THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1801. i 3 i ' ii WEDNE8DAY, At'GUST 3, 1964. THE MATIOK'A PRATER. Th following hymn for FsAl Day w wrttten Vy yooDfr lly of the Twenty-sewn'' trJ MttriCKllst Cbunh (Rev. Mr. Scamim'sl, York :- Fattier, to Thy throne sVioendlti. Line the Nation' Prayer to 1 'le ; Willi th. Ir hert nnd voices b.cuding, f J O I O HA ! T V ICTO K I I Vf he iiitTrnd, 0 6;ir J'thcr, la the Kre muse, Mooxty : Now we come to Tnee tor m:cor God-OrahI-Victorv I Vsntnt ctislrs are In our hoiiK-lioltls, Vacant hearts eai'li duv w ice, fbi In arfruiiili often whisper OodOkaut Victory I Father. r"T let rsve traitors, In tin land of hruvp and tree, Rnle o'er those wliOHfl heart are saying Ood Oraut Victory! Thou to Thee, our prayer le rising Thus we humbly come to Thoc, Asking, Tbre In broken accents OouOhant Victory I lint If rhon would'st longer chasten, We'll submit our nil to flux!, Knowinir that In His go k1 pleasure, Ood triii ii rant tit V ii.toky ! Then, when this d'ad strife is over, And the day of Pence we see, We shall keep our country's watchword Ood and Ouant and Victory ! BCOXOH JIAISICIIVCi. frm the Railway Scv,June If, ninety years ago, BometKxly had IniiriiP'dat toe KTtcbnngi, or the liauk ot England, wbo wa tbe most Biiciesctnl man of the day, the. unf iii itig answer would bare been "Alexander For 4 St." His success in life, indeed, bordered on tbe n arvi llutis ; It wna a sort of poetry of micccm up to a certain tirue fur the prueo followed It. Then f much prore, nnfortrinately, at the bottom of all poctrv m Jiff, as well as in bank ing. Alexander Fordyce woa bred a hosier at Aberdeen, bat finding -this place, too narrow for hi abilities, be came to London, and, niter a hurt while, succeeded in ohoiiuing employment a. an out-door clerk in tbe tmiiKiuif-lioune of Do'dero A Co. A handsome, daubing man, possessed of considerable energy of character, with a great flow ot natural eloquence, und much snavitj ol manner, he aoon uttructed the atteu tlon not only of bis masters, hut of other gcutle m ii, aid before long ohtuinod an Introduction to the family circle of Messrs K.illcy & N'eale, formerly brewers, and. dubneqnenily ho ul of the banking firm of Roit'. y. Ne ilo fc J imci. At the private residence of these gentlemen the young Aberdeen drancr captivated all hearts, yartlcula' ly the supposed soil ones of the Mr sfx ; and the opstaot of these conquests was that Mr. Fordyce was olfcred a partnership in tbe banking-house of Koflcy, fs.vile Co., lit Tbreauuied o street, which oiler, it is need less to sy, was accepted. Alexander we might call bim A'rxaudtr the Great had no sooner been thus comfortaMy established when he began to speculate in the public funds, Im.arding large sums npon conjeetnrul gains. Fortune,wM b Is said to lator the hold tbe proverb, like most proverbs, Is of doubtful truth smiled upon Alexander, show, ring the golden guineas into bis lap by thousands uud tens of thousands. Uis f qiurage rose with his good luck, nnd his stakes --loubed day after day. At last, In 17(St, he made a tremendous haul In speculation in I'.kbi India lie calculated upon a slight rise, and hud Dosoonir Invested his that Is, his partners' for one than there took placo un extraordinary upward movement, leaving bun in the posses sion of ptot'ns amounting to near a hundred thousand ponnds. Mr. Alexander Kortiyce now started fairly in the great race of life, lie pur chased a large estate, with splendid mansion, at Koehamp on, and entered upon a series of fettt. bai quels, and entertainments which threw those of ro.i aity in tbe shade. To show his zeal for religion he built a church adjoining ti mansion, supporting it entirely himself, and '"worshipping God" on a sort of velvet throne a glittering posso of tall footmen and bedizened lackeys. Alexander Fordyce next nor ted asacandidute for a scat in Parliament, which attempt, though ho was not returned, cost bim fourteen tlioueuud pounds. To secure his future election, be erected an hospital, and est ib llshed other cburitios at tbo borough of his choice, having no moans untried to becomo a Set ator, and openly avowing his hope to uie a per. as a beginning of thU gruatend, be married a peeress, tbe Lsdy Margaret Lindsay a daughter of tbe Kurl of Ualcarri B, and sister of that Lady Anne B rnard, wbose name is so well knowo as writer of "Auld ltoliin Gray." This was the blghert stroke of good fortune that befell the handsome draper of Aberdeen. Contemporary writers can scari-ely find worihs to praise the benuty and grace of Lady Margaret : "Always sweet, always entertaining, alwtya insti nc ive," wrote Sheridan; wbilo another addt d, "Her eloquence was remarkable, and her sinning frequently left the wnolo room in tears," jNo wonder that to please such a wife, as far aJ'Ove bim by bu-tn as by uccotnplishinents, AleXHiidei Fordyce redoubled speed In his wild, career of extravagance. He purchased esta'ea in Kcctland at a fancy value, oined bis mansion to the tUU of rank and wealth, whom he enter tained at sumptuous festivals, aud grew insolent ajins in tba possession of his newly acquited wealth, ilut the fatal pcriol now approached when there came a turn In the tide of his success. Several specu lations turned out badly, and his first losses brought a whole host of visible and invisible enemies against him. "The stocks have got wind of this secret," said Horace Wal pole. "and their heart is fallen into their breeches where the heart of the stocks is apt to lie." Then came themliiirof Falkland Island, which drove the funds down rapidly, leaving Mr. For dyce, who had speculated Oil a riso, a loser to the exum of about a hundred thousand pounds. To supply his deficiencies he now had rcc mrsc to his partLt-rb' priva c I und. Di-covi ry followed in the wako of this step, and tbe alarmed bunker breweia, a- stidoenly trembling as thsy had pre viously been elated, threatened exposure and puiiisuinent. Missis. Hotl'ey, Ncnle & Co. had freely par taken ol Mr. l'ordyce's extreme good lu k, and rrtoiced In tbe far ken which had attained them tbe services of so clever a iht-oii ; but when they Its that tbe chances were going against him, they rruionstatcd with all the energy of men whose fortunes lav on tbe success of their remon strances. Probably they felt like t'arlyle's heroes of tbe r rencli Revolution, Unit tne .Millennium was rtrnggling on the threshold, ami yet not so much uu groceries could lie hml owing to traitors. Wnn what impetus will not hungry men strme imitors tn mien a ca-e t Ahxondtr Fordyce siiowed himself a great pentus evea in adversity, lit: treated the letu mi strsnce ot his p.rtuvrs wnh the mot in irtitving cauicmpt, telllua them that he was qu:M wiiliut to lease a concern wnau tbey ibeuiaelves w utterly incompetent to manago. At tue mne time ho showed them a thick pile oi bink notes wbieb be bail borrowed for the pnrp ise; ait I the rustle ot tne Mink in ilea, counted wnn tue magi vil their insolent pirtnors eKujiioucc, at mire brought Messrs. Koiley , Scale down upm thtirkni cs. liut, Bliboupji seen m of the goad will of bis ussfK'iatus, lliu career ot tue yuung banker was lust drawing to a close. (Jetting d.--Derute. lie lost himself more, and more hi wil speculations, to cover which nil his own and his friends' resources were wholly InsiiltHeiit. Ho next went about raiulDg money by loans but -w ith verv iiidincrent success. 1 he Uauk of l.og land refuted assistance, and most of the private tinkers declined likewise. Among tnose wuotn Alexander visited on his borrowing errand was a ahrewd (Juaker. "Friend Fordyce," was tbo reply of the latter, " I have known many mar, ruined by two dice, but i will not be ruiucd bv Four-dice. me viuaaer wa ri;m; ror, a lew lavs alter, the suirm, no longer to be presented liuist forth over the city. Mr. Fordyce absented liimsolf from the banking-house in Throndaeedle tract; his terrilied partners for tbe first time investigated their accounts, and found they were bopeluesly bankrupt. The news created a panic ; and the panic increased wlicu it liocame known bat the name of Alexander Fordyce was attached to bills In circulation to the amouat of lour mil lions sterling! fcuta a Monday as this hth day if June, 1772, Lad not been known iu tho mer cantile work! of Fngland within the memory of man, and the people universally calicd it "Black Jdouday." 