Ct'tning drfjtaplt TriSDAT, Al-'OCST 3, 1M4. . . EXTRACTS rBOM EIBEL PAPEK3. - 1 1 i ! h Latter fr-en Atltantav tMMml ! eTreaai tit Army tr..1,.rwt rir f , Vi-nsu'-ei Lm tlnvomrnl-TIi stte-tr of The ttlfgrn-m from Atlanta allows Wi , lumy Iim mrain bn repaired in an eta-mr break onr lints, it i'p.'ar tbut sdrrmmi, In Imitation of Grant, commenced hcVif ' d'y. without giving noiicool' hie InSoeuoti, tout ex. jwln the liTf of women an-T rhihlrrn to danRtT. - ry r pt dotbe VntiH-wioiatoihe aaci f eWllinfd wnrlare, bei! Tor reeli nnn-eunoa'.int iHfd, ht least our j)rior ought to sutler The'affdro's Of Ofti-tntl TTooil to his troops la , pirit4-d and lo point yet sotnti will pflr.-olvo V ia H a slink rrrtrrii"" npon tlie policy of the iato " eomroander oM Army ef Tennessee. " . Tf!H ATIAUTA TELROIIAMK. Vea, (Aa JWc J li-ral ?h, July 27. ATiixr, July 25. The memy made an - arop Ift nlittt to bmk onr lltvs, l w.n .- fipo sed by Ciiernbarn art-war-inflict of (inn hour. Daring ih day qolut prnvtiilnU arotiwl iberity, Ike only di-i-uonMtr-.ti.ius be-in occvlonal pi. kct tirnp. At mliltluy to-day the Y-tnkes'S opened ' whh shell iiaaia npon the citv, aiio'lint it one ionr with tonic victor. No no.leo of bin liit-'ntion to ehell the city wan giver, to mania the women oil children to he rrmoTeJ to plaevi of mlViy. ills berhatniia violation ot tbo un-MOf .'Ivilire'l warfare only en ibletj hm to mirdor a few n-w- eerol'int. Moat of the sh-lls e imo fMiu 'M- poDDdrr I'arrott yons In portion on the line of la wrmrn Atlanta Kullm-id, with oeeusioual IBiMilrs from an'tlier gun omtor the :1ty. The failant opt-rvltin of Wo Inos.'lay onJ Friday seem to have Impressed the YauHoca witli ' "wl.olfeome desire to strengthen their rlinks, "sshlirb tbey are now clolnf?. 'lnnlr display of ket Kit rjnl" hi been brilliant, fadl.'jiting somo ipvement on their rrt. - Tbe following ttddi-tss to the trep! tva read Ifcie morning : PiiCQiuRti Abht or Tkiwi:r, ! tm Finn, Jmf 36. MolJri t.ftiMtrlfliKNi hat primal to ynit tnt afrr Ui i' b4lu uoii.itu ki ic,'IIIum tnttiriii.rimAr. arra wlih t)i vnm.v. Oiim anl e 'urn ar. th o-ilv inw rr-BH tnttK toon 01 victory. I at wmUtr ni' np In oi.ilr tlmatil. t-x. bv 'It1 innirr uf thtiiM rcirtl. l( ynr oay tB al'iwJ c iMntinue inn op.rBnnn of n)ihii 2 on .iit of p.l;(iri, our in In prrll Yo'ir r.'j-'nt rill'ftril tuiciR pntvmm tour alriiltv to p.vnt It. .i AAVf but la trl I H, ud '(f i! wilj irmr ti th vlct rv Wf leh your oiiaunjiuler anil your i'o.u(ry o . -mild n ly ttpwt J. II. IIOOII, H.'uer 11. BrffraJfor-Geneml F. A. Rhonp li.m been up. f O Dted Cbiel'-i'f-Starf of this army to-tlay. fun tMt Atlanta InMUgrvtr. Butler, tbe Ilex-t Grant, tbe Tlnt-hnr Sher nan, the Brute wht a prucloux trio wnat bavm-defvinir, monvtrom "iieciiiimoi' h'ltn in. Jt thee thieo Federal Genoraln oonultuto! Tbe hrtt,b..e and connpt and hraul a he is lycounUed to be by the civllirod world, U out elene by tbe wboleale biitcb'jry of tho second: ad the third l not. fur behind tho ftoeond in his Tiols'toDe of ell the rule of civilized wnri'ure end tbe hoind iicrlflceeof human life even of the Uvea of hit own men. .. The IwaM direcia hii tyranny an1 brutality Botl Hxtirnt iurtivi'lnala, and moitly airiiinst -whet be niny wel! term hie encmiei ; tbe butcher , kaa D9 r ird lor humau lit'.-, and alauKhtor . by wboJaaJe bii drunken nol.llcry made drunk, that they rouy be nneociontly driven to the eleegbttT whbout even a cate reiiinq upon bi. , tv.nm i. m e at the blood be iuee to ne hed, or Ue decency to care for the dead caroiwiei, over : tbe putrid br.dics of which be for.-cs other fcaiom to tread to be ollbred as niaiilar uurliicesi bi e tbe hruto tiion the hills and valleyi or Cherokee Georgia, In tie "on to Atlanta," utrivei lO imitarn thil hn tU t be three nn ntera whaled tha Yankee for.-n. I ' irfa:fate with human blood, bave had their day i .d. time, but rieitbir the bctinlity of t'leonc, ,-tbe bntcbery 01 tbe other, nor tbe brnialitv of tbe iMrd, en aave th m. i.nd -he men thoy lead, fiom the heaven-ln'ilctod pnni-hrannt due" to the annrmona crimes which, nndur the color of w,r, tbey bave been eommi'tini. Amid it all, onr t-vave annlea and their galiaut leidere atand firm. Tbey lave no fe.-ns of the rcinlt -vhy ahould we, r tboee t u at borne ? Let It he bjat, ot(her, oi brnte. who leaiia the rohbern onto AO tntaorto Richmond, the woild will ae that tl oae who l and ready to defend eitbor position vjriil do ro bravely, and wiib aiiccem. Occjue of blood way flow, t nt tbe victor? will he ou.a. f-SOM HICHMOT) AND pi-Tmincito. frntm tiu Xki Hand lu iuit4r,Julj 27. - Otneial K.trly'e victory in the valley lias had Me eetid efle-t npon Orxnt. It lua louvinoed Mm of tbe ini.otunce ui doitiq 8ornnhin "on line" at. .ijc, in-tcn.l of iiliini! away hn hiui ir, now mute than h'lr zone, fhelliag tho li tlo town of PeierubjrK. Ilia first step ba been b luciexfe hi.1 force, already atrong on tho nor'b bank of tbe James at Deep Bolt ni He aent over an.e troops on 8atoda , and on Tueaday niht tbirw oi er Hnco.'k' Corus, thereby inoreamn? bta force on tins sire of the river to tivcnrv thnn. sand urn. fie abo tent over on Taesday uk'ht turniy t0 pie.'ea of C.Ofl.in. Di force at I ep Uouoin Is aicruine,l to con ut oi li e 10 h, lOth.nnd Hancock ' Corps. Haa ook Is piohalily iu couimand. Tbis f, rce asMimed tbe otl'en ive at an ear'y lenr veateiday niomtnr. rca.'inff tbelr Inft on Beep Boteo:, with their fkht stre'ohed ajy to tbe l ortheast bmnnla While Oik Swimo. flilween eigbt and nine o'clock, A. M'., yei'er iejr.thefrM eolliion In this o carter to ;k olice t New.Miuket, which isa milrt north of Ue p Jlottom and twelve mi'es from Richmond hv tae Market r ad. We have no puniLulin of the flbt eic.pt ttat tbe en.ciy wo.-d o fr n rraalul as to capture fun? of onr cannon. We did I m bav of their taking any p iso3er, and cio Her it hirf)y poisihlo tbuf the eon Id Utvedonu o, if th" accounts that, reach o of ibn rapidity with mhhb aur m- n rsti w rmo. Tne right lasted but a fw mon-ente i.nd wns prnbanlv hrj iifUt about eccien a'7, the ei.emy stunvdiug upon us belnre either fiiev or we were uwura of It. Seme BDtke ry ikirnilsliiDg waa kept n, dnr'a? thl 'e ata neer oi tbe Jay. thi! lATp.er. By a teller rccilved late lust nigbtwe laarn that the gnmi raptuMd balonited p tb.i lt llock iwtdge B tterv. Ciptain UrihMn. Tho." were 21-poujirtcr Farrott gnns, takn Trom tbe enemy at llai pet's Forry. We lot no prisoners no no boraes. If' ' naeieas t speculate upon Grant's plans. Tbe trrnen. indicatiui). are that he prii)!sj Bakng l.U next KUrkniMiinniilnu.-.k pomi airnTtltKDoialy ll.-ti l)utom,Fo tDrury and Ftrrr;. We seo no rein to renl the, Kawt iippmhenai n. As we b .ve before remarked, afimrvrii me necessity of io'nit Dm! lltTI 1. ifI Ciat -bl. 3 I'Eri'tlSH'ilO. Crant Is e vet in fr.-,. nf n...,.i, Hi mjrlarliriuB' uudeaniio'iauinglmveaiakcned i. y , v i .je ci.i r.: nils tar a inuii u ii .jji-j tunc u; a. bik cities. 'ilt.-Jtllg S'llUe, ut tmu I'minnii B., i i:i cdn.'.iiN. v-FTHitam-Mu, July V,. To. Jay ithe for!. wr-jiia or me si- ire) was 1 -.id i.lly tin m:,.st -iui. Of the (I71D:lli."l. Theri wax pici-et lirind, m l not nnn tlian one or t .vo dis- wiargcB oi nriiu 'rv. hkcosd i;i -a I ok Ftriiiisiii Jmy 27. The prudi- II in of the rnua- t-l hn Jiutrr of t'ie :!d riemj Jil;nly to ro ,.u ir i ikjiju in, van nor tl L iPt or tlio James ... ... j. i. ii. win -4 v, ju, wnicn was m our iiouso icw ou s auo, l as oue th re, and, per an nm- a-iKee lorec. An euuai;cinc-nt occurred ihere to day, but full particulars have aim ijijjf-()ireu. xne j uiu t urps of tfielankoe army anpearod in iront ot Bermuda Hundred. In front of this pmcc an is comparatively (jnict, though Oiant is ull dicing. A citizen of California was sent imj our lines unut-r Hag of truce yesterday ou private business. ' Mrs. Kmma WllUrd e t. tared by the Rebels avMaguolia Stlition, and con " ere ima t,oon couiiuerulilo Jixlety ehown by her friends, bas boc-u released. The town of Dcntilug. Iu Ulster county, K. X., chullcDKt'S the Suite. It claims thatwi'tli a young iiopulation at tke beginning of tbe war oi 170, it bus sent ( iiieu Into the service. Ramtiel V. Bell. Chief Justice of tbe Supreme Court of New liuiupuuire, has renhued bis oliieo ine resignation to take eilect August I. He was ..'u!u to me niipremo llench la I8i5, and Man Appointed Chief J ustice in Mi. k7!A "Trrhead had troubled with Lis trcason ieLl,1'uily '" K'kut. "h, the youngest i headH on rUiU :-"JJe tome, PP7 ne-'d i do home twlck." Ue Jeft. b7.u,coru!arr xu its structure twenty .mu,,!' "li. wdikb bad been purloined by m?U,"' Vvpk wbei,Ptbey were M . ' Rev. Dr. Thompson, lute of Buiul,. i . of tbefcecvud 1're.byu.rian Ckrrt baviLg recently married, his congrcgaiB0n t ij 1 Putting it permaoeily If RAYF.lt ro'.l RAI.tr. fib, for rain ) the jrentle rain t For tha awttt. retreahlng ruin I " For tbe guahiog.raahlnK.paU'rlng, dripping miB Let ue pray I I'h, to wake ep (n the nlttbt To tha m of tha rnln ; To a llquk! ilugera beating (in tbe bot and duity pane! And to li"tcn to the "howore ThfOOKli the durk and aultry hours ('iuic and K'1 And to Kn iw Thnt the droojitrg little flower Haro not Hxcd their pmicnt eyes u tho bnuen, hurtling allies All in vain for the rain! And to know that in Iho valley, In the forest nnd ihe plain, Are a thousand thonfand frtmit-h'd thitiES ltcjoii lug in the tain. Thnt the meadows will be een In their livery of preen, Aa th'iDsb sweet Muy awhile Jlnd n tunied aitmnto amija! And no m rn the ahruoken river Is thrc nph duaty channel crcep:iiff( Hut, v itb litnfchitig cddio-i dimpled, To its mother-wave