wc mi Ir.rstund, did hex hus
band. A Wait rnovt Wimpi i:nox. "l'ray, don't
litirry on so, it's really dangerous," suid Captaio
t'linrlcy to Miss Ll'litfoot, who was ia huiie to
see the ' abouting. "Uangerou !" cxelaini 'd the
lady ; ."why, what Is there to foai :" "Well,"
oliscrved the. gallant oilieer, "you see, sumo of
onr fellows nru reiniirknlily Boo,! shots, and you
n.i, ,1,1 l.n ti, r.i. Cur mtinin ,1..,. " "
"up", t.v .u.'.'.nvu .v. ,. . .ii.., ug uvn. .
A Hi ack lb siNrs. What does the T'xeter
Ilall party say to the conduct of the black troops
in uu- r cuerui nrniy, or tno yet more reprehen
sible conduct of tho reputed civilized whites who
encourage nud praise, their atrocities One mino
ra! uctually is reported to have expressed bis
approvul of the negro regiment for not taking
any priHoueri "alive," and not encumbering tho
hospitals with patients; in other words, for show
ing no quarter to those who surrender, or even
to tlio wounded ! Tho history of this civil war
will have many a black papa, lint nona blacker
thnn that which records the cundaet of tho men
whoinstlpatedand unproved oi'thc savaee lcrocitv
of liberated black savages.
I'.rri:' t or Mffiri- ov Mm ditri. The bagpipe.
Is well known to produce u powerful clleet on
Highlander in the day of battle. T his circum
stance was, with happy instinct, t!ken advantage
ot by Colonel Cameron, of tho h.'d Highlanders,
at tho Iiattle of the Ntve, in lsl.1. His regiment,
overwhelmed by superior nunibera, had rctirod
to the rear of the hamlet of St. Tierre. Then
Its pallant Colonel Cameron once inure led it
down tho rond with colors living and mutiv
p!u,iiiir, resolved to give tho shock to w hatever
siot d in the way. Gloriously that regiment
came forth again to charge, with tbair colors
flying aud their national nmBic playing, ns if
p. ing to a review. This was to understand wur.
The man who in that moment, and immi:d;atcly
alter a repulse, thought of such military pomp,
wus by nature a soldier. Col-mi-! Uroham'i Mili
tary l.uds.
Sketch ok a Moi; avian Sr.TTLEMrNT. The
cottage wo lodged in was ou tho mountain side,
and had been built for bis son, who was dead;
and his adopted daughter, a pretty colored girl,
exactly like a southern rrcneiiwomun, waited on
us, assisted by alxiut six or seveu other women,
who cunio 'chiefly to sture. Yrouw iiioti wus
as black as a coal, but so pretty :a dear, soft,
sleek old lady, with bountiful eyes, an 1 the kind,
pleasant ways which belong to nice blacks ; and,
though old und, still grucoiul and lovely iu
face, hands, and arm. The cottage was thus :
fine large hull; tny bcd-rooin on tlio right,
c ' m tho left; the kitchen behind me; Mi-:
Jiiel. biliind S j mud floors, daintily washed
over with fresh cow-dung; ceiling of big
tatter, just a they had grown, on which rostcd
biiinboo canes close together nr rots the rai ters.and
bound together betweeu each with tr.iuverse
liarubo.. a pretty bichii ino ellect: at ton. mud
ni!ain, nnd then a high thatched roof and a loft
of milder lor forage, A-t; tho walls of course
mud, very thick, und whitewashed. The bed
rooms tiny ; beds, clean sweet nielies (niaue)
straw, vvitb clean sheets, and eight good pillow s
on each; glass windows ia great distinction),
exquisite cleanliness, and hearty civility ; good
food, well cooked; horrid tea and eotlee, and
hardly any milk ; no end of fruit. In all the
gardens it hung on the trees thicker than the
leaves. Never did I behold such a prolusion of
fruit aud vegetables. Oalton's Xotts of Travel.
A Scotchman Rcssianied. Iu the last cen
tury, Samuel (irelg, a gifted js'eotsinan, gave a
helping hand to tin; waxing power ot Ktissiu. He
appeai s to have been the sou of a merchant sea
captain or skipper in lnverkeithing, where he was
lorn in 17-'ij. Ho was bred to the sea-sci'vicej
but hi cms to bavo been amphibious in his com
bativo capacities, us bis most important service lo
Kussia lay in military tngineering. His entrance
into the Russian service was quite legitimate,
lie was a Lieutenant in the British navy ut the
poaco of 170.1, with fair chauces of moderate
promotion, when the ltBsslun Government ap
plied to the Uritluh for the loan of a few olliccrs
to help to improve their own navy. (Ji'cig, one
of these, soon uiado his capacity felt, and was
intrusted with high commands. Tho old 1'ife
shiio skipper name of Charles wus drugged
out of its obscurity to giro the usual Kusiun
patron) uii.e of nobility, and tlio young otlieer
became Samuel Cailovich Grelg. It is old
to lind one of tbo f.-w notices of this remark,
a'do man in the memoirs of the late Kev. Ctiris
tnphcr Anderson, the historian of the Kiiirlih
liible. Mr. Andci si n's mother was a relation of
the G'n igs, and was able to canity of the old
i i kipper's wife, after her son had pone on a career
so widely flilfeient from his early surroundings,
j that " his mother' Mitiplicutions iu bi behalf
i lutd foHowed him In that career so perilous to
piety; and she lived to hear from his own lips,
on a visit he paid ln r late in life, that lie hud not
forgot a father' instruction or a mother' prayer."
lie was made commodore of the Hiis-iau He'et in
the Mcditerrauchn. in the war with tho Turk in
l.'iii, end thus bcuiue a pieit, perhaps tho
t'n atest, Instrument in the annexation o the
Crimea, where so ntiny of his countrymen wers
to have their bones, i.flur lighting touudo what ho
liud done. iMr.Wi ,'; Scot Abroad.
