TllK DAILY EVENING TKIKGlUril,.-ElllLAMIi'HiA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1C, 18G1. -A : A f TVBSWAY, AVGVST If), ISM. ROM THE SOUTH. Counterfeit Despatches of General Butler. LOWER BRANDON ESTATE. A Traitor Mourns Over Its Devastation. EICHMOKD "WHIG'S'1 OPINION OF THINGS IN GENERAL. BEDEL VIEW OP BTIEUMAN'S HAIDERS. Et'., UH- 2to., Kto. Kto. Twnal.'rOlt nrtnrhFi of ;rnril Bnl Irr-Wolii'hitmii'n Oiidti.i.a, front tho Richmond Enquirer. A gallant soldior of the Cont'ederato scrvi : fd 0. th. following document. .Ve havo ujc dcrmtd it nrcry to Inquire how lie came In possession of It. The details here given, how ever, of the military opera'.foin mi ler tha illrec lion of Beast BuilYr, will be ro.l wiia intercit farika'arly from the fuel th it it may !jc lo-k.'il Bron as betas as truthful a rec cl of Htlor' Hilary achievements in tlie nfiinh'Mirhiii'l of Veterunic aa any he lias berimf. ir -seen lit to ir'iiatco 10 the Yaukee Stcruury of W jr. llr ADUVART8HK, ON liOAHD l.KHYHIH Nri.Jlin. 28, 1M,4 linn K. M. Mantuu, Secretary of War, CP. A.: I have the honor to truiuanit liore with, in 'he form of a diary, the operations of my troops atwr landiog at iiuuJred ou tlie 3d May: M Y 6 I sent out fletwral He lenan with five, rryimculs and two pices nf artillery, to vards Walthall Junction, lie ni.'t and (rloriumlv d?. fca d a rt'(i mi nt of South Carolinians, and the'i retired, h-aviiatr hit dead a. id wounded in the bimdi of sai'l Carolinian, in ai-cnriliiiet! with tiij policy of emtiarraasin,' the; eovuiy ty 'io!i anoils, elnptid by rniit of our Generals io t'jis war. May 7. Sent out General Uiooks wira live brigades to the same point. lie. traiiic-.l a tie K-ive victory iivcr two briadca of lloliels, uu I retired after lark to our lulreiDeliiiieuis, leaving his duail -and wounded behind. He 11I11 repuus a com plete surccss in burning a sawmill and some, private residences. Mat 9. Hont fon"raI Gillmore M eapt'ire Peiprsburjr, as the KcIk'In hive no vr-irks on the north fide of the city. He rou'ed the Kulnsls with terrible slaauiitir oiiSwift crock, stielltvl Dn .il;i' bouse, cbaacj an auibulaDce eoinini'tec composed of the old gentlemen of l'ctersliuro:, burned several shanties, and returned to our iiuroui'li snenta. ' Mat 13 Sent G"tierals-lttlniorc and Smith to capture Prcwrr's B ull'. They atormc I ut the point oftlie bayonet the works alMiidnno.l tvy the Rebel. To-iuorrow we will ooe.Bi the iiavyati'Hi of the James. "' Mat lo. Met OcjMfriil Gillmore ret'rntf with bis troops to out Intrench ments. He said Dim Hcan regard bad attacked him wi h musketry und he would not submit to It ' Thi."," he said, "w.h " the age of long run ee artillery inu-keirv ws :i relic of bri"irlr-m; Ytt foutrhL with I'HJ pound Frtotta on Morris island, nil I he would not per mit the Relielij to force him to cmr.ige in their favorite modo of wurf.ire." My hu.idiiuarterj were ton diHinnt to bear the rlre of inmlteiry; I neard the artillery, but tbought it wai tte Rebels t) low I n ft up their ironclad vusjul. Wo hmued four more houses to-day. Mat 17. Begun an observatory to-dny ot Cobb's burned bouse. i JMat.'O. The Kebels asaanltcd our rifle-pits to-day. We killed 7 and wounded fh'M. Toe Kcbel sfS'.mltirg column cnn-istel of Beaure gard's forces, Hardee's C;irps, from Jjhustau's aim y, and I'iignireet's Corps, of Leo's army, in all, as shown by a captiued tf .ld return, of 74,.'C!8 cdeetives. General Smith burned a bam to-day. Juke 3. My observatory Is now fifty feet hli?h. C.c old see a heavy tight ruling all dayaliiut Oaines' Mill. With a powerful glass I could see the Rebels living in great disorder into lU'h rnond. I counted 117,'.s- fugitives fro.u tlu battle-field. Jiie9 I sent General Gillmore with a divi sion of iniantiy, and General hlautz with a hri frade of veteran raiders, to capture i'et -rs'iur. 4eneral Kautr. gained a glorious victory ovur fnlly two bnudrud militiamen, on the Jerusalem I'latik road, but, (Hing Hanked on the right, left, and centre, he was compelled to retire atter burn inir atveral houses. General Gillmore pushed up the City l'ohit road until be iliseov red tint tli s Rebels wi re armed with muskets and rilles, when be returned, and now proposes to isub isb a tia' tery of RiMlmun guns on the top of mv ob-ervn-tory (already two huu ired fee: hiith). 1 held this pom durirg the whole of the (lerce c .ntesf. of to-lay, but escaped unhurt. It is only eight milea from I'ettrshurg. ivnB 15. General Ilaldy Smith surprised and captnied the tortitV-.ituma around Petersburg this mominir. The Rbel troops ana trains can De Been trora my observatory (now joo ieet high) flying in the wildest coninaim to the Bortn side or tne Appoinarox. no tticy imiiK tout my aide or 'he river is the sliest line io wiin two linguae ot my command, full rekiaiunt of 10 In i sharpshooters was striven from mv front, and tho raiiroid torn up niwaitnn i junction 1 coma wo cno noieoi the btilllant ull'air Iroui my ljokout (now 100 Ieet high). 7 A. II., Ji'sn 1 naneock una Muitu cap tured Petersburg la-t night, l-'mm my stand nnw ooo icet b'vbl, 1 can see the lulls a; omul Peterstmrir covered with Union Irooi.s 12 M. The lo2 h is lined uii, mid the Iro i;i which I tee around IYtcrsbuig are's iu,-ci ReU-l-. Ji np. 18 I had almost omitted to state that VrO.W'O Id Is Is rbarci d my htiuitl force, and re-'ook their old line l.i f ont ot Mr. llou tv When tbe tiring comincneed I was ii'ili'-d to leavi- mv oliservitorv (at this d'itu bill I fe. t hi:hl imd ride mp'.illv on au cili.' vi tt to Admiral L' on l.oaiJ ot his monitor Hi;; sliip Jl'MK 22 IX; t AOlnlrhl l ee tin- imirniii!!, upon the approach ot the liericl iron ciad ', t Ret u better vitw id the naval tngiiiteiiieiil f.oin niv tii-rvatoiy (now 7W) le t high). Tne R"ld llet bcliaveu with ;tc' t-Hi intry. It -te uneil down until on'y d l':om ovr it i t by si v.; nil e. of w.Ju and t ov olio'iue. oiio in i it.- .1 ime Two enoriiions iroiectdrs throivn bv A-'mira' Lie prorineed no lii'linlda'iiei at U.i.t tame "ill tie M II fiorn iiy louhoa' It l.c Mii.-lie 1 wirhui r inonih). J'lia. ners n p-rt that tlirRn IS tary was on board the II it. an I III. ir t;lcn li i ti,'.'l.tiiie limy have been due to his pre.i n e Voullir.s WrjM:ol;. June li A b. lei sum nisry ol my niceti-aca will now he ui'eiii't.'il I have built on lleucl soil an observatory 10 si ei bijb, lum h;cb 1 have vi :ie-bid so qo of ih 'reiittst Vni n vicmies of the war. I hav killed aiid nouii'ied l'.70 ml ciipuii. d lo.-' ll of Bcauriguiirs men Mini nbout an imjmiI eitmb of lee s n,ei", irclii'iii.g ,(., tot r.c t olil 1'ivi non. I have biirned t.i luivalo r. sidelines ditto barns. !i2li cribs, iTgiist mills. !l-iwndlls I have cnpturnl and U im.w posm-ss niati'is Irarnueea, id tiuu'iea, .i.'i .sano.e imri-, .iin mules, HI.'! cl.emisei., M.'l niKbt-csps, M.I p.iiis ol i lne,i"!t earrings, 4.i(i eorsds, L', -J pairs ot Ko.!. 117 uairs. No. 3. US pairs of broKan 13, 56 demfiohus of whisky, ll. barrels of per Simmon bear, :i.r tilver spoons, 70 German all. ver ditto, 1.11'J pew ter ditto, 7H'i voung hens, 112 f-etttiie hi-na, UJ game roosters ( irgnua a lork) ik5,llo vceae lexactlv the oruriual uuuiber of m in my eoromand i, 12 donkera I two ifiveu to 'iill iooie iiiid one tai h to the re.-t of mv GeMials) Feeling the i ecc-ity ol 'takinst are of the spoil of victory I have retired to l ortres Monroe. Your obedient servant, ii. F. Itt tli k, Major-Oeneral Aa"F. T." I tern n M'Bil ( onirrilnf l.i Ie t MMlateil ITuperl. from the Richmond Lranintr, To the Hon. Edward Kveretr, Masacliu.'eti : Km: In one of those peregrinations made by yon, leveral yeais ago, in the Southern Utiles tf what wai then die American Union, iu which you were pieused to liibtruct ti e Virginians aud oiutia on I lie sub.cct of the character or t-corge V ashiiiiiUiu. whweof theretofore thev had been ueiiiorubly mnurunt. vou visited, if I niistuke Dot. the ancient aeat i. "Lower Uiaudon," ou James raver, uud pintool;, for a aeaaon, of that clcgunt lioepltulity which loimeih held away iu itMle lightiul hull and nardeua. You mav, poi-hupa, liuve foigolleu your brief sojourn there, and cure little to lecall it. hut you hav since written and Maiki a of the Southern people induces tue te!ief (but If you relaiu any leuiemhiauce of the M.aciiul houifcstiads in which you were once icccivesl a a welcome uud honored guet, and of the Kind proprletoi. who greeted you with so much warmth npi u the threshold, it in associated sulily kith the uih that Ihuo homcsteaiU in.iy t laid iis,u,'i liicse rnipriciora rcduad to Vou will tberefi be ;ratllled to learn, bi'jond a doubt, that ' Lower llinnilon is a ruin ; and, as the journals or civuiation, aa wen in your en llgh'. iKd and hnntanc rily of lloaum as elsewhere throughout tb great, trlorlons, and free United Htiits , are net full and circumstantial with regard to the rievattiona of the Federal tnmps, you wilt probably be thankful for some account, from a Virginian, ot this latest achievement of your arms. H Is enough for the Northern newspapers to state, In hr ef, that aueu a mansion baa been pillaged and consumed, .o nianv acres lmpovcr isl el and reelsiined to the military possession of the Federal Government. Nor dii the mil i.d re pot ts of plundering commanders ro i-evond a g nrral sia riiiei t of desolation, the Fed.nal general makes a solitude, and calls it a re-toration of 'he Fed. ral niitlio ify. lie dues not descend lo the vulgar Incidents of -p illation and ravaee, nor narrate how he has endeavored to convert his ncqn'ri d territory into a wild -rness. You mav reeoll 'ot, sir, the) lair lawns across which lay the walk from the river lo Brandon man-Ion. Nowhere, I think, on this continent, did the Inn' wear a rieher green, nowhere did the r ea iloplav more (trace nnd irofusion. The daiksonie cover's which the iiioeking-lilrd niailc n.uidciil ; the tall elms which looked down upon tl e quaint old edilio and caught uiion their iiilverinir le.nes the t liereo heats of tho tr am i a sun ;llie ire 1 1 isps ol nonrvsu nun iiiiiiouu with lnaeit-1'fe; tho ample width of g-emiswa'd, w nh here and there a vase, overrun with myrtle ; all thre suiroun Hns gave an indes -nh iWo efiarm to the pla c.and harmoni.e 1 with the ri pose and refinement tint', dwelt under (.lie roof. Ire. The visitor saw all around him the evi dincca ol la te and culture, the growth of a cen tury or mire of unintcrrnjite J occupancy by tho same lamilv. 