la leaping! And to know thla bleaaed nirht, Th re are honrta of hiimhic trnt ThiiTiklng I Mm who a;m!s His rain Jn the eil and the met; And that tiuw lor many an eye Are dropa of g nrtni-a vtieii On Hit o lips tli.it whi' DCr'd la-t, "Our Father! dai y brend!" And to fi el that on tin) morro v, I'h the lirst fl'ish of tho tlr, What a en ud of aiixi'iua aorro. With Ibe ciouds will paaa nwny ! For the ruin, tbe rentle rain, For the a-vett, refrctbimr Miu. For tbe gnnhiiife'. tiiab'ii.pnn'rin.drippin;; raiu, i.' i us prav : Do-ton, July, 1 -t. C. JIr?tnT Sr. J.nix, IHE 0R0AN1ZA1I0W OF THE LONDON POLICE. The .Vtelropotltnn Pnllea, ami What In l ulu lor I Ik iii. from Cnanibsr' Join nil, A crrUiin celebrated s'ruiijer, who laluly re ccied nmcli honor Hinonst us, took (H'caion Ut pay l.vfLiigo to the London police, and through thtm lo tt-cir bii thrt-n in lime throughout tho country. He mid : " hen I i-peak of tlio ingiib police, 1 take olT my hat j" nnd the ro poris add, thnt the great man "suited the action to tbe word." It is not olten these uselnl men leceive nch public nnd comprehensive praise, so lettbim luy it. to heart. Mora Irequoniiy. the nit nihcrs ot the force nro retiunltd us tlie littest sul jecta lora ji ke; and imiii I'unch do vn to the ntfct Arab an hotly's pleasantry at the e.icuso of a ol ot man is cuiisidurud to bo perfectly ins tillable. No oi,e with a frrnln of aenso would expect pol.cimin to bo ubiquitous, jet it is always cui fidt red witty to remark on their arrival at tlio cloreofa fray. I'erhiips the equanimity with which these "belted kniithts" acc.-pt "the' chad" with which tbey nro often greeted, bits a ten dency to pique the satirical lacuui-o, of observers. Somehow, i be policeman leurns to ulllct, or ri ahy t-cquires, a prctcniiituml gravity f du nu snor Hont.y of a pMIo-ophcr He i-sn also nuililv asi nic tho umilo sardonic over cusos of ain-n a cd i is.rcs, or wlirn his expcrleneed eye detects tie n suit of tt ong po ations in somo pocr wr tch, whom the creiiiilous hyat mder re gapls as mlfcnng Irom mortal illness. The tahk which i- daily imposed on tho ordi. nary police coiisiolilo is not un easy one. In our crowded s-reets lie Ims to presei vo tho greatest degree of order that is eomp.ntihlu with tho Mi-ulli ft i.moui.t oi jnieili n nee on bis narr. To do tins requires the eoutnnt exerci-c oi common seiife, and, nut. ai Moui, a good do il of tac . No aet rtgt-la'iotis, however t-killully devised in Scotland urd, van s: percede the neet s-it.y for tbut pr. nipt judgment which tbe po i cm an mil t ne in the ttiei ts of London. No doubt ho eirs eoniiIm.es, I. r even a po le -ia-iu cannot alivavs 1-eeu bit ten tier, or act with tin- diirnitnf judge. He bas often to decide hoiwuen cun- uttingai-siverKtionsot the most ikjmiIvh kln.l otid to discriminate between fraud and misfor tuie; hi- tieliiraiions having generally to ho d-unucii u uiiuumiii i ruwu ui ouirring ttouusellors. iua oroinarv nonce cons'anie is taken trum tbnse who are roughly anok" n of as "tne.niassca" of onr popnl. lino. His rate of remnaeratioo, thoii(ib soint wlia' above that of a town lutMiror. i. . . . ic irf iiibu ujiii. to most uri nans, it is needful tba' be slu uld have had oine eb men ary edu euilon, I ut that is now generally niisaoaacl h the c-iii-s ltom which be is-akenj ao that tho numvuai oicrtiiou anu mo'ieratiuti of cououct di-p uye'i by ho policeman, may ie considered to icpti ifei t the av( r..e;e ot those quaHries us pos-e-s- d by the ordinary wotktn n in England. nuvmuuuio an omauizatioti us the p-iiico f--r o, to csm mi.. I to i ho social order of ibis g cat me inqols and the cumiort of its djni.ens, cannot bo maintained without co'isidurahlo iit-n-nate CO't. lew, however, who fanlv cvaiiiin- tnn vii Of i eins ol exnendi nri f,,rina int-tmooliian poi ce wi 1 iiud much 'o critieiz,-. Kv- ry rate- t uy. r ciin easily Suti-lv him elf as to ho.v thn money is t pi nt, us a compiuto m mem m' my. ments and rcoipts is aim .uily nrepa ed by tir Kit-hard Mm up. and nresio.iml in 1' ,rlli..,i..i,r The arnni-l n mm whs pr ntf-d a few weeks iu'-i', and coi t ln a full account of nil pavmcnts made. li ii tt 1 m I o. 'II .1... rn i l v. .u- v, .., lofiu, Mir UIO IUIMIW1U). pU- pes: "'Ihe Mctronoliian Folds'. t!ie 1.iI1i-b Sbpeiannuation Fund, Public C. triages, uud Tliere ate also two aneendi es. ona of them ct UMiilng of a de'ailcd statement of the crone n ntals on bich the rata is charged, and the net amnnnts levied for Police nnnaiscs in cwrv "parish, toutuhlp, jin-i li.ct. und place" of the n eir. olitan di-nict The di-tnet not onlyc mi- Sribcs a)) b e.xc- ptlt.gr the territory of tbe Lord Inyir tbe whole of Middlesex and tin-ship. lni'K eu uir liter, inn it i xti n'iB into tue lour i oniinc f Kim, surrey, Ksf.ex,and llcna. In all ol which Sir U.Majne possesses magistoil il jiiri'dic.iion, aa he doea alii, wo believe, in two oihcr com. tie- bi e-. Appei dix " It" in the retarn rci-ltcs tho rc kpictlvi nun hers In mcbof tho four clashes of police t-fliccrs, with the miIuiIiih aud allowances et jojeo in each illusion. The total lmm'ierof n.tu in the force is 7:127. Of theso thcio are in tin- fii st rank that of superintendents 2.1, of whim 17 receive per annum, ilva have sn idler nuns, und only one h- s a larger salary. There nre 20 impt et- r, 1.50 having unnuil aalurieaof 118 6s. Of f.ergrants thero uro 7tib, of whom 7:tl arc ia:d 1 is. Cd p. r week- Tno i-nnstuhli a, the r. nk nnd li m of the f-rce, niiui"n'r i-:;ti. l'pwards of 400(1 receive !)., :,Dd !Ht7 l.ue iil la.pirwcek; 3 verv few ie-eive 18s; i.nd, la sidis tin ir cliithing.'i.ll tho constables lirvr un al owun- 0 of hou o coal. '(.ton yhiivo I tho policemen firesides of ii ir own, nut M'vciui or ilieiu are so for uuute as to iiuve a wife ut h- me i this, indeed, is on'y a Ttirtiin.l remit of the opportunities whleh tbe foii-e rnjny in their daily ln-pc. tion of tho "aiea b he, ti.roughout this greai city. It appears tbut tlio authoiutii s approve of niuirlmonv in ln ca-eot li.i s-o finaruia-s of our homes, for tlio weduid roimtiible n e lves forty pounds of coil wt.kly all the tear round, whilst bis l.icln l-ir con rule liatlic iillim aiici: rcdurcd to half during the lonr nimner nnintha. Wbilki Mr. (,ndkiiitin aceks only to cn'lci- the woik nir clu s. a into hatiita of l'.in-th:iu'lit, the polio aie iim'le provident by rn'e; for the same aisnni tha- compels them to we ir a idue coat ;ibo ol'liei fl thmi to lay up n store for old ngc. I' nm ti e anh ries of, we lielk-ve, nil tlu tour tntiks ol the polleo force there ate deducted ceriuin deiiniid sums, thnt go to form a super. 11, limit ion allowance. Tho dillureni rvi s of llnse didnetioiis are not stuttd; but the total turn tt btiected from the Wo-res of the forco duiit.g lust year as ,,2: no;nl hair much more was taken for "stopples during sickness," and IKOO us lines for misconduct. making an mien cute of (ll-wu e,.ir,i,..l by the police towards their own future comforts out of tho lutes of eitlury enumerated a'lovc. et the forco us a!wholo is generously dealt with, for the tupoiiinnuituntK ll);i(l in last 1 ear received ilSS.287 ; that is, nearly live times the amount contributed by the force; and we observe in inotlurpurt ot these rciiiriuan item of til l ulii.'h nuu alun ..ui.l 1.. : i . n ' .. ...... a M.pw .iu in ui-uniuiiH uuu uuowanea tonidows and children of nulicemen u iin hi died irom injuries received in the oxeeuliouuf tiieii (.liny, istuii.v t iuou is also obtained tow- aros iuis iuihi trom the lines by the in iglitrates on urunaiiiHi iiisoiderly persons, and for assaults on the police; und the kule of policeincn's "old rln " mi.n....l i' l 11 :.. .. :.i . i-..u fciii-i in nm ui 1110 name purpose, lint the larger riottiou of the mi neratoiiiuHiin innH S8,'21ii is supplied from the general fund of iuu iiiaiiopuiuuu ponce, whieu is itself provided from outlonal sources bv narliumeniarv voii. '1 here aie rnte-pu verh'v. bo are apt to "consider n-u riiriuiikiy- as to parochial expenditure, and iu so doing give themselves needless anxiety. Some of these may query to themselves, "Whose looncy is it tbut pays the policemen who are always to be se n at tbe Houses of Purliumont and other public Luildiugs, as well as in theatres aud many private establishments i" 6uch econo. mWo may rest assured tbut these special ser vices of Hit- police lire all charged to tie institu. tions tbat receive tbein, the respective payments being placed to tbe debit of tbe mclroDolitm police fund. The Admiralty is the largest cus tomer lor p Jice tupervHoui that department paid i'o:i,olS for kiitli seivioe, and the WarUdiee -lor poiieciiitin at Aldershou and other stations V id 110,000. For their attendance at tbe TreAanry Ofrlcne nd llnnaeiof I'srlimm-nt, V7 was palil ; at the ltojai Mint. i"4';0;andattheItecirdOlll., 4I'J. The Ocoloeirai. Science, and Art Museumsof the Poard of Trnile cot fr polWn gnnrdlnnahip, 2.)6lb Etitlah Muaeum, 1730; and the two Nailonnl Galleries at Trafalgar Square ami r-nnth Kenalnnton coat t lOO-'i for tbe pnsie- tl n of tbelr priceit'-s treasurea. Tha Inmad Kavcnue Ottire paid '2N3, mainly for ibe services of tbe police at Homeract House; and a siml ar sum was raid by the trusiees of Mrcrnwirh Hi-pltai. l"nli!e eohipanb a, lucid, ling sucli a t'ei Crystal Falat-e ami Railway Comr anlt a, together with ppvato Individuals, contribuui an ain-gate of lf: t townrosthc expensia of tho pollceiand tbe Thiatrca paid ,jO.'l. Ile iuea thoan sums directly confrlbn'i.l in rttnrn fir police scrvcea received, lliu nation lakes ita part, to some extent, along with i bit metiopoliian ra e-puvera, In mi log Its qn its of poiirt-rsteson acount of the largo por I ins of lutid in tbe city of We-tmiti'er that are occu plid by pnh l.