3. TIM RSDAT. AVGVST K, arc or the hew tobi press. Kdltorlali from the Sew rap'M This Morning. Torb Till Miurur m'hh, i Iht Times. ho nJditiunal reports rcen.sJ tr.m t!.' en river do not inatrrallv cliii(ie thenspc; :io rn.'-pgcnifiits ol Minilay n:nr iitfp isut- On Sunday niRht car fiTi os hclci all tlie ml that faxi I'oen gain J Umiiifr thcdiy, on Montliy nur lxcs what rrrtli.n of them t slated were advanced at one point to a 'ion within six miles (1 Lichmrnil. TIio . of SuihI it, however, wsj not achieved ont sniilfe-; Ilia 10th nnd tlie 2.1 Corps Bp lott iK-twocn tlicm encr live imndud in J and wjunilcl. no briirudu of the 2.1 lvi lmi of Hancock' is, ntnler (! ilemcl Mney, in its f.rlct iur nf tlie1 1 1 b" I s , attempted to chili'" through vine which wne lutorscted bv n stranm an I linost lnipa-.ihle swiimp. The ravine was nnin.lt. I l.y Hc'K'l itrtilleiv from the opptiiiir :hls, an I Colonel Macy wa- at last coniiic'lliid ucitcr ins nion iroru ine t nemy a tire as chi ould, nnd to retire under dver of night. The on of Mond iy, the. details of which arc re iiinif, shows -.1 le.:M tlmt oi:r forces wore in a Hun to luliow up the advantages gniucil on previous d iv. he oi orations thus In prorresR under tho udinte eye of the Licutcnar,t-(ieneifl o tar n r prevent informutiun extendi. are muilo UifiiOlc mainly on the ground that Lec lias r prated ami hcavv drafts i. .n hiin.liolli i Hood nrd liiirly. An to the loiter, rte have Ileal a.snr.m -e that be has bcn reinforrcd, '.lie fact t h'tt Sheridnn is reported to bavo ' n hack to Winchester, and to he iutienchinir KClf at tlint point. Now, althmiph we have no ; ial report that (Sheridan himself had advanced e thnn live or ix miles south of V? imhei-ler, nrolinhle that Inn advance may havo been ore of yesterday's telegrams artui.unetd -e upon Ivirty s lire is, tne latter oe'ing ronched at Strstsunrc. fn Rundav General .Sheridan dated a p itch in Ct-dar crccii, pronaniy nve tunes sentiuoi uchostor, ana at tuat auto me van pi uis army ' got Buflieiently near to Ivirly to ju.tiiy riiian in rerun-tins' to the War liepailmcnt an Kroximnte. estimate of the plunder carried oti fi lie iiivaninc i rcu. iuv uuj .ucccxuuik; mo . of that ilesn.itch must, clearly mousta. have a n"w aneet on the situation. Knrlv, in fnet. st have met the aunnorta sent forward by Lec. Vh.it tbese amounted to in numbers, probably nernl tlrant has thought it well to learn ongh the agency of Hancock and Birney. d on this supposition there ure abundant Hons to mstiiv the actions ot Mummy ana induT around Dcen Bottom. Lee cannot spare iirgo army to reinforce F.arly, and at the game e leel uurxinnoea connueuce in tun luipn-uiiii-iv of the defenses on the nonU and uorthcast e of Richmond he news, too, from Atlanta points witn great cetness to the fact that Hood has been por- tted to draw heavily cither from the old Uubol iy of Irginin, or from bear.regard army at ersburu which amounts to tne same tuiug j nrnear.inre of Whee er at Dalton, with ee of lteiiel cavalry, may not indicate that neral tihcrnian'g rear is terionsly threatened t it is one of a number of supporting proofs it Hood, in spito of tho terrible losses uo lured in tho great oattic oi tne an oi juiy, w east as strong in men to-day as he was bulor it engagement took place. His reinforcements iy liave been mane up in part irom uvori;ia d Alubamu militia. Hut thoy were not orgia and Alabauin militia tbat snrrounaeu noral Stoneniau nearMnroti on the night of o olst of Jnly, although State troops doubtless -operated In tho Kebel movement which eelied Ueneral Stouemau's rtgCC!,s ia 11,0 iy part oftl at d iy. Kin to nwny of those alleged fact as now a speculative character, Ueneral Giant may expected to throw a positivo light. Ho bus II under his immediate command much of tho st figlitina ma'crinl in the national army. He is, in liHncnck and Birney, thorough executive iccrsi and even if tho Dutch tiap canal should m,t meet the high promise of its author, wo ni-ir tely look for results rrom tne operutions norm the James which will tell, at lcast.on tuecara ugns of Central Georgia and Western Virginia. COI.ONt.I- JAO,l'F.S' Ml SSI OX. dm the Tribune. In tho Atlantic Monthly for September, and Down in Tenncssoc," a new volnrue about to 3 published, Mr. J. K. Glltuorc ("Kdmiiud liko") gives an account of the recent visit miulo y Colonel Juqucs nnd himkclf to Richmond, out which there has been so much speculation, tic advance, sheets of these publications have cen sent u", and from them we copy so much s relates directly to tho Interview wbicU tuooe untlcmen obtained with Mr. Jeff. Davis. There , however, iu the volume a preliminary state icntof incidents which led to this visit, too long i bo reproduced, in exttnso, in our columns, but hich are not without Interest. We briefly rc'.ato 10m to a complete understanding of all the facta this remarkable enterprise. While on visit to tho Army of tho Cnmber vnd, in May, ISti.l, General Kosecraus handed a Her to Mr. tiilmora, from a subordinate otllcer, Oiinir for a furlouich. with a reuuest to it he Mr. Gilmoru) would bee him, and if the plan he imposed seemed feasible, the uencrai woutu leempn tne iicim rnieni ior eue uiriuiiKii iimifu. le added that Colonel .laoues (the gentleman referred to) was a prominent mombor ol the tethodist Church ; and, althongb a cicrgymau, ne of his truest and bent omccrs. I nc tetter oi olnnel Jaime, avowed his conviction that, from facts which had come to his knowledge, tho uembers of tho Methodist Kpi"copal vnureli outh were heartily tired ol tho Uebeuion ; tuat icy considered slavery its cau.se virtually ibolished ; that they nrdeutlv denirc i pcaco, uud lie privilege of returning to their allegiance to luirch aud State. He lielieved, if permission were pivcu him to ro withiu tho lines of the Confederacy, tlmt hn ould, within ninety days, return with pmiKisnli f Dence that would be acceptable to the fl jvern- Imeut, obtained tlir.ioh the i:i'tueuce of the Large body ot his Ciiurcn at tne uoutn. io pm (jvoMd to go open'y in bis uniform, us the "nies eniter of God." Mr. Gllmorc eoneidcrod tho uterprise a rash ono, and tluit Colonel .U'iii'i .von Id ontv liiroiv away nis ine in 11 oroseen- i Ion. He so reported to Gem ral Koiecnint., who, tiowevcr, did not agree with hliu, saying:"! Lknow if he talks peace to the I'Coi.le the leader. will ham.' linn: but Ic II not no that : lie u go 10 Ithe leaders tbi mstlvcs. The terms he will oder will not be accepted, but il will i.ticnj;!h')n our uioial position iu oiler them." He. there-lore, telegraphed to WasitiiiKton fi four nionthb' iniloae;h for Colonel Jjiiiich, imt asked for an interview for him wi'li tbc 1'resi- dint, liotb re'iuesis were iininedi.itely refiiic l, but a fuller i xpiniatlou of Colonel .laipies 'ir-uoi-o was PSkeJ fur by mail. "I've kuonn Mr, 1 jncoln twenty years," said Coiorcl Ja luce, "lmt 1 mifiht wrile inrty letters and neeoniiiMsu nothing." 