THE DAILY EVENING TELKGKAFIT. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 18GL -4 -4 J S - I -il trrfy utli 1 Grrmngi SMcgrapIi THVHSDAT. Al OUST tl, 1SC4. SPIRIT OF THE DEW YORK PRESS. Leading Editorials from the New Tork Faihts This Worttlng. I!crnl lcpatclcs from Mobile, At!mi.-t S, announce tin- tracti ttinn of Yuri aud the "timrulor of Tort Gaines. Thr furtmT it a fort iiiminilng Ik'cIvd guns on Mttto Ttti ptiiuc it-land, commnndiiig (irant't l'ass; 1 1 o Lit ter a powerful cnwimtr'rt work opj'O'.ttc 1 ort Morpar, wliL about t.sty puns of nil cali!,re. I'owi II blown it nn rriilav lint, nwl tt.tirii'S aurrtriilircd on Mnndav. There rriiianrri only Kurt Mi.rpiti, with the rnpttiro of which A.ltnlntl Farm put will tame eomplete pov. -tion 'f the fntraneo to Mobile Hitv, mirl iiinr thenrelrtli opomri- Bt Ii iurc hiioii the ritr.' Tli' re is in.thlpR In thu upai-h to show why Fort (isines stirrvntlureil. but nmch (Msxiiilc rrlwiitt hnmillalnn rircumst me s, Sc. The tort is hi'I to liuve Ihtii prntisltuii-tl for six months and there seem to be suspicions of treachery on ihc aiile of the Rebels. Hut their previous tcle aram to tho elfect tluit a bombardment of Guinea wiis.goiiiR on, und unless pnitcrttil like Merman by exterior Ciirlbworki, the misnnri miiT enclly have been knocked to piico by the lie nry arm .mint of Karrn(riit's Hoet. I'liinskl, a fnr stroni'tr fortirieBtion, reckoned seecud in Impregnability on tho Atlantic con-it, was forced to capitulate In eighteen hours ol ac tniil tiro from very inadeo,uae ba'terles the hiavi. st puns in Oillrnore'a works belnj? two I1), inclt ( olumbiads. The rent were rilled 42 ponnders end .').pnunuVrs, i-sins! .lames and l'ir rott tirojietilfa respeetivcly. rind there were in fact but ticvin guns Hint ctVocted the breaehlnij of the pan coupe, and compelled the surrender Cf the fort. It need be no matter of surprise, ; therefore, if Admiral FarniRUt, with a fleet numnrnna iipavt rune liat in ' days limni-lit Gaines to teiins.and the Relel Hag ee oii'.i. No hint i Klven of the effect of this surrendor upon Kort Mnriran, w hich lie right opposite Kort Gaines on the vast slioro of the chauuel, within ea-y range, hut it learly must hasten materbilly the reduction of that formidable w ork. Present news is to good that wc can well ufford to wait , for further liitclllprnre, secure that the successes whic h Admiral Furrtrut has already achieved are brilliant and solid, and that the indomitable Old beio is pushing bis good fortune with rapidity and rcroltition. TIIK WAR Ur.PAItmKM. Fnm Oil Timu. Ilumors continue to reach ns from Wnshlos ton of actual or impending Cabinet cbangct. One of the latest asserts that Secretary Munton Las resigned, and that bis rcsipnntion has been, or will be, accepted. Upon whnt ground, or for what reason, this alleged action in taken, wo arc cot aware. Possibly something may have hap pened to make it necessary, or nt leasr.expedient. But lacking knowledge of any such caue, wc venture to hope that the rumor is without foun dation. We may be entirely immiken W our estimate of tin; practical working force aud vigor of the I"rdaldent's Cabinet, but in our .Indian nt, that body cannot atl'ord just cow to loae tut) ahilitv, industry, und indoiui able energy which Mr. tstar.t.m tiring to the adiiiiuiftradon' of the Var Department. It is not easy to form a Jtt.t idea of tho pro digious amount rf labor which the conduct of the affairs ot the IVpar mint involves. K.oon in time ot pence, wb but too skeleton of a very small at my 10 lo-ik after, the po-t wits not con sidered a situ cure; und it need luu li tic re flection to mtl-fy any intelligent rsou of the hcrculci.n nature of the tn-U which is no iniporcd uion the man who lills it. To con'rol nn army m tune of war is always and at beat a Mrioiis and lanorious alT.ur; tint to create i such atmies lis are now in the lieid. to orgauie, oinvtr, uiiu s tiii tiiviii, vi uiui uutei the consti nrlioi:, pri pnnniou, purchase, and die trlbntion of nil the uinieriil of wnr, to watch and direct the netual operations of thU vuorinotis fcrce in the Held, beside originating and putting into working slmpe the sc ire of new ncuclcs ubiih the novel ici.turcs of this war have ren dcicd niies-ary 1. 11 iheso rmiuii-emimis eou.-tl-tnte Mich a eondnnation and ccuiiiu!atina of labor and resp"Ui"ilny us h.ivo aeldom devolved tf on any cue man in any country or ia any age. It would be extra vagunt to say that noo'Uer man bttt Air. binmon could d'ti-narge the c tuani fold dt.tieo; nut we certainly know no man who baa proven his ability M discharge the n so well, lie has it rapid nrd comnr henMvn judgment an iron conMilti'ioii tit tiring indu-try, a. id the must enthiistasilc-enuigy ia whatever he under takes. '1 l iit he i.cvt r makes mist.ikes rob .!y prttendo; tlu.t an) other man in hi place would innke leff, wiMvery tous!y doubt. We tliiak ii very likely thui some chunges in the Cibiiibt won id con Mice to the good of the country but we do rot think they would wisely bogiu with, the War lkputtincnt. Rebel lMcltirr ut tlin Ollleer In John tonN Army. Cerrespondfire Cottiwhtan Carolinian. While ct CaHiville I saw a picture worthy of the brush ot Vamljke. General .I .Un-ton's quarter.- were in an open wo ids. He formed the centre of a group of otliceM immediately re.'og nicd. Op; O'ile to dim, and holding cue of the nmp, wastbu nuc-looking solalcr and gen tlenmu, L,e U'tnaut Uemral l'.dk ; aud on I'n'k's left, uiso boldiuti and examining the in tp, s'ood a .i ntial ot letc wncd reputation. His snjii.l grty eye. sharp fiaiuret, and earnest look pro claimed Olebiiiuo. bending over the map, and weal ing a black fur bat, looped up on one side with a tar, wis another widely known tu fame. The h it, with the dutch under bis arm, and the cane in bis ie.l hand, dec aico the dathuig Hooit 'he lUnker ot this urmy. Yonder, roeiiuing in the corner of tho lii'd, irt a grey uniform, is an oil 'er whoo grty tard aud singul.irly (hupod bead one would readily rceognlro. even did he not spriag np nt Ucntrfcl Folk culls out, "llirdec, come tere !" These f leers are tricing a road on the map nr.d IntCTitly watehing them, with uovnnd tnena quick tosso' the Whc Ifr; while Jackscn ienne iu.ily back in an attitude that bespeak the love of Ms ease. Yonder besty Oeurde I in in is Stevenson, the best otflecr la I'. tuT rt ia's army. He it talking to Hu wart. The oltieer w ho apt roai hes mid raises bis hat so oohtely is Hind man. Tin re stand Walktn.nd Ixrini.'in e irwst cor.vtrsi tion; und Ofi'eral Matkall. "chief of stall," Is wai denng about, turn greeting some ijtatl t fllcer, r.d now dciiitfh'Eg so;ne con rler. The giitbmt Hate, the jollv but tlcry t he, 4ind the toiinsni'tl, dignttied bttwart, form un other trroup, Cheatham evitlrntlv co'iiln;; to the point. A guy r. tinua of Kiall olllecin Mir.o iu.l this dlHiigttishcd gatlicnng of the moitofthe Jcniill. - spiiila in the gadaul Am y of li oacseo. The Mttunltoii In Amsswi. The li 'lit ry shmtion in Aikinnts is not as uiitavi r .li't at bat le cn supposed. The Kebcla nat nil at an v time l en v .