1 L ST - 4 --, ay V I J - I THIT'IR r ' rum TO MB." i-intrs wife lit at the door, . A il. asant eiht o ", . And tilith-jsome were tli wee, wee DAirn' That pUjcd around her knoo. Worn, ton.lni neath tier heavy creel, A pnor fishwife came by, . And, tornlne; from tha tollon rosa, Uuto ui door drew nfgb. Ftie Inld her bnrdr-n on the trreen, b Sold them o erand a er. Bat lrbly laofhed the v onna; (ruldwlfe, We're no site scarrei o cheur; Tab" P Joar CT' r, K"1' fnar wy" I'll bujr oae rlsh aae dvar." JenJinfr beneath her toad again, - A weary light to are j JHrht sorely slurred the poor fishwife, "They're deur tlth to me! Our boat was oot a fcarfa" night, And, when the storm flew o'er, X husband and my three brave sons Lay corpse on the abort. Tm hern a wife for thirty years, A childless wiuow itireo; I rnann bay them low to Mil agiu'n They're dear Sub to me I" Tb farmer wife turned to the door What waa't upon bar cheek t "What mi there rising in her breast, Taai tben abe scarce could apeak ) 8b thought spoil her aJn galdmati, lltr litbeaome laddies three ; Tbe woman'i worts had pierced her heart "They're dear fish to me '." "Com back," ahe cried, with quivering roice, And ity ' pathtriD)? tear; CVme In, come In, my poor weman, ,'re kindly welcome bore. 1 kentna o' your aching heart. Your weary lot to dree ; III rve'ar foriet your aad, aad words : They're dear fish to me.' " At, let tbe happy-hearted learn To pauae ere ibuy deny The meed of honest tod, and think 1 Mow ranch their gold may buy How winch of manhood's wasted strength, -What woman's misery What breaking heart miitht swell the cry i They're dear llbh to me!" tTEE LOKQ-BOWra INDIA. The long-bow has fallen into disuse as an in atramentof war; bat a a sporting weapon in society it still holds its own, and as much of other people' a it conveniently can. There art two kinds of long-bows constantly iVrawn in connection with India, to which I de sk to refer. These are : 1st. The leng-how drawn for themselves by mr countrymen in India. 2d. The long-bow drawn for onr countrymen Id India by our countrymen at home. Let na lake them lu their proper order of pre cedence. I bave known or heard of a great many men in India who have been distinguished by eoubriifiut, either on account of physical or mural peculiari ties. - There was Codsliead Jones, for instance, ao named on account of his striking facial rescru """biant to. a certain fish. He hud a brother know a Flycatcher Jones, from a pleasant habit f carrying his month open ; and another brotber ailed Tiger Jones, in consequence of a certain cat-like Merceries of physiognomy. Cheeky Smith was also, a well-known character in my time, hi description being taken from a vulgar word which I am informed is significative of as ssjrance. Another Smith was called Blacksmith, on ac count of the darkness of bis complexion; for wblcb, I suppose, he was a little indebted to na tive blood. Kor tbe same reason an officer named Windsor nsed to be called Brown Windsor, until he said he wouldn't staud it any longer, when he waa called so more than ever. There was another Ulcer, too. whose remonstrances on this score brought additional trouble upon his heud. Ills same waa Wiudow, and a ho was something of an exquisite In bis dress, be was generally known as Beau Window. Tbe joke, mild as it was, so annoyed him that he changed his name. Tbe designation he chose was Lyon, which be thought quite sale ; bnt the nrt time he aired it at mess he was called Sandy Lyon on the spot; aud iho remainder of his Hie is doomed to the most ab tact despair. Most men who were In India during the muti nies must bave known Lieutenant-Colonel Fri day, of one of ber Majesty's foot regiments. He was one of tbe best billiard- players between Cape Cemorin and tbe Himalayas ; but that is not to the purpose. What I intended to say was, th it he had a brotber, and that tbeir witty and face tious friends, in order to distinguish the two, bsed to call them respectively Friday week and Fri day Fortnight. Among brothers, too, 1 must not forget to mention the Glasses Musical Glass aad Mrs. Glass; so called on account of their talents for singing and cookery. Dirty Dickson and Bbiny Johnson were other names given to well known members of the military service, for suggestive reasons. There was another class of names also in vogue some year ago, which omitted the real denomi nation altogether. Thus tbe Colonel of a certain regiment was known as tbe Smiling Curbra; and' tbe Colonel ot a certain other regiment was never spoken of ont of gene ral orders, except as tbe bmiling Tiger. Sweet liil.y was the accepted des ignation for a Ion it time of an officer on the staff. hut one of tbe most remarkable names I ever heard of was a real one. I will not give it to yon literally (indeed, I have very cleverly dis guised most of the above) ; but It was something like Jestamine Blogg. Its owner lived in duel ling duys ; and I huve heard that be bad to go at upon FOine dozen occasions, in conae guence f the Jests to which his incongruous appellation gave rie. Of all tbe MOuhrique4t common in India, however, the majority seem to bave been directed at pecu liarities of tbe Munchausen order to drawers of the loug-bow. In fact; und, in order to distinguish these, lite rather direct word "lying" has been rrofutely employed. Thus you may hear of ying Ilrown, Lying Jones, Lying Uobiusou, and host of others, with a similar distinction attached. Hot can it be denied that the word is applicable Ut a good many stories going about the three Presidencies, though the word "ro ancing" would be perhaps preferable to ears Elite. The stories arc for the most part horin ,and seem scarcely intended to de rive any body but tbe teller, who after a time no doubt keiieve them himself. They generally refer to tbe physical or moral 'sweendenev poMsesscd by the hero over his fel low-men ; his prowess in the field; his rlever ness in controversy, tscially when at war with tbe authorities; bis knowledge of wines, aud capacity for consuming them; and ditto ditto cheroots; bis feats in buying and ridiug horses; his tremendous exploits in tiie way of Held sportsi aad (this you may be sure) tlx) immense execution which he has done in the way of lady killing a class of game in reference to which the long-bow is ept to be drawn to it fuliust extent. One of tbe most amiable aud excellent of tbes social sportsmen was an oitlcer whom I will eaU Carxain Tattle. I never happened to meet him, hut bis stories are household words anywhere between the latins and tbe lloogley. Of these 1 snbjoiu a few, which wsy be cousidereJ as fair specimens. Tuttle wasa kmdand incessant tilkor, and over any table where be wight be placed never failod to let tbe party know that whether in battling with men or beasts, or in whatever pursuit bo might be engaged, he was superior to any man you might insutiou, or who would be likely to mention himself. Of his prowess in the lie. J here is a sample : "The fact is, sir, that when I am in action, nothing can restrain me; and nobody knew this better than Napier, before an enjragemcut began be alwavs sent fur me, and said, 'Now Tuttle, you know my wishes ; moderation above all things, toy boy f 4I will do uiy best. Sir Charles,' was niy nsual answer; 'but you know I cannot always answer for conse'iueifces.' At Meeanre, I emeinber, la particular he had bis eye upon me ; and when be saw sue up to mr elbows la slain ad off my own sword, sir! he sent an aid-de- m. Very sorry, sir,' sys the aid ; but yon an to give your sword to me, by tbe general order,. B1U mot p,ltting you under surest, he aiWed. UnirhinK ; 'but you are really doing too much Well, (.tier was no help for it o I gave huu u m, ,word- ut iir6ciiy hi !' iw"J,r,i ,Bil rk with my scab bard, and tinwhod ort svail mw) 'of tha rascals evnteol I counted them aether lar n tbe ground. And this u no i, tu. ' ' Tb latter somewhat necessary irUnn was the usual reinforcement W h j must auuishiu revelations. If Tattle went after a tler, it was alwave a tiger such a no mau had ever bean alter before, "There was beast in the Ncpaal Taral, sir, that I was Uire season ia petting. He waa tbe terror of Oude ; and llohilcuud was alrald to go to bed when be made an excursion into that pro vince. He was twenty-three feet six inches and bail torn the I'uiui of ie uoee lo the tin of the TTIE ia trnli wr as Ms? lomhtnei, and hi wr.m. mi h ko.w ir... sir. Br this tint I Dau nmnu mu ewmwi worse than jIi'm ; so, leaving my hewdah, I wrnt to rneotmter elm on foot. Yon with a large tiger an !ephant only make a convenient mark to spring at. On foot, too can watch your opportunity, and let the (eflt spring over yon. Well, he came on, ir; i d 1 conld see bv the ntpreion of bis eye th'it be awnre whom he had to deal with. He could not have oke plainer if be had "aid, 'Tat tle, my boy, I'm going ui te one too many fur yon tms time, tnanwnai nomrani, nnu i inn ft. Well, h ame on, snd I wufhed him