'Ibc-e lawns, yon will V pleased to 1- now, h ive been itc-poiied ; not the t'alypso's Isle of lllcn ni rb.sett, In the licuiiilful tiver of the West, whose moiiruf il dtf.n ement our o vn Wirt dc irihcd wnh si nrieh pathos not the tcstie Villa Ifort:! es", just outside, the walls of Rome, when cruel war and republican rsgo has shat tered its toiuiilaiiou ami prostrated its plant item-, e ail I have prescn ed u picture of de-st .n tiou more comph t: and satisi'.vtory. If the owners of "Lower Bun ion" woe Rebels, and unhelu the ancl. nt fame of Virginia in the hour of h.-r uitony und trial, i hey have been we l rep ml in Ins waste of the r rounds they so lotod to adorn. 1 bo tr.iiioroiis tnif !i is been cloven and cut up by the hoofs of the Federal cavalrv ! the rcbel j.oua rosea mav, perhaps, burst forth in their bunny aain ai li tbu -ui.iin-; spring, but it will b only to mock the fallen s:.ite of tho whole es t.'ibhsbnieiit; and i-verv disloval Dryad that fre iUi nti d the cops' a around has been sc ared awty into her native woods. Thi Brandon II inne, ss yon mayor may not renumber, was a very ern.y, rambling, old fasl.loned, a'-colored building, that would hvo been thought shabby in New York or M issachu setts. Unite unlike the marine, vil as ilia, sparkle on the heights of Stateu lslan I : altogether difh r- i t from he superb structures that lino the. banks of the Hudson, und crown the hid aroun I il ls ton. Not an Italian corridor, not it mulllone 1 window al.nut it. Biieks. -null anil gla.od.troui.'ht r ut in George the second s time fioin laipl.ind. Rooms ra'ber large ai d wainscoted, w imlows low and murow, lire-places huic, staircases also ob jci tionable us retards ccoiiomv of Ss. o. What Inrri uie these deserted rooms still contained, n o-t of it mellowed by time, was takou o it by the Fidt ral cavnliy and burned upon the lawn, as wns proper. Yi u will likewise approve the tcarinit ilonn of wainscots, the b e iking up the pain linn f the iloois, an 1 the ilcinoiit! au of the stor e pavtmenls of the porticoes. Of the window panes a word. it hud been tho habit of the Brandon poop'o lo pro. 'i i eon these fragile Unlets the uii'ograpbs of tlnir visitors for many, many years past. M hen a puny came, in the season of strawberries or in the mid-t of the Christmas cheer, and mule phasai.t holiday at Brandon, they wore, u-ked o fcr'tcn tlieirsiirnumrea Willi a oiumona on me punes bciorc tlicir departure. 1 lie names ol many mil ent geiitieiueu ol I'.iigiaun, f ranee, ami tne Viiind Mates weie thus recorded. Your own mr st illustrious name was there, with the names of Mdlaid Fillmore and Martiu Van Huren. The pretty eii-tjin was always honored: and looking over the ms riptions, from the more icceiit lo iho-e of a veneration gono by, the past, with its clear associations and rosy faces, onirmlsicd but utilorsottcn, came oact upon one in a strange, Hidden sort of way, that made the eyes moist and the lips tremulous. Homebody oneo wrote some vern ahout theso panes, in which the diamonds mid the bright eyes and tho far-away festivities of other Ciiristmus seasons wero mixed up and m ule metrical in a truly lnemonibio manner. Well, the window-panes were all smashed. Why, tilesa you, It was jrrcat fun for the hulking cavalrymen to knock them out with tho joints of their sabres, li'ie voiUvz- colrj' Amoim the dwellers In Brandon, at the tim5 of yi ur visit, wero a do.en i.r inoio graceful ladies and i:ntleine in the gay flowing costumes, tho rulllis nnu point lace ot some stalely pcri i.l ol wh.c'i .Sir Anthony Vandyck und fiir Godfrey hnulhr have tran-iiiitt- d to us so many charm ing representatives. There was th F. irl of firrery, mil Halifax, and Colonel the. Hon. Wil'iani Hyrd ol We.'over, Ks.p, and tlie Uolo Del's fair daughter, Mistress Kvclyn, and other hisimieal pu'onagcs. They had been uieuibers of tlie Bran. Ion hoiischo'd ir en I ho beginning, iiinl livitl on the walls of drawing-room and iliiiii g-rooin, ing very little troublo to any body, end passing their dme in the boars of daylight iu lo king pi aei fly down on the good chei r nr.d h . t-jii 1 enjoyment which belonged to these upitrtu.eins. There was a tradition that, somefimi s in the silent watches of the. night, during Christmas tide especially, they came down firm their frames and held wasstii at tne hoar. I, or danced a minwt tin la vuur lu the ruddy glow ot I lie mazing y uie. our i-atistaetmn In hearinsj the not ills ot tne Urar.don raid may possibly bo lessened by the. fact if at i Ik se ladies a ml cviitieincn were not m ide prlsiDeta by the United Slates Army, having neei m panted the living nicmiiers of the family t i Kiel. n. olid, when they wire cons rained , by a well-founded di-trust of Y'ankee chivalry, to have their beautiful home and carry their ct.iiitl.ed Lares and I'enutes with tlieui. cv, incommode. But there is a compensation in tho thought that tbe negroes belonging to this estate, to the number ot one hundred or uioro, were take n oil, despite tbe earnest entreaties and pro ft siuIiobs ol many of tliuin, and made toueeeat fLtir freedom ut the end of the cowhide, und the point of the bavonct. f-Wo consult: Ah. the ncuroes I There are aome facts con. fueled with I hose lemuiuing at Braudon aiuce the loniint mi merit of the war, and their nbduc t.on ll i ri In in, to which 1 beg to call your atten tion. 1 be I rn is, that the owuera of ihein.a' any lin e ii cue tune years, mmiit easily enouiru h ue iiii.ovtd men, women, ami childicn from lidu- wiitev, mat iransp. red thiui to .Middle Georgia for m i uiity, or sold them at Immense prices and iiivrslid the proceeds in cu tou bonds. The own ers cid l ot do lids. Not that they were blind to lie dm cer that threatened I ho e-t ite, not that iln y w ctcteo hiili.ane to resort to such uicomrcs. (ih, io! Ibev knew nothing of humani v, of ion isr. Hiiiiinnily has her home in Boston. T he I ton tint's of l ily, the to ichinv's ol ten li for wt He or black sorrow, siekia ss, or u Ivcisity, ii li e urn lions that hi Ion;; hi what So-rue i t 1 i tie " v eel Mn.-lbi it j- of iiuiii s natiiie, stir not li e In rrt.s of slaveholders. to i.s ni i oie il.ut i lie Hi nr.. Ion proprielor- I . i li. I i .1 a e mniiiti to remain on ihu i;r.. il'ioneli ti c stolid innl'ciilion lo 'Inir own i iter i I wiiieh liaructei i.e I l.c irgiiuan h.;c'iibj "uean t Miiart." Be H at lis it iiiur. i.easi wuis, at lew, mveilheless, notw ithstaiidinir if. ii the reeiois did icmaiii inclose, romf.irtable ci.lnii', l.ich litad ol his own lamilv w nh lo- pot an it-, an (I nis lauiin paicti to su.e.iy tne a. one hi il li; una todiiiiug aronnil him, like llltli 1 1 1 l is i t fhicliw in the Mlii-hil.c. il happ,lhiiu i egroes, (lu'iiniing n -t i l ilisinrti umi a piciiire.i s you will s.iv, of degraded Ci iiiciilc.i mil In i,i'h;id t.iiteiiimeiit. due n.i inl. iol ike 1 ii in I. hi family ol ihe "while nil..-' I ii i ai h..d rt ilia, mil w ilh tin iu, no: nun h for li e mi irdctuince ol disc ipline as I, r the 1 r.:iiv:'.t!cni l" tl fir Iniilth. u hind ihator, doing good, i ou tbli.k, not lor rood's sake ut all, but Iiom motives pniely uierceniiiy, that Ihe "pro. j.eitj " might I e kept up toa marketable htuiuiatd of ;,ii...7. c this "property," look you, which was ail along at the mcn y of the cm. my, and w huh the r.wr.cis would not sell even to save it In ui robbery. 1! tis unci for. the Brandon ne:-T ic-MourNlied ttitd ti e Fiiietal cmaliy came down ii .e th wo.t on II e fold und c.ui:id oil the woode uii.u cints in t ma' i ia unite in ki-.'pi:i!t with Va I l l.ilaiitlilohi . .oine ol the ni'-'r.H-.i wen! ih aiaci.ty, pound with the idea o "oger" clothes ai d niilttai'v ptanileiir; o'ln rs ba le adieu to their cat ina with an ii. tensity of grid that might have uiocd even a Black i'epubiiean : others iiitain were, and could only be urged foraurd by the lash, lu:d on with true Yankee ferocity (tec the uiiuiajjcrial conduct ot i.egiee, a moiit oversesri. l iiclo Tom's Cabin, Mrs. H. I) fsfowe): und lei It be understood that only such wire taken, ri joieiug or reluctant, as were of sound health anil matured strength ; the helnlesa infui ts, the aftd und iniiiu:, weie left behind. (Hie poor won an, thui deserted, whose children hud bull lorn lioui her arms, followed the train, howling ( lit u 1. cul t-broken appeal thut aho might be permitted to accompany them. Considering Low much muiallin i-j mpaihv hut beeu smilllcd in Vutikee lei ttiri-rooms ami piinted in Yaukee newspapers for thirty years pust about the cruel iM)iuiution ot b:aek mothers from their children titider kiin uy, out iiiigbisujiiiubo that this appeal would hme'bceu heeded, it seems not. Her ululuiioii toou liecnuie uuuoying, uud this weep ing, dusky Rachel wna knocked down by a blow on the hiud fiom the butt end of a musket, and lell .em-eleis, blinding in the road. 