4 la THE DAILY EVENING TELEGR A PIT. miJjADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1864. --.-Tr- a ailt irrnvoos vxwsrArat. CSTICE No. 108 sTthird street. ' We Timer. CevTs rn Copt, or EinwTsg Cswts Tit WaaayaMstao Carrier, otvd mailed to Subscribers ' Owl of the ( y M SmDouni Fs Amrrrw; On Dott.il ' t. Firry Ojsts sua Two MuKnis.laTartabtla advtnog lor Id peeted srsterod. '. AOirHniU inserted t Ik ainl Tf, A liberal , gsrraageasat eaade tut oxteoded SMerttens. T rrTyr. ' Fc. aaweo mi b taken of Anenymnos CommnncHn. Haterse- le le'.iwirs! (of Insertion mast be aathentli-aioil V lee naave and address wrttor ant neos,ai Ui t or ' JsrtllUlo.. but as ssierentee (or his good faith. Wl I aadertaoa ( mm raieotad CoiaatutuoaUonj. Ts Adowrtlsupt. wtar to rxMt hwrnw la tha Ch-rotatlon f Tnr. Frame Taic.a.sril,csimpolUngua to Ko to nni At an oesty boor, we arenUj renaeat INat advertlsemcnta rosy be beaded m as so., a a It o'clock, If possible, to secara WEDNESDAY, A.TJGTJ8T 17, m. TIIH V7AIV NEWH. The tnoTementJnat begun by the Army of Uie Fotomac, and which enu to promise such Important roeulu, la one of the expedients for Obtaining advantage over the enemy for rhkh the Lieutenant-General Is so Justly nffiOtss. It seems to us that the movement Is a good One, and the fall of Richmond Lee, with Ttry aerer Injury to the Rebel army under her may follow the few days' operations near Richmond. General Butlkb is operating now oathe aorti bank of the Jamel river, using canal which places his position within tea mUea of the city and above Dutch Gap. General Haxcock, with three torpt ffarmH, is operating on the flank and rear of the enemy's work about Fort Darling. The flnt and second lines have been carried In assault by oar troops, and Uteri Is a report that Fort Darling has been Captured. This Is probably premature, but our successes will doubtless enable us to cut off communication between Richmond and Petersburg, and, threatening the former, will force Lxk to concentrate In Chesterfield and Bearico counties, and leave Petersburg un covered. This Is evidently Obant's design In making the movement, and we believe it Will be reasonably successful. Reinforcements are bolng forwarded constantly to the Army of the Potomac, and all but the hundred days' men are at the front. Admiral Fabbaottt'd victory has been complete. Forts Gaines and Powell are in our possession. Fort Morgan must soon full. General Gbaxgeb, with ten thousand vetc--TtCM, is moving upon Mobile, convoyed and protected by a powerful fleet of gunboats; and we should not be surprised to hear that tlie City foil Into our hands on tlie 12th of August If Uie " Old Salamander" Is allowed to attack Charleston or Savannah nest, and Is allowed to have his own way, no one will doubt his ability to take either or both places In a short time. "Hearts of Iron in wooden ships" aro tramps again. General Sotbidax is advancing rapidly and successfully Into the valley of Virginia frith a large and effective army. He has determined to hold the mountain gaps of the Blue Ridge hereafter, and keep the Rebels from getting into the Shenandoah valley. These be can defend; but when we retire to Maryland Heights we leave the whole coun try open to the enemy. We believe that Xablt has made his last movement up the valley, and we are glad to leara that be has made but little by his last enterprise. He may yet be mado to suffer severely for his temerity. General Sukhma.v Is resting his army, and holding General Hood's Rebtd army in close quarters, while General A. J. Smith Is coming up In the rear of the enemy from Holly , Springs, Mississippi, reaching and following the line of the Memphis and Savannah rail road. The prospects fbr vanquishing the Rebels before the close of the year were never more favorable, and if the people will but do all in their power to assist the Commander-in-Chief, this will surely be the last year of the war. An honorable peace can be made to dawn upon a united country with the New Year of ltw.5. the peace in rsnov. There Is a very extraordinary peace fever springing up In New York. The Jleralit and another dally paper in the name latitude have taken the tllteace in a violent form, and are exhibiting It In Uie ravines of a mouonianiacal dellriiuu. Those Journal cull on the Presi dent to propose a suspension of hostilities and the appointment of Commissioners to Richmond to orTi-r to Jkhkrson Davih tvniS of pacification, or to suggest the elec tion of delegates from all the States, North, South, East, and West, to a National Conven tion, to which, shall be reforred the moment ous business of settling the conditions on which peaoe Duty be concluded. What has wrought so sudden and wonder ful a change in the New York press on this ul.Jcct we cannot pretend to say. Hut we are quite satisfied that this wild cry for peace Is only calculated to deleat its object. It is aot for one moment to be supposed by any intelligent citUen of the North, that the Con federate authorities will consent to any ter mination of the war that does not Include, as a sins qua non, the Independence of the seceded States, and their recognition as a separate nationality. Mr. Davis recently said as much to the Rev. Colonel Jaqcf.b, who went to Rich saond In the spirit of a Christian volunteer in the interest of peace. He was told that no term for the cessation of the war could or would be accepted that did not include Southern Independence. In the face of such " fcttbewu declarations by the head of the Rebttl Government, any reasonable person would tcgard u aa worse than useless to open a formal dUcowUm of the subject by special envoys or otherwise. , But Mr. Rkssktt.wuo all thines by turns, and nothing long mut prints a paper Whose emblem snouia be a weathercock, and whose motto, "to one thing constant never" Insists that Mr. Lixcolh ahull luuiate negotiation for peace, whatever the result of '' the movement may be; and his argument is, that If tho overtures should be rejected ' nothing will be lost, if nothing is gained. But ant- child can see that the Rebellion would not vu!j secure, by such acttoa on the part of Uie