THE DAILY EVENING TELFXIRAPII.PlTILADKLPinA, MOaVIUV, AUGUST 8, 1804. " 'Owning SHrlcgtaph MONDAT. AUOCST 8, 18G4. jfIRIT OF TEE HEW YORK PBES3. leading Editorial from the New York Paper This Morning. A f'ONTRANT. fT.m (Ae TYm. A few day slnre, a Rebel trader, McOanslainI, M bainlng iin titvloftniit d village in Pennsyl vania, wMch bad never offered resistance, (urn log half naki d women and batcs out from their bousrs, dtstroylng churclua and hoapl tals, and violating, wiih his roliher erf w, all tin law of honor' lo warfare acknowleilgHl amoRif elvlliwd ntitioiii. Two week earlier, a Union General Rourati was In the heart of the Bebt-1 country, in Alabama; be fonnd in a cor lalTil'rp, rarnod Loscligpoka, a dejmt of ' stores arid a fnrtorjr. The, i wc re vr ry i.rtrperly burnt, tint the adja cent hou tea if the r((i7."in cie saved l.y ihe iirfotihl t icrilons of tin General and hi soliller the latter puttit.g their oo wet blankets on the roofs. In Talladega, a Confederate Run factory wa broken up lather than burned, for fear that rrivate fc tx mlphi also cutler. Attain at another nation, the hospl als and tenta for the nick Rencls were ciin fully spared. Wc like mi ll contrasts, and we are not nir prlnd at them, (iimrul Hon menu is thn public ofuwrof a s real nation, and he in a ifentletn in ; McCatislnnd la a vulgar brigand and Heoel, eivin( a burdc of roiihera. We have trom the beginning, ns our reader will testify, ohjwted to the dCHtruction of private ruperty on either sloe, any further than it con tributed directly to the support of the war. It la 's tba-fatt fiogiec iinwiae and ucVa. to i lie attacking iar jr. So far from bringing a people to uhjrctuin, ft arouse tbem to tenfold drapers tion. We have only to ask onrsclvc bow we should feel toward Govern lent whose aoldi -r had btrned the toof over wife and children, and) tumid us out, without a penny, on the world. We ahould lose bencefortb all thought of any 'oterefct, except bate and revenge. Wo should 'nave pa-ied the limit in whicn a man c ires for any thing, except to retaliate on his enemies; an J every Northern man wou d certainly chooaa "the in at ditch" or eternal exile, beloie sabmiaKlon to tueh a conqueror. n Then such haibarlties strike quito as often '.be disaffected, or those half in union with the Invader a, as any other, and, of coarse, tuey tcake them enemies instead of half friends. We have do doubt that every liiva-ioa of Maryland 1 product s strong accession of loyalists to the Union party. And in like manner, every un- Hvtxeaury auuec ur virriiura in our rams con vorta numbers to the CoufV der.icy. Moreover, aneb biutal attiicks as those at Chutubersboig do not sen the Invader. His object auould ho to -supply lilt foTi-cv t" extort all ' be can from the population, and to destroy tie puilic stores. Bonaparte understood the art of Invasion. He ntver permitted any such bungling opera- . tions as burning villages and destroying pr vate bomestraus, or plundering cities. ueo no en ton d a wealthy oiitrict or rich city, he at once established a system of exact levy hoi! forced contribution. In return for which he protected the cultivators and the citizuns from abuse and -plunder. It was this it stem which emtb.ed him so many years to support war by war, without buidtning France byoud ber power. It was ' often, indeed, deviated from, bnt wherever vio lated as in ppain it proved a source of endloss trouble and disaster to bim. In the lattr country , bo converted a whole people into gue rillas, who might ctticrwlee have ptticntly sub - mined to bltn. ' The tkstiue ion and plunder of private pro perty is, besides, the mt fatal tbingtn good dis cipline. The miiitury biatorian of the Peninsular War remarks, that one of the great causes of Sir John Moore's disaster was the permission givea the soldiers, during a portion of the retreat, to enter piivute houses, which they plundered, a id where tiny lost all the lestraiuts of their olu cers. We believe the reinarkaole moderation; shown by the Hebils in tluir invasion of i'enn sylvaniu last, wa due to this cause more than any other the fear of their experienced odleers that the bonds of discipline, would be thickened. f Tbe sweeping off of the crops, and supplies, and cattle of a country by raids, are of course a .."ptkai-c Dart of war. and must be acceo ed bv "Inrfw-'feari.teB. When, also, any imp irtaut mill- L) U1UM . , . n.n-U.I ....1 in ulia,. r iff O mi rivate property, houses, and everything S;, , be regarded. Wnen Ueueral Sliernitn, -It'vivir.i.r ' . Messing haste to join lturnside in Kast . '-V-am1 the pontooua being delxyed, deslro. i a whole village, t mnke bis bridges be was perfectly justified. In like m iuuer, the Rebels have pertert right, according to the 1 iws of war, to shell Harper's ferr viliago, if that will (ilea the evacuation of tile Heights. Hut what we object to is, the wanton plunder find devastation of priva e property along the march, by soldiers without orders. It General Hunter did burn tno residence of the Governor 1 of Virginia, we bold it an act unworthy of a federal oiitcer, just as we expect the act of bura- . Ii g Governor Ilrud lord's bouse from a ruilUn s 'ike Gilnnir. We do not believe that a great numtar of such -fit ntes rest on our ctcutcheon. Wo believe the advance of onr aimles South has been attended with as little useless destruction as tbe circum stances would admit of. The great devastation has been of houses and lielus abandoned by their owners ; mid iu such cuses scarcely any discipline can protect them. We know of no siue instance like ibit of Chamhcrsburg, and wo never expect to bear of any. Humanity will altrays be a murk of tbe superior civilization of the North. CnAMBKKNIlI KU H A I.KSSOS- AN aPPKAL. Msj - General Stoneinan, comnimding a -d1 isli a of tar cavalry, three thousand strong, t reccutly desp.ilcbed by General Sherman m his camo liefore Atlanta, on a r ill to the ' portent city of Macon, some eighty or ninety ,'! soiitUusaiwurdly, nry near the centre of Yae f t..l'., and not far from Milledgevllle, its . - ital. l lio Uebels report that they have do lealf i uvd enptured General Stoncman, with tire i uuu:''d of his nit n. This appears to be false, fst." General Stoueman's capturo is cm .rn( J i but, whiitewrdiiiibtiiiay exist as to him, icire is n"v: at all as to Macon it is not takcu. All Uie. llcbui alloy was in uud uhont A'lanta; and to Oil its ranks llie coimtiy bad been swept oi al K-lK died whiles under a conscription so ruiti.n nini seareblrg that un Alabunian '' r,:r.lut!r said: ''It ttkes all that buvcn'i been nVo otr two da ." Yet General 8uuutn:tn was it r! i! nr;-l hurled but k by a hastily gathered ioicu tbot is, iiy boys, old men, and tbe Tery few men of militnry k;o whom the Kubel ' autboriii. s bad excused lroiu serving la the Held tinder the presumption that they ckuM bo more useful elsewhere. Now we do not clierl.