The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 06, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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11 i d j i
ur Special Dcspatchos
from Williamsport, Al
toona, Bedford, and
lev, Etc., E(., T.U., F.ts?., Els?., Klc.
esrlal to Tb Evening- Telegraph.
Urriohcho, August 6. The following dos
tt were read at the State Executive Depart
at at midnight
nltnth from the ItoHrr.
Vii.MAiisroRT, 10 P. M I was at the State
ie again, and have just returned.
Ubel picket are stationed two and a half
e from Hagerstown, on the Williamsport
d, and 'half a mile down on tho Grecncastle
d. I beard drums beating in the direction of
lliamsport, and taw two red rocket go npeast
the State line. Being beyond our picket lines.
' en retired.
Kprtt from Altoona.
iroowA, Angus! .Scouts report to Bedford
Inland Telegraph line, that Kellcy defeated the
oels at New Creek yesterday. We lost twenty.
e killed and fifty wotrnded.
f he Rebel loss I not given. .
led ford and McConnellsbnrg operators report
f M5 tbis evening all quiet.
Matter. t llnrrlHbnrc To-Dnr.
No excitement exists at Harrisburg.
he principal hotels are tilled with women and
Idreo, refugees from Chambersbnrg, who
nmenced to arrive in town to-day. and are
1 coming.
K number of farmers residing along the border
commencing the organisation of scouting
lie only trouble that seem to exist in the
ids of inch is, that if captured by the enemy
y will be treated as guerillas.
Ko new received this morning.
Spo enemy is known to be between Clear Spring
1 Hagerstown.
Baltimore, August 6. The news to-day 1
pier indefinite. There are numerous exciting
t i reported that fighting Is going on at
rper' Ferry to-day. r as senders from Get-
Itargj York, Harrisburg, nnd Westminster
ived this morning. They represent great ex-
ment in all those places, and people are again
paring to move their cattle and property,
i re Is also much excitement at Frederick city,
I all that region. -
Knottier invasion of Maryland and Pennsyl-
ia With fire and sword, and extensive plunder,
xpected. Long Columns of llebelcavalry and
;ntry are reported to be crossing the Potomac
I liferent places.
he general belief is that these rumor are all
ch exaggerated. But we must prepare for the
H E I N V A S I O N .
Mt.l ! Th. Evening Telearrmpli.
BVahhinoton, August 6. The latest informa-
i concerning the Rebel invasion la, 'M tue
ct that they are marching In three column.
me centre or principal column is moving rapidly
he direction of Harrisburg, In heavy force,
ached columns, to the right and left of the
in column, are intended to divert the atten-
of our soldiers from the real object of the
asion, which is aliened to be the Cumberland
Isy, with its teeming field and neat Tillage,
1 the capital of the Keystone State,
mportant military movements are in progress,
'. their announcement is contraband.
ewlial to Tho Evenlnsr Tlerrnn.
lARHisiiVKo, August 6 At the United State
iel there are quartered, at the present time,
ue . one hundred and fifty men, women, and
idren, sufferers by the Inte Rebel incendiarism
olonel Thomas A. Scott has made arrunge
ntfl to pass all such persons free over the Ponn
vania Railroad, and this morning Mr. D. II.
itehiason, of the I' lilted States Hotel, is por
ting arrangimenti to have others transferred
r the Reading, Dauphin, and Susquehanna
ilroada, free of charge. Many of these per
is, who two weeks ago were in affluent clrcum-
uces, now own nothing but the clothing upon
ir backs.
Lion. George W. Brewer, of Chembersburg,
onea ueaa, I convalescent now at the 1'nltcd
tes Hotel.
Arrival of the "Africa."
Iostov, August 6. The Africa arrived at wld-
ui. ner mans win go lurvrard by the morning
', and will be due in Philadelphia this evening.
(M Despatches to Evening Telegraph.
- ' Wasiiinotov, August 6.
8 PoetmsMtrnthlp mt Iliildlhlai
here Is no truth in the reported chance iu the
Jtniastership at Philadelphia.
olonel Thomas A Scott arrived here to-day.
II has been all the momlug in consultation with
Secretary of War and the President
eneral Sickle arrived at Willard's Hotel this
rnlng, and is in excellent health.
Ion. Michael Hahn, Governor of Louisiana, is
lo here.
Mstfety of Ueaeritl MrCeok.
llmcia despatches show that General McCook
pafe, and that at least one thousaud of his men
succeed in rejoining hi command,
EsoMMlte Knlialmenta.
Ilrders have been issued to Provost Marshals in
e place to correct exctasaiva enrolment.
e all exempt are called upon to come for-
ana have their name taken oft.
The Weatner.
efreshUig shower of rail, lull hero during the
Evacuation of Brownsville, Texas.
Nkw York, August 6. The Herald's special
corresponaence trom Aew Orleans, dated July
SO, says:
Information has been received at hindquar
ters that Admiral Farragtit has passed Forts
Morgan and Gaines. Thcso fort are imnnw.l
to command tho entrance to Mobile li.iy. The
Admiral is bombarding the upper defenses. He
has now six iron-clads, and two more left Now
Orleans to Join him on the 30lh.
The bombardment continued for thrc davs.
It was expected that the city would surrendor
beforo the close of the week.
General Granger, in command of the land
forces, will occupy Mobile and garrison the forts
If success attends the exmulltion.
On the 19th ult. General Ashoth started out of
Pensacola, and captured Fort Hobson. Tho
Rebels, after a sharp tight, ran away, leaving
everything behind thorn. General A-iboth had
returned to Pensacola.
Our furccs have evacuated Brownsville, Texas,
and lent all their stores to Br.uos and New
The Contending- rarer and their
The following is a description of the contending
forces now at Mobile, and by it our readers will
be able, in a measure, to see that since this Re
bellion commenced, no two such formidable
fleets have met In combat. We shall await with
much anxiety the result of this struggle for the
supremury of the great bay of the Gulf City :
Mobile has been threatened on two occasions
previous to the present movement, one shortly
M'er the capture of New Orleans, and again In
February ot this year, the first movement balng
made by Porter's mortar flotilla, and the second
by Admiral Farrogut. The lu'tcr was made at
Grant's Pass, nnd as Intended only to distract
attention from other points.
The present movement is probably deiirned
not to much for the capture of tho city of Mobile
as it is to obtain possession of Dauphin Island
and Mobile Point, so that the harbor c m be effec
tually blockaded, and at the s.tme time to relieve
tho largo Union fleet now off that place, who have
been hourly threatened with an attack from the
Rebel irou-clud lying nndcr the guns of Fort
Mobile is perhaps the best defended place In
the Gull', and it will reiiuire all tho du.ih of Far
ngut to gain a foothold inside of tho de femes.