Washington snthorRlcs, the Talunble prr- Uge of baring fCflTf d and refused offer of pacification, but the additional advantage of an uninterrupted Interval in which to greatly fortify Itself In every reopoct to renew Uie temporarily suspended conflict of arm. Such counsellor aro surely not worthy of, serious consideration. The Tre-ldent ha : already declared the three csentlal conditions ' on which the rebellious State will be received , . , ... ... . .,,. . ' again Into the I nlon, the chief of which Is the abandonment of slavery ; and It would be tin- dlgnlflcd a. well as Idle to seek now to open conference with the Rebels with a view to a peace on any less exacting terms. It should also be remembered that Mr. Liscoi.x, months ago, proclaimed the conditions on which an amnesty would be granted to all those Rebels who would lay down their arms and return to their allegiance, and the benefits of that proclamation arc yet open and availa ble to the Insurgents. In view, then, of such facts, what would be the virtue and what Is the necessity of doing more than the President has already done? The door to peace stands wide open to the men who have been waging a fierce nnd unna tural war against tho National Government ; and If they do not enter it, theirs is the fuult, and theirs should also bo tho responsibility. Moreover, the attitude of supplication be comes rather the doers of wrong than those whose liljjh oQlce It Is to resist and punish it. If Mr. Davis desires to terminate hostilities on any such terms as this Govern ment can properly accept, ho is free to pro pose the measure; and when he shall have done so It will be time enough for the Washing ton Administration to consider whether It can and will open negotiations for a peace on the basis suggested by the chief of tho Rebellion. Let us have peace, if possible; but let It come In the right way and be of the right character. KF.iuiinoK. In a great city there is little exhibition of that neighborly friendship and intimacy so observable in small towns. A new arrival in the midst of a village circle at once becomes the topic for all gossip, and a minute analysis of the qualities of tho stranger is the special prerogative of the rural Grundies. If well mannered and sociable, he speedily assumes the position of recognized neighbor and friend. In cities the cose is quite different. You may live in No. 800 for a decade of years In utter Ignorance concerning tho Inmates of No. !!02, from whom you are separated by a two-inch wall. You may be in mental darkness as to the style of furniture prevalent In No. 208, until, on some spring morning, you see it lifted Into furniture cars, and 208 relapses into dust and stillness for a fortnight. The swift current of an unfordable river could draw no more cer tain line of division between you and the opposite neighbors than is afforded by the painfully symmetrical cobble-stones. The very brick walls frown on all approaches, and solemnly rebuke attempts at the cultivation of their lnclosures. So you are compelled to withdraw Into your own shell, with tho con solatory privilege of making observations taken from interstices in your parlor cur- talijj, from between skilfully arranged blinds, at odd hours of the day and night. A practical female can commonly give a shrewd guess at the articles which will enter Into the composition of the dinner' of all her nearest neighbors. The Inner life of back buildings, with all its delicate minutiu, is laid open 1 view and criticism. The wholo vicinage is warmed into an exposure of Its individualities by the early breath of spring. Provokingly imjienetrable shutters are thrown open, affording occasional glimpses of the mysterious room which bos awakened so much curiosity during the long winter days. The Invalid whose pole face you have seen now nnd then at the opposite window goes out into the warm sunnhlne, and you detect a slight fluh on her wasted cheek as It feels the kisses of the soft and playful breeze. As the days grow very long and very hot, the claims of your neighbors for attention become more resistless and urgent. The music. teacher across the way combines with the mosquitoes and sluggish atmosphere to make your nights utterly restless and miserable. The families of small children which you have observed clustering around the front door during the afternoon and twilight hours are simultaneously oppressed, and unable to go to sleep, and their concerted vocal efforts are distracting to the lost degree. Tbo hot air has soured the temper of the big dog In the next yard, and he Indulges In an unceasing series of excited and thrilling responses to imaginary barks of defiance from canines in distant quarters of tlie city, or in the moon. lie soliloquizes in low groans and growls, and you hear him scratching up flow ers and upsetting tubs, till a distorted sleep comet upon you. There are certain creatures who make It a point to investigate the secrets of their neigh bors' lives, characters, fortunes, and pedigrees. The nearest grocer or apothecary ia inveigled into funiit-liing scrips of Information ; no stone Is left unturned which .night, by chsnee, let in a rny of ll!it on their antecedent und future prospects. This stock of intelligence is re tailed in whispers and suggestions lo other neighbors. Occasionally mi etlort at friendli ness and cultivation is e-siiyed, a spasmodic and abrupt cull is made, or n curd left, und the ne!ghbon draw buck into nods and per sonal obsei vat Ions and miituitl critici-tns. ,11 114 A I. JII I I IVIA. f )lf ub( h has sucecsHi'ullv producl ut Kuis a new operetta, called .r Suhlnt M uin ini. Madame Lnurua bun gone lo N nolo J to f illil a prolosbional engagement. 