KXjBlll THE DAILY EVENING TELECRAPII. PHILADELPHIA, FMDAY. AUGUST 12, 1861. Orating Erlcgrapli a m.t mfooir XY.wtfxriM. C1TICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Pcsae fa PJaarre Paa Oorr, or Kwhtir Cam fn t. parous sstlts Carrier, end aealled l Aobserieers at at It Ctsy M Mim IVMXtu F Assca i Oai PouJ aao Hrrr Omwe t Two Momi.laarlaM7la aoVanat Mwawwn nwrted at tha steal raise, A loeral Afranjeeseat atada fcr aatetsses uuartaMM. - Tts rrraMMnl". ' - aaste naa . Mkea r htw" dr.lT.T'Irilll Slilenw at Usitutdid far laei. m t inc mm n atMer tk. ""J?' iM.m. kit u a (""'-jLi" : aaatot uaauii ia teiem icjsoied OoeeattiutcaUene. n.l,. c eks treat eaersase ta ttie f'trrwletUni of Thk teeaMvta Vr.rAris. rrlllia as ta to ta prets at an earns'' ws a.s.sly reoeast tkat advancements mar a. muxi seoe u ' 'eVve. II poeelbie, to tuvuro Sms, aa assartsssi to aU af aar edMlooa. . ' ; FsUDAT. aUOUBT H, 1804. fill ForiM or THK COC5ITRT. IDTHM AWRV4L (IROWrH H BHLATIOW TO Til K H A riOftAL DKBf. ' Tb growth of tb United Slates Is the won Jct of U world. Nothing like It In recorded la AAtawatic history, To foreign nations thl t growth U knswn Almost exclusively by ths tscreM of population, or the appearance of Ainrica sWps It their ports. But when wa OOflM to Investigate the Ability of the nation to Incur extraordinary expense, or to pay an accumulating debt, the question Is not so Biucfa one of population as of Industry and production. It is a question of the rate a. which the nation Increases In wealth And resources. This problem has scarcely been Investigated At all, And la understood by few. To moet the question of the Ability of this BAtloa U pay its present and (Utura war dobt Wltk promptness, And without the least dis tress or doubt, w propose to sol re these probleansr 1. WAat Is the Wealth of the JTadosi r lit what rats does It Increase t t. What to IU proportion to the Debt? L What U the Wealth of the Nation? Wealth to aU the av liable property of the coon try lands, houses, precious metals, cat Co, domestic animals, tools And munitions for the employment of labor and to make lands productive. ' In tome countries, as In Holland And Belgium, there to a considerable dra bi:k a the value of these, from the fact that there is little or no market for them, except for the W of those who hold them . Thus, a mm who builds a home In Amsterdam does not ex pect to sell It for what It cost ; he builds it for his OW use. In this country it Is exactly the reverse. . Every man expects to get more for bU property than what it costs, And In nine cs out of ten to Jab titled by the event. In A country where foreign Immigration in Im nwose, And the natural growth rapid, the market to Always a rising one, And All species of property to marketable. Hence, in valuing "'1 "V- fxTy ot we country, mere is no uraw- ac from the went of sale, or the possible fall of value.' . The property of the nation In onu year to worth more than it was uppraUcJ at the preceding year, nencc, if we can find a fair valuation of the property of the country. that valuation to A perfectly safe staudard to Ascertain the wealth of the nation. It is only recently that Any Attempt has been mid.) to value the property or wealth of nations. In this country, the ouly valuations we have are in the Censuses of 1850 and 1809; but these are enough to establish both the Actual TAlue of property And the rate of In crease. The valuations are very well proved, by corresponding nearly with several Slate valuations, which are made for the purposes' of taxation. For example, the Increase of wealth In the State of Ohio, given la the United States Censuses of 1830 And 1990, compared very nearly with that given by the Auditor of State And Commissioner of Statistics, And Are known to be very near tho Actual saleable value of property. We there fore Assume the Valuation of property in this country given in the Censuses of 1350 end 1800 to be substantially correct. Taking, then, only the State and Territories now in possession of the United States Government (although for the ultimate payment of the debt, we have a right to Assume that we shall recover the whole property of the nation), the following brief table will show our wealth U1900: Kll'kit ! Cat ?,'( I a7t (,ia..,. 1',;"7ho rxl il.W-AS l.'llt.ma.. lu.anr.jwa Indiana. tw.bM.M !.... l,ll1i.Jt Aaa.aa.. K I.HM. Malaa... If.'.7;7i,l atd lujy.wi ai.... 7:'.'.V- antk ... ti.Wlt MiH Ho 1S7 ?47.niT H H.... Hia V.i 90-MiO.laO V..., 1,(WU.U.?I Okio S04.7-.l Oinraa.. s.K ,4T faoua.. TOithalvn B.I ss.NMriH This.... Mt.M Veraaaat ,t S4M Wo t1l.Mi Tata.... St.i;a.4'M Wtolih In IHSO I7JI7..H 4u,m,ti4 46,Mi.lat S7I..,'J iH7,11H,. 8(W.it.l.llJ l'.l.'JII.MO lh:,:r.,m Ai7 li a M.2W.4I3 Un ,it,;i'.it lr4.:n.MiO 47.uih;)-'4 I J)W..'tw..-,17 1,1 AJIWI.4M ja.it.'aj.ti 7 l.tin.uit ma lu.t;i7.aNM 4ys.!en.wrJ IOT.477.I7S TH.S;l.lSt 4I.1W.4W In. pertt. nrreaja 1h-..7IJ.;41 M7 aa -.ITS S 714.1 4..-7J 47 M iriii.ISi.IO.' ItSOtt ?-rt.js mi 'Jti t .H.l7,HV a.lll.i IJimt Ii7.l-i4.ij( MM 241 aiu.i'i; 4i t!i In7..i7 :-n iu-w w,ii 4ia wu iwaj tn la ij.H h, A on a .;ta.4 l tsaj 7ia trt ;il 7) SHK.IM.AI IM'M Vf.rta'.IM 471 4 8sH.n !,j.m vast WA'iim as is iW,a.i7.-Sl tt".-4! :i.i;i.14 ust il.ii b.in l on jujmh law iih tuTT.Tlt 111 tltl.JlKIJilS Sa,'TI.Ji.l3 ill The problem of wealth, estimated by tho CAsh sUudard of value, Is solved. Tbe actual wesJth of the country oa the 1st of July, 1303, was eleven thousand four hundred and ten tniUioM, Including Id this only tbe States And Territories now la Actual possession of the Government, Oa the eam day the wealth of the ewfrry eotinfry waa sixteen thousand one bundred aiu? fifty-nine millions ($lU,lo'J,000, 000). Hence, the entire wraith of tbe States now in rebellion, including portions of Loul lana, ArkAnsas, Virginia, North Carolina, tfcc, now In our control, waa but four thou sand Mwit hundred million. Tbe national Wt-alUi, by the rates of 1800, was in bet three fold that of the Rebel Confederacy. If we UUe from tbe list half of Virginia and Loui siana, lull In our control, the value of the Con federacy is but three and a half thousand million ; so that the weAlth of the loyal coun try Ia really four time that of the Rebels, looking to the inereaM, we find that tha de . esnnia! Increase was 127 per cent; And the annual Increase 12"7; so that the four years from 1800 to 1804 give An Increase of fifty per cent. Tbe Actual wealth of the1 loyal State And Territories, on the 1st July, 1804, was ixtee thoumxni six hundred million ofdoV k (11600,000,000), equal to that of th entire ; naUon In 186a But some one may say that the condition of wat lias diminished the Iooreaae of wesJlh. Some conslderatlosis will make It etttkot that thia Is not the fact : 1. With the esceptloa of Tenueasee and Missouri, the loyal country aaaU aaons of the destruction tcr. ft. sYlarga pai-t of the lnerervse of wealth waa dm to inanimation, And thlt eon tinues aa larije as ever, and gue( exclusively to the loyaJ BUtes. 