A Caitiii: IlofsnviAin. I forgot, in describing
iny journey, the real-looking Cull're housemaid
, ni llirste river, ' .Such a dear, good creature,"
tbo li'iidlaily suid; und, oh, such a "noble
savage!" with a c itton handkerchief folded
t ;lii like a cravat, and tied round her head with
a bow behind, nnd the short curly wool sticking
up in the middle ; it looked like a roval diadem
, on her solemn brow ; sko stepptd like Juno, with
a niige iiii iui to the linm, nnti holding several
pailtuls on her bead, und a puilful in each band,
lu inging water for the stubles from tho river,
across a large Held. There is nothing like a
Cadre for i-ower and grace ; and the face, though
tcry Alricup, has n ort of grandeur which
uuikes it utterly unlike that of the negro. That
Human's bust and waist were beauty itself. The
Cullies are alto very clean aud very clever as
servants, I hear, learning cookery, Ac, iu d won
derfully short time. When they have saved
money enough to I uy cattle iu Kullrariu. oil they
go, cast aside civili.uiiou und clothes, and cn o'v
lile in nuked luxury you would have
biciisoflulightid with the country and the queer
turtj-i ut the wild little horses, and the polite
and delicately clean Moslem driver. His descrip
tion of his siiilctings from "louses," when he
s.i'l t iu u Hutch lunii.was pathetic, aud ever
since be sleep in Ins cart, wilh the littieboy;
and they bathe in the nearest river, and
cut their lawful food and drink their
witter out of doors. They declined beer, or
meat which bud l eon unlawfully killed. In
Capetown all meat Is killed by Malays, and has
the proper prater spoken over it, and they will
tat no other. 1 wus ollcied a fowl at a hum, but
Cho.lulliih tl. ought it "loo much money for Mis
sus,"mid oh!) took some eggs. He was grntttied
ut tuy recognizing the propriety of his saving
"llisiniiluh" over any animal killed fur food,
fs'orr.e drink beer, und diii.U a good deal, but
thosiulluh thought it "very wrong lor Maluy
people, and nut good for Christian people, to be
uTuul: Ua-dics; little wit,e or beer good for
Chiistiaiis, but not too plenty much." I gave him
ten shillings lor which he was en
chanted, and again begged mo to write to his
iLttaiur for him when I wanted to leave Caludon,
and lo Le urc to suy. "Mind send tame coach
man." CittWa Motet of Truntt.
Murdci on the River Delaware.
Etc., nr., rtc, rt.t y.ic,
Tlit' Sj rncuse I'rnee onventlnn., August 18. Tbo mass I'ctcc Con
vention to meet here this afernoon will be
largely attended, although but few are here from
New Yoik lityor the 6o.ithern counties. Ail
the wrstern counties arc fully represented. Vol
landighain, Fernando Wood, Woller, and Judge
Omlerdoiik arc announced to s)s ak. The State
lVace Committee last night, agreed upoa mode
rate rcMiluiions, and the anpoimmcnt of an ad
visory delegation to go to t Licagoe but there it
considerable opposition to this course.
I'r.XSiSl I.VAM V I f-4.IM.TI nr.
Hahiusiii ro, August 1.
Svna n:. The Senate met at 10 o'clock.
The bill for tho organization; of fifteen regi
ments was taken up In Commute.: of the S'hol:.
.Mr. I.owry ahmlttcd n siilistitutu for the
eii'iic bill, very aimilar to the HotirO bill, and
iimile some remarks.
He said this tuhstitute had been prepared by
the Governor, Attorney-Genual, and General
lliisscll iiLd Franklin. It was a measure which
thi y desired paused.
J bo lagislatnre of lust w inter had been
severely iciisiin d for ibo hn omplete law which
they hud enacted, when in truth that very law
mm i ten snnctioneii uy tne military .-minorities,
who were responsible for deltatsut.di.-r these elr-
He was willing to take the nresent snhstilutc
exnetly as otlcred by the military auttu.ritie uf
me- Mate, ana throw nny re s,onslbility oi another
failure, or give credit of success, exactly where it
Tlio House and Senate Committees of last
wibter bad prepared a mu. h better bill than bad
recently been bussed, but il had been rut ud Iiv
the uiilituiy authorities, to whom it had been
Mr. Terry raised several noi.its of oleection bi
the bill nud the substitute. Among tueso were
Iwo, viz : That the line of distinction lictvve.en
lillee-n regiments and the balance of the militiu
wus not well di fined, anil that system of allowing
u tin r tin I (I i all in reriain uortions of the Com-
niiiiiwcnltb, at the discretion ot the Governor, to
e-tablish u peiiiianeut corps lor llireo years, was
It wus well enough for men from certain local!
ties to be called out lor special He
luvored the plan of raising uuo company from
civ h militiu regiment iu the Siute of men exempt
lrom the tiuin.nul di.itt.
ihe discussion of ihe Militia bill was con
tinued until tbo adjournment.
