THE DAILY EVENING TEIKGTtArn.Pnu.ADKLrinA, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1801. MONDAY. AUG CRT IS. 1864. Bmrr or the new yobk press. Leading KdltorlHln from the New York Papers This Morning. ADMIRAI, rARItAtJl T'M l(TOHIIfl I noilll.K nY. iVeea IA fml. 1 lie detail of tlie (t'orioua nowi from A'lmlrul FrrKut' fleet, v,lilcti we pulilieh tlili miirnlnit, fully sastain tlr iotiiliiaiir.i dni a from thete'e grapblc report at tu the importance of (be victory gained. It u early on the morning of the ,'itb instant that the fleet (.(it under w iv, and passed the forts t the entrance of Mobile b.iy. At first It win intended that operation) should coniinen.e on the 4th i lint the land forces trader Oencral 1 Granpi r were unprepared to co-operate ait tlnst the fortn, and all the demonstrations made on tbat day consisted In throwing some shells ut a Bebel craft lying aRainst Fort tiainea. It was found, as the attacking fleet neared Port Morgan, (en the riht at you enter the. hartmr), that, running, acro n the bay from that point to Fort (inlncs, whlcb la five miles dis'ant, there eras ronstrui teil a rnn'innnus tier of pile, f is tenel together by a netwoik of chains, lu: leae inrr an open channel a considerable disttnce from each port a)otit fifteen hundred yards la wi.lih. These openings were necessarily needed lor the use of blockade-runners. Outside of tne tlor of flits were the Hchel torpedoes, and Inside, oa the eve of the full, lay the Kebel ram Trnnrtier, Whltb was destined next day to surrender. V hen the start wis made on Friday morning; by the teventeen teasels of the fleet, tlio m mltors led the advance, and the wooden vessels followed In pairs. At point blank rmiee of Fort Mori; in the Teasels lowered tbt ir speed so a1" to cloio up tLe line of attack, end juntas the line was form .'d the concentrated fire of the forts and the Kebol Teasels opened npon onr fleet. The first nturn fire wag mtie by the 100 pounder l'arrotis placed on the bows of our advance rem Is. The tinghin, bearing; theirallRnt Admiral, steamed directly alite ut of Fort Morgea before the order iu niveti to open tire, when a t-uceission ot .dslclri were delivered from thi 9-inch guua of the Hartford. Kaeh hroidsidc told with tremmUous effect, and hy the viifinvis co-operation of the Im.i force und. r Oianier the Iter Ip were shortly driven from their guns. While the attack on Fort Morgin was in pro. greas, the monitors ei gi'gnd the Rebel Irou-rlatl ram Tennessee, and her f..te was shortly decided; not, however, until the Hartford with Adinirnl Faringut had steamed np aud given tne final broadside making good once again the truth of bin famoUH tribute at New OrJu.ina to " ber.ns and wooden ship " How much of the , work wai lone hy the moni:or before the old aea-dog hlm-elf wai in a position to tackle bis nerry we do not learn ; but an eye-witness tells ma that "Atmirsl Farrsgnt. anxious lo close tt.e enifag'ment In - a eommary o rtn-r. surifil instants the 7Vnne'se at mil spaed.-, at the a me hid raptain ti-oii,, in tne M'tmnj.t- ie,ainicli li e tmntuMt "nililslili.n. anil wliintrnMr la time to soe riHim tii u-tr Admiral to arapia hi antija lilsl, Puct'snan Whi-n :h imnkc eiearml away fr tm iha twovfstein, 4 white Has was seen In savof urn the rt tiew'M pilot-hen , in token nf luomission. n4, a-jiain Ji-rana, vtin vent tti a- a vninnieer on the o,jirte at a rprfsentatie or Admiral Karraiit, received th iwunt tif Admiral ItlKhanan. and that tivrihla e mill ftf dsstruc tioa v. aa fair, al lii'iiab aaincd at a great inti of lite " Almost elniu'taueonsly with tbe cap ure of the Tennrtsrr, 01. e ot our monitors, the Terumnrh, ran agait st a torpedo immediately out-lde of the tier of piles at a distance, it must be noticed, of at least tiftetn hundred yards from Fort Margin fact wblcb bringa into the toicgro ind two points of considerable epcculntive intcre-t. The first Is, what ptirpo e was to be secured oy run ring the 'lervmarh into the face of tbe piles, with - their outer euard of to pedoes, while there w is a channel nttet n hundred yards wmo tit run up I Fort Morgan, too, bad been silenced, aud tue highway of .he hjockude-runncrs on tbat side of tbe bay must bine la-en perfectly open. Another point to iniuiry is tne immense wii.c- pace which via- let- unnuarde.i at eah side of the bay. Of tbe. five miles of channel tietwenn Fort Morgan and Fort, fully one ml e and threc-nut.rtera apoearto havo been lett free from . obstruction of any sort, except luut it was wiihla tbe ranee of tbe forrs It la not t aay to conjecture on what the Rebels lfslly dcpeiieteri fir anvthing like an elfective le is ancc io oi.r It h impiwsiiile to believe tliat tbey placed any voi.v greut dependence on such rams aa the I'rxnriire, whh b siirrend 'red to our wooden tlair-sblp, or their less c Mirtgeoni irofi-f lai s, 'lie O'ni'nv mid Monjan, wliicb took speedy (I ght in a cove unapproacha'i e bv our larger veaeals, and which now lie there Com pletely blt.ckaded. Respecting 'he lKmiiardracnt of F.'rt I'owell, tlie fall ol which neeins to have taki n place bout tl e nigb of the 5th 'he Hehels tumnseWos having blown it up the particuhirs are n tg.vcn with gteat mitiiite ess; hut one of tb monitors, tbe t'hiikatun, Lieutenatit-Cominunder I', runs, has tbe credit of having st amed up agnlnst tbe fort ami pounilcd K titfurniialy fi r half au hour, . in spite of a tierce cni'ci.tia'i'.n upon uer of tbe lire of the R.bels, which caused consider thle lies. Al l il.i r tl.ol.ltor, ihe Mcfncomef, has thd credit of having sunk the Kebel gunboat .NYmi. We are aim nesiliiitt of the details of the sur readerof Fort Gaines, which, we take tt, must . bave been the woik of Ma'urdav, tbe Gh. The fact of tbe sur etult r i, however, undlsout. d, nd along with tba nniiounrement or tbat fact comes tbe assuiance that Admiral will Bow pusb right ou for Moiiile city. The g in briefly summed np includes the cap ture of Foils Moigau. Fuweil, and Oainea;the rapinre of one Keiiel r m, the ile-iru -tP.u of one .. lU'tiel guiiUuit, ibe Ii ckinu up of two mure iu a fcbkllow inlet caMcu Navy Cove, 'bn reinor il ,f tbe ar to tlie lin er l ay, and the leductioti ot the labor lux in at i. n tiertcct blockade (if tbe city Is not imoiediatt ly reduced). Tbe naiiotial loasea in nu n la computed in all at two mnii'ieo and toi ey, Including tbe ga littt Caption Craven, ot the VVrnniiA, who went Dravciy ui wn at tils post, rne loss in ves'eis Includes, beanies the 'IWnmuh, tho damage (aid to he coustilcia'ih ), to ilic Chickatuw a'. Kort J'owed, and the accidental ataving in of si pnrtl.m - of tbe liarttord'tMi'o by one of ourown no dors having run" foul of the) flagship. Ills an oar price to pay for so grand a victory. TIIK III'4i'iox. . Jsaaa lae fWAwaa. Tba Democratic National Convention meets at C'bl. ago 011 the 'Jrtb inst Hit, and It is already "oerlaiu that ilicie hI I not ouly tag a full attend ance of delegates, bu: a very I irgc gathering lie 's! dee of deeply In ervsted outsider'. Some of these would he more influential In controlling tba - rvewlt tlsan a majority ol the delegates ; tlinuglt e jwi r tbat Dean Itichiuobd, of B 'tfjlo, will " "betbcniasur-aplrltorrbe oecusioa, while Jimei -Guthrie, of Ken ueky, willdoubtleas exert a very .considerable power. Karb of these has bcin i-uggested for tlm Pre sident" uoi ol the CotiVt liilon, 'iut of the United dtatea; but Hh bin-'Bd utterly scones tne idea of Ais BOiiiicauoti. inslktiug thai while thc.o are stveiav poaie to which his abilities are adapted, . the Wliiie House is not am .ng them. This deci sion does 1 reap to the emiuci.t shrewdness of tbe chit fof tbe Allan Ife'c). Mr Outline would prol ably like I hit mum. ailon, .1111I would ui.ko a very fa:r 1'reeiilent, but nei la over aevuuty ye m old, and e think that fact will operate' to his prejudice. Tbe pnaent exigency demand a live men as Frr-aidcrd. Tbe list ot names from among which Ihe Ic cling caudidule ot tbe Couveution will be suiuowd appeurk to be as follows -Justice Samuel Noleon, of New York. General George 11, McCiellan, of Ohio ( !). Hon. Millard Fillmore, of New York. Hon. Franklin Fierce, of New Hampshire . . , Go. Horatio Kemnur, of New York. Jadge George W. Woodward, of l'eansylvanla. 