8. The production of the gold and Mne mine te ihr gnat than it WW Itt 1600. ft. A large proportion of the In crease U in the ncu Stat and Tcrrlturies, which are still increasing very rapidly. . A.U tbe paymenU of the wat are made to our oka lofIe,nJ, with the eeptlon of wtHUgtS, the Kar ha drained no wallh ron country.' i . . i . . .i . , . . . . ... - . J . if . i II. At what Bat does Wealth Increase f . it., a. 1.1 .U. T We have shown tnat in we, " Increase at the rate or ill per rent, aecen- BOtBUe book of its kind, fltttsl to make an 1m nlAlIy. The Increase of the wealth of the prr,ion In the circles for which tl Is specially country from 160 to 1SC4 was fit thontand two Hundred million of dollar. This Is more than the war will cot If it continues seven years longer. IIL What Is the Proportion of Dobt to the Wealth of the Country? The debt created by three years and a quarter of war, from April, 1861, to July, 18M (exclusive of the legal-tender notes, which, being tie best cur rency of tho country, will continue oot), was thirteen hundred mltlUm. This Is Just one- fovrth of the Increased wealth of the coun try I If we were to suppose the war to go on six years longer, or double what It has done, the jwfcflMonal oV&t would not exceed two thousand millions ($2,000,000,000), for one- nay the expenses of the war will unotlon ably be raised by tho new system of taxation, din'ilona of her p n hae found their way into . . . pi.i. print, tliis it the only complete collection of and from present appearances more. This Th, n, ,., ,nlulo. we have no doubt Hut thow would make a debt of three thousand three capable of appreciating poeticHl uleut will con hundrcd million (which is less than the pre- bT. .'I,r'r V'?.! r ?,?d j1ra,r,i"n. sent debt of Great Britain), while the wealth of the country (as proved by the above table), would have Increased thirteen thousand mil lion! four times the entire debt. From the facts the following deductions are In evitable : 1. That, even with a considerably dimin ished Increase of wealth, the country can carry on war for an indefinite period, and continually increase it wealth. 2. That the resources and progress of the nation Are so great and Inexhaustible that any public debt created by this or any ordi nary war can be paid, principal and interest, without any errlou burden on the people. 3. That, therefore, the public loans of the United States are, and will remain, unim- peachably necure, through any period of war, and bring good Interest are the best invest ment which lenders can have In any public securities. I B RTATE-WIUT IT IN AND WHAT IT MAY BWOWK. Pennsylvania Is large enough, territorially, tor the purposes of a great empire. But Its superficial area la not more magnificent than Its natural resources are diversified and Abun dant. Nowhere else on the face of the globe Is there a tract of land cf the same extent which Is more liberally endowed with all tho elements of social wealth and power. The soil of the State ia characterised by a generous fertility that yields the largest returns to en lightened and thrilty cultivation. Dense forests of the flnosts timber cover it In all directions, while Its mineral treasures constitute a source of enrichment yt uncal culated In point of capaciousness and avail. Lility. Tet It is obvious that Pennsylvania, with all these elements of greatness and pros perity, is but s'lglitly advanced beyond a primitive condition. There are vast sections of its surface In as rude and unimproved a state as Any lying far away In the unclaimed wilderness of our western frontiers. One may travel for miles and miles through certain regions of the Commouwealth, where scarcely any other sign of civilization meets the eye than the woodman's cottage dividing long reaches of unbroken land, or those marks which some non-resident owner hits sot up to denote the line of title run over what Is other wise a savage and unappropriated wild. Of course, Pennsylvania Is not singular In having so large a part of Us territory un tamed and uncultivated. Mnst of the Status Arc sim'larly situated. Its fa:e is enlivened with many thriving towns and vtllasres, where art and Industry and social refinement have made their abode, while between these seats oi settlement and cultures, the whole country exhibits the evidence of human enterprise, labor, and Intelligence, in the shape of canals, bridges, roads, railways, mills, factories, and beautifully Improved and flourinhlng estates. Nevertheless, this hu?e domain la only within the threshold of development. It hns not more than a tithe of the population it could abundantly maintain. The original forest yet stands on millions of acres of its soil, in undisputed possession. Its avenues of communication, connecting different And re mote quarters, are comparatively fuw, while the hand of Industry has but barely tapped those exhaustless stores of wealth which Ho buried within the bosom of the hills. We may, then, confidently declare that what Pennsylvania Is can afford no just idea of what she may become. For a long series ni VMM ..noin oaiiju. nuA nnu..r.i:i r n h - . ..... , , , der and impede ner progress. Out these are now gradually passing away. Individual and associated capital has been aud Is being Ube- ! rally applied In improving channels of trade and travel, in stimulating agricultural and manufacturing activity, And ku penetrating And working the rich mineral deposits thut underlie tbe whole surface of tbe State. This forward movement In the careur of Im- provement has invited a new epoch In the j forlunes oi the Commonwealth, aud we now appreciate inore justly its marvellous resources ' an A jet,eKtlltlAa ina ae.L-I..M hwiAt Kla i y.. . Tact is tne increasing supply and growing com merce of Coal. New fields of this great staple are constantly being opened. The certain and remunerating profits of the business aro In ducing capitalists to luvest their means In tho purchase of tracts of coal land tn every sec tion ot the State, and companies are contin ually being organized for mining operations. In order to facilitate the transportation of coal to tbe markets of the seaboard, railways hare been multiplied, and these improve ments are giving Impulse to Industry and trade through the entire Stt. Vast