-h a hUh opinion of Ocno ral tiioneman's ability and energy hut this re pulse proves nothing against bim. For infantry, Well lad, ran aiwavs, if they an- restate, stop tbe progress of cavalry through any country so wooded aud uneven as all our Hutu south of lie Ohio are known to be. On the va t pritinoa and ulaina of the Wist, it might he oiherwl 0( tut In any balf-wodi'drgiou,at'iinuintinliill4, ridges, and rnviie., ij t lulan.ry, familiar with grotn d and lighting ou the dnfensie. anVii t ,-jit m. '. nyei niora limn tlu lr number if mi ;,Iitt, llio rudest tieiitban.1 browt. cause had hh. !" " " i1 tt troohTS to tult, dlsmiuut, fi - ii.,,lirge ou foot; and this process nur re- Tii vA l" 'i bu avery mile or two. tin r -.,.. .,,,- .i..n i,. .i i . . nf 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' " oiiuii7 ivinu iuiui so omul, ; ,,n,lino cTa'ry can charge or clear; it must be ,n i u uMineiy removeo, or ttia provision " i Viwunillon wagons are brought to a dead a M a1" k,'ort ,ne fa"5"' infantry militia, if A J. '' pnimanded and plucky, are an overmatch ;.V, ;-tu" number of veteran horseiuan uuder such """'Wtancea. f mpara now tbe snccesaful defensa of Mtooa tSn v ,n urrenl' and destruction of Chau burg withont one shot llred in it defense, S"' ' julfi whether this is tha sort of warfare uq'.;ulated to put downs great and desperate 't.0 presume that the people of Chambersburg "M'hi better nor worse than those of York, "",,ettybulg, or any other of the county towns S ' ,jtho l'enusylvaaia border would have done. ',ey did just nothing. Tha others, w aupposa, ' uld bave dona exactly that. Our point ta not J0,l they are sinners above others, but that tha "!rrniutbe prosecuted and upheld in a very VPyerem spirit from that evinced in tbe non-reslsi-of Chambersburg, or it can hire but one ""'.nlt, and that a tad one. d "loinbersburg was a large and thrifty borough, .." capital of the wealthy aud aopuloua county i "y'raiiklin aeouaiy having -2,iai Inhabitants, i'. 1 casting last year 7W otea. Wa esllinare and' ' 4,100 able-bodied men within bhet rulle of Chambersbnrgwhen McCauslund On ?1 thM bornugb unopposed, and burned it U(iont a shadow of exeusn. (The Copperbeiid the i" 9hk h assort that the Union armies hare luliv town under simllarclreanistancas simply of tC,4"" U " olhr wo,1 d' toam justice. Liar1"?" nrl r ordered tha tiring of wht uKa wherein he had envoaatored so rt sistance, though Quantrill not only vntrtK- Law rrnce, which u srrpntKxt and lay at Mi Biftry, but Csl'fd nvt of Its unarmed rrfnre ritleos ont of their beds and botcbered tbem tit cold blood.) fhambersbnrg was ty far the most exposed loroogb or city of six thousand Itihihitanu or over in the ftee Matesone which the Itobcls had often tbnatened and twice already captured. It lie in the month of thr famous Cumberland val li y , 0 posl e that of the tihcnandivah, down which every hebel loree baa marched that ever yet invailrd or threatened Ihe free North. Despite Ihc thin shred of Maryland here Interposed, it Is ess otially a border tonn, tdtcn threatened, and always in mare or less danger. Yet Chnmbersbnrg, we are told, had no militia organizntion, no minute men, no arrangement for inompt and certain infornwtion by telesrapU or in acon-tirca, of the approach of a hostile lorce ro rreconorud signal for rilling her aide boo led ritlrcns to arms, hhe rtlied on the Ooternment and the army for protection wlih what remit we have seen. It is fashionable now to si nso the Preiklent, tbe Atln tuistration, the ml l aiy management. Doubtleas, all these have their errors to smswer for. lilow tbem op. If that affords yon any relief! We try it olten, and fel better ftvr it. Hut, when you ere thronKh with that, we must till yon, loyal countrymen ! that you are not onrselvss up to the mark that you must evince a olden nt spit it from thut which gave Cham bersbnrg to the flames, leaves your armies fur months unpaid, and lids their ranks with any tl Ipg that will pass for substitutes, or yon are dormed to defeat I Do you remember that M try land grains, a ting as guide to a ltritisb olli -or over the Held of the fight wc mean the flight of liiatieiiHbnrg, who, pressed to expltnn the rout of so laige a for. of mllitii (himcll included) tiy a liamltiilof Hriih regulars, finally scrat died ut ol bis dull hi ad the evplnua lon that "Home bow or 'rother, they didn't sn m to t ike no Interest ?" Let their lasting disgrace warn you in time! The war approaches its close. Let ns promptly fillet) the ipiota now called, and the loan now asked for, and it maybe ended triumphantly this tall. Wc are confident that no tnrtliur draft u ill ever be made or neede d. Hut the two hundred miliums tor whirh Mr. Foasendon asked ought to be subscribed at one. Our soldiers are lighting and dying unpaid, because you, for whom they are fighting nnd dving, will not lend your Gov ernment the money at 7 3-10ths per cent, interest a higher rate thai Is paid hy an v other Govern no nt on earth higher than is paid by Buy thrifty, fore- banded citizen for all the money be needs. If it cannot be Iwumwed attnia rate, It cannot at all. Loyal Americans, we entreat yon, each aud all, to put tvery dollar yon can honestly spare into this lo..n, and do it at omr. Don't ask tlisttbo soldieis g unpaid until you can screw ten percent, from tbe necessities of your Jor eminent, but put ap your monoynow! Don't i xpect the Treasnry to give you your bonds on the instant; what matters, if you do not intend to Mil them forth with I Tbev will come very soon ; meantime your money draws interest from the moment it Is paid in. While others are fighting and dying, prove that you arc not un w tiling or afraid to trust your means to your afflicted country. OUB BALTIMORE LETTER. Tli) Latent Rbl Rnid Npenlsttlwne and tJosMlp t'aerrlH( It Thpy Inlvml Takiwir LMtKlsti the Keyston Ntntr Hantnews lnil isi Bsvltliuor Memnral Utnat Mpenda Natursln.r In Hultlmor-HI-hooI the Pirate l'rlouer. ftpetial ComtponJmtt of Tht Homing Teliymp!t. TlALTIMOBK, August 7. It ii rxreedingly difficult to reach the exact truth or a clear understanding la regard to the state of military aifiiirs in Western Maryland, along tbe Upper Potomac, or elsewhore in that region. We bave been surfeited with rumors, many of which are greatly exaggerated. I have conversed with many reliable, persons who had been in the vicinity of Williamsport, near Ilagerstown, and left there two day ago. They tell me they saw and conversed with some armed Rebels, who were prowling about In mall cavuliy squads, robbing und c immlttitig other outrages ; hut that no' considerable force of them had j et appeared there or in Ilagerstown. My informants have no doubt, however, that a stroi.g force was congregating on the other side, in Virginia, preparing for a formidable Invasion of Man land aud Pennsylvania, especially the latter State. It is thought that tlicy Intend to strike above the line of Maryland eventually, and march Into Western 1'tr.nsylvauia. I d el contidint, from all I have seen and beard, that tbe it snrgeiits ore desperate to a degree of t arbailsm, and w ill, if they can, lodge themselves in tl e "Keystone State," spreading devastation j on all sides. 