J L au HIE DAILY KVKNINO TEI.EGIUHT. rHILADEU'IIIA, FRIDAY, ACGUST 5, 1601. Orating Sjltppli A DAI1.T UmHOOI sTEWSrArUL OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET . Frit Two ajarr rmi Ootev. a Twnni 0ra Pre Wiasayaneslo'ke Cn(,H mailed heorera aaateftneCny et rxrKu.iaarsa Arl "" Dou-ab Mfl Bloimse, Invariably la a4veee ths Pnod AA tlaaraeate inserted at the enel rates. A liberal tllUtMl made lot sateened Bvaerllene. T Owa. P a "" . be laseej of Aoauvmoua Communications. rt!Ti!r tSrZ'IH "t be anlh.n-t ated t)v IkaiMM eaal alree writer stos neoe.aartsy lor BnliUmlion "l aa ewereniee r Me "d faith. We aamaet antfMUk at retr reotod Cotnmanloailoa.. !" ' Te A4niilir. twfaw aTeavt tncreaaa tn the Ctrrwt.tlon. of TitK jreie Tvj.ihai'M, oiimpelilng oe in en lo pres. at an earlr bnmr, we aivently rninet thai advertisements mar b aaartevt In a. aoon aa 10 fl'dm l, II Boeslnie, lo secure aheee aa InsertmB In all of our editions FRIDAY, AVOUST C, IM. PftOCUIflRTION BY GOV. CURTIS. '80,000 MILITIA CALLED OUT frAMtiUBVRO, Anffoit 5. In tbe name nd by tbe tulborlty of the Commonwealth of Pennjl TnnU, I, Andrew O. Curtin, Governor of the said Common wttltb, rBOCtAMATIOH. Tint avdvaaca of tie Rebel rmr has ognin crotted the Potomao and thin raornlnfr occupied Hagsrstowa. I bII for thirty thousand volun teer militia, to be m nitercd into the service of the State to rve during the emergency for the defense of the Suta. Tbe men east of Johnstown rill rendnroui at Harrtabur, and those went of that place at ritteburg. J cBMt too earneatlx urge upon the people of tbe State the necessity for the Immediate pres ence of this fore. The General Orders which accompany this procimrjAtlou tot forth the arrangements for IMntporUtioa, Ac-, and the mode of organ! saUon. By tbe Qororoor, A. Q. Cubtin. ;Bu 8lifbb, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Gbkvbal Omr.a No. 53. Hbadqvahtbrs ruNpevLVAHiA M ii.iTiA, AufroHt fi. In Bceord suioe with my Proclamation this diiy made, it is ordered I First- That all able-bodied men of Pennsylra Bin do immrdiatriy aaMmble in their reapcc'lve Borowffbe, Wants, and Townships, and organize cotnpsuitei for tbe defeiwo of the State. Htcond. Companies) aa rapidly at organized Hill, on application to the different railroad coin jMuiiea, he furnlrhed with traD-portatiou bv the United fltatee to the proper render.votm. Tboe drfnrsiaed weat af Jobnatown to Gump Reynolds, at liitttrarg s tboee east of Johnstown at C imp Curtin, at Harri-burif. where they will be sub ided by tbe United Hutes Oovcrnment, and swora Into the serrice of tbe 8uao for State dernae daring the pecVod of the existing emer geixy, aodi'wiU be orgnuized into reglincnu. tyf order of A. G. Ctrtiw, Oorernnr and Commander-in-Chief. I A. L. RtrassLL, Adjutant-Ocneral Pennsylvania. HIXIT ART BITtJATIOX PETERS- Bt'Bfl ATLANTA. , The public depression at the unsuccessful ftUAck upon Petersburg Is neither warranted f the .allure, nor comprehensible except Upon the supposition of partial review of the military situation. It Is owing to ge.no reJ tendency among as, to.'eonslder that a long- prepared attempt must be the signal of sue eees. It is also owing to a general tendency to great exaltation at good news, when, If the Msreree comee, the revulsion or leeling la so great as to create despondency. . From whatevor cause this false Impression M to the Petersburg affair Is derived, It Is Our duty to attempt to dissipate It by a re- View of the military situation. From our present stand-point of knowledge, it Is Impossible to decide what was the cause of our want of success. It Is absurd to declare thatbecAuee corps which were Intended to tupport engaged troops were not ordered for ward, that military Incompetence must have existed. Troops are placed within supporting distance of others, for the purpose of being ordered forward In certain contingencies, With a certain revelation of the extent of con tentrated fire that an enemy can bring to bear, k general rightly desists from sending his troops to a alaughter-pen. As for the demoral ization of the negro troops, something more than the simple establishment of the fact of their demoralization Is needed to prove that they behaved In a cowardly manner. Any troops may be demoralized. There Is a limit Of endurance beyond which human beings can not go. We believe It to be pretty well e-itab- lfcbed that the French ran away from Water loo; and although the "Guard dies, but never feurrenders, a good many of them lived to tell the story of their own magnanimity. j We are unable to ascertain more than that tbe attack on Petersburg was well planned and that It tailed In the execution. The prtv limlnariea were admirable. But w hen the timu or action came, the fuse would not burn ; tb attack waa delayed In consequence; day 'dawned; the mine exploded; the assault was Bi&de,but not on the Instant; and the negro troops were repuhtod In an attack on the Inner line of works. Whether these were untoward 'accidenta, or the result of mismanagement, lie who, at present, durcd to judgo conclusively nttutt be a prectumptiions man. 4 ' Although we cannot, with certainty, eataV ILu the cawes of our wunt of s'icoc-is, jxt, li carelul comparison oi tlio accounts of cor reopondonts, we can gain a general knovlojo what occurred. Reconciling, aa nearly a C6lble, the slight dkcrepaiiL'Ies which appnar iu the aocxMuiU, it appears te be established that the eoaault upon the exploded fort waa made by both white and negro troops the block troop bringing up tbe rear of th'; col num. It b ahio epUMbhtd that, for at luadt an hour, the action was continued butwejn .the enemy and tho white troops, who w unable to make a serve lodgment In th 'captured crater, and wboll unable to m ik any Impression on the enemy's inner Uae of work. It wa at thl moment that General F&u BKBO'e Division of negro troops was ordered to assault the crest held by the enemy. A more severe teat could not be asked than tbe con- 1 deration whether these men did not undergo as much a could be expected of white troop "of equal length of service. It seems probable. "During the occupation of the crater of tbe . exploded fort, the enemy continued to arrive la to roe. Cars were heard coming from Rich mond, and troops from the line about Peters burg were converged to the point of atUck. rTet the negro troops took a light Intermediate line of works, and It wa, on their attempting to take the main Una tUt the, were forceJ back In disorder. The auVt was renewed, and they were completely dlaorjauUed and . put to flight The correspondent of the Nw York Herald, who cannot, of course, be aide, red partial to negro troops, says t la connection with this story of alleged do - Bsoraliiaiion, justice compels it to be added that tin troop ever maJe a tWr charmi thun in-t made br the colored troops on the eneiuv'a first line directly following the mine exploaion. ll is true