The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 03, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Grming telegraph
fl-V Tiro purr fa Oorr, r Twitr Oarra F
Wavx. Mr M frrter, mailed I uirtra
. CUT M Ai Iou ax. n. Axiriia Olta pou
km Two Moarria, lnerleai la adrrae fer no
idiiHIifiinH hufM it th enat A I")"!
InuiaMt ae for uMmM kaMm
T CVtrr. mxrtwiw.
Itn Ma a utn ,iirf''n""niit'nn.
"JTaatanar te lanaixlr tor '"Un-l -a4
fcr HwniM and uldroa. of ne writer ot nv-.rtlj f.,r
HMmikn, bat aa a tareie 'h. V.
m.rl dcrui.a I remra nweiM CouuauolcatlM,.
. T ,.-. la ra.
ajari- t rraat Inerea. la th Olrraiatli of Th
FniMM Ti ",, compel'lna; na to lo prau, at an
? koar, anllr ntml that adarlmenta mar
fca hxl'1 la a. kio J. n'olnrk, t it, to aucai
a i a aaeTttaa la all af oar adlUoni
the heath or johx muu.
We hve learned with glacere iiorrow that
Jems Obtoo, tn of our ablest and most
reapected citizens, died yestfrday at his rosl-
cenoe Id Walnut utreet. Ills death was sud
den, and the tact will be only the more painful
to his many Immediate friends, because It was
It Is too late now to write the biography of
Mr, U&ioo. His character and career have
tjn repeatedly sketched as affording exam
ple well worth the study and Imitation of all
young men starting life with no capital but
their own natural talents, and a purpose t
Wicceed by Industry, Integrity, and self-reliance.
There are probably yery few of hli
contemporaries who are not familiar with all
the leading events of his remarkable progress
from the obscurity and want of a poor orphan
toy to the honorable distinction which he
Won by diligence, sobriety, honesty, and Intel
ligence, as one of the most successful meu of
bulness which our country has known.
By his own efforts alone he raised blmsel
from poverty to wealth, and yet, to his credit
he It said, bis wonderful prosperity and great
riches nerer changed the entire modesty and
simplicity of his nature. No one meeting him
in private or In public, In business or social
Intercourse, would e?er have supposed Joiim
Gbioo to be millionaire. His manners were
those of A plain, retiring, unpretending cill
ven ; and we know that he never so much
Valued the large fortune he had accumulated,
M the sterling principles of Industry and pro-
Jklty by which he had achieved his own suc
cess In life, and which he believed. would
enable almost any young man, to wU his way
lo honorable ladependeute '
Neither did hlsDQuence contract In tho
slightest degree the natural generosity cf his
Iieart. As -he enlarged his means, he did not
Harrow' lis sympathies and affections. The
VoridwUI never know the great amount of
good he did In tin way of private charity, bo
cause the free and lavUh hand that was so
often extended to relieve Individual distress,
ttnd assist the meritorious bat uaiori.u:i,e,
fdways, with true Christian and gentlemanly
delicacy, screened Its largesse lrorn public
View. We doubt If there ever live J in this
city another man who bestowed as much In
the way of secret benevolence, with as little
general reputation for it, as John Gitioo.
What he gave privately he gave to please
blmself and beneQt its recipients, without the
slightest aspiration to ba recognized as a
Charitable man. He found a certain luxury
In doing good, and be was so constituted that
be preferred to be bountiful by stealth, and
would have ' blushed to Bad it fame."
But be was more .han charitable la a private
way. The genial soul that sympathized wlJi
persona suffering was animated by the largest
pubDo spirit. It embraced with equal libe
rality the largest as well as tho smallest
Claims on Its regard. Mr. Guioo never
refused to aid any public enterprise that
merited the approbation of his sound business
Mgactty; and most all of the Important inter
nal Improvements of this country, Including
the Pennsylvania Central Ballroad, are In
debted, in no small measure, to his wise and
munificent patronage.
But he was as reserved and unobtrusive in
his public as In his private deeds of generosity.
Who ever found him parading his name as the
friead of any railway or other enterprise, or
eeking special notoriety as a pioneer in any
great movement for the advantage of the city
r the State? Ho was ambitious of no such
distinction, but gave his money for the promo
tion of every really deserving cause, wilhoat
topping to ask how much popularity or social
influence It might secure to Joan Urioo.
But we have na eulogy to write of a man
whose modest but honorable life U bU best
monument, and who would not, if he were
bsre, thank as for praising any virtue be pos
sessed or any good act he ever did. In his
death, this city has lost a most wortny n4
laSfftd citizen one of its oldest and most ex
wplary merchants ; and now that ho is goue,
it is to be hoped not only that his memory
maybe duly cherlnhed among us, but that
the Just principles which guided him through
Out his long aud Illustrious career us a miT
daot and a man may serve to raiao up oilier
ni-u flt to fill thu place his decoaso has
siMit i: to t fii.tti' et i !:(..
The prophecy is fulfilled. "If tho Ad ululs-
tration dots not aveugu by adequate relalia-
lon the massacre at Fort I'illotv, your
tepro tioeps wiil fuil you ut a critical mo-
tuect, and visit you with disaster and hu
' ndliiitlou.' 8uch, in substance, was the prc-
tMoliou of a conservative Border Slate Senator.
Tl at Liit dive indecision wliicli had before
di htmrUiit d the fj lend, of the Adinluistru
tltip, and supplied Its enemies with occasions
to taunt und exult, stayed the armed hand of
The President, in the heat of national horror
at the butchery, proclaimed bis intention to
retaliate If the report of the Committee of
Congress, deputed to Investigate It, should
sustain the unofficial statements wheh had
bn received. The report of that Committee
established the massacre in all its fell and bloody
proportions. The President permitted his
promise to be explained away, and did
nothing. If this be humanity, it is weakness
In war and Injustice In morals. Behold Its
fruM The nero soldiers of Petersburg
remembtrd Fort PUlow, and, when capture
seemed Imminent, led.
That tendency to .Ki?eratlon whlch
vade the American M 4UMtloB.
and all sides of question.,, ,M h(knd
has unfairly depreciated anil u in, otlMr
ordtnatdywatlmated the negro Uooys. sver,
Student of oar history knows that tUy V(t,
sdvantageottsly employed La our prwu
wars in the Eevolutloa, under Oolonat
Cbbihtophib Obmux, a Rd Bank; aud
U the last war with Great Britain, at New
Orleans, both vnder Jackson and Packbjc-
ii a m. Ia this war with the Jttrr. Davis
usurpatloa, It is clear they have behaved cre
ditably t Atom Island, rort Hudson, la the
retreat of the wretched Stuboia, In the
charge under "Baldy" Smith, and perhaps
But It Is Dot In tho nature of ihlnrs that
slaves' suddenly converted to soldiers and
rbur-flfths of these troops were slaves nhould
equal In Intelligent endurance which springs
from firmness of Individual will almot as
much as from discipline In tenax-lty and dash,
white freemen. All assertions that they uni
formly do are Ill-considered party encomiums,
or partial representations of a benevolent
fanaticism. And In Ibis view, It becomes the
more Important that their moral should be
maintained by every Iniilnewing assurance.
As prisoners of war especially, tho Rebels
should lie compelled, by a certainty of retri
bution, to treat them acsordlng to the civil
ized usages of war. If the Government for
whose existence they fltflit deserts them In
thelrextretnlty allows them to be butchered,
tortured, scourged, and enslaved It will not
In I use desperation into their ranks If, Indued,
that were cither a dlgulfled or Christian
policy but despondency, and will reap, what
the world will declare It has sown disaster.
the TAir.i or KOriETT.
Society commences to tax us at a very early
ape. It confines the baby's limbo, and decks
Its uncomfortable little neck with laces, while
it mashes a pancake of ribbons on Its head.
It stops the romps of boys and girls; fir so
ciety has delicate nerves, and romping Is
vulgar. It turns out the toes of youth, and
makes It stand straight aud sit upright and
talk low and reAise a second plate of
soup and more of the pudding.
