J-TOJDAILYJ SATURDAY, AUGUST 13. 1861. CfTlCE No. 108 sTthird street. PrtM Vaaaa Cirrs ra Oorr, of Euktiik OaHTf P fm, avyaMs talk Cairtsf, and. laallad Is " aaattflbf rMNinDoLLABt rM! 0" A""-" ire rirrr Cnn ma Two HTM u TTO0 fr ate trie ordered, e , . t.. UwttMiM rnserted J the rf. uuwal Brtsagtaiaat h fcr utio ussertJaa. Te trreseftsl"lsj. HtnlMMikinln ofAeoayiaoes. Oommliitlwi. karVltsa7l r !. " aolhwiilral ed tZ iwIZJe T.i Mktreee o( W writer not B.--eearll lor Smmtl aadartaks be relaiarolecto OoauBuuicaUsas. T Af virtlaerl. a,ria9 Ik imt inorea.e la the Oirnilslloa ofTnt fVliNIM. TBLKK4PII.COinpUUlgUI 10 fS If prO.l ft ll -tri fear, w aritenuy roaoai iniit anverxi.anirnTS a taM la sxa as 10 o'oh k, ir possible, to ic M.ara teeea M aseeruoei mum oar ooiuoaa. SATURDAT. ATGU8T 11, 154. ovr Ncnoou. The doors of our schools will toon be re opened for the admission of scholars, and the youth of botb'sexes may then be seen, with as many book as they can well carry, going or returning from the establishments where they rc to be taught the Important principles accessary In after life. When It Is considered that adults are learners, and men and women re dally gathering new knowledge, It may not be amiss to say a word about the Interesting little met and women who toll so hard over their lessons! The first six years of a child's life should be spent In forming the body and organs of sense, by exercise and healthful play lo the open air. Much of the education of a Child, fn the Inceptive stages of existence, may be imparted by conversation, and his mind Buy receive much Information of a valuable kind through the medium of the senses. The best authorities agree that at seven years oi age a child may speed from one to two honrs at his book ; at eight, three hoars; and so on till he Is fifteen, at which neriod the tvetital powers begin to be developed, and thea six or seven hours may be given to study, There a possibility of children having too much to do, too many lessons to learn, too many books in hand. This can be tolerated when the mind enlargos, and the capacities are augmented; but a faithful teacher, who com bines, zeal with knowledge, who has perhaps aa .acquaintance wuu pnysioiogy, ana an experienced Judgment, will give the little man or if oman a short and easy lesson, and require K te be got we(, rather than puzzle the doll caUj young creature with too much, which must be acquired Imperfectly. This Is a simple thing In itself. Everyone knows It, or think he knows it. But there havi been children to whom existence has been made a burden because they could not -warn weir lessons tasi cnousn. anu tueir over- taxed brains suffered sadly, asleep and awake, in order to perform their difficult tasks. This is no excuse for the Idle and lazy mischief- makers, who must be driven to school, and . nam Til n nlw Iauaii VAf dictation to Judicious teachers how to act, but a twigtttUm founded on observation. Chil dren) should have plenty of exercise. They should not be confined, but allowed those recreations that develop the strength and In crease the power of each organ of the body, as well as the brain and nervous system. Let those who deem these remarks common-place think for a moment whether it Is not in the first steps In life that the child is "made or marred." C hildren of a tender age arft fohvaleidlv Inlnred nil thalr Uvea lir inn much confinement; and this may have a mis- chlevoua effect, as much In a Philadelphia school as In an English cotton factory. Be aide!, the brain of the child Is injured by pre mature application, and If he does not sink Into an early grave, he becomes an intellectua dwarf or imbecile driveller good for nothing. These remarks are important to tho parent who tends to the teacher's care the child Of bis iandest hopes ; to the teacher who wants to discharge faithfully the important duty de Tolving upon him ; to the child for the alterna tive may be a healthy body and mind through life, or a diseased, weak frame and sickly In tellect; to our eountry, for we waut to have a race of physical and intellectual giants, who will be alike distinguished in the field and in the cabinet. ATHI.KTIt' r XCItt lSi:.)). With very many other and wiser people, we I are right glad to observe the Increasing popu larity of athletic games and exercises among ' ns. Our youth have been degenerating sadly f Binee the good old times of breeches and three- I cornered hats. They have become a byword to foreign travelers in our country, and a ' "acorn and dcrUlon to touruits, both native t and European. Their fair proportions have J been curtailed, and their forms need the X greatest art of the tailor to give them the sem blance of manhood. What are the chief causes l' of this physical deterioration ? Habits of idle- j sess, neglect of athlotio exercises or bodily ' effort of any kind, combined with precocious i dissipation, the consumption of poisonous liquors, and other kindred Irregularities. ""Why is it tlmt the young men of England the young aristocracy, we mean with fur - greater wealth, far greater opportunities of riotous living, and, in iHct. quite as much, if not more enjoyment of those opportunities for the "University men," the "Young Gusrd- ; men," and bachelor Belrn via, generally, are at least as uf3t" as Touiik Anierloi" of a Similar age and social position why l it, we , ajt, that these "young bloodn" of Kngland ai'O broad-ohouldered, rudily-cne.-ked, muscular ' aoti stalwart six footers, while mr represen tatives of the rltduir feneration are spindle-legS'rd- pale-faced. hollow-cheMed HnotoghM fof Hvwculiully, that t lit fee.bly iiloug the - Kla Bnl.n.hJ C". m u u ScL' a fi.W til.. " display of tailor's hnndi work?" Simply and solely became, lit the colleges and universities of England, the cricket club, the rowing club, the base-ball club, flourish as an essential part of the training because the tudenta exercise their bodies as regularly, and often much more violently, than their - minds, and to are physically strengthened and i developed.. '-, la view of thato eantraits, we repeat that t P hope to see a restoration of the good old - :r,ua and sports that strung the ainews and x ial tbe muscles of our forefathers for i jBuaiust Tjm a4 Vallay Torge. Cricket I J J"1' ; pound among us ; In driv ing out of tt.. ct, f , 0 Dt .fteraoon w, often !..!? oa JoUl pwt owii mi 9 Vattmg away right uruuf. Tk kindred games of base, and town, ut Qornw m l 1m coming back to aaUv .Un - flelif aud brace the thews of youth. ) Oymnaaliuii and " Callathenlc Xuutiee" u , axe springing up in our midst, and obtain. 