- bnildiuga. The total a nount liviidby raie-wai rants for the purposes of the rm-itnpolitan polno is 4l,.'i(l.. of which snrn lj,:t7fl Is paid by Ooverntiit-nt us natond rate ) a)rr. Of the remainm r of ibo total ctMt of tie police In lHtU which wi .ri,M,'ir), V7,7o'l waa dctriiyt -l by p-iriianieruary 'vo-.es. ai.d tbe r.-sldne by the piyments for special st tvicta, tiom whl- h we havo alsive selected a few ol ilie principal i'.emt. Appt tidix "A'1 in the return conslsia ot'a list of over to hundred Hues, cuuin.-ra'liia, every "inrish. towiialuii. nu cim t. ami u. .." ... ,s, distrrt, together wiih a specilie.nl m of the in tni iu racn, nnj tua aunt rut g- d npon and '"'"ci we iuriioes ot mo metropolit puller. The melnvtl dn-ignaiiotis of maav "lihinlets"iiiid "1 btrt.es" illus tate that reg.ird for ancient usuio winch Is atn.h a nuiiuml et nrt tt-itf tie ; and Ibo Immense di p irity in lull tniieiii mjiuiiui 9L1I ws a ITU'y 1 It'Stl il ate gard lor tcguluiity. In ih sc resects, itie return txhibita a trikmg contra t to the reotan les end pstallflcgmnis wtil-rn are s.i p-ccl ms iu tl e e)ea ol Freud find Ametlcan adiuliii-trnUirH. Ililstaole Is ter) si.iKesnvo ol rm. 1,1 ,).-. ... whin ci mpim d with the ilistilniiti'-n uf I. mdoii j ul.ition thirty years sg.i, and the gro,vili of n i in nol.tan In utc-iiloii ity nithia th.it ner.n 1 Kill na re striking is k when compired with tlm a'atstiia in ihe lurlv art ol l ist century ( l lien Maiyltl onc was a small village, dMa it nearly a mile In m n pari of Uimlon, and t;t. I' iuciuj was "a hamlet two miles north of the cly " In Ibe letuin hetntc us. ibe ici.tal for thn parish ot MsrylclKine is enured nt and us n t t'oiiiriiiu lou lor ll:c purpotns of i be p-ilico In 18(3 ia 14 fM)t these are ll,e Irtmnit miiitii in the list. St. O. erg. 's. Hanorrr siu ,rc. i- m- iriv us r ch a parish ; and l-en ht l'a.nrr w c-um s next wiih a r. ut,,l of l'Sjti.ll.S. an I a i iIica r..m ol '.H,M7. M. M: ry's, Isliugt,i:i. conimiscs nro. j eri of t't'.u(j,;(,y.) in niitmal value, coi tri'i iting 11 .zoo lor police purposes; and sr. Marv's. I. on. In Ih. isvs alwiut 1(1(10 n veur It's-. Th- na Uh ol l'licd i.ptoTj I- neiriy us lurge.and contribute ni in i) x. i '1,'saj to tne TH: I he t-ai she. lua i nnmerah d much excep I iinr ohir in.xttnt and value ol property St. J-tm-vt,' Westn in'tcr, takes prec. dcin e in the sec ndcinss. havu g a ren lit of mMM'l; and Keusingt m Has lil8'.'Kl. Home of the new suburban ois ricra nre prol at ly as much indi bti u to t- e servl cs of the police os nnj, and ibe rapid increase of ex pensive house property br ngs them as good eon. tributoiB to the fund Thus, -'the nrecln.it of Norwoou" now contains nroimrtv of the nm il value of l"i,H)i, a-d " tho b mlet nt Ii Dife" is nth tM 180. ( rovdou. tho most exten led outpost ol I.inidon, has now a ren a I if H.i.l.l.j.l, paj it g i'.'tSAS lor prolcciion by the po ice. 4 he purish of S remnant contains ppqiorty renied ut nearly ()0,i 'W per annum i I'ntteiiDaui, bav ngn rei tal of i'S7.4-57, p.ivs 14;;o for the police, and l diiiotilon about l'.'HK) a er h-ss. Fpsom is ore i t the most distant oarislies in tn district, and perhui.s for that reason its denizens are buck w.im in paving their quota towards the support of Sir H. Maynes'aimy. Of the very tew initnnci s of arrears recorded in tn.sici.urn. Fpsoiu is one huv ng a balanca against it, on litci mher .11, h rg r than iis whole, yearly con tiilitition, whi-b is 2Xii. (J.ni of tbe smallest li vies in the list is thai trom ".he, fbusn m' tm. Colhgiae Cbn-eli, St. l'eter's, Westminster," iinumnili g 10 H'i lis. LnCcr the Iliad if reeemt nnd oxnendltnrn for "the Seivleeof the Toil e C-itirts," we ob- kivc that tit tines, pualtlis, and lorleitures lcvud duritig last year in tho tb riccn meiro. lolituu courts, together with smiiil anon from li e nibutl at, districts, aninun': to i2,;)2ii. The l tames Lourt received thu largest nbni of thes , the spoils ic evil-doers, li.imc'y : til 100; md Wi6tniiu-ter Court the leuai wituin meiro polltsn bounds, being 581. Of the eighteen sunuriiun oistucis, Uiacontrec app.-urs to be Ihe most lni orlsiit, us it eoiitnluii; n arlv 3( 0, by Inrtlie largest sbaru under this bead ; at.o Chipping- barnet sends the suiuliesi uiiuiiiii Ol issials' pence, namely, 8 lis. 1 be nauit s oi tin se vniug. s, together with Ep fom us tbe most -ouihtrn, and Waltuani A ib iv as the u.ost nortbt ru point of the district, will alloid a lamiliar Idea of the extent ot territory (vtr which Sir It. M -yno sways tho truncheon. 11 fur the lament parr, i f tue icaal txp. n esnf the police ei.uits i.W.rioO is provided by par lian iti-n y vote, a- out a half of it fnui thj Con s' lidi-ted Huno. Tbe amount uf salaries uai.l u a!)2ti ; ol 11 at sum 2il .'iOli in n nd to tw-nuv- two siiptiidiury msgisttutis, ut XVJfX) each, -nd one elm f m .pistraic at loi,0. On thj pensi n i st of the police, courts tbtie were on thu last day iu IMi.l men y n:agi ira es a.nl ulciks, ro ci iv ng an aggregate amount of ",2ti7. ibi i.ttenduuce on unu iuspei-tion of public c: rr ngi a i- n nnat:nl !.y a distinct poniun of tho l ti nee -ou t-, iur wincn a s. puia'e se', ot ac.-oinis ki nt. Tbe ni t expenses of this deniniueiit f.ir hot jei-rwus 11,1-2; Inf. this is p id u the In In Ml lO-vcnue IMhcc ; lor whliout thu co-operation of the poli. e the duti. s 011 public oiiv.y ui.ei s ruuld not he collected. The eloibii g of the ponce of all kin la cost last jtar oi b;i4, being un average of rn nor loss than 1 10. lor each man. A eompaiisoii of the uiAUiiu 1 aid for clo hi. g, wita tm co-t of tbe lone-11111 s araijiy, exhiliit-. the i-n-uu Uiy ilviiiou cbiirueteiof the lorce, the total charge for ' triiiiibi 01 s, ra llca, swuid-, and beds" noing 1300. Kouu t no s po ii emeu uet ai good fi I'nari tans: we lind in it 1111 i'cui of iul7 p:ud tor ,it tindai.ic nnd medicine to.- dustitiro prisoners nt.o 1 nm j iisiuis ubo bud met with m ci.i mis in the public thoroughfares, .iledi'-al ittteini.uice m ibe pi, lite tin iiiselves, ami the 1t111er.il ex puipi siif ioitj -eight dying lits! year, a.uouu ed to V.H'fJ. In ilms rr'anclng nt the expenditure, and Ih (licutii g il.e ri fie of the duties 1111 ertjik.-n by tin- .Metropolitan police, it is not within our pro viiae to jass an oplniuii u tn thu priiicipvis on which this gu-ut civilian force slu.u d he uilui 11- lrnr. .1. u-siaes Its great purpo-o of tba re- I.icpshiii 1-1 1 huh, r.s service iu le-soniug the imoutt of trn t 01, f i. in 11 1 -1 ihe initio of I. m. d.-ii lite is carce.y 1 1 IcSsliiipunaucu. t-iu:j'le,si, iln rt uie ci.si.i of excep ion to Dip ordinary dis cretion end moat. ration wita which fie police Jj thiiromv. Thoui.h we!l-dresfc;l yxop-e a'.nnvs meet with ciuldy irom "A" to-z,',the rj-rg. d" a.,d iheoat-cn.-t m..j ocr.uMonally me, t iii ti e hus'.y w ml or unnecesMiiy lorce f iini the coiistu'.lo, who is lot Hum the dtspot of Ihu stiee's. Ou.igictt mi-tit in ibe police is, however, ihut lln-y know nothing ol publics; the mm 111 b ue always ppe- t-rtta Ins in iiliul tint. Ministries may rl ami I l1, bin the policemni in ihu lon'liy ol Sr. no piien s 1- uniuovca ny i iiing'S tn-i: agiMte li-n.iy l.rcas t.; und amidst the exciteinent of ekciium ting on es:s, the good md cinso of oidiris il.uonly side that tlio p-.-licirn ni sun oris. 1 Tl e distaixo from Cbattauooita to A'lanta la oik bundled nnd tliiity-foiir mi l s ; iru.n Ar.l-int.s, lo Macon, when-111. nv 01 our prisoners are cm fined, is one hunurtd and three miles. A Mile girl, einht years old, who was -th-t't'crd a few wieks sgd from her gra d-purents Bt I'r. vicer rc, by wlioin sliewas U-giliy adopted nnd lh wliiuii she bad always lived, and was tnliin b hermotlit-r to M-mtieal mid pi din a convent, baa been recovered bv her legal guar dians thioiigh the agency of the Montreal police. Another proof of the growing feeling in Fiance against capital punishment was given the other day at Amiens, whero a jury returned a verdict of guilty, with extenuating circum BUinces, egainbt a muu convicted of having nnc.o atien.pted to iiiuulcr his own futher, thrice attempted murders of a less unnatural dye, and oi having perpetrated five iuceudlaiy lires. Prices arc higher by a hundred per cent in India than they ever were In-fine. The silver rupee, worth about fifty cents, will uot buy as much us twenty-tive cents will in fcngUud. Ankles of ladles' dress thero cost live times as much as tbiy do at home. And yet India ii draining Ltirope of specie, and keeps it ull. A plethora of gold appeurs to be as bad us u plethora of paper. A convict named Devlin, employed In the but shop of the hing Sing prison, uttcmptcd to escape a day or two ago. by running the guard ataili ncd kouth of the piitoii.on the road leading to aparla. The gimrd ordered him to stop, but tbls only Increased bis speed- When ht h id run about sevtuty-tive yards, the guard filed, the ball entering below the shoulder -Made, and pukscd tluouth his body, luo w ouud is futiil. Governor Andrew is determined that Massa chn.ats shall have the lull benefit of the law iKrinJitiiig recruiting iu (lie Kebul States. He has appointed Mate Agents for Virginia, Nortli ttiroUua, boutb Curoliuu, 1'lorlda, (Jeorgia, uud AUil4uia; und Gardner Tults, Htate Agent at Masbington, bus been appointed Provost Mar. shal f Massachusetts fos this sorvleo. He is to be assisted ia his duties by A. P. IJiinlaii, of Yt uthirgtou. ! . . s - yrANCia htkwaht IIOC7IC OIL COMl'AItY. InoorpoTAUd Jon 20, 1064. capital, ftaoo.ooo. AW) BIURllS i A 8J1AJIB-VAII. n'lMfrir-'Mn 11 -'i o.ar-i to '-ryuial put ertlari fr wis 'i .