sau TOE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. rJIlLAPELPIIIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 18GL "J Stoning Stlfjtapft PATVR DAT, AUGUST IT, SPIRIT Of THE HTW YORK PRESS. Lending Editorials frcmlthc Kew York Pupm This Morning. Tin: w.tnr axi iayi4 mimidmo. sfrssn l Tim el. Vo ri'l j" in Br.fitlu-t column very cm cllc ut article fri in llie Xutional Anti-Main , S'andar ', upon the dim scrs to Mch tlio chum: oftl.e c un ity find of freedom is rxpotctl, I'mm the cvtr wcening Inirnticucc of Itn ovir-7falriir fr'cril?. The sitldc has fpeeinl reference to tlio mniiifcsto recently issued ly Messrs. Made and li;vlf. which Is certainly th most extraordinary poKli- ral pacr or tlie day. It Is liy far Mir moat effective roip(rlunil cam tiliin document thu far issued, and we are not in tlio leaft surprised to lindtrmt it is to bo lsi:od in thnt form, and widely circulated ly tint rartv, for tbc pnrpo.c of aiding in the defeat oi lWi itt nt Lincoln. It Mima ditlicult to believe that tbc authors of this paper could have ikliUratu y altncd at such n result. For yeur. tlicy have been amoncf the nnv-t prominent and eilVetivo advocates ot principle.. Tliey bavo taken a ieudinir put in all the a ts and measures of the Republican nnrty. Thrjr hate sustained Its doctrines, de fended ili action, and sustained its candidates. The. party bus f,'iven them its ronfidonrc, covered them Willi liocon, and piuccd iu their U.mi'.s ample jifiwer and Influence. It Is notliinff straiiKe that they should not be lUc to approve all its mcasnroc, or to indorse every net of the resident whom they themselves aided to elect. This happens alivavs. No man i'f independent thought can ever Rive his un qualified sanction to all the doing.-i Bud savings of the party with which bo is connected,' or of the men who have become lis representative. Hut a,- prac tical men, as statesmen of large experi ence in public attain, it is strange that these gen tlemen should have thus openly allied them selves with the political party which they h trc so often and so warmly denounced a enemies of the country and as hostile to every principle of freedom they have deemed essential to the pr.l lie rood. It is idle to claim that they have done it lrom principle : they hare done it from personal resentment; they are determined to punish Mr. Lincoln for having acted on his own convictions tf public policy rather than upon those which they set forth lor bis adoption. The circumstance that tbey thereby endanger the existence of the Government, Is to mure a tritlo as scarcely to merit thoir attonti n. The Anti-Slarrry Standard (fives these gentle men, and nil others afrliotod by a similar over estimate of themselves, some very excellent advice as to their duty in the premises. The Standard concurs with them substantially in opinion upon the bill and the rrosidont'i vetooi it. But it does not feel warranted ou that account in polag over to the ranks of the cnemv, and as sisting to place in power men whom they have nlwavs denounced as tminiici of freedom and of ft'lhe country. Their rltut duty, says the Standard, is 10 sustain tue uoveriuueui iu erusuitig toe Jtebellion. They are to roc to it that neither the Kcl els at tbe South, nor their aliu s In the North, achioe a victory. The Government must be kept in the Lands of loyal men. And as Mr. Lincoln is ti e representative of the Union party, as be has been nominated by them and made their candidate, and as neither be nor bis Democratic competitor must be elected, it is clearly their du'y to give him their support and aid his election. A. I minor matters can lie nettled afterwards. We con. mend this article from the Standard to general attention. It is sensible and timely. M I.F.I. I. A US JIOXTt AI.M. fi ton the Tri'iint. Great varriors, after their retirement, volun tary or involnntury, from the ticld of action, have carried on private campaigns against Time, In various ways. The Emperor Charles nricle vattbes; tl.o Iinipemr Napoleon made histories; General McC'lcllan makes speeches from tavern Windows. Ecllsarius asked for an oboe. Genu lal ticorge says, "Lend me your ears !" after he Las been treated to reverential music from ador ing brass bands. He takes advnntngo of the willingness of the American people to listen to a ppecch at any time and from anybody, and when- ! ever the crowd savs "Fire !" he discharges him- ! (elf with promptitude if not with decision. AVo do not Know that there is any h.irm in this amusement, except that it fills up tbc news papers, which have small space to spare, nnd expels the General to cillicisin, of which we should think he had already a stomach fell Now, it General George, in his line speches, could be persuaded to online, himself to those gentle generalities, which ure always safe if ho would but tell the crowd that he is enraptured to see i that the honor is unexpected that it is the proudest moment of his life that such kind- I ness overpowers nun mat no incus wonts to express his gratitude tlitt while memory holds her seat this hour shall never bo forgotten why, be might then return to bis virtuous nhcets, wiih the plea-tug consciousness of having been safely serenaded, and he might open tho morning nitvspiinrr without fear and trembling. If General McCleilan, when relieved from the toils of actual wurlure, had bnt followed tho ex ample of Uncle Toby if he bad bought a tea acre lot and a largo invoice of shovels if he had proceeded to dig in tho aforesaid Held all manner of ditches, nnd "lay some of the finest sieges to w ine of tho finest foriiied cities" in America there is no cctnpmii g how many astonishing victoi its be might have won. Instcid of enter ing this field of economical glory, and capturing Kichmond, to ibe delight of all bis ucighbirs, ho a sulio, who aoes not turn out to he at all ttustworthy, and starU out upon a rhitovical campaign. Having just captured West Tolnt, In u frcech lunr, brilliant, and la-mu. Idled, we lied him at J-ako George, uttackln "the ruined rampaits cf William Homy. ' And here, we arc p.eincd to notice, he came to grief from tlio tat t t;iat bis ammunition was so hastily and circles ly pre pared. He- bud been informed that ti e brans Imiiel aud tlio ridens would visit him at mid night, and that a flioit oraiiwn would In- c.-.'pectud. He had fair warning lie was to be uttaeked, aed that he must say eomciuiug prtt'y and un propiiidc to the i-eU'brhnol uf Like George and Mbt ttiins of t' rt William Henry." 1 lie emergency was ftlghifnl, and tl General rti-hed for his ptildc-hook, mid there rend thnt, after the rapture of the loit by Montcalm, some of the Knf-'lish fii'r on were massacred by -he I Wilms of ibe l-'rcnch urmy. VhereiiHn our pci lp iti tic couiDua eler tiikc.- it for granted tlm. Il.c ma-sa-ere was pcinnt'id bv Monu aim, and frames his speech aiconiingly f hu : A;t r i:.iinu'"iMi" .r 'h n ii. ktl r.inmsiii of WlUie m lion.' . llie l.lii-t uf .vinr r-rmi.. 'in s it it.'Qi (1 ll.cii; i-n-ul 'I el, !.. L i.u now xrji,.'., in , I'rrnilio (I ' on rreei sji ill v 1,1' M..i,u e .i . ituu ) ' ,r. alteii. re.N it 1, tve er I 1, , rniirs in II r CnMIe 'i i.l r ti.e el eiii -jr. , wl. re et .i.r Hi,.'; I. rs a V Llch vas :i; ,.ri'ini ile. And piihTi.