1 eqa! favor and patronage; and we predict. I , Joyfully, hopefully, confidently, that the neat i ( coaeratloa of " Yonog America" will not be '' ashamed to aland fide by side with their AugldS&zoil ewtoBpcMtsrlea, or- to oautead tt;l Utora on equAl tenat Ut Uit buuiIj dlTr t at.ua Jf elu.ir ssiarn Lasifl. . XTKHPEKAKCR. Mr. SAMnx 8. Southard, Agent of th Adams ExprcM Company, kt Terre Haute, Indlaua, committed suicide In hit room a frw day ago, by b pintol shot through tho head, lie was eo BltenUvr? to buMnena, that but few outside of hU most Intimate friend knew of his disposition, and aa a citizen and bualnexa man hi character u dwiervediy high. Tet the victim of Atrnng driuk left a letter which fay : " Miiuor has ruined me a well a thotuaniW of 'f thorn j I have tried liaid to quit, but tin i it " Impossible to do so. I have drank trithlna; " tliis rvcninit, and am perfectly calm. I hare " co unkind word or foelinfr towards any one. " 1 liat curse or all evils, run, titki i one more to " the prove, who might bavo Lrrn wtor-mr-d .nd " enjoyed the confitlnnce and ntsport of the com " mtiiil'y. My poor family ! O (loci I I cannot " tliiDk of Uirrn, or write cf nr to them. My " cup l fill). May a just and merciful God dual " kiuUly with them." Aa a aource of Individual wi? tchedneps, of moral pcrvcrtlon, and public evil, there 1 probably no single vice calling more lomlly for social correction than Intemperance. States have supplied almshouse fur the poor, penitentiaries and prison for the criminal, and places of refuge and discipline for the In sane, the crippled, and the abandoned ; yet while It will bo found, upon examining the statlxtlcs of such Institution, that by fur the Urgent part of their Inmates owe their nnror- tunate condition directly or indireelly to In toxicating drink, Bttclety has adopted no means of reclaiming the Inebriate, and thereby applying the most effectual corrective to a disease than which there Is none moro alarm ing in Its extent or more proline of private and public Injury. It is time that something wait done to strike this great curse at the root ; that the civil authority of every Commonwealth should begin to regard and deal with it as a mon strous political oflense, not only subject prop erly to Us jurisdiction, but Imperatively de manding the exertion of all Its restraining and conservative power. As the fruitful parent of crime, Intemperance Is, In our judgment, as legitimately an object of criminal Justice as the larcenies, riots, blasphemies, murders, and all tiio endlessly varied forms of violence, misery, and disorder provided for in penal codes and subjected to legal control. Though philanthropy has been anxlouMy exercised In devising means of prevention, it Is amazing that bo little has been done to reform the drunkard ; that while the humane spirit of the age is founding so many useful establishments for private relief and public advantage, no provision has yet been made to arrest the victim of intemperance In his course, and by bringing blm under compul sive, but kind and rational discipline, retrieve him from tho fearful tyranny of a passion which has deptived him of the moral and physical energy requisite to rescue and pre serve himself. The fact Is, that !n neglecting thus long to recognize the confirmed inebriate as a crimi nal, constantly offending against the peace, the happiness, and the morals of tho State or as an irresponsible agent, incnpablo of self control, and therefore, as ono who has for feited his rights of personal liberty, society has overlooked a grave perhaps the gravest malady of the kind that has ever contributed to afflict It or lnvoked,the interposition of Gov ernment. An enlightened practical view of this question should be delayed no longer. The positive and frightfully extensive Influ ence which drunkenness has In corrupting men, In disqualifying them for the rights and duties of citizenship, and In ditluslng wide- licentiousness and distress through the Und Implicating the Innocent, and burdening the State, should be realized ; ami an Intelli gent social sentiment, justly careful of the general welfare and security, and actuated by a benevolent desire to restrain and recover thobo who have become the help'ets slaves of a resistless appetite, should at once provide stme sufficient plan for reforming drunkards, and eventually suppressing the vice Itself. No better expedient for the end proposed could be devised than a House of Industry, where all the proper restraints could be en forced, the requisite physical aud moral influ ences be brought to bear upon the patient, and the labor of his hands be applied to defray ing the expenses of the institution. .This would at once accomplish three Important objects, namely, relieve society from a nuisance; subject a person incapable of self control to wholesomo reformatory govern ment ; aud release the public from a principal occasion of the heavy charges now in curred in the support of thous.'.nd.' of Indi viduals whose habits of intoxiratlou have either immediately or indliet '.ly thrown them into almshouses, prU-oos. and Iio-pitalc Philadelphia lias ar,ulrc J nu enviable repu tation fur valuable measure'' uf improvement in prison discipline and kindred innlter. B'ue hat iiov: the opportunity of lendlm; In a move ment relative to a class of uiifcrtiiuatcs and an evil which rise In their claim tipaii chari table, sympathy and legMat'.ve concern far above rr.ost other object of flic Uud which have drcady received the caw of statesmen aud the bounty of private b uevolenep. Will not, tl.ea.HOinft of our most influential cllltvu take tM: susgertion up in that cani't. spirit which Its great consequence to uoelety .li-mKI excite, and presi It forwnrd to practical rej'l r.aliou;' A mora interi-Klinu iil'iuiu has rarely engaged public tttt-iiUi.i., and it de snrves to be nrged with coireHM.nilli;g zeal. Pi RiKiHcv: s It' can hi IV. m Mr. Jehu .1. KrunKT.No. 40;;'licm-t stuft, wi-imrv received ' conks of f'rni l.e'h-'t !;;""'', llni-per" ! Icy, Ma!nTitc I n:rre -t'l- t"t:r'.nj o f t'tfhicn, I I.ondi ii ll'wi.m.d .V'v ii.vl T.-n.r:, l'unth, j Ilnrjirr'a, London W '', '(; .' Jittr, lil.d r"Wi- ', kill M. q.r-inf, All !) '.-.r '.W'. It Is only j nccesi-ary t any tlmt tV .tii.dl.l neri-lieil . FtKllIOA'S rOH.l'.l'HI'. 