3 Gaming tMefttapIt TLKSDAT, AVOUST 9, 1864. BPIRIT OF THE SEW YORK PEESS. Lwdtn XdltoiinU from the Jfew York roper This Morning. the f:x ii tiMii: or 'himo hh. We heartily rejoice over (ho release of tir fifty cffli at Charleston, ami are willing canard their rlflr compensating RcIk Is should go back in exchange. At the same time, wo re utterly unalue tr. perceive, on what principle, or In Tlrtne of what decision of our Government, the m hDb was (fleeted. Not mre curloui muddle bas been made dtiriiiRall the war than in Ihie exchange business. We are not fruit.; into the history of it space bring raltinlile but advert to the wcll-rcracm-bcicd facttlmt all negotiations with the ltebets oa the general mbject of exchange were finally broken off last winter, mainly In consequence of disagreement on too points; (l)a to the number t dnlv paroled and exchanged prisoners on either side, ami 'I) as to the recognition by the Ki ll authorities of negro soldiers as prisoners of w ar. It s urdeitood that the Government would bvo talked deferences on the first point if the Kelis would rave yielded the second; but they declined. Trnding tie diplomacies the exchanges were stopied bv an order of the W ar Depart ment and were never resumed. That is to say, Uey wete never re-nmed formally by revocation, or suspension of that order, much less liy agree ment In tween the parties ; but from that time to this, speeisl, ii regular, unauthorised exchange of limited numbers of olUcerg and men have taHn place. Burb exchanges were rather numerous in the West and Southwest, and have even gone ou under the eye, and apparently by express direc tion, rr the War Department, tu City Point. Kvery one of the-e exchanges waa a clear gin to the Keliels in two ways giving them well men for sick and starred, and yielding tacitly the question as to negro troops. These irregular ex changes have continued even alnce the Fort Til- low massacre. i We hold to-day 90,000 and more Mcbol prison- era of war. Of our men the Kegels have perhaps 60.000 cert . Inly less than 60,t 00. If, therefore, terms of a general exchange, could be agreed on, the cause of the Rebellion would gain .30,000 men I -equivalent to a reinforcement of twice that Dumber to their armies, because we shou'd send them hialihy, well-fed men, ready to shoulder a musket at once, in exchange for whom we should receive a sickly and mainly disabled body of men. But there is another element in the uuestion whnh deserves consideration. Noarly 100,000 negroes are in the military service of the United 8 aes, more than 50 9W of wbom wear the uni form and fight for the flag of the Republic. Tbe residue are employed as teamster, laborors, fer vent., Ac. Kttorts are mnklng towards general enlistments In tbe Int-nrgent districts to reduce quotas for the loyal States ; in addition to which General Canny has recently issued an order for tilling the ranks of tbe LouHun legiuients from tbe planta tions. If these efforts receive the encouragement nd co operation of tbe War Department, the number of ro oreti troop may be largely In crrHSi d In a i-hort time. Hiuht here interposes this question of exchange, invofvii g nod resting upon recognition or denial by i he Rebels of our right to enlist blacks, aad their trtaimi nt of prisoners. It has remained now for nearly two jears nominally unsettled act led practically by the unswerving obstinacy of tbe Reb. ls and hesitation of the Government iettli d by the repeated murders and enslave rnents of colored troooi lighting for tho Union. V tor no one of wblcu has there been retaliation on VIC Blue. We have got to meet it somn timo and there li no time like tbe present. For the near enlist ments press it upon us in such a form that we fe cannot es ape it witbuut humiliation and dis- tiiavc. a ud Kjiivcriiiiirni uas no nitm to bkk a negro to i nter its military ircrvl-e white it denies him the ordinary saegimr.l of military service Tt o Union has no cla ms on Its colored'citlzens ; the States have still loss on citizens of other L Statea. Ai mutters now s'and, each is asking and ono is compelling the black man to march into the field under ibe two-fold peril of death by the chances of battle and death orslivcry If cap tured, lie knows it, and in many thousands of instances baa proved guntrotis enough and he roic enough to fa o ihai donulo peril. Nor can wecx.iect thut on such conditions the Govera mtnt should obiaiu baf tho number of men who, were they once assured of recognition and protection a- soldirrs, would II x k to t i unfurled umndiird all through the rebellious States. It, then, we aiediuf toother considerations, tbe demands, if scli-intercst appeal to us to be ilsi to the ntgroes. We must do it in order to get the men. We can afford to make a bargain to siineiiilir 90,000 Retiel prisoners in exciange i ruo.ooo, it we secure ine rigtits or our co'Orcd rioops by such an agreement, and by securing : :heir rights tier them an inducement totalis'. The HelM I Miiliii.ri'ks are very gUd to pet back heir fifty ollb e rs, i.nd w ill get'lifty or live thou 'and more, if they can. on the same terms crnis which Involve no surrender of the purpose i murdir colored pri-oners, which they have hut tar carried out. Tbry jltldin thisctsuto lie show of brumes on our part to the prompt "sralii tton which exposed their officers to fire Iu but lesion bartMir. Bo they yielded iu the case f Sawj tr and Fly un, whom tney threatened to ini!. hl.t rfleuKi.l lilinil hr-inff a..yur.i,l tliut Y.'.u- Jf I and Fit. Lee should hang also. IB Ko will tney yield whenever the Government nkiaupiis mind to aci decisively iu the matter f lolor.d i r oops; to retaliate for Fort l'iliow, ml to make tbe n nety thousand Kobel prisoners i owr l ands practieidy, as they are n nninallv, "Stages lor the seecirl y of iierro prisoners (n 1x41 nanas. men, ami not till tlieu, may we ,te a geneial and an honorable exeaatige. eilfcfKltl.NU HEWs, -mi ih$ Timet. Secretary Stanton appears again this morntug -in official telegrapher, and h.u the fortune to ad good news to the country. lie, otllclally int-mlta an onVlal tlisp.ttrh, son! to the Con derate Secretary of War by tho Rebel cotn aader ut Mobile, announcing an attack unon rjftiat city by the Union fleet under Admiral arragui. tli From this it u pilars that suvon'ecn Union s-els pasH-d Fort Morgan, which commands e hu'bor of Mobile, on Friday lat, and on at day were - reaching the city, which is t Jit announced as iu our bauds. There ems to b.ive buna viry heavy fight between r vessels and tLc Rebel tort.H and gun'ioiU. ilnlyoneof our umnitors is roiKiited s ink by n Moig n; but teiribie liuvoe appears to btvu o p'iimU among tbe euetuv'i voe s. The meutt lion- Ian Rebel rain iVmK.nw. aiiout i:cli we Have iicud o mm h and so frequently i me I Ht isti jeur-, surriiui nM alter a dele te eni'Hgeimul. The N. I ma was c.iptureil. I be (scows was be clio I near the bo.,iiial. br Mm-yan is sute, and will try to run up to :bt," says he Such is lliu doleiul tile t I it by jnr Genual Maury to the Ri-'nl Secretary of r. lleM.lt s tins, Admiral liiu-hn ian, n n-.il llin anui Ul-in Chief, ha lost a log, and is a -oner in our hund. 1 l.e capture of M il ile will bo one of the U4 triumphs i t the war only second in ftliuiiance, in tins line, to the capture, of .Now earis. me tiravc Aiimirui r .inagtit bis been ictly prcjiaring for this blow for a long timo. s licet oi regular naval vessels mounted moio am two uiiiuircu guns, uu uns oegan ins woi'K riuuniy. v iiuvo uu uoiril v. B will soon n.iva I'lca.-urc to uiiuouiico Dial he Inn splendidly ipltted it. eciilary Stanton trnsinilt4 other iro.i l nevs. gives ciirein y to liio n j.i t of a s nit. t'l.i; ..mil Aver.il b is a' neked Liiii "S"! i-rl i 1 1 Hob il Icrs at MorelRld, lias c.iptuie.l all their artil- u.'id uu1' prisoners. Secretary S: .iiton, timv r, says that no t'lllclai announcement of this i been received iioni Cltneial Averill. IvhI of AuollH-r I.oixtoii Dclectlte. IOIiK AliOlT TIIU Mill I.OMION UA11.WVY vimiiiii:. 