The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 13, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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rmcE three cents.
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iiS- felkl HVWI fern feMi 1:
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Their llecrptiou by tlie Tiremcn.
HiLi:rrii display.
A Gala Day in Philadelphia.
Yesterday wkH a Kila luy iu tliwi'ltv. Tlie lonif-
locked or auu oipcclcd day tor ttiu BaxU r'e Firo l
Zoaavea to arrive baa bci u colibratvil w the vrcdit of
fhlltde phla aud lier Urvumn. tor dayt pant tlu cry I
tai been, "When will the Zoo arrive?" The Chief I
(the Flro Department kept the people apprlu'd, j
through the medium of the public prewt, when ;
tbrv i"Uid ruavli this oily. ,
They leit ihe city on the 10th of September, VAX. at i
ttree hour' noliee. On the 2.',th ot Heptember they !
were Id a roconuoUanroand Kktrnii.h ut Lowiunvwc.
On the 8(Hh ot September tliey mude a recouuoit
Banes at Bull's rom awt. .Mareh, li'i, tliey
Baarched to Hurpei'n l'O' r', lr'tm tlieiuH) to A'luohev
ter, and atuin Luck to llui'iet'ii l-'miy, when they
were ordered to Ibe 1 eiiiiiHiilu, l.ikni' trnn.'porta at
A Aleaandrin, arriviinr at I'oi-tie.M Monroe April 3d.
They were under lire rturm. Ilin sle ie ol York
town. At the retreat ol the enemy troin Yorktowu,
they took pawacr nul proceeded to Wit Point, at
the inouth ot'lhe 1 iiinuiUey Iliver. 'I he next point
wa at Tvlcr'fl Kuim, on tl,e h.ekyhonnnv, where
the regiment, under t'nlouet IIaxtkh, proccoded on
j reeouuoiitauco, eniMM'd ihn t hiekuhoininy, aud
pushed their advuiiee tuie imin heyontl Kulr 0kn
elation. They uiudv two lnvin o!i, ho lni beluu;
made one wet-i previouri to the ejleiirated Itutl'e of
Fair Oaks. The reiriment lundo ihrte tlHiing advnn-
, os, anil r turned to tlielr tump wilhoul tiio loss ol a
sluiflo man.
At the buttle ol Fair Oaks, May 31, 18o2, the Firo
Zoos were on Ihe extreme rivht, and led the van of
bVMNEH'B celebrated M'cond Corim. There wu an
incident ltert north rela'inir. Tlie Zoos arnred at
"""Fair Oaks Junt in time to see tlie troops of Keyes
' Corps complete y routuJ and inlliiiK back. The din
Of tlie Dattlo had oeuKd some It ill un hour nroylous.
Our troops were chunu up in line ol battnllons en
n i $.
On May lht, the Zi.nin e cm orcii ieu M Ihe frout
t to el arre the enemy.
On tiic 7th of iluy, altei "Seven rlue," this rerl-
Bient -was seleeleil to . tulil:h Uie picket line iu
irout of the poditiou, occupied by the since famous
oeond 4orp. Fourteen couipanieK were dujloycd
in oue line as skliuuiliei, und advanwd to the do
sired position, Kupporli'd by detaobinviiUtrum several
reglmeuta of the aorps.
ThrooKboat tlie entire i'eulnnule rsmpal ru the
Zouaves served with ilisliiianivhed vullantry, losin(
many of their hot and biuret coturades in the held.
Their aubtequent record is .Uully glorioas, aud
AiU aecital of its details would involve Incident of
the icainpaituia of X'vm, i;uasiiK, Uookku and
Oui ki . but Uiom lucidcut. lie too fresh m the
minds ei our readers to need rejirtition in this place.
' We ean only add that uu to the sit ae ot PoUmburg
they but acted .IU aUeo.t uusiirpasaod heroism,
, t and have won the warine? encoiuiums from all ths
k evimuauden uuib r ahoiu tliey liuvu servod.