1.' fnlfrl. Wo must no longer seek for l'liMnon la I'aiis tlie tkklo godduit ia to be found in the ch.itoau or t the watering places, but lior rnlgn there is M despotic m In tbe capital. Foulard Is still favoritt, und jutt now borije and CUamliery gauze are much worn ; alto, a charming m it'irbil, called Imllan gau.e, It used l'or ilemi-toiiette. Drew of pique or batiste, aitnply ornamented with white or colored braid, and with a littlo vo-te to match, are exceedingly useful. Moro elegant dremes, but still made with veutei, ore of muslin orbatisU.trirorntd with gtilpurr-.,Vulnclenieii,cin-broldery, or ribbon bowt. The sn.mire fichu U that decideslly preferred to be worn with low bodied fummer evening-dress. The celnture ts now one of the niott important parte of tbe toilette. For yonng glrlt of illgut ilgore nothing eanb more becoming than the Swift ceiniure, embroidered and triiumcd with laoe or ruches of ribbon, worn over a white cheiuUctte. Eandf of Uilt;. piiu noeuu qu.w uis uiuvi. of the day. Wide niuare backlet are wont with them. -Vlaslla tnawu ana caiuaiie, srnuuiois wuu iutartkiu aud flonncet ot luco, are in vogou. i uo nehest atw lined with taflutasf otuoit, mure tiuiuie.aratibumed wiih t'nstooned llouneea or bwif iiiuaa, an Insertion over ribbon being placed all round, buiua hall'-UUiug uauaiUea) sire ulto mad ot m.lin a,i(,u tmt,rojduied aoaiut. ThUl teoson whita tswlaUn It much usud for ti iruming Ufletas. U avema sLcaoitu fancy, birt when well arranged U baa a gi aUcct. j)ut tho beit way of BkukiBf out rtodu,) aciuaiutvd with At tnod j t proceed to bur description of dresses. A atiaw colon-d lawn dresn: At the bottom of tbe skirt a plaited flounce about Ats Inches wide, and upon each plait a coqiil'.le of black Uc partly on the skirt. A small vote of the name material aa the dre-s, rlniined round with black lacej openct In front, but attarbad by pattca, which cross over a waistcoat of batiste, with insertion and Valen tiennes lace forming a Jaliot, and also placed ronnd the basquos. A dress ot white alpioi: 1 be Nittom Ot the skirt cut in very ilccp fol'iom, xnd Mt(rrl with a wttla rerlsa riblion. This trim mlrR la rOTinded off, and carried tip the aide far an the wan t. A narrow llonnco it pl.iccd over tie rittx round tlie rcaioana. Ce:ntuie corelet, with baaquen ilircctolre made of icrirtt tair- U, and embronlercd wlih jet. Willi ttrs eli pant d-'tss is worn a hiyh bojy and Imhk a aovea of mmitn butllonne, and crois-b irred with rirrow cerise vclvnt. A spn'd mi'-iln drrff, Ovr sky-biiio tarlatane; a flounce aliout a.x indict wide, t tinned with guipure, and luadcd with a lamrnili cnt Insertion, which Is ci rrud np each acam in hornexhoe form to tho Ik il.t of a ' n art- r oi a yard. A pontillon vie, tilmmid In the fiainn style, fudcrncath, a KwHh cemtiire of blue talloiai, w ith very loni; a'ld wide end fal'lnff behind. A robe of white foulard, tlie rkirt trimuiid round with a wlilo bind ol blue Ml'ctm, edged on each fide with a quilling, and emtiroldi red with white silk. A i-mall collet to n atch, and a Jockey bat of 1-CRliorn, tifmined wiih a whiui fnatuer and hliio low, completed tlib toilette. A white muslin drew;, with a plaiting and revem, a'tout fivo Ir.chcf wide around tho bottom of the skirt, and up each fide of the seams, gradually dimin ishing in width. Thee rovers arc embroidered and placed over pink. The vc-U' and sleeves trimmed to match. A robe of pointed munlin, tic body full at the waint; ct-lnture of iliac giiuzc, with a sat n edgetrimmid with a qull I it g of the same rtblxin, covered with black la e. ltmlits of crepe litse arc much worn, with tkirtd ot t'hattibf ry gnnre or (iRht-colored nllk. They l.avo a niot charming efloct, trimmed with black braid, and ipiilllngs of black and white bloudu, a id arc exceedingly becoming. Others are made of thta nansook, with imrrow tucki', small collar of linen, and wide culls, each trimmed round with a very narrow Insertion of cnibmlderrd munlin ; or striped muslin, with Vn li uca nn s I'lhirtion, and straps of velvet up oa'h side. China crape and foulard arc both also us' d fur loose bodies. Poulard, although not quite so graceful as C'blaa crape, is so much cheaper tbut It will be moro generally worn. 'Wbi'e drckf-es are more worn than ever this tcaKon. t.ot only for full dress in miiHlln. iraure. baiegc, tulle, ftc, but also for morning wear in 'ncunet. musiinettc. alpaca, aud noil de cbevre. Tbe robi'B de ville of foulard and silk, with white grounds, are aUo much in favor. A grea' many roi es ana claques ot w nite ainaca, sou do chevru. and cschemire are trimmed with colored silk. The colors n ost In vogue are lilac, blue, and pink, in clear, bright tints. A r action baa taken place with regard to lun- ncts; and from the bih-fronted bonnets laiely and are fast going back to tbe close bonnet of former da) s. The enrtsia, too, Is quite banished by some, although othora still retain it as the most elegnnt finish. We give the description of some made each way. A capote or white, tulle bonillnnnc, trimmed on the crow n with a largo bow of tulle, covered with branches of young ivy. Curtnin of blond, edged with silk fringe. The inside irimtned with piillinsof tulle, with branches Of ivy crnsKing it. A capote of IlgliMiluo crape, covered wjtli tulle, worked with crystal boad.t. A Dow oi blue niiiKin i tacs in pineo oi me enr am. At tbe side a blue tulip, from which fi.nn a RusHinn aigrotte. Bonillonne of crape, with b ee bow and II it s of the valler inside. A bonnet of d awn tulle, tbe crown of tulle in deep flutes, separated by straps of white ribhou, with branches of honeysuckle falling over them. Fancy ribbons arc much used for morning bon nets, 'either flowered or in shaded stripes ; they have a very rich appearance. The same style of rililion, only much w ider, is also worn for sashes r r the i-eawde, some most elegant ana becoming coiffures have bien prepared. we select some oi me most cicgaut. me cbapeau La Valiirc l ouis XIV, stjle of fancy stiaw, edged with black velvet worked with straw. A bow of muire-colorcd ribbon, ftstened by a straw cord, and falling rather to the side, seems to bold a plume ot mack leather", sur mounted by tho wing of a bird, which falls over the trout. Tbl-i hat is rather large, but very grace! ul and becoming to a certain style of beauty. The ennpeau uupucnot: tun cages raised and trimmed with narrow black velvet. A flowered rib! on crossed round the crown, and falling in two ends behind, with a bouquet of black feathers and field flowers. Each of these has its own peculiar style ; it mutt rest with the fair wearer to choose tho one the most becoming. We must not close our dc- pciiption of the hats without the Princess de Manes anu lue muusqueuurc. mi loruier niauc of v rv white straw, edged with grevn velvet, with a boun.net of reacock's feathers, in the midst of wbttli n poses a small green bird. Hound the brim a row of small straw hanging buttons. Tbe bitter of straw, edged wph blue velvet. Hound the crewn two narrow straps of velvet fastened undei a bow if the tame trimmod with straw, from wLich fall one blue and two brown feathers. A new mill, three hendrod and fifty feet long by one hundred and eighty-four feet wide and t ree stories high, is (joing np at Ltwronce, Massnchusetts. SlatrrtMl. I.K rBON MKLVIS.