The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 15, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Tim IE
I I v - ' ,
--L' " J. J 1..L o! '.'.. V . J
J2U Etc., Ito.. JJto., Kto.
WAsniNOTOfi, August 15. The following
official despatch ha been received at the
Xavy Department:
"Flagship 'llAKTronn,' M01111.1: Hat,
August 5, 18tM. Sir: I have the honor to
report to the Department that this morning I
entered Mobile bay, pausing between Forts
Morgan and Galne.t, and encountering the
Bebcl ram Tennessee, and the Rebel guuboata
Morgan, Sclma, and Gaines.
"The attacking fleet was under way by C'W
A. M., In the following order :
"The Brooklyn, with the Octorara on tho
port side ; the Hartford, with tho Metacome.t;
tho Richmond with the Port Jloyal; the
Lackateaiia with the Seminole; the Mo no 11
gahela with the Kennebec; the Onstpeo with
the Itasca; and the Oneida with tho Galena.
"On tho starboard of the fleet was the pro
per position of the monitors or iron-clad.-).
The wind was Jight, from the southwest, and
the sky cloudy, with very little sun.
" Fort Morgan opened upon us at ten min
utes, past 7, and soon after tills the action
became lively.
"As we steamed up the main ship channel
tiere was some difUculty ahead, and the
Eartford passed on ahead of tho Brooklyn.
"At forty minutes past 7 the monitor Tecum
seh was struck by a torpedo and sunk, going
down very rapidly, and carrying with her all
her officers and crew, with the exception of
the pilot and eight or ten men, who were saved
by a boat that I sent from tho Metacomet,
long side of me.
The Hartford had passed the forts before
' 8 o'clock, and, finding myself waked by the
Rebel gunboats, I ordered the Metacomet to
go in pursuit of them, one of which, the Sclma,
he succeeded in capturing.
"All the vessels had passed the forts by half
past 8 o'clock, but the Rebel ram Tennessee
was still, apparently uninjured, In our roar.
"A signal was at once made to all this fleet
to turn again and attack tho ram, not only
with guns, but with orders to run her down
at full speed. The MonongaJiela was the
first that struck her, but though she miy
have Injured her badly, yet did not succeed
in disabling her.
"The Lackawanna also struck her, but Inef
fectually, and the flagship gave her a severe
shock- with her bow, and, as she passed, poured
her whole port broadside into her jolnl uiue
inch shot aud thirteen pounds of powder at a
distance of not more than twelve loot.
"The iron-clads were closing upon her, and
UiO Hartford aud the rest of the fleet were
bearing down upon her, when, at 10 A. M.
bo surrendered.
"The rest of the Rebel fleet, viz., tho Morgan
and Gaines, succeeded In getting back under
the protection of Fort Morgan.
"This terminated the actiou of the day.
"Admiral Buchanan sent his sword, being
himself badly wounded with a compound
fracture of the leg, which, it Is supposed, will
have to be amputated.
"Having had many of my wounded, and the
surgeon of the Tennessee being very desirous
to have Admiral Buchanan removed to a hos
pital, I sent a flag of truce to the commanding
officer of Fort Morgan, Brigadier-General
. lUcbard L. I'agc, to say that if ho would allow
the wounded of the licet, as well as their own,
to be taken to Petwacola, where they could be
better cored for than here, I would send out
one of our vessels, provided she would be per
. . mitted to return, bringing back nothing that
1 she did not take out. General Page con
sented, aud the Metacomet was despatched.
"The list of easu ilttaj on oar part, as fir as
ascertained, are as follows :
Flagship Hiirtlord
,- Oneida
, Mononguhela
.,. OsSipeC ,
. .Kicbwoud
. .-, ,. In nil
... y
.. 4
.. 7
.. 1
.. 3
"On the Rebel ram Tennessee, thero wvre
captured twenty otlloers and about one hun
dred and seventy men.
"The lbllowlng is a list of the oftier-rn:
Admiral F. Buchanan.
Commander .1 nines I). Johns in.
Lieutenant Win. L. Bradford, A. D. Whar
ton, K. J. McDemiutt.
Masters J. U. Dchumy, W. II. Perrin.
Fleet Surgoou 1). B. Conrad.
As-Imant Burgeon R. C. Bowles.
linglueirs Z. D. Lining, J. O'Connell, John
. Hayes, O. Benson, aud W. li. Patterson.
Paymaster's Clerk J. II. Cohen.
Master's Mates Forrest. Beebe. and Carter.
v "On tho Hrlma were taken about niuuty
' Am. .i ,
viu no hiiu uit;ii.
' "Of the officers I have only heard the names
, of two, Tlx. : Commander Peter H. Murphy
- and Lieutenant and Executive Officer J. II.
1 Coinstock, who was killed. '.. . ' . I '
, . "I will send a detailed def patch by the, first
t ' opportunity. - k - " ' '
Twy 'c'tfj'iiyiy6uroielleut servant,
' n "D. O. Fabbaout, Rear Admiral,
"Commanding W: 0. B. Squadron.
"Iloul GlDEOX WXI.E3, " 1
"Sec'ry of the Navy, V? ashington, D. C.J
., Mat 4f InunltiH 00 h t'lis bli
, , " Hartford."
Kit.i.r.n Pavld Morrow, Wl'.liaut Osgood,
Thos. haine, Denj. Ilarer, Win. Clark, Charles
Bchactt'er, Frauk StUlwoll, Cleorge Walker, John
V. Kcott, Thos. Wilde, Win. biuith, Win. Au
strews, Frederick Muu-cll, Lieutenant McLtuo,
'' ' Peter Duncan. Tiu. Balnea, Tkos. lUulon,
i Thus. Smith, Tho. Carnell.
Wovmt.u Lieutenant Adams, F.ugineer Mc
Kwen, Mastor's Mate U. 1'. Ueirlck. Aotiub'
Ki.ij!u w. ti. lligrieubuthum (siui dead). Men
JViiatr A'eunor, Adulplms I'ulle, lletUm KUUr,
11. K. Murjihy, Wm. 'j hoiuHon, E. JoIiumjii,
JValter Loyd, M. rorhe. Willlsm Seauily, C.
Ktevennon, K. Cuniphel!, Win. Doyle, August
hlinuinns, l'eter l'iits, Michael Fayal, Divid
Oriiu, William Trank, Charles Denm Tbutuss
O Connell.
SoldieTS for Mobile Killed ami
Affairs at Petersburg, Rich
mond, and Charleston.
We have just received a copy pf the Richmond
Whig ol the llth Inst., from which we take the
following new ;
rnon ATI. A STA.
nioM m'coox's command.
Atlanta, Anjtuit 9. Last nlht and thU
niorninff panned wuhout any demonstr.itiou on
the part ot the enemy.
Home lew shells are still thrown Into the city
wi'hout doing any durante.
The enemy evince a duipsttion to extend thctr
right further, which rests near the CauiphelUou
A cnjitiln and lieutenant i'rom MeCjok's
rniilers, who deserted from our army luil winter,
were captured yesterday.
iKon PEri;KiRi itu.
rKTF.)iHt Ro, Aiiuft i). Alxmt noon to dny a
heavy explosion occurred in rear ot the enemy'
line, on the City l'oint road. The causa is un
exn uined.
There was rather more than the usual sharp
stiontinp and fthelling this eveni vg.