'I bis "Black Monday" was a great calamity in '.Dg!aml, but it proved Almost fatal ta the bank ing interest in Hcoiluud. The news of the failure of Fordyce was brought to Kdinburgb (accord ing to Scott'i Maqazine, at June, 17"!), "by a ftrutleuuiii who posted train London ia forty throe bouis;" aua it had the Immediate ettect of Jsreakiug nearly all the banks in tbe northern Hugdoin. The bousea of Douglas, lieron & Co., Arbulhuot & Guthrie, Audrew biuclair & Co., JMalctim & Co., Johnston & Smith, Williamj Alexander & Sons. Gibson & Dal lour, Anthony l'erguBon, and many others, stopped pay. incut one after another, and the piulo at Jtdiiiburt-'h and 01aigow was such as to threat, n m roroluuon. Besides the Hank of fiootland, jKoval Bank, and British Linen Company, which were esiaidislied by public authority, the only j-iivue iauiv that rciuMiv4 Bui r cut yixm (,'vulu A Ce.,"lthe houses of the two old drapers, Mansfield nd l.'nmmlng. Coutts' Ann was psrtly navefl bv theopp-irtune arrival of a partner with a sn.arl stun in cash only between 2t)U0 and f.kWo which common rewrt, as asual, piagnitied into a couple of millions. In eonso qnrncf, tre peoplo clamoied lor their money at oihir batiks, where it would have been perfectly ssfr, to curry it to tho sei-ond floor of the old Dome in Parliament Close with the imaginary millions. The most important effect of "Ithn k Monday" in Scotland, was that It dc.-lroycd the tirst ,1olnt t ok talk, and thus prevented the growth of joint-stock enterprise for a very con-dderablo time Mllirg the Mower in the bud. A banking firm, tri'rilt a under tho style of Doul s, Heron l ., bnviiig its prnibpia ters nt Ayr, hint been set up in the jeiir I7ti!i, with a capital of i.!iii,noi, subSTilieJ hv nhntit one htindn d and forty share holders. The hank was managed for time with considerable skill, but the directors committed at tbe outsit the. serious blunder of issuing a la'grr annum of notes than was war ratted by their subscribed capital, on the supposition that the number of partners ail liable, not ' limited," but with their whole fortune woo d form the best guarantee of their commcrrinl transiictiona. 13 tit this expectation as doomed to disappointment. "Hiack Mon day" occasioned a tun npon Douglas, Heron A Co.. as well as ail the other banks ; the excited multitude claiming cash in exchange for their notes, regardless of the well-known fact that ono hundred and foity gnntlcmcn, some of thi m among the wealthiest landowners In Scot lend, were responsible for every no'e Issued by the bank. 'J here existed, however, a human stamptdf, net to be arrested by any amount of sound senc and reasoning, and the consequence was that the new joint stock batik had to declare Itself Insolvent. It was in vain that lead ing shaicbol- ers of the highest rank, such as the Dnke ol tin -clcii' li ail'i the Duke of Uuecns buT' , went to the Hunk of Kngland to seek assist ; tbey weic told that the bank held already Douglas, Heron tv Co.'s notes to tho extent of ii. i,uoo, and was indisposed to trust them any further The simple fact that the IJ.iuk of F.ngluml, like the Iloihsehuda, has always been jcnlous of y liit-siockentvrprise, was well known in Scotland, and catf-ed a iouiI burst of indignation from the shnn In liter" of tbe unfortunate bank, but did not prevent its fall. The firm of Douglas. Heron Si Co. closed business at the end of the third year, leaving, in the words of a (Scottish writer, " an amount of destruction in its wake inch as Scot hind had not eierienced since the wreck of the Jiarien expedition " It is said that a largo pro- fiortion of the land of the county of Ayr changed lands iu consequence. For the remainder of their livss the untortunate shareholders in the Ayr bank had never done with paying, and in some instances the descendants of shareholders did not gel their aceoums closed till some timo alter ti e pas-dug of the Heform Act, at tho dis tance of upwards of sixty years from "Black Monduy." HIE SIGN MAD UAL. A great deal of precious time has liccn wasted, first and last, in speculations touching the hand writing as a revolution of personal character. Tbe proposition line been seriously made that there aie direst and readily traceable analogies between the style of a man's character and con stitution, and the style of his cliirogrupby. Edgar A. Poo went somewhat elaliomtely into the matter in bis day. Ilecently, the ItminH Table fans bad an article on the subject, and the im pression Ib geneial tba', In somo way uot clearly understood, a man's handwriting is an index to the man who owns and moves tho hand. So fur as we have observed, the reverse of this supposi tion is much nearer tho truth. We do not know a man or woman In the world whofe bnndwilting betrays in any respect their ri al character. Vv'u Know of ineihudicul, care ful, fustic! ions persons, in all matters coiiccrn ii g their dress and personal habits and asuoda tiohs, who arc the veriest slovi ns in their hand writing. On the other hand, we know of others whose character for slovenliness is indubitably es tablish! d, with a handwriting which is the per fection i f piecision und neatness. Kulus Cboate was a man with as high an appreciation of everything that was beautiful and elegant and graceill as a lawyer can possess, und reeled off the most delightful rhttorlc on the smallest pro vocation a classical, fanciful, brilliant, glorious man yet ne nan a nanowriung mat was simply barbarous. Cowards write alaildhand freimentlv. and biuve men an insignificant baud aa line and ni meaning as a school-girl a. J Hero arc several reasons why a man s hand- writli g is never to bo taken as an Index to tbo man, any furthor than it may be a i index t ) a single faculty ol ttio num. Mr. t uoutu was a poor penman simplv because he did not possess the faculty of becoming a pood penman. That mechanical gift ot mind and that facility of ii auiiiuliit on w hich arc nccessarv to rnako a flood puimun wete not his. That was all. His laodwriiing did not tcprcscnt his mind in its general characteristics, uny more thun it repre sented the mind of his great grandftt'her. S uno vrrv small mou writo skilfully and b'jldly a sp'endid hand, nnd ttuit band represents only their gift jn the art of penmanship. It goes no deeper than this. Others wtite a very inferior flnd.wtio are tas'eim, cultivated, Kitted, and good. It is exactly wilh writing as wl'h any oihi r lnccban.cul art, or even wiiti a lino urt. II it should become every man's duty to paint in oil it ucti pnin:mv sno'iid oe, into writing, a uni versally necessary means of communication be tween man and man we stiou'd tiave precisely the same result that we do in penmanship. j nose who nave a gut lor puintmg would paint well, though they might lie very Insignificant men, and those who have no gift for painting worn. i paint in.inengn tney migut tie kings in all Intellectual and moral excellence, gometnen have no gilt for mu-ic indeed, some have no love IV r music, or tolerance for it who are, not w itbstanding, excellent persons; while others, with the most exqui-lto musical taste, enlarged nnd chastened by culture, are the loosest, mean est, lowest, airtiesi ol inutiKiuu. ihete are other causes that mwdifyamun s handwriting, siillicient of themselves, without any reference to native Rifts, to destroy it us au index n personal character. Karly training in the fuimation of letters, early habits of holding the pen, infrequent or familiar usage, steady or unsteady nerves, purposes lor ntiu-ii writing is executed w net tier lor permanent record or only lor personal und passing use muscles used for Heavy or lor Hgnt worn nasio or leisure all these modify a man's handwriting. Wo mean by this that two men, with exactly tho sumo constitution and character, stalling together to icain to write, win, uu-ier utucreni ciretim stances, acquire cntirclv different hands. Ova holding Ins pen incorrectly, using bis musel sonitwbut iu heavy lilting, hiiiricd w ith his work, and not writing very frcquent'y, will write u baud ss undke tlui' of his double, whoso find bus been formed under an onii '-ito set of circumstances, ns possible. To bring tho matter lino smaller compass, Hie handwriting ot this present manuscript would have bu n an entirely difh rent one, hud tlm ciretimsun -ch under which it was acquired been dillerent, aud th it witbcutan material ilill .n-ncc iu llio cli iiactcr ol the w riter. Heaven forbid thlit we should judge our friends by tin ir handwriting ! i'lic ixiitorul st ill' of this journal would fare psirly before any court of 'li quiry which should diint a man's hand A': iting as valid testimony ag.iinst ins cliarjcter or fair- suits. Oi e n rites like a German inetapliysiciin alter his niuctci nth mug of beer and his tenth "un en clnium ; yet he in it In r mhoUck nor drinks nor indulge- in inetapbysies. One writes like a converted Ch'tiauian, who discnids pens entirely, ana uses tne laminar ciionsucks but be was Isoin iu the hind of the free am. the In me of tbe brave, and lM-lievearin it; moreover, we iinnr. lie mis mi impression that ski writes an elegant hand, and is rather proud of it. A no: her still has originated a svsteui. which jnuel bo read whilo the ink is wet, or It cannot be lead at all, every semblance of penmanship passing away as soon as the ink is