1 hey say It is tboir design to "carry tne war into Aincu, to make Maryland ana 1'cDnsyIvunia the battle-ground hereafter. This I Ioie tbey may have a "good time" In doing. II what 1 am told, upon good authority, can be relied, upon we need not f ar much, but rather hope their purpose of invasion may be attempted. i he people in Western Maryland aro sulfuring very much on account ot the uncertain condition in which tbey have been living for some weeks past. Ihiyare afraid 10 trust their horses, cat tle and other valuables in reach of these robbers ; hence a at many farmers are absent from home nnd ibeir plantations neglected, business in Baltimore is greatly interrupted, owing to the llaltinicre und Ohio Kailroad being supondod la lis operations between Harper's Ferry and Cum berland. We are yet without any p isitive know ledge of.tbe recently reported fight near Cumber land. It may, possibly, be contraband to any thst General Grant passed most of yesterday in llal timore. He was in close counsel with General Wallace, and is reported to have left again for I'etersl utg lis is said to bave been satisfied with the state of affairs in this department. I Lave it upon what may be deemed semi-official authority that General Butler is appointed Secretary of War, in place ot Mr. Man ton. If this be so, it 111 clip the wings of certain pirtlct who have oftea caused bltn to override the acta of General Wallace and other prominent com nmm'ers. It has become almost proverbial that a wealthy, influential Kebel, if arrested upon charges of disloyalty, could have bis relea-e pro run d through high sources ; whilst poor, obscure individual.-. o t half so guilty, were allowed to suflt r in pri.-on fur months. The Delaware pic Die party arrested some day ago in Delaware, charged with holding a picnic patty for the exclusive hem fit ol Kebel prisoners in Fort Ptlawarc, brought here and imprisoned inl'oit Mcllcnry, were all unconditionally re leased on Saturday by General Wallace, and went borne rejolc ug the same iifteruo in. Their nanus aie as follows : John Cochran. I'hl ip Mmvel, John S. Mallory, Charles Ash, ltiehard Ct chr. n, I aac Grub, John McCrono, J Frauk Huzcl, Joseph l:i'dwit',D nig. M. McUnv.Ch tries Camcion, K.T. Hnnkin, lb Ism are Di'vis, 'l.M. Ogle, Tin mas Ullcin, Charles Ionurd, John H. Kobncy, W. II. Carno, etuiii-l 1 infbrtb, K U. Jellcr. op, George M.'Cronc, George White, John Kroup, K. B. Cochian, Dr. Trcnith. Alter gtt'lng released, the entire party repaired to lisinum's Hotel, and paitook of u sumptuous diunir, totsing oU'cfaatujoagne with no ordlutry 7.csi. They left in ihe utternooti and went home tejoielng. John Wills, Kn., of B .ltimoro, was crui.iel for ihe whole p tny, ro-0K!iutiug with otne of til ir rofrssuiuul friends In Del The A'ivm'n7 liuUUin. u daily paper in this city, doubllul in its loya'ty, wis yesvrdiv suppressed by on'urof General Wallace. The krmitn I'osl, also pule, uired extensively by the Keb I symp rhirers, will probably tollow suit. The ' Jjily iin;,(if, !s Ui d upon as the organ of thut party alaa.ta sneering by iniieudoes whi-n it can, dumb only hcci.use of fear is closely watched. Dr. John Muckenie, one of our prominent physicians, Is still in prison, untlor charge of dls loiulty. Tbe authorities lire very strict, and give but veiy little rope or license to Rolml sym pathlxers anywhere. Uono. t'atrblsis; aa Idesk Tke foreign powers, particularly England and France, appear to have caught an' idea of huge dimensions from Ihe sinking of the Alabama by Ihe Keartarg: A lute Paris letter makes tbe fol lowing statement "During the Agbt between the AWw-v and the Alabama, the Kmperor received despatches every fifteen minutes, at the Palace of Fou tuinebleuu, of the progress of the tight, a it had been arranged beforehand. Hi Majesty ever since has taken the liveliest interest in every thing relating to Ihe victorious ship, and espe cially her artillery, of which he ton made a thorough examination. It is generally admitted that this light demonstrates thut the artillery of the French and Knglish navies is defective, it not altogether worthless, and that a total revolution uusi he the result. Tbe large rilled gun must be replaced with monster smooth-bore guns, and the tightirg at (lose ijuarter maintained- Tha excitement on the subject in naval quarter la in tense, and the decks of the Baeramtnta and AW. scry, ars crowded with army and naval olllcers whenever they are in port." Frank Bobbins, the murder of Jame Ward, of CleveUad, Ohio, wae arrested at Fert Brie, Canada West, on Saturday. Tha officer encountered great embarrassment in the cupidity of the Canadians, who demanded extortionate tnm of money for every facility or uti stance afforded). A l.rwaow Ts (Vslnrlm lf. The foKosrfng extract is from "Good TboiiglKs for Bad Times," by Ihe quaint old English divine, Thomas) Fuller, who, during the civil war of hi day, wrote Hit fable, for the falut bearted : "111 Dont, ffkW." "1 saw one, whether out of haste or want of skill, put up his sword the wrong way It cut even when it was hrahcd, tbe trtge being trans posed where the back should hare been ; so that, perceiving bis error, he was fain to draw It oat, Hist be might put it up .vp.iln. "Wraried and wasted with civil war, wr thtt formerly loathed the manna of pr"e, because common, eould now be content to feed on It, tliAiigh full of worms and ptitrilied, and so de sirous thereof, that ther rare not on what terras the war ! ended, so It be- ended; bat such a pesre would be bnt a truce, and the conditions thenof wonM ro longer be in force thaa1 whilst they are In force. Let ns pny that tbo swtfil c sheathed ihe right naj-;.. .otherwise it may justly lie snspcrted that the ew.irrt put np will tc drawn out nwain, and the articles of an 111 agreement, though engrossed in p irehmcut. not take eflect so long as paper wou id continue" I'atm, irr-KT. Captain Wllmot, of Hie I'fith foot, has boerr killed in a tiger hunt, In' the Boondie Hill. Captains Wilnrot and Paw son bad bagged nine, their lenvc had nearly expired, they hod quitted the hills, and congra tulated each other tha Ihe trip had eudod with ont a inglc accident when nt near sunset of the day before lost, intelligence w as hrougnt them that a tiger wo at the loot of the bill, 'i'bey at once proceeded to tho spot and then waked bim up; both fired, and the tiger, severely wounded, sought refuge up tho lil'l. Apparent')- without wasting to rolund, luth otlicrrs followed, taking the tiger's own path, Minttlder to shoulder, v.-ith a native cirryiog spare arms; and directed by traces of bliod ana the rearing of tbe brute, the two mli?ers ap proached bis lair on a patch of jungle on tbe hill side, when from a height the tiger sprang upon them, knocked both over, and seizing Wtlnvit carried him off towards his retreat, treating tne nn tort an ate man as a rat does a rat. Captain Dawvtvn appears to have discharged his Second barret rn this scrimmage, and on rocovorlnij him self, and looking around for tho spare single, he found that the native had bolted, carrying the weapon with him. Wilmot's rlllo lay on tl o ground, one barrel undischarged ; with this Dawson destroyed the tigur. Dawson appears to think that the nbsenre of the spare gun did not affect tho result, as in thoir strug gles dim and beast became so mixed up that he coti Id t.ot have tired a moment sooner than bo did. During this struggle, the agony of mind of poor Damson msy tie conceived, as young Wll mot called on him to lire and chance the conse quince. During the whole of that miserable nigbt. for twenty miles from viliago to village, on a charpoy eairied on men's heads, Dawson escorted his wounded comrade, reaching Doolie a little after sunrise. F.verythltig which, the kindest medical skill or sympathy dictated whs done for the poor fellow on bis arrival at DuoHe, but hia wound soon proved fatal. Bombay Gmrttt. In a late work on Norway It Is stated that American illnstratod