HP TUT" i- Lil LJI HP IT? Ti .IT? (H TTP A: TOTO1""' : - . . '. ' L.7ZZj:z.i:..:,a r. .:-- H THICK TIIKEE CENTS. PHILADELPHIA, FIHDAY, AUGUST 12, ISM. PiticE TiiuKE' CE.VTS. CHAMDERSDURC. THE BURNED DISTBICr. WHO WILL REBUILD IT? TOE PEOPLE, AND HOW TIIEV AIT. ANOTHER REBEL INVASION fftri4t Currt'l" r,lrn'f cf T Crtrinl Ttl--irni-h. 11 tHRlHIi'. Rii, August tl. A wo Informed you by special telegram yes terday from C'liainhcrsburg, the members of (h State JgHntura, together with a number of Invlfc d gin st, including f.-vor il c lltors an 1 re porter fr.m your city, visited the town of Cbarubershnig, for tin; purpose of viewing t lie .rnina of the late Kebel Incendiarism. ftbe party loft in a special train at 8 o'clo.-k in tb.e niortiii g, and after a very short though in tensely hot rldo, reu-hed tliu town at half-pis lO o'clock. There the excursionists were received b.y icvnrul of the prominent eitifni of the, t' vn a ad, In injunction wi'b the roiiinilttee, by whom the Ifpihliiiur was Inviied, madi a tour through the burned UlMrict. Ken.rnilieting the sight presented of the burn ing nt the beautiful little town of II inipron, Vir ginia, during the Peninsular campaUn, we were much dtceivecl as to tliccxoecud extent of the damage done bere. To he mire, fir a uistitacc. of three equate ou Main street, leading from the Depot, oil continuous range of b.ackeried a id crumbling rnina attest the cowardice and tr:i y ol the Utlx'l horde under McCauslan.l. So, to , on M. rhet street, and bcie and mere a few DoDst-eoii etrctts diverging trout tluse, already nanitd; hot at iiaiupiiii 40 complete vviis the work of de-trm tion, that the streois were etiveird wnh the debris of falling w ills, and noni; but citizen ot the place could h:i ve recognized the former ciitisions of the ton tl. Yet though s vo rnl htitidred houses are still standing at Ch Un ix rstmrg, having 1 sc iped the torch of the in.vn , diunes, the stamp of the ravage of war in Inde libly linpiessod upon the town; and moUihu. if not Jtars, will elapse before It can regain iw former attractive apie.tranco and business pros perity. Aviulkof adoen squares ou such a day na Ti nt reav, wbi 11 the thermometer Indicated oue hundred and live degrees in toe Hha le, on more ot a copiously perspiring uia ter than n a-froo-able. Yet amid all the attendant discomfort of tbe occion, 0110 could not help but lingor awbilc, b neuth the scorching rays 01 an Augu-t ann, to rontcniplate tb.'sicKcniug features 01 ilio aceue. In the burned dint ri t,ut lease, the str.to s were deserted. Here mid there only, a eineii IM to lA NI'IMl tliriU,linir his W.kV fllitntr lh. an. cuml erel atreet to aomu mlj ieeui point. Hardly a vehicle of any description passed thri u.'h ihe strceta, and the houses yet reinanioi Kavt no external sign of their oeeupaucy. Where a window waa thioivu open or a door revnlcl the presence of some inmaU), those persons nne you a seaichiuK, unwelcome look an you p i-sed alonR,eniintly donhtinn in their minJs wbetner you ejiiiie as friend or loe. An inditfereiu, ap t th tic slate of mind wan the leading trait in the churacter of those we met. Thn mMmA . . . lr.. I. j n l..-.Iln mKIu I nf the oeauty of our homes; many of us have tieun thrown upon the world, laiu'itars; our domestic relation hare been sunoere.i ; nur early a-a hji i tions and runiiii eei:cos b unted and dentroyej, and we are periectly cjillous now aa to what mis fortune i next rHted up m us. Yoa know liu v dvapotidinftiy some men and women fold their bunua wb' n calamity comes: upon them, and ti jeuh usly they uursc the object of their sorrow, refusing all attempts to remove the cutise of their grief. Howe Interpret the real feellnir of the m imca of the people now living tit Oiamberalmrg. Ncore of the wealthy intiahltaats w ioj worldly p )s Seaalona are not conlined to the houses they o icj occnpled, have left tbe town, and many of these, it is mid, will never anain return. Kebel raids into Hie Siate have become too lre.nent, and life, they arjiue, has beconiu too insecure, to tempt them to again make their tesuiunce here. 11 isi mas engax rnetits will bo entered int in o il. r ci ics and thus rhambersburf; will lose the cou troll.iift Ititliieuce of their preseucu. Now t'hauihersburi? will of course be rebuilt. In a hush ess point of view, it U a district upon which the irroundini; country is dependent fir the necB-ariea of lite. Whether comiortib o homes and spacious stores and warehouses) ire. l'hoini.N-lihe, to attain rise out 01' tiio cli irrcd rums, and whether it will he rebuilt bycliaiuy or otheiwie, is lor tho former residents of the tows to decide. I., a fi w cases yesterday we beard tho sound of tbe trowel, and saw workmen busily ea,'aed in clearing out cill.ns, and reiuo lnh' the rums from the sidewalks and streets, preparatory to coin mei.cmR to rebuild. There is in tuts the ehiin tion of an energy commendable in thu extreme, and one that the Chuuioersiiurers will do well to Imitate. If the disposiiiou is but shown, abundant pecuniary aid will How In from all quaint a, while at tho sumu time an inducement will be oilend the Legislature to maternity assist the ps-opleby a IHasrul appropriation. fenotigh has been laid of iho culpability of the people living In the Cnuibcr.and valley, in not Laving organized bodies of ohllery lor homo delenso that might have inaicrially assisted iu staying the incursioua of tbe Kcliels. Uoveiuor C'uitin thoiooghly luvestli.Mted the uljct in bis message the oilier day, the pits of Ibis Ktute and that of Nuv V'oik li.in had their aay, and so we ahall not allude to it, further than to remark that during our trip to Chaiuliorsiiin'g yesterday, and when passing through tue towns of Carlisle, tShlppensliu'g.uud other pi -ices of less note, we observed huudiciis of ucsny-iooklug, aialwart men, who would inaKe capital "iiiinu e men," such as the l.egls at arc n iw has in cou teuip ation to organize imo regiuieuts, and who iu case of any future invasion would, even nu merically (peaking, constitute a strong argument against a Kebel raid. Let the past record go for what it is worth, only bearing in mind, however, that fie ,,'rest grain crop just gi.rnend Is a tempting induce ment for a starving O'jveni'noat to run every risk to ft 1 its gran ti ics from out tho proceeds ol our labor. Tbe people of tbe valley must not be lulled in'o a soil repose Im euu-e of the short time that u is elapsed siuce tbe Inst raid, but rattier heir 111 Blind that their conduct I all tho while beinr closely scruiiuizcd by the Rebels in their midst, and kO reported at large, thus reuderiu,' th'vn .elvea liable to the visit of the plunderers wlmn the people are the most loudly cougr.itula'ln 4 themselves upon their security. M't had a generous shower of rain hem yesrer day, which lasted several hours. It is to Iw ho.iod that it was general in its character, as tin 01 u la greatly sutferiug for the want of it. Col.. MitauKAitr :t:rs at bi;ori NKIUM. TV lit t Mi r THrKreniHt Trityraplir Bih ; Tho fashion at Dedlord Springs