The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 11, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Bpttlal DftpnU'hi'ft to kt chins TeiYcraph.
Wakmiswton, Aagist 11.
BAtlrr'N I ire Zotinvrn.
Baxter's Firo ZouB'ci have just parsed tip
Ftor,eenih street to partake of the "HMicrnia's"
collation. They leave for Philadelphia to-day
at Boon, and will nrrivo !i"ino to-:vioriow noon.
Thry ara ceorted tU- morn.nx by a battali n of
the Veteran Reserve ( orps, a band, and a dele
gation ol oiil.oni from l'biiu K lptiia au 1 1 Ins ci'y.
A nil v iT Itie I'moiu nr.
There Is nothirg new from the Army of tlio
rotomac this morning. Artillery and ptoln't
filing Bill) continues. The pre-cut lull In active
epTat,ons In that quarter will probably continue
for several weeks y jt.
Mr. NlHitton hm Not Roly:nl.
Tho statement transmitted yesterday, to tlie
effect that Pecritary Ktnnton hod resigned, was
ni'de on what anpeared undoubted authority, but
both the Piesidoat and Mr. Stanton, to-day, deny
that there Is any tru b in the report.
nr. teftvoiMlru'w tOltirn.
Frivatc k tters received tVoro Mr. Secretary Fes
jtnrbn niakc it profile tba'. he will return than wis at first contemplated. 11: It
looked (or about the loth.
Arrliitrftiirnl Alteration!.
Arrangements are now beinj made for tearinc;
down the prevent state Dcpirtmcnt building and
extending the Tieasury by the addition of a north
front. Wbca completed, this will be one of tbo
largest na it in one of the tincst public cdui.:e s in
the wotld.
4llpelor tnr HontM.
Mr. Nathaniel P. I.n;;for 1 has been appointed
United Biatcs (.'olle'tor of Internal Ueventio lor
the Territory of M m:uu.i, with head nt
Uannock City.
Iitla-rntsl Rrvriin Im-Ii1hii.
The Commissioner of Intern il has
decided that owner or agents of vessels or
cnal Itonts do not appear, under section l':t,
antbori.ed to charge in their freight bills the
24 per cent, tax In Addition to the amount agreed
upon for freight. The word "fare," in the nr.,
cannot properly be construed to unhide freight.
The sumo equity which inll icneed tbo cn ict
ment in the proviso iu to f re would fce.n to
apply equally to freigh', nn J it may have been
. by accident that the provision in favjr of the
transporter was nit made to inclnde both obj :cts.
But we cannot undertake to -uppiy by coujecturo
, - omission in an act of CougrcdS. Fare is an cu
Irtly different subject from freight, and c innot
be interpreted by any reasonable latitude of con
- struction to Include it. The lutli fiction has no
application, and does not cover the dllU. nlty.
iv kioAKii to riian- njci ur.yTH.
Public documctts printed for the State, whih
are not sold, bnt g,raiu'ttn.sly distributed, are not
beid to be taxable.
While common wood-charcoal and baue-dust
are specially exempt from taxation, tho animal
charcoal, made from bones, and known and sold
as anlniul-cbiircoal, i.i taxable.
By the net of Jimo .10, 2iX is fixed as tho
standard ton for purpose of taxation under tho
Retinue Law.
! rmUBHHKS and hook Aorvrs.
Where a publisher sends an agent to solicit
subscriptions for a book which he is about topub-
i lith, and afterwards sends out another agent to
deliver the books when published, it Is necesiory
thst the latter agent should take out a peddler's
lice ns e.
liMiiirn or 'iinmnueler In riorldre.
Brlgudb r-Gcucral William biiney has bnen
relieved from tho command of tho Florida Pis
tiict by Gem ml J. P. Hatch, and ordered to
report to (Jo.icral fciuler at Fortress Monroe.
He will p'obubly be aaoigneJ to (he command of
the colored troops in Uenenl Butler's dop irt
ruint. General K. K. l'ottcr has bon asiguod
to the command of the DUtrict of Hilton Head.
4'lollilnir for llircf f iiili' Hon.
The War Department has decided that the
aUnuiDce fir c'oLhln,; for three uimtli' men
who tave served los than that time shall be
fixed for the full time of service. Ttie same rule
applies to six nnd nino mouihs' men. The one
hundred diiys' men ill bo treated iu thisrepeet
the mnic us the three months' troops.
1 lipillll KNUINtllaH.
The tmooiit of unpaid reuii,ii,ns Iu the
Treasury doting tho past week were reduced
eight millions six hundred unJ thirty-seveu
thousand dollars.
TrmMirj Oiirralioiin.
One hundred and thirty-to thousand dollars
in fractional currency A'ero UdUi'd from the Trcv
kory l.ibt week. Over tour miillons of tho thrco
years seven three-tenths notes were converted
... into bonds between the 2d and 9b of August.
" Iliertvfll Ni ww rnui llotitlo
ThcNavy Department has no desputoh-bont at
Mobile, and it is e:.pecteil thi.t tbo Bext advices
from Admiral l-'arrugul wdl be received nt New
ork via New Orleaus, with which city be finds
, means of communication. Letters from the
Dt-pnrtii'ent ore daily addressed to New Orleans
fur the Admiral.
Hi rruitlnif nlirl Wen.
Oenernl Patrick has issued orders forbidding
recruiting ogen'g from enlisting colored men
within the Huts of tho Army of the Potomac.
The w HcKlmrrut she rrpuniiry.
iod laid V, C'oltiy, of Vermont, was appoiated
Regtcr of the Tieasury to-d.iy, vim the Hon. L.
F. Chittenden, rc-lgucd. Mr ( hi tenden bus con
tented to ri main in barge of tho bureau until
his successor returns from Vermont.
' Term ul K-rvi('.
An ordes; from the War Department to-dy
declares that olhcers of throe years organl.t
Uoup, whcniromoted and roeommlsl .ncd.must
be sworn In for three years, and nil for balance
Xt hi expired term of regiment or ha'tallon to
which they belong. The spirit of the order
applies also to promotions In forces organized for
less Ihnn thru) years. This practice has pre
vailed for (nine titno, but is now first embodied
in general order.
- SKIIirm nul Men r.xi'hnuui'it.
By commnnd of funeral Bstiks all olli.'crs and
tfiUfted men, iirlconera of war, uho wero de
livered at Bed Bivcr Lsnding, July 2'-', IKGt, to
Coloi.el C. C. Dwight, Commii-yionrr of Ks
, ihttoge, huve been deciured exchanged. Officers
irclinleil In tl.i etlmi.;:e I.i longing t regiments
in tlif i'th Army Crps, me ordered to report a
once to MH.iur-Cieui rnl J. .'. Ue nulda, to rejoin
their regimen s. Thoi-e be'otigtiij to regiment
ff rinerly comprifcitij, Ihc IS.h C'oi(i, to !ri,raiier
Gm.islT. W, r-hcrnoiu. Cointn in Jiuj Dufecses
at K Cilfuin, Tlce nud iniiud men
llouging to tirgsui.alkn-' . Im-t itriu t-f icrvlee
tni expired Will at oueo Isf ira-iip n d t their
rn iciivt there to be luii-lerei! out, in
. viiib Circular . No. ;H, U'n- Depart
jiiut, May 2. -
Inn Hi of n Amerii'Mu tiiiimil.
New Vokk, Anpiit-t 11 Dr. hiyi.old-, the
American toi.m.l, (lit J i.t i-l M.o'c's, 8t. Do
uiingo, on July 22.
rU'Vtu biiDtlictt Hebel prisoners tir'ved this
iiioriiing (rem Point l.uul.oui.
A Keiicl 11 rule hei-ii
-'v VokK, Augu.t 11. li e lii i J Suniii, fioi.i
C i: Puu n, it pi.iu. tlii.t'm tlie '.'l-t I.H., when
MKiil.t-live iiiIJi soutbo.ift n (Die Inland, she
o a luijie u..uuir, KbieU lup.'c.ed to be a
tiuic. ,
Ibtf itwcllyof blip Iu tac mllis at Clinton,
MattiabuMtts, leichtl.v liupi lled'lhe i mipauy to
i d amgtiit toNoitUem Ne VoiU, who re
lull ed wtb foity glr.s.
