The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 01, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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    pj i ri " "T"
10 to.. F.ti.. Ktt., IJto.. lito.
" fjX'olal ta That Kvrnlna; Telfa-rnph.
Washington, August I. By the arrival of
tha mail steamer this morning from City
Point we have news from the Army of the
Potomac of not so encournglug a nature a
We bad been led t. expect.
It appears nfter Hie Rfbtil fort w.ii
blown up, General Ledlie's Division, of the
Oth Corps, pushed through the rulus to the
second Hue of the enemy's lutrcuchmenU,
when other portions of our army pressed for
ward and engaged the enemy on the right
&nd left of Ledlie.
The Rebels, however, still remained on the
right and left ol tlie dt'inolltdietl fort, In their
front line of lntronclimetits, of wliicli the fort
foimed a part. Thus the Rebels were able to
pour a steady fire into our troops, who were
resting In Iront of second line, while the
IJcbcl artillery belched forth a heavy Are fro'n
right, left, and front.
The enemy charged several times upon our
lines, and were handsomely repulsed. About
nine o'clock In the morning. General Fexrero,
Colored," Division made a charge to carry
the crest of a hill beyoad the second line ol
They advanced well under a heavy Are, but
broke and retreated in disorder. All efforts
to re foim this division were In vain. About
this time Humphrey's Brigade of Wilcox's
Division assaulted the front line of lntreuch
menta to the left of the demolished fort.
For a time they were successful, and held a
portion of the line.
It soon became evident that to carry the
Rebel works was impossible, aud about 2
o'clock P. M. our forces retired aud assumed
their old positions.
Our loss was about two thousand killed,
wounded, and missing. Wo captured two
hundred prisouers.
General Bartlett, Colonel Marshall, of the
2d Brigade, and Colonel Wild, of the 6t3th
Massachusetts, were captured.
Caiko, July 31. The steamer Henry Ami's,
from St. Louis, struck a snag yesterday, seven
n.iles above litre, aud whs sunk over her m nu
deck. She wili proi.ui.lj he a total loss. Ttie
deck freight, which was very valuable, wm taken
off slightly damaged, .nid brought here. Sixty
fcogsbends of lohacci i, one thousand barrels of
floor, and a large lot of nails on private account,
btsioes a bryc amount of pork belonging to the
Government, ure still in the bo.d. No lived were
The steunirr 6'mAni, from Memphis on the
29lb, bas unived here with tbu remains of M ij r
Kawson.of the 72d Ohio Regiment, who died of
woauds reci ived at Tupelo.
The Memphis HuiUtm contains further pir
tlvularsof the lute Ii ..;hi near ttelina. (Jar total
loss was C2, inc'uding four officers killed. The
Rebel loss was 250.
Tlie liiulelin't account of the destruction of the
steaoior Clara JSrll, fays four companies of
tie (fi b Michigan lnluntry were aboard at the
(lueof the atiuck. Filiating tlie boat was stak
ing, the crew wi re about to surrender, when the
officers of ihe regiment ordered the hoitti bo
run ou the Mississippi snore. Tne soldiers tlieu
fired her to prevent lier from falling Into the
bunds of the Rebels.
From llnrriNbnrir.
ITakiiibm no, August 1. luformation has
been received bore that a Rebel force of civalry
it proceeding in the direction ot Iludford.
Oeneral Cadwalai'er, in e.imuiand of the de
fenses, bus arrived here, and opened an oiHce In
the Capitol building.
Captain C N.Turnhull, with a surveying p.irty,
Js now cnituged Iu making saivuys witli a view
to the defense of the hus luehuuua river ut tlio
vui ious fords between this city and llivre-do-Jraoe.
nmlrwllon r Churrh.
JoiJtt. III., Jury 31. Tbe German Cathollo
dShtiiob in this pluee wi.s struck by ligtituing to
day, and five per.-ous were instantly killed
Fourteen others were Injured, of whom throe
tiave sines died.
Earllrniriu at Jilt uhnru;.
Eai.hmoki:, August 1. Reports from Gottys
bnrg and F.miuetleburg represent ths exl-tcnee
of a punic there and throughout that region of
-country. Tne pvope ure sending off tholr stock
aud valuables, aud are turning along ibe turn
pike in crowds, bellcviug that the Ileum lu large
force aie approeblng.
Tbe .Frederick train of this morning is in as
usual. It is reported that great excitement exists
in Frederick, on account of tha order Isseed by
"General Hun tor for the ex pulsion of the Southern beyond our lines.
Tbe train from Sandy Hook arrived this lEorn
Jhig, and .reports no Rebels on tbe road.
IT A handsome. Jewish synagogue has boon
exacted at Melbourne, in Australia. There are
Osie.houund Jews in that city.
a Two hundred tbouuind acres of laud iu Ire
land Jiuve bseu permitted to fall to tie aud
atertiiky the past year.
ftiiuuerous iypotheats hare hcn formed
from tune to time to accouat lor the origin of tlie sjrbit of tbe earth, but all ctndid
matkcuuttitiaus and philoiupfaert admit that tUc
best of One theories of expluaution ar uusutis
ioctory. . Captain Curtqn. the traveler, speaking of
Captain HfaAe and oJier Nilotie explorers, says
be hopes tumia trailers wiUi similar bei ts
will not return lujuie "ivith sues a uiskIikiiui of
try aud such minimum of vouL"
A new plajil from Brazil, one of the Bonsin
AMiltiue or goose-foot order of piauu, the only
uu;iuien known Ut cKi&t on the atern nide of
the American ioiiiij.ut. lias been described in the
Jaot number of the Juunml of Hutany.
Ai Ingenious writer, in a recent number of
tlie Jiiune di f Ileus ijuuttrt computus the average
ytwrly loss of life on ruilwuy journeys as 1 in
7AKX),(i(io traveler, whsrwts 7O,0oo in 20.000,00;
tiuvaWrs wwifcl he no ui ru tlutu tlie fuir pr iper.
lion to ibe ha;iiiuI lots of liiu i farmer Jiy
Wioiig UitYi'-t l? land Sd sea.
Tin: GREAT coxiest
FEAT OF THE ENEMY., l:tr. Etc.. lAf., Ktr., KM.. F.
Th lrin1 Oudlrt rnl.
1Thapicahtkhs Aust OP Till! POTOMtC, II
Frust or rnBHsnnui, J.ily 30, 8 A. M Ths
pmi.o c nfllet c mnisneed in ear li nt "it d .ylie'it
tbm mori iiiff. A louil and conririu'iiit r i' f
cannon all slong the In" soirth'd the whole
countrr fiom Its slumber, nd spreillo
tl.r. uiil.ou' our army the wildest excitement aud
enil.ns a-m.
Oenersl O ant's new tl ink movement hid en.
tlrely changed the Hxpe -tof sifslrs hrr. By It
h righ wa tnrown on the nor' ft side of J nes
rlvi r, lthin ten miles of Hichmon I, ena ill ig
blm to switi b hl entire for e npoi e iher si le of
the rlvfr in a vi-ry f-w hours, th'is eonnelllng
the cn my to cover Richmond with a large force,
as well as rrtcr-ourg a.d the entire in , wiiotj
thi'V rould not do, and hence had to risk a gene
ral engnpr ment.
The thousand tonsil artillery dnol prorosts
miignifWntly at this hour, the bowMnn shell
biiMitig In ild prniu-don in tamo and battery,
slid aniiuig the trtMubl'mt pliii s Tne u isk.hi f
have tn t yet como much lino action b it the
v. hole army is under arms and In line of lis tie.
AmtnunlMon trains are. dinrtnutlnir their
(fores along tl.c liin s, and iu.'o trm. are
Hurrying up tor the reception or the wo in le l,
while tl.a white coverl ts ofvhom tud-i of h s
pitnl I ds ais tiirtn d down, nnd army surgeon-,
with a;irnns on, the r iii-iruuients nt hint, ii'id
fle vi s upro'li d, art- qine'ly mw il'ing the no l
bsrv, at of wur. fnisMrnntf thn c iu-e, th9
nrmlc-. and thn potioti, it i the gnu leit spec
tacle the world ever .