Hoi s:. Tho Houso met at 10 A. M. The
I)t ruocrntic nu mbers who had voted against the
Militia bill, und those who had voted iu favor of
its pussuue, entered their reasons on the journal.
These ri usons were numerous and lengthy.
The principal points of objection to iho bill
w liich they embodied were as follows : I'hat the
ct mpiiiiie were not ulloivcd lo elect thoir own
otbei rs; that troops could bo drnfled out of the
State into the national service, and that thesei.uro
of private property was allowed.
An act for the relief of the cltien of Cham
lersburg was considered as it came lrom tue
Cotiiiuittco of the Whole ycsur luy. It upuro
priates UM),0iKl, to be distributed by Com
missioners. Mr. iSharp moved to nmend by appropriating
one million elo.l.os.
Mr. Shurp delivered a lengthy and forcible
speech on behalf of his con.tirueiits, urging the
appropriation of one million dollars as c-iiim-urly
just, nnd ns being no more than is absolutely
Hnrfcrts. I.y Tcleirrnpti.
Xi.w Yoiik, August IS. Stocks aro lieavy.
Clneann Ki.ek Island, lla'j: l null, rl.m J prclerrcl,
; llilinil.s l cninil Scrl.. II. u l,, M cliiraii
built liem, l'i: litiaiuiit;ed,H.iH i New Y . a k Centra!, I.tei'i, i
ftcffdiim, l;i;t; jit,iiB,,n kiv.t, l.iiii i ant.jn e'emieiiiy,
' i V livliila es, .V.1, ; Mh-oii.-l i'.b.i.s; f:r'c, llr. ;!
lursaiel Kurt Wavnc, l.ti',,; - ,'l"Jo ami Wnlm-ti,
One tear t.'iUrn at. B.tti1.,! i'lve-twuuj- Cuiies-iai, in' ;
t eiuj.ons, Hi ; lly.J, 'Ctf,.
Mi iiDiin on SiurHo.uib A Blcodv Di:i:n.
This afternoon, between 12 and 1 o'clock, a light
occurred on board the ship Lai'y l'.milj Ve-tV,
which arrived at this port last night from Lon
donderry . The vessel brought a number i-f emi
grants, and turned hi atoue of tiie wharves ab'jvo
Knee street.
During last night anil this morning h :r pag.
siTigcrs wire leaving nnd taking with them their
t llecls. The crew of the ship wnt on shore, and
returned very much intoxicated. About noon
tin y complained that ihe steward would not giv e
th. m anything to eat, aud linally begin to light
among themselves.
A general row ensued on d .ck, during which
Ibo boatswain, whose name is Me-Master, of
llelfast, was stubbed In the neck with a large
heath-knife. I ho jugular vien was cut, and
MeMaster bled to death in a few moments, the
deck of Iho vessel being deluged with the cloned
blt.od. Another of tno crew, named Trauct alleged to have indicted the wound.
The latter wus aiso stabbed in the thigh, and
badly beaten. He wus taken to tho hospital in
nn apparently dying condition. The whole of tho
bloody deed occurred iu the presence of lifty or
sixty passengers, nud for cruel butchery and
brutality has not its euual. Lieutuiiant it owed.
of Iho Sixth Ward police, was soon on hand, and
tiok charge of the vesse l, arrcsiing s me eight or
ten of the crew, who will be held to await the
Coi oner's investigation.
F.l., Etc., Etc., Elo Etc., Etc,
Ies.nti h from the Kebel 4 omiuiuiiter nt
Monar. August 11. Nothing later from Fort
Morgan. 1 be wires tire broken.
Cieucral Ton est drove the enemy' advance out
ot Oxlord lust night.
All the particular of the Fort Gaines surrender
known art that the commanding otticer coniniu
uit ated with tiie enemy and mudo terms without
authority. Hi fort was in good condition, tho
guiruwiu liu ing nufered little.
He made uo reply lo ropeatcd orders and
sisnals i rout Geueial I'ngo to hold hl fort, and
surrendered upon conditions not known hero.
1. H. M.vt'Kv, Major-General.
The Itichiiioiul I'res Ies.iuf eliea.
Moiiili , August 11. Heavy tiring was reported
ut rort Morgan on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
to-day. 1 he telegraph wire is tut botweeu the city
ami the fort.
Two vessels are offDog river bar this evening.
I he buy shores are toveiod with the debrit of
l ederul vessels.
Large qiiuntitics oi" tar, pitch, and turpentine
have been burned to prevent the enemy from
(jctiingup. '
Troops are daily ing, and a good feeling
Clinton, La., August II, via Mobile, August
Vi. New (irieaus paper of the Dth have been re
ceived. Ihcy say thut tho Yankee monitor
ttcimiseh snack a torpedo opposite Fort Morgan,
und went down immediitely. All on board
erii-hcd (iucluding the capudu), except nino
Alter pashing the fort the TrniiMtee came up
through Ihe wooden vessels of the licet, deliver
ing broadsides and looking for the lnrtW, the
Ihutship of Ailitoral KstTngiit.