The weather is sultry. 1 here was a slight ruiu
Winciikster, Augnst 5 This morning our
army reerosi-ed the rivor Into Maryland, whe'ber
tnrds Baltimore or the Pennsylvania line, I
can't say. General MeCaunlaud bus returned
with his force to Koniney ; he was scut to Cuaiu
hcrsburg to levy a contribution f .t(H).i)O0 to
rerunnera'e Hunter, Doieler, nnd l,ce for the hus
of their houneii, burnt two weeks sim e by Hun
ter's orders j the amount not being paid, the town
was fired, and two hundred and lit'iy.four twu-es
burnt. This may open their eyes to the fan tha
two can play at this game. It was a sad alternv
tive, nut nothing else was loft us.
to quietly submit to thuonu-nidid game lunger
would have been cowardice. Winchoitur iniv
pay the penalty. If so, Hurrlsbnrg must come,
next j and all the thriving towns and line barns
aloDg the border. In one day we eat destroy
mote than they can in a mouth. We have luwor
no towns within their rea h th it. tbey havo n '.
already partially destroyed, whllit the entire
iKirder has been desolated by them houses,
barns, fences, suit all destroyed.
A few days will develop Oi ner.u E.irly's m vo
merts. I will Inform you of results as thev
tran8pire. Yours, "Lawson."
"Hunter has In en annomted to tha eiiuiueiml
of all tho forces in Mai y land for tho dofenso of
the State. Tho order for the hurning of Cli nn-
bersburg, in ease of their refusal to nav itin
amount (one hundred thousand dollars in gold),
nil. Bucu ujr
M01111.E, August 10. Ijut night a soldier train
ran into a land slide between Pollard aud M ct
gomery, and killed twelvo and wounde I tifty
aeen of the 1st Mississippi llutalltoa of artil
lery. Iju-t night two white men and one negro were
arrested for cutting tho telegraph wires abou". tuo
Some Federal war vessels are moving about In
the bay.
The garrison at Fort Morgan is said to be iu
fine spirits; otherwise all is quiet below.
Colouel AHilrnou, wlut SurroudrrtMl Eort
4JlueK .SometriliiK l tiicdlMt t.
Wo have taken some pains to ascertain the fol
lowing with reference to the antecedents of C ilo
ricl Anderson whose cowardly sunend r of Fort
Onines has made every true Alibumiau feel a
nad as If he had lost his dearest friend and the
21st Alabama Kegiment, whose lair fame he has
to sadly tarnished.
Anderson was appointed front civil life an
olticer in the regular urmy of the United States,
under " the four regiment bill," 111 lH il. When
the war commeueed in IMil, be was nuinedi itely
appointed Adjutant-Cieueiiil on (il.uideu's s atf,
where bt runiuincdnntd elected colonel of the 21st
Alubama. This occurred ai'ier tho ba'tlu of
Shilob, upon tho of Colonel Craw
ford, and the sulmeipieut re-igna'loii of his sue
ei Kor. Colonel lngersoll. Colonel Amlerxin has
never la-en In a light, hence his pluck h el never
been tri d by tho only rd'Nb'e ordeal shells,
niiiile bolls, and bavonois it oio-o quart rs.
If not a native of Alabama, as wo have reason
to believe, be bus resided m me neighborhood ot
Mubiie, our Int'oruutiu says, ibu iet:er portion of
bis life, He is quite a yuuug man, bein j eon
siderably under forty.
The 21st Al ibama, of which he was conun Mi
ller at tho lime of bis surrender, has mule a
proud record in this war net'ore its otlirers elected
Anilerfon Colonel over as brave, captains as over
drew a blade in defense ol boaio and country.
At "Bloody tsliilou" it 10 t one-third of Its
number, und w specially complimented for
its gallantry bv the C mini in ling General. One
of In- companies (K) smcc-sful y d--fended Fort
Powell lust spring against Fu-Mgut's entira lleet,
when it made im approach by Uiant's Pass. Iu
appreciation of ti.eir conspicuous gallantry,
Geiiorul Maui y gave the etnire company a wu
days' lurloiigh.
The 21st is in part, we lean, a duplicate of tho
vetcrnu ad Alabnina ltegiini-tit, nnd was formed
111 this maiiuir: Such of the (Jiilf City Guards,
MoVii'e Killes, Wasblniiton l.u-ht Iut'untiy, M SAlu
Ciidetx, unit other old volunteer org tnt,'u'ious lis
did not leave with their c-.'inpanies when they
came to Virginia, Sivni afu 1 vvards raised new
eoinpsnies having the same names as the old
organization, with No. 2 a.ul d by way of di'
tinetion. Tbete were mainly of the
younger brothers and r.laii-es of tho original
eonipiinies. The oltic ers of tliee companies have
been from the lint, and still are, we are informed,
"of the best blood of Mobile."
It is passing strange, tbc.cibro, that their pro
test against tho cowardly proceedings of their
colonel bad not amounted to op?n mutiny, see
leg, as they have done, the seri mi blow thereby
aimed at their beautiful and be oved city.
Since the above was in tvpu we have received
n fAriiniii.ii..uti.iri i-i-..n a Aaiailnrt ....!. am
S.)ili9Ul. Of u-lili'h u-m uiv-A Kv'n.irM.rfUn
u siiiuiiuiry. From this, it will be seen that we
were misinformed as to some few of the state
ments uisdo hImjvo.
Colonel Anderson, our Informant says,
Major of the lHtu Alabama after the battle of
hiinob, in which he participated as a stall oilieer,
and acquitted himself with credit. Hewasafter
wunU) made Colonel of the 21st. lie thinks that
there was only one company of tho 21st at Fort
Gaines at the time of its surrender, a portion being
at Fort Powell, under Lteutununt-Uolonal Wd
l amf, another detachment at Fort Morgan, while
Itie lemainucr were guarding the salt works.
";'onel Anderson is a native aud residsat of
AiaLltrtlai ' -
Siiit-H-nder of Fort Onlaes. .
Thert ts a distasteful feature in the news pub
liihed from Mobile this moining the surrendur
of Fort (mines and the destruction of Fort Powed.
Although both these forts are of but acncs ry
importance In the defences proper of Mobile, itlil
the circumstances under which Fort G.uu;j it
reported to huve surrendered are s nature fell
cskulttted to VKt-iU nispicioti and indignation.
e confess that there is a hiatus in the report
one which, in fmr view, is of all itnponano
namely, tho withdrawal of General Pajsc from the
fort ut a iiio.iieut when evidence of treachery ou
the part of the coimiiuuder seemed tobeuumU
tillable. How is it that with tho ambiguous
EoniLou in which Colonel Anderson had plate
iiusoif by holding communication with tho
eiiuny, without the authority or eunsent of his
superior commander, how is it, we ask, that tliu
commander, upon repairing to the fort and ut-e:'-tuiumg
the luois, did uot remain ia the fort until
be 1 ud acquired the certainty of the treachery
which at that lime was so apparent that he found
it licet ssii rv at once to relievo Colonel Anders n ?
Ou the other hand, if he did relieve Coioual
Auderson from the uuuiuaud of th fort, it is
cl sr that some one else mnt hs,ve beeti p'aced in
r nm and. If so, how shall we explain the con
duct ot that ottlcer, who, being directed to con
msntl Colonel Anderson not to surrender the fort,
allows the snrremlcr ? So mnch s not stated in
tie trl'iirsm; still we are obliged to Infer as
tioi h ; for the In- taut that General Page had re
lit ved Cob nel Anderson, and had himself 1 -ft
the fort, it became neces ary that some one
slieu d be ia command, and that he did leave
inc one In command there can be no reasonable
d u hi.
