TTIE DAILY EVKN1N71 TKLKGltArtT. P I1ITAI)KLrinAt FKIDAY, AUfttTST 12, 18Gt. Arming telegraph FRIDAY. AUOTJST 12, 1804. flPEHT Or THE HEW YORK PRESS. UAvg Kditortals from the New Tork Paptrt Thli Morning. Mr! I I I.I.A. from fe Triltmr. " VVi n'l jou bny h spit ntlid portrait of Gtnrral Giant r" ask i d a nio-t HiMlirnt pcjilltr, sit: .nioi.ths from KtiplHt.d, of a country ("run J al one of oor botcls a d days hlnie. "No, irj I ' do titd want R." "Ah ! then you will take this of tkrttral Mil'lillan " "No, no; I wouldn't hare (tint ao how ." "Ah, sir," nsumod the peddler, waxing i unfiilrntiitl, "I veil more of Medullar! Hew than I do cf Grant; Imt if I only hid Oetio rnl !., I ti'tifd i I ten timet as ra iny of him at 1 ran df MrC'ltllnn ami lo tbe sauio men." It we men to any to an avengo Dtmiocrat what we undml.titlly believe that two third ol tliosr- new noisily fur M.CIollan would lather vntc dinrtlj l,r, ho would prulnhlv resist, if n uncut tlio assertion j but no candid MrC'leliaiiitit will ttnv mat Irfo's Kurta-ral-liip hit oone fuore fur MK'lcll mthan McClel lau' (iii. We 4iil to every candid ob server for the truth and pertinence of our aver ment, Hint Union l'illine and Union discourage, nctit aie the chief ground, of hope for Mcl'lel Iiin' nu-ccM. Here in a I'ninii guneral apirlii I i'rvsliirot of tbe I'nion, who is to lieelcrlcsJ, t all, not on the strcttgili of bis own achieve ,Bci.ts, hut (in that of hi antagonist'!. '"suppose lean, sine hud trinmpbed at Frederitkahurg, l(sen liirhmond, broken the Hot-el power, and . TetablishcU ti e authority of tho Union over the th, does any ru n tHllrve that McClellau ' uid have been to-day a formidable; comp-Htor tl the Presidency i Ditto as to Hooker') Chan ..liravilip ciiort? Or unppoDe General Grant .sd n iiu d Iav's army at tSpottaylvania, and run bim thence at headlong speed into North Cro lira, ho would to-day be taking Hock in Gene ral McClellan an a Presidential aspirant? Sup. POK it were now morally certain that the Rebel lion would finally d'Unpse in fcptumlier, who would give a timton lor McCh-llitn's chance of election in isovetoDt r r Who docs not see that hi firttincs riae ait the country ainat, and that bill (haiicea would he hriirbuncdbr hisconntrv-a roin ? ' M e penk calmly, for we would provoke re flection. W have not yet fek that we could do onr country any (food by plunging headlong Into framing r're-lileutml canvass. We barn nn choice that General McCIoIIhd. should or should not te nominated for Preddent at Chicago. It actms qnite probable that the choice will ulti iriBtely lie between him hbi) a mora exceptionable touipi titor ; (Or, tbongh pronahly the weakest, he u oy no menus tne worst ot Uio prominent aspi rant for that distinction:. But he in in the hand of worse men than himself nien who never sym pathized with their country In her resistance to tduvcholding treason, even in the blind wty and to the (mall extent that he did, and who too soon had lilm in their toils, and, inttnajlng and play ing upon his amh.tlon, made his military career the deplorable tailuie it was. These crafty politician, who were never for one moment enemies of tho Rebellion, who never sought uor wlstica Its overthrow otherwiMi than by nurrendering the whole country to it prluci- ie Hnu hp csM-ntnii aiiun, now own anu run im. and would. If sucresi-ful in tludr nchiin ftnake liia whole Adiuini-traii in a cnY of the last ix tad montbk of Xucbanan's. The Union they klgb for Is just that which Horatio Meymour contcmplnted when he thought the whole trouble could he composed by the loyal Ktatea one by one creeping in at thu open bark door of the 8onthcin C'cnf. I'ciocy, and so inducing the Southrons once moie to tolerute our c unpiuion hblp by enab ltig them piotouudly to despiie us. There are a good many In favor of McClellau for next President, for muuy diverse reaious; but not one tcr the rea.-on that he considers the slave holders' Keliellioti flagrantly wrom;, and wami a man in the Wbue House who can and will put it down. Among a I the reasons for preferring him, we mvtr beard o e like thai. To olect Mctlellan Pi-eldent Is to surrender at discretion to the Confederacy, asking its leader Vo take us in and do for as on their own term. nut kU)iporieni snout tor "tne constitution ai it is;" but mean "tbe Constitution altered as tbe lave power shall chooio to have It." Elect bltn President, and it will be a remHrnir.ed misde- krueaiKir, if not a legally punishable otl'ene, to Hpcais or aiavery a asntngton, Li ttayette, ana Jl tlerson habitually did, much more to resist its diffusion as Jetfer-on lir.t taught us to do, with Washington' ottieial ratifl ntiou. Theie are a good many uneuivoctl Rebel) in this community who prefer a holder and more kirononnccd partisan of tbe Rebellion to McClol- lan ; but there is not one voter in the free Mta'e who considers Jen. Duvih a patriot (tatesman hgliting against i, lusilieund oppression who wtl not, kLould he he nominated, give his voice and vote to George II. McU.ellan. 1UK INITEO NT AT KM ABROilk TIIK ci.tiMsiu jis i snio.m i. the itair- 1NH f frtm tto Timet. If the legislation of the British Parliament con cerned us as nmch as do lis debates, we might have tbe katlgfiiction of finding that our affairs conld be managed for us by a foreign legislative hotly quite a well as by a Congress at home. We do not, it will be seen, come in for any un necessary mention iu the prorogation speech from the throne ; but it 1 satisfactory to find that the Queen, having first announced her friendly re- ationa with the Lmiror of CtiinJ, declare hur firm purpose to malnta a a itrict neutrality be tween the belligerents in (hi coun'ry. inis, taaeu oy ii eu, must ne neid to tie plens Icg intolngenee. und we do nat know thai it Is rendered loss so by the discussions relating to ibis Country , und to the American couiiucnt gene rally, wniin imuieuiaieiy preueoea It. We give prominence to two of time discusiiou in our new Columns to-day; one brought up by an easy-tempeted Catholic member of the House, Lord Kdwatd Howard, heaiiuu upon subsidised emigrstlnn to the Uiutid States, aud tha other by jiir. n.iii(siaat , uu tne suuject ui ine recognition ol the Archduke Mi-x.imi.ian as Emperor of Mexico. Tbe kigiiltlcance of the speeches evoked by Uird K. Howard' inoiiou (which wa itinply for be pioduc.lou ul paM'rsi, is, Uiat neither the mover nor tbe speakm who folio ved hnu (in-; tuu inn iiuiauie i,uusay ), were aula to pecily a single case in which euitgrauts had een umperea w itn on nr.tisn territory by re sulting agents from the L'ui ed States although - oiiuuaie oojeci oi me motion itsoir wai to He (ho action ot iho Government, la tho pre- Loid P.. Howard presented a variety of facts ar turn we are l ound to tcirard ttieui u-udiu show that there is a vast eiuigraiiou or an un tkUkl kind goinj on fioui tud N wtu-of Knir. and factory d.sir ct umtsrial In this, that tim 'Uiigraut are mysicrioiislv suonll.l with owner : inusual soil, morn, from t lie Ia I that married urn in large niitnix is seven huudred baviug ions fr w una sre'.li n within a few wk ari oat d dtetrtlLg iheir wives uud families, with no kurj-cse ol sending thcin relkf ur h Iping them but fa an unprrc dented condition of thing cin nlj be reterubie, i- is eo-ie tun d. to tlia lilinral e ( f tin United elate currency in ibe bunds of t-ciuiln g sgeut. U Jt the .routile is to hu I out iow tue moi.ey is i istritiuud. la one or tn ire Instamt s it ha been I'ouud. it seems, lint tho migrant