JL TOE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. rillLADELPIIIA. MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 18G4. I i i J e f t ( Crcninri Sclcrjtapli A DilLT tmiNOOI KF.WSPAFKB. cmcE No. IC8 sTthjrd street. FiIM Turn fssTS r Oorr, or Kinararir Ct P Waaa.sayaMsler Carrier, and waited te 8flksrtrs t th Orty M Mm Dmuu Put Arm i as txtui . Aaarrrr Caters atvMosrni.larrlklrladm i sfcf tha aaaartaA Wfarawsel reruaeaara Ineerled al ih unl laws. A Uhrl tTUftBMt ssad tmt extended tnasrtiees. 11 ' T lITfKMMWifc 11 MWmkkMl ,Aeareervrniminlratlnr f VkilmlikMtfn -a iatleaiillin'lraseil i ky ik mom end artme.. ef " wrar-.n nwaaa.rli) aahllr!.. Hil roerealee V r '"" w 1 1 Him-1- ip snara repeated Oeesinunloaiioas. t T Advws-tias.. I ' aiar so M .i..' inree bj th (Ironlatlo of Trrt BJa-eefaa Vstsoaara. aiieetllnwa I in t preas At a aauly hear. rFny reotseat that ariverlaenii-nt mn k kuM I a a sua ea I a'alnrk, (I possible, to siiur ta aa km ma IB all t oar edition MONDAY. AUQUST 15, 1C4. XHK LF.eiNI.ATI ftf. AN Is THE MILI rl I The Action of the Legislature now sitting In . fitra tsr-sslon under the recent call of the Governor, U positively an insult to the piople of the State. They were convened to inert a i special emergency an emergency of tho most ' urgent character; and It was universally ei . pected, as well aa desired, that their whole I time and attention would be given to the vital I boelopaa of reorganizing the militia for the , defense of our border against Invasion. Tola i , waa all they were convoked to do, and they Were earnestly solicited to act with the utmost f poeslble expedition. They did not noetl, how ever, to be advised by the Executive of the . pressing character Of the exigency. I Ther have had ouDortunitv enoutrh to make ' themselves aware of the sadly exposed con . dl Hon of the Commonwealth, and the extremo necessity for. potting It promptly in a state of preparation against any future attempt ol the Rebel to cross our boundary line, and lay waste the fields, and burn the villages, and carry off the property of the people. There surely never was before an occasion demanding more direct, vigorous, and efficient 1 action of a Legislature ; and yet the men whose high and solemn duty it Is to supply the legis lation now required appear to be as lnsoiulblo ' of, of aa indifferent' to the matter as It they ' were a body of Ignoramuses, Incapable of the ' office they were elected to ' fill, or a company Of .foreigners, having no lot or part In the ' honor and welTare of Pennsylvania. Nay, bore than that. Their present conduct is .( worthy only of actual allies of the Rjbe'lion, ;. eluce It could hardly have boen more tilling Aud dilatory If they were particularly engaged i to leave the portals of the State open to hos t tile Incursions by the vandal marauders ol .' Jxp-FKBaoif Dayis. ' Instead of confining themselves to the i work of devising a satisfactory Militia law, seems thus far to have occupied but a tmall part of their attention. AH sorts of ' bills on all sorts of subjects have been lutro ti duced, and the Speaker's table Is likely to be .1 crowded with a mass of matters which should not be considered at all at this session, and which it woald require several weeks to dis pose of. - It appears, moreover, that nobody has yet prepared a scheme for organizing the militia of Pennsylvania, and it Is seriously double I at nairisburg whether the Committee on "' Military Affairs is competent to perform tao , work satisfactorily. Thus, much precious tlin. Will be lost before the Legislature can even get the question put before them In such fjrm and order as to be acted upon ; and after a bill f , shall be reported, weeks may be consumed iu ti discussing Itsprovlaions and putting It in such j form as will unite In Its favor a majority of t i the members of both nouses, v i In short, the manner In which the duty of - providing for the defense of the State has bet n la neglected is most discreditable, and we must confess that the prospect of soon securiug any proper legislation on the subject appears, Just now, to be sufficiently discouraging. HIV. Ril tl'LIURR IN Altl.nil l. It is often a subject of remark that Amerl , ans, as a general rule, are very hai d drinkers. Not oul y d. they consurn i ana eaormous quan tity of liquors of various kinds, but the beve rages In which they ludulge are of the morii stimulating and fiery description. This Characteristic Is attributable to several causes. In the first place, your Yankee Is a nervo-is, go-ahead sort of an individual. lie has a Jos- tlny to fulfil, whleb Is to make himself a m'l t Huualre and place his country lu tbu van o all creation. He has a wilderness before Id.n, ' which a few years ago was vocal with the cry of the jauther and wi d whoop of the savage lie has to drive these uboriglues tnwardu the setting buu, cut down trees, build villages, ' towns, cities, br'dge streams, and bore through mountains ; in short, to estubliih civiliz-itinu tn the wilds of the Western World, and roll r- tbe car of progress unceasingly onwanN. ' ' With such herculcau labors t ) be pir '" fbrmed, Jonuthau has no time to waiite In idleness. Tbe phlegmatic Oermtn, whose ' country baa reacheJ the aeme of devulupinciit, ' and may be aaid to b fenced In, can uip li'u ' . Ithetiish or his beer, smoke his mi-rich ; uir. and gnse lintlessly thmngh the cloud that en- vt lopa liis toild cooiHeuance, at the gilding l. JU.loe and the old barvulal castles thut line ItsbankM.. lie has uo wluh to disturb the . rcel of the doia it of tn j 'ttrtz iniiataius, by driving I'gbtnli'g express train through their solitudes, or to convert the "Ilroad SUone of llonor" lu'o a sits fir !i i n ni it, bii't Iluf,' drivlns; manufacturing town, that will turn out Colt's revolvers, wooden clocks, Steam endues, and baby-iumuers at one and the same tluie. lie cannot understand that excitable, rest lens galvauic spirit that animates his Yankee brethren; and neither understanding nor pos seeing It, does not feel the necessity lor keeping his mental organization in a continual State of feverish activity And so, as we said before, be alps his wine Instead of gulping it, and smokes himself Into a pleasant state of apathy . with hi odoriferous- "i aucb-Ubak.' But this is not the spirit which possesses the Chlldrenof the "Model