This fnirender exemplifies, in oar opinion,
triaihcry, or, nt hast, strong evidence of
tn a -liery, C"WHrdice, or Imbecility. The a t of
the officer who surrendered to tho enemy, or to
Ai dersi n himself, afier he hail been instrurtoj
to direct Arib rton not to surrender, is posslhiy
to te attributed to Ignorance of his duties.
To turn now to tho question which tmi fall of
the Inrt involves. Apart from the humiliating
attending circumstances, not to mention the loss
ol msny gnns of heavy calibre, six hundred men,
and a large quantity oi supplies, there, is very
li'tlc in the act of the surrender it-elf which Is
Calculated to give alarm a to the eventual safety
of Mobile. The fall of the oun r foits is luuti
niount to capture of our outposts, nothing
ne re.
The ftrngitle for the pos-iesion of the city Itself
will si rionsly Is gin only when the enemy's lleet
bus n aclictl our lines of obstructions and water
luiti ties. I'nlil tbi n, even with Fort Gaines in
their posstssion.aud Fori Powell ra-lily, perhaps
t inidiy, destroyed we need have no more
tor the safety of Mobile than tho capture of Fort
FulasH excited for that of (Savannah. In a lew
dn; s, however, the situation of Mibilewill be
belli r d.tiiH d, and then we m.iy bo enable 1 to
speak moreudviseuly.
Onr regular informant, who visits our lines In
front of Petersburg daily, In prosecuting the
duties of his po-itlon, savs th it yesterday all w is
npuiii quiet. Al'hounh he eon versed with many
of our m n nnd otlieers in reference ti the explo
sion noticed by us In esterduy's issue, he was
unable to gathtr nny thing addiiiona'. It there
fore s:IU remains itiuong the unexplained uivs
tuies of the war. The tditor of tho Hrpmn, the
evenii g before, was equally unsuccessful in his
ttli.rts to unravel it.
After taking a long walk along our lin 'K In
quest nf an explanation, he says the explosion, as
near as could be judged bv those who heard
nnd saw it, occurred oinc distance in the rear of
the Yankee lines, rather to tho left of U.tiery
No. ,'1, and to the right of Battery No. 3, ou or
near Ihe City Point road. It is represented to
I'iitc b an terrific in its proportions, as the volume
ofsiiokewns immense, and ascended t i a great
Ik igbt, the Hash very brilliant, aud the -hock
great. The cau-e of the explosion is, of ourso,
UMxpluiued, and it can only be onj 'etured
whether it was intentional or not. The reports
continm d for several seconds.
In i.ddition to the exp'anationsof the explosion
which wi have nlreadv given, the Eximts says
that ii'tnc think that Giant was biuwing up his
inner foitiriciiious preparatory to leaving. Wo
con t believe it, because it is not tut bible. Now.
who know, on the other bund, hut that Clys-es
bus been taking powder in his wbi-ky to in iko
himself warlike, and having though' lossly taken
into his over charged stomach a quantity of
Cayenne pepper us a condiment, b is accidentally
e xp'oded. Str..ns;o things are recorded In very
good hot'ks.
The ICjm fs b arns that the Court of Inquiry to
Investigate thecuesof ihe Into disaster to the
Ynnkie arms In front of. Petersburg ha-" lieen
1 onvei.ed, and is in session atCity Point. M.ijor
Gcnerul Hancock is Presi lentot the Court. Of
course somebody will bo made the scapegoat.
AN ill It bo llurn-ide
Between : nnd fi o'clock on Tnesduy afternoon,
s me aeiivity seemed to prevail ou the centre.
Pii ket firing increased to a much heavier degree
I hau usual, an I a very lively shelling was in pro
s' 1 ess lor the space of an hour. Towards dark,
however, everything became quiet.
A curious correspondent wishes to know if tho
Yankee regiments which lied 10 the rear after tho
recent "disastrous failure" near Petersburg will
Iihvc "Mine Jtun" inscribed upon their banners,
as did those regiments which crossed theUapid in
one day la-t tall, marched to Mine Kun, got
whipped, and returned to the n irth side of the
riur as toun us possible.
Wo have news from Charleston to the threo
hundred and ninety-fourth day of the shelling.
Tin re is nothing new or interesting, however.
They are still battering away at delimit Sumter,
the unparalleled defense of which will Btau.l in
histcry in contrast with the cowardly surrender
ol Fort Gaines, as the unpurchas able patriotism
of Joseph Hci d now does with the damning
treachery of Benedict Arnold.
The Courier says that during the twenty-four
hours ending Friday night, three hundred and
thirty-six shots were fired at Fort Sumter, titty
sevvnat ihe. city, and thirty-nine from Battery
Gre(.g, ut Sullivan's Island.
T he gunboiit l'atcnec left Stono, and came in
sii'e the bur on Friday afternoon, and auchored
sear 1 lie Hag-ship. No other ch iug.
The good people of Carolina are sending
melons, fruits, nnd vegetables to the gallant de
fenders 1 f Frt Sumter and the hospitals of the
city. Let our people continue to imitate their
example, and send our sick and wounded iu the
Kl htnuiid hospitals bountiful supplies of these
btaithy and necessary articles of food.
Tho Yai.hccs around Cnailo ton failed to 3')
serve the Fourth us a day of humiliation and
piayer, us ordered by the edict of Lincoln. Like
" Macbeth," tin ir hands und eons liences arc so
s'aiued with blood, that prayers oreveu auamen
ought tnot be said by them.
now to asckrtain where chant is minino.
A f 1 lend furnishes us the following plan by
which the underground operations of Ulysses can
be at nny time a-ceriainod. He says: ft,
"Drive au lrou gun-rod into the grouua , icar
where it is suprs sed a mine is being made till it
is fiim in the eround. Take it between tho teeth
and dose the lips tight around the rod; then
close both ears iih the forefingers and listen.
You eau hear a great distance under ground iu
this wuy."
tub ukfensks of moiiii.r.
Foit Morgan, distant thirty miles below the
city, commands the main channel from the Gulf
to Mobile bay. It is situated ou Mobile Point,
towards Pensacola, and 011 the mainland. Cap
tain Kit h ird L. Page, C. 8. Navy temporarily a
Brigailier-General in our army is in command,
lie is un admirable ottlcer. The fort is bomb
proof, casrniuud with stone, and well supplied
with food, heavy uitillery, and innni ions of war.
T he Charlottesville Chronicle, which has a very
Interesting article on the subject, states that it planned by the eclcbia ed Kngiuecr Bernard,
Aid-Ov Camp to Napoleon, and after the restora
tion Secretary of War.
F'ort Powell, which was blown up by us, was
instructed by Lieutenant William Lewellyu
Powell, of Alexandria, who died while in co n
mend of the post. The obstructions between the
point which the Yankee licet have already
reached, are regarded by iminy as impassable, for
ria-oriS not piudeutto publish.
Wo shall hope tor lb best until other news
reaches us. In the meanwhile, we await its receipt
with the deepest solicitude. If Mobile fa'ls, we
feel that its ttunl defense will the blood ie it and
most heroic of the war. The treachery or imbe
cility of Anderson will make Spartans of every
cue oi its defenders, from Dabtiey Maury to the
humblest drummer boy.