Sixty Persona Killed and Three
Hundred Wounded.
Twenty-seven Sacks Full of
Human Fragmonts.
jVue i: unt.
Npelsl to rill" Cvenlnir Tlirrnph.
Wakhinoton, An;;ut II. Tue .''ir.siys: The
mail sUamer C. Vauderbilt bos arrived from City
Point, bringing pirticulars of a terrilic explosion
at that place on Tuesday morning lost. The mail
tteiiraer ii. 'n.'or had jiut lelt the. wlmit', provi
oentially, when the explosion tooK place, otlier
vvUe the disaster would have been gre ttly m re
deplorable in Its extent. Tuo explosion to k
place on board two barges loaded with ordnance
Mores, liclonging to the tith Corps.
Opinions dill'er as to tho cause of the exptusl-iu,
some asserting that it was occ asioned by one of
the workmen dropping a box of umin luidou,
while others contend that It was caused by the
sparks from cigars used by pers ins on board.
The loss of life was fearful, but when the I'ui
ihibiit left City Point yesterday Hunting the
exuet number of killed and wounded ba 1 not
lccn asetrtained.
iSixty are reported to have been killed outright,
and betwtcn two anil three hundred wounded.
neudf, anus, und !egs of victims, lilling
twenty ecven sai ks, were pit. bed upon the
beach, nnd the water is .-aid to have been litera'ly
tilled with limbs and bodies, In every stitte of
The 2(H!i New York mili'ia, doin;; provost
,!i.ard duy ul City Poiut, lose live men killed
and twenty wounded.
Pieces of shot und shell were thrown over the
Corps llospitul a mile to the rear of Cry Point,
and parties one hundred yards away from the
scene of explosion were killed by th falling of
fragments of .-hell.
Tho keel of one of Ibe barges woj thrown up a
M I forty feel high.
Most of the buildings at tho wharf were de
molished, and some four bundivl feet of a new
warehouse wbaif destroyed.
1 he ot'icc of tho Adams F.xpress Company Is a
complete wnek, but the employees of the com
pany who were in tho building escaped un
liurmcd. A number of otll. crs and men of the Conr.uis
I'try Department nro mis.-ing, nnd supposod to
have bein killed, hut then; names have not been
u-ct rt lined.
Colonel Babcack, of Oeccrul Oi.tnt's Btalf, was
(liisMly wound J, and Dr. Prentiss, of the 7;id
New York, had his left font mashed.
Mr. Baxter, still, r ut l.'.ty Poiut, is amoug the
Ihc explosion Is -ni.l to have li.ikouthe earth
for miles around, und lor a limo cause ! the
greatest consternation.
Mas.y of tlio buildiugs on the wha'f nt City
l'c ii.t are a mass of ruins, and the of h
il. property will be very heavy.
The Vamli'rb-U btought up severtl wounded
NOillCH Accotur.
THE l:Pl.tlMOM AT II IV l'OIr.
WAHiiiNii iuN, Augu.t 11. A lector from City
Toint, dated August 10, says : A "lout 11 o'clock
yestiro.'iy, a nulie resembling the explosion of a
inagaiuo ivus hcatd at tho heudii'iaiiers of the
Army of tho Potomac, and many surmises were
Indulged in as to the direction Irom which It
came und Itt cause.
Dining the afternoon word came that a boat
leaded with ammunition bud exploded at City
Point, cuu.-ing a frightful lo3s of Hie. On the
correspondent of the Associated Fnsi reaching
the 6ecno of disaster, a specta :1c was prcsent jd
to him utterly inuwcribable.
Buildings were demolished, tents thrown down,
and a nuiiitiei of horses killed. I'lie dep it builtl
ing.wlii. h h id just been completed, was a mass
ot ruii.s, while the gro.ind for buu lred of yards
was i-.oveied wi h property of almost every tie-
Tlc dead and wounded had been extricate I
from the ruins aim curried back ; the former for
buiuil iii.d the latter to tue hospital.
A boat loaded with various kiuus of aniunnt
tiou wus bei.ig unloaded by tho neurit of tho
(iuarte:)iiustei' Depanmeuc, (nearly a liumlrcd
iu nunil ei) ; and the onlv the iry advanced as to
tlieiuu-col the c la.nity is, ih - n shell must
have been dop(ied by one of I hem, thus coin
niunicatiug to the eniirc muss.
The noi-e Insud aliout thirty seconds, and wit
nes say tl at tbo shink wus felt a loag distance
on the noe ol the road.
In trout of the lunding were bicated nnniber
of otliees und stores, nnioug them ilu: Post (Mice
uud Auuiiib' Express, which weie almost utterly
loin down; the l.ireu num erof pervnns occu.
pv mg tin in escaping w ith adgbt tiruises.
In the icar ot tliU isu t;cep ImuU, its su.n nit
being covered with tents, waieti me osuluit
cbietly by the colored lauorers and ili-ir l
Hud the giourd been level the I is of lite would
no doubt huve far exceeded ih n which rosulieU.
Shells, bulls fte., Miuek iliis amp inn pi rleet
(hovier. while the ground in iLe vicinity wasn
tuuily covered witnall Kind- in' kmio a Imgu
number (.fold fiuldlis.nnt! pit. - o: li imr-. oi in
amongst the debris. A i iti'e l wuli Ut. "
stoics wus blng uloogKido, etd mioth. r wu lorn
to pieces, a lare portion being rai-ed ejiupl.M; ic
on! of the wiucr and through the tnn h iii-c on
Hit (Jock.
Csptuin Benedict and Captain Ames, of the
Coininii-n.ry Iiopurtment, wnj in tin- miilding
at the lime, und were buried beneat'i fheiuii.s.
After miuh labor they wore tMr.catcil faun llieir
lurileiin. iiumiun, iituber luliig tat,ll iui ired
bill a tjo' il (leul tiriiii.( J,
Cuptii!ii Dridel I). Wiley, wl o n ia in hi- lent,
)uile ii illfim vr fioiu ihc Kit, w .u rucl. e.u ibe
1 end bi h i ioc i t fUi II uiiO imuied. iLwii.'.i not
ilan(.ei( lo-f i . His c ei l.. Mr. MiKee. mi
teveitly u.Jioed ul tin: kaiue iluu ion n L.uin.t
A. M. I'.i.xier. u riillian. fro u O.I.I Npring
New Yiil:, Mas l.ilUd. a -o 1 1 4evr
Priiales AukiI aud MeicaK, ut i',e IVth
Cavalry, were killed.
A mgiri.r i.ur.eil Mrr!j, in ih (rdu in.:e
Otlii e, ii .iuted, anei died .ou after.
l.leutiDuiit I-uiie, cf the (fat airy depot, wis
alipbilv ii.jund, us was aUo a elti.iit named
Julius TIioiii. clerk in the (.rdaauer f 1 1 ee, was
kiliiil; Mr. Kay, of the JSaiilturv OiMiiuii.Mua,
was felkhtl.v injurid, aud Kieli'd Ktont, a
citlu-u, killed ; Mis. eSs iicr, a rebel ugent ra
ce ivid Hie: In u.ji.iio.
The eauialliti. ure beliived to l. a' Wit M
killed uikI i.euili Km wounded.
A nniiiber ol the hodii-to! cidorcd r ersons havo
been le ui.d betook thoe, ud
theie aie Mxiecn in tbo Post Hi.M,tiii, whilo
others me natui-td in different loealitit. luetoliuduu u.moicor Itvt woutntcd,
were to ilm colored (.vueral llopiul, under
thargeit li. Calhoun, wbeiei-CKralHiiiputuious
weic pel formed. ,
r ive l.ciU lu-M'dihrougli the ro il of the 8 iui.
luiy Ci uiiulttiuo boat, but uo Oue up'..u u was
It was believed that many bodies were blown
lulo the river and never bn recovered.