1'uiu.t ia to be produced at Brescia. I. iin- burdy, with one Moiiul us the hero. WHUaru Vincent Wallace has been engaged to edit the music for tho London .M nival Monthly Mayaune. Mr. n. Smart has just finished a new Eng lish opera on the subject of the "Surrender of Calais." Of Grisi's recent reappearance on the operatic atace in London for the Iienclit of HarriM, Uge- niunugcr of Covcnt Garden, it is said : At the Birmingham Musical Festival will tie performed Beethoven's Haunt of Oltctt, Men delssohn's limit f 1'raut, M. Paul, and Elijah, and Handel's .UiuiuAand Solomon. Adolnhe Sax. the great brass instrument- maker, has just completed a new saxotromba, which, it Is contldeutly asserted, will be Uie most perfect instrument of the kind ever invented. A new opera by reliclen David, caned " our tst bien que Unit bien" an adaptation of tihiko speare's Alt't Well that Knitt H'tll will bo pro duced this tall at we opera e. onuipie, runs. Ti'inns bas clven much satisfaction in tho dramatic portions of the soprano role in Weber's OUron, lately produced in London. he sang the part of ''Iteia," which was originally snug by tho late Mrs. wooa imiss rawnj. At Liverpool a new opera hous-;, to b called the Alexandra Theatre aud Opera House, is to Le built, uppite the famous St. Uoorge's Hull. opera will be given pan oi uiu year, iu ui-via style. A commission of twelve e urliie :rs, scene psinura, architects, etc., picsided over br a Buemlwr of tho lualituf, has beeu appoint! to exaunue the iinpmvuiuen'S to be introduced into the nuKbinerr aud decoiuuous of the uvw Opera House ia l'aiia. Adding Tatti h lately inns? at Che Hydrs bam Crystal 1'aln.a, Iiefore an antlieAo of rinlit t'.iousand people. Tlie ledVo. rarinn from Xlrm ihovanni and Ilnrnt, .Stive Home were her selections. TamN rllV. ai also one of the attrac tioua ot tbla concert. An organ hut teen rwentljr built In a Roman Catholic chattel at liunrli t, Scotland, which eon n icvoral new ((rmnn atops, mich an the ' I 'f meTnd 7h.V ,XU iZJ'S all of a "rt, delicate tone MaiVUa Aatot ha also nmde a nolnMc aue- reH in ixiiuob as "maignrd in rami, nliooiiua t)tek etc irt without bavin btvl a nina-ie aviionreal. ft Is the lit fa "Margaret" who has SCWyi I ZTlalZl ptii. Hitherto Uje Itnllnn opera at I'nris ha been by law prohibited from lisvinp a ballet but this rcktTiction having been recently removed, it ia expected that, in opposition to tho Grand Opera, the (Trent operas of Meyerbeer Hnd Koslnl will nou be heard nt the Itnlinn house. For the new ballet forty of the prettiest dancers in l'.iris have been secured. There aro iu Germany M thentrea. Of these 19 are really " court theatres," or theatres sup portcd by relgninR princes; 11 town theatre of the first clasH 2tt theatres of the second chws ; 'M ton theatres of the third class ; and 7 strolling rompaides, iO of which enjoy a very good repu. tm ton, au are inaFatmfuctbry firmm lulcoiicliiii n. 1 he number of a' torn, Hinders, ami dancers living in Germany in f000, and that of the choristers and oilinals abont 8000. Louisa I'ync has been presented by hor ndmirers with a roaanifieent piece of plate Mr. Itrinlry Kichards, the piano-forte composer, who acted aa chairman, prefaced the prosentatloa wiih a rpcrch, and afterwards read an address to MiM l'yno, both speech and address being received with much applause. Miss l'yne roto to return thanks, but was so overpowered by emotion that she could not proceed lor some time, hhe, however, after a while up ike a few words, hcneiblc and to tho purpose, and sat down amid hearty cheers from the wholo company. Zc lgcr, a base slncor, long connected with the Italian opera in London, died lately at (ahent from poison very Mngularly ailmiuiHtered. It nppears that some tbrco years since M. Zcli'cr, having to perform tho part of "Walter" in Oi7 Irvtve Till at Covcnt Oardon, and having to whiten his moustache and board, made use of a new composition, which in tho course of tlie night, tronght on a violent lit ol vomiting, which win succeeded by a long lethargy, l'rora that time, e.-n'S the London Mutual H'orM, his health wai never completely restored, and he sank, In all probability, a victim to his iiupntdoncc or heed- icssmBs. The pice e of music composed by Rossini on the day of Meyerbeer's funeral is entl;led: "Qiirlyvel Mrmrtt t'urehret a mon pamrr ami Uiaromo McytrbrfrH May, lSJit, li o'clock A. M. OioACciiiNo Rossini. It ia described as a chorus in four parts, tho large rythm of which is indicated simply by blows straek in equal times on muttled kettle-drums. The theme is eolemn, and of a melancholy character, and teems to have been suggested undor the inspira tion of deep emotion. The words were written by M. Kmilicn I'aecini, colaborcr in all tho vocal pieces which havo recently proceeded from Kossini's pen. At a "inusic-of-tho-future" festival to take place this month at Curlsrnhc, the programme includes Liszt's IVslm and Lassen's Overture a fragment fYom a Mass, by Fischer, of KresUen C'bui uses by Jensen, of Konigsherg an Overture to "Tasso,' by Strauss, of Carlsruhc an Overture to "Boris Oodunow," by Arnold, of St. Petersburg a fragment from Abert's "Columbus" Symphony "Wedding Music" to Hcbliers"N'ibelunKcn. by llucbi, of Maycnce March from "Maria von Ingnru," by (io'ttwald, of Lreslau "Mophis- topheles altr an episodo from "l-anst, "by l.iszt an Overture by Seifm, ol Lowenberg u uano-lorte Loncerto, by Madame von liunsart a violoncello Concerto, by Volkmaun "The Death Dance, a piano-forte concert-piece, by I,is7.t a Duct Sonata, for riano-lorte and violin, by Kiel fcinlc and Double .Sonatas for tho piano-forte, by Kcuble ana i.lsit a trio tor piano-forto, violin, ar.d violoncello, by Bronsart.and a trio fur piaro-forte, violin, and viola, by Krnst Naumnnn, of Jena. Gn-the once asked a German musical writer named I.yser to draw him in outline, on piper, tho ovcrturo to '.anbrrfote. While making tho sketch Go'tbo died, and Lysor sayt he can tiiid no publisher for the odd conceit. This sumo Lyser once made a scries of sketches from subjects in the 0craof Itobtrt it IHahte, including "Alice hasten ing to tho Cross, while Bertram rushes from tho cave." "Though tho execution was vcrydofoctlvo," says Ilerr I.yser, "it was this very sketch which attracted Meyerbeer's attention to my humble self, lie afterwards said to me in Vienna tlist my wild lines pleased him far moro than the magnificent engraving on copper which Wlnck ler had hud engraved after a masterly drawing by the celebrated Moritz lictsch, in Dresden. On my taking