Republic." Jonathan, when be finds that hU steam ts letting low, rushes headlong into a tavern, aatas down his salamander throat a glass of raw sUu, and then flies back to his work as If he war building s world and had forgotten to cllaca aa important nalL Be is a turd drlLker very often from necessity. His mental and physical orgknluitlons require strong aitlficlal Stimulation in urtW tn rental the natural tone, whleh has beu reduced by ex . baustlng overwork of muacle and brain. He Inflates himself as he does a balloon, that be ' may be able to keep up; and though be very ' often collapses, yet be has attained to a dluy I height, and feels satisfied that he has accom plished his destiny. , Another reason why Americans drink ardent spirits instead of wines is, that the Litter cannot be obtained iu this country at a cost sufficient! Vw to place them within lie reach of ths poorer clause. Brandy, whtxky, and mm, adulterated until they are well nigh poisons, are sold at sixpence a glass, while wine commends a price whleh necessarily con fines H to the tables of the rich. If cheap wince were made In this country, as they are in Europe if the worklngman could afford his bottle of claret orSauterne, as well as the merchant, it would, no doubt, have a happy effect in producing a reform In this matter. Pure wines, taken In moderation, aro not only Innoxious, but positively beneficial. They recruit the exhausted energies, whllo they cheer without Inebriating. It is only when drank In Immoderate qunntitlei that they are productive of had effects; and in this respect they do not diirerfrom our fond, or, in fact, acy pleasure In which wo Indulge. As regards tho assertion often made, that our foreign population Is less addicted to drunkenness than Americans themselves, we mud be permitted to express a doubt. On seme temperaments ardent nplriU have a more Immediate and violent effect than on others ; and the phlegmatic German may be able to swallow with Impunity an amount of inger beer, and the like, that would render a Yankee well nigh crazy. Rut that our (Saxon friends never get intoxicated over their) cups Is an assertion that those who have mingled with them in their convivial parties will, we think, feel Inclined to discredit. We trust, however, that we shall yet see the day when the culture of the grape will be an important branch of American Industry. It would doubtless prove profitable to those engaged In It, and we may then witness a diminution of the vast quantity of poisonous compounds which are dully and hourly poured down the capacious throats of the great American people. PROURKMM IN UHKMIMTItY. It la a fortunate matter that things will not be judged In the next world by their labels as they are here. It seems that almost all ai tides of food which we consume, excepting refined sugar and saltre most grievously adulterated, and then sold as articles of unquestioned purity. This sin of adulterat'on lies ut almost every body's door. Oypsum finds its way into flour, and a dab of red paint, costing two cents, adds a dollar to the value of the article per barrel, by converting third-rate brands into "Extra Genesee." Ture ground Bpicos it is almost impossible to obtain. Wine, it is well known, Is now manufactured without a single drop of grape-juice, and vinegar without any vegeta ble or saccharine matter. Pure mustard Is very rarely seen, while esseutlul and ex pressed oils of all descriptions, per fumes, and the like, when found genuine, are exceptions, aud uot the rule. In fact, the science of chemistry furnishes such aid In d'tnlnixhlng the valuo of elementary s'mples by the production of corresponding compounds, that it is questionable whether the advances roude In practical science can compensate foi their prostitution to fraud and deception. If such matters progress In future as they have done during the past ten or twelve years, not a single article of hotisi hold conxumption will be recogulzabla by old-fashioned people. 0US BALTIMORE LETTER. Spfciot Correpondencr of T! fftvsmp Trtetriflh, Baltimokk, August 14. This has bceca remarking q'llct day. There is scarce'y a rumor. Tbe Intense heat eon'tnae-, and people are und'Tfrotng so severe a process of eUViIng tht they eau think of nothing asido from trying to keep cool, or rather, to avoid melt ing totally away. Tbe Biunler by guerillas of Captain Thomas Dunpsn, of the revenue cutter Reliance, on Friday lad, ba caused deep sorrow among his relstives, and many friends in Baltimore. Ho was a g.diant, nnlilu olllcer, brave as Casar. A truer p"iriot could not lie found. I knew him well for moy years, and never knew a better man. lis hus done great service to his country and leaven a name that id be long remembered. I understand he was engaged to he married, and the wcildlog was to have taken place soon. A Boort many rt .vnslonl-.t and Rebel srmna- tt I ers In tills dejurtment, whose lets tiring them or.uer iut nan or our military nu'borlcles, or, in utlier Morrth, caiisti their arre-t aud puulshm .nt, me I'ju-n uiumi conip'auung nuieny at wna tley tuppose the barn treatment Incident to their esses. ' It w.iul.t, perhnpt, xoem hard, were there int two sides to the iu sti-m. These people tor et tt'ftt the very aid, and comfort, aud ounce Lhtie they n&r ili uu ia rune lion may have Urn iiistitiuieutal in laying Ciiaiurivriiurir iu wiM-H, inO'erstitn:; thousands of people thr", end tendering them home ess, penniless, and n.l.