mJ ft i L aa-: I 1 ' ' ' ' ) 1 r r r JHE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. riTILADELriTIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IT, 18G. Owning Sftltgtaph VF.DNF.SDAT, Al'OUST 17, IV,. SPHUT OF THE NEW YOBI FRES3. Letfling KdltorlaU from the Vtn York rnpers This Morning. Tin: try ism timr iok tiii: im PAHIl. I rem tht Tiuu-t. Tlie brief llmo buforr the Prc-ii'ctit ai cicrti n will list, as never before, the MMiiiiu cf tlie I'nk'ti party. lll'htvrto it has fli'htfil alrtift ou tho war spirit of the pcopie without any ttf dangerous trial. In the l'C:nni' it of the war it li.adc ita Mart as a party cxprc-sly rl'iigcd d' luainttnanecof an tinbrt kx n nation tlity, at nliat ercr price of trrnxnre and bleed. I npr.cnlcil to CTCtr patriotic principle and instinct of the people, and almost ;wv fund an easy triumph. When beaten at nil, it wts mly by the deception of it adversarica in dealing into ita f amp and assuming ita own Union R.itclivvorils. There rerer hits been a time in w hit h the prr-itt mnjority of the people lias closiRnodly ewirved from the aim fur which the party wat expressly orgHni7-dtl,e pcrpvtUAtion ol" ac undivided Itrpttblic. lint the close approach of the Presidential elee. lion la suliioetinn tho party to ncv ttialF. Mr. Lincoln Ims been notniiiait'd for a ro clcrtion lie cmue his position and policy had identified him peculiarly with tliu Union cause, and Lochuso it was deemed tint hit re-election would in st nig Cifleantly dirhirc to the South and to the world the mmllcrnulfl dctorniinatloa cf the loyul ma jority of the country to subdue the Uitrollloti and snve tho nation. Thee were tht bc-t ol reason. They made his ronuiiiination almost n civil licce-Mity. Jlut it brought with it ita dif advantages. It is not morally pusailile that thii (ioverument can it atiinlnist' red by any man for four yo trs with out ditttppointlng and oflcndlng indit Munis win begun aa l'rionils of the Administration. Thero are aiwaya divert opinions and desires in every party, which cannot all be satisfied; and troth the lime of Washington dow n there has lie. n no Administration which has cot bred tkotmnds of malcontents within the party which sustained it. President l.incolD. instead of formini? an ev- f. caption, hm produced these private griefs in tho 1 e:inie proportion as tne policies which nave ucn J'ressca upon nun, nave been peculiarly miuii onn and important. There was no tuch thing as hsrmonl.ln them. The President Ci uld only adopt the lino of action best suited to the emer gency in liia judgment, and, of course, on each occasion, dlssiuisriod those whose judgment was di litre nt. Theu, attain, the "'.rat has pat in h.U bands the distribution of .far mere offices, both civil and mllltiry, than any other President has ever possessed. Ho lias boon obligod to make and unmake ap pointments in tho public service to an unprece dented extent. It but long been apolitical maxim tliftt every snt'h executive act al.saatcs t .vice as many as u nVisues. The Union birlr tn rtnui' tr nating Mr. Lincoln has to assume not only tho uiio uuvh oi me ihtiouhi ctiiraugctnents spring ing from such cuiises, but also the drawback of tho President's positive errors. No rational man denies that he ban committed such errors. He is human, and therefore ahundantlv fallible. A lair man will fairly weujh these errors acainst tboie which It m lit be fairly presumed w ulj I committed by any mortal in his trying place. But there is no small portion cf the Toting com munity who do not judge in this vay, but are ready to condemn Mr. Lincoln for his mistakes in O'Hoe, and give coutidence to some other m.iu for Laving made no mistakes out of oltlce. Had the inlon party nominated a new man. it would bave hud a clearer record for its candidate, so far as the past is concerned. As regards a ceitain clasp of voters, this would Lave beun an advantage, though it is manifest to every thinking ra in. that the experience he has now acquired would probably exempt Mr. Lin coln to a greater oxtont, from mistakes during the next Presidential term, than could le reason ably expected in the cato of any freh incum bent without experience. There is not a General in the ilcld who has not at times made mist.ikes. W'n shrmlH Iia fnilnv wfllifint mnitnr' r.iiii itiiaii. der were all dismissed who bud erred ; yet thero i will be ten ot thousands wno will be tor dismiss ing Mr. Lincoln lor no other reason. These iiu jierfectlonB, incident to all humanity, will be used, with not a little effect, tochill the'aruor cf even every good niun for the cause. There Is not only this great danger of dissen sion in the Union party, but the Cuj porheuds, it is certain, will aiUck with greater in-idioitsuoss and ranker virulence thuntver. They know tha. this is their last chance. II Mr. Lincoln is re elected, it is certain that tho w ar policy w ill he maintained until it is carried through to its legiti mate termination. The same vote that elects him will in all probability secure a ilou-eof lteprescntalivcs as staunch as he, and the Cnv eminent would move on with unimpeded, resist less power in Its work of putting doe n the Re bellion. What tho Copperheads can ever do, thoy must attempt during thu tirst two Fall months. '1 lie Union party should prepare itself lor a politica campaign, alVr the Copperhead nomination is made, of an intensity no vox perhaps equaled in the political history of the country. It is foolish to calculate, upon their inability to agree upon a common candidate. With all their discord, hatred of tho Union party is still their master passion. We may rely upon It that they will Hud some way ol compounding their ditl'erenees, and com bining every art and every euorgy of every sec tion of tho party to compass our defeat. Tho Kebels will i,lay the part of Rood allies so far as tiiey cau. Their presses everywhere evince th it they have the defeat of Mr. Lincoln oulte as much at heart us the Coppcrheids thciuselvo. Of course they c m only indirectly engage in this political campaign, but for all that they will prove acrvlccublo auxiliaries to the C ippcrhcads, nd make the combined opposition to Mr. Lin coln vory fouuioalile. All true Union men should clearly understand the various dangers which threaten the Union .party. Over-coulidonce is always weak, and In in tills cu-e it might prove fatal, from now nntil election, every manlier of the party should -study to pruuioto iu harmony, to c impact its orgai.ixation, to lire ita spirit. Notoleiauce shold be shown t'j complaints or croaking.