TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAm . PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1864. 2 Grating Sclcjjtaph A DJJLT AFTMNOOM MKWtfAFICB. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. Pitt Tw dm r Orr, or t,n 0""J." -.p-re.tr cmt. tiid M.niiltiiDiuathii Aae-ati ,M: " ma m Miva-re, .variably ! odrvneo ... ., , al ratne, A liberal tnwiml made tor n""" iesriiena. To rH . MrttMO Anonym sil f;.vm tisilrattnnt fc?il-ri. iLwi-M taaartl o must b antae I It ed kv ikTiTiM r iilM of smtar-nM ns ..rll for MWmw.. t" aa esiareMee tor his good I a ' h. W. paaai 1 an ( retain reeeio Oo niinicuuioaa. To Ael vortlfserst. riarlae-to the grant rneraosss tot th ('Iresjlatloa. of Thr aTvaNtkO Tei miasm, eomsi-tilng ns tn en l pre., al an gertr nr-sr, we oiitetstly rs-iue.t that sdwr'l.em.nls may fce besntiMt to anna a 10 (Velo-k. If a a.lhie, u twin teem an aatoiuoB Li ui our editions. SATURDAY, JULY 30. ISOt. TM U('OR I.K IilHB .W. All sumptuary lawn are pliUonophlcally wrong. Ihey violate the most approved principle of political economy, t well ai the beat oaaflrmpd theories ol hamta nature. The history of legislation shows that It U on tlrtJy Tain In practice, and thorofore absurd, lor those who make the lawi of a State to dictate what we aball eat, what we sh ill drink, and wherewithal we shall be clothed. The natural mdm of private Independence rebel against such edicts. ' Tboy oflbnd, without Improving those whom they are intended to bene lit. I.tMtralnt 'la a necessary condition of socloty. Every dtlzen of common Intelligence understands 'and ad-Its the proprluty of givlo? up a pirt of the absolute liberty that belong to him in savage state, In order to secure all the supe rior advantages that accrue to him from civil government as a member of a clvilUju com Dimity. But when lawa pass beyond the require ments of public order and safoty to entrench on personal liberty, they not only excite a Spirit of resistance, but they are rarely, If ever enforced, for the simple reason that they can not be executed. A notable Instance of thU truth Is the Maine Liquor Law, which has been but Imperfectly carried into effect In that State, and has proved a signal failure In every -Other commonwealth In which an cToit has ', been made to Introduce and apply it. ' ' Bnt while legislatures raiy not prescribe what our food and clotblug and dwelling: hall be, they my Impose certain Indirect - regulations which do not encroach scnilbly ' on private discretion, while they really pro tect individuals against serious Injury and abase. costume than upon the "make." It I Uftoloas Tba are two Koaiwgs Mountains in New toon-tend that a dress must bo unobtrusive nsrtpshlre. Kr-arsarf- M-.nntaln proper in the "t"" . I.I.I.,., n .1. I. Ill'.l,..rrl. .nnr.l. la lha merely because It Is black. It may be cut in i . " p".Jl, . V the extreme or the Cushion, and many women u(Ili ,h. prmnfI)l in the Sa-o Vl cv, know that black Is more becoming to them near Nona Conway, lias also Ifjen cil'ifd Ki!r- ili.n an anrre niinnn; iw .nsi arventr yetrsj ir.it inn wan any color. rtchtlutlv iieiiinira lo tba eminence In ttie The mourning druaa should change only Valley of the MVrrininr.. enough not to be positively oat of fashion; Tlirv vming wntnun were drowned In Chuu- otherwbie, It would be more conspicuous thin tntiqua lake on Tin-vlar, the l.uh Inrant.. A the latent mode, and in It obtruMvemuw should party of three young men. named I) ilico , Wal. be U.e flrot clement. n"". nd "' w'l ln ,r ,HU,r"- I,M , . Tnamtf HII 111 Tiiw'Mtni , niMi uii a'KU i.'miih It Is even sought to Intro luce new fashions j.H , Ul ,K(llj W,on eBktn)r s- wll m Into the house ol dnath. It is not Improper to ovciIkIi n mini nnO sunk. Mhs Ki ixil v li:icp modlty the shape of the cotlln, but why, when niodlllcd, call it a burlnl c-wket 7 To distln- gubh the death of a child from that of a grown pen-on, It wa formerly the custom to tie a vmall piece of white ribbon on the black rrai farti-nrd to the bell-pull. ;Sowa-duyn no In novation is appearing in tlie form of white crspe tied with white gulloon, or cl-e a broad white ribbon alone. There U nothing objec tionable In the thing Itself; but It In objec tionable that faxhion should encroach here, and that even death should not b.i sacre.d from its ctnplrv. Tho chango is unii !ccsary ; anil tni' MI'mh Hulen and Kinina Bibcock wore drowned. tiavrtMl. IIAKRINOTOS-Vonius.