TUB DAILY EVENING TKLKQRAPII. HIILAPELHITA. SATURDAY. JULY 30, 1864. 4 i! ytuing telegraph BATVIIUAT, JPI.V 30, 1804. SPIE1T OF THE HEW YORK PRESS. leading Editorials from the New Tork Papers This Morning. A tirtir wr.ritr.it ix Atr.nir. We Ami-iltans arr the ranst wasteful anl ex travagant people in tin wmlil. We wkm foar. fully in food, In clo'hin, hoJ In extra... We waste on every scitil.ir dan of the week, and waste doub'e annnim on Sundays. M'nwute ilinmofiiPy, wotm n li.n kinaiy j bnyj unl girls, too, arc permit! ) t wast woi'ully. Wasteful nom is on of our worst ni'ioml vicos; fur if tennomy tw b vi i ic, 'h. n o niv .iitance mint lie a iro. T'.c l'.n(IM) d .n't waste ha fas miii'ti as erln; ihi- l'nncli nut a eiua.tiir; and ino Oor I wink' In O.'rmsn ) don't w.mtn at l . iiiiiidn ii ol Ii'hiIiiu' ni'i'i here ami thrn'iirri ont Ibi am hut ircp.ru il illv limn twenty to ti rev different ill-lies lur tllnnnr, in I nut of tlieso fr.Mti B liHif to two-tnlrds are nmiijrjr w isted This not otily Is f, nj.l a led, Inn alto l ir at the same time. In nrdintiy f ind iej, uiirhlemnne Hie Is if ball iioz n disties are gotten up Tfh re a plain Dieal "m ild at once no ni iro eco Horn leal niid lielesoine. We pnrRi) mirsilvei Willi i real i,i m rs of nrtiWrs whir.li are neithor uuiii i. nn nor Hi in ions, tiut flinp y ciisiit. Men buy four liai a iftr, where, one ouHt to last tbcin lour Truro." l'n-T throw avaccias and pants when liny ore iiui li lie the ivnrs Cor 'wearj and, lnt aU ol hv nn lb nr shirts tii iii In I and tlior sto.klnH". di lied, they p.irch isa noir ones, and II. ns awav the old. W'o nen we ir Tery exinMTe articles of tires, with nit wearing th.'in out; and, wo have heard, are Inclined to spjnd and wa-tc ni'itiov and initenal wl h mi stint. " Tlio iin m-m Is a must excellent time fur tlio whole people ui lieln to h arn nod prtotlce the virtue of economy, it' ihc. men wh are strik ing for higher wanes becnisH ot tho hfirh prireof living, would, Inst- .id of tlii, w,te loss in ihrlr bonms, tbulr c'nt'ilnir ail their "sunlrlos" it won tl 1m; much Iwter for 'lieni-oUes and f.irthe country, if dealers would Iito less ex rava gai.tiy, ai.il Wasto lu.s, ibey cuulU sell moro cheaply. 11 rich men would iipnn ler loss on their tables, their tillors, ib"lr wmo mer. hants, their fast hoi sos, htx houses, and ' fmey UxuiK;s,"tiiey would sei a 1h? ter example, would tio'ter enjoy life, enjoy bnu r tie tth, and be m -re ahlo to belp their roumry. If tie 'air soxwiuM pay some attei.tmn to ibis mat er and we ref.-r n t merely to the wealthy c! .ssns, but to those in the common wa'ks t.f lite thev would he rliri.-e Missed tlieniseiY. a, ana would confer blussmirs on ibe bearded sex. Among the mercantile, mechanic, anloultitrnl, and working clones of Oennanv cho same iar mfni will not only tie w..rn loi one -oas in or one j ear, hut for li.if a lifetime or morn ; and yet they will be do less coitilorinnly clad than our people, who e r a nun, ire I sulu of expen sive clo hes iiunn th.ir brief existeuco. In l)achau, the un(rrro, k of n.e women will often be handed down ami wo n fir ihtee -nr itions, wbii h it a iact th it might profitably be pondered by he dungnieis of Auie.li a, They ate noire economical in articles of food on the Europe in coiitmea'. A witty French nn asks the Muesnon whv pork is always o dear in Taria and biui"lf anwors the in quiry by saying it I, Iweatiso they can't raise wine iu France, tor ho pooolo themselves con sume all ibe garbage. There is hardly enough truth, in tnis to point thrjoke; lor tun Itot is,ih,'h9 nice and ecoiinmi'-al li.ili.ts of the French, in in -tir of diet, prevent the vat ac umulations of nfui-e that ore .seen in Home oih r c nin'rles. Our bahus of ne astonish nil I'.irrlgnors. We wane enout?h in this country, of food and .clothing, In one year, to susta n tho whola popu tatimi for live. Tne limes are bard. Tho cur rency li deranged. Wo know not what lies in the future. Too wh ile rouurr should hcin to learn habits of economy. And it is a virtue which, if it is ever to o como national, should ut once be begun to be pr cthed by individuals. PKKK.HtKI.VU. From the Tribune. The Copwrhea4 orucle ofour city thus modestly proouds : JC9!. T?1"1 Mr 'lv In toll UinenaitrT.exalleHlT, wnti,r hi O'l-np-ratmn in iha iai ihwo uuv.mout u u enoit t.mttntft dlatn on " tuicor No, Hir I Is that plain ? we were Oist impollod to nuke an effort to bring about a conference between authorized rcpieeontative of I lie respective belligerents by learning, through rat ions channels, that certiln dlBtinguiabed Ci n'i d. ratos, then and no iu Cuniida, were holding out to the Icadln De.in crats, wbo (locked over 'ho river to confer wl h thein, that P, ace might be bad on a basis, not of Disnnion, but of Wore. "We heard, mi re spcelhYally, that Hon. C. C. Clay bed agreed, ui der certiin cl. cumst inces or conditions, to wriui a letter in tnis apirii .to i)0 ri-ad at the I)i mot ranc Nttl mal Convention, at Chlcngo. Mr. S.iitilera" punlishe I despatch, fore cbariowing a peace on a basis advantageous and acceptab e to both uvtiont," also pointed plainly to a Vnion Peace. Hence our ac too. Wecani.ot be hunted mr slatidrrod Into ap. proval or r jection of hypothetical terms of con ciliation. The business of negmiadon is devolved by the Oonsd'utlon on the President and Senate ol ibi Uuited htntCH, and to them we leave it. But we niaT as well on.-r rii,, hU .i,. tbneisme grave nia'tcr which no diplomacy canetluct, and no G vrrnrueiit bargain away: and that is the Inuiienable right of freemen to love liberty ai.d hate opptesinn the right of the jnstand the generous to struggle for the extirpa tion of rlaTery and all kindred viilnnies from off the face or the earb. It is well to hire this clearly under-tocal, so that it may never agiln lie pretended, as it too long and too balefully has been, tbal ibe people of ibe free Stales are under pnieouiirtituilou.il or moral obliga'lon tj con nive at the atrocities and uphold the perpotuatlon Of human bondage. There it not tti-ylluhle of support for this mon atrvus annum pi Ion to be extracted from t ie Con stitu.i n; and it were ju-tas rational to assert that the South was piecinded from favoring the Temperance Heformatlon by the fact that New England, wben the Cn.si!tutton was formed, was laigily envaged in the inanufa ture of rum, as that the N. rtli was es.o,.ped on like grounds from haling slaverv and striving to aholiHii it. Mo nisti cau Hud a sentence la the Federal Constitution which pledges the North to com plicity, or even acquiescence, in such crimes as tunse whereby slavery was planted and (irmly established iu Texas; no ono can wrench from that iu-Tiiuiei.t any ohligit ion assumud by the free Mates to concur in the legalization of sin very over tbe area of vast teiritonet pre viously fee; jet these have la;cn eno'ly as snnerl, ami any res stance thurcto siigmul.od as inlldelily to coustliuiionil duty, liy N.irthorn DemiH rats as wi II ns Southern Slaveholder. It must be distinctly uuderst od tliie time that there are no tacit phdges,binuiug tbe North to part nership in wrie g mm iniainy; anJ, if it be not nndei shiod, tbe i iu It stiull not lie ours. FiT an age prior to the outbreak of the Slave boldcrs' KelHlllon, tho relations b.tneen the North ai ti the South wero based