TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PMLADELmiA. TUESDAY; AUGUST 2, 1801. 1 Owning Aij.r irmHiwf st.wspafkb. cmcENo.io8 sTthird street. IM V 1 Patera Pa Oorr, ar Twii.n C.ier. Pr VM.tanMi tare Carrier, and mat lad la Sutwertbere Ml of Ik Oftr M Bi Doutu Fx Annum i Ok. Pnu.Aa oTn Koaiae, lavortakl la ad to. tar Ik sorted , lwlmifc k-erted at the aaoal rM. UMral U V MBt M4 It UtMfM OrtK Tm tn i W IMea M MkMI Of AHT"-". "l?"??""!!' rM.-v k atw.dea fcr lmrt h. mt be aaibert I -Alert F lA MM aM- M wrtwr-o "'?,?i r ,. k.i x (ptMw.1. r si ih. w. 1 1 lf rW .. TUK6DA.T. AUGU8T 2, im. rif" TnR ADAMS KXmi'.SS COMPANY v WW k araaarNI to eend l.r nn TliK.Sll V rfNU.M lei-Unl.ArCIIAMItk'.ltSlie-tf!. -Ik an Ctair tiri-vi. rnat may (m aent to their i.rtL.-o for theeu'-R.-xra tHkteAe oalalty. Ta be nt pro.. si-i i m . doll- mNflUAU.auparlnteailant. THI HKPTINM OF THE I.f:aIL4Tl RK. aVMDTHC Ml I.I Til LAW. Th ftrk session of the Inlxlsturfl, cnllr! by the) Governor, has but ono work to du the - 6acJtt of ft. law nndur which the SUl mllttia may be quickly and efflclnntly or'an ' Ir. Why this was Dot done last winter It In ! now too lata to Inquire ; but the defective Cbarftcter of the bill thoo prepared and ' pasoed, proTM most conclusively that the un aided Intelligence of civilians Is not equal to .theUftk of drafting a law which shall on UroJy meet the object sought to be attained . in this partic-tar matter. What Governor CrBTis or the Legislature, or both, failed to do nearly year ago, they ' solti do now to wit, call togntber at Ear rltfUirf a sufficient number of gentleman of approved Uiatt knowledge and czperlnnrn, ; to conifer and co-operate with the members o the General Assembly and the Executive, frith respect to the beet possible mode of re- : orfaalxiDff the militia, so as to render it at all times, and ' particularly upon any sudden eergecy, available for the public defense. This Is what sorely needed this is what 'U orgeaUy demanded by the extremely Critical condition of the times. And that this xlgeucy shall be surely and ftatlsftctorily net; that no further mistaken shall be made, but each legislation be had as will be as nearly perlbct .as may be, and require no future . amefldment In any material roapect, the coun- M of Judicious military men Is an indiapen able condition. The present law is admitted , to bo full of taulto M full, Indeed, that ft seem to have been impraotIcble,tO put It In operation. This faot was dlacwCred and declared by several of oar eHixeas who have been long connected rtth oar volunteer military organizations; Mil It it' evident that had they, or persons li&O them, been previously oonulted opoa this subject, we should have had at the beginning of this year a eostble, working militia law, under "which our people owing military duty might have been enrolled, embodied Into companies, regiments, and brigades, properly drilled and flkclpllned, and such portions of the force kept constantly In the field as wonld have been adequate 4 the defense of tho .State against Invasion. i Tho present law, moreover, Is egreglously JlCuse In Its provisions, and encumbered with mass of verbiage which rondcrs it almost Incomprehensible. There Is no reason why a sound, practical mtlltla bill should not be both brief in lis article and explicit la expression. Aided by tho advice of experienced military gen ktanea, wboknow what is really needed, what la essential, and what Is indifferent and super duons, the Legislature will be able to I rams a law which shall embrace In a condensed form ail that tho rasa positively requires, be easily put la practice, and completely satis fcctoryln operation. CA.nni.iNn i9i aroi'us. With loud, and vbrtuoua Indignation the whole press of our city will record the break togmpof a card gambling saloon. But cUmq by the press, right under its nose, U a gam bling boll, where In broad day, and every day, publicly and before all men, more money is gambled away In one hour than all the card gamblers ha the city win and lose in a month t Bat this game of hazard la protected from do nuncUUon 'because the shield of fitshlon Is over it. 'Gentry of cloth patronise it, mem bers of the Church, and gentlemen o( tho press aioo. To be sore, the gamete played differently from that of cards in some repec t, but it re sembles it In others. The player of both uses stratagem V exhaust the trumps, t hereby to glvo a-traotdinary value to other suits. Tho betting Is essentially the unit in lioth, though the fcrmulary diners. It Is stock-garabllug of which vie speak. The stock speculator substantially bets every day that for instance, Kuadlng Itallroud stock wl'V ( month hence, sell for a dollar a hare less than its price to-day. lie then resort to all manner of schemes to depress the market for thht partictilur stock, byre porting, for instance, l.iat the di Mend will be etueli; that the concern is not making Bronte: that order? came by the steamer to soil oat large lot of stock owned In Lon Ami, ;, If by this nieani, or etljerwiic, Hie prico should be a dollar a share les at the end of the" month, his fellow-gnnbler loses and pays, the bet. The winner iu this ease is called V ltoar," because it Is his Interest to pull down sUhAji. The other la called a "Bull," because he irihe to rush them up. The WxX'vj operandi L In this wis, v'u.: Kr, Uoar.when Keuding stock sells at per snare, offers to sell to Mr. Hull one thou sand shares, deliverable a month hence at $07. The market price happens at the end of the month to be $C0. Then Mr. Bear sends his check over to Mr. Bull for the "difference," faCOO. It Is not often that any stock passes between them, actually, unless It serves the purpose of the party who delivers it further to depress the market. The thing Is nothing more nor less than gambling bet game of hazard. Kor is It a whit less demoralizing than the faro table. It Is even more vicious in its con (anenees, because while the latter la under Check, and continually presents itself to the playvc as contraband of law and conventional approval the former has the allurement of fashion and of Indus trial occupation. The law doe indeed pronounce such gambling debts irrecoverable. Buttha amounts to nothing In practice. If we were to say what wmuMaity of men arm the most unhappy, we she Tvr the miserable Esquimaux, and pruawuu the irtook -gambler the most utterly bm, 0j God, With trembling nerves, with palpitation keert nnd throbbing brain, he Hinge himself spoa hi uneasy conch, te dream of the devil im the etook. Be wake unre freshed and frtft Uif l U coopUBMBte f Lis wiAi and ' Im in k imof Ineree" th f 'lnnlntloi of Tirr V lilaAr,a-iMlllltllB " I"""" at ea H hrmr an'r eertt that adverlemenl. amr ' "eWe., li busline, u near. I thi all of oar edition. his children's Innocent prattle. lie holts his momlne meal with a newspaper before his lace, and his bloodshot eye on the stock list. Then he barries to me gambling haunts, ana puts bis soul