The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 09, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Owning tltfltapli
the imiiF. or ah Horn.
' FrnrafiaRnerfleettoIvlnsvar,
l.lj moaee top, nil iwimp anil healber:
There' little chanata or diflcre nee there
In nanimcr or in winter weathur.
At tlm Tn hear the lirpwlng't note
I'lpe sadly o'er the rnoesos yellow,
And troops of lazy plover float
And hover o'er the sandy fall0-
Tbonah man year b fled away,
, " "Wltlj rlonJs end sunshine, joy or sadness,
It mm) to ni but yesterday ...
- I beard those, ound ol mirth nod gladne.
Within the wall of yotirJnr cot
J win two young brum that nanglit shall
- sever:
AAi I ala I I had forirot,
Tbo two young board now ilcep forever!
A simple watebnr' he, tint tall
And straight, and bold and open-hearted:
. fhe likfl a tender hrotlur-b. il,
That linger when the summer's parted.
So brlpht her presence seemed, tbiil li-tht
And warmth around her footstep
Ar, whore Vr she came, took IliKht,
. , And every brow from caro onkuitlej.
A tliongntful lrwo, a loving heart ;
A amita thut breathed in every feature
' 8b seemed on this dull earth below
Ot some bright heaven a chosen creature.
Id word of sow? It passion told,
And blazoned loud In phrnae noetic,
We Hie the thonpht which buried lie,
- Hepoeing in heart sympathetic.
Ko talo have I of love to toll,
No tale of obitaclci surmounted ;
.The tad and solemn words of troth
Dy my poor mouth shall be recounted.
la nuptial bonds their hands were joined,
The rii put on, the meaning spoken :
1 one brief bour the loving link
That chHloed those hearts was snapped and
A mite from yonder cot there lies
A glassy pool, by wave scarce rnfHed,
Blb nt and still, yet you may bear
, Xi8 sound of lulling water niufHcd.
Tor neath the earth tlx stream Mows on
, Under full many an emerald meadow,
Vnrier dunk rock and mossy cave,
All sleeping la eternal shadow.
And though tbe waters seem to flow
A measured slowly-gliding current,
.A hundred yards or two below
. They issue forth a foamlug torrent :
Trom that dark pool, when early dow
Makes opal all tbe crimson heather,
She ued to bear a brimming jar,
.And on wedding-day went t nither.
Bhe ne'er returned ; y ot how she died
No trace remained, no tale or tiling :
And jomlcr stream seemed still tne same,
Onwards, yet ever onwards gliding.
Singh, though to outward ey the same
' (And few could tell his heart was broken),
Thither, forever starching came,
Aad piajeo. of hit lost bride some token.
no dny, about the lower fall, ' ' -
Ha Imj-eicd, and hu search was enilaii'- ""
A sunboam thiotih the torrerwave,
i JUt oa a skeleton susgejatue'd.
Wt tale is told ; bww'she had died,
This was lim gb.a-.tly tale and tiding;
IVVJrnfffr stream Is still tbe same,
, 'Onwards, yet ever onwards gliding.
who wam tiir KXF rno:R or
,. HM'U t'HaHLts TlfsS tittsrr
Cases of "historic doubt" seem to be toe legiti
mate propei ty of the novelist. The mystery
which has enveloped the executioner hi' King
Charles tha First, the apparent impossibility of
.ling tba act of beheading upon any man for
cerUln, ) opened to the writers of historical
fomsDce a fail ?)d for the exhibition of their
art. And iuey have all l-'iCBlWlj8' ' 'bo
epprrtnnifT. To mention one or to i'Zr!ncu :
the aotlior of "Whitehall," M. Alexandre
Comas in bis "VlnginAptvs,"nnd Mr. Sla
In hi- novel of "Captain Dangerous," have fntro
.ncttl to the bUhlie various candidates for the
tistitction of having killed a king.
The generally accepted theory,' however, is to
the effect that the deod was done by the conrn in
hvnguan of tha period for a reward of thirty
tsoouda. lint tbo name of tbe hangman has been
leas clearly ascertained. Jack Ketch, "a wretch,"
tajs Macaulay, "who had butchered many brave
and noble victims, and whose name bat, duninr
a century and a half, been vnlg irlv given to all
who l ave succeeded bltn in bis odious o'llcc,"
was not sppoin'ed until about l'iH2. "While
Jtffries on tho bench, Ketch on the gibbet sits,"
says a lampoon of tbe time. Tbo bundling
orueliy exhibited on the occasion of tbe execu
tion of unfortunate Duke of Monmouth nearly
led to tbe destruction of Ketch by the infuriated
nob a strong guard was necessary to save tbo
Jievutioi er heinjt torn In ploceo.
Ketch bad succeeded a man named Dnti, who
is aodreiMteo as Squire Dno in a poem by lltuler
"The aiidltion of squire,' " says an uuthoritv.
"wlih which Mr. Dun is dignified, is a mark that
ke bad btbiaded Some State criminal lor high
tieaton, an operation which, accordlnir to custom
for time out of mind, bos always entitled the
operator to that distinction." Tbe predccetur
of Dun was Oregoiy Brandon, afcer whom the
gallowa was somt times called tbe Gregorian treo,
aa m tna prologue to .ucrciinui untlanu un, acted
at i iiit, iwi :
" l u tremliles undr tliA blMRk rod. Anil hn
Polh tear liis IHlu Cruiu tho tlrMrAii trof."
An earlier hsnitiuun wan numed Derrick : not
libiy, trom til name tho lacklu employcj in
raudiig heavy weights on board a ship is still
known naulically a a derrick.
Tbe exucnti' DCr of King ( bar'es was proliably
either Dun or Iirandon; ct various outiioiities,
at different times, have charged with the deed,
Will, am Walkor. Richard Brandon, Hugh 'uteri,
Colonel Joyce, William Iewlet, uod laitly, Lord
fStair. Asalnst some of these the ac?uxaiinn Is.
of coune, utterly groundless ; but on the trial of
we regit ifies arer tne Kcstoration, a distinct at
tempt wainuidcto Ox the act of beheading on
Wililum Ilewlet. Tbo evidence for the nroKecn-
tion was worthless enouirli. but the court had
iuite made up its mind on the sutject li;foro
band, and a vet diet of guilty was returned.
Hewlet was not executed, however; the Insiif
tick nt:y of proof was too rctnnrkablo, and the
icsioreu f ovcruuicni uau eomo sense ot sliaino.
"Many have curioiiHly in iuired," tavs Wil
Ham Lilly, in the "History of bis Life and
Times," "who it was that cut oil tbe king's
bead; I hate no permission to speak of such
things, bnt he that did it was valiant, resolute,
no oi i-oniH'iunt lortuuo. Alter tire Restora
tion, Lilly was examined before Parliament on
inc funjci. --At in v nr.-a appiaranitt, he goes
on, "I was atlronted by the young memliors,
wiiu ociimmnu several s-curnious questions,
and I should have been sorely troubled
but for tbe asMMiini-e of Mr. 'rinn and
Mr. west d, who whispered t) mo occi
iunally, holdlaj n paja'r be line tbclr mouths,
J.lbeiiy being at lust giveu me to spuuit
i . oeiivn-eo wnat follows : The next
8imdy hut cne after the execution of King
Charles the First, Ibohrrt Spaviu, Heerotarv to
tlci.fral Cromwell, and sintral others, diued
with me, when tho whole of our discourse wai
only who it was that beheaded the klnit: soma
said the common bancmnn, some llni;n Peters,
and several others acre named, bnt none con
cluded. After dinner was over, Robert Spjvlu
retiring; wun me m ine soma winnow, took my
band and said 'These are all niictakcn,
Joyce was the man. for I was in
the room when he fitted himself for the work,
and stood by him when he did it : no one knowi
this but my master, Commissary Ireton, and my-
It is certain that I.lllv. alihnnch nrtrinnllv
royalist, was afterwards actively enirsired in the
Caue of tbe Parliament, and was una of the r.lo
committee to consult upon the proper carrying
wiiui mif "uon. lie was ceicbratttu
ats an astrologer ana impohtor, and ainatsed
IfinilUA IiT IShliril ti:illVltld nn,l (..-...-111....
events, nnd pre; Inc gcmrully uiaiu the we iknes
anu superstition oi an rauns oi society. In the
words ot Dr. Ptatdi, in his "notes to ltudibr.i
Lilly was "a time-Kxving rascal," and it is neccs-
aary to use caution m placing credit upon any
(iarrative proceeding from hiui.
Ac'ordinir to 8ir Nathaniel Mrra?All O.torri.
Se.wyn, that insatiuble amateur of cxecutious,
laid a ditlereut story, however, on this subject.