'o old still futthcr in securing l'l-in1'- Mu'ler, al'e. cd murderer of Sir. li.icci, who was itiilly asjattlteil undkillc l In n London iuil vciiiii i;,e, as previously reoorb il, Ins'ic. !,,! rrs." v I as arnvi d in ttii.s i by, an I y.i,terd ty . avisit to ro.-e hend.pt.ifter-i. Mr. Kwresv cn.opi r.ite wiii, .Mr. Inspector Tuiiuee in the d ol .Mull,.,-, un,l liua wan h(,n a w,,r,.iinr ,,)r mT,'. "' '-'!. 1 iudi.ru ; I by Mr. b;. our M,nisU!rt London. Th i warm it i diip.iiceri. uewlencoo, a CTo.o.ist .;,ti ,1 ' !''' n beroio Mr. Il-n.y, a I. ,n i.,., ,UlV t magistrate, and it Is s , d ,i, , ,hU evi j, .n o .ry..t,o,ga,aHet tbo c.-u.I. Kvery:,,,. means has been t.,u, t , tc,.,,J t!, ; le aeci. ed upon bis arrival, and it a.,.,,,' i.f.x ...possible that ho should escape-.Vc-.c ) .jr 0EA5D HAUL OF 00UHTEBrEITR8 t:len frnsn NHetf-lmmoa tmiiasl tf ConnterreH M t'ownd-AII th Pllr aplareH-Tho M hole Usnii H?mi 1st Iron to WaMhlngtoB. The citizens doing business in the large cities of the i tilted States have long been emt arrayed by the circolutir n of immense quantities of c sin tcrfelt notes, on acvcialof tbe most important bstki of the country, and the United States 1 rca'ury, principally of the twcnty-doUsr Issuts and of the tilty-c, nt postal currency. Several attempts have been heretofore niudt to pet possession of the plates and arrest the counterfeiters, but without success. Large suin of the counterfeit twenties could be traced to the dirb rent paymasters' departments, manv of them so well executtd that it was impossible to dis tinguish ibcm fr m the genuine hills; still no clue could be obta ncd as to where t bey were mHoufscttired. The immense quantity of the boitns currency which flooded the countrv at lcnirth drew the attention of thr authorities nt Washington, and Colonel I . C. Raker, so widely known aa a skil ful det rtive, and who is now Chief of the N ,. tional Detective roller, was invented with fnll tower to examine the matter, arret rvm mil r make snch dlsjK sal of prisoners nt in his jedg n.cnt should seem best, and also to call to I is aid, in addition to his own force, such assistance as m'ght be necessary in any department to which the interest of tbe service mlnht call him W ith this authority fiom headquarters, Colonel Faker, who had liecn in tbe Government service over three years, summoned his efficient lorcc and immullniciy set about ferreting oat the coun terfeiters. Believing, from the vast amount of spunons money in circulation In the West, that the mann fac tories weic located in some of the principal cities of this department, ha left Wash ington, accompanied by his ll-trlcd men, to commence ororattons here. Arriving in thiscitr on Friday la!, he was not long in obtaining such information as enabled him to make a successful etlort, by which ho secured a variety of pla'es in the cities of St. Louis, Indisrapolis, and Nauvoo, at all of which places the business waa found to havo been esten-i rely carried on, the larger share of It being done in this city, whore the principal manufactory and tnuchliiory were located. br.SC HH'TIOM Of THE FLATM. Tke first rlate shown us was a flva-dolbir nlatA on the State Rank of Iowa. The second was a three-dollar r,lt Treasury Warrant of St. Louis, which was a welf execnted and produced work, which in manv instances good judges of our city currency were unable to detect. For this plate a large reward bad been offered, but no cue could be obtained as to w ho was the possessor of it. The tblrd seized was a two-dollar plate on the TI....L. ,.f II l',.... . ..I...L ' .. . . .nun i.u.ian.i, , VIMIUIII, VU1CU UU) BISO SfjH executed, but did not bear the mark of as fine workmanship as the City Treasury plate of St. Louis, yet was anfllclcntly well executed to de ceive even those who professed to be good judges of monev. The fourth and mot important of all the nlab-a captured was the United States twentv-dollar greenback series, which has perbnps produced neany as manv bills as tho genuine plates. The process of working this note was somewhat dif ferent from the others, hi to comolete the bill r qo Ires four different plates, the first of w hich works the whole lace of the note except the red stair and figures two and cipher near the centre of the bill, but which are somewhat separated from each other. The first of these plates is re markably well engraved, and with proper paper and Ink would produce even a finer appearance on the lace of tho bill than the genuine pla'e. Tbe second plate on tbe face of the bill con tains much less work, and is li signed to fill in in the large two and cypher near the centre of the bill, and also tome other smaller work. The lost fdate necessary to complete the face of the note t the red star npon the right of the bill, which is also well executed, ami is worked last, with red ink. Tbe face of the bill having bceu completed, fourth plate is u-ed, to finish tbo work on tbe back of the bill ; after wLich, if there l:e no defect in the press-work, or what is usually termed "working off." tbe bill is put through another process, called Ibe "swta.ing process,' to modifv- ido coior oi mo ink, sotun the paper, and other wise pitpare the bill lor market. At tbe time tbe plates of tbe twenty were enn- tured, the force were busily engaged in nrintiiur. and, unfortunately, one of Ibe gang bad to lie shot before a complete arrest could be made. They were at this time working on tho press at AuumiiiiyuiiB. - The fifth of the regular series of plates was one 1 the Flttsfield lilltll. State Of NtW Hamnshirn. of tbe denomination of two dollars, and wbi -h was well executed, and bad an extenslvo success. Tho sixth and most important p'ato of the lot, except the twenty and fifty-dollar plates, wa thut of the fifty-cent postal currency, which has been a source of so much annoyance. In this series only two plates wero nscd on to work the lace of the check and the other tbo hack. Both plates bear marks of having been used very extensively, as in one or two places the cngravlrg and solid work are literally worn down, having, us baa been admitted by ono of the prisoners, bci n in use day and nigbt. At the time of the capture of the plate, a wl.olo tea dust of tbe fifty-cent postal currency, amount ing to pi obably fifty or sixty thousand dollars, was found in one place, and one of the prisoners acknowledges that be not unusnally came into the city of a Saturday morning with two or thnc thousand dollars' worth of postal currency, and aiw nys got rid of it before nliht. Seventh plate. This was comonrativclv a nt w one, and was splendidly executed, and 'is, per lio, one of the most U'.mtiful counterfeit t lutes thut has ever been executed in America. It Is a ten dollar, new i-sue, Treasury plate, had only bten used to print about thirty thousand dollars' woitb, and at the time it was discovered was waxed over and buried as was supposed iu a secure place. Fcr printing the back of the tea a iiMlerctit plate was used, but one which was equally well executed. The ilghtb plate was of the denotniaatiou of twenty dollars, on the Citizens' Rank of Loui siana, also tolerably well executed. I'late No. ten was of the denomination of twenty dollars, ou the Rank of New Orleans. I'iute No. twelve was a twenty-dollar lull on tho State Hank of Ten nessee. I'late No. thirteen waa of tbedenotniiiatlca of ten dol are ou tbe Rank of Louisville. Tbo fourteenth and last plate discovered and aeir.i d was a splendidly executed plute for printing the new issue, of lilty-doltar Treasury notes, and which had evidently not yet been used much. CAi'Ti'iie or ms.k. In addition to the wholesale capture of plutcs on the iliikicnt banks nbote descrila.il, several important dies were also takeu po'Session or, the