drv. We sav nothing of our most valued correspondents, for fear of wounding their raiiitv. It la enouch for us to say that we do not lay up their handwriting against them ; and thus we count all this talk about penmanship as a key to character as the idlest of all the tule humbugs set flying by idle peopiu. uprmnneia jupuoMun. Ietn of Her. Inulcl Wnlsti, Tho .Syracuse pujiers announce the death of Ilcv. Daniel Waldo, tho celebrated centenarian which took place at Syracuse, New York, on (Saturday last, lie had been suffering some time past from an affection of the throat, and his decease was not unexpected. Mr. Waldo was born in Connecticut in Sep tember, 17b2. lie served in the ltevolutionary War, and was oue of the pensioners. Ia 171)1 he graduated at l ale College, alter which he entered the ministry of the Congregational Church, lie had been for many ytars a resident of Ouondaga, where he was highly rus)iected. In INjti be was, on the nomination of (iencral Amos P. Granger, elected Chaplain of the House of Representatives, lie win mau of correct peraoual habits, to which ho owed his extraordinary health and longevity. He preached fretpueutl during the past year, often twice of a Sunday. -The mountains ia Alton, Gilmanton, and Gil ford, New liainpsuiro, aud tbe opposite aide of the lake, have been oh fire for more than a week, and thousands of acre! have btxQ burned, over, doing; Terjr grijat aawafe'. THE W0TOER8 OF CAMBODIA. lia Itlatwrjr, and Ita Rnlns. In the Ixindon Alhtmrum for July 2 there is an account by one Dr. A. Jitiari of a Jonrury recently made to Cambodia, In farther Io lli, giving some very bvercstlng Information atxiut that distant and little-known rountrv. Ihn great marvels of Cambodia are the enormous ruins of ankon, of which Dr. Haitian uny I : "Tltev are fn qnently termed 'the mysterious ruins,' and there is certainly a g io I d' tl that is sfange nnd curious about them j but the most curious appears to tne the fact that thoy have so long reins tied en'itclv Hidden from travelers and oth ntalists. There is a short no'.iee lu the pii ers ot a medheval writer (lie Maucancdo) that, during his sojourn in un' odiain tin) year l.i70, the servants of the kin happened to dis cover In the depths of a fo;r.,i the remains of an immense city, adorned qtn ,,-iilptiires ol'f.iutas. tic Hiiin als.iind beuiUK iusciiptioiis which uo boily could rend. "This city he rails Angeor; an 1 Ankhor, or more correctly, Nakhonithe I ml an Naghara) Is the name of thoo ruins which only a few j enrs ago w. je reilisinvered, having tiecn forgot ten for more than two centime-, rhero Is, how ever, no rea'oa to wonder at the obseoritv they were but ied In, if we rtlh ct on the state of geo graphical knowledge regarding CHintiodia, of which country one might say that nothing was known m all, and sc rcely the name of that great lake which now shows itself so fruitful an object for exploration." The history of the country Is perfectly silent on these ruins, and tbo natives uscribc their build ing to the gods. Here is the MtOFNII or THE 1'M.ACR. "I'hra In (the Imlraof llrahmlnl -al mythology) relatis the legend, sent l'hra-Pbryitakam, or Vitsanukitm, to raic this palace and prepare it for the royal residence of one of his numerous sons, the otl-prlna ol a llirtmiun with a lady of the terrestrial world. As the other go Is would not allow this imp, In whom they smelt the man, to remain in heaven, his divine sire, to console hire for the loss, hud a city contracted on eartn, in perfect imitation of lliu stately halls he was obliged to quit. Others say that Nickou Vat copies in Its des'gn only ihe stab e of F.raw nidi, tbe favorite elephant of Iudra; but us, in t Urn India, the stables of tho white elephants o'ten equal the habitations of the kings, the differ ence is of small account " IIKHCIUI'TION OP T1IK KCINS. "These places bear tho traces of the gaudv colors and the rich gilding which wero once used to cover the statues of the polymorphous denies with a multiplicity ot hands and arms, but they are now stripped nf their ornaments, nnd stand In solitude, abandoned nnd forsaken. On the highest platform of the central twer at tbe Cam bodian stiueture is enthroned the fourfold figure of Iluddha; and when the great patriarch lludd hughosa, with bis truin of shaven monks, entered the sumptuous colonnades of this palace, cher ished as their hercdi ary abode by a long line of kings, then the temples of idolatrous sacrifices fell, and the old ch s-lcal name of Inthiipattaiuri whs changed Into that of Nakhon Vat (the City of Monasteries), which thenceforth became a convent dedicated to tho priesthood. "The ancient insciiptliins arc considered ns wholly unintelligible by tbe present Cambodians, but more from laziness and feur of menta exer tion, as the letters, although of a more antiqu itej form, are generally similar enough to tho Pall, und tbe words In most cases differ from those now in use. One or the other event recorded in these Inscriptions may perhaps still give a clue to historiiul tacts connected with those ruins, as nothing of that kind is to bo hoped for from ihe written history of Cambodia, which begins with the Cambodian kings removing to their new capi tal of Basnn or Panompen, and thence to I.nwek. They had left the fertile plains expo-ed to the in roads of the Siamese, who just then began to break fonh from their native mountains, and re tired Into the inac esslble swamps round the shores of tho grcnt lake." HISTORIC VI, tTl:MS. "The traditions I collected from tho people in Cambodia speak of the son of a king of Koruiih, w ho, banished his country, married the daughter of the drugon-klng in Kamphiixa-Uiiliodi, the great country born out of the water, and accord ing to the Javanese, who likewise allude to an ancient colony from Kohm, settled at (the moun tain of) Sunung Kedung, their first civ il zer, the holy Tritrestru, was married to Ilramani K ill of Kaiuhoju. If Indian in-ei iptlons could be he 1 cved, Kaja Deb, Pal Deb of the Paladynas-y in Bengal, added Kumbcja to his couquests in the ninth century, and the victorious Suren is brought there by tne annals ot tte Malays in tne tenia century Cambodia constituted a nourishing em pire, strong enough to conquer purts of Tonquin, and it even cheeked tho progress of Kublui- Khan, who, it is wild, attracted by its wealth, sent nn army against It. The Coehin-Chineo bistoriinis, howaver, ascribe tbe honor of con quering the Tartar conqueror to their own king, Tsching-l-bioucn. Alter the disnieiistiermcut of the prosperous nir niitcby over which the M.iha- rnja of Zubedj bud swayed his sceptre, u constant and intimate intercourse was kept up between the maritime poits on tbe Indian und the Eastern Seas, by tho licet of the Siem, who had been taught to excel iu navigation by the Ma ay settlers in Lb lam pa. ltie .Malay uuernras describe their proud capital, throning on the waves, nnd give u Javuoese mother to Raja Tlgnak. The nunio of Siem was afterwards adopted by tin Thai in Kiain, which Jcountiy was for merly known as Nuwi'or Ijiwh. Tue pedigree of 1'anjl, Ihe favorite neio ot romances und plays in Java, was ennobled by his descent from a Hindu princi ss, whom bis royal hither wooi d during a stay in Kalinga; wntu uatiu, tno first liruu- inuna of the Kcwa canto who settled in Bali, came. In in Tclinga, and the kings of Madura, 'the Ptolemies of the Fast,' had long before that time enteriained intercourse with Kurope by em bassies, as well us the sovor. igus of Ceylon. This latter island has always exercised ajreat in fluence on the countries ot t Itru-lndia, and, be toie being devastated by i lie D.iuula, rivalled in tbe sp eudor of its temples both Cambodia and Java, w hose impcrors, like those of Menaugka ban, tiunsfirrtd the Classical iiumc of I.aiikapura to their own countries, ino dynasty which pre ctdtd the Mulayo-Javancsc one, in binghupura, had icccivcd the kingly title from Ceylon or Kliigha, ihe Isle ol Lions." THE Itl'INI SIX Ilt Nblll.U YKAKS AOO. "The description given by a Chinese ollh er. who traveled through Cambodia in the year l-'-l i, Is too interesting to be omitted nere, heitaiiNc. no- witbstunding tho ruinous state ot the buildings at ; the present time, its details can still ha verified j in ci any every articular, -j ne cupitol, ne says, i q.ud ti ve ga'.i s, each diiublo ; tho chh f ono bad two openings, the others only one. Beyond the gates there was a great ditch. From Ihe ditch wi re caustwuvs of communication w ith tho great brii'gts. On each aide of the bridge wero lil'iy fotir statues of stone, representing their deities. : These wtic very large, und, liko .t ltues la gciu ru1, tin y had a menacing aspect. The live ,' iics j were all alike. The pillats of tho bridges were j ol sn ne, umI adorned with llgures of s ipents. Kiieh set peat had nine heads. 