papers, such' sa Harper's Weekly, are found in the chalets of tho Norwe gians, aud are cons'actly studied by thorn. In deed, tbe author of the work, Mr. C. Elton, adds : 'Tbe rage felt here for information about America is surprising; and I have ofton been puz zled in my geography before some Norseman dis coursing glibly of the most out-ot-the-world Mates and Territories." AUCTION SALES. M ACKEY'8 AUCTION 110018, No. S2S MAltktT 8tRt. Willi L. OJIANITP, ANTM'OMMON ('RCM'RMf.xY WAUB. U1.AH.HWAKK, I hK.Bl KVISII Kte. on Tuesdsy MotiWiik, At IK o'tlotk, at Mcktx Auction Kooma, la I ts salt shlc r,t Hy and couuuj rstalt trads, m laras assortment of Ware-. :s II07.KN Tl MI1I.KEH. Also, Kt it, package, ivso dozsn X sail l pint tatablsrs, f uleO srd pillar. II.1XT (ii.ahs Alsn, Jtlloen foal oil Lamp I'tstmusys, assorted Brtt fiualny, extra Utavy. It AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED liorsss. Wsa PrrABTimsT Cavalbv nnssstt, Oivins or Cali-.r Qi'srti'kmastki, Wasmikotob, D. v., July 7. i. Will he soit at Public Auctioa, ta Uis iilhsit bkldor, at OfS'tHiro, 11. C, en rklfiAl , Auinot 5. IH6I, lt'Cvln H irsst. 11 KSiliAY. AuKim U, ISKI, I0' slr llursi'i. ThfM hnrsns rnvs bum ooDdeained as MnHt for ths cavalrv serslro ofthe armr Knr niait sad farming purpovss, many food nargatns sbs be hail. Ili.rscs si'kl slnRlv. Tsruit cash, Iu United States cunvni-v. JAM KM A. T.k)H. LlOMtooAnl-OoioMl and Ck'siU """rnis.lor aul-7t C'avalr Sunail. ArCTIOK 6ALK OK CONDKMNEt' ban ci. Was Dr rBTvi:irr. Cavau.1 HcaaAU, Orvies or Oiusr trsars. hmaittbb- W A SHI Mil TON. I. V .Jul) 4, laM. WI1 boootd st pablte siiotlon, to ths bU'hosl biddscat the times snd pise's nsmisl ImIow : LF II A MlA. I's .TlltlhIAY, July 14, IBM. Al.TOtiN A. Ha .TIII'KHliA Y, Alu.iist 4, UX4. WILLIAMSPORT, r.,THt;itlAT. Auruat It, ISO. 1 WO ULMiltKil (10U) CAVALKY 1UIU.1S.H at SMb lc Tbi ie Brrsw hsv been eonlsmaed as auflt for ths csvsir? sorvlc ol ths anuy. or read and hurm purposes many good barfslns Buy b hsd tlnrsr sold stnsly. Turms Cssa, in United iUtesCurrrnry. JAMV.n A. RKTH, Lteutsuaut-Coloasl and Chltr iusnunnsatsr Jj lot Ctlrv Buraaa. li UN MO 11 I H K I I I- Wi refund to moner, tf dsslnd, fbr r. ory lot of Btilft which tstl la any rwrect. FINE HHI11TH, CFT LKNOTUvTISE Of afCSLIir. kfa4s of Kew Tort Mills MutiUi, snd rsrr flu Una Boson. Only i 75 Usol price 0-00. WUUomsvUI MHU MuaUn. and Sn r.lnrc Bssooi, Only tl'OQ. I'sualprk .V50. GENTLEMEN'S FU UN ISM IN a GOODS. HMITJI A JACOIIM, sayi-n ho. lieae t.ut-aercT Htrst. 10ts tUf.HM'T BTlLtHT. The sttoatlen of LAt'fT.H VIHITINO TbTB m'Y.orthstxot l.tAViMl II r. " vraiar Ihk I'lsoes," or 'ths e ouniry,' U ranpiN-iriilly Invt ril to the sxtcnslvr lwt ol VVHITR MllUiii snltalils tor PI' a M Kit WEAK, for WHITE UOKltS, KNlNO lt.VTrKB.-l, die. An extensive sssoriment Is unVred In Laos snd Wi rkiyl Edslnu. end Intt-rUnui, Voile, Hsnkerehlets. t'oHers, Nlcevii.srd lapUin si.d isncr field, ini.l, end HiiirnO White (l.H.d. AT ri'K KS Mi l It HI.U'W T1XJUB ratST HKT..IL VAI.I K USl I'rlnud l.ineu I ainbrlo iirt il. lev plows 1'UUvd. 1 UCXd. Slli Artpd fu Uus 10. M. rvi:iii.i. 10'it OfirhlrcT trnr.rx. KOfi HOOP fsKIKTS. i'OQ Ui-O Meaorseur), tio ion Alii H Hrreet, UesO Abiive Hlsttl street, I'l'deiMlpui, Wholesale snd IteuiU. Tbsssoet eomplote assortment of Ladles, Misses', SB1 Chlldreo's ILiop Heine In tin? city. In evsry respect ftres eleae. wiiich for eiylo, fliiish, dursblUt, su4 oheopaea. bav s no ttiaj In tds market. Aktrie ouule to order, olurod, and repaired. M-ly WM.T. Horgma. yOUE PATEOHAQE SOHCITED, MeOALLA'S HAT. OA1', iia.'tiiino nouxu, 8EKT8' rUBNISHINO GOODS. riMT 8T0BB ABOVB . ATLANTIC HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND. CAPE MAY, aas-U KEW JEBREY. puBLouons-ruiLouonB. OtBesr ao4 soldkn vWttaf the eHy an fwkssha ntodlisj BWOHBH, Axaonua M1LITABT EQUIPMENTS, , aaa Btrmi to tub unrxsrra ' htAJtCTACTUaUSO aWTABU&UMJCJTf 0 OEOHOK W. HIMONH a 11IIO. 8ANSOM STEEET HALL, atUWOM Btneo, above Mxtk. FBB8ENJATI0N 8W0HD9 Made to order at U sWteet settee, wbicJi fm rtatueeas ud awta us ehAAenaW oeeapetMoa, ua ocher koue Is U asurtsy DSaMoia U MA-NUKACTURXWlJ eVWatLU wtra ru rvMttceUi ivgw) m JIB r M V TAX HILL. ASh KKVKNUK KTAMI' LAW. Onnlss of tfi Vew Tat Bill an sone Stems taw, Sr sale ole,sle ar.d iMall ; and Rnne Htsmp. of all ds-rnpuone conauntty on bend, at tbe n-uowln rate dlsrottot On enlert of frji, tw prr eont. eWonnt " " l', tiirse " -" " r-n,rni.r " At ss Prlnrlpal rsspe- S,r ihe Bale of frrte-fesl Revenue aian pe, o.:' I'll K.h ws. T atrvei, and N.. s KlrTM Hlnvt. full deecrlpUone of the tttaaif Len 0 pern it, let n. jvj tf p It O P O 8 A L j! FOR LOAN. TMursr iM iRrsisr, July J, (ski. Netlce It hfrby nlrm that snbcriptl-.r wtllhe recelrtd by the Tirasii-ir of the United Siales, Ihe aereral ArSM sntTrtastirrs, snd deliisM Ixpositoriet, snd by eke National Bantu 6Vsl-nted snd tirrelined as Dep-isltnrl's snd I'lnsnelel Asnu, tor Treeiury notes payable three ytare frum Aiisnitlo.lam, beanss tnserest at UisrateoT e ea snd ihrer-tonshi per sent, per annum, wit teral snnnal coupons attartsed, saalile Inlawlol m-iney. Tlirarnotra will b soarnrill'le, t tb option of ths holder, at cnaluili) , Into sit p"r oent (id bearing bonds, It enable stirr fl.e sad pe; able iwrivly ;mii from Atiuiut li, l.T. These ootea lll be Iteiie In the denomfaatlcai of nny, one hancfid, flo hundreeX one thouisnd, ood flvo thou sand dolUrt, and will be lesnrd In blank, r payable to orler, as ssay be directed by the anbecrlher. All tubscrtpueus must be a fifty dollars, or some mal ttpls ofnrty dollars. Duplicate sollrlostes sriU be Uened for all depoett. The pasty aVpoeUItt roust ondorsompoa Vie orgdneJ cenJtralo tbo denomlnaiion of notes rrsitslred, and whether they are to be Isssed In blank or parebi to order. When to en-dor.c-l, kt muel be left with tho officer rocclvlr-g the de posit, to be forwarded Is this U-spartssciit. Tha aotsiwIHbetranamlitedssvSlioowaert, rrsooflraai Hitm(lta eh erg en, at toon aftor Use roooipt of trht orliaal eortlflwirt oftleaoslt as they can bo prepared. Interest will bo allowed to Atujtiett onaU deposit mad prior to that dale, snd will be paid by the Deport gift upoa receipt ot tbo original cenlOcatcs. As the notes draw Interest from Atwut IS, pore-ae sisk ins) dapettaa tnhtesiuent to that dot mutt pay the nterott aocraed fnsa dale of not to data of oealt. Pai-Uee depotltln twenty flre tkoueasd dollars ant ap wards fer these noti'o at auroso Inns will bo allowed a oomml.tloa of obo-quarter ef oes per eent., whkk will he paid by thlt department upon Um receipt of a Mil fur the amsant.eertlacdtoby thsofltcorwlihjvltora lb deposit was made. No deductions tor emmlmlews must be made from ths d' T-os'tt. Omceri recelvtrf depotitt win see that ths peoeer art made apoa Ihe origin t! cerUOoatet. A II offloert antaorlze't to noi e deposits or requested to she to applicant alt desired Information, and afford fadUty fx making tiiUcrlptsseit. W. P. FEMnHHIW, Beoretary ol the Treasury. PuUcrtptlofu will be received hvth FlltST NATIONAL BANK OK PHI LADfiLPIfTA. KltAKD NATIONAL BANK Or PHILMltLnllA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK Of F1IILADA. iyTT tf c It, WRIGHT e5fc CO.. No. 142 8. THIRD -STREET, OrPONITE TOR KXCIUNOB. Desires la Government and Htale Beearltlet, Quarter mu tiers' Cbookt and