-, for these alw ays relate to p .inn of minor consequence, without claim when vital concerns arc nt s uke. It fas liecn the deliberate judgment of the Union party, ailirmed in regular eoiiYcntioj w ith unanimity utmost unpaialleled iu such bodies, that Mr. I.iu,-ul!i, uudur existing circumstances, is the most expedient candidate for tne Union tame. Th.it oi ii .elf should he uiin. iont lo enlist tor him the earnest support of every tr ie Union man. Till. 4 AM !.. Dcspatuhua lvoni the James pile i.ithcr Iiir's I , than positive iirellicuce of the operdtions on Sunday, lteji nt of the cap lire of I'orl lUr llng, cliculiituj yesterday, tended to c infuse the public mind as to the real object of denord' Grant's iiiovemci.t. So far, we hate no a? cc OLt of any demonstration by our force-, except on the north bank ol the .lame-'. II m eock's t'lfrps, enipl.iyinn a similar strttug mi to that t.y whi'!: (ioueral Uutlei ilcco'.cl tae enemy at the o-.t'et of the campaign, em', i.-'.;c I oo transport In broad dayliu'ht on 'Sunday, and staiud dow n '.ho river, as if baund for Vdsuiii' ton. At night they rjulctly returir.-(, ile'.:i-kfl 1 ou the left brnl. oi' the .lames, joining the Iflih Corps, and on t:ic iiioruing of Monday, the l.'ith, Bioved raphl.y ngainst the Ilebul works aliov.' Dutch Gap. On tho fac; i,i it, this movement ine esC'- operation with ;aneral Butler's forces now eri miycd in cutting the canal across that i'eiiic-u s,. the James m ikos an extraordinary b:ud at a ' point beginning seven miles below Drury'? lilatf, . and forms a )Hjiiiajula of which tho ij.itr .:ireiii is six miles, hih. the neck of it is less ihun a third of a mile in width. That neck is D it-I. lap. The oetilusulii Is known as r'arrar's Island, und its situation and importance will lie setn by a ghiu e at the map which we print this morning. Under the Ic-j of that Island have been statlonol the Jlcbel uunlMiais, and at various poiuts of the rivet's course about it are sunk the Rebel ohstruc ' lions to the channel. T.j cut a canal through 1 : t 'h CJ.ip will leave the Kcbol floot high and dry iu thu old river bjd supposing they choose or are forced to rema n ivua will open a new eh miie beyond the obstru .tioud. It is said that ac..ve this point then dre no obstacles, exesipr l or: Darling, to i.'u passage of our fleet tip to Itiehinoiid. Wo inter thi.t Hancock's operations have rvfor ence to this ennui project. If they haveaQOtli ir I'm pot e it will he developed in due time. It i lenr, at any rar., that a considerable lloie. ioree was mtieiiched m the vicinity of this penius.ila, and has k'i u surprised, routed, and in good par: Cfptuud, w lib loss of six or seven gnus, b it it Iocs Dot toeiu pr j'lable thero can have bcuu any Ri: viy madk CL'jriiJMJ ileinontration ner the Robl pontoons whkh cross the Jsmea close to Fort Darling. That bridge is strongly protcctod, and not likely to be canted or desnojed by a sudden assault. The renewed actl Ity which this enterprise be tokens, is vory unexpected to the Ko'iols and their Northern nllies. Richmond papers have been exultincly tlccbtring that the "siege of 1'ctersbnrn" was rnls.d. and that General (irant had found it necessary to al'lulraw the main lKhly of his tnans for the defense of W ishing ton. Copperhe d papers In this city unwlttlnglr, and to their deep chagrin on n iw 'discovering It, have aided to spread this ticlief swiftly ati notincing and cngcriy reiterating, "Wo cannot take Jtl( hniond." They heie procl dmed the csmpnlgn a f.vilurn, and given the Rein Is to understand tint they ns-d expect no more trouble from (icm ral Or.tnt on the James. 1 hose journals d. sired nothing so much as to make th ir pretltctions come true, knowing that ocry vh tory of the nhm arms diminishes thcirehnnres of success in tho coming elections. Conceive their emotions on learning that they have lieeti made to play i'lio (leneral (Irant's h.iinls and delude their Ku hmond friends into hopi'B that told only a tUttcrhiff tale. They may Ik.Hi becin to limit tstai.d that the cimpaiKn is not aliautioiud nor ever v, ill be till the UeVl liou goes under. TOREIGN LITTRABY JOTTINGS. A new monthly luaga'.lne is to Hpiar in J'.ngland under the title of .S. Urore' .Wiya.-ioc. A new foot, on Toland is announced in Lon don tinder the title of "Polish Experience." It Is from the pen of W. II. Uiillock, a newspaper correspondent. A far .tmoVof a curious old work, "M i-abHI Holme," is preparing In London. The original, printed about 1W, wis a sort of ha'iil-b.iok or guide to (iernmn pilgrims aljout to proceed tu Rome. A "Life of Archbishop Whately" will sion appenr from the pen of Mi-s What , y, the author of "Knglish Smonytiis," a work co:nmonly ascribed to the Archbishop himself, as well as of Otbt r works. Kdmtuid Pay-son Arnold's pleasini; vo'umo of the stiguostions of loieiv'n travel, entitled " Kuro- iiean Mosaic," h:is been placed upon the " Iu lex vxpurpatorins" by the authorities at Rome; and ou account of icrtain stiictares ou the I'.ipil Government, its sale is iuterdicted in the do minions of the Pope. The London Un irip fays tint many collec tions of hooks, both old and new, are received in Kngland from Amtrica to be sold at auction. A book Bold in London for twenty shillings, gold, at present rates of exchange, w ill buy titty shil lings of tho natiocal piper in Now York.' The Apple-tons, of New York, lately sold an invoice through l'cttrkk & Simpsou, of Leicester (Square, Loudon. Victor Hugo has dedicated to Garibaldi the thirteenth volume of his translation of "Shake speare." Garihuldl accepts tho tlcdicaliun ta a note thus oddlr worded : 'the Victor Hugos have always a right to do w hnt they like with my name, for they will never use it but for a good purpose. At all events, I can only accept your dcdicttioii as a vow that we mnke together for tho lilcity of our two coun tries, and for the alliance with that mighty people which maybe one of the lights of civilization when it shall remember that it kindled the flame which you have mndc to shine anew, and which is named William !lmkcspeao,." It is proposed to erect a monument to TA'ackoray in Wc:minstcr Abbey, the Dean havii't granted his permission. Among those who iia.v0 subscribed bio Hlackwood A Dradhnry, the pnblu'icrs; .Shirley Ilrtsjks, Sir Charles L. K a st! uke l,o,"d Oranvillo, Mr. Gladstone, L ,ri Houghton, Holn'n Hunt, Crcvrles Knight, Jo in Leech, Mark Imoi.. Dam. l Maelise, Willht-n C. Macrcady, Lord .Inh.' Manners, Raron M iro chetti, Thtodore Martin, ."'avid Mason, Herman Merivnle, John V. Millais, f.'r Roderick M-ir- bison, Mr Joseph Pnxton, Clati on Stanhold, Tom Taylor, Martin Thackeray, aCJ Anthony Trollope. Among the o'hrr noticeable w orks andoi'need by London pnhlishirs are: "Through Mace donia to the Albarinn Lukes," by Mary A. Walkorj a collceUd edition of Owen Meredith's "Poems j""The Musc'ee and thoir Story," by