The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 08, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Caning jM;ttmih
Mib i)An.Y vpkikg TM.l:ciurit MnUbiarniA, QXPAY,sT8Li:SGj:L
Trifi TK 1
To deck rns
TbV , .
etttta (i row above
i heart of thou they lot.
init no prarlawd (her
. w hen I ant dead.
JJ vrofnl fcms rroa,
lo friend, tw weuns ,
Trt where ITm rD
Vet the iOfturrlniJ wirnitj Tr!vr,
And doi make hillnif; iOtn,
And ec roe to my sleep.
Ijt no stone- above
Mi litnry heatl.
Jjij-iro stlfliim: tflrarrstrme thor.;
, Jrsatlowera will spring np thick an'fair;
The viokta love
The early dead. j4JI Ma YWllounl.
Tkxsm frikndm.
Vfcea 1 wai tUH ti Doy, arid UKHh-'r'j pride,
A Mfki hoy KpCfK up so kind,
"If you do hkej, Vll treat yoo wifV A ride
la this wbe-l-t'TOw here." fa I wan blind
To vbat he had a workup, in his mind,
And mounted for ft puwcDgcr Kni'lo;
- And cornine; to m puddle pretty wide,
.' He tlprsr-d main, grinning? bark hrhind.
-go when a person cornea to ana pretty thick,
' -And shakos my hand, where 01104 he passed ni
And tellirrne he would flo the Alia or that,
1 can't nV thinking of tie Mg boy ' trick 1
;A theairv'or all I can but wak my hat,
. -And Uatk him, I do feci little aliy.
' the poison chamber or paeis.
Rrttlntj aside all treferr-nce to tbe political
txfiv committed dnrinir the long reign of Louis
, tbe Konneemb the "Viand monarquo" of win-n-nt
tieslition there were many social atairia
s.i,.v. .-.ii. dinaoawd its reputed enlendor.
AjdookM tbrsf, the aerie of events which h rench
" writ rs call V affair del poiimu. to nnilonbteilly
Vie rxost remarkable, though It haa been made
at k-aat In modern Urnes no very prominent Btib
' iecf of discnestun. The trial of the Marchioness
" Vie BifnTilik rs, foe poisoning hr father, brothers,
and ollifT victims, baa usually absorbed public
' attention, aa if eti and her immediate accom
plice were aimply associated in gnllt that was
' eperial to themselves ; bnt tbia llrinvilllcrs case
waa laf from bring an Isolated one.
On the contrary, it waft bnt tbe precursor of a
w xenvral ejilein of poisoning. ficxietv, tainted by
tke very worst vices, wan widely infected by the
' lealrewMchpjmv'edlJiBrinTll!ierstohermauy
. - auuiders. It was eren believed that secret labo
ur ntoriea-existed in Paris, where ruined spend
thrifts, members of disunited families, and Im
, '' salient heiitoTs, might obtain antracnnblo poison
' ' Ibatwaa to make them lich, by removing the
objects of their hate. - Till belief, or the appre
benirton arls ng from it, was not confined to thu
T-. Tnlgari but was shared hy the very Judges who
condemned La Brinvillicrs, as mity be sctn, by
- the dlrrcthms given 10 the priest who confessed
" lier be! or her execution, by the First President,
' ' Tuaublgnon, who said : "It Is in the interest of
the, public that ber Crimea should perish with
her, and that she should forearm us, by the do
' clarailon of all ahe knows, asralnst the con
- aeqoeneea which may arise from that know
' - ledge," In thia sxpoclation the judges were dis
appointed. The Alareh'oncss do Ttrlnvilliers wai executed
cn the Tii b of July. lo7G. A little more than a
"Tear aiVrwarda that la to aay on the 21st of
Seotembtr. .1(177 n anonymons letter was
found in a confessional of the Jesuits' church, in
the Hue Saint Antoine. in Paris, in which it was
tati d that a plot existed for poisoning both the
th, nnri thn dnnnhin. This letter rreatly dis
turbed tbe Sieur I.a Keynie, the Lieutenout
Wenrral of Police, to whom it was brought, and
he set to work at once to endeavor to discover its
author. Kventnally, he laid bonds on Louis
Vaneus and Rolicrt de la Mireo. It was aacer
tolled thai Vaneux, who studied alcUamy, was
a manufacturer of Iovo Dbilters. and worse, nay
icg poisoned the Duke of Savoy some years be
fore, while the other was bis aent.
.- La Keynie porsued a system of induction, and
naduallv got at several persons, namely, La
. livsse, the widow of a horse-dealer; La Vigoa
reox. the wife of "a woman's tailor;" one N ax.
and a woman named Lagrange. The two lutter
were convicted of preparing poisons, condemned
as death, ana executta on tne tun 01 reoruary,
1679. At the same time evidence was taken
against La Bosse and Vigourcux, tbe result of
which was tne arresr, on tue i-iu 01 .mhi-cu, 01 a
avrtain Catharine Desbnves.tbe witeot a jeweler,
named Anu ina Mauvoisin, or Voisin, as she was
Mtornmc from mass in the church or tre
Iame dc-Bonne-Jionvollca bad news for many
' ef tbe great ones of Paris. Prom the dtte of La
1 Voisin'a arrest tbe poisoning all'alr assumed un
expected nrmeratons.
Although tbe judges wero enjoined to exercise
tbe almost diacrotion, a rumor aoen spruua
throughout Paris that the highest in rank and
the nearest to the throne were compromised by
La Voisin ; and one tino day, the 2Jd of January,
KihO, warrants were issued for the apprehension
of the Connt de Clermont, a prince of tbe House
f Bonrhon, the Ducbers de Bouillon, the Prin
ces de Tingry, lady of the queen's palace, the
Marchioness d'Alluye, tbe Countess dn Uoure,
Madame de Folignac, tbe Duke of Luxembourg,
and others ot eiual position, and that soma of
them bad been conveyed to the BiBtile. It whs
also s'ated that a sister of the Duchess do Bouil
lon, tbe Conntess de Hoi-itons, Mazarin's nioce,
he who had been tbe first favorite of the king,
and waa tbe superintendent of the queen's house
hold, had, through the indulgence of Louia the
Fonrwcutb, been allowed to quit Paris in all
' haste, and thus escape the misfortune which had
1. befallen tbe rest.
Louis the Fourteenth behaved tolerably well in
this affiiir. He determined to prosecute all con-
.. cerued in it without distinction of rank. But it
must sot be forgotteu tbat the lives threatened
were his own, and those of members of his
. .family. The king's instructions were most pre
cise, and free from partiality. Tho more tbe in-
. , quiiy was protecuted tbe wider tbe implications,
and ibe number of tt e proposed victims extended.
, .The rxrtonages endangered, Ik sides the king and
the dauphin, were tbo minister Colbert, Made
moiselle de la Valliere, and ibe Duchess de Fon
taugea; while the Duchess de Vivunne and
, Mudume de Montespan herself wore Included as
narticnators in the meditated crime.
lA Keynie, who had orders to send a report of
, tbe judicial proceedings every aay ootn to (joioeri
. and Lou vois, routes that on ine o n 01 reoruary,
. pieieiited himself at the king's "levee''
,' at 8U Germains, and that his majesty t iid to
, hltu several things of importance ("pltuieur
, chott dt eoHM-'uvm c ), Sliding mut It " Wits neces
sary to make wur 011 another crime," which he
. did not otherwise explain. The mystery which
attschts to these words 1. a Keynie dues not untold
but the papers which be baa left, and which still
. exist in tbe Imperial Library of Paris, and eUc
where, make it apparent tbat all tbe inte,rioga
tions. put to the piisunei's, wiin tneir replies, wore
, not inditcrkuinutely shown to nil the judges, in
order tbat facts should not bo divulged which
wire intend) d solely for tbe information of the
. kinu.jif CoilH-rt.and of Louvoia.
. Exceptionally, written on Hying sheets, these
examination? could tasiiy riaestroyeu,nuuttius
. a coiumuMOn was constituted within a eommis-
. ion. It was, bt sides, intended that these pers
. should be burned, hut, at always happens in such
rates, iniunctiona of tbis strict nuture are never
.leied : and the originals, as well as copies of
. tbem, remain to this hour, which enable us in a
reat decree to reconnruct tbe trial, the gravity
Ot WUll U lUC 1IU1I 111 Ilia, unj n ns mi iiuui pun.
-wctimr. .Amonest these noiM-r are some which
Joibcrt has chuructcrized as "aacr llcge, profano
tion,.aUiminatlon things too execrable to be vt
-tiov.nan paper" but their nature may be pu essed
At by referring to Dulaure's "JtWory of Paris,"
'though be, too, speaks of it with a certain reti
Umittinr. then, all such de'.aila. we turn
ito the actual trial ol La Voisin, tbe real object of
.which, was to enable the king to ascertain n mere
imrrv actually near his nerson. and enioring his
antimacy, .thoie who had conceived. the idea of
oitoniBg him, or 01 causing bun 13 swallow
jiine street.
U'iie msgaitudc of this .trial may be conceived
Irum tlie luet that no than two hundred
tai forty-six persons were included in iue ac
cunittion, thirty-six of whoa were put to death
at ler undergoing the ordinary aud exlraoriivary
"question" ,(loikJiei, while d' tise whose lives
" wrere f ared, some were condauued to perpetual
. Vnprtimnnient, the pallejS, aud exile, aud the r:et
aUmmlf deinlne J .in contiiibmciit for the re-
- wasiuder ut their (Jy. The Ujot guilty of the
tud. i condemned for poisoning, sorcery,
aue impioua masses, accompanied by the sarri-
tlce of inUuty, n(i iortune,telUci?, however
, , auuklc the IMiF omy noar appear, tvaa looked
;ou as the ro.t of the ltMni evil. La HeyiUe
tells us that m th touiuMu o jjoase (before
ahe was burnt), sU uu.wu.d Uae a,.-preHslv
"Otds :"The be Uuug tuU d( w
teriuiisate the eutir class of aaleta in palmis
try, who are the rut. of wouu f qu" and
- others. weakness be ng k,, id, 0J J 4
lfli t M on wlies k a (lutw(i
The Joi-tune-tcllerwas , In fact, the grand re.
aouice of Lu h realise uulawfal
ensues, and ,b8 u,ort. " 0,fue Miesa ciders
of bud guts w.1 '' jeweler's wife, U Voislu,
v0e fri Ur yjv;fvutt Uw UM of miti-
Wir. Fludlrg tnnt this pursuit brought in too
iittle, fbe reolvtil to snectilate on public cre
dulity ny tsuirg mnunea ny earns anu urawiug
horoscopes, ai-eontpiiKnaneata wnxo were iue
prf rnrsore only of a more lucrative but more
dsngerom prrAr'sion, thafof selling polsona and
phllf rs. lire manner 01 La voisin a arrest was
In thia wix Deaonneed hv one ol the first
bstrb of ptiaotiers made by I ja Kevnle, she was
taken the day before presenting a petition to the
ting m invor of a lever 01 hers, a military otneer
nnTm-d l'.lrsais, arid, once In the unrelenting
grti of the law, ihe htrsclf becatno a general
acre. aer.