what be said for a. joke, and laugh ing, Meyerbeer became almost angry, and ob served 'You know that I never j ko about such matters ! Retsch has drawH the scene ! You, the music!'" It must be confessed that these One distinctions are rather too subtle for the compre hension of moat folks. I'llmann bas reorganized for tho coming scuson bis concert troupe, so as to include Car lotta Patti, Jacll, the pianist; Vicuxtcmp, the violinist ; Stclt'cna, violoncellist ; Ferrari, baritono ; Yivicr, the horn player; and Uodefroid, tho harpist. All these artists will appear iu a aorios of concerts at Berlin next winter. A continental critic says of Carlotta Patti : ".She croatcd the most extraordinary furore during all her last year's tour; every whoro was bomogc paid to her talent, which far surpassed all the expectations formed of it. She Is excelled iu her execution by hundreds of hor fair col leagues, and yet there are forituret which she executes with brilliant facility, and which hardly any other singer would like to attempt. Carlotta Pattl is not to be compared with any other vocalist. Tho result at which we must always arrie is that she is a phenomenal being apart, who has not achieved her present position by study, but whoso natural powers excite the admi ration of oven the sternest critics." "Madame Grisi revisited the footlights in the first act of "Norma," and the reception which f irteted heron her entrance must have aflbrdedto ioi' gratifying proof bow vividly the memory of the glorious achievements of her genius in its prime is universally present in the minds of the musical public. Yery rarely indeud has the most frigid audience in Kurope been known to arouse itn-lf to such a pitch of wild enthiisiisni. From a house Idled In every available comer there came an outburst of cheering and applause which lasted lor souie minutes without intermission, while hats and handkerchiefs weie waved by the mure demnnstrutlic admirers of the horoiiic of utmost iiiiiuiiK ruble Buccessi s. Madame Urisi was loudly recalled at the conclusion of t'vita Jhrn; und at the end of the act she was four times summoned betore the curtain and overwhelmed with wieutbs und bouquets. Criticism, on sui li an ettort, under such circumstances, would ho an Impertinence; nor would it he mi easy Usk to eoii uieut upon a performance in which the in evitable shortcomings of the present were sin' 'then d out of view by the ever-rei'urring and must delightful memories of the past." The results of "recruiting at the South" fur the purpose ol lining np our sriuitM arc ropre. seiitt 'l thus lar to be slight indeed. To tie sure, evciy one counts, but tho round total will fall f ir below even tho careful ciilculniluns of the most modi rute. SSiarrleMt. ).l.rBOVi:it.- Jlllli-57, IfW.bv l!iv..r. H Kpiiuji-.I, Mr. WILLIAM AHI.K toMIe AI.KI'. . HOVl'.K, IhiiIi ol this i-ity. '.iirTIKKK-CAMI'lli:r.I..-Al Wllliulilsnmn. V on I he l.llh inst., Iv Hie Ki-v. Oharbs K. tori, w . I Mil l' 1. Ill 1 t UK, "I W ins.,w. lo Mis M I ll.ll M. A M I' .1K1.L, UauKliter of Lacy Campbell, il4'C.-a''ed, of Lla. Iioni . HAY-KfHiKF.V.-ln Immaaiii-I fliurnli. New Csillo, pt-l-fTuoseay. lotli of August. ImIi. by Kav. John Itdai-s , Kec or ol St. Lukaa, l.erimuitonD, WALILU liAi. M. !.. of Cl.l. ano, to A S'.KLI' A J., eldett Uiiilil-r ol lion. Ileo. H. Koluey, of ihe forinor place.. JOKliKS-JOllNSOS. On .Mondav. the Sth Inslant, be the Kev. Thomaa 11. Allen, Mr. KliWAIUl JIJHUI.N to lim HAKHIKT ANN JollNSON. I'KNN -MAfKIK. on the 8th Instant br Iter. J. M. IIID..HI, Mr. WILLIAM A. 1 LNN to JII-I LLIAULIU lil -Kin, all Ol this city. DlSMl. KSOLn-Oo I'll 11.11' AKNOLII morning ol the loth In-tani, ajs-d VI years. 1 be relallvea aua friend oi the fainilv lends oi the family are reapectUilly Invio d to attenit his fuuual, froiu his late xeia uce, No. 12.S. ins street, on lb under, at s o clock. limvr N.-Klued on the th lust., by a sharp-shooter, wt'lle on picket dutv iu a rifle-pit befora Atlanta, a., Wll 1.1 A 11 it. lion KN, ol i.'.jii'osov F, Twi uty si-vemli Hevliuent Fenn.ylvauiu Yolunh'ers, son of William M. and LutharUie it. iloweii, aired ftl years, S uiouilis and 4 days. HI HH1.-K lll.'d tn battle, at Peep Dottom, Va.. July n Inai, STlFIIKN UlilUt. of Company F,IJue-huu-uri'U und eighty third Jieglim-nt P.-nusy Ivanla Volon teeis, aged w years, 1 month and 1-i days, son ot William and Puali Uibbs, of ilrlsuil, backa coauty, 1'a, HILL. On Mondav. the l'to lust., KI.KANOBV SAKA1I. daughter ol Thouioa 1 Inuimoni Hill, of Jester, KuKlond. Tbe fuupral service will take place ot Ftnmamiel f'hurcb. New Castle, Delaware, on Thursday aJU-ruonu, at o'clock. KINHLLH. Onthelotbluit-.OLIVFB W. lilNCLKB, hi the 'iilth year of bis ase. 'fnieiai(vea and irietMl o! the family, also the nvns ben of Wasbiugtou Lodae, No. Im Columbia Mirk l.odee. No. 01 , and Harmony Hoyal Arcb Chapter, s'o. W, A. Y.M..ond tha Order tn unrol,are lu.puclfolly luvlted to at end his fuuera), from the rentdrnce ol tile uncle. Mr. James L. Hold, No. lil liamei atntet, ab.iv Xwelitb. aud below Ciirard Avruue on 1'bur.day aiier noon, the Is ib but , at 4 o'clock. Intanucui at Vowt Morlan Cemetery. . THIBAl'LT OnTharsdaT STenlnir Julv Mib. at New York City, alter short Illness, FHt.lll.KI' K IUI VAl'LT, fvtuitffy Ol ftiUadelpUia. aatd Hyei. y rc. w a Ij it a v tr. cv, s'. .rssa to w. h. tAnsT,. MAHONIO IIAL.L.. Ro. 719 CHEaJTUT Street, W I N 1 l) W HIIADlj H, (JUHTA1N8, a09j7rro NEi'Tmos. BUSINESS ITEMS. Oftire of Ihr l.ehluh oil aad "tntlga- ' it.n C .hi.. "in.-, t-iv. um'iiu, Ac- Jt 1", list. H'lU'tBS sf II. 01 1- C t.RTIr It ATI S) OF LOAJT, Hkc iic.