v. - i'J . at. avrad. TOE DAILY OTKtyg TELKGRAriT PUlJiADKLritVAt FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1861. ii I '4 Getting Stfltgrapl FttlDAT. AUOUST 6, 186. SPIRIT OF THE HEW YORK PRESS. leading KdltorinU from the New York Tapers ThU MorMng. PKTKRMni R- Al NFJI AKD RK4ri.TM. The (p-nnrnl bcllrf, whlrh hMrxistci from tho flnrt. that the failure at rctrahtirg wm due prl In aril T to blunders. the coacurrcnt U'StJmonr of conr;onJent. Re- iocuuii to cniir:.p, we have withheld rcnuro till It accmt essentia' to tlclar no longer. Wc have to say, therefore : 1. Oenerl OmiiI's plan w. woll matured . rcaHbin, and outit ( have mircecde.1. Uad It nA'C. lv",r,rR onld have f.rllun. 2. Detail! of its execution were left to Qjncral Bleade, who in the executive oilli or of the Army or the Potitrnno. He In reponill)le for the rholce M tniops r-oiuposirnr the asruullin? column, and for all inch arrangements an did not fall specially Within the province of a curt commander. 2. General llnrmi, I. .' '.,.,. k. Bated to carrj the Conn tcry HIM, that Ormeral .xwwee rtvirviisimt.' lor mo uauililug ot Mm troops upon the tield, unless relieved of it bjr apccllio tinier. Vpon him, tiicruforo, or upon General Meade, seems to he the h.atno of the delav which intervened between the Hprlniilnt; of Hie mine nd the forward movement of the column of assrto.lt, which was the firm and prohabPy fattl srrnr rn tho .xhi.l H.,1.1 f r- ..i-i.. r... plosion slioolat have been Instantly followed by i wmuH , ct lucre kir atuemyni from half an hour trt un Iwinr v iti r. I i m ., f,... .i,- .. -' .....u i .no uucuiy w recover from his surprise and concentrate his tin mo fiuim inuientuu mr assault. . Still Wnru Will tha KnnJuni r .u .1 1 t . to which the attack was Intrusted. Burning lato there was just one hope for It to attack wltn im petuosity. Instead of which, General Ledlie halted his column within the crater formed by the explosion, and wanted Invslualilo time In digirlDir out two puns a heitv.lon utterlr inn, plieablc. The two guns were as nothing to cover the movement of his column. To have hurloj his men forward-thut was the chanre of iuccess. and was thrown away. j r0 far as geaeralahip goes, our criticism stops r'ith the tost advance of the tnmi.i ui.n ixsdlle actnally moved, the best hope of victory had deoarted. hut hi ram nnt r...-,.. ...r .ri. 1 Certain degree ot resolution. Their ofilcers tried uaru io carry mem up mo Hill, but the tire which rielav had nermitte.l f lm them was terrilV, nnd thoy enme back again. The assault was neither heroic in its steadmens, uvi uicrnv:i'iui nr irecipiiaie rotrent. Uoimticr Incr to whnt lov. rri I mnn . n AH i and that tho eTrU-e on which thoy were sent ii the mot dilllcult In war, they behaved well. The RATnnH hBlllt htV Ik. Hiwiulnn C I 1 . Was as reHolute as the H rat apparently neither ""i mv. k.b bu. jut iovt were put lo do an ImnoNMlhli ttiltiir. vviiHn h.. ai HAt l - i fceen repulsed ihcre wa no longer any hope, except In superhuman vulor. do mucn lor me causes or mis repulse, no as to lis mll.tory remits. ! ir uenerai urant naa succeeded as he had a right to expect he would, as we said above, have taken Petersburg. Cem.tory Hill is tho key to the whole system of Re'iel defenses. Bat the ftrilure is the lallnre of one effort by no means v. "'fiit n'" u:ranoBS agitinst Hlcu- mond. The los es are not heavy aro, In fact. ic mu iu Bny pruvious engagement ot Import ance. The repulse is disenssed as ii It wore deci sive, while It is nut even serious. . There is talk of Leo's sending his main army to reinforce Early j to reinforce Hood-, as If ope rations near Petersburg were at an end. We should like to believe he has done either. Wlion Hancock crossed the James before the explosion of Saturday, and tit - feint compolled the detich ment of a portion of Lee's force to meet him, Lee was ni arcr to des-ruction than ever before : and well knows it. We cannot believe he will risk the permanent M p.imi ion of n corps from his Peterkburg garrison, taught, ns he list bocn, with what Indomitable resolution his alveriory Clings to bis purpose. bnt it' he hu ; if Hill has gone to Early, by the Shenandoah or upon the Unpahannock, th' initiative which Omnt has maintained from the beginning of this campaign is none the less his at this moment. Nothing can relax his hold upon Richmond, which tho position sou'.ti of the James secures him, nor will the podtlon ever be relinquished. If Hill goes to Karly, Ganor.U Grant may gladly tend force enough to the Poto mac to destroy the combination, but ho will not be content with that acnievemont alone. It is likely he dots contemplate settlliu this Sbennu doah business decisively ) tho enemy's force What it may but should it prrvethat Lee In Cajoled by the show of sueco.-s at Petersburg into ending heavy cictii'-bmcnts aw.iy from that point, it may prue tho csnic of hli destruction and the prelude to the full of Kichmoud. At all events we can l it nothing better in a military point of view than such a suicidal divl klin of the amiv of the Uihellion. An Invasion of Peiius.tlrnnta or attack on Wu.hintt.m Im no mllitnnly con.'i-tent with the security of Rich' mond. LseV anry Is an armv of dufensn no o riously interior in ninntiers to that of General Grant s, and able to resist it aolely by acting on f)l lfT.il'n l'li.tl. 1, u.f.in.n.a . . .. .1.. i iiv.il . niiiiiifiM 111 auvcrsu mo conditions of its miccciiil operation, its iufo tiority of nnrabers will iu are its defeat. Prom which it follows that the event of last Saturday bus bv no means changed the situation r the relations la-twccn Oeutrl Grant and his antngoiilst. The siege of Uichmood coutinuen, and the effort which will tni'St accelerate its fail is such a movement tutu the Sheuaudoab us Loo bauppotcd to be making. The HomsiBi.t: itr.st'i.THor F.Kitii. S.M r.Kn.t M f '!! VAUt . Frtm UU Tlixm. la the absorhing intcrc.-t of the Virginia cim paign so near to us, tut: public hive hardly t ikeu 4n the full Import, ot' that other great advance which hut carried oar artuiea into the heart of Gvorgia. As time develops General Grant's pi in of trategy, it U:enn how grand a scale it wi', and bow immensely the ostially uncertain chances Of warai-c to lt favor. la May, he opened his campaign by fovr (liifi'reiit attacks on two vital points i.t thi" ne. iu 'h lines. Tfan armies, lictiuod i.ltunatcly to mncen tratc, were dueet.1 against li and Uichiuml one on the Vairi J m, one on the Junes, a id one m 'he vnllev, to strengthened by the fur ther nnu of Crook', Aveuil', and lhn K tocky dtttachnn nt, li.icinl.vl lo sirikoa' Lviich bnrg thi: side-door to Kii-hiiioii.. At the'snmo time, Gcur rul Kb mini a t.trted on liw . 1 1 1 U -colt cnaipuiga uitu thu very cvutre of the Ke'iui terrliorv. khoaid any one of thse v irious afarks fill and the rem snccted.or ilree fa I a'el uue besn:: cesful, tho tame was iu Grant's n nob. If Oenersl Ilut er had ut un r ea:itired lVtcr.-burg as Laraniesw near t accomplishing lticUuioud would iiave Kx n iissrileil iu tlm reur, ami its Taeeartm ultimately insured. Or, if Sigel an i hlaailli had rie.viie.l aud foitlfle.l Lyn.