The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 18, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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PI 1 1 LA DEI JI 1 1 A , THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 18G4.
lflttr from Jcncrnl Knvrn Arvrrf
I.aci or the Rebel a riiiy Why A (Inn tit
fa) not linpeirtnc of Micr
himi' nniitltn.
Tho following interesting letter from
Harm, brave and intelligent otbeer, appears in
the Cteiclnnd (Ohio) .W,-r. It m written to
a friend, who furnished portions of it for publi
Catien :
"JinA.n Atianta, Oil., Atmt 2, 1;$. The
caropiiiuu l running to it fourth month, with
a- ariely a day but a luriM portion of tho roui
oand is under tiro. My lm-es in klllc! uud
wounded are already over a thousand, hut this is
tw fair proportion of tho losci of oar army, as
the fates have, as usual, put 1110 in warm plaeos.
"Will tho j-eoplo keep up their pluck ami fi-ht
the tbitip' out f It all dci-ends upon their ste-id
favstnrss of putpose. If Richmond doca. not fall
sooner, the army of tho Wet will finally make
Its way lo the un-k X or. It none of the ea-.crn
Rebel artny comes here, wo will wear this one
out before the clone ol the season, an.l it is hut a
Hatter of tune when tho entire force of tlm
enemy must wnMo nwov. Will the people hold
out ?
nnT irsts ok Titr. nnnriTs.
"John-ton's vet' ran army, tiy hH olli lal re i n t ,
June 2.'), contained ibb.'S amis-hcarim. im-a
ineludin? of Wliec'cr's I'uvalry. Thev have
lost since that tune MY) prisoners, an 1 in their
threo assaults upon our works, since arriving in
front of this place, at leo.t 2'),00i) men. They
have received from lis-issippi 360.), ami are
rcceivtn.; from Governor Hrown's proclamation
abont 8000 mili'i-i. This gives them to-day an
army of Hjut 2j,"o0 veterans and hooO militia
33,ih in all.
"These liures are substantially correct. The
hope of being reinforced by Kirby .Smith Nat
last Riven up. After exhanstliift the militia of
Alabama and F.iistern Mississippi, which may
amount to ten thou-and more, il they have the
power to furea them out, I cannot for my life
see how the enemy can wake up the wantage of
their army.
"1 know the Rebel army when it wis joined by
Tolk, .mot liefore the li-tht at Rosa.a. wis
f seventy-one thousand strong. This Included
J l'olk, a:id, Inside the additions before mentioned,
n Has received a tirlnude i mutini; s) ol at lea-t
three thousand from Mobile. This gives the
enormous loss to thorn, since the ramp ilyn, of
fifty-two thousand men. What possible eh an re is
there tor those thirty-throo thousand now huforo
s r These figures limy seeia exaggerations, but
they aro not they are realities; and when it is
rtiincint-ercd that we have taken twelve thousand
prisoner!-, havo had no less than twelve engage
ments, win-re from one to three corps have tieen
m battle, with tho ordinary desertions and losses
from disease, the lifty-two thousand is readily
made tip. What will hinder tho daily uttrition of
the next three months from completing tho oxer
throw of the loe beiorc us )
4 You will say, perhaps, .why not assault so con
temptible a foe and put him out of his misery at
once ? The art of war here is no lonior a chance
matter, lloth armies convey a full supply of
intrenching tools, and no forces on either side
ever rest till they have before them a complete
line of works siroiig inoiiKb. to resist tho heaviest
field ordnance, with obstructions in tho front in
the way of abjtls, paliaados, and Intrenchments,
that puts the matter of an assault quite out of the
question. I think tho battle of C'hleluiiuiiosM on
tke left taught both armies the value of thenc
works. No n-siult by either side in this cam
paign dob Dconmrcvs-ful. It would surprise you
to see how quickly and willingly these men eon
stroet their works. None appreciate, their vulito
more truly.
"We are losing somo good olllecrs and, of
c onrse, seme men; but I wish all could under
stand how vitally this campaign is striking tho
Kebellion. Did you read Governor Jiroivn's pro
clamation calling out the militia and detailed
men i There was no blossoming palmetto atw.u
that; but a plain and open groan, showing clearly
how deep the travel of oar army is moving dovru
npon the tender places of the Confederacy.
"Yon know, or eourso, tint Johnston has been
relieved by flood, n man of just half his ability.
Gossip has it that his (iovornmt a', was dissatisfied
with bis continued retreating, and sought a man
who believed their army Could check us. llurdec
in Mid to have been of '.lohnston's opinion ; that
Ibo endeavor to hold A'lanta would be tho de
struction of the army. Hood was then proffered
the command pud accepted the task.
"He has commenced well : hat already assaulted,
us three times, we being behind our works, and
losing iu all nino thousand live hundred, while
they uro known to have lost twen'y thou-and.
"1 have never believed that the abovo was tho
t.tie reason fjr tho change, hut that Johnston was
taken east to assist in planting a column in Penn
sylvania. Ho knows that country thoroughly.
H is the theatre of bis first op, rations in 18'il.
HesiJfB, next to ISragg, be Is tho first gonotal in
the anny iu point of military ah.lity.
"The greatest victory for them greater than
fifty Manassasos, and tho only one that can give
Cam a particle of hirpc will be to defeat tho
war party at the incoming campaign. If they
can by any possibility keep their army in the
field, no matter whether victorious or not, and a
little before election plaro a strong uruir upon
the soil of a fico .State, with a fair show of diplo
macy npon their part, carelessly met by us, then
let the to'estion go flat before tho peoplo 'peace'
or win' and v.ho can tell what will be the re
sult of r last three years of blood and victory ?
I fear hing la Ohio. Our first great biltlo
must it the ballot-box, and the war power
must .. itistained at all hazards. "
Tim u rn.
From nrniy letters, dated 10th and Uth, we
itioic as follows : The railroad south Is within a
short distance of the lino gained by General
Hascall on tho f'th. The whistle and movomont
of the trains can bo distinctly heard. The road
is now nearly within our roach, and when desira
ble can be controlled. What tho movement of
the army has resulted in, other than the near
gra-p we now have on this road, is uuimiortant.
Movements arc, however, in progress which, in
tbelr own good time, will bring forth the desired
results. Tho damage the railroad by Gene
ral McCook has been repaired, and trains now
run regularly. Deserters, however, report a
scarcity of food, which cannot be immediately
During the operations on the extreme right,
uainly confined to General Hascall, his command
has done hard work, laboring night and day. Tho
recent impetuous assuulta on our Hanks have led
our commanders to the exercise of extreme
caution, and whenever a point of importance is
gained it is at once fortitied. In this manner this
division has built, during the last live days, nine
tine of uurk: Tfieso lines are each nearly half
a mile iu length ; and, when this is known, the
amount of labor done during these hot, sultry
August days may bo imr.gmtd. This, it must bo
remembered, is iu addition to the usual dutios,
picket, guurding, and the thousand and one other
ilntie s tor which u soldier is accountable.
Tho country wo mo operating iu is south of
Atlanta, and near Y.wl I'oint, and is more open
and fertile than any we have fou;:ht for sinco the
croffcing of the Ktowah. J'.elore us now, ns far
as the eye can reach, arc fertile valleys, with oc
casional grouns of fruit trees, and lor some
distance to t lie south und east the Itebol works
can be seen. The forticutiuus of Kast I'oint can
be seen. The ground is favorable tor the peculiar
kind of warfaru that bus Lh en prosecuted iu
Georgia, roi "inc di-iancc about here, huge,
ill-shnped btaildi rs protiudo from the earth, a
though mine violent h:id forced tuem
tri'iu their bed inu. the upper uurld.
The weutber here is ail that could be expected
diirirg this month. While the journal and
Inters finm '-(jou Country" complain of the
j;rcat drought, we arc having copious showers of
ruin, and terra Ilima is not parched and dented
co Hiid its hen! its uu additional trial for our sol
ciicn. liiii,g ihc la-t thiet .ta it das rained
almost contl.iiinUy. ami loads ate uot in any of
the best oi lei .