-. And ikuI. fndjiuiii, (, un'.'ort'in.i it Imp rciiol t be iiTi'rnc. Au Iinlign tnt n .io r in titc t'blisp" 'V 'imiih shows con"lule !y ihil the iua.v-u ic ou k pi ace. alter tho 1 ididtis had tm n fun:i"l.i d it!i iutovieatlii.: driul.s by !m l.urf llsb, a thnt Montcalm did evervlhu' j in his power, ai d even risked his o vn lifir to pre vent it as Gei.rrul McCleilan would have lo nni out, if he had ronsiilie-d Daneroit in it col of the guide book. No blui dcr, for a soldier, could be more unfor tunate: for no man has a boiler military cliara v ter in history than Moutcalm. liy tho general admission even of his foes, h was not only brave but chiyalrous ; and any ehool-b y could have told General McCleilan that the French com mander was tho very last man iu tho world to permit the slaughter of bis prisoners of war. His bravery and bis misfortunes shonld cortainly liave tavedhim from this Insult oil-ired to bis memory by ouu who himself claims to be a sol ,i.r. bo n.ucb for the display at the Fort William Jle-ury Hotel ! There is one part of soblicrlv conduct which General McC'lellau, it Is evident, bat yet to learn. A general may be unjustly treuied by his Government; be may, without goi d cause, le deprived of his command ; he may feel bis real or supposed lninries keenly) but neler any circumstances, If bo possesses the chivalrous Instincts ot a thorough soldier, he will not wake merchandise of his misfortunes nor trade for popularity upon the capital of hLj dis crace. No really gallaut man, however he mar have been wounded, will make a show of himself and of his wounds. Ha will feel that, If bis countrymen want him, tbey will know where to And him. and be will uaclcrstand the value of apopnlarlty which seeks and is not sought. And if he be au American, be at least ought to understand how much im portance Is to be attached to to the huzzas of ex ' lemporaneous gatherings. Any lion is better than no lion at all) aud many a distinguished lonky has been sereaaded by less distliii'iiished (tot keys, and will be, until time and donkeys shall lie no mere. Of course, we would, not be understood to apply this rooleigical epithet to General McCleilan. e do not e-onsieler him to he a donkey, but only a Major Gencral in retirement of ah cxtrumeiv Eublic character. All we man to say Is, that, if e were a donkey, he would still be serenaded, and would iiinke very little better speeches than he does now. Henco he may estimate tho net valucof popularnpplaiiseand of bras but glory, in villages where they catch neither a distin guished lion nor a remarkable donkey eicrv day in the year. The brass bands are not to bo swindled out of the snccts of an interesting arrivul ; nor aro the great ones of the vicinage to lie deprived of an opportunity of eloquence. If General McCleilan lie so enamored of serenades, and salutations, aud band shakings, nnd spceeh-makiuit, ho tan have just ns ninny of all of them as he pleases for several years to come. Hut ho will lind In the end, that all the receptions, however enthutiastic, have not niade him 1'icsldent. It has frequently luii pened that the pcoplo have -hewn themselves any thin"; for a man except vote for him. Music, proco'sions, hand-sliBkinj.'s, -ervxes of p!a'e, shawl" (for his i:c), and all of donations these, frequently, the people have not (.melged, while they did most decidedly Kludge their votes. Greater men than General Mi Clel lan Is, or ever will be, have been chested bv these fussy attentions, and hive cone down to their craves broken-hearted, ai d the one hoi cf their lives gradually lading until, if the hope had been of any other nature, it would hnrc bee n aban doned. Some of thecvere men who bad a right In aspire to the Presidency men of eloquence, of scholarship, of cxpqicnee, of large natural capa city for public all.iirs. There was. at least, nothing ridiculous about their ambition; they knew themselves titled for the lofty stn'iou upon Which their eyes were fixed, and tlic inlirinity of noble minds Is never wilhout a ccrt.iin iligiiitv. It is unfortunately true that mediocrity has fre iinentiy been successful ; but it wis a w ell-trulned nnd running mediocrity, accustomed to the arts of elections and the manipulation of panics. It Is trim that military men have received this great mark of the national confidence : but they were men who had greatly succeeded, and not men w ho had greatly failed. It is true that tho people would bo likely to resent an injury to a military favorito by giving him the highost'oftioe in thermion; but Gen. McCleilan will hnie to .search for a lonr titne before he discovers that ho is such n favorite. For the rest, we may safely presume that, lone before the Freeidiutial e lec tion, General McCleilan will tind that his elo quence has served him no belter than his strategy. The Cblcopeo river, In Massachusetts, is lower than it has been known for mauy years. At Chieopee Tails the mills, though not all in fnll operation, can be run only a part of the day. SPECIAL NOTICES. p-r- THK TKKASVKKK OK THU KTN1 S--- to rclisve it.e iliitro..ieit peeplcrf ('lismbe r.hiiri; lis rfreiel the lulleMni? amounts since liu) U.t rcpit, Anient le: A:iiiiuit previously reported $7.71 re, l'latMiek.rll A lllnetliual lm) IN) ltnriy A liililiilim on J nines II (.'mile H" cm Kniltrlek Broun IA O'l Win. Ilowlai.d A ft lite lm .t. Nelson 'I orr la in) Mcret X Autulo ll.) m W.UaJshii A.. ft no .lunir. bsi mil, 1o-r Jo,eih I'atti-rsiHi e i.) I'-r It iol .t ., si lollnw.i !rek A Co .'.si is-i :. W . t'l irk A Co jmi no W'oik. Mee'ouch ,lt e'o tii. UO e'so Ma. Iisi fit In- Ilnrn lire. In) i iSili d KlllMl.ll I i oi t. e twM 4 Bon lm on Cash del li C 1 -10 A. Ilnrki r IS) H. '. Davis ,t Hon V l" I i msr Jt llliev 'ift m etmrls I'ailer.on .'sill) tl lllluiii Miller M m) I). I', l evy il C. IV f.svaril 110 0) J. Mce'iiilm'or SI ik) 1 .,t. Mlvolor -JS HI si. Pnul -.'I. en) Alexaneer Kulleitou lot (m e. Itvntlerrron, ,lr luo est Mia l.oHlien a ! James eirahaiil.t'Hou Island lis) Ml e . A Co Ju ini Pastor H. Kaucot 'it', no J. II. Ilrowp lna isi AfuiyP liiotvii no A. O. 1 in c A.C.ilo II ew II. Ull.oy 51 ) K.J. Woo.Hvurd SCSI J. A. I.ovett .' I'S ,1 J. Spencer Vi m I . 11 ltatne-H .'0 OI Cetaroia I on e,sb S no I a-l Ill Ml i. e'o t . isi Mrs.K. I'. lO'lliey On Ls'iier It. Hlevoaa, l'rllielou. N. J On S.C. 11. fteienK, I'rllii i ton, a. J ml M:. l:elH'Ceu O. kateliiuit OS t .Jr .'. CO Jnnii-a W iitson n Ik) .loi n I aim lo 01 C'aati. pi r Josi'l'll 1'allersou it tt I'er rt. I'liin iKan : ,'inii li. kirlijr :'' S.lle)ianl '! I) I.. llanuKon lo uci A. II. Mllllsvctl ID HntjIlaplM ft 00 K TiuiiM'li ft CO .1. : li I,. r '.''UCI U al. la 00 II II. Mean, .V. Hon Ill ll U. W'iiisi r A I n 'xi no (1. W. Ilernailnu I' '.'ft CSI V . Tremior lo 00 .lames Harriot lo SO Ve.lnm l'iiioiiiliu- a Sou liMil) s.. I-. I filriek A t o in net ,1. B. It 10 U ea,h Hi i l1 l aihant A lliuthern f'l mi Cash I" I"1 . 1-lirvls ,V Hon - -0 III) U. Slce.'artliy A Hon 00 J. Musi d V Co 'tl 00 A. It. C'lmmber 50 l ('. :. rrln a -to vS W. Couaer M 00 Tolsl $ll,To7 w KIl.MIM) A. Sori'ttt, Tieasiirer. IHH'K HUth-t VMi itl. l'iill..v..i Mill , Atneii-t i'J, A. auU-l't fypit- CHAMllKliSlH'HG SCTFIIUl.ItS. Itll, Ull'lersl'luil a. kl.litslt dKes thtf Iiceiill ot lllf How ley sinus in tttiia.l'ol llidlilias-'-d noe'eol Cliaui-i)i-rf.tnii : S, II. I aili-ll It'iO HO .'ust h 1'iilitrion '.'