'f hereupon he ur;:ei! Mr. Oiliii'ii'e to go to W ashington on his w.iy hoiim, a rcipiest that was secon lad by Geneiitl Itusecrans. And iu due sin'on Mr. tiilinoio presented liims II to tin- 1'rcsident armod with a letter IVoiu Genera! Kosecraus. In which he said thai he believed the public interest would be promo e.l by rr.in'in; I Colonel Ji'iiues' reouost, beeuiise of irs moral 1 inline nee, though be did not anticipate the results that the Colonel expected from his mission. The President at ilrst declined to entertain ths subject, "because," he said, "I happen to be l'rcnident of tha I'nited States. Wo can make no overtures to the Kebels. If they waut peaei all thev have to do ii to lay down their urnn." Finally, however, he Btated "in a clear, dir-t way the terms r would give the llebels, a por tion of which have iiuce been included in fie Amnesty l'roeljniation." And he added : You can wrlw w'l.t I t.yto Oi noral Rn. i r.i.i. aii'l hit can cuinmllMi.'ftl. as ma.h at it at lm Hiinks li'sl ti I'olanel J.iiiet: lull .he CoLai'l must out unitcrkUuil thiU li. bm tli.au urtut f urn m. W( waal pern, lull e "in lii.ke no overluret for tli. Ufljolt. Th.r ftirciily k'luw tiiat th ouuiury aio.iid wlcoui. liitoiliaea.anU treat un-nt g.nerouiflj 11 si uiAnaaiinuu.ly. General Roseerans was immediately writ'en to, and within ten days Colonel Juiues win on his way to the South. At Fortress Monroe he was allowed to smuggle liimsok on board a ti i-'-oi-truee lioat, whence be entered the Rebel linei, still in his uniform. " Go where you ph ase, and stay as long as you like," said the RuIh-1 oiiiecr who tirat met liiin. The narration continues : Any one can sen tli k-rMt rltk h. ran. Ha had nocre-dt-iiiialt. niilliinK to sli.iw who he was, or li) lieuanw, and ilir w.re l.a elidnc. 10 on thill li. would nc taKi a aia.ny. Hut h.il at that to liiair H at'..ut ins .M.ihin t ami i it tru.t in hit Mauler, winch w!.o- iwr mm uui ri td" ill hi. lain, curried aim tun lytlironi'ti. II. Weill lu r.uri'ur.MOid ilwm limy I'aiut to li.ui. Al Hli-iHliimi,. i-fti.i.. !., Ihi. irre.it 1'o.ioti-Miikor. .0 tr.o U.LlI ltiadttrt eaiiiu lo liim. by uinnt. In.yilli..il,iillil uuiiir u!. uinui-s, ihi; tom.'iit him lo iltik lhe will' to pcaco. "bty d..wii y.iur aria-, po Imck to your alii wiau.', and tho miliary w li) ileal kiadly aud ai'iu-iuutii by you, " li. aid lo tointi oi tbeiu. 'roiu rill lie I..UI Ue lani. AO"fort We are tlie. I oi itio war. W are willln: to lane u;i a)avrv. We know It 1. iriine : nut imi loin; a. our eliiv.in- nn'in iii.lili out, e aiii.t .uud by it W c esimut iie:ra il tuil vaeu quhy. TOE Colonel J.iiii un.ained at Tcli rburg several cfks, ar.d tlitn n turi i n to Kaltitnore. lie .tc to tliO 1 ivsuli nt Kiniiiig tne reoun ui un nd(.ion, tiut rtrcicd no reply. Month" later, Mr. (iilmoir I" nrned that tho . tier was neer re- ceived. Hut ( olonel Ja-uesna now anxions tm-.-.l fnranotlur vi-it 'o the l; licls, propo-m, tins i Inie, to te the aich-UcU'l hlrcj'clt. I.e.ivci-f 1 ai ncuco was iinnin giint' ,1 him by Mr. I 'ncoln ( order. In a few weis he oincdMr. (t.lmoic at Haliiniore. but on ftoing to Washington it w s known tlmt "un pitcd fil st.iclr were in tin- : sv rt bus turtucr progn n What tiitf were is cot Mate. , but tin v could i 85 le reinoved I j Mr. (i!iu(re accou-panyinir him. ' A i mr.'irfl v. tT.e lur irnnf !i m. n lc.i til. nr.il f. ere I c passed thronch ( or line" by dcmml (.r u t. "I I went to Richmond." continues Mr. (ttiniorc. I II. tn i auH I tin itgiit 1 ci nid remi.-r mutvriM hid ii Colonel .la-iiu.", in i living tin -a) to ni clin- lions timt mil lit Usiilt in euro. ilw tluy j fared in tnat mis. ioi . hut Mr. 1'aiis mul to , thnn, and wt.at tiny -aid to Mr. l.ivi, will be uml in tiic aci e'cni whicii we i ui,ii-n r an. uiei column. Tli I'rlolrrV Mrlln in rU. There wiis a large meeting of prii.Kis al 1 urn- ti i: en U'. many lla.i or. lue-'iaj euii.ng. i'ir. i . i-. Holmei.. the l'rc-idetit. it. the chair. A resolution was pro!ted and piie.l a inut- ting reporters ol tlie f resi. tine hundred nrnl thirteen n. w rui mbers were admitted to t'.n l-nifii, t'i:i tlur villi i.iueteen relnnateniert. Alter the trim -action of w routine Ini-inc-e, Mr. llaidy, Chairmn:i ol the M trliiviec's Vnion. niule mtiif aprronriKte rcmarLs, in which be tittered the sistniirc of his nasuei ition to the Union in their n. ass tncetioK on! htirsday ev( ning A n so.utton ol tl.nnl.sto lr. Amoi ,i. llliain- on, proprii tor o: the .Svruni Dupe'' for Ids ailvocn y of ti e pn-.ters' rlirhtii in Inst Sund ij h jnrer, was otle-ed ai.d ndipted unanti loc.sly. ine rower i less ASMciaii.iu seni m a i 'ii:i municntion, H.-k np that a committee be appointo l to make iirraiifXTutnts for the cousol id.it iou of liolh bodies. The 1'iesi, lent iir.t.oiiiKed that tin Nework iiTo', Anikl..n-, (icr;e V. Ncsbitt. the l-uh Amrriinn, I'ranU Leslie, tin Mrtrn nlilnn Own, Isaac J. Oliur, J'.dwnrd .'. Hitslvlns, the New York iVi-Tvi,, the New Ytrk l.aihr, L. II. Littelow. Cimviorr'n! ,1 ,yr'. r, .New York Ciijm; Uaymond K Collin. I ra.ik McKlroy, Bojd Co., the New York 7Vwi, '. rim, nnd tho Tmnnriit, together with a lar;;e iinmbcr of others, pniil tlie Frale. A Voice The New York 7'u'ftttir does not pay the tcalo. Another Voice 1 he New Yoik Tnbi've w ill have to pay the scale. A resolution was pushed that the printers now at work be taxed t u per et nt. for tlio iinsistaner of tho strikers in their inovementK. lhe chair man ot each oilice was deputed as collector of this fund. A tncmlier here aro-c and allnded to Mr. Gree ley's aciion in the1 matter of the strike. Ly the couno lie had tHkcn he had sullied the proudtst fame ever attained. After advocating tho rights of lubor for years, ami asMMlng in the organiM tion of that Is ion, lie had suddenly, assassin liko, turned upon them and nalitxsl tlicm in the ba'-k. (Applause.) The l'risident ftatfd at the cloie that a mass meeting would be held in tl.c C it Hall Turk on Thursday evenin.'f. nr.d 1 e boped that they would all be pre-ctn on the tca:on. TheuiutiLg tliu adjutiriied. V. V. MtvpM. I.lfll SeH loHunlo Sunt lieril ft'iNi..iri. 1 ho lollosi 'in j list ol iiiiinufacioi ii s of cnoial utilitj, not lie'i b I tc m ule in thr. .South, is ropiul from cscii .Ti-'i-i- v.i'hin the past few days, says the Charlotte! h I lHilMin. Il shows that our people ate really making some progress towards the in.li in l dence thai we have heard bilked of .o much. Vi e li -ve not included tho cot ton and wuo.cn mills dotted bore and there in all the Jsliitos, or the iron i jtiiblislimenW, orthe Gov ernment works i.iahiuc a.i.n. powder. fc. We have no tlemi t tl.ere ie many other estab lishments of whi'.h we havo seen no notice, that urn aililine to tl.e re:-omccsot the country. byniakiig nrtiele' that vonavc nereioiore, ue jsended upon the iinIito.s to furnish us. Hut Manufacti.ry at sintcsvillr, N. C. 8torking l'sctory at Columbia, S. C. Stocking Factory nt Danville, Va. Boi.net Fnimc Factory at wtierry, 8. C. Cotton