5i ptuiewd 10 have oli'uined his information
rioia u luch of Portsmouth, w ho, he (.aid,
"'."T"' ?a the ""thority of Charles the
1 1 1 , U Y? f!ucr " beheaded
hy either Colonel Joyce or Colonel pride, ai was
then commonly Uelierod, but that the name cf
be real executiouer was' orv Brand M.
this man had w ora a lilstl ..'" Tm'ov.'J
1,1, fate, and bad uo soom, t.l S The kind's
tuad than be was put luto a boat u
ui.s, together wnb tbe block, the 1,
that coveted it, the axe, and every other artiVi?
that hud been stained with the roval Wood
Deing coin eyed to the lower, all the iiniilenieiiu
ttstdiu the decupiluilon had beu imuiedl.tely
reduced to ashes. A purse, coasniiiing one hun
dred broad pieces of gold, was then delivered to
liiaoelou, and be was dismissed. He survived
tbe traiitactioo many yeais; but divulged it a
abort lime btl'ure' li died. "This account,"
Wrsxall aIds, "as coming from tha Do -hew cf
I'onsrfiooib, cballenucs graat rcspew-t"
A curions miscellany, called the "Loiier'
Common Place Hook," pnblisbed in ITM, a
mvriie work with Leiph Hunt, and often qnoW
bv him rn bis "Iltsviry of tbe Town," adds to the
stock of stories on the snhject of t harlns the
l lrt's execution nn axtract from a French work
called 'Dclascment de l'Homme Sensible"
professing to be written by a Monslonr d'Ar
naud. It will be aa well peihnps to warn the
reader at the outset that tbe "lounger" is by no
means an authority npon any subject, and that
his appetite for the apocryphal is almost without
The Frenchman relates, according ta tho
"lxiunger."that Lord Htnlr, once the favoiitemln
ister ot King Oeonrc the Socotid. retiring in disitnst
in cot sequence of some real or imaginary nift int
received after the ba tie of Dettingen. and on his
way to Scotland, made a short stay In London to
fettle some res Imental acconn's, when an anony
mous letter In a stranao baud was sent to bun,
request ng that he would f .vortho writer with
an interview at a particular timo and place, a ho
had c rtaln information of the most singular Im
portance to communicate. Prompted by curiosity,
and movid by the tone of etitrca y of the letter,
the Karl, taking some precaution to ensure his
own safety, went to the place appointed, lie
knockrd at the door of a corner house adi lining
an obscure ull y in a rather remote quarter of
tbe town. He was ndmlfed by a racred and forlorn-looking
wreicb, who tie n conducted him up
a narrow torinous to a di'icy garret,
dimly lighted, in one corner of which he pcr-c-ivid
the flfiireof a very old man stretched
upon a narrow bed. His lordship was loided
with thanks for having con lo'ceinlcd to eompiy
with the reqnertroutaitied in tie! loiter, will :h ihc
old n ull avowed be had written.
He offered manv ato onies lor flic tronlde be
had ocas!omd bis lordship, and inquired ot the
Karl whether ho had not recently exp-rlcnce l
much iooonienienee from tho want of certain
title-deeds and conveyance relating to hispi-t-
rtisl esteto, Ilia lordship adim ted tb it such
was the case, adding that t'.r want of some p ir
ticu'ar documents lie was in great dangT of
lo lug a lame portion of his inheritance. The
old man then pointed to a box wnlch stood by
his bedside. "Tbe'e," hnald. "urn the writings
that you reqnire. Yon will ask how they camo
Into my prasi'ssion who I am ? I have led a
wandering and miserable lite. Strang' ly pro
longed to one hundred and twenty-live years,
and I tow live to behold In yon a luteal descend
ant from me in the third generation. 1 uo fame
of yoor gallantry has reached me. I re olvcd
to p.are in vour hands the contents of tbatbnx.
Tbe w rev bed old man yon see before you was
a snbject, a friend, and fuvorite of King Charles
IbeFlr-t; but suspectimt him of having wronged,
moat ciui lly wronged, the woman 1 loved, my
loyalty turned to hatred, an insatiable thirst for
revenge porseSHtd mo. After his trial and de
position, I requested permission to be my sove
reign's execniloncr. This was granted to me.
A moment belt re raising the fatal axe, I whis
pered iu h'i ear tho name of bis victim and her
avenier. But from the bour of thi king's death
I buve been a prey to tho keenest romorse, an
outcast ai d exile in different part. of Knrope
snd Asia; aud as though to increase my punish
ment, Heaven Ins seen tit to prolong niy life fur
be y or d tie c.raimon age of man. Now Icavo
me to my fa'e ; ask me no more ; forget that you
bavetver seen me." Lord Btiir qulod the
house, to re urn tbo next day in, the h ipo of
rtndtr n some assistance tvVbh mvsterioua old
men. He had disappear), however; no trace
of liim could be discovered, and be was never
bi ard of more.
M d'AjniauJV story is curious, but, of course,
"jeerthless from nn historical point of view; It will
not bear the test of the simplest critical annlysii.
The secret as to tbe executioner ot Kint Charles
ba- be n well k pt, probably from iis beiug very
little f a secret at all, and cupablo of a solution
so i im pie, that people in stu b a case were rather
inclined to avoid ibun accept it. It was no doubt
difficult to credit that a prisoner so ex'r.tordinary
should fall by the hands of tho ordinary exe
eutoner ut to time, like anv other prisoner
seu enced to death. Hut that tnls was ru illy the
es c tl ere can be little question. It is worth
w hile to remark, however, n an element in the
consideration of I ho trustworthiness of history,
bow veiy soon, as in this case, don lit nn I mys'ery
collect round and oh tire an event of singular Less than iwclvo years uflor the
dea'b of the kimr, tbe commi-sinters appointed
to bring tbo regicides to judgment c mid not
clearly afcerinin who w:ts the uc ual execu'loner,
and notwithstanding that they find a prisoner
fiuilty of the otlcn-c, doubt on still, tin d ft 'mole
lo iiifi vi uunisbment to which thoy hatl
sentenced blm.
An Aleitnre In 'e)mrPy,
A voung priest, tmco wish'-u,- t3 .ho, i.;3
courage and the contt intoona light in which he
regarded all superstitious no-Ions, laid a con
siderable wager that he would walk to the ceme
tery in the dead oi the night, and hammer a nail
into a certain part ot the inner wan. caving
the town at the stated time, lie proceeded
straight to tho place, and arrived t"cre iiert'ec ly
satisfied of bis ability to peit'orm tlin lonely tas
he had Imposed upon nlmsoil. Advanci ig into
tbe inner ciiclu, be plumed a small ludd -r wi.ii
wbtcb be proviib d ugainnt the w ill, and, be.
fore proceeding further, looked leistirn'y around
the nicain was sliming in iu I bea ttv, a id nor
mys, i iiit.lng tbe leaves of ail the trees ou "tie
sije of the circle, shed a subdued llitbt on every
object immediately around our advent urer, leav
ing the otbt r side of this pornon ol tho ccmcterv,
Into which i lie. moon's rys c aild not p metritis,
in peifeet shiide. (spit? oi every wish to tho con
trary, tbe poor priest could not but feel a kind of
nndeiined dreud at the awful stillness, and, as be
slowly UBCeniU d i ho ladder, hi' knees begin per
ceptibly to tremble. Determined, however, to
execute his purpose, he fixed the I ail aad c m
n diced hsn tming loudly, his perturbed spirit
deriving com tort from tho rovoi berating sounds
thus created.
Quite rc.iShiircJ when this work was lini-liod,
he letiiniid iu order to do-ceuil, when, pulling
his foot out to pi cc it on the holder, he tcit his
rape pnilcd from behind. Too terrllled to try to
asceitain the cause, he. made several a tempw to
disenfiuiie himself, but the mora be pulled the
faster be S'tiucd lobe held; until at list, ex
hanstcd w ith the cfTorts he bad made, be rem lined
passive from terror. Tbo whole cemetery seemed
whirling around him. The cotlins appeared to
be leaving thtirnarrow cells, ami their lids burst,
iug open, be fancied bo saw the gliustly innt ilea
grinning at biin.
In vain he tried to cry out, Ms tongne refused
to liamc a bing e woid ; and thus, panlyetl by
fear, his sa mes entirely forsook him and lie fell
to the ground t e'ow, where h i remained in a
unto oi licoiiscloiibi c s until discovered by a
friend iiiuny liouis after, w ho, fearing something
had happened, Citine, accompanied by others, to
search for him. lie slowly rec veied'hisj senses,
but spoke little, although tho riniieiiibraneo of all
that had happened t nuiincd Impressed by terror
on bis mind. Xotwi -bsttinding bis friends p iliitcd
out to him the tent In bis cape, which hiviuir
caupht on lie ruiiluhcn be turned round, was
lorn us he fell Horn the ladder, he smiled In-creculou-ly,
and prailiinllv sunk till he died, in
the full belief that what he bad was a
punishment for bis during to boast on such a
suljtct. A Ltuiy't I t'.oV tit ln,tilln and Junu.
1 ti t'olosKHl lllrd of nmlnunsenr.
Ill the year 1H."4I a Freneli ship cap'uin, nanied
Abodie, being on the south. jt coast of Mulii-
pascar, observed in the b intls of a nst've tba
si eil of a gigairic ejtg w hicii lui I las n perforated
ai one oi us e.iriia.ius ami u.-m lor iiointistu
purpi u s.