Ti e I"" is put tl j wo by him at ahoiit (In'rtT
killed and seven v or cigh'y l, twelve of
Uic killed lil DI soldiers.
Nothing has been dlsrsivcrcd as to the cause of
the calamity. In tbo C mmissa y Dooartnient
six nun arc known tone killed and some tw :n"y
live wounded. Twelve men belonging (o the
railroad were Injured.
Tor losr of pioicny Is not known, hut will
frove to be v ry lar.'.
The ItOiu Ni w York lost six men killed, and
had seven wounded, and tho llSih Ohio lost
three killed aud four wounded.
The bout .wis, tiro and wAcking t ig, ran
-hore, and cx'CDdfnv' lier host!, threw six -.'reams
en the tire, puttu'g on. tho, an 1 thus
Fuviug tl c entire ammunition in the. hu ldiug.
Cnui-itlorable tiring Is going ou at the front this
One ol our gunboa'i opened during the night,
and threw a number of shells at what sup
p sed to be a moving Uo'kI tor e.
Mlmtiiis, August !. icn :ral Sini-.b's ctpe
ilition Is well. In destination is
Maior-Uciieral Slouim his lcen relieved at
Vicksburg and or ic'd to report to (iener tl Sher
man. The District of VI luburg is asinod to
Vashburne, who now controls ibe river from the
Cairo Department to the Hull'.
All is quiet on tho White river.
The Rebels In thctrans-M:s,.soiyi Department
are trying to cross the Mississippi.
(ienerul Dick Taylor Is at Mcrld'nn. In plnee of
S. D. Lee, now at Atlanta.
Conclusion of Foaco Bstvrecn
. Germany and Denmark.
Ni w Y'oiik, August 10 The royal mail
sbip '.ni'ii arrived at this port this morning
from Liverpool on the (0 li ultimo.
The steamers I.ouisioui and .Uia arrived on
the 30, b.
The following is the very latest intelligence :
London, July 31. The Paris press, under re
tcTvo, announces tho conclusion of peace bct.vecu
Germany nod Denmark. The basis is
The armistice has been slightly prolonged.
The l'reneh jur,iuls contlnuo to h .rp on the
impending sea-tight twtween the Federal and
Bulled eriilsers in the Cuaunol.
In the House of Commous, Mr. Layard said
t) at Kugland intended to rouogniz. the uuw
Mexican empire, wiiliaut wai'ing tor tho Staws
nnd Territories n.w under Juarez 1 1 bo brought
within the authority of tho new Government.
Lord 1'.. Howard called attention to the enlist
ment of emigrants iu America. Ho complained
that British subjects were being entrapped, and
urged watchfulness and energy to put it down.
Mr. J.i) anl admitted t'nt ihero were grett
coii'plainls, liut (he Uovurnmetit could no. d i
n.oie 1 1. an it hud done, ilu irusicd that tho
American nuthoriiics would oudeuvor to check
the iiiiuse.
tit vei at other speeches were made, Including
one by M. P. Taylor, who defended tu-j N inner i
(iuvciiiii.eiit, which aos determined to put down
the k'utctioldiug Kebt'ls.
On .he 2!) h nil. P.rlUmeu' was prorogued.
Tl.e ijaeen's fp.cch was read by comniiijion.
It is m i l rally uuimportnr.t.
It oei piy lamtnis the continuance of the civil
war in America, promises continued tlri.-t neu
trality, I ut would rejoice to see a friendly re :o-i-e
iliiii. n. I. expre ses satisl'actiou at the iuilix
of eoitoti fioni all nuariers of ibe world, and thu
c. nieoiKut mitiga ion of tbodis:ress iuiheco ton
inauii:aciuiiiig distileu. Kcgrets the failure of
ibe l)auo-(ii rinau CoDfereiicu, and Iioims that
the ntw negotiations at Vienna will bo success
Itil. Tt.u test ol the speech enuun ra os si tii
lishetl fnct-, and n joices at tho cjutinued pros
peiity of the country.
'I be lluiis, ot I, .r is having decided against the
vuliolt) of Mis. Yelvrton's marriign, tue latlur
has tli'termiiicd to resort to the Scotch laws iu a
tiiial etlort.
Nothing is known as to tbo peace negotiations
ut Vienna. The Copcnti ig ui Jnuntnl siys that
tue alle-ui d urniisiico for uino mouths is prein i
tine. Prussia iigrees to the re-entry of tlio
l ederal troops into Kflnd.sbnrg.
Ibe Bank of Prance gauied over il,0')),0i
fruiich dining ihu week. The Bourse was t'at.
The continental news is unimportant. ini Inlvlllireuea.
I ivi in not, Hhlaiihti ri MAHKer, July 30.
Utehardsoii, Mpeuee K Co., BtglunJ, Atuaya .V
Co., anu other authorities, report Hour quie' aud
steady. AV lie-at steudv; wiiiti rrtd N.s. ud.(o !.
Cum dull at a decline of lid. ; sales of Canada at
LiVKHenoi. Puovisiox M.tUKKT WaltcdoM,
N'u.sli & In , and Coition, Bruce & Co. report
Biel ipii.t and steudv. Pork quiet. Bacon
sieudy. I l;rni a; lo-.( lls. Butler steady.
Tallow ac lve ai :):s ( t.'s. "
LiVKiieooi. Pi:(iiith Markei'. Ashes dull at
30.-. loi pot- una 'tis, liir pearls, fngir tlat at a
decline ol tid.C'Is. C aTec quiet. Blee steuly.
I.nif, eil fakes active., l.luoud (HI ,Ui,il. K isiu
Heady. Snirits of Turpvntluc irregular j sales ot
tl9s. Petrob um no ..les.
I.omiun Baring Bros. rciort B (tad
stutls iii:ct and steady. Iron st-ady. !iwir
heavy. U n decline of I'm I. Colleii steady, l'e
(jiiici und -to (ly. Tallow linn. Koin advancing.
I.insi eil ( ulti active and utlvadiliig. Petroleum
iiiict i.d siiuuy.
l.ivr.hiooi., .1 iily .K), r.vciilng The sales of
cotton to-duyure estimated ut lio'Jn baits, the
ncrkcl elo-ing itiict ut uiieb.iiiKed prices. S lies
to spcculutort and exporters 2il liales. Brenl
htulls elided ijtiie'i andsteady. Provisionsstee ly.
Lommik Monkv MtUKi'.T. Consols ipi ) 'd at
Aineiidin Seiiiiitlcs are nominal. Illinois
( ei.lrul, li Aio. 1." nor tent, discount. Kr o,
- -
Nj aii An anta, Ga., Ang. 4. The 1th Corps,
now tominaiHied by Major-Genetal Stanley, a ilr'ne nstcallon vesierday eve ning on the
Itt litl works, (ieneral Vood e tkirmisliers drove
the la bels the ir rifle-pits I aek t,' llieir uuiln
iiie; but a regular line of battle moving on tin in
friim tlewts.ds, tiny had to retire a little, .-till
ocelli ii g ki me ( I the Bebcl pits.
(skirmishing and artillery bring next took place
ulw.g the line, and wo euptured al.out tiny
prioi ere. u til I hem being take n by Wood's
Divikie n. Oi.r loss w, be ing only eight
killed and uIkik twenty wounded. We ro
every dnj eli iii't neiirtr und nearer to the fated
U i are ii.atsing on the right flunk, fo aa im
I oitHiii retuit bo boarly expected Irom that
It e be I Aeeoiiula.
frui Ilu Kirl,tl H .i, AvinislK.
Atlan ia, August A. Hon. J. A. Isedilon :
Ti e enciti made two assaults to dav ou r Inlv'a
and Ia wii-' Brigades, of Bates' Division, of Lee's
Culpa, iMjlb ot a bicu were hsudsouit Iv repulsed,
with to It.ein. J. H. Uoou.'eient ial.
tn,. (At llirtttm'ltd It n't;, b.
