The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 10, 1864, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIK P-A1I.T EVliNlKG TELmUrn. niH..:
Orating Sklccpiift
ok r a n n ,
wmirrsH t a Torvo rromtcrTTr:..
or TO
At mltTnlpbl, on my lonely rat,
T4 ben -.liatlnwa wrap the wrooil nd
A i'in focnn n view to fli-i-ei
Of one M borne that pray, for me.
tj rot blow npnn her rlireV,
Ht form In not a loner'a dream ;
Bui on her fnce, fair and mei k,
A host of holier bcaatlo gleam.
For wftly ihlnc her ailvor hnlr,
A pmient fmile i" on her fare1,
And the mild lii"tron light of prayer
Around her a moonlight grace
Ebe prays for one tbat'a far awuy
The eoliHrr In Ills holy Unlit
And bem that heaven in merry m.iy
I'rotcct Iter boy and blow the right.
Till, thotiRu the lenRiien lie far between.
This silent iiM-etnir of herhourt
Steals o'or my soul with brcivtli serene
And we no longer are spurt.
So fruardinir thus my lonely Injnt,
Hy shadowy wood and haunted lea,
That vision seems my view to greet
Of her at homo that prayi for me.
lord HreOKham, In his palmy prime,
flood foremost with a front subhmo
And lips of Hume,
The champion of the brave and free,
"Wearing the badge of liberty
And crown of lume.
lril Uroneham, In his dotage, sneers
And mumbles In the Home of l'ecrs
Against the rifiht;
Vo litrhtnin leaping with his words.
That once were sharp a two edged swords,
In freedom's tight.
Opohob W. Bl'NOAT.
Br. Johnson, somewhut abating his "ptiltry
awrtmonT scainst Milton." says, in his "Lite of
the 1'oct," "I cannot but remark a kind ofrcsK?ct,
perhaps unconciously pnm to tins great man ty
lis blosTHphei's; every hnuse in whle.h he resided
is historically mentioned, as if it were nn Injury
to neaiect tiamina any place that ho had honored
ty his presence." There has been abundant
opportunity for this trlbato of respect. Although
Wordsworth has upostrophi.ed Milton,
Tbv .out waa like a atar.and dwelt aturt;"
yet he did not regard "llfo's common way trom
neb a distance, but painted oven the social us.
rects, the recreations, and pnstimcs of London
with indulgence, as when he said: " These
things will be. and most be; but how tboy shall
le least hurtful, how least enticing, herein con
sists the Brave aud sovernlna wisdom of a State.
To sequester out of the world into Atlantis aud
T'topiitn politics, which can never be drawn into
?e, will not mend our condition ; but to ordain
wisely as in this world of evil, in the midst
whereof Ood has placet! us unavoidably."
Milton was a Londoner, and, from Hist to lust
lover of London ; yet he felt an ullectiou lor
Our proud uiu-lan h tle
0 branching lm, that never .1111 pcrvattea.
Then bt would return to town life :
Towered cilia pi hm n. tlten,
Aail the nui.y hum ot men.
And elsew here he addresses London as
Too bla.t abeda ! nil Iv4.1lnfi.a we ....
la all the tartli, but It aa.ouail. lo thee.
Tie Is even thought to havo drawn the rural
pictures of "L'Allcgro" from tho "suburban
.Kn..K )... a a m,w.V, ,,nn wltl, ,ia
father at Horton, and visited London occasion
!!. Mr. Charles Kniirht. in hia chainiinir n.iDer.
"Milton's London," has well characterized him as
"Ike poet, at one and the same time, of the city
nd of the country." He was oirn in Bread
street; he died in Cripplegato. During a long
life we may trace In in trom M. I'd u Is school
tbromrh a succession of London residences St.
lliide's churchyard, AMersitato street, IlarDlean,
Holborn, Pe:ty Froiice, Bartholomew close,
Jewin street, Bunbill fluids. Tho poet's fondnois
for town and country led him to choose, in most
casts, a garden-house that is, a house in a gar
den, of which there were, especially in the north
suburbs of London, very many in Milton's time.
The young poet is even thought to have studied
under bis lather's roof in Dread street, "in some
retired buck room, looking most probably into a
pleasant little garden," such as wo may imagine,
to have existed in the Bread street of two cen
turies and a half since. His lodging in St. Bride's
chaichyaid may not have had a garden ; be made
no long stuy there, but took, Phillips tells uh, a
pretty gnrden-houso in Aldersgatc street, which
was in existence a few years since, aud was
described in ihc "Column for the Curious," May
30, 1S63. The dwelling wus but a cottuee, with
insufficient room for bis pupils, although this
hardly agrees with Phillips' description of the
"pretty garden-bouse." However, the houses in
that locality were then noted for their fine
From Aldcrfgate street Milton removed to a
Douse, now pointed out as No. 17, on the north
aide of Barbican, nearly opposite "Dixon's Ku
petitory." This house is now immedm'ely to be
taken down tor the Metropolitan (Extension to
t in-bnrj ) Railway. The house itself w.ia named
by its lust occupant "Milton Home ;" it is of
Illicit, with bay wiudows.
It ws in Barbican, his biographers state, that
. Vil on lived alter bis reconciliation with his wile,
recorded to have taken place in the house of a re
lation named Blackborough, residing In the lane
of St. Murtin's-le-Urand. Dr. Symmuns, in his
lite of the et, thus describes his removal here:
Milton was low reunited to his wife, hut his
aut minted family being too largo fir his present
. bauualiou (in Aiucrsgutc street), lie was oullgca
to place htr in a friend's house till a more soa-
eious mansion, which he had recently hired in
Dsrblcan, could be made ready for her reception.
When the necessary preparations were coin-
pleied, she removed tuber new residence, whither
me was soon iouowcu oy ner parent aim uer
numerous tmit.iit.'ri nuu sisters who were noi uu
- willing to share in the entertainment which was
now become requisite for their support. In this
asylum they continued till the question respecting
their prupeity was adjusted with the Government,
and till a period subsequent to the death of the
author's father, in 1017." ("Life," second
edition, p.
J oh neon thus describes the change : "lie hud
' taiktn a luruer house in Iturtiioau tor the receit-
tion of Bobolais, but the numerous relations of
his wile, to whom he generously grunted reluge
lor awhile, oecupitu nis rooms. In 'line, timv
ever, they went away ; "aud the bouse iiKaln,
aaya Phillips, "low ionises like a house for tho
muses only, thong a the accession of scholirs
was not great." Fiom llurbb an Milton removed
to a smaller bouse in Holli rn, wbi h opened
buck aid into Lincoln s-inn-lu Ulx, wuicti John
son places at "about Ibl i, but the uctii il d.t'e
was 1047, and bis tenancy about two years.
In the Barbican bouse, in lti Hi, the wife of Mil
ton Have birth to her first child, a daughter, bap
lined by the name of Aoue, who wa- ei'.uer lame
lrom htr bjr h. or in consequence of aci i
dent in lid uillv iiit.iucy. Ayminons a so slates
that the seeoiid child, Alary, was born October
20, Jtrlfl, tliougu Ibis contraoicts the it Mive-quoteu
sHotemtDt as to iiilion ipntting B irbicau. One
ol the illustrations to Mr. Knight's paper, ''de
siuaeil from maps and e.lcvaiioos, temp, .fames
and Charles 1," show x the B trhicin of that time
ith its loliy gub ci and overhang ng stur e, very
ruture-ine in comparison wlin tue pre-cntstrett
The house. No. 17, iiptsears small .'or the "man
. sion" of the poet's biographer; but it extends in
the rear of the next house, Ao. lb, ntia is ot ex
euoWe depth ; and a largo flight of stone stejn
suteeud trout the btisciisent to thu onen snare
rearward, recollected as a large garden with line
trees, some kmy years siuce. The two houses
immediately opiiosite Dixon's Hepository have
more the width of a mansion. Barbican was, in
Milton's time, well tenanted. Kir ltcnr si,i,,,an
he antiquary, died at bis house herein 1UU.
Here also were the mansions of the Bridgewater
. family (the poet's early pairons), and ir Thomas
Vriotheslcy, Garter Kiag-at-Anns, whence
limcklcy slieet, tiarter court, and Uridgcwater
Milton, after a lapse of years, returned to the
same quarter of the town. In Artillery walk, lead
ing lo Bunbill tk-lds. Here he finished his "i'ara.
i ie Lot and here, on Suod.iy, November H,
li)74, he died, without a struggle. "This," says
rfalliips, "was his last stage in this world, but it
was of many years' contiuunnce, more, perhaps,
'. than he hud haul In any other place besidei."
lie was Wied in the Church of st. (iilci. Crip-
- (elcgute. In tlie same grave with his father; and
the monument a bust, by the elder Bacon
which Mr. Whitbread erected Borne seventy years
, iuue, has lately been restored, in reverence for
our gieut epic poet aud kif religious and political
Hon. Green Clay Smith made a speech in
Memphis, the evening of the 27th ult., upjn the
political Uues or the day.
General Kilpatrlck bos so far recovered trom
Lis wound tbal he was enabled to resume hut
command in the Army of the Cumberland a few
day ago. ' ' J t ?
At tlia recent dmmutic fed at the Crystal
-!..- In London. Mrs. Mellon so', two sove-
reU-iis for a acraji ol Xhatkeray' niaauscrij.t of
In Kntlnnd.the first bankers were goldsmiths;
tmt In .Scotland they were. In a great many In-
stanrrs, tradesmen of a very dirForenl class, soeh
as drapers, haberdashers, and corn-dealers. Of
tbe many firms risen to eminence from these
pursuits, the old bouse of Coutte the trunk, so
to speak, of the English and other Coutts is the
most remarkable. The founder of the house
was Patrick Coutts, a native of Montrose, who
fettled a', l the bcirinninif of the IHth
ccMuiy. He crr,cl on nicrciinlilo sprculailons
wish 1 rnncc, Hollnml, sml ictlcu, uy nne n no
acquired a fortune of Scots', which
ri preon cd a cnsniiTu"ie sum in loose uny.
Alter the death ot l airicK i..ouu, nn rm
hn carried nn the business, enlarging it con-
siiirrnbly, Bnd taking a cousin a' partner. 1 heir
t)lls!r,Cls Wa- tlCrtllllK in lOin, nilyinu mm Brums
iiroc.s on coininbsion, ai d the negotiiiilon ol
lulls of exeliaugfl on London, Holland, frame,
Itnly, Spain, and Punugai. I lift lulter pan oi
the tia e a a very profitable one, so that Mr.
John t'oult" grew rapidly rich, and wis chosen
Lord Provost of K.ilinhtirgti in concqii' nee. no
distinguished hlm-clf In that capacity, by setting
np as fho lirst i.or i i hivim who nunmuni
public guests at his onn house, it having been
the eiiMom nrevioiisly o do the honors of tho
city ut some convenient tavern or ale house. 1'n
fortunati ly, these hoqiitalitie led the worthv mer
chant Into cxi esses of the table, to which he suc-
cunibi d In 17o(i, nl tho age ot hity-ono.
'I liiei broiightthc third generation ol ttiecontts
on the stage corn meii hants and commission
agents, gradually coming to oo oanKers. j ne
two se ns ol John t outts, I tt'rn a anil i nomas,
on whom devolcd the business of the t'a'her,
were not jet able clearly to discern the ndvan-tiu-rs
resu ting from bunking. Ihcy knew that
their bill transactions were very piollnilile, ami
tiny i yen went so tar as to hold money on trust
from pihnte pi rvms, and to lnvct it in securi
ties of various kinds, to the a 1 vantage of both
their clii nts and themselves; )et they held to
o rn dealing as the clilcl part of their business,
only dabbling a little now an I men in smuggled
gix ilf e , spiri'S, tolmc o, and the like.