-.tiliuig. the iuiponaol liuks between Let n anny and the Pouth wi.alcl ham hveu cut, an l Hiilnunni leully wpurae l from that portion of Vir;lui; and General Or it's uldinat i in i.'eriieut o.itli of the Jirues wonUl havu aluu.,1 complotud iu practical lnvelmetit. Of rturse, wita the fueivus of General (Irsat'j sxain army, all null hive iieeu lo,t to me Kebcls. ltutwiib the incoinp ete success of the Virginia cainpaLu, or an Indecisive r sult. and, at the smne time, the victory of General Sa.ir man's army over Johnston's army iu Georgia, and the eupture of At, aula, tbe great camp.tgo. was still successful. Ho that eveu now, if Uene 1 ral Grant accomplished nothing but u weariug lege of itichiiMmd and a gradual cutting of Lee's commuuicatioiiji with bherman victorious, the game ! bis. It must be remembered the most tmportaut tratsgic Una of the country has bueu won for 01 ley Burnside's campaign of hist year the 1C is UtnnesKee line aud on that liue, after a few weeks' repairing of bridges and rsluying rails, lieneral Sherman can reuansport the great body of his magnificent army wlthiu thirty miles o' Lynchburg, and be iu Lee's re-ur. Mothing could prevent the transfer In a few days of tiO.oOO or HU.OU) of tbe best soldiers on this continent, Hushed with victory, and under a Oeoeial, acarcely second to any, to fall npou Hie Kebul line of eoinmnnk-atlaus and pas Lee between two flros. Of course the skilful Rebel (ientrul would at once attempt to evacuate, Vir finiaand transfer the war to North Carolina, but tbe evueuation of Virginia Is a loss from which the Confederacy could never recover. Wu Be in the light of this'" possible movement the peculiar importance of Lynchburg, for which both parties have contended so vigorously. It is the fortified entrance to the Kasl Tennessee line of communication. Such a grand transfer of uwips count only lie made, or coarse, after Geor ia was thoroughly conquered, but, in that event, twenty thousand men might be enough to bold tbe (Slate. Hut Genetal Rherman bus still othes possible movrmenta which wonld equally wear out (lie Conlederaity. ir successf ul In taking AUanw, be eau press on to Augusta, march down the Kavaunali river, and assail Savannah in the rear. 1 1wrs are only some twelve mUcs, we bolievv, ot rwampv ground compelling a detow, stlong the whole course of the river. Me can also attack Charleston on Its unfortified side; or he can march we-twsrtl, and, in combination with tbe licet, assanlt Mobile on the land side, and form a D-w line of communication by tho Alabama river. Still further-the course which we belleva more probable he can simply ocenpv Goorgia, and hnrry, and raid through South Carolina and Alabama, con-nniine crops and carrying off rrgroes, and thns wasting the life-blood of the ( onfedemry ; finally, compelling Io to break up his grand army for want of supplies. Kor, it mnar be remembered, that though the whole Kelel Confederacy cannot he starved, iu aim ics ran be that is, the stinplles can be cut of) which are near the rallrosuls and rivers the only supplies of any eonmijuence In a military point i.f view. These are the possible and probable glorious results ol General Grant's strategy and General Sheiman's per iuacity and skill. Wl au ver the news may lie from Virginia, the whole campaign Is made a success by Sherman's victorious ailvanoe. Nothing now can, in all probability, check or materially change this. The greatest obstacles hare been overcome i fin il vlc'orv at Atlanta Is near at hantl. hvrn Lee's trnnsfercivcii to Oenrgl with his army rould not now fine the campaign. We have onlvtowait and watch the slow effects of this stratogv, and mciiMown to nr. ovrh. "Richmond Cannot lie taken " anv Ihn nrrani of nn unpatriotic opsitlon. Make the most of your opportunity, ye Ill-omened prophets of evil . Dilate on the delay which has ended In such severe losses, ltelittle the operations of the patient workers who made the preparations for the explosion. Exult, if ye will, In the "splendid engineering" that concentrated an unendurable lire on our advancing troops. Malign the dark tklnncd soldlirswho faltered In their hoar of severest trial. I'.xaggerate the hwivy losses which curry anguish to many a hearthstone. Deplore the "murderous tenacity" of tho leader who knows no such word as fall, lint, rememlier. vou cannot abate a lot of Im trt or hope of tho glorious soldiers who uphold " their atarry flag" In front of Petersburg. Vou cannot altera hair's breadth tbe plans of a leader who never swervos from a chosen purpose. Yon cannot sake the nufllnching purpose of the American people to ro-esUbllsh the Federal juris diction on every foot of American soli. Tho people expect reverses: they will manfully bear them. They expert blunders: thoy will ener getically correct tncm. They look for no ex emption from croakers: they will contemptu ously disregard them, ltut tho cravens who would abanuou a strmrirlo because of their fears. and the partisans of a dishonorable peace, they will spew out of their mouths and consign to eternal lul'ainy. H athinglon Chronicle. (anasa ftnii Kalat. Professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, iu f peaking of the drought and of the rain which fell n week ago, says : The idea lias frenuentlv been advanced that a drought may be Interrupted by the tiring of can non, but a little refieciion w ill convince us that neither the combustion of rtiupowder nor the agiraiion of the air by a dUnchiirgo of cannon c m lurnish the moisture necessary for the production of rain. If, however, the air is surcharged with moisture, and the ntmwsphere in the unstable condition which immediately precedos rain, then a violent commotion or an upward current of air produced by a large tire may bring on a rain, which might, in some rare instances, not other wise have fallen. In the case of the drom-lit. which w have had for the last six weeks, there was not sufficient moisture iu the atmosphere to pr dure a rain. Even ou Saturday and Sunday morr ing the nir was remarkably dry, and there fore the moisture from which tho rain of Sunday night was rinclniiated. must have been wafted from a distance by the northeast wind w hich commenced blowing from that direction about 9 o clock on Sunday morning. . '! Af Ofllrlal Nlntemnt of I.osr, n I'unllNlirfl by Ortler r Oenernl Nhri nisn, sit-Hr Atlantis, July 20, Total loss of Federals, July 'JO 17f0 rtebel dead, counud and buried. July '20.. ..111,1 Keliel dead, counted and buried, July 22. ... 2 1 12 uenei tirad 111 tront or the loth Corps, not in our hands. ... 700 ... 7 .... IS Rebel color captured, July 21) in oei colors ruptured, July Ti Rebel prisoners captured ...:t'J0J ...3o0) ... 10 ...52 it) ... 10 ...I'j.Vj ...3200 Kideral loss, all told, July '22.... Federal loss of cannon, pieces Total Federal loss............ Total Federal loss of artillery pieces... Total Rebel loss in killed Total Itcliel loss in prisoners... total ICebel loss In colors Number of Rebel wounded unknown. 