With grown folks it buttonholes a man,
who Is obliged to listen smilingly, when he
would prefer to knock his raptor down, and
go off to attend to business of Importance. It
makes people visit at the houses of people
whom they do not wish to see. It pinches a
man's feet in boots that become tighter In
hot rooms. It makes him swelter In a dress
coat, when he would prefer to be in his
shirt-sleeves. It keeps him out of the bed to
which be should have retired hours ago. It
takes people to weddings where they do not
want to go, and where they are not wanted;
and they catch their dcath-a cold at funnrals
of individuals whom they scarcely ever
saw. It obliges peoplo to give enter
tainments which Uey do not enjoy, meruly
because others 'gave partlus which they
did not enjoy. It sends them to watering
places or mountains, because other people go
there. It makes them spend money, when
prudence would toll them to economize. It
makes them contribute what they have no
right to give, because they are ashamed to re
fuse. It gets them Into difficulties, because
friends have behaved like fools. It wants to
know ubout other isaople's grandmother, and
to feel quite sure that they had grandfathers.
Besides all this, society prescribes how
people shall cut their hair, tie their necker
chief), put on their hats; and, fiom head to
toot, It makes them dress to suit itself, with
out ever taking more trouble than to say what
is comme ilfant. In fine, society taxes people
in almost every way 1 or, if they demur, It dis
owns them. But It should not be ungratefully
forgotten that, in recompense for yielding to
its behests, it lend us Its countenance.
It seems, however, that society Is never
satisfied with the number or variety of Its
taxes. One of the latest, which it has in
creased to so great a degree that It is equiva
lent to a new one, Is that of wedding presents.
The day was when a wedding present meant
that the donor gave It spontaneously. Now,
it means nothing of the kind. It is expected
in a word, It is a tax. And a very great tax
It was becoming, when some ingenious indi
vidual hit upon an expedient lor lightening
the burden. He doubtless considered, that
as young married people were generally
going to housekeeping, they would ned bread
and butter. Therefore, what could be more
appropriate than a present of a butter-knife t
Doubtless, he acted upon the hippy thought ;
and the idea has proved so popular among
the friends of newly married people, that we
have recently beard of one couple's receiving
as many as twenty-five butter-knives. This
leads us to suppose that if they use them all
at the same time, they will know which side
their bread is buttered on, even if they did not
know before marriage, as seems likely from
their bad choice of present-giving friends.
We have lately learned that a Btrong anti-butter-knife
party has been organized among
those who have marriage in prospect, and
that there Is always to be a tacit understand
ing with those Invited to be bridesmaids and
groomtmen that If they cannot afford some
thing better than butter-knives, they must de
cline to accept the exalted positions, as per
sons opcupying them are considered to bo at
least equivalent to silver teapots.
WI'AT IS ?.iAAol
A I'rcnth "Iueilal Courl" wad receutly
requited to settle the question of vag.tbond
oge, in the rose of a mail who was arrested as
a common vagrant, without money, occupa
tion, or domicile, and of dissolute, thrliilots
liubits, but whose ife was known to ha a n'
ppet lulde woman, and mistress of n school iu
another town."
The Court, with a keeiwesit f perception
with h Is, wo confess, beyond our npirucialioii,
decided that, bemuse hi wife via the afvre
riit.ntluneil reypevtabla v.honl-mitre, in
(mother tuton, the man was no vagab'tud, in
spite of lndisptttalde testimony as to his utter
destitution, disgraceful debauchery, and iui?r
able nomadic existence (nothing of which hu
denied). Now this remarkable sublimation of
forensic acumen leads us very naturally to
Hhk ourselves, and the community, what con
stitutes a vagabond, if the French prisoner
referred to was not one t
We predicate this question, of course, upon
the broad principle that a vagabond fa a vaga
bond whenever he may chance to lead the life
of one, and that the accurate definition of the
term may apply equally to all ; so that, If the
ease was not a cose of vagabondism In France,
neither would it be so in any other enlightened
Christian community. This question, then,
thus predicated, gives rise to some singular
speculations with regard to the precise line
between vagabondage and non-vagabondage,
as connected with the social relations of life.
It is certainly a new theory with us, that
the virtues of a wife should veil, in the eye of
the law, the viced of her husband, especially
when, aa in the case above alluded to, those
very vices are the cause of their separation
and her nnhapplnes ; and that a man should
be allowed to make s beast and s beggar of
himself, to the Injury of public decency and
good morals, because s "respectable woman,"
with the capacity and KM will to earn her
wn and her children's bread honestly, baa
had the misfortune, ia year past, to have
ba married to the good-fbr-nothlng. If
ueh domekUe relations are to be considered
at testimony 1B of iuch CMiif ,0j Bre
to raise them beyond the ban of vagabondage,
and Its punishment, it becomes a ttnw-trpllt-
tlng question as to where the degree of the
social tie becomes too feeble to exercise Its
If the possession of an honost, virtuous, and
sell-supporting wife can make a druuken, Idle,
prowling rapscallion a decont man, and by
Oils negative power prevent hlin from receiv
ing the only correction likely to reform him,
then the fact of such a brute's having a "re
spectable" father, mother, sister, brother, aunt,
or, as far as we see, first, or even second
covxin, or very particular frirn'I, ought to
be an equal guarantee of his decency. In
deed, the telescopic eye of the Inw might, with
equal propriety, look back a generation, and
acquit the poor devil of vagabondism, because
14 his grandfather was a most wonderlul (re
" spectable, Ac.) man,"
We certainly have always considered vaga
bondage as a positive and Independent state,
morally and physically, centered solely In the
Individual, and totally beyond the Influencoof
his social or domestic connections. We
thought, and still think, that a vaga
bond Is a vagabond per e, and that his
individual habits and manner of life alone
make him one. That If, in short, a mm
be. an habitual drunkard, beggar, and
wanderer, without honorable means of
subsistence or willingness to work for
them, housoless and homeless, totally good-for-nothing,
he Is an vnmitipated vagabond;
and the fact of his possessing creditable kin
dred or family ties only makes his disgraceful
conduct more unpardonable and deserving of
punishment, and Inspires a livelier feeling of
sympathy for those whose name and affections
he has so Infamously abused.
That is our notion of a vagabond, In the
teeth of the " French Imperial Court," and wo
sincerely believe the whole respectable and
intelligent community, wives Included, wU
agree with us.
Oflirlal Report of tJeu-ril t'nrrlna;tn
Nnture, Jalent. nntt i'rinrlple of the
Oritur or ' of l.llerlj-' Nnlut VbI.
Inu(ll(liam the Nnpreme Coinmnailer
Northern nml Nnutlirra Tritltor Work,
trio: Tuitetlier, Ac . e.
IIrad-ocahtkrs Pistbic t op Indiana,
Northern Dki-artmfnt, Indianapolis, In
diana, June 28, 1864. (iovcnior: In compliance
with your request, I plm-e in your hanrls a partial
outline of the nature, work and extent of a dis
loyal society or order, now oN:ratitig in tho
State of Indiana, under the name of " Sons of
First, It is both civil and military'. In Its first
relation, it declares principles f ethics an 1 poli
tics, lor adoption and dissemination, that are hos
tile to the (kivernmcnt of Hie United .States. In
tlio Iiitter relation, it assumes to orHnizf armies
for "actmil service" in support of those prin
ciples, trcatiiu; the Cnited States (invernme.nt as
their enemy, and that of the itebelliou as their
Second, It is secret and oath-bound.
Third, It is despotic and absolute. The penal
ties of disoliedicnce to its olllcers arc unlimited,
including the death penalty itself.
II. I'lllNCiri.Krt OP THE ORDKR.
First. Absolute, inherent State sovereignty.
Second. The union of the States as hut volati
lity and temporary, and revocable at tho will of
any iudividiuil Suite, so far asconivrns that Suite.
Third. Deuies to the general Uovcrnuiuiit the
power to enforce itf laws, if it be the choice of u
State to reject them.
Fourth. Recognizes the existing ltcbcllion as
legitimate, lcual and just.
Filth. Holds revolution Birniust the present
Government as not only a right hut a duty.
Sixth. Holds obligations to the onler ns para
mount to tliooc due a single State or the L'uitud
heventh. Declares its purpose to stop this war,
treat with Kcbcls, and make a treaty based upon
thu m opinion of grades of civilization and race.
F iuh tii. Declares a law of races one of Cau
casian supremacy, aud one of African servitude.
Ninth. Fledges a crusade in favor of all peo
ples attempting to establish new governments of
their own choice, as against existing rulers or
Tenth. Accepts the creed of the Rebellion, its
lotic, its plans and its principles, as the nomintd
theory of Democracy, aud its own bond of colio
reiuv slid ultimate success.