To assl-t la defriiu ling hi" Majesty's revenue
was behl a perfectly legitlma'e matter, as Is well
known in ilie"yo dohl times." Ol the way in which
the litm of Putrick and Thomas Coutts carried on
their business, in the middlo ol the last century,
an iiiteres'ing account Is given In tho " Memoirs
ot a Bunking Mouse." drawn up from the mutin
script of Sir vVilliniii Forbes, the subsequent head
of tho establishment. Half bankers mid half
corn-dealers', the brothers Coutts bad a largo
number of lients from whom tboy hold moneys
iu tiust, or for whom they negotiated bills, and
the whole of these often cry important trans
actions was carried on in it couple ol small
rooms, on the second Hour ol a house in rurlla
inen -closc, Kdlnbiirgb.
Tills very unostentatious tenement iihcwiho
formed tho residence of the brothers, mid from
here likewise they dliccted their transactions in
corn, which were on a considerable scale. They
bad a settled agent in Northumberland, who was
employed to make purchases for tho house, and
for nn one else, iu that county : and they had a
great innny other commission agents in tho chief
uiirietiliuial districts ot r.ngamu nnu neon urn.
Ad.oiih the latter number was n soiuwhat celebra
ted diameter, Cooper Thonihill, who at that time
kept the Bell Inn. lit union, liiornnn deserves
a lew wouls notice In the ltmlxiuy .Veici, as a
man who hud traveled at railway speed tony
years prior to the birth ol Ocorge hfeplieuson.
Ills gnntcst feat in this respect was a rule from
Hilton to London, bin k to Hilton, and then to
London ogniii, thu whole distance being two
hundred and twenty-five miles, which ho per
formed da'e April 21), 1st I "i in twelve hours, or
nt the raic of vtry nearly nineteen miles an
hour. This is double the speed of a certain bran-
new metropolitan line, which we will not lurltier
describe, w hich wc hud the misfortune to travel
a few days ago, which took two hours and u half
lo can v us over twenty-six miles ol ground
It must bo said, however, that Mr. Cooper
ThoinhiU's rapid locomotive was regarded as
something absolutely wondertul in his days
The road over which ho pas-ed on the mvmora
bio 2'Jih of April wus lined with spectators
almost over its whole length, and the traveler was
received with such enthusiastic hurrahs us it ho
hud bi en a great king, or a man who bud killed
thousands what people cull a conqueror.
inezo tinto print ot the famous exploit is still
preserved at the lien inn, at union.
The Messrs. Cou ts.nt the period here sketched
stood by nn moans mono iu being both bunkers
and corn-fa tors. Messrs. ruirnoiinc, ot r.din
IiuilIi. whose buiikim; bouse had long been
eminent, wi re also corn-dealers on a large scale
and so were the firms of Pordyce, Malcolm &
Co., Arbtithnot h Guthrie, Gilmou Sc Hogg, nnd
many others. The only houses nt Edinburgh, a
century ago, who conliued themselves strictly to
banking, were tue two nrms oi wansncui v.o.,
and V illiem Cuming. The founder of tho ilrst-
ramed house, commonly called "old James
Munslield," began lile in a very humble way, us
a little draper In a buck street, fiom which lo
ca itv he emergf d us adculcriii bills of'exenunc.
I his led to inure extendi u money transactions,
endinir in the establishment of a banking houso
of the first cclcbriiy in Scotland. Tho firm of
.Munslield, Jtumsay & I n. continued to lie of mo
highest eminence till 1M7, when i; mewd its
nuoie into Kuiutays, Bonurs X' Co. In a eiin lur
manner the bin. king boue of Cuming ro e Into
existence. Old Puu ii k Cuming, lb it is Ciim iig
the lirst, kept a cloth shoo in Parliament-close,
which his Bon und heir Will am converted into a
counting-house, where he conliued himself en
tirely lo the trade in bills and money, with so
much success Unit alter a long pronuiity ui-o a
hard lite, ho died tbe possessor nt a very c n
sidciuhle fortune. These Individual exainp'es
show the diU'ciences iu the origin of the principal
bunking linns.
It was the failure of many of their corn and
other speculations which opened at last the eyes
of the members of tho linn of Conns & Co. t )
the vn.ue of bunking, as tho throughout most
profitable of their occupations. The personal ex
perience of Mr. Coutts, the sou oi John,
the hospitable Lord Provo't, did much to accele
lute the accomplishment of this design. Mr.
James Coutts, who had never been out of Scot
land, went on a visit to some friends in Landon;
in August, 17M, and while there fell In love with
a .young damsel catlid Miss Polly Pi agrim, nieeo
of Gioige ( an pbell, banker in the Strand.
After but a lew weeks' courtship, Polly got
wtdilt d to James, and thu event was lollowed by
tbe entrance of the biiilegroom into the linn of
Campbell, ht neelorth Campbell v Coutts. His
Loudon experience soon showed Juintu Coutts
that banking wus belter than corn dealing, even
when taken iu connection with smuggling tea
sud brandy, and be advised bis frien is in Scot
land acci r ingly. P rhups the advice would not
have bom so quickly taken but for disasters.
The purtntrs of the Scotch firm of Coutts & Co.,
among w hom was now Sir William l'orbes and
Mr Hunter, the hitter 0 very enterpri-ing man,
uriilcitnok various opeto inns which ihcy did not
uiiderMUiid, wuh the consequence to use uu
ixprisuve colloqiiiul phrate to "burn their
Thev fi'f up a large paper mill at M lvilla
very conshU luhlc cost; but, ben all was ready.
discoveied that tluy could not make paper, aad
had to coi sinii their imperfect produce to
Aineii u, from whence ihcy learned, through
their Kgi ut, "thai the printers of the ne wspu airs
had l.onebt tome of the puicr, because they
cc ii 11 not find nnv ot a belter quulitv, ami tiio
iipothecuiies bad bought the re-t b'iii-c they
could not find anv that was worse. .Not more
fortunate than iu parci-iuuking were the pirt
tiers in a leud mine si eciHiitiou. Thee sunk
gold, but got no lead in return ; and though the
phi in inei.t.u init- ht have bieu explained, iu a
ihjsiikl scb-e, by the fuct that gold is much
biavier than b ud, and will consequently hive a
much giruur tend, my to sinking, the adven
tuiirs find but liitlc comtoit lrom it.
But they took the wise resolution of keeping
luiicc loiih to banking, giving u ullthooiher
brum h occupations, even Miiuggling. I hiswai
about the jeui 1770; and the movement was lol
lowed bv a niinibcr of other Scotch houses, pre
vlcusly devoted to trading speculations a- well
es bunking. Piobably the number thus starting
into existence, all at once, was too great, for
there soon came a tremendous crash which over
topped oue-hulf of the new bankers. The disas
trous event, as tudden as au earthquake, is still
well lemcmbercd in Scotland, and generally
spoken of as "Black Monday" nauicly.jMondtty,
the nth ol June, lie liauiray Mies
General I.utntir, M ho left Mobile tin the 31st
ult.rctHMU that Hood has been reinforced ut
Atlanta by two divlniona of Ileuurepurd'a Corps)
from Kichmond, and two brigades from Mobile.
Roliert S. Mullory, member ol Congresti from
Kentucky, ha not bieu murdered by a ao'dier,
avuai lettorted. Mr. Olb-ou' Mullory was thu
rcrson thot.
II. O. Kent, Kaq., of New Haniiishire, Tost
matter of tbe Senate, bat been removed by tbe
herfrrant-at-Armii, and Mr. A, 1'. uorman ap
poifileu in uia place
I.amartine has left Paria for Bufetmdy
here. It la (aid. be intends comnletlnir a ilay he
ban already cuiiiuiciiced, to be represented ,uext
winter. . t
A I'aris letter nayt of Mirei. the ednvicted
banker, that "he ban uot yet leached the end of
hia tria la or uia lawsuit, out uaa a meeting ot the
shareholder!! of I i old company a few daya a.'o
in the Ciniue de lTmiieratriee. He nai received
by the immense asacnibluste with the favor which
uoiwithatandiiiL' bui reverses, the very men whom
tuey t fleeted have never williiieiu iroiu in in. na
diew tutu at well an arfluiue trom hia audience,
when be read a letter from bin daughter, the
widow of the Prince de I'oliKuac, who died about I
a year ago, in which the urouiiaei to exut.nd the
laat fiaiiu of hrr fortune to aid hiiu in dofeiidlne;
but bouui aud the luwrvtU t uu eUwvUyidvfJ."
In tbe Purlfh of Itathgate, In Lliili'bgo'vslilrp,
Krotlaud, lived a widow woman by the name of
in her family resided. In the capacity of help,
one Nancy Campbell, a girl of about nlne'eeu,
who was Mi-prctcd of having taken a fancy to
Kobln, the wblow's son, who reciprocated tho
si nun i nt. Nothing, however, would soften the
hi art of tbe widow ns regnrded a match, till at
lust the following event hnvlng o 'curted, an I
( nnsed li T to give way : Ahftuj' the hav-uiahlng
tine u I'Hunt anil coini aiutivi ly rich relm ou
wus evpreti d to call nnd take tea that evening
on his way to i.'tin nt'ow.
It wii not mien inai inn superior rciitive
hcnori l her house villi n vl-i', und Mrs. Simp
son, ileti rmined that noihlng should be wsniing
to Ins cniettrtitinient, brouviht out tho treasured
noons (ii'lv In the Ion-noon, with ininiv limine.
ions to Naiicv totichirg ihc cure shu should take
In I riihii iiing Hum up. While ibis operi'imi
was beilitr comliicfed In the Kitchen, In the midst
of those uncertain days w hich vary the N t hern
June, a sudden darkening of the sky nnnoitueed
the nf ptnnch of heavy ruin. Tho bay was dry
nt d lendv for boupintf. ltobin nnd two farni
inen weio busy pathei ing it In ; but thu great
Prep began to full w hile a considerable po ti in
yi t remained in the Held, nnd, wbh the Instinct
of crop preservi-tion, forth rushed the widow, 'o.
loved by JVincy, leavinir mo spoons nan scoured
on the kiti In n table. In her rapid exit, tlio girl
had forgotten to iateb the door. The wea-cl and
Ihc kite wen the only depredators known about
the moorland tarin; but While nicy wero all
occupied iu the bay-field, who should coma that
way but (ieonly Wilson!
Well, the kitchen door was open, and ficor ly
stepped in. He bunged tho settle with Ins stall,
he colli' bill, be hemmed, be saluied the cat,
which sat purring on the window. seal, and ut
length discovered there was nobody within.