Tlie MIiihMon l..v Another t'orrcHiinnileat
A letter of the loth sujs:-It is somewhat
abmid to cail the loiubut taking place lu re the
H-gc of Atiautu." Out foriiiitat.ons cKttud in
long lines from en t to wist, not investing the
city nt ull.and evtrywhtn ciidionted by long
lines of Itcbei VioiUi. To bituk or turn the latter
i robably to insure us the entire possesion of
Ailunta, with the capture or dtsinu tiou o! a large
iart oi the itcbel auny. but iui result eau only
be uccciiip!uh..u l,y a dNpht? of grtatur energy
than we hjve thowu for the l.i't lew duyi. iu the
luetiiitliiio let the rnciple ol tho North tao
o.uruge. Attuitlii LLir.g tu. wiy heart of tht
' Confederacy,'' avti : f surli pmurv import ineo
tluit, according lo the Item Is t'u ni-elres. Its full
williuln tl.cui, a Ue-iciute riMi-laueo w.n to be
YfMeiui.y but lit tie of consequence was dune
upon any portion of the line, except occasional
o.i,i:oni((Jiiig ami imes-uut skliuiishiug. All
i.lonj the front oi the 1 im Corps, our own lines
aro ir. the cbscst proximity to thoseof the ttobct",
There Is nc place on the front of (ten. nil A. T.
l'aird's Division where the opposing fortifications
are tot more than si venty-five yards apart.
heneier a heal apiwars aliovc either praiet it
l the signal for a doen balls to be di-ch.irgcd
from the other.
lhe Itcbels seem to havo a liotly of thi ir
nilitia on the cxtri'mo right; 1'olk's old Corps
t "Stewart's) next; Hoods (now Clicti'.h'im si
next; and Hardee's on the extreme loft. Mi. ilia
are mixed in with all these bodies. It Cl iv.
ton's i former'y Stewart's) Division of Hardy's
Corps that was principallj.engaged on Sunday
with the llth Corps. The two hundred and fifty
prisoners we took ull belong to that division.
IIhm Hi Itt'tirl Artiiv hfMi Hf tnforeeilT
It will not do to rely too contidontly upon the
tfatemeiits which are frequently inadu eon i rn
ing Hehcl losses In the recent battles. The Mjru-phis-Atlantsi
jIjim-hI having a ease to tuako out
against Hood, puts it at 22,'siO since J hnsio:i
was superseded. This, probably, is the outside
limit, lbit ns these '.'J.OoD wire all from th
veteran Kebcl triips, and as we all know
from l'.clicl citi- documents, found alt r
wo crossed the Chattahoochee, that their
veteran fore w.n only forty-six thou
sand strong previous to the battle of
l'cacli Tree Creek, it follows that unless recently
reinforced, the vet. i in Kebcl fore s opp s 1 to
n amount to only twcnty.four thousand m n.
That such a lon e, even ndiui ting that it were
backed up by forty thousand militia m -n, co il 1
for a single week wittntand tho utuieks of our
magnilicent army, is preposterous. Yet they
have withstood us ; and extend our lines a- we
may, we find them every hero confronting us.
The conclusion is almost Irresistible tna the
llebel army has been reinforced, and that the
conditions upon which was piedi 'ti-il tiie speed
fall of Atlanta, utter the battle of tho 1J nit., are
essentially i hanged.
PriM'Inmntioii or ol.inel td.-ini .ItiltnNOU.
F. ! . i.i'- i: , .l;n at.
The following documents have been Nsur 1 by
ihc llebel Colo.iel Jolins-in, sn-c estnbii-hiug bis
headquaitirs in Southern Kentucky;
II I lllil! AH I I US DlI'MllMKVr OK S.orilCIIN
Kr.s n ( kv, August 1, Im;). General Order X..
1. I. In obedience to .ci eral Orders from 'he Department of 'he Confederate sta'es, il c, l
.Innc 1, ISiil, from Itichmond, Va , requiring u'l
battalions, companies, and detaehuienU to ruirt
to tho nearest tomm inding otlicer, the Colonel
ei inuiandiiig this Dcpiitment hci-otiy orders all
soldiers etnbiaced in the above orders to report to
him without delay.
II. Futtaliun, company, and detachment com
manders will send tu full and complete reirts,
eontaii.ii'g the branch of service to which tbey
belong; tho regiment, brigade, mid division; oy
what authority they were recruited, and for what
coniixands; tho number of men mounted anil
dismounted, armed and unarmed; the descrip
tion of arms, and the qii,in i'y end quality of
ammunition, at the very earliest" practieab'o mo
ment, in order to a thorough organization and
III. Confederate soldier that have taken tho
amnesty oath ottered by the l'eder il authorities
iniist report without delay, the Confederate States
Government having decided said oith not bin I
intr; and all such panics failing to report at ote e
will he published as deserters, and wiicti appr:
h mil d will be dealt with ae, or linglv.
This department embraces nil the eoun'ry
lying within tho following boundary : Com
mencing at the mouth of s 1 1 river, and running
south via l''.li7.abi'thtowii,Munfoid'ille, Uasgo v,
and Toii'pkiusviile, Kentucky, to Carthage, l en
nesee; tiienco down the Cumberland r ver to
Nashville; thence, following the line of the North
western Kailroud to the Tennessee river; thcueo
wet with the southern line of the St no of hen
tmkvto tho Missis-ippi river; thenco following
the Mississippi to Ihc mouth ol the Ohio, and fol
lowing said liver to the place of beginning, and
will be known as the Department of Southern
Kentucky. iy command of
Colonel A. It. Jotixsoy,
Com 'd( Departmental Southern Kentucky.
S. I'. Ci NMxi.HAM, Captain an I A. A. G.
IIeadoi Aiur.its Dkcaii i mcnt Soi tiif.iiv
K f.n tuck Y, August 8, ifjiil. GciieiiilOiderNo.2.
In ptirsuanco of general orders from tho War
Department, Hielimond, Virginia, I hereby order
ull civilians in this department, between tho ages
of seventeen (17) and forty live (li), who are
not exempt from military duty, to report to their
county towns or tho nearest" c.fnp thereto, lor
duty us soldiers in tho Coined era'c States army.
This clepaitniont cmhnu'cs all that se lion of
ti c Confedeiacy contained within the following,
boundaiy, to wit:
Commencing at the mouth of Suit river, nnd
extending through 1'liabeMit ,vn, Glasgow,
and Tompkinsville, Kentucky, to Ci.ihigo,
Tennessee; thence following tho Ouiu'iorlmd
river to Nashville; thence with the line of tlio
Northwestern Itailroad to the Tennessee river;
thence west to Hickman, Kentucky; tlicneo to
the Mississippi river to tho mouth of tho Ohio ;
thence to the plum of beginning.
All persons failing to report ui nbovc ordered
will lie conscripted immediately after the .3th
instant. 11 y command of
Colonel A. It. Jonvsoy,
Commanding Department Suuthern Kentucky.
S. 1'. Ctx.NiNoiiAM, Captain and A. A. U.
Citiens of Kentucky The alternative is now
presented to you of entering either tho Federal or
Confederate army.
All pir-ons between !he ages oi' seventeen an I
forty-five, who are not lawfully exempt, will bo
required to go into service at oii 'e. You must
now see thai niter tho sncrltk-oof all th it treemou
should hold dear lo avoid the evil and savoour
property that tho one. has not been rendered
seeuie, and you have not saved yourselves from
tho other, even by tho sacrifice of principle and
Your country has been overrun by lawless
bands whose deprctlutions aro ouly equaled by
the outrage ot lurgo bands of the Federal nrinv,
who neither feel nor have any respect for the suf-nii-sionists,
und you are pltindere 1, robbed, uud
murdered with impunity. How 1 mg do you in
tend this lo continue ? To what depth of ilegra
daiion und shunie ure you to be reduced before
you w ill cut looso the nond of si ivery and assort
your riebis us fn emcn. Men of Kentucky, are
you willing to see your families reduced to the
level of your slaves ? Mothers, en you realize
an aililialion of your dan gh'er w ith the African ?
Young men, can you exp. ct to have any claim to
lucnhoi d -
Can you hope, to share the smi'es or claim the
love 1 1 the bright-eyed daughters of this famed
landed' beauty, while those gentle i!ings ure
subjected to the iusuus of Yankee hirelings and
negio troops if uot, thuu spiedllv seize the
only way to bring you true liberty and honor.
Too long have ou listened t i the -yiou song of
the Irailois of the country. Already too
much has been sacrificed ti no advantage.
Yt.ur only ho e of peace is in ihc success ot I lie
Soi thi rn aunie.s. Nomlonn your liberties but
yenr l.vcs rue involud in this i-siie.
The modi rule I'nion man, the Democrat at tho
Noitb, ns well ns the Nouthcin soldier, will ull
owe their lives ui.d liberties to tics result.
