The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 17, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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' Wf; PNESPAY, AUOVST 17, m.
TtintJ' Waltta! TliBiy Witlfc.!
Joy fills the house) the bl,y 41ml
Alone rmon heir feet
With trtilvfrins l'p eho lifts her little, ' ,
. Aiid wondcritigly JotU gaa Into lier moilicff
fBce ;
Tr-ns timidly slio start upon HtVs fltrM! rit f ,
Mow nianv hopes, how many foam,
law ronny smiles how many tNir.
Hang orr her d.ingerotis walk ti.ronph c miing
venn. ! ,
Almighty (jod ! to To tlio chllJ I k,-.vcn :
tmi.le home her we.iry steps at l"' ' luAVvn
How lo 1"IT Sln.
. II may safolv asserte'l thut tho mtHic ror
formed by musical aiualctiri all rds more pl.ti'iire
to tbo performer themse Vve. than to any hod y e', so.
Added to this, not more than oiw out of c rry
text persons to dp met with in soeii'ty really cares
for or enjoy 1 mnsic. This is the rdnson why, wlicu
' lady U at the piano, most of her " llstenors" tulk
mil chatier nml the others feci bora!.
It U hard for the performer " ho has pr.vtied
for Some weeks over a brilliant f ititmia to observe
-' tow utterly unappreciated hor cilurts aid; but
r musical amateurs tit leant in luro Itlos '
., )ara this fact, thit however ncr'ly tluy r'y or
ting, th majority of their hearer hiva lieirl the
Mui tuntlc done much better bv prot'.jflsloiiil
.performers; and that ordinary i.irl ir music is
not tiyoynl, but ia nuly emlurcd as a 10n.vo11ti1iii.1I
' and nnavoidable accomplishment. HogArth, the
reLl-anown mo-Meal critic, louum hoi e givn t!;o
following as Bis observation"! in the nutter:-
A lady In drawing-room, who Fits dowu to
entertain a company with a "-x-onn," iVoui an
Italian opera, or a brilliant production of Koine
fahionaiile pianist, ought to rmneintv-r that pro
bably everybody lu the room his heard the e lme
ni.'ie lunti by Grid or Jenny Lind, or played by
Tnalbcrgor Dulcken, and that she ia exposm?
berelf 10 so unpleasant comparison by attempt
ing lamely and imperfectly what tbo company
kate beard executed with finished excellence ;
and tliis will be the rase even though sUo may
J be, for an amateur, a really superior perforator.
But the truth i, that not one lady amateur in a
lhnn..n,l li, miikM flniliiti nil II .Ittilmillti
can acquit herself even decently. If she iiiui, it
.... la a Uioueaud to one she strains una forces
hir voice out of all t no and tune, und trans-
v Inarticulate scream ; und if elie ply, that she
nutni.ifltnfliii cluttar of uiiint'jiniiir' noise and
ennfuslon. And these .Hormilios are committed
: bv persona who, confining themselvos within tho
limits of tbilr own powers and attainment.
mip;bt renlly "discourse most eloquent mnsic,
' and gratify the ears as well as touch the feelings
"Of their listeners.
It is a ereat mistake to suppose that the Vst
I." .'music is the most diilicultof execution. The
. ; very reverse, generally speuking, is the case.
Music of a biKb order certainly demands hl-li
- - tiita and attainments on tho part oi the per
fumer. But the gifts of nature may be possessed
j the amatenr as well as by the professor, and
the attainment of art may bo the result of mod
' crate study and application. A yoiiug lady, pos-sent-d
oi a sweet ami tunable voico, a goo 1 car,
intelligence, and feeling, may cultivate music in
its grandest awl most oeautuui iorms, anil may
' render its nmcticc a source of the purest en.ioy-
ment, not only to herself, bnt to Iter domestic
and social circle.
Manv ladies do this, but they have not been
. fat-hionablv educated. Sense and reason, not the
-Ttevailing example, hae licen consulted iu tiicir
indies, and the result has mado them really a'
comnlHied musicians. Iu order to becunio so
aver natural sift must be cultivate 1 by solid in
etroclMin. The principles of the art must be well
understood. I be rules ot narmor.y ana couiro'
aition must be studied so far as to enable the
tinTill. if not to comnoae. to comprehend the d.
aiEn of the composer, and the technical means
wbireliy be produces bis eiloct. .
. The vol must be strengthened and puiiticd,
.;; ungainly bahita most bo removed, and distinct
km utterance and elocution acquired. The ml'.id
-- tjinst be opened, and the tasuexaltud and refiacd
by acquaintance with tho tiucst productions ot'
the art an acquaintance which ought to extend
. from tbe Itratorio of llanHM to the national
ballad. With the young pianist, a similar course
" .' should !e pursued. A correct method of tingcr
. ing, and the familiarity with the scale in every
variety of keys, roust bo imparted ut tho outsjt ;
and this will eive a command of the instrument
V nite sufficient for every purpose of au auwieur
. .. perioral er.
A looy so educated is far abovo making music
,"3 the means of frivolous display. She never cora-
vita tbe folly of endeavoring to rival profdssioual
-- artists in the achievement of fotr d foret, and
11 thns exciting ridicule instead of admiration, and
causing weariness instead of pleasure. She selectt
ker music from every branch of tbo art, choosing
svbat (he knows to be suitable to her powers, and
" what tatto tells her Is intrinsicnlly good and
(Hbcsatilul. In such mnsic she may feel, without
vanity (and hearers may feel so too), that site
nbjecls herself to no disparaging contrasts ; and
- k 11 11-mronnded but modest conildeuc will ena
ble her to do justice to her on tulnts. Such a
ioger will be at no loss for resources. She will
- .find them in the work of every school In Knrope,
not excepting even (when discreetly chosen 1 the
gems of the modern Italian nnd German stayc.
hhewill be aide to give power to the inspired
(trains ol Handel, grace the charming mcloJies of
" Mozart, aud tiuth and paihos tothe simplest effti
- aion of the rustic n.use of Ireland or Hcotland.
. . - We are not to suppose, however, that music,
..... like reading and writing, "comes by nature."
Mature supplies tbe requisite gifts; nnd when
these are wanting It is best not to attempt the
pursuit. What can be more absurd and nure
idtiahlo than to see an unfortunate victim of
. i fashion condemned to scream and thump tho
keys of a piano ior several miserable hours daily,
without voice, ear, inclination, or the slightest
Lope of success, w hile soma liuo talent that she
'k really possesses Is lelt wholly neglected ? When
tbe natural gil's do exist, It reiiuircs carefnl and
judicious cultivation to rendtr them productive
of fruit. In Ibis fastidious age, even the simplest
" music demands a pure style and niie e-cwiuion;
. and tho prtsence or absence of these will be ap-
varent even in the performance of a ballad or
., wait.. Bnt so much being necessary, it is the
more essential that tho youthful pupil should be
spared what i not ncceswiry ; and it in r vtliiog
' Hnt rjRV9ary to lead ker to seek thegmiltit'i'ioa
: of vanity and u tind D'tthlng but disappoint
! ment and -niortiricjuion hy emulating the
; mechnni' ut ai'.hl. veuients of prufessioiml artists
At the recent fde for the bea ;lit of the Dm-
, ma tic College in London, the following crJ ws
sold in the stalls ;
a roitmur of siiAKusirvitr:.
' HY HlMSItf.F.
1 A sweeter or laore lovable creature,
t ranied In tho piisligality of numre, t
Ti, nueions world cannot isotiuiiu asiiu.
Jlis lite w as t'cntlc, and tho elements so mi:,cd In
,. . That nature might stand up and say,
To all the world, this whs a man !
Jle was ever grneious, bad a tear for pity,
. Aud hand opeu as day for melting chanty '
i- Jds bountv was 11s boundless as the sea,
II is love as deep ; tho more he gave the more
. . lie bad, for ho whs inlinito.
Hear bim but reason in divinity,
And all-iidmiring with an ftiwanl wish
"i'ou would desire to see him made a prelate.
Hear bim debate on commonwealth Bifaiis,
' You'd say It hath been all ia nil hii study.
List his discourse on war, aud yon shall hear
A fearful buttle rendered yon in music.
Turn him to any cause of policy,
TbeGordian knot of it be will unloose
familiar as his garter. And when he speaks Of
love! .,,
The air, a chartered libertine, u still,
Aud the mute wonder lurketb in men'6 cart
'0 steel his sweet and honeyed sentence.
C)nr poet's eye, in a tine freu.y rolling,
IMd glance fruin heaven to earth, irom earth ttf
heaven ;
And as iuiugitmtlon bodied forth -The
forms ot tbimrs anknown, our poet's pen
. Turned tliem to shapes, and gave to uiry nothing
A local habitatiou aud a name.
' "r ound tongues iu trees, books ia the running
brooks, --
EenaoBii in nones, and good in evtrything.
"f ; 11
Biiis roisoM IUkc TLu ancient relic
i?! "t In fcinglund. At a reocut meeting
01 uie AreUa'ctocttl Association, in London, the
' ' TJi; uVtal"'" axhibiwd the iuet-ring
FL"'?! t'V?- rB'a IhU Tcmat ka
,He Htssw art u of gold, .lightly
enamelad. with the im bv3. Uound the inside
. I. the .otu.,''. ,y..o, pinna
, A box droie Into the trout, haviiuToii bote i
,' Iu letters reversed, and round u tile jiordsi (5"
,num, una via. At the buck Is a slide, within
. wbicli, It is related, he carried the nouun he was
In the habit of dropping into the wiue ot his u.
' cui pecttng gtiesK. The signet is contained ia kn
legaiijy tispd. ih'r box., sunuouukd by a
" j
('tr nr. Visnr. A 'wire' adVLrt'ser,
who desired ' rosponJe.nts : to in lose ,tholr
eartet de rtit( baa rvivfd a rpiy from
one tofly, whe writcst-"l. do not inclone .my
carte; for, though there is nmo authority for
putting a cart hi tore a hore, I knw of none for
putting one before an ass. '
oik r.vni.ivi raovrrril.
I oe thy ncighbir ; yet pull not d wn thy he Jge.
1 aree may Kenpnounsol, it tmo Do a'.v. y.
A ood wcrd Is us toon -uld as a ono.
That groat is ill s .wed that shnmcs its matter.
o one is a fool uHays, every one oinetiinos.
racc Willi heaven is the b-it friendship.
A Nitw I! it ii k ion lioinis W11.1.1. Mr.