Card Factory at ( re uwooef, N. C. Cotton Curd Factory at l'ayettevlllc, N. C. Cotton Card Factori nt Colunibus, (la. Cotton Card Factory at Danville, Va., 2. Cotton Card Fuctory nt Selma, Ala. Cutlery, Knives, and Forks at Kaleigh, N. C. Cotton liattine Fnetorv at Charlotte. N. C Corn Droom Factory nt Davidson's Colloge.N'.C Match Factory at nanviuc, a. Blanket Manufactory at Montgomery, Ala. Knitting Needles nt Columbia, 8. C. Glass Manufactory at Kielimoad, Va. Glass Manufactory nt Columbus, Gn. Glass Manufactory at Savannah, Oa. llutton ManiifaeUirv nt Columbus. Ga. 1'owdcr Mimufactiirv at Mecklenburg, N. C. Si vorul Copperas Mit es, Citeusivcly worked in Rutherford countv, K. C. One Copperas Mine in Chesterfield, S. C. I'rlKlittnl Holler I'.loton. A frightful accident occurred in Cnssowngo township, Crawford county, last Thursday morn ing. The boiler of a (lortuhlc saw-uiill iu opera tion on the farm of Mr. M.T. Freeman cxpluded, killlnL- Kra Tiiavcr. Jeremiah Waters, and I.afa- vcttu Wythe, seriously injuriin,' J. l'onel and H. Wcht, and slightly wounding aovoral others. Mr. Thayer's Ijotiy as litoruiiy lilown to rieces, part Of it bcliiK tlirown a umuinco oi iwcuij -lour rou.s, . ..I...... f - 1 M.'Jlrt,l nnu one oi uih nun. wiuui tuiii imm, m ivi body was hurled f mr or live rials, and one of hi. arms blown oil aud thion n iuto the woods a dis tance of ten rods. 1 he boiler was hurled against a chestnut log two feet in diameter, tearing it to splinter, and ianumg tea or twelve rods iron lhe were of the exnlo-ion. The accident Is sun- led to nine been the result of carelessness on the lout of the enriueer iu nllwing the water to pet tern 1 w in the In. dir. Ihc saw-mill was owuid by I'ond A Co., of fipriug toMiiship. I'tttsmirg ( hrcmil,'. I'line liunilicit, hi'ir to the throne of Italy, will shortly ineeed on a visit to tuo camp at Clalnni, and will aftei-wards, it is believed, ex tend hit. jouin.v to l'.iit'land. Dr. I.iviiigsh'iic las re turned to Loudon, and expects to give to the world another volume oi his African tx.eiiinr . At the meeting of the Rrtlish AemciatioB, to I e held at Hath on the 1 1th ol September, the re:.t tiavelcr w ill give some account of his laM ml'.cnturcs. There 1' a great ar.d urgent i.ecd nf fliiipern in all e.ur i.nny l.e-s, Ml-. For want of thent in inuny eases the- t-i U nnd convalescent eoldiers are (.bilged to go hnielt oted. This ought not to be, b r there ain ilo'iMlfi-s inaiiy in lids city und in the iieigf.l.'iriiig tOAiis who have pieces of eantiiig (In : ii m".v aid old), aud ivnin.it.ts of ti ick cloth, uit:il 'e fnr suppers, which they will g'iidlyihc ul.ent'.ej Irani the uecd tliat eUt- TaibM'S ni d diy-cii. .'s incirlmntK have patterns of cloth t'." i ne. 's i' Iit h:ii Is w Billed in this 1) M V !V Ik H.. ru r,tl,i li. oil dl.r "Of ' LEWKs LAfiOMUB & CO., Dliiinoml liciiltl'iiinil.lewelen No. t.t CIIKSNUT r-itieil. Who will ;iv tl. ).ikl,t ensl. prie. Mili.-lia A Al K M It A Jt It i: It ' H WI1..LI -1LI AUD UTAH. CLOCK ESTABLISH M ENT, a. E. renin pxceiMJ and mttsse'T ureiit, i'uim. A 1' V InR llll. I'ATI.NT eeit'ALUiMJ imitTy-i'Ay cr.ocKis, a r de.irabt artrcl. f r Cburehes. lluttli. llaakt. Cisiiilink'-lti uso. rtrt.rs. Ac. Alto. HiM l.o i i n: r. vi rit mini rr..,, I Ia K Si liEI'.SHIUi AND WAKKvNIIiii. 1.13-1 y I'.oek Triuiuili.it t ol ar.ry dtcriptloo. TKV"lsSE8, BRACKS, Asc, tkctl.IlT ..lusted I TO. II. NLBULES.eor. oi i Wr l.K Til and k VI r. SLrt:i. Lada' liepartinent ior saute, cmidialUid by la-ti., TWKl.kTH tif..t, f rtt do. r bUw tla.. Tlift wi.at ooriultt. and va-t.d llosk oa hand, cnil.ttr.g In an. of rrus-as, Hni.po-i.ri CM i iWr hracct, Ii.lif. b.Baact. Kiastio bboski!,, S..r.n,, Anklt. for Juro..''is Bteui, Au. K 1 "-.'i. tillll 1 liL t Tlltl t tl'UlTiMy HASl.Ai.ti ISflTirUTB. So, 14 MotXk viv'ikl Hu-ef- kbitvtt Mkrkt. tti.Mt.nl ra.lieaiiy turti by It. I'. LVLJ(fciT ( trciiifiin. vtnl GraiiusitMiiy' t'r-UHr Trim. huptTkir tu.kitic KlAi-tic Hocklrwi.Huiporl 8Uml4 hi.i, Sora- LUii Mlui.Jvti t Mn-B.C. EXHETT. mJt-ly T 'HE ARTIFICIAL HAND. ti. A. i.n i't, Ins-tntor and Manufacturar of ! . A K 1 I t I ' I A 1. A 1- At, Approved .nd adopted ar Tun blBCEOJi-e.tKtKAI. OK TUB UMlED STATLS, V holdlera, Hal pemisnerilly kicaled hi. lilflct .nd Factory at X.. all B. Jill' 1. 1 H BUtW, .Ift WAltt Wmiw o,..u., . u.'v.. J A-tat DAILY EVENING TED'OKAl'II. l'lIILADKM'HlA, TllKUSDAY, AUOPST 18, 1801. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' rACTKSION OK IMTH1) AMI KI- fn M 1 rhat ks In ATLANTIC f I t .will bi -I'l-XI'SK iW ( 1 r.la.., I ill iT SUot. '11. Ifclt ft I i" 'n w'.sf! nl ('. rl.i- fc . WII.I.IAM M. ' I .fKKItl.V, 8' r-tor . prsr- TAKK NOTICK -TIIR HOOKS OI' 9Sy Tl-i Wl I ill O-' I -.n.pslir' M- iTistf I fr Ull sr -HKtl' t' t - l'l. taf otl'.re, S.. si t W AL M' I Hil-s I I si. 01 er Hp,.n. . 1 itiM i L fc. il io 1. In i. nn ii.i no nr. 1 r.M. ns-l t i'IIIOI H II ir M .. uti . TiT Tl:AMrOl:TAlKN tO'KICK I'lMI.A- ib'Mi. w Inmi'ti i , hi 1 r-..llu.:i.re- l.ftlli ' opli. A.i.-u-t 10, I-SI. . i ir-lfcMA . 1 in Art 01 t "rifr u.-,4.-ri ,5 ,.ire ,i, lrcte... il' ,x . .,if I 1' i;!ln ivc J' on I V ; l-';' t'r n-i -rl iic' i, tci.iv.'l '"i 1: int m nsll ,n .1 l. ar r.n INil.SiNtU HiXKNOl "lAVll "III r c.i i vi' ( i .ntk, i; f to i.' i..o Ki-.( Ij i e t.f till' r! v I'-s i - o m ,i lis , 1 1 ' ro.. OK s.' oi, (' liiiiioi) l"l fir. Vsn.' 'f- , .II-1 II. t-ift- "r. l h e'urt. - .1 I' .il e 'rri n. I H 111 I S K ll'l . ;l 1 t NIm.Ii ' .I r r ta-i. .nti r tr" Ol I'll I'- Ol i UK . H tlKKK, A ! ' I. riiii.i)Ki.riii , Is ' l. .At t "H' 'cu l it i t. wVr, re I.I ri'amtiu hi J ie,u.ti. a n ft-v el Tn -. . t Or li.' 'lli c.Mmi'., Il r V)J In, l ' WV-fTts, li.. uri i: s.'it'i. Mill ,Is, '.I t- fi .' r ot. I'ie I Til he M l ( f II . Irf , - l . tut' itn, f ti' I'llii,' rtt(tl(i;io. Mil s!i r.i .11 r.-M 't c- fir. 'I hi i'!,.f mtl'i ni,(.o .me.; It, l 'ir nis.-.'i' v I'.r oi 'js- I ft l.tt.-c." (t'-.s pi'M '.lis .iitvp ls is.- 1 1 -Iret in i rJ-r I f.f ,.t. . l U I a., ..' . it tr i -i i ..nil Wti-' t il-' r i 'I-I..S'. ! M ion ' II- 1 in 1. 1 1.. li if. I In i.tit.'.'ll d : t "ll 1 u . i S ,; IP I Hid If-it.ir...' I. 1st . t" t A lCv l'.' riCI- i t lit 1 !' t '. nls pi r ti.. '. .;.il .' i I . T' " 1 ' 1 .t s IT t ; i l: lit lie i" rt ci sM p ss 111 p. i" s l,ii.-li t. Ic r i.: i I us .mr... sn.l u.y . ritlv fn iCft II. I ! ' -s t) 'it' ..H.I. a..' ll . till ! I'"U UlM C"U -imi'i i.ftf."tt 1 ...t n"ir' i- f srl i"l ' v cull .ii " . st HilM'i.'S' ' lo ci -'.'I'- I.I' 'i r ( nt .mitl "f . -i..... Mil SI. r- ut 1. nt I- , p. r . 'll. i.Ti II IU tir ri ll CI' r !. v- rf.yl I. r,.u-, lit iic fl'.' tiiu-t l- ftt l s-imiI. I'.sr lji:'.:n l is t i n II.." iw r te l:.o r'Mi.li'il hi s Is t...ti- it lit. uij.1 yi ir ftn-tn ,. I i. t.. l.i. Ttii.l, tc lwi'li-1 . r.l- it. - mi- t! in r'-ti s. ...il s. t oest'ii t ll It 1 .m:'uii Ci'll , .t -i-': i1' M n i. it. rat-i"i. ; l-f II ll"-reti.n l.'i'i.i. '., i".ml ll" i I: e! l.ulr.e. r tic il r- H-l tn ffivo 'il.llf T.ol.