AX a quarter alter oue o'clock yealerdar afternoon
, the City Couurils proceeded iu earria res to the Balti
more Depot, to welcome the buttie-seaired veterans
and escort them to tho l uiou Volunteer Kcuvta
roent Hsioon.
When the C'ouncUmen naoned the depot every
available spot around and about the build najwaa
densely packed with the relmives aud trlvud ol the
feteraus and cilieeus fccnwaliy.
At a'OUtt.voe.c'o.'il tb -J-'J I I hijtlo Oi" ""oloco. j
motive which u to the train coutaluliiR
(he ouave9, ouuouneed their arrivul. People rushed
to tho car to welcome them. Father., inoilicn,
wive, flcU'l" aud brothers ot the eullnut sous ot
Philadelplila wero prcu nt, and uiauy an sc;1iij ,
scene was wuneted.
The Councitnieu, In carriai'-, eacoried thein
down Washniffton tieet to the 1 uioii Vijluub er li
frefhrr.ei t Snloon, wlore a bandtnuic eo lation
awaiUd them.
, '1 lie tuhlt-K were bountifully xnpplied with all tlie
riclicacie ot tho Keuon, aud tin men did honor to ,
8i sutel Buy Kit, a member of ompuny U. Stven
tv'eoed Keirin.eut, hro m t hid moth r, who 1h
one of the I. udy t:onituitte of the l'u:on VolunU-er
le re-l-lneiit uloou, w ho he IihI no iueii lor a hoig
tiiue. liis wile wa4 aio pri'w i.t, as wero alo hif
relative.. Their meeting vah reniiy utl.'ctui'?.
The Zoimea Their Nnuibera sitiiI OiMer..
The Baxter Z .nuves returned with one hundred
and ninety ue-ii, llieir .tun' an. I iinv. cibcors are a
lollovvi t
hTiKF ohkk ,
Colorel D. W. f. BiirtH.
I.ieUtel:ttlll-'oloilel II. A. l.'Oo'(.
Mnioi John liocklmif.
Adjiiiunt liorl.- W. West.
Suitceon Or. Mnrtili Iteiwr.
AhSltUIlt .UIieoll -lone-,
l,,urterujattr J. B. Allen.
t nmpaiiy - Lieutenant Wilmi-.
1 unil'Uiiy B ( aptuin Boiund.
t'l,ftlHlj ' l.ieutrliuilt Spurks.
i'otiipu'.y li Captain Stmart.
I oiiil anv r- ptaiu Borer uiol Lieoteimnt,
f onipuliy f 1 uptuin Hohert Mciiride. .i
ton. puny ii Ijeutt'iiuut l.uvin.
(oihe,ni II Mrkib'tiunt Iluy".
( nuiiiuy I I.ieutei unt I'liliMf;.
tni.uu.v K ( nptuiu Slcl line.
Tho litemeu ciiiiiiueiieeil aeiuhliiiK on W ithhuf
tou strtt si ont H o'ehck. Tlie liuo loi-iued in the
loltow Iiil1 order t
'Ihe 1 irnt IMviion formei on the north aide ot
Windilnuton street, the risht reMiiu on Ninth strvot,
exteiidiu' down Winliii.tftou to lOigblh, ami ap
Kiirlnh on tlie Vreht un!e.
the Second Uivlsiou formed on tho north aide of
WaiMnetou street, the rilil res ititfou ICihth iirm't,
exteiiiiinp down VV ashiiigtou to Seventh, aud up
beventh on ihe vest sido.
TtieTliird IiivImoii termed on the north shlo ot
WuhiiiKton vtreet, tho niflit rest.'ua on Seventh, ex
tenditif down M iiBliinton to Sixth, aud up Sixtit
on the west tode.