they (til buck after tbu srooud cliargw - but It ts alMi true tu&i in tw cuarge luaon lu 2 this wax have troop beun uiiiior such a aevere and murderous xpkHilng lire of musketry aod sHlfltftlHM. Hare we the right to expect throe troops to be bettor than white once? If raw white ' troop bad brn thug demoralized, would we j hare blamed them under the circumstances f II a ring eliminated some error In regard to the attack on Petersburg, let us now consider the main question, Whother otir want of itie ceae ran be properly called diiatious? The. whole of the military operations muat be taken Into account, for they were all concerted with the tIcw of capturing the town. They may be briefly summed up as follows: : General IIawcoi k defeated the enemy at ; Dwp ltottom and at Malvern Hill. We blew up a fort In Petersburg and assaulted the pom tlon of the enemy, who assaulted, In turn, and was several times repulsed, the loss of men on both sides being about equal the highest estimate of ours being three thousand In killed, wounded, and nilxalng. The balance, of success Is with us; for w won the engage ments ut Deep riot torn and Malvern 11111, an 1 destroyed an Important salient of the enemy's orks at Petersburg. Against thee advan tages the only thing which the enemy can place Is a knowledge of one plan of attack. j There is something, however, still remain ing to be considered. We In the North are too prone to regard the movements of th'j ' army near Richmond as the onl military , affbir worthy of attention. It Is true, tint the taking of Richmond will definitively ' relieve Washington from all danger ; and that, as capitals influence strategy, the capture of Richmond is therefore of twofold Importance Tet.ls not Atlanta also strategically Impo tan'.? lias General Siikbmasj been doing nothing f r the last three weeks ? Why, he has repu'sed the enemy In three battles. Repulse morj disastrous have not beun witnessed even in tills war. Taking General Thomas's account of the actual numbor of the enemy known to have been killed on the 20th and 22d of July, and adding to them the usual proportion of wounded, and the prisoners captured, and In cluding the number given In the latest newj about the battle of the 28th, wo find that whlla the Union loss for the three days amounted ti somewhat less than six thousand In killed, wounded, and missing, that of the enemy was thirty thousand aevon hundred and eighty two. This, of course, does not cover the en tire loss of the enemy, because he must have carried off some of his dead and wounded, and because tbe returns from General Thomas's lines were not complete. What do we dosire ? What more could we have? Uninterrupted success? No Power ever yet obtained It. It is the balance of warlike strength whlchfprcpondorates. Lt us not bo forgetful of the deeds of our brave countrymen, and above all, let us not be un grateful to God, who has lavwhod victory In answer to the prayer of our people. KF.ILC(TIHG THE RVniMKSTM. We have a great many colleges, and miny more schools, private and public, and we brag great deal abont what we call universal education In America ; but I not this one of the numerous agreeable delusions with which we amuse ourselves ? In proportion to popu lation, perhaps there are more boys and girls In the United States who can, vulgarly speak ing, read end write, and perhaps cipher a little, than in most other countries ; but with that exception, who would pretend to boast of our educational system as respects its practice efficiency and results? Take the mass of the young men who are graduated yearly at our leading colleges, and what is the average of their actual acquire ments? Out of a class of fifty or sixty whj are given their degree of Master of Arts, how many are really master of any one branch ot study? Occasionally we may meet with a scholar who deserves his diploma. Yet for one such, there are a hundred or a thousand whose substantial acquisitions would disgrace a freshman in any first-rate British university Wilh a miserable smattering of knowledge in all the branches of a regular course, they are positively proficient lu none; and it Is a tact, quite as notorious as it ts discreditable, that they get through In the end by a systom of cramming and Imposturo which Is practiced In cur most respectable institutions with a degree of facility and success that would set m to Imply connivance on the part of professors and trustees. In our public schools we djubt if the plan of instruction and the result attained are much, If any better. Examine the majority of graduates in both coses, and what do they know ? They may answer you glibly enough some few questions In this or that branch of science. One may furnish a tolerable version ofalineof Uobace, another demonstrate a problem in Euclik, a third explain the philo sophy of boiling water, and the like-; but arts there ten or five In a hundred who can be said in any single line of study to have achieved accomplished scholarship? We do not, however, mean to speak of do- flclencles In classical learning, nor In physical and metaphysical science. There Is a yet I graver and more disgraceful fault lu our aca- ! derate education. We assert that American youth are not taught English; that not one In a hundred who leave college or a high school, with the usual testimonial of scholastie at- tolnments, can read, or spell, or write Ui 1 mother tongue decently. It is possible that he may discourse very flippantly about Greek and Roman mythology, or cubes and square roots, or dynamics and hydrostatics, aud all that sort of thing ; but we tind irtuke to say, that If he be required to prcpnro a paragraph cf a dozen or more lines fbr a newspaper, he w ill commit some shameful blunder In the or Olograph) or the fcramnuir of it. Lutuuyone rider to bis private correspondence, and see bow fnr we are borne out In this charge. Is It cot the rarest thing to see Americans writiuii their own language, not with ele gance, force, and fluency, but wilh propriety? How many citn speak It correctly, or even read It with becoming grace and effect? Pub lish without amendment the serious disserta tion of men who are reputed scholars, and whet sad demolition you would make of their literary character I Print, Just HI it U pro nounced, the deliberate speech of many a lawyer or statesman among us, and see what a marvellous havoc be mokes of the ordinary rules of syntax aud prosody I Ask any one of , a casual company of clever men to read a pas sage from any English classic, In pro or , verse, and mark the elocution. The chance are that it will be sung through the nose with I a monotonous whine, or mouthed as some moon-struck player would pronounce It, In utter disregard of all proprieties of accent of pauses, or delivered with a totneneas ot man- , ner wholly unapprociattve and un!tnprestve. The reason of this is obvious. Neither , Erjglihh grammar nor rhetoric