M. A i a lie, being a'tiacled by the iiiiumisI
iini'H.sioiin of the i : Eg, ft't to work to proenre
spet irtuns oi it, ut n uiiiiiniteiy sm T' cued in ob
tainiug fr In the unlives, besides the specimen
liist nen, two others, one of them ioutid in tho
debris ol n recent laud-slip. The other was ilis.
inleircd finm recent allmiiil fotiuii'lon, togotber
with some liomsof apparently nn less gigantic
I' pon these obiee'i.. which weje fli.irllv after-
wari'.s forwarded to Paris, ihe la c f'rofesor Isi
dore diollroi ft. liilaire founded a new -'enus
and species of extinct strttthioc.s birds, allied to
iionotnis, tor which be proposed the natno
Aaiiori is Maxlmr.s. The most striklni! charac
ter of the egea of the .l ipyornis is their enormous
size. 1 he largest ot the two received at Pans
messtired lenethiv ie no less than two iuet and
ti n inches, and bresdthwife tno feet four incites
in cirvttinierence. Its i-Mrenif length in a
strnielit line was twelve in he.-.
l'lolessor (ieollroi St. liilaire estimated that
it wi uld tontiiiti l(!i quarts, or neaily as much
as fix oetrii h eggs. A large ostrich egg, we
u ay mention, measures only about six Im lies in
lentn, being little more than bait that ot tie
Apyomis. Quarterly Joim. of .SctVncc.
During the recent visit of the I'.uropoa
sovetcb:na fo Klsslniten, the daily tutuic whs pro
vided by the band of the Kmprens ot Austria, of
sixty performers, and tbe band of the King of
Havana, or iorty pcrioiuiers, bi-bidos the regalar
bauds of this favoiitc watcriug-place.
Tom Moore might have written the following
gems, lad Le didn't :
Take the bright shell
Trom its home la the lea.
And wherever it goes
It will ting of the sea.
So take the fond heart
From its home and if uo .rtb,
'Twill sing of the loved
To tbe ends of tbe earth.
V'tt not for her the bitter tear,
Nor nive thy heart to vain regret,
Tui but a casket that litis here ;
The gem that tilled it sparkle yet.
V.rrt that oo'sml'e 1 tbe morn,
Behind yonr go'drn la-hes,
M hat are yonr Urea now t
Ashes! '
Checks, that outbltrshed the roe,
White arms and snowy hast, ;
What is yonr beauty now ?
Dust I
7 ucy Hamilton Hooker.
A lir,P RAROSfRTt'.R.
Kvery farmer should crefally observe the
"signs of tho weather," and shaoe hi business to
suit. II n may sot be able to foretell the stite of
the weather by a barometer or by observing the
movements of Index pointer. But if he will
commit to memory the following quaint effusion
of Dr. Jcnner, wbo w t celebrated in bis day for
bis practical sense, bo will find In them a useful
guide :
"Tbe hollow troi.N begin tiblow;
Tbe il'wh look black, tbe ' is low ;
Tbe Htmt lads down, tho iinat" lcep,
The si't'ers from their cobweb peep.
1 t"t night the mm went pale lo ld, i
The ru'ioti in haloes hid her bead;
The boding thrph- rd heave 'i siirli,
For. see ! a rainbow spins the skv i i
The vnlli are dump, the iliti'ft smell, (
C-osed Is the pink eyed pimrrnt. f
llMrk, how the cAm'rs and fiiiWM crack!
Oh 1 Hitltn txiiun are on the ra kt
Lotid tUek the (, the ;)oe.x j cry,
The distant hill are se miiot nigh ;
llow rt stlesa ere the snorting irm, .'.
The bosy fin disturb the kine ;
Low o'er the grass the urnllmo wings,
The criikH, U o, how sharp he sings!
Pun on the henrth, with volvet paws,
SiU wiping o'er her whiskered jaws;
Thronfib the clear stream tbe tithen rise,
And niuibly catch the incautious flics;
The glinnmrmt, numerous and bright,
Illumed the dewy dell last night;
At dusk the squalid load was Seen 1 '
Jloppit g and crawling o'er the green ; .
The trhtrring wind the dust obeys,
And In the rapid oihly piny;
Tbe froq bas changed his yellow vest,
Anil In a russet coat is drest ;
Though June, the. air it cvltl, and still,
The mellow Uarkbinl't voice is shrill ;
My 1117, so aimed in his taste,
Quits mutton bones, on gr-ss to feast ;
And sic yon rooks, how odd their flight,
They Imitate the gliding kite,
And seem precipitate lo fall,
At If tbey felt the piercing bull :
'Twill surely rain. 1 sec with sorrow,
Our jaunt shall be put oil t j-tiwrr Jvv."
Hemimber that thero are three variable quali
ties of the atmosphere, from which result varia
tions In tbo weather these uro, its weight, tern
ptrature, and moi ture ; and by a careful obser
vation of thtsc, it is possible frequently to predi
cate the weather we are likely to have. . ..
tiik wr.fvr coast or afkii t.
Mr. AVInwood Kendo, in a letter to the 'Vrnei,
Tbo Ashantee war having jnst attracted so
much attention from the public, some re uarks on
bush wars in general may possibly interest your
Along the whole margin of the West Coast of
Afi lea, I rom Hi. Louir Senegil, on the north, to
Bcngnela, on the south, there is uut'a single spot
which is tit tor iuvaiiuing. This gigantic raage
of territory is one cessptHjl ot fever, dvscHtcry,
and ev ry thing which is deadly and detestable.
1 extent a site on the Cameroon mountain, b Captain Burton li.H wisely reconiiuouded
as a sanitarium.
At the In st of times the military hospitals arc
ulwuys tolerably iuil. Imagine, iheu, the bar
mrs of a campaign In su"b a country. Every
nifbt tbe army is t ucked by an irrcnistinlo un
seen foe tbo muluria of the swamps. Then
there is always a poor supply of food; on the
(iold Coast sheep ami cutthj can only be obtained
as, ai tides of qriui tnandi se. There aro no ro ids
btoaccr than sheipwalks; tho soldiers .ire forced
to curve their way through the woods with their
swoids. Engagements con -1st sim.ily in u series
of umbuscailes, and for this style of warfare
Westirn Africa is admirably suited, fatqtc
appeals to have created these forest and swamps
ft r tbo preservation of the nuked ne;:ro, as nhe
l ab r.roteeted thn imreio.l-, ,, armil-Hllo, and
the 'iillimitor, wilh hldeou and i in tenet rabla
coverings. Now, one need not be blessed wlib a
military genius to understand that oll'misivi)
arture uiniersueii encu in -unices is scarcely in
le n c nniiended ; anil tho raid which
nan .just I cen made n gaunt the Asliantees is,
far hups, the most curious insiance of human
unorunce und piesuiuption winch can be found
iinorg the blupUeisOl wlonwl htspjry,
It is iiinernily supposed that the negroes aro a
fen ciotts race, who assassinate w hite men wlpju.
ever tiny can do so ,vitn i'upnntty, undwUi)
iittot'b tbe same relish to h'ood from u buinati
skull as we tlo to '20 p' rt lrm adn-ty, cmsrebby
bottle, lint I must assert that 1 hive touud tuu
negroes timid, tl.ii!iniite, courteous, thorough
n en of the world, lo h to shed blood, except
when their tears or their rel'gious passions aro
nrnnst d. Above all, t'uuy b .ve great coniiii ircial
It ie.-ight. They riceive liom us white men thoo
luxuries which hava no v l:'couio their nacessv
lieb Ibo lotion cloths witn which they ciothe
tbemstlves; the gluss beads with which th.-y
inlorn themselves; tho rum with which 1 lie v in
toxicate tlumselves; the powder uni wiih
wbiib tiny shoot us when we icav i theia no
nlttrnuthc. Iwtiipiove how relticiaut they are
lo make use of this demu r rmurt.
A siibsltern, who many months a;ri went up
the conntrv wi'h the lirst expedition (long b.'0: i und hereafter at, that hour, thus making a con
tbe lititish iniblic heard of doii), m- section at (iiafton for the Northwestern road.
loimed nie that on one occasion they pa-sod an
iiuihuseudc of 2UII Ashautces, as they uftorwards
(lisioveted from some men whom the K.iutis hid
tuktn prisoners. When nsked how it was they
bud not ilred, they replied tlmt they had received
oiders from ibe king not 'o hurt the while men.
"We are i,t war with die 1'iiinie," they wtid, "not
with jou ; and it you go to war with us on ac
count of Ihese leliows, we will not light with
m ii. in this lir-t c.iiupagn, ut ull events, thoy
kept thi ir word. Tbe detachment returned with-
ut having seen an Asbuntcc; ull the lighting
having bu n done In thu F.iut'S, our allies.
Vndcroidinarv circumsttinecs the coist co'o-
r ies m e carrisoncu by one of tbt Wot ludia rcgi- '
inet.ts. Tlicy are s-tit there, one is told, topri-!
ti ft tbe trade. 1 have M'tB good deal t f mill- j
tnry 1 1 i,t. linn an, oils' the French, the F.ngiish,
iintl the l'ortuguc.-o cioni-t-, and 1 can ailiun J
Unit trade Kueivc- that kind of protection from
niiliiBty forces which the brazen pdt in ".Eiop's
Fables was desirous of otleiiug to the cluy one.
