The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 08, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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a bailt krtwMsoos KiwsrArra.
1 r-V twm Caen rl Oorr. r Inwti" '"rr,p"
'W. Carrier. n mail t akor
t ef City at Him nou.iM Av I "
f nrtrTTCmrrmTirolluiiTiw,lanrUMra',M
A. .Vr tti perns arowr.
MntMmm iwrM at IM e.ael rate. A llbaral
I (rraiieae.l " eitd ieueruont.
f .'sr! Tw rnrrftw.dVrtia,
' TTi aiorte ran ) "TWWMrt Onwiaemntcatlmi.
. ktHi " moet be aath -n l we.l
br Ike name ad.heaa of the writer not nercanrli) tor
1 Mbnrfttinft.. bet ft-urnee Bar hie rM tmlh. W
ajtT ' mjatf trr M mufi rejeotd Cotnmunkatloaa.
, i-. ' i i. 1 .'. . AitTOrthifra.
f (HHmW " twMH I th C?tmlttsi of Tm
Br.Miso Tl ai.ftArM. onmeelllng ne m w to pre.e ftt An
ee.rty hor, we ais-eitBy renueel that dver..etni.nte may
. Be tieaKled be e Anon as ly o'etnr-k. If poeelbio, to sneer
Sbee tnaertfcsa im Ml of our
The advance of the Rebel acrosa the Toto
toAo, And their threatening movements
toward rcnnlvanla and Western Tlrglnla,
AagroM the Attention of the people hereabouts
Almost exclusively. Proclamations, trumpnt
tongued, are blued iitif, bat fall to bring
, forward a respectable response from the
people, to great la either their apathy toward
their country's cause, or their enthralment In
the work of filling quotas under the coming
draft. ' For our own part, we must confess w j
CAa Ms no great danger from the army of
Bajbct or it movements. It our forces wore
BUUAfted by men of Ability. If General II A
&BCX would follow the advice he gave anothar
general some time ago, And send a column up
the south, bank of the Potomac to Winchester,
lie would soon force the Rebels to concentratu
And fight, And save Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Weat Virginia, and Ohio from the dis
grace And damage resulting from a
raid. It may . be that even hotter
plans have beea Adopted, but they Are
; Tery alow of consummation. We understand
. that General Gbaitt has ordered General
SaaUUSAJT And General Wbioht to attack
Yablt once, end fight the lie bo la wherever
they Are to be found. In the meantime, let us
hope that everything may be done to assist
the Government In this matter by our State
Authorities. Our people should at once pro
ceed to fill up their quotas and strengthen the
Armies of the nation, as they are now approach-
Ka final triumphs and decided victories. It is
the settled conviction of all thinking men in
: . the Army, that the present campaign will close
the Rebellion. Let us confirm this conviction
v by using every means to aid the Government
And Its military captains.
Mittert before Petersburg (with the eccep
tion of A failure in Robol mining operations),
' Are In ttatu quo, and will remain so for some
days. General Lek will take Advantage of
this lull In our siege operations to gather up
' store and reinforcements. If offensive oper i-
tlons Are delayed for a long period he will, no
- doubt, feel encouraged to detach several
; columns of light troops to operate for h's own
And Hood's temporary relief. His strategy
of late,' however, with the exception of
Eablt's diversions, seems to be bending
towards a steady and permanent concentration
of bis forces at KIchmond and at Atlanta.
General Samuel Jones' retrograde, stop
from bis standard of retaliation, in releasl 113 tliQ
. Union officers placed under fire at Charles
ton, means something. We have no doubt
that the Rebel officers released in return were
sorely needed ; but we should not be surprised
If the fall of Mobile, or the reported capture of
Andersonvllle, Georgia, has something to da
with this sudden fit of fellow-fueling. Thero
has been a powerful moral eflect worked up
somewhere In the "Confederacy," whose first
tidings may be expected by us in a day or two.
, The Rebels have determined to sustalu
- General Hood in his bloody work at Atlanta.
Bis army was sixty thousand strong when It
croswed the Chattahoochee river in retreat. It
has lost one-fourth of Its lighting strength
since that lime, but has been reinforced by a
Lirge body of militia; all the lorcus opeMtln
In Mittblba'ppl, lately uuder comuiiuj of
Licutt-nant-Gcneral STitriiKrf Dkcatuk
Lf.k, and A larg portion of General Kk ii.viid
Taylou's army from the west ban!; of tin;
WWwtlppI river. This swells IIood'.s nr n
very considerably, but doe. not ui iko it e u il
to that of General Shkrma.v lu miuib -m, a.i.l
ctrtalnly not In morale and m'litiry
etrength. Besides, wecVn reiliforoBcjiiKiiM .x
With fifty thoiuou'd veleraoo'Vn' a sliort tlm'-
tt m the UepAi'tmeut ot UeruTaU 0.un,
R ttKciiABH, and Sckkd:, anil ruiiev.!
tuony wterons, now holding the rallroail from
Atlanta to Nashville, with new troops.
General Stoneman seeinn to have pcr
foi med a great work in bU recent ruKI, but
TJi fortunately made an attack upon the pir
tli.Hy fortified city of Macon, and was repuUe l,
' . AJ d according to ex-UniU-d States Beuatoin
B mmij. Co and A. Ivkksox, was cap
tured with many of hbj men. Wo do not
credit the capture. The repulse may have
some foundation, but If Stonemajt could
get all the way to Macon, his work of destruc
tion to the different railroads must have been
' Immense. The probability Is that be sue
' ceeded In destroying the railroads to Atlanta,
Savannah, Columbus, and Mobile. If we are
right In our conjectures our losses can be
1orne with a good grace And A pleasant face.
Geuaral Hood Is preparing to leave At
lanta. H thlukt his army Is large enough
to manoeuvre wltn Sbehman's la the open
. country south or went. If he Is an Able gene
ral this Is A good movtment, and may be pro
ductive, temporarily, of advantageous results.
J3ut we have every confidence la the superior
military Ability of General Sukauab, and
we know his army Is now the heevleet ef tu
two L etery way. , j
Th quota of Indiana under the recent call
is 34,732. The flute, under th efficient action of
Oevvraor Morton, ha an cxch of over 12,000.
That rhIWelpUl, nd the HUto of which
It ti the commercial metropolis, should mala-
tain th most Int mate rt-Ullons of amity and
Intercourse, will be rea. lly admitted. That
tl:ry are not united as cordially and completely
they ought to be, Is not Iom Indisputable.
tut to say that they are entirely divided.
spnlnst each other, and that the people of this.
. , ... - . , ..,
uijHTiunri..!. uay
ot only manliest raJaehootl, Out- a gros
slnndir. . .
We believe that there Is much good feeling
exlMliiR between the people of this commu-'
nlty and those of the Interior J that both appre
ciate the mutuality of Interest which asso
ciates them j and that they are desirous to cul
tivate that sentiment of common good-will
and fraternity which should ever animate the
Inhabitant of the same Commonwealth. If
they bare not been as well acquainted and ai
Iom'Ij rffillated In the past as might have
been wished, there were natural causes which
kept tlirm asunder.
Pennsylvania is of vast territorial extent,
and Its surface is covered by dense forests and
intersected by huge mountains, which were
not long since formidable barriers between the
populations occupying Its remote sections.
Tills difficulty of Intercourse prevented that
sense of community which Is the growth of
conMaut and familiar commerce. But now (knot likely to be completed under a twelve
avenues of cheap and commodious communl- . nionth, If then. Tho firm engaged upon that
ration are opened with the Interior; the peo- !
pie of All parts of the State have been brought ,
more and more together; the resources of the
country have been developed ; a great trade
has sprung up between the producing regions
and the prosjierous manufacturing and ship
ping mart on the shores of the Delaware ; and
the consequence Is that the relations of the
metropolis and tho rural districts are Im
proved, end the sense of Isolation and es
trangement which once separated them is
rapidly giving way to a lively consciousness of
near neighborhood, identity of welfare, and
generous reciprocity of benefits.
We should rejoice At this condition of
affairs, and wish that it may go on Improving.