1 bore is talk of Oeueral Hancock as well tie of Mr. Guilulc; tmt we canuut teara tliat anv fixed - 1 determiuHtloB exists ' to present tbe name of '" either. Utsneral McClellan's friends bops Ut ' awaken lu bis behalf a. pupulai furor that will' bear dowu tvlh npaeantioa-) bat wv dou'H their , atbtllty to succeed in Mil enterprise. We hear, though uot assuriBgly, that Governor Boymour t an bave the vote of our Utate delegation on the ' tint ballot, if be wlabes It, . - In tbisclty, if we are correctly iufortaed, Jndge jSclion is the first choice of the Opposition bank r, capilalisis, and merchant princes; while In rnany sections Mr. Fillmore aeein to have tbe anpoort of the wealthy class. The names of ex Fraaldent Fierce and Judge Woodward will prolatbly be withheld on the first ballot, tt be presenttd only in ease of a favorable conjuncture presenting ttaelf. General HcClellan's supporters appear sanguine of a plurality, if not majority, fa ibis ballot. ,l)ut the vital difference which tba Convention must develop concerns measures rather tnau men. A very large section of the delegate! are peace" men par txceUenct; holding, with tbe lUbels, tbat tha Union la but a league, tbe C011- aiitntion a trenty, the Federal Oovernment an agency of the several States, which they mav at I 'ensure recall or repudiate, and that the war for tbe l iilon is tl errtore all wrong and should be etot red ut once, r. gardiras of condtlons. TI.O'C lio so hold enn only In tbe last resort stiport Oinrral McClel'an, a Tmon war volun teer, v.,o not only "Invaded" Virginia, but rtct' ruled a Federal conscription, nud ordered tbe anest of the traitonus Maryland Legist nure. Howtvr thoroughly for 'peace" General Mc Clellnn may now proclaim hlmaelf, be has a vcrr tifly merit for a Copt' rueml of the Mtror Woo I and Frai.k Three variety ; and those are not on y t,umi r ti, hut very headstrong, and seem o i r pii iut lixrtase. I Ve re-pei ttu ly stiguest to the de'eeaies, In cae 'bur ditlerinre should prove formidable, tlim ibiy avoid a rupture by sn'mittiing tiieeas -n- tial rriKitir in dispute to a docct vote ot 'he , people. I.i t the ultra "peace" limn name their I cai.tliilF.trf ; let those who will consent to h ive I r.o o ,i r than a t nion I'ctee name th irs;let a lUnitH ra'ic electoral ticket be nominated lu cich Mate; and let each one vote it who will, vWtli the ' rami of ti e Picti of his choice for I'rcaidunt and I lee-rrc'.'rirtit, helin bis ll-t of ch-etora: I Tl,n lur ail the Democra ie electors vole as a rr.B.ioiity i-f thee who voted the Dem-iernuc e'e! loial tickets llirotighonf the Union shall huvo i dltertetl. It. then, n majority i tbe Vim d allanillh" of the Democrats arc for ranOiilHtes In tbat inti rest will be rhosn , and so in tl.o othei cafe. 1 ho people will settle all dis putes; hbU they will not he driven to vote not only for men bi t for measures thev disapprove in ordir to defeat otters that tli'cy more ia tn ely di lest. Wc commend th's plan also to our own ptrtr. N:'ty have declared thrmselvet dtaaatlstied with Mr. I.itno n, and inclined to select a lien eai:ditint ; to wljch end a Convention Las hem suggested, to meet at lli.ffalo, on the V2d of Si p'rmlsrr. fiui to run twoc'ectoral tlcke-s is t'i tiiaie icttiiin ilefi at, and this mitiicr party eau eflurri. lt those Vnionls's who dialikn Mr. Lincoln bold ihtir Couvention ; let them nnmo thir ctrri ('ntcs; but let there he but ono clee toml ticket on our side; and l-t the peop e seve rally vole their choice for l'residcnt ; and let the cboire of a mnl'Tity he respectod by all Hie electors i hosi n by the Union par'v. Thus mav diflei us to men. without a a'terlnr our vite. end throaitig awnv the election ; and thus ea-h ,.. ...... . ..,.! .. . 1, l.n . V. , uj oiuituu .VJ .lie ii:,'pic wnt.-. uii-j nave itvtr njoed the hign privilege of fre'ir boosing n I"rcldent und Vice ('resident of the United bt..lcs. A Il mnrkatble Ntrok of I.lxhtatns;. TIIK VlllOI.K K13HTBhHTII MlaSOVHI KFOIMKNT SU NNKU AMI HI ISJIlM) TWO MKN KILLHll AMI HOHTHM 8BVKRBLT UVbNKU. Frtm the Chattttnuotfa (Mtettc, A meet ruumrknble stroke of lightning oc cnired in t o Camp Fuller D igide.ncar Kossvil c, Oa., July 11, 1H6I, killing and wounding t ut fifteen soldiers, and killing and shocking severely tevual teams, a description of which may be In terest!! g to your ruaderj. Mr. I'ollock. Itegimt ntal M'agontnaster, a sclen tll i gtnili ninb, who obiu-rvcd the beginning of tl.e siorm closely, relates that about o o'o ock I'. M , the btavy clouds g.-therlui( In the west titvii ed, and one part pa-sing southwurd and the oilier puksiug northwnrd, both emiiting lightning ami n In, ami bbiiiiy coaotig f tgether aicntn rgnt oer tlie Klih Arm) Corps, camped on the mil on the. h nth iuu ot me Cu. tiauoucbce, at Ruas fiille brit'go. At the moment of tne uul'jit ol (aa to clouds, the moat vivid and incesa int 11 tsiies of g were etnlltea, fid owed b; tuiindir peels di in i st eiualiug ourown c tiiuo'i, with deaf in tip, a artling, alitiosi appa ling ellcc. The iltscliaige ti at did the principal damti-'oln Ihc lK'h Miswjini lnfautrt , an onserver rulntea, descended from tin cloud at a verv low aititud and shot i. cross tne r nd, a lurid, h trlz. n i volume of llann', about the ttii'lnci of a mtii's booy. It struck a tu l oak alamt ninety Oct bigb auu ihirtt ineliea ihitik, on a high point of giouml, mid descended, splitting it fnnn tue Inert, but throwing im spnuteia. At tne hasu of the tne, win re a l.irge number of M.luitrs bun Mvouacken, tue fluid seemed to leave tbe tne mid is rn its aud dart out tn tverj din etion iu a grea. number of I , rid i jits, similar to tboae of a large unu-of pic inn ai a white heat under ibe triehitmuivr, except, j listci.d of flying in sparks, th-y wire ii conti- . Dnotis i ticnnia. All hi was only tbe work of an I ins i.n.. Neuily me who!e reuitucnt was stunned J anil blinded. Many lay shock, d 10 insonsioility. A wlmlt six-mule teHiu.nt the dietancu of twenty ' ymds. were thrown doan. Just at this juncture tne oierburge t tlie cloud seemed to strike in tepid mcccssii n ut rth r pliiios in the brigade, I lmve sin i c li ami d, kiliii.g and wouudii.g meu nun annua s. Now fur a desrr ption of fnnkn. Tho-e little jttb ruLrni'K In tu tbe Hunk ot tne column of the tlictnc Kuid, M.mitlimg I'hc tlie rouisuudnne rootiitaota Inrge tree, penetrating everything tiny rami' in m-.i t with, n.orc penctr mug to.ta a bullet ; und some of tlicm were no larger that aknitili.g n.ctllc. In ti e.r punctures Hiev nit.lo no Ii del ta ion Ilk a bull' ., but biirgt 'blr wny. liveij tl.tng il.ey touched blatike.s, clothing, ball, skin,, &'.. h td rhe app arauce of vitnol k rinhicil t.ver tbem. The apu. a an e -if tl.e vlcinry gt m rally as ihiit of 4 la ge q mil i-y ot vitriol haung burst aud epnukled 111 i.uc jets arountl I cxiiiniiicd ore solill r's k napseck and con tents. One little jet, about the ei.c of able. cLol, ln.d t n'cieil it, pe.ic twemy-sis; tolds ot Us lilai k. t, p. ne'ra't d thiough his portto;i.i, tl:i ugh letiere, rnve.uprs, quins of p per, dw gin rno; pc.