-On tha Isth In.l , hr Rr. W. Mull", Mr. JAMK.i M. IIAKKINitrON anl Mri. I' M HA II IN K MOI1KM lijlh rf til'. CUT. m I.AIR KolxiKKf. "n lha VKih In 't., bjr ttia Rt. 1 A. rrnlf-r al !h I'ar.nnai;', No. I 'I I N. Krn'it nt- -t, It WILLIAM VI K A I II lo HUM KI.UABK.lH IIJO (,l VH, all Ol tills CUT TAMiMIT-IHH'TON -On ih afith In.lanl al Cnli rp.iivll i-, l.inrwilrr rnunly . I'l.. tr H 't II IT. MoJin'V AI.l KUT T Ni . KltT, I Hnf Hartior l.anra.tr couutr. tokuaiAMMK K. IIOI'TON, oi Chaafr ooulll, Pa. nia-sl. .Miami -rm thi- i-' h inmn, v vrv ihkvk, ifv of I.. II Aiuim., nie ft iwiiij ien Pfiri. 1 h n ia'ivf. hi I irnMi'i.'if Hi, tiinny ara InvltH la at ti.(l lt liinrai. n-Miu her late ri-.l.lcnci. c rMr of WMln vet we dare say that It may bo defendod by " " '' '" iown,..n m m.iay m..r,.. J J J li t. Aiitfii. 1. at o cluck. the plea that It Is "very sweet. itt'tiMvrr.-on tii sith in.t., lydia Ann iibh- There is too much ludulence ln morbid ,r. X'1" "'iXoT'oio family rinMi-4o a..n(lun.iitalllv rcirarillniT Him denl Death is ait'Wl lli lii'icr.il, in.ra tlm rn.lil.-n -n ol liar so'i-m Isw. Scnlllwmailiy regaruiug me utau. leiltu in vi.llmn M. HUvrnmn. N. K. rormT t'mu-s n4 St. lo'in a mystery whose awful solemnity cannot bo uhtu m Momia morienn. at 10 ;'cioc, wimoat J ' - . lunher notlci). lo proci-i-d tu Lajrvl lull. illnciilMid by any accesorius oi the fu.icral. i:i nmxiiiam.- ii.iii'niv.ontiinJuhinst.KRVNK- ,. . ., .... ii i .i T.I N I I.MaN (TNMM.IIAM. n or Jo in U and I Ohllion should Slund aloof, appalled by tUu Mr, j., . r,innlm:hain .n ilio pL.toiiUi t .ar or ils ... ... ... ... a . rf.li.livp. hihI trl. nil- lit lha Inintlv i.ro re. a la.l lr npei w. lo oi ner woriMussuess. nil won to ,,, , B, 1)d , lul,Prni. ,r 0 tni l roi nc .i hi, n.n ivmlw.li rni.nnnln.il sn il .aitf .laLlnv a ri,r- Prinl Walnut stroi-l i,at ol lima. CamJea. . a , j on MunJar .list Inst., at 4 o corns l . -M, luln event, or dllrcrenccs In that event, nut there miuit be conformity between the appear- ) till K -on thn .h liut.Mu A SI 1 IV. ritli.K., rolk-t lir .ln.. Vr i k a 'fit 71 Vftir.. Pi.It.ii.m. .nil r.o niu nl On. imullr aro Itivltno to aOonil i it. i t ifl..... -.f ... i flu-Hi al rri in l l.u rs-ni'-ina m ii-t run, m . f, mice aim uic iikjiw mjiiiunura ui j hi,... in k. r Un... m ar ( hew utriol, iiTiimuln, oi de the effect is monstrous. Tu, ,uv ,.o, r.,..n m ti,ro ci,ti " ,..,,.,., , , , III, tun. On thnJSth llntAilt, HAMUF.L M. II lUU.I, Jlunklud dullirhta in monuments an J enl- in ii,i.iiii ih.i. . . i. . . i u , i , Tim H'li.ilsaa anil mantis of tha family ara rn- bitj uB, iiu lb uiaj s-uu vou.iiuuica ai evi- : atirrtrnll IlivitstJ lo ntlpnil tha tanarnl, trim 11," mil rf-atiiciico corner or I ,, wn. nip una ami ,coig n inn, O'CIOCK Wl at lih ltho.it Itir'liar go. uimi; ui o jcvuu wan in uuuij.ii ililuiu Liiab . . n Hurolav inornlnii the Hplcndid marble and its inscription do not "r- f'"-r.u to pn,na to Nawwwn, Buiks ooiniy. ' 1 IKiKll.l l,n Ihuni a i.v.n ,iv 'iHfh In.l. . K A TI F. alwayBtell tho truth. Itut what uhill we say h.tai.t uaWiuir or Joi.n A., Jr , auJ fcmiiy L. Uuwoii, ot toUcus of love and respect which con.si.it in the udornmcut of the person of grief which is the work of mautua-makcrs and milliners? If we must let fashion bold undisputed sway In life, force her to pause ut thn grave. Let us keep to tho old, plain, and sulllolent forms. Let us reserve our whlto ribbons lor weddings and our caskets for jewels. T. W A la It A. V u rs. BII'X'KSROB T1 W. II. ( Altl.VL, MAHONIO llAl.l, Ro, 719 CHESNUT 8treet. WINDOW H If A I) B H, OUUTAINH. an MOSQUITO NK1TIN08. AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT (sTKKKI Til K A1B8. 8ANKOKII AT HUMS, lha 'atr fasnad AAvroRn AD Tuoirni Wl.lapan tha aho.aTtioatra On MOMIIAV KVS)1INf.4iils;, And r-nUauM . fiy a'tnain d.r'ai ihu c.k, mtra diicina U. III ST MTNSTRFI. OUHPS In lt, l!nltd St alas . rhnl- rlttmr. Ian , nda iiiwtala f Tlo' K: JS-5T-4." a'sllOVFIIH NEW CllKiNUT Bl'IlKKT VJI TIIKA1IIK. TUTS KVKHINCJ, T hf ittant ramatuli;, m ,.ic . irti nut ,trsma, AI.AI lU W. III! TIlK WOMIIKllKtll. I, a nr. rrrtnti'i, allr ti iw m-mth- ao Iva p--i-pra I n, In a .) I. ol or pta.-f..l.'i tril ma. i.Iiip IK1.. raola:a .Insnl tr lui ii.ii. io nml so aiRHii ll ' n' c.t" , crsml mar ;s- , ttn.rti so.tiimcs al.tl iioivttlM, bailllitil nuir, soil (l.ri' ') I ir DELIOHTKUL KXCURSIOM8 on ma IV P. R aOIIUVLKILL. TTk ."laanii r IIP.NKR L III) fEK, now unnlnt fr"m Kaen.ourt io hr FaJ's o: . ctiuylkll'. wl 1 Icas'a Knirtn aiil af fotl-.w., vii. : At 7'in A. M. i AtlonP.M. s ss. i ;i l, , i n " 4 io s. li t" V. M. ! u-in " Vnrtr (ion Falrtnotiiit to l alli of Iciuylkl'l. 1". c.'nts; CoitiintilH lilt. I.e. Itrliii.ot. and l.aurol Mi. I idoentx. )) .:t a;;r". Hit AN I) KXCUKSION TO CAI'K atiaai ii 1 1 l'iat M ,y flic mail',, h anil P,m rl iui .1... i HIM,, I I AN t:'.itl'l K A. UtHinr, w,,l ins. a at.ini'O tviorHonto 'u Mar. on H sTUttlM V. JiiIt ;.o ii . Ii p A ,u" mi't't w hail ai i