We are satisfied that Philadelphia will inter
pose no Impediments. Tet certain persons
bcre are perpetually charging this community
with repulsing tbe people of the Interior, and
doing ell in their power to provoke their
Jealousy and Aversion. The accusation Is at
once false, uujuat, and mischievous. Our
citizens have always manifested an earnest
disposition to cherish and promote the best
possible understanding and relationship with
the citizens ot the State generally. Tbey have
not gone and mingled as freely with the
people ot the country as they might or should
have done. But this Is attributable to no un
friendly repugnance to such Intercourse.
Cur merchants and all other classes are a
stay-at-home set, and their interests doubtless
sudor Immensely from this cause alone. But
if they have not been aeon as much In the
country as they should have been, they hire
been felt there. Their money and their liberal
enterprise have built the great highways
which are opening through all our borders
tho fertilizing streams of commerco, and they
arc stimulating and sustaining that Industry
which b rendering available the exhaustless
mineral treasures of the Commonwealth.
Several millions of the revenue of the city
exclusive of a vast amount of private capital,
Invotod in the railways of Pennsylvania, is
proof enough of the large stake Philadelphia
has in tbe prosperity of the State, of the gen
erous share of ber substance which she has
contributed to advance that prosperity, and
of the interest she may bo presumed to feel in
tottering the most amicable, connections with
the whole people of tho interior.
Thce( therefore, who accuse PhUadelphians
of a want of State pride, and of putting re-
pub-ion and enmity between the c'.ty and the
i(iite, by a selfish, niggardly, excluuive policy,
r.ot merely grosttly wrong aud libel thU com
munity, but they excite suspicion of unfriend
liness and opposition where it would not
tl;tTv.lce exist, and produce the very evils
v.biih tbey uffcet to deplore or deprecate. If
the people of the country are continually told
by our press, or by individuals, that we
have no dlfpoxition to cultivate friendly re
lations and intercourse with them; that
e bate done oud are doing nothing tocroate
(tut h ties ; that, In fact, we regard them with
contempt, if not with hostility, andaro a con
ceited, close-fisted, and mean-spirited cora-
u.t nity altogether, they will begin to lose
faith iu our character; and, in spite of the
many evident cs of liberality and a doslre fr
ii'llovi hblp with them which we have given,
they w ill, dislike, and with
draw fiom us. Let us le careful, then, how
we unjustly accuse and condemn ourselves in
this matter.
HKiiM-i.4; rut: si 111 vi.tiii.i.
Having coiibo'id ited a group of (listi-ii ls
which, taken together, are fully twenty odd
u Uch iu len;rth by eight miles In width, our
nini Mioulcl le to rcii'lor thW union somfthiuz
mere than u more nam" or t'ortn. It is not
eui ugli that we sec the l'eiie-entative8 0('(j(r
Miantov. 11, 1'luiiklord, Went rhiiadelpliiu, " the
Neck," and i.ld I'liilitdelpbia proptir, sitting
lile bv t itle in the t-anie Council chamber, or
know that, the policeman who palroU a rural
bineive mile? from Fifth and Cbesnut streets
ii t.jityret to the. l oulrtJ of the m tgistrate who
fiut in the Oily Hail.
We wuut a coiu-olMaled people a nieiro-
oiiUiia ,lt I't.g Iliraliug (rum the. Kvcbange
to the county line a unity of public spirit, ho
iliuf municipal li-v;o:!:it!ou for one section, in
t tend of prook!i:: jealon. , will be aclcnow
! tl:;t il to bo for the good of the whole a
.'I l..1.ti, ..I l.trt' li u II il. . UK.. II t, 1 inn I., i. .
J "i i .,....u...
;.nd strengthen every enterprise that pniiuNes
to rbilutlelplua'a wealth, power, and
refourc . All thla Is neeesaarv: for without
it our city will be but a collection of sprawl
ing manufacturing towns resting under a
federative bond the purpose of which cannot
be understood, or at leust not made effective.
In order to secure the desirable end we
have mentioucd, our facilities of Intercommu
nication must be greatly Improved. The City
Passenger Hallways have afforded an ample
means of cheap and speedy conveyance from
one extremity of the city to the other. But
there Is another means of dairy Intercourse,
even more necessary than the railways. Iu
importance la beyond dispute, but it has been
neglected until the neglect calls for the Indig
nant censure and protest of the people. We
have reference to the want of more bridge
across tbe Schuylkill. On the west slele of
that river extend a district which has sur
passed almost every other la rapidity of Im
provement and growth in population. Its
thickly buIH streets can be counted by miles,
while many other have been opened, graded,
and lighted with gas. Portions of this section
have no equal within the limit of tbe city in
Pct of beauty of architecture and eost of
garden ornamentation and culture. I Tet, to
the bulk of th people of this fine district,
there is practically but two way of crowing
to the t of the Schuylkill, the Market I
Htrvet lirldRe and the Wire Brdjre at ralr-
mount. The font named, however, U north of
the line of the mam of population in West
rbUadelphla, while the Olrard Avenue Bridge
i .till further removed from It.
Itut one conveniently located bridge for
au h a tide of pvinengors a flow dally back
tnd forth over the 8chuylkllll Think of It. '
lDiiaaeipnian, vny, tnere are aevcral ;
brldrrea at the Fall of Sohuvlklll. nir at T
Manaynnk, and more at NorrUtown than on
tle Schuylkill front of thU city, between Cal-
lowlilll and South atrecU I Looking at the
vaxt difference in the amount of travel be
tween those places and at West Philadelphia,
we must express the conviction that several
additional bridges are needed betwoen Fair
mount and South street needed, to give to
the population on both banks of the river the
facility of Intercourse which they have a right,
since consolidation, to demand.
Below Market street, on both sides of the
Schuylkill, everything lags for want of these
communications between the opposite shores.
The bridge now building at C'hesnut street
bits made slow progress; and though the
mnsonry is now far enough advanced to admit
o! the laying of the superstructure, we are
informed that the iron work is not nearly
ready to be laid on the abutments, and that it
part of the bridge have shown no disposition
to hurry themselves in the execution of their
contract, notwithstanding the urgent public
necessity for the opening of the new avenue
over tho river. They require to be looked
after and stirred up.
To the FdUttr The Evening Telegraph.
Sir The cultivation of cotton in India, Tlraril,
snd ether countries, has started a strong cumi
tition to the Southern States la that article. Tail
inu't neceaiiaiUy render idle many hands In the
South, who-e sumeoanct) and Mipport were miitnly
derived from that source. What tbea will be the
fountain to supply these people with employ
niCHt They have made but alow progrt in
agriculture, in mechanics, and in trade, which
are the main support of tho Nottb and other free
With such a population thrown Idle great ilia
tree must follow. The adult popMlo,i are too
far advanced in years to bettin tile anew, while
the oung are toe inexperitnerd to be a source of
revtnue to iheir purents and re'ativei, and will
hardly be able, uulci-a under an apprenticcsvatem,
to otitain the net swirles and comfort of life lor
themselves. Institution must inevitably follow,
and the "white tra-b," as they are called, must
report to the landed proprietor fir bread, and
wot k side byslilewlth tbe negroes to support
lile, under UinradtU lircumstanca wmcn would
render lite IiKm mc, without any stimulant or
hope to better their condition. ear of toil and
labor would hardly suffice for them to earn a
uttn ienry to aet'le themselves on land in tbe
T. rntoiiti and work lUuiu with agricultural ita
plenn nts.
Thedchtlny of the Booth ctnbe read, an4 it
fate is too apparent to need any gift from pro
pter to foretell what awaits It.
Blr Archibald Alison, In bis " Principle of Popu
htt'on." aayi. : " If public hiippinisi ha not e
tablibbrd the balance of nature, it will be righted
b. the sword of conquest. Tbe destiny of every
Stttte may be toad liom the patt bistorv of the
world It is doomed to di atruction unleai it ha
devtlopi d the principle which render permanent
exbtenee consilient with human hppiw.ta. The
length of its duration I measured by th degreo
in which it has attained the tame object 1 a
Ion Kir or sborter period is asniunetl, in irjport on
as it ba contributed to the increase or diminu
tion of public felhity."