It is inilitnry irolei tit u whii h bas stilled trade I
In the Senegal, which bas ruiucd several Lisbon
firms by its cumIiici in Augoln.and which is nu'.v
choiii -i i'i tninercc on the (odd Coast. The real
i 14 oh 1 1 Al t U a Isi tn.ctt d Irom her oil rivers ,
the (ulal ars, lirims, Bonny, und I ten in. In
thee tivcrs, where there is no military pro'ec- j
li' whim man Is never molested ; in llomiy
lie Is even in jit tin t is to say, hu is an article of
fi'isb, like the Iguana or any other sacred auiuial,
which none may Injuie under pain of dcaib.
Sometimes, it is true Hie traders have laid debts,
'l i en tbey send to Consul H irton at Fernando
Vo, who sends n piuilitiai into tho river, which
lies ( vi r the town t il it Hvs.
The ii.gioes are rially ufraid of m n-of-war, '
nod of tbu ftcat gnus which guard our colonial
town, lint they l.mgli ut our dillh'd negroes,
vho n lift Imbed cut asony figure floundering
thtuiii'h twuiups, it numbing "in beautiful
o'ller" into ami iincadcs. It appears to nie and :
I bine studied this mailer verv satcfullv on the '
i pi I thut these iu,h:.ppy roidiers, ami their still
moil'ppy ctliccrs.uie us -less in West Afiici,
and that it is, to all intuit" arid puruoes, tin a"t
of cine'dy to send them ihere. Thee colonics
c i,M raite a militia unite capable of manning
their cannon and of defenoing their homes; ami
tor imposes of Invasion u Napoleonic army
would meit away in those great forests like snow.
As for the rivers, gunboats might be run up
once a month ; this service would he one of dan
ger ou Account of the climate, and tbe pay should
therefore be ruised in proportion, fstill 'it would
be one of impunity compared n ith that which the
soldiery now sullcr ou the coast ; for the former
have it always in their power to escape to that
gnat mmitaritim the sea.
I'ooii Old ViitoiMA. Formerly noted for her
hospitality, her chivalry, and her patriotism, she
peiiniltcd berseil to be mar-haled into tbe ran!. a
of rebellious States. Having sacrilied her loyalty
ou Ibe altar of shivery, she followed the idiotic
counsel of Wise, and yieldod to the tyrannic
sway of the thief Floyd, and the meuace of the
lit artless and unscrupulous Moaon. What a
spectacle does Virginia prenent to the clvili.ed
world! In vain the voice of l'otrick llcury
comes echoing along the aisles of the past, in
tcnc f patriotism that stir the heart with emo
tion. In vain the words of the gresst Washington
who in Ihe car of the "Old Dominion." fche is
deaf and dumb and blind with rebellion, awl
stumbles over t',e tomb of Washington into lie
itulf of ruin, bite now spits upon patriotism,
and tramples It in the dust, and bums it iu ctiigy,
and billies It behind masked baitcriea. If her
cities be burned to the ground, und her soil
plowed Willi caunon-balls, and watered with
blood, and the whole baud is her
own fault.
Several Kuroposn sovereign, are devoting
much attention to music. The reigning king of
Hanover and tbe Duke of fsaxe-Coburg have both
composed operas ; and the young King of bavaria
is oiukiug uiutic his hobby.
Ilobel Gon. Johnson Captured
and Escapes Again.
immexsi: riPTCREs ny orn me.
Washiwotos, Augnst .
The Star ayi the nuthorlties bore have
most gratifying Information of the victory ob
talred by General Averill on Sunday last, at
Moorrfleld, Weet Virginia, over tho Uebel foroes
under General McCausUnd and Johnson, that
recently burned Chanihcrsbnrg.
AverHI o' crtixk tbeni at M-iorct'old, attacked,
and utterly routed them, capturing between fivo
and six hundred prisoners, including (jjncral
Johnson (who subsequently escaped), and his
IV:i!e staff, with their bendqt.arler cjlors. ILj
also took n'.l tbo Itetiel artillery, train, und
colors, anil a largo quantity ot stnill arms.
M ;Cauland himself barely ccapod by Hying
into tbe mittnUius.
Averill pursued the scattered remnant of the
Keb l force for twenty live miles, capturing many
of the fugitives.
His eptiro loss in killed is seven men. Mo the
Cbanibeisburg raiders buve thus "Karly" coiuc
to grief. The pursuit was only abandoned n hen
Averill's horses wore too exhausted lo follow the
enemy further Into the mountains.
New Youk, August 9. The ateatner Fulton,
from l'ort Hoyal via Fortress Monroe, arrived
here to-day. She. brings exchanged 1'nion
prisoners from Charleston.
General Dirney h id made a raid In Florida,
destroying several bridges, capturing a locomo
tive and several cars, and a quantity of small
We now bold ll.ilJwIti and C imp Milton.
A blockade-runner ran Into Charleston on
Wednesday Dlght.
Our released ottieers report that since they bad
been confined in Charleston fivo blockade-runners
had rnn in.
The firing on Charleston and l'ort Sumter con
Xi:w Ciikek, W. Va.. August 5. Governor
IWeninn : I have jnst arrivnd here. Thoeuoiay
were effectually repulsed, and are rapidly retreut
Ing townrds Mooreilcld. Wo bavo saved West
Virginia from a toirible rcourginit by this in
vailing artny of Itelielsnnd int.nlers.
it. F. Ki:t.LtiY. Udgndier-Gcncial.
MSWSi'M'r.R ai. tot srs.
li Whetting l.uMi'jtns-r, .luiiulti.
Wo ito not at liberty to publish ail the private
news coming to us ui rela iou to tho situation
around New I reek nml (Juinbttrland. Wo miy
Miy in general terms that 0icrations in tbe T ci
nitie of those places aie progressing prouiis
inti ly. We expect to hear S'ill further uood news
to-diiy. General Kelley bas foiled the Ko icls in
their programme so fur, i'Ud we think mat with
the eo-oiienulon lie is receiving a lolcrably deci
sive blow will be s rut k.
The cngiicomvDt noar New Cn'ek, recorded In
bis despatch s to Governor H irom in, was a stub
born tii;bt, in w hich tho enemy w re worsted and
driveii oil'. All praiso to the ga'l mt men who so
bravely did tin ir dtitv. Tho llobols retire I tow
aro iloorelield. Tbey will proliably not bo
allowed to furry long in that
Thn llabimore P ad is intact between tut ana
CiimlH'rlniiil. und fo arc the telcgrapii wires.
'I he train wi 1 fro out this m irninj at 1i o'clock.
The Itvbel I'rc nail IKsslitnis.
Wii.i.i.vMsi'onT, August 8, A. M. The follow
ing informal ion is stiictly reliable, and can be
I, .... ii . lj. 1 niw.n in nil rjifltwpta for if nepurilev
i he present effective strength and orgatiiation
' of the Hebcl army that has been operating in Vir
ginia and Maryland is ns follows : .
General Karly commands the army. Generals
Khodesnnd bivckinridgecomoiind oseh acorns.
I The corns commanded by General Hreckinridgo
Is eoinposcd of two divi-i ins, now commanded
I bv Gent nils W harton and Gordon. In Rhodes'
ri-.... lo ILmn,'. IViviBinn un,l llllnrl,d, olil 111.
vision. With thc-o cor,is uro artillery battalions
and caralrv briitS'lcs.
TUB nKllCL ini-wtbv.
The strength of Early 's f rco is a follows:
Wharion's Division, liit'M strong; Gordon's Divi
tlon, 1SII0 strong; It unsetir's Division, 2203
strong; Khodes' old Division, aOOO strong.
The entiro cavalry force is MOO strong, em
bracing Vaughn's, Jackson's, lraboden's, and
McCiiu.-lnnd's liigndo.
. General Loug is Chief of Artilloryof the in
vading Hi be I nnuv. Tho artillery is organized
into three battalions, as follows: Johnston's
battalion, eight gnus ; Nelson had twelve, but lost
four, eiipttind by Averill; liraxton's battalion,
twelve guns.
McLaughlin ha twenty guns under Lie per
sonal com mund. cousistiug of two battalions of
aitillivy onited.
Lieutenant-Colonel King Is Chief of Artlllory
ot General IlrcelUnridgo's Corps.
The entire strength of Karly' Rebel army is,
In inlniitrv, six thousand eight hundred men;
cuvairv, live thousand fivo hundred men; anil
U rv, six hnniired nu n, and forty guns. Total,
tw elve thousand nine hundred men, and forty
Pieces,,! artilierv. This does not include two
I leimenls of infantry left at Winchester to guard
the rear unit uc mmulating stores; nor does it
in-iudc sections of Hying artillery attached to the
now thi: ithM.j.s ciiOKSF.n the totomac.
In tha lute movement Gordon and Wharton
crossed at Phephardstotvn, and Kamseitr and
Khodes at Wllluimsport. Kainseur and Hhodes
marched dow n tho river banks to Downsville,
and then formed a junction with Itrcckiuridge
and Gordon in the interior.
We bad made a movement tiat compelled tbe
enemy to make a hasty retreat Virgimn, mid
so, by Sunday morning, the whole ol Ka ly's
force retreated over the river, via WtlHaui.porr.
witi'.iiE thi:y Alia now.