clmely. Fint tf ail he pave a roar that could have been hard at Cawnpre. I had my dnu'ile-barrol ready cocked ; but 1 was not fool enongh to tire then; a tik'rr, you Know, always thrown np his h ad to roar, und wtist was my chance of bitting him In the richt place ? Bat I kojit my eye on bim, and aw hiin ipiail. "Then, recovering biinelf, he bsik Ihfl sprini;, upon which I threw myself flat on my taro. There was a rmh of wind, as II a heavy body was bcinir hurled through the air. The t.mo had come. The tier had gone over mo twenty tent. I fcnw be would tnm to veat his disappointment, ami wa ready for bim before ho conld recover himself for another Fpring. A ballet in the briu settled him at om, and the aoourRe of the Taral not to mention Oude and Kohilcund w.is no more. I do believe, however, that I ahonld not have killed him Ihat lime, but that he bad e it. n a vlllsge tbe day before, and was rathor heavy in oensequence. And thia la no lie, sir." Ttis notable sportsman, I have been told, was alto the hero of the rclebraw d story which has bten rendered Into verse under the title of "A K, w Ta e of a Tub." Getting tbe animal under a barrel, be watched till it tail came through the bung-bole. I nen. tytnif mat nppcntianu iuw a I..... h.flnnlll l..ill With llM IIWTI.T llf hi ll'taiim. If Tattle had to tell of a storm, it was such a sturm as nobody bad seen but himself. "A itorm. sir. such as would have turned yon irside out. You should have seen all tbe piao trees blown up shooting around mo like arrows nnd It's no lie." He is known to have related (he following, as incidental to an occasion of the kind "This occurred, sir. upon the Calcutta conrse. Martingale, of ours, was driviug out with his wife, i be carriase was overturned, and he had to sit upon her to prevent ber from being blown into F.astern Bengal. As it was, sho was left so Ions on the road, exposed to the fury of the ele ments, that ber hair was turned pea-grecu; nnd ber foot and her nose were so injured that sno was never able to put eiiher of them to the grouud afterwards. Ana tins is no lie, sir When Tattle could not make an effect in any other wav. be would start a neua'ive peculiarity. and make a point of that. He was as jealous of his prowess at wbist ns at killing men or tigers. Thus a harmless man at mess telling of some little triumph the niht before, in which trunps were concerned, Tattle burnt npon bim in this manner: "Tintnps! who wants trumps? I have made more monrT at whist than any man of mr ran and standing In the seivlce, vet I never wanted trumps. Why, sir, I never held a single trump in tne wnoie course oi my me. "Surely, Capiain Tattle, you must have he! ... u. Vw nn ,Al,lf Vir ,i MM'f " mu .v.. ......... Most men would bave been pn: down by tin bnt Tuttle whs the more on bis mettle. "The remark just show your ignorance, sir. Any man who has ever played with me knows tbut I always maiiq a mimical. Upon tbe simples! subjects It was tho same Si mehoclv remarked in his bearing u;on a break fast bo hud been U. a brilliant affair which bad lastid ball' the dav. "Ilreakfa-t!" said Tattle; "who eats break fast? I never ate but one breakfast In my life, und that disagreed with me. Sot sucb an ass as to try another. Nobody but an idiot would dream oi enting breakfast." The indd mun who made the remark wished ho hadn't. The rest of tbe men present, who took breakfast every day of their live, expressed tbi mselves strongly in favor of Tattle. There are other men, besides Tattle, who tell strange stories of India, and who abufe tbe privi lege which travelers bave of drawing the long bow. Many a stn ng pull is taken in polities. Ilarger, of the civil service, for instance, would disci urse In this manner: "My dear fellow, I can assure yon that yon labor nnder a delusion in England as to tbe esti mation in wul -h our system is held. A wretched section among tho natives don't like it, nor us either. Hut the great majority of tho people know when they are well oil. und have the crcutett reaard for tbe British, whom they would not eschar ge for any governing class on the face of the earth. I would undertake to control u district as large as well, say Wales without a European regiment within a hundred miles. A few native police is all 1 want, just to keep up the appearance of order; and but for the planters and tbose ttieddiirg fellows the missionaries, there wou'd never he a shadow of annoyance from ono year's end to tho other." Old Colonel Chuiney, of the N. I., would take a pull tit tb weapon in th1 style : "1 till you what It is, sir, J u:k Sioy will go anywhere and do anything, so that ho is properly led; and I never beard of nny douht n'liut hiin, un il the country got oveiru:i with Europeans, giving tbe men new ideas, and making them be lieve that we hud religious prejudices and all that sort of thing. 1 only know tint I would rattier ttust my men than any rcgiaii:it of drunken Knulislnnin you coulil givo mo to coinaiaud. My men look np to their outers," &c, Kc. Sentiments of this kind have not been quite so freely expressed since &i7 ; but they are felt for all that; and both civilians and military men are still found occasionally to draw the Company's lotm-bow. In social life yon may bear old Indians assert ing the superiority of the country in a manner calculated to excite incredulity. Sanguine, for instance, of the house l Sanguine, Ardent & Co., who has been live and twenty years in Calcutta, baa scarcely seen the outside of tbe ditch, and has bad nothing to do all the time but to sit quietly and let bis money accumulate ; this is Sanguine s style : "Now. I ask yon candidly, my boy, did yon ever get such u dinner in Eiigluud ? i wou't say awoidabout tbe mullngniawny, because that Is btyond'qiiesilon. You say we are weak in fish. I don't know that. When the topsee mutchlee Is in feu son, I think wc need not fear comparison with Europe ; und even now too salmon to bo suie has lieeu brought out in tins, and is not quite pulutablu without vinegur; and the oysters, as you sny, must be scolloped, to a great extent, before ou can ttuud tbetu. But look at the cr.iy- lish and tbe pawn-currv have yon anything to compare with them at borne ? And, touching the thincs in tins, anything that Fortnum and Mason can do. can't we take advantage of? Ixnik at the triillled thinpsonthe table. Tho Overland h ui, I suppose, Is us Hue as can be procured m Europe ; und the native turkey would do credit 10 a Christmas in Norfolk. "Our mutton can Wales offer you any thing better ? In sweets, I grant we are not iiit so stroug. The icily is apt to be salt; but the w ly tin y manage tbe ice-pudding, is It not a credit to Asia t As you say, a great deal of bad w'iun does somehow make Its way out In re. The kind of shcr rr mea will accommoiiaie themselves to is surpris ing, und port is -cart ely to be thought of. Hut tbe claiet is fair, and) ou can ;:et good chain paiinc, us yon know. As for tbe beer, I tell yon on my honor, that I never fasted titer til to drink except In India, llcer that has not made a voy. sue Is barbarous beverage lit only for coal beavira. Cigars there, of coarse you give in. I flatter myself jon never tasted anything like a really poud No. 1 M inllia Throw tha'. an jy and tuke uiiotlii r; never smoke them too low." And so on ad infinitum. The climate will bring out another steady ad mirtr. Hear (irampus, of tbe Irregulars, on the guhicct : "The climate the great drawback of Imlhi, did von say ? The finest climate in tho world, sir I Why every season is a separate enjoyment! When von urc tired of the dry heat, you get tbe ruins ; and when you're tired of the rains, you get the cold weather." You venture to suggest that the enjoyment teems to be obtained on tne principle or "any thing for a change, and that neither the dry bout nor tbe wet beat can uo very pieasaui u people kjm ho anx ious to get rid of it. You make a sug gestion, too, in reference to the hot winds which are prevalent in many parts Of tho country. Tula givus Grampus a point. a ...... . . 