ii'clo'-k ; ir'ur.iln, win Luxe bis- Ma on M'n.diiv. atsSnr.M-k. r r lor tba li ' r.,in t'us c 0'illar.. I'i'ftt e i-vtrs, i , a, jn4. . arAr lur. A -i-nt. JIItTIlAI,II ALHUM. cakii ru TouvAi'iia. E5 5 MKMIM iMrr.iuAi. fOI.ORRO f0. I'. In, :: as ? i Kid ci ll?B.lt III STIO FBlMt;'. WAI.Nirr In. norir.woiiti i, . (HIT l.i. ! A-NK. PAKTK T S. ALL TIIK Sf, lltOKH. Jl'VlikJ.K I 0. VK0 A f M I . MAUA.IN" . l-ATIB N''VK'. Aix ai.i' Af i Km.CKn I'km I:1. AUCTION SALES, A lAfKirYsS AUCTION ROUM.S. Nth A U I 11. s LKI llM't. OF CONOiiMJsrJUJ UCTION or.a. war lint .ir.M.m, i .i Hr'tr.ia, OVfttp C'l'i-I oi ik-lisTM Ji i.ii.miiiu Ii ' . Imy , l"t. W Ul or aoia Ml uiioflf an loo. to o, nlihfS' l4dai.r U i t n.r. anj ,t m i . n.nv,1 ','mw : I. Hi M.N. I a . Til, ll'IMV, l"l H. 1 ' A 1. 1 is. N l . I , ,1 III HSU , A iui, l . H W II I lAMsrnliT. I's , l III it -I' f. VM.-u.t I'. !. 'I s) IU MikI.ii ( ! vl r, v LtV 'iH-t. s : fact pln.o In. I.tm naT- O',! crsiit. lonid a tinn' for tn ral. y.t stri ,.i t r,, .. Ivr roa-l aois .fio n .it. ss ri.:i ' rfo- a' ens ay Bad Hnr.-! .o, iLrty T.Tu,a iVar, tn rr.,lt Mta'i-sf'sirT, nr ?. .i i.r.s . Wis, l.ts'sil. nni i-1'oloi.. l iid hii-f V'i.n.'?'n.'' t l) in rv 'r wm- the mishiosi r i'iik wrm uivr. There Is a progress In the aiTiirs of this world. Wo are not moving in a circle. The movement Is steady and well-defined. Tha pnst has no returning tide, and the chronicles of the race point unmistakably whithor our j rogresa tends. The unexplored regions of the earth lessen rapidly, and the vision of civilized man, so to speak, reaches from pole to pole, and follows the equatorial line around the globe. Every year tho antipodal nations An Illustration oftbu kind of legislation Is become more lutlmatt ly acquainted, and -our State liquor license law. That law does. I mariy generations will not mingle with the not prohibit nay citizen lrora drinkin? any 1 m1& before some Moheh ot philosophy, stand. kind of Intoxicating liquor that he may crave. ng ur on tue nah of science, will catch a It does not require hlui to Indulge tht taste giin.pse of that favored time when tlinro 3hall In bis own house alone, but allows him to lie a universal communion of mankind and, drink ln pbllc as well as ln private. comparatively, universal peace, But It does provide that no man snail re- xhls may have been the enthusiastic dream tall Intoxicating beverages of any kind, unless 0f a poot in tne last century, but In view of be baa a license from the mate to engage in astonishing development of the present, mat business, mis law is eminently wise we 0f eighteen hundred and sixty-four h.ivo ana Dcnenciai, ror more reasons wan one. iiui roora for a,)Ubt. The scleutillc traveler IU first object la to secure the people ajainrt I htu) areauy Btooa beside the Bechuanas, an tmncceeeaxy numher or liquor merchants unilor gim of Central Atrica. and In the shape of low groggerles, which are tho hunted lho ar and wolf In the chilly twl- IrutUul hoVbesla ovii, mTr.s 1 ncnt or u.u a.hu wud, me uiuuiw oi Its second object la to protoct the poople 1 Occunlca are coal depots for steamers that against a quality of liquor that is really not I VOya(!e over half tho globe. The long secluded fit tor any being with a Human stomacn io myriadi who still repeat the lessons of Con Imbibe. I lucit's, and the Japanese, with their strong It proceeds on the assumption that any mn waii,. Bnd nhosultabIe coasts, have yielded to who cannot afford to pay a license for the I tie nec,.88itie8 of the age, and now soek more trade la not able to sell liquors of the right t,itjIUBte Intercourse with tho people of other kind. In other words, the law, If strictly !umjj,. The speaking wire and tho iron horse enforced, would crush out effectually an w:iic1.os. -easand continents, biudinif the most - ... a I small and low back street rura-nolos, waoro ui6t8nt countries, as if their res'dunts inhabiteJ liquid poison is dispensed at three cents a a C0I1redfracy of adjacent States. The plan Clo. I tntinn llio utnro thn forest. th mine, nod the The third and last purpose of the law 19 to ,...,. ,.rounj wUi Interchanee their thian make a most proStable business pay a revenue , , d th , te t f d mujjt . . ft II iL. T t . a- I to tne Btate ireasury. au oi " uujocu. uuUy n(, punce recites! are eminenuy juuicious ana com- Th m-hl.nt tH ,i1B r.nd ., ln ,., inenilaWe,anaouguT.io oe reanzeu cousum- iotIou, work, Tne necessities of commerce xtatety, upoesiwe. I have eiven us the steam engine upon land, BUS WW result, uowever ueairBuio, ti,u... , mihtv Hofvlnir wind and tide UDon a a sj .1 lt 1 m I O ' M aocompusnea, nniess woee municipal om- Be and th iihtnlll(, mesaase that Is to ceca who are charged