I appeal lo you again, us I did two years ago,
to rally and strike a blow tor the freedom of
your country. Colonel A. K. Johns is,
Com. Coiiltdorato l'orcis in hnuthcru Kentucky.
The Iron-Mail M.uia.i link."
The V'ov has nn article iu ndal'on to tha
Mruiaiiiml;, In to-day's issue, in which it is stated
that the will draw tweatv-ouu fort, and as tke
river will not nllow that tleptli before spring, it
will be some timo before the will be capable of
rendering any actual service to the Government.
We feor some one has been imposing on the cre
dulity of cur neighbor in this matter. The largest
of the monitor irou-elads have a draught of less
than fourteen feet, und if we ure uot greatly mis
taken the .1 iiioi.iH will draw less than tliirteun
feit. Ihe Ironsides, which is far larger thin auy
of the monitors, draws less than twenty Idet.aud
loi king at the Manaiuni as she lies on the stocks,
we fchruld say that when she gets that depth
down in tho water there ill be at least lour
of Hater on her decks ! If our neighbor had said
that it would tak twenty-oue feet of water iu
the river to launch her, lie Would not hive been
tar from comet, a-, we believe she cannot bo
launched on a much lower st.igo. l'ttburg
Chrvttit V.
Fiateruul affection findsja rare Illtutiatiou In
two brothers now residing In Kcnurbunk, Maine.
A few years ago both started for California, but
oue was taken sick on the Isthmus and returned.
His brother went on, and in a short time accumu
lated jiXKi, v. hen he al-o returned and gave half
of it to his brother. They, with their wives, lire
together, the latter "takiiis turns." iu presiding at
the tabic.
A tele -rum wis received by the proper de
partment on Saturduy, from the headquarters of
General Wallace, ut IfaJtiiuore, directing the
arrcit of Captain Geo. F.. I'uul, of the kcuooucr
Muliuhi .V'cc, now lying at Williams v Jolley'a
wharf. The urrcst was iuue alajut noon, aud
the vessel was seized in the natno of tho Govern
ment, and a guaid placed over it. The cause of
the nwest has not yet been dgvglo'Cd.
: : 1
Forum ss MoMiot, August 17. The steamer
Thonut I. iloryaii arrived hero this moriit ij'
Irom lhep llottom, w tli .' id wotiu led soldiers of
the loth Corps.
Onr forces on the nonh si lc of the .ta ucs rlv-r
have had very continuous and severe skinilsMng
every day this week.
Wc have eap'nreil more pri' nevs than hcvn
lai n heietofore report! d, but nj letiul'.;
statement of the number.
No i:cn ral otlicers have as yet been rc,ir:d
either killed or wounded.
TWO CENERALS KILLED, i:ic, t:ic, :ir., ti-., .., i:i.
Nccllll l I'lic Y. ctitut; Tclrrui,)!.
Wasuinoion, August !s
Tho mad steamer Itwlntor, from C ity I'oint,
brought np this morning scveuty-tice I'elioi
prisoners, including several oMirers, cat.'.:r"d
in the tight near Deep llottom.
The tight of Sunday was of go- iter m umIupIc
than was nt lirst supp isod, the combine I losses of
the '.'d nnd loth Corps being from eight httrdrc I
to one thousand.
The losses to tho enemy, besides position and
artillery, will amount in killed, wounded, an 1
missing to about three thousand.
Kebcl prisoners s.iy that two of their Urlgadler
Cienerals were killed in the lighting on that diy.
The position gained by ns was still held m
Tuesday night, anil on that day there was sme
sbellinit by ns, to feel the Hcbel position.
'I here were indications that (.rant woi.l I give
the enemy anothar surprise on yesterday.
lirr.i Ls iu:n i.stn bv oir trout.
Gallantry of Colored Troop3.
Tin- ItuilriMul ICopitii'otl., August 17. Tho Chattanooga
i.d , Hi , ot the ltJth cmi'ains tho follow ing ;
1 ; Hcbcls, in the attack on Dalton, numbered
11 -e thousand infantry and cavalry, and six
br ass howiuers, connuandeJ by M ijor-Ocnerai
1 he i-arri-on nt Imlton nuinlierc l four hun
dn 1 of the Jd Missouri, under Colonel fi-'bjlj.
On Sunday morning the Rebels approached tho
town in line of battle, ('cncral Wheelor scut a
formal demand for its surrender, to prevent tho
unnecessary effusion of blood.
'1 have tho power to demand the immodla'e
and unconditional surrender of the forces under
your command ut this garrison.
"iSigncd) Jas., Major-General
"Commanding Confederate forces."
Culoiicl Slebold rwpon, Ij I la thj .'olio .. j:.,
laconic terms:
'T have been placed here to defend the post.not
to surrender.
"(Signed) It. Si i hoi d, Co nms-ndl ug."
Tha Hebcls ontnuniticied Colonel Sielioid tea
to one. His command fought protection. In h's
earthworks, and a largo brick buiidiug.
The Invaders swarmed into town, and were
palluutly kept at bay by tliolgurrieou, who, from
behind their works, mowed down the Rebels.
On morning General SLeadiuaa arrived
with reinforcement. A sk'radsh at ouceeiisued,
when tho gaiTitou sallied out from their earth
works. At this stase the l lth United Suites Colored
Infantry, Colonel Morgan commanding, were
ordered to chaigc, which was done with an Im
petus that was irresiatlbio, uud i .o. Ileitis t'. jd
iu confusion.
Tho Rebels slightly damaged the travh and
rails this shio of Pulton, but they have now been
re uincl.
An Account of Somo of Hor
Hami ax, August 18. The pirate Talt'ln-K
arrived nt this port this morning.
I'inTL.M, Me., August 18. Tho schooner .S.
I). Harris arrived to-duy, and Kports that sho
was captured on Monday lust , August lo, twenty
iniks west ('f Seal Island, by the pirate 'Julia
hasxe, and was bonded for 88000.
Hie ffairis brought in the crews of the follow
ing named schooners, captured and scuttled by
the Tallaliuisi e on Monday :
Schr. IloirorJ, Capt.lturr, of New York.
Sihr. fV.rnf U'rtath, dipt. Wake, of Westport.
Schr. i.riu ( 'aroliuc, t'apt. l'o T, of l'oi llaud.
tsclif. iiVr vi, Capt. , of booth bay.
The crews of these vessels were allowed to
take all their clothing and elicits, and were
kindly treated. The schooner Howard had been
previously captured by the l'hrida and bonded.
All the trews of the captured vessels represent
the TolMitttser M being heavily armed. Sho
was short of coal, and inquired for the nearest
port to obtaiu a.upply. lleroltloers also iu luirtd
all ubcut the fishermen In Chaleur bay.
StiuollUK of llcM-rler.
New Youk, August IS. Advices from North
C.iroiiiut to the 14th state that a desertur was shot
on the l'Stli inst., nnd six more were to be shot
on tl.e 1 ttli. A soldier was a'so to ba shot for
advising another to desert.
Hereafter persons v. ho through private letters
ii uy urge dcscitlon, aro to be tried by court,
murtiul, jiid if found guilty, will be summarily
Arrlial ul Ihe "Ai."
llosrox, August 18. The Asia, from Halifax,
lu slcjualkil, un4 will arrive up about 1 o'clock.
riton ctiRO.
Ci iio, Angus: 17. A mo-ting cf cltiO'-.s of
I'ait'j is called for this evening tj p-ori le
lUfi.-iin s for the defense of Ihe el:y.
A n erp edition has gone lu parsn '. tf ,'ol.a
son's gncr.lius, who cantur .-d the b'uts a: "-a n '
1 h.- maui body of 'In t 'n.l. a vit .'') str. mr.
w. to it i a r 'y s i de, Ky., t'l ii la-t he'.Til Von..
Hut few crossed the river, C, if tf.ry did, 1) id
fel inie i again. I 'n y i arri I ..'( conrl 1 lo
tnoiuiit of stores from tfce ""inier, wt.l. li w r:
adi n vv ith i iove nm 'tit -tor s, e ifle, et
iunbo.its ire now s! itioued there ' t'e' r-...
te-lion ot ' tov eminent swa '.ers.
iirrlllim In I .'iitu. U$ .
Ic .s';;ii, August IT. Thr guernli.' 1 1-,
ri.-lit aii. iiipti.. t v'i al horses from Mr. ' o- -r s
re-ndime. e,e:i so.itb of this city. Mt.
Cooper, Willi a doutile-bajrch: J st"l-gu.i, I il : 1
one iud mortally wound d auithir. Hn'-bl-l
can e h i to day, and was arr ste 1.