Not content with ordering to the front all the
able-bodied mea detuiled in the Commissary,
(Jnui ti rmiistev, Ordnance, aud other Departments
of Atlanta, General Hood and Stall' visited all
the hospitals, iu search of what the soldiers termed
"rats," and the result of his strict inspection was
a return of fifteen hundred men to the army of
me n est. ,
As we anticipated, tho Yankees are holding a
grand iimuest. iu the form of a Court of luuiiirr.
oi which Milpr-Gcueral Hancock is President,
over the collapsed mine, by which Petersburg
was lo have been taken. This court t; j0 af.
mine who shall be the lacrltlelai victim. Mean.
tune, it would recm that the illustrious Grant was
not the projector of this mining device, but one
Colonel Pleasants, whose khja it w as. Grant was
only the sponsor.
rlea;-urj was i it'vll and mining engineer hc
lore the wor, f.'nd commanded a regiment com
posed, in the main, of coal miners from Pennsyl
vania that is, men specially trained for the mc
reHilul execution of such a work, and the
feature of the failure most discouraging to
ho non-combatant h'orth, aud not without
intlueuee on their hired foreign-bom soldiery.
W'C predict that Hurnside will prove tq be
the ' deliuquent. ' He Is condemned in ad
vance, evidently, i The finger of the press points
with a sure indication at him. Ho has been for
a long time us fond of chutu rlug iu public as a
fiisky uiugple, and iu this waylaid bare to the
popular gaza the actual shallowness and spurious
cburucterof his brain. He will in a short space
of time take Ids place 011 the shelf with McClel
liui.lbo two Porters, Buell, Stone, Shields,' and
otheis the one whose removal from coiutuaud,
however, will do us the most good.
new moii:mi;t m:ir uinniom
Attack on the Dutch Gap Works
i:t-., i:t- , ute., uto., it.
Ktrrlnl to Tlte Evnlnic TclKrntti.
WAsHifOTON, August 1'30 P. M.
The Mar (ays : Captain Fleming, with sixty
men of the lrtth New York Cava'ry, who was out
on a scout, was attacked near Fairfax station
lust Thursday by a body of Moseby's guerillas,
and Captain Fleming and eight of his men were
killed and most of the others taken prisoners.
Cuptain Fleming's body was found near tho road
and taken to Fulls Church and buried.
Cn Sunilny morning several Rebel scouts wore
sren near Fort Schneider and at Annandalo. They
ti ed on our pickets from several directions.
Seigeant l.inuun, of the lftth Now York Cavalry,
who was on picket on the Bruddock road, was
killed. Our scouts arc on tho alert on the hills
ai d railways, and through tho dense woods, but
arc unable to catch these picket shooting assas
sins usd marauding highwayman.
The mull steamer Dictator, Captain Blakeuian,
which ariived from City Point yesterday, re
ported that on Saturday before she left, heavy
tirirg was heard from up the liver, and it was
supposed that our gunboats were engaging a
Itebel battery at Dutch gap.
Tho Charlotte Yanderbitt, which arrived this
morning with tho mails, reports that on Saturday
altersoon a body of our troops embarkod on
transports at City Point, and moved up the river
during the night, nnd it was rcirted that, under
cover of the fire of the gunboats, had effected it
binding near Dutch Gap.
The object of the movement Is stated to be the
dis'odgmi nt of a considerable force of the enemy
a bo hud tntienchcd themselves on the river, aud
pojsibly also as a reeonnoissnnee t ascertain
what troops 1-ee has before Richmond, nnd If I16
Is sending any considerable reinforcements to
Early. Heavy tiring was going on when tha lau
a'crbilt led, both cannonading aud musketry.
General Burnslde and staff came don on the
Vunderbilt, and landed at Fortress Mouroe, from
whence ho was to take passage on tho ltmle
William A. Jones and J. Paul Jones, of the
mm of J. P. Jones & Co., late sutlers in the 18th
lifglment Massachusetts Volunteers,, who have
been found guilty by special Court Martial of un
lawfully obtaining and appropriating Govern
ment property, and have been sentenced to pay a
tine of twenty-five hundred dollars, and to bo
imprisoned until said Hue was puid, were scut
this afternoon to Fort Dciawaro, where they will
leiuain one year unless the lino is paid before tho
expiration of that time.
Mis. Wllliuui Key Howard, arrested soino
months time for a violation of tho laws and
customs of aar, and sentenced by court-martial
to hard i labor for tho remainder of the war for
the bent lit of Union soldiers, has had her sen-tile-;
ronimutcd to transportation bejouj tho
Federal liius, and she will be sent, under suit
able escort, to Fortress Monroe.
Ilrnlh nt Kev. Dr. A. Wlimlow.
TlfM-iNOTON, Vt., August 15. Dev. Dr. Hub
biird Wins'ow, of New Y'ork, died at Willston,
V'.,nn Saturday night. His funeral will take
place on Tuesday morning.
Eirlnu: Hen.
Nlw York, August 15. ihe ship Stratfordtim
arrived here from Llvorpool, and reports that on
Saturday last, in latitude -10-10, longitude 72, she
besid heavy guns to the west and northwest at
Intervals, Iron ') A. M. till I P. M.
Eroin .ev4 bern.
New Youk, August 15. Arrived steamer
JUid'ey Buck, from Newborn, N. C, on tho 12th
Instant. She brings no news.
Markets by Telearrapb.
Ni-.w Youk, August 15. Flour ts firm; sales
of II 1 111 Mils al !)-ll(u Ill'lcifor Stale; !l-8.Vj-2 IVr Oliin,
anil $11 7t'( 14 lor tfniilhera Wheat iult; sales unliu
(snai.t. C rn OteluieU it with n an'tis, ll.iot dull. I'arK
didi al $4i 7MMI fur M, l.. 1 ard quii't. Whisky Arm at
$1 'iti, w title laeilers ask an advance of Je.
ltri e pi- i t, :-0,i te tiurrell ; Wbsut, liKi.nOO buehela ;
Ccm,Vuc,OiiutMulKli. a
New Youk, August 15. Stocks are better.
Chlcaso aiat Hork Island. 114; Cumberland pnilerreil, III ;
II Inula 4 u lal llnllrt ad l.i; Michigan Hnutlicrn, !'.". i
I'rniis) b ama CiuMln; Itnadliis'. M ; ItiHsmiHiver, li-ii
Ml.-ouil tia.f H; t rie, ll-J, : One-Vfar ( iirnil, mu, ill', ;
Kivt-lwvmy Coui'ima, lak; Itejistuied lis, luu. ; Oiud,
Bai.iimoiir, August 15. Flour steady. M'heat
active ai'd hrtn. (.'mil slsadv a ill lendlnc upA-arit. H lies
nt M Ou loi.lielfe wlill.' ai Sl'Hixrti HJ, Whisky nrinatSl'SO
fel SI. Ilroeeras qulot.
EKM TAv., F.".,, TAv., Ktc, Klc.
Oir MoniLi:, August 5. Admiral Farragut
bus sgnin (ought und won. Mobilo bay is ours.
About h o'clock this morning the attack com
menced, the iron-clads Tccum.efi, Manhattan,
H inntlMtqo, and Cmcktuaw leading, c lowly fol
lowed by tho wooden vessels Hartford,
ganla, VWrnsssef, Metacomet, Oneida,,c,
eighteen in all, lashed two and two, in the same
ninnnei- ns when tbo Port Hudson batteries wore
passed. The ttrootlun was the first following the
monitois and tho llartford (flag-ship) second.
Tho Itichmimd, Lackawanna, Ossipcc, Munonya
fiela, Oneida, Galena, Port Royal, Metacomet,
Oetorata. N ( Je. and kuica followed.