Afrotrilri tnjer alatomcnts. she h id beencon-
rnltrd for wicral years by the Countess de
lloure and 1hvlnmc de Pollgnac, who were de.
sirnus of serarlnB the kitin's love, and gettlngr d
of Mndtmvtifelie L Valliere. rihe declared tbat
the Connr-ss de Solssons, desperate at seeing that
Lonis tlie Fcmrteentli remained faithful to his
niistrcs in spite of the spells employed to deia u
him frrai her, hud said : "If he. does not return
tii im ml 1 run not iret hi r turned off. my ven-
innrf shall an the lensth of making away with
tbem both." But, however she milit attempt ti
,mjn k. iwlt hv denoancinif others, enough ef
actus) crime was proved against La voisiu u
cause her condemnation, onu aiwr iue n-ni
i,.i,nnt of tor 1 11 re she was bnrnt ali'e on the
I'la of February, ltMW. llcr judire seem to have
Ihid In a hnrry to executo La v own, wnue ino
greuter part of her tilled accomplices were still
linger arrest, with nnthlnir proved aitainst thorn.
The affair was certainly complioti'd by her
dejih, as it put a stop to further revelations on
I K a i.arf sf thai rtsrn lMst unn inied to make tbem.
But whether they were equally ropable or not of
throwing light on mo great mysieij,
,mmiri afinn anneared ill the person of La
Vnii.n'i itani'htrr. of a woman named Fllastre,
and of two priests l esago and titnhoarg who
,..4. ,! nt certain facta, which, immediately
communicated by Colbert and Louvois, made a
in.nrenion on the king. A letter Iroin
I ,..ol in !.a Revnie. dated the IHth of October,
ltiiS. informs the lieutenant-general of police that
he had been the evening before to Vincennes, ,
where Ix sugc wus conliticd.and that he bad pro
mised bim his life If he made a full confession.
To tbis Lesage, who was an almoner in the
family of Montmorency, at llrst agreed, but atVr
waids dnwback. 'When, however, the girl La
Voisin spoke out after ber mother's execution,
Lesage no longer hesitated, but said be must see,
in the first Instance, what it was the younger Li
Voisin had revealed. According to ner ueciara
tlnn. the object of her mother ill seeking to pre
sent a petition to tho king was to take the oppor
tunity of poisoning him by glidingcertaln powders
in his pocket and scattering intm on nts Hand
kerchief. She declared thut for years past her
mother bad had relations with Madame do Mon
ti span; that one of her women, the Demoi
selle Besivlllets, "who concealed her name,
but she knew her perfectly," had been many
times with her mother, to whom ne guve
letters ; tbat every time Madame do
had feured "some diminution of the king's fond
ness for her," La Voisin was informed or it, anu
instructed to procure masses and send love pow
ders for the king to hike ; and that, finally, these
practice a having failed, Madame de Montespan
had resolved to carry matters to extremity by
employing two of ber motber'acreaturea. Humane
and Benrand, both of whom were arrested, to
introd n ce them selvea into tbe aiiartmcnt of M ude-
moitelle de Fontangea to sell her poisoned stuns
aud gloves. The girl Voisin also spoko ot a
mass performed by the Abbe Ouibourg In the
presence of an Krglish nobleman, who bad pro-
nilseu a nunureu tuousuuu iivies 11 aiv amg
c nld be poisoned.
There were numerous inconsla'cnciesantl seve
ral I its. no doubt, in the girl's declaration, but
La Keynie laid tress upon it because whatever
they might have been wortn It was, in many re
spects, in conformity wnb tbe revelations after
wards made ny more crcaioie witnesses, im;
Abbe I cseite. for instance, declared in his in
terrogatory of the 10th November, 1H8U, that be
had teen the Dcinoisello Drsceilleta with a
foreigner at the house of La Voisin. Their pro
ject was to poison the king, that they might share
a larne sum 01 monev wuicu iue iuromuer uu
nromised them, and then escape from France.
Lesage added that, wore he at his latest
toimmts. ne was aoie to say noiumg eise,
excent tbis: that in the early part of the
summer of 1675. Madame de Montespan
bcinir desirous of maintaining her credit.
LaVt isin and Deeu'illets worked, or made pre
tence or working, for ber; but that in reality
powerless to Insure tbe King's iovo for the Mor
ebkmess, they turned her to account by giving
her poiviicis which, taken in constant uoses.
wonld have been a certain poison. For this pur
note, mixtures, containing arsenic and corrosive
sablimato, hnd been givon to Desmillets, and a 1
person named Vantitr, an artist iu poisons, bad
manniactured simitar powders combined with
snuff- The facts stated by the Abbe Uuibourg
confirmed the preceding depositians, wliL'U
assumed a character of greater gravity from the
circorustunce of the connection between Dosicll
lets and La Voisin, tho lutter having always
font ally denied that they knew each otln.-r. In
thic Tctpect, then-lore, it was clear that I. a Voisin
hsd lit d, unless, indeed the depositions of her
daughter aud the priests were false.
The revelations of Filastre were still more
C' mpromiaing. This woman, a worthy rival of
La Voisin, curried on a regular trade in poisons,
and was convicted, beside the most execrable
arts of wickedness, of having sicriti ed one of
her own cliildien to obtuin its b'ood. One wit
ness declared to have seen a writing in which sua
hud made a formal compact with the devil to
lustre her all she dosired to obtain from people
ol 'luality ; that tbe Duchess de Vivouue, who
s npht to succeed her f i ter-in-law, Madame de
Montespan, in tne king's favor, was named In this
purser; and that there was something in it about
Fouqnet being re-eatablisbed in the place 01 Col
bert, w hose de.nn was aemnnaeu. Accoruiug w
the Abbe lsage, Madame de Vivonne had more
over signed a paper, in conjunction wuti iue
liocbesssl Angoulenie and Madame dc Vitry, by
which 4t was formally agreed to procure the
death of Madame de Montespan.
But to the question on the lillth ot September,
l'iho, La Fllastre declared, amongst other things,
that the A bias Uuibourg bad said m iss in a cellar
over a euro) act between Madame Ue Alontesp in
and a person of quality, .having for its object the
death of Colbert. T. pon these and similar reve
lations, however, no relianue could be placed, for
in her last confession, shortly liefore her execu
tion, La i-Miu-tre told ibepiiest that wb it she hdd
for some time expected the news yon send. It hnt
not ihe Iras surprised and made me sorry (ms
father). I fee by your letter that yon havx given
all the ne ce'sary oruers iwr emuiniK -m. w.
msnderf. Voo have only to continae that
wbiih yon have tegun. Keroain as long as
your prtsence ift neressaty, and then cotwe and
give me an nrrsuni m cvei jiiiuir. iw,, ...
nothing of Father Bourdakne. A to the desire
to open the body, 1 think, it it can lie avoided, it
will be better not 10 uo so. nuuirm a iuiiij.m-
ment on my part to the nrutni rs ana sisicrs, bki
assure them thst they will always find 1110 dis
posd to give tbem marks of my protection.
r "IJt'lS."
As henrt'ess a letter this as could well be wrlt
tn,all tbe desire of tho roval writer being
vi.v-nilv to nrcvent further scandal : the ditb-
cultics which aurlnd the ca-e Increasing
with every fresh step taken to thr.w light uon
It. l a Keynie aprenrs to have foil this, and to
t,'.v.. l,. r.,n,e pnit,arrassrd as 10 the way in which
be shr.u d furttn r proceed. In a letter to Umvoia,
wr.tun on the llih of Octolier, I'lHO, be admits
is,,., ,. .,., tsenetrate tbo d irkness by which
be is cnvironid, and asks tbr further time for
n tie. ton, tbimgh he own", that, after lmlng
n flecied. he may probably be In tho po-ltion of
Feeing Ic-s what ho otmht to do. La It. yniowas
evidently bewildered in a hibvrinth of denuncia
tions, ami the trial seemed likely to last firover,
If tbe mlt.istir Colbert hail not deemed to lake
n. question, lie saw that Its continued agita
tion must have the eff'Ctof compnimlsing, and
mtcht Txissiblv. convict Madame do MontuHpitn
and Madame le Vivonno, with both of whom he
wst connected by family alliances, and of turn
ing to the disadvantage of royalty itself.
lie accordingly desired tbe advocate Duplessls,
ot whom mention has been already mado, to lend
1,1. i,i in btinuii'E the mutter to a crisis hv con
sidering what course, had better be adopted tow
ards the general body of the prisoners. There
were, he ob. erved, three ways of proceeding:
Toe ntimie tho tiial, which was not now thn
wish of the king; to pass sentence on uw mosi
gulity such as 1 s.igc, Ouibourg, and tho girl
Voisin : or to transport without sentence tho
whnla lot lrouferecauicilioi;nnnna,i.aycnne,
the American islands, nt (St. Domingo. Colbert
hlmscll preferred the adoption of the second ex.
fi dicit, on tlie condition of nisi confining some
twenty 01 ine minor cinpriv 111 mifiui mu i,,ii
near I'aris, and of keeping the rest "mi secret li
phi riijottrexix.'