1'. ich of the titty- ' four Manns hchi a serpent in its hand, to ward off I llioso prsaing. Over tho gutos wero large busts I of Iluddha, of stone, l'.ach bunt had live faces, lool lng tonuids the west. The one in tie' centre had a geld head-dress. On cacti side of the gate wi re liguies of au eiephtint carved on s'oue.'" Dr. Bastiitii expects to shortly publish a hook I oftiuvelsin Cambodia. J MM. ltKI.I. JKVI.I I' IX IOI KI. 11K IS ( IIMl((i:i) WITH MWlNIII.IMi. The case of Henry J.Stevens and others ag liuat Williiim Cornel i Jewett cauiu up iu the .Supremo Court, betoie Judue, in Ilrooklyn, ou 1'itcs day, on a motion 10 vacate nn order oi arrest. The billowing uto tho allcced I'tcts in the cac: lu July, IX'iO, the delondttin Jewett went to tlio sti rei l Mi-vena, llrother A; Co., No. '2ii IVail strict, in this city, and mude a contract witli them lor a porluble steam engine, which he said he wanted to use in running the works ol' the Jewett Mining Company, lie agreed to pay cash oudelivciy. The pluiutills immediately got the engine ready, and upon delivering it on board a learner, Jewett told them be bad a large sum of money iu the bands of his banker, William Ker son, in Denver city, and proposed to give thuiu a diatt upon him for tho amount. The plaiutitls were ignorant of the character and reputation of Jewett, aud believing the state ments ho made to lie true, dulivered the engine und accepted the draft. They caused the draft to be jaa.eiitcd immediately by the United ti talcs Kxpres Company, when it was alleged that the whole transaction was a Ira ml ; that Jewett had no account with Kerson, and no money in his hands. The mutter was then placed In the bauds of the plaintitl s counsel, II. C. fVlucc, of Brooklyn, who, upon the proper afliduvits, procured an order to arrest said Jewett, and, after an unsuc cessful search of nearly two years, finally taado the arrest in New York. Jewett at once placed in the bands of the sheriff the sum of SIC Kins security tor his forthcoming to answer any judg ment that may be obiaiued against him. He then, by his attorney, gavo notice of a motion tiefore Judge Lott to discharge the order of arrest. Tbe Judge reftised to discharge the arrest, and held the accused. Jn tbe meantime the one thousand dollars had Ikk'ii deposited in tbe hands of tbe County Clerk of Kings county, and the same plaintiffs having other claims against Jew ett, sued out two attach ments in the City Court and Supreme Court, aud caused them to bo served cm the County Clerk. The aitacbniente were procured and served this morning. Tbe claim of bu'vcni, brother & Company amounts to $1200. The case will come up lor trial at the uex.t (villi of tuu court. .V. 1', i'tcuy i'ott. Dn. w. n. MF.iiwrN co.-n oott'Mv roil TUfc tllKliOKr.B MtllU IMt8. CO.MfOtHliBII yitOM ROtrl s),BAJUl''-Aj,) i,BAVES CTipnostr.B urMs-iiy, th frost InriUn blnrslH, eurss sil or in MV MM MM MM MM MM VM MM nrlnarv orvsns, tKh MM MM (vMillnsin'e of lh rl' i. VM MM MM MM MM MM MM VM MM nn,m.ll.,n of tlm i,,,PI. '"mniairnn of la, In l Ik- i,1i..,r,r. St H M M MM MM MM MM MMMM MM MM MMMM VMMM MM MM MM MM tare. ' ,!... rho-i J IS s.psrlntly riv At,. i.. l,,r HMi" f"i;). ., h. ro ill tl ol.l Jltuos.jr,, Dleil, ln., fHilsd. It It rrsTiarsxl In a hk-hly Oonaslitrali d f-oui, the ilo.o only tM1!.!!! frm nnn to two teuspootiitiis Uirse tlnm. psir tlav. Il Is fUnrsMIe and alisratlv tn Its a-tlon ; part jiuir ami elwHn.lliK Ibe hliMsl, onil.tnir H ia flow In hII ol Ita orlgln-il party and viftort ttiu r movinn from i.ti ayso-m all psmlotons caos'-s wiucll Sav ct rrt ' s i t l rt t'i' I V CO ft: t c IV CO if ru i cccn o ci wo r h k n o k r. r. ivjps;- TlON Is liitrii1l a, an nllr a asll.tiint In the rilKltil- KKK Kf.MKIIY. and ! Kl If In efiiijiihc-oii with thsl msairlns In sll nf liopoirlMi-n. inei, K nor Alhus ur Wlihss. It f Unit am hssllnn, -othinn, sial dsmiilei-m : rsmovliid nil ai slit'lin la-si. rhcrdt l, flail paui ln.lesil of tho tairinnij anil almost un. mlnrHti pnlrl Oal In ssiierii-tit-en with nt'itrlv all th otieap quack Injections. Trr.rrrr.p.r. I'K.r.MitKKB I'M KK r.r.Kri I.S.I.K IK KK. t v.YTv.rr.rr. Kia.KMLKK.B P.V the n.e of Uir?!i:ttO Kr.k IlK.MKIiY and Cllt ItOht.K fsJK.CTPiN -the two tuedktiiM at tlui samo time all Improper di. rharis are r miovi, and 'he weakened orgitns a a speed' lly re.iorftd lo full vlsir and sti-antfth. Kor f ull paislcalnrs i-t oor pamp'ilets IV-im any drair st,re In Itieconiitrv.or writ us. and wa will mall free i any aldra a ftiU ueatle. Hit nrt HII Mil nn mi mi mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' id 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiinuiijiiiiimi in mi mi mi nn mi mi un rrlfs.f I1KHOKEKRI MR. IiY. ti Ixr uotilfi, of ihmt tKMtssa lor $'i Pries riir.MOKFB IV JF.r'TlON.t'i P'T Ise lie, or UiriHi tiotLks for Rsnt by sjirrmi to any ad drss. on rscelpl ol prlis'. Holil byaUdrtniilstscvcry whr. pnininniin fibUUDUIillll Ml 1)1) mi on M) nn M fiu id) ni I'll Ml idiDnmiiitii) llUDDDUllU ciikrokkf. rrnri An imfalliiiKciir for Sper mauirrbea Mtitulicd Weak-ne-s. Nocturnal fcmlaalone, and all olaeaaes cuu-ed by Heir pnlhitlon; sie-h an l.o-i of Memory, L'S.l tude, I'alnii In the Bark, lilm ness ol Vision. Prernulure Olil Aue Wi-iik N'ervee llif llcultv of llreathini, rreiub nnK, tVakefnlaess, tiiptiona ou th Kae fat Coun' nandt. Insanity, ronauinp tlon. and all the dirrtt) ooiu puinia ij deiiarUng wool the path of astur. tKF.- KF.K1F. I K.KKbKl.KKB Kf; r. FIF.K.K. KK.KI.E Y.Y. IK K KKFrKI F.KK. KKKhl.KM.tE This nnsdtrlno Is a simple vettotahlo extract, and ono on whlclt a I nn rely, as It has tu rn used In our iirao tlcefif nisny jenrs. and with ttina.nai a ireii'ra. It has not failed 111 a klnido Instance, lis carativo powers have been sulllrlent t iuln vic tory over the moat stubborn Cass. To those who have trifled WIU) fhi-lr eoii'-tltotlon. un til tla-y tliuia tliarui,lvt-s bsyonil the reach of rusilti-al aid, we would aar, IsK HI'Mtt NO i I the CHKHcj KKE fl'KB nl resinre you Ui liealth and vtffor, and after aU quack doctors haw failed. nn UII For fntl paiilcnlAra, ret a Circular irorn any limit Htor In the country, or wlte the I'roprleiors, who will mall t'roo, to uny one do alrltiK the same, a full trait Use Id pamphlet form. Krtoos, 12 per tMitil. or three hntt'ea for $.5, aud for warded hv Kvurts4 to ad parts ol'th workl. Hold tiy all renpectabl drtisv'sts everywher. KltltltKltltKIl KilltKHItltltlt lilt It Kit It It it it unit lilllt It II It HltltltltltKliK Hint It It K KICK itltlt MiR itltlt Itltlt itltlt DR. WRItlllT S HKJI VK.S ATlStJ 1UJMK.I oil. KSSF.NCK OF LIFF ! Pn-pared lloin I'ure We- tabte Kstracis, rontalnlng noihiim Injurious to the moat dellctito. The Itejuvcnatrna- Fllilr U the result of modern dis coveries In tile voi;etahlo kingdom; beinK an entirely new and ahutrnct niett od of cure. Irrespective of al) Uie eld and worn-out tystema. ror-oo recce it? r ro t'C ft; CO cc Of! CO t) t'rccrrxj This medlclna has beon tested byth most emlneat medical nieu of the day, and by them pronounced to ho one of the ureatoit medical diaeovenea ol' tne auo. One botUu wiilciimlleneral Debility. A few bottles our Hys terics In females. One bottle oures Fulalta Uod of ihe Heart. A few doses restore tb organs of Kencruttoti. Kroni ou to three bottles roster tli ruanlluesB aud lull vJftvr of youtiu ooon oooooo ooo ono OIIO DUO IIOIJ OIHI ono O'K) tn in uno ono (iiiij ooo i too o IOOOO cooo A few doses restore tilo ai"-tlte. Three bottlea cure Ibe worn nse ol" liiipotcncy. A lew doses euro the low Bplrlnd. Out- bottle restores nientnJ pow er. A lew bring the rose to the check Tin. niydicins restores to manly vnor at d rohu-t ticillh lb poor, d.-ljilltaled, worn-dowu, and de.palr'ni; devoieo ot sensual picutur. mi uu Th listless, enervnted youth, the over-tasked man of business, tne victim of nervous depression, tbe In dividual xtittcrlruriroiD iteue rat debility, or fro .cak ness of a sin.le oan,wiU all and iuinH'diato and per manent n-Uel' by the us of this Elixir or Cssenc of Life. '.., a rr boltls, or Uiree bottlos fol Vt . for wsided by express, ou re ceipt of money, to aasji ad ores'. Mold by alldrugt'lstKWery wber. KK KK KK KK KK KK. KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK k CUEItOKEB ril.I.SI NIIIAK CHATl.ll FEMAI.K Kh'll l.ATOlt, NVV SI llK.AI.lll VN M ( KBTAIM AMI SJAI-B NN .V- l or the Heliacal of lib- MN -V , sf strucii'.ns, and the liisur- Ns Jf N!t ance ol Keitularlly m in Ji M -V NM Hecuirac oi tli Monthly NN N ft St Period.. Nst N KM They core or obvlat thos KM S Nt piini'-rous deases that tt M UN sprliai from Irregularity, hy ri niov ins. llio Urvularuy u . ,u"' Tbey cure Rnpnressed, Escesilve, and Pauitul suruatlon. Thuv cur Qreea Sickness Vfll.FI'.KKKKK KH;kKI.Kt.l.i; Hk M til IK I.KhKB t.K ri: KKI'I'FKEKIi: ia.H-fctt l.KK (Chlorosis). They cur Kervooa Sod Bplnal AtlectloBs, pains la the back and tower parts of tbe body, tlsavmesa 'a'lKUtt on slight exealon, Talpl tatloa of Ihe Heart, l.ow n.:ss of apirlta, llvsieria, Hick lltoc'aclie, fliddluess, Ac., Ac. In a word, by re movlngihe ifn-sularlty.they remove tku cause and wila It all tn aileoU that sprlojf ttouilt. --uMsed oi' simple vog llitlt- evIl.