In peril of the dice again till Vnanjrs hour closes; and with spirit either over-stimulated by the fitful success of the day, or sadly subdued by revprso, be hls homeward his body to his family, his soul to the calculation of chances I What a way to spend the frhort life vouch safed to nsl What a mood of mind for a father to do his duty to his children I What a hard ened heart to present to tho sweet partner of his homo, whom he has sworn to cherish and to trrat with loving kindness! We know that the stork-gambler often bar gains with himself to quit when he makes enough, and then to go Into enjoyment. Hut be deceives himself if he counts upon jumping from a life of anxiety Into sudden happiness. The man whose way of life has for yesrs been a round of jolnt-etiffrnlng toll will find him self Incapable of presently whirling In the waltz, and gliding down tho ball-room In the graceful dance. The taste for pleasure requires to be culti vated, or it Is soon lost ; and of all men, those whose hearts and souls have been for years racked by the fever for stock-gambling are the most hopelessly and forever dulled and deadened to pleasurable refinements. We ask of our friends for this suhent ear nest consideration. Of mothers and wives we ask Influence to keep their sons and hus bands from the first step to the stock -gaming table. Of all good citizen we ask efforts for legislative enactments to put a stop to an evil wblch, for demoralizing effect, Is not sur passed by any upon the statu te-booka. We ask of the stock-gamblers themselves to look candidly at their calling, and say, honestly, If we do not call it by its right name, and describe Its moral effect In faithful language 1 If they take our counsel they will be brttor men. iu a n i t. ei cai io. Let us Inquire how far those who have entered upon the life of a merchant have edu cated themselves for their calling, and fitted themselves for the work they are expected to perforin. Would that the truth were mora agreeable to state than we find it to be in this vase I Generally speaking, merchants have not that large cultivation we should expect them to possess, or that fund of Information which a profession comprehending Interests so extensive ought to imply. The theory of the Pennsylvania Dutchman seems to be too widely adopted. The "old Berks" style of education, extending as far as calculations of compound Interest, and Including the mys teries of addition, subtraction, and multiplica tion, is too much in vogue. Few of our merchants feel competent to take an active part in public affairs; and they therefore hold back, leaving the field to lawyers and others of more liberal education, even when there are matters at stake in which mercantile Interests are deeply involved, now often have we been compelled to regret the absence of business men from meetings con vened to discuss affairs relating to the trade of the city, or suffered chagrin at seeing the management of such conventions left to those who cannot be expected to feel as deep an Interest In the subject as the mercantile class, who keep aloof t There can be but one caunu for the backwardness so frequently and so painfully displayed the want of that kind of education that will give the merchant a full conception of his Importance in society aud his Influence upon the destinies of mankind. The establishment of libraries in our princi pal mailtlme cities, and the devotion ot some degree of attention to literary pursuits, have served rather to make the commercial class In thin country conscious of its defects than to sup ly the deficiency. The usual course of lectures during tho winter season Is not of much avail, for the reason that the themes are not chosen with an adaptation to the audience and there is an absence of solid fact, for which, to the practical man, no trope, or flgitro, or rounded period can compensate. The llbiary proper, however, furnishes the leisure hours of the merchant with the means of widening bis range of information of rising above the balance-sheet of the counting-house to look abroad on the great world, and the wondrous march of events the distant lands with which he has traded without any positive knowledge of their products, political systems, grai'e of civilization, or anything ele that bear uion the commercial pursuits In which he bus engaged, save the simple idea of a cheap purchase and a dear sale to study the pro bable effect and tendency of treaties, and other measures of national policy to reach down to the fundamental principles that un derlie tho trauic between various countries of the glol to note the changes worked by Improvement in the facllitief of transportation, and the exploration of new routts und new fields of enterprise. These objects can be attained throujrli the tnreful use of a well-wlectrd library. Bnt Something will still be winning to give the merchant his due influence uniou his f ilow laeu. Even the most extensive fund of com nieiola I intelligence, and the most woudertid leaeh of sagacity, will be but ns gold In the ore tlint Is mm r mined, if the pressor hi not a skilnd command of the means through ulilch to import his reooarees. ITe must be Competent to speak or write, a-t the occasion ealln, with toice ami clcarm-f, iu his nutive toiiKUe; while no member of society liu more reason for cultivating au Hcij'inlrit'iii' H with the language' of other lun'ls. Here we find a great deficiency of our mercantile cbs. Uow few even of the mnu ol'widcs1 experience and largest Information cttu roine be'bre the community either by let ter or word of mouth, when any measure of importance to our trade Is broached, and by advocating them with a strong array of facts, set forth in the clearest light, push on the enterprise to a consummation I We cannot mention, at Oils time, more than balf-a-dozen in any city of this Union, and probably it would puzxle ns to find so many. There may be lights hid under a bushel, but certainly they do not shine before men either In our public journal or at meetings te forward commercial Interests. A thorough collegiate education is Just as necessary to the highest style of merchant as to the lawyer, UtUraltur, or divine. We should check this all-pervading tendency to exalt the so-called "liberal" professions at the expense of those which are of a much res pectebUity and of more influence spoe the a Ok in of mankind. The constant eulogy of the former I the principal reason for men of cultivation pre ferring their more honored walks, but the practice ha been exaggerated Into cant. The yenng merchant, Just entering upon a busi ness, may do much by self-culture to attain tlch position. But more may be accomplished bl the proper training of youth who may be destined for the counting-house. Will the peofbsslon to It true dignity P ecmrnno eeceaectin palestihe . The London Athrrurum has communications to Mny 7, from the Kev. II. B. Tristram, one of tbc parties engaged in a scientific survey of th Holy I-snd. Ob lbs 17 h of M trch Mr. Tri.tr m ttas at Nstsrctb ftcvcral days were spoat in thorongh and dclilerat exploration of Carmoi, at.d Iu s v l-i t to Hi.l sti (the ancient Bethsheao), Id the upper portion of Central Jortlun vsilny. Kr. m Jleisn it wus Imped that the vsll.