with the duty of seeing . nc,hbor. of mttIlkind. They have sent ine suuuw eniorcea ao meir uuiy imiaiuny ... to lmknown ittndM to .1 ... f ana auigeuuy, wiwout vr ,..ur. . y. 0Dit:ra and their wealth. They have We are glad that our previous remarks on ,kmlll,t.Hl the u .d sciences to enlkrluen thia subject have had the eflbct of stimulating . . ho for haye Jwoll ,n .11. J a.tAtl our warn constauies w increasea -.uv.ij m ft ljuUl brbarihm. And-loftier honor yet arresting ana cringing io uue account, ue.ore . . . tQ chrifltiu missionary be Quarter Besslons all persons wno are en- , th to tue ldol wor8hipper and the dark- at il.i t!i.A- 1 U lit I liquor without license. We hope they will not relax ttalr efforts la the performance of o iiDporttint ft public duty, and we shall caro- fully watch thtlr course la the future Kii n nr.il tltlt ftdornoon, at? ft'clorfc, torn r"ldrncfi of lior f. UiPit Oruj v lun siitl Matrsuau ruua. i weni-iuurm NOTHOM -At rmnflMi N.J., on ?Hih .nit, PL0TTD, tuunt oon oi r. WJiliHtu M, nnd Liu M. oUoti. Jt Al HIKt'. On tho niurrlrifr of th tnh Inn., WIL LIAM I. a. II.K M ATIIILH, mm of Kuilt fcjjtl Jur-b Ma ,.!,.. In. t. 1 h w.-.tr jit lila irat 'I ( rftnt'TiMi nil irt nii ol the fnmllrr r"H?-,"t)iiHr !m Itno to stirnu hm lunurji, troio iu paronui rosi ioo;, Iurtr road on 'o(1-lv mornliifr. Adyu l lit, ntoVloci,. lu iroL- J to Woodlamtn Omwtcrv. hiA VflkLO ruldnnly, In Nashville, Tena.,oa tho 2lith of Jui, ivr. u. a. ai a l r it,y, moImias Oa h ',ih Invtant. MARY MATILDA, diiUabiftof Aaron anJ bumlue f. Moigiin, tu tho Win yrnr oi iiir . , , t ond ir.eiitlrt woep not t Phf In not dtad, but Blwpi'.tn. iwfft 1 llllr, (iliii-nnn'l ol her hoiuf ! Too pipoilMM tar tor fitrth th Lonl Uiat knowoth Hlit iien, Paul, rpiitlv. Tl.lie, come. Thw relative and trirmfn oi the family are reiportf illy InvitrHi to attend t!i tuiiO'Til. fri)'n her parent' rwnl No. Iti N. Hi-cund ntirft. on Wort -mai it aite.-noon, at 4 o'clock, to pMOfri to the Sixth ntvwi Imlori arok ii Mr ONNKMV.-lrownc.i, July HMh, Ij4, In atumpt- Itttifl Mia Nitvi titr.l. DA.MKL McC N S K L , V, coal tcaT. I Uiua nntiiy M fUtiv oi U datti. a J. A. KlxiltKN, CimuiAn .In Oftluor. JA1 MKir. Ied vt-i Miid.lfisiy on t 'nM-il n. th Win bitti ut, VOL ' PA H. 1'ALUKU, of ta( cl y, a'd ivtv-t.v Tni- re a Ivca and frlo' rt of thf family am ret iirtfaPy Inviif-d o nt eii'i i' i nfrai,frotn bis lae rcaiile c No I U.i N. Thlitntjiajh uo-t, ou Moud.yin mln: AUguU Ut ai it Urk. Oi IN. on th2Mli Instant, Mm. MAUOAHKT QL'IN, Rl.t'd t & vnn. Ilrr rTiativiw and irknda are reD'tfu..y lnvttel to at tend bor .unnral, tT'.m hr Inif r-i-Me ice, Nu. U Ur ce ro ai oe KsiiKhtr-i l'ulnt av nur. south C-itiidfln, in Qtn)(iT aft riKtn. tbn Ut instant ut oti o'clock with out turtiu r in . i tat Ion. To proceed to Uonaldoo'a t'euie tory. B. VRK. f n the 1st lnt., ot tynhold fnver, at the iViiMBLUa (Kta.) Navnl Moisi.ltii), L M t.hKr KKA. I NO MAY Hi., ol ti.imjitv tn the UA yoar oiuiiart, Uieyouiiit cat nnii ot hainuel and lUnnab ftnyra. Yt OOMIX K.-On the Win mat.. IXCY, danghtor ot TtioniAH an-i Mary Ann Woodjor-k aed inomln. 1 he relatlv. a and ira-nim ol tho family are renpeotiu.ly rnviOd to attend tht mnoial, troin the rundenue of br parcnia. Aimer atrt-et, OvrinauuiwD, on Hun day. after noon at 3 o'ciock. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. rrrfh l.m'.rrnw (Hahiath) mnriil'm, at luH o'.l H'k, in Union m. k I'll m il. roi;n 1 u sinat. o. iiivt a on. rJ3a church ok the invkuckssoii, :' 'PhlMI liaKliKM dirant. helo llrnail. K.r. Dr. CAKIiKN will pn cq lo morrow 1 Similar), at IUH A. al. and H I. M. Strangers curdiall luvilod. It a ir TA1IFKNACI.K BAPTIST CIir'R"H, C.IK1 BfjO M T Mtreel. uliovo Klkhlm Did i'lio Knr. UAN'L C. IIIDY, 1. Ii , svKI prauch HnuUa luurulug, at HIS o'clock, and uvuriiuK at Vi u'cloct. v, HONKHTY ANI) POLICY .-UKV. AI.KXAN a!lr DKK I'LAUK on thls nuiijuct, I.LLVliN HI anil WOOll, nalibntll 10 A.M. and all 1'. M., oil " Within awl Vi Itlinut" AU Invllc'd. ZOAB M. F. ClU'Rfn morniria'. ui IDS oviouii a.'n. Z WitJ above I ourth H..rvica tsvniorrow (unnay l'n'ai:''ing uy a incuucri BUSINESS ITEMS. I li fi I M " CHILLED IEON SAFE iikaiv ron wau. l.I Vl' TU Vt UNHMY COMH OS. To1atio KAisa,iil'Uiellrm of Ev 'x-', : You piiblltlj a.rt In a ala (ws;iai.T arllole that oa will drill thra'ifth any (!lilisd Iron Hate t.lllle has In u. a In one-hall to two boor ' tlmo, Ac. In Jmllnt tia II ink o' Ni.nnerrI IbanrHafM, or )uu will firfolt the tnraiifoae liar droo dollart Now Oil. U a t'jr clu'ap way oj wty Ins biiiir. Too know thcrv Ii nel'hor a banker or h'lilna.a man that would bare an exponitvo Hal'a operatml ilpsn vllh onl m 'rd oowtrful iwn hour., to o