Voaolieit, and CertlOoatoa of lndobt sdnost. Older for ths purchase and sals of Stocks and Loans promptly soeotitod. (bi wfm tf AIsfCM HTKWA11T HOCK OIL COMPANY. Incorporated June 29, 1864. capital, SO.COO 8UAU U A HIlAKB-rAi. st'.ihrerlrtlon each thtre to orlgmsl sntxoribors r K.Xioe ahoret pabl. tl ea.b dews upon siibserlblss'.and twx oUiot Insuumonts of 1 each, pa? able on the K&ui July aud Koto AUkust, loM, retpiclvily. TEN THO Vb AND SHARES , Heierrcd (or Benefit of the Cempaiiy. Tbe Und purcbatsd hytheVsao Stewart Rock Oil Cou ism; conls-'us one bunt ri-d and thiny-ou aorre, la tke tejy tore ol ihe oil rt-vicn, oiki thon.and three bun died emltMi teei on tht Al.ikhtni river, la CraatHMrv losvukhii, eKUrndlMK a eonaideiabl alslaiioo op ,n bwuk Bides i t Iht IjOWtt Two Mile lliin.oouniioiny eaUml Van Itiiieu ki.n. aei.uple of ninishilow franklin in Venauso oj ui t) . I'i nutyl J I. Tie AlIesliMij Ui Territory Is yielilms on aburdant and pi-riusiii ai harsetl of on oacoI fent ohailiy ot Oil, tl.e iitiiisruns wells Isirdi-rlnKli. banks preduou OU si lib won itiU greater regularity than Ui wells aa iig Oil Creek. II Is believed tl.e How of Oil brkiw theboroUK ofPraak lln.oa Uie Alleshtuy rlei, will pmbebly never bticuai eshauttod, bocaustj the ttra'incatiou, or vntcaulti ditrup tk n of lock ul.t In a south eel aenlly dlri-cuoi .e qutnUy tlteuodt of OU v.iu). bi- neaior Hit sunaco at ths upiei eud, lay of OU VTfs-. as fcS" WW rwi'ilre to he borsd deepxr in proportion ..erdovn O.t rl. cr.whsr, b)Wever, there would wosi-ti-11? tie the most pornianent. Slid S Bilioh itreator supply ilid su-rlncuintMnl oodr or tk ee el OU. It Is ot-naib the- tt- .ru.of wt-lfs oil the river, In the ImninllAi ol t;. lainl. have continued pn dneuig dunsg th paei tho-i u' tour yeais an unwaverinf and etoiwty dul'y yield i f oil A giat.ioat ih uiapwi.1 d inonttra: ths tact that th Lower two Mile Hun a o M t'rovk re ou tlie.iue dlanietrtcally suaaiht IlLe, nd tuiy dl.taut, tin tros Isbuoien of tht utrrtticot n't te Q il between the rsni;o ot b Ule. (run eai b other al out time miles aprt in pre !! the tsnie dirwlina. It v.oukl, l.erol.uo ii.'l be e by boring ' .'. on this Ira. t a eufPclent di'pth of pt rliapt right Imt.ilieit si.d nflv tit, the Ouini anj t weUs niay si- n lal 'hose of Oil eroek In tln lr siipiiilts of huudrio. ol Iibiti i. ol ell d.lly. anC noimous protlls would llio:. he tiie fultnnsto ri-MUt to the triareholucrt ol this is nu ' ; nv . On tins particular nai l I lnd ther hua bea let oi leave lor twt-nty v ars. a v. I'll esmoni a lAlr portion of sood Oil, although lit tli ; tl ol bori- 0. coiihtUeied inio'C'eitt lo Insure a torsi now i Kitt per oeut. ot the Oil at Uus wi-ll i uiotilh wu rt-scivid a a ri.vatly to t-0 furuicr w r e of Ihe land aeu will si once Inure to the bt-uilitof the tblnpany. 'Il.ri-ai aho two other woll t4etianw niindreu!atdtt . h.biiiiiiiiyetttioed.iiutiii diratiiui a Itrsl-rstosbovioi oil ; hsrrelsiiMy can i fliisrally be sooopeo out ot thou,, anc i o ilouot at-euis to exist Ihnt tbey wlUboth prose hlahl u in.ii ealln wi-lls whi-n boril a reasonable depth. Anuih.r wail is half boiod. sad promises a satisfactory y.t ui ttaoiplt-s of Oil ppKmriu: lr in fhf w ells can be teen at the otneool the Conipsne, N... tit W ALNs f atreet The fee of IhUi valuable oo lai.ti, ooiuerlsiiin one hua dred sad tblny -oi.s am iiciu.ilii the n sliy m any per soul, of oil for ti e lee. d w U. stow-iim.i". and tl.s rUiht of the thrtv r i lls par'IAlly iievohiped, la pun hao d by the fompaii' ill-.-i t Horn lie nwn.r. Ihe Inourrnle rlc. i.l l:t7 .v.., wltba llrlsl Mill In Uoe or.lor, a house, A t alec pau. ol 'loihtr. The tale of tlorb will pa- e.h lor the land la full, and leave ihe sum of l.l.0 swh w.ik.nn c.iplul o hai.d, with which to oonii.ktetht il. ee o d nulls, and alto to bore Iwo tew wolli. wl'l sieain enHlnea, Ac, lo be la runnlns erdor a few month-; anranyo menttw lllbe mad to a ou.l'Hsh thete objects wllhoilt drUy Ma eubsortptlou wl I be arotpttd rot let than "Vbebtl 'tortunet reaped hy Book Oil Companies estab lithtd here ana elsewhere ore odorless. 1 be OU tra.le I Iot In IU Inlanoy. and the demand constantly UKrewtmg. it prk e It now (U per barrel at to weil s mouia, sula- "'LariEe'welV will doubtless be ttrutk at th depth of MO feet, so as to react the third Sandstone Hoc A. WelU bave been bored berelolore lo Ike depik only or abont bou feet Iu Mile vlelnily. It la propoaed So bur tweuty wells Ibis property during Ihe present year. There la room Air on hundred wells. A p utu,lr of all tucaas braocss It oUlumy attmed lo tbe Coeupany. LUis otubcrlpi9o are nsrw ones natn to M.OOe than or tsbecrlhed, pAyaksy tl per sksr, ts tk order of Alder BtoaJAJIES McCAfisUt.tUTruasiwr ef tkaOompooy, X. M WAUIDT Rtreet, Of at No. 130 WALNUT BtrMt, or St the otte oi the Coanany, V- 213 WALHLT street, Th public ore Invited toeall a sreepseta. Jyo-SJ . pjioirrizsTOii jaintinoii Ho. 47 & TKESD BTEEBT, AVBOTal CUtSKUT, rsJIadelpUa. FAHV A BnOTUERJ BOCbB. Slow, AHS OaUfAKEHTAI, PAIKTXUa. enlstug. Sloslai , vUelaf (Mo. KJotalm, rape TajwiAbise.. Removal. moMAf u. plowman, Ro. tat Kirew berry euees k No. 'UCAaTBit street, sV vuirngUie old net onto saiuii uarusa tsatstte) T hcliruee rov oarryvvg wm wt muni Mtiawissari tsisrsi ivvvrvrlwi iM FINANCIAL. NATIONAL LOAN AT I'AJLt. Intsrert 7 8-10 in Lawful Mo&oy. COUI'ONH ATTAUItEU, INTERS1T rAYABLE F.AC'n BIX MONTHS. Ths principal Is payable In lawrel mens-, t the en1 of three rrart. 9, th hol.ler hot th right to deowud at ttet llmo The 5-20 Bocflg at Far InHtwtd of tlie Cash. T rlt privilege I vwloal.le, at thet S-KO flonilt are onr BiMt popular Loon, and or now telltig at sight per ceat. pre-aluin. hoVcrl! tlont retoived In ths atual maansr, and th l pfl and proposal ef tho Rtoretery of the Treasury, tofttktrwllh our Clrsulsrt, and all nocensry Inforuit lon, w IU be famished- (ppUcsUon at w olfle. JAY COOKE k 00., JS7tH No. 114 8. TIIIHI HtrsvAt. jitianii. h t io 13 it co.. UANKIiKH, Ho. 80 0. THIRD 8TREET, am oas sou OOLO, OILVES, AND OOVIUNME1TT SKCTnrTIM. B T O O K H DOruBT AND BOtJ ON (.0MMI8HI0H. (mhlt c L A 11 K H O N CO., HANKKItB, No. 131 8. THIRD STREET, rurjjknEU'UIA. ttovtrameot aeeirtuet of all Issues Purchased and Ryr t. Stook, rtoodi, asd Gold nought and nout on Ooca- EKTBAEBT ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. GoUertiotu Promptly afad. IM-tf Y I It H T NATIONAL BANK Or PHILADELPHIA, Financial Agent of tho United States. ITIS'lTICl) HTATKS 7 :C-10 TREASUEY BOTES. NEW I'ATHIOTIO LOAN. Vnder Inttructlons from th Treatury Department, this Ilaok Is prepared ts rocolvs subicriotlona to the New 1'sirlottc Loan.lsaued In tho form of Three Vosr Treasury Kolet. beorlrg Interest at Uis rat of 7 S 10 per cent, per rrum, payable eeml-annuallv In Lawful touoyoatho 1Mb days of Febrenry and Augtitt ripecttvely,of each year. Hits Treasury Notes ore convent its at maturity, at ths option of the holder, into United States 6 per sent. Fohdt, Intelsat payable lo COIN, and redeem able nftor Ave and payable twenty years trom August to, ls67, f otiion Notes wi I be Ittaed In blank or psysbt to order as may lie dlrecttd by the subscriber, In tumt of 00, $100, ;oo, t Ituo, and IVI00. Inteiett will b allowed from tlsedae of the subscription to Ui 1Mb of August neat, the dat of ths Treatury Not Thf'twhomay eubtcrlbe aflor ths