ou arrng ture on one ide end servility on the other. No S intli einer coming North, or trading with the North, ever inn gini d himself under the smallest o:lig i tlcin to dlsc-iver and proclaim the superiority of Northern over Souibvro institutions; wmlu tha Nor i hem man Tisi iug the South w.is exp ce I, and generally conattuinid, to rind and nrououncn slavery a bi uign and admirable arrangement for ine utucuh, uspdeiuoyt ui lue slaves. No Northern mau going South to teach, or trade, or practice, bad the ghost of a chance (un less it were to be lynched I until he bad dlararued and admiringly noted die happiness, contcnu jneut, nu general wen uewg or toe Slaves, tie who grew cotton thus insisted on prescribing the spectacles through which 6onthern Deculiaritiea suouu ue regarded. ; the debtor dictated bis opin ions to his creditor; the cotton-seller before the con titer to the cotton-buyer behind it. Tbe deference was all on one side; nobody ex pected its reciprocation. Southern statesmen and orators demonstrated, in their way, tbe rotienuess of Northern society, tbe imminence of its crash, tbe certainty that the "mudsills" would subvert the entire edllice; bnt nobody found or fancied to tliis an excuse for rebellion or disunion, or aught more serious than laughter. Yet any long boarded ranter who chose to make anti-slavery harangues in the district school houses of Maine, atoned by half the inhabitants, and utterly unre garded by most of the residue, was strangely represented to tbe Soma as a delier of constitu tional guarantees and guaranteed rights. What ever may be in store for as, there must be no more of this foolery. Should slavery survive onr present itrngglo, the Democracy of the North will be mainly I ... r. . ...... responsible tor the calamity. They coundontly proclaim that tbe Kebels are fighting, not for dis union, but for slavery they insist that, with lavery duly for titled, tbe seecsstoniiils would gladly come back. We neither afflrin nor deny this; bat we want those who hope to carry the presidential election oa tbe platform of a pro slavery 'reeonstmotlon" not to give pledge Which cannot, in the nature of things, be re- Jecmed. Kren should they re-eetablua Slavery son wom on peacb axo war A stsumral by Mr. IIimm (Jrerloy, In this week's IntUpmfau Mr. Horace Oreeley gives under his own name tho following state ment regarding the recent peace negotiations. Some of the facts presented are not new to tbe public, bnt th.it they may know the construction which Mr. Orceley puts upon them we glvo his statements entire: Ijisi weik was signalized by two efforts to Initi ate ta g' tiMtii.ns wiiti a v.ew ,n the pa IhVatiou of our country. The more import nit of these bad Kii nmonil for Ps arena. Mr. J. K. Oil noro more widely known as K ninnd KPke, anchor of "Among ti e Fines" paid an uuotliciat visit to Hu t mond, accompanied by Kcv. Co.onol James F. Jiuch, of the , .10 Illinois, and h id a fainilnir inti rvn w with J- ller. on Davn and several of his I.ieniet ants. They went wl'h the full knowledge if tho l'rtsiih n', intent on di vising or (liscorer Ing sonie gnmt.d of nceoiiimoda I ni and ajust nii lit lH'iween tin Im I iiieieuw now ilevataiing the Ilefiihllc, and apar io have hecu trea e.l with signal lonriesy, and rven generous hospi tality, but bail no success. Mr. Hi more gives the net product of the unoil'n ial mis. ion in tins P'qiiRDt p ssa;e : Jfftfrsen IibIi sn'd ti, mi U.t Mumtsv. an-l, wtth stl hi iaulis. 1 1.. II, xv Mm a ni .n .1 truOi . Tin, wsr mutt hit cliilnr. li sf lie 10 I im. ..... in-i . i mi kfi orn'IMI isi oiini trs ks, tut I'ssmi ana t'slil our l.-nne-. "u si t ii'.wii our riKia r.-t fUMinv t.r ilscrv II Kiiveriinteiii. v . s'a iwlit nir lur Imn.psn dtn.-ri and tltnt.nr esierm'nation, e will have. Mr. Davis, I believe, t,Hs not vet acknowledge ! the r gl t of bis 1,1 counirv nun to "sell gov ( rutin ni" or "mdi uoeni e" eiiher. Nori.s be iirkiKiwIrdgp the right of Norm Carolina to i-ccdc fiom hi. Confi o. r.tcT. ami thus disconnect berselt Itoni a Kei.cilioii into which she w. pro cipitatid by ibe g'ossiM finn.ls I'he I'nioiiists ol the South were conceded no rliht bat apo.. bey on peril of extermination by D ivii and his llpho di rs. Yet be, donhtlrss, Is fighting for " Indepen dence" lor freedom to iiuuosu chains on naif the people of the Slave Slates, ami to reign as autocrat over the residue. " Iudeiendcnce" is to bim power, statu, luxury, Importance; hut to the ntidistingnl-lioil tiiimy, ev.n of wnitos, under bissway.it Is quite other than thesu. We may safely uasume that ho will niuk.i no peace that restores ilie I'lilon, so long as there Is u ios-iiile nlteriiativc. Yel the (liliuore-.l npies nil.sion is no failure, though it resulted but iu demonstrat ing this. Iu the o licr i llbrt for peace, I was a partici pant, SS f' llows : Some time since, it was announced bytel graph ftom Halifax that Messrs. ('. (.:. Ulav, ol Ala liattia; Jacob Ihompson, of Misslssip ,1 (ex Lnned States Senator ); fruf. J. P. Iljlcoinim, ( f the L'tilursi.y of Viiginia, and O.-orge N. Ssndir-, of Kenliuky, had ruiched tn.it cliy fn ni Dixie, vi.. Ilcruiud.i.on imp .riant budness; and nil of these but M . I h unpson (who is in Top tito), were stou qu utered at the Clifton, ou the Can .Oa side f N.i'gam Falls. I beard soon olur of coiilldeiitlal Interviews bctwci n some or all of th ve gentlemen and leading Democrats from our own mid the neigh boting Stiles, and there wero tolegrapbic whis peri of overtures f.r ' reconstruction," and con ditions wi re set fur h ns those on hich the Co t fedciati s would c'ousen' to reunion. (I cannot say that any of tmse reports were au hco I- ) At length, .fier several less direct iiitimattous, I recaivid a privntc Ict'erliom Mr.SiU'lcr.staiing tbi t M'S Js. Clay, Ho c nniie, biiiisi'if, and an other, desired ui vlsl Washington, "u coin- plete ai.d nnqtiailtied pro-ection bein given by thQ I'n sick nt or Sc. re .J of War." As I saw no re son why tin Opposition should be the sole rei l I. iiis of thc-e gentlemen's over tures, ifsnehUiev were (and .t is statud that Mr. Clay aforesaid Is prepar ng, or is to propre, an important letter to tin- Chicago Convention), I wri te tho President, ur.'ing h in to Invi e the liebel gentlemen nlon snid to Washingron, there to op n ihi lr budget. I stated expressly that I ki.ew not what they would ptopo if so' in vi ed, t tit I could im gii.e no ollei to o uiigiit be nielc b llniM which would n it conducu, iu o io wiyor another, to a restoration ot lac iu eyriiy and just auir.omy ot too Union. Tho Piesideut ul imntelv acquiesced in this view so lur as to consent that the Itch d ut;eui8 sluuld )Hit Washington, nut direced that I should proceed to Nl.igira and accompany them lln nee to the cap al. This service 1 most reluc tantly undertook, feeling diepy, and o'iseiviug that almost any i ne else might ladter h ive b 'on sent on this erinnd. Hut time teemed precious, and I Itnniediab'lv started. Anlvt d on this s0 of tho Falls, I w rote across to Messrs. Clay A Co., shtting that, on the under standing that they bad the needful powers frou the atiihorities at Klciiuiotul, I was authorized and ready to give them n salc-c mdnct to Wash ington. They responded mat, though in tne confidential employunut of tneir (Joverunient, and fully convt rsatit with Its views and pur tiosee, they had not tho specific powers requinvl, but would got thi m, if peiin ttcd, and dustreal in i,ioir to save nine to proceed nt onco to Wnsi.ii g'em. and he permitted thetno to conmii nh ate with liichnionii for the purp .se. Not fo.il it g st liCn riy to cticedo this, I inlcgraphod to Wa.