Neither meal nor penny was to Pc expected that
day : tho rain wus crowing heavier, some of the
buy must be wet, and Mrs. Simpson would return
in bud humor. But two oljects powerfully
arrested Geordy's attention ; one was tho broth
pot boiling on tho fire, and the. other tho silver
poons H'sttered on the table. Homi ng over the
former, Oenrdy took a considerable sum, gave
the Ingredients a siir with a potstick, and mut
tered "very thin." His proceeding with the latter
must remain unmentioned; but, half an hour
alter, when he wus fulely ensi onsed In a furiu-
honte a mile oil, and the family wero driven
within doors by the iiierea-iiiK storm, they found
everything as it hud been left the broth on the
tire, the cut on the window-sent, me wiiuing and
fl.iiinel on tbe table ; but not a sp ion was there.
here s the fpisnns r cried .Mrs. Minpson to
the eiitlic family, who stood by the fire drying
their wet garments. Nobody could tell. Nam y
had kit Hum on the table when she ran to the
liny. No one hud been in the house ; they wero
ct rutin that nothing was disturbed. The drawer
was pulled out, and the empty stocking exhibited.
iwery men, evory corner was 'carciicu, oui to
no purpose; the spoons bud disappeared, and tho
state of the fiirni-boiisc may bo imiigiuod. Tho
widow run through it like one distracted, ques
tioning, scolding, and searching, itonin, ."ancy,
end ibo farm-men were despatched in
different directions, as soon as tho rain
Bbutcd, to iidvirtiso tho neighbors, under
the supposition tint some strolling
bi ggnr or g psy might buvc. carried olT tho trea
sure, and would attempt to dispose of it in tho
purlsh. Nobody thought of Geordy Wilson; ho
Liid not bten espied from the hay-liehl. Lost the
s)oons wire, beyond a doubt, nnd the widow
bude fair to lose her senses. Tho rich rclaiion
ci.meut tho appointed time, ami he had such a
tea that bo vowed never iigniu to trust himself
In the lit use of his entertainer. But tho search
wtnt on; rabbits' holes were looked into for tin:
missing silver, nnd active boys were bribed to
tuin out magpies' nests. Wells and burns In tho
neighborhood were exolorcd.
'lhccritrs ot the thrco nuirest parishes were
i ninlovcd lo proclaim the loss ; it was regulurly
uilvcrtised at kirk-gnte and marhct-pla.c ; aud
Mix. Simnson begun to talk ot' getting a seurch-
werrnnt b r the becgar's meal-pouch. Bathgate
was alarmed through all its borders concerning
the spoons; but when almost a month wcreuwav,
nnd nothing could bo heard of them, the widow's
suspicions turned from beggars, barns, and mag
pies to light on poor isaucy. nne nai been
ecourinff tbe spoons, and h it the house Inst; sil
ver could not leave the ta'ilo wiibout hands. It
wus true that Nancy hud borne an unquestion
able character; out sum spoons wero not to n.:
met with every day, and Mrs. Minpson was deter
mined to have thorn buck in her stocking.
After sundry bints of increasing breadth to
Hob n. who could not belo tliinkiiijj his mother
whs h diDg her judgment, she one day plumped
the charge, to the ti ter astonishment and disomy
of the poor girl, whose anxiety In tho search bad
bem inlciior only to her own. Though poor nnd
an orphan, Nancy hud sonic honest pride ; sho
lmincoi ileiy turned out tue contents ot ner bisi
(box), nnstrumr inr pocket in Mrs. Simpson's
presence, and ran, with tears in her eyes, to tell
tue iniiiisier.
As wus then common to the country parishes
ol Scotland, and disputes which might
mve employed the writers uud pu..icd mo
magistrates., were relerred tu his armtrutloti, and
thus lawsuit nnd scandal prevented. Tho min-
istir had heard as whom llatbgato had not f 01
Mrs. Simpson's lo-s. Like the rest of I lie parish,
he ihoum.t it rather strange; but Numy Camp-
bi II was one of the most ci ions and exemplary
gills ol his ci iigregtttion he could not beiicvo
flint the charge preferred against her was true ;
yet the peculiarities of thu caso demanded Inves
tigation. With some dilllculty the minister per
suaded Namy to return to her mistress, Hearing
a message to the e licet that ho and two of his
eiders, who happened lo re-idc in the neighbor
hood, would come over tlio billowing evening,
hear what could be said on both sides, and, if
possible, clear up thu mystery. 1 he widow w is
well pleased at tho minister uud his riders
ci ining to inquire ut'ttr thu spoons. She put on
fur best mutcii (that Is lo say, cap), prepared ner
best spi-cchis, uud enlisted some of the most
uncus and reliulilt ol her ucigunors to assist iu
the investigation.
l-.aily iu thu evening ot the following day
when the summer sun was wearing low and tho woik was over they were nil assemble 1 In
thu cliuiw coined kitchen, tue ministers, elders,
and in It libers, soberly listening to Mrs. Simp
son's testimony tout-lung her It s silver, Nancy,
ltobin, nnd tbe fuim-muu silting by till their turn
in ii e, when the door, which Had been loll halt
open to admit the breeze, for the evening was
sultiy, was quietly pushed u-lde, and in slid
Hi ore y w iieon, witlt his usual accompaniments
ol stall and wallet.
'1 hi re's na room for yo hero, Geordv" said
the widow; "we're on weighty business."
"Wed, mem, said (ieoidy, turning to depart,
"it's of nae consequence. I only caiuc to saa-ik
about your spoons."
"Hue you heard o' them ?" ciie 1 Mrs. Simp
miii, bouncing fiom her sent.
"I cniildnu mi-s bein' blessed wl' tho prcctmi
(lift o' hi arm', und what's bolter, 1 saw Iheui,"
suit! Geordy.
"Saw them, Geordy ? Whnr are they ? and
here su whole bhiliin for ye; und Mrs. Simp.
si n's purse, or rutin i- au old glove used :
purpose, wus instantly pioducud. j
"Weil," fuid (ieonly, "I slipped in no day, j
ui d Men,' ihc tiller unguarded, I thought some i
ill giii lid In dy might covet it, and laid it by, 1
may say uinong the leaves o' that Bible, tbinu'i'
j on would be sure to see the spouus wheu you i
went to reno.
Ill fi re Geordy had finished hl reveUti.m,
Nai ev Canipbell bud brought down the proudly
disp aytd, but never opened llibl -, and inlcr
su rtt d bctwi en its liav-is lay the do.en of loug
n. nghl s oons.
'1 he iiiinistcr of Ba'hgulu c nild scarcely com
ni niol bis gravity while admonishing Oeordy on,
the trouble und vexation his trick hud caused.
The assembled iic'ghbors laughed outright whan
the daft iiihii, pocketing the widow's shilling,
which be hud clutched iu the early part of-his
discourse, assort d them ull that he kenned Mrs.
Simpson read her Bible so often that the spoons
would be cenaiu to turn up. Geordy got many
u basin of broth aud many a luncheon of bread
and cheese on account of thut transaction, with
which be Htnused all the firesides of tho parish.
Mrs. Simpson was struck dumb even from scold
ing. Tho discovery put an end to her ostonta
tious profession, und it may be hoped tinned her
attention more to practice.
Has the story no moral for you, dear reader ?
l.rintre Honrs.
I'onipllinrnfar.T Order.
TLe follow lug order baa been baued by Gene
ral Meade :
IIkahui AF-rtKU Army of thr Toiomac,
Aunu.t 6, lhC4. General Ortler 0. o2. Tlie
ConiiiiuniiinK-Gi-niral lakea great pletiiure In
acknowledging tlie valuable nervicca rendered by
l.icutt'iiaut-Ciiluiiel lleury 1'leaaanla, 4tU Ht-gt-nieiit
rcuiitylvania Yetuiun VolutiUsir., and tie
iittlcera ana men of bis command, in the excava
tion cf the mine which waa ructxiCiifully exploded
on the mormuft ol the otnh tilt , tindtr one of the
cn.'ni T'a battel ita in front of llie 2d Uiviaion of
the Utk Ainir Corp. The (kill displayed in the
lay il, p out and GonatructioB of the mine rt-fiticta
(treat crnlit upon Lieutenant-Colonel l'leiaauU,
tlia nflioer in charge, and lh willing endurance
by the ott.cera aud men of the regiment of tho
extraordinary labor aud fatigue involved lo the
priiati utiou of the work to completion, are worthy
of the Itighcit praise. By eomiuand of
Major-4iueral MtAOE,
6. William, A. A. O.
Aincipg the Union soldier recently releated
f i oin the Keni'l ptt-ona in lexaa Hal Llt-ttteiiuut-
Colonel A. J. II. UiiFanne, ot the New Vork
It 'ith. lie employed lib) enforced leirure la
1 writing Imoli vii "CftKipti aud 1'rituun."
ln w. n. Mi KwiN s. ro.'i column
COMI'lll JUHEO f llOM R0"1 S, DAiUta, AND LEAVE.
tr. b:tm IniUan lnort-tlfl,
enrm all fllM-a-m or die
nibinry orvsns, ni b as ln
rnritit, of ine t nii", In
tlatiiiiirtlir.n nf II. e lli,lili r,
fiillMinniatlnn of tl e HI Inn a,
Htnnp In ih IlLnMrr, rio
turf. (travel. Oli-st. linnr
rti.i a. snil In ..,ti.i'i , r.s
i in tli i" i -t
in..' vimi. 'or wiil'-n In
! I.i.ili 1 v.h.-rr ,01 ! e
nnusi.ous uit-illln's raie
bull J.
rf 'i ' v
y vt
M vt
at VI
II prensr-.l n a Mwlpy
roTKriitrslt A fa n, ttie Uo.a
onlv tM'Ina ir -in IPS' to tsvrr
t"U4Kjoaiiiii Uin-e tiuira iar
It Is U.iri'tlo an 1 illriitlve
In its ai'tami putl ring, and
cl-'nioliis Ihc liliivl, c. istiiit
ft lo rluw lit all nl Its iriKln-u anil vignr; tluis r"-m-ivnir
trom tlii armita.lll
isnrnle oil Jailm-a wttoti kave
lutlQieit dlsuate.
(' 1 1 -l Tl I J
UCl c'
r n r it o k r. v. is iw-
1 ION Is iiil'tiiliil as nn n'ty
oi a si.l im l" trie cul.Kil-Kl-
k III. .Ml HV, Jliil smo.lil
l.r loi-a III ruillll ill with
thai nii-ilu ine In ail ui-'-s .-f
liiiimrrli-i ii, lilei-l, K ti'-r
Aihiis or tv life s. n ei '- is
air h'-lillt t!. s -utlllli, I'.imI
iltaiiiilri-iil; riaimvn a ml
trii'a v h'-at. I -inl' e. uriil
paiu. Itiso-iiil nf Ilio tiiiriuni
at il iliensl ion iiiIkihI. e utln
tlal Is i-inrti-tin'il wuh
tuitrly all tl.s clie-te iine a
lliji illolll.
ill B
Mv tti n of tbe eriP,l"V
KK.K KKMKflY ar.rt ;n!
lo IK s'.K IN.Ii;Cl I'lV "ie
t-vo iiieilli-lne at the fame
tline all Improper Ji.
rharRsn are ri-atuveil, anil 'Jie
Wtsriki-ni-il ii inn a'e ,)ei-J-liy
re-turaa to t'ull visor ari'l
alraiiifib. mil pif-lpulara set ier
pnuipti'i'tM lY'iin any Ir-it;
stnro in ibe Mimtrv ,cr write
na. anil we Will tnnll ftm to
any aililreaa a fuU treaJJa.
1 lilt
ii n
hi iMt
III! Illl
fill l"l
ii a mi
Price, OHKIt'lKI'.K Itf.MK-
TiY. 11 l-r bjtde, (-r Itie.S
buttlf fur i-i
Price. rilKNUKKK IV-
bi) nn
Ml !!
.'KC I piV. tl per In, lie, or
Uirtu botuia tur l-i.