The Fourth Itivfsion lonued on tlio north irido of
Washli.'Klon .liect, the rit;ht nistiu ou Sixth, ex
tetidin iluu V'ahiu;lvu to Fitih atruet, aud up
Finli on tlie ivchl iuo.
'1'be 1-mil li'vis ou toruied on the north side of
Wathiiiiion str-et, the nut restiuir ou t ilth, ex
t4ndiiiB tiowu W'wliinirtoii to Foiutli street, uud up
Fourth on the west side.
The olliceis ot the parade were a. fallows:
liiiel 3iuishsllJAVlU M. I.ylk, io.
Speeiul Aids Wn. K. toy, Aiilhouv 11. HenoliU,
Joliu U. tiixlihurt, Duvid A. uale aud Jiiuus Jeu
uox, Assi'tiint .Marshuls Flist District Wm. J, (ill.
bert, HeiM' Hose ti.Tiianv. Socond Dislnot 11. 1., riiiladeli'hiu l'.n?ii,e ( inn;nur. Iliird
District (icorjee J. t'lmpuinn, AssltHnoe K.uifine
toimauy. Fourth District W in. P. Morris, North.
eru Jjt.ertv Hose, beienth Dintrict-J. II. Yuuux,
West Philsde plnit Eiipiiio Cuiiipau'.
Ala oiiui ler pusi lour o'clock ihe procession moved
in the lol(owiu orders
. Hand, , . :
touucilinen iu cnrm;i'i. ,
Liberty Kniid. ' '
David Lvl, hief ot Firu Department, on bo&e.
back, with aluuji,.
Bund. '
. Iliberaia liose Carriage. At. 1, druwu by siily-two
(iood liiieul llosv ( onitiuiir. - '
. Empire Uook and iiiUler I . OlllliUUl. . I
Qood Ii.U'Ul lluuk and Taddur Cuiopuu , urawu ly 1
join iioitm. ,
Bud. I
Vililautilune Carnage and Mtuames, dtawa b fuur
lluiuane lioav ( utiipauy.
Jieiisuce lloM) Coinpaiiy.
Vetvrnne Hose ComnBTIT.
issitfauce Um aud suim Fin Lnuo Company
Tlore nose and Steamer.
America Hose and 1 iigiho
Luitcd Stab II OK).
Fruikllo DoiO and Hand Engine, drawn by fotr
N'laeura Hose rotniwnv, with two earriaM.
Frltudolilp Hose aud lland Faigine, will, two hof 'J.
Northern Liberty Hoe.
Columbia Hose.
DHirvm Hom) and Hta-uin tnirine, drawn by four
splendid hoies,
America How.
Independence Steam Limine, with i'onr dow
Dope l.ngiue.
Fennsylvania Hose.
Philadelphia Hose and Kteamer.
Hchnylki l Hose.
Weecacoe Hose and K.ngine with Four llu
Fite and Drum.
Western Hose and Steamer with Si Horst
liood Will Hoao and steamer Drawn i,y Twelve
Lulayetto Hose with Two llorstx.
Discharged Members ol thoSeveiity-ec.ond Itecinn nt
aud l-neuds.
Committee ot Firemen ot die Washington Fire IK.
parlmeiit, who eneorled them trom Wiishluvtoii
to II Is city, eonsisnnir ot Williiun Dickhoii, ,
t ruueis Fox, ilohn T. (rBrieu and
t lisrios 11. Grsir. n.
(lobe Ho. ' sod Steumei.
Sprung (.arden Hook and Ladder Coinpnu.
Coboeksink Hose and Sloumor.
Au.1 u uuees of the lire lierurtineut.
Tbe Koine.
The lollowlinr tome waa passed oven I'll Third
sheet to Brown, up Brown to 1 weltth, down J'welnh
to I h'uniil, down Chosnnt to Fourih, down Fourth
to W a'nut. ii Walnut to ludepuiidenoe Square, di.s
inlssiiiv at Sixth street.