-i ml)r. Lt.tMii It I", If tlicv took no actual part in such viiiilu i in, ihey countenance I the cause (reoel t'on) in which ttuewho did destroy the place itc i usHf i it. The ery hands that applied the neeh kviv sireDgdiei'eil hy tliase iiiu nhi.ers. I.nokiia', thfrriorc at the iue-.ri(in jn this llg'u, slid ii Uo' at the fact th it thousands of purs t air iits have been tiain and maimed and m ulo miMT.ihlc in iunutni'raliio ways ny this cruel wir, drsi timuilit ti'iout liy active synruvhy with tn aon nt tralhirs, wo c":iiot see exactly why nii vry areut wrong is dons a Itabrl sympa M.r when bs is overt. Ken by justice and I Ul.li-I.tll. Mm ho a t right, who sast.iin an 1 support ihi Ir iiiun'iv, t rod not 'ear. Let all reiliie that i'l-wto gto encourig treason and re!vllion i.jn n-l the Governnirut, tuid they will not g-it ii to the d i lieu 'lies incident to disloyalist. Let I. i o t.e 'nr-ot cn th .t the houseless ho'ne 'ss fiilleriiig, lmi-ov r shed men an1 women nno cbili n u in C'hauihershorg are thli verr day drinking the ei p of bitti rur to its very dreg., httmne nf tbe itrnti e ixiudiiion into whlsh they rsw bete r'unircd b Kelicls who are i-yonm-th id w.ih. t o istlullv to-', br the very persons ' ie ecnii Inln's b' loudest of bird irdttmunt. wiien ht ' fit liy the kuthorities fur soma v t i f dw iiyal'i, leu. id tn bevel jiiM such taiaml i i s tn scis of vi'idolism ut that of liumlng t I. :i nihet st, i. r. Ye!, u.iudrejs of tho.i.iuds ! ae nif'eied nd ure now sulf. ring, aud destined nill hi Hitler, from just such can e as hiv hn hg-i teti itip'tiiih aid iiiid euuit'ort and encourage iih 1 1 lo tlio-e wbo rnr'rat these ouiruges. W Iu n, ttu refure, otlend' rs are oeittaeu, let I-! in r rl ci h riou-ly end plv at their oa n i lors a full sbure of iiuilt. It may haik I l;o a 'rlllmtf tliieg i tliiiHtitlv say l lie .Sml'h is right, thnt . Tini.ii'hlze with It, Ac, and pity those ncrimitlltig U r its inC pei ilrmv; hui It Is no small matter to cum in la's the devastation and iul-ry recently nisde tnnrlfest at Chatnlierstiurg. The wonder ir ihne ihoulJ be a livln soul in the whole N irth Peers) Ivsnia particularly who fir a single tm njriit can in muj ohape ur loriu, even in Die rnmtrst degne, euof.n'age the cnuraeof tho-e at preset.! in rebellion n -j; Uisl our ttug and O jvorii uwnt. 1 bear it stated tli.o .' neral Grant, whilst on a visit to Harper's Feny u w davs ago, inconver sauon with John ('hitc!!, K., President of tbe Itslilmora and Ohio Hai road, said to him be ndxht now, with perfect enntiilence, go on and ret air his mad permanently, a mutters wire In such a condition ssto prevent It ever being l:s (urtiert ageln by the Rebels'. The General spike emphatically, and with a confidence of tone that conld "not be misunderstood or misinterpreted, lbs rrpulrs accordingly are now being modo. 1 hre Js nnordinary dexres of signidcance in this. Tba ibiee regiments of Ohio one hundred days, men (National Guard), who have been here, go bonis In a day or two. The Military Commis sion which was composed of officer from these reulniesM has. of course, bsjen dissolved. Anew Coniniissioa is lo be convened to-morrow or Tues day, from titvcera of the Pennsylvania ( Philadel phia) resitneula bow here, hleasrs. Histine and baninal, of your cliy, continue, no doubt, as the phonographic reporters. They won for them selves great credit with ths former Commissions. Major Jistswlll, doubtless, be Judge Advocate. Ths citiaens of New Havea, Connecticut, have resolved to devote 9100,000 lo obtain! tg re ernlu, and a town meeting wlU be called to vote ths money. A "sea serpent" has appeared la a pond In wbtT, Massachusetts, where he was seen hy two rnsa the ether day, who were loo mach fright aed to ask ahn why he bad tuktO (9 (to water. MMiJwa' wtth a Naa. Admiral Farragtit's name is pronounced as if spelled farrmfoet, aad tbe Chicago Tribute sug gests thst, In view of his ensnrpsss -d rl.-torie, he should N known as the eery poorl Admiral of ths sge. A correspondent, w ho has both wit and erudition, writes to that paper as follows apon the suhjret : Your tn on the name of Admiral Famgut Is rrry pntxl for a "layman" in etymology hut ths trnr d rivatmn Is still more aprnpos to our ad mirable Admiral, and ia evidently as follows : t'arra is a provincial form of the German vorb falmn fara farra or tut anlng "to move upon 'be us er," or "to tail." (int. of eonr e, i pure Ger man, and means pnv4. tio Farrngut is e Uuali Dt to rme irhn morr fc-W upon the ivirr, or a qnoH unilor. It Is cany to sulistanilate tills doilv.i tlnn by olbir wonts nnd exprnnsl his in the Oermsn aud Its related dialects. 1 hus we bars in GeimMn 'K.lre" a lorry," and "KaVmau" "a feirynmn." with the eorreonrtin Rng ih Words, as also "faro" the money paid for ini.ln In a ihhii and fin ran, which Wehstcr derive from the Ores k phnrao larrn tn low spplicshle also to tlie track of a ahip through the re a. In Ii elsndic, or Old N' r-e, also (the language of the Nor' hero Sea Kluus). f ,ir rue ins a thin. Is it not siitltciently evident trom all this that Farragnt Is the rlhl name for our Northern Ad miral, who by his brilliant naal evplol'j has always proved himself lobe "Ihc rlyht mania the right place i ' CITY D.TELLIQENOE. TtKTfitN or A Cavai.rt Rkoimr.tt. 1 he 1 bird 1'rnnsylvsDia Cavatrr returned to this city on Haturday atloruoon and qusrk'rsd thanisolvst at the t ooierShop Ketre.ihuient Saloon. This rot n em t mlnnl tn tins city, with tho cuc-etlon of foui companies, during ths month of July, 1901, and vi lieu mustered Into anrvieo numbered over twelve hundred men, rank and Bio, and dunn ; their tnrm of service it has at various time received reeraits to the number of (bur hundred, ratkiu a strand toi of aixtm n hundred man. Ot ths oneinal numor serrniy-flvn are now veterans and s III serving In ths ll Id, while these who haro returned, with ths abore exception, are the only survivor of the hardships tniunpb which thev hsre panned. Hie regim nt has participated In thirty pitched t attles, and in over two hundred skirml-hos, while the n embers have had the proud satisfaction ot ele vat.ng to Gcneials two of ite Colonels, uamely, Qone rals YV. W. Avkkii.i. and Molirrosn, who are new, and have Loen for some time, tbe most distinguished and brilliant ofl.on in the eiralrv aervioe. Thsv have alwas been atlaohod to the Army oi ths I'oto mae, shailne alike Its gloriee and its vicissitades. It has rendered ofhcleul servioo under eaoti sacuu'Siv eii m mantler ol tho army, always ellcitins' tho hii'lisst oon.meudution iu general order for Its gallantry. The men comprising theoonimatid have never benn the recipients of any bounty, w th the execution of the usual one bundled dollar, at the expiialion of term of service, nnd has probably cost the l.ovnrn mnnt less to maintain ttian auv resiment iu iho Hold, while lew have more fnllv realised the axnootations of its ti muds. I he command now numbers but tliruo bundled men. whieu has prerouteil, under existing orwre, the promotions so wn I deserved by many of Its iifCcers ai.d men. The reiriinent a as ordered to thin citv preparatory to teing inuMerod O'lt. Itietlnieot tlie regiment expired the lit of Julv. bot when the heies invailad our htate tiiey oheoe luliy o-i ii