THE DAILY EVENING TELECTAPffrTmiPELPniA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1801. Owning Stlcgrapli WEDNESDAY, AVOTJST 10, ISM. IPIEIT OF THE HEW YORK PRESS. 4Jlnj Kdttorln! from the New Tork Papers This Morning. nonii.K tiik nonm.R. Vow Uu Trllmne. Uicltcbcl official dt-snntth printcl ycstcrdny norning kcihi to leave no doulit Hint Admiral 'arregnt lint both passed the forts which constl. uttd thf main defense of Molillf, and defeated he Rebel licet tinder the Hut lmnan. (It s nerefarjr to rxplaia for the benefit of the Iritish public that tUii Is not the cx-l'renidcnt of hat name. He never had a tnate for figlitins of itty kind.) There Is a tepoit alno, not ollleial. hat onr fnrres have hmded on tho west end of ! anphlne Island. Whither that be so or not, It In certain that a ' efficient force Mood ready to move in c -opora-icn with Farniffiit, an. I tbut bv the present e nt lie licit in the buy and of theannvon Its western bore, the city of JUnbile lias already lost iti troupes! proiectlou. At it in known to lie fakly garrisoned, and an Hood cannot possibly pare a man from At anta, we are entitled to cx ect ita early reduction. It" rhnneo of holding ut at all a against tho Meet depoudn on the 1'Ctructioiia at Dog Kiver 11 ir, which lioi wllliin few miles of the city, and bus but eleven fool of vater on it. , Of course Fiirragut's heaviest vessels cannot a, fuch mi ohstincdon; whether tho smaller rait can will depend much on tho battoriei and mucin! harriera there existing. Hut it seems ruiiahlo that if the il"et should have trouble at f uis point, the army will be able to do tho work. ne ueienm ot Moiule on ttio land side arc in- m MiMt-miy loriniuanie, um too weakly giirrHonca to oflcr a protracted resistunco. I Tho meagre and iiilluu account which tho iieiB comrury so mmr custom in cast) Ot ue "M allow to be published, gives few details of lie action, but enough is admitted to show In rencral chitracter. Gallant Admiral Karragut as excelled bis previous exploits at New Orleans nd Tort Hudson exploits themselves without recodent or parallel in naval warfare. Forts lorgaii and Oaim-a aro works of great strength nd formidable batteries. It was out of the question to attack them with "y fleet which the United States can collect, tf to pass them wm an enterprise more hazard JS than the United Htatea coast elsowhoro (lured, perhaps excepted. T he il is unco between the two is so narrow, and tho fhannel runs so close to Fort Morgan tho trni.aor fil the) fun ftirt2tht time unra H.wfti,vt a constitute an impregnable defense of the naa- age. Obstructions in the channel which have leen the great bugbear at Charleston added to he difficulty of this problem, but it U solved by . he invincible resolution of Farragnt. j He is man who believes io lighting, as the ' ountrv has heretofore discovered i believes in flolng his best in ail circumsinnecs; does not loltcvc iu giving up a had job wttnout trying, iehold now the result of trying! Uu is in Mo de bar, with sixteen shins : has suuk and put to flight whatever flouts that would oppose, him; lotus the bay Irresistibly ; will cut oil torts Mor an and Gaines Irom all communication with the ilv.and therefore inevitab.y coiupultbem sooner r later to surrender; and, until bo reduce thorn, nay diaw supplies tor his fleet from the shares of he bay by help of tho laud forces. To recall a vorn-out phrase from its proper limbo, the Ad uirnl Is master oi the situation. I It bus be n the lii-bion to sneer nt roast oxpe- ' 511 ions, but wc reckon this of great military uri- .Kirtance. To c use up one port io block ido running is something. Vessels beicafter seeking the May ot MoM e will tltid themselves in the. . affectmtin'e embrace of Admiral Farraut. Still ' better, the capture of the city will nicn the Aa ttama river to tho useent oi our II et, or such Innrtint. ftl Il ua ahull rtiiir nut that atrPMin n n Irt : Uilontgomtre. Tue river is navigablo to that I -1 - . . C .. I .. 1. 1 . . .1 a.i pums lur TCfwjis ui uuiiBiuei nuic oiiv, auu - ruiral Farrsgut baa a licet aouptud for i Ivor navl gtition. His mov. inent, thetel'ore, Is an clement n the Atlanta problem, unite sulllcient o ag- igravate HomI's alreaily extreoio dillloulties. (MtnuiiHiieousiy wirn iois news we navf in- ' formation of a defeat of the Rebel forces in West Vircliiia wist of the Shenandoah, that is by Gemral Aveiiil. The marauders under McC'hiis- land and lirad cy Johnson have been cireemallv dlperitd, with ios of lour gnns and six hun dred pi isouers one of tbuir leaders barely 'escaping capture. Aa wc have berutofore criti cized the ilowness and indecision of Averill, we aie giad to mi) tbut hu has shown in tins pursuit qualities tho opposite of thotc. Uis victory i siatitying, und will p ove very helutul toGvUeral Sberldan's operailons. - aar W are bappy to bo able to commend also the ConsoCda'iou of tho four border Departments wliiih bi bcrto have ktiacg ed hal Irs-ly ahout onder fiair oitl'eientand otieii feebly co-opur.iting commanders. T hey pass now under one vigilant eye and sirm g baiid, and we nisy ho;u to be (pared Mich exhibitions as tho last raid afforded ot what is culled strategy on our side. Yet it should he rf matted that tho fault then was not go nmcli wuut ut concentration, as concentration under the wrong bead. As if to uvoid popular Indignation, the fart seems to have leu etudiou-iy concealed that all troops for defense of Washington were at that y was hit mesa that was tben made of it. And even now we are compelled to note that (teneral J-heridsu addresses General ll.iliceK as Chief of Stall not to himself, hut to the Freiiileut; a ijOM'lon ot imiiii n.-e lnliuence, aud especially ot confine ntlal lelaiiou to itic CommatMer-iu-duief, which the public would rejoice to know General Halleck hud bten invited to resign. TIIK PR:HIIKNIIAI. F.I.Kt'TION. from Wt Timf,-; - The If, aiocrats everywhere aro very confldont of vlc'. ry In the pending rre.