An the toimnercial world is now supplied with
cotton quite adequate to its real wants, and but a
few years niu-t elapse until it will be enabled
from itn Increase to bare a surplus for It many
fnctnrle to supply all demands for the purpnst
ot trade and commerce, the South ba', there
It re, ceased to "contribute to the Increase of pub
lie ttllcity."
A(tain. Mr. Alison say : "It is utterly impns
sib e for mankintl, in the later start's of society,
to avoid the influent of the controlling princi
ples. If the limitations of population have not
ariMn from tbe excellence of the social system,
they will be indm ed by its corruption."
M hut au exodus we must then expect from the
roi ton-growing States, after the end t:f th Ku
bt llion, and now stationary the population must
then be that rc main bcltind, on account of no In
ducement to marry, snd no prospect to improve
and provide for an oflVpring 1 M.
IIsaiiquartppb, July 24. To tbe Secretary of
Mur: Karly state that be attacked Mnjor-Gene-ral
Crook on the 24' h, on tbe Octo'x-r battle-lleld
at Jnieiown, completely routing him, and pur
sued bim rive tulles beyond Winchester, wheu he
was compelled to bait from the exhaustion of his
men. 1 be pursuit was continued by oar cavalry.
Among the prisoners captured was (ioneral
Mulligan, who wait mortally wounded. Bria tier
General Lilly and other olllccrs and mt n.c tptiired
on tbe 20th, were recovered. Tbe strength of the
eniniy is stated at lj.WXl ittiatitry, beside cavalty
audi r A vt rill. K. K. Lkk, Uonerai.
Ntwt-i Ai-i its in Atlanta. Wo have bt-cn
Itiaiediy4 a'ked, "Wben is the Appeal
going to leave f" We take this o t.s Hi to lay,
to allay all anxiety on the part of the public,
which is highly appreciated by us, that the Ap
jim) will icmain in Atlanta, issuing its two regu
lar editions each day, until tbe evening and
UiOroit.g of the last day ot its occupation by tho
Army ot Teni.-ie.
The iiiitutxr ot Yankee pti-i ntrs at Andttson-
illc, Gtorfla, is now over twenty-seeu thoti
tsntl, and has ! n almost daily tnt ri a-m. An
ttdtlitioti of five acres In. recently been made to
the ioc Ofttre.
(.imittl O.K. Sti vens, of South Carolina, If at
a piii ate house in Mucou, Uiorpiu.und, although
wi ut did by a musket ball, which et.etrattd bn
bend, nnd is still tliete, is tloing ill. Strong
hopes ate titer mincl that he will recover.
(flu ii.l Joseph K. Johnston eaiue down from
Atlanta to Macon on the I'hU instant. The family
ot (ii t tral .lotiustou l a- been in Macon for a
w ttk i r inoce.
AlM.nau Of KtllKVIi.N. A tiiee'ililjx of
tii na-e ti-k p'aci-iiuSutiinlnyeveiiiii, Iu rotrroiiou
lo ttK is c nlTount Psxtvi's 1 ii'i' utairti, ut the limine
ol the t.telint-ic Viiftli.e fbinpauv. tin moitein, Mr.
.i LM tt, nl Ilic 1 i.ui'iMlnp, took the rhair. Ttis
n ti.utis ed tin lat iiii-.ijiir nor loud, and dtdttimfe
fiots ilie Siapnia liono, U''itMne'tou llon, and
tutted I!g.c, pic-t-titcet tlt-ir crtHlcitiials. IIhi roil
ol ilele-'uiii vas then tulh-d, and nunii.ibat.4y aiUir
waiOs tin- f outiuitteei ol Arranumniit.i r.'porled that
tlK-y had liiiod uniliiiiK trout I ul-jui-i Kax i-au siuco
tl-e ait minting, but would teleitiaph to him to.
o tTtuw. lit" t liairuiau of tiie ( otnmlttiw statd i ( ok-ni l 11a X'i cu iuii-ruied tiiin aisutit two wuaUs
, fc(,ti, i,.v,(11.dLeiii I'll itdi. phi with his liorfi-
i ntut, the Pevi-n second, -omewhure butweou th
, U title rnd liiteeuth ot this mouth, and II notion wai
htd to tbe coutraiy, tbey might beeApeetod onthe
hint Lamed day.
A question being asked as to what ambulances
would t in tbe parade, Uie following were an.
BoBBced : Hope Hose, Weccaeoe, Assistance, Mo
batiic, tilobe, Vitrllaut, Soutbwark KdrIuo, t'ohook
sink, Northern Liberty IIoko, 1'blladalpbia Knui
ail JndependeDM ilea.
A ronjniittea ol two trom tbe e oorwr tthop Refresh
lnt fraloon bain inUroduced at ehia point, Uiuy
wtraiuvited le laka svaia upoa Uin ptallorm, and
MHili aitervtaida staled Ibat tbov bad eoaui tlmra lu
Sba piupOMi ol aaosrtauiuig wlivtiior Uunr ofcr to
enteutaiu tbe Zouaves, sent to tba CoiamitUsa ol Ar
rauwtnisiits, tad oevu acevpwd. A disousaiou took
piae U twwn tba ueDiban oi Ilia Couveulion. Ui tb
cuuriH oi wbieb it via steustl Uuxt iiut rutfiuiuiil had
aecvpind a pnwr lnvltalioa jetiMitfd bv tbo Uuioa
Vvlmitwr e aioou, bat that k was auppoaed of ooitrM
tutu mIooiis would ba atwudKd.
Mulam (e auiKBi Majrara, Keuinton and
Hinted lioso t'viupai'iea position ua tbe bus aooord
lu to ttatti el Uisutulion, aud to print euo tttvtaifaint
prograuiKuaia, ware adoptmL
ILeroDteol tbe parade will be aa iolJowst Uo
Third street to Hrou, up Brown to rwailtli, down
1 welltk to t hiMUUt, dowu 4 bcamut to yoiurtb, down
lfourUi to Walnut, Dp Waluut to iodepeaidt-Bue
roaare, a:iuuiMiuif at r ixto nioei. ab eaaia iua wua-
her aboard prove atonny, tb rout wul b alterod
as loltoai-UowB beauut t s itUi. ap KUtU la
Kae, up ! lo jiataoBal tjoaru1 liall. diamiini
al Hitb alwet.
'1 her beinn a otber baslBeea be 'ore th Con en
rtoa, 11 ait)ouriioil to nioet at tbe call ol tb 'oroiuia.
t ol AjTabjfouiMUte. 1 Lila Oouituitte. wltxa tb
laaiahals, will toeet at lb Meptau lloeu lioae ea
lueadav venia( tvul
Citt MoaTAXjnr During th past week, 421
death were reported at th Board of Health
Office in this city- Ot this number, 46 were
aoldier i male, vX female, 1'Jlj boy, lid;
girl 131.
Ypbmct Srr Anna. At general Court
Martini held In tbH city. Military KUrt-keepcr
George w- Martin, of the Sehuylkill Arrnl,
r,f1 on 'harp preferred by the Assistant
QtiarlcnrasiVr Ocot ral of thin Department, of
"neRlectof duty" and "conduct to the prejudlre
of gnod orrk-r and military dltelpllne." The ver
dict mi guilty of the riKCification and cha'ffe".
and the court atntenced tiiin to a suspetnionuf
"" "",'! nr ''" ,pe" of "LK
mrinths. ltitt the procedlnra having non atih-
mittrd to tto Major Octicr! commatirlintf lc
pnttnicnt of SusiiiicbAnii
mehanna (t'ourhi. th lullowing
order wai iued
"In the foregoing case of Military Storekeeper
O. W. Martin, It is shown the proceedings of an
investigating committee were admitted as evi
dei ce to the exclusion of the living itnmo.
"This act was illepal and of great Injustice to
the acrnnd. The proceedintrs, findlnn, and
set tencc in this case are, therefore, disapproved.
