THE IUILY EVENING TELEGI.AFIT. rniljADELriTIA, MONDAY, AUGUST-15, 1861. MWDAT, AVQTJ6T 14, lftM. now TfRT nonr 11 Wlio rfT knew inch weather, Three barninfr lajt together t tVlirn every moment 's hot utionna, I'nlf one's skin Is verv tooirli, To horn Ms rmdv to crip, And scarrcly jive ft chance to !iT. A up be turus bis lr lC Phu 'o Acne rtrykoiitu' In everr "pot or nook w turn, Tbe heat will '" oar bodies ?inrn , And hardly can wa rnove onr place, (k iora i sweat 0n "r f'Kn Will soon In mighty torrents flow, And keep Increasina; aa we go, I'niil, I feel compelled to say, M mU our rery telle away. At I wan walking down the afreet, A fat old man I chanced to meet, Ft) fling and blowing on he went, With e.e-ball red nd veetment rent, Who m eiiied to lay, with mote surprise, While upward gnzing Ui tbe skies, For neither speech nor voire were his, 'Mini ! Ante rtry hotit is!" 1 taw a maiden ; quick "lie Hunt; Aside her harp so gently strung; Instanter to her room she Hew, And loudly called her servant too; Qni. k ! to the window ! raise the ih ! Bring Die a fan ! cold witter daub, Vpon mv forehead burning red, And drive the fever from my head. The servant beedi her known commands, And quickly cornea with nimble bands. A dUi of "Croton" then she throwi Upon the maiden's head and clothes, Hot fearful lest the heat and "wet" Wou'd turner (till the fever net; Hot what ii very ntiauge, 1 ween, Th voter alt pamrd off in strain. Bring me a "cream" withont delay, I suid to John the other day; And off he went, aa quick aw thought, And aoon the froscn mixture brought; Sat ere he reached ibe topmost s'air, His Uxjt wan wild with bluuk despuir; Wbute'rr it might have been before, It certainly was "ice" no more. Bark once again and try your -skill, And do not lenve the room nnt.1 You've U ken breath prepare aright To ran up stuirs with all your might; And do cot atop for friend or too, If any you stiotilJ meet below; But then, detained by no delay, It melted ere In got half tcay. Wherever wvj may chance to go, All whom wc meet are anre to show, By signs upon their tiery skina, The beat that's rtiging wdd within ; And each one aaya, while moving Mow, j With fueua long and beads hung low, Wiping anon bia dripping phut, " Alatl hov) tcry hnt it is! GAHELEE'S ANBUITY. ; Come men are bom to greatness, some achieve it, others have it forced upon them. The iiise wua otherwise aa regards tbe greatness of Gaud ier. Uannler purchased hia greatnes, and got it at a biirgain. A century ago Handler sold tripe at Tottle on. He sold good trie, and coose ; rineutly tan a famous mn in his line and time. ' Jlnt (tandltr lu-pirid to fume after death to an worK jtfgj game in the ear of aucceeding getieru- JJjaiia of TottletonUn. Tripe was nut calculated to give It to him. Posterity would not be likely to remember that their anceators bought good : tripe t the ahop of Gaudier. But etlll tbe trlpc-teller of Tottleton was re oohred that the namo of Handler should be handed down to generations yet unborn. Tbia is how Gundler did it. He made will, and , died. The making of tbe will was a deliberate ' affair i but not so the dying part of the business, tiao tiler did not intend to die when he did ; but k could not help himself. In the full vigor of his manhood he fell a victim to hard -boiled eggn. Tbey opened Gandler, and declared hard-boiled ggstobe the muse, and then they opened the will, und found that tbe eminent tripe. seller of " Tot i lei on, setting alile his relatives, bad left nil , bis worldly wealth to be applied to the purposes of charity. The reward of consciuntioua tripe ' selling had not been great, for the whole of Oanuler'a worldly wealth amounted to no more than two hundred pounds. In his will he directed that ibis turn should he placed out at iti ' tvresl; and that the annual proceeds should form aa annuity to be granied by the votes of the householders of To. tit ton to do titute but deserv ing old men of that parish, it w.n especially directed that the benevolence should be called "Candler's Annuity." I was first brought to a knowledge of the name and fameof Gandler ahoot two years ago, when I went ont to take np my abode at Tottleton. Tottleton Ja a pretty place in the merry month of July; and the ehesnnt and laburnum trees ! which line both sides of the broad white road which consiitutea Tottleton's only street, arc nio-t beautiful to see, especially wheu they are , .. in full bloom. But thera was another beautiful feature of To'tlcton, which seemed to do it in- finitely more credit its almbonses. It appeared to me that tbe private bouses liorn no sort of ,' dcqaiHte pr portion to them, and that the only booses which did were the public houses. Thu way in which there two Institutions were regu- laxly alternated on both sides of tbe road for i- .. bio re than a mile, anggested that the one was the cue-of the other. ' ' It netnied as if tbe public houses had brought the whole neighborhood to poverty, and con- . , . signed the entire population to depi ndeni'e. The . mural 4ucriptioni which met the eye told but of two things strong drink, and old men aud women of the jariu come to grief. The Cock aud liottlo , appeared to be reponsible lor even poor old " men ; tiic Nag's Head lor nine poor old women; and the Bell for fourteen orphan girls. There was, bcvever, a striking disproportion between the site of the I nbiic-houes and that of the alms- ' . bouses, (ibe latter weie so siuull and compart, and with a Urge inscription on tbe front ol them, , aolikeatitat pan el, that they might have len brenht down from somewhere by the carrier. I'osrlijy hi'y might have lieen ictt at thu Cock , and Boiile till. culled for. Hill; it tl.e sin ot Tottleton had lieen multi tudinous, i!iriiy bad doue ber best to cover tbem I bad menially pointed tlii moral when Mr. Oubbins,' rurhlioui Irom the Swan, uddresstd me. i'eiiui 1 akould time that I hud honored tbe bwi.n with ,;uy patronage, as regards the fi.roi'y nii 1 ale. "Jjeg your purui n, sir, lint I d take It as a favor it you will iiivr yi ur vote for I'arsluy." I veDtund to nioalro vbo l'arsicv wax, und what he was standing (or. Was it I tie borough, tbe roumv or tlinpLy the vetry ? . , - Jiai Furaley 4iU not yspiru so high, lie was niirely a eaul:da'e ! r U ciiUlc r' Amiudy. I'ars- Irv's (iimliricatKHi wa.- a t rilihf. Il: wiik scventv five tat ol ngc, a nHiiveifatbe pitixti.bad p.nd ' r rates und luxts n r ovi r urt years, was eaten up with the rbcuiii.ilics, won i).t work, born an ex - celletil cbsracer, and hwiu't penny in tbe r world. Handler's Aniiui'.t , ainOHiniug to Jtil U. 7d. would n uke him happy avd eoiniorta'ilo for r' tbe tc mairdcr of bis days. Vbe s'atcmcnt of Turs et V uumciouw merits iq iito way of uge, dtMitution, and Iniapaeity was nut toie rel-tud, ' and I tl.ii.k I tbould have cried "I'.ir.slcy for ver !" on the spot, only it occurred to me, con - sidering I'a.s ey 's ge, thiit it wouldn't be muoh ute. Jlowiver. I iromUed torimrnn uopear unce on the lo, lowing ermine, r.nd vote lor I'arrlvy. Wbi n ot the pppointed time I turuud out into the vllb.gc.und cmc in njibt ofllit Swau' swing ing sign, I could see that MJtuetliing was cceutine; great sensation It was tbe election for hand ler's Annuity. Could Oandler have looked up from bis grave, he would have bad no regrets on ' the score of the hard-boiled egpa. That fatui indigestion bad awoke to a glorious immortality. Ibe honored fcame of Gaudier was in every '' month. Tbe boys shouted it in triumph ; the groan-up people murmured it in grateful udtui ration; and in the bow-window i4' tbe Swan u was kireriled in large letters, bind aide foremost, in the innocent idea that an in-crip'ion, designed ' to be read from tbe InWde, could be easily Uetl- 4 1 Blmrtd from tlie out. On iiiinirlins; with the little crowd that bad ., collected louud tbe horseblock under the Swan's awinging sign, I found the nieriu of the cantli dutts being discussed with, great ai.iiuation. 