just now deserve the reprobation of all loyal people. That favorite retreat of Ualtimoroan, many of whom are still impudently aecesh, disgraced itself on Thursday of last week, and outraged the feel ings of tbe few Union people present, by pur posely having a dance on the National Fast Day. Such a course was openly opposed aud denounced by Uaasr. llogir and Hhouherger, of Pittsburg, aud other good I'ennsylvanians, but iu vain. certain "Independent" minister from this city, free enough with his tongue in denouncing Hepubllcau tyranny, refused to hold religious crm. On Sunday last, however, praver for the President was there olfered, and the lledford i-eotile at least beard the prayers for our soldiers tt forth by bishop Potter, the Rev. Daniel Wash burn, of Philadelphia, officiating both morning and evening. And on Mouday afternoon a pojil thing bnpiieucd, to the rebuke of the disloyal, and comforting to the Unionist. A tournament tame oif in pretence of the assembled guests, ladies aud all. Tbe tecesh champion wus no matter who; but the victor a George W. Lyon, a loyal I'eiinsylvaniau, in Yankee costume, a Kir Ruigbt "Joiiailiau." ilavlug vindicated bis native soil, t-lr Jonathan Lyon was duly cheered, with a touch of vsjtar-tpaogled Uanuer" and "Yankee Doodle" by the Laud; and iu tbe evening a fair daughler, of "I'nlon" sentiments, Miss Y., a niece of (jeiwral Cameron, received the crown triam pliant from "Jonathan'" own valiant hand. - Hotrhimiih FreNlmn' sent sud rtanrhtsrs, 1. Us iiuw ear Lcaltti-iuiartl w stars. I'niox. linn oud .'jBixoa, Auguat 11. . The lay crop in New Hampshire is much Letter than wu anticipated. Many farmers have fathered a much tbi year a last, and all con cede that Uii crop J Uperior In quality, aud wa fathered Iu much belter condition. THIRD EDITION. LATEST FROM HARPER'S FERRY. PURSUIT OF THE ENEMY. Gen. Sheridan's Array Moving. EARLY AT WINCHESTER. SKIRMISHING GOING ON. BATTLE EXTECTED SOON, NpsM-lal to Th Kvvnlnr Tsls-rph. llAHt't-H'a Kkkry, August 12. Five hundred of the emmy'a cavalry were aeeti at Summit Po nt, aud for few moments our cavalry employed them. There were prospects of a considerable; light, hut tho Kebel retired precipitately without firing a shot. Prisoner differ as to K.irl.v's pr iHa'il.j m ive mi nts, bnt the most prcvilont one is th.t b : wiil not make a stand at Winchester, but f.tll ba t j Htrasburg, or pwiily mike a tinl h;tbr4 giving battle, if indeed ho d ie it at ail. In that case the tight or foot-r.100 hlut id At some days ago degenerates Into Via to it-race. Our forces, however, are being handled with ad mirable vigor and skill, and a portion of the Hi bel force may be brought to bav an 1 bigg:d. Mosehy's guerillas arc hanging on the rear of our columns, and nnnoyin? ns omew!nt by picking np strag iters, and picking up lufinit tion, and have picked np neuly one h itidred of nur men. One Kebel ollber baisted that he hit 1 counted every man, gun, and horse, and by saying that lie would have It at hend.inarters at Winches ter before night, unwillingly lnf irmod nv tint Early is still at that point. These guerillas also captured, yea.'erdiy, Mr. .Shelby, of tho New York Tribal, going to tlii front, an J rob'ied him in a tn "tapprove4 style ; and, giving him what they called it p.irole, tut lilni go. Yesterday a small acou'lng party, nudcr Ser graiit James Whi'e, 1st Virginia Cavalry, pr.v reeded towards Martinsburg, and rtn up m tho Kcbcls at Cutininghii iu's woods, near that p iut, md were driven bark. Nergcnnt White, oeing wonn Jed, was captured, nn'l, rcpott says, he v as iiniuc dlately hung by the He'ie.'s. White ws one of our oldest aud most v .Ined sc outs, and bis loss is severely felt. Altogether the campaign in the valley has opened auspiciously for us, and the Kebeis will be pushed back wih vigor. news frokTrichmond. STATEMENTS OP EEFUQEE3. The Old Stories of Starvation, Pesti lence, and Revolt Redivivus, M'II lo Tlx K.VPiitriK Tolricrnph. Bam imoiik, August 12. Refugees who arrived here ibis morning in tho Norfolk bat, under a Hag of truce direct from Richmond, roprjsent tho conditiou of all'uirs ihero an in uentably distress ing. They say the whole city is filled with rofug -e, comprising all kinds of people, mostly old men, women, and children, from places further south. Flour was four hundred dollars per barrel, and other things in proportion. Teoplo despise the Confederate scrip, and are unwilling to receive it ut any price. One of my informants saw Jctf. D.tvis a few day ago. He looks baggard, and smoke ei-irs constantly. Ho rides out occasionally, but keeps very much to himself. Libby Prison has been ab.indonc J a a prison. There are only a few persons on Hollo IslatiJ. An immense numlier of wounded Rebels are. in the Richmond hospitals. Their losses in tho recent buttles were enormous. There were scarcely any hopes expressed for Atlanta, and some believed it had boen captured. Tbe power to recruit the Rebel army was c bausled. Much sickness prevailed In Ri:hmon 1 an 1 in the armies. A sort of pes iieaco was carrying oil many. The I nion prisoners are soil' ring nncudorahly. It was thought at one lime that Lee had gone to the Shenandoah valley, but a 1 irge force was still kept at Petersburg. There was no idea of Oram's abandoning the siege of Petersburg. It was ne irly deserted, except by soldiers. Provisions and clothing of all kinds ure very scarce. A deep-seated feeling waa gradually growing amongst the masses against b ir leadeis, and sign of revolt were dally get ting more apparent. Thousands are anxious t come North, though few are alioived the privilege. GUERILLA WAR IN KENTUCKY. BATTLE AT BHANDENSBUBQ. Good Conduct of Homo Guard. Caiuo, August 1. The It ihels under Colonel Outiaw dashtd into llickuiin, Ky., yesterday, and buintd nil the cotton aud tobacco there, and committed great dopredati ms. General Dobbin is raiding on tho Southern plunters iu th; vicinity of Helena. The guerillas ure reported to bo trouhlcaomo along the Ohio river. I.01 lsviLi.K, August 11. About daylight yes terday morning twenty guerillas, under Du fostir, entered Brandenburg, Ky., and were driven out by live borne guards, armed with double-barreled shotguna. The guerillas then eut in the following note : 11 HeADUVARTEKK 7TH KeNTI'CKY CAVAI.nT IIomk Gt'Aitus. We demand tbe immediate surrender of tho town, and if there Is a shot tired at ns from any person in tbe town, we will burn the place, and shoot every citizen who is caught beuriug arms. Captain Dcfostkh and Captain liRYANT, commanding the Confederate forces in Mead county, Kentucky." Tbe Home Guards refused to comply, but pre pared to defend tbo town. As the mail-boat passed up the river about sunset firing was heard and it is supposed an engagement was progress ing. Further particulars are not attainable to night I Sixty guerillas passed throngti Graliamtown, Mead county, yesterday morning, with a detach ment of thirty Federal troop, under Captain Gow, in pursuit. 