The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 01, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    J . L :
a DAD.T rnumt)o a e wi atu.
citice No. ioa sTthird street.
rrsse fern earre ra Coir, or Twai.ra Ceirre Pa
ay,ea. payable to tbe Cantor, Ml nailed I auhect-roe-rs
sysjt ei the ft-ay at ut Pwxui Pea Aftctmi One Dou-ae
M-a Two atoatae. Invariably la advance for the
Ad-res-tieemeata Iriaerted t tbe meal rate., A liberal
Inurnnl aula for extenned iuwihoi.
' Tet Clot t 1 pniy.
- Ws aenVte m he tehee) of Anenrraeaa rvtaeeiealeallnne.
kate-tar u hst.nrt.-ti nr lawns n m.t be " '
lr b' name end aJiiro.ii of the fiM-f"1 ani
sjs-Mtratin,. bai a a a-iiei-anus ar h' -a'-h- Wa
fianit undeeleke la mam re-eeied CfcoiiaaoioaUoa..
Te adrrrttaw
J . te the eaa' mat" Oli-c-atatlosi of Tin
tfiaiM Ti..'",ffiHilMm to en la press at aa
carivlwtar w e'sstiS'T ft-siue-l thai ed-er-l.emtits may
he hat to a aoa aa W U -SosslbUt, 10 eeto-.
: aa liiseniea la all of ear editions
' ' MOXPAY, AV0U8T 1,
a- f- "" """"y .' m' - '
l 3- " P'feered 10 send a I'v nn TiiKsiiV
jsrrMwrt.W In t.ii-.e-trtHAviltK.lii-iir iHt, tsi'h an
Orairie.ttiisi.lhat me. h a. nt to tn-lr "'ll. . (or tlteatir.
IVrtre the lata oelamltv. 1 be nt free,
mil It JortS IUNUIiAM, Muiierlateadent.
The Military Powers of the
State to be Organized.
llABBtmivBci, Ansuat 1. The following pro
, Dlaniailun bnajtiei tyeen I. sued by the Governor:
Pmntyhania, tt.
Id the name and by the authority of the Com
. . moiiwraUh of I'etin-ylv.inia, Andrew 0. Curtin,
Oovcrcor of aaid Cnniruonwcu.'th
f Wbereaa as extraordinary occa-1 ,n roiiiircs
Umt prompt Irgla'a-iru auilcn lie bad, to make
the 11 llilnrj powiraof the Commonwon ib liniiiu
d.airl; available fur tkute aud Is utiouttl ikCeu-o.
Tliirrrorr, I, Andrew O. turtln, Onvvrnor of
tbe Cummonwaalth of IVn i) Ivuniii, by virtuu
, Of the puH-tra TCdicd in mo b tbo Constitution,
do here by convene tb Ouneral AsH-in'ilyof tliia
. Coti,nionwe .lib, and require 1I10 rnuin'M-H of tne
Srnate ai.d llon-e of Kr-preiru'aiivi-s to nnict in
tiiir n-api-t Me Ilonn-a in tbo Capitol, at 11 irrU
, tut if, on Tueoit the ninth dny 01 August, cojb
trin bundn-d ai d Nixty f. ur, nt lOo'tiock, bo-hi,
t of tbat day, litre and tbon to lo( t it-i itu upon
And adopt inch m-aaarcs muy in tln ir wi-idoni
be Ocinai.dvd bj tbe exincy of tbo ojvhmuii.
In tt-atlmony wbcroof 1 bnvo lurcmito set my
liand, and can-cd ttie trre tt seal of tlte (' nu
nionwealtli to bu alllxt-d, t II iirnlmij,', tbU
firat day of August, iniUcjcr of our I.oi d
uno thi-ui-and tijbi bunilri-l and,
audoftlie luiicpuntlcnco of tbc Uuiicd Suua
the a-ifiliiy-i.intti.
j My tbe Uovvrnnr. A. G. Cuu-ns.
Eti biiVLH, Peintaiy of tbe Coniniouwcaltb.
TDK win m;ws.
The news from the lU-bel lines la no more
r relluble than that from our own. Tue Klcli
i mood papers recently published an ofll ul
bulletin from Creneral ilooi to the Cunli-do-rat
War C filce, In which lie reported the
, acbiovement 01 A grand victory over Skkh-
MAN. . The despatch I said to have produced
- An extraordinary state ol excitement nuioaj
' the people In the Robel capital, who were
.' lifted, as one of the Richmond editors describe.,
- out of the deep and prolonged desponJuucy
And apprehension that had oppressed thorn,
; And encouraged to believe that their desperate
t cause was Improving.
, General Hood's despatch was short, but it
J Was full of confidence and flourish. lie said
, tbat our forces bad been repulsed in an attack
i on bis fortifications ; tbat be afterwards took
the offensive; that he assailed Huebmak's
- east flank at Decatur, which was ('riven b ick
, In contusion ; that the centre and west flank
of the national line were attacked with equal
I Buocess; that the Rebels got In our rear; and
... tbat tbe result of tbe action was disastrous to
1 Shkkmak, with a loss of twenty-five gun,
1 fjeven stand of colors, two thousand prisoners,
' And five hundred wagons with supplies.
That certainly was Important if truel
But, alas tor the credibility of war Intnlli
gence, eren when officially communicated by
bebel Major-Generals In the field, the des-
patch was not true, by a good deal. Shortly
After he had sent off to Richmond his first re
, port of the battle, General Uooi transmitted
: A second, In which he made some very mate
, rial corrections. In that last communlca-
lion, dated at Atlanta, July 23, he said: "la
the engagement yesterday we captured
, " eighteen stand of colors, instead of five, aud
, thirteen guns, instead of twenty-two, us
. M previously reported." This seems to have
' bad a vtry depressing effect at Richmond, as
; Appears from the following comment on it by
the Richmond Evquirtr of July 20. That
I' parr said:
7 M From tbia It will be we n tbat tbe battle boan
, onutr aucb faviai4e au-pives on r hdiy, aud
" o n inuou hi nitccniuil, wus not r-suniod on
, tint u n ay uor Sunday, U it.etul iloou, in In.
M liri.t di hpuU h utti r Hie fiKht, wnt 111 ntiikca m
to ibe number of rannon raptured by our
M troop. Tttia is a amuil maltar.
"It lie bad lulled McI'kkkkon, and driven Siif.k.
Hh at ro tl e C'u.-tlubo.n bee, we sUould have
'. n tHB totitt nt wiibout tjkinK aunor h iriioni-r.
A- tar as we are aide 10 poiit-irutu Into tbe stute
of uttam. tlie chief fruitaol' i-'riday ' oiwrati.ina
aic, we infer, ik d e prevented tbe meuiy froat
tnvtlipuiK AtlJuta from tbe cac. Ilia po-ilion
M tt and north ot ibe town is unchanged, or, if
cbanf i-d at all, he baa pressed nearer tbo riw.
' " It bas Ijcva necu from tbe dfipati'h, he throws
' be II into it. Tbn ia uneomlortMble proximity,
" k ibe peolc of our nifter cliy of IV'terjourj;
"can to-tily ."
The campaign In Georgia, tliert fore, Is not
to be regarded as a fuilure, but, on the con
trary, as gradually but certainly advancing to
. A triumphant conclusion. Geueral Grant, in
- the meanwhile, has again got In motion, and
' has made a change In his position that implies
much more important results than it would be
right At this time, to publicly disclose, or even
Intimate, Instead of raising the siege of
Petersburg, as was supposed when he sent
certain supports to Foieb north of James
river, he has since exploded a mine in front of
Petersburg, destroying An Important fort,
frith sixteen guns And a number of men, and
Carrying three tiers of intrenchments.
When the Account of General Hancock'
crosalng James river reached this city, we
felt well assured that the movement portended
; Aa Attack ea Petersburg. ' No ordinary move
meat in 'contemplation could have made It
Beceesarj fcj General Hancock" Corps t
- t heid u waacvaj (b two weeks In the rear
pf Petersburg. -..., 1
! rroembering that General Hancock wm
reported to combine great dash with, sterling
. XoUltAry ability, we became eoavinced that
h mov across the James ma&t a itrong
all vers ion on Richmond, and that, unleaa tha
. ooemy proved to bs 00 the alert, it would bl
Converted Into a real Attack. It seems, howl
vr. that H bath's And Andbbson'b Divii
' flit ren hu4 frvn Petontrurg to Klcbmoudj
and on Saturday, In ths a' tack on Petersburg,
we again find General Hancock's Corp In
reserve. A movement like that of General
Hawcock Is usually made dependent upon
contingencies, and although, from the nature
of the ground, an attark on Richmond by hi in
could not, In any evont, have become the main
attack, yet It could, under certain circum
stances, have been converted Into an assault J
and the bridges laid across the Jamns at Deep
Bottom make such an attempt still practica
ble, If we can deceive the enemy Into believing
that another move towards Richmond Is a
mere pretence. Thus tbo enemy's attention
must continue to be dlstnicti by an attempt
to hold two Important points ; for It must be
remembered thf. Richmond Is only ten miles
Iroin Deop Ilottom.