1 . y caudida'.ea; lor I Doh learned fur the first time ibat l'arslev was not the only otic. There us j'ii:Ur, and bis name was BarrowlieU. a VOU: ,or Barrowtield i Aouordlng to the repreentutiona of Ills friends i "ni,W--k, bkt-towtield wa u-e J, indiut, aud atlllcted to an unl.receueuted extent. Cno , . ld partisan leuturad tie assertion that - Kairoaneid bad been prenatal th; cor ..niton of George tbe Third. Auuther declared tliitt, how ever that might be, bo eoald teatify ftout ui, ow .. knowledge that Burrowbeld had beeU present at , , tbe artillery j raciice laH M'edmdy v,tat and I,' , Uiul be bad not even winked wheu ibev w't otf ' tiie aix-faundn d pounder. This waaadduo-din ' - evidence of the profound and atony Hinraeir of Ilanowtield'a deafuess. It 1 uientioued, m . "" further ai.pportiug isarrow field's claim to the ' bounty of the immortal Gaudier, that even if he were elected and were provided w lb victuals for , ' the rest of hi would not bi of mucli ad- vaLtae 10 lutu, 4 be Uadu't a Oilli lett m his biad. I It was also stated Incidentally that. In tho rontre of His ln career, llarrowleld bad sus tBTind frsctures (motly cninpnand) of altnnst iveiy bote in bis tody; bsd lost two wivce, three cows, and a donkey I and had had his grey hairs htooiht to tbe very verre of the grave iy the ailsrnndiirt of a large family of sons ami daughters, w ho, according to the ipnlar account, fcad lalli n In and marched quick-st p to the b id, in a drill erate and organised manner. Hearing oi the overwhelm ng merits of Mar row field, I felt that Mr. Guhlnna h id not dealt faitly with me. Why dad ho nr fully thrown the veil of silence over the candid lure of Harrow tii Id, aid nmiuly enli-ted mv sympathies on bel alf of PsrOey ) V.ntering 'he bar, 1 demanded of Mr. Guliblns why he bad done fli s tiling. The eplsnaiion was this: Tor tive-and-tliir:y jeais tcf-nlar, l'arsley hud "use 1 ' the Swan; whrrea, llarrowfielil bsd "ncd" the rinugh. lteside. If I wonld only take Mr. Giihbiua' word f r It. llsrrrw field, as regards ago, Intli mil v, and destiiution, was a bsd lo Tan-ley. Would I come and lock at l'arsley, and judge fur myself ? Certainly. W herein on Mr. OubMns led tho way to the parlor, tbiew open tbe ('oor, and pointed to a little old man sitting smiling in nn imbecile manner, In an aim chair three too large for him. "There, sir; how will that snlt your fancy for a bnld-headid, bandy -legged, broken-down old 'un r" And Mr. Oubblnswt nt npand patted old Tars ley on the l end, und turned biin about U sh'iw bis points, as if he had been a superannuated horse. I was bound to admit Hint Trsley seemed old enough at any rate, and that his physical di.iipt daiion was nil tuat could reasonably be iesircd in such a case. - A burst of cheering otitMdO announced the aril va I of Harrowtield ; audi was invited to go and take a look at the opposition. Overpowered by bis exertions In walking from his committee, room at tint l'lotigh (exactly opposite), IWrrow rii Id was sitting dowu to rc.t on the horseblock, surrounded by his paitiant. His grey hairi, bia lee lili lies-, anil bis gasps for breath seemed to be rci'ardcd s an expression of bis claims t the sntliaccof the electors; for the more U ir rowlteld tried tn get Ids breath and couldn't, the hinder bis partisans cheeied ; as much as to say. "I here s inunnity lor you ; mutcu inui it you can f" Mr. Nobba the butcher npnearcd to be Harrow field's principal supporter. Finding that the boys were getting too much to the frout, as they Always do on occasions of popular excliemcnt, Mr. Nobbs rushed in among them, and whisked them away like Hies from a sugar-cask ; tho sugar-cmk on this occasion la ing ll.irruwUcld. Alter wulklng round llanowllcld and surveying him at ad points, Mr. Nobbs seemed to be satis tied lhat bis candidate was fully up to the murk, rlnddetily, however, he perceived that' the candi date held something grasped tightly in bia right band. In the benring of Mrs. Donovan, from the coal and potato depot, Mr. Nobba wondered what bar row Held had got there. "Uh, notbin' at all," snid that lady; "only a penny I gave the poor old soul, in case he shouldn't net the Annuity." Mr. Nobbs woh furious. He turned fiercely open Mrs. Donovan, and demanded to know if she wisbid to ruin the old man ; and then rush ire an to Ilanowtield whispered in his ear: "ilirio it ; put it away ; it they sou you with so much iiiodcv about you, they'll go and volo for l'arsley." Harrowtield, not being aide totind ms pocket, Mr. Nobbs took possession of his penny und hid it for him. Mr. GubMns came out to announce Ihnt tbe hour appointed for tho election was approaching : Mr. Nobbs bad better bring his candidate in-doors. This was easier said than done ; tor liiirrow field, w hen he rut down on the horseblock, had, as regards bis personal properties and elb cis (in cludii g his two walking-slicks, his lint, iis poekot bandkirchief.aiid his spectacles), fallen tn pieces, like a ruin. Mr. Nobbs proceeded, on architec tural piiuciples, to reconstruct him. He put a stick into euth bund, plueed the spectacles ou his nose (subsequently to wiping that organ with tbe i ocket-liundkcrchitf), ami finally roofed him in with his but. The completion of the edifice was baih d with lond applause, which, however, proved lo be premaiure; fur lit that moment Har rowtield suddenly missing his penny, nude a spasmodic (flort to search for it in bis waistcoat pockct, and immediately lull to pieces ngaln. The hopeless tone in which Mr. Nobbs said, "There now!" clcntly indicated that he was coming round to the conviction Ibat it was hgh time Harrow field were condemned and dispose! of in lots. Mr. Nobbs, however, though a butcher, susulsoa philosopher; und, consoling himself with the reflection that Home was not built In a day, be pioceeded to reconstruct llunowiield ou an iiiiptuved plan. This time his efforts wuro crow ned with complete success ; and, by a careful system of combined tniciion and propuUion,aiited Vy the judicious upplicat on of lateral support', lttiirowticld whs transferred to the bar ot the ohuii, and was with ditliculty propped up iu a corner of the jug und buttle department. Mr. Nobbs uemunded a pot of porier, with an uir ot lut'eue which miht have been taken to represent the exhaustion consequent upjn dis coveiing the source of I lie, Nile. "Weil, here's luck, old boy; nnd I wish you may get It." This was Mr. Nobbs's address t r.arrwwlield previous to drinking, Af er a paren thesis of occupation wi;h tLo'pcwlcr, be con- tinuid wilh an appeal to the electors: "Oughtn't be, now r Alibotigh pledged to l'.irsley which, under a sense of l'arrowlield's superior quulitications, I wus beeinning to rigrtt 1 ventincd to say that Bairowfie'd seemed u worthv object "A worthy object!" said Mrj Nobbs ; "I should just think be wus c.n object. Lookathliu! He's as old us Methuselah, as poor aa Job, and as weak at as " failing another acripiural illus tration Mr. Nobba fell back nKin "ft rat." As It to bear out Mr. Nobbs' words, n blue bottle, which hud been about for some time, settled upon barrow tie Id 'a nose, causing him to lit go his hold upon bis right-hand walking-stick, the immediate result of which was, that the edifice which bud been so carefully eiectcd assumed ihe attitude ot thu lower of 1'isa. Ilatn wlicld would assuredly have become ii total ruin hud not Mr. Nobbs promptly rushed 10 tbe rescue and shored bim up. Mr. Guliblns, who bud hitherto been occupied In serving his customers, here protc-ted against Ihe attempts of Mr. Nobbs to iulltieu' c the. elec tors in an tinliiir insniunn favor of bisowcmau. W hat did Mr.Oiibhius mean by an unfair in in ner, Mr. Nobbs would like to know. Mr. obba nu unt io suy ihul such language was nit p.irliu lueniaiy. l'uriiumentuiy lie blowcd 1 Mr. Giibbins meant to suy 1 1 1 1. 1 it wus only lair that the electors sl.i u;d tee bob ittrdiiiiitcs be lore they plC'lceil tla nisei ves. llvdi uUt it m juity was Air. dub bins' motto. "Veiy well, then." tM Mr. Nobbs; "trot out yonr uiint m iui tu." After some blj h word it was agreed that liar row field sbt.uld be set dow n on tbe ch.ur in Ihe (urlor liisnc l'.irsley. und tint the elcciois should go in and judgn tor themselves. Mr. Nobbs Hi corilii ply removed Harrowtield to the pan n r, iinrl plui mg bun in a chair opposite. IVr -ky , lun lsl.ed lorn with a glass of gin and waur lokeip bis sjiinis up. Mi. Gubbihs. not to lie nuioi.e In tbut respect, immediately pr ivid 'd I'aisley with a ;.lu-s of hot rum. whe n us a lii uor a cut uUive gin at uuy ra'e. 'I'm-, two "oljecis" weie now lilt alone togeibtr; and on il.e uiclion ol Mr. Gubbins, who, though a pbi Jui.tbri pist, wus also a uiun of busiuess, the ileciurs ri tuiuid to the bur to fortify themselves with uf'u .-hint nt previous lo entering up ui their liri'UOls llt.d inviOloll- I lilies. Cl.diT tile ill- llucirc .l rein sfiiu ut Mr. NoMi-, though still nsiMuinii. !! I lie scperio.' fitness and pioprie'y of JiurrowK hi, ns so ter reitmeit in an imieirtial ui d uid'iast.Mriin e of mind u lo be willing to Ink over the rtlutiie merits of the andiiuics qnietiy. .'; ,'.'