The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 11, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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gvtmnfl geltgiagi'fl
THURSDAY. At'rsx "TimI
Ct1h) Al.iPg tli trodden, bloody . ,
A 1. 11? tl.-bills where .till the Mile "I "' r',n;
ThNirh rime down with flsmliitT sp-mr nn I
" CB do with starry Ig"ns msrcliinK in
CBfloV!r7l touched tlifl rows of ninn?l.l
A.nos'tL knoll, .nd t,y the little ri'ltly in,
"With lovfn snitM, and. ulet.t, tmwed her huad.
Uk fom Pl monraor, over o:bcr bruve oiks
dy leg.
Just on tht tnVes of tbi stormy fitfit,
jii ilie soft ulght tamo luwit, group of
' dura knelt
atroanJ comrade, Ijlng culm and wliiti,
A stain of Hutting i)l'H)il DMu his buyoni'.t b. U ;
C1n by blm, on tins trample 1 mm low-Kni'-i,
Fixlilo h's nnir-Uei nn unoi'iied It' lnv
A mr'-iuga from the homo which no, aUm!
Nust be furtrtcr dark bocanjo of this Mil any.
"Head to me, Corporal," be wild at last
'Heart Die what Mary say 1 ; 1 '"-V-liter
so;" ,
Thm, while across bin (act a spasm passed.
He sadiy moaned : "It only came to a iy, you
k now j
Jt s I came nrleM 'twas (flven to m.t
, I could Dot pHui-o to rea l itlbcnj bnt com- g, bark !
I'm fniun now the ton, dim way I see
Bead me what Mary suysi 'twill clioer me in
the dark.
Tbey reaJ him, a hewlibed,tlier.rc.!l'iii line?
Ibo word of love, ol bmvo cn'totirngoment,
and clicor .... , ...
Bead him bow Mary, mid her bonsch.iU
Ws hopeful and content ; bow buy, "littlo
Sad learnud to walk; how Tom bnJ won the
At school but term ; hot be, the dear one fur
Wa prayed for nightly ; how with straining cyci
Thry waited bid return, as for a festal (Uy.
They eenwd. X'pon th pallid, vacant fa-e
A deeper shadow fell, and with a weary cry
Ih dying soldier sooiieii ' (jivo them Thy
O bTessoil Fntlier; shteld them till the storm
goes by !"
His TOlce jrrcw faint, thon ceasci i but one who
bent -
Close to the fading lips beard tills: "Good
4 nlfthr, my de-tra,-"
As If with death's cold chill and pains were blent
Sweet mrmoriea of home dreams of life's
brighter years.
And still the bittle throbbed a'ong tbe hills,
And still the dyinir and the detd in billows lay
Ak'tift tl slupes'ani by the crimson rills
Ike n'glit shades folding all in mantles dun
and (troy.
There, where be Ml, they scooped a shallow grow,
Aud with h'-r lcticr on bis heart, so cold ami
calm ,
Left bim to wait tbe roll-call of the brave
1 he summons to receive the victor's crown and
"I hope you and ClMy are good hands at cro
sjncf," was one of the first observations made by
Itiend Allcrdyce, when, our nm'ivil grecUuns
rer, and the battle of tho luggage victoriously
won, we bud finally seated ourseires opposite to
kirn in bis wagonette, and wete being bowled
way towards bis place, Maplchurit, where we
were to pay a lon promised visit.
'I have quite too high an opinion of your
fatber's judgment," be contiuued, looking at
Cisry, "to suppose for a moment tbat be would
have neglocud to cultivate sach a necessary
braneb of education; therefore, I expect tbat my
' visitors will crown themselves with glory at a
- grand croquet party we go to at Kopton Park the
day after to-morrow."
Well," I said, ' Cissy will, I'm sure, for she's
a capital player; but as fur myself, though it
gives me a urrilne pani to disperse such rosy
tinted vb Ions, truth compels mo to say tbat 1
ever con Id master tbe art. Yon ec, my vduca
tion was neglected, apparently ; and after a cr
laio aie leurniog new tbmn becomes impossible ;
t least as 1 nnver, even by chance, could manage
to do tbe tinbt thing at the riti; t me, I have
gitrrop even ttyn n to propel tin Is."
"Yon can't play worso than I do, old fellow,
', all even's," broke in Alleidyee, "for I'm a lmigb
' teg-siock to my children un whom, I am afraid
tbe homp of revprence is nor very largely deviv
loj tU); but you'll be suro to play well enough
for a monster croquet party; bad players m on
jnst as well as g. od ones in a crowd, that's one
comfort. At all events, you can ee llcptou,
which is well north a vi.-it. for it's u Hue old
place, and will of course look Us best in holiday
- orns. Tbe dav after to-morruw is to be the
grand inanunrarion of ibo weekly Wednesday
rettptioss Mi". iSackvilln has announced her m-
, temw n of holding, so I suppose the word and
bis wite will he there, an 1 convers ition, cro ui",
and tea furabbed ad lib , if the wcadier no line."
Din ukuuu tbe com in a V.; in all ii dibereiil
' aspects pretty well occupied the time till our
"arrival at Manlehnrst. where, on drivmc up ti
tbe gravel swtcp, we perceived a gime of rroci'iet
in active progress on tho ground near tho lull
door. Here Alkrdycc had told us that bis yoitug
people wire nlwuys as sedulously at work as it
. Ihtv were lundubiy trying to iiu iltiy lor a oj
- trtic in rro'iuet, mid tl.e truth ot his words
manifest. Of course, we went over to look at
tbm; and tonnd Tom Alltrdyce using the most
rlocoent arguments to in rsiiado bis e dcr sister
Kale not lo hit the wirmin:; p;g, and so pot licr-
!! out of the game. 1 it wotud tio just ncul
ncsi-." be was I'Lunclating with nil tin) cal ol
ix tt en. as we came up; "of course, go at the
blue bull, and croipiet 1 a.vay ; then go :il ivd
ana do Ibe eanie lor him, iiml t ri n c nne g ;ntly
down to uic, lie np ciosj, aim we u lilt the po
tiue.h' r o next iniiingr."
A cbsrmini programme, If it had out been car
r'td onl; but, iiln-'. ihe late decreed otherwise.
J.veu the bc-it-'iei'' d pl itis f huioanuy uro
liable to f.iil. Whether Ivtte't nerve f illed hjr
- Ironi tver-snNiety n tdat moment, I
"' cannot say. run so I- u-a that the n.itj. sent up
pani'tlv wuh such nnciririg Mini, growing slower
iu low or in it- cmr e, l.n i:iv stuppuu jui an
inch or two ! tit ( i't ilc-iicatioii ; red lail
ti lit one down on it, .-in- e.-t liiv ux.led
both it and itsnliite i n'-i ij.t, and at the next
utioke l'ad tho gime. V,; del uo' .iii, h iw
ever to 1 ear il.e cad oi ire siorm of ret riini
naiit-ns Tom end l.i- istir hurled hi
other at liiditi' tie viciory nnexpec col v
.nutebrd fr in iteiu .it the vc. last moment for
Mis. Ailejdvte appeared on th.' scene, brought
os to the bouse, mid tried to invniglo us into
partaking of un ulicniuon ica. .uy iimiKiitcr,
i i.m srrv to r cor'l, fell a victim to her blund
-.i isbmcnk'. for. a'ns! lierh is weak; but as for
t jue, toml,v uid 1 reprobate tlm oegenera'o and
luxuiiius age nbich allows suiu practices.
1 at.i)i'n d eeu ijvmII bv my clo oicncc.
as 1 btld foith ugaiuat'nai meals, and
the havi.c wroiicht in ti e nervous system by
"" the oncenslng ica-orlnklnir that ludins especially
' now paironl;.e. How, indeed, is it io-sililo
to ani.rtcltiU! the dcltricy of tho mlrm, th
juiciness ot III joint, w lien gor d with cuk'-s of
breao ava nu itr. into iei ui'm uhumu ihhih(
" rtstrioir of li'iuid r Truly, human nature is per
verse, but. nias ! bow hclpliss is man! J ven in
' my own bouse, I blush to record the fact, sur.
repirtlons and irregular "tens" take place, ox.
rjited 4uider the anccious reasonlm? "tbat it is
necessity to pander to the depraved tastes of
visitors. T bey are, however, given under pro
test ; tor wnen tney tome to my Miowicuge,
teruly do 1 check Uic tuorbid faiicy.
Mrs. Alleidvce seemed. I am bnnnr to say
struck by my arguments, and hoped I would give
Mrs. hacLville UielMUentorthtin at stcnuu-hanu
Kver anxious to do good, l promised, it opportu
nitv 4-ved, to eiMiaciate my vii as ou the subject
At it n. ton 2'ark.
The whijo al tbe urxt day we were kept on
thorns bv the weather-glass, wwen, with cliarac.
terittie fickltness, executed tents of tumbling,
wMeii ronld orlv be accounted lor by Ms loercL
rial uuimni at. fcr when Wednesday at reared
it cam decked in all tbe most gU nous pitoply
i a jx r:it t tmve morn'iic.
A p.. Do whs in one of bis happiest moods aud
most tourmaline tanir, and si 'it his suubeuius
pkrkluig (urtli wttii the most profuse prodigality,
as it bint oa KhiddcoiuL' the J.c.ii in or all bv the
glory ot their bautv.' At about '1 'i 1'. M we
got unk weigh;' nie ot the jmrty in Ibo
. MslU). II e lest lit Alle:r'fc T i t. iauntln
' car, liicb, alth curious perversity, he proiessui
, to considor tbe mtt perfect mode of progression
. possible, and vainly eiidcuvoteo to induce uie to
it with bim Uieteon. I was cunstni.t, Loevr,
, , , U the wagoucUe, aLd we at Ubt stnru-a on fur
. ve iuilv drive tbrougb a tin unduluiiui; Cvuuti
' to Jteptou lbs o oi Uee alobg tlie was- at nines
:' ' Mieii'biug Ihcir over the road, and fu
, uiahujg u liv '"If awulug .f tothie In t-
Vtvrt., we drov au.ii niiiier their shade.
l'o J Ling it-pu n i'i k, load, by tho
- imuiiiou and recent tjks ol alucls at t:.tiius
wy, tb..t w were not the fli -l IB tbe licld, aud
ai w i)rtgrid along i J n pw .ot vtiou
i-,yi14tloi.reii;ii'fc'lV'iuli!'liu.'t;cti U tow
ards th bone. Tbe approach by which we
tnteied.and which is more than a mile long, i
mspassil with much skill, and paseo throiu-'h
arrat variety of m-enery. Kor tbe tlrst haif mil
or so after entering th leinotn, it is irlntr d by
a double avenue of beaches, the long straight vista
bring closed at the end by tbe Wottnc arehw iy an J
jortiie of tho second gate The scene is then
cbaosed. and becomes more open and pirk-like,
cmbe llshcd by clumps of the line old trees for
which Kepton is famous, and hy herds of deer,
which vowrnr approach with rrcat "tolCH'n,
snd Laritly take the trouble lomou at the o:inl
nl the approaching vhecl. A little fur b-r mi
we pa throueb a thick wood of rh dod in. Irons
ai.d Anicricnn plnn's, and get so-ne very well
mana'i d gllit p-us of the lakes, the letter lo iking
tl eir I est In iheir tiniform of sapphire Muc, in
which thi y sttiM- to emulate tho bright nnre
hue of the. iliy .ilve them. A sadden turn
brines n in f'glit of the bouse, when a very mil.
mat. d sctne bur.-t on our view. Ihecroiunt
gronni on the lawn was crowded with o cipants
,n vi ty mngniiicent toilets, the numerous colors
in which threw the poor old rainbow ipil .) Ino
the shsde; sevenil convevunces were depositing ci rgocs of -wirt Indies and gentlemen on
tin-un vel sweep, wliilo in the distance "A tni
Sally's" picturosipio g iiiucnls l!jnu.d in tbe
bri .e.
Mrs. Sackville was standing on the sb'p.t as we
Hove np, aiid A'lcidyco bnstctit i to congratu
late tier on tho bcniitiiiii i'ay she bad managed
to sei lire for her fete nd in short, we td'icd
lllllloptlre and entb.r, us it is r ritiwiir lor
the llritisb to do when congreg ited together ; f n',
as hns I eon well oberved, a lovely day i tho
one and only beauty that all ran loin in pr.iis'ng,
without evening ficltifs of envy nnd jc do is.
Ti c weaiber was certainly deserving of all po i
bio praise, but still the sinjeetwii perhaps net iniT
Ibtendban , when the arrival of fresh visitors lefc
us at libcrt) to depart, and we migrated to the
cri 'iuet grouno.