-r. liirt ..r. a lf s 1' r ar I i!a i ' N. t -r I.s1 ti r sf : ( I.S Ir. .'fflln i- sirrrat ffc slisll I f- llirre it.-liWli iht lli-tnii..' i 11 ' l n l. -l.li- n Co stele of '. I'-'l rn.1 I r k,r..r-. i i. "i. "t. M-.tl ' t i" i! i:aiu-.t (..t rucN is s. sit iiAtir, ft . 1 1 t ' 1 ''( I 'li-'i.. r. S' iW, o j5r TUItOVT I hl.ASI.h, C VTVRP.ll. i ltjvc n kw tiie 1 1t HAi'tr in ijy : t-t fi-ritil.n it Mi.ai'tj; rt-jm. tb'tn4t prnrctl' t'l:-- lire stiit mt tite.i fr rt'drNi-m tho m Hi !' wh't'h I! is dii rtit J, Miti eiat- rutins bt wU ndorC'il rnpwltj. Thr Kt..:iclwiA U i r,iriMciiAi,n. Tv lit fH-nf, ) r. V"n .vi t.li'inr ff. Atriit, No, loir ftliml Htn-t. oi-iai .l fini-1 Miii rjsnih) on mr etr, lit. flu : Hi- t. M-rt l ln'B.1 in ". I m.TT r'4i mm wntv n o Mil Uin call.-O. m V .. k- tiinr mti r.t f r enr. 1 n il I IIU a tb a,' ll.tllrtA.- l;rA4lcti'M , Se, lLi . kenMiJ clrtot. PI !l4Vl' M.l.t. Viiuit ?, lei rimtbKi mi'a,': tl- .f-.m-.WV, - Thin 1 in trilff, Ihitt r b ur i -'ins I wii- inmhlm! wilh an otiimtl n dnohrt,F' t toniliUlil.M Willi (U fifi .. 1 I avu I wr irtlt 4 hy hi- 4itli l ni'i'it, '! n. It. Vou hi .fici.l-Ker, l as ii.uiiUhlif: i.iri ri cup; D r41 ....... iii'.-nr.iii nii"i h ini.in Oi thr firm of Bi.vfnier & llwlnl, -rt t ant. u .m N. Ha a4 e:rtc(. TiU ito re-'.i2tn , K. 7JV Orecn uiHt. KVF - Ir. Mr,44 'H'.iMKfr'n can c(iitlt 1 (n alirilrt.Ht i im L-v. Hie M .iiitCAL tjieruiuns m 11(11 f, lr, a I. t. n-iwti -ipr .!.(! Of i.'iillnrltiiiii.'.ti'alr. h tli( hbovt tivi Sr-T5f- DKAFM'SS AD r.l.lnrsir,Ms. j. W lianra. At IL, frolriwrnt tt. I.ve and Kar, tswats all dSia. ai.rK.rt.iinli 0 tne ai-oni mt'uduii'aiiV rt with tli iiieirssl rii-cis. '1 o.tJnioplolt trim Hi most rtmn, tonrcc in In. cli v ami ronnirs. riui cmi in ai nit '"iw. N,. Ml f'llll Htract. Art ! al I.VSII llisrin vrunom tmin. Notli.i-isiniftdt. f. r I'sauiinau-.n. Olllie hour, liotn S 10 11 A .. tcl I . M Nn.fJl I'tNK Mnaal Mim UKITED STATES TOBTACE STAMPS. l'O&TAGl'. STANrs FOR "sALF.. A. Ms.0 ill OF TW O I F.tt ( ENT OX ALf. 81'lW Of .s AM L'fw'AltUS. Al t: e Pilntijcsl Iwiwl fw bir tal. of Int- nil P.(tuiio aiaai;.s, . Wl ClIt.sM T Rus'l, aud Mi:u No I..J 8. HhTII Blnel.r '..lladcishla. T 11 1Z NHW TA.X Hllili ASI HKVl-JNl'li ST A Ml LAW. Cool, ni ttift n.w TftX isui ana i;ei pimp ni-mp ' for sale wlilal am' islall 1 sad lessen. Mltnint of tU SoigHsi'Imu couttnutly on hana, al Ilia tellowtiu talc.ot iiii,iiiriyj :mh, four " At tlie Prinrloal liis,i 'nr tli. Hole of Int.ru.il n vbii Rl.n.V..,N...:''lr'l'''rHiie...a'id!S.. bsi a MKTBJ Mn ot. rll tleci1plkiut of th. Hiamp Law Ui iamolcl limi. Jr-'n-u IGHT-HOU bV. COITAGK, A 1 UX?. in ci I i.n.w.i .- ,ti IT llJlt'Ul 'III Tilt'. tll.'.tCil. This well kuoa l.ouse is new i.irn lor th roeoi lloii of Ileanlirs. Iistltiiiii nvvr st tiettor. . 1,m I,., J. WOOT'inS, ProprLWr. T N li K T H O U H 11, ATI.ANUO CITY. KEtr ji:B8Kf. QUO, I. CiLiIUNTV, iroirloto. (Loajr and taTOi-Wilr known a. rrnprtrtor ( OTSTKS AV. HiXlII und UlU..ai.'ll'l HUftM.) Parties aeoommndatnl Willi Hoaw, rithlan Unt, .,, eiar. ruoioui. noun. c. i wvu, -, l.'XCHANGF. HOTF.L, ATLANTIC CITY. I'j "Ihi. ftiil.tcrllfcr. urani'ul for past faeor., uudan tliank. lo bis palrnna and the public for Ui Brnorout cu Um KlinlHiii,andbs Ir.ai. to .a tt.nt lie I. now obm lor ilie atsifMiii, and rruoy to titi'it. ooaiim, wmwi-.. and transient, on tti ir.ott nrndorat. term.. TU. bar win always bupptlrd with the rn..lcst wlnn, Itiuort, elsara, and .nprl..r old al. 111. table. Kill b. att W1U tb best th niark.l .iroid.. I utiinn nu. .on itii.itiiMi ''. ...... ,K All tb. rauloru ol a Loot, cau alway. M foand st E JernV l.' pr anninn, UEOltliE HATDAY, j,j u l'roprto. c O Ii V M 11 I A 11 OUHE. ATI jANU'IO OITY, SLW JIT.BKV. 6ITUATK ON KI NTVCKY AVENUB. ovpOHtu: nil m ur iiouhu. fcDWARD DOYLE, rroprlto. feisai. to .all Ilw ttiart. -U c kX-I-'Xt it fy"GsirA"ii ATBINO. RATIONAL HAIL, . CAW I.t.AMl, CAl'U MAV. U. . Cl.lldisi. iiink r VI v.rt oi auesiul rv.uitn h.iirpn. But etui ac ..i.inu.d.M. n. unit .J;"' lOB itVH IIIM'ttHf I'M1.'". Krl nXO A.M!-N (lAKlttlrloN. Proprietor. f N V A OYSTER B A 7 SALOON. a. w ( i.'1's.i.ii or MI'tlN!! AMI t'IU-SNi;i .Vl'HKKTS, lyCJ Ili Miii.Mir.i.i'ais. EL.ASTIO STITCH BKWINO MACHINES, IL'E BF-i'T IX VSE. Sk'.t Nc. "J JO CIU:BNUT Kirtvt. "1 t.TF.D TO SELL CR HXCilA.MK, Kl.i lie Smii , Mi h ue. It. lilor tl B-tr CttUI, TL. Kl l.er tl . Ard .11 lb. pruoi sl S.wiriK Mm.!.ui.s. AU ,drruti.td Irom l.Air priRCii .J orri. . a Aito. an k net oi 0 . olu-nua J X. acr. mtt , Kt cm ts K.iautdat U-ww.r n. is. n. ti .nru (-tr..'. (Over itu yen.' witi. HiiitirA t c i LatlKt U. t to (-1 iait. jtll-.a 11AT1.NTKD J FLY It', tr.01.- JOSKl'.'l X SHJlTKT, Els do rri-, I rm.'i. ,sit,uii ii-.i -v sieoiir.nii .'il any kit. el o. wa...1i i' AH arel, Mli I.t..tt?. ifoiits, ana ( ku urea. I'aitu: .pi.s.rus or -er. t i. ia' r.k'il. IT..U (n i r. :n . i. V- 7: Bt 'ti iTif. iiruu-J. He. '.'C' f. MS' fi! ! ires:, I '.la!e.i.L a a.i-eia' sfTt TO r-HW CAPTAINS AND OWNFKH. fMt-tr ' " tiiinsrsi-Ti l-h ii n i-.tr .s,U lli rVt.'vl'in J X- ,.;TCBK.V 1X K, Ow, to Attltru. It rri,-itii a-iI ih yitli -lit i ixX.9 Iick,tlAt nt ia ;.sih:?4 .'atii it 1 TkCU Dft IC s.k'fIttll:"!lltl hi. 1 -tikj : 1 10 ItV.'M- I or rvitttiktl. rd utii.k ft iriti.tvl ih-i -cu tiU: Us4 ff.Uls.tjr, lll ft? prt. aAt kUlU.i.a lrS AJ kkUa .. tn.vl to liiU nt r(ifi. . 1'apttuui ur dtieui-s H..lp-r 'iri.wr?, lA.l.t.'.wt Uving verif-l t r flir.urt t ki: u al, Hstviiif; ib ttLiicy frr U. ol" " eitrft'r-' P.-.nt Utiiillk- Cc4iiiiiiK'n," or t opt l-'ulnt, (vr tl.e tk.' tiou i ( tfas.t.in' bctium., iur t.iii t.ijr.l ilia i,rt.its n.rni. tit, tftiuic to liivoiitUfc Vitoii. JUUIJ II. It MMITT, Kru-inUm Screw Jw.-i-, feUlU lUvifUevrtiut4vLn,ti-AkUi t ti. H A 1 II It HANdlHUH, G iii:m( vai,. JAMKH ' . I'lNN, , , c IK'W , I t .1 M.OTM.l.s. , lAt lit . I. 'U' l llt ll o. Ml to No. i-"s C 111 )M T frUrivt, llivtn, nr tn.'J tie Bt i el .'AMI'S lll.l.kl. .'l. (ri'intrti (.olios ), wla ret. c II i.lVr to hit eutluiasrs and llir plu'tlc K Inr.t Hi i'. Ufa r.t am illiii l't i't Dicorntioas uud Wall Tapei's GeutTally. r7 t'vni. Mi rcsf-ii'it ai'.."it..it ti ttif t-. itlnn an' hrr--Ifik- Icin.i', li l.r-cM. ii,i:: at:.' to riivc. c tl Ltfe'rut pniriiiiittit- of llir aiil.'Ic t ill i lis fi-.l vnlti.rt r.rr rcttr1li 1'.; Imttcd to cuamlna tie .r (r ri. I cut. li'."' 1m F UN MO K I H Klll- n r tfrtimt (hi mit'v, If f r ilrt.'