regions if the finest qualities of anthracite and bitu minous and semi-bituminous COIll formations, f WlilcB nave omy neeueu a coiivcuieui uiciiu of access to market, are being opened by the miner, And are swelling the aggregate pro- j dactron. It Is gratifying to know that this eapltel source of the wealth of Pennsylvania It being so rapidly developed. It 1 Important not only in view of the Immense revenue. It draws from foreign consumers, but oa account of the stimulus it affords to our In dustrial energies. The fuel of Pennsylvania bus become a chief element in the manufac turing Activity of the nation. : A fire damaged the house of Oliver Younger, in Gloooeeter. Massachusetts, to the amount of SI W0. on Friday mornlug. Among the "mova bles" distributed In the street was an old cheat without fastening of any kind, which contained stout five thousand dollars in greenbacks, and tome six thousand five bundred dollars In notes, bleb, with its contents, escaped damage or dis covery until picked Bp after tbe Ore. Travelers In tbe White Mountain region this maimer complain that many natural objects of interest are defaced by the AdvertisomenU of New York quack medicine men. A purse is to be made op by tourists to employ a Donse painter to judiciously efface the ouonsive aaveriuemenis by ib application of pilnt, as nuur as possible to tt. uataral color of the objects diitigured. A in,Ur ork on the liue of tbe Hudson river SltUlld But t ..,!,, new rrnimrioKs. a Foidikk or tr CinssRtANO.-Th Is a denifrned. It Is the memoir of a young WIhaoiv in suldier, written by hi father, In a styl thai A III touch molt hearta. The beauty of the book l the nobis character of its hero. His filial affec tion, deference to fuperlom, love of honor nml principle, and hia full ymp tthy with the nobler j iirulu andamnlliona of life, niirk -d bin a a riire huraner In tho quieter sphers of home-life, whlh' hia too brii f cure! r m a .Idler ItooM out In brtill int relief the true Clirixtian patriot snd hero. The story ImprcaaeH one nuwontedly with the contlincsh of the racntlie we are laying upon ur country' almr. Kor mil by .!. (,'. U uriKct A Co., pitbll.hcr of the Sundry Srfiont Tintu, No. MM S. Fourth street, Wr understand that I.lppincott 1c Co. hare in pres and will soon ptibli.-h a vo;nme of 1'onnn, by Mist fallie Hrldjres, of this cliy. The frieuds of thin yc unglady bsvc hnf t ntertHined a mot favorable e-tlmatc of her ability, both a a writer of pro and of verve. Although occatiionul pro- iillar with her cff..rtt. Tbe volume is entitled ''Ihe Muible l-le, and other rooms." CITY INTELLIGENCE. Bahk Bam. Match Atlantic, ok llROOKLVS, VS. ATTII.KTIC. OS I'mLiiDKI PHlA. The above match (thelutof the aentn) took place yct rdav, and nxultod In another victory fur h Atlantic by 3 to 1A, being a total In the to rmatohsa ol W, a. aiiifl 47 lor our clubs. Thare were a lara nunitxTol pemon prexi-nt Teatertlay to witnoiw the match tppobalilr two thouaandi, aranug wnora were a tair proportion ot iailiea, and the whole was oon tlnoted in the moot leapcotanle manner. 1 ha Athletia piavers made a tine display, both at the bat and in the Hold but It a the current oninion that thny wou.d be beaten two to one. Mr. Mullmoa'a pitch ing and Mr. K LKlNrn nait a ratchinr waa very rool, and, in tact, I be only aott apot in the fl -Kl wera Maloitk, at second laae, aud (.ratt., at third baie the atter lin hurt t ut both wc I known a good ones, but unaccountably tailing In catching and at"iping pjiiiy bails lu thia match, by wliioli a larva number of were obtalued by the Atlautio. I hi lolluwing ia the aoore:- aTHi-ario. ATL4HTIO. Hun. .... 41 Perptk , I b, i . f-usklll r. t KIHnioider. cH t.raU. i. b Malona 2. b Y, iikins. a Mi-ltrlda p Hayharat, c. f fcnillli, L f, , Pearca e , , 0 c. xuiith, 3 e.... , Start, I b.... , 1 1 1. ii'lirlen. o.f.. , '2 Oalvin, a. , Vrtnr a.b , 3 Chapman. 1. C .. , Pratt, . I H. Bums, r. f.... Total. ! Total Rt'Na t KAta iNNiao. '1.L Id. 4th. ath. 8th. 7th. sth. Sth. 0i01itl I I 4 1 It . II tl. Athletic..." Atlantic. ...4 t'ml.lre Mr. hCTTON. KotemriiiA t 'tnh. Ili-nokiva New Voik. h co rcra Mr. PaxaoK, tor Athletis Club; Mr. Mowlks, tor Athh tic I iub. GkF.RAL BmjfKT'8 Sit ABP-SirOOTEHS. Uajor J. W. MooitR, of the Ninety-ninth l'enn.4y. vanta Veteran Toluntecra, has arrived in this cilv lrom the tront, with apeoial orders iron the Wat lertnient to recruit a reyimcut ot iharpshoutcrs. to bo attachod to Major-t..eiipra! Hibnkv's iioad quartim lor spicial service, five eomaanica of this rer)iiMiit will be recruited in this city , aud lie ere ditcd to Die draft i the otlier five will bs rained tliroughoiit ttio State. The renment ia to be uni foinieit ainutar to the Berdnn sharp-nhooters, except that ttie body iacket will tie auhxtltuted lor tho took coat. Ihev will ta armed with tho Sharp and Hpon cer revolving rilieH, and when orirnnired will be one ot the moat cttcelive limnetic ot the aarviue. He criut.ng ntatluua will le opened iu varinua parts of the city. It la expected to raiao five companion in tiua citv witiun tnne wetaa. ine goiierat noauquar tera will be at No. Ma I'hoautit street. Hkaiii.no PoTfo.vKt). The hearing bc lore ( oinmlaaioner Sahoknt in the caie of tho Oo vernmeut Inspector at the Araeuai, which was to hare come on" vmtentuy morning, after argument of Oi iiuwt, was deterred until I tiesilny, Hepmher 6ih. Kanikl IMioohkhi t, tvi.. appeared lor the deieuilaut, and Mr. V ALiariNK tor the Government aut boritiea. Deathh of Soi.mers. The tlpath of E. A. Ttjbbt, a member ol the Fourteenth Now York Heavy Artillery, Company H, waa reported yester day at the 'dedical Director's ofhee. His death oc curred at the KiltH rt Ktrect llo.uital. The death ot 1. 3IRKRICK, Second Nor Vork Mounted Kitlos, 4 Tom pun) M, also occurred at the t henut Hill Hospital. Wk have t ab the largest stock ami best assortment of Clothing in 1'b.iladulphia, com prising aU dealrable styks of good9, frura uuilitim price to superfine. Every one can bo accurtituly fitted at once from our Hock, what ever be bis si.t or proportions, in gurmeuts Ciiial in all rei-pecta to work niude to inuiisure, at much huer pi ura. tor those who prefer, we have also a cc.nipkte asaottrntnt of piece goods, which will bo uuule up to measure in a Myle sarpaascti by none. IIknnmt A Co., Tow I H H itL, No 5 IS Murket strcut. I)a. Cottnos, No. 1.117 Vine street. Mai-iinu and C.iai'KT Woek. W. Henry I'atten hits a larc force of frtl-cloM bands at this brnni h, and is prepared to at and lay either a small or large job, lit sny time, with tlesputih. W. Hhnky Pattkm's, No. H08 Clicmut street. Harrll. ASIITON-PBICl!.