U seems to us that the period selected for
these grand operations Is most opportune.
The preearlons situation of Hoon at Atlanta,
even if it has not resulted In vending troops
from Richmond, has doubtless secured for him
all available reinforcements, which would
othei wise have been sent to Richmond; and
In addition to this, there Is a large force of tin
enemy In the Shenandoah valley and on our
borders; and eiocuto what demonstration It
may, It Is so neutralized by Its position, that
it cannot affect this phase of I'-io campaign.
Many 01 the peoplo have for a loa time
marvelleal at the quietude which prevailed in
the Army of tbe FoUmar, and many have
supposed that tho operations before PotoM
btirg were not progressing, because notliinx
was heard of battles and assault. Sebato;ol
was the first experience which the wnrld had
of the great valuo of t-itrlhworks, and Vloln
burg again proved the danger of attacking
them without regular approaches.
Thus the work boos bravely on, In spite of
delays, occasional reveries bcre ami there, and
the confident predictions of disinter to the
national arms made too ollen, we fear, by
tlirwe whfwe " ish Is father to their t!iou!it."
Shi:i;man can hold his otvn before Atlanta,
unless we gn-iitly mi.-tuke hU character and
abilities; and though he may be temporarily
retarded In his progress to that end, there is
the bent reason to believe that he will even
tually overctiiin.- ail opposition, and caj.luio
In that event, flic campaign of fJitwr
ngainxt Richmond may bo 1 nnsi.l To J in
axKiirc.d if speedy hucccsh, Ij;k will find it
iiccct-snry at, once to gather about, him all his
Ibrcca for the immediate deli-mio of Uichnrm I ;
11111I the raiding parties that have lately li -iv
milking predatory incursions iihinom brirj :rs
will find that amusement . effect iinlly broken up,
und their columns recalled to h-:Ip;, viio
is now in danger ol being driven from or
blowu out of his Intri'iieliin.Mils.
The sili nee of tin- army was tho hush of
preparation, ninl now Unit battle has com
menced, wo may feel a siired Ilia! it is not
n inatnri ; for the man who is i n;ru-!e..l wiili
Ibe destinies of the nation is pulieut. as l-'.iU-,
May Ood give victory to the caiMe, for never
did coiiH-iiuences bo niomo.itous haiv? tr.iui
bling in the balance I
TIIK '.M'.rl'l.l r.MlitKI1V.
Tho nncieiit Greeks held occasion:il cla;
tions, iu which small shells were used us bal
lots, to determine whether certain influential
persons were dangerous to the State. If tho
majority so decided, tho offending parties
were ontraclncrl; or, In ot her words, banished.
Although tbe analogy is imperfect, yet thare
are some points or resemblance betweon
the Greek ostracism and the proposition to
allow or disallow American soldiers to ba
considered citizens while discharging their
duty in the field. Are they to be treated
as exiles, estranged and banished from their
homes and firesides, or as defenders of the
State, standing between you, reader, and the
dttolating torch and sword of tho Invader and
the dcspoiler?
We can hardly believe that any other argu
ment Is needed to induce our citizens to vote
for the Constitutional amendments at the
election to-morrew than their own hearts will
n Cord. It U hinted that, althouzli no con
certed opposition has yet manifested itself,
yet that an organlzod movement Is secretly
going on to deprive the soldiers of tho Repub
lic of that dearest right of an American freo
man, which, until tbe decision of our Suproma
Court, was supposed to be Inalienable.
Our most urgent appeal will therefore ba
to those whose chief temptation will be to
neglect to vote through stress of personal In
convenience or discomfort. To those we say
that our noble Pennsylvania soldiers, braving
death In the trenches, and struggling with it
In the hospitals, cannot look with lndillercuce
upon the extent of tho practical sympathy
felt for them at home, as manlfestod by tho
number of votes cost in their favor.
The election returns to-morrow, therefore
will either nerve them wilh more desperate
vulor for new triumphs, or they will dli
heurten with tbe despondent und Hoiil-slrken-ing
thought that they, and their rights, me
alike objects of indlfli-renco to those for whose
sake they face death and endure privations
and hardship.
I.MIF.a'FMtMVT M.i.kAi II I I'lf MM-
The lud.-peudent Telegraph llae hits suf
fered much undeserved censure for short
comings und deficiencies which were entirely
beyond Its control, and from the circulation of
charges which havo been discovered to
be without substau'iai foundation. Thus
lor instance, thtr military authorities,
were at one time led to believe that
tbu Independent line was used by evll
lLposd persons to convey malicloiw runi irs
and reports if military reverses ; but after
b full Investigation, tho Secretary of War was
convinced of the loyalty and patriotism of the
manager and directors of the "Independent,"
and not only restored the line to all its lbriu-ir
privileges, but Issued an order exonerating
those connected with It from all suspicion ol
connivance with disloyal practices.
We ourselves have been provoked by the
carelessness of the messengers who have occa
sionally delivered da patches intended for us
at other newspaper offices ; but, of course, for
this the managers and directors are not to
blame, and we learn that tbe negligent offend
ers have been discharged, and that a thorough
delivery syBtem has been adopted, by which
such annoying mistakes will henceforth be
impossible. Great allowance should be made
by the public towards a new line of telegraph
which has had everything to contend with, in
A season of great embarraiwment to every
establishment requiring skilled mechanical
and scientific assistant.
Every new line of telegraph, as a highway
of thought, is an Invaluable public blessing,
and we hall their Increase with gladnaMs. Tbe
doily newspaper press Is both tbe chief sup
porter and the great benefklary of telegraph
lines ; and, contributing so much In common
to the diffusion of inUjlligenc and tne ad
vancement of human welfare, they should
especially extend mutual encouragement, and
tolcrata aach other's errors and defect. .
Wa axa perfectly convinced that tha
' managur of the Independent line, Tno It.
Wilhok, Esq., Its ' superintendent, A. J.
: Baldwin, and the Manager, T. ft. Flat
TKKT, Eoq, are untiring In their efforts to
give satisfaction to the public; and that no
greater fidelity can be felt, either towards the
Government or the public, than Is manifested
by these gentlemen and their associates in
their ambitious endeavors U make the "In
dependent Telegraph' In every respect a first
class establishment.
Rebels Driven from the State.
llAnBisnttao. Juljr Hi. Tln-ro are nftw n Ktola
In the Him.
Wo are in eommtinlratinn wltn MoConnnlUhurir
and llcdrnrd.
Avruill intercepted Mel Atrsi ssn at Mel'oa.
tM-l almtic Una tnortdn. on hia war to llndfurd, ilrir
tn them out ol Die own before thpy had a chauve
01 l.umlnr any propeity.
Ilia Itela-Ia were driven out to Hanr.opV.
II la now ascertained tbat the Iteheia have n
Leavv lOroo eoniinc up in tbrlr roaraa was aniposd,
Ihu waa all a scare to nnoover WaahiuirUin,
Hum aisRii-ur, It b iupKid, 11 moving Weil,
towarrla V hoejiuir.
I telcfcruplK l voo yi-stnlar that the Oorernor
I would Isaur- a I'reclamtttlnn lor mltltia, but the matter
wan aubwiuentlv aubmltted 1 1 lieneral Couoit, wha
drtnimiued there waa no neceltr lor mllJUa, aa we
l.ato loict-a and in large nunilHira (but whore 1 d iro
riot aavl oomjiotent to cope with the enemy and kep
I tuni i.ul ol t)iMU1o. (.(oiera)i oaon haa rone weit,
I and win be 111 coininuniiatloa with Uori-ruor
fiprriut Dtivil:h to Tht frenlnff 7V'vro)'t.
IUlttmokk, August 1, le'ai a from General
(rant by the Norfolk boit ar.t Interesting, but
tlicie arc no specially ntw facts. All looks ou
eotirayliiK. Great Indi-rnalion is mnnifoa'cd hers at tbc
buiniufr of 'hambcrabnrg. Sa havo nothing
later from H at rigion.
It l l ib ved tlit rc nro oo armed Ucb'is now
In Marvttin l.
A 1 arty of iwon'y-five prominent Cipporlicad
1H lavvuriana were urn-stcd bure on htturdiiy,
cbaifcd with (Jiving n fraud picnic to rilso
ftiiula to ul I ttiP Uu'h'Ih. All have been brought
here, end inipilsoutd in Fort Melienry,
lnl-r-MlaK trum l orlr ws Monroe.
l' Momioi:, J 11 y .'! . Tbc hospital
Muuinr Jivitir, ttlili fevi n bundle I M"k mid, h.iled a 1 1 i - attirtioon fir Ne York
On ibe uioniii i! 1 if Hie 'l' p.s nat Sni-rid mi's
Taviilrj eiipitned oeriiiiii hii'idn-il 11 liel prl
Mii (-tn i.Ik n- rth Imnk of inc. J lines rier.
'I l e en an r J .. l.'mii b is arrived from New
Orli'iiiix, t-lie 1 1 UK's in, ne s ur papers, 'Ibo
In nl'li iiTonr t:o 'i s .o- in d.