A despatch fi lm ClAiksrlHo s.iys a'' ut '.-v.
hundred and fifty K:nels erj.sed to the south
side of tho Cumberland river, a. Sai! 's -j,
this lnomin ;. They aro suppos d to 'v. r.-M
Wo . dward 1 ouiiuund.
I.vclC-tiii'iil III Ihc fHliciiiimloHh
Il'lirl4'll tt.Hlnil'.t lf KftKlM- M lfrll-
Iiikioii fn tic Aaain Attiif ks4t I lirtiffiiir
nt t rout l(ti ut riio Kiu'iiiy lit llic .
I.-.V Kctiifiirc.'il Itiiiimresl cincnf of
Uu WImiU IIcIm'I Army I'.i.lcr S.".ii..
ml I ce.
M im ..! no. Va., Vugnst 17. Tb- re .s -.u i ,.
a livry in viariinsbuig to-utgtit. In o'i-ei,icu
ol a n pulled rei lvan;i- of ihe Itol i ls. v'i.elad
Ulem have a rcadv commenced a north, 'u n. iv. -ui'".i',
,:lid come Uowu the valley, hr ngi' g .1 !".is
ri p' rts.
We havo information of in eig-.g-iu "it a'
Front 11 iy. il. It is said fiat the enemy h i.
been leinlorced by one divisi ill of I ongstrc. I s
Coipsand two i'Av airy dr 'sioiis. 1'iis i ier- arc
repcrtcd to have M..-,i d that, thewhi'.o Heliel
amy is moving, l l.sie Is much c citeuui '. In
tho valley.
MlHIiNHl.t'Ht, ' VI K Till HV.IKvSD.
I'M n li Si v rrs Hoi bi , Maui iN-i i no, Aug nt
r. .M. Au'am this t j vu u lively and o n-
s deuj to be tale. As on many other Snid.iv
nights, the houses are lit up, tlio windo vs i peii.
and the stiects full of prnmcna lers. And yet but
a few le.uts ago it w is, b: every s:use, ' as stil:
as a Sat.dsj '' here.
IVrluips it Hill not be uuiss for tao Relieln to
know ti.iit ibeir '-n ported'' great damage to the
r.tilr Hd ha- U-cii u.inj-t rcpairad : wo I: ivo
teb cr..phic c niuiunication from here to night;
and Ihiit passeiigeis will be able to go thnni.di
In iu S heelii g to llaltimore over tt:o railroad
hm ! by changing cars at this point) in a very
('' ouj s. Mi mm h i'or the eat jrprisc of ;'ie rail
read atid telegraph companies.
MOSl II v .
Wo hear to-night that tno Ind 'fath-aiilc V.osebv
Is again in the field, and lojkinc rowan's "h's
seelmii of country h ith an eve to his ns'icl style
of mischief.
G m ral Averill is again reported in tho f. dd,
and n ay be evpectcl to be tieira from f ivurab'y
befoie long.
1; is rejrtid t-eneral Kelley's eammanl
will hi' extended so as to ta'ie in the lino of the
railroad fiom Wheeling to thu Monocu- y. 1'eoi je
along the lino ure pleas. d at this report.
(iivrati. HT.iiiM. ro his moor-.
I'NIIKD STAIIS H'T I., M Ail llNSIolt..,
August li. The following is General Avr.ll's
lale congratulatory order to his troops :
ri:Ki:nvL oiinrns, no. 22.
Hi ir.Q''Aiu ins Maiivi.vsii CAVArrti D-v-
SION, 1)1.1' A HI MINT Ol'SVl.T VrU'.lVll, .ltg..'St
(i.isci. The Itrigiiilier-Oetura! r immanding 'on
grutu lutes the othcers and men of this division
iipon the brilbant micccsscs achieved by their
v ilor at Moon lie d on tlm miming of tho7ih
inst. A iHiastliil eui my ot double your numbers
was completely route d,"maoy killed an 1 bis ar ti
lery eapture.l. toeeiher three battle-!: igs uud
over tour hundred prisoners.
butwith our exulutioiis is mingle 1 is. pn found
grief at the loss of Major Conger, af the ;id Vir
ginia Cavalry. The men who followed
In m in tho charge will nevs'r forgot his g orious
example, nor tnat of the (.'ijlaiit Lieuten lot
Clarke, v.Lo fell by his side.
i be thanks of this division .ire given to Colo,
nel W. II. rowcllund Major I ibson, .eniiuind
ing Hie brigades, for the i.-rcsis.ible rktn with
winch ibey hd their men ig.d 1 t the inemy. 'Ihe
conduit of Captain Ivrr, I Kb 1'eivisvlvania
Cavalry ihc daring witii which lie pen -trited the
em my s line of lia'.t e, taking a ba'.tl tl ig 'u his
dash .liter the Rcb l ci'inm in lcr is worthy cf
ourlilgliist altuiration. With his horse killed
under him, st'd suffering from a "o .'ore wound iu
Ihc bead, I tint he escaped ikat'i or c .p. ure is due
to the devoted heroism of the iivju v!w followo 1
Tie; sle.iJy .ml iap'J il.a-:.i c' :t . ! U
rmnsylyunia, H'.h Ohio, the Nt and .'J irgitiii
Cuvuliy (Ihe I'd Virginia being he i iu res -rv.;),
ami ch .lgc of tlu 1st Noiv VorSi 1.1 iCo'.uCavulry,
repealed, the lossou ilia ih" enemy '.aimot stand
bciore our uni'ed aui deterinin d eliorts. by
Diigadlcr-Geiior il W. W. Av i n i.j .
Will Runis y , Aotiug Vdutuiit-'-oni ra'.
Tho following procc-diiuts of a court-mirlia!
will show how ihe Kebcl ; pnaisu straggler-, and
how strict they are in regard to lL:itclr..s of mis
bclinviol :
rrociCc'itigs of drini-h '1,1 e ti.'t-ica.:'il coi:
veuid at camp ol the jsth iooritiu rcgim .'.it, i,y
Tirn.e of hpecial Onler No. 1, uartois M -'.b
tieorgla rcgimeut.
Sl'Ht.'tVI. oltKEV, ".3. 1.
IIllAnul AIURHS TwiMV 1 r.rv ' ECHO. A
Hii.iMi.M, June 8, lv.l. A tlriim-hjud court -mi.
riial wld convene at t If i uarters of I apt i n
M.ller at onee, to tiy sech csc ns mi bo
Inouuht In lore it.
Prtuil for ihe Court Capi iln W. A. C. M ilor,
l'tesfdciit; l ieutenant A. C. Hell, Compcpy 1:
Lieutenant 8. A. Thorn. m, ('oinpany I ; l.iuu
ten.mtH. A. ltagiid,i oinpiny U. .'ude Advo
cide J. ). Mawcll, captain coinir.'imli"g tho
vt ie arniigaed and trie J the ft lirv.i b g nttniej
prisoners : I'riyates ( . I . ''iirist ati, I', ti. li m
. lt.l Hull, 1". M. Kt.ij, W . -.. Moore, C.
II. Munu, und (J. White, all o. C mpany li, : 8:1:
(Jevrgia II' g.uaut, under tho i, living cl arges
alld sH'CilioillOllS :
Charge Stragging.
KpcciticuiioM In this, licit the sard priv.ncs
did, on the 7th of .Mine, lol, leave their com
pany without authority and go to the rear, and
this while tho command nas advancing against
tl.e cuniy.
To w hich charges and specification- tho prison
ers lead as foliovvs :
1'iivatcs C. K. Christian, It. K. Hall, K M.
King, W. (J. Moore, and O. White, plead to luo
charge and specification guilty.
l'livuics V. II. Hansard und Li. II. Maun wero by surgeon.
And tl.e court do therefore sentence the said
piivalCH C. 1'. Christian, II. F. Hall, 1'. M. King,
W. (1. Mooiw, and (i. White, nil members of
Company 11, iiisth Georgia ngiment, to murk
time on tlie parapet for twenty minutes, aud re
ceive a reprimand from the commanding otllccr
ol the l'Ltiuiint.
lti.Ai'm'Airri HsTuii.TY-i. ion in Giop.iiia Kr
i.tMi h i, June S, ISiil. The hiregolug sentences
ure approved : I'rivate V. II. Ituasuiii and G. 11
llaun w ill be released from urrcst. Tl.e sentences
of privates C. F. Christian, It. 1'. Hall, P . M
King, W. G. Moore, aud G. White, will be
executed immediately, under the supu vision of
Lieutenant (i. W.Siiibbs. J. t).,
Captain Cuiuiuaudiiig U giuicnt.