Voxlcy, of Siony S'.innmd, has invivifed a new
brick, ingeniously contrive 1 for the
neee-sitv of naning lor tr lining trees lo surden
walls. The brick has a proi !Cting bead In tbe
centre of the tace. -vhi -h Is drilled wi'h holes so
as M admit 01 the par.ij;o of a pie e of string or
bass, with which the' h icar be tied. On"
aitv.iitife .,( Ihe In n.l iv. It ad'ilits of n I'lTC
circilition of air iwt vecn the plcttt and wall,
preventing the formation 01" mildew and rot and
the accumulation of iUM ets. I hc cost is said 1 1
be little more than that of .in 01 d. nary lri. k.
r.n in 11 in isn Km mi i.ii 11 n.
A v n kct-hook containing tit'Uen I ank-tiotes, of
lisVif. ca' h, iia picked up in the Hue dcCas
tlL'llone. I'.vtis, a :' v lny aito, by the itc of a
,11 in e imilnved at the l.tat-M.n .r. iu the I'lare
Vendoine. A few unmcnti after, as she turned
the cirnerof the street into the H ie (io Ulvoli,
hwiw a ro-ited l,v a w 'll-drccd man, who
aiked lier, with an air ot" aimcty, if she had
found u Micket-liook will1-!! ho I1.1 d jn-t lost, ,.nd
tidiliiu tfiat it contained 1 .',, "H". , v h th, iinlortii
n iieiv. did not belimir to hlinseli. I he woman
nt onre returned t i him his property, when be
nivp h,-r .1 I'r.ine. evlir"i-s;UL' ll.s regret thit it
was all tho change he had upon him u otler her
as a reward, ile, h.iwcor, aikcd her for In r
ad lrrs, savlne th it lie wcild call u"'n her. It
is to he hoped that he will not forget his promise.
TrtAvu.tNo Asv.n 1 Trs. As to coupanv, two
is the verv V -t traveling number, it i-: good not
to be unite alone in t asc of a-cident, even It the
nndilmt be no worse than a tly in vour eye.
Three is not bad, especially if t'ui of the tlip'O
(OS two sisters I can occupy tne svno ocu-rouni.
Tho cotinc of a diliiTcncc a pleasant place holds
three, l'onr do well together tinder many cir
cnnitflnce, particularly If twa rooms stitlicc.
lour exactly till a 'hired r.ilecho (such as you
would cross the Alps in bv the carriage roads)
dividing the expense conveniently. Five is avery
awkward iieure. Alter four, it is not "the more
the merrier." buf'the mclancholkr:".t tilth per
son is always onetoomany, Hut it is far better to
10 nlone tnan to travel in uncongenial, eanriciou
eanine, seltlsb, or Mncer'itincb'mpercd company
J he choice ol one s traveling associates requires
great caution and consideration ; lor many and
many have started friends who have returned
quite ine Contrary.
Kmvloymkvt von Womi.n. llairdressing and
cutting oiler a good maintenance to clever, in
dustrious womeu witn capital, iiniriircsimg can
be learned verv easllv. as Iialrdressors are in the
habit of teaching ladies' maids for ft premium.
It is more dinicult to learn tiatrcmting, as men
are trying to keep this trade exclusively in their
own linnd", and will not teach it.,
however, have learned and can teach it. A
clever, nmcit woman nitent learn tno art ty
having ber own bair cut three or lour times at
mere 111 "hops, and going with tor mends to seo
their hair cut. We know ladies who much dis
like liavint' their hair dressed cr rut by a man
and, if a woman was to open a smart shop in a
good part of London, and advertise, she would
probably get much custom. The Society lor the
limplovimiit of Women would probably recom
mend lier, an 1 would bo glad to send her ap
prentices, mere are niso, prooaniy, open
ings in larti' country tovns. One very re
snectabie person has set up at Stockton-oil'
Tecs, and is doiug well, having employment
cnonch for her two sisters ns well as herself.
She goes her rounds into tho country, visiting
smaller towns and gentlemen's houses. It would
bo necessary to join wig nn l i'riottc making, (vc,
to 1110 bair urcs.-ing, ami atso to sen comus,
brushes, ponmtnm, c. We believe that omen
with capital might often obtain an entrance into
business by puichming the good-will and -hop of
n tradcmnn about to retire. It wonld always be
absolutely necessary to serve for at least six
months in the shop, us assistant, before paying
the money, as no one conld possibly know how
to conduct a business without experience : this
arrangement would, moreover, prevent deception
with regai d to the amount of business transacted.
Surprise is often expressed that women, when
li ft unprovided for, do not more frequently enter
domestic service, and it is sometimes hinted that,
siuoe they do not choose to become servants, they
cannot bo in very great distress: the tru'.h is,
domestic service, like everything else, requires
special training, and can seldom he entorsd upon
alter early youth.
The "Sf.vkn S i Ans." Early ia tho Jays of
Cir childhood wj Kara one important fact, that
there is a "man in the moon ;" and straightway
we proceed to ask our mother a number of
pointed questions about the matter. K!;c falis
lies our youthinl eurloity by telling us that he
was placed thae long, long ago, for stcalrig 11
head of cabbage, and that he has ever since be. n
kept at bard labor, "oiling brush," or co'le .ting
blanches of tiees o ttiy are trimmed off by the
axc-mnn, preparatory to burning them out of ihs
way. And when we look at the moon, nnd see a
dark figure upon Its disc, somewhat resembling,
in outline, the shape of a man, and near it an
additional dark spot, which might or might not
be a pile of boughs, we go a great deal further
than onr mothers we believe the story; and.
having believed it, we secretly resolve, in our
minds never to commit a thett, lest a similar fate
should bo ours. And thus the silly fable at once
becomes an important engine in forinj and
terming tne ctiara. tor ct the man.
l'he Indian mothers have a storv somewhat
like that of the "man in the moon," which they
tell to their children as our mothers tell the
story to us w ith this dill'erincc, however ; they
beln ve the story themsches, while ottr mothers
do not. Ileieitis.
"Viry long agi seven little boys took it into
their heads to have a feast after the nuii.ncr of
thiir fathers, and they went to th;ir mothers
praj lug for pciinisjion. Their mothers refused
1 he mi alter which they decided to rehoi, and
huT tbo feant anyhow. They procured a little
white dog to sacrliiec; and. having placed it upon
the lire, they commenced dancing around us the,
had seen theJr fathers do on momentous occa
sions. While they were fins engaged they were
suJdenly caught up by some invisible power, and
iariK.1 off through the air. Their 111 ithers heard
their cries, nnd came forth from their lodges,
only to see them mount higher an 1 hi-ther, until
Ihey tool: their place amon;.- the stars in the sky,
to dance on for e'.er nnd ever."
When the Indian mother t :11s this story, she
points out the seven stars of the I'lcioUcs; u:ul
tbe embryo warrior ticmMuS to think whu' an
avMiil lute miht IjoimII the youth who was tu
tboiiKUiKft, us to disouiy his moitier.
Ov Takivt, Cot u. The effects of taking cold
or the diseases produced are many and various,
nnd frequently serious and incurable, and not
el lorn fatal. T.' king cold is mostly, if not always,
the cause of the following diseases namely,
chlltlnius. l atarrli, uronciiitts, pneumoutii, pieu
r:sv. uimihvgcimitoiis asthma, nhtbisis. and
itluiost. nil other lung diseases; larynguis.quinsy,
aore-throat, and croup; rheumatism utid lum
bago; lericarditis, umlocardiiis, hyjsirlrophy,
ai,d ililatiuion ol the heart; erysipelas, tic-dolo.
rcux, headache, toothache, sciatica, and other
ncutalitins ; convulsions, hydrocephalus, nnd
paralysis; diarrli iu, dysentery, jaundice, bilious
ui'acks, cholera InfiinMm, nnd clmleia morbus
oiihthriliiiia, ozn na, polypus, otorrhea, and deaf
in ss ; peritonitis, aseltes.nnd dropsies generally;
JirpalilU', nephritis, tabes, dysmen' nrh" a.amuuor
rli" a. nbortion. and chlorosis : almost all i alia m
mntions, properly so called ; and many lovers, as
bilious, ratarrhaf, rheumatic, infantile remittent,
and milk fever, and sometimes puerperal a
rather lorinidiiblc list of diseases to result from
one cause, and a very serious list, too, seeing
that these diseases caused, in round numoers
,'(;!!). (loo of tho 427 .000, that is. eight-tenths of the
whole number of deaths given in the last report
of the Hegistritr-General ; and those of them
that resulted exclusively from taking cold caused
7.'l,j;i'J deaths, that is, nearly one-sixth of the
whole number; but the number of dis-
euses resulting from tnktn j cold bears a greater
nmuortlon to the whole than do the deaths
bi'ciiuse maiiv of these diseases never do end in
denth; tor instance, chilblains, tic-doloreux,
Letidaihe, toothache, and other neuralgias;
tipthalmin, ocna, polypus. Ucainess, dysmeaor
1-1,, h m il other disorders of menstruation
llavintr examined all the cases I treated lust
month (March). I find that those that have with
out doubt resulted from taking cold, lorm very
nearly one-half of the whole. The prophylaxis,
or means of preventing taking cold, urc the fol
lowing, namely : Laercise, baths, and food,
and a due adaptation, to the varying conditions
ol the air and v ater. A guardians of the public
health, we should with ull our patients, and
especially in our own fumiUes, insist on the
proper rfotbing of children and young girls, for
the protection and development of their vital
r":, ns. mil as means of assistance to their
growth tud strength as of preventing their taking
told. We thould also deprecate the practice of
washing ia warm wat;ir, aud advocate dally cold
wuter sponging or bathing, and sliould druw
attention to tie variations in the atmosphere, und
explain their ijidueuie on the human body, and
polut out tho noeesMty of regulating the clothing
and hubits accordingly, and explain to bronchial
subiwsu the necessity of possessing, Hnd tbe time
and mranyr id U-iug, artapirator. UvmctojHUuc
1 "Wrfitr. Atib Tut f.ow. Talk as yon will bfrti
sovereignly oi ins whiia iw x, iui:re nrr no
sovereigns like th yellow one. -
l)o Jr.iiiirr.o.-On of the most tonchinlt
and at the same tun witty things said by the Ute
Donglm Jerrold,we do not rsnemtMr to nave
sei nliefore. If It has already received the im
primatur it will liear repetition. One evening
.leiTOItl WRS HI B pariy W IHirc i".".ini ,r.n, ikv-
rary men and publishers were assembled, and the
conversation tinned upon epinpns. jerroui kvb
his opinion that an epitaph should not consist Of
more than one or two words, Including- the name.
When the langh hud subside, 1, lor no oneurearoeu
he was In earnest, Charles Knight, who was pre
sent, handed a piore 01 piper and a pencil to
.(errold, and lwfgcd him to write nu ( Miigut sj
epiuiph. Jen-old took the psper, and instantly
wrote down two simple words, "Uood night !"