Tho enemy's pickets appear to-day on the south
bank of the river, opposite this place; but we
judge, from information received, that F;arly is
moving up towards Hunker Hill '.or Winchester.
The Baltimote and Ohio Itailroad has buen
thoroughly destroyed frou Harper's Ferry to
North Mountain depot, the culverts blown up,
the bridge fired or Knocked don n by aid of artil
lery, the ties burned and tbe rails warped.
F.arly has been accumulating stores at Win
chester. The expected engagement U now transferred to
Virginia. AVir I'ork Herald.
1'runi 4 inclnnntl.
CtNciNKATt, Augutt 8. Thore la no news from
the South. One hundred and tony hogsheads of
tobacco have arrived here from raduoah mnce
r aturday for New York.
From ('llfornlM.
San Fbancisco, August S. The Itcauier
Gulden Hate bas arrived from Panama.
AtrornT or uf.wfraw. AnnoTirsi
W have received, through private sources, tha
following account of General Asboth'a expedi
tion, which set'ont from I'enaacola on the 21st, on
a raid Into Alabama. Ilobel prisoners captured
by this force reported the return of Oenoral
Rousseau's expedition to J iln B her man : '
T'pon leaving F.irt narrancas ou the 21st Inst.,
and after marching somo thirty miles, we at
tacked a force of the enemy at dtybreuk, at
Camp Gon.ales, on tho I'eusacola Itailroad, lif
tecn miles above I'ensacola. There were three
companies of the 7th Alabama Cavalry, in com
mand of Colonel Hudson, of over l'-"l men each.
They bad completed a new fort, which they de
fended most vigorously ; hut which submitted to
Ibo dash of our men after hall an hour's bard
tmhting. they left tbclr regimental Mag, a large
quantity of stores, amiimni ion, horses, cattle,
etc., and eight prisoners, among whom was a
We advanced toward Tollurd, and had a slight
cnvnlrv engagement between part of C iinpany
11, lltb New York Cavalry, and a part of the 7th
Alabama Cavalry.
We capiuied three prisoners, with horsos, arma,
Ac , losing one horse killed.
Tho prisoners taken state, that to chock our
advance ihe Hetuls had destroyed tbo F,no
Italic n Bridge, on both sides of which art im
passable swamps.
With a view of destroying a trusel work at and
below l'erdtdo station, and cutting the telegraph
line, and descending between l'crdido river and
Mobile Hay, und so capturing the camps of
Withers and l'owell. an order was despatched to
have transportation in readiness on the 'Jtitb at
Ntienecis Ferry, on the 1'erdido river; but, after
advancing some seven milos further, wo received
from reliable sources information that all the
available forces from Mobile were being sent up
the railroad to check our progress. It was then
deemed prudent to return, having but a small
force and only two pieces of artillery.
General As both returned to Harrancas without
the loss of u man. All tbe prisoners taken agreed
in the statement that Rousseau's force had cut
the Alabama Railroad, snd having InllicMd I great
deal of damage, had returned north. S. (.
Tim', July 31.
Special Dfspatcht's to Evening Telegraph.
WsHtHoTOW, August 9.
4;enernl MrClPllaii.
There is no truth whatever in the report that
the War Department has atithori.ed G moral
McClcllan to raise nn army of one hundred
thousand men Immediately for special service
tinder his command.
Ttif) I'eterKbnru Court of Inquiry. '
A Court of Inquiry was ordorcd by the Presi
dent to assemble iu front of Petersburg, on or
nbotit tbe 4th ot Augast, to examine into and
report upon the facts and circumstances at
tending the unsuccessful assault on the Rebel
works on July HO. This court is reported to have
convened on Saturday last, and after discussing
some preliminary arrangements, adjourned till
Monday, when the examination of witness wli
commence. Tbe following aro said to comprise
the detail for tho Court :
Major-General W. S. Hunco k, United States
Volunteers, President.
lirigadier-Gcncral 11. 11. Ayrca, United States
Drigadler General N. II. Miles, United 8tacs
Colonel E. Schrivor, Inspector-General and
It is understood that tho Court nro to report
their opinion whether any officer or ottieers are
answerable for the result of the assault, and, if
so, to name them.
NnrKcnn-tJenernt Hsmnisnd,
It is understood that the sentence of the Court
Martial in tbe case of Surgeon-General Hammond
is, that ho be suspended from his rank and pay
for three years.
CnNeiif Ueneral Wild.
The proceedings in tbo cases of Drig idier-Ocne-ral
E. A. Wild, who was tried by Court Martial
for disobedience of orders, convoncd by order
of General Utildy Smith, have been submitted to
General Ilutler and disapproved. It npyears
that prior to tho sitting of tho Court Ilutler had
issued nn order requiring that a m ijirity of a
court convened to try officers commanding
colorod troops should bo composed of a like class
oi'olllcers. In this case tho composition of the
court tlid not comply with that order. The Com
manding Gtncral, however, upon the merits of
the case, announcod that General Wild should
be released from arrest and returned to duty,
lulernul Mrvcmne.
The receipts from internal revenue now aver
ago about $1,000,000 per day. The receipts from
nil sources amount to about $.',000 0)0 per day.
Witrnints for :i,()00,0il0 passed the Treasury to
day, to pay the army. Potomac p:ymastcr.s will
leave here to morro w.
l'inrlmuH t'oiiNOlidttteil.
The departments of Washington, the Susquc
lisnns, Western Virginia, and tho Middlo De
partment, have been consolidated into a gr ind
military division, to bo called the "Middle Mili
tary Division," and placed under tho comuund
of General Sheridan, headquarters at Harper's
The following order has this day boon promul
gated. IIkaiiqva htkrh Mnmi.R MiLiTvitY Division,
IIahi'Ku'h Klukv, Va., August 7, 1 Wit. Goner d
Orders No. 1. In compliuico witn Generil
Orders No. 10, dutnd Wa-hinirton, August 7,
lHtil, the uudorslgned hereby iis.umos c imni i'ie
of the Middle Military Division, comprising the
following military departments : Middle Da
partmei.t of Wellington, Departnicntoi Susque
hanna, Department of West Virginia. Until
further orders, the Headquarters Military Divi
sion will be at Harper's Ferry.
P. II. Siir.uttiAN,
Major-General Comniiiuding.
I'rovost .Tlnrsbiil of oiiuny IvmuiIi.
The President ho t removed Colonel Dotui'oid,
Provost Marshal-General of Pennsylvania, and
appointed Captain Dodge, Mu-tcring and Dis
owning olllcer ol that Mate, to fill the vacancy.
The Irrt t he Enforced.
From tbo following letter to the Provost-M ir
sbul of the Wheeling District, it appears tb it the
draft will certainly be enforced in those districts
which fall to till their quota before the oth of
I'Hoxoxr Maksiiai.-Genfhai.'kOfiii'H, Wabii
iboton City, Auifust 3. Colonel John Kly, A.
A. P. M. General, Wheeling, W'c-t Virgiuii:
See that your hniol.lng Hoards spare no p uns in
correcting the enrolment lists, and making ail
necessary preparation for proceeding promptly
with the draft in September.
(Signed) J. II. Fky,
Provost Miiritnil-General.
tiik sew f'liM'iiiiiiKtri: i: ittirAtt v
rt ihe lont-iowi-y Alvei titcr,
All who take an interest in the nubile welfare
, of the country will hail with j iy the announce-
jut in iiiiu inc iion. ucorge a. ircnnoim, ot
i i.aricston, nas necn cauei to tne helm ot the
Ticasury Department. There is probably no mun
in the Confederacy better qualiticd for this
responsible position than Mr. Trenholm. lie is
a resident, and, we believe, a native of Charles
ton, South Carolina, and stands at tbe head of
ihe financiers and successful merchants of that
proud old city. He is about fifty-five years of
age, tan, straight, ana slightly corpulent. Ihe
contour of bis face plainly bespeaks Intelligence,
As tl i e senior nartner of the house of John
Fiuicr Co., be has acquired that expcrleute
in monetary ntlairs that, we coulidently believe,
w ill enable him to carry us safely through tko
cruis. Ills firm has been and is engaged more
largely than any other in blockade-runuing, and
by a judicious scleetiou of Ihe cargoes, iiiiiurtiiig
only such stores as would bo useful to the Gov
ernment, he has greatly aided u. in carrying on,
the war, und especially has he contributed no
little to the defense of Charleston. Aside from
the qualities of the mind which he possesses,
those of his heart are not lcb. brilliant und
Many, very many, are tho poor widows aud
orphans, houseless refugees unjsick aud maimed
soldiers, who hies and honor the name of George
Treuliolm, as the friend in the hour of their
Una, st need, and many more thank an nuknown
benefactor for some Kind ottice,aud remember
him in their prnvers. His great wealth gives the
means, he seeks the opportunity. Although Mr.
Treutolm takes hold of his department in a most
Inauspicious moment, v hen its atlair. aro de
cidedly "snarling," yet we look for tbe happiest from this appointment. President Davis
and Ins Cabinet may congratulate theiuselte
that they have called to their councils a niau who
to admirably combine tho best traits of head
aud hcurt ai docs Gtore A. Trenhoiui.