'I'll- I ' i' it- d N ' a ' 1 fnc i'c Minrnia arrived in
liateptoii J.oails btbl cvcatii I10111 l'ooit Jj jok
out. A.ll stK.aiKM'I'Ss.
flnoMi:'s Ni t'a i sm 1 S-nit 1 r Tiir.iTttK.
Tl e tmn.' U:e- Mele f.t .t-vt-t,it U i..vr le th f.ill tl.i.- r l'
l:s .silfci e-B T .- lC'e'it m 1 fnrln '.lie ol lie- pifro l,:ivo
box kl l thl' art, 11 ur 1 int.1 hi:e:i y lut'i Ihi 111 i-t p ru t
-l;-illi e nt h. a1 1 f. I'miiiI.:-'.1 n.v,ni'.- will ti.e
lie s-. h.n in 11 mue ami y, 101 I Ml 11 , 1 il t n lis
1 1 lilinlf , 111 n '!'.. el mt'l'i.t llj oil .lii'll! the eiaue
.l I I..OI lill. e. - 1 l,i.ilv SI ! l,l WiUlvlM llllik l.lst KIVAt
trlima'h el iliio.i.ilie enti'r. rlse.
W:1.M I STIil KT I'll I. VI It I. SNKCllii'li Oil IU
'I'm, LI K. I'll' lic-l Suiil'ird, we nr piOiicJ 'o learn . a.ll
to hi. (".rein tit t iinpe this w ul 1111 ituc relti'uri e
iiiiiil in liinlc Mur.oi. t'l.i 'a.-iriie I'd 'le'ph .1 Hi my
roti.eoian, 114 it, m.U i-iiiihi .siMi:or. Wi nre 1- frt-e.l m ub
mm null lolull' l SanlDiil 1, in l.ll, leue iiiIhtisI In a
liiied.s' nm Slid slihfloiTlHl kh hv hla U jiOii ul' frirnds In
thi-i r 1
C'liili s am Mi .VAOi.iui;. We learu that Thayer
A; Nij-ea' I'nitid Slntea ( .reus, and Vun An-burg XVu.'h
nfi-nai-erlo. 1-nvo leeii cumn ned niuler Mr. t.'hiirlen W.
..e. at, 7.eol"pl'i an. I I'liuedirlan IMte'-t and w IP np-pt-ai
in ttih city f a on" his k ,'Ciy, on nct M nUHy e-n-ItiK
Hlh inst lr l''iaer. (ha eclehrau-.l coueet und
pieaslni.' jueter wil. intn-loi-e the niinivir of (tie ring each
Count d'Uoio 1-telo bss purchased M. Iotitu's
" t'ollietion ot tbe Cortoi-pondeuco of Marie An.
toinet e" lor iltSBU.
In the thirteen weeks ending Ju'y 2, filti vio
lent dentils were registered in Loudon. A 10 were
by tt"cldetit or negligence, :t( dy homicide, 75 by
suicine, and 1 by puniic execution.
An KnpllsU hrtl-t, Mr. I.lnuell, has Just re
turn! d lo it'iine, after a ery itit-v osiiuir Oat
t'itull hiizurdbus excursion in tbe mount 11a
difrii-is of the Abruzzi and Terra di l.aroro,
most iolostid by brifti ii is, lie was acc jiisp mied
by an expsr euetd model, well knowa Martlets
there, iiHiued Antonio, binisell' a mount iitieer;
and tilthounb frcqucntl) In the ueiubborbood,
and utmost in s:fibt of formidable bauds, sue.,
cevdod in Harking his wav unhurt through tho
ilnrgeious (linlricl. Mr. LinVl;' jourm-y la-t d
tneuiy-three days, including a trip to the pro
vince of Salerno i und tbo pnrt of tbe otiutry bo
found most oppreaxd with brigands was mo iin
midiatu neighborhood of Kan Oermuio, where
the bills were tcnante t by a baud of about three
hundred brigands, with 11 igs and other preten
sions to the honor of regular warriors.
C AUtlCl Ae-RTAC KMOfHl!. On the Hlh ultimo, bv
KV ti. A Tullls, Mr. JOdM t.AKItlDAN lo Ml in
IsA II AH ANNA HTA( KilUIISi., both or Medford. New
V. AiUJ'.S WOLFk.-ln tne Preshytertan Olinreh, at '
Iees, liel., by tliti Kev. 1. II. Minmo. Mr. KIlUAK
WAH.I.H, of t.eor.etewn, and .Miss MAKV H. W01.lT.,
daiiKhier 01 lleury W olle, r.aip, 01 l-cnoti, lel. ,
ltllOHf.KY.-Ou July Slith KIIZAHKI'lt II. Inlnnt '
daiihUTol Vt'illiaui J. and Virutaia itriilasky, ai-d 1
HI NTON.-On the rth ot .luiv. THOMAS II, aon of 1
KiiHanl and Kllahetli l.urton hi th-' l-lst of uis nx. '
III- rclntivca noil It iee.l., 01 ihe tuiuily ale cespecUaiir I
Invited In attend the liMeial, truui the rt-siiliincu ul Ins '
krianli.ither, No. 1)1) lmttiUH nod alreet. nu lueliy ;
lilieiuooii, at 4 dc li.(i c, 10 proceed to Muauiuaat t.'e.iiii.
liry wllUold luriliet liutlce.
I'UK K.-(li. tin li' ll 111-1., Mrs. AN .-i W I HICK, relict
ot 1-r an."i Ii rr , k. a 'ed 71 .ea s.
It i-li. tl" ei uiiil ti inn'., ul the in ill I! V lire iu ited to aonuit
tin-liiiit'iul (1 'tu the ifsiilriiee 11- r . 011. Vui. e. Wa , ,
Hhoi'hu.1.1 t'u lauo, near l.'hc strtvt, fiernianto sru, oil
Tu- ailay alternouu at three o'clock 4a 1
HlTCHIV-iiiK.-On Kirsttue mnrnlnu, Koventli I
.Mnnth.'iln 1st, I, IIAi llKI, .M , will, ol Hjiunel Hltc.iiii- '
aie in tin 0 in year -1 Inn ae. i
Her n liitiv.. aus irh nd" are Invited lo attend the fa- t
n ra., wltliouf lurih r u.-ilie to niu.-t at tin- hoase, rtcr. .
tv tourtli ai d HuvrrrorJ a.ri etj, at y o'ld.-ck, ou iliiid.
dav, liie 'iu Hint, hruouett tu liaiby. (
KfcKN. .lid- il st IKI. I'roni v.ou.'idii re"-lve1 near ,
1-arls. r'ait'itiler noiinty, V'lrnlnip, Lie it -num WILLI IM !
I'. llAHKKl I Kti., lonia.-ly ol Washnititua Cny,
aued 411 yi-ara. I
Mlil'IIAN. Oa tho ?Mh Instant. MAHV MAIlLDa. '.
dHiikhtoi el' Anrvti aad Kuielliic K. .-Hniaau, lo tuu litis
yiir t hrr at-e.
lund trefiis, -aerp not 1 she hi nut dead, but eleopetb.
eivrtsKl THUu, Idol-Hnk'i'l of her home I
Ton spoilt m tar lor eurth , ttie Lord that kuowclh
Ills uun, naid, m-iiily, rt lllo, coiiio.
The relatives and Irl uids ol the lainlly are nMH"-trally
luvited to attend the funeral, from her p triii-i' r-'nileu.'it,
No. TU H. rleeond stioet, on Wedne-kluv uftaruoun. at a
o'eloek, to pnce-'d to tha Hla th street l.ntou groaail.
SLOAN. (in tie aotb ult.. MAHV, stile 01 Ja.nus
Hloaii, In the Mm year o lu-r aite.
lh- rthttiveH and tneuda ot ton nunUy are re
-.ueeuully Invited to attend the funeral, Iroin rtie i-sm1-tlenee
01 Iter liil.tmtut. No. 4 lir.tptislrnet auov-t Cro.M:eat,
Maiiav link, on Tuonny nlleninon at a o'clo- k. To
t'tedtu Levering Cemetery, Koxborounu, '1 weuty-llmt
wtMITi:. duly 'Uiih, after a lew dins' lllueiis, .lOSKI'II
Will I K, lu the vtiu year 01 his ue.
runerul from his lale residnnet-, No. l'.'l N. Twelfth
novel, on 1 ut'day atentoou, -Id uisiunt, at 4 o'clock,
V ' BALK. Octunesa laifhjclle meet, II roonu. lrl
M bj AO leak
Tb anbeerltxr laforras the ankMe that ha It dkpetlaf of
aw huie aad well ecleete-J sok el
At wholeeale erkaa. Thaae are from tha aid stock oa head,
Parchas-irs wisbtni a superior article for isrrvata use
would tie seed te oall at
Wholesale Wine eat! Uiaor Itore,
Me. 146 N. StOOM) Blteel, below Kaee,
Jrt-Ul rhUatlplisa.
J IS. W A L It A V 13 IV,
Ho, 719 OKESiTOT Street.