-r nilgut be exploied hs fsr Mimb si Kurn SurtaMii but tins piovtu Impossible. Tho 9 h of April found Mr. Triitnm once more in JcrtHa'em Messrs. Hnr'lt tt and lx)wne hail been left be hind at Niiraretn 1 1 conip'ets the gy and l:nriy of (ali'i. Ia Hie licirliborlio id ol Joru Mih ni bo found sonic A lou.n sheiks who bid recently contliicl'-d a party of troelern to lbs rt yli nn hrynml the Dead Mua. The leading deoro ot Mr. Trtstmm wus to exiJoro these ret?ioni. Kin parly hud recently met with a repulse ia an st'i mpt to reach J riband Amman by way of Dm. Ki ts and Nuuf, but br succeeded in nt ev il st tn a bargain wito tbese sheiks to c miluct himvif and bre o li'T Kngti-h gentlemen to Hi linm, Aimtiiip, 8lti, and Jerasb, and u do ler t cm s ifely tnt ibe Jordan valley, h-lo Tt.litikhnl Fnbicl, for a'out Kcveu'y-hve dollars escb. All tins tbe Arnbs fuiitifully carriclout. 01 tho rcKuli the Athriutum thus ..p aks : Tbr scientific refultii of the Jimraev are a'ltin. tlimi, but iiiunt be very briefly told. In geology, all Mr. TrNirtm's lormer Inference ot the a't MCtire i f Igneous selion in the fonusUon of the Ji man valley ol the Dead Sim, and of the regions east thereof, are coirimit-d, hu h by his owu ol seiviitioii and those of Mr. Urc. Tnefirio tiou on me cast of tho valley la the same at to it on tie went all llnicnono, with a dip to t lis soutbut-st, often strangely tilted and conlonod, but with no 'race of basalt or primitive rock. Kuitlirr liilsnd, some twenty-live miles east of tbo Jordan, tbo same form u inn continues, hut the strata become horizontal, the hill and vadys uster-worn, with no signs of coavalsinn or uncomfortable tiratilieatlon, or of any agency but (bat ol water. On tho crest of uo height! which incloi-e therviue of the VValy Zorka (Jab'sjk t) eoino red sandstone wis found, tho on y institute of that rock which Mr. Trbitra u has oterved in the " hole of bis joaruoy, ex cepting in the Uhor rafich, at the south of toe I Uenu etva. In ornithology and zoology Mr. Tristram Is I Indelat aaljie, and as he cotcrlved toenlUttue I Bedouins In the quern, his succces was great. ixjin in quantity ami quality ot specimen. 1 he district on the cut of tbe river, lying between the ford and tho foot of the Moibmoun tsiiis, wait ftititid to be hotter and more tropica! in tie tb am cut of Its vegetutlon (Atrhiian ffipantra. etc..) than than ot Jericho, and to resemble clofely the OborcB-Sntieh. Tbe barloy, which was left nriie st Jericho, wn found at Ki fcrein cnt and tlirobeil. The view wettwar.l from the innautu'ns of Moab, flilesd, and Ajlun, pnrtlcalarly that from Jt bei Nfbhah (Nobo i) near ilusnan, arcdeHcribcd as most wonderful fur extent and for he revela tions they make of ibe ham ter of tho country on the opptHte sitlo of the valley. "As the eyo tumid sou 'h ward Uiwurds the line of tho ridnc on wblch wc rtuod were the heights of Ksral, and the Arsbian H'ttks of Akiben beyond. In front one or two terraces reduced the p atcaii as it descended to the Dead Sea, the western outline of winch we coiiid trace in i'S full ex tent, the shore line Indented wilh frequent buys and hcwll mils, and, the llati ol Ain FcHliknh, Ain TerstN'h, and Ala Jidy siaad ln out cltaily like fifrin' of green carpeting, Masaila umi M)ukit risioK atvee the niouu lAin Imc, hut still much lower than tho ridxe of Ifetimn, wbicb we could trace to fluthlchoui and Jcrtiiu cm, though the city itself could not be uktii guisbed. Kiiii turuiox northward, the eye loolied over the docp (rhor tid It rested on Gort zitn's rounded top, and fibthor still appeared me l'lain of bsdraeuin, bounded by tho iltstin't out line of unniixtukutilc Tubr, aided by which we could identify (iillxin and Jo'iel Ttuhy (l.ittle lit in. on), llirnion itself trie clonds proentlng ns frt ru iii g. Jns' north of us stretched out the dark foress of Ajlun in a long undulating line, the steep sides of the mountain here ana there whi ened by clifl's on Mount Oilead behind ts-Salt. To tho north cast lav the vat Human, filling in thehoti.on line till it joined tbe B lka, font which it Is sepa rated by no naairal b utmlaiy line. Had tho day bc o clearer wc should ttoubtiess have oceu able 10 discern Carmcl slid the sea." The niMps me nil Incomplete as regards the p'aeos ininn diately ea-t of the Jordan, kefcrein, er-Rsnit b. etc., as'lndecd is evident if they aro compared with Mr. Tristram's route. Oysters pi act d In aquaria keep them free from tbe spores of sea-weeds. The Newport (Rhode Island) Yeicj complains of the secession sentiment at that place. On the "farhlonublc drives the rebel cockade is promi nently displayed every day by women who are loud-mouthed in their denunciation of tbe north ern people and tho Union army. In tbe parlors thete degraded females give expression to senti ments that no respectable woman will entertain, while the secession brawlers keep geutlomon away from the clubs." George F. M-.I'arlaud, Harrlsbtirg, Pa., late Lieutenant-Colonel of the ljlat Pennsylvania Volunteer?, ha In press a hUtory of the Third Division of the 1st Corps of the Army of the Potomac, which will contain also, it is an nounced, descriptions of tho battle of Clmncol lorsville and Fredericksburg, with biographies of the principal ofllccrs of tho division, a com plete muster-roll of the rank and die, and many interesting incidents, &c. The Connecticut legislature, at Its reccn session, did not make any provision for tho im mediate financial warns of the State, including tbc payment of bounties to recittiti in the Insur gent States. Unless some provision can be found which can bo construed into authority to raiso the money, Governor Gilmore will call an extra session at once to make the uece-'snry provision. If tteru is no other alternative he will carry on the business of the State "on his own book," as Oovernor Morton of Indiana is doing. Slnrnrd. H007.-.TKNKINH. -.Inly Wth. by the Kit. M. n. Kuri. at tlit- 1 nntoiiuuu ul the Tut-Iith HtrHAt M K f'ltuit-h. N. im ) unlar Kti-fot, Mr. AAA Vh'X H. IUH. In MU-ANNA A N K .ir.NKINH, tlmiHlitl- of HuuiUOl Jttnkinn, 1'f.a. 1 1 oi tnli cUv. UiAK-krMT4.