sen led to serve until tfie euemr were dnren from our border. Ihe otficerfr with th eommaud are as ioIIowm K. Jows. t'otonal Commandinrt W, It. Heslip, rturgeoDiM, r. Ilnver, iiartermaahr; S. Y. W.ig I er, ( omnii-sary sfeiueaiit C. A. Vernone, Aotiug Adjutant A. 11. Wright. I aptatn; 'V. K. Millor, ( aptniu; I. Is-o Kngle. ert. Captain i K. W. Wcthe rili, ( aptatn ; K. V ilegl. I a tain ; I. l. t,a loway. I apuii,; K L. t'auriuian, r'irst l.ieuten'inti 8. (:rcen. First I soutenant; A. lirudbury. First iiieu lenaLt. Thk riiooitKHs ok RKcnuiTiJto. The city ot I'l ilai'.elphia has but tines week from to-day In which to fill bar quota under ttie late call for KO.iiOO men. From a carelul esiimate made it Is ascertained that the city is dcttcicnt nearly men, and hence, In ordor to escape the draft to take place on the 6th ol September nrxt, euhstments lor tho next three weeks will bare to . rorross at tbe rate ol CUOOmen per week, ortOO per day. this is a large number, and cau only bo raised by the most united siiU i etcruin ed efforts on tee (art of ouroitiisns. This number will also bo materially reduced by the enlistment in the Kebel States, from which we hare as jot received no bei.eOt. We have In the eity of Philadelphia three rogi- I nents in Die piocess oi lormation: The .Sixth i I Lien League, l'hiladelphla Guard Kaglineut and ; llirney's Hharp-shoolors. The first two are forming , lor one year, and the lat er accepts rooruit for either one, two or three years. These regiments si ould at once be filled, aud no new ones allowed to le slaitod. Ueeruiting lor the bharp-shoo.ers is not yet iu ly under way, Major Moobb, to whom it entrusted the duty oi raising nve companies, lo l credited to rhlladelphfa. having only arrived iu this city a lew davs s.nce. lie is bu uuneotinir bis plans aiid e'akiug arrangements with otllcers to rocruit squads aud oonipanies. .s the rerimrnt is to be atlaohod to Conors' Bia Ktv's command for sH'Cial service, there is, no doubt, but Ibat it wil be rapidly UTed. The other two rcKimenis have beeu recru ting tor some tune, and are fast filling up. Kecruit lor all iheio reoive een.e,' wleVa''alount. th.6 .OTiS 01 al out 818 16 per week tor on year's aorvioea i his ia aottiatly much beitci pay than the most of mo- engines aim s'lortn men can avoraae at ttiatr trades, bi sides a Inoh they hare lo o.otho and l ed th--u- selves, ail ol whlun ia gratuitously done loi tiiein ii iu V 1 cle l-ani's service. Keciuitiiig Is also going on in lids oity to leisen the nuotas 01 other enmities, but voiunliers aheutd sot be lieoeivid. and should be cateiul to enter uons ot. er tl;an 1 hiladelphia regiments. Thny inav :i. cure as hjh bounties bv en'istme lor oth"r oount.ei, but tl ey dopi re thomsolve of the Ward bo'l itv, and prevent their re'.atiriua irons obtai-.lu relief liom tlie Cummiasion having charge of the fund p eialiy appiopriatod lot the beaeUtof the iamdies of l'hiladelphia voluuteer Vb iiavb nr kab the l.irgest stock and best assortment of Clothing in l'hiladelphia, com prising all deslialile styles of goods, fr.im medium price to superfine. Every one can be accurately ti'tcd at once from our stock, what ever be ins size or pr'.por'ions, in g ireaeut e.ual in all respects to work made to iiu i-ure, at math Inurr pi tec I'm those who prefer, wa have s so a complete a-sortment of piece goods, wnlcU will be made up to measure in a -tylc su passed by none. Bfc.-KTT It Co., Tow r.H Hai t, No S18 Market street. Ph. CotsfioN, No. 1517 Vine street. Ft bmtviih Ki tes, linens and strlies, In great variety. Slips rut to perfection, at W. Henry I'atttn'.-, No. 1 tosi Che-nut street. Ssia. WiiWKN - Killed, on the 4th Instant, by a ahar-pshaotsr, wl.ile on picket duty lu a rule pit beiore At aula ll., Vi II LIAAI S. HOW KS. ol l oiiiuanr K, Twruu-aoTeinh lleiment I erna Ivan a Yoinuti era. aou ot Wiillai N. ami t'alhar.ne H. liowea. aaed Sti years, S months aud I duys. I. AVIS -On the l.'th iMBtset, JAMKS UAVIS, la th (Sid vt ar nt hla am. Tin reie-ivo an rr eaCs of Ih faoilly are nai estfiiHy Inviod u annn ihu roneral from tha reneiK-sal Ula arm-In-law. .tiiSUea MeKadden. Ko.rll vrvh atrevt, on Mall dsr l-exl. a 4 1 M..v.iih,:ei Surltirr aulica- KKANt K .-On raturday Auyuat 13th. ANN. wife of . 1,. (. Kranils, in the Alat year of her aye. tlltl.LIH.-On themornlnaortli ISihiast.. Wn Waatr A. vile 01 HriH-klnaUiu l. llollia, and dauu liter ol Nlcui laa ai d the late HnaOalh 11. Mi II or, in l..a tHh year of hei a, e. TLe relatives ana treuda of tha taiully are raepvrtlat'r llivlictl to sileiul Hie runi-rsl. Irom the resiih lie 01 Ii-r uunl, B'.Ias &tri:uri t MeK.iy, o. tf'tS I'lue atreel, Houlta t aindin. N. J., on 'luimlay inorniiis. iSth In-tant, at Wo'cioek. J 11V I H.-On Uie tllh Instant. Mra C AS H 11 T Kit, s(d Nl year. The reiattvea and .rtends of tha lanillv are respetfjlly ! Inviu-d le atti-nd her luueral tnun llto lealdemeol lu-r son, Alexander ('. Ilyor. comer ol Harrison and Ctierrv ai reel, Frank lord, on Vi odncadtiy atWrnoou, at J o'cioi-k, ! a lit.ont lunher notice. I llChLAMI. On Sunday, the 14th Instant. W ILLIAM I JUKI AMI. in the fUlh yral ol hla uue. lee reh-tlves aral Ir.einla of the taint v are reapeclfu'ly tnviti d Pi atu-nd Ui t'unerul trom hla lata re di-nita, 1 No. 'ift4 v Ine Hlreot. on W eilnea.lny.llie nut instant, al IP o'clock A.M. Mi MAM On Krlday. th llth inatant. at Christ C'huieh Hoavltal, Mis JANE JlcMANUS, Id tba 7s IU yearofrniaxe- ,M AKCN.-ua thamomlna ot the Uth itut WILLIAM af AMN, lu th "7tb. yea 01 his as. ilia trlends, blvI tlioa of 111 tnmllv, are reapeetfullr Invltei, to a'twiid tne luneral, from hla late reapleuce, Ko. set W0411I street, on Tuoaday afternoon, al) o clock. SHKPIIHlD.-i.B tn 14th Inatant, Mis MA III A SltU HlJll). , . . .. I'u m-dec willb ivoorfh fuaersL' ral.UKIt.