Oolnir to Work Hi'tw-I Fort mown T.
PrrohB rKTKtiNin no, July 9 A. M.
Alter tin eo di ys of m ino'nvring, v th inire.'i
ini! imd soma lih.'iinr, ihe irmnd aisauit
1'p'ersbiirg was m-ioe at 4 o'c'oeR this iiiorniii,
iiud - still progressing, it is llwuirnt favo a'dv.
Ti e nioven.ent of II mrocl and Suorid in ti
the h It ha' k of the Juinen wai a te nt to .li iv
the i ni n ) in ttia diru. ti m, und w n sii vesfu!,
Yen rdny, to c n(iriu him in bis iuipriwsiori
tbsittirniit propo-cd to make Hie fnrli, three trams
were n ftt over fro:n here in In. pl.iin siitht the
Ions tri or-poruition ol the litu Corps b. iu nso 1
for thht nirp'e. Then, at d irk last nigh", II 1 1
coi k in g in miirehinir 'his wa, a id bjfore d iy
i'pht had biscoi s in clrw reserve. Oeiv ral
Hum, Chief of Artillery, haJ 01 ami Ijiuor
fllTK ill p- sltlon
Tl e cxt'losion of an immense mine nn Burn
s'de's fn nt was the -tgiml furtbem in opjn. Tho
n nin nltnek wi. to from he ren're, ' y -fi r Htli
Corps, while the ICth, and Turner's D vl-lon if
he lOrh, slionld bi' massed in ih." richf re ir of the
Uib, and the Htli on tlio left () the 9 h. I' irt of
the 3d to take a portion of th li'.e near the river,
but ni a. ly all to support the nth.
Tbe n ine had been pushed out i')0 feet ra
('la'irg Into three br neh.s hrncath a Ita'iel
Ti ur-gun hattcry. The powder rxplo linu live o
liltifn fci t under frrotind, wasrriud toch imb. r
train lift, en inches in diuimver an I 2-W f et long.
The world shook win n 't won hred. A colii in
ofyt How ar'h spouted into the air broad a id
high as the Hunker Hid Monument.
1 he echo of the awful blast had not corn ba:k
from the woods bciind when the hundred guns
opened from the ilsiiw ground-in Warren's front.
I rould se the line of bid. himr lire, the ged
volumes of white smoke, and bear the noise of It
all. Aud the enemy auuii y replied. Ilavy
musketry volleyed In tbe cen're, only heurd in
the momentary interva's between th" guns, hea
viest just when the sun's blood-red disk whirled
imo slubt in the east. Was it the snn of another
Ansti rlit. ?
Great masses of whl'S pnwder smoke, hngin?
dose to tbe earth, or reluctantly ri-ing and rat
ing on the tret -tups, obs aired the vio.v. The
fliw-lies of the guns in the hae, pr .jecting ra i y
leet fTom the iiiuizlc, einld he senn nothing
eUe. The rburcb spires of lVt- rsburg w-re lost
fr m the pieture. And ihe smoke lo Igs I bebln I,
and henked up a'ain-t the sun till his great eye
was dim and hh an d.
At lust, just before six, a fresh brecz chvircd
nil tbe prosp, ctas by tn:i.'ic. Each man now to
his held glass, nnd we strain our eyes, and sweep
the gluss from point to point.
In ibe Kroup are Generals Warren, Hant, C .ti
ler, and Ayrrs, and their S'nll's.
Still no woid from the front as to how It is with
onis. There e can nnly look and etihano
iliotiubt nnd boH S slid knoIedgo of wu it ea h
sees. At just six the Ri be s are running. One
and then another is certain hascesthe'n 'lyiurf.
The nuked eye soon conlirms that which asj
"tetn tliroiifih a t;lass darkly," and the rascals
rr running in pre .t tl h Io,
(Hie more planee from this point and than to
another. At our el'io a battery is throwing
tour i.nd a hnit shells, and the enoiuy occasion Uiy
reply with tho-e of eipi'il metal and wit 1 irn id
unn. The Regular brtg ide is enlaced at our ! f .
A column of snrnku rl-os from Petersburg
and c ouus in tlio eky Indicate that the city is
bun int.
A sipiial station iiy a battery hard lo the front
is nuvniM merrily hslitde ll.m Uir thattilks; I
do imt coiiipiehi'iid it. Ueneials Urant uud
Meade me at lliirn-ide's he d putters. l'U"re I
lesin tb..t the mine uocumpbstn d i s purpose.
The explosloti buried three of t'ie f mr g ins
sIkivo It and many nu n. While the eirtli Mill
tn rnliud the Nth New York Artillery, 2d bri
gade nt Lunlie's Divi-mu, rushed up u the soot
and bioki the enemy's line. Over od l pris in ri
ere taken, l'ri.-on. is ro coining in, 20J uuea ly.
There is t.ostiugiiliiig.
We heve certainly c ir: lei sumoof the enemy's
winks. Here, a' huan tuarters, ihe iinprcs-ion is
that e, t.elore iho snn poos d wu, unfurl
hie Hug iu re'crsbtir,j. There are still fresh
Hoops enough at h..n l to pour a new eolimiri
upon tbo lt bid centre every hour till night, if
that shall be ncces-ury.
Of course no hing'is known yet in detuil,
no lilna us t the ossc, and wnere th. yhno
fallen iieavbst. Sliernlau's cavalry Is moving
round 10 our left, on the en'tny'i right, l'ua
buitle bus rsned tour hours without eessulon.
How much 1 .nicr of this Oepcnds upja tha
ltein Is giving way, not ou our giving up. .Vci
York TtitAine
Rt.VI:W OK nn: MI-t'AriOV.
Wamunoion, July H. Despatches herewith
tiaiiMiirtti d biimr lf,im th.- imagination tie
opening of a i;riid bit le-draiua, which bdgau
with curly ouwu of Sa ur ay.
I'ulike customii y skii'inisblug, with which the
flint sul ies id' bu1 tie beu'ii, the comb it of tiatur.
day opens tuid-t explotious ot mines and t'ie
rude canir rofa bundled pieces of urtilicry. L'n
I appdy the curtain diom with the lirst cl of tlio
drum. 1, und the rest, whether of glory or disas
ter, js sdi n-e. Wu sua 1 have to wa t yot a
lew hours ire we know the reu ts of the oanuist.
evr before dinini; ti.o V rginl 1 citiipa K'l
tbe lnilitiiry sitnuttou Inspired atoms) sacn in o
rt st and sue b solicimde. For six weeks the army
hns remained Iu apparent deadlock la front of
tbe lines of fetersburg. The passage of the I tmcs
bad exhausted the category of possible flanking
movements with Richmond as an objective.
A movement to the left, though presenting the
high ttrateuic advantage of planting the army on
tbe enemy s lines of railroad communication,
seemed to exios too much our own coimuutii
1 ai ions to be adventured. A movement to tbe
right, so long as tbe enemy's position at Iter uuda
HuLdred wus unauilable, would oolv carry the
army once more to tbe uortlu rn side of the James.
For a season It seemed to bo Uenerai Grant's
intention to force tbe enemy by e ivalry raid to
an abandonment of his strung podtloii. II nee
followed tbe. operations of Wilson aui Kauu,
wluch.tlioiigh vip.irously and sucosssfady exe
cutud, and which, no doubt, caused a severe
temporary stmin ou tbe Hebel Commbsariat and
.(juartei master's Departments, did not prove ade
quate totbedesirod end.
llu this state of facts thers seesningly re
niainod, therefore, oidy to esesty ones more on
the liues of Petersburg tb.-e bloody assaults
wbinb, tried a score of times 011 tbe lutrench
Bient. of tSpoKsylvauia and tbe Chlekatiominy,
served but to show an iucompaialile valor op
posed to obstacles too fur mid able to be over
come. Tlai most hopeful eould not see a s.ilu
tloQof thosoiost perplexing problem, while tbo
less lKjtetnt declared the summer campsia at
an end.