-.ftilTa..lMI bvHv..lobn K. Ohnp ltn. No. r'tmrth Bint.iir iMiHuLAfi LhAU and Ml- I .niTIK C. K t'N lln, both ul I'liUtiltlphia. ea. PARV:Lt. Kilhd In hntitlu. at Fiuo Kuob, in the Stimtni lihTwin, on th hili h o( .itm. lrdl, WtL LtAM H, HAUM'.I t, a nieitidnr ol thn nay vt Oftilu Alt H-upT- nt t I'ort oi I'hllrtiiflj.ldn, or winch u.l h was hl,Mv pti Anu'rf tir lu uiunv i.int raff iaatiiitt 04 u.ind uud ht ml. Hist rtmiT(TMr4trM fni tidfiliip mml purn ttiriti iu inlu:iit'"l lilm iu tlitt o itf . th-j itt k.H.hi tn n-p-tir ihf tijitlf it nid villi a ttnn fljtrt and 6t-1 riurptnA ti aKt IiIh cituntryiu itroicc Uiu md int: tlif I niuii (romrlir aiiiluk' di'Nulii'li ii, In the reuHuii 01 nittjt r..nilnl tiud in aiiuitln tu rv ) It k h cnu Pir 1 tifu by thf am nv, a it I hy It vruttri'tcd twlr, lln aiwavmlHtnaved on tint battle ftfld uKtraordmury roI luutiy, aud t-rtiiifiluiif'd aii fnaiuplu wortlo' tlu itultaiiua i( iiih ftHX im. i In aruiii. Iloai ir-ny mi ud tMintei triM'tuirt, a 4lnro pfirnt, a ktnet nui .vot'd trtnd mi it ui attri'taOto cunnaaion. Hun Ire it to v ho wan amlaiile, K'-iiil-, kiiid aud atiodtiUHtA am) nil inn to hi tcl ow-,i:l. t-nM, and I'Npniiitlv iin to brother m future nc Ulm tirbantt t luitiiuori mid ai'iOMnudatiii Mjtii'tt n dftirvMi 10 biw nuin(rn4 warm and mn-'cro irion-, who th! ti hf a iiiiiim Otca-.lon l minyte tliilr nrl ii wiih rtie rxprifuc:l intrruvr 01 tur : wUow au 1 oriirtun clii' trtn m uur dc nat (-.t i1 nd arid brother. 111 thalr aa aiut pnlnul bna. t tni-ut, and T.i'iJr. ti tb in ilto n-tu and t-md-rnifnt. ii all totiota'il uianu ( t.wiK tb:ir nt it 1 and Milt- Uti t h All' vu rltr.D uh, hftH'ln( our Iima Iu buve tmii on l IsVaven'n brlfibtand mo-'l glvr.ou I txiuiupbsi. 0 UAKWdOD. (to tbt MO'h ult.. of dl- oontraoUot wMi in lb trm), THoAIAH. an ul t harlc VS. aui Hanntiii F. Darwuod, In tliti 2ith year of hi ue. HHiflvnst tt)d uiitiii) arv rMp'Ttiully invlfd to aitcod ttiti I'Mtnral, In mi Ui widvnoa of bin purnf-).nr UriHtgt, Bucka lo. ou Wttdiieaday uienKou, at 1 o'clock. ORAKK. On the let um , ANN, wheoi Baitvu Oraff. I)u ouiice w lli be glvon of th fuoarai. KELLY. In ftont of Patareburfr, on th! 37th day of July. Corporal fcRAMMVH U, KttlXY, of i'ompauy B, (luv-LDQdri'd-aod-v'lk' buantb Huiiuut Pvniuylvdni VoluDtfstra. aoji of ra4uuean4 daira Klly, UithetJ year ui hla axw. if the bvd Bbould be recoTerod due notice w)U be (trail of Umi ruiMai, KKU.Y-On HoneUy, July 3UL CIIIIWTIAM HNKAfea KtXi.Ytluiau.aou4ri AoivaJ.Aud Lydia A. Kelly. MOHOAV-Oa ibe 5th Inatant, VARY MATILDA, dauahter uf Aaion aod bmellue r. Mwisaii, m ibe llih year ot br t ond friaiulft, wp not ; ahe h mot 6o but alceptn. e wt 1 Till, WViV-aii; a1 of heir tmum I Too itpwllejiNi far for fcealb, tbe Lord limt kiMwetb Ht own, aakt, avrttly. TlJlle, coioe. Tho rrlatlvew and frVeud of tbe iiully are re peer tally (Dvltd to attend tbe fuacxtU, from hr parmtM' runtdtae. No. Ti4 H. Aaaond trei, on Wetdotvdivy artemoon, at 4 0krk, to proceed to ibe Mia th tueui Union ground. KKYMOLbH.-ln New York, on tbe mh ult.. of wouiwta rt(irv4 at Cold Harbor, Va. , Capt BTLPHKN It. HX YNOLJJN, AiaUrtaut Adjutuitietir. VoKiiitwm. Vitdr1tata Army. Chief 01 Htfl toOeu. I. J, WUtar. vviutrv -OD toe ttk uii., mmull wililm aei w yeaie. gXJlMSCIll IX10 JV IN AID OP TUB Sufierere at Chamtwrstmrg, We bete KOclved feaa C. K. UK1SKKSMITH, CftJbief ef tbe Bank ef Cham ben burg, a deplorable accent of the deaUtutioei c.latlBf there. rVreoaa wlaklof to aid tbe tcuTervrt can de e by eendlnc their ooatribuUona to us. PKEXEL & CO., mH VO.MI. XOLIO StrveU J 10. W A L It A V II Pf, BVCCtSSrOn TO W. H. CARItVT,, MASONIC IIAL.I,, No, 719 0HE81TOT Street. WINDOW H II A I LI H, OTJltTAINH. AS UO&illT) NETTCfrGH. BUSINESS ITEMS. (HnrHnrtllfft lr. D. JnynrS AltrAtlre cunilHuti Uj? cilt ptinclp'of tbii puworful Aiticlf with V our r mi 4 iff vhirli f Kjcriwcc ta ptx-vfO to psi it a moat -ft elnt aJtrttr and (trobitrvrtil if'fertl(f wiiU t tlic mum) tliM It rx-fitrjlu no fxmcifM prw, no tsvr Caiiftl of otlicf BK'tUic uUoo. It U, tl.f rt f (torfMly :ie,nJ at tho game time (h mont indent rWMlj-ln ht wtHtd,MifciaJly ft fitioitoNi, Ctincentutt Trtbetvtihvt "Cvtancoui, and Mercurial Afectttm, and disoftM of tho Hcrn.ng Orfratm, whether o( the tiUndt, 8Un, or liH r nl MctubrancA. Thl Alterative also enter Into th ctr nilAlton, anO paMi with UiC Moo4 (which It puiitlcef Into every tlm and fibre of tho bod)-, so that, do matter whM U Uic naitiTT of the dlHci&wc, nor where locatrd. It h sure to be reached. rrrpnri4 or; at No f!9aCni unit utrrf. I li li 1 KH CHILLED IRON SAFE It K A. I V" 1? O It WV It. I.KT Til K KNKMY CO M 12 ON. To Dm KvANM.ol'the firm of ab A Watmn Yon publioly awrt lu a late at) w tamper aj-Ucle tliat wilt drill throusTti any Chilled lion Halo I.iUm ban In n-e tii nun half b twe hottrt' tlmn, Ac, Incltidlntt the Hank 0 NnntiornLIIenyKafea(or you will forfeit the mm of ono hvritrod doliari- How thla In rory choap way of play In blitff. Yoa know tkro le nitlicr a banker or buntneta mail that would hare an expensive Safe operated upon with unhmltfd power fr two houra, to lo miitilatod.dls ncurrd, or In any way discredited, for the paltry sum of one hundred doll art. 1 hie game li ptayed out. Now If you have any confidence in 3 our ablltyto drill chilled iron or any confidence In Kvaua A Watvon'a beitt Itonk 8are aa compared with LUtie'e, to trlthaUnd the burglar, or any confidence In KvaiisA Watkton'ft Uorcnnillp 8a aa cimpured with LiUlc'a, to atand fire, you bare tbe opportunity to taake it mantfoit. You hare Juut old to tlio flemnth National It;iiik, of Philadelphia, wc are Inionurd, for $l'00ta lUnk Safe, rrprvst-nting to the Hank thai yourHafo waa a union bitter protertlon agulnst the burglar than LUhVe, and cbnriiltiR a much Lhjber price for It. You bare alrendy muue the cballtenno to teat Che flai In tho Corn 1U ehaniie Bank, and ttaled your own trrme. He now make the following prpoitlon: That yon abaU fnniiab tbe hevomh National hauk Hnre and we will furuMi one of the Bank of Northern Liberties' Rafoa for a fat, upon 3 our own term, to the Com Kxchanpo Hank, a rich parry ahall place in tbo hands of reipfinlble ptrtiea the Knin ot IlirtO to f A4nit ai forfolture, to bo paid oror to thu wlnnlrii party (111 you may elcct. It' you l ave not tliccoufldonco to place Kvans A Wat hon' Stile alfingntdo of LUlle's aa a Ittuirlar-proof, and will not etept the above propoKiilon, we will glrc you throe bourn instead of two houra (the tune you auk) to obtain the money in one of the H&fw at the Uank of tbe Northern Lib rUoa, aaid money to be ISirnlnhed aa above proposed, and to be placed In Wie Safe hy the Cashier of tiMHankt tie Hate to be operated upon precisely aa proponed ta hv. ihalene to tldn Coru Kxcuane lliitik, and u" Uie money la not obtained In the thrt hours, you are to make good any damage done to the ftafb, and the m mey tobeoura. You say yon candilUMx butot with one drill tltrouKi I.ilHe'a Safe. We will allow you two of Uie beat ttoel dill la you can procure to get through the abeve 8a(b. AKflhi.you ray, Weaer A Hprankle were Uidui cd to eha litre Ltllie'a hafo forouc of Kvaua A Watou'eou ao count of lie auperloiiiy as a Klre-proof. I We now pi-opoae that you aha.i ftirninh Weaver A ' HpraiUvle'a Haib, and we will lurntsh either of two Aai'eR -f im ttitte and chaxaoier ol the l.illie Huiyou rooeivodln !Xi liani,-tj Jlotliiue A llrothor, Mul t ttiet Uikiw So conch, as one, or J. I lick ruin A Co., corner of Third and Miirket atrocts, hat