1 Last night thirty guerillas robbed tho store of Mr. Maloue, in this county. ' Fire Its lloateu. Boston, August 11. Munson Patterson & Co i Joiner establishment and planing mill, a large ttock of lumber, three wooden buildings iu East Dofton, -vtre burned last night. The loss Is r 100,0X10, covered by iusurance.J Ilemocralle t'oaveatlon. Loi'ieviixE, August II. The Democratic Con vention in session at JvtUmonvllle to-day waa largely atleudtd. The Hon. N. C. Kerr was nt ruinated to represent the Second District of Indiana in CoDg'-o. GEN. CANBY'S DEPARTMENT. Inhabitants All Enrolled Militia Service, &c. for Caiko, August 11. General Citnhyb.i order 1 nil atile-laioled men between clghtn and forty live, in tho Department of Arkantas and the Gulf, and tbe districts vast of the Mississippi, for militia enrle Neutral foreigner will bj en rolled aa a separate class, to 00 used when neces sary as a local police force. Deserters from the enemy, and persona su'oe t to tbo Rebel con eriplion, are not to be sent or allowed to go within Ihe Rebel lines. Tho families of Rebel soldiers sent over our lints to And greater safety and comfort, will be hereafter sent buck; those now in the line will bontai'.cd. Refugees in good faith will be re ceived and kindly treated, but will not bo alio ve J to remain in or about any fort or garrison. The snppressionof the Memphis VnrtU.is been rescinded. LATER mOM NEW ORLEANS. - Ijitw nlnrc llrnrrsl (snltf's e Oriler IJurrlllH t lKhl. Ar. Nkw Yokk, August 12. Tho stoatn-'bip A.',.n in; Slur, from Nc Orleans on the f.'h insui'it, arrlert at this port this morning. Among her passengers are Mrs. General link and lainily. Our gunboats mado an expedition np Or.md Lake, on the 2)th, and destroyed a Urge number of flat-boats Jnst completed by the ll'jbols, and Several iu the course of construction. A uautlty of M1111II arms aud ac outreiuents left by U10 tic) d cavalrymen were c ip'ured. Ou Ihe 'JHth, the 11110 gunboat destroyed two saw n.ills and eaptup d two loat-lals of valua ble timber. She then returned to Derail k bay. On the J'.Hh, a piriy of General L'lhit in's scouts bad a tight near .Morgan? la, resulting in the !l ght of the Rebels, leaving a Rebel cajKiiti an I several men dead and a number of wounded, besides; several prisoners, iu our hands. General Canity has issued new tnJing regula tions on the 2d inst., by which no trading bj.vts are allowed below Cairo; no comtn.'rcial luter ronrse, beyond tho nation il linos, and trade ttoreHum restricted to K rminoiit tnilit-iry pists. Gemral Rinks issued ordr 01 tin 21, enlitlng all able-bodied colored men iu tho Department between Id and U yeirsoi'ao the same to Iw put into existing colore 1 regi ments. Six stetm transports from Rri.os Santiago arrived at New Orloan on the ftlh, probibly la lon with troops withdrawn from Texas. Cotton was active at New Orleuis at I (',' r" 1 7i for Middling. Flour had a lv.knccd, and was quoted ut lti for ch ;ico. Sugir dull aud molasses steady. Coloi.el Appletoii, of the Sl.st Col ired Infantry, formerly of the 12th Main-, has resigned. It is reported that ihe steamer liub ll ty, with loot) bale of cotton, had been captured and burned in Ouachita river by Texas guerillas. GUI RILL A WAR IN TENNESSEE. Squad of Federal Troops En trapped and Murdered. Mum ruisf August 9. Yesterday acitien catna into our lints near Lafayette, and applied to the Commander of tho post for protection and per mission to remove bis household goods inside the lines, A guard of eight men w is sout to bring them in. Af'er entering tho house the man fled, and on attempting to come out, the g lard was surrounded by twenty-five or thirty guerillas. Five of our men escaped, but the other three sur rendered, after which Ihe guerillas murdered them. The men belonged to the 19th Illinois Infantry. lire Iu Nrw York TwfHty-Hve Builsl Iik l'Htlro.r,l. New Yoiik, August 12. A tire oo-urred in Mott street this morning, by which some twenty live buildings were destroyed, Including a largo number of tenement houses, factories, etc. The loss is heavy. The Henialim ! Urnerol VreittiouM Lot immi.lk, August II. The rennitis cf Gcuerel Greaih iuse, recently Colonel of tbe ISih Illinois, passed here lor home this evening. LATER FROM SHERIDAN. II i: IS I'IKSIING Till: KKRELS. They Must Fight or Rotroat. MARTINSBURG OCCUPIED BY OUB FORCES. Wabhinoton, August 11. A correspondent semis the following under date of August 11 : General Kheriduu's command broke camp ut Ilalitoan yesterday, and marched to Berryville, on the Winchester pike, where it arrived yes.cr liay uflernoon without much opposition. Iuiliodcu's cavalry skirniished with our advance from Charlostowu, but were easily and steadily driven. ; This morning at daylight we resumed the march, and expect 10 meet the enemy at Opepian, live miles this side of Winchester, where we will cither have a battle or they will retreat dwn the vnllty. Martinsburg has been occupied by our forces. , The Rebelscaptured aud hung Sergeant White, one of our scouts, at Martinsburg, yesterday. IIai-.ith'h Ferry-, August 10. The Shenan doah valley is again tbo scene of active otlcu sive operations, this timu ou such a scale as gies promise of thorough work. A l uge force, both cf cavalry and infantry, commanded by General Sheridan, aro tins A. M. en route r berrvvil'e and Winchester. It 1 useless 10 speculate on w hat will soon lie a matter of cer tainty, but tho present position nod strength of the tiiemv gives no assurance that we can not advance Lr without precipitating a battle. Yes, a great battle may haro been fought nt Winchester before this reaches volt. But not to speculate on possibilities, the forces ougagotl in this present movement is such, that the c lin ing campaigu in the Shenandoah valley will ex ceed, in tuugtiitude and importance, any of the many which have heretofore been made. It's even stated with some confidence that General Lee 1b himself nt present in Winchester, having leit the fortification of Petersburg aud Richmond under the command of General Beau regard. Longstreel is also said to lie in the valley In front of us. Time or a battle will alone develop the real strength of the enemy, for report are to conflicting, and trustworthy information so bard to obtain in a section where spies and ti outs me often In league with the enemy, and the natives give no information, except that which it followed would lead to mischief. Hut whatever their numbers, there is strength enough opposed to them this time to make short work of this troublesome valley of Virginia thi valley Of humiliation. The natives say Impressed with the magni tude of preparation which they have recently witnessed "Well, now, we are sure the Govern ment is in earnest." . 'Oh." they say, "this is a most wise and determined movement. Thi ought to bave been made a long time ago, and then the w ar would have beeu tiulsued." . 