Our i.aiugraph on Saturday prepared our
readers for the very bad news te liich the rtesputcu
ol Oeuerul Maury to the Secretary ol War cou. We cannot ex poet to havo a continual
sunshine (f met est. In evervtiuurter. Por tliougU
it it cloudy now' at Mobile, It Is bright at Atlanta,
and still biitjbter iu trout of Petersburg, and iu
Alui)h.ud. . , . i s. . , .
Chicago papers are loudly laiueutliy tbu
ihitly luertuse of trime Ul that city.
Etc, j:t.. lite., ICto.. j;te.
)psrlnl In I ho I vrnlnar Telca-raptl.
Wasuimi ion, August 11. III view of l-'irr.i-gnt's
splci did success bei'orc Mo'illc, pulil;e c.
pectaili n bus junipr.l to Ihc conclusion Im our
S'orci s arc ere this in possession of Mo'iile. Tills
may I e the ease If onr land forces w rc nbl- to
co-operate witli Karragut, but it is nott'Mie-ted
by the Navy 1). partmcnt that be will bo ab c,
ui.npportcd by snch forces, to take M bila.
He has probably aecoinplisb.'d a!l th"! uavy"s
part of the programme, and has got bis ves
sels into positions from which he c iu matin illy
aid 'ieneral ("unbv's troops in any assault up in
tho woiks inline liafely sttrrouad rg the city.
The a.tual occupation of Mobile Is by no
menus so desirable as many persons sup, is !.
At present wo hold the harlior etT)ctii!ly. V re
we to bold the ntyj also, a eonsiderablogirrlson
would be reiiiiicd there, and much m ire naval
eo-opeiution lliau will sufllee merely to ke -p out
eveiy blucUade runner.
li il ho Intended lu send ope litions into t'ue
interior from that quarter, then we m ist take and
bold the city ; otherwise, according to the 11 eli
niond papers, wj seem alreidy t hive achieved
all that is desirable just now.
MINI 1 1.1.41:01 s m.wn.
Sp'fltll Dfl 'fit to TM Lr.mnj Wjrn.!.
1 Ntrlko.
Washinoton, August 11. I'ho .lou.neym u
p'umbcrs an I ras-lltteraof this city aro on a strike
for lour dollars per dtem, in view of the in
creased price of livi.ig.
Irom l.vnernl Mlirriunu.
Thero Is no news from Sherman this moniing
up to tbo prte;it lime
Ut-ue-ritl fthrrl.ln'M Army,
Reports from the Mienuudoah valley indie it.)
that rberidan is closely following up P.arly's
rttrenting command, und there is a prospect of
its being overtaken and forced to light.
Ili llnllliuurv and Ohio lltllrnn.l.
The Baltimore and Ohio ltailroad Company
have a large force of workmen repairing the
di.mage done by the Ucbcls in the vicinity of
The most of the dumnge done to tho road was
between Martinsburg and Ope.ntia!i bridge,
w here some seven miles of track were torn up.
1 hey burned, l wis ted, and bent the rails, and
all the bridges, both iron and trestle-work, were
ilc.-lroyid. It is oxpeeted that tho road will be
in full woiking order to Wheeling ugaui in about
ten days.
Krmovnl ot Priaonens.
Forty-nine llebel otllcers wilt bo sent from
the Old Capitol to Fort Delaware to-day, and one
hundred and twenty. rive privates will bj scut to
F.lmiru, iitw York.
Npeclal let liitt K.veiltuu IVIrurniitl.
CiiAMiititsni nr., August II, 11 30 A. M The
inemhere of the Legislature, miniuming ai mi
two hundred, togethir with editors end reporters
finm I'hdadelphia and Harrisburg, havo just ar
rived In town, and are nov making a tour of in
spection, under charge of the committee, consist
ing of Colonel M"('lute, and Messrs. Sharp,
Sturgcs, Duncan, and Caufmai).
The town has a deserted .ippcaraueo ; but few
people are seen In tho streets, and those residing
here timidly animating ar their wind ). vs at tie
approach of visitors.
Three squares of bouses have boon burned on
Miilu street and four ires ou Markst street.
The regular train wi-.h returned Chi ub u-s-burgers
has just reached ttMu. A rri.u'ior of
houies are being rebuilt. Wlmcver ,i;ir ipila
tlou be iiinde to tho t iwn by tho I. igi'atiira or
from private will 'w dUirif!itl amiu j
the poorer classes.
Tho members of the Legist uure will rolui n at
two o'clock.
The dumge done to lb f'a.n'oil oul Valley
Ballroad, during the last ra d. i 'io mts to nctrly
Tlii people w ill bo suppllei Titii
Sevorul citizens have refu-ed t i a -cop' any a! t
Diuil the poorer clan-es are n:l:cve.'.
Colonel McClure's loss amounts to I i 1 1.
The order of tho invai rs w io spii-etho
chun he s, and n me of them w, n: destroyed, ex
cept thoc in closes proximity to tho re-id i.upi.
Tho fact that a Catholic c'nirch adjoined tlio
depot wus the means of saving the latter struc
ture. The total loss to Chambcrs'iiieg rca the-- ':..)
IXH) by aetuul account.
'I he records of the Court were lie. uly nil pre
served, and arc now bcin : nrr ingel In a nt v
The pooplc of Chamber-bur,' nrc returning, and
commencing to rebuild their dwellings. All aro
well Mipplicd with the net Csp.,ii, s of Hie.
In bis loot tight, (o'licral M, I'hersou rude u
favotite black horse that had boruc him through
ertry buttle Bum Miiloh to AiUuta, A uieuiber
of his stuff tuys that tlie dt aerul bad almost
come lo feel that horse aud i Icier boro charmed
lives. He would mount no I Iter but bis line
Hud in the hour of imiuii.i nt peril. The now
ritie-rleiib ivar-horre is recovering, and It on bis
wey Irom the buttie lields of Ci-u:ti lo the
clover-He Ids of Clyde, Ohio.
A resident of Haitford boi ght a dj.n eggs
the other day, and by Inadvertently placing live
of the ui in a warm psi.tiy, fcot them us nicely
hutched into five cbkkctit i s if a ben had tut
upou them. One bne morning the little animals
"peeped," to the egg-purcha-ei's great ustonUh
n. ent. Of es.urse he went to (he newspuiicrs to
te II Ibe SI017 every t.ood American g es to bis
newsj aptr when be sees 01 hears anything' "out
of ibe couiuion."
-Captatu John Q A.Couu, of the pilot-boat
Hut nit, uho brought tbo ship Cj,!et into New
lit tl ford on Fridiiy erenlng, pulled tweuty-lite
u.ilisin un oj en boat to reach the vessel. He
wus ti uMug for the ship in advance of another
pilot-boat, wbeu it fell caliu oil the &oir ami
1'iit lightboat, at half past it o'clock Thursday
morning, and bu launched a luall boat, and in
four hours reached the ship oil Block Islaud,
but so exbautted that be was h Isted ou board
by rope.
Advance of Gen. A. J. Smith.
We have receiwd a copy of tbo lllthmond
'e;iif. A of tho 'ith In-Uint, i'-O'ii whi.b wo ct
tva. t tl.o following:
1111: t 1:111: oi- i iMsnsni R.
Vv.Tnisn in;, August 1 Tnls helng I In.ln's
fasting, bun,ilitlon,a'i.t prayer day, tlio Yankees
huve not tired a gun.
Tl.e ( r.emy are so near In (iriie's front that
the pi. Vets oo both sides hare nscl hand
gri nades.
Cuptaln V. .1. (.irir.l.-y, Mshono's A.A.O.,
wes ye-teidav by the I 're-id ct to the
temporal y rank of lirlgnllcr iienrial, and as
signed to the rominand of Wrignt's vleorgia)
mi: Noam rvnoiiNV iirni:KVTonnt i:i.i;c
uoN mini; Mvtoitirv ion vvnci:.
K eLKioit, August I. Theeloetl mof O ivernor
id Noiih Carolina and ineiibers of tbo State
legislature look pla-a to d.ty. The following
returns have Lecn received, which, in con o -tl m
with Ibe unny V1'". previously pilled. Indi-at
the reelection of imvernor obulon V.'ltiee by
an overwhelming majority :
P'Oir-'. II tn'-l.