first of which was a twenty-five cent die, httid sonivly executed and well calculated to deceive. A second one was a d.e used lor making live dollar gold pieces, and tho last and most im poilatit was the oic u-ed in m iking tAchty -dollar gold pieces. This had been tbe most ivti'u-ivelv' used of any of the dies. HIE l lll SMS, lax, I'AI'KH, i;ic. The number of presses taken were eleven in all, the larjit st i t which weighed thirty-six hun urid pounds, nutl was used lor workup otf ibe tuei tits, ai d wa-tnlun nt the manufactory Mime seven miles fiom the city. Another wa. si smali c'ie press-, which tare marks of having been ca tidtiub.y usee. Among tl e finer t of the presses huh a lit'io (.inpb e pr. ss, vety taui.i.lully tiiil lied ami ii'eU lor piinlii !.' iliic unteiiiit po-tai currency. Tue km ond liiln ginphb: pios uai much heavier, evi dently inicmhd tor piint na lens and twenties, in nldiiioii to these w i n old-tn. binned prcsi, piohuhly iiffd betoiv ti e buinoss Inn! uttuinc.l its pnscnt flouri-hii.g condi ion. '1 tic rei of tbe piessis wire ull w oil bin. bed and perfectly iidaptid to the work for which thoy wero ni ttixhd. Not only were there plenty of presses of the veiy I e l quality, but there wi re also found s uno twenty flvcnr thirty cans of ink of the dillVrcnt (olois uril in printing bank bills, nn.lof ago.nl lUu.iiy. It was evident from the live larn'e boxes lullol tiateiial, c.uisl-tiiig of ;-aper, iui, pnllc:- tones, mtillers, engravers' tools, und ull tho various Implements used by professional printers in such work, that there waa nothing wanting to successfully curry on their bii-inos. Several large rolls of bank-note paper of a very good quality were al.-o fnind ou tho prenniios, but cood caic was tnl.cn to have Hale either of materia! or implement exposed to vimv. as they usually kept their pi ires and o'her i.i it-:-i.i I Ull- d ; but , veil this did not lou.4 d ;icr Colonel linker in d I. is lone fr.ii.i blinking them 1 1 li'ht, and en V.cdnesdiy list sevei il l.ir-,v b; , larelully .-ecured, .'eft -c. Louis b.r M';'.-:hin.;;oii city, wberu the nuu wi.o loid loiiu,.riy ucd tiiciu liiid been stilt in udvant o. The dies w. re .cire 1 f the b moms of snp.'l tin boxes and kept Inn condition n.i uh no: i i come into Contact with any hard .ml.st lin e, :nnl by putting un thu lid tli- y c mid a; .ft 7 ti:nc oe s.iiuly Lti.icd. liiK mi.n I.N.; v:i:d jx in;: J.tsisi.ss. l'n tab'y one of the most Important of the pan,' is Loins S!i i;;lit, a resident of tsi, Louis, w ii.j so. ids nearly all his tiiini at Xiuvoo, w'io is not a ""n.e. i '' i f Lis monev, uoi- even , nni m I'.u ttiicr of it, but tieU as udriser atul a;,eii-.. In api ear.itico he is iutelllyt'iic. v'M'lcnia'ily , pre posses-til'., and of superior ibilily. A second mi lno . r ol ti.e s;an was Janus V e.y, a f.i.rin,:,', living seine seven lid! s ir .m .'-t. Louis, luv-nj the coiial and laee-ir W-'ey is u uuu'.f..- tiir r I, I ll:C 'OUfi V," .'ltd .'lUj il 'sllovei'. ' , thud iiit'iober IS John Frl-bv, who & tefm -Nmivi ii ; be is a man of pvopui ty ttioro, an I aUu a lino uf-tiiri r,m d a "-bo si'." , ' ' ' ' the in .st Ii'jit. is ill uo- TOE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. PIHLAPKTil'IHA. On the very day after Blebusch was pardoned, be sent out and made an arrangement w Ith the npraver, who got him up this ten-dollar United States plate, new Issue, which we hae already descrited. A hfth member of the concern is Wm. Hnuor, one of the shovers," and ho resides at No. 4;t Broadway, St. Louis. Homer also actod as a btisiren agent of the manafacturer. SI. .., 2norrat. AUCTION SALES. MACKF.VS AUCTION UIKJMS, No. MAUKKT tn. a.'6 AUCTION H'SCMS. PALK OF CONDKMNKD War Dtatvst. t' tt Ar.si Iteiv-Aif, OrrT"! isr Cii!i y. Aim uasti r.. ,. u W -mv,ti.s. i. . , .lull 1. 1-4. ,. P""' aiTtfon. to u.s hui.fii bltld.r.at thf ti-ne snd U-el nm1 Uli w : Lr IIANO.N. l a .Tilt klAV, Jjfr ll.lrSll. f.l.0'.?t., Tl" '"''. Mri.lt4.1ll. J,',''i,:Mf,,""T. -a.,1IU Rsil AV.Atuu.l U.lS.-. t,JM Ul-I'2UI ,lMli) CA,AU;V UoKal' at ,T ,.1.l?,'.!!.".,w ,h.V8 "'?- ai unfit k-r t. cavs.ry sei-vlff ths sitc I or re ai tst-n ssmi many gecj t trttlnt uutf be lfr4 sold sfnetv. ttrau tsis, In Ui hVtl Statu Tursav. . . tlftetuitit-ts.kin:lar.iJCUlf iyiiri.sn!iic Calr IturMS J V N NO 11 I H KMI- W ) r cfn.-uJ th.- ta-vr," dMlrV.for e sry lot X Skirts whkt, tll le anj rfsipect. FINK HIIIRTB, err Lr.N'fTnwtsE or uvs. ir. Ua4W V s To-t Utlis Miuilr, arMI verr tin Ltico Bo40m.s. Only I 1 y. u ,nl y 1c so-oo. W!U7aaiUi atltls Muslin. ni Hi L1nc Butaaa, OUr f .tO. t f.l.ll rl.s l.fMt. GF.XTI.EMF.VS FURNISHING GOODS. HMITII sfc JACOI1H, Bl-a if0. mj8 cta'HNlT Htisstt. Ts sttsoii .tl it mnm vtRiTTvri Tirr, ril'I.or U.sslKint I.KAMhu It rnr Wi.t li. I tajsn," or "ht I etiairy,' l ro.pw-Ouilf lrviri tc ths 'eiisi.. x .ti 0r wi.iib xxl sultaMs for HOMMKR nt. f.r V lUtb UOIUJCH, MWUMIUU W UJl-s;iijj, e. As rttsnsirs sscTlment Is nfffrcwl io c and Wt rkr-t Ktlsinas and Inaanlass, s,l, Hf.aokerclilft. CollArs, Hlt-r4,nC la i.IkIii and tSi.sr l'Uld. Hirli ixl, and riwurod Wnlio tl.mil. AT rKICK8 Milt H HKLOW TtlUw IKKsKNT xr.1 alt. VAU K. FnntrJ Linen t aial rtc Dirc. I', ptoctf I'uaevt, laok4, migjb jj afua- linj. 10 ntKawrrT BTiri'T. UCtO HOOP SKIRTS. U0 aUaL.'wioi7,.o. ii aioii Ru- Alsora 8b. Ih alnstt. flglalelltila. WTuvtMat sad Retail. Ths most eompit assortment of Larifp, Mlfssa and ("bit Iran's Htoo aklrta In the cltjr. In svory lscl nrst cln. w'.ilch fcr lyU.fl.'ifli.aural.lUk, M.J tUpus . luvf no equal lo Uie niarkpt. Isklrts mad u. ordw, al tared, and moatrffl. IM-lr DM T. UOl-KtMS. YOUR PATEOB A.QE S0UJITED, MtOALLAK HAT, OAl', 1IA.TIIIIN44 llOUXOSt. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, rmsT store abo c ATLANTIC HOTFL, CAPK ISLAND. (JAl'K MAY. il if nr.w .(KRsrv. pAI'EH HANUINUH RMM()'AL. J A 51 13 H e. I ' 1 rX nf , bsi Remoretl from No. OU to No. G28 CHESNIT Street, faring piirrh.uc. tit stntc ot JAMES IHT.KK. ."r. (luuicrlj liclo.x '.i, Mhirs he will otter to I II cusUins finit!H';i.ibltc a larv sui elssot asjortmoi .ol Dtcorations and Wall Papers Gjnerallf. r.7 tiling lis rsrr.n,il atuulion to tlic 1' i.e au.t t.sa iui,' Cens't, be hr-pts j cuntlnu-: t' roete the Utsral (.atruaase of tlic public. Citizens an.l ililt'.rs arc rtic If inly ln.lt- d to ( lanitis tie. vai't l on lisnd. ii- lux ( ONOHU..SS UAl.L, ATLANTIC CITV. v.' I would rfSiMTiiiillr tnroim m frit nd. anil ttie I t.. 1 r. ti.nt I hsto ait.ii tsj,fH4 ('lii.Tt si 1'aiI, ttu bt-liu ti.e tlilm ear, sii.l t ai vnii,.le every piovaraiiuu foi Hie en li. Kei.son.tt e house t!ni( eulari:i-d, n neMli pit), ur w li.ri.iuiM'.tiie clisuiltr. with spni $ tieSs, Ac, Ac, sua will sec, m. vislsie lour IiiiikIk.i guests. You will Itnil no Im t't r plaeA' tl.an Coiutnts. Hull. Ills lite ne.trt'tt le llie f rciiD ot nn.v tl ttie tsrs-e house at Atlantic l Mty. Iji.iii. I.ut on. In nditil aitl. frt.in llie tiuatl., tl.us pn-hi i.tinu liti u n aiti aiilsiie to tbe :titiiie. 'Ilierc rsnie.l be iiliyhetler bull Inn II ai. at Atlantic this tiiuuutr. 1 1.i ..uui! nut tuitt nit suet, s in ral orasvbnck last seski.n lirt. hI Itssn stteiii ati a: t tl e I lui- tl e. t.r in.i wlnttr, n ta nj Ueoli t,be best t'stnuifr suit t n Die Allniilie .en bo. d. '1 lu re l an escclli nt It.n tt cf Music tiwai t-I. A iia. I,t4 Is a .pa-iulld Itillraid Bvioui. kSS-ll li. V. lUHKt.n. JISX-flUT UOUH11, ATLANTIC OITi', mew ji BSJsr. ono. i. ji ti'.rv cv , rropriotor. tl.oPr ar.t t.voriilil)' krns?n al r"rti't' of OYSTB liAI. bivill mill t titsxtl surccta.) faitisa a.-t-ooinjts. aied ttlit HtMiik. M.tiin i liita.Ac, Ae. (an mr to li.e h -ust ettiry twt'nt tuuiutes. Jeti-U I'XUIIANGF HOTKI., ATLANTIC CITY. 4 Ibe siil'Serlbrr, f.'Ta:lui for pan favors, tetifaft tl.di.fcs to M ..trti i ami tl.e idb.lc tiir ibe i.oiisrous cue torn set l li ut, hlJ licit .tat e to sa' u.si It. is now opea ai ll.c t riv r.. and rt stly to f reive b.'ttlt.