The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 02, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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ejMMlal to Tfi Evening THrrph.
Wamiikoton, Auguat 2. Advices from
the Army of the Potomac have bem received
p to ton o'clock yesterday morning. Tim
Vnsuecersful attempt on the lines of rvters
Varg has been succeeded by a lull, whit h will
probably lost for some time, and exclude the
hop of any great military opcratloni for soma
In Northern Virginia we shall doubrlose
have a series of tuhior operations, with a view
o expandon of the Invading foro from
the valley of the Shenandoah. Meanwhile
she failure of Saturday loot will have en
couraged Lee to make still bolder uVmonstrn
tione In this vicinity Maryland and Penn
Energetic measured, however, have been
taken to meet these designs; and although
details of the amount of force In the vicinity
are not allowable, It Is not Improper to say
ttiat we have on the lines covering Wash
faigton, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, a force
.oal In Itself to an army, finch appoint to.
be the military aspect of aff.ilrs both lu the.
East and West.
On Monday morning an Informal application
wm made to the enemy by the Medical Direc
tor of the Oth Corps for a truce to bury the
dead between our lines and those of Um
enemy, and to supply the want of such of
our wounded as still remained there.
The enemy demanded a formal application
from General Meade to Gcueral Loe. S ich
an application was conveyed by Major Lyd"o,
oriiornside's staff. The result of this appli
cation has not yet transpired. Our Ionsee In
Saturday's fight have not been definitely as
certained yet.
by AssociATnn rnirwj.
Wabhimotoh, An en -it 3 Despatches from
headquarters of the Army of the Potomac to Jilv
31, 9 P. M., ay that tha exact los-es In tho
hauls of yesterday have not hen nuVlilty ascer
tained, but as sear as cm t judged, will foo- up
about twcn:y-rWe bundred, not inchi ling the
kissing-, and many believe tho figured wl!l tarn
at to be larger.
la the hospitals of th'? 9th Corps, the let Dlvl
skin has 206; the 2d Division, 307 ; tha 3 I
sk,341; the 4th Division (colored). 623; to
Ides a Urge number lying on the field, bc'.srocu
the lines, who cannot be got off.
The 18th Corps lost nearly 300 men. while
;t Turner's Division, of the 10th Corps, hid noarly
00 killed and w mnried.
A flag oftiuenas sent out to the enemy t.
day for the purpose of getting the reme'nder otr
tke tie-Id, but it was refused, the reason not belog
General Butler also sent a flag of tm ic fro n
his Hits to-day, whloh was also refused, tha
efrWr giving no renson except his orders, hlcu
were peremptory, uot to receive a dg under a ly
elreuan-tances. -
.Th.y also refuse to exchange papers, and the
sen are so clusely wa'ched by their orti :urs th a
they lave do ch .nee of exchanging, ihougb they
aie iilways willing o do so.
There inut he same good re ison fur this, and
winy belloe their lino is very weak, while others
think they have some extrusive move on foot,
and are abruid i f ts becoming known to us.
The r.ild Into Pennsylvania may bj the renin
and they wish to keep it as q liot as possible. All
tha wuDuded that have been brought It are beiug
well eared for, the medical arrangements beiug
Tbe lints of the two armies are about the me
as before tbe battle, and picket tiring bus boen
eonstsnily kept up since its tannin itloa.
Tbe i.uniiier of prisoners captured and brought
ia w2S2, the highest rank amo'ig them bung
a Captain. They are a bealthyluokliig e: of men,
bat their dram picseuta tho u.uaiky dirty an 1
ragged appearanee.
The rrporu suit yesterday moruiuit that tun
colored troop hid capiurud aa eutire hi Ude
had no ionization iu f.ct, every pr'.ioner tikou
having been brought in by wuitd men.
The following ortioeM, mostly ea'ure l fruu
General U nur't eommnd la the Sh'in i loi'i
valley on May 20, camu in o our ll ius yett'ir.
hvlngeiiciiied from I.ynchburj on tho l'Jth
and rnatli.1 their way here :
M. V. Birctt, 1st N. V. Cavalry.
J. 11. AuoVison. It N. V. Cavalry.
F. ( Ucsrter, ii'h V. (fiiion.i O iv.lry.
H.l'eiiu.nmu, 1st Maryland lut'actry.
A Vlait of Triiet) All'ivtrnl.
Later advices from HcaJqu titers up t 7 o'clock
A. M., of August l,My; "a tltgoi' tru e 1
ao prevaiiint;, and a party h.'Ve gone out to
bury tho dead, unl bring oil' tug wo-tmlo 1.
"Tbe number Is reprecnied as beiug rjulte
I'ulon rrlrninxm t I.yuchbure.
The following, with a largo number of o hers.
still remain coullucd at Lynchburg, aod are sut
fcriDK much from wnnt of proper food.
lonrl Miller. 147tli New York V..K, llKlily wn,idil
W,ur I ..rtiu..V.l hat.. C'mnlrv, v ry altenny wo'in I. .1
.'nllii K. U. ilillotiinJH,HlU -Mnwiwliuautu Vuluuteur
Intauiry, wounOtU .
t'unili A. Ileal v(hftliloVoluiitu(r Infantry woundtd
l"i,,nl" . ' .-uuu.Mi. am uv lorKlluavv trullurir.
LMuiiikiik I.ewU Uth ruitiiavlvanl4 f.avdirv
l.iiMitei.ant J. A. ii., 1,1, lal lUriluiil Aniliery.
f.Uulenanl H 8. '(.million. U nit Now lun.
l.K-llteniillt A. C. l'li:kullluuli. i;th HV.iMm VI.-.I.,U
Cvlry. "
l.l. ul. iianl Emery, vd MuaiaehuMltwOavalrr, woundct.
l,luiunaiil llun.h, l;,ih New jer..y InlMiiirv.
I'lnnliiln llulul:!jM ,:M .Maia.ieliusi.tia C.valrr.
I.letitunanl II. W ( rout, lo.ili ronnj l ania Inljntrv.
I.listl-liuilt A. H. IlarrllU:tou. ldlli Cuutia,:tl.:,it l,,l.l..
very aiek.
Auiuiam a.i;. BuitinKi. 7th Pniiyh iinla Reaervna.
I.M iit.-i,niit 3. v .'ore, (li h Wet Virginia Cavalry.
l.M-uirnHiit C II. Inv. I.t I, ll it
J.leutcuuut W. It. ilathuw i, lat 1'. 11. II.
Tbty weie nearly all captured, ou the 20th of
June, in the fShinundoah valley.
Markets) by TflOKrnpli.
New Yoiik, August 2. Flour tirm : sales of at SL0 AK.UU ii (of felalo. tl lUa.ll 1, aiki,.
Innd tHI lUu.U lor hoiitturil. ati-aily; anl. t.r
ii .iHj i,m,Ii. . at 4i. for ( lilrauo Ri.ritir, i-jv ,.
tor aiiiwaiikie nut,, auii m o-wi ? uorn nim ; aaia
fSI,utl,ukU at tl 6B licet dull. I'd Arm l aalea of
HU al.arrU at e-l'i,'tu lue AiUba. Lard rlria at (k:.
Wlilat V oi.ll at H . 1-71
KeoflM. or hiirrla: Whaar. Oiaiia huahala'.
fJuiu, Ul.Oi 0 uuaLtla. bold if 'Uota at i M.
tthti Youk, August 2. UttM-ks are steady.
(team ,,- Jt it Inland. IUfl Cliliiharland Call, 11 :
U,vi Cinirnl, i-jti; li,hijua Houtlmrii, U) ; Saw iork
i, ' ,0".Ttl fenu.f i.anirt I IZI1; KCtdlllK, JJ. i
liiin.on liK.r, li'i.'.i i:ri.lii;,; one vent Ce. iineaiu..
i'V L""1"5 " ,','' '"7S lCoiij,1Ji,iuj;tiui,eu ,
'B.fci JMdaianai, Iv. '
ICtC., JtO.. KtO 32tO., 13tC.
Iw thi Kin n Upvyirh rTKHiirno, J r,y r,t
ia 'WiguiMoTnN, A'lgunt l.- IHa ln-t ,ikhi
ot, lunK-binted-at, patiently-waite.l-f r, an 1
finally suc.eful priiiRiug of a mine, unjer a
Hehel lortitica ion, was uc ini)IUbe.l th.ij morn
li g at daybreak, cau-ig alino-t ai mn.:a S'ir
pne in ur rank, wnere it wai not exwtol, a
It must have rausod among the wnomy'n.