Dunlessis esgcrly took np the matfer, but It
1s rjot necessary for ns to follow the details of
bis arguments ana opinions witu rciurcnca to
the nelsons of quality chiefly compromised, set
fi-rth, aa we have found them, by M. Pierre
Clement, of the Institute of France, who has
examined all the original documents bearing
upon the question, the conclusion at which he
arrived hcing the essential point. After point
ing out, as Colbert bod done, that various
coursi a might he taken, he advised that nil the
m sonera should bo summarily dealt witn. in
sisting atrongly upon the necessity of putting
no n ore of them to tho question, and that all
the proceedings should be burnt, w nn certain
reservations, the advice of Duulcssis prevailed
Ihe papers were not desuojed, nor were all the
prisoners sentenced ; but sacrilices enough wore
La Keynie'a report tells ns bow tbe majority
of the accused were disposed of the canaille, be
it remembered, and not the king a mistresses or
the court icts who hnd been implicated in these
dangerous and disreputable transactions. Thirty-
six tersons weie put to ucutn, among wuoinwero
La Voisin (tho elucr), La Fllastre, La Vigerenx,
n ccr ain Madan e de Craila, several priests, and
Jean Maillard, 11 n auditor 01 accounts, a suspect
ed scent of Founuot. A crent numlier under
went Imprisonment and deportation, and no
fewer than eignty were uciaiueu DyiueHings
order ; and judgment suspended over not the le irtt
guilty of the series such as the girl Voisin, Le-
snae uuirsourir. una Brveruroiners. wnow ueposi-
tlons bad nressU most heavily on Madame do
Montespan, and the liucness uo vivonne. wuai
became of these people was never known, though
the regl ters 01 thn iiti'tuic ana remoter tort,,
ressfs 1 oud doubtless have told.
Constituted by letters potent in the month of
April, 167f, tho Chamher of the Arsenal (or
"Poison Chanilicr") wus not dissolved till the
end of July, Ititil, a period of rather more than
three years. The fact wan announced in a letter
from the king to tbe Chancellor Doucherat, in
which it was stated that tbe principal authors of
the crimes which had been brought to the know
ledge of the commissaitcs of tbe court having
been punished, it had been deemed advisable to
dissolve the Chamber, at tho same time providing
for the safety ot the public. A royal ordonnunce
was also issued about the same time, tbe preamble
of which aet forth that "a sreat number of magi-
ciuna and t ncbantors, lately arrived in r ranee
fr m ton ign countries, had made many dupes
and victims by practising vain curiosities and
superstitious, and mingled sorcery and poisoning
with impiety and sacrilege."
10 remedy this evil, iajuis iuo r otirteentn tie
cretd that all fortune-tellers of both sexes should
immediately leave the kingdom, and then or
0i red the penalty of deutn to be indicted on
whosoever should be convicted of having per-
founed - those sacrilegious and auomlnabla
masses, wbiih had beun one of the principal
ctimes borne witness to in the lute trial. The
sixth article of the ordonnunce showed the un
certainty of the Chamber respecting the agency
of mysieiious poisons: 'Nhall he reputed
timomtst the number, not only those which may
cause tuddtn snd violent ueiitn, out tnoso also
which cutise illnesses by gradually undermining
btalth, whether the said poisons are simple,
natural, or compounded by artistic tne ins.
Finally, another article, which betrayed one of
the chief pre-occuputions of Li Keynie, prohi
bited tbe tmployment as medicaments of certain
dentures, such as serpen's, toads, vipcrn, &c,
without special permission, an injunction bear
ing t n ibe lve-powders ue-tinea lor tue king ny
Mndame de Montespan, according Ut the testi
mony of variouB witnesses. What degree of cul
pability attached to tbo imperious favorite and
the lest 01 tne great personages involved. 111 too
wide-spread accusation which led to tho estab
lishment 01 tne roison chamber 01 runs, must
rather be infeired than declared, but the morals
of ibe time were such us to justify tbe worst suspicions.
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Coclilnaal, Benital Innlan, SI adder, rot Ash, Cu lOoar,
Rods Asb, AlDm.Ollof VI, rlol, Snniittn.Oopparas.RxU'set
of loswnod, A., KOll DYKHS- use, always on hand, at
lowut net cask prtera.
Gronsd expressly Kir oar anlea, and to whloh ws hivltethe
atumtwn of Ussss In want of reliable aruv.loa.
Alao, JSUHIO, STARCH, MVS TABU, dVc, 0 rlr
Orders try mall, nr city post. v. in sneet wlta prompt at-
tenUon, or tpeelal quotations will be furnished when ra-
quesUid. ,
Wl1r) Inig Waretion,
)lMy Ko. 119 M KKKT Mrtet. hor rroiiL
ol TW KU I II and SlM K Hii-rtM. Ia4.4la'
IftT'ft"nt for mine, otntl(trd byiaOkw
TWKI.KTll HirMt Ant dtfb4iwrU
Th trio! crnplels arvrt riv itrmk
bUDtl. eniliHlnir, tn pari, trf Tm ,, Hoiportft, HrioaWer
Articl? lor turnery, HicH Koom, At. tow via
N1N I II fttre-'t. ahoe Markst. Kapra
radically cured by It. )!. KVlilir. T T S I'rcmlura pawnt
tlrailuntlnir !ressnre Trms. Huperlnr Klastlo Blta,
KtaUo Hioeli h.ns. Hupporiers, HtiouJder Ilraces, HBapeB
tortfrs. CniTehos. Ac.
Ladl atliuUid ny airs. 11. c. ivrjiK iT. nra-u
Immtnr and Miuiufsetarer Of the
A H I I r I C I A L AUK,
Approved and edoptod
f..r Sinlillrs.
Ttaa DennanenMv locatesl till omce and Factory at No. ill
H. FnlHilll BUeet. sis iloon below Hpnive, Phllada.
le 'jo-lim
ap No. 730 CHKBNUT HtresM.
Klllptlc Rewind Machine.
1 no iirirvi r a. ouw oewinM wmui
And all the principal Aiming Machines. All idnlahed
from their prlneiial (iiHees. ,
Also, nil kinds ol Hecoiid-ltand Machines, Ibr Bale and
Reissued at the new ouu-o i . .
.No. life N. KKIIlTtlMlreet,
(Over tea years with Sinner a Co.)
ladles U01M to operate. Jel l K us
Te wtx srsr from these ataladlee have rwwthe
rr Iwst ni.pon unity f.r flnd,n rellfl. The ppera'ns
.eitrurlcd hv lr. v'olS Mt II.IHK K Is on.l ,u.i-lly
th. m.nrfecllv eSeellve sa.nt evrr used for reaenui
Ihc-oatof ihnl'eease to which It la dlr ctid, snd era.ll
ratinii II wiih womlerfnl raplcliv. Ti apillcatisiu ie
Dululrta. oni'-c, jo. 01 1 ' mfi.
'o the lenf.-1 r V n Mosohrlssrr, Aurlst, Ko. 1W7
W Irmt strt. operand mo-,t aoccs.nill.v on nov ear..
rricirli t no1 10 pi-rle t licann - 1 sunir-u mnuwtM,
Bt.llclana lailcd a tl.lcXMih'S of the drum of 'he er.
. - nin I itu riilSK Riilhl,'.
Rrs denro, No. 1SI3 It Hcnoud stfeet.
Philadelphia, Ansust V, lH
PuiLnin.eHK.i'nh .liiee.lsiM This Is to certify, that
1... t,.nt tun I wa ireuhled with an ofe islvs d a harsc,
aenipsiuel elill uirn.s. I have heeli ireate l by mi
nivKioa physlelsns whhotit recuvles any fe.ii.ti.
nt',nih. aio I ai'P'lsil 10 or. von jionvu,..,,
eotcwpll.l..d.perieotcur.' ,, .,,.
Of the firm ofBhoemalifr Tlsdel, wefhenn.
No Vll N. Broad utt'i.
rtlvalo rcsldcnee, "o. 712 Oroen ttieet.
r.r.- tr VOW MOarttziiltFH can tie eonsultel on, of iUe HiJK'llcAU op ratlona to
rcaiora Hltillt aloliullv a-rfirmed
Where hundred" of slrullir testimonials al Uieao.ive eatt
becsamlned. suo-ir
1 BKAl'Tr.
If tA til AtlmlrtPR yr:
K to cmi- liivid (lid ith ;
If tf If? a tiltmminir H'tr,
Kadi mi, tlylatit In an Uur Hr.AUi I
? to tlfivfl h.t of tV -! ;
If ft vicm 10 ma m,nli;
II with l(iih -irorB t o-hI in wl;
If mmbrc stwtie wht d J. vi- Wi Ar t .
If Wi liv thrcior-r1 and n n,
WlihlltK il an Ions nvnlO;
H 10 Hvr a lo of pf a-A ;
Il to dia a nl no to yreat& n:AXrii t
If yon wmh a Ufa of altyaanrafl ;
It vim a'iie thm world n taVHiurei i
W vrry ronifo t yon wonll
TaKc ini auvM-6. ml wish ait hre.
Than, haying Pi-nMh, Wealth, anil Beauty,
You'll tn pr prl for tven ilnty.
IlTarflr,' ol Ir. W1M,tM YOITO'R V-w
Book, TUP, MAHKIAUK 4riI)K, whrt'h hull l" raJ
by ffwy rVil by liooBtj-ri nen) aHy, anil at the
ceuta. M
K N Y H I M O N H,
Offloe,No.Bai MOW MAEKliT Btrset,
And Fartiry, ooroer of
All an sveay ktsd of
and TlMUKet WilH.K.LH, adipKsl to Army. Boad, Sutler,
or t'lantatloa purposes. AU work warranto!.
ar-Ordera oromprlr aiteided to. lai-tf
said of Mndame de Montespan waa not truo, bi'ing
Influenced to make thmn by tuu severity ot Uio
torture, and tbe dread of Us tii-intf reapplied.
Tbrre were discrepancies enough in these ac
casntioos, but they pioiluoed a very paiuful ellcct
on Louis tbe 1'ourteinth's uiiml, as appears from
a Tolutiriuous etrios-of exwaots from tbo exi;uil
natioiia suade by Colhcrt biiuself; from tbi: ol
tervatioiissif li,ule Duplets!, a eululiratcd utj
vociito of the time, to whom thi y were suliiuit
ti d; uod iioui the letters writ en on tho suliji-ct
by IxkjvsiIs to tbe king aod tbe Uoutonant-gunQ-ml
of uolioe.