(i eenuanei.t ai.d trai,s:tnf.,.n tl.t n o.t it-.otlura e It rma. IKt. I.ar will aiHh.i s t,r Bii..ti, tl ttitb tbe cnoiect wtuss, I'liuors, and cis'iti. ai tl -..pi ri .r Id ale. Tit tal-Ks wnl be sal wtla U t. bt tl the n.srkt l atlcid.. t i.t.ii. Ui r. aed 'acWie attvai j t,i, b.rd AH ibe ct.ui.iru ofa uouie cau always tie foond at tha Cf t'lisu;.r I uu.. M'.'lr H.-.ni 'ii, l.F.0l:..E U V1AI , JrJ 1 I'rtipi k,lor. I. If M II I A II O UHK, ATLANTIC CI TV. (liCfir ON U1NTUCK AVI.NoE, Oi l. 'hill TU. S'. t(l II'' 'a... IKWAltJ) K YI.K. l'lsiprlotov. VciUK to suit f he o:.iti.. le- 8 t A i A I II I N O i r A - li Aliil N" O. A1 ION At. ftAI I.. f AIT. Its" AM', DAI'l. MAY. M. J. O I' 1 11 i. uur T I" of si t rni-t fti Ai.t . imirpxlu. Kupt r.iu si' u iii. t.a'ii.n nnilauii'ii risjm I OK IWii lil .MiKI I. I KKSi.lWa. ic-'i-'.'ui AAltoN UAlthl.lrvUN. roprtetor. t IS W A V t-t OYSTER BAY SALOON. 8. Yf. CO UN Fit OF MX OND AND CIIESXUT .STREETS, .!- I.i ril.l AI I LI'tllA. DMUND A, 80DDCH 00, COMMISSION MHIICIH NTS. AND Sllli' AND STEAM 11C AT A'.i. ;NT8, POCK HTKKIJT WIIA1CF, I'UJI..lJ;LL'ilIA, SPM'-vn a. so; r . a, a no tl l. to i l v, .bl III..S r. SlILJ'UX lat-tf sfi l SHU'CAI'TAINS AND OWNER.?, 'r" I. 'e!. i-Ll'.-d !. 'tin.: I,,, .ot i:s KKN.S! Vtl 'Jt.. M'lfS.VV l.ot'K, I'Sis to lul'.rto his iri.-n is uu i ibe I'.u r its oi thu !e.t it, Oi.it tie is cr i.urd stllh in.tri'isfl I. it i.itu . io .ut. nii.i.'.l.ilu llo.st; l;u vli.i, ve.it'lf lo ''U r.tisi',1 or r. i ttri.l, att.l t'lle,; a ir. i..al i ur..j,'. .r an. roi'k.r, wi:i tit p, rt. nal .ife.ti.vn tj veoi ta t.l".ii j to bun ii. r repairs. .M'lua.. or Ant uia, ro.lp-t'iin'utiier., an-1 MaeI,Jul;,t L-X itn ', i s . 1. t-j re al. , .lie 6".itll. 4 I.. t ,.1. Il otnii tl '', i',.r ibe f .1" , f Tvl.i'' .Its' p .lent Vrt.ll.'' I ..lii.osll on," of t Victor f'Ainl. b'T llf fire i.'rv.t- t o. "I vt'sitos' U'llotus, lor fin etj, I itul .itpuitd to !LI1U.L Ibt SMlueoli fa,otablti ti-t'li... J HIS Tl. HAMMITT, Ki'iisin -t.m .s.-rvtv Me. li, Uihll.tf TcltiAure avtiiut'.auove l.uu.el .Litcfu 1 H.MON AI,. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, It ti n . .1 r wrtil w Jt-r. l.du ri'in.vrl I.I. shop irunt Ne. ttlmvt Ucn , s' ' 1., ,'.,, '. fj t. Alf'i kli So.'.-t. ail i.e Oi l I' , Oil On litlll.Uul,', H.llU luertattKl -oiim.i. ! :ab.tis. eauuivel', he b, u. "jitmra.s. i U rV ii wi-jw ta.x nixr. SI llliVKNl'H HTAMP LAW. Ootids of ttie N.wTm Bill ai,d Kv-sn-i aiamp taw, for .als hoies.lt nr.it f nail : .nllt. t....i.ut........ - ds.cr'pil . ooiutaiitly on aana. at tbt lollowtng raisser Oa onle't of two (wr ent. dliroimt. ' " I'O, tl rise ' M am, four n At tt.f rrinrtnaf tieiw.t r,.r in. A.u r.i Tni....- ..-- itaai.Hi,l...'a4('lll-:sVtT "nnt, and M. Iict r trill ISin. l. 1-ull tlcci:jiUoi,i of (be 8tam l.sn Inpamnslei nrm. j, (1 j ucu'osa lh r on ToTn. N f li"i't7e(Mn(ltatiibi. ri.tl will be rw4vi 1; t!.' rutsBU.-ti of tl.r VulHA Piitici, the wrtti) Aimt ntT:T4 .(r rt.fitstl drfjnated Ifp..!torlf i, and by th NtlM,fti Itsutki a-'-.frfr.ai und qul-Mi 4 ai Ipilt.r.ri Hii! JiiLinc- .t Arf nt, ft)' ltTtii.j Nol ttirw Jfurifnim Aii,',n,n"'.lH. .iK-Rrfrj, Inrr4 4t tl-rtf L-'m ei..t tltn'---.?Til,i ,.fr cnt. pf annum, r(U -ml. am-iiUo.-irH.Tia at'.acl.i d, pa) able Inlar-tnl moti. ?c-t n !? iiu b... oonvr.tW. K at hi opllw o ha htttlM.atinatiir-v.fiim nvpr r ut larlnf bor.d, r(sif ii-.; nft.-r na aj.fl pa; .Ma twenty j-tjua frm Ai. it! ItV . 7. It Mtvl.ll. (uk! iti V a Jt?n(Ttlnatl fu or t rnf liiirir r'd,fltf lMiDdr4, rne tlouard, and flvftl.oti Mml di,lArt. mrl m t tfu a Nur.k.ffr pay $b la t. or i r,a riar bfdirpctM by tlic "nl'tt r ;r. AlU'iN-. r(p!in wut e for tft il tr!, aae uia; tlj'L jf B'y t.olla;. U.i.Ni.au crtmca3 w.l U Ua-.u-d ftr all dtpaalta- Tli dri'Pvltinjmuitfrelir.satit&ii tt'C oriir'nal ortl5t ate li.:. d.:i "mrat'on ot r.ot a rrq'i-rvd, and thay an V, 1? i.i('J Ir. tlaak or parab'ta to or.tar. Vfhfn-aan-(!-ro.l, tt nuiat lo IoaltU tha ofYl.tu rooiUlr. ti da I o- t. ti br f .rTirdcl to th; lKiarlm-i t. T'tf noU ir'llitraainitteUto tliaownari(fitarriraa p 'lia'ioii alt.ratw, at twtn afT tla rw)pt of tlia acljilaai iilIfoal?i of JcmjiU aa tfe.- can be prrparrd. luiareat m u: bf aUowisi u Aut at IK an all dr ootH mada prior to that date, and will -b? paid b tht nopartmant upoc rccript tvf tha aTlg'.oaioertlftcatBf. A b tb? nr-tfa draw tutartht from Aiintl'l porjoniniak pd .Ksjlt suliv?.iitttt to tl.at dat mutt pay tho Int- r t accrued frcu d tie o( i.ctr to date of d civ., It. ra.-:l'' dpositiDtw?u.y five thomaaddulLtrj aniup-tva-Ji fcr tue riCtf-) a, an; ai.atlina will ba a'lowtd a c m;ni .--Ion of on-jnnrt r of ono pr crnt.. which wilt ba raid bj I Ma epsrtmn iijon Vtr nwptof a bill for the amart. rer'1id !.b? tha c-t'fr wfh r turn tl d rat ncaJ-j. Nc d-M ti-ona !br cocanan vai mt.it t mad f.THu tlie dopoW'a. O'c iv twolvla? d p-Jiiu wi t arytl ut th pro-ai ea- dsrjf norm are tt ido npn the chU,Iih.' certlflratM. AL( men authorlifd to rionl9 dor-oiiti ara reivifated toAlveto an'l-car.U aU oV'lrod IVTmatlon, and attiri W. r. rt aViimi.t y, Hf-retar7 f J.a Tr,ati;. iS.it"ict pti:a w ULh? retired b tha I'lllftT N ATIONAI BANK Of MIIL lKi Fill Bl ONO NATIONAL HANK Olf PIUL Al'Kl.PIll A THIIil 1SA.1 IONAL IUNK OV riiri AI'A. fV M yANCli HTli.AVA.ltT HOCK OIL COMPANY. Incorporated June 29, 1804. Capitol. 9300,000. C0,W ftTJAtLs) A 6llnt-l A.E. P-irr;r'Wn .ihh ahara tf trVnal aubtcriban (br LOJX i' eharei r)!!"' Ch 6 wa aKn aubaorlblivt.and to i iliti I .i.uaiei s ot $1 aaob, 'aabw on U( Kitiitlaly WC 8MU A .;ui:, lsA rent itt TEN" THOl'fAND 3 H A 1 E 3 thf Und 'rzhxt btl.rrr Bwar aVok On f'pu t-Wi; fotirtt-iia out huri. ,-td hl ihin n- acira, to tLo vot loir ci th-? cm rtKi"H, ont tbo iKaur: Uiree hun tlicd atiutcu ft-. oD tt:i AJ it'unj riii, In traottwrr t' Wii.iii , tvt' I tli';: a C Oiidi 1 Lit oi-ttitn-.e up ti iSifa adtiH .t tbt-Lower Two M'o Kur, cmiii"iiif cio Vn lu'iftj K ii, a c i'i'ia of ti nt bis'oi I ranalir.. -n Vonati,0 eutiiit) . lM.na. a: la. 'Ho a lief, lit u t;ivnr Torrliorv Ja yiiii'ii't. aii alnn dant ar.t. pcra.ai.s'ut haivrit nt an ejiual ll.' (innJi ot I'll, i l e nunit nif)fl fii ixTdfriMt. Im batik i rodut'iM (il w ith tvto null fc'-entor iv;;ularU u.ao Uia weilu um lift Oil . reiik. Il t bi-lititd tre tlow or Oil tH-ki theborrnfra ffKrank tin, tn tit AUris-ht-iiv iinr, will pn l'i-li u- vrr htxtiua cl'Mitiv. hrri nts tl o otratltlcfttu-o, or voI. ai.tc 4iru; titiu it iicL In a BoiiihwrtHrili' dinoLioo j o.iine qut iifl) Vto bw3 ol Oil sftou.ii be ritun rUif turltvosB at tttO i l l-cr enu. fcnj of OU Crtok, bud weii tvouia rci'ire tu lo toxii tlt-pr if rriortion Itwcrdon tl.u rivor. witare, h c. t-r, I'tti-r wouKI net' ii! j Ih tbe uiont Hri7iaiiLt, iiudaxnucn tTtatar eu, pltml atii.frliiciiii.oeut body or it It 1 1 OU li U criaui ll.ai m ii u wt-Ua on tbe rnr. Id tbo lii.mtx1la'o vliJi.lij ol Uil lrtml. I vti c -r.tinuei! ,-n-ducint ci'iru p the pn! tbne or Is-ur vm au uonaveriUtt aitU aiatidy dfl y yl id t-t oil A iiit,'fct ib ma,i will ds-niMiiratetha tact that tha Ixwcr 1 Mite Kun mid til r.'1 k ro uu tl.c rftiut dian otrlcallr Mrkitlit line, acd iniv dhia'il. t n a rvn tiuumtun v'tfic uii nfu al wme n-,t f brt.vMi tbo raaj) of tubi ftvut b (Mhtr about tbrre mluti apart In pr cieel tli- bauio dtr lion. It tti'Ubl, 'In tl'cio u"t be oa tratrUlnar, it by U.r-itft v.