Here, the prcidding genius, Mifs Sackvll'e,
loikingrke an Arcadiau shepherdess, in whi'o
uiti-lin and blue ribbons, was to be seen, croiitie -
b.sik in bund, tho centre ot an eager cro.vd, try-
ir.g lo nnaneo the nunieroTs p aye's on ckcIi
le : a cinipltx pioblcra hicb seemed very
(lllbcult to tolve, een nicr ber sister h d carried
oil a large i umber of pl.i vers to cn'i net ground
o. 2, myself uMiappby uuiong t t'ic niiiuti r.
ilut h it was 1 to do, when a verv bo lining
voung lady at .lust the most captivating natc
'b'.ped I would go with her ?" I could not re
fuse, as I am but a po r weuk creature when
opposid 10 a whole battery of feminine charms.
.Nied I siiy. tnen, tunt t went mit'-tenng, how
ever, fsmetliing by the way about "not knowing
the gsmc."
")h, never lnlr.d that, Mr. Conrtenav," re
sp nd" d the fulr vision at my side, '' will taoU
"DUt nr. tOnncnay is, i am sure, reuuy a
first-rate player, from his having chosen such a
good lnallot," olllclous y struck in one of tlin
In vsin I hastened to assure her that chance
tiloi e bid chosen it : tittle by little the delusion
si nad, und like a snow-ball gathered us it rolled ;
it was piocla med that "I cvidcutly knew lii I
was nbout;" 1 lonnd my advice even asked on
ail sides, and my tamers acttuilly congraml ited
on bavins "Mr. Courtcray, the grcut croiUctcr,"
witli tl cm.lor to that it actually inuie at last.
The more 1 disputed the honor, the more per
sistently was it bestowed un mo, nut l at last I
totind ni) self actually beginn ng to wonder
win titer it could bo tnio that they w.-o all riltt
and 1 i.inonug under n delusion. Had my tut
Ji lo l eon a dream ? L 't t in a clueless labyrinth
of dotib and dilliculty, I was endeavoring lo soivo
the complex probl. ni when called on to jilov. In
stjintly there was a great coinniotion ; every MiO
came crowding np to sco "Mr. durtenay'ti
".lust wntch bow be bold the mullet," s ild one
linm tlose ton c, in an audible whisper to another.
"You sic, the dodge is to hold it very low down;
It i.ivt'F eeitninty "
'Uh! when you're through with your third
hoop." buist in a Intlo minx, of eleven or twelve,
rifhirtg bieaiblessly up, "make mo ring the bell,
uo; I'm on our bide the grtcu bull and have
l i en put away nn olten "
"Kei p out of the way, Dora, do, and don't dis
tiact Mr. Cour.enay's uttiiition," iutcriiosed her
elder bn ther. "wo 'ei end on you, Mr.Cuurte
Usy, en Irely," becontltiued. contideutiaby tonus.
'Uur side is doii tt dreadfullv badly. Ju-t loolt
wheie I've Incn stu. k to for I ci uldn't say bow
li.t g; but y ti can retrieve it a 1, 1 know; and' vou've none through your hoops, il you've
un.v C! rist uu benevolence, cutim and help me."
All ibis t inn I stood stitl, hoping ng unst hape
(but some suduen inspiia ion of genius might
seize me.but finding none comiuir. In tliegrnat
nissof my dilenimu, I betlinnglit mo of Miss
acfc villi. of hi r who had kindly volunteered to
teach me, and hasluntd to nlnco myselt at her
otdeis. A'as! in my boor of distress she was
owhf re to bo seen. My guardian angel had t r-
tuki ii me. 1 was It ft to my own devices. Uis
traciid by the ditlcretit counsels piotl'ercd on
cvirisiile (in all which, alas 1 sell-interost and
he i iii-lmcss iiilictei.t in l.tim n uattiru were
iiiluliy np.nurt'iitj, I repaired to tlm startin,'
fi. toiiml moia titan u dozen balls tni -k y
KtidOtd between it nnd the lir.-t lee p Tbrounh
this 1 whs to puss mvsctl, but on no a. .: unit to
si id any of the other bal i (iu my p dli) through
I low to avoid doing so, without having tlm
si glit i.i It i n Jul' u ci iiinror, se-'iiiod iluliculr, if
imt ini o.'Sibie. W ilh the energv ol destiair,
l oi',I gi.isped my mailer., ami, to my utter
Btni .en i.n , suit, my ball vie oriously through
the hoop, scattering Ibo eltist.r right un l loi't.
mj sun git uler as'oiil-tiineii' , t toun t imseit g the bell" iietnig 'lie iwnevn'cn' t;hns.
liup, as leipiesled, and, In shot, performing
pn d gies of skill. Kvery tresh s roke eoutii iiied
Hie b -lain. en in uu lr iu net ot my "woiuicrtui
p!a ;" au.i Lbc running commentary on my p' r
li i in. nne.'. lut wbicli no on- was so astonished as
n y sell ) a- pi;iinnt in the extreme.
w hi r at la-t 1 was ston-t in tny viciorn us
caretr. 1 Ruua un sell tnrruouartcrs round iai
conr-e, fur ahead of uii) ol m, panm rsor rivals,
and the I eio of the hour. lluv,ng ttnismosc un.
expected y crow tied myself with laurels, I deter
uiimd, Pkea judicious gout ml. to retreat in tune,
tu b-re Foiinne. noto iously tickle, could strip me
oi lav l.iii.o .e -ng, tiiereloic, the hrst opportu
nitv . 1 slipped piiet y luck totli.-bi'iisc. uid circ
ful'y uMtioeo eiiiiiel-gioitnd No. l,c mitcd 'Otmd
to ,iy n j respects to lelelnatcd Aunt Sdly,
Wl.i. in I MM. i, as uanai, nil I'l iiioca oy nervowt
r es. Il.i.uli ihut uncii nt liidj ' clmiy eh inns
dee Ji u.y look to mi st advaui.ige at a distance,
sl.c mull i.i ibly pusresses gn at alti'a aiuus,aiid is
iu. it I" n i K ri, itioiieu t ern ' pi too niticti
di von 'I in i -i 1 1 s to please every taste. This 8 id
1 j J lit , hi wi-ver, those present did their Iwst M
nan i ', :.i d m.' b at k beuiry boro the a'l-mac-t!on
ui !n i j i o itli inipcitmbiihlfl complacency
anil g ni . i i in ir, stt.tiirg wanoiy nn ner ag
itiessor w lit a lienevoli nee ouite lou ;l.i.,g to
sic. Jim. l:c thco whs naiticularlv enlocs in
li e "duilliti ii ' ar, und the ground was -trowel
Willi Inoiii'iis of hi- spol s Miiij Allerdyeo
In Vitvir. si oi. -u in iiioticl me to j in my dan ,1.
ter ui c Mis. Vickville in a visit to the e m erva
tuj i m; k.Ms which well repay a vis t.
Ilie l.iiici uic J.t t ii out in icnu es urerhangin;
tlic hike, and i re .i b u.u of bc iuty. A iiro id
tuitit walk, ta.r li rctl by giinit yew trc(;s on-
l ecis the puli i. with the lum e. I nc btt:er
bus no giiui ii'eliiti.cliiiiil beauties I t roeotii
n it d t ; ii iOtnie stone eiliiicc, with t'ic 1-ievi-
1 1 hie in i k l on ice, which isHpimrcntlv so indis
u nstiblc a i ir nn leristie ot Ihu ilotnctic tir.'lil
lecture ol H e uiiitcitith ceittut v; It to-ciuldci
r luo fin ol ivity tin cout'tiy Itotiscs that ono
sits. I cn Si;nitcs, bow ever, c.m l.:j,i.t of a
liber ilrini me ilc.n Ui pton; i lie long brcccben
uvi tt in s ,ie mi nl to d.ite trotu t'ic reign of Anne,
ami the cuks noulil make a Jc brcstt tli" tenth
fiKi-munnnn nt iiolimti r, and lo"; fur the bind
I ng of the leniin-s hut could be produced by
I It use ol the rvc.
vt few t! c wnods o t!ie more advantage, ns
nfltrweluil lloii'.'d the gardens, Mr. iSaekulio
dioie ns h i i ! oi,i of i do iukes In his pony cr.r
riogf, nuti iV'jn n 'ong grass rlrivc through a
wood to t-'C tin ' (iiunts," us they arc cn led, a
group ot I be old utr.arcbul lirs, nbich Maud ut
Hie jitiiciion of six grass avenues.
"ltut a pity It is,'1 Mr. HackvlUc futd.usve
diovr up lo iliein, "that we arc not paying onr
visit bi n- by ir.oonliglit ; for wo might then havo
the rlciubr'ef.f jtcmg the 'White Lady,' an an
rcrtits of mir.o, who is supposed to haunt the
spot at uiglil. I'nloriiinatcly, she nevei shows
lr Hie (!Miti e."
lb voids win bantly ont of bis mouth when
wchiaid a ftni e, iciy gentle rustling iu tl.c
am er wood bibto'l us. It stopped as I InoUcd
rouiii'; tint:, i Iter a utomrnt, we besrd a moan,
red tLe rustling n-rt nnnenced, a it' something
wire iitiiusly mal ing its way through the
I brbe.'; end, tiimlly, u white ob.iect ,in-t showed
ior a fit nil nt urd then vanished. We till baa'
ii. ' 'Hit (the ti" vat on all our tongues, us a
liUiiiiri.l' toui.-t ; Mid Mr. kackvtllc, springing
fiim the carriage with an alacrity hardly to be
expecud fn m liis grey hairs, rushed into the
winds' in rntu'it Ol course, watched bis
M:urii with tV-i-ft us strung to the highest pitch
r ftnxitty ; null alter afew minutes In returned,
bi'nglrg w'th him not, ulas! the ancestress we
wi so anxiously expecting, out a very prosaic
while falf. which, disct uccrted by tbe shouts of
laughter and titrisiou with which it found itself
gmtcd, ntsUd Imek. tiller a luomcnt's dolibera
tiori, into its Issfv nstiiim.
'yv,ii' a bo.( lor jou.Miisj Courtenayl" ex Mi. frfcCtWif. "Wowjou cua suv jou
liuvr seen tbe V lit Vpovtr ol Kepton, which I
ihu ull iuu not bave acuoui'lished doing;
and there can be, .f c'oitis, no misUke ubuut the
u uin n tin it is seen in broad djiyii-lit, and cot,
11 Uiud flu .t. , ului ciunur."
V t anuiiwigiy tuuua cauiial of oar advuntare,
aj.d t-uihid tut i ds by I he marvels we bad
ki-eii in the wi od. (lur rupututiou as ghost-sours
be i Ate sln.bsi as fcuai as uime as a cro 'piet-
f layer, and with about au equally strong fouada
h 'ti of fact.
On our return to tSe house we found tea iti
progress. A deplorable and amazing spectacle !
It is, Indeed, bard for uny wel'-const tuu-d mind
to see with eqasnimlty appetite de'ilHira'eiy
b'uoted at tho most rrlii.-ai period t the lay
belore dinner. Mrs. Sa kv tile s teined, l.owovir,
quite too hi idem d a sinner for me to chori-h
even a bop of making isjncrt of her. lean
onlyloje some of the o'her proent were con
v'lu ed of i lie error of 'heir ways ; but It Is a hard
bok to tt lot in an age i hat is s v levot.j.l to "lis
cups." 1 was givil g Miss Sackville her t. and
icnie most valiia de advice er.ui-, v.b?n Mr.
fsa -svilie It ti rrni't ' l my exordium bv
oh, Mr. Coiirtenay, I h"iir yoi uro such
a wondt rl'ill) good cn . let-pbtv c-. Mydfi 'h
tt r suvs what yen did was really n'lite surpris
ing "
' Audio no one more so than ti myself," I
loose In ; but m.v modest dl-claon T is at
pn' b-pi oil i d, slid I wuh b tiled ovi r the coals in
Ibc most painful wuy lor having don-ned my
Color before the c une was c 'iio'a.led.
A ilii t ttiiH mi nt was at last, how ever, madu by
a pn coclbiis cbild in the comoiny, who,
1 ren tor some lime vc y tct ii a: t:ie unsc
turn tlie conveisati ni h d taken, 1,'iullv th night
it Ins duty t" iti'erii re, nnd nudging tho ell, .
of a diuf elibrly gentleman nar to me to
attra' t his attention, tri' d 'o elicit his opinion on
the ' Atomic tlivoiy," but with singularly ill
"Ti n my ? is it. niy dear ?" said tbe benign
oi l gt nt.emnn, tar-trumpet in onr, Pending do vn
to his toimenlor. "And a very ni-te n Hue, too."
" Atomic!" insisted tin rnftwl irrribk, wi'.b an
uu a.inv rmphasis on the las', syllublc.