-irlilu lifty inilos of I.ltde It k, wbieli is s nuig jr l.triitled and cai hie i f r istb g any altack, baviog I'dtv plee -s of nrtiilir int.iiiited on the dcttn-e'. I'iuc Ulufl i simibir i lottliieit, having for y pi tea ..f c tiiuon. .Small lends ol gueiillus, howevfr. ;iej still oprijiii (.' ct various pohii-. An in tr Las been issutd by the ".i IkI nutlui rlties etiiitisestinff ail the cotrun In th s.i,nn t.n the Hib. I Covernment, and tbrcutmrir win ' Hi at li ai'i eiti.i-n wnornall sell any or the ild.iie to the Fideritls. The reorganized Sinto (' juris will go Into operation ln Septemlier. and the Veiled States Court will hold a session t'.ai month. The Hoard of Tax ts for the (iuveuinient will org.mi.e and go u work at : tho Mine time. All the olllcers bavj han ap j oii.Si it. ANi 'l'e apk Soiio' time sin;'1, ih te up pmnil it, tin' i'aris papers an advertisiiuiiit to tbia Ibft : Tho Sultan dtuires to obtain pe Is ot i n at value, puro, without sjuit, and of go id color; tbiyiiiusl not be piereod or strung, f ir Un v am o lie wuru as solil.ilre. For further pa ticuluis.addreM llarmn, Fort Kestante, Far ." Mai y marl inorehutits wrote, but got mi reply. A krt n detective at last answered : "Kir, you ire looking for pearls for the Sultan. I have a pre cu us earl, luil sixteen years old, by nsmo An liiiue. I will sell yon this pearl for 0,000 iVanei. ' The reply came at once, requesting a p io'o riipb. The photograph sent and approved, an InUrvlfW wim appointed, the pearl" to w Mr clu rry eoiun d scarf. All went well ; at the ap pointed time a tine carriage drove by; a mail wearing the badge of the .Medjidie got out, mi ttp to the ) oung girl, took her by the h.inJs, and tu gan to compliment ber. Suddenly from bo hind ihe trees near by, appear a soloiun perion. "In the name of the law I arrest you!" lbs Saltan's terr tied agent auti'iuticed hiimolf as the Ct utit of Si rluaru. More than a hundred photo gruihs if joung girls were found at hlj lojg Inns.nml It apieared that he had m.ide laeg) mi i f n.oney by selling the originals in foreign a s. lie n uow eonsiiloilng bis way lu thilor reeili" al I'rim.n of Faris. The father of this . bi in rai.le pijnouge appeals tu be a cattlc-dcular in Wallachia. x 4 TIIK t lftllT AT lir.W t'HCKK. Cksi k, Aunest S M hid a very pretty little fkht yesieniav-if Hitio ace mnt in com parison with the Army c f the I'o'omac and the "big things" of the Sot. timet tint we are s itis. Ctd wi'h the result, altnouih we mourn the loss f f tirgnilentilend. The force nndcr McCaus. land and liradiey Johrson.who were sogjuri'itiHly tit tested at Cnml erland bv Ironeral Kcllev, ma le a rapid iimreh to Itomnev to esepe bli blom. cterOay mtrnlng they siartinl from the Wire br'tlec for this place, nnmbrrlrg over three thou sand n:en, and about 2 r.viork drove In our pick ets with a wild ruh. .lohnion made the direct tnavi hup the New Orn k naut, whi'e MrCaus lai d sent a portion of Lis force npon Ft rt I'iano, cemmanrtiiig the town. 'I I c bnlante f bis men trc tci t around tho M l to the ie.t md of the plttec, and abo it four liuidrcd li mutinied and den oyed to the west, in'tnitit'L' to snrrnond 1 ort l ul'tr. The al rtu wis suililtn, but not a- comp ile a-tlif It hels at tie patcd. Colonel S cvcnr-i il, f the l.'.lt'i It'cwc'it ( N. O., asltd by I.teufcnant Colotiel .1. 1. ll'y. (llii Viririnis.ltn'meillaiely .nt rvi ri thing In pcsiti' n for tlih ne. tieneral Kc' lev was lulecri'pbeil, and he ordered ( nl.nul M . verson to tight to the lajt.and riintorcomenH w mild be -i nt np. The li'bels bi.d the brow of the bill and fin d rd chef r ri with greet ignr and tietermin ttir.n. The guns of the tort, under omtm ind of f iptain Holmes, of ISattery II, and I.lcutcnar.t Iticlor, crmmembnu-a fertlt.n of Hattery I.. In' Illinois Ait.llery, win tt.rred upon the adVniicitiic coin inn ot .fnliiisnn.nnd they hesita'ed. nnd tinahv halted. Mi ('Biisliind rode tip on Fort t', unit a force of three or fonr l undred were sent pirtof the way down t' esldeof the mountain towards onr little fort. 'J hey did not nppcir to under-tand wby the force sent to the wist did n it oporn'c tlleitunllyi but thev were held in clu ck bv two (mp.init s ol thetith Virglnio Cotnpnnii s A md O who skirmished with them for t,n bour or more, nnd krpt tltiiu in a piece of wood , from which they did not seem disposed to mnkc their npt'earniiee. Outside skitmii-hitig and Cghting from the fort continued fur three Lours, with no derided a I vnntage, eecpt that the KcbeN wcrf repiilxcd in cvt ry attempt to advance within reach of onr guns. I!ut the ri inl'orecmeuls sent by the gil lant defender of West Virginia enme up just in time. I our companies of the Utli Virginia and one company of the btb. Company A. tlie whole under command of Major Simpson, of the Utli, disembatked from the car and reported fordutv to Colonel Stevenson. Three companies of Ihc Tlth, and Company I, of the Cth. were ordered tocharge the enemy on Fort l'inno, and they did it with a yell nnd a rush that drove the Uehels (rout the Intrenched position, driving them into the rillc-pits on tho opposite side, in the free of a heavv tire. Uein forcemcnts compelled our trallant men to retire part of the way down the mountain side, when ti c foit opened upon the KcUIk, tiring over tho Iliads of our men, and die accuni. y of the shells diove them down the hill in contusion. It wa a complete n ut und vicory for the little girrison of a t lion mil d men against thir y-lhe hundred. At N o'clock thei enemy r'etrea'ed, picking up a part of their dead and wounded, tu the e teiit of four umbulance aud three wagon loails. Flight of tht ir dead left in onr bauds havo been plekid up to-aay. Th. ir wounded probably urnonnttd to fifty or sixty. Their wounded pri soners sny tin y were apprised th t the romi nest ol New ( reek would be but tho w.irk of lipeen niliiiites, nnd then they would march to Ctiin'tt r 1 n nil and take (it ncral Ktdley upon thcothir Hunk, nnd aicomplish wlmt they interded when he drove tin in out of thin section of Maryland. At the house where he nmle his head piar crs McCatislard epn seu bisdisiipiioiiituitnt at (hid ing so ofictniincd a reilstance. Uo had bica apprised that C.eteral Kollcy was (tuetly wat di ii.g Cumberland, at.d New Creek, with its stores abd ticiisuus, prisintid an inviting mors d. The dead oi the buttlc-tield w e inoiirn. even tbougli they nun.Kr but a fraction of the siuri lice to a wicked Keliellion. Hut their places in the social circle will lui none the less I'liinlul, la cause a greater number have tieen sinugburcd elt whi'i-e on the huttle-lields of our country. All honor to the dcud ! Colonel Ncvenson and Major Neil, liilth Regi ment Ohio National Unwd ; I.irut.Mnit-Col.irul Hoy, (ith West Virginia Infantry, eominanding the post; Lieutenant Daglog't, " il.ittery I., 1st Illii.o s Light Artillery (who d'tl some splendid tiring) ; ('upturn lloluies, U 't'ery H, Wirt ir giniu Light Artillery; und Maj.r Simpson, lltb Viiginia Infantry, were pHrticuiariv coiisp cu.iiis in ihc tight, and were uctivo nt evi rv point. Lk"t t mint Mclveny ie, of Itnttiry L, c tuie up with the ri lniorc mi t'a from Cuiiiberiniid, to aid in luiiking the tight hotter, if necessary. Another "lecimcnt, the 10.5th Ohio Natlonitl Guard, rtacln d lit ru nt un early hour this morn ing, and Oi ucrai Keliey abortly after, uccoinpa nud by Capiuln llaiiisou, onr (juaityrmastor. Captain Maihcwe, Captain Frank Kentev, nuil others, lint the enemy had gone, disheartened nnd dett ated. It was toe prettiest little tight yet lind In Westt ru Virginia, and resulted in a com 1 lite nut. Fut we have a strong arm And a stout bcnit 'o nerve our gallant m n in our connn -Hiding g.m tal. When be tu Is the ltobels tuay take C i.mbirlai.d end ew Creek. , 1IUDN. All artiilo in Chambers' Journal discourses most divertiigl; on a subject which all reiaeta ble piople (t-KCept Kilicrsl approach nightly, at certain or uLtcMain houra. Wc make the fol low ing reautd le extrsi ts : OKIHNT.'I. IiSIIS. liariy history hows us the bed as an orientil iutiiti.lion. 