received the wages of bis covorinut on lioard the ship wiiieh wa to convey him lo this unnirv, so inai mere wa reauy XX4 actual vlol i lon of the snunicipal law of Kuglund that could Le proven. This businesa, moreover, or making advance, n board ship, to recruit or to emigrant intended iPjir recruits, is, it seems, one ol a regularly es Adjllshed character. The Atlantic steamships, it PIears, are thronged with agents, who have no f J id of money at their command, ami who employ, "ll''t'on to money, every sort of blaudUh- aeni to gain uie confidence or tneir victim, and laving got tbem thoroughly In their power by the tbey reach New York, drug them, hand Ijeiu ovar to soma recruiting; patrol, have them worn into tne lervie ot tbe United Htates at nee. aud made, as Lord Howard ay, food for mwder. Jli LordshiD. howavar. nttralm rrnm haruinsf tha Amnriia (Lmm m An t tjvirK lr aattav- . Jj dgeofTnnd connivance at, thl bualneis. And i ia " wwuh su cuaipiuueuk uenerai uix rar aving interfered to ekack the system in cases laat cam nuder hi official knowledge. I a simnar aosence oi uirect crimination murk lie reply made on the part of tbe Government y Mr. layarn ; anu rrom tne admission coo lined in the Under Secretary' (peech wo are led f infer that in tbe ipeciile case where Lord lyou baa deemed II necossary to otlur rernon (r sue. It wa found that the emigrant them klvc were to blame for tiuy trouble they got no oy ine inveiglement 01 recruiting agonta. in liber word, we presume, it ha beou found that tie clutched tba money orodered them without lie sligh ekl reirard to the encairament iu ao- t-ptance bound them to, and iru.iad, no doubt, -jxiurni, io ine raeilltie tor desertion, or tj .iter ference of their GovurnniHnL iiimiw iham Ln the service tbey had agreed lo enter. I H is surely not uucharilWiU m l,.,k Hio.a kul aimilar motive underneath the behavior of uca wen, ai icajt, a tbe icyen huudred, whoa neartiPM (ksertion of their wive and fumlllr Ird Kdward Howard ao pathetically picnr- Without going deeply (nto the moralities of far tory life In I -ai cash ire, we apprehend It I n rt nniair fo conclude that there are seven hundred many tlme told, on whom the notion of moral duty sits lightly enouuh to make them reidy speculators In any enterprise that offers then inimeuinte sensual gratiticntioo that releases Hum from home restraints, and that fnrnisuna them with a chance of clutching tbe rocruidnff bounty, a'ong with sundry contingent ch m -es of escaping the lntKir. the risks, and the rjsponsl I'lliiirs of the recruit uiinsclt. Ni t the least singular f. store in the discusi-in Will I found to I the testimony of Sir Holier: Pet' I, to tbe (ffect that the secret recruiting hud ness in lit land is at a discount. This eh ini of which the liii.h Sccntaty makes grxtifyior men tion, Is attnlitrcd in part to the Coniinu d rie in the priir ol g ,d, to tlie piomulgsiion of hotlthv It foiniation a- to the risks of m du r-lif in Ame. rica, ai d above all, to a limely temons'iance on the sulject artdiexM-d to the entire people by the Lord I. untenant of Ire'nnd. liidfxd, tbe who e question is hroiinht to an adinirah'e o iitlon by Mr. Iaaiu and thoe who spoke on the ocaision, whin tbey urge the rirculaiion of cheap nuti An erlcnn liteaute among the mi-se. Tracts on political economy, with special refer rence to legal-tender notes and a specie basis; psn.phlets on swamp fevers and dumb aguus; Msilnii s on army mortality, and the average of humnn hie under peculiar ' koctal conditions, are to be trcely ulstiibiiUid, and will, no dou'K, bave tin ir influence, espocially upon that large class wbith may heretofore have been denied the i Ivileie of It arn li s; to read. An egreeablu diversion from the grievances of these emigrants may he found ny turning to the I'srlinmcntary conversation which ensued upon Mr. K leglike' questioning of minister n latin to Mexico. It woold appear that the I nrier freeretury of Sbite (Mr. I.ayard) failed t give an answer satisfactory even to his own (hit f, a to tbe hopes of recognition held out to Maximilian. And the exceedingly cautions and dit'lommir sfiewh with which I,ord Paimerston ktipplemented Mr. l-avnrd's reply, is a subjsct woitb atteutlon. The r'trrt Minister, it seems, is wit jetassnred that an Imperial Government has been formed in Mexioo. Till ho it, he can not promise recognition. rCATTRr. Of kk hi in.u nti:)ii:T. T1IR Proiia Pbyalestllj llaqunltflrsl for Hers lr "Matrkesa" by tbe Nurireoaa. Pome of the rargeows a'kached to the Vrovoit Marshals' otliccs in Ibis city have devised a new and exceedingly etleetlve scheme for tbe treat ment of person who propose to Milan, but ar found physically Incompetent to endure the hardi-hlps of the service. Much persons are "maikeu" upon tlieir backs. It is uudersiotyl that the surgeons object to tho use of th word "branded." It is alleged on behalf of the surgeons that this " is done for their own convenience and protteticn ; that it i a private arrangement of theirs; that the Provcst Marshal-Ucueral's iJepnrtment hs nothing to do with it, and ha no knowledge of the tacts; and that tho result is a positive benefit to the ncrvice, because it ob viates the possibility of accepting a man who h is been pronounced physically incompotout to do duty. The ntitise at which this measure Is aimed is extensiveiy practised by the orokers, who uke men rejected at one otttce to another om, and if again rejected, to still another, and so on, in the hope that tbey may lind a surgeon wtu w ill over look the cause of dl-iiblllty, snd a cept the re cruit. If successful in his ellorts the broker gets a high comiiensHtlon. The process of "marking" men is not publuly known, and the physi lam do not divulge their secret The work is done duiinit the t xainiuation, and so quietly, it is said, that the persou does not know when tne o,era flon Is pertormed upon him. The mark is some times in the form ol a cioss. .V. V. Kr. I'o-t. Hif Iron- lnl " rerumsrh " In an flicial report to the Rebel Goveromeat, General Maury, commanding at Murine, men tions as an imideut of tbe Federal successes in Mobile Kuy, tbe sinking of our iron-ciud vessel Tceinnneh. (She was classed a tlurd-rate, and bad a tonnnge of atiout one tbousand. The Ttevmtth was one of tbe Kricsson bat lei les, und was 1 muehed at Jersey City in Sep temlier last. Mie was of the following dimen sions: Kxtrt me length over armor, 2:t feet; length outside of stern and stern post, l'.iti feet ; extrime beam oyer armor, M feet; iiroadth of beam over boat projs?r, 37 feet 8 inches; depth of hold, 11 feet; shear of deck l'ilncbis; crown of deck mid.ships, 5 Inches; distance from stem to extreme eud of bout proper, 9 feet; distance from em tocxireme end of armor forward, 11 feet; distance from stern post to extreme end of boat aft, JO feet 8 inches ; distance from stern post to extreme end of armor aft, 25 ft ct. She wis built of iron, in tbe most forroiuablo and improved manner. Her turrets were eight inches thick, being two Inches thicker than those of her predecessors. The macoinery wm of the finest workmanship, und the vessel hail a speed of about ten knots an hour. The deck plating was half an inch thicker than other iron-clad of her class, and the deck was ot so id oak, seven tnehe in thickness. Iier tiuine was curiously put together, and It was supposed that It would be uext to impos sible for a Mcel-pointed shot to ener her side. First, there was the inside plating of Iron, thou fifteen Inches of solid, then an iron