mutHaled, ills fluund.orln any way diioroillltd, for the paltry auin of one h"tid'ail i!allars Shlaiianie It played out. How If you have any t -nflis-noe In soar alnllylo dilll chllu-d Iron or any ooulldrin: lo Ksalis A Wat.on'a best Hank Si p as c,im..in.J with I lllie'M, to wttlisland Die burKlar.or uny conlld 'iire In Kvam A Vi atson's M.Tcisiitlle Ha a. as om,wt.1 wMh L.ll e't, to stand lira, you have the opiKirtnnliy lo make it tnnnifci. You have Just sold lo the Sevi'iitU Nalioual Ilniik, of I'hlladilplila.wo are Inlormril, lurtl so, a 11 mk Sute, ri'pnsi litiHK to the Hank that oui IS.ia wns a untcti b.ttcr piotection aitiilnst the burHlnr than Utile's, anl car.liiu a much 1 l:hor price for it You hare alrasdy inane tba cbaUrlik'o lo lest Iho Sates In fie C. ru K.- cbaiii.o Uank, and slatisl your v n terms. Me now ni.ks the lo IowIiik r. p .nitlon :-Tlist y.u t all f "inltb the isevcmh N'atl.-pal hank ea' and ws will lumlbh ae o- the Bank of Hurllwrn l.llienles' .1 ili-s :or a fat, niMiti )aur own lenus, to the CornKtclmuiiillu.il.. Karh party al all p aie In tlie hands of ri-spun Ible uirnes the tuni il III) Wto H',s f n fi Ituro, to be paid over ti the Inn Ii party (as yi" may ol.ict. If you I are not the confidence to plncn K.ians A Wst i.D's Bals alol.Kslde of l.lllle'a as a llurular-priMr, anil will not no epl the alKive proposition, we will give you three hours imti ador two Lours (the time yon ask) to obtain the money in one of tlio (tares at the Hank ol t e Nor.h 'rn LtlN riles, said money to lie furnished at above proponed, and tp bo placed In thu Hate by the Cashier of thoIlauSi tl e Hale lo be operated upon precisely as propone 1 1 1 me iitiauitw itf tins sjom bxcauno uiiut. .su ,. .... Dion.'T la not ohtalneil In the tinea hours. I 1 I'l Ii make good any daman-a done to the hafe, a. .1 t,ie m 'tier tnbeonra. You aay yon can'd.lll six holes wtt.i ..no drill thniukh Utile's Hate. We will al.o you two nMiabnat Itevl dtllls you can procure to et lirouli Uie ah ,ve -late. AKatn.you tay, Weaver A .-.prank o we.u Inil ued to unit fie IJilte a rare fnroneof K ais A Watson's on ao cs tint oil a iiiperlorliy as a rirv-nruof. We now ptoiHise that siu sb ill furntnh Weaver A HTSlille's hate, and wo W'll funii,h ell.ior of two Hfi of irt bite unO etiarsner of ''-e l. ti-e Hst'eyuu recolved la e. tii.s llr.cknis A Itroti.er, Alr'e. su-.jt. be'ow se can. L.es one. or J. Htiknian ft I'o , co'insr of '1 bird and til a ik el lre.ta, has the ohei, and pur clilaed about the tatiielline at tliat of Wea.wr A Hranklo H ere Haiei shall be tenel at rtre prooth In a asuiabie f .mace. A Committee of disinterested ba.tiiees uu'n shall kn a . a a te -t.-s -ar a. V JgarTi hail -t' ll.r. aTAUNi.'II ASll Cj.MMDIiIOUS HTKAMKIt MAN 1 1 ATT A N," C A T T A I N K. A. It Y T II K It, (K .1 e ' aoi May Line, la now makliw hir repifar trl,s t i Al I WAV. lenvlnit Alit.'ll ft'n ct Wharf. 'every lues Ur, ' bin.t'a.v. ann Hi.lu-r1sy at nine ocloesi rnturninv will k'avr I'alie Mai i veiy Mottdsr Wednesday and Friday al ha f-ia,t einlit o rlonk, toiirtii- g a' Now Castle iC'ilna aail rrtuniiiiK. Kara f2Vl; carrlana lure included. rhltlren I a.f prloej carrt .ife hire included. Hervsn'a l (0; caiTlane hire oxlra. Krolaht at low raf. s So fri'intit rescued allor H o clock, at.d In ail casct mult be ,re aid. Jyill-lf JOHKPII A. SrilWAIlT. Aifent. AT ltIU)UCJi:) ltATIOS. TO THH tlltKAT Coal, Iron, and Lumber Legions OI' l'KNh'SYLV AN I .V. TICKETS GOOD TOtt TEN DAYS. OIvIhk ample time to vilt t ah vt of Interent on the rou'e. The CatawiKsa Railroad Company Having t erfiftpd aTiintifmanta with conntctlnif roH.ln, will ..-sue KXrt'ltHloN TH K KTH imui riiliatdtifitiia nvrr tin obK Iih- route rtilia.W'1! hhiMiid IteudlncKat road roKfad inc. S- luiyl k t i haven, AtslUHiid. Mahanoy city, und Tru , ia- Cata-wlM-a lil)n ad o hnuittilt. McAiiey Moutita n, Caia-.irar.a.laiprt.l'tii-'lUWiIt.ii and WuiUni-sp.-rt l.otiuh at'd VrtliatMiv, and llfi vt-r Meadow Hailrimd. 'Io ltla -k t'rek aiij Munch Chunk. Lchiuh Vailfy Kti'Tmd To A Hi nKwii, and H tlilrrem, uud tue Nrih IV nn-ylrania Hitlln ad to I'lil advliihla. Fi-i vnrtcty aoo ratidr-tir of Hf. nTy. thii route prcacma H'i Ultur III" 111 nilOlith IO WMII INd 1 tio-f wiahli it Ut tlo fo. niav rvvor- tltcr'tnte by ottli iuii tickctk to atnrt ovtr the North icniifslvutilu ttadroad, r a it v., sio. Tirttotacun ohttilned at th leKt of tlip rhiUiIel- Uun and K'-aitlnK Itnllixiad, and North IVmniylvanla Utd- rcd ('ouiai(h'h, aiid ot IV. VAN HORN, TICKKT AOE N f Train ntarl frm PhlHdolphl and It aditiff O'M at8 l5 M. nml 3 ;W I. M.. and from rorih PtnaNyWanU Hall- ruad iK-pot a, r i. en t.ai m,.... jr. -.. jyf:t i.tta t t JAETEL'S GREAT