It is not only protected hy heavy forts, w.ill
armed, but by a formidable flotilla of iron-clad
rums, gunboats, und cotton-clnds; and this fl 'ot
mm lie destroyed or driven well up tho bay
before it will be sufo for the wooden vessels to
pars in.
Nature, In jay Ing out the b.v, ran out a lontr,
sandy peninsula, called Mobile Point, upon which
tho I'nited States Government placed a strong
work mounting one hundred and thirty-six guns,
two tiers in ca.ieniuto and one n txurbette. 'i'uii is
situated on the starboard or right side of the
entrance to the buy, through the swash channel.
On the port or Ictt hand side W.sltuatcd Dauphin
Island, on whose eastern extremity is located
Fort (Mines; also a casemated work mounting
some titty guns or more, commanding the middle
channel and the passage up the bay.
Outlying from these two points of land is a
small island known as Sand Inland. From Fort
Gaines, on Dauphin Island, In a northern direc
tion, nnd on the shore-line, is a water battery
mounting nine cuns of lonir rancc. and from this
battery to the northward and westward, and up
to Grunt's Puss, are a serios of earthworks, and
a work known as Fort Powell, mounting twelve
Extending from Fort Morgan a toss the swash
and middle channels is a line of spile obstruc
tions, tieing under the cover and protection of the
guns of both torts. These were placed there
some time since, and are represented to be quite
formidable und not readily passed through or re
moved. A small passage-way has been left to
allow the blockade-runners to pass in and out
to sea.
This opening, lying close to tho fort, 1 cure
fully watched over at night by small picket
bouts, which can, at the approach of our vessels,
give a signal, and the gun of Fort Morgan a
number of which are always trulned upon that
spot will open upon the invaders ; and, in addi
tion to this safeguard, the Rebel iron-clods are
moored so that they can move readily to tho fur
ther assistance of the fort in preventing any ves
sel passing through. So much for the outer land
The energk of Admiral Buchanan, who has
eouiuiHuded that naval station since the war,
have been directed to the proparuUon of a flotilla
to aid the land force in repuUinx any attack npon
that stronghold, and, a Molille was thought
at the beginning of the Itelx-llion to be toj near
the ata tor a naval depot, tt wa located at Relma,
wliere it would be secure from attack. Here uo
less than one ram and four or tire gunboats have
been const! ucted for the navy of the Confederacy.
To give an idea of the imixwiance of this naval
station we have only to append a list of theollicer
on duty there; ;
Commander F Farrand.
First Lieutenant Van K. Morgan.
Assistant Paymaster Q. H. O'NeiL
Master John Pearson.
First Assistant Engineer W. Frlck, Jr.
Carpenter John T. Rustic.
In addition to these otn.ors there hare been
attached to the station at various times ordnance
oiticers of the best talent In tho Kebel service,
and several hundred men have been constantly
employed in the construction of new gunboats
and in refitting old vessels ; and at the present
time the Kebel navy iu Mobile bay cousists of the
following vessels .
Aumetof laW. Clan. '. Qum.
Tennessee Iron -clad ram, flagship... 7
Nashville Iron-clad.. 6
Morgan Iron-clad 5
Baltic Irou-clud , . r
Selma Cotton-clad 4
Guiues ..Cottou-clad 4
Crcsci'nt Cotton clad 4
Alert V Ktcsmer.... 8
Coast-guard four small steamers 10
Total, vessels 12 Total, gun .10
Admiral Fuahklin Buchanan, Commanding.
htajf (tficert and Officer of the Vlagthip Ten-
Lieutenant J. R. Kggleston.
Surgeons L. W. Miner and O. S. Euglehart.
Commander K. Farrand.
l.ieutenaut Alpbouse Harbolt.
Paymasters T. W. Ware and C. It. O'Njll.
Master John Pearson.
Midshipmau W. S. Rogue,
Eogincer-V. Frick, Jr.
Gunner H. F. Hughes.
J.ot OJimn of the JMol lUtn Kaihritln.
I.itutenanu.-C. Ap. R. Jones, Geoige V. Gift.
Surgeon II. W. W. Washington.
Assistant Surgeon M. R. Ford.
Assixtaut Paymaster j.. brooks.
Masters It. H. Marniaduke, J. Mcllaker.
Patsed Midshipman Daniel TriKg.
Midshipmen W. J. Creight, W. it. Mayhew.
Engineers Klrt Asitant, John W. Tvnm;
econ-l Assistant, Huey lagan; Third Aituit,
jonn urnk
(innner James Lovett.
J.itt nf Ofherra of the Hihrl Gunboat Morjait.
t'ommiindir C H. Mcltlair.
l.kutcnants C. J. Grave., T. L. Harrijon.
Ansisi,t Surgeon K. fi. l).otti.
As-istsnt Pavniastrr It. I,. Mac Kail.
MMshmmrn II. II. Sco:t, T. . Garret, W. F
W'i'son, 11. II T.vson, J. II. Norris, F. Arthur.
I njtincer II. I). Wlilv. of (lff rrt of tht ll,M nam t-iXie.
I,k ntenants James D. Jolin-too, Win. P. A
Compbell, John Grnndall.
Hirond I.ientenauts Geo. A. Borc.hett, V..Q
Head, A. G. lluilgins.
Hargeors J.T. Mason, W. F. Carrington.
Afsistant Paymaster M. M I eay.
Masters Ivey Foreman, II. W.'iVrrin.
MldBhipmen S. P. Illanc, F. 11. Dornin, J. n
Hamilton, E. A. Swain.
F.nglneers W. M. Kanntleroy, V.. O. tliinpwn
Gunners W. H. Haynes, E.G. MeContb.
l.iit of Oflicm nf thti HrM Uiuitxxit ,S.7.
I.i ntenant P. V. Murphy.
Midsh pman J. It. IUt. lule.
l.ut nf liffiurt of tht H-M (iunonit (jjiiu-s.
Commander T. T. Iluntor.'s J. W. U, nnett, Hilary Cen.
Asistunt Surgeon T. U. Ford.
Assistant Vavniaster J. K. Armur.
Mater E C. S'oi kton.
Midshipmen J. A. M rrlweathor, J. M. Gard
ner, u. I. unicncK, w. V. (tootle, W. 11. Stcrl
ing, J. II. Dyer, W. F. Cla.vton.
nrcAPiTVLATiON or deit.hsks.
Lati't HWli.
Fort M' nan
Fort Gii'nex
Battery on Dauphin Inland
Fort Powell, Grant 1'ax
Other works
.. )
.. 9
.. 12
.. 10
Total gun
Fh ilia.
Iron-clads and gunboats...
State gunboats
Total guns
Grand total guns
... 40
... 10
... 50
Admiral Farroeiit's fleet, which hai been
gathering otf Mobile for some time past, is one of
me largest ever f mpuiyeu In one action on our
ccant miring this war. and the vessels are nro-
vlded with tho heaviest known ordn inco, and its
operations will be noted with the irrc.atost inte.
rest. It is composed of the following vossels :
flvme. Clan. (Inn
Hartford Screw sloop M
nioNi ladh.