Let some of your reidnrsmay not un.Inrst ind
the priuriple of miolnir, 1 will .imply sta e It com
lint In rumilni: an exvivarion or our roar throe &
tlie groan. I to a point din- -tly underneith the
. worn v do oinwn up. navmit so b imwej to
the pr. pcr pnint, tha sle ofihe excivation l io
. cr. and to tha capacity reriulre.l. Sueh nn
amount ot gnnpowiier us will b.' repiUlteu 'ilo
' up the work overhead ia then pl.ico.i io thi rc
teplacle, a irain or fuo ts lai.l to tbe m mth or
stadii'K place, ami when re.'iily this in ig iitc 1, tin
I Are toou riuiiilng to the secreU'd m.igame, ex.
piouitig ii, ana utwrly dotroyini auytUin,
over it ' "
In this intan;t' the wrtiC. atina Mo vri up iyts
five (1 t, et fruin and orpo.ioc II im -lie's
ceDiie tlivini n, i-oininin 1 d y lieneral I' jlicr, -ix pi.jcs of artillery, n t was hold
by ihe lfih oatii Um !ni V ;unteors.
Asntar as lean unucr tan. I, tbe rean for
dcn.ollahtnn I'.ii work was it wou d prove
a gleat ot).U;le to an ansiulung party were
.in attttk io he -jml.) oa went
whs eiherwiso ileenvd ti M the enemv's
ml cut p lint. The removal of thu o'xta-le,
Mien, wns only part of a trand pr vra nm
for the mptn.e of .oitlon ; the ilci-'ru.-ti.m
of the fort heing coinilite, our troopa ware to
rush over itx ruiu.n, and y a vlgirrj'i a-tfailt,
cut tho cenir-j of tho enc:r.y'e re duI lice cf
woiks, rituaied on the cies; of hills bey.j'nl, ai. 1
thus force tl.cra to .ibnndon at least th i works m
our iiiimediate trout; Imt lute, or tao gnat
fun-, or an alihwe of the iwo.piovedtoopo'vi).-.
ful, and wh weie uusuci-oso,'ul.
As a preliminary, we U tvo done consideraVIe
maioeuvring die pmt week, en.ieavjnng to
wrnktn this front by ,lr iwing in.;n from it for tha
proiiriion of other points; and if a nport tn.v.
thty have but three livisii ns on this Me of th -Appomatiox
rlv. r be true, 1 thiak we must li.i.e
utceidtd very elTii tuaKv.
Ann, again, if it is truo that the imnreimah'lity
ui we rncmy s lines is a proven tact, IS'ipp osoth.;
Httilltry firniK of whi:-h I speak In this morning s
deat,a,cli as hsvinn bcenairaast unceasl iif Jn ing
the logbt, miiy bs ternie.l another pre'liu'.n try,
fciving, as it mum havn done, to annoy the.
ri t'l cousequcnrly leave him In a Wore
co ioiiioii i jr the sucerel n rinieh.
In pnrsa n. e of tbe ortlr of r.'uck. the 1st, 2 1
aud 4ih Divisions of the 9:b Corps werimw-ie
opposite iho 0 oomod fort, ibo 1st, under G
Led e, heit ft tbe issault:ng column, support.:!
ny tin- while tbe 4tu trought up tbe war. Tho
1. tt.r, it will be rememlx'red, is :ompOied
Ail b Ibk In readlne s, the Uth New York
neavy Ariui. ry croueblDg c ose to our works,
r. j in apnnir ou; ai lasivnai, nre Tas apolled
to the use, and shortly after four o'clock a dl'l
rnmhln g txploion, a terri;b quaking of the
ar-i, and a sudden hecloud'.uir nr th,.imi.
spl ere in theviciniiy of the fort, told our moa the
time was --rted when they should autre to tho
Awi.y bounded the Uth, followed by the fa-
niuindcr of tbe division. Fiercely opuaml the
ju aei urn wry on toe.D. As as their
nrertpiieu to oy our Kuneers. and .tm tl tiiis in. diu, and the yet nueettled tlu our tirave
Miiuier iea n. u toe cngo or tho Ta-er form.jd y
tl explo-iou, ere tbe anouished enemy ha I re
loiir.d from tbe c m'nsi n Into which tney h il
tit en thrown. Home who were evidently p.j.,lt J
to account for the stra ige doings wura vikoa
I riM-jers; nut toose who reahrud the f;H O
He a e e-rapi d as speedily as possible.
1 bo sp. claole presented in tho cr iter wjnld
rave Hwt-d most men ; hut oar so.dicrs ere inured
o s. fues ui norror, aod are hut slightly uliiite 1
l.y ibeiii. In tins erat.-r, which is of an edioric-il
lorir, and h(k)3I fifty feet I on, were to Do'saco.
n en, tnungled, dusty, ami statute I) linaiw, ann-i,
f et, i.ud heads of men protruding t!jrma;h the
rreviet-s in the earth. Biixlni? nn with 'i-i-'isnnu
of sp inurcd and half buried Impleinca t cf
1 o say the truth, ourmenhatl hot little to
mem sr. i here was work before then Tue ma t he buried, the w .uade.l dr ig jed fr nn
ihru premnhire itra.s, tnd twi piecej a I that
were viaiido of the oilglnal conplHin.tnt of six
I h ces of ar.iilcry must be exhumed ; beln.1 por
Itet, ihey coul i be us d intalmt til l eueiay, w.'io
wsie l.usily engaiied sno- niid sh-ll
i painsi int ra fiorn snob p .ia a us ovored
part 1 1 their ovn lines.
letails qu cklv perlormcd these dnl;s, tvhile
the i.tlaukiug columns wore w-lermsi t'ir 'ti
Hssuult on ii,3 . rmy's aesMind iine of
w.iks. Tbe t runuon boint' -Omp ete-1 found
(In m In much 'hi ain pjsit: m in J3luma as
win u th. y li ft our works. JVese-uly tie order
' Forwnrd" was sounded, anJ as the inl'io'r
uiir.brdi'ilcu'y t' w.rdstue enemy, two uns,
wrv.d imm tho enter, told tha ftc: the
Itrli, I (:uns had be-incuued agtinst the.r !ato
J PSSt SSll'S.
Onviard move! -be a'.t'iekin co'arui t'a.-ouh
a heav tire a llieea:"! inoiiiuu'.bec .eiing hot or,
.a litieiofore uue.;ii ha innej opened on them
luim fiolit nad fluk. Slill ou ir.l a el slid
u.ote e:illin heca-ne th t u rrio a ti e, wb'.vb,
now that they mved their de.-,:i in'.ion, v.-ig
p.urnl on them ir-: all p.lnts from fr. a:,
tu n. rear, fiom ii!h , fio-j lul't.
It six D becuiii.-sppar-nr that tho wirke cO'iM
Dt le taken at that cimrue. th.t tcev or -'TO
tlr.a.y lepnised. unl raur, rotlru. So ehM
tiiriml, fell ha k slo!.v for eeh, mendc I tneir
puce, movad iiuii ker and fl'il ker. until. ff imt
In some exttnt wltho-it mum of some oftb-j bat
u rie-, iueir p-co sun-u-d Intn u walk agon.
Il.e4ih I)ivi-ion colored troons havim? heen
niaeiive t.. this fine, were ordc.e I ti thecttre.
Thcj start, d wail ; hut inrivin ne-ir tie c mcen
'r. tiim ol tlie, lound it loo wa-m, an t Oeitt ed.
Ihi lr oil eers eh.i red them on: thus- m ..-...( j
linie lurih.r lonvard. a.'.iin fuitMra I. or.r,.
Oaain nrgul to go lorwi.rd by their oiticirs; t-:
they ; entreaties turn -d to threMts: lint
Ooih were al'hn useless.
Gradually tuniinir, the men retreated Dell.mall
to tb rear, and, becoming mixed up wlih nj
whi.e groups, bud liked to bavo cre ite l a p i.tli!
Hi d they been ntijck"d at this moment, us th.w
were shortly afterwards, is nosayimi watt
the cosisninmees aiixht havo henn: tut thnv
Ci uld scarcely have la led to !,a very disastrous
As it was, ibe en. my Drocr.istln tie I his auaeic
to our ailv.tiiiai'e. al owiim us to fullv atruk'hron
out our lines und otherwise prepare forhis attack.