"Ab ! .Virt, is it. my dear ? 1 thought yot said
Ton.nij. Mick Tiernny. Why, you must h'
itnii little Itisb b"j," cxmttnucd tho piorol l
in n lcmnn, wnh the most winning ui' ililliiy,
which was unito thrown away upon his lines-
tii ni r, who, liudit g that it was perfectly hopc
liss, evi a w.tli the help of an cur-trumpot, to
n ako himself understood, changed b,s giou i.l,
ui.'d snddciilv pouncing on inc., begged, in a
stmtoiiun volt, to my inlinlto honor, rial 1
would at out e give him u.y opinion "astiwhcth.
tbe possibility of spontatieotis coiti'mstitn in the
liimiin subject bud been satisfactorily dis
pi oved."
TI on iiL'hl' taken aback, I could onlv falter,
"I reall) d n't know," as it would have, beeu
u-cless to allect not to Imve beard a query pro
pounded in a voice of thunder.
"lint is it poflspiie," my young gentlemen
ci'ii'inni d, In a tone of much displeasure, "is it
poss ble tbat you havo n..t rend tha ire itise of
the Itarncd Doctor Unimcitianptfclhauseu ou the
subject r duly fancy, mamma," he suid, address,
itig a ludv wnh a luce like a bird, who vas sitting
g. .ing on her darling with a rapt expression of
iieliilit and awe combined in hor countenance,
"only lam y ! Mils ;outlcman hasn't rjad l inniel
liupptfU'lihiiHtn I"
l.ut'guuge aln gelher failing in su :h a drcaJ
fully reprehensible statj of uil'uirs, a gro m itar-t
1 rem the maternal Ikjsoiu, and ail pr isent. ap
ia Kd und awed, were, of course, struck dumb.
lut Al crd)ce was i i.ual to tho emergency, and
Willi wondi rftd iires' nee of mi..d catua gallantly
to tbe n h ne. I'atting tho cti.U most p ilertml y
on the teao, be ol'sirved tpiiotlv. "I urn niVaid,
my little man, yonr learning most be very rudi
n.ei turv, or you would know bvtterthan to fancy
I'nime kauptle'haiiscii au authority; though, in
deed, a tboioiKhlv superficial tiiiuk.T Jll.o him
is jnst lit for chl drcn. liut you will be wiser
wben vol, 're older, we inav hoje."
Of Course, every one smil"i. 'A ho mothsr alono
looked suvage, and as it she could In. t oa un
Alb idyce theu aud ihete in one mouthful, with
out i he smallest simple; but for that iic wai
loitunuttlj must suptenn ly ijiilil'eroni, having
guined bis objc,' t, namely silonco I for a ti'n:,ut
hast, a most objeciionable member of society,
lest a reaction might tako place, wo thought
It would he prudi nt course to migrut . ; ae jortl-
ifgiy wo di purtcd, taking my naugiiter v issy iu
our t'Uin, who, hy tho way, njoveJ inminiisoly
at tbe temporary cxti gitishi. g of the ini'aut
prodigy, be huviiig boen plvibg her all day with
ah-tiuse ipiO'tions on tho Punic wars, and the
spi cilic giavity of hot and oo d water, which sac,
con d not in the lea-t answer. Mm Dually re
ferrtd tbe suxions inquirtrto Tom Al rdyce,
vi bo suggested tne prodigy should "go un l be
l unged." as tho Ixsl solution oi' tho dilticuhics
that oppri ssed him. It impaired, however, tint
the advice so kind.y given (us soften
bad not been iaki n, tor shu found her tortneutor
alive ubd busy as ever when sho wont tu Ma.
Wo now strolled down to the archery-ground
that relic of the days of yoro wh en brings the
aiicii nt liritous, Crossy and Agiucourt, to's
mind at once. With all tne boasted improve
mints of our age, we still apparently cling to
In vis and aitows. Perhaps the thought thut they
were hunuh d by our aucctois eoiisiiiutes their
ebann; nriuiniy a Kind ot nam oi unti.puty
glist. ns round tho sport, but in addition it cun
nn nd the minor merit of tnrnlshmi endless su')-
je'-ts lor pn tl) spi eches, lor the coniitction of love
and ur. ticiy h un Old, old stoiy, aau ye; ever
mi, ibo snooting was very goou; oerntps
tin al ei nee ot wind may have couf ihutcd to th it
suli.-fuetory result, flnro being no adverse ititlu
tnce to cut tend with. Tho ladius especially
ircvtbed themselves with glory ; bin th.i infant
pionii.y being reporttd us heaving la -ight under
the convoy, we hea' a ta'ecipi ate re
ntal, ami on our way tu the house met emissa
ries sent Ironi .Mis. Al eid.yce lo say tun: tne
le.ive-tukings were iti progress, and our eouvey-
anei s winiii g.
Ami in w ilie diitlcult tti-'k of collecting our
iitlircd foici'H In g in. 'Iba youngest son and
(laughter laid bioti most sitccc -sfifly caiauieil by
Mr-. Aileruyi c. who clung pi riiim -iousiy to hu;
cliildnn, list they should in an ev.I mtinidiit
e'liirtc lit t giap, when tuo elders were secured.
Tom nnd tbe second daughter, Mary, wero, now-
tvi l , ti' w In ic to he found, and se uite had to be
suit ont in all directions to n-atcii tor lib.'tn.
McuekIiiIc, 1 tun nliiiid, we "go Iped" on the
( cp.nniig (.iK'sis; and Captain .-aekville favored
u wi'h m'vc ml cj. ii-iio Tciutnks on nunkind in
Si bi iu , ..nd vijiinu 1. idles in p ini "il ir. In pro
ci s f I lime i ni I iimbi rs bcctime complete.
Ab rj Aicdvcc hud lul en iblo the cliiic'ies of
ati uiniiii ur phi togiuphor, win) had hecu uii'inif
"sioiiis"ol the. sc u . at d h id been eonipelled
to :ic u v.iy unwilling tv'iUwt tint"', m reward
Ii r vvhic'i tbe uitist in'orno d h. r, when h i hail
liiiishK', thut his ch:u;!C tor boring bur to et;ne
lion wis 111' nhiliimh! us "a ii. "st d s-irvlng
ilniiit.v wus in g't tt want ot funds, UIO
"disuving cl' iniy r:'ceivi J n:i aato!ii:ii?.'.lion
toils ttitids we may hope ; but. I inn a'raid !h..-
Atieidvte bin I y wij in t amongst rue uon.rinti-
It rs. li'iittlifit tiny 1ft tliM trainl opportunity 0' !
ritimi i i,' n .'mI lur i:vil ji is itltoi.t taking .nl- i
vsitni.f uf If. I
Wl.'i ii ii.tikiiiit our atlioux to Mrs. Sai'kv.'Uf. j
slie "l.on (1 1 had lint lull ili tainc ui' croiH-i
lici-si'M' uf ilitii Iw J li'y. I was ri'.iliy m tio il I
ul a lut -lulu iiliiyi-r In lit' wilting t j,i"in mill all j
ton: t.l il i.iiiiuiil iiii.s." lo ibi- liar, oil .1st e jr- J
ilikln 1 luvicJ; vvitJs would liu.' Ija.'U ticrutrtl)- ,
rxtlt s, iliorifurt' it was ncvtlluss tu m.i
tin in. i liili'i-ilie l.tlsefhar.ctcr vttiijli Lad tjoiiii '
utailitil to iuu ull duy I Irlt lli-pton, arieviii i
iiAvtii'tlj i s arif.tiot nnist cv. rtip'.J.:!i' '
l'iivl.uli 1 vva- jiowirlcss to il'pci, lint out
wnritlj mqtiicn'ira in tlm s i t'ori'Mily
jut sn'il on me. IVpiiiin Shi-Uv ilio vniuly tiaiitil ',
Utile Mini. A iK rnj ce to it tnuin wild liim; ii ' ,
i. iu sii i lit r to liiixry, anj ulti'guilivr rije'.'tf l
111- ( Vlllllll )
'1 l.i' i ai i inti i ante. Yon us S n'livillii, in iho ;
l Ci pcsl i;lli I, ll ll'li- niplous ttipllf:.lli.i!l-ol 11 H
put li:t-l m.illii n hi. 1', hut is 1 1 In vain; Mitu,l vva
tl Dty lo: rti ii, Imt limlly rcli nlej s.j lar uh I j
inuki n vnjtLi' i n itiisc ot iuu; ol' Lrr KOlilen curl t
i.t some liilurit )m lioil, vviili w ti it h tlm ('aptuiii .
Itu-.l los.aisiy l.iinscli, tiMii titiK to oon-iili r h ni- ;
slI viry I :nil v tnu-nl. Ai la-t wo stand. The
Inst tliitnf tliat icHrticd onr rars as -vo drovi'
rupidly rnst tlin cmijiiot-gruuiid, was t!if
iiiinuiiiiciiiici t liv nn iiilutuaicd voiith tta: In;
wus pmt ti-lnv ".Mr. Caurtenuy's stroku ;" tlmui'li
vrl.iMlit-r ii'.v inuhli' dew 'I veil on liim or not, I a'u
to iliis moiiii-nt ijruorant. I -ji uj liope ca. Iciuj
onlj tny that It liatt leu inc.
A Bad Ntnrl Siitlrk nnd I nobsl rui'ltl
V,vir s UltM'kndr.Kuiiufr lo Ilie
Itdttum of late Mttt-ttey.
iV-ont tht .ti-srj'ao Cauritr, July S3.
A futsl collision took place liclwocn two steam
ers on Saturday niylit, at tl.c cntraocc to tlie
Mersey In in tl.c Crosby channel, and not far
tiom New llriKliton. The result vviistlie destruc
tion of one of Ihe steamers aud tlie loss of three
lives, lieiwceu 10 and 11 o'clock tho stcatntr
(joiJ n i'lriji., lielotigiiig t" Messrs. M. J. Klin
jit i.uef A Co., and fitud out in the Birkenhead
in cks, w th the intention, it is undet'Htoeil, of g liit Llocl ade of the Confederate States,
went ouw c il e I ver with a clcatsnce for Havana.
hhc wes !.(.iv'.ly ludeu, and having her Coal,
ou board for the "voyage, was very deep in the
water. Al oot iailf a mile outside the rock light
lioust she was nm into try the steamer Coiiimr,
inward hound Itom Cadiz, one of the vessels be
loi King lo Messrs. 1'. au'l J. Harrison. Tho
(ivhltn l'hd'ie hud a IhTfie hole knocked la her
hull, und she received such serious dauiage thut
she almost imiiicdiately sank. The two cufii
nctrs and one lin unliappily went down
with the tuS'i'l. The ciintuiu, the mute, aud
another tuita taved tUeuitulves hy cliuf ln to tho
it was luooiilight niht, and ten others were
fortui.ately saved by a boatman numtd l'lutikett,
who was tow itig in his boat at the stern of ths)
UtAii ii VkiUjt at the time of Ike disaster. Most
of Ihise uieii had to twini for their lives until
they Veru pli'kld up. The Cvnuai- wus not
seriously ir luted, and she was docked yesterday,
ioiige quuiiiitiis of tiu bcr lroiu the wreck wt-re
obactved tioaiiiig about during the day. The
hull of the Hulilm 1 'Itilge now lies ou the bauk
at the wct tide ol the Crosby chauucl.
irtn sl ftilTnlrinif si-s.:
If to caupt luvM ihis nlt hsl
If In fc s lilcomlnir tl i r,
t'asinf, rtrbis In ai hur Bsvi r t
! tii !. a lw"t of a-Binls i
I' for vlos 'o ins .s m-mts;
Ii with h'l-h-lKira hoslt'i wsil:
It aialbai sboia whu qsO W's 41 ml
It to live tlirrst t st'.l tf n,
w isaisir ass tout i;n i
r -o io . s In.' nt p.. ;
Jtf lo Sis an I no to Mit-Hol. t. '.
It yon wish s H'a "f slssvurs ;
If in T'lir t In wor il s 'ri-.liiirsl ;
It ry , o-ii'o t vi"l 'iiilil s'.
TaX mv ivvn, a'id w.tti ad rtr...
1 1 en. h Ps.vlOi. Wsslth. vn l It.-i' ty,
V.lli llll" IT.plrr.l ' r rv- n ll.ltv.
Its rflil V r'il Id tSe. HII.JAVJ V'tl'SC.S V-w
r.i. V. 1 UK SMhHI M'K lll'UiK. n. n utiO'iliI l a rs.i I
by'ry'ip alil hy ll'-is lellTi ..n-sdv. anil st tl'S (.He, Kc. till Sl'nl'UIS S I tl r ; i.rl o tf'i
. i n If
" No. 110 Market Ft root.
r.rTwr.KH ruoy.r am beccmu Tni ktr.
c. w. wi n i r. shiuaix.
M'. U G O I S T , ril "? S I C I A N K,
("n flmlstour cstatilisriutnt a Aillst! vr'mtiitof l-iiportsj
ud Imrosatle tirum, PopuUr Patcat M ltclncs, I'slnu,
n,i Oil, window Olasi, rrssrrlptton VUvIs, Ac, at ai low
oiicts at Hvanlna flrtt-cUti caa be tola.
r:Nt: KsstsriAL ou.a
for Cnntectlonisrs.ln Till vari"ty. ar.d of Uiebett natttty.