The hose eairiugos and steamers w hich Joined m
the procesriou were handnouieiv and tnsetully deeo.
ratid mill lloweia uud tlaga. The (iuod Will F.uginu
Ibd ( iioien ailaAdied to tlieir sti'uiuer.
1 lie apoaiatus ol the Cohocksink Hose and KukIiio
f'oiopunv presented a splendid appearance, their
hose euirince wis bcnutitiillv dmnirnteil, and two
siiisll rfii'dien dressed In the garb 01 Indians wore
sorted on the top of the rarriuire.
I he other coinpuiiius iu the line ate as wi ll descry,
ing ol pmi.-e ior the niNiiiier In which their earri
a'i a find Ft'amrs were lestuoned.
The aiiiliHiauoea. whioli- oarriod tho gick and
Wounded l.loug-uir to tho jond ltegliueut
were aao deooiaUid In sph-ndifl stylo. 1
The a.triB reeepllon with which they my re rem iced
aUtig the ri.utu mil form a incasing ieuturo ftir lu
tore rememlirunre. Theprivate Hoimm were all til ed
with iiersous unxions to uatcli a glimpse of the veto
ran. as IPey once more entered Die cltv. As they
passed Ihroiifh thu streets nwiute-UUlons or joy at
Iheir return (o their houuai whs shown ov the aur
rounding crowds. In many planes were lo be wn
Aiiienein Hugs susH'iided lrom the windows ol the
houtea, while the ladles showed thf ir pleusiira at the
return ot the veterans by the waving of uandker
lih ts and audible ezolauatione ol joy.
At St. Peter". Church, at Thud aud Plue streets,
the bells w ere made lo chime forth notes ot welcome.
Anions' other tunes played by tlieni wu the old la.
vor lo "Yaukoe IMmmiIk." As Ihe notes ot Una time,
honored tune lell ou the ears of tha veterans, tney
rave vent to their li-elinirs in exclamation. ol joy.
1 he crowd. ol uicu, wurueu and children who lined
the sidewalks showed their veueratiou lor the
Zouaves by chta-rs which wero loud and lour, and
which could be heard tor squares distuut. Ihvy cer
taiuly have cause tu leei proud of (lie a uliu wel
come they mvived from the caucus ol Phlladelj'hia
aloiia lite route.
the liivuieu were much admired, their eUwnlv an.
raaraneeaud geulleuianly bearing was the cause id
universal ooieuieut, aud long will their pal liclputhiu
iu thisracort, aud their admirable arrauueiio u . or
a lavoruble display be auukeu ol by their numerous
Irieuds. They turned out n large iiuiiila'rs, aud iu
most eases hud provided ibcii ve. wlilinevap.
' purel, thereby pnwnling to Ihe eye evidences ol
Iheir leiiueinent, hh 'veil u a desire to do Honor to
the noble guela whom they were esixol tug.
i Arrival ot lluxler'a y.ouae In the Hiiuui'i'.
i I'pon arriving in Indeiendeuco Situiiro Ihe reI
' meut was drawn up in front ol the platlnriu, which
I bad previoii-ly b u erected lor the accommodation
i ol thu peuken. Mr Fni.vria U oi, BKurlntroiliio. il
! to the ( olonel and bis men Dr. W.v. I ill Kit, ol Se
I hot Council. Mr. I', on behalf and iu the
raineol ibe city aulhontii-c, welcomed the regiment
home to (his their native city. Ho unid a glowing
tribute to the bravery displayed by them in the Inuiiv
action. inhichtlievhud iiuriicipaicd. Ho nx-ouuted
someol llieii hardships and trials, uud extolled ill
strong terms their palriotlsiii, which bud been wil
tried and not louiid wanting.
Jlr. tjio. S. Wil.l.i.tH lollow d iu Ixihuli of the
Fire Department. The Depart m. ut wu- proud of the
honor achieved by the regiment, aud would lake
good rare to protect and foster with cure tlie many
laurels that had been won In their ronks wen- rep
resented uieii iroui almost etoiy lire organization in
ihe city, muLy ol whom, howeycr, had not rctiirm d.