'J bus, while the.r tabiiia were left blitzing behind tlieui, the fictd biackt moved Uuw u to tho Vaukce boali. Voor Weatures! dhl tfcey know what lay liefoee thi, they nilvht, lndfe.1, have piteouly ! moaned their fsl. Many a wretched negro bo. jond the Fotomac now bitterly lamsnts his VA fortune of fnedom day by day thmls:able exile, dvlng of destitution or disease in Ihe crowded cribs of WssbJiiKton or the ctuallil pur. Hi us of New York, gives his laws sigh for "olo Vlrginny Kt iliilr. morlnai rswlftseltur Ari'"S. Sucb, 'Ir, was the. calamity that overtook "Lower Btandon." Ills ao fur from being uu cxeeptloiiul esse, that this eouiitry-"ut was the only one within the enemy's hues tint had not been wasted or pi.lagi d at the close of 1WWI. F.i repiional, in this respect, the estate was till But ler und lairburimi i ame togelher into tidewater Vliflnia. Ah, some war-makers of the North will say, "Telle est la fortune do la guerre" this is tho rewind of rebellion, uud rebellions are not to bo subdued with rosewiiter. Nad, very saJ, we grant, but inevitable. Vou recollect, they add, what old Kasj er told 1'itcrkin and WHhelmreJ lu the ha1 lad about the famous victories there) must be burning cotiacesand still', riuits of womenr and children, and a thousand nameless horrorsj In the midst ol war. Yes, worthy war-make f but for the lirsl time In the history of the world liuve we seen a iwople pit tending to bo civili. e l, nay, claiming all tbe . iviliiiiion of a continent, eH'dltions for the pure and simple purpose of plunder and destruction, and, iust. i l ol eek Inn lo minga'.o tho niherics of a state of war. douig ull tin y can to aggravate: them. The Brandon business was a wholly gi'ntir'O'i plneof barbarity. The work of ' siibuigatioii ' waa not assisted by it In the h ast. Tin houi luir liui tit 1 1 clnirle-ion, in like mannor, coniii butea not at all to tho weakening of B"a:irei'ard, con. luces iu no degree to the reduction of the phiec It is pure diabolism, ih : gr.i'itication of a tell spirit of hatred. Indeed, when we tike into account the boasted lennement of the North, aud the fiendish mahirmty with which tleiy have i arried tire and sword over Southern fields mid. into Southern dwtd inns; when wo lo ik at l'.el Boiler, nnd accept him ut the bauds of the 4'nic Mnnihlu as the representative of the culture of Boston, we may well believe that the familiar ihiory of i lie Latin p)et".luu' ingenuous arts was ingenuous nonsense, that after ad tin y biutuli.e manners and convert men into avaes, nh no, the spoliation of tho South is not an unavoidable incident ef fie war it isbe very object tho war has in view. Long ago has the hope of siibjuuntion been abandoned, and this purpose of luin has become fix-j in the hrea-ts ot Northern people as the anua'.lo alternative. The children of Massachusetts, Mr. Everett, arc wiser In their generation than to desolate the ields they ex)ict to divide among themselves; to deface or demolish the dwellings they hopo hereafter to occupy. If they bclicvd that tne in xt year or the year alter would find llicin mas ters of the South, they would take care not to Impoverish their future possessions. AVhen Grunt's or Butler's lines bad fallen In pleasant places, tht sc canny commanders would uot have despoiled their goodly heritage. It is the conviction ihut their tenure i-atl. eline one which induces them, in b idled rage, to em ploy the particular estate iu ruiiiinx tlie reversion. The Idaa is not a new one. It occurred to 1,-iuvois when he ordcicd 'be devastation of tlie l'alatinc.s. The historian records it as a smin upon the memory of Loiivois, as a Inst, ng lummy upon the name of his minister, that in wanton inalico they determined to destroy what they wero unablo to n tain. It was an "atrocious thought," says Loid Mucuuley, but the North now n ir-es It fondly, and tbe North has long been serenely Indifferent to the imputation of a rocity. Y ou will tell inc, perhaps, that for one you have not rvlin.Uishcl Ihe hope of subjugation, nnd, if I urn not deceived, you undertook to show, in your oi-course nt tho inauguration of tho cemetery lit (ie'ly-bnrff, that there was nothing in ihe bloodshed, tbo life-long hatreds, the wide waste and widowhood, tho mutila tions that muy not be computed, the legacies of revenge lor crimes that may not bo named, of this Lincoln war, to make won struct ion and a restoration of fraternal feeling Impossinle. The demonstration must havo been grateful to the author of the strife, who sat in your hearing. Hut forebodings of a diilercnt kind must have filled your soul, three years ago, beforo tho lirst fun had sounded, when in Fiiucull Hall ( -1th ebruiiry, l.soT) you invoked the name of Heaven to allow the .Southern States to "depirt in peace." And if you think the conquest and subjection of eight millions of peopl3 a practi cable thing people who .luring ih;se three cruel years have developed traits of character which liuve elicited the admiration of mankind, it is clear that your views have undergone a moat re mark able change einco you addressed t ho noble ye.nth of Amherst College-, in the year of grnce iM.i.v on the memo "J-.. mention favorahlo to Liberty, Knowledge, nnd Morals." lu that tinished oration (see "Fvcrctt'a Orations und Speeches," vol. first, page 0011) I read as follows : 'The airreo ol" force re.inlred 'aa lioM a noinihitlon III ubji -licii,i,ltu'r nouns rjeinu eeunl, is in three! ratio tt Its ititelliio nee inal a k I I : Its no piaiu'iiiice wi li ihe arts at hie ; Its see se ol llio wurLh ol u.iinti'ucc ; in liufl.tu its suirlt il dinar, it. Tliern is a nihil, in.lee.l, hev.m.l wliteli tM. ri.le lulls, and at which uvmi tlaj iiia.i taii'uiiiitily or- ennlei iniuiury iii'si.iImii esiuiMt lie exteii.hi.I ..vt-r rial Ivml llileiiceliiul raee.,1 sun eels, suns r slaves. Illstory pre outs us Ilh Ihe renorJ .if num. reus s.-rv lie wars, an. I I euittiit wars, Ihe .la) siifHpiiriieiis to thosuor Tupa? Aiiisni anil Pin til seljet'; in u li, eli, ill toe Ml -l illlllir uk. ell the ail anlaiies of aaihority, arms, ciiiiertrl, ,lis.'lellne, skill, liue avAlle.l iha u..rens,r iioihlnu uciiiit huindii I'v s lust rttiise, tiieciiliisel of maihiesH au,l ihe ntsoarees f ih si-alr.'' Commending this bit of political philosophy to your serious meditation, i nave tne nonort.i tic, sir, Yours, most respectfully. A YlllUlNl'.N. Tin- "Whlur'H" N.trlt of Hies I'ress. The Sentinel exposes the absurdity of the claim to Senimes and bis men us prisoners of war, sot up by a Y'ankee board of naval ollicers. It rolaici the tacts in the case of ihe Alabama, uud refutes the Yankee assertion that the ollicers uud crow of tho Mtrctdita, who surrendered and gave their paiolc near Charleston, were ever exchanged. T be Scntinrl says : " Winn tbe Kear-Adiiural, at the coin.iiand of his Abolition siiHriors, gravely made his report n pi n the ' crew of the .luduini,' he knew that thofc t tlicers, after thus surrendering themselves on heard our ships, dolivcrmg their sidu-urins, and being permitted, at their own re piest, to go to the oilier side of their captured vessel to assist their wi.unded companions had tie 1, leaving tlie r S'.de iiin.B and their implied promise to re:iun be hind tliem, und that they coutinui-d ill a -live, senice ugninst us. Ai d the ' Rear-Admiral' kin w, aho, that this Lieutenunl I'etidergrast, win I dimhilisa received from his countrymen tho piitise due lo so clever a ' Y ankee trick,' w is liiuitly laptuied by us iu tho 11'erVi' ll'i'ei, and is low in emr ciistrmy ; und that if the v.ewa ex- ' piesse d by the repoit of the Board' be collect, l.c mi fits the inn no nt not of a prison r of war v hiih he Is re eeiving ut our hands hut that which may be ji.btitied towards uu nlii 'cr of tho 1 l.iud Mules huvy, bom in, a citi.tu of, uud ap laeiitid tii.iii, lieiituckv, and who, liitht-u :i;:i in I his miihc land, In, d his par lie of lift or," 'I be Sfnlii'rl deiii.'S that the Seerelai v of War Bdv ii i d ihe adoption, by the State Commission Ihe u-eei-t e oi iiilan' schedule of prl -es. I ii H e coi 'iioy, he though: il too hl.h ; uu 1 so led d at :he lime. lit I. mm. nt. thinks ihut the f.iilurc of ihu gu tnl p i on a hn; iNhilnlioi m l'ei. rsiiurg w c Os I p il c Yi.nlo e cuinp ogn lor : lie' ipture I I liici rra ml. i .-inns lo have e ai eiuin it that ill the Norb.-ni pL. ipla il. i ii -n li s i ot I ec an e it as iu its. It nior - iiis. u tii lis i) :,n ihe Iiiiiucrciis lifi.o !y rcpu se.s which Gfi.M Iiinl pieUiai-ly sulfercd, but liceaus,. it i s.l... l. He. I flu- rep- it uy ot V.n.kec ep".li. nts ll wi s li e u st iHI.I Ihe ace ot spnlc- tun did no I luih oi.f to be a flump. Hence Gruur, mi our ii).ieiii i raiy sni laaes. has ii I. ted io l. neoiuV is'l. i.i tl -s an kitoV t.p l-ng nn.l ba :gn re, ui h ihe ii.liitnii -l : i .'iniK i.ii e lb. t lieri.iliilil hie-uu vhMh hi wii; ,'oi;.g io I.kIiI it out nil siimmiir. 1 he "liiu st ut my ou ihe li nnet" has came, I -r In- ii m-i i, to tl c end i f its imasiip caret-r, and ln-i i i '.nth w ill iio guard .ii'tv ou the I'l.toici , wliillur the scene Of ihe cuiupaieu i about io be tin' stilled. Ihe y.'.ri,'),i r gives some Interesting and highly suggestive facts connected with blockade mm. in .'. It seems thut the Coined, rate Govern ment piiicliased from Collie -t Co., a great British home, a number of fine Henna rs all nt w hich were luunned nnd of'ieiicd unili-r the iiu.