.illAI c;f-ufll Sin. tt A Nruilisr 'J-'Al Ct el. W. Iiavi-. r fJl i.i J. Ai ! m il '.' i nv 1.. A. hnuiltr A Co -.') oCi C.eiovo A.) M'lier .1 Ci ll CO .)t l:n M. 10 ail, hj Slavr lloi.r loo no 8. A Jain. M. 1 l.tiixi: .ii .JI ii i: H . lilif,took 1 ill oi Wui. 'll.(4iio.u .'.o 0e Cn, el'. l.J' IU 0) llev. Sainui I T. L')ry '.'I 10 ei.on o 1 1 a. i" k Vtti '.o ilrv. lit. NelMon, rttii' nn: of eol!w.-lk a el l'u-t U..y, tit Cliuo I-jl .'iitiiiy !(' :6 luo urd Maul" le.1 0) ) tiltnill V ' I IUII'1. IS' 0". i e in. lo in i ,ir , .V C no Vis. Mniy H.GjII 5 01' Is-: i f I I IO i IX) e, . t'l it;- .v.i, (viol' oo o) .'. ! f - 11. HI V lOs -.' ) 0) vis.. I.. I mi- is) W. II. I Snivel o lo T V,'. A M To wn :'ii i.i' An lii ,uutii.fii i oi:;ti,ui tut t'ioii H.t-..i fmreii 01 II. in. net 'I'V 11", ro s. r. I- 1 !: eriorvi. 1 iioiiHniu'a) hciiool.... '. ro .li l.u II II' . -rs A l n l ll Ivf l 111 i'v. S'. t- . .'. I o ll.,; (TO 1 1 . l:o it t.s 1" Mt AI l:.. in s ft la- Mis. V. I I j-i K I' -n Hi Alirtro n li;.. !e ISI s A W V,'-' t II" i. !.'... I- '4. I. '...,Ji l.iJ.IV 1K II, .' '.flui it ll e- .'"'1 L.I .irtv. o i. 'i ju ;. e., S.- J, ) I -I.I. !!.. I-Ol. I.' III Jt fl .V I, 'I l',)S a 1!X Oil II.:. 'on I'e ll l . ,1., jhV I'll 1, IS I- is e -V'n. i .. : . i - l ' lirnn'-e Uotuii.uo .... li n r.i C. .s 11. K O'l Mux. 11 I. H.I.' i 00 K. e i.-ins f viit. n ei , er I. . H. lo-'u i -,i isi Ii. n .'no-Mill-. 10 esi Win. I.. Hi'Itft'lfi- Ill OH 1 1". W ll. i ',0,1 &lrkiV A DeiMruier olMI tM II. i J un n n ' lle.e: K. i'iivior. W arly, i,ui'rneeouiitv,by V. W. Hai.iinr l 00 .Isinla.K.-ot A siaurt il.'.lclitloulU) 100 00 8. A. .tli-r-i' l- Ion DO V.muiSM Ill.lkWIie 100 0U ClirNt Ch'if.-t', t.eiinntewa slooi' aiuouat lor u.iluid :ieucfs ' 4e ot) lls-lii) J William 1HJ On J odit-s Wav'r I'Si On Vii War ayii'-r Usl oo Mil kkaunlti IUimii. li lo l'a-k 10 00 C" ,u iliiiiel no MUrs,il. J., eir Julin il.ijik- 17 It) tih.M Link. .No 1, li:iwatri i' l.inr'.r 1 ' Oo Fti- Dlim-uu IU. il -Jl' svll.a foUvv. s : . W'-riVPe.- ft 00 Uti kitrWHOi's: Casli 1 Oil Vra. Jas. .C;e 1 "I atr,lfto. 11. iMiWtil .... .') ) v ti at C. W. Aearo, irrlo,l I'D V.. B. 1).. haanut Hill il liatles U snaiiilsss ' uS h : is no .Mra R H.J.isH a la) JiUUtt SsaiM , im es) 1'r. 1 raukun atauan 10 t Ir. J.t,t llaaii'itia ft ou eaah, r woo n.i..,MiW. w.(.iMas... Woe Mlsa Uialc riaaar , J) 00 Urs. Ulljali Van iekl ISI St) LNdlataal.W UBnUa-ua 10 00 Hf ur Cohan If) JoSn liruvra, ej l'. nands ut Umyu Utarj 100 no Towl , T.:m So KriMCND A, lortiktK, 1 hllaitelpkls, Auut le, ISM. aiUl-e Trasssvsa. SKM CN1TKD UTATK flRllTIAW POMMIS alen - ca-li aekiioviloelfrnieiitt lor ties vtssk rad tna AitKost 19. ItM t - W estsrn New York Christian CotntuUsioa, paf K. Cirlntav. Trsasnrr. Huiialo, . Y S',0AQ'OO rrod of Sto-s) In pol.l lrom It. II. l. Itotislil. 1 rsaanrfr e bnstian I'oTnmlsslou, Hacraeuanut, I'al , jK-r Powi A YVriwliUnnn I.-fe Arniv t cnimitif rnrtiand, Me..icir t'. Hturta vsnt, Tn a-nrrr ?,0-s-iX 1 KILAl'KLI'lll A Wri'lSAI. I'aHT-DaY ecu, i u i ion Ft. Anrlrpsr'a Chun ti, e ! rtil adilptila a tut lint I'rrsl'vtfrlan Cliurrli, (.ormantown, par t. '. Mvnrv loo T'nth l'resl') trlan Cliilreli. li-r AllM-rt Wataoll, I ! Trinity 1'hai vl. per Hir. H. 1.. Dutirlnr U Ml Naarfth M. K. Ctinrrli, i. r llavul ellloprt Cell t lilen Mrrtins Chi -nut II 111 -,3 ,-, Ht. t Irliapl'a l.nlherart Chun It Oi-ruiauton... 4 no Chun Ii ol the Ailvi nt, pr A. Ki-M :u1tt I'nlon Mrrtlnii ori lrit. Hfeond and llilrl Ituteh Rrloniieil I hurt hes Is l- Paiitlit t hnrrii, f alls ol .-seliui Iklll, par liat. ,1. K. Chesshlra litj V. I;. Mariners' lletlii'l, per Rev. W. Millllll 1 1-,10 Calvary Chtm'h i I're.shy tcrlan ctiuirh, H"k tioronali , ap ou CKNUIAI. 1 llMltllll TI"M.. Lftolas' Chiistiaii Comiols-lon Ssaeoml fritted l'ltal-viprlau 1 Imreli. ner .Mia. Dr. Hales iatil. . I m ill lottn l.etilton . l;si, nilitl in". em .stills a' Clirl-lian Comuiisst, n, 1 lull I utlrd Prt-M- livtarl.tll Ctonrh Jj ()0 Noon-tlai Trai er Meetlur SU'-nfl Mra. .Mary Nas-aii, ol emlna MI--I011 a on - It.-W K II Hlnnid .i ,i , I.Hilfea' christian Coiniii'sslon ion r. 1 ( tintrh '.'s en .lames ttatanl ailtlHIoiial S'ts- Hiiltnitli ,i, Ural I n-st.s te, Ian i liurVb. f..utt,ark itto oou ila.' I'fieit M et' ie ' . on IKNVVUAM. re-T per ' tints, li Stsftif ns' Chimb. W llk-starrf, ft Kef. Oeo Ii. Mllfa .' t,)oii I tilled Itn-thren Clinn li., i r Kev. M. Iianililll Uj Kvaino-llral l.ntlii-rnn and M . C . Ctiurelu s. Ml- lierst Ills-, p,-r Kev. H 1:. s-tnnrtle n-;5 t'ulnn Meetini; In 1'ii'sliMeriait etiunli, Mom- ro,p. ir .1. l.r. .ns in ft; C'HitreKiitiiin ol Kes. .1 .1 Mninlierl, l-inenter.. D ili I' P. CoDitreiiatiotl, llartstiiw n, er Kev. H. Henry 37 V) t men service, in l-fcotul Presto lerlatl t tinrrli, I'nMiivtlle a jft j,s I'nlon Hervtce tn the I lr-1 I'restivterlau Clinn li. Poltsvllle ; J-i-OO M J Christ ChU' h, W ill'ninKpnt t lion l.utlii-ran Church, v llmote l;l-(Kt 1 nl-ed Itn'thien, Wllmore It-ist -tt-iti Clirlfld'. K.i C h, I'oltstoisu, ier e. A. Lati mer 1 1 Collection. e aiisiinrv ki sit. John's I hnri'li, I.niMT Jlen per lle v 1. 1. Arnold S '7 .1ft Rev. T K. Arnold J-eto - :'l :I5 I nlon Meeutiiiln llantlst I liureh, Hell, an)', Inr Uev. K. Ward p.-taj I ninn Meeting, Caibouilalp, per Kev. i.. L. . Walls r pi I'nlon Meeting, Preabvtertan, Methodist l.pisrn- pal and I'aptlht I huts ties, xtilrlnvstinra S 2'i Cnrlsl Lutheran Church. Knstou. per 1.. tlronii- Wald igd,, Ht. John's l.ntherun e tiur. h, l.aueaster, tier E. H. ltrtswn TS-iks Collertlon al Tltueville oe I hurrh and rrlends, Dolatvan- Water lisp ;U H Hi. Jamea Memorial I lino li, Tllnsv ille. prr 11. Pardon M Christ church, Milton him 7.ln l hnrrii, LewUtmrw 2 00 e.mve Pioanvterlaji chuteli, liativlllo. per ej. ,t. Collins flKM'K.L CelMHIllCTniNH. "Twn 1 rlemts" p,.r ;, II. 'turner 200 00 Cltoeiis ot l astm-u, t heter eouuiy. per Joha VV. Hasaman 27-is Herman and Annie M A Krluid 1'or W. K lla-tur V. A. Aluh'rnhurir, llellrsliura WHO Academic I'ei'arlincut. I nl,ei.-itr ol l.aneshurg. til-Mi Nathan I'alterson. Mnininll 11 111 3il Ii. K. Mack, Leivtstnven tVOU IIKI.AW AHK. Hanover Street Presoy lerlnn ( liun b, W iluilng- lon. Knxl Day Collei tlou 7,,nfl t lurmont ,mio .Mm. Haruey Kekotli1, St. lleorinM 0"0 St.Vt .11 KS.I-.V. rasr per r"i.t.feTloia. rreslivtertan Clnirehei, Trenton, per llev John Hall. II. II l'm-Aft t'nion Vietlnn, l ir.t l' lerlsn and first Duteh Keiormcd Chun hes. .It rsev CO) , pe r W. H. l aleott ; 277 ll Pre-tietirlan, Methuili't and l.l list Chlircbos. HiirlillKlou, N. .1, per liet I' .Mallerv 20-20 UKM.KAL t UNTKllel THIN. totsiishlp Merrer ' ounf j', N. J., perl.oorse Hill. PeiiiiloKton. N. si WKl 30 Si2,.vft in .. 2.672 S7 ...Sift 17s Isi ... sil.t-ni Amount scknotslivii.l luietliilnus papers. Total Amount pruvlotiMly as kU"s lesUed Total e;:uj ni-oo rATTKRIltN, Treasurer. nir. rNiint mtati-.h iihihti an :ommi-i4Iov IVsh leasn to aeksowliHlsre ttio receipt ol ttia tollotTlnR additional hnt.lla.l stores up lo tho 12th lustant PHII.ADU.PIIA. bfiM, Ladles' Ki-llel ASKH-'atlon, I'lftU Ward, I paekaise, chesnut Hlrr-ei NimdaA HtttsH L I parkaaa, Mra. HliHlilarl. 