'ilieie wire beoa umoug the star vtorsbippers of I'nbe'. and the sirange pulnhtists of bouM F.gyj t. Nor, so tar ua we know, was there the slijjm it In twee n the cor., li ot Fbarnoh ami that of Solomon. Change is haelulto the Asiatic mind. This bed, the bad eoi.Mui.t'y a luned to in the Bible, exists to the pre-cut hour. Wo mnt with it in tiie se'Htulil. of a Tethibh niansion, tu tbc woodcu bouse o' a Sj i inn Christian, in the tent of a sl.eik, alwavs virtually the same, ft is I ut a long cutdiit.n, tbi.t Is laid s. nun lines on wot eu tliian, sonietuuts oua crsry frame work ot or cne ; and there are pillnwi, ami a utii.ieii ctitinterpaoe, to which a sheet is occasional!) rtin lull. Bui this is raiviv the cise, laaktiM- liastems do not utidicss tosfeepj tiny oiry ui'iiri ss t r the bath. I'stiully the divan runs roi.nd the wall (! a l irpe oeingoii il apart intut ; ti c si. 1. 1 Lustily adjust the t u.-h. .ns mid nuiits, ihc male numlsrs ct the fiuniiy untwist tin ir tin bans, Lick H their slipptrs, and sleep as best lice may. At tiawn the rugs are folded up, the pi low- swept i tl to recondite cupboards, and the brtl-rotiii lieeomes a reeeptio'i-chauitu r, bbii ,tni ha) , alio sntiug-rooin. Of co irsi, nun a couch is lighter J poimble. The paNy-tri-kcri man, a.-, wc all ntLcnib'-r, "Omuianded to take up bl' ltd and wulli." Tne foriii-r in ;unci. ii P u..u'. In itself to imply a miraculous exertion ot fr-nptli to th lusands of F.iiropenn t'fiiigrrj.K'luti, wberics lit. ckccihIgii wusatnctly iioiiKKiiiii w IhcuHoiu. An; adult, aiih tne frecoseot Lis limbs, can tarry an oriental r-d, and lie hcii'idmnn wassiuipiy once mi re on a tnr w uh b s bi Hiihy neighbors. ANC II NT l'I UOl I,A hi us. It is no cm m iration to say that, in nieilieva! h nil, Si iiiuviU,iind tLut va-t legion where the I.ow-Girmnn linguage prevailed, to siy l.ol lui g i t 1 iuiii.1 north ol iho l.niie, Ih' Is weee In I .ti the most iinportaiit urtielu of property. Our i t.ccHti i.- no fasliio.iaiilo upho sterer to tiiiipl H em v ith I ce-hive cbuus and lounging silt's. Kvtti an oaktn chair, with a straight eiiu i uootial l it' I to it, rigid itutt s h ir l n a noUT, wa-1 uly tu I, tinind at the mn r-boii-e.'oc in m.v It id li e ubtai.'s parlor. A lc a s lite ', a halt i'oi n of ilin e-lc'.'gt I st o. p i-sinly civi rt d i I. nil- it li iitiier, und u h -tich or tur.i, with beuvi i I lls, and a c.uiopy of d t;s, nude 'li ibe ioitiitiiv ot a comtoti.i (e a-mifm-n'. '1 in 1C v eil 1 o Ii oklt g-gl'isscs, ee pt, perhap', t mi litre r nnd mirror fuun 'e Ice, bought at a high piiee iroinihe tr.ivjln l.oinlnol. r.m Ibe In ds were olien very inipo.iing rufiires, with lavender scented sheets, damask curain, cuunterrwues of wadded silk or scarlet elutb, down pillows, and polished oakon pillar , wha smooth strength seemed to defy time. They did defy time. A bed was no upbamor'. alfair, it went dow n fi out generation to generation, the pride and palladium of a family. MoDr.HU im:is. Now-a-duy", the Hon. Alfrud Trumpiqguin, or li. y Lord Frederick Canax, very lik dy sleeps in a little brass lied, no liner or higher than that which seivul th') purpose of the into Uuka of Wellington ; aud Jeames, who olieys tha behests of the liou. Alfred, or John Thomas, who we.irs tho Ci.rux livery, kas a little bruis beJ, too. Hut a l uutln d years ag'i, tho gsniluiiidii would have sli pi in a hues machine as pompous as the chariot in w hu h the go -J fairy "koines on" in a pantomime. 11 woulj nam dangled around tnui, lac would ii'ivo fiinged bi pillow if d j vn, (ihactiy ostrich feathers would have tnxl led on the bedposts, ami ou the tester would have been pain'ed the most highly tinted Cupids and Veuu-es that evsr smirked tbroue'ii golden clouds. Down nlliows! bo r honest 1'r imping t in, who likes a bolster as bard us tho r .'i sipiab ata Brighton Icdlug-house, would swoirntsuch smothi ring luxuries I Faintei mytbul gv ! 0r lax wc uU gl.o It a eout Oi ur, if not of leathers, aed Ifot it o it of slant forever. W avo in some things more manly than our gi-eat-granjfatiiors. A lltD WI THM CAMr. t The Aral n Introduced Into Hpain a bed f pecu liar eharactir, welt adapted for c. ui'i use. This eoutl teJ of four strong pillars, with iron-tipped aud sharpened tuds, which could be ihruat lull fie ; round with trilling el) on, and uu oblong piicu l leather or cloth, wbiv'J was hooked to thfse pillars and stretched as tight as the eanva of a drum. A saddle or va'ise supplied the pillow, a cloak the conmtrpsne. nnd wh it could as ildlcr wsnt more ? It w as a desire to escape from the dangerous damps of the earth which first caused tbi. intention or the "tent bed" In br.tss or Iron. Mc'al.ttwas discovered, was lighter, more dur ablc. ar.d cleanly, and better fitted for the rough work of rrmpa'gningtban noodofequal s'rength. lint to srpply soldiers with a raised bedstead in ramp ami bivouac is a phllanthr inic prudence that must be reserved for some Secretary of War in the far future. A saii.ob's tu n. The bammotk is an American invention. Not that Ilrothei Jonathan basmy right o insert its illtrnviry in tho caialoeue of the Wishlng on I'atint Oftiee ; it was found out neither bv Old F.rglnnder nor New, tint by the copper-skinned nlMirgine of Siiunish Am-rie. N itivo h.ttii innkswire mmle sometimes of cotton, some timi s of plaited gr is ; tin y were supended L'otu the houghs or a tall tree, by ropes of the same material, and they sorrcd tho Indians aliko tor bid del chair. TLc Cathol'c contpictors wre not sh w to perceive ihc tneiiisof sin ha device Inn Lot anil unh. althv cmntrv. and to a;ipre. date the luxury of swfncln? in the tlcviMu r.nd roou y e neb, et a helj-'ht w hich insured the en jovment of t verv puff of c.Kil air, antl which pmirdtd tho sluinlieror, at least in a tnciis ite, Iriim sniisc, imec's, nnd night dews. It was not b t.g before the bammoi k was sdoa-ed in the sea st; vice, whiro a bed which yielded toevcrv way waul motion of the', nnd which ciiiltl bi ro! rd r.p and stow ml nwny liuriii!; the tlaytimc, piotcd an it valunlile ai.oit.on to the nilor's co'ti forts. Hcfore liaiem cks were invented, the marini r inii-i Lave had a sorry time of it, lying on u tlauip plunk in bis medieval blankets. miNni urns. A great cbani-'e was inaugurated when tvbat was called the French bed begun to appear in l'.tlti-h chembcrs. 1 enmo in, at first, In a sntaking antl apologetic manner; people wero ashamed of their French bid, as they were asbnmtd to exhibit cottage pi mos, one-boric can Isgts, and tli-ctm-pl ite. l;ut tin inn-n wi.s thuip nnd convi nlent, nnd not ttglv, though the angular prodiictiuiis of f.tii;li-h upholsterers nevtr etial the gnu'efnl little tents which a I'aiisian wirkshop ran turn out Then suc ceeded w hut was dubbed the Arabian bed, pre sumed, donl.t'e-s. to he modelled On thst willed sustained the graceful form of the s'ory-tclllng Princes Scbi n.railc. Nixt, much to tlie detri ment of vested intiTcsts, arose the light bed of bra-s or iron, much patronised by school bnvs, subalterns and miscellaneous bachelors. And then some Inventor in pertiuioua Albimi devised spring mattresses : i in', though his rountrj men evctibim coldly, h iving a routed alle.iion for gtiose feadieis, the lively Cauls mapped un tho tli-civciy in the nie -t eager manner, anil clnba latt d it into a bed so firm and so clastic ai to apptoacb i erl'ection. Ft KH4S Al.. The venerable cx-Prcsldent Pay, of Yale College, cn'crcd his P'Jd year on Wednesday, havir.g been born Angtist 3, i;;,",. A number of gentlemen, emong whom was Professor Siltlmau, enibrnccd tho oecasion to call upon him. The sons of Ulchard Walsh, Ksq., of Y'onk crs, on tbc Hudson, have, through hira, doiiutdd to the I nltcd State) Sanitary C'ointnissiuii the (tun of the thousand dollan. Theso gontlonien nre at prescr.t resident in Japan a fact which adds .