. :im 31;
. 3lt 21
. i r, .17
. on) 10
lir dges, llowau
llirkmy Sta ion
Mount I'l'a
Kinsti n
()o di'oro
II. liderson
11 gb Point
Wan ei. ton
lto'-ky Mount
. is . -;
. 3!
. ; l
, . 170 ' 1
.. l'Jl 1
,. bit) :l
.. Jiil li)
.. 110
.. i'.'. 1 i
.. -'id
. .ill 12
. .-.h ;i
. II"
... .17
... 1 If.
... .11
. . . I'""1
... .la
Van. e's report.'.!. "1 W.
All lln prceMu lH nf Wake county art! not heird
from, but it is lelleved th t Vance has cirricl
tin county, and that the Vance c-uidrdatcs arc
eb eied 10 tho L-gislaturo. Raleigh, is in Wake
county. J
second iiKsrArcii
Wiimtnotox, August .". The rrneincts on
the line of the It nlnia l, as far as hoard fr im,
inclinilpg New Hanover, give Vane 7"8-i
lloltica 7:'7.
KilOM OCOIlu! v.
Ari ANTA. August !. Tho enemy have beon
uniitually active du'lng tue p vst sixteeu hours.
Alu.ut 4 o". lock yesterday afturnoon a lie It r
iissault wus made upon the works held by our
skiind.shers upon tba extreme loft. After some
stubborn I, gluing they succeeded in gaining
possession of the position there, but Aubserueutly
were driven from it, and our lines we:e re-esuio-liibed.
About 1') o'clock last night an assault was also
non'c on enr skirmish lin's, extending from tho
ccntrnto tho extreme left; tint ihe tit ivument
I avmg been anticipated, resulf-d in a com Jlet i
Brisk skirmishing continued llirougho it tbu
nfglil, up lo the pr-Heut time. i' ir loss 111 bjta
ullairs is In-kiil'i.ant.
There was couiparaiVc iu iet in t! 0 l"v lat
nighi, and but few shells were tbr .'.vn, resuliing
iu no damage.
e.iMMi:M i:Mi:sr ol" Til n Al l t'. K on moi.ilc
list I'lllN IhL v.mi out l 101:11 1 in :ii! I. . ..
KMllll AT IIOI.I.V -il'lMNI S, ms.
Moiiii k, August I. Ycst rday an 1 lust even,
lug the iuemy threw an iiiiauli.v fo,ve ii.iou
1'uiii b n l.-luud, seven miles 110111 I' n l i' 11 aes
'Ibe llett otioide. is iarru this moiiuj-. Ibe
JVoeial oouble cn ler opened on Ilm tr 1 isp irt
Jhik Ai.v and then on t'.c lort, wlii -li is rep y
ii:g -lowly, (ieneral i ony calls 011 all to -nr ill
tin noelvis for baitl.'. fjiat coiitidoii. e preva Is.
A l 'e deru I force, estiuiated at six ten Uui." in I,
otciiiie I loll) Spriigs, Mississippi.
.iatsi.Hi: I'M.
Naiionii. Cm. is TuoivE Mis. Charges
tVm ltd . II! liivd'.itillliin. ul N'l.-iN'.O' a. d iri.l 'll, i-r-inki'ii J, I., ttiiv. t ii'.,r ,i.v, .-nj !
Atti'ni.M.i, and I'.veauitr Htf" u Ivi'i tiiaiu u'.
CincisANU Mr.NACitin:. The truiMiidou
tiusiiu ss t'.iio ai Messrs. Thiiynr . S '' 1 '"m ami
lenilvrio. nn Ar. slr vit, kImivj Mn.if 'tilh, .n n.i.ltlve
es irl(-i,.-o of lliu ininitii.ti .,i.til:iiiiv ill I'l" HIS.
enl lfir,'.j.lilii nt'irt! s,itii.Uoteuiiitti t 1 M-i'.r.ii t. ;..
Co).i;miiia Hor-K, Ceii: M vv 'Jiiano Vor VL
tsn Is-ri.i to s. r.ti ei,s . . hi. V il'in.-irt i. 1 1 li sl su at leiu-f, una- - it. u. uii.t ni.-iir -u' rr.,soi A. It,
'l-ll. It-til -!l .llll,.l full la liC S t Jlt-t :J n.lh Mil'!tl 6
u'.e-ss. Tin' com -in w;i l.i- ki' (' i t t.i-lii .rr (Today)
-. . 1,11.; . a 01,-1 I.1. lr,ids-,.r T a!i s-. 1 1 1 rrriirt
...rfl on ttl'i t It, 1 i V'ss I jr,,l ii.- M - .or- u Hi . f
III I..II11.I "Kslliltutl U.S.- n.-i'it; ! or
Ii.t tin " I I O 4 tli-l'! I ' a .liM-lt'll.i ih '.'id- i ll.u 'Ifst
sr. 'I In- s -rcicl .ih l.l'.n i.f 1 lo- r vr - . -1 . iilcl -J I-h v,
mi'm I-r J 1si.ii l.y l'r.,li-s.. r Tl.iln.l.-r ; " I i ir VI
i.-.l yet - it.ur. ry Mr. Hit.. ; I 01. r-t I y Uuja
r .-I i" n. ' an 1 1 'In. 1 ti.. M's. sa.-i a.'my uitil VI: r '.I
Siate or Tiiuim 'Vfii'ii To "'s A. M,
.7. One I'. M.,lfJ,. Wind, W.
l'i i i;cts 01 tiii: 11 i..t This M n'.".i a man
nan eJ litogie Siiupy di.d from the eilc is jflhe
heat. Ho w;,s employed at M aris .v s'ou's loc i worl.s, and "is over o'ui I 1 tin belt
c . tcrduy inoruiiig. He is removed to his rt si
il Mr, .Nil, 1710 I'lilliotliill stici'i, a hcic h; di-d
lb s n, oriiing.
A number of woikmfn In various p trts of the
city were obliged to u.ri.:irl woi k ut no 111 :o d iy,
vtlieu the thermoiiietcr s'oo I ntf'i dtgre in tho
fivcral horses In th ' passenger rail ay lines
gave out.
Ai'i'OiNTMi-NT 01 FrpriiMscns. flic fallow
ing appointments havo boen luidi1: I'ifcecutlvj
Ward, Bdwaid Sn dtl ; Second PIvM in, 1 vertty.
n'K ml Ward, Keubcn Sands; 1. ret 1 i vl-i m,
Twimy-tliinl Wnr.l, Tbomits Dickson, p, n ityo
now r "main to be appended.
1.A11I1NY ash BrinviNo S 101, EM G'llHS.
While somo boys tare swimming luthcDilu
ware, yestertlay iiftcnoou, opposite Almond
street wharf, two other lads, named (form litis
MtCorniick nud .liunes Tornev, stole th-:ir
clothing ur.d ran o(V. They sold their plunder to
Thomas Kellv uud Mary Mullen, vtlin keep
.iiinktdii'pii at l'enn and (south si reel . Both tho
reeeiveri" nnd thieves were arrested nud ejni
luiiiiti fcr trul.
ISviomp I'i kkV-vtmiov. Alexander Johnson,
one tf the td 'ects of the Ninth l'olice Dis
trict, has pu-.ed an exaiainatlon and
nctived tl.e upiioinliiii'.t ol First l.lcu id the ilbib Ct lor."tl Begiinent, aud
has Ih'cii iirdciert to repi rt at Lexington,
Kc; lucky. Iji-t evening Lieutenant Jnliusi n
lies pn beuti d viili a baudkoi ic swrd by bis
old UhK.cinto. The mold was presented by
Lit i.tcnuiit l.tnaite in bthall i.f the polieemi n.
fsAU Act imkt. While some men were lower
ing a bin c 11 11 lioin a hone la Thirteentb street,
atieive l'n l;ir, yttterday afieino in. the rtiie broke
and the bi.iti.11 tell to (he sidewalk, striking a
liu'c girl, need tour j cars, a daughter of David
A'a!, btenkiiig U11I1 lcg. The eldld us r
inoeetl li bn leskltiae, Hcidh ftreet below '1 biiv, und is unt (xpee teU to recover. :
l-'iitk. Tb!t murnliig, about 4 o'elexk, a fire
oeti.rrtV. at tlie cotton and rag Hort of Mr. IT. T.