When the fleet was fairly under way the Hue
headed directly for fort Morgan, the enemy
Cluing a ttMfic. fire from Forts Morgan aud
Gaines, and assisted by the gnus from the Hebsl
rum Tennesee him. iviurwiuw ...iv uw tn-
...unoui.f ll.O lllitr. ... .
Our oulv reply to the enemy from this range
I i, aeiniino of a few shells from oua huti-
dictl-ponndcr Psrrotts, stationed at tha bows of
tho VtisselS ; mit wneu mo unci io ai wuuiu
i.isenit ibroi of Fort Morgan every vessel was
ready with her broadside, and as the fleet passed
tbey opeiica a terriui; nio,mo vwuuwn mvuiug m
volleys similar to an iubintry nro or musKOiry
driving tha gunuera from tlair guns and silent,
lug both fuit siid water battery. . , ,
A. footl as the buy was reached the Kebcl ruin
Tennesste, gunboat Sclma, and three others at
a, t ort Hie tleet. and' almost before the first gun
was filed in the action with them the monitor
'.-.. airuck a torpedo, which fairly blew hor,
or rutlior lilted her, out of the water, when she
descended uud disappeared. Nearly all on board
were lost, but eight or ten escaping. They werj
picked up by a boat from the Metacomet while the
light was going on. The lighting was territi; for
s time i bnt It was soon evident th it w h ' be
I t ol the action, th'mb Hi,, sm ko rendered fie
engagemnit viry Indistinct.
A ihe'riiu' and otli. r Rebel vcds were
ergagmg the rl et sevoral of the ami'le v e s
passed ih.m, when the Ten wi I t'o ti r
to tun them ilown. Tho f iriln was c it 10 tho
wntt r's edge by her formidable ram. a '1 to pro
ent her sinking she was run fro snoal water.
The veel nl-o reee.ved a sho in her b dler.
The Keticl gunboat Stlma att. mpt- d to leave
tl e fleet qnu tly and steam to M iblle, but f)
Mi tacrmi t ill-covered tin- movement and bits'. Mind
nfter her. When the form"r saw 'bt esoa wn
In.po.sO e, ahe Mirrenden d to Captain I irrctt, of
the Mitacnmet. Tho Itebel vess I h id lust fear
fully In killed nnd wonmled, and h n her f ck :
w, re reached, Hi dead and dylug lav nrou id,
w hile hi r snippers ran with iiloo l. Hcrcotu
tnsndt r, I.icnti nant Coinstock, formerly of the
I nitcd States Navy, was lying uitosh the brt-eeh
of a pun, wbh bis bowels torn out. He w is evi
dently in the net of sighting the piece wnen sli it.
The i ngsiremeiit with ihe enemy's fleet to ik
plmc on Ihe west side of Mobile bay, iu the
direction of Fort Powell, and out of range of the
guns of Fort Morgan.
I he Tmnemrt boldly steamed in the direction
of our fleet, as it' for tho purp sie of running d m-o
and destroy ing the wooden vessels, without pay
ing attention to the monitors, ox a pt to keen o it
of tin Ir way; bnt Ibpv pvrSHVered in fidiiing
hi r and cutting her ofT, when her whole a tontlo i
a forced to be directed to them.
The fighting did n it last long b-twe-n them,
howevir, for the li ig-hlp and the W.wsi'wWi
ftciitnrd In the direction of lh Ten ienei., tho
MitnonQiihrla striking her and Istdps with h?r t r
ribie prow, causing 'he huge Kibol monster to
reel like a diunken man.
The Hartford then grapp'cd the 7aa but
further b'ood-bed was av.d bv tho latter hoist
ins tl e white t!ag from tho pi'ot-houso.
( nptnln I'lerro Oiiatid lid tho party who
boarded the nun, and the ltecl Admiral
Buchanan delivered up his sword to hi n.
The sumo horrible slaughter was observable
all nrouml as ou tho Mma, ami Admiral
lltiehnnan had a leg shot olf during tho action.
His lie is dispaircd of.
t iintnin Oiraun. the former commander or the
fulled States steamer Tmnttnre, now rammauds
the raptured ram of that name.
the riiiif.secls reported to httvo surrendered
on aecotini of tho demoralization oj hor crew.
unr loss in tins ncuon is anoui two iivnurci
and fifty, Including nearly one hundred who
penstioil on tbo Icoumsti.
vt e have captmcu nearly threo Hundred
A portion or our nect are operating on rort
Gen. Wilcox in Command of
His Corps.
r4?., TAe., TAc, Etc., Kto., rid., Kl.
August 11, 7 A. M. General Burusido was
relieved yesterday, and loft his command last
evening his division ottbers nnd a nutn'serof
friends being present to bid him farewell.
General Wilcox 14 temponiri y lu coiumaul of
the !th Army Corp..
It wns reported last week that the enemy wcro
moving towards our left with tho intention ot
making a flank attack early this morning, but as
there has been no demonstra'I n up to this hour
the rcpoit is oclioved to be unfounded. Ample
preparation Is, however, mtido to meet them,
should they attempt snch a movement.
Everything nt headquarters Is perfectly quiet.
Considerable firing has been kept up all night
between the pickets on the centro nnd right.
Yesterday morning, about daylight, heavy
firing was heard in tho diroction of th) James
river, which lasted for about two hours.
It is reported to have been an attack by somo
Rebel rams on a working party of General But
ler, who were cutting a canal across a small
peninsula on tho James river.
A dozen deserters enmo In yostor lay, two of
whom were cavalrymen, with all their accoutre
Baltimour, August 15. Tho fltg of-truco
steamer -Yew York, from Aikeu s Landing,
nrrived at Annapolis yesterday morning, with
four hundred and fifteen cxehungod prisoners,
including eleven otlieers.
Major-Generul Burnside nnd staff arrived hore
this mom ing and took breakfast at thoKuasr
House. He is going to Khodo Island.
I)eirUtlou of IMrnto ' I Hllnasn."
Phovii;nck, It. I., August 15. The brig
Jiilluu; of Salem, with lumber, was fallci lu with
by the gunboat Grand Gulf, dismasted nud
abandoned. She bad apparently been hoirJcd
by the Tallahatnce.
Tie Grand Gul f took her iu tow, and aftor-
wmds gave ntr to tun revenue cuiior Miami,
tvhich towed her to Newport last night. Tho
Grand Gulf proceeded in search of the pinto.
The lllM-liiiler Hrowuwvlll.
Washington, August 15. Ollloial intelligence
having 1 ecu received at this Department th it
the military forces of the United Stitos have
temporarily withdrawn from Brownsville, iu the
State of Texas, that port will not be considered
as epen to foreign or domes ic commerce during
sucli withdrawal, but the blo::kado thereof by
the naval forces of the I'uitcd Statci will bj
ics. limed.
llrenk In Ihe tfrio Canal.
Auiany, N. " , August 15. A brck Is re
ported in the Frle Canal, throe miles this sldo of
Schenectady, which It will take three diys tj
Statb op Thehmometeb To-dat. Six A. M,
78. Noon, 89. One P. M., 89. Wind, K. by N.
I'KkiNf. Pockets, This morning, Adolph
Bccl-er was before Aldcrinnn Beitler upon the
charge of picking the pockets of n .oldicr named
Henry O'Ncil of 62. It seems the two men met
and cot drinking together. A carriage ride was
proposed, and Q'Nell soon became stiipoded with
mm. At Twenty- first and Ridge avenue, Uockcr,
rilled his pockets and jumped frqni the rANriage
and made ou. He was obsetved to rllle his com
anion's pocket, and was pursued and captured.