-idcntial canvass. Their exultation may be premature, but It is sin seere. Tbty evidently believe they are going to win. And they base their expectations of success mainly, If not entirely, on the dissensions which prevail in the Union ranks. They point to the fact that whole clas-eg of professed Union men feel nndir no obligation to support the Union ticket. One denounces Mr. Lincoln because bo did not abolish slavery soon enough another because he assumed to touch it at all. One refuses to vote for bliu because he keeps Mr. ISiair In the Cabinet another because he keeps somebody or an body cue. Fremont runs agaiust him b 'cause be disregards the Constitution, and Wendell I'billip f-peke against liini because be recog nizes that instrument at nil. Homo ccn-ure his lenient nifhod of treating the people of the Soufbtrn States others bis barbarous and inhumau nude of carrying on the war. ' One act of tioliticians vilify him for n-t admit ting the Southern States at once into tho Union, and Wade and Davis, with oijual malignity, brand bim as a usurper for proposing u ad mit them at all. Kvcry unsuccessful ap plicaul lor otlire, every volunteer adviser hose counsels have boeu reje-ted, every wiseacre who fancaes lie w;as cre tfd to conduct the Government, and who finds Mr. Lincoln indisposed to accept lils iictati u, the whole of that count ess brood of polKical scera who know from tho beginning tow "tnis thing" was coming out, and who found the Preaklent incredibly and idiotically deaf io their warnings uud their threats, are all now combined to vindicate their prescience and gratify their resaDtuii uts by voting against him. And upon this concurrence of disappointed aud un derrated malignant, the Democrat base their hoia of a party success. It may be that tbey are right. Possibly ueh a combination of aeltlsbneas and reckless passion i may override the settled judgment and patriot ism of the people. It would not be the first time in the history of Reuublic that nrivata has proved too strong for devotion to the public good. It is by no means tin possible that the people of this country may be betrayed by these base and acltbb intrigues into putting power into hands which will use it for the division aud de struction of the country. We w ish now merely to remind those who profess to be Union men that, if this catastrophe tehotild happeu, they atone trill b reapoiuible fur the letwt. It will be due wholly and exclusively to their dissensions ; to their paltry, personal bickerings, to their miserable, petty jealousies; to their Intolerance of difference on minor point, and to the determination, cherished by many among them, to secure tor their own personal views predominance In tho public councils, at whatever sacrifice of the public good. If they aee lit to persist In the indulgence oi thesi seltlh aapiratlous, they msy possibly, by combination of their forces, point to the ruin of their country as the mouumeut of their victory. The Democrat are quite right, in view of thli stale of things, to exult In the prospect of an easy triumph. They have good ground, In these sltfser sio among the Union man, lor exalting ovtrtl tir coming defeat. They do well, more over, to take time by the forelock In these ex ultations, md to boast of victories which tbey jyci ! to win j lor it 1 issssible thut they may not Tart" 'hi iu after all. It la not wholly impossible that before the elee lion comes round, Uuiou men may see the folly t anbieciiu tbeutseivet to the rale Ql coiumoo fo I rrstu) rich cannot ta'.llh his porKmal .$ over nil bis associates. And onr Do."'!' rtlr tifipririors mnat excuse ui for lilntlnjr, lur tuffinoie, tbat il is noi yet quite certain that their harmony, after the Chicago Convention, will leant prater than (hut of the Union men ttms to I him at the present moment. IBTEE5AL REVENUE DECISIONS. llrlf, 'oal Oil, anil Tolmcrev. The following Is a decision In regard to tho liability of distilled spirits, coal oil, and tobacco In po-session of tlif matmfactnrcr on the first day rf ,tnly, 18fi, to taxation under the act of June 30, 1801 : Trkasmiy Dkvartwknt, Orrirmir Istfkmal Rmsrr, Washington. Jaly 30, l.l. From various l(tH"S received nt this otlire, II seems that gnat diversity of opinion evlsts among the otl.f ers of Internal ltcvannes and other panics interested, in regard to the construction given to the ofith section of the act of June 30, m the cir cular of Jnlv 6. By the o.ah section, all splrlla which mny have been In the possession of tho distiller, or in pub lic store or bonded warehouse, on the 1st dny of July, no duly having been paid thereon, shall I c liCUl aiid tiea'ed as if distilled on that (lav. Dy the Had section, it Is also provided that "all manufactures sad productions on which a duty was imposed by eiiber of the acta repealed, which shall be 111 the possession of tho manufacturer or procurer, or of his ngents or agents, on the day whin this act takes elleet, shall be held and dcenud to have been manufactured or produced alb r such date." These provisions are to be construed together, as the last includes the first, ami bnth cover tho ssme ground. They plainly apply to all distilled spirits which wer-, on the 1st of July, In the pos session of tho distiller or manufacturer, or In any public stoic or bonded warehouse, and spirits shipped under the old law in bills of lading. IV no tax had been paid prior to July 1, no quos'ion of sale or removal ci u Id intervene, if the spirits on thut day wero In the possession of the distiller, or in public store or bonded warehouse, but ho must pay the incrcasod rate. Coal olljand tobacco, win n hor ded, are, by both the old and nenv law, subject to the same regulations and liabilities as distilled spirits. The old law provided that spirits and oil should Income ftubioct to tax when sold, consumed, or removed for consumption or sale, and tobarco, when sold, or removed for consumption, or for delivery toothers than agents of the manufacturer or producer, but not when bonded for ciiiort. When cither of the couditions stated occurred, the law Imposed the duty, tho manufacturer be came bound to pay, and olliccr of internal reve nue to enforce the collection ; if such duty was paid prior to July 1, there was no liability to tho inci eased ruto, tbo payment having beeii made as rcqnlirU by law. Hut, until the condition occurred on which tho manufacturer became chargeablo, ho was under no liability to the Government for tax on his product, and tho Collector had no authority to collect. Of course, any receipt he might give for tax would tie in anticipation of an obligation not yet devolved, and would uot operate as a dis charge ot a duty to accrue after ards. When, therefore, under tho provisions of the law and the regulations of this office, any manu facture had become liable to tho duty, and the manufacturer, being bound to pay, had, prior to July 1, actually paid tho duty according to the foimer law, no liability accrues for the increased duty imposed by the recent law. lint if, under tbo samo mwund regulations, tho article had not become liaolo io duty, no pay ment by tho manufacturer to the Colnx-tor could be made on account of duty, or operate as a legal dirchaige of a liability thereafter to accrue. Of courf-e it could not avail to defeat any increased liability ere.. ted by the change in tho law. Under the circular of tlie Secretary of the Treasury of March M, 1H'I4, in relation to bonded wurcf ousi s, Collectors were ro piired to cnlorco the payment of the duties on spirits which were