Ill) III)
niKlftKKP. ffBCI
An niilaliein -'lire Tnr rtrer
tnal'.trrlioa. rtemliwl W-uk-mm,
Nuctiirnal tinlaaloiva,
null all uleeaaea cuiimh, liy
H-lf polluli'in; sii'-li m lfl-1
of Miimory, tlnivHrsal Liesl
tilde, rains In the lluek, iiltn
nesa ul' Vision. Krciiiiituro
lllil Ave. i Nitvih I if
llciillv of Hratliliii.', rremb
flnx, Waki'tiilnisss, Kruiitloiia
on the Kaee 1'ale Coun'e
niicn. Insanity, tl'iniimp
ftnn ami all the direful com
plaints caus.-d by ileimrtlaK
Pent by i-xt.ri-.s t" nny aif-
ilres on re i ll-t nl'r r
illl byaUuvk-l-lcvery-
FKKKK.rr.Ki n
r 1 1 ti.b;.i i i;
troul the (iata it uature.
This medlcino la a Mrur-M
TrMelnlile extract, anil una
tin which ft I eitli n-l,iis It
bus itn-n nscu in our iiriie
tlcv fur mnnv years, hiiu with
tliiiiisiiuea ireaieil. It bus not
faili-U In a ainvle Insiuncv.
Iim cliriittvu iinwtTs have
been ftiillii'feiit to ttsin vic
tory uvcr tlie niost atuliborn
Tii those wlio bnv-e trlllesl
with their eoii.lltiiit'in. un
til tln-y think tlie'iiselvra
tietuliil tl.c rt-MCh ,
aid, we wnulil a.iv. Id
HI'Altl Till! ! the ( HKKO-
hl-.K I I I E "1 ri-si'.m
yuii tu tivaliti ana vitinr, huh
am-r ull ipiaek uiKtori liava
For fn'.l nanknlara, rt a
rinular iroin any brust
Htora in llie -oimtry, er
write the I'ropr'eturH, who
will mail free, t i any one do
alrlnit the name, a full trea
tise In puiiuHiiot fiirin.
Price's, $-2 tier bottle, or
three bott'ea for and for
warded bv K.xiircsa to all
parts of the world.
Hold by all rmpe, labia
druk-glata overywht.e.
Hit It llltltll K It
it it it hit H
unit n it it
in: it it kk.
I, ii it it it it
It itK nun
hub unit
it it it n it it
Mi. WKKiirrs
1.1 MUl
Pri parid from I'uie Vi-s-e-
table K tracts, ruiitaiiiiiis;
Duttilny Injiirleui lo tbe
li.oat delli-iite.
Hie Kiiilvi-iiatliiK I'.llxlr
Ib tbe rtiault ol incilt rii dw-(ovi-ilt-n
In tlio vi-ttilalile
kliiL'dian ; lieltm un entirely
ntw and abstract niefrnd of
cure, Inesjiccilve of all tbe
old and worn-out Hyatouia.
'-j c:
no c
LI ! 00
lo .:ci
TtiU medl'lna haa eer.
tented by tbe mnet emlaent
medlrul n-,i-n of llie biy.iind
OOIH) by tbem pronounced to t.o
DODOOO one ul ihe itreaiu,t uiodJcal
LHin ot)i) tusenvenea oi the as-e.
'ido ood One botlle wUlcuruUeneral
t It)') DID Dl-Dlllfv.
IKin lino A few bottlea cura !!
DiO HDD tortea in feuiuica.
duo Dim One tMitiie enrea Palplta
yuii iniv) ikid in ine in-:in.
OoOdihj A tew dunes rcatora t'ie
DOOD oreuin of nt-raltiin.
1'ioni one to tbreo bottlea
restore llie manliueis and
mu vlevr of youtb.
A few
deses rcsioro tlio
bottlee rare the)
Wi. re! i ase i. I inpoti nry.
A lew ilonte ciaij tho low
Rplrlu d.
Dm- bottle rczt'ires menial
pon i-r.
A lew do.fabrlne the rose
to llie cl.evk
'Mils nii'iln ine re.tore to
manly vior ai d roimat
ht-ultb the poor, ileblhuid,
wiirn-ilnwii, ami desp Or-iitf
ilkvulcu tl misual pltusura.
The ItatVaa. anervrted
vanth.the ov er-tnNkevl man
of bnslnesi, lie) victim of
nervoua dt-preiiaion . the in
hk kk'
dividual sunurlnt-'imm ireiie
ral debility, or lrom weak
neaa nl u stinlu oritan,wilt
au Und Immediate and per
manent relief by the una of
tbi4 Kllxlr or Kaueuue of
l'rlee. tl nar bottlo.
three bottlua fur -ri, and for
warded by exnreita, on re.
ot-tpt of meney, IV) a-iy ad-
Hold by all dnjrfb'Udi avery-
wuh re.
t'F.MAI.B llrill I.ATOK, NNN
Knr I lie bin. oval nl "b- KM
atria-ilons. and le hisiir- NM
anie of Itt-umrliy ill Uia
Kteeiunnca oi the Monthly J.S
r.-niKl.. NM
TPe.v core or "lit laie thoie M
nnnn fens dl'in-c- that N
kprini: livim iricuicirlty, by
ri lino ItiK the iiickU arili U-
They cure Rtippre.aefl,
BxceaHive, ana raiuiui .iieu
atmatlon. Tin-y cure Orcen 81ckuesa
I.I tl.Kl.l t.l l-;
K.K.I KKf Kl 1 K.
K.l.H.fcl.1.1 . K
Tiiey cure Nervoua ana
nninal Aiteiitloun. uain. In
Uie buck und lower li irta of
Uieboily, lleavln-ia, Ka'lKne
on allsltlt exertion. I aliil-
tatlon ot tlio Heart, l.ow-
ni-Kii of Hililt., Hiaieria,
Pira ltca"aotit, tlltiaint-afl,
me., ate, Jn a word, tiv ro-
movliiat the lrri-nnlarltv,tliy
reinoietlie cnuae and with
ItaUtl.e ttvvta taat .pn iu
aroin la.
t'l lllioai-0 til all. I It: Vt-n-
tul lt' t-xiiMi-ii-. tie ei main
Hull. II. n ileltinl if unf
COIl.tltlltM'll. I.IV tlU-
Critf. llit-ir una .01. 1 1 l.if to
anliatlliite fetrt-ai-'ti I .rwt-ek-lieti-,
w liit n. v. In n in-i uiiy
UMd, lilt nevt I t. I 10 tl.i.
'1 ht-y Way bi- aa-i nai dat
any ate, i.nd a' -i - n nod,
I xVki-t hi in- .i iiiK
l-IIIM' 'lllltt.l i'i' IIH,
duiltiit ttlitf-li it.e iiiniiilintf
run ii in of it-t-ir in- 'on w luld
liilnlllVly l'i tY KM uituj.
K 1.1. tit
nuia J.
AO letter, aeeklns Infor
mation or ailvlce will ba
iirouipily.lrtieiy.aud dliiartiut
ly aiiawnred.
r ull dlracuoni accotuiiany
at-li boa .
1'rioe $1 per box, or tlx
mixer, tor a.
Heat by mall, free of poat
aie, oil rereipt of price.
bold by all rtxpctabl
CI.SLo are. old by allenur
lirl.ii a tlriuiatl.ta in tin- n I
llil world. tkiB. unpriii
ciiilrd doalera, liowevir.try
to nil Motllileaa conipoiiiida
In (ilei't! ol thi-aa llm.e
wlil. li they oan net at a
clx up prlua. and niakeiuni
niniiii by aelUim limn tln-y
can n the t'HKJt.lKK.B
MKflll INKS. Aa you value
yinir keaiili ay, Uie lieaitk
of yonrollsprlnw do not be
detvivt-d by ucli nnprlu
ciled dri'niti.ia. A.k lor
tin- rilKltl'kha UKUI-fiK-vu
.,..1 i.L. iinnlhar.
bi4 Wrl
pa bM4
b.4 t8
b-t 8 -IS
If the iiruuiiiBtf will iiot boy tliein for T". "t
and we will atud llnui lo you by Kapreta. Parlleaaddre..
tniiin ahould .Uia the rliata.o aud ayiuiifairaa. and lull
partkular. In retard to Uuux caitea. Vt a traat all olaeaaea
ol aehtoiilciiaturelnniaUiorft-niaia.
t-.ii.m ... ..ntlenien ran addreae Ul ! perfect confl.
ieiiee. and e w dl In all caan frankly and Ireeiy an.wor
Iheir letlera, ana alve our ativloe aa ret "run eacu c.
Ii.lnu At a iliaOanoe aued not fcualtaiti iMK-ailia
llieir Inability on. We l.aetreait-laa;e..fiial
r i..,i...... ..lA.-.lnu ui alll tili.aau wilt Poet Orflce,
Couni, aim,, and i.aiua ot wrtlor, "lalu, an4 lncloe
pomaae lerfi lor reply. ..
'i aeiMl to any addre.a our W pa pauiphlut fi-aa.
Addxuaa all U-ltera and older, to
Jia. W. II- at Kit IN CO.,
Aaerf.forPenw.vlvanta.nVOT'T C0..N-. . Korta
tiiaVM; auial.ruUiMlvlt'aua..
c' V
No. 110 Mnrkpt Ptrcot
C. W. VKI- HI. ? I" SII-PllA.
Can fin '. atoor satablla'ant-if a full aiortninlof Imported
and iHitusvtis l)rn, rpulr f' Meiloiuev, Talnta,
C'-al Oil, Wltido- t;la, rrriorlpton V"ll",c., at at low
prloei aa aannlne flrat-clava goodi ran be sola.
For Confttle itri.ln foil varlfly. and of Ui ti't m-vlltT.
C'oclitiieal, Il nital Indlao, ktadilrr, l ot Aan, Cn-lnear,
S'ida lu, Alcm.Oii of Vl'rlol, to, Ciipperat,r.xtradt
of lo.wood. A-., FOB SYJtiiV nee, ah, aye on band, at
loweat nrt casb prlcaa.
Oronnd xprQiljr for rnir aalea, and to wbloh ire Invite
attantkm of Umve In vint of reliable artl -b .
Mm, .VJuU, ATAlliJH, M JHTARD, tl., of evir
OMera by ior.ll, or el'y pvst, vttn aieet -Tint prompt at
tsnitun.ortp eial quota-loin n 111 lie furalvhid when r-
, Waolp. ale Drag sVar-jhimsel,
JaJl-ly No. J1J M KHBT Strut, above Front.
W K A LT 11, II 1'- A L T II. AND
ItKAi rv.
If to lain ailnttrnit ivo;
If to -aiisi' lnvid-,iii- aisli.;
If to ise a bl-immnic tl-osi r,
t lir f , iljlnj In aa s,or-Itltictv !
It fo have a beet of rrleail ;
If :'uf vice lo raa arariila;
If veltb li-L-h burn li'ii-id lo w ed :
liantalble vtuiai wbfil Jsad 'fAt tu!
If to live tbreeai rre and frn,
Wlnhlnv a e as lone aea'.n;
It In live a Hie ol psacs ;
Ii to die and ioi to trrafe TlrALf n I
II yon wish a life nf pleaenre ;
If 'on value iim wur.d a irsaanraa;
H'tvtry imiif'i't von w.nild sc.
Take my aav'cf, and Wvh alt .ir.-r.
1 1, en. bavin renlib. Wealth, iai'1 Itnai.iy,
y iu II be irs pared fur vi r duty.
