JL THE DAILY EVENING TKLEGKAril. rniLADELrilTA FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1801. : Crntiug Stlcrtaph VKjOAT, AUGUST 12, 1BC4. miXEST Or THE REBEL SEC8E- 5TAB.Y OF THE TREASURY. , intriw or traitor keh1 sot.k AMI ntvm. PHu the r.lc.lmtmd f' lUrr. Mr. MfmmlnpoT'i lttir of yiwlesntlon, nnd ftal o( tho I'rMiiilfnt rrtrnK W,M f'0nl low. In the mirtmcn of private life- to ' which Mr. Mcmmtaffar -nm, will, not fall to ' r,iv the hin.lMl fivM.-mw of public ,twin. Th Indtmtry, icnl, (mil fliMKtr whUh kvc rijar fcrKrlzcd hi dmiuitrsxn hvo not failed to , illnrtrsxt the pmtv of M ufoi "id will not fail to rp thflr reward. . IS, I;. 1H Excellency the Vri'itiilent : tin.- Voti lmv been awtire for mvcral month uit of my desire to withdraw from my trra- . k ut r(IVtl portion, ami of tBM rnatons which ". frutniavil me from to dlng. With on earnert pnrprwe h devote to the orlre of my rnnntry, dnrinp t!re porils Whlrh ournrmil her, wuntovor . fucnlttea I rriny peases, I hnU neverine-Ioai por- . iivl rbat tli enormcm binrilcns lnipoJ on tho Trrwmry by a wnr on -o Taut a arulo, ami tho i'fncnlty of iirvtalnlno; tbm, had (rlvon nn Ui !iwoTiteiit and (lifctruxt Indie al.i'itv ot thooillmr nwtiirrntKWnnjr the linnnricl department. Toilicsie k,mii: of dt-aatl-.f:iciKin waa wlileil iinotltur , axis i s 1'ii.m eaaeniial djlli rvneca in the plan auli TnittnJ by the head of the department and tnoao dopled by C'onfrrr. In this condition of thlnji It -would norm to lrf bffn propr to huvo n signed hit oihi-e at woon a ConpreHo had pneoed lu Judgment ivaiiiHl h plant which I had Viibmitiod. Two conniderotlons, however, prevented. The . Irtt tu i repngnanoo to any act whii'h could bemifcondtrned Into an h:inloiimeiit of n poai ' -of duty aisi:ed to me during a utru ,'glo in 'Which I fc.t that every citim owed to Im coun try whatever aiicrlticc or aervloe was demiiuded Ct blm. The fluaiieliil plan which was Hnally admit, , I hv the lnt Congrva had N'Pn uncertain . "WDtil Ihe end of the tin. It was not matured ntil i h' two Houses had referred the manor to CommltDewi ol Conference, and it tKcanic a law 'only on the last day of the wnou. The mi 'thinerv which waa required tor its operation wm complex and extensive, and, by the termi of tho law, Just forty day were allowed to curry It iut-i complete effect. No new head ot the depurt- meat, however competent, would have been able to acquire ntllelrtit knowledge, of oillce details In ' time to have carried our the provisions of the act. The public pood, therefore, demanded that I b mi Id not leave toy pi during thin period. The second consideration which prevented was .'' the unwillingness I felt to leave you In npitoiition 1 to tnr desire, while yon honored me with such ronfidence as you have manifested, and while our whole energies were still taxed by the great and ' varied responsibilities attendant upon the otllee in which l'rovldenre has placed you. There considerations now no longer govern. . The rt is at an end. The funding of the cur rency Lai been nearly completed, and the. entire i machinery required by the plans of Contfrens und ' finance is now In full operation. Mo mturct will , sutler by my now giving place to a euccessor. The second consideration is that I yield to the conviction that justice to myself ami the public 1 requires me to insist on the ac epmnce of the - resignation which 1 now tender, in the hope that you ill be successful in cbooing a unccessor ; whose views shall harmonize with those of Con- jrress, and wi.o may, on that account, be Iwticr able (none can be more earnestly desirous) than I have been, to do va'tiuble service to our country. . J ccnies", sir, mat 1 cannot, without docp emu ' tlon, sepunite from you and my collenKiica in tui ' Cabinet. 'eitlier can I do so without tx"in'.vr?Tny icstlmnny that never. In the inUtuasTfrocdom of ; confidential intcrcourFiv'inrre I heard ouo word miHScsnr'TBglcaiing aught but a couscion i ttoas and disinterested desire to do what was best " for onr country. It had been my hope that ere . onr otticial connection terminated our country would be in full fro li ion of the peace and Indo - pendente for which she had paid so costly a price, and that you, sir, would have enjoyed, in the spectucle ot her happiness and prosperity, tho 'only reward you seek for the ceaseless cures and labors devohd to ber service. Though this m iy not now be, I shall not cease in private lifo to givu my warm co-operation in whatever may conduce lo the consummation so ardently desired. , I need scarcely add, Mr. President, that while ' deiiiii'g to be relieved at us early a period as ; aiay be practicable, my services remain frcoly ' at yonr disposal until you ahull have solected my susressor in office. With heartfelt wi.-hes for yonr health, happi ness, and prosperity, I remain, with the highest - respect and esteem, your obe.dic.nt servant, ' C. G. iMhm HiNiii:n. , Bichmohd, Va., June 21, 1HI. Dear Sir : I kave received yonr letter of tho lku In-tin , stating tbe grounds on which you deem that jus tice to yourteif and to the public requires you to urge my acceptance of your resignation. 8(imo months since yon expressed a desire to retire, for the reason that, in your belief, the public service would be promoted by the appoint ment of a successor whose views of financial . policy accorded better than your owo wicli the legislation then lately adopted. 1 1 knew the ex treme difficulty of conducting the Treasury Do parturient during tbe pending struggle. I was aware that any officer, however competent, must probably fail to escape the animadversions of those who are ready to attribute to inefficient administration the embarrassments due to do tkieney of resources and the want of legislation beat adapted to the exi ting circunistnucci. The experience acquired by you in the orguni.'itlon and management of the Department could not be immediately replaced, and for these ruas ina Iwas aatitlicd that the general welfare wnald be iniarlously atlected by your witltdraw.il at that time. You have now at least tbe ou) luliou aud talisfuctioa to know that your per- -aonal wishea were surrendered to a conviction of .public duty. , .Recent vents do not warrant me in refusing your lencwtd request that I bouui accept your retignution. The regret you express ut the pros pect of our official separation is sincerely shared by me. From your entiunce on the duties ot year tDce,.I have observed anil appreciated the cheerful und unremitting devotion of oil your faculties to the public teivice, and do not lull to renumber that it was at the sacrilico of private in clinations that yon continued to fultil tbe urdu ons dutieK of your post. The viler you make of jour service until jour successor can assume ort.ee U in the same putriotio spirit, and i ac cipttd it tbui'klully as it is gcueroimly tend. 'red At as early a period as practicable, I will endeavor to comply with your request to lie relieved. VVith iny giatetul acknowledgniunu fur your part aMtiance, aril lor your very kind ex.jUOH ii.ns of pereonal regutd, lie aurd of the cordial CftUeni ilQ wuicu 1 am, your Irlend, Jki fkiihom Diva JIon.ir..O. Memminger, See. S. Treasury, . Jticiinioiid, Va. llie Slonrninn KnKl. We weie happy to meet in the city yesterday our itallaiit, dashing, patriotic youni; Iriomi, Jaim s i'. liirow nlow, Colonel ol the Is; 1'ennesHce Cavalry. The ('ololiel look l a little the nurse lor wei.T luce hisicccnt perilous raid and uurrow tuspe licau the clutches i t the liobels, yot bis pti lis nre ns nuoynnt as ot on. Cokincl lironmow inb rtns uk that he nv and onersed with a brl'de coimnaiidur who had retained fioin the Sioueman raid, who .iii-i'.irmed him uiut btuncuiiitt de-tioyed nine loc'inio! ves at JIacon, buintd anuinbi rol' lirlilyef, tore up ji.aiij unit ol truck, unu uestroyco a c..ip fae teiry at 1'itsjtb, or some other little toan this tideol .Milton. In u tuiliUiry point of vlew.lho ra'A was a eckk'd luccess abundantly worth the sHcrilic Dingle tor it. Be lure beii.g nirroiiniled lie had captun d Ocnerul dowry's private hoiseii. one of Uiiui CHing oue oi toe iiuuusotiiesi aim must valuable horses be bad accn. lint be abandoned these, and bos compelled to swim the river to make bis escape. When he arrived in camp ha was uuu boot, bat, coat, and some say, breeches, lie denies the lutter bill in the indictment. ' Colonel iirownlow eccofcpaules hit splendid r im tut to Kasbville to be remounted, lie thinks Colonel Crouton, of Kentucky, who at tempted to e't awur at the same time with blm, was ciil.cr t.ipiurcJ or a worse fate