(.IAF.IIAL K. E. 1.1 E.
Is iu): Fihlu, August l 'i, V. M. A report lias
collie In that General It.K.I.ccls in tho vallev.
It is judgid tlittt if the report is true, he Is look
linr aliei (he general military stluutiou and pro
viding for the detensc of fctauutou and Lv neb
burg. THE MAIL.
There arc two thousand six hundred letters nr
Cumberland tor the post at Murtiusburg, besides
another heavy mail for the same post at Wil
laiinspo: t.
l.l.M.UAI. l.AULV AND l:-MINISTI.K rAt tKNtll.
When the KcUls ere lu Martinsburg ex
Minister Kaulkuer visited his wife, ou which
occasion there were some words lietweeu him
uud General Early iu coimciucnce of Ihe lattur
loealiiig a tew tents ou the former's grouuds.
The Rebels did nut do much dauiago at
Hancock. They burned some small bridge, and
a few buildings of railroad property. .V. J'.
Indian lCirctilnn on I tic Matte
Trnlni :ittnrct nntl Wfa t o rtlcrrtt -Irom
rorl SuiHli-llcbclH Hc(rcllii)f
i- .-fV .' .a .'...e' . ....',.'.
Gciiernl Curtl" revived tho f)ilovin t-ic-gr.itus
yesterday, whl -h were, k nlly fan. shed
for pul-li atioa :
!i 1 1 -in tic, ii, August S, : sc. .. Nf i. ir S V.
Cmiis The Indians an i iie-luig my l.ncs tor
iCd miles; have just leartit'd tin' a
t timed st ritiin t'tet'l. this ino'itiiic, between
Cotionvtok and Kearney. I must have..: h ist
i'0 htiisrs or abandon this lino of eonim mi i
licn; and, if passible, I want tl.o 1 t Ncbra-k.i ( avalry ordered in the li Id, now a'
Irmie on furlough, (.uu 1 depend on hers- s
Reply iin'iicj'atcly.
gn. d 1'. II. Mm it i I. : , Brig t . 'il.
' )m u v, A u just , rsnl. Ma':.-r,encr il ( urt.s .
si, v, ral n uns linve been ke. I and de-
lr 'Jed m I'latte valley, nist beyond 1 crt Kear-
ney, Mithiu the mt fortv e ght hours, and all
I the rnti along vviih them kiii id, and the datu-r
i U em si t'lemenis is lie loiniiiK' imtuiociit. A ir e
! measuit's niil alone, s.ivc the setiieinetrs up th;
I' att.' from conipiete .'.'i.tudcninout.
I W.? h ivo no: horcs f..r tho N.-' r-.ske lt.
i Will y on .tu;h t'i. e your jiurternii'.t'T .b"re to
I pu. -chase for two oiopauies.
I 'Sgucoi, A. s win R", Governor.
Jri iisnriinu, August 18, ls'.(. Mai r-G''neral
j diTtis : Siuee my de-pnt ih to M l- r S. S.Custis,
I this morninc, there has fteen two iwlditiunal
.uta ltion this route, one at Dngtown, east of
i hearncy ten miios. One mounted company havo
! gone in pursuit of tho Indians from l'luui (. reck,
I and the other di-mounlod. Half tl.e troops in
' , Signed)
I It. II. Mi r. nci.i , i!f:gadicr-(ieii ral.
Four Si on, Augnst 10, 1 I. Maj ir-t.uneial
. Cur'.is: letters m-t received from Colonel
I V attics, dated lilli instant, say the Hcbel force at
l ort "small has r treated son u. No l.ghfmg to
speak of.
The Itcbei nre prct'y t'liel; nt f ano Hill.
Thire hundred of them pus-od north iu:o Mis
souri a it's dacs ag... Wc havo siints near
M iv sville. I', .f. Mi Kcw, lii-itad er General.
:i Saturday evening a 'ire broke mi In Cox-.-ackle,
N. Y., destroying three itotehouses tilled
wilh hay, and a portion of Mygatt's lumlcr yard.
The hiy was lully iusnro l. on Sundry another
lire destroyed a l.aru, wagon-h )Use, a Ma:!tsmith
shop an 1 two dwellings, lloth livs 'vero the
woTk of .-.n lnoen li ivy. A mail has beeaarrc teJ
on suspicion.
A returned s jldic: of t'.ic i' th Co:;uoctiiMt
K,.'iu:eut says that our soidii i's wi.e are prison
ers at An lei'sonvlile. s. ( ., number no fe ver than
twelve thousand ; that they are corvlued in an
open field bare of ali trees or siirtibl.ery ; nnd
that in these dog-day Iu.i.s they are iufr;.-iiij
sever, iy. It is to bo fe.ire 1 ha hai;.lrCtis of
them will never lite to got hjnvi.
It is related of a men in Kowpjct, T.. I., fiat
he married his second wife sit weeks after the
J athof his tlr-t; the s.'condw.ic killed by a
esrpct throw n on her head, and in four weeks he
married a third, who a nontli after v, js dnwncd.
Ho waited ouly to weeks this time, and then
marrio J number four, whoso hus'ian 1 wis killed
lour weeks previously in ba'tlo.
f The following sums of money L ive leca sent
for the piyn:e.-.t oftroeps ;
Muior Fliildinif, Washington 1 .fWi.OoO
Minor Drico, itailiinoro oOO.OJ)
Major Usher, I ortress Monroe .W),000
Major Allen, Louisville 1,0K),(X)()
Mi'jor Oiimbick, Ciuciniiati 1,0,I0,0:)()
Major Leslie, New ork t),0Ji)
Tola) to,G00,0(s)
Tho t reek Chiefs, in a letter to the Commit
sioncr of Indian Ait'iirs, dated Fort Gibson, July
K, mak: an eloipient appeal for help. They say
tic: Viholo Cherokee country Is a wac, and tkoy
can see nothing but starvatio:; before them during
the coming winter. Montlis int Ji ceue betwaen
the arrival of trains, and even now they lime but
a scanty subsistence. At Icist 'JC,0iSj luui ,ns are
to be fed. Thcso cliie.'s represent u largo portion
of those who wero driven by the Kel clsi i Kun&tis
but who dl.l not return tothe'rown country In
limo to raise ample crops. Th; Indian Ilaroau,
Willi its oeetiHtomod proniitn 'ss an 1 h nr.nnity,
will evert itself lo aiford the re p. iced r.'lic '.
MnrketH by I eleuriiili.
Nnw Yohk, August 18 Coft ei jt.a iv, O'
1 7rt. 1.1-77. Kl.iur n IV. M.'XMIiVs s-'M. ' H lo..,
t U;Ufii.j.aiM'l'.i l'.lt s.'UlliTi, tin :.) i 1 1 ' I. HI,., it
fttj I'ern nl. in. Sik' t'r . 'irtv s il. . ,t !.'.).
I'.iiklirivy. Mi-s, Ma. l.arif '.. ty at .'1 '.ee.-'n. Wfitsky
iiiin, nut itiit i a: i-sti.
iraia )! cmc. - Fi.oi.', '),vJs. tie's.; Wl "it,
tu.l.; Corn, .li.irii 1). nil.
Bi.riM.)iii', August Is. Flosr ouiot; 'as'i
M.I.. Oli o tixli K..I at l-i.f'.' '.'.'. VVlieii lell s.ud
J eUiiliiii. rn ftrmi w ilts, tls . VVji-Lj .. ,,.l i(
.ir- sr 1-: il " at f I S'.', .tro.-crltw s -ja- . .
State or To rT. Six A. M ,
74. Noon, 82. i mo J'. M., Wind, 11. N. E.
Aiinivvr oi and Wor.Di;u S : tj:i:i s.
The tianspurts llrkii- aud li es'- . . M-lvJi-ilii,
from rortriss Monroo, arrived iu this city, at
Gray's Ferry, early yesterday morula..;. Aotit
nine hundred sick and wounJed soldiers' were
con'ained iu tho two vossels, tli.-oe-tu irtcrs of
whom are colored troops. They wore removed
from the boats by tho steamboat i'.i.'i,.vi.
Thtsu v issels sli m! 1 havo been at Gruy t Ferry
by 8 o'clock A. M. Owing to tho sorl )us haruc
ter of most of the cases, they could lie removed
but very slowly, and considerable deiay was
0 ?asioued ihe firemen being kept iu waiting
some tunc, much to tho regret of the Medical
Director of I riinsportaliou, Dr. Kondor line.