Winnebago 2 turret Monitor
Chickasaw., 2 turret Monitor 4
Tecuinrch 1 turret Monitor... 2
Mauhutlan 1 turret Monitor 2
Four Mississippi river iron-clads , 10
Kirhn.ond First class 18
Brooklyn iirstcloss 24
Mouongahela Second class 12
Lackawanna Second class II
Oneida Second class ID
Ossipee Second class 13
Galena Second class it
Genesee Second cla-s (i
5'1'cmblna ..
4 Penguin.. .
4 Tenuessee
Metncomet. .
Port Koyal..
' 2 Jasmine. ...
2 liuckthorne ,
Total vessels
Total gun. .
.'..'.'.." 2
Hear Admiral David Glascoe Farraxrut com-
Fleet Captain Porcival Drayton.
Flag Lieutenant John Crittenden Watson.
Admiral's Socretary A. Van Dor Houvel.
Admiral's Clerks Mr. Brownell, Theo. Davis.
List of Officers of the r'kuship Hartford.
Commodore James S. Palmer.
Lieutenaut Commander 1.. W. Kiraberly.
I.iouti nant W. U. Tyson.
Burgeon J. J. Gibson.
Assistant Surgeon James Hugg.
Paymaster W. T. Meredith.
Aetiug Master F G. Prior.
Chaplain F. W. Taylor.
Murine Olficcre Cuntain Charles Hcvwood :
Lieutenant .
F.nsicns H. T. (iraftoa. C. D. Jones, and I..
R. P. Adams.
Actlnc Ensigns W. II. Whitinir and T. O. Tt.
Acting Master's Mates W. II. Childs. G. R.
Avery, W. U. Hawthorne, and J. J. Tuvelli.
i-.nlneers Chiet, 1 Homos Williamson ; First
ssistant. K. U. Latch : Second Assistant. John
Wilson; Acting Third Assistants, C. M. Bur
chard and Alfred Hoyt.
uoaiswam uotiert Dixon.
Gunner J. L. Staple.
Carpenter O. F. Htinson.
fuilmaker T. C. Herbert.
Admiral's Steward John U. Brooks.
F.xMlillon from PvukhcoIsi nntler Oenv
rl AntMth A R-brl Porre !l'ntMl.
The New Orleans 'JViie Iklta has the following
news from Pensacola :
"We have direct information from Pensacola
that on tho l'Jlh July General Asboth, with a
force comprising tho 7th Vermont, 82d UniMd
States Colored Infantry, 1st Florida Cavalrv,
dismounted, and Coiiipauy M, 14th New York
Cavalry, together with the 1st Florida Battery,
moved out from Pensacola to co-otierate with a
raiding force from Sherman, which was opera
ting against the Mobile and Great Northern lUil
road. Ou the next day, be encountered a Rebel
force composed ot Companies G, K, and I, of the
3d Alabama Regular Cavalry, numbering three
hundred and fifty men, strongly fortified at Camp
Gonzales, fifteen miles from Pensacola.
"After a plucky tight of half an hour the Retel
ran, leaving as spoil to the victors tho regi
mental Hag, all their otllcial papers, a consider
able quantity of camp and quartermaster's stores,
seventeen horses w lib equipments, eigtceu satires,
eighteen guns, a large quantity ot ammunition,
and twenty three bead of cuttle.
"General Ashoth continued his march, intend
ing to burn a trestle-work ou the railroad near
the Kscarabia river, but receiving information
thut Shorman's furce had accomplisbrd its work
without bis uSMSiauce. he retnrned to Pensacola."
PrfrM of Rebel Hear Fort Smith.
St. Lous, August 6. A despatch from Fort
Smith, Arkansas, on the 1st Inst., says the Rebels
under Cooper, Gurvey, and Standwith, five hun
dred strong, with twelve gun, moved np yoster
dny with the Intention of attacking Fort Smith.
General Thayer went out nd met the enemy a
short distance from the fo.tiflcatiom and com
pletely routed them. Our cavalry are (till pur
suing them. Our loss was very small, that of the
Rebels is unknown.
General FUk telegraphs to General Roxecruns
from St. Joseph's that recruiting is very lively in
his district. The militia called out to hunt gue
rillas acted nobly, and the report of their being
Insubordinate and lawless was false.
TbeGeuerol say this demonstration of loyalty
and power, has been of incalculable value to the
district in converting th Roliel there, and tho
recruiting oflicet in Northern Missouri will here
after be governed by loyal men.
New Vokk, August 6. The Trihune'i New
Orleans correspondence eay the horrible con.
dition of our returned prisoners has induced
General Cunby to waive aome points of difference,
and order tho exchange of all the Rebel held,
tonic 3000 in number.
Dally skirmlfhing was occurring at Morganzia,
but General Ullrdan holds the place no strongly
that the Rebels do not attempt to take it.
The llerald't letter of the 30th states that all
the able-bodied registered enemies, pending the
present military movements, will be kept a
prisoners, they having avowed the Intention of
joining the Rebel army. All the negroes in the
streets are now conscripted.
General I'llmau met and defeated the Rebel
near the Atchatslaya, on the 2mh ult.
It is repotted that the Rebel Dick Taylor had
crossed to the otlghboihood of Plague mi no.
General Sam Jones Backs Down
The Officers Undor Fire About
Charleston All Exchanged
They Will Come North
Etci., jKto., j:to., JUto., lto.
NnrrlRl to Ttlfl Ktrnlnir TsUrrsnh.
Washington, August (i. An otticer who ar-
rived this morning from New Orleans, via For
tress Monroe, on as pccinl boat, reports that, while
passing Charleston, he found our fleet, under
Admiral Dahlgren, was drtwn up in I no, and a
Aug of truce was then prevailing, which hod been
sent by the Rebel General Sain. Jones, ami the
officers held by the Rebels and our forces at that
point, for the purpose of being placed under tire,
were exchanged. They (our officers) will come
norm at on..
II uiBism ho, August 6. A despatch received
hero at noon by the Cashier of the Harrisburg
Bank, from the Cashier ef the Bank of Cbam
bersburg, states that the Rebels evacuated Hagers-
tvwn tbis morning.
This wo subsequently confirmed by despatches
to headquarters, which added that the Rebels
were now retiring along the Potomac In the direc
tion of Shcphcrdstown. The last despatch from
the operator at Oreeucastla stated that ho was
about proceeding to the State Line, and thence
to Hagcrstown, to open np telegraphic communi
cation. Tho Atlnntle 'ibls.
St. John's, N. F., August 6. Thes'csmer
Margaretta Stevens returned to-day with Mr.