Dr. lilundill ; "Le Sport at Badon ;" "A Commentary on the Kplstle of St. Paul tho Apostlo." by Dr. Vaughan, vicar of Doncastcr ond chaplain in ordinary to tho Ouecn; "The Bible Word Rook, a Glossary of Old English Uiblc-Words, with illustrations," by J. Lastwood and W. Aldis Wright; "Travels and Adventures of Arimnius Vambcryj "Pinto and the oilier Companions of S-jomtes," by Ocorgo (Irote; "Lives of the Warriors of the Seventeenth Cen tury, who have comtnnnded Fleets and Armies beforo the l'.ncmy," by Lieutonant-Uenerai Sir KdwardCnst; "The Modern Samaritaus, and a Visit to Nnblous," by Rev. John Mills; "Kplic mern," by Ixrd l.yttleton; "Some Account of Gothic Architecture iu Spain, from personal observations during several jour, ncys through that country," by G. K. Street; "Compleiion of the Lives of the Judges, to tho Reign of Oucen icoria," by Lilw.ird loss; "An Overland Journey from I'ekiu to Petersburg, throrgh the Deserts and Stcpiies of liactriu, Mongolia, Taitary, ond Siberia, ' by A. Mlchie; "A Nc' History of Painting iu Italy," by J. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle ; "The Music of the Mo-t Ancient Nations, jxr. ticularlyof the Assyrians, l.gyptiuns, nnd lie brews," by Curl Eug' i. NEWS JOTTINGS. It fceuuih to be a fact tint General Leo w.is w ounded in the heel not long einro by oue of our sharpshooters. An Insane woman at Louisville, last week , threw her two children into a creek and then plunged In herself. liy a recent la of Congress, parties pur chasing one hundred dollais' worth of postage stamps or five hundred .-tumped envelopes, will bo allowed a discount of live per cent, from the usual price. Ourta.chill Ictics imposts on yi'iO articlos, while 1'ngland la Ct only '.' 1 articles and gets a revenue from them of 210 000,000. I'rom wiuc9, li'iuors, tobacco, nnd the license to sell them,sha gets JT35.00CMKi:i. A gentleman iu a metropolitan car was riding with bis arm resting npon tho siH of aa open window, protruding but slightly beyond the side of tho ear, when n carriage was driven siftiy by, striking his aim and badly fracturing the bone. The Amcilean lhut.il As.-ociat'on, at its meeting ut Niagara l al's last week, protected against Dr. Morton's claims as (he intioJur of anii-sthotich Into this country, asserting that the honor rightly belonged to the late Dr. II ua'-c Wells, of Hartford. The next Local Treachers' Convention will be held in Troy, commencing on Saiuid ly, Sep tember 10, IKot. This early nuuouu. enunt of the seasion is nm-Io In order that the local preachers through the different State; nrty have full timo to orgiin'-e tlieui-c'ves und select th Ir ilcleatc. The Prince of Ns al-s is bcumlug very pupa Ui'v, lili tho Lou Ion m.usscs. A London piper I r-niurl.s that the plain chariot, with the h-tud-j some bays ami s-irlet livoiics, is Uuiviuiu such ' an evciy-d.iy s'Rht it London streets, that thero j are few, indeed, to whom the ploif int fs -c of its , occupant Is n. fatliiliai. When Oe.ni r.il '.runt stopped at the Lutaw Itouso In lialtimoie, recently, an linuioiiie crowd assemMetl and saluted him with loud ku?.zas of welcome nnd hon .r as his carri tgc drove away t . the cars. The oid hero has a strong hold upon the affections of the people. Thev feel that lie is true, and )oinc- his best to r ish the public enemy. Admiral fun hsna::, svbo has len tak'jn prisoner by our forjos at MollU, was com mandant o;"the Washington Navy Yard in Iftil. lie reigned on tl.. l'):h of April, and aucnvai ds asked to be restov vl, b' hit request was refused. He coiiiinund'.'d the Mririmac in her attack on our Meet In Ha:iipton Roads and In the battle with the ilvnitor, nnd blow ber np when Norfolk was occupied by oencra! Wool. The t. Louis lt-'pnhkan approves o? "policy in polities'' by citing the oxmiple of the nomina tion of General Taylor ly the Whigs in ISih, ''In admiration of bis groat military success," wLen that party carefully abstained from adopting a resolution in support of the war with Mexico; and calls to It the attention of the few Democrats impractical, prejudicJ,ulti-a uieu who threaten tl.at if their puny should nominate ut Chicago a t-iiudidatu who has Ken Ucntliied w !th the war they will cut aloof." AND l'lXK TAILORING Mrs. Major Tclverton has been engaged to wtIio for five English papers. 8he will earn -!,000 sterling, tho gossips say. That's what it is to be notorious. The Wheeling ltMUgtnrer of the ttth says : " We heard yesterday a very good joke on ficno rnl Hnntor and stair, which, though it occurred some time ago, lias never appeared in print. When the General waa moving from Parkcrs bnrg to Cumberland, via Clarksburg, It was de cided by the military authorities at the latter place to Urea salute upon the arrival of tho train. The guns were brought out, and when tho whistle was heard the firing commenced. Instantly the lights w ere put out, and c cry man upon tho train dropped flat upon the floor of the cars, supposing the train was being fired upon by the Rc'els The alarm vr hich was felt for a time was soon tinned Into nutriment when the facts were mndc known." SPECIAL NOTICES. 1ST" UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, rfr. lil'l CII IiNirY Hlrcct, i"it.;:'.rui , ii'iiitsT is, iv-t. 11KMOVAL. THE UNION LEAGUE OK rilll.ADKl.PIU.V H.W It MS MOVl.D rOK Tllf. rtlESITKT TO No. !.!; C Hl.SM T SI IililOT, am, wu.i or..v ON THUUHDAY, I'WR T3E ACt'OMMOi.ATIOS Of MKVIBKRS. Gl fiROI. II. BOKEU, tlTllKVAKV. It ijSJ- TRANM'OKTAl ION Ol KICK PIULA dWpias, Vl lltningtou, anil bsltlulere ltaiiroA Compsn)-. Putt i,n i-mis, Aiiiinst to. Is I. In arenriisuc rtth tin Art cf l onrn sn .r,,M J tins 3U( ls0 ,it ttoi.ni, s ii. ci ...nry thai nil ris sipl, i;o u y linn Company lor in, rcltaml! ,c r( '-lT. it fl.r tratisporutinn sin. ul J l,ru nn INTI'.ItN'AL KKVKNtJK MIAMI' nl tl.s al or TW O O' NTH, the upcnne er tlic aauia t be Lon'S I'V thr partv ree t ins sndi receipt. All rccripts inLeti t ttil" tNmpntir Sir mfrrlitnitlse dcllveri-a le ceusls'iiss Ul I stauis.J b aaid t'oiupsny, I'lt AKI.F.a n. U'V' Silll t?t Mnstcr nrTrsil.p Mtatl-.lt. rjif- OFFICE OF THK. nilL ADKLCUI A (i.vh W'dl.Ks, aire -r 1. ls.it.--At a mocilnp of the- I'o.lrU t.l ThihU cs "t II. e I'lula.taU'lua u.- Woras, b'-M sn ti c r.th l ii .in, ti. t (,.i,.ii,; nnauiblc and mvhllna vrrti sitoicd : Wlixtai., la'- ir.nl tn In the to.t of II vine Imposed an lrni'( ril, ili 'r on tl,. frast. cs to silaurr the wiufri to ll.r r . ...vt-es , an-l w liei c-ms . th cn.t oi cm! an.l a!l ot..rr nintr.i.tis c-.istimiHl Ii. t ,t i.tanntat ture ol ll.-tiLae hli am it.l I, . a l-!tt II..C niluiii. tli Tru,l-6.1. In orjnr In pn ici il:, luii-..r;aM tru:-l lumiu ltts u tlit-ir cliarne Im.iii at il-.u. I,.,.