-pici s of Col ic Co , every one ot w hich, savin' i :ie, w is inst on hist trip; the other was lu.t on the f.uil d. VI ey wile ui't captliri-d by III-.- itil-lll.l ; I n; weie run uqround and btirned'nft - r cliiiliiig the bit ckuilit'g .- -1 no ai i uud w lieu lit tin-very enliH' ieol the Cupe Fein liver. At the same time Collie K Co., being deeidy engaged in the bkekudc-iuni.iiig luisinevs, have hud exuaorui naiy luck with tl.eir ow n vessel.-; one, the llninn, buying iiiitde nino round trips, the .,..- and the Annie iiiih fhrec, the I 'alvoit two, and the l'la mil, :io lini. just teuue in. The lttm, the oniy ti.-cl loft by Collie Co., made six t'.icccjslul roni d voi apes. 'The i'.-amimr lcains further : ' 'J hut Hudgcn, of London, an extensive ship builder, col. stun ted to the order of Collie rV Co. n:viu double -screw vessels, ull just alike ;ol these five who tiausterred to tho Coiiledirute tirm (or Govetnmeni) u!l live loot;twt w ere retained by Collie & Co. both still iiiiiniug." ' Here Is the Kxnmmer't expluuutiou of these reicnrLiiblcfatti : T hue is no other conrcivablo way of account ing for the facts nboic mentioned than by sup posing that the judie ions Collie il Co. employed I upturns und puid them expressly to run ushore and destroy those vessels which were to enter into rotnpi titlon wi'h their own; nnd thut, as a li ilhir reward lor Ihut service, the nllicer who have lott C-a.federute shins are put on boaid of Collie 'a to tuiry them through safely. Muuy art oi. 8 have speeuhitid iu vain upon the anion shli'g ill luck of tho Coufcdviatv vcsicls, uud havs sugpeafad that Ihe Yankees had agents In N.alaau and Bormnda to bribe Cantains and ofB errs, so as to insure the loss of certain "hips. T hat thcro waa villainy somewhere was very apparent; and, as usual, tho misfortunes of the Cunlederatos may be traced this time also to that gi llcless simplicity with which they have en titled their interests to tuoo liovimr char In ter sts directly opposite to theirs. Many is Ihe bale of preca us cotton that has gone to l.iigland to pay lor ih. se ships and cargoes ; the ( 'orucnY, the very hist sh p our Government had, Is at last sold ; nnd a .i"y Scotchman has a'pto't a mo nopoly of the f n ign trade of tho Confederate Slates. Coll c ,v Co. Is at present, o ae of the n n-e-t lini s in l.ngland, and wo so no good reason wby Us proserity should ever end. The I hinit. A tho figures contuaiel In the reci nt Yankee statements of Conleder it' lo-i s in Gon-ral Hisid's ba'tlos before A tlantt. Tl e following is tho result of tho Ihi u h't examination : In 'bo light of soems, in fro a, of one Y'anVe.) corp. ah ne. live hundred nnd sixty three Rebels weie b aried by the Yankees, an 1 the Rebels were pcrnilivd to biuy t v hnudr-d aud hftyniore; so that fn front of 'but corps iilotie, on that day, eight hundred an 1 tlilit e'i Rebels were Hit J. The Jd Divlsiin of the 4'h Corps bericif ihiee hundred more tut il lort'iv day, ot.o thousand on.i ti'in Ired anj thirteen kititd. J h sro was no re)Mirt from the 1 If h Corps ; eoti-ei'ienily, 'heir share of ni"n sl i n i? u ;: ln cliidi d in this bst. tin the 22ii, the I Vh an I Mt'n Corps, and oti.j division ot the 17th, killed two thousand one hun dred ani f irty-thrcii. Added to one thonmJ 010 l undri d and thirteen, this makes th-ce thou s.ind two liu idieil and lilty-;x th is far. 1 1. i other division of the 17th Corps kllie 1, it soems -. i.,:, ll,.,,,. i I TnOll w v 'h.1,1. sand tw'j hiin lred aud lif-y-six, exclusive of wLat the ot hi r divisions of tho 1 lib t irps kil.ea .in il.n 'iltli . ivlilch. as we have seen, w.'.s not r1 reported, hut which it is fu;r lo p. it d iaii at tLre hundre I. as that was tho amount of killing d ie on II e same day by the one din-ioncf the Kh Corps. Thi makes a giand toUl of siv thousand fie. bundled nn.l tiliy-slx Rdiels Lillet on thoso two lays, the 2'uh an l-'Jd. Now,throughoiit tho war, the wounded have uniformly beeu loth: kill'd as six to one. I'r suming tho proportion to been in iitpained in tb. se two ba lie", there mm. hive been llnrly-nite ihoiisanl three hundre! and thiriv-six " woiindud. Addci to thj sK thi titand two hundred and fifty-six kill". I, wj havi' a total, in killed an i wounleil, of i .j,o! . : Ai Ihe Kebels also lost -tJ'SI pris iners, their to il loss In killed, w muled, and prismerswis, ac cording to Ihe voracious renegade from Virginia, V.i -2 ! This was a much greater vittory iliun Waterloo, and vot tin: Yankees have i re 1 n . m non, old. n d no Tt !-im, an 1 pro d.i'r.v'd ni .lav of ihai:ks ;iving. hat can they lie waiting for ? A single circumstance coiino t . 1 w -ii Cii- it i pi ndous victory is, that it i s lined over a sinclo corps of G. neral Hood's artnv, and tl: it that corps still retains its ortr iuiV.i'ie. i t spdc o.' such a tieluoudous loss '. A It file Ttiroiiifh Hie lti.ller. Prct the l.r.-.m li't- l i,jcn' t:i 0 .l,...;i.'l 1 . At tho reiiiest of a number of tentl.-ni-", 1 write for your columns iho following skct bof what I taw and heiird of tho operations of the millers atound Mnc-jn and Milludeville ; 1 left Macon Saturday night, at Id o'clock, in the midst of a drenching shower, with special Instructions from the Governor to tho oili; ers commanding at Griswoldville und Milled ;e ill. . A T.ll In Wiilou'. creek from a stumbling h irse, and the sn ipplt g of a musket by an exhilarated picket, without commanding "Halt," brought me to ' Cross Keys." There I took the road to i.ns woldville, with which Tw u totallyunuc. p ainiod, and which 1 was kindly informed w is iiifet'-.vl with Yanks. Descending a hill some, two miles further on, 1 was aroused Irons a lonesome re.. oric by the sound of voices, and in a tew mo.uonts I heard tho notes of that old bachan ilian son e; ; "Wo won't a" hutm Ull n'.inila.'," A:. I lelned mv horse suddenly into a co ic clo-o at hand, when twenty-five drunkuu cciulcaus passed, bawling at the top of their lungs "Ho is a jolly s-.K,d felhjM ," Ac. They passed on nnd so did . Tho last fork of tbe ro'nu 1 reached about three niiimtosnftjr lif tccn Yiiiikets had left the hou-e and gone ou towaids Mil edge vllle. I reached ejriswoldvllle at 1 o'clock, finding it, as I thought, In t hi .s. Tho tire proved to bo a train of ears whl:h wero fired by the Yanks about two miles above- there, in the afternoon. A train of cars loaded wli refugees and tin ir fiiniitiire left in tbo morning for Macon, but was halted three miles abort of the latter phico. Another train immediately fol lowed, which also stopped when it reached the first tne. To this the Yanks sot fire, tho pissen gcrs jumping out and saving themselves us best they could. When each cur was well lired, they iiiifus'emil the engines nnd started back towards Griswoldville. When tho train wis under good headway, tin y stopped the engine, but tho train went on it being uown gradu blu.ingimd su.ip l rig In a ftarltil manner. Arriving at Griswoldvllla blocks wero put on ti e track, which soon stopped it, without firing the p uce, as H i: enemy intended. The ea-s wore so fur consumed Ihut no efforts were made to save ibi iu. I ho en-, ino wa-, next firod, with dry pine, i nd the ihrottlo opened, when it stirted with a fearnil mi'incntiim towards tho train which was standing upon tho tiaek lo ided with womin and children. Providentially the lust two ca s weie nmiceiipied. Gu caiiin the engine at tl.o tutc of tifiy miles per hoiii-, dashing into the train, split tho lirst cur into two pieces, from end io end, il several feet on each side of the loud, and passing: hall way into the next car. Three other curs weru thrown oil' the tra:!:. lint not a per-on on board was injured. Hud the rear cars been tilled, how awful would have been the miiB-a.-re ! '1 he enemy had been ull around Griswoldville, hut learning thut a large foico was there, they dt dined to attack. From (iriswoldvillo I started for Milledgeville, thn ugh be way a and plantations, where I arrived at I o'c oiit 1'. M. (In the way 1 met Mr. Chotit", wl o pili ted the Y links to Gordon. lie is u gen t ennui nf wealth and Intel igencc. Here is his Bti ry : At 7 o'clock I'. M. iho enemy arrive I ut his house at t lie junction of tho Gordon wagou roud with Macon. They numbered "21, aud having lorecd linn und a Mr. Wood to mount their horses to act as pilots, started for Gordon, huvli g just deprived Choate of all his horses aud mules. Wood iniidc h a escape, followed by nine pislol li i lis, but Choate they closely guarded. They moved raphily but cautlous-y : not a word spi ken nor un accoutrement rallied. They ar rived at un old lield close to Gordon as General Wu) lie's train of so'dicrs passed lu. There they '' reii.uiiitd, still as death, un'il General Wayne las.-eu on to Milled ".eville, und the passeugoi' truin to Macon, wLi n they dashed In, setting lire to ihe depot, shed, and trains. If tho freight train, which nrrived be IV re General Wayne, passed through, tliti'o weio not mine than forty cars and two unities uufti'oj cd ; but if it fulled tberc were nbe.iit sixty cars and three engines dcstioycd. I About thirty ol ihe -e cars and ono engine be Iniigid in the Mu-o load; one eocnio uud eight nits lo the M-llicge villi: road; und one engine and Ihe icmnindi r of the cars to the Centra1 ra id. '1 l-c i ms. win litcd iii.-l the engines chopped with i. : e-. Al (.onion the pui ly divided ; one detachment oii,- down ti c loaii towards the Ocoucc, the othir lowiiid- M;l!. igivillu. Mr. Choalo was taliu lov.iiins ilieti -oiHc, but was toleuscd at ) N". Hi. I Frein ci't.,'!'