-tlU on tlila unrx a autbcltint dt''ibot Krl;r.pK i;;bt bumlnni and fifty feet, th. Ui (.tnjii'a wel uiuy :lui tj,ojt cf O'-l rok in tl t-U" vi'tiplUi. of liuiidrrti ot btttniN ot oil dally aud anuiuKHu 1'iuUia Muuld tltiiabe (Le toruumto rvtult tva tbe aJiartlioit.f Th ol Uh emtanv. On tni pariifuUr uect of U.ttJ thero haa Ivwa let oa It .c for trii v ? art a well n- wumr.ng (Vfr nortton of word Oil, Rlibtiuxh Ita d4(.ih of b'.r-u c tmiOoted jiiita tiiMinineut t hiHiiie a lartto tl w I lit- por c M. of tha OH at ttil wtll h nuut wa rutafivid aa a rnvaliy to trta fmnii r t wi ei of tlia iani, and tvilt at un f Inui-o to tlia btiit iltorlbt t'oiioy. Ti orf att alo two wtltfar -oii Ujma a few t un'irtii leet dot i4 h.bntii-tt yit tubed, bti tln-dit-a'iiiK aitrMt itttt 'Iioh ' i oil ; a rArrt laiia ran it-cne-raily tn art-'t'oo out ol them, and no douoi iiii.it tu oxUt tbat tto will Ot piwi bitbl.v roinui.e'UtiiiKWi'lii. wlfn l-oi-t-d a rcasoiiabb drpib. Anoibet ntii U baU bored, and Isroii.u a fsMUlut-tory "fU hentpk-i of oil prtKurt'U rrniT. th'a w(ll ran ne loan at tbo o.hcoo! tin-Ct.uiptaiiT, No. W M S- I Htrttt Ttie fi' of tl i va.tiall oil land. c-mprlniiia one hun dnd and tbl'. -out acron, ihc uJ-mk Uic r-aK ot iut por rem. l oil 'v r tbe kftftd w li. . jhmvtnt, and tha entirr rlcht ol tha tbreo IU f.airttj-Hy tlovoUwd, la 1 iirrha-d by thf ' nian tilrtH L 1 0111 l'io owi.cr. (or lha tit(dtrntt prii't M H'tiA'1. IthK tirbtMUl in due order, a fitUK liouo, e ; paa oltimliu:. Ibo cat if kU" k skiU iar iaii btr tt.y land In fall, and Unvt thet-n.m tf bty.b0 raih tvuikloi; cmtii on l aud, v illi wbkh to couii'bvoa ti. tb.L-o o ! v and alo to h. rv tv.c i-ew mi ll.i, lit. L.e tm-itia cti.ini-a, A..'., lo be In nn.nl outer itMn a f i w inontii': turafu nonlaKtMbo n.f.cW to acfoui,l.ti tbfi-e obi . ta ivubout d'-Ju) Nn fubjcrkptK-ta will b? a.c. pltd lor Uaa tbao id) ( bares , 'I ! vntt fortunen rrapod by R. -k O'l 0.mpau' iO't!. llfbtd bcroui.dilaewbrr arc ntUHla!:i Tne oil trade la it In Iu inhii.cv. anil the ilcninnd cnu-Ukiifv iruriatfiu i Tl r im. is L' our boxiul ut the will uisjuib.exo'.u alvo ut tbo t ak. I.ari." wd a vlll doub'lem bo okik V al the d-pth of R-Vj fi'-t, an us t- rtnr' ibe mird all.l":' Jf ek Wviu bato boon LiitHl ben-lob re lo the di ith oi.lv of about Un tret In tliit iciiiity It pn.pontd to ! ''"!' wrllann tbU roeitt 2iirli.t the pm-mii1 mjv. TUt i-e la fooi:. l'.r one biii.diatt lm. A pcrfct Ctli.rbjtr nt aJJ lncum Lvaucaa Uc-t-iUUntb aaauud to uv tVu pany. lAt-U of (.ubscrlpllon arc now opo n until tbo &AOO0 Unrea arc cubt rlf'f d, pajable per ab:iro, to tbenrdtrof Abler mauJAir.S il. rAIllLS, tho Treasurer or tba Company, Ko. m WAl NUT Ktro t.or ut N'o. ll WALNt'T fitroet, or at tbe tfilta of tba Cgwpatii, No. aJU WALNl'T Ptrrpt. TLc i-;bllc are lutited to call for a pro-pcotui. )"-1' p.V I NTI NO!! lAlPTINOl Ka. 47 0. THIED STKHET. AUOVE t UEMSt'f , PiuUslolb. FAflV A jmOTlIKU., liOUiK, MU.N, ANI OKNAV KNTAL PAINTr.Ra. Gi tir.ini-', lax!i -,0!JtUr;v-D ( laai, KaUoiuiiinK, apal Van.liu.'n.Ac. ai-l tf I VN CK ITAl'TY. "WIIirK VIRGIN ! V ,n .1' K-: Uu in lit p ;irt propat .itj.m of t! r'.f, 'Vr 1 i!tfiit.. ill . -U-. 1 i- l-rtfl Mlt tliJ . i.i.s. ...i. Ii I m til,- in. hi i in 1 ' WIu to "&. b'tf. i' Hi evi.n iii.tntry fin-'r't ' pr..,i..it lb' aVbi, i t ikcK It t I , Ut il, l.lir, llll'l It.' 11 ,'Ml-l . It. t III -b a if '.). M I.i.,1... , hi. . . i , a (liin C. i'p j. .tt ,t4 J -)t .v Hut. iiaLUl.;. ti.i.d ..-IV II' M MfM.u ri, -'. tl S. L I' II I H ' flrt"r nrfv.. i -i-' hi-, .viq Jjlt'-liu io. W , atsVliN ia i Ol lb I i'hOVKT) M'l'AM ANDWATJfiK- Ijl t vun; AlT VU TI s. 1 v fla;Jr,i ai.d Wi l-iiu.', V ipi c tiuioiiii and Pnb va.v l-.c;.J-llt.i, ' ."'j'tttuc .1 i-y tb t.MbaS biL-.M A ,'ivtTI 11 liriTIN'l COMPAiil C iiiii.Ait;i.i,i!i a. j Ai: : P. wood, Vi. tl S r'UbHI H Hinet. Bah. ' w I . r i I l LLL, TUKSDAT, AUGUST 9, 1801. FINANCIAL. N K M NATIONAL LOAN AT 1V1C Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money. C'OUVONH ATI'AOI IKI , IM5RL ! I'AVABI.F. PACK SIX MONTHS. T'is prta:ii la p.yabh- (n l.wfal mnni..-, at t! s.t of tr- rfr. tl, t,.l lrti ti, rtfbt to .tf nd al tba. Um The 5-20 Bonds at Tar Instead of the Cash. Thu flvJ..(rt fs .aliia.ilc ai thus S-W U.r.d an oiir nft sofiilar Loan, ant an new ttlllug at sljat rsr oat. ptmlutn. BulitoTtjitl.mi rtcolrssl la th aiual ma.iD.r, an J th atftal aa prop,,,!, af ths s,Crtarjof Uie Treasury, taet- .r lih our to'tUn, anil all nscststa17l.1r.snua Ixi, u: tu ftira:tlKXl oa aitii .un at our (Milt. JAY COOKE & 00., Jyr H No. Il l B. THIRL Sirwt. jUEIDK. H X' JJ 11 Oc CO.. IIANKLIKH, tf. M 8. tHIKD BTUEKT, a-jt a mu 0-7U), iaVEB, AD OOVftUSMEKT MCVBmM. H T O O K a BOUaitT AND frOHl Ota COMMI88tON. (mhtl c L. A H K H O N A O O. , I1ANKKUH. Vo. i:i 6. THIRD STREET, PHrLAXiKLPIUA. OC' S-nnif nt BmrttlSt Of all laana. PnrrhaaM aaa A Rass tttocks. BooiU, aid Guht Houht and 8j11 oa Oom. oftwloa. itrtinr-iT mlowlv on pkihits. CoUsrtlOB.', rmmKtIf Mad. frVtf Y I T NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Financial Agent of the United States. UrSlTICI) HTATKS T CI-IO TREASUKY BOTES. NKW l'ATRIOTIC LOAN. TJiis.sr InttmctloBi Oum th Treatary Dptiarttaont, this Bnok I. jm-i.arsxl t rcssrlv tobK-rlotlotii to the Now Pa rlcUc Loan, Itttitd In thf ft rta of Tlir ear Treasury Sots., Ixarlrig iiitvr'st at the rat ot 1 3-10 tier font, per arruni.i.ajril.l. snl-annuallf la Lawful Moneronth 1 .thd.it or I'rbru.rj. and .11111111 rrticoUrl)'l af cacti i . ar. 7 l.cse Tna.ur Notct arc convc nt ic at maturity, 1 Hit 01 1 Ion or tbe holder. Into f'nited Bi.tot C per (em. Bonds, Intorwt sbl tn COIN, an redeem. ble after Do and pa aok- twenty years from August I,'., liSIT. Coupon Kotrs mi 1 be l.tued In blank or payable to order a. may lie dlrcctid b.t Uie suki.rttMr. Ic sumi ot tM), tloo, f 'Oii, ll'.OO, and .'-tsi. Inter ( t 'II he slloived from the J'o of the sutwcrlitlnn to Hi l..ih of Auku.i neat, ttie date of the Trea.nry Not llifst who nuy subarrlbo attor .tie l.'thof Auirutlnext wlil be rciulnsj to pay th accrued Intere.t ..n the Ni.Ies, Any oretut.firthin fnrnrt le.. thaa $-f.,0O0 of tli Loan at any (.tie ilme.wlll be aiioot a comnit.slon of onu- unaiterof one per cent., pa.i Hit br Uie T-i .sury ln...rt- inriitont.ie receipt of a bill ftir the amount, approved by the bt'b..ili(lt.D asrnt. Htf.rrli ( to the .an.'jcj apuetl cf Hits Boorelary of tl.. l.-esaury,' I a-k al! those d'sir.iut A aklliis the Govern nient to tubscrtbe to tli'.t Loan. C II. f'li.VUK, rKKHIJlKSr. and lm Jii"W ieOA-PsT. NEW LrOAN. U. S. 1O40'8. JAY CJOOItlJ ts CX.. Oft LB r-CK BALE TUC NEW GOVEENMENT LOAN, PfAKlHO rrVE ME CKVT. rXTKItKHT IH COIN, rtoeen.ar1, arj t.m after Tt 1 LABH, at tht ploaaar M th Ooetrnment, aad pajablt 0b.TY Y&AKii aftar lat. biytB tOCI'ON AND BKOIHTKUP.D BONI1B an sane tirtbtt Loan. cT sam denominatloB aatn6.ffDs. the lnurett on 9'4's ar.d Itutis payatit ycarlyioa al other simminaikint, balf yearly. Tbe 10-40 bonds ajsa datea March 1, 1W I. Th hulf yearl) Intere.t r.lUng da drptcBber lit and March lit of cat yoar; until 1st Hep It n ber. the acs-.rno! merest from 1st of at arch Is required. U. bt p.in Ly 'tarcna.ers In cot or tn lkuai oi'aai:sor, adJlJ.s liny per ct-nt. for premium, nntll further nolle. ail nam oovutMMiJiT aw ubjtik8 uouout AKU 80 U. JAT 000KE k 00., OaL') U Xo. Ill 8. THIIItl IsTlU'.llT. gMlTH a: HANUOIjFU, l. 15 S. TUIIID STREET, liANKlillH AND UHUKKHB. Bpos-st, Blocks Quartermsttcta' Touchers snd Checks, and a!!Govrraent Becurltles Botu-ht and Bold. mhH QOIil), OOIiU. UOLU, PILYEH AND BAKK NOTES WANTED. MS HAVEIT & EEOTnEE, i.i ir no. ao a. Tinnn gTitttr-.T. j j aa -w xz h av 11.11 31, BANKERS AND EXOHANGS EEOKEE0, Ko. ' 8. TUIKD BXlitr.T. i.su.m, 1a ', El'liClF, FAVK KOTKM, AMD OOYEriN MENT KKCVUITIES. Blocks t,-'U...t and Suld on Couuuitslca. Cfllectlcrs ll.iU.plly p.Alt. ai J) 1 g'l OCiiei A1NI ttLsCUllITlUrJ oLU'OlIT AM) SOLD O N C MJIIHHI O N. DL EAVEIJ 3c UROTnEB, PROPOSALS. K M Y h V VV L 1 fc , Orncr or Abut Onvrmwn tv Vonrim. U ocltMla M., on TIlUKMltAV. tha 11l lnalfcnt ft infjit:hir. bj f..mwt, at tha p of Army CMhuJ Skv Hint ktfrt7, Ann) hiAnlarl. i lnfari 1 y 1 nuni. h n Vat!. Ilti.d. ' i Kara Otat, imiined. Miirli, Hai ril I rn cf. Tantua FlAtiQ-a.. HI' in Knit. rawra, Kail. h trls It tit. K'rava t'a. IllAnKMii, luilia R i -t-r. K iitiartV. flnvcraaokf. Uu '. I -Tiin.n. , It and f. Cantr t. N'ii Krltlr. ll. Taatt. A ti., rlliiiii. iKf ItamlHt. t'"-la4'i. I'lckNI,! IlKBdl-,. IM chpla lUtt i.At nan 1lei. thfAflra N-ittonal Colon. 