Cjrui W. Field, who selected Heart' Content,
Trinity Bay, as the place for lauding the new
Atluntic telegraph cablo. The harbor of Heart'
Content is one of tho very best in Newfound
land, and the Unat Eastern can enter It with
perfect safety at all times, and can anchor within
a quarter of a mile of the place where the cable
is to be landed.
WashinotOn, August 6.
Bpetiat Ikipaleh to The Stating Tcl'graft.
From VUf Point.
Advices from City Point represent everything
as qniet as usual at Fetersbnrg.
FarriMtnt'a Victory.
The report in reference to Farragut'a opera
tions at Mobile is believed to be correct, as such
a movement was expected ou his part about this
KnbrlN In Wnrylnnd.
A special despatch to tho Chronicle ot this city
states that the Rebel forces in Maryland have
raised the black flag, and announce that they
have come to burn and destroy.
Tho aplurft or Stonmnmi.
There is nothing from Sherman thus far to-day.
The Rebel report of the capture of General Scone
man in Georgia I discredited by the military au
thorities hero.
Hahrihulho, August 6. The following elo
quent and stirring appeal has Just boon issued by
General Cadwaloder :
Hbadqvahtkhs Uraxoy wink Distbict, Uah-
hihbvuo, August "6. To the people of the city of
Philadelphia and It vicinity :
The Rebel army, is on tho border of our
The Governor has called for 30,090 volunteer
militia, to be mustered into the service of the
Stale, to serve during the emergency, for its de
I appeal to your patriotism and Slato pride to
rtspond promptly to this call, and I earnestly
urge that yon will immediately assemble in
your respective Wards nnd organize companies
to proceed forth to this city.
Von will bo furnisned with transportation by
railroad, and on your arrival you will be organized
into regiments, subsisted, and sworn into tho
service of the Slate for 8tate defense during the
period of the existing emergency.
(Signed) Gro. Caowai.ader,
Major-Gcncral Commauding.
A fl.littit-IIoaiio Trnilrr Coptart-d by tt
Itrbrl Urn-tell Mnd ISemtroyrst lsr Crew
Tskra to Hoblla t'ltplaln Willlauia
'jrnira Slid Arrive at I'vrl 11 ke.
The following information comet to us from
the West Rigolets Station, and is entirely re
liable :
The United Suites light-bouse tender Martha,
Captain Williams, bound from Pass-a-l'Outre,
to the Kastand West Rigolets Light hutlou.wlth
materials for the repairs of those places, was cap
tured by a Robcl launch mauncd with twenty-two
men, o the morning of the 19th Inst., in Chun
deleur Sound, who, after stripping her of her
sails, rlftging, sua all of her cargo that they
could carry away on a small fishing schooner (a
nri.e of the day before), set fire to aud destroyed
Her crew was carried by the pirate into Bay
St. Louis, thence about seven miles up Wolf
river, when thev proceeded to take the men to
Mobile by laud. Captain Williams, who was
accompanied by bis little son, managed to elude
tho vigilance) of the guard and etfect their escape
into the woods, and uiion getting back to the
river procured a small boat, and after many diffi
culties arrived at Fort Pike.
The pilot at the mouth of the Mississippi river
suy they are afraid to venture out on account of
the pretence of these armed Rebel launches. .V.
t. Times, !fA.
'The Providence Journal, edited by Senator
Anthony, of Rhode Islaud, lias just cut off its
'dead head" subscribers, on account of tho ex
pense of paper.
The whole quantity of salt inspected on the
Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation, from Janu
ary 1 to July 30, 1601, is 3,6H6,801 bushels. The
whole quantity inspected duriug the same time in
1H63, 2,b33,3U bushels ; decrease, 106,613 bushels.
The price ha been again advanced, , , .
Lot-isvTM, August 8. A letter da'd or
mile from Atlanta, from a promlofnt officer
there to another, ray that fires are now burning
In Atlanta, indicating that Hood is destroying a
large amount of property, bat whether with a
view to evacuation or not is unknown.
Tho American Telegraph Company has
opened an office on the summit of Mount Wash,
When Grmral Sherman's army was crossing
the Chattahoochee a t emi'ndons thunder-st inu
arose. Tho lightning was Incessant and exceed
ingly vivid, and eight men were killed an I
twenty Injured by it. One flash fired all the
guns but one In a 'tack of muskets.
Grovbr' Nkw Ciikknit Sti klt Tiii.athk
1 h nutgtudt-sut sp,'CI4cl of Ala4in is s puimUr
vrr. Thr house It cruwuvri! night), an J the great rn-
lhns'm i hrt rvtactd njr tho sadnc. Ml-s Cfls
Dion aslhetwyor soau tenttand atiod fortune, olay
th om!nn lt:lr bcro ot ths In a nt piiui
manner. an1 ! hTontingsvrv lita grrnttr fsntrite witri
Uift heiil'ls ol rblUdflM. Tue rr fvtnn .a tht
rn lis so ift'ouN soiotry. It wooO-ti' il scrn c ell". (., nnj
nations Msi1rmottU There- w,w.t, an the ,wlh.t.t
biiikl, srr y a'-u)irt!. in tne exe. mi..n or (Iwa, pirt
ol the reir. rnmm e. k.vry'ssly ,ho iht - this pl.s-e, t-l
U1 J accord with us, r at merit lo Mr. iisv,-rrr Ms
ui.oaritll, ka enlerprls and earrsy In Uw prwluctloii of
thi crrsl sp, ctacie.
Sanf.ihu'b OrrRA Taon t. Colonel Pinfbrd
prnduiei svetiias kis srand Kchlopiaa op.ra t none
imA. He will he uilml la Oia DroduvUeii b the in
In itanle frank Rslnsr. the heavr maa of hla
eoniituny Haul a ahnn.d not fsirvet hlru hiaesrn. iturlns the trmalndfr l hia pg.r-'nit'nt. wl.i. It
ajllM .i,!, v.n u vra.rul, aara InloraMj must leruilnate
vn jiioiifoi; r ruing nrat.
SlATBorTllKRUOMHTRa To-dat. Six A. M,
(j. noon, Wind, N. E.
City's Quota. In pursuance of the call of his
Honor the Mayor, both bran-lies of Councils as
sembled yesterday to take immediate measures
towards filling the quota of the city under the
late call for 600,000 men. An ordinance was
passed, providing that the city bounty of 100
shall be paid to men who shall enlist tor one. two.
or three years, and be credited to the city under
Another ordinance parsed tho
majia, wiiu me uuvice auu consent ol tue Corn
miitce on Polemic, to expend any sum not ex
cceding '.0,0(X, to aid recrui.iiig Iu the re
nt inoua Mates lor men to be credited to l hila
sit Inhia.