Meanwbile, one msn has been day and ulght
not only hopeful, but conndeat Of ultimate sue
ees, cnfUieui with that audacious faith of
gi nius which jpii-ivioK futurity, dares to pronounce
ihe deere of tote. Tbi nmu, I need not say, is
l.ietitetiuiitiencral Grant. Never, fur a mo
nun', bas be swerved from the full assurance of
the capture o,f Kl. timolol ; una it j kjmwu that
he s. nie lime .lice even lixed sdav, aud th tt not
t; tiln .i.t on-, when I a would sra-p the Ifiv:
miM'I t i'i.;' . li .'li'srs:'! juU.;ouiou pre
s. t ti ii l y tt ',rp'el y of the problem, an I tho
coi fab n e l.e tloinmander, that tdds a pecu
liar ltttt M to tbe operations lust k 'nltli'erf.
To Mpveia'e t riy the operations of Sa ur
day, they si mild j. aken in c mneetion witli the
oprintiot s of the tbn e previous davs, with ivhieb
they fre related mif b more clos.'lv than in ly
apriar Irom the d sjnlotrd reisirii whi 'h bae
tl usfnr re ihcd u. lod ed. the execution of
Gi ti- ral (4ratn's prcent plan sgs'n-t IV'rsbnr
iriHi I e snid to hae been 11 on W d ifsday, when
tei eras ll nirock and She' dan crn-d 'he to n uke a oeti.on-tra ion towards Hicli
niontl. Iiut to ereat has been the misapprehension
wiili retfutd to tin sc os'rations, that what wvyt
o' v oosly d .iU'ied a. a telnt ha. bis'n inlHrk.'if I
Tor the n am movement. 11 is not,
bowi vi r, that ibst nt ohserverssh u d"be mi-lu i,
since the successful exemtion of General Grant's
plan prsn.iH.i.ed ih it I. re himself sh ni'd tie
deceived In Ihe m.molaiiee of forimda'de move
ment on Richmond by a line of march which
would isimp. I linn to mate large deiacUuieuts
fiom tlie amiy at l'efer-hiirir.
Gei 1 ral Or m 's desiirn has been t'lrouihnut
to p. 1 tee Ihe lines in his 1111 me li.ite fr in' ; but f ir
tld purpose it a- absolun-ly mswsary th it
the r iiurrlsons should ne great.y reduce I. The
dlvi-lon of force nide ly 'he abscncp of tlio
He is I con run In tbe Pti'mndnh valley fur
thered this ih slxn, and a m mn-uvre that would
drnw oft additional Important detachment to
tie ninth Imtik of ihe Junes w.ind stl'ird imp rr
tiinity tor ss-Hiilistlmt would have Is'en both no-
wise ami iinurae iiatl.le ap on-t works tnan icd iiy
their lull comi'lcmeiit of Lett's veteran tr.Mioi.
How this was carried into cliect may be bnelly
tlencrnl Fo-b'r, with his conim ind, Ihs, as is
wi I' known for 111111' tine, held a of vantage
at li. ep Bottom on the north b 11 k of the J tuu-s,
nnd ten miles from Klclimond, Tne advantage
of this cmps depkiee was to observe the road
leading from Kiehmonl, in case the etv-mv
slioiild uttempt a tliukina movement by ibis Una
b le nt the -ume liuie it air rded a fortified
bfticlfr for the passage of columns desluuatod
eithi r lo denioii."trute or uperutc ag dust the Kcocl
capital from t lie northern side
At this point ibe 1 Corps, nn ler command
of Ui in ral Huue k, and tou Ut ami J I Hivi
sinus of I'uv.ilry, under Hluridm, pnsseii the
river on Tuesday night, and 04 Wednesday
1111 mil. enp-ai-'ed the It iliel lon e holding the x
siiioii Iu I'oulof I'usur. A ski fally execute 1
thinking movement by Mies' Ilrigadx, Istl).
vinon, 2d Corps, put us in poss ssion of this
ou'er line Iho enemy retir'tnr to a str uk y for
tilled line in tho r ar, held b. Ki r.-h'V's Divl
sii n of I.oniis r. et's C irps, witli a force of
euv., Iiy nod iiiill'ery. This stronghold uot
as-ailed, liut cner.'eticd. 111 instra ion-were m tie
duitni; the day ss if for tint en I. wh.lo cavalry
luniio'utted on tbe It' ll. I l ft tlauk.
These ilemons'ia'l ais wire kept up the follow
ill If day ( Thiirsd iv ), and every s'ra'.iMeul nil
piovi 0 10 induce L e to believe thai It chmuad
wis mi" seed in force. Annuo; tiie-e wss ttie
iiuitii; of the wiik'on-truin of tin: (ith Corps over
the poi toon b nJk'c ncrois the J one-, tuns in
ducing tb imprcston tins wnoie cjrps w
mov i.e in thut illrcc'ion.
Tbi-se leints were couipletc'v successful.
lltirins ITiursday aid Fri.lav tr uns were
hnil engaged convey Iiik trsips from 1'oters'iurg
to K i liUioud, and thence to th.t tnreat 'ii d
po nt ; und this nu is said to have succeeded In
calnng oil' ut leit liitcen thousand of Lee's
Havinu secured this des'red obiect, Un lock's
Corp- was, during Thursday u id Fnd iv nights,
secretly recalled HCro-s the James, and relia i.ig
Ps s eps, rep isssd th Appomattox at 1' nut of
Kis k-.snd t'Hik position on Um) ri :ht of our Hue,
nlievii g the IStli Army Corp , which was sent
lo the support of the '.ith.
The disposition of our on the lino s iuth
of the Appotmitox liecame, thcretorc, as fol
lows: 'j he 'h t'oipson the light, the Uth in tlia
cintii, nitb tbe IH111 snppjrtiug, und trie oth 011
the left. The pln of atia'k contemplated the
forcing of the lb h I lino in front of our ecu re,
and it was for this reason that the !)th Cnrps was
reiuloicfd by the whole of ti.e IScb. linm was a
point wh'ch lias long been regarded as the key
to the Hi bel system of defense, comm lading, as
it does, and enfilading their whole I inn.
Of lai ileal operations, 111 irking the cominonce
mriit of the attack ; including the springing of a
mine In Uurnsidti's front 1 and tbe p eliuiinary
anility firing along the whole line to cover a
genera! a-sanlt, tbe Yimrs' special Corn'
sjm i k in detail. It is of course vain to .pec alatd
n g. ruing ihu sequel of these successful pnd tnt
uury oi eratioits; hut tbe view of the situation
above presintcd uutliori.cs the most hopeful a i
ticipations. Wii.Msm Swintom,
Of ts .V. 1 . Timn.
i.t.uw ivrt: i.i.iur.Nt k.
C'.i kT or Qi-ahtkr Skssiovs Judge Allison.
A ip.e-tion buv iiu lieen raided before the Court
ou Suiiirdav as to die proia'r ollicers to b ild the
election winch Hikes pluee to-111 irrow, wheth'-r
he eacil'U ollicers elected last fall, or tnoso
Icerid ihe full before, Judge Allison this morn
ire 11 cioed, in the 'ollowlng opinion, that the old
oftli crs were the prop, r ones to ucc :
.Tudi'i'i ftpd Impctors f eiivd int a-e annual ortleers. It
as 1.0 a. 1 id. 1 u t i imrt 111 l. It 114. ui. iits'ii
he l, ilmt a i'p"'l' iii(niliit.-.l In Sll a va ni'y 1. DinLli-l
to si I fur the euiiin jvur. dan iit uuie. to t'uruou,
The ntl'ce heh g an sniiu'dnai s he iiua-tl in arii-s.ut
whyt timo dis th' tirin lieglo lo U'i lilt Irumtludiy
ut i .eciliiii, ur ut h pi'rl d 'iu,C'iien' tbarel'iy
'I lie net ,'rii liliuit lor die Hi t on of nnaeo''ff aiii?