2-5 I'AHISIAN fKOMi:.VADF.S. From London ftmfiet y. There is one radical difference between tbe rides, drives, and promenades of London and of Paris. Here, true liritish ltrahmins that we are, we pieservo our caste cen out of doors; there, both the world and the people choose the same spots for air and recreation. Here the upper classes kd p aloof from the middle clane, and the middle classes from tbe humble. There, marquis, millionaire, merchant, shopkeeper, and ouxrier mingle a- naturally, anu sometimes as ugteeabl) , as the ingredients of a salad. Socially and personally every Kiiglhhnian is a human island, every Frenchman only a portion of a con tinent not that tbe Gaul's nature is mora adhe sive then the ltritoii's, but his climate makes him more gtrgnriou, and be must either chatter con stantly or die. The term "London Society" carries with It a distinct meaning. A man is either In society or out of it, or on its threshold or Its staircase. He in by be in it and not it it ; but there are n t two opinions of wl at the term means. Now, in Paris, society Is both mote divided arid more conglomerated more exclusive and mure open more accessible ubd moie hermetically seukd. There is tbe ancinint, composed of the old his toric rallies, feudal seigneurs who have n it trilled a ; Kiltie on politic ,U affairs since ItMO. To te lest of Fraice, their saloon are cue J and their concierges are respectfully forlii.Jd.ing j foreigners they will welcome w.Ui mat grand old pre-ietolutionnty Fu'liih politeness tint tuxther the overthrow i f the monarchy, the ile.tr ucnoa of that ('banning salemnir I of the houor of families the Batlrtle, dec ipiltiiwis, exile, sena twin I Kllannihllatioii, and Zouave iiiuforots, has r 1 til ii one man. Is oil f eather. As ilrii'niu 'l "cut ' tue Prime Recent, so have these highly bred envsliers tied stately dames 'cut" Fr nice. She is ui .worthy of them they wtil right tur. iIhiuv for, leislato for, aud tiample on tier no more. About the time that brcoene- went oat, arid tionsers catre into fashion, Fran e exiur il, Bid ti t Fnu' urg St. tii"'ti, tin pillll ;ed it.vll lulu pirpcui l tnout n ni!. Hin thet ar.i so'" cty, ih. se f:rHnil old no'-'cs, sutl whether the po'lr.li t imt 1 In play be piiiibl" or imposing, thev are sill til I if'tiu th Iu fieri'. Fohowine tip tl.e lai ten; Mct iph ir, me nobiiit y ot tin- I .Inpivc, t vi: troin tie l.iMinist .' p ,1m of le, mas sii'rly I,;, ci nsiden.it Hie erf o.-t frc: h lii. k. i lip ibic, v, hen it 'las "SOJ,l"lug enf'iu'ii, 01 prirttuei",'.' :be vet y rleh"-t cream. The mcesniii, tl;h!-mu Ii.ts, et.ii.o.is, ini'i i.e.iht'is, wl.i . since l.ic 1't'guniii.,' of ihiscci. liny, li' ti done o niiicii toaar.l mliri.r, c iiticiir:;, iniproi 'ng, hl.tl de ihln' th whole ir'il. ure Mi ey.iitul ver. s 1 sj. e'y, bit ou'ii ibv otti iiei s irj the tali ',011 of 'ho ftri'ii old ails'tM-iaiicifUit'ii 11 ieMii7,e tha.11 ) S.auier shuil ti l wiiiiv li.ies be fll'.t ed im the tn-col r, or the ..lies tLinoi ins cuae, " I. ue, bl.i-li red, Itl'i! I .0 : on Mlic Tlcrc I- a:.otl.ei sort of -oeii ty th ti jr w)s rouit ui d gites f.crpt .oi. l is of in' ;rior p. inie, no was r.il'rd bv il. zau the new o ibles e of the ( liati'sie d'An'in. It must na nmi- ube"l that the gtc. t novelist spu!:e of tho Clnils.ee U'Antin ol forty years ago. The speculators and thtr,jtttt, in w ho rotupoe It po louger llva in thtir old quartier; but wherever they pitch their tents, there is crimson and cloth of gold, there champagne sparkles, aad fat qrat la rich in tbe mouth. The young uieo of this metallic nobility are the t in w of Paris, are known at the Cafe tie Paris, the MaUon Doree, aud Madrid. Their dress is rU ntorinn, their waistcoats and shirtfrouU being especially voinpllcuted, gorgeous, and ara besque. Poets, authors, painters, aud journalists are of society, for tbe world of Paris Is so benighted as to think a writer or an artist of distinction lit cotnpauo for a kaiser. They are much behind as iu that respect, these unfortunate Parisians I The promenade, as they cull it, or the ride or the drive as we should call it, most frequeutly di monile, nnd least by Ut bourgeois nt ics cocn.-ri, Is the iktis de bologne. Thackeray has tang lu bis famous song of "DruHimes Pierree :" 'Ya all know Ik Vlao in CVnuwiW, "fit hard by ths TaUisrait waft;" and the Klystan Fields, on a bright clear day, present a sight seldom forgotten by the mm who looks towards the Aro de Triompbo for the tirsl time. And how charmingly laid out is this small celestial prairie I What facilities are af forded fur that " distraction " tor which all Pa risians of all degrees are aeekmgl There are the Cafes Chantunts, and the little toy-honses, that are neither iwmqaes nor pavilions, nor con servatories. Dor arbors, nor ehiiiose josses or junks, bat have a painted, picked out panel flavor of them all. Then there are all sorts of cm ve na nces for smsll gambling, the favorite game lielng a comKund of croquet, billiards, and th familiar school IK) y peg-top, and roundabouts, inch as the childhood of our cold clime never dreamt of, even under tbe lufluence of a Christ nutf UidiyesliQt-rtMindaboultl wiwr&t fct tt mall charge of two sons, a jnm montinir or a etme dome can ride anything from a low-barknd car to a fli ry dragon. To the practised eye of a gamin, a blppognlf la a commonplace anima1, and Pegasus a circulating medium of everyday occurrence. ATI 1ITT.TTV 1,1 llllltuM ATLANTIC CITY. JOHN BMIOK, raorBiETOR. This favorlts , whl Is ia.nl dllstitftillr slloaMd, near Uis Itsark. has km aewiy rrs1. repmntod, aa4 tharouahur rsnTtrst, an4 Is atrw opsn for ths rrcostioa of (nrata. orTorlns llis evotfonj sf a kossa, cotnklncil with alt the laxurhsi or tbs seaton. Tersss modrrat. irS-Irn tONOKKSS 1IAIX, ATLANTIC CITY. ; 1 would respi-ritiillr ktrarra rnv frlsnds an, I tint pal. lie. t, at I hat e seam laki t'oiumi Hi I this belli Hi Uilrrt year, and liavemaso erarr prprtl,.n tor tin en, Ins aeasiHi.tlip tii.uas brirai snlarfi d.rsnt.sh.Jird nsw tiirnlturs, trie rtiArobort tt lib apiing bsda. Ac, Ac, and will aeoiinaniMlate four huiatrssl fitetta. Veil will fin.) no Detu r plars Uian CotiTaa Hall. In. tha nsMv.t Is ths u, m ,nct nou.,.f k Allaatli' t:u.krtliiK hut ons In iirtrtd anl frt-m lbs lisaeh. thus pi,-t, xMnt ll.sli an ariiatitaustotbs puMie. 1 hsrs rannet be uii betotr tall,kix U,an at ailsnlsr this aiiramsr. TbssaM sar that waa aurh a rel I'rswbank la.t aeaaonliM at, Invsn .mpt avrajr br ttis blirh tinea if last winter, Inrraila llasll ttta tie.t hsthms nrf on ths Atlantic aea beard. 1 nsre la sn exrellrnt llaiiil rf Mil. 10 sojaftsl. Attarhsd la a asleadid Billiard Uitom. le'-'l (1 W. PTSinr,!-. NLHT HOUH 11 . ATLANTIC CITY, vr.w jKBsiir. OEO. I. OLI'jNNi Proprietor. (Loos and ntTorahlr known as pritprlstoe o OTSTm BAY, HIXTlI und WIKuV BlrssU.) Parti r aorommodatsd wlUt Koala, riabtns I .Inns, as., , i;XCHANOK HOTKL, ATLANTIC CITY. tlianka to hi DtMruni and Uta nubiin f..r th .... Um trtrf n him, ami Ihh. ! to .r thnt hit a DIW opcm ftor ihcr'Huon, nd midy to n-celT b..nl.ig, prtnnnt niJ trantivnt. e th moat ruoltN-Hia twina. Tha bar win aim aj b tiiitUiMl with tha ctliwM win, ll tuora, aM cluarii, anl opftrtorald ala. Tba lti will ba tat with us v TV in uiairaivi kaliniUsl. Flihltw llna and tackla alwava nn hantl All the oocjiioru of a bom a ea always bs tonn& at Uv Twai. $H pvr annum, OKOHUK HATIAr. . J PfotprtxKor. QOLUM1IIA II O U H ATLANTIC CITY. RW JEKHET. 6ITUATB ON KENTUCKY AVE NUB, OFPOBITE THE 8UBF IIOUH1C EDWARD DOYLaK ProprlAto. Tarma fta mi Um doaat. e9-U g"E a7b A T U i n1QTb"a T II I N U. NATIONAL nAIX, CAI'K KsLASO. CAPK M A V, V. J. Cttfl1rTn find-r 17 vtv.- of ae and arvanta half artaa. Bupvnor a-eommyiatt'pji and ampli ron rOM TWO HI NItltKIl rRHHINd. 