-i ir-s ?aM't'. i.h -s ni m nU- ,iin,tne two ottir-r I'istsipii.-.ita ar" SI is.h, iu la (a tin Jiiii Jj?y and afiih August, ls4! rasp icovi ly. T 2 il THOUSAND II A H ii 8 Birvt l.t DaaS'.of l ' troftr.j-. Ibo land rnrr.-isMS tjli.VM.a a-.rt Rss Oi Con .ni.) t OMSiin .,, kn-nr. d . ihinj ns j. r. s. ia lk yrtt tntsm U s oil t. nm,,, ,., lA'-tisauil tin nun--lisn .v.i in, in-! oa ih Al-ih-nt nrr,ni cmi. r, I. p. s,-t,iiiii km ,.ii,.,.i ua.no.iui Mi u il itif Low. i r..o vi , itun.fo.Mi , i, t u lliuauk. n. a duel -n nu.n hn -,n rrsnkun. in v n0 et'ki I) .-.liii"tl ai la. Tts IS-ak-nj Hit rl armor, i, aitl'-v at buji -Inn k-ij ,,sm a.i'ni :iin ,,f ... ssi. i .nail y of till, tin nut. trout ,-lla norasr'-.s lit hnli pniout n, un a . Hi .ytn still mutt roui'il u aa u ttn.la a.i i. OU v-wa. It is I t liv . a l. rl,.-y if Oil bs ow uistK-nrsft jrrrana II11...H tin Alls, h i r.-. will , ,.-, ,,,r . mo alliaustra, Iwjiiii. tka t'.ra lat-sl.oil. Or r il. amo !lrup le 11 ol r-H S .). tu a 'Mliw:w illt ,llti.Lt.iiii a ....1. mi. l,u tl.rt)ut -I (HI well) Is; jr4i,r v.ii ...,. ,( e oni.pi mo. a.jt of Ou crrtu s.. ! t,M, ,,,1,1 r,.r,. ,., M ti'.ie.l ,e, p. I U, ure)irb-U lutf Joro U. flur Wli. tlp, t. r. ih. rs wuul.l .! . s..s t ay I,,. i , arnmn.' IL anu a niiieh yieatar iu.;Jy n-l titei.il'u mhoi-hi io.lv nr liiwln) II 1 terMiii iltai te .,..,i ,o tlis riv-r in ili- inmsi.a-e re nr. i uilt Und. iu ,t ,um, ,ir,,' li..iT. tli.tnn the p.ai ilir- n. .ur rrara a.i iu,,,.M an.l a a-.-lt io t t..a . I eil " A s si u die ninuwiu 0 111 )ti.:i-t tr,9 -a.-f na I. u l ,li, lou a l 0.1 i r.sk .ia oa -.t n -a r. dlsD -lrlculj tr..,l,t ii,,s. .nd ,r,j illnanl. n -rs tJ. .ui.-ul ta.v.s frit nel .s, 1 -,n.- 01 hil.n from .v k ..ili.-r al.out t.-ii.t .nu 4 Mri 1.1 -es. sl.rl- lh im, tl'i".-i:..n. It w mill, .'n-rpf. I0 b--s-tracrdli.ar, il lit (shi.ik lis on tins fa. t atnrtl i.-nt ileiiin..) n.riirt.. elKi.i l,a-ilrf.i a-ie ui'i. (. er ttm Uie onti any Wr.li lay bal f ta 'cf Oil tf.-ak .a lli.lr -uppll-s .1 ti.ii.o-. os lurr. ,t .n .,.i,y r.,fl t.t.i it-oti a pro'liaoiid thus ha tha f-.nnn-ila ri'i.lt M O1 shsr. riel.itrs Of IlllH '-nlllllwIIY. On 1 hi. prn ul-ir iru a ,i 'ton tnt-rs hi t k-a.p ti.r tw.-iiit yiart. k wtd nmc n e .11; 4 rtr o t'-.o tvf (Hell '111, allfi iUi.h It. 'Iflrt.ti cl tirs Is 1 .e.i': lor.-l .mitt. I. .i.fl vitiit t.. I11S11 a .1 turn.' Me- : Uf. c nt. 01 ill Oil at Hut w.ll'. nuMi'li us re-srvid aa a rnvaity tu ti- iMtu. r iwi a- of th land, ana will at on innr to tiis benefit . f Te 1 tin... .vn t l..r! ,-.rrt al.p 1.., ,,ti.wr wl.s awtst a Ikw niinir.eit.-ltti.e,s lek.l-iu .ir-i ys:rnV. fit in tjua liwafli.i-r.ti-.tigw rf hi: ' :rr I a mv . an .ersliy ksse....,ri oiitoltl-m. m I 1,0 lotio. . r tn ui ft.rr 1'i.tl Ihey Willi) tl. frrt- ;if.n mm c-iitl.i-.y.iiii l,.m M;rid a r.B-f.inin.. j j.i.'i An iihtr e:i is kif bjrtxt. 4tJ pri.niiae. a -.Mtiarrt.iry sid n-tillLilr. .if , i.. i,-,J n.-ui tiiM-. nll. ...1-1 ..... .m.en of tfisOnmr ciy. Ni.. -.'la svaI.Ni: r sir.,t ' 1 1. a fet- of tint va.ii.-Mi .;!l lun.1, 11 1 uir-.ins ei .i liiui. drpp and tl I I.V-..-..I .ier ... ncluilieg 'lei r. yjilly M'hiiv urr eanl. Of oil l.-r It S f il w II. M II-UU'lifrrn 7, nd 111 v.it.ir rUCt if U.I ti.rr tvsll- r.rl all. iv.d ...n.i .. pitreharrd hy it s l' .trp.-iv II p. t iro n :t i nnur. i. Dl.r.jerr.lr l-nct 1 $;i7. ..!, wlthl (,'l.t Mill lnS-4.1r.Ur a inn liaiii. 3 : mUz pad a. nl vmm:. 1 in- mil' hi no t wiifpnv tn.ti tut 111a land in fall. rd H?iv,- (lis . im ,f t f 4.71 VI. 11 wi.h.i, r,....-.l ... Willi win k k (oinnk-M O-h ih rs 0 . w. lit, ar I al'o to Dors rwu 1 sw wilia. .oh xlta p,t.i tiniei., Ui lis In ru. mi:.. or-lM- wlilm- s f , mr.r.h.-; arrApa Dirni. w in be mpda t arotentdhk th- sa n-im-u wuni ui a. lay No -ub. rlpt .i.ia wl ) b tci,uj for u, cj flflt .har-s. 'I lit- vs.l fortnrea reai ad by R.-rli 'Jil Oca lar.l.s -tsl-llshrd t.iro ai.a sta -w Urr ar n,iH.ri..ua ri tm irsiu-ia .a In n mtmi.-v. n. 1 ,i,s .. n 01.I .:.m..-joiily ine.m.lnK Ha prn e i h..w i'.u )sr ijurn-i t t;n well 0 ci.miii.evciu alvt. uf itla cask. Karm- wt' a will arai biles Us ttrn-li at tka tt.-pth ..r.si r.rl, in i. reur 'he rfurrl Sw.thI .t in? Ho. VVi-l.s hate been belt-.' istr f.-re to riy rtsptti ml .if Ciout .V-illVt in Itli. vtclmiy It 1. pra.pn.y,! f lttv Iv.-.-tuy .vellaorl lhl rr. -ptlt .h rltiff Hip prrseu tear Tin - s nsirn lor onp r'-nilrp-l -apIi.. o.,i,,.i 1 1.... p. ar of all n -om-limncn la enmidrntly ssau-'d to ihel'uuipanr. Lists of antiarrtrttcn ars n.ny opt n until tke e i.; i.harsa are snnscrik-d pay vhts tl jer snire. to 'ticcnitr cf AnleT manja.VKrl M.i'AHKN, thn Trpa-irtr cf na .mpany. o. 4(si wai.hi-t aup.it. nr it y. '.-j.', hmskt nt.-pBV, or at t.ie enios cf :'s C-cieii;-, Nc. 210 -V.VLWL'l HtTPtrt. Tha putll: art Invited u tIJ ftr 1 ;T :-pc'.tnv. JyVU LEHK'S OfFICE, COMMON COrNClI.. P I'lml-iohli. .li.ii a lifc'l til acecldaii :.' w'-.h 1 reso-utluu .1 i,.n a.1 1.. t, t ........nn Cw t-ll ( th i Ity .f I'M aulpl!i. .a -l-iradiy, iho JO'Jl tlay tl Junr,lsi4, ti e je.n.vn 1,111, . i,.iutj "AN Oil' INaN-'U TO AUTIIOI-IB Mil l 1 l.iMAI, l.t)SrJ TO MEF.T THI. f.Xl'V KSF.S I 'lltNT irj I'll', liK'-liNSA OK THK PITY AK11 M!1 OrilKIt IM.'lti'O -.LB.'' la bent, i,uf lltti-.O '.ut public lai'.irnmii -i. W4. r. rlSf VI.L. vlvrk 0fC.1a1u.-a J. jjcil. AN OKDlNAW -E TO Ar"Tt07tl.i; sN AI1D1 I I'lV.tt, I.OA1 TO IIKKl TJIK K..ps'.Mfcs INiHDK.NT TO TUB IIKrk.M.1.. OS 1HB Clll, AN,! FoU -Ji'llKtt l'l'. Pt !: Sinvti.nl Tar Hi IrU aud rju.Titi.a Civil :e.1 ef -.hil'ttv of I hlliittelnhia $0 or-lam, 1 h-.-. (lis stayer Is liruoy an" ihup atd tu tm mm a no ies. Injn pur, on Via credit of tin- curp--r.Ml.in, ...cti .u . s 1.1 .-.i.n.et j. liny bt, raiimrtS 01 H. . t i.y 1rs-urer, f-oro Urns ro thus to ,irv,.i 1V17 tl.e tsrj 11 -a 01 t.iinuii.. is :roiu ilia r.iiy j r ill . 1-iiphia Ir. the aei vies r f t. l:mt. a Miur 01 1 for Oi ! ton.- 111 'ha cliy, nm exceeding m ths whole tho a im of it s hundred lhi.n..tii.d ui.luira. r,.r a It. :t. mfiire tool to txc cd :-l.i ra-a U sis pyr e.:lit . k -r an:l.i-jl sh 1 j .1 . pjid ;,.ir ;o ir. . oa tl r t.i-e days i.t Jauuary jd July, at Um t Ulna of the City Tr.-a.urnr . Die pihiclnal it'tna tail leun shi 1 ptyai.ia aad'p ild at II e r.t,iu k D'if't)ilfi yeais in : Ihu d1L-5.1t i . sa-ia and i..-t I 01. ia htinut ihe t-..i sent .a hoi lar tnsre.it, kBj o. r ll'cuu . Uirref ir, 1.1 Iln; uaai.1 furia tt aa ;n t'art.fii ai.-a ol'r'lty I. .a- alil. li il.sui .t l ' u.-h .isionn- as 'itr lenders may n iut-, bie not I r ant trstt. 1 al uai 1. 01 SI.', or U le. uusu il. aoi' un a .11 ll.e bandi'.-J 1 .ni t'-ausano 'lolisrt. and tt .tin I cv,.re-.ed in .il .-.'srtdk'i'e. l(-a t s suld li at ihe-i-ln intent ad auj Ut-s In--reti tiirrnof air piijatily rVifl fr..in ah -.usee. H". 1 1.1. 1 wi.tMievr any iu t a ah ill ha ti.a.H by yirtne herti.i rli.-rt aha'l tie, b. 'iroanf Mill syrttm 01 sunn ale ap- ropiiai.-s . .tit i.t ihlnri.nieef ihpc-.ro .nt-eaua ea. aud f- in ti sum ra-.etf tv tsxn nu, a .iiai snrel -ni :c pay 'kw iiit-rest .m aald e"iet-arfs; and the r-irt.wr uis 1.1 ilm?e-tp.itili of .in 1 .-r cn.i'.oui 11 (a na value 11 sacs eitr'ltn B'r mi te.nt'd, si til 09 ..1 ,rs'rfnfyd piar.srly ..til oi lie inrj;uiy and tai.a maalnalea fitntl. witl-h nnd. ac-d Its -ic.:uciu)atie.llh ar beiOL-p e.nd 1.V bledjiad fa." fiie ieiliiii.iin ujd pa.yTutUi .it - aid csrttieioi. HKisOi I.T'OM AVrilORlZTlnO TUB I'l.K'lK In rClil.fB T'lE 01 Hi VAN K. Uosiiiv.Hi, Thai the t 'r 01' C.uii a Council oe ajitarr l7tdto v'l.hliih tti iv as It op-iii 'r- 'a 'h". cl'y, Cly kit irur w --tka, Ihe crUinuo -.e prpts-ir.d 'o on-.ta a(kuu. cd, at n -lute . ineiihiii Uidi'.uf I -.la ou Jia mvi sat of Jure, lsi t. ppMiK-d "A- Ord ii .ii.-e '0 t'Jt: "ill-- an Add'ilori'il lif t, t, -reel (re esrpt.si-. in.-i-l'-nt to the Os-ynca 01 tre. t-ity. atid is.t PLIiSl pill I ...f.." and the said Clerk. ine a-soul maatint oa r.ainri'a aper the aspirati-n ot four weaii irota tne erst da) c-f i.Hl puhl .a'KS, anal eresen' :) tlda t'ouar 1 ene of eacr air1 r.et -r.spri to avtrv rtsy la wtucb t?c ai-:ia ahatl have ben ui .da. :.r8- ( I LKKK'fJ OtTlca, C'.'VMOS CfMJNPlu, V ' PlIIL-VliKLI'ltlS, JU'y A, IMlil. In aerordaiue tvlth s rean.u m:. ua..p'o c ii.-r '..omiuoa ('..uiu ii 01 'i.. City of .Mnai -tipiila ei I'nuratlay, Uia U Jay.i.liei si I, thp annrn d I ill . .lllllf.:J "AN (llilllNVN K ' TO AtlTJI IhlZ.: A I.O AM FOR SOTOCL K7H- la her. hy piilliahed f'.r yabuc Ini-jrrr try o au.r.ilKv'iI, Okrk vf Couiou CuujX - AV OHt'll sS 'K TO A Ultiai.K LtlAN Knit Ml lllllll. P U HI'USKS. I Heton 1. In, -titci and Ci.i-.ia. :i Hm.ici., ol the 01:y j of '-In ai.el-h 11 1. ..r liii.s- 'I f ut the Miiv.-ria r eietiy Aumert-e j to borros: at not k s 1114U psr .u (lie :rsi.n vr - he m i-ii..ri hat. die -.u.a i ol nuy noli en d aur-. 10 ernv'tlti mr .1 e f reeil- o. o.td l I sloii, ail'l 1.111; ipt 'il ' I lllnldilli;. I'.tt s u al pilrS.-.tl- In i tin-1-.rat Staicil 1)1. trl -.1 o i'tlins Ivaulu, lur ;-. lu.-.U Ui'e. r.'i.nni t.. esc . ,1 .lu.ta'a nr tu p -r -.r.iit-'.in p r crania. ; fcliall he ri,i, h'lll-veHi'Jt on tht ,1r t d.'.va wl JvaJa.' an.l .Inly at if.. r,i - .if t, cht j'roa..i;ar The i.ihi umi ui :hr 3 p.aD ao-n wi psyaoie ind paid i at I i' -x;,:i.i;i(,:i .11 t'irit ;.' cl 1' ..ui :c i d.i s ..f lie . same, .sin! 11.. 1 l,.-i.,r.. vi ltii(.tiMtie r iii.tui ci tne II i:dera I iia ri ,1 -. and u . e.-1-ir. s's. :n. .