-onu w to the interest of tho gift. r.ol ert Carter, V.v., the accomplished dc sceminnt cf Peter, the first Christina 1 inhcrmun, and, in tb. se lu'ter da s, editor ol the ltochestcr Ihiitctrut, denies tlmt Ms paptr is "Dcmoctatle" in ti c (-iittisan sense t f that much abused term, (in that subject, the Ihmcrmt speaks oat lor Itself. Tbc Pnb'in papers announce the dc ith of Mr. William Ki mmis, Solicitor for the Crown who condi ctid all the Stub- prosecutions during half a ctntrry, from 17W to lblli, iududlng those li.siitutid Hgniiikt the Shears, Robert l'.mmet, Drnicl O'f'otincll, Jjbn Mitchell, and Smith OTtrien. He was n ctuoricty In his ow n line. John Metculf, of Northampton, Massachu- t's, one tf the oldest printers in the State, huv it g followed the busiiifcrs liliy-bcvca years, died on Tne; dny iitst, aged st venty-tix. Ho printed tbc Vvmpsh'rr Guztflr for two years, and nt dif ferent times was n btaik atid job prlntor In most cf ti c oftlccB In Massachusetts, as well as Ver mont, New Hampshire, end Connecticut. Smuutl S.Ni'tithiird, agent of tho Adntns F.x Ittss CVmtit,ny nt T' rte H-iiitc, IcdUnn, com niittce! suicide in his room by shouting himself through the Lea.l with a pist il. Ho left a letter wi tch tu?: ' Li Uor has tcincil me as well as tl.fusanda of others; I hive tri d bard to ipiit, but fad I' Impossible to do to. I havo drnuk t ithiufc' this tuulne aid am perfectly calm. I hutti no iinkitid word or feeling towards anyone. ILut ct rso i f nil t vi's, ruin, takes one moro to the grave, who might have btcu esteemed, and t rjojed the CGLhdt nee and respect of tho corn n unity. My poor f-milyl O God! I cannot tl.itik of thtui, or write of or to them. Mj cup !s full. May a just anu merciful Ooddcal kindly with them." The PsuUing Oaultt pnMIshcj the follow ing lttu-r liom Mr. CI asc, In reply to one fro-n Hon. Josef h C. blc, inquiiing for tho reasons which led to tho fonncr's resignation. It was not designed fur publication, but is now published as an act of jnsticc to Its author : Wahhinotom, July 11. My Pour Sir: We have not w i men each o her ficqueutly of Uto, but my regaid tor you has by uo iiieuns iliuiin!. Ili td i t oik,Ibiivc not had time for ct vit spondcnce, but my heart still holds to my clu tr:t litis. 1 tiust there Is no ground for tl.e fear that tlio ci until is ugalu to he cursed with tho mi-cUa-lirons cnrrxtiey of local corporations, bat It is iu.possii la to foresee what is to come. It was one ot toy strongest ill sires to give the people, a ui. If ci in euricnc), in.iitc iu the end equivalent to gold tver) where. My etforts were stou ly riristtd outt.ii. e and I. ail not iHri.est sympttl.y inside ot the Ailministrntion. They were steadily I rmai Ing, how ov. r, when a sense nf dittr to lnv sclt anil ibe oittitiy ulonu coiupcllael me to iis'gn. I bin -In y will net lie abandoned. Your tiieiid, S. P. C'uass. Hon. .It gi i ii CvitLF. AUCTION SALES. f AC'KF.Y'fi Al'CTIOS KOOMS, No. 3.'6 WANTS. A YOCNOl.AOY.TllI'. PAl GHTKK OF A V CiftryoiMi, iti'Nirs ftttuftni n CuvrintK tu a .m! f ii qi. ,IHif d to If utli it.i hivlni' KiH:.l"iil"iti"ti- ; hi( i ma' i!ii n.' h'4 ti intj'ii.'. N"t ( tl hi u Ii-He lit- i-ii . tod iclerviiii-i cfn, If rO'iutf. d. A.4 f rt- Vi I'.vci. it,' TtV.iiipli (!', so. It! n. i Mii.n Hi-fi ii pi?. I'oiN'r, tie. it i lli.riius " YiNXim. :ll Ti-nmtir, r,a AVlioelvv rlMtits). BO lllaoUtmil t )n, antl SO Oftrrlauo rFrlmmer. Wt.owlll rfcsiie the kishsit rales of CfOvrnni4ut pay rations, sail m4ul attaadsnca TraatportatUa furnlslicd by apityfos at No. al I'KWNSYLA'ANIA AViiNLK, WASIUSHTOX, D. C. K. J. STUONO, Csp'.ln, A 0.. M JAMES M. KELLY, alo-lm Qnsrts rnoiur' A jt nt. 4tfi WANTED TO UKNT A MODKHATK JLXslrpil htiuoH In coinpUas urilsr. Ui a goutt looaiwm. U. uiu.i iioems:, ui uti, fo-i onie. a.ti-et rOR SALE AND TO LET. PE ISLAND, CAPE MAY, N. J. FOR V' BALE. Cottage oa Lafayutu street, II rooms. Lot tfihj ttltese. Innulo sal-if US 81 SreilK ABOVE ATLASTIC HOTEL. fy TO KENT. II ANDSOM K STOHK, WITH Li vlatt sous windows, aad docJiiug. Ht. M. l:Lt Si)iTH hum. t-.'l tr FOH HAI.E. S.VV0OO WORTH IS GOOD Houses, larffK sail suiall. uw terms to alt parchsMrs, r with ur wnliSnt luiainibrsucti. far r-k uul huuI iil.r Uada. lr.Uti- of. frnin In lo H ooloi'll AM, tUO. M. fUlWXiN, .No. sPJl . iOLMTM ftmot. ON MO 11 I H Kill- W irftind the monr, If ln- ', tor i ory lot of atikts wbicti fstl It. say rosssict. FINK B1IIRTH. ctT Lr.miTnwtsK. or Mpauw. ldc eT Kw Tork Mills Mnnlln, sd rrrr a Unot Botonis. Orly !!. fitisl p-tcf Sfl'OO. Wtnisinailllr Milts Muslin, sn.1 flro IJnrn II'oms, Onl; II 1(H). Vstial rite v,10. OEhTI.F.MKN'8 F tT II N ISHIN O fJOODS. SMITH V .lACOIISt, tnyt-sra Ko. I'A'IO t'ttr.HNlT atrsot " 1041 1 HKHM T HTHT.Kr. " Tlie sttsntkin of nt'ir.a VtRtTtNO THB rn V . or thoM shorn l.KAVI.Mdi f.r' '!.r Ini l lsc,'1 pr tn.-t Minirr,' Ii rfps-nnlljr llirt p.l tc ths t.t'llllr,. rt..-k Of Wllllfe iMiisi ml'l.c for SI'WWKR wy.llt.for Wllllt KOIHU, HlHNtNU W R.vfrKUa, Ac. An stl-rm-s sstortmsnt tf MTifd tn 1 ArS sail Wi rfcisi ICiIk.iiii. una lnsnlnf,t. Votls, HsBiiki-rrlorii.. t'ollsrs, Sl,vrs, sn.l Inj'sln and tanff pisia. H'ni si. .ml riiirsi w ! AT ri llTa m i ll 111. Low TIIKIB rtlf.sF NT sl.T .11 VAI.I'K lio frrUH LtirtHi I rtc Iltvisrs. I' o, 1e'k4, wisatrtpMI Mas Um. 11. m. is'i:i:iii4. 10'J, CIIKHHUT BTKr.rT I.N l,oor SKIRTS. ;no Atiora HUth Ntrt. , m I'LHaU1 tilft. Thitwt fomrW tftvortiiatMit of l.aili, MhttAt. and Chli liwii t fl am J-kin in ih city. In cvbh ruMci ttr rlnt. t.l f-T ninth, durtWHUi, mid oLefcp:.., b t no rnmi in tltt uiarkt. ffklrn nutlt tc ot14tTi fcl'trtH. an3 rpirM. M-iy M.M.T. nnpkiMR. fiViNCj; HT11WAHT HOOK Oil o O M ! A. N Vr. Incorporated June 29, 1864. Cnpttnl, snoo.ono, 0.O fcltAlU.i A BIL1KE rA. IVtXK' hari fnri( $1 nh dc un npon ubacr'tiUi.trh tv.o tLct lnataimia cl 11 ch, pi) i on tbc KLUiJ ly TEN THOUSAND SHAKES Tb Uud pnrrhttntd tytheVatnc 0rwr1 R.xk 00 ConifMi) rutitidnt uiift huiicrtd ua thtn-(vuA mtii, ui t. in.v core oi iho oil nnu-n.onr thi tinnu Jtiithun drtJ muiU'ii Iff, va Ui At t ttht'iij river. In C'rAmxsrr torWihtni, fUi'MliriA' a r'maultihblc ulslAiioe tiy inrx tit swltsi tif iht-Lo t-f Twr. Mii ltuu.coDinioniy CHiltMl Tsin If'iirn It tin, m cuci (f mhet ticw I run Mia. u Vcnanvo octint .r.ntityliai ia. Tte AUphrnf ltivr Torr1irj U y inhii abundant Ami trtjiniif nt hrw ! (af aa oe) ll,t Miau7 ot OU. UtP MUDicroii wrtlfj lKrdirtuit, Oankj pn iinctrt Oil ith ivea mU grattiar rejiiiajitU.aD u, wnli aumt; Oil t'rwu. I( Ik liolifii-d tl.f flow ot O'l Mow tftr borwitrh ofrrtnk lln,oh AMrkhPTi rtMr, will imtMij tirver Nwim xLatiHtrd, lcvAnf tt;j Merit iii ntiin, or vt-laDMi ilnrup tk-not rck(lla in a aoi.thm-atwarill) dirtwunn ; fmt Qiiftitly tl lJ of ntl wnuL. he uratur Uic ui-(r t to tpi 1 1 tittl, hny ot ( iu., a i'd well wrkt ntulrt' u Lfted i5 otr in prtrtnin lovrara id nvtr, nuar, b t,r, tlieic wt-uVi m-t tl y t the titoat rvrmanf nt, and m mioh grvAior u,ij4v nup;rlnoiimDaiit oodr or kiwt 4)11. It b cfrtain tht (conof wtt:ii un U:e rivtr, lit tU intnuHltf.te vtcltilt of Oil land, have rniinuol pm di chtB anritiB Uie past pin- or tour jaara an udnitmuii Slid iAty iXA'.'t ylid .( oil A itiArc at il map w ill dmonatrat th tact thai lha U.wtr Tvo Mite Kim and Oti ( rtvk arm on tt.r amr iM tuft r kail) auatlit tinp, and vuy t II slant, on a rn ituiinritn fttf iijtutifa' rant ir-t't fctv'f n ttit1 ranif of hilla. frotn eAs-b othtr aoont thtra miit a ai-n ia ett fuoi trif ame It would, rturefire nut boa.