.., V e I ; trey acre iioiu lour men ; no one could on y that. o oi. r (I'd deny that. And they vi le both old men. The bj'inioc was nOHtiiiiious tbut tbey were at Jiast tii t jtitrc;. l'arsley wua old; so wus Ii.urowfield ; oue might be a little older than the other ; but that was not the point. Wusn't it, though ? Mr. Nobbs would like to know what was the point, then. Mr. Gubbins said, "Itifii mity." Mr. Nobbs would feel obliged by Mr. Gubbins explaining lilimclf. Mr. Gubbins explained. Both Ihe objects were pr.or; both were old. In tbst respect there was tix of cne and balf-a-dozcn of tho other ; but tho question wus, which whs Ihe least capable, iu con sequence of infirmity, of dom; something for his scll tbut was the point. On ntltetioii, Mr. Nobba w as willing to admit that thsil was the point. The electors generally coincided iu tbe Fuuie view. Hut bow wus the relative luili uilty of the two "objeits" to be tested i C'iir eflnrts ut accommodation had here come toa deud-liak, when no were suddenly startled by a great noise pioceeding from the parlor. .Mr. KbUbk lumped over th bur, aud nMjeli iiit the room, tollowtd by tbe whole body esf. electors i ai d tbem we uiso'ovi red l'auley u&d llajirtwlieid still sitting iu their fbaira, but engaged in mortal com but; plodding at each other with their walk-iig-stit k., like two kliigh't in a tournament. Mr. Gubbins made a tush at l'arsley, and said, "Ah1 would you ?"At the suiue moment Mr.Nobbs pounced uptiii Mr. llunowiield, und said, "What aft j.u up to :" accompanying the quosilon with au admonitory slap. An elector was struck with a brillntit Idea, "liou't part 'un ; let 'cut light it out) and then we'll see w bit b is the lst man." 1 L pioi sal nu t with general ipprovul ; and the iiiierfiieatio being suspended, l'arsley and liurrowucid tesiimid tlie tournament ; but being tul of reach of (e.u oihtr, the only ttTyet was a elnsblrg of atlcka. Krentnally, howeve', by a pn ut etrnrt, l'arsley made a Inn forw ard, an I hitting the stli k by which Itarrowfteld wis shored np knocked It from leneath him, and laid tbe edifice onoe more in rnlna. A cbeer waa InimedlaU ly given for the vlcto rlons l'srsley. 1 he question waa aettled now. l'arslev bsd proved tbe best man. Mr. Nohha made nn attempt to resist this con clusion: I at bis logical etl irt to show that llar rowftebl wus tbe be-t mnn because he had lost the BVht, was received with derision and scorn ; aid al'.ira van et'empt io expan his vicars more rleuily, Mr. Nobns scratched bis he id, and upl enred to be convinced tbut he was wr mg. 1 be votea were taken in the presence of two rlmri bwardi n-, and l'arsley s ood at the h a I of the poll. Thu lb claralton wa niade amid much iipplitiisc ; but alter the excitement of the election lo.d subsldi d ii little, and Ibe electors ha 1 hail time tor reflection over a quiet pisc in the bur t arlor, It becan lo ocenr to them that the con bi sion they bud come to not exactly th" right oi e. l'errclvinc that ill s was a nnntal step in the rijiht diieciion, 1 endeavored to a'.nto tho problem in a miilhemutic d niannrr, nnd to show tlnit the conclusion whs wrong because it bad been drawn fn m false piembes. Mathematics nnu logic, iinwvver.iun not, aciuevo the trinmt h I expected, fi'id the bearings of the question were not cleaiiy perceived until Mr. Nol'bs put it tn this wey : "When two dmikevs is mim nrii to run a riv e, the mle of ibe course is 'The hlndmo-t wl is.' " Whin lira luw ot the donkey raee couran hud bu n elal (irutelv expounded in its relation to the peenlisr disqnalifte.itions of l'arsley and Burrow tit Id, the log which hud hung about the intel lectual faculties of ibe ehctois gradually cleared ill. and eventually admitted tbe clear light of conviction that they hnd given their votes tor th-i wri ng mnn. It was Mr. Nobba who remarked. by way ot n tna-t,"W lints done can toeuniioio. To whtrh Mr. Gubbins replied, by way uf sen timent, "l! to r luck next time." Mitttiwhilc l'arsley has been giYhTedti his fathers, nnd Unrrowileld Is a Candida o without opposition for Gand er's Aunuity. THE III I.I, M IHIl.tlt. At the end of the last bench upon my class sat n boy who waa very backward In his learning. He win continually ubscnt upon what seemed t i be IrivolcuH pi i times. These absences entailed upon me mm h additional trouble. I hud occa sionally to keep him and a little remnant in the. r cm when the others bad gone out to pbtv, to make up lo bim and them lor lost time. And on one occasion my look wan veiy cross, and my si eech veiy short, for it seemed to me provoking that children should be so backward in their Lut n. And w hen the work was over, and wc two were lett followed me to my desk and said: "Yon have to idea, sir, how weak I am." And 1 said :" Why, mv boy, you look stoni enough." llutheimswi red : " I .nn really very weak, s'r, far weaker than I look 1" And there was a pleading enrncstne-a In his words tbut touched me to the heart; and, afterwards, there was an nnsecn cboitl of sjmpa'hy that bound the muster to the pupil, wh was s: ill very dull at ljitin. Aud still be would be absent ; at times, for a day or two together. Hut it excited no surprise, l'er the boy seemed to sit almost a stranger his Icllows, and in play-hours seemed to take no interest iu boyish games. And bv-atul-by be bad Ix en absent fur some weeks together. Hut I was afraid to ask con zeroing him, thinking he inlf lit buve been removed, us many boys bavb been, without a letter ot explanation or his sbi.kinir me bv the hand. And one morning I receivi d a letter with a broad black edge, telling mi- that be had died the day previously of a viru lint contagious fever. ' .So wheu school was over I made my way ti bis whilom lodging, nnd stood ut the no ir, pon dering. For the fevi r of which the. child had died bud been to me a ilcatb-lii-life, nnd had p.vse 1 like the ungel of old over mydwelliiig, but, unlike that apgel, bad spiirid my llrst-boin nnd only, boin. And because the hitter sat each evening on my kmc, I wus ufraid of the fever, and in tended oulj to leave my card, us a mark of lespectful sympathy. But the good woman of the house said : "Nuy, nay, sir, but ye'll see the luddle;" nnd I felt drawn by an influence of fat! cil.ood more constraining than a father's tears, and followed the good woman Into the small anil dim chamber where my pupil was lying. And, as I passed tbe threshold, my musterhi oil slipped off me like a lo-ise robe; mid I stood, Terr humble and pupil-like, in that awful presence, that teuclietli a wMom to babes and sucklings, to which our treasured lore is but a jingling uf vain woids. And. w hen left uloiio. I drew near the cheerless nnd ilisn.ant'cd bed, on which my pupil lay asleep In his early enllin. And he looked very ealm and happy, us though there bad been to bim no pain in passing from u world where he had bad psnions and very little pleasure. And I knew t Lut h'fl lo hood bad hi en as dreary lis it had bem sboit: and 1 thought that the good woni iu of bis lodging bad perhaps been his only sympa thizing friend ut bund. And 1 communed with n vull whether aught l bud none could nave mude bis dullness mure dull And I felt thank-, fill lor Ihe word of si tnpuiby thai had united us unseen, for a li'tlc while. But, in a strange and piiintnl way, I stood rebuked I" fore the calm and solemn and rebuking lace of the child on w nom 1 hi.d frowned fir bis being backward lu bis I.: tin. I lay Ihrmint of a Scliiuilmastir. p E 8 1 D ENTIAL OAMPAION. F L A O H , BANKERS AND TRANSPARENCIES. Ko. 49 S. THIHI) STREET, Abova Oheanut. Pblladelpala. MANLKACTUltKR Of FLAGS, UANNKT18, TKANSPAUENCIR8, AND LANTERNS. Political Campaiin Clubs flitud out with Lanterns Badsaa, Banners, and flas-a. at reasonaiile rasns lo.-! 3u KHTUVH 1 COT! A OK OUOANB, Kofonly rNVXCKU KI) but I'Mllt'AU.KD In parity of lob sud li.wei.d'-sts-ned espi-eisay fererhurehes and, but K-C'd to lie iijiinlly ip. 4 11 adapted lo titel'Arlor apd liravflnx Kcon). Kor sale oulv b :. M. hhhck. Ko 18 .. HKVP.MTH Hrreot. Also, a eoroph-fs asionu cut of tbe I'en'oet Melodoot ooiistai tly uo band. aulJ-ikB II. DIXON, No "1 B. KIOH'IB Ntreet, IlKAI.FIIIN' FANCY AND I Ol l.KT O001I8. I VI IIK1.1AM AM) PAUAMMLH. FaLS. Mead I)resM,n, Frcbch Jewelry, Losthor Goods, Wonk Jioaee. flesds. Ac. . miki8rj ri K W I N () M A ) i I I N K S, TDK liMHT 1J. IIR. No. 730 CUKSNUT II'AMID TO MIL OK KXCIIANOIS, 1 tiiuvi tk Mjiki t :nx vj(vjiin5t . 'I 1 fit p1 ' 1 Ana )) !) fi ii. Htfrir.n AUcJ.ifn. All ..ttntMt'& ft ou, ii nt tir'te '! ii'uti. jvl' jail In-u i ' 4. tn J Iihini Jdiichlui, n.uiid tt piatrt HUH t,vw vft.' I J.F !M TVl K M'K, Urn 1 i . Kl.tii lii Mr.rt, (Oi ir ton yrk uii hint,) r ('. Ladirs Unfcht to oim )14 .im DMUND A. BO ODER 4 00., COMMISSION MKUOHANTS, AND SHIP AND BTEAMD0AT AGENTS, DOCK BTBEET WHARF, rtULAJJCLPHIA anvr'HD a. sornva, ahchihalp imi, sir.eiiLS t. ai'Lusi at-tf C OLD'S IMPKOVEIJPTK AM AND iVATBE J HKATINII APPAI.ATI'l. Fur arming aud Vantilatlm I t.Llic liuildiun and Prl sate kasidei.cse. Msntifoctiireol tiy tbs D'ifcAM AND 'WATrR IIKATIXa C0MTAJT1 , , Oi 1'lULAiJLl.nilA. , ' ' JAMK r. vTOOfl, 1 Ko. 41 si h ol'KTH Street. (ahlD-Om . M. FKI.TWT.LL. iui"I.Uouu. JOHN CHUMP, ' CAaptNTKB a nn p.. Mu. via LOUi.ri STKF.KT. A Isrne force of building uivcuauIl uf atl btaooLes adwaisoo baud. a4 osiia-ka 1 0 FIIIPCAPXA1NS AND OW NKtlS. 