-, and tho mas- casp of bis portinliii. fsivt rul ti en were liurnco, and he apiie ir ini-e nf tin akin Is I ke that i f Jii.g -r bav ng ma liom ti t bihd to the be I.-, sinking hair, and I un.irg the skin to a biiatcr, and iu some in fctai t-e dti p Iu'o the tlesh. Kigbt tuna stun. ling by tbe tree wer dia cbaigcd will out injur. .0 the guns. Cor. oral John lajlor, C'. u.p .i y I, ami Pnsnte Jnb'i ticn Sel, tou.pal.) 1, wt ic k'l.ld. K i x 1 . un iu ers of ti e san.e con pony wife n ve, ely nur icl. Tnostt Dtarthi tree neeived cmr. uia of fluid, whicli tan along Ihtir Louies. Tli.-v at a d. I 11 ,0 o.tru the ap (Manet 1.11 ticlr skins ul' liovin Kd n Hie tpattus mid con ua a'loua of m ten iron liom a irip-btiti'liicr. I hrec tiii n of thi 2d United S ales I atierv wert killed. A wbl tour nine team, with dilier iinii 11. 1 r.i man, on tnu op'e side f tl.e rivi r, wm ki led. t xcmii ii ai the topor phy of the roumrt, I ! am 1 1 tt e, O) itiion tb 1 the vat uumb-r o nron. Biurets ai.u ! ! cann .n. il.ew .hose two elonds toi-itlier net ihat ap t a- it was no biulier man nnii) othei b'l 111 'lo i' tMi r-e in ttie vuoii'y. The c!oi ds pas t-.l i.. in tlnlr w led.-to ne f r n.lli r, I ut Hid not unite u r ni-ch rg.- nut ir rivirg ovir tbe Ulfi Corps, which ts ci.n,icd llost tcgetl.t r. Vour-, Vh hi sr-tsw.i, Cup uiii Htb Mis om! ln-aut y. I'kOVOhT Milieu si. Dtt.piKli Aj, HkLI). It w ill fx rt ui. ii, .. n il tint: mi t: Lite auppl -ins' iiiatt, In lo iu 'bt I'our District, C .p.alu Mil.-., I'iosi at Matsuulol ifie Fini. Di i.ui, W4-1I, ,ti,. I'n in ti e tnwu hip ol It 'i 1 tied an I 'lot tii l'ouni ol . ro.ii 11, .fc tie 1 t'a be ws : ,n 0 to bv held, l oiai'li. hii .i. lit. olllee. Toe unit' -r was al.i. am 11 ill. it in C ,.nu I llnoh .rsati, r I .g Asaitlain Fr vo-i Marsh .(i. 11. ra , tor bit . pm. loti, which tins lironuht out the Hi c.-i m iu t!'. Mills muat Ik- l-e'd, a id that theriiluu ot C ptsin Ufown wa corro. t 1' ov.M.t Me ah its n. tiring e n mere: in be uilittrv acrvici oi Ihe t' S itu . .Via a. ('i ,ifir, .-li,,iif II, Iiik Milium or .lottsi Viat,iv. - V h. ti J. hll . s,t y il.-.l, fa- Sal. I, "llw-U'd hem te ua. lu: 1 mariy " II 111 1. . .-. , i 1 wl o, IlitouB Lei je,i ou., led niin a lite ul' wicn In duct, au.l nils. r At hiai Ma spirit w is up, nt.d be wn.te U li r: "'Khos ma, au.l kn iw )oi rati'. Su pi; t me no innr ; pio iki: me no im re; do not any longer urn end for inn .rv, tor 1 om r, mi net , or pruise; be content fo hi f rlvate, insignill 111. 1 person, knojvn and lovsd ii God and me." It iu not likely that a w. mnu aonld be pleasrd at fiu ng iccoin-neniled to be un insignificant pti.avn. Af:er twenty years of disquietude she ore day lett bim. He bore it plnl'jsopl.lcally. He wont eveu bevond it. He took his diary and put tbe most pithy entry into it I ever met with in a iliary "Sun om reliui, nndmtti, va rev 10," wrnuh may be truoela ed thus : ' I did not b ave her; I did sot St nd her away ; I shan't seud for bur hick I" And so-tndod the married life of John Wesley. SPECIAL NOTICES arsar- XHANSrOKTATION OFFICE PUILA "V stelplua, VtlluiingUio, aud ItaUliaor Kallroaa Couipasjr. , pHILAPaLVItla, Autenst 10, laat, o Irtaccorlauce with an Aolol Congraaa appr.ivail June 80, ta.t,li a-oui aeeaspary that all racelptatfivaiiby this ('ouiiaay for uunhandlia rccm-a ar uaoa portatlon ahotiai hvaj an IMTt IINAL HKVKNDK HT A si V ul Mm valua of '1WO f tSiTrt, tha aassina of the aaia td be b,Mi a bf the party racelvlag such racclpt. All r.celpla lak.u by tklt Coaipaiiv Hit maeehaildlse ""s iw waaigussva win oa ataBtpaii ay sana cuupau j. Iahi te k. mi-:. aull-Ut Maatar ofTrausportation. t lWLADKLFm.1 AND BKADIN3 w' JUUttuI Comptuiy. OT1rit.-iil )uUsuBrsj) (kfthw pnvUiSU irf taW Now nwol B(iiu Law, brm iltfitl. f ntcnuf ur ureitwrtv i'wTZiJZ xV,BI r"iwi4.ikn,wiir riHl tUl Zll CKT Hercnu Btawny ihll b (utntth U Um om ll Htswlpi. ukmm by tfcl Copnf for vroirty lor t 'Jui4cijJi 11,4 jiUii Msailn-iicom- PmLAiia,u(AuguM8.M K,ln. A CAllD-T TUB HtBUO.-MT ATTrW. srta tloa ha laKn callad trt an arllcla in Uia ' S mdar lusoatrh," vlilrli dues ine. and tha rcuimint 1 havti tna ln.nnr tu tmn'mantl, a srrrt tnjiistlre. and which I shall fndraiof to nivrr to the satitacun of tha rltlvsator I'hliadriphla. w tta emanttaiJi a retrlmstt 'or one htimlrrit data, 1 railed n.uiu tlia Flonntr I'ommttsloasrt, and asksil i the ellr boantr of woald ti pal.1 to aar taia ersditlna tl:emslvas to thocllrot I'hliaijoliibla t aa ttitormrd that Ittooiiid. I aoi-nrM two roatnants from the eountrv anon Uils asauranca, and warn tiiT riportnl to n.a.andara errdltid to rhlla'lsl.thla tha iHiitmr waa retU'ed, hich plarpd invselr and tUo Cum nJsfonera In a very awkwnrd tsiaitloo. t'leler the tiovemor's eau for ten nsw raiitmsnts for one year's service, as I had one ''niti,.sn Irom Terry ci-untv and one from lhanon. I deter'nltied to or .-anlTc a reklieent. I called noonUia aiitnorltles, aa It was inv earnest w Ish to hava tliosa men . rtstlti-d to the iUn nf rhllni'olplifa, and wa liitunnad th4l the anility wo lid tta S Hat. The I'ommlsaionars of l.abanna county wsrs l.ere at tha tlmti, and were ofTcrlnit the ro.n uny ST"e local hcmitv, and Iha comoanv cnncl ided that they would credit UiKnvclTC to I hiU.lriohia or thesaina bounty. 1 lila amount of bouut, the toin'nlsAoi-,ri crui'i net rav, ao Uio credit of two LunJred mau was lot te l'liliad lelila. Itius tiiaiiars stood at the time of mr coniinsnelna- Ilia ori.aiil. at on ot a ti'ilm Bt ot ono year's m.-n wh eh, out ot e- ti;i!tnient to tha cltlren.i ot I tillsileihla, was narr ed the 1'hliadelphia tluard, or fins h'in'ir-u an I li my-ltlntu ltcalinettt 1'ennsvlvsnla Vo.utiti-'.rs Men v ho erc tlnslroua 01 entlstlua la Ilia Interior i-ojn:lii of ttia Htate oald credit tlivmsnlves I'hila lelnlna for tlie aauie amount of bounty a Uielr i-oanlle were si In. I til.aileiphta d-ciljcd to comply, an l i,-ava no sailti'ao tlon that tjie tiounty would be Viereaed. Iha l.overnment would not masnr n'.iy men l-it,t tha rmtcd NtAtaa servli c un'eR tn orcnnlied r" n-'antes of ei, hty nen, and mi n couht not he held ov In-I ioeinents or promises nntll e'ahty tv -a woes ns-rulted. Nor wu-jld any bounties whatever tie paid untti the men w.ts a i ictisiered. Hcsponsihia paroea then i lti r.-d ! par all tin n of mi rskimetit $XW aa local bnuntr a so.n as they wore recruited, and to pay ail cxninse luet lent n t tlie orsam?.iti( of a re. Iincnt, which per -ona ol ex -ieri-ence know to ba no llitbt atlalr I hsie not a'lo-d or received ona cent from fhlladelpb la toward oran Irlna tba above feKlaient, ami my onlr tb)-vt I'l a ceiuiua the auova toritis was tor tua baaedts winch wou'd accrue ti the men of rav rant nieuti and knowlna, as every man kaowa. ol the ur flillt Ucmai:d lor Itien Iroin the Oovern uant. and leclmr tbat Sti.ta pride wtilrh every native of a ire t 4 onimotiwealih Itka I'enot.lva -ia s.i,.u d tea', wareUie only Imluceuienta ski, b Inaui-o. ed me to ac cei't the oCcra made, and to rm.