are taught and earned In our schools. Tbe rule or both may got by rote, but the philosophy of iwlthor Is ever thoroughly comprehended or applied. Reform lu this Is certainly needed, and may be very easily Introduced. Let our young men be proficient English scholars at least. Let them be able to read, write, and speak belr own tonjru eorwcUy, and eten grace ftUly, however deficient they may be In the dead Ungunges. The latter need not be neg lectd, but a masterly acqulidtlon of the former should be the primary aim and fundit wental condition of American scholarship. It Is not so regarded now, and the fact Is appa rent enough In every day's familiar social In tercourse. Indeed, to her us talk and see us write, a board of competent Englbh critics would pronounce us, In the main, a nation of blockhetwls. i Anri llK. A local contemporary says : "War bus slain Its t hoo -and cholera infan " turn carries off ita little vlrti ma by tens ot thou " sands Tbe total deaths or till city Uat wrek were 1M, which l jmt 43 mire than in the " wk before, and 27 more than In tho cirrus. - ponding week of lKt;:i. To hundred anil " I f y-ix children were trnn-lated Inst week to a " belter world. Two liiinilnd and liriy-iix little ' rollins were follow i d by sorrowing parents to the grmcvsrd. Two hundred and fiflr-in " liithts of homo were CKtiDgulahei, mainly by "cholera infantum, dysentery, diarrhea, and " convulsions, peculiar to children." A New York exchange make the following report : "1 he mortality list for the past week is rather " formidable. Deaths from all disease, StO. " Of tbei-e, 313 were children under ten years of " sue. Increase over latt week, 4"i. Cnolera io " funtum had 'M victims; consumption, 6i; " scsrlot fever, lGj killed by accidouts, 9j " drowned, 10." It will bo found difficult to controvert the fact that, of Uie Immense mortality among children which every summer brings, the major portion might be averted, If less culpa ble carelessness and a higher degree of ac quaintance with the dutlos and responsibilities of maternity were prevalent among mothers. The second summer is the period In human life whloh is most thickly besot with perils of disease and helplessness, whon, as a general rule, the infant is deprived of its mother's nourishment, and supplied for the first time with artificial diet; when its little limbs first learn their uses, and when they require the most scrupulous and untiring attention. And yet when wo look about us in our dally walk and observation, can we resist the conviction that the pitiable Ignorance of many mothers, and tho criminal negligence of others, deprive each year thousands of children of tho breath of life, with as muclt cortalnty as though the act were committed with delibe rate intent, and Indictable as an Instance of Infanticide ? Wherever we bend our steps we find poor, puny, and neglected little ones, en trusted to tbe tender mercies of hirelings, Who see no appeal In their piteous looks, and who alternately stun" or starve them without the remotest thought for the direful conse quences. We find women In whom all the maternal allcctions are blunted whoso love of gay society and visiting has vanquished all natural cate for their offspring; and, alter a time, the l ift rmlngled crape and ribbon pendont over tl.eir llutcls, the little coffin and the dismal hearse standing before their doors, procl titn, In conscience-quickening significance, the result of most craul and inhuman negloct, which, although not an offense before an earthly tribunal, stands upon the books of the recording angel as murder. Perhaps, however, the most numerous and distressing cases occur through the utter Igno rance of mothers in the care of their children. Wc often find thorn, after a paroxysn of pas sion, ministering to the appetite of infants thai which, Instead of being their n itural nourish ment, becomes an active aud pala-producing poison. The samo malignant 'effect is pro duced from the use, by the parent, of unsea sonable or unwholesome food, or f on vioknt or insufficient exercise. But tho most harraw- ing picture in connection with the subje t is presented in the crowded and pent-up dwell ings of the poor In our large cities, many of whom are born, exist, and die without ever knowing exemption from impurity of all kinds, moral and matirinl, and whosj th dren, to fearful extent, populate our numerous ceme teries. Here, again, Is infanticide committed to an oxtent horrible to contemplate, and to urrest it is as Impossible as to check profanity or inferior grades of vice. Still, there Is anotiier class of poor among whom infant mortality is large, but Inevitable people who, through j poverty or contracted circumstances, are pre cluded from procuring tbe necessary comforts for their little ones, and who follow them to their last homes with the full consjious.icss that a single week of country air and rural scenery would have snatched them even from the yawning gulf of the grave. The sorrows of such are sacred, and the sufferers cau only console themselves by faith iu the great Com forter, who doelh all things well. Oi ii Clahh-m ATRa. it is a rf in irku'ilc fact that the con cvt bet re Atlanta brought t'ge!her three old rlaii-uiutcs tVnin West l'juil. (.itieial Hood. Major-Oi iierarl Mcl'lier.-on, and llrigad.er Gonetal bchotiold were old "cumu-," liiin.t roinu-niaien iluiing the last year o tnuir cadet Hie. Mci'herMin aud lloril were particulsr fik'tids, yet one full by the hnnda of the other. An old lady, sevcntt-eU;ht treats ot" age living In Schuyler county, Illinois, tve birth to twiiiS, two girls, a short time aitice. Mother uui dauiihtcrs doing well. "JmrrUstl. rArilF-EI.I.Ifl)TT -Iu ltalllinore, An-u.t M, by lU Vr II. 1'. t o.kery. liilAltUES l. H.li III', ii III NftlK'lTA M., daub'titer of lluujaolln blHctt, e;,i. CAMrKLL-lHOlt.N'ro.S.-On tlie Jl-t of July. I8-.I, hv the li' v. .VC'ti l'crrv, Mr. AaAS CAMl'liLL to MbM EMMA I HOHN rOJs. i LAIlKANOIi-DKLA.IY. -On theevenlng nf .Inly 17th. ' br Uie lev. ll. r. Kablen, John n. l.ADitA.NDH, of Alaiua, to lllia M AllY M. KEI. i.N r, orrotlavlUe, l'. 1 MAZl'lilE BAITZl, -Oa the ?d Inalant. br Chaa uili Umtl I . M. A.. Mr. KKAN OIS 1'. hLAMUlL to Hui Ji.M I'llINK. llAllZL. nil u rill . city. i 1'I.o-rrs-SLA VIN.-On tlieJJUolJuly, In St. Joaoph's ' Clitireh, NewOrloana bv fie Rev. '. Smith Mr. It. ll. 1 I. O I 'l l, t . . .1., or riilladili'bla. rc , lo Hln K A I K HI.AV IN. younkoat daughtor of air. tdward Slar.n, o! New Orlcaua. llMl. ANHAKT. At Reading. Pa , August Id after a llnger lni lllnen. A N N I K l oorKB wile orfjb irles U. Ansurt, aod dnui'liti r ol William 11. and Mury i onper. CIJM II Ul on Weitncaday, the Id Inalant. la the Snih year of bar ai. MAUI , relict ot the late Ljuij t'u.lliul OLADISO.