'1 -i Vt Wlll'snis, L, !" li lsa.l- I K. , ".II,
T'ltn I'n kott, I, '.'.I Art li O Murii". A, 1st. I
SaniU'-'l lltr.K.'.M An'.lcry 1'rni'kl.a fi-.r.i'., :, .' 1 A-.
,ljs -li .ii-. Il, lssiii illli-rv
W-ley III-h"l. IMst ;: 1 Hell. K, Is-'!
I' Hurle r. II, 'M Art ItiiI Scle, I., .' I Irl
.1.1. U ir.',y, 11,1 :..! ll ilMluM, Vtl.
.1 a.n V l l inn-e I. r.A.iJ lit flimp tt t iv.e, r. l-.f ,h
) ilia ll"llw,irr, ll.l'.t'i II f.n uj.iln. K.I'V .
I' J iti hare, ll.i i v. i .n.lm ('." Wl in. li, ' v..
lii.os W liiU'iilKl.l, i:. l-so, .',tL ( '. n'j. .11-11 . 1 ', :d Art
Wu fir st iiim. 11. lll.i i 'av I Ibillv , I , T'i'ii
'uii W K II. liter. I', II. til T A v'a .el..' '.'..
.1 .s ah l ur'.r, K. .'f Vil .111 In It,'." Vr:
1 Klsenstoln, ll.ilti l iv Paai Haley, l..'.' l A t
h l li.jvtee. I. '1,1 Art J II" H t AM '. ''. I. II. tJ IV
Mud .war.!. ill. E, Selli llicn v I. I'tir l . O. I'si .
.IisW vii. v..lil, s.'n Olnei M.tiii!, 1. J.I Ar;
Kraiiei. M Kuletrlr. II,
H.iiul lltrt.t K.ll'.L
f. r i' i.riC.ui. A, I 'tl
U linrnitii, k. IS'.li
(.' C.r.iti, I, Mil
J. e ,l, IVe, I, S'.'li
l'lti r.t ii'ii.-Tho Committee of the Union
league having in charge tho ro' iultins for the
Sixth I'nion League Kesiment, o.vln-. to tho
necessary delay in receivlm? the city b unity, has
adopted a plan by which tlie volunteer can secure
Ids money lit once. A recruit, when ho Is mus
icied into the service, receives a crrtiticnto of th
nmstcr, which is then taken to a l'rovost Mar
shal, where the man is credited to the city and
Ward he may designate. Next the eertilieate is
laid before the Doiinty Fund Commissioners at
the first niieting of tiic Board after the certili
ciitc is tiled.
The Board meets on Tuesday, Thui-sday, and
tSuturdiiy attcrnooiis, and each case is carefully
exiimiued, as the Couiniissioncrs ure required to
oi count for the proper uisposition of the money
appropiiatcd for the purpose of avoiding the
dia'.t Alter the eertilieate is found to be cor
rect, the warrant is ordered to be drawn, uud tho
party can secure the money the day utter the
meeting of the Hoard. The Committee of the
I ition League give the recruit the money as soon
lis the muster is complete, and then take his
powircf attorney aud draw the money utter the
regular course iiidicu:cd above has been gone
thiongli with.
If a syttem like this should be adopted by some
other Uisoclulion with reference to recruits for
the navy, il would taciliuite the filling of the
quota. It would uiso destroy the business of the
brokers, who, for the most part, are interested
lu tilling the quotas of other States aud counties.
Uilliev 's Mintldiuotcrs seem to lie Very popular,
aud Major Mooro will succeed in nlliiig the live.
Coinpai.ics ass-ifuid to l'hilu d I phia iu less than
the tune oiiinatly indicated. The men vi ill wear
a ditto. etive uniform, and the regiment will be
one of the best in the bervico.
SiAHiiiNO Aituu. This morning, Charles
Lindsay vu befoie Alderman Welding, noon
the charge of blubbing Thomas Sce'y, at Third
and CkesruU street.-., l.t.-t evening. It seems that
tho two mm got into diiliculty, wheu Secly
knocked Lindsay down. 'ihc. lattur drew a pen
knife and stablied his opponent iu tho arm, in
tiding a painful though uol serious wound.
Liudtaiy was committed Ul delsult of p00 bail to
answer at Court.
Dm Tit or Cor.o-r.L Chew .Berjamln
Chew, Esq., at one time prominent lawyer and
politician in riiikidc'plilA,diedathl residence this
m Co'onel Chow was an officer in the
I'ennsylvnt.ia Volunteers dining the war of 1812.
Ho was a member of the well-known Chew
f irmly, on whose estate tlie battle of Gcrmantown
was fought in the licvoiutiomiry war. During
tho administrations of General Jacksonan l M ir
tin Van Huron, Colonel Chew was a pro
minent Democratic leider. He was at one
time, wc believe, Secretary of Legation to the
Court of St. Jamas. Declining health has for
somo vcars prcvente 1 the prosecution ol his pro
fession. His peronal appearim" ' w is familiar
to almost every 1'hlia lelphi in. In e.irly iile he
was remarkably handsoino and ho ret -lined
truces of physical lieauty until bis death.
Strangers frequently p:nsed on Chesnut street
to inquire the name of that stately and stylish
man who wa'kc I with so diguilicd mien, "green
buf In hand," tlirjngli the cro vded thorough
fare. He i- gone from amongus; but years will
elapse before his Inmilinr form will be forgot'en.
"irvMi s ox l!ni i ii-is. The Trc.isnrer of the
l'hllad. Iphia and Heading ltailroal learns fro n
the ComniissiooT of Infernal Kevcnue that the
liicstion as to who shall ay tho duty required
on reeipis on any sums of money exceeding st.'O,
is d. pendent on tho cir. tiir.-tances attending tho
en sc.
Ordinarily at law no person is" bound to give a
receipt for inon.'y paid. I he receipt Is an Instru
ment of evidence useful only to the person to
whom it Is rriven. If ho needs a ro'clpt ills
necessary for him to furnish the stamp, or to
-tamp tho receipt, if required, before il Is signed.
The person iv ho receives tho money ii not obliged
lo give a receipt iiu'csn the other party furnishes
the proper stamp.
If .t person gives a re. cipt w dh nit requiring
that the, party to whom it is given shall furnish
the stamp, the milker of tho receipt mnst himself
stamp tho paper before be delivers it. If he fails
to stmip it before he delivers it, In is liable to
the penalty prov Ided by law for the omission,
but the oilier party may s; imp It iiimiediiuc'iy
upon its being received.
Coi'NTiini nn 1'omai. li nKKS'cv. A sol .Her
who is homo on furlough had a hearing before
the I'nitcd States Commissioner yesterday, upon
the charge of passing eoanb rt'eit postal currency.
When arrested ho had il l uge number of the
counterfeits in his possession, which he explained
by sav ing that he received them from a man who
represented himself to be a sutler, aud Riivo the
currency in exchange for a fifty dollar Treasury
bill. Ills story was believed, and he was dis
charged. The counterfeits wire all new, but
poorly executed. They were of tho fitly cent
issue. The public -hould understand that p.vtal
currency is i,ot now m ide, and that new notes of
tnat Is-ne arc most likely iu bo countort' it, 1 tie
fractional currency now issued is so designated
on its face.
rircnn in'. S roT. i n Toons. Tatri.-k Kelly was
arre-fed yestetd.iy, charge ! with receiving stolen
goods. In seems that some uuUu mvii party went
to I'otts' foundry, and ordered n ton of iron to be
sent to tho ltidge avenue depot. After the iron
had been lidded and a tea squares tho saiuo
party met the driver and told him he neod not
deliver the iron at the depot, but at another place
which he named. The iron was then tnkcu to
Kelly's place, at No. l'lti Alter street, Twentieth
Ward, ami placed in his cellar, ho buying it from
the man for Ssl 'Si. The aecus.;.l vv as held In -JjWOJ
I ail to answer by Aldc.Mia'.i Haines.
Fr.u. I am .This morning bjtiveen 2 and 3
o'clock, James McGibbon fell from the third
story of a house at Twenty-tiiih and Ashburton
streets, and revived injuries that ciused his
death. It seems that tho d "cemed was nt a party
lust night, and c.i'iie homo sonoivhat intoxicated,
and while moving about bis room in tho dark fell
from the vv nidovv.