-Mng'on for further Instructions, uml was only iiifi.ru.rd that Ma.ior Hay, the 1'resideui's privu'e Secretary, would soon be on his way to n. e. He tea bed 'he Fulls on the 'JO h, and we s on i io-sed over to the Clifton, where M ijor Hay, hlti r mutual introductions, handed l'ro fessorllolcomiiti tlio following p.iper.lu tho hand writing of tho President : Kvr.i lTla Massiidi, CV vsiiim.iis, July lil.-Ti) wiouilt may einerra : Any prp.a.)n which cubrscM Ilia irsttiralli'tl ot peaea, tin. inonrilv tla a ! I'm.. a, . . mnat u'-,ii.ii, ui siavrry,ailll Wllieil roiutia ny ana wllh an uii.iii.ritj thai citi is.iitrnl di- armfea nuw at war snaln.t tho Cnittsi H a r .. will lis r elv. it and c .nsiaiisl b) ilii KxiHutlve Iti.vt-n im at uf tha I'n ted Hlsles, and lll be met liy I brral tenns o ailbalsnoal .n t on uwi pointa ; aud Ihe tarer therein ahall liti s ssIh conilnct i..,Ui AllltMlAM blNcJOLM. I left the Fall by the next train, leaving M ijor nay to rcciive any response to the lVesidc.it' protter Miouid any be made ; hut there was n ino. Messrs. Clay and Hoi omiie addiessed to me a letter of sharp criticism on fie President's pr aror aoove quoied, which I liist road in the O ilumas of tbe daily journals of this city. And hers the matter closed, despite all rumors of further or other negotiat on. Mes-r Clay, Holcombe, and Sander remain at the Falls, or at tbe adj n ent watering-place of St. Catharine's, and are still in receipt of many visits from Democratic politician, who cross tbe Iwrder on purpose. I htaitlly approve the President's hases of ne gotiation, ana think them n leu luted to exert a salutary Influence at the South; and yet 1 think it would have been wiser to h .va ln'T posed no conditions, lut ask tho Confederate to per fect and verify their credentials, and then make their propositi n. For, thus Brought to bonk, what could they have preferred that would not have stret gtheiied the upholders of the X'nion cause f It looks to me as though a rare op poitunlty was lost for compelling either tho De mocracy of tbe lovnl Stats or the despots of Kmope io fo'ogo further manifest nions of sym- fulby with the Rebels iu their desperate, struggle, muy be niisttikon In this, lint I cannot he in my conviction that every indication i f a desire ou our part to arrest bloodshed and ros oro iiuiltv tends to disaliu e and conciliate tho great perver ed ma8 of those now lighting to dlvido un.l destroy their and our country. To men who know the population of Paris, and the hard lives tens of thousands lead, the lines of palaces that have been pu:hi d through the poor quarters on tbe south aide of the Sclno are mon strous heaps of aickednes. 'I he workmen who raiso them look upon them la dismay. Tbe poor prop'o on the sites of whose h .uses they ara built, sbilt their bnuihlo h insebold go Is further out ol the wicked city, and wonder when the powers that rear these palaces will think of them and their Utile ones. A lute number of the London Iti rinc has the following amusing criticism on tho Fiench, in regard toa certain particular ; "The French, slnoe the Revolution, are a polite, but are not essen tially chivalrous nation. They look upon women, not with tbe exaggerated homage of tbe American, nor with the lmbred reverence of an Englishman, bat with the gallantry 'of a nation that adoicj, without resi-ecllng beauty. A lady represents w Frenchman gnyety, pleasure, ele gance in fact, tbe luxuries and tbe perfume of life. With all a Frenchman's finished ease In talking to a woman, there Is always something intensely disagreeable at tbe bottom of his tone and m the Inmost recesses of bis eye. Tbe truth is that tbe French, with all their idealism, mix materialism in still larger quantities." Caascll's "Popular Natural History" means to be entertaining if it is not alwaj accurate, ae w may see from the two following extracts : "Wben aa-aa of tckasa) were jrafsd la Sooth Amarira, Baainf aSacrvaikvaa oa Ilia ure il aarth, tby war a realty aaasiyad by tba uuiuastlcaUd apt, wlilell war vary miatitM, lookuiff Mirouuh that t,-io-acopaa, plaaUna aiKuala, roiiolng to tlio KiB4cUuastavy aavtl, taauii Ualr imbs, awl trying ! writs." But the climax is tbe following story "Tha asullixn havlnf ipraa fearfully amenirat th noakrya ) Mouth Auartca. in. fnimkaro, Hauntaxy to cl.a lliaatutburf aircat Yaminatloti Has-aaiy, waa alrack by Ui lVa of arrasUin I la turner arra.a. Vkclnaiion waa M avarao, to bo tho saaaaa uf alaylna Uhi pUna. and hla actuiua for Its lulraducUua waa auii-nUily liuanloua. Ho boana iwa or uiroa soya bmo aji nsua, ana Ihon vaoel aia tt b In Ilia praaoaoo of oa old oaookay. wbo waa oMarvoit to ks) cloaely asiaoUvo to hla pruoMdtnja. 11 a thM lait hlan akioo wfth a yauni monkav. whh ainunl Uiasaauaroa tho labia, and boaido It a Uncot, guarded. tbal U nUibl not cat loo da-, by a bru)oouna- Ploco of oloaL ti doctor wllnaaaod lha roauH frun o oa Ulhliorlag tom ; tho old axial a r ihrow tba voong eoo down, bom. klm Wlllxiul del?, M vaClWWa Ui W1W ftU (b 4U HEWS JOTTIHOS. Ia all parts of the State of Maine hay is plen tiful and tbe quality excellent. A woman of the town In Chicago polsonr-d herself with morphine last week, leaving a note saying that she was "discouraged and heart broken." Her name was Ann Klir.aheth Darst. Di ring the great Mai bias fire In Maine, the other day, ft railroad train was stopped near Wbitneyvillo by a fiio In Its front, and when It attempted to return fbnn.l a fire In its rear. The domsgr to therslltoad was fotir.thotissnd dol ars. A soldier of tho 7,0th Army Cor,a, writing from Cbattnboo. hi c, ts s that tho clamor of tho army now Is "Tobaciv and Atlanta." Ho goes on to si.y that if po pie desiro to m iko the soldit r happy they should send them t ilmcco. There are mw nlnctli ins and Uehel pnsonors in lie barrncksat Km-k N'and, 111., and tivetbnii sand three huailie.l and seventy scicn at Camp Douglaa, Chicago. There are also several hun dred at Alton. Thin there is a considerable RcIk-1 army In Illinois. P. 11. III I, n Ingenious workman at Cliico- pee, Massa. htisrtf., has invented a hospl'al stead which thenird cat men of Chicopee, Spring field, and Huston pronounce a great Improvo ment upon an-, thing of the kind now In use. Tho frame Is v. bail 'y of sheot Iron, and constructed so us to be vt ry stroi g and ight. Miss At.nlo F.. Jonos, better known as "tlm pretty Heliel Spy" and as "Mat r Jonei," an in-tellig'-nt voting woman only twvnty y.'a'S oi l, who has Uvn a prisoner of state fir iho last year was released by ord. r of Socretsrv Stanton from the liiu-nstable jail, In Mass.ichiuetta, and left for liostou Instwc rk. )NMTi. UTIIoI.KHY AND CAVALRY UORKKS A-hMTANT QrART"1lH''TKIl-4lKIKllM."