-At th t atliollB flftheral. i.4lvllle T.in.,by tha Bov, Fatlipr Kvau. on tho nth ol .H.lv, IIS Mil 1,K l AUOM . of tlie Andi-rion Cavalry, to ML- NAMMB WK.LVIN, of Sanhvlllo, lona. TllnKK-FOKMYTHK.-On tho llUi Instant, In the f'liurth oi tbe ttMllator, by the Itav. John l.ons, ChAji lnln . H. A.. JAM KH B. T1IOUN anu ANNA J., eMail lUujhtcrol the lata Thos. Pony the. Delaware county paper- pk-ase copy. KU K-UOTD. On February tilh, 1WH, by Vfr. I)r. Ilalia, Mr. .1A1IE3 I. UK E to MM JAMK bOYU.bvth lit this cltv. - ItiMl. AI LS. S On the evnlnu of the IHh lum.. (is'olii.v I. iniant "n or Ulehard J. and Mary 1. Alli n, asinl 1 iikiiii .rA 10 days. Xlif r-letlvoa nod Iricndf of tne family are respectfully InvttKl b- attend the tuneral.lrom th r.atdoiiec ol hit fiiiln-r at lladilouncld. N. J.. ou l.rsl duy, the lilu lu.t. . at 4 o'cloe-i. In the aiternoon. liSMb On H.e litll Uisu-it, JAMES DAVIS, In the tr.'.l )c ai ol hu aire. 'i In- re. nr. i t and fr'en.e of the family art renreclinllr it,v;li'-l ti uoonctlia tuitral fmni tl.e r'-.iileiH-eor tin aon 1 ii ln..lt.uif MeKadtftn, b'o.'ill Arct ttrcrt, ou Muli (is u at I 1' M.,vitlioui mrtlitr oolite. ,11: U'i'. 2u Aleksodria Kpt,on Hrttiinliiy, Jal.v t i i m 0 llie j.riiii.ii e eamcr . J I mil. N K. wi:e of tt.e Jfev st'liry ti. tiexnp, MLsiouary to Hyria. 11 1 is.1 - On V 'ailneaday, June l,.t. at the nettle of Cold llal-r Va.AMiRl.W KKIM, Co. I, r Hi-irl. Penn .illsfus Votunleein, fn the Isth yesrol his lye, sou in ul 1.1 .it liarrl.-t Kelin. I line notlt-e II the bodv Is recovered. I y.t.l Hl.lt.-On the Ulh inalunt. I.KIKKIIT KF.TSF.lt, -"'.,',1,','i'.',.'''l!. UarbaraKej.er. iu tie .1st lit rcmiivit Mid UU h&t art- rrnptfjiriiliy in itflrl Ij inti tid V. li!itr:iMi, from 11. ip-stri' r.rv of t iiojihi w, V fluun K. TliDiNik", sUnln trMt, -hovrt VS ttituii,tin iwiiji , Gtrinntsiwn, ua un.M , Utli, i 'i u'cUick I. M. X W.N. -Oo Din momlnir of the l.tli In -I, WILI.UM Ml-tHt ifl-, Biitl flume of thr inmllv, r renpcctfiilly li,vHt 4' to H'trml tlto IuihthI. Iitiin hL" lutn rt -tidf ur, Nfi. id. WiKid ttrtH4, cm 'Immltty a.icruottn, nt :t o cUx k. I At II Kir.- At Marfhcftl i Uy, on imt 4'li Iriimil, 1 lv.i i.H.'A I'til i.LAt l ALMfU dt,riL-ii lui li?r, ul thi- ' 1 I )tr ai.d l'daji-. (ht rv.in thr (i.tu.'iitrit J (i;uili-r rnl Jitiue t . f lmfr hqi! Ktt-.l I'lnier. l.i v if.-. Th- (.vnrl c'mnitni- tU iutliui.' Jmniot oi jStil: C'fli'ol.lUi. h1TM -Om FrhUr. tlit UtU iiKmiM ANMI. V.. tits ul 1 Until in l. Huillii, iu (It 2-'ef wr ol tu-r aivt- 1 it fttitUemid Irifiui. t l lln i.mliy nrn Tt'fptVt Mi ly lir IumI u ftitcnd li lnnonU, tnnii tno rllBiico ol l.i r nirtiu). h. Iff . f ocn-r oi ftr onii ami Buurli m , ii .Vt .ni'lH.v fUlrrttooii. t i o'dwl . mut Ui, -Ut riiurxlut tuontiOK. ll'ii I Ti otitis i, Mi. ANN 'IHKI.hM luiht 7Mli; i iiroi hrr . Irjf iftaHf-n mifl I (-tend ol tbe tn'iiMl am rvipottiitlv tii((si in aiti nil Ih lunssfal, from the rfldt'nct ol It-r -ot'-i i l.iu, .Vr, ri- ItovMi, ISu. 'its . KI- voilh itlfr't, hp tirrtav a'li ruooii. ul 'J oti h. 1 min, -SutMpnlv. ar!i?r niort tf palntni M!insrn, m Vi Vtb 4v .' Aumi-t. friil. Mr. hVI'.WM: 1 V:i S, wile ol tiio latM t.niiii'1 Ii. i . ln., iu ih I 'tin j'i r oi hiir ato. W t-ru pui-t- ! roj . J !)'-' ufttlff ol Uin ul rural wl)i ? .tv.-n. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. arw 'NION M. K. CHURCH, 1'lU'KTU --T' stre.t. imV.w v.-. Habnatii, Am-ust u. itev. , 0Vi, i, an.i itav'.TuoH. h. iU'H.kki 1 , 01 hi. joaeoii, llILiLll!S'!i,f!l'?i ?i- prese.h In the in irnlng al ln.S CKS1KAL i:UIilllltr.lAllU.NAl. Cll t1 KC'M. Kev. C. II. A. BC1.KI.S:T, ot New Vors. will lireorh at CONC'F.KT HALL, To uioiro v, at 10i A. H. and V. M. beau free. tfsT PAUL' CmmclL'l'llIS CHUIICU WILL f 'w he closed untu rtauday, Auaust 2stb, lor cleaulny . RKV. WILLIAM BARN4 WILL FHF.VCH ic KMDRY M V.. CHIIKCH to-morrow uiorulne and Itev. 1MMKL WEBSTtM In tbesveuluf. TmNITTCHAPEt.,TWENTT-KCt)Sn AND LO(:UT Htraets. lllvtue ssrvlea at ISIS' A. et. and s P.m. Tbe hv. air. BAiiyEH will ureach in iha aveuintf. w-J-ct. KKV. J. TODD WILL PRF.ACH IN TRINITY l)iJ M. K. Ckurah, Mtill l U atraet, above Kace, on Bahhatli aut, Ihe 11 lb luauut.at Wis A- at. aud I o'clock F. M. THEClirHfH OF THE F.PIHHANT WILL sV-a7 be elosed on the second aod third Huudays oi this month. It will be reopened on t&e foaria eunday at 10)s o'clock A. St., aud at t ejcluck P. M. HKVT IAVID STEELE, PASTOR OF THE aat7 Fourta Baiunned Preahytenaa rburb. EIIjsI TEEVl'H and FI1.BS ET utiMta, will Brsasb to-un-row at Ml aud i o'clock. iWiUSEl I.SKT1TUTB OF SOIEMOB, AVtSt) Hf.VrS rEF.NTH street, above I olarakla avonna. Prescbiug at this Institution to-morrow i Holiday) alter noon, at i o'eUMk, by He v. W. W. T.vYLOB. Beats ire. All are invltod. Men 8PHINO UAK1IF.N OAI.L. N. W. TORNKIt Assssv HFK1NO UAKUF.N and TII1KTK1 NTH Htrsel.. Mammas of the caurcu or curist i cb of Christ aaaeinbilnf bens are as . lollowsi as ii - -a. broad," ' showlne lie follows i At Itts A. St., fur worship, la the 'breaUna of .1," "-suowina use seem a uaaia an oe .uaii, -u i anoUier. Aud al 'ih o'eloet P. kt.. hit lbs proai-hlui of the Word, by Ust rastor, ClliilUst CAMrili.lL. .Tea. n. W A Ii It A V i: N, !. ui.soa to w. k. oAiihvr, MAHONIO IIAI.I, Ko. 719 OnEENUT BtreeU WIN I C V H II A I 11 M, OUUTAINB. MOSQl'ITO NETTINGS. BUSINESS ITEMS. licrtwene (line Pot. We are glnd to prrn-nt ths publK- with nsw mnncy avlnf rtlrlt, lm lle In cnaitructi'ia, as rn.lly manut.t an an ordliixrjr lama uit-d fur lilillnf piirpcBf In fact in tliaply a c immon lamp, to which w c Jpplj th principle nf hesilna 01 or and aroiuij lh fl smt, si rn. lirnl It u br Lstlotl 1a.lnt . lulled bj the I'nlled BiaUM. tnd known as "Hhcr s I'aieal." With this tloiple tpparatut, Ulct may U kept hot all day, and n-t oonbiima five rcnts'wurth of oil. To raechsnlri and arlt.ans who ara compr lu-d to iirs alojliol at prcsnt Mil prt-ei, tl l article will av lt ot lenewt?k. Vt kkink A Ihd..n, Ko. IPS South Sawnd hue-1. J(M,KCTRICITY. LOOK ANI MVK! A WOI'.D TO THII WISK. I Bl'tHI'IKST: All dheanod con. btlons, both acute and ehronlc, where there U vitality enoiish lell to react, an permanently cared, by wairanlee, at No. l?jri WALM'T Htroet. Phila delphia, and In cave of a failure In most otiatl..atemaltlea, no charge ts made. Kleetrlt al laatlititlou, eHtahllihou about Ave years at,-o l-y 1'releuor H0I.LE8. Head the following ; A class of maiaillei prevails to a fearful extent in com musltlcs, doouiltu IiKi.Ooo youiln, of both aeies, annnally to an aarly grave. 