1 T 111... l.,. -.!.la JUC not winua, air I & iinu mw hui w iiimo. uj , they give yon an evportunitv to use tatties and tlicrmuntidotes, so thai you may sit quietly in your room and bave all the Iienetit of the open air. Between the tattles, tbe thermantidotes, and the piinkahs, a man may take bis dinner in a gale of wind and any man who does not like that must li a loot. There is no answering such an argumentum ad Lm. as this : so there is nothing for it but to submit that it is a very pleasant thing to be iin- pnMnt'U ID MIC UW mi atwi' vmiww. cool by carefully catching cold, to cling on to your papers, it you are reading or writing, to pre tt tbi m from being blown awav. and to bav yoor i.ot dinner almost as well cooled as your w ine about two minutes after it has been on the tnUe. You have the conshi.ion, however, of knowing that you friend is drawing the long bow, fti true, indeed, that yon can get very good dinntra in India, the material eojoymenta of life being easily procurable; but the discota. forts incidental to the climate, and especially tha ruin. ut and the monotony wrucn taey occasion, cannot be disguised. .. That there are compensating advantages for these dlsconiiuru may be supposed, or you would notbndold Indians representing them as luxu ries, i u laei is mat Grampus i Uit'Ory oi enjoy. bA'lLV EVENING TFXEG nf nt Is not without fbn1aoa. Thebsth, which Is apt to he a bore In a cold ponntry, ia tbe most welcome of stimulants In a warm one ; and the enervating atmosphere tends to make roost of the remedies resorted to positive Instill of merely negative pleasures. For the same reason socb common luxuries as wine r.nd beer become, doubly welcome to tbe pilule. Moreover, the Indian Is aide to take his eae to an extent. As a rnla. be is a great d":il richer than he wonld be at borne ; and a large houe, a crowd of servants, ami a good stnd of horc, are powerful aids In reconciling him to his- condition. TKOrELES OF AN OPERA MANAGES. Rrnilnlirenc' r ir-t llsnerrs. Nlngsn nnd A number of years ago, Mox Morctek pub lished a very spiry and entertaining volume of s rsonal reminiscences, under tho title of "Cnt- cbets nnd Quavers." In this work, ho told the experience of an imftnmrio in the 1'nltod Kbit" nd Mexico, l.umlcy, tho well-known lxindoii manager, has followed his example, and a b.xik ha lately appeared nt tho English capital cti'.i- tlcd "Kemlnisccnccs of tho Opera, by llen.j.iiiiin Lnmley." Ills career is contemporaneous with that of Oris!, Frexzollnl, Sontug, and Jenny l.ln 1, who are now beginning to be looked upon as gingers of the fRt, though most of them yet alive ap pear in public when they can. According to Mr. I.nmlcy, tho task of nn opera manager is thankless enough. Hero is what he I nj a of AN BHOI ISH 1MPTIFJURIO POSITION. It hit) been already observed that no assistanf o ia afforded to our theatres by government. Any one designing to enter npon tho management of one, especially of tbe Italian opera, bas to provide CHiulal. to make auvunco, anu to uuiray nii ex penses beforehand trusting to overtake all by a sncessfnl season, or rather by a series of such. 1 he man himself should possess the sort of talent and knowledge adapted to tno enterprise, ana ought likewise to be endowed with lortitudn, honefulness. oaticnce. and oower of selt-control roupleu nun strong iie.uin anu aoiiuy to cnuuru fa'ti.tip. Now. suniMisinga courageous and com pel! lit pet son to present nimself in the position of a director, muting mo requisites skcicubu unovu, with what feelings do we find bim regarded by the theatrical scition of tne putillc r The answer will suggest Itself to most of those who have bad experience of tbe habits of Imdon society. From the noldo patron and patroness down to the subscribing bookseller; from the wealthy citizen qowu to tno morfurc an ire auenters. or would be frequenters of the opera, entertain a common aemiment of hostility tow ards "the munagf r." Must of tbcm grmlgo giving their money. Each seeks to obtain his amuse nient by tbe least possible onilay. Admissions "gratis are sought wiih Importunity by those who can set forth the slightest claim to the favor. Artists themselves show no consideration for the director's purse, bnt clnmor for boxes and tickets for friends without limit. Such is the wide- spreading feeling among tbe opera-going public on the opening oi a new season. No one thinksof tho outlay, but every omc cal dilates the gains. Whocvor expresses pleasure at the thought that the manager is miking a profit? He is, to speak openly, tbe "common ni mv" In tlm even of both nnblic and artists. The latter feci injured if he reaps the harvest of their labors, and tliinK he otignt to pay mem bigbcr; the public feel displeasure at the prices required lor admission, und argue that if the theatre rays the tariff ought to be lower. I.nsily, the difficulties ot tho director, when they become notorious, excite no compassion. A few rich noblemen tender a certain amount of support, on the nnders'ood condition of being allowed to influence the administration; and when, induced by the-ellattcringhopesof friendly assistance, the mauaucr parts with bis independ. enoe, be bei omcs poweiless to recover his losses, and linnlly meets bis ruin at the bunds of tbe aristocratic ally, who relentlessly presses for re payment out of an empty treasury. Indeed, when the enormous expenditure Involved in the carry ing on of the theatre, its high rent, tbe heavy rate of insurance against tire, the army of func tionaries in its pay, the wear and tear of the "properties," the losses by non-payment of boxes, the vast sums absorbed by tbe artists singers, dancers, and orchestra are all taken into con sideration, it is easy to imagine how large must be tbe receints which should balance such out goings. And be it alwavs bnrno in mind, that in the case of Italian opera, tho season, properly so called, lusts no more than four or live months out ot the twelve. It was under Mr. Lnmlcy's management that Jenny Lind appeared before an English audi ence ; and this is the way it was brought about : HOW J TINNY LIND CAMB TO I.ON0OK. In the autumn of IMS tho now widely cele- bratfd enntatrice was delighting the pupils ot Frankfort by ber talent, when accident threw ber in tbe way of an English lady, cb'saly allied to a Swedish tiimily with whom she had been inti mate nt Stockholm. In the course of conversa tion Mademoiselle l ind became aware that the true and fitting arena for her talent in London was the stage of Her Majesty's Theutre. Although tar lrom sanguine as to her own suc cess iu Knelaml, she wua at least anxious to liberate bcrsclt trom an engagement contracted hastily and under an erroneous impression; and licr newlv acquired friend was shortly afterwards imested by her with full powers to rrea'. with Mr. llunii Tor a relen-c trom ner contract, .-"leco-tiations were conseqnently opened with Mr. Bunn, who, far from showing himself at all nnieasonable, proposed at first the apparently model ate condition that Mademoiselle, Und should pay him either the tnm of Jt.XHJ as a for feit tor nrcacu oi contract, or jljuo, coupiou wmi tbe promise to sing lor bim one night at bis ibeatrc gratis. These terms were considered so accepiauie ny the frier d of tbe fair singer, tha' their ratifica tion by Mademoiselle 1.1 nd was confidently ex pected. VJnlortunalciy tne young lady, ignorant. It mav be nrcsnmed. of tho wavs of the world nnd of her own real position, replied only by a letier addressed to tho manager ot Uniry Lane, in which she appealed to his "generosity" to grunt ber an unconditional surrender of the con tract, urging that in an nnguarded moment an engngt ment had been extorted Irani her of which she now saw tne imprudence, and putting it to bim as a man of honor and feeling to release her trom ber bond. Such a proposition was manifestly untenable; and by this Ill-advised step on the part of Made moiselle land, the negotiations whi :h had been conducted in so amicable and promisiug a man ner on riclinit ot tiie prima ilonnn necessarily ter minated. Tbe period fixed by Mademoiselle Lind's engagement with Mr. Bunn having passed away, tbe allnir bid become only a question of damages, in uetoner, itviti, i made more man one attempt to secure the services of the cele brated Swedish Nightingale ; but these attempts were made in vain. Tbe )oung singer had conceived so inordinate a driadot Mr. Bunn ven licence, and of bis intentions to perse cute ler with newspaper attacks and other means of annoyance, on account of the "breach of promise," that she could not overcome her repugnance o visit the shores of England. Still 1 did not det-puir, and, following Mademoiselle l.iud I nun Fntiikfort to Stuttgardt, and thence to liaunstarit. I at last snc. ve.lcd in prevailing on the coy KHisti-e-a to contract nn engagement at my 'theutre. Here I bad to employ all my liest ability. Besides holding out to ber tbe most brilliant prospects Itoth of fame and fortune, I went so far as to uudertuke to bear any loss that might fall i pun her in the event of a law suit with Mr. Ilium. Tbe terms of this engagement were tur superior to any hitherto offered to the cele brated SitlfWT. She was offered one hundred and twenty thou sand francs (four thousand eight hundred pound') lor the season, reckoning trom tho litti ot April to the 2otb of August, besides a bouse free of I'horge.uud a carriage nud pair of horses to be al her disposal ; a further sum of eight hundred pounds should she lie inclined to pass a month in Italy, for study or repose, prior to her hbit ut Her Majesty's Theatre; lastly, the liberty to cancel ber engagement if, after her first appearance on the boards, and her success falling short of licr expectations, she felt disinclined to continue her performances. Mr. Lnmley also knew the great buffo LABLAl'HS. There wan a greatness about this genuine