Tiiv. Anr oy Rr.Amtcn Ai.o' ti. There Is no
social pleasure, amonesi inosi; 11 nas wn niv iui
to experience, which 1 esb'etn more highly than
that of listening to an Interesting book well read,
when n fireside circle, chiefly composed of agree
able and Intelligent women, are seated nt their
work. In the same way as tho lonely traveler,
alter gaining some lofty eminence, on the open
ing ol soino lovely van y, or the closing 01 some
sunset scene, longs to sec the jovsho Is then fil
ing reflect! d in the fa -e of the being he loves best
on corth ; so, a great portion of the enjoyment of
reading, as experienced hy a social disposition,
depends npon tne eamo impressions ucmg inuuu
upon congenial minds at lue same nine. 1 uhtu
spoken of an interesting book, well read, bc a-iso
1 think tho art of reading aloud is far rarely
cultivated; nnd I have often burn astonished at
the deficiency which exists on this point, niter
what is called a finwhod education.
Loud Krvvov bus left a great and well-earned
unmet yet lie inunigea many jx-euiiariiies 01
opinion, n.iy, mnny strong prciudices, wbutn
worked injustice, ills parsimonious meanness,
in dress, equipage, and style of living, was pro
verbial ; and his fondness lor intr.sliicini.' sup
posed quotations from the classlcs.ludir rously mis
understood, was so Inveterate a -to provoke the
rebuke of (icorgc 111. 'Tray, my lord, keep to
yonr good law and give us no more of your bad
Latin. In nn amusing miscellany ho is repre
sented as addrossing the jury "Having thus
discharged yonr consciences, gentlemen, you
niBvietirc to your homes in peace, with the de
lightful consciousness of having performed your
duties well, and may lay ycur nciids on vour
flllows, nnd sny, 'Am t irtar am nuuu. in
ole ridge's "Table Talk" he Is stated have said
"Above nil, gentlemen, need I name to you
the Kmperor Julian, who was so celebrated for
the practice of every Christian vlrtne that he was
called Julian tho Apostle i"
An Ei.rrii nt A-n Ut i.i. Fioiit Tub UtTt.
Nowinni:. The Spaniards, who have a vory
exaggerated notion of the tichting powers of a
fierce young bull, determined a little while a?o to
test him against an elephant. When the elephant
was brought to the I'luce des Taurcaux a fiery
young bull was turned out. Tho bull advanced
against nis tcrrimc nuversnry wunom evincing
the slightest fear. He attempted to Hank him, in
order to wound him ; nut tlieelcpliant.exnioiting
an equal agility in his motion, did not sutler him
to approach. 'Finally, the bull nttu "kod him U
front; but every whore confronted by the for
midable tusKS, wuicu interposed an impregnate
barrier, he did not succeed in wounding him. At
Inst, in our of his assaults, the bull succeeded In
thrustii'g his head licncath the tusks; but, before
he conld penetrate the tough hide of the elephant,
he fell to the earth. The spectators only saw tho
elephant bend bis head slichtlv, and rest the ex
tremities of Ills tusks, which had been plugged,
upon the back of the bull. From that moment
the bull was hor tie combat, nmi when they after
wards killed him it was found that three ribs
were completely crushed by the almost imper
ceptible movement the elephant had made in
holding bim w itn his tusKs.
Tilt 1 n 11 tov as a WATi:HiNo.rt.ep. One ren
son for Ihc steady popularity of Brighton is that
the ereat demand for accommodation having
been met by increasing building, those who are
disappointed of quarters elsewhere, or those
oblmed to make a move suddenly, have a cer
tninty of finding at all times nnd all seasons
something to suit their requirements mere
small rooms and moderate, large rooms ami dear,
whole houses or half, noar Ihc sea or far away,
In winter its keen air is tempered hy its brilliant
sun, in summer its heat und glare modified
by its fresh, and tho lightness or
the atmosphcro Is peculiarly reviving after the
heavy warmth of London In July and August;
and thus, despite its expenses, lirighton retains
lis prominent position amongst tno watering.
places frequented bv London society. lTnfnr
Dished bouses are perhaps, on the whole, noi
more expensive than nt many other places, and
every gradution of size and rent may bo found
there; neliherare turnisncu nouses nor apart
ments in tho winter season much, il anything,
above the same kind of accommodation at St.
Leonard's, sjcailMrougb, aud Iover during their
licst seasons. These urc the conveniences of
Tlriuhton. and few other watering-places caq
offer them."
The Foot-liohts An I.v.rsioti, Scien-
Tll'le-. A?n .r.rl l, l.r ohm. A mo.-l Iuhv-
nious application on scientnic principles to the
illumination of theatres, has just been carried out
by M. Sonbra. Tbe foot-lights in front of the
singe 01 a theatre are almost invariably argum
burners, surrounded by glass. Isot only Is there
gieat danger of tho thin dresses worn by the.
actresses taking lire, but the products of com
bustion vitiate tho atmosphere of the stage,
whilst tho heated nir, rising from them
inst across tho line of sight of the specta
tors In the stalls, renders the view from these
seats less pleasant than it would otherwise be.
The reason why the Maine of an argand burner;
or any other light, points upwards, is owing to
the heated air ; and products of combustion beimr
lighter than cold nir, the former, therefore, rise
upwarus, ana cause tne name to rise aiso. ii,
hu ever, a downward movement could be im
pressed npon the heated products of combustion,
the flame would equally wen totiow tne same
direction, and would continue to burn down
wards. M. tsoubra, therefore, takes a wide glass
fdpe bent in the form of the letter V ; one leg,
lowever, being considerably longer than the
other one. Just inside the shorter leg of the two
an argand burner is inverted, and the longer leg
of the tube being heated for a short time, so as to
rarefy the air in it and cause a downward
cuYrent in the short end, the argand burner is
lighted, and tbe flume, following tho direction
oi the current of air with which it is surrounded,
continues to burn upside down the current
once established, being sustained by the beat
from the inverted flame. The advantages from
this new arrangement urc as follows: The sup
port of the globes, or lamp-glasses, are placed
above the flame und do not intercept thclh-ht;
the icllectors also are in 110 danger of becoming
bluckened by smoke, and they collect rays that
would otherwise be lost in the air; the Maine has
a more elevated temperature on account of tho
heat being concentrated by the syphon, a:id the
carbon consequently is more itic'unili'seent; tho
products of combustion m iv easily be can-led
11 way through the longer leg of the tabe into a 1
.iiiiiir.v i.ta,ul m' viti ilitur tliA ulr nl'lha nnjri. '
incuts. "The advantages, us to safety, o, m this
plan are so obvious that no time should be lost In
introducing this method of illumination into this
country. It is, wo understand, already adopted
In l rnnce with great success.
The number of young In tbe shell of an oys
ter at spawning lime is said to be l,sou,iMKI.
The Last of liiiglund Hank recently stopp id
pavmenl for a large dciieicnry, about three mil
lions of dollars.
The present trade between England and
I'lonic Is largely in favor of Trance. ithont
the trade of the loyal State, England would h"
almost ruined.
Isaac Watson, servant 'of Mrs. Harrison, an
English country lady, was recently fined (is. ild.
for not attending church according to her direc
tions. The Central Statistical Society tit Stockholm
has just published the general return of the popu
lation of tsweden, which the lust year amounted
to no more than 4,JoO,iW totils. Norway con
tains 100,000.
An institution for tho treatment of the
discuses of the heart, so sudden and fatal, exists
at No. 0" Margaret street, Cavendish Pnuure,
London, and is said to be uiarkaldy cilicicut iu
their cure.
In New Caledonia, a French penal settle
ment, the natives have net yet profited much hy
their intercourse with their friends. Catiiiibuli.Mii
exists unchecked in all its horrors. Recently
several leasts came otf at Moneo. No lets than
two males and twelve females, taken prisoners,
were killed und eaten by one of the tribes.
M. Fetiillet de Conches has spent twenty
je;,rs In exploring the archives of Austria, Run
i n, Italy, and Swcdeu, for a new historical work,
which will include uiuny singular diplomatic
revelation. Letters will amiear irom Louis X.VI,
Mane Antoinette, aud the mprcs C'alhurme 11,
ol Kussiu.
The loading' article of a London Journal of
large weekly circulation uiukcs tne totiow .ng
rooicssion, tihlie muaitaiuiUh' that Lngiandcan
fltl.t as well or ever :
"This nation of shopkeepers Is that of the Vile,
Of llalaklava, of Allwul that built the Alabama,
that munucd her, that tarried her into action w ilh
the Kenrmme. Tbe men that fought against inch
odds the eurseou that sank w ith the ship rather
than desert hu post (he gunners that loaded and
tired till the sinking of the ship drowned out trie
tire of her engines th'-sc men were Englishmen
us true hearts of ouk, as seasoned chips or the
old block, as ever swept th seat with Jjlttke, Or
with lloUuey, Howe, or Duncan." j
Npwlnl to The Rvrnlns: Trle-riph.
WAsiiisoioy, August 17. The advices from
liecp Uottom up to yesterday morning state that
our lines have advanced to w ithin seven miles of
There was considerable fighting during the
day, in which the llebels were iuv.iriably driven
General Logan's Official Report
late., lit., JHo., TZtfi., Etc
WAsitijtoTox.Atignst 17. The following report
from General Logan has been received at head
quarters :
Headqvartkhs I'irTKr.NTH Aiimv Coins,
m roHE Atlanta, (in., July 23, li'JI. Colonel:
I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of
orders, I moved my commaud In position on the
rljbt of the 17th Army Corps, which was the ex
treme right of tbe nrmy in the field, on the night
and morning of the 27th and 2Hth instant ; and,
during my advanco In lino of battle to a more
desirable position, wo were met by the Rebel
infantry from Hardee's aud Lee's Corps, who
made a desperato and determined attack nt Hi
o'clock A. M. of the 2Sth.
My lines were only protected by logs and rails,
hastily thrown in front of them. Tho first onset
was received and checked, and the battle com
menced and lasted until about 3 o'clock in tho
afternoon. During that time six succcssivo
charges were made, which were six times gal
lantly repulsed, each time with fearful loss to the
Later in tho cveniug my lines wcro several
times assaulted vigorously, but each time with a
llhe result.
The mom of the fighting occurred on General
Harrow and Smith's front, which formed tho
centre and right of the command. The troops
could not have displayed more courage nor
greater determination not to yield. ILid they
shown less, they would have been driven from
their position. Urigadicr-Genorals Woods, Smith,
and Harrow, division commanders, are entitle!
to equal credit for their gallant conduct and skill
in repelling tho assaults.
My thanks aro duo to Major-Gcucrols Blair
and Dodge for Bending me reinforcements at a
timo when they were much needed.
My losses were oO killed, 1W wounded, and "3
missing; In the aggregato 572 men.
Tho division of General Harrow captured flvo
battle-flags. There were about 10W or2000mus
kets captured.