-At MomJiead lily, oa th 4th Initsnte IkKPl.tlK A IH'll'i.LAi 1'ALMe.U Jaearlad lldalils. at the ase 01 1 years and 19 days. Stta was tha dauirnt'ir of rirtaaSUr-liaueiaUsuMS ll. faluur sad KataJ. Palmar, hla wife. Tho tisnarel oaasmanda Iho military district of Xorlh Carolina. J 3-IO N OTIiH DDE AXJOUST in, BOVUItT OH rjarfAHDKO FOat COLLECTION. CBKXLOL ct CO., aaU-M JJo. M B. THUD WoeL VJO DECEPTIONe-KO INFBRIOK COAL ll yarchaeeS So oTfas baiw tfc ooal prto, oS a arto ankria. AaatuU. W. HK.aa, hMOAU Aiwt,atov susoa. Mat aKSa, aaje the eiinloa JLAOLal VK1, Baal ad earaat aissad C-SS aA Bluva lxaa,Sll Lars Hot, lid Cwuussm thoeat saais taelr siesasat oavw,prs Vknss te aaotfca advaaoe, - Sali-Sae rATV.NTKD JVLT 19, f4e-J 0 8 K P H JSOTrtrr, sVwv da rerta, ll-rsssok Slasa Dyali ad HawuHa oa aay klad af wssetn aryarel, sss Laalias, lletata, aad hlldrea. ralawt aaearatoa fur atrttelilaf K ttom aaae te Sve !. ko.. TM BACK SI l. aavsa ftt BUV! rullsrWsoia. auivtia ZU. W A. Is 11 A V xi rv, ai'CCFHHOII TO W. II. C VIikVL, MASONIC IIAL.1.. Ho. 719 OEFENDT 8treeu W I N DO W H II A II 11 . CMJHT'AINK, btOSQriTO NEITiWrtl. BUSINESS ITEMS. Kerosene iMIssr Pot Mr itre gla'l to prraont tlie public Willi s new unnoy saving aillrlr, sim ple in ounstnirtkiB, ai aitly nnnj;l s an ordinary lams umiI for Ihhilny purpimss in flii t is nlmply a c unman lamp, to which ws apo'y (he principle of tieiiilni ivs' anil ainnndihtflstra.as secures to u-.b l,stti ptnl.l-vi-J hythe l:nlld Slates, and known as "Klahsr's I'aiaut." WPb this simple apparatus, llln ma b kept hut ail dny, and not eonsnnus Uve cants' worth of oIL To mechanlrs and anl.anMWlio are compelled to uie alc.liol at pn srnt hlsk pilrei, this anl-is H save its cost In one week. PnaKisr. a Iistuks, No. 101 South Hsuuod Stioet. I IMilK'H 4 C-lill.LiOI) IKON HAKl'i 8T11.L rKKI.I.NU I'OK Till. fcSI'.MV, Who I" I: 'TAT'g rUKA, ViIIK.N YOt, fUT TOtUt KlNOK.ll ON HIM UK AIM T TUAUI" Te lisvld F.vsm. of ths rtrm efKvsna ason : dial ou puklily asrerted In s lme newssapar ankle, that ion V.OUIU drill an LII.LIE e HAKK n .w in lu In the city oi I'hl a.lsihla In tieiri. Inc in1ln mirk nt 11 o H.mk ol Norlhern l.lher'lsa. Ac. We iar fnlrh met oit oi sour own sr-'imd. S'nt ro m ihrso lioor'a Ii atead of two ltour (lite lliao I-u ak1), whieml responie. Ilol jiu sai in a noil itr atucl-, jwi v I rlrdKV SIM aealim' tH0 Hint I a will drill kill otn soma iShtror Lll.l.lf'H Af.H In tame lin-i-s. hew a-vi.u lisve I in io:ilidenre ti. pill iiflib i'l ll on Mereanli e Mais a aillit I.IPIa'a as a t ire Pro if. nor Ken at Watsons liekt llan Hai 4aliut l.lil.e' as a lliirnlar I rool, aid as 5011 have not c laipls. e tn lour aleluy to open one ol l.iill-ia Ha'os al tts H:ink of lloithern Liberties III Oirie I 0'irh. lint sill n-srt hiivmi ran op n otnt t ol l.tilie's Haiet in ihi.e tiovr, and oir-r to rail a U"J akB.nt tHSU '!' iu will 'hl ohu l.llps'f sale at tl Flmt National 1U11., I hea ler. Ill Mrs! Nallouai Hank at 1 llani-eo t, all other ; una, lliai yniir a-omstu ntcnt In ml.lii.g jti'lleit hor, ahah nit be l.lti In a lin-lioi" or 'v.enlnl on ite. rl air," ve piepose loarranse w ill sit' er nt 1U0 aho.o II inks fa' y, -0 na on ct I to allow you to ipern'e u.utar .Sate. The lollovi Ins to la- die ti rma ai d cotiduloti.i t 1 he term: K.ach eurt sn II put luotha liaml-i o" th eauliler Slots'. Ti e enl.ler to put the tnne In tnestfn nit 'o k ll en hU con.b nadon. You arn tooparaie ml III hale priK-Uely an propi.eit in our chsilcnuo to ths -'urn Kxeiaiue I'.rns In all naps-en. if you set pn-es-slou ol tl,o money In three hours t' t to le your., If .ot tie mone.. la to be ours, and 1011 are. to eaie of !a'l lee lo nav the itsmage done te the aate; and ou are lo lie allowed lao.r tits best slel drill, you can pro ursto epeiaie with. I Ps iMnfias:-You shall flr-tarraoyo with theaeveuth Nallenai Hank. Khllniteli.lna, to inrnl-h heir ie r.,r u 10 oprrai upon, sbunt you auceei-u to o)iei l.illle s. -tml e. eh pi rt t ph-rtKe tloOaa lioe, aril if s do not ..tie.i their sale, made h Kva it at a . oat or , mi, In two Imui a. without Dowiler and with no m.irenoi i tin von ttiake 10 opt u Ltlllo'a, ll e monei to b- yours, and the dair-aie to lite aafc tribe made good hy us. It' we do sue cf ed. the money to he ours As you decline to pisee Evsns A Watsio's bust nsnk 8sie.eoailniil'Xi.aaint billies cohtinu H, on e i .nl tirm- ss a Puo.lar proof we now offer von one-hvf no re tint than w ssk (slioulo you suce ed at ail. Hhall e have our acceptunce'r l.tWIS I.It.l.lR fOi, M r. S vlll.KK, Sm i.t . Ko. '.'1 Hou.h SKVLN fU li reat. E LKCTItlCITY. IOOK AND LfVEl A WORD TO THE WISB IS I St lHI IKNT: AHJheabeo contlttlont, both acuta ard ehronle, wtiers I tlieio la xttalilv enoimh left to react, ar liarinseaiidr I CUi,d. bv ws rantce, al No I'M) W AI.NfT rttresi. fhlia- ! " ' - f.r..nu.o.lo.,,.., malady. , ' 'H ia msde. Klecirlcel Insiliuilon, nwuudisa 1 abut five jears ase by ITol'itssor liuLLitd. Ituad th ; o.ioaliig; I A rlasa of uialadlea prevails to a fearful extent In cotn I mu.Hilcs, docminii loC.uoo youths, of both sssea. annaally ! to rrt esrly grava Time dhessts are vaiy imi'nee.ly ' undi-rstood. Their external m.tnile4tatMiia or syiuptoai are nervous di b illy, relaiatloa, and ureal eslisnsUoo, msrai-nias, or wasung and consumption nf In tissue of . th lio':e body, shortnras of breattuns, or to 1 h irin-d teeaiiilnt on woending a hill or night of ataira. pa'pae'lon of tha heart, asthma, bronchitis, ana a dry, sura throat, tremhllug and -haslnj of tlie arras and lower braii-, aversion te society, bualness, and to atudv : somotPaes dlmnaaa ot the lyeslnht, loas of memory, dinnisas of th head, nuia.'iiia pain in va'kius pans 01 th bod, 1 a ns In tin back and P.war 'luiua. Iniitissu, dya p. paU, u,ntlpatlon of ttebi.wels, daianired -s-c-eMiius of the kltfinya, and assay ether (tends ! tlie teals, uru dueii s vliulent dlsaaaes In both mates and fjnnle-; llaa wu ipilepsy. hjiteruv, and ditlereiu Putua or ucr.uua spaauis. Now. thou. alnt-n'Nc caves out of every hun dred U all th ahov named dlaea-a.. and a lei. ni-.thars not nsnisd, aa couauauptlon of thelnnf-a.oi "f ti'ea;,ijial ni-rves, lave ikelrorhiu In lhep.