Juiis' koi t'lertiotm do"a ma In many HorJitHft r'nr-ti
llie its) rrnin wtileh die year tlisll l.e coinpiited. I es It
contain thil Ooia v tilcti it may tic gstaurua by aaeo.a iff
It u provided tl si the .tiidn'-s and InsrMvtora In
li e uisi'lu-r prfhr. 1 d Ov ilw act. stiall ru et at tne i f p.-c-1.
j.lai-e. ol lio'ilieg s'ai'ilo.i, oh IS. murtiing of thn .?.
ri'tt't iioroi v in 0 't"0fr tn 'icA 'I'oi i ery yiic, al -h
nm.t neccailLv iu'an. om year from tns lav "f
tlHr ei'i'tioo; and tu'loru sworlnif m t'la du'Eas of
tlmr ottio, liny, nsirt'iS' wuti tns c'erki mipHQWd
h.v ttie liiape'ioia, .liu tat" an I mitiiorltio t.'u'wi'lt
of i rtlrsi, wtilch itiatl bo adm n sruJed to hem by
ut y jii' pa, aldfrrnau, or tu.'iee ot ti e pa icr ; liar it' n
kin li ui.iKi.triiie le ttrftent. thi n t :s lii.pi-eruii atiall. .Va.
It will ihea I a -e. il, tlie tlra" uif-tliii; ot' tlieoiNCTa
eltce I to roiul ic ths eieti-ina Cor 'tie aiisiilu vaar, ta
ll.ii' Un D Itia H"i-"ll t I'll'-.ilav in ll-loti-T am-c. lading
t'.ilr elietion. at whli'h timet are to fei saroru Into
ortn.-; Inr tin- ai'l r., thill hrfit tcnurn vh tm
ihittttA nt Ittrir i.jHrr. iay ahml t.k'e t'ie oadl t I h aj-nilui-tetid
l, a tu..'1-lra'e. wim In contoin ilali-oi of iar,
lluiio i-e .ri'.etit : p-esi-ni at tlie incvilim dualsnaied
I.t oikii I'lai i'iiti t' e 1I.1 v nitiiM.l. Th.' ollt mth who ari- t'nti
In met and are lo l e .worn Into oiH.-e, are ili .. wlio
wi"a i,ircti d ou i!-e aroouil rue.ila v '.f Orticr p tor 10 mn
d.iy ol nii-ettuL'. K'oiu Oil. d.iy Ins term hKlna to e ui t,
at d, if tnr oaieu la an annual ntlke. 1' fol'o. thut all tnu
elai.1 o: rm'tal and .peisl. .hall ha ha d liv tn-ru, as
n-'ii tr '1 h) IK' 'iilirtr-ei.tli a.-clioll 01 the Act of ts IS.
1 m. I li pf th oftliu ntiinl .11 that tha s.'Vtiral diiti".
rsii'rail if lw iifrtortuiid r.v 'he ottleera ilf.b'u 10 d 111 ihe
art ri'i Itlatlp,' 'lie flar-lloii of 'I no d.y naM, an t.r aill
ri' iiti'H tn it e iu I'- "f iiitiMn t-ir. a- d iiiiiiri-i of ai' ion,
B'liii If pertonui'd hv t' o-e who ffn fl.iail In llcio n.T,
llV ; 'In'lr alll.unl olllce cornlai'lieniK on tlie sc illd I'll. id
day n I ii-iol,. r. IsCJ, c.'Utlhllas until ths aoconj iuiliday
In iieto- tr, IfW.
why GovticvoK 1.1: it'll'S norm:
Nuln 10 The Eve-ulna- Televrrtih.
Wasiiinoton, August 1. On the arriv d of
General Hunter'' troop i at le xlngtoa, the resi
dence of Governor Letcher was cared fr aad
protecled by Gi neral Hunter's order, as was all
other priva'e prop, rty in that town.
After two d ys there was discovered in a
rYs.ncd printing office a manuscript proclaim
tit n, written aud signed by John Letcher, which
bad been set up, exhoiting tbe citizens of the
town and country to atsassinato our troops from
Khlnd trees, bushes, Ac.
Tbe discovery so incensed General Hunter and
bis army that he ordered tbo destruction of
Letcher's house.
MH'Tiir.iiN' mens.
sirlal lo Hi Evening Telarrli.
Wahhinotoh, August L Richmond papers of
Friday contain but litilo news.
The Conservatives seem to have been defeated
in the Gubernatorial election la North Carolina.
Governor Vance is supposed to be re-elected. A
viebj-y for F.arly, at Kernstown, near Wiaehes
tir, is claimed by the Whig. A telegram from
Karly subsequently adds, that he had drives our
foices into Maryland. Tfcoy Contain no Atlanta
The W reek of tha Mtranaer " Hlatea
nostoH, Aufiust 1 Tbe schooner Jfary CI.
ytrr, from I'biladelphla, reports that on July 27,
wiicu ten miles oft, she boarded ihe
steumer SUiten Inlander wiili liur stern broken f.
Ku pinked up front tbe wreck a trunk containing
cloUiiug.aiul a letter directed to Hubert Goodley.
bheulxo picked up a batrel of talloar, one box of
soap, and two buskets bi uring the letters "8. J;' '
Mr. WUliain E. 8. Whitman, of Agusu, it
engaged in writing a history of what Miiuc has
done in tlie war.
A couvenlioa of the publishers and Job
printers of Mew Hauip hire, held at Ciaoord last
wiek, agreed that a rise in prices is inevitable,
l oiiijrud upu no vuifuru) rats.
Gen. Grant and President Lin
coln at Fortress Monroe.
Ele.. Els- E.. Eie., FI., VAC, Ele.
FoBTnrss Moxbok, July 31. Late advless
firm the front show that w were Bauble to
hold sll the gmut.d panied la the assault of yes
ttrduy, It being mostly eouunanded by an Inner
line, ai.d that most of tho works takon were re
raptuied by the enemy. We captured five ban
died piitoncisin thensranlt.
The loss on both sides was con-i Icrable, pro
bably four tboi.saud to Ave thou -and.
General Gmnt arrived from City Point at nine
A. M., and was met at Fortress Monroe by Presi
dent Lincoln, who arrived from Washington at
ten o'clotk.
Hot h rmbarked ou the steamer Ililimon; and
alter going In the direction of Cax Henry, the
stcsiner re tamed towards Norfolk, thus avoiding
all iiiteiiiip'loti during the interview.
At three P. M. the President returned to Waih
ington, and General Grant returned to the urmy.
The s'eutiier Andrtv Harder, with three hun
dred and ninety wounded officers and soldiurs
from City Point, arrived this morning, and pro
ceeded to Washington.
IBrrlHl lo Tho Kteulnir roli'r.rh.
WAsnihoToM, August 1. The Nf.iraaya: We
have Ihe following i'lterestlm; particulars of the
lighting on Saturday in front of Petersburg, ob
tained from eye-witnesses of the stirring events
of the day.
At two o'clock on Saturday morning the signal
boat at City Point coming down the Appomattox
swlf l) , aud vcutiug its well-known and peculiar
brill wbi-tle, indicated to the initiated thut some
thing wus np.
Geiif Grant rose bun lolly ;'aml luountinghls
hoise galloped off towards Petursborg, to Meade's
headquarters, some eight mi cs distant from City
Point. Other par les, anxious to witne-i tin) an
ticipated event, imtncdia.ely followed as rapidly
as possible.
About tlires o'clock the stillness of night wu
brcken by an artillery Are, of no great, fervor,
however, and wb'1 on the surface bore no
significance, as befug uutbiug more than the
routine compliments of the morning to tho enemy
about 4 o'clock. However, the cannonade on
our jaif assumed a viorthat must have warned
tbe rcier-.burgira and the enemy there congre
gated that something serious was about to trun
spiie, and nboiit twen'y minutes lat..r something
t-ciiotis did transpire, In the explosion of Grant's
mite, :oca'ed under the main fort In front, or
rutin r a bt'lc to the left of the front of Burn
stib 's position.