1heuni). rltn.dbo.-fi", lissel li e KKHNIN'S- f-Clth.W 1'Ol'k . I ss's U) Inkirui ins filfii'is and lae l-alroiis d ibe lie U piupaied v, uu inoreass laetlities to acc-miuodiiti those r.uv no vessels to be raised or ruiairei, and belni: a ptacucal shit -cariojnler a'al taulser, isiii plie pirsouAl atttatloo W ail vcusls eo ttusied to blui for reiMirs Captains or isi ii i, Hlilp-Carpontois. and MaiMolitl liavanu vessels to repair, ai eelioiieci Ui ce-'i, llatluii Ibeasnie) lor tin n.u if "Wficrst cits' Patent Metallic Composition," es Copper Paint, for Uie proaoria tien ot es. els' boltoins, lor tins city,! aui pnpatcd tu Itiruisli like saiuti ou favusable f ins. . joutl n. It AMafITT, ' fseitkiiieton emrtw tio. k, lUl-tf DclavialsaiSiius.alvsLsoiel jUetC TATt. W. R. MFUWlTf A CO.'S COLUMN J KlH THU CIIK.HOKRK MKlill IXM. t'OMI'IH M'EII FROM Ka-rTM.BAJUlS, AVD LF.AVB8. CHrRoa.HK ttKvrriY. ti trst IniUsn Lrliirettc, eiirrs all dlra''t isf Hi nilnsrr nrsmis. stieri tiv rmilliisn. r of Ih 1'rtTi. Iil PaiuniRtlon of Uill linul-li-r, lntlsninatlcn of Its R ultievs, Hluns In ihe llil.lrr,Hlrlc-tnr-. flrnvsl, olept. iinni r-rha-a. soil Is suns-iany ris ri.rnnisiali ,1 in thus,- -iik.. .,t Hlnr All'll OT W M-B In f. males) whi-ns. all iss ,1,1 niooioaa luvilKlli" lava filfil. VM MM KM VM M MM MM MM MM MM M M MM M si MM MM JHVJ MM M M M MM VM MM MM MM MM MM at 4 MW MM MM MM MM MM MMMM V M M M WMMM It Is iTsrts"1 In a M ooncontrated bun, ilia d ia onlv In lns li 'in - os li Iwn t-s-ixxsuula turee times per die.. It Is dtnrotlr; anil alt'ratlva In Us aeU iii pnri'yios anil cleannlns lb-i ll s I, c isiiui h li rlw in all of Its orig-inaJ purtv and visor: Um r mvintr from Oio aisoin ail Csmiion .-.mi.-! wblob baa itluuad d'.ieaso. t c. i.i : i ie! (f, CO t'l? CI CCO f It K It O K K I -TP IN Is ml. iiiled as an H'V or ussi-lioc to lbs I'HI'.IOI KP.K KK.MUlV, iml h-m,d I.tisi4 In i',,iiiane."Tt wltn Ih it mi'lielns III ail , -uses .,f lluliotrll'i ft, llet, I'.tl AHiiib or Whltas. lis ct'v. is ars hi-allny, a--ot h itisr, root ttsihill'-i'lit ; rrnwivln nil tcai-l.n lieat. csenl' S. nnii a.n liisteiil of 'In l.iirn X aralalicosl ntMtid'iiNli 11 sln ti at Is im, rleiifi il vnli m nrly all U a cheai 'iuaa lniecilons. nn mt lilt lilt llll llll nn iiii iiiiitiinMitiiHii XllllUllilllllllll 1111 mi mi fin I'll mi nn ii h T.rr.r.y.rr v:r, ki;ki.kisli:i: ik r. KI.KR n v& K y: 1 1 1 T'r.r.v.n JtEKI U.KI.S.B ry th na of thn fTMKnO K y.Y. UKMLIiV aid CIIK lioKKi; ISJKOIIDN Ul to niodlciiiss nt Ui sam4 tuna - all loioropar dis-eharK'-s ars r.uiii-il,and tiia woaSflld oibuisA'0 speed ily ra.tored u full vlfor and SLranKih. For full rartlfiilars (sat ?nr SAmpl'.lstts rtoin any drtiK slnro In Ilia Miiiur ,-ir vri: nt, nnd wo will mall fisa to any address a fntl trAl.aas rmtmnnrin I't'DJaUIJliDn Mi nn Prto-.Cnr.HOKKKHI.V B liY. t'i n-r tsaiHt, or t.'ir.-sr. bullies f"T Is Trie. CIIKIIUKKK IV JK.elliiN.Jv ii. r li.c.ile, or thiee tx)tll- f' -r Hent by "xpres lo an) ad drss. on rse-!'! of rrlc. Hold by aUitrutsisliyvtry wliere. I'll I'D i'i nn Ml mi I I a M) Ml Ml Minnnrniiiii DDl'lJllDllO riir.ROKKR t rnf.t An nrfallltisoiira for Hoi-r-raau-rrliea. .i.nilnal Weak nflsM, Uinlssloits, and nil alseiuns caa-ed liy Hdlf-poUiitinn-, such as t.o-is of Mnninry, l'ii1vom;i1 L issi tndo, l-alus In llm II e:k, lilnl nns ol' Vlsl ui, ITeniAtiir Old Ak. Weaa Servo". Iilf noultv l hraililaii, Treiub Unii, WiiVi-f'i.'n"ss, Kruntlans on ena Kaoa Palo Coun'a nanea. Insanity, Consnmp tfon. and all tlis direful coin plaints cau-ed ir dnnvUns tVom Uie pad) of aatura. P.KI.I'I KKV.KB KKI.KLKKi.KB rr. r. l-1 rr.r. y Ki.n: KB 1- K KKKI'P.F.l F.s K tll-.KKI.KhKB Tbls madk-ino Is a stnipio vesatalde extract, and one ou wliicli ai esn reis , nn it has tn en used in iinr mi': tlee fur ninny years, and with thiiusnin.s Iren.'eil. it linn tint failed In a slnsli- tiismtieti. lis curiitlve ,uwt-rs Imva been siiitirlent to sain vlc tiirvover the most ilul'Oorn case. i'o those who hnvw trilled with their I'On-tllnll'in. un til they tlilt.k llietnsi-iv a liev ond ihe reach of iiieife d aid, e wnu il Bttv, 1 1 K. -HI'.MIt NO i ! tlie CHI Itil KKF. CCIIB l'l reoK.ra you tn l.eal'h and vh:or. ilit'l, au-T all iiuack doctira bavd fa.le.d. JTTt Iiii For fi ll pan icnl it, ret a Oircalar itoid any Uruit Htora In llio eounlty, or write the l'roprlaiors, who will suall free, to uny one de siring the same, a nili irea. Use In psunililet furni. Prices, Si (tor bottle, or thei e liottios for S.ri, and for warded bv Kxpresa to all parts of the world. Hold by all rcspectabla druisis avurw.acr. RHIOIRKKHK H ft It t Hit It It It Ullll 11 Hit KIIK Unit ItltK It Kit KKI'Kltltlthlt II Kit ItllK It II It HUH Milt milt mui Mi. wRifiirra ItJfiJCVK ATlNtl tuxmi (IH, ERSr.NCK Of l.II ! rr-iared Iron) Pure V.tfa- table Kxtracls, rontalning Dollilne iniiirlins to tl.a most delieute. The Kijnteliatlnir Kllxlr la tl:e result of usiderii dls loverles In tbe veteunlo kliis'd'ilu; behiir an entirely in w and alixtni'-t ni'-tl od of cure. lrre-i.ecivo of nil ilia Old and worn-out systems. OIXVO CO ot: t:tj ex: CO CO CC 'i: CO ccccco ccooo This medl.-lne hns been tested by tin- most etaln nt nodical men of tlie day. aud by ibeiu pronounced to bn one ot llio sreale.t medliil discoveries of the airo. One bottle wul cure Oeneral Dublllly. A few bottlee cure Hya terlca'ln females. One botlle cures Palpita tion of Ihe Heart. A few d-iees restore the cretins of ucti'TAtlon. 1'rotn one to throe bottles restore the maiilluesa nnd OOdil oouiidO (Ml. I oor U' 10 II. 11) IMIO I IO' I Olio CIKJ C1M lit HI inn) f) Hi eieX) IIO0 O'lOOlM) Ol'OO mil vifsur of youta. IIII 1111 fill IIII IIII llll llll llll llll llll U1I A few doses re 'tore ihe appetite. Tlirie boltles euro the worst lle ol lni)i!eiicy. A few doses cum Uie low spirited. oue bottle r'stors nieniai po- ,-r. A lew d.' s brini Hie rose to the cheek. Tins lu.'dieiue restores to nisiily sitor aid rolmst bealib its poor, iloi llliui' d, w on -dnvi n, and ,1c pal, ina tltvulvc ol sensual .tis. The. listless, enervated Toutli,thu over-tMsked man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the in dividual stilierluittrum gene ral debility, or trout weak ness ol u slnelo organ, will all find Immediate nnd per manent relief by the use of this Elixir or ISsseuce of Life. Price, i per bottle, or three bottles for t-'i, and lor warded by express, on ra eeipl uf money, to osy ad dress. Hold by all drns'irieta es ery where. KR hk h K K K K4t KK KIs KK KK KK Sk KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK kj; KK ClIF.hOKF.B IM.I.SI sioaii cuvrt.n FFIMALK llt.t.t l.AIOIt, NTJ.NT llhAl.iliPlr.sF.IIYP.If. MSN Kil l AIN AND HAWK NS N M.N NV NN NN NN NN NN For tin: lien. oi al mi' UI) SS stniciions. slid I'e li S am e of lies uitiiliy sn intf H htecinr. nee' ol tbe Miri'My NM Ferieus -N N i l ey cure or "In late bUine NNT num. f. us m-i.i-es '" at sprms Iron, lri e arilf , l.y reii.osiny tin I' iin sr. , If S s N NN M NS am Thy euro Buiprrifii, ExccHHlve, tuiil 'uiiiul .1bu uantkn- llievcure Urtwn tllckntjst ( TIihv rurs Nervoin aud Rpluai Aitci'tinnH, pm-i in th Ij h k tiiiil l,wcr pirisui Uieiioely, iifAvhif4,Vit'.iue on sit-; hi t-xfrtinn, ritl;il tU(m if tho Ik-art, l.ow ne'at f b in Hit, Kti4rrmt 8ick llea.trli, UUillnfeM, tJno.,efc.i, In a word, Ityi. inuviitif t lieu li retK'ilHriiv, tliy Minnvft tlio cauh) Mud with itUUi ilvU Uuu upriiiK Ml.rM , I i K Ki. K r I I KK I" K f. 1,1 l.M i.i t V vess 11 'am 1 MI41 . '.'ii'ir.,' i rtii. . tii. FEF.P.KI'.EF.FF, KF.l;tEEKLKF. IB KK FIKKF.B i.M.c.ii j:i: j:k i.Kt'F.KI'.KEFB ii i. Ittli-IM titer !!. ti sk rly . dnt i-iol, HIB II H, unit Ut tf, " i.t It,, III' -IH V t Ii. in, ( 4. AIM b,i . UI t y vi iir 1 . . ait'M 'i vr. cm uv v i'(i i- ti .A'-as'r.i' of tl n V I tn ST Olid jrrg- iruuit jIj I'ltlVK i'i lliM. A I fc lters seeking Infor matiari or jidvlce will b Croiiipbly.frweiy.aud disercut r atisaomd. h ull dsnoues accouipany aclllMIK. I'rioe II ner Jmx, or ell boxes fur li. Hent by mall, fnee of post--as'e, on receipt -ei-psree. Hold by aU .ectuble Ilru.sisi. I'FF.F.Ki iT R EKKU.UaXli l.K rr. Y h.KFK I KI.EE IE FK 1 EFFFFFKFB Tie CHEKOKF.F. MEDI CI N 18 are , old by all enler- Jrlsiia UniiKlste lutlu eivl red world. 