-llif4 nr ( C'NVUiMOS JMT0 TUK 'LOMI I.OAIT," ou lti'1'.is :iai at 1HIS Oiflt'k. era l:jnt;.e Sw Cert;.1i aus the M-XT PAr. J IliLIK'H 4 ClllLLElt IKON HA IF. STU.L rtaVI.IJ.fi 10K Tlti; r.Sl.MT, Who Is lll l'AT 8 I'LI'.A, whf.m vor TUT l ODB UNGKR ON HIM IfK AJH T IHAItt" 7o bat d Caii, of Ilia firm f Biana A Watann Hiic:Yoii piiMicl aitartn In a late newapaiitirardrlc, lliatOU wo; il'l (trill mny 1.IL1.1K S SAKK uv. In u.u tn the city ol riillaMihia in- Inn hour. Inclii'tlnx the sur, n( llli liana or isuriuem i.incnie. sr. ttc iimvi fntrly met you an -nnr ow n Kronntl, ami give run threv hour instea J of tsu hours (Uie time you aski-li, illiout rc-ii.tni. lint you saj in a still '.atr arUcle, you will pio,i,- nn splint th'iio thut n will ami ami cfs-n tome otlieroi LII.MK'H hAKK.S In tnrra Itottrn. How, as yon imvp nut rontldpnca ta put c.vaiis dr Wat ann'a Mrranll a Sate e-,aint l.Sllo'B aa A lire 1'roof, r.or Kvans k Watson's tMtt lt.ina Hare againit Llllif 'a as a luirKlar-Proot, ana as you lave not contuicuee In your aJ.illty to opun one of I. Ulls's Helps at tl-.e Hunk of Vortlicro I.tI'Drtips In itireo hours, tint still atsert tl, at yi-u (an open oUn-r or Ullip's haffs III thre Lours, anJ ortor to pleUQ 9.10") aualnst SlOcd tliat sou wtU thus ouc-ii Llllle'e bale at the First National Ileal,, die ter, tlie First National bank at WlUlamsport, and otl.ere: now, that ,vour irumpy til talent In drilling crllti-u iron stall njt be "bid in a Imifiol" or wasie1 on rii-eirt air," we I'lnpose to arrange svltti either of the above Hanks (us you may i-lrct) to allow you to operate upoutheli halo. The following- to be the li-rins and condition : The (,-i-m Kach poitj shall put Into the I. audi of Ilia caaUi-r SlfifK. The niphior to put tin- moiuy In theme ami loik it on hit ron.a niiiion. You are loopcrate oollie safe preeisclv as proposed In your challeuio to the Corn Kartiane llnnk In nil respcctn. II you Ret poiiee sion of the money In throe hours It Is to be yours, tfnot tlie money is to be ours, ami you are, In cae of lull tup to pay the damage done to tlie aat'et ami yon ere to be allowed two i f the beat ti-l dnlla you can procure to operaie Willi. I he comWiim . You shall flritarrimce with theSoventh Nstirn.'il Hank, Plillndpli'hia, to funilali lliolr safe tor nil" operate tiKin, should you succeed to open LIUie's, ana eurh psrty t " pipdh'i' iltMi as above, nnd it wp do not open their sale, marip bv Lvaiis & Watson at a cost of fcl-!00( In two hours, wltboitt powder, aud w ith no more not.e 1'ian you make to opi-li I.illtp'a, the monov to bo youri,, and the itsmae to Hie sale lo be made good by in. It we do suc ceed, the money lo be onrs. As vou dei Itiie to plare Fvans x Wauen's best Bank SaTc. i-ostliu- Sta, aimlnt Llllle'e, ru-tlmt f s'io, onciual ternis as a Hurnlar-proof, nr now otrer yoa one-half uiere time than wa ask (should you succeed at all. Miall vi t have your aevitiine r 1.KW1S I.II.t.IF A S.OV, M.C. SAIil .KB, Agent. No. :'l Houtli SI F. 1 11 Atr.stt. 1 I F. CTHICITY. LOOK AND LIVE A WOUI) TO THE W18F. IS SUFFICIENT ! AUdlaeu,ed comlillons, b"th acute anil chronic, where there la vitality enough 1,ft to roai t, are permanently currd, by warrantee, at Jto. llf.M WALXl T Street, I'hila delphla, and In case of a failure In moit ohstluate malaiUos, no charge is made, t.lectrlenl Institution, estabtl-lieU about lira years ego by I'rofiiior 1I0LLES. It"ad the following ; A class of inalxllce prevails to a fearful exti-nt in roni miiultlea, doonilng 100,000 youths, of bolii f iei,aunntlly to sn early grave. These diseases are vorj Imperfectly understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous debility, relutttlou, and great exhaustion, marasmus, or wasttm; and oonsmnpUou of the tissues of Ihe whole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurried lireattilng on ascending a hill or flight or stairs, palpitation of Uie heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a dry, aore tliroat, trembling and shaking of the. arms aud lower liiabt, aversion to society, busjuess, and to atudv: aomelimes dimness ot the eyesight, loss of memory, dlralness of the head, tiuraljl, puln la various ports of the body, pains in tlie back aud lower Union, InubaKO, ds- pepsia, colMlipMti'in of tlie bowels, dorauged secretions f tlie kidneya, and many- other glsnda of the body, pro diu irg virulent diseases In both males aud femules ; llke vlss iplli-psy, hysteria, and dincrt-nt loruia of nervous spasms. Now, thru, ninety-nine cases out of every hun dred of all the ai'Ote-named diseases, and a host of others not named, as consumption of the lunxt, or of the spinal nerves, have their origin in tlie pelvic visceia, hence the want of success by any ot ttie old medical systeiosof practice. MSF.ASliS OF I'F.M ILKA. 1'roiapius Llcrl. LeHcoirhna, Aiaonorrliiea, and li.is meuorriina. All the above diseases and other t'tenns cniplaiiits base tlii-ir origin in a loss ot the vlo.1 power of the body, brought on by Injuries, excesses, s denlary bablts, personal abuse a. abortions, and the ukc iHmetiui medicines. Home of the porollar symptoms are droggUig pains thioegli the b'4 iul bai-t., weuknees of the hmUa and estrnne lsnunor and d Willy ihrooghoiil Uieenlln sislein, Tbo I'Seots produced from tbi'se troublesome naalad.es are ahoosl iiiiiltitodiuons. Coouiiinptiou, Dys pepsia, Neuralgia. I'sruiysis, Iioafness, lllindne-"., Fits, and Insanity, ond even Idiocy, are not uncommon. No e(lectu.ilor reliable remedy hae eier lei'n found for tin so slarming complaints ill! our late discovery in tbo us 01 T.leclrh'ltv iu i-trtrt occoidoi en vvtlti tlie positive aud n saliva poiarLallon of ll I teiluc Oraaus. Weueier failed In curing all ot ihe alitor ills, uses, except iu case of orguiue di rengpiaeot, or severe lujorles ot the itarls. Mrs. s'altoii, u lady oi gieal experience and ability, v II have entire charge of treating In the ladles' derartinciit. I oiisuioition free. l-rof. llOI.LES A- Or. ItP.OWN, ao i lor N. K-Jll WAl.NI T Hoe.-I, I'hlladi'liil, u sf Rlark Toaus. .hSiiiiiortallou, knee or peutid. Just recti ic4 by TIAMS A HiJI.VRbS, and Teulh streets. CI. Wbttuiass dV Co., Msnet'sctursrs of New aad lull, tons Coiifeciloui, Alioond Fsstc, C'hocelato caramels. Creams La Mode de Pails, ex'iulsltely flavored. Koastad Jordan Almonds, Ac. No. U1C Cbssnut street, below rosrtti. mttU at t'o.'a riaiMM- tTrXK a co. a H1I01 at EAMUVS WOWSIm hrrfl FUJI OS. CABINET STICK a CO s 011OAXS. PI AJIOS. J. E. (XII' I J. Ssssath and CluwMt sUost. OF EKAUTYJ WHITK VIROLN W Wa ai ef Autlhea h the most perre. t praparau in ot the ave, lor bcAuliiying, whlteiiini;, ad preserving tb t.mi l. sK n. it is node from pure 'WhKO Wa, hesic Its e:.liaordt!iary oualtilss for preserving tha skin, soaking H soft, suiocih, fair, and lrnaHtreul. it cues chapped baud, or Ui,imovce wuipies , c. rrico aua mi sola, u.,.,,0.. a ,,iv i.v III vr a CO.. I'arfumers. Ne.Sl S. tlOHTII HI., 1 doors above Choeuut, sal aillg-lBS SS.USB.BLIIJIiaBBWI. 