-trat-rtllnar)-, il by bfritii; wnlla on toll tiavt a aattlciiit dtftibof ptrta.a fUin httntlitd and Uif trtt, lit: Ut 4-omraii a wiU may otii -a) 'Itoao cf Oli Crvea In tiirlr uipiu a of hnndnd ot liarrcia rt oil dAiir. aid MttrocL proflia would thui be tie lortuuto rvault w the stiarholKM of Mus omnpunr. On tf;l paiitcclar tract of land thirt bM tff M Uaoii tor twenty Toars. a well nnm numym j m rir nrnini c! ootid (hi, aiil.ptvli lib diM'lN ot Dot is ctuihidbred qnit InMifi'iCisN,! ic limu n lame Mow: tilt per coat, of tha Oil at tl ( wi ll , mount wat. ronortyd ai a rvalij tu tua fornvr owrrr of tha land, and III at one inura to tha bem Ut i'4 U.pdmi'rtny. Thrieai- alsto tw oUtar wtlli Lri HbVw hmir d lartdrep rich, hut n.tyitttnted,biitln il'ca ipit HfiPit-ra.t tthon I Oil ; a burri'laday t'antrcna.'ahy I bc wi out )t Uin. nnd n' dciiiii atn.t to oaUt tlmt U cy wftl L, tu pit'Vt' hiKhiy riio(totratiiir vrtlla hon btn4 a rtMt.fthk' di'i'ili. Aniihj well i Laif but ad. aal pnui iit tt a hhUnliict'.rv v clu Sntii.ic of Oh pnnnina nm th'xa wttia can he aean at Uif rutux of thi- Compiiny, t JU W ALNKI atrttt Tlirfrt) of tin vauiHlit) oil lnnd,ooiuprtnlnK(ite hi' drn mih) ttil'ty-one aiiTi, mcluellni; ihf royalty M Ofty M-t cvnt. ol oil I' r tin- i?atd w U, note puv.f it r, anc Ui flit. ii rU:M o ttf thT witil.s .vflal'T dfV'h iMMl, la put i ha i-t d ! lilt (Vntpanj dl'V t I'roni th ownor. tor tha tii'mi i f ir 'lire 1 1 (-.'k;, with a isi Ut Alili la flae orJor. a aiuih Iiouab, o ; altr pAtehaa ft Uraiw. Tin rah-t.ffctf rk will .svs rttcti tur u land la full. an4 leiwe tl t- auui f ( t.U( ciuih WfrlvitiK rnpcal on hand, wiihwalch to cnn'l' t tn- th cc o:d rU, and atai to crc nc if fArll, Ai!h Ova ntPAin nt:ins, Ac, to t ir nitinuu "feiw wltln a fnw month-; arratua lit nt ':i I u iund lo i.iil!-h th t- vt e ta lili .itt d toy Mo t iibcrl U i will be acCfpttd tur lta tham i!ft liAffji. T ;.e t fort'ma rvaped hy IWk Oil C irpanla astab ItMird hbic Miid rit'V In rt ait n -tori" it Tba Oi' trath- la it t iti iu iniit0T. and tdo del tsnd constant -y Irtrn ftiw. it rl f- iwi.w j or tar rvi at tht wll duou'.h.acia al c t ibt rak. LarKf wo a will douMICKi br atrifk at the d'pth of RtV fif-i, 8c a U tthc- the cl Ir J Nttcd Pif K'"lt V ril- ha-1 Wen bnrt d tftc4i re to the di pth o;il of ahcut 0tOfrH Id iiiti icimt It n prfptisid t hvr t wrnty aritlii ra li.' pn port ittirlfift U iis -nt 'ivr Tliita !a r.o:.i for oiif liui.d.f J will. A pffft-rt titK. th a- nf ai. Incftai traoua laooutitivatu aamuidU Company. LUU of nSrHUoo arc new opn i:atl! tao 60 XW ufaant are auMKJibtd, va)nttv$t per 'Jicordorof Aidar ccaaJAWi; U C AHIrN.Utf Trfflurr or tlia Joni-any , Wo.40f. WA IJSUT Mt"CH cr at So. IT, WALNUT HfrwU or at tlie oflico of tli Coii.i( Kq. ilS WALll BtroeU The puhHo arc Invited tcali (tr a rro'potui, Jyv-tf IIGHT-IlOttK COTTAOK, 4 A I L VN 'I'M' ( ITV, V... kKAVFST IlfM'M: 'lit Tlih HFM II. ThU M(l(-kuoHii lioutt h in w opi-u l'T tl rMfptlon of Itttitiiu oeci" Whi bttr. nuM lm J.WO'jT ION, ProrflPtor. TNliKT II O V H JQ ATLANTIC OITV, GEO, X. ti!il.MV. Proprietor. (Inr ar d raroratdy ki-nn aa r'Trtau of 0YSTK1 lA, HIM il ui.d C iKHM 'I WtrU. farit-a a'oorumo-iaiod wilt I oatt. a-U('(iw I UsCi,?., Ac, 1 art run to U. iuuac tvery tweitt) tcmuua. fcs-tl IXCHANGF. EOTKL, ATLANTIC CITY. j 'l'h auharrlber, for pait favors. tWRdata tlianka to Id's pal rot a and tl:e public for tha rtiMiuw cua aoau nUn bins, aud b-K loava to Uiat bo I now op lor ti.: a-rtMii, and ready to rt.-lvtu ooatdora, paruatjaat and iranilcDt. un Uil. moat t ; ltrA' tiruia. 1 ut bar will alwa k t aiitpliMl with the rnolomt wln.n. Uqunra, antl ciKara.aid nnprt-rtld ala. Th wbki will ba aat wiUi Uit t't-t-t tht luAriat atroidsi. Ki-tiiirK Unt-a and tackta alayi nn hand AU the eoiuktru of a Low eaa aiways b found at th Eit-h:inr J tmi l? per aumru, 0t.0UiK II.TIAY, Jri (f 1 roprtator. pOLUMllIA H O XJ W E, ATLANTIC CITY, SITUATE ON KENTUCKY AVKNCK, OrPOBITK THE SURF UOfmG. EDWARD DOYLK, Proprlatov. Tcnsi to ault th Urnaa. ) C EA'BATIIIN Q-SEA'BATHINQ. NATIONAL HA IX. CAPI5 hUSl), CAf B M AT, V. J. rtUdren nudwr 1J rtra of av aud narvanta half arte. fluiMfsor acc'-ninit'daih'ttfi and aoiph' room tOlL TWO UUN1HHK1) VKl)Ni. )24-?m AAKOX OAfcaVKrttO, froprietar, JON WAY'S OYSTEE BAY SALOON. 8. W. CCIINEB OF S3XX)ND AND CHESXUT STREETS, FUILADELFHIA. V1IXAGR ftREEN 8KMIXARY. MIU wry Hoards Mhool)llu fVutoaibaff 1. 'ienni vory modVraaa ThorouirU c our mo hi aiathMuailoa, La iruair. anUi tudi. Ao. Capita bava UmiMa of a Koata. WAvUual lafe aa la 8arvy(ar aa4 Civil lftotoaaiv ID-. Boy di all aa tair a, Addiaaa for Clr,.. KKT. J. HKMVEY it VUTOX, liUln VliistMoOrv, lUwar Co.,la. GOLD'S IMPROVED 5TKAM AND WATKB UKATIMO Al'l'iKA'HJrt. WamlPi i4 VtiAttot rauio fiofldlaaa ax4 frV vai JLaaldaucaa, Vanofotnivd hy th UilOJK bTICAM ANO WATFR UK ATI 50 COMrAXI oy fBUUDi.l-i'iii A. JA&IKA P. WOOD. Ko.41 H kOUUTU HLfM-c. aV It. llLLi WaUaUU(yiUaVMdkV K flNANCtAU N 13 w NATIONAL LOAN AT lAlt. Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money COXfl'ONH ATTACliriL), t TAYAIlIX EACnSIX MONTHS. Tl( principal pnyaM In lAwfal tnoniv,at ttir-ad of thrc?rar8. th !.:Mr ). lUs rtnt todrraaitd at Uiat Uaae The 5-20 Bonds at Par Instead of the Oasb. 11. I rrlvllrfr ta taluaMs, an thr f.-W Bondt a-p o-ir Bft rApuUr Loan, and are rw if ting at elrht pot cent, premium. RBtiacrljiUoni rfclvrd In th nitiAl mAnnar, anit th Ari'C. and proinatd of the Htciaiaryaf (ha Trrajury, fc-rtlirwlih our Cifculan.and all necMary laforma 1on.HU tMronUstiM on a.opIh aUon at oar cTc. JAY COOKE & 00., JviT-IKH No. lit H. T1IIUD Httswt. PI1IK. 1'Uiail Sr. CO., DANKKH8, Vo. S3 8. THIRD STIIKKT, BIT TD (IU COt. aiLVEtt, Uit GOVSKh-MEHT asCnUTlE. BTOOK8 Boroirr am aot.n on commission. iiiai c I A II K H O N A C3 O. , UANKEItH, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, ril'LM'KU'IIU.. OcTtrnnifiit (ecTirtUt. of sli Ihjhoj Pdir'isseil n4fbr Pl Blocks , Hoods, shiI tiultl Bought snd bold on Ooss- SalMH. DlTERKHT ALI)rEr ON UKTORITS. fVllclon rromptlr Mad. M-tf P I 11 BT NATIONAL BA'NK OF PETLADELPIIIA, FSai-mcial Agrat of the United States, TTIS1T10I f CUIO , TREASDEY NOTES. NF.W 1'ATKIOTIU LOAN. rilrlntnii tlon from th Tr.iury Itiarttaont, thia B:mk U prcparpJ t) ru-clve auhicrtpttona to the Utw I'a rlotlr I-nau. lasu.d la the form of Threr tar Trottaury Note, tfitrlrg In tor ft ! t..o rat of 7 -l par ont. rr aiiM-oi.t nynhla acml -annual Iu Lawftil Moucronthe rthca-aof rhniary and August rcapoctlrel ,ot avh rar, 1 heao Trt-amry Notn are couvrril il at maMinty, nt tl. p oft ion of the hoidrr, into hited Btatri 6 cr n. roi cJ-, Iiitcrtt pa)Mlr Uiti'OlS, ar4 redomhlo aiior five and pn rblo twr:ity J( A' from August 15, 117. t f upon Kotot vl I be Utned In bUnk or payublu to onlrr at. may hi tiincttd h tho lut'.crlbtr, tu hums of A-Xi, fU ftlUnt.aod l-VXKi. !rt t(M !U li allowed from thorta't of thr iulcrlt(on t ti I'-'h of Ati;iut next, tho dntd nf tho Troaory Not Ihrte who tuny ml-scrlbe artcr the l'Uiof Aiuuitm-xt iU bt rctiuitcd to i ay the accn:cd Interest r. the !Mea. Any ore s.;ibBtrlbin rVrnot leaa than $.'6,0K of iti t-an at any on ilnu-. will bea.'oT1 a cominlPiion of omo nnart"Tf on percent. iaab: tr tt-c Triaanr I.'iart inert ob tlie rccoln: of a bill ft the amount, apnrovud by tiie iiiba ilptloa aaent. It.tVmi.g to ttc aonefcfd appeal f the Secretary of the Tn an'ry, I A al! thoie de.slrou of MUiff tJeitovevn iitr. to'icribc to tii Loan. C II, CliAIlK, LOAN, NliiW LOAN. U. S. l()-40's. JAY COOKB CO., or: l'jl i on HALE Tne NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, feamho rrrE Pth cekt. u coih. RH)cioai d t irt srur TbK TKAkH, t ui iwiii of Iht (VTCRiairnl, sod )! robTY VCAUs) aftsr lat. l-OTB COVVOH A'I REOIHTERED BONDS tn v frr tau Loan, of sua dinaaiUuiUoa s U HW Ttrli.Urot on SV's and aiuos payul feortyioa at outer tnrBajitur.t, yvirly. To ll-40 bunds art eu Marts I, U4 Tl.t Lair j-eartrlDtrtlflliigdut Htpitnoer ltt and at rol. Ut ot tack rcari onlll 111 Dap U mt ti, tat aecrnoA Ir.terui from lit of Mitk Is raqiilre4 to ( paid ty porthr.MTS lo cmj cr la ti Git ocuakcr. oVUin.