-lvlcviace;a,hauieUis watilol success by anr ot the old uicd'ual eystemenf practice. I IdaRIHKH OK rVMal.E. rre'apsua Vten, Leucuirl.u.a, A saeeorrt.fea, and lis-sBeberrho-a Ah ft above diasaaee ana oti.er t'tert.e emp'aint have their ui lain in a I ss 01 ilia vital etwi-r us , ths butty. Iir.aiiht ou by Iniuri, aioea-ia, a ilso'sry I kalHla. personal ahua , alairtloaa, and tlie u I ifp.iarnil t aTii dh tnea. houi cf th pseallaf auipuiaes are draautnf ' paiua thieush the h p and back, weakiirar 01 ti.. iiuina. aad i-sireBoe Unsuw and di twills ilireuiihoi't iheea Ire Syatcm. Th. elteots prodfleed froai tlieae tronS'senns maladies are almoal OftuitlluuSaous. Cunauiiip'low, 11. s pepaia. Neuralgia, Paralysis, lieatneat, Hhnd ieaa, Kits, aad Inaar-Py, and va iaaniy, ar ant encoanuon. Neeittaiival or rilall rweny ha ever tana tmndfoe Uo-aealn-mlns eotaeljlnli- till ear la'e Uiscovoo laeaa of tlecirlcll; ta strict accoiaa' v. Iih 'h p -ai'lvi and nesllve pa larirallon of tti I'irrlne uraau. Wo aivor railed lu cut in ah of lite abov duea-ra, esceit la ea et ervsn e atTsnceasasst.isr sevar injiules ut ih oana. lira rulton, a lady nl I'teal l-spe'lsue and aoi'ilv, wlh kav elillle rliarje ol trcalills ha the ladles depaitnii.nl. t'ousullaUon in. frig. liul.Lt S A nr. ltlt'iN. , auil-tTK' So. It VYAl.M'T ..eot, Hlillaaelell'a. Hws.ilsirry 4 miavaa. s..avrklluB WINS! A Moat nsl.ulot's liltlNK, itiv ir, for aa s hy Iiav ia .k li-Haana, Aacu AKI, T.tara Sriianis. K. . WhltsisMSS V I , Manufacturers of New aad HlU kus Contbcitoiia, Aluioud l'a-l, L'hocalala L'aiaawla, Creams La Mode da rails, xiuuitly flavored Coasted Jordan Almonds, die Ad. Ho. Sit Chsanut street, trslew Foarth, B Uveal dk . rtwsastw.- TkVCK CO. MilOl V. HAMLIITS riAJeOsL 'CAMUKT ma a co.'i OBOAJft runes. J. R. OOUUI. eveath sad fkaaaal stseets. TELEGRAPH NOTICK. REMOVAL AND X CoasoUSatlon, -Thai orllcos ef the Inland aad lud Sandvnt Tleasapb Llisa ear See ramn.a rroai No. 41 CHKBM T klnaalaadsaoulhTHIHII Sara!. WlU ai.iluf .mp rj TIIIMD aalt'HtSsUT Stiaai Tkaa euu.panle kva also hssa ovnaelldalad wHa th I'niled atatae Tefsarauh Comaaay, aaul saaif evnaeo- aaleSeui new eslaaa ovstna 1'a.Loa mat an-i -a-aadaa, and are now reslas rapldkr euuairaalad te Ca4 fuinU. aad thTernlna of Uiegon tadlaah. Th Balille will at one m Ik advantatrea inal this Une oweajays aretr allasaar Unas, laaSBuah as Bosisifa ar fofwajdd dirsslleall ootau. Urn aeoiaios 10s a lays aiuaocurclis vf r Uylns, ran ali.rlns. aad rs Wnilnsevroonaaultsr SctSoaal haa. Tha Uallad SUM Cnnsolhlalad Liaee ar th Oaly UaS WortU-S ia ofiioaiuo lo tn Okl ktoaopolv. A. I MkLWrflal, 8uerlaidt rhlladelf hla, Aug. IS, last. aa 11 I. AMUSEMENTS. l(OVrR'8 NKW CUV.HNUt BTRRKr .X 1IIKATUK. this r.vr.Bii'i. 1 f sranr ion aiiMc, mtiale-l, ai-e'-taraiar drama, Al AI'I'IN. UK TDK S'lSHKHl I I. I.A Ml'. t'eiit tiled, seier ttree month" aeiiva pr-fi,tat-ia' la a alvle irf irt prc-rifa-titivi ma. M'le. new ret late a-UP wonder-liillrenitf.-e-elioi.a, reasfSSxeet .erne.,, rars msn-a-a, in-rti i-iatamaa and pfii'rfl ea, paauntiS umsr. and ltioniss. jyasj II r,.wffr tl 1 13 M V V. TUP, B1AI HlH AMI t;OMMIllilllU4 MTKAalKR " M A rs IIATT N," C A n A I N K. A. R Y T H K K, Of ire fsp May Una. ta row snakms har ri-rniar tni.a e t AI K MAT. lehVins AHI'H a rel Wharf, every Ines'tsa, 1 htiraCay. at:S Pstarila nt nine ocoek: reiurn'ns all, have t ape stay eve, y Vonoar W.-dedv ni Krulaf t lislf 0.l SHtht e'etoek, loiif.hli st Mew Caatla r'deej anil rslurc-ns. Far i j csrrlaye Sir inc'i-d'-d rtdMrrn l.aJf pileei o'iIskj he included S'tuni I M'l r rrlaies rCia axlra. J r-lgt.1 at low ratea No freisht reeeivea attar H o epea, ar d hi d caaes must tsa pn i a J ))-5t-tf JOSKTII A. gTKWABT, Ajtrnt. UMMIOIt UXOimHIOIVH, Hl'llJl'OKI.) IIATKS, to Tun napAT Coal. IroD, PEfJ Lumber Begions OF rilNNSYI.VANIA. TICKETS GK)D FOR TES DAYS. Oh liis. kuuplr liuif to riMi tai h point ( In rTt on tlio rout. The Catawi&Ba Railroad Company flMvlnit tennHrd (.Tr.n(r,tnnti with vVnnr-cilr.st md, wlH IfiMue K I h8ION TI( KETH ir m ri.llllph.4. or the tot int route rriifftT,.iA nrt hrarlinKHniirnftil- roRt-ssdintr. chuyl fclll lUvfii, A hi) land, Malnii y Uy. d4 Tama n. Vnt wlhtea hmlrtaij lo u mitt It. Mc.Mi.ey Mount a u. CataV wifha.kiipsjit.lraitvUl, Hilioi autl WWttawn l.xnh Md Mahano. aiid Itcaver Moa low Kailroaili 1 o Hla k ;rn aitl JManch Chunk. Istviih V)l- Kainad To AHi ntnwii. and ItKheai, aud tin North Pnnnylrar.i Ralln ad to ritlladclpbia. Kur vrtti ai-d tftand-tir w i(tu-r;, tii route prraan!i pt-rtiliar Int iiei ini titt ut toiira 7 hoe wUhtr p to (to no. nia rnrr thermite br i.f ItiK ticket tii atari ovtr the North Peiii.y1vaitla Katlrua4. K A H K, mli. 1ick(tcati be oblrifd at iht IVepfjtK of th PhllHdol piiistt aim It (At it m ItHilroad, and forlti renmhai)ia HiA toad Coai'attiea, arid ol r van noriM. T0'K4!T AdBNT, H. w. coHum hixni ani- t;MK(Mtit bt. Train tartfrra Philalelphl an1 Kradinir Upot atH-fV A. H. ami 8'iiO I. M., aim r.r.ni oTl. i-nosi-anl i all road lrrMai 7 A- M. a3- .n.iA Ur. M. iM -tui.t II Ait run AND lor aepr.uihsi. LADY'S FKIE.N'l), I I T: H K U S. No. sum ciiKsMir a.raot c iioicn in 1 : w jkhkh I" OR HA la as AT TIIK l'llll. DKl.l'III.V UNrAT-S0B00L BOOK S'iOSE, hn 148 tl rOl'hTII HTllKET.- a ctti mui or this. ri MMrtiLAsu wits a In triiilt'etlou ny -1.11 H. ll ttl, 1 .1 1 oe tits 'I t.e 1 not t' ria-l B a .lll'i.r i-i ieail ll -IJie-, it,, this yot 'hlol s deri' thr 1-10,. a nun eaei t.. .-.i.ni y, wl nasi ti.ia b'ok s weiu. ae 'oIims in every truo ii-t-'i 1 1 f nb.e HMI- or Ol.li llyA.I. O.K Mio-nts. I ll.ll I AND Mil iK Si ii an i-ac 'ti l oiis oi tlio nio suvanoed a'as-ea of th a Mini Sohool K.M I Uv I I, II K Sues ts AM Y 11 t l .tr.i- MI--I n aehoiar m m sr or, ti ll And lle'l a ii wroten t -r the Nun'tay-a,-' imi rimea " Itli.lt m 11 e tt till too 1 I M-IB Kell. "lid el-elti'd ran -h tt:te!ea ahili-liaaa sell; Its wtukly riiie'srauro In seilal toisa. J - It IM AMi HIS yhllNDs. 70eents. An eioellent hiata fort 0.1 s I liiu.,t.r ; r Heiilirl t.1rry. HA certs. V .NNH. al, .. I is 1 'it s SAI; IMM 'IIM K. AStK T A ' Kh ; In .Is v-Ja.i i -i 1 111 p. r voiun e 't lies, piooerraor t e Tempeiauce lie .. n-1. e i-i- lutttor eei iiTei da n n to 11 tc - Mut MAIN (ISMS ftr ttrv .lun ihIiI.II D !". Aaeil.fO' tOur soiotiies. ceiimltiliu (Ir 'liHtila ).i-i ly artlr'ea whleh ai-feared in lie a"djy- se.oo 1 rim s" Ii I iKt.l J. C. G.nRlnUEa A CO., autf mart Ko 1418 Ku KTH Htre-t. I'hl 1 a. MIKICAB BANK-NOTE EEPOSTEfiL TIIK ONLY 11AMI NOTE RErOUrHlt IN rillLADl'.LrillA. HI HLIilIKU VVESKI V. Tilt oloyol l-ii t. lions yl'HTAl I0M4 of Hank Motes lu ti'l K I ITII.si.vist rilll.Alli'l I III, 1IAI.IIS Okr, NF.W VOHK, I'lNOISNATl. 1 he out o.i wi.leti c.nla'ns the K 'l 1 1 N A 1 . 1HNKH a faal ae 0r.