7heie dteaaea are vrry ImperOirtly iiiidentood. Tkelr evt. rnal manlrestatious or symptiHua are nervous debility, relaiatloa, and sreat exhaustion. marasmus, or wahtlnir and consiimpUou of the tliiues of I the whole body, ahnrtnraa of breathing, or too hurri4 liroathluii on afcetidiuR a hill or lllnht of atalra, palpitation of the heart, aathma, bronchlU-i, and a dry, sore throat, trembling and shaking of the arms and lower llmt. aversion to society, businctas, and to study : sometimes dimuess ot the tyrtlht, loaf or memory, dimness or tK heo1, letiral-IA, pain In varloua pant of the bodj', jiatiis Ui the bach, and lower ttmtie. lumbaim, dys pepsia, con.tlpatK.u of the bowels, deranged eeoreUona f tbe kidnei, and many other (lands of the body, cra dudrg virulent dl.seaea in both raalci and fm.ilea ; like vise ipib-pay, byatia, and ditiereot tortus of nervous Bpssuis. bow.ttien, atncty-nlMO cases out of every hun dred of all the above-named dlseaeii, and a host of others not itemed, as oouhiinopliou of the tunas, or of tliesptttai mines, have their orlt in in the pelvle vtsceia, hence the wantol euce.e.e by any of the old medical systems of practice. MHEA8ES OF KF.VAI.FJt. rrolfpsus Vterl, Lcucoirho-a, Amenorrhera, and f-s-aicnorriin a. All t!:e ilwva diseases aud other t'teelue complaints have their origin in a loss ol Uie vlml power of the body, brought on by Injuries, exoesacs, sedentary habits, personal abust s, abortions, and tne use of powerful snedlclne3. Nome of Ihe peculiar symptoms are draining pslnt thioutih the hip and back, weakness of Uis limbs, aad extreme lsnguor and debility tbroughout theentlrt system. Ihe effects produced from these troublesome maladies are almost multitudinous. Consumption, Dys pepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Deafness, ttllnduesa, Itts, and Insanity, and even Idiocy, are aut anoomrooa. o ctlectual or r&llablo rotndty has ever t-eon found for these alarming complaints ttll cur late discovery in the use of Clectrvclly la strict aeccrdnr.ee with the positive aud nrpaibe polarization of the Uterine Organs. We aever failed In cutlng all of the above diseases, except In cato of orvau c derangement, or sevire Injuries of tlie parts. afra.Fuiton.alac'y of great espeilenca and ability, will bkve entire charge of treating In the ladles' department. Consultation frw. r.-of. HOLLF8 A- fr. BROWH, aii3-'t' K;-. list WALMl'T Bueet, rhlladelpbla. fjiuu anKAT i1 1 it ill IU.NET SIMONS U B.HAnOSAL WAOOM WORK4, LILLTE'S CHILLED IEON SAFE STILL THE MASTKU OF THE SITUATION. l&VTll 18 MIOUTV AND WILL TCKVAIL. Its F.ncmy, like his (rest Trototype, "THE FAT Ht'.S Of ALL EUU0U," MV8T SUCCUMB. Tiio d.lte-i of PklltJelphla and vicinity are partlcu- larly reqiieslej t) read the following aotoliom Mr. 11 Chur . HIMUMm 1 rali.&lrLi-tlu, JnlySti, lis4. : M. V. Ssitler. Agent for Mine's lllilllcl Iron ssle I lis mi am: 'II e No. lociillinl Iroa San I o-irehased of you lo Imit was In my office, whieh was burned entirely i down, with n;y wapon faele-ry. on I'riuai uight last. My books and paiieis weie taken out ot the Hate before the lira ) naehed the biillitn;, tberefons no atteuUon M'as p-Wd to uk- naie. alter me nils, lui umv y.ii. 'Dieolbeewssa three-story brk-k building, lying Just south ol my main wasou-shop, and aa tl.e wbdal the lime weirouiiiie noriiMiie lire from rno wagon-anop aas li.m-il btriMifly noon the ofl'eo, and everything Sum. buatlhle buiaist entirely up. On ex.iiniuiiig II. a bate the lii.lilewa lnu:id not injured In the le at. aodwlth a coat ol pali it aud a little repairing externally, la ready and nt lor u.e. I cm el- .null-, n -omoie nd L1I.L1K flCIIII.l RD lilobi 8A1C tel! oil -r-stsd as a most thorough rirc-pnor HK.MtV hlMONS, V. 8. Kallooal Wag-u Workt. T,, n,tu.w;Bg faus In ths above cortldcate aitpartisf Jr irtst. 'I cliariictf f of th hulldluti. Ila bhx located Juki it tli ol tl.e rtsiln vai;ii.-hlii), wllli Iti iiitnai.a amttuul of rom'ubtlltie inaierial; aio (lie f tUut Hie v mil at tho time v.aL utronta' Iri-m tho north, wlilcli I frl an imnifttr amnuM ( hvni tivnn tliih hulitmiff. tv-tftid. The fnri that tin- HiiH wax the timrioit itr Hit on, jtiid that iwali-ll to thecallar. a.moiijr li rutin. for da n wlt'ioul caiv or atlttiiioii, a Utro was notitlMii IUII ill 11. 'I'tiint. Tliat tLf fafe ! not ki nirtK. warpc-d. or ( Ul'itll tiititnttll in order, ai 4 At for um , tTcii tlc Jock being tun tiuni;iiird. 11. U voi.iJt il il rt'u4M:;ther -IHi !- pmhU of tha lfitt ntti-tL.i t ul io!l i-rv or iatilli-'a I'UIH.il lion Hnip t tti Wfi-t I 'niaJs-.isijU'J'int I'ltud, ju .t iitiitili(Hlt muftC pr ve to flic ruft-fuc tfci. ol alt i ariiM h.t-rMfi in fait-a, tt.al LlilteR chiditl Iron Mio m ati iiimi u t-i aimed mr li iriiiiy ami un.tiubv nrr arwi a-;i r-roi'i, tiiuat'tV iro i ftaic fimker, -.vii fc h n. . at-vrtttm 1 1 llic coittiAry notw,ut.faiHiua'. VcnK, fiuttiJcma i on fee nd wi f. V flAIU I U. A; ai(. 3f . H.- Ti! mt " . 1 now at aav dfp i, aid all ar- ilitt?ivs'.U i "-z'-v f-ianiliiir Ii tor tl'nurt v. M f h,,l K, Ar- nt. aj'.-;i K 21 H. NKVl'.Mll Htrtirt. iltUI. 1VI4 d Itt 'HVKOS, Aivti and 'fi'tiiu hiic'U lla a j"t r tlvod a rr'.h Importation I -'! arlis Helils eelt. Flie r llcnlsli i-k, Mudsill Clleiiuol, Ureoa Hesl, Alu una A Co., Toucher, And otbor supsrlor brands of Clisjujiasnea. C . Whitman et Co., MsBui'acturars ol' New and Haiti ions Confsctloni, Almond Paste, Chocolate Caranels, Ore sun La Mode de Paris, omulattely flavored. astsd Jordan Almonds, Ac, Ae o. 1116 Cbemcl street, below fourth. trk a '.' risvitiM.-. ITLCK at CO.'t MASOJI BAMUVB firrJl rLaJtO. CABINET WTETK A C OaOAM. piAnet. J. E. OOITJ). eve alii aat CMeaal sbsaeta. VTO DECEPTION. NO INFKRIOB COAL AT aureluised iu otter below tbe oost trios of a ru parlor artk-le. SSSDIL W. HICIM, DKOAO Street, above llaoe. east side, sells the g.niilne lAtL VEIN, tM aud Barest aiase4 lfsaud Bluva sUas.tUl Laraa alut,t-t ('oT.ftiaM-rs should asakt Usslr rurckafatat oa.