befell him. VhiUtatujOija Uaatttf. ' The FHlnl atst of July. . The Cleveland llnald notes the following ainnular iacts respecting a family which the war lim made famous. A remarkable fatality ha attended the h ell-known MoCook family of this ute. Charles, tbe youngest brother, and but aeeutecn j eara old, fell u Jttill Run, July 21, Jil j Uiigiiiiitr-aeneral Holiert McCook, another "other, vax murdered by giiorilUia in Northern Jiy i, 1S02: Maior McCook, the tatlme, WM ktlled l)1(r , ..j .Q m ptlnlut of t"' J." and Coloisel JJuuielMc Ju-y 18 liilii 1,ro'ue,i died Hum bis wounds, d.'Mci,Mi'Mu,- CenenJ Alexan- t ot that two brca had Oeti oS fh oi.? of July in each ot the two y,. TUn" lid parked that t lot hsd made the tat, h. ,'f" ur.eisliti. us us lu that day, , . . . )un the2Utof July a passed theyaiiaia, pviurej to the subject, and teltgtapluti to their iiieausijiat they were sale. Just then Ihev to. w i.'eil a uVMateh from koine, M lnrf thut their "'.'V .'T K'as iiUcd la the Morgan laid ua lh lata! THE flOHT rOR CUMEESLAND. Batllra r rwh-tf Mill niwl Oldlnwa) Mvfisifa t tin Knmy, frH ( CuHtfd Tnim, JIhVhiI t. On Monday afternoon. An gnat 1, at 4 o'clock, Ihe Hrlicls, five thousand strong, nnder the com nisnd of (Jenernls McCansland and Bradley T. John-on, approached tbe city hv the lUI'linore tnninike, to the residence and mill of John r'olek, three miles from town, Gi'arral Kelh y had prtvlonaly determined to give thern battle, and made tbeprorn r disposition of his forces, whh b were not eq ial Pi the nqmbcrof tli-i cite cmmv.in oidcr to dispute their eutiano Int the town. Tl c Relicl nre said lo have Inquired of Mr. FohV the strength nnd ivisidcn of (ieneral Kel ley's force", declaring it to he their Intention to enter ('umla'i land and plunder and destroy It as thev bud Cfcamberibtinr. While thus In conver sation n shell Irom ur Watery came ahir,ing over tbem, notilylng them of Oem ral Kelley's readiness lo teeelve them and causing them to "skedaddle" nut of ham's way. The light Ihns opened, conilnned tliroiighnnt tbe afternoon with nrtillery and infantry, sh its biiii?1ieard until halt past eight In the evening, at which time the Ritxls were In full retn at tow ards Oldiown, toting the infintnln road, vlil'h crosses the Uilllnms' road iiine miles below the city. Their hasty retreat wos distinctly beard by onr cltircn volunteer, who hud block fxhd tho Williams' road, and were on picket dity nil nlcht within hcariug distance of the retirailng colunrn. 'ihe residence, mill, and n-ithonscs of Mc. l'olrk were in rani'e of our guns, and were struck by several shots, two or three, of which. pci totaled the dwelling honso, while others s rnck and set lire to the btrn, which was totally consumed. The Itebels brought Ihiw pieces of artillery, one '..'l-poiiiidcr, into the battle-tield. Oenc.-.il Kellev used but two pieces. McCauNland and llradlcy Johnson, we. nre in foinird, tuldies-si d their troops previous to the utlh" k, promising them a levy ol flA'iO.Ooo on our cltt.ms, siHH) in greenbacks U each soldier, and one hour's fn edom In the city fur pillage; nil of which we hove been spaied f rom en luring by the rnctgy anil va or of (ieneral Keller and thf otll oer end men under his command. The loss ot the Jtehels at VoU k s Mill and Old town was about one hundred killed and wounded. Cnr loss was three killed and five or six wounded. M e append tbe report of fJeneral Kelley to Governor ltoremnn, of West Virginia: Cv m ii iniAjn, August 2. To Oovcrnor Hore nnin : 1 ho enemy attacked me yesterday at 4 KM. We fouKht him till dark. At 11 1'. M. he retreated frnn my Iront, yoing by a mountain road towards Oldtown, on the IVomuc, leaving bis killed and wnutided, two cnisxins, quite a quantity of ammunition, also many wagons, car riages, X.C. l'i isoners report Bradley Johnson nnd MeCaus. Innd in comniand. My force is pursuing. I hope to overtake him at Ihe river. D. F. Ki i.i kv, Ttrigadicr-Ooncral. A friend has furnished us Kith the following interesting account of the tight nt Oldiown : (ienetal Kelley sunt Colonel Ktough out to Green isprlrig run on Monday afternoon (he having been ordered In previously with his com mand), to cut oil' the retrea' of Johnson ami Me Canslaml, who were expected to reach Oldtown that evening at six o'clock. Tim Itebels, how ever, changed their course, and came from tho Baltimore pike, to "capture Cumberland," und ruiscqiicMly did not arrive at Oldtown. Colonel titougb. however, was ignorant of this fact, and crossed the river, disposing his command lu ambush at n position two miles north of Old town, as we undeiritaud it. There be and his men, only four hundred and fifty strong, lay quietly nil niht, with vigilant, wideawake pickets posted in various directions. At live O'clock uu Tuesday morning the enemy ap proached in fop ce nil our left flank, ai d, when they eainc wltrdu rifle range, our men rose urn! gave tl.ini u lull volley, which emptied several saddles. As the volley was lired a lull-breasted Yankee "tiger" rent the air, and the lie be U fell buck in contusion. Our men fought tbem until 9 clock, when the enemy flanked them in overwhelming force, and Colour I tstiitigh ordered them to full back across the river. This they did gradually in lino order, tho men stopping occasionally to empty tboir rifles in the btcasts o' the udvancing foe. On" young man of Colonel Slough s Ileglmeiit, the lo.'id Ohio, voting Cotllclil, said to his cotn- lunEiocr, vupiuin vross, l inn ooiiuil lo givu them one im ru shot." lie did so; and had not moved twenty paces to tho rear before he re reived a mortal wound in the bowels and fell, saying to hla comrades, "i am going now, boys. Good- by." Our men having cros-ed tho river, wore posted behind the railroad embankment, und held tho itebels back half tin hour. The iron-clad train, having been disabled, could give the infantry no assistance, und the fire became so deadly that the larger portion of our men were ordered to ti ke Hie ttuin and withdraw it to cumiierianu. Cnptain Cross, supposing Colonel Kiougli on houid, pushed oil j but the Colonel remained with a squad und repuncd to mc tiiocktiousc, in win ti he had previously placed forty men, and hold the blockhouse tor an hour and a half, notwithstand ing the lu hel shells wore knocking it to pieces over their heads-. Colonel Mongh, nt 11 o'clock, received the following mcs-iife'C by flag.of truce : Atot'fT 2. To the Commander of llin Forces In the lllockhouse : You will surrcuder tho blockhouse and your forces ut once. It you do not, you will uot receive any terms. 11HMI1.I V l. JOHNSON, Itrtgadier-Oencrnl Confederate Forces-. The Colcnel requested to see the force, which he discovered bad entirely surrounded him, and one twenty-four-pounder, one twelve- pounder cowit.cr, and lour ttirce-iocn regula tion guns, in snch position as to knock tho bl s-k- house Into particles in nve minutes; and on con sulting bin men, returned an answer to tbe ellect that he would itirrender only on these condi tion: 1. That he and his men should be immediate y paroled. 2. That private property should be respected. .1. That ihe men should retain canteens, tuvor- eacks, blankets, and rations, and 4. 1 bat ho should have a band-car, with which to tran-pon his wounded men to Cutnlierlaud. These propositions were sent to General li rad ii y T. .loliii on, commanding a division oi Rebels, and signed by Colonel I. fclough, "coinmander of si.tmd of l.Md Ohio," and they were imme diately accepted und re.-pectcd. ColomlHtoiigh had a lock of his hair taken off oi his right temple by a Rebel ball, which b -came twisted in it, leaving a bare spot the si.c of a diu e on his soi.lp. He has uiso two bullet holes in the front of his blouse, near his breust. (jcncinls Johnson and M C-ui-liind trea'cd Colonel btouh n th flnat ciaitbsy, und com mended him aud bis nun lor their bravery. Genera! Jc.htikou admitted a lo-s oi twenty to iwrntt-hcr men killed and forty wounded. Ci'lou l Slough lost twoiuun killed and thr 0 wotiudcd. IuiiikI Aiiiuna Ihti Salniii The lollowing louchin-t llr.es were found upon Ihe body sd a pesslimili' conscript, who was spread out upon tliegi ry soil of 4 iu-iib rtleld alter the big liciit. Tbe nolile in;irtr. niter permit, ling himself to be 'fun lied, nccoiiliinr to battle field ussge, eniiie to, and was subsequently r ni vi jed to i sile Thunci r. where lie is now doing ns will as could be expeeUd ; HKi: l'ltOITNIUS. 