(Vlicisal, Ibtiftal Inllso, Maill-T, lot Ash, Co Pstar,
Hoat A I, Alum, Ollnf Vitriol. Anuatto.Oopparas.Kitrart
f I.ogTrond, ., FOR HYEttK' uc, alayt en
lowett net cask prirss.
n ; siwes fen eamilt phr.
ilruiinil txpre-itly for otir tlat, sua to whfaa wt Invite th
attention of ihost In wnt .if ridlabls artklvt.
Alto, lXDIUO, STARCH, AIUHTAHU, it., osrfr
OMsrt by nail, or city pott, vlll an st wits prompt t
tontton, or tptctsl iiuoladoDt 1U be furslsbi-d w1k.u rs
qnegkd. WIIIOHT BnWAlIi.
W"'sale rvrnu tVarclins,
Ko. Ill M.VKKEf Btrtst, anote fnnU
kCniilv a'li-itsl brf. il. NKKblA.H.oor.
nt TWKIJ Til anil HACK SircsiLa. badlut'
IlstiaTiiii"iit tor t.une. curil'irl.-J hy 'lullea.
TW K.l.f Til Htrcdt, llrtt co-it ImIuw K ico.
Ths wnm iwinoli'ta nuti TariM stuck on
Ssnil. cons!lttv.s,ln purl, of TrusKet. Hiipn-irwrs, si.ouide
klr.ics. Ilsl'n. hatdt'fdt, Klatllc Htoc.LuiK'l, Hyrlns'et,
AiUcloa for yturssry.Hitk Room. Ac vlo-Sia
I nillADEl-rillA SUHOKO.V
nANIlAiil' IMSIIl'UTP., -No 14 Mortll
KIK I'll Htrs..r h. M.irk.t. Klll'turet
raticatlv rnrsd bv B. (:. KVEllKVrs I'r Una P.vtsnt
(iradnalHiu rrsssaro Trui. Huperlnr Siluttrt Hutu.
Klt-uc Kuckh ss. Hui poriers, bracoa. Hutpao
tertet rnio'ht. c.
Ladlrt attended ,j Mrs. B.O. KV11BKTT. mj-tt-lr
II. A. (lll.llKA,
laventor and .Mtvnui'aetHrsr of tae
K I 1 K I C I A I, A li iT,
Approved anil adopted
nr Tin:
..v s.UUtsra.
Has p,miAtisiny nested hit (lines aul ) astory st No 314
n. Ol'lt lll nue-n, tia uoort ottiow aruc, rmmiui
Id J0-.1U
sp No. 730 OHKPNTJT Rtre.
ft Kblplts H..Jn? Marsins.
1 ho Jrmor t, Dalicr newinft M achlne,
The Sli usr uo.
And tl) the pun Ipol Mewtug Machlues. All ,arnithcil
lYom ilietr urtncipsl oinoea.
Also. all kinut i.i Kei'0"d-!l.uidMachlaea,for aalstad
K'-balred al Uie new oiu e ,f
Mi. im; N. Kit. 11 I'll Htruet,
(fiver tea years with blusr av VJ.)
Utdlet taniM to perais. Jolt- Jul
j.01 onir t;iKxrT:r.l.PD rnt PKKiitAM.r.D m arit
Dl Tom. nd l-owoi.ili-hVwd stp-t-la-ly lor ahnrctst and
si.jIi jilt, but ion-id to .J ,uall v.s'J ailap ed to the l'arlgr
aua Lirawuv hovm, hor vaic tnij ly
n. m. nnrrR.
S-J P V. RBV'KTII Strest.
Also, s eomi let sttorU'iiat l the rtrfeot M"toiei'S
coi ttantur in luuid. eaia-ioj
!lo ill KMHTTt tre-t,
1 MHUJt.Lj.ajS .UU i-A;tABvtl.H,
f am. Head Ir mri,
yreutti Jewelry, LtvUier Jx.Jf.
Work B-'xes,
ilnaiis. e.. o. au Us-fra
uro )4-t
A. M K M II A 11 II l! U H
aiiLi:iii rsTvit.
JS. corsiir (CiCOND and CHESS CT rtir. ett, I'sUsd'a
t :.--.N:if roa iiik r.iTLv.r
. j. , .....t. r ....... I. ii,,,.,. a.,,1.
I .Du V.u,l..m Sn
Aim. W M i- A ' Tl OF FINE H0L1 PKK3.
i'L'H'KS ltF.rvllli-'.ll AND WAIlK VNrttn.
U12-1 y Olura TiLaluuisa of ev ry d-jtorlption.
and ,M1XHI Htr .eie, S'lyt Liautou'iS. Wauihet, ijold.
er. a:id Loan TuiLeiv.
A.l nu.iuets eoiiH-lenUSta saylS-oss
gUMUND A. 80UDEB tit 00.,
ATtvrsii t. a.e n,
. " l.ii.vt d or -ty,
s 'i ri!i:s ?. siii'ii; s
1 "AVrt h M-.A1 I : I.K Y, Priv Ileal dirt Tni orvtioti !
Y .. tv-i fh, Mu iitnlMt. Holler ntf.Kei, Hlat kimittu ttnil
) .sninlt Ts, tmviiti, lor .u.!ny . oiirn hwuin mu'r;!.iiiiipcru
ttu, uuii ui exi-luMT-.iy tir-gftwod in liuliuliist aud ni "
l1. M iii-i ojtii tiivtr K. H'tictt. hUn mxlftiw pnMiui. Irno
1;. WriK j ijn' i, rrni!lor, fcc. rkHpcstinJly
"(i. r " i ir r !t.' t ir.r public Am rnjini fully pn-pinM to
.inr-i.-.t itr KiiK.rto.-ol 1 stsw1, Wfti Ine, ilivrr, tvid Hu
i. .(.. ; -n u : m ;i i ni of tthicrrni aro Dr
IIK(1 to PMTIIU'WiKh tVtUl 'Ul(.'lk lk)-lHK'Ll. KVlTTf
r'f'1ri. l pMifn.-ii.!-.' Uw m: uie a i tli Biiam-il wt?t.
tHuti ft! nl low p'tisHUi-ti r (Uu, I iiuuiar,iitu.ruiiuur inimr..
rt t i. ktt i'oii liI ji a ciinxoual lrtn. KurKiutfi, ot au h.iitlhi Uk nl britNt 4iatliu of ail tU-nrilp-m.ii
p: i;..ii.;u,aiii)t, ;-r. w-cuttU., auil aUuihur work cult
V-t rsM nl- .'llcjVf ilni'ia.
DMvs 'tita ifi stHt i n aiiofu for all work done ti thla
s.iaiiii.) i. fr.-t in i h ri'it. ami work unamnitHxl. ! w ;a Vs 111) Un yean lie In perfmjt Haiutv, and art
nr . ii, u witb hMmii, bk-cki, fulii, Vv3., io., for ttuxUiS
tieav, , t.k-bt vteUihtt. fl KK
a"-H BHACII anil l'AUiliU Wrseu.
fVt art prepared to ItU unlet t u sur sxtent fix our trali-
kDoteit -
Inrijdir 7 al! isccnl ItiproteiLeats In Cailas, sptnnla.
at-.r. Wt.-vlnir
V a luv kt lbs alUntion ot raauulact jran to cur nut
"uu""' ALTKKD JENK8 a HON.
TcmarcAViAiss ami jownfrs.
nfi - ft..' leaaetl (he KtSWt Sit
'it.., K.'LtW liol'K, Uat to liiiorn. Lit frlei.Ut anil Hit
Petri nt of it.e lie l pretend wllk Increatwl
IniUitH-t to at.otiiiotlale H ose hat li t vtatt ls lo l e ratf-tt
or n uau-eii, et-d keliii a crat-iical lii-caiTi(u'r aial
(anikt-r, villi plve pirtonal atituilon tu all vvtsela tu-
tl usli (I to lor re paira
I antNiii. r Atttnti. sints-CanKintert.
and Macbtnlati
litvU.u vi'tn-iaurtalr,ai( st'liclutt to (nil.-
Kavlna- tbe aiienot it.r the tule of Wellemtetllt Patent
Mtlallk L'MuiKavlncn," w (.pi-er rami, for U, i.rot ri ...
lii i' ol yiisi..' fcottointi, kt city.l am pnpurcd lo
IU...U1, tU satae ou ta, orabii-1. nut. h HKVmTt)
Ki'is.".' ' ''-
aabULf . CHUHkiVkvuoui.kMiTal.MUitatiat.
lATKNTLD Jl LV lbl4.- J O 8 E T l
A MolTKT, KiTf rr1-( rrtllili Htium
aud kvcouiiiH. wi an kiud t wtMiiun api'. "
liitU, ttuu ilnluri ii. 1'auut w-i-araiiih ut t. h'tia
tanl In. in o iu ti9 lud.ea. No. 7 KAI t hin-ii.
iuut.,Jo.Wi't.MMU biitsot, riiUaUlpUta auy iia"
jlfEWH Y H X M O N H.
VMIfcll S1AIM .saiiv.iau
OIIIm, No. 631 Nl' W MARKET Btrwwt,
an.1 raciiry, oomer of
tun imirint.
AU srd irrsrv Ht'1 "
TSAti'iN",' t.'H8 HKtra, wHKF.i.rtAHnowa,
an.1 TimiKJl VMF.riL'S, a.l ipfl to . IKwvd, suiir.
or Vaiuail'ip pitrpofcs. Alt wvrt whrranuia.
Ssy-OT'isrs ur.iuiuuv S'teaus-i to.
8 A M A H I " F H DM I I
MAM Mil rs S n I !
1 rn a i'i"t'i c iirt fir
f'onliiins n Mlnrr .. ? llm. ti- .Ms ru'jfy.
nli tun I'lIU i taken t totiwt ft .-uth.
'nf" in irmi two lo i'r l..y",iinl i""n rmn fn
Mtw.'itiv-fi.ur h nirn ' fn-uiir-d I'r r vfu ot '.
rntvsrritt ot I vrorny vmiiu. oii oi tn in -ii emui'iii
S. I.HIMl-l'H,;. V'l HH' HI F, UD UliVi r WIMT' V( P..
(sivrrti lurntdwltti ti ilti ?-plvA,or M-J-ury , at
t nev Uy tli
l sllil I fl f 'lir la
hn' hv mall In a i-lntai ii-!--!
, Ac, Ac.
Id nfton-d ti pnhitc ai a potltl f rtiffl.
Ttl'l AiS H HOOT i HHK .liHK, 1 thf moit
t rtain , d ertt cttiil n-ni'''! rv--r irsnTib a : tt rritti'i
t)A ih- . up- In tii'.r n;l. and i-onnnrnt. .iK tiin-r
Dtii i urlfyii r ini lv and to ht-al-'l. aiI do n-ii transmit
t. v"i ltcriiy tiiai i.r nicn ou iitijnp'in id ii r
1" id. nt
.hiio.wri vmi may '-o Dio i'-ntn'i'd i'.ctir.tMtri.' SMA-
fMTAN'h K'Mil tain) III- H li .M -1' 1.H wfll r. innvi evry
Vfti.r ot (i.ii'iiriiler- frt.rn tlie sytt m, as Wbn at autitu
bu4 i-tivcU ol Mrcurir
KM A t V t V K M A Mi S
Miivr. tho ktior AM) II bit H .fL'tt f.H ta-M hA;td.y
adapted, In U-.-rati d I t run. In l,n ori n a. In irmu
4lmn. 1 al tun ,f tht Wo i iik. bwWiit ,auJ jr 'ill ooutjl:Uina
Irriiirm to tin'
tieut ty Vjurf-M iTi ? a'", nr iujm iot
)n ca! uf ft))itiil4, int-tl In cumm-- t- ti Uh the Kout
Tli(! Cmi'li' V or I'ii? p p'T'iiiai in ii t iim'i;iil-''"i ut
Iliicirtin mid iattrni. Iliey ar uitt in ui uniicti
J rou th iii)tinioio "nii :
"i')-.! Il" ii ai,. Tn'ir M '.r.-n (
Hnliliuoie, Mil , Koh, '.'it, li.
"1 liavf fKit Ml''attf'Jn Iu vat ihftt 1 huvnuu' d
7'hr tHtinttti i'ttn Hf-midf" for Vfitorcai Itl-iiiac In l'
nost cuBtoiuury forius ; ibfit I hav nifd f'i.Mit wl'h .iitilw;-
attont, dlMT' ti n and D'opny, itnn av i.iunn wm
res,M,nd tti v antK-ii'dlifni roi)i'ly u.d 'il?tjiml'y.
hiH'Wtnn t rtr compftHftlon. 1 hav tho full-"! ntltlo.!
in ihelr fttioict umi a iVr ai uiy uo of tl.-jtu c ud, I
r.coauiiina thorn worn. aLFRKD C. KOWIvKS.
sIoinnt SurK on Olli N--w York ni.'