not removed to a bonded warohouso, or shipped under a bill of lauinir ; and when, in accordance with that circular, Collectors did nut enforco tho pa mentot tLc duty, and such duty was paid prior to July 1, such spirits must be held to be exempt from the increased rute. W here spirits, on tbe 30th of Juno, were in n bonded warehouse', and on that day tho manufac ture paid to the Collector an amount equal to the duties on tho samo at the then ruto of tax, but snch splr ts remained in such on the 1st of Jmy, without any change of pus-cs-sion, there was no payment of the duty within the meaning of tho law, and they still remain snbjtctto the incrca ed rate prcacribud by the new law. If the spirits or other manufactured articles Were iu the posse.ssiou of the distiller or manu facturer, or his agent or agents, on tho 1st of July, and no tax bad previously been paid, the law is clear and explicit that such spirits or other aiticlcs must be held and treated as if distilled or niui.uliieturcd on that day, and subject to thu In ci eased rate of tax. Thu non-pay moid of the tax Is conclubive, und no inquiry need bo ma Jo iuithcr. I'rllited ItookN, MnKMzlnvo, Pamphlet, KevlewN. Ac. The Coinmissioner of Internal Hoveuuo has just made the following important decision with n ft rencc to printed books, magazines, pamphlets, reviews, Ac. : Tho act of June SO provides that on all prin'ed books, miigii'iiice, pamphlets, ruviuws, and uil similar priimd publications, except newspapers, a duty i'i five per centum ad valorem shall be levied, collected, and paid. Section K6, ot tho same sot, provides that the manufacturer cr producer of any article on which a duty is imposed by law shall, in his return of the value and qunutiiy, render un account of tho lull amount ufuctual sales made by the tnuuu lactuiur, producer, or agent thereof; and seetion !'. lur her provides thai when any manuia.tured urtii lc, on Hbicb an excise or impoit duty has been paid, are increased in value by tioiug more completely finished or luted lor use or sale, with out changing the original character or pui for w hich i tic suuiu are intended to tie used, there shall be levied, e dict ted, aud paid, a duty ot live per centum ail ralurem, unoti tue amount of such liicnused vuliiu, to be asct named by deducting frum the Imi' lie J articlo when sold, or removed lor sale, ilclhery, or consumption, the cost val.i) ot ti c or u Ira article to the person, linn, or com pany liai le to the duty imposed upon tho In ert and value theici l. Under ibise sevuial provisions it is held that whi n tbo pi.b lsher of any book, magazine, pamphlet, leviiw, or other s milar priuted puliii catioi'i il the owner of uuy copyright st rcotype philes, and r nies on the business of printing aud binding books, he is to be held and ili-eiu.d the man Macular, and us tueh tnu-t tsLc liCv'n. and pay the i.d valorem duty ou the amount of his sules; but, if tho publisher, ttiouuh owning the copy tight, the sleitotype pales, und furnishing tbe msk-iials, employs o her puties on corum.s aion, or by contr t, to print auy book, ma,'a zne. Ac, sin h priuter may be lie 1 1 to te thu nn uuluetuti r, i nil re ,uirel to pay the tax out jo value of the finished hoik, in case the same is bound and llni-hcd by tho pnn er. Iu such ctse lie is CLtlihd to collect the amount ttiiMeol ul the publisher i roner. it the printif it Is dune by one party, and the Mi ding by uuo lier, under ctuilia t with the pub lislur, tl.m the i riti'i'r may be assessed for the a ue of the prin'id sheets or signatures, uud thu binder on the ill riased value, x hich increase I alue nitirt Ih derciu incd by deducting from t'w tiudn prie. a of the punii.-lu r the cost or value of the punted sheets or previJ'isiy nstrtsid in the li ndsof tho printer. In either case w b thtriue tax is assessed to the pun 1 bcr on thu finished book, Ac, or pri marily ou tbo printid sheet or sigim'.uriis, anl altiiwatos on the Inert aied value from binding and tihisbing, the assf-suient must be made as to ci.vir thu trade ralu.t of the books, magi.iiies, pampbh ts, reviews, Ac., and uot simply the cost of i roductlon. The tax is au ad ealortm tux of live per centum on tbe value of books, Ac, exclusive of any tax previously assessed and paid ou the materials used, and in uo case should a higher rale of tax be Imposed or assessed. Fkchi of In Ion ortlrr front the Rebcla. On the night of the 27th ultimo First Lieuten ants 1'. W. ilowlehund and Walter Clifford, of the loth Regiment U. S. Infantry, and First Lieutenant 11. U. Butler, of the l Regiment V. H. Infantry, made their escape from a train of ears while on their way from the prisou at Macon, (a., to Charleston, K. C. The escaed uttlceri succeeded in procnrlng a couveyanee, making their way to the U. S. barque Ethai AUtn, off Otter Island, St. Ileleua Sound, and were lately taken on board. Tbo New from Mobile. No official despatches from our Meet off Mobile have a vet been received at the Navy Depart ment. The new through Rebel sources is, how ever, lutticientljr indicative of the danger they consider Mobile to be in from Farragui' gnus. The reported loss of the Tecumtth Is not au item worthy of being taken into consideration at all. in view of the victory achieved by Admiral Farragnt. We are inclined, however, to doubt that the Tteamsrh was sunk, a reported. Added to tbo Northern Department. Covington, Kentucky, and the country around It, within a radius of ten mile, has been added to tbe Northern DeparUueut, under cvinJuand v( Mator GvBvibl Xv4utliaaa,- Cnislnro of a Rrhel Train. Day before yesterday, an extensive faptnre of Rebel train, under the charge of one of the .Klnrhclofs, was made beyond Alike. It strpears lbn the Rebels had detached some of their wagtwis loaded with plunder from the main bo if, and ttey moved in an easterly direction from tbo mennlains. and in tho meantime were fol lowed by a body of Union cavalry, who were not, however, In tufllclent force to make an Imme diate attaclt. At or nem Aldie the Union ptrrmvtng force was augmented ry aiiont ity cavalrymen, under command of a Cantaln RISss, w ho Kiid been out on a cout. Te Rebel force was attacked, and acme twenty -five wagons loaded wltfir grain were taken. Those In eharge of tht train abnflvroned It atid ran, thus placing the game In thf hnnds of onr boys w ithout much of a contest. M'mt rnyton Star of yritcrday, Nlssrmsa'a Hal. I.ale Information from Rela lol'm shown rTMt the Rel-els now only ctnlru to hav! citntlired .vc bundled men. Including aevent,,-five otllccrs, with Stoneman j and tiffy ndmlt th)t in view of the immense Injury done-to tbeir n nnections hy Stoneman, that tho balanee of gain is decidotll in our favor. AUCTION SALES. ACKV.Y'S AUCTION la A ilk ET Mlnwt. ROOMS, No. 32 AUCTION BALK CF CONDFMNKD UurtM. WAr,rARVifsirT, C WSAl Ml ItPHFf V, flwicT or Oiia r V AsrviiMAsnra. Washiii.itow. I. (' , .luly 4, 1hM. Wtfl b sold at pnbtle atistlon, tw ta huttifst btajor, al tne timss nnd plAtvs nstnisl tMttow I.HiaNun. la .Till KlMV, Jnlv M,lil. A I KXiNA P.,TIM'KHIAY, A hit- 4. IHKI. ll.l lAMHfoMT.f.,UU ItstiAV, AOKint U,lr4. 