HnrMupnrllln Mr. D. Jnyne'a Alterative
eoinWnti Uie ttl principle of taia powerful article with
l!ioe frmf -Ilea wbl'h exprlrner bai proved to p-.,! the
meat ulK-lent aliernttre nnd deo iatrueiit pr..crllei. wblle
at the aame time It oontalna 00 concealed politons, no oaer
enrud or utlicr nwtaillr poisons. It Is. ther-Tiro, perfectly
site, am! at the same timo I he mot tffldent remedy in lie
werld, especially for Pcritfufaui, Canccroit, T.ifircuhns,
Cittar.rt'tt, find Mercurial Ajfeithnn, and dlseaiea of the
fl'-cri'tiBK Orh'fln, whether of the (Uandi, Skin, or lnfr
nai Mt-iiihrflnen. This Alttrailve nlno enters Inio the elr
dilution, iu:d paittCH wllh the hlood (w hlth It purities) Into
o tiy tlseuc and UDre 01 the buity, so that, no na'iar what
li tie- nature uf the dfsenae, nor where kicete.l, It i sure 10
he reacbtd.
I'r i-ur. d on ut Nu21;,CiO'tst'i ti-'t.
1 h Jj I K'8
it 12 a. n v fok m au.
l.K'i 'Jll I ; KNMMYOOMM ON.
To M lit I! - AS , of till- film i'f K vh A( Tviis .
n niuiic1,v iiffrt In h lnf nrwh).iir nrih la thut u
will (lull ilro'ifch any Chlcwl Iron bale l.iUi" tins In imi
lit "Mi- !i:f ii. i j tntir ' Utu), &c, inthi'liiu t le It m'. o
N'-rtin'. il (!;ri v M:ifrt, or hi will I' a tut thr i i "t ono
I. ui dn i .l"i!.ir N'tvr tl'li is rt - y t li-np wiviY pi t r
lny I'lutT. en f.m tlii-re 1 1 iirilhrr a Imnke-r or biininf-iB
nnii dint would lne un ptpt-ui-lvo Halo iipt-rnuil tim
III! Ulil tilHrtl (mv, or f! I W11 lljiir. lo III' Illtlti'it'O l, uu
linnil.oi in nny ny UlscrrttUtd, lor itic Tj hum of
ere li"i il-pi. fioI.R-s
1 liiH hihc t pinjt ilft'ii. Sow If ymi hare any lonfl Icnro
Iniot r uhiiiyto dilM ciiltu-d lnn or any cnntliloncft In
Kmhis A WHt-on'h lifnt Hunk 8iro a comptrod wltli
I.illic'ft, lo w Ittitttatnl the IxiiKlnr, or nny cihi11Iucc In
KvhiiiA Wat-Aii'fa, Mercantile Hue as c -mnir with
I.ill 0 I't fctaiul Hre, yuu bnve the opiortumt r U make
It mamfVM, Ynu tmre Jtut aoid lothe Hovi-tith VatfoMat
Ititi.k, of lhlladM.liia,w(aielnrurnifiitiortlU.a Hink, rcii-(iiUii tu the Hank that jourH.tfd was a mtioh
btttcr piutrction apaltmt the bu ular thaii Lltlo a, aud
cturvliiK n mnrli t IIkt price for II You have alrendy
nuidc the c bailer. 40 to tct the Ha fen In the LVrn JC
ctiaiifke Bank, and atatrd your own trrma.
e nnw Dinka tlie (o lowing pri p'niUon: That yi
ball r-'inlah tlie Hevcmli Natl nal Hank tsa'e and u will eno ot the Batik of fion l.ltertlri' H4I01 "or a
tai. upon jour own tcrrai, to tho C rn txchatiffu Hank.
Bncti pan) a) all p ace In Uip haiidx of totpou lule pirtiei
tLenum of SliO to I f.trrHturo, to be paid over ti
the v limit f party (at yon may elect).
II' you I. are mil the cnitlduco to plare Kvani & Val
bon'n Safe aloiiRBldt? of LUhe a a a Hunlar-proof, and vrlll
not aofft ttif above pninslHon, wu irill g-vo you three
Imtm liiMt' iidof two 1 .0111 a (the t'me you ask) to obtain
the money lu otic of Uie tfes a tbe Hank o( t1 NoriUura
Librtla.Hai'l luonty to lo furnished ai ah ive proponed,
and to I plMcxl in fit 4 H'ifb by tbe Haaliloc of tbeHaiiK(
tl e Hutu to be frpvraid tijion precUo'y as propane 1 la
tho t ba leu.e to thi. Corn KbanK-e lU tk, and if the
uun-y U not obtained In lite tlirc-e boura, y u are tu
mtike gttod an flamago dote to the Mafe, and the ra moy
tube our a. You i.-iy you can d IU lx boleHwti inedrl'l
thnnih Mllle'a Hate- Wo wl l al:o a you two ofihe'tekt
led dt til you can pramire to ot through tbe ab.vo rtaih.
Atfaln.j-ou aay, W earer Hprankle were Ind u ed to
hht go l.llllea raft (trotient Kvaua it WaUoa a on ao
n tint otl ruiwrkiriiy aa a Klir-proof.
We now pioiK0e Uiai ou nliall furnUh Woaver it
8praiikle'ii halo, and wa wlh furnuili either of two Hatni of
arnie ir.c and character of he Ldlte Hnruu received la
fiat'l Bni Uocklm A brotbtr. Market atr.-et, bt"ow
tatH-h, ai one, or i. Hltkman Co., corner of 'I hint
and Market atreet. bap Uie other, and pur-chaa-pd
Bixut the same time u thai of Weaver k Spraukte
thOMe Sifuk iball be tete aa rl re proofs lu a suitable
f j ma re. A Coin mil tee of d.v.lntrci.ted bOnlupBij mt o ihall
b appointed to toat tht-ni, onpeelailv a poo the term pub
licly ann'tinr-ed by you la it winter and VKJ 10 ltK)0 ihall
Ins put up aa ftiriidturo by eai'b party, an yoti m-iy plutt.
eitll6 party lo havo ponxea-tlon ol' tho Haios ttd iiaUl
allortbe iet. Wo an alt your a coptanco.
I.KWM ML'. IK k HO Si,
M O. HAlX.Klt, Ajnnl,
No SI d-HKVP.srtl Street.
K.B.Shr)ild nny or allot the ab.ivv pcop ei(ion be a-"-rptt
d.and should wti hi' t ut-ci'sMi-lin any or all, thv u-t pro
Cm iIh we may ilorive Inno our oppouont, dfdtictlnx artnal
CApenat k of the tents, il-ah bi-pffa-ented to Uie vluiiieT
ltiii'oat.uiotit htUoon, aa the laoiiey it not object ot tne
M. C. H.liil.Kit, Arfvnt.
M iaTH anil I Iqnora tor SI t-rilolnnl l"ur-
'1 l.e nurvst old
Slu rry, atid
Madeira Wlnea,
A be i, fine old lltiuidlee,
r.-r medlebiAl purpoacj,
C'oiistaatl- on hand, bf
IIavis k nenBM,
Arch and Tenth sUxuts.
1 CI. Whitman A o ,
nlanuiHctnrlira ot Hem aiMl lieth loua Couleetlons, Aluiond
rat-te. Chocolate t -aramols. Creates La M'ttk do
I'aria, exttulaitely flavored.
It-iavtcd Jci-dtui Altnunds, , Ac.
No. DM (!icentit treel,bclo Koutlh.
Itle-ftfc A ,'. Pltnxs.
mxK a to. s
Beventh aud Oheuut sta-eeu.
Invalids aisd Ocnvaleseenla,
HrraUda and Convaltwcota,
Will Aad eur Will endear WUI Cod u
CallwrnlaWuMa. CaUArala Wlnea,
Cailfernla Wince, California Wlaea,
CaUbmla Wtnee, CaUAinU Wloaa,
pecaUariy valuable la all eatetef lancueraW frcatprea
tratsoo of ttreniah.
Ask Aak Alk AU Ask
Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask
Ask A -A Ask Aik Ask
r. AtcClelbusd, Cebhara, Jackson,
(of Uie reaatylraaila I'ntntaHy),
Berta, Bereae, (Irvrae, HaiisheraM
Bduaitla, WUhamSs HsrUay, Keldhara,
WUaea, Modal, Tlaal, roadey,
Neble, Knorr. Ilayuutd, Tamer,
aad etber leadief thalclaas, what they Itluk ol the atee).
claalvlnaeeerCanteralaWlasel Theee lentleaMa pre.
aerlhe our bnuds, aad eeeart u tl lb kMKOte yatleaW
(eatveDrvatbelraeel 1 '
lH fbhU . FUTsl rueei, at9rt Cneairat.
11 llltATUfc.
this Fvr.trtNa.
The ftan romanite, atnsieai , -i-eitaeeiar drama,
Pre.entetl. a-lr' months aeil.e pti.ia la. tea
at;t M l.t ureredeotetl ma ta'tr- net-, reelete ttltli eonior
I11' franslo inHttat t msgO'Vete oi"-v, .ram' m sr ilif..
attitssrl. osltiuiee and -tt-v-tt-e-, I'tannnS mas e. and
tlioruns. lySlitf
S!Kitl t i th aw.
ok ki it sr k
lit ASK imllsit.