Then on he came, yi-ji-inx coniidently. As in
our case, however, thoy were completely foiled,
and iiotwi'.hstannjng be roated his exertions, it
v. as ta nlways meet the same fate.
uar troops were finally ordered to retire witliln
our own works, w hich they did iu Rood order
General Hariranft's Hrieade of (iencral Wilcox's
Uivlsion remaining within the eraier tfi coy.'r the
rear. The enemy, now thinklmr he had soma
eume sure, attacked llartmnft with grest vio
lence, but was bloodily repulsed. The renuiiider
of onr forces having arrived within shelter of our
wi Iks, (jetieral Ilartrauft now attempted to fol
low with bis brU'ade. and for the Arxr ri,.,. ,1,
tecied that he was in great danircrof being bagited,
hv reason of tbe enemy having craftily impeded
bis road, lly equal cunning, however, ho san.
ceeded in ettricaiing the greater portion of his
troops, although he could not SHve hisioitlre er.m.
inaud. His loss in nrisoners will not nrova
larpe, however.
t.encral iiaitlctt. of Idlia'a Dlvikinn a ntm
appointee, hapeniug to be witn his brigade, was
captured by the enuiny. It will be reraeruhured
that General liartlett lost a leg at Fort Hudsou,
and ased a false one : that being broken in Ihe
last aielee, rendered it iiuoossiliie. for this callaut
,young general to move henoe his capture.
Ihus ended this first miniug operation and
attack against Ihe enemy's works. If it elfectod
tothlng else, it developed the strength of the
Itebelworka at the point where tbe attack was
mode. Our losses are not as largo as those of the
llebals. It la estimated that in tlie crater alone
SK7 j ,?r. t.wo hundred und fif.y of thorn wore
killed outrieht. innt,t r i.r i,..,.i ,.i:....
All our wouuded were brought within our hues!
and many prisoners.
V e were uiiHble however, to bring off the cap.
tured artillery. It was used with good ellect
sgninst the n my wliila n was in our hands.
tiii uiiD since the ntrhilvtr ceHsn.l ...,..i.,. .
most omiiiotie silence bus prevailed. Tha wea
ther Is excessively hot again.
Ttia nr. rtiow at nrvnrasox.
Nome time slnixs General Bnrhriilge, command
ing ibis disirlet, issued an order that for every
Vnion snot b guerillas two of the llehel
prisoners in our hnnds hould ho pat to dea'h
The killing of I'oolc is too fresh In ibe minds of
our rea.lcis to need here. John P.
I'owell and William Thompson, helongiug to the
Itelsl nnnv, were selected aud sent to lieu
d. lie shut in rculiation for the klllins?
of I'oole. 8
1 he-o men have only been ahont six weeks la
the KelK-i fervice, nnd are from D irtesj county,
Kemucsy. Thoy an youmr men, l'oweli anout
twenty-three, and rhoinpann lietw - en eighteen
and twenty teats of age. These men were pu.
licly execute I at llemlcrson on Friday moraine:,
In ohedlence to the order of (setvrul HiirDride.
We have I een nuablo to learn any of the
of the execution,
S .tnrdiiy ibe ctmim tudcr of the Rebel for-es
s-nt the foil iwing or l r to tiio cuweus of Hen
derson IlKAimvAiiTrHs Rui-nr aio Soi.hv'h Cov.
riMRArc Kiomi.MT. Julv 2;i. :s.;i r,. t
"i in n. , eriou ;t..u ys eniay t v o v. iu
f.."mic soldiots were shot to deatu in'tlio stre Is
or your cut. iney died instantly, I'liey con
a. nuied, tbeir entire cji-nmn l condemned, as
mi iiv-nj i i any t-irien ot tveutucay, the w.nin l
ingof Mr. James K.Hankin.and the planleringot
uoitny. iiui iuey ;ir krone, and inoir murder
is anoint r crime added to thodatunalderauirvio
of the desMtiMu that rules you. Wo am L'on
feeerate sil.iier. Wo light for the liberties our
sites Ix iiucathed us.
Wo have not made, nor w ill we make, war upon
..., .in? mi'-i nouieri, i.-ci 11 H VO IT teop0 t0 Clt-
ciled by any furiber appr i!i '"i on that we will
disturb the peace of your community by the
"". . uio.i ioon,t'r any inieriereu.'o wiiu
inrm, micsa tucy puvo themolves in th.) utti
inoe 01 coinhatants. Mich c uidui-t would be
cowardly, and we scorn it. Wa arn in irnu to
niret and b.ittle with soldiers not tyranniu oeer
iiiieiio au.i irix'iv.'ii worn, n ana cnuuren. We
noe with our lives iu our hunds. We arc fight-
iuk not i or oooty, nut tor liihTty ; to die:itur.ill
our iovcj houihuin laud lioru tUe horrid
le desno-
under which it has
oicu ana suiicred si
a know our duty, and will do it as so'diers
and men, ommi it Abut are d Mioni u itod 'H utu
em sympathijiers" bo arrested by the tyr.ints
that lotd it over you. Wo would s.sirn to re-
laimieny arresiirg t. nion men who hij not com
pii.-iiy iu tue mutier, nut our ret.ilia:ion will be
upon solilieu. l et not the non-comha'an's of
yoiir cummumty lie further excited by any fear
oe.i n.; bin ii-iuri u.rui; nn union nieu who
r.i.iy nave lei, n unc on our account may s.tfeiy
te.lilrn. In wiip .l.ll.,j .l,.,,,i.Mn .1...
The brave sons of our beloved land, so fir,
have triumphantly resisted tlie crnel rrn,.,l.. ,o'
onhsra v.indals; and ve Ir it in Ood tuat she
our "Dixie" m ay soon stand foitu before the
woru n reorganized Ilepu'ihc tho grave of
patriots and too nojie o! rreeuien.
I- A. Syim rv.CoI- i'ouiu inding, C.S. A
K. B. U KoRiiy, LiciiU.naut-Coionel.
J. Wai.kcii Tavi.op.
Of Muj. Oen Uuckner's Com., C. S. A
Ttie. Ilnnlrei.y Men una tti llrnrt.
The Albany lr:M,i,j Journal of Saturday
' r-andi'ord had a long consnlta'ion
wiih tioveinor feymour, to whom he detailed
tbe result ol his to Wasnine;un, and ! tic de
cision eouo to by tho D p.-.rtiucn: oa Uio
ipii sti. n ut isin:. Tho exoeo atioa uj.v is, frm
me visit just conclu led, taat will be now
. ders is-ncd, which will tend to too speedy
oriruniaiion of various militia regiments, and
tntir prompt departure for wash uton. jv
rriior t'l.iur, it is s'- tt.j l, will issifj circular
in a lew diys, winch will -oivey to the public
all the iulorni.iiion l.'iey desire relative to th j
e xenipti. r. of the htm Jred-iUy mea from the
The follow!n ; is thi answer of the War Dj.
partnunt to tho priest made ty Cenut'al and-
1 )rd :
"Wilt I)t!l'AHTM.MT, W.lsrlN'tToa City, Jill
2, 18i4. M.ijor-O. "eial Cinries W. S uidford,
twnuiunuiiig New YorK taru Mi'itia :( moral :
By direction ot the t-ecretary of tV ir, I mclise to
jouacopy of the opinion or tho Hoilcitor of tho
War Department uptin the sahj-et reterrel to in
your leiit-r to tho fc'ecret iry, sv'u directs me to
sa.. that ha coincide in tho views of ens la'V
iken i y tho iior.aml triatsajald aay of thi
New Voi k lull, Ha niu-tort'd into server! under
tbe reeei.t cull oi tbe Fr-rwuleori be wmle
in the service, and claim exempt on oa that
ground, Hie case, will bo determined id accord
ance wi h the tenor of i!iu a t of Corigrjss as in
toipreted by the fioitciior iu the aforesaid opimo i.
"1 he Hecrei.iry further directs me to say that,
as the riais of in' i'lt in the service at mo
of tbe diS't are dcum i hy the act of CoiiK'.-ess.
he conceives it an necessity lor the Oeoar: niut
to mukj a iy order oa tho suije.'t uutil some
cl.iini or real controversy shall arise.
"I am, U.;nerul, very respecifuliy, yoitc obe
dient servant, c. A. Ina,
"Assistant Secretary of War."
The righting Mr iiut if t:ai(lnl.