llitb of Augatt next WIU be reoulred to pay th accrued interest on th Notts. Any ore tubicrlhlng for not teat thaa f 10,000 of the Loan at any ens time, will be allowed a oomailttloo of ons quaitrr of one per cent., paysbls by the Treatury Depart ment oa the receipt of blU for th amount, approved by tho sobicilptlos sgvnt. Kcflrni g lo th snnosed appeal of the Seoretary of ths Treasury, I ask all those desiroat of afcling ths Uovera ment to subtcrtbe to this Loan. o. it, t; la ii it, . au Im PRRdlDKNT. JytBW XXAIsi. LOAN, U. S. 10-40'". JAY CM M It II fc CO., orru (OH HALE TUC NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, nr.Aitwa rivr. tkb ont. intf.kkht nt corn, redeemable any Mm (iter TKJI VKAHd, at th pleas are ut th Covenimeut, and payable KOUTT YEAKS after date. hOTB COUIHiN AND KKOIHTBRBO BONDS or atoed forthui Loan, of sam desomlnaUoa at tiuto-wj'. Thelnuiitt on IM'i and tl'Ot parage yearly ion al other atnomlnsthnt, half yearly. Th 10 -tX bond are Isied Mart l.ltsK. Th hall-yearly Interest faulug dus hi ptia act lit and Marub 1st of ea. h yeori until ltt Hep t. tuhei . the aocraed Interest ftum 1st of March is required to be paid bv parehaaer Ir or In ir.OAt cdosjimot, dtUng fifty per cent. ftr premium, nntil further uotlc. All OIllhH (WVUt-NlLyJIT 8WUHIT1KH BOL'UUT AKU W)1.D. JAY 000KE tt 00., mhW-tf No. IU 8. THIKD HTKKKT. aVIITII A ItAMIOLl'II, No. 18 8. THIRD 8TRKET, JtANKKHS AND liKOKKKH. H ports, Stocts. Vaarwrmaeteis' Voochers sad Checks, and all eovarvment HeoarlUe Boagbt and Bold. (mhU QUliD. OOIsDi OOLDi SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTKD. DE EAVEH & BBOTHEB, al-If Xo. M . THIBD STBSBT. J J 13 W M A 11 A. XX M, BABIEH3 AUD EXCHANGE BE0KEE3, X. 59 s. Till ed muv. KBA1BB IB SFXCJS, BANK NOTES, AND OOYBRlv MKNT 8CVBaT1S. Stocks aWagM asd Sold ea OeawBUtttoa. tUewrtsoaa svempuy ssoA. apJO-bf grrosLTBJS and oinirxxa J0TJOUT AND BOLD ON OOMMIBBION, DE EAVES 4 BE0T11XB, . its) S. trUHB BTBltSf. sVS-ti PROPOSALS, RMY t V fF L1KI, Orrice. ovAawT Crxiremro ak rortrAO, Ho. bOt HaoAi.WAV, Irs Taa, k.bVI Wrrjoeal. win be trvd at rtrn'ol"!!! 15 oihKk St., TIHlHrlllAf. the III huianl. for LTd''.fTwV.'ri ?uL .'- Hh liitii- Kef, Ajdij Sualv. iTtiretif ry lronatarm. rNM k i'ontli, Unsr. Kuril CHU, OnUatkel. hhiru, lAMiatl. prnwff . "ftjns risUiacf fflitri- Knit. Irrwf,KrU florHl fordfi Vtxp. l.hililiMn. txM Rvbsr. Hiijrlrft. ( n;tni. Mf.. B mi C. nt-i n. Mom I'tn. aim, rojiiftgi, if llnndiM. rtoKkkt flAmd'fi. tn tHetJ. llfilrhM UUdJtl. iSnlionKl CMiM-fl, ('iri (Vasori V'(rtmnt.l rolr, ArtpMf. KPHiRifntal Ctvior, ItuMtUi. IttMtiHinn h hm. (.iivft ft (.ulitont, OltT iritl t ICWte). ()Tll Klwit. Rtni(. or peclflctttloiii nT wM t cn to t tbJj JiiO-tmwIlif'Wrtvr.flitt'mlt wUhUiHrproWa-niji tamplM ot lh trtlrif liKrti viit- ir'Kt to Jc i.vr( or tf tho in a -terimlt vf Ahich tr wUitf mr to b mtlf. In !) liiiirrr,A At MeUt on ud of th maienal tthMld I itibmt'fttHl. IsitttVm wtlt nt4 tha fitiftnttsT U)jr m to furnUd, th MiKirteni Hm m which tif y cn ni. d -livtrt mni how ii on tbtry rnn ct-mill tii dftllvnrr i ftli hey 0il nr. rrop- rtrelt will ftiRO to riMlvctl at tht Mm" tm ft f fiirnl-hlnif tnuimlnjis), (! mftklntr t'P lnfau tnufri fnm keriey luiaiwlUMl l.y th I iiKeHHtaiJM. AMbiaN muiit t ncritmprtoiotl hy protr uarKntiyi, lKTMtbtwo i nnton.ib1e nl , tting c-rth Uii if siitrnrt (i mw ardrrj u Hi nv naoiM thorrln, lie will r-titi ft at onovf,B.Bii give loiiAa Ibr l fal Ltul pr ft r mar cv. 1 hp t nlfrd S('fi rrttrvrt Ih rluhl tn rirt any part or tt e whole of Uic tltli, an may be OcemaiJ ior the tAtvet of thaprvtfs rrirjwt' al Hhotild he endorsed, Frnnoiata lor furoiibJnc (bere in it Ui ATticlo bid for)" and tl.1ra-4 to Lieut. -Colonel D II. VITTOf anS-t l M. n. tf. . A. AS 8 1ST A NT QUsAJlTIiRMASTKR-GKN-ral Ufflrt, rmt anHf.PHTA, Aotni( 5, 114. tVaitvJ riopoiiuli will be rroftvtvl at this onto aattl 13 M'tfe M..OI. 1 K(ilDAV. (lid lUhinat , l.r five? bundled "iti nulri" Army WnKOiis, oun)Ma. 1 wo iiutulrrsd " twu-hofg-t " AmhuUncow ctonpM, V. h?hiiR iairn, toU deUverod tn UiLacltatiucb lacoa B4 ma) lx dokLaiTttMl. ni--l.air of th aboT to h aomplotd and ready for delivery n or brfor th lit of heptemlw na,t. Tbe rrmalii1r on or bt re theSoth of Kpitiitr.lHG4 1 hr right It rfnervrd to rerwl ail but deemod too high, and no bid from a defaiitilntr contractor will be r-.veL hlddctti wtli oiat prtce, both in wr tin and tJTun-a. A euarantee, to b felfned by two r ionalll poMoni, will b r,nlrd. whnce peintMU'y muat be cortJrrt-4 to b) th t: tilled 8 1 ate. IHairirt Judi., toitad Hutea 1'lMrlrt AfTon cy, i;nheJ HtfUoa iWlortor, or other Uov ttrnment ofllcrt othorwlae Uie proposal will oot be re cti (red. hpeetflrailonwforth aboe majbe eeea at tii offlce. Mo llt.ini'I.-trofu By ortiei oi Clotii tiorBaB.Crou.aa, AitUtaat Quar teimatersUvnora. L.b.A. ORO. H. ORVF, auJ-M Caputo and A.U.U. It M Y SUPPLIES OfFirr OP A KMT CtOTHINH and hynu-AOn, N0.N ItHUAIeHAr, NlW VtiHK. Alltf 1,1,. Sealed rntefiuii win be rtH eeved at this Oitlee uqHi II o'ti.sck fcl . od J Hl'IOiDA V, Uif llth Inntant.tSr deiiry, by mntrart, at Ike lopot of Armr ClotOluv aod friuiage Hewed Rot. Im1 H.HMoce, ftowed lt 4. Hoota. I'achln BoKra. RamplAtot wbicii can be een at th!i office. Bidtlere will mte tla quantity tkey wluh to Hirnith, an I hew aooa they rau mm it lata the delivery of tbe quaoUly they bid for. 1 hey wlIVMibmlt with their propeai a a a tn?! of the artioit they pioftoae to fumkkh. A prvpar tttttn('-e mmt accompany all bkU fbr the falthtn perft tuinac al a eontraot. TlieVmled 6ta.ioa reiorvea the riirht to reject any part or the whi le ei tht bid., ae may be deemed fbr the laioreet of the rvlcj. Prrpoaala ahmild be en domed PmooaaU fbr nirntalUiiff (bere liibsMt the naau ol th article bW fur)," and adilraitawl to LlftntcLant-Cut-'iiel 1 H VlNTUM, aj-7t Deputy guartermaatbr-Ueneral, U. 8. A. INVALIDS AUD 00NVALES0ENTS. INVALll'S AND OONTAlwtOtJITS. Invalids and Ooavalesoents, tuvallds aad Convaiosconts, Bspeolollr FEMALES IK DKI.IC'ATK ItRAXTH, ftMALKIt IN DILICATK HEALTH, KKMALbS IN DKUOATH HE ALT U, Will find our Will And our WIU dad oar CaiBoraia vTlaet, Callforala Wioee, Calltornst Wlaes, Califbrala Wlnee, CaUlbrnIa V Inee, CaiuVrala Wlaes, sooaUarlv valuobl in all ease of languor and great pros tration of strong to. Ask Ask Ask Atk Ask Atk Atk Ask Ask Ask Atk Ask Atk Atk Atk Drt. McClelland, Oobhord, Jackson, (of the renpjjlvanla Cnlrortltjt, Herlng, Itirenj, Grove, HarttbarB sVhmal, Wllllsnu, Itartlej, Meldbord, Wilson, Tlndol, VlnaU Ponder, Noble, Knorr, Mayland, Turner, and oiner leading phrsiclana, what they think of ta uedt elnalvbtaet of California Wines I Ttiese gvatlonien pre scribe oar brands, and aeour a ef Ui boae&u paUnt receive from their use I CAUFOIKIA VrTSB AGEHCT, IMsS-lm Ho. 43 B. FITTU llreei. abort Chwtnut, CiONORESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. i I would rrspi-cirnllr Inform my frlende and th public, 1 have avam las:. Oongrost Hail, ttila being the ll.lrd year, and baniade everj pieparation for Ui CO. 1 1., season, the bouse beiug enlargtrd. remodelled, new fi.ftillure.the cbsuibers with spring bods, Ac, Ac, and wtll aoconimndale flmr hundred giieeta. Vou will And no belter place tlian CiHigreet Hall. It la the neareH to th ooean of any ot tbe large onuti t at Atlantlo City, being but one hundred yarite fs'm ths besch, thus presenting ll,ell an adtantase to tbe pnttllc. 