The Mvnonynh.'la born down and struck the
Tfnnc,ec ami. Inblps. The ictincnic and Hert
ford then got lilc by side, the former nourin;
a full broutlsiile Into tno Hartford' portholes,
causing, ns the true lklta says, a leariui loss of
lit ct on the latter.
1 ho .acsWu'inii and nthnrs came up and took
part in tho action until the 'Wtne.wre surrendered
The papers report that Admiral ISuch inuii'
Irg will Iki saved. He told thetn be would have
been willing lo rile t-n muintos aiter vard could
h- have Mink the llartfurd.
Lieutenant (,'omstock, Conf. tlor it,, en Men
tfti.nil I'n, Yankee, are. both reported dead.
Hebel ili.lon nr tlif Hiirreiil. r ol I'url
j', ;l ..' Hi- .0 i' t:Uim:ch. ;, ' V:
Ka di fresh ileve'opmoni In reif trd to the sur
render of Fort Comics gins t' prove, it nns nn
act oi cowaruice or in a nt ry on tin1 part of its
coinmantiir.g olhi'cr, Colonel Anderson, of the
-I it Al'i'i inm K.-iiin. nt. 1 he lor. is a . .nomaied
work.ii oiiiitliig some liify g'.iti,was well manned,
and provisioned fori month-; and we have the
asm ru nee of lienerui .Mnury t!iat it ,nt in eood
condition, an I thut tlu garrison ha 1 s ilfcretl but
little. All this broks very d irl: for Co'onel
A Mler; on, though there is a vague hope very
vayiic, wc cintcsi that when the net nre
developed tie y ii, ay justify luo enrr-nd-r and
r-nvc mi- reiiiiauen.
The pres. tl ..spi-ehe give the en t.iy's version
of ihe rval ciigagi nu nt oil Mobil:, c ipied from
Noiv Oil. nns a,ois ul the t' h. It shows that
the 'ciiii'i v. ina l" a most g iliaut light, and even
when suriotitnlcd by Yankee v ss- ls, and inter
having been s'rurk i.tmil. tupi by thu Mnnnnuu
fiilu, poured a full broad -Ida into the port-bolos
of the M.ig-i-hin fWrW, causing a tVurfnl loss
of life. Fort Morgun ei m to be bravely hold
ing out, though the .digraph wire having been
tnr, theio is no direct coimutinicalinu v.ith tuat
Dog rivor bar, off which two vessels arc
reported, is mu -h nearer Mibilo than it is agree
able to have the Y linker to upproaeli, though,
when tin y g. t there, their bisk bin bn. ust com
uitncid. It i.s gratifying to loara that Fo rres"t. is ,iu..iiii a
work in He has b 'itun bv ilriviuk-
tbo men. y uiivaiii e out ot Oxford. Whenever
roriest slnkcs a blow, he does it faithfully and
Ilrisk Sblniil'.liliig ;ilnu; Un-I i ssallun
ol I'lck.'l llrliiir l'roMaeil. A e.
From :',e tl-"i .'mi l O, r;. 1, AujuUH:
Atht. A riff ust 12 Thcte Is brisk ikirnilsh'
ing on tie eMIrelift. 1 be batteries nn .Mnneit.
stteet ana the la't Sta'e load opened on iho citv
nt 1 o'.'lt ck tins luoinn g and ln.vo contiiiuod til
nre up to me present, striking a number of
houses on .M Lonough street, o casualties re
ported. The enemy nre still massing on the left, but are
uuiH'Dg uut lions loexteiii their ri,'ht.
An isn, August 13. The ciiciny advanced
hi right ycsterilay ubi.ut one mile, and at tuo
sumo tune extei (ling bis lelt a short distance,
but pnriially wlth.tuw both this morning, from
some caiu-e as jet unknown, to the original
position. Their lineollicers attempted frequently,
at dill, rent points ulong the line to-day, com
munication with ours. Iri several instances fhey
iroposc-l a cc: aiion of picket tiring, which was
uot entertained in coiiMttiicuco of its not coming
through the proper eh nine!.
No ebells erc thrown into tho city during Iho
night oi to-day, ivith ihe exception of a slight
artillery liilng in limit nf I) te.
llriga lier-Geniral Jthn ('. Brown, of Tcn
neine, has bei u tl mporat ily promoted to the
rank of Mi.jor f m rem'.
Lientcnaui-Coloncl Jums Keimir.l, I'nnr.'do
rute stales Artillery, h s been assiiinfd to duly
as Chut" ol Ordnance uf thu Army of Tennessee.
The Khrlllitir of l'i I. rslmri; Almoal StiM
eneleil - he EiKhtliiw It.twn the Itiver
The Hi hcl Ilrt4-ts llrlven, Ac.
fromlhc ,'e ',; mJDhptt-h, At-Juttl
It was discoveicd on Tajsday evening that tho
enemy was moving large of infantry to the
rear, and onr for. es, by way of facilitating their
movements, opened upon then with a sixty-four
tionnder, which hail the desired elfic.. Tho
heavy missiles bursting and crushing iu their
niidstgavea powerful impetus to their locoino
lit n, and ihey more than "doubloiiuleked" It
lrom the front.