-titH, iln-.v coicaln liotiili ft tfeleterloii. to uiir coiistlt'ilicn. ln-v.cvor 'tell vate. I'm. '-'lo'i IicIi.k; to mit'iitiiiite htii-Hih lorwcak Ii. vi he h, vvli' li iTop 'rl list d, llicy necir altoilo. Ilii liiu lie .ttte-y loo-dat flnv w-e, uml at eliv period, I.Sl KIT IM'ltlMt VII B HUM' Tllltl-.l. MON'I IIH, duiinit vvhltli tl.n inihiilltiir liatvie of their acijon would InlulllUy I'AlAKNT pnu; nancy. FKKEI'FKI-KP, 1.K IK F.I FF.F. t KhfcU IE F-K 1 El'.KFFFKF.P. Uiijaa.i.i.tK The OHF.ROKKE sfKnt- FKP.ERf-F.F.F.F. 1 Kr:r.i.ui.Lii i-:f, v.e XK.KKE F.E FK P.UKFF.F.FF.EIS Lt.U.KtKtl.lC All letters seeking lofur. matlon or advlre will b Iiroitiptl.v.trecl.aud discreet' y answered. Full directions scoomnaoj each box. Price tl per box, or six boei for so. Kent by mall, fr of post Ah', on nuipt of price. Hold by alt n-tpuctabl nii.giBia. CIS 1.8 are. old bv alloiuer- SrlKh-g druFil In the i Ivl ed world. Home umipii tlpled dealers, liowevir, uy loscll oitliles compounds In placo of these thus which they can cot at a clieup prlc. nd make more money by seutnn thun they can on the I llF.itoKIK SI 1.1 ill IUKS.. As you vat it. jour lioullh aye, the bealtli of your oiii-priw do not b deceived by such unprin cipled d.-niiKlta. A.k lor the CIIKIlOlvH! MKIil-i-ol Vu m..A no othar. PSS B8 bnH HI4 bNR Hi bK8 b.t Mitel H-t SHtj aVbf II th lirunsits 1U uot boy them for. ma, send t s, And we will seud Ihcui to you by Lxpress. Partlessddreis ins us .honld state tbe dlace.o ud symptoms, and lull bartii-ular. In resard to their canes. We Ueal all ulsaasss of a eliroulc uatiiro iu male or feraaie. r.M,iiH ,.r itciillclnen can addrefs us In perfect confl eVice, and we WIU lu all eases frankly and Ireely sn.wor Uwr letters, and give onr advlco as regards each case. I'aileitta liYing t dUtanco need not hesitate because of tlieir Inability to visit ni. We hare treated saoceesfully liatlciita In all portions of the clvlll.od globe. l'atieuta a.kuti.ilng US will 1-liS.e write Tost Oltlce, Countv, St. to, snd nam of wilier, ylalu, sad Inolots pomase stomp Kir reply. f, .end to any address our SB-psge psmpulct fr, aYUdress all letters and orders to lia. W. II. MFIIWIN fO., Jlo.t)JLlll.liTy Brrtr.rT, t.y:wriv.K. senfsforPfnsvlvsiit.r)Vi'TT C0.,N. i-t M-.tta j"ttwi) sUest.i'luUUfU'lua, SVl urSsl "t'o WRIGHT ii oITDALL No. IIP Mnrkpt r.troft . prTWKKN FRONT AND r,C03l iTEKKTH. c. w. wiurniT. r. h. irr DRUGGIST bTTh Y 8 I C X A N 9, 1EVFRAL ftTORKKErrKR. Cn flnflntoHr fs.tabMiitiinnt ftillnnrtwjntof Imported nrl I)omrniic IHtiK", fopolnr Patent Mtvlklnft, IHInti, CV nl Oil, Wltutnw HUinn, ITct-crlption Vl), Ac, ai aj km pt1ca fta (rVDQlnn flrt-clam k-hvIi. mn mit. KINK r.MHKKTIAli miA ForConrprllonpri.ln ftaU arkty. and of lha hunt in1l. 'ocMn?al, llcup! Indigo, Mar.wr, Tot Aah, t'Qlar, iVxla Anht Alum, Oil of Vh riol, Xnnatto.Coppara, Extract of IOfrwrxKl, Ac, FOR DYKItH' use, h ayt on band, at low tat net r-h prtcpt. Fl Kt 8PirES FOK FA MILt !THE, flronnd cxprcoaly for our aa), and to which we Invite tha atianuon of Uo In want of r"ltiil artkla. Alto, JMJJUO, aTAiiCUs UUXTAKO atf., crr qualify, Orierfl by mall, fr elf jr pout, win ot wltn prompt At l?ntlon, or aptoial quotatlont will bo furnlfhcd whan ro- VVKIGHT HIDDALU Whotfa1t IniK Warhona, Jall-ly No. lift MARKKT Htrr. t. above Front TKUSKKH. h racks o., '(tkliruily adMintMl hrC II. NKKm,rt,oor. i i w r.i.r i 11 anu h i r. n'rtwia iuif iM'palnit nt for itiuf, c-ndiicffd rv iwila TWfcl.KTIi Htrpl, (lr rmir MWwRnt Thi mml tvrmit aiil varml tu on hand. ronUMii(, In part, of Tni, Hupp.rt-r, hui) Uracil. ip-t. itaiit.u-(HJ Kmnlic HUKslljLKf. ftyrl'iift'i. Artiileii for NurMO.Hk-li koom, Ac kl Mm IMIII ADKI PTIIA SITRCK()NS, HAM.A(tK IMSIirOTR. No H orth NINTH HtrO"t. Aw .Murkft HtHtur ra1trally rnr tl l It L KUK r T H rrfltn-nm Ptpnt ttraiiunthitf I'rcmtirii Tnii. Hinn-rlor Kl"tic B'fii Klatlc HtfrHf m Hnnponwri. HtiouMe'' Hracci. Annpon- J.a lld nit i el Mil. n.O. F.VKRK IT. mViVly E ARTIFICIAL HAND. II. A. 1IMKA, lovfntor and MiiniiUttMrer oft.i A 11 1 I K I ; I A L A It M, Approval and aflptd KY T M PrROEON-Cil.NKRAX OF 1 UK UNITED 8TATK. fr Hoidlr, Ha pfrmani'ntly ktcatcti hl i!ic!iid Fartorv at No. 313 H UHi btJtwt, ilx doors bUow Mruco, FhlladA. No. 47 S. THUD STREET, ABOVE CUE.SVUT, PlUlailatpbU. FA IIY A UltOTIIKIi, nOTJHK, HMN, AND UNAJMKNTAL PINTKRfl. Grainmit, OlAstlrg.OIldlngon Olaia. Baliotn nuu. Papff TamiihJiig. o. aoU tf RAILKOAU LINtS. VKW KAIMIOAI) MNK SOfclll. X PlIII.AItKI.PMIA TO littOKKI.VS, illltni till IN PIVF. UiH Itei. PARK 12. Eri ltION TirKKTH f l.i.MOIl FOR THH EI PAT1. On and nfior MulsHA V, Aiivii f t, 4, tnilua will avQ t'oo! of VI. K Mrct't. l'inlfih''ptiia, iv(ry niorniny a H A, M. (Bundiy c ptftt ), tho e ly tii Caiiid'i and At lantic and Karl I An andlielawaro Hay Uftilnad t Port M( ninonth, ami hy lh-' cnnnnotH u a't'anmr JfRtr lloyt, to h ot of A hi nt Ii- utree. Itrooklyn ; rotnrninir, Iuvh Af tnuilu Mii'tii W Imii tverj duy 'fiiittda exct-ptt'd). ut II A M. Traveler tn tho city of Now York am notified not to apply for puS'-it hy thU Un!, tti stat( of Nn .Inmev ImvipR d to Un CaiiHTn aid Amtmy monopoly tho I'X' lusivt' prl Hi iff ol cnrr. inir pitit-i nicrs uml f ftrht he twetn the clti- ui Philtttltlphiu ana .Vow Vork. yTJ- li 1SG4. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC KMi.ittnii. Nt'MVI'.K AltKAMIKMF."T. 1SG4. TI I KOI IU I IN TWO 'lOl.ltSIII Four trains dulty to Aliunde City. On n1 after MONDAY, July 4, traiua leave vine street Ferry as follows : Hull. IMA. ta. Fittlitht. with iiussenirir cur'I.r A. M. Knprc.a (throuirh In 'i hours) 1 it) I'. M. Atlantic Aco 'niniooutloll. 4 to I. M Junction Accomin "lailon,ti .to P. M- KK IT KM Nil I.KAVKH ATLANTIC, Accommodation ( tluutic '46 A. at. KxprfBa, 7-oH A M. Frrlsht. 1I,.'T A. si. Hall,14H I. M. Juiicilca Ac-ommoilatlon. (I'?3 A.t. Kurt lo Ailiui'ic, H'ira. Itotiml TripTI 't ((tordonly for tile day Inul Iruln on wttlcn thev aro f 100. KXlltA H.VUDONKIItr.l) TKAIM4, I. eavo Vlt..-Htn ct li-lo A M. and loilf M. Leave lluJUuiill- Itl l l.'i I' M. und a to F. il. ON MLNIIAVS. Mall train for Ath.i.tic leaves Vino street ."30 A.M. Leaves Alluntio 4 -W I'. M. i,:in il JOIJS O nttYANT, Avm. lletiar which was made hint y-ur liai eulirelv ill.ap-rrt-iirt-d. Icaxiltjj tlio bl-acli ou ot Uie luost dellutitlul on tlie coast. X70IITH l'KNXSYLVANIA KA1LROAO. 1 Kor MKI'lll.ltllF.M, IHllTi.KiriiWN, EVHION, MAIVII CO I K, 1IALETON, WILKESttAJtttrJ, and WIl.LIAitM'OllT. HIMMKIt A It It A Nl i IC M R ST. A 1)1 III ION A I, IIHINS. Pn suit nftcr MiiNHAY,.lcn" In. lull. I'lisscnucrTralD, will leave the Ni-w licpot.T Hlltli Ntrei-I, uUive Thoiuo hon aliect, t Inli-di-ipliiu, duny (Miiiuluy. excepted), as lollows : 7 AM. tKiprss) for ttetliicliom, Allcntown, Munch Chunk, Wllki-hliurie. Willliinmport. it l:, A W . t Accon'incdatloh) lor lloylestiwri. Jll-l.' A. M. tAi-i-cli niiMlailoni tor Kurt tYaslilnston. 3 I'. M. (Accoii Dioilulli-t) lor lloilctowii U -I'i P. M. tKAp't-f.) lor lit-thlehcm, r.aton, Ac. 4 l.'i I". M . (Mini) lor Do' li -h.n. 0 Id P M.t Ac oiiimodulion) lor tletnlehem, Alkntow n, mid ariiii-h l hunk ri-l.' I1 M. t Aci-oninioiliitlon) for 11 1'. M. Accon'iiioiluli"ii) for t ori Washington. Ill AIMS r i lt Hhll.AllKl.l'illA T.envc Itc'1,1.1.1 in a) ii M A M . 11 .1" A M , -in-1 fi-0; P. M. Hot k-stowu ut U'4U A. M., J 46 I'. .M.,uud 7 I'. II. Lall.dule ill li A. M Fort Waliln;l.. al I1'2". A.M. and 2 1". Ms N WI'NUWS Philadelphia for lli'thlohi ni ut II A. M. l'luluili Iphhi tor lloyknti n lit :l M. lioylc-itov,!! i'r fhilaitclphtA a 7".HI A M. II. -tlil. IlflM li.r I'll! aili lphlil at 4 P. M. lllllinaii Itu w'i' h Ti-i lll ca.l I'orainl d. llver but mute at the depot. Orders may be kit at No. 11J 8. I UIKU Sirci t. '. , , ,i:j r.i.ijiti i i.i. it rv, ameiu. l7Tui.A',iKl.rillA AND TRKNTON AND 1 CAMllKS Ai;i AMIIOY ItAlLltOAUDOJdl'ANIKi. MOTIi'K On ai d after MnNnY.,laiiuarv 4, 1m;:. th Trains for il ti A M (Kii;lit).aod 2 til) ' M , ini'l iIim Irani, h-avinn New York at a A vt. :nd 7 :.t f. M., -vill hcn-aler be rim exclusively for tie Dnlii'il Hiat-'. alilla anil Ne Vork aud V a..hli-;ion ru. -eiik-erH, una iviii uot take ui uor lei out aiiv pi!M'!iii-re r,.-tw , ,-n .itid crlm. 1 tie In A. M. and ij .Mlilnuttit Lil n I oas N'-iv Y'ork to Waaliniaton. anil Ihe II bo A M ami ' P. vt. I.Iim. Iro n Wa.hliiL-ton lo New Y' xk. will connnu' at procnt, and carry pa.aei'ueri to and from the n-teriuediutaa atlou. and llulntitorc, VV-i.hlrittoii,a il N'-w Vork. AltltAl.l:.MI.NTS lit IWKfcN l'lllJ..vt)KLrlll ANU N1..V VOIIK. Lines li avc Phlluil"'ihia. fioni Ke mlmton Depot, nt 11'luA.M , I !'