-On the M tnatant, MART AHK, wUaof Idr Oe.iueti lading, in the iath var of her a.e. The reUUvea und trliinua ol tlte lamily ara reapacttnlly Invtted W attend ttia luneraU Iruin the residency of hr bu.b'UW, So. 44! Vine sueot, ou biuulav aitaiaooo, lib uwla.it, at il o'clock. liltAFK.-Onthelat Inataot, ANN, wife of B, Orafi, In tlte etin yam ot bar aa. '1 be ralativea and Irtejida of the family ara apeetfully Invited to attend bar fnueral , from the r.auduna ot bar aim-In law. William Kckfeldi. No. '4JS tlirard avanua, on felalurdoy afternoon, tbe bin Instant, at a o'Uock. To pructied to Atouuuwnt Cemetery. HA 10 KR.-On Thureday. August 4. ISM. a the rat denca ol 'lw grandfather. John A. li.iwolt, rwonty-ltiurih Ward ASNK, only daughter ol il. W. aud Kaki rlarpaa, In tna ?th year ol her a. MIIUNOIL-Ou tbe 4lb Inst, JANE WEST IIORNOU, akin of Joaepb P. Humor, iu Uie autb year of nor aae. Iter reiallviie and ttlen.bi are Invited to attend ttia Itiue ral earvleeA. at Nt. Mary 'aCb'rvh, l.oeu.t a treat, beSwuan Ih.rty-nUitb and rortjeUi streets, on viurdav aferuooo, Uie bib tin-, at 4 o'clock, lulartnent at Laurel I1UL NORTH HO P. On Tueaday avenltia.1 Auguat Id. IHlnt, ANNA, ihlnl daublei vltioorge aud bully w. iiurtUfvip, aged ware. VAl'X On Thursday awrnliM, Aagual 4th. ISM, KHJ-.Di-.lUL'lv (IHAiV VAVA, uuif Sbikf af WllUaru . . aud a.inuy tl. Vaua. IOST.-f-r'.KTIFICATB VO. 13, DATED t Jury 13, bxrj, mm share ef ll rapltal SHoak of the Ko.ua. I aiHt t'tllfil HlrMtal'aaaangev Railway Company, hi lh nuuoJ M. H. lUl ey Aa ajipltriUen hat ba Oimte li I Km 4'MDtMUV hit a niw i;iruncate, tee flaW elpaae return iOe aaoM v Ue eti.ee if tbe CNMnpany. n 9 io.J0 -ftew HOlrT. IT. TAVtOi iXJKKN OF BKAtrrY WHITB VIROIM Wax of Atiwiee te tbe moat ertecl ereparatioa or the (or bvatruiyuiii. wnusum. ana prmrvm ute Comi'ieXfOU. l BSiv limn '.r Tfuist w, nsjiiow ivsj exiraordinary (tnalltimi for prwiorvini tlte akii, luakiDa It oft, eronoth, lair, and traniipMrent. It enrwa chappwl bandit or hpe, rtauovoa plmp. c Prta 26 and .'jOouuu. Mrujua'-UirTd only by UWt CO , ferruufyra. Nv. 41 S. jLylUZITtS Ht i loon aoore i fwwnit-t. TU. V A Ii It A V II Tf, HUCtKSSOa TO W. It. CAUhTL, MA8UNIC IlAftL., V: 719 0EESNTJT Street. WINDOW H II A I) I 4. OUltTAINH, Ann MO8QriT0 NE'lTDfOS. BUSINESS ITEMS. Y L E C T R I C I T Y . LOOK AND LIVF.I A WOUD TO THE WISE 19 M il It'IKNTI All ill. rrn-iMl condition", both acuta and chronic whfre tlaia U v tallty anounb left to react, are ixirmane nil enrrd. Iir warrantee, at No. IJ WAI.Nl'T Htreot, Phila delphia, and In ca of a failure In moat ob annate maladies, no charge la made, rilectrlrat Inatliutlon, eatanllihed about five jeara o bj rrofeaaor II0LLF.S. Itd tin fo'lowlug: A ctaaa of maladlei pravalla to a foarful anient In com Dinnlilea, dooming loo.onu yoaiha, of both ea, annually to an early srava. These dl.eiaet are very Imperfectly undi-ratood. Their oatcnial manlfeatatiotu or armptoma arc nervuui debility, relaxation, anil great eiuiullon, maraatnai, or waallox and conauniptlon of the tiaaiiea of Ilia whole body, ahortneaa of breathing, or too hurri -d breathing on aaoending a hill or flight of atalrs, palpitation of the heart, aathma, brunchltli, and a dry, aore throat, ttemhling and eha.lng of the arm, and lower llmb, aversioa to society, buaiii-aa, and to atudr : anra limei, dininaai of the elnht, loas of memory, dliiluesi of the bead, ttu.aliiia pain In various pan. of Uie body, palnilnthe back and lower tlmbi. lumbwo. dya pi'pala, constipation of the bowola, deranged aeeratlona of the aldmya, and many other fUmla of tbe body, pro diu leff virulent dlaea'es lit both maiea and f imaloa ; llke Ua pllopy. hyaterle, and different forma or nirniiii spaanis. Now. tlieii, Dlnely -niMe caaa out of every hun dred tf all tno above-named dlara-a. and a bou ofuthera not named, a. oiiniiimptii n of the lan&.,oi of the splual iH-rrue, hare their orti' la In tbe pelvic vtacera, hence the wantot surcet-s by any of the old medical aystcma of practice. DI-tVHEH OK K1MAJ.K. Trolapaua Uteri, Leucorrhoa, Amecorrhwa, and ! aaenorrhuia. All tl.a above ita laai and other tltei-li a ooniplalnta have their origin In a loat ot the vital power of the liody, brunuhl on by Injuria-, axocaaea, s-'den'ary hnhtta,ieraHial abuais, abortlona.and Hie aae of puwerfal m dlclnea. Horaecf ire peculiar symptoms are dra gmg palna thiaugh ttie hip and back, weakueaa of the llmba, and extreme lanuuor and debility throaghout 'be eatlra aystem. The effecti prodaced from tbe-e troublssoms maladies are almcst multltudinoua. Coojiimplloa, Dys pei'ala, eural(ila, raraly.la, Keafnras, lllirijuos, fua, and Inaanity, S'-d even Idiocy, are aot uncommon. ho eftcctnal t re'ilab'e reinc!) l-as ever been futtnd for thee nlainili.it coini laiuta till our late dlarovery In tlieu-e of Klectrlrliv In strict actonlarce with the poaltlva and nei-ailvs pi larliatlon uf the Uterine Organ. We never failed In curing all of ilie above dlicaaea, etc pt In case of organ e derangement, or severe Injuries of the parts. atra Fulion.a lady of great experience sad ability, wtl have entire charge of treating In the ladles' department. Consultant me. Prof. HOI.I.FH A rr. BROWN, au3-40t No. 'W0 WALNUT Stiect, Phil idelphla. T II 13 U It 13 A T F I It E i v I1KMR1 BIMOKB'C B.NArlOKAC WAfiOX WORKS, LILLIE'S CBILLED IRON SAFE STIL. TIIS MASTER OF THE SITUATION. TBU1H Id MIl'HTY AND WILL PBEVA1L. In Enemy, like hit great Prototype, "THE FATHER Of AM. F.ltRUU," MUST SUCCUMB. The cltliena of Philadelphia and vicinity are parilctM larl) requeattd to read the following ootelrora Mr. HiNuT I 61MONM- I'Hinniri riir. Jitlr 28. Isfll. 11 C Badltr, Agent fot Milie l inlU-U Iron -ale: In ait Hia; i i.e So b I'liilied Iron Sie I purrhaicd of you lu ls J v. aa la nrv nltlce, which waa biirncMl entln ly down, will' iu wagon fHCli.ry n Friday uignt liiat. Sly teifikfcauii aie's .t;a taken out ol'tlie Sail, beioie the lira reaebi d the bull. iln, tnerelore B't attcntlirn was piid to the hale, alter the tire, for .ome d.tva. The ofliee wn a three-ilory briek hiilliltng. lyinir Just south ol m main wai.on-Btiiip.and aa the wind at the time vas from the north, the tire from the wagon. shop was foicit fetrniiuly iipon the ofTea, and eorir.lng om butthle burned entirely up. Oo ex imlnliiK the Hate the fn'IUfa. leund not ininred in the le al, and with a at of paint and a Utile reiilrliig eatornally, li r eady and ill ii.r ti.w. , ......... .W..t.u ..M..n.m, nil I II I tVHl 'III I 1 PI. HIHM j h trkioaiiiniercned a. a mm tuorougi 'iie iiru.r 111. .1(1 M.11HNS, U. H. Kaliomil Wng.ui Murks. The lollnnlh fiteis in the a'loro cerllflcate am particu lar1 noil ei.l.le Uril. 'Iheehnraoieror the liulldlng, ft. beln Incited tnit aoutli bl the main wai:ou-liop. Willi Ira imtiieuc umounl i. eiinimi.litie material; aliv Hie fct llial Hie w nil at the lime was strong from the n. nli, i nved an lunneiihe amount ot heot upon lira hiitliltiir; Second, i he loci that the Mali, waa the ntnullcat aire but nne.andth.t ll waa Inlt In the cellar, aiuone the ru'n. t'r (ta;n a Itliout care or aiteiitinii, aa ihcro ivas notlilu ten in it. 