-e.pee-Wous to Buetuet kdvauca. -1I-Jas -VTANAMAKKB A BK0WN, I. AMUSEMENTS. lOK THKKP. PAY OH HAT NATfHN'At. 1 it lift a TltiWirK X Mn. II t 4. W AHVf.a "111 l.lrf.nn AITRIIMMINN and KVf.MN'IS fall-.w KOBI ISTOWN, Tilt KHOaT. Illh! IKIt W A NT" WN, HililAV 111., Ml ANk OKI), HATI'HIIAV. ISib. The entire tla.slc Troops will appeir on each nee a oiv aitint' 'ItOVHtH hLVv' flfKHNVT BTUKKT VJ TlllAias. this n rsisu. The gra nimaailc. mnic-.i, n.-ta aisrdrama, ai. Aldus, (.minis, wo.ni-s ki tn. i.avn. IVaentea, after Ibree roolltl, a. live prm.aratlna, la a at le ef ar.prv eileiilert niaetntle. iila rootMo wltb a oniter fol transfoimStioii. magTaAr.ril c , aTaiol rbaiehei, siipett, eoitsimea afti propeit!, bsaulilid bbiisjc, and etienmra ii H' tf 1 1 V M A H K A II I. K I' X H I It IT 10 N. 11 Knit OM.V SSK wi t K AKC11 K1 ltKt.T. AllO V. NIN S.1 P.F.VTB. Musra. THAVHI NOYI.H I n-tel Hta'M freul, sod BtKssrs VAM A.MMtiHii J a stsuMaoBi at-aa gerle. eoinb.ned, will be eunel to the puMIe, cnnfEenoiiif On MIIMltV HIIIMi. Augusts. Ar d C-.n'.lnnlng FVKIH KVt.MMI nUI saianlar 11th 11-i.t., locloah e. Perofnianeeson Uie anertw-om of Tues ita IHh, Wrdaeeday iHb, Tt.ursdsy IHIi.KrlUaj IfUi.and bafurilay :tth. Ailn.Usk.r Aenlts fin eta. each f 'hlMronW. canti. Ar ternoon perfortoani- commenrea a1 ?S o e'eia ; evenioe. 7S o'thK. ltorraorrn at halt hour eat Her on each oe falon. Met-a'erte atatiiy-e Wednesday rromlor, e-n'-mi I einj at l o rloek. vr lliebeielll ol lue t II VMllS'H IU( HI Fr K.KaitS. au-l i,l w.srfC!T 4 11 OA. I'M MA.V. TIK STAl'WfJII AND COMMOblOHS HTriAXI.lt "MANHATTAN," C ATTAIN K. A. ilVTHXR, Of the Cape May I lr.e.U arw rr.aking ler resnlartrlpi U f'AI't; MAY, leavlrg H(.'H S'reet Wharf. eery Tuustar, 1t.arsday.and Saturday at bine r clock; retarnlru; IU leae t ape May ery Mnnday, Wsilnesday.and Friday at heK-iia.t fight o'etork, touching at New CasUe sola and returning. Fsre t vi; carrlaire I.Ira lnotude4. Cklklrvn lalf price: carriage hire ir, eluded. Sonant tl'SO; tsnlags Lire extra. Fr Igl t at low rates. No fralgbl reo lvtd artw t o'olook, and In ail cases ntuat as pretiaid. JyOMf OflFr-H A. BTPWABT. agent. CUBIMlllt KXUUHHION H, AT lil'.DlOKD ltAIF.H, TO THE OKKAI Coal, Iron, and Lumber legions Of I'KNNbYLVAMA. TICKETS GCOD TOR TEN DAY8. Giving ample lime to riiiteara potnt ef Interest on the roots. The Catawiasa Kailroad Company Having perfected arrangemenls w'Ui o-r.neclirg roads, wtll Issu F.XCUK8ION TICKETS Irotn rblladtlphla otr the followiiig route pniladelpiils snd KeadlngRellroait- To Heading. nVliuyl- k III Ifareo, Ashland, Mahsny :y. nd Tama-ioa. Cata- wlssa Railroad Tn summit, McAulcy Mounta'n, Cata- wiesa,Ruper.,'snvllle, Milton, and Wliliamsport. Lehlsji and Mabaiioy, and Beaver Meadow Railroads lo Itlaok Creo. and Mauoh Chunk. Lehigh Vallet- Railroad- ro AUeatown, and Uetldcheia, and tlie North Pennsylvania Kalln ad to I'hllaiMphla. For v-arlety and grandeus of eroutry, this route preseata ' peculiar InducemsAtfl to tourists. Those wlsbU'g to df so, mny roverse ttse routo by ohtsJa- uig ticketa to eUrt over tbe North Pennsylvania Railroad. FAIIK, 10. TKketscan be obtnlned at U-e I.epcts of th- Philadel phia and Reading Railroad, and North Fonusylt aula kaS- road Ootoiiaates, aud of TV. VAN IIOltN, TIOKKT AlitSJT. K. W. CORNER BIVTa AND t llt'.SNUT BT. Tralas start from rhiltdalplila and Ktadlng Depot atS'M A. M. aud I SO P. St.. and fmm North l'enn Iran: ltaU- road Depot at 7 A.M. and I'tA.andii If. P.M. j'i.tuthl.t JNVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. INVALII'S AND CONVALC-tCFJITS. luvalids and Conval.eeenta, ln a'llda and Convalescents, Especially FEMALE fl IN PF.I.IC'ATF. Ill alTIl, l'F.MALr-B IN ISELICATC HKALTIl, FLMALl.B IN IlKIjqAlt: HCAJ.TU, W'.il find our Will Snd Jur Wtll find our California Wines, California Wines, California Wises, California Wlaes, California Wines, CeilfernU Wlaes, perollariy valuable Ik all cases of languor and great prof. tratloo. of streneUu Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask aUk Ask Auk Ask Urs. UcClellsad, Oot-hard, Jackson, (of tlie IX uniyvvmila University), BenlruT, Bcreni, Groves, UnrtsLorna Schmcels, Williams, Hartley, Meidhard, Wilson, Ttndal, Ylnal, Fondcy, Koble, Knorr, alayland. Turner, and ctfear leading ahTslclaris, what tliey think ef the medi cinal vinaas of California Wlnsi t These irentlemeti eee tcribe car brands, attd assure us of the benefits patients receive from their use I CALirOlIA WTJTE AGENCT, ;-lnl No.4 B. I U TH street. atoveChosnot. MEDICINAL 00D LIVER OIL JOHN J. HAKf.H & UU Ko. 718 MARKET RlKlCtT, ar row roceivlirfr tbHr aupvli" frtuU frost (tie flnlianati. Ihe aui rlorlty of their 011. In ftvt-r n-iit, hut gaiucO fur il a nputallvu auJ aak- t)oiiU a vtlicr fouud Iu Uit maikct. To maintain It, they arc tfetcrnifij.4 t nipplr an ortklc tliat may be entir( rt)ll ou fur Ircwhtu iil p iriiy. Id(i ibfatl uonlali ol riotBurm)f Mi airat C.lctj3. aull TJNITID STATES FOLTAGE STAMPS. POfilAOK 6TAMTS FOR HAM'.. A lilHCOI'S'l Or TWO I'FK CENT. ON ALL SUMS OF AND CriTAKIIti Al tlie f riifirwl IxiM-t for 'he sale o' li-h-mai P.eveotie 6tain.s, F.O. ?0( CHK-SSt T hfeet. and atilU loHll B FII I'll Wsiel, Philadelphia f' II IS NKW TAX HI till i ASM KF.VFNUF. S'l'AMr1 LAW. I tifiira ..i ii-a new j ..in n.,n i.r,,n,f fi-r sale hole. ale and lelull; and KeveoroHtauios ot all de.eruji'ioas con. lauliy ou Itiinu, nt lav loilowtu rates at dlsoouiH : On orilers of tfn, t' n r cent, discount. lUMOrsi- ' urn. tiiiir ' .. At tl.c I rlrii-iosl lieisit fm lite Hal. ol uterus! Ileveaun Rlnu ps, Ni..:4CIII.atm S-reei. ami No. lis: IIFTIl Hir et. Full Uf HeriplloLS of the Btaut. Ins tn auruuit h-riu. J. v u Nunr.i, iu ais A.nti fWA loaiicri neon IMalnoMts. W aKh.-s. 4 Al'lw. Cbiti.iop. ,at fc J Jl Nly. (O.'H AMOUNT, fsweity. OLI F.S : HI.I;llf.l LOAN OF'irf., Corner Till lit am' tiASKll L birfita, l;eU-w IM.ibanl. H.t!.t)(iMOIil8.WAr:Ht S,Ji:Wi:r.KV.G.l'N3, ton snr. sai i Ai IlLMABkAlil.V UiW Pi:lt FA. lyM-lm Kll <.M'U MVl It KKMtlVAl. AM) ttpiulrii 1 'fJp'.Trti'h Mini navf t-n o remie4 Irotu hoi. 41( ( HI SM 1 btrtt -n-1 1-V.et'i 'riimu mrt, U Uie toiif i-A.i ossPTirsr ol TIHItU tWiiK.ail.ttt 1 Htra Iti. ctinipunlv Itavv ait bu n ioiiboliJtviwt with the I nit id BtaU'S liUi.iitV'11 I oitipuny, iou ineir fnunon-lUii-ii ttiiAK hah ex I oiid uvHr ttio l-'uituti 8 tat c4 ami Oa- naJaa. and ara now tielntr raptdly CA-iutrnuled to Call HMDia, ami m i viTiiiinvi in uh-k"" " oiritj. The I'uMlo will at oiu tha advanU.'i tbat thla Una nowenittya over all othar Itnci, inakaiuuh aa Utana(Ht ai-e forwarded direct to atl pointa, liiug avoiding thu Ju- layaandhiaicuracliaor romylnift renu abitrlna', and to writ loaf Avr r.ifiaiecttllff of lei'timi! lat. The t'uitud 8tatut Cuiii)llat4 Mnea ara tlie) only Unas woitunii ui ovuoatuoo to iue vi i .iuiiiioif. A. J. BaLDWlN, 8uit4tiDttndt.t-. riiUaaeipDia, Aug. iw, iwh. au U tit KLABTIO BT1TCH 8KWXNO MAOHINKB, TBI BK8T IH USB. tpM No. 13Q OMEBNTJT Htessa . TrAjrTEI T0 SKU' 0B EXCHANGE, f f KJiiptte newtnf Siaraiae, The urover A Baker Mewliiff Macalsa, The Mltiiu do. Aad aB Ike principal Bswlaf llaouluoa. All iiraiaf4 Irom iheir prlaeipal odioaa. Also, au (aula ol Ha.