The money was tound in his possession. At tho
liiaring this niorniug.Hecker charged ihe soldier
with robbing him. Tho .oldier felt his pockets,
and there found Becker's pocket-book, the latter
haviog no doubt placed it there himself. He
was held to answer at Court. ' ) .
i Bakk lloniii'UT. We are luformed by; the
American Hank Mote Reporter that the Farmers'
and Mechanics' Bank of Milfotd, Delaware, was
robbed last night of everything in the bank. A
tclcgii.iiLitc despatch s this inoment received by
the Bunk of North American, Drexcl & Co., and
Ferree Ut Co., to refuse pu) incut of all uotos until
I urther orders. .. r ;
DuowKto. A young mau named 'Frsnk
Hoover a as drowucd on Saturday, having been
swept 'overboard by a tow-line attached to a
schooner, til X young men were lu the- bait at
ihe time, four of v. bom got overboard, and all
were rcsmvd except Hoover.
Who is tub Ownsr? Within the pits! few
months several merchant v( s-els have arrived at
this port, ba ing on bo rd colt n picks 1 up at
sea, supposed to have beeu ihrown ovur'i nrd
from ba ckade-runi c,s when ch ied 'iy O .vera
nun' ships. Two of then were th barq if
IViiiinm Yannemnn sud Adit Car', r, and t ie co .
ton via sold oon alti'r tha arrlv il of fie vessels,
brli ging altogether a'lont ! 12 oOd. Pro- 'el itfa
l ave t en rnmnieneeil bv lb- V nlfetl Spates Dis
trtrt Attorney against the parties interested in
this cost' n t.' recover it or ihe pr-M-eeds of the
sa s for the t'nl ed states, on ihe gr mnd tint It
belopged to the enemies of the 'J jvcrnmotit, and
was n lawful (.rl.o to it. The milter is to US
heard before Judge Cadwala ler.
Kihstiti tks. The Cl''icns' Volunteer Subs' I
tuto Committee hare been compelled to sus
pend their operations in tho way of procuring
substitutes for citi.ens upon the payment of f mr
hundred dollars, the lar:re bounty given by C ty
Councils and tho Wards combined Mn lerliu it
Impossible to enter into com)ieiition with fie
authorities. Tho-e who h ivo pi I fmr hundred
dollars to the Comtnitb-c, and for whom uo sn'i
stiiniis have teen procured, hv,. beeu invited
to cull and have their money returned.
Atti'mit to pEHKHr. The 6 A. M. train,
Vihich left this city j-tcrday morning for Wash
ington, had on board a number of substitutes
under guard. Tho train was moving a'ong a', a
rapid speed, and when near the Orny's Fiery twoof Ihe substitu es Jtnnp-d otf.
of tbein was tired at by the guard an I w uiiided.
The other was ruptured some distancs fro n tun
railway by the Arsenal guards. The wounded
man was taken to 'he .South street Hospital, and
the otlur is now secured in tho Arsenal.
ThbTwentv-thihd II koi m e r P k n n s y t, van t a
Voli ntseiis. This veteran regiment are ex
pected to return home on the2ltli Instant, an I the
tinmen will bold a convention at tho hall of the
Delaware Fire Company ou Wednesday, to mike
nrrangrnients to give them a grand reception on
their return home.
Colonel Lv.cHi.Rn's PiitLiul.iiiii Gt'ARi).
We refer the reader to our advertising column"
for a reply by Colonel Lech ler to an ullogi' iou
made against him by a contemp .wy that he was
obtaining recruits iu l'hiladelphit nnd de.iriviug
the city of the iK-nctit hy having them cre litad to
other counties. The Colonel satiliictonly answers
the aliegation. I
Tn IJiiaft in thb Twklitu Waku. A mass
meeting of tho citizens of tho Twelfth Ward will
be held to-night, at Ihe Methodist F.plscopAl
Church, Fifth street, below Green, for tho pur
pose of collecting monoy to avoid the draft. A
full attendance of ci'izens will dou'itiess lie
piesent, i
Fire. Between twelve nnd ono o'clotk this
morning, a fire occurred ut tho northwest corner
of Itnudolph and Jctfcraon streets. Tho fire oc
curied in the fourth st iry of Forepaugh's tan
nery, occupied by H. N. lii unnar, mauuf icturor
of vioulcu cloth. The damage w is not heavy.
Oi riei: or Tua Rvkninu Tn.riiiPH, (
Munilay, Auaant ID.
There is a better feeling in the flock M irket
this morning, and prices ure steady Government
securities aru in fair demand, with sales of 5-3'Js
at lOSIJOflUbJ, which Is a slight decline; 7-2.1s at
109, which is an advance ; Cs of 1HS1 at li) j(Vi
1071, which is also an advance.
In Kailroad shares thero is very little doing,
but the market Is firm, with sales of Caaidan and
Amboy at 170; Cattiwissi preferred, !'); Phila
delphia and Kric, .'151; Norristown Kailroad, f5;
Minchill, 62SC.tli and North Pennsylvania
Railroad bonds, at 101 ; wo quote Pennsylvania
ltallroad at 73i('i)7l; and Reading at OSi'VjS;
old City us are selling at 1014.
Benk shares continue linn; but thero Is very
little doing. ItiO was bid for North America, 133
for Philadelphia, 5''B fur Fai mors' and Mechanics',
aud 56 for Commercial.
City Pa-senger Haiiroad shares are dull at
about lot mer lutes. 72 1 was bid for Sec md aid
Third, 30 fur Thirteenth and Fifteenth, 60 for
Chestnut and Walnut, 21 for Arch, and 60 tor
Bare nnd Vine bonds.
There is nioro aeiivity In Oil stocks, aud pro
ducing shares have advanced, with sa'os of Dcns-
niore at 10 nud Mineral Oil at 2J.
There is very little demand for tuouoy, and the
market is dull. Capital Is plenty ou call at 6 por
cent, per annum. Best paper Is selling at trotn 7
to 8 per cent.
In Gold thero is very little doing and the
market is dull, opening at 255, advanced and sold
at 256 at 11 o'clock, 2 "1 at 12, and 2V, at 12,.
l'Qtl.ADKU'UlASTUClv EXttllA.-ftiE 8AX.B8, AIM. 1
ItapurUMl by CUrkaon & Uo., Broken, So. Ut 8. TtUrd Bt,
MD.hMc hennv 7
aim ill Ueitlliitock..b3
7iOk1i a- ( r-v
CmSI ! du it1.
llsOsh blll-uiJlai...
110 stl do
IMi.h itu ,
S o sli do
tfcibh d'.
fsiuii t'nieu Put.,
lissi eh do
tl -.10 all tl ft'.'
i) loo ah H ailina It. K.C IM'a
!)', lull sluir M .out ... . tt
II-, I'Osli ila 6,
luo.ii do bi
kikht no hu
f'.'UO . H. Ci.'Bt
10 sli Wrouiinx Clll. S
(10 tl Iili'i
Suit) ilo Ii7
t-fko (to ID'S
fl.'OII l Is',
uneCHv lis. eviir W.UH'i
HU IJ.SI. 0 Vi'r(K...lns i
!(H ilv Ha 11 IM
IKs.ll K. l a. It. I.. lel t.