'vrAXAMAKER & BROWN, SUM'1 VAfrs uy ir AMUSEMENTS. riROVEH'PCHF.S RATRK. VJTV IMI'OIHAN, NflV hATLHl'AT an Miirrcir ntw anrl t tnlft li Maviiincrut P Kll MAIN O! thf Menllral r,pf Ima (ItKAT A1THA910 anil fraiowllKrd by on of ll- mfKt Iiiki nl f harlcal eomblliallona pi Mr. Crrvcr na nslil traji.rrr aul uir id this c wvM'CnruL tn;ios ftnf (if r-rtnrtnal fsM Al MlIUV ll 1 No a-utun to tl p rtiM CiHOVRR'fl J niLAiar.. mis F.vrjri.vri, The a-ar,d romaatic. masloai, sp ctsi.wiafilrana, Al .ADIIIN, nit TUK WONI'I III Ul, I. AMI', rrs.eulcd, aner Ibre m'nh, a'-llse P'-et arvp'n, la a st j le of ui precSfaitesI inaeunk, n a replete Ub v 'ndpr. f il traosCotrasiooi, magiSUf es.) ncoon , grand rOarckes, aupeib coilvuies an p r : satis, beouund biuiki. and tnenisce. )"U HA R V I'. R A N I) far 8-s?U'fn'er. LADY'S FUIEN'U, I'lTCHER'R, gf. ROH t'ltt:SSJtlT Kirset. HOICB N11W IIOOKH r s svli a i . l'l illsA I il'.l.l '1 1 1 A BUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOK STORE, No. It S. FOIBTII hTl:K.F.T. A HoLUIFft OF TUK CT MIIF.ULtND With an ill tlodnclloo b. Jolin H. Hart. L.L. I' 71m sots. 1 he iiolde fli rlstian esanipte ol Mead Ihdmes, .' Hits Vioitlif il so'dicrol do rrosa, ai d d-t-nd'-rot luscoinitif, win suske Ibis book a clcom. vilume in e-.oiy true patriot's home IIAOI OF (lOLT). Ilr A. L. O. E. Wcetlts. I IIIIIT AND SIIAllls 11?. An esolipoi hook lor the ui 'ic adi auej ilk'JH of (lis SnliOKth Sidtiwvl. KA1.SU.V Af.t.THF.D. By A. t. f. F. Mt tents. ANIV HAI.I.,tlie Mlaslnii H. hour In the Army, M il. Anil Hall was written lor the "tuinday-fMiool Times." It Is fri oi the gtlled ton of Mix Kill; . an. I elicited mich interest wldleltwas Disk nj its wo-kly appearance In seiial furas. jikkv AND tll.S Ir.lKNIiS. TOcents. Au SkeeHcut tMsok er bov s. IHMiKKHH ; a S'luel to Jerry. S.'. rents. WINMF.MAl.oNB. Sf.rents. HAUOFNT'H TFMOVKANCK TALF.S: In all vols.; rvo cents per volume. T hose pioneen of the Temperance Ketoun ni ed no lortl er rei-t'iomenSalton lo notice. MOl'NTAIM OKWS. By Hev John Tort t, I I. A series ol four volumes, ctiitalnlng Ir Todd's sprightly articles which appeared ia the "sundae-School Thati" J. C. OARRIOl'F.8 tc CO., K. lt . FOCBTH Rhtet.rhilaa a. atiK-mw)t IdTBIOAN BAIT5-H0TE KEPOETER, THR ONLY BANK NOTF. RKPORTrZI IN FHILADKLrUIA. ruilI.ISIU- D WT.KKtY. Tlit only one tontamtng Qt'OTATIOS S (" Bant Mes in row: crru.s.viz: Plltf.AHFI PIIIA, llALliilMKE, NF W YORK, CI M l SJM A tt. Tlie mly ons wttlch ron'ajis t' c NATIONAL HANKS fa.t as organU'-! (oHlcia. list Tbe only one vhlth cuitj'ns Uie F.N I UAL hlB. COV NT In E10HTREN CITIESs, VI: rnii.ATip.LriiiA. WASiIIINdlON, lt(i('IIK81F.li, l'llTHUCBU, CHICACO, M m i;i t;, HAI.TIMOKF, CI.EVF.LANl, Al.liAM, 'i r.or, NT. If'l ih, IIAVK.NI'dliT. M.W Tdlili, HNCINNA1 (, W11.M1MI tills' , .ST. I'AI L, UMIIe.Vli.LR, MILWAl'KK.. Ti e only one whkh gives the carlint Infortaatlon of NLW COl'NTEr.FEIT NOTES, liOMFSTIC MARKETS, STOCK THI.E, AMI i rMAScnL hr.w). Tl.s fa. h.iioi cf tie AMERICAN BANK-NOTE REPORTER, 1I0TH FINAKCIAL AVD TYfOf.BAi nrc, ABE UKEQl'ALFD. si nscittrnOM? (rr.R AM.'Mi, ix advance. Wci;.;.e 3 : Semi Monthly tl MonU.ly tl. 01 ITC'E, Ni. 10 8. THIRD STREET, 'third floor). Alil'ltES8, S. K. COIIKN, ri'Dl.IHIIEK, aull-lm CARTEL'S GREAT PICTURE NEW YORK CENTRAL PARK. This masnlAcei.t work of art, now rapidly approaching completion, la ous of the largest and most elaborate cvtr undertaken la this country, bslng about Four and a k sir by three and a hah feet square, and embi arlng a full aud complete Vow of the Ore ut Cea- tial Park In all Us beauty and grandeur. Subscriptions for a limited number of the artist's proof sheets will lo received here, when the pistes will be taken to Eiuope, where Messrs. TRUBNEK A CO. .paternoster ltovr, Loiidsa, and AI.HFItT L, HF.IlOLIi, Kne Itl:heHen, Paris, are already recelTing subscriptions for the sams. The work can be had by subscription oaly. Price tU per copy, paysl'lo on deUver . Subscription Rooms of tlie Company, No. 7.'0 BROADWAY, KEW YOBJt. The fallowing firms wlh re.-eive subscriptions: AI'PLHTON CO , liroadvriyi WALMIIR, WIUF. CO.. BostiMSi fS. K. OhlddK A CO., Chliu-o; 31. si. UK, nlLbTACE BALDWIN, Cla.'liinstli I'llU.IP A HOl.OMliHli, Washington; CALLLN1LU ft CO., Fhlladeipkia i Or, at Uie paldlshsrs, HITYEt.IJ, HARRIS 4 CO., J.vSO-wsmlm No. 7S0 KBOAHWAY. New York. JNVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. INVAL'tiS A.VH COStVAIJIsrEarrS. ' Invalids and tioBTafcseents, Inv alids and Convalescents, EspeolaUy f F MAI, I 8 IN' DELICATE HEALTH, FEMALES IN M Lll ATE HEALTH, l'F.MALES IN HI LK.'AIE HEALTH, Willi: nU our Will Bud our Will Und our California Wlnea, California Wines, California Wines, California Wlnos, California Wines, Callionua Wines, peculiarly valuable iu all cases of Languor and great pros tration ol atieakth. Ask Ask Ask Ask Aak Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Urs. McClelland, Cebaanl, Jackson, (ofUis Pennsylvania University), Serine-, Iterens, tlroves, Hartsboraa Skbmole, Williams, Hartley, Neldhard, Wilson, Tuida!, Vina I, Fondej, Noble, Kuoit, Mayland, Turner, and other leadlrg physlolans, what they think of tha Dxedt- clnal vlrtoes of California Wines? These gentlemen pro scribe our brands, and assure us of th bvntdts patlanus restive trom theu nee I CALIF0BM1A WTNTS Af.ESCY, JrC-lm Mo. it 8. FIFTH street, above Chesnut. MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL JOHN O. BAKGB & CO., Xo. 718 MAKKET SI BELT, are now rccslv Inv their supplies fresh from the fKLsries The snp'rli.rlty of their OIL Iu every respect, has gained for It a reputation ami sale beyord any other round iu the market. To maintain it, tl.sy are deki-mlnid to supply an urtlde tliat may be sutlrely relied eu lor irs.husvi aud purity. Ism te, Unionists of Piofesiors oi'Mrdkal CoUi ges. anil NO DECEPTION. NO INFERIOR COAL urehaied lo otter below the eoat prk-e ot a superior orllile. hAUt EL W. llkriS, LHOAII Slrvet,aUive ICaoe, east aldo. aeua tha ctnnlu LAlll B VI IS. best and pars stunned ass and Skit sUaa.tlit Larg &at, BiS per loe. (Vousamers shenhl make their furchaMaat on'S.prej. Tame so ones! advance. ivis-jes) OR EAT OENTBAL CLOTHINO HOUSE, VJPTRF.P.TTn A r. -oonei si p.s i . FVFrVit. Al'tii'hT n, ovel f'aunia lll he Inir.sdnlsed peclacle. aVstniilN. OB TUK icing re lea. llu a living r coLOhLH wsiKai, the X. H AT BARVUM'S SVL SI .FVf. :e entire prfss ol NiwV-rk to be he awl brsotlfiil artltklid Bo. rented for a tinlratlon. . tin.irn,m a l.rv aura fiw Its lly.nbd is resell oil noon aisNtig ITY ASlV llKAI TIFI I. ILLU SION X. ir.