The (rent C-'nellsn, wati m tbt 8lari.
SW t'lilsoMlie das
I s .-rs op. 1, al "' , f-ornmertPe at 6 IS.
AStLlsaton S-t at a M renla. ant
JTP DELifiifTFUie Excursions
. 7 rr. si ti ti r i k i l l.
thr-teaes. (,KKU AL HuOK RK, aow running fr -in
l aliti oort te tlie fnl s of echulkUI, t 1 leave retrmaaut
as fellows, eta.
AI 7-9' A.M. j At ton P.M.
" 3- tl '
Hue " I 4 to
WI" P.M. I
Parefioir l alrninsnit lo Tails of Oe-itijlkl'l, ti cents;
Oilnn-bla I'.rldfce, lit Imont, and laiurel Hid, i oeaa.
anl ;rt
lniViiirT ' ' 11 C J M A Y
Of ti t t ape May Line. Is new niaklnu her roeular trips t
f AI K MAY.Ieaslnii AKI II Street Wharf, every ttiea laf,
-burst-ay, and 8atonlay at nine o clock; retnrnlns will
h ave Cane May every Uonilar Wednesday aud I riday
at ha l-past eight o'clock, tout til' at Hear Castla enlitT
aaa tetumiua. Pare S.-rsi; earrlaire hire ineind -a.
t'bllaren ha f price) ea-rti-iro hire tnclndetl. H rvania
ar.n; t rrtsee hire estra. I'reiuht et taw rates So
frftmM received after S o'clock, atd In a. I caees must he
prvi aid.
jy.'l-tf JOSKPII A. SrKWART, Aont.
y rv i t J J i m rv a. 1' i j w
(oni-!ent:y tin bund, and al' or'eis by mull proinptlr
ntteilllrd tf.
1 he f"i!otvli fi ratei. of dlv-omit sre allou nt
Ju all eidirs t.f '.u Itso pta- eeut. Iiet iiitit,
" flfli lhreu " "
" " HO ioa " "
At tie Pnecliml liepol in Hie .llidille an'I Wi .tcrii
t Inlet, N". : i-l I'llhsM T M 0 I, ai tl Sc. i(ll S. I If I ll
Mtt I. Ol I ui lets hh',llM I e' esse t
IfSI'i It I I A I- ytN i,
ei.l tf Nu. liel ft i 1' I Hin oi. I'll I ,''..
'I' i j i :
IN I'i av r V III I j J.,
li:Vl'.Ni;i'. stamp i,v.
foi'tri-of t'if Nrw 1 itw HIM :tnd iNvfn'tf S'umti Mw,
l'r m'-t Itoii'Miu- Mini H .tii; mill ( v. nun tn'iiji- oi h I
elf i r pui'iis i niibtiiitt y on haiM1., nt ih i -ij'.u lm rM n ol
Cn inler, cf iwn por rout. (1 rir-oimt.
l o, thr e "
41 ' in-o, t ll r " '
At V e I'rli' ipt-l lpp.)- i-t Sn i of t'l-p, tnl ItrVfii'i
fMi' jit. So.-y t ('lll-.Mi KT.i- and No , iKTII
H-h.-i. Kuil ilrsi'iipui'im I l(i Kt .imp leii - In p n i .o-i
Itini jv.'.i tl
j) n o r o s a l ti i?'"ok i7o a n.
Ti:i-.aiii).i ln;rii;i mi si,,tul 25, lvi4,
J' e lb lif reby tflvenlhat ubki rtptio: s illie n-cejvft.1
by thi : Titaiurer of hi-United futoj.,the suvciitl .Vb.Isi
ant Treuntirera, at d detonated I'xihltorlost ai d by tho
Nat otial tlanka dt tilnatcd und qualhhd as Depositor! a
and Financial A (touts, br Treaiury Hotcs paablo three
ytara from Aiitunt tl, WA, b ann itiUrt'st at tlie rate of
aevec and three-tt iUlu prr cent, per annum, wltn semi
annual coupona attached. pa ab: in lawful in moy.
llifhi-notea 111 be e uvcrtihl-, at the optln of the
holder, at maturity. Into tlx per uent gold boartny bomli,
rrd emnble alter fire aad payab.e twenty yeira
August 16, 17. v'
Tteo Dotca will be lainrd la the dtnotnlnatloa of flftr,
one bum rid, Ave liuadiwd, otic thousand, aud Ave thou
Aand dolbira, and will be iued in blank, or pajabie to
(rder, ai may be directed by the L-nhiC lleen.
AU et(burlptioo niun be for fifty dollars, or soiae mul
tiple of titty dollars.
J upUcate cei-tmcatea will be Untied for all deposits. The
party dt positing mukt er.doe tip in tlie original oerUlcate
tbe dettonilnatluu of notes reiulred, aud whether tbey are
to be l.vued lu blank or paviblo to order. Wheuktou
dped, It mual bo left wltk the ofllciT receiving tbu de
potit, to Im forward to this Department.
Tbc no'es will be transmitted to tbe owners, free of trana
poitatlou ohargfth, an soon aft or the receipt of the orliaal
Rentes ofdoi08lt as tbey oau bo prepared.
lutcrtst will be allowed to Auyiut 16 on all deponltb ma.Ve
prior to tbat date, and wHl be paid by the Hepartmeai Uton
receipt of tht or oertllt atra.
Ad the DotfS draw InUrentfrora Autiat I ft, persons mak
icg deitonl a sohneuent 10 tl at date must pay the lulnrLt
accrued tnm date of note to date of di-poult,
I'arlies deoaliinir tweiity-fli,o Uiousatd dollam und up
wards for Uteae nelts at any one tlmn will be t'lowd a
coiumh-iilun of oao-quartcrot on prr cant.. wld:h wilt be
paid b this d-pHrUn-rut upon tiw receipt of a bid fl.rtho
amount, eortl'lcd to by the oillcer wl It whom tbe deposit
kuii mailt. Ko deductions for comml&blous must bo made
In in the il-poiits.
Odicera i-ceitnt' d posits will set that the proper eu
dorx'nentk art made uion tlw otljflnil certificates.
Ailollcert atitborizctd te re ehedoe4ts are rtHuet-d
to five lo appliwAiits all dcslrud Uitormatloa, and adurd
faclbty i'r-DLaklBfr aub crtptt-iaa,
w. p. fksskokn,
Hoc rotary of the Troanury.
Hul aoiipiloiui wtilbe retWvul bv the
i 1HST .VTU)NAU liAKK Or rillLADlil. fllLv.
ui tlt Ltial.
Pnit tKi.i'M(A, July M. l'4.
HealM FropusuU wtJl borecivfd at the ottlv ol tha
tin-li i(,iid. Nm. t lU t tilKAItll Mtrvot. Uiwll WINK4
1A Y. Ai'Mot ;i, Ifi't. at ntsoii, t r the ili tiverr ut Caowtl
lftVi It jji rnt k s, A 1' AN haltl.Y IAI't.ol t iK-itacu nno
drvd ( l-tO) Ton fiarn, ronnJ or inii:ir. ea h b.r to be of
un u uk. l hin i' hot iniir n iim fl-mened at tlie
tndf, and e- lai'h'l to havi pvubuti frtri lnurilo'i of
n-reuti. Mtvii.iy-twa hundred (hifl) Iron strews,
tm ixt-ii lout;. Kach propoitl must name tbe nhorte' ihn i
h.r ti ih ary. and he Kimruntt-t-d Ity one or more respoml
b.e peifcoin (who nitt-l be kn-miiitt this oitlee to hore
Knmb e), that M bidd- r will entar Into immediate ohii
w at Ion lor Uie pmnipt lulitli. ent tberoof, and give satisfac
tory aenirlty if said proposal ha at'Ci-piai.
'Ihe United ttiaies reriarves the likbt to riect alHild-t If
deemed eauentiftl to its intexuati, a alto those from de
fault! lift contractors.
Ky otder ol Cvlouel George H. Crosnun, A. Q. M.
anl-'.t 4'aptai n and A. (j. M.
raVa OrtUe,
PiutiPRiniA.Pa , Aiifluit 1, 1W4.
Prepoials will be received at tbu emce un'U FK1UAV,
Auftuit a, 1MH, at 17 o'clock M.,for Artren tLouaand tvaa
of best (.uaiity White Aih Aatbrarlte OtJAt, rj0 IU. to
the son, to be weighed aud iupeieU, sizes ettg and stova,
as may be be dfliwred oa kard vrissls at tbe
wbarvs of ilda kty,ln good order and condition, fme of
slate, dust, aii doth it liapuriiks, at such time aud in stuii
quantities as may b ordered by theitoveruuiajil, baiweea
tbe dat of oo u tract and Mavembar 1, ImH.
The rlKbt Is reserved to reioct all bids dearned to
biffb. and fto bid from a dfaulting coiOractor will b
rKtlvd. bidders will staU priae par um Unb In wriuag
and im dgvna.