1 box, Dulles' ( oniuilsakia I'rotOiUnt r.plits-npal Church. S iMtxea, 1 purwcl.RelnnnfiJ Dutch t'hlireh. . t . PKSNst l.VAMA. 1 hoi . Ladle' A Isi Hociefr. RosUior Delasvare rouatr. 1 ho. Ladiea' t hrlalian Cnnunisslon. Allenlowu, 1 box. talon Kt-llef siot-Bil,v,i;t MnrH'oroUKb, t hatter countv. 1 barrel, Lsdlea Aid ftoelatv, ratmsmina. NKW .ll-.NSKY. I package. M. P.. Chun li. Hi d Itauk. I boa, Ladles' l hrlstlan Conunlsaliin, Frineeton. 1 box, Ladies' Aid, lilaekHoiil. Caindun couutj. S bexea, 1 anlea' Aid. l.iut.etl. ilte. ftlany other contribution are acknowladgwtt la tbs various raliuloti seet-klles. The Christian ('onunl-slon lake this opportuntlr est thatiklnir, in Ihe name ol our brnvu deteuderii, tbolr nu ll erousirtenils throughout the nation lor their liherality bltberto. and to urpe them not to weary In well ilotiisr. T he ele-uii ml tor atipplles Is w'denlnn. and our roisouroea must he tncrenasxt lo messt It. The needs of oar armv In-lore PettTshmi! are espm la'ly pri-sninn, and call lor tbo most bhiindaut lltHirnlitv on the part or nil iVIends VI' the eolJ.ffs. l.l.DloiK 11. SI I All r. Chalrmsn, Nn. II HANK. Hln-et. Phiiadelph. IKI5t TKANM'OUTATION t'l HC1. I'lIIlX- dilnl.1.1. WIliQiiiLton. ltnlOmore llalloild fjomi-eny. l it it. e nt i en , .MiitiBt iu, isi,i. In arenr'tauer' with an Act ol 1 cnn ih Hiiprcted June wO. lb., it hioc'ine, necesnury that nil res ,-ipts tveti by tliiit e ntiipaiiy lor Lien nans-i-t- rtc-ivei tor trail mortal ion aboiild Uar an IN I I.K.S.lL KK I'NUI) STAMP of ll.e value or IWei CI, NTH, ti c- expein, oi me atua U bo bnn e by tlie pattv rceols ug itieii ras-cipt. All rtcciiita taken hi ttns ConiDaus r.r tiiorclitadise dollvc-rcd to const,-uei e :ll lis alaniis-d by said (:cinpany, e ii.eiii.i.e a. int., autl 12t Mntcr ol Ti tnportatlin. riIII.Al:i.ITlIA-ANr READINfi - ttallronit Cnmpimy. MDTie in consuiiieiie of toss pro. inn of the Nw Inlet nat Kevenue Law, betoru ieiu i; reciiut fur pre pert)' delrvs-n d to tticm tor trunsportation, wili renulT that a TWei 01-:NT Itevc-nue Hiaiop shall bo fiiiuisUeil at tbc cost est' llie pltv who take the Keeslpt. for all Keeelpts tnken hytlus eionitiaur for property delivered toother parties, lies Slumps v, Ml lie arhxmlaud pa'diorb) the l'hiladcliil.ia aud Kilrod Cota puny. sIM). rs. HII.LIiH, lltneia! I rel-'.t A-ent. I'liii.Ariei.wiiA, Atiaust ,l!ii4. aiite-H f-5- OHlCli OK THK IMON l'l'IRO Irnm tonii.any. No. it; a. lul KTH Htraet. Ttie lloud ot Dues ler bae ll.l.- t'ae dcclan.d eourth moinhl diTl.'.eiid of TWO l'l:K t.Kt. oa tho Cdlal cttos k. tayali.e On tbu loth tost. ll.e Ttassst'T I'.oCxi w Isi be cloievl vu In l?tb, l"-th, and Uih lint. A. I . SAItlNK, net-iit Treaitirei. F- HKAVN I'.ists, MU$1 I THE HE.VD, lUIO'Al I'ISFfct, CAT Uir.U. Tlosc vho nifler Irnni H eat iiialsfl'r-, Ittvs now the very nest t-r.-oititiiity lor tied. in ri-tnt. Tl.s aparatut eoiisirii. it.l le In. WIN Mo-.t'MIHkl'.l; U iiiidjubutilr Ihe mo-t potteetlc tl'e. nee ft-.-eiit ever e-ed fur rcac-lilng tin-seut t-i th" sllai-as to tvh'ei. 11 li dlr.ctesl, and erart. catliiK a witti vsouslerliit rui lritr. T'he auiUoUoa t liaialiss. on...".-, Nc li'1." ' mnit i 8n ..t. TEHI'IM'.NtAl.rt. To t:.e Itasf. I r. V"li V...s' ...lir. Anrlst, No. 1027 VaUini 'trtot, i)ierti t nio, I r lie sslu'iy on turars, ti i.iorli me t peiteet 1 : ariii. I si'h red iT'.iu w hat th physU iaiis tallt'4 a 1 1 w ts n 1 1 , f.- of I tie itruni ot tlie ear. U II.I.IA.M l.::.Nt-;.linilJor, He; ill j' e, s,i. IrUt, H'j olid street. ri.llade Iphla, Vn. iu; v, I. l P'l.i soli'-lltA,- ill Jni.t', lss.1 II, o 1.. to rerclry. that lor Isior yeisrs I whs rroeblesl Kill, an sslanslve diaoharia, . soiiioaiileil tvitb iiejtni a. . lla-.s t'"en troulesl by uu-ri.i-o.u jil.ysl'isns vsliiiiit rivrlstt;: in v tieiioftt. ft'inie rni'Uih a.i 1 epiiCrsl o I r. Wit ?.....i'"l, wlw lias aoi"U'P'ikl's si u j.em-c; e on .0 HI PII Slli'!, OMhi i'iidi s.t i.'.s.e ii.,tr a; i 'mi.iI. iters K.oila. ' No Lit . Croud street. Pile ale r sij. i.. , No. ,"'. ' t'te- e sirr"t. H E. 1'r. MIM MIL-ITIIM,'. I'. e.s fSins illedou all ti nln ll s el ll.el'.-e. T.. s'.t Irs . Is VI, -p..lins lt selloia iCls.H'l kl'llils p iiu-J. i i -. s ... i,.-; i m srt "treat, V i.eie biindred oi s,rniui te-i -no i at . as lae ibme euu 1-0 e .i u li:eu auC-ll DF.AFNK.SS AXD LMNDNKKB. J. lsaaea, M !.. Proieiinrnl the i,ye and ItlasT, traacs all alsl sppartaluuia to lb above-named muiabara wait the utmost suv-ans. 1 eatlmonial troia llie uoat reltttbk aoiuoes In the city and couuery cau be een ae he eittke, Mo.SU flXE Sir. ArtsSi 11 Ky lnartd ssiUaiot paia. Ko tWiarge aaitdti for xiulii4ion. Oti;c aour irouis to 11A.M..SU.7P. !S. e. Ml ttHE kut. leT-Ja Q W. 8 1 HON 8 4 B BOTH EH, KCkt STia.r.T hall, puilajicij bu. MAHUyACTL'KUsS CF JEWILBY, FINK BWOR1IB s tk4-t MTU1AJY OOOM Hf ETUT VABUCTT. JA M 13 M II JL. 11 li U 1( 1 H kll'iUlll AMD UtVAU. CLOCK KSTAliLIBHMKNT, . V eert er tECODD ut CUESSTT IirasU, rwud'a. ixr ro ths rruii EAA'JUZINvl THIlirT-l)AY CTLOCTtS, A vetrf dcMlrsale Article for Chnrctie, Boiels, Btvuks, AJki, 6 AHl l-'AiTl KKK OP riS OOLD PFWS. sXOSlCS KBl'AlHtU AND W AKaeSirKil. U-li (bxk Tfluiiilng saT every ekaotlpuoib TtrM. A. RAY. N. B. COHSEK OP SIXTH TT asxl aHalOK StreoU, buys Iilansousls, Wswfcss, bejat, CHsei. tMQ usi rivasa. IliOSH. LM WAVT OF MONET. Ail bcslmaM etafldstaLM. MEEIOAK BAHK-NOTE EEPOBTEH, THE 0M.Y HNK NuTl'. nr.POI.TETl IN ITiaAIil.I.I 1UA. Pi n: if ir r vi.k: . Tin' o-i'y o-" sort tii ig v' 07AliN- . , H.i.!i N' !: In rot' ll t l l 11 i,vi7 : pun Atri.rniA. LALllilJf.i:. Nl ' 1 I'f.K. ciM i! vn. Tl.c ori'.e one v M,h o r.l ..a- : NATIONAL HANKS a lust in o:r,itv '.. J '( i'. eii ' Tlie en on !.ij! c- .lis'm tlic '!".; 11)1. ,.is. l ul N't In E'.GHTVJ.X CITIES, VI !. rmi.Tr tt'ia, W A-sll I Nl . H' lt'irl'l al i t:, I'll la ii kii, I lilt' Mid, I'l 111 ','t '., II ' I TIM'.'l:! , I U VKI A., Al.IlAM , ". 'OV, h I . 1 "t IS, 1 AVKMI i'RT. M W tolls., e ini ins e 1 1. W II ktlNl.TC'N, sT nn , ' ttflU 11,1 K. M'LVe Al ki.1.. '1 ; C i ".' i ;'.. ' I.V i, ;!, . l e : r.if.s. uu'. i. 3.' N .- IV r-j s i Lf I 11 i J.OTt-1, 1 '!-! i St. C .U!Al.!i, .-lleKiv, T.vl.iJ . ITXAW i M. N.'.W-i I'. efa i:.; . .c! U AMERICAN BANS-NOTE EEPOBTEft, llOTlt riNAKe.IAI. ANT) T I'lit.g Vl'llit , AI I'M Wt'ALI.n. SV'BWM'l-ilOSM ll'l'li AN N't'M , . IN' AlMWNcl.. WccMy (j nil M mtu:y i'j 1. Oi l I' E. N 1 114 H. TllJl.D Srr.t.LT. (tl h Ji1sm.(. All'l:Lsi, H. K. coiir.N, l'l.M tsirtEr:. i.11-1:j JASTEL'S OP.EAT PICTURE Ol INI NEW I0EK CENTRAL PARS, Tlilj ms .tilScri t k of srt, r.w rspblly paroa olnx sonipl, tlon, la our or U s Ia.-c. st and ni't olabsirate aver ndniaktn la ti.Li cj miry, beioj ah .ut Four an J a hair by '.I rf and a keilf feel si'iaie, sad embrnrtrit a fu:i and lelt Vint of th lireat ( ra tral Park Iu all In krauty and ur.Mideisr. Btibsorlptmo for s liinl'.od nuialrr of Ih arllst pntof eheets vtill br rrcclvfd here, when tlie plute mil be taiea to Europe, where MsMtra. TKUUSER st ( O., Patern.siter Kiw, I. jndea, aud Al.ltl.l:T L. llKlU'I.H, Iti.tlUehlle,rrls, Sit alread rcc. ivlng ml'i.