According to the Isjudon Spectator, which de
votes an elaborate article to '.he subject, the avail
able flghilng slrenih of Knglaud is small. Nomi
nally, ihe.-e are M (WO regular troops, 102,00.)
miluiu, and HiO.OOJ volu'ituors, but really n t
moie tban 50,000 are ava.Ublo lor foreign ser
vice . d ot tntse out 2o,0u0 would be troops of
tlie line. The Kxstatcr adds :
"Kven :bnt the mliltla tad vrduntiers
would sulllce to ileifcu I (Tea. Britain aud It
won d he maiiness ti leave them 1 1 thoras-'lvuj
jnsupporif d hy regular iro ps tuere would still
rtmali Iroiand to ba ftairiione.l, and thodipow
to be taken lutoacrount. io practice no geuural
who w. suIm) a po.itlean would, unless tue c-iin-try
were in extremis, leave. Iroiaud .v.thout a
gunlHou ji'20,isi0 men, or remove the U lards, or
nu equivalent force, beyond tbe U nits of Uroit
bnutin. 1'bis is a deduction of 32,000 men to
bt-Rin with, and if we roi tiueJ a rcusonao e .ro
portion between the d tferent arms of tho sjry. -e,
counted, foi lustauc, as we ought to do, rive m m
of the line to one of i vory oilier arm, the co.ititry
bas scanrly a force of s'U.OOJ men avalla'iie to
me. t a sudden foreiuu leuund. It cju d ml
s- nd inu :h more thaa that number, for iustan.'e,
to defend Denmark, or prevent the invasion of
Hoi and, or r. sist ms annexation of Ko.'gluua.
"All tfil- while the eo intry !e paying, u employ
round numiMTM mi l nth r uudersuito the e tso,
14,000,000 sterling a year for the malaeniuee
cf its a. my. Tu t: is, in othor words. It is ptvln,'
l(i a ytar for evry regular soijier hov eiu-
foyed on tho gsrr'-ons of tireat liiiialu and
iiland, every soldior r. t lined at homo co-cin,'
on an average ihe k )ep c!' eibt agricultural
labonrs or three rkiilod nrttmus, lio bi nsjif
being all th whil" strtrtlya uoa-pi-ivlucer i
beiug who, if he does not defend ns, is not only a
loss but a nuisance. Whenever tuis expense
is pn before the department-, tbu r;gular habit
Is to deny the facts, to nuoto tho whole number
of ihe army upon tbe mu-ror-roll, and the
whole amount ot caih voted for its support,
and assert point blank that every soldier c ists,
when iorinient..
and every other expense are included, about tl H)
a year, that it has always been so, and ih it I:
will leiuam so to tho end oi lime. esiiin tie
presupposes that a soldier must cost about t l a
week bis cost as a laborer In his cott lira boln '.
say 4n. a week or the highest average rate paid
to ihe skiilo.l workman, in itself a larr d un tnd
upon tbe credulity and tho purses of B itish tax
payers. In reality, however, the demand is much
irrcatcr, for the estimate is mado ao entirely with
out regard to tho Indian budget, which bears the
whole expense or the Indian army, wa;:os, depart
nc ins, ordiinncn, clothing, transport, and depots
which in fact absorbs nearly one-half the army as
completely as if it were a foreign country.
Time remain the colonies, which, lu obedience
pe.rily to real necessity and partly to exees-ive
reluctance to irritate ibe colonists, we still carri-
wm at our own expense, but taking the force em
ployed lor their detense at L'i.oon men. we an
spend more than 14,000,000 on 110,0 J soldiers,
or i:i per man. Meanw hile the Kuipuror of
the French retains the control ef 01)0,000 men, all
Biuuiioiu ior torcutn service, ail more or less lit
for duty, and more or loss thoroughly trained,
for KI,(KKi,000 sterling or 05 a man. He con
trols Europe lor half tlie money it takes to make
onr skulking clearly visible to the world, and ho
all the while has to pay the ollicers, to whom we
sell commissions at a price which leaves tlmir
pay a very moderate interest en the money in
vested." A boy thirteen years old. in Hartford
drowned himself on Monday in order to escape
tbe cruel treatment to which he was subjected by
his father. It seems that the latter had long been
harsh to ibis boy, as to others of his family, and
that the boy told his mother that he should drown
himself. He was afrain whipped by his father
very severely on Sunday mornins. On Monriar.
when he went in bathing with other boys, be
told them also of his iutcution to drown himself,
l ut they (bought lighdy of his threat, and did
not believe, even alter his refusal to come out
when they did, that he really meant to drown
himself, it ut when thev came out. he rmaln.l
la deliberately went out Into deep water, aud
NMelnl to Th livening Teletrrwyih.
WAHHisnroN, August The hint from the
army brings hut little no s. All bus remained
quiet since the fti;ht on Saturday. Tho Kebels at
first refused tho fl ig of truce, to care for the dead
and wounded who wero between tho lines of tho
two armies, firing on all who appro whed.
Finally they granted one, and all wero cared for.
Hid lu the t'apiurrd Kurt.
A deserter says tho 1st South Carolina Rerl
ment was the regiment oa duty at tho Rebel fort
blown np in front of Petersburg. It w is for
merly of Jenkins' old brigade, and was coin
man Jed by Colonel II igood. At tho tune of tho
explosion tbe regiment numliered but t vo liuii
dnd and fifty men, having been badly cut up in
previous service,
A Hqanrt of Rrhrl Cavalry.
last night at about 8 o'clock some two linn
died Kcbel guerillas, suppo-od to be of Moneby's
command, made their appearance at a point
three miles above Kockville, having crossed the
river at Nolan's Ferry.
A Sk-itrn t Rorkvllle.
l'arties living in that viciuity imagining that
these guerillas wero tbe advance guard of a largo
invading force, Immediately skedaddled, aud their
reports caused some excitement in this direction.
Troops were sont from here last n ght to inter
cept the Rebels, but they wore uo-vhoro to tie
found, having returned to the Virginia side of
the river.
An orderly camo hurrying Into Hevliin tr ers,
a' a late honr last niht fiom Fort Reno, near
TeDally town, and reported that the Kebals were
advancing In large force In the direction of Ton
allytown. Doe Investigation showed that the
report had no foundation whatever.
Tbe Kehail l'rom nt t'hinrlntn.
We learn from a well informed party who left
Charleston a few weeks atto, that Chariestoa
barbor is g.irris. nr. by tho following llotwl
trtxips: 1st South Caro'lua Artillery, Colonel
Rhett ; 2d South Carolina Arti .ery, Colonel
Frederick ; 1st South Carolina Iafantry, all of tbe
Confederate regular service ; also the 32d Uoorgia,
aud IHih Mississippi.
tin silierniisu'a Ariuy.
Advices from General Sherman's army, stale
there has been no lighting.
Nreinl to The Evruluw Telenraph.
WssniNoroN, August 2 An apparen ly well
inform. d deserter from I.eo's army, who has
arrlvtd within our lines, states that the Rebel
troojM operating in the Shenandoah valloy are
those of Early's and Breckinridge's commands.
liurly's troops were ibe first seut up the valley,
and on tbe evoof starting they drew rations for
eighteen thousand men. Brocklarldge's com
maud, which followed, numbered ahjnt ten
tboDsand men. There is no truth, he tays,
In the report ihe raiders have been
ined by A. F. Hill's Corps ; for, np to Tuesday
last, Hill's troops were iu the iutianchntents at
The published statement that Anderson's and
Heath's Division were detached from before
Petersburg and sent to Richmond to look after
General Hancock, leaving only A. P. Hill's Crps
within the defenses ut Petersburg, is also incor
rect. Heath's and Audinson s Divisions com
pose Hill's Corps, and they were In the defenses
of Petersburg at tho time of the fighting on
Tbe report haa reached Wasbing'on that a
prty of Rebels, supposed to be of Moseby'f (tang,
Jtsttrdoy captured the Frederick stage and pas
sengers, just beyond Claiksburg, in Montgomery
fonniy.and later iu the day souio of our forces
encountered them In Clarksburg and a fight
en. tied, the resu.t of which has not been learned.
ii:nti ri no tn iia ikeh.hbi'km.
Ciiamiii'.iisii' no, August i We are well sup
plied w ith provisions here at present, and all sup
plies should bo of a hind that will preserve.
There is (treat nant of clothlagand b 'dding.
(Signed), A. K. McCm ub,
J. A. Kvsiuu,
Wm. McCihu.vx.
Keaaltnn tlon nt a Nnrxcon-tJenerat.
HaiiiusHvitii. Aiitfust 'J. Suraeon-Hen'Ta!
Kin resinned, and Is succeeded bv the fur.
nicr Assitunt-SurgeonUcncral, Josepn A I'm
ips. of Pittsburg.
uonerui Kinir retires wrtn tnn run conn icnce
and esteem of every member of tho Stale Hoy
ernmcnt. lie will at ouee resume the praetico of
his profession ut Pittsburg.
The Ueaolatloaa of Vt'nr.