-s of the sntsful soectaclfi, UK WOVhl l;l LAMP, of adir.l'-loi.. aiilT-lt NKV CnKSM'T 8RET AUCTION 8ALES. M ACKKY'S) AVtniON LOOMS, No. J-'S MAhKI.T Hireet. WANT8. frnlfl .(sio, AND OTIIFB Si r. O M ' F ca'i oi. M-.rtgago oi nli pri.pcrt; SIMS TO at Hie pes c'oi. no a i I v a -a. CUAItl.LS KIIOAlis. o.n-1 van. i t, NO ..H.hl-.k KN'III h.rei't. (SIT-St A NT I'D. TUK LOAN OK F1YI. I1IK. drso isilisr. fur on. -a. fr vsl.p h tl f h"-l lotc rr st and e u rin vi ill be g!vn. Aed-ea '-v. it." omi. ..r r.vcoliig Tdcgrapl , No l'ss (1. Ullltli Hlri-pl, hi lew tbesi ut. aol :H' 0. 1IOI SI', WANTI'.D IN f.I KM ANTOWV Or Clie'-nnl Ittil. -1 A lent f'r aye. r.or lo tmri I. sue. A l.lrr-i. lll. I ili n anil Ut c( . U " .11. I- St Ulltio. Flulailplplila. si'l', tl C1' XV l'OINT, V. AxiRiis.t 7. lwul. I I" l'(rr Ol Hi i avTis", Aosis A. or . O' Hi AVAINTiai), :) T-nirit-iH, RO AVlic-clvsTlKlitas, 150 tlnoKssmlt Iih, mill fl( C'arrlairu Trimmers. Wsswlll rereivs the hit-he it rates of Oovara-nent pay raUoas, and mediial atlenilsnee. Tiauiror1iill.n ftirnbhed by applying st No. fill I'KN N B Y I . V AN I A AVKNl'K, W ASHtNOTON, 0. C. .. J. STRANG, t'aa'aln, A. Q. M. JAMKS M. KELLY, aulO-lm ' C'aarterDaster s A-n'. FOR SALE AND TO LET. CTO RF.NT. HANDSOME STORR, WITH plate glow windows, and dwelling. No. '.'.'? M Ft K- K.NTH SWcct uVl-tf afS, FOR ftALF.. iS-ifl.OOO WORTH IN GOOD AJHr)nves,:arf"and small. on terms to suit puroliasera, Ciller Willi or without liicnn.orauce.for cash and goal trade. Imintipof, from 10 to l'o oh-k A.M., TIIOS. M. l'l OW MAN, No. ifilT S. Hit RTIi Street. tufjtZr GRAND EXCURSION TO A. 1 E M AY. TUK 8TAXtgU AlvO COMMOUIOVS BT1CAMKJ1 MANHATTAN, raalalri K. A. Jtyther. sv ThVmake a flrand F.soiirsl .n tn Cape Mar, SJATL'ltll AVVsAilgu.t " 'saving altl'll surest whar at t o'clock, Aas;. Betiirniitg, wiU leave epeMayon mowoav at K o'cTicl. are lor tte r.-ssion -risi. i airrace nirt extra. aul7-3 .lOHKrtl A. 8TF.RT, Agent. THE STAl CTI AND COMMOKI0U8 BTEAWI'B "MANHATTAN," C ATT A IN E. A. RYTHKR, Of tlit Cape May Line, Is now snaking her regular trips ta CAFE MAY, Irav Ing AKftll Street Wharf, every Tueailar, Thursday, and Hatanlay at nluo o'olook: returning wUl leave Cope May every Monilar. Wednesday, and srlday at bali-pa.it ahjlit o'clock, tou.hlng at New Casttt going and rsiturnhiR. Ears JU; carriag hire Included. Children half price; carrtage hire Included. Servants tt W: rarrtsgc h.re extra. Freight al lew rates. No freight receded alter s) o clcck, and In ail cases must be prepaid. JiSl-tf JOSEPH A. STEWART, Ageal. HIIX1 : M 1 1 Ell ! ' I TXJH E R S. II I 1 1 saggy I I It I Street. SIAllHUAL'H HLi;. Jalei and 216 Bags Cotton, dec. i 0. COOK, Auctioneer. By virtue t rltof Sale, I17 the Han. JVIIM C AI s of the Iltriot Com tor the United It XL AD fl'., States, In and li e Eastern I'lolrH of PrunsylTsnta, la Ailatlralty, o me reeled, will bo sold at pusllc sals, to the tUghest anJ daer, for Cash, at NO. 14'-i N.VFBONT itiisot. s IvF.lAW RACE, Ou MONDAY MORNIVI, August 22, 13C4, AT 11 O'CCVfK i:t."5 Ilali nnd :'l(l IaBCottOot.. ; Itbls. Hplrltss TtVentlne. !i Jloxosj Tohncco, I iaj Illct-. SWallsj. On trsusptrt "C. 8. atov,c,' steamer ' Ida,' sloops Hop" and "S.rsh Mary ," CATAl.Olil tt NOW BEAlsT. L ) WILLIAM MILL WARD, I'. 8. MAUHHAL, E. U.-1'EBN V. aulMt rAR CLAIMS, ltOUNTIKS, FKNSIONS, PAY. and all description of rl.tli.is against the litiiteg (States l;ovoinnient edjua'ed andcelli-cted. PRIK MUBCy We have a foil list at ptuee now payable, and the lueney can be cilrricd at om-e. Apply or write to ia.vn.,r. v IV vi . A ni.uinnn, Army and Nhi i'lntnl Atti-nts, ilir-lin No. 41-.' WALNI1 Mtreet. BLACKRKRRY BR ANDY. 10KJ fiAM.ONS I'ureUU lll.At KKKILUI SHtA.MIl Tar sale bv aul7-t'f E. P. MIlilil.ETON.No f. ST. l KOXT Stre A. r O XI IN O It U M 1, CAKPf.NTEB AKD MTLPKR. No. ?IJ L'llMIK BTFBFT. A tare force of bulldlna meuhoulca ot all branohea mlwaya an Land. ufi-s lUiual TJKITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS. rOS-TAGK STAMPS 10 It SAI.F.. A IiISCOl JaT Or TWO I'P.H t EST. ON ALL HIMS or si anu vrwAttiisj. At Ihe Frln. Ipnl 1'epot for Uie rale of Internal Rerenna Btauips, Na. ZH CIIEHNI'T Hticet, and aula No lea 8. FIFTH Htri-ei. Philadelphia. T XI 13 NKAV TAX It t Xa li Ann IIKVKNUK STAMP LAW. Conies of the New Tux Bill and Revenue Stamp Law, for sale w holesale and relaU; und atevenue Htuuips of all descriptions constantly " hanu, at the lolkiwlng rates ol discount tin orders of fiO, two pr eent. discouut. " LO, three " " " " l,l'our " At tbe Principal liets,t fortlia Rale of Tntern.il Rr-venue Stamps, No. sis CIIF.hNI'T Hireet, and No. lul S FIFTH rSire.1.. Full descriptkms of the Stamp Law in pamphlet furas. jy.ti-u MILITARY NOTICES. U HEAUt.L AItrr.K V A ikal. First lnalrlct. l'a.,No. 1 l'hlla.l. lphl.i, August II, teo4. im 'l o Insure prompt replies to I HEADQUARTERS FROVOST "R. J IS si, jiuuii btreet, nitiuiDt rm iiei u an oii-tiion noonnnnry iultjectn f'tUiK'C.lftl vrim in r-HrtJiiiifm, nrsn, f-x-my-tioH, I.UMliileii w Irsiit, Cra'ltiit umi Ac- uun i" luen ftiriii-tivtl. Cltlt'iii are roqiwitutl to ntuke uppli i tltn 10 th I'txvvott Mtrli4U ftLe Coufrrvniikini IHstrl'-'t tu r iu-U taifunutiUoii.ftuauotlv Hit r.uvutt M..r!ml i.diiani ftt WaiiuJit-i1'!! ' hi Oidr l' the I'roveit M.ir.lial-(1on t.I. Wll L.AM f- LKI1H VK, Aul2-tt CuttaM stnJ I'rovoit Murnital. TO THK CITIZENS OF THE EIGIITU arJ. . ii d. iKr- B'-y er th Kthta w nrc nntisr inn iu-t call low isjifttitAB 0t-: IU NIKh li. Tu rnc ihlH nuia- Jkis to Ur.aWard Sinunljni TWKS I V-l-i VK 1 U.l.A Kit will K''H lre-jt-ry viluutfi r credit! ti th WnrJ. $uo kKriiittD rex iivfj b any m-nilvr nf thv Wartl Cniuiti t. 