.. Sw rj kt Ji Palrta wtaei a!ltl in) rcipist 1'INE HlllKTS, ccr i.i.n Titw-isr. er wt a .15. ;n4 rl t"'k A'lllt Mm in, and T brat boscon. enijll.' f iui I rrtcr Ol. w lilinitrll Mills Mc.i"n. ar." rtr Unm Hvaeiaa, OrJjIITfO. I ..V,tlie 1'fl OKVll-EMl'-N'S FVRNISH1SO GOODS. HM1TI1 rtc .IACHIIIS, nyi ftn lie. IVJ'JO t lllnNlT MrU N " 10'4t Illl'-JSM'T aTKr'.r.r. Th atlfrttri fr I VMFS THITINI THB CO r . or Hcm .Ik n l.r.t IN'l n n.r " Wator liv l isei.i. ' or "thi. I oiiairj,' t r-p.'iliiilr ll,st-i.1 to It .vteiisivo rl.i--k of W III 1 8 (a 1 1 id iiillnMii lor fl'VMIU wr MX for Wllllt l OHIKH. iBNlNli V RArfKUM, Jic. An liii.ts ...rtrtmunt It olTrfsl In t.a. ami Workisl Kitmnut nd lnsnsiiitii. Nam, Hi.fii'.lirrrliieiN. e'liiltit, silusivcii , ami Inptaln and Mnwy 1'lftli. Hrrtis-'t, anil I ujirrst V tilt, tsuiils AT Pl.letI K Wltrtt HKl.eiW TUEIB l'K.rM' it: i ah. ALit: l! rrlnUs! tin.. I aml rU: Urfis. lie. K'OM 1'an.U, luckisi, aint8irnsl Mas km. io. m. isj:i-;ii1'2h. ii 3 A 1 in.l (in sm:T smtr.r.T. tj'2S noor SKIRTS. tr.)Q Manuraf tonr. ho. l A IK It Hlrtsrt, UfO uoi. nisin .ni'w, 1'liiUaoU.rjla. nrt..-i ami 111 . 11 Th ntt fsmpitc atorliiieiit of Lartl., MIW. n4 riill lltn't llisjp Skint In tlm dir. In eiy rosnort nrnt- riAit, wlilrb lur BlyK. nintu, uuraoiuiy, auu oi-v..uc. hftv no tsiiftl in tlii nnirkot. Skint mad. to otoar , alt-trod, and rrairi. WM.T. UOPKIWS. ARl'F.TS, MA1T1N0S, OIL C LOTUS AND VWInlow Utiaih's, from hew orK Auction .ala, ,.it mI.iI. ... ni. l l i,iriiin7t.nt llrutti Is wide, ll K, I .';'i i., tl"W unit l'7(.l ImliiUlun lirniMl., tpainlo, , wide. 7". sn and so coins : .-4. ? t am: u s at prt por 1. nam lirlrsss; liiiwrlai Cai,it. 1 7 lo H IS p.r yimi i....-.n i-i rAnii in .l-iei: Vimi'ttan. Kin;, an. 1 lump, from S7J U ! rents pur yart; Maitlnm, tli. i i ...j.m-.if rv.rftir. rihl In IMiiladnli hl. front ttls t.. 71, com. a yard, al Hie New era Auei'on Has-. U prrt. (lonncrlj MlMtlitoW..) No. HI H. HI'.OONLl HUort, ilrsl dis r aU 1 1 W alUBt, olMOtiW Coin t.mB.uio, lyl-i'iu "lOlSTY'S TK.A WARF.I10USE. liSTA. y bUsLtsl In l.-mo. Importer an.t liUer in Hive To, Wliios, and U.i'ierf, fs,...lr II .r.n, IllL-ftrft. (itim A blrirkwvu Pickle, and fi.aes rrulljl. r.ud HtoUh AJ. unit l ifrtor. e'anntsl Moats, Frotts, Boup, KaN7McisMii.topwlti.rsr,,, )a.jgi, ansuuA u. touatr. y AN CXI HTKWA11T RUCK OIL, V O N I A N V. Incorporated June 29, 1864. capital. 300.ooo. CO.Uk) MIAKta '- A SlUUK-I AB. Ht.l rcrltltoa " rschi-A.. to orUt'nBl tiibserlbori for tij0 thKr riiy.ldi l cmh d. w apon tibicr'.blli1;,an4 t (itiiet latutmiiU iA tl .nch. pnyabl. on the iUta JlT auC th A aiujt, retpoctlrtlr, TEN THO VS AND SHARES Er.trvi d for IKoeSt of Um ConH Bay- Tho Und pure listed by th. Vnr Bt-art Bsr Oil C ripniii eiililolni on fcuiirrid aast Uurty ono acnit. 1 lb oi s tore ol llio oil n gion, ono theesanrt tlirw hun ilred ami ton on On Alii klieovriser, In (iraillforrT totinsliin, tuoiiiluit, a rcn.ldi tabio olttan-c iip.ni ho ides ol llui Lower Two Mile Itun, ccmni. nly cali.d n lltiar. l'. li.aconlil. i l nilio below rraiiklin.tli Vonaago oomity . l'ciiliiy is ai.ta. Ho Alleiiheny Kivm Terrlt.ry It TiFli'lnp an abunilant and (.cniiatu-nt tiaiv.ti nf an co.l ini.l quad. oi oil, lb. nun.croii. wolli hsirderliin Its bank. Iriidai.'iiif 'on with vin tl.U ir.awc rcguhultr iun Ui. IUioIl"s i d lb How cf O!! betos thftboronirh otTi ank lln.on Hi. Alleifheny rtvrr. will t robul ly nrirrr bsic.m. t iliaostod. Kcaiit Uio ttrnilHcfifioa.or voli an dl.rup tloiiot lotkdaa In a .oiitliwi tlwnrdly direction l "nt qneiitly tli. bd of Oil would tu nearvr tlie turla-o at Ui. lliltf ODD.Ihr in imura..." ' t-oiifd dis wr In proportion Wcrdoam tL. r!e. whrra, liowovr, tharc (MUd nuetarily tic lh must tv.rnu.ii.sit, ml a much eroaior tui.pl; and tuimrlncuiubcut irody or k in .1 OU. ll It c-rtain thai n orrsof wUt on tlie rl-r, In tbo Innueoiato vieinny oi uit- imw, diicliic ilnrli u tl.o patt tliri a or tour yeart au uuMavet illf "a ,!"c.' !1V mp"wU,Ldn,.n.tr., th. t.rt fh th. I.owir Two Milo Hun and Oil (Tin-k ar ou Iheaam. diftnatrtcAlly .uaiiiht line, and only dl.tant, fi or.n knan'on or Ai nl.ss. n! tunc "Tor brtoa th ranKS Of liMlt.rixinaehotliraliit thr. mhos apart In pr l.lv the taioe dlro. lion. It would, ilirraror. not bo fi truordlnary, If by U.rli, well, on Uilt trail a ."luMout depib ol porhar. IkIi humlrrd ai,d ally toot, lojt lb. t'oin..ny . woiu may ia ilval ibp.t of (Ml (Yoek m tlielr u.pll of hundreds of biincl of oil dully, and iioTmon. pn fli. woaid ti nt bo Ui. lonnuato retuU lo Ui. .harohola.ra ol in. oouiuan. Oa IIU. particular tract ol laial thcr. ha. na let o bsano for twonty vears, a welt nau puwi.m'j a lair Ol uOOd IHI, UlUiOUSII 11 uei-vii o. w""--" - 3 Uiufti.littoln.ui.alari!e llow : t iny .or cnl. of th. oil at tin. wu iuouUi was rot.rvfd a. a niyaley to tn fiaTncro.p.iof ti, laad, and mil .t one. lanr. to th. bonclltof tlio tomonuy. Tl ere aro aUo two other wolli uill a lw rumored Iwl dcn.i h.bitt not yot tubed. bill Ib dicailaii a iin.t-rato tliotv oi oil ; a bant I a day ran rn. ii. rally U tc."..sl out ol U..ui. n.l no doubt ..'fit o -.1.1 that tl,.y will b rth prnvr highly " muuor.Uurw. itwl. tsid b rVannbi Villi. Another woll u halt porno, aud pronilto. a rutltia lory yield V Han.iae. olllU pr-HUreo (t..m th w.tl. car. i ei WD at ti. otricol thC"iiirHiiiy,.No.;.'U WAl-N t rcc' Th.!.. oC tliU VBiii.-Alo oil Ued.ooni.rlsln. hiij- dnd Bd Uil. ly-oiN, acres, l.,oiudlng in. nijaiir pTr ce" of oil lor tb leatld v.-.U, li-P ' JaJiS rluht of Ui. tlire v l arluny Jl Ij i iin l.ft.cd bv the C. Bipanj ith-tvilroni tn onm r, lu in. .wiS(l"; ,r'' MIU in no. order, . ii.uk boil... .; Blao paten, oi . the talo ol tun k w ui en ej" ,T., ... ," i .. . . . Al. 1,1 ,..i,h T.I.VIV n-f f MUsll I'll IIHIJU! w,hl"toom.!,fVl,MVo, koro two ii r woln, with bv. ! """X' tobolnrnnnum o,d wilin a few ia.. ; - r lniu. will bo unid. to a"c..m,iuiti th iobn. 1... I il urtrt delay Mo tubjoalption. will b. cci '.Kl f..r te.s Hiaa '"'hfySt fortiai. rapd by Rock Oil llh.lhraiidoli.whrearen..torl..ui. 'I B lUtradol. 3. u It. infaiiev. and th .1. uuud cmUnUy Inerta-inu. lis i in. m now 13 per barn i at tli. well t inouih.ekcid- "I'e wr"wllldonb.lss ,. ttreek at the Whof foot, m .. lo reach lhe Ihltd sand.toi.oU .1. W ij bv bnb.rJhe.r.l.,l,.rtot..ed. .lti oiilv of about fit In Uiis vicinity Itu pn noiid to bore tiv.iitvwolt.oa " .ro, t itnrtug tlio pr .". , ' U- W. " in.liundi.Jwel!.. A iMiieci Ub'.eleur irfal. tae braiicck U connujitJj' a. unsl lothetoi. pary. litl. of sut-scr'ptlon sre now opi n until th" M.coo nhar. an tnbscrn-ed, payable $1 -,ir si.iire, to thronter of Al.l.r man JAMl'.S MCAH.N',i:.cTra iirr of tlio C mpaoy, 0. llWWALSUTfJtreft.ocatKo. I.'i WALSt'T mr.-set, or Bt tb. eftcs cf the Umhio, So. i'-l WALSCT Klrt. Tt. rutl.'c ar Wivited te eC for s pro-pctM. lyS-tf pRISIDENTIAL F li A G OAMPAiaH. BAJJMEBfl km TR1NSPAEQJCIES. WM. F. HCIirill"-. No. 49 S. THIRD STREET, AiOV. Ct.SBrrt, Fhi)dtlfA. MA SIT ACT l-US " ian:s'eri?, tkaksparenc1k?, and lanterns. Iiti.'. CistPAisx risks sliwd out with Laattnu, Pailrt. EMJtrt. Aad Plan. t rtascnBb!. ram. !8-3i Q"vn:N oFekavtv .-'WHITE VIHGIN H .i .f Ai.ttll. I. ih m'O lrr l pr.rarww.B o an, -Jf '" v-s. -'riTj. W. ft;.'i. " ' . .i. f,.m tftt-aTftasnirvil lliA fed! IH. mkk Ibl II 11 B.UI 1 1 1 1 1.1 1'U.w " ' - OLD 1MTR0VED STEAM AND WATKS- t u ATINll API ABATUS. t WirilSIn1dVB'lk.llli PublM bttlKUkdS Sid Prt ... MnKiekwee, A eiklLji and w.vrr HF.tTKa courAst VilUM eii is. 1UJXdUtl. mia. Kk-ea -,M-riwikU,.iuy.