strapping, and then the outer coat of mail, r insisting of five plates of inch iron. Her two gun wuru of lVinrh calibre. The Ttrumui was ordered to the West Gaff Stiuadion last spring, but on arriving at Fortress Monroe was sent up James river, rue news of her loss is the first Information we have had of her hav trig .joined Admiral Farragm' licet. Our list of her ofheer has been mislaid. Admiral hurbsnsa. UlIcf-i we arc mistaken in the identity of the man, the Rebel Admiral Ruchanaii, wh 1 1 a leg ai d was taken prisoner in the recent uaval battle in Mohi e bay, is the sa'ne who fo'ight tbe Mtrrimac iu Hiimplon R mdg sgaiust the Monitor in 1K6' His name is Fnnklin Uuch man. lie is a native of Ksltlmore, and entered the United (states navy in 1H 1.3. He was the first Superintendent of the Naval Academy (lS-hj-7), became Captain in 1b.5, und whs afterwards em; loyed on snore duty of r.i lims kinds until 1801, wh u he was cominandaut ol tbe Washington Navy Yurd. On April I'.i.ttie day when Massnchnsttb- vi luntcen, were at tu ked Iu the strieia of llaltimore, he sunt in hi rosig nation and retin d to his furin on theKuitern sliorr ; hut tirding (but his native Suite did n it cctde, he jictitioned to bi.' rv-tomd. lieii g n tnsed, he er.tcred the (orvlec of the Conttdtrnte State, and was cmplovcil t'i snper ititerd tbe ri ting out of the frigiro Urrm i. which tbe Rtliels had ral-ed uftcr ihat vessel had been milk by Commodore Goldsboro, .it Norfolk. In Ibe tight with the Monitor he wounded liy a musket hall u severely, that he wa, obliged to rt linquisb his cmniiii.d. Ki suniing his post after tbe vessel had been repa nd, be was in cumin inil at tb lim.i ui the ottupation of Norfolk by General Wool, and bio np ibe Mmimnu to save her from ript ire 11 s coi iiuet was inveatlgaled by a court-m irtial or dcicd by the Uebel Navy ftcptrtuent, wnlch iu vrstigaiion resulted in hi bc unti-l. He w is in ron iusnd of thi- Rebel vessel C'-nniu, at Mobl'e, which, after a severe and dept! ' en piigemciit, surrendered lo Admiral Furr.ig it o:i the o h Inst. roviMY is ENor.Ni.. A ra mei wh i had grain field aud a rne garni n found Ins ttinu,i. Istds dl-tnrl', d one ncirnit g. He dhtn't tu ir scat ui tnmu or it. but ho concluded h-i wo ild w.Mch tbe next night, and sen who J 1 1 it. St he ifayed concealed behind a bush or trcn u Ion tiuie, and at lad a man came over th.! hiith h oc i and walkrsj up fo the tot nip bed and pulled s unn up. Tbe farmer followed, and saw him go Into a house very near hi own. He knew th m in was very poor, and had (everal children; so bethought he would say nothing about it till next morning. When he went into the honsa, the children were standing roand little bed In the corner of the room, and a sick boy lay on itv Their mother wa there; and she had a basin and ipoon In bur hand, from which shewaa feeding bio some broth. The farmer stopped forward, and she teamed very much frightened; but she satstiil, and bo aw In Ibe bowl tho piece of bl turnips. But he could not tell her of it, for the sick boy looked so eager for the broth, and the other psor children watched every (pjonfat ho tojk with such hungry faces, though they did not speak, that he pitied them, and wonkl not say anything about what their lather bad done, lie asked th woman if ho could see her husband, and (hi) became paler than before, but told him the man wa in bed yet; for he had no work to do, aud nothing to eat. "But you appoar to have food for your children," ald too farmer. "A little, air," she replied, "for thl poor sick one. Thu other ones have hardly a mouthful, and husband lies in bed because he doesn't got so hungry there a if ha wa up." The farmer wa goiiuj away without saving another word, but be thought be would tell hor to send one of the children to get some vegetable for more broth. Nhe thanked bim, and told him that shu had no more meat to make it el. And what do you thiuk aha had made that of? Of a cat that had come to their bouse ! Jilit Wood, Among the wounded Rebel prisoner taken by Sherman at Atlanta were two women. Tbe sex of one was discovered during the amputation of bar leg. The other wa mortally wdnuded through the breatft by a grapesthot. eAMni.iKa res tub millio. fVtn Min,kt'i, Nothing show what a practical peop f we nre mora than our estahlishment of insurances agakist railroad accidents. Th rdrit.. run mcrc al enterprise, by which a man charters hltm sell for a railroad voyage wi h an insured rirg i of bis hone, ligament, rsrtiiauc, and adlpi tissue, atiufidamlv prove that we are nature' ow o tiaders and shopkeepers Any ordinary peoplu, .ess inilmel with Liver pool and Manrbt u r notions, would have be, stltred tfirn.stcves how to prevent, or at leait Icstcn, thn numlirr of those lasualles. Tney would bate set to work 'o see w ha; pro l-dons isuld be art'.pted to atve greater security to tavil. We, on the rontnrv, are toj businets like to w a te t me on this inquiry. We are coi vii.khI that, h t n build ships ever o stionp thert' will la- sb pw rrck. So we feel assured that certain tiumir of railway acel. dints, as tb J arc 1a led. will n.ntinuo t occur, l e as broaii-guage as job will! We a ccept the sKuatioc, then hre, as the French av, and in sure; that i to say, we book bet of very long (Kids thne to a thou uid we shall no tnllid up cut iu two, liittuned Into a tbln shcet itig, anil gtnciid into an Impalpable powder, letween Unit don and lirighion If we arrive safe, the assurance oflire locket- a few shillings; it we win oar wager, our executor receives thousand pound. It la about tho grimmest kind of gainhllng evermsn In aid of; ami ot we scs folK of the most uiiqucstlonstile proprteiy dlgnita lcsol the cburrb, judge, civil aud uncivil servant of the Crown, and scores of others, woem nothing would tempt iuto the CnrsaaJ at F.tus or Baden, a coolly as p s-stble pia lug this e.rl ilegame, and barking themse ves heavily forador-al psr i lysts, s di pressed fracture of thu cranium, or at least a come unci d sloe if Ion of tho hip-joiot. Now, if tbe Pro'estaut Church eatetaliod what ibe Romanist call cases ol conscience, I snould likk srestiv to a t, Is this T'glu f I. it jusiitialde to mke a contingent pntit oat of your ceret ral ert bras or your p pliieal spa s f We bave long been dondid aud scotlod a for n akipg coiinnOialism tuarkt luhle, and pul ing a price on a wile's lutidod y ; but it strikes mu this is something worse ; 'or wbat, after ad, Is a rib a false ill), too compared with tho whole bony ak clot an i "Allah is Allah '." satd the Turkish Admiral to Ioy Hester Mauhnpc; "but I hive got two anchors ast, rn," showing that, with all Ins fatal Ism, he did not despise wbat are technically called human means. Ho tbe reverend Archdeacon, going down for his sua-buUia, might aav, "I am not unite sure the) 'II carry tne safeiv, but it shall not be all misfortune I'll take oat some of it in money." The system, however, has its difficulties, for though It la a round game, the stakes are ap,ior ticned with reference lo the rank and condition ef tb an, for instance, ibe Solicitor General's collar-bone la worth a shoemaker's whole tody, an I a Judge's patella is of more value than dealer in marine, store and his rising family, Ti.i is a de.ormu would pre vent their so.'onrtdnir at Hombtngor Wiesbiden. Tbey conld not, of course, ho seen " pun Ing" at tbe plat -table at F.ius; but here is a letftthnste game which all m iy join in, and whe e, certainly, the anxiety that is sod io im part the chief ecatacy to tbe