- Ofvicr:, MHil A DM I fill a .Itilw OT I su.a ..v ...x..! ..i , u 'i ,tirfjf ii, i miniIl, AIXIStHIII M--nji(iiiKoiur-si-Norui , n, a. (.PaOUDR B OliMFa. Jj'7 101 Luptiiio and A. ij. M. fi "i-'ii.!' rvn i nr. i .siirif lAlr.i Mir, ii rorpp. nv:iHi'i1 tavTi'l Pxrttli ft lifn h on m. in ikI , thrt' hiiiiilri'iJ hi-W-tMHl't-st uicii.t't iHTf.. tn -hej f All StlL.n. ill. War till Inrmuii 'an Utlier conn.. it'Htmn Umit ih- Ni na' . A uhln of wir n a c nittiriishlp him. Tim M-trltn" fnmi m ih cttili iiU inasn in lln- (tc v 'r. M y in -thim-Uiiv). II.K I.U' AI. I.OI MlK-t IO liKCItt'lTrt. For hi. iiihrr hilirn;ttl(in n.pH ! il: v nt the Ki-.-nil lajj Iti no 7oin. No. -ill M. KKos'r H'rVet. I.rl iw Hurursj. Ici h ct ii tlie liour ul nine nuti tliriT u r CiMtttln anil H. niMl'i; ''tHtvr, No J 1 1 h. TiltiS T -itrv't. myZ tf K A M 6 T K R S W A N T K D . CHI KF (jCAUTKHM ISTKK'S OrFU'K, W,.IUS',toN flhl'OT, WisHivijioV.il t;...luly . s,l(. Wanted, at oner. TllltKK IH'MiRKIt TKiMSl KltH oai-h i ai ab'rt.1 0iIiI..k wlili iru.uii Una, and annviiii l imoe l. am. Ti. such win. ars rvmrwo-nl to rrnrm thrdutT. tha paj sr li i nlh will lie tinny .1 . . I r, win, o . raium par eav. uml hespl'Hl erl. 1,1-kl's, liicluitlu the beet inrslicai all ei.S sere when ales A.p. to r t iHM.it TOMPKim. A Q M rj H. A. wanrr ol rwtS r -.strtiNLi ami HSlrenH, Wa.h lOKten, 11. C. .. . . n Rt'fKRR, "rlsaJlerfli-neral and flilvl yiiarti'miasier, Jyli-lst In nm oi Wa.hliist .B. Ff)H SALt AND TO LET. DKI.AWAKK r-F.ACtl FARM FOR X. Hale ('nil sin ni: He a,.rPM 0n wlili h Is n-.w irro vin a larva crop nf l'ea hea. ainnne w lil.-h are tie fullnivtutf iaiiii,n:-"Tr-.te a lu.lv Kanv J. k." M,in ly " "I'M llln." Inlawsr.. Wnn-." "Wirila Late,1 iiisinkiiu,ii. iiii i.llicr vs'letoa.alt nt whuJi will he niulj t..r n.e market In a few il 1 lis firm l n.arihs llstlri a.l H.silon ana pes. hea are furwiir.te.1 tin. sain.id y ine aromthr'isl ni luaiart Wil beex.haoil t,.r Ony I ri'lHiiy. i.r sola i.n eis loriaa. Ai p J to Ho lMll V. II ivir-nt 0 ELEVEN THEEE-STOEY J BRICK DWELLINGS, WITH HACK JiUlI.DINda, OAS AND BATH. r. m. inoAr, No 110 S. THIRD STRF.ET, Or, No. aor H. FOUKTU 8TUKKT. Apply to JjK 1.1 CTO KENT. II AN OSOMF. STORK., WITH fla e ila wllnlw, anil d.laiu. No. W S. Kl.R- u.iiu tsuieu lyJl-lf e COUNTRY 8KAT FOR SALK.-Aft -pt l f1iJ 1 whh ry iCfttnlenrtwHIt ll m i.i.-rn ci'i-C " " "iiu 'wii rti ii'ii in k'niunij, Nitu a mt i0 irnin kh IH tt 8iunrc. and ml O ninif the o'Kait niienxlon tit H ivard TMlcr. It will io (1 at trrcut aaorlcioA hjr c tJit r. HaHnifid tciftcrppH wtthln tlffMtn m'niitci' rltifl. p I' TtoU. H.PrMM KK'VW. It W UlDKKI.I,. KW.it . iciii-r, ra...ortiA.t-it in r. i , iinni'Timi, "nna. Jut tf FOR SALK.-St'iOOOO WORTH IN (100D vul-n with or wt-lurut Uirtjniriranrc, for rh and good (tan-. IIHr.e,- trM M n) n fj )M A. H ., TMUH M. H.OWHAN, No. Ju f. t 'HUI H Htreet. I OSTo CERTIFICATE NO. 13, D.TKD J Joy V; imri. i- r (.n- hii-rn of n "-ar'H-i Atuen ine Sttnn and Tl.lid rtl rota I'ansx-DKiT KAl.w.ay (.'i'nitv, la Hit iiiO)f o M l Hal ev. Ai aiirttrt oii ha been matla in Urn Company for a nw (Vrtifl. ie. tht nndtr w-U ll(an riuru Ui iuok to Ui otiica f Vc Cmnphuy. or R UN NO II I H Klll- We refund tbe money, If deelred, for every lot of ttoirts wbleb IhU Id any ruapect. FINK HIIIRTH, CUT LKM1TUWIHK OF MUHI.IS. klado of New fork Mflu Mualbi, and Tory Ono Unas Boaoma. Only 14 79 Uanal nr tn-txi. Wllliauiavllle Mills MuaUii. and doa Llnno. Hoaoou, Oo ySlTiO taual price tvj0. OWJTI.EMEN'8 FURNISHINO GOOD8. HMITII & JACOll-S, myS-ftra No. 1'i JO CHKSNtT dtraot. ) lUKSUf HTRKICT. The atwntlon of HDIKrt VISITING TITB CI1 y or thoseaoiiut LKAViNu it inr- waier- i iiiul laees. 01 "tie l.niair i Is riso.,iiolly Invl tsl In lite exU-llsiV" stneh of ll llll'B Cii.ines aniist.lo lur -t;Mlllt wp.lit.for WIIITK HlllilKH. MtsUNINli UltAPedllS. Ac. An extensive assi.rtfni.nl ia iifr.'im in Lane and Worse.! fcaUouta and ln.vrllioi. Vaila, UnB.ilerrlncis c'ullara, "liievi h. tint id l.Ulo and lajiev f'Ulit, airipist, and nri.re.l vy.itte Oi-i.le r PUCKS Mi l II HKI.nvy TIlKl H(I.M.NT Kl .11. VAI.I.K. IO" Krlnteil Linen rauiiiric tares. -a. ln pliMS-o t'utted. 1 ii.:Si"l, and Strlitod sloa hjto. IO'd tIIIF.Nrr STKr KT ta)M iiwv Kiit rs. 4;OQ UwU Maauacuirj. No al'.rll StrsHit, WsiO AtMjva .HUtli streul, I'iuUdelpDla. Whoieeale and Botnll. Tha WLOtt complete aeeonuieot of Ladlea, Mlaeeo', and ChUdron'a Huop bhirta In tlie olty, Id every renpe.it Rrsb clata, wtiicb ltr aiylo, Hniab, duraiauiy, and oaeapneas, have do oiiual Id file market. Nklrta aude to order, as la red, and repaired. SM-ly VV'M. T. HOPKINS. Qt W. SIMONS 4 BBOTHEE, BAXAOM ITREET BalX, PHOUXIKXraiA, MANrrACTUMKiid Of JEWELHY, ETNK BWORDH ana liU-U aflUf ABT GOODS DI KVZST TJJULTT. JAMX1H 11 A. 11 11 II ' H tuiuuu ays asTau CLOCK EBTABLIBIIMtNT, .Ccorost BKCOND and CilESHUT Suoeta, PSlUdTa. auasci rva tho rATasr . BQCAUZiNO TIUBTY-DAT CLOCTtd, A very dealrabio article far Ctmrohas, Hotels, Bull, Conuluis-Muuso, Parlora, ac. Also, ilANi rAITl HK.K OF PINB OOLD TYV9. iUM HA KaPAlKCO ANU WAKKANiaUI. 3alS-ly Ctock Trlanntnsa of ovary deaerlpuoo. M. A. GRAY, N. B. COH-NKB OF SIXTH and MINOR MUeele. buys InsatoBda. Walcboa. Gold. 0i,ao4 Loan Tlcaeta. iaivoja ui w s -. r vf avJ. n ' , I bukaeea ooaAdeDllos. syU-Ssa STTIROKS FROST, No. MCCMAN10 Street, Newark, N. J., wool Arst-oUaa Annie io all aria of the CnHed Kuioe to sell losilr Paeaul (Kiveraor. Addtoeaaa above, wua two aad Hu mi suaaps, tot llorfiri, stilt nllc f..r trit Anil prv n t (Mvnii v atT.io' vUI bt i tin i n-ftl h iiie ufuitTBikjncii. hi mjumi rmrttrt'. nt Mir tul-f. h rh Aiilnml Ik nuri Pt-h'tl l- Uiv uniitU (rivtrn u.i vt ttiNi. tion hi f.tr(' tn-int! rc.p-f. llfTsp- tn dp .IHivrrf .1 n tl'r- I n li f I Intp'Ttor. ft til.- W I l.ll A M I KNN HOTKL, MAHlviCl' .Itruot, l.o-Inrr-Q V m Mil mi-1 Ml th nif-U QWN TOTO CXXaLI IUI1C AJfB GET TOUR COAL AT COST. this Errrc val tiK or ctaurrjciva coai ft Sboat tlT th marki t arte, otTerrs by Ih BROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL 00 MP AST, No. 121 H. TIIIUD STREET, 1 stuwaifufy prrsmsulnv to Iu fn!l, speody.andtilit.ni.b.. nt consiimmaUon. The arrat norma of tne Cooipany. ner Treovnt, ehnvl kill ronnti, are PEARL? i OMI-1.EI KD, and wil aopoly Ii sIlAlil'ltoi.lir Its fmm Oil aw nea , with ibe beat klrd. ol I'OAL AT TUB rai Ylls COsT, vis. : Two Heavy Tons on Eaoh Sliar Every Year for Twenty-five Years. Tke price of eaoh Hhaie In the preaent aerti i Is 111, pavntile t ail on talcnptli.o and half oa Almost Jd Usui, (eert In il t n. st two serlei H will tie (It and .sj. Ihe MAIte Kl I'lllfK of s heavy a r.'Nfl lha.) of cv.ai u noo 12 Tlie fltum cOdT PRICE of 10 lane at pre.eill rat.s (July) u: Fur mlnirui, oreparlnir. royalty, and wneral upensre jJM Train.poratliio over braerh rsllisiad , ai Trai.9iortallio over main rallrua.1 to I'lilU- aolplila Jin Tiaasporiatlna trroi depot to yard Q Yard expends.., Cartins fr..Bi ard to Klisrrnoljsr I I mne.. M Total rost or Broas ton ilrlirored at urn t Miae Ui rimadoiphla 114 DliTi renee hetweea market price and cost price, -; Thia n.aj,ca a lavitif oa two tons tor oa. h share of lllin. tsiaonl.l the Diaxket price he hieher, the avlii will be aull iireai cr. and .hoald the niarket price tie lower, tlico II S at prl "III So propnrllonately tower. but until all. Tne Comiiany ravin very lanrs works, and INKaHAI drllll.K :OAf. BKHS, nvil sill.E.4 IN LENOl II. win mine much m..re coiil than It annually isemlred Tor the Sniraholdert. All the l iriilut Cnal WIU tie told at the ruili.j marki'l raina, and ALL. TUB PKDi n a will be distributed every Hi months aa