1 would not be u genera i, Vi itb gold In. ml on my but; It takes too li.u p a li II r, and I'm rn tier slu.v tor that. I wouUl not be a cin loncl, W nil stars upon my kotc, lliccuse I he v mver iiiciiiuai- liini in ilorj gud's rcpote. I would not bean officer lu any rompanee : responsibility 's loograte l.utircly for me. I would not be a aolgler. And having lo be drilled, Because he'dnevcr get his dues. l util he's gone and killed. I think I'd rather stay at home, Where I can sleep tit night. And leave the korz to Providence, Abd them that wants to tight. L.'ZAnrs Bii.hps, Fmuierly u humble citireu, but now a kousciipt, Co, 1) ', Borygod's army. Hulimoud air: Ko MioiiMi-Aoi oFBni'i.K in FnN( k. There arc two things no nation of the Continent pos Ksses spring aud middle-aved people. You biay be young for a good long spell ; some have Ikcii known, by the judicious upplianreof act, tol.eipon fcir 'slKly jeaisor so; but when you do pass the limit, there is no ucntral territory, no 7it:zo tertinnr. Fall out of the young guard and you must serve as a vetetuti. The levity aud frivolity, the absence of all serious interest in lite which muik tho leisure classes abroad, fol low men aoiiiotimes even to extreuie old age. The iiiccfssive changes of tempi runient aud taste which we mark at borne have no correlatives ubioud. The foreigner inhabits at sixty the same sort of world be did at slx-and-taeuty ; he does not dunce o much, but he lingers in the ball loinn, and be isiust as keenly alive to all the little naughty talk that auiued him forty years' ko, and lolly as much interested lo hear that the arorld is fust as false and at w like 1 as It used o be wLen tie was able to contribute 10 ill finllty Id nitktiiutm.-iAiUieoor. - , THF. t.OXK CTIRT. 8bf Wivr) me, h said, and she aware it Wifj swore H a ihon-aml tiaieai Bh ireanrd my lrters like jewels And learned and rpa-ed my rhyme. And nomberlen tokens she gave me( Her kies were many and sweet j And I thought her an angel from bravrn While she was but a womanly cheat. Phe robbed me of rest and of comfort. And gave me bright hopes in return j And now, by the fire side lonely, II. r letters I smilingly burn. For loud are the marrlage-bella pealing; The priest, loo, Is blessing the bride ; And sire lentit on the arm of Another, Who once was my love and my pride. Ah, well I let her live and he married ; Her letters- are bnrnt, anil I see 'lis better he rid of such tokens. And keep the heart lie.allhy and free. Onee-a-H'crt. BOHEMIAN 83FER&TITI0N3. St. John Ibo llaptist Is, in llohemia, afl.t the Ololy VcncesbiN, Use -saint most in repute, li. tv '.rg no less than LSI churches dedicated to his 'honor, besides giving his name to many places and persona, since it is believed to lie eudued with specific power against fB'an. The day of his nativity is the only one that is ohnrrved ns such, besides tfaosi ol the Virgin and the M iviour, among the festivals of the Roman Cnur h. On this day. at noon, it Is believed that all the tron. Mires hidden in Ihe earth are luidOen; but as they are acain closul as soon as the hour strikes one, ihosc wlso may have entered must remain shut in till next Ht. John's Day. It issnpsid by the TalKintcs thut their An cient hi rHH are still living, tint buried within the mountein t'dnnick, where, in a trance, they are waiting the moment for sallying toith to destroy their enemies. A stream thai issues from the mountain, having the smell und color of sta iiu n tnse, is said to piocecd from their horses, stand ing in a row along a wall of rock. The ktdgbis, clad In full armor, with their weapons ut hand, are all sleeping in various postures, either on tbe ground, or on benches round the cavern ; some bic stretched at lull length ; some arc sitting witU their lieads supported by their swords, aud others are mounted, with their heads resting on their horses' necks. A shepherd who once enured the cavern, found Hicni In this con dition, and saw them awaken, when they asked win User the hour lor their exit bad come f Upon which theii leader, who slept in an clcr.cted scut, in tbe centre ol tho ball, replied, "It is not yet time to destroy the tn- niiei of Bohemia." (In hearing this, they all resumed their shi p, 1 he ebi pherd, when ho ut lust gut out, learned that he hud been shut up for a year. A similar adventure )iupctici to a blacksmith, who possessed a tin adow close to the liliiniek mountain, nnd wcut there one morning, with a laborer, to nuike hay. Ilia serving-maid brought break fust, and Ihe smith, with Ins siri .n,'at down at t he tootol Ihe mountain. Hn had hardly finished, when a man, wrapped 1m a mantle, came to Inn and said : "Follow me, friend !" The smith obeyed, ami both entered the monn tain, whtre the stranger, turning round, add : "I have broDghl you hero to shoe our horses. ' "That is Impossible," said the siniih, "tor I have no tools.' "lie not uneasy about thut," returned the knight, who then brought what was required ami told him to begin, but warned him nor to jtlci againsi any ol' the sleeping cuvuli rs. The smith, buMCier, In shoe ing tbe last horse, d d. by chance, shove sguinst the knight who s.it upon it, and who, awakening instantly, cried : "is it time ?" "otef, sleep on!" replied the smith's em ployer, w ho reproved him lor his negligence, but, tor nil that, paid him lor his trouble by giving him the old horseshoes. When the smith came out again into hla meadow, he found all these horseshoes converted into gild; and he found, also, two laborers making hay, where be hud left but ono; and, on inquity, he learned that a eur hud passed since .he had gone away and been given up lor Inst. A coTlsmith once bartin dwitb a knight of Blank a sack of nails for a heap of stable sweipiugs, which ut'terwards changed to gold. Tbe same change took place with some dung, w hich u bind had swept out of ttuiir stable) bull events taking place on Kt. John's Day. Tho piasnnts affirm that stiange nones urn of en heard within the mountain, at sm u times a-i the knights me furbishing their arms for battle; but their outburst is not expected till the dry pond near Binnick is filled with blood, and the wi hi red trees on the bunks of tbe rivulet put forth -fresh blossoms : and then the knights will tome lonb, with liuke Veneeslas at their head, I lnuuLtt'd on a white noise, and bearing in his Land the standard oi Bohemia. - The Bohemians cntcriaiu many amiable fan cies associated w ith Ihe native fruit the straw- icrry. The first haiidiul gathered, and thoso Ml lib may slip through the tingets in gathering. are reserved lor the pjor, lor whom they are placed ou a tree-stump or other conspicuous spot. motncrwno uus lo t ncr iniunt in tuu pre vious part of ihe year, must guthor no straw- res fx tore st. Jouu a Uuy ; lor it sue d'scs tier cu.id will not be permitted tu j dn the tites-ed children when tiny go with tho Virgin M ry to ga'ber stiuwnt rries mine groves oi iieuven. A -cording to another version, tho child will inde.-d get sonic airawnerries, but not so many us the others; for the Virgin will suy : "See, darling, your sharo Is small, because yonr mother bus eaten the rest." Clurrii a arc. in like manner, forbidden to tho bereaved n other. In the vulley of Tctschen it is believed that a ceiluin crag, resembling a linmati bust, und eulled "The htone Kirawheiry l,atis," which pro jects from a ire unudn, may become animated on ISt. John's Bay, provided a poor and pious youth, who, liom bis seventh year of age has never i liussed or reflected the .suinl.iy ctiurcli service, 1 nor, during it, looked at a maiden, should strike 1 it three limes on the breust while high mass is I being performed. The tradition slates that the e-ruc. wus once a giddy maid, called Peironclla, who lived with her p ons grandmother in u cot- 1 tuge lying lur away in Ihe valley. Ou St. John's Day, in Hill, whiih fell upon a ."Sunday, I'etione. la, disobe.i ing her grandmother, instead of going to high mass went to dance und ' spirt among the strawberry grounds; and, as she saw her gruiidiuothtr returning from church, she made game of her. The graud mother was ergry, aud said she v uld rather see I'c'ronella u slope tbun as wicked as she was; and tho wish was no soi tier spoken ihuu i'i iroie-lla, with her stiawbeiry pol, was tiaiisioi'med into stone, us isLe apj euis now. thue a- II eci. IIpavi.im; Unit or Simumi. In many of our elitnelies Hie livtiitl is an irjllietiiui, whereas it slieuhl be a lolreshmeiit and a jv. The iiruunist must show oil' bit ok 111. und the nlow moMineiits: of the roiift simietimes iin.Kc one yawn. A capital iclmm will bo ai-coinplihcd lieu wo aii'ircsa the imr;ules. or limit them 10 ten M-concis, and llieu riusi i.'invelvua lo r ipid, rln ci tul