1 Home of them are to ahrewd as to suipect that tbewar is going to be finished In the Oheuandoah valley, but we bave teen larger armies thau thi, aud the bhenandoah valley is not so large a pan of creation a the native think. Hut the movement Is only in its inception. Cavalry aie leading the advunce, shelling tho wood, as they go. We shall hear more auou. S. 1'. Tribune. , ... . . - ' The llamjHhirt Gazette, of Northampton, Massachusetts, commenced it tevcuty-ninth volume lot wevk. FOURTH EDITION. LATER FROM ZUt POINT. ALL QUIET A r PETERSBURG THE RECENT EXPLOSION. AFFAIRS ON UTFER POTOMAC. Rprrtnl tn The Kvcnltiv; Trlrirrniiti. WAaiiiKnroN, August 11. Hie steamer Kr tfmrt, with Ihe army m ids, has arrived, aud repot ts all ipiict at the front ye-tcr-riay morning at 10 o'clock. The late explosion Is the topic of eonvcr-V.ion at City Point, and many absurd rumor are all at as to the catisc of the accident, hut there is no denbt that it was occasioned by the careless liantllii.g of ammunition. Workmen are busily engaged In clearing up the ruins of the demolished buildings, mid lumber is Loin.; brought up to repair tbo dnrusgo done to Iho various olll.-esuud wart houses. Tbo patients in f he hospita' at City Toint made a narrow escnpe, a- thi shut and shell tlow over Ihe buildings as thick an hail, but, fortunately none ol them entered tho houses. One shot pas-ed ciiliiely through tlu otllce of Cupiaiu Pitkin, ( hiif Quartermaster, knocking down the clerks, all of whom were mote or less injure I. Captain Pilklu, who wan in hia ntflce at the time, lind his back severely it jured by being knocked down. ( nptain Wiley, Chief of Commissary Deput n nit, received a sevoie cut on the head from a falling timber. Tho Ou irtcrmaster's gang of rolored laborers lost thirty killed, and t( iltc a number wounded. The keel of the vessel w hich was thrown on an embankment forty feet high Is a curiosity iu iteli, being perforated with hundreds of shot and shell. As the Keypmt came down the .lames river yesterday morning she passed the bodies of seve ral colored laborers tloatiug iu the water milos away from City Point. Information from Willwm port and Hagers lowu np to 7 o'clock yesterday morning reports ull quiet in that vicinity, ihe Rebels hii Ingretfred. from tho Virginia bank of the river, going iu the (iiuction ol Winchester. The excitement is sub sir. It'g, and Union refugees from Washington county aro reluming to their homos. The Post master nt llagcrstown has returned and re opened his olllep, and the merchants are making some preparations to resume business, but are laying in but n small stock of goods, in view of inntingcncies, being warred by past experiences. pi:sw,nMi 1. :u 1 m 1, . r i' k k. Hahrihhi 110, August 12. Kknat u. The Senate met at 14 A. M. Niiincious petitions were presented from the interior townships und boroughs in reference to bounties. '1 he Governor notified the Senate that he had vetoed two supplements to the Petroleum and Vet atigo II inks, under the free banking law. The manner in which they proposed to extend their ciipital stock was not in accordance with the free bunking 'nw. llesoluiioiis rclu'ivo to the 187th Regiment, i Ri red yesterday by Mr. Wilson, were passed. Mr. Woithingion presented thirty-seven peti tions from Moi.tgomery couuty in favor of a reduction of the lux levy to half per cent, per year.' Hoi sK. The llou-e met at 10 o'clock. Mr. V at-on, from Cnmmitice ou M'.' lary Af fairs, repoited a bill ot seven snctious. .Sc. tion 1-t authorizes the Governor to borrow not exceeding ?(5 l.flUO.Uul), .iyaolo after Ihreu years. Nn-tion 2d authori.os tho Governor to appoint, wiih the consent of tho Scua e, one pcr-011 ot 11 Hilary education, experience, and skill as M. J01 -General ; bis pay 10 be the same as th it of I r.ilrd States Major-Gcnernls. Also two lli'ig.i-tliir-Gei'ciule. Miction -1th provides f r tho supply of troops Willi ci.nimtssaiy stores, (vc. Section o h provides for the orginlatloii of fiften n servo legimcuts ; term of service two yentsj two of tho regiments to be cavalry, und one light iufuntrv j pay aud organ nation Mime as l,'iiitd Nates troops. These regiments 10 be liable to bo called into the serv ice of this Stitc ut such times as the Governor may deem their services necessary for the pti 1 iiose of suppressing insurrection or to repel invasion. Section 8th provide for hospital arrange, nieuts, sil.ure of trains by Governor, etc., when neiessury. Section 7'b authorise the Governor to make tin Imnicdii'to enrolment of militia, and draft liltei n regiments if necessary. I ho Ml was ordered to 'be printed. Three hundred copies of Senate bill presenting manner ol voting by soldiers, were, on motion of Mr. lirnwn, ordered tn ho printed. Mr. Reed, from Coinniit ee to revise tax laws of the Sta'e, made a report, which was referred to the Committee of Ways and Moans. Tbo following bills were introduced : Mr. Smith, of Chester, authorizing Courts to n point guardians in certain eases. Mr. Sharpe, incorporating Franklin Improve, ment Association to rebuild Chumbcrsburg. Mr. Sehoticld, revising grais'e of Ucidguwator and liriilgc streets, Twenty-fourth Ward. Mr. Jackson, regulating fees of Recorders of Dei ds. Mr. Glass, incorporating Aladdin Oil Co. Mr. 1'rice, authorizing Chester to borrow money for bcuiit'cs. Pussed. Mr. Spungler, relative to locul bounty of York county. Mr. Patton, authorizing School Director of Green county to borrow money to fay bounties. Passed. Mr. Smith (Chester), authorizing School Di rectors of Lower Oxford School District, Chester county, to borrow money to raise volunteers. Passed. A I'lKAI't: o tiii: iST. Nr.w Yoiik, August 12. A Rebel pirate is ro ll iti das being sixty miles southeast of bandy Hook. She yesterday captured the pilot-boat Jutite I'uul, I ruin l riii lfii-l oiii Meeting ailisura lit .tlluluK Murk.. Six I'hancisi o, Auguat VI. A large mass meeting was held in this city last night. IU: lb Hows and Gi neral Wright were the speakers. Miwi'g stocks are liuprotiiig. The Gould & Ciury Company it quoted nt l .'(( ItiDll per lost. TO-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. SjU'ilul IU'sniitihe to EtoiiIiis Telegraph. Wasmimotos', August 13. The rostnl Money Order. The instruction to Postmasters, Clerks, ic.) required in the operations of the money order system, authorized under the act of Congress of the 17th of May last, hae been mainly prepared by the Post Office Deportment, and are now in the bands of tbe public printer. Tba preparation of tbc instructions was found to be a work of ex ceeding intricacy, tbe principal embarrassment being the want of a ceutral Me(roolltan Hank, with local branches to facilitate the prompt re turn of the fuuds accumulating in the bands of rostmasteii, or to supply funds iu case of neces sity. Iu F.ugland and in Canada, when a money order Is in successful operation, they have these bank advantages, but in this country it has beeu found necessary to adopt substantially the Pott Office Department System of drafts and deposits, tislng tko Tost Oilice in lieu of banks. It is con fidently expected that this arrangement w ill meet all tbe requirement. Ccrtaluly It i the only one which can be mado under the existing laws. The design of (be Department is that operations ball commence on the Ut of October, aud bo e Boils will be spared to accomplish the com mencement of the system at that date. " All tulel la Uraat't Army. ' A letter from the Army of the Potomac repre sents all quiet, with tbe exception of tbe usual picket firing aloug the lint of Vurnelde'i Corn;, reinvest Troop In the Dlotrlrt. The colored residents In thi District havn ap plied to the War Department (O be received into service upon tbe tame tooting a the militia of the District, attrecing that, If so accepted and arnn d, they will themselves boar tbo expense of drilling, and add 3iKH)tothc available force of the District. The Noldlrrw' Vote. lly order of the Secretary of War, all o hYors in the military aervlco of tho Cnlted States are directed to render every fa- lllty to such Kxprcss Companies as may bo charged by tho Governor of New Ymk with the delivery of th.i noeessry forms and blanks required t Men e tio votes of soldiers of that State in tbe field, with a vie 1 1 tbe blanks being delivered with t ie least pjs-iMo delay. Relnatntrsl. Colonel O. II. Moore, 2Hi Michigan, rovntly dismissed the service at tho inst nice of the II yie faction In Kentucky, has h-en rclnsbivid in bis command, with lull pay and allowan as from the date of bis dismissal tbe charges preferred against him having been proved U bj an rue. Colonel Moore, it will be recollected, was the olliccr w ho was nminly instrumental n n, c,,,. turc of Morgan about one year ago. 2'l he Haloing or Ihe Knulnrt lllisekitslo. It has lieen otlli tally animnnceil to tb'i Nta'e Dcpartmciit that, in c mse iiieiico of a stissausioii of hostilities lietwoen Denmark and the German Powers, the blockade of the Prus-ian ports of Colberg, Canmiin, Swiiiemaiidi, Wol.ist, Griefs wuldc, Strnlsund, Ilarth, Dan'ilc, and Pillau, as well as that or tbe porta and inlets on the cst coat of Ihe Duchies of Si-hlcswig and Holstoiu, was ordered to lie raised on the JiHb of July, H I I. I'nuirslianil Seww. Moji.r-Gcneral .1. O. Foster, commanding tho D. pntluient of the South, has issued a stringent crder iiguinst "the prac i. e of giving Informa tion to the public press on matters connected with military operation, so unscrupulously In. dnlged in by officers, soldiers, and citizens within his department." Violations. of this order will be mi t with the severest punishment kno vnt i military law and usage in the field. CITY INTELLIGENCE. . Statu or Tiikhmomktkb To dav. Six A. M, 7'J. Noou, bit. One P. M., b'J. Wind, E. W. E. Cape May. An oxtnt mprcM train will leave Walnut street whurf at o o'click this iifternooti for Ciijio May, and will not slop at any of the way stations. AitlnvAi. or Baxtkh'h F:hb Zof vi;s. At toon, to day, a despatch was rccived by Chief F.iiglnci r I.yle, from one of tho atalf o llcers of Colonel llaxter's Fire Zouaves, sta'ing tliu'. the regiment bad left Haltliuore at Id fi for Vnila- lielphla. The reglineut will therefon; not nrnvo at llioad and Prime streets until between i and 3 o'clock this afternoon. They will be met at tho depot by tbe Chief M ir thal and hia Assistants, und escorted to tbe K Ircshnient Saloons, wheie they will rem on until Ihe procession i- formed. Four o'clock 1 name I us ihe hour for the starting ot ihe par id i, which will be one of the finest wituenscd iu this city for ihiiiiy years. I he firemen will parade in their equipments, nud they will Lave their apparatus with them. As tli it is tbo first general paradoof tho depart mi nt since the introduction of steam engines, there will be a lino opiwrtuuity for tho citizens to sco the tlitlereut engines. A largo number of Ksibulunees will also be in the procession for tlin pnr e of accommodating the sick and wounded oi the regiment, and a very consider loli) am Hint of tuste I. as been displayed by the liiouieii in the. decoration of these vehicles. Thev will add much to tho display to-day. The Cointu.ttoe of City Councils will iilso tike a part in iho recep tion. The route adopted by the Conveuti n W not very long. The regiment will bo ro-elco.l a' Third and Wushington streets, and then thu pro cession will puss over tbo following rout'!.- t'p Third to ltiown, up Itrowit to Twelfth, d ivti Iwellthto Clusniit, down Chosnut to Fourth, down Fourth to Walnut, up Walnut to IiiiIchmi. li nee Square, where the regiment will he form 11 1 v received by Dr. I bur. Georgo S. Willotts will respond 011 Ih-IiuII' of iho Fire Department. Iu case the weather should prove iinfavoro'ilo, tho ronte will be as follows : Down Ciic-suut to Fifth, up Filth to Race, up Race to National Guards' Hall, and there dismiss. TI10 Henry Guurds, Captain Spear, will not turn, out as ex pected. Am we go to press large crowds ore assombling at the llultiinore depot awaiting the arrival of the wur-tcatred veteran. IATHB ARRIVAL OF TIIK HKl.tMIMT. The train conveying tho regiment arrived at Ihe di pot shortly before 2 o'clock somewhat sootier than expected. They were received with loud and enthusiastic cheering from tho assem bled ciowd. The regiment was at once escorted lo the Re freshment Su os us, where everything had been I repined in tho most excellent order for them. Ail hand indulged in a good wash, after which they snt down to a much better meal than they lave it joyed lor many a day. While tho her.ais vere thus engaged the procession wa busily forming, in order to be ready lo move at pre cisely 4 o'clock. The line tomiucnccd to form at I) o'clock In the following order : Tbr first Dh itUn forutcil on Ihe north slile of WmiMtiif t.n slri-st. His rlnlil runt'ii uli Ninth slnsa, eitntuir tluitu Vv'aslnin on lo Eilitli, aid up iIul,ob tit wsi bldr. Hie geeniiij lli iston fni ind on tti nortll slit ofWash lr;tn stri et. Hit- 1 lrlil re.lloir ou l.l'btli strost. extiiiidliig d.Mo Washington to bosenib, and ua Hovcntli.oa Uiu went 'li.lrd lihlsiuii fnrnird en Itisuortta sld of WNtitntrttm trt. thu nitlit lukliui; o pewnlti. extenilltiir down W'sslilns'i n 10 Hi.h, anil ui Sixth un tlis w.nr slilA. r'ourtii lnvissn i ui-d on the uorth sids or Wastcaton tr-t. thi- rlsh- r- Iiik on H1.MI1. i-xienihux down WaiU lLi.toi. to I ti h strot-t, Hnd 1111 lull 011 lli wtst side fr iltli 11 Islon loriut-d on Ihe Nttrln sl-st of Wimlilnftou Plm-t.lhs is to -tu.s tii t ilih, exteiKllnir down Wash hiKtnii i' four 01 r. I.mid up Kitnrih on tlis west tldo. 'I tu t''inisiiks lurn st die cross rrfts on wiu h ihe ri,-lit ol Hit i io this. n lesttti, mill nioxe ovr the routs. 'J he pn ci s.-ion, as soon as formed, will move in the following order: IU111I. t'sntu,,!- riaitiihiinw iviinnittiT of tl .v CiuiiicjIs. 'oiiiiilfes nf Arriniieim'iils. Pr' si.lent sua Hi-cie' o ltunlui llirtctori. Bihi.. y. ('Id' 1 .Mumliul. Sei I 1 1 Ants. A'slsunt K gllli-cM. ) iit I Ivisirn -W iu .1 til I111. Murihiil. Hit i-rieii hiiione.HtHiil lult'iil Hose, Lmtiire HeVo4 I .ItU'el , VUliullt i-UUIUf, Ulllliaul: tlofto, ItullsllljU I'.llsiUC, 1-tui f 11- st-. hect tin IMvi.toit Wn. I1, ttirris. Marshal. As-i t.iiit-e V K an. Iloin- Host, Auit-nt'e Kuine, Vnlteil Htslts IIii.ii Kiaiikliu KliKnie, Norlhttra Lioerly Uou, JliiiuHi e K.i lne. 1 Mrd 1 11 1. ion llro. 3. 