A correspondent of the Nashville Vnion, who
has explored the region passed oyer hy Sherman's
army, says :
' " From Chattanooga to Marietta there is pre
sented to the eye one vast sheet of misery. The
fugitives fiom ruined villages or deserted fields
seek shelter iu the mountains. Chios sacked,
towns burnt, iKipulation decimated, are so mny
evioences of the fem ful guilt lhat rets upon the
chiefs of tills most wicked and causeless Rebel
lion, All along the roads are great wheat-Holds
iu which no sickle will enter; crops sutlteltnt to
feed all New F.uglaud are to be lost for want of
"Tlie owners have been driven Into the Rebel
army by a merciless conscription, und the blacks
have been sent further routh. I saw enourjh of
this country to get a most vivid ami painful iin
pressionof tbe horrors of war. '1 ills Is a beau
tiful country,' exclaimed a friend, as his eyes
tor the last time looked upon the gentle tin
duUitione cf the vaiicye, terminal iux iu
the windings of tbe rivers, ilauked by the
luajesiic barriers of the mountains. The entire
cotiuiry, lu almost every roud of it, is a battle
held, trodden over by both armies. Ia every tow n
the more public buiidiuKs aud the more eouspi.
cuous residences have been devoured by lire or
riddled with shot and theil. Used at headiiiar.
teis, nr for Rebel coinmlssnry stuns, or occupied
by prominent Rebels, such buildings have become
singled out for destruction. In some instances
churches have not escaped. They have been
s tripled for tire wood or converted iulo barracks
and hospitals, lu the towns one Is struck with
the abacuee of young; men and men ia middle life.
Fences ere demolished, and here and there a
lordly mansion stands aa unsightly ruia."
iFATH or jonv (iniufl, ni.
We repret to announce the tlcceorcof Jodw
(littno, Esq., which occurred about noon to
day at his residence, hi West Walnut street,
lie was apparently In good health, but woe
seiicd this morning with apopleiy, which ter
minated fatally, notwithstanding every effort
of medical skill.
Tnr. I-ttc Captaim F.i not r. At one o'clorh,
this afirmoon, tha nm tins of tho l ite Captain
Thomas II. E llott, of General Gea'y's stufl', were
laid In state In IndepcnJeuce Hall, where they
were visited by a large number of the friends of
the deceased.
The hxly was In nn alr-tlghl coffin with g'as
face, and covered with the American llag. The
sw ord of the deceased and tho s.ecl enifrav ng
were placed on the lid of the coMit. Members
of the 2St and JK'-.h Pennsylvania R :gimeut
n. ted as the gnurd of honor.
The oniuiiitee appomied at Ibo mectini? of th
associa ts of tho deecocd rcpor edtho following
resolutions, which woie adopted
U'.i-.a, A hrocirom.rr an. I so:tller,f'ira:ri Tl.-int.
II Kill-it. A. A. ii., i nir. aai'i iicn ti. i a-i's-e.. ..1
wlir lua hrul aiilnt icl that dilljr rul t'l I I 11 ; a. 1. 1
eViMij. bv hia ninity vinuea rir ha, ,iaa.,'d rt .lavlf tu
s an a . .miii.iint., an, I i .l.rr. tlicr.a'.r
.''.4(Wv.r, Tiiji on tin. so emu d iv ami ihh aol.'tun o - 'a.
a on, Ihe irl, vr.l iVln.u o tl,,. uinrni,..! . i.tcn Kiliou
liav., mri tovrther l expr.a ihelr hcart'.'it T wllnus und
.1, fp Sll.1 at Ini. auu I.MI. c,I nut .UU'tp. lie I lel avlll ir.
H- ."rr.t, 1 !ial hpi. hi It a .1.1 en,.m,liri. .1 1.,
to hau l .1, wu lo .i.-rlv tl v,' ua ( fii br.lve. l-dl-r
Ik. lis. e,irar-,l Mni..'ir ( a.l b l knew 1 m f.v
wnmirnly r,.y, -Brlei, ljr.;, aid glcrsius . b.a
I'uuua car, r.
Thh lnrT. Last week Trovcst Marshal
Yaidley received tho detailed quotas for the
townships and boroughs of Hacks county, and
the three wards of Philadelphia, under the cill of
the President for oOO.oo.) men, Issued July 18,
v'A. The quota of tno whole District is 2S0S;
ol ihc!e Ducks county Is r. quired to furnish KiJJ,
tho Tweniy-second W.ird 4 II, tbe I'we'i'y-Unrd
Wnrd 404, und tho Twenty. Hub Ward 301.
The rrspecilvo quotas of the sub districts of
Hueks eouuiy uro Kiven helo.v. C redits lor ubout
UOO ineu in the whole district have been allowed
the excess io former calls on the part of Hu ks
cmnty allowed thus far Ixing alAjui 452. l)e
dueilii thec credits t rum tho number assigned
to each mh-tlistiict, tho quotas still to lie li'l-d
aro caily asceriained. The matter now stands
ns follows :
tlw.:. C-.-.i.'. Eur.
77 4 73
. v 7 ;k)
. W 13 30
. oo io so
. 7.5 10 . M
i. 31 2ii 3
i. 37 3.'! 4
.31 (', M
.67 13 it
. 10 22
. 70 21 4i
. 40 IS 81
.41 13 28
rc it; 3
, l"o fiduo. 110
. 20 2 ifi
. 4' M 42
, 'J7 15 12
17 7 10
.21 9 15
, fli in ns
. 50 21 38
. tvr 13 o3
. 20 H 12
.. H'l C 80
.. CI 15 40
.. 3o 4 31
.. (in 21 ii
.. 2 44
.. 67 IS 30
,. 21 19 li
.. 23 U 14
,. 21 10
,. '2o 7 10
1002 4.'.2 1130
Tbistol borough
llristo) township
Dovlestown borough...
1 )nj lest, iwn township, ..
Lower Xakerleld
t'ppt r Makefluld
Moi rlsvlllo
New Hiltaln
New Iliqie Imrotltch
Newtowu boronch
Niw onii township
Not katiiixon
Uuekertown borough...
hob l.ui)
T nl. oni ,
Certain townships, however, claim to have pus
in in. re men ului r lornit r tuns man Kiev n tvo
neiived credit lor. These cud ns aro at fo
low: Jlillord, 27;R'Chland, 7; Ruhhill, 27;
Hilltown, 1; 'luiiiaie id. 7 ; .No eburv, 1 ; Buck
iuslain, 2; Uensalem, 3. Total, 7o. A u'..
n.i nt of these cut ins has bo. n for ir.le.l to head
quarters at W.iSbmgton, and when they uro
allow. d eiedlt will lie given to the districts eon
etrned accordingly.
Coihdi:ncb (iamb. This morning a green
individual from Chester coun'.y was swlndiel
ont of $20 in the following m inner: Upon
arrivina iu the city, be was me by a sh.kiier, vho
rxiended to him many courtesies, rho country
man accompanied lis new-iutdo acqiaiutau e
to ibe i citbi.ornood. f Third and Chos mc stree s
and, durinit the ulk, enntted In conversation
as though they weie old trhuds. i:pou nrrivinv
at this pomt, the sharper suddenly rocollec ed
that hi bad a bid lo pity, but hud left his purse
nt home. Ho requested his eaiiipanion to loan
him th" m ney, and as they were b ah going the
same way, he wonid py him as somas he ar
rivi d at his residence, but a tew squares di.t tut.
The money wa b uded ov. r, and ih.) sbirpu.
wont into a hui ding. Niaying rather long, th i
ouutrynian ih ought he would go in und sea t,eiuined bliu. Up .n eutoiins;, ho fouud
that tho shnrper had pass d thro igb t in hiid.liog
and taken bis depart ire through a huckeuira ico.
Elei'iomania. This is a new word, the vulgar
nuaningof which is s'eallnir. In England it is
in quite common use, aud is applied tj tho pe plu
of got d ttJiidln who h.ive a manU for taking
ibb gs which do not belon J tl them. It has been
praubed to some ex eut here, or something very
like it, i human y call .1 b. name. Only a
few nays since a lady of very ro-pee.table connec
tions a arrested mion 'he II r hus'iaod
i ppared, aud stated that uotwiihsiaudinit she
hud lull mid plenty ut homo, yet sue would in
duce in Ibis evil habit,
TukOkb Hi Nuitsoru Pi.insyi.vavia Voii'!-
tbhis. The lot owing is a Hi. of tlie canaille
in the 100th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Dtrilett's
Brigade, of Ledlle's Division, during tho recent
stoimtng of Pcershurg:
rap.alnW.C. Oliver, Co UiLleiitenvnt B.C. Ciavtn,
Co. k, kincd.
si aj -r I li'imas O. Iluunton, io cotumaud , wonn.ld soil
a pi i.,.i fr
A.tjU'diii H. .'fn'c l.'iaaurG, aou jf .lieCVl mel, pnsoa'.ir,
altl lo Uc allKl.tly w,iii,l, 4
Cfcttimin Niuniaa M is,-sll. .'o. IT, l aptaln Mjl'aetars,
Co. M, Lien ciianl, Co. 11. w, uiis,l.