The following, introduced by Mr. Hay, wo
uiinuimuusijr nprccu tu;
Ktiolrft, By Ihe Melart and omnmn Oon ille ei FMIa-
nra ina, uiu uicT ueeiu u ol in' Highest liupertan.-ti tlmt
an an firuviuing lor an eni.-leut mlllti arslein oe
pimara nur largmaiure, II pinacllli( apucial tmt.
'J. That those who ilo not belong to active mJlltlanr
raiilutii'lis L u d bo taxed ui nns iiii a. mill ir il... r.i.n.
fort ami rrtirisin-y of those who do. so that we may alwav
nar i, r.i, BMi .iiiiiiiv arincu auu oiuppeil, available
the di-ltn.eot Ihe Hlale.
;l. That actue military orfrnnUHttons svltt not haafrlrlert
Ulll. NS thV Im ivtmiMllvil. uiulMr Mn.lil... ,A
prai-tliw larsct Snug, and go lula camp, lor Ihe pirposeof
... .luinijr inn- -, ,,or DMii-aa, whea
oruered Into wrelce hy the Uoveruor, the orKauitaUeu, s
it uisla, be COIUUvlifii to go lor a raamu.alilf. liuw
4. Thai onr Hi-hauirs and HapreNuiativa In Ihe Stste
I.eglslatiirv he reiiuvated lo uislai upon an act embodying
these pruvlalona.
The above only awaits the signature of the
.Mayor ui oruer to income a law.
Tub Si'ecial Elbction RETfRN. This
morning the Return Judges reos-onibl-jd for the
purpose of receiving the vote of the First Pre
cinct of the Twenty-sccoJd Ward, which was not
made at the meeting yesterday. The stupid Re
turn Judge from this Ward was unaware that he
bad any returns to make, except placing the
ballots In a sealed box, and depositing them at
Sixth and Chesniit streets. Ho bad even failed
to make a return to the Prothonotury'e Ottice,
and by bis course prevented the complete vote
from being counted until this morning, when it
should have been done yesterday. Tue penalty
for this otlenso is fifty dollars. Judite Ludlow
gave an order to open the sealed box tor ttie pur
pose oi oniuining ine vote, in order that tho re
turns migbt be completed.
The vote of the Ward is as follow :
lit Mnenilmrnt, tit Am'itlmrnt. 3.' AnuHitiimit.
for. Ac-Unit. for. Against. Kir. Against.
i:.u.i mi ir.i n li.j ia
This makes the total otllcial vote of the citv
stand as follow :
lf .tutentiioen!. 3J Amemtnuint. Sit .,nniiH t.
For. Agalnat. For Aiamil. For. tg.ilusu
jn;i( siiHw suow aai ss,ii ojo
a,ui;i io
Wajorlt ss. IJ.soJ W.staj n.Mui
Dahino Kouhkuy and Arrest. This morn-
ing, abont one o'clock, the store of Mr. John
Johnson, at the 8. W. corner of Eighth and Sanson-,
streets, was entered by robbers, who gained
admission over the transom. OtUoer Mclntyre,
who was passing that way, saw three men coming
ont, heavily hideued with goods. He gave au
alarm and started in pursuit of the rascals. All
except one succeeded in making their escape.
lie was overtaken oy me omceranu tmrty-tour
shawls, stolen from the store, found m his posses
sion. Altogether they had taken one hundred
and twelvu shawl, three or four mantillas, aud a
uuuiitlly ol unmade material. Ihe party arrested
gave the name of John Swain, and stated that he
lesided in a small court In the neighborhood of
Tenth and Sunsom street. The police visited bis
bouse and there secured seventy-eight more of
the shawls, and also took into custody Bamev
Mcllbcnny, a notorious thief, und a woman who
stated that she was Swain's wife. The whole
party will have a hearing at the Central Oilico
this afternoon.
Cowardly Assault. A newly - imported
Irishman, numed Johu lionahue, residing in the
neighborhood of Twenty-second and Wood
streets, was arrested thi morning by Orti er
Lemon, upon the charge of assaulting a colored
boy, aged eight years. It seems that tho little
ti now was employed at too touocco factory,
Twenty -second and Wood streets, and was on hi
way to work when the assault was made, for no
other reason than being black. Donahue amused
himself by throwing stone alter the boy. who
was too small to reiallate. The prisoner was held
in 400 ball by Alderman Pancoost. If Donahue
ants lo snow bis riitlitlng qualities in a more
becoming manner, he should locate himself with
the Army of the Potomac.
Assault ast Battkry. John Welsh ws
arrested yesterday, upon tho charge of commit
ting a violent assault and battery some week
since u-ionone of the Seventeenth Word oftlcsirs.
The officer had made an arrest, when Welsh and
a number of others rescued the prisoner and
beat the olllcer sobadlvtbat ho was confined to
bis house for a woek. he accused wis held by
Alderman bhoemaker in the sum of 2010 ball
to answer.
Insakk Mam in Custody. An Insane man,
giving the namo of Albert O. Opie, was taken
into custody yesterday afternoon, at the Ameri
can Telegraph Oflic. Religion had apparently
affected hi mind, at he bud written ont a des
patch which he demanded of the clerk should be
instantly forwarded to God Almighty. Ue was
locked up at the Central Station, l'rom papers
found on his person, it is thought that ho belougt
to Somerset, N. J. He also had several deeds for
Out Dom'STic Market. Thi morning
there was very little change in prices to report in
our domestic market. Meats of all kinds remain
the same, with no prospect of a decline. The
prices asked this morning were a follows:
Apples, per half peck, 12-K" itOc. ; cantvlopes, 5
25c.; butter. 4Y(a00c.j corn, per dou, 25c. (
onions, per half peck, 60c. t peaches, per half
peck, 4X 7Sc j pears, per half peck, 37c. j toma-
toes, per bait peck, -oh-giuc.
Thb Pkach Crov. Peaches are making their
appearance in our market in abundance, and as
tbe crop 1 represented to be large, prices must
soon come down. Very (ratal peaches sell from
a dollar to a dollar and a half the bushel. They
are brought mostly from the New Jersey
Handsome Meteor. About 11 o'clock last
night, a very large and beaatifnl meteor shot
across the eastern part of the sky. Its course
was southeastward!-, and It left a train behind
which was a half minute fading out, looking like
a broad band across the heaven.
Tub Chambkusihru BurrBRER. This after
noon, at 4 o'clock, the ladies of the city will meet
at the room of the Board of Trade, to adopt
nieaiiurt s for the reiicf ol the suflerers at Cham
Bnwo Fit i an It. The western thorfl f tht)
Schuylkill, from Market Street Bridge to Fair
mount dam, was, a few year tlnee, a boggy
marsh. Tbe frogs were the tola Inhabitant of
that rx'ensfve fen, and their domain was never
moll-sled excepting In seasons of continuous rain,
when tbe OC h aid mullets were washed
from the rescrrulis alaive the dam and carried
Into the hole In the marh. Adventurous
urruli woniii then search tne hog for the bright
-iio minnows, mid many a priva e futintaiu or
lake In the rlty i.wes ts 'older, pecklcd Innate
to these Industrious Utile hshenuen.