sotKs ol priiisi-. Mr. Siiii( c'iti' i-.iiiyre-fiat on did nut king la-! einaili tu sa'i:y liim the N.ihbulli I was I here, unit hit liep-ivd them to aim; fnslcr a rtiii at wli eh urtireU a !re il improve. Ii.i ut il, the m t Iimiiii. It is un Interesting tail thut liiv idea of mere rapid s niut' is c-very- In ie pie nil nt and .MiHiii;; in l-.nlanil, and that a low yeats pionme lo seeure tho Kreu'csl iiii'tiieine'nt in llni spirit ami plriisHiceii public prniBC l.omlon Uttn. St. rviiili'K'a Bonv I'm xn Wliilc tlm wnrk IM n ci f u;:oil in ti c reiidva-iou .f St. I'atriek'o Ciitln dnil, in Dub in llii oMi . cliuri h in 111 laud wen niciiitm up a ptirl inn of the tlmirinft in una ol Ihe iiislis, thct U se ,ver u a laie stuuc colliu of ctiiinu- w o' I lnansliip limitil a few feet li lii the Mirfnrr. The t'otiin, when oper.ed, was! iiiui to contain the akcleton of an ecclesiastic, nup pted to have been buried tl'.i ro INM) years ! Tho skull wan pei Icet, and tho lion -s crumbled into dust when i pot id to tho air. On the lid of the cetlln tliere waa a full-length tlpnri' of a bishop in liia robea. It waa Inspected by some anti iluariaiiH, including Dr. Todd, who expressed it us their belief that it was the oriKinul founder of the church, hi. I'utriek. It la lu good preserva tion, und it la in every respect a moat intetenilng iclic. Wbtu the church la finished II will be placed iu a most prominent position, liccitiso there ia uo more lonuirkiiUe uuti-ttiity iu the fciuldicg, i . (ji inint. 1b now the king of medicines, and aliile every oua regards it at the most reliable and invuluablo of remedies, there aro uiauy wliu think that with ijiiiniiie und opium they eau treat all diseases. The demand is enormous, und tbe more csiwciully if we recall tho rapidity wrtli which this younger .son of iiirdiiine lias come. Info Its right". Into this country hark f'.atnd Its way for tbe first lime bite in Hie FeventccntU ceiitiiry j and in Frauce it won Its entrance Into tbe puai'inacopa-ta by curing Louis XI V, being used then for liira as a secret remedy, and ontha following conditions 18,tuO livres,'j()(Ki livrtis ai a eiiiou, aud Ibe title of cheralli r. The coins uiunlcation bet tret u Frrncb anil English j.hy. nciai.s ttas not then complete or intimate, and, to this magnificent juice was obtained for l'al lot icmtdy, which waa wily a vinous tincture of quinine commonly employed in F.uglaud. Louis XIV oi timed its admission into the pbar umcopu ia. The source ot'iiuiuiue are, bo ever, gradually fail.ug under tbe proure of llio enor mous demand ; and although the CApcriuicuU of the Hritish Uovcrnment In foriiiiiij,' plaututioni of cinchona trees in India have met with auceesi iu un iuicrtaut decree, yet the best kinds of qaiiline-btaring U-eea are said not lo bave sue CeijiU eo yitll a the otucis. tvmlvH Auucf, JHVALIE8 AUD (X)5YALiEirTt(. inVALllA AMI ONVALesysMT. Invsmis Sri OoavaimeeWa, Invalids ana OeiiTlMtnts, r.SpMUlly rr.MAi.r.a is ns.i.KJAtr. n rai.tr, r.MAi.r.i iv irxicATB iiKALrn, KMAL'.H IN 1)1 I.I"ATB HfcALTll, wTD ami mr Winasaoor will (lad onr CsuieraM W ns. OaJIfemia Wn,s. OsHioTnta Wines, Cslnlrnls Wlnss, t'stlt.iTrtls Wliiss, .'alleiml Wlnns, M'ti''iirr; vl"H.le In all cans of Uuuruor ami grat proa tratln ortueD,-fri. Ask Ask Auk Asa Auk Auk Ask Ask a Ask Ask Ml A'k Ask ' Ask Ak Isni. U(C)l).iail, ri4sVluusl, Jscksoa, (ol Hie rnnytv;iia fnln rsliy), florins, liersnt, Onve, Iirtiihorna Ib'limnis, Wllhaint, lbullor, Moldhrd. WIIsab. Tlleial, Vln-ll, FnaUiT. finbts, Knipfr, Marland, Tarinnr, and oomr Isadlnft physti-isns, whnl thoy think ot taa aMitt nnsH u-oir of Hsilfernis Wlnss t Thess aeniloiiien pro -serilMt onr brsnds. and stsura us of ttm SuDnflts ptiionui rseslvo Cp'n ttf'r upet CAI.IKORNIA W1SK AOIINCT. ;iM lm No. 4 . riKTIl sttss.rt. Siivoinisioiit. I VIH.N I F riKACTY. WIIITK VIROIN Whs ef Slid ln IS Ihe nviat perrsri pinfmistmn of lie sre. fT In siinrvin. whllsnln,'. n) pn-srvliiK Ins ren ile.slin. It I. raids frnm pin Whlts w si. asr' Its e oselillTinrj oeJUU-s tor prrss vlnn lvil Iklli, mnsir.a II pell, sni' oil), "lr, "lid lr'insisienl. li nn-esi rhsiissl hnr,a or lts, reiiiev.' (till ) 1.-4 , e. Prse :K) si.rt -Ml i!.-nif Mfoiularo-.rsd uelv M III NT A l.'O , i errnmTS, So 41 H. KIllllTH Nt,, ? Kir iivs i h. .n.i , and JIC. lm Nn.llU S. CI.VI.NTI1 fltrsot. p RE bTeEmIcTa L7) A M P AIG S, BANNEE3 AND TRAN8PASEH0IE3. VM, 1-. M;il i:i Ko. 0 8. THIRD STREET, Abort i;hinot. rblladclpala. VAMTACTIKBB OK FLAOP, EAKNKRf, TRANSPARF.NCIRS, AND LANTKRN9. FIHtcal rsBipaiffn Duls fitted out wtib Laaiema. naiitsst, Ftannam, and FTait at rAAS"nabls rates ias 2m 0., W,Y JHifill B.I-n.tiMl hvr II. NKKIlLKSJ. gt ol rwKl.s YH and K K S'wti l.,.t leai iteeiit lur same, CMndnctd P 'a &r TtVfci.KTH ncrt, flrnt oo.ir Ixduw a our .adisf ad Ins. Tho tnnit romplrtft and ar o. sts-k on sand, consturtns. In part, of Trusses. Suoporieri, Sh.aiidar Mrsee, Helta, ilardauss, ElasUe HuxhJiucl, isyrlitiiea inkisa for aricrj. Mlik Koum. Ao. lulusia a riIILADEl.ru I A SURGEONS' s&aiiii' IIAM'AIIK tasuUUTK, No. U Norte -Js NINTH Htrt, atxrva Markrt. HiHUaaos radically enred by H. . KV fcltK 1' r M HramlilB Pstoal Oraliiatliii Presiisre Tnia. Hupt-rlor Elaitio Bslta. S-.iastlo Htochlnirt. Hupportari, Hboaldwr Pracaa. HnpD Sfirli m. f !rl!'ehes. Ao. l adlra altamletl br Mrs. n.C. I.Vt'.RRTT. myiH-ly I'll E ARTIFICIAL HAND. II. A. lill.lXCA, Inventor and Manufacturer of the 1 U 1 I I K I 1 A in, Appro ad and ailopusd hY thk BUHUEON-fU.NEIlAL OK TUB UNITED 8TATKS. fnr hnldlera, l?a perrqanrntly located Iimi ornea and Tacleiry at No. ail 8. mi1 UlU Hueet, U duort balow Huriiua, 1'hi a da. le 'Jo-am HKWINO MAO li I N KM, THE JIEBT 131 USB. I'M No. 730 OHKHN1IT Htiw. WAKTKD TO SKIX OR EXCIIANGK f 1 KllnuloHw4nr Maehint), 'I hu tuywr tfc Baker mwihk Ma'hin. 'I no Htriicr lo. And alt ttift print ipftl Hewing JUautuuei. Ail durtiUheU from umir prti)cii.l (irlifrn. Aino. alt kiiuif .i Hfri'oiKl-llAndMachlnM.lbr eJanJ B'piJjtl at tlie new uflk'n nt IJTAVKNH A KAIM.KSKR, No. Htl .W. 4-'lil'l I U Mxrvot, (Over teu jemru with HiiiKr A fe.) Lafliei Uof.M to rj6rattj. jol4-.m T.ajrmiArtu Tini1ci;TTAai'i OHQANS, Nm only riKXCl:T.I.rr) but IWEQIM1J.KD In purltr of Tolie nnd r.iwcr, destgnsd Wlsrui.ly lor 4 tmrchea and llrtioola, bul learid tu ho a.inally wed adapted to Uie farior aud lirawui lioom. t'orttaleoiifr bj K. M. BKUOB No. 18 N. HKVKNTIi Htnoet. Also, a onuiflto aiRortwant of tlie Harfeot Meiodeoa oenttantlr un nand. iarl-4im -tsw II. DIXON, T" No. 1 K EII11ITH Street, J I'KAI.KK IN KANl V A N l T'Oil.r.T 11001)8, li lillltKbl Aa A-M) TAHAitULd, Kana. Head Press-, f re uea Jh o'ry. LaUior Qvd, Work Boim, Itrada. Ar.. Ac oultt-itv Q( W. SIM ON B 4 BBOTHKH, 8AS80M STbf',S.T clAXL, PUIUADKU'UU, MANUFACTl'ltKitS OF JKWF.I-.itY, FINU HWOBDH klLITABr 000D8 IS EVERT VAB1JTT. JA M K H 1IA 11 II i: 11 H .I"U Alt AMU BftTAlL CLOCK KHTAHUlhllM KNT, B. . corner HIXOMJ and CUtSNCT 8u-nts, Phllad'a AC.CNev ros Tl.n tatknt EWAI.1.1NH THIltTT-DAT C1.00K8, A very drsirab'a artJ.-lo i,r Cliurcties. lloUlla. BauaS, C'.er t'lik-ln-iisft. Frtrt'Ts. c. Also, MAM T.il Tl Itr.K OF FINE 1M FKBTB. Lm Kit bCrAlllblJ AM) WAItKVMIfcll. Jaii-ly ( loci liii-.iuiliht is every dtscilplion. 'M. A GRAT. N. E. CORNER OP SIXTH T I and MIMlIt Mires. , buys luauouda. Watcbat, tioia. Silver. and Lean l iel.ots. tijosk is wait ur au.Nii, AU bustiiMn MBSdanUal. btis-is gDMUKD A. 80UDEK k 00., COMMISSION MKKOHANTa, AND 611 ir ANT) STEAMBOAT AOENT8. DOCK BTRKKT WHAltF, PHILADELPHIA. lad-II aDMisrD a. flortua, Ah in it i r i.t i rr, aiirm.M t norm a 1)f NN BTK M KNOINfi AND BOILKR Witrri NKAI'IK LKVV, I'rartlcal nd Ti,siirtiUcl Fntttfi ri. lMr'tviiUim, iu. Hit omkers, iilut ksuntlia. ud Koumtf, .tutu., i or uumy yeTM . ma hutiisruloiHtrii ti'-n, Hnd t.Mu fi liifiirri oniraKod 1ft butldlnx aii'i rvptUr Iiikt Murim- ttiid KHcr l. n! if. Uti and low prmnre, lroa r-.llt l. Wall'f I 4l)r,f, ilri(l)0)itfft, Ac. AC., rtMpvMjtltlilj Oder ili-'lr nvf vit'iai to the public aa iMHif fully pr p tivd to coutrart ut Kn;ln'i nt'itl msfit, Marin., Klvr, anj Htv tlotiar ; tut li-jji hi-U oi m'ti-rita iI Ulttort'tn !, rj ure )irl to t'lrr utt ontrrx with iii'k UtMipatch Every d Trfuii nf pnticrii-ntAttirjn tuftalc at tii flnnru-st nation. U h.li arilK iT-hiurt Hue.Tu.MiUr.aiMH'vlitiiter Holler, ut tl.f bout limiv(inta charm!! itkii, Forwlni, of ai) iifn ami k.ixit; lror aiul brunt HaMtiiK of all tlt-nciip-Muni : itoH-runi'iiK. K"r- w cntUn(rnd tall other work coo Qirttrtl tih Uiu atmvt- t.antni ra, tn-awlnvti aiu' prttlrailoif for U work dim tu thll Chiau iMliinrni fn riiare, and work guarantum!. 