1 W 0 Ill'MKU liltul CAVALIir Ilouah.'t stout) plmrr Thfs BoriHw hsTS hn eondsmaiil ai unfit for ttis rAvsiry iirvS ei.f lli armr. t'or road aud farm purposes many rooi bargAtn may ba ba1. Ifffrsst sold Hlnrt?. Turnu C'Alh, Iu L'nltM RtAtssrnrrsnrT. JAMKS A. FKTV, IJcatint. Colonel and Chief ) artrrmAur JrWt Calrv llarsau. WANTS. (TtTV 1'OIINT, V'a., A-timtsst 7 , lslll. Ornrs Iiki-ot op EsrArss, i AlHlKA Ol-KUATlKd AllAlNST lt-eSIMolt. WANTK1), IMMl Ti-nmsttfrs, SUt AVlio l rltrhtsj, !5 JllncUstmltlis., iiikI SO Ourrlairo Trlininei. will rfcslve tho hfRhett rain of Ooverainont psy, raUons, and medical attrndancff. TruDpcrtaUoa fumlnhed ky applying at N. fU l'KNNHV I iVANIA AVKNUK, WASllIoTHTON, D. C. K. J. STRONG, Cap sin.A. Q. M. JAMF.S M. KKLLY, snttv-lin Quartsrixnstor's Aitent. 'I " ANT K D A MA1 If rirbtou an Espreis sat tilt. rUO UNDKRSTANDR .a. Apply aims inquirer It' fff WANTFD TO MOT A MOIJl'.UATK p-ii ntii hixiK hi r(Jintljf1or. Iu a (food attention. Ad- UU HOL'bK, lttH Mat, IOlli'P. U4-4( FOR SALE AND TO LET. pAl'K ISLAND, CAI'F. MAY, N. J. FOB, Yj StALK. Cottnife on Latsyettc street, 11 roius. Let Hlt.J llllt. Iixiiiirfl sul n FIB. ST STORE ABOVK ATLANTIC HOTEL TO RENT. IIANDSOM K STOIIK, WVPII liit. r''e ! windows, and dwelling. No. i!'7 H. KI.K Vfc.NTll 8u.hU 1)1-U' ata FOR BALK. .'0,0(H) WOR.T II IN GOOD I :' Ileuses, Isrir. and muall. on lenns to suit purohiutors, ealitir Willi or wliliout Incuinoranc for eash sad. svod iradc. Impure ol", t'rnm 111 to I'-'oaiti-k A. M., THUS. M. PLOWMAN. No. 'All A. hOI UTU Saraat. UN N O It X M IC 1 I I We rerbnd the money, if deslrad, for aver? M of Shirt w hlch fall In any reapoct. FINE BHIKTS, CUT LiCSflTHWISJfi OF MUSLIM. Mad of Mow Tork Mills Mnslla, an4 vsrr flaa Lfoaa Bosoms. Onlyt l'T3. Usual pdee tli-OO. WlUiamsvllle Mills Maalla. and on Llnea llosom, Onlyt l-DO. ViualprWa tJ'.'Rl. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING OOOD8. HMITII te JACOIW, BiytUB No. 1440 CIIKSNUT SusmU 1044 CUtHMUT SI'lu:tT. The attrnitlnn of LArirES VTSmNfl Tint CIT V . or thoar about I.KaViNi) II fi.r"Wair Inu l'lacea,' or thr ( 'ountry,' is respectfully bivhxi to Uis extensive stuck of til I B (i(KlH (llltubld for WKAIkfor WIllTK HOlHtS, MUUMNll WKATPfUH, Ac. An eatansive assortment Is olTercsi id Lao and Workel Edvuiirs and ItlsenlnKS, Vllt, Hsaokoroliictii, Collars, Hlravm.and tn elala and huiev 1'lald, atriped, and r'isured Wtitta (i.K.n. AT riUCKH Mt.l 11 llhl.OW lUHllt Fltr.hKNT MMI. VA1.1 K. ItMi I'lUiled Linen Caml.rlc OresHcn. loo pisoca I'uuod, Tackad, andStrtixd Mus ttn. vi. m. NUi:iiariHi. 10'44 CIIKSXUT 8TfT. riOQ 1IOOP pkiiits. i;og UaiO ManufaetoR, 'e. tHS Altctl Htrvot, UaiiO 4buva Hlxth strcat, I'hlladelpbia. Wholesale and RutaU. The aioet eompleto sHsttniueut of Ladtca, Mtssea', and I'biiuieu'a ftoop akiria Iu thu cliv. In every respect ftrat--;)ae. v Ideli fer style, iieieb, (laraonity, and oiieapaeas. tiAv, i& etii.Al tn the market. hktna made to order, alured. and repaired. H Ir W M.T. HOPKIHS. Qa W. 81M0NE & BEOTHEE, ASttOM HUllT (ULL, roil AOt. i'lilA, MAKOrACTl'ltniia OF JEWF.LKY, FLNt. tiWOKUS MIl.ITAtt tlOOD IF r.VTJtl f ABIETT. M i; f II a It It IU It 8 wiiofj-sALii am- arvau CLOCK tSTA Hl.lrsll MbINT, a. E.o:wer tw OKU ana i IH NM T Hiraets, rbllad a. anrscT rot no rTiHs W(JAI.1IN(1 Tlliarl l-DAV Cl.fKKS, a very deau-abie artief k r t'mireaies. tlouia. Bank, Counune-liiaise. t'arior.. c Also, MAN t r A( I t KKK U I INK iixl.l) fT.fTH. ( Ltx aa liKPAMIKI' AM) W AltKANiaK. laly-fy Oti ck Tituuuua'a of everi deeorlpuoa. VtTM. A ORAY, N. P.. CORNER OP SIXTH IT and MISOK atreeia, buys Inauionda. Watcbaa, CtoJO, HUver, ADO. Laiaa l lcKe(a. lllOBk, LH WANT Off HOfcT, All butnaaa aoaajantuvW aaria-asi I)FNN BTP.AM ENGINE AND BOILF.R Works. lEAMItt LKVY, Practical and Tliwutlail fcnulneeri, Macbluisla. Koiler makers, IliSAkaiutttia aj4 touutlers, uavkl lor many years been to uccessnilolHira Utiu. ajid been aacluslvelv enaaired In buUdluu and reoatr- tna Slarlne arid Klver Kiiittces, hlsh and low pressure, Iroa kluUeri, Walt-r 'j'anks. Propellers, Ac. Ac., rvspeothilly oflvr tiielx aervlcea to the public aa belnf fully prep.ired Ul contract for Knglnee ol' all elaea, Marine, Klver, aud HLa tionaxy ; bavtn seta of pettr&e of dtilarerrt smi-s, are pre pared to execute order wKk qunk ojepal4h. Kv7 da. a. rpUoDof paltern.iuakHK ntadaat tiie stiorxeea oouoa. UlKti and low pre.aue. k'hie, Tubular, ndt'rllnilr bollera, ol Ilia beet t'enuayrviuiia charcoal won, Komlma, of all sues ana suiae; irosj ana uras a'aaonus of all ueeenp tious ; boUVuimln , Hcrew-euuuif, and auoibcr work eon Deeted svllb tlte anove bailaeee. lrawliiKB and speeitliaiilooa M all work dona at that eetabilehiuent free of char, aud work guaranteed. Tb aubecrfUvs have aauph, wharf-dock room for re pair of boats, where Uny eaa US tn perfect lately, and ara arovhled with slieari, Uvcka, fails, Ac., At)., for raUuif aweiv aatv iigm wvejuaaj JACOB O. VEAFIfL JOH.S f. LKVY, K M BEACH and rAIJlbK Suaata. gEIDESBUBQ MACHINE WOBXS, ur Tio. CO IV. JFllOKfT HTHKI1T, fHILAiilxriUA. Wa ar ireparad to nil rdr to anj tateot let oar aavwa MACIUKEBT FOE COTTOX AND WOOLH HILLS, rnclodtn all raceal UBsravaauat at Cardlaf, Splaaba. w ujvti. um atUctloa r saaafaotaian to ear 4 it. v II X c II T Ac O O.. No, 148 6. T 11 1 H D STlif VT OrpOSITE TftE KXCHANdB. Dealers In Oovernnsmt and Stale siecarttlna, Ol.tfVlcT' masters' Cheeks and Vooehert, ami t'srtltlcatea of Pndoht daeea. Ordeva for tha purchasv and aala of Slocks and IHina aroaiptry axenrted. fel-wfm tr rjHXl W13W "jl-AX Illlal AVIS KUVKNUK STAMP LAW. rciiletnf tfia New Ta IIIU amf "tevmae atamp Law, flnr sale srtliilesisle arel l.taM ; attd 'esia Slumps nf all fe, riptlcos constantly en haml, at ,1m rVowliu( rsi.'io discount Oa orders of -'.n, two p,v col: dts-wint. M ' lis, ft rec " " )i, fsir M At the mn-Ifal flee.,1 r, r Hi S ife of Vhtm-nil tl.-Tn'ie atao pi, N,..:ii :itpjin:T ireel. and :(.. II i .1 I II Til H'r, t. I ull uyvci ptmil of the 8 lamp fc.'.v In jiaim.iilet ftna. jj-.. J) u o i' u j a r or To-TTn. Tnp.i 4i In rainviKM, ,Tj1' .'