AmerleaiB Sfavnl AfTnlrw Irew-platd
Rum Nuaillai WslwirS,
'LlvsmvooL, July 29. An unknown iron-plated
rm, bearing the United States flag, passed the
Isle of Wight, to tho westward, on tho 2 ith ult.
It is explained that the reported aea fight olf
Bantry Bay, July 11. was mere artillery practice
by the coast guard men on board an English war
Certain Semmcs is still in this city,
rnrupenn Relafnresmenls fur Ihe t alon
frmrx 'tjlijrtati'1 .WWvtwr, July VS.
A Hamburg vessel, tho iiartamle, bas just left.
Antwerp, for Boston, with thren hundred and
sixty Ilelalnn and German recruits for tho Amer
lt an Federal army.
A Kebel Irn-lntel Rsm nt Hr-n I ntler
lie I nlnn t lar.
Our F.uropenn advices by tbo Itihrrnlnn and
Oft of London inform tia that an Ir.m-pl ite I
steam' war ram, hoisting tho United States'
flag, was seen passing the Isle of Wight on tho
afternoon of the 2bth of July, steering t lh
AVe regard this Intelligence as conveying a fac
of the utmost importance, and consequently cal
tbe especitii attention of the fxocnttve,revenuB mil
port authorities to it. 1 he ni ed States Govern
ment has no ram of any description employed
In if service off the cousts of Knrope or on the
Atlantic, whereas the Rebel naval representatives
in the Old World have, as everybody knows,
tiaded in vessels of this description, from L iird's
v ard, at Ilirkenliciid, K.mtland, to Hordcnux, In
France, and thence away to the shores of tha
Uo'Pborna. -
Toe steam ram which passed the Isle of Wight
on tbe 2btb of July was, in all likelihood, a Bcb.-I
ram, notwithstanding the fact that, she displayed
the Union flair. This bas, no donbt, been done
in order to enable her to escape luterrapption ou
the part of our cruisers.
If the were a Hehel war vessel, she must he
nnar our coast by this time, find it behooves the
?ort officers and naval authorities nt New York,
loston, Philadelphia, Portland, and the mouth
of tbe James river to keep a sharp lookout f ir
ber. An iron-plated Rebel mm could Inibct the
most serious damage npon our city In a sink'le
niftht. A dashing and unscrupulous commander
like Sommea, in a staunch vessel of this class,
might, in fact, hold New York at his mercy for
soaue hours. -V. 1'. Herald.
The Western Publishers' Association met at
Detroit on Tuesday last. Mr. If. N. Walker, of
the Detroit Fret Vrtsu, was elected President,
and Mr. J. E. Scripps, of the Detroit Advertiser
and Tribune, Becretury pro tern. The following
named gentlemen were present :
Chicago rnbune, J. McDill ; Chicago Times, II.
B. Chandler; Indianapolis Ncnlinel,. H. Khlor;
Cleveland Jsadur, E. Cowles; Louisville Jour
'rial. J. D. Osborne: Cleveland HeraM, A W.
Fairbanks; Dayton Journal, W. D. Bckham;
Lomlno county (Ohio) Sevi, L. L. Hicc ; Cincin
nati Commercial, John A. Gano; Cleveland
I'latndealer, J. s. tstepuenson; cincinniil
Uatette, Kichard Smith ; Detroit ,-liii rij-r and
Tribune, J. F". Conovor iind J. K. Scripps; Detroit
Free Vrest, H. N. Walker and Jacob Bums.
A very interesting discussion took place on the
subject of telegraphic despatches, which, how
ever, was ultimately refer ed to tho directors of
tho Association, with authority to take such action
as tbey may deem proper, such action to be taken
as speedily as possible.
the following pntu ot . organization was
adopted :
ahticles ov association or agreement under
tbe actio provide for tbe incorporation of asso
cla inns for the publication of periodic tls,
newspasors, books, tracts, documents, and
other publications, approved March 7, IWI :
1. The name of this Association shall be " fhu
Western Assoela ed Press," and its head or prin
rtpnUflice shall bo located in the city of Cleve
land. 2. The otijectof this Association is to promote
the gem ral interest of publishers of newspapers
in tbe Western States, by securing and d sseml
liBting eirticr and more correct Intormstion uo m
all subjects, by procuring fuller and more perfect
telt graphic reports; better and cheaper "print
paper' by introducing into nse any and all
luhor-saviiig machines applicable to the publish
ing business, and generally to olovate the charac
ter of the press in those States.
3. The cupliul stock of this association sha'l he
2.",000, divided into shares of $'25 each, m iking
in all 100U shares, tbe same lo be incroasad from
lime to time by a vote of a majority of tbe sluro
b oiders, as shall bo deemed nei'cssary : J'rorided
No one establishment shall be permitted to tako
more than four shaies.
4. The term of existence of said association,
shall ho thlrty.years.
6. Tbe property, stock and affairs of this As
sociation shall be controlled bv a Board of seven
Directors, wbo shall be elected annually on the
first Wednesday of August. Tho said Board of
Directors, at the first meeting, shall elect one of
their number President, and a Secretary and
Treasurer, either from their ntunlier or other
wise, as tbey shall deem expedient, and shall
bavo authority to pass such Itv-lnws as may bo
necessary, not inconsistent with these articles of
Tbe following gentlemen were duly elected tho
Board of Directors :
Messrs. Fairbanks, of Cleveland; Elder, of In
dlnnapolis; Walker, of Detroit ; Richard Sol th,
of Cincinnati; Mt dill, of Chicago; Fishback, of
St. Louis; and Osborne, of Louisville.
Itesolutlous wero adopted, instructing tho
Directors to lay tbo articles of tbe Asso'iatioti
before the press In tho several States, and pro
cure their subscriptions thereto; authori.iug
thoin to investigate the wood paper question,
requesting them. If they find its rn inula ture
feasible, to prepare a plan for the establish
ment of a mill, a- d submit It to tbe different mem
bers of tbo Association through a circular, re
commending tho ncw8ptiicr publishers in the
I 'nited Stales to diminish the si.o of their pipers
for tbo purpose of decreasing the consumption ;
ti e adoption of a uniform measure in the width
of their columns, aud tbo increase in the sub
scriptions of weekly pupers to i-M) for singlo
subscribers, and fi us tbe minimum club rates.
At u meeting ol the Directors, uciu sutise.
qucnt lo tbclr election, II. N. Walker was
chosen President, Georgo Kuupp, Treasurer, and
W. D. Bickhaui, Secrelary. J. D. O-borno,
Joseph Medill. and Klcnnrd bmiiu were ap
Pointed a comniitieo to contract with the New
York Associated Press, and the Telegraph Com
pany, lor regular despatches.
Arrival of Menmera
N ew Yohk, Aoguit 9. The steamships Fulton,
.Won, and Woahiiiiitoa arrived at this port thi
morning. Their news nas neen anticipated.
lHlh ol I'x-fjlov. John 11 ro w U Frnnrl.
PHovinRNt K, Angust n lix Governor John
Btown Ftuucis died to-duy.
li AtLASIIf CfTV.N.J.,
vi.iiiKST liiu'si: in nil', hi. vi II.
Tli'a wet:- ki;.w n l.ou"e la now fur the rw.ei.iloa ,f
Itiiihini: never was better.
iu:i le, J.WOUTTON, Proi-rwior,
,lnt.l tuiielihia at Olieenalewn, (.'oik ItarlKsr.
- Ill, .iil siniHil sleaiiiera ru tl.e Liverpool, T,
and l'liilinlt Ipl.ia btciuii bii i'ompaiiy aio Inttodwi iu
sau n- iiiiuiwa :
fITV HI1' MANOH'STER, Saturday, Auirnst 18
CITY OK l.WNIXlS.Haiordav. Aluuul JO.
CI I V OF HAl.TIMdltl'.. hnlanhrv. Aimut2.
An1 etcry tiitci-rdbi). saiiinlmy, ai U'.ou, Pier No.
44 Mum itiver.
Paval.leln Oold. or llatuulvaleiu In I'arreaey :
Mint I Min SsmcuO 8teraii AJO'iA)
Plrat Cabin lo f.onjoa s', tm hti-eraiie to ltitlua... MOO
Flfatl ol.ili Iu Pun.... I' tsi MiearuKelo Pana 4U 00
l'irat Cul.ln lolliiuihlirsWeOO hleeruno lo I tatoborv . . S7 00
PH-heimera are also lorwaiik il to lla re, llrauiuu, ltol
ter.lnin, AntHerp, Ac , at a.iilly li.wr.ilaa.
I t. re- lu in l.beri.oi.l ur lilieeutt'.w n : l'irat Cabin.
ts.' , flu". Hteerane frum l.lveri.,sil and Vueemlown,
'1 w tin w ish Iv acud tor their lrieuda cau buy tickets
bare at lliese rut.-a.
1 or luither inluinutl u apt.tyat the Compaay'a f.mcaa.
,.otin j. i.Ai.s., Alfeiu,
Kf. ill W A1.M T 81 rat t, I'l, lluit.-lpi.i l.