It did, boHever, plainly appear that the liixhost
p, rsoiiufHs at court, tbe kiiiir, tiie flinen, toe
ilaiiphin, Colbert, tbe I)uelicle la V allien;, the
Duihteetse I'ouianws, mkut hav been tho ob
jects of riiniiual attempts, the pressiuiaJ authors
of whicb wfre the i.'utiutess rto Soissons.tlio il r
( hloness dc Moutespun, the Duchess dc ft'ivounu,
anil Fouani t or bis iiut iits, aliiic. Maihwie do
Muntenpiin was tierself in dimmer from impiiticnt
rivals. 1 he situuiioD 01 uoioerx was lymuj pecu
liar, numerous witoessi s coiu uriiug in ubu aiiser-
t on llial bis 111 waa thrcait neil, ami ihih .11 1 bis
ow n letters 1ms it teiide.111 y toeoiitirta tbtiir ilecia
tut (ins. "As my stotjiMrb is ill at eus;" lie
wrote, on the Wtb of Novem'H-r, 1072, "4 btve
for ion e time adoi tcd a verv nrelal rcxiineti
I dine ali ne, and take only a Rbb ken and soup
at tbat meal. In tlx- evening 1 eat a Ut liruud
and some Imith."
This ii-ginicn, w hieb w aa c nimntil -at' .1 1 1 I.a
Ilej nie, lunile him suspicious of the eatise, and
In oiit (it bis Instructions bo directs attention to
'the time wl tu M. Colbert was ill," ami desires
that sesreb may be made for "a servant who It id
been tuimercd with." One thing is carious Ji)
this business; louvois never once mentions Itie
mime of Madame tie klnntespnn, though the
papers of Collwrt aud I-a lie) nie suiliuivtitly till
up tbe gap, and In reading those of the lieuu naut
general of police, the fluctuating opinions of tbe
king respecting the accusations made against bis
mimics, may be traced from day to day.
Mm h thut was alloced against bar was, with
out doubt, of too monstrous a nature to lie true,
but Ul Kei nie bad too much ex perienee of crimi
nal proceedings readily to accept denials of
former statements when tue tacts were there to
show tbat there was good reason for having
made them, anil In one of his papers he says:
"Tbe denial made by La Voisin to the last, of
having any knowledge of Madumoisellc Uo
m ilh'ie, la rendered the more suspicious by her
obstinate persistence in it, because It has been
proved tbat there waa intercourse between them,
and if Madcmoiaclle liesuillets herself denies
tbat intercourse, it appears that thalcircumslance
ought to inereuac our suspicion.
T. 1 . 11 , l.wl.n J I V..... 1. a wl,.la rf IK.
11 U CI lUCUli III,, LV,, , 1 u,u uv nuwiu V.
document, although be makes certain rescrvca
as to the veracity of tbe accused, tbat be inclines
to the belief that Madatne de Montespasl had au
jjlitd to i Voisin and I Filantre for powders
iat mbht have endangered the king's lite, and
that Madame de Vivonne, ber own sister-iu-law.
jjsould not have shrunk from tbe employment of
poison to get rid of a rival, lie also seems to
admit tliat tbe Duchess de Fontanges, then a prey
to an Incurable maliuly, had been poisoned,
Burmors to thii etfet t were, lu fact, in general
circulation, and the l'riuoesa Palatlna whose
iiiuui ot honor De Fontangea had been, did not
hesitate t express the same opinion.
Tbat lh king himself had doubts, appears by
the following letter, written by fain to the Duke
ii Noaillea, on receiving from him the news of
ttie von n a- ducheea'a death, on the iHih of Jane,
YM i-' rs'uii('T v?n p'jJiHi, Although I hv
Kot only trNKXI'MJ.t.D bnt PSF.f)OAIJ.F.t tn poritj
nt 1 -nil h,or . il,'i,linod Mot-elttilv ssr I1iurcri-i ana
Hchools, but looud tolw eiiually wcU adapted to theParloc
aud lrawlns Jtovni. furaaieonty by
No. 18 S. BEVKHTII Htreet,
Also, a enmpleta aisortuent of tho perfect Modooa
aonetautly on bend. lavbMos
No 91 8 F.IUHTH Btreet,
' rreueh Jewelry, Leather Goods,
Wor Rfsee,
Beads, Ac.. Ac naUMsi
MAxrrAcroHKJt or
Politic al Campaign Clubs Ditod out with Lanterns,
Badscs, Banners, and Fluti. at reasonable rates. J eft 3m
1 iiamis: r HOt'KS.
On and eft.-r MiiNDAY, Ausatt 1,1964,
Passenger trams leave Philadelphia tor
Haiiiuioniat4 30(Kspies. Mondays exeepto),8-0ti A.
M..l'i M-a-an. d loao P. M.
Chester at b 05, U 14 A. M., 1-30, 2 30, 4-30, 00 and U'OO
r m.
Vt lln-lnsfon at 4 r0 (Inndavs eieepteisl, 6'05, ll'U A.
HI.. I .i. 4 JO. H tn .HI. Si ami II IIUP.AI.
w Castle at -i A.M. and 4 '30 V. M.
l.,,v. r at Hi..-, A M. and 4 'JO I'. M.
Ml'li ld si 8K1 A. M
hahshury at H I r, A. M.
THA1NM KOIt rHlt.AT)KU'HH. , ,
leave Bnltimore at (., K-40 A. M. (Express), 1 10,
' ' iSTlnlli'shrti'a'u -4,-,, 9 A. M.,li 21,1,1 15, 4-00, 4-JD,
7 fllid :l HI 1 . M.
wallsleiry at U-M A M.
Mlllord at 'i 4ti H. M.
los. rni i; ; o A. M., and I'M P. M.
Hewt'all-atH:)ilA.,M .andil-i P.M. ..
( heater at 7 4t, 8 40 A. M., l l, 2 4.1,4 40, 6 00, 7'Wl, 9 )
. of.
Leave Bnrtlmore for Salisbury and latcrmediate stations,
at 10 is P. M.
Leave Baltlniore ror liover ana imera'-uiaie siauoni as
LeaveChster at s 0 A. M ,3 's-i and It (si ; . M.
Lravo WllnuriKton at i'3.i, S'.'i A M 3 40 end 11-40
r.jt. ...
FrolKhf Trains, witn rassenger vox bwiiwii, mu
SB follows : ...
Leave Wilmington for Poiryvlllsaiid Intermediate places
VlfN rA?'H 1-On'y ot 4 30 A. M . lO-'W P. M., from rhlla-delphlalo.lialllniore.
rroril I'lillaaeipiua w n iiihiiikwii , 1 -w .. v w,
ana 11 P. M. ....... . . M
From WllnrlmMon 10 i-nuaui'ionia ai i ii a. hi ami 1 o
M. Oull at Iwii P. M . from Haiti noro 'o Phlladiilplua.
jal 11 V. KENNKV, sinperluUnuleiit.
No. 418 AltOII BTREET,
BoiuMrs, Betrlmeatal and Company Flogs, "words,
Isaakas, Bans, Feasants, KpaaJeu, Bats, Caps, Oanteeas,
Haversacks, Camp Kits, l'leld Olaaiea, Bpori, and every
thing pertaining to las complete oatnt of Army aad M avy
A llherol dteocuut allowed to tlrfi trade. mylO-ta
AVe have all heard of Sir Boyle Roche's blun
di rs. Dickens giies us an account, of some of
thoie which happily are preserved. In one of his
spreehea he eaid : "Sir. I would give up half
ny, tbe whole of the Constitution to preserve
tbe remainder." This, howevt-r, was parliamen
tary. Hearing that Ailuiiial Howe wus in quest
of Ihe Flench, he remarked somewhat pleas mtly,
that "the Admiral would sweep the French licet
iff the face of the earth." lty aud by c.itno dan
gerous times of UisuUection, tmi honest men's
lives were insecure. Sir lioyln writes from tho
country lo a Irimd in thecapitul this discourag
ing view of his position : "You may judge,"
te. says, "of our state, when I tell you that I
wii: this with a sword in one band ami a pistol
in the other."
On another occasion, when tho famons letter
lo ibe l'ubtir Attiritnrr were uttractitig
attention, eir Boj lo wus heard to complain bit
terly of the attacks "of a certain anonymous
wilier tailed Junius." lie it was who recounted
that muivellous performance in gymnastics,
when, iu a tumult ol Inyuity, he "stood prostrate
nt the ieet ot bis aoveicign." lie It was who de
nounced in withering Imiguagu the auostite
politicitin who "luinidhis back upon himself."
lie it wbs who introduced to public notice the
ii gctiioiis but partially ronfusi inci ii hor of the
rat. "fiir," he said, udilressing the fspeuker of
the Irish H' tee, "I smell a rut. I see him
hooting in the air. Hut mark me, I shall yet nip
bim in Ibe bud."
Then was afiinums spect h which confounded
gmi rations. "I don't sec, Mr. speaker, why we
should put ourselves out of tbewiiy to nerve as
teiily. What hns posterity 1 ver itotic for us ?"
He wtts a little disconcerted by tho hurst, of
iBiiu'liti r that followi I, and piococoVd to explain
bis meaning, "ily posiinij-, sir, 1 do not menu
our ancestors, but tiiose who conic immediately
niter tbem." His lnvltullou Ui the fentlraiHii on
his travels was hospitable and well mcaut, but
equivocal. "I hope, my lord, if you ever come
within a mile of my bouse, you'll stay there all
night." He it was who stood for the proper
dimensions of the wine-bottle, and proposed to
parliament tbat it should be made compulsory
thut "every pint bottle should contain a iuart.
Very pleasant and yet perfectly intelligible was
his moaning, thoiigh it unhappily took the bovine
shajsc, in his rebuke to the eliociniitier when get
ting shoes made for bia gouty limbs: "I told
you to make one larger than the other, and in
stead of thut yon have made cue rmiiUrr than tho
other, just the opposite."
A )a4-tf
T A ai lis UAH UBU'H
O wniii us.,1.1 tm 1UTII
a. K. corner 8KX l b sod CUESNCI Streets, rhlUd'a.
aos.N'-v eoa thk rATrsv
F.t3UAt.l.IN rillBTT-DAT CLOCK8,
Avery desirable eit'ole for Churches, Hotels, Banks,
CoiiiitlDS-xouse. n'w. 00.
Also. MANl '1 A"l I Il Kit t)F I IHl OOLD PF.1T8.
i UK KH ItRlv.lliKU AND WAIlRAttTaU.
tall-ly Cii eS I ilu.iiiinsB ut every deeotlptioa.
oud SIIMWI. air, -,-. hays Iaoiuonds, Watches, Uokl,
Mhrer. aud Loan 1 UM.-S I. .