'atiiip Col or it l0in-nial Colori. Artill. -f. KetrfuitMital Tohiva, lnfanM l.tM-rulllna fr lnira. t-aa fT (.iitduti.. arr'ann Kiai(. Hortn fr'iata. hl.H ar 1itii, ailllliVa AP fUMsltli-Aliialts, J' taM, V airl aam atanf al H fa HUMura wil .liowi pr-ant-mlt Ith IhrlrnmiutiaU imntM nt tht artlrli -n ?;rh H,ry irtnntir tc tl- Ut, it of tli? tna triaj of which tha aft Itlt a ara to bo ma -1a. In ihe laito cf-c ati-at cue vard of tha material ahavld Ir ibmrtod liitldfra a III afatp tltP nnant'lT tr.tr wliiVS to tirnl-h thn ahofaiai iimr n w Ifcirti ihy can inaka d livrlii. and hoif on iho can rmnpiaU' Uia dtMtvert oi all ttivy bid for, rn iNklll Will aiU tMI nssHivd Mt tin uia flrtaa. f.9 fttriii-l h'K irlinmlii)., and tuakins up Inftuiirr IrxMiwra nrm ,( rnf nuttiflicd hy thr I nltrd StattM. AIMiulN miiat ba atTsftinnanltT'd hva DPtrwp rntraniM. altoiid by two irirsonolliie ranl.'i. a tllnr forth thai if a ri'iitraut u awarded lo Uia party named thnln.i.a will f nt it at unct.aotl gic bonda Ar It falilihil p r- 1Ut " nlti d Wla'ca rc-frvn thf rlifht to n-V."! am- nart or tl w holt of tbb bldi, at iuaj ba dteraad tor Uia totervst V IIiW attTTIC. l'n i-ial hrtiiM he iT'lorufd.- rror,.afttt. fnr fumiahini (beff Inaartthe artick- bid for)" and adlr-.el tn i.leut.0lonel D H. VI WTO, ilM f.'J.M.trrn. U. B. A. ARMY S XT p P I, I K 8. On irr oi Ahhv Ciothino and Kui'tfAr.v. Ko.r- HRsAI A V, NRW VORK, AtlRUit I, HCAlCd rnIsalR sYslll Lfi riH Alvtiai at thia llftlnannlli t ovu.cti M.oiiTIU'KHOAY.tholllJ. Instant. f r dt'llrery. !'T " 4fvi ui Arm tioiniiLjf aoa r4Uipga Hi-wed ltoota!, I' awr. Itooioos. fVwad K oit. lai?Kt hoiMa. 1'ackltiif Hoxtrs. Hauiplfi ot which can ba Mon at thti offlct. TUddam rili ntHtf thfuantlty tb-v wlh tn ftimLoh, and how aoon th?y can oumplcto the dellTery of tbe quamit lhar bl4 f.-r. They wtu atihmrt with their pruposaU ft Hmp4 of the ftrti I tlicy pfoNi!t tu f'urnlah. A proper Boarantre mnut accompany ail Wdj ftf tli fairhitii psrfntrnnc of ft rontra4t. 'k l e I'nlti-d 6-aita leienea Iherlwht to retort any part or tlie wh'lt-oi Uu- bldn, at maybe dvemed fbr tlie laturvai of tho or Ico. Pt poitali fthotild be endorsed Proposale frr flimlthtn (here iuert Uie uansoi thHrtlolrbidftirt,;' aiid-vlraatac-a to Llrtiteniinl-t'oi-tirl . II. VINTON, -7t lVpuljr guaU'ruaalvr-Geiicrftl, V, B. A. 1R(1OSAL8 FOR MALLEABLE IRON Ca" tIx Irluinilnfia. OltONASCt Ol l irK, WK DtVFAKTMKVT, c. . w, K Wa-.hihi.ton. Jalv M. W4. FKAT.fr.D PHOPOHAI.8 will Ih rt-cflTftl at thla o l lira Until HATl'ltDAY. AiiKiiRt i( lwH, at 4 o'clock, I. M., Uw the .iiiry nt tne following point ol the undanaenUonvd quaiitiik't of malleable -lrua trlinuluK for cavalry cuuId tnenta: r At the New York Aftenoy, New York, 30,000 aU. At the K rank ford Ariwnal, l0.w0 eU. At the AlltsKhvuy Aracnal, '..'0 M) acta. At the Mt. l.ouhj Aneoal, l",ou aatl Kftch act It t con Dint ot' the nutuben of each kind Of biicle, aiuaro, riiig. bolt.atud and loo w nrvaorlbcd, erp( that two ol tho D nuite in each aot are to bo muda oftbu.nt w j.atttsrn, with 1, aoourdliur to the modu to ii-r- hi tii niovo arneiiiia. i no caa 1111101 are to bo Jh?- !Ty"!foe , 7i -"""? of thc;chdnc..llnaidtl,ellnlh,anddlaicn.ioi..of Ih bnrk'e totifrtiesi ami rollem must comorm aiiictlj to tlia i-fiunru khiiki'., wnirn will n appitlSI ImTdPC JapillinlUff. Alter lirlitff thortUKKl ianal au.l freed from all aprnaa aul Im-HularlUca, Uivy aru io ba lapanutd iu tii boat n tanner. The (kmkIb arc to bf pt up In paper. In tlie ninal man ner, am) parked, two hundred cini.lete att. In a ho a tA ijiia Hi , and marked a umj be precrlbed by tut latipoct iit (flic r. Tne work Ii tn he autjoct to Inapectlon t the mann -fartttrv In all aiaaea of tie pitbtiv., and no koo4 are to t t- rtci'lred or pa.d lor wt.icu Uav uoi paaitrvd Inapeo Itellrerlw are to be made a follows : liWden TVl tee tlui nvcuej or anonaU where they pn.por e to Qpi er. and il.t uuml.gr of act they prop ono to dPliveratcachpliir-, If ur more than one. Faliurea to make del vene at a epeoilled Ume wui aubieoc ti.o con ti ai ur to a i nwiure ol tlie uuiuUr tii may UU to dt-Jver NoMiH wiuiierrrelved fnai partlee ollior tlin rertitnr DiaiiulactuiTi ot thi arlf. lei pn.KH)e.l f..r. nnd who are knunn to llili Iparimpiit to be ratable of eaeoutinf la t)i il owii shop Uu' wcik prn(oti?d fur. Kixu.i ot Lid a can be obtatntd at tho ebore named an-i.Hlf . J'ri foials not mads out on thit form vift npt U eon mUrtJt (11 AR VNTIX. Tl-e b dier will br rujuirttd to act ompaar hie propo.. tlon with a M' artio'oe. alirm-fl hy two rcnponslhla prrit ma. t! at Id caat-Ma Md be UL-ccptad, he will at imte execute tli? coittrttot fur l tot- nntf. with KKd ano autlicUnt aure tipb fn u Mim ffMal to ti t auiount of the cfntrni i, lo de lher the art' tit pritkrd In conformity with ibo term ot thirt aoTi-rtiMmciit . and In cae tie aald bhlder honi tuil 10 i tiHT Into tho cnraut. t'tev to make aood tbe Ulf (i rncebiwtin the oOVr of aald bidder and tint nct r hi t-m..t)it lutit'er, or tlic pi-tbon to whom Uie conuact nmt Ih awardMi Ihe te-poimlhliitr of tlie tnflfantori mast be alinwn by tho miicnil ci'iUh. ate f U.o Clerk ol the near et 1'idtihct Ccuit, mid tlie I oittd otutoa DUtrlut At tri'y. ltohda In the aum ential to the amount of the contract, i.iit dh the ooMtra -tor ami boih of hi. (ruarnnt trn, wiU bt teiiulied of 1 ho ttucci-t.fiu bidder or bldtVft, upou itia iisu the contract FORM OF OTTARA VTKE. We, the undcialirnt'd, renidinta in -, fn the nnitit itl , and fit me of , larcby jointli aud i virally covenant with the L'n Med btat..,aua fturirrtnu-e, In ca-i- tlieforevoinj.- bd of - b? no it ,Mctt,ihftt henr they will a once oxeeiite the contruot for tht aimie, wi b hmmJ and atilllclcni aurotlca In a nun tiltuti iu nit UiOui.t ot tn oi.iiiract. to turnun the arth-Wi pnt oed In ivii.lorniliy with the trmf ir thli adicrtlfjo iiicnt. dated J"l 14. under which the d waa made 1 and in cac the aid biiall fail to enlr Into a coi-trnci a ah.recaid. wi utiaraiitca to make Kood th dif- f.rt tire IfPtHw the oiler of the aad and tlie r-t'xt U.wcHt latspoiiMblt- U Udui-.or the eron to whom Uie coMMcl limy be awanted. (ilven under our lianda and aoaJa thlt - day ot . lno. Seal.! To thla fluarantcf? miut be appended U. official cer tic ca tt abt'tt- meiii'oied Il rich party .vi,i!.aihie a en tract will be obliged Ut enter IntolNinoa with approved aunllee tor tho laithtul ex.ceu tif u of tl e hnme. I'pon the ii word tvefrg madt, aucriianil blddera wilt be noUiud, and fiirtiiahud witu lunua ol contra t and bond. The It'partmetit reaerveii the rlifht to reject any or all the bnls li deemed niiaatuiactory on an a- count. Hioi-orfaJ will be addreic1 to 'nriyadler-r.iiral (ii'ore J. KiiniUHj ,! "Itii f ol Onluiiiice, WrjstiiiiKtoo, ll. t . " and will be endorai-4 ttuttn,l tot Malleahla Iron i'avaJiy Triiuunaga." OKOIitiF. I. RAMSAY, J3 l.Muthnnii'JO Hrlif.-tien ,Chltf of Oniuauce. LM1KI) 8TATKS, KASTKUN PlSlEICT OF 1'FNNA. I VANIA, AtT, THF. McK.HtHF.NT OF THK I'KITKH T.TF.-I TO'lHK M A ItHllA 1. OF Tli. KAnTKRN JUStltUT OK ) KNMlLUMA, CkKf. 7 r. (..