(!, Kl, Sotlce la hen l, ccti t 'at subirrl' ins wl.tnc received k the Treasurer of a TTii:(1 Rlatee, the seural Aretst aat Treasurer!, and dssiiuMrd lioposltorles, rod Irr rte Rational BankJ dcslj-sfcd an. nnslltlsl aa If?'fr-rfr and rinanelal Aiientt, far Treasury Tfmra payalM threo 7tan from Auntiiit l:, It. .'JheaTWik Interest at thera'.eof aerea and three-tenths per senl. per annum, with -euif. annnaJ coiikih attached, pSynlHe In law Int nioncr. These notes as 111 be oortS". rtlble, at the option nj thff ho ,Sr, at maturfty, Into lis ;ier cent, gold bearlu bo,!t, relreaiable alter flvo and ; vl tart uty jeara firn Auicist li, lts.7. Tlesae notes will be lnurd lc the itt-somlu.itli n of lilt, one hvndnd, flvo hundred, oi a thotssand. and flvethoit aitel dollars, and v. Ill be Issue i' In Wank, or payable to order, ai may be directed by tl.,"vnheerter9. AU ivbscrli'tMrns must be for .1A: d4lra, or aoiao uiul tlptc of Ally dollar!. Duplicate rertlucates will he ItsttsJ Asr alldepoilta. The party aVponinr must endorse neon tJi orMtnal ceuluVato the d?nomtnatloa of netea retilrodt and whether they aro to bo Issued In blank or payable to order. Whoa so eu dorsd,Umuat ba left with the oHier rccclvlnx the de posit, to be forward. I to thla DeiarUa-Ht. Tlie notes will be tranitulttod to tlsao'A'iicrs, freooftraiii pettatton harms, as anon after II o receipt of tha orliilnal cartltlaatei of donoalt aa they can boprepxireil. lntcreet wilt bo allowed to August 16 an all deposits mad prMir to that date, and will lw paid hf Ac tvepartment upon receipt of the orUtioal certificates. As the Botes draw interest fYnni .-Bssnt l.", persons tnsk lB9dep4slts aah.iuent to that dato must pay tho InWivat aecriied fna data of note to date c.'-urpea't. Partlei depailllng twenty-five thotnunsd dollars and tip wnrdi for these notes at any ot.xMiao win be allowed a roanlilon of wie-qunrtcr of ou per tcut., wiileti will bo paid by this department upon Urn reoclvt of a bill for tbe amount. cert-Wed to by tlie otllcer e. ith whom tho dcpoilt waa made. No deduction! lor Coir.uii Miens mj-t tie matta from tlas deposit!. (irnccra recalvln deposit! will nee tkat the profier en dariemcata aro made upon the onual cerlifteatoa. AUoffieers atithorlzod to rnceive doposlti are requested toitlveto ai()ilcanti all desired information, and atlAtt facility for maklag atibcrltloni. w. r. rtssKSiitsi, Seiretary of the Treasury. Buhacrfptlons will ha received Nt the MltHT NATIONAL BANK 01 PIllLAHKI.rillA. Hit ONI NATIONAL HANK OK rillLADlSI.I'lUA. THIltl) Is A'lTONAL IlAMi UK PIIILADA. )y77 tf "rAlNCU HTEWAHT UOCK OIL C!M1A.NV. Incorporated Jaue 29, 10G4. Capital, 8:iOO,l)0). 6C,eO0 S1IAUH8 1', A HI1AUU-1AR. Bul.rcrlptlon H each ihare to original lubacrihers for MUX' shares payable $1 rash d. n npou ubscrlblrur.aud two other Initauuenta of It each, payable on the lh Jul and 16th August, lbM, reip' cutely. TEN THOUSAND SHARES Boservod for BeueAt ot tlie Company. Tho Und purchased hy tha Vance Blew art Rock Oil Coimibiij one bunerid and U.irty-ooe acrti, is tke veiy (oie ot tlie oil resltin, (m ItieiisauO thrtie bun dled and ten feet on the Alo alien) river, lu I'raunerr teaaslup, ealendliiK a eoii.ldeiHbie ulslance np n botla sides ot Ihe Loa er Two M1 ltun,coiniu"iiiy called Van Bureo IU11. a couple of nines below t V'enatuto ouunly.l'euusyltai la. Tie Alb kheii; Kivar Torrliory la yieiumi.' an abundant and poriuaut nt liaivest tst aa esoel lent qualliy of I'll, the nunierou:. a ells borUerlnuli. banks producius oil with even sun i,reier rusulaiity tliaa tua wells aioug Oil Creek. It Is behoved mo How of Oil below the homni'h of frank lin, ou tli Alleslieny rlvar, will pronelur floor Ihkuuw eahausted.liocauae tlie stralltlealion, or vnlcauio dlirup tiou ol rock illpl In a outhwetiiull.t ilirecUon; ons unentl) tSe beds of Oil wi.ulo be nearer tin urtAce at tba upiier end, aa of OU lroek. and aells would nsulre to ba boied deeper Iu protorUou lower dun ll.e river, where, however, (here would ueeesai u la- the utost penuanent, and a much greater luppli ami Mieeriueuiubeiu body or ik .e of Oil It li certaiu that icn nuf wells on the river, In the iDiuiediaie vicinity ot Un-. latei, havo oununued pro ducing durn the paat Uii our tour years au uiiwavoruif and atendy d19 yield of oil. A giaoeo at tho map will drrioi etrate the tact that tha t.c.wor Two Mile Kun and O ' reck are on the same dlameUlcall) suauilit line, aui. my lltaiil, on sms fibtiafion of the lrntnl miv '!! bet ween the ranite of hills, from each other alout time mile, spin In pro clelv the lame duet Hon. It woi.ld, ilieretoio. uot bo es by boruiK wells on Una tract a suil'eleiil dcpibof perliapa ekht baudre'i a id llfly leit. Ilia. Uia Con, i any s well! may 10 a I si ihi so of Oil I reek In their supplies of huudruls M o. ireis ot oil daily, and anomiou. prodti would thus I ' the lorllltlaU rwult to the shareholders of this coniuai.". Ob tnli particular tract ol In! tl era has bce let oa Uae for twenty rears, a well .mmi a iir porlioa Ol'uood Oil. although Its di ptb 1 buvl. eoiiMdere.1 Uila In.utliclent to liiiura a larre ftv : tut' per cunt, of the Oil at ihli well s mouth w.o r i. vd sa a Myalty to t:i form r osi i or of the land, and ...! at on.e Inure to the benolit of Ihe Company. There a:r ulvo two othor wells txaesiaiaw nunon d feel de-; c ! hut "t yet tubed, hut ln-dicailagatlrst-rateshoworoil ' (..rreladaycaux(naiai!y be scoops out of them, and no 'loutit to elst that they wld both prove highly renrj: e sling wells whim bored a reasonable depth. Anmhe- well lb half bored, and promises a satlilai torv yied hamplea of OU prueiiroa rnm He e aell. run he sec a at the olhceof the Company, N" :'i i tVALSie I' Htnet Tha -e of fils valuable u.l lsi..l,eouiirl ilng one hun dred and thity-en acres, u cm. log the l"ial'y nfoMty per eeut. of oil tt tlie Uaed w II. uir 'uio. and Hi entire rUiht of the thro well, partially developed, la purchased by the Company dim t Horn lite owuor. lur tha moderate price ol l:i?;.'l, will., orlut Mill In due order, a mug bouso, 4o. t also palckis u' imbr. The saleof alock will pay ev.u lor inn land la fall, and leave the sum of 111,1 S) cash woikma enpllal isa hand, with which to oomnTetethe th e- o'd woin, aud also to bore two nw walls, wlih Be siesm anginas. Ac, to be In minima order willile a i.iw months i arraiiK mentawlll ba mad to aocoimill.h th objects w Uhout delay ilo subscriptions wl I be aeoeptid for kiaa lhaa "Thebait 'fortune! reaped by Hock Oil Companies e-tab-Ubed bete and eliewhcre are nolorloua 'I'be OU trade la vel In IU Infancy, aud lb demand o nsiaully Incroaaing. It price Is now U per barrel at tb well iaoutli, wia- " Large welYw'lll doubtless ba struck at th depth of 169 feet, so as to raaek Ik third Mandatou Bock. Weils hav been bored bereloior to me depth only of about 6ou feat lu this vicinity. Ills proposed Io bo tweulv Wellaoa this property during the preseut war. Taera la room fur on hundred wells. A perfect title, clear of all incum brance la coufldeatljr aasured iv the Csrupaivr. Llat of lulacrlpUon are aow opea uaUl the 5000 akara ara subscribed, ayabla II par share, to the order of Aldaw. maaJAMKI M.'ABKN, tit Treason ef tba Company, Ss. .10 WAlJI IT tstrect. or al So. Ul WAJLNl'T Btreat, or at aba flW of IM Company, He. W WALNUT BUeta. TtepubllcarekavlUdtocanfcraprC'n'eotua. tyVtf p-oVIIVTirVOII l'AINTINOII Ho, 47 8. TmED BTRIIET, A B0 VI CaTEflsTCT, rkCadiptuA. FAHY BHOTIIERJ BOOBS, BIOS. AUD OkJfAkf KNTAL rAUITXJiS. erantns, Olaalaf .Oudltif a Oaui, Kalaomlnrng, fapag TaivAlaai4.Aa apktal OJ-D'8 1M PROVED BTK AM AND WATHH- J HKATINO APPAHATUa. r T analag and V'saiUaUoi pubiui ttaudia 4 rmV vau) atoaldauoaa, ManBntetured by iba OloU BiltAJI AND WATRS nEATTSO COMfAJTI 0k HLLAUia.l lll A. JABf .fP. WOOD, Va.41 a touBTii avrM. fcHtt .ftiJWjtai4-VJlafA c FINANCIAL. N H v IS" A T 1 0 hT A L LOAN AT 1AJJ. Intorel 7 3-10 in Lawful Moaey. COUJ'DSH ATTACHKL), ajin INT1.1EVT rAYA?r.S EACIX SIX MtOlTIS. The prl.ifaall rn'ablc In kvful money, at the en.1 c4 three year:.