1'lispman. sfarslia. Iiiiu-intiti-ur e Muse, J-'io-iiti.iitu Kui'tns, I'snnsilvauls IIusi-.I'uIi'IiiMh Knslue, BtJiUjUlll Hose, Jli.ie rtncie, Vt't-.ti ru Hose. I .itirtl. lot il'Sl Hs nrv I. Melut're, Miirshnl. 1 lidndi lohia Ki'kliie, lo Htnen.ius Husp, Worse. Y.n-k'lei-. f 'sill 1111 He. 1-. lied Will Ktudne, Mprlug tiaruen iiose, w i-m riiiia.it-lpliis Kniiiiie. aioiiivr llo.o. I lull I ut 1 r It t .1. ll lttunu, vtttr.lutl. lii.uil liiiti.t L'us-liit'. Houth I'uiui Hose, ntulie Knxine, i.'his:!. -ink I lobe, KHirniount Knshie, ho.ithnaik tiiwlue, Merlieiiie KUKllie, Vt t-Mterii Knxine. The route, as stated above, will be passed over, the regiment uot arriving in IudepcndcuceS piarc until about 5 o'clock. A large and commodious platlorm ha beeu erected in the square for the reception ceremonies. Thk Price or Gas to un 1st ni.xsKii. At a sjietial meeting of the Trustees of the Philadel phia Gas Works, a resolution wa passed to the t fleet that Ihe price of gn shall be, ou and after the 1st of September. per 11X0 foet. The board arc now prcpuriug a statement to show the neces sity for Ibis change. I'olici Casf?. This morning, Horatio Moore was committed by Alderman Dougherty in de fault of S1000 bail, to answer the churge of as sault and batten-. Mary Ann Lime was held In Jil.'OD bail by Aldernian Tolaud to answer tke charge of keep ing a disorderly house, at Front and Callowhiil stre.ts. Dikd vbom tub IIuat. Francis Stealer and John Myers, residing at Twenty-liftU aud Coates streets, died last night from the effects of being Overcome with the heat, ANOTHKa Dl.ATH I'HOM THU If.KAT. ThU morning a man named Daniel Black was over come with the beat at Eleventh and Carpenter ttreets, and while being conveyed to hit Lome, at No. 70- S, biAih street, died. RucKvniNO Aokkt AwotsTtii. Mr. Mablon Wanner ha beeu appointed recently ageut fur Ihe Fourth District. ...... . ... Form DaowKsn. This morning an uuLnown whit man wa found drowned in the bchuyUtill, UUdvsT tilt Maikvl ttrcvt bridge. Arrival or Sick akd Wocxmn 5it ot:tt. The Vnited Sta e steam transport t, , VJDderthe cha'go of Surgeon J. Y. Ciiitwall) arrived at this port thi morning, wliS and wounded to diers cn hoanl. The vm touched at Willow street wharf, whore Vie re -n were bountifully supplied with cool drink and other luxurie, by tho lady resident of that locality. Tbe steamer then took its depirm-e for Beverly, New Jerscv, where ihe men will be landed and placed in the bisspltal there. The following are the names of tbe Ponasylvaniaus, Deiuwaxian, and New Jcrseyineu. rrSYLCAN1 1 KKIirvfFN'Tsl. Mld .. fi.tl.wtu NiS in We d, K.'.'d rter IM'tl ISIII, A.lSlll rjtl'.-O'- II.A.S.Il, I.Mri'- Ss ho.lt-n us, ', 1 '.sfh J.Ji H di. . rrt Join. I tt m more, F . Klh I'e T W sttundie K,'kI .lnsn llr in h. I .4nh -t ho s. hcy.ll, I Isil, Mepiisti s organ, a 471 It Ih-u K-sirs, i'.H7th .Ineit iali llai'S.O.ss.t 1 I't art-', t, 1111 I -a, I '.d''v Jareh W ettrl. H, Artler- T'ss-ua. vlnnlw. v. r, lldi Icliii lll'i .-,1' Sort I. "VI 11. 1 1111411, -sit-, 1 re.ioiir rt hah, r . I'M Win l.ln W n. II. S' 1 W tn limner, k.ail rtulipllotiitsli.il rt ,lsi..e l ilt lor. f , :'tl Jjts.e, V 'in II li as. Mnrtln t..oiiili. I VJ-tl J--lin Ntiwl .i., H lt.',tli W IU .StlO'UHire II t'l.l II. nr.'O Ke'-oe, 'I, l' S I, K it A Muii l.i r.l. '.Md Mk hafl llri, K, l Art I Iiik Uien-.r. I ,:'S'h l ic M- I -r.o 1. K, 1.0, f !iun r tiii-, K ,t.7lli Willi-'m W.O't-rs, K.ti.ili II II Alio. r. .11. I J . -t s.i W 111 1 rrisr, A.S.'th l i'i us: in. tt llst, K. M Ar Menlie-i smlo,. A STth l'eri fettt 1 t-iis, 11. zil rt J ie n ah II irtev s.4ilh Kdttaol tl.-iriin. II . s;tti W'm r o I. r. K. .'svti a, H Ti n--.o. 11, i;iU sKi 11 ilstr.n. K.'zil rt Finnn lM-SDi.ei.il 41 h l'.ct t N"-dir..p, 11. naii .In! 1, a Inirliani, ll.7h h HI .po. K. Iltli llottara It .ti-rts, II. Ul Art -is-.'i H-m.-r. ll. :iso. 1 . oniHs 1 nok. A, U.I rt illtst s nni, A, I Vl It V It Allium. II .' I Art .In. VI .tui ',11, tl,l .lolin K.v.nhsni. l.-d,t '-t Urt- ei, 11, .,;ih llrliry A lUo.i-.M, sh lUrrl.i.liKolta I,. -nil I nifir llelltr. !', Ii 1 J. M 1 1 llt-ltM. K. ll 'Its r"rnl Kinn ir, B. I'sm Hut anil I linm.is.sn. A, tstih hit Js,n..,n I T. t.o.E. 1IM ,t. nt) Ho h. K. .lit rvslialier, K.'S.'d Win l.eplr. II. Mel .leeii I. Tat I' r.t , nlst Wm H-si.talt, ; dst (-tris ata-milamils. K,."j4iMi W in T.vinr. Il.tfltli I'm stst k, ll, I ..th .inini liana h. i.b ,1' bu Atianis, K . I.v.'h Jss H Ksiiif 17 l-.'h Csv hl John 11 limil. II. I'nt'i I: ' llllinorti. II, I'.HI l.rt I Allh. 11. e II, KM t'. Ham It .n ' Mat A Cnioin. II. '.Mill ,1 II Ah, A, ISO, larlss ,,, r'.fij Win II her. K.STth U W On.-Ml, 1. .tii II I II. K. 47111 t I. a It s lir.uiii', ii, isttli ii w Fsinotii, 1 1. 4 'tli t l.i.ilierln t-sn. I, tsii, touts t'rrU.i.l. H. H7lh MKi,l. c It. I.,t. lion. .1 II Ht.nnptl.tV OU'iitatatrv Jhi. ti a.-i.iini-.. r.. uuiii it. s.-i it I'lito 11 0 rnlt-ns. K.iisili Martin W' st,t!ioi, Htt I. willuin mi. K. Issin Ivan Ksni .ns ll.siin.av .Inni'-s I Wti.nn.l, ,ts ..l A lluriU'T, H, lull lisiW llt'iirtielt, A, lltlttl Ills. l'm.llt,K. 1SU1 .1 .nu h ,1 alt. r-, I-, 7..1 M irlh H m n K.lcilh W llifaann. 1.,'M at ulrv ,l'.hti Kip In. M, :i ;ml-v Corp 1 Ii WaxntT, 11 I IMli M orp Win s' W ilsnn. K. IsAl ileo W Bsrd I'. I in ti H i Jn II Walla. K, Until Janes Irttin.C 1 toto I t.rp 11 N .-ril'ietv. K, oOlQ 1'iini.l w Mlv. ll llltli .l..a It id .linger. I). s:h .loseph B .In ns, A. IKId U A HM'nui.ell, ll, 1 loth Sioiiurl li.t-.-n, '. l -tdi .l..a -iileiuim, it. I vidi 1'eit-r t li'Sticone, II. .V'Ui ,l,.a Wine. I, lis .Inni'-s 1 it'.l'.V I Ar- II r. rii-sejer, ll.II'ith .1 II Vcl'-ji.nsl., II, InOih Mleh.,1.1, Vines VI. I7tn fv Haviaw Wtn.b. II.M Art J .I111 s.nr a. II. s.l,Ojv Vnrp 11 M la.'ka-.n. II. l sit'i Jolin D irint r. H. If lli ' rpj M llav.il.'M Art llsvl.l sK-lisuali.l. .'d v w Ho nt. man. I. letth .1 ll.-mieil. I,, r.tu rav M Mitltluaella. II, lsh:h liaae Will;. I. I'ltn '' I..40S1UJ tu.i. jlen.'iv .i.i K iit.ss.-r r,?lstt.v 1 has Wirn-r. -i,(si,t, j w ,.b.T. V, 7 h Jul, 1. Ilairln.'t.ir, 1. I J I .1 (' M'.r .in (1. l-li'i Mi. hsei we.h, II. s'th Henry Hone, K. vl.t Cav Utors-e rune. a. nlst wm J n-kson, K, tltu (.r. s) Waison. K. I"4'h 11 : sui th, 11.. ild JrhnH..ii hvi..rth. II. l.ttllh s reil it ,rls, B,M Art J .li 11 1' Kt-nslll y lrsah Ma ul I artinl, 11, .villi .liii oh lloiii.-r. K, .sid Mft. Air I hoiiin-.m, it. I'irh ts.'l Jn" P l.lli...te. II. intli .tainli H IMw.ilt, M.lMin I'm I. Hlttiih'-nsi.n.L.i'.thrav IV'na llproal. I., J.. lls.l.n.ii. Iltnti Kli-lia insalls, A , I I'hh stern Win ll llnllnp. It.milh sianu-j -tetnrl. II. tiliTav lle.ib. llnlrs 11, s4ih Martin Be mln. . r, K, l.'tll C.rn .In- II t'iiini.lifll. K ..'mill M I'mnt. K '''itli huaalillntlii.au, VKSth Jlt'iirrt: Neatliam. i.tslth .Iss T Hum. I , 14.Hi Alliorl Mo&rwy' C, li Art nan n oat 1, w,"..tn (lett w ssii I, K . VI ti 1 iv et'n4l.lt rt, a, issdi ..1 nues H tiardner, sl.tfioi Win Knerr. K.47ih .11 miiiMtk llmn. II. 4:nh J..l.n K -niuipi. h,,47th J.isib ci t'0.1 r. (', 41M1 Vr.fs H K ..iz. K 47lh , Walla.'" J Wlsitins. II . 