- W HI I 1-. Art, The iitrlct CVmrt of the United flutoa lit and tor tlie r.aitt rn U nirlct ol i'i-nn.vlvaiia, nvbtly ami 4i!) pnt eeniia on a I.iU l. lltetl In the name ul'thi- riiitt 4 t I tit ui. , ititiuiKu, hath Uh,m4'J ail ,eiou in nra: v Uo bavi . or pifteiiil to havi.any kitshi, tlUe, or luini la eighty -two hrt'ei. or eottf-n, rarito of a von. id unkiioH n, Chpni.tSHi h) th t'n.n d M Mo- ve-a-l of war Alt IK-, under t'ouiTi ai d of VoinniiHT Lieutenant F. I . lvnvlni,to Ih im n-itcid. cued, and cult' tl t juiiyim nt, at tho Hums and plai e 11 nd t rwnlt' 11, mid the ai!i-c. heieuUur uireskeit (iiiNilff Mt ri'iiilriiif 1 u an, ttifrt lure, t hrtnc 1 11 tut biiictty en o'ned ni d ioiHii'aiuiet, t twit you oun t n-it, out ti at t p! Ivhh h Hie.' reMiiiH tn hi iCi.t two ,t tha d.ii'7 bt'w,iHiia i-rlnitd and puhd-hed in the otty (f J'hl udrlpttiH, und In thu lew) lunfuh'tia r. you (lotnon tsh nudt-ite.nr raue to he uionlNhed and 'l ed, .en hip.orh) , all ptrMiU in ueuttrul bo hava.or piut ni ti t iive, ai.y iislu. uno, r imerest In ihe oi.it oisui v-iwu biilex ot coiton.to tpM ar In-lore tto lton-iraile J JUS i'AOW AI.A1 It. tl c .IteUe nt the Mid Court, at lUe 1 a tiiet t'ouii pMini In 11 1- i lly ol..ri.il(h ;phu, on the tvv, tii tii da aiu r pnl-l eudoa t thete preeuti ii it oca cun t f'liy. or i li c 11 tht iittl couu tl,ty tohowluv. betweau tho pximl Hunt) ol lu arlni cuilseH , ti ell find 11 er.i to !iiw. or aht r-e In dt-e lor 111 o law, 11 n iuora' le it'id lawful exiiup, il uny they have, why the iu d tl.h:y-twu bale of cottou ihount tot be pronuuneed to Lulouir, ut llie timo uf tlie Clint lire. Ol' tlie miiit to tht eneuiu'N of thrj (uiti tl ttut . "nil, aa iwtiji of their en m,ti or oil erwhe, hub.u and iDiiiieet to cutHh-tuuation, to bi (H'liude. d and condemned a ind and Jnw. lid in ; nd luriiit r to do and rcelva iu tlii-i hefiH.I AsJ to uullfr f tut II ftnifi tttllt. And llmt JoudtUy Ii I ii.. air, or c.nire lo he in tint .it d, unto i prn.ua a'.rt a-s.d, ici ciuily (in wl.oiuhy tna tenor i l Hieie tT-'Hei.t It in .il-o im muuu tl ), Di n 11 lhvliHll oot a ,( ''fir til t hu Kimi mi d t!ti e i.ln w rnt .tlr ;i tl, or a ar nut m tail n t si .11 . 1, a iixihi" im1 1 1 :u e.ui-t; to t1. - 1 mi'r.irv, lu n -;i it 1 i 1 r;-1 - 01.; 1 i..i;i ' r. ui ,..1 1 w id mm . a t. a.in. tll mil tt in (lit mt rfl'" ttiitl in, li i -'in mio e 1... I f.n Ml'.l hh'y-l0 h.iles u v.. Urn t'id I..M..U", n the llmeo; the ea, ture of the u nt, ! 1 liiri eneiitiv of thi 1. 1, Hi tl M .u 1 of A 01 rii a, t.iil gjjtis ui titir 1 nein -ai, or nl I,.-: v, i,f , I'ltli-' ui.ll ni't.'i '. t lj t't) Ul.u: tUoil A - t 'II d mli 1. 1 i n, (o tie -t'i i'"' 0 'inhnntt d i. law fit pri , (hi al.-1 ce", or r;tthor. colli unon y , 1,1 the p t uotti 10 1 n.-tl a..d louiiitih d in an v -j i,oU. t; Ii-lueth, a al t'tat von tnl ei rtil V 10 U - f-a'd li 1 1 let I 'oil't w .1 .it o'i shall no 111 llie n vini V 'S1 t " r v ' '. id ui.-ti iitx. iuu-N th. Ii"nt ia'. JMilN C , i A" .Lli:it, I'.de of li e mi l I'o'ut, .tt I'iiti iel.;ilu, thi -tvoiid day "f A 'l u-t.A I. l--"l, and 111 uie (ih.ii,y-UinU yea. vi (I' ll im nd. u.'v ol Un. I im. il Ni.ttvt. ui..; it t. 1'. FuX.a.rk IH triet.'ntft- TIlTltsnUS SALir-MY VIUTL-K W A ll I Wr t ot Hi'-, hy tl c It.ti. It 'i 5 fHl.vil.uler, Ju t l)e I'l tl '! i ol.rt ol the llli'ol Hr Itrf.. til hull". 1 1 l i 1 u i'Mr,. t-.i iVn;iUa.-la. In AluKA.ilty , ti ma tti ,ui ii ti, m n! In -o'd m ai :iie I i-nit im d . -.t , tor mdii t -'i-iirvrv i Hi'oi.r, .. u n, H:uM'Mrt't,'M UMAhM'M'.A'inh. hi, 1,1, At li ,.e.-'('k M.'t'l u't-i aJidvb.t'l ol i.jiU'U, btji.. ta'Jti of w rbeo uik.ioHil. M II I 1AM MU L s V. H. Mai 1 i:. I.n. lVtt. Fini 110-1 vim, July '.'s, t. 1v j , t HVlN -S KM I W AUY. MII.I- - 1.I.MH - s. ieui&'-r 1 'Chi Cm. at- l i Mr.; li. ni.tt'Ci, 1... !- I III! t't i 1 iu Kt.Utva, 1 '.-llri. s-i 1 vllts S'tnli aVe. I'tii-t 1 htfn Li iientsj o; a 1 1 ft h ui K-hfaon s 1;, .iurveui.Lt und ( U il h'n.e. ing. ii' it ol all ate t.i's. n, Addie.i r r t' it.J PROPOSALS. AH 8 1 8 T A NT QCAKTKUMASIEtt-fJKlf. ral s Oftlce, . , ' fan.aTrf,Fna, Anr.t I, tftni. fs-aled rmexi.al. -.Ill be risrsMrM al tl.l. ailioe aam It '.l. M.,oo1Hl-aDAi ,ihe lliis int ,l.r fflv himdied ".U tosuk" Amy Waiona, camp). 1 two huiulnsl " Iwo-hntM AmliuUnces omislitt. WlifsaMiic pa (fra, tn a deUTercd ta U,la ctt alsucii alaM aamaThedf.tanahKt. ifw One hair of il.e aboTO to b tsstnpleted and ready fW delivery aa or Ifpfi.r the 1st of hi-ptinil isr neat. Tk Itmalnler on or beftir ibe ytnh of Hop'enihee, I I i Tn- rlttii I. reserved to issect all blit dissmeo tnahfalu "J J? l"d ft"" a defautilna onntra-!. 111 be reoalv.4, ancri on. aiau- prio. Iv.Ui In r tittar and nirnr. -ill"!""0''' ' b l'",' "ytsrn r tponslM. perxswe, tn k. .r1;1''. whote is-fiv.n.lhltl'y nm( be rertinj ia.SL.VK.i.',M IHsfrlct Jiidt. I oiled 8.m itnuiin. ""erfsiatea foifector, or .- Mnintnt oflvcer, ctu.otwi,, b4 iroo.al olil ul tM n- ;:!HA,HrjKyto, h l?un :8'"---'ro.u,, AsMttant Cat latn aiid A. Cj. itf. A HMY SUI-PLIEST Of f ' AT C'LOTStsr. ssr C',nrrAaa Ktw,o m. rirnaaw.', fVatsHtopo..lts.flt rsoei.'d i"','.',Srul"a '.KJ'" r-' OtAH.Z the deltv. ry by contr.et.M tlx iKspol, r Aiidi OItaa2 n Eitrvelii Kew York CI yi-T ' wmi Army (tlankeu.of doniettlc a,.nnfrurs..V4. sis . rlJ.f:l'",'",i n ". Bidders will state th otimbae the wish tss IVlrMatsf- fkaw many ran (,.ll pe, " -TtT SDn.cc, ana v. Sua ihey can nm-k tl.elr d- Ivurii. i'ni,M.l. nm.l he accompanied by a proper mtarawtata. seitlnssfiTth ll.al If the oMitnui it awardwt u Uv mijm Bamesl therein, he wilt at once ecti tlie CMiwMl,aai itc Imndi lor ti e faHhlnl DerJi.nnanae of tl.a tarn Th t ailed nt.ie. rccrvta Uie rlui lo rv.vct al bstti des nied . hiecifoi.alHte. Pnipntalt llioald ba Mdortcd "rrrayitatt for -Blauaeta,"aihlai'le.w4tw - Lieutauant-.o1onAl f. tf. nsws JyJt !H Tlop'y Vlr.M.OM.tT.H. A.' IROrOSAI,S FOR firiLMXO bOUTtt tiltif to avy Iftpa tn.ent Uulldla,. , . Kavt ln'nivsvr, Amrs.tl, Scaled Ppopal, end.ravt Pr.iposala for bolidlaa HombWinato avy Lsepertawmt li..iUd:iif wa.tM rZ colvd at Mil. office ui.UI II o ol. ea M., on the U th dayaf Ail.u.l, ls4. Plant and .pecflcailoi ar rea.lr tor -aiuii,atkn st the Navy Iren. rtraem, aad tli. bl.l-anii.t aw ti the whole i.nl dtns flni.had and eoaiplei ta aH it da tall, except the hot water haatlns ant.aralu.. Ilhtdcrt m reiiuvstedto nam. tke time In which they will asacs Iti have tiiaiiriina conpieted and re.dr for oeop.rt a. m '''d' mU" b vcoau)aiei1 by tlia feUowlnf form or nrARAirTr. : Th DBdsnlvned. ,of . In th Htat of . tt f - ta ih Btate of , hereby to .ran tee thai at ca th fbreimin bid of for building new comas Slips' to Navy 1 apartment b accepwd.be or thaywia. svlildn ten ls a ali.r ihe receipt orth. contraet at ti t pm! cftlto ntateat Ibrlr rattdenaa. eiecule the contract ft th .sine, with sood and tulrlclenl tacurlt ti and la ea. Ik said .hall fall to tnlrr Intt eoatract at anil-Maid, w B-iiarsntea to make toad the dlirennoe batwaea Uia edK tt the eal.l and Ual which ay M accepted ' A U, Oatraatar. isr.l C , tiaaraator. I hereby certify that the ahovt B.med . aes, I nov. n to me ai mca of property, and alii tmaaa reaadl their BiiaranlM. To be tisncd by Hie rnlttd States Mary Ascot, Dfttrtos Jiida-t. or Attorney, or Col lecUir. aue II U-t 1)lior6A.JJ FOlt MATEH1AL8 FOR lUS Karr. Nst IrrraaTwurr, ' i -Bi'StAV or EgrimasT asp KarafjiTiHO,V . , ' . Jnr 1. Atsia I fscaled rmpoa.lt to furnish materiali tor Hi Mary, tnr the .ear ending snth Jane. Isill. wlu h received al tb Ttnreau uf r;uipnient and Itecnilttnir. onltl the lx;h if ot Auiru.t next, at In o'clock, A M.,when llie bid. will aa opened without retard to auy acoidealai deuuiloa tt mail, or oiher iuni. Ihe material. andartldetemfnsredlnthe1atitflafttt re particularly detcrlbcd In tht printed tohedulat. any tt which will be furnished to each at desire to offer, ar ap plication to Uie coKuiandam. oi' tli rt-.pcctl.e yards, oc -to the navy asenta nearest thereto, and thaee of ai laa . yard upon spvUratton to Ihe Bureau. This dirl.lon lat claMe betns lor the convonleneo of dealer. In each, sacta Kostloni only will be rnrnlthed at ar actually required Par 'da Th cnituandHUt and navy airent or each sltHam will, fn addition to the sohtslu: of clas.e at tb wa yards, have a eopy of the schedule, of the othae yardt far esamli.atlon only, from which It may be Judired whetner ft w III be dc.lrablc lo auk appdcaUja fur any tt Uie n'ttias titters nin.t he made far the whofe of eh i.m mm ' potlns the rla.