. mid i; f.' I', si., uml U :i uiidoutit, and Irom VVulnut Ntiect VVliurl' fvia l'aiinKu),al ti undbA. M l') l . . ni-il it I M . lor New York . Audleiivii Nv Yotk, 1'ivin fo t oi C'oiir'Iundt mreet, at 7 A. -VI . I" A M , l-J .VI . , uml i r. .vi , auo ai u int.i nlvbt, uud llcai lootoi r.ari hiy street at il 1. VI.. ami J JiiS-tf Ai,ellt. SHIPPING. r. S'l'K AM WKI'.KI.Y TO l.IVKlt Iinril imit liitic Ht M'"t in"' wn, fork Harbor 'iju-vstil kitti-i, 11 ftifantcra 01 tne isixtTprt-H, xrw )ors. and riiliiuit !i u hU'uuisiup 1 t.uip-iny aru in .enuau to rail a fol lot h :- CITY ii W A HI 1 1 Sti TON. Hamruy , A'i.ih . CITY ' MAN( hjuiniiiv, Aim ial 13 I'll Y OK lAiSItOS. Kuiuidrv. Antusl And evci v mji.evdiiiK Mttunl.iy, ac U'-ni, t."ia rivr o, 44 horth kh er. IIATKS UK I'ASSArK. ravahleliHlt.ld.oi list iiirileiit tn Ciirroney : J-ti'bt t'lti.m hii-im rtii-irao ?3t i0 Fltut Cabin tu LomJoii ; (0 steciu' t Itmlo'i. ;IO l'lidi t uit.ti to TarlM... H.'i B Vfraue to I'uri 10i-t 1 LrntCubill tothililhiii(;!Nl'OU Mt'iTiiL'C to HainhurK.. it? (KJ 1'aen-t r ;tre al-o torwanh tl to 1U re?. Hi t uieu JCot terhtui. Artut'ip. At- . ut e,mtllv lnwrnteft, KurH in in ei poil or (lieeiiBtown 1 lrt ('atiln, $7.1, ilnS. Hieerae IVoin Liverpool and tiifpintown, I-. 'J huse who wi.-h to scitd lor their uknU cau buy tickoia liore at tiiet.0 rutea. ur luither imoimalion apply at tlie Comnany a offlcei. .IOIIM ). IAI.K. AKent, No. IU WA1.M T Htreet, I'htladelphla. rfff BOSTON AND rUILA.DKI.riHA. 2sAsiltatt gtoauinlito Uno, at I In from eacli port on L iaTAVS, irom first wharf above 11 N K Htreot.I'liila-dt-lpha, aid leuni; Wtiaif. Itoiston. Irom first wliarf above I'INK 8 1 reef, on Haturdar. August i. I A. Tlio NUiiiiiftbip MKMAN, l.aker,wiU aallTum Ptiadnl plilu tor liuston, on Saturday, August 10 A.M., and tba sUuuiihtp SAXON, MatHicwii, fiomliotou for FiiUalu!iljift,oa same day, at 4 I. M. 'i beio now aud Dttbstantial lUaumhlps form a nffulaf line, sh'Hiik from etti b jrt puuetualiy om Haturdavs . lur-uniiKfi et) at ouo UaJiliiu protuiuu cbaigedoa tide eelt. Freights taken at falrratn. Bbippera are retitieMed to vend Blip Bcclpt aud BUIa LadTnu with tlu'ir noodnv KorVio.khtorra&tue Rv4n flae acromtnodntioni) p.lytn lir.NKY WINHOIt A ( O., jaf-tt Ko.Uii rt.DKLAVV AUK Avonue. p Fon N EW YOHK. DESPATCH Jiimii! iiTTi Bwlfttnra Llttw, via Delawaro and iiain.iiit.timl. '1 lit" steamer oi then lines are learniy daily at 12 ociock M., and 6 0 oiock 1. al.,lroiu tUUd flor fi.'ove Walnut street. l or iieiybt, wbtcb wiU be takon on aocotnmotiuUnf tonus, apply toW lUXVM it. HAIKU Ou.,Jo. ti b. JUI.l.AWAltE Areuuor Xf FOR CALIFORNIA. UEOrKMNQ a.wwuijii.;. i.OI IKK lU'l.L, will Ira e OM UATl hlM,, AukukI '7,at neon. I.nwent rHtcs ol pasbaa UiiuukU Uqux rUUadelplilft to Ban Fraiidsto. Aifli to W. A. HAMILt, JylO lm Ko.glT WALyUTt.oat, ffT. FOR LIVKRPOOL. BATCRDAV, ii,v Li.titih mnp VAMJOL VKK, CuiXalii J. U.CarlliiU, Till all as .HtKiv-i. 'ur Uvht it iNfaff6. appW to IUViUAP Jvl nnm;c)il.) aS ".-IJ. RAILROAD lCS. IVI. 1 AliHAMiF.MKNTS OF loi i 1 h ramrfeo and amhry and FhtUdlph(a and Trenton ftallrnad O; mparMa' Umi from ruoalphla to Maw York tad W a !'! KhOM, ,WA,1IUT "KET WUAHK, will lc aa ft I. own. t. fhb At fl A a aiudt o a- Ambtiy, C and A. Ar- t tamr-dAikitt , $i J- Aim A M , via ani'Un aiidJera! ltv, Mn'ron KP"M ; 300 At 12 l . viaCatoa and Amloy(0 ami A. Aroom- ni-1 minit 2 i$ At VP. M. Via (.'Htmii-n and iiiIm.v, c. atd V ''V 2aft Ai i I. M..viat unidrn and AiuImij. Aci'ttnoi'Miarloti ( rrrlj ht uml At F. M., la anition fid Amtmy , Arastminolail'!! ( I- tflti lit rtlid 1'iiiStiiiK'T) Int Claif Ticki't Ml Inn- d-.,... Al , V M., via ('tiiiid'-n anct Ain'wy Ar.-..unt,MU. ti -ii (Krt itht itnd l'uta imt r), l-t Cluaii 'I li kot.... 1-711 J -.'4 1 :si JO ( H'.sj o 1 '" l-'or .Mau.h Th-uilr, All"?wn, Itrttilrlitn. hnivitlen1, Kim n, l.aintHTtviit' ri'-mimri'-n, r , . M. YT h W'liiiiu-t.iii, LamlMiriMllo, and int rin-tlirttfl 8t,i tUn, nt ft P. M. K'r Mount Holly, KianiMll.', lvmb r(on, ami Yln -oo-mwfi, : A. M.. i and ?i I'. M i or h r. fli-'UI al ti A. SI. and P M. r I -alnivra, Mm rinii, jiHim, l.i-vcrlv, n irlinatn, Fl.rt)i c. lwd. 'tit. ii, A-., ni ti A. M..l:M.,l. :,., and P M. 1 hp -i -o uni ' P. M. Uims run una t thmupth in 't'r ntcn. I't.r I'm ra, Rivr tion, hrliinro, Hrv' rl), ami lliirllat,-t-Ti at ; r. 4l. Hh-ainlMtnt Trrntnn, fT Hrla"l, Tlnrllrrtnn, loverly, TnrrtM al-. ar d I a-nny at - A M. ami i K) P. M. I.I Nt H l-H"M hENHltfUluN Dtl'OT Will av.- an fd t'W ; (.M I A M., (nil ht) vi K'nlucton and Sfvr Ynrk, a-Mnntfiii and N w lork Mail '2 At II I! A. .MM via Kmntntftoti and .lorncy Hty l-l- pr .'I'lH) AH f.M.,viH K'litiiitnion and Jry Uj Kx yrr JtOO At nm: P. M., via lnaliiKin ntnl .lerHcy t'lty, WaHliinct'ii and N'w ort Kxprrai i' W lni.lii Illicit lAVt m 4 A. M. audi I . P. . IHerc will ),p no inn n 4 A. M. ( Nlnht i on Mundnvwi, t'm Wat r Uap, HfruMurv, n. runton, WlIKiMbnrT", Moinn e, tirrat hritd, Mitnt'h t'hnnk. AU'-n'nu 11, r.f'fhJt1- Iibi Ii' Iv.iU'tti. ! iict-.n, l.amirf1 rt w Hrmlni:iin. Ac .at 7'lf A. M 1 hlft Mnr min i-. with tin- tiatu J-a uu LCastou fur Mam h ( liiink at ( no V M. r or r i' miiision, l.auttrtvilif , and liitt-nitftliatc t.itit'in at .' P. M. For liriftol. Trenton. Ac. at 71 -nnd II li A.M.. and 5 P. M. Kr llulmf plrw, Tnonv, Whi-I'mmlng. Itrtht-nrir, and Krankiord at A. M.,f.,.' t and P. 1. TU 'J A M I,ino runs o Hrihtol. lrPor N w 1 orlt nr.l wy Mti'H Kiivlnif K' nini;tr.n In pot , tnkc ItiP rnrn un I1 11th trert, aho U it Inn t. hull an hour .M'i'ita dt inr(iirt'. Tiir Cars run lino . n,t. and on nrrlvnl of onrli trtn run fr'-ni hr frnot. Kitty pmitult ot hniHm.i' only altoncd oarrt panion'or. anivnyft't aif nroluhitt'd fntn taklnir utivtintiM a- Ihu,vik hiii tln ir t-nitiir apLiiin't. a, hiiKKiit.'o uvor nfiy tHunla to tf ,ald tor 4xtMi Iho 'oiiipimy limit ihr-lr ri-oponil-Mltiy tor hapi Ai' to One (tolliir yr, and wilt not ta liiihle loraiiy amount beyond f MO, eccit oy vpecial aoa-Ua-t 'ralam inLRKf Fxprrn will mil for nnd ueilvor hut- i-at tl. iKpu'-s. OnltfH to 1m Iptt at No :t WAI.NLT M. VIM, II. UAI..MM(. Ah'elU. Aiuu-tl.W.l. MatH rltuM KEW YOffK FOR PIIILADKLPIIIA WILL I.KAVfc From foot of Courtlnn i atwt at 1.' M. and 4 P. M., via irpy i nt an ti amuon ; ju 7 aim mi a. m.,i v. i , ami 17 ( M(.ht)'via Jcrsi y City and krnMiiition From foot Hnn iay Htrtct, ut ti A. M. and i P. M.( vl Ah.Im nti'H nm''' n From Plf-r No. 1 North Rh tr, at 12 M.t 4 and 8 P.M. (frlfvlit and pHHentri-r) via Aiuhny and Camden. i;iiKir;iiT links for nbw ywhk and l ml ihe stations on the Carudun and Aniboy snd coil- nectlnit HaUrum!". I t KKAf.I-.ll DKHI A Tt II . The familen and AuiImiv Itiillroad uml Truntportntion l onipaliy'h Freight Line, for New York will leave Walnut street n Tiarf, on and atl' r January s, duily tbtindays ex cet'leil),al 4 o clock I'. M. iteiurniiis, tne ahovc Lines win icaverew m .an snu 4 1'. Al. FreUht Bin.t ne delivered before 3'5 F. M . to lie for- warned ti c same day. Frenhr lor 'Irvtuon, Princeton, Kinc.ton, New Bruns wick , und al) point" on the Camden and Ainltoy K.llro.ul ; al.o on ihe Itcivld'TC. Detavsare. and Fieuilintt ui. the Ns Ji-n-ev.the Ireehold and Jame.luirK. and Uio Hurhuton au Alotini Molly Kullroiids, received ntnl tonvardeit up to lv oil, ck 1'. M . Hiiiull paukiiKct lor Mount Holly received up lo '1 o ciock P. M . IheHelvider Delaware Itnllroad connecta at Phillip. - hurv with the Lettish Yullcv Itallroii'l The New Jersey ftuitroad connects at Khrahctli Willi the New Jericy t'entiiil It.ilroad, and at Newurk with the Morris and I-.. .ex ituiiioaa A Slip lu-mornndiim. speeitvinir ttin mnrk. anil mini- bt l s. hhippcrs and colc-lirneis. must III every Instance IK sent n l li eiteti loan ol Ktnli,orno receipt will oe ulven. Incrctisi d iaeilltles haviui; been made fVir tho tr.nsiiori a- tion ot LIN K. KTiit'K. drovers are Invited to try thl4 route. n ni u ill. Pioca in I'iriiinuno in 'iiiBiivo ten oi i . vj v iv I.OAliH or mole, It will be delivered at the foot of Fortieth htreet, near the Dtovn Yard., or at Pier No 1 Norm lttver, as the stl ppcr. may neslnnatt' ut the time of the shipment. Wfll.l F.'t MtK.I.M AN, FrelKht AK'nt, no, -on . neiaware nveniie, rmuiteiptua. tlKn. 11 HAYMONIi.Krelk'ht AKcnt, JnA-tf Pier So. I. North Kiver. New York. Ii r a, vilminjton, and IIALIIMOIIF. KAII.RHAIi. CIIANOE "K IIOI'IIH. On and alter MONDAY, Auituatl, 14, asseiiKer train, leave Philadelphia tor llaitluiorc atl-ott IF.xnreis. Moudavs excepted). 80.ri A. It., VI M..-J ilia- d 10 till I'. M. t'lu-.tcr at o Uo.M b A. M., l'oO, '30, 4'l0, ti'UU and U'OV P. . Wlln limton at 4-sn rnwiminvs excepted), g'o.,. u isa. M.. 1 tlU. Tin, 4-ta),('.