One thousand nnd six prisoners were captured,
exclusive of seventy-three woundod, who have
been rciuuicil tu the nospluila, aud uro being
taken care of by our surgeons.
Live hundred and sixty-five Rebels, up to this
time, have been buried. About two hundred are
supposed to be yet unbtiried.
A large number were undoubtedly can-led away
during the right, ns the enemy did not withdraw
until nearly daylight.
The enemy ' loss could not have been less-, in
iny judgment, than six or seven thousand.
1 nm, respectfully, your obedient servant,
John A. Logan,
Miijor-General Commanding 15th Army Corps,
LIcut.-C'ol. Wm. T. Clark, Asst. Adjt.-Gen,
m.i-oiu; Atlanta, Ga., July 29, 1801. In for
warding the within report, I wish to express my
high gratification with the conduct of the troops
engaged. I never saw better conduct in battle.
The General Commanding tho loth Army
Corps, though ill nnd mnch worn, was indefati
gable, and tho success of tbe day is as much
attributable to lilm as to any ono man. His
officers, and In fact all the ofllcora of tbi9 army
that came under my observation, co-operated
promptly and heartily with him.
O. O. IIowaeu, Mujor-Geucral.
Harbishleu, August 17,
fsNxm. Mr. Johnson presented a petition
signed by '.'13 privates of the 187th Regiment
l'tuiisylviiniu Volunteers, asking for a redress of
grievances, und a return to tbe Statu for Provost
Guard duty, in accordance with their terms of
Mr. AVoriblngton Introduced an act Increasing
the lees ol hhenlls, rrothonoturies, aud Clerks of
Ihe Or), hum. Com is ot the Mute.
v artotis local bounty nuts were introduced.
Mr. Kinsey. an net extending tho corporato
powers of the borough of Brisrol.
Mr. Donovan, a communication from Philadel
phia City Councils nhitivo to the new militia law.
Mr. Cbanipneys read au act allowing tho bitnka
wbich woie granted an extension of their char
ters last winter, aud which had not yet signified
their acceptance ol the same, an additional time
to do so, ut the first ordinary meeting of their
botiTd of directors. The bill passed.
Mr. Conuell introilnced an act relutive to ooul
mining ecuiinies, giving to thoso already in
eorioruted, and having the power to purchase
lands, ihe additional authority of leasing coal
hinds. Adioitrned until 8 P. M.
II ir sr.. The House met at 10 A. M.
Mr. Myers (Uedlord) otlered the following
aiuctidmi ut to tho militia bill .
VrvUhd, That nothing in this act slinll be so
construed as to confer power upon tho Governor
or any ottlccr of any body of troops lo be raised
under this law, to send or take such troops be
yond the limits of this Btute.
Pending debate upon this amendment, the
Speaker laid before tbe Houte tho Semite amend
ment to the ait enabling .state bunks to trunsuct
business under the national law.
Tbe amendment roouiro tho banks which
make the change to surrender the specie certlti
etuis of tbe Ktate which they received in 18'i2.
1 he amendment was agreed to, and Ute bill n as
lu addition to tho amendment of Mr. Myers,
another amendment, tixing the penalties of desert-on
f rom the militia force, was otlered by Mr.
Mr. Turdy spoke at length, defending the
Democratic party from the enarg.i of uislovAlly,
alleging that they upheld the laws and the Consti
tution against the sggressiona of the Administra
tion, wbich had distinctly pledged itself to etiu
iiuiah alaiety in the South, at every sacrifice.
He praised General MdTulUn, and denounced
he Union Lrauiie as a scrt society, which had
its existence before the organisation of tho
American Knight, if there wtu really any such
loeii'tv. '
The amendment of Mr. Meyers, prohibiting
troops frcm going outside of tlw State, was loel
ayes, M ; uays, n.
Mr. Mev. is ihen offered another amendment
that tho troops shall not be sent In-yond tho
natural defensive limits ol the stittc.
lhis oxpiokaliin was txpllI"ctt to he tbo line
Of the Potomac river.
Mr. Hmith tliounht the natural deienses ol the
Plate woie down ou the James river. j
" J '-tTI'
ff tAffnt4fiitrtnvr'i
I( u tail Invidious sisln;
If lo a blumiiBK ttowsr,
Fsdlns, djla la an knur-BRAi rt I
tr In hTa a host of rfxl t
Iffervlc Iniiiit smena;
II Willi h'i h lxr (.(.Hid to wil:
II nisrtoc stuns when Ue.l- , LI1
Tl'tn llva ttircarr ftn! tfn.
Wishing Its as Inns ata ;
B to luc a life t ."a' ;
If to dm and sn to tn Hi: ali f
If yon mill a lifts of alaanT t
If yml aluo IMs world s lr.iasi.ras;
Ii avery t'onooit von winM .
Tak! mf ailvlco. ami w!h o(l Ihr'.i.
Tt,n, linvlng IleaKli, Wealth, iiTl'l H Slity,
Tou'll hs prr irtrl fi,r t. rr 'Inty.
Bt a ranfiil r"Tiial of Dr.WIM.IAM VliUWl) N"W
H.iok. 1 UK .MAMHIAllK (ll llir, nl'OMld he nA
byecryen- aoie h It'oineU'Ti g n.a'iv, .ind fi
Juniors uQI'.v, M'J. l Slttl UB STKIEI ; rrli-o Ki
llTlH. ' V
No. 110 M.irkHt Ptroot
nrrwr.EN front aw becctjd tsrnrr.Ts.
0. w. wmiiiir. r. h. siDi'iu.
f'.EVKRAL sroBKtr.Ermt9.
Can And atonrcstabllaliinaTit aOjtlnf sortmantor ImaorV4
and Domrttlc Drugs, Topnlar Patf :it Medicines, I'alntt,
Coal Oil, Window Ola, a. i'rescrlpUoa Vfals, ?., at at low
prices aa ganalno first-class ffnoda can be
For Confectioners, In full variety, and of tbsbet rasllty.
Cochineal, Itcrjal ln,lli, Madikr, l'ot An, Cn trxar,
(Ma Ash, Alum, Oil of VII riot, AnllMto.Conpert, Es'rsot
of Loswnod, Ac, KOll LVKH8' ute, at aye on hand, at
lew eat net cah prfa.
flronnd cxpreity Tor our saki, and to nhlon we invite tAe
attention of Uioso in want oi'rriuide artt:l'-a.
Also, J.VDJUO, STAHCil, MVXTARB, V?., slilfi
OnKire by and), or elty pint, win sofetiTltn prompt at
tention, or sp' cUl quota. lum will te fornltfied wlien r
aneited. WRIGHT ft HIDOAIjtj,
Wholoale Drug Wsn h n-e,
JaU-ly Ko. 119 at IKKET Street, a)ove Front.
Oraintng, Olailng.OUdlngcn Glaii.Kalaomlalnit, Papet
Tanilahlng.Ao. eplttf
arm-so A. ornri,
ant hihai o nr-nr,
aiariiLM T. ai'liiEB
i:ilAb or ill 1 1 lirt.
On and alter MiisiiAV, Aut-nat 1, WA,
r..u,iiilrl..i,i. louvi. l'hllil,lilltll,lH lor
Ha llinurR at i express. uiniays cxcimh:u,,i-.-vi .1.
XI W l Jl ,.,,1 111 -Jl l. M
i;iiesiur at e u.,, ii-iu a. -si., i ou, l .iu, 1 jv, ti nu w.
Vi llmlnsTon at s .in rsiontniys e-irepifr, aw.iroa.
at., 1 H'-si, 4-ISI, li-lS., in ;10 nnd 11 -mi v. M.
w 1 aslle at s-s.t . si. ami rsi r. ji.
lsiver (it u't A. M. andl'Jur. M.
Ullloid at Sit'. A, M
fiaLll.ory ill H (.', A. M.
' ru iiK'si inn vntr. iriVTi'in 1.
I.eavo Ttaltluioro at H'lo. 1110 A. M. it.vprm), 110,
D-Jj nml in :'.'ir. l. ,
W Iniiniilon ot I IS, ft;, A. M., 1, ri, , J,
7 and tl ill I'. M.
Kallsbnry at Il-M A 31.
Miliord at 2-4.'. 1". M.
I lover af li .0 A. M., nnd PHP. M.
v.. I 'nttl.. ,11 s ::o l. Hi an, 1 1'."7 P. Xf.
'h.itir at 7-15. scto A. It., I ts), i i 4-t', 5 OD, 7 .-.'l, 0-4O
I . live Tlidilmorc f ir Salisbury and ind rmr d:t station",
"Veave iiaitunnre for Dover and lu'.cnnedl-ita ttatloas at
I'll) t At.
Iniv, Clil sl.'rnl S'Jft A. 1 . :l-(l", Olid ll-'lo I . M.
L.avo Wlhmntiuu at SUO, 9-.'i A. At., a-10 a id IV 10
1 fri'lKlit Trains, with rassonger Car aiU:hcd, wOlrua e Wilmington furPoifyvaieaiidinUrnioi'.la'cpl.Kct
SI .SIiAV:-Onlyatt;!0A.M..10T0P..M.,l'ronirhila-
ili.lnlil.i to llulliinoi't.
from I'liUudvhilil.i to Wilmington at 1 00 A. M., 10-30,
and II P. .M.
from Wflnilnelon to Plilladelphla at 1 IS A. M. and TOO
r. M. Duly at lU-.'O P. VI , irom nii'imori 10 i-unj'ieii -na.
1st 11 r. KKNM;i , jrnpoi inte.i ; -ot.
Four trains dntlr lo Atlanuo City.
On and niter Mo.NUAY, July 1, trains k'av. Vinoitroct
r 1 rry ns iomows :
Hall, 7-:W A.M.
Fn lnht, with pneiienirer ear attached, 1-15 A, M,
F.xpreht (throilKli lli' liuure) 2'Kil'. At.
Atlantic Aecouinlodi'llon, I lo P. M.
Juui'tls-n Accoiimi Hiutb-n, tt-iin I'. .1.
AroommiMla'lon ( Atlantic; i !4 A. M.
Kxpreitl,7'liH A. M.
yrelBlit.ll-.'iO A.M.
Ilsll,4-4SP. tl.
.litii.'0.,n tot'oiiinioileilnn. fi'OO t . Xf.
fare lo Allan, I,-, fiim. Hound Trip Tt Iran (irodonly
for U10 day end tram on wmrn tnov arc irsii. ,1; j vv.
lajavcVllii' alriet I01.i A M. and I 00 I'. M.
Leuve UddoiiUi!d l'l' I'. M. and 2'lu P. at.
Vail train for Atlantic leaves Vbia street J'M A.M.
Leaves Atlantic t'lS 1'. M .
),30-tf JOHN O. BRYANT, Anent.