tho oilier, and pur rhaed about the aaine time aa that of Weaver A Sprankle these Bate ahall be tented as rire-proofs in a auttabie f am ace. A Committee ofditiintoierttcUhualaobe rnea s'uUl be Appolnteei tt teat them, especially upon ttie tonne pnh boly announrd by you last winter, and t-r'K) to l'Ho .sbaJI be put up ee fortolture by each party, as you may elect. I Neil Iter party to have possesion of tho Bates toiled unfit , aitcrtiieteet. We await your acoeptonoe. t LIIWIS LIl.l.IK A KOX, i M C. 8AILl.R, A'teut, No. 51 S.flCVKMTlf fllrtrU. M. B vSN-uVd any or all of the above proitwna be mv ceptcd.aod rbould wo be miooerfiiul In any or iM, th net pr frwda we may derive frina our opponont, dedubt'a aruial expcntH of the tcu, al.uli be presented to tbe Vlumer Htrrtsatimeiit HrUoo!, a the monry u not the. oUjict 01 t' e tciU LKWIA I.IM.TK A KOV M. C. SAIM.KIi. A:;r-t. WI4 JrraiMnt .tAV Pol l IT, I Anil alMhc ll'ii-M (irwn snd lilsck Tfu.. j Cc.iilsiill.v on hatiif I')- I lvt.. Kii i'i.r : A vi unit li nt:. I- ti. VYI.il tunn A Co . SIiuiurtM:lurttr ui Ntw suU llojJ.'ii. CutiUn. .l.tuf, AJmo.i't I'liis, CtiwolMo Cvsiuoli, Civma." La MuiU' ilv rani, .vttuUltrly tUi vvt'il. K-. ds(d Jortlan Almiiidn, , Mu.lC ('tir.iiut Alrv'.,bi UtK l'..'tirtii. SMM fe 1 fCll PtMSMM. XK IXl.e I M A. S O M I UAMUbl'A srAeaj 'cabinet TlI CO . I OUOAKS VtAIBAa. J. e. nnrui, Tnth so CkMi MSMta. r J K VALID S AND CONVALESCENTS. IVAIIUS ANS (-ONVAXBKFJITS. TUd. and CosTlint hlVSlidS SOC.BVkK4tUIS FEAAXKI DELICATE BKALTB, :UALKS IN DtlLlCATK lttALVH, rtMAXE tM DKXiCATB 11KALTU. Wlirml.u WlflSul.u WiUCndeur Csitfwiils WIom. CliareM lfinm, C'siiDDrata Wlaos, Caurornla Wlou, Csltfcrala WIMii CallAumU WlMt, pscsUsrrjr vaiuakK Id )) esies of lsnitwrsa grcslKos trsUw t stnusta. Atk As AjS Ail Ah Atk Al Aik A.k Ask Ait Ak Aak Aa Ak T. MCtotlu, (MtkuA, JvK, (WUi. rwBKsnls VBtvcfilty), Brhs, BmM, Owiet, JUrldwnM kkHk, WUtluu, IlwUty, Msldku, Vtliasa, Tiadsl, Vla.1, fssstoy, Xobls, Kaort, Msjlsnd, Tumw, sod ttbw tekdiof ssyttviMu, wtuu tbsjr Ikluk of ths swdV cUHlvlttBwsf OslKora's Wluwl TUm. pKSsat pr. tcrlt our brrnnd., ud uwt u tt U kswfls siats rwv.fhs Vmt smI CALtrokMU wntn Aaexcr, lJ1lsi a.u.t.rurTHrtme,sbrs(;aas. AMUSEMENTS. KOFR,H NKM" CIIESNVT STUEEt VI lUEATKb. TBtS PVPIIIVO. ffrui TrttrM4c, mnnrJil, .i',sllir itr.ms, AI.AHIHt, ult 1 Mf. WOMif Kllll. I AMI". rrfK.ntM. tur tt.rw m'thi' nllrft tfi" fn A m S of nt Tr4ftiit('fl ni.-ni!pc nc rsnlrtt- Its omlnr ful tf.',.lr' trntn.-i.. aiairitiSj ni (, imv, i'T-!.'' intri'li.. tipf1 iuttii id roKiM'.l Wwril-d nni . i,d cliurur. .'.'v'll TALNUT 8TKKKT TDHWE. BAVfOr.lt a l TH'X tt. MtASK Ml.'i IS. TV (rt.t rm1in, toci-'kis -Mt M t St.. rW bill, nt tin !. .-r i-tvri hi 7V. r'-.tiinir-.S St SI1. AdrcliMj-,? 'Ji At A ini -f nt. E,jrrIf DiaiUIiTrUL KXCtUfjIONS sivr.i fi 1 11 o r 1 k 1 l l . TiifitMDV OKM 11AI, It'XIKRR. now runnlw fVr.A 'slr?.iunt tfi ttis rnll. ot hclisvt'.Ul, vlll losv. f nlnn'il At T-V A. M. H I1-.V u iu r. m. At r.M. 1 K- " -l " Fnrtrvnn rJrtiin-it ( liili a Hlnil III, tl ctut. ( oitii si. unit", n.itiiwi', n.d i..um4 jiiu, 10 ot n. It ..tf I'OIl OA.lU MAY. llir. blAVbCIf A,NII C'MM'i!H'i R1LASfl.lt MANHATTAN," C ATTAIN K. A. IlYTIir.lt, (HDf C p' Msjr Llr.s, li now tnnVIt ii l.or r-ctilnr trip. Is AIK MAT, leu '.-'tis ARt'll Htnt IVIiSrC, futj Tur..ly, Ikurtd.nir.Aad SsttirtUr st ulnti "'clock: riiiuinliif; i.Hl lt:iivn ( Mny fory Mnn.l.y. WrdneidAjr. snit IrMay At hnS'-st .Istit o'clock, toii'hlre st Sow Ctle iiiti krd rMumln. rsrs .V' r.rrl; fair Inoludt'd. rf.a.lrrn hs'f rrtro; rstrj.KO Mrs lucli.di-d. fli rvstu. l'J0; r rrlA hire entis. trilslit st law- rn'rv No frelKt roctit' od stluf S o'clock, snd Ui sit cs. mi-st Ut trfi'id. jril-M JOH1-.HI A. 8THW ART, Affnt. s CMMHIt UXOtlltSlONPI, AT KI3Di;OKL ItATfilS. 10 thi fiar.AT Goal, Iron, and Lumber Eegious OF rKNNSYLVANIA. TICKETS GOOD TOR TEH DAYS. (living tnpl" tlKK to visit Mrh iolnt of Inter' lit MS t'lC root. Tho Catawissa Railroad Company IL.Ina pnrfvclo.1 srrnos.rnonls Hti eimnecUnir rondit. wtuuiiir.cuKsn! tickets ir,.m fbii.ii.ipi i o'-w the toiltiitic rouie : PlillAdjililn and ItcAdfn RallrnRd Tolti-sdinr. 8-titi. kilt Ilnvcn, Aiihland, Malisnoy (-Itj, and I'stumias. t'ats i.A l:nljn.d To Hiimmlt, McAiik-v MotmtAtn, Cat wiiisA,Kip.rt,Iitnrlllc. Milton and IVIHlaiinr'irt Lr lili,-h aod ttuhanoy, and Itcavcr Meadow KalloadTo ltu-k Creek atid Atauh Chunk. Lehl-li Valley Bliroid- To Alli-strtin, and IteUileoeiu, and Uie North reoit.yli-ania Ituiln ad to I'llIn. I'lplila. for nilei and crandeur of airoery, thla route p'-raiuti IiwaUni InutirQineiila pri touri.HH. f 'toie 1ahtnji to do io, may rareine tberuiitebyobtatR U0 t!kela to atart orer tke Sorth rennsytYanlA Haiiroad. FA11K, Hl(. Tii ttetacas lie obtiilncd at the Pepols of ttio l'hitailil pliu und Itadin: Itiillrnad, arwl Kurih rt-aui.'iyliaiilii UaiI loari t:om4nnWM, .ind of K. VAN HOItlV, TICKET Al.bNT, w. coiini:k hitii a ritEsmiT si. Tialn. Mtart ftata rtilladiiU'litft nad llcadlns I.iiot als'lft A.M. and 3-:kj 1. JI.. and frniu orlli rennlranla Hail road PopotatT A.M and 8 lt,ajiil5 If. P.M. j)'.M-aliiik lit TJMTU1I H 'X' A. M' 11 W REVENUE STAMPS. lil'.VKNIIl'J STAMl'S Or ALL IiE'tCniPTIONS CSnKUntly on luod, and alt onten Iiy mall .romplly attaiidcd to. Tho follow tag ratci. of discount are aUhh i-.l On nil order, of Ib'j Two per tent. !l.ouul. " " $100 Tlirc " " " $.i00 lour At ttio Trlnclpal Ix-pot for I he MU1.Ho and WcHtrni titiito-, Ho. :M nilESKUT Straot, and So. 103 8. TIFT II HtrceL All oidera kkoald be addreaiei JKSIMOU UAfaDINO, Ho. 111 CIIEHNI T Street, I'liUaif. an -If T Hit IV XZ AV TA.X llILIi lU'lVKNUll HTAMI- LAW. Conic, of tho New Tfix Bill and Revenue Htanip Latv, lor cale whuwhale and tetail ; and ICnvenue Slnmpn of all de.ic piloua vou.Uuttly on hauu, ut Ui. tallowing rates of dUvuuait . On orders of -ri0, two p r cnt. dlaoount. " " Mi, tl.rw) ' ' " " iW.ftiir AttlK Il itn lial I Mioi lor tri Sule of liilerii.-il H..t'euue Hlliii..., Ni..., I r.Hi-.nVl' 1' Su-l.aii(l N.i. lu.: II Ml TII Hllt.-t. Full dcM'llpltutil ul tUo Hlnup l.niv iu pautpillu fijrm. jd -vi u' J) K O 1' O 8 A L S F O 11 L O A N. Till iunr ln:rirrt:M , JulyJi, ls?i. Kots elii boivliy given Dial aub.et!tloui will bo ruceived by the Treamrei ortlio United Slalen.tho several Assist ant l !urert, and UeaJmuteil lopositoric, ami by the haUoDd! Muuk. diwloated ami iiuallficd an Di-ponllorl a si.il I'lnunciitl A(tUi, ftir Treunury Xotea pa.We tltree ji nia fnnu Aitiibl 15.1SM, lieartnK lnt-jrut at Ihcraloof ac cs and three-tentlia trr cent, per annum, wilU senil ai.inul coni'L.ufe attai-.ht-d, p.tyablo lu lawful money . Tlicnol:9 v.UI l cunrtlljie, at tii option of the u: Mir, iitniitturlty.tr.lu tlx per oellt. lend In artng fcon-lt. rttiiu..lilc alter lire and pa; .ib! tweuty y:iut froia AlUV.'IK-, le.-T. TIicl- :it'ce V lit bo Laved kl U.e di ucitnlniit!'