It It N-until r-itntnl thut thi;ie lvine-il" an ai rooin
mnidt'd, and t)l ivtiUvt-l curt Uw tliieubdS t.r whl- h
llit y iitr tjikH'd.
Ho. -V. fl. KH.HiH K'r:t.
JllMOl A ro
j;-5-tnthi?m K aOK Htf-.-'it.
)111I.A1)1.I.1'H1A. WILMINOruN, AM)
On .ili.l nfl.r MON'llAY, .(HKintl.lMI,
PavvenffiT limvi; Ptuln'leliihla fur
liaaiiiKir'; ut I'.vi ts.v !'-. .vioiiuaj t vy-.m,cn
il.,li M..Wa-iiln:vP. M. . , ..,.
(.'Imsl-r at t i).'., il li A. M l'JO, 2 JO, 130, fl'iW ami U'C")
r. m.
VvilD'lttttl"n at I (Monduvt exesptd , b'W, 11'lflA.
W.. 1 im, m'i. i ;nt.i'.-i.i , lo .hi ii mi 1 1 i '0 1' M.
ki w I avlls .ti A. V. un 1 W I . M,
lxivi-r at H is A M. and 4 'i I', it.
kll'piid jli 8 I''. A M
bal'sbury at ti l ' A. M.
IKAINS 1 Oil PII1t.l)I-.M'II! . nallltiinro at S-! ', 1) W A. M. (txpri l.), 1 10,
K if, -...1 In I. XI
Wllii.ii.H.n. :.t UK, 0 15,'JA.M..12 24,1,1 I5, !"), fH),
7 ai d ti in I'. vi.
S.ll.lnirj ut II'.'.. A M.
Mlllnril al V JS P. M.
Ho-si.H ii :0 A.M., nnilt'loP. M.
v..u f-n.,1.. ,., s .in v. vi . .ma r.-27 P.V.
Oheetcr at 7 l.'i.'.l lO A. M , l tl, 4.'.,4'll, -00, J'W.9-10
V u
I ivvs n.itttniois f.irAallilairyandint. ruicilIato tutlonv.
"l.i uve iialtinivre for D'ivcr and Int. Tin- dlate ttatlous at
1' IIP m
i.,,,rv,,i isiiii l . .i-ivi ail 11 nt, . M.
L.'ave WliniJlut'iU at , !l -'0 A il U40 Mild 11 10
1 VI
VriVltt Trains, with raMsns-er Car altathed, w ill run
au u :
Leave vv ntulnstnn fir V trr vllleand Inti rtneilmte places
"mlli'jl's : Only al 4 in A. M .IO-Wj P.M., from rtiila-
d..t,il,'f, f.i Hatlliii.,,,.
r rnni phUad, ipiila to Wlimlntou at 1 Ji A. M, 10-30,
.,! 1, I' v.
t run w liiinLti.'i to vtiilnili Ipliia all 48 A. M. anil 7-0i)
P Al. only jl Il".'! P. .vl , tr.nn iiaitluore o rnna.i''ipriia.
Jat 11 F. kba.Mii , superintend int.
TIC i. a it "a Nut vtr. nt.
Tn:toi .ni in two iiorttii'i
Tn .r tru.. allv t.l lt!,l,ttl.1 (.'UT.
On and utT-r mjMiaV. 4. tiaais h avt Vmctlroet
K try n. fiiiKiv s :
l ill,7 S)A. it.
Kn-mht, titth paaienuprcnr nit.K-hKl.i l.'. A. M.
kApra-t (i)iroiuli it ' linurti) i 'Hi P. At.
Atlainic A'TiMinu '11,4 15 P. M
Jun.: A"C"lnin .'lall .n. ' In". JI.
Accun. in- .tail. ui I VtlivtitK'; V4U A. al., 7 lift A. M.
l-'r.ll lit. ! " A. Al.
SI all, 4 '" P. M.
.1 ,i,.n ...lntlnn. A. V. ! Atlmitu , ti 1 iiiinl trl;i Tl. liefs (Kivalonly
for uie day .ind train on tmi-'ii uiev ir- i..u'iii ,,v. -fcVriiA TRAINS,
l4svein( itt. itt I'J'I'V A d I isi P. M.
LetiTO llnddoull -M 1-4.1 P M. and J 44 P. Al.
Mall fan fcr Mini. tie Icnvej Vine ttrcet I'M A. M.
L-ae . ll J07JS O. TJRVAMT, Aavnt.
J Tit A I. ItAll.ltli.Vl), Ol'KN I'J OXKOKU-alltlS'l
i'n ji il ultir Kill DAY, April l,18i;4,tha trains will lcavo
. si.-.rioss,
W eli:n vt.,
l.'ti.uil i F.jrtl
A. V.
-i athis -i.
A. tt
r. vt. M
...? (n
. ..' i)
S -J.'i INnia.i -Iphla...
;i-.',3 Wi st i hector, .
4 III W, (' .liinoliou
4-17 ('.illcird
. HW
. 7 4'.
. II-.M
. II 21
4 HI
4 1.1
4 II Ii l id's 1 urd,
11- II
6 07
,1t) K.Mill' tt 10-Oft
VV. t '. Junction.. HtlS
A J-' Avonv'ato Ill-il
ll-MI Woal llr-jVO.... Illill
S HI Ovi .rd IU .!
wsbt I nesisr. ..
I'ai-s.'i.uer In n il in rutl.tu, lp!iia hut lu'cn i hanirM tri'in
ri.titrrn n HJ 'l .viarin ;iir",is. ii nun t - r i it-, i a-iu
M..I.KKT Ktrsela, West I'hllii.l. luhla. Mark- Siruot
1'iisHsniier Bailvv.ty Cart t iitvey l'aa.onijers tu an4 irom
tlie tu-prt.
rasn-ua-ira 0 Ihroni'h wlthotlt rllia;;o ot snrt.
jal 11KNHY W :nD, MuunrtBleildenL
l' Hills time of Tiulna, eom.uer.-luK FKlOAl ..lauuarj
'k -....'. VV'nlnnl Wharf at HA.M..tland 4 I. L
fisii:hl 1-J vi . lli-iiiniii'if, li-avo Hah'iii al 4 A. kt.,S W
11., I 101. .M. lril-ht da ly oiu li ivav. Aui'lylo
Mi m l' )N .MI1.1S. As-.-nt,
SeconiH'ovcrtid I'ior ah iv e w a I.N l' l' S'n et,
S DKI.AWAItK Avenue.
M ti J. VAN, rtoinultiuoiut.
&&m SIKAM Wr.l-iKT.V TO f.lVKH-
inXf Ti-V loni'liiiii itt tjiit'fiinli wil, 'ork lUrlhir
M. .v.i! k itiu ii m to nit I'm ul I iii) l.tvt'i-iv,l. Nf-v V irk
and I'.ttiJui l't.i;i Sirantup t uu, piny aro in'tuiloa tu H" tuiiott
CI IY Kit 51 AN IU Ttin. S .tur.Ja.v, Atun t la
TI Y r I onimiM. Hatu'.tln . Atii-'um :.
t i tiK r.Ai riMtHii.. h.i'iirtlav. Auifuni i7.
An'l rcrv mi .ct .tin',; utnruaj , a n--ii, t'.wu l'ir No,
44 Nifiliitlt r.
li vtf or V ssArn.
n in I'll. ill. a. il , , .ml ill" if III (tli TCIflT :
lrst 4 Kl in 4-sni-ti Hfyia e ZiiVHt
Hl-iT I'tlbll' IO l.tlll.ltlll W Ut t. tTUVO t l.OIKlt'U... Hit
l-'irsii I 'iiiiin iu I'nrif ... H.. , H I'-iiU''' m far) a 4" '
t IrsLt aliht lull, iii'.'irt-''i St(nui' Unl; nr.. i7 to
ri nut rn iirr :ilt ur ur.lrd ti Hh ro, llrciium. Itol
tir.lnm. rp. At- fMit-iHv I- utltA.
Fini'v li in l.ivt ti.(k)1 .r ii.n nttUiH ll 1' trt Oft'tiil. T T.l
fVi, Hni. Htet rn, t I'rom Liwrpooi uid ijiu t-niiown, !.
't iHice wli-i i ihii tu ht LtJ lor ll ir fitiutld iuu buy titkcti
l.aii' fll ll sskft r-iti m .
J ur itntl.vr iiiiuiinallon npiynHlif rnmpaiiv"i offeca.
illllll I. )AI, At'W
Ko.lll WA1M THi.ttiriillaai.lpliiai
JilVLr Ht..v..,,.i j .lu uHlllni. from oacl! port on
mvi l i.lTA s. m oi flr-t m Imr aU- ii NK. MtrtMtf.I'tiila-
Otlplia. Itit-. Wkrtrf, 1 dstoii. tnnu rtrit whatf
abvt I IS. Mtifi-'.nil KaltnOav, AiiluH 1J. IH.,4.
TU Kitituii-hiphAXt'N, Multhowr-, Will nail irum riilla-
rti J in in it.r Hi. b ion. on Ntmircav, aiiuiih i; , nt inf. jl'ipk A .
M : aut1 I hi- fct.aim-lii. NO KM AN . UukLr,UxciiJiUUt'ur
I'iulatti-li i.m. on au. tiny, at I i'- M.
' i.tvt anrt 4tls)tatalHs ttfutntt,:ns furm I rn-uUr
1 nt-. m'lii L u ti nt ri I'lim Miuny hattirtims
lntuntTn.ii i-llittft' ut ctii' iwalt Ui iuuuia charged oa
uie m sM-lf.
Fnli (ii lakfii at fair ra4.
Hi m r un n ' 1 to kii1 Slip Btpt ftiitl BUii
Iik'UllL V ltl) tlit ll t-tK (li.
Kor 1 iai(.ntor l'aitti;o (t ni'iiit ftrir arforan.niJ(itiiia)
ll'lvl.. Hi:SK WINhOlk k CO..
jut -11 ho i'-J 1'1.LA AKt Awiiuo,
-jMiiif'nTTif few Hi sure Lines), via 1 tela i are and
TTi.i .un i ui iu). 'J U kitHUit-ri- vt tlit-M Imta arc leuving
t ail hi lVts ilisck M., autlu t t,Uck T. M., IViiu Iblni liot
il t) Wait nit trei t.
hot litriflit, I lull will be Inkm cm axvwuuri (Hinting
tpiij.t.npplr toVMLI.l.VM Jti. l.AU.D tV CO., SJ. ti.
l-KLAWAlifc; Avoni.t.
aau.Ln. l.UI I'l.N Kt I.E. will leave
OK BAH Itl'AV, Auniitt noon,
towett rales of pas.anu tbrnaaU f.'uu Iliilatlelphia to
Bau 1'runcitco. ,
AinAHu H. A, UAH I I.t,, :
J) 16 llu Si. Ul Vt AI.KLT U.t.
foli LlVLlvl'OOL, faATt'KDAV,
ra..,,.., iu .1.1,1 V ancol tts, Ca luia t. it. Carlisle,
Siltlaallataltove. . ..
Aor iitiabl vt yaatave, apuly to
i uuaii i;n riAititnim at cu..
aSu.lUl VV AitbiUX Huost.
l iiii.AiiKt.i'iii to itimoKr vai, in ribiHMitn.
t AHK -'.
Knntn?! TIKKTI tal.ttiHil) FOH TIIIIKF I lT1
n and iUr M'lMiAV, An.ultl, 14. trilni lit I-af
iV-n of VSK ttr1!, I'hilri'lr 'phta, fvrv morning a' H .
M. sf4innlt.yi (' picu t, the hv thf Cinttlin ,md Ai
Krttk ai.d Kdfttaii and lrln'-vuo Itay IUilr'ad t I'- rt
.Mntnnnlh, hy h- c-min 1I it t;imr J H nt,
tu t ot "f Athttitif Mirv. inwil n i rotiiniln, I- n n A'
UMtlf! HLrlhn tvuryday (dunday oi-pt'd. at II
ATi i'iT fi t. 'My of NnwV'-rV flro n .tltj.-d nt to
ai ply f.r piitiiff lv thij line, th MM" 'f Now .1'kv
liMvk'n .fi d t th-- t'aimo.l at 4 Amh.ii n) noii tiy tho
fx-liioU1 irlili .'( ctrr irm panrnstrs and i t-i.hi ht
iw a tho t : Ph '."ti hi. i nn.t Nw o. i, r It
W, I'. Ull" I tl -inra' S'lportnii-ls-nt,
1nVAlVJ.l'mA( (KHM ANTO'A'N. AM)
(l(HI8luWN nMI.I.'hl;,
TtMi; f.Mi.K
an anr MUMJAV, M..) M. l'-t. "i rti ir
I.tivrt I'liilad.-lpnia H, ;,s.!t to 11, 12 A. M. , 1 , 2,i 10,
aW.;ev.'ia.'.v:;.'": ' v . a.