'I hint. That tbe Safe la not sprang. warx-d, or twl.ti d, but la ..till in orutr. aud til fur uav. even ute lore being atlil tiumilired. Thl. woiKlriful ruanlt. tiurether with tin- re.ult of fie lata attenipl at robtery of l.lllt(.'a Lrtlll. d lion Hate at the Vi et riiha' I'lolila ruat r una. iiini utruiineii, niuii nr to the auti.lii:tl(ia f alt (-aniea liirercttd lo .sal", that I.l'lle'a Chilli d Iroa Hale la ail ihat la claimed for It, airictlv aril then.iiunlv tire and be gl r-lirjol. the 1i.vl- w-en sale maker. laviil r.vutia , na.ertlnfl t-i the contrary notwlil,taudJ"g. Verily, a.uvicvuce is on the aidi of Ttvih. V. (' Hll't Kt A 'ent. N. It Tl " above Sa'e la n iw i m ti u. and all par tie. Interested UI l!raaSr'a.llulne ll tor rhenm lvi ". M V. .MaIII.V.IC, Auint. aolHf SoVlH siVr.Si-H Stieei, Ritsulierry 'iiIhwIh Npnrkltntf wia; A nuar niuciw Pill.-n, llli IT, fur sa e lv 1IAVI. ll II Ii-MAK14, Aai'tt ani7.nth rtritui-ia.. V, U. Hliltmnn A 4w . atint.lactuivra of New and llellcloits CiriiK'tions, A.m.'iij Ps.le, Chocolate tiaramels. Cream lit Mo.lo 1" I'arta. vxiiiisitely llavored. Itoattad Juroan Aloioude, it i . Ac Wo. Mi Ctteannt .Uo tt, 0l 1 nortb. Ae4lt t 44.St PIhuiih.- STI.OK. a CO:t M ABO N A ' BAM.4N A trrrn CABINET OUUAJtS. PL BTECK A CO.'! PIA508. J. K. flOflLO. Bevautb and L'Imsbui streets. rUHSCHlITIONH IN All) Eufferera at CLambersburg. We hara rreotvad from 0. B. IKoftliHMlTH, rii Ca.liler of tha UanA of CUaiuoarsotii, a doplorabai account f tna dvsUiutiou aalstiua ibara. feraona wUhlug to aid Uia lullarara caadoao ay sondlua' thulrvoBtrthutloasto us. HIXEL & CO., 1UM Mo. M ft. TIHBB Mroat. "TriLI-AGR ORRKN BEMINARY. MILI- Urf (hairdhul Hahool rlaains ttaiiUauber I ocml very aiHl.-raw. Thorouah aourva In alaitMMuaitiui, in- laaea, y.nstian rimirs, i, r.nsttsn pwurci - (vi...... VructMal Hts.ons In Horveylaa and Itvll Uiiatoaar- k El . . k. .. m IW .. .... At . . Isiai. Boys uf all aaa taken. AddVoas for CMaiao, JjXMm Vulaii Urooas fuUwar. Ca.,ia. OrnltOXHS D.BTATH BKTBR8IVB 80AP. aViJU AM haaea Kayirteaw eHala iMeufarv . S"5 koaaa Ormhial ! MSI boxea HimiNK.a'a OUva. '?! boaoa l.mea Hoap. lljd lioaea Anaricaa t.'aiHias, all tiaa KrvBK-a Ca.lOa. , All or any aart af wi.h I will mU nn'f'lt't'U ' jf3H-X Wo.J8J WKMea OIL CLOTHS OKETJC1.Y VARrKTY, aiaoirnietiljvd and for sale by UMWfTKU. M.AV11X CK, J tat Mo. Ma OWH kuwai, i-ail4. I. WANTS. 'I O HAKNKS8 M A K K. It tt.-WANrr-.lt I Two or three aotlve and anerg-tlr hand. Intake c n. trecta In n' 1 arlory. ! Dinntilnetnra a l.rire onaallty 01 iiAi.iKiiH. hkiih.-.s. m liiiirm, All le material will l.e Inrnl.te d then. i.A E. MKIZtlKH. Nibi S.KCH Street. r f V' A N TKD"To'ltENT . A M ODK ft VT R ......... I.. I n . 1 1 ..... in I. All. dii'.a IHI'K. Iloa H'l, I'oat Ortl.-i'. aui-SI 11TILI.KKY NU CAVALUY HOR3K3 a-aiitel. Amsi.tast Q'AaTv.v.rin-lt,iaRi.'. Oern k, I H.t.Al.l I ent., 4'tly 71, IHit. Horses snHat.le f-a ttie Anllleri and t'avalrv .ervlc. will b. far- he.4.1 ty the iiniteratuT'Ml, In iK-n mArtiet, at a fair plire. I nch anltnal I' I ano eeiod to tne u.uaI l.overn no nl Iti.iKilon Ii. fore tH-Ing arfep'id llr.e. Ir. I d.-llverril to the 1 nlt"d RUt-s In.poctor. at the WILLIAM IF.SN HOTKL, MARKET Streit.be tw en V latilli ai.it N It tli aire. i. It) nntrr m t'r.ioni.1 iieorge II. Crohman, Ajals'Jtrt QiiArti rrriaitr. Ceiiara; V. H A OF.OKHF. a OK.MK. W ICH Caplaln and A. K. M. FOR" SALE AND"tO LET. tAl'K ISLAM), CAI'R MAY, N. J. FOR rl I r . C'ottnge on Lalajetle street, U rooms. Lot liby triifral. liHintra a,.l If FIURT HTORI ABOVE ATI. ANTIC IIO'EL. Q ELEVEN THREE-STOEY J BRIOK DWELLINGS, WITH HACK UUILtDINOS, OAS TND BATH. Ari l ts .i. w. jtUAivr, No 140 S. THIRD STREET, J,H-m Or. No. !0T H. FOURTH STREET. sf TO RENT. HANI1SOMF. STORE, WITH JLj. plate tla.s windows, and dwelling. Ho.lHH Sit- rllrvet. Jyl-n f FOR SAT.E.-Jf 'iO.Ono WORTH IN HOOD XJi ITrHiaes, larirr- arid arnall. on terms tn suit purfthaters. titlivr with nr without liieumi.rance, for cash and good trade. ln.iiro of. from 10 to 1 o olock A.M., iiius at. i'i.uwaiA?i, wo. wi a. r ouui ii eiireet. PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT Q v AHTERM A.M hlt-UliN-eral f (m , rilir APKLPM.A, Anjruiit .rt. HU Rciittxl rron-i-nlt will hp rT('i.M t thfn ottlce until 11 v.--ik M .on I III HI) i , th 11th lint ,fr rlVP IIUr.HifM "M mti-' Aftiiv Wf(n Cotilp.nTH. 1 wit tit'liitrrd " Iwo-hoffte 1 AmtniliinrOs cuniidftp. IirilhK iia'ttrn, U bo ilellvrrtnl in IhUscltnt rucU jHftcea tnnj i uoMpniiu n. Om-imll of ihf nlxive to b evmDltil i:d rAdy for rrnmltitlpr on or btlore Ihpjf'ih of Hptinier.t; Tin nuh) In r ficrveil In ri'irct nil hi-! ilocmfiJ tM lilch. tut Tift biii fmiu a tlcfaniifiiu rontrartr will ( rrenrtved. Itiddfm will HtaU pric. both la wr thift nd ftunrea. A (Miarftnt.?. tn b? mIiiiipiI h? two r irtniisiMtlT) 1'CMnin. will be rwjiilr!. hnp r?iwinethill'y must b cArtitti'd to ( the l iilinl Hint? I 'ta-rirt .lud.e, I oitd Sutoi IiUiTlrt Alt'Tner. I'nla I Hn(p Cnllfntor. nr r.thT iiv- rrnjii'rit otlicer. ottiinflie Ui prvposai will uoi In? re CtiTPd. b?l(rNtfnnk rrtr fht aboa in a v be aen at (ha offlca. n 1J i!M;it Allli htrH't. B onfei ot O.iimn i (iwrfeH. Crosman. Aalitant Ouar- t'rniAMli.T Utneral t.. A. OKf. R. ORME, au.vrt ritptaln and A. tj. If. ) RO r 0 8 A 1.8 FOR lU'ILDINQ SOUTH L wing to havy iHtpa tment ItulidlB. Navt 1ki Mir'tirsT, An cm t 3, 14. hralcd Profoila. t-iidnrnl ' l'mDo-sala tor bulullni flout h ViT.jf tn Navy Ii-n rtrncnt Itiillillni,'." wil' l -r?id at thin otlloti in til VI o rl- ck M-, on tha 15th dar of Atiaftiat, lKtt. I'lmii and avfiedtu a'bii a ara rray for uiii ntr4n at tbr Navy lippAr'inpni, and the bit!- tnut be tor ti e Vvbolc Iml (lra tltiishad and complfta In all !( di tailx exr.pt the hot water Uefttinr' aptratu. Hl'ld ra are attdtn name tbo time In which they will enj-tL-e to rave tn i ufinit.M c rapn tea ann ready i.r occmiau n; Hntj ailblita must be accompanied by thefollowiug guaran tee tl) KM Of UUAKAflTKK. The nnderolpiu'd. .of , in the Htato of , an4 of .hi th Htatrr .hrety iiiarann-e th-l in ane the foreuflna bid or for bulld'iift ttvw aouth Mine t" Navv I afartnj(-nt tie acccntou. he or ittey wilt. within ten da a afir the receipt of (he c m tract at the pout mce r earei tn ir resiurneo. eneottic cue coniraci mr tne mine, with komI and umolfiit lemirlt e; and in case Uie aid ihall fall to ei'tir Uitf. e-.ntrart aa arorenaid, wa (.'narnntec t make frotl the djtii between the olTur of ti e alt ana that which ma be acceptel WiViCHa: 1 A i,uiitrBiiwr. r;r C I, t.uaranfur. - 1W1. I In reb.v certify that the nb-ive named are knewn to'ine at men ofpropcity, and able to make uood Uulr ffttvaiitee 'Ji Itv Mlfti i'O I'V Tne niivcn oiaiot naj giirnnit i"nric .lufle' or AtlH'ey. or Col'ector. aiw!ll I;l it OKF1CK COMMISSAUY OF