8ouo unprin cipled dealers, b.swevir, try to ail! worthless eosnpounce lu plsec of these. those which they can pet at I cheap pHoe, ! make more niom v by sellhip tlnin tbey ran on the l.'IIKKOKI.B Al h.DK :)NKH. As you value your aeaiih aye, the health of your oftsprlus do not l deiived bv such unprin BMsl.SoSsf KK Us) b.sH MM bHH bit bhU BHg 88 , bissl hJM nslg 1)14 8H14 rJsHSsislt (tOeJa) cipled drt'ufri'ts. Ask (or the CIIF.HUKpm 11F.DI ClNF.H, and take no oilier. II the lirussleta will uo kor etn for y. , send to as, and we will send litem to youby tapress. Fartleeadaress Ini'iis should slate the disease and synioms, and lull particulars lu retard to We Utuu ail Mseaaes oi 11 cliroulc imtiiri In male or female. . Lsdics of gentlemen nan address as be pert sot eann oeucc, and wc will In all case n auk ly and freely answer Ibeir letteis, and give our advice as repards each ease. l'atleuta Uviiie at a dUUuioe need not hesitate becansa f their Inability to visit us. We have treated saocossraiiF liatieiitslnali'i.ortioiuiof Uia elvulied globe. l'atii-uts adJies.U.g us V.IU please write Post Off.ia, County, state, and nauia of wiltor, pUm, aad Inclose ViX&TlSriA oi.rn pit P.mplil.1 fm. A""i!rw"rMw.Nro.. wv . ".ubeity irYJoK. " AiTfnlsforT'ennsvlvanU.rVOTT A CO.. Ne. "'rth UvfclUvl,rUlisilv"ta. Bsl'slm, IT 13 P Ii V H I M TV M , TJMTED STATES NATIONAL WAQON AND OOAOH W0SI8, ft,1 Onto, No. Ml NKW MARKKT Htrsae, And Faeiry, ooroer of BROOK D AND CtMBiJILAHD BTRF.ETj, raiLArisLnra. All snd e'ery tnj f w m!o. .ts Mtera frtfrKi.nAanown, and TIMIHH v 111 I l.s, adspn d lo an iy. Hoad, huiiar. ir l",t ttnn ptiriioe A,l work watranted. tST'lrrders of irptly atonoal l lat-tf W K X LT II, II K ALT H. AND BKAl Tl. If lo 1ml rir- fv: If t'l (IIIM' IhTttl'UIIK plh4; I' l l h iiii;ikr Ii )Mi-r, V,titg, li i nt in i V ii r Him ti I ? Ut ft Ivii t of Minnd ; I'fof vtcf ' m nn"Miri: If lh h'lfh -lf D fc n ! wfl; 11 a ninihiv a,t.ii mhm 1 4 Wi Ai tb! If tn Hf ihrtMjgc- rc ftri-l tll, Wmtilni l Iouk iilfi, Ii Ml ttVf ft htV m( i'nrv i Il l ft l no to rri' TIrAXin t V yon w mh ti'n of ftlAainrr If yi ui i stvltie ih' wnfd n .r"iimrei ; K rvry rontto I jnu wotiM Tfttf mv iiv:r, il wth ait thr4. linrtnfT )'h. Wftllh , ftfiil Hoftutj, H ii I) b r paf-ii frit vpr ility. Ut ft fn M I r'ift1 nf IT. WILLI M VOCtlR N Ffx'k. nir. MAKiim-K, tll'll-K, wlilh Mienil be r.nt b f vf y fn- Ui'-i by iiAfiftTii r i nt ft'tv. (, t t r iMN tnr i cflke, ht. ! HI'hUCK "TKKti; pr Hi c nt. iA W py WRIGHT (t SIDDALL No. 11" M'-irkrr Btrr"t. PFTWFFH FBONT SP E:0I1 BTItrF.TSl. 0. w. V.RH.HT. r. II. DBTJOOIPTS. PHYSICIANS, AND I.KS S.HAL RTOKKKKXPr.RB, Can Cn J at onr estahllshinent a Oi n asaort mentor tmported and L-on.rstie llruas, Popular Patent MeOlolnes, Palntt, Ci al Oil, Window (ilast, Prescnptioa Vials, Ac, at as low prices as genuine first -class goods can be soli. FIMT, KHMENTIAL OILS For Confectioners, In roll variety, and of the best inetlty. Coci.lnvai, IislrsI Ihdlso, sjadiler, Pot Ash, Cttlbear, Boda Ash, Alim.OII i f Vlt nol. Annat'o), Copperas, Kxtract of I,os"ed, Ac, FOR DISKS' nee, always cn hand, at lowest act cash prices. I'l HK SPICES FOR FAMILY TUP, Oroupd expressly for onr sales, and to whlih we Invite the attention of those In want oi reliable articles. Also, WDJiiV, aTAHCJl, MUSTARD, of ttlrt uait , Onlert by msll.orelly pott, will aneet wlia prompt at tenilon, or special quotations will be foralshcd whon re quested WR'OHT BUMiALL, Wbolcsaie Drug Warehouse, lall-ly No. 119 MAhKKT Street, above Front. RAILROAD LINES. IjIIILADI I.rillA, WILMl.NOrON, AND A HALII.UOhE KAH.K'JAK. in im.i; s nor us. On md alter MONDAY, A us-uit 1.1W4, PussenRer trains leave Pbllale.phia for llo. r" st I J. iKapiess. .Mondays e:cpti-d),8'0"i A. t . 1 1 'J-IU, it III Oil V. M . i'het. r at ui., 11 16 A. M., 1 30, 8 30, 4 3D, C 00 and I l-OO P. M. Vt lin InHoli at, 4 Ml (Mon.lavs exepted), ft!, lilt A M.I Mi. vae, 4 ..'. !' . in M and II no I'. M. New asllr si He.'. M. and .Ml P. M. Lover at si o.' A. M and 4 -Jo 1'. H. Ml'l. rd hi S I I. A. M Salisbury at st l .i .e. M. IHVINsI FOR I'lllf. MFLI'IIIA. leave Riiltininr at st'l.'i. U 10 A.M. (Lsprns), 110, ";.' and In ui, P. M. Vt tin Intl.. Ii at I IS. 0 4 ), 9 A. M., 12 '. 1, 115, 4''i0, 4'o3, 7 ard in I . M. hali'lAiry al 11 'm 4. M. Vlllord SI 'J l.'i P. M. l ove' al S : A. M, and 411 P. M. Nin jts :!' A.M. anil - P. M. Chester at 7 44,1) 10 A. M . I OU, 2 40,4 40, 6 7'!;, !f40 I'. M . I nve R.iltlition for Salisbury and intermedia'e sta'.'ons, at iu r. M. I esve Ilalliu.ore Tor Dover and Intermediate stations IX l'lOF U. TR elNsI FOR I. esve Chsfe.r lit s 10 A. M . :i 'l.'i and II Is'l I . M. Leave Wilrniiwlou at i:V,, 'J Hi A M., 3 40 and 1110 P M. F'eisht Trains, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follow s : - Leave v, ilnuuijti'U for Peiti vllleaiidlntermcdlatcpltcea ut 7 4b P.M. St NHAI :-0nlj at 4 30 A. M . lO'.'W P. M., from Phila delphia to P-alllmnre.. rrom l i-Uad. to 'Vlltiiliih-oo at 4 30 A. M., 10 30, anO II I. M. 1 r, iii Wiijilni-t in Is Phllsdrlobia at 1-4R A. M and r-00 P. M. Only at lu-Vb P. M , ir Haltl-ncre to l'hlialel.tua. jal II F. KEN.NEV, MuperlrKeil'l i.t. 1SG4. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC KMLIIOM). tt'MVil'K AhMA.NOKMF.NT. TUIIOI'm IN TWO llOI'USi:! trali a dnllv to Atlantis CUV. On aid .Her .MONDAY, ,!ulj 4, trains leave Vinestreit r eny n louows : klsll, ; i. . A. M. FteitiM, e.Mh passenger car alacheil.9-l.j A. M, Kspress (ihrousli in 'I lioursl 'I eo P. M. Atluntic Accotnnt nlutl"ll,4 16 P. M Jullstloli A'-een'tn itallin, fi lHI P. M. Ki l l ItMMI ATLANTIC, Areo iiniodrtlon I tlautki; 6 4 X. M. Kxpress,7 is A. M. I relnlit. II-'S, A.M. tlail,4 4H p. si. .lii.iclK.n a- t7,modatloil. '"2 A.M. Fare I"', IMS'. Hound Trip Tickets (tfolenly for tbe day iitul Irnln on wnieli tne are issuci) eo w. l:IKA H AllDONHKI.ll THAI Ml, lase Vine siieel Ki-lb A. Jll. and I iwP. M. Leave lisddoiill. Id 1-46 P M. ar.da 46 P. At. UN HDMIAVrl, Msll train for Atlantic leaves Vine street 1-80 A.M. Leases Atlantlel'40 P. M. jciO-tf JOHS O. BltYANT, Aneiil Dllll.ADl'I.rill.V AND HALTIMORE CEX J THAI. l.'l.l!lltU,OPKNTOO.h'0ltl .il'KINU AhtllAM.r.Ml S I . 1 10 111 .1 aii.r hKIU.VY. April!, lKiil.the trains will leave IF.A hi K VSTWARO. 1 EAVE WESTtVAHD. S1ATKISS. A. V. P.M. SiAMIlN. A.M. I'. Oxlor.i C.I) Vi Philadelphia..,. SOU 4 HO Vl'esl 1. rove i-.-7 3 West t'btster. .. 7 4f 4'4i Awmuiie 1 1'-, 401 vr. c. .luuciio.i.. u ) o-u Rennett 7 Vi) Chad.l s Ferd....7 i Concord '" W l.' .li.urtloii.. H IS l'Mhnrelpfla ! 4 li i-oit.-orii ' 2- o1 4 41 Chadd'sh'.rd,... '4t I'll &!! Kennetl I'WI.5 6 17 a Ci Avondaio HI VI I'M H'SlI West ilr.ive.... 111 '.'!) 7 0J 5 in Oxford Ill 's! T :l Vt esl Cleslet . .11 Oil I'esse user In pot In Philadelphia has been ehaneed from Flsl.l' eii'b and Msrk.l stleets. In rilllirV IKS I' and .ViAlKKT Slrii'ls, West I'ldliuteli'liia. Market sjireit l'lisseier llsllv. uy Cars convey I'nssi-us'Ors to and Irom the In p. 1. 1'ssneiikcrs go ttiroui'h is ithout rhniis'c of curs. ;ul 1IKNHY Weill), HuperllitcndeirL s-1 AI.KM P.Ml.ItOAD COMPANY. KUNJ- n Int lime of i'lalns, couiuienelns FKIOAY, January J.lss: hreni Van ut M'riat Wharf at 9 A. M., 3 and 4 P. M., fleu-M I'i V. Ke'.iirtiiu,. leavu Salem al 4 . M.,H'0ll A. M.llur. -M. ht'lslilila l eneh way. Applvlo JI.'I.T IN MII.L:i Aii. nt, Kccolld Colored I'ler above VAI.Ni: I' M'reet. rt lll'.I.AWAIti: Vvenue. jai-tl J. VAN UKNSSS;LAKIt.ri. LerinlenuenL SHIPPING. "ofrs S'V''AM WF.F.KLY TO MVl',11- aaosli ny",!'""1 lei'ehln; at tjueenll Wll, t.'ork l(4rllor. lii, vseil kii'ivvn sii-ainers 01 ll.e Liverpool, Ne York, and Philiidelpl la Nteamship I oinpaiiy are Intended to sail ns lol'ovi s :- a. CliY Oh MANrilF.MTKK. Saturdav. Auitnstn I IY i'i LoMisiN. Maiuidav. A.isnst CliY OF It Al TIMolli:. saiuclay. Ausiisie". Ami ever) sn xvedins Haturilay, at noou, f.oui 'ir No. 44 North ltlvcr. HATES OF PAsrE. Pas able In tild. or II-1 null aleii: In Cnrreney : 1 itM I'siiio iwu) ntterae laii-O FltstCiibiu to li'. lull H.'i isl sti-cia-e t) L'lndo.l. . . Illtsi 1 11st 1 at. ill to Pari.... b.'eis' Hc-iaelay Paris ill isl 1-ilstf ablll lollallil'lltplSl'OU Slo-ursf ilullllillfg.. 8? tk) Passeii;.,-rs ai-o lorvsarib il 1.1 llavni, llroiuuu llol telilslii. Ai.iM erp. A-e , ut 1 unallv l, w rales. h 11 res Ir m l.iveri o' I ..r Oueenstown First Cabin, 875, i-.l, is its.. SUeeras-e li oui LiveriMiol and Oueeustnwn, 3S. Those w iio wish lo sci.d lor their lYieiids can buy ticke'e bCie at Ifese lutes For tin titer luloimation applv 111 Uie Company'e oftlcee. .IOHN (. DALE, .incut. No. Ill WAt.M T Blreet, I'hlladclplila. t9VK BOSTON AND PIIILADK.LP11IA 2erekieBew Hteatnsl.l 1 Line, sailing from each port on b.l 1 1 lll'Ai e). Arst wliarl above PINE Htreei, l'nila deipb a. and Luis' Wliaif, llostun. hroin first wharf above PINS. Htree'.on katutdav, August io. IH114. Hie steamship NOHMi. I.. Maker, will sail 'rum Pliiadel phla tor lt.4toti, on hasurday, Auguat V), at 10 A. M-, aid the suauiAhlp fiAXOS. klattliews, fltMBI liostua lur ri.llMSolpliia.oe same day, ex 4 P- M. 