PICTURE Of TH KEW YOEK C NTRAL PARK. Il l- mairn flrrnl work of .n. now rapidly aiM'ros hln t midoii. n. la on- if ih la K't and at e. ibratu erer undiTtaicn rn thi coiiu ry b In about Four and a baU by tirei and a klf ttvH aiian and em' lM.mic a full and r ni le e low of thr Un at ifcl Park In al I t iM-aut) a-i iTand ar. Hi.bMii tkfUf for a loilid tmn.iirr nf tne anH" arivf I t-t will ta rc-ivt'd her whfo t.i platei whi e UKn tn IViiMWsss. wliprn ' MiiK TIMJHNFK A (V .. ra'crao'tcr Itow. Iudoa,aa(t AI.HI HT I.. IIKUOU). Hue It -uheln-u, TarU, xv a irady H f nar nilncil(liotts r th name. Trie work can bnd tir aubhcriptlon only. I'rlfe ft pur Cpy. payable on i ery. Suiter j.tion Booms o tlie Company, No. 720 niKMlWAT, NHr T0KK. Thf ftdlowInK flrma will roc -Ive iibcrlpliane: Atl'LF.l( A ft . ttrotdway; W I.hn, IfK At IK., o onj h. I. (.IfMHsS tM).t ( huhtra; WOOItr., WILtTACK - 1.1 ftX. fMnrinnatl, 1 HJI.f A HlU.O.MoNfi. WaiMiifitoni CALi.FM'I.K .t CO., Thilali-lp la. Or. at the pih lhrm, -1 IWH.I-, I1AHHTR & CO., JyJO-wi.mIni Nn. 720 I.KOAIWAT, Rew Tork NEW STYLC3M gUMMER DRESS GOODd, AT LOW I'HIOliS. Printed Itareitee f rlnfid Ilan'Kes MuZAmblquea If. uhie Width alocanibl'iaes. . Urrnadii ea Orcnadtnet LIXt'KY IU MIM'HUINs.. Among the moderns, mourning; has reieboil e grwtt prfettlon that it is classified into ii-er niouriiiiii?. mourning, light mouiuing or Lalf motiniinp, and the l:ist eflucts of griuf linger and Ctile away In purplo lnU. TUu art bus even reached the point where Inanimate objects ohare in the grnural display. Lonir rid broad streautirs of black float Tor months from tlie niany-wiudoweil mansion, and bell- inills are Umntd in aconit-s of crais. A li.c'y cm disns no as to be periectly iucou- fcoultd lover of human sacrillce, At borne and abroad the hand of the mer chant is felt to be mighty for the Increase of ccmlort, luxury, power, and prosperity. Whether he builds a railroad ln his ow n land or negotiates a treaty for traffic with tho Fcjee savatren, he works with a palpable Influ ence to advance the high destinies of our race. "Commerce Is king," and commerce is the apostle of peace. '1 hen observe what an Important personage the merchant is in politics 1 For what pur- rose are the niujorlty of treaties coucl'jdod? What prevents powerful tuttlonx like Great Britain and the United States from setthnj every ritiarrel or temporary diplomatic dl.U tulty by recourso to the sword, but thj con sideration of the enormous commercial sacrl. nitOW!t ftTRKKT inday) ui the t,.l,UkrnCnni.r.:ir.. Altern.'On tit 3 O Clock . at Itiv, His! up s.atl'MOS will rinlvrr a rils :ojre, aiti-r wnu h i b, a ,eiliied to teat tuem, esielall upon the torms put). a. veral fcldere will Da oruaineu sjamui siuU, nnj h, , u.i -imer and IVfO to luoo .lull he put up es fbrfidtura by earh partr. at yutt msr eleut. Krttlier party to have possession of the Salet te.tad uiiiU aitertlie it. We await your a.-ci'ptanoe. I.K16 1.1LUB 805, M C. HADl.t-U. Aunt, Nu.SI S.HtVKSTU Street. N. n. Mhru'd aav or all i t ilia hbove propnaittooa be ao oeptrsl.and ibouul we be tucoesstnl In any or all, tne net pro ceeds wa may derive trvm our opponent, duduetlD aetual lenaea of tne tents, thab be presented to the V.dunte Htlreahmeul Saloon, as ilia nvniey Is not the objem of tfia titt, LKWIS ULI.Ii.; Ml M. O. SA1U.EK, AfcTllt. J vis LIS. av'xa FlUSsT CONORW1ATIDNAL O H U R O II , 5inFUANKKOUI) Koud and MONTIIO'dKilT Avenue. Lev. 1. L. (IEAU ut In A. M. anJIH I' M. s Joalnia'i Vlcturr over Uia five Couiederata KJnfs al (.ilbeon. CFtiTBAL OONOBKOATIOSAt. CHUUOII, At COM LKI II AI.L.-1'.il.llc worsliip every rtab l.oili moniliur ana evenluij Kev. Hits A M. ST JrlUS, 1, D.. ol :iiicinuat, will prea:u to-iourrow al UH A. M. auu S 1 Ai. beau tree to ail. fl'.Vu. I'KEACHINO AT W AMItlIJ ru HALL, bt corner KIHI1TH and SI'KINO UABOKS, by K. KAl BUT, to-morrow at Itlli A. it. (fast Uav) at lti A. M. Alto on Tbansda ) K O ? O S A L 8 FOR LOAN. Tu.AstKi lmrtkiatHT, July IMt iioUca is hereby given that aubscrlpUofca will be received by the Trta.urer of this United Ktetei, tha tesreral Assist ant Trea.tirert, and desUuated Dopoaltorlet, and by the National Bants designated and uHM.-d as Ueootttorlea and rn. uncial Atenta, for Treasury Notes payable tome ytars from Aimust lii, 1M, b. artnn Interest at tha rate af ai vea and thrue-ti ntba per cent, per aunum, wlh semi annual coupons attached, payable tn lawful money. 1 In se note, will be c. Dvi.rU!!', at tha optlot of the holder, at maturity, tnlo tit per oont gold bearlim boads, rid emable aiier live anil payable twmty yeaia from tllt'Il.