Gur Informants state that the published ae
com ts to the effect that the earth was blown up
five hundred feet by the explosion, and that the
report "awakened Uictmiond," shaking tha c irth
us by an earthquake for miles away, is all
The mine was laid very deep, and tho explo
sion, though i ffective and destructive, was distin
guish! d by none of those pyrotechnic effects
given it by tbe band of fancy. The earth was
thrown up in a brown cloud about one hundred
feet, aud at the same time a low rumbling sound
wai hiard, bcurlng no proportion iu weight to
the roar of tbe cannon.
The sound of Ibe explosion was not even heard
at City Point, and the fact of the explosion of the
mine was not known there until the arrival of tbe
train from the front. A pause of twenty minutes
followed upon the sptingingof the mine before
the charge was made, by our troops, who then
sprung forward to tbe first hue of intrenchmeuts,
winc h was curried, and they pushed on to the
second line, exposed to a murderous eutilading
tiro Hum the enemy's batteries.
Hi te it was that the negro troops, who hid '
earned a good name in previous service, and who
had asked the privilege of leading tho advance,
row tied bclore the terrible lire, aud fell back iu
Hic.t iln-order.
Our Iom was pretty heavy in the fighting
betactn the iiitren' huients, amounting to
thousand Or lll'tccn bundered men. It was ru
potted ut City Point wheu the mail-boat left yes
Itrdsy, llnd we bKik three hundred prisoners In
tbe Kebcl intreuchment-, aud that sotno seven
. in died of tbu enemy were killed by tho ox
plo. nn.
The Kebels appear to have been informed as to
the diiecil'iti iu which Grant's milling operations
wtru rnntilng, as shown by tbe fact, that
Ihiy b d removed twelve of tao sixteea
guns belonging to the fort exploded. TUe
story that Petersburg was burned ou Satur
day is uot true, sc hear. Casual shells may have
struck buildings and fired them, but the town
us not deliberately shelled, as reported.
Tuuugh Grunt has not succeeded in accptn-pli.-hiug
bis purpose in this initial attempt ou tho
works of the enemy, and is apparently no nearer
Petersburg than he was before tho explosion of
his mine, be really has gained possession of in
formation as to the enemy's position that, com
bined with the destruction of the principal forti
fies' ion defending Petersburg, places him muc
nearer the accomplishment of his work. I
There was no firing after 2 P. M. oa Saturday
and there was only desultory firing after S A. M.
Our troops were back where they sturted from
before 11 A. M.
Since writing tho above, we bava information
that the explosion was admirable, realising all
Grant's expectations, but we failed to reap the
advantages expected to follow upon It.
Tbe report that tbe negro troops behaved espe
cially bad Is not corroborated by our biter
information, which suites that they behavod no
worse, at least, than others.
The hospital steamer Cusct!cut has arrived
with four hundred aud thirty-two sick aud
wounded from the hospitals at City Point, In
cluding thirty-seven ollicers, most of whom were
wounded in tbe fighting on Saturday.
General Bumslde is reported slightly wouuded
Iu tbe arm In Use attempt to rally the negro troops.
Colonel Curtis, of the tth Peansylvauia
Kegimtnt, if reported killed. Tbe Ui and 20th
Michigun ltrgJments are laid to have lost con
siderably in prisoners.
IU' Star'i accouut of the Petersburg failure
t'bare that auiv Genera ha blundered.
Kte., Etc. Ele., Els'-. Ete., Ele.
Washinotov, August 1. Infirm tion from
the Army of the r jtomac, dated J-ily 3 ), 3 P. M ,
says: After the explosion this miruiiir eor
thlng betokened a briilivit v cory, but soil
after ma ters assumed a different aspoet, pr
of the attacking furcj having iven way, thn
rxposliig the balance to an enfilading tiro from
the artillery and Infantry.
The proK'ianmie was as follow s :
The mine to be exploded at ii A. M., the bat
teries to open ut once along the entlro line; the
Uth Corps to charge, supported hy tlie Ht.v,
(Ayrrs') Division of the 5th, and the 3 I Division
of the 2d. The great-T part of thi ivrrangem nt
was carried out ns ordered, although tlie com
mere meut was later th in the hour dcsignatsid.
on nceonnt of tho fu e going out twice.
The explosion took plic t at precisely i-10, ai l
the roar of artillery that Immediately followed
was almost deafening. At hall'-pist live the
charge w as made, and the fort w itu part of the
line each side wus curried in brilliant styie.
The 2d D. vision, which was In tho ce ure, ad
vanced and carried tho secind line, a short dis
tance bey und the lir-'t and here rested, holdiua
their ground with the utmost dub rutin ttion. It
was at this time that tho Colored Division, Uriga
illet -General Wbito in command, were pushed
forward, and ordered to charge and carry the
crest of the hill, which would have deciJcd the
The troops advanced in gMd order as far as the
front Hue. where they received a galling tin!,
which checked them, and ultbough ipiite a unui
ber Vcpt on, the (ircater portion seemed to become
utterly demoralized, part tubing refuse In the
fort, and the huluiico moving to tha rear as fast
is possib.c.
They were rallied, and pushed forward ae;an,
hut w ithout success. The greater part of their
c Ulcers being killed uuj wounded during th.s
tine, they seemed to he without any one to man
age tbcni, when th' y finally fell back to tho rear,
out of the range of the voile) s of cnister and
musketry thut were ploughing through their
Their looses are very heavy, particularly tn
officers, as will be sen by the following figures:
The 23d U. B. (Colored) Regiment had fifteen
ollicers killed and wounded, and lost about four
bundled men, Including the missing.
The 2Mth United Slates (colored) Regiment,
hud 11 ollicers, and about 13'J men killed,
woundtd, and missing.
Tbe 27th United H ates (colored) Regiment,
had 6 ollicers, and about 120 men killed, wounded,
and missing.
The 20th United States (colored) Regiment,
bad 8 onUcrs.und about 175 men killed, wounded,
und missing.
The 31st United States (colored) Regiment,
hud 7 officers, aud about 200 men killed, wounded
and missing.
The 43d U. 8. (colored) Regiment lost six offi
cers and a large number of men.
Tbe 30th U. S. (colored) Regiment lost several
officers, and 160 men, killed, wouuded, and
Tbe loss in tbe '.'d Division of the Oth Corps
General Led llu commanding, was very severe
being estimated at front 1000 to 1200, .while many
make the figures larger.
Among tbe uiissiug I regret to announce the
name of Gencrul Bartlett, who reanhed tho fort
with his command, aud bis cork leg being acci
dentally broken, he was un .bio to got off tha
fic's He how ever bold postesslon of tho groand
for several hours, and only surrendered when all
lope of escape was gone.
home two hundred men, both black and white,
weie with bim, it Is believed, at the time, a few
of whom managed to get hack to our lines amidst
a storm of bullets.
Nearly all of General Uartlctt's stall' wore cap
tured at the same time.
Colonel Harshuil, commanding tho 2 1 Brigade
of this division, was also tukeu prisoner, with
several of bis stall'.
Colonel Wild, of the 'A h fi isss -husctis
(Colored), is also reported a prisoner.
Colonel Gould, 3'Jth Masachuietts, lost a leg.
M.jor llu no.;, 179th New York, also lost a log.
Lieutenant-Colonel Ba.ncy, 2d Peuusylvaula,
wouuded. v
Major Prescott, 57th Massachusetts, killed.
Lieutcnant-Culoucl Ross, Slit United States,
leg amputated.
This division having been a g sxl deal in ad
vance of tho rest of the Hue, bold their position
for several hours; but were tiually compelled to
fall back, suffering heavily white doing so.