-, pri-.mers, uud ueroea, I derived i tin loliov. o-L- t.ic.-.wl lch 1 caioiiilly wei,",lied,und v lot li, 1 1 lii h, niiy ho considered entirely relia- J Lie. Inn, fToi'ip i!, y rode rapidly towards Mil- I lialLivilc. Atiitii'et In siftht of tbe lights of tho ! city Ha y .1. ti -el l i) a scouting party, which, went cio-c to' I i: 1 ,: i ti , li. '1 his party thou detiiehe J te n ii i n diC'Svu ' .'vfciu, who went into ihe cily i n h ut. ui d i to liie very bivouuc of our men, ii.iici-! in i or vi seiiem w ilh tlirin. Irani our i ::n '.i tin y li -mid la." s which tireventi'tl an attarit. I lie, i.eniv oi ii.edintely wutiurcw from ?lillei!ce- iill-. toiv. ids Ciiiswoldville. Here 1 iost tluil pally, as rcpoits beyond there wcio too coiifiitt-d uud unielial !e. II cie, then, was the i.iorainiiie. They w ere to have 1-mncd (lordt n ficlorc troops could be senl thionb to MllledtH ville. Iiavine done that, one I in 1 1 v was to liiuieh Diouce iuidfte, the oilier to Milltilftivillc, and de'lrov both place. 1'iov 'tie-ill al'y, iln y iiuclud (.lot-Ion a li lt an bio r too lute'. iiiui thty been one naif ho'.r sooner, they wi'U U 1 live - loi nd Mdie'iifttviih' ileienseiess, uad nt pit n-tnt oui i a. it il ivonl 1 hive lien i;i uslns. A sl ower of r..iu enpliticl Napoleon, a 1; a 1 1 hi til's delay saved the capital of (ieorf-'iu. 'Hie lone ut MilledgwilU' captured cljiht ViimUs uud two iiciirois. Nt m 111:11 of Oi.i'.n an Lt -TiiPUAKs. From the report ol the Conniiiitee 011 the (jcrinun l'opuln t iu of North Ainnica, pri senled to the luit (ictii ra' .Svi.od, il iippcars that tlure lire at lea-t 4 issi,( 1K1 (iemiiins in ti e I'n ted Mate ohe third ol wl 011. that is, l,ua3,nuo arc Lutherans. 'J hi;- estimate ineliitics the i-ntiio pupulatiou. 1 ftiin: tin two-fifths as confirmed udulis, it (tiics us l elw ecu 4O0O0II at'.d o'Mi.iiOO who were mem I crs of the Church in Furope. Tho editor of the hiuhenbotr estimates the number of these who uiein at thu'eouncdiou cither w itli stune Ltitlie:an r l iited Church ut 1.';0,IIOO, Itaiintf ut least t!o(i,(JlA) to bo accounted lor imtsldo of the Lull emu Church. Aiany have utiiltd w ilh tho An eriiau churches who" have entircd the f-er-Dm:, hit; ve t tlc'df ; multitudes have k;1 led into a state of church iudllfmncc, uud it is to be feared tht.t the laiinst i.tiiubir of thcui hitve 1 ecome infected with infidelity and latioiiulisin. 'Ihe duty of the (.uncial Isynod 10 adopt mea sures to' supply the destitution and build up (hurt lii-s it ouc oi the most iircssiutj thuiaetcr. V? F, ALT II, HEALTH, AND Bi:At rr. If to ff aittnlf ins t .p ; ir to csu.f Invliffiiift slrhsi If lo r a M.ioiiiins Soiscr, I nim.S, In a hour nasi n I f to hhva a twist of frlsnils ; If 'or vice 'O ms smnds; I'wllfi h.h liora Ii il lo wsil ; la msible st.nia h.n l-awl tfni ml II lo lle ihrres.-f and 'en, Wl.XInv il as loot li i ll .i llvo s III'-' "I" e-s 'f ; li to di. a -id so to iirsai: Or u.m I If yoo suh a ll's oi olns.ars. ; If mil I slue I In. w.rlil s ir 'a.i'-SS ; f rv.-ry eonifo t yni wool,! .. T ike i.i i silv ee aid w'sh ull ir.. 1 hen. Saivln? Pealih. Wrsllh.AO'l II-a .Ir, .u ll b Te re,l f..r t vi r .hit v. lis .1 T-. I r,r rnsl of Ilr. WIM.IAV Vnl'Sii'l V-w li n k, Till. AI AHIII Mil; III lllK. wM h o.Oiil I hs rssit liv osr oil" Hal.l bj H-ai. .ell.-r. en--a'ty. iOfi St t'.s r ..".r cni.-, .v.. i uPHt i:is smsti pn e -.' 'nil. left s1 Kciiiir d:si:aks! sfcrli' ii-?kasks! ham siti rev s 'Uii. HAMltlrAS S il'TI T ' r s;,,. j i', hi iis fit wi.i.f E Fn I i r, iei i i ..-lov - '.ire far vox. in. pi , i.i.Fxr. "BieTfir.', c, r'-."l.iln- a Miiie-nl. no I1h!-,imi. .i.i lloini. eiiu l a rills i.i 'ie Iskea : etl. - I a .joe. 'e ... in tro - iwo to lays, a i.i re '.n rs.'. 'n "tweiilvlluir hour.. ' rr,ird , a rmhisoi ! ths l niwr.llv t 1's eisy vnla. ens of i!,o uie.i einiaeiit l'.i I...", i-i. 1 1 !o.,il-i. or lli; rvnl'liv. so i e ,-i I;,, so i hi .en I e, so moo; 1. 1 1 i.l'r c. 1 I ' .. i.i :i I le. pair, 1 i.f tailln .'ar sl. ... 'sha fun" h. "-n sera' d i ilh Ilal.iuiii C-1iiyh. or Mi'f-.urj, at on- o try lii i MAtti r k n 'i'rr. s mii i v rrs i 'n a it 1st. i -svsi-b III. -,'Ml ..ii asses, .. F.biuI, HI. 1. iii.0"ii;i 111 JODiil m.'n::i: TK?ri.'S, " H"ri L I Cf.a, s ot'ts, sr. s.-.l n. I. ,t s. ftl I HU I" ..ft XM'Kf.ll, nisKaai." HAM Mil TAN M Ac, Hl. IflO I' AMI HI It 11 J. Ml TA Ts ir pohllo as a i.-.lii - - iiPllll.s ill UNUIU IiIskvsES. -li tMl Tti I ts s loi.ei asm in uu li ii'K, s ; i uo-t a-.i'i.t. 'er'.iiii.oed ein.-iiiol ri v -v -r i r rUieo ; HT"i"-a .' 1.1 -II-W.II-. el --rv psrli-.. 6e!.l ';l-rsl .'.s "I .o II, St Ih. ai" I If' -oil I, AO. 1 'i.'rn.ll-at. ' Ike f.en f tun finfyli k rem. ill a-nl bo feal-.l. -nl lo n..i. nan-imlt I ..ii i ."re;- cat i -r -v fi h ju nia; r-.j mi: la a.o r teals . Mf) SOT llli'MI".: e IOio.ii.-ti v i'i mav la- p.r.e i.rv ,l n n-u'.i. 1 A V s llliASs .cell a 1,1 IIKhll.ll l- l-'S will r-mov f very ii, e i'io ds 'r an tliy -yit-iH, ae we,t as allll.e bad eif'cts el llercuri.- H'iAit"! rtMei.tis1 la ms. .1,0 tv.'i whs, -l,l ti a.iiiile.s .,1 I ,.inai.' see r, 1 1..- It- 'ir AMI l l.itii .i n i;s m -si htiii Hr a.lspii' l, l'l I '. frill, 't II. rn.. In I.i iieorrl.a a, in beiring I - a. I ' in;- -f Oi'i Wjaitj, lioUhtj ,an-i ii.r all joiniiluin'.a in I.I. in I.i ll..' .-s. sj-ut by csiireis Prlee f ! a lvi';e, er bolll' S for fi. sam em I wse ivs"ii Is, In eai.-. of S)i.iioii. , H..-1 In -'iiiit-s. n m w-eh :h Root a:. I u.t .Oil---. I oh .Mr. i.nns. I'rl-e -oil.. The ,-ni- iiet of tt o . f.'m li" a .ke a 4i..-wl. .h -.I Ly lilil slelin. ail. I liao-'llls. TVv ore lis'l In tho f'lllleil .si.'i - s il-i-i ';.!., 'be.. reiuMiig lia.".a to iLinefrt oar l.rave sol'lill. I'r-jin n. . I; '-.m.-r- "nn-" y n i r i hi: xrio.i-.iSsi it rr tiis jA.t.HI'AN'S llfcMKlilKS: "fosr i.'"iii.. s"onr M.i-.-Hiu, Kslnni. I". Md , ls. in ( -T ha.e-ur- .i sitlifa -t.-in in s at ny t'-al I liuso n soil ''.'.. .si.ooi'eu lt,,i, -ic fir V. aerea. Il."'.isi! la hs li.-..'. riiHtoQiarv lei nis ; but I hava n..-a th-M.i w'lh iiU aae'it. ll -r-1 - a. and lir ie'lly, ai.d ;io f jotoI thin resi..ii-l to ie- anli -ii-iti . is i.r-.'.iiiil" i id eil-etinliy. Nia winn I'd -"I'll'os'il-.H. I e t lie f illcst c ,nil,l'-n -n pi their e'll -a . .lini as I. r as my US'; of lielJi sst.-uds, I rie iieuieu-.l tl-"- in stri-ris'ly. " AM KF.ll It. IIOWHIS, -.l'? Mil New York Vol." 1 f it Ik1 nn.l. m 11 l.'.l. iei'1 ' ti. v are oiitrn. f'M l.y -li d li.ese r. niei.iles are as r".' mi ll rositlw j euro the diseases icr whKh S. r. rioiiM, . '' H. F.-.i,iITI Str t. ill -M'l -11 .. l 'l , I'l-V H OK dtrett. RAILROAD LINES. IllILMli'I.lMlIA, WII.VIS'irON, AND PALI IM'Jhl" HAII.H'Mll. IMIAM.U f IIDITtS. rin rsssenji-rir.1 1- e r- . 51., 1 ! M.. : Clie.l r at P.M. iVIln l-i.-loi si . 1 ;o. : -i. ,--1- ,ii-l.c- "r si s alia. id :n Nal'h.ur v-, I alter M' iMIAY. jK-nit 1, 1 t, i l-uve l-liihi lo.piiia for c:)l Kxue... .Mjii-UiS eve .'.. d), S (', A. , .1 in l'l I'. VI. , 11 1.1 A. v., l-.SO, ."'), 4 -30. f OI and 11 CO at 4 1 (M .n.lavs .s.-ple.r, sj (V-, II 15 A. i ;i,i ,M . In HI a.. 'I I I'd i' .M. .' s i 1 . M. and a-ip. .w. 1 A M. and I J.J1'. M. .A..M s i :. . If. ii nvs ion imr. aii i.i'Hi . TVi'tlinore at S lj, t' "I A. M. .Km.I's',), 1 10, J-". ini.lM -.'.'. . M, Wlhiihi'it..,' IS, C-V. t' A. M.t U-JI, 1, 1'4S, (", l';fJ, 7 in il :i in I'. M. Ho" b-iry nt fi-.vl A M. .Minor. I at J e.'i I". M. l.eoe. ai n ; u A. M., ami It, P ''t. ji. o i mi).- ut s .in a. .V . -en i p. r. Clicsur at ; la, 'J 40 A. M., 1 '', .'.!.',, no, .Vil, J'.'sl, '.' 40 P.M. I. .-live Half in uie f-irFailsburvdiiilinte .-mediate station, ai lo-nv. .1.. l..-aie ijah.i.iore for Dover and iiii.-no-'-U.ite at M'l 1' At. Tit I INS FOB IIAf.TlMHI.I... Leave t iitsii-i- ui in a. m , ::-.-. and 11 o-'.t . M. I .ave Wilniiuiituu at O il-'i, ') J'i A M a-10 ami 1110 P. M. 1- r. liiht Trains, with I'f.ssone. r Cor aitalieil, will ruu ?. I, hull. ' I. ciivn Wilmington ''..r Poir lite and Int. rmedlatt p!,ios nt 7 I'. P. ) Ml Nli.vl s :- On'y at 4 M A. M . 10-k)P. At., from PaiU Jeiohui lo l oin I'liihi'l . Ipbla to Wiiiiihlh-t.ul at 4-10 A. M., 10M0, ano n y. fi. I I, an W llir iniil-ia l P'lila.l-lolna at 1 4S A. M ami 7'Ort P M. Only st i.i'Jji'. M .froin lialifooro ' I'liii i-l-'li.'iia. lal II K. KB.N.NLX, -flporluiaiit: in. 1S(M. CAMDl'.N AM) ATLAN- i I.I ll MI.HO M. Sii'MUl ll All' lXll'.VT. 1S(M. Ti.i.'jt in in rivo iioi in::! Vur tt-alna d:.i,v to Alluiili : t.'ltv. On ae.l .' M-JNDaV, -July 1, traais l-.ave Vlne-treet 1 1 its as i.iiii' s : .Vail, 1 :u A. M. yieiiilit, wnh jiasssi.eer car tlita-.hcil,a-l- A. M lil ii' s lil.raMh In 'I lunirsl '1 i0 I'. M. Aliunde A.-eornui i.hitl in, 4 1.1 1 M Jllllelloli A'-eoliinl al lli'.n, -1 ai) P. At. IIMND l.ltAVKS ATLANTIC, Areola, li.iCaa .n ( VUalltloy ii'W A. of. 1 Xl-rie.n, ; oH A. SI. J'r.tiii.r. II --mi A. .If. Hall, 4 IS 1'. M. a,,. i..-n a -.., lminn.a"t t. M. l'l-M,i Allil ie, tl '. Uoend irlp iT' lets (Ronuo-nly fur Uio aav iiiid iimn on wincn rnov aro -ssne.ij - w. "KX'IHA llAllll 'MIKl.t) TIIAIXSI, lalaw Vine slieel Id'l.i A. .M. mil 1 no I'. Al. Lei.VO Ilaiiaulill. W l l . I' M. .I'l-l i li P.M. l IN sil. Nl) VI 1, Vail train l-.r Atlantic leavoa Vino trcit 7-M A.M. l.i-aven Allautic 4 lo l'..M. J,JU-ll JOUM O. IIKYANT, Atsnt, yiUT AL'I'Lrill.V AN i raltimorh ukn I RaI. liAll.ltUAl), Ol'KN T'J O.XKO.ll) -Si'KISiJ AHIIAXlil';sl..x I . Un ni il all-a I HI OA Y, April 1, fsi',4, tho trains whl a. loilews ; 1 l'.AE ItlsVnVAKK. ' 1KAVK WltTWAUO. sTArniNs, a. si. r. sr.