'I li Wurtl llvuntv will b pstid ftr cvt ry prsoa tr na Its Ward now in Mi ni trvK' oi () I uilwl buici Ur wlioiu a in till ou tiio uutiia taa ubtiiinrd. J. i. ROSliS'. AUrKK, ul Ot B. E. corner fc!.ru aud WALKIT bti. 6. S. COINER 6IXTU MARKET 6T3. psjWXalli for aulT-it 1361 eaVd V 11-mi tiesrt w a 1 I'll'TMBKTII WAHI). Citizens to the Rescuo, BF.INO t)R AFTF.U. tn SdloMTTO'il w eetlne will be k ld at the sri-bd II' o" I v LNTII ( (J Al F l sttci Is . 1 ( I l(lltlw (1 Mm day I EVKMSn or lock. Coma wtUi yow ril lt Is now greatly ne-d.-d . v.cntr'ootiiiii, to top no sn evil-ini'Trs! nnn.ni.- wisrani arrn.n 1IFNR WM.1B At. Pn-sldml II. Sist'iH. Be. ri-tiry. '- an I ; it XTRA BOUNTY TO V0LDNTEER8. A 1 'I II E SS MKT.TINU C1TIZE1I3 OT FIFTEENTH WARD, IIP1I h OS tsx M"UAY EVFUlSd, It was iXsnimosslf E ,,(l, 1 hot the Kxectiliva Committer bo suthoned P. past T I NIT-FIVE II.I.AS to eveij rani et.llst. Inc tn the Vnitod htatcs Army, Nov, or Marios Corps, te the credit st tills Ward. In aicorilancc tlicrewlth s Ward Itoinstyof gs;, will be laid to every surli ncrult, duly ri.llnril vd credited, by lit VAC M. hi: I! IT, at Provevt M .rihiU i )ih. e llros-1 anil Spritu Cs' Jen streets. H. P. M. BIRKENBLNE, :17 tl ChUrmin I c utl.c ( nBnniti. . TWELFTH WARD BOUNTY FUND. Nt n.or.ptlnr.. lo the rtounte Fnnrl can be .al.t In ii any ir. id. msnihi-r of tlin lrr. Inel C'imnilttees. or CKOHd HMIWDKV nrtlggtst. 8. W. corner ol I jtirtli and Mohk stris-ts. AIo lo L. II. KMrhl.H, Tieasurr-r, vyt.r, with a Commlileowlll be at ALLFUH iNIA I.VCKCM KOOMSJ, Ni.iiic street, sbov, I i.urtli, every evening, where 1'recinct Ci'tiiiiiltti'es arc rcoti sted to report. One bundled and ttiirteon nn-n arc raiulred to till om rjunts. let evetv i liii-n respnt.d to tlie tall. To 1ho Every oue li T It one suoiect la I iO Draft can I.t I nri'i'.d I liicoa we psitlcnlariv appeal our Waul can alio somotiiing. and II ear lliaitsvlil gi.e hot IHE HOLLARS, the avnl.li.il. K..mi.iiibi r. (he time 11 short sstdent. V" ulS if f (list M. WAtiNT.R, Prestrtent. I B. F.NilFLH, Treasurer Thos, II. C"M l i.t.. Secretary. ION LEAGUE I PHILADELPHIA. tn view of the caU ef the Preslleot lor Av hiadr" tlioasand iner, we propose to raise a KEGIMKNT ltVfcl.VE NONTm. 7 COLONEL HORAffl) 0, iSIOKEL' (Laie of tbo rcDDdylvaaia Ro-ervo,, 1U eo.neumi o ( tl e omtuiuid. 1 AIIoc.b tl ' Airing t .ak part la thl oiNtn.fttioa ar rviuot j4 to call on COL. HORATIO 0. SIOKEL, So lsJOO WALLACE STREET. aut-tr C iTIZIlNS' VOLVNTliEK SUBSTITUTE Conmiilti-e. Aur'uit 1'.', l;t. rnisnnice is iii.M"v rn 10 tne soutueast eomerot KIXT1I and WALNLT HlrfsMa. will l ci J. U. HOsr.NOAItTEN, Trtasorer. H I X T II UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. IX VIEW OF THE rKZSWEHI 8 CALL riYE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN, a Th: MiliUi J toDiai.tif e of tl." Uiii a League hare trud-J Anangemcntg with COLONEL IIORA.TIO G. 8ICKEL, I.A1V or T IS. Tlilitl I'onnisiylvanla Ileservss and with other officers nt that Veteran Corps, to reerait a Regiment tor one year'a service, under tha auspices of the LeoKue. Wc invite otllcirs desirous of taktng commissions la I'' to moke application lo Caloual hICKEL, at his haadftuur ters, at NATIONAL aUAHJJS' IXALiL. (RAt l. STKEET, BELOW S1V1U.) It will be otiredort to make this organization In alt respects a worthy euci e.sor ot the Pennsylranla Kes.s Keatmenls. IHE BOUVflE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS;- f'lty Hotinly Fnlied Stales bounty 1'ay fur one year Itakins a cash lot il of (lor one y ar) ... S ... I' , Sottt lieaideeclniuiug and. iibelatrurc furnished hjtbet'altedA btaus Gi'Vmiiuii'itt. II remits will be mustered as S'en as reouived, and sort to camp sinirly or in siioatis. Citizens liable todrult. aud desirous either of vetuateer 1ns or kt'iirwtirlin.' eiiiistitiiti's,wlll lind in this Kegluasrt; evury iuduresuctit lo enter lite service. , MeuilK'rs of the League furnishing substitutes artf espc, istt) rciiucsted to scud thtta tn this IteirhnonE 'i tie amotion of Ward Ommittoes Is particularly called to this uri,-snl?.atlon. J. II. FRY, CUairmua. H. Jl. Fi-IMi, .1. Edssr Tliouison. LIP i .lie V Jllac, M. .Ihoios I., t lin;lioril, lluracc lliliii' V. Jr., Mom n Mi Mlrbae', J. I. l lst a llare. lo ia-.e H ( rosmau, Wro.l) Lewis, (i.'olxi. Whilmy, Andrea- Wi.i-i-lcr, Ceoi- l-jtw Trott. irks, tidplti, t'li.ri. Hour (1. Lna dames U. llrne, losepb F. 'lobMs, s. II. Itmwne, L'barlas H.Hinlth. h'.rra liver, M. U., Win. M Hl.limau, .1. (1. Fell, ('. J. Maci'tten. aut-lA si 1IOVNTY FOR MARINES nforlLe l'nili-d Ktatce ftlarlne Corps n to pertorin the diniasi oi a soldier at J and on board I lilted Htates e!Ups-i 1IOVNTY FOR MARIXF.6. WANTKD 'orps, a'lle-bodied uvea 4 a:ups-er-war on loreia-n elatlous. Ftelter compensation than the artoy. llllil E U I li llll Kll bOLI.AItS OOVEBKWEiTr IIOl stTVl also, AU. TUE LOJAL lKJl Nllklsl paid pou .inuiiiieut. i Xartnes reielve Prize Money. i For all further InMrmaUoSt appljr at the Eecniiltag . lteudaaveiis, No. ill S I 1(0 NT Street, below Sprues Street, tstween tlieiiours ol t and 3 o'clock. C. O. ll. CAWLKY, aaV-tf Malar and Itecrulung oiheef. pURLODOHS-rURLOUGHB, Oflseri and sokUsra vUlting tba chy oa forlOBghs, HWOllUH, A ontsra MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, AH IKVITgO TO Till gXTIXSlva UAvrFAcrcKnio establish! or CJHOIlCs Ju W. WMONH A liliO. 6ANS0M BTREBT HALL, SARSOM Street, abort Ibttla, IRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at tha shorts st notice, which tor richness aad BugalAosnos challeng oompetltloa, ao ether houoa Us the) aoutry couUnlnf tba MAbUrACTUlllNa JEWEUOA Wll H THE FkAOTICAL HWOIcO MAKES. laS TILE LAR0E3T AKD BEST A ASIsAVOID rssi m I llsu) tvPsvi MX X or