(taMailv(, il U kflllUTH kitetea FINANCIAL OLD, UUliDi U O L 1, siLVr.H ASI BASK NOTW WANTKD. PE EAVES & BROTHER, ul-t Nr.. 10 8. THHtf "Titr.rr. I::2Iv. HTKK1I a CO.. UANKi:Ut, ho. iO 6. THIRD STREF.T, 'i tin sie OOLP, HI VI, R. AM. CKlVtl:.VJIEKT HBC'i li'.TlM. S T ) O K H Btit'tirrr asp PotJ) os toirMisiHS. imMt uian. IN liW LOAN. U. S. 10-4(T. JAY C'MIi.IJ . CO,, Omai I'OB HAI.t THE NEW OOYEENMENT LOAN, pr.Ar.mo kite rm ckst. iKTr.ni.HT in titi, rdraaUr anr lira aitr 11 Yt.AKn, at Ui. pl.'as.r. oftti. licrrramrnt, acd pi)acl PVKTY Y&.U4 aftr dala, ItOTn COrV-OK AX1 EFdlisTEKKD BONUS an .seed foi thl Loan, of aama den.aiu.tloa at tlx C-tO a. Thelrtatrit on ' and (iws ayhi. ftartrion al other d.iuBiliiaUoiii, half yfirl. Th. 1U-4H bonits art dled Bfaira l.LSM. TU. hftJl-jrarl) luMreat faUInf 4M Hptil4ir lit and March lit of ah rari until lit Hp Umk.r, tn. ace rd lntrat from Ut of March U rocjulroi tctfrftl.lf parchas.r. taenia or In lf.iai ouihiict, addrnit enjr pr cf nt- for pr.mhim, nntli rvrtli.r noOoa. AILOT1H It OOVUiMKUT tltCUIUTla UOUelUT Al 8014. JAY COOKE & 00., Bh!-lf Ho. lit 8. THII'.U UTRK.CT. I M T A T 13 M 7-30 LOAN. The a. i.-Ur of tV Treasury slew nott -c that sub s ttpllnotwill lio reccivisl i.sr Coupon Trratury Hot., I'tj 1,1.1c tiirteyrtri lYo'n At mut I"., t-t, with oinl a- tiuat Interest At tin rtto oi .even and three-tenth, por csnt. per nnnum, i.rtie tp!..! and interest nr.th tob nald ia lAirful liiouo; . ll rndu .tci will he con.citlblc at the oiitlou of tli. I.oller, At maturity, into -is per cent, uold-bcarlng bonds, I a able not less than fli. nur moro than twenty yran from tiieli date, as the tioi eri.meut way elect. Thoy will to Is.-ucd In dsnoralnutlont or '0, 10, f :, 11900, and t VXX, and all aiibtriiptlons uiu,t be for fifty dollars or puic multiple of fifty dollars, Th notes w ill bc.truiismltled to lhcosiiiersrre.ortr.mi- IKrulUn th.'trgc. as toon after th. recrlpt of Hit original CertiflcAtot of Deposit s tin f can ho prcpirred. Ai tlio n ites dtuw Interest from August 11, persoui making deposits aubrcqaont to that data must pup tU. inti rest ftccrutsl front onto of not to dt lo of itopoilt. l'artlis diposltlns twcul-uve thousand dollars anl upwards for these not, at anyone time will be allowed a commission (if oiK'-quartfr of oae per c.nt., which will bo aid b; tho Trontiir) Pepartmcnt npon tue receipt of a MU for the amount, certified to by the officer with w ho m tl'.o d.'if&iltwas mitiic. No dcdiirllons lor commissions uiustl'Ctniu'.cfrcmthe deposits. t-PECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. It i A NeiioMi S.eviM," ItAVK, oirerhm a liltir rat of interest than any other, and the (VK ieri"j. An .avlngsbsnk wlilcli pays lis depositors In I'nited Bt dc i . ioc.ldersti.at it Is paying In tho best clreuUtlng n. i urn of the oculry, nnd It raiuief pay In iiaytulut .lllr,for Us ow n aett ure atther Iu (invernincut sri tlet cr In note i or bonds payable la dovcmoiont paper, ItlstquAllycoas.akntas a temporary or permanent investment. Th notes esm always be sold fbr wltala a iraetlonof tli.tr face and aecuiuiilatrd Interest, and ar. tne hut Sfcurltp with Lank, as collaterals lor dit- CONVElllIHLK INTO A SIX I'EU CF.NI 5-JO GOLD IiOND. In uJJitk n u the very lll.ornl Inlorcst on th notes for threo y., rs, this pileilfse of conversion Is now worth ab-iut three per cent, per anituin.for tlie current rate for S-Sfl Itonds It not but than mm r'i" rent.premivm,a& btiof e th. w ur Uo preiuJuin on tlx per cent, I'nited State. Blocks was ovr twenty r'-r cent. It will b sn that the ncoialprcm on lliii l'uui, al the present market rate. Is .! !-1! an ten r cut pr aun.-n. ITS EXIOU'TION FltOM STATE OK Ml' NICII'AL TAXATION. H i! atidf imui BUtl .advantriaes w hui eiiumeratn.l, a peiat At ol (Vn,ircs rn .nc c'lftonrfs ami Trttuvry pi-4c.frt ,! o- .ff t,ir,nin. Ila tlm vt rauc, tliUCMioip ti. n I', w jrlli about tiro per c ut. per annum, accordiu; to the rule oi tJAatlon In various parte ol lhe country. It is bcllec. that no securities oner so jrett Induce im nts to 1. ndi rs as llinc Is-uulliy the iiiveiniacu!. In all ,.tl:f fonas ol lud'Medae-s, Lie faith or ability of private pari lea, or stock coiiipsr.,, or ".aiatc coluiuuoi tics, on!; , Is pledged f. r pa.tuienl, w hile II . wliolo pro- I,i rll of Hi eoiintry Is licld lo nsjine Ilia dlsctntr.'t of jll the obligations of tlie United States. While the (.overamenton'ors the mott liberal terms for Its loans, it believes that tii. very strongest appeal will b. lo the loyaky and patriotism of tb. people. Iiupiicai. certlflc. it.s will be issued for aU .V iusiii. The parly depositing must ealorie uiton the oiijinal ccrtifl.at. tho denomination of notes re'iulrssA, aad whether they are to bo issued In blank, or ptyal U) to tidr. When so euJorscd, It matt be lft with tl. oino.r rectlviUK the d.potil, to L forwarasd to the Tressnry lxpnrtincnt. 8rks. rjrni.ss wilt it Blciivi. by lbs Trtisarcr of the Vn:-.J flam, Wtih.iijtoii.lh. Mveral Assistant Tna-.ur:i and de.ik'nktcC Depoiltarlie, and ky lb FIJ18I XATXC5AL BANK OF PHIX AlitLTll! A, PA., SEtOSlj SAUOUAL DANK OrPHILADEtPIllA, PA., TE1RI1 ATICX4X BAKK OF riJILADtLPUIA, PA., ClVltTH NATIONAL BASK Of l-KILAcrLl'DJ A, PA., ByiUSaiKn.il Bmks wklcb arc ikpoiitatl.s of pablic B-tay ; Anl lul2 U ALL r.EslCCIALLX AK3 AiD BAKliXU I I tiirouiihoutlk i country willglvs furlhsr lafurn,sUon I AT OUfSYSM rACIUI, 10 V3Cm8BliTi FINANCIAL. N M w NATIONAL LOAN Interest 7 3-10 in LnwM Moaej, COtil'ONH ATTAOIH'.D, lMPHI.-l FAY ALT F F AC'fl tlK MONTHS, T'.i Mn ipi li pji.'l.-. luwriil monej-. at th ei of hr. .r. II . ti. i.l.r li Ci. rliht toJiBiiind at ttiat Urn. Tlie 5-20 EcuJs at Pr Instead of the Cash. Thti irM:,.. It Tlntii., Uiet 6- nonli are nur most poi uifti Lotu, ni! M bow ..utiif at el,iit per crat premium. Ib-iltlfai r'lefo1 tn th tjtual nunnftr.an th. appeal and proosalit tl. Reeratar f Ui. Traury, tossUi.rHh ur Ctrrnlari.an.l all ooc.t.arr Inf.riaa loa.r hi tfartii!hdoarp.l.Uon at put one JAY COOKE 4 00., Jr?T-Wt No. lit H. TIIIKO Hiit.1, CTtlCltH AIMI KOUHITllSrJ kj BOVOIiT AND SOLD ON COMMIHBION. DE EAYZS & BEOTHEB, ,s k. '10 g. Tiniu 8teet;t. rj A 1 O K OT11H DIM', AtiQlTHT IV. Biiinun ok oitwAif.D roa coLi.Re'TtOrr. DRKXF.L L CO., aair-H Km. H 8. TltlBU Strwt. JJU WKH St It A II M. BAITKEBS A1TD EXOHANOS BE0KEE5, Ro, 01 B. TOinO 8TC1XT. luiri ia 6rEC IE, BANK hOTES, AND OOVERX . MENT BECliRITlEeJ. Huxk. Bofwht and 8oM on Caimkko. OcUeUons prompUy wad.. apO-tf s M1TH Oc IlANDOlil'II No. 13 S. THIRD STREET, UANKUUH AND IIUOKKUS. 