II) nn fill i rnl et I'r. WIl.WAM VifliVI X
pi.ik, 1 II K .MAHItlAOK HIIDK. whb h should be read
bv eiery uni Hold by Itnoe-ell'Ta k 11 - a'lv. nnd at tlie
l - .. lor t!e, St. 1 Hi nt I B xTKKbT; I rl b !i
tenli. a-' tf
IN 11 V t-t I M O Pf
Offloo, No. 5vJl Nb.W MARKET Btreoa,
And l'aet try, Oomir of
9EC0! l A.SU -Jl'MliailLAND ITKEETS,
All vrij evtry in-i of ,
WlilllVs.'H'i'f). 11HATS1, WIlF.KI.BAKUOWsl,
and I'lMIIMl WIIKKLA, adapted to A.n ly. iload, Sutler,
or r'aniailoa purp .!. All work wurantod.
l"Or,l .re pr.n.pily aitundad to. Ia4-J
LiiAi; r iidi nn.
On tnd alter M "Silly, Auituill, lbi4.
PasvenRcr trains It-uve rblladelplda lor
llaill'.nore at 4-an ( r:pie-e. .viuaaya i"u-uauj,e vi .
M., W M.. 'J lo a d In 10 !'. M.
Chester at b Mb. 11 Ib A. -M., I' JO, 1 -30, 4 au, ti w anu n i
r. m.
V llrrtniiton at 4'30 CVIinila.i eirspinl,, ses.,il i.a.
1.. 1 .,0. ll'.M, I m, 'i le . In -HI and Il l.O V M.
New Castle at H ei . M. anil V ' r. -M.
lii.v.-r at us a. M. and I w r. si.
Ml Ii id ai Hlk-, A. M
SialltMllj at th A. M.
I'll A INs KCH rnir.ADK.I.I'HI A.
leave llnlllmnra at blii, U'-W A. M. (Kxpn It), 110,
S-.'t. and III !: V.U. .
Wllnill.tti II ut 118. 0-43, 0 A. M.. U , 1, 141, I'll, l ev.
ardll in P. M.
Nalbbnrv at I I'M A M.
.Mllloid al J Vi P. M.
ovrral lilt) A. M., nd4in I-.
hew Casile at Ml A. il , and e-i? P. v .
L'te.tler al Hi, -40 A. 14 , 1 ', i 4fi, 4 10, li 00, 7'M, 5-40
Leave flu liluiure fir Uillsbury nnd Intermediate vtallon-i,
at in .v. I' M. ,
Leave ita tluiore ft r li-.iver ana iDtcrmeuiate smuens
111) il. ..
I K S -V -V tV'l I, 11. I I -ID '.Ft.
1 vj 'tu ilxr IHIIIA. M . :l-0.r, an 'J 11 tvT T. . M .
l eave Wilni iikIiiii at 5 .)'. a!i A M., 3 10 J. id 1140
yrclKlit Tralna, with rmtt.nger vat attarnea, win run
a fi.lltiu i-
Leave vv iimlnittim for reiryviiicatiainu-rmcamieiiavcca
at 7 -v i". M . .
ctiNDAY 8:-only al ao A. i . iu aur. m., irom raaa-
H..l..l,l O. Ila.llmora.
From i' to -Wilinnik'too aivixtA. m lu-w,
am 11 I'M.
v r. It) V ilmlnften ti enilftil"lonni at I i a. m. ami ow
P M. Only al Vrilj V. M , from llnltt-nuro to I'hllaileli li'a.
Ja4 il. r. aKaM.1, Buperniieuueiii.
no KVlLltOMi.
T'llflllUl iN TWO tlOI'lttt'l
Four Irali.a dnilT to Atlantir CUV.
Oi v. ifo-r lDNl)i..Uly 4,Uain; Rave Vineatnit
rf ii y ae mihiw, :
aiau, . aa a. va.
Frelaht. with paaseiuer ' arta-hef.Slti .
t xpresi (iiiroiiitn in vi noma i t eu r. jbi.
Ailmiilc Aee .-ma dati in. 4 lb I . M
JUiicdon Ai-eimiiii uliili n,ri :ui P. M.
ItKIt !tM'l IKAV'I All,), h riu
Ai-Cfinirneeatlun f A'.lentl) b'H A. M.
j-.airsa, 7-oH A. M.
) reltht. II' ii A. M.
Alall,4 H V. HI.
Jitiu-tu n Are. .m:n-i,ta'lon. 'W 4. V.
f jr- 1 1 AM n tc. Mi. Hound Irin ncatta m oo only
fur Uie d.ty :oiJ trwlli on win- IMtiey ar.' Isaueill w.
i. I ll ll.iur)rr ir,i,ii inn so,
l tav- Vine I r! A. 1. anl I IU P M.
Leave lliiduoafl. ld I'ir. P. M. and -; 44 P. M.
)K hl'M-AVsl.
Mall train fir Allanllc I'nvui Slue :lrctt 7 3C A.M.
I.-.IV Atla.'iUo 4 4b P. M ., JOHN O. FKYANT, Acini.
J THAI, li i I.I.DAD, OPK.N TO OXKOilD-SrltlNll
Dn ttt il utter r AID v i , Apru ii-tri.tne train! win leaver
an Inllowa -
LLAV B KSTVVAK'. ihibi.,
i M.l HI A.IIONH. A. VI f.
Oxtonl ,
Wlnil 1,'rovi...
t'tiadd'a Ford
...11 .!
...7 n.'i
,. ..7 .)
...7 4'J
K 2-i Phllaii-lpliia.... K W 4 at)
a ,'ij Went t'lirster... 7 41 4 15
a -il W. ic .Innetloi).. tl-iM 641
4 17 'uncord (4 V I 5 . 1)
4 41 lb.i.1,1 e luril till Ull
Sue Kinm-ll 1111)5 6:17
W.H. Jnncilon.. ko.'i
A lti Vvonilu'o m il li'M
I'tillndelphli Ii J I
"Aval I neater.... J W
il M West Drove 10 211 7 Oi
e.lll UMnril In .si THU
1 lo r lii .:it In Philiid.aulila ha been i-hani:ed trom
ill tin ml M.irkut .tirrt. lo Illl I C IV-Kilt 4 1' and
UlAlikKT Slriel., Wial l'Mlailliliia. Mvkut Street
Pinenter Hallway fan L-onvey I'aa.eiiKera to aud lrom
tl.e lh-p..
I'as. enter, go inrouuii w mioi.i rn iiiki- "i i '.
ja4 HKNItY W.-.iI), UnlJi rlnt. nde'.t.
ulna time ut Tiulm, com mauling KKlUAl , January
1 1M11 -
1 . ... . . a . , i i n a M 4 ..... I V LI
roili .1 aililll nnei i.inaii ev n n. m ., a .. -,
frela'tlt 12 . Kellirill.laT, avo hall-Ill ut 4 M.,tJ tl, A.
M.,llur.M. tfilatht da'ly aai-B ay. AfPlTto
Stcoinl CtiM-red Kler above WAl.NI'T H'rett,
S liKi.AU AltK Aw niie.
ja4-tf J. VAN HKVSKKLAKIt. nerlnteno nt
no,l ton. liintr at Jui't'iit wii, fork tlarlKr.
1 .u- il known HK'Uinfrra of tlia LtvfiLto, Nr Y irW,
and I'liilfci. ipl ia firuiu-rii,i i .jinpany ar inu aae-1 tu
a i a :
4MTV OK MASf liKKTKR. Katur.Uy. AiifUit 13
( ITY tK ,OMrt). Samrdav. Aiuil At.
cri Y ttr It vi 'l i MoitK. NuiuriUv. Aiieu-i 27.
Anil evr fuoi'atdirtK Haturday, at imkiq, iiuw Tier No.
patvni.ktn Cold, or lis i mt vrut In ( urreu.'T:
.rlKil V i HID mP'iF. niftixni;
rtrkl(Htin to I.oiul'.ii Hb iu stiera to l.-mthm... JMNI
Mm raiiin tu Puru... -u- Bitwraxeio ram , iw
l1 trm ( atiin to Hauiburu .O'tiO Kt'raun tn ilainburif.. U Ui
rasni'iuriTH ure lo inrwantvd ut iiavra, nrt uie u, tioi- ililUKrtl . ill tOlllall IllW rklHK.
J- iirt c tr- Ul l.ivi-riioin or iliwr naiown r irai (..hinii, h,
v, fit. H)i-niK0 trom latvurnoni una iin4Miiio 11, wlio s inti iu sum tor tutir lnciiua van uuy iicauu al Wf"e rtitu
tvt luutit-r 1 nl 01 mat ion apply at ma company ntneoa.
Ko. Ill WALN L I Btreet, ruilaiklplila.
. Rtcami.M'r Una. aallfnff from each i.ort on A YH. trom flrrit whan abova I'ISt. htrcoi.i'liila-
At mh a. ai.d Inu Whftif. KohUin. J-roin art wharf
MtMtvu 1'INk Htrum.nn Katurdav. AUaiiint 14. im ,
l h m em h iii in ha t.trt. Mutuiftwn, win aau trom rima
A liihiM fur Hon. on. on Kanirray .Auk'ti't 13. at 10 o cx A.
M -; and the lUauikhip N OHM A N , Kukr, txum BuatoM toff
riiilU:l liia, on name any. at r. m.
Tlii'M new ana ouunvaiiiiu iii'iiiiinini. inrm rouuiT
lliif, mMIiik from eatib 'rt punctimlly on Hatuntayi .
lu.-unun. va cilt ctvU at one -hail Uiu prvuuuui cltargt-d oa
Ulf- VfKhUllt.
n it hiM ijtken at rair ra'ci.
Hlnnnertt are noueBti'd to tend Blip ReccliU and BUU
Lading wlih Uu-ir woods.
ror laiktil or raage (navm nne (vommonr.ioai;
apl'ly tu jir.rni n i a, n'e,
jn-ti no.fMjf b. ifraiaATT&nc. avvuub.
lUmm fi i'i i .T""1 Swiii. iiro l.ln. , Tla Delawara ana
l.nt mnt anal. 'I h ateauitsta iif tlieae line, are leaviaif
dally at VI cli-e, 14., auU u CliM. 1', al., Iruw ttjiMl JilK
almve H alaut atrei't.
For Irfiftil, liu'4i will bn taltfn oa araorambilatlnii
tf.nil,ai'li ID WILLIAM M. UAIUU tt)., Ml. lil S.
KMnAite Avauua.
ut tlia Ktcararua Kouta. Tba .laaaut new
auaLu.u.p liUl.lihN Kl I t, HI Have
ON HA'I I'UllAV. Aliiruat J7. at BAUD.
Lowa.t rale, uf aaa. Uiruugti fruut l'liUadiiliUla t
"aKSrST W.A.HAtlffX,
)16 lm
Ko.317 WALNUT huant.
L ft fir ?T"" ID. 14.
1 i.c .tup VANCOUVER, Captalu J. D. Carllsla,
ni .all aa alaiva.
ur luiatii oi uMeara. apply f
'iiiuHA kii'hahdrow a oo.,
Jjll t iiu.lul rVAX.Nl, I HUMt,
- .. .. . . . a .. .a A '- ,
11 A I I, U O A I) 1. 1 N K N 0 Iiril.
I'lllI.AtiK.I.I'MIA TO HUDDiil V N,
1 Haul Dll l . r i v r, li)i un,
F.vcriiaron tkuktsi h, iidiiii for tiiiikk lTa.
D.-l and after Vi l MIA V , Aunt) at I, ls.;, trul-ia -a III leave
fro: of VINK sitrret. I'!n lads 'ptne, ever v ninriiinjf al H A.
Al. iP'indsys f-o-epti '. thei i e l-v ttie Caioilan ,int At-lirlli-
and Ifarltaii and lirlawarn bay Kailrowl . to Port
Mi lini.mth, nnd f.y the c niininll.iiie aleatn-r l-ese ll-o t,
lolcotif Allanlle gtipe'. llriKikb n; reoirnnr, ls.ive At.