Private J'lhn M Cstllluu, ul'l'lil aelphla, nnsoura
The Chops. S lies of tho new crop of oats,
Ihlity pounds to the bushel, have been mado at
elthty ceius per hiishol in this city. The young
clover In wheat and mowing fields ha sullered
sever, li from ihe diought. Home farmers will
plough np their wheat-stubble for corn next
spring. The late shower was very beneficial to
coin und potabics, and ploughs have airea ly
hem started in many fields before the ground
dries up agnln. A raibcr poor crop of corn ia
autiripat. d, hut on the whole farmers aro pretty
well sutisiitd.
Dahino Tuievi.s. A gentleman, in company
with somefilonds.paidavisityosterdajaftcnioo i,
to Beliiioi.t Cottage, near the Columbia Bridiu.
Wliile enciifi d in conversation, a woman seated
herself beside him, and succeeded lu pieKing his
pocket of a watch and chain. Ho was complain
ing of his loss, w hen throe men, accomplices of
the thief, came np and asked him If ho intended
to charge ihe lenuile with the theft. He ma lu
no reply whereupon they fell on him and beat
him in a most shocking manner, Indicting sotno
serious wounds in his head and face.
Phowmku. This morning, the body of a boy,
aged about sixteen years, who was drowned in
the Spring Gurdcn Water Works, was recovered,
and the Coroner notified to hold an inquest. He
was swimming at the time, which ia in direct
violation ot the law, as no swimmers are allowed
iu this locality, the place being too public,
A man was also drowned ut tlie same place on
Biiudny hist.
The CoiNt i i. Tkooi1. The company of raou Wed
men raised at the expense of the city of Philadel
phia, and pluced under the command of Captain
Robert Kvans, are now emploved as scouts, aud
doing duty at Gettysburg and Kinmetisbiirg.
The men are all well and have done valuable
service, haying captured a large number of
Bepokted Mt RbER. A rumor was current
lust night that a man had been murdered near
the Nnvy Yard. The story originated from tha
fact tliut a civilian and a sailor got into a diili
culiy, during which the former struck the latter
a blow, rendciiug him senseless.
Tu a Police. This morning tbe Lieutenants
of the several To lice Districts did not make their
usuul reports to the Mayor, on account of the dty
beiug bet apart for tlie holding of the sueeiui
Kkciu-itino). This morning, warrun'.t were
drawn by the Muyor for the payment of the city
bounty of H0 to Hi three years' recruit.
WADT)ot nrv FewoMssTTTo. Ana-ijonrned
mcci log of tlie delegates representing th Warsl
Roomy Fnnd was held last evening.
The report of the quota cf tbe Second District
wss thru read. It Is as follows :
H Quo Cr.(t.
Kind 100M 4
.rvetit'i H2 Pl
t-.igh'b 434 33.1
Ninth 44M 270
tenth 610 131
Mr. Philip II. Lutts, fJecrettry, said that the
n port of heTbiri District would not be ready
etfore Thursday.
The quota oi the Flghteeoth Ward was re
ported nt ,1''"-.
Mr. K. K. MiKer then offered tho following
t rios oi resolutions :
It. ..rrrf, That wt rvrrni.nd to lhl CTi-nnUttrsf a'h
w a. 4 id p.oeure at oi,.'f ns iipi aintiusi.t ,r a c..iuit-iit
inn.lrrli.K iim, r. mi. wh fan n shall b io II. o Ward,
rait i
o nant
A. ,
iiiin, a
luirr mm m rrcruil oil iva'dent ea.a w ira.
1 n la ik Uutj of a. n wan) c-.uimi-.f to
am, io raiidci iiienn.jrts ut Cic m.iatsn is lieu
1, i h. ths "islr ip,olnt rl y rrrrritn rvim-
I t,l sv-n, Hli.,e d'itls It aliall (. I I .n ii' tl,a
-.1 -ii. ,i mn.iri in- ii.'iit.Miaii.N aa :r'v t,.ay leein
r.ivlia.hai rr-rmt only o.,n r-si l.'iitt .ifthscltv, lo
i f '! .llic.l l, Hie Waril ,r wsrils that hsvo at the Urn.- :h
r' K a. ,411111 iv 1 , -w n H 1.
.r,..rr,r, I liat -t .hall I s ( dutv if stlj a tit en' R
cn i-ipt i .,1111111 to rnj- r Ihr .T;rts of tie uiuqtrrl ic
lit in. Hants vfflclriil.
A,, hrit. 1 1 ai lit I'll'. " fea.-ii. o-irn Ps "h srh-. r'otl.
. nn,,.-, .mi .in. .. ia, 1, -it. .us 01 1 -riuiiuf
1. zluu 110 . It r.-.Mie...l (, 1 in Ids e mi.iiur. tr.aa ,o
cm 11, u r, r malr. lal fer inch re. imsnls, an. 1 10 direct
.im ',11111.. 1 in 11. 11 u ,v j in.- u, ii.' i. ri 1, i'i- ibr J 'Irs.
i.i.lio.e rm:niliiiij fjr Ihe .aefil of ilia Wirjs whltb nuat
11, .i a.i
AV,iiI Tliat th Ward "ommlitast of Ih fwyCro
iiinire. i. aurnrsiiv rr.pirt .i t., r, liii M 1 . vtv
Urn an.ints ho a:,n!l re lift t .la. a f.rl,..l J.'ii t?
thr ra. lots p.. or Im alioli w rf.r with any muntsriof
.'. iT'i.1,1,11.,1,. ,i,ii,iiii(v nniiHii .a.iy.
1 no snnjeci w co'i inne.i at longth. It was
pern rally discussed, many delagat-s opposing the
tirt resolution, and le-iring it -irl.seu out.
The Couvemlon at length adjjurued to this
Tin: Waren Wohks. This morning the water
in the S.'huylhill was so low that ouly throe of
tbe twelve wheels ia the engine-house could be
lun. Although there was no scarcity of wa or,
yet there was a nut.h less quantity in tbe several
basins than upon ordinary ocras'.ons. Tha
nn asurement of the soveral reservoirs, as taken
this morning, exhibited thit the Fairmoant
Basin contained ih.rlecn feet of water; Kensing.
ton Woik, eleven fcot ten laches; Corinthian
venue, twemy-sevea feet live mches; Spring
oi'iuiii, uiirtcj let ieiKiii uieues.
This shows that ihe Falrmount basin Is down
eighteen inches, Corintliim avunuo thirtceu
iiiciies, iiensihgton e ghi inches, tn.l .Spring U tr
den vvorks eibt inches. The Fainnonnt
is i-apntue ot bold ag twenty-seven millions gai
Ions of water, KeiiHing.on eight millions. Co-in
ihlan avenue forty millions, aud Nprtng Garden
iiusiti nine millions.
Ibe improvement to Ihe Delaware works la
progressing rapidly. One pier is uo-v lu p-siition,
wuiio iiuoiner ,s oeing iraineu. ine supply m
wutrr from the-e woi ks. owing to tho irrajt tten.
tion paid I bem by the Chief Engineer, is m aen
berter than Ur-iml. During the present s.'a'ou uo
eompiaiute have thus lar been main of the
scarcity or Impurity of the water. 1) irl ig these
exceslvo wiirui d iys our i Itiiens should not
allow any waste water to run. Tho la-v which
probibiis the w ishing of pavements between the
hours ot 7 A.M. and 7 P. M. will be enforced
until iho tir-t ot October. ir Savno rs os Raisiso thr Piiila.
dklphia Qcota. The nndersigned respectfully
rt commends tha: the citizens of each Ward com
mence with the greatest despatch and en' hu lima
rahlng a company of one year's men, under
efticlont cfllcers, either of their o vn in lepen j 'nt
-eieellon, or of lis adopiion at Ibe Instance of
some orgnnUation engaged in raising a regiment.
Kv r w.u I, ly tamest action, can soou fid lis
company to itsown credit on he quota. T;io aggre
gate sum will amount to more than two tuou-atud
v.iluiibers. A3 ftlcicut W.ud can ruia.. mum
than one company a' a time when the Govern
ment nerds men lur immediate anion.
S'gird, 1). Saunohrs.