-.ipilnu-, for tl, sains. T he work can l had by a Jlioilcllc" 011I5. l'ne lit per cop), pay Able 011 deUror;. SiLbnrTiption Rooms of the Oomjiauj, No. 7-") BIlOAliWAY, NfW IHHIC. The frllow'.ii', rtrsns tall: r-tiiti, si.bicrstl 'ni : -A ITT. ETON tV CO , itreadvsy; WALKCS, ".IHI. it !).. P.jt.,u. 8. K. OtlleiOS SCO, t hl'-teco; MCiOIlH, WILHTACL & BAl.lll7y. Cin.l .nVI; I lill IP S HOi.OMvJtlSl, uh uton ; CALLEMiEK & tO , lh:lle'.pUli Or, St ibe pjt'U:.:rt, BIT'WE.IjI,, 1I AHK1S & CO., J) wuilm K.. T HBOAI'WAT, N-iir tork. I) A I JZ II II ANU INUH. IlT.MOAI,. J A 13 H t . J " I IN IN , (1 :r. 0-' H0WKLL i BUOTatllS , ll. !tmovt 1 frea Ko. OH to Nil. OiS CHKSNLT Strict, I!v!d pur baled the at:k 01 .'AN 1.1 IirLKK, Jr. (.'oruirrly ll(I:vi?'a), r here he ts1U ccrer to tt'Oier nd th puiilic a lrpe and eieeun' -or.uieiit of Decorations and Wall Papers Qeneially. I'y i;:rliui L'.s p'TkOti.v,i attsii.s.ii u Uiosvlliair D-t aaa. Inil tlsorcu:', tt he 1 t cvat ns-.j to iscelve tae lib-:r! patronaco ot It-c puMIc. C'lttzc-n and vti'.tr Are 1 .-;.os-'r.ii:y Invltud to sxatttn the vri.ty en Uail. iy.f Iia YOUR PATSOSAOE SOUUITED. McCAIal.A'b HAT. OAI. UA-TlIIJNCs GENTS' IITRNISHING GOODS, r R3T AT JRE ABOVE ATLANTIC IUTH., CAt'K IM.AVO. C'Al'i: MAY, enl-tr 11 UN MO 11 I H Ulll- Wc refund U mcy, If Jeslr', lor e -.y Jot f Bblr't yt bicL UU U. say reapect. FINE HI II KTH, ccr les'jTHtvw:: or mimi itt klate tt Ksw Turk Utlli Mmllr, snd very In Llnea tk-sotiif. OiilyI JJ. V'uul'ir)c:s-l0. Tt lllluuit tile UlLa lluat 'J. an". Si Liner Besom, C'Ll $1-30. I tu..l lk lk'j. oemli;mi;v3 rvnxisnixo GOODS. HMIT11 JACOIlsJ, avyt-Crs 1. 1!'.'6 tUI S.SLT Rtriwt, lOiat OttF.SMlI WTKICET. The attetitlos nt I. KTTKA VISITIM1 THR 11 Y.or alxut l.llA Vli'. II 'Wm,i Ins riacen,'' or "ibe c-untiy,' Is n".s -iinily Uvlir t o the evf rslro e'"k if VtlifiB liiidliK unfile (or t-iiMiii-;i: nr. Mi.tur tilUli. l.ul'lt b, H'tlMMI UK' t-rKI:', An emteiistve as rimht Is otTered tn T,ari and Workr-I Kd.'ats.s ard Insvrtlt's, t lleuukercsiliMa, t.oiUra, Hlee.-es, ans. Ini.lAiu crd ttinev rtnid, ai, ou ', ami I lent,'- wiilte U.d. AT IlllClS WITH IlKlsW TltKIB VMIM-..1T terra!!, VALCK. lui ITIaUHl Linen 1 aioi ik lireisra. I'V bivwi l autvu, luiked, auuttlrtpM M is Una. I-J. M. M J1ilL.i :w. lost ciiraniT Arc.r.KT. lAKI'ICTP, MA'ni.NC.S, Olf.Cl.fvrnK ANI1 K.J Wiiniow Hhade. freio Nsisr Vork Aiietson li, IsltaMhr T'ot.) SI 'innllK eft llinss.U, ! wlslss, SI ss. M-:.7,,,'$f ''e nj l-. ;i liult.-it-'it HrtnaeU). (tailiitoU ., SO Slid lai rants ;.V4, II ami li I St prupor ttiMlt -prfctw; liiiprn! I'arpela. Sl'IW to SITj par yard: In -rain. Irsin fsj eonu u tM-r.'hjl Venetian, Kax.and Hemp, tvein J!'; t "1 e-enis per yard; Muttltus, tlta Isr iest soitmentTeeoBred In rhilad- lphl. fnuii a7J to eeuls a ymsi. at III tsew Vcrk Aaetlon Hsitl kiss. ot, (S.nuosiy Ntetlilow',) Xo. 117 8. mcejtilsli HUbet, Best iloor above Waluut, sp)0K Cora i-ncbasura. )y .' --ta CVOUSTY 8 TKA WAltEUOVftE. ESTA- sliiLcd lit ltsJO. ltr porter ndlkrtn ri tM, Wui and IJC-rs, Cbclce UrnsCt.ari, br - Itlaekwall s JTcklsjl aud 8ac KntUU. and skoU hia end l-s,rtr. Canned Meat, Fmh, Soap, dw, Vnvj kfeilel at Dp trUli cure. r Atirei.Ufl a. SKfOND Street. ia iy joshua a. oounrr. VIUJVGE BllKKN SKMiNAItY. MIU tarv lard t Sabnol Hirtlis sleptamber 1 T.rtnl vory tusj'bnt 'I borsjMti eo'arseln NaehenuiMe, L. k-vaite, EH- Slrele. stst. Poi41 h bwisin r a boa. rrasA J wanon ia soavaysnfc- au - nw 1.111H ktL. llev ut all aUieu, ASstreae fc,r O-taJsssni, JjK.-le Mlsaf.eOraa,ltUrtreLo.,ra. VhKN UK BKAVTY. WMITK VIHOIN Wkh of Aniuie ai lb mot rnv-i prtparauonor tjia an, tor beaiinryuig, wbllsnuu-, ana irearvisni u amuiexlon. It is s&sle rreru pare rWh VV. htsuce it ev sraoid.ltary otiadiiea for prerv!n the Bkln, auuilnfl It .A, io,th, fair, aud traiupateuL It cure i-hepns4 kaii'k or Up. leiuevM pnjipkss, . Frtoa nj suid KjcenU. Msiuufus tiin d ouK bv 111 XT A CO., I'eniuuera, Mo. 11 8. KHsBrH fH J doort above Cbeinet, aad Jylu-lu, So. 1SS . StV'tVf SI Sine, 1 aAT'KNTHD Jl'LY 1. IStH.-J 0 8 E I' II X Mtll'TK'r, Kleva de Parts. I'ren.-h eitsiarn Dteaig aud leourlax on any kind of a'lur apparel, ir Liditt, Hums. n.l hildrea. Patwat apnarai is "t streieh u panl I'roin on HO ove liflies. No. Titi BAC Stress!. lirsns-i o. :tjB. KlJslll siruot, i nuaieipia. u-ins- FTNANCiAL. jpi.iaiK. HTlsKll OO. UANKKItH, ho. 80 6. THIRD STREET, S T A!tO rX os.)ti, ntw.R, ooVEn.N-Tdnrr kctrittea. K T O O K H BOl'OHT Ul) HOLD OK tOMBftB-eiON. (nUilt (joli), j i), u o r i, c-lLVEU AND HANK NOTES WANTl',11. PE EAVEN & BEOUHER, rul ' So. HO B. TUIHD fTnERT. gMlTH Jk 15AMJOL. 1' II, No. 15 S. TUIIIT SIREET, UANKKIia AND UKOKKUS. 8pcct,BtsXki,ttiart('rmwt(r' Voti(hr snd Ch cki.snd s'lOrremxem Hftrnrlties Botetht and Hold, fmhli Q Iu A. It It H O N A OO., 1UNKEKH, No. V21 B. THIRD STIIK1-T, riuLAiiti.rirtA. Orve-nnunt MertirtUai or all I.iue Pnirnsaed and foe BaI. Hixkt.ltoiiJi.anUCKiid tiftiaiit tad tsjld eD OoBt- SJlbMbMl. uatKicsT allowed on ncrosiTd. t'caieeUon rromptly Made. 1VVIX 1". 1 H T A T K H ' 7-: LOAN. lb' c .:lir of tli-Tremor (Ivm notice tl.ot snh. l'.iip'itvBSAiL hi- rcrelrcel fi t Coupon Tna.'ury Vote, l)al l l.-ree:rui frotn Annua: V; Hi,l, ith seiul-an- r.-nl ti-.ten st tit the rs:c 01 tura and tUre.tanths per tint. p?t nun-.iai, prlnilp dsnd inter l be Ui to be pMsl ia lassfttl . These nilrs will be convertible at tit potion of tlie l.o. 'I r, al, In'... ,lv per ci nl, poM -bearing bonds, paia'jio r.,H les thien fli e nor more tlsiia ttventytear troni their dale, a. t;,e t.overi.ateiit uiay eject, limy will bet-. , 11c din denominati ns 0! VJ, 10i), f M0, SlOOe), and j'Xt, sad all iibicriptlons ntuit be for ilily dollars or cmt luulliple of Ally el lima. The notes fll! ho trrn.,n,lit si to the owners free cf trani- portsilon ctiarip's as soon alter ta leecli't oftl.e orlijlnal CvllltCAtrs of lie jso-lt as they ran bo prepared. At Uio botes draw lutc-iett fioeu Aunisl iri, poraoaa tnaking depoi!t4 siibie'iiicnt to that date mint pay the interest accrued from date of nolo to date of deposit. PniH" d poeltlns tve-Htv-flve thousand tloUurt and riwurJs for tlicsr nolo, tt any one time vill be sllowrd a ci injii.ilon oenr-iinaner of one per cnt., uliicli will be 1-alJ by tl.c 'Treaituy tH-paitnitiit spon the receipt ot s bli: fc-r ti, aiuoiuit, cor'.ltled tc by UteoBlcr wllh wlioiu He d' i.oili True rn.ide. No ctejuctl'iut for coiunilnioiis uu'-t 't; ntr. 's f-t .-a tLo Jcposlii. f-i'J.t'IAL, Al) AM AG1.S Of THIS LOAN. Ir 1- y niovsi 8 him:-r. vmk, 0S1 rina hluhe-r rate of Itttotr t tl n iitiy ntiu-r, and tj l?t Mcuyi-y. Any ij'-in:.' bi.cls vs'ib ii ; vs it drpotiiers la Upilosl glutei Nutes coi.slUi-rs l.iat It ia pitying In the lint circulating laed um of ll, souitlry, aud tt tanntt pay la nnythlug 1 eiti r, for Its on 11 assets are cither in liov e rnmint seciirl tii s or in ii ;tes orhoe je pu..ab!e la t'ovcrument paper. It 's i nuaily Convtiiient as a t' Uipoiary or permanent li. uient. Tii uoteiicsa slwnya be sold for vrltbin a trr .tloaof tlielr lin e tad tociimiilttrd intorcbt, snd aro l est teiiti'y wlih banks as clialernls for dii esselil s. CCNMSUTIULi: IM'O A MX TEH CENT. ,--20 OtsLD EOND. In l.tli.rt io llie veryllbornl interest on the note for tbrto ; am, til prlitlew of conversloa It now worth !!! i!: te pe r er ut. per annum. for llie eunvnt rale for ."..'J! Isir.di i if I let - IVm Ki.eptr renr. emi'iiM, aad bta tL the v i,r lis. premium on six p r cut. I nlted Stales hto. Li vras o.'t-i Iweitv pereeil. Jt Mill it seen that the net .il 1 1't'S.t "'i tloihai-, at tl.e preseut market rate,l n t Vs-t.'