-''- 'r. iu a '1 rta ol . His C 'lil. m, ..1 'i loan, Vifi be !n..d In en -a anieii'iir t.i ihe knus a may rt-uili-i but du: ...r any irti : 0..1.11 . iri .1 hi.ii.licd l.l.r.. r, r . .ueiifed. la - aii uu'i.s uf flva lumdr.-J 01 otim th..u-.aid dilr.ia; Ajilt I shah lifMr.'a.". Iu raid cerlllci- i -l:tt the -aid hum 1 tf.-'P-i. aiii.iK.ii.il, a ui lie tc'eri.i ij.t;iu.r. are .avakla i Ir.a- 'io:i. nil tNxp,. I Hi ,-i it :i - t,s ,,,, ouni sf said lean .hail he -vprrnprlitcd, I distill weil. and j...v 1 1. in d f.-r H"i p'trpi.ta and ia t .lUii'i iu 11, '11 i,i., liny I:- 1 Ik in 1. 1 o f!i m v. r 11 seho: st"''en-nlas linn at( tlnrlr-loul tli..iai ! lee hill dre.l d aUri, aa Ivu.'.ll iv l-'rat Sre 1 u. f.rvy ihan j d kil'.art-, H.-e"n 1 He ll,,rj. 'liiny hve in 11 arid toll-ril j 'I l.ii.l s,i:. oa, lltlrly it.ou.a-d f.ll.ira; I'.anil. H' -ii.,n. tMrn'rlvt iiinii..iid dirlUri ; i I- lull Neetiea. .-siy ti-..u.aiid .lollnre : HI Mil t- tlinn , iliutt lie m a- .1 dailart : seventh rUutloii, rtny-lhie! th-.usand .tollsrs LuliUi Keel i 11 nfi-.-tlsta tliaiHHti.l ilallara: Ji'imli Se. i.,.11, forty tlioi.ftHiid dolls r. ; Tenth fse. U..11. twsntv-llve ih.nis.inil itjlUr.; k.ievi'inh gocilou. lliu-ty-eialtt iboiisaud ilvo huiidred di'Uata: 'I tw-lith rteetl'in.thlrty-r.nir tlioiisaii'l dalisrii 'I'hineelitli Mi ctkiu, tlnrtv-nlxlit tliotihiind Uidlars ; Fourteenth Section lllly thwilsailil dollarsi r'lllepnlti Section, twenly-Uve llinusHlid dullars; Hlvleenlh Section, twenty thousand dollsra : buvetiteenit, Hec-iion, tnrty-iive ihuuaaud d-iliara ; .lj.'lneenli. Pcet ion, tlility -Ave itinusaiul .1 -llsrs ; Mriefei ulL K.otloD, twenty thou. and dollura: 'I wetiueth riyeikni. aotaiity-hve taousand doIlArs; 1'wemy-arst Seellnn.lwitity UuilMkiltl dollsra; 1 weiity-se.cnlid Heeuou, eleven tliousalld dollars; 7 wemy Hard Sicctluu, fun teen tl.ouaalid dulliua ; 1 wenlv -fi.nrtli Hts-tloii. alMy-tiKht ttu.ussn.l dollars! 1'tttiity.flftli Kts-tksi. Iwenty-tlTee UiouiunU douara; Titeiity-sUth Hettion, twelve thouasud dollars. liamv' T.. rt-imnuiae the city Trruanry, tor ap propria tt.iua already wade, cliars-euldo to this loau, lurty-uuie tliou.nud saluat Luadttsl and aiRht dollars 11. ui 8. 1 i.r c.iilirireuciea, tuivui thooaandftvo huadred ami niiieiy-two die lure. tSiciion if. Whenever any loan ilislltie made by virtue hereof, there shall b. by lure) ol Uiia ordinance, annually appropruued out uf the uioooie of Uia corpornie eatates, f'oiu il.e auni ral.ed by taxation, a lum aaftlcltMit to pay the Interest on said cerllfleatea 1 and ths lurliier aula of thieii-ieiitli, of one per oenuiiu oa Ihe nsr vsiaa of aucb oonlueatea ahall be approprlattsl quarterly out of eald, lnceoie and taxea, bo a alnktnK fund, which fuud aud IIS at cumulations art-hurt'hy apisiially pletbtodfortUereUvliip tivo aim ja j uout ef sal a coruncatks. RKSWllX'TlOH TO mH.IHU A LOAW BIU KlK I'l lil.lC HClltHlbH. Itcolved. That lis) Clerk be authorksed (a rMitdlah In two daily new .nepere of tbla olty dally, for foarweeka, Uie oraiii.ace presented to Couuuuo Couuoil un Tliuraday, June IS, lsU autitied "AH ORDIVANfU TO Anil01tl.E A LOAN FUU SCHOOL PCB PoHr.a ;H And tha lain Clark, at tha atated meatiat of OoaneU. after the i-aplieLkiu of lour weeks fioin Un) Aral duyol aaid pkliUrail..n. .ball preaent to thla CouneU oae .T aaedi of said nwe apeis for tvtri ftaj 10 wlnCS ths Same al al iavs ktcu fcaOa. v-4w triwrrrr'.'t-iu LVlJftlj iV II. DIXON, T" Ws Jl ri'iltTTt tatr. Jl - rRAiKHtu rA-scv n isiii.rTrtoorit. l'klliRJIAA AJSU l AAfVOlJt, F MS, BtSMtPr-.ua, ' rrest-A Jewelry, Xassy eVir-ly, Beads, ate.. Ao. WTI5 Oil, ci.OT II Hf)K KIlifvAaiETT, atanafacfnrpd and fnraaip by iiktwarnR rt.Avnx 00., fc No IMM.-H tre1,Thllad. CKCKKT UIKKAfB! SIX'KKT DIHEAfJKS! k? MAvtsitirvN t mf ri HAM SKI PAN till I ! Tim M.i.r f'astsis Hi miht Xvea I ti-p, Ve. a ft .!'K- . un- t-T (uiNoun'iu , t.LKF.r. mif-rt'RR, r, eniftlrl. a. Miners), no Ital.ani. 110 JUPrtui'y. Omi len fills 11, be i.isps Utell.-,r a .aire. t .1 s, i itxun nio lo f..oi- .ley., an.l re.--nt ps' It "twenty .ur imura." I'rnsr.d bv a L-ai'ini" tt the t oi. rt.i.v et I anii.y vsnia, una of t'1.1 JSo. Ii ra and I -hernial e nt the .ires, nt day. ttioat eminent so 1. V eni -ie. mi ts'.riiii., 11 (u:.:v tst.tT I st Oi. ae who have .p. pan., I t aeitl;,,-. ,.r.. hvrpl.-.n ynrKideltli lliliam C"isivn.tr Msr. once try ihe 0 AMAPt f W OIKT. F -nt hv ni I In 1 mala -nvc-.i a I lici.n.ule 1 ...V.,. ., K.eaile, f.l. r who ir, at II I. OH HI IllO'iHil niAklllMI lltODIIH tscitoKt i.a, Mt-pT. . soi.ra, roT, Ti.rrs.its, St t I S-t. Mtlfl S, TT 1117.18 on Vr.sKHr.tt, nisi: ti;H, Ac., Ac, SAM VHITAS H Itt'OT AMI III Hll Jl ll E-" ' oflp-id ! e tait.Ue at a i...n... earn. .vrrtn.m . 11 vinshs:. i.isi-ti-s ih.nvi. nil Ah H htitn a.Si llt.llllJI'll K, la Uie mo.l (sil-ol, e. rl sin ,a at er' t111.1l rian.-.'y ryer m....ertln Il ..... Iim. an.l iruili-rfli pv.-i parll IP ot lie v..,i,.rr,d , .1.0.1 .0 list 1)11 cur., la liiiTMu. I. a...l .err"r,-n'. e l.t'enof tlm I urif y I. x ienn .Ii ai.il bs I . aie. I. und ln not Irvn.nil I - 1 .1 I p -l.rlly that t. r lueh jno iiuiy rtei al U, slur tenia. le) VOT I1IIPV1P ! AI'1'.M..S, v.ei n-st Is- p.rn. ti.i. eil Ilral.le ths M VI A- HIIANs Ki t. I and IIH.I1JI1, i.t, ,i r-oi.ve ey.ry s. -ii. y i f l.....iri.... fri.tu lli -Liu. as wed ,a adllie lind . fltit. ..I il.rcury. rl'tAIKkl rr.WAT.na! In man) u", -ton. with M. h nonii.era of 1'eina.sa anter. He nt n:i iihltu .lon i s mst hAnpiiy a.laiat.l, in I '.sral'.l I (er.ia. In l.tti. .T' h.a. In b-iru.B l.-n I .1 In .1 the Worn,-'. Ia (duty, a id r all eouitdtdiiU If.. I. u 111 I., the .. . NpiiI by r'liMl Trl p tl a huttl-. or (1 boll. , for j. SAM Aid 11 s vfll I. In en f a, .liia., n.p.i in potme. 'Inn with the Roet an.l Hi rl. .luips. . rnll.i',aioi., I'rle.- 7.', e.-il-. 1 he rtll.ii t f Vt rem. .lip. 1. a ike a. na.vl. it,-pil h tihtsieisns and nan-ma I hey are ii-p.I hi Uie 1 nit. d sis 1 a li.i.. an, ihae reti.iiii s hernia to u.auy m 1 ir W.i v. ..ji 1. a i'rni-i tl..- llal-lrr.oro "Sua :" iia r 1 ui; si i.t.t:o; say r.r the (a:.i tu IT AS M Kh.MltHI s s : T.l.f ll.l--I1AI. I'.. Ill M,K-Mir.l Mlintnetp. Md , re-l. '.'0 In. I. "I hayerr-M hi 'li.i.m m ai nr; .hat I li.t.pu.r.l T,' .s,ni 1I1111 It, m,;ii,c fop V'lierea. Ill-Si. '0 In l ftn.t v- ml. .maty ferle. : knl I have iim.1 f.e-a .vail liliU--aietit, ill. .-r. 11. ii. and properly, ae.l have found Ferp-'iid to niy autie loiti-.n i roaiptly aud eitp.-lnsliy. Km -p n 11 plr e.a.i..l'laii. I li.ive Uie ftilleal caul. len. 0. il sir 1 ir. 11 . una a ira my uacof uieiu t-ii. ou, 1 ' " Af.Fnr.r) c powy.ue, "A't'.lar.t nn-reen''ln N.tv Vnrk Vol.." l et H he nrdfr.t, od onf the, riaeedle. are at 1- .m nu tided, anil will Isnyiliiaiy fura tha di.pn.el f. T kl. h Un y ate ori-d. H'l'l ''Jl . C. fl-llvM. Mf . 2.-. . Ktt.lt ril k-r-.. M 1(1 II . t .1 . Jy 1 tm!i.?ni No. !H.i ll-ci: st..- t. yTHKHl-sl 1'HO.sT, No. J MKCtlANIO ' KttPlt, Mwvrk, N. J.. aunt flr.t ti-.. atten-e in a'l fins 01 ihe l uitPd stittea o sell ihelp I'atent ikivraor. A.ld a.pa. above, witli lero sad lira wut atamiis. for tnciiiarat-dterne. . Asawa clear Slu per day. liDO-tlu'o 1b RAILROAD LINES. IW IU Il.ltOAU LINE SOUTH, .il I'llll AliEl.l'IIIA TO HKOOKI VS7, lllllullill IS ITVK IIOHK4. TArlK -.'. rrfaj-ijTirKKTMa.i,iiinji) roil TIIRF.n TIATt. )u and alter MONIAV..Vti..-t'l, )srl. trulae mil e-a.e f. ot ..r llK Klrv -t. I-hilaile'phia, evprv niormntr a' S . M. (lym.lijs pe. inl).ti,e . l.v ilieCauiilo 1 nil At. Ist 'le and Unr'tvn ui.d llpliwvro lt.;y Itmlrund-l to fort Mi iiin.nilli, an.i by the ei-p eoill ma sfeaniur J. is. Uovi lo a it of" Ailnnne stiee', llrt.klvn; iiyarnlni-, p;iv A--laiioc ktrtet Vi hart we.yduy (at.uilay a nvept.-d), at 11 Tnivp'prs f.i the .'ly cf tv Y..rk are nolin al not to ai pl.t (or pav-Hce hy tlila nne, tli.su.. of Nt-tv Jyraev liuti, fi tra.a.d in the t'snioen aid Anils. y m"i'0ply the px eir: live jirlt il, y nf ei.rri 1'rK pas-.eiu.er And f pie'.-. (v. n 11 e clu. 01 Phiia.iPliihtn tad New Vo k. jj xt-1 llv 1 C'AMDHN AND ATL.VN- lOVJ'i. TIO ItAM.HOMI. irsivr.ii Ait-tsS'ii.tp.-vrr. TUHOl 4M1 !N ro oorusi'i Tour Iral. a d.iliy tn .'.Isntn (.'ity. On and sfier MONbaY.-.'tiiy 4,u-tt'u l-.a.t Vincatraot F.rry a. folhitts Mill. 7 .i.i A.M. F-ei.-ht, filth inaionypr i.r :itsphd'l.r. A. M. Kxpreia iihroncli In a home) I CO P. M. Allan. lo Ace. u.ul .dstlan, 4 iu 1'. M. Jnai thin A;-ei .ai tn m' nl. n,.r. :fi : M. BKrt WMNil IFAVSH ArT.ATC, Aeeon niaeatlen AJaallCy fS A. Al. Ks. tress, ,-uS A. M. I r. Ishl. 11 -tu A. M. II31I. I IS P. M. Jaii. ll. B Ap..Tn:H"dtlon.fC A.M. Fur. tt. Allan ie,IJ isi Kotin l TripTI litis (no'slonly for die djy una irtln 00 wilcn ihe ar issued) fj W. r:iHA tiAiino;iKis.i.;i tkainh, UlveVn.iti.rt I'.-IhA M.at.dliiVP M. Leave lUddonflsld I'M P M. andUUF Al. ON BUM) Y1. Mall t-aln for AtUnl'c leavti Vies (treat -85 A.?I. benes AtlanVos SS 1'. M. leSli.lf JOHM O. TP.YANT, Ai'fnf. Tlelisr tvhl.-h yra made last ;'tar ua.entl1el.dK4p neared. leaving Uia heevcii one ol tba moe: deltkkiiil on tliecouit. X OM II P KNN S YL V A NI A 11 Al I.ITO V). i' r-.f llr.THLr HtlM. ruiVLKI-'CVV, (I :tiH, iaI' II Clll NK. IIAI.EIO.N, ' II.Kl.tiH.vKItU au.1 HlLLIAMsl-OllT. ! MVFH A RnANlinMtJ?. Ai'Di rioNAi. ih 1 is. rn and ift r s.cM AV.Ji n-i IMil I'a.efnye-Tr. lns alii S i.ve Uie ift( telio, 1 U 1 K I S.r-et, alwvo Tl-.o.na-S..11 itit.