-, n"j li. uml.p the annual ada'ti.'ti to tl.e Snii.tc I una ri'.,iilrtir l; ia , t ailvaacc tl.c pries ofeldS li;i rHlt pl-r lll.M.. -lilt I ttlir r sr . Tl,c Tru-f"-s are swan, linit tno InrrrasM price wilt pro. ! a uiirtlfii to iiihii.v rr.iiKiiint.rs, and lliev (rn-atl)' r.' iot tiir no v-:tv tlmt e--ii.ti"iu. it: tut hIisii the ron mihm r ril.M-n ito.t pi-arlv t ery urticlc wft purrliabo has tlni,C'd. t.-'.'l.l i Iv hV'yr CUft C rroi'.e an ad vance ot Inn Is'; per rent tint!:, bialn itii le Mitt w M I. trilyl r rco1 u-, its iic-H,lly mut .c nnpnient, par- Ijculnitt win n IliC i.ptirat Itrfis t( the pnst year art' kn-.wn to i ,ivi- rcrii'ti n H .1 larvo lo.i to tin Tin. I, lotwiUlsUnJ ini; t nr tl.i-o ti :iiK ('..tlUHi t cnaMi-! 115 10 Mtr:l ate coal acil n lorls ht very inodrrao pricci; tic It tlii'ITftvr? lii-.,oiif d, T: u: tl... I'l.ici Knfeecr be dim, ud tot , pnldic liotl' c. Int r,c a id alli-r 'Ur llrt day of September ni'Kl tl.c ptii r-o( as. to prtvali- 1 onsrat r f ic.ll .s tlir. o dnilars pi-r tl.ocf and ent.lc ft-t, ie--s a dt. count ol' 6 rr fii-jit. f.-r ii-fe.,.t 0 uicnt, and autiiect t' ili Unitsd SWi 'to, THOMAS H. SI r.W'Altl', atiL.. let t'tUL-l Ku.loe-r. aj DKAFNKSS, NOISI'.S IN THE HEAD, initOAT MbEAHKS, CATARIiil. Tliofis wtio suffer from tlisie maladif s liars now tlio wry best cpi.ortm.it v t..r lIcdMi rn-f. Ths apparatu, roosuusti-il . Hr ON MO.Sl'llIHKiai l 1111,0... Ul., II. the nu.sl perfceth oliKtlve iiK.-nt svor used tor rv-acl.liif ihs ssa ol tticdiiias to whi;li it la dlrTted, and eia.li fatllill a villi wouunrliil rai.loiir. Iht iilloatl U l aOilcn. Oltlce, No r, W ALNl'T Strict. IESTIM11.NIAI.S. To tlic OBf. I r. Von Mo.ihh.lr, Anrlt, S'n. 1(-T V.tlint N'rtrl, op.irntt d rr.-i.t uc.si.,rilUv on mveiits, restoring me to pcilrct licsrlii?. I 5ulf rod l'r..m Ual tits ll j dc.au called a tiu'-Rcnii.t' of the .Irinn of fit- ear. Mil l.lM f'l: INK, ttnlldar, l:r.doncs, No, IslJ s. Hocond street. Pliiladslphla Annuta, issl run m i ; 11 a, V tb Jni e, IM'l.-l lil Is to eartliy, that i'r n.or enr 1 was m.iitiiod wltti an nttensisp dia.,sarK , a.-cmpanl. d will- itearnsaa. 1 l.avc t.eli treated by na no. rnu p!ij simians wnhoiit iss oi loir any lieni-m. rv.iau n.ontlis ayo I applied lo lr. Von M'chi Aer, who has ao ',nipliatu-d a pi ili-rl can - j.'sit.rn riii'rJTi.nr.ii, ' Of th-? firm of Shoemaker A 'I lsdal, Murx liai.ts. No. Alt N. II load all Sot PlI ste n-slj. ocs, Ka. ?i Grvtu aumt. Kf..- It. VOM Miifct'H.lriKr R can bo cvnuiHcJoa a, I p-sl.i U.-a ot ll.rt.tc. Tlie M ll'.IOAL (ratiuUJ to rial on fill. Ill akllluly psif..rn.el Oilee, No. Wi7 WAI.NttT BtrMt, Wl.ere bund,! 1 oi similar teatita.-aials aa tlic atsoi t ran La t xata tied. anl-tl ra DHAPNLSS AND PLINUNKSS. i. . Isanra, M tl , f'oleasor ol tha i.y and Kar, traats all dlsnaacaappartatnltix U toe aLovL-iisiiisd uaoml.tn arub ll,e iilluosl aiicroaa. i oatluioruala from ttie moat roJIatds foiuvH in tuecliv and conairy ran on arx.a at tils tnSc, No. bit I'ltll Sum AiUll ml r.TM tiisinol wllrs.ut pals. Nc aliaiso natle f. c fiiauilnaU .n. OOlrc hours Iram s la II A W . lot 1' at Ka.alll lMlhtiaat. lal-.lm 1 IC.lITIlOlf-I. COriAOK, Jj aii,NTii' ctTr.M.j., NV.Mtl'HT Hft:si 'Id THK HKll'll. Tli's well Viicwu i.ousa i u-.-iv iin for tho rsocptlon of in aiMiTS. lOillilnv lisrsr Tl-Sf Bli. I ir. J. tVOUI'IOK, Pi opriotor. T NL.MT IIOII81J, ATI jANTIO CITY, KKW JT.SsKT. O i; . i). fji 1.1 1 IN N, Proprietor. lion? spd tavorat.lr fcnrrsn as r's:..i-t.,r of OTUTSB I'.AT. HIXlll UliJ t'MKIM'T MtrMU.) Parte-s a. ooin;no tatisl wttli I'.oata. tikt'os l.lrMta,V.,aV' Cars run lo tha btise every twut laiiniias. as-U r'XCIIANOT; UOTF.T,, AT LAN' lj lb aiscribc,-, rritofi:! for pail ATLANTIC CITY. fhvora, tanAara ianSa to LI. i.atrcna and the nubile l.ir the uvneroaa auj. loin xivt o bou, and ik tea . u aa tu-o holauowopea tot it.cacaann. and rrady to rrc.'l.- boardcra, panaaaout and trana cnt.on i'lc rroai o-oittru. t.-fma. ThaOarwlD tiwava he m. piled 1. Itli tl.c rl t v.:o"'. H'liora, and r....,i and.inrl .r ,.1.1 ala. Tb tables 1U ba sot Witt tin be I (be turl.et allordii. 1 ill hie, lin..a aid taenia atwflta r.ll hand A'l the coiuforU of a l-OQit ean ulvivi he forintl at the tiefittliva 'l.iiniv !.' rar.bi in. OI.OI.1.E HATbAY, je!l tl I'ropruttor. r' J- t; M II I A IIOUH IS ATLANTIC CITY, Sii.w Ji:mr.T. eTICATK ON K LNTL'CKV AVliNUB, 0PP08ITK THE WL ItP IIUI'SB. EIWAKI DOVLE, I'roprtottw. Ti nas to suit the (laies. Kt-tf 8 E A b A T U I N G S K A - li A T H I N O, j.nnv .Ali nAi.Lf, CAPF. IhLANIi, I'APt MAY, V. J. rtdldren und. r l'i yaara 01' an and r . ami aalf srlsa. Nnt.enor aeeommodatlf-lia and ample room iOK TWO HrVfiltKIl PEKHD.NR. f!4-!aa AAltuN UAJtHKTSON, rroarXto. QON WA Y'H OYETEB BAT SALOON. I. W. COItStR OF SECOND ASD CHESNUT STREETS, .tyMm rim.AIirLPHlA. JR TOHI1PCAP 2awa The Hnderalvned E 1 .N mOKKW IMM K.bart TOHI1PCAPTAINS ANnOWNHIlS bavtinr leased ll.e kt J1H1.VI1- het lo liitorm bia iriemla aud iT.a eutrona ol the ll.i. k,tbat be as prepared web luoroa.ed itMilllitee to accosamoditte tuoac nnviog veaa.-ls to ie nai nd or r-ratf-til, and being a pra.iical ahiu-aArietttr eual cauuter, wifl slve personal utieutioo to ail vrsacs eu tniated to bint lor repairs. Captaina or Ageii.a. nhrp-Oarpantert, ant Na.biului At aiug vasaule to repair, aroaoiklte.l to i.aLil. ttavlne tbe ativaoy for the sale of " Weltarvledra' PtlaiH M- ladle loinpuMtloli, or i opper ratm, for Hie preao. Uou of vetatto.' toitoma, for t!,is c iy,I am pn--aiod u rurnis it ii,e sauic va uaviMauie T..-r.a. J'lUS fl. HWMITT, Keosliurtou Hcrw Doe k, kalttl-U DeUware averniM.alM.va Laurel atraa ESTABLISHMENT, J A 1' U II UANUINUB', IIUMOVATj. j A. i x: H c, ir-XNiv. (i.iu or iiovrr.M, nrtOTnLRsi, If as rtetn'wed (Vsm No. Oil to No. 028 CHKSNUT Street, HaTlnjr prchatol tit stock of JAMES mrttKK, .Tr. (rormerly lielrotc'a), whera he w ill oiTar to his ouitnmsrs anS Hie pnlillc a tarns and cli'$nnt atsortmont of Decorations and Wall Papers Generally. Ity gtvlnff his pemnnal atfentl.n tn the telliaff sad hAfef. tag thereof, he hopts I j csaitimio to recclvs lbs bbcial patronage ot tl... pnolic. Cttlr-ni and srtaitors sre r. ape Ifully ln1t,d to fvatna the varl.ti on Lsnd. Iv." tm It IV IN O 11 I H Klll- ( refarJ tbe n,.ncv, If dealr'sl, for svory lot of MbtrU wblcf. fall It. aay re. poet, FINK BIIIHTH. crT LK.sdTnrt'K or muslin. llaae cf New York Mills Muniln, and very tn Llsan Box-an. Only II 7.1. J..ut price I0-0O. WUlamsi1ll Mills Mutlln, and flna Unea Bosoms, Only ft -90. t'siial prlro tO-AU. OFNTLEMPN'S FCItNISHINO GOODS. rjMITII fc JACOltH, soyt-sa Mo. lH'iO CHKHNLT tttroat. Wit l lltSM'T HIUKF.T. Th utifntn of LTfr VIHITINQ TnB ( II Y.or tht.