THAl. KAII.itOAU, OPEN TO 0XF01tt Sl'KlNll
AltnANUiD.Mi.N I .
On ai d utter I BIDAY, April 1, U'H.thc trnhu will leave
at (Slows :
S-rATlOlsS. A.M.
Oxionl 11 )
Vi est tlrovo I' i7
Avontlale 7
Kennett 7sn
C.iad'l 1 lord. ...7 12
C.llrord 'S-'O
W.'..llilll'tlua.. S'la
l'hllndi Ipsla :l 22
si. s, IMOS-. .1.
3 -J.') Phliatli'lphia.... a-W 4 a
;l.,2 Wost 1 hestei.., 71'j 4 V
4 ill W.i'..lmiCtlou,. O 'H 611
4-17 I'oiu-tirtl tl '2-1
4 II Clm.ltt sloril.... 11-41 li It
.lis) K'-nnilt ln-di 0 :I7
o 1 Annul, He in -.'l U- .1
C JO We-tiir.ive 10 'Jl 7 0J
West heslt r ) 10
C.ltiDMorl lu-'si ID
l'assenuer llt iiot ill Philatli'luliia lia been liiill.'Od
F.lklil'eiuli and Slarkvl 'i. ,-i.. lo T 111 K I V r 1 ItS 1 aud
MAKKI I Mru'li. West I'hiliuli duhi 1. Mark, I Mle.o
1'atseni:er Itadu :iy Cart i-nui iy rasscnifort to uud lioia
tf, iiepot,
l'ttHst iigers no throuyb wltbcit ehanse of ears.
Ju l HE NUT We.uD, .siuperinn adent
iilns time 01 Trulua, comineucuis rltlOAY, January
j 1S4 :
'lrr.,m Walnut Rtreat Wharf at 9 A.M. .3 and 4 P.M.
fit lilit 12 M. ft' lurnluit, leavti rlaleiu ut 4 A. al.ttt isl A.
Ai.illOl'.M. f KlsniiJauy ea, n viuy. Amnvto
' MOKTON Mll.l.t. Aif'iit,
Bocoud Covered I'loi- abovo w AI.SL'T ftieaf,
S llKLAWAItB ivaiiue.
J4-tf J. VAX,S, ,crllituaent.
AJL pK"l toitclifntr I'H.'uociis-town, Cork Martior.
lit w.ll kituw o -ti'iiuti'ii (il t lie I ivti 1.0.1,, Ni-w Yurk,
nd Hhihii'c.fhm Kto..itfl.i,t ruuipmiy r iutinttott tu
tAttvit in luiit-wK
CITY OK l ONlrOX.PRtHidv.Auc.lM ?0.
cm OF liAL'l IMOIU:. ismur.l,AuKi)it2;
K 1 N A . Hntiir0ii . Hi-niciubor '1 1.
Ami evi'rv nccet'Uin hniuitluy, At nKn, fn'iu 1'ier No.
i N.-t'ih ir.
PdvaMeln Cold, or li-.iiuiviiirm tniltirroiicy:
i'trsi i'ttuin f i our tite t.TO'fK)
j- trw( ni nn to l ontimt s: ix- sttu-rurje to I-uihImq,,. :, m
1'ir.Ht Ciii-iii loTuiis... !i.M) Htfeiute Lu Parii U
J-'lntl'tiltlii IcItuinUurHitU'Oi N(eiTiti:e in ilotnlnuK. . .17 00
I'li-M-M-' t arenlMi iti wnnlcl to Huvr4 Itii'iiK.'u, Uol
ttriiuui. Ant" em. A- . t punuilr )iwrutfn.
1- :irc li ui trrix ul ir 'm t uttiiwii : Hmt CaUil. 75,
'I y 1 1 w l-li to tvuti ur ll.Ur irii-nUtt cuu buy ti'.'kJi
lie:- nt ihe f rntt
k ui imutiuutlcn ap;.1v at the Company omcca.
Ko. Ill WALK I T Sireot, r:aiaJt-Ji.!iU.
Htnift!'h l.tno. nilliiif iiuin escli im i
iKl A.S. tniu Iti't w lurf uiMi.e 1'lSf. Mr.'i.i.rrmi
il'iiii'it, Hint I.citii Whmf, ltONtoti. Krom tJn wl.arf
Htti'Vt' I'lflt StTl'el.f'Il rtTUiaV,AHi;U11i, I-e4.
1 l.f OJtMA,, Utiii-r. will kiultiMm Ph IaJhI-
rlilu tor i tot ton, iD frditiniHy. AitbtUtt -J). nt 10 A. M
riimiucii'in.i, i kttuit any . hi t r. ji.
Hit ). in w n,itd itu(iKtiit tU Rtcumililp. fomi a rojulif
rtu-, sit i ui 1 1 oiii fiini inn imiii uu-iiy i-n fttiuirtiAv ,
liiuiuiki'i, vittcU-L- at uni'-JiiiU lla- itcuiitiUi cli;tJ oil
rivjjhtM '.ftken nt fulr ratoi.
HiipiH-i'M ritietttoa lo ouml Blip -cel tf tnd It ills
LB riu wl'h tiicir i-'injJ-.
1 leijlit mi P. age (tirtiiif fine aorontmodettlous)
)-ti Ko.:(;L Awuue.
iMrtIii mi r i BvTitinirvj .ini
via IH-lawara aiii
i.i u Jitai. I I.l' ktn.iiiieii ol thL-
i hue arc leaving
dailv at U n'clock M., aud tt t" clock p
hove Walnut itreH.
t-or JieiPht, whlrb will hi tkn tm accooimo.lfttiag
II i s . -' i io liaI.lA.1t M. ! A titU tU.,aj.i;'is),
i' AitL Avenue.
i i.e 1. (tnu AALOL'VEK, Captain 1. V. Carliala,
s- mi nan mm Nml ..
tj'ur iri-iKht oi passane, anply to
luuaila nu n.viiijsow a rvt..
Jjl -V iso.lul WAtA'L'X btroef.
rilH.AnKI.rill A TO BKOKI YIT.
f xci RMnM nrKFT ,;ki for TiTtm TAT.
n Mnfl rtr MONDAY, A.ti tt 1, )t4, trulnn wtM lnT
Ami ni VlhH Mtrvt, FhllHlrh', vrry awnlnR nt S A .
JU. (BiintU ifji10l,lbH ii lv Hit- I'mimI!! mill A t
Intk Mitl lt.irlun an iVrln-ar1 tUti'U to rrt
Mnamotitts, ami lih cnnim.xliotin tanir Hoyt,
ln fft of Ati inttr trM, lirikiyn ; rtnrninp, Imvo At
lantic Htieck Y han laj i,hnudi Atittdy, ttt 11
A V.
TTvVr fi th elf? of Vnw Vrlt am nMlflrd aof to
viy ir pniftvit by tnu Hi( th Htitio of Nt-vv mm' y
a Intf (ir u'td to the i anid'-n mill Ainhoy ntntiofMiif Hie
fJc)lIll3 rlVtlt"(T nf f irrj tflK p.i'iieM Httti ffl(!it Lit.
twciai tie iitfR mi pdilBflrli'hi.i an 4 New irk. tt'
V. I'. ItlHTTfl. ivni'rtl Sii'iorhit-nth lit.
'l)tlllSIO KAIl.UOAH.
I 1 l I. 1AIII E
rn and after .MOmiAV, aliy !', ld, uU flirther
notice. or (ir.RMVUTOwv.
lesTB riiilnl'lpMa , 1, I'Ul.r.' A. M.-, 1,1,310,
.' . ..' 7, s,', in, ii, itr..
LV .Vo ( ;, T. T-. ,.. 1". 1'. IS A. St.,
4 ,k,s, S.C',.7, S.", IU. ti . andl' I'. M.
'Thes MHiwa, and it e l'; andO'i Irsun up, do not tt
n IheO rinai,l. n Hi in, h.
( IIKM 1' HIM. t Mt.ltOAP.
Trove r'Uad!plila,, ,l",bi A.M.; . Vi,Z.1.9,
""''f'a'voi ne.iiiit It'll, 7-!t .910, H,
S40-r.-iv;,!i,,;!.rnVo!i- , s.. .
l.eare l'hllad'l'Mi 11 W A. M.i l'i,J,4S,t t,
',,S(i;.. niul II, f. V. ... , , ,,,
leme N"rriiliinn,f'4, 7, rw.J M'.li .1, i.-, i.l.
The M, train up. will K )B atWIssalilikon, Manayank,
and Cinftboikcn only
1 lilt SAMltOft.
Lcavr. I'l.iln.tit t.i.i. , !);(, il-is'i A. M , i'i, 'S,
t.'i, s (.-,nd II Vi I". H. .....
Leave,f,'4, T.'i.t-;", f.'i, II i A. M., z,l, .
and 9,'a I'. Jl. .....
II. K.isirs, f ienerai tnioi irienoeni.
my 11 Ixpot, JN . S TH ami ' KKKM siri'H.
1 ror Br.Tiii.Knoi. imri.rruw n, kastox,
Mil til CHI Ik, IIAI.LIO.N. WIl.XI.MlMlllt.. and
Oa and afo-r ViN HAV, June III. 1.I Ta-fneir Trains
Will N ttM tt:- N' I " l'"t, I I' tl( II S'roi-', il,oie I t'.oiup-
son strc.t, rnusdmpi'ia, 'laiiy irnnnars i.cenui, "J
folio s: .
7 A.M. lEPJ-es) :or ii'Mr.iineTd, Aiu'niown, -iiauto
Clinnk, Wnxe-harre, vimnnni rt.
tei;, a.m. iAee.,innie.uiloi,) nr iioyieFio n.
10-1.-. A.M. (Ac, "iiiiie'iiiii.ta ) i ir r on i amiiligion.
3 V. ?l. c' "n.ui'i.ljtl.iii) for PoyleMown.
, F. si. F.xir'ii for lo.'.nienem, r.asiun, c.
415 1'. M. I Wail) ir 1) xl. ".(own.
S I'. P. M. (Ar. niamodaUcn) ior Uclhl. liem, Allintown,
and M iti ti Chunk
,-1 . 1. M. ( .V '-'on ) lor i.t-naaie.
11 P. M 1 A'TiBii,iod:ili"ii) lor 1' rt Waahmgton.
ss rim riin..Mi.i.r'iiA.
1 e ver Itc'1,1 -in i i in r, in A. M.,9 M A.M , .mtfW); P.M.
I,,ifi,,n at ; in A. il., J to 1'. .M.,.oi'l i 1'. M.
1.aii,1:i1 al I', A. M.
fori W aslillijt.'ll at 11 ." A.M. and 2 P. M.
rii"a,let,t,ls aT TI"lliletKm ot ! A. M.