- m-vhoss. a. a r. sr.- iaiioss. s -i: I'liiia a h Ilia.. il ,2 W i-sl l l,e-ec. 4 ol V.-. I V .liiuello: it: r.-ii n,i 4 41 (Tiii,..rslYnl,. .VKl Kenie II .1 l-' Avnnitaai ii ill: M c-1 ili.iie... OMnr.l n. s !: I'lilla a h-hlu.... sot) 4 M 4i-i VII i'l I i iia; n-.-.i 7 0; V i .i liim,- i.-.7 Ael;i:iiu 7 U.1 Keniit it 7 :"l (Tutu: Foul. ...7 V! ('i.iiri.rii acio w e-..ii,iiei..n.. s-i:, I liilnu. 1.M;. !. ;.' w .-.ti l rhiei : i:i .. tli'H .. !l -'I .. o-al ..In-ill .hi Jl . la i'i S In 'iM-.r-l. ..hi 7 l'a--ei"-er 1 1, fail in Prnl, ul--l,hia has heeii ei,,inu,-,l Minn fitl.i.eii I, an. I Hlie-i-. i,, llllliiv rlllsf an. I AUI.kkT s-inein, ol I'l-il.i-i. I,.h,a. Msrk-a s )'i.-elii-l I-ll.-lllia', tails cell, l-y I'as-teii'.eia lo liu-l iroUk the li.p I. f'-.'-.-iirel-L e,n tl.roii, v ilhoat , l.-'tl.'e uf ears. jul lil.NhY iv. mi, MiipiriLi u l. ut CAI.l'.M H.Ml.ltOAD i' M:.;: 111. n. of 'liulns, eoiu COMPANY. lU'X- oiuni '-'ii eluif ritlliAY, January 1 lma Fri,i Wa'niit Hinel Wharf at n a.m., 3 ami I P.M., fl. li',1 ' v. innillilliil, l-:.ive al 4 A.M., -S'Cl 4.. XI.. l'lo P M. in Isht d.elv en- h way. Ipl.lvto MullT-iN MII.I.S lueiit, l-'icoii.l Covered I'ior alMim H Al.NI'T si-nsl'. M lilT AWAhlt vioiiie. ;.l J. VAN ItKN -Stl.AKII.SleiMTlilliillcelit. SHIPPING. ftfb M'KKKIsY TO UVKH- - 1 I.i v. I'll Ki.11. 11 -mi aiu"M 01 the I itsTiKKt), t'f Y'irli, aid rtihiit M'l iu Mchii.--iiip tiimptpy are liittndud t.i Mil 1- I"1" I J I I .tfr Irfiv. Hattndav, AuvtiM -it. tin di iai.'h.moiji.. s.,ni.,ia-.. I. I N H;,tllllllt . K( .H'l'llMT I' i. A-. d '.ii nici rcdiii f-ttiui'Iay, at npi), I'.oiu I'ior No. it Ni'itii iihi t. i;ati:8 or I'ahsaiT, ?im a'lTcin fljld, or U-i'.,iil ah'in In 'urreny : I r-i t'a'i.n .Mriit picfit;.c :W if) 1 it mi ut'ili to I.Qtiduil .Vi 0(1 h.t''i U-10 to l.)l.d U... . . .r.t i iil'ill to Paria... !''. Hf-rVuc Ut Paris 4tu.l I'd 'li .1111. tu I lunilu.rf, :i'li MMTove Ui lJniitur)f . . ml i if art' ;.l-u lin w anli lit" lluvia, Itit'iiicu, Pot ter Mil, Antu ii i, A'i-., :it fMnailv l;-vn lutes. I iti't.' in tn ciih.i (.r tjiu-1'iiis.tiiwii : i ird CtiWn, .", H' . Hl ru; i t'n -in TMi. and tj.'.fvnati.w u, . I .u,r v t o iy ir. t-i i. 1 d ur thuif liUMias tnu u.iy ti- Uvta ! r 1 ui t:.r t-1 1 .j :i..t -1 iu'i'iini ti"!i ajj!lv nt te CcmfMiijv'i ofH- ei, .IOHS li. I'AI.K, Aattii;, :.o. UPV.M.M X Street, ri.l'udv-lidia. IIOSTON AND I'llILAHl.I.I'IirA St-auisi i.i l.tnc. .;ul'ii-' ti . -in f.ic'i I- ;t on . . I 1 .(.VI . In w f:-t v luirt ale PINK Mfof. Pi-; 'a- ii-)li a. did Li nu Wlut if, Ho.-1 dii. I n m fliwt wltari' t i-M' l'Si Htii'i'.tn Ssdtiudav, Ai.riHi-ji', WiL ' l.f Ol:MA, HAiT, will -uil'ruin P!i'I ul I'l'in l(i Itu.vtoti, on S'ltur Uiv. AniiU 't t.t 10 A. hi , tti d V. c f-K.iuieliil' 8 AXON, MrtttiitU, fntai l.ntuu pi t'l.di ''?,!:!, on uiit'.' da-", hi I 1'. M. 'i lu mj nt w ui d Mil ftauiial htt-uimldps form a reuUr I'i ot-, mi'I'i ' fu nt t-ai li port t;iiuti!ati. on Saliiruii''a . 1 1 - i'i :ii'ccfc i iU i Ivd at oiiv lialt tuc'iri'UiiL:u chrt. d oil ..!. i rbKt-b. t ! K'ltt. ttUv.n ut fulr raia. H: ippMi. an; u .jiioti'd to tend. Slip Bft'IjU nd B iU Lflitlnr vl'ti tln'h s!(iHd.-. For I u jlit ot Paansiue (!ir.vlnjr fl'if 'tcf oram'-c'iiti u$j (idyt( liLNKV WiNHUI A CO., ul ll Koilai'. H. 1.1.I AU AKL Avuu. Sill if i'liaTair!?a' r(CKEMryoitK. DKSPATCU it n i iiiirti. 1 h(-btcunicra (t tin c llnt-j are Itr-ivina tuii ut? clock W., andi o clock 1. M., trom ttiUdniur iI'om- W Blunt fctret t. l or luli.t.i, Hlilch wttl he (aU-n (n accomiuodaHo tfin.t.M l''T lo WILLIAM M. UAiXiV CO., No. Lii 6. 1)1 LAWALE Avtuuo. JUa2?Auiruiii Ui, t. n.i Unit U (-Mi. AM'OL'VKft, Cuidulu J. ii. CuilUle. y. 1). -ail un Mim e. k or liiitit ui nrt iKHjva, apply li 'luOjiAd iMcnAitiJSov coM RAILROAD LINES. in. 4 ARH A N (J KM V. N IB OF IfMl'J. VI W tOliK ItssPfl. 1S(4. Unllrrmr, O' inciiiM. L rti fCutn f )ilU(rlt'lil to jXW Vurk &it wy;, WA, HT-i. ATBF.f.T WIIAIlf, Will kne B foliown. Vl. TARf. At t A . iiidtn rd Amrx.y, C. nnd A.Ac- rttaimodaihifi t'2 1$ A A.M , Tift ramiltn Aiid JAMiyi'lty, M-rfHf) E pr in 8 At I J II . 1 1 Cmndn nnd Atnt'OV.C and A. Arc mi nx t niton 2 '2i At 2 P.M. w Ik cmua-n tnJ .niby, tJ. ami A. K- pr, '-JA At 1 I. M ..via Onitlen and Aml y , -;e omru xlaM in tl rMht iinl P hK-i. t ) 1T' At P. M., la ( 'atinl- n mm! Attil-ov , A.-- inuni laiin ifr-lgMant Pf-B"Pr"T) lt Tiik-t i! 9l d 1 ) At 7 '4 I. M., t a ' 'fiunl"n ft"d a niti -y - nitnU- tl'.nrru-lit and raM"T.a-r), -t :iai Ti' Kct. ... S 3i rint d 1 h) hir tliv h ('liiiiik. Air ,ita"nn. It.a:). nr-t.i, iir H ti-, Kt( fi. I r,mh.-rtviil . l'l niiiik'".). , I' H !'. M. IT I.atnlr'vlll iin-l tt.t fi-i 1 lt H.!lon-.. P M. t M.uitt H-dly. LMim'l.k', I'-tuli'Tton, and Vin:ff t-tun, a ti A. M.. 'I ." f, M. lor at . M. atnl V. M- i't 'iiyH, itlvftGii, l.flino. Whv rt n..rMnBt-.n, ri""i'AS, Its 'iV,if i n, A ., .H tl A. M.. M., I. I' )',.,, and I'. M. Jf t ;) jr I V. M. ilm.n r'JU ti'rei I thfiiirh t-f I rni'-'t. I .r l'..r.iv a, Klvrrtoi., M :Jf.n IW rly, a'ld nn-Uiifr-t- n a 7 r. l sts4iiiMat Trfnfn, f r M-t,"U HnrMr irton. .trrly, Iorr!al.'. ani I jony ac ' . A M, and 2 i'1 1'. M. I.IMH . Kvt hKNI.IJ.S lfcl"Jl Wilt AV- .10 il,w -- At 4 K.t.t 'a K' nl-.(rtoi tnA Nf w YorK, ,isf Ji vt. N.-tv ot U.l tli'i At t. ' 16 A. M., Ta K'triAkntflor. antl itf jr' - i",- At i -i M . la K' n'liu'on .tid Jry Hy Kt 1 5-00 A, i'i I' K"ii- i-kI n a. ,'( Jivy'l'y, Vr'a-Mn.v'i' m nnd N -w .rK t. ,r . -1 1,1 Hunl iin I ay at 4 ,. M. .v I t . V. M, 1 he.- will Xtr no lllir ai ) A. M. N in hi n ( .fil 4, T-'r 'Wai'T aim, p'Ldrhii ir, rinl'l. Will 'Ivirt", Jn,.iiiir,,tlr. at iw-int. m.i.k h li ink. iu i'u- n, t. (.! In oi. Iti-H mIt', V ,ii"n. 1 iii'turt' ill. Krf int"f..r .t .at 7'1t A. M JM' tinn " ' 'in-, f , Ur train .I'avtni haui-toO fff Mamh Tu'ih at t l. Ft r l-:iinlwrtvii( nnd inirm ditt t -t. n at IV XI. tr HrMiW, Tfiiti n. lo., at 7 1 -ud 1 1 IV A. M-. aidf P. IU. . H.'lni''Mirir. 1 W-i tfl nlut . li .Girir.iifl Krankrrj at A. M , 0, 4", a'ld l M. TIiv- a A. M. ft ni 'o Itrht"). Itf f-r Sfw Vork an! H'y lavlnp K nin..n It lot. ri tdr iri f;i I Itrh sir !, it, r i iv n' . U ni ai hour itt't. r 'J'-iiartMr-'. tUf 'jr -un tnn t:ij I ju t, nd on .irrlTiil f e-ioh irim tun fpni. tru- Itcuot. I nly (i Hinoa -ff b.nrs iki' .'niy hliuMil - h iiiuB'-ti.'er Pi' i. t tn' pro' fr .m f nnytt'inif i.i, trni th4ir wiin apunff). d fi-it'i' nr Mfiv nfiii i tei f-aul 1 tt axhu I li on.i'ii.) h mt ili 'd r-"-i':il-bhty for htgiAkt tn('i,e Iv-llur t ,'iotnd, nd utll !( j lut'le tif an- arcount t'y-'i ( t.'1. av-tii-t oy a-: i-J 101 ta t raharn UnrirTir Mpr w.11 c.iii r r und d ii r tm vt at in lvuvi. Linl-i-1 . 1,.. i.Mt .r. Nu .1 Vi.i. r , -t. rv. 11 ttAtv.Hi.H, A,;eni. Aiu-nt,lU. I.Jfc8 KUOl M.H' FOR rillLAPKLrillA wiUai i .u a v r. Kr.m fo of itro t at l. V. r.n4 4 I. M., a .i97s ' vy aiM .mnfii: j 7 a-ni ii . r. a i-i I'i 1 N if fit)" via J-T'-y Ctt and ii 'ift n Fruu t'v-t ' H.m j. itrjM..t 0 A.M. ani 2 1. M.via ,nih. y mi' .m-.-i rt From ? IT iNti. I Ni)rh ?:Ur. a 1? M., 4 a:. 1 P. M. i rdjvlit and 1' 1- !! tt i A . it.o.y .in , ain.ioi. l.'IlF.Hill T LINKS FOR NKW YdllK AND X ail Hi" stat. n. s on ths e'amJeo and Anihoy a ad c..n- 111: Mlit; llaiheia-h-. All ll. Tlii Camden ana A-n'sij ll Ulro i,l -iicl Trsnsnor'-iOe-n ..meaiiv s 4 r-iL'iil l.u.e. ,r .-- York, will h-u-i Waimit sir'. l wharf, on au.l liter Jar iai y s, ihilly i Sun.tayi ev -i-i.ieai. al o --I-" K l . VI. fie'.irni: g, the alKivo Li.ios will I ve New io k at 1 sod 4 P.M. Kr!fM 9t 6 d llr red before n'S r. w. le lie fjr- waro.d the sain- day. f roulit lor ir. aitio. crliiceron, ivinirs'on, -;w tinins- wl"k . an,l .ill I'-imls on t'.s e.aim.,1 il-i-l Aroti-.y ll vlr.ia I ; .1. ,-n , li. ll.,vi.,,.re I ,il.iw., re. u itl Kli-millet ill . I 'io Ni n nr Ji-rej . Hie r rrelinld .d JaiW".r.iirtf. and rite Pirll'iit,in anil .siolini Holly imnroiniN, r- -in- o ami i"rw r'i.'u tip io oes. ek I'. At. rSinsil pacs.iKus lor Alouot iioUy recall d up to -2 oviook V. M. The llshl.lers Ilila vare I'aileo.i.l e.innsfts at 1'l.lllhis- liun wlih tho l.eiuh Vi.lle. I'ailroa.l. Ihe New .lersoy liuilroad lotiii.-its .it r.loiotni wiin llio i"v .l.-r.ey ''iiitral h. ilro.i.l. and at NewarM with tho -Morris and Kf-ex ic.tlnad A slip ni, inniandiim. "ic.:ii ; nir the irarXs an-l nom Ihis. khlpporr ar, 1 -orislncei i ni.i in ev, ry In-lancu lot Bi iitnl l-, t.-l, l-nnl of s'vds. .,r no r-. .o'iit wilt li'mieiii f nerenMii i'-lilii--'S ha -liiK Heeii inii.ji- for ih" ,r.ins.orta ot 1.1 li ISI'.I- h . -lo -rs are on loal 10 .ry Oil. Mate. Wlcii Iho t'.:k I. funils'i id In .,nanti. i-' of TiVilOlll l.'lAhH or moil', it whl be .l-livire. at lao l-mt of For l lelli street, near Ilia liiioe Y.d'. or at I'ler N-i I Norm Hlit-r. a. 'he sh nriers may .lesin naro -it Ihe tlmo ef urn shlimieni. I ItKl'.M VN, I reldit AK' iil, 2vs. -S'S S. D.-laisar-', ,'h.l i.hili!i a. (IK" 11 ilAVMllsII.S'reluht M:"', ia-'-tf Pier No. 1. .Vorlh tliver. .Nr.w York. I7HlLAl)lil.T'HIA AND TRFNTON AND 1'A.MllhN ANIl AMIUiV If tLKOAK t'OM.'A NT KS. Xt'Tll'H fin ar ii mut Il'iVD Y,.'ni,ury 4, Is :. tha Trains for New YorK, liililin Kensti liepot, Pailadolphia, at :IT2A.AI (Nii-htl, -in -I -J-ao e. .M , and tho trains I'-ivins New York a', s A M. and 7 -.,0 r. M-, -vl'1 h-'reiti'.er he run esein.. eiy f.r no Loilt'-c. st'.at.'. aoi..s und Nowlork ai d W k -l.n iitoa I'ii.'ieui'ers, vvifi nut take ,u uor lot oi" a n pui s.-iii- r. hef.Mi-o sai.l ulth.-s. 