9-?W AAHONUAKR r'l H H . Prrrtiir. QONWAY'H OYSTER BAY SALOON. r. cohnkr or 8EC03JD AXT CHESNUT STREETS. IMUT.ADKLrHIA. No. 531 CHK8NUT STHIiCT, PHPLADELPHIA. ThU Nnltasl Im ksmna f)t.sk Vnsnuasi . tka Dsa.. anftMnvenlant and wll vanUlatod. Tt RMlauraa. oflera ail hiKortea ofCheaaaaon. y nn Jtm. HTErrAOHKR, Proftrletor. KL.ASTIO HT1TOM H K W I N Q MAOUINKB, TDK BKHT UT UHK. PW NoJflfSO CJ1KHNUT Htrra. VANTKD TO SELL OK KXCliAJiOK, I f Eliiptlc HawlnR Machtna, Tha Uruver & Bmkm oawuif Macbina, Thi!Kcr do, And all tba principal flawing ftLtchuitta. All uruihi (Ytiu thalr principal otfl. Alao, ail aiiuU oi H.xiiJ Hand Machl.iaa.fttr tt ala aod lupairvd at Uta new ottu-a f Lh.AVr.NH FAl l KMK.R, Na l"t N. KlUilVfl Htraec, (Over un years with tilufar L)oJ Ladlea tan.t to opete. J14-4ta OLB'i lMI'KOVKl) 8 TP. AM ANlTwATK I HKATISf AI'I'AKAI t'H. '..r rt armLDRa&d VwitiUtlnji 1'ub.U: liulIJinja and Prl vata KaalUaDcaa, Maiiufaefnml by tha OlalOi HTKAM ASO WATKR HKATISO COatPAiTT op rHiiaAUitiJ'iiiA. JAMKft P. WOOD, N0.41M FOUKTM Htraat. mh2Mtt B M. rKl.TWKLL. Huixnintandwct IjKOPOfciALii b'Olt MATKU1A18 FOR TUK NAVT Dri'AKTMENT, I ltuiiKAUnv Btkam F.HOiSKtmsii. July Ii, 111. ( fw-aicd l'roinMttx W UttmBL matfrlali tur Uia Navjr (br tl tlicalycur ending ivw lAt wlHa rocelvtrd at tha litiitfM t htutaiu ltUNiiiiriru, uuill iOo ciook of tt.e 1 2th ay oi Auuiikt littxt, mi wului iiiuo tha opunliig will ba tonui. it d. l'runai tniiRl b fndoraad MPnpoAlt fr Matartali tot tl AtJ'i, U at -thej u.ay tin OiHti,ultu-d irunt othar iintt.ttail ttrr. aj.d lUivcud tu tha chivl of tha Ituraaa u' Hit asm t nHueniif. '1 hi utatvrmU and urtlcl avtntnicadtn tlie-laM natnad an i ticnirirly Jf HmU it iuv pr.n 'd ai-hitdulea), an oC w Uu-ti will be furnUhfui tit aicii densir to utlar, on a Pltca:uii to thu coiunmndinU of th rvaiiMtiv vartft, or ti. il.f Nvy AKt ntHVMia.t .lit it , a d UiiMauf all lhaardi uyMiii nj Ih at icii to Hi burr a u. riithtuvnu.ii into clasa4 twtliin rr tli eonranlnoa of dt alt-ra in vW'ti, uuch tlaaa out Mill bo liirulshad a ara ai-tua)l ixtuiifd to- lii Tua Ooniuiaudaiii and Vary An nt lr audi Mint ion w ill In atiiiiti ii to the aohaduav of tiNsffis t,t i ht ir own yaidn, h a oopyi! the aoiieduiw ti the utht-r ) nrdh. for exaniiimll'iii oiit , itmiu whloU may I iud,-tt whetl ar it w I1 lv (irbirxliitH lo inaka aopUcatkin for m y 4 tiiu ciHa of to aru, AU otntir thiuifa Im'.sv aii-al. rri troca ia Ih fivut. Ui a; Ucloa of Auiati eon nai tilde-lure. Ui'ifm muai a- maoa ir tb Uol of tha cUm at any ar i in' oi e m the arliittl sunt-duU-a, nr In aaiot ooa linuiltt lirreMiUi, or timv wtd nut l tn.ri dm d. ( (.' in-yi o-iiit.n t Hip hiii.o,to ti o 'oiiauiandaftt of am am. ir t any Navy Au-nl, Ih tiirui t 0 ter.ol raittf, Hjid oilu-r iirHsary luit-rnt i-ti roapoctliia' ina fni pt.akU, Hill I tiiriitl.e-i. lit tiu'tht'i ill In auniilt'd t Vo )iiwtnt blitdur who tti i t. p-oM r KiM'Niitc a. nk ri' iiiht il by ttin law of liHA Atiiiti; t, rH , inr Na. t ptiriiti nt i"rviiifl tha rh(ht to ft, t i. i' " Vest tid, il Lt'i'itttsl n Mtrl'i l. I j.i- i oit .-t i ill istur utile t .1 t' t notification la ti t-ii t itt lt Jtverji-s enn Im- tlfijmud .-! (r. h tlutt data. Huttu in iif loll luiMii, 1 1 uv iv.i'ii.-ed to auiu tha tnitii.u '. ami ihi'ir it-Mi jt tniii a nf:i d to by a li.ltad .; l'e't t I i i d .1 In rict Attny, 4 . iiu tur, t., if, v AvMi. Asuulmi at s.H tinty, twenty I ' "t- in wlii I', nth lit ul 1 ih.ui id. .im mi of tha bill ii'iJt! i.t i i.titra h l t-a It- -i o uipiifd; mid a -hill y I owui tt t avi. i ll'. iiiit.vii iu tr .o i an hy tha oma-U- . ' -. lit:- ct th. r -pt i' a.di, m di u aid tflt uvy iin ..' m' it t . ii. ih ol d ilvc. t, in i nit or tMrtiil at t "V till, ii oi 'lit 'i' rn n. if , wit h-ii i i'tt day afwr tha trun i t iti- riMuieohMli h a ho. ii i-aMHl by thaura- i-.tj I If '1 Tli. y 'i I f t iotu arf tha c'ai loquirrd ut tha raap-jctlr ra. - KHI1MV, MAIN P.. ' hp N.j 1. hilr iroh, titt ; No y. , Irf tnm ; No 3, bolt Ib. li.j, ,o -1, a' u l.-t-a..ii ; .ti ,V ;si-.iiio ; No (f. llDatml tut. tk i . No 7. tar a .l; No K, uittttll: i- 1; Itt'l, lalinw aad . "tip : ji 1 , ri.,.'ioi ff' aittrt' i -N" J i, v'laftiiotjrtV tottia; No I" 1 1 1 iiitsi-b' m iroio. it t : .N It in. $ t jri'li ptpu, o; 1- i No Iti, t-. ; No 17, ii.tt. main, b ti and ii -!: N. in, ri..p-r: N" iy, .In. Ac; S , whitaifiadi NoVl.f-c ja i't. ntJ tui.ir.il a uc; Noi:l.a'rttayinrT j V4 Hit Mt oil ; No M. t.tlltol WttMMt, pAtrkiUg, .fta i No U, rni-M ctia' Htrasn . i ll 1U.K THV, MAN4. (Maii N'ol.boiltir Ipm iuki mU; So i, ptv front No), t'll.r IciliLg ; u 4, Htsiu packing, ruhhar h'ji,Ac; MoA, portu oil ; o 6, luiM-s d u luuJ tiirpiiitlAti ; Mo Z.lard oil t No 8, uit-taillc oil; No 9,taiiow and soap ; No lo, augluacra1 aiorcn j ho 11. tikiuctTa' tool; No li. Ur(lnra' lutm uutuia) No 13, ai-ta puiupa; Mo It, wrought iron dpta valvtra, Ac; No6, tuhea; Nj 10, ntl; No 17, ln lHa, tolta, uuia, Ac; Nu )tt, copper; Xo la, tin, ainc, Au; No), whlitlfml; NvSl,xlu:pulut; No i, eolsrd paluu, tlryara. Ac ; .No 3 alaUoury ; No id, hickory and ah plauk. ana UiIh : So Jo. whita plua; No 11, oaui and oottou paklna Ai No aso.euMUKM.ra' Htia. a 11HOUKLYN, W T. Clusa Vol. boiler lrau; No'J. pitf iron; So 8. botWr felt U i No 4, ttum patvhiLiti, ruitr hoa. Au ; No A, pnn oil ; No n, itr aU oil, turpuaitlae, aJotthuL, Ac ; No 7, lard oil ; Jla ft, lubikittiiiy or UKtailk; vita ; Noit.tUilnw and aoapi No It), flttfiiH r' uniaM; Na 11, anfinrtjia' tool; No id, mnt ' tuttruuimita-, No W, atvam pumim; No 14, wmtwhl iron pltat, vih w, Ac i Nul&,tutea; No lsH,mttMl; No 17, iron nana, bolt i nun, Ac; No 1H, coppvr; No l, Mnviirnt', Wasl.At;; No y. wt.Ha Wa4; Nn ii.xlua paint; N-wi, avlori-d p.uta, d-ryari.Ac; KoM, aiaUotwry; No M.tlra V(d; Koiit, ttiraory and ah pUna and buti; No it, whl'Hpltia; KoiJ.aUMrm waluut audetvrry; No. 'sM, ua hiuiiyt wtdl tutiley , Na 'afV, rVantorna ; No ail, UtfuUsmvh;o No.il. urudwaoM, puiapa, Ac; No jg, aour nanr,outeitka, Ac; No iw, psatutid aiilcJta; No a( aoitoo aud bauip aachuiita. A i No aft. ntilar itona. P1ULA HKLI'IHA. Clui No 1, bolter lia..,.a. No 3, bollei fV441nl No 4, Mil. taiaK, mborr hoae. Act No 3, h nn o , Not, 11 iv -d oil antl tuipeniinw ; No 7, UrJ vu; if i IO allow, aoau, Ac; Hi,tnaiBs-ra aioro o 11, giBmTt' twht ; No W, irtMOf' iiibls-uuttjuta; No 14, wrought Iron pha, valvaa.Ac; No l'.. Ul-f ; No ld.ataW; No IT. ir .n nulla, boll a, and not; Na ltt,eitr; No Iti, I'a, Aa ; Noi, wirita kad; Na'Ji, line pium; No W, c-)ord paiuta aad dryora: NoW, Uiknaryt No i, Mra wood; No 1H, oatlou and bcaay aatvbiisf, ifca N 'M, anKliivtiri' tora. ca WAHUINUVOW. Claw Wo 1, bolWr ln,Aa; Nol,ptWra; Kal.lvdrsar rVrtliiK, Ao: No 4, 0naa aAIui. rabtar boa, A; No a, iHirin oil i No 6, lina oil aad tarpamuno; No 7, lard orl, o, kiDibari Nol.ialKjv and No le, anyineora atorvai No 11, upgfrtta' .!( No li, antrtnaorM' iniuttv n'itU; No l:i iittara t-wmiHr, No 11, wrought iron plua, tmIvAh-i NoM.iirtMai No Id, aUal; No 17. Iron nlla, boha nul. Ac i Ny.V. a-ipior; No N, tin, lad, and o i No 1, whlta Wad; No 'JI, tno paint; No tVi, enlort t alula, drTni,Ai; No A, aUilnnary ; No VH. ttra wool; No H. aoMoft bsttim LvXlUf, 4Tl X? 34, a-iwar' AUCTION SALES. MACKKVfl AUCTION HO0MS. No. MAiULET 9ir4. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED War rrTnaTr Cmtimt rt"K, Orrica or Ownr ii twriraii Arrra Woffliintiui. f. Jul 4T u.i Wll bo aMd at PaWio Auction, to tha ul,ht biddor, at KKll) VT, Auinit ft, 1t. Tf avalrv Hwt. TtlKHIlA . . AlliHial U. M..1 ia r.lp. I..a Tbaa l.nrm hna bvn cnd imd a unit fr the vsa- iniTirr o' Tnr Brmr. K'kT'1! ft,r,n PT"nw. maiay foot njrf ilnt imni aM nrnitlT. Tanna caah.ia ImltM Butn rtirrfr. JA'4Kft A. P.KlN, fJolmwrt-Cor.nol and t huf yiiarti'rmtrt t alry Hurvau. t'CTIOK Uoraea. SAL Ft OF CONDEMNED sr.. n.ri..wi. Cvi,r,- Httsrait, Orr''' or Cim r yi anri..aarra. fc trsnnmoTxttl. II. i ,,tiiy a. lifcl. WUIbssoldat pabUt snntlon, to tlis hlibsl kLUOar.al I KSAfiiN. I'a . Till t.tlMT. Jilr 1. I WM. Ai.ttiim. i-a .1 m !:; t . auuimi t, ts-ir: W U.l.lSMMrtlliT. I'a. ,7 Ml ItsliAT. Au.i.l!t,lSI4. TWO UlMil'.U) ifiv) CAWUiV ItOKMK'i' at ract 7 dr.. Hn, f,n rnmnc at OBflt fcr ths Ki nsd aad Inrui uipuss manr tooj bsrf afiat asjr b llnr'SSmM atnl7 tunas Cms, id t'liltod iat if wrsacy. JilMM A, KKIM, . . I k-alsnsnt-OoIonflanJ CItlrfiiartwiiaat Csvalrr Hursea. C N NO U I H Klll- Ws nftirt4 Uu isstnr, If dealnsl, tar tsscr lot of