-r inio t la ai-voa,r'i mei,t. which am In honot honnd to ohterve. I C 'ti'ller that ao lona as tha Htate ol 1' eno. I aii.a s-et t is .-redlt ul tbt men, no one ha. a llshl to oh)eet and Q i ona will, but part. as Interested In the oraaulation reaicisnta, and petsons who with o aeo the city quo a filled, ao that they may fwcane the draft, without any i at:inso or any pera nal arTorti on ti.vtr p.irt Men who enlist cure Itttle whether Uie'r uii.ialrhitic fel low citizens who do out enllit escana the drutt or not, will ci n.tult Utalf own Inter 't. and If the thoiMid. of pe-sotia who follow Idie aud usel,t pjrsuhs were to enlist Uiera Wouli he no air or necesmy for adra't. Tha esi ue lias been heretofore that the hmitlles of p r soiis t nlisllnit would ba nnprovidc.l for. snicli pleas are useless now as the total pay . &e.. Ii mote than anlm iant ta support any lainliy and ttia excu.a inr not enlltttna now will bo nothing but a lack ot pa ri ittsm anil courage, t will brlna more men to I hilailelplila than I will taaa from It, aa I nipe-t to toarait the moat of tu men from tha Interior counties, as I hate advertised extensively In country pipers, aud bae ncruiUna as'enls In various pana of too Htata. I consider that 1 nave done nothing d.ehonoranle, and but w hat Is tatr and Jn-t ; nn 1 that tha attack on tuv ra sh. .ent la an liijnsncs, which, tro.u res.Kvt tor my men nad tha honin ot tha serslca, I leal twjnJ to answer. And If 1 am to be auhiect to audi attac s my e.rrfnment will be an tni-raeof bounty to liauce envious tonaues. and all tbat 1 ask is a air t-han-M. Lehi.h couuty luriitsbes twocompanlca lor my real mem; l'erry county, oua comi'auvi l.ei.anon. ouo , om pany, and miuads irom vai lout paria ot tha state. 1 was, ac.d am uea rous of alvliif the city in v a d ,n tilling tier t,uota, ai d, aa commanding officer of the regiment, foal hound to look alter the I- teres! ot my men This I have dine and will do. Had Philadelphia or'erod the same bounty at tbe time, my men tvouhl ha . e all hec.ii credited to tin city. Nelihcr hava I objected to men rri-dliiitg tl.cmselvca rbila.leliiia. aa toy rolls will ahow. Anil In vencliisloa I would say tbat all 1 ask u euual rights and prtviieuoa. I l ave tho honor to sU,n myself the eiiblle's very humble servant. A. A. I.Kt'llliKR. Colonel Cota'dg 190th P. v., l'ldla la. liuard. r OFFirB OF THE Villi, DHl. HU ;AH Wlthk, Al i.r-.t l?, 'H.H. At mi-e.liiK ..f tin 1'onru i! Truitn ui rina.lf ltn (in- Wtirtv-., O -I'l oi- t' ? ('tti 11 itaiil, (lie kboi.fc ii- 4iust s.nJ rewtuuua TP Mtei le-U W trt tv.t, lr-f feTfr-ett Kit rf lu ihfl o livin ra,.t j un :tit eikt'ivf duty on tt. I r u iith.tcc t it -'Hues, li r 1 l j ; Hi'tt whrtf Hi ctsM i c4- ami m' it!iTn.ii.lsic nuitni' ti Ii t r ointiiif i i .r t vt iHtitvr hiivHiittHi t 11 plr thttt i:..miM'i- tn i lui wi. iti irJor iu v iit vi 1 l.e I up- rtmnt trciit ntniu tlrtl i i tin r cirKt l'u tn ni.Jt.u Iut., mttl tu u nkc the h-iIimhI n'l.l t tn t I hti.Kiri. f mi'l rtiiirt-(l y iw, tu- a l a,a tltt- prue of 1il cent. i r thtti nrtim rtjliic l . 1 1, 1 ttiat t tire Hrn ttint t f Incrfiied p lee will I ri v n lutrttri u niHiiy conmtni himI tin-y it ,nl rn H"i li e 1 fx. Hhllj Untt 'H"trnlns U; b..t wlifn th cn Hiiif r it ttt rtii Hint i.-ml cwrv riiclt iurt-hiiiti' h tis 111 c tt iii-m '( to iu n r t-t ni , imi wo t"-r-t an :id v.itiit u hut vt ritl. i n iti iuhIh a. i Ij ui-m wnlch v r I) t r it'Vt-niit , it ne itv n.ii-t tii 'ni, lu !Ml kIii n (I.p ('m(M im f Ke ni .r n kn .n In hn In h lu ut- !' Hit TiUt. omvri t -t inJ Inv t'ur s.l-tit, C"in hc niiit il u to p irrli-.e c tU il ! tiMta lit nifil rat P'lc h '. t It ihT3ion ki-M-lwil llifittut ('lit? ns' i ft-r ba iJl'tTieri (ulIvp m I I f 1 . tl at 011 an1' t'i'ttr h- urm iXy ot 'pd oi'ier in t tl f 1 rce i-f kii to p Ivn t n tnt-rb ahull Im tirco ivi aif if r il oi BfliiO c l'lt f't,lr- a i1icotiiii of jier cmi'. ttr iirou i t tarntut, nmi't t h ' I'niitfil htNle-in. I IU A. VP- HTKHAltr. an ( Jit Ctiu-r Kuahitft-r rosr- THE tkkasukkh of S- to lelli ve 11 e til lre.,eil pio;..ei las recelsaii tho tolloo I. g anioun.s aiece Aosl'si ll'i Aiii'.ui.' vt-vh-iisl reported 1'iae. eS.Zell A llltchloali Ilsr y A lf'bi.haii Jauirs II C I'll' Ktitlilii k V 111 Jo-w lai.d 3 Co .1. Nel .t-n on ali rtt r A Aole.o W. halslo. Jaito. Il' airi. vr Jo e'l. I'a'ttisot fei I r ael it C ..a- lollows : I'n A f 1 K. W (.'.ark Co V o. a. Mit otich A t:o I. 1 au I I a l-e llaiei- 111 s Sua h i. fan olih,... 11 s ei' ho d . on I ad l .il A. Ilbtl t r 8 N. ba-i A H"l I a n o. A flu y . 1 a 11 r ou... V. uiImiii il t r 1'. I' l.evi I I' nstait! .1. .Mi faille o I J .leb1rr IS. I'ai .' a II st'I't I l Ulle't'-U tl It- i.eii r.oi., Jr Sliss Lwlieii J.,ps i.rshaui, I a a 1 liand C. A C- I a-to raueot , , .1 I. Il.twi BSa 11 llruaii..,. A.l' I A t .A 1 II T U.oy l. J Woodward i.A 1.0. .0 J J. . ptneti -1 l.U hams ' i-tsri fa fVsh l'..l ! a f. Mrs I. e tlwmt.i 1 ilht II Ho v. s rV'iicr ton. N J I . II. sit- el. s. IT'll. eloli, .. J Ml- I ' et O. l.s'cl.uiu... I l. .1 .li t. e. 1. .lol.ii I aaii t aar..pi-i J.-st-, 1, I. ti.fs.H I'el t an f.l: i Jalues It Kelo a llifpa i I. I. I si.,1. II Is: 1IM Ilei it l.p.1 I. I I. 1 . 1.w 1. h. I.. I ti l.ti H M I I! II ! a.s i .l It II. I t '. W . I t . D w ll'ti lit-r W .,,!f Isll es la fell.. . II It. I' I lull. I . S Si,,, is. 1' .ill U s 11 10.. ' it I' I IIE FUND f Cliamliersouiif l.U lat n port i 7,7an !' loo no ;i io 110 IS) VI (SI l.s. (SI hi un 1ki f , it ts) fo wO r.or oi V'S is) , 1.U IS) l si o l v .si I SI ISI I O ISI 5. IU 6 0 i'l IS) l'SI It) HI. 0) .'SI 01 (llkl '.''. Ill Imw mi 10 w o-i Ii-ll)) Ion isi h 00 ID ) et) -JU IS) -.a. ut) l'SI no Inn is) low Ii no S' on till h 00 ,i mi isl 1 is) in in la) i'i () UlSI 00 t'i uo 2 - is) S a) t uo 6 .0 lo oi no ji in . IS) lo st I"il a iv .' io V-i isi l)i. In ' 4.1 OJ .t Ul I'l OU In un Iniu I I KI Ill i0 .'ilsl 1 .si til III lo on . .. .... J ISI I-, m W) IS) lsi 'tt 411 JM Ut II) ll,.7 UO It IresMl'er, i, at H'h.rf. aull it la I li A . ll if .t i i.r- a . - V .... . :.i i . A s..i... .1 Ma It A . A t, r en la.f... . , . .. t In Cs , W f.n li Ii ia 1 lMl il A sin i I'l.n .til . l. ill... At gli-t i jgf liF.AI-Nr.KS, NCI.-.I'.r.i I.N I 111', HEAD, IHlll'AT illelf ilSKS, o, AKltll. Hose wis, sutler liom tl.eic masae- have now tha vi r hr.l i-i isniuii ti lor Hi ft us ti lu , i't.a "Peara u eoi,itri.cieu ti lir 0 iiiM,tl,lsikl' 's 'it..l ii'iuijly Ihe penwi'lly et eelive iiyeiit e..-r u.-ea lur ruaol.lag ll.e .cat i f ihao'S'sstt to wo) :h II i .llr t o it, uid eraul tatleg a with womlarful raplcllv. To appllcalMtU Is Lalultia. UI1k, tto ll7 Wslsl'T Slroet. 'IKsirlVIONIALa. To tne Istaf. I r V ia Mosohal.ksr, Aurlat. Ko. 10?T aaiut strsai. operated mo, i succeaiau oa my ears, reaioru a ate to psffect haarln . I ufftreU iui what the shjalclaua caiiail a thk-krult.g uf tha drum of ll.a asr. W ILLIAM CIUNK. Ilullua-, Nealdanea, (to. aaU a. Mavouil sUoet. Philaaalpkla, August v, le-H raiLAOSLrKia.vlih Jui.e.lsM. This Is to carliry, that 'fav four ytrara 1 was, irouaiad with an otraiislva d.s-'bargo. aroasupauled wllh ilaarueas. . 1 bas baea Iraataa by utt nsaruna physlelaas ssuhaaut ei-4.