Tbe luss iu tho 1st and 3d Divisions was also
ti vcre, the lat'tr having somo four hundred In
hospital. Ihe 18th Corps occupied a part of tbe
line, but their loss was not very great. Wo took
n bout two hunJred and fifty prisouers, mostly
Nauth Carolinians, and five haule-Qigs.
All Is rjuict thin morning (lund .y,) the 31st
Vtnrketa by TrtsKrnph.
Nkw Yohk, August I. Flour hi dudinad l Vi;
a-V; talis ol' lll.ionhhl.. at lll KVo Slo-lfi ror Hrata; Sll 11
I J lur litilo, and fan .'ami shi'.'si i..r s .iiln -ru w.,.i
in oru6c ; .ale untininir'aitt. V rn -.:it .e luwi-r.
lt.i'f I. Cull tn.kurin. Lara uuiei at il.ii.c. M'lusLy
dull util 7. tn !;.''.
Stats or Thfkhomktkb To day. Six A. M,
81. Noon, 01. 1 P. M., . Wind, W. by S.
Fkhbonal. We are pleased to learn by a pri
vate letter, that Colonel W. W. II. Davis, lOtih
Pennsylvania Volunteers, is now at his homo in
Pucks county, and that his wound, received
while at the head of his brigade in tbe recent
attuck on Charleston, is now rapidly Improving,
it is feared that the Colonel will never lie able to
use bis ri'bt bund aguin. This Is tbe second time
Colonel Duvls has been wounded. He has com
manded a brigade for over eighteen months, and
we ttust will soon receive tbe star which be so
justly merits. His loss, though only temporary,
is deeply felt in the brigade. An officer writes us
from tlie lbVh Pennsylvania Volunteers: "I
never knew anyone missed so uioch. Wben it be
came known anions tbe men and officers that he
had lai n seriously wounded by a shell from ths
Rebel butteries, every one seemed depressed and
disheartened." This Is a noble record, coming,
as it does, from one whom we know to lie a man
of truth and honor, and himself respected by all
who know him.
DaiAiin he or a Batteit. The Keystone
Lattery, which left Camp Cadwalader for Har
risburgon Saturday afternoon, consists of six 10
pound Pnrrutts, 160 men, and 128 horses. Cap.
tain Hastings is in command. First Liuutonunt,
John V. Crtajey ; Junior First Lieutenant, James
Roberts ; Keinor Second Lieutenant, James lling
hsm ; Junior becond Lieutenant, J. S. Newlaud.
Accidental Kiiootino. As two men were
examining a pistol at Spruce street wharf yes
terday afternoon, tbe weapon was accidentally
discharged, taking effect Iu the hreust of William
'itiouins. lie wus removed to tbe Hospital. Wd
liiiiu Redman, In who.-e bauds the pistol sas at
tbe time, was arrested and held fur a further
RrrrrTtoi or th Fikw Zh'avks. Bixkt'1
Flrt Zouaves are exposed to arrive In this city
on tha 10th lns-ant. Tbe Fire Department of this
cl'.v contemplate gMn-t this vote an. a irr.nd
recrp i n i and on lis arrivd, the rrg meut will be
met by the Chief Marshal, his A d-, n l the Com
m.tueof Arrsttgeiuents, with the Connil tee.if
tYy Councils ass I such ni' mrer of the Coive-..
Oon as may choose to Join them. After nelng
esci rted to the 11' Irn-hiiietn Kalo u, th liuo 11
t formed on the norh sid'of Was'ilegton -re t,
with the rirhton F.ivbth stnrt. The 1st Dlvsioa
to occupy tbe spi ce betwmi Klghtb ami Mrven It
s retsj ihe 2d Dlvi-ioii, brtwwn S'-v-n h and
Sixth strn'tsi the 3d Division, beiwen S x h and
F'fih stiifts; th Vh D "'-i- n b teen Fif h and
Fourth streets; the .'ith Divi.ion be ween Fo ir'tt
and Third streets; the regiment ea,t of Front
1 h regiment w ill man h np Wn-diltnrt nl str.-et
to Third, and be halted until Clio line h is nass 'il,
when It will take post In the rear of the 3 1
Division; the ambulances, with tbe wounded
men, b inc-in the rear of the regiment.
The crimp .nit s w ill i i unteiniurch on thn son h
sloe of V ust'ingion strai t, turning at tun strc-ts
on which the rix'it of the r divisions restei, mil
paa over the to lowo if route:
I'pThbd street 10 llrnwn ;up HMwn'oTwcllth ;
t'own Twelfth to I'hi sum ; dowu Ciies'iut to
Fourth ; down Fourth to Walnut; no Wnuut
to rlxih sttect, where the lino will be dis-missrd.
lr. G. S Wtlh ts, i f tho Kmnirfl 11 ok an 1
I sddi r Company, w II receive tho regt uent on
tn half of tho Fire Den irtment.
Th companies tukine pa t in the escort will
hnve their apparatus with hem.
Cblef Fnnln- er I.v le wdl be thn Chief Marsh it.
Naiuiow Kscsi'E l-Rim IIvniuno A number
of workmen wi re engig'd, on S it irdiy afW
noon, In diggiuir a well hick of some new homes
being erected In Webster street, between N'nc
ii'cnth and Twentieth streets, Twenty -si.ttli
Ward. Terence Mcllvaine, one of the workin tn,
attemplrd to descend In the buclu", and when
hull aui down wus pre ipim ed to ttie b iliom tiy
I'lsmg liis hold. He was ntoxicated at the : une.
One of M'-l v ine's co iipiulons volntiieere I t K
down for blm, but upon retching tun brt'o ti
tourd the w'i lo be III ed w tb f ml ami isph-re,
so much so that, for tbe time heln , be Iwe one
totady blind. He iinm d ateiy fastened tbe ri)ie
aicnudwlia' ho snpinwsd to ne Terence' no ly,
but which, unfortunately, proved to be the p ur
lei Urn's neck.
He tin n Kave the word to those above to h list
at tne same time clinging ti rurenco'a legs, in
oilier that both mishl reach trrra firm atone
time. Of eour-e, upon rac dug ab ive, I'ere ice
was In a state of exhaustion, having been ne trie
tmnced. in addition to a brok-n c dlar-'i n", and
i th' r serious injuries su-tdned by thn fad. H
wesconveird lo the hopital, where In lies In t
lather critical condition.
DiHoinnitiLY Danck Hot sr. I.l'iitenant Spear,
with a large sipiud of police oncers, ma lea de
scent on Saturday night, about eleven o'clock,
upon a disorderly dance house in Fifth street,
helow Thompson, kn iwn a tho ' Hum Pen."
nnd kept by one Conrad Hoffman. The proprie
tor ami furry-tinea inmates were taken iut i c is
todv. They conso ted of old and young, mal
und femiile, at d were indulging in daucnigat tie
time the police to unceremoniously ma le their
sppearaiiee. Ih s hou-e is a very disorderly
place, and hav long b en the source of much eo'n
plt int. The prnprli tor of the establi-hmntii h is
often been notified to keep a more re.pecttble
place, but paid no aoootion to thn mauv wirn
li'ga be received. He, had a hearing lief iro Alder
man Sbot'tii ki r, and wa. held in $2000 to an w r
Tin c who were arrested In the place at the time
w re held fo keep the peace.
Police Statistics. The following will ex
hibit the nnnilier of arrests tn.ido iu each police
district during the month of July :
l)iit So.ol Arrtm. Mil. Un. f Arrrtt.
. I.lfl
Reserve Carps... .180
Harbor Police 21
Chesnut H.ll, do... 4
P .rk P dice 49
Day Sergeants... . 10
Convalkscino. High Constable Tlarton, who
wus very seriously stabbed, several weeks since,
by a colored man, while attempting to in ike au
arrest at Sixth and Lombard streets, has so far
recovered as to be able to walk out, althongh by
bo means vet ah e tn discharge the duties of h s
olliee. The party who inflicted the wound his
l ot yet been arre-ted, and Mr. Iiarton will give a
n ward of one hundred dollars to any one who
will furnish information that will lead to the
arrest of tbo offender.