Philadelphia I '"T li-'Tl-'iown a J P. V.
)i.,)ton ior I''i-lp'iia at 7 VO . M.
I if , lili'liem ior i in .i.l Ki'iin i,.-ii.
Illlliiian lla,'.n.' Bs.r'i will rail ior anil e nver nnf-
cue at tlie depot. OM rs uiay bo left at 'I.1L1 . UIIKO
Bireel. .
1) E
It r.
till r. A l i II i r i i -r.
lilOHr P!MT.IH:l.'lirA TO TUB INTK.innil '
ri,HM, AM , UN' t III I i.nii.i., ni.o-
Pfcrtftl Kill It 'I II U1
I.(4V tlT C('iit.u.v m i, n, nt TlilHTF.I.MH anil
("AM OWJI1XL "JU'-'-'ti. rt:lta' li-hiu, nt tho IoU-wing
At m.i A. li.. for U.liiu. Lebanon, Kohrata, L'llz,
rnlunibU. ltarri'biirj.., Pottsvill". Piii.-i.'ro.'. lainvi-
Him .mi u iii.imsikiif f. itiiri. ifcfiniai'T. ruixiin r.n
Huit.llo. AlN'i Wl kftairo, 1 t'tst- D, York. Cftlltllf,
CiiamtHTishiiri:, ll"Miwn. .f
1 he trm 01lll ' IS Al ttI'AJirtU wnp r-usi srciinr-v it
fiia trmii r Aticn'own, i.. tho liaaiimit; ana
C'-luii.bU Itatlroai: f" i;phrat.i, LltV, ana cniumma. mim
with the I.t hiinnnV' .lhytr.un for llnrr.shiiTi.'.itc.iat Pitr
'MNTiiS whliCutiiw in' kai'roaM rralns lor W ilk'narn?,
WtDi'ininiiort, 1 o. k MaM-n, iJinira, .c; ai ii"ni.n
l,rmilh "Noithcni Central, ' " uinherhifltl Vailnv,"
and "Hchinlklll ami R.'.H.iiic'ianna iraum t-ir m una
berland,ViIllunir.r'r otk.ciia.iih.-nh'irjsr, Piucrfroo,Jfcc.
Leavn PhtluUi li-liU .-.t ;M0 P. M. for Halln, Potts-
tHIp. rin-i no, H-trritM'Tp, Au . roimectlntr at iturrii-
lri: with penn-vlvania fralu tor rtt.hnn:. to.
i.r)ar0. Klmirii, Jn.,ana at IVrt UntMiwIth C.itjiwUs.i
XI..rtl.At-ii nlr-il If ) 1 1 f! i.UI ir.lin I. IT fill II r T . .1UI llllltU-
KailroutJ trains lor Milton, S llliamsp'jrt, tluiira, Kuil.tlo
KKAIll NT I AU'l 'M U-l 1.11 Ull.
LenTC- Kouiitrf at il ') A.M - utoppinji at all way htt-
i mih, arrh in rii.ii.-i- inh.a :t trim a. m.
lCt'turiiiiiir. I v"' fhtuatt-ihaiaaitj'wr'.M. : arm us iu,., l U'lHI p i
IT a nr l' in aceiim a iiarrimirK ;im .'i. , un-i
Pot.-.vilir-at lf15 A. M .nrrtvinc In Plillintelphla at l
m Atn-riii-ii.t) tr.iiim lra llHrriHt)tiru at J P. M
I'otl-vllle at l'.Ui p. M,. arrMnu in Phliadelplna at 7 P. M
Market train" .villi a insi-wrcr ear att vhtd, leav
rhiift.hlhla at 1 P. M.,t.r Rcultnk' and all wbt ntntl;m!i
l(-av-B-'Hin.' ni i.', uoo!i, ana i-nH niumowii ai w i
M. fur Phflush-li'Ma and nil way ilattoiH.
Ail lliu aiiovc Iran- run .any, unuaya rxcqiu-u.
r ni.trtv tr.ili.i h ae Poltaville at 7 o0 A. it., and rhll!!
deli.hlaaty I.j P. M. , ,
' i-iin u I L'I) I" IT I T.'V DilTBlUTI
PiUftnccm for bowntnitUiwn and Tiiiona liaT po!nf
take th H ltt A. M. ana 0t P. M.truiiii fro:a I'hlladcl'itHi
returning from Dowinut j n at 0 10 A. M., uiut U li
noon. , . ...
Tiiiff. X'w York 7 P. M i.sslne Itnadlncat PJmM
nltiiii, ami ooiitictiny at ll.trri" nrK with PcnmytvahiA
K tllr(:.t k'M ik tiaillH tir f tUhrTir.
R.Miirninii Kirt's trmn iea Marnuurpon hititii ni
the ri iitiHvlvaiilft t. iirt-tH i.oiu riuniurn ut w .n ,. m
iiav-inu ii. ...iiiiir at h o A. M.. anJ irrivniw' at New . nr
at 1 I r M nii'lMIHK ,,! s r.iivaw imun
tliroiiirh, beiweca Jeriiy ir.y aua rmaimrK. wiuuui
.M.ill t rami ior "srw irrh ..ive nuriii,iir. o j. -i.
and 2 P.M. Mall tralr.a ur ilairlstiUriE Kave cvT'ilt
SI I I LKI i 2l. l.m It IILItlJtlL
Train U aT PuttvlMo -it 1 lit A. M. anl rt-.Wp. M re-
tnrnhiK fmm 1 usfjarora at S 10 . M. and I ... P. M.
HI II I 1 I Mill. I Ml Ml r.M 1 Ti l UAP .UtIAII,
Iraini loavt) Antuirn at "t 4 A.M. for PlntirroTe nml
UnrrUhtiri- mi.i .it f i'O and 7 10 I . M. Iit FinruTova only
r.nirmi'K nom iMnlihurw at i w r.M.t ana iruia riuu
M,i at b io A. M.t aiui 4 and V. M.
ThronL-V first- lrtii tl. k.-u and cmlcrant tiuXcts to all
tho ri . n.ii nointtt tn i tin N rt i anl rst and t nmftai
Tde tbhowtnir tt-kut ht ohtrtln:ihlf onlv al the oirioe of
fi. l.HADrouL), irea-urer. No. r:7 S. Oi Kill Sirt,
'hliailiintia.orul U. A. Nl'.OI-L, tit-Hcrai .sui'cuniu-
itm, Keadlu; - w ,,-
I'flllvll I A 1 lUll
At-?o pr c"it diii-nm!, betwe-iu auy pointa desired,
furiaiuiheB ur.d ntiKM.
Ooed ft iWW uiikfi, Llwe.'0 al uointi, at 910 36 oath,
l'r tattllieb ana uini.
Kor thro, iK, nine, or tw"!vo UaOhIIis. for Uoldera only.
lo all poiiiis, al rtuujo.i riiH.(
i i.r.itii l ii j. n
1lnJl ltiln,.n IliA litiA ..i il.a, r,,a. I . Ill ha. I'l t tltl 4 hull with
con ft, cutltllng tiiemlts and vfvi.s to tickets ut halt
tare. . , M
fi Mi' li' Ki.rn
Fr.ra Plilia.leloNa to urin- hml Mith nn, nooil for Ratur-
tla'. bumlav. nnd M-m-lnv, al rudu v il i're. to be had only
Btrwis. itt.
Ciodn of all itimardid to all the aNov
po'nt"', imii th Company a aew irululu Ueut, liltoAl)
ana y iLi.un sin ' is.
rurifiliT TPAIKS
T ciiv PhitaiiltlniiiaL (i.Lilv at -i A. M.. 1 P.M..antl(1P.M
li-r jicadlKK,, liarrbliur,;, l'otuvili. Port Ciiu-
Xvut aud tv.ui ui und.
Cloaa at ttiePhlla lelphla poi.Oni" f r all plaooaontha
load nud hi brain I;.- at u a t:., tana lur uie pi tuciptu
tatioiik only at i l v. il.
it i . Ai: it a .Nt.r. ii i n r.
On and after t JilIAV. Ann) 1, Wr4, Hit TraJm will ltav
as HHlu ;
l.iivfi I'liilaii. iwiia. trtiin tne I if-not, corner or THiiirr-
II .mi andatAKKKT Htrottt, tt A. M 11 A. A1.,'J
i' m .. c:ai r. m.i r. m.
ptilladi li hla Itt'pot chftntred irom r ir.H Tr.r.N I H ana
MAKKKl Mittli to 'UllKli-i lU-U1 and AlAliKtl'
Leave Writ Chester, irom the W' l-ot on East siakkut
Bin et, i.'JO A. M., '4; A. 11 A. M P. .M.,4
J he i'ari inu west riMii-ari.inia i-hshoiivt nn
ri(U)aii ( ,iarki, mrrft)w iii conv y l'aaatiiioia lu una
truLu the ii-iua i i-t.
jia n.
reive PI'HadelpMa at A. M. and W P. M.
I fitve Wit Ct.t-stfr at rt A Af. rtnl 4 .i-l P. M.
TrauiH leavlim Plaladc i-tila ai b A M. and P. M.,
fird Wc-ti'lit-Ki-ral i i - A. M. und 4 45 P. M., count. t
vittt tniina on thi I'l.i aitelDfilJi an-t U.imia'-ro Cenual
K.iiirouti luri'M'T-i ami iiitt'n.M 'ii.iii' poinia.
jii4-if iii.mjv h uoii, ;riier u MipcnnTenneni.
'1'.ST JllItSEY
II t
i timini'ii'tue ou MiiSUAV. June 30, lui.i, from
YVaJuutauiot rlhari.
rim t'.irr. mat.
Atn and lu A . M . ltd I M P. af.
Tit H.ilrm una ltritlLi'ltin. at !l A. M lilul 4 I. M.
I'.il i;lal,t'r", ill II.!', en, I III A. M., anil I nutl 4' 0 V. M .
1 or tVouillmry, (, ii.,al 0 uliul) A. M..U 31.,
nun 1 nun s I', n
lll-.ll hmmi -iiiAtnr. i,r...Bt
CiilieMav 111 il Olid 11 4.'. A. M., .Hid . I01'. M.
Millvlllf til 7-40 A.M. .and l'VJ iiudli-M 1". at,
SiiIith at li A. M., and 11'' I'. M.
Il,l,lt.t.,n ai n h A. M.. I tiO 1'. M.,i ul71u andH l.1 A M..-.' J'l. M.nnJ t SO P. M.
W ix m Mid ali.T'isiaadS'M A. M.,4nd 2 Jo, &, '..
and S 1'.' 1'. 11.