-; ttljr pcrotnt. fr promiua. ontil frUir notira. all onirn oovutsMttrr wutikmcii bouobt AUD BC'LU. J AT COOKE & 00., tnt.JI-t 3to. l'.t 8. THIRD 8TKI.ET. gUITII A HANOOIjIMI, No. 10 6. THIRD PTKEET, UANKUUS and unoKEita Baodo.Btm'as Quart er-.asrn'ToiThrl and OVckJ.and ail Ooranmtnt 8car(ttti oatt and go!A tahU QOLD, GOXiZ. GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTMSD. DE HAVES A BEOTKEB, aul t , Ho. HO 8. THIRD ITAEET. J J E W E H R II 1S BASZEES AST) UCHOGB BBOma, V. 5 8. TB1U BTUHT. PftALEM Ui erECJB, BANK KOTES, AN1 GOYBRH MEaNT CURiTIS. BtocU BomcM 0oU 00 CvmmiMtou. OoltocttoM BtXAVsptl B&AOj. AsNt-tf BOVGUT A5D BOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HA VII & ERQTUEE, lWe-tt n"' HQ I. fulfil atfAaUX tTMTKT RTATKS KAA1KRS DISTRICT ' t If NMNl I VVU, M.T. till. l'Rt.siiir.07 OrTIIH IMWTi fiTATFa 9 T'lt- '-M' TUfc KAblKKH JllSrKKT oriivuii, Oli!I.TI(,, BI'll.'KAK Tit Tll.lrkt foirtorCiafnHrd Htattn In mliortlir Kntn I t.t'lrl i.f I'rmi.iivnnta. rlarl.tlr and niuj- ,rc-. AH on a l.ibH. iiir,i u nmnr , ,'ni,,! HlnK f! Am. ri. a, l.mli ntcnvrt a I i,.t...n. In Ki-nral lio l.uit, nr irtl.i.O 10 l.sva , aiijr rl.nt. til Ir. ..r Intpra.l lo ' i'i ' 'l'l"""-r-ll Jalt.M i-.4tnn.and (Itl-tn thnu. nnd dollar., tht i.rrx-Mi. a ti , tl.r.i. f..nrt and l irl.i .Mt. a. ..a I., -II.C- l.r.,ut AllA. ak. Krl.inrt "rr.nVt.T Into t.'ii. uutrlct. Ii. L. tu.,t.ilta, rn,u ,..".,1 lo itirlknu i.t, al Ihe tun and (.inr, nndrrwn ten and t ti t tirrrt liprMft, r titirt.a), tinMict .o rt-iuirinirt. fn art thtn-r-rt onannii and .trir-tlt T..Klii-l mill ii-inaianilf-il, ( you omit nH. t.rrt tlmt I V MIKIn jj ttii'-t lri-.rilt. Ill at CA.1 toi, fit rtallt li.--1ai m prtmtd and ptibh-.lind In tkt vttir nf ft.ila d t m, aii'l !n tho tn ni I'l im'rr, vi-u 4 montiti ti.t.of cat t tr I t ntr himIi. d and ctti d. ptrtianto. r... til iH-r'li. Iii.,gantral l.i hnvt. i rrttaiHl In l.Ai t, ai.v t grit, tiljt. nr Inti-rtut In II mldtitf niy ih a MIU nr.t tah tiiili nf t-iitlmt and ttlittn tlimirtn.l I'ntlari, ( mi-i rivi-.1" in ipt 'm iiirn-ni, in ai-t-tur nAinrt flit I inn. -ui .1 JOIIM II i A I. A I -KK tht Jiiilntnr Chr .aid Ci art. rn tj.i IMirlrr t'ntirl r'M.ra, i.i tl.o cll nr lhiiili-. pi U. nn Ihr iim rid Ih iia a ttr i.iiMh-a-inii of Ihri.t t-rt. .ftr. tf if hi a n-tltt r. or tl-t on flit nun! r..nrt ilajr Mlnifut. b.ttn tht n.itaJ linnri of htalnt nf d tl -ri- to .linn t nr a'ltsr. In d .1- f.-rm t law a rra.nn ahit anil lui fnl tM-n-t.lf ani tl.i- Imvi , wh thr oald iw. -tint riinl ono ball hair. i.f ri-t'on anil rtf.rtn thwii. ah ml di.Mai s. the ppK-ii-d. of Iht ta't tlitrwi?, mald n .t l.r t-roiiouiii-i-d to .r-lonir, al tbti tlnir- nf l-it caitura of tht .mnt. to ilir iiir-nili-i r.t tht I ni-til K atf-t. an.t a. tfxMla nt 1. 1 Ir tr.i mic. i-r r-thtrwlit. lial-'t ami .iitiiri-t to con it.T unit..!.. t. br adlu tiirl and Mimlrinncl ai K od and In nil rl't.; ami luitlitr to rin and n-f-e it In this nnhalf a. In Iti.tli r- shall aipattnlti. And lliat vi.n ilnlv intimate, or cnii.t to In1 ii'tltniiti-d. unto all otriMin. alnrti nd. atnt i.ill t to wl .-ii. hv iht tennr i.rtrn-.t prt.inti It I. alho Int.iniittii). ff-nt If 11 mmll nnf aDtar at 'ht t'DH-and I Hci-tiiT'i 0 nii-iitirittr-ct, ur ariKiar ami Hiiall nnt an-w a tintc f ilit ritititn of thi' annu. to ih' tviiitpn f the 1 nJti ij Ht nt i i Aint rkii, and at gu. tla of tin Ir eni'mi-io, fr oihi wim , ha'i' nrt't utiir t to roniWcaiion and cn (ii nnnitii't). t lie n'tjudyotland ro dcuviMl ai lawinl nriae. tin ahii p. c or tniVtr ioiiti) o ih erjn. nocfttMl nnt lohtnaied ip anywip notvlth"rftiiihir, nnd that vnu 1 11 1 nitiv tc the hhIJ hU'n t Coin t wi at you aliali do la trif ort nilp, tnti'incr w llii ine ft'e-i-nta W nno a th of thr aa J fourt ?lr, i'-J ? !,l,p,l,a..,h", m,i d'V..M Aiik'tir.r, A. I. WI, and In tu iaht n ntli year of Ui iiitn i t ot Lev 01 tl-t' f-ain vnit.Ki Kin:, a. jirJOJl R.J O , fieri, of lUtrl(i Court. UN1TKI) PTATl'.H, EASTERN DISTRICT Of n Nfn l. a MA, .sr T Till; I'liKHII'hNT V TMH I'MTKf) NT TF TOIHK MAKNIUL Of THE l.Al fcltN OIM1RICT OK I'r'NNM LVAMA, tiht r, r;. w Hi;i(K.H. TU M.trirtf onrf of the IltM Hate H ai rt l.r t:r I an .in IHMrtnt of I'tonr aiUs., HvMir and dn prorcMli c on a LibJ, filed In the name of ta I'tiltid Mutes ot America, huth decroed all rona In genenil who tae, i t 'rTrul to haM, Any rV'ht, title, or lteIet In tho ate nor IDA, whert-of Wl ttra Poa tU 1 nmatrr, her, aiarH. and furnliare, and the cttrfro ot the naht ntramer, caotund hy tlm t'niird Hiatt u HauitT ro vM.. nndt-r eommand of Llmtti nant (onniMmitr I. omit MmUmwh, to W momshtHl, r'.t'-tl, a: d c'J d to ju nim-nt, at ih time and place u ilwil ten. and to the rfleot nerrftftcr exprritanl (iui tee po iT'tntrlnKl. Vta an thvrrrir rhrard and trlotly et .'olm-d and comntmndt.Ml, thnt you muit nnt, I ut that l-y fuMKtiiiiK thoor orranla In at least two o' the a Ir tirw5fmrr! f nrted arid p'lbUihed In the city f rbdatUtphla ai.d In tlie l.rnnl intcihxjtmcrt you do nioioah ni.d die. oreau to ! monihbiMl and cited, leieni.tirily, all piraoni In fiueral, who have, orpra tend to 1 a , anv rlirht, tl le, or IntortTrtt In th aald JIA ard carvo, to appear bflorr th Honorable JOhN ADU Al Alil K, thr Jude ot th aaid Court, at the L'Htrh-t Court room, In the city of rhllhdciphia, on tho twentieth rtnj Ait or ptiMlcA'lon or thr pre arnrs, II ft tw a court da-, or elnr on the next court day follow Inu, hetwr-tn the nual h nr.$ nf honrlnn cauna, thin uinl there to blmw, or allege, In due lrin of law. a reaaoi.ahh aid lawlnl kukd, it any Uiur him-, wh tlx- .'mil htiamer 1IA and carrot ahoutd not be pro-iiouiii'i-d t tHlon?. ut the t urn of tha cApture of ih aitiuo, to tlii 4-Uftnii of thr I nllcd Ht-ttea, and At Kooda of tl.i ir eneuihftor otlcrwlne, linhle and anhlect to toi (fmiiaUou, to he ad odeil and cundf-rnnrd ax good and Inwful 1, rlzt ; niidfiiriJer tn on nod ncelve l'i tlu lw hHlt as to .iiink-o hail npM-rtsiin. Auk that vou duly lntli inri', or cn ic to ho linl.nated, uii'o all pemona Aii'ii't-aidif'-nerally ftohom b the tenor of thoc ire-at-i.ta It In aio uit.matwl), that if ihr ahatl not appear at the lme aud plane iiIh vo -inntljnoil or aitpoar and l ill not sIioh a r Hrormftie ami InMul em o to tho coi trr.rv, thru said Itnct Vm.rt doth h ti nd and will pi rrad to adjudtt aiton on the aaJd rapture, and may pioiioi'hfM-Dmt tiT ah! Md niuer lit., and earwo dd ha-h-t jt.ttt tltf i.tito of thr capture of the aa r.o, to thr em mha oft v t nUen 8it.tiH i Ann rOa. anrl aj c-ut-ia of .;uir nirnint or oiitrrwTe. iinoie aid minuet to con anon an 1 coxci'tniiatton, tn b atiudrd and eon- ilamotd ns law nit Ustxe. the abNcncc. or rntbir rmm ntacy, of H e prson a dt d iui-1 InMinatrJ luuwi I'otw ;thtamlhiar, aod that von duly cctifv to tic aaid Mntrx't O'rrt what you ah ell do m tn prrinliea, w g t' t r wtlt tht prrhrnt. Vitoc-athfc lltinorahlo JOHN C A f W A I. AT f', R , Jud of t. o eaM (out nt I'tailioh-lphU, thU aiMht 1 day of Annint, A. I iHit, and In thr eUr ty ninth yearoftlw In pii i ( tier of thfbaid I nitrd Htaioh. m lb-.'tt u. li. rox. IMork of District Court. LINMKD STATES, KASTKRN DISTRICT W l'KNMSI.VASI. Htr TUfc I KKttlhKUT or TIIK I'KITKH s rAn:s, TdTlih. MAI Ml a L Ut' 111. J, Ah 1'itiKN Or II.SUVAaNU, f7..v;7y.Y.v.- wiit.hl'A I Ii" District Curt of lha United Stat In nstrru liiairlct of rtvntlsr ai d i lily i iooeodlnffon a LHol tiled Iu llie nam of th 1 1 li' a Mutch 01 Africa, hath deni ed ah puranna In teuornl to huvo ot nrrtoinl to lia.e. any rtuhi, tlt.e, or piutrra. in aixiv oiia UNiaa, tnroe nair naira.axd oacka- Bi-Jtol cotton, (t-nrio ol a tenner iiam unkiuiHM.) tj- lurid by thu I j ated Matt' I Mi amor KKVSrOjK HA 1 K. a vrt..of-Aar cf tl 0 United 8tae. ird r the etiuitn.tmi of He ce Crosby, otmuandtr, and biotiflu into thin dlHtrlct, to be moniAhe.t, clod, aid alert tu juditinfin', at the tlm and piar.e 11 n diiAriukii, nnd to Uiu eMn-t hur'aflor cxpitaied, (tut. co too rriiulrlUK) Vou nr tiorlore char-e4 aid atiJtll i-iiKiiiCil and Miiiini.nli d Mm' uii timt rot, but ti it hv p'lliil-hinrc prrMtnn in Ht im.t two of the I nil im w-niera piiuud aid puh't-hrd Jn ihr city .f F..ilu.lei:d,la. Had In tie J.vat Ir.tsti jrrtrrr, j oti do tiiotiifih atid cilo, or caute to 1.0 aotii'dirtl anil cln-d jic.