.a. 'e-i pot rent per auna'n. ITS )itX KMl'! ION FKO.M STATK (HI MC MCIl'AL TAXATION. f'-t t hIi.o .T'-iit all lie ailvatitiiees vi-e have eiiunieraled, special Act 01 C'i n,,rsb At',oj'tiii'iF i-onJn and Tnnttiy v.i' f front .ii tit. v!'.,'. t)u Ibe average, Ihllevenip tfen Is worth abi'i-i two r cece. per annum, according to tl.c rate oi't&vkt'on In vnilinis pails ot tle country. It !s be'lCMd ti ut it's soeurliits oner so ferost lii'lue. usent-lob nilsr w i,io li'-ind by the tlnveriiuiisat. In all olsier fniMs if itv.t..htcdoes, the faith or b'tlty of ptiri.te 1 nr'Ii-s. ' r st.-i '; noe panlet. sir Siniar.rte coajmual ti.s, etih , I-pledi't'l f-l' l;iiieilt, vi 1st!) the t hole pio T ill ff i!i" esiimti J It In-lsl lo aeeine t'lu dls.-a.iri.-e of all tl:e o'dl.iallons ol llie t'niled States. While :l:e t.uieruiiu m o ler the uosl liberal toruu for I'.a loans, li believes that lb very atrvaevt appeal will be to tl.e loyally and patriotism of th people. Iiuplicaie vurtlDcite'i will b Ussed fur all dapeilt. Th party depositing unit eadors upoa the niytnal reriiflcal the d' ntnilnation cf noiej riuirs!t aad w belli er they sro to bo Issued Iu blank or payable to order. Wh'O so esJorsfd, It ciust be left with the Uiixsr 1-evdvUig the. dtpetit, to It forwarded to tbs Trettary lxpturtutest. tc-vUMio.-.t will se Ei.Ckivi;s by tii 'Irwk'.oror ot ttus Vnlt4 Hute, tt Wttuiagtsn, tb ooveral Atsliunl Tnauanrs and designates: Depjiltui, aud by iL IH.ST SATit'KAL r.AMK Olf P)lU.Al'LXFm A, PA., BUtO.NT' JIATIUNIAL BAKU OrPIULADKLPUIA, FA., THIRD NATKlMAL BAN OF PHILADICLPUl A, FA., ItlVKTV NATION' AI SASBOr PHILAUELrilU, rjb, By all NatkiiaJ Btiuis wtlob art dWpotitartM 0 pablic toy; aud aia-tf) ALL HKisILCTAULl BAlskS AlsD B ANVBK9 turcskait U cesatiy w-Ul glvs funuer UiAirnitUfta tad Al Kt D LVF.ET FACIUTT TO BlIBSOHrtERS. NATIONAL BANK ' OF PHILADELPHIA, Financial A gent of t he United States UINIXi:i HTATKH f :uiO TREASUEY KOTES. NI.W l-ATIUOTIC I iO AN. Pi dei t.iittnrlktu flrovn tl.s Ttftsnry tiepsrtmenl, thUj It ink Is p.-rpvrcd t rrcolM? sabd-rlptlons to Ihe Kesr I'atrioti: Iian.lasued In the form of Thret Tear Treatnry ote, branpg Interest tt U rate ef T 8-11) percent, per anniitu, paynl'i oeil. annually tu LaisT'Ul Honey on the l'th lift) of Febmaiyand Aueillt, relpectlroly.of Park year. Tlirse Triwnry Motes arc eonvmlble at maturity, at I hn option of Uie bolder, Into United Bts C per cent. Hond', lrirrnt j eiuhla in COIN, tr.d redneiiitblsanor flre and paya'de twenty years from Angvt la, 1'sCT. t'mpon Notes w I'l be i.-ined In blank or parable to order as nnv he directed by tl.e tul scrlber. In tuatt ofS-X). SIO, $'sn, 11M0, and Mi)0. Intere st vIL be allc w ed from the dale f tl.e lucrlptina to tl.e l-'-th of Aiuut next, the date of Ihe Treesary Not Tlios n ho ntay etihscrlle after Ihe lth of Aoirasl nesit will be rtxinired to pay the aeerved tntereat on tlie Koto. Any one aiihsciibinR fer net tosa titan I.T'ttXlO of tit Lean tt any t'n limn, will be t:towed a comntlsilsMiof one. Uiititerof one per cent., pavtl-le by the Treasury ltepart. uient on tl.e receipt of a bill for the tuwumt, approved by the snbicrtption went. Itaterrli'g to the aniicaod tppeal of the Beoretary of tlie Treasury, I ask all those desirous of aiding, th tsoe ern uient to anl-tcrlbe tc- t.ds Lota. c. 11. eiAitic, uf i.u rRi siDtNr. TO Till: 1 ' V, O 1' 1 1 !! OF THE UNITED STATES. B a., act of Coiurc, itiroTeJ JunDO,lft.t,tl. Accr Ury of th Trf ntur- ia mithorifed to liur tu t mount not ecJitig two hundrrd niiUiom of dollar! to Tiramry lSot, btnrtnj; tnt fret ut a rate not exceeding seven tnd tiiroo-toDUi per centum, redeouabta atvr thrtM yuan from dto, anl toeMvhane the tarn Ibr lawful mono. Tha SccrrUry i fJrlli. r aiittiorl7iHl to conTirt tho tana Into bonJi, hrailn-f lalrrait at a rat not axoeedlBg alx rer wnluna, naynblt la Coin. In pursuance Of UianUio. rlt thus oooferrad, 1 now offer to (br people of the I'nlttd Bute Trraurjr jSotca a U rritieil lnmjr adrertUemeot, daid Jnl.v.'o. W. The c rcumitancci under which Uiis loan it a iked for, and jour atd Invoked, though differing widely from tho exliunvilntc of aOuin tiirvo Tcur g nre auch ai afTfrd equal cncoiiraismi'itt and c urlt . Time, wMte pro ring that tLe MrtTvff.r for natJotial unifr wan to ex.: oca In dura tion and amrrlty our wunt anticipation!, hiia tcitud the national atrrnkth and tic vt-lojed the ualional roaourcei to au rxifnt a! he unexpected and remarkable, ovfltlnf Os.unl anioulfllimciil at hnio and abroad. Tbroo roars of war bavs burJencd roxt with a dnbt whit h, tuit three jean ainoe, would itae seemed heyond v0ur ability to sioeC Vet the accumulated wealth aud productive enorxU'i of the nation havo prcvod to he so vast that It haa been borne with tMnipnrniivc ee, and a peacuf... futurn would hardl.r feet Us wrtxht. As a p 1 U paid for national existence . and the pteservatton ot free inatltuUons, It doca nut deserve a inoment i consideration. Thut tar the war tin been supported and ranted on, as it onlj could Mve been, by a people rrs4ved, at whatever coit of bl&cd and t re a, ure, to transmit, nnlmpaJred, to, the sHlcm of fri government boiineaUwd to them bj tbc crvat mt-n whoframcd It. Tl U deliberate and pai riot I c roeoive hi- dcveltpod a pewer surprising even to t! (iiibolvoa. Hhaskhoan that la ieas than a ccntura nation has ariaon, unfurpaised in viKor, and eabaustivka in roiotirces.ablo to eonduct, through a aerloa of jeara, warnu ita aioat flantJc scale, and flnding Itself, when near its cloae. almost uuluipairedtn all the material el lut nta of power. It has, at (t.e present moment, areat armlf j in the A l l, Ou lug an enemy appni-entlj approach ing a period of utter eDiamtU n, but atlll atruiHliaf with a force the grt'fttor ami more desperate as It aeos,and be cause it aee, the near approach of a final and fatal con auniiualii. Much, in my deliberate Judgment, is the picnent conilltiou of the treat contest (br civil libcrtia which T(.n arc now ena,Td. Up to the present moment you have readily and cheer fullv aitordcd the moans neoessary to support your tlov In thia pxutracled htrnle. it la yvvr war. Vou proclaimed it, and Vou hnvo sustained tt again.! traitors vt-rwhtTc, wttJi a rotriclk derc-Ucn unauipas'.od In tho vorid's hlMory. The bOt-iirtties oifen d are such as should c jmraand your ready conildence. Muth cirort has bton madelo shake publl fAlfu in our rational credit, Loth at homo and abroad. As vet we have askid no ("Tviu aid. Culm and frelf te.i.tnt, our ovn me ans have tl.tisfAr proved adequate ti- our want. Thoy are vet ample to meet those of the present and the lutme. It atlll lemnlua for a patriotic people tt. fur n hi: Uit nti t(dl Supply. The brave mail n ho arc lighting our battle by laud and Ma must be ted and clot:u-d,muiiltionM ot wiu cf all kiu'ls tatiat be furuiahed, or the v ar must ei.d InJefiat and disgrace. This Is not the time lor any lover of 1.1s country to lniuire as to the state uf tuc money market, or ak whether he can au Inventus surplus ca,j.rul at. to yield him a Urtrtr return. Ho r t. turn and no prolt can be deairable U fcllowed by liatlomil dsN'olatlou or national dtrtfrace. I'reaent