'i beae new and substantial sB-ainshlns form a regular line, aa litis ftota each pott pHinlustly en Hattitdeya. lusuiai.ees elleuled al oue-lall the Jf eanluui etiwrged on Cale vassels. - I h nii bts taken at fair ratw. I elliilipers are rtsiuested U aoud Slip Beceljte and attUs iLadlus w lib tlieii pisMis. tor h leislit or i'asssgo (Jesvitig Sine accommodations) ppv lo Hi:MlY WINrlliK ( 11., jai-tf No. All A. bit a. A WAKE Avenue. r A.T rOK NKW YOKK- DK8PATC1I awaffi a 11 1 and Uwifi.tire Lui"s, v.'a Delaware and .,1 ....1, 1 ouuT 'J'he steaniets of llu-te Hues aru letvlng (jills at Iv .'V'ook M., aud b o'ctocA P. ku, lioin tlilul pivr alsv e Wakiet st'eet. Ft.r ue'ii.t. vlneb will lie taken on accommodating teni . sppir 10 WILLI A Si H. UAIUD A CO., Nu. Ui is. I'll AWAl:E Aveuue. 1 FOllCALUOKNIA. KKOI'KN'INO of the Nicarsuua Koulo. Tun ekuiaut Beer t.Ol DEN lii; I.E. will h ave . . . OS A'I I I liAV , Auii.i a;.al noon. ' Lowest rates of passaae throuali irom Fhlladelihi4 10 Ban t rancisce. Apply IO . AV. A. UAMILL, lylb llu Ko.1117 WAl.m TBtrvil. trt r VOll HVKKl'OOL, 6ATUHDAY, y "' a....... i is..i 1 1.1 In 111. li tlup YAriCOL'VER, Captain J. U. Carlisle, s ID sail as sbove. pj ii.i.l.i of wassape, spplvto ! lliOMAil IIICnARllRON CO..' Jjel-tf io. 1U1 WALJiLI ktriiet. RAILROAD LINES. MjfA AHKAN0KMKNT8 Of lOtJ. II.W OHK I t M. I'loli t ie l amdea aad Aiatief and rmiaisflpkla and Tranton MallFoad C ni'iixl Llixi rrom Phlladsli'lila U Maw Tom aS ay fiaiea rl)M WAI.WTT DTSIXT WUARf, Win star as fellows, via. : Iml. At A M..T aC'aruden and Amhoy, 0. and A. Ae- i umolat.lon fJ At a A. M , via l amd.n and Jeriry itj, Morainf Kpri sa At 1 M . viaCaaiden and Amtioy, C and A. Areotn m cation AI 2F.M. vlai:amden and Anih.y. c. and A. F,- I it) i ir, lii i:.'i in press At 1 V, M..vla CRmden and Aniboy, Acomavi'lA' (Irsnhtand Psssen,-er1 At s p. M. vi i f'annl ti sua Amboy, mtiioiation If rVit and Fass. i.(ir) 1st Class Tleket Jd Class il' AtT'iP M., via Tainden and a mn.,y A 'eo'n.ii.Mla- lloti (rn'slit and I'asai-ns'-r), l-t Clasa Tlekel.... Iti 3d i n.. i) lhl For Maii- h "cii'u'i'ii'.' Ail'ntrwn. Ilethl-hem. ItoKidrsi, Esst, n. I amherlllle. Klemlanl'ii.'' , I sip. M. For I.amlienvllle and Int. rine-ilaie S' P M. I'm Mount Iliillv. l.vansvllL', IVmb-rlon, and ln'D town, at S A. M.. i and IS l. M. I or Freehold at ii A. M. and P.M. F' r l alinjta. Hlverlon. ll. hino. Ileveetv, Bnrllnaion. FSaai ce. Iloi'leiilown. A.;., at fi A. M.. VI M., I. .i .1 , endHF M. 1 l,e .1 Wl anil P. M. lines run ulrecl throush to Trenton. . ..... For Ps.myra, RIverlon.Delaneo, Beverly, and llurllDs- firiniboat1 Trenton, r Prls'rl. Tturllnirtow, tl. vsrly, Torresdale. d Taenny at ' MA M. an I P M. I.IMst FRel KKMMNliroN DLIOT Will leave .is fi.l'ows l 4 A. St., i nlvbtl v'a Kenslns-ton and New York, VI aMi iron bko New V ork SUil 12 JO At 11 1 A. M.. via Keniinirton and Jersey i lly tt prrss 3s) At 4 :'l P. M., via Krnslnalou and Jersey l.'lly F.- i.frss '' At V)fi P. M., via F.enplnsion and Jersey City, wsshlnul' n und hew Vork l.soress .1 in Ruiida lines have at 4 A. M. and s S P. M. There will be no line al 4 A. M. I Mshl) on ktondev. For water tlan. sttpudlu -ir. Hi ranton. Wllkesnarre. Wontrese, ilrr at (lend. Msnrli Chunk. Allen'own, lleiltle- i m. Iliivlilere. Fastofi. Laml-erti Uie. r letrunsloii, Ac , at Id A. M This line nn. us wuli ihe train lea. i n F.aslon ,r Mam h Cl unk at il . in P M. Fi r LumlsTlvU.e and Intermcdlsle stations at ft P. M. lor Itrlstol.T ronton. Ac, at 7 l.'iand ll i'i A. M., audi . M. lor It'ilniesbure. Taconv, Wlsslnonilnff, TtrMesluirg. and raiikf. rd al 'J A. M.. 6. 6 10, and S P. M. Til ! 9 A. M. Line reus to ttri-tol. Iff-F. r Nfw York and way Lines lenvinii l)evot.take the r.irs nn I Ifth si i eel, above Walnut, ball atl before departure. The Cars run lino the lKlsot, and on arrival ol eni-h triln run from H"' D'V 't I lllv nonnds of bfis-nce only allowed eaen paseanirer. Passensers are prolnlilled from takiuir auytliinu as lsair.-se Iml their weai lov apparel. All tias'ifa.-e over flfty isnumls lo l.e paid ror eslra I lie i oniiany it nu ineir rnsisnnn blllli for liagt sie to One Dollar per po lod, and will not lie liable for ajy amount beyond Sine), eie-pt by special con tra, t. I, rat am s't:Ai;e Fvpress win can ror anil .lenver nog (raie al the Depots. Orders m be leu at No 3 WALNUT Sl'eel. wai. II. oaii..iie.'i, nMuiu. Aumsl", lssn. l.llstS FROM NEW YOltK FOR PHILADELPHIA WI1.L IKAVfi From foot of Court Ian i street al 1.' M. and 4 P. M.,vi Jersey I lt asm am. ten ; a: J and is.n.,i r..)i.,anu lii O'U'l.t) via Jersey City and neti-fniftnil From foot n: Rarelav street, at A. M. aud i P. M., via Amboy and e sto'ien. rrom Pier Nn. I N .rth River, at 11 M , 4 and a P.M. (I nil hi and Passeuiier) via Amlioy and uainuiu. ,'RFIOHT LINES FOR NKW YORK AND all the siatloi.s on the Camden and Amtioy and cou- uectlfly Kadlusds. nr.srs 1 1 11. The Camden and Amboy Itallroad und TranBpnratlo i.nnu.1.. . Iremlil Lines tor New York will leave eValnnt strtet wharf, on and after January S, dally irlund.iys ev 'elded), al 4 o clnci. r. . Itctiirnli 1, the above Lines will leave New Vol atl and FreiJht roust be delivered before o P. M. to he for warned the same day. hreklit lor irenton, 1 nnwioti, siniiii"n,.-.i primn- wli-k. ami iill Dolnis on the canrteii a id Atuboy Itallroad : also cn the lleiviilere,, and Kleininst ill. the New freehold ami Jaiueslnti if. aed ilie llurll slon and Viotiut Holly Hallrnad.. received and torw.mled op to lv.S o cl. rk P. M. Huiell paekaKca lor Mount tlolly received up to o ciocs v. si. The Peivl.lere Dlew a' e Hallrnad connects at l'htlllps- huri- w iih the l.eblsh alles llallioad. 1 he New .lers.-y Itsilroad connects at h.lisiieth wun the new jersey Ccnltai K timed, and at htewurk with the Alorris and Esses lt'..i'riad A slip lii' iuorsndtim. spcelfyinir the marks and nam bos. shippers and consLnei s. must in ev ry Instance Im) sent 1 sen loan rr pm on. or no r'ceipi win ..sitivni, lncreii"t iseliltles has ins' been uuirie Ut 1I10 transiMiria linn ol LI V h: Hi iu K . tlrovers are lu ited 10 try this route. When ibe stock Is rurnlshed in niiantli tes or I'iviic'VB LOAliM or mine, It will be delivered at the foot of Fortieth street, nenr tlie Ilrove laid-., or at Pier No 1 North Itlver, as Ihe shippers may Uestsna'c at the lime ot mo. shipment. WslJtn KKKKMAN, Freltht Aajeut, No. 0S H. Delaware avenue. Philadelphia. OKI I. II KAYMONIl.Krelyht Asent, jaS-tf l'ler Ko. 1, North Uiver. New York. 1Yllll.ADKl.PHtA AND TRKNTON AND CA.MDLN AMU AMHOY KAILKOAD l OMl'AMEd. NOTICE. On ai d after MONDAY. .lauiiary 4, 1SW4. the Trains for Vw- Yotk. bavins Kinsli sten I1ep.1t. Philnde'phla, at 3'1'i A--M. (Nisht). and i'lsi 1'. M.. and the trains leavlnif New York at S A .M. and 7:i0 P. M., will herealier be run exclusively f. r tie Ulilled Slates Malls aud New York and viashlnittnn I'asseiiaers, and will not take In nar let out anv passensers belKeen ssl.l cllles. Tbe in A. M. and IV Midnight f 'ora New York to Washlnslon, and ihe II Ml A. M and fi P. M. Lines from Washington to New Yi.ik, will coiilinus as at present, and carry a-srt oters to and from the Intermediate statlous anil ttslilnaiic, Wasbltiklon, and New Y'nrk. AKItANllFME.NT.i ilhi WF.F.N PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YOltK. tines leave Phllade'phla. Ke.islnrton Depot, at ll'l.'i A. M ,4 on. and 'i'4b P. M ., and li-.'si nildnlh''it, and from Walnut sttteet Wharf fvla Camden), at 0 audSA. M., 12 HI . ,4 aril (1 P M , tor New York. And leaves New Yoik, 1 1 0111 fis t of Courtlandt street, at 7 A. M . 10 A M , II M ,4 and P. .M , aud at il mid nh hi, and worn foot of llarciuy street at S A. M.,audl P.M. . WM. A. UATZMEIt, Jal-tf Aa-eut. 1 1 li T K N N S Y L V A N I A IClW. CENIItAI. KAII.ItOAD. lsSH4. Till' OH VAT lniL'Ul.E-TKAl K HIK'KT ROCTE TO THE Wh.lsT. NOKIIlWESr, AND WOOTIIWR-ir. Equipments and lut llilies lor tlie sale, speedy, and eora firl utile trill, spo, luilon of passeus'ers, unsurpassod by any route In Il.e country, Trsli-e lenv e the llepot at ELEVEN TII and MARKET 8tletts as follows :- Mall Train at 7'C.I A. M. Fnsi Line ut 11 '" A. M. Tl.rniuh Express al lti-no P. M. Farli sbiirpTiain. No. l,at In Oil A. M. Psrke-l.nisTri.ln. No. 