A gttaranUc, tobe signed by two reipou-dbte parsons,
will aw required, wkone retipoualbUity must b certinad to
by the t'mted ritates Mstrict Judga, Vulied Dial- Dlsirkt
Atttrney. or United Htatts CeU-Mtor; oU'-rwi pre
poeal will not be received.
tVr mrth(r iiomiauu bidden wlD eaUattfea aflVea,
o- ilS'J 4KAH1 Hiie-at.
hy ordvr of 4)okiNel Ooorira B. Crotuuui, Asslstank
Quartarwastw Uenexal t". M. A.
iijyiH;r b. oume.
aul-4s CayUuajiid A.t.
164 boxes Kerfltone Hmi Detersive tkwp.
o;o ooah trgtai iwuimrvw
bOO boxae Kiupwon OUvtt. . '
'Xib botes LIimu Boa
IM tKiAwa Aoancaa Ctaatlit,
40 boxes rb CMiito.
AU or aay part f wtikA 1 will aell andar snrrent ratue .
Me. M 8. WATt Sueet.
MAHKhl H rtet.
tKT LA It (IK sUIK -r t'lttlt'KI.HV AKI OLA.SS
On Tn -da Xji-nlna,
A t Ifi fiXotl,. e r lariwa .o-tioenl, In open lots, stilt,
eb e ft i elt and eonnti y r.-sa I h1.
AI.O Beld A Attort'tir s .tirt end hlf-g il,.a Prewrv.
til. Jars.
A eo. several bunurid pounds il Ktuve llnllrtte.
A iLfsel 1 N O-rcONDEMNKt
Wap DrrRTMr?rr.
rvi m iM'arr,
Drpirr nr Cmi.r g un wMA-aj-a
WaatiiM-rToa D. ('..Inly 4 m4
Will ht aoid at pnhllr a-r in, m ih hub-Hit bidder, ai
itf t no's and p." :-n n'fimi briow :
U ft K.-N l a . Till l: l Y, lutv l(l(-H
Al.TOiiN A. fa ,1 IU V, Aukiici 4,
V I. I lAMKft'liT, la , I 111111 ' T, Auud II, W4
1 WO ULNI'l hO (iivi) (,AV ALKY lltHi.HKH at at
ina U- r- are bean ondtrnd M nnfli tor tbt
CNIiy S0tnat t!ie army.
tt road and tarra pTrnk many goftd Da-f aim nay be
f !nrrs sold nf!y.
r,-nnm t)t., in t. nig. -u HtatoafuiT. a v.
j wi a. r.Ktv.
I.trneont.t-Olonrl ani 1.' ( 'loi'tnTrn-w
)v Cava'r? liurMi
T v c c xi a n m i w
I y Cailinrlne ft. clalr, author ot ' Ittaince," "Mijdern
At:rt nip Ifl.oientl," Ac., a coiiipai,l.B to and unifonn with
"I ai.ilij I rut-." Trli c tl'Du lu pupi r, or f.' In cloth.
tiik ruiuK oi' un;.
I!y Jane, Lady fcott and dniihlr lu-law of Hir -iN alter
Ht.'t, end at ttior (.f 'lt,s lu-nptckt-d llushitiid." A
Miptrlt r lit vi 1, unliirftn w,ih tho If eject d Wile." I'rii-e
,1'V. io in, '-r, or In cloth.
OlIl.f'K.H H'i.IClTKI.
Al l Till Ki'l'i I'OnkM AS H';(l' AS I'll IIT.MI -rt).
Cope s. i.l tret of i.o6la,:e un recc nl ol Hit ii tail jri' e.
Put- uhed auu lor i-ttle hy
No. 30') CIIKSNUT STltl'.F.T,
l-HILAIUXI'lllA, p v.
8t n.l f ir iu nil . ut anil t Siivie s. i b' e Telllar. It
pr nip
This n,ai.i) Pee nt v; ihijf at:.iintf rui lilli' atipi-.Tti h!ne
eoiiii ii n, n w one el ih . hi t 4111I ot b..iMleet er
Uliuiruttiii 111 IM e .ii" ly l 111 hij.iui
Kour und a h.ill ! tin - at il it n .if 'cet i,.-uare,
unit em' In. 1,. n II Ii mill c ir.i le e tort of lie,: lir. ut (V'l
tt hi l'.,i'K In ul I oeiuit- ii ' KrariU ur.
Huh-til t inite Iota Inii't it iiiiiiiu. 1 of the aitl '-pr-of
she-Is v ill w ect it4 iiere, ttrlieu 1 1. p.ntes wl.l he taken
to F iutiie. v hi-re
"Hi btts. TltiHtM I: & C 1., Pa enio.ter It ur, London, and
AI.I'.l.Kl' L. IIF.I.OI.H. Hue 1; ihelit o, Paris,
are a n-arty ret el- lnji auhsclllitions tor tho saiiio.
The ,,rk can he tu.d hy aubscrlptiou only. I'rleo IS iwr
cvpy.uiyiib ondtiivcry.
Bubrxr i tiou Eootns of the Company,
The fallowInK flrina will rec-lvo subttcrtptiena ;
All'LKlUS A TU , llroadwayi
W il. a m, wish 00., Po.ion;
8. II. IlllllltlS .'., L'hlcaeoi
1'K)lll WILKTACH hll,lVTf. Cluollinutl
IIIILIf A 8iiLd.Mi.NA. Wust.lnntoa I
TAi-LtMiLU A IO., I'lulnlell'lilal
Or, at tbe puh Ishers,
Mi Wi'.LL, IlMiltlH & CO.,
Jy"0 wtmlra Vo. 7 ItROAOWAT, Kcw York.
ami i-aI'I. 11 sroite, .so :nii t iiKssu 1' at.
t livti'- ylniillfi coy llnv-lottt' M .u llatttory,
l.nttltipt- ituel'iieeir , hove 000 M oiuatfl ire,
Kit .'. Ill I't, blite sireet. No. iilli tlheittnlt sliitt.
So.olt; flu sent s. net No sin hi-inm suvot.
PAI'Lll AN'll KNVI'.letfS,
1'M I h. AM) li.s V I Lin ts,
-d'holei-ale aiot Itt-lal , tvh:c.aie and Retail,
Kli K'.-ol n-ilUel.n'i, W Imt. sol., .nd Ueuul,
AT 'ttlr. l,i"'Hll I'llll'i:-!,
AT T11K I 'lWR .r IlltlHS,
Af V Ai .Kit's, No. it ;t IIK1NUT Stieot, betereen Hilrd
and -1 unit, euiiiei' ul llutlnon. jy30-4l
J)A.l'lt II A N O I N (J H,
,(Un ct lUMVi'.i.L A nitoriiiiusi,
Una Hbuim'ed front
No. Oil to Nu. G2 ClIKsJNUr Street,
Ila-Ilu.' puietaMd the sto k ol JAML8 IIUKKI'., Jr.
(loruittrly lielrusi 's), tsht re ho i 111 oiler to hia ouatouiera
and the puhdo a li.rb'u and eloi;uut assortment of
DtCuratiouB aud Wull Pajiree Generally.
It Mlvtnn his p- r.-ot,al nttetitlnfi to the soiling and naaif.
Inn there.-f, l.e le-jit'S 10 continue tu rccolvij lbs Uberul .
paltnnas'eof me pnhiic.
t Mlens nod vl-ltor, are invilud t examine
tlie vatlety ou hand. 1)71 lnt
'II.I.AOK f.Klr.N SHMIXAItY. Ml if-
a tttry HtNe( lui: jai ls,! lleulns Mooie uoer I 1'tT'na
very notleraii '1 lioiot.rh eou'to'in i-uiiii'inal'Ci, Lan-
Kuaos, aiiHi'lsD Miiuii .s, 4u. ruplia na.e ueiieuts of a
liauto era,..K1sJ lessona la Surs'eyiief und ( .Svil u,ilueor
lust. Hoya ul all aaos taken. Ail'1-ess fur Cit.viaftio.
KK.V. J. i.v:itVKV rtVll'Khf.
jyld-lia YUlnwtt tirt-eu. Uolawnre Co., Pa.
Itoaitou H.K1U lil.iuioutta, Watchee, Jewelry,
...O, V leti. lou'. t r , it.
jo-skm t isi.M
OI.D KH'I Alll.lstll;!) IDAS OFFICE,
IAiihh ill! ii so, 1 ii f-kli.L .stieeta,
tt. lew Ltonharu.
B.B. WAMOltl'S.WalelHKS, JUVCUflf.&L'NS, A3,
ItEat.MtKAllLY LOW I'KIl'KA tyll-lia
VJT nsAriNu ai-pakatus.
for sVaruunst and VcittUatliw Puhiiu bdldluca anA ?r1.
vaae liealdencea,
Msjiefactnirid ny tbe
01 llilLaDl-.M'lll 1.
JAM! S P. IftlOls,
Wo. 41 s I'Otlltril Urot.
snhK-Cas. K, at. r rXT WHLL. Hu tuUudons.
pnrt-ha.eti to ettur below tba cost prleo of a superior
ankle. SAMLIX W. lil.rtS, 11KOA1) Ainial, above Kace.
east side, aells tl tl tenulne 1'AOLB VLIN, b,-at and
purest luuvttal. llgif and Bsove aUea.Sllt Large Nut, $10
per ton.