SUBSISTE1VCB, Ao.tWH WAIaHI T h'roet. PlIILADHMIIlA, AllffUlt 4,14. Pealed ProivMl-. In diinltcate. will borwHtWed at t hie oiltee until 12 o'clook M . nn K fHIMV, Aiifiust ft, 18 4, fur iiipltnit tirtiie uneot tne rruen niaiett ahuv, rue f inv-tCK HubiiAtiuce Stnruii delivered In FnUaduiphia, via : 000 Barr.'la flrat qnallty MRSR orPRlVfR I'OItK (corn frit), of thf pack otlHtft-4, in iill hot. e! oak barrli, wi'h Iron matt r hoopa; meat to Ins free from ruat or atnln, toll weight, anu tlioniuKhly halt U and to liari been ro pa - wiiKWi thirty da ol deUvery. Tube ready for duht-i-ry wiUnn twenty dayi from tin ip ot award. HO, 000 I'mindf Hr,t qii'Mty wlnter-tmoked BAOOH Hlll'IJKl!8 In t'Kht ti.'rcenof unif'Tra aIxo, To he delivered withlu twenty daya from dW of award SOO.OOO 1'ounda Grni quality PILOT lUtKAD, to be Din tie tmm Rmd aound ' Kxtra Klotir," UioioiiRliiy baked, and perfect. y drh-d Iwt'oi-e bviiiK pnrked. i o tx pauksnl in bond ( well feaioneil wo d, of nucli a ktud as will not im pMrt iHfcie to the bread, buvea to conUiti flily pound" net. 3f,'-wOO l'i auilH llr-i atalityklln-diid t'OUS MK.AL, In well coojM-rid, he.id-lined bnrrcl. yO.tMK) I'ounde roar.p pulverized w'HlTK 8(f(IAlt( in htrunft ban el. 0,000 I'ouu.U AUAMlMISE.or Sl'Alt CAXOLKS, full weight- r0.C0O lVrtiudi. clean, fine, dry HALT, in well -compared head ltntrd hnrn-. The above ittrsre. with the mce pt Ion of Pork andllacon, b ht dt-hvrifd within ten dn i da'e ol awurd, Jttdteri who are unahl lo l liver the Ktoret within the time inenUoi.ed nUitiate thr time ipiU rl tor delivery. ofiiracti rii tne evi'tctt-tl U hohi their cn J w without ex pt fi.-e U the I'nttei Htniea.mitll required for ahiprnt-i.t. tsatr ;tf of all urlicim f c-pt Pork iniikt be tlellvered wiin Dip piopnt.nl, and rf ij t d to thcrvln Inn the pr. p ittal miiei liOt i f- mrlohtd will the ..mplf. Hainplpa mutt be in tM'Xc-.and i'Ot tn -a-er paicols.uach sample marked with l"dor'i- name ihr I'urk will ) t Mtmtmd mi l pa-cil tip-n by John Q Tax lor, Li ept-i w-r ( it tde p.irt ot ihe (''niti-d Hiates. h'pktatc prtM i-a!.. in tltiplit. ;!, oiut lm mttte fnr each aitkif t-numeratt d, ftiiJ b I c dor n mav propone for the whole or an purl o !. i, A piint'ii rojiy ot thi a.vertNem.-nt must be attaehe,! torarh bid and the propokuli muHtbe iptvidc in couply tnjf with n lt.i terms. K.arh prop'4nl mint hnvethe written mntrantee nf two reionslbl ppracm. i ilie niiiilmvat it Ute agreement, w Irn w Hi flt leO'idit if re iiilred. Mltnk O'tnirt lor trtpoal contlnlOf the for of (juraiilp um be liad ot, ap . Iratlou at thi otuce. The e e t..nnp, p.nctioi lUHin" and dn'o puruojte. lOtmc oftoDttnt. rnnt. tan unt- net wi IgKO, Mitut be n.firii d t u p". t; -packavi . and all old maikj mnt be ob ljirateil jU'tunit of wel.'tiio by promotional public woLjIn to be ut v en whenever rMOlrd. bu' irom partl wIni Imvi falied to fullii a tornaur nii re 'm w til N' ,.m.iiprt?d. Uidf wiltinclndp pt-nwfh, aul .lellvet,' at un -point In tltth cilv, to hi- (Jfso i.;Ud hy tnii idtf e; uud any liifertor p krn fr cooperav ."H1 bt-coiuideted .mtlrieut oanae lorritW-iti'-isOf f"iei in. t raiment will ht mvl In mic' ftndc am.iybe fttmliltosl h !. I'J'lted Sfhti - ti.r the P'in.f.'. PTJp"';, to "l'rlftli fu Q'llj.iiteui.-e fSt-i' " 'iI Unvt'-'d vo ftu; it ttti1'! ana C. H MAltMIAI8 SAI.K HY VIKTLK OP A W Tt ol Hrttf, iy ti t JliiH. John t Urder, Ju.lii ut the W-tfkt ('nn it el the Viilied HKt(in niidrr tl.e j- a rti i'ii ict ot li-D:otylvat)U, in Aduiiaa.tv, tn me dl ,'" (rJ, Hi he 0'd ut pnhlir mite o (he lil(M,tvl and neit biiiiir, mr (.a-iJ , at M'( HI NKU'.i HIORh, No. Hi N, f 11 - NT tl'ft , in VV KI'hKi-lIi A V , AiiXU.t 10, 1-4, at 1J , (' -ik Al.. "o hah aiidVbUs ol tottou, beio caifva iliiinv a. WII MAM Mil I.WAKH, I . .Murtthftl K, O.ot Prnna. u.,J'.i'yM,HA. J'-ij4 1' . MAKbhAI.'S HALF.. BY iU'lUK OF A Win o' Ss'e h;. I.'ia lion, .loi r tiadivalsder, .luill.'. -e li a IiStro l l ourt ul ttie I ni'ed Btu'ea, In and t ir tl.e f.s .li-iu lii.lrli t rl rmts Ivaniii, in Ailra'rally. to n e till 'e-t.'il. m tl: le m.IU at I'ul.ee Hill... to the hivheat and ln.l l.niilil. lorea.h.ul MHIIKNI.KH H I HKK, No. 1 11 S.lhOSI street on w KINKSl'A , Aiuiust ll), lull, at l'i D'eloek. M.. nl nalea and l'i halo, ol Cotton, bains' car uoea ol Ta.neis linXnowu. " Wll.l.lAM Mll.I.WAKU, Vulted Plates Maat,al t, 1. of Penua. rhlladelpbla.Jiily as. jyJUdt eb Vflll HAVANA DIRFirr.TIIG .. . r - ., , rnllea Mliitea Ma i teanuh 0 KOAMIKIt. FRINCIIi A IrUKW. Cuimaikr,wUIUavaPler No. 1.1 N. It., Saw YorA.oD TVKnaiAY, Auaust , 41 It o'aluck f. M., iirecl.aly. I or tr.lsht or yassase airily te ' 3. n.PEBEZ ACO., auS-M rt.lu8 CIIMMOTawaui. TJ B N 11 Y M I M O N H , UNITED STATES NATIONAL WAGOH AND 00A0E WORKS, CMHoai, No. Ml NEW MARKJOT BtaaMrS, And Kaciory, aomer of BEOOND A'D CVMBEKUaXD (TTkKETH, rBiLaaawHiA. All and every kind of W All INK, I 'A hT8, DBATH, WnKELBABROrTS, and TIM nut WIIKULH, adapted ta Aruir.aoa4.BaUar, Off I laatlattoa puraioeaa. au wora warrasuea. taVOrdera frotnptl atunoad to. VXFLOmONS. LBT BVERY MAN WHU li own. a sautt Boiler read ihta aoUra. A.lHiroll a Low Water Detector n.rver Arils to arre freta oua-half to two hours' warning, aa deelrad, that the water Is sotmtA low to tha boiler, and thatdanavr la ap proarhiiM. Tua laaUntiMot reqnlras bo ears, aud la war- t.nmAIn avarv inafcanea. Alao, rtteeoi and Water Oangea, wtta Bootek glaas tuliea, aalr-cian.lnf saeira-eocAn, Aa. Mend nr elrottlai vaul'ilea rhiiadalphUi letters aod Similars. avirUimrt a n. atari t.r.n, jyw-ltt afa. M M. BiAIU dtnvV AMUSEMENTS. ALNUT 8TUKKT THKAllUi.. CO Af nrp MAirroKit 4 opvua TBiror IliK KT F.HIKiirANMKNT KVKR OFFEHF.I). Ob or i tii eomi tlnt attached te AAISMM J H TM"t;PK. Frank Mnrin, In, k rarker, r. M er , J. Mortimer, T. iHamnnd. and T. r. ftanfonl. T'rlday evpnlnr, Mm an' Hpn-ftt. jNiora oppn at 7 ('mmpnoe at 1ft, au.'i KOVKR'K NKW CIIF.SNCT 61 RE 15 T I 1 11LA TBI . mi rvrwrHo. Ttie eran mwantlc, nin-lpal, pparnUf drama, AI.ADItlN, (Ut 1 UK UONDKHKl'l I, AMI'. rrentd, after t).r month active prvpfaHnii, Inn nl1" f ot preredpnlprt man.9r nc. replelo with woivlpr fnl trtnafnTnatinnt mifutrV eni nfnm-, kfrnrt tnarcheai, npprti roatiimes mA propett.e, bentiUtol nm c anj lionif.ra. JyUm M M K K 8 K ATTRACTI 0 IS A NO tall A Nf) COMBINATION THK t'll Awtil'-KmUKl 4I I KKHKM. VM AMItl'H'IH A CO ' llAMMi'lll MK.N .