HeDiy, Nt. .'iUl' and 311 N. Front street. The
tluuab SfU conliued to the third nud fourth
tforio. The amouul ol damage is nol kuowii.
BAvitVi I'ikb ZoiAv k. It Is now ascer
tuliied tbut these e ateiuns will arrive lo this city
at 2 o'clock to-monow aftvrnooo. The oHgluul
programme for the reception of Uee vetvraua
will Iheu be carrlrd out.
Tub Traj t Mr.;cl Stelnme'x, Chairman
of the Draft Convention, comprised of delegates
from the sO'c a' Ward, b i, under a resolution
passed by (hat body, "lnted committee to
superintend he rc railing In those wsrds whlcb
have the largest qnot is to till. This Committee
consists of Tb'.uias laskor, Cbuirman, John W., Henry Davis, ,iohua speriug, and Dr.
Win. JI Vhler.
The C'i'mti.iltee will si-cure the appointment of
five miis. i rii.g lii utei un', w hose labors will be
dbecti il iowi n's nllliu the iiiotus of t. e loll w
ii.g Wards having the urentest ileliji ncv : ri st
Ward, diiota U17: Second Ward, n iota VXj
Seventh W ml, nunta , ; Tenth Ward, qu it
tniij Klfieon'li Wurd, (pioU liiW; Nin -teen h
Ward, tpiotaf,)!), A soon 11s tlnuiiotis ol :ucse
Win (is are reduced to nn average, with he others,
then tho wo-k of tin- Committee will be bo'towed
on nil the Wards alike.
The fit ?.' ns of tlit- Wards should now go to
work, and act with ho gfiithtmeu having the
matter in cbaige. McciIiik should bo culled and
nmnev lilieraliy sub-cir ed for ihe psyuvmt of
the W'uid bounty. This tuit-r pr.-miuni must t
paid, ( t no recrnl s an be oli amcd.
It. Is rt a ly siirprislt g that a Ward like the
S venth, one of ihe weal hlesi In th,' city, sh mi l
renn in us inactive us it has, when other district,
not bulf us prosperous, h ive subscribe 1 large
mllis ai d are rapidly lililiift their .piotn. At
the lust nue; n- of the Drutt Conven ion this
Wi rd was not even renr.-sKried by a dclegj.o.
This looks us if the residents ol th it locilitf
warned a el, nit, rud it so, ihev will tvrtd'iily lie
a.'. ,.rr,mo(t iti d abotu the itij of Septetn'KT licit.
Bitrss Ci.rn or 1'iiii.tni i.i'hia. The Sen
p.iper Convrn Ion" rea-scinblcd yesterday after
noon in the Selc.'t Coun il Cbainbcr, mid pro
eei dtd to the consideration of the by -be us, which
nave rise to a noii-t"ed, intore-ting. und at
times .iniinau d, di-cusioii iK'tween Messrs K.
W. C. Or.ene, Thomas M. ColeuitU, William II.
Hi her, ii A. Wetb.rli, J. Has. in, A. VV. I" rick,
fc.C. Wallace, 1.. W. Walla.. J. 11. Booth, J. It.
Dnnllngson, tin 1 lr. .Itiilus nines, after which
the hj-laws were approved. Tlio Convention
then proceeded to Inuuxu ate tho ( inn. Nomi
uutions for meuitiersidp were made, and en -b
1 ominee was votfd for by the momners present.
I he nn et'ng adjourned until next Wednesday
ultirnoon, at which time tlie balloting will be re
sinned. The Convention was In session over
four hours. The utiendunce was large, and in
the tianaclion of a lirgo amount of basiuess,
tho mucliiuery of the orgiuilation was put Into
complete winking order. The "Press Club of
riiila clphia" Is now a permanent Ins'itat'wi of
our city. Its intlucncc wi.l soon bo re:og:il'd
nnd felt by Ibe people.
The T ENiv-roriiTii Waiiii T.nxjii.. The
work on tho West Philadelphia tunnel is pro
cressinu ruiildly. I'p to this morning cceva
ilons hud been made Irom the vicinity of Tuirty
seci nil and Locuhi sine's 1 1 tlie northern side of
Chonut, mid have b' eu co jiii.iC'I.v walled iu wiilt
stone. Between Chesiiut and Market the work
men me busily laboring t eeivute the bed of
Man-inn stnit. The soil below Chesnut and
ulnvi Market sfeel Is of a light clayey nature,
and easily yields to Ihe stride; out between tuoso
two sme s is a straiu.u 01 r .11"-, tln-oiitdi which
the course of (lie luniiel must Iil' lilast. d. 1 rj J
work Is e.nse,iieiit'y o':e of (l.illculty and tedious
lubor. li will bo several mou In yet before all
will b coiiip'i led an 1 the tunnel is ready for
use. This is the 01 It work of the kind In 1'nua
tie phla, and wid lie used tor the transit of the
cars ot the J1111 lion Hadinad carrying passen
gers between No York and Washing ; oa It
w ill bo twentj six f.'i t der p and about forty wide.
Tho excavation eoinincn s'a near the Konad
Houso in West Hiilaoelpliiu, continues uhuve
liiiiuud until it ne rs Market street, w here the
tracks disiiiip, ar. emerging utiont one hundred
teel below ('liesnut stieet. Tho loiiof tho tun
in 1 will bo icveu feet below the grade of Market
Coi,olii:nCoNi i:uRM koi Di:t . war it. Bishop
.bines bus just organized the Delaware Confer
ence of cofoivd members, one of those constituted
by the recent Ieneral Conference held in
ibis city. Ait'eeubiy to tun upn lintmeut
i f the Kpisciipal It. ard, llibo; Janes nrjc
Ihe preachers ut Wesiey Chajiel, I'.ida lelplii ,
on July 2-1. After devotion il exercises he re-
II l'ed tbelr pulsus, nud iidi iumcd till tho next
tlnv. He found ten ciders recommended ac
cording to the order of the Uenural 1 'on'.'ereuco,
und declared il:on the duly organ!., d Delaware
CinftreniO of the Methodist Eplse ipal Cuurch.
During ihe session one other eider was received,
m. king eleven. Fight pre-achcr were received
on till. I, seven wore ordained de icons, an I throe
o dalued elders. Tho work was a.TiiiKed in
three distrie s, with colored presiding elder-. Of
the slat ons, two nro in 1'hliadeliihi 1, three in
New Jersey, and thu rest in Dalaware, and tlio
eastern sboie of Maryland. Twenty. t-voproacli-eis
received nppolt ttucnts; sonic 01' '110:11 aro men
of decided t bin ncter, and the proapee B01 the new
Conli n ncc are very hopeful.
A 1'ANTitr.u Stoiiy. A few days since the
peaceable c-tiuns of Gt-rmantowu and vicinity
w ere agitsted by the report 1 hat a pauther escaped
fr,ni a menagerie a few weeks ago, while passing
along the Wissuhiekon turnpike, and is now at
laipO. Tho child of a bo am an is tail t? hare
fallen a prey to biff cam orou-: appotlto ; and that
alter nightfall, bis cry bas been beard issuing
from the solitudo of the woods. A "rella'ilo per
son" asset t tbu:, gicutly t i his niariii, tiiouuimil
p.u-sed him on Hie roid, a few cve,,in's a.'o.
I'm ties, it it Mi.', have been searehhig f ir it
wi' bout succe.-s. We "gnu ' however, tua' It
wi 1 lie some time IkI'oio Ins uiaj s y Is ci.i ured,
or that the ii.,nglei uiuliis of hiiina i boimtsi
and the In asis of the old will bo found, on wmch
be has been leasting.