-i in. teijiy, m' irrs'Mn In kih ml wiu have, 01 pi eu nd ti: havH. tin v rl-ti , title orlniorei in th- a-d ai iy , im-l tU il.ret it ill baloa aim pm l.a h or c t-n, r HP!' ai I fc.i"i tl.o Honor. he JOIf X (aIIVAI.1II- li. Ill .'Mtilf'.' rtl IHC Mtttl (V-iirf . at thr iJUtlit t 4'o.irt llim.n., 1 Iti tie city 01 I'hiliidrlphlM.ra tnr twrnii-iii Cuv ailor f piibi ta'.i. o tl. h. p encuta if It bo a o-mrt tiiy. or iie ( oiiii.r nr.i c .nr uv l'inirg oeirtntlii UMililiOira i f hrnritx? taiorst thi a .md U irr tn tbo', or a h due fomr ih.w a n aoi ahl-eiHl lawful ecti-r. i any taov hve. h tJr Miid iiK.iv-('i:e bl0t. throe half btir a (id m ;. of cloit hl.oultl 1101 br proiir.nnoiti u tn l -yj, at the litii of tlie cn; tun-t' li e Kan t.i ihe rncn ea nf th 1'iiiiro rta'i-.aiKi an cimhIb of thir em ta oriohir- 1 lc, MhI-k- and hill i-cl to tondciMiallon to be a tiud.rd ! and c-(ideuint-(. a tti.od and luwtnl prln; and fur- 1 to to i.iiJ rc tia la tia hi'lhwli aa to jiuiice ' liiill apt' T'ttin, And that you only intlioKt. or eaii4 to be ii tit atti!. uiiio uU n rn, atm. a,M, trnrrally. (to win iu by the tt-iior of 1 lie prt.Htnia It U aiao Inti- I tnatid.) luu it thiy n' aJI not apptar at the time and j plci.r iIkc mcnto'Hi, or a c r und anait not alio a ' ir.iMiiahn- and lawtid cimie to th i contrary, then aaid at'iTtri v hi win un fun n - 'u t iti ir vmv- w noiti(ioa(un on tl ml I 0 ipt nro. iw.d mav pn-no-ince thul thoaa4 aix' l.t a. thn o I mt buica and puckHket. ol ctton uk b loRtf. a tbetloioot the capiMreoi th am( to thr c.irn ten of tl" I iitit d Mitti-aof Aimi'lcn, a 'id v no da of tht-li !, ii.icM, or oil.ei o, Htihlr and KuOmt to totiflr-e-llon ana ciiiiiimitimi,lo be totjiii'ddd and coudeiuiud aa Jan ti.1 pn.i' th- a 'fence r rather coiuuui v of Ut er 1 01 h mi cited and intiniittfui In anywise iioiWilhiUiiiilliiir, and Dav yoti only ctrtlfr to tho said lUtni t Court what ou a bail do lu ho pieiuliOB, together with theao pi tarn r. Ulti.oat! IlHi.t-rni lo JOI'N f ADW A t Di-R, Judjre of the iW. Cunii, at thia eltihia d of Auvuaf, A. I. m4, nod In tl.e i'h.-1-ty-iilnUi yiar ot the Ind; pei ili'iicoid Iftc id'l I'nl'.cii Huuea. ault,- t li. It. G, Chirk JMitriet Court. I .M'Jlli STA1ES, IIASIKKN DISTRICT HI IINNiV t. ANI A. HIT. THK I'HKIM'I.M or TH K l"KlTi:f 8T ATI". 10 l kit Ml(-.11, ill' 1UH tAnri K.N iilMCtttlCT oi 1 rvssk lva&ia, curt. 7A n MKl'.H,Thc oUtrlct Court of O e Unltrd Mat3 In atid 101 tl a KaK ra li-mrirtof rciii.ayWaitia, riKtttly and pn-reiiott nn a l,irc n-ctl In thr namn f th Ciilf 4 t tat cf Aoti-iia, U-ih dafnt:d ad ri-ot)i in ifiorrai who fca'i .or prvtctul to hatf, any rikM. til'e, or intt-n-ft In ti irt; fiiir bniMot cutb-n and ei'vnitot-u thouaand dol-lir-, ai'ti I'ju. ttrdr. thi- pioi'otdaof tbc wale int-roof, fe und nnd t'iid frt a by tl r banjor W ILI.lAV a N is A Al oi!. m d I r-iil.r into thla fiistrp t, to b Mh uihd. ciifl, aM railed tn hil;int'nt, at tttr tlao ami pla e iu.dervritt i, and to the etttc btitAltorepresMl (justice oi rm 1 oir I iih 1 oii aro. ti e tfra, iharited aad Kirk tlv cn clued ai d coiniuniulrd, thut you omt not, Imt tk-at bv pui,iii,l.ii p ihoMt pronta in ut loAht two of the dm'y 'i.iwpaiara primed and putiM-had in the city of f I'i'ti'U.'pl''"- nd In th Lt-ntti luiltiotnrr. vou donn-nah citr. or laufcu to he hunikhod aid cited, ,n (i ininorilv, all pirrtotus in f,'riiul Hbn havt-, or pceo'iia tch:ir,ai ri'. ht.ttiie.oi iiitrroHitu the atid ihlrt.-lour hktlcp. oi niton and iMtntrin tlioiiuaiid duHa-a and lipwutds.. th urm n df sitl' anlc lliorui , to aiM. ar boi'oro tt.o lionorahle JOHN C ALAKt It, t .HoUe of ti e aHld ( ourt, l bei liiati let Own I mom In tin City of IM.Ila di'Itliia. on tne mi ti th day aiivr piiU cjuiou of incao pra t-nu li it he a cotirt day. or eine ou the itex.t curt dy lolh win-. t'ttueeii tiua utuut hoiirn ot ut-arlnr cniiKrs. thott and tint 10 aiiuv.-, or all-Ht in Uualoriii of lair, a roiiaon ailfaiid lawful fxnuo, II any (her havr, why the aald )iny-l'.orbaleif cotton anil a vrntrcn thwimnd dt'lai a and op aid, t-c piicr-ilM 01 the tlo ehould i-ot br pioridDouitl to ht-kiiu, at tli fihiu of Ihr caeturr ot tho aitrue, 10 th eiwiidi-a of thi I utird htntc, ae1, ua iar-da of tin Ir dUaraioa or oiltrw!.ir, Ihthe ai-d subject to oondramiitin, to be nii'advd and enndt luurd aa no d and la iu! prints; and furtbrr to do and ncalve in thin brlia.i aa fn jtisttlcn "hull apprrtatn. And that yott dniy li.ltinaie, or eue 10 be Intimated, unto id- araona al'ora aid, uorerally (to whom hy tne teuor f three praarnta It ia alao intitnaiad), tlmt ii Uto iball not a;poitr ai th tluiv and placr ab-jve d, or apoaar aud ahali not fcltaw a r ai unable and luwtu uaiu to tb oootrary, tiia aaid IHatrtct Court doth Intend and will proceed toadjn dkaiiou on the aaid captura, aud may prunounc that tba aaid thirty iour buloa of outton and vuutn n ibou- and dolla-a and npwaida, th procaad of al thairaof, did loeloatr. attht'tfiuraf tba caplura f tha aaine, to tba eiiemleaol the Can ad Htate of Aavrlca.and a kmiAcoI Uitlr vnmila,or othrwsa,Uabl aiul au'drct to oaiuuca tlou and c(.udciiiuailn, to bo adjalifd and id. tuned a lawlVd price, tb ttiAd-r, or ratnor eontHUi. y,of the pr ona a cited aud iaiitaatrd In any wIm noiwhhabutdUi, and that 5011 duly ortlf) te iha aald DlftrW-t Court what you aball do in tho pmMUea,tottir with thow iiruata. Hiluoi tba Honcrabla JOHN CAD n XAIKU, Jut of th ld CvuK at rhiladelphla, thla naoun day of AHKunt, A. I. lHrM, and in ttwj oiRlity-alath yoax ui th IiiOm prad4 ace i the aaid Cidted rtntja. uuli rt . H.OX.Ckark DUtrlotOoikri, I OOK UKFORE YOU LKAtV I J Aithla ialeap yar and IU aoo leap out, lo not kp aftar anjr other but K. B. DA COSTA'S tWEST INDIAN TOOTH WASH, Ai K la an ait--! that haa b-a baplnn about fnr tho lat twenty jcaia, wni it provra it i woruwapiun aiver. Ta'iij oeo' per bolUa i U. R. T-EVSTT, JiantifaiHarwr iad IiuKrtir, aa9-t i(o. loOl iia.0L.iH auL fCO DKCEPTrON. NO 1NKBHIOB COAL Al ourcaarrd to offar hthiw Iha oott pt-o of a mparkia' artlclo. KAMI KL W. Wte. aoABir.i,alo. uao. oa.t aMa, oaila tho sennno tA.lJS !. aod ' luiaod A., aud twit sUM,vlt Aod aai toini'r. Dioii'ld auk Ihotr suroAaoo. a f.Vt Tloaa to aiMilhar UraiKH. u-s IMOVaJ.- THOMAS M. l'LOWMAN, uanwauraiid uor, fcaa roovrod hi, ,t. troaa i..i,.i. n.t alj Bulklliia. liavliur tucraoaod IWiirUM lur crrjui oa tb bu.bjou uuioarty, ta bin tu reMr a IWI w ran paw(o. I M ri-annia-ut tun mwtiii rantt v 110 nmtratj , intnill 1 a,,,-,,., iN,t i-i.n. aud .itrin, i,ir77. ... .. . V T l.lMr,U0urt.nthl,,t,B,l.dwlon,-,lt,,u.l.-,t,o ll'aiVaftb,.;"; i n the ihiiI i nptnn-.and may p.vtmunct thai the d 1 .. tl . i,ni riKi,JLi .1 V. 1!?. .rh.y.t,v,..,,,1.h,l-l, tnanlcn.,.., and dttrtn .houaand !',;;, 'U pV', ThtTnJ w"., ht?ln? r .MraVi Hni 1 i hp 1 mi tv mr iirix i-t'iit ii - iir anir ntvi r., nm UflKmii, inn ' B ,,.,miA nam ah.. stn. i.i... PROPOSALS. IHtonmAii you hats, CAi'S, fluoas, ir (tonaa. Htirtn Mat. flala, -, U'l(l Aunu.- diTiii'nn.1 or fTAaifinflTntr, Oirii or t.'Mtrr uAniraWAaTKff. Writtfti iimmi'i win tit rtrrlrts at Iklt otnio an" rnrttiti ii lr, f,r Airnl.hlaa Uit . InWiar artlnlts I intnl romrabaad man, woBito, aod chlldiea lo Utla Ibs fiartromt : limaaii. (rnsrtt, c), and otbtr spnrlMabu Boots aod alinra inr tptn. wsmtn. at dohlhlrtn . wtar, bir. rclt, and woolm II ata, ami oloth fan.. hi iftr. t,ln. v,t,lnLlnirn, Callc. s, llltaarti.aad otkof wonlr-n and roiton mod.. Ilii lnrv Hlrlot (fnr tkino, Rtd llcallK, nhloaofcoA Mns in, wnolf-n Pt-llf and Hnr aim htKiol C'dinn, tiiar and wmtt: f.totn Thrtad. tini.e Huai-ttidr-r Htittnnti laraa llutton. for Coat.. Vint rnrt-rlaln ftn tnaa, Vam, MtcJlia, and ofkts atn tna malttni. and frlnimlnjr. H.n,lf, .hnnld lit on with tach MJ, ot Iho iimih of tin .rt inrwn-dl Iht aaanO Aiiiit-li of alii siani t alniid arr-nmpany oar-h bid. n irti tin.xi..iin win nt tntrnamtd. hul tTerrkla. or rnndiN-a.inn ,,( tht nmt. rn it bo Id wrltlinr. Purriia-tt will bt n.adt from timo tn time at tbo t)n4 an- n.