Milttsrv SlorekceKr t. W. Martin will be re
leased from at rest nnd ruion d to duty."
evening the Democrats will elect a number of
delegates to attend tbe several nominating con
ventions which meet to morrow . The poll will
be opetifd at cch precinct house from 0 until 9
o'clock la the evening. Tho election will be for
one County I)cle(fate, One City Delegate, three
Vr'ard Delegate, two Representative Delt Rali-s,
one Congn ssional Delegate, nd in surh Wards
as are tflmptised In the Third Hcnxtnrial District,
One jscunfurini 1'Uieaiv, uunvrn v iiniui.. uric- i
cato election, i. e . to InHDCctors and one !
jndie. No election will be held f r membori 'of
the Wsrd Kxecntlve C immlttcc, a w the caso
beret tore. Ti.c amcnrled rules provide for their
(lection on the third Monday In January. 1 he
diff. rent nominating conventions will meet at 10
o'clock to-morrow morning.
The Chaiiiifhsiiiho Pufrntens. A meeting
of ladies was held at the Board of Trade Rooms
on Satnrdiy, to devise me ins for aiding the
Cbambcrtburg suffered. Mrs. E W, limtcr
was called to the chair, numercm addresses vcre
made, and resolutions passed, calling on the
panto! i of chuicbes, merehants, editors, and
other, to aid in eo lectins article for tbe iiif
frrers. A firand general depot will to opened la
Philadelphia tor the reception of garments, mate
rial Icr clothing, bidding, and other necesnarios
to be sent to the suffering people of Cham icrs
burg, at the room of thu Colon Ilunevulent
Association of I'hlladi Ipbl. Ii'iii. UO and lltl S.
Seventh street (the same occupied by the Co in
niittee on Labor, Income and Iteventio), and
hit W. ('Isghorn, K'., Jonaiban Ilicka. K.
the agents of said Hoeiety, were appuiuted cus
todians of tbe donations.
Local Bhkvitiks. In the rase of tbe boy
Chapman, who was hot at Smith's Island, the
Jury rendered a verdict of accidental shooting
...Alexander McFarland wa drowned yester
day at Pier No. 1, Richmond. ...John Robertson
was killed on Saturday night, on tbe Baltimore
Railroad, at Kighteenth and Washington streots
....Draft mretlngs will be hi-ld in the I'trst,
Fourteenth, and Kigblcenth Wards to-night. . , .
An attempt was made on f-atui day, at the Me
chanics' Bank, to draw a forged chk
....An order has been received at th Phila
delphia Navy Yard to fit out lit v Iromitlet
immediately. . . . Wm F.ilia, a lad, was drowned
on Saturday at Catharine street wharf....
iff-. .1.5 ,000 ba been paid over a liio receipts of
the Comoiiticsof Labor, Income, and Raven no
of the Sanitaiy Fair.
Colobf.i) Kkoimknth. The following per
sons have been roooratncndd lor lbs portions
iitrncd. They are- students ot the Free Military
Scbool in this city and applicant tor oommantls in
colored reuuiietibit
For First Lieutenant Martin T. B. Kennedy, ci
vilian, oi Ohio, aired 21.
For Second laeutonanrs. llenrv M. Met'awief,, ol Virginia, aied tT7; James n. Hnapla. , oi, ot I'eunsylvauia. aed 21) Josopa H. 1'uL, ri
vilitiU, ot 1'eni.ay Ivautu, aiitni 1H; N. Warreu 1 ull
i or, iml Herreaut, K g ty-wvuiitli Cumuauy V, It.
(..'., aged 27; Franeis rt. Aioou, pr.vate, Furiy-iiura
C'enipanv V. K. I .. aged 27 1 Marnlia: I. K lis, pn
vale, 1 resident's Body t.uanl, agod lt) Wi.haiu It.
(reeu, pnvate, t otnpany 11, KiKhty-eignth Ohio
L'euimeut, avd 18.
Chauorij with Pickino Pockkts. A young
man, giving the name of Morris Harris, wa ar
rested in the Norrlstown depot, Ninth and Green
streets, on Saturday, upon the charge of p'ckiug
pockets. He took a poeket-bo jk from a man's
coat and atttniptedto throw It away. He was
accompanied by two accomplices. One of them,
named Alexander Walsh, was ar.os'ed, wb.le
the other escaped. Wahb wa arrested by a
citiren, who was struck a violent blow over tho
face by the ore who made bis escape. The ac
cused wcie committed to answer by Alderman
Si.Li.iNO Goons n r Samite. It has been
derided by tbe Commissioner of Internal ltcvc
rue that clerks or agents telling goods by sample
do not require a license, if the firm for which
tl ey are engaged has a dealer' license. ' Clerk
traveling on foot or by wagon, and sellin goo is,
must bave a peddler's license. ClorKs traveling
by railroad, steamboats, Ac, &c, displaying and
til.ii.M good at hotels, store-, and other places,
must have a dealer's license. Jewelry peddlers
mi. ling dry goods by the original piece or
package must pay fifty dollar license.
Machinist and Blacksmiths. Tho Jour
neymen blacksmiths and machinist are now
considering an advance of wage In their avoca
tions. The subject ha been maturing for oine
time past, and is now ready to be submitted to
tl.eciaft tor definite action. A Convention of
workmen of the city will be held on SaturJay
evening, at the National Guards' Hall, to mike
the advanced schedule of prices gene-ral. I'liw
Ceinverlien Mill be coin posed of delegates from
cveiy shop in the city, and Its action will be final
Axkaclt and Casks Timothy Gal
lagber has been held by Alderman Gibson upon
the charge of committing an assault and battery
on twocmcers In Aiawayutik.
Aniirew F.ldtrtin was al o committed in de
fault of $l(iob bail, by Alilertnau Good, to answer
a i hnr(.c ot assault and bat ery.
Mnsm no NtTs. Get ratten to make up a for y t it ; there I an art in It ; be has several
sinus to oner, ut no. i inesnui street.
K. li. Da Costa's M'ksT In mam Tooth Wahii
is the best preparation now iu use. Inquire for
P jtet It use it an be your ovn Jtidc.
Munuraeiuitd from pine West lodian ve'Keuitilei.
,-oki ccry where. Al. 11. i.kvitt, l roprtel x
Vt ua ye hy cau the l.itgeat stock and best
assortment of Clothing in Pliiladt-lphia, Cttiu-
prising all deairudle style of gootU, from
inedii:ui price to tiierfltie. li vet y one can bo
aci'tiiutei' luted at noui our stock, wnat-
t ver Ik bi tiro or proportions, In garments e pial
in alt re-pect to woi k in.ide to measure, nt much
kxivf ii, mi. For those who prefer, we have a complete a seutment of tsli ce Hoods, which
will it inatle up to meat-ute iu a sty Ut sto pasted
b liOlie. IvLSNIiTT oti.,
Toweh Hall, No 61H Market street.
ll.VilS-I.I Jtl'.Y.-Ou ths th iaitanL br lt- Win.
Iirrs, Mr. I 1.NIIY CIA1 1.HW1.1 lu Alls KM MA
JAM lit Itni . sit m rinlndi'liiMa.
It IU 1FII in.-On frlitay. ill. truit., atti.r a llnat-r
li-tf llli-i-.s. MAU (. elufrtt OHUi.'litur ol Je-nt-and liu
nut. I.utteria la. mitt it 'il rear.
'I tip rpluilves anil tiirnds an- n-npi-cttiilly Invltwt to at'
teml the luiti-ral. In.ui Ilis renliti-m a il hnr iian-ali. No.
l-.t I'rsnkliid loml oo 1 i-pkiOiv, stt. Inst., at i o'i'l(x-i
I' M. Atrvluts at tlmlaclitb l.apilst Charch.atl I'.M.
JOK En.-Oo the 4tb Uisunt, K. KATK JuNKH, wilt) ol
rauiael ll. joars. oi iiauuvi-r r unuu:t!, n. J., ana uaugu
ler tl uie late jooo j. tfocob, atHi., oi txiuuviau. Ay.
SMIIB.-Ontb 1th kulact, LOULiA L SMITH, la
tla 'obyrar or heraK.
Uii tru'DOA an thomi ot that uunlly are reapnetfallr tn
vltil to aiti-nd hr runrraL liuui 1L nMidtiuce of hi.r tirt-
twr, r.. iUi Baruia strMi. us wiu)Ualy. at r. at.
1IOKMWKa-OB tb b nnnaot. WILLIAM a
TBuKiNKH, In tbe 2SU yrar ol LUaia).
lu p ..l ,n aiul itl.iula of tb fuuiliv. Caiudaa Lodiffl.