C'ousumers ahouM make their p urchaea at on-e. pre.
trioua tu anothar aJs-ane. etdi-tha
An aeotptahle OVerlog to ererj PatrM,
The rjaly ecrreet and autboriied
fas iisi.i um LiKKMSaa8
Ifanniariared tat HterUuf stdver and Copper aud WUtve
Metal. ile aul fcy mall Itee of charga en receipt taf
il6cnU. At-enu wanted. K. HI'K.MUKK,
Moi Hf Phlladelpula Post Oih.a.
Vaaulactiired at io. NU AJtCU Htieef. lyi-laa
Call at eaca al the Aftac,
and raeare a SabatMate that will' exempt yea n-om sore tee
during ihe tima oi his enlistment, via t Tlireo years.
Tlsa diail will euriaioly take p usee oa
tlirTSallll t, 14. '
Sit g, b. ,oBTU Oc,
or rue
14tb, 15th, anl 20tb Wards,
Wl he I. id at c-rirof , .
On MOMAT LMMS'O, Auxnst I, ai o . look.
Ths rntellnr a 111 Ire adi'-s.s.e.l hy lion W It. RrVer, F. J
, .i.t r.v, r it'i , .. tn. it t. Lift tit sii. ttis. ly et a,-
rT rosT oH it i:, mi ii. vDi'.i.riiiA. pa.
. . I't , Isil,
A me'l wHi I tV.pat..h tl fri m t'i.o ;ien km UseaiM,
en 1 I t-l M , AUj.ii.1 2. Mails ir I rl.tsi ill 7 IB A. St.
C. A. H A 1,11' HIS.
) 'H
5f- fill KI kVCVKSIoV T.) ATI,M
r.....r"' '-n 1iH'lt-i.a., Antnsi ,vsl. l-re
fur ie I'm ,.i hi j ,i, .. , ,,,,1,7 '
' 1 r t -it.
rhi'ittoi , 7. rent.
...1'.''" r.nJ? had "f ih O..UH .itiee wi, 1 will he al
sinet Vi ha I on he uo-nm ert'm rveii".i-n.
I a-.tbt leates VINKnir.el Whar, Mij M. jy 14 lt
r:,f' Sl l.ClAi. Milieu,
A me mi- er t'u" so,.eivi,r) 11.01. el
held al ISO lie t'.lh.MIr rt'le-t. u. s ,
tee win he
ik, l.i
Atinisl. at 7 P at f..r,.y. K11I1 a tt-niirtnce .s eftcad.
as hiisiiM'.s ul ltntrtun-e will h. '.iik'.,,st, ,1.
1 lli.MA s H HnSTBt,
Ci i.,tf'Uti Tl f'-'ir, t:uat-insa.
Monetary. I)4U M
rr- TO T.IK I I1VSK I XS (-V rilllJl-
- d' l.l,i t ,.i, iiiee of I lit I ai 'it : Hat-ni- t.a-
sir-'r-t tl at. ,,pi hinl'ts ( 11" erst outi oie es. r br,.u1s
le. me tht ni-sll.-i.! Diolt-ssmiil that ma he te-ert tvli n oer-
t'llef. to 11 ate a Itt-rst nal Ion t.f III tS'intloritn
pioi t-r tt s a-1: in! ipiieoitt to he cure 01" till 'se ili.eate. and
Itn ll ernei e o me .i' .,1 sr tii' i-.
I . A. VON AlU.-t;llltKt R. hi. I) ,
iii'tilisi n nrl Atirtat.
JjWtf Ko. lil WAt.:.ul flree.
rs-r- I' ami liuisnM.s-.. j.
I'lesi. M I'., I t,i,-i mv ill the Ke 11,0 t.s., l. 1.1a
all dii it.i - -ti jieiiitiT.lo . I- lot tl. .v--i; mi tl ne tnl.
te. 11 1 .ii, - , l.eniouitis froia u-e in. is rehaiee
tiit .. '. I fti't h.. Iio.ntr. c ..'i lie ..'' V hi ItlhuC,
No ol I Pi N " Hi it-i-t. Anile 1. ; I - e . m-.-iteil w 'tun oaia.
Nt, t. i; ' - 111 i-t tor evani 'iH' tttttei-.iou'a trim a s
11 A W .? 1 I' M o 1,11 I'INK It. t '7-m
ilL.IT Al-V NQHCtti.
fri(.(i lidl MV
H l "i: in-; yi.aii.
I I Vol . nli .1-1 nil 1 tne ,. . , j 1 1 1 . 1 ,
e. I ur l nt 1111 v, iul.tliti y , Ai ti lyi-,
er S'liie-hooi ,-rs.
CT -11 ,11 Mo. !' 8 I IIIKIi Htrret. aul hi
i c i; . t ii a i. .si'in nm: as kncy,
fl S 1 It! i;n s-ri- r i i- V.-t.-'.tn, n-.d V. "-
t b.- il I ; - T IT1M u .N I : . t n r'u-"L'hrt
U nn w1 1 In- .1:0 .N.i ul . not i ilj ii' v n un t
inn- -I; cii'siiK' ury iiH fici- ( n'.n imi'. e will nuifttor
ll I " oih- f.
iitmp nt 11 1 t'lrnish n ri h n'fir I'.ff dl -ii.inr--
'l 1.. 1 c 1 t- n rui-ii.iu ior any p:rt
of l'i n'.K i iitiri.
uui-i i i i.v.av, u.ivMii;' i, a co.
.ni0T;ART.;i:s iknsvi,v-nia
Mi.i.i, 1 1 'i 1-. .In !y "J si. t i'in-f it) O'dere
. fV . f 1 1 f 1 i.t lit tn lie li.itria' t, dftftd
.tu "j7h (' p."i;'t. l-.i ttm ihts dat In ct: i i-ri-, v-d to r tu
li'ti 11. u c -u. lit.- l tin i 1,1 v. un 1..- 11,. en) u
il.c I't - nil ..t .fin IT ul:.- i .1; . ,,1 ihe id U IiiilJitu, I
I'l l IU tin il I' .-lis;l,u . c,n 11 in .tl.
I i i. 'l Ml -
I. p r.. l .la n'lil'S will 1. 1' k. v ti-il ti. mite v:ji).n!ef
t-. 1 - ur ; ii .11.1 ."iiii .1 11 1 i .m, v., '.fii ,- ii'.irit. r
N.' 1 I. Wu. It. . .iituu io, scii " 01 i .i. i'r. .-pu -.i' .1!
l i-'lv 11 . .i 1 --..r-w ii'.u 1 t- kM 1.1 Mr, ice a.Mlhtva
hi' 11 JlOI.Ot :tltl' dlMiiui.lil
II. Ani'.H'h'I is 1 upM;iiiitiii nt- a mint rtiK' Ufa-t-ii
til: . M11 ' i tn- iiht Af i.r ill In liiiiuf.itst ( ij nmiie
t 1 1 it er 1 -1 nd 11 nn .V .enu ul ti.i- .1 nt".
Ml 0111 ri hi iliriu em. ri i t -'iii'id or ul' , o nnnie.-t nn
C niifrit f-i ffjnlioht ti and Lmu id Mi.l r !jii ul Uie
ii oiiiiintns wil. r ) ort tn t-c c 'uriMit no oUict r,
KiynoiH. in-, r l'i ihMirtf, fi'iiimlvAiiiei; a,l ei ot tnat
lin jii-d vi-i i-i hi. I n-tnli.j; llci'itmr;. Pt uiitv h .ua,
w 1 I'poitto thf r nitimiidi k ofH,ror, .;amp iiirnii. Hr
n -l-oi u ; ul ie(i-.i o liiittJiiii' n d ti'iii Uii a i TUi.rt to (be
C'ltiui'oiidiiiM otlr'r, Cti'iip CtidMuintfur, I'hd iiie'it'tik.
t'p ii tl.c and caiuii- O' vv cuui its und ny oiik-o,-, (r of
ihi D Ohii rnii- I. ontrnnn of a rinp itiv. to tin? aire t jf
thr tilth iciii ritiii-t.iid C'liip-tiiiin fir itjhout -hi HMtt,
trt.tis, itnllou to the caiup of lei.di-zvmts wlU te fr-nia-lid.
Iv. Actual and netMSfRry oxpeiisea for boardine;
aiil lod. Itn, tf luii-rd minor ihn oritur Mill bo
pt id ! Hit- lsiiiii-d htj.iu-. (iirjhtu -mw ottloer. Mt tne pr pr
pni. at a nite not xcccfluj tony coma ier d.if tor eaob
lohii muhti r 0 into ihu for ol tim I'ihiihI mu cs.on tn
ar) 0nlt ot tne oiHii lumlnbtu the men ni.p rt-a oy tae
nr ipt il tfre i-ari ti wti.m tho m.imy was pa'd.
N noiolile ii.i'n and tbe ou it;n wbu'B mi
man bonn'tii m:d Io'vlhI, imott oo aiaitil in tbe
a ct i'M n 1:1 4 kiI
V 'l l.etonn ot e'rvlrcwlll b-"for eiflier 0110, two, or
tl n f wu , u n rixitt it ai clvi.