Exhibits are furnished as follows:
F.xhibit A " Constitution of Supreme Council
of the States," Unit is, of all States that may join,
recognizing the primary independence of each
Suite. " The Supreme Commander of this Coun
cil is Cominander-in-Chicf of all military forces
belonging to the Older in the various Suites, when
called into actual service." See See. 8,
C. L. Vallandighum, of Ohio, Supremo Com
mander. Robert Holloway, of Illinois, Deputy Supromc
Dr. Massey, of Ohio, Secretary of State.
Fxhibit 11. Constitution of Uratid Council of
S. L. of Indiana,
II. 11. Dodd, Indianapolis, Grand Commander.
11. lleflren, Salem, Deputy Grand Commauder.
W . M. Harrison, ludiauupolis, Grand Secretary.
"The members of this Council, additional to
tho regular olllcers, include, ear oJHcio, the Grand
Commander's stall', and all military olllcers above
the runk ol Colonel." Sec. 8, Art !i.
Fxhibit C. Constitution of the County Parent
Temples, subordinate to which Drauih County
leiuple may be organized.
'Ill id Order, duriurf lbtill, was variously naraod,
but lvuuirly known as "K. G. C." Kuihts of
Jie fjoloin Circle, with whoso ritual, oaths, &e., I
lutnished you in the spring of lNtiS. The penalty
ol dn-cloture was theu death, aud this penalty
was specified in their obligations.
Duma; the tall ot lti the order chaiured nams
and riuiiil, mid become tho "O. A. K., Order of
Anurii in kuiylns, the ritual, sigus, passwords,
&e., fif whii h are );: !'iv possession.
At the meeting of this Order, February 16 and
17, lr-W, the Grand Comtnaudor lor the State of
li.OiMiiu rommunii atcd the purpo.ies of the (li-ili-r,
lia well as the views of C. I.. Vallandi;liam,
eluniiid by the Order as its 1 load and Supremo
1 in raid uddrca. the procdiufii; of the Indiana
(itaiid Council, uud so mtii-li ol' the o! pro
ci rdiii(; as it was deemed best to pnii.isli lor the
Lihnie information ol tS Order, pVvisi see Kx
ib;t D, l.cii uiilo HtiiiCNcd. This r'por gives the
lollnwinif Suites as organized:
New Vork, New Jersey, Pcuusylvania. New
I i i 1 1 1 1 shire, Coituei iu ui, Ohio, Indiana, lilijWjis,
llii liii!ii, Delaware, Maryland ami nlissouri.
am ides the Constitutions of the " K. L" reicriV
to, there is a loriual Kit mil lor the D(','rees, the'
Mime Ileitis a slight modifii ation of the work of
the "(I. A.K.," which was aliaudoued only in
May liut.
There consist of the " V," Vestibule of the
Temple, and liM, second und third Temple IX
giccs or Coiirluuv.
The orfcUJiUttliou of the " Society of tlio Illiui,"
or Demotrutic t.'luhs, does not involve lull mem
beiship in the order, liir, thus fur, comparatively
lew in each Temple are advanced to the Chapters
OBst'ouncilx of the higher dtyrcus, hut the lower
and subordinate bodies, and that of the "Illini."
is educational aud probationary, looking to full
acceptance of the general principle of the order,
Lelore the advancemeut of thu " Neophyte" to
the higher decrees.
As appears from the official report of February
17th, there were then only twelve thousand mem
bers in this State, and a recent report from a por
tion of the State would hardly triple this number,
that is, of initiates, though they chum for some
comities full liatutliuus, and in a few cases, full
Fx hi hits FF G and II give tlie ritual of said
It will lie observed that the fundamental pass
word is Calhouu, transposed fur use thus Nu-oh-lac.
Tim unwritten work and lectures of this Order
vary in different (Hates and comities, and ui Tem
ples of the same county, though not in essentials.
This ia accounted for from the fact that organizing
agents, in installing officers, eoukl not take time
to fully post aud instruct them, and the work was
imperfectly committed to memory.
While the penalties of disclosure are formally
declared to be a ueh as the olllcers of this Order
hall direct, theaa penalties an specifically given
iu the verbal lectures and instruction. The oath
of Ikkb spocrncjOly anUed tho death penalty.
The am is enjoined In the present Order. Ii
troetiomi to execuia tliia penalty npoo at ks
ne supposed informer hare been iMaed within
the hut two months. lujanctiona to arm, and
much of the detail of aubordiaaie military feature
of tha Order ore aUo given tn verbal lecture.
Concurrent teatiinonv from dinVrent aoarce eon
tlrrmt the above. Many of the document yoe
have already oen, and they ore not iioeesiMry U
thil report.
tv. oit rations or thk ordkr.
A few facts, derived from many concurrent
aitirres, give sigidtirance to pnssnifci in the con
stitutions and ritual. Of some you were advised
at the time, thus:
lf. Th outbreaks in F.atcm Illinois were
mainly checked by leaders of this Order, on the
finmnd that such outhreaks were prcmntiirc. This
nformRtion comes from C'annda, Michigan, Illi
nois snd other qmu-teia.
2d. A few davs before the attack of Forreat
tijioii I'adw ah, 1 was informed that the Temples
of the O. A. K. in northwestern Illinois expected
such an attack, and that Forrest would cross into
Illinois and raise the nuuulurd of revolt. He came
lo I'sducsh but was repulsed.
8d. On the ilny that Mmiran first entered Pound
Cnp, I was Informed at lndlHiiaHilis, in the morn
lti!, that Morgan was shout to enter Kentucky, of
whii h you were at once advised. At 8 I'. M. you
showed" me a telegraph from General Hurhridge,
that MnruHU was in the dap. This information,
derived Irom you, was communicated to the secret
Order with my permission. I pon this, two mem
bers of the Order, tioth prominent, one Colonel
W. A. Howies, of Huena ista notoriety, an I the
other Judi o J. F. Ilullitt, of thr Supreme Court of
Apieals of Kentucky, was soon reported to bavo
stated that "Morgan must l" stopped; he w:is too
soon; the Order was not ready for him." Juljo
Ilullitt, who hail rome to receive the new ritual
(H. I.) took the first train for Kentucky that day.
The fact was, tliHt Morgan stopped. The in
cidents following and attending the visit of M.ior
GeiiersJ Lindsay from Kentucky yon are familiar
with, and the circumstances under which Morgan
threw part of his force into Kentucky, when Geu.
burliridgc moved towards Virginia.
Fourth. Information was given you of the Visit
of Vallandiiiham to Detroit, his projected trip to
Chicago, ot the meeting of the Grand Council of
Indiana, June 18, of the proposed adjournment
ami meeting at Hamilton, June 15, and that Val
lamliclmni s immediate m all was subject of de
bute, and the prospect of bis Is'ing nt Hint time at
Hamilton. At least one Rebel officer lef t Windsor,
C. V., and visited Hamilton lour weeks before, in
the confidence of disloyal persons, of which I was
advised at that time, by telegraph through General
Filth. Five days Is-fore Morgan attacked Mt.
Sterling, and the'., and L. R. R. was severed,
written re)iort was sent, by disloyal persons, of
which 1 have the ori-rinnls, that the road was
quiet, that " no mules, (liniusi Slates soldiers),
were on the line, and that a glorious work would
liegin the coming week.
Sixth. A courier Intercepted between Frankfort
and Iuisville, who reported to mo at Louisville,
as I was starting fur Indianapolis, claimed that
Forrest mas moving upon Southwestern Kentucky
and that a portion of iliiekucr's command would
join the fragments of Morgan in Western Vir
ginia. Two days afier, Forrest defeated Sturgis;
Jliu kner, however, was west of the Mississippi. I
give these among many facts to show that there Is
a close correspondent e of design and filing be
tween traitors North and Relicls South. The whole
plot of the Ordur herein referred to is iu harmony
with forcible interrupiion of the war.
W. A. Bowles beloie rcfened to, has made no
close secret of his disloyal purposes, and his sym
pathy with tlio South.
Jle is reported as one of tho four major-generals
of the Order iu Indiana. Thu remaining
three arc L. I1. Millignn of Huntington, Major
Walker of Northwestern part of Indiana, vice
Yeagle removed, ami Andrew Humphreys of
Green county. The Grand Commander lias already
been mimed.
Although the new work S. I.., was obtained lit
Iudiiinr.silis, by R. Harrett, for Missouri; it is
understood that the Order is so far organized in
that Mate aa to run no risk of disappointment by
a change, aud that the work of the A. O. K. will
retain its usage, as it differs only in iiou-cssenlials.