IliOsi if. WANT OF JiONKT,
a.UUiiuen tsiu.,,v.,i. mylS-tat
DM 0 N 1' n 80UDEB k 00,,
0KT s. , aiiBX WIIARP,
nin. unr.i thia.
ar.wrsTp a. sof '
eH.-aii Ai.u or n . t
an-fui.v i. aorii i
Tlie Government is ubout to build au army
bottplia! at VUca, N. V,
Ooldsclimldt, the bnsbnnd of Jenny LiuJ, is
writing r.riiclts in London in favor of the Danes.
A new spider haa beeu discovered at tho
Ararat diggings in Australia. It is about half
the size of tbe common tarantula, and is kaudett
longitudinally, with alternate stiix s of very dark
green aud giey. The back is titruished with a
kind of Shell, to which there art fifty entrances,
from which young spiders may be seeu leaving
aud aguiu return ing alter a short atay outside.
Thomas L. Hun-is, in a' poors, entitled "An
Epic of the Starry Heavens," published in 1831,
l.aa the following prediction :
"O Karth, there dttli even now for thue await ,
A fieire, red eondesretluu, thai shah weup
All IV rius of wrobv ilae sparks into llie deip.
Hi) KoMsrr Tifaua.Kaiih. wlio baud OnhJjh
To impious huljlon ol Hlatery, s
fleet. lus to ei eiie the epliniaclilng floiid, shall bs
ISi-atleMid i their very lout-prims luiue shell see.
tie Uowers o hive oud lltx-rty shitU tiiowu
l UiilraotteuWaih."
V, urks Nf i.l I.F.VY, 1'rartlcol and TheareUcal
F.nulM-oia, .Yls'-J'iui.t, ItoUur-uokers, llloi-kamlths and
1 i.umu rs, hi. in.;; loi iny years brenmiucceasiuioera
tiuu. and hi-en esflusirely eiiKamsl ui tuiUdhiit and repair
lug Jlarlne anil lilver Lnillaes, hlah and low pressure, Iron
Biulers, wafer 'lanks. rroueiiers, are. c, raspeoiiuuy
ort.r ll.i Ir services to the pubUc as being fully prepitred to
eontreot for r.ugiaee of an sites, aiariue, uiver, aua bm-tloneri-:
havliie s, li ot l.attoi us of dltlt-nuit sires, are pre-
pared to execute ordt-rs w lib quirk diwpAlcli. tvery de-
s-. nptloa of patu-ni-inakkig made at Uie siioneet aotioe.
UU;li aua low pressure, r me, i uDmar,aauc ruuuer isviigie
A.tiie hoMt PenAavivaaia chorcijal Iron. FoivIuks. of' nil
alee and kluda; Iroa aud hrase CaatltiKS of nil dscrtp-
uoi.s; koU-tunung. herew-euuiag, aua ai. ouier wors uai
a..., h llh 1 1 J. !-( I ,M .in,-.
lirawlnss and speciSieiloiu l an work dons at this
astatillsliiuenl free of charge, aud work t:uarahUsl.
Ihe eubscrtlx-rs have ample wtiarl-duek ruum fsf re
pair of Ix sits, where th eao Ue lu perfect eaiety, and ars
iirovlikd with alieari, bliAiks, falls, die., Ac, for rwituuj
tea, y au4 liht , JAro c. Ktlf.
JOHN I!, usvr,
10. tf ' BEACH aud l'ALslttt Biroet(.fJ
lOI'e HF.W OMR l.leF.S). ItH.
1 tie f'amdew and Ambry and Fhlla.llpMa and Truntmi
Railroad fx mpaassa t-lnet foi Pluladelpfila u New lork
and W aj Pie e
Will leave as h-lioes. me. : rAsa.
At s a i..,al smSfn and Amtssy, C. snd A.Ar-
rommo.iais,n ti ift
At S A. M , via ( amdn and Jersey tlty, Morning It
At VI M .vlaOsniden and Amtioy.C and A. Acejm-
hi, calioi U.'i
At a P. At. via CsmueB and Aliilioy, v;. aud A F.-
fr.'s J'Ji
At 1 P. M..vla Oeiuden and Amhoy.Aceomsi,HlalloD
!trrli'ht and Pes.i-nser) l7ft
At s P. si., via 1 amiU-n and Amhoy , A-r,,miuolalkun
(Frelaht and PasSeug' rl 1st Class Tteket 1M
Sd Tins- do.... :si
Al t P. M.. via llainden sn1 smsn, ArcitiimiHls.
lion (Frelsht and Paseeliger), 1st Cluae Tu-ket.... TV
3,1 ( do I Ml
For Maiich Chiinlr, Alh-nfy.'wn. Hrthh-hem, tlelvlduro,
F.aFUn, I ainh.'Ttvllle. Fi-mlnKtn. Ac , ;l-.Sl P. M.
Fir .aiulMrivllle and lnt.riui.llale H'ltlons.nt HP. M.
Fur JUuiilit Holly. Kvensvllle, IVmb.-rton, and Vlnceo
town, i n A. M.. 'i .Hid "i I'. M.
1 or Kr shold nt ti A. M. and P. M.
F.r Palmyra, Hlverton, Illmo. Ileeerly, nurllnaton,
Fli rei,re.llo..l. nl-mn, t S A. .M.. 1 2 M., I, .1 .Si. ,
ends P. M. Ibe 3 KlaadiP. M. lines run direct Ihroush
lo Tr nton. . . ..
F..r p. mura, Klverton, Delanco. Beverly, and nnrllnx
ton at J P. it .....
ftteamtioat Trenton, ror fl-lsmi, unrurainn, .o-.Teny,
Torraitale, ard lai ony nt !!: A M. and J .to I. M.
I.IVFH FKisVi KKNSl'iro.S llU'Ot
Will leave as
At4 A.M., tuishi) via Kenslnirton and Sew lork,
ashlnsnm and NVw York Mall ttti
At II 16 A..M., via Kensington aud Jersey city Ka-
pr's . o'tS)
At4-so P.M., via Kenslnaion and Jersey City F.x-
pre-s a'00
At S !.'i P. at., via P.en'lnetofi anil Jirsry ( lty,
Washini'tun and New York F.spreee 3 ft
Romlav lines lesvr al 4 A. M. and ! 41 P. M. There will
be no line si 4 A. M. ( Nliiht) on Mondays.
For Water lisp, HiMudsbnra, m-runtoo, wllkesharrs,
Monirose.Oreat llend, M.uirh I 'tiunk, Al'en'onn, Methle
hsm. Fo'lvitlfre. Fa.ti,n. Lsmberlvllle. Flemlneton. Ac ,ot
7 1ft A. at This line nnc, Is wlih the train teaitns Kaston
for Men, hi lunk al J ;K P M.
Per Lemlr1vlhe and Intrrni' iltale stutlons at S P. M.
For Bristol, Trenton. Ac., at 7 l.'.and II 16 A. M., and
P. M.
For llolmetbunr, Toconv, Wlsstnoralng. Brldeshnnj, and
FrankH r.l at 11 A. M., 4, ft w, and S P. M. Tho i) A. M. Una
runs 'o liristol. .
rf-Fi,r New York snd Way Lines leavlnir K-nlnirton
Ti.w,, l.k. Il,e enr mi s lllh street, above Walnut, hell an
hour hernia departure. The Cars run Into Uie lit put, and
on at rival of ench train run from the pepot.
Finy pounds of bneeiHe only allowed earn passenires.
Paisi nseis aie pr. ,1, lOlt.-vl from livklnn anytlilnr as haicsai.e
lull IRrlf wcaillif apparel, nil oexsiiKR m.j r
to ho paid for estia. The Company limit tiielr responsi
bility for liagt ase to One IloUnr per pound, and v. 111 not Ue
liable for any amount beyond tloo, exoept by special eoo
trart liraham sPsirirsKe F.spress will call for and deliver hng
gave al the Depola. Orders to be leit at NoHWAI.Sb'T
urn, Wot. II., Agent.
From foot of Courthino slre.-t at VI M. and 4 P. St., via
Jersey City anS i snitlcn ; s. 7 and 10 A. M.,6 P. M , and
H (Nlshl) via .lersi y City and Kensington.
From hsit oi llnrrlay nlreet, al A. At. and 2 P. M., v. a
Amhoj and Camden .....
From Pier No. 1 North River, at II M., 4 and NP. M.
(I- night and passenger) via Amhoy and Camden.
i;bf.ioht links for nkw youk and
X all ihe stations on the Camden and Amboy and con
necting Railroads. tlF.SPATC I.
The r.mrien and Aiuh.iv llallroad and Transportation
Compsiij s Freight Lines flir New York will leave Walnnt
eireel wharf, on ami after January s, uauy i nuiiu7a e-
fl-n.-.l I - , A ...Ine It M.
keturniiig, the above Lines will leave Mew Yo-k at 1 and
Freight snust he delivered before 8.', P. M. to be for
warded the same day.
S rl.lil foe Irentou. Princeton. Kingston, New Bruns
wick, and all points on the Camden ami Amhny hallniad;
.lu, nn lha Hmviilern. llelawuro. ailll KlCmlUUt'in . I llO NO
Jemei . ihe Freehold and Jamesburg, and the lliirangton
atid Monnt Molly Itatlroaita, received and torivanted up lo
l'.'.'v o ch ek P. U. Small pack ages lor .Mount UoUy received
up to i o ernes r. .si .
Th liAivi.iere Tiotaware Haltroad eonneets at Phtlllps-
bnm with the Lehigh alloy KaUroad. Tbe New Jersey
Kallroad eonneets at FMUaheth with the New Jersey
Central Ksllroad, and at Hewark with the Morris and
Esses lliiilruad
A slip memorandum, specllylng the marks and num
beis shippers aud iwnshine, s. must In every Instance bo
sent I b i iii h load of goods, or no nreipi will lie given.
Incressedtaeliltles having been made for the transport a-
il,n n I I VI- MTIil-U . ilmvera are Invited to trv this route.
When I h .OM-k lii furnished In uuaiittiles of TWO OAK
I.OAIiS or more, It will be delivered at the foot of Fortieth
street, near the Prove Yard., or at l'ler -No 1 Norlh
ltlver, as the shippers may deslcnate at the time of the
shipment. W s LTK.M t Kfcr.MA rs, r reiuni Agent,
No. 'JtlH H. IVelawarn avenue, Phltadelphia
GEO. II. KAY' MOM). Freight Asent,
ja5-tf Pier No. 1. North ltlver. New York.