It is Mated that the court of inquiry which
assembled ut Grant's headquarter, ne'ur City
l'oint, to investigate the cause of the tcrnb'e
disaster of July 30, has decided that, on account
of tho illegally of its appointment, it hud no
power to examine witnesses or go into the menu
of ti e question. The uiutt.-r has, therefore, linen
referred ba de to Geo rul Meade, who, it Is slid,
intends prefciring charges atdtiust liurnsidu, in
which event a trial of ihutolllcer by court-morii il
will follow.
Due oi the Yanlteo Sanitary Commission,
m ined "Wilson, who was wounded on board the
stiply st'-amer '. -I. Ilrotrn, on James river,
i n,e few dajs auo, by Jlebel sharpuh'iotci's, has
died of bis injuries. Ihe Yaakecs term luis
river tiring "guerilla operiitlun-," aay that it has
beccme very annoying, and call for vigjroui
mcasurci, fo stop it uml punish the offender.
The belling of l'eteisburg n almost entirely
suspenli d la-t wtek, .it d tne people enjoyed uu
Interval of unlet to which thev had for a 1 intr
t'me been strangers. Various conieetnres n,.
indulged in as to ilie reason of this tcssntion of a
bartititou ptactice. Many think thecnemvhis
rrmovtd his heavy guns, having becom.' g'.imo
whp.t conscientious uimn the sihieet nf ahlllnr.i
city known to bo occupier! nnh by women and
children, and aged, unarmed ilirn. Hardly. A
Yankee has no coiiM-ietice, nnd particularly a
Yankee like Grant, who-e enttro military reniirn-
tion is t-taked upon the success of bis present
The more prohablo salutlon Is, thut he is pre
paring for another"! rdli.uii movement," designed
toastorish tho world, nut which, wo hope, may
ii 'Ult us disastrously to him as the last. SHoneM
with Giant means mischief; nnd let those who
Jinmy uttnliutii to hltn no scss on ot a r.oiisi leni-i.
quietly await the progress of events, and tiiey
will see what they w ill see. liut whatever mav
uc tne plans ot tno cneiH.v, we huve the utmost
confluence that tuey will he peuetiatcd by the
Migutii.v oi ueneiai, ana dy
Tho J'ettrsburg train, due lint evening at half
past six o'clock, hiiti not arr.vod up to a lata
hour. Wo Jearn, however, tbHt no shells were
tiirown ut the city ycsier.iay, and with the excep
tion ol some aitilleiy pracli iu ou our side every
thing wa, i,uiet along the lines.
Tie ci'luniiis ol smoke observed yesterday in
a southerly direction were caused by the burning
woods between K.ciiniotid und Falling creek.
lllthtiiiK liuan I lie Klver.
Onr jii kefs were driven in je-'.erday morninj;
lietwein Malv. rn Hill aud -Now Market, on the
north side of thu JauiOs, and h' avy sl.irmisliing
wu kept up iluilng the day. with no particular
njvMiuige io ciiheT patty. O.unts entile foreo
ol cjnaiiy was crossed lo th. north side of the
rivt r.
Iho heavy firing heard down the river on
Suiuiday was caused by an engigement between
the tnciiiy's gunooats and our irou-clads, in
wbiih our land butlorici participated. The
enemy, it appears, had c nmneneed cutting a
-anal across the narrow necli of laud formed by
a bebd in the James, aud known us Hutch Gap;
and the object being supposed to b-.i lo dunk our
position ul Hewlett's, our fon-cs dctcriiiincd to
intcrinpt their dinging operations.
The. cnruucinent win u apirltnel one, tho firing
on both M.lcs In ing heuv.v and rapid, and we are
inloimt-d that tho Yankee wore finally Jrivcn
away from their work at tbo gap. One of our
Iron-e'iiil received a shot through her smoke
stack, and anoiher was struck near tho water
line, but not injured. Our casualties in toe land
batteries were ono killed and livo wounded.
Another account sms that tho Ynnkoeswero
eifcting ii battery nt Hutch Gap, and had landed
tin ce brigades there. Our licet opened at 7
A.M.,and was Joiiie'iiby the battery- ut Howlctl's,
whin the enemy' licet, attracted "by the tiring,
tame up to the gup and took part lu the engage
ment. The Yankee wero driven from a portion
of their work, and tho firing ceased ut o'clock
1 M.
'1 here were no casualties on board our gun
briais, nnd the only damaice sustained wa bv the
firici.iAsWi?, which received two shots through
her smokestack. The vessels engaged on our side
were the iron-clads I'redvtiikHlmrii, l iriinia, and
KUIiHimid, aud the gunboats Htunptoh, Sanse
iiiond, and lfrurv.
The heavy bring heard yesterday is supposed
to have been caused by a renewal of the cngage
mei.t. W V, AIiTK, II HALT If, AND
It' to sain admiring eves:
tt to cause invidli ua alulm (
It to lie a bliKniilnn tloucr,
I udlni, d Ihb In au hour Beai i i !