... ik.i .1- B..-m.i i . Line, aaillnjt from each nort on
S.v 1 1 lil.AVS. Hew first h.irf uiH)v PINK istreol.l'liila- a. m.d In.iir; Wl.iitf, Hiinlou. rr.aa flrat wharf PIN L ptiotft.ti haturaav. August i;, isu.i.
1 e steinusiiipbAX'tN, MatUiewa, will aall Phila
delphia l..r 11..H. .a.oii H.itiireay,Auiiiiat 111. at loo'clock A .
M ; ana tha ateainsLip NOUMAM. r.aker.lroiallMWalor
l' ou aaine day, at 1 1 . am.
Thi'ite la w and sBl.atuutiaJ fetuaiiiil.lns form a regular
line, hat line lioia ea.b pinielualiy t halurda
Insuranet-a i-Ilvctad at oui-hall lav luuuui CltArgei Ou vessels.
l- r.-i.-hlk taken at fair rates.
Sjippera are n-'iueated to send Slip Receipt and stills
LaJli's' with tli.-ir ii.khIs.
tor I'laiuiori'auoaaC (i.mitiff nne aceomnionnvoaa;
apply to
i.r.,iKi tvi.o'.k tt i o
N0.&4 8.HLLAWAUL Amaa.
aaaAmi!in3s, and uuiu'e Llnea, via lKlaare and
br.iiuiilji.Ai. '1 tie ateauK'la ol' tlieae Uuea aro lev1ru(
uuily at IV u'clook M., and I o clock p. tl., iroiu tbusl pior
above Walnut atrevt.
1 or freight, hir-h will ba tttken on secounnodatiog
aeiina, ai.iy lo r iu.i.vai aa, UAUllf a CO., AH. o.
td IliVii (t tttc Mtiiiii-u Koutc XU nietjttut new
OH 0 A 11 HII4V Allan.. !ir at KrVkfl.
pau v I Malt.-l);0.
Appli to W. A. HAM n X,
b-IC lot lo. 1T WALNUT
rtlll.At'Kl fill A T HKOOKtYM,
r A KK !.
On n,t ftr VOStlAY, Viol I, )s..t. tmlns will sue
Tri iff VK atfsfH. PtlllAils'pMK, flvsr, rnArnint S A
M. (Siinaiirs eseepti)),tli re liy th CJtn.l m4 At-.
IspiIr and Kurltsn nnil Itslswure Majs KsllnisiU ut Pnrt
Mt ntnnuth, ana by the cemnoat.nn stsntur Jerni H"Tt,
to ( ot or AtUiitie Rtreei. ltrM,kljti ; retiiralnr, lenva At
laMtlc HtrelWhrr (vary day (HuntUya uoted). at 11
A M.
Trnvctprn fo th rtty of Vew Vsrit ara neilSfd ant ta
ai-ply hir paiffp lv thla Utii, theMtat f yiw y
liatitof ilMua ta lti t'anirsn ar.d Amlsiy nvTwip.ily lh
r. lit-OP prtvtba. nl cam Inn pnnsovsrs snd li eiv ht
tw tt.e rul.-a ot Ptelaslitiln a't.l Vsw Vn-h. tvW-ti"
W. K. eillll Ml'ia. ilenfirsl SuportaUixImt.
J. MiKUIMIOWH nut. no Ml.
nn an alter MON HAY, uy Pi, )s4, unit) lurtbar
Lfsve PMIadeipiua s, ;, i, !l lo 11, li A. M.; 1,2,3 10,,
.1,. 4, ."1.&S.S, III, II. In P H
Lms ituanlt.u n,ii, , 7 .vi.N, S JO. 'I, 10, 11, 1 A. St.,
1.V..1.1. .H.", .',. 7, a. a, ui. i) an, vi p. M
ThsSMaonn, and the .l and tralna ap, do not atf
on die 0' rniant,. n Urai h.
I'llK'NfT HII.L TtAItltOtO.
tanve Phllailelplila.ll, S,lU,i A.M.) 1, 3i,l,1.9,
ana li P. M.
Uavcf'hesxat Hill, 7'ltt, ., II 40 A. M. 1 1 ,, 3,
fti.ti m.s in, nu ui 1 1 v. vt.
f rnvs Pliilad. Iphla S,0j, ltti, 3a. t i.).U.r,,
an.lll1, P. M.
I.av SnrrHlown,6l,,7, 7-60, ami 11 A. M. 1 IS. ,
K, an,l P. M
Tl s ii1 train nn, will ahv at WlMahl.-aon, Muiaynnkf
and toi.ihoisoaui'iy. i '
1ave Philadelphia. H,-, H O.'. A M., 1, 3,4,',M,
',. s t.iinid HAa I'. II.
Uava Manayunk.s', S'i, 11 'S A M., llir,
and r.'a r. at. .
il. iv,sniiiii.,.-ii-ri,i-'ui,.-i, pi,i-7,i.
By:il Ixiuot, MM H a id I HI.KW Utrea.
1 For BhTMbKIIKM, IsilVt,K'''WN, mtttlt,
V' 11.1,1 A.MriPt HIT,
Ml Jom.virLflr,ai.
AllllirtO.NAl, 1KIMS.
On and afV-r VONIiAY. June M. IkH l'a.rr Trahas
will leave llie JO-w lieiMa, THIHIt Mtreel.ahoa Tt.onio-
snn (tic. t. I bilailnpliia, daily ist uduys eseepusui, as
7 AM. tEsnrsaal Ihf Bsthlenem, A 'leotown, Mancb ,
rhnna, Wl'kestiarrs. WllllanM"rt.
li li A M. ( Aic.oi.aa, 1st an J r. r imyiefiwn.
lfs A. M ( A"een nesUOan' fir Fan Waahlngtna.
S P. -M. Aerotl nitwlallep) fur
P. M. tE'P'ess) rr Hialiiehlu,haalon, A,
fl.'i P. M . (Mail) for l)i' M-lown.
Mi P M. ( Aeenminodatiun) fur llcttdehsm, All ale n 1,
nd MatH'ti i 'hunk
tela P M. ( Aeeemnindnllnn) for linsdAle.
11 P. M. (AcenmniiKlntmnl ror Fart Washington.
l eave neMik hem at il : A M , !l ,1 A M , and 107 P. M.
Itoylratewn at i. 0 A. M., 3 46 P. l.,and 7 P. M.
LankiiHle al tl A. M
t art W ttl,.i,Kl"D at 11 W A. At. and 2 P. M.
PhPadelphla Unr Brthleltrni at 9 A. i.
I'hlla.l. Inhla Air ll.ivlesbtWB at.l P M.
Jl,i)lest.ivu .r rhllailfllilnaai 7 'JO A Al.
b. ll.l. h. in tor Pin a.l.Jphla at t P. .M.
lilliiiian Hacm.' V xereai will en I f..r ami .Vlvar
irnup m Oie ilpui.t. Orders ma, Do lait at No. 119 8. I U1HD
Street. . I
hi J M.LISl VL.AHK, axaiit. v
E A 1) IN G
kiiom pmt.AiiKi. iiia to riin ivrp.mon op
l't.VHll(VAMA,THK sn 111. SJtB- (
ortdAVSA.PCMHltfll AS , SI)
wvomij!. VAixer,
Leave tha rempaiiy'a ILpot. at TIIIRTF.FVTH sn4
Al.l (iwntl.L Mtiects, Philadelphia, at tho following
noma I .. .
Al sir, A.M. for Kta.linv. I eoa..n. Eohrata. Lltl.
Coliimeia. liarrithurv, Poitaeitlo. P neimivo, Tami'inv
ni.ii.'tliy, r. i.iiaiu-iKtri, e.iinira. H.K-ne. oir, rtiatrara, rl.v
HiiOhIo. Alle..tov-. IV kenhaire. Pltuton. korfc. irlule.
chattrarsbtir, Ac
1 he train connects at tiKAlji) with Fast P'nniyrva
rtia ItNtlntad trains ior Ai.enu.wn. Ac. Uio Heading ard
Coltin.bla Kallroa.i toe F.phrata, Lit t.. and Coltiuihl and
with ttir l.r-t.Hnon Villi. y na n for 11 rr, o.iir Ac. i ai P4HC
t'l.iNTOJS wl.h CalHwi-.a haliroad alns turWlikea arro,
v uiiaint.iH.ri. LfH'a iiaven, n.iuiira, ao.; h notHii
UClttlwiih ' Northern Central," '!' umiMtrl.-ind,'.
and "schtolkill aud stuauuelia.ina" iraina fur ST at tubi
b rlard.W lfllairi' l. rt o, k.t'lia b.-sbiiru, P lw,To.a,to.
Leaves Plillml. Inhla nt ;)HI P. M. tor Keadln. Pott.-
vllle. I'invi na a. lbtrriar.iiru'. Jti . oeBnecn-.a at llarrta'
bu.u wl'h Pernsylvania ttitrat trains t..r Fiitsiiuru, o. 4
isortnarn i Dtrtit irauroa.i trains t.r Aonmiry, nonaain
beriat ,), Kluera. Ao .aii.1 at t;llnU n with Carawiaa
Kallroad tialns fr Altitun, Wllliaais jort, Klmtr, Buit'alo,
Leaves ltea.lii ft at ti io t. U., stopiilni at all w.iy its
tl.t. a arrtvii a in I liliadeiphia at s-ihi a. M
Ketnrnltia. I. nves Philadelphia ai j'lH P. M. t arrhrsa In
Ke.u liiu at s-IK.P M.