artist to which no parallel can be offered ; and I recol lect a persou of distinction saying that he never thought of bim without recalling to mind the Scriptural record, "There were giants in the land in those days." Ills style was as grand as his person was large; yet there were nosubtllitles too nice to escape his power of delineation. When, in early days, he played the "Mud Father" In th now forgotten opera f Arjneu (which by the w ay was founded on one of Mrs. Opio's novels), he varied the insanity according to the country ia wbiih he acted, representing an Italian madness at Naples, a German madness at Vienna. Ui boul.omi was irresistible. I recollect an occasion when he had a long conversation with Jenny Lind, previous to her debut at Her Majesty's Theatre, blie appeared timid and reserved ; but be dexterously turned the discourse so as to treat of her past career and Continental success. Tbe charm was not to be withstood. She look up th thread where Lablache bad dropped it, aud.w hil her countenance flashed with vivacity, seemed to forget everything bnt ber own triumphs. With tbe portly figure of Lablache a. droll story is con nected. When at Fans he WfcVaouusiouicd, like Kossini and other notahilibinw'ti vTnxme lor his promenade tbe part oi the Joulvvaid'dvi Iuilicui ft APH . PI H L A D ELPIT J f which lie" between the Chaus-cc Anlin n I'a'sage de l'Opera, One "vlnter's d it a vV'nt ji10wor caused him to seek retug In the ttl.tMct of the passage, and am afterwards a young gamin bethoasjbt nim iclf of the, time obclter. However, to enter a pafs barricaded by a Labloche wei no very 4ay roatier, especially wnen tne coiossai oatto bail bis rlt'owa extended nnaer an ampie ciaaii, and swuyi d from one side of tho pasage to the other. The hoy, tired ot dodging the living gate, bs'k hold of a corner of tho rlant's cloak, and pnl'lng it Initlly, critd, "Cordon, s il vom p'ait!" the cxnp'viion in n-u? when tbe con cierge Is r quire) to open a aixir. t.ioia. ue en tered into the humor of the position, and as he lit the boy pass imi atcd the motion ot a door turning on Its hinges. Old opera-goers will remember the cxiite-.neut created by the dance ;! which Tagl onl, Carlotta Ori.-I, Cerito, an I I.n 'ills ft rah n all took p&rt. The Indefatigable l.umlcy was spsnonsiblo for tills famous 1 l'AS m: UCATTIE. Let no one nnrcrv.iluo tho nnignlt'ido cf this tremendous task. I was Informed by a well- known diplomatist that, when tho prepnrulious lor tho solemnities nnu lesiivun's audio. no upon the coronation of the Emperor of Austria as King of l.ombordv, at Milan, wero placed in his hands, the settlement of a de rii ur, to lie danced by Carlotta Oris! and t'erlto (although then com- nn i nrotlvely mere tyros nt the scaia), cot mm a hundredfold more irotible than all the, other com plicalf d arrangements ol the festival. All was at length adjusted. Satisfaction was in every mind; the nai rfe fudirr was rehearsed was announced; tho very morning of the event lia.i arrived; no further hindrances were cx pcetod. Suddenly, while I was engaged with lawyers In my own room, deeply ocenpied with the I'mal arrangem-nts for my purchase of tho opera-house (of which more hereafter), poor 1'crrot rii'lud unannounced Into my presence In a state of intense de-pair. Without regard for the eciious conclavo assembled, be uttered frantic exclamation, tore his hair, and at last found breath to say that all win over -trVit the pa di ouiitrf bad lullin to tho ground and never could be given ! Wilh difficulty the nnfirtnnato ballet-master was calmed down to a sufficient at te of reaion to be nblo to explain the canse of his anguish. Tho cmpletiou of tho purch i.se of the opera house was suspended lor a few minutes and the explanation came as follows: When all was ready I bad desired l'errot to reflate the order in which the separate xu of each dunwiae should come. The place of honor, the last in such cases (as in refill proi ess-ion), had been ceded without over-niueb hesitation to Mademoiselle Taglioni. Of tbe rcmnlning ladies who claimed equal rights, founded on tub nr. and popularity, neither would appear beforo the other. "Mon Dicu!" exclaimed tho ballet-master in distress, "Cerito no vert nss eonimoncer avatit Carlotta til Car lotta avant Cerito, ct 11 n'y a pas ruoyen de los fiiiro botiger; tout est llnl!" "Tbe solution is easy," said I to poor l'errot. "The question of tulent must ha decided by the ptitiiic. But in this dilemma there Is one point on which I n m sure the ladies will bo frank. Letthe oldest take her unuiiestiouab e right to the envied post tion." Tho ballet-master smote his forehead, smiled assent, nnd hounded from the room npon tbe stage. The iudgment ot tbe man iger was announced. The ladies tittered, laughed, drew back, and were now as much disinclined to accept the right of position as they had been btfere eager to claim it. The ruso succeeded; tbe management of the affair was left to Monsieur 1 crroi s nanus, i ue. oruer oi mo iwikb iremii settled, the iranit tmt Jn uunlre was finally per formed on tho innio night beforo a delighted andieuce, who little knew bow noarly they bad been denrlvcd of their expected treat. To clote these remarks we give here a pleasing anecdote of CATALAN! A NO JF.NNT LIND. The dinneT party nt the embas-y was a small one. no other company lading Invited except Mr. and Mrs. O .Mademoiselle Lind, Madame Catalan! und her daughter, and one English gentleman, a well-known amateur of the o;era; the secretary of the embassy and a sister of tho ambassadress being also present. After dinner, tbe weather being warm, the party strolled in a garden attached to the emb ifsy Catalani and Jenny Lind talking much together. In tho evening some little embarrassment arose anuat asking jenny 1 jn.l el,,., lutn.iiian ia nn nni ffv.tr rnl'iKO, ft rn. quest made by the representative of majesty, tho Marchioness considerately forbore to place tho voung Swede in a position ol uuticuity. nut Catalan!, who was burning with curiosity to bear Jenny Lind sing, perceived that there was some hesitation, went up to tho "Nightingale," and asked her with grace and earnestness to oblige tho company with a song, adding: " Cut la vielU Catalani aid dwirt reus entendre chanter. avant de mour ir P' Such nn appeal from sucb a person overcame nil Jenny's habitual disliko to sing In private society. She sat dawn to tho piano, and alter a few hars of prelude, gave her incomparable " Nun crcdea miiarti," playing tho accompaniment ncrseii. The tulei of ActrewMfH. Married ladies, who are in tho profession along with their tamilies, aro generally great armies, bavins not only to play tbe mother anu mo mis. tress at homo, but to ocrform tbeir Dirt on the st.ice as well haviiiK L attend the reboanial and the broth-pot at tho same time. I was exceed- ln-!v soirv for one poor lady. who. alonir with son and two daughters, wasa member of the company at bbipphuui. Maternal amomon prompted ber to aid In forwarding bor children iu the profession, mid she sacrificed bur own de sires to their intorest, and freriuouily got well al ustd by tbe iiiaiia. er for ber pains. She has since died, poor woman, and so has ono of her daughters iu question ; but her son, I observe, is getting on well, nnd is now in a good position in one ot the lirst-cliiss provinciui mcairco iu e-uj-land. Seeing what this poor lady had to endure, I have otlen wondered, when I have read line criti cisms In the nespaers cutting up Mrs. So-and-8o for her poor couceptlons and bad acting, how it was possible for that, lady to act at all. She bad three young children to nurse and attend to, aud the united salaries of herself and husband were exactly U7s. a week a little daughter being thrown in as a sort of make-weight. She could huve no soul for ar: she could have nothing but anxiety, poor woman ; what with lodgings to p ty for, stae properiius to provide, and money to lay away for the next Journey, which might, for aught she knew, be from Dundee to Dudley, she could have but a poor time of it. The very cir cumstance of the child thrown In to make up the salary was an annoyance, because she must have clean shins, und wonld bave occasionally to wtar satin ahoes. Why stay lu a profession where there is so mnch mlscrv ? I think: I hear my readers say, " Hut what 'can the So-and-So's do? She was torn in the profession, so to sjreak ; and he, what nA..i . .1.. .,-.. ,.n t,n etui.nl" TriiA Ilia tuuiil lie un iiuv en 'ii .iv, ., . .w ambition is some dav t start a taverni that is, apparently, all his uu docs for him makes him long to chance Nbakesi earc and tbe stae for the bai tbe bar of a public house. I have some where read of n irreu' actor who made up a most lugubrious catalogue of tbe ills he bad fallen heir to. even alter be ban worked his way to the ton tt bis profession, ami bail become a famous Lon don acior ; and one (it Ids grievances I remember wus, tbut there was iu the green-room only one class, out