Aiaiul three years ago, dirt licgan to lie de
pnaited cm the southern terminus of this marsh.
The wurk of tilling up has progressed, until now
hundred acres of splendid ground is used for
wharvea along ihe West Philadelphia side of the tween Pi rmnnentand Wire bridges.
These wharves are spanned by an intricate net
work of rails, and the principal storage and trans
m nation dep. for petroleum ore on what fair
year s-o was a damp, noisome nutrsh. Tho
on I from the Broad Top region that passes over
the Pennsylvania Rullruadls tore I there in large
inai.ti.lcs. In a few years, th wharves will rx
t nd along the entire river front, and will be, If
ihi y sre not now, the largest continuous range of
wharves In the City.
Nkw Catholic Colleob. Tbe tract of laud
Id Weil Philadelphia known a the Remington
Farm has been purchased by Bishop Wood, and
a building similar in outline and plan to the new
Insane Asylum in the Twenty-fourth Ward will
be ercrted thereon. The Interior decorations will,
however, b of finer design and finish. When
completed, the edifice will be devoted to olio
plate and educational purpose. ItwIN be a grand
school fur the latbolio youth nf Pennsylvania.
All the theological and classical branches will he
taught, and the physical culture of pupils will
rt ceive equal attention. Tbe entire mstitu'e will
be under the control and management nf Bishop
Wood, and with the careful attention of faithful
assistants Ihe college can be made one of thu llrst
in the country. Tbe grounds are exienaive. The
location H excellent and lieu It by, and tho build
ing will be airy and spacious. The children of
the Cnthrdral tchool will visit the grounds
during Ihe next few day. To-day the buy will
he taken to the farm, and an soon as proper
arrangements can he niado tbe clrls will also
visit the locality. These schools are undor the
direction of Father Riley, who will attend their
Tub Triennial Assessmknt The triennial
assessment, now being taken, wlU be completed
by tbe middle of Ibis month, and in October the
City Commlesloner will meet a a Hoard of Re
vision. Great care should be taken by this
Board to ascertain whether the assessors havo
made a proper valuation npon real estate, so that
when the lax rate is made for W!i a suitlclent
amount may be rcalUcd to pay tbe current ex
penses of the city and obviate the necessity of
creating loans to pay ofl deficiencies, it kt sup
pood, when a triennial assessment take place,
that til assessors examine into the Value of each
and every property m Lheir respective districts;
hut it is too often the satse that the old hook of
the previous years are copied. By this course
maoy properties are passed over, and hence a
higher rate of tax is required to meet expenses.
OnionsI Gnions! A kind cry for onions is
made In behalf of tbe Army of the Potomac by
those persons who understand tho wants of the
soldier. Why cannot an onion fund be raised
in thi city ? As oar brave boy have to subsist
mainly upon salted provisions, the craving for
tbis esculent is the result of natural causes. The
onion, although to some an unsavory vegetable,
is one of the most useful and nutritious eorrec-
lives that is known among onr dietary ai tides.
It is antiscoibutic, and a preventative of dysen.
ICfJ. At uoiiipub. diuiio.ii rivi- aiiviim w
those who eat it. There is no ditliculty now in
supplvlng the Army of the Potomac with plenty
of onions. Communication hy water to City Poiut
Is easy ; all that is necessary Is suttlcient thoiiKht-
fulness upon tbis suhject. A pipe and tobacco
fund is now being raised in New York. Tboy
have already subscribed their onion fund. It 1
very singular indeed that tho people of thi city
won't do something of the kind.
War Exprkoiturlh. The expenditures of the
city since the commencement of tbe wnr for
bounties to volunteers, city defense, and tbe
support of toldier' families, ad 1 np to a con
Idtrable sum. In the past th-ce year and a
half the followina sums have been Paul ont of the
City Treasury : For bounties, $ l,347,SHI7l ;
rel ef of families. -2,0o.?,2 .0-riH : defense. :il.i..
9.19-69. Total.- ii.6oH TM 08. Thi I merely
what the city has contrihuted in her corporato
rat acitv. The bniuherand amount of the private
cm rings of citizens would more than double the
above sum.
Rbcruitino. This morning warrants were
druwn for tbe payment of bounty to fifty three
years' volunteer. The whole amount paid out
during- tbe week was "2il,.'sJ0, which shows
eighty-two three years' enlistment.
The Covino Draft. Such of onr business
men and other citizens, who are in want of sub
stitutes or representative, should secure the
same at once, as prices seem to be on the upward
tendency, ana can wnere lin y will not b im
posed upon. Such we think is
4. raxaoN oz wo.,
No. 411 Chesnut street.
Batvroay, August 6. The Inactivity noticed
during tbe week still continues. Stock of most
descriptions arrives slowly, aud price as a general
thing are without quotable change.
Quercitron Bark is scarce; $'0 j' ton 1
offered for First No. 1, but holder seek an ad
Tbe Provision Market Is quiet; tale of Mess
Pork at $12; Ham in pickle at 20c; Ham
smoked at 21(2.0c.; Lnrd 20j(r21c.
In Groceries there is no change worthy of
For Flour, the demand for export is very light;
about 800 bills, extra family were taken at 10 50
fn li-50 tf'bbl. To the trade the sales are in a
small Way at $9(J 0-2.5 for superfine, np to 12 50
for fancy brands. Rye Flour 1 scarce, and ia
worth fJ W bbl. There Is nothing doing iu Corn
Wheat Is firm and but little here 1000 bush.
fine old Pennsylvania red sold at 2-50, and a
una)! lot at .! 6'i(o'2-6i. White It worth 2-70
C2-75. Rye is held nt $I-75 180 for new and
old. There is n good demand for Corn, and salet
of yellow have been made at 1-73(1'75. Oat
continue steady at 8 l(V HJic. for new, and 88(a'9Jc.
for old. Nothing doing in Barley or Malt.
Whisky I lower by 3c. W gallon; luubbl.;
Ohio tola at l-i i , and iou ouis. r
at 1-70.
ci.earkd this MOKsnvn.
Itnrqtio Pembroke, hha'tng. fork, L. A.Houar A Co.
llrlg Forre-ter, Murray, Hath, do.
llhK 3. l.elglilon, Lslghton, Thoratiton, W. H. Johns,
llrlg Aurora, liouyall, Liverpool. t. c. You llora.
Hrlg Herald, Bilges, Uighion, W. Hauler, Jr.
ndir a. Kiiyuaa, ruaietoti, rort itoyai.j. k. iiaievstvo.
Ilrig aultatlK, i is, lort Isuyal, 11. n. atatsou tt C.
hclir Acn, FiaUer. llaiusiou Itoada. do.