OHiee. Ku. 6 tt Al.Kl T Mraoi. w.ll i'll Im- and ,lllree
Itiiui'eui-. and altind to nil the usual brandies ol Entire
tii.w,"sa. it,a, y m f'Het taken ly ii A M. lint-t only, an4
must bi- vent tu the onu-e the eveumt: nreviniu. tv!tn..
blu ui I iclvr lt 11, if line Bill.l lie it'll I'fluld A. H. A
al. ull ueaai'lter u,- uuiuanlut e:n-i, train.
1 j. i aa ou'.i mica
ICr 1 rillLADELPHIA AND lot" 4
lCiO-l. LllllC HAILItOAD. loO J.
'i I ia enat tine travortea u,e j.trii,wn ani t,ril
souiilles tt Pttnnsyh aula t" tt,e city ,tl llrle on Lake Kru.
It hasitt-eu ii-aeeu byiiie i Laftei i.i am.. ii.ii.K'ali
CUMPASV, and iiudi-r tln-lr ainplcis it biluu laiud,
oneiietl tlirouuhout It. entire li-nmh.
11 it nnsv m uso itti . iiKt . Hitu ieii,i uu,,uei9 irona
Ilitri'lAl.uru lo Kninorluin. (iNi utllt'si.ou the Lastrrn lllil.
uou, and tiuiu ijueUmd to Luc vis luilet), ou the VVcttern
1IMK nr rAStBKGkB TRA1N1 AT rHH.U'l-.l I'lllt.
Mali Tram It ayes , H no A. M.
l.stresii 1 r.i'n leaves'. M.
t ait run tiu'tuhii HTiiitti-r i iiANtti. in,iu wa.aon the,
train, tieteri-ea piilla-tftli'l-ia ahd Loik Uaveiuud bitn wi-n
tiainiuore iu. i.oi-a iiasen.
I'.k'.anl Ait oplua Car on tl.c Exprei.s Train both vara.
eur luloi ittalion resitii ting rat,if ujiei tins ,i, appls of
ti.. n. r. . ci ner in r.i.e.1 en i it ana ai&itriL 1 btiuelt.
jiau i"i iitijui uustiu'e. in lite i iiiiiuanv . Aeui. :
8. 11. Klnjiun.Jr., corner blXlLLNlliaiid alAiiKLI
Streets, i loiutieipiua.
J. W. rtf.uuliln.Lrle.
J. M. I1U, Atwul, . M. C. E llulllunire.
II llOtl.-sTOW.
General Kreliil.t Ave nt. i-hiiad-'Miu..
i.k,wih t,. tun ri,
Otneral IKku Aceut, Phiiudiii.hki
JlUskl'll if i-tt. i.-t,
Stairal klauagir, WllUatuepe
IO()M. xrw voiik i.l si si.
1 lie I'anoler, ana Ambof and rhiia.ieipaia and Trwn
Rxllroa't OrmriMi Lines frgin Phlladl'l,u te Mew Her
ana W ay M' es
I ao.H WA! in-f KTBCET WllABr,
W tl lei' a n folloita, Mr. : VIM
At '1 A ll.,vtl anden andAnboy, C. and A.Ac-,.UIIol 12 ;l
Ais a. M , via Camden and Jersey CHy, Moralnf
At I'.1 M .TiafjAm"n and Amooy, O and A. Acc-im-
At fP.M. via t'amdi a and Amtn'y, c. and A. Kt-
pt ..
At 1 V. M.,-. ) I't.r'.'tn .ln,t Amboy, Aecouirji'iil.vrl' n
i Kr"ll t a:io Pneniier) ,
At s p. M., vi.i "a r,. n :ind Aml'oy, Aeer.mmodatlin
I r-lw i. ar.u teTiiKTJ Isl Class licact
J,t rim do
At 7 P. V. , 1- t'p ed M and Amber Art iMmnnda.
tl ii ,.rrli',: ar.J Pu t' n. r), 1st I UiM Tl. ket.,..
M l l.-i-t .lo
lerM.iii- h i l,..!ia, A ll'-ntiin il, lit thi' heni, r.:v,iler-K.o-'on. lll', rmlnBloii, A-e., :c:, p. M.
l or l.ainli-. t . Hie mid iiit'-riui'illfite Ruition-. at S p.
Kir lojpt; Holt-, K .finm-cie, 1'ernlH-rton, aud Viaieu
l'i"n, it ii A. PI ., an.) r. w.
t or ire old i : A.M. and P. M.
I "f I'll: yi i, rt- e. tin, llcliinoo, llrverlr, Bi:rllns!on
rto-eme. V- i ' ' -". -.. nt A. M., II M., I. .c. 0,
atet a p. M. 1 tie .1' -1 an 1 .' 1'. M. Iliiot run dlioct IIjoui
lo I ivnior.
l',,r I ,i: iy-a, Pi-.enon, Ielaneo, Ilcverly, and llurllai
. n II J r. .1.
i.-a-..rx tit T-en:en, f, r ftrln'ol, Ttnrttn:loe), Beverl
Trrretiljl'. an I '. srrny nt s :io A. M. and n P. II.
I.IVKK KltwM kM;M(l,rOJi ULl'Or
VCIIl leavo aj fo,,w
At 4 A. v., n -ia K-n;nirton nnaKew Vcrlt,
We- I. , ami V-w York Mini flv
Al H IS A. si., ela Kenilnittou and .Terser citr Ex-
pren 3-1
Al 4-" p. u., i :. K' E.iiifciou and jirney city Ex
press a-i
X' lif, P. af.. i la Kivielnuton Klut jLtht'V t.'ltr.
s ii njto i lid sew io; r.ipre i
ftiii'lAv iies k-are at 4 A. l. and ( 4.' 1', M, liiara si
l" no 11:"- at 4 A. M. ' VsiiU on M. unlay.
v v. air .ii. Mi', u,i. i hit c nt ranion. iv k-einarr' -V liiitl. Vnuch I'hiinK, Allenlown, lleJuw
U, A. ft! 1 hi- inn' -onii' d'. Mini tlie u&ln liarlns basil
for V'a nil i li. e.i .; I'l P. l.
I r I.linirrtV'lt in nieril'-ture einuoos at . -. w.
V r Jli'l;, Tr.nioi . A.c.,ai imns u u a. at., aim
r. ii.
r..r II otrr.t sc;-(t. Ta onr, Wilnomln, Tlrid, ilmrg, ai
J r ins' ,r I SI 'l A. M., 5, ') 1. aud s P. M. The 9 A. M. Li:
runs o llrntnl. ,
I STKer New VorK s leavinu i-mioi,T
I).-.ot. jkn li.e ca;. ou riCih sire.1. atwve W alniit, a
)i.,sr Woio .leparttir-'. Thei'arirun Intn tl.e Jjepli, aj.
..n viil ..r., i, 'e.iln run from t lip llf-Dot. I
I 111 V poinitH or Ii-UU IRO oniy nnuweii rarn pnniinKf-
Pai-enf rs ar" iro'et,!!. ! u""in tuainir anyii'iuv in roLt-a:
but :Ji-ir , inns app'rel. Ail han'imc ovor (If it fi n
to no pai-1 f. r e tr.i. The i ominuiy limit their r.'s,n'
bi'.lt-.- 'or iil.'f ::e 1" O-lc Ilotl ir jot pnond, und si lll iit '
llabii .f a ajwntt bojoud lnO, except by special i
cratiar. ' n.-.ti'-." r.sprasj will roll for nnd iteiiver l
wett Ui !!.... Or to.s in b.. left at No. a WAt.NI
jtns in r, i- . r.
Ll.Ste i'Jtt'.M SK'V VOItK Fnn rtULADELPHlar
Frm fon. of ronrtMn.l tu-'Mt at V2 M. ana 4 p. n.,v
Jerse, v a is Laiiinen; ai ana in a. si., u r. .i., ai
12 'Nietc.) i la .lr.ey l. l'.y and Kenlnsln.
I r nu iik.-. i Ii ir lav'., .it ii A. M. and 2 P. M.,v
1 1, n , in, t .ifr i. o.
From Ihr N,.. 1 r:h Ttber. at 12 M., 4 and 8P.J,
( J- relelit a id I'assemerj rla Ainioj- and cauitiia,
X all th utioni v,n the Camden and Axuuoy aou cc
no t.ngi;a1lJ.udT. .Dr,4.r
l.s. rifc "vr-ti i'i.i aivit,
Tt, rsi VTi nnd Ant' iy It iUrt'tiil und Trnnrwai ,
Cimetn rr.-lihl. I ines I'jr New .irk will leave Walt
iri";t niiarr, en anil ailir Juiiurv e, umij vouui.aje.r
iei.t..i), at f,u r. si. .. k , . .
'r" 'irai:ia7. inc ai-o. . Lines win utc vt ivman A'1
4 P.M. .
v r-oit ht trtr n i..n. rrincrion. Ktnpr,wn. new nnin
tvi. tr satisi ill ni i mi iha Camuon and Ambov KatlroA
alitoon the i(eivid-re, l--Uwnrc, and FltiuiUKton. the Ne
J..r-ey, th-j Pr.Mhvld and Jani'uhnrir. and the HiuHn,T.
and M iunt i.y.iy .:itir".i-n. rceivea ami inrwarueu up
p.", o""4"k P. V. Smai-' pack:ijfes Vr Mount llolly receiv
ii p to 'i o tla t. m. .
Th Iiel.-iil ra pvla vtr" Pllroad ronnerta at PtlBI
riinwiiii 'he I.:iih Y iII-'T Pallrond. The New .ItT'
H tllroad wnnc.H at Knantn wiin inn aew jhii
Cvntrat HjiItji 1, aud at Nuwurk wlta Uio Mvrria '
.s : r. u.r i.ia.
A in umuriTiinni. "xncnTintr me mnras ami n'
)ri. s.tiintirti and irontii-npf s. nniat in every InitaiKe '
aiiit with ra-:h load of tjodi.orno receipt wilt he Kivt
lacre.iS"n a iir..., invini: ueen niaue mr viw irAnsi-or.
if.tti f.fT tv l" M I'll' 'K . .lr,.i .'rn nrr Inviti'd to trv th iS run'
V'in th tttk i rum in he. in mtnt tiea or inutM
J.iirtlll Or Ul'H J 11- Will UU Ufll Ml I'M fit- um t"v s
stroot, n?ar tlic Dn-vo VunW, or at Pier Ho. 1 ISoi
Jdvr, 'U IJ.ipT) 'r" rny wiiniiiin- ui nm huitj wi
hlnaa-c;. WAI.TKU KKKK..M A N, PretKht Afei,t,
. -f- . iiyiftware avenue, i niiantaipn a.
...... I It. UAVMOMl.Kriluht Auent.
VJ" r No. 1. North Uivur. New York-
J l 1 11 b.
rn r if r M"iNT.A Y. .lunuary 4, lH6l.tli Tmlns I-
, w Y.rk. leivl'ic Kcnsttiitun Ltlsit. Phlladelulua.