-t, I'hilsdeipli.a, dt j (Mendiiys excepted), as ItiiUiW . ; 7 A U. (Kspreas) for Psth eheui, AJlcn:o n, Maueh ( 1 nt.k. 1V1 k-.l.itrre, Willlaui..urt. s i.'j A V. (A. sou nu Can. a ) f..r Doyle. t.nm. Id-It A kl ( Acei n tuorl.1' inn 1 Car I- art Wishb.lgtr.n. -t V. M ( scroll minimi' 'J lor llov le.lown .1 Ii P. II. ( tip. ear) f. r B-ahie'iem.K.a-itoo, Ac. 4-16 f. At. (Ma II for Jl.i lestc-vn. 1ft P .1. ( A. t iuiuicidaiica) for Betnbhftiu, AUtntcvi n, aun ISjuch t bu.ik flft P M. ( Ai'rtiniitdsil.'j) rhr Lan.dale. II I1. JJ (A -ci.n iiiieiaiion) for Fori Vria'ilkhlon. Tliaias I Oil Pti.'I.ADKLPlllA T.eave ne-hH.pm at s:n A M .1) V-A At , and t. 07 P. 34. In 3 lest iii atii-.OA M., 3 So P. M.,at.d 7 P. 31. belli oils sis A. Al r ort abhii'sloa .1 II r. A . At. and 2 P. M. en sunuavis. fM'irlelpI la far Beth leh. ill al !l A. II. l'lui.d. Iphia fur Il'.yle.i, o t.1 P. . liovlesfoiAD far l'hlladelih a a- 770 A M. II. ihl. le 111 lor I'M a.li-l;i.il.t it 4 P t. 1 llln.ea' lis. s-ts-t aiir.-s.- tiul ca.i r.. and 01 'Iver !..-,(-;. cue nl 'Jm tl.Ki.. (Jr-t-ri'iir.y l eitft V--. 113 ti. ''II HID Bm.t. Ji.l K.LS C'LAJIK, Asent. I H ll.AUKl.rilI . AND TPTNTON AND I CAMI.'kN ASH AM HOT RAll,IWAlC'01'AMKS. oru 1; On I d after MtiNDtl .January 4,11-M.ihs Trains for Vtt ln't. linviii Krnsi st' n bt-o'.. Pl.iiade phis, ut J!J Jl (Nliht 1. DU -J n Miiind .ho 1111111. levin Ktw Y-rka'SA kl. .u d 7 ro P. M , . Ill lipreaiir r h.i 11111 ex'-luslvp-v fi r tie Hulled sat is M.itla aud Ne.v Vors or d tl ssldi (j'.iii I'avseu-isrs, and will uot lake iu u )r let iu at 1 j.a ten,. r-. tiet'-ein isUpi lis. 1 1." i A. M S1..I il Mluulirhl l.'l ei f HO Vetv York to tA'a.hli.8'0", a ..I 1-11- II. Ml A M aid 6 P. tt. Line, fro 11 Weshil .to:i In NpiV Y- ik. will luntluup at at pre nt. anj '-uriy 1 a-tio kt-. to and iron, the -ele. fa.eduves.klloui -anti flaliu. aie "A j.hii.Ktou, a- d No v t i-k. AWiA VI'MS'.STs H1TO,.V I11IL-VDI.LPI11 1 AVry NKV. VJHK. I.inri l' S'-e Phllatl-viiiiia, tiooi Kejivliis-toa D-i.s-t, at I I -1 r. A . M ,4 Mi, nd r. la t. jii.,a id K-.vi midnlat. ami uoni V tit. nl Ruei-i Wharf fv!j Cati.diD'i, ul e a ids A. i.. I. ,., 4 vr d up M.,iorK-w York. Apd I-;ivp Mw Yo-k, fro-n fo t ci' Courtlandt street, at 1 A Jl . li A M . U M . 4 .111.I .IP. VI , r.'id at 1.' ra... ni Ir, and boat Ant of Usi'eiy s'rr.-: at ti A. VI., and 2 1-. M. M. A. t.A r.MKK, J-tf Aveut. f SI RAM WliFKLY "10 JsIVKH- - i l.t rt.ii k;tciv u stCaAl.l'Tat Ol li ') l.ivif HK.I, Ns ri., a i"d l'iiii.-t.i-iil u biaiAiif li.o 'vuiiJAT y tuti it.ii(iJ ij -Ht a-" :ilinvt : ri'lVli' W HHIN.T: V. H't.r..i.y , Atli':i-t V.i't OK l N. Hr.Mt.R, KratllliUv. A-Jj,'U' IJ UH Ki" i.OJ. ixj.N. Saiuirtd.v. A:i i'i .u Ai .itivcM iit'i-U.ni' Maimnlav, u ivvoii, ,o:a i''ir Nv. 4-i NuM. i Hi vT. ratf.r or I'AssAcn. r'Mt'ln UoJd, or It.-.t 'i'U il"'.. lit '.'urroiH'j' : I t m I . itin fSs' j) Hi.rk,o Jl 1 V) Kill? 'u(i!li (o l.oi-tloii Hi ) Stf jruut) tu "I ) inl f uli-i. to t'u.r is. . . i" H orniff tu Pari. 40 (! 1 jjttrn'.tii l.jlliiinlturn,H'li -iv. r tk' f-i 11um0u rf.. X w l'lNsi'iiLi'ii an ttltu lorvMirif'1'! tu Mtivro, 1'irt iinni lr 'i'Ti A i i a i r p it . t (" 'W Ii - rHit . Y arf? ip m I iv rpo 1 ur tjinent(iwri - Klrt TaMn. f k.'i, H''.'i. HitTiiKt; I'r'tm l.ivcri.it anl (.tifpiiRiown, I lioafy wtio winh t mi U ioi tin .r InriuU tau Iu tis Kciu l.CI Hi It tuit i. 1 or iui Uitr inioi uirttlon npplv nt the ("'oTtipnnv si cfTlccvt. Ko. Ill WAle.NI T Huett,j;iiiU.jt'iila. nr-Ptts liOSTON ANT) i'lIILAOKUMUA aekpidsi.aiab HteaniHlilo Line, Nullit.ir fi't in each port on r-.l I I KliAl H. In UI flrst i. I'.irl ill.... e I'lSS. Mtreet, I'hlla Uililia. Hid lxuis VYlidi! 1' i-.toii. from first avhurf above I'ISK HliLs-t.on riatiiiilut . AuilalS lsiH. 'Ih. Sleuli..lilp MU1M Alt, !l,.r. r. ill ..li'r-MI Iti'laitfll-l-hiii l.r itosfon, on ttiiiiir.'ne. .i.k'iai (.ih.at IU A. Al , Hid the .ftamsblp MAXOS. .Mr.ltliewa, from ltoslou lor riiUacelpiils, on same day, at 4 I . .vl. 'llieat netv and substantial -t.-.ioialilDS form a rOKiilar Hue. ss'litie linni cneb pori puneiuuliy i a Saturtlaya. Instil tin. i a i net u-d ui onudiaii ilie prvuiiuia ciia.ged oa Slllt- t esspls. 1 it ii las taken at falrrstps. Hiai).eis ui p reoupkied to send 6llp Beoeii.ta and Bills J.ailltts- tvlih their uotsls. Fur I'ldilitorl'asasua (liavlnr fl'ia arcotamoilntlona) nr-iay to lir.M.Y WiSsioK Co., Jnf-tf No.itii is. HKl.AWAUli Avenue. a AcT.a. FOR NEW YOltK. DESPATCH taAilf"'. and Hwiltaure I.lui-s. via Delatrara and .I'luul unal. 'i he slesniera ul lliean liuea uru leaeuni ally ai Iv o'elook M., aud o clock I". M.,lroia third pier slote tv alnut ttttet. lor Irelil.t, yihleh will he tnken on accoruuioilstlnif lerins. apply to WILLI AM Jl. HAIKU dc CO., .u, I'.'t S. lll.I.AVVAIlli Avtiuuej tfPttn, F0R CALIFORNIA VIA PANAMA awJJievyltallroad Tl.aclesant ub itouuuhip OOL- 1.US iXTK, will leave ' ON WKiiMvHli.tr, Jittv 117. at noon. Lowest rules of iisanaiis tUiousb Irom 1'Uliadeliihia to Ban ri-Kiu-iico. i Apply to W. A. HAkfHX, ' Jylli lru Bo, ;i7 WAI.Xl'T ati oi t.. ftv a"-(JH- LIVEIU'OOL, BATURUAY, a5 Jyle Aiisuat IS.ls.i4. i ..e luliish .hip VANixiUVER, Captain 1. 1. Carlisle, at UI sail t-s atsoe. . . I" ol liiiUl tu iia.s-.oia, apply to TUOilAa) !il('riAIIISOT M CO,, iiil If J.o.1'1 WAl,itZ bartsat IT RAILROAD LINES. IS (54 PENNSYLVANIA VJM It t'KN'ttAL ItAll UDAil l'l 4. THK IIHVAT FH. t'ttl. r. THAI K PlIORT kj'M'TK TO THK WKHT. JXiHIMWSsiT, AMI) rVH "I II K KST. Fliii.n.piit and fa. 11. lies l..r Ust .ere. .ptsMy, a.ul rsml fttrt.kie tran.rHia kie of paaaeanre, unsurpaaaed or aivy r. ntP In Hi .ountrr. 1 ruins Pave ihe b.p.4 at RLUVKKTII as.t MAftK T.f fltietta a follows well Train at , 7'7'i A fa.. Iim at '..!!!!""lt J'i A Tl-r.aiph f:pre.at .'.'.'.'.lir.MI f M. M, M. i, , . .. ..:o, r.ip. i.ar pi oil I aikp. I,, hk 1 Mill, No. I .at Ii.ip llsrri.l nri; A esoaimodniian 'at. I l ! I. oi. koer Train si 41'iip ritoh A- ctlil-io.l.-.tl.in (leti,. WeiVririiaj.'.;! M. tl. M . '.' " " a imp w I'ir.aish Pa.nini-ershv lf- Imlin. .. '. ' !i"erii':iTh:r,,r;:l',h','','n1,!;'' i',u "".i.i-..".".n.f..r lie i.M.l a th.. L.,..n Hon.. . and in Pie n...r.iej ni iv tile p-lh-r ,!. i'h,.., ,. i,. , , .. ,.. ,." . yrl.l. h nuilip. e..r.aer.aiis at I'm-hnrK Sir all i-dntt A d"l,i view I. thn, air.,rded of the entire line and Hi mui nin. nt nery 1 ho 'lliieiisii I si-ppa Train runs duly; all the other Ira.iis daily. t--;u Sun. lava. i ok pi n sin lo i and tub WKir. The VjiI Irun. Fa.t I In", and Throash r.x pre. a Pon-ne.-l nl I'i'tsbii-K tvltli Uiroiih iraina f n al. dhprelnif niUtla l'M liiat s iot, N.a tli lo the l,.ik..., IV e.t to tne vf ia.i. I'PI -lad Mi.-oarl k iv r. all.1 Saath ulel -t.i.ilhu est . eifl j... ii. ..u.ie n r n roa t. inra-un 1 1. K.a to u evtt- laiot, Dettol . (T e-e.'i, st Paul, ('..lain'. u. , lii.tiaiiHn ,'ls, Si I.' in., l.i'aveiivio ih, Ktiitta. Vi liepiinir. Iiav-on. Cln i li'n.t't. I. ...... i in,., I'atro, is.l ailotli.r pria-'lpal p .loUi, jail l'.ivnP eh. . k.-. r' rouyh INhlANA ItHvNiTI Iftftltnvt), The Throti, h Ktpre. Ipiviii al lu .'M P. tpf., ronnPela al lilail-ivillp it isr.M tion null a train oil Una road I. i.....r- hip. ill. lou a, Ae. llll-.SsiilHi, ., Ml ( PKOsiiSJ lift tNCI! P ll P.Otl). 1 lie 1 'Ip.t.iih Kxpr Trnl". kaivni; at IU lO P. M .r.itl- ecle at lesson, ai I A .M . It It a rrain oil the Mail a't'V ' "v 'ii"" "H'n 1 '"' h'''' L'"'S"-in 'or I'.iHai-l.urs-HOI.t.ltlAVlini'lt.l IllttSf'll R.l.vt). riif 'Mall Trmlt, . M , ,.,i.l ri,r.oii!i I pre. a nt MiJul . ,VI , Mm.- lat.VIt is xvllli li.ua. ur llliala),- ti'ire ,,i ; v, .- m. a as i v vt. Ti!"'il: N" ' ' K All I 1 l.l. Il lUMVl'fl llAlf.KOtn. Th" Throiiwl. F.x..e. 1 ra ti. l.-uvlna t I'l '.a p. M e Li ne -l ai r,r. ne y..r a tram f. sn.ly lti l ami I'liillh t l.urv d by Itjl i Hiie Vallpy n.ilr. j I lor Port Matilda, .Vlie-bi ry. and ltsnei..oip. Ill KIIM.Iniki ,v flfto AD TOP It AI!. ROAD. ibe I pioi yi l".t pre.. 1 rain. I. 'avoir at In .!i e. M . ron n.ct. al I ni.i.i aa. ii with strain lor lloee'vell and lk.dy Inn- a. a AM ' -V"KUlltHN I'KMBAt. AVI) Plllt MifcLPHIA AMD F.ltiK Rail 11 1 vtrM. For i nl ury. V,'l.li.ii..p.ii, look lls-en, Kmlra, Bo. p.ipM. r, II ui, a k, and rtmura s alls. i.a-seiiKers ink.UK Ilia y ail Train a' 7 A. M., ami tue T roimll Kxure.s at 10 HI I St.. daily . rept -nodiy.eo dlol ll, iur-.ii.ih, l li-.nt.lauie oi rais bet-vein I'liiiade.pitu and tVJ liaii.tsirt. t .t MiltK. IHyoVF.lt. idiil:rTYSHIMt(l. thelralm lesv.nv al s A. tf. ni I '1 .'1. p Al., cmnecl at Coluuibia lib train, on tin- No, luetti (', nir.il llailro.id. :t Vllls.hl.aMl VAI.I.F.V ItAII.KOAI). I lip'.ljil 1 rain at ; t. , n, th.oatli r.xprere at " I M.',u!""0i at llarri.uiirit itlili u-alua lor ( arlltlo, t haia'ipT.h 'i , .n.l llav. r.r.otn. WA VNLMltl Iil I UK A .I'll It Alt ROAD. Hie trains I. ail.n. at 1 v.. a. M a. .1 a Si P. M., ,...nnr.-l a- 1 os mint, am wiih Irani, on Hue load to WarotiabnrK aial ' .1 n e.ui iltute ttslaaas. Pel fllitlirr lafotiiistiotl AKfiay at t!le Til-Sentier Ivtitlon, N. K. i taa. r oI Li K K.s I II iii .1 M AhK K I lroet. .1 VMKS IIIVt'llr.M, Tlekel AkpiiI. . ."nil i iiiu.i in tt.it, I rl, l, ti. s. ,.r i;i ui o,i lii, at very ..w rates. f.,r the uc c. inin.i lanon of peisetta ilv iisoat of lotvn.or iopiittd on if i t ill lie nut- oi l! - rosd ( nl PUS TU'KITst, Tor '.U nan teliv. eii any two pom.. -it abont two rents pel titi.e. Til. .e ti. k.-l. .r- .at.-n.led fur Ihe ti.0 id latullea I.-ai - I'lii.- irni. ntlt and sr.. ot .n-.-u ail.uiUae fo persons t.tisiii. o. .irl.iiial .i.i.. m inioi. ri' ketsi, I nr on- or ti ree nea Hi., lorihe uteoi liolan attcndliiK Stll.ool m tbe f "y WKMTKItS Kkl I' . It A riOV. An Emlir.irt Aee.u.iai ..liuioa Irani have- Vo 1'7 Dottk oe.-l i a. I, t, eil.,., rsri-i.ted) ai 4 o'c.ock P. M .-illenux a . eiiil. rtiiiile n. ale .a travel .., families yolev VVe.t. at elf hall lue uru. 1 rateol fare particular attention la l a d to baaS'JkP. to. tthivli cheeks era s'l tn.and basa-nite fi ir,ar.ln,i t.y ir,.