1 lisre cannot be anj better bathing at Atlantic this summer. Tbetaod oar that w as such a great iirawbaek lost season has al. been swept away by tl. I.iih ll. is of last winter, f'.rmuig luelf ties be.l bsthlo stirt tho Atlantic sea board. 1 here Is sn exrellrnt Har d of Music engaged. Attached la tplrndie Itllllard Itooin. Isla-U . W. niNKI.B. JNIsHT HOUHB, ATLANTIC OITY, MEW JKBSKT. axiO. . J1-,111NN, Proprietor. (Losf and tavorabtv koown a proprietor of OTSTKB HAY, Ml Mil and OilLHNUT Hlrsett.) Forties accouimodated with lloais, pishing I4n,dsc.,Asa. t art run to th house vrv twenty nuuut. oS-tf IXniAKOK HOTKL, ATLANTIC CITT j 1 he sohacrltter, grateful lor past favors. Ion. Vint LhAliae to Ms paltona and the pubJlo tW tlie geiierooa eu h.tu sivt n tuui, and b g. leas to ta thai bo It uuw open lor the siaenn, and ready It receive bvardors.parueueut ai d uarsient, on the toos sioilerat teruit. Tne bar will always le tuppiled with Ih rtiolceel wines, UMUore, and cigars, and superior old ale. Tho tablet will b Set wish tl.e bt'sl tbe ntartu aih.rds. t istilns lines and tackle always on hard All tlie eonilnrta of a bom son aiwoi be found at th BschAugs 'liim.smperanotm. OhOBtIB HAYfiAV, y it l"roprtotor. f1 O L U M III A 11 O II H Bi ATLANTIC OITY, Hl:W JKHMT.Y. UlTl'ATK ON KFNTICKY AVESTJB, 0l'POITE fur HVUf iioithe. ' r'DWAKD l'tprei.. Term to tult tbe Urn. ) tf gEA-BATHIN 0 SEA -BAT H I NO. StllOnAb OAI.I.I CAPE lhLAI.ll, CAPK MAT, X. i. rklMres nuder It eare of as and sorvaut half Brie. Superior accrnuiuoUtSas and ample room IOM TWO 111' SMIW) YEHOOltS. bsSt-Sm AAKoJt OAHMalBUti, Froprtotw. (JONWAY'H OTSTEB BAT SALOON. S. W. CORNKB OF SECOND AND CTJESNUT STREETS, Jy-lnt FHILADELrBIA. J TO MIIPCAPTAIN8 AND OWNERS. ii-Tb enJ.r.WnJ ha.Ug kuseed the aBNrllsM ll,.N ISCHKW IKM'H.beiMta IsAina hit n-leuds and lbs ol th, tha bo st prepand with Inoieaaed lacllitSra w arcomiuudau tbose having vessels to be meed or repaired, and bale a practical hlp-erpaaler Hid ctals.r, will pertoual atssnlioa to oil veseels eo Irasted lo klm a repairs. Captalna or Ageioa, aArCarpesiUrs, and olaoolatrt having it to rep-Jr. a.e eulloiw.i h; cell. rAllM Havln tbe any lor the sale of " Wsit.rsieots rsieim Btetallic tooisiileo," Of tapper Falat, k U erv. twn ef vessels', s U,i eay.I sat fiepsred M ruralsb Us. on vv wja h H AMin Raaalrutton Hcrmw l)oJl, aaU'lf iNkleware avmitw.abo-ra Laiirei ati-oai. jIaLAOB wrhpn shminahy. milt. tary tur4 iWK-a, Hiti tAwbar V 'Vuinue TI7 mt"frnN iuvwmtg tBvnaaro.a jtkswwstin., MW Kvmtm -ptlta Hai1sB.v efec roirila ItttWs. IvaMlfvl of a SsMna. fr-Mvl Wot In UiAistto, aa4 Otvtl tdiuat- lnog, Bo ye m ail aee ra JUrrss r r iKHfuw, s.r. nevni ,ivs, ulsaj Orssra, Irswsr C, ras tHa rRCP03AL8. o KV1CK Of ABMY CLOTUrSd AJfa Tiuipaff w , . , TWIl.AI.l.rrrA, Antsut i sa rel.l at n,u offle e. H OS ,s.T,V1H,,Tf U' h tntlant. IW .psirl u. achelkUl Artensl wnk ties ssuswise ortweta. Hospital Tent Fnes, lines or cton. army ttAtvWA. 4r-uch nnrlat-t, tampii rwinlred. Pott aad riel.( llrtapltal navs, army etaoAArd ' I S h ch dark hle Honut lo n n ant 1st basf Inch I. army slandarrt. , Inch dark Wue Worsted Loo roae-tutu iBok), tnu ti dsrd. S Inch yell a Worsted las (earM-elgbia Inoh). arasT standard. Army atanrtArd sample. Of sack of tr-e oher arUote ess be s at this othc. to whit deiivwrto sntt sirtrsoa conemt. Itlaoe,, matt etste fa their proposals tH yieiet fwwvOa ssuti be gieen m writlrg a w ell a ta Agaree), (A, M. nrp s limmno'ehref v. I see bt wintt be gurirantood by two rotsonalM par. sows, w-hoee sitnatures must be appended to Ihe gtiaraav H'.L l. as being mmI and tamotent eeonrKc VntteS pTuMt lB,0've,,r tom D"JJJ,! fanctlosarj ef last e.'l.IrS !?!mm rptors, and thoss kaf Vtst VlJ.''?rX' smhractng th term of Ms miAnM whl.4, Aw. . T"1 OV pTOpoe! therein s...e;t. c", u Us. Itlrts must Ire eedonwd "Prowrwaft fo, trw. B,,esA.s statin the panieular sntel bidfor. ' Supplss, rl. n erjAMr.a uS t at - Uss-H) . . army. OFFICK COMMISSARY OF BCBl8TKN0lL .- WAl.iUT rwsssst. PniLAiraLrnTA, Augert 4 101 Pealed rmnotale. la (hipiirate, win h. received as um Dfllco nnlll U o'clock at ,na TtlKMIr, August MaT f.r sa plying ft.r the useot th United rltatei Arwi'r.Uta J.Jowli.g eubsUteoce Hioret, aodrerod In i'alusihHpusa, WH Btrrets rtt ootHtf MR8 orPRnrpj trpusa) IliHR t com fed i. of the pack orhtsA-i, hi neat hootexl oaa ban- tr, with trow ma.ler tsraseoi meat to b (tee from rwst or stain. leM we-SwV snd thoronably saasd. and to hare bea rT pax-See within tbtrty days of AeUvery. Tee ready for delivery wlguln twtteuy ear tnm date ol award. riO.OOO rr.iu.dt nr.t sinltty wtnttr-tmoked BATO3 Mll,t'l,lre;HH lo t'ghl .lercet of sniforei etnv To be dxbvered within twenty days frst date) ot'sward )I(i0,OO0 I out.dt flrtt qnallrr TTt,OT BltRAD, to k rrsls from good soend Katrs Flnsr." thoroughly baked, and serfeetly dried beStrai being pscked. To be par ked 111 S.irfnl erasr.ned wo d, of such a klud at will ltt tta part latin to llio bread, bo let to oosiala OA Pounds net. nanrts llrst onslIlT kiln dried CORN sfRAX In well coopered, beed llnod bArrclt. MO.OOO rounds coarse pulrsriaed WUITK StJOABV fn strong ber, ls. ft ,000 Pounds AlAiliTINB,oTAB OAaTDLBS, foil weight. 50,tOO l'..uuj. clean, fine, dry 8 ALT, hcAd-llnS harrwla. Th shove stores, with the escepttea effort anl w i. urti.wrrw wnnm ton aevs or aareor award, Illdne'S who are unable ta delrret tho stores with a h tln.e mentioned wUi elate the time teqmrod for aeMrwrr. Comractt rs aieesproted to hold Ihelr Bonds vrttbootsa senses the f'nltei atalw.sntll reqnlrwd gerahlpmest. fas pile of All articles eicept Pork must so deslvwrsel With tlie propossl. and referred to therein bur th pms.nst must not t inclosed with tbe ssn.ple. SampUe most b Ipboir t.sndnnt hi paper paroeU.eook sosapl BsarkAxl wi-h blddrr's name. Tbe Pork wiu be examined and patted apoa hy J Taylor, ll spectoi tn tl. part ot Ihe I nltr-d Biatos. ricpaiate prr,inas. In duplicate, mast be marto BsresstA srune eniimeiau a, ana siaers may ptepest Sue is s or sny lutrt o escb. A printed oni yof this advertlAratBt sssst be lo a. h bid ai d tbe pnpoial must be tpecifle t c tun 1 1 .1 ni . i . I ' I .1 . .. ... rect. prtrpotal mast bar the wrHtea of aw reeponelble per aces, for th fulttuaest f ths tji ttiassS who wui glvo bonds If required. Iilsnk lor proposals oostalnlng 1ti fjtk ejC (merer tee mar be hod co ape teat Ion etrthte ome. 1 l.s .el s a' nam, pisceot bnsine. and atew pwrohaae, Pm of contenta. grnw , IA' s and net wergwtA, mrnet b-B n.erhed tn every pacbAte, and allldaurka ruuet bosk literal ed Ketorst ot wotirhrt by prsoMtlonal pub lo weighers to be Wen whenever rvrinirvd. No bene tnm parties wk Itavs failod to fuUU e leiiasr Sgreosrenl w ill be considered. Hide wll Include pacsaires, snd aeltvery at any Bosat bb this citv. to be ilesiunAte,! h. this oitlee; and uilaefS .arkstfee or cooperart will B oonoldsraal suntcisnt fltsr or reret.oa of tsroionte. pavmnnt will be made In soeh tksds at asar b AjiwdABBAt by tse tlultod StAto roc the pwrpoew. rroposAJs to ue enaorsos "rropossis ror eaniisiBas B tores." snd dtreoted to IRAAC B. WTOOrw, Captain and O. S Vets. au,VM jUM Y SUPPLIES. ,i . Orricg or Aaar Ctoiaiso abb BomrAss, Ka VH nroAdway, Kaw rotA.Ja.yJrl. uW4. Scaled rvoposalt will be rrld at