-.KIK AM) TIIAYKH A MiVM' tRKT U.MTKH 8TATKS ni;ct:t cowiunki. Will oi-pr on Vc Miiu lot on AHC11 fltrptt, bet wren NlOi'lceiith and I'm entt- th ON MM'AY I'VF.N TNfl, fk "th lnt., and fnnlnni nppn until Matitnliv evciiinir. I'rh lft. K.al iMMoiot will Kin. i. rheuonet-r AlVrLO-m during tl e ppk. eepfptne Wnertay. On w MMI'AY Mtil.MNO a flperlal Knhl'iitt-.l Of tle ah 'mala III i-e Blvnn. ihc nt pnse-pdi to be for tne M ft ich h thf h it ml raid at ChimtMrhM ff. hi Moi atfwe in nn of the ra eii colle, tlont t f bhdt and t ftnm now i utiilntiitd In the world. The prli)der -mitoitN an tin a in are well irprutt-ntod, ttaooi tliwia the wonderful blipl nut IIAh NlliAL, nod the reh hrU.l IIIl'I'Ol'OTAMCH, Olt ttlVKR HOKSK. For partti tilarn ap tma.i Inlla. Look out tor the (rand ptnef mlt n ort Monday, Hth Intt AdonaNion to ti e pavtllou. tO rent. Children finnVr 1 jeart.vA fPTitH. At'ptnonn perlurmance commences at 2 O'eioi k ', Kvenlt't, o'riock. Ailuiisolon to Atiiuial xhlbitlun, 00 WeJnenday mont Ing.uo chck, oGLr iitoonts. au J-tt gUMNIUl KXCUUBION H, AT KlODirOKI) ItATKH, TO Tim CIBEAT Coal, Iron, and Lumber Begions OF TRNNSYLVANIA. TICKETS GOOD FOB TEH DAYS. Otvliifr ample time to visit each point of Interest on tlta roata. The Catawissa Railroad Company Having porfacted arraneemanta with connecting roada, wiu lasiia EXCUkHItiM TU KJTS from I'hliadaiphia over the tbllowlnir rngte t rblladrila and IteadlnaRallroail TnBeadlnx. Hehuyl kllt flaven, Aahland, Mahsnoy t'lty, and Tama.iaa. Cata wthiia Ballroad To hummlt, MoAua'y Mounia'n. t'ata wlasa.Kupart.lianvlila, alilloa and Wlillanisport LrhKh and afahanoy, and Heaver Meadow itailroadt To Itlaek Creek and Maoch Chunk. Lehish Valtay Ballroad- To Allantown, and Hethlehem, and tha North Pann.yivania Rallrcad lo l'hlladel,hia. For variety and grandeur of scenory. this routs preacnia pacollar Iniluoeaierita ta tourists. Those wlshlrp to do so, may rewrite ttie rmito by retain ing llcketa to start over tho North Pennsylvania Railroad. 1-' A K 15, SUO. TiekeUcaa be obtained at the Depots of the rhllmlel phta and Iteadbna ltallroad, and Hortti Pennaylvaula Ksll. road Cotnpaotos, and of iv. van i ioit:v. TICKKT AOEST, X. W. COHNt.K BIXTH AND C1IESNUT 8T3. Tralats start fram Philadelphia and Keadlny. Depot atft'lt A. M. and .1 SO P. At., and from North Ptnasytrnnia Hall road Depot at 7 A M . and 3 i5, and &15 P. M. jytt atuth l.t fcjfl 11 CA-1' X1 MA. V". Tilt bTAUM H AND COMMODIOUS SfEAMEB "MANHATTAN," CAPTAIN K. A. R Y T n E R, Of tha Caps May Una, la now making liar r aular trips ts CAI'K MAY, loavlns AUCU Hlreet Wharf, every Tucaday, Thursday, and Ratunlay at nina o'olock; re-turning will leave Cape May every Monday. Wednesday, and Friday at half-past ahjht o'c.ock. touching at Maw Castle Kolaf sad retuiulnu. Para tlM carrlaira blra included. Children half price carriage hire Included. Servants iltO; rsnlage hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received after 8 o'clock, and In all cases must be prepaid. J.v91-tf JOSEPH A. STF.WABT, Ajont. T II XI NEW TAX HlXaiXj AND HKVENUfc! STAMP LAW. CoDlfi of the New Tai. Hill and lterenao Htainp Law. for ale wholesale and ivtail ; and Kt venae Ktaiiipii of all dei.cn lit Ion ooiihtuntly on tiaua, at thu Miowlnx rttoa of discount : tn orders ot vm, two per cent, aiaeooat. " 1'0, thrue " M WW, four At ti e Prlnrintil Jieii for th Hale of Inletnul Itpvenuo Mtan oi. No.:u 4 i MI sNUT Htreot. and No. lo. H KIC Til hi net. Full description ol the Htamp Law In pamnmet lorm. jy-dfti tf pUOFOSALS FOR LOAN. 1 Ul.AIIIUtr IlkfAKTMKNT.JUly'A, ltlfii. Notice Is hereby given that subscriptions will be received I y tl.e Treasurer ol'tlie United States, the several Assist ant Treasurers, and designated Deposltorlea, and by the Natleeial Banks ue.lguaied and qualified as Depositories snd Financial AiienU, (brTrea.ury Noias payable three y ears front Augu.i 1.1. Idii4, beaiiog Interest at the rate of aeveb and Utrcc'ii nih. per cent, per annum, with semi annual oouH,iia mtached, payable lu lawful niiney. T'tiene nates t'i be oun-i rtlble, at tha option of the hriuer, at matuif , tutu six per oeut gold bearing bonds, rediinable alltr iva aul payubta twenty years from AujtiM H, I..7. Tbe.e notes w 11 lie i.u- d an the denoinlnaiions of rlftyr. one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, aud dee thou sand dollars, an-1 a ill be issued in blank, or payable to ortler, as may be dir-'eted by the subscribers. AllsubKripU umi. JlJ (or ItAy dollars, or sous inul- ililcofnilydol j 1 Ltipllrale vert I. si ia w'il liels.ued for alldeposlbi. Tha lity depoIUn; u.ivt en lorne upon ilia original csrUocate tt.e denotnlnaU'.ii 01 not. re.iiired, and whether they mim to he laiuid In t.i iti or p.vahla to otvlar. Whensoen deiMil, It luu.t .eft with Ota iitleor .celvlng the do paslt.tobeHiri i .i ' llo tkla Deiartui.'itt. The noleewlli ! m.-tLiiiilitedto tlieowuera, free of trans- ytn(loo eliar. , it-smu after the receipt oftha orliiiuil ceitliioate, of d.-.-ll as tit can be prepared. lutarett will t' li iwinllo Aagustli on all d p talis mails prior to that da'' and will b paid by Die Depailuseut upuB r v.elpt tf the o-: i' Iceritiiiates. AJ the uotea d itw lutcre.ltrein Au,'tutl.'i, petNons mak ing aiv.lt. al.. .i.' nl to that dale utii.l pa the iahireat accrued fi'Jtu i .' 'i not. to. lnte ot dep.,.11. raitlee dapoai U- i iweni-tlvo ihoUMir.d dollars and ut waid. fvr tlteae ' ji.' at aoy ore tinia will be a,w.d a couunJakn of o ..- qaaxtwol oua per cant., whtrh will be paid by UiU deuaiiiueBt upon tua reoelpt uf a bill Ita- the amount, csrtlued loby tbaotaoer wUh whom tha deposit was atade. No deductions for oninilsakws must be made from the deposits. Officers reoatvlug depesHs wtU see that the proper en dorsement, sis made apqn tbe rigvnal cartlBcatea. AUofnern suthorlaed tMBKelve 4apoalU are reowated to dive to sppUeanU all daetred InnirmaUoos and afford facility for ntaklM subscription.. W. r. FK4.SBNUBS, Besratary of the Treaanry. Bubtertptiotia wl be received by the FIllhT NATKINAL BAVK. OF P11ILADBLP11IA. BECOMD VATrOrlAX BANK OF FUILADBLPUIA. TIHRD NATIONAL BASK OF PI1ILADA. )y7-tf MONEY, TO ANY AMOUNT, fP loaned upon iilautonda. Watches, jewelry, A Plae, LVthieir, Ao .ot OLD BrrTABl.WHFJ LOAM OFFICB, Cornet TU1KU and UArtHtLL Bireote, Barw Lombard. B-DLAMONDB.WATCIIKrs, JKWELUT.OUK, , yna aaus at .... KICMAHKAJIL LOW PUCBB. IM-lnt VO DKCHPTION.-W) INKB1UOB COAL i pKJi..ed to Olfe, below th. cort Jrlo. of ""l"' tiZ. SAMCBJL W. H, Suv?l'Ne.t l aaat aloa. sail, the genuine l'11,"!' iSii! rlrtlSSJd Its, -id BU... an-. Lef !n.aer..bld mmU their porchi."at nej. P INVALIDS AJJT) 00 ST ALEHC DJT8, 1VALII AND COX AI.KI MXT9. Iiwallda and Oonvalaaaanta, Invalid, aad OnvalaecenAa, P-soeolally rF.MALF.R TH DELICATE ITF. ALTH, IF MALES IK DEI ICATE HEALTH, IKM.U.tS IN DELICATE HEALTH. Will find aur wm And our Will find otaf California Wines, California Wlnaa, California W'nea, California Wtnea, California Wtnea, Callferota WHmm, peculiarly valuable In all caiM of languot and Tet area tratloo of strength. Aak AAk Aak AJk Ak Aak dak Ask Aak A.K Ask Ak Aak Aak Aek Dre. MoClallaad. ue,hard, Jackaeo. (of the Pennsylvania l-nlver.lty. Harln, llerena, n-.vee. HartakorM Schnxrla, WlUl.mj, Hartley. Nalilhard. Wilson, Tlndal, Vlnal. Pocday, Noble, Rnorr, ataylaod. Tnmiw, and other kadlrr phy.lcUn., wtiat llioj think of tlte mertf ctual vtnae. of CkI r.