Home had lell in hullle, while others wero eoolineii
iu It. .fad dungeons. As a lilelliull, he gieeted them
heme 111 ihe name ol the Fire D. part ment ol Phihi.
It'll bra. Ihev had well won the reputation which
Ihev now bore, and he hoped tliey would preserve it
with care. In a lew days they vtoird aain le citi
ieu auiong us.
lit ring theii uliseuce iiem home nmny ehaneea
have taken piuce, hut oitruitywua iu a most proa.
m reus eondiliou. aud for tti. lirsi lime (lie eapitulist
I1HU aCKIIOWieogi II Hie lUU'H'T i" w surillT Wl ills
He coi. eluded by uraiu greeting them
i their
hollies urd closed ulniil louil applHiiso.
Coletul Baxitii in u lew words dismissed the
1 regiment. He plod'f, d tua hotioi aud thutot the men
, under hia command, Unit although they expected to
i aeain ho citizens, at least tor a short period, yet,
I should Uebel P et pollute the soil of Pciinsv jvuuia,
i nil would ogaln Ink" up Ihe mu-ket mill go Until lo
dri e I nek Hie invader.
llus ended the ccnunome. mid ilio men retired
uu jlst great upplauso.
eiretipMionof M'liM'heNter by Onr Troopa
Ihe Rebel llnpldly Itelrentlnyj A
Kntlle Exc td Mi hlrrtolmrif. do,
WmniKflTKii, Va., August VI, 10 I'. M The
lust of Knrly' lteuel force left here yesterday
morning about 10 o'clock. Ill tiuiu wm over
three luilcs long. Our cmalry eliurged Into tho
town yetcrduy us the Itelicl rcurguuid went
out. Early e.-.tabllshei1 hij hcRdiiuartoiB lust
night at Newtown.
YestcrUuy morning there whs henvy aklfmibh
Ing between our forces mid a portion of the
Rebel" on the Mil ford and Front Koynl minis, ut
a point about two luiiet lrom tlii place. Wo
drove tho Hebelu. ?
F.arly is well priiteclliib' Ills fiont uud rear, uul
inaliiiig up the vulley u fcit-t an ever he can go.
I caniiot learn (hut fie expects to bo tuuteriully
reinforced. Hi train lo very heavily loudcd.
iOuilv will make a stand nt r'tiasbiiig, if lie
must; but be 1 trying hard to reutliu point
w liite tho valley is narrower.
KvciTtbing l very quiet here to-dny. Thcro
a'e no lleliel forces betweeubcreuul Murliiislxiix
and lluccntowD, and Ihe road from here lo tbo
uLovc-uuuied places la clear.
Lot 'latiLLi:, August li. The llcbil Coloucl
ACatiis has kind a prpclatuiulon ra.
Hi: iiing ull (arsons In the Kcbcl Department of
Souiln i n KcnlucLy, bet w ecu (lie uges of vlghtccn.
and forty-five, not lawfully exempted, to report
lor Confederate service to their county town, or
tbe ncaro t camp thereto, by the loth iiioUmt,
threatening with contcriptiun utterwarda all who
do not comply. All 1 ijuivt at Uludeusbiirg. i
Koiort:r OeaernlM Nheriuan anil
rirl Ioei, e.