Hchr W. C. KsUon, Koa, Ki-wport, silnalokaiMl t Olover.
hi tar A. Raailsi, Aires. Fortress Monroe, do.
Mclir Josnphua'uud tawiu, heiuMil, tVaahiuftaa, J.T!
Kehr Marti., Busier, Bolton, ItlaklsUm, Qra(r k Oo.
H hr forraat Kins. Hi Ism, New llavco, J V. alilsloll.
8chr Houuiernr, isarllu, Hostoa, Wanuuicuf lb Max
Hssr L. a. Levsrtng, Corsoa. do. da.
Hohr U. M. Fievuiau. llowi-a. hoatan, oo.
Hour J. H. Waliiwiight, Multbrd. Itraufen, A. A. Adaiai.
fchlir Abhy, KalKht.Kurfoik.Twelk At Oo.
fsshr J. Mlroup, Foaier, Itghtuu, Vi . Uunlar, Jr.
Itaniue I.hi'la, Litiuaey. li da a iroui AlaUaieai.wltU
tuplsi- to Jaliii Maaoa k Co.
bcj,r Maria Fleming-, Vt uilauu, 10 days from Norwich,
la ballant lo caplata.
rtchr It itch Quwii, KIsh.lOilAr from Fort Jackson, L.,
in ballast lo rnptaln.
8chr C. w iiiiaaia.Uotilln, from Itaanok I1J, la tssi
laat tn eaptalu.
achr livaion, B rower, from Provideaoa, la bailaat tn
feonr tirace Wataon, Mckta-sou, floai Korwtck, la bal
last to caiaain.
bchr lines, Brown, frjm Fortresi Monroe, to ballast
to Mntain.
hihr Qn. en of tho Weil, Kori, (rem City roiat, Inbol
Usl lo captain.
Hohr Joanaa, Barrett, from Kcw Harea, ia kaltut U
fc.l.r W. Q. BarUctt.CoDnelly, frm 8lm, labalUut tn
bchrJ Lanoaater, W-Uinta, from Boa u, la kauait ta
Ji,.l.lo. ( aUwill A Co.
8chrC'ora Spent, 1 day from Brandjrwtas, Dl., witk
eoto meal I K. M. Lea. -
Rtfrltifor fhs KfniHt Msarmph.
MiTirAS-nrnii LlDdl, LlDdtey t7V bh H tes
Biohuaet J Masvs Co.
Oi riCE or Tn Pinrsi Twtorn, J
(otuidaj, AuKiist . ( ' tf
There I no change to notice in the Mory - -
Market Capital continue olentr on call at 0 ner ' " '
cent, per annum; best paper is telling at from
7i(ffl per cent. ,
The subscriptions) to the new Seven-thirty Loan,
yesterday, reported at the Treasury Departmen'
amount to 9,500,000.
There la very litUedoing in Gold thi morning,
and the market I Anil, opening at 260; advanced!
and sold at 2U at II, 2614 at 12; AsU oft, and
old ttt JSOJ t4 19) (clock.
There 1 less activity In Stocks, and the market
is dull and heavy. Government ocnriti art) 1
very quiet and lower, with sale of 6-20 at 108J,
and 6s of lUBlatlOoJj 7.30, , qao(e ,4 m
In Railroad ihores there I vary little doing,
and the market 1 dull at decline. rnnsylvt V
nia Railroad old at 72; Reading at 671 1 0,.
wissa preferred at 40) ; Mineblll at 62, and Utile, '
Pchuy Ik ill at t6). 32 was bid for North Penn- " 1
svlvanla. 49 for Lou Island, and MI fnr Tho. 'i
delphbi and Erie. New Cit 6s sold at IOC). ,
Producing Oil Blocks are in fair demand, at
abont former rate. ' - '--'J
Bank ahaie continue firm, but there i very
little doing. 133 was bid for Philadelphia, 68) " 1
for Farmers' and Mechanics', 100 for (South work, ' " !
47 for Glrard, 27 for Manufacturer' n4 Mo k '
chanlc', 64 for City, and 47 for Commonwealth. i .- a
There I little or nothing doing ia Fseugr
Railway aharas, and quoution are nominal.' ,,-,-! ..'j
by ClarUoa A Co., Rrokare, No. lit S. Tklr gt,'
lonibLiitisBeb.K..o i 1 tiOihJtMd. E., n,.e n , 1
lousn do kWMSi mb do. t7tf '
l'ah tteadlmt B. K.. S7I.I loo sb o, A kit 7 .: 1
-it oo... ....... ni.i waa
IV" fh do Slv,
Web do . S7
: - - .' ' 1
awn u a s., 'i i,v,i,
M-o do re.lWW
iahbrv pr... MS 1 J"
IS ah Lek.raa..wko. 1i t. l
911s ority tia. new havv
Ml ah Lit Hch
auxiH-n Ny. fla..U. m
tl'Ss'1-a.R. tal ml...ll(i
t soi 1'nk.n 11. Ril ?t
ninain.A ASalayi.117
tl N Jrr.i7s Ill
( ssi 0 a. S-ftm tisv
Kslah Kan lit 1m1,
I aHd. H........47
luuih do sts-
1-1 ah ffaMM mS. . ani.
l'O ah Cherry Kan. b .,..-,
efl.b Arch . R.... U 1 '
lnisa iMiieli ou.m. IS ,fv,v
tallh Pon n IS .-it a
10O ih MuCllnlock.... & .
'(i.h MlneralUil..,. tH'
IV an rri-eion uoai ... o
rKK'KN OK RTOma lt MEW YOKX. r' "'' 'iir3
Ressarte by Uarksoa A Co., snttn, N. Ul Tnlrt at, i
l-niitsi nw , iissi. ine on.., Dta . ..
RiKk IsUnd HaUrv4 kid 113
Ksillii( Hlrsil.... (7Xkld ..
llllnma Central Railroad. .. bat VOX ls
Saw V-rk (Vntral Railroad l.'Ki V bid . ' .. j
Frtr Railroad U-;1, tM.l 112kaaa
Ruil.oo Railroad MO kid lot) !
J.I -Ji bta ' .. '
I'nliid Hi lea 4-JO im'.bid 1 InS Js
Market Heavy. . utesay , -
gnoutjons f ttohl at lb raUsdehykla OoM RaeAaa-
l&UI. Thli-a alrMl i-nnJ aur
A. M MO 11 M ...Wsf" vl
U A. M Kill. It. M
Mattel inacllv. ,
Tar Oooat Co. quote Osivvrnment Besoittsat, tte.,1 1 1
aoea to-day, as IbUowi I
- mni 1
U.fl. . 11 )4si
U.H. 7 a-lU NoUa li SJ
('nltli-alas of InuYMrilnela.New ''
Uuartnuaitl Visuchers 8-i
OiJil ,...1'A
b-JU Bond lott 1
- Shsf -J
101 T
The followinff are the recrlnu uf Klnwr and
Grain at thi pirt to day : Flour. 1840 bbls.t'''
Wheat, 7040 bush.; Corn, 2000 bush.1 Oats. ..I
30HO bush. , , - , , , , ,
The following are the receipts of Coal Oil at
this port to-day : Crude, 426 bbl.; Refined, '
1210 bill. . . .; li 1 j k ..1st
Unotation of the principal Coal and foal OU'
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day .- ; ,. . , ,
Hid Ask., ' t.i
Folton Coal Pevry Oil ,,. !,- .,.-.