-.-., ihe price staled tn the com of prior j will be the ttantlard. and th auamrata of th.al.aJ IJriuTZ ramd out according to tiie pnoc. atated. It It rtsiuitud nt l.kt.lera tn avoid emtsrrt and tnhstltav lii.ii of flaunt, aad lo aoe that ihe auouau ar oorraeu carried out. Tne contracts 41 be awarded ta th lowett Sfhw Md.ierv.ho fives proi.r teeiirliy for in fulfilment. Tha bureau retervei tbe right to reject aU bids fur any clau, at deemed esorbltai.t. All anicl. s mutt h of tb VerT but quality, t tt tt. llvereil at Uie navy jtds in Kood order, and In snl.aMa Vested antlPe'saKet, properly marked wltu toe nam of tlie contractor, as th oat may be, at the tipuit aaA rltk of heountraetor, and In all retrtecta subject it Uta Inspection, mou.ureacnt.oount, wauht, Ate., of tli yar4 tvi.ere rccelrta. And lo th aur tatuifaolloa of Ui, ooca ofsdani Uirtf lilddifi are lefcrred to the coraainndint of the rttpta. tlvo yards f.if ampie., luaim itlont, or ptrtlrolar da-' acilpuon. of ttie artfcJeai and all otber thinv. heinv . ,mi ' , preicrenc will be given to arilclea af Aioerlcaa atu- UlUlf. Ktci-v offar. ai rannlrr.il hv law tr tvv, .,.,.1 iuau miiMi bcaceoait'anled by a written iraaranty, the ft-? j which la herelna, er (iven, and ato by a frufrit a-ttnea y tne iiietnor or iniurnal Ueventie for tw lia tret tn whim bervHMlea, that he hat a lioetue to deal im. thoanfclcn ho pnpoii to nirnlvh: or hy an affidavit., elvuedhy hlmielf, and aworn to berora arnne maltrat aaiunrlzel to a trulniniar uch oath, that be u a mtnuac tunrol, or regular dealer tu tu arttclva Le offer bm tupply, aod ba a lktwse aa eucb uiAumA-ouirer m dthler. Tho Only whose offera may b aewptefj will b nntlftsM. and the cowruvt will t hirwardttd a- ao thoraafter a Jrauitu ahic, whluh tliny wli bo requlretl to exneute witntai en duvN after iu leoMpt at Uie poal oltlce or navy aareaor named hy them. 'J hn rontracta will tear date the day the ao-Jncatloa It fiven, anu ueuvenea ran oe oamauueu r-u Hla lii the fud amount be reqiilrad to atgn tb conuarr, and th' Ir rtf.ootif.lotl tv a rtiflt-d to by a lTiilt4 tSiotth 1Ulilct JudK, tnltid Sta ea Uintrtct Ationt-v. Coiitftor tr Navj A Kent. A additional aecurUy.ttTKnif pi r centum wl!l be withheld from the u mount of the bit ta until tl oontrao ahali hftvo tieen co mpleted; ad el hip per c ntiitn if ea h tnll, a.n,ri-d In triplicate by the otaa iionooiiMis) u me reapeQiiv yarua, wi'i ita paia ny tne (a -f A (f nt at tho tiotnt of dclHtr uulta reiuetil by tbe cohteetor tube paid at anothar Navy Anency wl'ia tea dii) a after ft anunta auali haw dein paaaad by (lie ecre-. I laiy of tne 7teiuty. I If In atipulMtft.1 in tlie contract that If debut be made br tbe prtn e ot tle drat pait In dllva trm alt or ant ir Utm articeo uieiiUornw m auy clasi bid for in ttie ooa t mot. ar th ouality at uth tluie and piae at atxr ptvvtdcd , there, arid In that c.e the ctntractr and hli aurelie wtdt lotltlt and pay to the I'm ted Htatca a aam of emoney nt eKiavdijiK tHe thi auHoiiit of auoh elata.wulcb maybe m Oht-ied fr.ui lima tv uru, ai'cord'uK to the act af t oiinrtBn, A tbat caia provided, approvod March S If -lii. No btda for more tb in one yard mnat be encloaed In ena t nveloe. and Ihe ttiiiue mum be diiunctly endfe4 oa the ouihlef'M'ropoHalti fir Ma eiialg for the ISavy, fr t Navy Yard at (name the yartt).' and addtvated "lo tbe I'.delot tbe II ureait of Kinipinent and KucruUliif , A'avy lepartmei t, Waahii qtoit, 1. i'- " KOhal Or ORDER, Which, from a firm, mutt he nfsjni.d by all the membert. , 1 , ol . In me State of , here.iy BKree ta fmnlfeh and deliver In tbe r-apectlvn Navy Vard a 1 f-tui arilclea nan.edlnthe ciaM-ir hereto anueKed,araaitp to tiie pnivitionn ol the i hedulei t .iei-vi'or.and IfccHV- . fortuity with the advertlm nient of the Bureau of iCiaip hieni and Risrultlni.daud July H. 1-Wt Hbould my ortar tw a'4-it.ie.l. 1 retH -ttt to be addrvaaed at , a4 Uim contiact at-n to the Na y Atiitl at - ,or to r-( IW aluattrea and tertltleatta. t (Signature) A. R. (Pate.) V'iti.tH. l ha M-hetluIe wlilch the bidder Incloaea nmat be paited to tlMH t'tier, and eat h uf ihetn aisiied hj him. Oppoaite nch artk-M In the achedule tha prla 1 uul ne aet, Uia amount be tarried oul, the atntreuata fnoted up ft eac ' eiaH.and the amouut liken Ice written iu worda. It loa pa tM'ti who bid co not nside near ttie place where tna artliei are to be drtivered.thev mmt name la thulr ufttr a pvraou t whom order on Hi era are tn ! taUtUireredU koicw or oi' Ait an 1 i:k. The undtrrotane-d -- -, of , In tue State of and of . tn tin S'ate of . hereby tmaran- , tec Uiat In eaae the looitu hid of tor any ut tha clHea therein naiited he a:elt'd, he or tht v will, wlthtn ten d tyi alter tho ie-eiot of the ooit tract at the pou othm r.auu-d or navy uyt nt dfoL'nnteti, ee:uU) thi couttaA lor ibe i:iue with kkJ nud i itli imt uretiet, aid In c.na the taid - ah all lailtnamer Into contract, ai atore uakif vi e 1,-iiriraiitoe to tuakt-gool ihe dinerenoe bfliwtH Uie oitt-r of ihc aid and tlit itun maj be . cepttd. (Hijiuatiireii oi gUHiameri,) C. T. f!alc.) W itnei-a. 1 htiehy certify that the above named are known to tne at. nucit ot property, and ahia to ni4ke Brood their ifiuitiutett (Wc nature.) O.M. flate) To he alttned by theT'nlted taaa IHatrM .ludfire. Vnlte Run a IMsiirict Attorney, Collector, or Nuvy Ayeut. The follow mj; are the claasoa rvtuircd at the reipectivw tUvKvui.1.1- KITTRMY, At UN I:, Ko 1, 1'hxx OauvuB and I'wtuet Ji i. I, Sperm Oil; Ne T, t'ookin'4 (Jt nIU; u. 10, Irfttile r; Mo 11, U-atW lloae; No. U, l.iltiteMlH ; No T.low; No. '!t Ma loR-rv; Ko. 21, Hardware; No. 94, Mhip rtmndiery ; No. il, Hry iood; .o. eixawoodi Mc. .11, Tor Oil and Neauhwt oil. CI! A ItT.K STOW N , M S K OU V & T.TT9. No. 1, Mux I anvil and Tv. tne 1 No.6, t-penn Oil; T.L'ooklnet rti iuili; Nu. IS, HtorcN ; No. Ltutlher; No, 11, Leather llu: No. li', ox Hi Jen for Kope; No. l;t Huct truu; . Is. Huup and iiiU.iw; Ne. '.'', In u then; o. '.'., Stntloiuj- i No. I Uidv, are N x 'i. ild ( bandli-rv; No. .', t'opi'ir Wl-e; iv.. 7, Or v ti Mrtlt ; No, rlre-Aood; No. dl, Whale, Tar, and Keaui'Kji Oil. HI'OKLN, NKW YORK. o. 1. ri;i t i..v:t, , ::d T;l..; .Nu. lion Nlla, fln vc M'V-f. etf. r N. 4. rtn. i-e, e'e.;N.t ., Snuriit till: No. J. White fine, Ah, A W.tlimt, et.'.rj N.. 7 n Ivi.iK I lehl:;Nt. h, jt vi 4 ki.d t ut-Mlu,' Vmb wxea ; ,o. in, I.i .tfi . ;' No. 11,1 -vuttier ll Is'... iLiwiiumvliieT, No. 1 '.. 1 .tniei nsaud l..un,' i ; o. , soap und 'I a Low 1 S'o. an, llrilMii't i No. Mt KtrtMonvry ; No. '.'j, lUit.,'i..re; Nu. '1 l.hl.ip Chandlery ; No. ty UOods ; Ko. &t k tra s tvUi No- .1. Na tt t,ot Ou. Villi AIil Li'lll V, 1T.NN8YLVASIA. No. 1. Flux t anv.'i and Twine; N.. :, S.j, i u Oil; "Nu. T, t'O'luiiK I t.-usii,; No. 1", Lealh'.r; No. ll, Leather I lose o. lo, ti- .tp and I'nhow ; N 'iu, uu-iia; s. vi. Htm t.o. .ei.. ; N. V i, IUt.lAaii, No. Lii, Siui Oha uttlm v ; No. 7,1j-v Out da-, JMu. ', rirewo.d; wN'o. Jl. Ui 0-1 au4 Ntatiiuot 0.1. WAflllINt T N, T. O. N i. 1, n.i ,( 'aiiv.t 4 uiii 1 unit , No, t, Hi; aiid Zhic; V'a. '1, b 'triu t 'il , v., t, .Sioi 1 nod 1 V,. in- ' '..'ki ; j l.e.ther- N 1. I .', 1, tiiiit.., N.;.l .1. .0.; N j. h , " i..p und '1 .th.Av ; No. Jt. .r'i N 1. -m -it ' ' ' rv ; 0. -i i, H .ii ; So. a siito itAi.dnj y j o .v. 1 m. r V.'ln ; . .;, Iuyiit'iti l(. .it, 4 .,., ,y i' .11 , i-u.Ji litt in Iroi. W. -vi , V, .Hi. it, 31 aau iid .V l Su. -j, ! -rr-.:...:' AK-SliAl.'rs SALK.-JlY VI 'I'l I H "I', A Wr.. ui Sale t-y umi ll" loll 11 .l.i.iv.' . i" ii e I.i .In, 1 t'U'in I .ui. . 1 l..r II. 1 e'a.l.'iil Infill. I I '"i.- .... n.e .t.H ' 'li il, '' lli Itf .'!il "ll l ul l '' ewle.1.111. IM h.l..,-r. Ii.r.'l..l....t Mil Hfst lit h' t Ull'l . lli 1 I.i IN 1 Si... I.e. 1 "'.'' ,s 1 IV .. M.,si li.!.-. K.UI.W. - ' ,'lf M Vlta.ll. Ulil.ll " 'I' Wll I.I IM Mil 1 W Altll, T ' I M" ' 1 I' ,.1 i'.