ol which he had to drink in common with all the memio-rs of the theatre. Poor fel low ! Hail be never u tndered over the country with his niiproirct tl t es peeping ont of a pair of stiiue I'oors. and urn. i-la "property" vest aiding tu sbiclil bim Ir. in 'tie cold, aud glad to beg a drink i f beer or mil , to keep up the steaui as he journeyed aloi g r Wesnppot-e iin:. or Iri the lnxurlons enjoyment of his lilly puumts a iveck, he had perhaps for gotten those days ; 0' t I am much mistaken if, like the most of me members of the theatre at Shippljatn, he ha" n 't passed years of his life without bavin the p'Wilege ot drinking out of a glass of any kind, l-'ew of tho small country tbeatri baie u grc n room, and Shipphamwas no i xeepliou. As 1 kave already mentioned, wo assembled iu a coiner behind the scenes, all hud dled together over a eiunll spark of lire ; and I never saw a glass thore at all, except when a few of us ml-'bt oiu for a bottle of ale, and borrow such a vessel to drink it out of, which we all did in common. I very shrewdly suspect the great actor in question had many a time to do the same thing. OUniptet of Heal Life. M'KALT 11, H KALT II, AND BI.ALTr. irloaala admiring eves: Iftoeause luvidlolis ail-dis ; If to tse a bioouiiDK Hewer, t adiag, dying In aa hour Biaurv I If to have a hast of frleada ; irfor vfee to mate amends; li'wlth hikli-born blood lo wed : It a marble atoue wtiea dead WkALia! u to live threes, ore aad ten, Wishing Uie aa long agala; to live a lite of peace; II to die and go to ortoe Hr-at m ! If yoa wish a life of pleasures; ir ou valae this wor:d' iraoanrel; t' every eomfoit vimi would aee. Take mj advkte, aad wishel rArss. H en. having Beallh, Wealth, and Beauty, iuu'll be n-epared lor every duly. lira careful perusal of Pr. WILLIAM VOl'MOB Kew ook, llll; MAkltlAHE l.l lllK, Khleh should he read by every oar. Sold by lluokselk ra gcue'all) . and at t.;.e D.Htor i on-.te. No. 1S ai'amjB aTUICET; price K. cents. au.4f John c i xj i r. CAJtrtNTEB AND BrrLDI'lt, V... 1A Lulitili STREET, A Urea fneea of bniidina tueciiaulos of ail hranches alasjsoaaus. , aisl-wiuiwa FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1804. -pA.irvTirejn rAiwTiifoii ' Ko, 47 B. TILTED STREET, ABOVI CHESSCr, ranMpbl. FAIIY A imoTUEn. SOtTM. . AST) ORHAMENTAl FAINTEM. Orslntna, Olaslnf.OOdrnf Glass, BalsoounlBS,rspl ?tral,MnK. Aa. Dlttf IXKlvT DISKAKESI RKCH.ET DISEASES I NAMAKirt n ri KAMAIlfTAN UffTI Tur. M"T t'tBTAii Kr.asur ICvra I'ssd, (iciNoiiicii'KA. i.i.rrr, .TKK"rrnF.a. , r.'noiiii" un Mlnrml. no Halam. no MiTturj. Only tr n pills i.i b tussil In rrli el a run. Caffs In from iwn to Mar dnys.sml recm tm'rn in Itv. i.ljr f.nir h.'iirii.-' I'rir.l t a sraihiats of tho nlvrsltv nf Pnnsv'V!iri1a, on nf Ihs inost snilnent lux tors snl Chomims of ths jrosiit aj. hO Xlo-l'lti:. HO TKDCBl.K, SO IMIK w"ur..r.n. I ! Dk.ss who nnvo apanftlred of cHltiv tur.sl. or wh. tivol..n sorfdwlth Bslasia Oofiv, or Mer:ury,st once try the, , noifliumn r mi i Srnl tiv mnll In s nlsln i-nvio ) ric f , n.li' hi ki , tl. K. il, tl. hiAwfi jiixxuiil nbOODin bijm)diiii WKOKi'Lt, ri.'rna. aotiKa, spots, tkttkhs, su:i.km, HIIII,, YI'IIILtfl 1R Vr-S I'KS"A t, IMKKAtsKt, Ac, Ate, rlAMAltirAN H lf)T ANU IIKKH JIIICM Ts ttflrr d f nnhlte an s inslilv enrs. SVPIIII.ISI K VKMKKKSL lllHrtASiK.M. UisaAWA- R1TA N H KIMCr ANU IIKKH Jt'K.K, Is Oi most p(ot, errtaln,snd Sllscln! T-nii.ay sv rrowrltHHl : It rs'Sshoi Soil f tail cls svirv rinirw m nn viktt, r H,il h, i-ors Is thorons-h an prrmsnoot. I'sfcs thfn of tins parlfyii t rcm,W and o hfl.l, snd do not trsnsrnlt our poslmy mat lor wnitn you mij ,v-n hi j. yenrt. I'M W.l I'rni ji,,t Aflttoiitfh vfill msv le prmioiin'-d IncarnMo.thf SAMA- TtlTAN M lii it and IIKIlll ,11'H'KH will reraovs v.Ty tiMt luipiirlilfs from the nystciu. as wcu as aiiino bud i'hVct ui Hit rears fF.MAI.KP! rr.MAi.i;t Tn mmty nnt'ons with wlip-h anmlwrs of Knnsks raCi-r. the ItoDT ANI Mr.KII jeici.s nwl nsiMaiT S'taptnl, In f.-crslfd IIitiis, In Lacorrhi.'S, In biNirln ral ina of the w oluo, uoiaiii,auu lur tu vuuitiuuiiia Uli lilint to the M-.s. Bent by cxprera iTfe ?i a ooioi, or ooiui's ror v-. HAMAICII AN H WASH Is, In rssea of fS)plillls, inert In connartlon with Uie Koof and llrrh Juices, foil Slrctlons. I'nco 111 enls. The ettli ucv of the. e morale is alike a.'Snowleiteeil hy I.liyslrlans and patx-nla. 1 hev are n-d In ihs United Htu'ra Hn.pltals, Ihus rrttoilnf healiii to many ol our br.ive sot'ltets. Vrom the naetmore "nun: WHAT TUB tllH"tK.lr! SAT OF TIIE BAM A HtT AN' KKMBIIIKH: "Post Hospital, Kosr Masphali., I llulllmoro, .Md , Fat), A), lsU. i "t tjiaverre.it sstlsfaition in s-afna that I havanaed Th Samaritan Htmeiivt' for Vf-nef-al lllseass In US ntor t ciisloauirv forma ; tbut I havs li-en inem wun jiiuk neut, illscrvtK n, and properly, and have found them resp.'lid to my anticipations promptly and ctTertnally. Kii' wlhir II f.ir eoinpeslilon. I have the fnlli-st connaencfl In their eillruey, and as f. r aa my nss of tlicui eslenda, I recommend Uieiu auonKly, .. ..,.,- "alihwj e:. miwr.iv.-s, "Asslsfant-SurKi'onMu New Vork Vols." T i l he iiiuloriood thai these remedies are aa rneom- niemlert, and will Hisittvely curs ths ulseascs for whlt-h thi-y are olieieu. Bo d iy is- in"". UKtMOsil) . ')., Jy.l-tulhsZm ko. SI4KAOK Street. RAILROAD LINES. IS EV It A II, KO A D LINK MOBIli. PHILADF.I.PHIA Tl) IHtDUM.rM, lllllOl llll IN K1VK UOUUd. riur S'J. KXCfllKION TirKF.TM t'l.llOI) rOR TIIKKF. DATS. On niMl aller MiiNIJA V, Aosii at I, IhA, trnlna will leao foot of VI SK Nln:et. l'liila'lelphia, evory mornlliK at S A . VI. (M,IIH,,y4 esi-rpten;. Il.e ie nvilioiwmiru anu nf Unllc and Kurllan and Delaware ilay Kailroads to Port .Mr iiiooiiili, uo.l Py Hie corninoilijus arcamer Jesse tloyt. to loot ol Alliuitlc street. nriKiaiyn; rtnnruimr, ioaYo iyv Pinllc hueetnl.arf everyday (Hundajs excepted), at 11 fVaolera tn the elly of New York are notified not to Apply for pruniEe hy this line, the su.ire id' New Jeiiwy liavinv KnuO'O I" me sHiouen i u a''j im-mioi-.i exi Inslve priviltse ol earrjlmt pum nm ra and lieielit he twivu Ihc rill, a ol Philailrlel.la and New York. I'2'l-tl W. r. tilllKHl'le). licnerai Huperlnteade.nt, 1SG4. CAMDKN AND ATLAN TIC KAII.ROAI). tit'UVI.'lt AUMANIIKMPSTT. 18G4. THHOrom IN TWO ItOI'KSIM Four pates dally to AtUutlo City. On aid ailer MONDAY, July 4, tfm leave Vlnsitreet Ferry ae follows : lall,?iSIA.M. ..... t'rriKht, with pasAenirer ear attached. tela A. M. Kspteea (ihruiorli Inl honrsH IS) P. M. Atlantic Aceooiniodatl"n,4-16 P. M. Junction Accomm illation, P. M. RKIt llMNll LCAVKH ATLANTIC, Acecmtnoo'iulon ( Atlantic) 6'4S A. M. K-SPreae, T'OM A. M . Kri lf ht, ll'MI A. M. AlaU,l'48P.lI. . JuneikiB Acmmmodatlon.tMJ A.M. Fnre to Allan le, t'2 0(). Round Trip Tickets (Rood only for the day nnd train on which thoy are Issued) SJ 09, KXTKA H ADUONFIKbD TRAINo, Leave Vine street 10-lf. A. M. and 1 ISO P. M. Leave lladdouflek) 1'4A V. M. and'2'46 t . M. ON HtJNUAYH. .... Mall rrsln f t Atlantic leavea Vine itreet V 30 A.M. Leave. AUanU. 4 P. M Q Tlieliar which waa made last year l,as enllreW disap peared, leaving Mie bcautione of tho moat dulitiktiul un tiie cvust. XOIITH l'KNNHYLVANIA RAILROAD. i For KKTIiLKIIKM, IMlfU'.SrovVN, KASTOff. aIaP. H CMIltNK, I1AZLETON, WlLKEHUAKaB, anil WILLlAMSPDItT. HUAIMRR ARItANOEMKNT. ADIll'I'IONAl. TKA1NM. On and after 5:ONHAV, June :i.1hk4. Pasaenirer Tralne will leave the New Depot, T11IKI) Huoel, above Tliouio oii i reel, rinladiuphla, dully (Hondays excepted), ae "7' 'a it. (Espress) tnr Kelhlohom, Allontown, Munch t tlllllK, WliaeslMtre. V IUiHUisH,ru 11 1.) A Jn. .'-eommooaoiinj mi injio.i"wii. Ill-16 A. M. Aoeoii'modmlon) lor Fort Waalllostoo. 3 P.M. (Aceon niiHlalioi.) lor Uoyleslowii. M 4.i P. tl. (fcxp-eas) for Uetlileucut.Eanlun, tc. 4l.i I', M. 1M.1II) for llo' iestawu. t'l.l P. l . ( Aceoiumodatlon) for IlctUlchem, Allentow n, ana Maueh t'hunk. t,-!., I1. VI. ( Aisoiolnoaallonjior t.aiisuaie. 11 1'. At. (Acconimodaiii.il) for Fort Washington. 1 MAINS Hill I-IIILADFXHIIA. Leave Iletlil. hem at n 1MI A. at ,9 :si A. at , and (.'Oi P. M. lmykatowii at tt-10 A. M.,3 40 V. it., and 1 V. At. lmsdule at6 A. M. Fort Wasliiustou at 11'55 A. M. and 1 P. M. ON HUNUAYH. l'hllailelphta fbr Bethleliem at 9 A. M. Phlludelphlu lor lioyleslown at P. W. lloyS'stov, u for I'hlladelplua at 7'iO A. H. llellilcliem lor Phi ail. IphU at 4 P. M. lllllnian'a llas'Sate Kxprees will call lor and deliver bas- iraiie at Uie depot. Orders may foe wit at ao. lie a. tuilli) B'reet. .no- . . PHILADKi rillA AN I) TRENTON AND CAMUKN ANU AM HOY KAILIIOAU COMl'ANlEd. jstr i it r.