-An(iatlHh I9il by B". T. W. Maciarv, Klrth sinct. Iieluw tliranl arjnuc. t IIAKI.H.1 11. AMMTON. of Waihlnaton, I), t. ., to MIS MAiii K. i UK K.ol Wilmington. I)eL bAKKB-m ll. In I'ouiihkoepslo. on Mnnilsv, Aug, S. tiy kU-T. francla H. Wheeler, Uev. RMI KL 1IAKKH. Il.ll., faster ol Klret baptist Chnrch, WUIIaiusbura, N. Y ,lo Mrs. SARAH A. ill Sit, slslur ol Uia ortlciatlnK clertivnian. KKNNKV-hMITH fin the Sill Inilant, hv tha Unv. Ltlwanl k sunny, Mr. JOHKt'H U. KKNNLlf to Miss ALII k. MAKIf oMIIU, allot this citv. Kl.t'TOIt-JOHDON. im the Mtti Instant, at tha resl denceot the tirlde, Jarksonvltle Kla.. 1.7 Ilia Kav. L. M. . .k. i. -i - i k ..in- , .... ! Ilobbs. Chaplain, t . N. A., r. KKt Toil, Assistant Sur- eou Ona-hundri-anii-tw.uty s vnth New rork Voian. teem, to alias H AH .. JiiullON, only ilaughtsr of Mis. at.Wullaca. fNew l ork and Albany paper ploa-tecopv.J tiMITll TOIUl. On the 1 1 tl. Instant. . y tha Key. Joseph P. Iters', t aptaln HKN.IAM1N H. SMITH, of hnx.klvn. V V.. to .H.rtlf H1K Villi. INiA, a-cond aliliwt .tauKhlt-r of William II. 'I .ij.l, K.q., fi.rina-ly ui Krntuekv. lioston and New York Manors plcae copy. l OHF.-7tKKVKS.--On the 4ta In.'tinl, by the !tav. Mr. Oreeuwolu, Jlr. HAM I'M. YOI1K ol Kasiun, Fa.tu ML-S CAliKIK W. HHKVKH.ol thisclly. Sless. Ft Ll OS -On the loth In.tunt. Mrs. M lltY Wi.TO, aaeu TI veurs. Tiie relatives anil inVnil of tbe lamtlv are nsKoectfiilty InviiMt ti. att.-iid her Ifinvral. mrn ttiu tu.l.t-:'ni-o ol lier bnsliauil Uaun J-'ultoQ, Sit. 114.) t.'rea.s stre-'t. blow krsnktnrd roail Kli.liteculh Wurit on fca'urtUy al'r noon, at I o'c'uck, v.1 bviil tunht-r uoUoo. l'r.ic:J to rtankUii CeiueU-rv. , AvlH.on ,u ,.,lh lnjrtVJl, JAMEH t'AMH, ll tli tKd year t Ills aae. Tn. rtia .v. s a..d fr ends of the faiai. y in res, .o:i illy Invited ti. aua.i.i iliti tuiiersl tr.iin itis re iileticu'.l' his s-mj-In-lsw, Jsai.', Mri'adci-n, No. "-H .rrii .tro.:, on Mon dsy text. s 4 1 MsiTnum rurtJ.er a itice HAIIil.ti.--M'jilduiily on ln liib lu.ianl. 1. II.MK, eliluet Mn ot .laooh 1.. an.l Humh I., lls'tert. Inir notice will he slveu ul'tio lunor.l. HOOK. At Key Wixt. Via , on winidiv June ta t a) tslu (.OHNKLll n souk, I nltel Htatos Anuv, la Ilia avth ytssr ol ins ana. ; KAYH1.K --Oa the IMi -i.tml. I l ilt "UT RKVrlt. . a-'ii I the sie Wl l.ui aud llania'a k. y.er, ia t ia 7 S' year oi hi ae lh, re'stivia act t'tlund-. am fi s." cM'iltv l.ivited 1 1 i a tend tie tiineisl lluto n,e ie.iij.ui e oi his ne iesr, 1 William K. Th'HasH. Miua .trecr, . tne vVss iln ,".i.n i aventi-,i..msutiisn,oli Stuijav, 14th, i J 'c ock e.kt. i JOIINDON - On tba luih lasiant. kNM t JM..wir..ot the lute I.HIKI.K .IiiUNSON. I Ihe irhnusoi the ismllv are inv;tcd tn aitant tha tuii..rai, iroin hi-r lale reeiilciire. l.'iiiteu sfcoel Oermia loan, on Halunlay alleruoou, Hlh liHtanl. at 4 o'clu.'k. ' neat ralcrabuni .' ot -ouuIs rae. IvcU in. the kattia Is tD.i.t of I'elcrsuutv. Va , on Jut y m. slMH.il 1,1 i.K N I.ITZI.MIHlll.-Ou the 1st ot Auuii't. In llio boMiltll IlkUfl, ot t'oin.an O Nlnctv aeeeuth Iteuimsot Pann sv Ivsnla Volunteers, in tho '.'id yuar of hit ave, smof Hlrsui and Baron. It. Llueooonj. Oh I desolata aud sail our hearts to-day Kor tha loss of the aallant and brave. Who that In tha morulna of lira passed awsy. To rest In a patriot grave. In youthful prtda ha left his home ills country to defend. And gave his life a sacriSea This wicked sortie to end. No mora tba drum and trumpet soond Shallcallhlinlothaael.il o mure Uia tyrants of tha earth shall bid hiui dla or yield. Pus noUca wiU ba given of tbs luaerat If taa body b) re covered. MacCl'LLOCB. On tha (th Instant, ta Morriatosra, . J klAMV K. MscC't LUIt'll. dautftitar o lbs Ut rraacla L, andChailotta M. MacCullocn, of Sauuu, N. ita ttia 'JUt yuar of ber aira. M ATLAf'K.-On Ihuraday momln, Aumst 11, JOHX at ATi-Aca. Therelaiivea and friends ol Ihe family are respectally Invited to attend the ruoural, trom Ala late reaiience, near HatUonSsld, N. J.. on Saturday aruuuova, August tJth . at . o'clock . wltltuut runner oofwe. 4th, Adjutant BKMJ.MI1N It. M1N fl llN, Sln.tty-aocond Krgluiant Mew York Volunuiora, aoo of the lata WIIHaua H. M ilium. Ot I W N .After a short llineaa. at the reoldanoe of kf r O.'onta Wllks. Mo. Tfi Saiisom street. phl-aUciohie, Itr. J. H. ixllir.S, Uie Iri.h An.baaudor. a native of Mn Chester, kiutlatui. In tha 3Atli year oi tile aire, 'rhedo ersted waa a Mason of good ataudlog, and a member of the llope Lodge No. 244, Mew York, i Absent tTum mends, amongst strangers he cams To Aniertva'a shores, lu aearih ol lauia. But It pl.ase.1 Hod to take him Krom oor nil.Ut He is gone, beloved by all, Te bis far distant noma. Tbefoatral will Uke plaoe Itom the above plaoeoa lalunlaa A UBTIlart I Alii. liueBollua w- ie lTuof the tin la l-awaTOW epor. HHlKTTA.-On Tbureriay m unit nrf, It tb luaUnu Mr. AM. HHIKI UH. lu tha .Cth ytuu of brai,j. lh relaUMBjid fiiaud oi tbe tewll? are nr-pectljlly Invited to aitud tUa njnrt.l, iroui the it-4iitiK- ut Lr aon-l. . Mr. George tw. No. Hi H tieventh ccmI, W A Ml A V !! IV, ATCfcaeoB to w. n. cAtrt. MAHONIU IIAI.K, So. 718 OttESlTUT Btroet. W I W O W HII ADUH, OtfUTAINH, a.c M06QC1TO NEITINOS. BUSINESS ITEMS. Kernaea Ulne fot Wo ar gliwl to pet Hi nt tli public with a now mnnty laving ank la, alm plcln conatrnrlli. a. ea.U manaed aa an onllii'.ry lams u.rd fur llatitlna pnnxaa In fact t simply a C9mmoii lamp, to which we apply the prlnrlpls of ht-atlna over aud around the llama, at aorured to an by f.attora l'auut. Iun4 bytl a l ulled state, and known a "Hthcr i Patent." Wilh Uili ilaiple apparatus, Oluc may ba krpt hot aU day, and not coantma tirr ranta'wurtli of olb To aacehaniri and arll-am who are compelled 10 um lahel at prcatnt hlifta ptlcci, this arUcle will save lit ci4 luonsKcck. Piiiukk S iinriiin, No. 1W South Second dttcct. rpun O H K A T l'lin; BLHBT SIWO8'tT S.WAnONAL WAOOM W041KI. LILLIE'S CHILLED IRON SAFE DTILL THE MASTER OF THK SITCaVTIOX. TBVTH 18 MJ(HTY AND WILL PBhVAIL. It Knemy.likr- hit grrtl I'mtotyp, 'THE fATIIKR Ol' ALL EBIIOR," MUST SUCCUMB. Iho cJllcni of PhlUdelphlA Mid wiclniir partleti hrlv rfititt-itortai. U. futlowlnic note lrom Mr. IIKNHT SlMOii?,:- rHrr.Annt.riiiA,.Tiilf 2ti,WJi. M- C fntT, Audit for Mliie CuiUt d Iron -Aie: .If A P. HiV.:'l !: No. llM'l.illrxl IroU Hf I iroIAfl1 of you In lM.'t w lm wy oftlcs wr.Jc.1 wm burnod entirrty dt.wii, with mj wnitiu fht tory en FrltUy ntftit t. Hf hobki and nat-fr wei tnki n out ol Hit tmf tniirai the fin n'aU'Brd tliPl.iiiiJlna, inerdof or ttentD wm$ p4ld to -J Wit miter iiip nrf, inr some anvsj. Thimrw thii-tory lri d hut Id in jr. lyinc jttit jM.iith ot my main wawn uliup.and am tiie wind at tht.ttmo an from the north, ihe (ire frnm the wa4-on-ihi.p waa torcrd utrnnKly upon the office, and evurythlnff eom lHitttle hiirt't1 entirely up. On ratsmlnlnx the Hf the inidewfta found, not injon-d In Hie le it, and with ft teat ot paint and a little repairing eterually, ll read a.id Ut ft-r I fn cluertul.y Trcrmmind LILLIFBOHfLLICDf ROM 8Ar K to all Inl-freetf.'d u a mont thonu(rh Hi ino4 ItKNKY hlvioH, U. S. National YTau WorLi. Thelhltowir.fi; (act 8 In the abort cerUOcate are parUeti IftrH noMi eaMe : JfifBt. Thecharaetrof the buiMlnn, Ita bi log lornved jUft aouth of the mnltk wmom-ehop, with 111 finmeuive amount ot conibimtitle material; aitt the fttot that the w.nd at the time wa tron mm the north, which f rced mi tnuueme amount ot ht ut upon thia huUdinir. Ketml. 