Ko. IS. A. V. at., t'hosi-n KnrtKla' Lujg.i No. tl, I. O. of
O. lf.. Csaidoo Coujku, tie. 1. o.efU. A. M., wa Invltod
to a&ti-nd Oi fimmal. Irom tb residvooo of bis
e. Hit tlrwn swl oa Wooafaaajr awnasoia nut. at
9 o'clock. To proceed to Kvewreea I'cuutli-ry, Cautdao,
VAk-nsiinirv At nBrUnaloo. N. J . n HatunUr.
Ausast a, att-r a liaKiirtaji lliurs wbb-h tbe born with
Jowpb sad alaijt X. VaadearUt, aawl U ycara, i uaontbs
alio asys.
Tb nlattves an Men da of lbs faiatlv an respectfully
tnvtti'd u Aiti-iui bur tuuoraa. frwni tit r.skiica ol her
psreuls. Ha. 4 hast rVarl Street, narUontou, u Tum
y ai It moon, stu inauut, l eaoea.
wvailtvtp .la tblaetev on the Sth lnatebl. FANSIK
SLA til., ebil ut J"' U. and tdlib tt. W yulou. of
liev a teuia eovoaj, luinuu.
K " jUile?"wtcW, .Swab,
I X A il CV,. r iTt
tJ jonV:
fvartttar ctairvu mm miwud, nw ,
Hkiw l.orutiAr.1.
o ii it cnuui'i
eAJtrexTCB awd enrLBK.n,
M. 311 LtllelS STBBK'r,
A lary fbre f batldlai atasiiaiik vt all brenebe
Slwas o kaaMk
W A L It A V IS N,
e' to w. it. CAitRrr,
Ho. 719 OHESltTJT 8treeU
W I M) O V? Mil ADUM,
S Nl,
r II J l 1 11 A. T i I II III
1 AT
It KoMnf. like hi I frrt VroUfijv,
The clli.Mii of PliHtdclplilf, and Ttclnlty 4r partlf u
rij reiue.tMloiTttd tl roUowhiKBoU'lromMr. Hr.NitT
rffll.sM'Kt.PlUA, JlllV Jfl, MC4.
II. C Hft'lVr, Aant ff r 1.0'k-I iU d Iron --am:
rAt! Hih: 1 I f No. 10 ( fiUltMl Iron MtO l pirehnaHl of
on iti lw 3 w aj in ai fiiilc. wlifcti wm hiirnMl iitirrir
down, will' m wtion fnru,rj nn fr jti titirnt lnt. My
In Oku nnd miiks'ii wt-r takt-n nut of Hie ht't- iwi.i thi tim
tm k 1 tlii luH In, tnt rfture 111 attention wa pilil (o
tin mi-, nOor Uit lire, Tor on,? d a.
lim ofTtce wai a ihit??-iefry nrk k. nuildlnir. Imc Jutt
ariiith of m main waon nhop.nnd ai the n I d at thelimn
w frrni the north, the 11 rv fnm (he wnffori lttp was
rirr-d trtMitfly uptn tho oce, and tervthlnfi C'm-
biihtlbJa burtxl entirely uy. On enft'ittntn tta N.fe the
inside wat tiiund not injured In tlif If , and wttti a
cat of 'ktt and a little rcpairlrg t xtf rnaJl, U rfad and
lit for use.
I rHDrhifrfully rrcotnmind iJT.I.IKHriULI.ED inOJI
BAl C U al 1 Imvn ated aa a mvt tiiorouirn KIra prw.f
U. 8. NBtlvnal Wttgun orkj.
Thi ff.llAwintf facta In the aborf cortlflcittr. areoarticu-
tarlt ootl.faiale:
rirait. Tht-cMiretcr of tlif bnlldlt'ir. Mi twin lorafd
Jut aouth of tho main wuKoii ahoit. with Itn imineu.
aroouni rt o.muunii4c material; aiM inc rici iimi mr
wimt at ttie time hi KtrooK front lite nortli, w iilca I rce4
n ttitmenr aim Hint ot hrnt ttpin th a IiuulMik.
Heroi.d. I ne Met tnat the Mutt wm Uie ainnlloat hIbo Imt
no?, nun that it wan If ft in the cellar, am'tntf the- rii'n.
tor oaytt wtuiout cure or aucnuou, aa tnra waa ithiit4
lift In IU
Third. That I be Hafe U tint epning, wan. or twutf-d,
but li atlll in order, ard fit forusr.ertn the lock twin
itiu uainjurtMi.
H-,l womlrrful rvaiHt, totrcther wt'h the result of the
Uie aiien.irtat robrrry of Uilie . Chill d Iton Hale at ue
VSfst l"ilatiiiMa 'Jrtiat Fund, mil ou 7ilhM. mikt ur ve
to the ntUtaciloa of all i-arLeH ItitereNted In taiva, that
Ll'llf'a Ctilld lnn Hart la a. I that is claitne.l ror It,
rctiv aiad thorviiuhh ftrraod ba ai r or jot. the thfU-
iron anlc maker, J avlit t.vaiik', atrtlofi t the cHttrary
iiotwKnauiuuug. veruj', rioviuence u oa me aidu or
m, v nxiH.r.n, Aua it.
K. It. Thf abovo Rn'e U nw at n dep it. aod aa par-
tie Interfiled will plcatec nainJne It for thMniHrea,
aui-tf No atS. HEVr.Nni atreet.
A1J dUeaneo conditions, both acute and chronic, w hore
there ti vltot ty enouch hft to react, are permanently
cuird. by wft'ranlce, ftt No li?0 WALHL'T Mlreet. Ihlla
delphla. Bud In case ot a failure n moHtobatliialamaladiea
iw charge la made. Electrical Institution. esUhlJahed
about five jean ago ly rrcfrnor ItQLLKS. Ked tbe
following :
Aolaaeofmaladlfaprevailai lo a fearful extent In com-
munJtlea, dooming HK),00O omh, of both afaea.anaaall
to en early grave. Theoe dUeiea are very Imparlectly
vntkraiood. ThelreKternalmanlfcataUoai or amot-tma
axe oervoni debility, relaxation, and great exa Auction,
maramai. or wafting and constiuipUon of the liatuoiof
thewho'e tody, hortuet of breathing, or too hurri-4
I. ret thing on atcend ng a hill or flight of at aire, palpitation
of the heart, aathma, bronchitis, and a dry, lore throat,
trembling and fehatlng of the anna aud lower llmbi,
aveialoo to ioclety, buhlncas, and to atudv; otetlmea
dlmii6Na of the cyebUht, low of memory, diizlnesi of
the lifad, Kuia'dlA pais In vanoua parte of the
bodj, aina In tat back and lower Mmoa. lumbago, da
prpitla, conrtipatlon of the bowel a, deranged aecretlona af
thu fcidmys, and many other gland a of the body, pro
durli grtrulent HiBf-a-cs In both malea and fimalea; llka
wUe pih'py, hyaterla, and different forma of nervous
epama. Now. then, Dtnet) -ntae cau-a uuLof every hun
dred (fall tha alove named dlaea and a host ol other
not named, aa otnumpli(n of the tunga, 01 of theaplnal
nen ei, have their orli in tu the pelvic viacera, hence Uie
want of aucoeta by any of the old medical e)tenuof
i'i rri ncn ur r a..n a.ic.3.
Prole phut Uteh, Leuioirhtea, Amenorrbara, and Iya-
Beuorrhua. All the above diaaaaea and other Uterine
ex Bipialnta have tiieix origin ki a lea ot the vital power of
the body, brought on by Injuria , axeeasea, s-dentary
hahlta, peraonal abuaci, abort lna, and tne ue of puwvrfal
me1lciriea. Home of ibe peculiar aymptoma are d ragbag
paint, ihionvh the h p and back, weakneaaof tha Uaiba,
and extrt-me languor and d 4MUty throughout tbe patire
ayatenu The effecta proCuctd from tlieae troubleaoma
maiadiee are aimoat multltudlnoua. Conaump loa, Dya
pfpula. emaiKia, I'araJyhla, lieafneas, ltlliidnei", lit a,
aud luhaiatty, and even ldhcy, are aot ancommon.
h'o etrvciual or reliable remedi ha evar bea fvundfof
Iht-ae ularuiigctm(l4mt till our lato discovery In then ie
ut hkcufcJtj In atnet aconnUt ee with the positive and
nefcathe pUarlzatb n of the Vlertna Organs, ne never
failed lu curing all of the above dlaeaaea, exrpt lo case of c di riiigement,or et-vtre t:Jutles of the parts.