- On snd after VONDAY.January 4,lSo4. the Trains for Kew York, leavlns Kensh gton Depot, Philadelphia, at K'ltl A.M. (Nlithl), and IMS) f. At., and the u.ln. leaving New York at SAM. and 7:10 P. M., will lierealier be ma exclusively fbr Ite Hulled Blatea Atolls and New York aud WashluKion Passengers, and will not tuke lu nor let out anv passenvera between said cltlea. . L 'Ihe lo A. II. and 1'i.Mloniiilit Lines from New York to Waahlniton, and ihe II Ml A. M and i I'. Id. Lines lionl Washuullon lo isew i ora, win i-uiiiidu m i""ii " rurry iasaei'S ra to and trom tiie Intermediate stations aud Bslilmore, Whlruilon, and New Vork. ,... . AKKAMOEMUiTS 1IKTWKKN PHILADELPHIA ANU NEW YOUK. Lines leave Philsdeiplila, liuaa Kensington Depot, ut 1116 A M ,4 Wl, and S-4A P. si., and I'J'.'sl inlunUht, and lrom Walnut Rtreet Wharf (via Camden), alii and 8 A. M., 11 M.,4 anddk' M., lor Hew York. An leaves New York, from fool of Courflandt street, at7 A.M-.lllA.Al ,liM ,4and P. M., and at M mid nlht, aud lioai lootot liarcUy street t 6 A. , M., audi v at VtAi. A. tlATiMr.K, ja,'.-tr "" SHIPPING. rwa. STEAM WKKKLY TO I.IVKH f If TLC-J pool totiehlnr ut ueenslowii, rk Harbor. '1 inn cil known sicarusre of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Kieumliiu Couipauy are Intended to eail A-11 folhiivs : C1TY OK WAHniUflTOV. Saturday, AncustS. CITY OK MASCIIK.M'KK. Nalurttay. Atiirusl IS i-tTV fiv 1 OK 1 MIS' . Halurdav. Auaust .SI, An.l even-sncceedlHL' Haiunlat . at B"On. from Pier Np. SSNorUiltlver. KKTtM pAssACK Payahleln Gold, or ltenlleiu In Currency : t USl Ct'Mn an""" mrvrmtv Klrsl Cabin to linden HA Ou Mivtss ti ljndon... ails) I iral Caltln lo Paris... !''' Hteeraire lo Paris 40 10 r'lratt'ablu loIluniburirStiOU Kteerane to Hamburg. . 117 0 . l'assenyers are ult-o lorwarded to Havre, Bremen, Kot-tt-rdaui, Antwerp. e .at etiuallr low rales. 1 ares Irrin Liverpool or gueenstown : l lrst Cabin, 7S, fsfi, tVH: Hit eraiie from Liverpool and gueenstown. i-i. 'i ho,e who tvish to send fur their friends caa buy tickets , ere at llie-r tsli s l or tuitlur lnioimatlon apply at Uie Company's offices. ,IOHN (). DALE, Axent, Ko. Ill WA1.M T Htreet. PlilladelplilS, TFP BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA ? T l'.'iJ? Hteauisl in Line, Balling from eaoli port ou b.vi I KliAYS, lrom Bntwharf above I'INE Htreel.lMiila dilpl. a, and l.oug wharf, Boston. 'ruin flrat wliorf above PINK Btl't-et, isi Baturdar. Augusts, 1S64. Ihe aUuinslilp NORM AN , Baker, wiU ssllfruni Plilladtd. t'hia lor ltostou, on Saturday. Augoat Sih, at 10 A. M , aad Uie siiaiiisldp BAXON, rdattuewt, rrvmBiMWu tor ri,Uaelphiu, "B same day, at 4 1". kl. Tucse new and i-nl,ituiaJ atcainshtaa form s reirular line, aallfug flora eat-h port punctually on Haturdas . Iii.uiiincea eiletttd at one hall ihe pnuuiutu skargrd oa Suie veeaels. rit iiil.u takeu at fair rales. Bi ippers aie reiuesud to aend Blls Becel.ts aud kills LaifTuir vlth tliell' K'od. t'ur Vielghtorpassuge (lintrlnr fine acromraodatiiMit) epiilylo HENRY WI.ShOH A CO., ,al-U Ko. . DEI.AW ABB Arenue. FOR NKW YOKK. DESPATCH rand Bwtltsure Unea, via Delaware and in l anal. The steamers of these Hues are leaving ally at VI o clock M and 6 o clock P. al., front tnud pior gliove w ainut atreet. lor rrelvbt, which will be token en accouunedaUug: terms, apple toV. IU4.VM at. IIAIBD et CO.,No.l4B. liK.LAWABK Avenue. a FOU CALIFORNIA. HEOPBXINO 2aalAsssSa of the Kireragua Houte.TUe eiegaut new aiauuisuip UOI.I'KN Kf LB, will leave ON SA'll Rli.lY, Auinist VT.at nooa. Iweet rales of pa.sbs tluougU from rhuadetpbla to Ban Kranctaco. Apply tu W. A. HAMII.L, Id lm Ho. M WALNUT BUeit. sfffa. I'OR LIVERPOOL, BAT0RDAY, a&akaasste Augual IS, 1 I. i ,.c inni.ii ti.rp ASCOL'VEB, Captala J. V. Carlisle, ni sail as above. Jtor Irtiabt oi passaire, apply tn JUOMAH I'.K'nAHnSON A CO., jyll-tf Ho. M WALts'tl btivet RAILROAD LINES. U( a AnilAMtl'.MI.NTB OK JOIlH. rw KiHK llm 1S(1. TM IfmMs sid Amney sna muailripnm anairent.si Railroad V apsantoe' LUiaa from FklSideliaila as iew ork ax, 4 a ay rimes Funis WAl.KfT RTBF.tr WUARf, ' Win leave as follows, via. : . vies. At s A M.,v aitnden and Amboy, C. and A.A- foaainodAtioft $'i V Ale a. na , via s amutn ana jersey niy, stomins Epn ss At VI M . via Camden and AmPoy, C and A. Aronm- nucailon Al 'I y. M. via Caindeu and Anilioy, C. and A. K-s- pre.a Al 1 I'- St. .via Cntnilen and Auitoy,AueoniaaHlaiion (Hrlil,lai"l Paen,er) AtnP. M., via t'amilen and Amroy, Aivunnm lalain IFreislil and l'asi n' r) 1st t'laaslkkel Jdt lass do V ' V : At 7?. I' M., via r'amden and AmSoy AecoonnisU- ll' n (Frenliland Fasaenner), 1st Class Tl.sel.... e. 1 A.. too 3 n il!i 1-7D "3S I SI J l'l t si li.rllamn 1 mini, .Mo-no vrn, "'"'"'" """- " 1 llen. I amherlvMe FI'nilB.'ioii, e .S'.fl F. I. Kir Fknilneion, Lambertvllle, and Intermedials 8U- "T.'r "iVunt Violly, llvansviile, lvmherton, and V'm-en- town, si A. M., II and A F. M. lor Freehold at fi A. M, snd P.M. .,,-.,, FT Palmyra, Klv. rt Ilelunso, H'verly, tlnjllnslnn, Plorei.ce. Iloidi'ntiiwn. at A. M., VI M., 1, .1 amis P M. 1 he J nt and j P. M. lines run gire.i throush ForV"myra, Klverlon, Delaneo, Beverly, and llurliou- Hri'anihoot Trenlnn, for TtriaM, Tliitllnirton, Peverly, Torrescale. and I arony nl A.M. and 2 iin V. M. LINKS FKISM HKNMUfilToN HfclUT Will leave as follows : . At 4 A, M., Inisht) la Ksnstnrrton tnaMrw Tor'., , t ashir .irron anil New York .Mail - At H IS A. M., via Kenslnxton and Jersey City t.x press At 4 :i F. M., via Kenslnslon nd Jeney t;lly F.s B'llO 3-00 At Sit F. St., via Kenslnirlon and Jersey Illy, Washlni arid New York Kpreas 1 Siinilsy lines have al 4 A. M. amis I', P.M. Therewill be no line al 4 A. M. N'licht) on Mondays. For Water llap, rUroud-onra, a, ranlnn. W llke.harTe, 1eiitrr e,t.reat llend, Miineh fhiink, AHen'own, lleth- him, llelvldere, Kiiaii n. I.aniliert v III.', Flemlncron. Ac ,at 7 1.', A. M This line eonniels wilh the train l"Slns ta-ton for Main h ri nnkat S ki F. M. . I For 1 kmlngtoii, Laialmrtvllle, and Intermediate sUUons Vor'lirl'stol,Trenion,Ac.,at T-lAand 1111 A.M., and 5 P. M. For nolme,biirs,Taeonv, WIliomln, llrldeshunr, and Frankli rd at 9 A. M., i. 1 and 0 P. M. Tli-'J A. M. Line rona 10 rlrlstol. ir For New York andwayl.laea leavlne KenslnmVin Injiot. take the cars on Fll'th street, above Wulniit. hall an hour helore departure. The Ours run Into tiie iirput, and on iirrlval of each train run from the fienot. Filly pounila of biiiKase only allowed eah pa-saenir. Pass. nfers are prolill.lled from takloe anytnirif as haavsce till their wearlos apparel. All liaditaae over llfly iioun.ls 10 be paid for extra. The I ooipany Unit their renron"l- billty lor haireaire to One Ilollnr per po t, and will not lis llahie for any amount beyond fjloO. eicept by apealal coo- ''lirahem nair(raie Fnpress will call for and deliver tma; raee al the Depo'.a. Orders tu ho lelt nt No 3 a .MNUf It, eel. Wat. II. OATZMF.K, Anenl. 4ni'nst 1, 1'4. I.1NLH FROM NEW YORK FOR l'ltlLADF.LPIIlA WILL LKAVB Prom foot of farmland alres t at VI M. and 4 P. M , via Jerev Ity and l ainilen ; ni 7 and 10 A. M.,l p. M., aud 11 (Nlsta) via Jersey t 'Ity and Kensington. From foot is Barclay street, at 6 A. AI. and 3 P.M., via Amboy and C'sinilen. . . from I'ler No. 1 North P-lver, at 13 M., 4 snd o r. M. t lelsht snd I'asseiiiicr) via Aiiiooy aim esiiiu'-a. t.'RKIOIIT LINKS I'OR SKW YORK AND 1 all rhe ainil o.s on the Caiodcn and Amboy snd cou neeUns Railroads. I.Sf'KKAHEI) DKHPATril. The Casiden snd Ainlsiy Hullroa.l und Transporlnflon Company's Frcilit Lilies lor New York will leave Walnut street vinarf.cn and alter Januarys, dally (Sundays ex tented), at 4 o clo h r. M. . itct urimin, the alsov e Lines will leave New 1 o: k at 1 and Frolilht must be delivered before as P. t- to be for warded the same day. Frets-lit lor Trenlon, Princeton, Klns'ston, New Bruns wick, and all polnla on the Uamden and Amljoy Itailroad ; alMion Ihe llelvlilere, Delaware, and Fleniliiirt m. the Near Jir-ey,the Freehold and Jarai slnirir, ami ilie HiirMnirron and Mounl Holly Railroads, received ,ind fortvsnied up 10 l'.' o't'ts-rk !' M. Hmali packaK" lor Mount Holly received lip 10 3 o'i lock P. M. The tielvldere Delaware Railroad eonne-te at Phillips, bun. Wllh the l.ehleb Valler Railroad. The New Jersey Railroad conneela at Lll.tetli witti the New Jersey Central Rsllroad, and at Newark with tho Morris and Lsses Rullrood A siin niemoraniliim. specllvliiK 'ho marks and num. btrs. slilppcra and consbioei a. must in every Instance lie sent v. hit t acii loan ni irm.us. or uo ncoipt win 00 ki on, lucreusrd facilltlea liavinc been made for 'lie transport a ,t..n nil tve STIH K. drovera are Invited lo trv rhls rou to. When the slock Is furnished In oneutiiles of TWO OAR I.O.Mirl or turns. It will be delivered at the loot of ForUcth street, near the Drove Yards, or at 1'ier No 1 Norm River, as ihc ihu'pers may designate at the time of the shipment. W s i.tkk r Kr,r..viais, r reisnt Aiteus, Ko. 30S H. Delaware avenue, Fhlladelphia. OKO. B. RAYMOND. Krelsfit Asem, JaJJ-tf Pier No. 1, Norih River. New York. niHLADKLrillA. WILMINGTON, AND A. BALTIMOKP. RAILROAD. ClIANlli: OF IIOt'RH. frn and alter .MONDAY, August l,18o4, Psssenser trains leave Philadelphia lor llaillmore at 4110 (Kxpress. Mondays excepted), 8'fti A, -t l, si .f.uii n..a 10 iul p. M. ' Chester at 8 05, 11' 10 A. M., I'M, 3 M, 4 30, 0 00 and ll'W 1 vvVlmhicfon at 4-30 (Msvnilavs excpteiV), b'0.1,11'15 A. M., r.m. x''S), s ari, H'ue, iu isi anu n-ou r. ju. New Caslle at H'S.'i A. Al. and 4 Jo I'. At. Dover at g'li.'i A. M. and t Jo 1'. At. MI'loid ui 8 (l."i A.M. tiallahury at S I II A. M. ' Tuiraii vnn pmr.AnF.T.PHiA. Leave BnlUmora at 8'4A, D IU A. Al. iklxprtsi), 110, sen. -...I 10 .'