If to hava a boat of li lenda ;
It'for vice to uiufc amt'iulH;
II Willi liKU l orn bt.Ki.l to wed :
ft a marble aiona wUtu 4 ad Wi 41. i:
If to live tlirceecore and ten,
w Ibliillir lite aa lolin umilu ;
It to lliu a lllf ol peace;
It lu die and no to 'jrttire HeiXTti :
It yon wish a life of lilemnr. ;
ft ou value Dili, woi id s treasures ;
H avery cotntoit oli woiil.l set-.
Take my aducc, aud with till three.
Tlien liavlnj Healili, Wealth, nod UeauW,
lou'U be- luiiiare'tl for every duty,
liy a careful pinna! of Hr.Wll. 1,1AM Ol'll'8 New
Ftv. k, TIIK ilAlilliAi.K 1,1 IllK, hi. h al.ould be rasd
byeveriuue. Hold by IliHikselli ra auu "ally, uad at tlitt
lnHlora olllce, Uu. tla bl-kLClt bVaathl'l lrl.e w
cuila. auu 4
KM'ln1 lo Tho r.vcnlnir T.
I rom f.enerHl Arnnt.
Wanimr.rji, Angus: IS.-Nothing decisiv
Ins Tfi done on the James river a yet, bn
affairs tVtc are progressing favorably.
From fsrnernl Mlierlilnn.
The report, vi i M irtin ilmrg, of an attcinpt !
renew the invasion, on the part of l'.irly, o
Maryland and Pennsylvania, is not credited hero
Longstrcct's Corps ia known to be in front o'
Grant, on tie James river, and consequently th.
report t!it he bad tea sent to reinforce Karlv
cannot be carre ?t.
4. i:I K 4 1, 4nWtI.ATKR ORIICIIKD
to I'liii.Anr.i.pniA.
HARnisiu Ro, August IS. The following gene
ral order was issued at noon to-day :
iian'na, HRHi!iit ko, A ngiist IS, LSfil . o r vr
iial OituKiis, No. ': I. Tbo Biaudynino His
trb-t is hereby diFcontinued.
2. Major-General GeorgoCadwaladcr, V. S. V..
will itsuus conimnnj of Phlladelpliii.
Uy roaiaianl of Maior-Geiieral Corcn.
(Signtd John A. Sr iiiltze, A. A. t.
It I V 1 'MtK l.tK8. lOVJI,
Tr.' rn'ln Sd AmVl tn.l l.lia.l..r'lili, naTM.,,..
KailroilCrrj)iani' Lino- from t-ilailellifa to Mew Van
in i.'s'? as K.iior.' v Yy.' tare, t
a. a iw., v: i amaert ana AIHD07, u. ana A. Jle-
roa.inilntlein f
m rt n. , , (IK id'njcii ail. I ssarHi-y l.ll', dtomin
Al U M .via C'imilen anil AmlKy,6- anil A." Aoooia-
111. uaiion
At -'P.M. vol Ciiiiil'H ai.d .enitiMj, C. aud A. lix
pr" At 1 !'. M.,Tla t',iniiti-n aM.t Amboy, AccunimiHtatlon
tfri tcM ami F iss.'ns-cr)
i ;i
At i, p. M., .ia r'aiiidii let! Amlioy, ArcommodaUon
trr.itim and rsnii'iiccr 1st Class Ticket.,
i'l , IIISS U'l ,
Al 7 V. M., Tit. Canidi ii ind J
ind aiiiIh.v Acceminiila
l'ir, lut Clu.i Tickot....
ii-iii 1 r r.-iiit and J'a wrm
2d t 'In.s ,o
1 M
lor.Uu:li I'liunk, Al'riituwn, llithl.liem, llolvieloru,
hsut.-n. I.BMbPrtvillp. VlmlnL-tnn. le . S'llftP u
I -ir Lambert villa and mt rinmllate Htatlons, ut 8 P.M.
tor eiuiint, tl'.lly, e.-.annvii!e, rcuberion, auu Vlnctiv j
.., n, ., i. unu .1 I , .si .
for freeliim i.t el A.M. a. id P.M.
I it l-alnivrn. H'rf-'.i... 1..-.I .n.v lt.'n.l.., Ilnd-n-.'i-vn, at d A. M., I'm., I, a-ji), , M
and ii I'. M. Tac 3 10 an lul'. AI. linos ruu tflract throur.
10 I ri nton, a
t'..r ruinj'a, ICveitea, franco, Beverly , and Barlbur- H
i n ai , r. :n.
St.nibat Tr.ntfn, f. r Itrlstel, Btirllnvten, ltovcrlv
Torr'.'.dili , lint I Monx st s ;i) a M and 2 w I'. It.