profit lime acquired, la but the precursor of futui-e and speedy dtatmcton. No Intei-lment can he so surely pro fitable ai that viich tends to Injure the national c letunce. lamonL.,ura,nli!i tLel-'li'TU atby the recent legUIa tl -n of C'i (i.'ets our flnuu ti may soon Le placed upon a join der and mt-rc stable looting. The present deranged condition oitlu i urriiiey Is imputable In a ftreat degree to disturbances arising fixm the vithdruwalof necessary t kin ks, often ine ll able in time of war, w hen expenditure must hugely eoLcoett any posjile eupplyof coin. Tbeop portutiitJes thus pre-ejitcl to acquire sedden wealUi hare led to vlrtout aicenlntiou.a rou-equerit iuert-ave of prices, and violent floctuatlon. The remedy is to be found only in out roll! n.t thu tiecelty which teKetK Uie evil. Hitherto w e Lave fcit the need of more extensive and vif;orout. (aiaili.n. tteveie couiiuent has Leon made ujKtn what wtuied to uianv an undue timidity and tardlueaa of action on the purt of 0'Urest, In thl regard. I deem It but just to say that very great mlsapprehe n aion hae exUted, and perhaps still eKlsta, upon this point. I.evMaWs like ail others, have much to learn in a new cr ndition of aitaira. An entirely new system was tola i(eled, and thnt pyntem must neceiarily he thegrowtL ol time and experience. It la not atrnnjje tl ut ilrit ;hort' elioiild hae proved imperfect and i. adtijnale. To lay heavy l urdens on a trreat and patri otic people in such a manner a to be equal, and ai ia occa' i u the h-nt amount of suiTcrlng or annoyance, ros(i!Uts t:me and c. union, aud aU labor; aud, with all these, e.vperleiue is nce'ltul to test the value ol' the nyislem, and coirutt il ec.ors. Such has heon tho work wl Ic'i toiiarex called upon lo perform. I am happy to tay daily rsnlta are proving the Tu tenial Ito.-euue a-t to extieed In aftloicuey Uie moat aani'jic cxp(.ctitiioiis oi lt aut'inrw. In Uie month ot Juno, u ; tehleU a'-nt four and oue-hah millions o duller, whilo Uio rmrositondliix month of thit year rat n rued aN.t.t hue en miilUuis, under the Name lw. 1'nder tt urw laA', whl' b wnt Into operation the fiit dy of thy present month, the Tri-anry not nnfnt goently rr etvs one million iu a day. As time aud eine rleott enahle ti e oiii -ers emi'Ioycd in collecting UiOreros. liiie to entoiue the slrlni 'iit provisjisn of the nelnw,! trust that a Uiillien per day will bo found the m In, aud not the except! ju. Still, luitclt spa'o ia unJonbvdIy left for ImproTenient Iu Uie law, and fn ita administration, at a gitater ot' messnry Intormatlon la am, aired, 7 iat lumper ncurres oi revenue, and tlie Kt eflootivo oi'ohialului, It, trt' beat developed In the ex eon t ion of CJtbilujt lawe. Aud J haa causod measuron io he Initiated wlikh will, It la believed, euable Congreas so to improve and eularge the eyaient aa, when taken In con nection with the revenue from cuktoms, and oLber source, to afford an ample and secure basis for the naticaej credit. Only on auch a baili, and in a steady and vigorous re straint upon currency, can a remedy he found for eilitiag evils. Such re ut ratnt can cnlybs exercised when the tioveri.maiii furnisbd with lueaus to provide mr I's ue.'esMtks. Hut wlU.oul the ild of aptrlo!lc pecpleany ioventmer.t le perl3 Ur this oraayeihtr desirable end. 'Xite deuomiiiaiions d the ucus propoaed to be Iued, yauginv ftitm fifty to Ave thousand OoUan, place tbeee eeeurltiea within the. reach of alwhoaredispod to i4 their coanu7 their redemption the tmith and honor and property o that country am eeleeunly pledged. A ixcjeiml iaaue to this contest, now believed to he near at band, will inrvely nhance tlieirvalwetothehold and peace enee restored all nurdeus eaa he Uhtly borne, ale who sclnefaly withheld kle aid In the hope of turniuf hie avalUhle moans to greater lmmec!Jeae proUt, la speoulaTinc upon fela eonntry e niUtoitunes, and may find thai v. hat seems to be present geun Uads only to future loes. ap aoal, therefore, wiuk conttdera tn a loyal and nitrktle people, and Invoke the efforts ef all who love their ocan try, and desire foi It a gtorfcine futart), le aid tkelr &ovornment tn lusUlniag Its plaoi&g that crt4it upjaa nable fonndatlon. w. p. risaziiDia, eiVHHTrt h KKTABf Of XttS IXaVftY, PROPOSALS. 1)K(IOSAI FOR HAT8, CAI'S, 6U0K9, Iry (tootle, Hewing Matrrtni,hc, Xi.AiMM aaif i- I' erTtrir or V.MrTfVFTfi, ' jf OiTIHS f'T tinir Qt4AjtTKRirAlfTir. I WA-HtNOlOK, AltsTUast ft, liwl. Written propAcat wlfl he reovlvod at this oWoe nnael Virthei iioiirn, h-r fiirnihiiif the MJnwmar artloiee fr iias of coitrraMuid men, tromett. nod oiUJdron in Uu Ue- partmetit: Itnati (rnsiM, r.),anl other MrrleeaMe BooU and Bhnei lor men. women, aril children wpar, t 'hlp. fr-U, and Vstroh n Hat, and cIMh ('apt. Ker.t y, Mner,Gini;ham, Ualiooes, Blanket, aad other? Wtio'en antl r-)toii (roods. Hiekory fltripe (ftr afctrts), Ited-tlcking, tn We ached Mu-lip, woolen orha and It'irlar. Hiool C'mIIod, Mar k and while; Mnen Thread. Itone 8nisendt'r Hiitln i larfre Itutton f.r Coats. hn poiveU'U imunnm, Yam, eed)at and ether aew!t.s; materials and tnmn'lnffs. Wampifi should h nent with each M, at the expenee tt the party (arwhidirn the same. Anoaih ot alh aianee sl.ould eeeompany each bid. No verbal prpottiii . Ml he. ent. it allied, but every bid. Or moHm-aiiH,(.f the name, must be In writlntr. Purrii. win m4-ty..m time to time as the (rood areiieeie,i , under nmtrnot or otherwise, ae the bitemts oftbe service mat rnuire. QiKH Mruritv will te re-iired frr the fal.hftil fulfllmeot of any contract umlnr tli. advert! wttent. I n-pofiilf- st.onhl UMale.l atxl addresel tn the andr ?'",.,.n, otl,lo'. "rr-'iHi-aiK tor nrwiMne Ifcry JhkU. Ac. t UAH. n. OHKKVt Ueoienai t-f . lout l andChlcf Qviarlcrmaiter, Iepttriieiit vasl..nP-ton. ku-l(H 1 R01'OSALS KOH M.VLLEADUB IRON CA X velrj Trfiumlnga. OttnNASi.r. Oi nrr, trARTrtA.r.Tvrwr vTAuiiNi.Toh. July U lki4 EAt.Vn PItr.r08Ar. wll he recetrod at tbW imr until ATI i;lAV, Aiiftust'n, lM,t to ciook, P. M.,sr tho delivery at the fnliow-iu pofnta ot the anfierraenUM4 quantitiek of eaa livable-Urou trtauinga for cavalry ouaia-Blent-: w- .At the New York Aitenev, Kaw Vortt, 90.0(a) eeti. At the t rnnkford Araeoal, lO.-mOtet-. At the Alivn-f.eny Areenai, ujn-t) t u. At Uie ht. liiia Amenal, Kt.oix oete. I ach set ia to eonsmt of tlie nmnuore Of each kind as? buck Le, a)uar, rliiff. tsolr, aiud, aud loop an bnuniM 0 Apt thnt tw(- ol the D rlnus in each aet are to be nubtei ot the new pattern, witii etf. a coord it ur to the modol tn Ih M-en at the above arwetmU. The eastlnirs are to ho made of the best quality ot malleable lfn, the tvoiraes of tlie bticKit'8 ol the bent stock wire. The dirueiitine rf the cleaned rastlnfv aud the Hnlh, and dlmenslonii of tho 1mm kle tonjruca nut rnllersniust ronform atrictly to th atandfiril iratni-eH. which will I applied hofnre lanaDnlaar. After Uelnu thoroughly cleaned and treed from all apraM and Irn-Kuiaritles, Uuy aiu to be japauued in the beet Bianner. ThetTisoda are to be put up In tl.o nsaal snun ner, aaJ packed, ttvo nunilred complete sets In a box ot a o,uniJ(r, and marked as mat be prescribed by theiaipeet luir i iff lee r. Tha work la to he s .inject to fnspoctloa at theraenat fkctory In all atjitres of Ha proirn .s, and no goods aro to bo received or paid for which have not passed Uuaveo- llOll. ' Itellrerlei are to be made ns fbllowa.