-rnlx nt I.KAVlN'd tt f r ' Wfttrir Inii I'ldf or "(hp i vuniry,' ( rep--Tiuiir trvltel to ti n tvn"hi- -i n-k of WMiTS fid. i.fl riMnblA f..r HI' MM (CH WEAK.fstr Ac. i Ax.ntvr nrtnipnt in oflwMl in ijum t hd Works KOttinRi and lt.nrrtlnjr, x HnBttivervliis-'iii, i'oJimi, Hlt,an In plain ; and hmitrv riaiil, Nuii-Att, tiul Kitiri W litt i (Mo.u At PH10FM Mil II IIKIAlW T Kit IK rKf KP.NT KK1A11. Al.1 t. !' Prlaled Lilian t atnl. rlc Preaars. IW places I Ulltd, Tucaed, asdSlrtpSil Mul Uns. v. m. rvi:i::iL.jj-). 16 1044 ClIKSJftTT STKF.rT. G28 HOOP SKIKTS. M aBUfuttofT, No. KM A Hi H Htreat, U28 AbovtrllTin atrv at, rulladatlptila. WlaotMata aad Retail. Tha moat enmptae aaaixiiorot of Ladles, Missus', sad Children's Hoop Halrta In the cltv, In ovary re.ct Oral ciaaa, vt'.kh lor ei via, rli .ah, duraJIUty, aodclioapoeas, have no final Iu Uir markot. Bklrts au4a 10 ra aav, aJtacad, and rapalrod. fal-lT nil.T. UOPKIMS. sTlARm'S, MATTIN'OS, OIL CLOTHS AND ' Wlnrtow fthadea, from New York Auction aalaa, (tllaLtly ott.l-MaKninceut Hinaaela, X wide, III., ,".. Il-.'fl and l 7i: luiitatkin liruxcis. (paiuted.i V wide, ;o, NO aud POcantjiio-4, !-4 am) ii 4 at pn,or- tk natc prices ; I mpenal (lareela, $13; to SI Ingrain. Imni ts) mita to Sl'l?a: Venetian, Ri?, an ( rlenip, from H7 ta 70 rent-t per yard; Malllmrs, th lariirat aaortmnl ever ottered Iu Philadelphia, fr .01 .'i7a t.. 7B rentk yard, at lha Ne Vork Auction Kalea law pot, (tonueriy (tisthlowa,) No. 147 tt. HKi'oND 8 treat, llrat ilo"r aiiuvc Walnut, optoaito Lorn txtbau.-'. Jy"-iui COrSTY'S TKA WARKilOUKE. ESTA kUalied in 1S00, Imjiorter and IXalcr In I'iim Twu, Wluai, end Lt i'wrs, Choice Havana ClKr., croas A Hlackwell's Ptcklos and Baa.-oi r.njllih sad rkolch Ale and l oner, (lannad Meats, Protts. Soup, ato. JTavy Messes put up with rare, At Mj. U' 8. SF.OOVt) R'rAf laM If JO-iUUA B. t OLMTY. yAJUCK HTKWAHT UOCK OIL COMTANYi Incorporated Jane 29, 1864. Capital. milOO.uoo. CO.tO) SHARPS f' A 8HABE-I Alt. Bobrcrlptlon 14 each a.-lnui to original aulitcrlhars fat W1 ,1)00 shares, payablr SI canh d. n aion subncrlhlnir.aud two other Insialmanu of II each. payabU) on ttioiUUi Jaljr and tSUi Acjuit, lso4, rospecttt ely. TEN THOUSAND SHAKES te.ttnd lor litiictlt of the Cnip iy. ' Tka Uod parrh.iied LyiheVanro Btowart R.K Oil f on pan v rontajns one Inn., red and thirty-one acres, la tha very core ol the oil regi..ii. ouo thoio.an.1 thrvc hun dred and Uin fpvi on tha Allegheny river. In taiilH.n r township, eate-mllm: a c.ii.ld.-iabl- di.tanee upon hota aides ol the hovtvt Two Mile ltun,cnini-.nly called Tan ltiira-b i;un, a chiiiIc ol Dim a ik-'oW I ranklln, in ti-uaruio oonnty.l'inDavlvar.la. TI.e Allesheny Hiver Territory la leiaini. oo aDuuilaut ami p.irioaueni narveai m an luteal 'lit oualliy of till, the numerous aaclla bordcrlne!! banks producing Oil with evtm stul gieatar rrgulailty Uuta tbs V. cits along OU Creek. II is beiieve.1 me now ot oil neiow ineoomnirn or rrana - lln.oa tho All(hany rlvtr. will probai.e never ttecras eahuilatd.bceatiaeuie atratln.'ation, or Votcanlo diarup tlouol rock dtps In a aouihw-stwardiy diri-cuoni .uso qoemly tl.c l.oda ol Oil wtHild toe nearer the tuuace at tha uppar cod. sav of OU ('reck, and welu wimld rt-iulre to bo Lored d'-c-uer fa proportion lower d ,wa II. o river, wheru, boweer, there would neceaeai uy ot ino mom irmnnoni, anilar.uch greater Mlpply and uiH.rlneinubeut laid or altpe fH till. It Is certaiu that aeoreaor wells on tho river, ii the iniuieointe vicinity ol uii. lean, uare coniiuueu iwu- ducioL: diirti.i: the aaat threa or lour yuars au uuwaveauur aod sfiuty dally yield ol oil. A piaui-O at ll'O map WIU orrii,niii.iaina moa anw ana t-owl-r lwo Mlla Run and UII t'reuk ura on tHoaauia dlaun'tTk-aU) alraluht line, and only dlitant, on a on tiuuation of thr viriitiral tnmr riorr botweea the ruaito of bills, rroui each other about three mliea apart litpio- CUelv the aauie dir.x U,.n. it wouiii, iiicrei'.re. uoi oo ex traordinary, If by l.rtni! wells oa thla tract a aalllcleul detuh of porhaps eliht hundred and ruy teet, tbot the Ompany'e wells may r u llval thine of Oil frook Iu tl.elr supplies of hundrcila 01 barrela ot oil dally, and enoimotla prv'Uth woeio imia oo vie loivuniaao rvauu aw the ahaieuoloera oi'tbii. oomoauv. tin thla aanlcular tract nl lana wore uaa oaen rei oaa leaae for twouiy years a well i fi'P':a fair toirtlod Olimod Oil, allhoiixh Its deptl, td bore la cnimidered unilo liiaullii ienl to Ineuie a lane n.w: I'll tr Pr cent, of the Oil at thla vi II mouth wn reserved as a royally to the Sol tner owner of the land, and wdi at once laiiro to kite buri' tlt of the eoanpnay. Tli.irc are aUo two other wetUI lore a tew nuadted leet deoe oa. h.hul not yet tubed, but In- icai ing a III surate show ot lll ; a tiarroi a nay can Kenereiiy be aroopeo out ol tham, and no doubl aeeina to oal.t that tliey wl lHb prere highly reniuooi allng wolis wlieu bored a r.an.nnlile depth. An'.ih.-r well I. ball bored, aad pron,foa a atlala.too vn Id. the etireuf the fSolnpanv, No. W WALNe'T Htreet. Tl.el.-e of Ihta valuable oil laud, eouaprlung oua htin dnd and thlity-ouo acr . includliig the royalty ol any per rent, of oil for the K-an d will. .e pumpimt. anil ukj enure rlgl.t of the hn wcU. parlialfv alevvla-al. Is t'iirct s-ed I'J the f'-iniiiaev iltrra-l iroiu the oivner. lor the u.oueralenrloeollM7.l'. v. nh a llrlil Mill In flue order, S ei.iiK hone. to i alae patihea oltiintier. 1 Ue aali oi au k will . tah lor tne land la frail, and Ira.e tl.c ai m of U,Vl caah worhlin: cjpltal on hand, wHhwblck to cmuuh-tethe three old veU. and alio to bore two new wells, with lit ateam enxlnas, Ac, to be lo nniiilu order wili ln a few mouths i arrauga lueniawlll ba u.ade lo aroiupllah tho ol.iecta without delay. Ho (ubsoiliitlous will bo accopud fur lees liiaa ftny eharea. a ne ran iu.in.ii-. rraapre "j .., - - - - - - - Ufhed bare and elaewhare arc in.ioi loua. T'ae HI trade Is yi-l hi lis lutoiicv, and tl.e di-ound cnalantly Inereaalng. lit prl. c la nov. 12 per barrel at Die welt a mouiU.onoiu sivc oftlie cast, . . , , , 1 . l.ariii w olle will doeW'ltsahc stnick at the dcjith of SSO fct, to at to reaok Uia U.trd Kandtl.aie U'-ck-. W ''" h;, been bored herotoh ro to tl"' deflh onl , of almut i fet In Hill Motility ft la proposed to Bole twenlv walls OB Hi I a properly during the pieann year. There la room wr one Iiundratl wells. A perleci title, chr ol all uicuaa brauiot lsci.ullucolo as.ur. d lo the tuipau. LUIt of subscrrptlOB ate- now open nnlll the SOmo nbaree are tubtcrllicd, payable 11 per share, to the order of Auler BianJAMF.I MuCAHEN', the Treasurer of the Company, Ho. tOCWALHCT Street, oral Ko. 1M WALSUT HI rest, or at tl.e oftlce of UiS Compaaj, Ko. UU WALSL'T Street. Tbe public are Invited to caU for a pro'peolBt. JyVtf pBESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. EABNEES AND T2AHSPAKEN01XS. VJI. F. HOIIEIUI-E. Ko. 49 S. THIRD STREET, Above Ctetaut, PUladerputa. MASTKACTUKK OF FLAGS, JiANXEHS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. Poktlcal Catapalga Clabt titcd oat with Laattru, JVadget, Banners, and Hags, at roaseaaM rates, los-an )ATkNTED JVLY 10, 1H01.