-0i, III .10 and III UP. St. j..w t anlie at n-Ki A. M. and 4 mil'. M. Dover nt H li'i A M. and 4D0 P. 41. MIToldaiBWiA, M babshury al 81 fi A. M. TKAINM FOIt PHILADI LI'HIA. Leave Itulumore ut H'4-''. D-40 a. M. tbxpress), 1-10, yx and ln-.'i P. t. wllniliiL'ton ntl IH.C-4...U A. JI.,ll'ZI,l,llo, I'lto, 4')il, 7 ai d'J In P. M. eiall.bnry nt ll -v, A M. Vlllord ni l l'i P. M. Dnveral H : II A . M., and 11". P. M. New tastk- al 1 :m A.M. and fill 7 P. M. I hester at 7 45, 11-40 A. M-, 1 00, 2 4', 4 W, frtSJ, 7-0i, V M Leave tliiltlmoic firSallshiiryand intermediate tttatlons. si Hi-". P. St . Leave Haitimore ror Dover ana lutcrmcdiuts stations at 1'luP 11. TRAINS FOR BALTIMOItK. Leave ChiKter ut f it) A. M ,; tu and 11'0.' P. M. Leave Wilmimtlou at 5'o0, II A. M i 10 and 1140 P. M. Kh-IkIiI Trains, w ith Passenger Car attached, w ill run ss ftltov.s - Leuvc Wilmington for Poirvvilleand intermediate places 017 4'. P.M. Kl NUa) Ht-Only at 4 ) A. M ,10 :10P.M., from Phila delphia tn ttaltliuore. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at A. M., 10'M, sue 11 P. M. From WIlTlncton to Philadelphia nt V4X A. M and T OO P M. Only at llf.'O P. M . Irom Haltl'nore to I'lillmlelplna. )a4 11 F. htJNtl , Biipeiluleudcnt. It E A D I N G RAILROAD filEKAT TKI'NK LINE KIIOM PIUI.AKKI, 1 1 1 A TO THK INTCItlOn O PK.NNM LVAMA. THK S MH. V J.KlLl., HI S (( tuANNA.CI .MliKIU.AM), ANU WVOA11NO VAlXfciV, AMI SOUTH, MIRTH WERT, AND THK CANADA 8. PAH8i;NOKlt TRAINS l eave tie rriupuny'a Depot, at TUIRTKKVTtT and Al, lo III!.!, htneis, 1'liiladelpblu, at thu following liotii s : 1IORNINO MAIL. AlHl'-a- U.. for KtiMliiiK. l t Uanon, Kohrata. Mtlr, O'lumMa, liairlfeburg, ISiitHviUe, Pino. ruve, Tamaiua, fionbnrj, lil uir.' port, Kitnira, Koclienter, Niagara Palis, Uut b. Ailei ttiwn, 1 kettmrre. Pltt'-ton, York. CorlUlc, ihuu.t.rburJ, Hsuernown, Ac. 'Ihe trsinroiinetti ..t hi:.lHN with Kaat Pouniylva nia Rf-tln-ud trains u.r Atientowr.s Aie the ReadiuK und Cilnu-bia l.Hilroa.t t..r Kpl.rata. Mt ., an4 Vft'oiubia. and wnh Un Lfbaiioii Valley tram for HnrrKburr., Af.'.W PHC CI.iNTON wi.b ( ti.4vso.-B hallroudiiutiiit tor Wilk.-A arru, V illiaiiihp. rt. I.ot k Haven, Klniira, Ac.; at lIrt.'.iH; HCItc; with 1 Northern Central, " H'uinberlaud Valley," and "Jeli nt Ik ill und SiitniieiisVuna" trains for Nrt turn. b rlar d,Vlliuuii rt. ork.bun borijliirg,Pinegrove,AJ. al "It'ltMMiN l.ll(I.S Leaven I'M la tit Ipbiu nt :-tnj P. M. for Reudlng, Potts vllle, Pmt't ro Hairinbur, 'Vv., ronnecttog at 1 f arris bui ttl'b l'eMi-ylvauitt Ci-nirul trahit tor PUttbnrt:, tc, on beiu i ntrul Cullioiid li uius tor tSuuliiiry, Nortliuin ht Hai ti, KliniiH. Ac, anil ut I'ort ClintMi vt Ith ( .itawUHtA Paiiroail truin for MHiou, SVilliHms.tort, Kliulrii, lluitalo, iVv. REAUINO ACCOMMODATION. Le.iVe II. Htln m ( n a. htoppniK ut uli way sta tb rs arm ii u In PMI;uleiliia nt !'Mt A. M. It. turniiik, leuvet HbiiadilphiA aiu'UO P. M. ; orrlvoa in Rein li u ut n-IM1 P M. T'aMih fur riiilutifU'ltla Ii avo Hurri-buri; ut S A, M.,und lottr-vtiit nt:' l'i a. t , atiivitij, in PMiitiif ipina al 1 M P M. Al riiooii iraliiA leuie llnrrlurf, at '2 P. M , po'.t-vilie at -';' I'. M., Mrn.inv in I'bi udoitMa at 7 I. M. Murkfi tiuiim. nitli u pahweiif -r em- attache I. l-avo Pbiljut-lpMii at I P. M , lot Kfu lniK and all way suins ; leuvt-rr i C tiv tit li, nmni, uml Uowiiluiiiwu al 12 'M P. M lur t'hibitu i'bia and ull way stuttons. A II tbe ni.ovr iraii.s riiii ouiiy, Sundays excepted. Kiimiay truing It ue ptti;.llle at 7'oU A. M., aud PLIU deiiibiii at 'A !.' P M. CHI S'I Kit V ALLEY RAILROAD. Patftenpera for ltiwiuni;f.wn and intei mvlU'e points tuk tlie b 1.". A M. unaftbO P. M.trdiiin t'rotu Philadel. hia, leiurutng I hi in Jtuwimtiitown at ti to A. M., ttinl li I) KW YftKK EXPlilCiS KOR PITTHIH Ita AND TIII3 WEST. I. eaves Nt w York ut 7 P. M., pa-sing Hfiodlniint 12 mld iilt:bf. uml cotmerllug a llairtNit r MlU IVuniyh aula lit. In tad IiAp-ens tialn for PittHbuig. Iteiuniii) Exprehs train leaves Harrlsburgon arrival of the Pennsylvania ExpiebS t urn Pitt-tburg ut A. M., pa-nlng It em ling at b 4i A. M., aud arrlvlt.rf ut New York at 146 p. M. hleeitii g Cars accompany theso trains Uirouh, bat wet1 a Jersey City and i'lttsbuxii, without Change. MJl trains for New York leave Ifarrlsburg at ft A.M. aud 8 P.M. Mad trains tor liarrloburg ltao hew loia and I'M h( III U.KII.I, VALI ET KA1LROAD. Trains leavu PottsvitsL at 7 I-r) A. M. aad ;t--to P. M.t re turning from Tascarora at (Til A. M. and 4 t P. M. HCUEYLKllX ANU HUsgi KUANNA KAH.ROAD. Tint leave Auburn at A.M. lor Plnegrove and Han-iasurg, and at 1"J0 and 7 10 P. M. for Plueiova only i reiumts fiowHarrUburg at IU0 P.M., aud lrvia Pine Srova at ti lo A. M., and 4 nnd r. p. M. TltkliTH. Through first-class tickets and emlTant tickets to all the Hli.clpal points in thu North and Weot and Canadas. Die frtJloTtutg th kets are obtainable only at the oltlce of fi HRAUKOKJ), Treusuror, Nu . WJ H. 101 1(1 U Utrout, Phiiutle pt Is. ur of (J. A.MCOLLH, Ucaerul buporiutou deut. Reading COMMtTTiTIOK T1CKF.TS, A2s nor Of nt. di.cuunt, Letts two any oluts ileslrsd, for IsinlUes auJ Dim.. MII.CAGE TlfTCETS, Good fix SOW niilvs, b.lwecn all pomla, st $4H 55 each, fur fauiUlss aud itrnis. hEASON TICKKT8, ror ttire , six , uluo. or twolie ukiiiUj, for liolilari only, 4. ali puints, st ri-ilurnil rate.. CI.KltilYslEH Residinit mi tlio line of Uis road will be fiirnlslted wHh cants, sullltiuif lliouisslies sad tslvcs to UcKou stliaif tare. KXCttRMON TIOKF.T8 From Philadelphia to principal stations, good ror Batar day. tiiiiitlay, and Munilay, al milucvd tare, to be bad only si tlio 1 icact 'iiUlt't Kt.N'ia aud CAJULO W1U1.L filniets. rK.ionT. Goods of sll detrrlpilons lorwsrdrd to sit the sbnr Liotnls, lroul the Cotupau) 's BVW fratsllt depot, ItllOAU Slid WILLOW bUoi tl. rHKIOHT TRAINS .... I.rsvePbllsdflrhiadallr at II A.AI.,1 P.M.,nd6P.M , Kl'sdUls, l.eliaoon, Uarrtsbtug, J'otisTdie, t'orl lliu tutl, sod pulilts beoud. Close at the Philadelphia Orllc fr all plai-es nn tl ma.I and its branches at o A.M., aud lv( Wis piuwlpal Slalivus vlUi at II iv I', M. RAILROAD LINES. ISii-1 r E N N S Y I. V A 1 I A iVJjJ T)IK UltrAT IM VWl.V. 1 HAi K Kttnr NOI'TRIO THK WrhT. N 'HI II WKHT, A Nil iMITHWIWt. fiiiipin)ns snd ia fl t ! inr ir pMr, and com ftri r a tmr I'O'trt io ol stefn,-rn, iiiisrrpas--l ar a ft lite hi it t rountrv. Trntt i i at th he pot at KI.RVENTII and MARKKT Atirtis as t'tlMtws: Vaii Train a Kn Mm at T For t h I ipr- al , I art "b. r 1 am tin , at , Tarki bur 1 r.nn. No. 1 . at .. 7' A. M. . H i.. A. M. ..Itr.Mlp.M ,.l"0n A, M . .. 1 imp. V. .. i . p. m . Iturmttirc"diHoD at l.aiieatf Train -t I'aolt Aeirmmodatlon ('eavea w et rhiladvl 4 0-JP.M. jl';1"' 'V. -.. P. K. 1 bioub rao niifM bv the Knt l ine rea h A tvwia fos nttpf . vi em wit) ru- fotini p.ieni aeromiiKMla'tons ffir tie ihhr th.. (o an Ittiif., and hi tne inorntnK may tr ;i ii r tb hi aiteinnifc oi Itfiltimorn Kxpte4,d, ,ictt of wi irh ni -kn at Pi.t-bur f,,r all outi. A rt-n iijf,u upw u thus aib rU'dof lbs entire line and Ha mm Dlfl'-s'i t si tnfrr Ibe I tin,. ui, Train rutia daily ; all tho othar Ire ii tlaily i-xr,-).! smntivt. KlH l T I HMI It'll AND TUB WEST. Thr Mail I ft n. f a-t i in and Thronuli Cprfv ne. i at l ut- bu a tth tnroiik-b trains . n nd iltvervlnn nda I'Oin thai s... t, .,rtb to the tukm, Vi. to ihe MimIi l pi sno Ml-4-onrl MIv. m. ant R.toth an I Hnithw.'t to all i... ar. -s.i.ii,i. ,v railroad. ihroitRh Ti. ktts u. C'eva latd, t I l'-Mr , m I'anl.t oiuiiii.iis. n1ianaiU(! M I., ni.. I.envfiiwo-ih, K11 si. Wbt -iintr. bat'on. Cin cinnati l.on-viil... t 'mro.aiMi all otlivf unmipal pvioU. And bagt-ii I'af'i ttTttntth 1NIHANV IIHaM'II R H.HO AO. Th 1 himuh Ktvpri-- b nvlntt at e.t,i m. ronrwvf at liialisvuie It i rv-tton with a train nr. this road lo It l-itr vjiI-, ) nihni it, A r. MlKNNht'Ri M I'ltrHHMS HR It Atr.HOAP. 1 t e 1 broiiifh Kxpretifi Train, lenvlhK at 10 M) . .M .c D ft at i r pSoii. at 1 lis A M., with a truin nn tba r"1' for I tifi-b'irR A train a'sn ieavt s C'n stun hr tbnfrr i hoi.i.iDAYflitrnti hr A veil rovd. vi Tlie Mm- Trli. si i-J., A. M.. ntnl 'I'hroov'i f itWr i 10 :iu r M . cnri" t at Mtoona with trains tor M Illtlajs- btiru ' : - M. a .n h ( M . iliN.. AND ti-KAKKIFlJ ItHWrn N AIT ROAD. 1 In-1 brotut rii ren I rain, ieavine at 10 :t0 I. M., eon n' ! at T n ne li i a train fv h mdy ItelRe and i'MIllps htirti. n-i In liiti'l B uie ValU-y.itailroa.l lor I'-.rt Matilda Miie"bnrjf. at d Kfiiftonte. lit 1 1 Mdii N Al liROAH TOP W tTLROAD. IbM li tni gi -prrsi Train. leavltijr at lo ;to I. cou nt ct at I otit nsd. n with a train for Hopewell and Moody M'Kl'ilKHN KSTBAI, AND PHICADKLPItlA AKD F.KiK R.MI.HH. Fnr Htr l nry. Wiiiitiii.p in, 1,k.