8pel,StcU,QaarterBiatlfri' VosKh.r. aadCaexks.ant alt OoTBraotent Heeortttes BvaiiM and BVld. (Bahll c L A K K H O N CO.. UANKE11H, No. 121 S. THIRD STHELT, rutiAiKutaA. OoTfrncncnt BseiirliJ.s of all Itsnsj rareaaMd and fto Bat.. HKKk, Bon Jt, and Uotd buojlil aad Sold oa Ooss sulMlon. nntEEST ALLOiTEO OH PEI-OBITS. Colloctloo. rrompllr MU. ftt-tf I? I It fc T NATIONAL BANK Or PHILADELPHIA. Financial Agent of the United States. UNITED STATES f il-lO TPeEASURY NOTES. NI'JW I'ATllIOTIO LOAN. Cnd.r histrudl J from tU TieMurf Doivartawat, this Dank Is prepared to receive .ubtcrlptlon. to the K.tr Patriotic loan, Issued In tli form of Thieo toar TreasRStr Xtes, bearius Inlemt at tl.e rate of T S-W P.r cent, per annum, payable stBi-.nni.aliy la Lawful Moauyentli. Uahdai. of rebruaryand August, respectively, t cacb year, llieae Treaiur' Kotis are convenllle at maturity, at tl.c option of the holder, Into United. States per cnt, Bondi, Interest iiajablo In liGsW. and redeemable aftor live aad naval le twenty yoart rreai August 10, iwr. Coion Notes win be lusuesl la blank or payable te order at may b directed by the . jbtcrlbtr, In soma of M, S.'.OO, 1100, and 'r0. InUreet will be allowed from the sate er use inuscnption fc. ti,. i.-.ik of tuniit net. tl.e date of th. Trratsxy Note Those who may .lOurrlbe srlcr tli. lithof AosBtt next wUI be reinlred te pay the aocmd lntor.it on in. noiet. Any on. subscrlb ink fr noi le te taaa tio.WO ot th. Ijobi at any on. time, will b allow.d a comiuUslon of oae uiiatteror one per cent., pey.ale by tne Treasury l.pert. ment oa the receipt of a bUl for the amount, approved by th unhaetlntloB B2.nt. ItMerrln. lo the sauced apiLal of tlm Beomtary of lit. Tr..nury, I ak all Uio. dciruin of aldlus the tioveni- ui.nt te eubscrtht te Hilt Loan. C. lit t IjAItlk, PRKSintJNT. an lie i A" WrdGHT & !DDALL No. 11W Mirkr. Rtreot PtTTWI-l! IKOM' AND 8EC0KD Tlti:r.T. , w.ioht. V. U. BIDUAU. DKCOOIBTS, niYSICIANU, AND OFSl-JtAL 8T0BF.KF.BPF.S. Can Bud at our oslablltlnutnt a full a..ortmenl of luiaorted and IioBicitie Drags, Popular Patcut Medlcln.., Pauits, Coal Oil, Window (.Uus, Pro.cripUon VutU, Ac, at as low prices B. renuliie nrit-claa. goods ran b. eotd. FINE KHMKNTIAL OII-S For Oonfeetlontrt. In fall variety, and of tb. beat qnallty, Cochin..!, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot Arti, Cudbear, Soda Atb, Alms, Oil of Vitriol, A nnaew, Copperas, Kxtrac.t of Unrwood, Ac.POK CVltKo- nae, always ea band. kiwaatntt cask prices. PL leal BSMJIta TOR FAMILY V8E, Orennd eiprettly tor our sal.., and to which w tn Til. the attention of these In want of reUable arucles. AIM, 1SLJV0, STARCH, MVSTAKD, tc., 0 Silra ouolifv. Orders by matt, or city pott, will suit wlta prompt at. tension, or tp.cuvl uoolalJoal will be lurnltheil wuea r ect.ud. WKIQHT ft RIDDALL, Wholesale Urug WambouM. iall-ly Mo. 119 MAItKlT Street, above Front, iAXNTXNClU rAlNTINUII Ko. 47 S. THIRD BTEEET, ABOVI CHEASTJT, rUUdelphlA. fahy a BuoraEnj HCPBE. SIOM. AMD OBMAMUMTAIi PA1XTEB9. Or.raiiig.Ouulrig.QUdlligOB OlAAA, SUJj.mlaknf .' Tturalahlig, Ac. apllkf rDlITIlID A. SOUDEB k 00., J --w-wB.eTT A TtT rr a COMMISSION aiixkuxi" -ft", AND EHIP AND ETBAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK HTREET WHARF, fnii.Apr.iwniA. .pwrirB t. somra, u.iiiAi.oeiT. mtuui I. fVUfS . s-w And PROPOSALS. O 1 tick or AJsSISTANl QUAKriiKMAJi- ff lrrrai. .iiiiim ipmi. Aiantst It. IMS. a.alM Prr.o.ls trl'l hft rs.-e,vd al 111. .rWOft .1 l tii.Awa'ftiwsl,' M". '"' (HliMOi Hlrts-I. nnul AtilU li At i. i. 1'th ti., lor idndil.lns to th lir.iiis ., A-rrti miwitl.-, ifim-iiifi'i.' hrptrmlfr I. 116-1, an lr I1MI. reoolfrJ, fr .e dllrtsil at onlr4, wttlilt Pi. . Ilnilrl tl.r Wilita.t instiiet 01 in liiMUt.it, inci.mn Ik. Dillitarf hi-p.laJi and fclhT pu. lc kull.llntl r i. I l e."r f c.ni Hill. i Ji'imn, NI- towi II. .!.itsn. t trb; h.. ad I -it Mif:n. tii. Ilall.aa llssripf. K. J , t wall an .; u,m t. al sMM.wanii.aM .iw ?!.:'. . .... ... ... ...l..l.a hftA. IhellOftlTr IT PT 1 'c o. -t i.-..- ir rr ti.tr s , .nil iV firon tl.' or ntli. r lrO( .rslr. - nsii"- .si . r. wilt Is-rrrrlrrd tliat an- j-rtwp-rlr iWt iiiintl blsn.a fumui.id ai inn otiic. m-m . ...si w tuai srl..-1 r -. vnv er uijso i- i-jui , w.nu . -. ot' - to l.i rti'..-il'l. llift VH'.'i rvairt r''rnrni.n hi. i v. ,"r. "- w. Sftmdit.ipti.a " ft. ) rrom itcriiiiin.coirariir.. y orl i o' ( vlcnel lOf. u. vroni, as- sj. AI.IIJ RfH. AMJrAI, a-ils-K f apta n and A. Q. M. ! AsflMTANT ULABTEBMAS- iMnrral. ... rim imt eiiia. Aiuritt !. leu. fs.t,t rion-c,s' will h "eirMt ui t'i offtse iC Ik. mm di mUT ' , No. lli lilNAklk Htrt, nnlll HATHKIIA' n.ti, ?ia.. It.t., I..r li.mlthlna' to the t'nlld WiAl.s, f.r tit r illot. roaniiPiKir., kosplftnibsr 1, ImJI all nk WOdlif !'. ri-l,t,.l,d. ilirnsrl sir nleroJ, within ftiilnl .' . k" Lie. i.l!.l vi Pl.llftitrlphla. InrllldlBA (b. MlM Isrv HftotnJ. an. .ts.r pin. a. Hulllltsir. or etmrt at - ".ietl.t.t'1 en il lliU,l..Tn.ntt,wn, Ml nb.wn, MadilrB. t. t. Usruv l'.i.w) f crt kumiii. wi.ll 11,1!, and liTtlr, .ier...y, ss f.iu any iiberi U.Meay be eetablbinew r til'li U'ftt Um. I'tiMsoia), iniii.1 iliito fi e prV.pr o.rd for Ok. and Pai Hint t mat). Tr.o- pi-,iftalt ntilT Itl 1 rrlT4 that ar proolf nil.Hl in t!lon tt bla.il.s furntsliM at tblt oiaea, wato. n...t ii a ifti.ntr oci l.y on. or more per.nn kaewn bi Utat . OUiC t-t I rs nsih, 1!.l hum hiit rsrs t tl-e rlcM lr)r kit Met , tl'.nrf,1 I" huh, Bt any irora eet...'.ir-S cwitr.rUft-t . Ii y o.i'ei oi i ...otiei i.. at. Lre-maa. A. U-at. Oteie- Aini.PT ii Asiivs;Ar, tuli'-M n-UIb and A. V. af. ITuVOSAUS FOI'. HATS, CAl'S, SHOES, lfy (lixsl.. H.wina Maurlatt.Ac, life tif a.'. l 'is lie t r w i st ne sVsswiwoTrMT, O.tli'B oi' Cin.r (fHAiiTwaMt-.a, w ASHlf-r. ion, AuiriiBt S. ISM. TTWlleti pr vosal. will tn reei-lvcd at lUit osm. wtuSl firrhsr noil , fur f'inl.li.ni (h. IoJowib. artlot. t of roniraoAud m.n, wcinm, and ohlldmi la Una It.- r.HiwiBt: ..... Hn.vftio. (miK". Ar t, and oikr .eTleable Beet, bm a:,ri. ior Bitn, w ..ii.ta. al d cbl'dien'. w rar. ( nip, rlt, and wtslea Hat... aud ci.lti i tps. Krty, l,lii,-T.I."i.'tisi'e,, li.uoc.t, lluuikebl.afli StliBT w.iol and collon poo.ls. I tckorr Hlnp-. (fi r .Blrlni, n lirunc, BBifKBcaeei Dtusiiii, wrsf,u-a 8oit anrt li'iriaii.. hooel (.'otlofl. Iiiaek nnd wnne; l.inen inrean. Ii,i Hminder liuUnn. Lsrirf Knllont for Oats. Wh.t l-oiceiuiii llnili.t, tarn. Iteedlc, aad ftttM aewlnf Bi.t.rlA.t and trjial.iliurt. fiaetp.ee tnomn n fni w in. recn via, av in. raj t t oft Ui pud y n-rw-ftrtlln. tlie ft.m.. ABO.tll 01 Bllfauc .noilio ars-ompririy ram vfm. No T. rtffti nn.noiliitu will be .ninnain.d. bat evervMdL or inodinc.tion ot tl,. onm, Btn.t b. In wrtltiur. riirivliurt will br panic Iroia tIM to uai .. IB. (eees ar niitsl, under contract er oth.rwlte, ae lee iMereeBs ol tb. Mirrse may require. Ijlooe tecnrtly win t r iitinHi ior id. laumui uiaiBtews of .ay coBtxact mad. tinner tld, BitvertlRemeiit. Protvitalt tla old b. taalrsl alid addrstd (o tk. andr UunI, and .allotted, I'roeot.ui lor Karnlthln. I its ld.,"Ac. ("HAS. 8. UKKKkin, l.r-iinitic. (ViIchh 1 anl. Chief Qiuurtermatter, liepartv. WatnlBirtoii. aue-iut 1 iROFOPALS FOB MALLEABLE IRON OA.