-J 0 S E P U L UOTir.l. r.myv iw I j-in.n rtKiiui i-jv-iiig W'liKli KIve 1 I'arln, rreacn warn rfHng LJh. ouni.K on HnyalnU oi wajiriii,; i. arei, ror A,ai a:..! tku.i i Li (Iran, raiani tnikiirHtiii for itrar 'h.nf riris'lViini t)n to firm iw -haa. No.tVJtf BACK Ntrotfl, II rMflVAL. THOMA8 M. PLOWMAN. L Carrenter and Builder, bat removed hit sbop frua ; WHtriw berry street toSo. ifrit'AklTlSH Utraet, ad- i.i,k,o. u Peat Ornoe Buudlug. Ilavlntr Inerautaeal faclUtiae tor carry tug oa the bualoeaa aleaelvala aobopa in tocetveaauaxaaa vsuuaaawuHa i NOTED FOR HANDSOME STYLES, FINANCIAL. Q it, WniDIIT A CO.. No. 142 S. THIRD STRIET, OITOBITE THE hX ."H ANIJB. naalees hi Oovertiraaat aaat BUI Seesrttles, QaartAr naalera' t'ksoks and VouoUeiS, sad CerUScatos of Lndoa odneaa. Oratars for tha pnnlias aal sals sf it oki aaat Iavabs sarrwptly saAoatral. sst-srSMsY pizaiic. HTKUll UO.t DANKKltS, K. SO 8. THIRD STREET, avr kva tiu. X)U, SUTt B, AD OOVHlMU-T SJItCVrUTIE. B T () C K H BOrGCT AM BOLD ON COMMIS'IUf. mhl4 rxnw LOAN, U. S. 10-40' JAY COOIUJ A. CO.. OFI t it t OS BALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, TAl'.mil rtYE PER CEIST. TpTTF.RF.BT IT COtS, redeeaialalc any lime after TEX Tl Akfl, at the plotter ol the t.oyonuuent, ecd payslls fOUTT lEAilS after state. rTn rorroN xn nroiSTERr.n nouns tr tiocd for thu Loan, of tame d.-Bonth-ttl jo litheO rlt. The Interrrt on M i and tlOOl payaUe ytrty;oa al otlier geuomtBtUont, half yearly. The 10 4C boadt art dated MarrA 1,104. Tbe tisil-ycarly lateretl fatUuf dut Bapteaibor 1st and Maroh lit of tack year i until lit 8tp te ruber, the accrued Interett Iroa 1st of March It recjuireal tobepsjdty parchanrs In cmx er In leuii. cuniiycr, adiint Bfty per cent, ft premium, antu farther notice. Aij.OTutn (wvui-Nxurr oW-iritlijij bouoht A1 luLl. JAY COOKE h 00., Bhr it So. lit g. THII.D BTRFET. 1 T U 1 M T A. T U H 7-30 LOAN. TV- Heciitar.'rof Ih: Trcitur jlwt notl.-e t'.ll tu'i tcrlptlooa w ill b-- receivc'l for Coupes Tr-aaury at.'U't, i tial'le tlToeetr: fioui A.'jest V; l.l, with eu,l-aa nnl liilerdt st the rate of tevm ai d threo-t'ottit er cent, per anient, prln. Ip iUnd ii,i,-r il Ix.tit t" be paid ia law rot money. Tl.'scn.tei will Li tom.iM.a at ti e opt'.oa of t!.t holiL-r, st mnttirlty, Into d per cent. t'id.icai1nclKindi, pavabk-not less than fiv ner nioi-v than tw eutyyeara from their dnte,a the Oi verr.mciit may elect. T'ter srtll Le tuned In denominations or .:-0, S10O, t-oft, IIOOO, tad two, and all a:ihtrr!il!ona Uiu-t be for llfly dolUrs or tome mnlll.lo of ilfty dollars. The a .tot w III be tran.mltted to Iheoivneri. free of trunt- prmllou chtrjct tt toon after the receipt of the oil final CvrtlAiatrs of Depotlt Uir y cna lie prepared. As tho notes draw Inloiett from August 1."., persons taking deposit.-, mbsctiicnt to that date must pi the Interest ui cried from dale of note to dato of deposit. rattles d.riofclilng tweiii -ft o thousand Uollurs and pwar.tt tot thoe notea at auv one time will be allowed a eojuiholou of onc-iiiartcr of one p. r cent ., which will be paid by the Treasury IHrpartmcut upon the receipt of a l.lll for ll.e amount, certified lo by the ottk or with who m the d'-pe-i It was uihile. No deductions tor commissions iuu"t he made from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OI' THIS LOAN. Ir ! aNaiiomi. B.w i-.r. IIakk, offering higher rats of Intereit than .my other, tud the Acsf ttirty. ny tavinxt btnk whi. h pB.i-a lit deposllort 111 t'nitud States Nott considers that it It pitying- In the holt circulating medium of the aot.otry,and it eonnef pity Iu anjlhlng lietter.f' Its own ns.ets are either In flovorniiieut iceuri tlet. orlit notes or bonds payable la tioveriuieul paper. It Is eiuiaUy convenient as a temporary or permanent M-stment. The notts-casi itlwnys be sold tor within a raetlou of tlieir face and accumulated interest, and are l.e bet lecurity with bants an oollnleralt lur dls- onnls. CON VEltTIHLE INTO A MX PER CENT. 5-20 dOI.D BOND. In addition to tlie very liberal Interest on the aotei for tun yt-ari, thlt pilvlh ge of conversloii It now worth alx ut tl.iee per ceit. per annutn.ibr the current rale tor Honda it not lest Ihtn nine per . nr-tfmti'ti,anit b.-BL.re the w ar the premium on six per cent. United States Blocks wai o er twenty per cent. It w ill be seea that the actual profit on tliit loan, at tl.0 proeut marktt ratc.li not lei than ten percent peraunifui. ITS EXEMPTION FUOM STATE Oil MU NICIPAL TAXATION, tint ail.te iroui all the adv antmies wc hive eiiuui.-rtleU, aapeclal Art ul Lonirrvsi, ereup' nUlofi una j,etMirr nott.ifi oin fo ttt fr.i atiitn. On the a lan-', tlilievomp tloa ft wnith about two p.-r cent, per tnnuui, ucordJnif to the rat of tuNiitlou In vArlous parts ol the country. It Is bello.ed that uo necitrlii" oiler so gro it Induce- Nionts lo lenders as thute Isviied hy tbt i.ori'rnui'iil. Iu II ollur fbnus of initthto.lness, the falih or ability of private partl.'l, or stock r.oiuptinlet, or separate couiuuni ttes, only, la pledged nr payment, ivhlh. the u bote pro perty oflhe country It held to secure the dlehrye of all III,- ol.llnalloila of the L nfted State. Wbtle the tioveruiuunf oll'ura lh u.oat lil.cral ler.na for lis loans It believes 1'iul Hit very sln Bvt.t appetl will be to the loytliy and patriot iaui of tl.e people. Implicate cerillcates will be its tied for all '.clti. The party dejoilt us mutt endorse upon the ofynii! rertiocata the di nomination oi nous required, nad whether itiey are lo be issued Iu blank or ptyable to order. Wliea to endorsed, it Diat be leu with the officer r relvlug the depotir, to he forwarded to the Tr a-roy Liepartment. 