- s.-. tram tvith i.isuii"ra. or fail ttili.rma.loi., tpptv to KltAh lM FfNK, Kmlarant Aveut, . . . 'O. Vil IMlCrl rlueot. 11 AN Via lt(. IAiiB l.., l(r.si.. An aitpiiI of this 'ellsble KNLtet. i ouipaav y:l pass (litat.yli . aeh Irnla kelare reiienlnt: Ihe dt-fioi, utl take up t-i.eel a ai.a deliver b-isfase to any pa t of flat c.tv. llaK yiise w.ll be catttd lor promptly wlieu order are Inl't nt the Phvm nu-erDt iot.E!e'-i u handiarket aireets. The travel lny pnkiiv aro aasnred (A-rr in mtitrtu rcntuile FKKIDHTH. Hy Oils routs frelgiii ot a.i descriptions can be for. wauled to at. d ireni in y points on the lullruad. of Ohio, li. iit.i.-l y, la.l.vim Illini. .b. tvi.ion.ln, Iowa ..r Misannrl, hy railroad illre.il, or iu a y jsniti. on Ihe naviua ilo tenters oi :be V. est, hyvitiitner. from Pittsburg 1 tie ruit a of rrisl i to uud tietn atry (sunt in the Wait tiy Uie 1'ia n.yfi anl .- Ceutial Rai road ar.- at alliituos as rati rat I-a sre aar ed by other ltallr .n l t oin,..nl ... Slerelini.!: nao shipper eniuatns tlm transtsiria lon of their In a-In to ihii t,'om;ativ call rely with e. ..nildeiioe on It. .pi ed tranail Per ii.li h . oii'riKi. nr -ICppliikr dinvtlviM, apply to tr Silere-athe A.ents nl'th.;('oTiiiiinv: H. II KIMisr.i.N, .Ir , Phllad. .-Inlda. 1 . A SIKVV.vltl. Pi labors. I LAI K A l (l , i Iu. aa 1 I Hi )1 4 O . ,o 1 Astor lltiti.tc, or So, 1 8. William street. Now Y k I i'.hi II Ui) , Ko. 77 Wiisldimtim street, Boston. Wlll.iAM HiiOiVS, No. -0 orili sircot, naiumoro, A.-.-iit Nct'.t'erii (.'eniral Ita.iWay. n n. iiousro?, tlcnera' FrolKht aiei.t l'nii..,ielii,ia. I.bWisi i, Hour i'. Ceaeral Ticket seni. Pbiisil. lphia. K.NOOrl I.F.VI,, fiettpral a jpsrin-e'ident, Al'oona, Pa. IllllLADKLI'llIA, G E R M A.N I' 0 V is , AND X'RI'.iHIOtVM HAD. Ill) to. Ti M K TAIil.B On and I'ltrMuMllt, aay 111, 1(U, until tlu-tlisr a ol Re. KOP. CKHMAHTOWJil. Lavo Plilladeluiiia ti, 7, H.li )') 11, 12 A. M. ; 1.3, 8 10. 3.'., 4, 6 ,N',,b 7,s,tl, ID, ll.WP.M Uiat oeiBanii n, s, 1, i in . H,s ?n, 1, to. 11, IJ A M., I.i. d, 4. t'a.l, (i.ii1, 7, a, :i. Id. Ii, and II P.AI Hv 50 J il., ki.d Ih-' :H, ar.d A irulila uu, do not stoa en the Ot rroatitot. n Hra-eti. (lit JI T IIM.I. RAlI.liOAD. I. i are PhiluSelplua, , s.io, 12 A.M.; 1, 3V, 5V, 7. , and 1. r. XI. 1. at-Chest ct 1MI, 7'ia.S,9 40, 11( ) A. kl. ; 1 lO, J 10. 6 4U ii'411,8 4c, sa.l In -ia P. V. FOK .ONllOlli.i:KKM ahp norhistowv. Leav I'l.iUd. ipnia (i.B Su, 11 00 A. M.; J,'j S, l.'l, AW. t.S ib CS. an.l II!. I'. Al. I rate Nnrrlsior-n, 5',, 7, 7-60,9 ar.d II A. St.; IVf, 4'i. Its anil 9 P. At ' 'li ei,1. tram u.i, lil slop at Wlsaahickuo, Manayauk, aiid Cpi.iliotteii oi ly. POI! M NAYI'NK. l.tave rMIdplphij.tl,S'J6, U U5 A Af ., VS. 3,41u,St'. U.S. s iaii.iliji'.ll. ' ' l.eap Munyui.k,b,7.8-!W, .',, 11 A.M.. i.i. 7. suu : i'. il. H. K.HMirH.OenernlHupertilenileBl. Di'Jl Ueuot, Msl II and (.Kl.LN Streets. W'FST CHESTER AND PlIILADELPillA II MAILH('AI). ViA MI.KIA. H RlVd AltltAstiEMFST. On a; d afttr 1 K1DAV, Aii.ill.ltsel.ilie 1'raiaswilllaavs i0 lott s ; l.eute 1-fuladelprila from the Depot, comer of Till It TY Hsl' alio MAIthf-T ijireuis. S A. M , U'oo A.M., .30 1'. . is. P kl.. 0 Ha P. . I lui. Iui hla i e, ot chiia ed from Kl" illTElCNTIl and A'AI KK1 Stleeta lo I llllt I Y-l lUrtl and AlAliKKr Hif-'S. la ave Wet C4.e"ter, from the Depol on Ftit MAItKET Bli.et.ii'Jl A. M., l-'h A. U , II A. vi M .4 4.1,' tl. the. ars oi the VVti.t I'll.a. 1 1 .lua I'a-.K0..ii.r Railway ri B.itiy ' Maiket a'ro. t) tviU coat ey Pussoners lo aud frt-ru the l'blla.Iclp!i.a ll"pot. O.s SI NB-YS. l.tavcl'iillad-.phiaats ao a. M. aula) P.M. Leav e eat i !i sier st s A Al. and 1 .m c u, 1 um. iPavIni; Phllaae phia at H A M. aid 4-V P. M , ai.d West eh lateral J-es A. Al. and 4 so P. M.,eonnect wiih trauia on tae I'h liulelp'ila and lliiltlinaro tairal ilal'roiid ler AfM-iid ana luttriue.llat.. pi lots .ttl-il liKNUY WOOD, Ov .ei l snipurlntenilent. W'KST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES Tt 'i uinipi .In. on XMNDAi, June ao, 1,n, from 1 alii.it airtu: Hbart. FCP. OA Of! MAY. Aid at-f! 'a A M . r nil 4 M P. V. F- r bal.ni an.' Hi I... eon, at II A, M unit P.M. For (iiiirsboM, at ii.li, an-l 10 A. M., and 1 aa.1 4 30 P. M . k. r t o. ill jry. ulou. ester. Ac, a- tl audit A. H , li M , and 4 .ni ls P. M ik. 1 1 iiMNti thai sis tr.1! sr. t'np-Alav at ii ai.d il I A. II., and A . ) I' M. Hint hie ai 7-4u A M . and l-.v and 6 i') P. M. S:ili ri i-.t ti A M.,aml 1 Ih P. M I'.lid.el II 4'tl I . A Al., 1 IP. M. (.la .l eio at 7 10 and rfiiD "M..2-2I. .1 "o, anl 7 SO P.M. u.i.i, hur- it 7, 7 4u aud a-04 A. l aud i , 3 .-l, JO, and I'll'. At. THK WKSr .11 RSLY t'XPItKSfl TOMPAMY. Oil.ee, No 1 .11 kl I street, will t oil l .r antCetlver ' It UK' )u , ai.d alt. na io all (he utnal br.uu-l.es of Ktu t.i ' bii-ir.s. . i t ai "i'trs taken by tl A Al liu.'t only , and linni hi .flit n l ie oitlre ihe ave..iuL-provlout. periaua- . b.e art clct hy till' line u a-f le sent heo.re.Vj A kl. A ap .-ia! a s.tt'iis. : .e'.' iiiieciiei . ach train. u.j.1 j. a:. lii...sl.:i.Ar:it, .Supkriulcn.leiit. 1ClJ 1 1'llII.ADr.I.VHIA AND lOi'l ll)-t. KKIli NAIl.ttOAll. lO'l 1. T h-a sr-a. 1'ne lia ve. ,ea lbs klartli.-ru nnd Nor bw.-at ctiiintl. a o 1'eiir svlva'da lo the city of Krle on l.ske Krld. II has bit ai iea-td bv it.'.- I -KNa.sv,YANIA It V1LHO VU C.iall'vNV, and llnai r Ihe.r an. pices la b;l ui rapid! tip.-lleil 111!'. II .llnlll It. entire length. 11 is n-itv in use tor Pa. -teener and Kreli-lit biulnei from llarr.vbi.r.- te I mportum. i '. mil.-), ..n ibe Easlern Divl- moo. a -d li stilt she hell la Krle (7 s nnl-is),ou the i eatern j Litil-'ii. J 1 1 in: nr rxs il Nil it Tit VINS ar l-.ui.apl.l.rilta. Mall Train leave s no A. Yf. kxpre-i. Tram lest, a In tu p. Al. t.'ufs tun tl-ioiith went.. i r iiast.i: l.tth ttayaon th .e trali.a lait-stsa -.ila-lp.hlaaDd Lock llsvail,aad belwoen Hint more And Lock Haven, hit-saint B t-opuiy Cars on the Kxprea. Trnln both wave, lot liiloi'uiatlon resiu-eiini: 1'a.at'tisei htislneaM, apttly at tie si. r..e..tnel ol Id.K.Vf NTH aud MA It UK I Htieela. And lor l-'relnlit l.u.ltii as ol Ihe ( 'oinpatiy's A;.-eiit. : . It. Knmsi Ir .corner ISl.Vl'KK.VlII aud MAKklKT stret't-., I'hllailulplila. J. W. Keyuulds.Krle. J. 11. ItrlU, At'eul, tl. V. C. R., Ilaltlui .ro. II. HOP-ITOH. Ooneral Freight Aeent. Philadelphia. I.K-'jl.. IIDOPI, Oeueral Tkktt A.T-V Phiiailelphia. JiiKKPil O Purl's, Jal-tf (ienural Mauaaer, Vt i'liauisporl. 11 11 11. A 1)1: 1.1' I i I A AN iTSaLtI MORK CB S" THAI. KAII.KliAH, OPKN Tti OXt'OKll 81'liIMI ARUAM.KMKN'I . uu and alter ml I) W, April 1, 1864, the trains will leave SI Ioih.lt s : l.tAVK liASTWAKO. LEAVE WJCaTtl ARD. SIS'llOSS. A. St. Oxloitl (i ) Vi'eta i. rove .6.t7 Avondale 7 Oil hernial! 7 IS) ( hadil s Ford...." fl ('cueonl 8-lid W. (;. Junction.. H-1A l-l.lli.di Iphla V T1 r M, SIAI'lHSS. A. St. I. H. .1 Philadelphia.... 8 00 4 110 :;."1 West ITlrster... 7'4!i 4 46 4 ol W. C. Juiiouon,, 9 08 511 417 ( aii. ol d Jil d ial 4 41 (liad.l'sFord,... 911 6 It f.saj Ketiiii-tt ln-OS 6 i(7 1 la Avonaale 10 71 (I'M (i ini Weal lirove 10 -r.l 7 0.' 6.10 Oxford lO atl f an neal l.litaler....i''''v 1 arsenser nepof Hi riilladelphuv baa been cuans-en from Ela'litet-iilli and Market atrtsM.. lo THIltTY-tTRST and Mai ls I T hli-peta. West PklladelphUt. Market HlriMt t-aaeeniier Kalleray Cars convey faeauus'l'is to aud lioia the Depot. - Pusaviigtirk go tlironrli wlthottt ehDiiito of rnri. . Ju ilP.NUY Wool), Huueriutendonl. S' ALEM KAILROAD COMPANY. RUN nine time of Traius. cotnmeuclna ritlliAV J........ trout Walnut Rlreet Wliarf at A.M. ,8 and 4 P.M., frelyht Vi . helurtiius, Itave l-ialeui al 4 A. It.. 81X1 A. 14., I'll) P. M. Irelsiitda'iy eaeh war. Apply to I . .MOIi'l'-IN Mll.l.sf. Ak-cnt, Second Covered Pier alsive WALNUT street. I M I'Kl.AWAliK Av.uua. ja4-ll c J. VANIiKNjHtLALU.-J. uefluleuilcnt. RAILROAD LINES. 1N(J Alt II NO KMI-INTS (JF l0d . !" 'Al"1"1 ""' Ambry and rtilledt Irkla and Tatatw Li vTit T ,""a ''""isi.a vo twTJ will have as ful oa. ti. ' , , At r. a kt., v a I oiuoi a and A role y, C. and A A... p-enm. ilaisa, M At s a u , i-. ...a , ..." KM:rui:,;.:.;:::::.::,:;::::r;t7,n , At I'.' M .tftCniinJ. n nnd -nili-,i) ihV A.' Ariom IT" slIM'H i Al 7 P. M, via i.'am.Jvii unl Am- PM'UP. . , Al 1 IV M..Vi ( iim-lt n ssiul AmI.ny, Aronii4Hlattd-a ( y rKi-ht :irrl p , erl Al ti f. M., via latniifn ansi Amlio . Arf.miia.'i!.n U-f-i-l.l :uk1 i(in. nm rltl ( um iHfcvk-t I'l i d" Al i j, r M.. ia 'iinw)Mi ami tn'wj Arrt-irnitifMla- n-nint ..hi M,,fl r), M ClMM lkht f- ai ' H- Oi ( .; J'r u:uUu ,n". rtmlrfnvnjo, Mud Inu-rim-'llatt !.i ivnti ,ni fil' M . I. '.'' !'""y' rvansvllle, Pemherton, and VlD-enl Ion li, ai li a . M . . -J and : P. II t or i repti.iiu al II A. M. and P V. r.r i aiiny, a. nirirtoti. Iii-iin-o. iisrerlr. Urtriint,: ind,",''''''il',',''..'v'11' - " A' "sat, I. dS SI ,. Iiton': 1 '"' - M-11 " -"-t. 1 1 V s it ' i"."' " 'vrr""'' Dehiueo. Beverly, and Tories. .. . , a I a. or, at -e ,, A . d ,, ,.. M. Wll. leav? .1" - llttPOT MJ K""lnton aud New Tort. - .. in. ,.i..ii tun, -,..V tors A ail... -JT At 11 A A. kl.. via at... . '." T I I pits........ ' '- At I an P. al., v ia Keu.iUKioti and 'jenny 'c'l'ty Kx- fi-l Man. Il I l.unkat .1 M V At. , 'l r or 1 1- mie.it on, Latuls-rltilie, and intprmcdlaie ataUona' for lirniol, Tn nioii.ttc. at 7 I', and II 15A.M., and.'. t or Holme. htirir, Tiii-onv, Wl I .online;, llrhl.