'Hi nuhrrltfr ti4va ample wtiarf-tloak nntm for r palr of hiMt wlicre thi-y cnti lie In pi i hue I aafetv, and an provlUt tl tilth i t-aru, blocki. toliii, Ac, tuM fat raluUif , - - JACOB CJ. VRAK1B, ' JOHN 4'. LKVV, 5-tl BKAOIl and FAI.WKU Htreeti. gEIDESBUEG MACHINE WORKS, OFFICE, IVo. 05 IV. XllOTVT HTIti:i3X, TUrLAIEU'IUA. W are prprid to fill oilers to ny axtcntfer our weQ- ilAClilKEIir rO COTTON AND WOOLEN MILLS. IncludUnaM reboot ItuprovemenU ia CaiOing, Splmnlnc, and Wtu.liiK v 9 uivite tut AtieiUHHi oc mnuiaciuren vo our ntea- lhvirla. 111 -u ATjFKKD JKNKS A BON. Jfa. ' :T0 PHIPCAPTAINS AND OWNERS, MJJ,-1hr-aiid rU;n(Ubavlili' leased the KK.NH1 NU CTTiTTciil.'vV 1KC'K. Urn t iiifenu kun frleiiU aud the rtnn i t the I'i'k, tliat lie la projmred wttb Uainastd tacUiuea to ac( mni.Klto tltoa:- lm iiig feln to le ralx i or rrpaui'd, and tteln a practical ehlp-carjeultT ai4 canlktr, will I'fiamiaJ aiteuiloo iu all v eu U J-Kd t liUu tor rpalr. Caj-tniiie or AKenU. Wtlp-Oarponteri, and Machinist liaUi vMiia to reia.r,arta(licUml to cull. kiUiM tk,uucv lor tli aule of Wetiwrstedti Patent Mi tail CuujpuiiUtm,' or P!r Falut. lur Uie preatM-vitv- uon ol vet ;Ja uiVsnii, iur tiiia cuy.i am pn-partM w JOUB n. If AM MITT, , Keuliriou Hvtew liKk, 'knhll-tf Delaware avaauu.tUwva Uiuioi stieet 1AT KNTKD JVLY 19, 1HC4. J O S E P II kiOHKf, W-ve d' i'url". Kteurh Nteam Iyelng and Hi.-our.ni, on any Vlud ot w tjarloj. j'iaifl. lor Ludit-K, .tit, aud OuUlrfii. fntcnt apparaiu. ir Mr. u Mug !am) ft-,. m otic 10 tl iu Lea. No. V iti KAt-K Hirt-et. JJ B N H Y H I M ) tl Hi VMltU blAIM .AIIU.SiAl. WAGOH AND OOAOH WOFtS, OfBrw, No. nl NKW MARKET Btrwwa, And FHK7, oornar ot BROOK II AND fWMRLAND UTTlRETS, MI!lIKLPHlA. A 11 ar4 arv,ry ktBt nt A s TU T DKATH, rUKKLnHKOWH, Wid TIMMKH WMV KM, ad .p.c to rui , Kofld. hatlO. m Mema, lo fnnonii Al( work warranto. r-r.ixr Wmtdo'I l'Um1 i IftMJ WKALTH, II K A LT LI, AND Bf. A I Ti. If to tit aiiititriPt ': I t' vamir invl'l '(! nlfhn i If to tm a biiHnilnT t ,r, M1.!ift-, iIjImk lb an hurMkiT. t I tit hate a twt if friend-; I' fir vm- o ma e nm if In; It with h i h i'iD mi to we ,1 : If a iu.it hk -ti.no when l a I WnA) tm! If to 1 vr i irneniv rv And f mi, WtftMnir 1 a a Umu avU I n ttve a Iti oi pia- ; It to di A 1.1 HO Ut (:' Hkal fn t 1 yon wh a life of lftarire ( If vim value ilil w.r'd UVHflnrea; If vrr.v rcinio I yntt would !. Take m anve aid wllt ali ihr 1 lien. hnviniT PeaHh, Wealth, and nranty, You II he propareil fnr vr il-ity. IW a careful n-rotil ot lr, tl,ItM YMfrH Nw IWhK. fill- MAt KUiiK iil'IOK, wfcl. tliil. be road fcv eier fn rtid hi HHtc it rt khi a lv.aad at t,e JrM trrn i flire. No. ( HI'kCCK HIKKKV; p-l-e 1 I centa. an tr & ? WEIGHT fz SIDDALL No nn ,-f!",'.' '-troft I1FTWK.KH KHONT AND BRCOND (ITRECTII. 0. W WKIHI'T. F. II. KIDDaLL. DHnoOIRT S, I'll YS1CIANS, aND IlKV. KAI. UTIIBKKKJ-.I'KRH. Can Bn1 at onr cuablliihniaut a dill aiaortiuatitof ImtortH and Lwimriiitc inua" Popular Pa.mt Nvdttnt, Palnta, Cnal Oil. wmdow t.ta.a, I'mcnptton Vial, Ac, mi aa low tnca aa ttenalria flrat-elani lr"di. can b ssnl. riNI! K"P.NTIAI, 011.1 ForConftrttonrrK.ln f'l variMy. ana of the bast qaatttj. Coclunaal. lltuifc-aJ ln-ltai, Madder, rot Aab, Cn lbear. Hoc Asn, Alnnt,01i of VI riot, anrmti.rVipparai.Kxtraci of Loirwnod, Ait., F01I DYKKH' m, lvaj on hand, at ton fit net ra.h prlcea. ri m: "PirKs pon KAvii.i rui;, Ground ripraii.ly foour ali, and Ui wtilch - laritalba attantion of tl.O'O In want rf rcl'anla artiek. Alao. I.SV1IJ0, sTAJiCII. MXTAAD, Cr., of txlr lualuv, Orriara by mall, or elty po.t. win airet wlta prompt at tentlon, or ipi lai quolatloni will b ftirnlHhed wbrn ra qua.led. WHIGHT HID1MLU Wbolal Drag WareboaMt Jall-ly Do. 119 MAHKfT irt, abova Front. RAILROAD LINES. IllllI.ADKirHlA, WILMINGTON, AND Bali imoiie haii.koak. i iiam.i; i iioi-RH. r.n and alter Mi'lAY. A'n cist 1, lsill, Pant.'er irj-ns ..,iv- I till-.deiplila i.ir haitinior' at 4-91 i l:x..Mt. M.indayl ecrpt?l),as'i A. M.,11 W.. J-:lii d III Ml I'. M. t in st, r at a u:, 11 l.' A. M.. l'.'W, t W, 4-30, .'. flO and 1110 I'. M. W lirrlie-mn nt I ifl (Mondavi riopicd), b'U'i, li lt A Bt . 1 ic. i-:(",4 . io.ii ni . 111 ;i and ll-mi I' M. Mrvi l asllr nt X 1.1 A. M. and I ;i I'. M. l.' .-.i r ui i ii., a M. and fM 1". M. Wl't. id -. Hdj A. M Kalmt.urv hi M 1 1 A. M TK1I1. I OU l'Tltt.Alil'l rut V. loavr ll.r.limor.i at bl ., II 4' I A. M. lKrl), I Id, i -:! and lu V. M. WHiiiiie.lon nt 1 4K, fi 4.'., !l A. M.,U'2I.1,1 1.1, 4'(lO,4-;i3, 7 111 d 'l III 1'. M. Mallslniry at ll'U A 11. Minuld ut 1 I., V. M. l'0rrHl li : 0 A. M.t and 4'1'iP M. ew t'aist).' nt H ;jii A. ,l . and it"7 P. f. fhMUr ut 7 4ft, 40 A. M-, 1 ml, V) ill, 4'4(l, (.00, 7"4S, 940 v.m. leave niiltlnioic for Salisbury anil intermediate itallanR, ai lo 2S IV M. Leave Baltimore for liover und ItiUrmr'iM.ite- ktatlom at lloPM. TR,IVH -OH BALTIMOI.'h, T,rava I'hi ster at m ill A. M , :i i.' and li ".'1 . . M. l . kTo Wllm liKlnn at O 9 J.i A M., A 40 and 1140 r. .m. Kreiiilit Tralni, ivttU Pameniter Car attached, will run atf lellew. : l.enve Nvilmliiflun Tor Peirvvilleaud lnteriniil!atepliei at ;-4.'i P. M. H I JS 1 ia V 1 -On'y al 4 30 A. M.. 10-:H) P.M., from I'hlla deiiiluuto Haltlmnre. It. ui l'hlludeltla lo WIlmliiKt'iil ut 4' JO A. M., 10-30, ana li p. M. I n. in wiiTlnirton to I'titHilelnbln at 1-4H A. M. nnd T-oi) V M. Unb at l"".'i I. M . I10111 llalll noru to Philadelphia, jal 11 KKN-NKV, sniirliiteiuljiit. It! 1 CAMDKN AND ATLAN- Q1! i lOUt. Tl! RMI.KUUI. IOU-1. HI'MMKR AHilANiltMP.NT. THIIOI (HI IN TWO lOt'HSIII Four traloi dully Ui Atlaiitu I'lty. On m il ntlnr MO.MIAV, July 4, truUia li ave Vlnoatrdet Ferry Ml follow : Hull, V IH1A. H. reirfht. itti pAisenivr car atfaebid.9-15 A. M. l'.xtri b (itirouli in I hours) -1 110 p. M. Atlan'lr Aeiv.nunodHtion, I 10 P. -M Jiiuviloii Acc'iiniii xl.llon, ,v: P. M. liKTHKMNil 1.I.AVKM ATLANTIC, AeeonimiHiatlnii i AU.intl'.; '44i A. M. Kxpren., 7'HM A. M. I lelul.l. II'.VI A M. Hl.ll, 4 Ih 1'. V. JiinelieD aeeouiDl' daflon. A- M. Vure lo Allan I', H Hound Trip TIektt (Kcrtlonly for tlie day and tmin on whlni tney are t..ued) il". KXIHA II t4lONKIKLI) TRAINS, i Mave Vina ain-et lu ll. A M. and I on p. M. Leava Uaddumleld I'l'i P. M. ai.d'i ti P. M. US HIINIIAYM. Mall train for Allantle leavei Vina street 7-80 A.M. ' 1 eaves Atlantic 4 41" P. JM. j:iv 11 JOHN 13. DIU'AMT, Anenl. T)ini.ATi'i.rniA ami bai.timoiik"cen J THAI. HAH.HllAl), OPKN fO UXI-'UHI SI'ltlNO AHIUSetMIVI. Ou ai d amr I Ml DAY. April I, 1mi4.1I tralna will leave a I0II0W1, I.EAVK lilSTWAIIO. ; l.EAVR WLSTWAIW. 1AIUII.H. A. SI. ! M. "i,lims,H. A. M F. M. 0. xlnrd ! an li Plillailelphia.... 11O 4 1 VleAli.rnse t.' '7 11 '.it en'lister. .. 7 4.' 4I.' A or I kIf in: 4 il VY. C. Junelio.l.. AIM S-4I Keiinvll 7Vd 417('..n-.rd 9-1 ft-.ii Cln.l.,1 l ord. ...7 III 4 II Chvld'n Kurd,... 11-11 1114 Cneurd U-oil i-ou KeniH ll Mitt 8.17 W C. Junction.. !. !i 1'. Avondale 10 21 li- .l Phiind. -iphia ti K-11 We.i i.rova.... mail 7 0-.' V, eat I lieiler....!! .ill 4. Ill Oxford lu.iri T :KI Pas.t e.ei ! oi In p-illHd'itila lia m-en ehuniid I'rua Fl,l,teeieli and Mjrkst ., to I'll III I YH It4 f and MaHKI T Mrfeti, I'm l'l.liii.leliliia. Market SlrBot Puaser-iier Hallway ('aia tmivey PaasteiiKera to and Irom Uie Il.p't. 1'ass.tnaeri- to Ihroimb Irl.oti 1 ehanne of r.iri. )u4 lIKMiY W' HI), S01.er1ui.n1I1 nt CAI.KM UAII.KOAD COMPANY. MVS. O l.ttif' Illnc 01 Tralna, eiounnenelnil FRIDAY, Januury 1, 1WI: rein lYali.ul Hirrat Wharf at 9 A. M.,1 unit 4 P.M., fiviiilit IV! V. It."i:i.llu, leave halem a: 4 A. Nl.,itoJ A. AI.,I10PAI. IretBlitua'ty h wos. Anplvtn MULT IN MILL'S. Av-nt, Second Covered Pier above '4'AI.M'I Sin-at, H HKI.AWAItK Avenue, lal tt J. VAS UKNSKlI.U.-i.erlotui.enl. SHIPPING. tiFfU KTKAM WF.I.KI.Y TO I.IVKK- - 1 Im - ,fil-kmmii hii-hiihii ol tli l.h et tM, N.-f V.irK, aid I hilmli ipl ia Huruut.ttnp ( ompjity are fn'i-iitlel tu all as Ii.Dmv : OI I Ol- MANCIIKHTKH. KutnnUv, Anir js! 1J 1 1 Y ay I.ommin, Maiurday. Anuiut CI1V HAI.TIMOHK. Saiimlav. Aim it 27. Ami erv nujre iIIiik Haiurday, at umu, 1' m Pier No. 44 North liiv.-r. ItATr.H UK IVAHSACK. Faal kln fluid, ut it ulii'iu In t'urreucy : Ji'hi 1'i'inn fsi'iM rttwrae ffll'iO t imt ( ahui to I outliii Ki it) lri'ra-; ti I . tii'toi. . . 41 t 1 tret 4'iiliin u I ttrlM... . H I'l'iuu-1 I'uri 4n o) Kir-t Culiin tnlliiiiitnirn!Hfi M-Titrt' ilamfjiir.. H7 K) I'MKufiii'i rH .in- I'orvvm ik't to 1U rtt, itieuiuu Hot ti'iilcm Altt etp. A- . At ii.ttl- low rnlfs. I),t-. tr- in I ivt-riio'il or iJur,Mii)Wii h'lrtt rai(n, Vfl, fn,1', (HWi HtmTdiai' I mm l.ivi" noi unU it'iultMi, I '1 huce ivm vthh tu Nei.il iVr thrir Irk-mJit can buy tiikc's 1 en- at t !