Mra Folion, a lady cfreal c xylenes and ability, will euiin charge of Ircitting In the ladle' deiartmoat
CoiieultaUoa free.
Prof. tiOl.LFS k Dr. HKOWV,
au.4 i0t No. l'J-X' WAI NI T etreot, Pl.iJadi-UUa.
Oreen sad lllnrk I rani.
A fresh Importation,
By the paakagt or pound.
ust raoelved bf
Davis k Itiuttaana,
Atch aud Tenth streata.
I ti. M'hltmtto eV 'o .
Maniilactureta of Ne an liellrloHs CoiiHwtltsna, Aliaoad
I'aate, Chocolate Caraoteta, C're-ama La Moeae 4e
fails, e aiiiilauely rtavored.
Buoete Jomaa Almonita, arc , Ae
No. .its Cheannt street, bolow loiirtb.
atleMiil ek tX." PlHiatMi.
STIX'K a l-O.'S
If 1101
J. X. OOltLU.
aerantii aa Coasaal a tree la.
or TH
Suffiereis at Chamtarslurg
We hav neelve from C. B. MKSSER.1M1T11, Eau.,
Ca.hkr of the Bank ef CaaatMSalur, a eptorable acceaal
ef IB tktetltBtlea exIatlB ther. rersoB wlaBla to akl
Uie suneier caa a j seBeUo taorrooBtrabBiieaste ua,
au.M Me. M ft. TIILND Street.
J Window Shades, from Kw Vurk Auetioa salee,
laUshlly wet.) Itaimlneent Hraaaele, wsoe, li lt.
I SI H, Ut aad 11 Mi laaiutlun Druaaele, loalntedj
"4 whm, vu. su an aveeuu-e, aud 1J at pnipor.
tktinaU prtceet Iniparlal Carpet. 1 .17 te 11 pel yard
InaralB. Irom IKJ cent Is l rlMi VeaetUo. Hw,aaJ
Hemp, from 37 H te M oeHU per yard! Ualtlnsa, th
lenrcat aaeortaaeat seer otlert d in rknaderphia, fruut OT
to 71 eenta a yard, at th Mew Verb An. tw.n Waa IX
pot, (K.iincrry SiMklow'a,) Mo. 147 H. Of lHiNU Sueel,
Br. I onoff above tvauaMia,oppeajt 1MB ahacninare.
J kUaba
kuabe m WV lie porter and Dealer IB
due Mae. Wlnea. aad Unaen.
Orvaa A Btaokwetr rkkla and Baaee
BnuUak aa4 Santab Aie and l .irtee.
e.eneu jaaawa, rraai, auau, aay.
Vvj Me pat e cere.
8. KRCOyn Mreet.
dOJuuA u. wuarr.
new chksnlt
iHia rVi:iriN(
The ranr f.aviv!f . tmB--..i, -ii ariuf drma,
AI.AMXN, ! Tht U iSIl HKt:i. I A HI'
reitert, ir i r. huh tt-a' mtce prtiraia. I'i H
13 1' itt m tft-cffs-i ti--' nin,!tr- nr: rn-lo ith i .iitr-y -ful
ff anaiotrnM' tnatmtVrni "i urind rnirvl -mtpfrti
roatuniee oJ fnit-Ft a. ufiu1 unii - af t
rhnroere 't'
l;M ARK A It 1. r.
Ki I' v fvt: , fk
Al'llt K SIHl.l KFNTII.
Vf..r nil ..VI li "i, r 1 r,!H.I stfan. 1-,-t ..
aid' V Ah A.MM HU CO.a Mtmnj, ,i.4
lTl ir . 'Clt S I .l" , 1. 1' lis ... 1 11 Hi.' rnl.lfr, 0 "IniTriu'li,
On MtiMl V KM MN X.inu.t ,
C m rulm "XKIIV KVr.MNU Mil S.IM'i'.y I :il
it .1 ., Il r'M.Ke er nftnsr lh .t'rrKi i. ,l rn
n) ?iili, WincSls) lMf.,Thil-iay lltli, Frlrt)-ili,Kn.!
Ss'liiitai I'.tli
An l.alo. - A. 't "irt. earl' : rM it'en f- rer.t . A'
t.iifi 11 Mfirn.eiTi. rotrfi.. ii' n' "'e'e Si lientxe,
"S'l'iWa. lNi.n;et ..t hall I serllf r on eHi-li nc .
e h.i. i. Msnai'.M. Mn-lt.-e Win.a.'s)- -ri-r.-try. r
rn'iilrii nlSorlk. lor the i At vt tneejlt tMI'.KIM.
Illlllll HfKH'.MI ll.t. a ll-M
P . MtiltP fe m.M 1 IT T NKttlT. A VP LAKT M
Item Fssrfti.n I isiik Miaa, and a tioat of othr".
tt.-blllM I'K Is). an
si' f lw.i.'. 11'f cr-ler. tu a J1 Iocsiki'i. AS
ilii.a liril'sK, Ki.. is.i, foal Otne. au-fit
Ansmtant OtMltTa.M.ifTra-OsNainl.'i lairn's,
111 l Ai.ri.iiitA, .1..'; il. I.l
Itniaea atiltal.W l r II e Arlllery sail rn.iv acriio will
Im riin l.Hse,! hy it r, In nern markpt, at a ialr
1 1. . ' . 1 nrh at Inn I t. I.. suli.ltiMl In l&m ilalial tlwveni-
iiient lnswik,f, h riT Im-Iii. son'i'l
llMise. tr l.e it. Hi n il in th. Lnlt.'il St. s Inwrtor
at the WII.I.IAM IKN.N HOTKL, MKKAT .S4I--..1, be.
twrn 1 inlitli sii.' Mi tit a rt-is
It; nntcr ot t'oloi.H ttirs tl, Crnsman, Aaill'au(
QiithiteiinesWr-tiir.or.: V. S. A.
(IKOHttl, K OltHK
J;5T 10 Cantaio and A. M.
y HALF. CHaetng on Laiatie stmt, It rounu. L't
teb Jtoneu
Li 1 ut
VTi in
te slaue avlndowa, and dnrHilnj.
JLIti tui a, laitr Bint amall. ia lerma u auit Hir.i.iers,
eill i-r Willi m ai t't'eut In nii.ranrn. for caah alt t C"Ol
uadi-. Itiii. c.i. from lo ti 1:1 o eiork A.M..
Tlltm at I LOW MAN, NO. WI 8. KOUKIII Stmet.
elamtary 1 .tr, to whlea It bail heen tfineil, a l.intr
llttti, alxu-en lln-t ,oiik, tuaiki-d with Imlsiiu Ina: i... tin
raise. M W IIAi.liH'K,
auSt Nn MPUUOt' hlii-t.
tlZJZf '0 OAI'H lt A. V.
CAPTAIN F.. A. It Y T II li R,
Of the Cafie afav la bow making' her n.'tlar tiii-i t
CAI'K MAV.Ieavmi) Altl'H Street avharf. eretr Tucs.Uy.
1 huraday, aaii Hiitarday at nine ovKteni retarnli.t: vni
leave Caiie Hay fiery Mondar Wednesday ai d 1 fl-tar
at balf-pAM ealit o'eicck. tmicaina at New Caet'e it.ilng
and returtilnff. 1'are ,i50 cairiaKe hit inct'.d d.
Cthihlren half prtce; rarrlsfro bite rrelndcd. Rir.aiits
t'&0; cjnlage hire extra. fretuM at low rate. u
frel,bt receive altar H 00111, BLd Ib ail caeoa be
jyil-tf J0HKPI1 A. 8TEWAKT, Kjeni.
or Tin
NEW YOKE CENTEAL PARK. niafraincert work rf art, tiow raaidty approkchlti
or.ini.letloii,la one uf the laruoat aud meat lahoraie fvex
BBdenelen la U1I1 country. Iitliif aoout
Four arad a V air by tt.rae and a half feet t..iare,
and emoi . a full aod complete view of toe llreut t'ea
tral I'ark In at' l.a m'suty and srandtar.