'I he fact that the Hm wu tne anialk'it ttlr.e httt one, ami that It wan Mt In the cellar, aaony the rulni, for days ttheut care or aitntiont tiitre waa nothtujf loft In H. Third. That the Hate In not trrnnK. warped, or tw1td, hut la k till In order, and lit foruie, ercn tho lock twing Mljl uAln.ured. ThU wonderful renoJt, totrrther with the ret nit of the lute attempt at toht.-ry of LUIle'a ChUUd Iron Haie at Uie Vi'rtt I'liHadelphla 1 ruit Fund. ut puiil.si3d. mutt prove to the atlriaciitn of all part itn iniereted H Mtea. that LIUle'a Chllltd Iron Hate la all ihat b claimed for It, inctly and thorvutihiy fire and bail r proof, the ihrH fron tafe maker, I'avid Kvrinft'.aanertlon to ttie contrary notwithstanding. Verily, Fiuvlduce la oa tlve aide of Tttt'h. V. C. S.1TLF.K, AL-errt. M. B. The above Pa It now at depot, and all par ties ti.teri-ated will pieanetxamlne It tor themaelvea. M C. HaDI.KK, AKi-nt. auA-ti No. n S. BKVfcN ril (iweet. J,UKCTRICITY. LOOK AND LIVKI A WOKD TO THE WI8K 18 St'H-ltTENTI AU direased coBdltloni, both acuta and chronic, where V.iere is ltal)ty anouiih left to react, are permanenUy cured, t.y wairantee, at No liTXi WALNl'T Street, Milta delplila. and lu casaofa failure 'n most obstinate tnaiadlea, no diarife Is mada. Klecirlcat Institution, estahlithod about nve jeiirs ago by l'roieesor BOLLJ58. Bead tha follon leg A class of maladies pravalls to a IVarrul axtent lo com munliles, itoomlng lik,(KX) youths, of both sexaa, annnaUy to sn early iirave. Thais diseases are very Imperfectly understood. Their aatcrnal manifestations or aymptomt arenertoas debility, relaxation, and great aakaustioa. nara-tnus, or wutlng and consumption of tha tissues of tha whole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurtieA breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs, palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a dry, sore throat, trembling ant hsslng of the arms and lower limbs, aversion to society, buslneas, and to atudr: sometimes dlmuais of tha tyeslyht, k.ss of memory, dlsalnass of tha head, t euia'gia pain is various parta of tha bear, l amsliittie back and lower limba. lunibago, dys pepsia, con.tipation of the bowels, deranged seoraUons of the kidneys, and mauy other glands ol tlis body, pro ducing virulent diseases In both males aud f, males; like wise rpUepsv, hysteria, and diiierent lorma of nervous spasms. Now. Uien, Bluety-nlae cases out ot" every hun dred of all the above named diseases, aud a host of others pot nsnied, as ocnsuaapUon of the longs, or of U.e spinal umn, hove their orislD in the pelvie viscera, hence tho st ent of auccose by any of the old medical systems of practice. MSKAHKS or rr.UkL.fet. Prolapsus Uteri, Laurotrhiaa, Amenorrt.cea, and Itya menorrhoa. All tl a above dlaeasea and other Utorlne oosapialnts havs tliulr orlsta In a leas ot Ute vital power of she body, brousht on by Injuries, eseesses, s'dentary habits, personal abus. a, aborUons,and the uso of puwarful sardlamef. Home of the peculiar stinptoma are diagninf pains tbieusb Ihe hp aud back, weakness of the limba, and extreme languor and drMllty thrangkout the entire asteni. The ertects pn.diiced from these troub'esotuo sslailies are almost muiilludlnuis. Consuoip'lon, Dys P"psia, Neuieltta. faralysla, Deafness, llllnJns.s, tits, and IniaLliy.and aveu Idiocy, are not snooaiana, No enectcai or reliable reniely ha ever been found for these alamingc.Hnplalnts till our late ditcovory la Ihe use ci Klecti kit; la strict actonlui ce with the positive sad i.i'aeie :arlMUi n of H e l urino organs. We m-vor I'alk'd In curing all of tho above dtsi iuis, tsc. pt In case of erksn c Crr ii lament, or severe Injuries ot the parts. sirs Fulton, a lady ta irreat esiie-lunca and aointy, will have i nure chsiga ot treating In the ladk' dei.aj-tuionl. t'ouultitteii ftue. Prof. llOLLk A tw. HltOWN, u.1 fH' Sa, 11 W M.Nl V Si ccl, Philadelphia. SM e,Ytrsssieeit .tkxarui'tH':, And all ihr rt est i;nti and Uln a. 1 'eat. Oust sully on heed by tttvi.. A Ki.'ifiup-, Arcl sad IVlik. K. . VA'ttlttnssas at , . Msaalacturats ot New and Delicious Confkotlont, Almond Paste, Chocolate Caramela, Creams La Mode da Parle, axqulaltaly flavored. Boasted Jordan AJssoaUs, Ac, Aa No. 31S Chesnul sueet, below fourth. Assschi aft (. FtasMM.- lrr a co. s at A 0 H ' A BAMUiri Irrril ' CABIN tT piAjroa. mcK A 00 A 1 oKOAjra. PTAMA. j. m. tioi7ij. Seventh sad Caasaast t leasts. sAn-pvTa WATTrvrtfl. Oil. PTjOTHH AKD Kj Window Bhadee, from New Vork AaoUoa aatee, liAMnla, Iruiit Lit muU m l -UHl Vemeiiaii, IU. ana Homp, from a7H' te 70 cenu lr vafd; MttiiH, Uie Wrvaastf: Skatsvr.rtva.atnt akapatr Otrsn tl In Fhtlaadt'lubatl. IYiMB S7X eufocaula yard, at th tw Vork ActK.n HeJufl i- - . . . - v . t vt . law s4 Lkuuikllk si ot, ..rioTl HitrThluw'e.) No. H7 0. tKHJNl VUoet, it.t tkMif aijova WaOJMt opoaii Cora jfik haa,., rOUBTY'S TEA WaOKHOUerK.