Among the iKjrsous reported as at the conference
with Judge litillitt aud Itiirrctt, were J. J. lling
huin, Dr. Atithon and Mr. Itistinc, of Indianapo
lis. I will also give the names of a few other
menilicrs, for your information, to enable you to
wuu h the movement of this order in Indiana,
viz.; Dr. Catling (associated with the Gulling
Gun), Mr. Fvert, of Vanderhurg, Mr. L. Leach,
Mr. Otey, Myers, of Luporte, Dr. Lemons, A. D.
liagii, Sir. Mellnde, of F.viuisville, John G. Davis,
and Lnssell, of Cai county. Several of the above
are delegates to the State Grand Council, of Mis
souri; and besides, II. H. Dodd, to the Supreme
Gland Council, to lie. held nt Chicago, tlio first of
Jury next, preparatory to the political convention
ol July 4.
It seems that the main purpose is political
siwer, by utdon with the South, regardless of
men tir measures. The Eastern aud Western
Council lenders differ as to means to this end; und
ngaiu, tlio Radicals and Conservatives differ at the
V est.
Men like W. A. Howies seem indifferent to any
Presidential canvass, and to prefer an early armed
rupture and positive uuion of the Northwest with
the South.
Such men are ready and anxious for such an
armed invasion us will give them a nucleus for
open defiuui eof the 1'iiUcd Suites. This is not
speculation; but proof is ample. I have adverted
to some tat ts already, and will advise you, as I
have the (lovcnimeut and tieneral ilemuelmnu,
us events progress.
Very respectfully yours,
Hp.nhv K. Caruinotos,
llrif.-Gcn. Com'g District of Indiana.
His Excellency Governor O. 1. Morton,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
HAItCl.AY-HI.OOMKK.-On tba 16th of Juns, by
Hvv. H. Vt . 'i houiaN, at tba parsons, 'o. 8JI Cailiarlno
hi net. 1 lillaJrlpbla. lr. vti,LlAM J. UAItCI.A V to
iils.MAl.V J. l.LuOMKII. both of this olty. MooanU.
rolil.lH.s-n MKY on Slat ol July, by ltev. J. W.
LetMleiitiam, at tba Rectory nt Gloria Dot Church,
1AIL W. 1'OIU.INH, ot I'hllaaelpliia, to KATK
.l MliiA TUUKY, of Cbaaapcaka City, MO. CUaltl
Ujorr buo p ta copy.
HAhlM.-8Mril!.-0n tut Slit ult.. by Rov. U.
WaliUu.toD J niiaii at his nmldsnca, No. fti MarrloU
nittt, lir. v 1 1.1. 1 AM o. KKAKI.NO. ol I!nlutd Slalos
lav . to 11 ih L 1)1 A M. Hlill;,, both of thu cur.
ll(IHOKi-Vi AT.-)ON On tha 1st Inst., by tils Kov. a.
V, Mr. WILLIAM leil.titis, ol till
city, lo a.AlwY, oausbter ol Jul.D SI. WaUKm, tCsq.,ot
1 itutoHD, haiein Couniy, Nw Jeraej.
1.1 bON-.v IL1.KH July 2S, lsut, or tli Rsv. Tbos.
T. A. uqity. Ml. JOHN St. UUUaON ailU A DELINK
All! 1.1 K, nil ot tills city.
W 1 Wl.LH-lhAI..-0ntiHd' Iter. J. H.
l'oti rs Mr. J. 1H1D WbHSr.I.S and Mlsa UHOllA,
clau, bier ol tba late Uaptalu Levi i'uai, all ol lb. city.
V WOI.KK -in Hit Presbyterian I' l.e:.. oi .iuv2stb, uit.. by the litiv. tl. H.Mimiiiio.
J. r 1M.AH WAl'l.KS.ol lleorKFIown, no MlMMAltV
11. VStiLt'L, ilaushivr ol Henry W olte, tsi.. of Lewes,
COOK.-On tba 1st of August, sbi, Mr. JOHN II,
Hue notice will b sivrg prtha fuQi rst.
Onim.,-n Kolnlny, the ii liisiaat, Jolm Orljj, Ben,.,
. IVvlt tiVt tao.
i 11 IiterdB ana tlieae of the taiuliT ate Invited to attend
. the tern rsi. at blk la e e, o. lsl.i tV iiui sovet.
ns 'ri(.a Aftcrncon at to clock. To proceed to l,iirl
; III (.(i.-On tha ill Instaut, Mr. JACOB IlUl.H, lutha
41'tli i ul ol his aM:.
Ins ieiatlcs biitl Irlsmbi, and Fidelity t.odi., No. 1M.
I. O. oi ti. 1 ,,uio the Ki, ,ers in kcuvrul. ar.i ri-pitlullr
hi.,0 t! te ail l i-u tl.c leiierMl.lrou, his luto rsslileuc. cur
in r 1.1 hriiiikionl ri.nit mid lluiilmcli.ti trnet, on Kiflar
, a.l' n. ecu at 3 o'tlock. lo prucieil to Odd Follows
I V'W'xrv.-
1 1 .11 J. neill Rll -On la 2,1 llinlnut, CIIAULl-3 A.
Ll'lKM 1.1 I,, In ilie -li lenroi Iiih iii
iui i 'si iroin l.m inie ri'.iiieiU'e, lnrUy. Friday mora
IliM ul If 0 en ek. '1 be relatives utlj Ir.enlii of tha tnuillv,
. (Jlj hulls' 1 Utf. . No. 112. anil Ucnea.' T , lur Ko
ri i i.n t, I li. 'I. F. unit liainlllou lj.ti.'. iuiiI
. t'l luinbla tt'a'fc I.CHliA. No 111. A. Y . .M ., are luvilod to
, alttml. Inti-rineat at JUottnt Horbili Cemeterv.
nul l Rlsi.-.luiy wit,, a MnVuer In tha Ivternburn
Ferrnl lu-snUal. ot wound rereivcoat Hi uum Nt,itlo:i,
Juiie'r 111. KM, CanUlil IV. liKIV hl.h UllUKlU'S, t'ein
psn.i It. i:.evvutli 1'eiius Ivaula Cavalry, m the 'Jltb
year ol his ase.
'IINliAl.l. -nntlia 1 lnt, CHAUI.F.S T1SI1.VLL, In
tl ittb y i.r ol his ase.
It.t refi tons nun u alt trlend. ol the fiuully lira rc4ise.t
r ty Invited ti attend Iiih lunenil. imiii his lute rcrfl
ueive, No. li i hridlmu sire.-!, on FrlJay iiioruliiit. at S
UU.Klt.IU:lM.-Huddeiilv, on tha evening- of the
1-t n. -t . i li Alil.KM F , son nt VMII.'iiij ana l'. .M, t
v icuerslieiui, In t..e Ulh vcmi ol Ins ase.
Ills ti'sie im ndiiuri- Invlifd t atli lei the eiiiemt, from
tlie nstdence nl hli parent No, 714 N. 'third street, on
1 hurstii.v a iVrni'on. at S o'oloec.
W ill i MAN -On Monday, AiiKUSt 1. Kale M.,tal'iuit
duutl.lcr ol J. O. aud Clara A. klluiuu.
! B reel Tlila Cbnrch will be ope lor dlvlna ser.
vice to auirrow (Thursday) uioruii.s, at ,1 o clock. It
I O- l'aui.avlvaala, Ausuit 3, ItM. To- norrnw
I tYhursila bavlUN been appointee' by tbe f caaldatit a day
. of last-by aed piajer. ibis udlee will be open until 10
1 o'rkt, wLeu ii ili alosa for tha day, Tha oorrters will
laaka the regular uiernliiv Uallvaryat 9 ockca. t'ollec
tors will umiis unrnlus aLd eventns coUectiou. fcHatKiDji
, aia opeu at taiua noma aa evntrai ortlce.
V. A. W ALBUKK, Poatuaatar.
tlie reC4iM.D.nUallou of Coiigf,aud tha I'roi'la
1 niallon of ibe Frssalenl, appotiulus Tl.ursday aext,
t the 4ib luitani, as a uay of bamUuutoa aud prayer, tba ibiarunc conpaolea Wbl U91 be apa
Hh bua.oesa ok tbal day:
rhllade plaa, Aum i. lsAL
Tlli.M, HANI), frasWeul Delaware MuUal State
iasuraura tHiaipaar.