Pllll.AHF.I.I'IIIA 1J BHIlOKI.vai,
r I i r.
at. -
inn 114,
FenF II.
Kf'fTtowTicitr.Ts n.iiooi) port THitrr. h-
On and aner MONDAY , tou St I, s.4. trnlns will h
f.M of YINK sllieel, Phlla leiplila. every morning a! I
M. (Sinul. y. es(ep,te),ll,e, ie l.t tlie Camden aad
Isntle and Mnrltan and lielawtre Hay ltallnals lo i
M nmxiith, and b Ih.- ci-mniiMll.ius ateainer Jesee I .
to f, ot of Atlantic street. Ilro-.klvn fesurnine, leave j'
Isntti- ftreel W halt aver) day (riundaya amcepted), I
A VI. t.
Travelers to the r!ly of New Vnrk are aoflrtednj
a: pl Sr pssce hy this bae, IheHlate of New J
huiiog srenifd lo the Canteen aid Ainlsiy Ble.none.1;
evi l'i-he ,rl ll.g. "I earn Ine piiisenser. and f, etiri
Iwi ta li e eulea ot Philsiteitihia an,l New York. WW
W. F. (IHIr HrTs). H' nirai Hupertnteodele
on and aner MONDAY, May 16, lseit, nntil wide'
rot ice. i
Leave Philadelphia . 7, S.'.l In II, 1 A. V. t I.J.I
.)',, 4, s. r. ,ii ;, M, in. it. iv p m ia
Lin., to rmnt,, n. , J. 7 s, s 10, , 10, It , IS Aw
1. . . H.4 . , ii, S S. o, 10. li, snd i P. M. w
Thes ii ,!,,. n. and the and ,! trains up, da BOfe
n tbe Uerniant- n Hratii h. a
Leave Philadelphia, d, s, lu, U A.M.l I, ',',
an-l 1 1 P. M.
Leave Chesmit HH1. 7-t0, , '4f,ni 0 A. M-l !,.
S 4o,6 4", S 10, snd 10 40 p. M. "
I.euve Phlkulelihia ,S3J, Ulsi A. M.; l',a,4
.'..S I S. ami II P. M.
lesie Nnrrlstoen,6,,7, IWI.I ami U A. M. ; IPs
ami PP. SI. e.
ie .i1, train no, wm stop at wissahlrkon, Manaya1
and Coiishoi ken only.
nitlsiAaicpia. r
Liave Philadelphia. ii,a so.
S t .', and II.H r. yi.
l.esve .Mnnayulik.S'a,?
11. K. SMITH . tleneral Kurerlrtewilen
re, .It Depot, NINTH and liKKEN Mire-'
MAI'S H CHI NK, I1A.1.E1U.N, W 1 1.K KS II AKa t
ADiurioNAi. rims.
On and after MoNHAY, June l;l, 1H4. PassengerT
will leave the New ilit, 1 lllftll Nlreel, ulxoe Tti
son stiei t, I blladeiphla, diuiy (Hundays esceptod
"'"' a'ii. (Espress) for Bethlehem, Allentown, H
O nt'k, wiikesharre. Wllllamsport.
'1 l.i A V . i Arrow uii 'lstit'ii ) '"r Jinvlestown. ,
101'. s M i Arrrtin'Mlelliii' Sir F.-n Wealilnra
b P VI. I i Ti'S.nnV'Sll 'HJ 'or 'K tev- r . . ,t
V4f r . M. i,r P'f"..j er iwtr ien-m, risi -i, c. sr
4 IS P . y.. I il i,. si I testoe n
Si:, P at . (Ai. mmoiletlen) S BeUlK-hjm, All M
Mall, Ii I I .
fl l,1, I', si !.v ,s mmodatsjHi) for loeie.
11 P. M. lAcC'imiuodatiMll) for e'o- W.:- ngu,r,
Leave TIettilehem at 6 M A M . ' A M ,andd-1f
In.yleslown at 6-40 A. Al., 3' w r. si., ana I r. aa. ,
Lsnnlste at S A. At. .... k
Fort Waslilngtoaat II -JS A.M. and IP. M. . "
Philadelphia r Bethlehem at a A. at. t k
I'hllsilelphla lor lioyiesuiwn bvo i-. m. , g
lioyleskiwu for Philadelphia at7 W A. M.
li..,l.l.,h, , l.,r I'hrmlehth a at 4 P. M. T
tiiiin..n-. iianffaee t vtisei, ill rail tvr and dc!tv
gnize at tlis depot- orders may oe leu a xiw. se o.
jU F.UI,1S VLasn,
o, ITis'i A M., 1.'.', 3,4Xi I
,8-W, 9,'Llls, A. M., t.l
smiuvit ahraNosimf.nT.
THKOI 1SI1 IN TWO nor its 1 1 1
Four Iraloa dally to Allontlo City.
On and iincr MoMiAY.Julyl.UaiuaruavaVluestraet
Ferry us follows ;
Jilull, a.m.
Ficiyht. with passenger ear nltnehed.t)'16 A. M.
F.xpresa (through In'i hours) i no p. M.
Allantlc Accimui')dntlon,4-16 P. .Y
Jauetion Acriiiuin ntatli'n, 6 :S) P. M.
Aceommooatioii (Atlautic) o'4e A. M.
F.xpresa. 7'0S A. M.
llall,4'4S P. M.
Jutictloii Acisimniodatlon. 6?2 A.M.
Fare to Allan Ir, ll-uu. Uouml Trip Tickets (Rood only
for the day and truln on which Ihey are Issued) H UK.
r.MHt tl.Mitejrsr ie.i.1, insns,
Inve Vine street 10'le A. M. and 1 ISJ P. M.
Leave Uaddouflrld I't-'i P. M. andl tiiP.M.
Vail train for Atlantic leaves Viae street VSO A.M.
Leaves AtlanUc 4 4 P. il .
jea0-lf JOHN O. nitYANT, Agent.
AltnANOKSll'.N I .
On at d alter i-kiuai . April l, iwri, tne rains win leave
SIAT1IINS. A.M. I' M,' StSTIOSS. A.M. 1'. .
Oxford ..Hfl" riillailrlphla.... S'UO ISO
West I .rove .ow noa esti nescer... I .u e ,o
Avnndale lid 4 (il W. C. Junction.. HUH -VII
Kennett I 417 Concord V t i'.'sl
Cbauu s Ford.... 7 I'J 4 41 Chudil's Ferd,... '4I ti ll
Concord -8'tO 611 Kennett 10-05 S .17
w.c. Junellon.. Slo 6 l Avonsaie lo-.'i i,-;s
Phlhidelphla 8 vl li"J West isrove.... 1" 1 01
We.i Chester.. ..II .01 6.111 Ovfnrd 10 ,'sl THO
Passenger In tot In Phlludeiphia has been chstiKed iruia
Eighteenth and Market streets, to TltlltTY-FtltST aud
AlAhKF.T ctnels. West Philadelphia. Market Htroot
Pssserier Ralln ay Cara convey Pusst-ngers to and Irotn
the Drpt.
Passengers go throush without ehflnge of cars.
ju4 HKIvUY VVetiD, HiipcrlnlcntlenL
O nlns; time of Ttultis,
conimor.clog FRIDAY, January
1 isu
From Walnut Btrtet Wharf at A.M., Hand 4 P.M.,
freight 12 a.. Returning, leave halcm at 4 A. M.,b'0J A.
At.. 110 P. il. Freight da'iv em h way. Apply to
' MilltTON Agent.
Second Covered Pier above W AI.NI'T surest,
H DKI.AWAI1K Avenue.
Ia4-tl J. VAN RENnMF.LAKIt.Kepertntnccut.
pnixAJ)i:u'iLi. .
Ws are f rep snd ta fill orders to aay extent for our wall.
know a
Including all recent Improvements ta Coidlu, Bpojauut,
and Wealing.
Vt invite iue attention of manufacturers to our extaa.
'wr-tf' ALFRED JEN KB at BON.
-fJjfaMaWslpool touching at OuceUHtrwn, Cork Harbor.
ilie wrli-known sleamera or the Liverpool, New York,
and Pbilatlelphia Hieatuship Company are lultuded to
.ail as lollop s .
(-(TY OF WAHIITNl ITOV. flatiintny, Anytlst fl.
CITY OF i!A NCI1F.HTF.K, HalurOay, AukusI IU
CITY OF LONDON. Kalurday. August .sj.
And eserv sueceedliig Haturaay, at anon, IVom Pier Xo.
44 K oi Ui Liver.
Tav able In Cold, or itsiooiialeni In Currency :
iirsi Cabin atera-e NM-oo
First Cabin to I.ondou en is) steerase to London... al fi
Firet Cabin tn Purls... p.. On B'eerage to Paris 4u oo
1 IrstCahln tulliimburcWi-OJ fteeraseto llaniliurg.. S7 00
Passengers lire ulso lorwanlcd to Havre, llreutoti, Kol
terdum. Antueip. Ar .at eutiallv low rules.
Fore, fn in Liverpool or ytieenstowti : First Cabin, 7.',
l-sii, slo.'i. eiteenir from Lii cri-iii und inireuslnivn, a i.
Those who wish lo sol d tor their ftleuds cau buy tickets
here at tl ie runs.
i orluitlui luioiiur.tlou spi-lyat the ComnanVs oiViccs.
JOHN (1. DAI.K.Agrut,
Mo. Ill WAl.Nl 1 Street, li.ll.ddpUia.
2asuieiaZ Bteamsblp Uue, sslllag from eaoh p-,rt oa
bA'l I Kl'AYS. Irvm ttrst hart above PINK btreat.pnila
dilph a. arid l.oug WhalT, Huston. Flom first Wharf
ab ve PINl.Mireei.ini Saturdav. August 13, 1H..I.
The slemssbipbAXON, MslUiew. will salt from Plills tor Huston. on Hatttrray.Allgu.t LI. at lOo'clook A.
M t and Iheatramshlp NOKMAti, r.aker.lromltMloBfur
I l iladt-h liia. ua same day, at 4 P. M.
These utw and substantial stesinahlps forni a regular
hue. uitlli,:.' fiom each port puniitusllv un 8aturdass .
Insurant ei eflvcted at oui-hau tke iiretaluia chargevl oa
anle v csseis.