.li- of llftVi otic 1 tini id, live li iNdriNl, ci.e tl'Oui.ind, aitd dv. l!iou uriiid d'-'.i'., and ftlll b. l-iamd (a blank, cr paynbl to nnWi, a. lu.iy tdiicctsi by tl.e .iibkuiaieii-. Al! iu0.ciiit.in. bui-4 l forilitjdiil.irs.or ionic mul lli'.tii'ii.t iWar. IiiM'eare ( enincau- will boNrittd iir nMdno.ht. Tl.o )mxi Ui-i' Mni niuH endra upou b'l. original ctrtldiato e .leiem,i arlen uf n- te. r.-iuirej, and wU"ti.rtt-..y are ti bu . .u. illn t'.Auk or payable to orUar. vriiea no en. dot-c.', I; be !r, .; Ui t,(tl.rt r .-;vu. U. de lio n, u U rrwarit- it lu ib.1. li.iartiui.ul. Tbe v.11! lie trmifci'. Medio thoua n, IV. eoftnui1 puitailon ehure, n a ion after the receipt oft'., erljln il eertlOeu;tt ol' di-H .a th-y tu be priiK.r.0. Iiiteraal will be allowed u Aa(iiK 11 on rill cp3il(t rr.i.W Krior to Uiat tUte, audwUlbe paid by tl,l' rarloMni utn reoelpt of tke .rbiiaa) certlCcatei. A. tbe notes draw Uitertit ircia Au-)i'.tl5, jrsu.t Ins dcpo.lf s .uhieijii'at to that data uui t pay tbo Ii.ten s: af creed frou dat. of set. t date oi ikipoilk rartlet depoaUlsf twealj-five lUuia U J.-, and up. warda fcr Ikeaa note, at any h I'sm wllb alk wed a etuaul.tloB of MM-fttrKr ol oupr .;nt., wl j.o wljl I paid by this dVpartiMnl upon tbo rweipt or a bill ftr tbe auMnt, certlHes loby tMoBlcarwHb wtKui ths tltpoalt was uaAa. No iklrtlon lr cvuinltvlom auivt b rov rreu ibe oV-ponlU. Wfloan reesivUif ,-MiMWJl let that (La proper ca ovr.eajeal. art dm4s ayua Iks sthm ewliacauw, AlleSkera anborti to letehra SefxitKa ar riKt(4 le live u appnoAkta til h-d tsromtalioa, and af wd Sicl'lly ici pjakisf tnbiorlptiosa. W. T. "BSSBSLBN, tec rotary of tbe Treasury. Bseacrivtfciua si k receive by lka JUST MAVIOMAL BAJiK Of PIULAfcELrifl. SrXOKB HATIOW AL BAKK Or rUILADKUHIA. iauu 'ATjgAi (Ate or rait. aha. ; jyt7-ur AUCTION SALES. "1 ACK V V'S AVCTIOX UOOM.S, No. aia at akh bi r'reet. At CI ION VALE OP CONDEMNED tloi.es. Wtr. DrraaTwrwr, f'.e.i sr hrrrie, firr-rr r.Omi-r yi an.iiAT- . IKI lli.roH. I. C ..lan 4. !. WP be aelj at fH' ai.etn.a, to the klahoet kladae.kl the I'm., and pl-ic. nacne1 Lelnw hV. li AM N. I a .Till UH'Ai, laly 14, I'M. AI. IOVNA. rn ,1 Ml mini , Aueii.t 4. IS14. V II. I lAMBrf PT, l'A.,7 III 'till T, Annul II, ISM. TUO ULMll.UJ fuii) CAVALi;V IIOkSrM at eawk le Thie rwv.e. I a-e teen on.l a iv-d at onfll tar the ca.clry iwrh. r f tbe a. im) . Iror road and rat i, purpotaa many -d bargalna auy be kad llor.ea iwvtd eh.t.-i. Tvim 4Ji4n, lu I't 'I'd S'atMf"rrtes-, v A a. FirrH, LkittenAt.t-CVtnel efld Chltf 'iimrtcr-intw Jyfi Ffs Cavalry llareaa Y0UE PATRON AQE BOLlJlTEO, M'lOAI.l.A'S HAT, OAI. 1IAT1IIM4 I'.UUUS 0ET5TE' rUENISBINO GOODS. rtiST STORL AB01E ATLANTIC IIOTKL, CATJ4 ISLAND. CiAl'Il MAY, S'll-lf iaohcs i;vh.oik mancfactohy 11 ASH I'AJl K srilKR, hf. 'I1C I'll B Nit f St. l-.r'tlcKi MiinulMC o-y. I'm-l ly. ,M n ilv irry, Klii i:l-iie SlHlinlhe(i.r., Knvi'lupe U imiaiict ry, .Nn. 'il' l lu.nui eiret. No. :ls Clicnnt fire I. .ill. t. In -.-.tint .ir t Nn. nil. -r.ei.nilt Atrcel. TArvi; am t'kvi'.i.oi'i:n, PAt Kli Al K.NVM.ll'IS4, W olcie at d t: lull, u .nil R.-InII, Wbolt.-Me n' 1 l:eiaii, Wh..b-hnl. a-i'l Kemit, AT THr. I.OVI KI I'ltlt.'K, at i hi: i mis: if i:u i s, At VAI.KV. , No. . ir.clll ,siiT Htr-ol, between Third and louiiL. eiirnrtr t.( Il".l.'n. jy'0-;it " A 1 12 II I1ANUINUI4, Itr.MOVAl.. JAMKH 7. !' IWN. (1 Air. c lufsTIS A DKOT.TKrtrti, lias Kom.rrd ttont No. Oil to No. t.i I1KNUT ftrcwt, ll.vliis rnrelased tho nt.elt oi JAMtS untKK, Jr. (ftumorly Belnof e'., v, hero be will offer to lilt cu.b.inem and Umi public a la-.-jf atul olegnnt aaiioctiaoDl of Dioorationa and Wall Papres Oenerall. By qi tng hJ.i p. rjiial al lentlon to the e Ulas and naaff iit: Uierec', be l.opea l'i continue to rccehe the liberal patrnnase of the public. CltJimt a:id vlA'iora art resiKctfitlly li-tled to exatntna tin; variety on bHnd. iy'-S lm Vi7xa(.roki-:kv SKMINARY. Mtl.I. ? Inrv Ivmrcine senid- lleln. Hetiti.eioer I. Termt very iii(di rnto Tbomuxu eou'-eein MatruMcatie, Lan. Kuii-'co, 1-iif.it.li studlio, Ac. futilia hftve beueltoiof a on.o. 'rherlnul h-Mion.. in miiti vtiufaud t.1 il ttturinoir itii. Itcya ol'ail i,ei tat-cn. Addrau for Cntu'eKuo, JK.V. .1. IIRKVKV rtvictoN, J; C-lui tilase Green, lli-Jaware lo.. Pa. Zft NOSKY, TO ANY AMOtINT, ITS t bito, l litliin;-. 4' , "t Kit XJ .Kill s 4 f 'O.'R old r,HTAr.i.imiKi iflAH ornfE, Oin.r 11I1KI) au1 IMrtklLL bU.vU, HeU-w lieiliard. M. B.-Disn)Mrs.WArt'iir:8,jKEmT,otjys, run KLt at III MARK-ABLY LOW rilH ES, )yW-lia Gold'S iairnovr.D ptk.am and watkii I Ili'ATI.VII Arl'AIIATl'H. lor yVartolnc sr.d entilnMtwt t'nbjc BuAdioss aod Pit. i an Ltmidencaa. Sinnofnttnttd t.r the OMbJS Blk-IM AND tVATKTt-HEATINQ COMPAKI ft I'UILa.llbl.lMilA. jami'.s p. ironn, Nv. 41 H OI K TH Street. BhK-On B. M. rELT WELL. tiupeitaUnUoaA No lir.ci'.rnoN. no infbriok coal rurchai.cn tu orer helc w the rant prioe of a aupeno. artklc. bAMI I I. W. Ill SM, UltOAI) Siriet.aoore Kara, eiul alio, aolla tho peimlne I.AULR VP.IH, beet and pure-it Duiuod. tj aud Btove aUea.Slit Latk klst.SlO Pi ton. (Vnnmrr iii-rli" roako thatr parchmoa at one, pro vim. to another atlfnnce. I4-Sai Qrn BOXKS R. 81 ATK DKTl'.ltaiVK HOAP. Aw kJJ iia huHce keymouo mate Iciereivo Hoap. ;r.'."- tiova-. OriKlua: iHter.ivo. rHltieie. Slmi.H iB'b tlilvo, l7r lu.Kt.1 Linen Soaii. pAiiiom-fi Auerieao CavUle. ' 40 boM-F I ii-ni'h tlaiitlle All or an) part of itbkhl fiUUell under eiirrei.l r.itoi . J Pji.i:, Jj-n-lSt N0.1S8. W AttR Hireet. pAni'LTa, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND ViliHtnw Hbadil, fii'Ul Now Volk Auctl a .alee, t.llfl'tly v--l. Mnvl'lrxrlit IlrUhnelii, wide. l 'l SI J4, BI'AO and H'Km Imltatn.ii lirii.aela. (i-alnix.,( :'i wide, 7ti. Mi and !Hi ccntfe 1 1: 4, 14 ami 11-4 at pnumr tfonali prite. ; Imperuil f.'ui'iiet. Al S7 to Sl4 por yardl lnirnln, irorn M1 i on' to Sl'1-I'i i Venotiau, H-iur. ana Hemp, from M't to lb cent, per ynrd; Matl ur., ttio lait.e.t a.nrlnii lit oror ottered Ul llillAdelnblA. fmnt it7 ti lii eein s a yaiU :it t!e elv Verb Aeoiion Han. lle-p-Jt. (ternierly tO-.'Jdoiv'..) o. li H HfcCHJNU Bueet, nnt u'ir above Vr'alunt, o;io.Mc Corn EACbaima. Ij"-vin COT:nTS"S TEA. "W-AIiElIOUSE. liSTA Ui. bad la ?0. --laiportct and txialer in Kino Teau, Winos, and Lbiuora. Cbfdco IlAvann t;tk-a:a, t ree A lliAokwell't Pickles and Haaos Cr;t:i.-h aud Sootwu A and l i.rur, Cuntiad Meats, rrulta. Soup, A. Mavv Mewoa pnt up with num. At Mo. IIS M. S r.COXU Hbrcw. bM ly josuua u. cot'S't?. PKOPOSALS. 4 K M V S IT I f 1. I K 8. il 01 ur:i ii AuhV Ci.oMiiyu a.u ligrii'AOK, MO. fl 1 l'., 'AHW A 1 NV. WHU, AllRUttt 1, Kiii. Hf-alcd l'lvi1; "l"1 t'l lo rv-ei.-f J nt this Oilio. u lit It o'PiH-k M.nn TIM'Ksl'A ,ih IHti In-iuMt, t'lr rtcin-cry, hv r..itnt'-t, nt H;o IKMt ol A-ui. iJiotMn ninl Kijmpai.'e ii li Y'nt ell) ; - M-M..4, 1! MsltV. I((T"-'.. li'iJirt1. h- td lit ol-. IJf7BCl lit.-ta. A."ia A. ;iir h"A''. irttiilUa oi Ht"!1 c.-n Im will tt tho Miu 'i' Ib' v v1i tl 1 ui:ii".', YiulJ.