-.. ud-Uaad Is teal nee, ax Bale sad stvpaued ai tin new omce si tk. I'M i. FilUHTtt SHrat. (Over leu years with Bluaef A Oo.l Lsdlas taoftit to ei-araxe. Jell-Sa GREAT CENTRAL CL0TIHMQ HOUSE, AUCTION SALES. MACKKY8 AVCTIOM KOMM, tin. 3.'6 at a kjL r r ewv-es. r ahuu aar si OF (1IUMTF, AM. lM X i ' H ti Ri ll w KF.. ia Tuar m wn-ig, at 10 o ekvk. ala. e 'a-or.aisoi I . - ti b ta HI.IKSM.IIAM A N II iril. I 1VIKI- Cro-'slll'S it J.i.. B-wls. lea t-.u. 1.1. I ... I-.. Plato, .vaiu:Ss, t TCMSlt KB. ft' bris. snorted T''Pl lera l.ttie I1IIMHF.TS tti 'i (sl MCtialu ','. I.'.' et,n tl i WANT! QIXV I'OINT, Vis., Aiipci-t 'T, I Kit . I- A i" - 0- :) Tea mt t-r, W AVli-ol rla'stss, CsO IlliK'hHinlth'., iinil 2' Carrtascr Trimmers. Woo will r.'c-'lve tbv bU'isit rs'i , o er-:osnt .s.y raliotai, sr.d a-eit cat atteulsr.cn Tisripolsllon fuasililiM b.- si.ply i at No. rl I'l NNBV IjVANIA AVt.NtlK, WAHIIIBriTC'IT, V. t. E. ;. STKANU. C ap all, A Q. tl. XAMl-.S M. KKLLY, Qaartermr.itAr's As'n'. S.iK-lin FOR SALE AND TO LET. n c c n c g 1! M A I. HHTA T M. I t 1; A Is I'l H T A T M. U F. A Is F. STAT F.. $3,0W,I) WORTH FOB SALE. $5,000,000 WORTH FOB SALE. $5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. HO PK.IWO IK vCe ST OF A-T DI KSHim (H OF It F. A Is I'.STA'I I ,. USVK81Mf'NT OK OCCUPANCY, BHOVl.i' rx L T. CiLL Ot Ml. 1'if.SI. Alwts l i t) li-velluidb ou lianl.o' whloh (mme'lsle pi.esesslon cau be bat, fr very soon. Bflr ndid Mrst-cla.s Dwellingt, located In all portioui of tbi city and suburbs. Fejant atuns to aolF int-c'.asi Far.ns. CUPtr: siits Ac, As. GEORGE 0. MLLER, PracUifl It sal iistate 0l'stc (ri tlie laal(0y?aisi, No. N. fSIXTH STHKET, KVK ISI,ANI, CAV& MAV, N. J. FOR. flALF.Co".s!:e Oti LsfaroUt strsoL. I. ruins. 1.M umy no tie). Iiiuslre anl-tf riliST 8T011E AB0VT ATI ASTTIC ROTFL. ft TO KliNT. HANliSOMM 8 rORK, WITH Lil plate iiiasi willows, and IweUlnf. Jic.-.'i-TS. Bi.E- V mm Bu-veu tl sf FOIt 8ALF.. $.',000 WOUTH IS O00l aViLHouses. larueand suiail.ua terms to suit t urotia?ers. eittior witli e-r wMheut tneuuinraoee.for cash and od trade. Iteiutic o from 10 tel. c omes A.M., TUOS at. rLOW MAN. Mo. -sy; H. y oi'KTl' ht.-ert. yAN CIZ BTJ3"VA.riT UOCK OIL COMPANY. Incorporated Jose 20, 1864. OapitBl, 6:100,000. tO.CfjO iUACr.8 o A SHAKE f AH. eubroriottvi U cwtihasto trlt'nal siitscHlri fot KliOC snares pa able tl s.U dewu uooii .jh.cr Oim.hDit tw ethel liisUimsnts of tl each. pa al k aa t!.' H- iWaty auC ItUi AJius! lint, rsipetttnily. TIN inrUBAKD SIUKli Eeeer td for benefit of ths veins iy. The kina pi'ichsi-td 1 7 tbe Vane tia(t Bc OH 1 toupaii;-ctii'lt-nt one TJiKCtl tti U itnty rn avnn, tf . Urf very ton ti tin. O'l rrji:m, iiv ifei u.r-- bph- j Jid aikltfi fi" ou tic AiU-.i.tf :i..u t imniH-'r I townti,i. rxtf'-iti;' a b. i'Mir- tit uti-.ir j lda ol the Low 1 1 Two btia lcuii,0"iMt:'u'; Cattltui vn Uurttf lint, a C'sudia of muvi b'cw rrtti-i m n vinartca . auuitty,rtk..Di.at:a. Tie AJte,. n l-.-t-J-Tcintwy t) Jtelilmp ar al'iti.aant an pvt tmii.m t.iven. t t f) j ul quality rf I'd tl mmuiroHJ '.. ;K-.i tu i.' oanKi lrodaciiia Oil w;:t tvii ni -autr rt,ul"-ij mtn ttt wfiu aiit un fif. Il U bf liuvtail n t Uofr it Oil lf-lw tn .HTvurh of rraisl j Ufieoa the All'.;.'i' ' rlr w'il (.rolfi j i.-vrr (tivucat . eua4iaiieJ. nrrtni- iu eiraiincaiKMi, or vifrmMir tuvrtin - tloDo4 rK-T.d;, i. I. a aouU-wi'ttwartit; u:rtAUn ; i.u-i.- ' tjiifiiUj tlir UeJ. vi C'l W(..ihii bt pvan t ii ' nur t the i upr cud, auj C'i OU Creek and eii n gain.-u-le . Doruu aut'lltl IH ITivt riinu it. w c ui u w . rttrr. howevei, tliwe "iiVi livw.aa'-U bt tfc i mrf-i (ernu.ru,r.t. aud a niicb rr':cr iHplv aa-l m(h rlfK'in'itMiit KKlcor i k te ii OH It i. c rlmti tiat afiNt-jstji writ, on tW riv -r, In Ui (iiumMlJU . it Uity of U,l 1um t'tstinuvsJ vo- t duoim. dttrii i: t-.' piiiit Uift-e or i ur ywrt eii tiuMfrfvciiuif . andi'e1 d.tl mi Lit 4 -f A giamT ut M imp wm a-"ii-ii iii'iiciw v-. l ower 'I wo W. J:ua a. d 0.1 rtt-k mt ou iHe rAia j diOKrt(aU i-'."iC ilne, ar.d iiy I'l.tai.t. n urn- t ttuvifton o tht t'. tt'i-a '. urn: fi-tje t. in ien he rune of hUi. tlciu r. ctl -r at-oi't thru- iniu s a,n In pie ei-.ei 114- mi d.re- i'Jti. if womu, 'i.ert:. ie im c tsTMordiuary, it h t.r'n;wfiU on tr.is i.-o- t wJVrt ot , drplti Of pirliI t rTe,'t ii.iro eno ens T-.-r, imi fIkHltktUll 'al KH. 1 Olt bOI'O ? I 3 i l.s.f Ot O'l U ' tlirar aooplfi-e i h'tnJrf ol ha in t i-i ii tU-ii ai anonuoue prol'iv tail tiitifc bo lue lat'u.tjw. i-e'i'.'. t itie thertu-iOtri oi U.i.- comi-aift Ou Uh pai-J iar U'icl ol ie.vJ (ima buMHK 'w Iriueroitwcuty a fU ayt - t'-vt, . Ul- '.-. of ood Oil, altf..iM:tr .s AH'!1' twei- it-n tueren m' lrnmcefit luln&'-ten larto (1 .w : I U p c nt- i- n. Oil at thle wcii m i.H-ut! i tenervt-d at rvali.s! t- r ft.nworowrro( t't Und ai.d will a vi r inn. ! tr tMUvHtof Utc Cou.rAQv. 'luorcare aiwi u oi-fr 'tp H iw aiwsr rtn t,ii. h-''h c,now.roil ; aiarro)a.i ani e drv'H tte ectKH outol tt em. and ii- ilfjiiht i ev i tLey wlrtbfWi uri.v htiily r.u'.Ui.t"atii't: w'U win tnt-i a rsiiiAhU nViifti. Aoolht-r well U Unit bote., mh. prooile a watliiat i..ry m-1J .. ... i-in .. ...i....i rv. ,m thiut m .illi raiA tip Mawsik tvt tbe orllreof the 6rapany, No. U13 VrALNtT rvm.4 Ttiefi- ol thia vaiuttoie ou mm, wiaim-int hwm-drt-d and thiriy-one aoroa, iniu.Hii. ibt. ruyjliy miy per eeut. of oil lor tbe b-ahcd wi ll, hoc mkhw"-. anu l a L.ntrat ri. l.t ,xf the three wclht tiartinJly devolttui-!, la purvhaed by tlie Company irt t iron. th owiier. tvr tne 1 j as I T 9. rra biltk a t Iviu I U 111 Ia II Ik 4k i atari! iuodoralorlceoltl-t7,o.'si, Willi a llrlsl Mill la due onW, a sniiK lioiiie, e. i also patckaa ui tlmlwr. 1I.HHIH.IIIC1HIIIIV .. - ... iu- .i.u . , , ra ass t-di raah erorklna caolbal uk liand. with wtikh lo coBiiJleM the three old walls, aod al... to Bore mo new wells, wilt Ave eteaua ommisms, so., i dwlay. A" SUUattllFtlOllf fll OS Bl-oafMW lur ivaa uim 'As vaat'lbrtunes reaped Vj Bock Oil Comiutcles e-tsb-ll.li.il here and elsewliers are BoUstkiBl. Tha l trade la yet in Ita IctJilioy, ana Uie sauasa vnaMauuy luiMuMinR. Its prlre U uow tU FX barrel at tls well s SBoalk.eiola- Lanewel IU doubtless ks sirw-k al Us d.