Fn iclits taken at fair rates.
Hiiipper. aro re'iuested losrud Slip Bcceluts and BuTs
Lairnig wlih their goods.
For 1 isiuht ot l assage (having fine aceommrMlstioni)
gpplyto HF.MlV WINMilK A to.,
jal-tf ' No.iitgt H. DKl.AVVAitE Avwnas.
On ard after MONO A Y . Janaarv 4. Ifv04. the Trains for
New Yoik, leaving kensl. glou Depot, Philadelphia, at
912 A. M (Night), and '1 'M v. .M., and the trains h aving
New York at 8 A -M. and 7-so r. si., win nereatter oe run
vein.ivele ft.r tte lluited Htatea Mails and ft ew York
and Washlnatota Passengers, aud will not take In nor kit
opt any pu. seniors between sold cities. ...
1 he Iti A. M. and Pi Midnight Lines f'om New York to
v,.l,itnn end the II nil A. M and 6 P. M. Lines from
Washington to New York, will continue a. at present, and
carry pa-sergcrs to and from the intermediate stations and
1lnlll,.,.rn. W HMhlniftatt. S O NetV York.
Lines leave Fhllade uhla. ftom Kensington Depot, at
H'l.'iA.M ,4 00, and tWo P. M., and li'.'SI uildalnt, and
rromW nlniit Htie.-t Wharf (via Camden), at and 8 A.
M.. VI M .. 4 ard ti P M.. lor Mew York.
And leaves New Yoik, from foot of Cottrtlandt street,
at7A.SI-.loA .M . If Al . s ana D r. -n.,auuai ii luiu and tl-ou foot of liarchiy street at 6 A. M ., and
Ja5-tf Agent.
V'linlninenta anil tartlitlea lor the sat'o. sneedv. and com
fort, bie irHPspoita-louuf passengers, unsttrpassi-d by any
route in the country.
Trnlns leiivo ihe llepot at KI.F.VF.NTH aud MARKET
tstiei is us follows :
Mull Triuu at TV A. M
rn' Line ut 11 A. M
Tl.e.mi.h Kiiirn,,,! 10 Mil r, .VI
Purkesburg Train, No. l,at 10 ou A. M.
Parke-buig Train. No. 2 , at MSI P. M.
HarriaLurg Ai-eomsuodaUon at s P- M,
Lancaster Train si 4 00 F. M
unli,ti(in fleiive. Wee! Phlltijel-
i.hial at 6-OOP. M.
Throush Passsnsersbv tbe Fust Line reach 'A toona lor
supper, wht-fo will be found excellent accommodations for
Him ht at the li'in lloiihe. and III the niortllog msv
take either the Philadelphia or llntttraore Ksprcss, caet, of
which inskes conrieetlnns at rntsbiirg lor an points, a
daylight view Is thua atlordedof tho entire luie audits
iiiju oitireiit arenerv.
Hie Through hi press Train runs dally i all tlie other
trains dally, except Stin.tnys.
The stall 'I nun. Fast Line, and Through Exnrcss eon.
ncct ut Pttt-bu'g Willi tnrough trains i,u ah diverging mads
from lhat point. North to the Lakes, West to the Missis
sippi and Missouri Rivers, and &uutb and Hoiuhwost to all
points accessible by railnutd. Through Tickets to Cievo-
lucd, Detiolt. Chk-ago. 1st raul, Columbus, imuanapotis
sit lmis, l.euvcnwortn, Kansas. Wheeling. Davtou, Cin
cinnati. Louisville, Cairo, and all other principal poiuts
anu baguuge rncrsea inrougn.
The Thriui-.-h Kxpress. leaving ul io-;u P. M.. connects
ot liiairsvllle Inierscrilon vi lib a train on this road for
tllftirsvllle, Indiana, Ac.
1 he Through Kxnress Train, leaving at 10 30 P. M .con
nects nt Crcsaon. at li16 A M., with a train nn the road
for I'.hf nshtirg A train also leaves Cregaou fo-r Ebensburg
aisili P.M.
The Mail Train ut 7'fi A. .Yl., aud 'I'lirotigh Kxpress at
iu ;si r. vt , connect at Aitoona wnn truuis tor iiouiuaya
htirv at 7 ,Vi c .Yl. ami 8 :in A. M.
1 he 1 hrotikb J'.s press Truin. leaving at 10 'Kl r. M., con
nects ul Tvrenu with a train lor Mumly Rnlge and Phillips
burg, unrl by llnlil Eiglo Valley Railroad lor Port Matilda
otuesoerg, nno tir-ueiomc.
the 1 hioi iih Kxi.ress Train, leaving al HI ito P. M .con
ncit at Itnntuigiion wlih atrain lor Hopewell and Uloody
For Stml Itry, Wllhsiu-port, Lock Haven, Klmlra, Ro
cliesti r. Hurl-ilo, und Nianaru Falls, passengers Inking the
fttairrrulu at 7-J.iA.M., aud the Trnnti-'h Kxpress at
10 1-UP Al., tially escept eunduys.go duerllv tlimttub,
wtiiiom ciiau-. oi cats oet-aeta rnuaue.puui, aua nu-llriuisiiort.
For YOltK. HANOVF.H.n (IF.TTYSBttRO. the trains
lcavlnt- at a A.M. and '.' :u P. M., eonneet at Columbia
wiui trains on tin- southern t;,-niriu KuiLroad.
-The Mail 'train at 7 A. M., and ttironih Kxpress at
l(-;to P. M.,i-ouuict at Harrlsburg wllb trains fur Carlisle,
v.uaiuuersonrg, ana jiauirstown.
The trains Uavltig at 7 -- A. M. and t iJ P. M., connect
at lo nltigtnwn with triUns on lius road toWayuosburg
anu ' .1 iinei miniate sisi-sais.
For further ii-ronuation apply at the Fusscneer Btatloa,
is. l.. cojuvr ul r.l.x.v i it aim di ivitivr. i nireem.
.I AMK8 COWDKN, Ticket Agent,
For fl.H. or 1'-' months, at very low rates, r the sc.
coiniiiodailoii of pervnns iiviugout oi town, or locnted on
!T ticir the tine 01 me ronti.
Forofi trijis Lutwet-n any two points, at abont two cents
per mile. Tin se llckets are Intended fur the use ul fatuiles
traveling frequently, and ars of great advuutage to persons
Biaxiuu occasional tripe.
For one or tl ree montlis. tutheussw sahoUrsattendlng
scitooi in tbe city.
An EmlLTspt Accommodation train leaves Ko. 137 flock
Biice, UHI17 ifliiiiuaj, vxvt-pi.u; Mini iwi a. ,,.m- iui
a eotufoilablo rnsde of uavel lo families gohig West, at
oni-l.alf the usutl rate of fare, rarucuiar attratiwn u
paid to baggage, tut which ehecks are given, and baggago
lorviaioeu 1,1 ti.e same sraiu niui poaseugirs.
fvnrkT TufNIC l.fNBl
1 r.riNMl LVANIA, llir. ni ri 1, ,.tvii.o, nycia
UCHtlANNA.CI'MtlKlil.A.'SO, AflU
TJ-ave the Ormpany's Depot, at THIRTF.EMTF
CALI.OWH1LL Bireets. Philadelphia, at Ui loll
At S IS A. M.. for Reading, Lebanon, Eohrala,
t'olumbla. IlofrUbarg, Potlsville. PiDegrava, Ton:,
Hutibuty, Wllllamsport, Klmlra, Kochtntex, Niagara
HuHbIo. AUeutown, WI kesbarreil'IIUSoa, York, Ci
i.harxbershurrf. llsgersloivn, Ac.
I lie iram conneeia Ul 111,11110111 wnn, rwiui
nla hallniad trains tor Altenuiwn, Ac, the Headvn'
Coluuibia Railroad for F.phrata, Llt-x, and C'olum oi
with the Lebanon Valliy train for llsrrt-rn.rg, Ac. ; al
CLINTIrlS with Calawls.a hallroad trains lor W likes-
Wllllamsport. Lock Haven, Elmlra, aii.l ax w
IICHU wlih ' Northern Central," "Cumberland VI
and "Schuylkill aud !uslllehaJ!na,, trains fur ATor
h, rlAnd.W llliams p -rt . York , Chan herslMirg, Pincgre
A r 1 r iiisimn r.Ai neso
Leaves Phlladi Iphia at S 0 F. M. for Reading,
Yllle.Plnfgrove, Harrlsburg, As , connecting at 1'
till I g w . n 1 ennsyivouia ucntrai iraiun n rinsvn'ij
Northern Ctntrul Itallrosd Iralns for Hanbury, Nr
herlaml, Klmlra, Ac, and at Poit Clinton with Cat. J
Railroad Usui ror Miiiou, wuuamsvon, t-uiuia, u
Ac. . . 7
Lenves Beadii g at ii (0 A. Mr, stopping at alt wa
tie lis. arriving In Philadelphia l . s '
ltt turning, leaves Phtladeh'i.a at .--tsi 1. M-1 arrl.
Heading at H-tSl P. M. I
Trains fur Philadelphia Irave IT, rnshntp at 8 A. .
Pottsville at S-16 A. M..arriita t full., jopnia t
P. M. Aficmoon iralna less Hanwooei at a
Pottsville at i-aP. M arrlviu, m Phiadnl hla at
Market tra lis. wltll a orxs' itg-r vhi s-rnrroi
Philadelphia at I P. M , for Ro: aad all way shj
leave rt' sains at , noon, ee wi w,iuiiv.iii
M. tor Philadelphia and all war s dti- ue.
AH the above trnlns run OA': ll- 'tiv. evcetlteo
Hundav trains leave Poltsvi'l XI f ,') A, U.. and
delphlaatS IS P M. : '
tussicn vsLt'i'i a wwwo. ,
Passengers lor Downlnepiio a-id I irrin, ilia's
take the S 16 A. M. and S 00 P. .1 -Ul iK. T'lil.
returning from Downlngtows at 4 ,b A. i
niv-ii. - a.M
KKW YORK EXPltl-SH nil' till A.S-J
n r. i . -
i.eaves new i ore at i r. i , 'm.-ina .su,i,ai
nluhi. and eonnoetlug at Ma!ri.3v.g .el'h r mat
Railroad r.xp'ess trams for i-t:t-;,i - -'.