Hbtrts blc fall la SB7 reapact. ITNE BIIIKT8. cut LKtiurntriNK. or Mrmi in. Ma4 of Nsw Tor Mills Muslin, and rarr tins Unao Bosobis. Oaly I4-7.1. Usual prtw fO'UU. WVUam.iUk Mills Muslin, and fins I.lrvsti Bosoms, Only -ao. I'mitl prlia IS aHl. GEXTLEM EN'S FURNISUIWa OOOD3 HMITII & .TA.COHH, Bijs-ss No. Vita CIHMIHTT Htrast. Wit CllKSNIT STREKT. Ths sttsntV.n of ttnirs TIHITINr? JH8 rlTr.or thosrsonnt l.KAVlNll It f "t!r llw I'la.,'" or 'ttist'ouatry," la nstpe'tftillr lrtil to ths eitonatrt. i,H-k f wr, rrft Xl(ift anllalilo for HI'MMKH WTtAR.for WIU1E UOItlilS, MWKM1MU B.VFPKU.S, AO. An sstsn.tre aiaortment Is offsmi In Ijusi and Wnrka.1 EdMinin and Inserting. Vatls, Maadkerchiaia, Cvllara, Hlssrss.an.l In I' Inn and taiior I'laht, Hirlsil, and rinnmd Willi (.hiiU At PhlCKS MUCH RKI.UW TUK1 PHKhKNT KKTaII. VAU'K. liu rrtnlsd Linen t.'amlrlc Drs.tsa. lut pleooa 1-utIsd, Tucked, auiatnped atas Ulu. it. m. rvi:i:ijL,i4. ion ourwm t Brar.r.T. ii()U UOOV KKIKTM. fOO yjfJ Manufactory, o. mh aki'H Ntrest, UvO Abovsriltth atisiet, , ralladsli dla. Wholeaal and Ketstl. Ttwannat esmplote on:i.'nt of Ladlss, Mllass', and rhii.lron'a Hoop Hktrta In ttis ctlr. hi every rstpsct nrtt rlats, Trtsl. A,r aiTle, flnl.h, durability, and olteapnees, Hkina caasle to order, altered, aad mralred. at ly WM.T. I HOPKINS. YOUE PATEOB AQE SOUOITED, McOALI,A'8 HAT. CAP, IFA.TIH1VC IIOUI, GENTS' FUENISBINC GOODS. FIBST B TUBE ABOVE ATLANTIC HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND.' OAPK MAY. sul-tf nf;w ERtev. pA-l-'Kll IIANUINUH. KRMOVAL. JAMBH PIN Pf, (Lars ar IIOWKI.L i llBOTllhUSl, Has Itemovrd from No. 611 to No. 628 CUKSNUT Strt, Hat Inn purchsssd tlia stt'k ot JAMBS IIUItKK, Jr. (fnriiiert) llolrasc'a), where lie will olT.r to his customers and Uie public a laryo and elt'unut sasortoteut of Dtcorations and Wall Papen Generally. lty living bit penonal stti nilon to the tsliing and hnax lD( therais, bo hopee to continue to receive ths liberal patroaafe of the public. Citizens sad visitor, ar respectfully Invited t eiantln the variety on hand. y lot PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. X'"1 I.. A (J H, BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES. WM. F. C 1 1 13I11IVE2, Iro. 49 6. THIiiU 8TREET. Abo 'e Cbeanut, PhlladelpUa. MANurArT'. uk.e or FLAGS, BANNERS, TBANSi'ARENCIES, ASP LANTERNS. Pealtlcal Osausafsa Olabi Sued out wlta LacUaraa. Radiiw, Baaiars, and risen at reasonable rate. JeaMas 02 TEE ABUT AND NAVT KVANH & It AHHALL, MII.ITAUY UlitNISHblllH, No. 418 AHUrl H I IO.KT. Mur.Aiirt pniA. Bsaaars, SaalnMBUl sn- i'.''nan rus. Swords, KeiSes, Helta, Fsaaaata, Spuuisi.. lists. Caps. Canteens, Haversacks, C'ampKlu, Vhh.i iiUa.es, Hpars. aad every tnina pertainlnc to ta eeeoM. ..ninio' Army asd N?) OKtcars. A Uberal dleoount sllewt'i hi tl.e trade. strto&s V. SIMON 4 BROTHBh. BAKHOM TEKFT UM.I,. fHUAtlUHLA, MANUTAiH'Ki:it or JEWfcLKY, KINK .-tWOBDH .1 (laaVtf MCLTf AJIT OOOUt .S ICV tttT fAKIfTI. u. JA U B M Jia II It GIl'H waosaaais as" si-ri.it OI.OCK i.STrtltl.lSHMKNT, B.E.ooroer BKCONO and 1 1 FSNUT Hoien, fKUad'a aor.scr rue 'in. vats-'jt EQUALIZING TJIihl V-t'AT Cl.OCKa, A very desirable artkts tir Cburctu, KutSiUi Baoka, Cotintlus-llouao. farkira. A c. Also, MANLKAITI HEK OF PINK ilDI.O riitta. ixcK'Sa HEPAlKtU ANU W AlUtt-H I BU. JaJVly ClotiA TrUumuujs of .very deaorlpMwa. TlTM. A. GRAY. N. E. COttNEH Of SIXTH TT aad stlNOH Himu, bays Insnaiisis, Watehsa, thiel, BUver, sod L Twt. liiorit ui wA-srr or mommt, Alt business soaiMsotUt. aayla-ias ARrKTS, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND V J Wuidow Bhsilee, from Mots ork AucUoa saiee, itUs-titly wet.) Maunldcent Untmk, It wide, tl lnS.tl-M Biid tl ; InUUtton Hru ts, (painted.) wk),7(i. bti sud lai cents; -t, 4 aud 11 t at pruonr thinate prkea ; Imperial Csxpela. at W to 1114 par yurd : lusrela, Iroiu M emu to HUSi VeuHau, (Ud, itni Heinp, from 87. til 3d eeats pr yeril; Alitiaiia, tha lark-eat a. sorttiM-nt ever oilered la fhus.t"iiiiia, from ms. to li cellU a yard, at Uw how yerk Ars U.ni HaJes De pot, (h.rniwly Minlik.w ., Ne 147 H. KKsNlj bueet, flrat door above Walnut, oppowts tiora Hschaim. fylim tOVSTY'U TEA WAREHOUSE. EfSTA- ausbed tat MsJD. Isasorvv aud Iieatar at t tue Yeaa, Wlaws, aad U'tiers, vnoioe uaveoe tBHt, Orosa at Buuk-vnll-a risklas and aaasas lasts I Knuiiaa atta aeotca am auu rurter. Canned sleels. rroltS. ftoilB. At. I aav7MessespuBapwruic.ro, Al Ho. IIS n. HRfiOHU Wrest. aaly jonHL'A B. ouUtrrv. EDMUND A. SOUDBl 4 Qa, UOMMI8SION MEHOUANTB, AND 6UIP AND STB AMjfOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTRBI4X. WHARP, aomna t. aoron. astatsti.a lktti. at si ii ss ts. twiwa FINANCIAL. NATIONAL LOAN Interot 7 3-10 in Lawful Maney. COUPONS ATTAOIIEP, 1NTI-RF.8T TAYytHLE EACII 81X KOVTHS Ttis pr1neft ii saysbk- fit 'lavrfaj tnansr , at tti v i I f threvsart. tint loidrr lust tlx rV;M toiljm..t4 st that lima The 5-20 Bonds at Par Ijctead of the Otwh. "Ilils prlvllsirs Is vslusble, as Olevs . Bonds are i most nneular ion,, ,na ,r, w aottinf at l4ht per real. premium. Buturrlptlons rrtelvsd In the amral nwtrnsr, snt tha arpeal and props.alt of tlic Secretary of the Treasury, tof.therwlih our Clrrnlan, and all nrceteary tnfoitua. tou, will be fuiu'uhM oa applic ation al fir otTsrs. JAY 000KE ft CO., No. 114 H. THIUr tret. jjllluUIC H T Ii 11 11 ft CO., DANKKIiS, No. 80 8. THIRD STREET, atnr abd sau. OOUV, SILvXB, AND' OOTlsRSMlST 8ECtRT7lB(l. B T O O K H BODQUT AND SOU) ON COVMUHION. InrtH Q !. It I U II T fc O O.. No. 143 S. THIRD STREET, orrouiTB Tint kxciukok. Isralera In Oovemmenl and Stale Recnrttlea, Quarter. matters- Cliecks and Voachers, and Certlfloalas of Indebt ed neaa. Oidera for ths parrliau aad sah) of Blocks and Istans prompUy axeoated. fei-wfra tf c L A H K H O N fe CO., HANKERS, No. 121 8. T II HID STREET, rillLAKI'itl'HIA. noTemment BMiiriUea of all Isaaea Purchsjusl end ft.. Kala. Blocks, Bonds, aad Oold Uoontat and Sold oa Ooca Bttaaloa. INTEREST ALLOTtTO) ON DEPOSITS. CoUecUona Proiattay Mada. Ir.tf vTliJW IMAM. WBW LOAN. U. S. 10-40's. JA.1T COOItTiJ Oc CO., orrtn for ba.m the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, PEAK1MO PrVK PER CENT. IKTEKEST IW COfN, redeemable any Mm after TKBT YKAJtH, at tha p'eassre of Ui Oovaminenti and pay able POBTV TKABB after ita. HOTI1 COUPON AND BEOIbTEl'.P.D BONDS ar sansd for this Loan, of same deoosalasUca as tba t-IO's. The. Internet on 5o's and tlOO's payabla y early on al other donomlneUons, half yearly. Taa 10-40 bonds am dated Marck 1, ItHet. Th hail -yearly tatarest faUbu do September 1st and Mareh 1st of u year until 1st Hep lember, ths aecrsed Interest from lit of March Is required tribe paid by purchasers Iocoih or an lsuii ouaaaacr, aud Ins uriy per oeuL (or premium, until further aotlc. ALL OTUKK OOVLithMUtT BKC'VBITISS BOUOUT AMD HOLD. JAY COOKE & 00., CBh2-tf No. Ui S. THIltlr BTKKET. gMITH Sc ItAIfDOLPH, No. 1C 8. THIRD STREET, UANKI5KS AND BHOKKIW3. Spto, Mocks, Quartermasters' Vetrthers and Checks, and all Oovamnumt Securities Boa-ht and Bold, nihil QOLD, UOLU, OOIX, SILVER AND. DANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, aul tr Na. f0 8. THEED STBRBT. J 1-1 WU8 a II A IX AX, BARKERS AND EX03ANQE BROKERS, So. 09 B. TIMED BTUriT. caasas a 61'KCIE, BANK NOTKS, AND OOVLRN- MLNT BiCURITIES. Stocks Bonejbt aad BoI4 oa Cooualssfoa. OcliActtons promptly made. apm-tf gTOCKH A.IV1 It" X C TJ 1 1 1 'I' 1 1 1 1 BOCCiUT AND SOLD ON GOMMIHHION. DE EAVEH & BROTHER, fed tt No. 80 I. THlItD BTKLET. P BOIA1. NOTICE TO taa HOLDERS OP THB Email 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notea SEVEN-THIKTr NOTES, or tan denoiations or CO'u AMI) lOO's, CAN NOW M CONVERTBB W EONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881, V BAMI DEeVOMlKATKJI. JAT COOKS & 00 BOOK OIL OOMPANV. Incorporated Jun 29, 1804, Oapltftl. 