Will laire as fulli ws
At A M., niB:itl via K.'iilnrtori and Xw York,
WasliliiKli.ii and w York Su.l J-24
At 11 II A. it., vlattenbini,tjn ai.d Jerncy City Ex
press s-Ot)
At 4'litl V. V., ,in KfCkluittou and Jenay C'lly Ex-
At (,-,., r. M., vis K i..ln:ri.,n una Jvnuj flu,
w alilnt.-t n and Kc-r Vork Kenrt' 3- (O
8timta v lines at 4 A. V. and 1; V, P. M, Tliera will
be no line al I A.M. t N sht) on .Monday.
l or Kaur e.M.s, tttruiUriiiir, Scrunton, Wllkoabarrt
.M'.ii.n s, orcat Itend, Munch Chunk. Alioutown, Hethlc
lii in. Ili lv'.l. re, Kastun, LimlwrtvU'e, Flcmlwrton, Ac, at
i ll. A. H. TMs .in crnn.'cts wllii the train Icavins Katlotk
lnr Maii.liCtiiiiikat;).sl P.M. s..o
F..r L uoliertvltic and in.enn, illatc atstlona at 8 P. K.
W !lrsil, Trenton, ical i ljiind U-16 A.M., and ",
f or nolmeur. T.i-osv, Wl.sltiomln, nrldeabunt.ana
Franki'i.r.1 at 3 A. M., 5. 0 4.j, and S I'. M. Tliotl A. At. Lml
rni a to lirlstul.
iw-f'or Kw York ml Wny Mnm leavlnr; Knlnirteri
Ii, inks tiie tnrs on Klfih strent, afiova W alnut, halt an
hour lietora ilsparmre. The Can run Into tlio Ieuot, and
on arrival ef eaoh tralu ruu fr mi the
Kilty nouiuia of bsya.jfl oniy allowed each panaenirer.
Passi nsr.s are trehi'ilied from fsklnr nnvtl.lnrr s luwiu.
bin Unu .'irinKr,purcl. All bairaarv iivor UftrpoainH
to he til. I fr.r extra. 'Iin t oniiaiiy II nil llielr msnonai
bllnv Inrbaioiaar tu O ie 1) ,U:r ). r .e ind, mid will mjt lt
ILitils tor aj agouti ec; on-i tiuo, exeupt Uy special oeo-
iruliam'.Rsjccc Eprfi will call for and deliver M
ue ai llie llrj). li, O.-ii-rs ... U... lull al No. a W ALNL r
ai e.t.
WM. II. I1AT.MKK, Agont.
LI.MlM i-lto.M
From foot ol Courll. nu itre"! ul ll' M. and 4 P. If, via
Jersey ( In aa'amdntal 7 a-id Ul A. M.,0 I'. M.,and
12 fNifil't) via Jcrs' T e'il an I KinMiialnu.
From i.r.i ..: nir-i'.v s:rc.-t, ut A.M. and 2 P.M..v.'a
Anih y and t arr.'t.'n.
I'lnini'i.rN.i. Sortb Klver. al IS M., 4 and 8 P.M.
i hr"litlti ami l n-sent, rj vl.i Aiuhoy and C'aiudi a.
1 all tbr lat!c:ia jr. tLe Camd.-n and At.tho .ml i.
nc.Ub' llailfuads.
i.NcnKAsir.n niPATcii.-.
Tlio Caaiden and Amboj and Trnneaortataoa
f .'lniia.ij a I'rj.flii J.ib.m i .r Nn Vork will leave Waian
irt wliart, on and arter January 8, dully (Mondays v.
ci'j'ted),al4ocl"k P.M.
4 J-10! ' ,Se "ll)OVC L!n' wU1 Kavc 1,ew V k ' '
Fr-wt most be dclh i.-cd bii P. M. to be fof
wanii"! Uie same dny,
hrolalu lor 'ir.-nion, Prl:i;cten, Kinitr,n,Ni.wBrin
Wi.k, und all pulnls on Ihe Cam.1011 and Auiboy Kallnsidi
al.ouu llelviil.rt;, licivar, and Kk'uunt't m. the Sew
JiTM-v tlm reli.,ld and JarnshniK. ai.d tbo . '.nirtoo
and Mount Holly K, received mid lorwi. ..d up la
It:, o cl ick 1'. m. Smau packainia lor Mount Uolly recolved
Up lo "J o'l'i.itk y. M.
The Haiviilcre Itallrnad connect at Phlillpe
liiiru Tiiih Uie I . hitih Vnlliv ilallroni. Tin New Jcravy
luiilroud coiineuti at Kliaholh with tho New Jersey
t I'liirnl Kailroat, acd at ISewurk witb (he AlurrU and
lssex lUJir.iad.
A slip mi -uiurandam, pe-!lfyln:r the mnrki nr1 vim
tiers shippers and eoiisiKin'. s, moat In e.ery instunoa fx
tent lib . :ich loud ef Kinds, or no receipt will tie liven.
Increusi'iliai niti.-s havinir bon made ibr the u-anaiKiriA
lion .it l.l'K KTO K. di'ovura aro iuvltud lo try this routa.
lii ;ilh atn-k is. fitrnisiie-l In iiiaiitnlos or TWO OAK
l.ilAI S 01 nioie, It will be d. at the loot 01 Fortieth
ll'eel, tba Dime or at Pier Ko 1 Norla
Kor,a the .h'jvi-rs uiy deeimic at Iho time 01 Uie
aiilpui -.-Jt. W'll.T:tl FKKI MAS, Frclit Ajjcnt,
S. SPt D'-Iaware uvriiue, I'hilldelobia.
.. , CF.o. 11 KA .MOMi.r'rutiiirt Aaent,
J5 li l'ler No. t, orlll Kivor. Now iorlt.
em ai d afi.'rMiiliyAV,.Jaiitiarv4,lll.thn Train fur
' !'". l.uvl'iK Keal: atuii L.ii,t. pluladoiihia, al
IT. A. M (Niht),tind'J M r-. s.,ii ib trams Wavina
cw York at A. M. and i'UO I'. .M ., mil be rua
vxi'liisitely f. r .re Jailed Htotea kail and Mew York
ind H'asbiivioj I'assenKara.atid mil aol lake la nor M
uli anv pa' .eugt.-a b.-iMt'.-n aaul orli a.