Bin Moiiiilaln Coal. 8 Mineral Oil tU t'
N.Y..MId.) Kiw KevaloiM OU . ,; sjl if
Omn Mi. Oittl..
OA, ajtj VeosnaoliM g -
t 'Union retreteom.. l9 MX I
1( 1 Ban, a Oil .. . T.
Nw CrvHk
rdr Itftin Coal.
(Ilitton Comi. ...,
Amrri' an Kaolin.
Olrartl Minltty....
Ktna Mli.tnir
V 1 llruanls Oil T i ' 41 .1
Biiiia ou..
1 (irwanVe Oil..,
Howea RtVljOU.! !!
Irving Oil $
1,'a.A.aW Urn i 111
rojuj r arm oil
. li i a
l'lilla. ant) UoHtoa.
nuiwr ttu....(,s
Ktsyilon .tUnc,,,, W
Mh nd nil Mi unit.'.,
MlKlrtU Mm Hag.
lonnvt'ileut ,
Ali-atw Iron.....
,ufivtmoro,,.,M, j
,1bUH10U., ....,., 1
Jtorxirta '
i Mollhnnjr, ,,,,.,
OH OnrK 6 71.' OlmtViul
Mtt pi. Ntiddo OU..U li ,VniOvUamm.l9 lfltf
Mtl' IDttMlt Oil tl'fM ft Ktlatsw 1 l.lst
1'a. 1't tn.ktamtHi.. .. It . ........ J &
The following U tho fttuoont of toal traniv. 3
potud on the fccliuy ikUl SYig tuioQ for Uit week
t Tsns. CU .1
1 J tr.-t m
tVtll .l'-,
i i,vi -m '-i
lrn Fori Carbon ,
" N.-huj Ialil llav.u
" lrt t'huWn
TaJ furwerk
Pre t Muaiy ihli year
Total 41 jest JJ'IV
To ihe same tltne last rM Uo,l 00
The followina is the amount of coal tnuwDortad
on the Philadelphia and Ki-oilmcj Railroad duriur
week ending 1 btinday, August i, lOrH.- -
. . . rn. art.
From rait Carbon St.isll 13
Pottnllle w,1
BrhutlkUi Haven HI M0 Ot
Auburn 8.t"0 06
1'ort Clinton ujsO 10
liarri.hurg aud Dauphia U 07
Total Anthracite Cool for woek.. .. DC J a 00
From ilarneburjr, total Bitumiuous Coal. . ,ojJ if
Total of all kinds for
Pievioualy thisyear. .
... B7
Total I,a.0il0 07
To same time laat year l.sio.tM Of
The followina; 1 a comparative statement of
the National debt ;
InlyM. AurostX lnTa.
itolil bcsrlns anst.sH7.MI asM.I';,rn tMs
tiold C'l rreucy ( .V,a,-,.U 4U.4U.1SI t ISVIS 1
Mo lutermt tbtjas.ftat jbomi 1,s-a.oU
Total iuere.,
tW,llli 1
Jult. AiHiiisl'l, , , .
ITnrald Ri.iiiillloni... .'i4.l.) aKl..uii.)
In Treasury 14 StaVKIJ
; I
tW.leSMI tIMus.OM
TiiHI Inert, In htm day tUt.tVlAJ .
The Treasurer has added to lh volomst of
the currency from his reaorve: . . i
I nitedKtatesniHk 4W.Oial.000 ,
Compound A per oant,.... S,-,?) .
Increase of temporary currency $i,a,70
The total debt was .- 1
August 127,402,170 ,
July 26 Ii3,
, Increase In (even day ... .11, WW (
Gold benriuff bond of that United fluiest,
nndi r the decision of the Tax sammisakiaer that
T-.'lOs and all other classs ot Treasnry note and
rertilicates are liabl. to naUonal taxation, Bast ;
beeouie more valuable, banks which bold this)
securities will find il to their Interest to .xchaaira '
I fa em for Ions; Vck. lb. prore ha Ossr.
commenced aireavy.
The K'Hk Island road earned in Jul. lrV.3.
Ui),.his; July, ltMit, tfl'J.i.lo.); Increase, f st.Aj.i.
The Mlcbimn Southern road has earned, la '
five month, l.ol-r,Utt. With a corr(anaiujj
increase for the real of the fiscal year in road. ,
will earn l,io0,0uo, or l,20o,oo0 tuor than in
18o3. I
The Tart correspondent of tbe New York
Times lay :
'Paris. Tuesslsy, July 19, 18CI. During ,
few day run lnlo Utrmany I had occasion lh
other day to go into the lhmme of Franklort-on-the-Mamc.
What I aaw ther. did me;ood aud
is worth talking about. Coming from Paris, whom (
on hear none or little sympathy for the Uuioit ,
cause, where American stock are not kntrwn,
and where th Oovernmant iournals loach I Us)
people that tbe American Oovarnuient Is on Ibej ,
verve of ruin, it wa like a sudden chanire from
darkness Into llht to find ono'-)lf in the mui.
of msnv hundreds of banker and brokers screauf ,
ing themselves hoarse oer American stocks, in tt
place where more American stocks are bought'
and awld in one day than of all the Kitra-
penn stocks com hi nod, and where inch an
Interest is felt in th. national cause that the
agency of th Krianger In the Confederate LsOeut
la charged against that house a almost a crime I
It did on guod, too. to know that these Federal
bonds were bought in most part by permanent
holders and not by .peculator hy peoptej wa
pay litli attention to the tiuctuaxlous of the war.,
necause they have confidence in the future of the
l uion, and find thi the belt invosuuent tut UMtr
turplus fund." . .
ortidsU brawtiisr. r Uke ftils lsaissi,
laittsrv tsf kseutoc.y. , , ...
CiAsirrt-Aiis.t"i. ' '
43, fi8, it. a, ih. oa, li , m, u. ta. an, U. ytCi
KsTna ri.4s jr.wA "I . '-, ... .
' 15,0.1,05, 3,S4,oo,7M,t7,,ta.,il,81,ea. -i
Cmautr. scot ky Uru B (,o ,1
-..'.. ... IvyussWK.Ajs' i
. J f t,.'J