-niil.tMtiittonlrartocolhorirlj, as ins Iri.lrwio ot tht .rrt n,., niilr. fhHl ..Mint) will ht t mlrtd frr tho raJlhfttl fuldlrata ft am iontrai-1 mafi, Bn.ti- ad trilK-mtnl. li rntK,.,i, ..Nan btlf, nn arhtrt'tod tn iht oodtr , V ".. V 4 ', I'rupoaali ftc l nml.'ln ih t, .i r u . . t HA8. . CIKDwIK. w ani intmn. j.Jfc tm 1 R O P 0 18 A 1. H rOR l,lTH.DIJa SOUTtt A. I" ln lo havy llopartmant lliaidi. . . KAVr frTWTIT. limn 1 1a.u ' ni-avfl prorwals. ondorard l-r....u tu bnlidiac an. 11, W IM tn Na.y l. n. rt,tnt hTu-lln,.-w. aa ra! Will (Wlsrair toa iave (he uihhiia o mnh trd and rridv fhr Atvunatl k. n.idHlli hU must be avoninpaniod by Uie ftiUowiuf uara- fOWM Or ftt'ARANTI.K. Tl.e undr-rnUn.-d. -.of . in the Htata of , n4 of , in the Hiate of -, hfn:? trtiarant that I ta-. iho mrtvnln h'd of for hniMini ton tit fffli-e nei--ot th. ir remd.nee. exeeuf the oontrar 1 t! enitis, with fn-d and auiTlctfnt aaeurtt i and in eae U amd - tii it II fnJI to endT nt enntrart na AftnTi4, w iri'ai'nfe' to mnko irood th drfTfrrnoo 0trao Ui oiTrK the tahi and that w hich may b acceo'ed 1mrii: C U.Guaraal'MT. , IV.4. I hinhy errtlfy tVat the alwwe named tea) anov nn n r aami-tiofpn petty, and abi to natt fo4 tiif tr n-XAionfre io ne iaT on ry me rmtea vtavi vTy Afent. D'trrlot Judge, nr Attorney, nr Ool ertor. auo miUN 1ROpOHAL8 FOR HALLE ABLE IRON CA ralry Trtnimlnfi. Ordnamr Orrirr, Wa Tr9KnrurT, IfAriTrTi.roN. f jly 4 " Br-At.Vt. rROPOA,8 will be rtjeld at thia nlNn Until lAATi:ilIAV.AMaiiai,lrH,t 4 O Clock,!', af.fnr the delivery at tnr 'oliowiin point of the ndnrj'nUoao4 (jmihtiih't of tuALoable-lroi. uinuaUwa for eavalrr eauiav Dientk: At thr New York An oner, Hew Tnrlr, 80,000 U. At thr Krunkford Araenal, lO.WHt ata. At the All. reny Ammal.VdOOO erta. At thr ht, lsOttta Anenal. 1 ,0uo mk . Kach lid U fn rcifiHUt nf h .nmttaM Mf AAAk VlnJ js buek aimarw, nmr, beit.atud. and too raow pntaotihn. exroitt that two of thr 1) murk In natch J to banaaA) of tbr ih w pattern, wiUi at i, aocordtna to the aaneVi n w -ii-r pi ittsj oonvtj arhrnai. 'ii-.e caeunfra are t) tat uiadeofthe boat quality of naileahle Iron, tha toaettra aa Un? buchh-a ot the boat atock wire. The dimant"a a the rh nnrd cimtinsj aod the flidbb. And dlnrnaioniof tba but k tooBi.aa and roller muat conform atiictiy to tli) atamUrd nauRra, which wilt bea.pted brfora ja.mnirln?. Attrr InIiim tioroiiKll.i ckaned and frod from all apfnea mid IrriyulAiUU, tht aie to b apaand In Ui beat ntaoner. 1 in imodf are to he put nn In paper. In the a-mal rxiaav ner, Hud pa k-d, two hondroo complrt eeta tn a boc of 141m ity. atiJ marked aa ma; be rrii rttied by tU laapeot- Inuiffidr. Tne oik I tn be aabieet to tnapectlon attt amaow fot r in all atayea of 1: pmtrrraa. and 00 icooda ar to Ihs ncK itvil or paid for which bar not paaaod injaxaa- tli'M. lrr'lvrrlrt arp to he ma1e aa fdlow t lticd. ra wiu atate a weofcJy rat at which they oaa tflclivcr. Itii0'-ra will etate the ftreeaal or arenat rhr tny projne todi jtrrr. and the numoorof art they an .! ta di'luei At 1'nrli uljin-. if or nmrA rhsin nua. laJ.nrsM cast ! makedcl vrr'rx r.t a eteclfled time win auhrot cor eaa- tra tnr to a l' rieiiur ot th nouber h may fall todeJvar ai that time. o hid wU11h received fWa part-aa other than raewuaf tnaMMfaciurira of tlte anlclea propoaod fnr, and who Kv known tn thla ivpartmeut to he canable of Koutaaf aa Iht 1 1 own Mtopa the woik propowod for. loin a oT biau can b obtained at th abor man4! anrnalr. I'"f i'sah not ptatie ot cn thit form uitt itol e on iuhrrd. . , nCARtNTtE. ThrhdtrrTWllllvnqiitnd to accopaair hli peapal. tlon with a pttarno'eo, aiKnod hy two reaptmaibl pura-ina, tl at In rakt-hi 1 11! he accct 'ed.he will at omt rurcaia the contract for tbr Hra with good AOn aiifnchnt attra tifii m a aun: tqhal u thoanic uot of th oontract,to 4a Ihrr the ar( Vit a proiroacd in conformity with ibe term ot thr aovrrtlurmont : and In cae the a aid bidder abonial lud 10 i tner Into the contract t to make antd tlie d- fcrecce trarwrt n th orfor of anid bidder aui t ta no ;ar.or ma t inn hr a Aid' d i The rooponathllitr of tha vnarantora ma at b ahoana by tiie odu tal reitincata ot tu Olerk of ti.e nrar 1 cH liiairict Ctiiri, and the Ualtrd ttutca IK trie t At torney. Hood In ti e arm qu to tht amrnnt of the contract, alurrd hv tlie. eotitra-'tor and Imth rf htt trnarant r, wtl br roinliet of he aucceaaf tii blddat or btddMta, apoa aigtt- tiig the cobirect rouM or ocAkAnKR. I TV e, the rnt'iifrlxnoa, rt"idtita in , In tha ' eoi TH of , ami Minie ot , herebr Jromtn nun ai'Ti'ially covommt with the UulUd AUts,ao4 : Kuirenioo, In cam' tlM-fori'Ao.iie bidnf be ao- t-cp'ii,ihflt heoi they wM! a' ontv execute tn contra)! for tin-usuue, l hiondand irticieni aurftioa In a a Him enii'l to the ni m.t in contract, to fuml h th arUv ; l nn oi-ecl In c.itfi iruJfy witli thr lemia of t-da ad.ertiao- mrnt.iiiitcd.liily It, le4, undrr wi.lih the nd waa m- I ami hi t km ih'-sMjd at all fWH lo entrr Into ft Ctif trart an aftmfild. W iTJHrMiit-sa tA mak awwul tbi. Ai4. between u e orttr of hr aald ' - and tba h wci ia- ows-blr b ddir. or th prraon to wbia tb cotti .ici n-ay b awamod. 1 otrvn onarroar hanl and aoaii w :uica : f una flay or tao. 1 Ti" in 1, s""innr,'t mnat ct Spta itd Il.tofBalal rt. i CB, tOUl I (IM-II-m !'U Knrii oaiiy i'litiniiiraointract wt'J bo otilktdto ontar tiiiiibi.iira uttti aiiruvoa tuttlns turtlio lAiUuui oxuov- Urn HI tl t .hint. I'pnti tl 0 nnrr! btlrs tntdt, oncMaarUI Mddnrs WIU bo D.itil'iU, ani; rumltlivd iltti furms or ooulroct aad Tht IVpnrtmint rtaorrta tl.o riht to rojMI anjr or all tiit but. if dettat-d tioiiattvfactory oo, an Rftnulit. Pioiimkla will t f addrenaM to "Brlsadlor-0orai Oiiiit II. KuniKiiy.Ctiirl oi- tlrda.iiico. ia a,tiitirtiM. t. :.." and will bo mloratd "lrovo.als lor Malloakla Iroa Cavaliy Timutluas.' OKOROK D. KAMftlY, JylMuthMU') nrls.-litu ,Chlof 01 OrUaanco. pEESIDENTIAL OAMPAIQI. F li A O H , BANKERS AND TBAJTSPASENOIES. Ko. 4? 3. TKIEO STKEET, Abo to Obosoat, PhllAd.lahiA. KAhVrACTUKKA OF ILAGS, BANKERS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTF.HN8. Politic ai UamsaUB Club. ud on wlUl Laotanu. ftadaot, Sanuors, and flara. at raaMaaUlo rata. M Sol JAITJI II ANOINU ajl', riI',MOAL. .1 A. M 13 H C. FINN, (t !-.(, IliJK lXL BUOrfltUSl, . Ilua Ilsuiorrd from , . No. fill to No. 028 CHESNCr Stritt, Ha v lot puri'tii'tl tl.o stork of JAMBS ItTJKKK, Jr. (riirmiri) ltrJrui-'), whtro ho wilt offor to I U eustoown ar.d Iht riuMIt a Urgo axi oleuaot aaaortMont of DteoratioM and Wall Papers Qenerall. hj slung Lin f-nonal atuntion to tlio orUinf aod aana Ins llieteoi, Yin hopes lo oentlaii. to roolvo tlio lltxaoi liatrooase of iha pabilo. rutens and tlalton art rospeotrtillj InrHad to taaitoo tbo varli-tj on hand. 1)3 lot youB PATB01AQE BOLIOITED, XI AT, OAl 0B3TS' TUEUISHIHG GOODS. rutti ATOKB ABOVB ATLANTIC HOTEL, CArE ISLAND. CAPE MAY. aul-tf KKTf JERSEY. jKdvmaawoii paintiwoii jo. 47 & TBIED BTEH7I, - ABOVB CUfiUbtC. .. ' nnxfailPhkw FAUY BROTUERi '! BOCM, BIOS, AXS ORNAtaXK'f A L PAlXTKS. tlratnloi, aUtBt,OUaa VlAM.KabJttitailnt, faaol s. am Ql'hEK F TtKAVl'Y-WmTK VIKtiOl Waa of Antl'lt. lo tan me r -.o o tho aa, tur bvauaryiiLS. wbllonwy. ai.d sroMi viriS tao Oi-uplojiUiu. It la aaiidt freia pui. u.a V. Ii.-i-.t no oxliaurdlnary qaAlluia tur priuor'iDa fi4 iii, a.1 ms ft ai-rt, omiciti, ralr. and traa,',rut. It eunn - t.f A kl.lld. ur llii,, ratima. ojuuawt. Ifrt-ia Ho 0 -l -"I'' kaaufx laMd umv liy HI' a r to., uuii, Jw.41 .lljairiJ Si., -i duii !. Jyl-i a. at.wrf .u-a, I