AKriii Kti.cijKFIN, rresut Uuuranca loiupany
ef Narik America
MrCHAhli it. bMITB, Vntna Mutual luarauc Coia
paav lis KHT I) BUKhRrUn. Piaaldeat Of ta Iuauiaoe
Owpaay of tba Htata al raunaytvanla.
WILLIAM CNAIV, rreaktaul Juuarlcaa Mataal La
iuranre :anjpaar.
KAMIKL V.ILCO.T, Sacntaf of Ike tha at Ifataal
InauraiK- Company.
tVM. r. llA,k-rnaiVetat AaUuwiea taaamutt
rttotJ H. MARIS. rmWeat f tba Auwrtoaa rir Io
ulaiw-a Ocnipsiiy.
John rATrr.HHOir, rraaldaat r Use rBarrraul
Fire Insuranre Cimpai v.
DAVID ihwm. saeretary Httul Axarauce Com
aey,..r lamaal Belli.
C. TlhOLO, FiessJenl f la Kallaac raaaraaea
-vi LnMK DMrrH.aacraUry a ad Treat arer of lb
raik. IpUla Coianbellenstap. iii " iuaunuK voekiiaue, rer at.
J 11. W A I. It A V li TS.
rltl't.HOB TO W. II. t'AhnYL,
No, 719 OEESUlTr 8treeU
NnrHApnrllln Ir, I. JtMen Altrftlv
C'tiiblnfi the active iirinrlp'c of thi ptwf rful ull(k vlth
thwit rcmrvjfi which mporlncc liai prorrd to pM'-t th
mini eft'rktnt fciterntlve mid drobururnt pr .por tloi, wUlio
At (he Ame time It contntrn no concca'oJ p tlsous, no raff
curtnl or otftcr m-talllr poltoni. It It, theref or, peiii- lly
ftafA.and at Ui oajna f lm th? mott efflcltot rnm-rdyln tiie
world, eupwlallr for 8vofurou, Can'froui, Titfwrrulouit
Cutatieoui,an(f Mercurial Affctiom, And dUoaias of tho
gorrotlig Orpins, wtiottiur of Hit (iUn.U, Hkln, or Inf r
ttal Mrnjlrnnos. Tl.ia AJl ra.v aUo e nUn luto the clr
rulatloii, ami paiaei with the blood (which It piuifloi Into
every Uhiu? and fibre ot tho body, so that, no ma'ter what
U tho oattin- of the t3 v nor w here lortei1, li In nurt' lo
be reached.
Prcpand onl al No 2l2,Pm.HsrT htroet.
J 1 L I, I 12 H
It M A. I V 1" O It AVA It.
iaw Tiir; knkmycomk dn.
To Ivto Kvanh, ol the 11 no of R anh Jb Watson :
You publicly acMirt in a hue ntm hphkt article that yoa
will tlrtl) throngli any Chlllrvi Iron Hate Llhie hat in uh
In otto-half to two bourt' Unto, Ac, Ittcludtnv the IWnk nf
Northern Liberty Safes, or ym will forfeit the uuiofone
huD'lrfKl dollara. Now Oil a la a very chnap way of play
ing biuff. Tou know there ! neither a hauko' or huniaea
man that would have an experulve Safe operated upon
with unlimited power foi twohoura.U) be mut Hated, dl
flciind, or In any way discredited, Joe the paltry aum of
one hundred doll ara
Tbia ame li played out. Now If you hare any eonfl lonoe
In jour abut y to drill chllted Iron or any eoutltlrnre la
Kvani A Watnon'a bent Hank 8afe aa compared with
LUlle's, to withstand the burglar, or any oonlldciico In
Kvani A Watson's MrcHiitlle Ra'e, as c imyareJ with
Lill'e's, to stand fire, you have the opportunity to make
It manifest. You have Juat told lo the Movent h Nntloual
Hunk, of Philadelphia, we are Informed, for $lKiO, a Itnk
Bale, rr-presPttliiK to the Hank that yourH-tfe wtit a muoh
better protection attain itt tba bur(lar than Lllilc a, and
charitliifc a much Libber price far It. You have already
made tha chnllentce to teat the 8 a fee In the Cora Kx
chaiuie Bank, and stated your own terms.
fVe dow make the foitowlmt proposition: That yjri
hall fnnilsh the Hevcmh National tsunk Hate and wo will
Itirnlhh one of the Itaiik of Northern Llhortlna' Httlcs for a
tet, tiMn yrnr own terms, to the Corn KxchanKe Hank,
kavU party shall place In tho hands of rospnn .-tola p irtiea
tho num of $U;0 to f 'MMf, as forMturo, to be puld over to
tho v .unit p party (ah you may electj.
If you have not the oontldtoce to place Kvans A Wat
sod's Sato akniKhle of Llllle's as a Uurplar-proof, and w ill
not accept the alHive prophtlon, we will give you three
ho urn hi h trad of two hours (tho ttmo you auk) to obtain
the mouey In one of the Baft at tlie llouk ol tne Northurn
Lihrrtles, said money to t fumUhod as above proposed,
and to lie placed In the Safe by the (feshli of Ue Hank;
U Hate to be operated upon precisely aa prpoied In
tlie challenge to this Corn Kxehantffl Hank, nnd tf the
money Is Dot ohtatned In the throe hojrs, y u are to
make good any da in aire done to the Safe, and the nvmey
t be ours. You any yo caaddllftlx holes wltn one drftl
tlimuKh LUlie's Mala. WewlU allow you two of the best
tutd dtllls you can procure to yet through the above 6an.
Again, you say, Weaver A Hprankte wero Induced to
charge Ullie s rafe lorouoof Kraus A Wattou's on ao
ootint of lis superiority as a Klro-proof.
W now propose that you shall furnish Weaver A
Sprwnkle s Bate, and we will furnish either of two .iafbiof
lime size and character of the Llllle Hufeyoa received la
oxilmnwe Hocklus A Hrutlicr, Market atreet, bo'owe
camih, as one, or i. Hickman A Co., corner ti Third
and Market street a. haa Uie other, and pur
chased about Uic same lime as that of Weaver A Hpr ankle
tl.OK BsfiMi shall be tested as Klro prwts In a suitable
furnace. A Commltlte of dlHlntcrest4bunliioss lurs shall
be appolmed to teuthm, eieciaUT upon tuj term pub
licly announce by you at wiulcr and liO to ftl'iOO LiaU
be put up as (brttiiture by eric h party, as you may eteet.
Neither party to have poanstMuu oi Uiy tested uutU
alttt tbotcet. We awaltjour a,.panoe.
M O. HAlI.h.K, AKit, 8 HtVNTH s;
N. W. Should any or all of the above prop-tsuion be ao
cepttd,and xhuuid wetrenutostttiil In aqyox all, the Htt pro-c-d
we my derive frt.m ur opoonem, dWuvMu aosuitl
ftiieni b of " o tost, shall be pruM-nteei to tlie Volunteor
lUlrushmcnt ftajoon. as Ute money Is not thu object of tot
UsU LF.wIa. LILf.I tC A bO
M. C., Aeut.
I lu tiiHlily 4'lifiiiiku,tsf4
Aloesin. Iwi A liniHAttitH,
A roll and T with HtrocU(
IlaeJnBt rujtlvi-d n
Kn-hh ImporUtl-iii
Charhs lleMHck,
l'lporllcl M.t k,
Madam ('lhiiot,
tiitvii 8e,
All 1 tutu A Co.,
Anil otlr superior brAtids of
U 4i. Wltllnnui A- ,
ManutHrturers of Vew and Pelir-lous Coufoctlons, A I mood
INo-le, Chocolate Caramtli, Croatns La Mudc do
Paris, eX'tulaitely llavorcd.
Itnitjitid Jurdiiu Aluionda, Ac , Ao
No. :ili! Chtitiiiut street, bulow fourth
8t;ck a co. h 1 mason
i. E. ootn.D,
aranui aa Oaaaaat atvaai.
er ma
SnfTerers at ChamWsburg.
Wa hoT reeulaed from C. R. iltSSEKfiMIIU. Ban.,
Canhler al tk Hank or Chaioaantiurv, a fclortle accnnt
f Ik AeaUMtlae axiatta tkne. raraou wis kin to aid
tk anaerara caa ao a bjr trniUny ttwlr ctrfcbuaa to iu.
eafr-M Me. M ft TU1B0 Bueat.