gamester's passiou rises to the very highest. It is beans und tails for a smashing stake, and ought to Interest the most sluggish of morta . What a u-eiul addition, then, would it be for one litadsbaw ti bave a tabular view of thu "(aids" on tht different lines, a - that aspecul ttive individual, desiring to provide for his family, mh-'ht know where ioaddres himself w tu bet chance of an incident! One cau imagine an assurance Company pulliog it uuparailuljd ad vnntagcaand unrivalled o,ip rtu .ity, w hen four excur-ion trains wore to start at five minutes' Int. rvals, and the prospect of a sinaso was little short of a certainty. '-Gr1-t attractions! the late rams have injured the chief portion of tho lino, so that a disaauir is confidently looked for eviry botir. Muke your gune, gen'lemeu make your (;inc; nothing received after the hell nugs. Thti HanKlna; aind 'i.uir Mwrdena of .yicatfio. Tho Mexkati had a passion for flowers. They collected toge her In splendid gardens such a were rcmu'kahlu for purfumo or fir biiilinncy of color. Tothe-e thi ya.h'ed medi cinal plant-, mi t odically arrange 1 sbrubi dis tintulshi d hy their bin soms or their foliage, hi the excellency ot their fruit or th. ir berries and also tiee of eleuuiit or in j.-a le appeirunce. 1 hey delighte d In laying out th ir terrace and iKiwera on hMyslop. s. where they baiked aa if suspended. Aqnednc s br .uitht thither wirer from a riistaccc. which ovcrilowcd In cascade or filled Hra.ii.tiH ba.-ins tco mt'd hv tho choicest tish. Mysterion pavilions were hidden among in? fn iiifp, and statui s rea.ed thuir forms amid the flowers. ai. tai kinds of animals that we asicrn'ile In onr gaidons ton-ecrateil to science .ucti a the Jaiuin (les l'lautes at Pans, and tbe Zoological Gardciikof London con rlouteJ to tbeoruameut or cur osliy of the-o resort of pleasure, llir is weiv there cf beainilul plnmaite, kept in csge as large as bouses; there ulso were wild beasts, aniHiiils of vaiious kinds, and even serpents. Rerna! I'isx there first la held the rattlesnake, which be ooscrihes as havlrjg "cmtanrlt in it$ toil." Otie of tbe royal gardens, two Ic igue from 'Icuco, was formed on tbe side of a til l, whose was reached hy an aso nt of dvu bun dled mi ps, and was crmi ned hy a basin, w hence, by an t rior of hydraulic skill, water tioWed In succession into three O'her reti riolrs, adorned wih gigantic statues. Cortc also mentuns the gaidets of a Cacique which worn not less thtn two leiiguen iu ciiciimfcn nee. Another cud isity existing in the chinampna, or floating gardens, seat-end over tho lakes. These artificial Islets, of fify to a hundred yaids long, served for thn cultivation of vege tables ana tlowi-ts lor the market of tbe cspltal. Some of the islets had consistency enough for sbmbs ofk uic lie to glow on, or to bear even a hut of light ma erial. Tney were at pleasure moved io toe hank by poles, or w. re uitde to move over tbe with iiielr lloral treasures ly the same miat.8. This spectacle Impressed thcNputiatdi greatly, and according to liernal Diaz, made thtm say hat they htd hem trans port! d into an enchanted reui m like those tbey bud read oi In tbe romance of "A tna lis dc Gaul." tee Cbevaliet'k "Mexico." Tub Evk or thk Nhkhlh. A rccnt traveler to the lioly Land inform- as thut there is at tbe I dc of ibeprncpal go of Jerusalem a small one, widen, Un occasions ofg'rat urgeucy, wa 0HLed for ndiiiissit n of per ous after ho great sate- of the city were closed for the nlgtn. TU.8 gate, from In small size, w s called the Kye of tbe Net die; aud fo net a cnmrl tirough it at all wa no small ta-k tor a tendril camel to piss was tin utter linpossb idiy. With luo ai ve fact btfore tic mind, i ne can see that "hu w irds of cur SuV our, iiheu js-uing of t' "straight gue" and the "lieh m m," w-r moru lit rd than n.ary tuppt.'. And we say how, as the rich nain pa ses Into ihe n-trow way, be sides and the low top ( f tho str ii;'tit gate s.-'a,io verytbiog lr m him Id which ho bad iiefn a truotud. No cne (an ik'. nn.i tbirg but hliiKR.f inrmigh. F r eskler is It to strip a e. mel of its liurden than to d.vist u lich lean ol his HU-.1 in il:li s Christian lit 7."rr. AUCTION iLtt MACKKV.S A I CI I'i'S ROOMS. No. S2 M .licit I T kVA.vla. t7 - i'oiN r, vi... Auuiiist 7, lHtlt. il s-i i. ft: i'iit o," Itt e.iiuii. 1 &-YU - Uina.iltM. Ai.iiym' ItteilsoNU.l :tK Tt'ftmnter, SO Vht-4-ls.vrlnrtta., SO ltlaolcaraltliM, und SO sUctrrlauru Trimmer. Who will reslva th htshstt ratei of Ooverauitnt pay rations, b4 oikdkal attendance Trsok-truilk.B ruralikxl by ip!yui at Noi aai riCNNBYLVANIA AVENUE, WA8in;T0H, D. C. E. J. STRONG, Cts'siii.A. g. H. JAMES M. KELLY, nlo-lai Jurtnastr' Aaeat. FOR 8ALE AND TO LET. CIAPK ISLAND, CAPE MAY, N. J. FOIl BAUS.-ettui;oa Lafsutte stmet, U rauau. Lut Ulhj, Iuiulra sat-tf mST STORB ABOVE ATLANTIC HOTEL. TO HENT-HANI)tOME STORK. WITH ski slats wuiiWw,aa4wsluaf. Xo. J7 8. F.tlt itu nimik lyil-tf FOU tj ALE. 60,000 WORTH IN GOOD Biaisss, Urs snil small, oa terms to suit parchSMrs, .tlir wiUi or without taaumiirafMjs, tor esshj aa4 soisi trails. Iiiatitrk ia. iyq It, u H o'oiock A.M., turni. is. thowmxn, v7 a. f viarH atm It. V 11 I G II T Oc. O O.s No. 113 8. T II I n D STREET, orrooiTB the r.cnA(i(jit. Psalsrs la (UvsrnBMnl s4 Ittal flfosrltles, Qnsnsr aiaMsrs' ttscli and Youthen, sad Ctirvoti ol inWia dness. Omr Aar th suKhM aat sal f Stocks en4 tas rotnRtly umat4. rklwfia tf TJMTED STATE8 POSTAGE STAMPS. r-OJ-TAOK STAMTS FOU SALE. a tdsoorNT or two rnt itmt. ox all him OC l AMI Ul'WMlDR. At tl s Principal lie pot for ths lr of Int. mat Rivn Ntsmisi, W. Zfii ntKUVfT Htrit, sn.t aitln Ko. I .1 8. K1ITII Rlrtet, Pt.llaJplplil. 1' II 13 NEW T A. X IIII, 1 A Kit HKVKNi;K HTAMl LAW. CtMiV of Ui Kw Tvi Hill n& Rf.Mnn Ntimf Lvr ft f f, oifssHtv. Mini iwJI ; And Hi vnni Hitfiiisi of all df a,-r pm.i.9 ci'ttiUtitiy uu hind, ml th foJIowtitj rtUotot aikcotibt rhln cf V1, twft vr writ. dlimunU " " l", ll'ir ,(W " M ttp !Hrf Vfisi.t frr tt- ot In(rt.iI rtnri'i rM'i, N .:. 'HKetHVT -tirrfi, nil No. ft rif'TH Nrvt. Full dMcrlpUutu of ltt It l rap La U pftmnhlet form. ivw-u yANCIi HTKWAUT HOC? It OIL COMPANY, Incorporated Jane 29, 1864. Capital, Slloo.tMM). CO.WW tiUARFS r, A 8HAKI0-rAJI. flnrrcr'prf $7 rrb ihut t trtxlnal ubtciitri for aViAK'rirt pavhLrl CAth d- wo . tubcrthlm,ant1 Oo vttvr liiataUiiMiitt cf 1 ch, psyaM oq lit (VHh Jul M(b Ai guit, tao4, roipocltrcl. TEN THOUSAND Sn&RS ksKTyMl for Bft.HU Of lh9 COBitWl. Tb Un4 pnniiMOd hrtMVftnoo HUwrt Book Oil rrniu) t4viiia tma huncrvd and thiny-oae men, im th vtj or ot ihe olJ rnfl'nln UHiMd thrv nao diftd nil leii fr oo lilt AhrchefO rtvnr, In CVjiIitt to nihip, eitfndJnK m rondrftt44 oJtuio upon boia id" ( the Low i X o Mil KuB,ommnJr ril(Hl Tn BurMi Uuti. ciuil of tniioti tJow raiiavtia. to Vonmgpo eimi.t . I'ctiniy.vftM I. It AUffhert) Hitat Xmrrtvmry it ji9nmv mrt ftbunriavni And prmau.rnt tiaU-r?i ot a ekool Vnt qaaUitjf oi oil, tli numttroui vrlli borxWln lit banks prtmucut MJ with twm kui yraawr rottiUtvlt Uutn Um weilt aoct OU Crcwk. Il la believed ! Dow of OH txilow theDoronirtl of frank lin, on tha Al1rl:tnf rtvar, frill prvbMy nover bo.ia aihauttad. bot-aute lite ttrartiloatHia, or Tolcauto ditmp th of rtK-k dui in a euuUiwetwardi dlrtvuioii i o-na-qut-nU) Ui bMl vt UU woulu bo aearr Uk larfaca at U up(sr end. r of OU Creek . and wWJ would ninlre Iu t-e tHMad di'vor in prporti4iQ lower doti the nver. where, howev r, there wtMild nceaiarUy be the ummI parmanent, md nnefe irroaier mpplv mint