4 Un AnmrHiv Krsns. K. 47th Francis .-Stutter. ,47tti llii,li Love, 11, lis'th M A F.tuti'l-u.in tl, 17'li ,1a.-obr'ri.te. II. 1n7iIi l.t-wu kfl li.-r,ll 47lli l-r. It. lnl snl. o. i;.tl It. .1.1 F. K. ll. v. 1 . sill Oav Jo. Iliirliau I '.M-ll'av J-o l-..fniui, K ".'l.t Car ll Hi I'.lmit. f, I7lli t W'm Y'.ra.K, .M Art lehu Ki.ier . 1 I7lh t'v Irs lit I. 11, t.,,1, Hunil A Kuufer,K.4illi J..liiil'..l r.ve, 11. 4'tli lit-n Rise. A. I7tli It .b Hi nvoer. K. I ;li Win Karliati, ll.47tti It. nrr linrr, I, Iskl i.i:i.AWAiti; ut: iiviK.vrn. .1 Iti ltnin, A,4lti Vols iv.rp K I.0. I1 en. F.. tlMli VoU i l-11..lliilnollN. Il,4lll Volt WtU Cllls, K, PStll Vols Allien Vnsi . V. 1st Vols Jits H ill, , dull Vols K Jn.O.nii. F.S.I V 4s l'h. II ill... Dili n,v t l.r.il.b.i:.;.it V. s II f h'aua, K, 4tl Vola ,1 hrt nu r. F,.'dst V la K Unmul.intl, F, 1st Vols Dhhthovkd hv Finn. About 11 o'clock last night the Iramo building on the Ctiosnut Hill Railroad, above Mermaid lano, known a. the ltailroad House, took tiro and w is destroyed, together with all I's contents. Tue building bo longed to Hugh Michael. Local llnnviTiEa. The resident of Poftsvlllo who wa arrested on Tuesday list u;on the churge of passing an ultcrcd two-dollar tro isnry note, hit been Uiacharod, then) Ixlng no evi dence to show that ho wus uwaro 01 tho ciiartj er of the note.. ..Mary Ann I.ogue was held ycstcr day to answer the charge of lice;. in ; a dlsonl .rly bouse at Front aud Callowhiil street Four propellers, of lite hundred t un burthen, are bt lug built tn run regularly between this port mid New York. Hiev are Intended to c.irrv tn-lght and second cabin passenger.... sit the lu.-t sain of prize cotton, the best ipiality brouuht a dollar and seventy cents tho pound. Thi was higher than It had previously been sold for, ? several cent on the p .und.. ..Mr. James M, Fletcher has given tho Union Club of the Fif teenth Wurd the privilege of erecting a wigwam lor campaign purpose npon a lot on Kigutcetith street, below (Joules. Tne lot is one hundred hundred feet square Workmen at tho Sivy Yard have commenced to put up the t'r.itno of the monitor Shuvkn,narn. ... I he Inland aud Inde pendent Telegraph Companies have been consoli dated with the United Slates Telcgranh Compiny At ihe Delaware Avenue Myket, yesterday, putches weie selling at from twentv-live to lil'tv cents per bu-kot, according to quality.... A sol dier, supposed tn he named (Joorge Fletcher, died from the tiled of thu beat yesterday at Ilrojd and Prime street. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Om'Ick or Tint Kvrsiss Telkrhsim!, I Fhday. August li. The Money Market is without any material change) capital is plenty on call at A per cent, per annit.n ; best paper is selling at from 7(-'v per cent. The decision of Acting Commissioner Rollins that the 7 30Ticosury notes ure liable to taxation, applies to hanks that bold thoiu as parWnf their capital stock. The first sect! 111 of the last loan a t exempts all I'nltcl States Treasury notes as wall as bonds from H;ate and municipal taxation. The amount of subscriptions to the new loan reported at tho Treasury Department yesterday reached nearly half a million. The Stock Market Is very dull this morning, but price ure steady. In Uotcrutui) it bonds there is lea activity, aud price are not so tirra. fl-'iO sold at l'i!( mi, and Us of lSyl at luxi,; 7-oOs arc quoted 111 iorli.los. H.illroud sbure continue dull but steady, with sabs of Pennsylvania at ".! , a slight advance; Heading, I'.NJ ; Miiifliill, 02 ; North Pennsylvania, 33j(:l:;J, which is la'tter, and Catawiss a pre ferred, 40; W was bid for Llt.le Schuylkill; 20 for Catawlssii common ; 314 for Philadelphia and F.rle ; and i'. for Long I aland. Producing Oil there are in demand at full prices, with sale of Perry at 64 ; Dlusuiore, 8 ; McIIhenny, ; and McCllntock, 64. Hank share, continue firm, bnt there Is very little doing., 100 wa bid for North America ; 133 for Philadelphia; and 101 for Southwark, - Passenger llailroadi are dull at about former rates; 72 was bid for Second and Third; 02 for for Fifth and Sixth; '35 for Thirteenth and Fif teenth; 414 for Spruce and Piue; and 50 for Chcsuut and Walnut. There 1 more doing iu Gold, aud price have adv anced, owning at advanced uud sold at 2.'74 at 11 o'clock, full off and sold at 2GJ at 12, and 2,'m" at half-past 12. Quotation or Gold at th Pkllafelahia Gout Eaoaaaate, Ko. S4 8. Tklnl Surest, aecoua story : . S A. M .'-'.si V 1 M ....... .' '';' U AM V74 11. M -eeS't Markut strtDs. lUvrs 4; Bra. Ke.N - TUir street, flaete at fol- tow,:" '.' . , e"V. AmoHran 0.M IM '" 17 pom Unlltsl Mlatet lieuiand TSolee o J Alutrleau hiler and Ai a....l.i , .. do llm and Half Dimes J J" , J" as.ain.tl (Jiialer. W . ranu-titaiilal urrtnci t'tnjl . 't. few tor Kxclutuse l-0 Itu: ii Cueaa Co. geoM Oovaraateal Becuitis, 4sO.,tt aesta la-aar. as asuowsi . 1 - V. . , " aeM.l"a . . piJ C.a. 7 10 N.'les U'l1; l.O OnlSealea of ladiSHttlnraa, Ml-W HI , 1 Ouarveraiaalet's VoacLen uj tj Oyd i't J 7 -W Uvtld IW Ik) FHnjiDr.t.rmA rront hxchawc.f. nm.ru. a'kv n. Bteooned ev lark-.u a uo., Hisiaera, No Ul 8. Tknsl kt. " BKFOHR B'tARoM ' - -.0 B adlnr It .... " f lh IH.ae. 1. 11 ah 1I0. ......... at, liOasV .I'i'tn n-i e os.i is, a n ... t-t.. tn, -1 sri I timiah ile ll. .S In " 'fi'. S I totil. HfH utort hA MO.h .In taal Ml at. .. tiKO JV w 'h Mdii.enny W :ss abah do....ls1 st;1 " h iMUiell ou.nmi S' 1'siah do 7V1I sv ab VtrC..te.. 1 0 -n an i,u 3 - lonhora Untr 100 at do aowi s-a xi I riH.1T BOARD. rj' isi renra mbu l's. do ' ,Z J ( 0. s. t-s...,.e n s.in (n .18. -oiO 1'nlt.n 11. H.I... 111, ! Ha. H K I1I1 talll s.s.ll Mail I sal 'u- A k-ffhent rt. be SI m th reavtii r.if.. af ;l sh Crrf on,.,, usj , lot 1 UtihC? -N "I . TStll !'!.. . It, H SO. an Kds.l K H bJO ' V avstan M .'a. H... SIsJ . I sS .Ik -li la Vm ah IHnesw.ie f lia t 11. s, K H.,..lo4V t (tab I'non Bask uwt ....... . e - ... 1 nn. ni I UOabCalawi, nf.bA , 1 . - -.i t it on eata . t. W VOBJt. - -a Uroaara. Ha. tat r.imA m itrpunea 07 ciaraatm m ., iwusoara, ... Ill . rsfert t'nitrii htaree fia im. tnt off bi , , lis, ea'ast Botk l.lai d Ka'Ttsad ht-atiliie KHitroad.. .a W . 1 (,l V lll-iioi. Cettiral Hallroed... llalma New ttik t't-nu-iU kallroad. Kris Hallioad lludton Kaiinsail In d I nn.d Btatea t-VOt JdarSei t' Usw aeJe ..1 ! . , i.l lis! Ml s'oa ..W'-j 0141 , aaie .. bHf .. eaute HS bit .. Dull. Nw Yohk, Angnst 12-ssmrKlr are VtwerV . 1 Ttn.are ' anw mwirj tl, ll:i(l Cumlteaaana feeMtrtvtf, ip, lltijw: bnn.i. Mi; Hsrhniaa a, 14S; iew Vera Caacai. 1.11 t i.iei.Lo aiiin nuca I till lllia.ili (tiilrnl, aerlp, Hnotl-ein. I'l : vunrailleeil. 111. a. lit.. I.'li! nJ.nn Ulvnr l.tOV. --n...u n. llva ; rli'velanri and ItloolnaatL 71 1 OhieaaTO. Birlkwtn sou gutnrv, Ml; Oteland and fills lore, 112V tfttl, 77'.! slur the Hoanl. K'sl', : Flvat Tteaaty Ooeeuos. 