8t aiinoxt will aa Bkcs.ivi:B by the Treasnrer of tl.c United Slates, tt Wtslilagton, tbe several Assistant Traattirtrs and designated Depositaries, aj.d by th i FIItBT XATIONAL DANK Or rilltAIlELPHIA.PA., BlifONJj NATIONAL BA'K OF fHII ADELPlllA, TA., TIltltD XAT10XAL BASK OF rUlLADiXPHI A, PA., 0l'JtTa NATIOSAl E.tKK OF PHILAKFLPDIA, PA., BytllXtlknal Banks which are depoiiiorlcs ol public BCH-eyiand aulj-u ALL MEflXtTArilX BAXkS A.U BANKERS Throuvhuiit tt oeuritry will give furllior iuformalwn and I"OHr)EVKtV FACILITY- TO SUB8CItinBltS. riNANCsAL QOltD, UOLDi OOUDi SILTXR AKTJ BAKK NOTES WANT15D. DE EATEf it BBOTEER, aai-t' . no . nmn sTTup.trr. Jt 3ll) NOTUB Bu'.:iT 0 i 0rTAR)rJ r9B COLLl'.l T10.S. DREXEL A CO., an" -m X. M S. Tnntn IHreet NATIONAL LOAN afVX I' Ail. Intero-it 7 3-10 in Lawful Money. t'OUl'ONH AITAOIIED, At I INTERFVr TAVABLE F.AOfl SIX M0NTUS. lh pcin:lpt. ts piyahle l:i lawful ffl03t,al Uiteal of three nut. 9-, tht KoUi r l ae t!n rlakt todtawad at that lint) The 5-20 Bonds at Far Instead of the Oath. Thla trVrUtie It vtluatait.as ikiai t-W Bontsaretsir Bioat popular Load, sad are aw telung at eurbt par coat, premlata. -ib:it; tlont received ta Hit atrial mtantr,lnl the arpeal aal propoitls of tht heoretary of the Treasury, efstlitrvlth our Circulars, aod all Blot. ary tuft rota L.i, vlll be rtualiUed it tppllcjHja tt ttf (Sea, JAY 000EE & 00., JjlT-Jot Nr. U H. THIRD B.rsvst. B QV OUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, LE HAVEN & BSOTEEB, JWI JJEWEH If. HO 8 THIRD STftKET. A II A. 11 AX. EAHKIE3 AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ho. S i 8. THIRD BTBEET. II1UU IX SPECIE, BASK. KOTES, AND OOYERK MENT SLCUUITLES. Etocks Bootlat and BoU on Corojuuuloa. Oi.ntetioas promptly n.ae. aeJO-tf gMITU A HANDOIsPU. Ko. H S. THIRD STREET, BANKEltS AND BROKKIIS. perk,tcii,Qoarttirtriastert' Vouchirt and Chocks, and all Oorarcounl Becarltlea Bought and Bold. (rahU Q L A H K H O N aft CO., DANKEUS, Ko. 121 6. THIRD STREET, I'iltiAI'LLTULA. OcveruEuent aecuHtlet of all Istnet Ptirctittod and tor Bale. Blocks, Bonds, aad Uvld Uotiiht aad Bold oa Ooat aaltvloo. D.TEKEST ALIOWED ON IiErPBITSJ. Collettioni l-romrxly Made. fet-tf i ii e t NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Financial Agont of the United States. i:rsixi:i htatim y ii-io TREASUEY NOTES. NEW I'ATllIOTIO f.OAN. Under Inalructloat from the Treasary Dei'trtutent, this Bank Is prepared to receive tahicripUoni to tlie Near Patriotic Loan, Issued In the form of Three Toar Treaiiury otet, bearins Interett at the rate af 7 s-lv per cent, per annum, payable leBii-annHally Iu Lasrlul MoBeyoathe l-.lhdajiof February and Aumi.t , rctpectl rely , e each year. T hete T'roat'ury Motes are convertible at statiusly, al the option of tbe holder. Into United States ( per cent. Hond, Interest payahlo In b'OlbT, and redeemable after live and payable twenty yean iroui Aujatt 10, 167. , Coupon Notes wl I be Issued In blank or ptyable to order as may be directed by tlit- kiibacrlbor, la tumt of t-A, $1U0, .4U, lluCti, and (OOUO. Interest will be alien ed from Ilia date of Ike tabtcrlptloa to the I'.lh of AiuMiit next, the dale ea the Treaeury Note Those who may subscribe after the lotli of Avast iioat will be reiiulred to pay the accrued lutereat en tlie Notes. Anyone iiibtiTlbliiii for not lest than tJO.OOOof HieLa tt any nne time, will be allowed a commission of ont quaiur of one per cent., pavaMa by tho Treasury Depart incut on the receiptor a bill f..r tho autoont, tppruved by the tobserlplloB agent. Kelt rrii g to the tauexrd appeal of Die Secretary of the TresHury, I a.U all thoao dealiona of aldiUK tut Govern ment to suboi1ht- to tl.li Uitn. c;. II, C.'IAIIK, aun-lm PBr.HIIiEST. I)1 A. M O N I H. I'eiscui habi( lilaiui.nd'. or other rreil'y St .uei t.i diseoc of ill do nell by OHtllntr n LEWIS LADeiCTJS & CO., Ilnmontiroaleran.Tetvelear IV o. eoa CIIEBNUT Btreett Wlo will (live tlit lih.het catli price, (xk-lia T A SI II H II A 11 11 li H V UtiUSALB AXB BBTAU. CtOCK ESTABLISHMENT, t. E. oonier BECOSB and CHEeXTT (ntttt, Pailad'a. asi.x) nt Tits. riii-M BOrAUlXQ lHlltTy-IAV ClOCKI, A eery desirable ankle tut I'kiuvista, Uoitlt, Banks, Ca aiitint-ri "UIMJ, t lirvis. at. AJo, M MrK ' Tl It Kit OF rTKTB OOM PK8. f'Utx Kft KErAIItUD AND WAbKltli. )aU-y C'loclt iruuuiUiss oi' every aeicrlpUob. TV M. A. GRAY. N. E. CCRSEE OF SIXTH and ill JJOH Aurati, buyt liuunoudt, Waultt, tioM, einir.iMid m tu rictiis. ' THOeii Ul WANT Or MONET, ' T- AS tmilneat aoadUtnUat. GOLD'S lMritOV ED STKAM AND WATSiV IIFATmU AIPAKArtlS. ..r STanulntaJid VvniUaitos Pobiw iiattuis(S and Tn- vale aiaailstetKea, tllil TttlV AM) WtTTR HF.mso coMrurf Ho. 41 tt. solium Htreet. Bt7!-Sat B. kt. FltXl WaJX. biavtuiutaiudaAt. AND FOLITEXES TO CUSTOMERS. PROPOSALS. FKICK OF ASSISTANT QUAJlTi2UMA.il- tet-Ueneral. srainriTm. Anruif IS. !. Bealed rroposala snU be received at the moe M M.t) Uniltra tneil. No. Illlll OII.AKK Si reel, antil HATUB IiATDwn, 2Ui Ir 1 , toe furr ihrn (o the Unltcet S'ee, for eft month, comaneeclnt hepietnber 1, lt4, all ue f'OAI. reouln-4, .to be dellvere.1 as ordered, wlth'atha llmMart IhrMlll.avy Mntrlct of I h'ta.lelol.la, lnci..llnsT the mlliai7 bopitals end other public buil,iin,n or empa at C healer, ('hcanu Iltll, Oerniuitown, Nlnetovrn. 11.4 ilnuton.liarhv Head Fort IIKIIIn. Wnlle Hall, and Bovariy, K.j , as weil at any ethers dial auy oeetttJiUiiied trititui that time. 1 he I oal to he of the beet quality Anthracite, bnafcea, ft?, or stove aiie, and fVce fiotn litre or other Irapiarlty. 1 hose propo.al imly wilt te rrs-elved Uial are proportt ilbvU in upon tr-e blanVe funital.ed at this office, vnurtt tnt he titarsrtoed l.v one or mort peraout taowa at tnis Olrlre to t,e reeponsll'le. Tht United Sial. i n servet the rtaUt to reiert al bleVi defined too l.ixh. as aiso snr from det'sultinir ctractjsr. Hy oMer ot Colonel (erorge O. trosrata, A. t). At. (rsuertl. AXBHtTH. ASUfMTArp, SJlli-St t apla a and A. . K. OKFM'K liv A89IS1ANT QUARTiiUMAS lit Ooncral. . Psm tnir.nrrt, Anjrnst IS, iaoi, isaaiea rrorosal. win hi reoetwd at ue tAai of the ns S 4- ' f0; '?ikaki sir.et, until ATijariAr tioon. ?iu lnt , for lurni.hin, u the L'nlt (.. I'.r tit niofatld. ccaari,&a..in ian,..nn.i a . u .k - rilLfTl','"J'.a'uv"cJr'''f.l,wltblnH1elln. or the Mi, tl mt Mr ofclkf-ra Ui( . a... .J?J . ItkiM thai f lm J W'WMIWrt i'n.!wiF mut ti6 Ue pet;.) rwr oorA foe 0k an4 Mm Y rod i(t.4rft'lv. w Tiio4 T. it',ir mlf wit t rrotred tv r rrtMVlff flllt d in utn tJ hlmilvi furtHnhrd t thu ornr ifol-L pum he rwriraiitrM I 7 on r more irtoM kaowi tithim oOicct im- rmKnint'ie Tlif TriMpfi hiftiot itvm th rlflit torejajd til UU $rn f i hikh, lo any irom dvUtiltinf rontractnrj. Vf vriUr ol Colonel O 11. Croaau,A. .M.(Jr ' ,R Kt ALBERT t AKHHEAD, 1KOrOsAI,S JOH UATH, CA.PB, BU0E9, Dry fiotHla, Hrwmt M atrrtnln, Ac. HtAiMKAim.JM DrTilrtrfM or WAmMTttf, ' Of uc or Cttirr V"AR''Tt1 WA-sMrtbOTOf , Auifllntvt, 1m. Wrlli?n p-oiboitali will ba rec4vvl at thla amra uUI firthw nrUe' . i.r funiihing the it'lji.wiB arOolai f tip orrottu-abftitd man, wookii, aad ohDdxea ta Una Ua- raruaaiit : Drt-an (ruiat, Ac), and nthr aerrlcaabla Booti aa4 fii tvr men, wintn, ai dctiildtro a wear, Chip, Mt, a ltd WfMiicn Hutu, and cltf Cn. K er.r, I,in.