'i. nt 1ISIP. M. harrisl.arp Accon.mi.dallon at 2 11 P. M. Lancaster Train nt 4 UJ P. M . Paoll Aeccmniodallou (Jeaves West Phliadel- i.lo.l al d'00 P. M. 1 hroush Passt npers by Ibe Fust Line reach A toona for supper, where w ill be found exee.leut accounnoda'lons for tie i.i. ht at ibe Lot an House, and In tlie mnriilng may lake riihtr the Philadelphia or Italtlmore Express, each of which Biiikes coniieclloiis at I'litstiurg tor au points, a dnliil.i view Is thus ailcrdeduf tbe entire line audits ii, iiL nltli enl si enerv. Il.e TbrotiL'h h.xpress Train ruus daily; all the other trams dally except Sundays. hOK PrrilSlll HO AND THE WEST. The Msll iraiu. hast I Ire. and Tliroimli Express con met at Plttsbu-s'wltb throush trains en all dlveririiiK mads troui that lioliit. North to tlie Lakes. W est to the Missis. sippl and Missouri Klvers, and South and Houthwesl to all f.'jinls accessible nv ratiroiiii. ii.roiisn 1 iiaets 10 vevo ur.d. Detioit. cblca'sn. M Paul. Columbus. Indianunolls ht l. uis, Leavenworth, Kansss, Wheeling. Dayton. Cin cinnati, Louisville, Cairo, and all oilier principal solutes anu oapsai'e cnei seo teniusn INDIANA lVKANCII KMI.ItOAI). The 1 lir.M'i li Express, leavini.' at lie Jll P.M.. connects at Llaiievllie intersection with a trulu on tills road for llbilrsville, ludlal-s, Ac. EUENSIil'lti. a.ND ClfEHHON BRANCH RAILROAD. T l.e 1 hroui:b Express 'f rule, leaving at 10 00 P. M .con- nrets at C11 1 son. at 1. to A M . wlih a train on the road for i bel.iburg A train also leaves Ciessou for Ebeusburg ' ' llOI.I.IDAYslItl'ltl) llll YNl'H KDAl). The Mull 'Train al 7"Jo A. .M., snd Through Kxpresl at li) :m P. M., roeoest st Altmina with trains for llullidays buiK al 7 00 f M. ami fi .s s. M . TY lii INK AND CLEAIIITEI.D HHVNCH RAILROAD, The T iiniusli Express Train. I avlng al 10 :Kl I. M . c ill nects al T. rene v.Hh a train foe Mutiny Khlpe and Phillips, burg, slid by Haiti Etsle Valley Maliroad lor Port Matilda Mneshiirp, al.d lleiieiunle. Ill N I INOIil'N AMlHHOAI) TOi II All. ROAD. 1 be 1 hfoi'iib ..xpress 1 ruin, leaving al lu .si P. M . con nici, al liui'tnisdou with airain fur liopewall aud bloody NOHiilEltN CENThAI. AND fill I. A IKLflll A AND Htli; Ra.II.K'1 ml. For Hi r.1 ory, Wblism.p ,it, Lock llaen, Klmlre, Bo chest, r, lltii.alu, and Ni-ueia S ail, nasseussrs taking tnu A ail Trail, a( 7-.ri Y.M., and tlie Xi rousili Expross at 111 Mi P M.. cailv eccpt dlio'tlr tlirouwh, wi'tei'it 1 bani-e bi cars betwetu' t'biladc.piua aud Wd lismsiMin. For YOIIK. HANOVER, and OFTTYslltUKO. the trains I'-MVfnii nt H A. M. snd .ii P. M., conneet at Culumbal w lib trains oil tlie Noitliern Central Itiulroud. CI AlllEkLANU VALLEY KAII.IH'SI). I'ne Meili rain at 7JAA..M., and ihrous'h Express a It. 'on p. M .i-oiineci at HarrUnurK with traiiui for i:arllsle, t hainbersle is-, snd llawi ri,os n. WAYNKMBI 'lilt HKANCII RAILROAD. The trauis 1, svltit: at 1 A. M ai d i .'m I. vi., eonnoct ai Dowiiiiipl' Wii wllh trains on tins load to Wayuesburg and ' .1 iiiieuui disie h'ol further Itifoimalion apptS' at tlie Psssenser fstAtlon hi. L. 101 Ber ol LI E) EM II am M AKKE I sttreeta. .lAMh.S I'OWDr.s:, Ticket Agent. COMMUTAIMN TTt'KE rsi, F'or l,.t, fl,9, nr i ni 'iitbs, at very lw rates, f -r the ac-l-ouiluui'aiioii of persons ilv.ngoutof ui u, or Iucat6d on or i.eut il line ut il.e iond. Clll PiiN TICKETS, ForM trljis between auv two points, at about two oente per mile. 1 hi se tickets are intended for the use ot feimlos truveiing irouueutiy, and are of great advantage to psrsous auukiug octasiuiiul trips. SCHOOL TICKETS, For one or three months, for ibe use of scholars attending Buiiooliu Uieeltv. WESTERN EMltiltATIOV. An Enilgrart Accommolalion train leaves No. 1.17 Dock atreet cany I8i.tidns excepted) al 4 o'clock P. M. .ottering a couiforlalde made of travel to families going W-at. a t one-half lite ususl rateot fare. 1'arllculer attemtoB is o.ld to baggage, foi which checks are given, end bas'gage torwer.led by M aarre train Willi passengers. Fm lutt auiottuailott. spiily to ' FKAi.x'18 IX'NK, r.rulgrant Agent, . No. 1.1 iMHjK. outset. MAVN'8 IIArYOAOB h.-KEM. Aa agfiitot title lolisble Express 1 auipauy will pass tluoiigb eisch train tarlore reacliins' tlie depot, aud tase up checks and deliver bass-sue to ait)' liait ot the Citv. HiUt- fagc will lie called for promptly wlien orders arfe left at tl4 'a.efiifri-rlSeiKit.Kleventhanu Market gtrt-ets. TiBtravuh lug imbue aru assured rrW if it t'itirelu twouiiOie. 1I1H. ' lly I Ids route freights ot all descriptions can be far warded to and from any points on the railroads of Ohio. Isi-Bluoky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa.tir Missouri bv railroad direct, or 10 any jielnt ou tbo navigable watma of the West, by steamers rrom Pittsburg. 'ibe rates of Irelirktto and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad are at all lime aa favorable aa ie ibarinsd by otker Railroad Companies Merchants and shippers enliustlug the transportation of their trelniil 10 this C'oiupsn) van rely wittk cuudeute oa Us ssec-d Iran. 11. For irrlshi ouniracts or shipping direcUoni, apply to or ailuross the Agunls o the Company : i"rrrr 8. 11. KINi.hTON, Jr., PblladeiphU. I). A. M1EWABT, Pittsburg. CLAItK A CO., Cldcase. ' Ll El II A C O., J.o. 1 Astor House, or Ko. 1 8. William Street, Now Yoik. I EKCII ii CO., Ko. 77 Washington street, Bosttin. ' WILLIAM IlilOWN. Ko. SO Noilh slreot, llaltlmore, Agtut tnulliem C'euirai itailwav. II. H. HOL'BTOkT, General Freight Agent. Phlls.ieii.hla. LEWIS L. HDllPI', - Ocaeral Ticket Ats nt. PbUadrliiliia. ENOCH I.EWid, Ocuvial lufaruileudcut, Altvoua, la. RAILROAD LINES. VEW UA1LHOAD LINE NOIIXH. 1 lllll AUKI PIIIA TO HllilOKI Y, IIIHOIOII IN IIVI. HUiliS. ram: i. F.CCFe.IOVncKF.TM.i.liOll FOIt tiihf.b dat. nn and aner Mi in HAY, 4u " at I, lai'4. trains wul lae footer Vl F. lreet. Philaiti-'prna. ev-re morning a a A . M. tPnt'difs exeipteol.t'.e re bvthef'ainden and At Isrlte and Hnrltan and tielawire t'ay Hailroa.lsln Port Mi nmeii! n. an.l by Ibe comniieli sns steamer Jsse Uoet tn 11 ot or Atlantic sires'. Ilrooklvnt returnme, leave At lantic, Street Wharl everyday t Sundays saeepled), at 11 A V. Tr.lve'ers So the city of New York are notified nof t" ni p I) tor pas:,ite bv this line, the sua' e of .lse has it e 1 nu-11 d to the Cntneen aid Amboy monopoly lb' eseloslve ptiv il. f ' of en-' tin' pnssenver. ami f e.shi be twen ibe enles 01 PhihuUielna au.i New Yo-k. ivrs-if W. F. oltlhlUTe), Oeuera Hup. rlulendent. "IllllI.ADKl.I'HTA, r KHM VNTOWN, AND 1 MirtltlNfOWH'lM.. 1'lHE rviti r on and an.r MONDAY, May IS. l-. I. nnUl lurthei notice. Full OI'.ltM IVOWV. Leave rhll'.rtrl; use a, 7, s.n in 11,11 . "1 A '. 1: T . U III II I-. I. U Leil'se'.eiloali't.,' 7, 7 S-'. S H Jfl. 9, 10. It, 13 k. 11., I. . .1. s n, 1 . 1. :', 1 '. 11, sun 11 r. .w. Thes nd-iep, and the :l'i and i, trains up, do n"t stop u 111c ,' 1 111.0,.- o 1. I'HF.sNi r II ILL HVII MOAD. leave Philadelphia, 0, , In, l'. A.M.; i, 3,.',.,.V,T., sn.lllP. M l.sase Chr.nnt lull. 7'ln,S,9 40, 11 40 A. M. i l lfl, 140, ft 40 i'.-iii, M 10, md lit n p. f , hOK ONHIIOIIIU K F.N AND N'lKKtHTOVFV. Leave Philail. iplila , S .16. 11 11 A. M.; I St , 1, 4 1, .')',', fi,.S is'., and II N P. M. Iae NorrlstnwB.Ii.'a, T, T'Vl,3 and 11 A. M.; IH, H s, an.lPP. M He.'.1- train no. will stop at Wissahl'Aoo, Manayank, and Cohsboiken only. IllK M4VAYCNK. To ave Philadelphia . it, S O.,, 11 is, A M. I'i, 3,4J,7 t'.. S' 5 and II e I . ai. Leave Msnsyuuk.S'a, JS'.S-W, ,', ll'i A.M. ,,, 7. Slid P. M. II. K.KMITH.Ocniml SupcHr (endent. my:il Depot, MM II and UKKKJi stlteets. X'OnTiTfK.NNSYLVANI A TIAII.HO A 0. 1 For IIF.TIILF.IIKM. DoYl.F.armvNJ, F.rl'iiN. MAt lH CHI NK, IIA.I.EION. WILKKsHIAKKC, anil Wll.LIA.YlM'oltr. HLJIMF.R AllltANOUMKST. ADDITIONAL TKMNS. On and after VIOM iAY , .1-ine l:i IsrfH. PassenfferTralni1 wilt leave the New Depot,'! Illlil) Sltreet, alHive The BS son street, Philadelphia, daily (Htindays u-xcoptedj, a' I'.llt.w s : 7 A M. (Espress) for rtetfileiem, Allentown, Mauci Cbnnk. Wukesbane. Wllllamsport. 11 i: A W . 1 Aecnn-meda' on) f r Dnvlestown. In I.'. A. M. I Ac 11 in- .loll .11 1 lor Fori Washington. 3 P.M. (.seen ovHlats" ) lor liotlestown. 3-4'. P. V. (Fip-ess) for fletnieiii 111, KssUm, 4o. 4 l.'iP. M. (Mail) for Do' le-lown. fiT.'i P. M . 1 Accommodation) lor Uethleuein, Allentown. and Mnlleh I hunk, tl'l.'' P M. I Ai cnmmod.-itloit) for Lansdille. 11 P. M A.C"iiiniidatill) for Fort WashlniU)n. TKAIMsl hull PHILADELPHIA, l eave ltellili hem at tl atl A. M , !l in A M , and fi-frj . M Hoi lesuiwn stn 10 A.M., j li P. M.,aud 7 P. M. I.ansunle at r, A. M Fort Wa.liliwton at I1'?lt A. M. snd t P. M. ON HCMlAlrt. Pbl'adelpMa for Tiethlelicm at A. M. 