Iinitte -suet-l W harl every day I Snnda a excepted ). at II
A M.
Traielt rs fo tl,e .-ily nf Vew 1 .rV are n am .1 not to
I lily tor pis-Av'O by till line, thMMie of N,.v ,lHr-,
brtMrv i-r.ioo d lo llie Cioniien aid tnii.iy tnump ,ly Hie
ex.'lmive prlvll. vf "t r.irr Itur p.i.-i'li.-ers und f.-iiit be
tWH D I t,s elil, ol P'eia,lf-eia. an-l New I -irk. I 'I tl
W, K. Dltll-I It frt, Deneral stnperintcndetit.
1)III..MKn'lIIA, fii;i!MANTO'.V:J, AND
Mil'liinlOlvN KIM ifivi).
l i vt i. lAtnr.
(Oi and a'fr M'JSIiAl, May I'
PH. until f.rtlier
' '"' ' rem i.him mro.v.
I.rave rbllnfelplila it.T.a.'l 1" II, III A.M.; 1,2,
11 I . 1'. 7 M 'I III It 1' P M
! 10,
Le.i've i,. rinaii'ln n. li.' 7. 1 ;l '. H, H .'il, in. 11, III A
. M. ,
l.V. :l. 4. i1( , .i, 'i.b',. 7. s. a, I". 11. ioiiI I - I . At
'then lilcen. and llie :l and lix tralna ep, do not st'ip
on llie ili-rniant.-vv n llrivo. Ii.
Tsnve l'l,.lul. Iplna.ii, ,ln,U A. Vt.t a', , ' i. 7. a,
"leave ChMtint Illlt. 710, 1,!)' 10, 1H0 A. M. ; 1' I", TI-
.'i 40, ii 10, H'to, nn. I 10 In I. M.
1 OK I CtSMIIDMiil'M'.N ANT) Noftlttl tOVV V.
t.enve Philadelphia (I, H a.l, 1 1 D.'i A. M.; I.'i,:l, -l.'a, ''.
C. .Hd.'i. ami 1 1 1 1 P. Al .
Iave Nnrriatiiwn.u.'i, 7, 7',9 ami II A. M.; l.f, t. a,
ami tl P.M.
Tl . train tilt, will flop nt Wlsvtllil. kon, Minajnnll,
and L-iiioboekeii only.
I.rave Pliilralftpliiri. li, M-aVi, II Ci A M., Vi. a, l.'i, "i,1,
f v,, H e.'i and II Aj P. M.
eaieMnn.iyui,k,ti,.,,7)t;,aO, ', IVi A.M., i. 5, 7,
and :', P. M.
II. K. 1MI Tit. ttrnernl Snpeilt letldent.
ny.'ll Heiot, MM II and i.lll KN 14trt.;ta.
MVI ill L'lll'SK, ll.VI.t lu.N, WILKIHIIAItltt:, and
W ILLIAMhl't'llf.
nn and after MONDAY, June I I, I1"!!. l'a-anncrTrr.ln
Will Have llie K, -a- In pot, 1 II I It I) Street, above. I l.oinn
son street, I blladripliia, daily (Htiuda) 1 excepted), a
7 AM. fEMire') for lli'lhlliem, AllcnUiwu, Mnileli
f hank, Wilke.luirre. Vt illlaniapnrt.
9 I . A t. ( A' coruiin ilatl. n) f r lioylesbmn.
10 l.pi A. if. (Ai-ioii f-.r Kurt Wa iblngfon.
1 P , At. 1 A' ' on moilatlon) lor Dov lesiown.
3 15 P. M. tFP'i-s- i for Iti'tfile'iein, Laetun, .to.
I I.', P. Al . t .Vlail) lor Dili leslnwn.
b l.'i P. M. t'A.-eoiumodiitlon) lor Uetnlebciii, Allentow n,
and M ol' h I hunk.
i-.-i P M. ( Aieonimodatlon) for Leosdale.
11 P. At. (Aieorniii' Tor Kurt Waliln:;ton.
TIIAIK.4 Hill i'lill.AllK.I.PIllA
I rnve Itetl.l. linn al ii :m A M . : :la A. M , and C.-O, T. M.
Iiovli-stown at H ill A. U V. Af.,iind 7 P. M.
Laii.itiila at fi A. M
tort Washington al IPSA A. M. and J P. M.
I'lillailelphia for rtetlileb-m at II A. M.
I'tnlnd. Iplihi far liovl town al J P. VI.
Iioyli st i n lur Philadelphia at 7"AI 4 M.
Ilnlilt-hi in liir Phi u li Iplii iat t P. Al.
1 1 1 1 1 in wit llaeptase K upreai will call mrand il-llver bar
trm'e at the depui. Orders: may be lift at No. 11J S. Ulllll)
"jtli!' F.t.I.IS CI.ARK, Axenl.
H A I Ml O A O i
f:l('T Till NK LINE
A'KNNM laVAMA, TIIK Mrili; I.KlLl., HL8
Ltf-avr th4 rimait Denni. at Tlilll 1 KKNTIl am!
( Al.l.dV. MUX Hui-ets, riii'atl.'U'ni.i, at thu luliowlng
hours :
A H l' A. II., for Kiatl'iu, Ljjiiion, Lolimdi, Lltl,
Olntnbla, liarrhl urK, roif.iviili. Pmcu-nivp, Irimiiun,
H'inl.ur) . WUhainiM'rt. Kimir.t. KnctiPunT, int-ara r ;tii,
l.utinlo. Allt iitown, kfwharre. ritttn, York, CarlUle,
wlanD4fhur, llnvrt-rttown. A.'.
ihv lri rnnf-:tk t hh..IiM wnn r.;m r.-ninyiTu-nia
Tlmlr .ail trains tor Anjiiuwn. Ac. tlio M4ihig and linilrn.iil for fnhrAt.i. Lit', rind 4 'olum'i.a. and
with the l.f l.aiinn Viiu ytr Jin lor inm-onf il, xr. ; ai run
LNTtN -wliii Caiawttia Kiii;n.attruin i r hk?i arru.
V il)i,4iiir-pTl. Lota Haven, Liniirti, Ac.; at IMKItiM-
lt( KfiHith ' Norihern Central, umherlnnl Valh'.v,"
mi of. t.,.xiViii mid Su-ntif )inna" trains itr N'"rt iinn-
b.rUod,Vi!liam'r rt .rtili.rhaTh'TshnrK, P.mfove.&c.
Leaves 1'l.ilud. Inhia at a0 K II. for Heading, Pntts-
Hie. Tint k rove, lUrTlstn.r, A., conni-ctlnir at llarru
tiiiii wl'h rnnTtvanla Vntral traim for Plitslmru, tc..
ortlntn f ntral Haiiruart tram tor cuiiniirr, oriumn
beriard, Klinira, Ac, and at I'mt t'hntr.n w it. Catawlsia
Hailroad txalnn for Milton, William-ijurt, tiiuira. Uutlulo,
LcnTOH Reailuir at(iM A. M., utomnnK at all way sta
tic us. arru In riillailrlphla at Win) A.M.
H lurniiB, It .iwn riiiirttit'ii'iiia ai.i'i i". m , mrivs m
ItfiiPlhgWH'Nip M.
Truini for I'liiiadeipma nave iiarriMmr ai n .n., im
Pot'vUle at U L' A. M ,arrlvlni, In PliUadidplu at 1
1. M. At'inmon triilnn Umvo HarrlnrHirn nt 1 V. if.,
pott-vllle at i'tot V. .t nrdvlnir in I'liUiviel-hln at 7 1. M.
MiirKH. trains, with a piissenK-T oar auai non, nv
rhilailelhta al I P. M , lor Iteadlin, and all way itatl-ini ;
leave R. tttiine ul r, noon, unu imwiuiiKwwn mi. wi .
M. for piilhu.el.iMa and all way ituttoiid.
AU Ihe aiiove trains run tiaiiy, nnuuyi exoui-u.
Hnndav trains leave Pottville at I'M A. M., and Pltlta-
dclnblu at i ! I' M. r ,.,,-1.tx
iir.n i r.t fliai.r.i
Pa? ftiiL'crH for lum-iihiiMown and Intorincllft'o point!
taKe Ihe M l.' A. M.and -'-t-O P. M. train from P.illatM..ila,
relnrnliig from Downingtoun at M A. M., und I J 15
T.oarei Ifcw York at 7 P. M.. nafHliig Keadlns at li nill-
nUht. and connuctliiu at llatns -ur with PeuiiiylvaulA
artaliro.Kl hiie-s trams tV r Pitinhnrir.
Ittnrnii!L- rAn iii trnin leavus narninurKon arnvu n
tl;e Peniif vlvanla Kxnre.s from Pitt-burn at n - A. M.
ra-Mtiit? ItfadniK al H -tu A- M , and urnvinx at New "ffc
a; j r- -n. r-i'i-i'i. k .! -a,,.,, , .........
thr tub, between Jiriey I'lty and I'ittsbure,-, wltUoul
Mall trnrtu ror ew i or n ave imrnsTint h n a. i,
and 2 P. M. 31 ail traiiu ut llarrli!lmrg Have .New .uia
atij A.M. rd i .V. ,
HflU I.KII.I V.M.I I If AlL.rv
Train h ave Putwvil.e at i K A. M. an. I P. M., re-
tntnintf lnm Tnscarora at t I" A. M. and 4 -l' P. M.
HCiM l I.K 1 l.l, AM Ml 'Jl rallA. it ri.iti.i.
Tnaioti U.vt Aiitinrn at :i 4.' A. M for I'lneirroTU and
lljrrinb-irk!. ami at VM and 7 1) P. .M tor Pineurove only ;
ret urn 1 1 a iioui ILirrinburx at 1'3U P. .M., and itota I'iua-
Kroveat a Ao a. , ana .mo ;' '. m.
Tbroaah nmt-clai thketn and rmtirrant tlokcts to all
t'tv principal olntw In the North and et and v anttdin.
The tolinwlnu tnn-lttaro oniaiinon-uiiir ui mr um w "i
H IIMAI'VOI,!, Treasurer. No .'?7 H. KU It 1 II Street,
I'Miide nlia. orof l. A. lv,OLL., uenerai oupurmuiu-
dent.Heauinit: w tit ni
lUU-l .ill. IJlllUil m r. a a,
A'-'ft m-r pel t. dcount. between any points desired,
for lamilics and ftnus.
JHIt.EAl.K 111 lC.m,
flood ft t? 2W'0 unlcf. between ad points, at HOW each,
lor taiulne and ilraifl.
(KAMljl 111 lr,in,
Kor three, six, nine. or twelve niontlis, for holder! only,
i all points, at reduced raten.
KtiKidiiiLMin tho line ot the road w ill be furnished with
ce id, entitling tlicinivlves aud Hives to Uckuta at hull
lare. ,.,,
Pr"m PhlladrlnHa to prlnripnl stations, Kod r Hatar-
dav hniulav, and Moinlfiv, ut reduced fare, to behadonlr
ai'the'l l. kit THlKTKENTfl and CAA.LO WUILL
fitruets. . m
r itr-i'.n i .
1 1.., .H nf all dexerlniioiia torwarded tn aH the ahovs)
po'iiiK. toni the Company new frulaht depot, llKOAl
and tYILLUw htrets.
t It r.MillT 1
Lfiive Philadelphia dullv at tl A. M ., 1 P. M.,and P. M ,
f. rH' StMi Ki'an..ii. llarrlbur, Puttavdle, Port CUu-
ton, ana puuus oeyoita.