-ESTA- Bawwr, noU- aod 5auo KcgUab .u.4 8ooia aie atd LUUM m9t 9 AS, aW-r taV-Aw Xavf Maeaei mU m with cw. .T.HiiiiI JuuZi I. AMUSEMENTS. I'OU THWT.R PAY ORKAT NATIONAL 1 i li.Hl.TTll iKft s Tmit'FK r i n 1 1. WAHsr.tt I 'I rtl.mi AtTm.MOSS ld Kt'RNIMtlH at fi.l.. S('K 'ISTOWN, Til! HatiY 1 It, r iRKwacoM. II IIiaI' I'lh: I'KANKV " D. Tt:tt')ar. l h The entire Cla aM Tnmpa IH appntr oa i ti"i S'.a. "IL?!! pltOVHtn 'EW CHKsNUI Hl'tlEET l TlltATUK. THIS r.VKWIOl. Tb? granr ren antlr, nia.tc"', .irf"a'-aif ilrama, Al.AI'I'IN. OK TIIK HilM'KUM L LAI'. rrirnlHi. aoar thrao m.iitl.' Ha arHf.ra'l a. In a py U i.r t, i Bree.t.f4t ma t iftr. nc. rai.len- ltl' wondftr rti ftaMiio-miitin.. aiaaieflrfn' .ct', -r.rii mr'a", tfprt cvtilliniat and pitfli-aa, brauutlri aiiia r aqd 1MARKABI.K KXHIBITIOS, K'K hm.v evr. w i r.K AM'II H I UK- T. AMOVK N iN ..I KF.STft. Mr-if lllatlllt MiYKH' I'nixl Htam riraiis a. 1 Mr.ir AN AMM K(l I'll H Mamn .ih Ma rriv, nmbVI . tl- tie npnr4 1 Uih paMlr, oo'iirrciH'lb OnMllMMV KW-"IV Aihiut H, Aid rnt nilng rvr.BV K.VPM VI bi.Hi afoilar itth li'.t.. It t Miha ar nmimean ihe aoprw. r rae. c) !ih, Wiwaexlaj Pth,Tnuxl) I'tii, t'nili lilh.and Ha'unlat I lh An'iialet At alt. m cU. earh i Chl dria tf rent.. Af t'ti m-p prfi'rniaiie rop.nienf. i"JS n'eio k: anltii;, Tr'rkKa. IMjcr. eien M ha'l hour rarllvr on pcU ftc ra.l'P JMffaitle atalln.e Wmnn) ttrnl'iir. c in m'r.lrr Atert"rk, ror Ilia be. aflt ol Ir.aCII iMHKHi Hi Bn hi i rmniH. aut t TIIK BTAl SCH ANI CXIMMOlU'tltS SrEAT.t'8 "MANHATTAN." C A r T A I N K. A. RYTIIKR, Of ihr Cap May Una, It now msklne hsr reanlar trip to CArK.MAT.Iravtn Allt'U Bireat Wharf. e-ary 'nca-tty, Ihiirx'.sy.acrt Ssturriar at nma nckk: nmrulna will ica-e t aps May e-ery Mondar W1naiay and ind at hsM-liant atxht o'clock, tnurhlng at New I'astls t .Ih and nturntng. Kara SfHei carrlaira hira Included. lUklrvn kaif prtcat carriage hire Included. 8-rvnuj tl; c .rrtae hire extra. I r. Itil at low ratoi No rrriaht received alter a o'clock, aid In ad cases u iat be feepald. JJI-tt OSKPII A. BTEWABT. Airent u IN I T l-i I T A. T i : M 7-20 LOAN. Tta' Becr-aary of the Treasury gives noUce that i.al icrlptloas will be received f.r Cupnn Treasitrj If .ti t, pat able three yars from August 1, Tetit, with i-tul-an-noal Interest at the rate of seven and tlroe-U ntht per cnt. per anntim, principal and Interest boUi to be paid lo lawful nioney, Tt.csc notes will be coavertihlc at the option of the h'.ikler, at maturity, Into six per ecat. gold hearing b.m'ts, ps able oot leas than five nor more than twenty years lrom their data, as the Government may elect. They wilt he Issued In denominations of '. Sim, n), HOOD, and Svtxe. and all anh.crlpUcns mutt be fur fifty ilcllars or s line multiple of fifty dollars. The antes wilt be transmitted to thr owners fnaor trans portation charge aa soon after th lecelpt of Ihe nrifinal Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepsmL Aa ttie notes draw lutetest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that dare must pay the Interest accrued from date of note to date of iepo.st. Partita d positing tweaty-Uve thousand djl'a-s and tipwatna k.rthcte notes at any one time will be altowtd a c-'tanJisloncfonr-iiuaeterof one percent., which Witt bo paid b' the Tree. ury iKiptrtmont upon the receipt i.f a bill for theamouut.ee lined tn by the i fftcer with wlium tl.e d'-potit was made. Vo deductions for commissions mut tie made from -ta deposits. brKClAL ADVANTAGKS OK TUIS 10AN. Ir i-sNaiuxiax Savinc.s Baxk, offerlug a higher rate of Intercut than any orher, and the 6stf icc-wri'y. Any aalngs bank which pajs Itt depositors in felted Atates N'otss rcusldurs that it is paying in the best circulating rutsl'um of the souutrj.and it conaof pay In anything better, fee Hs own assets are eUlier In tiovornutent tcourl tlei or in notes or bonds payable ia Government p.per. It It equally oonveul-nt aa a temporary or permanent nicstment. The notes can ai ays be aout for wltMn a frat tlonof their faee and aecumulaled lutetest, and are tiie host smirity with banks as oollaterala for dli letints. CONA EKTHiLE IN TO A SIX PER CENT. 6-20 GOLD BOND. In addition to tne very liberal Interest on the notes for three ytara, thia privilege of conversion la now worth about three per cent, rer annum, f-r Ihe current rate f ir S-4V Ilotids is not less than Hint ptr cent, fiwi.nn, and bcaire thff war the premium on six per sent, rnltt-d Status Kicks wat over twenty per cent. It will ke teen that the actual profit ou this loan, at the present mirkot rate, Is not lees tiian ten per cent per annam. ITS XF.MPTI0N FROM 8TTE Oil MP NICIPAL TAXATION, hut aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, S special Act ot I'onjtrcis arem.ft a hnn.li anJ Treumty neVetroni fotaf ia.ration. On tha average, this exemp tion is worth about two .r cest. per auiiuns, acjordlug to tbe rate of tatatl in In various parte ot the eiuntry. It is believed that no securities orferso grett Induoo- fbeota to lecder. as those iisued by tho tiovernuvsnt. la all oth?r tonus of lndoMediteea tha faith or aollity of private partlee, or stock companies, or separate eoaanvtol- ties, only, is pledged fur psyueat, while the whole pro perty of the country is held to secure the discharge of alt Die obtliiatlons of the tibllcd tates. Wbik1 the tloverument otfera taemost Uherat Icria for h leans, It believes tha ihe very stro. test appeal will be to the loyalty and pstrloiitin of tba (suple. tiu;!lra' cnlUcnies will ke Issted fur aU uepoeiie. The pariy depositing must eudorae upoa Uie uriinai ceriifl.-aia the deneminattcn of aotea required, and whtUer thiy are lo ba iinucd In blank or ptyai.le to order. When so at domed. It matt be left with the oi cct r.'ivlvlng the dspait, tn be forwarded! to tha 1 lee-sry lar aitvent. f VBsrau-Tioas will, as kUcuvuo by tha Treasurer of the United Statea, at Waihlngttn, the several Asslsunt Traaaurera and dosifnated Depoaltarlea, and by the PIR8T NATIONAL BANK OP PHILAUKLPIU A, PA., SkOOMOSATlOMALBAMK OFFBILAUUs.PIIlA.FA., THUtB NATIONAL SANA OP PHILADELPHIA, PA. FOUUTA NATIONAL BANK OP PniLAW.l.fUlA.PA.. By all National Banks which are ilepotilarles of public money; end i aul2-tf ALL NESPECfABI-B BANKS AKD B ANKKU9 Throughout the aoualry will glv furtrter Informstloa ami AFt OBD KVEBV PA0ILITV TO BL'BSCItlBRKS. T KLKOHAFH NOTICE. REMOVAL AND JI t'oinvtllUatlon, Tho eittcat ef tbe in laud and Iude ptiKaWsni Telajrapli LUiee oava heea rtniovtl lYotn N. lit CUKHkt'T Mtrl and a 'uh THIKI Hireat, to UK aouthutatjt eniv oi TH.HU andt lll.iliil. i fitreki'a Tatt-ae compaiilvea hare aiitu tea cuiuoUdatxl with live L'fi.tmt MtaUe Ttil'araph Company, aatf their eoftl dataMl lire i.w etu.i over the Uaittxl tfttae and Oa nadaa, and ere now balm npuUy owiulucttxi l4C'ait Hit Mt. asj lu rtfrityrie or ukmou aa i-iaiia. Tho puilto will l on-: the advaau,ce, that thle Tne w PBjsjya vr U oihar luatmaueh aa amuN.atffli re Iirwaida4 rx' t ail pohtta, Uiua avidUu sij tl- kaya anauiaocui-at-lta 4 r-lay ma, raav Aoejicui, aaa re wrltliw ovkt ooiiiitMJitiia or aa'tlwaal kiea. Th I'pitfd MtaitM Contnil.iawvd I.lnas are tha only Use. WoraJJif im oepoaiuon vt id aion )p-iF. A. J. HeXlitf lii, dutpiiatn1at Phi'adtlftia, Au lr, It m 11 Ut MiD?cnriL cod liver oil Vn, 7I- M HKT.r H ' K f . r ( w rnvlmrth' l mM'll fn-h hm r-i fl-horlf . It ti H-rHrtt o; i t U (ML in mrvry rft-rv(, hut .m hM ft H r rtfiiiia Ion at J nif lfjorJ tnjr Utter ft tnd In t'i ATiKrli t. Tor'iiitn'R M. iltt t air dftf-nnlt f d tn Aiipp'y mi urtiri ti nt it tn- tri'h ly n l-d itn htt trrihut m hi1 p in.v rV tftfnfiUli I n r f Mfd cftl ' Vir A'l t Y'DB P ATBO r, AGE 80LI ItTtJI-, MeC'Al'.l.rt'S II.M. LAI', ItA'IIIIXi lUMHK QCUlb' TURN 13 . IN 0 iJOOD . ptnsr STORK OVI ATLANTIC HOVKI., Ctl'B I S I . A V I O l'i: M A v. NKW Jttl.Si V. NOTiPf S. ica- nil; Ki.