. i ar . W llu.liitton at UN, 6-4I5, 9 A. M. , 13 24, 1, 1'4S, 4'00, 4'M, 7 ai d 9 lu I'. M. (Salisbury at ll'.V, A M. 11111.,..! ut 1 1.', l l. Hover al 0 ;iu A.M., and 41SP. M. v.iu. a u -to M eml it-)7 P. V. Cheater at; 4Ii,'40.Y.M..l llU,3 4-'.,4 4U, 0 00, T W5, 9 40 1.1'itve nuitiniore forfiallsbury anilint?rnK(Uat stailon", S.'ave Hftliimore for Dover and lut- rmi dUte itatioos at l'lO P M. TRAINS FOU PALTlMOItR. V aava er,K star att M'lft A l . A'l L'l All A I 1 'tifi P. M. Ut WilniiuHluu at ', 9 2 A.M., 2 10 and 11'40 1 VVrU'M TrainiatvUh PaaHenger Car atta- hed, will run Iava Wtmin(rton for Petfyvilleand lntirmeiuteplacea tT?lrAYH :-On?y al 4 30 A. M.. 10' J0P.il., from Pblla- atolw,k(n n It ft 1 1 1 nli ire Kmm PhUudH-.t.U to Wilmington at 430 A. M., 10d0, nKrom WUtnfiipton to Pbtladrlphia atl 4fl A, M. and 7 00 P. M. VUll at una tr. M , mun nam 'nan; iu i iiimuvtiin U. p. KKNKliY, Mnperiutaiideut. DEADIMO RAILROAD, ii KHOAf PHII.AIll.l. -Ill A TO TUB INTERIOR O PENNSYLVANIA, TH: HCIILYI.K11.L, KL8 Ul EUANNA.CI'MIIEKI.ANl), AND WVO.MINtl VALLEY, in NOHTH, NORTHWEST, AND THE CANADAS. VAflnt-vriKH TH Al Na r.. tl,. rvn.miiiv'a llenol. at T 1 1 1 IIT K KNT1I and CALl.OWIULL Bireels, 1'lillatlclphla, at liio followuig "r,: MOUVINtl MAIL. At K IS A. M.. for Beading, Leuanon, Eohrawl, Litis, f'nliiinhlR. KairUhurir. l'ottsvl le. PtueiTOve. 'lamiflus Bunhur) , Wliliamiorl, Kiuiira, Boche,lcr, Nlarara Kahs, liuiluuj. a uei.iowi', eriBHiiuiViiiHsui ,u,.,vw,,..v, . I. & m ..l.itr.f ll.t,r.if".n Ae. 1 he triln counccla at BKADlNd with East Pennsylva nia Railroad Irains tor AUentown, Ac, the Heading and Clou. I,i Kallrotul for Ephraia, Lll'a, and c'oliuuhla. and wllh the Lebanon Vulby tram for llsrrlb'irg, Ac. ; al PK C t l.lPi Tills Willi t tliaw isa nstiTima ir .., " " '" , J' v tllliimsnorl. l ock Haven, Eiiuiru, no. i a, i"i" itiinii Iil, KmlkAni Central." "Cumberland Valley, iwt "i.,.i,,.,lLili und Husoiieliaun" trains for M'HflUUt- b rland.Wliliamrprt. York, Chan- herhurg, Plnegrove,A. AVlTHNoON EXI'HESS Lessee Philadelphia at U'SW P. -M. for Heading, Polts vllle, l'im srove, llarrisburg. Ae., connecting at Harris, burg wlrh Pennsylvania Central Iralus lor Plilshurir, c, Northern Ctntrul Kailroud trains for Hunhtiry, Northtun. liertaml K.hiilrn. Ac. . anU al I'olt CUntcll With Cutawlasa liallroud trains lor Milton, Wullamapurt, Elutira, Butlalo, '" HEAD1N(1 ACCOMMOIIATIOV. Leaves Readu g at li 10 A, M., stopplus at ell wuysta tlrna. arrmne 111 l'l,liuilill,hLa at tl'UU A. M. Ileiurnlng, haves Philadelphia at &isj P.. M. arrives la lteuilli,.. mi h-lsi P. M. Train r.,r 1'hilnSi-li.hfa kave llnrrl-hura- at S A. M.. and Fotliville at H'l.'i A. M .arriting In Phlluilelphia at 1 M T. M AllrniMin Iruius lcaa llurrlsonrir at 'J P. At 1'i.tt.vllle ul I'll!, V. M urrlvlnir in I'liUudeli'hla at 7 P. M. .Market trains, with a passenger car attached, l-ave Philadelphia at 1 P. M , lor kaatluu and all w ay stations ; leave Iti-kmtg at IX, noon, auu iMiwningiowuai ia -wt At. lor 1'hlluUelphla anl all w ay statlonw. All II... ihnv, trdlns run iluilv. Hiunlavs CXOOPted. Knuilay trains leave PollsvUie at 1"M A. M.,aud Phlla- delpbluat J 1.'. P M. CUES TKU VALLEY KA1LROAD. Pa'seiigtrs for Downlnutown and luteruellaie points take ihe M lo A. M. and h U0 P. M. trains from riiiled-li-Me, reiun lni lrom Dowulngtown at li 40 A. M., audi." li NEW YOKK K..Y. I'll ESS FOB P1TTBBURU AND TUB irr.il. Leaves Kew York at 7 P. M.. liaising Heading at l?ruid- nli:ht. and eoiitieeting at Hairisstwg wltb Peunsylvaala aiallrnMn HvnrMH. fr,HN tnr I'lllsbnrir. Belurnliig Expri KS train leaves llarrlabrirg oa arrival of tl, I'eniiHVlvauia ExtirenS liom I'llti-bUrR at b'.m A. M.. nasilDir Beii'llug al H i! A. M., and arriving at New ) ork at 1'46 V. M. hl. enliig Caia accompany these trains inrounu, Bsiircvu eeiauy v-nj n.wvu. AlaTltrefns fbr Kew York leave tlarrlsbnrg at A.M. and II P.M. Mail trains lor Harrlaburg leave New Vol alii A.M. ana u m. KiUirH.KlT.I. VALIEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvltto al 7 lf A. M. and s ao P. M., re turning from Tascarora at s-iy a. m. ana s-.va r. at. aenl VI Kil l. AHlll HIIHIA EI1ANNA HAH.IlOAD. Trooaa leave Auharn at SI. A.M. lur I'lnegrove and UtrriaMn'. ami at I'M aud 7 II) r. M. fur Plueirrove ouiy rotumuHi fioinliarrlskiirg at 1'KO P.M., aud trom Plus- gruveats is A.M., ana e ami r. at. " Tit'tm. Tttroash flrst-clasi tickets and emigrant tickets to all ll,e i.li,i.!,al notnts In the North Mid West and Canadas. The folliiv. tug Urkrts are obtainable only al Ihe olllcc of BBAIHKu,'lreasurer. iso. -rti s, ruusiu nrreet. Phliailiiplla.eTor U. A. NICULXS, ueaerai nupenuiou- acut, Boaaing - TICKETS. At'Jd percent, duoount, between any points desired, for families aud nrmj. M1IJEAGR TICKETS. Geod for WO miles, between all points, at ltd 84 each, tur laiuiite auo urme. KICAHOK T1CKF.TS. I'or three, six, nine, or twelve utoalus, for holders only, ie all poiias, at teuueou raroa. IS I KilTVFK Residlns on Uie line of Uie road will be famished with raids, eutMlitig lueniseives aad wives to tickets at bolt are. KXOHItHION TTCK KTS From Piitlsdeiphia te principal aiatlona, good inr Bator- day. Buaday, aud Monday, al reduced lore, to lie had only at ihe Ttci,et Otuce, at 1 IUBTU.N 1 a aad C'ALLU W U1LL mteeu. TO. EIGHT. floods of all deeerlpUons forwarded ta all the shore taotnts.from the Company's aew Iretghl deiiot, UBOAU auo. w ii, i.ci w atreeis. HIK1GHT TKATWa Leave Phlladelnhla dallr at S A. M . 1 P. M..aad t P. M ft Beading, Lebanon, iiaiTlaburg, IVtUvuie, Part CUn- iosi, aiiu uuuts ueyona. uirrs Close st the Philadelphia Post Offlee for ell places cm the road and Us branches at t A. M., aud for (he prluelpol sutuous ouiy at i is ri as. RAILROAD LINES. u i 4 r K N N 8 Y It V A SIX cM)l. 'KN1HAIs KAIl.HOAI. ISM, THF I.HrAT lH'I'hl.K THA) K PMORT Ht-H'Tr, to THK W HT, FIH rHVVKNT, AND WM'THWIWT, F'inipnif nit and la Pitlft fr H ', Jift and nm- f rtih' lriM( -tfia n of taMeit(rr., unattrfMtA y aft in ot tn i f roumrv. Trnii tltnftihebootatKI.i:VRNTII and MARKET PUfdM an r.liOtv: sVll.il Tr-.ni fti TV k. W. Mt f.lMf Ht 11 KA.M, Urolith hftjirtxs) at l":wl.M. rarn "iru''l ram. Nn. 1, at UH A. M. I'arki- bnrt Train, N. '1 . mI I p, M. llnrrtf'nrv A...n.inda.voa at J P. M. ItUKMit-r run .t 4 UO P. Jkf . J aih Aii rinuioOfttifin (iMvrH W it 1'Mladfl- v a) nt frMP. W. 1 hn.iich rf.niirr by tbt Fat l.ln ra h A tnna tot I iirp'T. w(,t 1 1 w ill Ihj fniiriil Vrm a:(uim(MlK'tHii fr ti t i lt, r. t a tN' lrn an Hon-. , itt in Ui6 insiriilnir may I tr cith r ill I'M 'nd. iphia or h.tlilm rr Kxpr-j, tatt f tvitirh m V-1 O'-rmsMlnn-i at riitmrji f-r all point. A dj liK'n virw i thui anrlcduf tli entittj Una and Ml ti.ili iiili s-Tit jiinrv. 1 tic Tlir.niiyii i-sprrm Trt'.n runn d.nly; all tha ottMJf tram daily, fx tpt Mnmlavt. trOK riTTHIH HU AND TfTR WRST. Th Mhii Ir.itn. Kant i in, and Thrntifh KirM ftMl lurt at l'itUtiiK wilh tlir'.ii.'h trauifi n nit tHvfrtrtiiie rsVa from that point, Vfrthtoiii l.ukoi, Wt ti th Vfiiln iii and Mint-ourl Htvrni, and Houth and HouihwM to all ixiihtft nci ff.ii.ls? by raiJmml. ll.nniKh Ttckctt to O'evft liifiif, DUlt. -kaitrt, M Pan), ColiimlHio, nllat,aiMilff, Ht I, in, lAvrnworth, KnitHaisi. Wi.t t-iini . IAT(on,Cm f(nii.i!l, litnivtll1, rlm, and all oil. principal jiutt and tauwayc rh krti it rontth. INDIANA nHANCll R4TMtOAn. The TTiroii.h Kiprii. kavlnvt it lo-;) p.m., conntJtla at l.hilrnviiip 1 1. ) mutton win, a train on this road AxT Hlnirvl4', lutlinra, Ar. KUKNMtl Kit aSIH;IIM)N l.RAN'!! R!T.ROAF, 1 ii 1 hrutiivh Kxprf. Train, ten v In at 10 80 P. M..ron BTt at rr-tn. at 1 'ft A. M ., wtih a train n th ril for Kltihtirit. A train al.v leavri OriMa fiir bniburg tS6,ffou.iiAvnuRO nriAscH road. Tt. Mali Train at 7-'. A. M .und Thrtnifh Fprn at 10 P. M . C"nnt at Altn-nu with trains jr 11 dlidayi tiiirir at 7 U c M.afil8'A.M, nitdNl. ANI t'l-KAHFIKLl HHAVt'Il RA'f.ROAH. Th- Through Est-rM Train. I avinir nt 10 :w V. M .fin--..t. i Wa..n ulth a train r. H.ifidv Kl'ltf and Pi)lln- tuirr, niMl hv BaW Kwle Vallty Hailnad lor Port MaliMa Mlif-txiri!. and li iiciotite. ... vr ..... .u a a. iv nun A ti Tfsf II All HO AD. Tl,. 