. Tub West Gii.f StiuAOHON. Tho United
Btates supply steamer Bermiidu, Acting Volnn
tttr Lieutenant J. W. Buiiih comm inding, will
tail from the 1 hdaJelphii Navy Yard ou Thurs
day. llih Instant, for theWestOnf Rquulron.
jn p. r ona ur-iriDg i) send aciiera, nnxea, duii
tiles, Ac, to offttere or teamen in the said somd
ion, eau have them taken free oi charge, by hav-
u g mem on ooaru pu r to tne day or sailing.
Honokaiiv CiiHTtFictTES The local Pro'O
Miirsha s have pow in their hands h mcrary ;cr.
tltlcstes of per on tl repreentiitIon for tho vrmv
oi ihe UnltidStitis. Thoy have just been issued
ny me uoveruuiep;.
Tnoors Pashiso Tmroiou The Cd Mtssi
cbuse ts Volunb er , numheiing 013 men, will ar
ilve at the foot of Washington street wh .rf this
atterneoo at 4 o'clock, and w II lie e itenained at
the b,.lootis betoie proceedings m h.
AwAinno Thial The Camden Jail contains
about iwen'y per-ons who ara waiting trial oa
tiiaigts ot various coaructer.
Tua Chahhershchq Bank. A letter front
George R. Messersmitb, Caohler of the Cham.
Ursbuig Usnk, to Jay Cooke & Co., states that
all the books and effects of the bank were safely
n moved. The hank loses n .th ng but the build.
it r, and the wal s of this yet st nd. an I Its busl
ne-s will UMiu move on In Its acastimed w.iv
I he cireuia'ion is purchased by tbe brokers on
ne same terms as that of Hirrtsburg Lthannn.
and niber first-class country hn ks. Tso Cha n
i.ersnuig i-, cue ui our strongest and best-
niauui-ea instiiunone.
Mattiiesses Spring, hair, and busk mtttre-t.
ses made to order, and old m ittrotaes made over
again, ut W. Hemy Ptiten's West End aphol
siery stole, No. 1108 Cbesnut street.
We havb bt par tiie largest stock and best
assortment of Clothing in Fhiludnlrhla, com
prising all dcsliahle styles of goods, fries
medium jrtce to superfine. E.g. yens can be
aecumieiy niit-a at ouee irom our stock, what-
v. r be his size or pr p r Ions, In g.inne us e uial
n all respecis to woi k m ide to me-ure. at natch
wwer pnrrt. rot miom) woo preter, we nava
a so a complete a-sortment of piece goods, which
will be made up to measure in a tyl a passed
by none. BasvurT & Co.,
luivsii hai l, rso. 018 Market street.
Ti'fcSDA y, August 2. B isianss of all k'.uds is
much depressed, owing In a measure, m the ei
essive beat of the past few days.
Quercitron Bark is scarce, aai No. 1 is limd
t ft.VO ij ' ton.
Small talcs of Cotton at JrT'fjjfjj l tU f)r mid
dlings, at which it is held linn.
In Sieds (hero is but ll'tle oo'ng. Virail sales
of Clover a' 81 lf 15 1J" 04 lbs. ; stlet of T!ino;hy
at S5, and Flaxseed a $1Qi 3 05, but traaiactlons
ave been unimportant.
Provisions are very rmict but firm.
There is very little doing in Flour, which is
held at yesterday's figures; only about 400 bar
rels Jenny I.lnd, extra family, were taken upon
terms not made public. To the trade small tale
were made at $'Jea9'- lor superfine; 371(
0-75 for extras; ?flii(all 00 fur extra family.
Nothing doiug in Hye Flour or Corn Meal.
Wheat continues in steady demand, with fur
ther sales of 4(A'o000 bn-hcls good old red at $'2'50
iJ bush , $2-.r5 for new Pennsylvania, and 2 G1Q
1M15 for Delaware ; white ranges from tf2-(i0
275. For new Hye 175 1 bush, is asked, and
for old $'l-80. Corn is In bettor ilivaiand ; sales of
3000 bushels yellow, alloat, at $173, and about
1000 bushels do., iu store, at $176. No change
in prices of Outs,
Whi-ky is held with more firmness ; small sales
of Pennsylvania and Ohio barrels at $180.
1 -
Fteamalilp Nutniac, lukr, is lunira arum Boatoa, with
lutlat uud paaa.'liara In 11. Wltlaur.
Ilar.iu su KbkId. llowaa. Is dUtyt froia Omlillla, wltlr
guano t.i 'lli.iuaaa Wanton at Houa. , .,
fc. lir Kvoliue l.aiikSllii, 12 .lava from Havana, With oil
Irtn and tobacco to ti. W. Barnad.Hi ai Km,
a. hr lilaiuond Kt.ile. still, 9 days Iroul l',u.
. tin grain lu Jajus ilarimU. . .
! - at waliTirTiwst.' ' -'
fcamue Linda, Lihdaey , Irom Maa,
Rtprledor Tto cvtt Mra'1'- v ;i
H tv tpa-Hi'br E l''i. I.itoar'il!" VA o' 1 ir.,a V) bV ,
fbaecu iiamt u Kur.iAJou a Uto; lb bales loto M
gatiatsr . kl .sgsj . d. . , , j , , fc
OiiKE or Tua Rvriwa Tntroi.rn,
Tuiday, 4uwo.t i
The Money Market eontinnef easy, and loan
are freely offered at 6 per cent per annum oil
call, Tlcst patier ia selling at from 7J np to f
per ctnt. ,
A despatch from Washington this morning
says :
The receipts for the new 7-.30 loan yesterday
were 8 lOti.goO, making a total for four day of
f I,o76,960, or over $1,000,000 per day. Only tha
nearest points have as yet been heard from, and
no report has been received from the West.
The Block Market continues dnll, bat steady,
and the sales are limited. Owcrnment secerltleX
are rather quiet, and prW are l Ann ; 5-8 H
sold at 107(ij al07,; 7-30s are quoted at 108. an
6s of 1881 at from 106J(al07. .. .
There is very little doing In Rmiroad share
and tho market ia quiet. Pennsylvania sold at
73L Reading is quoted at eejfaMW,, Cauwlsssl
referred 8HJ(n4tM, North Peansylvaoia 1111,
Philadelphia and Erie 33g4, aod Long Istaha
at 48ifo.60. Sales of new C.ty 6s were made t
106 and old at KM 4. ,
In Dank shares there is very Utile doing, but
tbe market Is Arm 156 was bid tit Hortli
Amer'ca, 64 for Farmer' and M chanby ', 6.J
for Commercial, 3fl for Pennsylvania Town dilp,
79 for Western, 27j for Manufacturers' nd Me
chanics', 65 for Tradesmen's, and 32 for City. '
There is very Utile doing In Gold, and the may.
art la steady at the advance, opening at 1-57 1 sold
at 2fi4 at hnlf-post 10; 157 at 11. and 257 at U.
rUIUlDBl.rUlA STOCK EXUltaVMIlsaAIaata,aiH. t.
ponatl By CUrkmia A Uo., Hroaara, M. Hi g. Taar C
... . BerOKB UOARDS. jaciuwnny.... 'i Au ak Httk Ofl.k,. V
itsi.b do 1
S( 7tinali I,amoFt.Hl Oil l "J
IU' in Rsa.luul tl. it, tit1.
SOD ah Moa aura.. o4 7j
jw io 00 ,
sua. VI. n. O-HW , 7-
triei rio rt..io7
linsi eo
"JSeCItt 11C
f'MOt am. a Aba....llll
fits I. Chv Sa, ovr 70..1. It.
."' C1iy.nw iisiu
SMSSitl btUi SI losji
li'HOAil.'. Va'k- no',
X ta tsh. V f...6 8dV
) ah ay ju
a., an nnrrwe'SA,,., 9f
IS th S Am r.eaa Iu. awt
S"0s InCrMt .... tjj
PthOana a m...l7 i, H. a...bki .tii
lUO ah Otitis. sa. , .ih ds2
lew ik Oil Oiaok
porte by Ciarkaoa Si Co., Brokara, Ko. tu a. TarrS at.
t'nll.d eiaC4. ISKt.tnt rr.,
17 ''. 0tm4 Ca.
ork l.iai.d HHna4..
..i'lSS aiai
Old ' II. IV
Haoli,( Kal mad ,
lllinmt rntral ItaJlroad...