-. rati a. J ur luittitr iuioiiuatlun apj.lv at theOompnnya ortls- oi, JOHN 41. lAI,i:, ni-n(, Ko. Ill WA1.M T 8ire.-t, riuliiai lpliia. fw liOSTON AND rUHADKUMUA. 2iMktfiaw Bleauinhlo Mne, eallliifr from e.tch poil on fiAnl 1 KliA)'H, (Tula flrr.t w hurl ab(v I'ISK btnml, 1'hila (U'lpli a, Hiid Lonn Wh.uf, 1 ton ton. From rtr( vrliarl aluivi' I'ISK HtrtM-i.oii tSaiurdav. AuijiUHt l i, lsM, li e kiemiiblilpUAXON, MhUIicwi., will auJl ftWrj riitla di lnliia tor IWihtoii.on Haitiirav.Auk'Unt Li. hi H'o cl ick A . M ; and the Htiaaiklil) NUHM AN, biiUerrutiiUoHtoulur I'hllailcli'likA.oii name dHy.ut 4 1. M. 'Hu e nt w and huliMtnitttal att .iiJieli.pH form k regular lhif , t-d'hiip- from eat li port pnn initlK cn NaturilaA-a. liifuruiut-i eJlvcteO at on u ball Hit prvuuuu. cliaryi j on aillr I'KitlKi I n itiitii taken ut fair ra'r. Hhlnirn an-rt'ijue)ttd lo nenfl Blip RiTttti kind SHU Lidliii! witl. ttit-ir floods. - Fur lienilitor l'aiiKe (lining fine nprommndntlcms) Pi'iy to jai-ti Xo.Hiit b.lJKl.AW A lit Awuue. aLfrl iJ?a.id H jt ii iiiui ( uiml. 'I I if i FOK NEW YOKK. DK8PATCU Hwinmre IJnei, via lielawar. and p .leuuielii ol' tliene line, are laavina i'all a. I'.' ii'cloot, U., audb o oloea 1'. M.,troiu ttilidpiur lor fri-ittd, vMcb will he taken on aoeorauiodatlnf wriiit. R.iir 10 at. II.UIID A UU., AO. 14 b HI LAWAHE Avenue. 4fffff FOR CALIFORNIA. HEOPKNINO iilirii-i of I'"' Nicaragua Koiite. Tu elagaul new auiu.bi. ItUI.IiKM It I I.E. will leave ON ilAll KI.AV. Alien. V7 al nison. I.oweit rales of Paua.e UuouU from Philadelphia to D.u r i nuei.ev. A.pl tu W. A. HAMII.l., ) I6 lm Ko. J17 WALNUT HUwaL tK FOR LIVFlll'OOL, SATURDAY, 1 i.e 111 ijrii ,i,ip V AKLUUVEB, CaptaU J. I). Caillda. w til i,all a. alu. ' I'ur tnu;Ul m in,iafie, apply to 1UUMA ItirnARIlHlIN A CO., railroad Lines. VFW RAILROAD LINT. NORTH. Xv riiii.Anr.i piiia to itMHini s, THHUCOH IM riVK HOI K. FA HK tl. F..vrmow tm kp.th .i.ni)ii mn ruvr.r. mat. un and arter MONUAY, .Mian at I, Iv4. Ir.ilni wtll lea.e Mp' Vl.NF. atreet. Philadelphia, evprv l.iorntnK a H A. M. iffnndey. en-ereo ),!(.' ic l.v the I'aooleti ond Al tinlle an MarMan and lielaware liar llailroadnlo Port Xeninouili, and l.y r.ominodl'iii. ateamer J. Uovt, tot.olof Allaiilie itrefli. Prnolilyuj ret irulin.', lertve At lanile Mreet wharf ivory day ( Sundavi e. 'td.-dl. at II AM. Ttaveler. fo ll,e rlty of Mewiork are notlrlednollo a.pl Uir pnR.Ke l-ythle line, llieMti,.,. ,,f s,..v ,lMr..-v haslpe eranl.d to the I'.unilen at- Amlmy mnoi-ily the evelniilve prlvllere ot earn Inir pas.rmiT and lr.-n.-iit l.e tw a the rlili ol Pti Indi-tntdu and New o-. h V I- tf W. V. f.KII'l inn. K.neral loperlutenil.iil. Dini.ArKi.riiiA, of.iim antovvn, and J uitKitiiuwN HAti.m.Aii. TlMl". TAHI.B On an aftir MOMiAY, May HI. 14, until further nun. a. I fllt lir.RMlTI)sVV. Learn rhllnd.lpl.ia . 7, H.v 111 11,11 . SI. : I . ?, n 10. .IV.. 4, S .'4.i J, H, II, III, 11. IV) P M Lea.el.ermanl n,, 7. 7 i, H. a ..!. 1", It. li A . M . , 1. -.- . 3,4 ,f.. G.li1, 7, !l. '" ' '' VJV' Sl- 1 hea-Tndown, and Hie 3'.; ui d .'i'i tralnl up, do n it M.n on the Oeinianl. n llra;. ii. IIB-SIT II I I.I. It MI.KOAI). I.., ire PMInieldiia,6, , 10, 12 A. M.; i, J ,,''.. 7.1, "ni'ivei'hei.il lltll. I'll, , ! 40, If W A. M . ; V 0, 1' 10, 1 0. 4fl, 40, ar in 1 p. M. inu 1-ns.Hiiiiinii ki-sj nil VilltlttSTllWV. Lenve pl.llad. l.hia 1,8 Ja, II A. SI.; J.'i.a.lAt.Vi. i ae. a eN ..i lis. i M I lava N.irrial.iwn.o'.', 7, 7-.'1,9 and 11 A. M. ; II. 41,, l.l, and I'. M Tl e f,', Ira n up, " 111 iton al Wlnsalil. Ion, M niajniik, and i y.i.iIhx ken only. KtlH MA NAVI'NK. Leave Philadelphia, ti. o'ltf.. II 'HO A M., l'i, .1. t!i. "iS. S. K-l.'iand ItS P. M. 1 . se Mnn, .ink. , ,S.n 2", II, j A..J..J,9. , and I'S P. M. II. n. 1 1 I II , i lener a I np"ni Triioeni. ni3l In-iKit, SIM II a id i.hi.LM -sire-la. X'ORTH FKNNSYLVANlA UA1LR0A0. 1 lor BITIILKIIKM. lMiyi,.4e,,,v, K,t4ri)N. MAl l II rilt'VK, HALK1U.N, IVII.KI .MIAKHU, all! VI 1 1X1 A SI M' 'UT. M.WHr,K AllllA'H..ll.s r. Allll'-riKNAI. IKMN1. On and al' r MllN HA V, June I I hi Pa.aenirer Train! wltl leave the J'ew llepot, 1 Hill II Street, alios Thoino- iion Rtreet, Ph.ladelul.ia, dauy iminday. e.veepteu), al lolK-we 7 AM. IFipre.) ror nenieiirm. .:i"nto vn, viauen l.lilih, Wlihe.tMrre. W Mllainefiort. II l. A ii. lA'eon.iniolalloi.) t r In.ylest- "11. li. l A. W. lAKoiemodml n ) i-t fori waihtnat. n. A P. M. I Ai .-en-modatto... I Kir iKi.le.lovsn. S-4.S P. M. iF.np'ex) f .r lli 'lilel,.'iii, Kai.oli, Ac. I l.'i P. M. Mail)AT Ioie.ton. l it. P M.I Aeeoinnwidalkin) Ur lie hlelienl, All, ntow n, and Man. h l liunk e"lo P M. t Ai eonimodiiiieii) for l.ansflale. 11 P. al. I Areow in. kI. l niii ) for Kurt Witiliuli.tdn. iHAlfs-t H)t PIlll.AIIKI.PliM leave nelhl- heiii at .10 A M .tlai.V.M , and .'. 07 t. M. Iievlemown a-.li II) A. II., 3 16 P. M.,and i P. il. l,.-tnd.ile al A. M port W Mutton a; IPS A. M. and J P. M. on su;ni)vs. Pl'.lladetp' ia e-ir Bethlehem al H A . M. Ptnl.d' Iphia for lioYle.town at :l IV M. Iin)kMotv n tor Phtla.ielptiia ui 7-AI A M. Ilrtldehem tor Phi adelplila al IP. M. lllllnian . Ila.irai.i' I .sereas Hill ra.l IV an. I liver baa- rai"' at the depot. Orders: may la let! a: No. II J H. I il 1HII Blreet. jeld 1LULI.1 Ci.Altn, AitCllT. EAD1.N O RAILROAD. f.KKAT Tkl'SK TalVE mOM PMIKMlKI. III A TO THK IS'TKItlOU OK rt.l-iK LVAMA, 1 II K III UII.L . SliV Qr.HANNA.'l'MH.lll.AN , A WOAU?IO VAII.KY, AMI 0HTH, NOKJHWtbT. AND Till' CANAlA8. PASSKSOKK TliAfVS Ixave tT-e T'lni-anv e l) nu. at TltlKTEKN TH and AI.l.oWHH.L Hincti, Philad'phia, at thu following tiiiuri At 8 iri 4. M.. fi r Hdwiiiiif. I.vtii.iion. F.nhruia. IJtl. C'-IntiiMa. IarnklfurT. P'tiifvilii-, paurte. 'fiiin t iuh, Hnnnury, HIiauiAport, r hhim. I"1 :het;r, Nlnara r nl-a, liuliato. Alle.Aow r. i atiflrre. Plttiton. York. Carlialc. Llmrxib rt-rinr-!, lUxi r.tvw 11. A t l lie trin rfiiwo'cti at nr. A IX Nt wiin tz.mi P 'Dnivivi- nia ltilrad trnin ior Anentnwn. Ac. tlm Iteadinif and Coliin bia knllrouii tor llphraia, Lit , and Colnni'ila aod witb the lliiinori Vail y tram fut II uri-lii.f v xr. at P4C ri.lNTON wlih CatHwI-ia hrtlin it l Rim lor Vuk.-s arre. Mli)j!iis.ptTt. Ica Haven. Klinlrn, Ac; at IMKitiH. I'.l'Kti with 1 Northern Criitral," 'TiiinlierLiud Vallfv," ai.d ( rhui IKill mid Vuit:n-lia.;ii" trAim tor N ut Him ! rlandVYiiiiuni'p rt Yik,"liaT Iter- luirtt, Pmefrovo,iV.'. at ituxjo.'N r.Art.r.R Leaves Pliiludi Iphla at 'A-'60 P. M. tor Keadiinr, Potts ville. Plriiinie. lliirriKtmrv. .Vs.. fonnenfiin; at llarrli- Ihitv w lli Pcnnsyu miia Ontr.il trains for Piiiihurv, be, ortl.f rn ntrai Uallroad trttins for Hiintnny, North h m leriARd. khmra. A"., and at Port 'linton wttU 'ntawlahit JUllroad train1 fur Milton, Willuiinkort. tCliuir. BuiUlo, AC. It K MM Ml At.H IWlt)lA TlflX, Lfavi'i AeadiLft at ti -0 A. U.,tioplnir ut All wav sta ll la.aniuhK In I'liHuilelpliia at A.M. Ki iiiridtifr, U avt'M eiaJadvlplua ai ft'tw P. M. ; arrives In Heiutn l at fW P M. T ralnn for Fhilailolphla Mave HurrMmr.; at fl A. V., and Potthvill- at !) L' A. M . arrtvitm In PhtlKilnlphia at 1 ." P. M. Al rnoim train lae HarririuorK at l P. Al , potsvl)! at '".') P. !. anlvluvr In I hl'udoMna at 7 P. M. Murhft tialn. Mith a prtsNOtirT cur at'ai'hn l, l-vs Philuiu-lpMu at I P. M . fnr Iteming and all way otatl'in! ; li avi-k. uainp, ut 17, noon, and lh"vnln,own at lt KIP. M for ri.iiHiii-ijiniu ana an way union All the above irntr.s run dally, Kini'luys rxcuptod. fcundar Irnln. leave PottHvllle at 7iW A. M.. and P delpbluutU lo P AI. rilKHI KH VALI-KY ItAlLHOAfX Pa'eeiii.'t'roi lor lMu-nlnuiown und littenne Hae oolnta taVe Oi'-Hlo A M. nnd 00 P. M.lrniui iron I'lilladclphii., returning Item Downlntoe n at 6 40 A. M., and V2 ii porn. hKW YOiiK KAt'ltBSH PtUl I'll 1SHLK.J AND lllli WK-T. Leaves Nfw York at 7 P. M., pintlng Kad.nirat I'J mil nijsln. and foiiiievthiif at llatrie uric with PeaoylvaHia Itfiilrond txp e Ira In h for I'lttuhm,. Ret nrnii.ii Kxitretfi train leavot llarrlehurifon nrrival of the PmitiM M aula F.npreng litim PttihurK at il'.ViA.M,, pammc Read uu; at H 46 a. l.,and arrWIiiK ut Nw Ymk i 1 1 r ai. Mt-f-pii g cn'i ORtotiipariy ineie train n throUita, between Jtrtty City and I'ittatiurrf. witUoul eh ar ur. Mull tralna tr New Y0 Vave Marrfojiivrir at H A.M. and 3 P. At. Mad tralna ior lUrrlsburtf leava ew York at u a.m. an'i a m. h(HI , I KILL VAI.I EY It AM.KO l. Train h ave rott-vipe at 7 l' A. M. and .T-JO P. M.. re- tmnirir Iron Tnranra at H III A.M. and ?. M. HCIM I. KILL A Mi bl Sit Ktt A N .N A KA?I.ROAI. Train l-ave Anhnrn at Si;, A. M for I'iiiLvnive and lUrrir-bitr, ami at l: and 7 10 P. M for Plnerova only ; rciurntnr tiom H.irTlhOLirK at P.M., und iruni Pl.ua- aru.cttt e jo a. ai., ana 4 ami ; r. ji. 1 U KK'1 9 Thromh flrat rlrna tickttfi and enilirrant tlrkefe to all the prli eipal j oint's hi the North and YVeit and c'anaiKi. j ne Kiion unr tH-aevi are outainainenniv ai inn oin.a or 8 liHADPDliU, 1 nature. No Xtl H. IOLK1H htre.it, 1 finaoi-pi ia. or oi i. a. mcui.li, ut Duraj Bujiennieu tliUt, Ittaaini t:OM MTTATION TICKKTS. A '.'fi per cei t dicouut, tiettveen any points tlelred, for laniUta aiid firm. MILEAGE TU'KKTS, i;rod fi r vu l miier, beiwefo all puiuta, at C 35 each, for (au illeu and Urm. hliA'ON TH KI TS, for three, nix. nintt.or twelve tuoiitliri, for holderi only. U all point n, at reduced ratei. i.lar Hti xr..i lfesidinp r n tho Him ot tho road ulH he ftirnlnhed with caidh, t'DLtthiiK iieuiavlv-M aud wltca to ticket ut hall fare. KXCUHHION TICKETS l'rroPhllad)pMa to prim ipal atairoini, g d ftrAatur dav htn da v. ar d M.mdi , at red no d 11 re. to he had only at the Th kut OiU-e, al TlllRTELN Tli and CALLU W 11 1 LL btreet. KREHHIT. (or da of all der-rlp'ions forwrded to all the ahov o iitn. front the Compaiiy'a tiew trubitit depot, li)tOAi aiidTvILLO btreen, Ul.KiHT TRAINS 1,erve Philadelphia daily at ti A. M , 1 P. M. ,uo J '1 P. M , for Hradli k. Lruunon. Ilarriiibiirg, PottivUle, i'ort Cllu tut), aud point (xteond. MAILS Clnie at the Philadelphia Pmi. odloe for all plaeea on tha ri ad nt d its hrantteb at ft A. Al. and fur tho principal fclnti..n..inl ai'i l'.p M. "TEKT CHKSTKR AND rillLADELPHIA KAILKOAM. VIA MHHL M HIN11 AKHAM.KMKST. On and atttr KK1DA V, Apiil 1, lntvft, thvTratiu willleavej a lotlow t, : I enve Philadelphia from the Dt-pot, corner of THIKrY Fllil and VARKKT Hiaets. B A. .M , 11'U.i A.M. ,1100 r. ., - p m.,(.-4- p. m. I hiiadel' Ida liepot Chan, . d from KM.I1TKKNTH and M.M.KLl MittU to JlilKli HitM and JdAliKLT Mnitn. LstH.e W.-t1iestrr,frftn tc Depot on East M VHKET 6in !,- A. M.,7-4.'. A. M., II A. M t'2 I. M . 4 Vt P M 'i he run l tie Weil 1'lii.adol lua Pmum.iit Ruilway ''t uipbii t Meiki't iirj(-i ) w ill convey Paaaeu4;era tu aud frini the I'Mludelplua Ih pot. Of SI NOAYS. I, rave Philadelphia ai n;uia.M. and '.f'JJA P. M. 1 t ue Weal I iH-Hti-r at h A M. and 4 t P. M. 1 lainii l& Inv I'hilaife phta al 8 a. M. and 4'"0 P. 11., and Went t.'hi'a-er at 4 A. .M. and 4 4A P. M., connect with trama on tin- Ph iudelphU and Hultlm jio t emral ItaHroad tor 0 (nid and Inn riniti;iti' H intt. jut il ENIlYWlt!,l.fi.r UviinerinteinLiit. TT JKRSEY RAILROAD LINKS. IV ( otiiuieiicliiv on AlONiiAV, tuna K)( Itsil, iron ulnitt bine.'. hurl. FOR CAPE MAT. Atrtni.illOA M. nd 4 I'-Q P. M. For finlera und Jti Ul.etin, at 11 A. M and I P. M. For l.lafMoii,at -,:, aiitl lo A. M., and 4 and 4 ;W P. M. For Vo dhuiy, Oluusvt&iei't del a. 0 and V A-il., lt il., and 4 and 8 P. M I.ETrRWNOTHAIirS LEAN'P Oftncftlay at ti aud 11 4oA. M., and.VIOP. M. MtlUiUeat 7'Ju A.M.. and VM uud ti vO P. M. Knit m at 6 A.M., and IK P. M. ItiiiVft-n atH i:A. M., 1JWIP.M. iWa.Mhnro at 7 lo and HHo A-M..V2H, S On, nud T M p. V. VSvoiibmo al 7,7 H' auJo' A. M.,aud '2 W, bi, amibl'-r.M. THE WERT .TEItHEY FXPKK8 f!0MPA KT, Olnee, ISo. b WALNI 'J' KU-et, will call lor and deliver nauuducund atltud to all the uanal bianclie 01 Kxpioi-a hufciM'HH, Unity arti'la taken hv ti A AL luu only, and uuiMt be iient to tne omce tne evcnina previoim. rensaa ble article by tin, line mutt be ?eut Wime A. M. A apt cial abeiiMer aui-ompauiet each train. mjM J. AN ltLNh.sKLALK.tiuperttiteadtut. ICi'Ii rnil.ADEI.PIUA AND 10(14 lftl). Eh IK UAIUAI. loO'l. Tine greitt l!ne travemea the jSoniicrn and Norihw t tountkfc t PtiiDlvauia to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It ha beeu k-aed hi the I'EN.Nbi LVAMA UAlLliOAU t'OMPANY, and under Uulr aimplcee U tKiim iMpidl itasfiied tiirotiuhoiit ltd eutire letutth. It la now In use for l'atitenijei- aud Freight btiilneti from HaiTikhuiK to Euiporinui. niUe),ott ibe fcanleru lh l. hiou, and froui dhtlLvld lo Kile (76 iuUee),ou Uia invjo Dl.taiou. 11 uk or rAaaiKoxt traiki at riiiLAMtt.pHti. - Mall Train leava H oO A . M. LMre Tram U-avea , h);j p. M Car run tbroutib wii iiorT riuN-i. tttlt way 1 ou lhea trains Uetwe pilladelhfiaud Lock 11a, eu, and Ln,lctu liaJtluiore and Lock Haven. Eit-tinDt ftit-evlnf Cam 011 the Kxpreac Train both wan, For liitonnatiun rehpectlnit I'atnunger bufUie, appl at the tt. L. corner w t LEV LNTM aud MAitKEl hlucti. And for Freujhl buinei ut the Company AKeut H.lLKlni(lon,Jr.,coiuwfcL"aU.ilUud J1AHK.LT treets l'hlladelulita. J. W. Keuoldj,Ert6. J.U. sPrlU, Avut, . tf . C. R BalUm -re. lLlIOHSTOK. General Frehrht Auent, pwiad. iNdo LL Iri t. liutPl', General Ticltt AKeiit, PkiiaiixiphiA. JOHfcl'li IL PuriH, , Jftl-lf ' "" CkaaalMauaaiUiwapy RAILROAD LINES. lf. M.W .ilk ltM. l I. he Tin 'n mt Ani'ii nod ,f mle iHfiV anil Tr-wt nalltipad i mantea' Liiw; from fmudeli.ti'a t ,tew fork atari 1 1'IM' r0t WAI JII'T fvTHKEf WHAKF, Will Ichv ai fulioAn. mx. PAM. AttA v.,v ai amden anil Amnoy, C.tnd A. Ac- i fni'UMiation $'2 Ai v.N , via ( ami. ti 'id .fern y (Ity, M.4-aln4 r.tj.n ion At I J M . laCin.d n nd Ami-o,0 and A. Afm- m i. a ion i ?' At VP. M. la (HtiKin and Anm..y. . a d K- pr.--a 2' All T. M..via ''nniden and Aintmy, t;,onia.iilfiioa rteli. it md Pin-i-nuer) 17.'' At i P. M., in iip.ppn iind int'n, Acr-nnmo JattoO 4rrUhtaiid Pa.-- iik- r l"t Cia- lirfcit TV Vd( le- d ... I-' At 7 , I'. M., via t'rttudt'it una Ai!i)y Ar.i'ntiHNla- li' ii (n ithi und ratifnmr), l-t t:iaaa Ticket..., 8 M I d- I fr Mmtrh i liwnk, Alh-uV-vn, H'-tlilfhem, Hehttl-sr. n. I nmtM-rtvlil- Kleintn-'t.-M, A , J'-Hi I. M. or leauilnTtv and inti-rinetMa'e 8m trim, at h P. H V"r M it lloliv. l.ioFvi k, r- rat-.Ttoii, and Vincoo town, at n a. m.. -J mi. I ft K M I or I T t-lM.l.l Mt ti ,, M. Hi,d P. M. fir l'nlnivm, Itlvi rton. Iflm-o, Hpr'r!r, WiirMnfftrtrj, M'.rei on, tfMli-niown. nt i A M.. 12 MM 1, ' . and i; I'. M. ,n l ii ard I M. Imei run oi (reel lhrou. to Truiifin, yr p-iinvra. lUvrrion. !lanro, Heverly,and Harllmi 1 n at 7 I. Sl M" intoai Treninn, Uir HHn'ol, HiirtliKton, verly. Torret.ciai'. nrd l ai-nn y at i ;to A. M. and 'i m p. M. I.IM.H rK.f KRSHIHUrN HKIUT W 111 knvr an (nj' y At I A M iv;Mi KfiistintrtAn a-id .Vew York, s asliitiB'i-n ainl N v otk Ud J"2' Al ll'la A. M., via Keiiilmyt 'ii aiid .leroi'y t'lty k. !!' 3 m At 1 I". M., iu KnllllOlI and Ji:rey Chy F.t Vr 3'0t At I. al , via Kfiimiton and Jry (Mty, W anoint. l"n and N- w om K. iret...,. .yfm Hit m!h.) lnifd ) ;vi al 4 A. M. and h P. M, I lie re iik be no lli.r nt I A. .M. Mtjiltf ) on .M niia.v. r- or v atcr ii.ti, M'r"uUhti v. cr-inton, Wintio'iarTv fHiirroe,(;tiat ftnul, Mh-h Ii t'tmnK. Ai'f Cnn, hethle ) m. Iti lv i, K nut- n, Linilw-rt villi. Kretnlnatnit, An an i'li A. M ii in iini-i- nntt wnn uie train ua.1,1- h,4toi i-r Main (1 1 ' 1. link at 4 '.'i P M. K- r Lenil-ortvU and intrrtn-dlite itattottt af 1 !. M. Kr lirtsiol, lietiioii. Ac at l iand II A. M., and.' I. M. 1 ur MidnieolHiri'.Taroriv, WIflio'nltur, Brld ntjura.an' f Tntikii.nl ui A. il I and P. 1. HirD A. M. Linl runa o un t 1. I -"K.r Nrw V"rlt and Way lAwn leavlna Kvntlnirtr I i"t. tn IN c -r- 4n iHh ".'rei't, alu.vw Wftinnt. Salt at hour 1 4'iMia dt iiartfrf. TUr ir run loo tlie -1 t, uum hi 1 urrh nl f.f ench trln run from "ie Iiefxd. I in v t. nnd ot hftvra.e only allowed each paeIllrr I'afi-i ncr. an prolut.tirt tt m takmii anytMn an i-aM(ak't f'Ml Uii il w-niltifc i.irptiffi. ah ii.ii.KJao'e iivnr riny Miinj tn lie 1 nid for eitn ThT 4rtnpany HnU tlu'lr rnm! blhty tor lia-Hie t One l dlnr tr rn'iod, aod Hi not h linMe nr m, amount beynnd fl'W, except ny aperiai eoo Ua-1 ".rat nm'r Tet!:n-.-e Kitiratft will raMfor and dt'MvT m Vflire at tl c l"iMr'.-. Order;" m le-t at No .1 WVI-NUil at"'l. vr.vi. ii. viAi.n w.n tKeni. Anuiikt H. ltM,A. L I K B niuM XRW YORK FOR rillLAPKUPHlAf WII.I. liKHfc Kro'in fo.it of C.MTitnn uin-! at Vi M. and 4 P. M., vl Jersey it atirti aintien;a.7 and I" . m ,0 r. M ,aJi IU I Nit I t 1 IM .iTKI'T t Itv ADll Kltil-MlaCl'lll Kromf oti Hnr--:a v -trtct, ut (i A. M and 2 P. M., vi rroml'tfrNo. I North River, at 12 V., 4 mid 8 P. M xn.iHiA nun 1 atmiifn (I n-1,.111 and I'aeniu(eri via Atnitov and :auiuen. i;ri:r.!it links for nkw yohk ani X ail Ihe e'atlotia ou the Laiudun and Aninoy and cou nc 11111; i.a.if.iai. n i.M'itr nrri m:ii. The ( anidfii and Aaibov Kailmad and TMnsoortatk ' orupat. rn-'tflit Linen for Nfiv York wtll leav Walnb ireet whaif. 