Bkcuuhino. This morulug warrauts -.vor,-Ls'sucd
for ibe payment of the city bjuuty to
twiiity-fcven three years men undone twelve
month man. Il has b, eu supposed by some per
sotis that the increased city b iiuitT of f Mr liun
drtd dollars would be nuid 10 tb! principal who a sin stitute, but sin-h Is no: the fact.
Mayor Ilenrv yesienbiy state 1 that tho in reused
Loimty wus designed loenc uiriie eulisiiug, and
tbut be would not Klitn warrmis lor it except to
wiluiilecrs in the service. I'liose fiiruisdug sub
stiiutes will receive, as herctof irc, twj hundred
aud fifty do hers. Nu bundred and Ufty d illars
were akea tor auus'littieff yesterday, under lie
belief that the four bundred dollar bonn'y would
De I'H Id 10 tlie priu'iipitt.
The Lvtb Sanitvuv Faiii. A rnoie del. date
spot than Logan square, the alio of the late Saul
tary Fair buildings, cannot bo found In the
whole city of Philadelphia at this time. The
grass bas s riven loud to hold its own, bin the
contest was an unsuccessful one, aid nothiug
now remains bnt a few tutu of 'il.glited invars to
indicate the existeirs) of uiiytliing green iu the
viciiutv. Over this seeno ot dc nation the "Oig
gun" still keens watt h and ward, tho only relic:
ol the great e xhibition. Tuis w ill soon di-appear,
as its materials and construction arc not eolen
lulcd to tCtist tl.e sunine 1 's heat or the wiutor'f
cold. ' . i
SSiT TO F'OTIT Dl'.tAWAIlE. Kfieclai l)b'.icj
Taggurt received a telegram from Colonel U.tkcr,
last night, to arrest a man named WillUtu
Dougherty, who had lel Washington and as
on his way to l'liilmU lpliia. Upon the arrival of
the tiain at Broud aud Prime t trcets Doaglicrty
wr.s r.rrested and coinmitir.d to tho First District
Station Houso. This morning be was sunt to
Fort Delaware. It is not known here what
charge minds against Dougherty. The order for
his arrest was signed by the President. D.mghcrty
was formerly a resident of ISoutb Carolina.
cr.r.vni.n iiu itoBVisij.
llar,U William Vuu Nulnc, l.v ,iu, luu.ptt ittt', i. H.
hint-an 4: Co.
linn Mid, Jrvt,llr,i,it. ...I K. lUlev A ( ,.
el r Aiusricau I mug, f Mllli, Oik-nit., !'.. btels ,11
altltlVEd THIS MitltVINM. 1
ri PuJlcy, llrt,r,t, da Ii.mii l'uil Iti rnl. In linlla I
helir l:nrl,cf BpU, Mtirv, IS dnyilreui Kelt i: c-r.ejii.,
w in, lioiibrr 1,1 i-.ptitin
)ri,r Kalr LsWr, Caoutit, C dnyf fruia UlusU.1, la UjI
I. si Ki 'Itt ell. A Co.
helir J. Urn., Huts-It, 6 duel rnau furtlasd. wirli
uiS.v to ritain.
hel.r Ury Sen 11, Ctittll, I frm Nm lip It.u-J. la
ball. si l rt.tln.
htUr Itatliaay,6 dys Imin M.-w Bedrs-,1, (
ballast lo ca,taln.
e. lu t.'ere,Vinilj,4 J.i.ii Irna rrarideiut. in a -liot
in t.iai.u... ... .
Hclirl'tiv) Bt-Uarr, Urats. from I.)aa, la Ulu-t to
"is-hrB. F. Hloektaa. V'sa nnt.from Pn.vldue, In bl
hr "'i'ed.iirlrd, Cuts, ftons llostou, In balut.l u
8ilir J. Hestty.Heai'ruin, ftoui I'w itUmcn, lu lj.Ui
'Hil!r oceau Wars, Bkr, fruia Hoiloa, In balls.! tu
"(fi'l.r'j.K. Htr. IUrvy, (roia l urlras Monroe, In
ball.. I 10 4!.IIU. ....
MclirMnniidti Llslit, httalimtn, Irom H ntou.ln Ua'Jail
tocs.tHlit. ;
. M.l.rJ. K. Slnioaaus. Biaip.ol.rruia Prmlaeuju, in kuf
la.l lo uaiilaiu.
la K.ic, llanaa. (rum Al.mmlrls.ln eflaa
at.amMrrak.ahr(,i.,i,e,t kauri ftoss Kw Tork,
wiu ludae te W. U. Ualid 4 Co.
Orrir t ut JThs rii Tit cisern,
Tniraay AaaaH U- f
In OolJ tbero Is very Hr la doing thia norning,
but the market Is flrad, opening at told at
2M1 at ll o'clock, advanced and so!i at ZS3 at
U,and2Viat I2j.
The Stock Market continue doll but steady.
There Is lest doing In Government bond, bat
prlcej (r wbhout anv material change. eVaW
sold at lW(olorH, 7os are qmted at K77jrjl09,
and6sif ltirtl at 1P61(S10C. Railrotd sharas)
ore firm and rather betrer. Reading sild at 6r ;
I'ctiDsylvanla Rallroael 7:li,bleb Is an advance j
North renniylvsnla 3n( n34, wblch ii better j
l'biladelpbla and Erie 34(t an advance j Lit
tle Schuylkill 47, and CaUwlsu common at 20 ;
62 was bid for Minchlll, aud 304 forCatawised
prafened. City 6s, low, sold at iot4. , .,
There il mere doing hi Oil stoc' pro
ducing shares ae better, with sain of McClht
tock at S, Oil Creek 6, and Dinimore at D. There
is not much doing in Passenger Railroads, but
they are firmly held. Second and Third told at
72, and Sprnre and Pine at4141). -
Bank shares are firm at about former raUs;
1.13 was bid for Philadelphia; 674 for FaraMrs
and Mechanics'! 50 for Commercial; 2gj f0r
Mechanics ; 101 for Southwark j 80 for Western
"4 for Manufacturers'' and Mcchtult';3i for
Consolidation; 471 fr Commonwealthj and 60
for Oermantown.
The Money Market if dull at aboat foraer
rates. Loans are plenty on call at 6 per cent, eer
imam ; best paner is felling at finm 7eS' per
cent. ,
The subecriplious to the new ioan report! at
the Treasury Department yeate-rday amonoSed
to,ooo. .;;.(
nortad by (TUrkw Oa., nroici. So. Ul A. Tulrd at.
lov)Clty fts.naw pKHl D0ih lainanvira.....
imiiii Kraii. H r mi. us;,, 7iS) ah I nis.i in
oiish do (sleartaei ii 4 sh Mc tliuiwk.... 4'A
ji h
. tan n
mist boahii.
taon U.B.V20S...
fi.'itw d
f,y, . .1 do
lef) rily s
.'lion Cite , u,'
1! 1
a s, iu ni. ia.,
1 1 . t. ....
U.I an do ...... wain ei
'.ilshSorlh l' K ... SIS(
la). a ,,0 1114
lUU ah do IiWJ.UW
"l.Ufhli. A KrM... 9 1
?''aa dj nr(
3e()sii do. im u?i
4ah-.'jM n. a... r.'
t;rili8.;U. Nv. tls's'i
I leeo d '....'is '71.. m
tlV! Urtkm CL tds..
sl'Xil'a. K. i l.t in
$.svn',iin. AS a..lii
70. ah M.S 'Unlock. M A
MO all aa la i
:; sii Phil a oil rk. .',
'.0.i I'n sten i.'.isl.. SO
lu ah Morris i"n jit ..1 W
1.'-', ,h Henii iHK.Iot. TSV,
H all Spr a I'm......
1 in Lit Hcii ,
1JjV ah Hlif Mount..,
H O an Oil Cis-k S,J
IXOih V V. M
IS sh Crm a WaHiul t.O
V) sh ( auwUia .... vu '
ooin a. -..;.', jah Oaioil on,
s see it. n. A-.oa !"'.,
!...( I II. .. new. ..Iia,1,
'siu do
;svi st, .1.1..
v ; art atei uenny..
lolhli do
,vi .n d,
?ii4 0U csan
fo an do
a, ah Tnlon l:nl vf
.'S'o ah rtrt.