Trains for Phftaetlr.hla Have llurrlshttrs at s A.M.,anl
I'otlsviiie nt it lo A. ai .arrivals n. rnuaotiipnia at l ov
P. M. AI' erniHin trulna leava tlnrrla .ihtr at 9 P. sf.,
1' villa nt t-,i: M,, nrilvlns In I'lil adol hla at 7 P. M.v
Marlei t.aliis. wllb a paiaenRer car attaehol. Iav
Pliiluilelpl la at I P. M ,1'or Hoaillliu and all way "tail, in;
leave u at l'i, nnon, and liownlnstowoat 1'2 -fiP.
M tor l'lillnilelihla and all way stutlotia.
A'l Hie atiovi. irab a run uaily. Htinduys exaepted. ,
Hun. ia) tritlut leave FotlavlUoal I'M A. M., aud PluU
delpliluatU II. P M.
Pataen?erH lor l.owniinri..wn and iutaruta' rtnt
taVe llie K I., A M. and i-O P. M.tralua I'mro I'hila4-.l,'u,
retiirnli.f Iroiu louln-iuwn at S 40 A. M., uad U la
L. avea Ni w York at 7 P. M., plsaing ltea.llnat li ml.l
nblit. ana coiinoetlnu . Ilairls ura with Puau.ylva.iU
l.' bsp caa iraius for I'ittHhurir. Exprr'Na train leavoa llarrlab'lrf oa arrival of
If t Peniisthiiiiia F.M.tea Puiai.ur al a an A. tf.,
passtnir ftc.iiliilg al 8 1A A. M ,alid arriving nt Now Yrk.
at l'4i P M. Sl. epit g Ca a ,:. o npaoy thcao :rlm
tiirouiih, beiweeo Jiriey city and Piltsbar, wltuoui
Mull iraras for Xew York L avo H irrisbiru at 8 A. M,
ond'JP M. aia-l tralna lor llarrlatmtv leav xewYirk
I a A.M. at'd 1-' M.
Trains h ave at 7 16 A.M. and ll';s P. M., r
turnip- from at S 10 A. M. nnrt ( -t't ''. M.
lrnlna leuve Auburn nl 111.1 A. al fi.r I'liicamva and
Ilarr sburv, aim at PJfl and 7 10 M for Pineur.iv nilv t
reiurnii tioui II irrlsooiv at l'lkt P.M., aad irom Pins
grove al S 1 1 A.M., aim 4 nt.d 1 M.
Tlironvh ft ret elai a tickets and euilirrant tickets to all
tlie ptb clpal points in thu North and VV'.mI and Cnadaa.
1 l.o fbll'.wii. tl.-ketH nro ohinlnro.le onlv al llio orr)ot
8 IIHAIiPilllD.Treaaorer. No fH A. FOt'HTll M'.e)t,
I'M aiie pi In, or of li. A. SICOI.Lsl, U noral Superlcua
Uent, UcaOliig:
A'?A per cc t dbcnint, between uy points tleslrod,
forlsniiliea ava A iu.
fiend forSOTO moo, koiwoca all yoiats, ataliS 36 each,
fur tuDillias und Urm.
For tfireo,alx, rtiue.or twelvo mouths, for holders only,
to nil polma, at reduced rutea.
I l.t IlilNkiEV
ltesltllncfin tho line oftho road win be Airnlshed with
eaide, cutltUitg then aelves aad wlvoa to tlokets at bait
From Phlladelpl la to principal atailona, gn-ul for Ratnr
tlav hiiMlnv. ai-d M..nd..v. nt reduc d fsre. o be had ou'y
ai llie Til-kit J llilt l KKN I H and CALLU WUILL
flor.da of all rleserlnili.tiH forwarded to atl tiie ahor.
po-nts,tlom the Conipany'a vaw frolht da pot, llliOAfi
Bad W ILl.OA eiUceta.
Leave PMIadelplila dally at U A. U., I P. H.,asd A P. M ,
f. r K. aiiti ii, l.abanoa. llarrlaburg, Poluvilla, Port Clio
tuu, and poiuta beyond. g "
Cloae in the Philadelphia Pos- Otllca for all .leas on th
road ai.d lis lirun. lio" at 6 A. M and for Uie prUK'pal
stations iuilJalJ)-ltPLM:
On and after FltliiAY, April l,lno4, Ui Trains wlUlaav
at lo'low a :
Leave Philadelphia front th Repot, corner of THfRPY
tlltST anil k AlIKfcT hlreois, HA. at , 11 Isi JL.H.,tJt
p. 11.. s M P. al.,'4." P. M.
1 lillsdillhia Depot eliauved from F.IOHTF.ENTH as
11M.KF.T tll.lU Iu illiltlY 1 IKMT and MAitKtl
Leave Wert Chester, flora tbe Depot ou Kast MAKKE1
8;nat.e- A. M.,7-4.'. A. VI., II A. M ,'i P. M .4ftP M.
Thecaraof II, e Wot Philada 11. la l'a.joKc Hallway
Ci nipaii ( Market aiie.a)Hiu colo ay Paaatittgsrs to aud
from llie Philadelphia Depot.
I.enve Philadelphia al s .10 a. M . and ! M P. M.
' Leave Weal Cheater nt H A 11. aud 4 .HI P.M.
liains lea.Ui:: pica at S A. M. aud 4' 30 P. at.,
at. d W't-Ht Cheater at 7-4 A. M. and 4 4A P. M.,oonaeot
with iriona ou tlie Philadelphia and Halltulur C'uuaJ
ItHilruad for an. I Inl.-riii.tlate pclata.
Ja4 1 1 B EN It V VVtb )1, ioi.aralLiSiiperljiUn4ent.
( omin.-ii. Ui on MONUAr, June JO, 1S44, from
Walnut Sine. Wharf.
AteantllUA .M.indt .'10P. V.
l'er ft.ilein uiio HililM' at A. M and 4 P. W. '
For l.laal.or... at ii.ll, und 10 A. M .au.U and 4 .W P. at -FortVoo.ll,iiiy,(llouixatcr,c
ai II nudll A. Ja., 1J at.,
and 4 anrifiP. M
rape May ui t; ami II 41. A. !., andoiOP. t.
Miilvtlle at 7-W A.M .and I'.'.audtioUP. K.
hnlem at S A. If ., and 1 -If. P. M.
IOI.lL.el, at ti o. a ai
l.lalao at 7 111 and .HA A S AO. and T.Mr, kf 1
M .obur ut 7, J 40 ands .'sl A. M., aad t do, ia, a ft,.,
aud b 1- 1. At. . . 1
Ollieo, ko. Ii vt AIM T Ktreel, will t all It and deliver
Itui.ei.'e, aud utitnd to ull Hie utual branchea of Eproaa
business, lieu i i at itrlvt tkkenby U A M- liaoa ouly, aud
must be etnt lo ti e ortice the avvnlii,; pru.'l.iiui. Perisha
ble articlit hy tils line umsi be eut Vfora 4X A. at. A uuesseiiiier aeeou.panlet eucli train. S
uijul J. VAN liL,Ms3k.l.At,(uparlntnaant.
I'.hlK KAlLlltMD.
Tl,ia ureat line traerhea tlie sierthern and N..rtliW'-t
conulles l Pri.nsvbaiiia to the cily of Erie ou Lake v.tia
ll l,a. heeu leased bt tl.e I'ESNVI.VANIA U ULUOAO
COMPANY, ai.d under their attiplcoa la beta funaily
opened tl.rou;:l.out Ita ettllre leiiflh.
It b non iu use for Passenger mirj Freight bualneta front
Ilai rlat.uru to (l.'i ill. -i, on tba lllvl.
sion, ma irjin bbatlKld to Lif ' lo atuu, oa U ealaru
1)0 ben.
timi or rasssKoea taikat FHiLDLrnu.
Bfall Train leaves .K ta) A. M.
taprea. Tra ia leave ... , ') P. kl .
t an rnn tbn.un wms.i T i iiasoi: Isab wayaon Uiex
tratna Let w.-ea riu.aOFil ia aud bock Have., ul bom oca
ilailimore and lik llaveu.
1 ireplusi art wi the Expreai Train buhwara.
1 or liusrinatloii i-hihs ti j Paaaousor btilnea, unpij w
11.1 at. K.V..inet oltI.I.Vk.h rll and MAIIH.EI' Hlioau.
Aud tor i'reinhi bualiu a. ol llie Companr'a A. i.u
h. H.KItwali n, Jr., collier blX iLLMll aad MAKalk
Strvtt-, l'lilla.lelpl.ia.
i. W. P.eynvida, til.
. U. Aa,, H. . C. ., B.lajor..on()Toir
Ueneral Freljtit Anent. Phllad, Ipi.uu
1.1. A' is I., liiiupr. s
Oeueral Tick, t A Kent, Phlla.leli klav
J'lHKI'll I) poi rs,
Jaf-tf Oeairal Manager, WlUiaaup
-t eitti 3 ''
country oila.