-.hnra- and ri'u'In'ti'l'1'''1'' I', aim si'.. vi. r anil A M.Uir. let l.rN.wVnrk slid tvv t.ltiri senvlnit Kpn.lnirton . ,. .. ...r, .... o ...a ...y. auuvy nuiniit. Mall an l.t.ur heti.ie departiTO. The Cars run licotlio U. not, aud pot, aud vn nun ai or eiieii tr in inn rroin in-, ne-.t I my p.. inula ol lia. ea.e ou.y allowed eaeh paseenirer. I'a... io.pi s an p.olithlte.1 from litsmir anytl.lnw a. bearai-e toil lllPir p.i, rnpi.iiel. ,l Iiukiu. ov nfiy is.tit.il. fo he l aid lor rvliu IhP Comlianv II u-l lhl. ...1. . billtt tor linfuave to One IV.IIar p.-r lay t. d.and will not be ,i......: i.i. any eioeuni o ynu.l ai-si. exc-pt oy special liiul am'aPu-aas'e 1" spies will rail for and deliver bav yate ai Ihe 11. ....s. Or.l.r. 'o he im t at No.'IWALMJI ,, W.tl. II OA 1Z. UK It, Anew. Aui il 1, lss.4. 1.1.18 Hto.M M;V YORK FOR 1'lllLADtiUMHA II. L l.KA V e. From foot of Conrii.in aire, t at Pi M. and 4P M.vta Jer-ey t lit and i uluilen;a 7 and IIIA.M .S p. M aud 111 i N is l.l) v a r-.y I Hv and apb-inat.ai r."l'to iinn-sy smut, m b' a. M. and 2 P.M. via An h..j and i nm... n From Pier No. 1 Sorin liner, nt It M , 4 and P.M. (1 a-.-ls.lil and I'asaeiiKV-r) via Auihoy and C'aindca. IHI IOHT LINES FOR NKW YORK AND i A all Ihe stntloii on Ihe Camden and Am hoy and too- " lie. i. ii naiiriaius. . i.t iip.v-tr.it iii.i aitii. The csevlen and Anitsiy I. m Ir a.i and Trnnarxirtatloa tiinipany's Ireit'lil I.i 'or New Yora lll leave alnnt aittei vthnrl.iin and att. r January a, dally (Sundays ea ci plpil), at 4 o'clot k P. M. Ret i. mil. g. tin uisjve Line, will leave New Yo a at 1 and Pre!, ht mtiat be delivered before hH P. M. to be for xvar.ipa tl e same day. r laarli tor Ireluolt. Prlliue'ou. Ku.'.at. Hw Rrn... v rv.liejn all poliu. on the v am ieM a el Aratoy kailr.idi altaAiw. ihe rieivlueio, Im awi.re, nod Fleraiust .n. tne Near JtrYt.llo treeli.tld u d -aoie.liuiK. and he llurHaa-toa utJlt.iiiii Uoily Railroad., rueeived antl t.irwtrdyd op to 1-. afi pi, , k p. jh . snoall i-aesane. i..r Mount Molly received up loi.i.i.iek P M. Tbt lieiri.irre TXilsttase Railroad c.nneets at Pbinira bon wiih inn I ehln allcv Rain. .ml. The New Jereey Railroad Ltuii.eets at fclutnetli witn ne New Jetaoy ( cnltal Railroad, aim at Newark wita ibe ilorita aud fcs.es Rsi'mnd A sup rn iiiorandum, spocifylnit the marks and nnm btis shipper ai.d rotisUoy. a must .n evury Inetanee be etnt ti) h nth loal et Kind.. or no r.re.pt will be Klvetu .....,.. ih umi , I,., mr neoi ui,nr mr no ransooria--tlr.ii ol I.I K Hl'oi'k. drovers are lovlteo to try .hit route. Vt hen the xtiK-s I fiirnlsiied In .tiatu. lea of TOOlrt -1 OALH or u.o.c. II nl. I be delivered al tne (.Hit of Fortletn street, i.ea- tlo finite aid-, o. at Pier No I North Klter. oi theshf'pep may iie.it nan- at the lime of lue shipment. w L'K i FKK.km N, r'rel.ht Ajent, No. -,'os ft. Delaware avenue, Pblsdlphla. OKI). II HAY MO .li.s-reulit v.ent, jai-tf pier No, 1. Nnrtb River. Sun York. rlllT.ADEI.PlIIA. WILMINGTON, ANO Baltimore kaii.roah. CtiAMlE llOI'lia On and slit-r niisTiAY, tupii.t 1,1844, PasHPUKPr Ira us leave I'hllada phlafor lia.tiiu.trt. st I 31 tEspie.i. Jioud.y excepted), 8-(K A. M .. li ,M.. 3-ali n d o ai) p. M. Ct.eslu-al 8 0,.,ll la A. M., I'M, 'J 30, 490,600 SBd 1100 Wllo lle-'lon ot 4 50 (Mon-lavi escepted), 8' OS, 1110 A. Al . I s. i-:'. 4 1. 1 . la ;Ki and II i 0 P M. 5. w Caxile at Ks-A A.M. anil 4 3'i. M. l -.ter ai H iv A M and l3u P. M. Mi b Id a. SIC. A. M i bulisbury ai H i A. .M. trains ion rnit.Anr.LPHM. Tosve llnltinim-e nt '4i, '4d A Al. (Expresi), 110, t'lii und III -to I. 11. 7 aiVdl!J'i'i'V'''Vl ' 'K'' " A M ' ti"2' ' l'44' 'g0' -Hnii.l-air.vat H'fsl A If. Jilllloid ai'J 4S P M. I o- e. ai s iu A. M., und 416 P. Al. New (as. I at s .Kl A.M. and f-ri 1. M. (Teller al 7 4.'i.'J 40 A 11 , 1 Hn, t 44,4 40, S'OO, 7'M, 940 I I ave Rultiiuore f..r Salishtuy and Intermediate stations. SI lli'il. P. H. . l eave llaitlmoro for Dover mid liit''rm.tdlate siaUons at 1 in P II. TRII.VS FOH IIAI.I'IMORK. I.cnvo CNsler at s -i) a ,M , da and ll-tal c M. l eave Wllutmslull at V3a, 111 a M., 9 40 and 11 10 P. M. FiriKht Trulni, with l'niHi s-er Car attached, will rna aa ti I t.tt a Leave Wiimiiig-inu for Pur. vide and Intermedials places at 7 4.'i P. kt H NliAYM:-Onyat4K)A. M.10-.10P M., from Pkll. dt-'ph a 'o Pa'tiDinra. Vtou. Pi lladciphia to vt'iiiuingion al 4-30 t. M., 10-30, anr Ii P. M. I n n. V. II r IriL'ton to Pblladelohla at 1 "1 k. V and 7 00 P M Only at lu-.'t. P. M . irom Haul - ire a i'niiaiiphla. Ja4 11 I. KE.NKY, r Beiiuteuilwuu . E A D I N G RAILROAD. .l;KAT Tltl'NK I.IKB FKOM PIf?T,A(Kt UIA !' r If. I MTERIOR Q, t KM IAA: I A, I HK HUVLKIiLs HL'8 QrUnANN a. LM' .itlKUl At ', A1HL WVOMlNi Vail. LEV AND NOltTH, NoltTHWKHT, AND TUE CAKADAS. rAPHr.NrtKk ' T.-av (! mi aii.v. l p .i. ai THIRTEENTH ftn-i J'Al.IOWlilLl. uteit, .'hi tk phin, m ia fUtOfr-Uu )iimiij : Mf 'KM NO M-lt. AiHl.rt.M.. for icaa nir, J on.n, Eohrata, Mtia, f-H n.Ma. Itnrrwttu.K. Po ivt to p nKTv 1 ami(tia, Hwntiu-i). Wiil.aiiii)'i i, iu rJi. -iiiflif tur. -tnurana Kul-a. Mul uM. a H-p. tu , Vl k.burif, eill toa, York, Curlttlfl. . Iiud NrbiT , lUfrHwn. Ac 'i hi- ir ui foiimvifc ut i.KAl) N'l with Eut njlrm nla nilrta(1 runiii n A i.uiwii Ac. ilia KattJiitg an4 l"4 tun hid lii.tlioit'i toi f.ptir i a, IM a ttn-n Ctjl.im'ft and with th 1,-riintinii Vail y ii a n ftti II rr btf, c; Pf ( L'Mi)i IiLhuaish t. el p m4 t. an it ur -WuVm mrrtt. T I1IIHI1-J ll. IOl i lIHVfn, Ea'lUirila AO.-f ih ti-MiMta- lrh( villi Northern Criiti," 'vumirUnd Vali-y," ltd co . 3 lkli Mud Uw'iu-h n" ir-un t.r W rt luio b rUr.o.M utiumt p r k.riia ln.rH.T mroT,e m V I'KKNoON Kl'Ki-,3lj l ravM PMlatlt lutja at Ho IV M tur Kat.in. PMtn i)U . l'tittrte, ll niUm-iif. Au , e cin-ctr'K t HiutU bu if hi h l ai iihyiana L'4-iitr. tialnTr Pltttbur, ;... jNtirtl rn (' biiui ltaprial irin-' t -Hnnbury, Nnrihom trriMi il, h.lunrrt. Ac . atitl f Toil -..It i.t. n wtt-i Ct4wla. Jiatiixiad Uuiiits Tor Allium, V'iUiaui,rtn, fcJiulra, iiuHalo, Ac. ItKADINO AOfOMVIODATIOV. IiraTi11 Kcdtid p nt i; to A, M loiipmv t all way atA II' i i rriWi In M i.Hilt'iiliiH ut HtK a. M - KHtiruliin, h .iv" eiiiiiwiiii.hta a b-OuP. M.i ajrtv-M itt l(v,it ti atH'UP 11. T uiiio for .'IiiJb' vt, lua av Harrtbnra' at H A, M.,an) liitiilli ait lfA. M .arrlvlna ! PtnUdalphift at I 60' P M AftiMMin irtih l-utt) HurrU IKK at 3 P. jfl.. rots-tl;e at '"-t" P. M., Krihlii- In 'hi aitbJ Mm at 1 P. M. Murkn I'ttinti ulth a ftht-i-ttr car atichel, l-av Plt'lav)it ia ai I P. M . lor hfa-ittik nrt ail wav -laikna i )ut R" iv n at I'.', noon. n4 1wii Inflow a mi IU JOP, M for PhlUiii l) Mn anil :tll way rut.na. A u th aoovt- ir( run oany, MiiHluya twtotA. hu im) tru.Di- It iti a Poimvihe at 7 itO A. M.,im1 PhlltV ' Ocil blii ul.i J.- P At. CMKH11.lt VL1KV !fAlLKOAI Pa Mtirm tor Pownint'i wn atid iiitnrire- la'a points (ni-filnth I..A AfsandM-DP. M.tr.im trtitn PbtlatUlo'ila, ' K'fiirnlig (rout Juvrnlutftuwn at 40 A. Al., autiVili KH: VOKK K.I'I!E49 Pfl! PITr8HUB3 AND TUQ I.ari iiNiw York ut T P. M.,pHilng Iteadlnvat Umld'-rlj-lii . siiiti ( nm tat tint. a liairn urn Hilb PAMilvaai4 Jdil'rnnd hV T.i tin ti.r I'itisliurk'. liftiiriiinv Kxpn'sa train Icavei littrrlsbrirj on arrival of tti P-i.(i- Kama riM f odi PitiMliuig at A. 41., yakfeini: litn.iiiii! mtl-W A. Al., antl arriving at Naw York -nt 14ft P. Al. hli riiti-g Vs.' acto ujiiitiy Uic tralua ti rmiLh, btwen Jtr.y City and l'ittlujr, without CliaitKt. AlniMraiBi for Xw York kuve HurrlsHurR mi A A.M. audi P.M. AiHtl trahta tur IWrUburg Icava jw Yurlk at ti A.M. aii u At. M'HIUI.KII.T. VAL1EY HAILROAT. T ruin i leave PotixMlto at 7 1ft A. M. ami MIP.M.,rt ttxninia intm Tumari'rH at H 10 A. AI. and 4 A P. M. HCH1 il.Kll.l, ANli hi S'l fcttANNA KAMKOAI Tihim Ifrave Atitnnn nt 3 4r A. M fr PinrKruva and Kariit-buiv, amt ut I "A) antl 7 10 p. Al. fur Plnc-grov only ; ri tunitaj from llnrrUlmrrf at l'..'t P. At., aud trout Piu giu.cal 16 A. Al.,ai.iJ 4 mid ft H. Al. . , '1 HKK1B Throuph flrst-rlam tirhitu and rtntiraiii tlekati to aQ the prlf.cJpa) olnt in the North and Writ and 4JAnadg. ' 1 ha tolli'M litK tli-ki-ts aro ohialimtjle onlv at tha oitlua of fi lHiAltK(Hi,'lra-urpr. K. i7 H. FOURTH 8u-it, Phlindeepi ta.orof li. A. MCOl.LB, (i-t-uorul tiuptirlatttu- -di ut, Ueadiuu COMMCTATIOH TICKETS, A 25 nor cent- du count, bet wet a an poluU dalrd fur laiuillea aud ftim. Mll.KAOB TICKETS, r.cod for S000 niil,btt.veviiaU poiuta, at$46 35eh, f')i laiuUiek and tirun. hltASOK TICKKTfi, Kor three, atx, nine. rr twelvu uiuntliJ, for holdari onlf , , id all point a, at rtdutfd raick. CI.l KtiVMF.H Pehidliip on tho lint- of lht) road wll! ba furnlihM with canU, -tutitiing thtuiiilvci aud wlvt te Uftk-uU at-lvaic Ure. EXCUH8ION TIOKBT8 From PhlladclpMa to principal atrfTlnna.good forBator dav. humlav, and MoiuIhv, at roducd fare, to b had ouir ai ilipliikftOmco.at'iUlinittNiUaudCAJ-iayWiiltaL bUlXtJ- 1'RlilOHT. fim d of alt d(,K'i'tlptUii tor w riled to all th abort a DOtnt.-.fron. tha eoaipay'a Bw Indght dapoi, BHOAU atidaLoWbuT,..ioHTTiiMj(ij . .- T eave Mtlladelptda dally al A. M ., 1 F. M .and P IT , f..r UeadU.s, Lahannii, liarriaburs, fotuvule, I'ort Cliii tou. aud uouil. beoud. . A . MAILS Clnaeal the Philadelphia l oatotnce tft.r all places on tht read and Ita liran. hoa at I A. ki., aud lor titS prllielua 1 ktaUuua vulv at i lii 1', M. At I. f. p ki , via i:eit.ineiiiii'nV"joVay"(Vr, P B.iiitiel.ai ana N w lark I x. r t tvif Kniiilny lines l-r.v. ru.li. no.i h V.'m." There wui leu, iln. a. 4 A. vi. . Ni.i, in m n ., i here is ill F.r Water (.al., s r..i.il-ha ir. s.'raatan. W1IS..S. I sintiittse l.ieat I:, ml, M ,. h ( lunik. A . . i-oimi, iteinle i- . .1 ; , : r leinlnsion. A - ,.af rl.i A. .VI II. nee i.n et. wl.h .h. ...... .... I I