'iVr.ini. i-.uMu Train IcavlnB al 10 W P. M-. tsin met at Hnimnndi.n wllh train for itoittwatl and Uloody SJoKliTfcuif OINTRAL ANT) PHITADBLnilA ART Tor IsnnVnrv. Wllltsin'O rt. lock lla'Sn. F.lmlra, Ko- r.HIS BSll.ll'MO. rhr.ter, Hnitalo, and Niaaara Sail", nassensera lakinf tha Mall Train si 7 '.'5 A.M., anil ine it noun r.,r.. . ID 1,1)1" St., daily ejeopt eunday-.io dlrerrly uironsh, wltltont i-l am.e of eats between nnlade puia and Wil- llannport. .. F i r v tut K , ll vrstiv r.rr, ana nr. i i iron-so. ii-'iiw lenvlns at H A. M. anil 2 IJ I'. Al., connect at Culiuabia with trains on tne Noitnarn C prrnl Hallroad. Tiie Mail t rain at 7 7fA.M , and IhpitiKU K.spreas at til'.vi ur.ttl.A mi v a i.i, r.r nsii,iin.vi. 11 mi I". M .connvei at Marrlsiitir,: wun trains for arllile. Ctiaiubcri U'-rv, an llauirMov.n. WAYM-.HIII Itll Ultt.'ii rtAii.K'iaiF. The trains I, avlnir at 7 ' A. M and t Ml I". M., eonneet llonnlnati wn vsllh trains on Hue toau to nsrusiesrj .nil ,1 inii-inM tltate sts risfc i'or furtlier InfornialKin amvly al me rneenter niaitva 8. E. c jiBirol LLEVKM II ai it MAHKK I Hlreets. .1 A SI K9 " IJ 1 1 r. .t . I USUI Anui. COM Ml TA I KiV I'll 'KK I'M. For l.n.n.fl.orli moiiilia. at very low ratea, Sir tbe se ct nuneraiion of persons ilviiitcni of lonn.orhxiauatia or i ear ll'S line ol ire roan. ciit'i'tiN -iitivr.in, For W trips tetwien any two p.iinis. at about tsroeentt nt r mile. Th se lltkels are Inlentleil lor Ihe useol famllea traveiiiu; treinf inly, and are of great advantage to persons o.aKlUK ovculionui irtns. rUlltHil. il" rvtits, For one or U ree mouilis. far the use of scholars attendlag scliool In the clrr. SKtTl l.KN KSI liiltlt I lUt, An Tmlcrarl Ai-eommollal ion Irill leaves No. 1,17 DOCK slrei-t csny (tn ndaya excepted) .11 4 o'cloeS r. M..,oirrlnl a coiiiforttil'lo ni-Mle ol travel to famillea solus West, a t m half ihe nsu. 1 retool furs IVriicular artention le i to bue'nee. rot hleii Clieess areswen. aim owtrassi forvvanlett by the sarxe train iv ub passeuscrs. tut lull mloiniatlon, sppiy io rltAA. 13 tt,isrt, e.miKroi is-rnv, No. 1 17 1MH.K Street, siwa mr. iaiik km iiksh. An aeentol litis reliable l-'.xuress I omrony will pass tlu.'iillh vH'-h trr.in herore reacnirta the depot, aod raae utf ehn-as and iletlver hunt-use to any pa t of the city. liaR- ciite w II he csilril for proniptlv wln n orflers are un at tn -I'assi ict r ol,K evi-nihantl stnrket streets. The travel4 Ing puttiic aro aasurtd Dial it it s(iry mpontiUe. liv Hilt route frelchts of a.l uYarrtotlnn can be for- ss artlctt to and frora ai y points on the riitlruuds of Ohio, Kenluely, Inihuna. ininois, wision-in, inwa.r vttssoun, hv railroau direct, or lo any potur on the navlaa'ila water. of Ihe West, hysti'uuuTs lYoni I'l -lshurg. I he rules of rrt'lklit lo ant from any point in tne wsn hy the Per mylvanlK Central KaCniad are at all times ae lavorai k as ure cl,an;ed hy other Hailnnvl Companlee. Meti-iiunth an,l fhlppcrs eu.iustinK tiie transportation of their in lnht io ihia Cumpuny can rely wua coauaeueeoa Its .peeily transit. For irelsht coniracts or snipping airocuons, apply to or addresa Ihe Anrnis ul the Company : . 11. KIMlr-TON, .ir., I'lillauelpua. 1). A 81 KVVAKT, Fl'tstilir. CLAKK At CO., ethlcaue. LKKi II CO.,J4o 1 Astor House, or No. 1 8. William stret'l, New Yo-A. I YYA 11 A t o.. Ko. 77 'vasruni.'ton street, uoeton. William 1IIIOWN. No. f0 Noi.li street, llaltlnwr. Ag.nt(ntl,.mCe..iraiKaliway. OTO General Frolirht A sent riilUilelphia. I.KWIrl L. IlllLIT. General Ticket ast nt, Philadelphia. KNOOH UATH, General SiiipcHntend''Ut, Altoona, Pa. IjHlLADEI.PHIA, GERMANTOVVN, AND NOBKIHTOWH BAIl.llOAll. TlMK TABLE. On and after MONDAY, May HI, 18fit, until further . notice. KOll IlKKSAMIlir.S. Lrave Philadelphia , 7, x, 10. 11, li A. M. ; 1, 3, 1 10, , a,,,4,5,4,,.i,ii.7,M,l),li),ll, iaP.M. Leave Oermanuiwn, l, 1, 1 n.a w, , iv, ii, u a. -si., l.V.3,4. i,!i, 0,6.';. 7, 8, 11, HI. i and IJ P.M. IheH 'iOdown, and the :l'i and b'i trains np, do not lie on the Geriuai-u-osn llrai-ch. -. I'I1KVNI. I llll.t, h iu,nuAii. Leave riilladclphla.S, .10, 19 A.M.: 2, 3 '',, und ll P. if. .. .., LtaveChesnnt mil, 7'ltt,n,ireu, it-eu a. as.) -iv,o vu, 6 40, '4U, III, ami 10 40 p. M. run (U.vsiiuiltii am ,iiu nimnmivsn. l.enve Piulad. lphia it.S'lla, 11 UO A. M. ; IS. J. 4'4, 'V, 6,8-ilS. anil II'., P. Al. 1 ltave Norrtstown,o.'a, r, ij,v sasuA,a.,ciii,ir II!, and 9 P.M. ...... . Ti e ft.1, train Un, wul Slop at wissanicaou, .uanaynua, and Coiiihocken only. 1UK .MASAlt'-NS, Leave Philadelphia. 6, D ilo.ll Oo A M., IS', 3,4,'s,flM, ti. . B'l'.'i and 11-4 k . .M . ,. . . . . Leave sliinayuus.O'H, tiO .-u, ', ii.t . ai., i,a, i, ande.SP.M. , ,u.... rn?:ll Depot, NINTH and llltliEM Mtresds lTEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA BAILKOAll. VIA MEDIA. H, IMNil AKltAMiEMEST. I On and aflr r I B1DAY, Apiil 1, ltX, the Trains wlD leave as loliowa : l eave Philadelphia, from the Depot, comer of THIRTY--FIKiT ami WAIIKET Hlreeia. A. M , U U6 A. M.,sdO , P. M ., S'iiu P.M., ii'iii I". M. , I'hllauell Ilia Jiepot cn.ltl.ea lrom r.l'inir.r.3in anu MAliKET etieeta to 1 111HI Y Klllsr and M AJtaJLa 'I'eave West Chester, from the Depot on Eaet MABXST Bin et,6'l A.M. ,7-41 A. M.,11 A. M ,1 P. M.,4 401'. M. Ihe cars of she Wed ptillndil,,hla Passenger KaUwa Company (Market street) will convey Passengers to and Iroiu tne t nuoaeipma iiepo,. u nursrsAits. Leave Philadelphia at H 110 A. M. and 80 P. M. love Westchester at 8 A M. and! JO P. M. . 1 rains leaving Philadelphia at b A. M. and 4' 30 P. M., and West Cheater al 7-4i A. Al. and 4 46 P. M.,eonnec with trains on Uie Philadelphia aud Baltimore Centra! . liallroud for Oxford and Intcruiciltatc points. jal-tf ucinlti wuoiti utmsisi Hupsnatsiitissh . lrEST JERSEY- KA1LKOAU L.1IHES. V Cominenciiur on MONDAY, duns 20, lotik frwa, -Walnut Knew Wharf. OK OAI'E MAT. At 6 and K) A. M. and 4 30 P. If. For Unlem and Briilteton, at A, M and4P.V. For (llasi.bi.ro, at B,U, aud 10 A. M , and 4 and 4'P. Tr. l or Woodbury, Olouceater, Ac, at e and A. M.,U M. and 4 nud 6 P. M strtiBMSll mains bnasr. Cere May at sand U4-'i A.M., and .ViO P.M. Mlllvllle al 7'4ll A.M .and l'.'ii and 40 M. Nuh-matS A.M., aud llll". U. HttdveU'iiats is A.M., 1801', kf. (.lu.-lioio at 7 10 aud f.lti A M. .3 JM, ( 0,and T SO P. al. WisKibun at 7,7'to and B-M A. il., and iM,tJ, snd a In P.M. THE WEST JKBHEY EXPBESB COMPAWY, Office. No. OWAINI T Mlreet. wdl call for and deUver . llugsge, and attend to al) the usual brancbea of Knpreee . busliit sa. frarv ariUlt taken by S A M. lines only, andi ' must he sent lo the ortice tlte evening previous. Perlsaa- ble articles by ilus line n.ni-t be sent before bX A. At. A, aptclol neaeuger ecoouinouiee eacn iraiu. 4, VAA us.n.-K.LjtE.js,ouperuiicjiaeat 1Ca(M FlIIIdADKLf HlA AND JcMV4. F.hlK UAILKOAU. 18(r4. This srt -al lute trvrki u r.U6ra im MriKV3)C counUfi ( rjiiDfcy.vaui to ttM city nl trl Lki bW. . li ha iK-vu Hrttt-ca oy uie i lbbbi lvapi.a kail.hu a u , COMl'N Y, n4 iiiiilrr tlictr ample U tMltiM r9lj , opt'iitHl UirouvttuHi itti etilr kniitk. II l law iu use mr riJKr u rrmtam anmmmim rmsa llrrlUurK to HroporliiiD. (t- mlln,on Ii(.t4 rn D)t oit.u. ftnttlrom ba.ait.vlti la Kria Ob iiM.od Uf vVutvi DivUiou. TIMr OF rASBKNfsf B TRAINS AT FHlLAOKLPHTsV. MIITrninU.iVi. HMai.M. hx.wh Tram lvt , lo-du r. m. t rt run uinumn w iTinii T chak-h: dmq witido uio traim l.etfB l'.iilaUe.phittKnd Lock UAVo,4nd ttwoc IsBitimore aiitt Uavau. rietvHnt 0itopiug uara on uie Kxproii Train do in wjiyi, Fur liiloniiattou rvnut-elinif I'asnetik'ttr builnesu, apply at tlieH. E.C4.nfrof tl.KVfc.hTU and MAkKKi' Htreeta. And ftr reU(Ut bukliuu ul uio LOiupan'ii akiiu: H. li. K ItiKitmi. Jr. euruar ttIXTKUTli and MAJUUsT atrtM-U, l'idliadtt.pljla. J . W, lU'ynolUtt.LMa. 1 . M. Drill, Aseut. K. . 0. R., Urnor..' - Uoneral Freight Agent. Phllad IpliUu l.KWIH L. HlllJPl. , General Tlckyt Agent, Phllailelnhla. OUStl'H D. POTPS, Ju4-tf Oeaeral Manager, Wllllausport. YH!I.AI)KI.PHIA AND 13ALTIM0RK CEIsT J THAI, KAtl.BOAD, Ol't.N TO OXI'OBU SPKINOI A KBANIiKMKNT. Ou aud alter 1 Kl OAK. April 1, taos.uie trains will loam OS follows : LEAVE EASTWARD. I LEAVE HEH1W AHD. SlATlUMa. M. p.m.1 sranuNa. A. M. y. if- 4 4'4 111 I'M 5 14 r S-S4 Oxford W'eat Urove... ...6 3d ,..s-;.7 ...7 0S . ..i-m ...7 4 I ib Philadelphia... lit Westt'kester.. 4 nl W. C. Junction, 417 (,'onoord 441 (liadd'srerd,.. sua , 7 44 , S Ud Avoudale Itentiett Chadd'a Ford. l S-41 Concord .suo tiro Kwsuett tu 0 li Avoudale lull t W We.t drove Ill "J9 m io n.rnrit lO'.'id w.c. junction., sui PhlUdi-lphla I-iri West Chester.... It s 7J i i- ii.nu.i.ini,iA as, neen cunnKeu ii-oo-r Elgeeiuh id Market streate. to TUIUTY-K1U4T and MAKAET Htneu. Weet Philadelphia. Market Street P.encer Bail way Cars corns l'asun;eri ta aud Iron. Upaaaiers s throofh erithout change of cars. OAXEM KA1LHOA1) COMPANY. RUN O nlug uioe of Trsist, commencing FoMUAY,wfiiUuar'(f 1'tfrr?m"walnut fstreet Wharf at A.M..S and P.M., freight Ilk. Beiuniiug, leave (talent at 4 A. M.,S dd Ae. M.. 110 P.M. Frelgbl dolly eerb wav. Apply to ' MOBTON Mll.I.t4. Agent, Second Covered Pier above WAl.Nl'T Hireet, H ItK.I.AWAItK Avenue. Ja4-U e J. VAN BKNhBll.UAt.il, Bcp.imloudsnte- i