CASH DIVIDKMiH.amona Ui Shareholders! ftvtia which It l coDtlilenily expected they will realiaa every yrar from . to 6ii per cent, no their inveatmenia, after the tltal year, ta Bilnlllon to ihe eevtns'S on then onal. The Company s.tseaae KM 1.1'rtlVK MINING ABD TIMIIKK llKIIITBforaiiuarier of a eeaturyOt yart In one of the beat ana rti heaic-.ai iracia In rtcnoylaill c unty. ei.niprulna the Maramutn Vein, the lllask Miiata. Prlmrr.se. ! M, And other Venn. The eoal of the Mara nv.th Veto li White Aih; that id the otiior Veins partly White Aab, partly Ited Aah. DIHI- CTO US. WIIXIAM HCUM'KLK.Proel.loal. BIMIKKr V. KI.Mi, lIKMtr HCIIMiKl K. AIM UT II ,IAKIKN. WILLIAM POKLI, Hncrotary, rorfnriliorloformailon.and f..r share (at l? w, pay. able half on autacrlbnur and hail on Ail-uit V, null) apply at tba orncE, NO 121 S. THIRD street, OrPO.SMBHIB OIRaJtn HANhl. For IIF.ADINf) and vicinity, lha Hon. JOSF.ril S. HO Fit, Mittor of Uraillny, hsa tccrpto.1 tbe Axency of tlie t etupaii, aurr havniK peraoiiaily vuittsi ana eina liie.1 ihe mini a ai d affairs of the Company, rue ctliMoa ot He.lin ana vlnnllj win apnly lor InrormaUoa aad il.arsi at tfe M H)a'M OKrll K.at aaadln. Tbe cost price of a gruin too of cost at Itcadirur, d Uvored at the house of a sbsreholder, la at preseot raise Dot over ti-W, while tlio oiarkot prlco ainunti to moro txian double thai asm. IlKNJIV SOIIMCKI.H, Jyit-lH TiiKst;iti'.s. yANOIJ HTUWAHT HOCK OIL OOMl'ANY. Incorporated June 29, 1804. capital) laoo.oiio, 6000 B11AEK8 r, A HILABK-PAR. HubraiptloD :i each than to orbilral aubicrlbor Ibr fxf,vmi nnarea paj bdic ei rasa oowd opon auoicrlDlQg.and two other lnaiaamontt of SI each, iaaja oa tlie iaih July na VA.K Aticn-t IsiU ........ TEN THOUSAND SHARES H u erred for Booeflt uf the Cooipui. The Und porch .(! hjttieVan Rtowtrt Rrk Oil Con put) coniMtnt uitn buncrtsl md ihirt.t -ooitsirta.ia the ve; toieot ti oil n'Htn, im tnoninJ tiiri?nn did (.Dti ten li on A) niHa ritrr.ia C''t.iiirrv tintiip, CJiu'iallriu niia'dei otbtit Ua'ance uf.annk Kl(r ui ibr sLuwci Two Mil Kun,oMu.u niy c.ti(ui Vu Uurt Ki u, t couple ol' nine below Kmnklin, q VntimtKo 0)'Ui.t . IVunnyit ki ie. Tf 4UrIiii Kir Tirliorr U jr el'iiii e,u abuiidaul ftrut prmnrai tiMrvesii if q excel leitt (juiuity oi oil, ibe uunivmui rll D.irJritiKlia b4nk priKiuciD oil with tq eull vrMter ruttulttrit Uia Ui wttiia erfitts Oil Crook. It Ik beUevf-4 ti. Haw of Oil rnlow Uif oorotiicft of frank lin, oa tlie Allevh iit rlvr, will pmbiiy nor or beome ihsaUBtM. bcCMU tho s)tr:ini'iititu. Of r.ih tnio ii-up ttou rock iu a eouihtni wtuili) dlrtiuin , e.Mia gufiitJ) tlit? boil ol' Oil woui be oenrer int. innVt u th Blifer -itd, of OU Creek, and welii would rtsjulre to re bs.ird dw D-r Fn iirjvftity Wrtloo tt.e nr. wlier, bowovcr, Uiere w uid e-.rily be tbe tumoji permnQem, iitt a much gaier upply and iiHvrin4'iiiutnt uo4r or tU t-ei OH It b e rtiii that ec n-tuf wt-iia ni tbe river, in tbe loimwUst'e vtrlnity ui title Ittnd, have tntlttued pro. di'Ciic duns -it thf ptai tbr or (uur eari au uarirVm tod ateaUy dal ylf.d of iU si ifii,t at 'ho mnovrttii d monatratn tlio tart that the Lvr Iwu Huj and Oil 4'rovk oa the acne dianiKrk-saiUr urai.hi lino, aad tniy dlnant, an eo tfuuaJiQnofitievim'ical am between the ruafa of hilie. Arum ea b otlit-r atKut thne mli'i tptrt In pre -cl.sel' the came dro lion. It would, 'i.oreimo n t heex trat.rdlnary, It by trUK wella ou llu ira t a eutttrlum d-pibsf ptrhapsi elhi bnndrod and rtflr ret, ttuu tbe Coai,ai) wijiIu oie lurni lal Iiuhm of Oil (Wk in Hi lr s-uupll of buiidftoi of barn i or oil dally and tNHtnoui iro(1itou d th'ii bo ue Urtuuitte rutult to ti e obartjhoiof ru ot tbi c oiuiit. On ibi aarticuJar tract of land tntre haa bB lt on rnioe fur tuty i-ara. a well noir 9imiwg a f.ilr inrtiio I tovfl Otl, aiiiiuUKh Ita doth ot b-ir-1 (Ktiiiiderod iuit IriMiittx-ieiit to liiou a larN rtow : hiV per oeot. of tne Oil at Utl well ni.mtb rettervt-d at a royalty to I tortiM- owi of the land, and will at nce tnuro U the U.-tM'tttuf tbot'oiiipany. rui-re atu it two othur w-lla b-sfoP a lew nuntln-d ieidtt.(ie m. It. bin not yt ttibe.l.init In dH ti.MBdrat-rateQOW4.roil; a iirnla iia can neneraliy be c.H p,' out ol Uiom, and IW d'ui' Hi e us to entnl Llirtt they will b.'lti pinvj biytiv remnne'-ttiliiK welU whim horMl m reMxiable depth dtuioiW well li ball bored, aud pmiiil- a uatlirartorr y eld Keinpiee ot on Driiirfrt rrum the? wrl'i enn be eeen at tbe mt i c of tbe Ooinpnny, Ni. 'dfld rt AU.Sl- I' rttret The of tlm va'iihle oil land. ooiuprtHtnif one bus drtd end thMy-one mc rta, iiioiu-Uik rlie mytilfy t rtfiy y-t oem. of oil br tbe lea ed w. U. notr tnnnfnut, and the entue r Ik tit of ti.e three well partlallv (lev.slipsd, ! (tur. ba-ed lj Ui Cornuaio itl-eei num tii ownir. ir the uiocfiate pne oi &.'k., with a urUtUUl In lUe order, t mxitt boue, o i iu paicaet ol tlmoer. Ibe ale ol ator-k will ia- caitb lor tne laud la full, and ktavf tho auut of $ 1.4-m) catsb woLinii c'Hii on hand, witbwbit h to coioptete tho th t-e o d wmII. and aUo t bote two lew w villi , whh tire otia eiuino, o.t to be la run runt onir wlibln a few uiontb'T arran tiifiiu wdt be made to aiooiplivn th e ooik:u wuhout d fia j Ko ubacrlptiOua wbl b acopud for kea tUaa titty hara. 1 he vent fbitnn1! r aped by Rock Oil Com p An lea eatab llishtd beie Mlid ! w h-r- arc nuliir lona 'Ire Oil trade 1 Jet In lie iniHtiuy and ibe demand con-Hniiy InuruttMinsf t pr ik now $U per berrt i at tha wtil a inuuib, exom aie ot tlve i-axk. Larfte wei a will dnubea be etrnra at the dfptli of H.iO feet, ae lo raatV tbe if.ir d Hand tone tbwk H- tilhav been bred bet t-f ra to ibe df ptli only oi about frMMeet In ih vlemity It ia ppoxned to boVe twenty welia on thi prtperi dtrira the prrn-ni iar 1hrn la rnom 1 r one hundred wfli. A j rrfot tltin, clear of all lucam braocae it oonlldentlj aaeurtd to tba t'otupany. LliU of aubicripUon are now opon natt) (he 60.000 aharaa are lubacrlbed, payable $1 per lb are, to thtorder of Alder ban JAMES MCAIIKS, tbeTreajuw of toa Companj. Ho. 406 WAXHUT fltreet, or at No. 1J6 WALNUT Street, or at Ui oflloe of Uia Compui7, K. 213 WALNLT Street. Tba public ara lnTlted to eon Ibr a proapeetna. JyJS-tf p-eVIlVTIIWOH l'AINTINUII Ho. 47 & THIRD STREET, ABOVK CIUWMUT, rkBasWpMa. ) FAIIY IlROTIIKn; EOUBB, ftMia, AMD OMIAMIUiTAL rAINTHKSs emalai, GlaaW WUAIaajoa Okus. KaJeeiaUlu. rakal TanUaaias, dM. au if i EDMUHD A. SOUDER h 00. COMMISSION MiailCUANTS, AND SHIP Ak'D STEAMBOAT ACBNT8, 1 DOCK BTXlEET WHARF, iii.sini,rmA, aPM i'ii a. atrvnaai A iw HiaALt aurrrv, TsUHaJt . aouavaaV )aVaf pEMOVAL. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, Ko. ft BlsrabMTT ilf-cMtt la No .'aftu (Iam TKA ljt vaU Vfcfiiutha aid Io H Oraua bulraJu. Havlaa Innnmai ilssxtusj. Havlaa u mm laaTrail Ifroliniaa Ibr errrta a taw trual aaivki FINANCIAL Q O JLi 1), GOLD, GOLD, SILVER AND DAJfK NOTES WANTED. BE HAVIUr & BBOTIIXS. Ka. mi fL TflTftD ITRRRT. No, 50 8. THIRD STREET, ut ur aaxL OOIJ, BJT.VKB, AND OOVBRNMKNT 8ECUUITIHA. STOCKS BOmiTT Alfp WQU) OS COMMHHTON. (mhit Q L A H K H O N A O o7 UANKKUH, No. 121 8. THIRD STUKKT, PniTaAI'ELI'LIIA. OaTontment Rn,ritJ of all I ..nee Pun haej and for Rala tocAi. Hondj, anJ Quid liomttii anJ rtid on Uoa aniat.toau INTERKNT ALLOWED ON DRP031TH, Ccllertlona Promptly Mad. lV-tf Jl'W LOAN, NKW LOAN. U. S. 10-40". JAY CMXJIi.13 fc CXJ., OrVKK fOB HAI.B TUB NEW GO VEEN MENT LOAN, nraniMO hb rR cutrr. istkrkst im cois, redeemable an line ante TKM YKAKis, at Ilia pleasure ol the Uoveruineul, aad payanie ruKTl YBak after data. BOTH COUI'OS AND nEOIrVrKIMU PONDS are tsueo fortius Loan, of eatne rieDomtoatloa atlheo-tn't. Theinionwt oa f.ni'a and tliOt paranle vearlvtoe tl othsr rm.mtnatlnna. hair jrearlj. The 100 bomle are daie Marea I. IW4. Tho hall4 yrarlj lutereat rSlllnf duo (tepiea.ter lat and March lit of eeeo jreari untU Itt Mep trmbei. tUe ai-croej intereal Iri.ra In of March n re.ulns to be paw u parohaaert In oma or la LsnaL ocaaaKCT, addlna rny per cent- for premlnro, unlit forther otitic.. aLLOTIIKB OOVUBKMBMT HKCUttlTlK.i BUUdllT ANU HOU). JAY COOKE & 00., k-lf Ko. Ill . THIltD 8TI1HKT. Jj KWEH sfc UAH M, BABXEES LSD EICEANGE BEOKEES, Ko. a t 8. TIIIUD BTBIT. DSAt.ssa rs SrKCIE, BANK NOTES, AND Q0VKUN MENT bKCURITIKS. Ntocks Booatit and Sol4 oa tSommiaaloa. Csllertlnnt proojptlv oiado. sp.lo.tf BOCOIIT AiD SOLO ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, M-tt Mo. !0 8. TIIIKD HTItEKT. gMITH A It A. IN UOIil' II, No. 16 S. TniRD STREET, JUANKKUS AND UltOKKUS. SpeHs.Btorks.Qaartonaatteri' Tooehare and Cheeks, and aUOovararaent Hocnntlra Bonalit and Sold. raMtl gPEOIAI, NOTICE TO THI OF TO Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notes SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, or tui ih:.iomimation op CO'h AND lOO'H, CAN NOW BE CONVERTED TM BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881, P TDK SAME DP.KOMINATtOlf. For laformaUoii, apply at tlie offloe of JAT COOKE & 00., JyTUil IIANKKR8, Pio. Ill M. TIIIlll) Htroot. gEVENTU NATIONAL BANK, ISO. 10 MAIlICIiT MTllliKT. (CoasEK or steawukukt.) Capital $125,000. To bo Increased to $500, 00a DIRKOTOR8. I ENHT O. MOHlilft of liorrla, Tuktr Co , Paacai Iron Works. Kiflti aoa Taikartta, CBAELLfl 8. CLOSK, of ( lo-a A Naabtt. BuUdara, Ho, tIAUKB M. PIU-BTO-S, Maaularar of Woolca OoodLt, MaitAunk. J. A WATEB8, Of J. A. watan A Co., Wholaiai Orocri, Mo. Mar a at treat. B. B. OOUOULIW, Baal Batata Vo. 5. TUirtaa U traav WJf . F. CLYDE, Agent I'bilad a aa4 Vw Tork Exartaa 8. B. Co., Na. U 8. Delawara Ava. 0OUGa. W. IIILL, Maiiubritrcc frtC&Tjiumt V: IM V Taird treat. J. W. 80 U DEB. Wboiaaala Baoia aaJ Btwaf. Ba. 0C8 Markal atraaft. J. Z DtnJkJZM, laipartar af Wtaaa, Braadlaa. ate., Hat. Wutil. Dwiwwar AvaMaa. Thai Baak IutIm (mob Aaly aanhafisa! ta ooiMaaaoa aaaiaaaa n&t VaUoaai ltrancy Aat, ta naw ara aarad ta raoarra DKPOHJTfl, Mia CoUaaiksaa, aa tnuaa aoiakowai BAiKJNU BU81i(aVM. Dlaaaul aaja aa TVh&DAt aa4 FWDAT af h waaa. J. Z. IXAYX1N9 fVaaiida. K. H. HAIaI Ocuahiev. Jh TO SUIT CAPTAINS AND OWNBRS. ZhnmS '"-Taa uaoantaaca havkM taax4 kaa KICNHlMilu ITTnTcBKW AMHill, aaa la -aixtm m tm m4 iao Klraai a tka aa, tkai a h yymm4 wKa jaataatad ftjita la aaavaiaaaaWia Uiaaa hawkfasj vaaaaia M a ratawl ar tt-aaaraftl, aa4 afta a afaaaiaaJ aaaav-mr emaf m4 caal t, wit arBai aWMHin la ait yaaaaAj aav Iraau! ta ana af vats-air a. Oaiaaiaa af A , SaJ4rtaiaa aa4 Miiitikiaj aavtat vaaaaia la rafc(aaa4lxa a aaM. Ha la at imvy far aW aa W "Wam lUaHa' Fa)aa4 .Mvialik Cwittoa,'' ar kpxr raiak. Iw aUa atira tHa uf -- avia&BM, tat Kra antf aaa araara4 la aawsaita ia aaisa aa farraaaUa uma. Ua1 K. lAvm I mftlia; rWT KfV iMtf 7tlkTVt rriri urm , FINANCIAL u w NATIONAL LOAN AT 1'A.lt. Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money, COUVONS ATTAOIIKD, ASS INTEREST TAYAI1LK EACH 81X MOXTHS. Tlie rrtorlpal Is payaole In lawral money, at th en.l of Ihive vran. (, Ike bel.ler liaa tlie rlht to denand al Dial tlaio The 5-20 Bonds at Tar Instead of tlie Cash. Thi. prlvllete It valnahlo aa those ft. JO Bond, are our nnt popular Loan, and are Bow eelllnf al eight por cent, pri nnttm. Subeeill.tlona rroefvrd In tho n.nal manner, and the t:nal and priipnaal. of ihe hiorotaryof ihe Treajmrjr, efiUier vtltli onr Clrru'ars, and a l neresaarj Infurnia lon, nttl l,e furnished i.a apill. alluu al onr ontL-e. JAY COOKE & CO., No. Ill S. TIIIKI) Htret. J)JT-8ilt PROPOSALS. 0!ilAANCE OFFICK. Wa Pki-ahtmrht, W AHMINtJTf IN . 11 C . Jlllv It. lHlif. rft'od ln PnuRl will b rtVAlvMl if thh ,il( , until A O'cl. t'b cm the li-t lav of an int. HM. ftr tnm AfHvrv tu Ni' Urk Ail lit-.. No 4.' Wr,h Siir.usl. Matw Var. Clt.Mt '1WHITY TirorBANT) AHTIU-KRY HI, NKFTi, 1 lifxv H anki'ta uiuittsool Murc w ntl, o ot.n ov,n, of mo, i janih i . ot rrtl, wlih i b n-k horrtir, ihrs(a Hirhfe will. (r-Tii tha et-tip, aiirt iha &tn M rt " iu () Im-tirs) iiirb, b a a color. .1 h ititreoi the hlankM. Tnny aratn h mvntj live (.M tur, otiit by aUiv-iaven (u) I. rl.i r w !. ana oi u.p wi-'wht o''A l-i;: ibt., r H U., vn hirh a variation cl 0 If:, or io., will ba alio waa. 1 nj on itt b? Innlf. and not in palra, and bo packed la can' cf ni e l ui oied t-arh Ih H'ai ktti arotot lnrctM at the factor? whnra n'adr, and mua w.i r Ki-r p ed or paid fcr em. a?t tucti aa are ni.tnvi-tl iion lnnpe lion I li rffa mit-t l maiia aa ft . I low t : Ona twentieth of (hf smnunt i ntrartf d ton-n tlif :lat ilavof Anuit, and on'-it n'h tiip ii.i di t per wrrk therenfif r. r all'ire U deller a a frts lttej nma will mthjfrt tha rm irat tuf to a inriwtureol Uia aunitHr be ma lail tu do 11 rt m that tOif. ho hid will be con-tdrrM which dnea not coma frera a rtiar.utacturrr oi biankrta or rriular dealor In mob K odit. riirrni of blda can be obtalntvl at tva ahove name) arncnaln. fropota!$ not made out tn ihu form wl ni ' rotnuitt ed. IT A.RA.NTK15. Thi? bidder will be rt'itilrrd to acomoAny hU proitoal tlrnwltl. a Kiianir Rl .ne.l by tv,i nutKiififhle punoni, that in can hi- hid It accepted, ho will at on.-e cmw-tue ti t- iorua.t f r the aamr. with r d atid autt.cenl ture tie . lit a rtt-m a ,uaJ i the mount of the contract, to de liver ti c artcc propoH-d, in conformity itli the term uf ttiln (.Overt imcil ; ad in cai the fil l b'flder hoold failto enter Into the contract, hey lo makeirHJ tho dlf lercnce between Ihe oitT ot ald bidder and the net ra- PDi'mhli Mod r, or I e p rmn t ln-m tho contract may be awaid d I he rep- tirMIHUt? ol ihe miarairnn uiunt la (howt, b the official cortifl. ate of the Ctera of the nenrt Dtirii Court, or of the I"nltel Mta'ci Ii'itrlct Attorney. ixcinU in the mm etjnal to the amooni or the contract, I'HiitM b the (ix.tiHctor and both ol hia euaraiilort, will be niiHred of tha .ucceiiful bidder or btddrrs upon ala ti)K the c utract FOKM OF OTAWANTF.E. We, he anden-livnfd. ntdei ta or-, in tlie county cf . hi d Kuti of , Itereoj jointly and aevo- rall roet ant with the I'm ted tttntun, and Kuarittttee, n cmnv the tori uf'lt g Hd if be ncrenwd, thut be or th. will at onoe eertit the contract for tho aame. with food and -tittle lent ametiea. In a utu ojual to 'he m mount ni tie conttat t.to fiirntkh tf e Hrticl t.mtwmed. In on fotnliy with the trmiof thia ad vert Ine mo ut. daiel .Inly I.i, lMi4, u der which the bid waamadit and In rata tha aid pi ail fti'l to cuter Into a coairatt aa unrpuld, we mini a tea tn miUe kkI the dlfleranoe be. tevn the ffleriif "he iiatd - .. and the next low extreNttonHMc bidder, or tho paraoa to whuta thocii Uact may be ardel wima i tllvin uni, onr hand and Mall, iRaL I f HXAT. I To thia rniarartee mtiHt be appended theoflkUi cwt id eate ali vp luenihined IKicli party ohiali'inr a contract will heob'lired to enter Into Uim'a, wih approved sureUoi, for the fHlthful oaeou titn nt t e tame. t'wn he a-ornrd be.na maitA, aunretftful hidden wtll he m.tttlei), aid furLlnhed will) lormi uf contract aud bond 'Ihe Department reserve tha right to rojant any or all tha bida, tf doomed unitaiiafactory on any account. Proposa l will ta addremest to ftrlffadier-Oeneral flwujie D. Jfamssay," f'hicf of Ordnance, Waihintfton, l. ('., and will ba endorttcd 'i'r.'Puala for Artiller Jilaukeis.' )!! luthltAnl Hrlg..rien.,('bl.l ofOrSnauce. PRESIDENTIAL 0AMPAI01N. FlaAGH, BAKITERa AND TRANSPAREN0TE3. WJI, F. HCIIEtIIL,E, Ko. 49 S. THIRD STREET, AboT Ubeanat, r hlUdolaUa. . . MANUrACTUKEal Or FLAGS, BANNERS, TUANSPARKNCIE8, AND LANTERNS. Polltkal Caaiaalga PI aba Itteil oat wlta Laatsine, B.Jea. Bannara, an riaew. al reauoasbl. ratea. JeS Im pOK TEE AR1II AND 5AVI EVAN8 A HAHHALL, MIL1TAHY KUKNISH HUH, No. 418 ARCH STREET, raiLADBLPIHA. Bannera, Ketrtmoatal aaa Ooouaor flan, flworda. Baaaot, Beita. faaaaoU, Kpaaleu. Hau, Caps. Cantaena, Baven.eka. Cmp Kits. Kiel OUaaet, Span, and evorr- tunc poruiBliif to Uu wtraulot. oatfll of Armj aad San tracer. A liberal fUsouuut allowed & e,e trado. airioa TRUSSES, BRACR8 &0., ikiiflillv adlnratAd hvrvMWK.Hlrii.ira of 1WIi1. IH and UA(..'iC HtiMU. ladia loiartnent tor aame, cndooted by laJtee, 1Wfe.l,FTIi HtnHt, flrat oir beWw luoa. The moat OOUioleia and vaHe.1 attafh n. band. eonsTtinx, In part, of Truei, Himporura, HhiHildor , rtii , optiKinis-eB, tviaatic aiociliiifi, Hyniiixoa, ArUilei fur ahuraorj.Hick kooiu, Ao. Jiu saft rsss. A lUbAUrilil llll DUILlffsUnn Till Tf ATiIFtrifA niTi.fi ISrviTail ktj.jSiV'fT7 nAMAK IMSHTUTP, No. U North r"fcJ NINTH Street, a'jove Market. ItiuiluPM raduaUy etirod by It. f. KVKKKlf'H fremlum Patent OraduatHur l'rer.ire Trn.a. Huperlor Klaot-w eVita. Kia.uc HUioHxk. Ha upon ara. H ho aider Uraooa. dvaDan- av..ri-B CVuuiheii. Ae. Ladle atteuutd by Mra. B.C. KVKHKTT. myiA-ly I1 II ARTIFICIAL HAND, i JL II. A. .ill.l'KA, inventor and M anuiacturar of tha A H T 1 K 1 (' I A L A. U at, Approve! and adopted tM'HftKON-tlF.KKBAL Or IHK UMlT.D STATKt, for w idler, Hal pennanetitlv located hi Oittee and raetorv aft V. aia b. Knl'inil tiUoet, aU doora beiow bpriioo, rbmaa. KLABTIO BT1TOH BKWINO MAOIIINEB, TUK BEST DI V8B. P No. 730 CJ1E8NUT Btrevt. WANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE, Klllptlc 8ewlm Machine, i ne ornver et KaAar tMwln Hachloo, ThaNlnver da. And an the principal Sewlaf Machluoa. All simiahod us. uieir principal urocea. Alao. ail kinda ol RiMsad-Hand Waohlmea. se D.U..J Kapalrod at Uae aaw aoneo ef UfAVKfVai a FAI'I.KNk.1, M. 105 (. Kliin Til Hireet, . . .... Ov m jtui wllh Bliajer a se ) La Alee Uaaht lo avenue. aM-aa Inrn! OOTTAGB UHOANB, Vat oaJv TJTffRXtTtLLVW. bot TTVavtrr at.tjid la swaH Of Tone and rwav, dalaad aeieaUlly aw t urk and ftcaeoM, but loaisd to be aajly WU aaaiad ta Ue rarief and iw awtwd ikxm. Jfor aaie only ky Wo, M W. WltftN T4J MUwat. AUa, a itrwiMi eiparlajtnl aa Ik Xmtm Miodeoa aoMtantly oa lm4. aa-rli, IXPL08UNfl.-LKT KVKKT M.VN WUO i awnaatHaia hoik f4 thia notice. AakarotTi Low Wale ioor raavar WsipJ a atva trwaa. ae baaf la rwe aort' wamia aa omw4, tAvai aha waer la awtt w iv ma beuar. aiia UuM dnNr la n- avntiaa. aiw tnrtramaaa iulnai na earn, aud ta wm. rtjid ia wxw atsnaaea, Asa, aad Water antaa wtatl toatek aOaaa aaa, wir-oj-iw aauaa-oaca. aa. aaa Kt mmttta avauiatri n.ii.ethJa lotiara trWn PROPOSALS. BMY 8TJPPLIK8. Orncs of Asm Clotwho aw lorm... No UH Bmsaw.f , OVSr.M.,un Ht Khl.sY.loe ll.b of a. m? Ihe delivery by enolreea.al Ihe Depot of A T"wilie aao q.li.eli Mew York (II ys-T1 ' Army hi nk la. of domeetle manofaetar. wisrt. ovaei. (v.Ki,l,tier. I! 8.ln b'ac. Inoh I. n JwiIiI.eVii ' ,H ,aUMt vresab hioal. n will stale the number they wf.b to niraiak i ko many lb. y ran deliver per week; when thev oaa aom- ajire. ami b- a the? ran rlnl.a ihelr de IversM. rr..ts i. mnat be eoonnipented by a pr.vear teaeaaieao. ae'lma f..rth ihai If Ihe cs.nuact la awara.-d lo tl .art 'heieln he will ai once e a eon a the onntvaot. aaal '" ',ml lorte faitlfnl oea'.irmanne o'a aaeao 2. "' M state, roaerroo ino rteht to reject ol M4 Qeen.ed.herlKt.aa.le Blanj.eu,"ajiaad1i.iMs) to M liauleoaut-'-olAnel I). VIlSTOrT, n Dep j gr. H Oaa , V. 8. a. CVpsifiTKNCP, OTFICR, UNITED STATB4 IO Aju.y, o.skji;iii sirs4, M ...., j HstriMoBK, Md., Jnlf IS. I. reaieo imp- a.l. 1 -in r'vnt win ' , , j om.e urtll la M.. ur.sTi..T' " rvsietved at IM Ol-Mn, tUO Uul. 'g.T'' l'?'Z' wenhn a.l (.'line aliorl ol tl'rmiooe thoii.aa a iZZ or- a. weisht, hull,. Htsfr., Old. Co,,, UwAraTa! llnrnie.a ( a lie will be rei, oie. A iti'Oiieilun of t a (tin r-oin-ii will ba miit. iw i we-i at nf flai-k Hter arrvp- undnr thf ooiitrao. am. Tilled the antn al doea not nana in the pen two ant aaav. hall t ot.rp. tiff, re tein)r weio had, or u not wakhatf aaiaa dla'ely after removal tmra thecara. Iflank frm nr protxwala tan ba had oa iaNa. tin at thia offlca, aiiher in pet-aoa, bv uall.ar taaa Itrnph. TheOovemmem will ciAlm tha rlirht of watahtoia m rne anin al ae arare, lr ra aopar .nr tntiaatea twaa weliht tlnn the minimum mem toned aoevat tna aa rnnafiof weUlung will 0a paid by the part errlnt tn Jaa aieiit. f.arh hid, to lectire onniiMeratlon, tnaat oontaki a written guarantee of two reenonalbla pttreona, aa ftoa low, v- v a ,of iheConmyof At ate of t1Mrahr (niaraol.H thai I (or are) aMe to fulfil a cm Iraet aa aoc irai.ee with the torma of hl(or thtir twoiMiflUloav and Blio.iJhl (or their) pmpoalUon be aonap-et. he (of they) will at otw-o enter into a entraot m axyintaakea th rvwlth, and we are prenared to bao me bin aeoarUaa. 1 he rewpo(iihl Ity of ihe r'rahf.ra muat he -bowa by theortlr'aloeriitirateof thet'lertior the nearwat lMtrtai oin t, o of the I 'diadHratea Untrfot Attoruay. to a aa C0ed 1th the hid. Htuiifr moM be pre en f to retoond to (afr hMa. anal reparrd t (lva bonli and Un the oon tract tfx law. The (svs-rnment renorA-aa to ft elf the riht to re)oot ny va .'run onisiiinra inr.-astOlimiiia. t'a)mehtaio be made atter earh de'lver In art ok i aa n t be on band; If none on hand, to ba madaaa i aa reeia't. rroiw.ftlnmiitt ha endoraed diattnetly 'PItOPfXI ALB Ft'h bl- EK t'AlTLR." and addrasiatHl to "CaaulaJ. BU OILMAN. C.H., Hat more. Marvano- Ii a hid la In tlie name f a firm , tne'r aamea and tlw p. at i-ft.ca addiaaa nutt appear, or ibey wiU aot aa oaa lilt red. tmh peraon or eve member oa Arm 1ertj a mv prtiai no t accoti.pnr y It with an oath f alleaanca t tm X tilled Statea tiiernment. If ba baa not airnad v niadonai at tht. oil, ce A!' ftd not mmylying Hrictty vUh tfut t afiu a Omi$ aat rertosrmtnt viit 6e rejm.ied. ... f. r. nrr.MAiv, JylH-Ut Captain and 0. 8., U 8. A. p it o ros a7ls f o r ratio it Qt-AJrraRMAaTita'a Omn, U.H. MaBIMB CNHlH, M WAlHINlilON.Julv lA.laiMk 8alrd Pmpnaauj will ba recalv. d at till office nalf o C'oct IV M.uf'hf 4th itav .t anpiti next f r furnlaKiac raiii i.tto ti a l ni-ort huteR Vainn, at tba foUowiaa: it allot n. until Iht-.il.-t Iecu.ber, 1m4, via: Uro-H ii. New ork- l'hilad- tphia, t'eniipylvanla W mhIki n, lMinct of culnmhla. Fch ranon la cot. tut of ihne-fVwrthi of a poo ad af fotk or kacon. vr one and a fourth pound of fro ah or aaal beet : elihieeo our ee of bread or flour, or twelve ounaea oi hrd bnno, o ooe and iuth uound of corn meal i and at ttir ra-etorne tmnond fatlon, of eight -jiifin- beanai or. in Ihu thrreof, tr, potmd of r1i-e;or. I t lien ihran, twh a per was k, n:(e hudresl and tlftv ouncea of deai ra- lan-u intir,fji,uoi nunuieti ounie oi mixed vtrata bka; -en vtitidi Icon, or. m Uen. thereof, one and a katf pouidt ot tea; hftt-en pounds of auwari tburqaarta W vim ivar; one pomid of aperm candle-, or ono an t a fourta pouriU ol adamar tine t ai die ; or ona and a half aua4a oi tallow, four pound of iop, and two quart ofaa t. 1 h i attom tn op tielivtred upon tie order oi the Oeav irniidlnk tmicer of each itrtdon; ihe fre-n beef ait w m bulk vr by the alnale ra'lon, nf rood quality, wlh aa eaaa proportion of the tore ai d bind iartrr, naxk. aud klav neH talliiw excluced t tha pork. No. I prl ne meaa awrki tlie flour, extra uperhmi: ihe cof ew.-vnod Hh) tha vaaafw fix nd New 1 irl ana. or Ita cqu'valsnt : and the baani, vLna iar. eai die. oNp,ait. etc , tobaof good quality. All mh oci to h B)KKCll-n. All 1-td muni bo accouipan'od by tha fuUoirUif ftttr FORM Of OUAKANTKR. Tha undfMhmd ,of .In tha fluta of , an4 of .In lie Htateof , hereby uarantee that km re the forritdlnp? bd of for ratltn. aa aawva d icrlhed.be accepted, he or they will, within ten daa aftar thu fect-lpt of the contract at tl epoM office tmiiied.exeotite) Die coMrnct for tl e aan'e, with tv6 and tutllnlent laourt- te ; and in rawe irwe d ahall fall to ent-let contrail na atoreHaid we Kuaran'ee to make goad thedtr I ere toe betwien tie ottur cf the laid ladlMI which may be accepted, WHneaa; a B. antrantar. K ' lft G L), Ouaranloff. I hr hy rett'ty iLit the aW named aew ikviUi nve ai Usun of pr peity. ana abw to maka aao4 tlx lr iftiaiaiiit e. Io h kiui ed by the t'nited But. DUtrlct Judga, TJaltaal Bl.tuw- Di i ri ti tncy, or t:tl ctor, o prut o-al Hi he oonaldered union aoooupanlad by tl e ulttn e t nai n ice. fewner .u'horlrd to puMUh the above wilt eeral the raj-i r d.hiolnirg ibe flrat tnrt.on to tnia offloe furaa iii In at ion froi; mull to be endonrd 'rronoiial fhr BatloM AC ttnd tdilrctsed to tha nnderilKaed. w. n. nr.Aoc. Jylfi-tuthl 6t Mor and tjoaenAMaAa O .RDNANCK OFFICE. W-jtiiisum,Julv u, Im. PEAI.F.n PBOPOKst.8 will h. roeeived at lhl eSSaaa linlll HtUhKMiAT AuauatS.al f. M , fur U-uowateS' 1'ioect ea.toMuellvered a. follow a, via i nl 17 isaumlrr Holm Hn., Wis) I. isjundei Hhili, oa,d ISJWi l.-pouniier .liirkal Caae, at eeeh of the lilli.wli. Araenata : - Walervllel Ar.enal U'.st Trvv,N. T. waien, wo Ara, nil. Ma.oKcliiiaotts, ao4 A in ibi or.ei.al, lit. bun, fa, !K is. I'i.poiu dir S.ilM ha.il, oVSMi l'..poiiudi r Me I. and rs0 II trfiuiu er Hpl em 1 Cats, at tlieM lu a Arsenal. Mo Hieae pnsM tlle are lo bo made of the line! of l and lllsnerleri allertht- rule- lM lwst la . .. -. M .una , iiie lei a le . ir. nsnii uf tbo iron lo a. aot mm. saaa l.J.S. lb. M-r.iitiai. Inch. lirawuura can be two at aor f the UnJt.4 SHataa Ararna a Tlie pre), eiroa are 10 he taanerted at the Iboodrr .it.ua cast, and are tn be delivered al tbe Araenale Lee of chorea) for tran.portailou nr hanilllca. Il dileia will alale the rmle at which thev will SeJrveaY ratii.rea to n.ak. OeUvrrle. at a Ipecin.d Uoie will .ul.sse llieroi tracior 10 a foifolturool the aumhor h ausf fail aa Huldei. will siate (p lrltlv tn amnal er areaeala wb re ibe. pnioae to deliver, nn.l the Dumber of peaieas. till a the) pionuio to deliver st each plae, 11 for more thatl Pi o 'o Md. w 111 he contldercsj from partlea other than i ia. lar fi nniier. ur pn-ialetoip of woh., whn ar iknuva aa llilsl eiiartmeuttu be eaiabioof aji.cuUng Uie work prw JKiseo tei . HI fold any party obtaining a eontraot offer she I other than ilw.ae t-a.tln li a tmo foundry, thrr will be rujocvedg J-ornia ol bid can ba obialmd ."....v. i.-iT'e-i .'uu ni.u 1 . Id th above assMt arreiialu. i r yomU nof made out an thit form will not b eoa tidetcd, OUARANTKR. 1 he blddor will be ieinirvd to accompany hit pennn. thji will a tfuamn-ce uiir e.1 bv two recpou.lht peraooa, that, li cat-erla hid be accepted, he will at oocw eirso jta the tontrart fi r the atue wirhood and audlciaut aure tlea, In a im tq-ia) to the mouut of tne oonrrc', a de ll r tlie ari lu propoed in oonfrirmlty with tbe term af till- a0er lit n vi.l ; aid In case the iid bidder ah'lld fl ti'H'iet into te contract, the tomk gyyui th-Ulrfervot-a betveenlh. offer o ruid b d'ler and the mat rM(mn -lb btdeer, or the perscn to whom the oon ir aot may be) a anN d. 'lie rpnDill lilt of tha maruntur mutt be ahoem b tl a Wcirti ct-rtlftrate of ihe rk of the nearmt Ula tth t oi n,or o' 1 1 a I ni ad Htatct hlM'nct AUorne?. Itf Ilifp In the Utn eoual h) the amount of I tn,trr4- Hhed hy thecoi trct r and l oth hi Tararttora, win o re.;uled oi He aucckifi-l Uiddor i t bhldeia UiMU aiaoloa' the oontiaet. K"HV OF OrABANTKK. We.tl e nrdT-lmd nM- enta o' , in Ihe oo-mty Of, , ann Hla e of , herebj tolntlvand aev.-ral y c.a iian wnh th Lull to Bt ilea, and oarntte, in ea-a tha l. f. volt-g hul ut tm no ) P d. ili. u ha or th will at once ekivule the cont a t tiir the ama, wlib mkI and aurt-cl. nt Ptiretlca, Iu a cam t-qual to the amount of the co?ttrct. lo turn if b th aiflclt-a prupod In eonsnity whh the ietuini thi advTt'enient, dated July IH. ISbL ui der which ti e hid wua mde; and in cave the -a d . aliaM fall to en'er lio a coi'irartataforfnali, we vuarantwa) to make vno1 ihe dfT-rhe(a'weii the oUt-r of the a 4 and the neat loweet rtin-lhie b dilor, or the par ion to k bxuu the ouiit'-act mat te awapled. Wlusea l ) u'. J" n Vneail (Sua!. To thia tnaranUo mnat be appendasl th offlolal oonlfa rate above mentioned. Eauh part; uhiainlna a eontraot will he obi I (red to enter toito bomla, wlih approved aoroUet, Ibr tho lalihlul eiacia . tJD of ibe aaiue. I'poa tho award being made, araeeetafhl bidders wTO. he uvilfled and luruaahwl with IWius of eaiuact au4 bend. Ihe Defiarrment reaorres th. rlihtto reject any or a the blda. If dastme aa.atle factory ua aiiv accuont. Frepoaula will ho addrea.ed 'u "llnaadlar (lonoral, Georve li. Baau.a.y, Chief ol'OrdoaDe, v a.lilnirton. U. C and will be.oduIMd "Proooeaia for U-pounihar 'raw .. OBOKUK D. iAMrsAY, Jlt. lulha 1A3 Brl.-Ooaal. Chlof of Orduuiea. B o. i. MlVKSTM Streart. V MATTUHHlta, u.rruMina fBelrir.li..K,l.ier, s.dSn.t. , , 1 JtAltlKll liftlrH. HOMTKhH, AWTJ fsnXOWS. WOUU AJfl Hull l((lllriKAJsB7,'W" . . ... "1 ll h.l8 AND OOTA w fsepalrtPf aas reoe.ei i is. atiiMled a. wru sever aaoae4h. Vsi.ll bK.ai iiji." O Kf BOXES D. STATE DETERSIVK SOAP. w-' lo boaeo Kevsli.rae haata IJeterwve Iron. 8'.'6 bo.oa iri,la: ls.lrrii.il. . MS boaeo Htmpeoa'a Oliva. ' ' lit hnxM Llaen Doaa. ' " - " , .'( buxtoa Anericea C.tlkv, SO hoaea Irr.eh t iuilile . AU or aaj part of which J "j""'."!. W12t Jlo. J 8. WAIIJi "''. VO riECETTJON.-NO IWBRrOR COAI. Il Mrctse.ed va oBw below h. tJt V"' "'f sartitleraAsi t hi. w. nr.". f'"'". r"v7;iibs!s ae.l ,id, Hih lha mn.uino ti?,ML.2 auawa. Am set -.. ali4. Slit Lf . "i Kl' . - - arvs., Bva. ssmaoaoerv ensm r . , Ff it R THOAVD (4nrt H(tr OF MRVtl.f TI KrmtheNuf.de.rer at the iieCatViI aTt; ! r-ndajK ; tbe notKheo wiihia one and a aaif VavfT InZ arrtvm, the trium of tha cnrr-iouir Th.f 1-3 averoe alxxit fim thirteen hnndrtui kr... eWt-vi