-'uuittisr okkat ci;n TliAI. r.M I. K to s. kno le.1.0 'lie 'ol a "ill! d. ttrttl .nil (inn at Ilia knir ilronnJ. . i t vi i'n ie : I t 1 fti'e .h n id lt".t n Ine r.tn atai ti a ai a I'.ce n ice O 'ina iiv. f ..in Hi 1 let ami 1 a. '.itni aM T 1. r s e h.' t on,. sn I I. li. 1 H i A lo ktoi ei. Ice sn t'- a. oiian... V. Im. l:s I Ice f.ni, an H. ii !.. h re I. e (ii.n t:a v l-s-t. r li l..ni snv K. . 1 limit l e l '!!. pn ki.n H'lb ckee 1c t.'ouipany s.'i.T. I.K1S. C.iair 11 . , rtillsdclpriln. Ausu-t It, IS4. A-Jrf- CH A M ItKltSHl'Rfi HIKKIIKKS 1 he ui.d-is-nii. U .! kt oeii.'ilt ii in-re -e u' o- iho f llo it a Minis i d In U I in ItiedistresM'd p olv of I'htm- ln r-l.ur A. I' i a toil .! t fill I'S S t .c ll.! II H oert A Itro'hec... . .. o. v.. av J At si nci ... , K A hom er A i:.. toi.rae a. Milk'r A '.. , .tchti M UiimJ, by Ms Mir Itr r H et .Isru t at. rlsnaital' (I vv . I'ehu ttcck Win Ti f lottwn t H-K'r H.-.-iti-r. J hi. . Hstntiel T. Lov. ry tl.b.rn I i-a ock hiv.llr. Newtoi.. rttni'Utii of ti-llection on Pant da,atCtiuirhnfa,ii'bauy t'OMsro s.aule l stliHll A nmlilf .,, i. . OflceWii. 11 uiir, Jr , At u i n Mn y ll.dlT tn,esl t'-l tl.. t ) Mr A ii Cattail ,i. me. K " oaiin Ml., E. lis W.H. a dea l T W. at hitw An inipronji'tu C'-e 'tion tn I iiii.n M.K I'h-itcn on th" s'e unl r'sst d iy hi. t su 's P K Church I taniHun at Hc'i oi.... .l.'hu II VImt. V i KerniCy, H sire At c K r l.ontis Mis. it v'l.i t At.s. u 1 1 am Palmer Atlu-.'i ii M.iih' HAW Weill ... . t: .J Uitwsri! (' .d.lle , t ire Nat ni al Hank Jati e. v . Tat'i. I'H'h t er .11't.eph t'atler.ou Vhi t-e A Lai ell, t-ali-'ol-t'osl t t.i. 1'er.y lie av. a e ktu.unl .-sl.'i. lii.uraurc 'o'ui'Nttv,.., (' A II I'.' no I'Iu.mi I atr .'.MiieMiul.ell t.. ft t'.in. i I . H I'tiiii.liis , W ui I . h hat er It Wlr,. Mark v . rhatltier ll. tl II I., v ' P. la .lor, Wawoli , uein c u i, .y W. W. I n illmr Jane. Ki-n A shtl e (a ul lotiall.... . A. Mercer 1 1n n.a I Kli wi.y.. . t:ii'ti.it itr.li I. misntow n f S'.i r sniouoi '..r c iloii c till e e t) Ilt'lll" .1 V1 tutus 'I i bin Vt Ht tiei ktl.t ktsl V V SI t.l't M st l.l z 'liith l;h ads.... t al C l.i I.... ai Ili.ti.lt ot. tiiu te...i .tierJ-.i'n II I Is . I l tun 1.1. k No I, Damn el' l.i.r . Iir Inn hi M. k ctiit.'i.. a. loll us: Vls M Wtall'per M'. -srt i e pper.... . 4. sth r .l..s H. i oe Jits. Tout II. Hewers V r w Atam. M'ht..n Pa... K. V. I... I cel.l t Hill he le. L Nhatuliss II I IM. (10 1 fl in Mi a , t .1 IS) et 'i 9 it) no IM I'M l sVrfl It, j 7-.lt IS! S'l ftU lu 01 !f4 ID 1 ll in) IW .10 j 1 vvi ii I li u n 0i M i.l S" t J.i i.l Itt a 1 1 M i a ll 'U v . on ;ts n Kn no lu lO : tti ,v III v.. 1st ml (t M liO I SI I J.Wl to . : mi i 0t i.l i'J I' I ll Itl V. tm lo m ii iti fit! I Vi i lit HO M s II H .tone son a ttwsln r Kri.n. I h'eitait... it. t.cooe tianil ton . . ath. 1 l.p W.(',..kroni k'iss l.i. a'e Kin ey Mrs Ml or Vai jrket ... xttIS l"il. W: nill.lll ll IIi-iii y C.li.i' Jul n Un.wt'.by h. haui.s oi Maor lle..i Total i KriMt'Nrt A. 8 HM '.H. I'htladtli kla. Augutt to 1W4. aull-.1t trrtsimr rfT- TRANM'OKTATION OFFICE PHII.A- SjVCr- C-tUiiviiny. with an Aat of Con es a p vwt J ae ie.tii-rc-t.tty Ii tl all iec-1,. a 4ive-i iij-tn a nreatil r.ci'lv.d i.r t s ....u- -iti'U aT1' I.AfPLI!tI A. rVnLT1stf . IN'Ir. It rKTi.tfiC' Wll , JHis4.Ii v Otinit - nn i)tn.v to hot id I. ar a i 1 N I VMS a l Kl vfc. JK H T H Y l tntf uli-t or 'I WO f KN TH. .he xDt.nt t the ftAnie ti tm lo bv liii' pn'tv irctil.lMst itsiii rtCAlip. A I riffltit- taktii by t'il m fa.-iv liir mif.f. td to alitn4 v coaai.iuM w U t -tump1' V C nttmnj, mtll-Itlt Mutter ni frn9itrtAtln. 1'HIT.AlF.LrHIA AND KKADIV M.TH K. - In ct-tiPH mt tu of he pimihton. of (be Mr r i t-iii-1 Ki teiiUs Law, twfore kigui h rocciii tr 11 . r . irlTpiid lo ii.tru t..r 'iihhinii itio i, r- ,n ihv lkt.t.1 tut Kt-vtiitts- tM..p Attttti be luriil-liva 4iihne ,! ot tt ft r'l wriu nw' itm Kec. Ipt. tff ti eitd tMthiT I'rVtlin, tre fit-um will ) tt .lt. i tit t ri" itii d uie i iiu at pniM ft'tfj rfr-a-im n inr it o u 4)inerail KrrJgtti Axwiit r&T OFFICK OF TKK UNION l'KUt - Tlit- Urartl ot tt eotor bt.e ihin day hvl irii a te mi lion ..T ttlvldMld ut TWO 'Mt Ct.NTa Ull tt.0 i. lisl(4i Sic h.avnl;.e . t' f Mr l-t- I r- Ttaiuirr Uiml will be . K,.0 on 17 ut, in. ana l.'thllt-t. 4. F. - VUSI . au-i'( TMMAurnr. InOTICF. TO DaNHOU.Kl) rmi'A S ai d Sllbkt U'H---l'lU'.v,il. H ti. .Kl.-.f'.t'lltl t i. tvkatiilf mrtli.sl nf Inf'irml. tt tht Ir ptttronv -itid 1 1 Iubhc fttirraiiy H at in y livi Krrovi'i ti .r Ola-a i iin'itfap t t e tm-ci u i an'l t;, hi thfi ett V t-re itut'tJii.K,..n tin- N, . cui.r ! J H'ilii '.l una v iim i hretii), whir- iliv v Hi mTtiiiiP t;iftr V-.' -ntei r a'ii HuhAtjiiit rrcnii lr Atrnry. l h it u I tirfsnm inai. U (iAfV ft- ur ei.ervira. t., tup iiin.rurM au cn-irer s. VV- ifitlp ttlOP-f A'itf II;hy (tJllMlSt lllas.l.ll 111 ll ' -ta JtO R i'.i It w lit be ai tt iiil:-.i lu w.tt! tun tiMtnl urtimo'imitH .tMtl to- ina'y. A, H .uK'll4 .1 M. MiiUph in Wifii- fl nyr.AUiui-B w wu -I ilu wn u. riii ptr?. 1 omrtain hurt tth t.-..iu til partf ol tuf 4t.-iwu rtrctivi'oi.r nil. ..vr iUiMi:t"H. nlO !lt J. "'. PEA r X r-"H, NOISV SI V THK HKAlt, 'XHR. AT MHEASKS C tt VBttll. Tliose who suffer ft.uu Hv mai.ntct lisve m-a tl.o eoattruuimikr i'r Vus mi.'ihiI.isiki.k is un l uniMiir ; the BB-isl aertticily cti.t tjtiii ais ttrn tor ri'aei.'ua , ll.o snet .. Ike .la est t.. wai :h II l. ttlr fil, sod art l.- catma at witli wu iuennl iei'U.Uv. t'uv api U4sUu is liaialess. tiniee, o iyi s ii.m.1 i.;.ei. r 'i irirluiitl ii . I To the lleef-1 r V m o.it.ljki r. Aurlst, K". t'v: : waisiat strtat. oi'era'.u mu.t Buccs.ntil) on mrea:, retl.wll a H e ta p.tim-l resrtn -. lliimrft'niinwntlira l hv.iclsjjs tailsa a t k k. M- voi'tli. .hum ii '..e ear. i Vll.l.l.VM t'MAMK, Itisiice-. ' llrt d.u'-e, s'o. laU a SocvnU stces. PhllaJeiohla, Ausiu.1 ', lnH Piiiil.t.l.eHlA,Vli kJtli.a, VV14. Thia U tn certify, that , for four )ears I was Iniubiwl with an oneiitlva (1 snlisrso, ari omvanleii with deafurse. 