utrnciinibenl oodror Rlr i H ill. It la cvrtstm uiat orrnnf wMm oi Uie rtrar. In the loimMlUe vHtnlt; of in I a Inad. have cHitlnutMl pro dnctim dnrt Wte put thre or four aare an uawaveroic and itaAd.v 41 y yield or oil A itian-e a the oip will demonetrate the tact that tha Ia wer lw Mue Uua aod Oil t'nk ra ou trie unit dinniHtiraily triiht tine, and i-nif dlntant. on ron itatsrVton ot thf vimttcnt mme ij tj between the ranro of hilia rrim eit h ntiHT about thrra Bali e,im In pre clel tha lame dim tra. U would, Mierefbra. nM be trwirdttiary, If by Uirinit weili on thli trat a earnclent dvpihof ptrnepe ekht handred and ft fly (Vet. that taa lVm any a wetla may l al ihne of OU (tk la thrlr capplUa if hnndn-dn of barrota of oil dallf. and anoittHMta protlie woaid thu a be Uie tonanata reiult to the liar-holitra of Uiln etnuaii. Ou tut part let ilar tract of IajmI thero Hal bv-ea W oa lae for twentt vrarx. a wWl m-f mumrtn; m fair purUoa ol tcood Oil, aJthouirh tta depth ol bore la rnnaldeied quit lx.niinVtni to Iname lame flow: rtft per cent, of tha Oil at thia wfU'n nnHitii waa reaarrrd at a realty to tne fornxr owret of tht jaiHl.aiid wtu at onoo Inure to tha bciKiJt i.t the tvmipaay There are alao two uther wia biirfan a few iiundrtd feet deep e lcu.but not jet tubed, btit la drailnit a flrat-rnte ahow nf oil ; a barrrla day can enarlly be aoiHrpeii OsHtsf theui, aod nJouhi afaina to aaUt that hey will h'rtl. prrre iiigfcly remune'-atlnfr welli when bored a reaeonaMe oeptb. Anoiawr well t bal( borad, and aiiiniaii a antlaiarfnrv ld Haoipk-i of OU procurra froai theaa wellt ran he aeen at tba nthceuf the Compaay, Nn. iU W ALNO r Mtrat't Thefre of Ihta vaiuabta oil land, ooinprialng une hnn drrd and thl-iy -one acrea. inolumng the royalty nt rtity peraaiii.of oil ffr tl leaed w.U, moif pumpm, and tha entire rUilit of tha three walla partially devokp, la purchased by the t'ootuany direct Iroiu the ownrr, eVtr tha Bi(Hret prior W IM Wf, witaa Urtfit MU1 la ftna order, a an mm house , a : alao patcbaa of tlniiar. T'ae aalenatock will pay caali lor the land in full, and leev the auru of U.4.X) caah wurkirtK rapltkl ou hand, with whlck to oniuilata the three old wulla, and alao to bore two lew welli, with flva a tea in an.,uas. ko.. to he Id rnnninr nrder within a four oionlti; rranra tutouwiUba mad to aooimpllab th-ao obttMa withont dlay Mo aubavrlptiou wlil be acatvttMt fur ksc than ttft) ah area. The vait fbrtunes reaped by Rock OH Compana etab llhrd heir and nlavwhre art noiorloaa Tbe till itatle la Jet In iU infnocy. and Ihe dt'tnaud oonatantly Iniajing. ra prl e la non U par barrel at Ua wull mouth, exoia Ivt' ot tharaak. Larsc wei a will doubt let, be atrurk at tha depth, of MO fVtt. a aa fc rav tj thd Uitrd Hand tone KU ck Wella hava bn borrtl beruidfore tc thv d( pth only of about 60(i feet In thla toih)ty It ia proposed to bore twenty walla oa tble proper n ilnr1tiT the prt arni nr. There la room for one hundred welie. A perfeot title, flrar of all Luctiav braDcae la outiildwutlj aaaurrd to tha Dotapany. LUti of stiSicrfpUoo aft now open uotil tha trO.000 aharos are aubacrlixd. pa able 1 par iharo, to Uie order of Aldar maaJAMKa Mi C AD It N. tho Trewuror of the Oonapaa, Ho. 406 WaLHTTT BUTot, or at Mo. Ui WALXUT Htreat, or at the ofllca of Uia Coapaiiy, No. 214 WALXUT Street. The public are Invited to can iVr a pro spec tna, ly-Vtf K V ti IN O It I M Kill Wo irtUBi Ui. mono, it SttlnA, (br Ivorj lot of HhtrU walca tail la nj nssswt. FINK HlilBTH, CUT LEMiTHWIHE ur IttJHl.lJf. Mao of Ksw Tcrt MUls IfDilla, ao4 ten So Uam Bosoais. Only M TJ. Vaaal .rtcc M-oo. WUlltanvtll Mills Muslin, aud tn Ltiwu Uusoau, Only V50. liual (irUs TI0. OENTLEMKN'8 FVRNISHINQ GOODS. HMITil . JA.COUO, I CHKHNlJf 8TKCET. Tk. atOattna ot LaPIS VtilTlNU THC Cm orlhoHUoot I.KaVlMI It tor "lr ins flacss.1 or "Uistouatr),' U respiti-trully Uirf-nl Ui Ui. Mtun.lve atm-k of WHITB UiMHiM tor SUMMKH rtm. br WlilTK UOlllfcS, MOUMIMU WUrrliHi, . An . , t.natr. It otTsm la and Wiirsi Komiivis sn loMrtlns.., CotUrs, HkM,v,.sil aia auiey rtald, Hrlcl. and I'tssirail wtilt. Uooiu at rxtoes MUCH oKLOW TIUUS . KIT .IL VAU'K. UC frlUxl LllMii Lambrtu Unsuos. Im) piMM i'arM, TuoSol. aaaantp.! Mo. Kd. 1Z. M. NBEDLIH io4 duiaairr tTHt.rrt. ti28 HOOP PKIRTS. (J28 MaaatlxUsrr, tie of aki.h Mim, bar. rtittn .mot, riifua.i.M MiiMa. w nossssi. mug a.i.u. TKsaust afasl.t .onai.nt of LadlM, MIstM', aaa rtiUilrn't Hoop asm. la th. elty. to .vary rospeot arsl .last vWildi s.f ttyt. ftni.h, durawUi, aiidohMpoM havs no oqoal la th. aiarkM. a. in. sms) tow, aMorad, aa rtiid. M-lr 'at.T. HOPS I Ma. p A. I IS It HAHOINUH, REMOVAL, J A. MS 8 C PIWW, (l ira JI0WHIX & BHOTHfcRs), Has Kmavd from No. 611 to No. 6U8 CUESNUT Street, flavin parcssMd th itock or J AM EH HTKH. Jr. (Sunaorly Damt'i), woor a wtU oflor to bit oatttur ana Um public a far aod olosiat asiortaMat of Dtoontiona and Wall Fapert Generally. By srvtaa bit portonal atloatioB to ta telsif sad 1 log Uutnuf, fc hopat to couUdo to rolva la Uoaral palroaafoof lb. publls. Cltlwas and v Minors am rMpteUully lnvrUd to saamlM tk. vsjlflv oo band. toW-tat IIXAOK URKKN "KMlNaBV. MIU- U17 tlflUdta BSoo BmIu. 8.I4IIB0W L-tol vary Boslsnuis TssusMNfU ooan. lo siln.llii, Las svwrea, B..sfist AtMiiw. a, fvpusbov. ..,. of a Eoaso. frsis si Itawos ia Ssrv.rSs aad Otvll BsislAotf laa. Boy of U a tati-u. Adm (or CmaIcmm. Jyl-lt VUUs.Ara,lMUAOora GOLD'S JMPROVKD 8TKAM AND WATsUU HKATUKt AJTAkATUa. rot WarsolBf aud V.aidaiias; rubUo UufldfeMB) AAd tV vata askUdoueaa, If uiataotoj by tl . Cijil biUM AVI WATTS HRATWO COMTAXf v, JAMf S . WOOD, So. if S rutJKTH llnd. A-ai aVaIUUiatuviMakioV gMITH dk IlaVWDO JUl U, No. 18 8. THTJtD 8TREPT, DANKfcllS AND UllOKMRS. Bpsck,ltock.(Oartnaatr' l0w )mt sad CHockt.aad All Oovsjrswal ftw-srttv. SMtM onj btit. (ataU W r SUt V Mt A't u u u irt SILVEH A5D BAXK NOTES WANTIOD. DE HATEf & BE0TKEB, nl-If M. 0 I. TfUHIl iTItr.ST. JJ 10 XV M H Te It A II H, BA5KEB8 LSD LXCHASQE EE0KEE3, Vo. B9 8. TinRO STKCT. hium nt BrKClR, BANK NOTF.3, AND O0VKRN MKNT 8KCURITIRS. Blocks Boo.kt and BoM on OouuaiMloa. Collscilon proaapily aud. aM-4f gTOCUM ANO taiaOUlU'riliH B0COUT AND BOLD ON O O M M I H S I O N, DE HAVEN a BBOTHES, st tf h"' 0 B. THItU) BTUKET. w xv NATIONAL LOAN A.T 1' Intere8t 7 3-10 La Lawful Money. COUPONS ATTAC1II0L). INTKREST PAYABLE FACH SIX MONTHS. Th prlnclAl tl p.ytbs) In Iswral ssctwy, at th cad of thn. rrsrt. Br, th noldor bat th. r1jht to dsauad Al tkat tin. The 5-20 Bonds at Par Instead of tbe OasL Thit prlvUrt. Is thM. 6-10 Bonds aro our Bot pnpular Loan, sad ats bow t.lilog at slant por cat. Bubcrl tloni reoclvtd la Hit atual nuan.r, And tht AfpeAl and propotstsof th. HrorstAryof th Troatury, tofethtrwtth our Clrrulart, and all asootiAry laimu lou, Ul b furalahod oa application At oar olca. JAY COOKE k 00., JiVi m No. Hi H. TIIIRTb Strssot. i U IJ JC. HTKl! l 5fc CO.. HANKKllS. No. 80 B. THIRD 8TRBKT, SOT Aon tsu. OU), B1LTKR, AST) OOVKaS"HE:Cf BSCURITIBd. B T O O K 8 BOUGHT AKD BOLD OK CONfknS.'IH. (maid dJI4A.XlIC.HOr: a CO.. BANKERS, No. 121 8. TUIKD STREET, . rUILADXU'flLA. . novmmrnl BwurHI. of all Istnot Parchasod and lor Bal. Block , Bonds, and Uold Boaht aad Hold oa Ooa Biosloe. rSTEHl'.sT ALLOWED OM I'LrOHlTg. Colloritont rromptly MAd. M tf N EtV XAA.Vi, NKW LOAN. U. S. 10-40'. JAV tHXItK CO., oriTu ros bale tbe NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEAROid riVK l'ER t't ST. INTLEtST IN COIN, RortnistsV Any I ni Aft.r TEX VLAUH, At tb ploAsan of th. bcivonuaent, and