S'.'lll U. H. 7-t'a.lTeli.l'll ,
fssi sh rata. i) b'i 40
vihi sli blir'i. s
?Sli til do S I
1 ,b ilo tsi
I sh Momstowll K..
IU ah Ulnellill il',
'! all da la a Uiilsvllletlk X.IIS
IM) -h Husa. ianal ... t'a
liaisli da M i
ISO .li Mineral Oil....
4 all LnhisuUAS... Ci
IS 1 ill HI
)00 sh r.rn Muuni.'iSa 'it,
7 in Com A A in. ...171)
SOOnklflnauioreOll., 10
mi ah run. a i:ne..c'V
Iteportcd by Ularkaun Co., Urokurt, No. Ul a. Tntrd Si
r.rU Hall. Hecona Villi.
tallied gtaiesi'-a, 1KS1. Hit off.... .10. t. bid
I'l'". a nt
s k Island ICalini,
IP) .' salna
S-'. sales
llfl't MIM
bi tt sa aa
lao'Z iaja
11."; .aim
m .ale.
la) salal
M eady.
Ki-iidllia llaltrrinil.
....11 bid
....It.1',' bid
...Mi', old
...Wi Did
...,vu bid
IIIiikii. 1'iii.ral Itullriiad...,
New VHtkCeilUral Hultruad.
Krlfi lialltnad
llHrleoi Kullruad
t'uited tsl.t'ia fr-'iOa
Jay Oookk A Co, quote Government tsecorttle., Ae.,to
soon to-day, at followa:
.... '.
.... IU
C fl. . 11
r. a. 7 a in votes
Cortlticaies "I liia.-ntMin.-is, K'
Unarlrruiaalcr'a Voucteira....
ktsj u'liud'a..'.'.'.'.'.'. tWX
tjuotutiuns of tho principal C 1 and Coal Oil La nt. 1 .iVloek bi.dliV :
Hid .Is- Hi
Knltnn Mcl'lio'oek Oil.... IiS
ui. owmii..ii, 1'n.U. 7 . 7'm .Mineral Oil... ... ..
.Uk. Mid. I
ye', ive.ysnmt! vni i .
,',i4 Vunaiihini'll., ...
IS t'ul'.ii lilt
r, Hvniaa Oil
1 ur-a'ilc Oil 11-1'
1 KraiAilu Oil
linen ill. ia al....
S I a'ts. m ale ....
ev rni-k
I'ci-der liam Cout
rllnuail nal
Aincricnri Khi till., i,1.
I'enll &lhilnI
liiriird Muilnc
.IIIK Mil, IDS' lu
11, lla. and Itnaton. ..
Miiiidan Miiilio;
Muraiietti Mllunn. ..
l uraii'i'llriit ,S
Alsiu-c linn 1
Oil l rrl-S 6
Map.0 ishaitv Oil. .14'.'
a Howes r.iijyo.i.
Irvini: Oil
Pope Vann Oil..
, liuiUT Cuftl....,
Kcitont Z-iuo.
iI)iuaiiiot ,
lt.llM.Tt. Oil
KKi uliiiur Oil.,
1 1 te
MobU'& 1&
Tha euftoins Gold revenues ut New York,
specibcally pledged to the payment of the Interest
on tho funded and fundable gold-bearing public
debt of the Vnited States, from the latof January
to tbo 13tb of August, amount to....l,21'.',2 t
Against Bio time IKII3 31,730,703
increase at Kew Yovkalone ...... f lMS,tB
The Boston rest say. : "Money continues in
cood supply at tho banksanit in the open Biarkol.
Cmm ?'ial paper I. scarce lu the street. There
is an Increased demand for certificates p ludcl t.
ediicss of long and short niaturities. The call for
Government securities is without abatement, aud
if anything, is on the increase; Gold and cx
chunnearo'lcverish and nusettled. ..
-The New York Herald this morning :"
"Tho past week has been oue of unbroken,
monotony in Wall street. l'he waterlnfl r place
have proved more attractive '"'-,.",-
i.rceeTeniediy Itght detnand at f;o a,
"v l' to 2.''.' J. ciosmg ou Kaliirday at 2jJ.- TU
si'ipuient for iba . week amouuUsd to an! v
!. ... j ....l..r .1,.. iiir-t-m li. lii, A.
uiaod for nulional securities Ibis dimlmiiioa or
Ibc usual outgo of specie is likely to continue,
and U promises to more than ueuvaliiethe etlo tt
of (be steady Intlation of the currency ou- the
pictuiuia ou gold for the ncut monta or two. '
i l ante to the maioruy ui - - --
wXtaiidingtbe rtieupness and abuudaiios ol
. J Li,m has languished, not -only In
stock hut la produce aud every departmtmt of
stocks, uunn I fcustilned under au
The snbsc-lp'lona for the week, s! Plfst ff v.
t onsl Blink, -o th i.. 7-31 fOn. e'jj j) W).
We Irani from WaShlngt m that lite nofc will h
1 st ed In a few days. , ,
The follow ing tab' cornir- thi vn't of
specie from tha port of No v Yjrk to foratg i
porta lor the week ending Anga-t li and iac
January 1., with tho eorrrs,ondlng perhni
In the thirtei n year. sn e Wii . ... V
JW I 83 .36 1 240 1S'i7. 911 mT.mj
U76I1 141 W-Q. 22.'VUi, '
3:,IW2,H44 1 W . !M.WH,7
tMW Wei 22 M M
3;i nviia ism l.'Mia mi
47 49 ,.,l j 1802 ld,7s.5,OTa
eotitr.ic'.f.irthe fonsiri.t'ion of ratlrMtl
from 1 ay City, Mlehlaaa.M F,at 6 igtnw, hi
been giveu out. an J the work in ha i,,r,a.,.'t
cmiiniencrd. .;. . . ' '
-Th Grand Trunk "Railway Company ' havn
given notice that they have asiamea ih ma-Ms'S-ment
of the Buflalo and Lake Huron tUiiroai,
The following are the approxl.nate ea-alngs of
the Marietta and Cinclnnitl Ku road Cjiaauiy
for tho 1st week of August, loVHt
tssi, isel.
Passengers $3,441 43 ' fj.rit)!
Freluht ,or H , 4,7 -
Mail, express, and telegraph. . 1,124,08 , H7.100
Total..........'. 18,M0W rc3ial
Total for tho Fiscal , . ;
commencing 1st Jan. .$ VIS, 460 61 . f3J1,WV0l'
The comparative earnings bt tha Hoim,
Wairrtown, and Ogdensburg Kailroad f taa
month of July wor as follows: :, -
tsij Hvd.,
Passengers - ' f U
Vrvlgbt J2.341 ; t, dfi.l.iJ
Miscellaneous 1,614 . .' 2,H9
' '' ' -'
Total f a,fi08 . r - f71,0l
Iucrea.-e illJ-'J
The earnings of the Milwaukeo and St. Paul
It ill way Company, Inc'adlng; the eas'er i divi
sion ot the I.a Crosse Railroad, substantial y
owned hy the iortner company, for - . j
July, IhOI, were .....$I';S..1d7tX
Juiy,lWi3 , l'M,i'J7 J
Increase Jj 91J
From Jan. 1, 18'H, to Ajg. I, IH6i..,.l,lM 27lJ"9
From Jan. 1, 113, to Aug. 1, l ;3. ... 77 Wd XI
, 932i,sidjd3
Monday, August 15. The stock of Cwu, ia
exceedingly low, and it Is held wKh morj flrja
ii ess. Sales at ?l 74(178 W lb., the latter f
strict middling. , ,. . , , -'.',
Quercitron Bark if in demand at H i' ont
and it is very l.'ar.'e. Thre is but' littis Clover
seed here, and It ranges from 813 M up to. 16 .