-n.a W.n. il Thiae Keaileraen re scr.Ve cur trail l, soil assure in of tho tKneflla pailanU recr Ite In.n their i'-.l Ctl.IlfsMA WtK; AdKNCV, ).t?vrc Kc 4 . I It 111 street, ar it a Chesnui. 4$ V1WU g WRIGHT & SIDDALL No. 110 Marlreit Street I.FTWI.I.N FRONT AND BFCONTJ 8TRKRT8. 0. sr. wutuHT. r. h. sitAU DRUOOISTsTTlIYSICIANS, AND (tF.KF.BAL aTOBKKFEPFBH, Can Hud at our e.tabi isnment a full assortment of Iwporia4 and Iwaostk DnMa, Popular Patent Modlclnoa, Paints. C al Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vlaur, Ac., at as lew price, an genuine flrat-ctase gooda can be sotd. FINE F.HHF.NTIAL eII8 For Confectioners, In full variety, and of tha beat gwllap. Cochineal, Iteugal Indlaro, Maditer, l ot Ash, CadVrear, Boda Aah, Alorn, 01' of Vitriol, A nnat to, Copperas, Eatraot of IOirwood, Ac, I OK DiEUS' u.o, aivrays o hand.ag lowt st net cash prtcaa. FVBE BPICEB FOR FAMILT C8r!, Ground sapreasly for our sales, and to whloh era Invite nW attentkrn of those In want of reliable articles. Alio, JitDJUO. aTAJiCU. MV3TARD, tt tf sxtrw Orrters by rr-rdt, or elty post, will meet wtta prompt at tention, or p.tal quotations will be furnished wheal ra ueated. WRIGHT A BIDDALL, Wholr.aJe Drug Warehouaa, Jall-ly No 11 1 MARKET Htreet, above Front. TRUHSER. BRACKS, 'akllruil, adjusted bye II. NKKDLKB.eoa of 1 WP.I.rTH and BACK Htreeta. Ladles reTartrnent for same, c .ndueted by laiilea. TH J.I.ITII Htreet, Ural door below Baoa. The mo.t oomnlele and varied aaock mm band, conalattng, tn part, of Tru..es, HupportMrs, Hhoaldar ltraees, Itelta. ttariilaaes, Elaatlo Stooainga, ttyrlnjrraa. Aructea tor narMry.ntca atooui.ase. rsio are V, rillLADFU'lUA 8UROKON8 BAVKAliK IBrtTlTlITE, No. It Moral 1.1111 tiire'l, .novo .viarKet. Kuotarea.u rnillc.il cured b It. C. KVl:lll-:i r H Premium Patent tra.luatiiiK I'rea.'ire Triisa. Nitnertor Klastas Beita. Kla.ttt NuhsKIt.rs. Nupportera. Bhonldar Braeea, Bmapaav J S trtea. Crvrehe.. Ac. i Ladles atleniltd ty Mr.. B.C. F.VF.BF.TT. rnrTS-Ur I ARTIFICIAL HAND. 1 II. A. OII.HEA. lavenfnr and Manufacturer of tha I A K T I V I V I A L A H M, i Approved and adopted HITKOKON-OKNKK.a OKT"hK UNITED BTATF., . for Noloiera, " Tfas perinanently located his litllreand Factory at K0.BII n Fnl'lil U Bticet, six Oora below bpruca, Pbllada. ! te w-ni I til. DIION, No 21 It F.I'IHTH Otrnet, DF.AI.Klt IN FANCY AMI lOlt.FT OOODB, UMItKP.LLAB AJI PAUAHOL8, Pans, Head lire.aea. rrei.eh jewelry, Leather uonns Work Bones, Iteada.Ac. Ac. lB-aas J M 1" O H T l) 1 WIMBSi.' HUANniFiS. ETO. ' ' ii The stibsciiter Inforr. the public that he la disposing, af. bla large and well selaeted atock o( F OLD BRANDY, GIN, FORT WINE, SHERRY AND MADEIRA WINES, " At wholesale prlcea Triage arc ItYiiatheoId etorkon hand. ' Pureh.sera wl.i'ing a superior article for privets use w ould do v. e.i to call at HENRY H17DDY"8 ,! Wholesale Wine and Ll'rnor Btors, No. 14-". N. BCOOKI) titreet. below Rvst, Phlladelphut. Jy8-Im SPECIAL NOTICES. prr-' CAMF MKB'I IN(I. A CAMP MEET-w-1 Int el Ilie (leilii'-ll Met;i.di.t iK'ipty w II be le.JJ In Knrrtlen's w oo- a, near North Wale M'ation.nn the North f.-iinylvanla rtAilr..ao.cou.mi-ULii.goti AlOADAir, Antii.t I1, 10 1 ontlltee one week. Kat.be., and tilre.huitnt. of all kind, wlltbe.arved on the giouLd, by ii. It rl. tBKL.and j. iter -it. Fxcnrsfon tieket. w'll be lnaiMd h tl.a North Venruvt v.nla Ba:lreal C"lupvny, to the Camp nnd return, for SB cetiiH. aaiXt lsr TO THE PHTSTCIaiNS OF PHTLV- dflpliia 4ittitleiuen'it it Faculty : Havtoa ea- I atroctf d an HiMratUk (the itrtt and miiv oui- ev. r breecat I lteSre. thf mtli l irof-i.inn) il.m ran b iid wit iv I fitet aaiety a tr.tuapeiitlcal a;em tn tne tiva:maai ef I lcati.ekb,lhrtai ll- ano. and in all ut,eetiMib of taie air panpa.ea: and aa It li well known to you and toe patriae I ti nt I lia.e i.ir t-srb lai tin. iarbti.i urec:iue( any rtutr R-vii In th 1'nlted Htatt in the trpatmont rf tht mala- 1 ilk a, and, oon?ieinis1lr, 1 havt, tied boiiiiant opoorttiniUee ' rt Uiiiujr tlio i tt e-y of ntj ai-ha'a ns, I, tN-ref iat for toe 1 atkeot tbe roifrMa of iih iIm hI ieio, Uirtto you to my ittlln.to it a-i' a r riU fxa(uiiisttln nf Ita woudarftu J propertied and adpthllltv to the on re of those ULieaea an4 - j turtlivrauit.- ot niedicKt tic-em-e. , r. A. VOX MOdCIIZIHKRR, M. !.. o tin it and tin net, ' jytott -i?7 H'AlaMUT Htreet- I ra- UKAKNKSS AND ULINDNK33.--J. ' J liaaca. M T., I'roteiaorul tha Ke and fer, traaaa ' all dleaRiia,pirlatnlnK to tiie afoTr-U'Un"d aunijer wfLa tl.e untot RiHene T it In inn tla trnm roe m nulaa . HAircv tr. t;:e clw and iunir rib te an at bla UaUo, Nn. .Ml PINK MirtHl. Artllldil Ryi lnert-l wltbrnt pala. ! Nooarskiua4le U4 aharamatinu, Otnd-i fttatira irm H t - 11 A.M.. ti 7 I'. U No. All ptN p. Hiraac taMaa , j MILITARY NOTICES. ' ) llOUNTV FOK MAlll.NKS. WANTS ft lor thi Cntu d .Mta:e Murine (' pa, a -le-h d e-i me Ff tn perlonn the ilntlt- of a A'Ut it nttr Navy Yrtrila- iaw.ai.il on Loti'd ti itrd Stale ililpiv-ol-war ou frvljpi atauonh. JU'tti': mnintn-atlfti tlmn ttie army rtiU b, unlit' of aii ih diiitrt ul IncatJilof are ful4 i nr- n n'-inici.t. MmiIi v . rt-c he l'rize Money. l or All fu.ti.tr itiifiiiiAtlon apply at tho necrultlaf 1 No. :UI . I'KUNT 8'rift, Im-1ow Rpruci Btreet, ' between thehour of!' aid t.c'otk . O. ll.Mt'0W!HTt : ii.l. t f Ma 'or and K.-rruiting Odlcef. S:iO0 UOtNTY ' Vuliint r tn till a towtiarti.t .in C4 fa Jfor Cavalry, Jmantry, Arii lury, or Btiarpwhuotera. C-iI at Tfo. 9 8 1HIUU Street. aul-U , CENTRAL KIT INSTITUTE AOKNOT, No.liH.TlllHI Mtrent Al an, Vftaian, and Ooiira bnad hl'li-Tiru llW U'ANI K', t . wt.oni Uie hiiroee uriiu' will b i.ad. Nu alum iwod aooly who cuitM turniiitt nktUiactory ovldui.x ut alleuaat.'. We mill iuwta note ottitr. Vt'tt rait" mnitf niniUD an nnnoranie aicrimrxc. Th a(HVM em, of buoatliuioa lornUh'Hi lor aoy pan of fcunlTaiLia. w..io.r A,dw. pUBLOUQES rUXLOUOBSet OnVoars snd soldiers vl.lttn the) crton furkiughs.Baaauat rj WUllDBi Avsonts MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ana iirvrrsB to tub UTBKsrva MAVTJFAOTXmnia KHTABUbHIOIBT OEOUOE W. HIMONS efc lillO. bAftoUM Din run mus BANHOM Street, above Bbuh. PRBSENTATION swords Made to order at tha eborteai nottea, which for rtohnaas sua) . sab..bb hwh aathekt konaa lBfchsat matmlfloeaoe enaiwmr ruCrabi.ln. WITH TUB I KAUTH-.. " TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. -Tbe undoriaed having leaaad tha KICUHIit n.tr iasoliha lnk,u.al lie a prtpuw w.v uwr. fuUiuea la aee..miuod.ue those having vessels te be ralaad) i, "epalrod, aral belna a pracUcal .hlo-earuaiilai and caulker, wli ulvs feriM.nal ali.niKiB to all ve.Mls aav nXtmZ raJnlp-CavUr.. .nd MhlnMB. alelalh. l'on.i.lHn," or Copper Paint, fbr Uia piaeerv. n "f va-Mii' bottoms, aur this otiy.l bib prepand SB rurulsh the wime on favorable teruia. WI Ken.tiiiiton Hcraw pock. mUl-U Valaavare avvouc.auore Laauat lUaei. APa 0 i r I il r 11 li I 1 j