Bubaertptloas for a limited number of tne artlat'i proof
sheet will be received bare, wben th platea wilt bo ukea
to Purope. where
atee.ra-TRUBN! H (0..ratern'eter Row, London, and
ALIIl.ItT L. Itltl OLI. Hue BMIifrlleu, I'arla,
are already receh-jiiar aatiaerlptiona for the aame.
Tti a work can be had by tmbecrlptlon onl . lrloe ti per
copy, payable on delivery.
Subscription Booms of the Company,
The fttfowtng firms will receive rubacrfptlona ;
Al'I'LBION A CO , Broadway 1
W LkhH, W1SK A Del.. HrtUB
B. B. Oltltli.s ext.. Chteairoi
WtHlltK, WII.HTAwK BALllYlK. Cln-lnnatl!
riULIf A KKLOMuHg, Waahlnstoai
' CALLFM'KK A CO., fblladclpulai
Or, at tbe ptibUaheri,
81TVt.L,L,, IlARltIS St CO.,
J,i Wbtnlni Vo. 7K, UROAIiWAr, New Vurk.
A. 1 12 It HANUlNUHi
aJ A. Til fci H O. FINN,
Una Itemoved from
No. C14 ni No. C28 CHKSSUr Streft,
Ilaarlnc purrba d Hie ali.nk ol JAMUs IIUIIKK. Jr.
(inrmerly Itelru t', whir he wl l otiir lo hit cuatouiera
and the public a iat-f.i and elesaiit aaaoitmeat of
Dtcoratioi.i) aud Wall Papers Generally.
By giving hi. M-r,onal atti otlou to tne aelttns and haatf-
lu Uiereot, lie nupi.- to cuutinue lo receive tbe liberal
petroaaateof tbt- .uti'lo.
Utliera at d x l-itura are mactfnily lavlted ti eiainlne
tlte vaiiety on I'm d ia lia
T0 1UI- MAIi-llsL 111 Til at KA-.11.UN Illlllll' T
t I kNSIi I V MA,
UHKIIKaSI, Tl r lll.trirt Coi rt or Ihe United Hlatea In
ami lor the Ka-11-m I siitetol' 1 eniuyivftiiia, riKOtly ati.t
dill) pri.1 ee 1U1S .-i l.tbel. ttietl In llie liftuie ui til- f nit. -it
I tfttee of a. I.aili ueeiin-d ail imrMiii. in aeueral wb 1
hftve.or prvteli.i tu lian', any liebt. line, or Inii-n-t In hulls nt r,.it..n, i-arifii of a veBMd unknown.
CHpluied h the l liilid St Hti-a vt.-B'l ot Wftr ArtlKH,u'i.lcr
C .Bill ami bt V It'll I-IT L.ieilli'lir.111 Ci r. jfaviii.,!,, if.i
ui. u-ahtvl. cited, and cilifj r jii.litiiii.nt. at the time on.l
rifti-e miderviriti. 11, nnd in the ei:tc.
Ou.llre mi ro.hiriiifc.l li u arri. tlieeliire, chnr.ed and
rtetly on.oiueil ei.d eoiiimauiieii, thut uu eta t not, but
that by pub l.ihl u these ro.-eiit. m nl ieuit two of tue
dally newMiiapi ia tirluted and publlslied tu ttie oliy
cf fltl'adelplila, nnd In tho l.tyal Ini'Unienrrr, yuu
domonatt audi In-, or i-aiiso bi be monLhed aadclieil,
pe.ri upioril ,all , ranua in seuoral who have, or pivti-iil
to hnve, any risl..tit,e,tr iuiere.i tn tito a ml Haiy-tw
bnlea of cotton. -o pi ar beiore ttie ilrmnraule J'JHH
CAIlVi Al.Al'S h. 1 e .iuil.e of tl.e .Hidt'iiuri, at tne i a
trlitt'nuit rimiii In tlii-Cili,oti 11,0 tMC'l
tletb del alter put'l eation nl theei- preenta II It nea eon I
day. orelaren 11. nol ci.rl flnj ..lknioit. betwoen ihn
uaual homa of hi-arlns cuilsea , I: en and tl.r- toali..w...r
alietie In dkeform nf law, a ri-arona' le uud lnwt'ul eKfii.e,
lfn they have, why Hit aa.d it li'y-two bilee o.' rnttnu
almuid tot b riii'itnunceil to belotu., ft! In time of
tbe cauture 01 tie enuie. lo Uie eueml-a ni tl.e
lulled Btatea, ant, a s""da of their eamiea or
otlirwlae, Hub and snUeet to c.itiitemonti.iii,
to be a.tiaditril and enndenaj.! aa iroid ana law
n,l ..ri...: .ml lunhir to tla aud riteive In thll
bebaif aa to juitu-e shall apperula. Atidthat you duly
ll.tuiiate, or cause to be intimated, anto all penotui at.ire
aatd, serai ally (to whom by to teuor of tbeae preaenu
It la also lutliuatrd), that If tbv ahall not at the
tiuie aud puu-e abuvo uaetith.Bed, or appear aud aoall mil
show a n aanuable auid lawla eauaa to the contrary. Melt
aaldliltim-ie'eurt dolb Intend and will proceed toudju-dli-atum
oil the auld capitu-a, aud may pmnoune ttiaut
the aald rliihty-leo bale of eotieu .lid beUius, at tbe
tluie of ihe cai.tur of lb aaTie, 10 Itva euamlea of the
I ailed Stole of Am. rkft. and aa joda .it their enoiniea,
or oll.erwlae, liable and ftaleee-t to coutlecal.uu and c !,to be aila.lirad and e ludeuiue aa lawful prb,
theab.ence.or ralher, eoBlauaucy.of Uie peraoua ao ciicd
and lutliuatrd In auy wi-e nolwlth.tatidus, nd that you
duly canny t tbe aald Dletrlrt evon whal you sbaU do
la tie wHh tnrae urru-nu.
Wltttt-ft tba lluiiorable JOHN CAllW AL40F.K. Judge
ef the said Court at I'ktla.leJpbta, UUla aecoud day of
Aueu.t, A. O. lieH.aud m the eiuty-nlntb year vi th
InoeuenoaBC ef th United Htate.
auKl li.H. IPX. Clerk Dtatrlcl Coar.
iVl Writol tb lion. Juhn fadwaUuler. Juds
f th Imtrkte'ourt of IM United Beau-a, ui aiadtor lb
Kaalera lM.trlel ol PeaaMyrvanlft, ta Admiaany, So m di
rected will be aeld at pabllc aula to the hiKtteat aad imssI
bHHIer'. fr laah, at law HKNK.U 8 reKK, Mo. IHN,
y-KOSIT Street, BWKlIKt4IIAV,AuKnBt 10, 11, at 11
e clock M..tSikalee and Is bales ef cotton, belnaj cargo
.f,MMrtUBkB.w. wim4v MII.,,wiRn,
T. 8. Alurabal 11 l).of f.nne.
FwiuieiarMU, JalyM. UaK.
Wnt of bale by the Ilea. John Cadwalader,
Judiie ef the lllainel toert ef Uie I'aHed Beaiee, In
far llieKaalrru liiatrkt of Pennayrvaala, 10 Actmiraity. to
Bi dlre.ted, win a eot at rnl.Ue H.I. to Iks" M beat and
beat b..lder. f.r eaah, at MKIIBSKMB BIOhN"v
N. t hOK J arrearl,a WKl.NatflDAV. A..oi W.
U loeS,M..Wble. aad It. bale of CoimB. beta oar.
(oea ef reels unknown. w, u KM MrLi.vARD,
ratted atas.. alasakal K. ;"'"'!r
it 1:1.1 1; 1
S'jfe;!ng People of Chainlierhbarg.