-tvltig any swneSi. aorua saoatha aao I appiuS to lir. Von Atoatitulsaar, wbs aaa aaewaipllabad a perfect aura. - JOBKPH BHIUCMAKKR, Of tha drm of Shoauiakar A Tlsilal, Merchants; No Ml M, Uroaa suaat. frlvata rasiasoos, Ka, mOfws straal. EVE.-Dr. VON MOACUZlsnr.B aaa ba consulted oa allaaladlrs ol Ilia Cva. Tka MUUUICAb spratloa Ul rrslura atiiUT skilfully perforaaad. Ailloa, o. lOtT WALNUT raat, Whera buaaredt of similar Inilaoaials as sti) eaa be siaaalnae. auS-tf f-2" SKAFNXSR AND BUNDNXSn. i. sVK' Isssas, at P.. rraesaauto Ua My aa4 Itas, sraaas all elsaassi appactaialag to tuaakova-Baja4asaabaro wua Iha aliooat aasxaas. 1 astamoalals troia tM saost i auat la soarwas la ilia aity aaa eouuto-y aaa ba atsaa at his OrSoa, a. SU fiat! SUSML Artificial Kyas Issarwd vwtao u paia. Jio aaargaa saa4a sot aaautinatloa. Orrioa aocaw from I to 11 A.M.. t kvl f. M. Jta. oU TlXM Sttaa. 11 Mm pAPBH llA.FtJirsfUH. Illi&K sVAfj. a) A MICH I'llVPT, (IjiTB ov HOWKI.l. A BIIOTlILItlt', lias Removed from No. CH to No. 628 CUI'.SNUT Street, Raving pnecbaied tha sto-k ot JAMKX IttiltkK, .tr. (fennfrh Reiroia a), where he w'.H offer to Ms customers aiid lbs public a large and clciunt asaoitmant of DtCoratioBg and Wall Papers QenerftUy. Ity gtvina Ms personal art nthai to the selling and hang, tog Usroor, ba h'ipat to CMiUnuu to receive tba Uberal pairohape of the pnbile. t Ittzens sed tlattors arc rcspectfiuty Invited to examine tlie vanoty eti haiul. ly.H tia Y 0 U RPATB0K AGE 80LIJITED, McCALliA'H HAT. OA1", IIATHIM1 ItUllllH, GENTS' ItJBNIS 8 ING GOODS. F1UST (TOHE A 110 Vat ATLANTIC nOTKI,, C APR ISLAND. CAl'K MAY, anl-tf hKWJKBSKr. V M MO 11 I H Kill Wa refund tha money, If deetred, for svsry lot of Bhlns whKh fall It any respect. FINK H11IRTH. OFT LKMITHWtHK OK Ml'dl.IH. aisde t; M-.i York Mills Mailln, anS vary area Linen Uoaoms. Only tt 7 1 Usual price ll-()(l. WllUaiuavtll Mills Mislln. anM flns l.tnaa Boaoois, Ocly t'&0. I aual price t.Vftti. OENTLI.MLN-8 FUUNISHINO GOODS. MIITII a JACOIW, mr-t.m Ho. IU10 OHKHNUT Htrsat. 10 IIIKSINI'T HTKEHT. Te attentl .a of L-M)tr.!t VTttiTUta TIIK ril Y . or thosv about t.e.aVlNtl It for''Waor intt I'lacaa," or "Uic IViuairy.' It reaptv-tt'ully Uivl ed to toe eiteiiBlv.. el.s-k of WIIITB OIMM'IS anllabla lor SI'IMKK WtH,for wuitk noinm, atstiiNiMi tvitArraiKa, Ac. Ao attanaivn asaorttnant fa offeretl In Laos anil Workeil Kuanurs and Insertliufa. Vails, Uenckarchtets, llollara, "loaves, aud lahlala ana fancy riant, Hiripail, and r'laurml wlilta M"oa A T feltlKH alll'll II I'. LOW TUK1S I'KKaKNT .lIL VALUE. tri' rrtsted Linen llamhrlc Orossoa. hsi ptcoea l uilad. 1 uckad, and atttpod atus Uns. 12. M. JNi:iilL.l. 10 fJIlEHlltiT ftTREFT. i.titj HOOF ISKIUTS. IJOO I aii J ataoufacuTy. Ko. lUa AUt ll Htrset, UO Above Hlslh treat, I'ullatlaliioia. vThoiMaas ani kotaiL Tho asost comiylete asaortiuetit ot Ladles, Mlssaa', and t'hlMean'f llooi' akins 10 tl.e clly. In ovary rosoact Brsv aiasa which n.r aiv'e, nish, durauitlty, and tuoapnsss. have no fstoai In tlie mufaol. ivklrta mada to order, alurad, and rapalrad. nst i w'm.t. uorRixa. RrKlri. MATTINGS. OILCLOTHS AND V vvunlow Htiailea, feoiu New York Auction sales, 'slUrt.lly wet.) Masniftcent llrnasels, wttta, l tMOTS.Il'Ofl anil ft'7i; Imitation lira. mis. tpalnted,) 7, wute, 71-. se ooreutAio-4, 0 t and U l at pcopor tk nale prh-es; lnierial Car.t-ts l ir: fo ft-7& o-r yardi Ihnraln. Irotti Wi centa to Sl't'iS: Vt-notlan, Kaa. and Hemp, from t7.V ta 76 cents per yard; Aiaitl'iaa, tha largest asst. rto.(nt ever ottered In rhfladi lptila. fnua X! to 7ft tents a yaid at tl.e New Ycrk AocUoo Ha ea lla pol. (tore.erly H'ltlU'-w'a.); H HKlXlNl) Sutiat, hrst d.sir above WaJuut,op(salta i'ora Lacaauga. lym orpTYs tea warehouse. ksta- v. bushed to IMC import. - au.t Ih-ahir ra F Hie "Vsiaa. Wlnaa, and fJo.oors, Choice Havana Ctitars, Cross A liiackwell's Picklas and Rascas English and Hcoteb Ale and Portet, Uaniiad Mcala, FruJts, Soup, As. Kavy Messes pat op with esre At Ho. 11H n HKOONO H'.roet. laVHly JOSUltA H. OOUHfT rll.rAtE OIIF.KN tsKMINARY. MIU V tarv lloarclna HalKiol-ltati'lis Hepttiaibar 1. Iiwuis vary nitlt-reta 1 horougii con so In MatluMiialies . Laa goeaes, t t'RllsS. Mudh-s, Ac Vuptls have benellls of a hoae. erac'ical leasoas In Stti-vnylt.gnnd ttvl Hiigtaaar- Uig. Iloya u au asea tat'iti Add'wa-for vats'itana. sMIsji'ii AUii'W i"l V' " ' ' t lljj KKV. J. MKKVfcV HAHIOtt, )1R-Ia UUnl' Orevo. IrtiUwan Ov.. fa. EN OF BEAUTY. -WHITE VIRGIN Vv Haxof an! V Im la it numt pnrrei't praparntion nt V ff, fur tH-autif)'tnaT whltotiliiir. and pra-arving tha C'-o j' i Ion. It la aai.p rr.Mii .i,ia ' t hiu- H at, htic lu ftjatiHorCtiian iinautU-. lor pn In Uia iitti, uiaklrR It itt, ttus-oit, ttiti, and traii)iant. It curaa ctiapp tinrtlr) or 1'pR, rttnovia plmp'"i c. Pre IN) and to oaii Mniiulaciurtd iii h Hl N f A CO , arfumfii( MO 41 B.LKiljTli HI., 2 tj.Hel-rl leOV8 t?tla.IUa a04 jyliv-lu u.l;.. 0. hKVKN'ia 8tre3t. yANCE HT10WAHT HOOK OIL CO MPAN V. Incorporated June 29, 1004. Capltul, JOO,000, 60.UO FHAJtLS V A eiaUttiSraiJt. HaMxiiptlirfi $3 eachvatf to original tabr1bari far C-.Uxnarai pavablf $1 rah down ua uorlbtnf .and twootiitr luita.nubU ol $1 aascb, jtaal)lt on Um tith Jal) ano -Alb Auguii, lik4, ri,c.ivil). TEN THOViSANIi SHAKES ttonaiTrd for BttiOl of tlif Compaay. Tbft iaa purctaed by uic .iho Atuwa.'t Utvk OU i vft i siii.' ii'iauA om- liiu.i rt-u saiio lii'ro-ooa stcitM. ia ia toifeui il.i vu r glut., o'- iAuaud ttun tiiia Uict aLu tsaj. lf tit Ui AltlMb' ri'sf, Ul C'taoOnrr IiIh,., enr ltd 1 1 a tl l.wKW'iat'ir . lg'atC up.,u iwil t.iiitri'1 ib Uii Two .Mil it i u)iuuiii ciu.j Vatf. Hi'itr h li a u t of nii.triKji. raisl.lin :ii Venai.. vkni . i ba.. is at in. lir ttit'iii U:r Tttrruor U y aicmr at- sbui'diii at-d e rinani -si litwsjs. ical. latii itdan y ut OH tftr utsbH-rou t-n. Utid r .!. batin fn da Hi t a il t n anil gr-a;at riilarttf titan tt ti a "i t tHI Cmk'Il. It i I'liH'-H ti t a ul O.. ov trtubortitiMb affra-nJ-Mii.ofa tii Ai(t-i,ht-ii) rlt,i. iJi niri.r in-t-ur Iiwium aAbvusiisii, Ik; ta ii:o -tra (jiiat-on, ot volca-tit dtwruf, tavDfi lovfc I li a foiuuvv;iiisftii,. diri'Joo ifitrl ti) ll flm Ol Oil WoiO.. w4 QtfAMTtllt BUrt0t Mlt uj mi H'it, (tii Ci t . vctt ami in rA,uiru U tn b-ini rt i.r ui i-r"rti. 1 eriioiii ti.a n iw -im, buvvsf Uiasre iauid iut . t ithi ntU4t ivariiutnudi, ami a aiiioi. k"1' iivi) 'tv'' "( . ni.ntn4 'inly jt nl ! tM. IllfovriHits r-'-if nU ihf mtw, III I'l' 'la IllflMaif ViflUl O r Nlid C IHIHtltad tn- duriot, Uir p' ttit 'i.i.. )nr aa unwarar'tu : vrtj dii d if o'l A t ai at 'I a iup d ii" -,r;, ib- u.t iha. tra liiwr 1vu Mti liu.i O l i'r- a aia or. tht musi dinajiatrkaUv .irgntu linf . nd - ij tliwasein on t con itu tt at ut of the tit-it' irai vt-i-f tt tc .? it 4 if.t rangv oi h.t. m-Ui aa oinrr ai oi it. i miwm in lu pri It-frl.) ib an ik di thill, it i lit, tifitiCnra n'at he- at trs. rdl' ary it &v l.snun 1 1 t 'u t' rar a ajibMDt J.-I.II i.i Hrbt uitaU bo-i,;". t o Unr n-i tr ih CoTr.itwi) $ Wdilf iu n 1 t.i ' bi.v uf Off lTvta Ui tUftf uijilt tyf Imit-lrrOc of b iif ut oil -l-ulv aud Oil fjrutiil Mua'd I' bo ll C t '"Mttj fuuU h ti.r hait-hi'ir oi imi atp' i On ibis particular Irnol ui t-tu 'una tn V.