T tary boardUv ttatioot Ralaa faateaabar L 1 ami
varr aun.w Tbaraagli eaanaln kiallmaaUaa, Laa
rtaaaa, H.aU,k KliMUaa, avo. rurUa baa kiulu
Boata. Practical taiavaa la 8arvtataa4 (tril Cuaiaattr
lo, . Be? te all aa lakan. A,ari fur Cautti aa.
a nr. j. HiutvBV iKroaf,
hU-lm T Uama Or a, tMiawar Ott-.r.
loanad aooa iMasonaA, WeMUc, imltf,
flat, Ckithlni ,c,at
JOMVjt a CO.'H
Cutaar IlXlUli ana UAKKUX Bueat,
Hkw LoiutuwU.
I. B. ZUM01TDB,WArcilKii,JBtmJir,UVa&U
ton .al at
e WaUULAllLX tow rBKXa. trti-laj
HIM FV rTtKll.
Thr ,ran rmramlr niu.trrtl, ftir'-'aTtaf Ittima,
AI.AKMN. Ill- TIIK WilNUt Kl l'l. I. A MP.
Prcwiitf-. anr li.r?.- inntlj.' ntlva art.r.i'l .n. In
k f.t III pnvai-i-tilrd ma mile, nr.i ranh'ti- will, ..rnlf.r
tlil tr,tiailiiatlo- a mnail(Wl.l .c :,r n , Mnrt uywhf,
rupcrlt roatiiuifK m.a ntpr!. , t.'aiitiliil vi'ia r and
(.hum,,. I .(
fALNUT MliKKf lllif.vnut.
unit A" l TBit rv.
! ! H K r.K MottK.
ll:ASI. ill'tN
Thr rrai f'nHl r . tR-ttn weji al Utt Btam.
Mm- hMU ol tl.f
Imxt nti.-n ni 7: . f',iiiini-n at 11.
Arin.ll.D 'Xi a: il 1. 1 lit..
r.fCl f'l ' 1(1 H'lt "U L HXCLllMONf
awaaaaaaaKk. o, tiii
IV i it r li tr T 1. K 1 L L.
Tlie utMBa.-r i.K-.l.ltAI. IMUkri;, now running fnwn
1 fflrn,oni;l to Ihr- 1 ... el be!-tl; tl.lil, will U'Avt tnlnii'tntit
an lciltw, air.. :-
At 7 -.i A. M.
H V "
vt in r. m.
At r.M.
Alb '
HI "
farrfiom falrir .iint t.i falla ol rVhuatl.lll. 1.1 rnU;
C'..lvi.i.l I'.tMif, It, linnnt, and laun I IliU, 10 orata.
aul at
r a,fl7Tr i' n ci'ii my.
Of the Car May Mno. la now makln, her tllar trip, t
( Al-r. MAT. kaviiiK AKCII Stmt tfharr. ertry tanadar,
1 l.urtdar, and Hntnrdar at nina o cloak; n-luraln. will
lrn-n t:aK Whj verr Monday. Wodneida and t'rldar
at tiall-j.atit alifltt o'clock, timuhlnK at Mew Caatla aolnf
and iatomnir. Kara !'J0; carrlax hire IrirludcU.
Children Iraif rrlci-t rarrlnfro hire Included. 8rvania
flr'; rir'laac hir- axtra, Kn-tLt at Inw rata. No
tri-ltlit rcdred altar u o'clock, aul tn all caar, mnat b
J)?l-tf JOSKril A. MEW-ART, Aawit.
Thin roaim'DCint w ork of art, now rapidly approachlnR
completion, I oni-of lite larRent and moat elaborate, t-rar
UDdi-naii-n la th country beliui about
Tour and a liulf by three and a half foot aquare,
and euihimjnt; a full nnd compleie view of tha Urcat Coa
tral Park In all Ijt ueaut and trrandenr.
Huhatrlptlona for a limited niinilMir of th artlit', proof
sheota will b; rart lod herv, whon the platet will be uken
to Kurope, win-re
kleaira. TlttlBM- It A COPalcrnoter Itow, London, aad
AL1IKKT L. Ht.ltOLI), line KlchelliM. FarU,
are aln-adv rtM-eiltik' auhacrtptlonii tor the name.
The work can he had hy aubicliptlon onlj. I'rlco f 1 per
copy, payable on ili-llvery.
Subocriptii'ii Rooms of the Company,
No. 720 BKOAOVfAT,
1 he following firinh will receive ltibMcrttlu,
AI'I LKK'N A' l!(l , Urotdwayl
WAl.M lt. tSK A IK) , lloaian;
S. K. llllMliS A CO., Olilcams
MIHHIK. WII.kuck BAI.K A1N. Clui-lnnatlt
I'lllUr' A n.ll.tiMoNS. Wanhlnutont
CALLKNI., It x CO., I'hlladelpnla;
Or, at the .ubU,ln in,
Jj'jn-wmilra No. 730 IIROAHWAT, New York.
! valldn and Convaleaoenta,
lo allda and (.'onvakfrCcikU,
Will find our Will nnd our Will And our
OalUornla Wlura, California Wlna,
California Wluui, ' California Wine,
Calllonu Vi luea, CalUorula Wlaoa,
pocnllarlT Tatuahle lo all case, of languor and great proa-
tralloa of aurVn.
Aak I"k Aak Aik Aak
Alk Atk Aak Aak Aak
Ark A I Aak Ask A.-,k
Dra. McClalloid. tlebharJ, Jackaon,
(oll.-e i'i-nnalvamin Unlvcralty),
llerlag, lli-reoa, Ontvca, llortahont
Bchmo'la, WiUhima, Ilnrtlay, Naldhard,
Wllaon, luiilal, Vlnal, roadey,
h'obia, Kuorr, Mayland, Turner,
and outer kadlnv pliyalclana, what they think of tn raodi
Cinal vtrtnea of Culilorula Wlnoa I Theae iienilomen pro
crlbaoarbran'ia.und aaaure tu of the Doootlu patient
raoelve from tha r use 1
J26-lm Ko.iJ 8. ril'TU atraet. abov Cbaanut.
II Xa IV law TAX lllLiL
Cook-s of the New Tax Bill and Kevenne Htamp Law,
f(r aie hoioia'-nnd teiall i aud Ktenoe Hiamo ol all
dc'cr Ibim 0011. lantiy on baud, at lhi f.Uowiojf rates of
t order cf $V), twn ht teat, discouak.
1 0, thrett '
rxi.r.ior m
At U rTlnctpi t liepot for the Hale of Internal Rpvenne
Ntaitim, Ko.jti-i ' M L.sHU ttireei, and No. lui 8 riifTH
Htn-eu ull de 1 1 pilous . I tbe Htaosj) law In yauioriiot
fleTUl. J J9 U
1 IfEAMUHY llKl'AHTMSNT, JlU 1861.
Kotlce Is berei ulven that subscrlplloos will be received
by the Treasure ! gf'the United Htates,the several Assist
ant Treaifuntrs, mi detUoated Ihottltorles( and lyUS
National Banks . lunated and uallnwl as lepo(iu.rl
4hd Financial i.t-, for Titutsury Hotes payable three
years from Aiuii : l idM, brardi,; lntcri'st lit Uieritco(
evra and threc . tilths per cent, per annum, witu suiai
animal ooupous . tuchvd, payablu In lawfuj minsy.
Thehenotcs wi' ho con rtJt'l, t tbe option of tbe
aoiikr, at mMui , , lnu slk. por c-nt gold be.irlotf brnls,
rfdiemnblo at It. 'vc and payub'e twenty ear fron
August U, lKrr.
Thes uotvi ' i- ittil k the duinmirutlw.-. of fttlj,
one hunrrid, flv ; rt-d, one thousand, aud (liu thou
sand dollars, aiu ..iliw be Usmd in blank, or psyubls to
oror,as may bt-i :--vt-d by tho mi b scribe r.
All dubscrlptloi u.iint be lor fifty dollars, or some mul
tiple of aTI dOll.r
Duplicate oeMit 1 . d-s will huMitud tf allVfo,(;i, Tito
party dt-posltlny n uit endorse upoa tlie orl'rtrteJ eerii k-ato
the decMtuibatiob ot ii tn n imrM, aud vflwtlwr nimy are
to Ik IjmjM In bl ink or punhlt- to onlor. WiviDt n
dorKd, It must bi t i with tbe olTl-r n colvin;; J
posit, to be forwa. i- d lo tbls Io part iut-ut.