6300.000. c,ro) suabu a; a BnjtBrAi. Mi lrcr Irlloa I" rack there ta rt1nal sabacrniars Inr ri0 shares, pat able II saak dowa spoa soeortbSs.Bnd two oilier lutuimeLU of fl sack, paysbtaaa ths stthJsly aad tU Aufuit, hsot, rtspiotirety. TEN THOUSAND 8 II A R E 9 Krrr4 (bt Benefit of tt.eCeejpa.iy. ttrr (TITf I KM tmM rtmtftt. An lb .-Ml at rut tasrsl Kajn- lired aMl iaw tr.i m u Al.hwr rivrt la rrantMH-TT lnhi, B.tt'i.tUrijr (f.nt.(dtf Uie oiuuio n both iiwujKif kwo in u Kuat.eonimnnirtfrjtM vo liiirwi Kin, omi(((r iniift-khw rTmiliUn In Vtmnnao ciiM)r,lnDifti.ift. ih Alryhrniy Hivr TsrrRory y yioMlnp aVa ahtindaut ni ptTMtiai harvi of an rcb1. It in I iuhi oh, ti. auuirtin (M.rdsrlfittitii fcnLJ jiT.xlorlniO.i with cYDil auu rif nirii uulu Ui It it inHvvr4 U.f flow c4 OH bkvw htrousr tfrrrli Mr.,o II AO'wh'uy rlvf. will pnN,h,; Dorar tHtM shaititfafj, bora. the atrfiilCAtton, ar vrvlcaiUo diiruo tK noi rwA tUt In a oTi'WiMtwr.W rtirUooi otm qtinllj tht b4la I Oil woiilj t noarrr Uta mmrfte mi the upr rnu, tur pi w.mia wll w(Mijj rtxjulra to t itna-n orv-piT in "jrTMMru('n iowftrora u nrar. wbara. Iwwrr, thct o.rl mMwiarl le til mnt trormtnr.nl, An4 nmiicb ffTTAtsfr airpplr ni irtrimfeBat bodfor U H oil. It U orttun Uiat irr$o( wM on th? rival-. (n.iH unnii th patfthrKa or It or vein m unnmvttiUM nrdatcaMlTdnllr yloid o4 rfl A Iflrslirdt Kt ill Instil uttU Anrnnnmrtm that fauta W.aas dtss. Irnwvr Two Mil kua w4 Oil Crtwit ara on. rtMssima iHmniHriCJUlj au-tUiiht Lnift. and ful ttutauit m tmvntion of the identicat 9m, qrn- biwn flu. rwiKS Of hWu, fVm oat h otliar aXat throa aahsr nsioM in . rlfr th nains rttrm Hon. tt wuulil, thraftr, tn hr trMtrrtinary, If hj borln wtia on Ihn tract a PMtlclvfii ffi.nl a, ait tw.stiatna aal.vltd Yt n atsaul at. ..I t ar.... . . . " ' r s- " '" a. v my ' '' "l- I'M t'oaipanya wfttU tuny atx.p-ilvaJ those of 'Of I (Nvapk t iik'W (M.pj.j.va o( riiiiidridii m Itnrrttia of oil dallr, anft tnoniwfi profit t woo id Inura Ui forinnata rea1( to Ue fthaAholtitni or tills onmujnr. On tiill DArtlriilar trart nf lattwl tkiirai ton Ksaaa lst M kanolisr twanlr Team, a wall nmm pmnrtng a flr parrttm ot Oil. althoiiKh Ita dfpth o bore (a riinMurd r'la Inmirtii-nmt to Inaiir a lant rtw: Kirtr per ent. of tli Ot) at Mtia mrTn moath waa rjrvr4 aa a royalty to a), firrtncr o ncr of th land, and will at onc tnrrta to tA brn'T)tof tlmt'ompanr. Tittra are aio two oUiar w.t mr tn.a-ai-u Uin v wwm, HtlU It UU ItH IWintVi aKlll UlSf uw; wm jriTr niKDiy imusvauns wain wttan cortMl raonabtf dMth. aAjinthdr el la half boruaf. aui ham pice vt Oil DnK-urtMl fYirtn theaa wlli can ho m. Uio oflioaor Ihn Company, No. 5113 WALNt'T otrwvt. i n irr oi iiiii Taiiiaoie ou land, compnaing one h-rn-drpd and tbhty-ona artra. tnctudlna the roraltv ofrtrty Mr cent, ot oil ftr the kaad wru, mrr pumpfn?, and th entire rl)it of the thrw wHIa partially devloiid( U piir- haatnl by the Coirpany direct from the ownMr, lr the DX'tlcrntr pile of lri7Jfli. with a Urlnt Mill ta Hna oMm-. anuR houh, A t mine patchaa ol timber. i lie aaleoi atorh will pay oaah lor Uie land ta fall, en leavtUeaiini of tllA0 caah work Inn oapitai on band, With which to (NJtnjt.cte the throe old well, ant alao W bore two new wella, with Uw eteara emrlnei, to be In runnlttff order within a few month; arrantra Dieitta III be nmda to atx-otapllsh thae obiecta wubout-d'-iay. Mo subscript too will be acoepttd for teas thaa 6fl ahartw. 1 fie Taat (brtiinec reape! by Rock OH Companies etab llnbt-d bir and iwcwli-.Tf arv notorh aa Ihe ttl trade la fot In Iu infancy, and tlie deniand constantly iTKrcaolnjf. t i price I. nw ili aor barrul at tiia woll a mouth, ans.. Slve of thacaak. Larue wel a will tlonMteaa be struck at tha dpth of MM) fret, so aa tn rearb the third ttand'tnae Kock- Hellahave ben bon0 hereuti to the dnth only of ahoat Hifaet In thia vMHiMy It im pn.poaed Co bore twenty walUoa Ihlt niTOiOrf 1 dflHnir tht nn-irrtl ssatr 1'K.ra 1st evn. one hundred e-elU. A perfect title, clear of ail Inctua uianoea ts onifldtU aaetired to the Company. Lists of lubicrtpUoa are now open tin til the 50)00 alWes ara sabacrtbed. pa ab4e l per share, ta Cie order of Aldar inanJAMKS McjCsUIBN, the Treasurer of the Oompaay, Kr. 40C WALNUT Street; or at Na. 12$ WAXNTJT Street, or at the office or tha Company, Ho. SU WALKUT Btreei. The public: are Invited to can ft a proipectas JyMf pUiKK'S OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL. V rhlladelphla, July A, imi. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Ommotr, W'i'nciJ of Utet ity if rh.lMdelplHa.on I hursdar. the Mth dHy oUuaa,lt64, Uie annoxtvi hill, entltliMl "AN OttMN A NCK TO AUTHORIZE AN A1IH1 InNAI. LOAhT TO MKPT TUK KXi'fcNNKH lM:jlEaST TO TUB I'EKKN8U Ol TUK OlTV, ANIV KOR OTUKK I'UltrOiJfitf," Ii Uarct- published (or public lnftrnmtltin. WM. F.BMAr.L. Clerk ol Couuuou CuuucU. AW 0HIINA NrE TO ATTHORl.E Ali AimiTlOKAt TOArf TO fclKFT T1IK. K.XFKNHht lNOll-KNT TO TnB KNbE Ot IIUS IT1, AJUlt VOU OfllkU l'UH- Hectin 1 The Select and Comnvui Councila of the Cltr of I hlladclplua do ordain, 'I Itat tlie ftlar U hereby au thorized to b,rrow at nm lona than par, ou the ere Jit of the corporation, inch luwi ot nvoney aa may be required by thr tiry 1 roAvnror, from' time to time to provide for the families of vol unlet ra rrota the city ot Philadelphia In the (-ivlt'e ol the Unif d Mtatea. and ( the dHenae ir tJ-e rtty, not ere-dtiiR in tlie whole Uie aum of five hundred ttii'Uiand doliKra ; fur h(3t Ititcreoti.ot to exrd tbe rata of el per cent . oer annuen ahall be paid half early, on ti c ICM dava of Juiiuary and July, at Uie otnoe of the Cltr Treatirer . Tlifpilnclraloftheaa.fi loan shall be payable and paid at li, cxpira'lon of Ihlity jeain irum tiieditteor tde aama, and Dot IrSfure ill out the onf.eept oi holder ther.r( aad c riHlcaU' thn-t tr, in thr usual form ol audi cert'llcatt , of City Ix-at.a. st.aJI leUsutl In uc)i aaaonot aa the lemlttrs may r fpitre, bin not tor an frnctn ral part of $N, or If rtiuirvd. In emitimia of iv hundtcd or nee thouaand doLlarn, and ti aha 1 te aipreived In aalu certittcatea that tie ald loaii therfln moi'Mmed and tUe luterost thereof are pn) atle ft, a (mm all takes. Hoctun'i. WbetieT' i aor loin shall oe made by vlrtua herroi, there ahall be, b lorcdot tihla otdiuattce, anau aJly apjjrotirtai. il out ol the Income uf thecorrafietA;es, and t'otn tl e ai.m rald by taaai'on. a uru euinRtnfU to pay the inUrpat on aid cartlmtatea; and thb further eiine t thret'-tenltui ot one pur centum on the par value of aorh oertiiitate, ao latiutd, ahail be appropriated quarterly uut of ti e income and tames to a sinkin g- fund, wnl:brund, and its accumulationa, era herabv eapeclady pledtfed for tha tsxieuipUoQ and payment of aid oanliicaisa. RK8iM,l7TION Al'TIIORTZIira TIIK iiLK.KK TO PCBLIRH TUB OftV DlbASK. Realved, That the Ciort. of Ooinmnn Council be anthor rt d to publish In twt daily rjewMpaHn In tho. city, dally for tour wceka, thi ordinance proaT.ted to ''omnvMi Coun cil, at a statw inrcting theraol, held oa tha tU day of June. IW4. entitled "An Ordinance to Authorize Additional Lou: to meat the eKpeuetfe iio (deut to Ui deience ot toe City, aud lor Otl.et punicsee.' And Uie said Cl, at the stated saeatrns; of C -uoaJU after the eprailn of toar weeka trom tha Aral dn of smd pn.