Sirian aa
)i. ii -h .do
SOU ah nln-tnoi.
Itsi ah do
Iihi an do
100 all iio....a
.11 S'.i
.... .
.... .
2'Oan Rna.1. H. H..OJ) S
no. ari e;oatfciiatai.ut.
Unntatloiis of the principal Coal and Coal OU
stoi ks at I o'clock to-day :
A-ti-ia., Bii Mk.
Fulton Coal ax
H Pa. pvtrileaiBCe.. .. S
Tt ecmr on aw a
llt: viounlalli e'oal. 7't
N.Y 4 ,id. '!i'il
JP vjinvral Oo , 1",
eiras-u M-.O.AI
o.s, acviiuH tl'l...... l'
Vi nan,-.. Oil (J ,
N 1 nrly.n. alo ...
New Ock
'i.(siic. imui Coai,
CIlDioii Coa'
Anierieiin Kaohu.
JVrn Mliilnii.
ellraril .Miiilnv,.,.,
Klna .Ml, Inn
1't Ha. ami notion,
iliindan Mlnliia..,
Alar,liatlo Mluing,
Alsa.-i Iron. ......
Oil i'li-i-k ,
Munis- s.,,rl,. oil,
UiCUlit, ek 01...
iS riiMw rcimMniin., jm
1 rsctiat a uu.M,.., ,
1 Oil I '
KrankhuOII t
9', !! K Joy OU.. 1 " S
i inon. il l
.. 14 'Pop Furu Oil.... ., W
3 liuili r ol 14 Jo
., t kvyiiona zine.... S e ti
.. 4 IMnanmre s til
)i Vi UaJ.ellOU 7',- a
1 'HoDartS X
i'-i .Mrlltianny eUi SC
ll'i in N,i.,l.oiItlametr.. 15
i.'i tghert. -i 3
ejuotatl.ina ot Uold at th railadeliikla Gold zeba(,
S11.MI. Third atroai, aa, ond 11017 :
9.S A. M Wi li M '. .V.; "
U AM ilMH IP. It M....Jfr
fttaikol ateaav.
In lUet x A nro. ,S0 8. Tbird slraflt, ajoote as fal
lows :
iWaf. JSsrtlav.
Anienean eiold ......IM pr-m, ' 1M svavi-
full, . I Mi, ilea brmand Notoa to .. do
Aiu iricao MV tt ,' and N, ....l'ir do do
Jilm.., ami Half Dimea l'O do .. do
Hpunl-h vuariara VJit do
f.-ai'io h aji'a e'nrrency , H dla. X Ala,
c Yon Kiclunaa 1-10 da ar.
Tbo following are the receipts of Floor and
Grain at this port to day :f onr, 12 W bbla.t
Wheat, 8',o0 bash.; Corn. 11,160 bush.; Oatf.
;iiiki tuish.
The billowing are the receipt of CoaI Oil at
tMs port to-day : Crude, 610 bbla.; Refined,
The 'ew VorTc Herald of this morning
The s'cenirhlp .Stofin, for Liverpool to-day,
took out .;,(MH) lnapocie.
Actiiift Commissioner Rollins' do islon lit
relation to the taxation of avon throo-t-nth
Treasury no es applies only when they are need
as part nt ihe caplial of a bank. Tke first sectloa
( f ihe last loan act exempts ail Treasury notes,
us well us bonds, irom blute aud muaLipal
taxn Ion.
I'ho ttiiane.ial iranasctlon at the Sub-Treasury
10-iluy are thus given .
liece pts friun customs , 9119,000
Total receipts 1,')IJ,9J9
P11' merits W2 08-)
liaauce ,.. 17,77,SH8
We have reciived from Wm. II. tlaaisey,
' ., ll iril. Controller of Wisconsin, the state
ment of the haul, ol that State up t AaRUit 1.
The cl ciila'ion his been decrea'od daring the
H-l n.omli sl'i.7 10. The whole uruouut of circa
tat Ion outstanding Is:
Par baLks s2,49),iH3
Hunks winding up 6i,3l8
Tin nsriAT, August 11. The absence of many
men bants from the city during the beated term
bas somewhat restricted operation. '
The market U oennparativcly bare of Quercitron
Hark, and No. 1 is worth 51 W ton. , ,.
Tbe Flour Market Is rather quiet. Tbo better
gradet of fresh ground Flour are in moderate),
request 1 but old are neglected. Tbe sale com
prise 2000 barrels City Mills, extra family, part
at $11 CI 12, and part on terms kept secret jan4
some old stock ut tf 10, extra at $10-60, and 100
bulf barrels on private terms; tbe retdlers and
baker purchase within tbe range of from 3 15
1012. '
Rye Flour and Corn Meal ar oniet. - rf
s Holders of Wheat are firm in their doasands,
and tbero 1 very little offering. We notice sale
of 1000 bushels old Pennsylvania red at f 2 oottj
2'W per bushel. New rngc from &Hi to 2'QS
for Pennsylvania nnd Delaware. We quote white
t2 7Ste2 -BO, without sales. No sulci of RyJ
bur been reported. Iu Corn there Is very little
demand ; yellow Is worth $171. with small sale
at this figure. Outs remain aa lost quoted. We
notice a aula to tbe extent of loot) bushels mixed
old and new siock, at Mb cents. B irluy ilaJi ha
advance ; 1000 bushels sold at $2-30. -
Whmkv is in steady rtxinast, with sale ot 100
bbl. Prison at l-7ti, 200 do. al 177, aud some
niutll lot Ohio at l-7. ''
aa-asaia-a.JsftasaaaaBkakaaa t V 1
; - Harkrta fcy Telpla '
Ni.w Viihk, AiiRiist II Flour dull; tales of
KS bbl-. h'aMf. ' IUiOli.l-il.vl4! Unllc-'in,l-S
HU. W Irfal deJii.iii: aalaa uiimilionaut. Oora stoady.
lit-fl dull. I'oik uioi; ai'. ol ll btila at js lor nan.
I aril mm at J1M'..S Wlilsky Una al tl-?v,l li. tta
l.,rl,l,H,,or, iuaaAl bills. I Wkaat, 40,utHl bUakvls l Ooru,
Se l.'l tiu.lit la.
Mocks belter. Chicago und Rock Island, 114 .
fuiuii tianajir,, ul lllm ai (v.iurul, lii', ; Sjical-K-n
n, ullirn, t S. Vork Canltal. IBl1, i ka.lliur.
1 S'.l JlliaaouilUa. isi; Krio, ll.l'i ; ejlovtilaint aud loioaa,
I lii k talanU a,l I'tilaiiarit, iUH iieail, 4' ; On vaat
('lUftt-mca, w,; Ueaaiii) -7-aua,la; 6 1 eiouiioin. ItWJ, ,
('oupoo eli, ID i ',. eiold advauoetl aluoe baikrd to -UAH,
Csniiiaii', N". i The aasu c konorarr, aoi foa
iril.iitlnii iiitiniiars aa. IU iat at il.a IIALU lo-MoHiloW
(t lllUA, Ulli Inaliinl, at 11 oelouk, e.uliiil: Uack
taittk,rdbir:,hst lion, bis, k mek-tta, tti jvlii la Uia
,aeoit ol (lie 1-Ji (tiluiaiit, t ur Zuuat va, M
lea older of lie ' ' "
Jt.s. B. Hoi I Ni I;,
t'lialrmaii' ' ; ll
Olliclial'lirteealniiaul tl hitailib i.'iiiu'ii
Lollti ol Kftiliieay.
:l, 04.72, 27, oti. li, .'a. Jet. 4. ti i, 7 t
' Kv rvA f l.ta" .'IM :irilM It, I ' '
fsS, 81, lo, W, '. lit. 76, il, oi, . ', b'X
Creuiar. M by ada-e. jniM4 Ct