Finn at the AiisKWl . This morning about
7 o'clock, a lire was discovered in tho knapsack
and haversack departmont of the Schuylkill
Arsenal. Tho flumes are supposed to have boeu
the result of spontaneous cotiiuustion, nnd wero
extinguished by the stcai.1 engine ou thu
Aitointmi-.tst oi Mi K-ruiNr. On ti bus Tho
committee appointed to superintend recruiting la
the five wards having the largest quota to till,
have appointed the following mustering lieute
nants: Samuel Wrigloy, Max Heiu, Charles
Tracer. 1 wo more aro J ot to be appointed.
I.aiicksy op Cattie. Michael Wapp was
urrestcd yesterday, charged with tho larceny of
some cattle. It is alleged that ho took a number
of cows from a pasture me vlow In the First ard
and offered them for sale. He was committed to
answer by Alderman Lent.
0 net: or Tub Evi viv.i Tn i crvi-u, I
TiiLr-itUy, August IS.
The Sto k Market continues active, but there
is less excitement this morning. Government
bonds aro in good demunl, and w ilh largo sales
of 5-20s at 10's(ol )';, which Is an advance; and
tis of 181 at 10SJ ; 7'30s aw quoted at luHiy
Kh'i. Iu Railroad shares there is not much doing,
but the market is linn; l'cnnsylvania Hiilroid
sold at 7 IJ, which is an advance; Beaver Meadow
at n.3; orlh Pennsylvania nt 3535J; Phila
delphia und, Dili ; Heading is quoted at (is;
( ! ; ti3 was bid for Minchlll ; 404 for C ituwissa
preforred, and 22 for common; now City f)s are
sellins nt 1061.
Coal Oil shares continue active, bat prices aro
loss firm. . McCliutooli sold at 0! ; Dunsuiore, 11,
which is a decline; Mcllhouny, 5tiVs i Organic,
14; and Mineral Gil utili.
Bank shaivs continue i!r:n. 1",7 was bid for
North America; 1 11 ut: I'hiladelpbU; 514 fur
l'aruioio' and X jchanics' ; for Cjinmerclal!
Js4 for Mechanics' ; SO for Western ; 274 1(jr M uiu
f icfiirers' and Mcchiinics"; and u.' J for Consoli
dation. There Is very little doing In City Passenger
li.illroads, an 1 tho luotalions are unchanged.
The Money Market continues easy. Cupibil Is
plenty on call at ti per cant, per annum; best
paper is selling at from 7C" " per c-nt.
Gold has advanced, but there Is very little
doing, opening pt 25i;, advanced aud sold at
2"74 at 11 o'clock, 2j7i at-12, nud 25S at li!,.
A despatch from Washington this morning
says : "Several millions of Treasury notes, to
nuet the subscriptions to the new loan, h ive just
bceu sent to New York and elsewhere; and in tho
course of next week it is expected that supplies
will be forwarded to the Assistant Treasurers and
National Banks iu the principal cities, so that
subsciilK'i'S will not bo subjected to delay. Iu
other words, the supply of notes will keep pace
with the demand."
Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co. have received a fow
notes of the new 730 loan this morning, w Inch are
now ready for delivery to the earliest subscribers
in $50 aud 1008. The notes are very handsome,
the ,-lisl having a very hue likeniss of Gen. Sott,
in the centre, and greenbacks, with coupons
Tho (frios t,re the same siio and very chasf)
with the American eugle in the centre, and
coupons attached. The face of the cotes reads
thus :
Three years after duie the United States pro.
luise to pay dollars to tho order of
, with 7 3-10 per cent, interest; payable
iiml-unnually lu lavvlul money.
(Signed) F. 8. SctsNKK,
S. B. Colhv, C. S. Treasurer.
Ucgistcr of the Troasuty.
Quotations of the principal Coal and Ceil Oil
stocks at 1 o clock to-day :
bid A1.
Fulton Coal a', lu' Terry Oil
Hit, -Vloellttiill Cotvl. H. S'j Mnii-rai IMI...
.. J
A t.
- i
t. 1 .tit tiltl. -. eftl..i:i'-s .is, .-s'.t.w ......
llrts-n All. C'oul....
0 . Vtaiauhooll.
N.I il"jujl..
lstw l.tts-L 1
1 f. dsr l'.ui Cost, '(
( ilnii.n Ce.l IW
Auieni km kttulUI.. S"4
I't'iiliMliilia t
tt I ni-ii 1-niieitum.. '.
H. ur.nle OU I
I K-auiliii OU ... ..
I), ilive bil ly OU.. I i
A liviiis ou .i
ut- P.. ii. 1 itrul Oil
(.Im.d (....
i'Ar.n Khiiln
I'l.lls. ana llu.liiu
lUuti-lalt ilium..
Mar.iii.ttc MuiUtS.
Al-m-i letia. ......
b llullrr(-ll.... ...!
.. Kfv.luuf Zinc.... if'tt
S fifimuisiie 11
i iiuu a ,
i .M.IJtiennv , .,
1 Itiiktlliilill ., .,
Oliustuail J'.
7't Nebltj Alte'.iliiit.'lui.n
IS I'uliolf iitn i 'i)iiirt. 41,
e't Kiitii.tiirOU l'i
uiKk op i
ml l rw It
Unpic .Sitl oil. .1)
llel'lialnik Oil....
I'-uin.'biuasi St.. .
pmuiDEi.rm.1 stotk exounob s utn, Atra is.
Bst-ortiNl by Llarksoa Co., Broko , V. Ull S. TWrS 81.
fee li Corn Planlur... -It tsii.h t-rj Oil...... S-f
e.h do 4 , Vtt .)..V...II0 t
loish ffhi'iC Oil J', f'Oifi do . V
IK-Htl d tW 3'.' VOs. t'A
1'oih (l i tl'i h Ti Oil -k... I t do n:o h fnssn P-t !'V
lisi h Crn y.mnt.b) 64 IU) h Mf-i'inlo.....
I' 1 ' 0 IJ Min-ir-i'O.I
)li 0) HV :0 .11 OrsviilcOU.... Vi
ts-'sii ot km) Vi ' ijnsn ncli'icnnj- m
liDiU Html Uiignat ;'
"-.'"....t.-s's t-ishMe'Tllntlr.... f,
Sec. L.H.S-vn. I,"', .VUhNoliln Od... IT
'IV'Vr... lu,r l') h mil i. eanal ... av'f
I J SL ?.!''!!? V';'' s."l.h furry T
,,'-,.KiJ",:,.K. "'l'i o.h ao i i i n ii-n,h a,, . nt, T
-5?'X-i v-ii ?'- .wi H:. : 2 iU
'0l Hll..ill.iltl.K) lu !,, ,t -it 2
h on r" x v, t ,h n..,;"(V.r'
m ,h Mtaer.1 on -s tit, h "- ,; ; "
J J "5 North l' R , ,v,
I'Osh a.. ail. tno in
-.SO sh Or,nic Oil.... IX V)liflui.fe,il v2
ll sli Melihnn-Oil. S . 7' ! i , " I J
ii .lo tj.ii) s a.4-1 w'k'iu" Vi
!' '1 '' 7 ,' flSI tl Melt. Na Cflii. m
fir Ha- iin Ji llio. .o.3u S.Tliird straat, 4U as Ml
lows 1
.. tuyint. BillMf.
Amrl"n O-Od l.;.i- prri. Uh s.
laid rt Hut. fi.i.i.ti-1 Nan i, di
Amfrican Rilver S -nsl .' ... .117 do " 4.
I'lrwi n.l H.ll ' Diutus t 2 do . Jo
dpsnuh gnsri'n M do .!'!
I'fiin-c,lviiiirt.-t.s-jrtvlrj 'j dit. j. 4ift .
w lork Cis-l.-in-ro 1-10 to far. t
Tho following official statement lo regard tk
the National Banks will 1st found of lnteiost:-Ab-traet
of the Quarterly ltoperts of the National
Uanking Associations of the United tjt.iKu,
showing their condition on tho ni'rnnirof thu
lir-t Monday of July, A. D. 1N1, before tl
commencement of business on said diy ; 1
HESOl JICKS. . . '
Lrvins and discounts $t,"0,7itj,C13'33
Itcjtl Kstate, Furniture, and Fix
tures 1,6.11.01946
l'.xK!iise Account - 5.1. Hl-31
llcmittiincrs and otbcrCasn Items. .5,Oor,122 i-0
Duo from National Banks l,!-c)'i.713
L'ue from wtitr Hanks 17-W;.;v tj
U. S. Ilouds and other U. S. Secu
rities 92,-W0.."svvrxj
Bills of other Banks o,a-l4,172 'j
Specie aud other Lawful Money. . 12 21,7:. 7 1-4
Other Items - W,t.7'73
Aggregate $2 ,2,.7.,H"j75
UamUTtlM. . , . .