The notes will b raiuuittti d 10 the owners, ftveoftrans
p 01 tat Ion charge-, soon at tor the receipt of the orUflaul
ccrUtlcatos of depuIt us they can be propurcd.
Interest will tw allowod to August 15 on all deposits made
prior to that date, and will be paid by the Department upon
receipt of the orLylaal certifies Us.
As the aott'S draw luUrest from August lo, prsoiu nuk
ing dt-poslts tahst(,eal to UuU date must py the tofoieat
accrad from date of moU t tUle a dopeslt.
fanitras deposlUug twenty-ore tbousaad dollars and upward-
tvr tbeie uetos at any sls Uxua will be aUotrtNl a
comuUsloa of ocM-aai-ur of tm per oent., whkh will ba
paid by UiU dsyartiosnt upon the reelj't of a bill for Ue
amount, csrtUWd te by the ettWer w iib whom the depoalt
was miss. He AedMtWM tor otuuuiuAQua must be atadw
fsoiu tti a it paaita.
C-Aoers reoaWiug deposits wil ee that the proper
dorsssseats are made a-uqa the oriajlasJ aerti5cte,
AUoffloera auLhorUsd t utHi Ire deposits art rsqoosted
to give to appUeaoU ail cWaired laArftiuMoOt ao4 aford
facility ftr Diaktvg lubflcrptiona.
W. P.
BocrtUrj ef the TNettury.
tHboeriprloos wrD be reoeWr! br tha
rxmn vattomal bakk ok ruLA&au-rHU.
TUTMD 'ATY0U BAKU, Of imiU X ftfl
IJK'AN,n s- 1' TO.
Tha niWfnN-r inv irni "hl" 'n' pelnt ef
ne "IMrn1JrI(JnJ'1 ,d wrll ,-lctt alock ot
At whoh-aalr rri. T-e-a -romtlipoKi .t...-Jo kand.
l-irtl a.iKc a .uuerk r "r"' " r,,r t"'e aa
would du wril tocall at ... ,.,.,.,..
Ill, No. Hl S
WlH.!.naM H im n'' '-""'r Store,
No. If, Jt. Kt.tNr k i'"w H"i
j,H it, I'hiUdeliJila
Qgr-'I'illJ CO.MIM. I l M"r.
. So
f l 1 Jit 1 I 1 I' TI .H.
('nil at once ut tlio Aia-m-),
No. 4'-iM WALNUT H t'KKKT,
and rcrtirr a S.ihit'ite ihit wltl eiomtit joti irorn lArvtre
dnrtnaT f 1 1 me' ii- tn nil in Hit 'lit. -. 1 un- kaiai
Hit ilrnit i I rTitlnl aVtp e 01
HKI TKMIIKK Tt, 1 I. .. - ' '
to not l all tn all at unte.
H II. J Htfti A
ntjp.i.n Till ttHl-a. Aitmiit 4Jk4. I'rtcauls
for ih I'ocr ot Mt Jovt'li'i i ari-h.
'Ilrdi-tj., f 1 -'ft.
Cb'ifiM-i-. 7.'. inta.
lki(i i-ii Im- had of ta.- Oomnitttfe, wh wi ba at
VINfe, U liBi n -h uirnHl oltlf Kxrur,,(i.
l.u-t boat r-a(M VNK. Mn-d Whir, ut i AM jjlO 4l
rwr to thk ruYsrciANs of rufi.A-
dHptita 4tnl1enitn,tf thr Km mty : -Havmc rn
troctrd an itieratui -lie Hrnt and only oun evtr bnecltt
Hrt'niK the m4)triil urnffMion) that may be tnted wiia mt
fttct saft-tj an a tli'ran-uiiTHl a .em lo the ii4imw C
lcati.Nh, lhnai 1iim-. ami l' ai a-Tctiti f ta air
ami 111 In wpllktiown to yi and ton porvttr
that I have yenr hau the Ivireot i-rac;to'r anv Htir
Hin In thf l'nit4-d NtaU's In tlie treatment o the nu
dk'K, arul. cotiMfviiifiitiv, I have bai auimiint ooortun4Uia
ot trt jtiLf th Hlit.- of mj a tjiri,iui, l. f reiore, r t
side of the prorfrevit of niiHltrai etcne'. Invite yon to my
otti- e. to irefce a pifnnnal ciaminttiini of Its wontlarnti
proi-n lr ann nilnpilliHli to ibe cure of those disease aoAi
furUteraiue of tnedh-Hl xrnr.
, A. VON a.l0tnH7HKPU. M.
Oo' 1I1 it 1 Mid Aurfat,
JaD-tf No. 1077 WAi-aNUX PuewC
Isaara. M j Pofpattrni the K-e nnd Kar, treats
all drtarnrtlnliii; to the aiov--a4m4mutier. arttai
tlit iitinoat fut is. I otittniontais (rin the 0141 rltojs
sonre n tnc cttv arul ronntry cmi Ikj soon at his Ditto.
ho Ml PIMr KtrtM-t. Artlfi'-Ul Kyei lnertd Htwiui pta.
No fha !(( iitHd tor examtnatlon Otto nours Iron ft ta
11 A-M.. lo7 I. M ho. All I'lNR HtmmL m7 -ica
Volnnti er? to ill! a tnwnshtp
Kor Cavalry , iDfantry, Anl Iwry,
or nnarponomnrm.
fill at No. ! 8. Tlllltl) Street. aul M
B No.ti.S 1 I f I K 1 S-re.t Al no, Vteiatl, and C n fa
ll b..i.aM li-TiTUlKi ws I K'l.t. wun the itrtMati
it prli-f wl i Ik- 1 aid Vt al mi iji-i-iI ajtplv mho cn S
turnirih Mriti,t(u or i vnh not ot allvnitv. We will ruuter
n-rt.- othi r.
VehTatu- mum fi.-nMi -in honftrnM dlharfro
T'xi a'Mvt t of huustuu furniiboa for any part
of l 'Hi.-e tvnnta.
anl-t.t Cl.MAN, IflTCIIKlX A 00.
wrr- Mi'Lhi, Hii.rt-h i'C. .iiy ., lvil ientnil O.ilera
iSo. 6.'. Aitinority from the War Ueoartuiw t dt4
Mil) -ft h lioiiHiit. having thli da UtiMi roc4uved 10 riM
ten im-v. eutiiit-uth 1 Vi.'iin pr Intnnti y, undr tho eali f
the 1'rt-Mih oi tif the Unite . rtnies o Um k$.h lustant, fur
tivf t'tit dud th'.uni,a (otO.tMj) mjn,
I I if imlcrd :
I. sprcial ttiithnTlts will hi granted to ralne rAtnpanlef.
to l-i- nt - t'lku Htiil oraiiuivl uruefiblv to Ueni rHl urdW
No 1 .1, Wa- Iepar;int-nt, Ho.h' of WU. Hreferoii-M- wltl
Im- fiivtru to M-r"nna who hare been In service and Law
bcti h-ti.otnl'ly dlMihaift-d
II. Auiilratiia 101 appointment-- as miist"rlfu? Lla-tt-n.iiitt
, (i nut r the tabuvtt oroor, will b Immnllii nlj msde
t the otllri- ul tho Ad u nnt-Oe teral ol the & alo.
III Coiiiu.Hiidtnu otticT- t'f MjiiatU or ot o npaiiMsre-rruti'-d
v tt f Jiihtiit n and thu Luu et llhi th-ih u um
tiioontalita will n-port to tt.e cranuwioiuu ottluor, iatap
Ii yno ift, ni t r 11 ihhurK, Pi-nintyivaiita; a ) oaM of tnal
line and t of and incntllutr Kih1iiik'. PennayivaHia.
w.t n wirt to the c niniuiitil-K olMcoi, l.'arup Curing Bar-rl-buri;
; al' tn o Iteadluu "il thai Ihie witi rt (Mrt to iho
conimaiidlng ofnm-r. Camp C'adw alivler, lhdade'pila I
I'p n the ailu-ailnn o' thu comvand-ng o'llcer.oref
the uioiti-riiK Lentertan of a oornp inv, to theatre titf
trie ilhh-n-ni railroad c mpniiieM tor UKhoui h 8tuat
trHiiiip(rtatioD to tho caiup of rei.dotvous will be lar
uuhd. IV. Actual and rocsfary expenses for boarding
aiul )odltei of troops rai-ed mxler Uim order will be
pild ty the t'nlieo Hi ate dUtHtrntnK ottiner, at Itie proper
post, at a rate not t-xcwdlim tony (-emu per fay for iaea
man inu1 r d Into the borvire ol the I'nitml nia'en.on
attitln It ol tlit- oihtf rturulhhnik' the moil, aopp vrttnl uy tsi
rt-o ipt i f the parlv to whom tho m mey was paid.
ii.cb of ti e luen, aod the daie htwjn whit a et
UiAh war- hoHrfd aud lo '-U, must 00 s aK-d ta the
nc-tiiit rt'iit t'itd.