-rfl i t t'n nil lt, ant lion no m !;' can i'U. Ui LMUttrj ci tho qiutmuy lho bid 1 -r. Th'y will NiiliiTiit win. their ppo-xCa a aauitila of the Hrtlclv Uicy i-K'p' I" I' trill -li. A profir ffiiaraiuc npint u-co'tijiany all hids for the tailfitu- rtiiitn..nvc Ot a c.nt; aui. I 1 i.r I'liilrd 6.iii . itfirvt'B (t. rial it t ratrt any part or t!it w hi. ! ol t.K ''it', Ui tua be ilt-cnivd tVii the lata out fait' thr ftffVtiT, 1 Vt po'-aJh .shr.nhi tc i -.itlorsetl Prov firnl".ilitt ' thev ln. urt thr it. nv O' tht'tti''lutnj t'ir," und ()'trrrsi ; to I,nt iimii-0K'i.',I 1. U. V IIS r Jti, 1 ai..-7t U :f.y i.matt' i ::i.3Utti-al, L.S. A. j Oil 1(JK Ol ASSISTANT gfAKTKHM A?i- t l iit?raJ. Tu'tvui '.l'KiA, July 'M, ltA, 8nlM Pmroii.!r wll' ho i :t ivi'd at the o.h.i ul the t'H.t-iftik.nl,V-.. MCI OlKAIIit Hfrr-t, until Vi:iM'.- ' 1.V, Atiuvnt ?!, )",; t. nt laimn, IV t!.' il l e.y a' CuivaU I 1h(!i lt:nr.icM i. A I AN KaKIiY 1A I l'..vt tittiiit n hun- 1 di'"t t iM) irjn h ; -, r-1'.lfl "f "t.'u.v, t -M but U bn , uf an Iim h tn II. t'ii i it (,nir Ino'ii hm,,, H'Ui?t;vt .t! U.h enJs, umt t-sw.1' ' It'' two ln- e-i tbr the inni mi oi' ttn'hea hi.y att. '. iivi-ul ii ut ii-.tie li.a rltuituat tlma ffri-liar".anfi .- ;'i.rnni. lV. by out-rr m .ro ro.i'-anii bs pfrs-toi 1 vtw "iii-i h Lujwii it thi- oftl" to l-n r ioittilb). thai tlx ttt r ill iti'T kifo I TBMr-jf'iff" o'!i titttion tor ii oi-m; i;n tiitiUi. m' fh'rer(and glre auiiaila Wi"v fcomiiy m'i. v i r,vta,l u.i iho triiK.I Hiiin i-icrw-a t'.o i Mu t ' rr'ert i ll bl I' it' i.nintwi oo-nanthil (' intf ivta, ns .Vm that- iVoin U -funliliiH fntriw b-ff. Hy QtUit ih i ! iit'l II, ( Muvia, A. Q. . t riioru.1. ALH1MC M. AHifMKM). &t.l- 'ap'aitt an4 A- t' . M. VssisTANl" AUI i Vil M A'T Ml - G KN U a nuvoie, pi-:? lm.wh fa , A' ain 1. lcvt. pTfpo-a:. will li imvi1 at tiit . of . a u i'!f rKH-.', An;'U4t , ir4, at I ' o t t'i.' I .Vt , rtitM ti!0Uar;J U'lid ufbt:1 .illutlty Wk!l.-i Als Atyiiii' ltft ;OAL, lb. Ut the Mil, to bi fv.iI'V.-'.J .mo lur-ct' I, cu anil a'ova, us nay b" ruti. b vf! b- itrt v -vi ut tlm Wll :IW Al tl.U aiilV. ill tfOaftil Ol'tli T ttlll t'Oll l ff ill H . 'f ('.' Utf. lut,an-!oiin r iuip'tr itl, At suoh t-liiw aud lb aivk. I 'Pi-ail! WlJ Vi VfH rtv ;.i..ti-.., -nv - m ik d:if ofciiHirtot uI Niinber I, IK. Tiij rMUt ia rr W r"ict u boa douicil too Usfh, l0 bo bid iYoua ft dAnlriUtf utra t? will b r:wv. lii-U.ra vulaul.ic: tx b.tit, wr.t.ii; A iar.intisw, tc ba !pd t rtwo rfipn'-lia piront, w.l, b- rti'lre wk JiBtt-Ulty ii"t ta ccri'Met. .o Iv rftat? litnt Judt,-. initeiNtaiM Uatlrkt Aurv, ur I'ltiw Hutva U.-tAr, .U.irwie tu pro-uoJwlUU"lb-.ra-e1v. Fur fiw.hr kitonniiUaai fcod.rt wlB call &t tH o.t, X..laW.li1AKr-trat, hy vnWr til .iul ()mk II. Y(aukn, AHUl ,,.,-,. VS U. fc.A. tMimM n ,-V a) aii! A. g. M. JJEMUND A. BOUDEB k 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND f?HlT AM PTBAMECAT A6BNTS, XCK BTI-t'T WHARF, KH'-Si-HCA. uur. A. toinj'Ba, .iM.ii.ia oartt. Bum bvmUL )e-eT W 15 ftlll CAPrAlklai AB fcWNBRS. ,JL TheandertilcBeAkarilw Stnl Ike KB1WIINO 7.H ACH-W M k, b.k w m a-i trkmaa tm4 aba 1'Mr.a. f ike BhwIi, ItI be Hi Mew4 wrA hMK w4 . fiinr. aeoeot oAata Iheee Im- v.MtU 10 m vmm1 or reoaOed, a4 b-s a fte:iMal ebr-i iieaA.i and cealbea, y. ssouaJ MMattvo to oil V..M- oav. tra-.tr a w hMu any Kvalr.. arury. ar A..-m. HIHnmts, and Sk hi si, baviiia ve.Hia t rs. area.ntd te eaA. MavhiK lb. aavne- ri She aof 'IVetwrMe.' FaAeat U.taillc Cc-po.lnoB,'' a (uv et faint, lur . prwerv-. Ikw ui ...el.' but., a-., this oily, I out fttff 19 Minn i,ni..n..--. 111 lRUUii(to Htti' lsW JMl'OHTMl) WIN Tl M, HHANniKH, KTO. Tka s-.itseriker tnfnm it the pvsite that he I. Si.mtna kia la eoadwetiaauwiad soef , OLD BRANDY, GIN, PORT WINK, BHRRRT AND MADRIRA WINKS, At et iwciaJ. frte Tb a Ti m te .14 at Ml ha4. Porrh.r. wl-i irt a aupertx nih Im rrl'au is would do vm: so a4 al r henry nrrnra vrSoleaale V ine ard Liquor Store, N). lli K. SrXXNI Sur-et. Uk-w It.e. If I- PkSa4lla. SPECIAL NOTICES. jjjJ Till; COM1AO miAlT. TO ENROLLID CITIZENS. Z HAVE JsOW 0 HA H) TWtSII ATIEN AND 00NTBABAND frirnsTiTLirr.M. O-Ul al t..- at Uie Aeocy, No. MM WALNUT RTRKKT, ar.S tenir. . S.ihillliit. that will earr nil frt. tantcS d-i--tuac me tinic o i.ii. eeiirimtnt, v . :- three yean, dratl will f-riHim 'afcer ate oa NEPTEMlikB a, 138C Io nvt .'a I l-i fall .1 oncei. sis-. a rt. i (sti-H a fx. nrtAND KXWRSIOM TJ ATf.ANrtO 4 'I'y.on Tiii'iisoai , Anamt 1. fiw.il. tbr he Ptio. oi Mt J jftfl' I an. A. 'lleketn, S S. I'luidi'ii-,-,.'. cents. Tt'-be'. c.n lie had ef the f'tnitlt'c4, wh t wld ks at VI Nh Htr"el What on 'he no'nin - it tie KxourthHi. 1 :it heat 1 -A-e. VINE nln el MThArl at (i A M ly It TO TlfK I'lITSrHANiS OK PHIXA- .1c1IIa fH-titlrrocnVf Uif Far uliy iHaviua a- atrtwlr.1 mn n i arain (iha fir it and onty tnn rvtr brB1i4 tw-iie H p mMKil DioffM.kHi) tXat may le n-4 wi n isv lM aatH a a ttrimri:al a.cnt In tha treatmAit af cap'ieini, !ir ai -t av. arl In alt aTactNHia M lata air pnHa--. btmI an It la wall knows to 709 una" to frnaHo tliat I liavr tir oar liati tiui lar.a-t fa", Uxtnt ar jw (tn In flic I'tiitf-dl NLiiUk tn tlip lralnint vi tti mahj tlka, anrt.CAnRCdiuai.Ur, I hare bad arm a cant opaorttjrMtifia ot tiiitiu 1 he Mtti a- y ot my a(iiarafii, I, t'-ararora, fbr tha ankrnl lb prortw M milifiil irnv, lnrtte on tn aar oMtca. to n.ake a prsr.nai nantionUoa (ta ran4artw pitHf aim adaputiilt to tke cttr of ihi itlttt a4 (UtttraKi or nukl r Mr. t , K. JON MOdCRZIiKB W. f IaohIiu anil Aiinai, Wfrtt Ko. ICf? WAiaWWT Vtnvt riW-- DKAKNL88 AN'1 " frici. M P., P-oicitvi-Tot th Y.ye and iranta all dVva.i-aacfHrtaln'ii t tie .v-art.- oia!ali arttfe the utmoat ui'-vca. 'I iiatAcaoniaJa (rooi the mm rattati (uicvb In tne oil - androitAtr cmj tx- n at hla Ortlo, ho. till ritfK tiuiA. ArUtlHai Kyaa tn-artAd vvltfvoat pal a. No rliii m ti fr-r cxmnmafion OOtrte tinvra from ft M U A U..t uiV I'. M ho, 4 II 11 NB 4trat. a7-Jai MILITARY NOTICES. SW0 MOUNIY 4 Ton fNF TBA.K, VMtmUoiri. ta till a townaliip qiiiKa t jr Cavalry, Iblutitry, A-tiiinry, or Hhtrpthaotm. CUIat No. i'S.'iUltUt htrrtt. aal fit . Ji CKNTKAIi SUIiSntUrK AOKNOV, fl No. 'if THIKIr H'tot -Al mi, Vtorati, aud O ira .) bnd m:BnTI TUTEH W aNTrn.li waoai ttia iti price will t ( aid No ar 1 1 nrad apply who can 4 rvrui.b AatlKtH;:iry evhteucoofalltna. W nU mytf nor otiif-r. t tiTftim mrtAt fiim' vh an lir.nnraMa dl tcbarff. The atHsve ciab ut Hubatim et trmica tor f pt of lVr.n ,laii4. "l-rtt 1TLMAN-, Ml TO MB I, I. 00. ff- liKAlMjUARTKRH PKNIfSYLVANtA, ' :3: lrt;ti.lH, i.a-tisbd'ir, Jul Imi Uoniral Onlan o. Aiitfu-nty lntn the Wai Dbimrinit. 4, dr4 t'ul; 7 h InMant. hJivlr.K thu day b?r rcMvyl ui ria tii rvi-w rtnn uts t f Vniitn fr iniitrtry, nrtpr th flail ot the rrt"-idci.t t J.? Lnltcu rttet ol the ib.b Lutaat, IM tivf titii.tiirdi tt.uiipu (,x),uj) nitt I I t ordc M-d : I. Spctkut -iitlioriiloa will KTAiittHl to raU Mtnpanif tn t.f- rrr'tiiitit anil nrxAnUrd Hi,rr4hlv' tu tJani-rnl trdnra Nn l.