Iv .l I '..., s.tT, 7, h, , In. II. ami J I". M
11k ;ii..,p. ,nn it it, ami hli iraint tip, ilo n"t st p
on II. o il' ritia'i'. .' ii lirii- ..n.
( ItK-M 1 Mil 1, It II.ItO.t).
Tav P'iII il' iplna, ii. a.M.tJ A.M.; ?. V" .
"'lIllv.M'r.V,niit 11 11, J-Ill, .!, 11-10 A. M.;l O.Ho,
!j 4-1, ii-1", H !', ai.'l l'l'tl I", M.
FOH I nssimlliii'Kt.N AVTI NiiHKITO'V N.
I.s iv' I'-ut ul. Iphti' s.filo. 11 i.'i A. .M. ; l -,.J,t ,i j, (
. ,M i'.'i. a'i.1 IIS P. M . , !
l..ii.' S.'rT.i.iiMi,.. i, ! and 11 A. M.; 1 1. 1 ., i
s', mi.; if I'. M . '
Tl . i.1, train np. "Ill tt"P at Wlttalikson, Maiainnk, I
and'H ken oi Ir
l.favs Pl.llail.ll'lil.i.i.S li,, Il Di A M ., 1.',, u, I, .,
,',, i i.'.anil n.Vt I', vt.
I.siv. I"ii!!' H.a lo. Ill'iA. M.i l',.J,4
l..'s i- Mnn-vyurk,
. !.", II. ,' A M., ,S. 7,
anil '.'.', V. JI. . .
II. K. l I II. ilsner.vl nprtr tsndsnt,
0, . .11 Ii.-i.j-. MMII .i id liltl.KM Hir:
W llXIAMivl'OltT.
Sll.-IV(rK v mi -i. i r.r, i.
A I, III I 11 1 N ,VI. I K I INK.
On snd aftrr MOM AV , Ji ns 1 I. Iwa I'j.trntrrTratilt
will H'avi- tin' ,V"W It.p.a. Illllll) Htreet, atajra Ilio'ni-
son sliv t, 1 pllaU. ipli'a, uai J (.'vi imnyt -cu'iu(. ii.
7 A VI. iKspri'.) tor 'itn snriu, aicniot. n, .onum
I Imt'k, v llel'arrs. v illlam.p;rt.
A lAi i'.'n m- ilotl'.l l li.r imyicT'-wTi.
! If- A. l ( A. ,i inn 'Sii i 'ii i r r r.n vv aaiiliujli n.
Jl ('. VI, i .v.-i-nli r.t".la'lor ) tor lOVIP'tnwn.
a-4.'' P. 51. (P.v p-s.f 1 t'-r lliii Mehi'ia.Kavton, Ac.
4-l.'i P. M (M 1 1) lor Jl" li'tit'vn.
1J P M . ( Aco.iuini'ulatloa) lor uciiucnoin, aui.iiii.ii ii,
una Muftt hunk
r M. t A.'"llinioilill,' inr i,.r.nai..
lll'.M (Ai-C"loin"rtMt "'i ) lor t-irt vv ainniKton.
ThAlK.-v lint i-fiii. vi'r.i.i in i
t civo rtftl l, I i ' l'l A M , ' . A M , mnl til), r. M.
l)i.Hstown ir. i.-ltlA. J1..J ht l". -i.,unu i I . ji
i.ah.ii.iIa nt li A. SI
tort Vi salnusMD ai ll'S A. M. nnd 1 P. M.
rtiPilili lplilo for rti-tlileli'in at !l A. M.
l'hllml, Ipl'la i"r ii ij II--I..W,, a- . .1.
Ibijli'stovvu I'hlla'li'lpti.a t I K A H.
r.i tlili lisiii nir I'bi ail, iplinv til 1 P. M.
un:, . ii'a..-ir.u xi, r. a, will c i:l i irsn l ili llver hi:;.
ci ts m the, depot. Ord' m may t lrt at No. 11J H. 1 Illllll
itrevt. , ...
i. a i , avnv.
K A 1) I M U
11 A I L R O A D .
1 liO.Vf PlIll.MiKLi lit A TO Til". INTKRI'in OF
I't.v.VMLI.VMA, I nr. in M.MLI , ni. r
I-i'Bvr the O-
ini jnv . i nit, nt TimtTF.r.vrn nmi
Sl-C.'tl. rinl'liM'lil.l. at tho fnlinaliig
I A 1.1 l iva 1 1 1 1.1.
llom t :
Ai SH A.M.. for Ui admit, I uat 'in. r.nhr.itl, I.ltlz,
(' -Innibta. Harrlihurff, PoMsviili. P n-irovo, l'iimn.iiii.
H'Hihlil), VV tlliuiiiftp-.rt, s.-liiTJ. liMOhi'- li r, NiiLrara r ni a,
Hunal'i, Alloi'tunii, Wi k-.hatrK, till tu, York, C'urlllie,
(.h.u ta rshurw, ll.m-rsioM n, .vc .
1 h tr. n eoiiiii 'im at nt -MliMl Willi l.nri
lila llBllroad Iriiina lo' A 'iiiuiwn. Ac. the Keailins and
('..luinhiu Itallroan tor Kphra a, Lit z and Cnltlin'iia and
w llh His I i hniion Vmhy ir:i n for II iirbif, Vc. ml P"U f
CLlNTON ( iilawl-a Kai n u,t al H u r Wilkes t"t'.
vvtlllrtiiupiTt. lihl llavt'ti, r;itiiira, rtt:.; ut u vtiii.n-
lU ltilvvlih ' Northern Ontral, iimnorlnn l VaHi'V,"
ami "schuylklll aud Sus ini-lia.iila ' trama inr N irtiuni
b.rlanil,Villiauip it Voik.t'liu' lii'rstiiirii, Pmruve.aiv:.
m itiiaii".i iii.h
Leaves Philadelphia at n tiO P. M. mr Itsaillnir. P at.-
vllli. pim vnns, llarrlannrs, , c ansctt-iK nl llurrla
bmii tilth I'enu-ylvniiia CV-ntrai trainv liir Pitiniiuia, trc..
.irii.arn f 'i nirai Kaiiroaii irinii. iiir niiii.iu.T. .--,i iiiun., Kltnirn. Ait .ilti'l al Poit cllnh ll with Oiiiawliniv
Hallroa l trains for Mllinn, A llliamiuri. Kliuiru, Uuiulo.
Ac. . ...
ItE.tillMI .VIA I 'M.VI'JIIA 1 1' m.
L".ivi" Bitadn a at ii t-0 A. U , -ioi,iint av uil way sta-
tli re arrlvh.n in I'Mlaip-lphlu alti'isi A. V
Ki-liirniita. n -.ives rtiiiaiitipn a a: o'w r. .vi. , arrive, in
vi,.i,.u at aiin p u.
'I'niiii- I'tiiiiirtii.tna w :ive ii iirrihiii ra m i a. i. . iinii
I'otti-vills ai ll lfi A. .vl .airlvlnit In Phlliidi.'lphla ttt 1 -'al
V. M. Ai.stpism tialni k'.iie llurrla.nini at 1 J'
Pn,l.vlll. J.;Ui I' al .in IvIiil' In I'hl mlul hlu at 7 P. M
Miirsot tialni,. vvtm a puss"Mi(.-r car iiiiai-ne i, i'-a, o
l'h'l.nlrlil l.i at I P. M . Tor IU a llni. and all vvav tutlons ;
ti-avs it. nijiiis' at Vi, noon, mid lioivuliitowuat l JOP.
Jt for I'hllaiii'lphla aud all vv.iy stii'lona.
Ail ihe ul.ove truli t run itatly, Sund.tys excfptfil
unii'lay trulus leitve r'ltUi'llle ut
ul i -iu a. ol., auu n
(1 ttiiili in al J i't r ai.
1 ..oiu, nlll. .,1 L'V Dionnia
Pa,fleii?er- lor lti,wiiiiii.'li,wil a"U lutcriue lla'O lutlnta
take flu- K Iu A M. and " ev) l'. Iroiu rhllaik."il,
re'uri.liif Iroiu Down.iisiovin ut lit') A. M.. and Vi li
M;W YORK KXrltK-IM lull l'l rTStlfRJ AND 11113
vv r. -1 .
Li-av.-t New WX at7 I". M., nasahig llMdlncnt 12 tnlj-
iilhi una i-ouiiei tluit a' lla.r'-i unj uilU t'ouiiiylvaui
lltil road hi ("is trallH lur I'ittuhiirK.
it.-llirlilhn Ktr'--a tram li-avut tiurri.oiipron arrivFi in
tl.t l'i iiiisvlvuma l:Mpte"t t oni I'uih.uik at iu A.M..
.-.lim lli'.iillnu al H Wi A M ,and urnvlini al Now Vurk
a I J -11 r -Vl --lll-t lll a ta :iuii..uij I'Hing iiaiii.-T
tht, nib, botweiu Jtrtcy c'liy und flitshurx, wltimul
.Mi.ll iranit nir M'tt Vo-K li-avo narr'surii ai n . .vi,
nnd 2 1' M. Wuil train, lur Uarriiburij leave Nowiork
atii A.W ai tl 1J.M.
ttClll tl.Kll.l, V Al.' Kt M.VILIl'tAI'.
Train h avi' I'ottavlllo ut i I A .v M. and si m P. M., re-
tnrniur Irom Tn.ruroru ut H in A. VI. uud-i il." M.
bUIH Vl.lVll.l. AMI, ni l,'l I'.'I 1 SI A It -Vll.IV'f IU.
1 rain, leave Anlinrn ni ;l I.'i A. M fur IMnitwroto nni
ll.irr -liuru, nun al l"20ana 7 in r l tor Fineurove only ;
reiumti-K ttout liiirrltbiira at i .ti i'..i,, ana iroia iil
trueaio l.i A.M., ana I ui"'."' M.
Ill St. I 1
Thronuh ftrtt-rlniit th-kviv and emigrant tlckett to till
tli- pi It cliutl iiolnti- In Ihe .Norm aim rvt and rjuiuln.
'i ll'.' Nill-itv illa lleai'ls an- oniaiilMi-ni Olio ui ill-: iiiii .-uot
ft IIII AItFOllll. Tr. u.tner. N.t J-7 !. Ull I.T If Hire. I,
Hhl ai'i in la. er of li. A. MR (11. Lit, (j.-aorat Butienuieu-
(lt lit, Itr ailing: .--..,.u
(.(IVIIIL IKIlttJ. III.BI.' o,
A'JIV nor ce- t di-wuiit, between auy uolnls tletlroj,
for lautllita and U' m.-
Aiu.r.Atii; ! s.r-1 -v,
(tend 'i.r Soun in'ka. voiwoea all uoiaiv, at ilij au eiuh,
fur laulliet and linn-. ,..
tKA"eirt ii' tt t"i
Fur tlireo, tlv. nln-. or lwslve iu'iiiiIlv, tbr liol.lers only,
so ull iii'intt, at reduced ruiaa.
( I'Mluvavi.t
Hi iJdliiu on tlin line ol tlio road vi lli hn nirnl-hed vrllh
eaitln, emltllns'lvea aud vvive. to tickeit at bait
l'nie. .
I'iAt't'ltMllll l r Ivl'.' B
Front Tlillsdeiiiliia to iiriiu Ipul stailona, rho.1 fir R ilur-
tlav hiit iluy. and At'ind-iy. ill redue d lare. to tieniooiity
at llli' I' lUI UTKLVi nuutl UALLOVVU1LL
S Kl'ilUII r-
(l.intlt of all ill's, riptioiit I'.irtyirilrJ to all tho ahovs
pn'iiti, Itiitn the couiimny s bow irciKhl uei'ot, iiuv.w
and WILLOft tstreola.
1 1' 1 llAl.Vtt
l.ruve l'tiil.,1. Il'hia dullv UI ll A. Al ., I P. M. ,ADil n 1'. M ,
li.r lti-ndittit, Lei'snnti, llnrrlihur, 1'otitvillo, 1'ort CUu-
toii, aim iMiiiita lasyoaa.
Cl.'te nl tne Philadelphia l'" onloe (ot all p'acet nn fie
road aim un brain m-a at o a. m., auu lur uiu princ-pai
stiitiuns tinly ut i-l.t V al.
ItAllJa-AH. ViA media.
On and afti r 1 lilliAV, April 1, U(il, the 1 ralnt tt ill loavs
I" tolliivt s :
l.i'.ive I'liilaili ll'hia from the lli-uot, corner of THtRrV-
Vllls.1' and ktAlfkKT sjireuis, 8 A. M , 11 I'i A.