V. Thi'K-iiH td si-rvi-e will b-j lor either one, two. or
tt n l- ) ftir., 1 r- ruitr- 11 a eh-o;.
VI. K i-luuntt-mutt be muit'ered in before rlep rmit
fl h .'ili).tuiiiet-n ht.ntln-ti and - lour t W; 1 1 , in erdnr
tl at tht- nia ie erediictl on the c io:a ot ibe titule under
the nton-tulC call.
VII. Ii.oouiletu n g'mMtitN and Fmrnri1i-H whlrh faH t
orai,le Mid he ctiiisoliilaied. within it n-iiiuiulile (hue a
as to frm sod tk in iut -d In wld cn,i ett reetmietnai
oiyni.H ioui Iwion- ilnti date.
V I I I . ltuiintkn will 09 paid by the t'nlted ttale,(lovj..
luelil as f(jbov.B. U. :
For rtcuii tor one jour 10t
woy-iii t .
tlwtt yearn
The flst In- laltm-nt ot bomt will he paid hy the uim
terli.K and dlcbuitting ottk-ors when the recruit is wutn4
In, a ludoHf :
Te a itcut who eiil sts In the a my for one yoar... 1 tt
' two fear., bi t4
tnra.1 jrwa. , ) m
As a toward for meritorious conduct, and alio to ectr
valuable milUry OKi-erloiic. a poinitnenis uF tlul tm
wn ill Ik iuiui, ecpt uudoi piauilar cLreHm'tficMt
liom Die- who huve been In Mrvh-u and nave oeeu houor
ably uiccharKfd. By order ol
Oovroor and (Vtnituaudor-111 CblvL
A- L. llt'-tbKi 1., AdjUiaui-tlenci al rn 11 sylvan i
'I he arucxed otder Is published fur general Inlonma
WK IirPAFIMf-VT. ADJI'TANT-ttKMKKAL'a OvrTO. March dl. l-M ;kkhal oki.i.h. No. tiflT
-eiit ial (irdtT-, Nq. Yi. M-rfos of lwij, ere tvcAy n
w ,ndd. -lid .)u fo:vlliiK Orders will novum htyva tvt.ln
Ueu hert-tilN
1. In ori;e,r.hiir new re-jfrnients or Independent mpa
rtle ot Nun, vrK, tbe s.i. vmiorn w 9, ai are ltretiy aa
thO'Ut w e'p nt, in andltlou to the trtil otlloere hartt
lo s hiiltaoilxc-o, otii: Wei o:,d 1.1. utenant tor each company
h0 n I ne eoiid tiit,a:l uiuhlun-d iuttx aervioo at th
I t..v('( IiIk ant ointment. Aa uihcsrthu. apjoli.U')
I luiik'ered. r-haii cm,, be l-nntteU tv bt pa don tba "
) m.dp.. roll of hi- ne K,j , m
1 anKiinia-U ooinpanylWi. ,n,m:i1 tioe th War li-
1 lflH M.M ""'--re.iTemeai.wisnMlbrhitq etisJi m
, tram-lure to -t -pit otit'T cumfaiVr1 1 his apiwidttnent thai
I bttaiH tl-.l und b Moatl itixVrtd ih -ut pay an-
, -s tv(.orriiortveimoaVfrttKiii in the contolh H4
1 cominii) K hIoc'i hi men so hu. b'.sti tr iiierrl.
I 11 itf utter n (. iyll(".T whl rep- rr f r mptly to rhe Adju
tak.t Uei.etai of toe Arnf inn of vrtu r HH'rmi.Ag
I I. :enft xihm ni. fined Into ihu fArvice ht t iAnt UNdt?r a
I iii.,liiuatteit-rolt.ipotniniQiit.togethervttq th-, com-
j pau nnd iu ni-ut 'or whirn he t rei-rtiltluK. Otll'w
' v. ul'be iiiir.u-ji il Into 1h erv h'o only oil the uuthottty vt
I tlit Co.iL.or of t:u tf'Ati- 10 wh!:h their retment
I heiOUfc.
i II AHli- of tiillCukut will htt rtiade out In duplloat
1 by filth n ci 'I'lni oii.ct iit m.d h Ul bt tlinpo.-ed 01 U4 pn-
1 I . il hv J; Uii-'T : h V; mike H-i, Kt rruilll Kfirulations
Voltit'ec 'i lieiuii will beiuttotho levMiueu
lii: ri 1 ti von, at h-t.-( as of 1 u n uncft u "n-cv, w'hts
' :lit HI l-iniifdi tiely exiiiiilr4 ft hy t'.o nut." mi ot the
iiiiVupt rintt iit ir of Vol-inie r i.eci ut'i- g Herv I. e. nnd If
f 'ii ;r-n 11 ot d'.t. h ru mot p' tmrineni ilUa-ol y rtd
Im il1 rhur.'t d oni h .( l e to lav. I t hy tiiu Surjjwiiu.
wl- wdi repor; aii-IluiK-ha-ffcs to the Supe-ln-eiuient
'.in, nt- ir in ci uiiliiK m Ue. and Uo u the Ad ti-aut ut
the ri.luifi'i, it it in a; p irti'Vilarlv i:aes wueintiie
i! n uit, :mia at the ti no of 1 ithtinftit A n
af 1 ho oruniatatuin In eompltue, It ulull be carvdilly
fiii.et4i ar d ui'r("ud hv a I nlteu d'aies Miiiieiw
Inw tllcer, who wi.l mm tlmt at least ibe inmlinnTsi titicts
ber 01 ea- U v inpiU) Is prenni , uo abuuiee wUlb
ct uoted.
J I mil rv, liM-nm Imlepf ndunt coiii-antes are tvr
h' an 11. 1. t ri d in, ih-v will be undVr the c tairui
01 tic ii erti-ir of tho tftnff, huv all requltithm for goar
t m.atir, ft-t'l -ul, hud I)miihi'C nturvs, all ommru rnr
furl, -ir v, iiinl ,.u i'i tt .--, iiml ull to'iuiition ('r tr Ui
portMtion, tit ti c 1 ho aporut.e. hy the bupfrtu'eudeat ol
' u e rli-t ru'.in H-rvtte lT .h h'a'e or DlvUlon.
V NoNdouii for fnpei.s s -rcTred hi railing new
rti Jniii'h ii Miall l pid JNtiiK tMtkcert ouit-ae
sprovi d hy the Superintendent of t olumeer JtecruUiag
sty oidtv of U:e Secretary o War.
K. li. TmVNMKND,
AksbiUuit Adimani-Uooeral.
Ot-riciAL. au I JC
lsartne Corps (a varied and eicitlng Ulw by sea an4
liuid), three hundred able-bodied men, to perform tha
duties of a aoMIer at our Hmwy Yrd, ao4 atoar4
l otted tftatea shlpe-ofwar oo foreitfB stations.
Better compensation than the army. A shlp-of-war If
a comfortable bonis. The Marine Corps Is the heel
eg nipped Corps ta tho aervtc. frUa Mooey Id aba
For all other Information apply dally at th Kecnitthaf
Bndeavoaa, No. 911 A. KKONT Ntreet, below flprucetbo
tweeu th hoars of ulne aud three o'rloos.
Captain and Bueruitlnn Oitlcaf,
ajy5-U 1.0. M a. ruuHT Hum.
Officer ud eoMltra TUmo th edty en fartoo! ""at
M "W OH D Hi
k omaa
au nrmu to fire UTawarva
-nar BtMnNN Jtc. Unit.
OIUVIW' . -- -- - -"rUi
txnnOU tr, ar '
frbskntatTon iwr
Mad. to ardar at wk1 v
aaiaaiaouM shalUnt eaapetltlor
eoaotrr aumiMala tk MA.-
wna nus iuTtcA'