Oulrna Rallnmd
Kw Yrk Cciilral Hallroad,
Krl Itall.oad ,
tr aa.oo Kallroad
(lo S
tlah-rS SutM &-.SS) ,
tiS. kte h aajaa
..... .. bid ' l?s aJs
..... .. l ( - MX ask
...,1.101a-bM li. uw
:1 1XKW
DM ,. aalaaj
-...H'7 tS .M
.... Htearty. . . . Dsll. ot Uota at Ua rhilaaikla OoM Kxkane
So. S4 8. TlilrJ slraat, tsrond story i. . 0 , j
S A. M MM IH M aair
u ts :.:.:::.M7S if.i .""-"7r-i3
tlsrtst n.ajy. -. .
JrCoont('o.qnote novoraaMnt Sart;l, w,ta
mm ts say. as follows s
r Sa. ISftI
It. 8. 7 a IU Nolaa
e.7 i Iistsi
sl O roj
J-'l,. A J si,
IUTU Jl Tra.,
Catiillcalpa I lu.l. tn.dnoai
Cjaancrmaa.rr's Voosoor
k-Sti B.mrfV.V.lV.V.V.V.V.V.".'
M.Sclnrtts Co., No. U 8. Third sUal.uMrttkaiiinai.
lowing qaoiattons for Foreign Kiteliaasw msr
aturuj a, iron lloaton : , 1 "T
I ondon. en dava'aiiht. na-ffttA. fyinana, a 'a...'ani
H; Carta, IU rta.a' al, hi. jt kadf us Putts. drZ
... c. A,. i , iii-. rp. taj oays- a, tot. It It'K ; ltn,n:
) l'l, IMSai'.OO: llambora. 0 dava1 flasil. MM
"loai.e. I..nnle. It.ulin. Sll ,1a' a,h. mi. T..-l
Ham. Krslitlbrt. SO auta' a aha IivMi&a.. a-.. J. a
JSaxliw arm. ""
Tbe following stntement ahnara thai
of the Philadelphia a.nksyee.orday, as compared
with Ihe previous Monday s-. .,v J
$bl23....aiS S4,7o..ll. aitsf
.'IS.977.SIS.... 7 7r7.swo....uc.-jrj
3 Sifl.vSO.... 8,!17JS .. inc. - &
ll,; '.!Si:l.... 12. 7a..,.Ic 87evse
S.llli,. .. IHS..l)at.l(l,liHa
HlJ Hl.Jfst.... SS,SW7.l)....1aw.. hi
l el
L.tai tu. sr
llu front tiai.ka.
luatn banks...,
C r.'Ulall')
.... Ji.,aH7.... tmjM.m.lM -Jt
wing is a comparative sifccnent of
Ihe loll
the is. w i ork i ity bi.ok Rr the weeks endluat
.1.ii si u.e'io . . . .w
wHijaonuuuvi ! , i,... .1 lt t,a:A,lu,.
$IMii.s:.,;(U tW-S-'srire pse.lai o47 M
SlpecIO al.ltUJMJ . o.Ut,,aua) ln,. I-t;jtt
Circulation.... 4..1SS s 2 4,Vsl,l'M Oo.. WV.4S.I
rp"Bll HUmUUS Ia..: 4JSS.rtf
Tbe most n markable increase for tbe Mik i
in the I em of h-gai tenders, amounting to M;o,7fjrJ.
er the prevl m week. The on y Items of de ,
crrnse were ltJTaand due to banks. . ' '
There is little or nothing d.rfng hi City Paesea
ger R.ilioad shares, and prices are nominal.
Wi quce as follows. wiaam
flrrsind and Third
Fnrnce and Pine
Chi sunt and Walnut..
::::::: iiis-
f)i . t
An k sir et. .. ,
Rare and Vine
24 24
'A - '
h:dge avenne.aa. n
There la not much doing la Coal Ofl share.,
but prices are without any materiel chavige. Pr.,
dnen.g .bares are Urmly held. - a . J
Qnoiations or the priaeipal Coal and Coal '00 1
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day t , ,!:,.,.; ,
Hid .K.
rulion Coal 8 8 Mrnwal Oil,.:".?, s
a.-. ....
Bl Alomttai
II 1 a tat I 7 a? tl Uu .a ...... a .Si 1 . . '
H I VasnsUksTOl'li.
h. V AiW ('..!. 'Jit
21 fl um Putr sisama.
vir rn Ut. C al.... .'-'
N rh ti' i .... jl;
99t r I am Cml, li
oJ4il Vts OH...,,.
1 Jiioa.'a BdgrsytU ii tjJ
J ,lrvua Ol 4
.1 nn OO.W. .i 'Uf)
(Tliilon (!. s?
aieitcan Kaliii.
rvi ntVll. Inti
(llmrtl lii(( v....
tUM)d II .l.l.lUa..
( ......
At ifi- Iruii ,
lev iliitl.r u.,al.
6 iKsvstojM, Zaa..,
sat.... t iVT'
0 ! I SMiamor.. M
1 V flauell i , .
I' slcllesu.. . saw
fill lht
SS .. o.J
lilt. 0' f&i
Aa N'Mlw .u ,Mitaaulv lk 1 4i
5 K.XO-Salaa. . - t
6 KociUd. SK
Mapn tihad OiLJiV
M.Ciibi, ik Oil..., j'i
fa f. tioiOjibCu.. ..
I ajr Oil t
I ne follow ing are tbe ttcrli.ts of F'oiir aud ,
Oraiu at this port to-nay : Fl-nr, 1909 hta.,'
Wheat, A730 bush.; Corn, .1400 bash., Onia.j
27W) I uh. . ,, .
'Ibe following are the Recants of Coat OH
st this port to-uay : Crude, 312 bWs.; Itasaed,'
"00lis. .. o ,A ,inJZ',
The following is the stntement of business at
be Cub d Smtes Assay Office, at New York, fog
ti e nion h ending July"30, 1S64: 1
Detyisiis of gold l'e. ii
reign coins 810.000 , ,.
Foreign bullion
Un ted States bullion.
7..K ' ' '
180.0k) ' 1 M
jfW, i
Deposits of gold, Including pnr!hi
I-.-relgB coins 11,500
lureifoi bullion 10,000
fin id Kt.uti bnlllou (con'd In
gold) 8,K)0
I'niitd Mates bullujn (old -
coins) 2,530
. I'nl'id Stutrs bullion (Lake
Kii pel ior) 1,000
: .. t.i
. J
o J
J u.1 ' M
; .- (..
31,0 a
i r'
Total deposits, payable In bars. 9134 000
Total deooslis. navable in coins 04 Odd
Gold bars stumped Iod,oo4
Trniisniiited to United States Mint, ,
Philadelphia, forcoiuage 37,774 l
The following table compares tbe export of 'l
fpecie from tbe port of Kew York to foruira .:
Joru for tho week ending July 30, and since ..
nnuary 1, lHt4, with the corresponding period
in ius luumu juais lium mJa '.. l
1H4 .cO,018,045 1857..,.,,..8a.216.10 .
m 25.H24.2tiS 1856 2,).6 (3.i.i .
lHb'2 37,004,873 1855 ,u,968.7'Jd '
lbtil 8,258,(176 1854 20. 2t JO Ml A
1M)0 2U,7lti,5.'3 1853...... ... li,5r4,8'.!4 t
IK59 40,390,100 1852 .l$,&i,5i ,
1858 16,776,71tfi - " -'
The exports of snecia from Ban Francises,"'
from Junuary 1 to July 1, amounted to id , !
0'.'3,711. or sb,2:tn,i;t0 more tliaa during the satuej
period last year.
The Cincinnati Tones, July 30, says '-
"The illsts.uut market kas uot changed esjen.- a
tlally since our last. There is silli a fair inquiry
tor loans from legitimate sources, which Is being .
suppikdat 7(nlr per oeut. for tirst-class sigaa- .
tuna aod lllln 12 for good mercailtila tuaimy- ,
The National and chartered banks are reotrietedl "
to six per cent., but they are very choice in their
au leciious. Iht atloual banks in this citr -"
now receiving subscriptions to the new 7-30 loan,,-)
and the amount subscrlaed yesterday' footed us
SJ75.000. which is a very cliceriiirr CDtamsnrs.
ment, and the advices from tbe bavt lead Mi f 'f'.
impression tbat the whole amount put cm tho"
market wlU be tuken." - . . . -.'ar. Ji-ltirnt
i. jjj-As) I'ltni" 1 vt,pdl
OtttrlMl Itrtswtiajrsi mi Uia tsfawkb. v!iias -
lua H. 4vAai
ol an i so Oi, .y a in . io- . .
oi, x, o t, l.l, in ,io, q, i.j, o't, iroj.i... ... i -
-A.KT111. U1.A St,-A.i:not tt, a '
31. H). 13.41, 5. 41, 2i,v, WU4 n
U4 ev,"
la f -tt ai a.'ijUii-:ciCA.j i"'