ThO following is tho text of General Shorniuii's
report to General Ilallcck, enclosing tuc report of
General Logan, already published :
"llKAixtiAnrims Militaiiy DivtstoH or tiik
Jnlv 91 H A
ucnenit i mm n unucuii. w
,,,(, ,.ri,mt rennrt of rcaultM. eotllllcil with
I ioln0 Juta or Infurmntion, without OCCASiOnnlly
iiinLlmr to lumlces. Mcpherson's ladUun dcalli.
and Logau's aucrcuding to the comtuuuJ it
were In the iniustor Dttiiie, muuo aomo couiu-
' lion ill our extreme, left
Dnt it eoon rocovcrou
a,l I, v.,. wilh thn Mii'mr. who hutl
practised one of hie fuvorita gaiuoe of attacking:
our leu wucn in nio;iuu auu wcioav o. v w
i,vir ita wenh enil
After riding over the CTonnd. and hearing the
varying statements of the actor on thut II ink, I
directed Ooueral Logan to muke me ou ollijial
report of tho avlunl remit, aud I herewith enclose
iu Though the nil in Ocr nt diud Ke'icls accim
c.cesivu,"I am disposed to give full credit to the
report thut though we lost only :J."J L killed,
wounded, und niisainsf, the enemy's doml alono
ou the Held neatly ci'iullel that number, namely,
"llnppeuing at point of tbe line whea a
flag of irueo whs sent to ask permission lor each
purty to bury its dond, I gave (icneral Logau
uulhotity to permit a ti'iiiporitry trneo on that
Hank uloue, while our labor and lighting pro
cetded at all others). I als.i solid you a cijiy of
(icnr Ml (larrurd's report of tho of tho
reilroad towurds Auust.l. " '
"1 haye tho honor to be your obedient crviinl,
"W. T. s h i:h M N,
" Major Oenentl Comiuaiidi'iK.
Mitjur-Oncriil lliillock, Wasliingtou, D. C."
(iencrul (jiiriard's report is as lollows :
"II r.Al)Of AKTI.llS Ki:i:ONIt CAVAI.nY DlVIHI.lN,
IIkc v 1 1 it, (jcorgiu, July 21, lSiil. Gsnural : 1
have the honor to report that your iustitieiion
liuve beeu enriled out. My dispositions woro
Mich ue to enable mo to tnke every Kiint by sur
prise, und Itistiro my lufo return with a loss of
only two killed.
"Itesults: T'lireo road bridges nnl ono rll
road bridge (five litindred and lifty-five feet in
length) over tho Yellow river, and one road and
one railroad bridgu (two hundred and fil'ty feet
In length) overtlie L'lcofuuhatehe.e, were burned;
si miles of railroad track between tho river
were well destroyed.
"The depot and com-ldoroble quantity ofqtiar
ti riuu-tcta' und coiuuiissurv stoic at Coviugton
wire burned. One train nnd locomotive captured
at Conyeis uud burned, one train (plutforml wits
burned ut Cov lii.u'Uin, and a amail trulu ( baggage)
ut klutiou near tho I leoluiihuu hio, uaplurcdaud
Imrtie 1 1 the engine lo tho last uaiu was de
tached Heroes the river. OHI.0118 report a pas
senger train and a construction train, both with
engines cut oil' between Stone niountalu and Yel
low liver. Over two thousund hales of cotton
wero burned.
"A luge new hospital at Covington for the
accommodation of ten thousand patients from
this urmy and the army of Virginia, composed
ot over thirty buildings, bcltles the otticesjuit
finished, were burned, trvrcther with a very
large lot of tiuc carpenters' tools u?ej lu tucir
euciioii. ,
"In the town of Oxford, two mile north of
Covington, utid In Covington, were over one
thousand ilck and wounded in buildings used tor
host'i'al. i ..... . . .
"The convalescents able to walk scattered
through the woods hilt! tbe tiring was going on
In town, and 1 did not have tima to hunt thcui
up lasluta dark. .