tola orfloe aatil O'rloct.H .onTlUntbDAY.toelllb of Aurusl srSAt, far the delivery by eontraot, at th Uepot of Art UtetkaB nc koolpaueln Mew York Ol vi Army filankett.of owuwatM manufAotajr, sroot, frr. (wKI. letrer It. 8. In b ack. 4 Inohea loos. In Aha saaowsav to be 7 fret long, aud t feet Inches wide, to wsigk i pounds each. lilddrrs will tttts ths aumber they wt.k to ftsraltk i bow mAny they can deliver per week ; whoa thoy son oeao Buct.c. and when they can nnl.h tltelr dv.lverm. pnos"ls must be eroompauled by a proper guar aw bras, ertlpg forth that If the aoatroot 1 Awarded so th pjs earned thetnln. h wtll as ouoe xeoa s th eontraot. sabi give bond, lor ti e faithful eoclbnaano of th asm Th I nl'ed sums roaarve the right ts roJoM ol BBsS deemed b eoihnablo. Proposals shnui.i b oBdortsa 'nvootal Ibr BSUtnAeui, sua aoniesrreo to LAeuUnaut-roloBel D. W. VI WTO W, ya-lt Iop'y (jr. kt. Pen. U.S. A. IlROl'OSALS FOR MATSKIAL8 FOB TUX Hvy. WaVT DaPABVlfSST, t BtrsxAOor SrsAB F.kqissssiso, July In, lust. Sealed Proooasla to lurnlsn matcrlala lor the Mary lb the fiscal year ending June SO, lSrlS . will b reoslve at Ova Hon au of Slesm Biiglneoring, until 10 o s look of toe lleb rayol auiruat post, st wbica tun the rjpeauig will ba conimtncrd. 1'n.nosHl. must be endorsed Pmn.ATe Aw IT..M.I. s tie Mairr," that they may be distinguished rrea other business letters and dirMteri to tiie I ' 1. r nf h n.lnu Of Hu-am 'liu mater leb ai.a artlolet embraosdtn " ' are paitiruiarly decibed II the or.s ed soliedMiee. which will be ruinLhedto tuoh oa desire tn otTer. on eg pile. Km to Ihe eommandanuof the reepocUve vorda, or to in m a. y agent user .1 me et i, sad too of all the rarda Ufjini up) Ik Alios to lire tlureau. i nit ruvision mto cisssrs oelnrmr tne eonvanleaAo e di ak-rt in eor li, such only will be furnished as are actually required lor bios. Tli Oonimariuaat and BTevy Agr tit ror escn elation w ill. in aiaitha to Ihe eohedttie of classes of ihr-ir own ya.ds, have a enpyul th eobadale) ot the other vsrde. for esamlnathia ony, rroca wslos map be judsod it wl 1 be drtlreble lo make aspooatioa ror any r tne ciaases of tno arat. AU other IbliiAB treimi iual, will be given to article of AmerV cn niAiiuiacliire. tillers must be mad forth whet of ih eisst st aaT yrj ukp ot. of the Brtoted aohenulee, or la eusu ti-a-lorrnlty tlicrew Ith, or they will ant be outritldered. I.pon spollcstloa to tlie tl. fommaodaat of on y and, rr to any Navy Agent, the form of error, of gas rsntce, and other necoe.ory InhKBtAikra res pec stag itae Brcprwal. will Ire furnl.heo. The ooairoci wiu be awarded to th mwett Mdder ertt glvrv proper giiaratite. , as required by the la of ttaal Atis-utt. ISIS, the havy ihrfiartmeiit roeerrlng Ik right SB rejret lie lowest bid, If deemed OAurMfaiit. . 'l he t si trscie w ill Dear Ueto th u Ih Boritlctttoa as given, suit deliveries can be demaurl'd troui that dAI. 8urr tioa in the full amount will he required to ssr tas contract, and their roeonslhlllty oertltled to by a tnrt4 Siatr-s li'strlct Judu. L'mted Hiatr I list not Attirnisy, Collector, or N avy Airent. Aa miditioiial aocurlty, twesoy per ccnt-tn will b. withheld trout the amount of ths b lie until the contract .hall have been e..mpleted; and slAksr pr centum of each hill, apnruvM in tripiloaie by lb ooss Bisndants of the respective yaids, will be paid by tbe osvw geuls at the points of delivery. In funds or oertlAiaust. at tl.e option or rue ttoveroniem, wnnm ren usys alters warrant tor me same suau aave noca paasea ny to tsry ot rne treasury. 1 he following are the classes required At th rsspecova aavy vorila i ' K1TTEBY, MAINE. Class No 1. boiler Iron, Ac: Mo t. pig Iroa : N I, ISsSee felling , No 4, gum packing ; Mo fi, sperm oh ; Mo f, Uawsesl oil, Ac. Mo 7. lara Hi MoS, wetaille oil; No S, laluw awd S'rftPl 'o In, enstueers' store. ; Nu 1 1, engineer' tooit ; HB l'i. i nmncers lu.lrvmcnls ; No 14. wro..giit Irtm pipe, Sit Nolo, tubes; Mo lb, steel: Mo 17, Iron nails. bo-ts b nuts; Mo ih. copper: No IS, tin, kci NoSti, whimssAdi Mo 91. 7lnc 'nt; Mo W.oolured pamu; Nu W,ltetiniiery Mo ;M. firewood ; Bo 4, coUob woeic, packing, At j Mo so, ugir.esra' elorct. CHAItLKirrOWaT. MASS. Clan Wo 1, boiler Iroa ami nveUi Moi.pUrlroa: Vol, Iroiltr (citing i Mo 4, gum pscklng, rubber huse, oi Mo A. sperm nil: Mo 6. Iluscerl oil and tmpeiitlnei Mo 7, lard oiks Mod, uictAlllc oil; NoH,tallow aurlsoApt Vo Ih, englneerrr isrosiKo 11. enslssors' loots; Mo It, englueers' lustre nienls; Mo IV, Men pumps; Mo 11, wruusht Iron pipes, valves, Act NoATi, tubes; No IS, i.osl ; Mi 17, less asrU. bobs, nais, Act No IH, copper; Mo lit. tlu, rlnc, A MoSS, while lesl i Mosl.slocpatut; itott, erdon'd paints, dryers. An; No tin eiatlosecy ; Mo 'A. ltk-kioy aud ash pUtuk, ana ksita : No white pine; Mo I1, bsrup and cottoa psckisa, Ac; No J6, eugmrrcrs' storex. Ao KMOOKI.YNT, W. Y. Clatt Vo 1. boiler Iron ; No t. pig iron ; Mo a boiler f ta in tr ; Mo 4 gum par-king, rubber hoso. Ac ; Mo &. sperm oil Mo, lit .eed oil,rurieutiiK.. olcsol, Ac ; Mo 7. lard wit; Be b.liihifcauog or metallic oils ; NoS.ia.kowaud sosjii Kola, tiglnrors' siri.t Mo 11, ewiieor' tools; Bo li, sagi ncers ibsiruuientsi Mi4:i. ereaia pumps; No 14, wrought Iron pitas. vlvs, Act Mot, tubes; NalU.sieelj Mo 17, lioa noils, bolis, uuis. Ac: No. S, copper: No Is, Ua. sine, Irau.Ae: Mo w. while lead; No tl, sine paint; Me IS, rehired paints, (Uycre.Aei Mo tS, elaUoacrvt Mo It.flra eood; NoJi. bJtkory and oh plank and buti; No , white pine: Mo 117. black walnut aud cherry; MotS.toa Soaany, whlfe hoUeyl N 'Al, lanterns; No SO, Ugnumvkatt Xo ill. Jnidseous, pumps, Ac ; Mo lot, soar Boar, oriK thews, Ac ; Me all, patented articles Ms ii, OotWa Ba4 Isesags ..... Ac i Mo SA. erisliieer su.rea. r PHILAbHLl'lUA. nost Kol.boUsr iron. As; Mo S, bailer feel lag; Ka . gum penAlug, ruotrer nose, so; ju a, aprut ou ; i.oe,ww oil and tukpeulln i Mo T.Utrdofi; Vo a, tallow, soao, Au. . Be IS. asuiueere' atorosi M II. mmiueera' snolo ; Ma IS, sguseors' tei.uuaieuut Me 14, wrought Iroa pip, vstvas. Ac; Bo IS. tube; N ts, stwli No 17, Iroa srwas bMa, snd nuts; K Is, cooper; Be it), tie. A : Noi,whta lead; Ne'il, olM Banal ; No W, oossrea pours ewe S.4iAOSuti So it- flrA ssoodl NO . OotUSt BOA. Beatf parAlug, As ; No 3.'., eg1aeni storat, AO. rw....s .....i i a-. mu wi, Iroa t Wol.beAlAa fottlug. As: ito , gssa psoklu. rubhor soej, ; Ms. A per ui oil ; No tt. basaed eii aud tsrpeaUne ; No 7, lard ork S, ssuiberi MoS, IsBow and sepi Mn 10. engusaeiB loresl Mo II, elusrs' tones; Ms 13, ng!uors lasue- BiClrtst MO tT- ereAJS , S"rs valves, ai MoU. tsiiwl Me 1, sti; Mo IJ. Irwa tusSss, Bolts. BUta, Ac; Mels,oppes; No IS, tin, W.vl. aud sine t Mo M, whUe Uad; Mo 'A, xlno point; Mo tt, elurd) Palavis, Ms OS. Aksrs, dryers, Ac; Its JB, sunonsry l M 4, nro woodj SSHea sass asms pw. s ing. e s Atw oe, vmirei stores. yU-i C OLD'S 1M r RO V ED 8TEAM AND WATKA f BKATINU APPAHATta. y of wermikug and VeatiiAtlng pr.hiu liullulag end vat stesidwncs, Btsntifaernrodby tr -(MOk K-ikVAAt A SI WATTB ITR ATTjlO OOktTAjrt JBlLAIikU-l l.i - JAWtra p wynOD, Wo. 41 A kXltfKTtt BlreeA mblfVwS at at. BLTWBtJ-Hoirtr.lJe YLKEN OY BKAL'TY-WHITK VIKafJ I . . t, wwrroat srepa.auosog L' SAvd ok baa I1. BhHatlllirtVltAT. W1UU ItUApi . oompw,sloa. It u eu.0, frwm ;';. k;'"L?, a) rvrng IJ.e sioi, m sJ toleUa a -t