'I lie in A. SI. und I.' Mi Inluht Line" f onl VewYorkto W'a.hhulon, ui, I the 1 1 -In A M ami -1 I. M. Linos from Waslihstoii to .Now York, will coritinuo as ut pi- -sent, and . arn a-i ei'i-ers to and lr ni I lie ititoriMjdla'a stations and llallilnoie, W .ishin-loii, noil New Yor.t. AHIIANilK.ME.STS Hf-.TWKfcN P11II.ADE1.P1HA AMI) NKW Y'll'.K. Lines 'eavo Phllad'-'thtfi, I'nmi Krinslni,'l.5a l.rpot, ot 11-1.1 . M ,1 0, and i, -eh I'. M ., and bl'.VO mlduu .1, and trom Waliui'. Stieet Wliarf Ivia etanid'-'n), alii andSA. Al., I'i Al., 4 ard ii 1' M., tor New York. Anil leaves New Yoik, from f.s.t c l' street, al 'i A.M .IIA M .VIM .4-iilil.i P. M , and at li! uiid pi. hi, sad iVcru ic.-t of itai-.Tay Bir.-et at ii A- M..andJ P.M. IVM. A. Il irMKI;, jati-tf Ai'ent. Y 1. N N f Y 1, V A NIA iHK UK VAT tUI.I.I'.-TK At i HltOltT IlOI'TK 10 I M K WKHT, N-.KIHWK-, .M Ht-l'l 11 VVKHl . K'Hilpin nt und i.K il.tifH ii r lite Mdi,-, )rdy. nnd coiu- I'oitih1 lrtti.poitii I'tu ui ptoL-MMmcrs, utitiirpuai'd ny any r Dtc in ti.ti coimtrv. TrAina l.-av ilt, Knot nt KLKVKaNTII and MAUKKT htifktt 'in rdlin'6 .Mm) I 'am at 7-i" A.M. Y.' l.v.f- -it 11 . M. 'It, roiiv h i:prfs.itt 10;;uik.M. FrK-.l.urj-''l fuln, N, 1, at 10 f A.M. )'arh. hit ru Truii. -No. at .... , 1 K) I. M. llurrliunn; Accou.modailon at awi'.ll. LiMi- a-der Trnin nt 4 0 J 1'. M . 1'aoli Aix-ouiruodiUlon ( leaven W st I'hlJ.idvl ihiul ut 8 0 P. M. 1 hiuiinh Pas iiaiPrs by th Kait LIi.j rout h Atonnat'or supper. vb ru witl tie lo'ind f 'il'jiit jujcunnuodttitnitH tor the iikht at tin Ioan lloiiic, a. id in t'ie umrnliiK uuy lake either thu 1 hliadi lplit a or If.iHtmort r.NprcHi, t'noh uf wlitch iinhi'B coin. ttrtti tiB ut l'iit-sltir for ull polntH. A dilKht wtw thus aM' rdruoi the tntiro lute audita liijutiiiict'iit tctinerv. i" 'lliroiih Kx!rcfefi Train rtim daily; all tlie uttwr ira'iiK oaiiy. M'-pt .iniiutve. run I'irishi mi avd Tin; wet. The lad If tin. Faot I. Inc. and Throiivli r:tprMCon in ci ut l'itt ( triiniH m uli divprilnir ruada 1 rout thut p"tnt, i ill to thu i.ukc-!, VVtul t 'he Hisii-i-)pd and MlLouri If iv rs. und Ho iilt rind H'iu(lmcit U ull im iiits arei li.if ! rftilrnud. 'riiroiivri I'kkiMa loCuvi1 laid, Ih tinlT. i hiciint. M i'ui.l, i 'idunihu.t , ln(iianuttlf, M Louii-, Lt'ivt'invotih, K'UiHjh, ucciiii.,'. Luvfon, Clti-f-iiniaii, l.i iili . dii-, Tuiro, und nil oih r prluclpul pwulo aid liat'tai:' c''fi ki'd il.ronyh. lM'IANA HttANt ll HUl.l.OUl. The Itmntf h Ki rrh. kuvirw at lu-to 1'. if., ronnrcta ut ll'ulrsilt' ii t-i-.'c'lp .ili u tiuiii ou this road lof l'l.irill.-, Imtiaii.'.Ar. i:itKNshri:ti ..MM itrsm uu wu it n.uoi 'I l.f 'I K.M'M'"" Train, lu ink at I'i -A) 1. M .ctm- l' t at ''t - ii'ii. ai 1 '"6 A M ., v nh a tnitii on tho road it r t l.ti'huii; A ituiti aih ) Ica. ' a (JrctiftJii lr Lbi?n .t urg lo iioM.iDAVsni'ini m:v n R-ivn. Th Hull 'Irain u 'i"l . M., an ! I li'oiiRlt KTnrn(t Ht in ou . .ii., conn." i ar Aiito;ia wiin tra iia I jT Jl iiui.ayn huiu ut 7 i M. and K in. .l . niosK ami ci kaki 1 1 : i . 1 1 Httwi-n Rn.:on. Tin; I hioiii ti Km m'Hj '! r.i'n. 1 I'Vit rr at 10 -i" I. M . c-m ifV'-ir. ut 1 vroite li'- H I ruin ir Sji-oy K i-rt: .md rinllipa- r-itrK. mill n ii.iio bi!ic ulley Jiuiii.i.ia lux I oil 3iauJu Wiii -hnri,', hi u Ili'M.':t.iit'. Ill NllM.IKiN AND UIVAT TOt ir.MLROAn. I lu 1 liim uh irs!SN 1 ram, J ;i ti.t at ri .A) h. V , inn- lit ci n at I 'm.t nun n llh ft tram I T llopowcii uud l'.loJy jicilliffcliN CKN'IRAI. Al IHlI.VUKLrHIA ASD i;iiih It AUK ;". 1'or Hi;? 1 nry. Wiilmiii'.o.iii, in k lfien, E'mirn.Ka he r, luii ).i, iiiui Si temii h ulN. nu un ru lu! inu' tin' NimiI'I'uI.i a . M., aid il.n 1'. ri ;)i Kxprt-t at ll' l I' M.. iia Iv t -.i i-pt rin d ly-. iru dnC'lj tr.r.u ti, Y.I hi'.tii aiiPe oi cum b tv.imi l'lnUtlcijii.ia and Wil ll.iii.Mwtr. I ..r .tUfK.II.WoVKH.and ir.rTVniMi'l. th: Iralim 1 h ii.' ut M A. il. Bid '2 'it l'. M , nijiii' i.t at Copnutna ilh I1..11111 011 1 fn .No. Uiein Vn' t .11 U.iiliojil. (I Mll:l:,Mi vl.i IA KAM.IID'ill. I'm li.d i rlii Hi 7 -.'' A. M.. oin l thrt' ili lAnrrR li m V .onnxct at llurr)i.lnir. wili tia.u-t lot i arllile. V i'i huh r-o' rv, nn 1 iiut-'t 1 mi in 11. UAlM.hl.1 htJ I I.ASi'll lt.ll,nOAI. Th tnin,s l it in- .1' 7 '.' A- M 3 d i -fci 1 M., Connect at l'n nii;t w ti a nh i.miii tin Hits mud In WaiitrnburK l. J ' . I IMS I HI' III Iff F Ik Ik 'II - I'i 1 I'mt'it-r 1 mui mat Hi 'it Ml lily at Tin P.i-iin ;tT StiitloDs o. iu t'oinn ui hi ts 1 1 n j -ii -viauki-.i Mrmt). .1 A IK.-4 CO I I K , I U Le I Allt. COMMI TVtl-lN I H'KI'.rN. I"i.r I, ;t,n,l, 1 r m. iiiht, al vry low rale", for the ae loiiuiioi'a'ioii of pri miiu lituibout ot Ctmu, ot hca;td on cr 1. ear ti e line in n.e mud. Cl FuS TICKKTS. For'-C trips hctwvi'ii any two point, at about two Cfiita ptr mile. 1 h tsu iickett uit Intruded tr the tiie ol turn Me trnvi hit iri'ejtitMiili , and arc ot rcat advaiilao to ie'ou4 niUMiiy OL-cukion:u iriju. Ht'lUMlL TICKFTft. Vor one or tl re niuiuh, lor tht me ut scholars attendinj VLl.OOl 111 Hit Lliv. H FRTl'.HV EMM.LATIOV. An rniUrnrt Aci-oininodntniti truin Iravt-i No 117 Tftck : it ft 1 ail) (?,iit'afc f .oipUdl ut 4 o'clock 1'. M.,o!lfriiiij a ( oil t.M Ittl'lO ll. KU- ol IIUM'1 to MlliUli'S L 'Wit W .-nt, U om-Kull tie c-ui I riitt'iil faie I'm riculur attviition It I a'd tn haaT- r-'. 1 i Vficii ciiccl.H art- iitn, aud KHviiut ii o iiie isaac t' am tui pfcfi.ijcri, 1 ol lull mioiiuatioii, 'tpi'ly (n U:.V, 1 uNa, Kmlt-runt Art-tit, No 17 lOUKi eiriot. mann-8 UAr;;;A(iB i..H(i-m. An a ? out 01 lids teliablo K pre-i ( inupatiy ivlll pat thioi-ith cut h train he (ore icdciiliii; the dcp-it, and take up t tittkis and ili llvi r hat:, !.' lo un puitot the i.t.. . Huk- L'tie ne cn ici i"r prninpuy win n orui-ii are loii ut tijc j at-n'iitfcr Dt-poi-cievi nin anu aiurhfi eirtet. i tn. iravur MtKU.llTh. Hv llil rnt te rrcldhtu or ad dcfrlption cau be for- waiiKii 10 ai.u iroin any jmmhth on inc 1 iturou 01 utuo, Kfiitiieky, Indiui a, lllliioia, Mconiu, Inwu.or Mlmouri, L y ra Iroad dirt i t, 01 iu uuy point un tbe uu igaUl waU-ra i.f the West, ,yHi .lint l iroiu rittt,hur. 'I hi' r.itcfc ol livk't t to und from anj point In the We it iy inc ri-M.i ivnnni ucntrui i;aiiroi(i ai-. at aliliuitM ut lavoiatdi.- an uio tl.ara.ed bv othtr KailriNid Coittimnlfiu. Wcichrtiith iitiiJ fl ippcru eniiuitiiig tuc UuuHjioriaLtou of uivu in'iHiii iu inib tOUiunj t,aU ll'li n illi tl linucstUv oil It kpcetly ttanvil. 1 or lieiwbt ooiitiacti or rililpplncr diiuctiu, apply to or .lilrt'h the Afcentuol that ViuiKiiiy: 8. It. LINtlhTON, .Ir., I'hlhuklpliU. J. A BTI- WAK T, PliUbiuv. LAItK A CO , Chtcu,,. LI.Lrii A ( 0.,ho. 1 Aalor llouoo, or Ko. 1 S. WUU atri 1 1, N( a lo k. I UK Tl A CO,. Ko. 77 WaiMnnlon attvet, Boatim. VTl.LIAM IIK0WK, No. (! huiU aUtct, Jtaltlworft, AycutoiUitfiu hailway. 11. If. !IOt'8TO!f, (in.cral I'jelttit An rut. l'liiudtlphl. LL W 18 L. llwUl'l. O' taerul Ticket AkciiI. Phllad' diddft. LNoOli I.fc-Wld, CtliCstal SuperUitauduit Allotwa, RAILROAD LINES. VKW KAIl.llOAI) LINK NOllIH. all Mill AliKI I'll I A T'l BllnelKI Y , , 1 11 Hot .lit II I'll. Hill IIS, F A k K fi, F.XriTtSIOSTII'KKT'' ;.nO(sTl mil TlfltF.R flAT4. in anil after MVjiB iy, u.-nail, Isi4. Iralni will Lave f. oio' V Slre. t. I'luls-l-'i-liia, ei ,-rv morning i S A . M. eKilndiifs rse,pt,i).rl-. , r i,v th. ranvl.n nnd At Unlle and harllan and lietawars Hay KailMa.l. to Port y'.ii'noiiih, an-1 hythe r-ni.n.snjii. gi.aoier Jesse Oott. to ri ot of A'lanlle .Irsei, Hrooklyn i retnrmnir, l.ave At htiiiie Hliei'l W harl tear? day tftnndays taceptiMl), at Ll T revelers fo the flty of New York are nntfnrt opt Ie a: ,ly lor pssssne l,v Ihl. line, tin Ml.i'e of New .s.e I. io iiik tnuei d to Ihe l amoen ai.d Anihoy monoiM.ry the prli lit re "I earr, luff ps.'enio-r. and f. ewht Ise- II. i , u ;l.e enl. . .0 Ph lnih,i and New Yo-k. If W. F. UIIIH 1 1 lis. ll.-iierai I lllIIADl Ll'llIA, OKHM AN'TOWN, AND J .NullltlrstOWN KMI.II'lMi. 1 I M K. I A II I R m and s't r MONiiay, May PI, H-.4, until furthsr aotl.e. I on i.i'.nvt in iown. Lr.iv T'lil! id. ;.ii,ta ii, 7, s.:l lo 11. IS A. M. ; 1. 3, lfJ. h ,. 4. :, .V, . i, 7, , '', lo. II, l-j P M I.e. or I.eruiaut-.M n.ii, 7,7 .'I'i. s s Al, S, Irt, II , 1J A. HI,,, I 1 , tl.S', 7, . 'l, in. ll. and i P. M 'lies .'i I.e. n. nail the il1, and trains up, tlo ao itop On the i rial;-' " n lira--. '.. i III:-M l llll. I. R MI.HO tn. I euro Phllad. Ij.t.m, 8. M, lo. li a. M.j 2, .IV.V.'.T.P, ,m. II V. M I it 1IUI. 7-M.S.t) 40, 11-40 A. If.; 1'lO.SfO, f, ln.ii-io, s o. -in.l I'J l'l P. M. OH l nsHHOItli' KKN AVI) M if HISTOWSf. I.eaie lliilailelinli S, S .la, 11 115 A . M.i 1 S, 3. 4 V. J'.', t'.,s '1. nn.l II'.. I'. M. I. aie SorrlaUirtll, a',, 7, 7'60.9 ard 11 A. ol.; W, 4-si, ',', and II P. M I I. e I,1, trn i ii ni, 111 it-.p at W'i.sahl. ton, ManayaiiX, a id r. ioli i ken .a ly I lilt AMNAY t'VK. leave PI fad- latin. i. s -aft, 11 akl A M-, 1 S, 4, i.'j . s i and II I'. M . I. in, M,naui.k,i.'.,:S,S'2'!,9,i.H ; A.M.. 1.1. 7. and :- V. M. t II. K. "MtTfl ileo.ral nt.eH"eoatri- r.i- 'il lo-ooi, NIN'ltl a id iiHKKN Mtreeta. VOIiTH i'LNNSYLVANlA RAILROAD. ll tor ilK.llll.FHKM. U'lYi.KSrtlWN, KVSION. Vei l li rill Ms. IIALCION, W IfKS.sliAHUI.;, and W iLLlAMsii'im r. .11 MWKR MtHANliF.Mf.ST. ADIil IHINA1. TKltNsl. On and afler ViiM.AY ,.lene la. Is.4 I's-.-'nuer Trains wih .eat,- tin- New lii-i.-a. lllll'li Hireet, aisova Tnoino son meet, I'lnlad'-iufia, daey isjundays ece.ptd,,, al 7 A Jf. 'F.sfe.s) for "elheliem, A nlown, Millet, t 1-ni.k, Wilk, s'.-irre. i 1-. A Ai . . Ae. -iD ni.-.'at'.i.) r--r lioy'.e.i n. 1"T.' A. M ( A '-on ne. l.'i.'ii 1 1 .r f- on sshlugh a. .11'... -A en m i.laia..