Close at the Philadelphia Pon' Otllce for all plaeea on the
road and lis brain h' at ft A- u., ana lor uie pruieipau
statUiiikonty at a 16 P. Al.
H Ttl Nl I A li It A N I f. l K T.
On and after 1 1(10 AY, Api II 1, 1n4, the Trains will leave
!. UtlloW It
l.eaie Philadelphia from the Depot, corner of THIRTY-
Mtoi intl VAKKKT Hi reeln, 6 A. al , 11 Vu A. M.,1 M
P. M..4 .Mi P M.,b P. M.
1'hnadt'ii iiia liepot cnaiu-ea irom r.iun i r.r.m i a ana
MM.kKl btieeU lo lllllUV-r IHbT and MAKKiT
l.ave We-t heater. Intra tnr liepot on bMhl aiAKivCai
Btret,ti'yo A.M., 7-4.'. A. Al.,11 A. M .li P. M..4 40P. M.
Ihe ears of inu v ei I'linuutiuina i-asoeinver iiMiwiij
tVmiany ( Vail.'-t niret-t) will convey I'asstuers to aud
Horn llie l i.iiaoe'iniai ueioi.
Leuve Mdludel. Ida at Hi) A. 11 - aud 'i'.IO P. M,
Leave W-sl i'Ih Mer at h a 11. and 1 P. M.
Tiatns leaxlinr Phlladeohta at H A M. and 4'W P.M.,
and Wehtehesuret 7"4j A. M. and 4 Vi P. M., conio-ct
wuh trains on (lie Philadelphia and Baltimore Central
ltiirond for 0iord and Intermediate pcliiis.
ja4-tf HhaNKt v uuii, tienerii ftupenqienqeni.
y i vmti nclntf oa MONUAV, June 8U, l3, from
Walnut Btret nan.
run u.vit.
Per Salem una lltldteion, at ITA. M und 4 P. M.
v..i nt ii.ii. ami lo A. ftl.. and 4 uud 4 .-0 P. M .
or Wo.'dl.uiT. Olouetstcr, Ac, at ti audit A. M., li M.,
uud 4 and tl 1 . m a
Ut. IT It l iim "i iiAinn iir.Anr.
Cup? Mav at and 11 4r A, M., and IU P. M.
Iilillvllle at 7 40 A.Ki.,and I'M audti iaj P. M.
hiiietn at A. M., uud 1 li P. M.
Jltldurl..i) t 4. 1AA.M., latip.M.
i:UK.l,oro at 7 10 and M-.4A VM..W, 3 fX, au J TWP. M.
WotKibun at 7,7'4y audtt M A. M.,aud t fcu, 6 0,
nftir ni.. it waI .hi T htreet. will eall f..r and deliver
lUrKive,and attend to all tlie usual branet es ot Kkpra
buu.e. itit article taken by 6 AM. lines only, and
IiiUM De Ilt to llie ouieo ine eTeiiinn 1'irvwii". rcrisnu-
ble arliclet by thipllue untstbe aeut be lore oi A. M. A
IHCial aeconifanieB ruxn umii.
Ul j ll U. 1 aa,, aua ta-av.iL.
1C"i 1'llll.AUtl.l-tUA AU lpi; 4
Ml4. EH1K ItAILlt'lAD. lOll i.
i-i, ,a .....Mt line the atinrtln-ra ami Nurthwi-at
vuuntti. el a'eiiu.jliauia tu the city f Krk ou I.aWe Krte.
It l.a. Iiri'tt It ai.cil by tue rtAAfli Liani.t it.iL.nijAU
I'OMl'ASV, and miili.r tlu-ir aualilcua II Oi'luu rapiaiy
.a. oiwi HinM.uLi.iit lla entire Irtailal.
It 1. now 111 ... i.r I i 11.1 i ... ll.ifciil uu.i.ri. ii...
llarrihaiirv Iu t. nuiorliini . ta. uillf.l.oH tue biaatem l.lvi
.luu, and irtaai bl.ettiald to l-rl. t.a ouluaj, ou tit. H i .urn
Mall Train leavae H uu A. M.
kauris.. Train k-avt e 10'3U I'.
I'ara run tlirirtiiiti HiTiiifl'T CHaNut: uotti way. on tlieaa
tram, bat win a riiuan-ijiiiiaaua Lajca tiav.n,aud tieta eea
llait more anu iiua nave..
Kleuant iitM-tiluu Car. on the Eaoreaa Train both way..
fur ailoniiatioti re.tM'rlliiit f'aa.viiK.r hu.liif.a, apply at
It.. . r.. turner oi r.i.n. crtTii ana uaiihbi Btteeia.
A.iH l,.r t'r.lul.l hii.ii.aa i.l ll.M t "n.i l.a,, v'a A I'MlltM :
8. II.KInK.ii n.Jr .corner BlAIttSt 111 and MAklvfcT
tlrortii, I'lillailelplda.
J. W. Hrtuolda, Kria.
J. At. I,ul, Ae'eiit, X. . 0. K B.lUu..r..owsT0M
Oestrat aiauar, wuuaip
Ilil'M. fW ,111, K I 1 af'.SV
7 he Canuli a and Ainh--t and rielaai lpbla anil i isamoni
Railroad L'i mt-ansfca' Llm-a from Phlladelj.lila lo Hew fork
and W av Pia-1 a
' kh'ivi wAi.wtrr aTHKF.r wiiahf,
Will leave aa lollo.. VI.: A.
At i. A v.. v a c-iiidcn and Ainboy, C. ana A. Ac
. ottci. ilutl. B
A' A. l , via I'aindm and Jeraeyi tly, Mornlnf
r.i-ri ft
Al 11 M . via Ciinidi n and Anilioy.L'
and A. Aoc inv
. st ion .
A' 1. M. i iSuuwn nnd Anii")
Al I V. .M.. virt riimVii hnA AmUoy
alid A Ka-
, Ac "in moslai ion
I tri; Ut nitfl P.lf Hliifr)
At P. M., M ( 4 tii. I. m null Athl'OT, r.-M(nrno imlon
it f an'l ra-B4't ii r lit l l if Ku-l
J'l Ivk- l"
Al 1 , (' vlft Ctin.1'n mid A in't"T ,,,'""ii
ll- it (Kr-iKht und ni r), I t i'luii TK'hei....
?.l '',1. lie. ...
J 7.1
1 iO
1 '.0
Irr MTtn h litttilt. ly nl' n. It tM-Iipmi. l.f!vw,re,
t nU n. I.Ainlortv till. KI.-minKtuii, r , I'
I i r I mii.M t t vii ; mi tnt ruif-li.iti H'-iimti". t P. M.
f 'r V'Mint lloiiv. K-vBiinMU', IVmlxTtnn, kiiU VlDoeOr
(' r. A. M .. 'J ttltil ft I. M.
t or I r r li '.il .it H , M. nml P. f.
J '-r ' iilnivfii, Klvt?rt n, 'o, Itrvrrlv, niir.tnKtoni
Kl..rr.p.i:. Hoi-I' iil'iw n, ... l H A. M.. !! M., I, I "i, -',
nutl I M. 'lht;i J) unt I'. M. iMK-t run uirevl ihrnunl.
to ) II '111. HI.
I'.-r r i r, Hlvf rtnti, DrMn.'O, llrvcrly, ami IWirllnfi;
ti ii l 7 I. M
M. HMil'Mut Trent. .n, f.r Itrin't-I, UnrtMuton, i'vorly,
TnrfKl.-il'1. nnd Trn'ony nt M .;n A M. nnd "i V. M.
UM.H KHM hfc.NhlNt. ION lKI'Vr
VU leavi- nn tVi n
,t I A. M . , i mo-M t v' K' nnd Nw York
W n-vhli. wimt mul N. w "unk .Miiil W2i
At II 16 A. M., vi K".'n0liiktHii ttnd .lormy 4 Uy K
,)r h t 300
Ai ! 11 i. l vii Ki itilnutua mid J rsov I'.lv K-
iin- 300
At .'! I'. M., U Kenuifc:i',n mi-l J,Tr.y t'liy,
Waxniiiia'ti.ti iMid New .ork r.MTcnn '
fnr,.tH line Intv. nt 4 A. M. nn-ti i. P. ,M, Tliuniirllf
b' no hiM- nt A. M. ( Mnt on Mi-nnnyH.
Kr WatT linn, Mtr.udHiMi.i, Hrrniit.Mi, .Vtk.'hirTo,
lonir"-i',.n-ai Hi nd, .Miin. h flunk, AH-n'own, Heinle
In m, llrlvjilcrr. I- it't- n, l,nih riMlti- Klmhiirt..n, ,r , at
T ift A. M This Itnec nn-Lt with the triuii IrmliiK Ka-tton
Jit .Mam h 1 l.uiiK At -t Mi I' M.
I'i r I.iiniUTtv ih" nnd iMtrriif dH.n -tnt.n nt M 1'. M.
F r Itrl-tol, 1 renton, Ac. at 7 l and ll l.'i A. il., aud 5
Vi.r il'.ltne-hiitv, Tiironr, Wi-I iOintnnr, nrld.-dlmrir, and
1 Miikiord nt It A. Al.( o, i i"', and V. M. 1 lie 9 A .M. Lliia
I r " Kor New Yrli nnd Way .n- lenvlnn K'inlnirca I
I i"'(ioi , 'nif I in' Cr uu r mil "'it. , ..a, an
tiotir lieinrt d fiiHnro. 1 he iri rcn liro tliu 1). pvt, and
on ;.rtlii. tt tart li triin run Ir.'iu 'In Iirot.
Kinv i..niolj of li.icitiihf milv utllnwed e-irh pA"cnirr.
Pa- niTft aro prohiMt.-d fr.-m titMnir mnvtt.ltu' ni Iia.tv4c
l.nt th' ir witln aoiuir- l. Ail l).ijLi:e ovor tlfry hhhi la
( tp old tor rxtra Tli" ' onipany h ti't tiiir r.'.poni
loltn for Iiii'.'.u v f. One !-ll.u o-r no-ii.d, uud 111 not l
1 1. ii U; Ur any amount Itey-md t except ny stnn i.41 con-
itrianrn1inL':nc Kxpra ttUI rail f-.r nnd dliv.T bna;
ifti.e hi llie In iu!s. OnU-r-tu l. ttt ut No t w.LNt
!..(. Wil. II. (.Al.MI.U, Vtfent.
Krm fvt f rourtii.Ti. nir'.'i at il M. nni 4 P.M., via
1cim' t Ity and ( 'nniden ;u-. 7 an l l' A. $l.,H V. and
I'i (Nil: lit) via Jersey t'lty nnd KeillilKlon
From r..ot.i H.irilay itrtet, nt b A.M. and 1 V. M.,TiA
Anilioy nnd Cimiiii'ii
Fn in 1'kt .No. 1 North Rlvf-r. at 13 M.. 4 and 8P.1M-
(rr tvlit and I-Nnifer Tla AniIioj an l Oanid
A ail thf ntati'Mis on the Camdon and Amlioy and cou
ne tlnu ltatlroari.