psya'.l roitTI IKAJtJ rtr dt. BOTH CODrOH AXD BKdIBrEBKD BOHDB ATS siumi for tht. Loan, of taaoo deanajtiiAtioa at thaft-ffo'a. Tb. tntavett on lo't and ato a payaM yearly ; oa Al other half roartr. Tb 10-db boodt ant dutrd M.rek 1. Ibt liAll-yeArty latorast ft 111 of du. dtpd'oiiior lit aod at. rod 1st of OAtA year! anUl lit Kop lembor. th. tccracKl rrma 1st of March it requirod to br ptld by parchssws In csju or ra lsoa ci'aasMur, addins Ofly r oitut. r pMcolaom, ooill ia,tbr aotlos. At LOTHU1 (VtSNMlLST flliCtJIUTlBVS ROUOHT AM) HOl.U. JAY COOKE & 00., mlat-U Xo. tit . THIRD -TBKLT. Y I T NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. Financial Agent of tha United States, V tjpiti:i hxvxiom r :t-io TREASURY NOTES. NEW I'ATIIIOTIO LOAN. Vndtr tnitrnctkn from th. Troaaair Dspartnsat, ibis B.n. fa propsnd to abKrlpUon to tb Sn Patriotic Loab, Ittuod ta th form of Throo Tsar Trs.inry X.i.t, bearias luterott at th rata of 7 1-10 str cent, por aDnsm.pAysbl soatl-aanaAlly la Lawful atoaayoatb loth days of r.braanraad August, ntpwirvsly, of saob. ssiar. lhM TroAiury Kolat an wavAnMI at auturity, at lb optlM of Uo aoldsr, fata Vaftod Btata par coal Bonds, latwotl payakl lo OI, aod rsdMmAbl slier fly aad pavAbl twenty year from August 14, ls Coupon Not.t will b Usaod la blaak or pAyabsi to srdet a map b. diroctod by th tabKribir, la iuu of toO, 1M, as), iitsw.snd SaMO. will bo Allow from lb A( of tbe i.btcrlpOoa to tb Itlh f Aogatt noat, tb dat f tb TreAtary Koto Too., wh.saiy lubseriAsi IfUr th. Dtbof win b rqalrd to pay th accrued latent! ou th Mote. Any eu. labtcribiof nr not lw tasa f 'j5,00 of tb Loan at any ows tlmo, will suow.d a esuimluloa of a .uaitor f na por asst., pyahk) by taa Trsatary Popart- maal oa ta neslpl of a bill far th amount, approved by tb tabKilpUoB scout. Xtrrtr to tb aaaued ppal tt Ui Beontary of tu Treatury, I atk all thot d.tu-ou of alduu the ties tra kent to tsbKflb to toll Loaa. . C. XI ClaAItK. atxsiom BAjr-yoTE bepoetek. TnE ONLY BANK NOTE KSTT0HTER IN nilLADKLPUIA. rCBLISIIRD W'.KKLr. TtiMilyn.rsitAlnlngi-0TAT10HS of Bank Koto, In roi'lt CtTtMl.vIe: nin.Anr.tPiiiA, HALlUAUKi., KKW TORK, OINt IHMATt. TYle only on wMrh ootiIaJm t'-e NATIONAL HANKS at rsit it r H.nWd (offlclAl U,i ). Tb only on. which contain th VL Ml COl'M la EIGHTEEN CITIES, VIZ: mu, Vi AlslllNltTON, It o it 1 Ml PR, i n mm uu, 111! Ai.O, in nt OI K, KALT1MOHF., 11,1.1 K.I M, Al.ll AS V, TROT, KT. 1,6119, PAVMNfOKT, .rw VOKK, flMCINKATI, vii,MiMtru.y, 8T. TAItL. i.nnsvii.i.;, HILVf Vt'kiE. The one wMrh gi,vt Ihe etrtlrst lofjrraAttoii of Kvr cofVTT.p.ryiT botks, I-OMI..1TIC MARXtTS, KTOCtC TABLES, ANU rtXAXt'lAL Nirwtt. TliofaillltlHOfthe amekican bank-note eepobteb, BOTH riNAKCIAL Aft) TYmiRATniC, ARK OKQt'ALKD. 01IIW.KIVT10M1 (IMJt Ah.VVM), IX AXlVANCK. WisAly fi I Beml Monthly ft Monthly tl. OKI ICr, No. 10 B. THIRD STR1.ET, (third Hoor). AliMtrM, S. IC. COH 12 N, anlt-lra rcBLIMREIt. "JT IM UNDO TJ 11 T i: I la Y THK IU4T RCLIOIOUH Ml LIT A BY BIOUBAPHT EXTANT." A. SOLl)n31t THE CUMBERLAND. MUAI) IIOIiMEH, .Jr.. 8LltOF.As.T OF CO. K. !lst WIBCOHBIM V0LB., Wllb aa IMrodiictkMi by JOHN 8. HAKT, L.L. D., Bnlor Editor of th. "HiioJay School Tim. ." Many of th. youth of our land, thmnih a patriotic son, of cut.' , hare . n rortli t ahire th. a.rdaiilp. uid Hit c.iitufil thrlit.f.r s M.ldlor. Th.,lAry rhrlstlAa r.nltiia.nnd b.ioic en.Dipleof thlt younir m.n iliomd b In hi up for Inntilloii it .orv art .lii. wtirr. IotaIivio .unty I a vlriu. No tva.p.'hMic hfwrt oinrvadthlt bisik nlrhoul irsrs. It la ihs ao,t OMUtllnl Inat.uce of ftll Atlsi-ilon anil lofty Christiso pa'nodsui w. hsv aeen on nisud. It U Uio tr book lu a.ud lolont And lirotliors In tht' ainiy. Trlos 7-"5 C" 11 1. J. C. GARRIQUK8 He CO., atUD-vfusTt Ko. la 8. t'OUmTH Rtrett, fhUad. PROPOSALS. 1)KOTOSAL8 FOR IIAT8, CAl'S, 8H0E8. Dry floods, Howlnf Mattrlibi, Ac. ll AJil,t'AltTRIIS ItHrAHtllKST UP W AltllSOTOM, Omen or C'ttiKr QitaHrsKMAarss, Washimotun, Ausuat d, 1HS4. Written propoaAft will h. nslrtsl nt thlt 01N0. until nitlJisi noil, e, fl.r fiinilihlns the fi.Hi.wmu articles for us. 01 pomrabaiid m.n, woruati, and otujdrea In thi. lie partmsiili Br..iaii. (ruttet, Ac), and othar sortrfoMble Roots sad Hhmia lor men. woman, Acdohlldren'i weor, l.'hlp, tall, aud wnolrn llata, And clath ('.lis. Kriacy. v.tilnthaiui, c'allcoos. Blank i-u, and othor wool.n and rsiilon sootla. III. kory (ttnps (for aairtt), Itod-tloklag, uahlcAched Aiuaiin, wooi.n forka and Hnrlepi. Hpool C.dlon, black and while; l.tncn Thn'Ad. lion. Hua..ndr lluuons ; lark'. Hutlon, tor t'OAt,. V hit. fort. lain liuitosa, Yarn, hocdlaa. And other Mwlus mAl.ruU, tuid Irlumlnsa. Haui.k. should h .rat llh .Auh bid, al th 0x1. tins of th. .artj (ut aidtl k tlie ism. An oath ol aili-iiur. al.ould AorompAny bid. ho vi-rbal prt.uoalttin will be entertained. Imt every bid, or uictllltCHJlotiol the tame.tuiiat b. In writing. Fun l.aset will be made from time to time at the irnoili ars nisNttd, undor contrad or otherwise, at the lutcraaM of the atrvlc may riuir. (IimnI acouiiiy win b. i.ulred r th fAlthiul fuldlment of Any conlrart maita imdor this Adt.rtla.Qi.iit. Kmooaala ahould btaealist and to the under tlsnid, and tuidoraed, "i'rupv.ala lor 'urnUhm; lirr (1oih1.."Ac. t'HAB. H. OKKKSK, LleuKnAiil foloual snd Chief QtiArteruiaiter, lt.ipa.lm.-tit Vi'Ailnsi.u. Au-lot WPA HTM I. NT nv pi'itrirs ir rntiwi va J Ofllo H. VY. coraor of WALNUT and t'IKTH i DtrvvM, F1111 aiiklpiiia, Anjrtut d, 1801. NOTfCP TO WNTKAUTOIta. fti alrd Proi....l, will he reoatved at th. Oflloo of tho Chlcl t'ommltalonsrol Itlgliwayi until thneoVlock I". M ., on II fMiAV. IKth laiL.ti.r tha ronatructlon of a a.w un ir lino or Hrtiwn .treat, rmtu Indue avontl to tb. ' weal aid.' of 8ev.nlf.nlh atrret, Willi two cait-lruiv ' Inlet. ; ons At Hi. H." W. corurr of SUloooth anil oat timet., and on at the M. W. corner of H.'en teftilh and Hrowu atrtnta, and one mention, near B.v.n-tt-t blh street, to be built of hrlrk, circular In form, with ' a clear lu.ltle dtamatw of throe leet. The undei'atandltig tu be that tho coutruotor ansll tAke bills prcpArsMt llialntt the property fronting on aald Newer to the Amount of tevrnty-ftve ceula for each llueal foot of I fionl on esch tide ot'tl. atre,t la ao nmch ca'h Pal. I. th i balanceto be paldby tbeclly. All blilderl Are Invited to bo ' lirvaent At tl e time and place ot opouliif tbe said proK,als. I Karh proposal wlli b icoompsnted l.y A certificate thAt a I bond haa Wen filed In the Law lieparltaont. At dlroc'ed b DrcltiAiicenf May if lsni. If th. lowest hicder al. All I not .lecme a com ran within 0 v. days allot- the work ia awarded, he will b. deemed at docllutnir, and will be held I'ahieon hie bond for the CltTcrtnce bclweoa his bid and the next hlkhci bid. hpecini-niloiia mar be bad At th DcpArtmcnt of Burvy, V hlch wHl be atrlctlv adhered to. The city rect t the light to reject ill hid. If doomed exorbitant. W. W. 8MKDIT.T, uio- ftnlt Clil.r Commltiioner ot lllghwayi. 1IGIIT-HOUSE COTTAOK, a A IL4.M IC ClTY.kl. J., NKAKKNT HOt hi: 'IU THK HKAl'll. Thlt w.ll-ki.owa uout. it uow opua fur th reception uf Tloarilt ra. Itathlng never wit hotter. ai Im J. WO0TTOV, Ptxiprletor. J N L, U T IIOUH1J, ATLANTIC CITY, vi.w ji.itsr.r. OIX). D. UlaKNN, iro prlotor. ILoa and favorably kttowa aa pmnrtofbr of OTSTBB 1 BAT, 81A T It and CllLHSIt'T dlraeu.) Partis A.