"T hose in h'wpital, together with their ur
g 011s, wei not disturbed. - ' ' '
"llav Ui t-ocvivod no np 'fa from my brigade
couimandcia, i am uuable to give aujr atiutlier
TPfkU flTWCTJAT. HQ P.HVAWfl AT? MY. I "Yeatonlay at 12 M. I sent one i l.riR.iJi- a little ,
"YeBtcrilay at 12 M. 1 acnt one, brigade a little
totlio north, to como to this pint by PlaKc't
Mills; it has not yet arrivoU. From ihe tw
other brigade 1 huvc received oue bundled ami
forty prisoner mid eloen otllcers, ami ii'iout
two liuudred ncsroe, which Imve lieen Kent to
tho 1'rovort Murshul, Army of Tenuessce.
"1 cannot iuonlim too highly tho uoal an-J
proinptjicss of my whole coininund, and to their
good conduct auiloamcatnosi 1 am indebted fur
this success.
"Since leaviiist Murii tta, tho division Uas been
o constantly in motion, thut it Is now very mueb
out of eondiliou, and 1 would lie pleased to li n(
a lew duya' Uit.t to alioo hoi hc ntid re pull e inip
liicnta. ' I wai alxent from Decnttir less than three
ilnva. mid. as a division, marched over niui'y
mile, and at tho time of the receipt ol the,
twl.tv0 hours Iwlore stinting, was hturted lrom
McAfoc'g bridge to Dix-atur, guarding all the
1 roads to the east and south of this Hank of the
i ai".Jso a largo lot of now hospital tents burned
, at Coviugton.
I n very respectfully, your obedient servant,
" K. Oakhard, BrigHdier General,
" General Suliimax, Vomuandtng Army.
t.enernl ItpnarPirnrd rsn eiH.-lea f.eneral
HvxhI !. Keliiforeluif Atluula. ,
fi oiw ia Tru Ditta, AuquU 0,
We have private Information, the source of
which it would be manifestly improper for us to
Iniike public, thut Colonel Scott (Jack Scott of the
100th) commanding the Confederate troops at
Clinton, In this state, bus received a despatch
anuonm lng the fact that Beauregard had beeu
despatched lrom Itichtuond with 20,000 men, to
the relief of Atlu'itu
This will place him In command of that city,
will appear by reforenco to tbe Kcbcl news in
anothor column, by which it ecus that Hood
is only a general jn o tern.
Afmlannienla to Command In Sherman's)
War Dkpartmknt, Aujttant . GtstnAi.'s
OFiicr, Washington, July 30. The following
assignments are hereby nuiile:-
I. Major-Oonerul O. O. Howard, to the Army
and Department of the Tennessee.
II. Major-acneral 11. W. siocum, to tho com
mand of the 20th Army Corp, vice Mn.ioi-Gene-ral
Hooker, who is relieved at his own request.
III. Mujor-Oeuoral D. 8. Mauley, to tho com
mand of the 4th Army Corps, vice Major-Gcneral
Howard, transferred fo tho Army nnd Depart
ment of the Tennessee.
Hy order of Tits rursiiiKNi.
E. D. Townsend, AssUtant Adjutant-Ueneral, .
mm ' ' I .
Cortluna Capture Victoria Tsumplc to
bo Attitrksxl.
The Kew Orleans J'r Dtlta say : . , i
"Goveruor Cortina ha occupied the city of
Victoria, which hod beeu previously taken by
Ihe French under Colonel Dupin. This officer
left Tamplro ome fix week ince, with abwmt
five hundred men, and marched into Tula; Gov
ernor Cortina made a quick march to the Cen
tral part of the Utate, which w as mostly held by
Dup'n, who, on the approach of tho Mexican
forces, tied.