C4 lbs. for first and second haa Is. f , not'hy ,
seed is held at 99 (J-bushel, and Fi.m-csd'a
3-60(Vi3-6i5. " . - t. ":i..'J i - .
6 The Flour Market continues very fir.,- tut
there are but few buyers; fir asport th'-) ntr
but a few hun Ired b ds. Uken at $10 40 if bl.
for extra, and $l(w2 tot extra family. : To ih
trade the sales are only iu a small way at $)2i($
9 -SO for aupeiflna,upto $1213 for fancy iraruK
according to ipiatity. Rye Flour Is sciroe. auti"
would bring fi"J 2.j(aO 60 (f bill, Mo tran lacUoaa
in Corn Meal.
The Wheat Market Is very dull, att 1 bit lifthl
hero to operate in; sales of 4030 bushel. Pennsyl
vania red, pnrt at $2-55, and part oa 'pritfeM
terms ; 2000 bushels red at $2'602'64t Southern
do. at $'2 65; white ranges fro ni i IS to t-flQ.
Kye is scarce and inquired after al 9l-6"Xg)Y-j$.
There is but lilt e demand for Corn, wiiii aalessj
of about 1000 bushels yellow at 1 67; and l&M
bushels white at $1 64(1 00. . Oats ace s endy at
00c. for new, and V2(u 95c. for old. "Barley M tit
ranges from Qi-Vi to 91 30. " .' . ''
Whisky Is tlru ;' sales of 103 bbls. at $ '19 tot
Ohio, and SP76 for Second-hand packages. ''
. .im . J-'T
Mondav, August 15. Beef Cattle are1 ia
limited demand, and tha market continues dull,
at about former rates; about 1800 head arrive!
and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at pttcoa
ranging from I6(a lflic. for extra, 1415c. for fair
lo good, and 10(H3c i)' lb. for common, aeeoroV
irg to quality ; about 150 head sold to gJ to Bil
timoie, at 7(abc. (' lb. gross. , K .
The following aiethe particulars of the sales:
70 Martin Fuller & Co., western, ll('Clf3. '.
40 Gust. Mumberg, western, ll);14. - '
6.) P. Hathaway, western, MJi lii. ;
40 UliuKU & Co., Chester county, 14(19.'
42 J. McClese, Chester CO. and western, U(wA.
63 O. Hmiib, western, 10()l5j.
154 Mooney & 8mitn, Ohio, U(164. ,.
14 1). Bramon, Chester county, level I.
100 P. MeFIUen, Chester couotv, I4i18.
10 li. Chum, Pennsylvania, 13U. - .
40 J. & J. Chain, Pennsylvania, 1AH5. . s
65 James McPillen, western, 13(cj)lo.
Sheep Thore is more activity iu the market,
ot about former rates ; 6O01 head arrived, and
sold this week at prices ranging from 6 up lj 7J
cents if '' lb. gross, a 'coriri-ig to q iality.
Cows. About I'M) head arrived and told tha
week at the Avenue Urova Yard at from K')
40 lor Springer-i, and 3i up to fd p-;r lie-id ( it
Cow and Cult, as to quality ; old leau Ofvs ara
felling at from $18(Va20 per head. ' s
ll. gs eonuiiuc tlnu at fall prices; I3's5 hivl
arrived and suld this week at Henry Glass' Uui
Drove Yard at from $l5Wop to Itfld 50 por 1J0)
lbs. net, according to i;uality. (
Hctif !Utto,Pln, baltimre, Baufb A boa.
I). . transiinl tl.aiii-hlp Allnilic, tl'lridglt. 91 kuiirt
friin lurtr. m .Menruv, wlib.,77 alokaad wviuiiKd aldiara
to It a. Midi al bin etor ,
llariii Mui.awk (Ur.). I'hattleld. rreas Sydney. O. a.,
via lieiuiud.,9 dars, with iioal to NurUiem LaberiMae
""rig iicspalcn (Hr.). llnlar,?o daja from lilac Bay,
C. It., wl li o.'.l to J F. Ilaaluj a O-i.
MclirJohn'ti. Msruii, 4 duva from Provldiac,
hlli'ia.l.illauli A Co.
s. hrKiaiiel.i i, imi,Wj-, 4 days nana Kw York. Ui
kolli-tloj k. Kazliv 'o. -
Hel.r l.snains. Ulake.S day) from Wardlasj, wllU tea to)
Hitir S. li. Btavena, Whttmors.S dayarroio Bostviirwltk)
Ice t 1 caiita.ii.
Hi-I r w. t. I'httllpa. Sualih, 7 daya frw Boakm, wka
'""lir Tl'an'e, llopklni, I day. from Mhbuft"", la baj
la.l to cajilatu. .
Srlir tli n a. nordfo, Wrtflillnaten, t dars troia rsJI
Ulv,r. inbailaat ivCoalnrr, -.Ueknay A) Wtllinxti. I
Schr Woodruff Mlm,Mua..n i daya from Cm I oinl, ul
hallast lo ea,ialn.
Hehr Trada W lad, Hmilh,! days frsaa Baanairt, la k-4-lasl
locaptam. '
Mehr 11. U. Oalay, Baadora. rroaa Jw lork.vka W
Mi...,... HaI in I.aIIbsi tA rantaln.
Hehi Two Broitirra, We.t, 1 day rji Indlaa Klvar.wilB.
araia w Jam.. Ha-rait m.
Bohr Surah M ary, ktnrrla, 1 day fross , W.,,wit
grata to Jamva barralt.
' , ; - t
, . ,i 4
onice ot the LehlKb Coal and Navlvi
Hon Company, t. - a i , s.:'4-
Ftf U.AP1CLP1UA, August II, 1064.
U0I.DKBS of the ' t '
''' -who subicrtbed M " ' -
... 4 ,
on leavlug Unau st
L '-f
ti', fin
cshavtliKvwCrtlllcstnths , it , Vj ff ,
: , ;. .1 i JiEXt DAK. ca JjiUot
Draft !
Outi 113 nea reiiulred to nit the liuola
Of th Ward. ' j . . .
AUrand Mast Meelllig of the Ct'I lll ef t)l Ward wl
be held at the at. K I hi.reh, HCru suoal, DeJiw Orean,
THIS (M.ilidaj) EVk.NIMll. 1Mb iul., at D Mljk. K
lotUet ITttud.. Let thrrw be a "great attendance, aud eipa. ,
dally ol ail unrolled saeu. and our objeut 1. ooooifi.ki4
Hi uieuilrfo. uo liuic la to he lo.t. " J '
. - -. - t.UA, MvWAONi;H, lnf(enl.
, Tlloa.Il. CiiNSkU .. Se.'letary. , , ,. - - , , ,J
1 H. BMI1.ES, 'lroa.urr. ' ' . " 1 ,
4IUvlal ))rjwluk-a of tlie .UU.y t)oJW
uu'u'kw''.ys; as-An la. W ; A
J - 78, 49, 44, 70, .'), 10. 3, .). o-t, .
' KaiKCtAi.asI-Aaii"i 1 ?''-,
' SS. 63, 41, 22, 17, W4, 63, U. il. h.
, . tV.uifvr.asiit'waaaioi. ,o;i O-J
. t
t ..I