- tiiddera wlU atate the weuUy rate at whkh they M deliver. I.tddera win ttate the traenal or arsenals where they propot-c to deliver, and Uie number of ecu they propooe es deliver at each pUre, tf fer more than one. I aUuroa tay make dfUverten m a specified time wtll aubioot too cew trartor to a turnjiturc of tl.e nnmber he may (aa In deliver nt that time. No bhii vUI he reeelTeJ from parties other than reawtaa? matuifacturirs of thr anlHes pnioerd for. and who nrw known to this I pertinent to he capable of ejutknf IA thetr own ahie tt.e work proposed for. torms of bids can be obtained at tha above named arsenals. j'n pnMt's jo ?ifnJJ eiif en thi$ form Ut ne U eit- HtAk ANTEE. The bidder will .ie nqutml to acroeapanr Me nreneet tlon with a fiunrRnteo.alRned by two renponelble prot4 that will at onee execot the contract Ut the aatus, with (rood and sufficient euro ties tn a sum ciual to the amount of the contract, to (to ll vec tlie art iri 1 1 proposed in ronformitv with the toreu of thia advertisement t and In caae the said bidder ahonld fail to enter tuto Uie contract, they to make good the dn lerecoe between the offer of a aid bidder and the net rep"mlble bidder, or the person to whom the oontraot may be awarded. Ihe responsibility of tlie guarantors most be shown by the othciel eortJrtcate of the Clerk of the near ret IMstrlct Court, and tl.e United ttUUs .District At torney. lion ils In the sum equal to the amount of th contract alined by the eoutram-r and both of his ruarant rs, wiel beteqtiiresil of the ucieavrul bidder or biddurs, ttponeig ing tlic vontinct. lOIi.V OP OrAtAVTHE. We, (ho nncttjreljn.ed, reildanu in In tho county of and Atte of, hereby jointly and severally eovenunt with tlie V nlted States, ana Euaramesi. in caasi UH'ruremiinit hidaf . ci-iils-sl, Uiat he or they sa ill at enea execute the contrmsxS1" fur tlie aaine, wllh iiikiI ami uttietenl luretie an equal to ll amuunlot the contract, to furnish Uie anlsM pmpiHed in cs.niormllv villi tlie taroia ut till adi M-Ms. nn nt, slasnxl Juij It, liM, under which tlie Wsl sra isuset anil lneaMiiiesa.J thall fall to enter lata a contract aa afureaajil, w .narmnle to mak food Uia Sir fereuee lietween Uie oiler ol' llie aald and In) ncxi k we.l resps.nsible blsliler, or lit perto t whee to) oontraot txiaj lie avf arslesl. ) tllven uinter oar hand ! Wltaeis: rtlil daof , lotv . rnuj I deal. I To tal guarantee ninat be ajiptuded the offloUlcrUs cate aboi e uientLoneil., part. nl. illiimm onlract will be obllted to mtef Into bontle with approred auretia forlh. AMtiiital sosj tion of Uie aaiue. Vpon the award helrji mad, suceeuful bidders sjrtB be niitllltil, and fituilslied wills forms of contract saat bond. The Department reserree Ui rtilit to reject Snf or all the but U dciuied nuaaUafivctors; oa luar lu-count. rropoaal. will be aditreaaed tn MnrliTdter-Oserai tleoige l. RumsiiT, Chief ot Ordaaaee, Waahlnetoti, 1. ti.," and will oe eud.i.-d "rropoaal tor ataUaablo Iroa Cavslry Triwmia." OKOItGF. D. ttAMHAT. Jvl-tuthaiiiO Uric, -lien., Ptm pi Ordnwos. PRO I' OPALS JOB lil ILDINO 80UT& vlHsjte S) iH-partinem liullinj. Nvi is.iARTwr.T, Anfruatt, ISA. Rested rroposala, cndnrai-d " rrnp.isata for bulldiaf 8ou(h Wins; to Nmj lii-partment llullslinf ," will be n celled at this oltlcc until 2 o el'-ek it., ou the lMli dafof Auenial, liit;i. I'lans and spas-lllrailcna r rsvady lor a suilnatlon at the Nar.v liprtm.nt. and tb bids muat h tot the wbol. hullsjlnir lltilshed sunt complet In all Ita de tails xi ept Uie l.ol wats r tieatlnu ai'paratiia. Itiildnea are ro.iui-tedlo nam Ills' time In whlcb they will eiiKatfe have the builiiliiH cinplels-d and ready for; nnd au bid ninai bo acoonipaaled by the lollon Ibf (uaraa tee FOHM Or Qt'ARAKTEK. Tbe undiralcneU, ,of .In the mate ef , aa4 . of , In the Htate of , hereby guarantee that Iss case the forexiilii I. id of for building bow eotiik vs inn to Navy 1 .partuu-ut be accepted, he or tney wik, within ten das aper llie receipt of the contraot at th Boat oflli e nearest tu-!r roslsli-nee, exeeut the contract for tlio name, with iiood and euiniilvnt aeourlt'ea; and incase tha aid alia.ll full to cuter ini cantract ai aforsid. ww vuai-antee to make i;nd Uie dl.l.rcnoe butween the atlas sC the aald aud Uiat wulch may bu accepted. tYttneMs All.OuaraBUr. Kl, C 1, ijuarauwr. ,l.l. 1 hereby certl?j t't tlir shore named - era known to me aa men cf property, and able ta auk f4 their trtiarantif. Tu be by tl.e Culled Ute Xstjt Agent. District Judge, or Attoi uey, nr eollai tor. aik S 11 U-M AK8HA178 1SALK. BV VIRTVK OF A. Writ nl Hale, by tle Don. John Cadwalader, .tudjea r.t the Dletnrt fi'on nfme t'nlted butss. in and thru.. SOaafeia lHstrlcl (if Pennsylvania, In Adauraltr, to as directed, will oe .old at public sale tn t highest an4 b.-at bidder, tor cakh, at llU HE.Tt ll 8 tTUKCVa. 1 sf. I'KUNT Sire, I. on Ml 1NIIAY , Antrnsi IH. 14, al 11 o'sk A. 1M-, SS bate of t'sitton, belt, the earno of reasel a-, arown, Aleo, the c-arns-a ot the ateamir IDA, aloeas VAHAU.aud SsAllt.and Huri.,cooIUni af colu,u-bacce.turpi-i.Unt, ilea, and aii. W II I I4M MITJ.WABn, t' . ilmlaal t. Ii. l l-enua. Thiladelpisla, Anj.i.t 10, l4. aull-sSt IGHX-UOL'SK UOTTAGK, " A A l lJkNTIO CITT, IT.i., . NKARIT HOIM. ID THE HKAt H. Thla well-ini'w a l.ouse Is now opes, for the rcceptloa of Boarder, liiittiliiij never vrn 1-etter. auti-Iui i. WOOTTON. rropi-Vslaf. J IV 3Ls 14 T IIOUHBi ATIjANTIO city. nr.vT i:Bauir. v aiso. j. aisJJNN, iropritor. . (Loss snd nivor.l it ksiwi a pmprtator of OTSTina . ilAY, 81 X I'll and (lHiNCT atroeu.) Partlna as-rominrlatKl wits lioaia, Piabuw Ua,ae.,an Cats ma to th vary Iw.ary auaistaa. h-t IXCIlANCiG ilOTKJ., AUANTIO CITV. 4 Tb .nixs-nlier, itrwsrol tor pa. ram. wndMa . Ihanfca Isi his pairou and tu. p'lasic lor Ih eassacoa aa-. ton firi.a Imu, and h.s Isiv to y Usal he la Haw ea Ibr the avaana. and revdy t roalsra Wiarkst., p- ess. a aw . and Uan.H-ot. oi th nns Bnsslsi-t tm. T.b-wla1 alwaya be auiplJed wlih tha etHHsieat wiise. a-?.-, ara, , clKara, and asiperu r oWl lis. lb labia WlU be ft aikUa tlie best the market aiti-tda. Mldn llaee aud tacts alwar on hausl All Us cuius us ; ul a usaua sast alwaya foiiad at tha . IRxcliium. rcrnuir.lrrrai -1i, OKORUB HATDAT, Je u nuiKMac. riOLVMUIA XXO.US.JS,. ATLANTIC CITY, XSWmtSET. J tlTVATK ON KENTUCXY A.VJ,Ua, OPPOSITE THE &VKT BOCSa ESWABD DOYXsB. IVoprUSm. Ttml U9 luittae dmM. (eaVtf. VATIOMAJL HAXTj, ' CAF lULAlrll, CAPK UXX V. 9. Cliden obder 12 are of Mk and taarvahta half yrblO ftnperior aceioiJodatiru and aicjk ruom iO J V0 tiUSL'Hti VltUHiJUft. K?e-2ai AJUtwN ttAAUUl bui'. rrUAor. QONWAY'Ib 01 8TEB BAY BALOON. s. w. cobsek c bliCOMD ANO CIIESXUT STREETS, JyJMto rHTLAT'EUTOIA. ' 31 EMG'A'. TI1C.MA8 , yLOV.'MAM. JV Can-eaK-r and alld. ka Mtni'ieed hi is a-u. tto. fi atravs ..ri-y aenst kf'.. SS CAJirltK B ysinimi; taa uu sr.. saaioa auMsasssa. SWiiHie fu carr bi, aw u usisM,s anwlss. JJ" ia nsaar. a abaja a s nito aahe, mKm i I 8.E. conxea sixth A.v4 vmvT r BEADY-MADE CLOTHIXQ AND HXU TAIL0B1XQ ESTADLISUMENT, NOTED IVYl UANPWMIi 8TYLKH, A2Si) POUILMib TO CVSIOMEIU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers