The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 30, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Grating Eclcgrapli
Ovfkr or Til Hwvtxn Tsi r.rii, I
Raturdar,Jnlj SU.
There It no material change to notice in the
Money Market, and the loan on call were offered
M I per cent, per annum. Bert paper Is o'""
i(a9 per cent.
' Fnbscrlhers to the new Vnltrd Mute Loan nrc
- enHr.0- forward freely. The agents In this city
kae been busy for several days P1"''
Tbe Stock Market Is unsettled and very dull,
at decline, owing hi a great measure to the
Betel Invasion and the proclamation of tho Gov.
ernor calling for troops. Government securities
re doll and prices hare fallen off; sales of S 20t
mr making at inS(a lOR; 7-30s are quoted at
107, sod ds of 18S1 at 10.i( lOlJ. There is rwy
little doing In Railroad sharos and the market Is
sjafei. We quote Reading at 674C" r7i ; Pcnnsyl
' vansa Railroad at 73i.'t73j, and CaUwtssa j) re
ferred at :tO(a (0.
Producing Oil stocks contintio in demand, and
large tales are making a( full prices.
In Bnnk shuns there is Tcry little doing. We
qwrde as follows il Vi f.r North America; ff
for Farmers' cV Mechanics'; 6 for Commer
cial ; 58 for Mechanics'; 101 tor Southwark ; .IS)
for Ftnn Township; 4G for Uirard; 53 for City ;
and 32 for Consolidation.
The hebel invasion has had rery little elfoc
n Gold, and price hnvconly slightly advanced
the demand, however, Is limited opening at
V1, advanced and sold at 2. at 11 j 2.531 at 12;
fell off at 124, and sold at 2 A.
rniuPK.i.rmn T(XK exciianoe sales, jclt si
eOTted bj tfarksoa Co., Bmltn, No. 131 8. Third St,
A City new ImshNch. H. f...M:is',
(A44 i) st t , lui.h Hi Ass,
tla a I' M". .a rdi at. K ..ud l
liao letns-hl al be... .117 . buu o l-r la n.
)CshN Am.riean Ina 3HS ssh rVnna K at .
Htltkrerdilan 1 I S lo id A .kl K. B.
, 7a
B ported by CUrkjoB Co., Hrueers, So. Ill 8). Third Hi,
Pirn Call, StruM Call
trailed RlatmSs. INK), lntotr.... oid
AjmjA UlAiid kallroad Old
III',1. a.i
111 lalea
s 1 IS o,m
10, !
''f, AIM
111 IAIH
H i 'a teiea
MiH !
1'ihV !
kemtliili Kal'maU li 3 16 bid
IIIiimu Ceiiuel kalUoad bid
Oaieua kaitroad bid
ew ).i Ceiiu-al Hatlroad I ll bid
Kile Kallrnad II'.", oi l
aiadinD Kailroad I.U bid
(toid i-'i bid
Vnlird atataa m-lUt lix'j bid
Market Mieady.
Ktw York, July 3). Slocks aro hatter.
al-o and kock Island, llllf ; 1'uinl.eTland profrrred. V i Central hcrlp. l'J"S : Uan-ls. : fcilcnieeo Snuth
jo.OTH ! do., msrsnlrod. 1 17 1 Now V..rk i'.iiim. J!
fona l'oU l'-'D. Ked1nK,'i; HiMmll kit.t, I'll ;
Cauion Coidma y, Ah; K.rlo lli'i; C;v'lA id
and ritlrliii.ATl.7li; Cleventnd Anil I'.iImI.i, l.iAf ; ViMil-
I ntmrl MM'; ; Olcvrloed sml I'HI.Iuiru. IH-, ; i-il-kary
ad Krl Wuyi),U7; Cli.t.u-i an 1 Northwoiiurn, oh;
Obo eAl Ortjeenipn, Wi't.A 'io CiiuiOn. l'ln1,; (' xirxm
t, 10iV ; du., Ki-gltTU, IH', ; Hold It .iialed At HA.
QnntAUons of Hold At tho I'bjladelBhla Uoid Kaoaaji
Vo. o4 B. Third stmt, in ond itory
1H A.M ?-li UM !'V
II A. M a. , 1 1. M JU
MArkot sUobg.
Jat Cooki Co. quota Oovernniont Booorltlot, Ac.,te
auua lo-dAT. as follows : -
V. ft tn. 1HMI in.'
lT. S. 7 8-10 txitoii HW, of luJ-Usloeft. ii'tw fl1.
VoAncrmAsurA Voubcn It 97
j. i r.
o-iai Jtondo 1(M ,u i
Dl tl
Dro. o.K 9. Third tret, quote u to-
inrrtrsn Oold 164 o."xn.
Dnltfd HtsO'k Dt-maud Notuo i
Aurnran Hllrr V" tid ) ....1H do
Diuoi. And Hair Hum, l:m do
apanith Quarters liA do
.. do
.. da '
.. dn
.. do
lal utrrvanla Ciirretity S dla.
w Vi.ra ExdianKa 1 ludo Par.
The following are the Receipt of Floar and
Grain at this port to-day :i lour. 1U40 bills. ;
Wheat, 7000 bush.; Corn, 2200 bash.; O.tUi,
2ib0 bahh.
The following are the Receipts of Coal Oil
t this port to-uay : Crude, 270 obis.; Ketiued,
760 bbls.
There Is little or nothing doing In City Poaen.
' ger Railroad harts, and prices are nominal. We
Vote ;
Second and Third
Thirteenth and Fifteenth.
Pproco and Pine
Ctitsnut and Walnut
Art h atnet
Ikidg avenne
Tbe following -is the amount of coal trans.
ported over the ticliayikill Canal during the week
enuiiig Juiy zu, iwj l.
from Port Carbtm
RcMiyiklll Haven
" fort 1 liuluu
TntAl for week
Frevluuiljr thla ear
To Ui tame time iAit year
Tnrreaiio 7ti.:riH
The following sbows the amen tit of c ml irans
yoiwd on the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad
during the week coding July 2S, l.yit :
7Vn. Ciei.
yrm Port Carbon
" rlcliu kl I liavea
' ill' ani
" Port i lluton
ilarrltburs And JJaopblji
Total AnttirirlteCoal fer woek ,
itarilaburg, lula HltulninuUK (JuAl.
Sotal of all kind fnrweok
re tuahly UiIn year
To laiue uiue laat year
l.X.1.1 M
1,(1(10. lit,
1 KTi.iMi
Inetoiia 6J.IW1 06
Tie Ki tli.ral Dunks exuuiug have made their
qmuieil.t report 308 in number to tho Comp
troller of the Treasury. The whole uumlx-r of
bon sol Ihe TJiiit 8 ates owned I'V these banks
wa,ou the 3UtU of March, $11,175,203, a fol
lows fil ed tie. bonde drpKlted fur rlroulaUoa. .t!S,4H,70U
Vrlted Htalei bimea ili'Oitlled by banaaat
I'ulird nutea 4(5H9,'t.V
tniH d Hiill. a -niidn. una ollmr Uullf d BUUa
otcarltles held by bank 10,711,1.'. I
Total ll,17.,il3
It a so appears that upon the deposit of Silt,
484,7110 of lionds lo seciirtj eircn'ation, thei-e hail
at iliac date been IsKucd $12,14I,0o0, of which
tliere were .
In elrrijl tan,,
in ti.e bai.k,...
... an:,'.7A
, tli.lHA)
The old Merchan's' B'tuk of Boston ha he
tome a N itional limit, under the suittx stvle,
With its capital of $3,000,000. Ilia l-t wdekly
Itatenient ot the Associated Banks 01 Umtou h
exclusive of the M. rchants', an. I shows a couec
outtit detrease in all tue iieuia as compared w.tu
tie previoua weea :
July 1R.
u:.m iin
1 1 o. . j
;iii si ; I
!t,:K. J72
Jitltii't. De'r'tar.
i '.:tsi,7.m $ i.i w..i ii
i'i hm, . !7 b.l k'i,svi
.V7.II.JI7 411,111.'
1.1,17 I. .'iU lll ''.'I
17. .' M. S,7 ,
,77i,iH iHjH
loans aua llii. unt. .
Apcie ,
line h ui ottii r llankv
liu i .utller ttaukk...
Drpi oil k
1irrula I n ,
The ahlpinents nf gold aud silver f r .tn Sin
Praiii'laco, iruui J.inunry 1 to June 2i, Isiil, ara
tif,W3.77l', Mime period, 18G3, $'22,7o7,asl; iu
creiiK, 6.236, 1 3'J.
The earnings of the Cliicaeo and Alton Rail
road, for the wu:k ending July 23, were :
f II 213 IS
174 el
Increase, Wt.
Battbtjat, July in quercitron Bark rtO
' AAJes bavs eome under our notice.
Heeds are rather quiet. Cloveraeed and Timothy r' ,
as laat quoted. A sal of KUsseed to the exter J.
uakeU waa eTected At M 74
- b PravUlon Market tlill eoitlnuts qulot, .
M Inpeinance have bora transacted.
TW. Ta,, Market was axlremoly qiSfor d,m,nl
fc.u.. m,n fur deaoriptu,,,,, .xoup f ,
traTa- T1" U" ,hU""D' .Ale.
, . auailoa wore ea al t.u y
HAfcr suvaM. awa it (or ei ajuju a,, extra
lly.AAdUl wsrvvi kutw uc, arands, as Ut 4UAUty.
srna demaiMi M W nvlaol h".
TB" . . .7- . attla.and Uie otTerlaifl
f ,!!7.h TTw ' lb. sale comprl..
A.,au00 baahou prima Old r i
Kt ti Vi,lt- B V jt mack Inquiry, u, u
otles sates of yuv.' at l T ; asd 0t)u.h,UA, , Y.
I'M. a,w u k'M wu" ol'x. and old Are miu,. m
the same a ur. 'la Barley ao sales bar beau rtvonea.
a laleorl'0 bushels Malt la reported Atll, '
Ton. C'Pt
.. ,l!h U)
2 M 01
.. 17. J .1 III
1.17V U
.. 10
.. Ul.USII 10
.. tfi.'vio mi
,. 3.,6.ri 00
!M,I7 17
1415 III
!, 7 IW
fc,f t III
lu,:i.w 01
419 17
M.iiii n
4.S.U 00
fix Mil .11
2,t7i M
wairtylsBruier.amail mlv( fauAijlyiiiiJu4QUo
' v'4.m paAim ainw.
AwnlVer nearenitawt f tfc"lhaheperr.
Mr. Edward Lee, of the literary department of
the Crystal Talaoe, calls attention to a claim of
descent from the Fhakespearc famtlr made some
year ago. Ia a letter to London paper he
As the dlsrnssion repelng the fx latent of
any lineal descendant of Shakespeare bss lod to
no rciy cone nstve isatir,nllow metotnote In yonr
rolumns an extract from an article In the Monthly
Haa;inr of iHremlitr IK 17, written hv theedliof,
wli'-e spptal on liclialf nf ano her rrputed liran -h
ol tlie (Hiuily appears no' a whit less speculative
thn Mr. Coleman's In the lntcrent of (ie'inre
SliBkefpeare, at pn seni of Wolverhampton: It
is known that the due of ttliakpspearc's on tm Iv
tinninati il In bis praml-daughter, l.nly Marn.inf,
ot Almi.ton, in ki Nni tliBHipton ; "lit Sluki'spejire
hud a si'U r Joun, who married William II n w, of
tiimtfoid, and this braui-h, p.irtly und. rtiie tiane
ot Dane antl partly tiiiikr of Smith, may ne
ref Aided aa tlie last remains of ihe family. In
pai'iig Ian ly tlnouitn Tewke bury tlie editor
ot the Mimth'y Mmjannr was led by a reputed In
scription tin ihe iomhitoiie of a J hii llirt .,
buriid ibt-rc in IMI0 which described him as the
siMh ilexct iidant ol the poet Sh.ikspi are, to In
quire whether there livetl In the ton any -tir-vlvors
ol the family. Alter much search li ilin
covtred ft mn ol Oils liar e, wbo hod lieen chris
tened by the inline ol William Shak Sieare, who
Is a j. w j til' man chairmuki r. The contour of his
round-nance strikingly rescinlileil the portrait in
ti e Inst (olio edition, a circuuit nice ol itself sut'
licient to xi lie an interest in his I ivor. 1 will
iiot prol n g tliis t xliai t. Ihe ur i.-to go s on to
ny that Ihe i dnoi s h m ttthy with poor ll.iric's
Histtiss iiiuuced a Klt a uuiue i, wh. u he
tlianklully r ci lv tl 'as t'ic hrst i o !'' thi i
ban arist u from his b-1 ritr a Shake pent! ' AC er
Jti iiitig from personal iininries in.iuy iiiti'ri-rti a;
)ct in eiinni i lion wi h ll-irte's In i.i y, he on
cliMis wlih sn urgent appal tn the pmnlc I r
pt cunary assist inee nil Ins l)-h ilf.
"Acioiding to the eviilcncc of this ar i e, It
appears llia Marie's fill er 'held the t ro,e tty in
Shake pi an 's two houses at Ktr.itford ; liut nicy
hail long been under mor gaf:e,aiid his m nber u
few years a.'O, sold thuui ny a icti'in, deriving a
l alanee, i fu r pnyinit the mortg;nue unl exi us h,
of only l..0. '1 he family ped.gtee she hud pre
setvi d ; but hud no o her relic f the great poet
save a lung walking stick, which h id been Chen
to lion by his father as one which had oelon.'ed
to Shske-neioc. In answer to inquiries he sai l
his gtai ill at her and f.iliier often laiked on the
sul'ji ( I, and hunj ed ttoeneolvcs with hopes that
the family nrght some day i rcmemOi red ; hut,
for bis part, tbe name baJ hi bono proveil of no
other use to him ihun as furnishing tokes among
his companion-, by whom lie was often annoyed
on tliu sc-ount."
On the 8 h Instant, Willi m llarvev,a oom
p sltor, undertook br a wager of LI tosivi-ji
across tbe Tbumes fnm Milhank to I. milieth
witbm twelve niinii'es, and got In the w iter for
that purpose at eight o'clock. The unf.irtuna'e
uiuu it ached about two buiulicil feel from the
shore, win n he eave a loul shriek, antl Instantly
nnk. Ihe poor fellow, who ills suppose,! waa with cramp, perished.
EniTons Evi NINO Tkleouaph. A gross out
race npon a quiet, Inoffensive colored soldier,
biave as be was peaceable, as his wounds attested
took place yesterday afernooi, on a Fifth struct
passenger car, near Green, which ought not to
part unnoticed and unrcUuked. Two members of
the 8th Colored Regiment llad been sent Into the
city in tbe morning, from Camp William Penn,
in pursuit of a deserter. Tbe soldiers lu que-nion
were in clii.ens' dress, ihe better to accomplish
the obit ct ot their mir.sion, as their puss showed.
The car was crowded, aud a numner of te'uVe
citizens were consoquently obliged to ride on the
front platform, where only the two contrabands
of war could ride.
One of tne tetter cuui. becanse whiter in skin,
If not In liver, stimulated by more wbisky than
tne eiatc oi me utmo-pliero ol a duly uny impera
tively cnlird for, took nmorao at the proximity
oi a darkey, and aciiirex-e.l to htm nmcn pr d.tne
and extren.ely insulting lunguuge t-caiM-t be
wonlo not get oif the c ir ut ins bidtliog, which
elided In bis dealing isamtio a blow iu tbu fa e,
which, however, was instantly returned with
comjuiund interest Irom the frame ot the power
ful end athletic "Utbel u."
From tbe excited language of the ft lends; of
the oit nged while m m, the poor netr invo uti
tarily clasped his revolver, in order to take care
of himself in a crowd of men evidently no friends
of bis. Tbe quarrel breeder, at this juncture,
ikniui.' lit It tune to leave, particularly- us Ins hiud,
dom the t llet t- of the blow whieh Mr. C unrii
baud gave I iin, began to assume pioporti ms not
at all ortiamt mal.
This drunkrn man was an acquaintance. If not
a fiitnd of ibe conductor, ns the I at or adtiresscd
him by nmne, aud joined wrn bun in ru iMsiing
the colored n. en, who had paid their laro, t-
leac tbe plutlorm before the iuarrel culminated
in blows.
Upon tbe arrival of tho carat thedeoot tho con
ductor humted Ibe soldi- r over to a police olii er
tor tarrying couciHled wvapous. liut u.ion
icachlng tbe maglsiiaie's ollic-- and finoing tliut
two gcn, who bad pit 'die spirit no igli to
li t the 5 o'elock tr in from Reusing on 1) pot go
wiih"iit them, in oi'ler to si e justice dona to a
soldier of the Republic alio hail been woun led
three times ill hatt'lng tor Hie countiy, wun on
bund, di tu mined to seo the ma ter tnrouli, he
aiisniioiied the prosecution. 'I be conductor In
quest on when asked bis t ame refused to give it.
His bailee was No. ti'J and his car No 2 ).
If the Diiecioisof the Fifth and Sixth Streets
Passenger road wi,l take the poor negro's six
ctnts,dolet tin ni exercise a little care in the
selection of eoudnctors, and not employ men
who will permit ibcir drunken friemia to get
ntion tbe cars and outrage decency bv tneirpro
faulty, and beutand abuse beiur and braver mti
wbo sic fighting ur ha t es, simp'y heca ie toeir
clouded m uses wi l insisi on having everything
wbiuj arouud them. Ur if tue greed ol these
gentunien directors for "Ibe cent" snmulaei
tbem Seen tly to issue a earlr blancht t tbi lr em
ployees to cram and sttill' th lr curs with the
diunkeu us well as tbu sober, wu entr-ul tuem to
take down their ' rules and regulations," and no
longer to deceive tbe public wiih a v ulu
pretense ol decency and propriety. C.
Bomgthino Aiioit Can in ns. Ovor one hun
dred dogs were captured during ihu week ending
to-duy, and summarily disposed of. A law was
passed yearn since imposing a tax on
every dog kept within the city limits but we are
orry to any tbe law has never bceu enforced ;
hence our city is almost eaten up with worthless
We have no special objections to dogs, only it
se uii to us that there aie by tor too many iu this
cty iu cii-tr the butcher sbops ol a 1 uspi ion of
c'oiup icily in tlisir propugaliou. And iguiu, if
tbtre Is oni Ihir8' tsei-s tha i au ilber, u is
a woithl.os dog. He Is ft'i n dsauce
of Ileus aid ill - manners. lu some porta
of ihe H ate luic.y, bydropbo na bs
rtudercd iinli.criiuinute dug s uulu-r ne
cestaiy for the 'uluty of ihe human
popuiiiiioii ; and If such a measure could Im car
nid out hcre.w i hont hydropho bic con equenees,
the c; nimuiiity woulu lin k ns U' nlieved of a
burden which it lias never had the right lo indict
npnn i'selt. The Idea of leeootg a lazy dm dur
ing these Lurii times should be prev. u ed b. a t
ol l.i gibluturc ; und every m iu wbJ is f olisli
enough 1 1 do it sbouNl oe made to support one of
tbe inmates of tho Almshou-e. if a dog is t so
vnluiible to be 6'jut lit him bu taught respectik-
A Rkgimkni op SiiiM-'iiooiitAj.' Major-
Oenerul liii ney, of tho 10th A nil) torpa, has been
authorized lo a re(jliueu 0f sharpsbootors,
to be attached to his Cor and credited to thin
city. Tbe following or uer expll,ng itself;
2i,wIJitAih2r- Akuv OoKi-s.ln the Field. July
aT;domri ilZ aulliorlied by the War Deparliumil,
meat if Ina.o.w ' 1 eanuvlvatila, to ral.e a riKl-
t.mi,rTi t'l'-lservii aeeuliiir tu
A.a Ii l.ri- '"he annfd with biit) a and 8u.-a.-ori
Ili.x"orii ' --ed In ireati.elmllar to mo "llerijau bliaiu-
!! rull uelnaslnf U my cmimand.
AliaVr wM be taken l.r one, two, or three voire.
r,v W llloore, a vrtvrauortieuf , uow of ihe with 1'eaa
L aniA Vulunteers, will be Ilia Colonel ol Hie leoinant,
.d will take cbarae of lie OTkiauir.elloa In Pennsylvania.
Aiiblleatlone for.aupointuieiita can be seut to nie at
thrxr lieadiiuartera.
inpauiea, as laat as mustered n, will be seat to tult
Command. . , .
t ..niianies will be received from all parts of the H ate
uriher Inlorniallon will be slven on aspllcatlon to
Meaars. A. 1. Jeaiip. (lisirge Bnllnck, Hnry C. l.e,
Joai nli . Tnblaa, Jiibn W. Kverman, 11. M Wlnelireuer.
U. Wibun Davis, A. I,. Hoanalloa, C. II liar. lay. 11. II.
Bemiera, of l'tliaUeliaiiA. 1 B. U1KNKV,
, . . Major-Qcnoral (!nuaiAadlli(.
Abrivai opCIpabtwisb ano Fohkion Vkhkkls.
The following will exhibit the arrival of coast
wise aud foreign vessels. at this port for the
month andiog to-day
a tonKttiN.
flhiria aratewUtiii i Brim.
AVAiquee 4i.w.
. 10 bkuouuers..
,ta S Sn-ainers,
XI llaj-see...
eViU lloau
Par quel
Kbiioiou. Th vestry of the P. E. Church
of the Intercessor have kindly granted their
I asto. Rev. Dr. Cordon, three months leave of
1 atawuiia. Dr. Cardeo will iwacU to-morrow
Tint 0TTTSnco Cfmi!tiiy. At meeting
of tbe Kxecutive CommitU'e, appointe 1 for the
purpose of determining upon plans for the beauti
fying and finishing the great Nation.! Cemetery
at Gettysburg, held at the Continental Hitel last
ever.lng, the following design was agreed uiwtn :-
That a Continuous coping of marble, eievcn
inches high, shonld be pi tred Along: the hrad of
the oraves hn eai h section, and at the bead nf the
staves Ibe soldier's name, regiment, au 1 aga.
The work is to be started Imtiieilia.t'.y, so lhat
the fonni'nttons will have ample time, during the
ronuig winter, to sell le. A sty lo of fencing wu
also adopted for tbe front, and a design for the
gnteanv ami Itx'gc.
A splcnill I sta'tie of liberty, sixty-five feet
high, al l decorate the ground, at the bn-e of
which will bo lour In utes, representing W--,
lll-tory, lVnce, ami l'lentv, the whole to be of
while granite, ml of the b"-t workmanship.
The lollowlng rnmed gentleman composer! the
ccn-mittee .-David Wills, K.sq , rrcsi.b nt nf ihe
AssoeiB'lon; It. I.ot'im-r. Ivq , ol D.lnwirc;
Kuwarti Cooper, K.sq ,it .Nine Y-nk ;l'vi Se ivey,
Ktq., of N. w Jersey ; ) lleford, Kst., "f M ry.
laud, and ( o.onel J. . Stephenson, of In I sua.
Fai.k or Oi.d Coins. The Ilos;on I'ott re
ports a sale of old coins In that city. A fine,
Washington cent of 17!U brought Jfl'O.'i. Other
ptlres paid were; For a cent of 1711.1, with ftrteen
circles, $.2-80; Nova Constellutio, V. 8., 17S.1 and
17H.r), 1 .' inch; a verv good cent of I SOI, S'iO.'i;
one ot IMi) 1 joueol ixn. Aie. ;n Frank in -en'-,
of I7HS, hoc ; hull-reiitof 17!"'l, SI 10; hair-rcut
ol 1 71k". , H ic, ; half-ci'iit of 1 7:7, 81 10; hall-cent
of 181 1, $1 ; and other half-rents at prices v try
ing liom . to 6.'i cents; 30va:ietiei of "llird
Times coin" winch it w:i. tb ught might mean
postal currency, except that they we-e in-trued
"gntal ' Hie. em h. F.ijht specimens of P ip r
nn my sold f..r27c. ra -b. A large broime Wasii
ingioti medal Ihe most valuable specimen iu
tl.e collection, and btouglit 12.
Captain Km.iott. The body of Thomas II.
F.lliott has not jet arrived, consequently the time
of the fut ernl cannot lie stated, but as soun as it
is l.t urd from duo no'lec will be give".
The ulnars and men of tho 2S'h Regiment P.
V., of (Jenfral J. W. (ienry's Division, and of
fieneial Docker's Corps, ami all other millta y
trit rids of Captain F.llio't, are invited to attend it
meeting this evening, at 74 o'clock, at the h'msc
of Colonel C. M. Kerry, Sixth street, below Chest
nut, to make the proper arrangements for attend
ing bis hint nil. Members of the military or
gsnir.Htlous of the d liferent tire companies are
also Invited to be present.
Yot NO llioii waymbn. For somo time past a
party of young boys, whoso ages range from ion
to fifteen yours, have been in the habit of Infesting
tho locality of Fourth nnd Rrnnch street?, aud
robbing all little Juveniles who happen to pvs
that way. Your. lay, a Utile girl hod a two
dollar hill w ith which she bad been sent to tn tkt
a i nrchase by her mother. She was stopped and
the money taken from her. One of tli-j young
ollt nders was arrested a-id held to answer by
Aldtrman Welding.
FiHKi Tbls morning, la-tween one and two
o'clock, a fire occurred in Cuthhcrt street, w est of
Thirteenth, raued by the destruction of two
stablts, belonging to McOce K. Wistar. Tbe
strnctun s were of brick, with tin roofs, nnd were
burned out u the inside. A lot of buy and feed
was also destroyed. F'our burses narrowly
escaped being binned, one "f them being bully
scorched about tho neck. The cause of the tire is
Mails roit Havana. Postmaster WJborn
Announces that muils wiil leave this city for
Havana on Tuesday, closing at half-past aeveu
in the morning, by the new steamship IVaiu.'s.
Heretofore we have bad no direct "oinmuuict
tion with Havana and the West Indies. Our
mulls have been sent to New York and forward -,. I
from there, and our returning mails Imve b -eu
received by the sapie route,,
DiBonliHlti.Y Dancu Hoists. The Eleventh
Ward is infested with scores of ill-orderly mince
houses, which are the sour -e of much complaint
In tho neighborhoods where they uro located,
l ust night tbe po'c e made a desccu' on two of
these dins, one in Water street, below Cadowhl;',
and the other on Deucb street, below Nohli. Tnu
proprietois, Anthony Henry uud John McCrys
lul, were held by A Merman Toluud to answer.
Dksf.rtkr Dhowni:!). At nn cnrlv hour this
morning two of tho sailors on board the United
States iron vessel Mingo, lyiug olf the Navy
Yard, under s..iling ortlers, aticmptoj to escape
by jumpirg overboard nnd swimming lo tho
shore. One of them was drowned, while the. other
nuirowly escaped, being rescued by tbe River
and Harbor Police, which happened to be
in the vicinity at the time.
Ykhdict of Cenkcke. In the case of tho
child Jotcph H. Davis, who died from being
rcalilcd by boiling water, the jury have returned
a virdit t censuring tlie proprietor of tbe dye
house, for a lowing the boning water to run from
the p't mi-es in a way to endanger the lives of
(Mullen in the neighborhood.
Base Bai l Matciikm. Tho Rase Ball matches
yesterday morning between tho Kcsulu-e Club
of Brooklyn and tho Camden Club of Hint ci y,
and iu tbe afternoon between tho Resolute und
Kevstone, rcmltcd In the lirst instnnco in n via
ti ry for the Ciitulcn, and in the last in a triumph
for the Ui solute. To-day the Resomto plays the
Olympic. On Monday tiicy take their departure
lii.KtiioN. At tho fifth annual meeting of the
American Dental Association, which convened
ut Niagara Fulls on Tuesday la-t, Dr. J. II.
McQuilleii, ot this city, was elected Presidetit,
and Dr. George W. Kills, Corresponding Secre
tary .
Tun Draft. Under tho lalo call of the Presi
dent, the quota of the Second Congressional Dig
triit Is as fo'lows: First Ward, 017; Seventh,
fifll ; Kighth, 100 ;N.nth, 172; Tenth, 4D.ij making
a totul of 21M I'liu aoove includes ihe divi
sion of tlie First Ward now called tho Twenty
fixih Ward.
Itucm iTiNfi. This morning tbe City Bounty
of $2.50 was paid to sixty-two three-years volun
teers, and tbe bounty of $100 to one twelve
months volunteer.
Geouoe N. Sa.ndkus to IIoracl Gusklht.
"Pear Kir: since every man of en
stunt tbuik ' le Uuie that warsnoulJ cease,
Anil that wc rliould aei'k some prcteiue
'ur ibe entAbllslinipiit oi peai-ei
I rriut ussuro you nrst, no
Are nl'llnu as yourselves etui tie
1 o cease at rile, I- we eau set
1 he teruia to our advaut igo aet.
It niuat fe ao arrnnited that 0001
s;imii thluk he has the up cr band,
Yit lii-'er Uv l.oasla. or ae-11r11l.ll speech,
Asain to stole arouae tbe Und.
Hiia ueare niuat be mail. luailna too,
Kor II U' ere aoou P'UVW,
U e'U Uini this plaji is ur tl.e wont
1 ban to have lousht It out at tirnt.
You must srant us-wi'll, we've nut yet
Alade up our umuls Hliat 10 demand;
but u.ert-'a one iliinp I't Turret .
lliat lirst anions the list abiillslund.
t'l.arse. Ill-mude e.o.h.-s 1 sin lor.:id to wear.
Ami 11 we aliuulii a peace de,nro
ou Din 1 .r. aeiil iu. ,n that nuur.
W I b a prune $Mt fr0,u jitNNtlI-B T.worl"
JUS bvP, est elock and best usinrtmen of Cloitilnir In
I'lilliitieilna, cuiislunllv 011 baud and I'sihk renluuisaed
by lart,e daii-, lov 1. IU1.1,,
Ko. Sis MS1 Let Htr.iet.
its.-.air Ol Co.
FAlhuut-NT Tark is now the result of tuoti-
lunds of our citizens ouily. There U coruiuly no
more l eantifui ur delightful place in tbe vi.iulty
of Philodelpbla. The walks aud drives are in
admirable, condition, an-d the grounds are bright
in veidure. Last Sunday at least twenty-nvs
thousand persons enjoyed tue tresn air unu
scenery, and to-day, should the weather be pro
pitious, a still greater number will doubtluis
wend their way tliithur. Speaking of the Park
reminds us of the excellently conducted Uinltj
House, on Landing avonuo, above Coatcs street,
which Is a etoppiiig-pUce that deserves the re
membrance of our readers. Tbe rooms arc eli
gant and spacious, and uro haudnuiuoly decorattid
with vines and rioweis of rare doscrip'ious. The
refreshmeuls, creams, and beverages are of tile
finest order, and the proprietor, 11 r. C. Duach, is
a most courteous one.
Hclir I. aeon, Iisker, a day li-uui Uonton, with let to Co'.d
Biirliig li e and (loal t'o.
a. l.r 1". 11. UAird, Inlan, 4 days fruiu forlroli Monroe
WlU) HUiia 10 Navv ) ard.
ni-lir neadins Kit. sio.49, Minlth, from Forireas llonroe
lL bailaat lo oaFtalu.
Ki-l.r 11. Huliuea,Uoluaea, froui City I'olut. In bailaat t
toebr I), fllnord, Hewitt, frnnt Kortruas llourQe, la bailasi
to lapiaia.
hetir H. U. Hbaaann, afartf, from Fortreea llonroe, Il
LaUaft In cajaaln.
Hi ar tiaia Merrlck.lf .aitsouiefy,frora 1s'intbrop,llass
la ballast to eaptam.
V-lir W. 11. IMiuila, Lake, from Glonoeatar, la ballait U
eai'taln. ' -
fcui.r KlUa A Rebacca, l'rioe, from For Ire is Monroe, U
bausst to caplain.
Kteabier W. C. I'lerpont, Oreen, V4 bouts from Xov
torn, with atdae lo W . M. llalrd A Co.
Sehr Job a Fri.-e, toker.ou, at Una port last nisiit, from
Beaton, rational loth mil., lal. .'IS 47, iou. 71 .m,.i..n
tins ht. And'Cw, niliy. fiuia Nl. llomins'i lor B
aupinleil her wliti provisions 'I lia crew ol the Hi. Aii.lrtw
wen iuabuvu! iid had miiatvovd Uie capiaiu luo. ,
THE n rnnp",
Hr.AI'Ut in Tin Fir.t.D, North Sinn
of tiif J amrs HiveH, July 27. Kvenlng. por
tion of tho troops in the Army of the Po omae,
iinrtcr the Immediate miumaiel of M iJ'
Hancock, having quickly i-ro-d from th : south
to tho not tb bank of the James river, drove tne
ruitiii Irom a strong line of Intreneh nents this
morning and captured four pieces of artillery.
Tbe fore s forming the expedition moved yes
leriia sfo moon. Mu'cblngall niglt, the com
mand eroded the Af-ismi-it-ox on the pont'sin
in id i - nt Point of Kotkaatiil tho place called
liroiiilwa , atid crossed li e Jameson the bridges
mat Deep Hottoni. The movement was ex-uted
sc. ri"h and sllemly ; and In fourten hojrsfrun
the tirrc ot slatting the command had matched
about twenty miles, cross-d two rivers and cap
tured a line ul works, with Its anillery, lro.u tlie
ei.eniy .
" loitwMtu" REiiriLS FLAWKEn.
After our troops bad formed on the open
plum, 11 lrong skirmish line was thrown fir
wind, and il foon came in cm tact witu tho
Hi-Hi y. In front ol the point where 1 tic enemy's
feu guns weie ;astcd our skirmi-h line con
sis cii 01 detachments fr ui Ooni ral Miles' llri
gudr, in (ii-ii' rnl Harlow's Division. Tho regi
nit t is t.oiu winch detach mi uls were taken 10 fur-i,l-li
si iiinishi-is lot licit part of the line were the
IKtd l'i tins) IvimiB, oth N -w Hampshire, and 2 ith
Michlg u. Colonel J. C. Lynch, of the IS t i
Pi nusy Ivai in, hsvlng more liotiicdia c suia-r-visiou
ol (ii in nil Min s'ikirm sli nn.-.tln-jin,,' it lie
roming ms'ly lo petsisi In ntieinntlng to take the
guns in front, moved a isirtiou of his men by tb-i
Hunk to the right, and soon crossing the 10 id
bell bv tho cm my, was enabled to enfilade tbe
Rebel lice.
The consequence was, that with our skirmish
ers from other Imgadts advancing ai other po-n's,
the enemy wa' compelled to a'n idon thai fur
til'ud position, learng lour 20-pounder Parrn'.
gun-, wi h liinliers, two caissons filled w.tli ain
ii) 11 11 it ion ,11 iu! u sin ill niini'ier of prisoners, iu the
hands ol Colonel b.
Colonel Lynch escad nniniured, although
two bullets) passed through his hut and another
hit bis horc. Cap iiln Cissady, Ctptaiti (J.ipolln,
and l ieutenant Miller, of the 1 10th Pennsylva
nia, were wounded on the cxtr.aAiu rigat of tlio
skirmish line, wheio the regiment lost a number
of men.
Cupuiln Cr.tsndy had been wounded in Iwo
places ot Coal Harbor, had returnt-d iu tiiiiu to
tuke comiii ind ol Ihu I 1 the movement
yesterday, and in tbe skirmish this moruing was
wouiuled again.
After Ibe enemy had been driven from that
first position, he retired to a commanding crest
about u mile behind. Th it point H a'ciut three
ml-es from M divert Hill. Reconnoitring pa'
tieK stain tisceniiincd thu fact that tbu nitunlly
formidable dcluml"e position of the crest was
being nnderod s;roiigi-r still by tho enemy,
whose reserves were busy completing iutrench
nienfs which had been previously commenced.
From information then in our possession it
was belii-vcd that the force of the enemv iu our
immediate front consisted of Kershaw's Division
ami an nddMonal brigade of infantry, with acou
fider. ble force or cavalry, which aopeared on
our right. Reinforcements, too, were rapidly
arriving by nil road, twenty-nine carlo ids having
.passed up from Petersburg during this afternoon.
Our skirmi-beis were cautiously sent lorwird
until tbey camo in contact with those of the.
enemy lu ihe ticlda which spread out from the
foot ot ili..t commanding creel,
A portion of Goticrnl Barlow's lnfautty Divl
fcion puslud f irwurd for thti purp se of develop
ing the left of tlie enemy's line, and had a hand
tome and successful little sk r.insh. With tbu
same object in view portion of our cavilry,
which Is under command of General Sheridm,
advanced on the Malvern Hill and Newmarket
road, and on the right of the infantry, dashed in
with the sabre, pushed in the left of the enemy's
line unJ rupiuied a small numner 01 prisoners.
Aboutthreeweiksngo.wbon General Hanoock
resumed command of uis corps, after u temp iriry
al-si ncc, during which It lost lour guns 11 id witk
them a portion of the prestige in-epara'ily nss-i-ciuted
with Its name, ho issued an order to his
troops, in which he told them that when they met
tbe enemy again bo would expect them to fully
reU-.eui wli-.t It-ay bud lost
It is nn interesting coincidence that this morn
ing, the lirst occasion on which they had met the
enemy since, they have captured four guns of
heavier calibre than th.ise widen they lost, and
more man re-estaulisbed their bono-a du uaimi.
Upon ice. ivlng tho announcement of tho cap'iire
ol the guns this morning, (juiierul Moulj i uui ;
di. tcly despatched thted brief congratulatory
lines :
llKAligi Aiinais Akmt oe Till: Potomai-, Nino A. M.,
JnO ls .4 ilrtii-ral It oic.n-k : Your Oe.nvcli nf
t .-nly tu 111 lit -a nasi si vru re- lived. I e .nsril il-il- yon
and s our irullant i-orpa on y.-ur sue iem. and im-t It will
be cenllnuid. 1 MS-.A..IK.
During tho evening our linei h iv been well
' esliiblished in accor.lanco with (encral Oram, s
design iind tho oltject of our operations, which
I must be left to future developments to disclose.
1 Our Iocs In killed and wounded during the day
. was, perhaps, pretty near ode bunlrcd.
' The following are the names of the Pennsyl
vania wounded :
j Arthur Talbot, Co K. lstfd Pa., minor; Rgt. It. II. Mo
1 tine au. A, 1-s.ld I'a , sh-mld. r i i-t-nr-e V stiuruun, K, lMd
' Pa . ti-li.-b. a ah; Tnnmse lay. A, I Kid I'a , si 4I11 0 uiai
alt.u; '1 1 enj.ta II. Feoutn. s', la.1 1 I'a , 1 k, lleaii; i:hari--a
tti.lstien k IKUl I'a , alHlinuen; Kn'iait Klluuswiir b. A,
ls:iu I'a . ii;:ht arm and atiil-'aluli l Charles P11 nut, K, Is ,d
Ph.. tliluh in d wrl-t . Al ord shar .one , t isad i'a., neao,
ii'Mlv; Wllllein anrln-er, B.tiid 'a, hip; Ht. r.lls'ia
JV ral n'W. A. tsilb Ta., It-a lra-turi-d, d CJ lu ttosgltal ; i.hsi,
W'lnner. tenh I'a . balb tlils-lci; Kilward Alk-u, A, UIUU I'a.,
thl, 11; Atitlii ny Totwllei'. E, Sltb fa., arm.
I 1 be f 1 owing belong to the llOtu Pennsylvania
. Volunteers :
H.1,1 ant J. C Bell.t'nnipany C, ann; .John Atwell, 1,
faee; tit-.irse Ileal melt. A, tlestl-wiMlllU ; Ja.sib lucles. K,
arm;J A. r.ito.n,l'.flUiulder; Joua lAickinan, ('. abjo
m. 1 ; Vim 1 11 riowell, A, ilir .at; tle.ire V lla rd. O,
I la. e; Jm-i.b Menimcer, O, thursx; I'Aiiiul Siut'li, 0. le;
t h.i't t. 1 klu . K, face; dip. A I'ull-ni, F.arin; Hnl.
j AmlivssJ Miller, B I. K, 'hsii 1 i urn Ili-iiM i Uaxvrv-'l,
ihli-li, ilieit; Captain f'ranois i.'aisidy, 11, le, nu'ulv;
) t'ai lain t'b.irii-a t'oueleu, ), aeverely; C'orimral
iVr nll in l.llle, .ti-ora aniltlni:b; Jainea Irsrln, O, aria
ami 1I1. i'.i ; lianlel Koivinaa, I', tliis'ti ; Jotia Da. ls. r,
thl. It ; CefV.rul Henry i Miller H, llnrace nlilltter,
A, tiils'h, atnraita't-d: lieitKe Wright, A b'Hj.v.
The names of the killed on tho tiuld have not
lict n a-ui-i tulnc J np to tho present hour. -V.
Furllier Iirtlcnlirw.
Bkhmi ha Ut-NiittKK, Thursday niOrnlog, July
2H. The inonotouy which has reigned along our
Inns for several weeks past has been broken by
a sham bk'rmisb which look place ut D.cp Bot
tom, earlv yesterday niortiing. resiibing in 1I10
driving i f the enemy from the lino of rillo-pits on
the PcD ii -ular side of the J unes, and Ibd Cap
ture of f .ui' 20-pound Parrutt gnus and a score
tit t '.o of prisoners.
The movement rcsnMng V4 the above success
was commenced on Tuesday afternoon, tbe 28;u
iti-t., ami ut this time lt:re can tie nothing detri
mental t ihe cunse in plucing before the puillc
the deti.lls of rn ixpeditiou which at present
seems iu promise a highly gratifying terud-h-tioii.
But lev Are uwaro of the special objocts to be
at:aincd by the movement now In process of
enriKiimiiiutlou. but the knowing ones are confi
dent lhat its close will lind tirant's army con-
nidcrubly nearer Ihe accomplishiuentot bis lute 11-
lions, viz. '" '"'" ri
ami the final overthrow of the Slaveholders
Rt bcliion.
Mi.jor-OeneralS Kancoek ami Sheridan have
bocn assigned tae .prominent ehara.-te in this
new scene in tbe drama of the war in Virginia,
and their well-known gallantry and skill certainly
will iicconip ishull lhat their commanding gueral
could reasonably expect. Where tbu dashing
Hancock, falls, few oihcr general Olliccrs need
hot e for success. n j
On Tuesdav afternoon at 44 o clock the 2d
Corps soon after followed by the Cavalry Corps
of Sheridan, withdrew, from its. position on the
left of our line, and marched rapiJIy towards the
I'ointof RiMjks on the AppomaitoK, which was
crossed early in the evening. Barlow's Division,
preceding Moti's, formerly llirncy's.aud Uibson s
bringing up the rear.
. .. i,.r l,jt i.oen Issued during the dy by
General Hancock, announcing ihe Initiation of a
movement wbero success depended mainly on
the discipline of bis troops, and instructing any
erne who might full into the hands of the enemy
to refuse to give the division or corps to which
they had been attached.
As is seldom the case, but few stragglers
brought up be rer of the rapidly marching
column, which at 3 P. M. yesterday reached the
James river at Jones' Neck, and silciKly crossed
our to DP Bottom on a inutlled pontoon,
bich had been luid sovtral days previous. A
lirlgiido of he lmh Army Corps, with its oil
n sting oil Four-mile creek, formed the right of
Foster's line at Deep Bottom, but took no part lu
,1'Laoua'l!d..ybivak, Sheridan's Cavalry, fol
low ing the 2d Corps, crossed the river, and takiu r
the Newmaikct roud.oci tipicd a posi iou several
Wilis u-t-iieriihtoi tbe lumutry, which, iuinvj-
d'stely on crossing bsd deploye l into line of
bnttli ,tba 31 forming tbe riulit, the 1st the
ci ntre, snd the 2d the lelt. Prom the point of
(Tossing, ruml running tbrnturri au os-a rteld
leads lu snot iter bordering a pin rVtr. St. and ran
Blrg nearly at right angles wl-h the fhwaner.
Along this rouil tl.e i in niy had thrown up a
strong line of rifle-pits, whica wss or -nplivd by
KershawV D. visum of rvaith Carolinian. Near
Ibe jnncikin of the roads meniione.l were pl vd
sis pieces of artillery , of which ufiei wrds
lell into onr pos-esskm. Rkbmishit geommencetl
l 7 o'clock, our men sl ailily advancing under
a sharp fire from tlie enemy in be pits.
1 be nrnllery ol t be; enemy immediately opene I,
but so Inaccurate was the range of their guns,
thnt but very few CH'tinltiiS wore su-Muieii on
onr side from tlie shul ing In th meant me Hie
11 t.le -at Mrmliita, lin g in lliern.-r opeio' I w th
KiO-potinc P o rous on the enemy and jn'lging
from tin-spiinten tl pmrs In 1 lose proximity to
tbe Rebel works, wltn snch eff e.t us to has eu
ibe iibnnilonnu nt of tlieir ml --pita.
At o'clot k, tbu skitinisli line ol l!rlow's
Divniun, consisting of the lk.'lil P.-an-vivan:,
Co onel . neb, the 2Mth M issa -huseita, Can'at'i
Kb niniiug, nnd the .'ith New II impil.e, Major
l.atkin. snptx rted by the iiith Michoia-i, Ca,i iin
liily, ebnrgctl tbe enemy's line, nnd by a ski!
lully antl rap dly executed flank movement
dioe the Rebels from their pits, captnrtng in tho
assault the 20-pt und Parrotl guns, before men
tlntiitl, t.-nethi r with several prisoners.
Tl.e ei erny then U il hack in confusion ov-T a
n ile, and, as is their wont Immediately eom
iiienced imrei ching in a cummantllng nosi'ion.
l irg to tbe tlillli-uliy of planting nil e.ry somD
tit li y look pi ice In po ting our guns and follo-v-ing
up ihe tt mHirnrv success we h id oliuilned.
At sunset last night, however, a b itrery was g it
ii to position in full view of the Rebel line, a nt
was ulaitil tu open on t:ie ei emy, wtic.i they
wcie discovind lalllt g link beniml. herc it
was believed ll.t y won III commence the coqs ruc
tion til n new lii e of intrenrbments.
Win n 1 left at a hit- hour last night, everything,
all bong b qua I, ns in n adine-s lu resume, olhui
slve movemcniH sgainst the ei em this monun.'.
I'p to this hour eight A. M. but limo eii'inoii
aimig has In en heard In tun ilir--i--ion ot Deep
lwiiii 111, nnd nin e nloug our imtiie iin'e frou',.
The (.-tins i-aptitied yt-sterdny formerly b-loiig.-d
to A-bt y's Itntterv, and were aken by the enemv
on ibe occasion of Oillmore's repu's- in fr mt 'f
P. tcrsbtng some wet ks since. K.uir ii nbers nnd
to caissons weic taken wi;h tne guns, the re
rnsltidi r lieing mn oil by the aitillery men.
The loss on laiih sides was co npariiticelv
trilling. I euclo-e a list of ca u 1 tie- it the .11
Division, which probably sustained ugrea'erloss
than any other. Tho llllth Pennsyvaol 1, fro-n
its exposed posi'ioii on tlie p:cket line of the ill
ruvi.-lon, sullered se-erely. Severn Itebol dcid
were left behind m the pits, bur. their wounded
were gcnerully sent to the rear iu time to prevent
It Is unnecessary to speculate on tho result of
this new mov. incut. Kunior thu las-, two
weeks bus i rroiieously lu.- .t- 1 Mhnridan on ihu
war-pulh, but at ibis time she c in do s j with a
much greater tlcgtee ot ceitnnty than before, the people uwuit re-til s with that confi leiice
innica'ii c of nn alinling fs. lb in t'.e ius'.ii-eof our
rausc and in lion who is tlie lire il Captain of the
armies of the Cuicn.
A mil tier Aei'nnnl.
OkNFRAI. Bl TI.F.Il'a HRlOUt'AHTKKS, Jti'y2,t,
sunrise. Hancock and Sheridan ni in-h -d night
bclote lat nil nigh', and yesterdiy u'. 1 P. M.
I" gnu crossing ti e James, on a pont ion newly
luui, a little below tbe one connected with Fos
ter's li dgmi tit at Dei p Bottom, ou the left bank.
Dnr'ow's Divi-iou, tho Bret over, pushed rapidly
ahead, swinging up the river, and Hanking the
Rebel po ition opposed to Fos'er.
Two hiimlrid nnd thirty m n of !ho H.'M P.tnn
syhni. in. Colonel Lynch, Mile ' I! igade, charged
Slid cnpinrcd a bancry of four 2 i-pound Putrd'.ts,
with a loss of only nv 11 y. The guns proved to
lie those of Ash Iij'h U.tierv, lo.t hy (iotier il
Smith in the curly part of tne rainptign. While
tbis attack was making in MaoH, Foster demon
united in front, which doubtless hei-ed towards
Ihe re-ult. .
Jlancotik then, as his c irpS cauie over, a l
Mlricedumiio up tbe river, end Snor'd in, Tur
in rt's nnd Orcgg's Divisions, crossing inline
thutely Mlti rwarns, turned oil' on iiis right, and
with Merrill's Brigade, struck Nemaikei an I
Long Bridge road ac its Intersection with the
Malvern Hill road, some four miles above the
ltd 1 r place. One regiment charged uud stam
peded :k.O Rebel cavalry, taking a il'ucn prisoners.
Tbe position now wus, Foster wi b troops from
tbe luih Corps, with his left, resting un the
Jiinus, the 2d Corps 011 his right, then SnerHau's
Cuvalry lee. ing out all the roads, and swiogi ig
round upon tlie enemy's left tlank, the general
direction of the line being from southwest to
r.ortlienst. But ihe Relh'l positlnii was 11 range
ol bi ls. very s-rong, arid hn was ku nun ro b ive
two full division, Kershaw's of Lougstreet's
Corps, and Wilcox's of Hill's.
It was almost night, and no further advance
was attempted. Tliecasuul'ics number perliuns 5 I.
In simply holding bis line the tluv betore, Foster
l-ud lost a-iiiuiiy. rully lob prisoner-were ttkeo ;
2nd was the number reported, but I could nut
count io many. If the clay's operation' nit. n 't
etlect all that was expected nnd if nomine more
should enmu of It, the movement m ly be c m
sidi red successful, und rather useful in be cheer
ing 1 diet of gut s ut.d prison.-is tukeu w tho it
loss, anil in the tre t' il affords In the breaking of
the monotony that h-.d lit gun to look like a siege.
Cei crul- fir.-int and Ingalis were on the Held.
A. Y. Tribune.
The quota of Missouri under the new call fur
troops is 20,(178; of Ohio, 50,79 .
Many acres of valuable wood land in Togiu
and Litchfield, Me., have been run over by fires.
Blum-bard Jerrold has gircu to tho press a
new work entitled "The Children of Ltitctia" a
book in two volumes unout I'ar.s uud its peop'e.
Arcnbisbop Spilding ha disigunnd Svur
day, the 31st iu-tant, thu Fea-t of St. Igu tins, of
Loyola, ihe patron of thu missions of .Maryland,
to tr.tiT upon the possess! jo of his s-e.
A condenst'd caiuloguoof all the books pub
lished in London between the years l:jj and
lffsi has just been Issued th'.-re. I', forms u list
of 67,600 dim rent works.
A visi a iou of gypsies look place nt Havana,
New York, recently. They departed und returned
again, filially taking their leave on Tnnrsdiy,
and making us much parade an 1 sun us a circus.
A mischievous boy, whom a mm held over
a boiling vut at Mechanics' Fulls, Me., last week,
playfully threatening to throw him in, struggled
so much that he did f ill iu uud scalded to
Two thousand dollars have been ruis'i 1 In
Washington for the fund to 'm appropri ited to
the crecion of a inouuim uf over tbu remains of
those who loot their lives by tue expio.i 111 a; the
Charles Dickens is to receive 12.000 fir his
Hew fcilul novel from his publishers. Messrs,
Biadbury A 11 ill ou tin; pub l;a:loii of
tire .first number, and the rem under on tltu cmi
pletiMii of the work.
Pi tho town of Knileld, M ass., through the
energy and despatch of the Selectmen, the whole
number of nun (lh.rty-s.ix) required under the
President's la-t call wore prcsentod, accepted,
and put into the service within two days after
seeing tbe ; r. -carnation.
Arruuiictiunts have been made lu Boston by
which 'enrolled m-11 may have a subuitute put the army for thoiuuta much lower price trj.m
tbe substitute brokers demand, and at the same
time be sure that they will have au elfuctive man
to represent them.
Among the delegates tlectcd by the Indiana
State Convention to the Chicago Convention is
Washington Bradley, ol Lawrence county, who
served two years lu the Rebel army. Messrs.
Pcttit and Pitch, two other of tho electors, were
Breckinridge electors in 1860.
It is suited that the will of tho lalo Josiuh
Qtilncy relates entirely to family arrangement'.
He leaves an ample income to his daughters, b 4.
iueathes his estates in Qulncy to his eldest ,,,0,
having in his lifetime provided for hi ygUDge 1
and nii;kc his two sous executors k'jd rcsidaar;
Tlie first and only volunteer recrulte;''. in
fsiriugfiold,Muss., to count upon tbe quotk under
the new call, nppcare.d on Monday In a s talwnrt
Englisbmuii, ovor six foot tall, and a svta whom
the examining surgeon declared per fuotly free
from blemish, ne has boon for sew n years in
the Biltish service.
Captain Wluslow. of the Ket r.Arn. eommu-
plcstitig to the Navy Departmo' M ,U8 jact of the
death of William Oiu, one off nf wounded in th
l ite action between the Kea rtarge nd the il.a
bama, Bays ; ,
II.- a. a brsv end ! o)H , When inrrerlng
und.r a most 10.. n.oiaii 1 s ' .Sua ,V nioit
leii.iirsKliin,iile. Who ,T " ',. wla auard on ihe
tioumli-r of the vlWsoae J" "VZATtui di"i?
at nsaar w. lovo jn.i.ow.
How beautlfDl it waa, that one bright day
Ii tbe loeg week nf rain I
Th' ngp all Its splendor on Id not chase away
Tbe omnipresent pain.
The lovely town was wMmi with apple-blooms,
And the great elm- o'erhead
Dstk shadows wot., on th- lr aerial looms,
Hbot through with golden thread.
Arrn Ihe meabiwe, by the grey old manse,
: I ne historic river llowe I :
j I w as as una who wand rs in a trance,
Unconscious of his road.
; Tbe faces of familiar friends seemed strange i
Tht it voices I could bear,
I At il jet tho word- they uttered seemed to hang;
Tbtir meaning to ti e ear.
1 pur the ne face I looked for was not there,
1 Tin one low vi Ice was mute;
I Only unniisien pre-cm e tilled the air,
Aud l-aillcd my pursuit.
j Now 1 look back, and meadow, manse, and
s're m
I Din ly my thought d' 'incs ;
1 I 01 ly si e a d'cam wnhin a dream
I The hlll-tnp I e r-ed wi h pun s.
I only hear above Ins pl.ire of rest
1 l.i lr It licit r uiidenonc,
Tlie infinite luili'im'S of a troubled breast,
The so like Uis 011.
There In seclusion ai d remote from men
Ti e ir. ,ro ba tl li. n cold,
bit b lit Us tiq most -I't-.-d let fill tho pen,
Ami hit the uie ball told.
Ah, who shall lift that wand of Xiiigic p.ia-er.
And the o t clue recall!
Tin- unlit. ished w 11 o I 1 A a Mill's tower
I (1 1 11 ir ra d must r- iu on !
C nc rd, May 2;i, IKVI.
IKK t.ltlAI' AMIItlCAN NlltlWlllSI
KM I ltS ritltn OltMl A.
A, tVsid'N 'Ipliilim mi siHlti'ra null Thing
The stoodent and connyseer must have no'ed
snd ailriiircd in various parts of the I'mtcd
hiati s ul Ann rua lutgn yi Her batid-bills, which
iiot only air gems of i.rt In themselves, out they
troothfully i t foiin ih ui raetionsof uivshow
n show, lit me lure olisarve, that c iitaius ill my
I i v 1 11 w ild animals, every oue of which Ins got
Lei litllul M 'ml.
Tin m b.intlhi Is Is s'p' In New York.
&, 1 uuiioonliy rcpuir hero tn git so ne more on
A, la'in' here, I tho't. I'd ssob a Address to the
ptiidie ou inatiers and things.
Since la-t I nicy antleu d tlic-e s'roets, I have
tiin ml nvtr the Pacllic Slopes and Utah. I enm
back now, nub my viroro unimpaired, but I've
got to git some new clothes.
Muny Chung- s has taken place even durin' my
shut t ulisctiee, & sum on nm s S i luui to c inleul
pul ite. The lioii'C iu Varveek SIP- t, where 1
used to Hint d, is b in torn down, l'btl II mse,
which was rendered mcmonahlit by liviu' Into it,
is " piir.-m' away ! p r-iu' away!" But some of
tbe timbers will no made into c inea, wh'cli will
he so d to my admirers nt tha low pric i of ouo
th llur t acfi. Tbu- Is changes goin' oil cotrl'ii-rly.
In ihe New Win Id It I-war-in Iho Oi l Wand
pulpites is 'oiierin' ft Dyseot irics is cruiiiiilin'.
These cuiu s is cheap at a dollar.
Sammy Htsitli, Duiiic street, sculps my hand
bills, uud he's 11 artist. lis studied in Homo
Mate 01 New Yolk.
I'm here to read tlie proof-sheets of my hand
bills as fast as they're sculpt. You have to
watch these ere prlnn rs preny close, for tbcy'ro
jest as apt to spel a wurd wrong as nnyb-iw.
But I have lime to look round sum, & how do
I find tilings f I reiuru to tijo A'lltltic stites
iipcr s ubstuie. cf t. u months, & wh it state dd I
tiiid tlie country in? Why, 1 ,1011't know what
Staic I lind it in. f-utllct; it to say that I do not
fllui it in tbe State of New Jeisey.
1 find some things that is cheerin, partially the
rctolve ou ho un of the wiiumof America to
stop wcarin turiin goods
1 never meddle with my wile's things. She may
wear muslin fininOreoi la id's icy mountains, and
bnnil'VC' ill from Inj 's coral srruud", if she w.mts
to; but I'm glad 10 state thai superior woman has
svilnl oil nil her liirrin clotbus and jutnpt into
fai ries of domestic manufacture.
But, says some folks, if you stop importin'
things, you stop tbe Revcnoo. That's u 1 right.
We can stand it il the Rev. uoo can. On tbe sumo
principle, young men siiuiildcontiucrto get drunk
on Ficiicb biuiuly and to make their livers 18 dry
as a corn-cob with Cuby cigars, because 4 soo b
it they don'i it will hurt ihe Revonoo. This talk
'bunt tt c Ri venoo is of bosh, boshy. One thing
11 11 fitly cciliiin, il wo Oou't send gold out of the
country , we shin I have the consolation of know
ing that It is in the country. Ho I say great credit
Is duo tue wiuun tor this patriotic move ; and, to
tell Die trootb, tho wimin generally know what
liny 're 'bout. Of ull the hies' ens ihey'ro the
sooibinest. If thcre'd never bin any wimin,
where would my children lie to-day ?
But I hope this move will lead 10 other moves
that uir just as much needed, one of which is a
genial and tberrer curluiuineut of expenses nil
luund. '1 he fact is, we an- gcttiii' tcr'b y extrava
gant, & onless we paws in our mad career, in less
Ihun two years thu godd- s.-ol liberty will bu seen
Oodgin' into u pawnbroker's shop, with theo'hnr
gown done up in a bundle, even if she d 'n't have
lo spout the gold stars 111 her head-baud. Let
ns all take hold justly, and live and dress cemsi
bly; like our forefathers, who know'd more'n
we do, if they wa'ut qui e sj honest! (Suttlu
gonketb !)
There are other cheerin' signs. Wo don't, for
instims, lack great Gen'r ils, uud we sertinly don't
luck I ruve sojeis but there's 0110 thing I wish
we did lack, und that is our present C -ngrcss.
I ventur to say that if yon soirch U idd'emity's
foi tstool ull over with a teu-hoss power mixri
scoh, iou won t lie ah 0 to lind such antvher
pack of poppycock gabblers as the preseui Con
gress ot luu (j nue 1 Mat- s of Americ 1.
Gcntiemtn of ibe Sen it & ol the II mse, you've
boi there and draw'd your pay and made sum
mer complaint speeches long enough. Ttio
country at large, Ine od.n' the uiider-lued, Is dis
gusted with yon. Wbv don't you show us a
eiutestnun sumoodv who can make a sicech
thnt will hit the pop'lar hart rite under the fl.o tt
Public wtekit i Why don't yoa alio ns a st ites.
man who can rise up to the liaicrgeiK'y,aiid cave
in Ihe Emergency's bead ?
C"i gress, you won't do. J home, yoa mix
zt ruble devils go borne!
Ataspeciul Cougn ssjonal 'lection In mv dis
trict, the other day, I oe ib'rltly voted for Henry
Clay. I admit that Henry Clay is de id ; but in
a much as we don't stem to have a live states
man in our National Congress, let us by all
nienns bave a tirst-cluss corpse.
Th. m who think that a cano mad from tho
tiuibets of tbe house I once boarded In Is essen
tial to their happiness, should not duluy Betidiu'
the iimrey light 011 for one.
Atid now, wiih a genu ine hurrir fir tho wimin'
who air goin' to abandon furrin' goals, aul
another for tbu patriotic every wher.-s, I'll lnavd
public muticrs, uud indulge in a little; pleasant
tn 111 ly gossip.
ny reported capture ov tne Norm American 1
suv jis of Utah led my wide circle of friends and j
creoilors to think tfcat I had 1. Id ad H) to ea t ly I
things, and was a auut pluyin'on a g ilden harp.
limits my rival homu was ouexpected. j
It wns 11 in the evening when I reached my j
Jionicstld and knockt a healthy kuo..k ou the door ,
ti.ttiof. ' . I
A n ghf-cap thro -ted itself out of the front ,
chamlM-r window. (It was my Betsy's nijbt-cap.)
And u vols said !-
"Who is it i"
"It la a man !" t answered in a gruff vols.
"I don't be'bevo it!" she I.
"Tbcn c me down aim sea. eh me," I replied.
Theu resumln' my nat'uil voice, I stid, "Uis
your own A. W., Betsy! Bweet lady wake!
Kvcr of ihou !"
"Oh," she said, "it's you, is It i thought I
smelt something."
But the old girl was glad to see tne.
In ihe mornin' I found ,ptx mv family were
eiiUitaiiiin'a artist froPj pnadelphy, who was
there paintin' soiiiCstntai watorl'all and moun
tains, and I inorein inspected he had a hankerlu'
for n y oldest dai' (Cr
uir. BKimiu'i(rl,)rrj) father, aald my dantor.
'Ulad to s-
Tois ; "kuk' K-' v u
I repireu iu a nospivuo
-9'.chiHt ("
Ar'artist a painter."
"A,adglaiierr,'fi atku "Are you a painter
war. glaaicr, th I , , . , , ,,
lv dauteraiXlVlfewss mad, hot I coulda t
liclp it, licit mood.
"It Is a wimucr to mo, air,. -
'con8idcriSl, what a wide-spread reputauou you
have, that some of our Eastern managers don t
"It's wonder to oe," said my wife, "that
somelaxty don't secure him with a chaiu.
After brcukfiist I went over to towu to see my
old triends. '1'be editor of the Uuglt groeted ine
1 ....11.. u...i showed me the lolleriu article he'd
... m writtea about the paper ou the other side of
We have recently put np In our ofllce an en
tirely nt w sink, of unluue construction with two
boSis, through which the soiled water may pass
ta the new bucket underneath. What will the
hell.hnuiirlo of tho ifierturr Say t 1 this. We
shall cout-.uue to uiuke improvements as fast as
ma renidlv Increaaiiiit Luslncss may warrant.
Wonder whether a ccnaln editor's wife thinks
she can pvlni off a brass watch-chain bn this
community1 iora gold one?" ...,
"Xbat," savs Ihe ediior, "bits him
lives. Tliut will close him np as bad m It uia
n .aatl I Oirilt.l till Silt 1 t ritllCtUllHQ "
A few rlavs alter my return, I was sh iwt
young mmt who s iys he'll lie I) mi if he gisos t
the war. He was si rtiti' on a iiairrl, .t was In
deed a 1oiilisum objek.
IjiH Bund y I he rd Tarscm Batklns pn-ach,
ard the good oid man prea hi s well, too, tho' his
pri-yer wos rsihir lengtny. The editor of the
iii'S , who was with me. s dd thai player would
mshe hffeen sonnies "O'td nonpirli.
I don'i ihlnk ot nothl g more M write alsnnt.
Po ' D'ln ve me If all ihose endearing young
charms," Ac , Ac. A. Ward..
A umber of t'.iilltt Stteninera Kmployodl
Hi truss.
The mercantile s tain marine of England IS
Ini rf using with grc t lapld ty, and now couslsi
iow consist. I,
of 81,0341
and idvI y..J
01 2277 ves els. with n gross tonnage
tors, or (alter deducting eng ne room and spvt
cf Ibe rtgistetcd tonnage of 6:11,4)1 tons. V
rrccnt l'ailiamcntaty return whleh gives tb
. T
figures also furnishes a number of facts whit u'
are coiiilen-e I as f.illovs ; y jl
i n w icuiisun 1 u ins. in lu-.rv-
a 1. . . - .... i.Art a.sV.. .- A
tlnced ss a iioiter-iil for the construction of
sn 1 mers, antl air. adv the Iron steamers in the
Brtnsh m rcamlle marine an- more numerous
ihi.n those constrticied of wood, there being
lillll built of iron lu the total of 2J"7 steamers.
A im I t r in 'v in t. rlu Is coming Into use In tbe
building of so 11 ti i rs, namely , stei I. Tb". nnmlur
ol ves-. Is formed of ste'-l at present ooly
amounts to four or live; but It is thought pro
bible tl ut the tiiiuila r of vessels construc-e i of
simmer wns eonstruc i d 111 F,'mand. and already jig
roiisiiitiably nitne than oue-t ntd of tho s earners, jsw
in ti e no remit le murine of tins country are ens.
pelli (1 bv Ihe screw. According to th" return jnei
1 ubiislu d, ihe uumbiroi screw s earners at tbe
In ginning ol Ihe p e.-ent year was seven hundred
ai ti nil cty two. The nf ine steamers fun-
poyt-d in the irno.-oi i-.tigoiini varies irom 00
tot s to IS. III.) ti n the ln-t In ing, of course, the
tnniiSge of ihe iient Eautern.
Ne.-rly the w ho e of the trade bet srecn Great
Btiinin and Inland, and a veiy considerable por
tion ot the irade ur und the casts of tlie three
kit now crue l cn by mea-is .f steamers.
1 he number ol steam-vessels employed In tnese
brancbis of trade may be taken a- something like
lMiu. Then- should also lie Included under ibis
bend nearly tbe hole of the steamers employed J
in tne untie wun r r..nce, tie giiiui, ami iionano,
snu a hi lion of tno-e iniployed tn the traile
with ihe Atlantic porn of the Peninsula, and in
the ttuee with Germany, Den mars, and the
Bt nc
lie nnml3r f employed in what
mnv Im- called oci an ir .lll 1 ttmona-i'd to four
bntulied and sen n i -seven nt the commence
ment ot Ihe present year, and mnv las safely
I. ki n at npwatria ot he hunured at the present1-
t me. lbttuessels may lie O'viicd into four
I ll'I.C", 11 W 1 .1 - I - I'l III. II ll'Ull'lltr. 1 M" IIIB. Ill
these c.asees consists of vesso s of from five htin-
ilrttl lo one thoiis md tons. I'hcse auioon'ed at
the la-ginning ol the present yeart two hundred
and sixty -eight, ai d Include a I rge portion of
tie tiiuiers empoMil In ihe t-ade witri the
Midlti rr.nean, the Aiinu Ic, the Back Sea, the
Bahic, ai d tlie Hans.-, Towns ot Germany. -
Tbe vtssiis which maybe considered ocean
stennii rs, in Ihe strict seu-e of tho term, are ves
le tnl between PNiO a d 40 10 tons. The steam
ers of th s clas- from 10 KJ to WOK) tons burthen
en oi ntid to 158. I'l this numia r were a few of
Ihe soem-rs employed in Hie trade wlm Aino
r ca. When that truoe commenced, vessels of
1200 tons were considered sullicientiy large, and
1b.1t WAS tilt! size 0! 'he stcauiQis In Ihe original
Cunard contrart. But the steamers employed Inj
thl traiti. with Anier-eA h..A InerA ised in miUfnU.
tnde tvety three or tour years, und there are now
60 vessels of upw.rds ol 2000 tons employed la
keepit g up the communication (or tho mills and
tirst-clit'S passcngirs between Europe aud Ame
rica. Tbe number of vessels of from 2000 to
liOVO tons is stnti d In the return to be 48; and
tbe 1 umber abovo 3000 tons is stated to he 7. But
this class of vcs-eU is increasing rapidly, and
the-e figures full cons-deiab.y short of ihu real
number of steamers of this class now on the
1 he Great Eastern Is still far ahead of all
other vessels, htr tonnage being not less than
lb,!'!) tons. But she tins been 100 unfortunate ss
a lOinmcrcl il speculation tu give rise to auy imi
tations. The largi st cla s of s earners that hive t
hitherto been employed with profit aud ad van-
tage seaicely riso 10 the magnitude of 1000 tons.
In tbe win like muiine of eiv gland one or two
vi sscls buve been constructed of the magnitude,
of b'000 tt os.
An English paper adds that "it is Impossible
to consider the nliove facts wi'hont coming to-
ine cobciusion tn t tne 1n1rod11pti1n.1i 1 11m
tav gatiou followed, as it has ow n, by tbe appli-
r.ulh.11 ul iron tn ihu miiii..Hu. i.f ulil.i-hiill.lin..
and tbe inlrmiuctiou of tbe screw lu the pia e of
tbe paoale-wheil, bave giv n fresh Impulse and
an additional sci utttv gr utiiess ol
the country . Iron steamers rein In ura to rule
laie u' tnu iu 10c piltcc in llll-e ves-uis U'llll Ul a.
hi ait ot oak, in which Nelsou and Blake gained I
their victories; nnd ti e country wbicb carries 1
the builuli g 01 iron ves-els 10 the greatest perfec- J
lii n wi I be 'be country that, wi 1 rule the seas. il
Il lu OVn.. .I,,l,ir..l l.u ..m nC n-IMI..... ?
s s. uu...,i.ini, iti s inn .stl Ul Bl 'llieijf
hosbein so much increased, whether swiftness
will not hi come as great an cement of naval
power ns stiength, and whether 1 b it nation wlUv
not possess the command of the sea, which has)
the great! st number uf swltt Iron steamers capa-,
hie t.f carrying one or two heavy guns apiece.
Should It come to this, the iron -to imcrs of the
British men-ant le marine may h ive as much ,
liilinei ce In pri s- rving the nav,.l power of Eng
land as ibe woodep merchant vessel of our an-,
cestors bad in creuiing it.
JJ E N n Y A. ! 1 I. IZ, (
Tio. 8OB H. WATriU Htreet,
Below Walnut atreot,
Imitation Brandy and Wine t'aska, and all kinds at -
Work made of Old and New Htulf alwava an aandor
tosde to order. f
All kinds ofTrtmining punctiiAUv attaadad to.
- - ... ....I. j I
Ihe lubicrlbtr tnformtt tha pnbiio tht h it dnpoilnf f j
om wvii i-ifg wi iasu in
At wsoleaale prlcaa Tbase are ironi th- old Htoekon haorl.
rnre'iaseta wulnna a auperior arllcl- tor prlvala use
I wouiu uo waa 10 can ai
Wholeaaia Wine aad Lhiaor Store,
Mo. 149 N rlsXUKU Htroat. balow Bua, :
8. W. OOllNtR or
This IIoue Is kepi 00 tbe European Plan 1 tha Raoss t
are convenient aad weU vauUlAtud. '1 Oe Koala luaui vuw t
all lu.urw. 01 aaa. ., , 1
Jli 111
VOi rj 1st a s-a . invi -i 1
ri'HK SUBSCKIHEK8 HA V Is abbuijiaibj g
X tlienuelvea touelher uader the arm or V'lro' f
HVKEMAN CO.. andwiu comlnua the Car HulldJS I
Iluslueaa la all Ha braneoaa, ft the o d aalabUsluoaS
eoruso-, TWlLH-f-llibt .IIAMI yONtroeta.
UKOItliK K. Ill
M-lrn O W. ClllbDK.
Cbobs. VJ-mkwaU . PlokUw aad
n,Uah and Baislok Al. .n,;. rnUUi g,,,,,, j
.vy ktessea put an with cjr.
Window ihadea, from New York Aaetlssn salu
i.ltgbUy wrt.y-Mas-nllloent ' J r,,aJitetf
la'H.lf'sJ and 1 7M lath''". Sv't'iir. I
. Wl.le. 70, tl and Sn tenia i 6 4, and J V"'.
L....I.. ,rl.vaa. ImiHilial UaTeWia. -'.'" T . T K. '
....... r.. -;--r . ai.i
l,.t diiove W aaoat, ofpoait. Uora tUcoaoa.
. Iy7-nia .... ,
. 11. u i x o n .
Pk Ho SI a KI'lUTn Bcreet,
Fans. Bead Presaea, . '
- sraaiuk Jewelry, Leatliar Uoodi, f
, WorkBrnaa. V
Bedi,4c.,o, " '' - uuiiMar
tins msteiial wi 1 Increase 11 iniiib si"aner I
iiuniiiv ol steel (ui.iei-il. 1 moru thin ou- I
ba I ) la ing nqniiHl to civ tne. s tne anion it of
it 1 111. tb in resi tun sh ck- and n ows tb m is re- ' 1
quiii 1I01 iron. In one case mere is a co in t no-
th n ot sb el pint s sitii iron be ms. fa.
li Is also only a few y ms since the first screw &
ui veneoaa. eiaa. ai r
anlnsl'l .l rU. 11 1 D. " r. j n if Su n m