-eotnaio-lAtrd with Hoata, yiaiiing l.!a.A'e.,dn, run to th. hiiua,.ey Iweaty auoul. oV-u 17XCTIANOE HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. Ti ll.e au0.crlb.r. uraterai fir ban rkvora. t.aden th.nka tn hi, patror.a Aa Use fbr tb. gJftroo. ouo- tola Hivta biui, aod !. i.av to bait that b. 1. uow opes lor the eceeon. and ready to revive uoArd.n. ..rin.nent : and tr.iialenl.ea the molt mo.lesa.. uxroa. Th. hat will alsi a. te iilplUNl with the caat wlnol, tluuort. And .'gart. aed auperri.oM alo. Tho tablet will bo sot with tbe best tb. aiarkA allot .1. I'lalilnt? Ituea aod locklo Alwovt no hard Ail tb. ouKuawta of a uoeuo oan Always b oaad) at tb Bxdunjr 1ernui?persnouui. UKOKtU HATDAY. Je u Proprietor. pOLUHIIIA IIOUH 13. ATLANTIC CITY, JEW JERSEY. 8ITTJATB ON KENTUCKY AVENUB, OPrOSlTK TBI BCItr ilQJfSaV,. EDyTABD DOYLK, TMynUtais. Taraat k tuM tke CimM. baVtf g BA-BATH1NO 8KA.BATHINO. KATtONAt. RAIL. ' CAV ISLAM 0, CAP it MAY, S. J. CbOdna audar U of ajr. and m-tvaM half srto. Boaietrlor AeeoiumodAtloaa and Ample room i Ul 1 nu aunvur.if 1 KBtotse. , AjmoH (aAaakaaoa. rroprtour. QONVAY'tl 0YBTEB BAT SALOOB. f . W. fJOlUJEB or SECOND AND CHESNUT 8TREETS, )y9f-lBS FRILAUFXPHXA. pjk.irs"riiM-u:i iA.irTiw-un Io. i7 & THIUD BTEEET. AJiOVa CHUMVti fAHY BROTIIKRJ - BODSa, 11(1 Al, aUTO OMJtAMlOrTAL f AIlaTUa. SMalas, Olasta. OtMlaf alM, sUk-Kta-dadsic, rapaf TAjaltkftid,, ayM TTNtTFT UTATPI EAUTEftX a?'trICT J Or ITNSISV I VANI. r. Hit. i'NKnrAT or t iv n rvrrro nr"s to tut WAKHiAi,.or tma; jiAHitsKS i,;rwtfr 'IT I S assiLt AklA. W UrHKMt.Th.tKTlrS fonrt of ,'. Tnltsd BtaU M dfovtk. K.Mm .h.l.slrs l-rnnaTl.'ASlA. nt.!lf and ..lj prorMdli ion s Ijbl.fltaNlln u. a.msol U.. Lolu Jtite. of Amrlr., Imk n:rl 1 1 M.. ta fficrU who B.vr. or prrotm 10 li. anj nm. llila, nr UiKrl la bto. m csiu.aas s.i,mi uios- S.nd di.llan.ll,. prfssrdf,l tlio aaw Uii-xsM, (snVl and picked hy to. onrqu. AIA(:Atrs.a,nttrwH Into this matrlct. tn h monl.i.1, rttril and sV4 to iimIhusiiI, nt th. uos. And pi.s anferwrluaa, and to th OITict haroaftiy .xnrowyf, liuallo. ao r-iiilnn.. it-a sr. tti.rrror etvitt and atrs-Ur tMolmst and rsomwiW, lint vo 001 it asst. ban th t p. tlMIt f Hi At imui twooftlio d.11 mwNootrt prlnird And piibliahn in tn. cur a .iia Oi lptiia , and In th l.lni inuntnunrrr. yo. 4a munla .no rh.,orrAiios lo be AOd rllH parr'satA rll), aa parMina In swi.rsl Wh. hav., ar prmoad to has., a.., i last. I it la. or In th.aaldlw.nsy ana piv. half hala a, ntttnn and nfiiMtn tlmnaanrt . I tlia IToi-aari, ot" th. s.M! thorsof, M .rpaar b.-lhs fn .a,unn tmi.Al.tliRK. trio Jiidieor tl.a IXW,altiini( M iskhm, I. tha rlt, of PhilwW. pt la.oa tba twi-ntk th lav A tor puMri loo ot loaa. on Z? i "rurt,ay or .1- no tit. n.l court dor ..aT. .!L,;'W ""alb.itir nf ns.lna !!.,., t.rr ISl L , . In do. nrm .1 law. a ra,-ii- ". an, th.. b.v.,whjtho tAl lrnS d.niT. """' b.ln. oottoo M.4 Sfian thoo- sam.. to lln- fssanil. w th. I nitd a aiaa anA ot tli.U-cn,n,ls. or ott.w.l,, utbt. too." ilmnall. n. to br iul)uAaa and lTAjJ..l!!r . a ..m r,!r,ir,7to .?V? sa t. ju.llr. .n.U .twt.l,. Anll,,nJlr hnw.U. ' or can., it. Ss unt. All !2 (to wh. n, 1., 11,. i, ,vo, i.TT.rj rwVT s?X. lnttmal.lMtlfll,av.lall no. aH.i .1 li. Un. a,vd plawata.v n.aotlonod.or APtwar ati S.U jl. . rra.oii.t.1. And Iswrlil oaua. tn th. oontrarr Uia..alA liiatrlrt Coart d.Hh Inland and will p ocat lo ai. JwZ i n th. ,all rnpturr. And aiAr prooouiwe that tl,. aaa t.nt-Bv. And A sal' b laaotootio, an.l Brt.-o thoiaZ ooiiars. ui. proraoda w iba iaM thortsrf. did botoor. .t ta. tint, of th. rapltit.of th. ma,, Ui lb. riwjioa r as I liltad Htatia of Amartrs, and a, goi.da of tht-ir enroll,., or i thi rwl.a. Ilal4a and ub .rt to s .ntlvatloti end eo drmnstlon, to t A.Uudisslanilcoi asmiiad a, lawful arlM thr sb.i nss-nr isihsr oohtimac- th. isiraon. aoolassi .tut llitiln.iod la snvwlR. DotwIthatatHlln., and that yo duly crttty to Hi. aald DIs'Ttct (Amrt wn.t joa tbAh o sa th. nrrmiaaa. totrothar with tn... paTiia V) ttllfu. th. nonstable JOHN OAll W ALAnra, JeVa. 01 th tad mrL at I'alla.-alpliia. tin. Moond day of Auaui,A. I. Lst. I. and In tl ifhty-a ath .ar of taa tfidiTs nitolic. ot th. said (tnllad NtA'i .. ot'lO-'M (i. K. KOX,L'l.rkof Dlltrtrt OourtC T fNITFD STATES, EASTERN DISrRICU J Or I'KNVNVf.VAMA. .SIT THK I'KKNIliKNT OK TlK t'JflTrD TATP TO THK MAKSHAl, OK TUB l AXTKHN Df.SIltlCT OK I'KMNHVLrAMA, . CRKKTlSa . V) HKKKaM. The IWltrlct Court of tha Tnlted Blalaa la . nd H.r lh Pastern District of PsnntrlvAnla, rts-tilly "u u"- i" t-t-ui 1 . n i,.-., niett ib in. turn, or mo Lnlud Mlatee of Amailca. naili dec: end All peraon, la (enrrnl who have, or pretend to have, Any right, litis, or ttiurwt In the etosmer IDA. whereof Wl Mv p., tell la master, bar tackle, apparel, and fitmlrara, AAd' Hi. cargo ot tb. aald learner,, red by tho t'nnX Btate. .tearaar HOM1MA, under eommAud of Lieutenant -Commauder K. Orvlli. Matthew,, to b. moniahad, cued, and called to Jtti gment, at the time and placo on. derwrluen. and to Ui. .Hoot bereallar oxpeeeaed (in.. tir. so renninnit. Yoa on tberefi.n chanted auA atretty enioined and commanded, Uiat yon ora-t a4,. but that l.y puhll.hlng thaa. prtaenlt In at leait tws of Ih. daily newipai.en printed And published Is the city of I'hllan'elphla. And In tb. Lrval InUllumtfr, yoa domon.ahaud cKe, b monl.bsd aad eltwd. p.i.mptlly, all panonaln genaral, who hava, or era. tend to I av., anv right, ml., or Inwreet In th -.Id tnm.r 11A And cargo, to appear before tba Hnnoraolo JOHN CAIiWALatiK.K. the Judge of the aaid tha IHMrtct Courtroom, In tb. city of rhlladalphut, oa the twefilleth day after puMlcA'ion of theM pra ent.. 11 it oa coortdoy. or .It. on Uie next court day following, between the usual hoars of heart ng caueoa, tuett and Uiere to ahnw. or allege, In due lonn of law, a reasonable ai d law ml xeuae, it any thov hare, whi ttle said ateamer IliA and cargo ahouid nut bo pro nounced Ui baking, at th. Urn. of the capture of 'bo Bsiuo, to Ihe eneml. of th. Lnited Btatot. and at goods oftrelr Cn.tDle.or otlierwlte, liabl. sod.aubleet to 000 tteninatlrn. to be ad adved and eundemnMl a. n..a nA lax nil prize.; Andfurirer to do and reoelv In thu be liajf as to jtittlce shall appertain. Aok that yoo duly tnumate, or cat ae to ha Utllmataq, unto- all parson alore.ald, generally (to whom br the tenor of Iboae pre sent, it 1, alao intimated), ti At if thev shall not appear at the lime aud place above-mentioned, or appear Aad at.all not show a reasonable and lawful eaa to tk. cor.trary, than aald In.trict Court doth Intend and win pit ced 10 Adjudkailen on the aald capture. And may Iiionotincethat the .aid ateamer MIA and carao did bo the lime of the capture of tha same, lo the ones. luUl ol ttc United Htstet of America, and at goo'il ot their anemic., or utherwl,.. llaol. Aad eubleot to uoa flscatlon and conoemtiation, to be aiijudged and eoe demncd aa lawftit prlxe, the Absence, or rother oontaj SOAcy, of the peraona ao oHedsad intimated In Aoywlao noiwlthtAndlmi, aod that yoa duly c.rtlfr to too east lilsthot Court what you ibAU do la tho yromlaot, to gether with theee pteasntt. Wltnestth. Honuralda JOHW C ATW ALA TVER, Jndje f tl.a laid Court at rhilauelpula, thl. olght, day of August, A. 11 lien, aid In the eigt ty uiuth yoarortlt la pendemeof the Alu I'nlted Htaiet. 