-vth of IU rr?.. k. .,-l. tka ihlrd tiaaAaUme Hock. Wtll. have beea bored haratofora ss the dvoU uulv i alaiBI oisireet J is Hits vloUilly- HIS yrnpoiMid to Bute twouly walla oa 1 oae hundred wi'lls. A periaet thle, ettur or all Incase. braaeee If t ouflletl assured to the Oiuoeoy. Lists of lubicriptloB are aosr opes aatli Use 6O.UQ0 sbaraa art sabscrtbed, pay able tl than, to the order et AWar saaJAJIKI atcCAHKK, the TreasBrar of the Oocajagsy, So. MM WALSDT Btrvot, ar at Mo. US WALNUT raat or at ths affiot of tat Coospasy, No. tli WALafVT Btrast. TkepaWlcaretavltWUaaBfcraproapeoJa. be-tt I 8. 8. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET 6Td, M 1 1 'TARYN 0TJCE8. I 1 A. J ' 'X'. Lilatleipliia Guard Regiment, until I. V., CJLONET, a, a. lech leu. ir 0 HOI NT V I'Olt C- Er.t! flKVICf en. r.i il Imiiii'dj'.tely ou Iiltidti-r. KAI.l.l'. MFN.lt .1.1 V. nov . Vi AIT U1 IT I'll API US Ary ia.W ii ' tiiltlDI: ", uf M-.n wit', ri ( i f a H" lad . t'u. .j.. Ii " M,u ft Fl'M '.i..ltei-a ey "ort 'i . y. I'kindilnti r i-lo a l l, fll oiliJ b rf.aJe llr'AIK;UAUTHtS, it r- vr i a t t tl It r I l l t N 'i. I o ( I t ill SM T M l.kl 1. 1 1 s. : u .1 O J IN T 1! 1J I'i'ilarclpbia Guard Bncimoi't. CO! QUEL A. A. LECHLER. 1 AA p-i; . a f, li.rlu.lli , nail, I'a, ftar. 'hiittt. 'J. M aiUf-.', a-i.l f1 St nii-Nv voi.uMri r.u suuirur". Cf.iarnii Atltllt I-', Iki-I. 'iii - odieo I- lir Fin i His soutt eait rvni-rof m : it a- I V. Al nut Sitr.e's. aul'll ,1. U. K.li1hVi.tK1 F,3f, Tr, a'i' li Tf) TIU; riTIZKNS OF THK I'KiHIlI C Ws, I Tl '1 ha ih l.i I. n. if 'Vr KI;I'k War 1 tind.-r theli.i rsli Jkb. no., lee II ail ON F l-t'NI" tfl. To rai.r itil- nom- li I aWanl I t) -I 'I Vt '.lil'V-l'IVi: Din.!, vltn h 41 In- riv n fi i r v ij riii:n'ir reiltitl to the w.i' s-. i -.' '.:'!- I tl ,i I-, Mi. n e. liter 1 1 ho .V .in! f 'otnmlt 'loeUaill. tin--tll lie i-iid for e rv isro:i l-i-m :.n t H J ri A h, th'- I u ai iPnul -f '-o l:olel .natfS tor . '-em s. c-. Jit .ti ti.' n: wtti ran be nota.nr d I t. : Oi M. VRTK1, S"i:. Sn.lMSALVUl Ittre.t. J m-'AI'l AltTKUH l'ROVOST M Vlf :.r.:.FI it l- tri t. Fa., No. SI) 6. TlllliU SJtreet, I I't ils.telj I. Iff A.-r.li t II. j" I. Tol;.or i-i unit ifij.ili-. tn all que. ttor.a r.n ordinary auh't eiv erifir.e!.-"t -I'h the Kenilnn-nl, lira'. I'.si m;i t on llai.t.i le.lo inct, Cre.llis a .1 Acto .n's of ir. in f-i-nl -hail. I I' laei s t re rine-t.it t i nnSe ap;.'i,-atln -o ' t. - I'ro-'ost Mar.oal or Ihe Cousresateiia: IMatrli t for suet iTiM-Misroii, and not . tiis Fiotu.1 Marlia tleu rai a. Y. sriitns' n- lt or tt-:! t'.i Fr-.vo t Ninrshal-0 'ti ral . VII I 1AM F ,l.:l!(, rt '-' !! (auiaul nil Froonl Mari.hJ. J OriI0LClT7EOUSTY 12, INS. A i Iltl'IIa OriI0LClT7 BOUNTY COMMISSION, Htrwl . AUt.t'ST 10, lil. lied f-i '.hi- noti- a ri.uaty ef FOltit IIUSDKK.B lK.t..Lt I t-e raid to A 1. 1. HEOIUTI'S, For One, Two, or Tliree' Years Service, atu itc.-L-.! lr!o Ins s-rilte of tliu Vniteil Statei ou ir asjor A 111.111 Its;' . at;.', ciei'it-vl ui jl ti e iiuo'.a of ths flit of rhi n:.;iii ia. To i roliAe I'nl.-.env (i-riilsiiins Au'istitf te for T If itsB l.Alt4, Hie ll..-.i!il; or TWO liUMlKs:!) AND llfl I OI.I.Al..' w.it In i, as lieroto'-re. K. I'. IvlNKJ, rief.iili.ut. RM'-FUi' Ji.oO'.e , Ju.. Korr.s.iry. suit M i .v rv ii UKION LEAGUE REGIMENT. FIVE UTiNBRED TIIOnBANTJ MEN. h tfilltar; ( ii.in.l. scf (he r;ilon IrftuTW ha-emadt Ai'-.tsgements with COUiNKL IIOHATIO G. HICKKI., i.at:: or t ua lliirtt l-im- 1 v unlu Itcsirrvos a-d wi-Ji .-U' r jitter- of that eteran Cern, U. ree uii a 1'e.n.rfit fj ..ns yti.r's etri.-e, uuCvi ths au.teo. of the Lea. ja. W: Invl-.e c--!'.' . tomaa' ape'i'V'; Irrs at 1 d.ai.'.iU? of t..'.in roan nt' -Ions la It t) I o'OUit rilOKl !., et talsheadiuar- NATIONAI, OUAKUS' IIALIs, (F A r fcrr.Ei T, CEioir bim T-. will Ik o.it e-V-'t ton-.sks this ort.wlaNun In aS r'-.a-s 't.- & vt -irt y ewreisirfni' ti & lrnn!jy!''-tnle Itest-m He. I ut uts s i'.' rottT's vni.: nr. as roitoirg Oltylkiunty . I' ll. .1 t.at; I 'i 1 j'. -ii-. ; .:. fM'ti ... ion ... It v . H iti .1. ill .1 .1 -..l (liroucy ar) 0MJ liinai d' I'.isi.ie'.i lumi.Uiliy tuetials&t hati l v..e. It r. i-.ti v 10 -. Mnr i m-t : ti n u.-te"f d as or it t;'in'. if a a rcitcjTt-d, aud aant . d't'it eai d- i iron i "iJ r oi ,eluiWeer ; tt t.;t;:t3, witt ti-nt i tiiiv KetfUueiat i-. cisi.r ia ,?rvh c . I -ugj' fu:r.:.iI.'.fi '.Js-ttHutM i . T i.. t.-iid IV.. m ic t'.li Po.-lnient. ( 'jji-wilttce fr pa'tN ttlnrly fsteil J. K. FKY, Chftirraiitt. (; nr e Tnttt, -..' (.1 Ol 1 - H ill ill ( i i j i it .i "' iii. m ?'iti;ilnin sT '?.;..'. :isl 1 1 tut'. " W ai'i or 1 At ftan. "aiM n .i i ti .ni : in H . 1 ll.i.-l'" fl.V Hit -s 1. t 't;t i Jltiral l i- I 4 , aiorti a Sit t r4 I. fif t II '.V i .' M .'(.. Wtu.b I.- . i.i-.i- v. -:i -. .i'l, -v V ttlUlJ 'H nipui, , l.iu; l .li. e, K'!.- ii.t'n-c. JoHfl'li I'. 1 ulmjij 1 . 1.. Ilrou nf , ( tiHtU'- ii.-l-li, ra Hy-f. Ml. m '1 livuautn. . tl fell. . fl. MrVrtUAn uu 1st ft .v.,,. i on cm: tla. i. u to ioi l(t iku .a 1 1 1 1 t.ity, .V.i'-'" , ,n Pui.Tl'"'U'otrra. n fit. it Mnaf M at . k. K i .IS 1 i. A i. : U - i ii 1 1 ; i .t) i - Ai.ti. fttviao, and l'ntra- K4 S'il.tl, (yf w Iiidf tl i I Ufl t,K fW (. i. - Mill . hi t ai.ui nwtl apply who e..toi ij.r .y i-ti- . . iiAsa:. uf twti-.hv. we wiM uiii'-teT H - HM'li ltrniU f any rait l-I.AV. Ml fCItbl.L Ot). k liH N'i V r('K KAP.IN'KS. VrANrKD K r (i I u . 1 Mi.'ce ai.wlue orrn. ailr lotiei ram Hio uei'oMn tiif iimiok oi a oUur at our Navy Varda, twaiid t.o 1-ot.rd bitited bitOt eiiips-oi-e-ar ou funn-! 0 uiiona. Iletti'i-ooTuixn-utlon than tlie army. IllltKK iHtNimKU JM,I,ABH OOVRRNMRT 1 OlM H iL.it.. ALL Tbfc 1.0 OA L buU.'41KS pat4 lijM'll l lllltlllUh(. lurbitf rui-i'lve Prle Miuya (or aU iniiVi ItiiMuiAikta. appll at tl: UocruUlas, Keivdoaor, Ke.:lll R. k- UCNT Street, below fH-rute StnMt, betw,.iiicJ..rb oi i-ud ato'clock. M,.tf AvT ry. auvtf HMrurandKiMtTthiinijUUtfcr. . X V Ofl tars and soMkart sUlUnf tbt eKy oa larlonfhs, Boailssl riWOHDIl, and omul MILITARY EQUIPMENT, sua isn ITBD TO tut TSXSIT KA-.UFAOTUU1SO aVWABLMHatXAVt OF SAN SOU BTKKHi 114US EAMHOkf BtrBBt, aboat BUtk. PR E 9E NT ATcT N 8W0RBJ -ktkda to ord. r at iliasltasrUstBottoa, wkkk Phi rtohaVffaaX BuwalllooiiM uhAAuwa sompesjtlon, Bu ftliar house lo the) Huiii-v ooaibiteaad taa HAaUFACViiUlMtl alaWKUUt WITU TUh. TaUOTlOAL RWOH MAK tli. lat TH K LAllOEBT AO DKMT t