The in A. 31. 111 J h -Mtnnilii l.u.os fom Now York fa
Wiisl'i'iai in, a.i.1 lh- !l M M. and : P. vl. irotn
Washli.iu i 10 New Yi rk, will cnlinue aa al present, and
cir-j i-aaei a'; s ty and fr ni tne ItiteruiedailaauiUouaaaist
Iti.ltln oi.-, ee istiin.'ton, u d V '.v Vork.
Jli:W loliK.
Lmis liava pii'b ly?),u, from Ke-iinf on Depot, at
lll.A.M ,400, a-id .,4f. P.M., and Itf-.aj uildai.'ht. ansl
1.0m 1 alnut Mte.t Wtinn' I via L'anulun), at e aud A.
il.. 1. M.,4Pdi:P M.. lor Sen Vnvk.
Aiidi.';.V' N, w Yoik, fiom foot ol Courtlnndt atrVjel.
u 7 A..M., l:iA M , K'.M.,4 andtl P. M., and at tti aaid
Mwlit, Jill iiaiZ .vol 01' llorcluy alr.ct ut 0 A. M.,aildJ
l'- '. . Wat. A. UATZ.MKi:,
J'':'-" Ailt
111! KMLIIO.Mi. 1O04,
-.I'mwi 1, ,i:i, -s.ii, sn-.T.
Foist trains dtlly to Alinntlo City.
On and ailer M j.SDAl , Jii.y 1, iiauia leaea fiiiestrtrt
1 1 rry is rolkivs :
lull, 7 VIA V.
Fr.-lnht, with j uaeenior car n f tnrticit . fl'l", A. M. itiirou.h 111'J t-uursi 2 ' e p. al.
Allwlllic Ai'.', Ilo I". A I A -.I'liiiin .ilatiou,.'. .P.M.
Accon.iiiiHla'lon ( AtlautlcJ l it A. II.
Kxi'rcta, 7'i.s A. M.
Hull, CIS p. M.
.luiictioa Arcoinmidatlon, S"?2 A. f.
1 are to Atlantic, 2'iai. Hoiiiid Trti" Tl. kata ((oodaaly
for Uie day and iruln en whl.-b tbei ai c la-m .1) iu ovl,
leave Vine an .ct 1011. A. M. nnd I isi p. M,
Leave lladdoiidild l l.'i P. M. biiJ J II
Mall train for Atlantic linvoa Vlue aireet 5-30 A. M.
I n., ea Allulillo 4'4o P. 11 .
J.4H..-1I JOHX a. BKYANT, Anf.
On ami aiur 1 JtlliAY, At.rll I, IM.l.tut train will lear
a lollnws :
Weal t.rove'....
CLad.l'a Fold,.
A. M.
..II .'HI
. . 0-..7
,." Ik'.
. .7 12
I'. It.
A. M.
, 41
, tl'UM
, 8 21
r. K.
4 m
4 44
6 11
7 02
'-'. PI ilaili-liil.lii...
u'.VJ lie.ler..
4 14 W. C. .Iin.gllou,
4T lieiiecrd
4 11 ( li:. M -I sl.l,
6-IKl Kcniii tt ltw
W l ..liinclloo.. KH5
fi I.- l" Jl
(. -it. W i"l III "i lt '-t
A 111 11. e. ,-,i lo'.'-el
l'iiilmlilpllla .1-22
n csi e iiosii
I'asseimcr li. nol In Plill.iileinhla !,- I..'n 1 hani ed fi-ona
K.lli'. i iilli und Harks-f alr.-cn. to TIIIliT V-HH1T and
.MAllhl.T Htrret. West Ptalbidi-lpl.ia. Market Btr.-et
I . iiii-r llailnuy Cara hums) i'u-t-i..?rs to add liwia
tl.e In i t.
I's -(1 liters to llirout'li wiliionl rh.ine of ca-.
jut 1IEN1IY Wtii'D, HuiKriniondent
O l.liii, lime ol' TTalua, cotuu.e'1'.i.ina FUbAY.Jaxiuar
1 101,1 Mali, nt Hlrret Wtiurf al !' ,M.,)uud 4 P. at.,
fr. al.t 12 al. It'-uiiiilii'r, leave balem at 4 A. M., tt'Oa A
VI., 1 lul'. II. rrclkhl dully em h vay. Applyto
lloltT.IN Vll.I.S. Aaent,
Becuud Covered Pair ab. ve W AIM T .iii,t,
. v. S I'l l AlVAKK Avuiiue.
Jal tl J. YAK JtLS', bei'sriiiteudvut.