Returning Express tram leave- .tat; isbcn on an
the Pennsylvania Exptess fr. t. P- ' .ir st il .In
passing Itesiltug at SV46 A. YL. tnd svrivin,- st Nev
at I in X .,1. niceuiiig v.a. ,u.,.,iutt,i, iitvit
thiouvh, between Jersey C;ti aret putshurg. e
.Ylull trains tbr New York li avo Tierrlahtag at 8
and 1P.M. Mail trains tor L irriatou, u ve -Neat
ii A.M. and 1-JM.
HCllilY 1.K11.L. VA1.1J' I'i 111.
Trains leave Pottsville at 7 ) '.. V. ui.l .. ,I0P.
turning from Tuscarora at H II A . M a-, it K ' f. M
StCllt I I K ILL AND SlSIp S I ' !. K'.M.Ill
Trams leave Auburn -at it 41 . M for i'iegro
HarrislMirg, and al V'iO and 7 rf A nr'i.grovi
reluming ftom H.irrisburg at i ' t . , ms,4 iim1
grove at S 16 A.M., and 4 and .i P.M.
Throngh flrst-clats tickets and etrlgrsat Scke!
the nth cltial points In tbe Nortlt and West and C,
The lolh'wlng tickets ars obtainable onlr at she i
S BRADFORD. Treasurer. No tn S. FOCItrtl
Ptiliotli-iptla.oror O. A. MCOLLS. Ueneroi Burx-
at-ui, neauniK :
LVJllMLtsilos jicneio,
A?6 percent, diseuunt. between any points tl'
for ismilles and Sims. , t
All LEAtla, TH 'IVK Is, .
Good for 9000 miles, between all points, at 148 D1
for laulbas and firms.
'or tliree, six. nine. or twelve tuoutbs.lbr holder
to all points, at reduced rales.
Residing on thn line of tiie road win he fttmlsk,
rards, emlthnf theiuaelvea aud wives to tickets
From PhUsdelpMa to principal statsona, good fbr
dav. Sunday, and Monday, at reducd iare. to be b
at ihe Ticket Office, al U1UTKEN IH and CA1XO v
floods of all ae.erlptviiu 'm wanted' to all tV
points, from the C' n pony's uo freight asput, 1
aim nii,i.uiw otr'-M.
1 HK10IIT TtUtNS i ',
Leave Philadelphia dallv at A M , I P. M.,ad 1
for Reading, l.ebufn. Jlartfjouig, I'oiutymo, xx
toil, and points beyond. , ,
Close at the Phllad. t Ma post Oil-s for til pUrles
ro1 aiid it bmnt-hs t U,M,, and J,r f di
UtJfini only at tit-11 . W. 1 I
u. -4, the Trains w
xjmer of in.
, U u a .1
o ' r. i - -1 Ann r . r. ,1 K Si T.
' Iei-t, corner c
On and after sruiaK, (,i,r
as follows :-
l.eute Phlladeli hla fro nth,
FIKKT and MAItKKt e.resi
P. M., s aOP.M.,6 4f I tl.
I'liltadtli.hla llepot tj. -...d irla FKIIITIJ-'NI
MARKET btieeu lo 1 nul i -t iJIBT aud MA;
Mreets. I
Leave West Chester, IVoni the rk.t on Kast Ma
Blrtet.ti'gu A. M., , 'Si a. v.. n a. v -t r,
I hecarsof the Weil rtnii.e. 'i Paaeeiiger H
t-ompany tsiaraet str-i; h m conn "-laaseavora
from the Philadelphia h- t.
Leave Philadelphia a' S vi.ll.h,,- i-.IOP. M.
Leave Weat Chester Jit A!, an l 1 JO P. M.
Trains leaving Pliilsi i ptua at s .'. M. and 4-30
sr.d West Chester at 7- A. :. and .46 P. M.. r
with trains on tne Ph4e.k-iptiie an kultlmere i
llailroud lor Oxfoid and iiiieiait-dlate psjliile.
jnl-u xir.Mti vvutiii, leaner si tsuperiaten
commencliig on MONDAY, June 10,11)41
w oinut Buret n nan. .
rt'rt tsrn otsr, IDA M. tnd I WP.M
For Rah m ana Bmlselon, at A, M anil 4 P. M.
For Olassboro, at S,S, ami Hi A. M., and 4 and 4-ik
For Woodbury, Gloucester, AC.,Al aud J A. M
andlaudtlF.M .
, anu o-i
Cape May at 8 aud 11-46 A. M.. anu o-nii
Mnlvilli- at 740 A.M .anil Vlti and t 6,
Sslru at A. M., and I I,', P. M. . I'
III tdsel. dl Bl 16 A . M . , ISO P. M. A
tilas.lsu-e al 710 and K'.'Ui AM..; 23,
to DECEPTION. NO iKrumuit uuau
-,,H.s,.,it In i,s,r Is low bYs tret prioe of a superior
art'eto BAmI EL W. Bk'SN, HROAD Ittreel.abuve
Boat side, sous the geiiulno EAULLt Vf.iM, boat and
BaiesixulBBd Egg ab4 bMwsb sUs,U Lug
T isomers shoe id soaks thair BurtdiAsaa at onco, pro
ylWt tu aaotbvf advaavs. MHs)
and ttwlftaura LUica, via Delaware and
liuul.ut i.uai. Tec stcaniots of these hues are leaving
rail) at lk o'clock M-, and o clock V. M from thud utur
sliove Walnut street.
lor freifht, which wilt be taken on arromuiodstlng.
terms, al Ml, to W IU.LVM U. UA1UO A OO., No. U'l .
' l of ti e Niisii-lia Route. Tl.a eavgaitt uuw
ateausaip OOLliEN Kl I.E. wuihaie
ON BATT I'.DAY, Augu.t Boon,
lowest rates uf pas-ao through Uoiu Fhtladetiihla to
Ban Francisco.
Apply to vT. A. H AMI IX,
(ylC ltu , . Ko.217 WALsTUl aueat.
Ah.ii.I 1H. lHt4.
I i.w litii sb .l.iu V A. LOUVER, Captala J. D. Carlisle.
wrtl sail as above.
Fur lit gbt or oatsaee, apply to
llaUMAtl RI( rTArU)ROK CO.,
jyU-tf s A.1U1 WAAOS-LI aueol.
oV ill- lull ltklfiniMtl4ili. wlililv ta
KliANOLs HJIS'K. KmlKrunt Airtnt.
No. 17 lOOK bUuot.
viWri a a a.: ac IB
Au Btrviiitot this riiitbij Kxpren uuiimnjr will pftng
tlitoiiA;.! ( h trwn brlttra nututiliiK Uie depot, .itd take up
cH ki nd ilelWerbiafKiiire to miy part ot tltt city, linff
Bage will be c ttllwl for prvtuptly when ordora are ltA at lv9
i l aHMDjit" ltc oi, Kiavt"a anu MnrKui irwiaie inciraci'
tntf puhiic are aitturea mm u t$ rnitrtty t ciHmitH0.
Kt I hi a route frelxku ol all deacriptlom can b for-
wVurdeo to ai.d ttvm txuj poJuti 011 Ue rallroadi of Ohio,
Kentiioky. liiaiuna. iiuutiit. iitcoaiii, iowa,(r Minmin,
b railroad direct, or to any Hini on the Aaitabl wattort j
sir ft.. wcU. DvitFunvra irom i-icifeuurv.
1 ftj iltM-a im irciKMl W a,uj (ixrin aaii pvrui jss. viiv nk
fijf tii; feuiuyivaiiu uautrai Knna aro ax ail utile aa
favoraLle ai are i liarved by other Kaiir-ad. t'umiaalea.
Merrhautit Mad lili)pra euitUMtliif Uie tratiaportaUun of
their inntiit 10 title uonip cau rmy wiluouiuiileuoeoa
iu fcjKtuj uanit.
I- or Ii t-Ulit contract or uhlpplnf direvtiuai, to or
eiiori itTms oi u ie i inipanr
H. li. KIM. NTON, .Ir., rhlUdthitila.
1. A. biLWAU r, PlttMburit.
Cl.AKK i: (JO., ( lilt uib.
ln.rii k ( O.eho. 1 Aelor Houw. or K'o.l B. WHlUm
uni t, iwtiw i ork.
1 i r.i ii a (M.. No. 77 WaiMuL'ion itreet. noaton.
M1.1I.M liKOWls'. Mo. (- Konh Lroet. Halttocre,
Oiaioraiaupariuiauacut, Alioosia, Pa.
KAIL.KM All. .. .
tlie Northern ;
o the city o- tj
VVooobutv at 7,7 Soondo M A,
nn Ka SWALliLT MUWet. wkllOl
Itaiofsae, aud alttad to all Uie ueual be)
1,11,11,1,1. ii arltttci taken by IIA.i
must be sent to tlie oftlce tlie aveniuc pri rr T T J
ble article, hv this line must bo sent bt IV XI icH
abt rial niasseiiuer aceomiiaine. eacu . j
inyo 's. ...... u., ,
. '....VB
in vy . i-'.i c .i.....n.-,
t his imsl line travor.ea
n lie. ol Penosvlvaiita to
li has been leased bvthe PK
COMPANY, and under their ausiilu
opeueil tbruatiboul Its entire lenetu.
It Is now In use for Passenser and FrelxB.
Ilarrisburs lo tmiortum. (W. mile. l, on in
sieu, and Hum bbemeld Ul tile (JS BjUoa).
time or rxssKMosa riunts ratLi.
Hall Train leaves
tx press TraiB leavea a
Cats run tliroiish 1 V1,",1 1 r',' 1 " v u''jlH
trains between Pnlla.leli.lilasud Look Uatf
Baltimore and Loo Haven. .Eats',
a-1 .i aieenlue Carson the Express Tie
yor luformatlou resBnctins l asseiutol- U. M,,rJ
lbs 8- E. oomer of tLkVLrlril and Til Alf NTfcn
And for Krt-is-ht business untie fimisitte4 Bsast
ft. It. Klnuaton, Jr ,aomer-aiAla.AJtlUJ iar.ui,
Streitii, rbltailolulila. j . .
i . YV. Iti-ynulds, Ells. .
j u. rwitl. Aueut. at. M . C R.. Ballimo
" i iiexrmrl
i Cieueral Prl(tit A.iivrvi rwid
. I V II 1
Giaurol dirKsBomii
' flluaA-' , hurl
. jf ! e ossweH
v ;