' Ma-t i . ef rltlrrtit held t ttie It .ard ff Tnade
l....,.' "I ..e.ilaa. II: 3d li,l . l m aaitree frat
tie re 1.1 nl tre ..iferms p.ilr if t'titaoersbttrx. the
1. -rt- :sl. nsil . .-rr sso' ttit'd s'n tli . to apnea to the
1 Hi.- n tf-iiadi ipsia f..r th-lr smfr-tia aid i ihla
r"ait li.-r-'.id roT.n.m.ttr
Mi.ft- tisn ta k tl tti' ie'.lr of i. n tate, a larre
in m. I,. -f tl 1 ii w. nn r. and rt I itrei., an- hwincU a. au
li. err c . rc v. ,.r n. In a wl hO'it i. tn e mi el- aehanff.
nl f't l'-K. J.'-ir wai.., r pri'.-lna; and lt-ey m)uTe
1.1,1 . i-.ift 1 mi.', w ,. .i. ar. t.l. .ho. e .taliurfin I. a
t: :.t v.-th I- narj tn i.m the ae-.lre a;nratny of
ie. 1 II! et stti? Iiisi.ia. a lib'! le.pfMiM.
Hpiwl tl.'..1l.lle ...UI,lll MI.MI....I lAlhaTM.
a: nr. I. lull .Si' A. Hi ll I ..j , 1HKK Mrn-I akarf. I
i,.-, il i-i -ri r....i i-. iMit. t.. eiiiicr '.f itn u drr.tL'tied m.aa
I or. nl f . ( ..ft rri'.ie.
I'ii- in.. nr. and maieriala tl.111 rnnlrlhuied writ b
p' ft. nl l.y K.i t ntu'nllte with pniinfitneaa In ll.e kanda ol
aii. t. re'lttN. ai.d dlscrret sentlrmea of fliiamtierabnr w
an!1 in-, in. Uie he.t dla.esitioo of ynnr ben-vntent earn
ilHSII fit I'ATrt'.ltlaON. '
t-.I.MlMi A HIXIIiMt,
illiU.I O. JA WKft, ' .
HlaOtf (IKA't ?,
l . Ai.f.-ttit I, ts"l
su M
W-1- ' Y 1.) t OlIIJ .Tll,
lnil. Ai.Kl.i-tl'a, .vt'H-tt O.tViS
A ti-'e1 ii-s nl tl.e ht.M-kt olilsra ni the ti.i,n t'..fnuie
Un. va (em'i'iny aili It h.-l.l al 'lis t.tire nl th lont
I .l: rr M.IH iV. Anita. t I'i. al lOu'dlock A M.
Il tnili t of tin llnsul ol I'll-1 0't
ff. ft. Kf.ktttl.K,
aur. t e- rri:y
Dl;AFNFS ANi) rtLI'l)(FS3. 1
all dlseeee. atiiiereali.ln. In tee aSivr-fiam. meiauieni with
tin-e' amv-i as Trout roe -jrj
M itei in ir.n elti and "m,y e ill be iel.
Ni. -H nK. Itieern. Artlll. Ifti S ee. In.erteo 10
far elie'se made for einnimfttton Ofllrc ha
It A Ja.5U.?r.M Ko.l-ltPlNr. straet.
IX VII W or IttK rhBhlftBNT'M l.Lt.
IV : I. 'a-; Committee of Mis Unloa Leaaruehav
Arr&ngoinents with
'I'll II 1 I'fllllH lVikltllk HOnlorVOeV
an' aiHa. thtr oHlcera of that Veteran Cutpi, to rec-nrt a
ltt.,' I-.- nr. a year's service, under the aualcei of tha j
Wi lnvl.i,ctticrs (eiu.n of letting comiuUalontBlM
ti i n k-pi. lira ton to e'o.nuil slOKKL, at hla headiuar
tt-ra, at
II ul l be (.or e-ITnrt to make tliia orifattiaaif.ia In evii
ri sfMst!. a worthy sue .tir ef tt li.iins; trsnui tteaeaaig
CltyT'ount; Pi
llt l-ed Man U-tintj HH
I'to- fc-roa ;ear v 1-'
Mal.iitaca.htulalor (fir cuei-.m! .'
IK '.!-a rit ililnt a.dai.liaalenne futxi -utd by tl.e Uatlr
fctauee.i-ven.meit. f
l.'tcrt.tla will I e mu.trrt'd a a.s.n a-- rec?lveil. mail
to rnntp tlnsil' or ir squads.
Cllieas I al..a to draft, and dealruits eill.erofvoluaw
ln or of pructirins' anbatittile, will find in this Regime.
,i.rv ii, li. .iilur llie anrvli A.
M.uil.n. if tl.e l.aaxue fiiruislilii stibatlutes ai(
es.ei-liill lei.uested tn ari,tl ihim to title Btifimeni.
'llie atteniloa of Ward Committees ta particularly oaJlj
to UjL ori-aiilratton.
J. R. FRY, ChalrmAa.
ft. SI. Kelinii,
I. 1 ilstir 1'l.en. .ou .
Dili tsil. !:. . , M. I).,
.'sine. I.. 1'l.w.t.i.i 11,
lli.r.rr Itli.i.i v. Jr.,
Mori, n All M rlHi-!,
J. I. t .Iml. II T...
1 ..if H 1'ri.ah.iaii,
Vim. 11 t.fw!..
t. . rae Mini r.
Aiitliw. WLci'll i.
tieiir eTmii
f.'l arlra tillptu,
Hi nrj e. Lea,
.laiam II. i'rtte,
lt..i-pli F. Tubiai,
N . 11. llrOMrne.
t'ti.irles H. h.
r'a liyir. M. I .
Wm. M 1'iljLman,
.1 (I I .11,
f '. J. Maeettsn. aul let
u TWiaj'T'I ,v A KIJ W
ft A n:. i-Hrsi I the i ltlireus will Ik
l llM.. ut Mi-i .' Hall. M. : ri
laii:iM.SJ r n'tliK-U. lo
held rtllH KVEnl
rtisr Mil U H fterjf
a.,. .p.
'cur. ll.e. tlniiift nt tl.e Wuril, tinder tho last call
v ll.e tlni.ift nt tl.e
.lint. there be
1. It. t.l'.si 1 , Hi
01 ta
1', there be a lull Htu-noaui-e.
t II..S. M. WAl.M It, Prealdent.
Tiii.ii. It. a i.ins 1 1 , Hi-i.reiarj-. Ir
KuK 0'K TE1U.
'olnntt - rs to flit a t..a naliin iti-ba
mm I'or ( nvahy, laititry, Artl.ler) ,
or Sharpeheoter.
Call at Uo. !' B. 'ItllllH Blreet. aus
Ni.'im Tllllili turrit. Al on. 1 eletaan, tti.d Cta
bn, d .sl IITiri l E-i tt' whom th htabae'l
PIm- win be eald n aleu liei-il ai plv who
lori.iu . sttxlHitof v c.taenocot aiifnae. w win maa
Until nilr r.
Vt-liTiina mtiatfiirnisit an lionnrable dicbanre.
Tue 11U.M' elaiatf Nuballliitee lurnislieil. luc any
ot 1-iiiii.vivaina.
triMAN. MI10I1KI L CO.
In vifwiif tlx vhU w ttt I'npjnleat for ttv
TWKI.VE Movrnsi.
(Lai of tla FeniuivlvantA Reserve 1
Hia oeaienled to take the oemmauil.
All oMeers deatrmi to Uka part las this enaalaaaaoa arti
tia steal I call ea
atvt-tl Ho. WAtLACK IT BEIT.
tk. I'.li.d Blalee klurlu I'urp. abta-boaied BvaaJ
Qtrfrnm th dunes mi a aoldlee at our Navy Yar.1
.h eeatd caite esuuee wqee-.e am aua aaji,
aa at Mine.
ii.tier eempanaatlon taaaa the army.
KJt'b il I alao, itXAa IUIa IAU owiaiiaa pe
pnn enUetmenl. , . ,
Ver all forth tuaeraaatUa appts at tb AecrnlUa
o.'3H 8. KKONf Street, below Sprue Street,
btwB thaboBr. . . o uaoc.d q M(!C4 WWf
m-uT Valor aud ci uku owe.