Bttn.DiKO Fkiimits. Tho following will
exhibit the number of permits issued by the
Psildii.g Icspectors during the mouth of July :
Dwellings, 103, of which 1 wa fou'-story, 60
three-story. 38 two-storv,and 3 noe-story ; b ill-r-bouse,
1 ; depots 3 ; drying-house, 1 ; factories, 3 ;
ice-bouse, 1 ; foundry, 1 ; otll 'ca,3 ; .toru, 1 ; si ire
houses, 2; scbool-house, 1; sheds, 3; shops, 7 ;
stables, 10; alterations aud add.tluns, 140.
Total, 243.
TkhRihlk Accident. Dnring the burial of
Mr. J. F. Germon on Saturday afternoon, a boy
named Jucub Shetch, who lived at Ko. A'lOCir-pt-ntcr
sirei-t, cllmtx d upon a freight car moving
down Washington str- et, which sc. being per
ceived by bis mother, she ran for her son. and
endi avorcd to pull bim olf. Iu the struggle tbe
I ov ici! imijcr the wheels of tbe cars, au 1 was
Instantly cut In two.
Two New Novels ih Pimss.-T. B. Peters m
& Brothers, of this city, will publish two books
which, for hb'b In'cllcc'Ual reading, have not been
equalled. "Flirtations In Foshlontble Lli'e," by
ttiut p pular authoress, Catharine Sin. lair, aud
"Tbe Pride 'f Lite." Iiy Jane. Lady Scott,
daughter in-law of Sir Waller Sco t, we have
no doubt but that these books wlU bare a very
large sale.
Casi ai.ty. A young man named David
Mism r bud several of bis ribs broken on Satur
day afternoon while diving from a bridge lno a
creek at Tenth street and Montgomery avsnue.
Aceinr.NT. A boy, six years of ago, named
James Gcorgie, h 'd his legs and back sever-dy
Iniured yesterday morning, by filling t'iroah a
l.r'lile at Shur'sLuno, on tho Norristown lUil
roud. Violatino the Sunday Law. The police of
the K cventh District to. ik Into custody yesterd ly
at out thirty lads, for swimming ou Suuday along
in Kensington wliarves. 'i'ney were all uued.
Awam'ino a Claimant. Last night the river
and hurts. r p.. II -e picked up, adrift, a ship's mat,
iiniiinning three oais, aiidpuuitud lead aud white
col. rs.
Coi r nn Soi.kil. A woman named S irah
Crawford died from tho effects ot sun-strjkc Inst
evening at Second and Chatham streets.
Wis have nv fah the largest stock and best
assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, com
prising all desirable stylos of goods, from
medium price to superfine. Every one can be
accurately tilted at once from our stock, what
ever be bis size or proportions, in garments e jual
in all respects to work made to measure, at nnu h pru ts. For those who prefer, we have
a so a complete assortment of piece goods, which
will be made up to measure In a style surpassed
by noue. Uknnktt k Co.,
Tower II all, No. 518 Market street.
IlrtuJ. W. gawyar, gu4icoti, HouUiwaat rasa, Curtis
Bclir II Newall, Oonl4, Brlfaat, Mo., J. . Blay Cs.
Sii.i at. MIIU", bnuiir.. Il.m.ifiirl. II U. Bteuou A Co.
M( hr K. W. l ull Ualav, lUltara. Iulat, do.
Bi hr 8. . Saaah. Hludlay, h.i.Uin, J . 11. O. Bsopllar.
hi ur raiiuoanovS, Usiaaa, lioatoaUaiauiett, Vau bu.aa
A 114 liiuau.
ctur ttma'soid, Crow all, F-irtrsia Msoros, Captlo,
AKyrvtr) thi mo k hi no.
Pamns fu. Vau Xatua.Cwk.s daya (lym Tampa Ba,
Willi c4loii to O a. aieiaon A Oo.
In riillauUirntaat. UvUaw.t dsrs froa iHi
Willi old Iron ! captain. .
UMiari'ruk, whroiishlrs.M hsors tnm sw rort,
with nid.a lo W. M- Balr4 A Co.
IlrlK Ji. Bmltk. Mrl.fUaa, SO daya from (Jsuos, wll'i
Durkls, rsga, Ac, lo VMvr A. Sariart.
AT QfAltArrnrrK.
Barqua Oan BJ". B1. Sasua.
IlrlK B iulth. M UUaii . Iroiu "
Bus LuMiaatairt J.ilui1awy,iria Matansas.
Reporttdfor Thn tt'eniny Ttleyraph.
IIKNiiA-Hrlv R Mtu'ttl, M. L'llau as blKl rtl. 0t h
niairar' tiuno do laiuona -i..l itja-ilvVtll do oU ill' '
aiarli. it uiurbla vasaa Victor A 'Sar.orl.
Orrjca r Tas rvnwiva Tcr.rnapaibs
.Moorlar, Aoa-aat U
The extreme warm we itber hss operate! n
favorably nn the Stock M irkrt, and tbe transac
tions are of a lira ted character. There l less)
doing In Unltd States Hind. Fivs-Tw ntlca
are lo fair demand, wl b sales at 101; ttevetw
Tbirtlr are quoted at 107, and Sixes of 1881 ai
In Railroad shares there I rery little doing.
Reading was rather Is iter irly in tha day, an J
sold at 89, but fill off, ,n, s-dl at 6th -fi
Tsnusylvanla Railroad bonds sold tt 104 j Pen.
tylvania Railroad la qnoiad at 73 1 a ad C ttawl
preferred at 39. Sa'ea of L-hlgh Myigtl.ja st-JC
weie ma.Jc atCKj. New City fit ara selling at
There Is very little do'ng In Oil itoAt, b't
prices are without any ma'eiUI Changs.
Producing shares are la firm aajasad an I
prices are steady.
In Rank shares there I very little doing. Va
quote as follows :156 for North America, SR)
for Farmers' and MecfurlicV, 53 for O nnmsrctal,
38 for Pcun Township, 27) for M mufaot iMrs'sa.l
Mechanics', 55 for Dank of.Comin ree, aud 32 ht
Tbo Monty Market is without any quotable)
cVunge, find it is oflered on csll at 6 per cent nee
annum ; best paper is selling at from 8) per
cent. -
Gold has steadily advanced this miraing,
opening nt 252; sold at 202 at 11 1 204 at 12; sail
20-ij at 121 o'clock.
Kaportcd oy t'lsrk.oa a Oo., Umssra, so. Ml S. Tklra Bl
toil .1. rut 4 on i ts. i
lisi .n Raad R i
II ii h Kin, mil. Oil.. IH
Iio-S a nil t
li .1. l a a. II mi.. . 7;
lie ah Mclltinnr.... s'
lis ml .-' Usui
lis. i-l ltil l(.U'.ili i.S
Vi"an id mi
1 I' ah do Ktl
Vixnh do sV
I'' .0
111 art
o....ii a s.1
'.... allien S
4. IC
...aiwot i si
so iK f4
4 J.....SJWU sa
siisnou.a.o-'i" un i
lino N l a. lis
Saall It) Sa.uaw IISI
IS i as t ilsr bain, b.1 1 1
r. .hCam a Am....l7;l
Hal. L'hi.hO AS... HI
Hi h i;lr..r.l Hank... 47
WSati Lima Hen. K... tt
'i.l.h s.nna a TS
4 nhCnTimF -elal Hk SS
Ifsian Kaaiuui u. a.
loo .a o ul !,
s.i.n do Ss
o SW
da ..M .tint S.
mai a
Naw Yom, August 1. 'orks lower. CM
cik" u ltH:l. 1 Ui.d. Il't C'uinlsilaisl piafr.i'4. sll(
III a-'., ft una , I.Hi M'ehiaan H'.otharn, ss ; Pa.iu.Tl
aila ( nal, ii; Kr-ainK. I.l'.la i llu'aoa Klvar. I'S
an o" I'm s ), K Railroad. 1 1 1 H i lt"".ai4
an.lT0l"O Miol'lvan Ontral, IS: Ci'velai 4 a.i.l
I tt.tiuis. Ibli' 'ma Haute and Ainu, 11; eiiuiii-a;
aa Kerl W'ai'.. IISS : I'titr an-' an I Worth.aa.iarfi. M ;
One a. I Vrl S'-aia. ,S V '' 7'('o'lna, K; Ralstar41
d . Iisi'ai l'"Uponlia. IU6 i ; Oold, JV4.
ywlatKn. ol Hold si ihs I'Suaoaiskla Ool4 EicnagfS
Ho. S4 R. Third (treat, aarond Mnry s
tl A M Mt)i 1 F. at .1,1 .