-v, iilni:t,tm, CaUccan, BlaakeU,aa4 tkaf Woolmm and rutton ixkhIi. tiUkorr Hfrme ifor akfrfi. RAdl.tlrhlM. mmhifA Itimlla, woUin Korka and Hurlmpi. naooi C'Mfon, iMark and whltr; j,Inn Thrra f. ht Bmi-efidcr Untiani; laiya Hutton lorCMtf, TMuta iWeidtia IMHUM4, am. Aaadlaa. aad atluf atalarlaii and trirauifnffg. an(eia ai,niild tie tt witi, fch bid, at tha (XMUtaf the part y torw rtAlr fie iama. Anafttii 01 aiiviAnr Ivouid areAmpanf a eh b(J. ho verbal proLwuluar. wiu be aurtained, bat araryWd vi iisvTuiin traii, n uisy BBrni-,inviii it- (a wrillivg. Purcl.?B 111 be niada Irotu tltna lo tim tha MS arr nwuiifi, tinacr (Contract of Other wiM, aa Utoretta 91 nw lerTire may reiaira. Oood tecum will be reiolreA Sop tha ralftiptfl raiala. vi any couiraci inane unaer tiua aa crtiaetnent. Propoanls alioul.l be sealed aud addressed to the aadesv skiard, and endorsed, "propotala lor t urnlshlnt larf (roods," AO. CttAB. . OK1.BSB, lieutenant-Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, betwtavstt VVaitiiaRtoa. auS-Ltt, MATtSIIAI.'S SAIJ5. BY VIRTCE OP A. Writ of hale, by the lion. John Cadwalader, Jtitf of the alairlet (ouit o( the tolled olat.a. Iu and IWtat) Kaitem blstrlcl of Pt-nusyrt tnlt. In Admiralty, I so Jlrrcled, will be sold tt tnihltc slo tn Ibe hlthoil 14 fcett hldcer, fvr cish, St MK'HKWotK SJTtlRE.Ko. lit If. rttotiT tttreel, oa MUNliAr,Aiieuitn,atU'clefi A. M , es bolea oi t ctton. belns the cart ofreuel osw kt.iwn, Aiao, tiie cariroe. ot the eteatnar IDA, akvcesl SAKAH, aud MAJIT.and HOI'K, con iilln of cettoei, to ll .)Oo , tururmiiic, lice, and .alia. WIlt.rAM Mtr.tWASIt, tr S.Maisaal t.l. MPetsna. rbL'tdciplila. Ai.aail 10, Im. auU t fmnl COTTAGE OIIOAN8, rd oalr sTSET(TJJ.fJ bat mitOtTAll TO la osvttf of Tone aud -ower, d. eiiriMj easeaAally fur I'kanrbae asal B, broia, but innnd to I e malty wmi adopted to the Parte and Lrrawsng Eootn. toraaleontbp T.. at. MtTCt;, Ko. M 9. BETlrrra atreet. Also, a totuplete attortuent of tha ptriaot M lrxV-eai cjoaetenue on luaoa. U. DIXON, No. M 8. EIGHT II StraM, aOEALKK IN FAaNL V A. HI) TOILET OOOVMh I ANli P AILAHOIJi. Fini, Haad DrrMtM, PreuiJi Juwaljy, Laathar Oooda, Beadj, 4t.. Ac avlM PKNN STEAM KM1I1VE AND BOILKS Worka. WK A UK LFVY, PraoMdaJ and Ttumrmiai Ktudreara. Mathlnita. Hollar-DiAkara, i.iafkimiiiM atatt lauuder!, ha in for mnu yaan batu In aticcafAii oa tiia. i (Ion, and bti aKCiuaiTely eiigajrwl In bulidtoc aad rptr tnt Maiinei and River i:nalna, htgU and low raar, Irnai Bo4W, WMit Tauka. l'mnatlara, fcc. rapaoayjr oiler Xbrte aarvVceji 10 Ui pubUe aa badig ft illy yraard cf-nrrao. wr .niait-ti ot oil iviw,aiatnnil Kivor, tlonary ; bavlnti iota of pattoraa of dinarent alaea, ara pared lo eaarate orders rrlth nutck drtUrk. Rrary 4 (fuoH oi panenieicaKinK maaa a. tit ai-imea armaa. HtKn audio premuro, Kluu, Tubular, C'Tlladw ftoUrr of the I'eiiHaylvnnia charcoal Iron, Haylvniata charcoal iron, ( arK-ojcfl , aa as t uon and braia OaatitiM of ail daaortia- a4za and kinda Lnda t lion and brat iirnltur. HTf w-cutiL Uona ; UoU-turnltotr, HTfw-cutting, maa au ouiar at ouav n-cted wit ti aisore bmsinea. Intwliiai aj.d iciilcutlatia for all work dona ai thai 9f Ub, teli man t fires of cliArfe, and work anavrftnOed. Tha aitaaoiihora bava ample wbarf-dot-k rooaa for fa- rair ci boat, wnera theoao ua tn perfect aaiav DrvTioea who a.Mnra. DkOi, DUia, 4M., vc( laCtlt aaQC UdrQi tHUlM, tACn C. KK triB, crura t:. LEVI, B ACI1 and PAJJ1UI aUraeta. m tf peidiebubo ifAOHnrs wonxa, omaE, , No. OS IV. FIIONT eTIlllBT, t'UILAIXU'IJXA. , .' ' , tr. art prcptred to r.U or Jars to any etteut r ear srtat kuowa UAOHIKERT t OB COTIOst AXD W00LXS BflLXJaV, Inclurhnt all recent troprovcmintt ta Cardlaf , fl,tTSiHu. and Woarloff. tve invite tLt attontloa of mtnuttcttrtcs to evextetv Srvewnra. Ull-tf AtFRFD JF.KKH ft ROK. TT E N II V H X MO N H. TOTTED STATES NATIONAL i WAG0H AND OOAOfl WOSIS; DtBtt, No. B31 NtAV MARICKT. Bt And Factory, corner of , -, BF.COM A -NO CUHBE&XaVbTO trTEF.ETS, rhi aorLnauu AD and avers; kind of WAIIimH. CAKTS, TBAT1, WHF KI ARaOW, BBA TUtSKS wuuxb, aaapiecwaru.y.tsa t)r PttulatWa purpoaoa. All wora wanansed. (flrordort wuuivtly attended to. l4tllrij bagdaCmk-lacaaCafa KlaASTiU BT1TOI1 ' - SKWINQ MAOUINEB, tne bkst a can. apn No. T3Q CHESNUT Boms. ".V ANTED TO fiF.1.1, OU KXCIIANaU, IT Klliinle Hewinr Moehine, i ue t.roei-r tsoAer oewtns taenine, , Tbe Hlr.ircr oo. ad ell the urinclual Hewttui MacUlnea. Ad .urniskod from their prlnrlitl oMleea. Aiao, tai tnuia ot necood-iitsa ttaoainee.nr aawaasi cpaared at list tiew odl. of lJ,tl r..-rs at 111 Ma e.K. MB. list N. l':tlT'l btciel, (Over ten yean with Bluster st Oa.) Ltdlet taojht to o iterate. pslt-eaa TRUSSK8, BUAGBH. Ao kiti'iLlT admit! brO.ll. Nf;pJJi-Kfl.osjr. oi i W r.l.tV 1 H and kAl htroeU- ledim Jrtar;uicnt lor aimo, owmU noted bylsvUMt, TWKl.FTii Htroet, rtrtvl dr labw Urn mm. Thm nana oompleta and varied. atyok mm band, eoa.lti:4(. In pat, of Tru-a iottura, riiMMtUIr hrkerti, helti, H an. J ,,, I'.Uail btuaUiiA tSyrtniis,, at n lew IOC iUriiT , OK'ii Mvia.iMi jUaUKsim 0Vm rnii.j PHII.ADEI.PHIA SUTiO EONS' iiiuK aaTlTUTR, No. 14 MorA Hlcaet, above tstraet. Kuotauwe) v.dlcallv enred bv ft. I'. tt tlU-l f 8 fienilusa rtnt Qra.lnatis l'roasere Trust. Superior l:lastlo Iterte sVlaauo htochmss. Bupoortars, Bboakler braeee. aaspeav Soriea. Cruuditts. Ac. LaUMiaalt.i.dtuiyalrl.B.u.i-vijtr.11. nsjie-ij T II ARTIFICIAL HANS. H. A. r.II.DEA, ' - Uvenir and Manui'a, tsuerof tho A at I I F 1 O I A L A A, kt, ft 'proved and oduotast . SY 1H1S srECEOS-CErfEIt.tL Of TUB UNITED iTATK. n Moioaa-ri, Hi. Bertnarient); toea-txl alt Orti and Ftdory at He. Ut H. F.HiKTU iwti, tu. avert aaaow r.-ivu-e, f lumaa. ie r-Js TKLEonArn notice. removal and I t'ona-.Udallon. The oiBcel'of the Inland tad In daw Bviident I'ertSs-rapi. Lthet bave beea removed froul Not. 413 till Ml l Street an.l loutliTniui Himet, so Ue loiiliieaMl cu!llr oi' Till Mill and c II I. It B L' 1' fvueett. Tbei.i ciiitinles save also beon oontoilUMoa wttn ino Vnit.d siatet Telo4rapli tjooupaay, and tleslr ooriselc daied linen m w evtnd over the butted State. au.iOa nauai, and are now kelns; ravddly con-tmctod te t'aJl I'oniU, and tbe TerrltorUi of Ora-s-.il and I'laiH. ' rf -i i.e uuoiw win at once tee we anvanuM.-ee -k. - - low em e over ail eilaer lines, lua.un.a ne 1..1- aided .l.-iivaU p .luu, in H"'''f ZT. av,a,idiiia;cur l.ti,f r.!.'Vli'. V-..l-ru.eev ' wnt.n, nt' .vnaau-iiiii or i " - . o,. oasr Maee ,e Unlul aiate. I ouioll-Vi' """"" s.la. In epposiUoti t"'tvi'iva bi-l'.'"!''"Jt Tb. Wori., Pfcl'ade'pbfa. An. 1. .. .TVTIJ A'D MARKET ST. 8. E. CORNEK SIXTH - .!!r!V,t;1''V'.oo":tI fu liiws or t arane ...... ...K. o, rniiaoeiAtvia ini.,M .1. u . (r n. Ihrby koad, hort Mi mm. Whtt n.n . 'j ., . NcwJirst,r,M wealii&i