I. M .. .Ui 1'. ki.. li-ir, I. SI.
I hii.ili h Ilia liepnt chilli. e4 from r.KHITKKNTI! and
M.MtKKT btrtfts to 'I lllltl V-l ilttiT anU M.Vl'.KliT
I.vnve vvott rhestur, irom ino uetoi on rcntit tti.vimhii-
H i r , et . li-Vll A . M..7 4 .A. M.. II A. M .-J l. il., I 4,1' U.
'I hi i nrt of the Vt'et I' -hhi rasa.-:niT Itailway
r.iii).iity t M.rk'-t stn-t l) vi ill convey luttcruiurs to uud
Ironi tlie J'lilluut-ipiita iti-piii.
on m ivn vv n.
l.ruve 11 iladt-lphla at f 10 A. M. ami i- P. M.
1 i i.vt Wi st riu-lrr ut a A M. uud 1 l I". M.
Tiuim u-avliiK rhllaile nhla at S A. M. and 4-i I. M.
SMI V t--l Cli.-au-r at V4 A. M. and 4 4- I'. .M.,eonut'ct
n ull truli. a on thi- lii ladt lpluu unit lliilli.u.iiu t eittral
lUilrtutii I. r Oto:d ami inti riiu-iilate pvuiia
lul ll lll.-vttv vv (J"i. .1 np'T'nienii'-iit
i ii-.ini ut ins on Jtl(tNl.Vi, Juue iiii, Is it, from
W ati.nt Suit' V Itarl
lOH C.M'K Sf AT.
AluanUlUA M. t nd 4 i P. M.
Kor Unliiu utio llrl.l.i loll, at A. M aliilt I'. M.
l ..r t.t.i.l.i.rt.. ut t,.li. unit In A. M.. u'ul 4 nnd -!'"'" r. at
JYrVw ili'iiry, Gloucester, Ac., at I1 anilltA. M..KM.,
and 1 antl . .l(MN(. ,.(AIS8 Ll:ANK
Cr pcMav ut u antl 11 4ii A. M., antl .V.H I M.
.M.Hv.Ut til ; A.M., mnl 1 ".' uoii (J'.r-0 r. M.
Snl( rn ut tl A. M., and MA I. M.
luKUftt'M aid 16 A. M.. I'JMtr. M. n
(.luscl'Miii ul 7 lPanilH-: A Jrt ..'. I, - t'-f'.aml 7,W M
Wt.iMsUir nt 7.7'1U itttUh'M A. Al.,antl i .'', Wi', ( ft
and & IV 1'. M.
OfTrt-,Nt. f-VV Al-Nt '1 htraet, will full t.r nnd ilM(Vtr
it n i s. L-c. miki uttf iid to all the umal brjn-lw f tvpi t'i-i
but-lm Jtftt ai fteitt taker t UA U. Iuu iil. nid
...i.xi he kii.t tu tl t- citkT tlif ntf i..u-. I';'! Ha
bit anitl f I 3 tl.ihUiie 0'ut M m-m bt-ttT.i A M. A
mm cltil o erci 'i-r a-v 'iifanki nien ti atn,
tj;1 J. VAN l.LMt.'iiCl.Al.KtKiipsSiliitetvlei t.
Tl-ia iirt at lioi traer tbe Nrtlurn nnd S'r'hwt at
c-ountli tf ri-noMlvania tu u.c.t ol l i t- uu i.akc l uo,
II bnobtru le.tJ by tl.e IKNtsM LVAN1A It AILKOA U
('kMITANVi a ltd tintit-r tin tr auapic i bt-li raptul
iini nfi1 llili.ui litHit lUl-Htll't IflUtlh-
lt l nt'W in at Un l'athrii((t r and trmln fit. in
fiairitbiiru U y nti'ttrrtun, (!-fi lullcbj , on ihu hsuier.'. I'M
(siu,tiU trtnn bbatUWil to Liit mlkM.oi Uo cit io
Llikltti. ,
liaiririihi IfHVM ...Hl0 A. M
LMtmi Trnin U-avt-l Ki'.Ji I'. M
Car tun itiittub Hiiauiri t iisvsi j bull; ou tlioo
trahm beiwt.u riiiltiiioJiil-lnaaU Lock U eu,DUhi'.ruu
l;aJtimnre rim 1 ck liavvn.
Llt-iiuiit SitTlUk ou the tlr.preik Iraiu IhUi far
k tr Inioruiattou rtt-LH-t iiiiK faMnvei Liimiii-hi , ut Ay al
U f h K.('.rmfol fcl.KYKiNTH and M AKKL I b'.nU.
Aud It.r 1 rt irl.t aUaiiiiaf nl th t 'liiiiinu v Aia-ifltt :
b. H.Kliuh a, Jr .cuiuti blAXLUS 111 uud M Autil-1
airct i-, x nntttif iptiia.
J . W. ltt-i uitUtt., t,rte.
J. M. M.U. Asvut. at. If. C.B., U-.lUu..( iiHT((N '
CintrslKrulslit Ai.ri.i. I'i.ii.'tii't.ia.
i.s. is i.. nm '!
JilHEIIl l M I I.
jat-U Oeaeial kiauatr, Willulatspu
liJi'4 MI'.MS Ob
Hi 4.
1 lis l'anl n anil ArnlMj anil ri!ll.-linie ano irwowm
nathoaiKlrnipatiitft' LIU,'. Ironi c'tulaaelpliia to Nat Torh
aiiS w av rim i-a
Will a. vt. rvas.
At il A v.. v a ( .indrn unit in-hoy. C. anil A. Ac-
i- mi tin "tat toil f 2 2-s
Ati .. M , (anil-n suit .!(, Moralof
K pri v-
A' 1.' M . ia L'tunil'Mi and siiitns.ll ati'l A. Arc uj-
: r.
2 IS
In. , iini
1 ,1 .... n ...1 In, ...U .. V I
I. -
Ai I r. vt..v... .' n ati'I .1 uti ir-.Vc ui-ni"U.t'o
I ii til ai il Fa.-i-iKiT)
! -t s t. VI., i ia l'a:itili'i I viti'ioy, Aosommo Ulton
I i s i-isi'i r.-i' uti- r.' lt i .a.i rii'K't
I i 1,1 ,t .,
All', I' M,, via 'ot-id -ti in l n'i''ir Ac- i.n u irta
II..H Is r- .lit I'.it.-nu rl.l.C CU.a T! -Let....
' in l ii-. .1.1
lor Vliii.h ( hmiV, AU'tit.-vii, II- tlili'ho.n. Il'lvllorv,
I' r.. I .miSiTtv 1,1... I l, tn'nit'iii, , I'l P M.
1 1 it l.auilri Hie a 'ul int'-rni'i-liuls R'vf.lm.. nt ' P. M.
I.TMimiit li. au. I,.i i.i, i'. niui noil, aiulVlucoa
t.ivvh. at 1 A. VI.. 'I :un1 .V I' VI
lor I n .'I'll .t il A. M. anil P M.
I I-'. r I nlnn rn. ittirtmi, I'l i in i. hererlv, tlnTllnirt'VB,
! Kl. rai c?. Hnril.Miti'wn At.-., at ii A. VI. I'.l M.. 1, x.lii, ',
I mi.t-!' vl . i tic a It) ana 1' M. hunt run jlrei-t ihroura
j hi rrriu.iii.
K'" f riivra, Itivcrton, ttslanco. lKvcrlj, a il Btlrllalt
a,i ai : r.
1 hti mnl it I'r' n'nn, fir llna'..l, llnrlttrton, tlnreily,
I iorn .i al1. it 'I I .'ii-'ity ivt 'I . A V . ani!'i .m Y U.
I.IM1H HtfM hKNSiiaiiro.N lltP'jT
' Will V'sv.' a. ol' -v.
a . VI., . nl, nil v'a Kn.lnstiii and Vw York, I
al liii- .n at n Ni v. orU luil tl : I
Amu, M v la K ii.niritia i.J Jerai Cit; L.a- I
ur 3' W I
M ,.. p. m., vi i Km-iimiin anil .l.-r.ey t'ltf B- J
,,r. 3 IM
Aj v M , via Kn.invl"n una Jrreejr (.'Iks, Vj
WjsMiut .n .Hid h Vora I. ,pr.-. I O V
Hni.iliiv Hum I'.iv. m I A. M. sni IS P M. InereiviU J
he i ii ii",- at . A. Vl. s. utit ' on Vinniiny..
lir VVat-'r l.ial', r .i.-lstitl a, acniuton, IA llke.harro,
Xiuttti.'.e.Viii'al ll-tid. .Vlii.i.'h ( litiuk. Al.u'iin u, Itetuk
I., ui. Ili-lv il'-m. Kiisti.n. I. milium i; i' Kletnititoii, Ac , at
7-1. v. M llni"" i.ii"-li. with the tram k'uiina Ka.ton
lor l am h clunk at il m P M.
I. r Ijtiulairtvil... and intsnn'-IKIe .titlona at 5 P. M.
Inr liri-tol, 1 muiim. ckc. at 7 1.'iuml li li A.M., audi
r. m.
I ir ll'ilmsvhtitv.Ta'onv. lomlnf, flrldchiire, anrt
VTnns.ti.rii at 1 A. Al ,, l . and P. 11. riioil A n. uu
runt 'o llrlstiil.
irfl'lNinVirk and Way Line, leavlnit If nnnlnvtotl
ii'i,it. tuts the eir. on I tlih -tre' t, Walnut, half ait
hour ' ih-paniirc. Th-- ('art run luotno,aml
on ntrival of each tr-ln ui tl'im 'he IK ait.
I ittv ii.i.inila ot I'-iwau.u .-nly nllowi-d earh PA.aoiurer.
I'a.-i nkC" an- p.niiit.;ii d fr-.m t.itlr anything ti. hair.i; j
tuit ll -it w s.nlt't appui''!. til hanifii's oior fifty pouu la I
Im' r s'. evira i tio i uuiiiutij n nn 'n'-tr rs.pon.l-
tv lur tia-'iii.c to one isui.'.r tn-r uo 'i n. aim vvm ut cat
ll ihie inr am am'tuul byou I I iuu. exo'pt oy tpiiclal esa-
(irattnir. . Hai-iraae s.nntevt win stiipir ann uenver pas:
s'tvi e at tl.e IH-poia. orders he loll al No J WALNUT
-el. vtai ., Atfsou
VV ILL. l.t-i.VV B,
imm toot of Counlitn ' ttrtH-t at I'i M. nnd 4 P. M.,vlA
.lei -e I ll) ami i uiiuicu : a i auu in . .n.,u,auu
I'J tMstit) via .Irrii'l ('ity ami hcn-lua'iiiu
I'runi li"it u' (Inr'- av str ol, at U A. -M. anil '1 P. M , VIA .
Anitto and ( anui'-n I
rrnn 1'" r No. I K ,rth Itusr. at 12 M, 4 and BP.X
(I r.-Ilit and Pa-sonicr) vln Vtuhoy ana t'aind'-s.
1 nil thv vtntliii.t on the Camden and Auaboy sad coa- i
ni tliiu HiLlttoaiU.
Tlio Cnai'lTi nn.t Aitihtiy It.itiron l .iti'l rrnnxrtAtprm
in)ni. n Kr Liim'h r Niw YirK hjv 4'ainnt
sir'M vTiort. on antl ult-r Jaiiiiry 8, iluigr (ftun lays ax.- 1
cH'ti .J),ai 4 o cluik I. it.
Kftt.init a, tliealnive Lines wUl loavc Kcw Vo k all Ut. '
4' M. '
I n i lit nnnt Im (Mivorctl befote ) P. M. to b for-'
w artM"! il' hi in d.iy.
1 refill lor .fiiu'ii, rru.c"oi, Rindnon, .-w nniDs-
tvl' h,anl all fi"lntt on ino t i.m in un .nntpj naunaa;
alonn i lie iieiviiJ lo. f avan, anl lletn(titt n. tne Hmn
,l, r-n . it,M ir'i h )1 a U -uio'mi'k. an'i n tl'irW'ijrton
oiifl .M-nmt Holly H illrniuH, rerHol .lid l-'rnrOtsd up t
17' . ik I k I". M. ttniisll p4'uKu lur MnuntUoUy moiV
Ul. Mr,1 Ol KM.I P. .M. '
ilia iiuii-i.i.irk Ti..lavAt't ItallniHil pttnnfta at Ph 1 11 in a
In rt wuh u.f l-fitlpii. uiiov Haiiuiait. Jhuow J?my
I'-iilrnoH nrvitivrvfta Hi K i I 1 1it'tll it!l tltll Nl!W JciKV
i vntrui Hiir.'4l, auu at Newark witb tho MoTla aud;
I:m.-x Ii:il .load
A -tili in montiKliira, rtpt't?Hyini ihe oiarKs and nm
Ix i-. fchioperh and voiiftlu' a ninttt in overy inntuncw t
i I t. LilI uni il. nr nn f. cttllk tvl II IkM iri VAIl.
liit rniiti. (1 1. li.tlt-M hit. Illkf Utli'H IlI.Lrtt! Ihr 'hu rtlsHitOri a- '
linn .tt r i i- h i t h'H (irnYt r urts litviied to trv rli'.a muIp,
Wh'ti the t'M't It fiimio'lm iiianti ie m To o Ml 1
I O.xl-S or mom, it b d ltvervj t ttit ' Fortieth
tru.-tl th a. tl o jitie iu. it ai rirr i .rin
)tlMT.ns tbe ill I'pt"1 tiiiy at Imtho a the time of tho
slilinu' Ut. W!,'Ki I KKKt.S, r'rfiUht Agent,
"So. VS !. 1 lavuri tveimo, t'liiU'lalphlo.