1' : S 1 1 " 'i-onil.. 10 s ; Keslatered, In). ., .. , w Ciuoiaiioiis of the principal Cjal and Coal OIL stiM'ks at 1 o'clock to-day , . ' tin AUC. tH ft; Kliltnn' Coal 9 Mliisrsl Ol 2S,'. lit. Mouuia.n I'oei. 7 .. .U Mi.l. C'..I..'.M (ir.. n M'.Ctai..,. 5 S i a-oon alti y.v; New ( rvrt IV Ki-et tr liam Coal. .. rtlniotil'ttai y Ano-r'rsn Kat-lln,, V'4 I'. ioi Mining II l.ltard Slli.liu; Oil Itirek r.s,- Mni'f hli.ile ftl..l4si Mel lialnt-k Oil.... (.1, rrjr till ' ?Y Kevatune 01I...M. 4' "4 Menete. Oil...,.,.,,, Mi, isrwecie Oil ...... I ' a ...sun." .... a )H lle'a K4.lv Ol.. 11 ' I 1 .Irviaai Oil SJ,j I 'potieVann O.l.:.. Isf IH111W O al.. It ; 9V Kr.tooe ainsi.... 2 si t iiunaowre. ....... n ' . e'a.liaieiioii ,. j , 1.1 nniineaisv s sj 'fa7 ot 1 ntraiaaii 1 it,.. . , fa' a a u.u-AIJ.lainster.lS'i It I he following ure tbe receipts of Floor anJf Orulii at this port to day 1 Fmar, 10,200 bbl.t W heat, 42,Sn(l bnsh. ; Corn, 20. VX) busb.i tau 10 2tHi bush. 11 . Tbe following are the roe I pt of Ooat Oll at tbla port during the past weeKtCruda, i75r Mils. ; Itefinud, 30CK) bbl. ... , -j , . The following aro the inspections of Flour and Meal for the week end'eg Aa-is: 12: " - ' Half hatnda siipcrhne ..4.e..t 430. liarrels suseriine line " middliiiga " Com Meal " condtniued. . . . ...v - s.., 19 a ' f ..a.a 2o2t 'S'iaf . lid Total .w..90o4' The condition of the bank of the three pnn-' cipul coii'iueroial citlis of tbe Union i exbjbsiedi in the fol liming table, which gnes the aggregites, of their lust weekly statementa : " .ofiffi. .Soer-ie, OireutmCn.y DIVilu I m v.. A11R.11. ..ir'...ss.iihi7 ti.i.'.t,.-')) JM 1 m.vi:: -1 rbllt .AniualS. : 14'i.llll a.ttti.wl 2.-11 STKl .S'.XM.svMt B 'sti'll, Auit. S. ISI.IMA J. M, ill. S,.iS,;U !;JX) T.rtul ;. ;k;l JJJ taH'si.iMI .fi,14.l,m 7IS,lljJii. IjiI vtiek.... 'JiH,S7rt ii l 71:1,744 IS,.l,iiiaviV,,i-, - Ik '"' I" leans H ....is Hi7Hl liit-ieast Inanet-ie .... IU..VI7 liirrta.a in tircnlaiion.. , ......Jr 3MXii7l t iiieieaae ui ut'imaiu v,ojH.rta , The returns of ihe Hank of England for the ' week ending July 27 rotnptire with the state ment ot tho previoua week at follow: ta I -! ,,,! J.1 Piil.ltt-i1epi.alts 4 In.', 4ii." Oilier drMiells l:i.44as. S ii.JHjUt ' (Internment aacurilit II.' ., ll,nKi,lt iiiiitr.eeiiritie. I.y.sl sso - . 9u,issjpyrj. Notes in eir, u'ailnn 21 .iiiin.&a:, , ui.siV'l&, Isperle and Oil lion l.l,17l.bal I U,M.Sse On Monday, tbe 2otta ult.,the Bank of Bugland ' dirictois raised Ibo ininiainni rata) of disooanl, Ironi six to seven per cenu Six weeks previous, tln-y lowered the rate from teven to six p'r eent. 1 The uvcriige suatk of bullion held bv the B ink of : Kiiglniid in tioth departments during the rajuta . ciuiliig the 22d of June was 11,170 781, beiog aa iucrtasc of 111,1 ll &tiH as eomnwred wi h the pro I vlous month, and a decrease ot 41 oBVttOi whe , compurcd with the same period last year. .J4) . , Tbe returns of the Bauk of France for tbe -week ending July 28 show the', following ' chaoses, cum pared with the previ sat etateiMatt Increase -Casii, ti J millions; 'rn n-iroul ml Is, ; 4 ll-Ath millions; banknotes, 1 3-HHti million;, treasury balance, 4 1-lUth millions; cnrrenf a counts, H 2-oth millions. Decrease .Advance, 1 I"i,1'on- ' - - :.f -;.j.;-s u. I Kebel scrip wa sclliag inLon lononthc30-b , nit, at 7(4(,774. ' - .1 ' The Now York IferaUl this nurning l.ty's The weekly statements of the national debt bave (ione a good deal towards enabling) they people to furin a correct idea of the amount of Uovcrnmeiit piper ailoat; but, as the ordinary reader of one of the e statemen s would find it ' dill. cult to distinguish between tbe lersl tender and ihe non-legal tender portion of th , delit, eon-, sldi ruble Ignorance on the subject of the national currency prevails, while that of the State and ' "National Hank is still le s understood. . Aooord i ing to the statement of the 2d of Ihe current monih. tbe total amount of Oovernment money then in circulation was ?031.-5O0,S()o, of which ' Ihe following are the details : . ( United States notes l)3,lM,Vv Kive percent. 1 year nolo 4I20,')0.) ' F ive per cent. 2 years' note 10,4tJ(O ' Five per cent. 2 year' notes, Wtth 1 coupons 80,933 602- Tria-ury notes on which interest has . censed... 162,1611 Fractional currency 23,41 1 4.t Compound iuterest notes ....a 32,8'3,7'i ' riIIL.AlKL.IMIA TKADK KEPOBT. Fbihay, August 12. Ib Cotton there 1 Ice ' activity ; there bave beeu talcs of middling at l?j t C177c, cash. . , There ia very little Quercitron Btrk here, and it is wan ed at ton. , , , There i very little Cloverseed bre, aid It is tuken at from $13 !jQ to lti from ilrst and so -jad f bands. Tlmoi by b t advanced ; wo iuoto at f 1, without sales. Flaxseed Is bel l afsJJ til (P busb. The Flour Market is leas active, and there le little or no demand for export or hme,ron- -uniption, aud holder are firm In their -vteW r the supply is almost exhausted r we sotica i ' nf 2ft iO bbl. fresh ground Psnosylvada aid 1 Connecticut Mills extra family at s?lll I' -50 & J bbl.; 200 bbl. fancy Kentucky at $12 7i, aud t 4o0 bbl. W. B. Thomas' extra ou private terms. The retailer aud baker purchase within tue-k range of from $j6t) np to our highest tjni'a tion. There is very little Uye Floor hero, an i l! it Is worth $9 50. Cora Meal 1 (4 liet. , Tbe oflering of Wheat still emtiuue light, ml 1 holders are firm. We quote Old Pennsylvania ' and Western Hed at 02-502-.54 & bush., aud 1 new at t2-802-6i ?i6) for new Delaware, I aud 2'7oC2".KI for White. A ale of 809 bush, s Kye waa made at 91'809l'85..i No demacd for t Corn. Yellow worth -Jl-70ai-7lT- tale of . 6000 bush, mixed Western at 167&IC8. OaU, are steady loop bush, new told at bSc and 2000,, bush., old at 99. No Hale of Barley Malt have t come under our notice. , . ' " .. The Provision Market I quiet, and no salti worthy of note bave been reported. Whisky le without change. Sales of 100 Mulled 1 bbl. at Sl-78 and Ohio at $178. -. 1 , . . i. a atarkeU kw Teleff rspk. -. ..tv Caiko, August 11. New Orlcan paper oftlva th uuole low Ud.la l oltoa ISOo.l Idlildllu iiCwt Ma-, la.a. s SI'oKSS'.i Hour ttl lio : 14 ; IU ntnla. of Tuhac. o haveJMHiu raeelnHl len Hum t aducaui to so U Dew aora- Htck or Cttat lak Mvbll. ,ji.,;i Caibo, August 12. The stock o( Cotton in , "sfobiie ea uie Hutu ult was 'Ju,UO0 bales, Niw Yoax, Angnst 12. Flour firm Vsulot'of 14.0W' bbit. Mtate, t iuwilO; Ohio, tll-HMIs:' Soulkera, tlV liK414. Vt heat arm; aales uuiuiiKu-Uui. 4Joriiat.i.v , a aalea uiitmnortaut. Heef dull. tMrk tlrnj, Jb '0t. Lrd4rui,'aw-i. Whisky jluU.W'", ..4 ,,a, .,a Baltimokb, Angnst 12. Flour qnlet ; tale otf lnuibbla.OliMsiUau tlfUt. tkbeat aciivei wlue d-. vanct-d. Conn fti ui; wlille tl'7. Oatt aetivef nv W UUkJl 4uU at H is. toileeliaaey; 46issc..j.iif .L.t 1 OiUs istl Itrawlaara af th Hbelby 11J s Lolltiy i lieutiitar. ' . CL1M-Aiituell,ts4. ' - :'l , W, 7G, 40, 22, 71, 5S, 31, 03, 7S, 70, 2, 42. txrtLfLsa aiwualH.lM-a. . -" 13, 42, tl, 4, 87. dtl, 6J, OK, 5, U, 31, 43, 2 tJlva-4. W k kaWmeiM c VllMWI.tif-