The Camdrn and Ainboy Ifullr.iad and Trnnitortallon
Company's Kreiyht Linen tor New York will li-uvo Walunt
sitiei wiiaif.nn and aft.-r January J5, dally (Sundays .
t rpted), at 4 o clock P. Al., the above Lmn will loave New Yo a at 1 and
4 P. aIa
hnlrl't moft b dvllvt'red before 84 P. M. to he for-1
WBINI .1 lilt' r-iUIIW tlflj.
rvifcLt lor "Jri n'r,:.. Princeton, Kingston, N w Bnins
V!t und all point on the vamlen ami Amlioy Hallroad;
aUo on the Heivuivre, ieiawMre, ami r lemoiKi u-J.r-nv.the
Freehold nnd Jamei.bnrK, and h UurHnfff nn rf
and Mount Holly Railroad, reecivt d nnd orwarad up toll
o rl. ek P. At. Hniail packuKei br Mount Holly reotvvas
i:p in '2 o rJock P. M. V
Tin iia.u iiiorn nivitri ltsllrftiid ronntrts at Phlnlnsv
linn-with the L'hiih Vallev Hatlr4iad. The New Jrseyj
Lidlroud oonneets at Klirhcth witn the Wew Jery
4 entral ItsiJroad, and al Newark with Ihe Morns aud
l.M-ex Kitilioud
A ri in niriitomnilum. snectiyinir the marks and Bum
Urs. shippers and conlKne, a. must In every instance be
nut each lad of (tood1, or no rweipt will bivei..'
Inctea.M-d larlhti. s havinit beeu uiu'ie for ihe rnsiorta
lion oi LI VK Hi' n il. djt'vtrs r" Invited to try tins routv
Miett the nlK k In furnished In unarm U-s of TtVOCAIi
l.dAl'S or moie, it w ill bo d llvert d at the t.tot oi Kortleth
treet, near to liove Yard-", or at Pier So 1 North
l;fvei,a theshMP rs may ilfMBLttte ut the time of the
Shipment. VtLTT,i KltKPMAN, r' gentt 4
No. ai"1 H. Delaware tivenue, 'hiUdlnhia. i
UK. U KAVMOMi, K re I l: lit Anent,
ja-Vtf Pi'T No. 1, North Kiver. New iork.
I tAML-f.N A Si) AMHOY It A ILKO.ll COM i'A Mtd-
On ai d after MONDAY . January 4, iwil, the Tralnt for
New York. JeaMiiK Kensltptt n uepot, rnuaticpnia. au
O.l.t a li'lulitl .irll Ul f M un.t fVl n trailita t..jttini
New York at tl A M. and 7;J0 P. M. will berealier be mu
fcii)itvi-lv for tie United Mutes Malls uud New York
and S anliliiuioo l'liSKenorn, and will uot tuke In nor lei
i.nt in iuo.f.eni'eri bi-ttveen ftilt I eltles.
I he in A. M. and 12 MKlnfuht Llren f otri NnwYorktoi
M'aohlnnrtoi), and thu II X) A VI and o P. M, Lines irom
W a hid ui; ton to New Yi-rk, will continue an at preteut, aud
curry iaMr i'K r to and lrom the intermediate stations am
n..1ii...f.t . WnBlilntrlAii. iinrt New York.
AK 1 ( A M i 1 . .M K N T 4 1U-.TWKKN PlULaADliLPIIlA AND
rt.v luim.
T.lnrti l.i vi Phlhule'rihift. fiom Kenftlnirtnn Tot. hi
ll'l iA.M ,4 (Hi, and i'4, P. M.,and 1 midnint, and
irom w atnui niTfi Trnari ivi t tumi-u;, ttiiuuo
M., 1 M.,4 ardliP M.,toi New York.
And leaves New York, from foot ol Courtlandt street
mt 7 a l . in AM. VI M .4 und II P. M . and at 12 mid
nl. hi, und Iruiu lootot' Barclay street at A V M.,andJ
i . . . il' it i ill r y vi imi
u f i PK N N S Y L VANIA lo! 1
IC IKI . CKN1 HAL ItAlLltoAD. I','Hr
Potni.tiit nis and ludhttes lor tho sale, Nneedv, and ooro
fortih'c trab!poitur4in of pakseiiKvia, umturpassed by aJM
p. uie in li e country. -J
Trnlni leuve ihe Depot at i!.Lh Jr.n iu ana aamm'
Pliotts as follows :
M:ill Train at
nt Lin nt
Throiir-h Kxntt'Msat ....
1'arlti hlitUK Train, No. 1, at
... VHi k. M
...11 S A. M
...10 0(1 A.M
... 1-tWP. 11
.... a 1 1. m
aike-ouru I ruin. .mi. 2. at ,
llarrmhurn AciNin.nioduilou at..
Umamer 1 t ain nt
4 0JP.M
1' .iKHtKd Wilt 1 hiliA.lcl.
. x ai.naa n tl
i iiia) at ' '
TlmiuL'h Pahtiiuers bv Ihe Y,sl Lino rearh A bamafu
stippir, w hrti will btf found uxi ellcnt uccoDiniodaiiunfl
the iili. lit at I ho Louan lloiat', and 111 the imiruing Hi..Tf
take eiiln r the t'hiladt Iphla or Hjltuuri Kipns, t aoh J
l.lcli in .ik is ooruecih.ns at riilr-unr nr ail poiuis. j
ds.illtdit view is thus ailordudol Uie atuo tine tuuu
umi mnct'iit scenery.
'Ihe Through LxprosB train rum dairy; au uie otut
Iraiiiii dally. erfnt Sundays. .
yon I'lriHhiim and tiik wkst. '
The 1.1 all 1 run. Kast Line, and ThmuBh Knressoor
mt t at l'ltt" Lur with throtiKh trains (u ah dlvoiiftuK road
from that oiht, Sonhtotho Lakon. Wntt to toe UibmIi
Kljipl and Mlnrourl klvi-rs, and South and Southwest to a
lunula atri-hMOie n railro.ui. i nroiiKn l uat'is 10 v;ievi
land, IK'tiolt, ChlcaKO, ht I'aul, t 'ohunhiis, Indlaiuipoil
ht liiln. Leavenworth, Kaiisas. Whcoliiiv. Davton, Cli
cinn.ul, Louihilk-, Cairo, und all other yrmclpal pom
aud batrtupe chit ken; tnrouun.
I IS 1 II , 1 .i IIHAIM II II llal.UAII
Th Through Kxnri'UH. It av Inn at 10 JO 1. M.. lyitmer
at ltlHirr-ll)e IMerMctlou with a train on thia road
'I h 1 hrouuh F.kiirrss Train, leiivini at 10 W r. M..ooiti
n l ti mi ( rtMnii. m ih-tIi a m.. h i s ra ii on tne ro
iif r uvi: mpiii tt at, iruiu hibv vm lutvmmvu iui cuvuaui
at a to f. at.
Thr Mail Train at i"2t A. M.. and Ttimufli Ktnrfus iH
lo:io P. M , ootincrt ut a. I toon a with trains tor lloliidays f 1
iM.ri: mi 7 .vi f m. siiiik A. i. ra
1 he '1 1 intuit h Lxprvss Train, itavios; at 1UM0 r. M-, !
net c at 1 rn- w Ir tn a train for handy Ki.hte aud rhilllpp
hum. and l.v llahl Kinlv Valley Uallruad lor i'ort Matilda.
Muthuri, and h iiuionte. j
Tbu Ihroi'ith Kxpress Train, leaving al lu .mj f, M ,eoni
i.cis at HuntiiiKduu with a train for Hopewell aud liloxlj
ltiin at ii-M; A M.
I'ur Sunl-orv, Williumfpjrt, Lock Haven. Elu)lns,Ro'
clut r, Ituiialo. nnd NiSkaia KalU, nabsvOKers tknii Ui
Vail Train at 7".'' A. at-, aud tne TiTouuh Kxpre.ts h
10 ;,u 1' Al., dailv ecipt eundayK.po dtreoily throacli
w It hoot cham-e ul caia between FtuladeiphU And Will I
r ..r VOi;K. HANOVER, and r.KTTVSHLMlO. the tralnJ
h avliu; at H A. AI. aud i .j I. M ., eonueet at Colunibi-!
w llh fains on tin Not them Central Hallroad.
The Wall 'Irslu at 7A.M.tend Ihitiatch Kxprcss a
1 (';' r. M.,couiitct at Ilarrithurg with trains for I arlistd
C hauibert-hui v, and Ilai.rMinH u. i
The trains kavlm: at T2A A. ai and 1 .tu V, M.. conne
ai Downinutow n wiih trains on this load to Wayueshur
and ' .1 lineiiudtaie HtatunH.
for further luforrnatton avpl al the Pflfienirer fitatloi
b. h. comui- ut KLafcaV KM II ano M Allk 1 1 Htreeto.
I AM KM i w 1 1 1: s , 11- act Agent.
rorl,S,C,9((-r I'..' months, at veryL.w rate, for the ae
coininodation ..f pciKons ItvliiKOUt of towu.or Ktcuted oi
or near ll.e Hue tl the road.
For 06 trip Utwfcn any two points, at about two eenf
ner mile. Thtna tickets are Intended for the ase ot famth i
tra. cliiiK treiiientty, and are ul great advanUtfe tu neieoiii
Diakiujf occiibioiuu trips.
DllUNMi innr-in, 1
For one or thr e months, for the use of scholars attenduii
I.1U.I ll. til itv I I
An Emigrant Aci-'ouiinotlatiou tralu l?avos No. 187 Ioc f
wreet oauy (Hi.nuavs eciiu( ai v i . i.'iniit
com fort a hie ni'Mleof travel lo families icoUitf West, h
on-halt the Usui I rate ot fare. I'srUcular aiunuen t'
aid to UsgAjufe, lot which ulnxks are yiven, and bajf,ig4
lorw ajtU'n n tue franc tram " uu iKssc.t-i..
k or lull mioruailou, ipuiy lo
kiiii'lM fruNK. EmlaTttiit Aient.
No. Ul DiAJK. HUi-ei,
WANS 8 ItAfKiAtiE KXI'ltEHrt.
An at utot this reliably Kvpress 4'oiiiiatiy will p1
thioush each train bolore raacuin the depot, and take ul
clucks and deliver haaae to any patt ui the city. Hai
aane be caikd lor proutpily whm orders are lull at ti
T'anr.crift rDt-tot,Elevenihaiid Market streets. ThetravtJ
lug tHi.iic a to as urea "(" " " rmtreiy rpvntvm
1. Itla'It lIlTi
liv this route freights wl all descriptions can V
w unit.) lo aud irom any points ou Uie railraids of Olu j, Indiana, Illinois, liconun, luwi. HlsstuH
bv railroad din et.or lo any point um the navnjaola waloi i
rf Uie West, by sit ainrrs Irosu I'ltuburg.
1 Lt.- rali s ol fru.kt to aad from au p.lnt l Uie Wes
hi the ltpnylanla Central Hallnad arn at all limes a.
tavoiatde ware charged by oilinr Uailnmd t outpanle
Werclianuasidsldapera entiusUui Uie transporiaUon o
then tn-iKht to ihi Cowuany can rely with ooufldebuo oi
UVTTihc4!iirracts or shlpplnjr directions, apply to o
atldroft tic -aywiif oi mc unimj;
B ll. KINI.TON, Jr., riilUOtlfhl.
D. A tSlLWAUT, riiUburg.
11 A It la AY f l l-'lll,'-.--
a CO., No. 1 Aalor Housa, or No. t . Wtllfs1
iVrii!. Ko.T7 Washiniyton street. Boston.
VM I 1.1 AM liKOWN. No. NoitU slroet, JaiUsaor
AgtutNoiUitmCeuiraiiiaiiway. rt,mrt-
General otght Av ut I'l.iu.ieh hU.
LtWlS L. iioupr.
General Ticket f nl, Philod- li-hl
r-MH;n i.kwii.
General iuper iulsndvut, Aitvona, 1,