-s11lr.1d ( -Ifl.lal 11-11. Ti e only one sb rh ci ntai.ts the (lf.VI-.at VL 1H (Hl T tn 10TE)-.N C1TIKS, VIZ:- I Iltl AM l.f'HIA. V .S1M1 M ' t'N, Hi" llli Kf, I'l l I e 1,1 ( Ml. ALU, III I I (.'I 1.. liALTIVl'U , i hi n am. Al HAM . TI.Oi', HI . I IlL'IS). ravi 11 hit. v s w r m k . (1.. I SS VI I. e. ll.VIX.I lV. nr. I'll X. I tH'ta li.l.i-. MiL'V U KKK The mi y i e w rivii the rarUt tiffTtrtjUioii I V. Vt NTKl- tlT UTfc l4fAlrS'(. Vv'Kr.TS, THK TAIU K. INAX IAL rows. Ihc fanlnte- oi t e AMERICAN EANK-IxOTE REPOHTEE. turn slsam lat. and t rtHia.il'eiic, , AKh I Nr.lit ALKI'. st iihi rtii'iii'Nsi (tyaaaM vi. in AraNc'ii V eil ... f:ilrlml Muatuli ...It M. i H.l y 91. I I H I , y. lost .-. 1U1UH HTItKET.d rd floor). AM 1.ISS, S V.. ctin;v, I 11II.II.1BK. aull-lui yA ETF.L'8 0BEAT PIOTUltE NLW YOKK CEiNTRAL PARK. This maimlaeent work of art, new raiildly apuroaoklsf ecruputlou, is one of Ike larnat and most lhoral svar aauertatvn tn this ooaairy. hins aooul rmir aud Saaky three and WaJf teat squar. and aaibi aetna a full aad oomilt vlw of the Great C trl rark In all ha eeauty snd srandeur. ttuBMrtstluae fi.r a lbaltd auiuOar of th artist' proof sheet wUlhreivd kere, wkea th plates witte uka te aturoiMi, whar . - , . kiraara. THrJBKKlI CO.,Paternostor Row, Lemleu, aufl Auir-ST k. hksuui, aa BManMSsu, rarta, -.- 1 ar alisady reeerruii sabscrtpiluns fur th sain. ' Th work can De had by sabserlplloo oaly. rrlo tt par sesy, payable oa delivery. Subscription Booms of tha Company, - No. 720 BROADWAY, , KS Y0BK. Tk follewlet arm wis rsoelv suhstrlprieas ArrUITON A CO , Broadway) Walk Ktt, wise a oo biwiobi B. B. UMltMls) A CO., Chicaa) MOOBB, WlUlTAt'K BALUATIM. Clswlnaatli . riUUr aa HOLOMOBS, Waahiostoai CALLKNDKB A CO., rhllasWytUat . Or, al la pehlUhere, blTWiLIa. IIABlUeJ CO syW-wamlia X. TM BB0ADWAT, Haw Tssk. OBSAT CEKTUAIs CUmWQ IIQUSB, SALES. M AlKF.Y'S Aft'TION M AMkJCT BlMt ROOMS, No. it' I. Ah' S. Hal.Sj OF liltAXITP,, Avl OMa - ' It 4 KKIV WAHK. l-n rni..a-y M.iriiie, SllSftV'irt.,!, .. a 1 ifii-t I - a. 11 I .la rtld'HNnt-AM A . 1 lltl'l' A VMS. ri iaiiiiv 1 I Jin-, II., ana, T a i.i a, t aSe rail-, Vie riali . a, p aa, . e Ti Wnl.l Ita, M.la. aaaorlld T. int. -r. I.A .11 I tl HNI'TS t"a, floBt n Oeal lill t'l mill , a I'. 1, Salts 'tile. " WANTS. V. 1IOVSK WAN M'D IV OKKMNroVV 0 f:l.r-nfl M i' ett, 'r to t.nrr -t A'ldiri a, W If 1 111 Ht' 1 i ..t ilr sli .a. It aCM prlcf. tt 7!, t'.-f KM.-., aut ti c; ii v roi . .1 , Vn.a Annual T, Isstl I. h 1 r. 11 rin ' O tr t a ri . 4 tl.I'Mllsl, lAl-H l'li.1M iN Tt ( AV AlNTl al, rtK rl S-lllllaatlTrt, (Ut WllcclM flHIIta, no Ulna-la mil Iih, nnd SfO Liiiril lite 'Pi 1 111 111 1. r. Who will r-eeire the htah-tt ra ea of isovaramsnt nsr rstlol.s. Slat tneeli al attaint moo Trar.iirtaton tunit'beat ba spiilylng at No. MNN'YIA'AMa avkmji-;, WAniiairrii, 11. r. K. J. SIHANO, l a.- aln, A 1. M JAM K.H M. KKliLY, sulO Ira taarlern sster'a SUent. For. '",AU "eDTO lKT. 'Al'K IRI ANT). CAPK MAY, N. J. FOR v. ria 1 S'.coitnae on Ls'aivtie strict, U rooms. Lot tt'hj W (1 feet, laiiiitre eui-u r'hBT Hieur, above sti.asti'' motkl. f$ 10 HKNT 1IAN1)S().1KSMIIK, V7IT fLi lasfa- ii.ti-,BUU dvra.ll'a N. si-'iT . K K 1 N t H 'ft ;'?-ti KOkSALE.-lM'OiK) WORTH IN OOOH at' Iir ii(irn lari Hn't Hinfii, -n enim tn -all l UfTiia-". .it ih ut mi hiii t.,i (jiM' 'a . , tor fjasih anj rmir. It TIKi it M , 1 1 1 ii I. " oi k a M .. LOW HAN, NO. Jut H. (-'.IK! ll Mtrtol JKV AMI'S AND i;ONVAU0GNTti. IVAlsMB A.Ml ONVALR-rrtfiATH. liivitt ii sttut i'Mtiva'i'fi'sfntk, ( lt: a'Mt m 0 t -til''C ntl. a,ncfU y PVMlKhiN I M'ATK I'K l.Td, -tMAl IN Y I.M' A't K Mr A t. Tit , -HMM l.f. IN lV.t I 'ATK I'KAI.T'I. WlU f ml nur Wi: Onfl ou Wt nod t in CaJiVafOia iuet. Cailionii . . Cahinalu Viidm 1 11 Hor ma Wiotia, t a in.niia Wii i-. Ct u.-rnia Wiu-, pcBiiarif valnat.ic li ail rent t4 Uiikuaf ait1 rt at to tauon f itsratiAttt Jut AAk Ait Aik Auk Anl lra. Vct'lMlm d. Aflt. Alk saa Adk Ata Atk Auk AmIi ak (itharii. Jaciroon. to- Pi-itiTirlrBTiiia i niritty ), Ueraftf, lU rv a. 4rs , HHitimrn Kt-tiinala H iKuia, Hartuv, Ketriturd 'tiwsti. Ttn-'al, Vinai, vfAfxtf-r. Nohi , Knurr, Mayttrti, Tiifnor, aiid uUir Iradliifs istiyniriaiit., mtuit the? ttiluK ol tn LtwOsV cnl virus msf t'alif- rriit W .mi ' fUvr tftoitetuft. r tcnh par hrni . himJ .uri iti nf th tx-at !)( patledav mrs-iT frmr thttr on I CAI.I.OBMA WIN A'vKSCV, ' )r -a No IVK.nilH il'xt tMiviC'bmDut JiriCI-NAL COD LIVER OIL JOHN J. HAK'iR A CO., Nn. 711 M AKKKT H Kr-er, ar rtxi rflvtn, th'li a-'pt-ll'-a fnsh from thft flshHe . Tl 6 i ri'i-utrd) 01 thru Oil. In Ttr rnwyr, hni pfviied fni It is ti pi ta Ivii ai J tMi( btrn(t an; othft fouud lu ttia tnhtYi t. Inrnnuitt D It. tli? an rlrternilnf'ti tviUpl- an article tl.al 11 a tDit.ilj r)tl fox lrfshnaii and p irkj. Sc c eiiniiiluiA 1 1 r o.c r i f Mt-ti cai Vii(,t4. au'l gM'HI S-TATEB FOhTAUE STAMPS. roAf.K STAMI'S 1'OR .S.VLK. A liM l.VM Cf TWi PI It l'KT OS ALL BITMH OS .V A Nil UrWAkDS. A I the t'rilt l l ft e t tor the sale of Internal Revenue hisni s, ho. . I" t'llhS.Nl"! rlttret, anil lo su ii. t h III TII htnet, fliliailelsriia. III-! IV !; W T AX III La JU ill VIM STAMP LAW, Cfi'oi'f Hit Na Tai It til Had lvttia Htma Law, (t ri'r tloefssii Miitriniii and K eue Httmpa of ail C'crv U.isi- O Ditam Mi aanu, at ttt loi'Wtiu raOaof dJl-OiiUC . wn uTotrt 1 1 vvvt, ti- t.r out. nuoouuk I (, o.r " ;,t'.rtir Ai tir rrii:'iiBl I cm mi ii Htu of lntrUAl ttt"cnnf mi. ist. St, :aa "Ml'.HNI'T a id No i I H Klf TH h ti t-i Foil 114-wi-nitisui i f tna Htauip is lu pa n Us W. & i . N S h HOT H F, ?Anao Ti.i.sT Hix, rniLAiiBUPfiiA. aaMiraCTItHf aiM fir Ji.V.T-l,.. ftvK HWOHIWH U0 tJaVt-tf ssltJA lii ve.-nup im KVkaf VAJtltvrir. J A At - II JK It 11 Ii l aS iclba-is ass aa'lASI. ISTAHI IhllMUNT, m. .m i tiKhKI'l aueais. tbl!nl a mi ma uih i-aiaat i.M IIIIHl V-IiaV flUNla, CI.O . K. ta-inr a r.'Vrrll.' A Tsri ill- art.tia for L'hureitea, Hi.a. Hsnkft C-i.f ili k-tli.i.. . I'e i u ra. At:. A. a. . A. AM l,li Tl KtK OK r lNk, HOI.O rttkiS. II(1 IK' A 1 1 KM AMI H ALU AS Ml. ii'Jiy t'lK' Ti e nl',aeS aaeri tlaeaTlntioa. H. A. ChAV.N.K. COKNIih W HIA trJ al-A kta'iii- tfreaiia, Oitya liauiro. TVob. laIS Jaef, fclHl I ..el. I eaelr. ia-ri- is wskt or ttrsNKV, CAU. AM butaeaa aa.aniaia.'ie' inilti, S, 11 K a. Oh 6 Acs., iaI'IU i. sultuaiaal I II .NKktlLla.ea it' s l.'l U a-td k.li.'K streeta l'Uia' to -toirni a,r aaiua a... .dueled Oy -aales. I e I S'TH Atrrat, Oral 'luur Xe! K.N l b- m-al comiilate and ae-eit aioek on hand, ronaiaruia, II t art. of Trt-eaea .Heeraierers, a-ioail ai Hr-eai. I alia "a.oaea, K'-aaij- atflrkuus. ayrl' sea. -rtlrlea fie Ku frv art Koe.in Ae. ia'U St IIULAliKLIHlA SUK'sKUNS' ll.a . AliK IStN-i I I'lTS., No. IS fcortt MM'II attael. -'n.'