-! lb, lW-7. Tlese utet will be Itsutd In the denomlnatloaa sf Utty, oni hum r, d, live hundred, one thousand, and flvs thou sand Oollare, and will be Usued tu blauk.or payable to j order, as may be directed by the mibacrlber. 1 FrrMtrta lllnehlutt In aniatl fancy barrolt, For aale bf Davis At Kicuaaiia, Aai'ii ami Ti:nth Btrfeta. K. O. Whltmitn k I'o , Manunictu'rra of New and lllcl-ui Confections, Almond rate, - hocolate Cs amela, rraaius l.a Modi.- de r'aria, avqul .liely flavortd. Roasted Jordan Almond., Ao , Ao No. 81Q L'hisnut street, bulow Fourth. Strk A '.' IMbihms.- BTKOK A CO. iTTTK A CO.'B MAB0S ' A BAM M ITS arl CAHINKT OUItAHS. riAMCsB PIANfig. J. E. (IOC 1.1). Seventh and Obosaut atnseta A.Uub.c.,tloD.u.tb.for.mydo,ar.,0raom.m! PVALILS AND CONVALESCENTS, mhihle, or i-he can fit lierseir out with the most I jees that munt inevitably ensue? Uotvmuch upie of uny doiiara. it deralely afl'.icUd dre.ss reconcileable with I o) tno l(.giBlation of Parliaments and Con- (IU.-T at all. Et'ieiideut upon tne decree I gjifH a iudlcated by the wants of trade? cf coneiiijguii.lty which the held to thu du- I rolitlcians may bluster more furiounly than wuhed, he can JnUoduce a ah.idu ot nmlan- tie Miiri h wind, and professional diplomatuts choly Into her costume, or push it to the vure I . iM Iy words In the attempt to kiudle a of despair. I ctu.biinilrg blaze of war, but It la generally j Wo can all i-mile at tha laonrymttorioi ot tlie ancients, and feel very sura that in tay a r.e without a tear was deposited In :he . savpukhra : but we do not seem to llu J any thing strage ln modern civilization which ti lie of the trading world, that if a inerchaut utters an emphatic "No," the sword will re main in its aheath. London could not alford o tuter the lists against Washington about . ,. . rr. i. t .I. .li ¬ ft barren Alusquiio coaau iraue ou ootu aiues measures affliction by the yard, and assuages It of a Uantic neeatlved the very thought ia iJtra-fashlonable clothes. Perhaps we shall pettce cgn never be advanced with the ezten toon hear of the latest thing out In the way of Bion of mUitary denpoliHm; and, for that rev "touching articles of woe," or "tue sweetest tba mcrchnut desired to clip the Iron thing tor a great bereavement," or -inconsoia- KevXre uri reatrala the growhig dominion ol bla dreM Donnets." I Ci&t. The wearing of mourning should be I 1 mlaBion of the merchant Is as grand urotnpted only by two motives. The first L. w, c onc ejve It to be .if his Influence Is to be derived from the state of mind of the mourner, felt ta gOVernment, social development, and ' who dona hablllmenU unlike those of the rest moulding of the vast destinies of mankind, ' t the world, because for a time the heart Is ctn ,tandard of excellence be too high for spt wHh the world. The second motive DU aspiration, can any educaUon be too liberal vnouia dss mat 0r appnxing we worm i I nt him for hip task ? a loss expert uoe4. and tQug placing a tar1"! to painful occurrences. The Idea of raroect o the dead aMcuu4 witb the wear " '.jdit v si nrnlng eiMikatea trom perception v' fno irioUvee. . tjr ,ru ;nUlg garment, paruaka) of a , xAiaiJ '"i ,,al not ttractlnf att,otton V that : -' ,tholf by coUlness,Mb, naWeaf .-'. 'f'" use of the eatablUlnxl ' nvhola. A t '' ' "nrM:i.ed by a tense of the l-omltv ta - . and the fueling epjfled. Ita'J V- every one who it.ert' ant, that juVs-wUcvu-'a dree- l ka-jpeir;Bl vp '. a! rtt4( Ban nel Mather, whose farm is on the line aetweea lUrtford aad Windsor, in Connecticut, has Just harvested one acre of wheat, and Its yield is over forty-five bushels. It was raised on land frem which a crop of tobacco was gathered Ustvrar. He says that following a crop of to bacsi be ran always f t a good yieki of wheat. A) attempt was aiade a day or two sinoa to taraw a trala off the track, between Rk Island eat ran, Uliaois, by placing a "ckalr" on the rails. The eagineer discovered the obstruction la lima te ease tb train. Bearch was nade In tht viclDity, aa4 a anas was diaoovered lo the a t dor bra, h, wbu ada,tu4 tht dead, aad acknowledged kf rTM I ftaVivviTM f'l'-lKt ewelr escapeds LupUctie tt'tiilcatrt will beiatued for alldi'potlu. Tie pari) di-poblllni; must etdorsa upjn tlie orUiual uorUlrata tie deriouilLailua of notea required, and whether ttiay art ta ba tabued Ui blank or parable to order. When so ea dor.ed, Il must be left with tha ottJcor recelvlnii tlie de- puslt, to be forwardi'd to this Department. The notes will be tran. uilitud to th owners', freeoftrau p.ntalkB ehargu, as toon alVr the receipt of the orlglasl eertiflaatut of deposit at they can be prepared. Utereet will be allowed ta Auguat U oa all deposits mails prior te that date, and will be paid by the Dep vtmeat spot rectlpt uf the arWutal cerilfltataa. At the aoU-t draw