Capital stock paid in ...S 2W,t-iVC5
Surplus fund l,2tt,;M0-22i
Notes in circulation HAify'lVi 00
deposits U'J,2W,4')8-27
I'npald divlden ls , li'',;Sjll
Due to National Banks 17,ikKi .;3'li
Due to other Banks id 07e), l-Dd-itf
Frotits J,l.i4,iHlI '
Other items 213 704 Of
tno o-s n t t
Aggregate 2oi,273 8 75
Hi:m McCt.'i.i.ocii, Comptroller.
WuhiU'i'fn, Jt. f., ugiint 16, IrtM, 'I
The weekly Stock Circnlar pnbllshed If the J
(an Fruncisi-o Stock Board, of July lti, says; .
"The stock market is sowly ga'Scriug mDM
strength, and. during the past few dsr's a much '
better ti cliiii,' has manifested Itself iu t cnuliir J
of shares, l'urcly speculative stocks ills'. hav
been clustering la the wane of comnanlcs of in
trinsic value Tor so long a time, have n )w no ;
calms upon the favor ot the pubii :, and mora
atti ntlon will lu future be diroctod to mines pos
sessing real merit. The iiicreasin)? prodiKtiva
Hess of this latter class can no lorgor be qnes
tioned. The receipts in this city of uncoined aold 1
and silver from California and Nevada Territory
mucc January 1 amount to S21,yi0,000, showing 1
nn excess of $2,00,000 as compared will) a Uk ,
period of hist year."
The Board of Directors of t!io Illinois Contral '
Kailroud Company passed resolution at their -meeting
to-day, culiirn: for the payiuool, on Che
U-ith of .September, of the remaining ta dollars
unpaid of the scrip stock of that Company, and
also a resolution calling in for payment, on the 1st
of October next, three miillous of their out ,
standing Construction Bonds, No. 1 to30'X), of
fc'louOcucb, the Intere-ton which bonds to C4Ke 1
that day. The bonds to be redeemed at 20 per
out. premium, iu accordance witu the terms of
Comparative statement of earolncrs cf 'the1
Ohio and Mississippi ltailway Cuinmuy, oaetera t
nnd westein division, for July, ltiji--fi :
is:4 :oo(j.7()i
lWiil Kr,7lM)
Increase S)3.2-36 4a
The New York Tribune this motuiug says ; '
" There is Itttlc dolnp on spe ula.Iia !n any
tllreetiiin, lieyond the iik-t puechuse (or fish f '
several lending shares. Money is abnud int at i
7 per cent., and In some cases lower r.i'.es sea
accepted. Tho ffovemmont ra'o ot 7-3) kcaps '
the general market for money strong, and bor'
r oners j. ay 7 without limitation. Foreitfa x-,
chaiige is dull, especially in sales of b . iker'g
bills, the largo snpply of mercantile bills leading'
to rcduco the transactions of banker-. , The re
ncwed largo orders of United Smcs bouiis from
(Jimiany depresses the market. Banners' storting'
is quoted, for cunoncy, '27- time, and 281 si-tht,
and for eold 109. Merchants' bills are selling ao .
27 lf 27 . li.tcUaaije on rails Is dall at. lS.'al 1
tVltij." ' -
Tiii BSDAV, Augast 18. Quercitron Bark still
routlnues in good request, aud all tiiat conld tt
obtained w as taken at $il ton.
There is very little Cloverseod here, und it Milk ,
in a small way at 13 o0(n 10 ( 'til lbs. - and from
second hands at an advance on these gnres.
Timothy is hell firmly. Flaxseed is takea en
arrival at $'1-00.
The operations in Flour havo been liht, cwit-;
to the ubsenco of supplies. The m irket, however,
is Grm, with but little demand for e .port Tho
sales comprlso l00 bbls. fresh griund Wcrtera
extn family at $12 jJ bbl. ; 500 do. Re Istoae on
private terms, and 6)0 do. at 1 l-Vii'ii U-25. Th
sales to the trade range from $3 50 for supsrfiae
up to $12 7-5 for fancy lots. Rye FTour and Cora
Meal aro quiet.
The supply of still cnntinaos up to the
demand, aud prices arc firm. Old red it worth
$2-o.ri ) ' bush., and C000 hush, were takea at th.i
figure. New and old mixed is worth $2-t0. We
quote new Pennsylvania at S2'(5, and new Dela
ware do. at s2'70 1 white is quiet. Com is better
und has advanced. Sales of ltj.OJO uush. yellow
ut l-8400 bush, do In store at 1-70; and 2'X-fi
do. mlcd M'estera at fl-Go. New Oats are held
fiinily at 'jOc, nnd old at 9ic. Earlcy and Ms':
remain as last quoted.
Vlii-ky has Improved. Wo quote renn'yl
vunia and Ohio at tyWS&VSl, wilh small -nic;
now held at sl'K2. - ywmw: intelligei.ce.
Bsntnr AuOes Mcriyiuua. lrMaua, i. if. Stttaoa & O-i.
lirm Kurea, 1 1'lnu., llitvsim. do.
ITIl I ul;, vt .ire ll.iv,'s,Tarapa Hv, Cnptuln.
iselir H. II. Wlietiler, MeL.u.liUu, lltliluu, i):.k;m,
I. riu ri .t Co.
fscl.r l.oekiiiKtiatn.Tnpley, Boston, L. Auilcnrled 4 Co.
tselir fi. 1. i liurlre. Hnitlti, Lynn, E. 11. hawyur.
Kelir.lHiuM Kent, Taylor, llaltiutore, Captain,
tstl.i I'lluiu titiiiim, Sautter., Waalilnstua, i. V. Justus.
Hchr Marv IMark, Hl,llr, Hawlmryn.rl, Captain.
Beta- w . H. '1 liouiit., IV iu.iuore, ltuatuu, It. a, Ailalas.
IStla M. A.. Idea, llttrdy, Uoaloa.TweUs Co.
AltniAtD THIS IfORSmtO. -' '
Hrls Marshall Dutch, Coombs, 16 daj (him St.
Si. II. ,llli I'li-kt l to Gatklll A Galvlu.
hi -l.r ( h.rler Oak, llaa.-r, S days Uxua Bof toa, wlsk HSJ
tul aid hpi ins l' and Coal Co.
Hitir Armenia. Cavalier, daafron Bo. to a, wlta lc t
Coal tspilnu It e aud Coal Co. . tJ
ht'hr Ui-ufKC L. liteeu, KlcM au fr0-- Baloraors, la
tuula.t lo captain. . . - , .
BtiirUi-ome kiluu-11, Norwood, tUys rroia talm, la
b blVrtr"Ha'..!''iauiid-s, ys from 1'orHaaJ, with
'SiT.r'j'Tr'vaunsman. kharp, 8 day. from Fortress,
Monroe f" ball""' ' Tyler, aitiua Co.
fcd:r c. St. isrter, Tiaai.t oayi troiu Bristol, In ballast
to J r R-ilet A Co.
bcur 11 . t. ttuupiou, Blake, U day t from aartUaer, with
Ke lo c-ptalu,
Jl,frtoJor Tin i'lfiiito rijunjj.A.
I.11 1 i.-isioL fililp Sarah If, Fifth f bbls .nlphate an
moBia rowers Watslitaiaiii usou aeka cooiiuoa .all to?
tou C'Siiuiou "alt in bulk Wiu Buiaiu M; liOeasks
.J. iiliSSW Wel.Ut70 Whllall.'latsaa J1O0: 15 na.ka
e.trttieiiwure A t' KUnrman ;-t oaska do alarxatiu A Wutai
(.7 emu. s caik. do J BUrk si caaks aoda aak O W
B 1 Jims ltr In Vax.hal Dutch. Coomb. 147.008 alckets
OitfklU al llitivlu.
IHIcIhI llrawlukr of the hlirlby tstllfs-ja
Loturyof lieuliicky.
Ci.a-.Naiil-Augn.tIT, ltKII. ,
Mi, 30, 7, 15, 40, 20, 47. 1.5, 62, 41. 90, 44, 4.
Kxtiia Class tl'"Aiie;til IS, IsbS. . . ''
00, 60, 61, 7a, s, 2, 21, tw, 4S, 0, ill, . ;,.
C.nulur. taut by addrfi.lus
. B. Poj
-.v. otat