-l cStron, anaJi preecnt to this Council one of eaiti aeld nwapapera for ovary dar la iuoL Um euoe ahall hare bean made. lytf-iw LF.?.K'S OFPICE, COMMON COUNCIL, Vy riiiLAit.PHiA, July , IrW. In acoordanc with a resolutson adoptMl bv uta tKiiiuoai Oo'ti.tyl ol the Ctty of Pl.i aitjipltl. u '1 rturaday, Uie aXiA dayofJuia.ltttj4.theH.-itxd till . enUU-id "AN uHltlNANi b. TO AtfTHOHIZK A I.OAN KOK SCHOOL FUet- la but4y puutiaked n.T public ivibiaiaUoa. M. r. 8MAr,C, Clara: of i ooauion OoamMil. Ajf (MtllfANOK TO At THi'dlZK A LOAN It K HCHIMIL rtiitroHrs. tflfction.. 1 he ftutact and CVniiuon Council u tha CHty Of rhlladeiphia tio urdatn 1'f at Hi" Ala.Mrl riar authorled to borrow at not K tiiaa pitr uu t'ur creolt or tlie oipor ton, Uie itum ol one u.illi'tn tl JJaru to pn-vtu tor tut erocU in. exten fclon, and coin pie ti sn ol biiUdi-iK. for m-(.'-o1 puiMMe ta ht- 1 1. at f.tK'i twtrtct o) l'i hiih Ivai.la, torwrikh lnt X'rtt.iKii tc e).c i J tl.e i ara ot U pif centuia per annum, all le i til M i.r M -trly. on the dr-t dava ot January and J.ily.at the once of the Clt; Treiaiirer. ri'h priii'.-ipiei tii thesniC. loan anu bo puyabie and paid at tl-c evpliailon ot li rt ,vaia m m he da e ot iha Sain.e. n.d irct uMort wltbOuMfie conaut of tlte hoUera t'iri";. : ai.J the at-rtlt atci U. rv'or. In tre utual lorin of tlit c rudest e of Ctty l oan, stall he lsa-d In aaih anioui.ts. ue U'knoiira ma; reauire, but not 'off any frao U iol pin op or) r.uutlred d :!ar, or, If rtMjuired, im au.iiMitd ,t fit hi.iutrtd or one th-'tuand doilara; audit ahli l'v eKiAated tn aatd oertincaie that the aaJd loaa th 'ietn nvM'i;iied, and the Intercat thereof, ara payaole lire oot mii tjiea. Hc Hon v 1 h ainonntof said huin ahall be appropriated, diatrlt niih end hi Ktkii-d for the puxpoaos and In aicoi MtS (o.ls.e a. to wit: IU a 1. To ih aevrral achool aectluna nine hundred and th.m -itu1 abouvai 4 tire hundrrd dosJam, aa follows tVlrsl 14 onvo. forty ,houai d dltaia ; nV-on.t HMHkn, thtrty-fiT thou and dodars; 1 hird h vet on, thirty thous-aid doilara ; I ovtU bVvtlon, thlrty-ttve thouirtnd uailars; IrMiHi hwellon, alxiy thounand dullara; HUtu HcotioD, thirty Uiouoarad doilara; eevar.lh H ctlon, lltly-tlirev Utouaand dollars; HiiyhU) HecihiU.flliy-'cight thou and dollars. iSilllh Ha.-tum, forty thotiaaud dollar k ; Truth te tl n, lwnt five thouaand tldlarst KieveuUi BecUon. Uilrty-aiaUt Uiousaud ttM hasMfraaV dolJarai litMrtb Section. thlrty-tVfQr tiiouaaud dollars; TliiwiauiiUi rtvetton, tLuiy-dA(tit thounaud Ue liars : Fourteenth Heciloiu flty thtuand doUam i Kineeitth HmrthHi, iwenty-tlvw thouoabd dAUartl (Sixieeuth Hectlou, twenty ruiuaiul dulUrv : Hovautusriitli ferAX'tiua. lorty-nv Uioutid dt5Uara Kivhte ml Hvt-tton.Uiu-ty-Ove thouaand dUaro; it)ete4 nth Nvetlon, twenty Uiouaand doUare; lweuUotb MecuVii, evt.Hy-ttve thousand (Wlktwa Twettiy-Oni HecUoa, twanty Uouaid doiiarat Twijiiy-avciiid Hectoou, eltvun thoaaad doilara; 1 wenty-thtrd HesiUtrti , Aie'teen thoeaaad dilura; Twauiy-h'Urth HocUoia. a buy-thotieaad eV Usual 1 nt-tmh hectlon, tweuty tlirwe Uund dsiavur Twelkty-hlxth KvcUor twaia thouaaud doikira. lieu. i. To reuuharac Uie City Treaaury, tut appropri tlotw ahrt-ady made, oearreabU) se Una han, fcarty- attsj tiKuand nine bunh ed and otif.it doliw-s. JtesH a. Kor tuttiHieaciea, fUlean UofkMUO aairs fcaodreel Aol nluety-two dollua. Hectlon . Whenever any loaa ahaUWssjule byTlrtoa twreuf, there ahall be, by force of UiU ortiiMaioe, aMaaeaiiy appropriated oet of the nocoma of Us eataMa, fion. the aum raiot d by taxation, a sua bboVmoS to pay ihe Intt rext ou naid avitihcaUs ; an J the rnrthuv aeta of are-tsnU)sofenepareaSaimen the parvaJee of aoe cetUheatea ahail ba atproirutted ojiswieity kic mv and Uuita.to a erukUia sW, whKa Mwd Ma aeeuiouleiKH are hurehv ar.vjiy elWawu for IsWa Kdeup tlcu and payment of eald ewtlw RKWjTlTrOff TO rrUUHU A WAR BUJi Kom rr htrc wiiwt. Reeorrad. That tU Ch F two ilMiry new.pap-ra of Ibis city d-tiy, M sear weeka, the OaTOtilnns prmt-aivS to OvAMoa OuumU oa ruarsOe, Jau. i., .-uiusj- 0M!,AW T0 AVIMOMlZa) A JAN t'ou SCBOOX. FCH. ruir-a . .. . ..i ilii,...L.ii.uiiuh.u.. &j ttie exHrsiam of four wees, frous the first devori ai4 ttilhllt etloa. hall orstent to this OuneU our of auk af all D.tt.tSHra (u( a,urs aAI Ut WtUtit tu Stsaee aual ksvt llvtia Uisi. eje-tW PROPOSALS. OK PUBLIC manwAT. I) F.PARTMKN. r of WALhUT and JTiriat usets. 1 ', antustl.Ud. ,i."i. iritfli. NOTirK TO tXtftTHAC. 'a Offlse aatal Sealed Pmoo.nl. will be received at I1 ' Uf4lM It eleck P. M.. MONIiar, Aotaata, last, lor Itie , -ij orSerswent .liet. from Oeoarairoet to f rankSira (Ik NlneteentA Wnrd), at so miieli per souses yerd. rtsf4 proei.aNl will be opened al tlie almve tune sad plasw, wloresll Milder, are Invited tn attend, end th tawvat ht'ler wtlt rem, forward wlrbtn three days therearier, ts ex knowledge lbs eootract. or oonaMer bur bid wiihiratrs). W. St. BMKfH r.r, set thMt Chief CornsalsslooeTot Hl wars. ' ( r KICK OF Vy Kaulueae.l ARMY CLOTHINO AX Parr snsfesns, Aaimat I, laet. . . 't'ropo.Bli vrtr he rrort vej at this mum aniil It JV Li! onT'!K"lAT, the HrS instant, (hr sapp rtoej j ' wevoaa wiw uiat JBaiwiatr aruosss, vTJT " " '"on, arasr statvlanL 1 Mf "..'""r rennlrevl. i ,. ?f aA "fl-"1 f"1".. army .UnoVS-1. IB am. atlaiKS? M,U4 L s.Kl.i'.rJi.,"A'Wl" wp"" lM (-" "). srmr .t.,.,''.rd!rrI!,,r Wor"M U- ,lurtts loch, arar Ais.r atan-tarif eampin ofjar-e of .e ahirre anlrtes taa .n at tau oe. to sOitta deuT.rte7J.t !!rf Hhi.ieta mini aiatf their rr.ttlM rrir. (w.' Bins' fce ft. ni m wntV .1 trrU aa In Bure.h Ms ssaia- f sch bid snu.t no TiiTrrt-d trf two rropotulat .rr ' son., ttt.iie ntimature. n.Sat be apswri.led to the narla tee,, nrf rerrl r,i in as l..rt m;4 sonVteut eeeurti , for itir aniouii Involved, b v aorse puttie fuoctionarr of United Hutea. Hhis rrom drfTtftfna eotitrrvsiar. et.. a... . . . - fliilyromrly trt.t Iht rrvwIfYHrrUof " t BilTrTlmi.iaS Will no, he coitaideiK. Hiaak forma tor sroanesls ankradrur ts tenasi of tsar marantre rivUlrren eerli bid. sail be tied ob airveyas).a at lltla office : ana none nthrra wIVl! dn u S-aarsn'ee tt lll tx-,-ihi.Klrrl, m arffl an.Tprijl 'rrm . Iti. nd whi.et doe. bot r7vr7y ren ont. to the FtOBlreaaaeaa Iben ln atetli-rl. t-uveeaai nils niu.t be enoVrand "PropoasSj flrmf nTrtiitais T statlni uie psrUoular aaairl bid for. rr . ... If B. PROBtftS, a"-M A.Q.M.tronHr. 0. A E M Y CM' P P L I K 8'. Omn or AmW rtiAvw Ho. M S ltKiHvaKr New VoarJ-Ausii.tl. Ie.' Sraled l'riPOal. ttlll be reeaStrrd el Iti. ilia..,....... o'clock M.oa 1 lll'KrtHAr, Hie llth Inttrjit.fjr denvraa tr conlrnrt. at the lieoot firm . i !inii,ir.. . InAcw Vorivclty7- Nl'Wftl tOOteaf . 1'fRtrtMl Hoterf. 8wed Ittota. rffrinvl l(vu. Farklnir Hoxm. Wimpla ar it birh eu ha iMfliat tfi nmr tiMsiLa.. i"BHtii7 wor imt m s ui mail, sv now 4 They will aubrntt with thetr arinwiili s 4 artlr. Umy pntMaa to furnuh. A propsr snarantea muet aoooripaay aU Md for Use- IMiatui perfonnanoe of a oontracL ThsCnttHd A'aiee rokervee therfetw tornieH any Wart or the wht jasot Uie bids, as may be doomed for tha .War"' of the aervtce. 