'liilsi.'ii.)iia lor Doyleslnwn at :i P. M. Ilnylentovn for Phlladeltilna a' 7'W A M. Hi ihlebem lor Philadelphia ut I P. M. Illlluian a Kssirase h.spress w III call for and delhrer baa iraue at the depot. Orders may tie loft at No. 113 8. i liilll Bile, I. Jold F.1XIH CLARK, Asent. 11 HADING li, A I L li. O A D ORFAT THI NK LIVE 1'HOM PHILkDEL HIA TO TtlF. INTERIOR l'ENNS) LV A MA, THE Mf'IICVLKIl.L, MU8 ol EdAN.N A.t:t MUElil.ANO, AMD WIOM1NII VALLEY, NORTH, NORTHWEST, AND THE CANADAS. PASSENOER THAI VM Leave the Cr ninnnv 'a D-n.t. at T1I1RTF.ENT11 I Al.l OWIIILL Mlreets, l'biladelphiii, at llio fi4iuruisJ bonis: aitnt.M Nil 31 ail.. AtSl'iA.M.. for Reading, I eoanon, F.ohrata, LRU Columbia, llarrlshura. l'ott-viile. p neurot s, Taina iua Kunliury, William. eirt, Fuinra. Km-licster, Niagara Fal of. liiitiaio. Alle town, w I k. snarre, Pituton, York. Carlisle 1. baralM-rstiiirw, llscerstow 11. ve. 1 he train connects al KKAIIiMS wun rennsyrrn nla Rsilroad trains -,or Ai'entown. Ac. the Haa-llng am Ctiiiitiilna ItHllrnna for F.nhra'a. 1. t'x and Colnmnta. with the Li I. sn. .11 Vailiylra.ii for llsrri.b.itp, Ac. ; at PUI 11. I.N 1 tils wun n.i n,.ii nani" lor ', ii.i-b -wrr Willismspi.rt. Iocs Haven, Elmlrs, tic; at hakhim lll'HO with ' Norlhern lntral." "Cumnerlon.l valley,- and "Schtivlkill aud Siisniiehaan trains ror N irtlurn b.rUDa,Wiiliamip rt.Yftik.ciia" bersliurg, Ptnegrove.Ak- & I, "I . If KI 11 I M I 'HS.XN Leaves I'lillinlilphla at ll .10 P. M. for Reading, Pntts-I vllle I'lticsruve. Ilwrrlsburir. Ae . connecting at Harris btup w ith Pennsylvania ITentral trains fur Piitsliurg, Ac. northern i.tntrai itai'tunu irnin. mi ouiiimii, w,,i,uw herlat tl. Klnoru. A-c..Hlid at. Pott Clinloll with Ctttawtast Railroad trains for Mlllon, Williamson. Elinlra. UurTalo Ac. READISO ACCOM MODATIOS. Leaves Beating at ti 10 A. M., slopping ill all way stg I ii.ii.. airismi III I'l.lladeli.bia at ll'tsj A. M. Iteturiilng, leaves Philadelphia at Voo P. M. 1 arrives WJ H..,,lt,, al M'tSl p u. Ti atns for pbiladeiiihla l ave llarrlsbttrg at S A. M , an.' Puttsvtlie at 91fi A. ill .arriving In Philadelphia at 1 is P. M. Af etbnon trains leate lltirrlsnurg at 'i P. M rott-vllleat i'.'tu P. M., arilvlng in l'lii;iidelhla at 7 P. M slnrkot tiains. with a pu.senger car attaclMpi. leav Pliilinli-liihln a, I I'. U . for Unailniu and all wav statlotva leave K-sd'tui ut li, noou, and Doivnlngtownat U JDl M. tor Philadelphia and nil wny itntlons. All llio above trains run daily, stundnys exoepted. Sunday trulus leave PoltsvUle at IMA.. M and pbll dclpblaatil 1.'. P M. CIIFSI Kit V4LI.EY RAILROAD Pasenpers lor Downiniiiawii tint! lntcrmeilea points! take tin- st ii, a. M. and 1 00 r. si. trains irom rniiauoipnu. relurnli.g Irom Dowiiingtuwn at 40 A. M., aud U 1 noon. EW YiiRK KXPltEW FOR PITTSniTRO AMD Till WEST-. Leaves New York at 7 P. M . , passing Reading at l'J mid nfslil. and eolinei tint; a lluirlsiurg with 1'eull.ylva.kl Rallroau hr ess trains for Pittsburg. Rrluruii s Express irnln leaves llarrfsbnegon arrlvsl . tbe Pennsvlvania Exntesa l om Pltlsbuig at 0 1 A. M passing Iteaduig at 8 4: A. M .and arriving at New Yon at 11.1 r. si. nieepil g cam .uiwmiinii , souaa ,.i.i throng b, bel w een Jersey City and Pittsburg, wlthou Mull trarna far New York lenve llarrlshnrg at 8 A. M and IIP. M. Mail trams lor uarrisourg leave new sot at ti A.M. ami 1.' M. stl'III'VI Kill. VAI.IEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsv llio 111 7 !'. A M. aud .'I' ki P. M., rc tnrnlng Inuu Tuscarorn at M in A.M. and 4 'i -. M. 8CIII YI.K11.L AND SLSinEHASNA ItVU.KOtD. Train. k.ave Auburn al :i l.'i A.M. for Pltierove an llarrl-dsiin.', and at and 7 In P. M for Plnegisive only relurnli liom Hnrrisburg at !-: P.M., aud irom Pine gro e at 8 li A. M ., and 4 ami r. xi. TICKET'S Throne-), Smt.rlass ticket and CTnlCTSnt tickets tO A the pilt.clpal point. In the North and West and Canada." 1 l.a fnllowlorf llcbeta are nblainat'le onlv al ine olflje S llKADFOhD.irtasurcr, No ; 8. FOlltiU Scree.' PbHuile pi la. or of O. A. MCOLLS, Oeneral Haperinleu dent, Heading : COMMUTATION TICKETS, A 2R per ceo I. ducount, botweeii any points desired for families and flmis. MILEAGE TICKETS, Onnd for !10n0 utiles, between all points, at ltd &S each for Isuillles and Urrtis. SiF.A"0N TICKETS, For three, six, twelve uioiiitia, for holder! onl so all points, ai rcoucen rates. i'i s itiivvrs llcrflllig on tlio line ol Ihe road will be furnished wlfs, cards, t-ulillibg uieii.aeives ana wives ui iscseis a. oa isre. , Excitnaiov tickets Fn-BD Phlladelpt ia to principal stations, goral ibr Satnr day. hltlii'ay, ur d Moiidnv. at reduc d fare, to be had onl;. at IhelKkelumte.aliUillTEb.NXUaudCAXLOWUlLI Slreets. VRF.IOHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to aD the alsovt; points, irom the company new iruigiit depot, nuoAa aud WlLI.OVl Streets. r HEIGHT TRAINS Lenve Philadelphia dully at 0 A. M 1 P. M.,nd 0 P. H for H'-adtiig, Liban'Hi, llarrisburg, l'oltevilie. Fort Clin ton, and points laond. ' MAILS V llatc HI 1I1C I f ' l HUt. I .'U IH 'H UIHI.O !! Mil aJlewajarpB II.a roMil ni il Iti brum hr t 6 A. M., Mint tot Ut pnulpEJ ialifnoni t ii jor. m. AY 'EST CUKSTKll AND P11ILADLPUI. KAlLltOAD. VIA Ml I'M. H' IIINO AKK A xil.F.M E NT. On and afltr h K1DAY, Api il 1, leJ4, ibe Trains wis leav a. lollovs . : Leave Philadelphia from the Depot, corner of THIRTY lllisi ami PAIIki-T bi reels. S A. Al , Uui,.'o' P. M., s :i P. M.,ti'l'i p. H. Fbllatleiibia l.cnot cluinsed from EfOIITF.EN'TII an M .Mi K Ki tlieii. to ilillinHllbT and ilAUKEi Mrt-ets. Leave West Chester, from the Depot on East MAttKE' fitri'lrO A. M..7-4.'. A. M..1I A. M .1 P. M..4 4JiP. M. 'iheeursof Ihu West PliiindsLiliia Passenger Haliwe i (.o.puiiv ( Maiket stlect)Hill coll) ey 1 assuugere to lioio the'l'blladuiph.a DeMit, O.N SIN It A IS. la.ivel'blladelphiaaiN :ui A.M. and .''90 P. M. l eave West Chester al s A M. and 4 J1 P. Al. Tiains leaving Pliiiaile phm at s A M. and 4 DO P. IL and Wcsl I be.ter al 7'4 . A. M. and 4 41) P. .M..eounec xtllli trains on tbe 1'h.ieiletpniii und ItolUiuore Ceulraw Railroad kr Ox loiu and liiteruuallate pohiis. jel tf HENHY WOOD, liei.ersl Superintendent. tt.T J1.R.SEY KA1LROAD LINES.-H uinieiitiiM on Uo.NDAY. June HO. lode, fraui vt ainui Biretxt n nan. FOR CAPE MAY. AIS and in A M. I nil 4 ik) P. V. Fcr Salem iiim Hinli.eln, al U A. M and 4 P. V. for I.IsssIk r,,, at i.,ll, und lu A. M., and 4 and I'UO P. M ForYYu' ili.uty, Gloucester, Ac, at a audit A. il.,U M. and 4 anil I', tl Ubi'CItNINO TRAI88 IF.ANK CupeMa.v at li and 11 it. A, M., and A'10 P. M. Mlllvllle al 7'4II A.M , and 'i1 aud e'oO P. M. Mil. tn atl! A. M. and 1 l.'i P. M. all, 1.) AMI 8(1 P.M. Olafshoro at 7 lu aud s-HA A M.. J JS. 1 0ft, and 7 SO P OP.V , 'L. v isaibgr.i ui J,7 iu andS ol A. M.,anu i ut, VJ aim e a. r. ax. THE WEST .tl'RKF.Y EXPRESS OOMPAWi", Olhce.No. ii WAI.Nl 1 Mtrewl. will call lor and deliver Basuiitc.aiid allcnd lo all the ueual brancbeaol Kidomi bilsliu-s.. tliaiy urtteltt takuii by 6 A. M. lines only, ane must be sent to tlie other the eveuinc previous. Partsne ble articles by this line uiliat be sent before Mi A. ML. A aniclAl n.essenxer sceoniiiaiiiee each train. Ui)lU j. I aa lib.Ms.t.LAe.u,buperWilendeot. IRfM rillLADEI.PHIA AND -IQ(4 ElllE RAILROAD. Jpl) 1 This great line tisverses tbe Northern nnd N ifihwest counlles el Penosylvatila to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It lias becu leased by the I'i.NNBI LVAN1A RAILROAD COMPaNY, and uiiucr fuvir amiploue is bclug raiudljr opened tlirt uihoul Its entire longih. . It is now in use for Passenser and Frelsrht bnslneis rrnnj llarlisburv lo Fuinoriiun. OS, mlleii) . ou tbe Eastern lllvl- siou, anu lioui islieuisid lo kale t7s aaUaa), on Uie Wosiort, LlKlstoli. r .... r.w ,. i u. l .-n im YlfsiM. XT Plf II. A fltl I'll I A Mall Train leave H no i. If, fcki res, Tttilu lesvs ..10-:) r. ki. Cats rutitbiuusi) wiiuoir iiiANtig lioth ways on these irallis liel wetn -iiuaueinia aim s,uca uetou, ana boip-ooi lls.t unite and Ja-ek Haven. F lesani .eeiiitig Cars on the Express Train both Ways. For iiilolineUou rs speetlng Passeuger business, aiipl v ai ti es. E.canel ol tl.EVEK'ill and MARKE1' Sueota Aud tor h reis-lit business ot Ibe t 'mujiauy a Agents - N. ll.Kliusli'li, Jr , vomer blTEEaTIaiid MARitET Streets, liiPadelpiila. ' uasx-i J . W . lie) Holds, Ei le. i. M. Dim, Atei.l, M. K. 0. B Baltimore. II HOl'HTOlf Oeneral Freight Agent. I'bilad. lnhla. ., I EYI8 I.. IIOI.'PI. Oeneral Tit k.t Agent, Philadelphia. ... ,, J'lSEIH I) purl's, Jal-lf Oeacial Manager, WlUiaaispt Mr