- av, li s hchler I u t right lodimand at that time Tie 5-20 Doadi at Par Instead of the Oauli. Thli prlvllcrs Ij TaroaJ.le, as thcis S-a lUmtiatTour most praitilar Iban, and aro Bow lelMflj at clj' par coat, premium. Subscriptions reccl-vs tn the astial rannaar, anil th appeal and prrsissnt iel the Secretary of the Treasury, tngrtlur with orr Olrcraara, and all neeviisry Infurma lon.v IU be furuljhM oa aafllcUon at ou.-omoo. JAT COOKE & CO., JjMSOt No. lit H. TIIIKI HTwsot. 11 1: IDIt. HTUUU a tJO., UA'NKliKH, Mo. 30 8. THIRD S TUE ED, r a aat.L .leMJ), 81LVf:B, AND OOVE.MJ:NT BKCTIUT7CX 8TOOK8 ItOtTOirr AND 801.9 OH COMafTBHIOM, (mhlt c Xs A II K H O N Je CO. I1ANKKRS, No. 121 8. THIRD STRKKT, rulUUsHLPUIA. Ilevsrrment Hrcnrltica of all Isauea Purcliaaed ord) tVjr Bal Btocks, Honda, and 014 llvaght and Hold oa Ooov salaaeaa. ISTEatEHT ALI.OWBU Olt DKrOrllTfl. Collections maaplly Mad. IM-tf I It H T NATIONAL BANK OF PKILADELFEIA, Financial Agent of tha United States. xjriTi;i htatioh r :uio TREASUBT NOTES, NRW PaVTIIIOTIC LOAN. Ui flerlnstnit ditiififroi tho Ticwury Te)fcrtmPnt, thin Funk lii prt' pared tt rx;otro iulHrriptionj tn the Svw rniiiutlc I.oaii. In ii tit In tin form of Thno Voftf Treasur Hotca, biarltiBtntorfBt at (he rnte of 7 3-10 per cent. p(r annum, Ia ntl0 too.. -annually In Lnwful UuneyonthA l"ti dfija of February and Auuit rMpctlveljrof each jiar. lU'-.Trcaniry Hotut aro convent le tU maturity, at llio option of tlio holder. Into ITnUcd Statci C per cent, bonds Inloi-'tt ftiMo In COIN, aud rol omtblc attor Uvr and payalilu twnty yam fro in August I 1G7. Coupon Noti'swi 1 Uo ! tied in blank or payable to order an n y be dlrcrtctf by the subscriber, Inturati oi$-0, $ iitO, HlOO, and lntirtht will ba allowed t'rmn the Aro of the luhncilptlon (U ttit l'th of Aufc-utt next, the dato of the Treanary Note lhte who may aubfteribu after tho l'thof Auuiut next wlU be reUlrtd to pay tho accrue! ImoroHt nn the Note. Any one ii1rr)blnp for not lent I ban $.'.',1100 of tha I.oai at any one time, will be alluded a commUulon of ono tiartrr of one per cent ., payable by tho Treasury Popart ment on the receipt of a bill Pr tbe amount, appro ed by the .ubM tlpfloa aent. Heft rrlng to the annexed apneal of the Secretary of the Treasury, I ak all t hone denirouA it aiUling the (iov em inent to Bubscribe to thlt Loan. C. II, XAIIIC, auG lm rKKrtinKNT. JkTIiW LOiklV. NKW IaaOAN. U. S. 10-40' JAV COO It li! gfe CH., on m Ton bale the NEW GOVEENMMT LOAN, BFAltfNfl rtT. I'F.B t'FKT. IMTKRKST IS COIM, redeemaMcane tune arUr TI.S VKAKH, at tlia pleaauia of th lloveniaicnt, and payalila fOUTk' TKAU4 aftar data. UOTn COUPON AND RKOIHTKKED BONDS ar asued foe this Loan, of same d' aomlnatloa aa th 5 SO' l The Intern! on tX't and tin' s iaab!a j' r1jr;on al other dcnomlaalloni, half jrarlj. Th 10-0 hood ara dated Marck 1, ttwi. Th half-year!; Interest falling du Ki-pUBher 1st and March 1st of each rear; until lat Sap timber, tie accraed Intereat Irom 1st ol Marck la rrqulrol to be paid by ptrchaser In una or la L ot cuaaaxcr, adding fifty ir cent, tor premium, until farther nolle). Al L GOVfcatNMtHT HKUBrriUI BOUGHT AMI HOLD. JAT 000KE & 00., nhiH-U No. IU H. THIltl) HTIllIliT. g JM I T 1 1 ar. HANOOIiPlI, No. 10 S. THIItD 8TRi:KT. 11ANKK11H AND JJKOKKKS. Sprl,tka Qoaaiastra' Vouckara aitd Cluck, aad il Oovaramant fsacuiiUea Bought and gold, nihil QOL1), UOIsl), OOXI. SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. de eayes & Bsonma, aol-tl II. SO S. THIRD STltKBT. J J 13 "W JJ XI JL II Ms EAUXHHS A1TD IXCEA5QB BEOKERS, S. 8 S. Til ml STBST. mium u rECJ2, SANK NOTES, AND OOYEIUf. MENT SECURITIES. Stock Boa aa4 SoM oa Oeasasiaalsm. OoUKtioa anaupUy auuta. .. aJt-tf CTOCHH A.1SO afJSaUOTirTXISa sovoirr and sold ON COMMISSION, Tie. TT ATTO JL TlMTnTrtt. " in n rauur rngcfi j HI JBV ALID8 AUD OONVALESCEUTa, IVALII AJSU COSVAUUCEST9. tavaUaa and OnnvalesomU, Invalids anl ConvaletMata, "peiaily ' ' VF.MALES W AT K nuaLTn, IK.MA1.KS IN DfLICATB HI" ALT H, rUCAl.l.a M DKLICATK IU.AXTH, W Iti ftnd oar WtU tnt our t m gnd onr Caltthrnla Vrtne, Caltf,rnv wlHM CaXfOiTn Wlnel, California wine, CaPflim.a W ine,, ( altrenila Wiassa, rtilrty valuabl in all cases of lnU4t and (Tear pros. Uatloa of etreusth. Ask Ask Ask Alk Ask Ask Aak Ask Ask Ask A'k Ask Ask Ask Ask r7 sMcClellsad. tWihar.1, Vkaoa, (of tlie rcnajylramla rnlrersltyl, HarTst, Bervoi, Orvei, Hartahovn rVlini-sls, Wllflnis, Hartley, Neldhard, Wilkin, Ttndaf, Vlnal, Toadey, ohle, Knorr, Maytarsl, Turner, and pffvar lea.1sr pbyslclane, isnat they think et the atl cinal vtrtasi of California Thew trentleuion pn- arrtli onr brands, and assure ill f Ut benedt paUent receive Irom their trso I CAUKOSvat wrve tur.scr, J5. Ira Ko. 8. rtlTU st.-jct,alevttheanut. I I0IIT IIOVSK COTTA(il .la A i lam it' ciTr, w. ., NV AHf-sT IW'.sf' lt TIH HKkt'tr 1's ell-known houi la now ojira issr the rei-eptlon of llstainn never waa best1. t. WOOTTivN, l'roprtstor. JlVXaiai' IIOTJHI3', ATLANTIC OITY, KtW aaWKT. 1 :. i . iiarjrf , Proprietor. (Long an1 oraMv knows) a rrrnirtetor of OTSTSS CA(. MIM'll und ltK4.Tl:T Blroeu.) rartles aranaimKlatod wlih lleaaa, I'lahtna lane. Ac, era. Cars ma to tti uoue evary tronty aunul. e)-U IXCH.KOK IIOTHL, ATLANTIC CITT. a lb S'Ksjcrlber. aratoflil foe tt lavnra. temlera thanka to fits patrons and the pesnfe for rhe ire'teroua ona ton) atvtn h! ill and bsar. leav bs is tttml he la now oaan foi IheaeasoTti assd rady to roivsrw bnarders, nennanent and transient, on ihe aunt nuhterewstea'see. Tnebarwlll alwaya be suiKdle with th rhohseat wlisea,, asiS eiaars, and srperMrold ala. Th bole will b act wlsk tlie Ut the niarkei arti.ids. r tsfilns lines sat favrtl always onltatvd All the Comfort of e. I, ej.n a l. . Sal fniiHl ai ftk, Rlrhanan leiuiatlipereataata, UHOBSIB BATOAT, Je U froprteior. QUlsUMHIA HOUHE, ATJjANTIO OITV, m:w JKRBF.T. SITUATE ON KF.NTUCK7 AVKNUK, OITOHITK THE 8UUF HOA'SE. EDWARD DOYLE, Proprtxtcns. Term loan II tha tlntaa. e9-tf s EA-B AT a IN Q SEA-BATHING. CA1H lttl.AM), C'il-K MaV, V. J. Children under IV years nf aue and sssrvanta bairprl. huiH-rlor arcouitiiotlarions and ainnle nam I oat ini lit Niiitui riuo)na. JV-?m AAltON OAltKKllKluS, ITopriotor. (JONWA Y'H OYSTER BAT SALOON. 