MarlMl flrrii g . f
Ci y Pa'seuger Rsllroad shares are very iulct
and prices are nominal. We quote
.. j'tiii.
Sert hd and Third 71
Spruce nnd Pine 41 45
Cbt stmt ai d Walnut ft)) 6r
Arib stret 24 2d- ,
Race and Vine 20
h'rigcusemie 19
The following are tbe Re-a-fots of Fbiar and
Grain at this port to-day : Fd ur, 17IW b'.ls.a
Wheat, 7800 bush.; Corn, 4)00 bnsb.; O tsu
6500 hu-h.
Quotations of tha prladpiU Coal and Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : -i
Bid Ant BU A k.
rultnn Coal SS
111. Mountain Coal. 7
SV'ra"a rstrolaaia.. J'i
m ,ursH3 lll.. I
11 :rr...H,iOi ,
6S Han i SM Ijr4d., V
S I nil, O l I
I V Fop rarm Oil
1 Kryaion XllkS..,. ..
t .llan.uiore , ,.
i. . i a- rou. itiai,.i
tlr.rn Mt C ai.... SV
N CatlH.iit aia 2'
Saw-l'ri ek I1
r'l-eear liam Coal. Z
('Union 1'oai S
Am.ileanKa. llri.. 'JH
fill Cirrk
S Mioliien .v ,, ,
Mania Hhad. l)ll..l'iV JJU
MtCllDtiek Ol..,. li', Ida Olmatnad t
) nri HI' SH S N-aaaoiuirlS!i ts
Mlni-ral O IH IH KxssSalot 1 k
Y.naiitioOu Ktl
Tbe exjiort of gold and silver fi-om tw Y'Wat
from 1st January to 30th of July, amiua'si
to 911,826,009
Agaiust sacio time 18b3 2-1,760,00(1
Increase to date.... 5,0,0iXJ
- The Cos onis gold revenuef at New Tork.
spcibically pledged t-i tbepiyinenioftbe interesc
on the funded and fundable, gold - bearing
pub'ir debt of tbo Ibuied fj'aws, fron tb
Ut January lo tbe closa of July, atnoinC
to iW.lH.OSj
Agaimt tamo time 1863 28,75.5,78
Increase at New York alone fl7.J,2fJ
The to lowing shows tbe receipts of the Morris)
Canal Con pany for tne present seison and week,
and for tbe same periods lust year r
Total to July lfi, 18fi4....dT22.'i,s)4l'41
Week ending July 23, 18tH. 15,623 65
t2-a,4i 5 09
Total to July 18, 1864 &U7,58 47
Wtekending July25,1863. 2;)ir7l
149.9M IS
Intrease In 18t4 99eU0 01
The comparative earnings of the Milwtukia
and Prairie uu C'hieu il dlroud fur the third weec
in July were as lollows :
1"W m,?42
)644 ai,4'JJ
Increase (8 pir ceut.) fl't.lai
The increu-e in the ear ings of th.' tb-ive roul
since January 1, U f.')jri,521, or about 72 per e nt.
1 he following Is a statement of ths tra H.r on
the Giund Trunk Railroad tor tne week en ltng
July 22, I8C.4:
PssWnKeTs $32H9
ixptess fre,'h', mat s, and su dries.... 2 -VKI
Ftcibbl uud ,ie sHH.k 6i.tll
Coiresponolug wtek of lost year..
Incn n.o ;,
1 19,324
The Uoston Traveler of July 30 says t
Moilei Ciilninnrs ea.yof soen.s, aad Iha aou'-lfi -faa
un inana on .toes, and Uia-uita nf n ana ara uiu a iu var
limn iho w-r. bi tiiaa rly ua -t oil ii.t , ns ruicic
ra a "I I' 1. 1 ,! la ala ;s-r ea. I HiTY. h iv not S" .i, i
nas ' at with oili.r tliiu .a: toil If tus au miIv -at in 'ley
aliiMile rauiilu aliuuaaut lliare arl l, mi 'losiriu b ' a aru
auiai.oi-ih to a inna 1 1 aouia ut Ilia Ijw-nrioad ahireo oC
aek. i"i eli J mailt. ,
The i XKrfmcnt of raising -o'tuilu M sou f,
whlib wus tried ta t season, proved so a 11I..0
tory that many of ibe farmers of tbe Su e tart)
ii.dui ed tid. to i nter Into the caf.nraoa
a mom extendi d scale. We leiru tint ni oiy
tlioiisiitid-ol acr-s Ii iv bwu paote4, aa i ttsat, -botw
ihsbinoiiig the lateue sof ihe spnng au 1 uhw
siui nt inau-piciou-ness of 'be weatlier, iui ro
pcberxil.v lis ks prominliif,, and if tbu amu a ial
froats wdl vouchsafe a d.t a tr 111ms in nitariaj
H eir apnesrauce, a comia-naati ig yield is a 1 ci
pati d. The i-xperleuee of m-t y-ar fu If de una.
strati d the fact that cotton ean be grown o (ha)
southern part of Misscuii, and the ouly d aiigex
to be appieheu-ied by planters is early frosts,
which almost invariably ruin tho crop If attackei)
belore it has fully ripened.
Mondat, August 1. The exciting turn of tha
war aawi abtoiba ranch of ths atfaUoa of tha siaroka sis,
and thsrs Is vary IllUa trada dolnc.
Tkarala bullltus Quercitrou Bark kar,an4 Ms. I It
wann-d ai SMI V tan. rrlcsa of Tauaara' Bark raauua a
last quoltd.
Ciovraa4 is scaros at d high, ssOiat 1 a sasall way at
tl'feli VWoa.
Tusothy la w anted at t f bualial. gusli solos of rtx.
Cottoala vary qsM sud Uw salsa Uatlted. i
Ths flour MsrkaS remains vory M; bat tosrs) UI
aoiue llttla Uw 11117 lor aipurt, and SbUO barrala low grad
and ohoisa sxtra family at (10 to til V bar rob Tha .ali-aj
lo Uis rwailsrs nogs (torn tba Wit tar Agar Aowa to t Ibe
auporSuS' Bs Vtuar (oatlnuta searoa and wotawads
as SO. la Cora Msal aothlai doing.
Tsars la not much daaund rr Wtii, and onl Sua
bu.b. old and new nd ao'd at f l iciv'i M sr oust; wtill
may bs quoted at t 70. Cora ts In aattw doatsad
soleaot SUUObuah. fallow, atloot, at tl'7S, an 1XU0 ba.n.
do., In atora, at l-76; slot of waits, afloat, sold at tl a
Oala ara duU, at tsyi-S3o. '
lnHavaiatofos.Ods.andrrovtaloas.aa sksngt. '-
W llakj Toe di oisud U huuud iwaUsakiaof TV
a)lvsula aud Ohio bbU. at li st).
r- , LI lJlJrrrr-jm
onirlnl llratrlutai nt tb Hhetby syii:Hc
IUarr o KitntuiAjr. t. . , t
Ktua Ct-asa am-Ainrit.l I.lsfcS. '
41, 7, 9, 27, 45, 14, 24, 40, Ji, ott, 3d,iH,t2, 36.
t lltlilt fa Sw'il ov oUoia.llis
4 a. '
.M.i.iMt ay.
i v
( iti