1. R"hfni:!tr nitiHt Oo in ! ivi d in boron Htp euiUfT
f) - h (.'sii),tT-li t-n ni.ndr iii'.l Lr - to ir ( ' rdnr
tl at iIm'i ma) 1 v jitH.iitjdl 011 l!ie q toui ot ihf state under
ll 1 nit n hio call.
VIJ. I.Gfn'lt io rii'miifr ttnd c .in rfi'ilei h fitll tm
ur), at lt-1 td i-u pt'ii-si-litimi'd v a I'ln u nu ..iitiuMe titue. a
an l" (inu mid Ik m if n d in wit'i, ot reaf-iuoniai
Drts'- ui.n Uiiim 1.4'ion- .Imt dule.
VIII. Il iuiitU-svi ill j 1 uid b tlio 1 tilUd3taU'i-;Uoreni
mtm us ti4iovs, vi. :
tar ruciui-s lot ini enr $ ioa
" two y-ar -a
" thryrtis MM
Tlie fl'nt hv (tt'iiii iu. nl Ikhiiiii ho inl by V' inai
torii p and uli-liuijtiK otlW ltb wliun the recruit ia inntre4
In. ah lu low n
To h itoiti't tio enl sts In the u'ttiy ftrnt' ypar tl
twu ri'tUlt , Hit-aft
' tlireo y . lt vw
As a raward for merttorlous rondiKt, and alio t Mtcirra
valMnlil mdltatiy ovi-erti'iire, iippo.ntiHontii ot fl 'td Uitt
cem ill lf hiftiio, i xot pt uml.T paniMr eln'uni-4 iucs9
Itoin nw4 who bai e trei-n io service tuid uave ooau httaoe
ably oindiaiyiHl. By order ul
Oovrmr and (n1manltr-lll-()aiel.
A. 1.. Itrt-ort I., Adjiitaat 4-cnvii.i f ciiusyiaaiia.
Tbe antvLXibil oidir in pnbllabad for frotuTal Infoirasv
tLuu Wi It ll.l.m Mr'NT, AlJt 1 A.T-(lKVKRAI.' Ol'ltOBk.
WA-aiiisT.ntN Mtiirli ;tl, lfs4 a',y.s kai. (tKi-i.its, No. l;tU
ei'ciad OnUri, No. 7.. nrriee of 1'.', ng i.trroby re.
hciiidcd. Miid be foiluwlni. Ofdt is will Meiit herua tafff .la
liioi be-oul:
I. la orisun.lm,' new revimonts or In pendent ctapa
nit t if oluti a-ri, the iti v r i lof ot fl'.!--. ,r' b ivby ws
iholiit in apK tu, in aodltioii to tho oillnera hireto
o e aiitimrixiO, oih M o d I. it rt-n'int 'or t.m'l' ouuipnnya
who nh.il1 he cotid tioi.a'l.i itniitorfd mm Ii e at tbs
dcteoi hi aii o'liinii'iit. An iitlcir tiiUN upon'd awt
UiHts'twroii, flinli i-tll) ht i-lttitlcd fo h- pA it'oil tliu Ulll-tt-nr
ami po risllot'bif. t. mpany, nd d;ould ne fail o en. lit
ii'tainii d coiipi:ii. a lit. n futh tl or n-t:-H'ar lo
pnrnii nt ln.i dt.olt.lia e, thf nun trtliUul b hi to snail bn
r i i-t rn in Motne oth r tomiiiiny ; Ids api-iiiuuietit iball
b" i Uli' Ihd h'1 ;rniH bf -HMcn UVUd eviltl-til oay urt
ivn f iWivcrin i' .'te hlia a p'slilou in iho i'otioii'.arod
c'ii hi- wliT'i lil'. ii, c . Mh.iH hu . Un mi rr im-orrnl.
II lniir nt ortkvrK will rt-prrt pnuntiy to the Adja
tail (hi. fin or till Arin ttif nituic ul i'ver. Itoorud ns;
L'eMitDHi.i nnitttiita Into th citce b t i"m um.Ut a
('hi'liii'iial let-ri A(ijiotninifnt. t g.-ih.-r ivitu tit-, ooa
part und m i nu in 'or wnici hf i recruiting, orlh uns
tii be niUMwcd into Uiw au Ice only on the unthority of
the (kivt'iuor of tuu iltuto to wlil:h their riio'.uuuta
II. Artlls of cnliMfm nt will bo msb nntln dupllnatsj
by audi r-criittn - oittct m. m.d ii ho d.Mod of pro
vii rd Uy pur.-iitT iph 10, ( '; H', tri ult lit k UiuUtiort.
Viltili'eoi Ni'iiiu KtH'ruitii wtij bs mdI id t'm ifa-unn-tui
rw di xvoint. ut Ipm ii ofnus once a ffMk, wu-re
tl v ill be liuinvdlriti-iy exuinlncd by u.o iiirH n of tha
re klmi nt, or oher urn"ii u)plo vi ( r Ihni uriioH i
tJif Nnu. rsiiteitd-rut ut . olniuoi-r .;eoruiii(ig Hm-vko. and a'
f ol d oi til ui dxi bv rea. in-ji'p-Tm disrt'iil y will
h dl ch;ud fntu Ih n:r I -o loillinl h hy thr Surgeon,
who will ii'i-ori u''l ij-i in iti i k to thjHiijartnti'ndi-nt a
Vount'tr ji-crtiiiinr, or vice, and alto to the ad. it nut ot
the r i Iiueitt, in it infc p iriioulrii l ilio n chkih when-Uta
ii)9t'.iit. wan obvious nt the tl u of cnlf-.tiritttit. Ai av.a
a the or, audatut'ou b- rouiplotf, 1'. "hall be carutulty
ins "e tod ai it inti'.erd h a t'nited HiHtis lu.tA-e-iUK
Uttleear, who wlfl ateO ait leant tha iiMiAaintiui itiim
ber ot ea.i v- mpunj Is pp'iu; no abtuieuii KiUb
r utiles I.
IV I mil rc-liiit-iits or Indi on lent rmupmdei uns or
fru ai r..l ann mul- red In, tlio will btf uuJocttie v airo4
oi til- U'.vm i.ur oi th Ht .to, hut all ro.inl -ntlon-i tor tjuar-tcriua-'ater.
M"llrtil. and Oi.l.imnoa sioren.all ooutrtii .s for
mil, rstr.w, and foi'titiu'. und nil n:-iu:Miiun i.r truiM
pirtatlnn. must hi upor'.v. l hv the Mop.-i lnntsu erf
Voltn tiM r IfiMTiihtDK Hirvl'-o ht 'ho Niatn or Divinioa,
V io M.'tun'it h-r f iMit'M iniire1 iii lahiiitE awiwr
on ariUtittotii shall Im pn;d hy liin.ini'nr hiflwi umesa
ttiptovidio Uia siiiputinlciidA.ii. oi oiuiuiur lacoriuiinc
Mv order of tbe Heintafy of War-
K. 1. TOVNHrXl,
Asib-tam Ail utant-Otnruf.
OtFli.UL. ao-Jt
Marine Corpa (a Tarted aad aitlusi lua by aa andl
lauid), Uiri-a hundred abie-bodWU men, to perform ta
duties of a soldier nt our Navy Yard, and atware)
United HtatAS .aips-of-wat- on fila stLkru.
Btttr coinpenuhB tbnii the army. A ailp-of-war w
a tout furtM tie borne. TIm aiaxiae Corps la tba !
diaipp4 Corps tn ibe arTic. true Money la asun-
yr all oiber laUoniittbosi apply daily at tha Keratttasi
Kaadeavoas, all S. HiOnT it, below Apna
tweiA lAa bvsus of niaa axxd tabrea o'e lo.
al aa aa r. a s-.iv vr ira,
Oaetala and U-MrultUui ois
Ko.dll 8. WKUttt tureat.
OOkeM aad KldUra -rtarUag the dtyoa farlonahi, needsaaj
sWB OTBsta
aaa ivy me to rata axrausiTi
tANBOM Street, above Maaa.
hiaae to eec at the ahorse st notice, which ley rtchneeeaeat
sesalAeeaee challenire eompetHtoa, ee ether hoaae la Ihe)
aonjrtiy eombialof the MAMUrAOTCKlNa JKWsUXsl
ti et hattt) in it a. em i t M10 liea:iii'-iit of I
lit-ati e.s, 1 lm ai IH.raso .rinll'tttl' air"ei unit is tae air I
psnsaLfs . and n. 11 1. .toll known to you and t'.o puoste I
tli.ti I I ti.t- i',r teir- had lee itie-.t iastt,,oi aa. aur- I
K-' n in the l eiltt) sintt-.t in the irtat'tt nl ol the.., mate- I
tie tl. eon ei jiirt. lit, I liiteliinl sin. n oi,otf'i notes, t
e' ittne ih" t flii a- y or ln a.iia-a us, l.t- etei 'ir, l,r tie
"I -hi. ero-rt'ss of 111, iln ul e one-. hivli. sou l n.v 1
! A