8. W. COItNKR Ok' SECOND AND CIIESNUX STREETS, JyH lm piiii.Aiir.LrniA. "f ATF,NTED JITI.Y 1!, 1H6U- J 0 8 F. P It J MOllirr, Klrye de Pari, french Hteam Uselna; and hcourltiiron aey ktad of wearlna apparel, lor L'dea, t.enls, and ( hililrrn. I'ntent aniuiratiis lor sirctolifne; pants ov to five lm ties. No. 7.IS Rack Htroel. Itrunt'b, llo. 30t 8. KUi fll Klrret, rintadclptua ailii-Jin TRUSSES, BRACKS &o., skllftills adjusted hrt' 111 NRKIILES.oor. Of I WK,l'l 11 and RAt.'k) Htraeta. Idlea lienartioent for same, cmdiietod It laillaa. TU 1.1. KTU Mtreet, first Coor beloev Uaca. Tlie nttlSt rOllllllelA Unit arlmt a.iu b nn banA. constating. In part, of Trusses, HunuorUirs, aiumider Brnces, Belts. Itai.dauea, Blattlc Htookln, tSyrinsea, Articles for isurtei'.bick liooui. As. lolu Sia rHII.ADEI.PIWA SUUOEONS' lANhAliK, II.HT1TITF. No. 14 North UMt'MSt' IiANIiAttK NINTH Hire t. noova Murket. Uuotunea radically cured bv II. .'. k.V tilth I T'H I'renilnro Patent t.ra(liial)iin. I'rt.psnre Truss. Kuperior Illastic Belt, Klaalic hliK-lli.u,. Huppottsra, Bliouldor Brace. Suspeo BiiTie. Crutrhes. Ao. Ladle attend jd by Jlra. It. O. EtTJIKTT. my.VIy 1'H U A It T I F I C 1 A L HA N D. If. A. Ofl.DKA, Itivrnlor and Manunu-iurer of tha A l; a I K I t I A I. a li U, Approved and adopted hJ THK Rl'BnKOy.fJSNEEAl. OK HIE UKTTED STATES, for .Soldier, ilfla permsnentty hcateu his Ollt.'e and Factory at No. 811 ri. Ft 'I in H tiuoet, au doors below bpruoa, I'Uilada, le '.tibial KlaABTIO BTlTCli 8 K W I N O M A O II I N E 8, TUE BKf T LK DttlS. DM Not 730 CIIKHNUT Bcresak. ,' ANTED TO BFLL OK EXC11AN0K, 1 1 Klllpllc hewlnu Marhlne. 1 he iirover A Bakttr tsowiny atactuno, TheHiiser ao, And alt the pnnrlpal Hewing- Mactdnea. All lurnlahad fnm t prlnc'paJ offices. Also, all Simla of Het'ond-Ilaiid Machine, for ealaaad licpaiicd at Uia uvw ttti-e of LkAM-NS A FAI1 KNf'lt. No. lnti N. Flllinil istrst, (Over wo years with mmjer a) Co.) Ladle tauiht to operate. Jels-.ioi frrr3 KeSTKV'H OOT'IAOK OIUHN8, Hot only CNEXCFI I.FI) but t'HTQtt AT.I.Kt In parity of Tone and Ftiarer, tlt-alpaaf eapectaily lor t 'hurcki'i and HcboU!, b'it found to bo ciunj.y welt anaptod to Uiel'arloi and Diswlr.ii Koom. For sale only hj r. m Bump.. Bo. 18 N. fsKVt-.Nlll Mtresa. Also, a coBiplrt aasoitavani ot' tk I'artect Mi-kHiiaa OonataLtly on fciuid. 11. DIXON, N FIOIITD Htrecs.. k IlEAT.I K IN FAN A.NI) 11)1 1. FT LOOKS, LMI'i.l.UAH ANl I'AltasoLts, fan. Head I)neca, French Jt sjr. LaaUiar Oooda. Work Bote, Bead, aHH-W PRESIDENTIAL 0AM PAIQU. 1'' Is A U H i BANNEK3 AND TBANSPARENCIE3 WI. 1 HCIIIlIlJlaE, Ko. 19 S. THIRD STREET. Abova Ouuaat. PblladelBkhi VtAisUFACTUKkM Or I LAOS, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. foUttcal Caaapalsa Club fattasl out with Lantama. Kacpaa, Bautura, and Futtis. al raasoaauU rat. )3.a J)A.XXa HAWOINO H KEMOYAL. J A II K H O. FINN, (lata f UOWF.IX A BltOTlltUH), Ua Removed fToia No. 614 to No. 628 CHE8NLT Street, lUvlnif pur. k as til tha stock of JAM EH llUVtK.1 t, (fra-merlj Belioae'), where ha tall) olfer to kia eustonaara and Hi public a str- aud elesant asiortmeat or Dtcorationa and Wall Papers Generally. By slvlnt his personal attention to the suUlaf sad kan la Uiercof, a kop to cssutluu to ractlv lb liberal patroaasa ol the pubu. CMIaeaa and visitors ara reipectftally lavle ta erajuk tli varkly OB lusuA ll UJA TO SHIPCAPTAINS AND ElA-T1iu.d.rlha.l leal N,l I. t Si L l IHS'K Uia k uRirin bis iVieial sjsd tb alelall!c)ou'l''"""0, lofv' lalat, fcr tb. preaerva Jk,.M vus- bouoins, for Uii .ity,l aut piMu4 U) luruask ku. tsu lasorabs I. rm a. JOBS H. nMkf ITT, Kenslnirtoa Hcrw Douk, BkU-tf BatvapM,,!,,.; CW7 a.?" "W PROPOSALS. Vl'TAlUMr'NT OF rtTT.T'J lUf7HWA 4 ' Ollloa h. W. awiM. nS Sfii iitiii l , . kHtnts ti ts.Trs'1, AatwrtS.iaaja, . , ' "OT,"'-T0WTiiAi,tVHIl. Paaled rtoiH.ssli i he ri-eived .i V.. fi.n... .i. n 1 CI-MiAT. K th ist.r..r l'ia construed, , on th Una of Brown slroet, rrnns ItMge arenne fc fa 't ! of Sesrenteantll street, wlih twe rest-iroq lnl; on al tha M. W. corner of Slslexn; and B own streets, and on at th K. W. corner ol . teenlh and Brown meta, and on manhole near Sevs.ii tccnllt street, to be hnlll of brisk, circular In form. sr.t cle.W Inside diameter of t'irr fi-t. The niidersleniHn to be list the enntrsofor stall tak Win prepaid auslnst tha proprtv froBtlnf on ald Hsiwar to ih aminnt of sen hiy five rents for ah lineal foot of front on each side of th street sa eomnoh eak asod, th butane to be psl'l by the ii y. All hi liters are lurned to h present at tl e time end pise of ossenlo the said er.tesnala. r.arh prupneal all, be accsibfpanii'd hya cert If lea t thai bond has been m. In tha Ireparlssent. ai dlreci4 hs lircinanmnf kl.sM 110. f the lowe.f binder shal not arrnia enntiart within fl. fsy, after the work la aw arded k-siiii be dess J as lo,VlBir. and will be bel !i"J I -'""!'! " U diflcnuo tsstweea III bid aatl tlie nest liieh-r hid. ioT-i'n liTl' " Iss kud at theDepastdentoi Sarvayt, whli h will beatra-tls adhentto. aJriHanV""" '""'k11 ,s " am4 yr.yr. Rirttm.KT, sThlef Comaiii.ioner f inhway. aulO-wftrrtl JL Ury (i.-oa), HwH Mwriala,ft, liJliylAKJkl -t hf A HTHI T (if WsWlianTfT Ornca or I -map Qr.)mmMwV 1 A1I1 on, Anttiut - IrWi TTrtttrr propA- .'n HI l-t) rrtwt6 at t 0m.' anbll rirti -i i)o(. , f.- Aim.-hMf th lo'low tm ftrttciw (rr uui of (simratiand mn, mourni, mJ ctU)dre ia titu 1 rartui nt Urii n mnixM, Ac), and rhrr rr1et3H Boot aaj Jinf ifr irtrii, wnrmft. ai duhii.lMin'a Mr, htp, rti. apt) mlHii Hau, ami clnth Kmp. Kt isi ) . Tjnnry.Otnvttitui.Caficuo, K.MiJLctl, ! Othar Wimt n Brd roifnti p.omin. Ilirkiiry Htripc (for afrrti), Pd-t.cUw. iielil Hunlin, Wcvn tOi kt and ltnr'at lHfHl Csrtfon, blat-li and trtiittM Islm Ttif-vail, li ue tHtin:iridri Itititnni : lartr Hattoni tvf 4V. VMie I'Aninui ItQitoan, Ytrn, h fertile, juid Hh a Him; ma-i'TihJii and trliunilnRH. stn .- .(. 1 1 ui I m nr in oaich bhl, at thr lumm t tlx iart) ;or-a7f)ii thr nmtn Aiioii'li ot nih-tiBprf , vt!d amtnpfjny iJ. it T.-rtml r tiaHi-m HI b i-nionalnw), btil trwarfbii. or mi'dtr)riiia of th anm. mmt be la irrliiniT. fun liafn br nule irom time to JTa mi nfrAd ar nrt-tli d. und.r romrart or othtTwUe, oa the latmrMiK oi thi mTTlrf nm r-iiitr. iid tcnriy f-tn U- entrfd fhrth faltHAil faltfmtkt of an, rontrm t md under thu ad vrtlei'niiit. I'niooimiH stliotilif by M-alrd and ad.rrttAiiMl tn ih imIi- alfDid, and endorsed, 'I'ropoaalf fbr Kiimllhv try tiwU." Ac. VtlkS. 