-t-a lt lea- fttr t''Dtv carn. a '' 0'v '" flr iM'tos ot aOvt (Ml. aiiikb it rt; tb I fr-ra i rnui fuieJ ial' h wtiil.i iit to tnii'a lariti- n-. : ' ut urr citit. .if ih Olt st Uii wslli- im'iitii re- vi J a a ruatty u I loiu r owi a of tin taud, oiiti 11 ,. viwt iO'ic fw th uviii nt f thn oint'ao 'lli -an' bv 'wo ut.iHf Woll txtrta a tV MimimJ ivt dA'fH h,t n.t' T-t tiua'l,iiit Io dic a tnu a tlrti mlt oho ut Hi ; a i f M a day can atanarali j be- c, out id Iban, aod uo ditnt i-uiii V axKi uit tbav t tf priive bigfll ri-mui.e iiiiik tillMWhia buritd a reatHabttbs dt-pilt. Anothr wall ta bai borad. aad pnn.ihf k a liaa4-tory Vii mu.bsa of on arm urvd rrm the a walla can f aaaa a Uia Ih ot Ja Company, N. 'li WALNKT r4tre4 Tlfr of Uita vaiut.a ail land, coutprlitnf tt4ie hnn drd and thtfij-vit acraf. tne md lag iha royah-f of any li r ant. ut oil lur Iba lea4 w-U, nv umytn.j. and tba rDtirr rUcbl of tha Ihja wailt partially duTnluow-d, la parkha.rd by iheC.-BDpBy tUikfroAa tha owiwr, iV.r Ui HMMlsr'a pn! t U M. wittka Ortat MUt im Aam otdaf, tuuiM boua, a. i aiaxs puaa ol ciinbar. Tb..aJortok wiUpsxr caah to. tna la&d la ftall. an leaw Oih luua oi t4.iOO caai. workUtjr citai on baud, wnb mtmh to cHMuukta thraa oW wailt, aad aiao la tor a two naw waiii. wit va ttaatu auslitaa, Ao. to oa tn raitnUiir riiar TrtUUa a few uwiiIvm; ariMr ufn(awHi aa nada ta avoau tbaa it)ijt withua aV'tay-. Ho .navlptioua viil tKapw4 lur Ka Uaa Tha vast Ibrttuiaa reapai by Uot Oil Companlad afttab. Uhd bara and wlaawhara ara autorloaa. Th tU tra.W ta vat m Ita UrifaiMnr. and tha dainaard euautantly Lacroaalnf. tie prk-a 1 ih.w ftl par iNurra. al iba waJI muttv,cia.a. Ira of ibacatfc. Larv wclta wmdoub'laatbaitruck bt tha aith of V4 tmi, ao aa aa fmok tba tbkrd iMaditoaa aWalt. Walla hava boaa bidhralolra la tLa aVptb oiaJy of a bo at AOu foet in Wiia vlaaaiiv ft la ptvpa4 la ban twanty waliaa thlf proparri durtof tba praaaat yaar. Tbsara la ruwaa ma? oa a baudf ad wtnut. a prfaat mta, aiaar uf ail braa aaa la aotibdaatij aaiiuaal to tb Caasattf. Isitti af ntMtlttaa bra aw opm twMI tva IA00I attar bit labartbad, payabla $1 pat phbfbi la tbaardjar af Wim ataJAVKf McCaiBXN. Ua Traajtrar tf U OoaapaAj. 9a. WjOJUT? traat, or al Ifa. IM WAIaJTUT Btraat, Off U iU Ac af U9 CtaMbj S. SU4 WaiXMVT aHTMt TtM aUc ara tovtiatl U aD tr b prtoCfo, fri-m FINANCIAL. piiX!3iiCa t ia aa u a go.. No. SO 0. THIRD STREET, BUT .Urik BULL OOLJ, 91LTRB, AM OOVtH.VMKST SBCCRITTM. R T ( U K H POrOIIT AfTD POI.D ON CX)MMrHION. (mhU qold, uol j uojuu, hilvt:r and bakk notes WANTKD. EE HAVES k BROTHHB, aul-ti Ho. 0 i. TUini BTUKKT. gMITII A ItiVIV DG1.X 11. No. 16 fi. TUIIU) 8TUF.ET, llANKKUH AND IiKOKKHH. ftpt:l,HUKki,Qaartaraaatfc' Toofhwt and Diickj.anct aJl Ct-orarrmfsiit BactuiUca Boaht and Hold mhU C L A 11 K H t N Ot CO., UANKKH8, Ko. 121 8. TUIUD STUEirr, PHILADrXrillA. novarnment SaeuitUas of all Isaoaa Ptirerisaad anl fbr ala. Hteeas, Beads, an4 Uull Bought aad 8oM oa Oxa- 15TTJUC T ALLOWtD ON IF.rOHITll. CtoUaetloBs rronpllr Mad. tM-tf N I T I J 1 H T A. T 13 M V 7-30 LOAN. Tlie Beeretarv af tha Treasury Krsa nntloe that snk acriptloos will bo recalved fur Coup. Treasury sTates, rajatila tlirofl veirs from August H, I'M, with seml-an-nnal Interest at the rata ol sevea and t area-tooths par cent, per annum, principal and Interest both to be pakl ia lawful money. These notes will ba eonvertlule at tl.e oj.tloo of tha holder, at Into alx per eefit. gold-bearing bonds, pa j able not less than il ve nor mora than twenty years from Ihtir Sato, at tha Ooverr.ment may elect. Tttay will ba Issued la denominations of S50, $100. $M0, 11000, and S.SOCO, and all subterlptlons mast be for fifty dollars or tomt multiple of fifty dollars. Tne notes will be transmitted to the owners free of trans portation charges as soon alter tba receipt of tha original Certiflcatoa of Depoelt as thry eaa b. prepared. At tho notst draw Interest from Augutt 15, parsons making deposits subsequent to that date mutt pay tha Interest accrued trout date of note te date of deposit. Tartlet d positing tweaty-flvs thousand dollars and upwaitls fur these notes at anyone time will ba allowed a cottimlssfoa ef one-quarter of one per cant., which will be paid by tiiS Treasury Isepartment upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the oflle.r with whom tli. deposit was mads. So deductions for eommltslont must be made from tbe deposits. 61'KCIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. Ir is a National 8 winds Hank , olferliig a lSyher rate of Interest than any other, and tht e.f ttcurity. Any tavln).'i bank which pays lit depositors la United fkutes Kotss considers that ft la paying In the best circulating medium of ths country, and It raansf pay ta aaythlug better, for Its ovt n assets are either ta Government securi ties or In notes or bonds payable la tlorernmtnt paper. It Is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent lutestment. Ths noteaesm alwsys ba sold for wltkin a fraction of their face and accumulated Interest, and are tlie best security with banks as collaterals for dls- l.lllltt. COM ERTIHLK INTO A MX PER CKNT. 5-20 GOLD IiOND. In aiMllli.D tn the very liberal Interest on the notes for tune years, this privilege of conversion Is now wort als.ut tluae par cent, fer annum, lur tl.e current rate for o-geltoidt Is not les Uiaa ittae pee cent, nrentium.and tx ari II. t ar tin premium on six per sent, tnlled Slates hlccks was over twenty per cent. It will be aeea that tbe actual proflt on this loan, at tho present market rate, Is not Isss than t it ear cent per annam. ITS KXF.MPTION FKOM STATE Oil MU NICIPAL TAXATION. But at Ida front a'l it., advantages we have enumerated, s special Act 01 Congress tJ'itpl mlt eaafl asi Trffttuty woies fro m to at tasatittn. On iha average, this exemp tion Is worth about two per cent, par anuuia, se.Ofdiog te ihe rate of taxation ta various parts ot the cniutry. It Is buaeved that no saeilrl.let olVar so grail Indu.-e-n ems to lenders at those 1-sui-d by tha ilueernmeat. In all uthtr forma of indebtedness, tl.e faith or ability of 1 rlvate parti, a. or stork eompanies, or separate com iu 'lol lies, etil.v, la pledged for pauisiit, while tha w hole pro perly nl Ihe country Is held to seeura tha discbarge of all Ihe ohllvalluns of tl.e I'r.ltfHl atates. While the Uitvernment oilers tea most liberal terras for Its losns,li believe, that ihe very strotujeet apiiaal will be to ll.a loyalty and patriotism uf the people. Duplicate sertukatu will be isseed for all dsposlts. The party depoalt'nf rutin endorse esoa the arvina; cen locale the danemiiiatlesi ef aoies r.julred, aad w hetaar they are to te Issued la blank ar payable to erdtr. Whea so endorsed, II meal be left with the e Ulcer rovelvBig the dspuait, te be torwarSad te' tbe Traatary Dep artasnu - i - ' Bi'ssi-ainioiis Win ss Bicuvxo by the Treasarar el IheUulled Blates, at Washlagtsa, the several Aaalstaul Treasurt rs sal det Ignated DeposibwitSi aad by the intBT XATIOKAL BAXK OK YIULADKLPHI A, FA.t BACOMD XAT10NAL BAJKX OrrBlLAIltI.TlUA,rA, THUD KATlOXaL AKa7 0 FlllLADELFHlA, Tk., 19VBTB 2IATI05AX BASKtjr t B1LA CIXFIIIA, FA, By taxational BatuV erakk are ikfoeitartee of eabUe Hon.y j and aaU-tf AIL &E8FXCTAVLE BAKKI AB BAXIBkt lareugbout thi soaatry win give farther luftrnutioa as4 AF.'OBO BVBBT FA01UTT TO UBICRIBBM. FINANCIAL. N w NATIONAL LOAN A.T IAJt. Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money. COUrONH ATTACHED, aud INTEREST PAYABLE EACH SIX MONTHS. Ths princlf al U payable In lawful tnoaey, at the ead ef three veers. tV, tt.e holler hat Hit rtgkt to dentaud al that Ume Tbe 5-20 Bonds at Par Instead of the Cash. This privilege la thee. t-M Boneeereeor most popular Loan, and are aiw sailing at eifrka par eeat. premJasa. Bubarrtptloaa reeelred la the etual aiannar, and the arpral and proposals of ths beeretaryef tb. Treasury, lofttbarwllk oar Circulars, and all Deaanary tnforma Ion, w Ul be fttmlsood oa apptlcalioa St ear office. JAY COOKE k CO., Jyvr-aot No. 114 S. TIIIKO Htronn C. IU W 11 I U II T A O O.. No. 142 S. THIRD STRKET, OPFOnlTB THE F.JtCIIANOB. fiealers In Oevemmant and Rials Reearlttes, Qaarter BDaaters' ChKks and Vouchers, aod UertiUcatat of Iiidiiav edness. Or ears fee- the pnreaase sad sal. ef 8 took I aod Leans prompUy eaeeated tkt-srfae tf BOUGHT AKD BOLD ON OUMMIHHIOK, EE HAVES dc BROTHER, No. SIO R. TlUltrt BTRKKT. JJEWEH fe It A. IK AX. BAHZEBS A5D EXOHJLNQE BBOKEES, B.. BVJ S. THIRD STREET. Muxaas IS SrKCIE, BANK KOTES, AND QOyERN MKNT eiiCX'RITIKS. Rtoeks Boogkt and BoM on ComatUsloa. OoDeetkns srompily made. aaJO-tf W JMA.n. NEW. LOAN. U. S. 10-40'". JAY CXOIUk3 sifc X.. OFFF.B FOB BALE TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEAMHO FITB FEB CENT. TV BREST IB C0r, rMeamaMc any time after Tt.B VEARH, at the pieaaare of tlie Government, and payable POBTT VBABS after date. BOTH COVrOR AND KEOIHTEKE1I BONUS are ssaed for this Loan, of same danoatluatloa as the S-t4'a. Thetntereet en tM'a and tioos payanla yuartyioa al other denominations, half yearly. The lo-et) bonds are dated March l.lHos. The half-yearly tatareat raiuag due Bepumker lat and hi area 1st of sack years until 1st Sep tember, ths accrued interest from 1st of March is reuulred to be paid by sarchasars tn coia or In lroal euaaaaoT, aodlng fifty per cent, lor premium, nnttl fvriker aotloa. ALL OTUKB (rOVCJtKMlEBT BBCUkUTIBA BOUOOT AKB HOLD. JAT 000KE k 00., mh-nf Bo. Ill a THIItll HTRKET. J,"1 IltHT NATIONAL BANK Or PHILADELPHIA, Financial Agent of the United States. XIIS1TEI STATES T li-lO TREASURY KOTES. nkw iatjhiotio loan. tTrder Instructl.. frtm u TrenBurr fcepartmrsnt, this' Bunk U pniarfMl ti receive uhtrrloiiont to the Sew rutiiotic Loanjuurd In the form of Three tear Troamr Kotes. bi-aririi Internet at the rate of 7 8-10 per cent, per annum, payable aetAi-annuaUx in Lawful MooeronUie l.'lh Cayaof l"-bmerv and Aufcutt respecttrelj.of eutt er. 1hiteTrfur Mtrfee are eouveriljla at maturit, at the opttoD of tbe hoUler, into I Totted Slates 8 per cent. Bod4, Inteipit eble la COIM, end redeemattte alter ftTf and payabUj twiut; jeara from Anguet I5,ltl7. Cii-vn Kntra ml be Uened In bUuik or pa table to crdr a mar t direcWd by Uic autaenber. lb iuui of t-Xi. tluu, ''40u, Intrreat Ul be a i to wed from tte data of the ubecriptloQ tn the 1Mb ol Autaiiftt nrxt, V m date of tho Vrewry Note Thwewhomay eubecrllMi after the l-Vbof Await next wili be re, aired to pay the accrued lo.ereat n the Hitc. An ore nbacrtblitit for no lose than $it.,U0u of the Loat at any one Um. will be allotted a ooaumUtlon one quaiterof one er vent., pavaUeby uo 1'reeanry Of part merit the neetatof abUlftrtbe amount, approved bf the BDbfrlptlt(a aicent. keft-rrltsi to the aanuied appeal of the Reoretary of tha Trvaaury, I ak all tbnee drelrena of aldlnK tbeiiovcra otent to enbK-rtbe let hie Isoea. II. CLAUK, - UtEMIDKSir. aosVltn I)F.NN 8TKAM FNOIJTK AND IIOIXKR Works UKAriK Lt.VY, fracsleai and Taroeotieal Knaliiaeta. stai-litaista. tiulsar-aiaaara, Hlacasnutlia eutl luund-ra, kasutg tor aasny years litssnla sitecassrulopaea tli'D, aod betia aaeltiate.1)' eegaaad In bullilliut ani rt'lsaa. Ifis Marltu anil Klvrr'ts, harn andlnsr sressura. Iroa B'Wlera, Water Tanka. PnieeUera. Aa. Ae., eas,ralty eftf r tbelr aervloea to ute siiolio a. baittg fully prepared le eiinlract fiar Kualnea alall slaaa, Marina, Blsar. and Sua tinnary i easing ante f pani-rna of uliterent alaf a, ar. ore to execute nrtters e. lib iuls-k tluanateh. Rvary de Bi npuofj of pattarti.BiakUur oiede at lit. ahorspst a.toe. Bittn atidlow presaura Flua, Tubular, east t'vllnilur Holktra. of Uia beat I'annayleaala eaarctial Wto. f'orulngs, nf ail slae and klnila; Into and brass 1'aallntra of all daaertp tuons; llnll-uimtiig, Koresr .euUlog,aod aflotkar arark coo aicted wltk II. s tisiw beatneae. bra.lnas and aperitiretiona tm an work done at tola eeuibltetimetit fr fa of charga, and work guaranUMsd. Tb. a.bacrltM'ra kaee aaipie artsarf-douk ronaa for re pair of knela. where tbayaaa las la peefaot aataty, and are provided wrtk abaara, blueks, fake, Aa., ate fur raoatag Bear j aud aakt wahie JACOB 0. KB WIS, JOHN C. LBVT, )aS-tf BBACH aad f ALMS.R gusaata. gBIDEBBUBO MACEDTB WOBXS, OFFIOK, ZXro. (td Ti, FllONT HT11EET, . rauPBiJitU, ' . -. : We are prey area te OU seders ts any extent Sat ear eD kaowa kUOHnrBBT VCaB COTTOX ADD WOOLEB BILLS, tkehtdntt all fscssn tepreTeaMals la tDaralag, liaakag, and Waasfng. We uistaa the a tt an tloa of faaaafketurett te ear exist. Stee wurks laAl-rf ALFBKD JKNHH as BOM. pjsONTINOll l'AINTIWail Ifcx 47 8. TEW) ETBEET. Abovm cmanrt, rkfisdiuia. FAHY MBOTllERi BODBB, Bll. ABB BBAkfEBTAX. PAimB. ajrekakag, Sawaas, CWdtaf est lUegs, BiiVsgihslag, Baeea Tsaiaaas.e, ssfcskt PROPOSALS. 0M:V. OF AfiSWTAriT QUAIwTUttMdVS ir ui?t-w. wTinri.nrTA, 4 h smut f.i, rVtJ. fValt-il trrevfti'i win h rs-irtxi nf th of tht lincUntliiTwd. tin. llfA UlKAHlt Ktnwr, until lMVuc: f, 'JiU tor hi Prilis.! to 1o ih t'rtitHl 4ttaf, f t frofilm, ctnan rtnn hptihsr 1, I, ft th H'iL ftMjtih-f.f, l W Jf.rI otvWrwi, wlhitj IN l-m-tsol t,. Miliar .lrkt of h lnfU'w-n. iie-liirtirief flit? nitlliauy Lwi-wipltaai ml oftir butMinv wcimpi ar ,l)itr, (.'htntt 11 Ul. itt-rra ntnwn, M -eviown Hsvl (ttnUoP.J i-vr - d V( tt Mi'tfin.Wnftt llri l, . B-vftr y, kJ M mUf thfT, Ihttt mx t tnuuuk WlltJa tha Itti. I hr ol fi bof tb bttt ot'ty AnthravKi, bmfrsMi, fyir. or n'riid din, nti tr fnm or othrr Imparity. 'j hrxke prof (limit onlr will b rtvAlved that proHr flilevl in rprnA MxnVi rurti'iitd m tHln tl-, r hit-It tiii h tunriuit(ksT b otx or aavr pron keora m tAlei 9tV.rp tO b r K tltlhl0, Tb Vnltivl tMai rvtmrrr !h rleht tn rH ITI hMf )'invl itfo liiflh. ah aJN n- Tt.m dv-rulfinsatrc-ir. , Hjr oiJrr ot CrWui Uworn fl. CMmA, dl. J. AG Otuciai. AXBP.RT fl. AVTMCAO, u-t Capia a unrf A. y. k. OWICK Ot? A88l.TANT QUARTKtlVS-t4r-Oeneia. m . . rHTLAimi.pHia Animat !1, rmonRl m n-ciivxi at the ofTioe of tha ntdftarfjd. No. nfWKlU Itlitot, unUI WlMK- iiJd.i.0-iVll. 'n-,,,r' .mmtxltate deUrerattb Ore .riofi Hnm t-iinn, So 3 OneHti-aM rWiLorto rornn-.nd. liichar(.e ai d Huvp'y m Hf.rro1r foiirrnit'lmn fcM-iawta. 