-1l Ha en, Klmira, Ro rliet r. It ui a In, and Nnam r ah-. ni-Fo nnerj LikniK the .VHil lrRio a 7's.oA.M., ami ttio Troui-'h Kyprts at lt .it V M.. dailv fieept uodny. e dire- tly tnrontrh, tvt imot i ani,e ot cars brtwctn I'hiladeiptila and WU lianmp' rt K..r VoitK. TIANOVr.R. and ;r.TTYMIUMlO. the trains jVtivInt nt h A. M. nnl '2 'it I. M ., conneet at CulumbiA w Kb trains on tne Nm tnern Central Kutlroud. tlMhi-iH l,-sM VA1.I.KY UAILIKIAT). ine Mall 1 rain ut A.M., aod thmattli txprMe at lr .tn p m ,conb(Ci at lUrrUourH witbualu for carllaia, Charaber'-b ir, and Haw rtown. WAVNKMnCltti HKACH H All ROAD. Th trains n avUm at 7 l- A. M and i Mi p, II., ennnact ai lo iiiiiKU mi wiili trains on this load to Wajuesborg ai l 1 I. eim-tMnie rtt tvsfi fH fu. tber Itifoimatton aprly at thr PnifntTT PtaUoiW H, 1, coiDcr tti Li aiV KM ii ii.ti M.XhKfct Streets. .IAMKM 1 tlWPKN, Ticket Atfont. COMMIT I It N TICK K I'M. Kor 1, 1. r ri moiiilis. at ver !w rates, f r the ae- c. nunocai ion ofpeitons ilvinuoat of town, or located ODtf ur i .ur H e lineoi the rond I CUI PON T1CKRTH, " FnrVft trips letween an two points, at ahnnt two cent' per tube. I h se iichei are Intemled for (hit lite ol fa mi la traveling trftti ntlv, and are ul gnat advantage to persons J iumkiiih ur I.I1INI T'I'". HCUcK)!, TICKETS, Kor nne or t reo moiitlin. for tho use of scholar! nt tending sehuoi in the cl'A t KHTKRN EMHiKATlOV. An Emit rart Aceounnottiiiioi) train leavns No. 1.17 Pork st r ett i um s, t Outs e.xcepted) at 4 o flock. P. M.,otrenng a comtoriuble ba-iaeof travel to families going West, at ( ii'-bulf ib! uq. 1 ratnof fare ParUcolar attoUon la pa d to bn,fi$. fo, wliteb checks am tciven, and bapgag lorwanlt ti by the satve tra n with passungera, Kor lull ititormatior. npplv to KUAN 'tH KLNK, KmlRTarrt Ajrent, NO. L 17 DOCK ritxoct. MANN'H RAi,lAOB KXl KKAH. An agent ol this teibtble Kxprcn t oinpany will paiA thtongli eaeh tram hettr rearntni; the depot, and take up ehe-l ft mho duller but Lane to any part ot tho eitv. Hag- ir-i te w b tie cu.b d lor uroiniiilv wlit-n ortb-rs are left at tb I 1'nHxer (fi r lH'i ot.E!et ii h and Market siruets. Ttietxavu1 Z, nit, public aio as-iurta mar it enurttu rcsHjiitioia. KWK.IOI1TH. II v this nme freights ot a;l drsertptlons ean ke for-j w at tie ti to ai i iti m iu y points on the railroads of ihk1 1 rt .-in nt. r j , iii,i its tin. lililinist, iniriiiii , iunn,il 11 IIHUIirii , hy ra lroao ilire'ji.or 10 H y point on the navigable watcrd-J of the West, by eteiiinerti front Pittsburg. f The ruiesof Ireinltt to and from uny point In tho West 1 ny me rt'i nyit aina entrai uahroitd ant ut an lime at lavf lai It a are ebarced by other Railroad Companion, j Me. ihm.t nu nlilDoers en rusting tne transportation ot I their In lht to this Company can rely with condde&ca on I lta H eth ttanrtii I Kor uel.h' .onraots or sbtpplnjj directions, apply to or a uire- s 1 ne a, em oi uie t onipnuv : H. M KIX.stxN, Jr., Philadelphia I. A HI KWAIIT. PI tnburg. CI. A bK A. t'O . Chli-ai;. I.KKt II JtCO.No 1 Astor Houso, off No. 1 6. WlUiaXD wet'i, je i o a. I KK.t II A tt. 'o. 77 Washington street. Boston. Will. MM HHOWN, No. t-0 -Hih alreot. Hoilljaor, Ak' ni .NOiiriorD (. vnirai uanway. ii. n. HouBTOir, Oencral Freight Ax- nt Philadelphia. LbWIH h. HOUPI', Ot neral Ticket ant, Philadelphia, KNOOII I.KW1.-4, OeneraJ Huperlntendent, Altoona, Pa IlllII-AUKLI'llIA, GKK.MA.NTOWN, AND UHKIMIUWM KAII.ItOAfl. TlMK TAflt.E. On snd sltcr MOMIAI, May 16, l!34, until fltrtbtr Done. FOK flKRMASTOW.V. Leave Phlludvlpma fi, 7, , 111, 11, 12 A. il.; 1, 2,8 10. 3T,,4,6 .,4.i 7,8,9,10,11, WP.M. l.-,nt (..imaiii. un, it, 7, 7 :i, ,8 20, 9, 10, 11, ta A.M..; 1. . . i, 4 b,e,. 7,8.11,10. Il, anillJ t'. M. 1 heH-?od'iv ii, and Ihe II1,' aud Ii trains up, do not Itof oi, tlie Hciniai'tHwn (.'IIH' NUT HILL RAII.ItOAD. t.iave I'hUudclpliis, 6, S, 10, 12 A.M.; 2, 3V,S.V,7. 9 ami 1' 1' M I., ave Che.nut HID, 7-1", . 9 10, 11-40 A. M. I l'lO, t'40, A 40 '1 It'. It 4c, snu In 4c h. M. lOlt ( .ONHIIOIIIH'KKM AND NORUISTOWN. l.i'iiv. PI Hartilphta (1,8 .44. lltl'iA. M.; l,Si,S, t.',6, (! ., , 8 00. aim 1 1 , I'. M . .eae Ncrrlslovin, 6.V, 7, 7-U,9 and 11 A. M. IX, 4,'f. ti'. anil VP. M Tl.v ;', train no, will slop at Wlssahlckou, Manajunk, and Coi.hhiKseii only. tUR MANAVnNK. l.ravoPliI'aiti',UXo,lltl.'A M., !,', 3,4H,6H li1,. -ell, aim lit, I'. l.'4l7X,8-), 9X,U!i A.M., 1,1, 7, aud !', 1'. M. II. K. SMITH, fleneral Superlrtendent, IU II Depot, NINTH and OKtXH HlreetS TEhT CHi:STERAND PlIILADELPHIA ItAll.llliAll. VIA MKHH. H HIM. Altlt A StjEMKNT. On snd afttr 1H1UAV, April l.lhtx, tlio Trains wUlleavi as lollow s I.ea.e piiiladi-lphla. from the Depot, corner of THIRPY t'lltvl and UAIthlT Mtn-ota, S A. Al , 11 04 A.M., It it) 1'. V.. .'lit' P M.,'4A I". M. l-lutadc'iliia Jicput chunked from KK.ftTKKVTH Sni MAl.Khl bticets lo illllll V-Hltur and MAKsLhl Kt i.. Li a c Vest f'lic.tcr, from tho Depot on East MItKS i BINt,ti'!lt A. M., '.OA. ftl., II A. nl ,1 1 . M., , -hi C. H. 'Ihf cars of the We.t I'hllucl, l.ihta l'as.ent.'er Hallwa Cciupiiii I Marki't street) wiU oonvey I'asseukers to sih from the Philadelphia Depot. ON HlNrAY8. I.envet'hlladelphla at H :t0 A.M. aud -230 P. M. Iaih Wi'Stt hesler atK A M. and 4-.HI P. M. l,aln losvhiK Plulaile phla at 8 A. M. and 4' DO P. M Wnil'lmc.r at 7'4 A. M. anil 4 40 1'. M., cornier with tr.mis on the rtulaili'tphla and flalttmore cutra Italirnail lor Oxt't'id ami liitc-ritifillatc poliila. ja4-tl liLSHV wouli. i.i-neril Supertntsintsnt. --KST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES.-' Cominriii'llis ou MONDAY, Jim 30, 1814, ftn t alnut Street Vr hsn f OK OAI'E MAT. AtdandloA M.sudtaOP.M. Fir g ilem an. Ilildieion, al tl A. M,and4 P.M. for lllio-.l'i ri. ai ii, . and 10 A. M., and 4 ami 4 MP. M ', t Vi ocili.ui y, Oloureater, Ait., at aud !IA.M.,M M. d 4 . KN1N.(I T,(AI! JKKST. r- rune Ma' al H and U V A. M., anil .'.10 P. M. Mllvlleat''4i A M .and I'.Vi aud O'oV P. M. Sttieu. a' d A. M.,andl l;. I'. M. Itildueli.n atlW'' A. M., 1 .10 1 . M. (Ylalxir" . f(. and 8'. A-M..-M. 3 0, and 7.M P. M W. bur- at 7 7 V d-.H A. M., aud i Ml, , o sndblil'.M. nite via. icoVEV F.XPKF.-I8 COMPAMV. n,t-n- v.. wi -r ,streU wdl rail lor aud delfee Tk. J o.! un. n.i n .ii lie n.nal bram-li. of . I.ii-lii-ss! hvary artiefri tail It" by li A M lines only, at,, I nut, I .(lit to the ortli-i tl.e .('"""i t..i"-., ..ilu. bte rt Ch . by Ibis line u U.I b V" oel'ir A. M. I Sim did u c-Kenui-'r ac.-onii.anles eaK1' 'rain. lu).il J. VAN llt.NKSK -.'l'lf 1C!4 1'HILADEI.PHU A-0 1U Th s una! l:e liuv-e. ihe Morili.irii,,1""1 ?""tl"i roiii ll. s ' Peunsvlvaula lo the city ol Y.n" va, ,',1, Il hasbi-i-u li-a-td b the I'l.NN-jl LVANV t 'LKOAJ I t.Ml'.Nl. and under II... r an.pictis isitcl'ui 'UD1U opi-neil ttii-onk.-ii.iiii It. entlrt-h-iiglk. . It is now In use inr I'siM-inn- aud KrelirM , ".v 1 1 arris ni. rL lo mnoi-nini. I "o mil. m 1. on ilia . non. and Irom Hhettwld to Urla t7o uiilua), oiii"' " ,t'" W"".V. Anna. I Mall T...IM I..HVH... .HU0A.Sf txpri s. I ruln leaves SM M F-' (.'ais run U'roush vriiuut T cliAN'.i: both HayiJ.on, trains betae. a Hiiiadrli'liiaaud Lock oeitvoo lla'.t more aud LocS Haven. ',h - Kiel nut ft ueping Car. on Uie Express Train bolf" waJ' tor Inlormatton respi-ctlns I'asseuser buslueHsfli4fl'y IL E. cornet ol tl.t.KM ll and ilauht.1 ni( iEiN,,-,:1: '.'uVmI j ADO lor Ir relKbt bu.tili-Sh ot tne (.'oiiipaiiy s Atf h. U.KIi.Kstou, Jr .cotueraiATttJilJiaud . sireeis, riinaueipma. J . W. Iti-Mlulds. Kile. 1 . . u V TQ..1I.MA.. it. iions-p', f: . General Freight Aent, fhtladi LEVV1H L. HOUl Vl. General Ticket Agent, Plllladll" JONEl'II D. I'dT s. Oeacral Manager, Williams Por!'- IJHILADKM'HIA AND BALTIMORE V J THAI, KAll.KOAD, OPKN TO OVJr'vrttlJ 8l' ' . AKHANtiKMKNT. ' ' On aid after mi DAY, AprU 1, 1804, tb traUit wlC1 lM as follows ; ; l.KAVB F.ASTWARD. 1 LEAVE WliSTW A llD' J aiATlUhS. A.M. P, H. STATION.. A.M. V'. ' 0 xloid. ti 80 I .'.-, Philadelphia.... S 00 T. ll.M We.iclie.ler... 7 45- !. 4 nl W.O. Juiwlion,. lion; ?. 417 Concord 9 J l 5 West Grove., Avomlule..,. Keunelt Clisdd s Ford Concord .S-,7 .7 05 .7 .7 42 4 II Ohadd'sFard,... 9-41 K 10 6-U0 Kennett 10 "00 10-05 1 ' I0'Jl S ov 1U-W I I. in .'at I Z. I bs3n ihitllL'Aa ITO W.C.Junclloo.. 816 Philadelphia 9V1 West ( hosier.... ' IS Avoudale., ,-d (irov.. .IO u.ri.ra. , I'asseimer Depot In railaueipuia aaa ueen luaiiire.--r.lht.-ll"i, .d'Maik.t slreats. to TlllUTY-Flltst j SI l.KKT Htrteta, West Phlla. lelphla. Marklslr ... ..v... T . . . A I'asaenser Ballway iters cou.ey raa.eager, u, ana ir-. in lpoi. t,.fc. ra..eiMi hjmkv yuui, nuperiniendwA CALEM RAILROAD COMPANY. RU p) nlngUrueiat Iralus, comawttclu-FuiDAY.Jauuj , 'mm Walnut 8fret Wharf f A.M., land 4 P.. I. fiellit ii Vi. lteiurnnig, leave Haleui at 4 A. M.,s 0." M., 110 P.M. Aretght dally ai way. Apply to v ? MOH ON MII.L.4. Agxtiil, i. . BecoiJ Covered l'ler ahve WAI N I'T Strut. I rll'KLAWAIIF, Av.nili. Jai-U o YA te:aAia;,.s,f,fUJ,,u4,kv-i