1 have been treated tie nu merous physicians wkkaal rw.lvloa am twn.Hl. Soma Di.vtks ayo I apolled to int. Vsa Muschalskf r, was) has """"'" ""'"'AfcPa StstlKsiAKKH. ' Of tie Arm ef Bneentaksr A rtsiktl, jterokauia. , Mu. M N. Broad street. Pilvate residence, Na. m Oreen street. lCVE. Dr. VON ktOftCHZIMKRB can ke eeasultetl oa all a, alaillrs of the Ate. Tba Hb'KtilCAL uptratiow la ,..,or.Ua.T .klUul...rrdwj , Where hundreds of tlnukutettluwiilala as Aie tUivt can ba exaniaed. auS-tf AT3I DKAFNK88 AKD BL1NDNKS8. J. av7 Jsaaua, M D-. Professor of tke Bv. and Ear, areata all dlsaeasa atipwtaininti le tha ahuve-nainediaMsabsra wtu tlit atuteat succtme. r.tlnwmlaia tront rhe saost rauabls eeurc. In tti. etty and oountrv can ba seen ea hie rnaoe, Mo.ll PIAatausMt. AroacUl tja. lurtad witouot aoa. Moeliaiaaa wade esaaslaatlon. OWsa koors rronj S sa fl A.kl.ITst.IP.aI. sia.SU PUt AStreaa. art-am Pc REWARD. -L08T, AT THE LATE tniJ Aanltary k air, lo which It had bean loaned, a lame klsa, aUleen feet Ions, marked with lutteilol. ink ou Uw .Um. M. W. HkLtlWISI, auaj-at No. Mill srui VIt Street. unuuv TA aalv 1UIIPVT at V 1. a I sv. ... " . - , loaned a,n IHaasHida, Watclust, sTewelry, .riate, C'tuimna. etc., as I JON ke) A CO.'S OLD EATAHLi.-tHKll UIA A OPPK'S, iXfatef sitiitu ana riansiii. aw.vta, Helow Uatibard. V. B-WAHOMDS. W A ecu KB, J t WfcXHI , O0 f A, Aott tm sal. a ST . , , . lH.MAAKAHi. WW rsUCXBt sV-sSl Miin ARY N0TICESL u TO TIIK CJTIZKNS OF THK Kltilinl flw, a. I1 lhaditl.nry.f he g.l.i k 'r I ned r t'.i is.l c di X Is n b thSM ONI I MisKll. T ill .f thl. nna b r. s s it -r rwt.N r .KfVK h'H.i. ,ua wiii b n,( rn rnrevr.y volunteer reillle.l n. (fr a ir ... e- Tl. let.s lice v'.a b s a ein'x r r.t ire Ward I'eeiss!- e II. null .it lill.rpil1 f'.r e ei-v ir.oa f .-a 'h at's-d ni. It- th n.t ... evN-e r "e r tel ht,l' i-rshomi rHii . n he r a.. a be a'eal ted .t ii . o . .i ,nrr,!f, ael?rt . '.' vai.xi t ' t. L IKAMjfAKI Hiri ritOVn.il M vlt fth l Kl t I l.inri. I'. . e. .Ml t Till fill ! eit. ! 1 1 M"..t. -Ipl la. Auri ' I. 1 - t im Te tit . i .rii.t u' a ..I . n 're tons en i.rdia ry . I e. t- font e. el w ' ll re t.nr'.lne nl, l.rslY, It n,- ien 1.11 1 1 ie. te i-r"i. I'.f.li'i a d aco it ( m n lure ..1-e.l, rtta.-n srr r .o..'e.i..i I-. m seel! itl n o t i ' oo.i Mn" l.i ..: tli- I ' :i,"e..l. I: il I i r re- f.-r ste In mi-t o snrl t.rl 'e Tr ii 'i.t M.tr.li it tleii .rsi at V i.st.li It Tin, II onler of the Pre e t M i-.' al (I n nl . tvtt.l I AM r ,,i:il vi S. nt? II f ' i. .in nut i'ro.u t Mar.a.1. 0 J I'.lL U1TZ BOUNTY COMMtSSIOIT, ' lN"s -111 Iitt'rvi2 Hireet, AUnt'sT 10, 11. t'tll f.ltll.er nolle., a Itontily of KODst IIUi'8l,l IM1I.1 AkM ml In, i-si.1 to J.I. KKClltilTS, Tor One, Two, or Three' Tears 8ervic, Mnsiereil Into the .ervte of ihr b'nlie.t Hules on or s'tse August I. Ihm, and ciclluil up in tl e ct'm'a of tl:o Cti of rhtlsrle'iih'a. To kl Milei- c-itlAs liirnl.lilnii Hut..lHal for TltHF.H . 1EK, tha It. unty f.r T (I HfNHK." AMI Ht tt ' ' I.OI.I. AKK W hi psiil, as lierf lofi.rs. K T. KISO, IWMnk iU KOnr.tT M. NOOKS-, Ji... Se-r'ary. ami ct y ,nt M I V 1' II UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. i vitw or tub pi.p.itir.!n 8 cill ITVE BUNDRED TH0USA2TD KEN. Jtb Mill try r tnmili(of h Vninn I-(fue hi ra4 Ar'-snucnatntt wltti COLON t.L nOKVTlO O. SICKEL, i.att: iv tub Tit ltd lt-iittMl vianln. Jtsrstervaiej ' ar d with . th-r ottlef rt of that Veteran Cirps, to rec'aH S het'it.ei f tor ote year's service, under tm auspices of the I.. .... .I'tlti clliciia dehltons ot tnkina commissions In H t' .pi. iri.ili.il to i otoi.cj .1CKKL, at hlshssttiuar- . I it: l, t. MAUDS' lIAsl.L., . - ttv.K.r, ttt,i,iiar rtfv.li.) .I r-'tintte tint nruanlsll'in In afl . e r of ti e Meetisylvania Heecrra H l, RK k st'I.IOa: . $' 1 . 10O I . tun '. i..ia' ui If r one year). : dm HiUhlitt-PK f fuminlictj hy tho Ualted i.r.;'. r piuprrs ' a aitn a retjvetl. aud aeot tot -in.. i vi or In pquadi. ( ;ti-tT- Ualile to ttralt. and dealiims either cf voluntAN in., ' r im iTikturlnK nbtl(ui-t., will rind In tlUtt KeKLmeivt fvt-iy itOi.i e-ir.i-nt to rntfr tl e aorvlro. vu.lHia if ft l.ti'if fu nil. hi off iitititut r ff.n all. rn.Ufbtf tl -n . t d ihim to tiiii KctHment. i r aiti miitti oi v urd Comm.tteva la partlculariy caite4 t thtt oraHlaUun. J. R. FRY, CNairmrto. t- M rt:ti ii. . I il i. Tin iniuin. I .mpIi. Urtlliri-, M. !., .hiPii I. t.jJA. t.t.rn lit r .rt- I.l- i i i Jr.. a'i rt n Ji. M o nu , i. ! tt rt 11 rt-. ' i tM i' tl 1'ititniaii, let Tl f V ' tlt.l'V, atl'flir U I'trfllT. tl?r a Trott, Cimrlei alilpln llt-ni-v t IVe, ,1p.m.- )i. ome, JitAi'ph V. Tt'biax. N It. Itrowne. Kn'a liyi r, M. !., Wm.M Titghtnan, J (1 I-.11. t J.Macauan. auS-lA ; , t?' i' ' ft -inl QciO ttO. NTY KOlt VT R TEAK. frv t till a t'-wnnhii) quota a ror t av4r, iplHittry. arirtlitery, or Sharpshooter. Ctl ai No. 9 8 IHIKIi &rtet. aufl-Ct l C EN T K A I SUBSTITUTE O Nu.l 8 TMHtlr 8-reot Alien. tran, I herd M H-Ti rrTK-4 WANTKu, to wlioi p'K-i-win b i eld No alien m-eU apply CENTRA!, SUBSTITUTE AGRNCTa un, aod u Hurt s' ni. ni the hiirheatt who rait'iet lw eibh feali(.ia4aory Tideoce ot allvnage. aa otrn r. VotttraiiA must fiiTQaxh an honorabla dlrtliarg. Ti.- ni e im ol Hubsstliutea farnibhi-a lor aarptit or t'cnhftvivaaia. ...3-bi CIJdAS, MI rClIEI.L A OO. UNION LEAGUE g PEILADELPEIA. In view ot th rail ef the Protlusnt for Ave huaai'cA tkaossl d u.l'i . 'e ur.'Kite to raise a It KG IMENT COIONII'L HOEATIO Q. 8I0KEL (Late of lha TenuitvlvaaiA Ei serrri,) Has censeateA ta take the cantataaA. Auorncaraceainnf to take part In this or,antret!os an feua slid to call ea COL EOEATIO 0. sue-If No. I'dlttt WALLACK BTUfcltT. HOITNTY FOR MARINKS. WAKTEO tor u I all. d Hlaiae Matlne t orus, abibod'ad msa to usitoiu. Ui. duties of a soldier al uur Navy tarda, and a bv.r4 lulled Staist eltlua-wf-war oa roreisw stations. u - ' Metier cumpentatkai than the army. iHHt.it .tiHiiuiiji lMiLLAaii oovcrtysTBtrp BOUkiTYt also, AU. TIIK LOCAL BOUKTlltd pakt Spoa ealistanrnt. kia.ltKa reeelve Prise ktoaey. . rer all tWUtar InsaruuutoB applf at tha RflcruitlaA Aestdeavwus, u FBOKT twt, bejaw Isaa-uaetUraat, aetweea tba hours of U east t o'elovk. McGAWLEV, aus.tr ' ' Major and HecruMtaf OHicar, puBLenena-iDiLoiieHiv. OtVceea anal soKUare TtattxnA tas eir.oa rsvtottaavsailrsaa .(IWUllDH, Awai emits. MILITART aOUIPMENTB, aas ivtitsd TO tub amaarra tAAurAcriURnta AvrABijHsturi as OEOHOE W. HIMONI" sK XUIO. BAHUOJ4 8TKEBT HALL, AAUfstMf Avreet, akstxA ItatA. prbbbntatTon awosja Made to artsar at the akerteet attttoe, arklcAerlcAnaaaaaai . r.-i.s- maatlttoa. no otLal kastsa la sa. assaaarp aoukialas ska AtANCPACTUkUkltl JAWAiAA WO W Tost PltACTsOAl. AsViMUk ataJtAA. ts4 TOlll C1IUOI I. OAAPENTEA AWT) Miri,riKH, " aio. -si. ...tutta BtasicT. ' A terra force of kalVKoa a'V..kiil-.'l of all bisock t always mi kaaa. M-witttA 1 4 l.