10 ffurt (-arh. Ali-o.tle a-.or nn mmrritil nsfrd-ftsurr to erect tha tiump ami boi.. r, lay the pikt, nn1 mike at, a nn -t!oiM r.mi.Me(.ru.''c;iole rrrtii1-d to l.y ttte (vsfanint A'rMtrct ai bill if aatWiactory before payiaent caa be Bi(e T,..e iroTHalinhwll!be reoefredtbat ara prrHy fl Ird m upon the blank fiiniUhKl at tan ortlre. wama H ilt hi'frn'o'Anteeil b on or more prrtiMu known at taia oft re te rprKtnttbr, Ti e tiMiii mie raenrea tf.e rirht to ret a I bide (cniittmhub. ioIimi uttm aor df-fultlna c -a rerre . Hy miier rtt d4onei Omd, Crottuu, tiii tui uuar-teru.aattT-Ueaeral t'.B.A. ALBKKT H., nt.IA ?t Captain and A. if. FFICK OF ASSISTANT QU ARTJtKM A.8-n-r Oetioral'a Office. fKiLAnai.pnifc, Aufnit It, fteH. Hra'ed rmpointa will he ro -elvt-d ai tVie nfhoe uf the an-d-rMi i rt, o. llit OIHAKl Hiret, nntll MA TRIlAT" loon, imh init., ffr mrnuhln t Ihe lnltmi nti'M, for six iL.oriha, cumineariiikr Heptnmh-r !, 11 el Mm W(H 'it rriji iml, tntied- llvere-' aiurl rt-d, J'hin thttitmlta ( f il r AM fury Mlnl of Pm adfiiihia. inciu'.m? (he MtU tai.v t'oM)itaif., nr oibnr piiliiis? buiidlntra or ('anw ai t ht'afpf, Ol.etjnt HI'l, OsTTtiantrt'rn, Nicc4rn, HaddiDat t(n, riirb hoiit, Kort Mifflin. U'r lre Mail, aad Itnveriw. ht w Jerry. ni well u any others tadai may be eetabUaaeil vtiiMu that liiua. I'mii ovale, muat state tbe price pr cord for Oak end Tina Wf oa irptrmelv. T .if.e pioi-oeaia onle wtt he reeelred that are aneeif All it in upen U i htatilm fnfnlhtd mt thfi oiilc, whik cn-i be Riia'nt-el by one or more pereone know a at labia ctticr te be reipnutb e 'Ihe i;hrd MLaie iwiervea the fiftht to reject all bid dt emed to h.Kb. a aUo ary frtitu defaultinej oentret"r. Hy order ot Colonel U. U. Croautau, A. U at Ueaa ral. ALllRRT B. AMIMKAD. anin 't Capulu aud a. . at. VFICK OF ASblST QAKTKRMAli-Ur-UeneraL TniLAnLrMi., Auvnetlt, IHM. Hraled prrpoa1fi wlllbe neeived at tht oiitceoi theua ncrnliined. Ko M.ulnAhD 8t eei, uniil KeN KlAV, I7ih luit , at iMMi, for the im and late aeUfery At tbst "summit Uiur.e' 17. K. A. Oetitiral llmj'ltal, of one WoTthiiiKtonWi Ka.H Pf-Vt, Ko.I. On rTlC AM iptll.KK to (OTenpoud. - Alio, tbe Inbor end Biabirbiif aerewaaryttiei-ettfceeef.. and mtike ail comirotroia 'ctmplete for ue; to b eomAeeT ti hy ibi .ovri, ntent Archiieci ai btxioii faiitfeeWry ba fote i a? miit ran be made. Ihne pmfaaianniv wilbe received that it proeecly fllH'd lii upon the blank! fnriiuhen ai title offlo aad ia Le g.uainnit-4-U b one untuere pvfaoua kaowa at tiUeuHaa to he n aixiittiiVe. , 'ibe I nittd iStatea reeenrr tb rtxht to releot all b4a Cen eti t. aa a'np any.tiMm fifttfiuttlnv cntnwt4jra. Hy ordir of Colonel ti il Crieman.Aaitant truar teniiavtei-tieiieraJ. AXUKhT- AHMrAP. mulo n Caputn and A. iei- jI. nETAKTMFNT PUBLIC IHOflWATS, J ' Oftloe tf. W. corner of WALNUT and rirTS HtreeU. Pun .ADKLnrtA. Angtut$tlMi. NOIKTK TO CONTKAiJToKm, ... Realrd rroMiiU will be received at t'te One, f'hli f I'.'oiiiHsUtiioiieroi lliabwava amU ihtveo'oe-'m. oi. H'l- h"AY. li ih nkt ,ftr tte conainictioii of k Kew - . on the line of Urown it nei, front HI due avetne to tba wi'Kt hld of tavenueom itret. wl h two caiMroa Uili-ta; one at the N. W. srner of Hlxteeatb aod B own ;ret, and ona at the M. W. ooruar of tlea tonth and ttrown ;r eta and one manbote tttfXf See k.tiei' be hiiilt nf hrf i)( clrcuUr In form, wtCh aek ar lnlre dian etcecf t'.rve (et. The mitentairtnBei to be tbat tbe eontaetr a all take bllla prepareA aaiiitt the pnpeny fmot-n( on aald rtcwer tr taa an.f'Utit or nevi n y-flve reuta fbr ev b lineal foot ei fiont on earh mde of rhe trett ai an much ca-h pall, tba hjuaiioe to be pr ltlby tbe city. All b.lura are iNvlieAV ba prtporiii at I. e t m nd place ot opening the tail prpeia'ia. Knch iToiinl wil b- aroimsinnitsl by a certlflratt-that a bunt l ea lH n fll'il In the Law lpartaent, aa direct lit Orrlnanoenf Mav to l-etn. If the kwt bi d eh.tft rot exi'cine contiac'i wltbtn Avedaye alter the work la Maidr-tl. ba vlh be demii1 aa decllutna, and w, be be 14 1 ab e im litis ismift tnr UieCitloianue betwevn hit bid aod the net hlkhrr bd. hpetlt'CHilotii ma he ad at the Department of Surrey a, wlncb will be atrli'il aObensl to. Thrclty roaervi a ue ileal to reject all bldetf daoavt4 exMrbltaot. W. W. SVRDt.TIT. ai00- ftaidt Chief Commlaal-kne uf Utabeiaya. 1)KOr0SALS FOtt HATSOAFS, lr UfMNta, Hewinn Mat riali, c. IlKAtlAltirltH iKI'4UT3tKKT Ot WjUHINOTOX, Orrict or .'Hittr vojrM-iTaa, VVAAHINOTtWt. A tl. IHA. Written propnaa'a will be reo-lvw1 ae tbia rnoe aaMI lltt.el iHitir-. fr fiii-nisthlnv the te low artintca fbe ts he . niraband men, eomen, and children lu thta Ua fei Unf nt uro(.ai a tntiMK, Ar,, arid other arvtoeabta Itoata aad Mir- tor a-eaTi, woQirit, ai d ehltdren a wear, . ,. , t ha . toll, and wiHtl t Maia, ami cMh t 'ai.. Kn acy . Ltnfe.v , tiln jH iui, OaJlo. ft, Hiaokeia, aa4 etbef Wnnirn ai d iikt'on toi tit. lllcAiry Sirlpt (ft kirti), Hed-tJeklac,. uebeach4 lSttiBilnt wtHiUn toil ami ftiir'apa Hjeool tlt't'on, black and wMtt ; X.infQ Thral, Hone 8ttienoe: tiittiu! lan;e Buttons for Coat. Vtiite t'n-iain l a V.m, aSeedifa,, and atbeb aevsttn material nU irluuutnta. Hamiiira h"t"l be at wl'h each bU, at tba eapemve af the party :ot adt ty ti.t name Aieoaih ut allreiame alvotnd accompany eaob bid.' o Tribal i.tT.p.taitin wi J be emenatiitM). bat eretrblsi, or nioiiitrntsiinrr the ame.miit te In rtUiiat. Pun Vae will bt niB'te frotn time to time ai the VMte -r nt etbd, tinker t ot. tract or otherwUe, aa ti.a tntareaat O' the nervier amy rtinlra. Uooa tec-urity wiu be e itilred r tha fatthfal falalBBeat of ant contsert maW under thta adverUarment. I'pioaia ahouid beteeUd and addte'efjeM tn tbe aadee eHart, ard endorved, "Prop"?,'! r Kumti'lm itry 1mhU.m Ae. 1 t'HAlt. H. tlkElt'4 L-::-r.m I'o ohel andChltf Quartentbvvter, IjtrtfMr) V aah I nr ton. mult- lu " fl ATt.ctH At:a fiAT Vnv vtsTrs hp a I .7 V " . ........ . Jrl tl lit ot Hals, j in. lion. Jrttn Cadwalaiier, Judge ' efiBt'trlet f 'oiitt eftna t'nlted Hlates. in and lb' Ilia Kaalttt) lUstrlel f rerrsy aula, lu Atlmlralte, to ma . d rectrd. fj Uir 10 at uulile -ale '0 Us kiglieat aa4 ; ti-.t t iller, ler eJsh. al MkiiKNr H'8 aloltB.Mn.KtN. H.l.k'l rift 0" MOMIAV, August 11,14, at 11 n' kiek A. M ,t.bsleS'f l utli'S, k-leg tl esrae ui eetssi aa i kiastn, Aaii. flie ef tlie atesnt r ll, aiooea kAB.aB,ai. iA and Nur'K.eeuailuig ef eeilegi, Is Laeeo, tarts ulltte. ike. sails I Wll.fJtV MM.LWt.Br, I V Maraksl K. ILoffaana. ! rkliedrliliia, August 10 ltm. aall-at I IOHT HOlThK COTTaOkI j AUtsTif rrrr, H.J., MKAkRaT BOi'hl. Fo IIIK kku'H. This wtl. aaa a lumaa la bust uvea tut Ike geeeatlea eT II(ariU rt . I llalliiDs oesef aaa tattler. au Iut J. WroOTTOH, Pmrater. JKLKT IIOUHE, ATLAN'I'KI OITY. MKW iLKSKr. t OKI), Ik. maw. Proprietor, (Leag ard saTorabiy kai.wa peopAMiar ef OTBTBB BAI. 8IM H aud CBKHMrT dtreata.1 . rarttae atwosnaieeasse Mb ruaua. rtahiaa LiaM.e.,eM. t.ars reaiu Hie kaeaa esrary twaatty sairaaaa. yaS-sl L'XCIIANOHOTKL," ATLANTIC CITT P. Iha suSwrlbae. gratefnl tr uaa, Skreea. tin Is, viaaka to bis pattuea aad the pubj rue the aauareea ... Sues givsa bim. aatl bug, imiv. at s. tbat ee ta eow esssa asr 'ba aas.m.and taaSy to tfcelTe pimu. oeruia aaal and 'rtsr. atnt. USa ft.o snottere .. leruts. Tba t.a wtfl alvaya ba auitytlasl iseia the etioe-est wlnea. kquura, as) etgara, ana superior old al.. Tb. table, will ke sal arsk Uif best tha marki afTo'ds klslilng Unaa and 'ackl. elwers "to kard Ail the anaiftsrts nf a kuue seii alwaya be Ssaed al tk Esehanir' - . 1 eruis par annam. OBOBUB H ATAT, jog ti Prufilaes nOLVMUIA HUUHfi, . . . ATLANTIC CITY, BEW RET. SITTJATK Olt KENTTJCrY AVEXU1, orroaiTK tbk hubf bogu. EDWARD IXlTyt.Ilai FVoprfletsoaw Tarns ts sM Ike dnvsa. gBA.BATHIJA-Aini0. HATVAI. SAIX. ' 1' 4' ' o ? ' CvnarMiiatti. la t.iw,J .rsssui kyif sfkaa. kaeaatsK acatis"'."sai " tl. ' ' y 1 tjLnox aAnaatixj-, froycteaer. owTfA.T':V';:''; A'.:.', c OISTEB BAT B1L003. I. W. (XBBEK ov SECOND AND CHESNT7T STREETS, frW-lm rvm.AiKLrHiA. " Ur MOVAL. THOMAS M. FtOWMAJJe Cerpatttse aad Bandar kas raiiae Ms ah kvs Bo. ss ktnwtMiry sum to Ba. 'Oa aaa rs a eni. sa kiltihig the eld fiat JtauJlna. .'. l.e racliruse rot tsnTtsi oa ibe ! tua eaasuHV J, ke a-'jak e auaraa eaMlrauaiaae. BJ3ADT-MADB CL0THINO AUD FIISl TAIL02.INO ESTdUJLLSUMIi.YT, AUD rOUT2KI38 TO CU3TOMEE8.