8. UKl'K M, Iuftnanl Colonol and t hief Qaarterttartof, lttpartnHmi W antiiiiRlon. S 8 1 8 T A IV T Q U A K T it M AJi TlK- CHJ--eral Ofllca. m , Pun adflphia, Aujntfit H, 1W. nraled Propn"r.N rM ht- rocolvrd at tlilx odlvt ktiUl MM M.,onTliriiY,thllthlnt ,HT IV""M'' Win humhed "Hi Bnjk" Army Waimni, (oniilst, I wo liuiulnd " iwo-hom AtnUiUnoaa o-'mpMsiiw' hfiinif t I. rn, to &, daliverod la UtU clLr at aua uUooav a mayhedvnlxfiiiird, r On? hair of tito antyra to be eompWitM andmdrfhr rifllvtry h or bi-fiire ili Int of Heptimhr nt, lis It nialntiar in or butura thu imh of Hoptuitmr,LHr,. Itienrht Is reserved t -tvjact all hldn deemed lyw htMi-i and no bid from a d3iaiilnff oontractor will b? rtkvi hiait wui Hate uriM.lHiUi la wr Unit aud flxttrva. A iniurantee. to be krpmd by two rtuoutllti perawu. will fro rejuir4l, wlio rwaponsUiiHiT- mmt be eertin to by Uve I n.trd Htatr Mi'rttt Judwa, L'nitd Histma IdMrtsH Atfnifjr, rmieJ HUlea Cc41ectur, or oilter 0r emmrnt officer, othenrtta Iha prupoaai will not ba rw ftlTed. HpeoinraMon. (tir ih aao-a mar b aoea ftl- tb -oflawa By ordar oi Colonel OeotvoH. Croamanu Aaalf Unt Quw termutor-OencraJ U.S.A. GF.O. B. ORWm J6t Captnin and A. Q. HI UMY SUPPLIES. 0 PIC K OV .4lUirC'LOT1tIMl and Vmpi, No. M Kmadwaf . Nkw Ju'r M, lV4. healed rponcalu will h rareived al thla offloe nnitt lf oViortt.M.,un llirMttl'AV.tbelltb of Aotmn next, fi ttedIJvri7 br contract, at the lopot of AxutT VUHldtm and liamip.e In New York City . Army lilankets, of domeetlc niannfactnre, wool, firar. (with lettera l btaua,4 Inohea kBjr. io the rwttnb. to be 7 fet, aud a feet lnuhea wide, to weiflk 4V PHind t-acn. ItiOd. n will atate th nnmher they wi)h to ftirnltti -mmt uiBuj uirjt au ufutH-pur wteK ; wnen iitey eaa t v. suu ts urn niuj uu nninH ineir aoiivarMM. FroliONtalt, muat be aeomiinniod h m. nr.mnr uti forth iliat If th cumuact la awarded to tha ptur named tnerein. he 111 at onee exneira titMntrMl. give bond tor ti e fakhrul oeBformanoe of tbe lame The I n) red -mieB rofeerrea the ruut to rejuot al bUm denned ib ectlonal.le. Pmpoaaia ahotiid be endorsed "Pfoaoaala fbr lraiahlQfs BlaisJieta," and adUrerted to UeaoiiaUt-'Vlnnel T. H. THTOW, . )y?-ftt 1QP J Qr.M Gen ,U. S. A, jBMY S V P JP LIES. OKMt K OF AHMT OlOTHIKC AMD FUIPJLOTA. Ko.02 IsiuiAUWAY, Mkw York, . . A0uit 0. IMi. tValetj Proposal! will be rew ired at ttus Ottioe eaf I. orlock M , on THUUSDAY. the liih inaiant, fur IntnirliiiK- b contract, at the lefut of Arm 'ft tnli a and KmiiIpikc. vBW York city : HKy Bine Keney, Army Htaadard. ItiiMni rr 1 rt'imers. Ha k i'oate. Un d. 8r k t'oau, uiit'ned. Nhlita, Ha'.nel. JfrnweiM, Cantoa FIaim-4. Whirl a Knit. l)rHW-eiakK.nlu Ht.HlH(.s. KorafieCapa. Jtntikf-ti, ludla RnblW. KiiaiiijAokii. Iltirrmaekf. liii'.lev. rtiaii. J- ifc a, H and C. fan teen Cauip Keltkfl. Alea l'n. Axe. f elling, j xe JinutDea. rickaxeo. rickaae liaed.'cs. llntchet liamlles. h I mora ritlonal (dora. ('anii t'olor liiKii"ntal Ooloni, Aiilllery. Jtt lumntal Coloii, luiaaUy lU t rultliipi Hhhh. Ha a'rv (;tiidonii, ttatr'an Kitwa, iorm Klatta. HI i'i er lei.m. Aani)luk or sK.-ctilcatloui, nf w)klt tea be leen ai kaJ Oft Cf. Hltlder wH.lioweTer.iuibnilt with HvtrpToiMaala aaaplet ot tnc articles e. Inch they nrnpoae to de'tver, or ut tbe aa terltiU of which trie anit l-a ae io be made. In ibe laitt-rcae at icant oue yard of the material a hoe 14 be tihmhted ttiudera will atite the quantUy they wlae to furnUk, tha ahonem time a w klch ih y cm mtko ddivarieft. and kov on they can couitiete the uellvury ot all Uwy bid ftr. l'ri'poitalN will a ao tm received at tlie ame time fee furnl'litofi iriumilnua, and mikintc up lufautr truaaert frutn keraey tumi"tifd by thu I utti-d NUteH, Allbitia tuut bo ace'npfiiled by a proper rnaniiilea algntd by two ift.pon<Ve partlns, ttink' lorth tiiaelf a com met Ik awarded tn the puny named therein, he wtl eve. utelt at ouce, and he bond fbr lie lai hiuL pet iti inanr Ihe t'l.ittd Sta'ea retene the rl:ht to r-Veet any pert or tl e whole of tbe bid., a uay be tueDied iof the luieniaa O' the aervtce. i'n pofal nbou'd be endomed,1 Vruponala tor IWnUhiac (bciuUiriert the article bid fun" and atMretret to Lieut.-Colo!.ell II. VITOrC, ar-:.t If j. M. tten. if. . A AK MY SUPPtlKS. tlrt-'tO. H A nut ClOTHINO AND Kwin-aver., Ko isit Hn.-AhwAV, Svvr Vouk, Aiik;ih' 1, fT1. Healed l'r i v-a f will be rinelvi-4 ai tht Oiliee auUi U O'clock M t n 1 tit KH1MY, the llth luntajit. deliwry. I'j cofitriu-t, nt ihe iM'tot of Alio) Ciuioiiitf and iVtuipaya Ul e korfc city ; h-Hid H-otee.j. I'i fliei Hooter. Ki-weit H' ot. rewued Hoot. t !'Hckuii il'.i a. KanipTei ot Mhirh can be t?en a tKJa oieve. Hlddera w lit staie the i.imit v tbiy winh to iiirn1, m 1 hew moi t'- y can uenudeto the Ueilvery ot tlie t,uuut tbey li for. 1 hi ) will sulmilt with tturfr pni0ials A aamp't of (ba art le If thev aopoto to tuniUh. J ' A piepr Kuttriume int areoiupajsgr ail btda ftuT taa lax hi ii i peih inn nee o a eonti t-t-U 'Jl e I 'nlted B itivm tutervee IU rlnht to re rvi any parr, or the w h h oi ibt blda, as aiay be tUinicd lor the tauieai ul the ken-lee IT poeal fheuld Ue endoraed Piapoal for Airalahtnc the nsoit ui iheuriu:kbui ei aiidttliiwti II I.Wllltr.knl ( tAl'ljl l. It VNTJN. au? 7t P puiy iuailA'si wstttT-eneral. V. &. A. yOUE PATE0HAQE S0UJITED. MrOALLA'S HAT. OAP, liA.TIJl" HODE8, QEHT8' FUENI88INO GOODS. riusT STOSC .Qova ATLANTIC HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND. CAPE MAY, anl-tf KEW JBB8EY. -niXAOB UltKKN SEMINARY. MIU f Urv Hoard las Mehuot Hulas fseatoaatMir I. Tanaa verv Dio.k-rm .T huroutjh course io ifetooiueuoa, kB usi, t.uslts'' ttludles, A. fupUs hare ;."rm' " boo-e. PrautKal tossnna la Sarreylai; an 1WI Kiiaaassa lust. Boya ol all aaoa us . AJ-b-a. for Oaiaur ao, : J9lu-las Tlilaaxi slraea, DoUwara Co.. Pa. VKKN OF BEAl'TYw WHITE VIRGIN Wax of kutl'les Is Ik perr. preparation ol tk aie. for beaulirflu. whilenloir. aad praaarsius; tha) cooiplexioa. li Is made from pur While w ex, bose Ita) slraorulusrv uoatlllea fof preaervlaa Ui akin, autklu tt at.fl, smooth, fair, au Uanspaiaul. It eura t happaS bauds or br. raiuvve Btmpk'S, e. Prte IK) an ou etaxta. Maaufat'tun oals bv atVlST A CO., I'wruau.ra, Xo.ills. loHTH Hi., loooraakovt:iM.iiat,aa)S JyM-Ia Ko. 1X1 B. HhV tKTH fSUasMW JJDMUHD A. 80TJDEB 4 00, COMMISSION MKltCIIANTS, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTRKKT WIIAUr,' PaULAilKUUIA. ansvrwc) a, sorcaa, aarsiBsai. vbitv, ' rrxiBxji t. aitiibaa l-s JOHN CHUM I', A Ian fere d kUllai ttWassaltS ' "JT tviaatsUats " '