011 und alter January ti, dully (Sundays a ceptcU), at ) 11 ei.-rn i-, . Itetiimli g. Uie uraive Lint win leave jsew o a at 1 00 4 P.M. Fri ght tnnd be delleied before J-H p. M. to be lor wanted li e ttkiiie day. rreM't tor lrenuui, Prltic ton, Kington, S.-.w Brunei Vli k , and all pointi on the t'am ten mi l Alnoy Hatlroat alto on ihe lifiruiere. Iie'awnr. and (taint nut in. tne Marl Jeri' . tne J-re ho Id and Jautenhnrir, nd ihe IturMiiKtoC and Mount Holly NaHroad", received and forwarded tip t iiy- o rv i k r. ai . nmaii pacauei tor nouni uouy receive1 tin ta l . I.,h V l The Pelvmere lhVvar Hallroud ronneeta at Phillips f our, wuii the idiiyu niwv naiiroaa. 1 he Jeree hallroud niiniectH at Ehi'ieth wilti the S:w Jernc Central HMlmail, and at .Scw.irk with the Morrla ailJ A slip vi iiioiandnm, specilyiiot the marks and nam brn. khioueiH ai d connLi'et a. lomt m e. erv Intuuce i At in ni h 1 :wti 1i.hO if imi rlK or no n vfittf wtll ho nlvon' InereHKcd r i ? It - havnn; iein iuadi tor the rtnuportof tiou 01 ,l E hThi k. drovi-rH are Invited to try thm rouUf W her the stock l fiirnmiiedln Muaiitnles of Ti)OAi l.'LM'S or n ote, It will be delivered at the f-mt (if Kortiei Ktrert, nenr tl 1 Dime Yard-, or at Pier No I Nnri Klver, a the sh pirr may u-mi nate at the time of tli ahipUHUt. WaLTKH EHKEM AN, FriMht Afent, No. 1s H. Delaware avenue, Phlltdalplua, lEO. 11 IfAYttOtH.Kreiuhr Aent, )oS-tf Pier No. I. North lliver. New York. f JlllLA.iKLnilA AND TUKNTON ANI A CAMDEN AhU AM HOY KAlLllO.vU COMPAMES&i NOTU E H mi bi u ni 1 it ui -' r 1 1 ,imiuur,i imn, inn 1 rnina H Jew lorn, Iiumiik hnii Kt n J't-pot, Philadelphia, u AI2A.M (NU:hO,and i :n ' M , ami tho irmim loavln St w York ui H A M . and 7 : 0 p. M , -vlll h"i"ilier be m excln, Hy r tr.e United Htat Matli and NeerVori und HafhliiKinu l'aieiKerii and will not take In nor a out an pUrfenui r hrtweoii nulc ct.Ies. 'I he H' A. M. and 1'.' MianlLht Lit en f ont New York t WNhliiKton. and the 1 1 AO A M aid A P. SI. Linen frou rVafhiiiKloti to New 1 ork. will coiiifnui an at prcnent, an cany ) aaei uerr to and from thaiiiterinadiaUatatloaa Oil Tlfillliiinrn. U in.lilitultin.ai il No Vork AltltANliEMENTi HMWEEN PHILADELPHIA AN) NF,W 1 Oil K- Lines leave Phllade ptda. finm Kemlntrton Depot, a ll lft A.M , HW), and ii to P. M.,and 1' ,') mldnUnt, an. liotnAValnnt tftiei t Wharf fvi Camden), alii and 6 A M.i 1? M.. 4 ard tip M.. lor Kew York. And leave" New Y011, from fo t of Court 1 and t jrrerf al 7 A. M lo A. 1 , li M . 4 and ti P. M , and at li mi f ni. tit ai..a llni.. Iau,4 a.l Udlel .u .t.A.. a il U P. M. WJi.' A. OATitMKK, jfttf Aeut.. 1fH4. P KNNSY !i V A N I A lot f CEN I ft AL It AlLKOAIL I ''W THE I.PVAT iMiVl.l.K-riiAt K HIKlKT KOt'TR Tl. 1I1I-; nr.hTi MiKI HHrST, AJl hOUTUwRSTi, EdinnnientB and laelhtlea I or the n-ile. iiinkIv. nA mm fort 1 hie trar fpotta.ionol pakkeuuera. uiniirpa'gied oy aujfii P me 111 11. r ronnirv. w Trair.t hn e the Depot at ELEVENTH and MARKS if nui't 111 uk ionti. h : MhiI Train au T'lh A. M Ftti Lint ut 11 A. M Tiiruueb F.xnreiihat U'-;a)P.M Parkeftbiir 'i ram. No. l.at lOfln . M Parkehbur Train, No. t.al 1 AO P. M IlarrlohuiK Aecoo.uiodailon at 2 30 P. M Lnm-aMer Train at 4 WJ P. M 1'aoli AecomuioUalioa (leavea Writ Puiladel- inhia) at IV0AP M. Trtioub Fa libera by tbe Fait Line reach A toon a fti Rupper. where w ii) be IouihI ci.lleni arcouiraoda'lon ft; ti e nkht at the Lovan lloiiie. and In the mornloa ma; lake either the Philadelphia or Baltim ore Expreaa, ati o which inikee c iiitiectlonii at Puthiirs for all ootuts. da.iliKht view la ttiua all en led of the entire lute and hVi Uiai-Uidceiit teenerv. 'Ihe Ttiroiixh fxpreBa Train runt daily; allthaothejf iraiu umoj rn-u riHiiunya. fOlt PiriHlil K.l AND TUB WRHT. ' The Mail Irmn. fast l.lue. and T limn or h KTnnn mh met at l'ltisbu'n with tnrouuh trainai n ah dtvonniMf roadri iioui mat poini, Minn to tne L.akeH, went to tne Unali i pi and Missouri Itlvera. anl South add Houihwe-jf to ai Kt. nt a acetMMe by railroad. I hmtiv'h Tkketi to C'eve nd, I -ft 1 on. CMeawo, ht Paul, Columbia., Indlanapelb, ISt J-ouiH. LeavenwoMh. Kanaaa. W heeiinu. 1 tavUin. Cln t innaxi, Lottihv ille, Cairo, and all other uiinclpal poiaU, miiu unmuv' vni 1 ivi-u I'lnHipo. I N MI A MA HMNCII HllIHOtl). Tbe Throui h KKiir44k. li'Hvltik.' at Ur:ii! P.M.. cAnnmtr at lalmllie ii ttrt-wtiou with tt Uaia un Uiuf rood tvk l iair jiir. inillui , a e. EL ENNUI Hi, M( KKHSOV BRASOII RAILROAD 1 he 'Ibroiith Fprii Train, kraviiuj at 10 P. M .oon reel at Crretn. ai lo -ifi A M.. wli h m train on tha tvtai for Lbenrhuiu A traina.au Ivavea Crcaaon tx LbauaburJ at H'tu r h . liOl.lJIAYIU im it ranch intn ' The Uail 'Jraiu at A.M., and Through Knpreaa all lOajCp. M , eounetai Altocuia with tralM tor UoUidoyi-i nurp at ... r m. aioi 0 i- a 1" HuNE AMi t I KAItl lK.ll BRANCH RAILROAD Thf 'I broMbh Enpresi Train, lfivinr at lo:) p. M .on net in ai Tr im win, a train for Handy Kidgu and Phlllipa btifK. and l-y Hald X nir alloy Mallruod lur Port Maiiida mir'iM.iir, MLU ii'-nriomf. IHM IMilHN AM) HRfiAD TOP RAILROAD. Tbe 'l tiroi'tfh Exuree Train. leavlnvat low p. M.co nci nt Lur ui.fcduit witb a Ira n fur llnuwU audblovv 1,'iin at li'-V. a M OkW)FHN t LNIbAI. AND PHILADELPHIA AHU Kill I', K ll.KMAiin. For Si r 1 my. Wt.iikuo.pjit, Look llavan, fcimlro, Ro eher-t r, Itiu al-. unit Nia,aia uli. uuu iters taXina- th k.ntl Train ut 7V.'i A. M. an I ihe Taroutch Kipreoki a Hi ;:0 p M da'-v ee pf und ty. eo direct 1 tnmuh wl hom il.anj.e ol can bLtweeu Phlladtipnia and WU lltHllfl'l I. ror Y(H;K.II ANVER. and (IKTTYSBITItO, the train leavltii.' al h A. M, and '2:i P. M , eonucet at ColmutiHi Willi iraiuaou ine joiinern 1 enirai Italtrond. CI MM. hi. ..Ml VALLEV KAILHOAI). fricMud lruiii at 7 'i'a A. M.. od thrtiuvli K It -,4i p. M , count vt at HarriIoir with U aiua for Cat Hale iiaiiiMTU' if, nun iinwi imkh u W AVNl.Hrtl ltt UKASCI! RAILROAD. Tlie tr.111 h Having at 1 X A. M and .10 P. M., conner mm on ,nn. w 11 who iraniH 011 nut rvaa u wayiMabttTj and 1 infeiio' illaie iti H iin Fur luiC er Iniuiniatlou a, ply at the Ptniener fetation, d. iu. luiiiti 01 r.Li r. 1 11 a- n maukki hi reel .1 A MLS ( U W' 1 M : K , Ticket AiliU, COMMCT C li iM n 'KEI'M. For 1, n,n,,i,r IS inoiiiha. ai erv I w rate, for the ac couimot'aTivn nlpeiM.i.a i iny out of tow n. Of loo a ted oJ or i.ear 11 1 ui.e 01 11 u rouu Cdl PUS' TICKETH. For'iC trim tatweeu any two potnia. at about two oenti per mile. 1 lu c rickets are intended lor the uaaot famile tn.vt ling iretiiently, and are ol nriut advonUge to ueraoui Biaaiufc uwiununai irip. . uon.kAT TII'L'1Ma For one or three moothi. loi ihe me oi acholan atteaJiu ci. 001 111 tue vi'y. WKfclKltV F.M It Ik AT ION. ' An F.nilvrnrt Accoiiiiuodauou train luatvcB No. 137 IHnr atreet oaily Hi.ndava excepted) at 4 o'clock lM,,ot..:rinr 1 a couilotiahlu mode of travel to taniilien tfolnir West. a1 om-liaU ihe Uhuli rate ot fare. Particular aituution In pnkl to LatKntfo, io; w hidi check are yivea, aud baaafiaj 101-H aiucu oy tne narec train wut panaciigura tor lull uitoiniatlon, jply to IKAiiiv'la FUNK. Emlirrant Afrent No. l-7 DOCK, oireet MAN'SS RA(i::AtlE KXI'KEHM. - An agent oi tin 1 ell able Evprem Company will pasij iniouaii eaiu irain oeiwtr reacuinK tne tie pot, aim tae u ( litcik oi.d deliver bakuaae to any pad of tii city. eiue will he called for promptly when orders ore loft at ty re-sneiiKei D-pot,Eievt uthaiid Market gtrueU. The ixaval Fl.ril.IITH. Bv thU rotita freiiihu ot aU doacrtotioni can be for wauled to ai.d Irom anv point on Uie railroads of Ohio Kentucky, linliana, lUijiui, Wii.com.in, Iowa, or Mlibutir bv lalhoad director lo any point on the navbja'jla watvL nr tiae Wlsl. hv hti-auit- tram I'll t iitirir. Hie rati, of Height to aud from any point In the We? bv U ePeDiibylvaiilaCeiitiaUtMliroad are at all tluiaa u: tavoiable on are ehMrufd bv other Italtroad 4Nmiaakk Merciiantk and bhlppeia euau-LlnB tue tranaportaUou o tiit ir untfi.t 10 u.i i.outpaii au rviy nuuww mMwui Fi-r In-iuht e4.niract or shipping dlroctloui, Apply to 0 ad.lrea Ihe Aneni ol tne 1 ompaoy S. It. JilNdMUN. Jr., PlaUdstipuiO P. A BTIAVAHT, PiiUbuu. . , I ltK lO . Clili tu. M tt 11 (XL, No 1 Aator Haute, or Ko. 1 8. WlUUni l I r. li iivii auul, UVBUm, a Vi II .1.1 All Kl;0W N, No. t .uiiU aUvat, UaWc AaeHI .vllll.lB s.vmrai iiauwav. - Ocnaral -ri.ht At-nt. 1'iilla.i.e.hia. l.t,V18 L. Il'iui'l', Oemrul Tlclot aic nt, pliuj. ii.ul. . KHUCU (Ieneral Siijtlutuaviil, AUvvua, r.