-l. Wai I'irtnifiu, ff i-t t-f l-ifii, frpferomia w(l; Uv kIwii to iT-oiki who have been in tenlro and bt"ii l"noruUI;- dt-ohiitM II. Appilf hUi aid tot apftolntmenta ati tntlit'oiliif tAtm tMmiitt , HQu-r the ftbow nriioi , h til be itiimeaiT mad 6 t tti. 1'iftot' ol ihn Ad u ant tti-fiarut t.i the it at. III (t hiD .itxltr-! otth-Arr. (it h'tuaiU or of to npanla ra mi ttfd et ot Johunt-itvu and the Lad ot HIM rano-ofto tiiountalnii wilt r j.rt to n a cinnaantjuiK ottlcwc, Cauip lt4roat?a, tnnr ft ishiiiv, Pii.niWar.iH ; al mt of fiat Hue and t-.st t4 ard tic udinif Itoadinp, Poanaytrama wil npvrtto tfic c maianili p otnei-r, i'&mp urtm, Oar rllnrn ; all cast or Kaat-lna a'i tl at tln wtil rftport to tka cuiiitnr.ndlngoirircr. Camp CudKalatlar, Philadpbia. I I Vp Bthe applicaTlnt, ot ttc c.maiid nf otticrt r of the n intenra I autcunn of a oomptnr, to tht as ta of the ittff rit railroad c inir.!fn tnr.eiiHhout aU 8ttt traiuporuUois to the camp of rai.dozvoaa rlli ba far-nt-bad. IV, Actual and neo'aary expMno for boarding and lod.lK of ir.Mipa raiMd nmlar thta order will b pMidbiht Uiiitcd hiHtt'x dUtiii'-UiK oftlcwM-, l the prip jioat, at a rata not rxcKitiit tony centa per ajr fbr aaok man in ut lend Into the aorvica of tti. UalUrd ntatoa.on wva aflutavltot tr.a offtrcrfuri'Uhmh: the men. Mipprtvd Of ttaa ricipta nt th paiiy tu wtiota tho miMy waa pahfl. N-n.e of the in c ii, and thr oatvx bten whicft eTa inan w boartM and kftd. muat t0 atatcd ia lka 1 amount r(-iH n-d. V Tlifttorm ol acrvjctwlll bi fir eKhor onf, tw, ac tl ri- ut.t ma ro rultt. u a tiwi. ' t. R'i:liutitii iiiiihI be fiius'trt1- In lefure Map t mat fl"h ttih),tibh an liutHht-aaiid six i y-four ( lHiitr.tu wUit that tht tnuv t'tj or4jtt'd on thij q toia ol Uiv Mtata ua4cff ' th aitiri'tuld rill. VII. li ootnylctu rctp m-ntr. and comwauio wtilch fall to 1 ori I'e vtit tt- -i(.tnilMBitM, wilhtn a rfM-nnahts tnua a it. t' furni and tn m it..tr d In vit1 oum ct rfiinctttat oruKOin-htnp hriton that date. VIII. Itnuiit'uKill bapaul bj the I bIUmI tlulrT.nrt. . uitni aa toiu, ti. j ( kwr ntcjuiia ijf otj 5nr .... $1M t " tno rar vOA thrtMsyrars ,........ r Thf tliNt In taliiuiitK ol bounty w ill h pa,d b the mn trrli.y and (iltf'urhi(f oUtutTfc when the reontii ta muatur4 ' In, an loiKiwa , "l'o a icori:t bo en its In t!i ft'nif fut otic yrwr... Ut tt , two rt rwm. Hi M " ' " ' " inro j jea a. 1 Ut . ' Aa rard for niciitaiinna otinuct, and alto to aocur ' aluiibl- mdll-o exprfiic. appi'intuints oi tiiuk (rt- ; cisra will b maii. okcept unilut pa ihar olraiimt4t?av Ir'HM inoM who bare ben in arrvlro and nave boan twnar ab4y ulci.art;vl. B order 04 , a. o cuitTrx, Oo-rtorand ('ominawWr in (,'i6 ' A-1'. ItV'-t i ., A.,u taut isineial Puuuj.iivadiiA ( ' '(he nrnrtxid oidf-r ( fiuhlisled for iftncral Informa tion ! VM t.lAi,rMl--.M, APJl lA-l-OfllKUAl'a Offl'1 rt Vsin"tmoK ilnn. li HI, 1I - ti:in i-.ai ukii rn, N. ML. i fiter al 4Jrdi-r. No. V. r(D or lht,v,aro n-rvby ra M indi-d. iul h jikiH4 0Ur wUl avoru hera tf.. lu-U .Uertsil : I. In ori.'ittii.tiu' tnw rfiKiinpiiti or Indrpandt-nt cnmn, 4 of 'iiiii-r, thf th v rnofh c-i 8'Hft ar. hi-rvby a-thotlc-d to rppo m, In audition t the -tad otr)cra hnHaw 1 to i nttthurtj.Hi, ou- he in d J.t- nu-nant for aatfc i'wiopanyv t a-ho ahrtl' re tytiii:thna!l miiitriMl li.to nnrvh at tha lit tool hi" ap)MntiiMM)t. Ann iihoi Uiu apottttad and mint tint), hjii uuly Ik- cntitii d to l-e tadonttie uiuimc ami pav rll nf hi cmnpan, and tho it Id re ta'l 00 I H an oiauiiixfd tompanj. wnb nub tiuio a tno War , partm nt maj' denlna e.thi- men enll.tted br bin mail bj tiuiiicrn-j to aooic other compuy ; lit uptvointmeut ibatt 1 to laiui'lhd ami b nail br .hhcIi iririil riiU ul py nn- tl e tsovrrtior ti e binu a pualtJon lu the roiuolji at4 coi!'iih) t Mhlcn hl. uit-u .ihli hnva ltt ir an(eirv4. II. Mii-lcr-iiu otths-T- will rtp-'rt priuptl lo the AiU-tafct-tM!tal ot tbo Army tha name oi evwv i;ecrMit a Ilut-fiant nvisUrcd Into tin- a.rvire l t oa. midi a , Coiidlihtfial liitrot ipfomtnieiit,ti'tbnr with the tuaa paoy HAd ifg inenfor which hr nt rorrultluf. Orllcara ' V IU be rauiterrtl into Uiu i' rvico only nu the antliohty ot' tho (rov.ri-c-r of the Hiate to which their retfiiaeal ' bvJOUi,', . ill. AitWoa (.('rid'Kfrwnt will he mule cut In dnptlaat l -Ufh ruMintnw olltrfi. uid !fl be dispOMid Of M ptv tii t-l hy pat Mian tijih !-', t;ue ti, ltei-rmiilur L.KUtU-n4 Voliintt-oi H?rvu-o ItecniiiM will ba avnt to the rniin- " tai ruiidt virim, al h t ait ufi u nt ruoc wilt, wnift , tlicy Ml hi- triuM-iMHi iy vHUinliifil hy tii -tnrKtxjn of Lb rr-lDitnt.or ol:er ur:on t-uiplu ) for tint purpnM lr -tht Hiiia riuliKit-nt of (luntot. 1 tir-'ruitJug Hwha. and It t und 111 nt 01 dut hv re.ir.-mot p rm iiit-iu dtna-il 7 will be thkohjr -41 frim tii'1 nor ii-o I'orlLI U by the burkfOiu who vilu tfOit niihiuiohaiM0 t th;SiiperlmeuJfat of i 'litintitr l(' rri!ifhij vrv icf , rtnj alio in th ail.uiant of tho rt-i Imi'tit , Ui'rt ptrtiouiitrlv It w enwn ivhrctbo di.-nhil t w.i, o1 ' al the tciiA uf nlfMtiifnt. Ai aotn l La orxanUtiUuii Li nonii'ltiin, It .full ha rnrirully UikPfi'ti tl ui uiu-tnrid hy h CiHuit 8tatn MutUN tlu oiticw, whu vi fl ft''- iht' t! lvut t'e mmiiiiuin Mtm-v br nl orf.li cjmpai) l pr""i'ii do aunuyteoa wlii Im CCIttltf'l. IV I'ntO rvi'i'vT'tn or fi. .! jurttlfii' -oiopHtilci are or-' 'ft'rJKj au. iii.-i-T-i 10 l'i wU tm umlarttio iatru. ot flu vertf.rot th- riti.tt. h-tf jll rc',lvlU',.4B !? i'iar ternmittr, .Mt-1l?al. .m l tlr lnanrt' t on-a, nil eontmta for lU''l( ir v, ;iu.J , cai'.-n.'f, 1 all rc.f 1i1.1t kU htr trioi kM trtJoa, u uit he oft rdvid hr the SupitrltivnUeia ot V"lui ih r li niliiD-: -nrira fhr ba .).m or Iii Ish.n. . No-'Wii'i 1 r c pt 11 .ri 'nrurr- i lu tnhto tveir oriJtl dloni Kb.'itt ( p'lM hv IH ;riirinif OtP.eori uah-ui hppiovt-U by U Htipr-rlniund-nt 01 Vulimtoer lEoaruittiu. Hy vrder of Uie Ke?rrUrr of War. I, ii. TnVNr.N'l, A'il Uut Adjutaui-UetieruT. Ot-vKUu aul-a WANTKD FOK TiiE CN1TKD 6TAT&0 Varina for pa a vaiitd aiid aiciUr Ilia by tea au4 laiid), tiirabndre ab4a-todhd tua, to perfcrm tha dola 0 a ioid'er at our Navy Yard, ud oa4 nitd Mateii li u.yfr ca f Tifn etavknt, Drttrcu.piiLatk than Uve army. A ablp-of-war to ti (oiujortaila hciue. Tt- Uarlsa Cm fa tbe beat eqiup(a CoH tn tba wrrioa. JTrU Mc-uey tu aban- MTie I.04 AL BOfrVTIKi FAIT TO BVfmriTfl. Kor ait ctLar b-k,rDUoa apply dally at tha KcTiUt Sol-2Vt-ai, No. 11 B. V ViCrT hirt beioiv flpfuoe.to leu uue ievar of uie a aee o-. J A UK II LKWTB, Captaja aad Ba-rultLmc 0ri4r, Kyfi-ef t. m e. mom uon, pUBLOUGHS-rUILOUGHB, CCcara d c4llr vWHtatg tha dtyoo rurW)it. ni AK01WB1 MILITARY BaUIPMBNTS, AU MrfrriS 1 TWfiT HMXVTACTWX S-TTABUM1MBVT eANOOM 6TRHET HALL, jAWftOM BtWM, mbW tUu 1 rREBENTATION SWORDS UoM to otder at IA aAorUtt aotloa, whiob for rto&aee aai Hillinri okaUantfa eompatHfcoa, aa ailaar Waa ta tka aoaatry at Maiaaj Ua MA Ur ACTOulMQ HCWtutm M