Meneral Cortlnas In preparing to attack the
port of 'l ampico. He has a respectable torcc, lie.
side fifteen hundred good lutuntty left at Mala
moras under Ihe acting governor, brother to Uen-
eral Cortiuas." . v ,:
Tire female college i Woreeator, Maasavgliu
ietu, ha lacu leased to the State for fire yt ar(
lor a wtlitury Uospital. ' -- - j
Baltimore, Angust 13. While the Uoibd
Rules steamer lMiauv,ot the Iteronue ierrice,
Capuln Thomas M. Dnngan, wa la Great Wico
mico river, Northumberhtnd county, yesterday
afternoon, for the purpose of tukiug ,01V- kho
family of a refugee, who wero represented a
being there in a starving condition, one of hev
boat was attacked by a largo party of guerillA
on shore, armed with titles. "
The Hclia uce opened on them with ehetl anJ
mall arms. In the hope of driving there from the
wood. After a few round, tho g illant Captain
Duugun fell mortally wounded, and died In aa
hour. The Captain of tbe pivot gun, ThouiM
Roberta, was also severely wounded.
Firing was kept up until tho Hehel wore
ei en -eif, hot not having surtlcicnt force to land,
tho Hthanee was compelled to torn down the)
river with the loss of her boat' crow Coxswain
S. W. Ayrc and four colored men.
"The body of Captain Dungan arrived here
to-day. - J
Fight at Oavrstolat wllb sjholby'o OaerlUM
Finy Hobrta Killed.
frtm Ms St. I in, Auiult 8.
The following despatch was received at 'gene
ral Ewlng' headqnarters :
Kr.w M adrid. June 7. To Brigadier-General
F. wing -.Have been out but seventeen days, with a
battalion of tlie 2d Cavalry M. S. M.. under Lieutenant-Colonel
lliller, detachment of the 2d and
Md, nnder Ma jor Wilson, and of the 1st and eta
Missouri Volunteer, nnder Cuptaiu FruiU. Uav
skirmished with guerillas and bushwhacker la
Mississippi, Ktoddard, New Maurui, remiscoi.
end Dnnkln countie, Missouri, and Green aud
Mississippi couutiua, Arkansas, killing numbers
of them. Had a brUk running tight at Osec-ola,
Ark., on the 2d Instant, with Uowen'f and Mc
Veigh' companio of Shelby'a command. We
captured their camp, killed aeveu, und took;
twenty-live prisoners, including Captain Borren,
their commander.
Online 4th lust., at ElkvlUe, we fought the 2d
Missouri Itebcl Cavalry, and Conger's, Guthrie's,
aud Darnell' bands of guerillas, all undor com
mand of Colonel Cowen. We routed them com
pletely, killing and mortally wounding about
thirty. The slightly wounded escaped In tha
iwumpa, aa I waa informed by a prisoner latMe
quently ; captured between thirty and forty, aud
took twenty-eight prisoner. . . ,
We lost Captaiu Vraucl, 3d Cavalry.M.B.M.,
mortally wounded, and two other v aUtfutly
We have lilled ifn all full fifty Itebel goldlerf
and bushwhacker, Including ono eaptain, three
lieutenant ; wounded between thirty aud forty
that we know of, aud took prisouur fitly -seven,
Including two captains. We also captured full
200 ttiuidof arm, andortr'ZOO horiee and aioios.
,. - . , John U. Btuuis, ,
, Colonel Comtuaudlng ExpediUon.
.1 1 i. j.4 4 it
Bebcl Account of tho Fight JKer Xr
. . . Held, , ..
From Ihe MchmenJ Henlintl, AvgmtW. L,i t:Ji
There waa an unpleasant rumor io efreliloa
yesterday, to the effect that Uescral MeCaa
laud' aud Bradley Johnson' cavalry had mot
with a reverse at Moorericld, Hardy county, Vir-
?;lnla, in which they lost four bandied pnsouer,
or piece of caunon, and a number of h , rje.
Mooretield Is In llanly couuty, on the eaet i lo of
tbe south fork of the Potomac rive, oue imuJied
aud Uurtv-oue euiio noribact y
lllckmoud. lorty-oue iinies west 01 .V m
and forty-five sooth of Cumla-rland, ' '
There era also a rataor thai OutM'i a. ,
gained another victory ever thccii.u ' ,
cei utiuly more Iuelmvl jo lfiiy x. hrl laaaor. '
, id.
4 are