'l"'-1t tl. II. 1TVX. Clerk of nittrtct Court. T Nil ED STATES, EA8TERN. DISTRICT KJ OK I KNM,1LVAMA. hCT THK I HKHIliK.T OK THK t'yfTEfl BTAeES. totiik mahmhal or ruaKAsruiiN DmxKicr or PKN'HI LTAIIA, OHttT.VIi. V) ha.HK AM 1 he Dlatrict Oonrt of the L'nttod State! la and ror tb. Pastern l,t,lct of Ponmylvtula rUntly ' and duly -nsteediiig on a Lil.ol died In the name of tno I nlted Htatea 01 AuierlcA, hath decreet! all peraona la fiencrwlwhohav. or ureietid to hav. any right, Ut.e. or nttrett In sixty one balsa, three half billet. And packo seaol rotu.n. tcsrgo 01 atramer nam. unkaowa.) raa titrtd by the fulled auue. ou-amer KKYSTOaK HI' ATK, a ve... of-wu of tho United Bta'e. under the command of rierco Croaby, cim aaimIat. and bniLght Into this dtilrtct, to be moniahed, otted, and t alli to Judgment, At th. time and plaoe hi. derwrltten, and tu the effect horeartcr oxprtaa, (ju.'lce ao requlrtns) Tnu are tt.ur.fnre ohargod and attictly cnsoliied Atd oommaa.lcd that you umM nut, but that br publishing these present. In At lea-t two of tho dalle new.paiiora printed and polhod In the elty of Philadelphia, and to In Legol IntrlH ptnrtr, i.u do motil.b and cite, or cauae lobe aoolahed and olifsl. pen mntoifty, .1) pcrkons In gencraj who have, or prettnd to bat o. any rlgn , title or Interest la the ,aid BUiy ouc bales ibrchalf baloa and nachA.of oott"a, to upfieA. before tho llonnrabio JOHN CA1 SVALAKKK, th.JHdKCol the ,Ald Court, at the Luatriu t'oortRooa, fntl o city of Philadelphia. on te twentieth day after ptlhlscAilon Ol the,, paefif.. if It be a 0Htrl day. or a. SO on the next ooun day fallowing hotweaa th uauaj hour, cf heenng causa, then and there to abow, or aiMtgw.lndao foimollaw a teatu Able And lawful axcuse. I o.iy ttey have, why the said elktv-on baJee. three tutlf bale aoi. pAcfceget of cottun .h. ,ult! not b. prououuord to bslitng, aA the iHi.e of the capture oft l.o aassk, to tba euouiHM of Uia Untied stales. And Aa good a of ibelr .iteut'oa orotliar wlae, liable and subject to condeioratlon. to b a.iiudjoda and eoudemacd a. good aod Uwlul; aad fur tnr to do and receive la thl behalf a to juatioa hall appertain.. And that yoa duly Ultimata, or oau to h IptiOiAUsl auto all l. traous aLtp aald, geaerAlly, (te whom by tl.. teui.r of thes preaetf. It It Alio fntl niAted,) Uiat If th.y .hall not apoear at tne tlm and place abo rn.nt.ousr, or a and ahail not show a . rcaseual'le and lawlul cause to tht eontraey. tbeu aaid JHstrl. tO'itt d. thlntendand will reec 10 adlndlcAUoa ou tho tald oupturo, and at, prooo ine tkab tho .a'd atxty-tine bakl, tbroe half baloa and package, ot c-tu did a' tb. tlm. im tlie captureo! tue uah, to-Ube on.aie. ofth. t'niiod Htaut 01" Aniotica, and aa o dt uf tiiclr neatea.or otliorwi.e.llaMc and Bub.ect Ui coiiMhco tion bo adjuegnd Aud ooiidemued aa law Itil pnxe the absout or racuar aiu-iiuuucy if the per, .ot. to cited and iutimaied in auywuio notwithntaiiuiiia, aud ti At you duly certtfv to the isld lii.lrict Court what you akali do ia the protau., logoihw with the prt sen t. Wlli.eth Ilonoral.l JOHV CAIkWALTsKR JdM of th. laid Court, at rk'Ud-ltiSla. thla olgtitk day of August, A. 1. te 4, sod in 110 eighty-ulntlt year el Iu Indepet itetioeof the said I'ttited Ntniet. llilo- lt ti. k. KOX, Clerk IMttdctCoarl UNITED STATES, EASTERN DISTRICT OP KKNhSl I VANIA, NCT. THK. I KK.slf.KbT Ol THK t'NITKP) BTATE TO 7 at K Id tltNUaL OK TUB EAsTI.KS (AWtCKICT OP I k Shatl VAklA. flKfh.TtSU: tVHl'Hr,AH,TSc Ill.lrS-t Court of the United Htatc, la and for th. kulisn li.irtet of reemaylvwitiA, rlgatlr and duly pr.Kea.iiu. wu a I..U.1. ttw-d In th. uatu. o( to Calted tat., of aiumI a. baib oeo.ei ail psvvoit. lagoo.r.1 ko baie.or protend to hav.. anv llrhl. utle.or ktterr..t la fhiny-itur bale ot m n sod aeventeen tbou.Aiid dol lAi., and, arda.ltic pro.eda of the .Ale tacreot', fouud tttd pitlt'd ep hi sea by th. baniue WILLIAM VANNAMk, aid Moiislit lulu this dietrict, to be nu nifthm. oiled, and eaik d t ju'lguwut, ai tuetlin and plat, und, i'-n, and lo th. .tiee. he.osnerek.reaed (iutltc M, nsintrtng) Von are. thernir. Hiar,ed and sirit-tl) en olned apd comuauiletl. that sou umlat, bat that by pi.b.ililt g iu.e preeuta lu At .oa! two of tie dully i-ewitiopcia uiiuted and pubh.hed In, th cur of frtil:adeiplna, and in the t.foai ni'Ui'mrrr. lou do tuon ti aud cite. a. 1 tu bo DionWbed aud etied. p'-r, uip'orily, all per."ns in gaucraJ who have, or pruutn to hat r. ao) rnikr, fiti, or In'oredi In tho aaid thtrt -lour bales of coiliia and aevcule.n tii!tatil dolta'i aod i.pteMtdt. tl e nria-eill othe .ale tltMivtt, toAOueor y.e Hue. iao'v JCHS 1,'lllWAI AIJ. 11 .iuds of tn laid Coon, al tbe 11. til. I Couil r"m la the City of I'htta disbhi...n tbe tve'.twh dav atlar 'putil earsin of tneae praeota II it lie a rourt da, or t-lae on Oto n.xt court day lollcwng. bilweeti titi usual houia ol heating oanisoa. tAea Aitd tttrw 10 al.ow.or Allege in du.MKui id law. a rewm A'Jleand lawful excti.e, 11 any thor htve, why the taid tl.lny-.uur lisle, of cotton aod .eveateen tltiuatfd do'lor ' Ami' toe procoeda of tho ssl. ti-efuul'. lhou:d 1.1.1 be pi oiiMiiK-cd 10 biloa , at Hi. tiia. oi thr c.otiire ot tr.e .an... 10 Hi. unuutlea of tho I nPr.l kietes. ai.d, at raod. of their caem.ct or otliorwtao, Hub a and .ubject to ootidemfiaiteo, to bu o.l.adgsd and condemned as go id atio law lul pr ?..; .ad tti.-lher to do and nstvo In thla beha.i ai to ju,tica shall apperiain. And that joe duly it.tih.aie, or nin.e tu b. iutituaied, unto al' pera-ma afore tttd. get or Ally (to whom by tne tenor of thot. preecut it it alao IntituAt.d), that tl Umv ab all aot AppcAr At tbst time And ptAce uAot. meutl'isstd, ur ippeAl And .nail BtV lliow a reasonable and lawtv,' caoso to the contrary, Utaai Aid DlalrlckCout dolk sntend and wkll proceed to A.1i dtcAltoa on tkw aald captur., and may pnuiounc th ak tb. tulrty-AfeekT bale, ol cotton aud eveaCO'in ttwiti. tend doOa-s and upward., tho prorata, of tai. thereof, did baloag. at tbetlmeof tho cautuast of the lA'jae, to tb .n.mlo.01 tho LlBMed ktatas of .tsmeetca, Aod Aa goudaod their eneiuie., or oth.rwUo.Uabk. ai aulsoot.Ui oonbaeas thss, aud,n, to be Adstdged And udeuuMda taw nil prate, tbe ab.c, or rather oerttautacy. of the pse euul to caed and latlmato) La aav wtoo BotwithjtaodHKr. and tkat you duly oartuty to tb told District Csrt wtu4 . ya thAll do ta lb. pmmiaea,latkf with kUoae unaKale. . Wlta.M IbelUuMAble J0ll CABSr ALAHl-K, JuAa of tho aald Court at PkllAdolpklA, U. aaoud day ed August, A. U. UM, aud In lb. eltitv-aiatk yeAr ol Ik lodcpeaaaac oi tb baU Ctusod SMota. , t auCmi. It. KOX. Clerk pfatrlct Caart, AttHHAVti SALKy-sMY V1KTUB OIPA Pi I -Brttof aakt,by tb Ben. John ldwaladar, JaHtoa, of tk. Dl.trtrt Ctrt of th. FtiKsd ".. la and too Use Ka.tera Dl.trkt ot PeAit.yiyai.IA, la Admirait,, to. tuoa. . dlrectad.wlU b. aokl at P'.e'lc oU to thj, hlll 114 heal bidder niroAsh, at ulCHBaraH 8 TOHK.S.. WV iS 5kOk 5 WrVit, oTkloMUA Y, August 1 1 . IH..4. ai lk o ckk A. At. S bale ol t oU, bala' tu cargo of voal ... ka.wn AJ.O, tb. cargoea of tho Hum f II) , aIom BAHAa.asd atABT.and HOPK.coaaltlng of wstkavU hAuts.iarpeauae,iko,adtAila. WUUAM sd-lLLWAstfl. V B klAi.kAH.U.MireuoA. rk"Ad.lpbJa,Anfo.t.loiM. auiii NO DECKrTlON. NO TNEKK10U. COAIa parchAied to ofT below th act pca uf Ainoartoa-' ankrla. KAAltntL W. luutt. blAtAn trt.'.,v, 00 (Ma, oela th as.utn kkoLB VlJsi, kit t pmiaat lit laid Iskdaud Burt stoaA.BAtt t Ai.Ad bar tun. - Cowaamers itmsild makA taal JaMyai at ont. pea Vtoaa to aosahcg AdvaiwHk. , KRMOYAI. THOMAS M. l-I.0WMd?f. trpeatr and Sjauowt.kaa. nsuov Ha ale.p a ia Jlo. M Huraebtrry nft to N.', JLM , r4 Ula. .. (otntng Ui. U Pe.1 OlBva Aivuioa. H.vlcif ion. . f twot.tu. fo. cajtj uf oa u,. I aatUMA MAaaAiVBif, As ! s tolpBotjrvsdaosisto'ksJW'uAAa, ta-l