--VBlrTrlmiiilos.. Op.MAkcr Orrien, Wa TiiTTrirr, Washinotoh. July 14. USt. WKAtl I' ntnroR.M S nil! te rioeeifed at this oflKse until H ATI till Y, Aiimi.t i, l"4, nt 4 o'clock, P. St., far tlio delltets m tne lollowiui: potrt. of th aadrmiUoMe qiiantitle. o! niallealil. -Irob Llunnliun tor caralry eqU- Dlfll'.'l At the K"ir York Afrency, Iiew Tork, aokjt.etj. At 11. r innmid Aittlnl,lojtiOftU. Al (Ji Alle:lien Aii-enol, '-'0 noo .rHs. At (he Hi. Ia-.pI. Ariinal.li'.Wi i fjklitt't i. to csiusiftt oi tho number, of eaca kin af b.ici le, .oi.arc. iii-k. h. II, .Hid. and Iooj ns presort k, Cs.ift thai l : ol the 1 1 line's in each set are to be eetA ofib.nw palfern. will l.f., Bcordin tn tb. Btodx le I. tee .i ih itls.ve ai.omils. 'I'lio rattinirs are e- be Biaiieoribebtiqnaili) ol itia'leaiile in-n, Ui. toateus. er t'K-.uck!..t o! Hut !! .ti ,k wir. Tli dime:iitnt 0 tt eli taisl rastAiir, ti d Ih. Unlsh, and dlnvntnut. .( tt t-'.ick'. liiipui Hint iMitet's mutt eontbne auicUylo twei .iiwi.Isis! uftii. es, whlre 11! be applied holer. Japannka-. All. t lUm ti'i.roiuio i elraned anil frd from all tprv and InrKUli.r .Irs, i'icj kr. to be japanned la Use test a.'.nir. Tb (mod a-e to b-' pot up In papftr. , In th. ataal maei acr, aa.i pa.'bf .1, niu h.indreil oouip.eie eeu fen a bok ot s iiu.air. uwc tuaivi-ia. un nopiotorivoa iiy ia. intpeee- liii.in-sr. Th. wi Is tn lo; eut leet tn mtpectloa at lb. nuna. factory In ml n. ct nf lit proer..., end bo roods are to be nulveo or paid (or wt.icu base not ptid ea.ee lloii. I'.ilTirlet ar to t mtd at f. tlow. I Vlduera wlU .tatc the weekly rate at wbloh tkev oaa deliver. lilddrn will ttato th arsenal er arsenal, wttorethey protMif. to dtlvf i , au.1 th niuuber of mis tb.y preeoe be deliver at each place, II lur more than on., failures k make riollvcilei at a sixviiled Urae will aubjeet in mm tractor to a Icnilliiiv of Itic unmoer be may tali te deHvec atuuittiin. NobtJ. wIlll reeelvisl from parties other tkas rareler' , mBiiuiBcturor. ot Ike artlctu. nropoatsi for, aad who are known to tali lf.pariinr.iit tob. carMM. of weealkaf as their own .hoiit the work pmpoeed for. Porm. ol bids i an be obtained at ths shore BBntet arsenals. ... ;vm.rtifi iirf fnntfr et'f on t'liiform vill fits In .fl- otAntyruK. Tb!deerwmhMiiinsl to aespasi hn ew-saet-tlon with ft ifiiiltunt., .l.rnftd by two respon.lhl. penowe, tl.ul In e. bit bid Ii. accepted, he wlU at ene eaeeete the oontraot tor tb .an... with Rood and .atltotoas .eee llct In a turn C'lUHl to the amount of the oontraM,te e- II. th. Aifl-l... nmiMWtd In IMMlfomitv with lb. I ol tins BOvcrtl'imiit ; and In cat. the .aid bidder tkenid Isil to enter into tl.e contract, luey to make auou tae im f. i tirs-e between the oilur of nuld bidder and lb. rt mpoatlbl. buiner.or the pereon to wbota the ouatnsat ni.y be awarded. 111. re.poiisli.ilitr of ths fit.rantori mnit t eeewm bytl.o ctlicl.l eeitlfliat. ol the Ulerk oi the ner rt Ifl.lrlot touil, and the United btates MMrlot At tomoy. ' In ii.l. ui tl.e turn f ilial lo the amount of the eontraot. ftli.nrd by the ooutracti r anil both ol bit fiiArenkurt, srWt be iciuirad oi tlio luconttful bidder or t'lddvn, upon thra ll b-the remind . We. the nmtifi suinisl . resutecits in la tne fount) or , auu niftie or brtsf jointly and .eeerally oonant with the United 8tatt, aadl tiuaraai, in cat irteioroftoui oie oi w--eoioi . il.ftt l.or tbcv w 111 ut ono eheowte the oeuireea for tho time, wl'b t.y"..l and nifllcl.m tiuiH.. In a .eaa oiuai lo toe .mount oi in. ocntraei. lo lurui.n ui. trwifti pnirsveil in ooli.ormuy wnu uicivnua oi no. wr-w.i."- ni.sit.S.leJ Jo'jll, UM, under whloi. tlio M.I wa. sro ad In oate Hi aid shall full to entor lute contract a. af.iretul.l. w- eimrant. to make Hood tb. d rrvno betwen Ui otter ol Hie .aid end tti ki.iftt KwiMtt i.. ,.1 -.0. i. tWef , oi tu per... te ww. vwe Coblfod uuy be en kiueu. (liven under our hand, i Wllnets: I t'.nt day ot -i b To(klsAii.raiiliBt t ke aprfadeil th otnetar .h., B.ettllonAil. k.Aii n.nv oiii.iiiliijr . contract will be eblured te. t Into bon.u with approve tutelar, fortuo laltiuiil etteea tion ol tli aanio. , . . , . . Upon tl.e award blri mad, anoo.ft.All Btdders wtst be n lulid. aud liuiuW.isi wnli loin., ot oettiraut ettd 'llio Iieuartmeut rrM the rlflit te M;ot aaf or all Ui. bid. 11 d.vmcd aaab.actf7 est aar Piopoiel. will le .ddreteHl te "nriiradler Oeaverat r.eorje U. init.iy,('l.ll el Inslnan, W ashrfiirten. I. !.." .nil will be iiidmcd "rivpeteU lor lt seeks, inn Uavairy Trtiauiian..' OKOMli: t, XAWHAT, HrlL-.u.n.,(JloW M Otdaeaes. JtlU-tnthiiftlrXl iiBwia J liwx i'j v XTTV COTTAOK OBUANB, MotoniT tT'n:v',ni f'i ettJVP.tii'llFiinB of Ton. ind l-ower, d, .lkBd .p.(ll fer burck-s, et.d cb.si., but Itatod to be eiiu.lly woll twtaeied to UtePertes stt it twtit sivw, - - - - as w a.rnn We. 1 H. fsetVK VI 11 trees. Alan, a eotnpleie asudjeent U Ike petieot Mulodeea erufttatitlr on bund. BBu-aB 1W.t(ll STEAM ENOElK AMI 1IUU.KK Work.. Mi.Al II LKVk.l'raoticeJ and TBeoeatloe Kl.clerstrt, tlBsr.tii!H.. Hol'd iaaker., utaratmnua ewei 1 ..under., I.aiil.c lor aiany rs le nln eniwiiu!ofem tlcn end been csci:llfi, eosnsjid Iu liiiitdtnil end repatr- lli. Aiftilll. end Klvrr l.ni'ns, iia uuuiuw fi --,., Il. Uer., V l"r "Ian'... Pr.pJlec, Ac Ac. retp.ioltjft odr tin if aenlcps It. il.e p.iWic ae helnf folly prvpartsd Wi coutreel mr roiainet oi -ui ti., iwft.iif, m.ni,.n. tlonarv; baling .et ol patferaeof du'eronl al.ea, bit e p tie. t lout ui on'. ... win, t...k d-.lftU-h. Ki-ery H .crtptloBol pautrn-liutklng mail, a I ll.. .honeel noUee. Mibli eudlow .re.snro Hoe.Tubi.lr,aslt'yUudr Ikoleyn 01 tho beet t'iT.rayluB.B eaeivoel iron, t ocvdig., o. alt .ih and Blurt. ; Iron niul bs-as. e ar-, ngt of ell doap Uoi.. ; ll. U-tiiiiklnr. I. rc-cutuag,Bad eiloUsef weteuat- - Di eted w lib llie a:iT. i n.Dts. Itawtii. and !... loot tor .n work oVme at ta ettnbu.h.i.eiit f'-i ol oliarr. .oil wij turant.s. Tho aubtcrlbor. nave ainpio mii m.'. .-s -pair of boatt. whr ikevmn ll. In pifl aei.t,v, and are- Dn.vkleu w.ib fti.at, nionat, wu., i " Wvy and ii.htw.ieki,. m,i. juiin c. lp.vy, BFACH and PA1.M H Streets. at -n HITE8BUBG MAOHIUE WCBKS. I O nncTro OFFICE, No. US N. fiiont ea-stisxrr FHTLAHELP1HA. W. are eiepartd lo til otitis ts any aunat (kr snr weV kiMiwa MACHINE!! FOK COTTOM AK WOOLBM MilXa. Including ail recent, luiprov.meais as Caisinf, ptaalafc "wii"vr?th. artentkoa of BaaaaMtarers to oarteav iK.worU. n-mva A HON. iBU-tl ALif IvC.tr s.- iv v I M o r w. VNTTED STATIS NATIONAL n WAGOB AND OOAOH W01IB, Ottloev. No. 691 NEW M.A1UCKT 8imwh Aad rectory, corner ot ttOND Ais'D CVktBEKLAliT) STgr.ETS, nULADkMJftUA- ' All and ererr kind ef WAUIiKn, ClKie. MATS, WHSEI.il IHOWt, aad Hkllik.M WllKr.LH, adaplrd le Army, kktsftd, euller, er riautattoa pnrpoa... au won warreniea. KarOidcik vrvitvptly atteuded u. J EK0VAL. -TH0MA8 M. PLOWMAM, V Cannler and Builder, ba. rewoT.d hi. .hop ttsoiB if, View berry .Irn W No. 'Jsa CAM I lt "-; f .nil eii. old Pott Oltloe Belldiag. tUv.ng iLliiil. nu- oerrmig e tbe buee.. u.ttjy, S. k ky IseeiTS abets Cs fBl'Slt (atlieJeeS.