J li A. M. (Nulu). and J 'M V. M., and the trams leav.)
JM'lV 1 ,kH C A, ,l , a.tu , uutta., m.,.." .
' .i-lie '.no rni ."1 wtaie miuii una sen l"
nr d v.'aslinut in l'.niHeu;erf.,.-ird will not take In nor
out any imiviisere hetwi-fn s-.ud tlilt-e.
I ne III A. M. .tnd I." .Mldnulit Lines from KowYorKi
Vashi:mt33, wi.l t.'l'S 1) W A. M. and 5 P. M. Llivee ft-.'
rvasriliifitt,.-. !C ?iew lora, TVlli isuiiinue as i irsi'ni, i
e.irry ,a-t nee:-s tn and IV' ln tlie lntenuedlala ttatlout a
Haiti r', Wli,liluHpil,iird N"W Vnlk.
AiiltA.Mli.-MilisT.S li fc I WEES l'lllLADULFHIA A
.ni.w luun..
I.lnei 1Asr Piri.i-le'rlila. iVom Kcn"lnirton Pen",
11 li A.M ,40U, a. d ti-44 P. M.,aitd MM uinlnU-tit.un
irom 1. ani'it Mreti. rr.iarl ma i;aiuaea),ais timo
ii., 14 M., 4 and ill'. M.. lor kevr York.
AndlMV. t N"W xom, irom lu.'l 01 s.-ouninnai sire
17 A.M ,1'V " ,U II ,4 and II P. At., and al 11 at
nli hi, aal&osi A t of larcby street at 6 a. M., au.'
1. M. M. A. uAl.ntlt,
Jui-U Afiaii
let' ruNssYivisii
Till I FIT i H nil' I.M-TII.M H MIHIKT KUrrtl
F.tiulDin:'tils ami U,.-uil,s l,ir tlie tale, eneeily, atulc.;.
f ri.t.f tra-ii ti :,.'. ju ci pj.bcnii'jre, uiibiiruaBti'd by ail
r .ui,' l:i fi.e n-in'r--. I
rr line l"ve Hii li r.LEVEHTU and iLAUHi
n-r jeia ut Miiowt
Mud 1'rilnat ' -' A. '
1 .isl l.m it li ' a..
Tl rtiinh Ksnresq ar l'l'liO P. 1
Park . l)urK Train, S. ID Oil A, f
l' .1. No. -J. ut 1'Wf .
lUrrisl'uru AcetiuuedJliou at 2'J0 P. i
I. an .-alter Train loor.
l'.ioti A,'-nninir ilnll.iti fte:ives Went Phlludul-
. . , .. -
I'lliai ai o ver. J-s)
Thro irh Patteinert by th'l l ast Lino reai-ll Altoona -
tuppr, Tibbie v. Jl'ie i',unil t'x. elltiu acjomruodatlont i
the iili-at at t,i-: l.''i.-aii House, and In the morning; l
ta'tie euhT tlie ral'a l' liilifa or Itultlinore Evpreta, eaeh
whir li itiflk enn'ie. il.t'ia at I'lits turu lor all Dotals.
deyliidit li-w It l.iut jitttrdi'd of iLo cutlru line and. I
ui.un.llceFit tv-citery, I
l'ie liiroith Kipron Trilu rum dally; allOiactXI
train. Jallr, ex, fnt m lll iaya.
f-O'l l'l I'l Kill l((i AND TUB WEST.
The Mi:l Train. Ka.l Lin", and Tliruiutli express cc.
iw -t at yit:-hu: with :hr: it-It trams n nil dtvcrKtnir roaJ
irom Uia! tiilnr. N,rttitotho Lakee, M eAt to tlie aliss, l
lii;il ajd M:.i0'jrl ftlvert, and (,iiilli and 8outhwett to r
li imtl ac: tsiltl.' Iv railru id. Ttirtiuuh Ticket, to Clei
land, llslroit, I'liii'aK i, 81 Paul, t '"I'lluhun. Iudi4nai'eltl
St. l.t'i!.. L 'avenw ,rt'i, Kantet, Wheullnk'. lavton, CI j
. in'iati, Louisville, . .'alro, anil ail other prlucipal yoiny
UIIU J.Ib s't.s: i. i,-t r.' llti'J'lMii.
T.u TliroiiLh Ljiue.s. h avinu at lo-aj P.M., conne' h'l. .nr.'ri' i Uou with a trulu on thla road I
III ilrm li:e, l' 'a, A".
tllKNSlU ItU AMI i:ltESON lllt.VtlClI It AILHOA '
j l.e T!ii in-.'l L.'.itr'ts Train, leal ing ut Id 30 P."
lititi. ut 're-t3n, at 1'i'Ift V. M., with a train on the ro.
Tor I' liens urj. A train aha Icavea itrcaaoa lor lvbentbuj
atS toi. M.
iu!.r iiiAveniMtG nit.vwn Hn.r.
T', Hull Tra.n .1 7-.". V.M .and Thr.'ii.h Kxnren
M tOP. M.. cuiu?t at Alttona with Iralu. ior Uullldaj -I
h tm a-7 iS P M. an I B Jn A. M
I Hi I l,r.' Ltrdil 1 ..nil. leaving: al 111 :u P. M.. eo,
no rt- at I .it'i vttti a ta- iln l-ir Mauilr Kithre nnd Plilllu
to ra. i'l 1 ir- fl,'l l a I lo Valley Hallroad for Port Matllil
aiili'-'turg, ono ii-;iiit'nie.
lit Kl ltiIHIN ANI HP.'IAl) TOP It.VIT.llOAO.
I'ho Ihrcitfh Lx'ti-e-s fraln. Ii iivIul' at In Mi P. M..eorl
nri". ai HimtlMdou with a tram for llopeircll and liloou,
linn al il-5i: A. II. j
J.I. il. Afc -vi i.iisJ.A An. 1
K r C'inMir-. WiiliainHDort. Lock llnven.
cli.'st.'r, It in il , and Nlaaru V&U. rtanat nverfi tukiiis tU
?i,nrl rii.i .-.t "':'. a. M., and tho T.riiuii Kxurts .
10 .iP Al., daily tfundayi. io diim tly thfUiN'1
nliou iaui;c til 0-i.u Uotwccu 1'hiladtti-hm and WJ
lidi.H, irt.
1 ..r i .' 1 1 h. , I' KK, inlli ITVSuU . the tra n
l iH ti kf at HA. Al uu-1 -J ;U P. M., rt-inn-ct at ColuaihJ
w Lth truim on Nrthern C ntral lCuilruad.
fhp Mail 1 n'n at 7 '." A. At., nnd tlnni-h Kxnrr-t 4
P. M.,c..uki t at UairUhurtf w ith trulu ior carlhiti'.'. it,;, an 1 Hhl:i-imu n.
Tl.r train la'. ui- at rJb A. M. and 2 ,rU I, kl.. connec
at lior. n iifc-ftiv n wirli tnfns on tlU load to Waynesbur
Pr iurthi-r Uiiniinauoii :i-K nt the Pirnuor Statlori
o. I.. i-viBtT iii i.i i M atiu M A n h r. I trej.
.lAalKH I tlU likll. llik.1 Airant.
I'm l',1, "1,9, or 12 in, mil, t, at very l ,w mine, r the ac
toiKiii.ittailou ,.f tersun, living out oi tow u, or located 0,
or near il,e line ot it,e road.
For 116 trips I'ttivt'ii any two iioinit, ut about two cent
per inlle. Then, ticket, me lor the uee ol famile
trtivi iuiK lri',iieully, an, I aro ol'.riat adi ..ulage to poitou
niakiuu oci-utioiiul trip..
l or one nr tt-rec nionihi. for ihe uaooi scliolart altendln
ihoul lu the cliv.
An F.mlrurt Act't'iiiuiodailou tram Unit;. No. 1H7 Poel
Street nail) (Hbiidui a excepted I ut 4 o i look P. HI ,"'ft rill
a i-unift'i-tal'le m tdeof navel to tuutilie. uolnu; waet.
one-hall ihe usual rate ot fate. 1'niticulor altenlion I
ra il lu ttuKgufc-e, lot which chick are utvt-u, aud baaso
ti rw aitled h the same tram e. lua pabsuii.-t-r..
l-'or llul UiloimaU'li, it'l'lv to
IllANv'ia It-NK. Eltilurant Agent,
.i. 1,17 LulCli. ouisjt.
An ftpelit ol this reliable Lxple. I 't.:uiany will pa.
tlitt'inh t-ai h tialn lieloru reailiiua tl.e depot, and lake u
ctit ckh aud di Uicr liab aite lo uny ,iait ot the city, jiai
LMie w .11 he calltd I'm prompt li wl.rn ortlert are lel'l at tl,
rasi-cnfti-i fit pot.Elei t'nih and Mark -.-l elri-etit. Tl.otrave
itiii puhliv are et.ured 'tt " tHtirv'u t e'iohtiM8.
1 ItElliHT.'..
llylhli mute fretulm, ui all ilttt rlptlont eaa be foi
wititti d lo and Irom any point, on the lallroaaa of Ohli
Kclilticl.y, lniliuna, Illiuoit, Wisconsin. Mlonur
bi railroad direct, or to any point un the navigable watoi
OI the Went, liy ift-uuiert Irnut 1'ittslitns. .
'Ihc rule, of frcinlil lo und Irom am point In the Wei
l,y the Piunsi Ivanla Central ilnilr,ni,t af, al all lime, u
tait'iahle as are charKetl hjr otlier liailr"'t Couiianle
Merchant! uad tlilppert euiiustai.' th. li uuaporialtuu
tl, iu i rt if 1 1 1 iu ihl. Couipuuy cau my lia cauddiibco o
lt t.i'cdy transit. .... . .
I t.r liiltht contract, or ttilnplns dlroctluus, apply to (
a,1'il iit the AvenlA of the Cc.iii.anv :
h. 11., Jr.. Phlladcll.iU.
1. A. KlI.WAltr, Pill.t'Uib'.
I I.AI1K 4; CO , chlcoast.
l.l.Ll II A CO., So 1 Atior House, of No. I 8. WIOul
btri.'t, new VO'k.
I 1- I.l II A Ci. elo. 77 Vt aihiiti'ttin Ntreet, Iloatolt.
Vlil.LIAM LitOWN, Mo. Ml sotlL tlltel, llajumon
All' ul .Sollheiu Ceulral Hull way.
General Frelk-I.i lu m l'iiilt,lihihla.
LtIJ L. iiouit,
Oi-neral Ticket A Pl,.i..,, li hla.
Prsocil I.KtVM,
(lencrai Buperluteudsail, Aliuwui, i'a.