1'reBMxia.i ahould be endnrmed lmrs4vavtai tV MMBa.t.iaa. ( ttora luaert Uie name of Uia arUcle bid thr) V' and -trlHHeaoi Lteatenant-ttannMl Ttt A. vi NToa aul Tl Vputy gQartormaatw-4nerai, U. 8. A. JUHY SUPPLIES. Ornoa or Aaarr t'tomiso sar Qrrrrs, MI Smit.it, o , . Xsw roar, Jylrs tail. ' Healel rYotteaels win b raretted al ttita ortloe eeiU ti oVict,M.,onTlil)HitlaY,uieliih of Auru.t e.tt, rv ' the dellverr br oi.ntr.ct, at the Ueoot t Axaar Uotataa " son tkiaiiieur In Kew York CI j - Ami Blenset., oT dotneade tnanTtfacrsr. wool, m, (ltlt letters l. 8. In black, t btehea loa. la toe ooatret i te be 7 fret long, aud a reel luolus wide, re weaaki poini.h each. ludib r will state th nnnker the with to faraisk i haw ' ntenr -Berj eea deliver er week I wbe. tttor a lint BBiwirs, and v hr. ihrj can finite, ttielr dellverMS. rvvsohl. tnuat lie accomianled bt a proper saarafttaa. ' seirTprr lnJi thai If the eoairaoc la awarded t th aartr nenied therein, he will at once eveeu- Ihe ooutraet, aai . give hntirla rorlh fslthflil pesfimBanoe of the aero. The failed atsiee reeerrss Ut rtg lit to reject al MaW deettied c hieetinnitoie. Proooaela .hirtilo beeaderaed MProaosals for rerntaarac Bauttetst aad addre.aed to Lleauauat-Colonel D. II. VTlTTOrT, yW ft- ltep-j tir.M.Crea ,U.H. A- 1R0Pt)8ALS FOR MALLEABLE IRON CA.- vslry 1 rUunitngs. Oaaaaact Own., Was rtrnimrrirr, WaaHiMiiros, Jalv 14 uat. . HKAt.Kt) FHOPOBAL8 wiu be reoelvod t Utla oaBna nntu 8AH iniAV. Auiruet i, Ihm, at to clock, p. st.,rrer ' tli (leltvsr at the followats point, or the andenaenUoaeat ' qnantitlea ef atajleabie-lroa trimmings for cevalrr iata- " auenta: i 1 '! Si" y.or 'mT' X w Tort., 80400 sets. , A At tlie r rttnkford Ar.ensJ, 10.ISH) arts. At the AUnrhenr Arsenal. W ISO sett. At the (tti liale Araeoal. 10,1X0 ats. ' r fcarh set ta to ooual.t ol Ihe uumhers of saoli klaa OS . bnc.le.siiiiBiT, ring, brll, stud, and loop svtw prosoiieed. . except that iwa of ihe It rlnga la each set ar to be atsow ' ol the as w pattern, with atii, aocnr.llnir to th model t I be .fen at th above arsenate. The eaaUnKs are ts as maileof lh kvat qualltr ot mallesbl Iron, tlie tongues at tlie buckli'a of the beet atock wire. Tlie dimensions f ItierlranedeBatlnKisndthettnlah.anddlotenBlonaef taa borbi tongu. ead roller, mint conform strlotlrta ta) .' Btamhtrd srtawee, V. hlch will he applied before jaianntn. Alter trellis tliorotiulil cleaned and treed from aU sprarea uu iinuieriuL-., uie are to D japan neq la ta Bresa Oianner. 1 he stmds asr to be nnt ap In papers, la th ueoal saa , Ber, aud a-ad, two .unilred complete aeta In a boa of a qnanir. aad marked, may be prescribed br the laspeot 1ns (fllct r. Th oak Is lo he subject to Inspection at the mania- fsotnrr In aJI stnire. of lis pmrrctt, and no goods ar . to be rrcclTvd or ueid fur which Uav not paeaetl In.pw -tlon. J .'llrerlea are to b Btsdo as fonows I ItlOders wiM" slat lb weeilv rat at vrhlok taer east . . Cll-llVCI. HMrtera will .tale the arsenal nr anenals where rh' prr.io. tn deliver, eud Ihe number of eels the propose a 1 deliver nt ear.lrrplaoe, if fr more than one. Failures ba I Brake deilverie. ei eieclHed tone will aubjeot the oa- i tra torwo a f rrwiure t Hi number be ma r to dellrar st that time. -' ho bitt. will he reectved from partls other thaa revujar ' ttiantilBcliuiTBioS the artlelee pmpoeed for, ajtd wha ar , known to this lieiariiitin to ba cauAble of aaeoutukg Ut their own thope ttre work propoaed for. t or m. ot bids caa a obtained at the sbor BAaaegr arr,eiials. l-rnoHli not mait etrl en (Alt form trtfl a of ts to- HdertJ. OlMBtNTF.K. The b'rlder will be n iiuirmt to ereompaar his asvatost tlon with aKt'srniMee, srviied b two responsible pereoaut. li st In caai hi. tld be sccapled.he wtU at ones eaecats) the ooutraet for the snro.. with irood and sornctrot ir tlee ta a ktim eritial to theaatoutit of the oontraot, to Ae- t liver tlieartlrla. proposed la coaformlt with tti terra, ol this arvvrllM-ineailt and In cave lire aeld bidder akew4 tail io enter Into tire contract, tnev ta make good Iks dif 1 1 recce hei ween ths offer of said bidder and tbe neat ri'Mpon.lhle l.rdder, er th patsoa lo whom us oo street UBy be awardf.1. l'tie ie.Miraiblllt of tti guarantors must b saowsi by the ulllclel oertlflrate or Uia Clerk of the noar et District Court, aad tha I'nlted Huttea DUtrtat As- ' lirtM-y. Honda la th sua equal to tha amount of ths ootttraoC . atgl.erl hr the eoulractor anil tKith i4 bit srraraat r. , wit be teriulied nfthe aucxesafol bidder er btddert, spoa alga ' lus tlie conn mot. . FcvttM Or OUAKAVTKf,. We, the tinder.iiiBMl, re.ldenu In, la ths coi'niy of .and sjtate of , hereS eresf ,aaei jolnllt aud ai-veraily eveaaat with ths United Stat,i susraaiee, In oseo Qiefore.olna bi4 of b ao cepnd,thal heor they will at one eaeeat tlie eoatraot tor tnt aatne,.wrn teiio ana airmcient auretiea ta a sura , 4(ikI to rbe.nietiirl of th. ooniraet. to funrl.h th artlotes prutced in eottarratlty with the terms of trite adv nrenl, deled Jots 14. 1 4, uarler which the tldt and tncs.ethek.id shall fail to enter Into a ciptrart e. H0.rc.elri. we irusrantee to make (rood tbe drf- , fnrence hetween the ofter of ihe eawt and ths t est loo em rs.pMi.iklr b ddor. ar tli persoa to waam Uut , cirirtrsct ma oe awaroto. t t II. n under oar hands aaa Witness: f this day of, IB. To this grrsrenie must be appended th ofSelai osrtin 1 orUa cate aoove arietiriontd. t rich p!rt? oinxiiiins b aontract wtn he nhlised to enter . IlllulM'in.swieh apprvvey sureties Ibr tiro taltiltul aaeoo s tit a of lie .erne. , I pon tto uward heir's made, auere.iruf bMrii'ri wfl 3 be notlfli u kbki nimlshed w'th frmrs of ooatraol aaut b-'iril. 'J he Il'psrluieat ret.rve. the rtuht to rejfol anf or all tlis biiS Ii ortuird nti.atbifentor on a" , arcr.Kiil. " Proi.'Mla will l-e sSdreaaeit to ''AriKedrar-Oeaerai fieoru t. ttr,to.H vrhlef oi OrUas'ice. v .r.!iitrTa, 1. I'.." end will be e.l,.rfd "lrop.eia for M.lie.uie ttear , tetany Inaumasa.'' OKillKir l. VMS AT, l Jyia-tnrhauBSM HrU.-t.ea , Oni at Otdaaus. gaBlrrnPVma, IWT13VS ffw'TllOO'lTAOH OflOANS, , Mot oauv tjMKVrlxI.rtl out t b HOIALL tc aorttr Cf Ttat andl'owet.de.Ujiaed eapr-cullv fst f'kurcaee eevf nch.H.U, but Rnd to be ciui y w.u aaepted to tuerenar. B.d ltrswtog itonas. tatBSleoaUky P.. at. BHUoa;, Wo U It. S-BVUNTM Ktntet. Alao. a snoiDlat asaorfacsm sf U Ferfeet Nt4odo oneeairUi oa aend. su t -aoa X)VNM 8TKAM KNOINE AND BOLLRR. X Works SHAKIIS Lrv Y, Viaotlcal aj4 TbeorttaV. ttustneais, atechuil.ts. holier-makers, Bleckeoiitaa 00XL4 t ieindera, kavurs tor meliy yeere beeu tn aueceN.fuiovere. tli.a, and been excltialvely erigaved In building and repanr Ins marine and River tUislnee. hleh aod low prae.ure, Irnsa, rtallers, Water Tanks, Proueltara, Ac. Ac, reepeetruiljn OS. r their strrvtcea to the puohe as being tilly prepered ens enatrest for Knsiuee of slf ataee. Marine, Klv.r, Bird Ubtreiy ; havtriB eeta of patterns of dlrtenet slaea, are pr- pared to execute ordeve with quU-k de.ltclt. Kverjr doe. srrlplioa of bettarn-ataklaa made at - a vneel uritiea. Ulrih sad km priue.lfh.,Tribiilr,erdC;l,"ilr Bollora,. of Uie beet renaeytvaais charooel r.n, formiof.. of aaa. suree aad hinds; Iron and hreea Ceetima of ail oetcet-. tlon ; kolV ttrmhut, isrxew.eaUiag, and ailolker Work soar netted with the above t.ln.M. . . lir.wUisa and eiMk-Ulaatipria for SO work oon at tMSl SeUbllshnreut frtur of elieore, sad work ' The sut-erlbers have trope wh Aoca nuai tat raw pair of bora., where tlieyt-a lie In perfeut Mlaw, attd er provloed ottk sheer. tkreAS, (ails, ., fi for ralftlusi Kav, ht wst" JArx,B 0. -rrr. VfTB, JOHN ('.. UV, juaVM BEACH aiut PAXkUJt eMsta.a T1BIDEBBUBQ MACIUHB 01X8, OBTIOE, Mo. OO Ti. F1XONT rriiJaiKT. miiumoi'mA. v Wa ara inmuefl to 011 orders to all a!-U ar our well know a "at ACBJKKJtl FOB C0TT0X ASP WOCHIH MUXaU Inctndlns all 1 iBljrreesrareabt at wssj, reptmuase W.Wvn.e tb. aivmllo. sf kaa.nl. to ar It -, ..7llolld. has wrnuved hie ahos s-'ts rWUlllea fur earrylns on ta .'-.-MSS saars et4Us swuva-a.