- Murk-t. K.tptueo lai'leallyeiired h h rVKNK.T f Irainttiui famnt 'Sla-iaatnis We-ae'i Trliaa. ilii.ierkit Llaatwi Brlu K.nailo riioclbai- rlunr.ot-.erii, Klir.ulilei rlraoe. 8spn Son a. (.'iire'.aii A. LsdksaaUuuid ty Mrs B.C. FVEKFTT. my2i-ly AHTIPICIAL BAND. H. A. UII.fiKA, lav-atia ana MuiUfSetareS Of the AMTIKIC1AL a a at, Atirovml and aamjiteat nr tii tMTBOEOll-ei-NBKAL Sir ml UNITED 8TATKSJ, Sn Holdlera, Has perrnaaently kieateu els ixiwe aad factory at Co. n . roi: Kl U Sitm, sa duvrs below Hunius, I'kiUsaV . : Is-jtMrs MlLITARt N0TICE8.,! TO THE CITIZENS Of THE EIGHTH rbad..Aalrna ef th Elvt.'k Ward auder tk last ieall la ni liaatbaiiONK III'MISKU. To raise III la nuni- rar.aWard H iuniy-f TWMTy.rIVIC IMiLLAUa will he sisea for ery valuator .-reOitart te she Ware Sua. aerTulkinsreca.vi.tf kr ai.s aieaiterof ths Ward Oaaualk. tia 1 Ua War H ualT will k paid tlr vary rsoa ll . the Wail sow In th nasal aarriee uf ti irmtaat lit alas las wheas a crd!l . Ik quale ta ha ekialuaaL . J 11 KOSHMtiABTTSr, u) tt 8. B. comer B1XTJ anil W ALki ITT Sis. t HEAl)QUARrKR8 PROVOST MAR- h.l Vital lllatrlct. I'.. No. !ll 8. TillHD Si real. fkllaaelphl. Aasust 11. laa. To Lnaure erosaat raolies t all 1 Mat baas aa erdlaar aah aria connacld with tha Cnroluanl. Urarl. Ckaaan- iHsn. Llablii Ss u Urarl, Ctaillts aod Aeuoauia of ruoa turiilshrd.f'ltlsens are raq wated tn aiska appllrastl-a to tha frossl Mar. hai af Ua Coasresstanal lllalrtol for saeh luionsiatkia.aad aet te th rruvvsl atarslial'tauitfl al Wshuioa. ; By rilerof theProve t Marahal-Oaa ral ' WILLIAM C I.BHVAir, sul? ti Caituin aad 1'rtma.t Marahal. 8. X. COWliR SIXTH AIO) MARKBT 8TS, t 11 n a I' 1'. rLilritltiltillia Ouard Kftoioiit, HMUll I . V., COLONEL A. A LT.0II,E3.- -S.H-Hl Ml U N I v 1 0K CM. VKAR Sl.llUCa 0?LY. Fail Irnnieiliatcly on Irfu.if.cr. B.M.i.v ttrN.BAt.i.r. dont wait to bk dhait t.j A r y peraetl til Ins Ta en1 Mi s alll re-stea Saeon l l.f. utei a ne 1 Taetiiy-fl,e Mi-n.a F'rai I.ta.ilena I -erljr stn, a f.rt,taltiry, linmsitlafi' a illea'l.n -ilifnl.d 0; Jltsle lo I K A I J A KT w KS. COMMOttrtLAI. TR II r 1 Vi I N (I. S'.l1 '.'t ho 'II Cllr.M.T -Twni-.r. iMIN TH J3 s- rhiladelpliia Guard Ragimont, CO'ONEL A A. LEQELEB. T'-tal jiay prr k. H-7r, alafno. an4 Crorhlnfi. Imlmlliitr li stifiiT, rT, aU ti UNION LEAGUE i PHILADELPEIA. In slew of the (all of th Pro-id-nt lor live n tnonasnS men, w proai to ralae a 11 V G T M K N T Twr.I.vE MOXTIIH. COLO NELL HOEATIO 0. SIOKEL (Late of the 1'eDnsylvsnia Uoserrea,! Ifae cenaented te tike the earnoiana. All nftirees deslrlnn to t ike fwiu.ateil to ceil ea tart In this ornsnlratlea ar COL. H0BATI9 Q. BIOZEL,' Mo I IHO WALLAOK STRKKT. snf.tr ClTIliNS' VOLUN TKHU 81BSTITUTB t Oil llll't't ,l1a.'Ut 1'.. 1-tfit. D.i ofTlt U KKM' Kit ". fh futrtatt corhar at -p-r-INlH at4 W .I.M'T str"eu flin4 u I J MOJKNfr wKTRHt Trf-atnrpf. S 0rI IOE 01TT BOUKTTf C0MMI8SI05, I'HCNJ'l f-Hrsstat, AttoiriT 10, IStil. further nMlei, s llounly ol tOIJK HUtUKKO flMl lllil.' AH8 wtlbenald to Alals HF.CltUlTS, Tor Oiip, Tvt j, or Three' lea's Servian, MosttitMl ii.lo ilie aervl'-e if the United atatei on ir ftr Am itai 9, lisii, aal ci4IUi up .a t. e i'jo of Ih 'Jlty ot I'lolaitelphia. In Ki rnUo" riilena turnlalilt.; Sil'iallHtoa for TflBKB Kslta, tl,e ltnnly or TWO HIJNIlKr.H ANli nrTf I'OLi. AKh wlil be faiit, as Hereto . r. K. 1'. KINO. PreelcWt. Itrn.FUT M. MOOitlr, J.. wtra.irv. aillft-M MIX 1 XI UKION LEAGUE REQIMENT. IN V W Of THE PMClilKST H CALL HVE HTJNDRED THOUSAND MlTJ, The atllltap Ccmniltii of Ihc Tnlen Leaitue have male Ar' arisen. i on w ith COLONEL H01UTI0 O. SK'KEL, IATK Ol' TH Tlilrtl loriissylvanliv llesservosj ltd with ftlier orHcers of that Veteran tlorril, to ree-alt a jt4Vrawt for on year'a aervu-e, unuer ilia aaaslcei of lb Lea-.lMi. We Invite ofneert rla.li.. us at tastna comntaalona la l t- uiake apilcailou lo t'olvuea elCKML, at his haailtuar t , at NATIONAL (iUAllI)S' HALiL., 'KaCK BIltKKT, BELOtV fclXsH.) . Ii wlil tH ou-eitorl tomss this orsAniratlrsa lu aS n ireets a woriry sucta.sor of tt.s reunsylsanl atoserv HSiaiii.ts iiik RotiyTira will ar ah roLLOfri: (ll. 1'arty I'nned .t'ea rouiity.. 1 ay M ous yesr ... Stio ... 10 ... 1 ...ten k aklef a cash total of (I ir one year).... lit '4' s rw.thtef and sulialstciue furniiaksd ky th fjatd ktaieet.aaa.iiu.ei.1. hecniltvwili le musters i soon a metred. and at to run, aSailv Or In .gtiails. tiitfreas liable loSraft.aaid deairovs eitsier of veluaiaer-in- or nl pnaewrlny aehstllutes, WlU flnft SB l.'ils RsarkmeM eseiy iniittt-ea-eiit to tnler the sarsiea. Nan. Una i.f tie Leasae lurnlaUtrw ' eubsiltutes ar at'iur'aUy rw.ueared to lend ihim to tails stehiiaent- 'I h aite.iiib ot Ward Cuiurauitees ia particularly to tills orxaal'etlt'ii. J. U. FUY, Ckairman. 8 M ITrlSon. ) . k d, ar 1 ln niM. KlMr-lli llallai e. M. T , .lan.ea I. I'tat-lairi,, lli.ree Hu.ni- Jr., Mi rt. a kl. M i-'ai-', J. I. Clerk II re. i aiaji- H t'rosaisn, V.m.11 i.ewla. t;eiri-e W l.iUiey, Autlrew SV' heeler, lleor e Trutt, Cha.lea llilpln. Henry (;. Lra, 1 Jaui.a H. uri.e, Joaepli r. T'-blaS, ' r. II. Itrewn. Ch.llla S.-li'il.k, F.aa 1 1 M. II., Wm.M TiUliassn, J II I. II, C. J.Mseeuen. awi-lit 1 BOUriTY FOR MAR1NKS. WANTED for tha Lnlied Hiataa laarlne l.'orDa. 3le-ti idled meal parioiiu trie duties ol nuiwr l our a aay lama, j oa board l uit'd Blalae kio-or-war oa loraaaa sia.lima. RHltwr fMnanenaatlnn tliAn th aaanv. .HIif.E lUBliatrii LSwlXAfiS OOVr.KSIB)T rlOl kTVl also, AIL Tlllt LOUAL BOUNl'lttMs BaUd apeb enlufjneat. UuSia. rM.lvai Pa.. U..aav. vt all nirther I t.ui.tM appur at ths RatruIUaa kaudaavoub, 1 I ho.m AUti.k r . kksaat, below Bvrue atrsat, Mtwusshoussefseka.... a , aao-tf ' ' atysr d staosaMiea usjieer. ' puBLouena-ruiLODQHB, Osaotrs and soatkar TtaiaMth oityoa fkrsMssAs, asltAsjt HV70ni)8, AKstyraa MILITARY BQVIFMBNTB, Ass urrnssi TO tub sxTsssrra aSaJTCrACTUallfO OTABUBUOtarf or ' OSOROB W. BIMOW8 lJXIO. aiLNriOM BTB.KET HALL, BABHOlt BlreaSa aessssj aUxak. rBBBBNTATloil SW0SJ8 atsA to rar al lha akortaat aotla. wkisk fur rtaliatas a4 istalliia ii' aOMitajo oaaotlMoa, aa Ur kooa la ska aouass eoasklolaa Its MAKUrACTUHlMtJ JkirBASt WITB1 THH tBAOTCAL IVMS at AS. Baa. kS TUB LAB0B9T AND BEST t