U hAYMOM.-"rflUlit ntviu
ja'.tf r .Nn. 1. North River. Sew York,
1 (AMItt.N AMU AMIlllV liAlLlliJAl)i;.)jll'AMtU.r
J n k U
On at d after jIONDAV ..lai.ur4, 111. th Trains ftarfl
Jtetv Voit. isiivlna Ki dii at n l.i put. Phiiato plua, at 'I
IVVi A il Oiliihtl.and I ' . M . and tbe uaint SjavInK .
hsw lork at S A Al . and 7-0 1. M , - HI be run l
....i...,,.iiut , t. a Itiil-i-.l tliilla null Jetv Vnrk
ni"l w a dui'Hton rntteiiKera.ntid wli n-it take In oar let ti
out net liiosi-nstrt Ui'twi-uu aul . ri'li-a.
i,i a. Vl. mirl Vi Vltiiiili.lii ti. font New York OM
Wa-lunston, and the 11 is1) A M ainl j P. M. Lines rromil
Wal.n utnii to New Yi tk. will eoullou1 a. at ,.r"..i'iit, anil
cany iia--oi uers ttt and iroiu the itte- oiettiate t'atiout auil
1...I.. it -..hi.., .. . Un. V.i.
AitltAMiK.MK.N'rs llS'lWKf flllLACELPIU k ASDtl
Linen leave Phlllde nhla. f'om Ksu'lnston Depot, St
llliA.ll , ion, and ii Vi i' at-.ti.ti I i't) iiildnuil, and
Itoin alnut Niieel
at.. Iv M.. 4 aril il i'
Whan' 'via Cuimlt-u), at u aatlSAAf
W., lot" N"W York. ftj
oik, from ft t of Cotirtlandt ttreet,!
Ami li uvea New Ym
at 7 A M . I" A M . I J M . I and il P. vi , and al U mld
ul. h'. and fiiua Ibotvf lluietiy timet a', ti V. vl.,audS
.VI. vv JS. A. 'lAl. vtr.n.,
ja.-.lf Aiteat.
lit aVC 1 ' I V A I A
ll l- k CKnI U Al. KAlUttlAi.
V.. tttt, ...!.. a unit t t. tt II. st iivs- tltst d inl tiit.rk.ttJ ilmi mill
lull l is tlliliM' M.t i 'hoi iiftbM iHit'.i , UUjIiru.l8Ct.-ft OJ AB1
rwiiu' in 'r.H t'oiniiry.
'J ruii.i U-uve tht lit pvt at i-LKi KW ill und MdKkli
rtriti in its luiuiwa
lVuiil I ram at
Jiis it
TlT tir h Kxproio at
J'nrKi sliti'K 1 1 uu, ISo. ls,:u
... vn a. m.:
...112.V A.M. .lOf . M..
...lit if) . Vl.
... roup M.
... a ii p. m.
I'arkOf t)tu '1 ruin, ho.'i.tii
llurrlbi.oi AccnniUiotidtlou al
.aiii'-aiier ra n ht,.
too P.M.
I'iuh Ai i r nui.Cetl.iilou t fiavt? W.t fhililtti-
n:i i nt . . nror. .
liiiiiiLh Paths 'item hv hitt IJnn ftian A tOD tor
aiipnor. wbtiv w hi he- im nu t x ikn ac(.nuim-Hia'ionn rt )
the i Ilp at ibo lloiiikf, ami nt n lu'irnlng auy
luVf ulihtr ihe I hi (tUt-lvli. or H.iltiui-na J'ipriiii. facuoWj
wtilc'i initki'4 tMitril.ii) ut r tsriuru (i'r all poliitR. a
djHbi vitw it. tlina athrJirUoi' tho uiura iiuo audits
in ii i i1i'rt nt vnarv
'1'ic ihrotiKii f.xiirfla iruia ruua uany; aumaoiucr
irain uuiijr fri-pi uii.irtyt..
i' un ru mui ii' .a i "i ijti .
Tbe lail Irmn. haul I in.aiil Tbrnurii Kirct?on
nt i :it 11 ti - bn b wliU uimuvIi trmna d ab Jh tirKlnK roatut
l oin ibnt p'Int, North ti tl:o i.ttUon, Wnut w th ViHti-
mi ui and hilh-oiirl Kivt rt. an l imith ami rt niniwiat to an
imniji nc.'nf.i'(i nv railroad, i nronr i R-ht'si in v
rtid. Ht titilt 4'tit'avii. Nt i'aiil. l ol'iinhua. Imlianapivts
Kt J-ui. Leavt'i.wo'iti, Kanana, w iiihiiu., daviuii. jiu
cli n til. I.oiiirvMllf, C'titm, aii'l all oiUcr principal pulati
anu iiuytsiyR cm fkfQ inrtrajtii
l,Mlll.l?lt IIHAM II It llilar.lf.
Tlif TtirniiLh t.ii.rwBt., I. itvlii,' ut Iw .iv) P.M.. connect
nt )i':iirsiliv h urntcilon wuh ti train on tlm road tor
I' luir- Uie, liidiai h,
Mii:sshl 1ft, aSH itKCSSOS HK!1('II ItAlI.KOAP
1 ho 1 uroiis.Ii Kxi rt'Mt i rai- . .vatma ui tn.iui. h .ton-
nrct ut uhBon. at 1 46 A M.,uiih ti ruin on tla Mac!
Inr r bt'i -huru A truin uilj icjvt'tt Ctjiwu ir Kbunsbuik
atH-.&P M. .
liOIiI.lHAIHUI.KI' It l( AM ;u ni.n.
Tbe Vail Tialn ai 7 "Jo A. M.. rtinl ihr i!h t'.mr at
lo ait p. m , cunni-1 at Altt:iiia with trama tr UoUiuaya
bnik! hi 7 f M. aiiit H ( - M . i
Jl Ifl IN K AND I'l.tAltl" IKI.ll It K A nCU KAlI.KOAIf.
Thu'1 Kvitubb I ruin. i-aviti at lo.Hff.M .t3ou-
n at .tht. a train fti 8indy Huv anl fhi)ui
buriy. mid h llul'l K nie V alloy tvallrttad lor Ttirt Mall Id
Mnthnrj.', and lifiifiunte.
Ill Ml Mll'ltfl ANJ HlitlAll Iir HAII.HU.aULP.
'1 hu 'i iiifiiiL-ii KvtiiatMit frrtin. it-avnaf at lUtiu I'. M .oon
nocu nt ) ni.ttPhthjii with a nam fur JlopttU uud Dlovdj M
Km Aur.l urv. Wi.Iuuihd n . Lock liaen. K'mira. Ka-ij
cht ht' r. liul.ulo, and Nit,nra fulln, iitit-nt ntit rs Ui'i
V)inrrruiii a tv-j a.m., atii me i muyn expreHi an
ll) ot 1 1. nt. cmny it ipt iiiiUuyM. no uuu''ti innmun,
t iiodi t,iau).u ui can DvtwtibU i,n..ftUj.pJ.u auu nu
f or Ttiitn , it AAtM r.n. nnn nr,rnmi itt. m iraint
b stxlntt nl h .. M. uotl sf 'ii I'. M., nnoct at Columbia
ullb U ain No'thrm i rural ItnUrottd. i
t'l allil l'.l.ANl) VAI.LKY KAlLlfOn. i
ih'iliill 'I ruin tt i ii A. M., and tbio tt,'!. Lxprcna m
K-.i il'.M tt umitct nt llarrUi.urit witb tratua for CarUile,
ChitUi.'frhh' i-j,nl llntrbitiua, '
U 4 M. Will lit; I1 nCH RAU.BOAl).
Tin tritir.- ! jivmi'' nt 7 -i A. al and 1 hi V. M.. cnntwt
ai loniipitiMit Uh trains tn thla toad t Wajrucibor
antl ' .1 "ni. i ne tltaiu lt.l1tst
fur fin Informal. rat u plj nt tbe Ptiit n jrr Rtatloa
H. li. t t , ai r k.i J .i.KVi: 11 a u II AKKt.1 tnwoto,
.1 MKrt i OWliKW. 'IlciWi A&nt. '
( o m si l i . Im N r k : k tt: i s.
I t r ,:,;,!, I-' iii-at'ln, at very I w ratct, flr tha ae
ti.rniiinun'iijii .,f priniiit 'IvinuuuL ut' tuwn, or locatad oo
vt i c;ii il v lineui tht vmitl.
ctireis tick fc.TR,
Ftr '.tf trips I Uv.-t n anv twn Ph.i. at about tto otrnU
per jul'f. '1 at f tk'kttt nr inU'ittleo h r the uho oi fAiuilt-a
tritvt l;ti' fri 'iiii-iatv. ntiil atii ul'isTua attvunUte (v pbraoua
tt alt ciw uiionurirlpn.
rr vt.t ur tl rut' luuiulia. lur the unii tu acbulataatUiadliiX
l'l.Ut'1 tli 1 1.4 l'll. .
An Kinl;riit A'-mutolaiuHi tiln W-rtvtts Nti 1H7 loelt
ailct t t ;t'i (.',l0 t ti luc, M i o'fksOlt 1'. al. , nllcrtlls.
a tttiiir.iitHl f u id'ci l i!H In Ininilit A koliiL-Wtnt. a
om-huit' il.t' iiKU. I ratoisi Uie I'hiikula- .tt'iiion l
I Hid t bnvk-ftro. ftu w hltti f I.m-k are ft ven, and touxtfagt
lumainen hv u.v nan: 4- Ira'n nb pjitwuy-1.
1 tt U.J uth iiainn, tj i i to
riiAS 'li 'i!.f , Em.rtinr Aircnt,
.No 1. 7 1)1'K. Hirt.t,
MANN ItAt. iAdfi LMKa.
' An stL'.uti'l I til lalivblt- k0tm i miimiiT will pa it
tJiu'h tail train tt-!ii.' teac't.,: .c th pot, and (ake upi
c'htrV. hnu tUtcr I tti'iMiwe to nn) pa. I nf iN til v. llat,'-
fttive .li u iMilt il lt-r piuinptly win ordfri- an lU at tt
'iMH ift It-i oi, t!vmhand ati.i kvi atrreu. Thairavoir
Inn puhiit; mtktsuitd'"" " eo'iiely rtu:nM
I ki.n.itTh.
H Mill- runte frelFbtM ni all dfarrlptlnii oan be Ur
nartUn tt ai d trtiu any peiiua ui the Mllr.i4 uf Ohio,
Kt ulat I y, Inuiitltu. lltiui'lt, W, lnwa..r Mutnurt,
bv Mill, to direct, or lo any pom on the navlaula watara
(ttl.f Vft, Hi rtmi r iroiu I'litt-l-urn.
'Jht-rHtt fe(4 ti ef; 1.1 to in.Ufi' m an point In tha Wet t
by Ibt ivi nlvaiiia tnual Kallroad ar. ut ai! timet a
lv trail ai it1 rhaiitett by uiher liaiir-iutl 'oitttan.e.
Mfrtiitintt- rihI rblpi cm en-fluting tttt trMnspt.rhiilun oi
their lnh ht to inU ton. puny can rt-iy Hiih v jiddvuoc ou
ild ti'(t'd) tiaiikit.
tj lit t-hi tolllratlt ur kblpplrttf daaclluiu, apply to ox
athir tla At triilt" t-l'thv Coinpui y
h. 1 KIMTiS, .lr , 11 iludtlphla
p. A KI MVAUl . PhUhui...
ri.AI.K A to . U.h'Uk-
1.1. H i! A (O,, ho 1 Antor Uoni-e.ijc Nu.l. William
fcin ti. m w i t u.
1 KM Ii A I1 . Ko. 77 Wahlti;'toii tl, b-tabtn.
WILLIAM I lit'VNN. Ku. i0 aunli trt-t, Ualtbnnra
situt iyyi il.t.u t, iitrU Ueilway.
if. H. uoi Hrovt
Ccuera FiaiM Avit I'ah .ifihia.
I twig l. ii iter.
Otntrallu'lvat pinu.h
kmk:h i.kvh,
Ut-ni'ial ttni arntteiidiiit, 4liiuiia, I'a.