-) l.-r lioj l.-.i, wu .-il.', f. si. i F.s p-,-s. i i-.r Heir.ienian, Fa-.uin, Ae. 4 ' ', f. M . i Miidl lor 11 1 le.ui n. ' t l.'. P M . t A,-, o.ii-ai idaticul I'er lletnlelism, Alh.ntew B aim M in. h t liit.ik ti-l-i I- M. , A- i -noiito.l.iljoit) rtir 11 l . Al t v-C"n'"io.iiiii.,ii; lor r -.1 w ae'iinauin. jl 1 It A I N ft I OK I'll 1 1. Mil, I. I'll IS r I.r .ve lleil l. lo in nt il .'SI A M , 'I ;lo A M . and S 07 Ml, I li.olesn.wn at li' ill A. .M., il So r. M.,si. 7 1'. Al. I ,ii. .l Ie al '. A. M 1 on Waihliiiit-.n nt II :'-1 A. M. and 2 P. M. ON SI.MK.VS H.II.t' !il in for ll olileliem at a A. M. I'h il : d" IpMs t-.r 1 1-o U-.l.iWB at ;l I' V. i ..-..inii i..r 1'lni.v.l, Ipli.a a. 7 '.s A al. It. il l In i, i..r flu a.leip!na al I P VI. tlnhii.n ' llnilii,. I- Mireei win ra 1 f .rant d'tfrer ba- ri.-e it he il-pot. .inters may l"i Inl at No. 11 J S. I 111 UU 1 nim t. J-IJ KI.LIS CI, ARK, AKlrt. JlKAl) I N O 11 A I L 11 O A D , I.IIKAT TKI NR I. INK FltUM PlflfM'KL ll A TO IIIK I NTFBtOll OP 1 KN SILVA' I A, I II ri SI ill . LK1LI., Ht,')- iji Fuann ,.ri unHni.AN'i, and WYU.M1.ViI VAI1.KY, esn NOHTTI, M'l'l IfWIiHl', AND T11K CAN ADAS. l'AH.SF.NIll.ll TIIAIN'1 the C' nu am ' l- p ,l. at TlllllTF.F.NTll aniY A 1 I.i AV 1 1 1 1,1. r-..een, Fhiladeivhia, at tli. lohowtnt; litiiila 1 AI'IHNIN'1 Jl ML. At S 1". A.M.. f'T Kiadins. t e'j.ii.'.n. F.nhrata. Lltlr. C Iiarni hunt, I'oilsvitl.. P.nssrov.. Taro-v.iia Hiinl.iir). tlliain-i at, "ainira. Ke.-lie.ter, Niagara s al.f, uu 11 11 10. A iie.-litn e, is 1 Resimrre, 1 i!iiiiu. iora. e,ariui i.lin-il.. r'liiir.-. lUk-emiiivn. te I le is,nne,-ls at US A liSil wiin Knit rennivlTAw ma f.silr-a.l iriiins mr A-ienWwn. A-:., tlie Iteaillna ana ri.iiiiiilu.-i I'.ailni.i-t l.,r Knhr,'!.. Lit z and C'llniuMa and ih ine i.einineii vi t v na n i.,r inrr'-o.i'u, xe - i r fi 1 t T.I NTI i with I'uliiw I--a h sl'read '.rains li.r Willi eg nrre, Willi, in v ,, rt . 1.0. h Haven, Kliulra, Ac; at HSKain lit lui 1iii ' N.inhi'in I'liilrii." "I iiniiierlund Valley,' and "Si-n.-ilMh and" Irani, '..r N irl inm- li-rlard.Vl llliamni . t l oi S.i lia'niier.mira, riuesTov.,at Al-I-KIINIIIIN K.VI'IIFSM Leave, Miihi.h h-hla at :i .ill F. .M. Keadlne, Pntts- ville. I'lueuioie. Hun l.l.lirir. A" . eenuectl.ilt at llarrls- ii'Mi'h I'eiiiiHyliaina IVntral trains l'r Plttshiinr, tc, l.i.rt iein I lilrul Ifaer.iad Irsin, I ir aunrniry, sinrinilin- herlsril, Kliuiru. Ac.nnil ai I' nt lint' n with I'ntawUsa I'.illrim.l trains uu- .Millon, William, urt. Llinlra, uuualo, Ae. ItKADIVO ACCOM MlUI ATfON. Leaves lteadir a at n -n A. of ., stoiipinir at all way its I lens linn il' a In IT-ilii.lelphia st ll'ls) A. -M ll.-iarnli-a, I. in.-, l luladeliih a at i'tlu 1'. M.; arrives tn Iti-iiiili-ii at -.-IHi 1' M. Tra.n. for I'liihuii-liililA leave llarrl-hnra at R A. M .and l-ut'svil e nl a-l-i A. at .arrivina in i-niianeuinia a. 1. M. Af'-i mi. .11 irnhis tens Harris mrir at 'i l. of I'nitsvliiv nt ;-iii 1'. M., nnlvlni; In t' III odel hia at 7 P. tt. .Marsei tiiiuis. .villi a p.i.seiiner car attene.i isav I'hihi.lel.l la at I P. M , h.r lle.i.lin. and all war stations; leavt Ri i.d. in- ut 1-.', neon, and boivnlns-towu at I'i JO P . Al. li,r I'hlliiileh-tiiu and all way .tutlins. All tlia .ilmve ira- is run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday train, leii.e Coll. vllle at 7'iKI A. Jl., sad rhllav 1, p M. CllbS 1F.II VALI.K.Y HAlLflOAD. Pii'pelii'frs fur Dnwiilniil.iwn and luterine lla'fl points tnlio He- s ir, A Jl. and a 10 P. M. trains finrn I'hlladfchihla, retiirnh-g Irum liuHuinaiioen at tilt) A. At., andl'a'lA liniiil. M.H' 1-1HK LXlTlfiSH FOll PlTrSHL'KO ASD TUB WKST. I., sv.-s Tseee- York at 7 P. M., pisslna llcadhiaat f2mll nliihr. una emtneetliiu' a Mains urg with I'viimybaHla Itiilirihid h es, trams tiir I'llishurir. l.a nri.iiiu Kmik-.s irnlii leavua llarrlsbnriron arrival of th. I'riins.lviiiilA F.xmc.t l um Pittshnia at K4UA. sf.,a pai slcii Iteiahia- at a 15 A. M., and arrtvinaj al New VurkJp 111 ii-.i tc ai. s,et'iii h i,a-. m .yv .iim,,, u.ii,, tl.ri.uuh, btitneiai Jtr.ey Cliy and I'lltsburtf, withuul chin. ve. , , .Mill t inlm fcr New York leave llarrl.,"irii at 1 A.,' ami i P. .M. Siiul irnlii i fur llurrislium leave .New York at li A. .M. and lii M. riC'lll'l I.K11.L VAL'EY HAILftOAD. Train, leave l'ntr-vihu at 7 I'i A. M. aad J -l P. M-, r tlltlilns from Til.cnnir.l al S III A. f. and US . M . HC!H I.KII.I. AND Hi: Mil t HOANNA KYM.KOYD. 1 nun. liiiive A rn al a 4-'i A.M l'..r I'liienruve and lliirp-lnirw, ami ut l':n and 7 l'l i" Jf for Plnenrova wity ; returnii;i' iroiu llnrrishnrii at 1 :f-i P.M., aud ironi riua i rovc at H la A. M., and 4 and P. M. TICK F.I 9 Throoiih flret-ela.a tlrkels and err.lirrant ticket, to all the prh elj.ul i-Cnts In tlie N irtli and w.,l and I'annd,.. 1 lii; foh .ivii.a tickets are nhialnai.l"0nl at Ihe nlllk. of 8 UltAliF'l'lll.Tr.a.iirer. No ill . FOI KTH Htreel, I'hlia.ii pi li. nr uf e). A. -NICULLS, eleneral Sapeiuitau- Unl, Ili-adlilK: COMIII'TATIOH Ttt'KF.TS, A'.'.1! per re i t. dce-oum, between any points di:ilrJ, feirtumihea und fl'iu.. .MII.KAflK TP'KKTS, c.eod 'er .oaa mile., between all vointa, at 116 30 each, for itiinllies uud tirm.. Si:AOX TH'KKTSl, For Utoc, lx, iwelvo uiuiuhs, for holders ouly, 10 nil ui-iulfl, at reduced rates. ( Ll KliYhF.M He.-litllie nn thn line ol the mad will be furnished, withal niui, luiimi,. , i lu- ... i , v . .uu n,.v. w t. ., uiui lure. , FACt'rBI' IN TL'KF.TS I'rem ri.lmlrlpi 'a to nrm Ipal am Ions, pvnl r alar i!av r-iiinl.iv, iti-il Moi-d.iv. nt re-luc-d fare, to be had only ui 'ih. T i. ka (Jflle-v.aii UillTBF.NTH andUALLOVVlilLL Silllltl. FItKtC.IIT. fhsals of all forwarded to aD the aScrra poail-, from tlie l'oiii.aii-a liew lruhlit d.Klt, liltOAi) and IVJl.l.UVi Mreels. FIII'.liiHT TRAfNS la live Philadelphia ilahy at A. M , 1 P. M. ,aad 8 P. M , f. r R- aillna. Lubamai. Ilarrlsbura, 1'ottaviil Port Clin Uai, and poinu bound. MAILS rime at the l'l.lhule'vMa I' is . lllHee for aft place, nn ths rna.l nrd it. btan.-lies at 1 A. Al., and fur ths principal lal l,.,.lil ut '2 1" P M. -l'KST Clll STKH AND I'llILADELTHIA t I ItAil.ll'.AIi. Vi I Ml til . S IMN'I AllltA -tiFMFST. - Ou und aftir I lull AY, Aii 111, lstrl, the Trains win leavsl as tn ion i. : I rue Phhad.-h hia from the In-not, corner of THISrV FlllsT aim i-.MlhS.T Ki reels. A. ol , 11 Oi A. S1..J J i'. at.. . s i. at..e, si i . at. 1 hiiadeh lua i -.-i- -i from Kiilll'rF.KN't a and MMkl.i M.l.t. tn llllillY I -lltvf and MAKKtr S ten.. Leave YVe-t ( In sler, from llieDniot on East MAIIKET Mill .1.11 -VII A. II.. . - A. VI , II A. M .1 I'. M .4 S.,1' M. 1 he ear, i-f Hie VVc I'lii'uili I .In. Pa-senKer ItaUwaV 1 i-iu--iai- tJirihet siieeijwiu coin t- 1'uaaengera U aua fuui ihe- hi. I'cit. o.n SI NIMYH. I.i-a.e f'hiliide pica al s in yi. mj 2 np. sr. la ave H eil l In -oer at S A -M. and 4 ju P. M. . .i in;; i ,.i ."r iu.ii ,i o .11 . aim r. a... aid Wei rli. ' rut 5-41-. A. Al. nnd 4 44 I. y..eneat vul. tiu.i.a 1.11 Ihe l'h lu.h-'p'.lu aud I'ahluiorti C.uu-aj 1 i.-rt'M. i,i -1 hit interin.-uiate peiiii.. jal If I'P.MiY IviiiiD.iit'i.eril Sup iriiiMndent. rKST Jl'.KSI.Y HAU.HOAD LINES. 11 r, unnei . lin on filiiNOAY, J ii ii 2d, Inn, from w alum Bin-is nnari. f fill CAPI! UY. All', mid lu A Al. .nil 4 .! P. M. Fit Hul. m nun llrhlLC'iui, at !' A. M and 4 P. V. For lllasshoro. al li. ll. nn.l 111 A. M.. and 4 and 4-80 P. M . 1 ir Vlo. dl.iiiy.eiluuii-hter, Ac, al li aud II A. Al., U kt., j and 4 and 6 P. M I-1.IT1ININI! THAINS LEASE CiipeMae at f. ai.,1 11 4-'i A, M., and .' TO P. M. Allllvillt at ;-4n A.M. .and I'M audS W) P. at. Mili-ai al t A. M., una IT.. I'. M. liihUel- n alii I'i A. .V., 1 .Kif'.M. lilaislnriial 7 luaiidsei.'. A M..J -IB. H M, and 7 MV. V. u. lair, ut ;,7 iu undo4 A. U and 2 on, -J.l, oOj, NI.U9 I. 1 M. TIT WPST .ll'.IIMKY KXPKKS COMPASV. OOit-c, o. eAl.M I Mi'sjei, w ill l ull I r and deliver 'Li; ivi.y unu uthnd lo ull tlie n-iiul br.ini'hen of Kxprfa Inirii t h. ye 'i. i, (.r-i't taUi'ii by ti A M. 1 1 iua only, ami Iillirt be fki lo C f Olhic tl C CVI liidiV prt lout, tnha- bW- ari-L'lvh ! tJ.iis line imikt ba hent Wlore U A. at. A apt ( u estciija-r uci oinpauiea each truin. J. VAN LL.Nb.LLAV.It.Huporlutendftnt. 18(54. rilII.ADEI.PIHA AND 1S(M. I hli: llAILKOAl). Tl.ii ureal line trineri.i'a ihe iNorlln-rn and Norlhwe.t counties nt I'l-liliMlvauln tn the cltvnf Krle on L.ko Frl. ll has been lea.eil liVtlie I'KN S si fl.YAN 1 A UAlLKtlAH Company, ai-d iiiuU-r tl.i-u- niiiplcu. Is being rapidly tipeiieu thtotis'hiiiit It. t'tittru h-niith. It I. now In use for l'a..eiiiier and Krelirht builne.i frota llarrisf nrii lo I'lnporhiin, (a, mile. I, on lb. Kateni llivl. .ion, and tiuui bi..Uli.ld 111 Lrlc (la Biluhuu lii. Wtulwa l'liUiin. 'IIMI UF PARHKSCl S TltAIM AT ritlLAUEI.niri. Mail Train hav.. " A. If. liii TiBlll leavt-a 11'iW P.M. tan mil tlirout-h mm cr iiiamik both wayi on U.e.. train a helwi-to 1'lillaileli-liluuud Lock. lla.u,alid bolwvua -Ha t nioie and ixn k flavi n. Klt-i mit :eei.uia eiara mi the Expren Train both wavi. I ot 11.101 lualliui re.ueeih.a I'aaarim.r liu.iuo.a, apply at II.. ri. K. cm i l of El KVKN 1T1 and MAltKKI Muwls. Aud for ITelnlit liupliiebs nt the t'oniiany'i Aiteuts : h. II. Klnnlli ii, .Ii ,corur blA I'l.t.MIl aud M.UlKlil alruets, Philadelphia. J. Vi'. lie. Hold., i-rlc. J. M. luih,, H. N. C.It.,Balllin ire. 11. IIOHHTOH, Oi-neral Freight Ai-i-iu, Philadi Ipiila. LKWIH L. Mull PI', . Ol'lliro Tlckit Ak-eiil. Philailelnlaa, Jiimuiti ii piirf-s, jal-tf Vaai-ral klaiia.ea, Wiihuaiupt i !