Interest troia A luast 15 , portous mak ing depotltt BBhsesiueBt ta that data mutt pay the interval accrued from data of aote U data af d. petit. Faroes depoaUlag tweiitj-fjve thoiuaad dollars and up wards lor tltaa aatea at any ose time will bt allowed a comnliiloa of aoa-ajaarter of eoe par oral., which will ba paid ky thia eaparUaent apoa uta rssceipt of t Mil lur tho auoaat.aertlSed toby UiooBtoarwttt whoa tht deaotlt vas ataoa. Mo deductleoa lor caaTi nils stoat atnrt ho mado from tho aVpoalta. Omotra locoiviog oVpealt wll aaa that tho prosper ea oartemsaU art ataoa a pea tho orkjlaal earUHcatea. AU oaloara authorUod to reoelvt deposltt art reifueeud te give to appSoaata all aailnd kifcrnutlea, aad afford facility lei Butkotf sabsetlpUoat. W. P. PKMBlOlIONT, oaratary of the Treaeor. Babaerlptlaa will ho rooelrt by Iho HKST KATI0MAL BAJTK OF rBILADMIUlA. MtoOHtt XATrOMAl BAKK Or riULAOXLTmA. fUUO AkTtOSXL BAN. Of VUUBl. t tfRM INVALIDS AND COK ALEsCKNTM. Invalids and Oinvaie.oenta, Invallda and t'onvaU'tcs-nts, aia!ally FEVI.SJ.K8 IN IlKl.lt'.VTF. HEALTH. H.MA1 . IN lH.l.lCArK IlKAl.l'll, 1 'LMAI.KS IN DKLn.tTF. HEALTH. WO) And our WiUttndour WiU find our Camoriiia Wines, Caltioroia Wn.aa, California Wines, L'aliioruia Win.it, California Wines, L'aiuoniia Wl ies, pecallariy valuable ln all casct of languor and ,t.'i proa- UaUnn of strength. Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Atk Ask Ask Ask Alk Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Dn. McClallaud. Oebhard, Jackson, (of U.e renaayhoola Uolreralty), Bering, Here us, Urorea, Hartaborao ik'haioilo, WlUlama, Hartley, Maldhard, Wllsoa, Tlndal, Vtnal, Poadey, Noble. KnofT, MayUnd, Turner, and othor taadlng physicians, what thoy think of tho aaadl- clnal virtues of Oaliloraut Wlnaa I These gentleman pre terit oar brands, aad aaauro aa of tho twaeata patient racarvelWia their uel CAUF0BN1A WINE ACBNCT, jj-W-lm No. ti B. FIFTH street, ahovo ChotauC -krniAOK fiKKKN 8KM1NARY. MIU V tary Hoarding iseooel Bairlna rlnpteaibar 1. Tenia very moderate Thorough course In Mathematics, lan guages, Kngllsh HludlsM, Ave. Fuplle have benelHs of a Dome. rra. lt ' .' ' .. , - tna. Bora of all aaua taken. Adilraa. for Cauluvue, tug. jK)yaos--a KBV Bk.VKV BAHfOM, Jyie-la VllUeSree,lUwareCo.,Fa. iivvi OK BEATJTYWHITB VIROIN W Wax of Antlllaa la the most oerfect proparatlon of U.e ate. for Deauuiying, wwseainij. v w., -waspStton: If It atade from puio WWta , henea Its aaiiaordluary iJuaJIUea for preaervkaa tho aaln, nuking N soft.TooeUsi lr, aad tran.paraut. It cure, chaoped bauds urUM, remove, aknples , ao. Friee J and fit eeola. Maaiaclured only by ' HVS't A fX) , Ferfuniere, HO. 1 fsi ".; 1 . -M ..umr HO. Bass v oss jylUlm FINK TISBJUH AND rLOOKlNO 11 sh. kVNorth Carolina TerUrw MaoTlathor sod SB ,000 fsal Yellow Fine flooring s, Chora, " froa joiun, ... s-rg t r0 jOt-ot IKX-lt Uevt wu4i lUfr- f II ALL THE iVOLLILRs VOlf,? A CJ15AN1) MAi-H MKIiiiS'l tr Tfia CITIZI'.N. OK TIIK 14ih, 10th, ai d 20th Ward,?, I N f Vi K O ' TIIK EGLDIIIi'S EIGHT TO VOTE Will la I e il st Co-oerof llhOAlf AMI l'U'l('..i H ritl-'r-l TH. On WM kV F.k'KMSd. Aujil.t I, MSo'otisk. 4 Th n.'-fttiii- 1 ! rs.ldr' u r 1 b II hi a o evis. r t j . a ti ixli r . in m A I K 'I v . JJLW SllJES! KUtSlIC I-'lt AM K3 1 UUSTIC FRA.MKS . B-C- (IK NTS TO l2f ..ut IKNTII VVAH.I) AM) I'll. !)'. ;'T A .M 'itu- fifllit'l ''tt ii - it t'i 1 1-.!'. i r r wtM iH-lil (Hiii.r il l. l.'.rU MM tr-t, in t;tt b.i-ni lit "I Ut. IU,nls.f rlni iv ' '"'I I l.'i'.l'-' A H h w 'iiii"iUT ?uMMtrt' t'i ivnl i t h itnpm i- li H tira!l I vrr riiten tni ftJo h: ttm.v or inv il. uf; will .i-rf tAl.f (IlkOP, 1 1 rjrf- flK M) V.XrUlt-:iON T ATI.ANTfO rl .(in TH 1 1 It h 1 i Anffiist Itlii4. I'ii,-3t4 fur lilt I'tr ur Ht tjoitc, Ii i rlih. 'ik i iik, yi itt. rt. ii ! , 7 niiu, OM.fvif r t hr hud . f llio OoTiin'Mc), wh t will k ftl VIM". ti rt V l.u for l.e nin ift A uiffinv oi f.ii -"in. .iory (J.m nl wtW m hi-M ai M- ii j O-1 N V T ..),. oi i rl.nT, l-Au-in' at 7 I M. rf t v-t a iiiiUnou ,i ur,to4, M lUtai oi tui,HtrMDi wfil i KWff.rnt.i.1. riio.vi v ivmsf.ii, ftiv ALAi'rit n hM.tr, Cnci ruia. 8.fTi-iry. Jj s t3f Jt9ft.tlii.tt 1'ITOH K U'H, Bo. HUM O'lKINUT Street. 5MTA1IY I-AlllIII bTEMOiCOPIO AND CAED PICTURES nv Tlta IUHltlOll OF I' Al It I'.UII.IMNIl. I'l ll'lIKlf-, Jj'Jfl ths?t Wo. H w MIKH'swjr Rircot. 'Y j a IM 1-5 AY T A -V III I I. tsu IM'.Vr.NlIK SIAMI' LAW. Contra of tern Ni'W Tiis Hilt unit llr-va -te Sfsmn I.iw, for aie lioiemli i.i.il l.-ai. ; h il K s'ckiio !' , i., of ail de or p tone o B-lmi' y on l.aiol. lit Hie f-.ll mli.i fates of OIjC- u. t tin irilem l $'. ts" tn-r rent. o.kcouuC I t , tl r e ' .'Usi, l .nr s a At tte I'rlpc'i'nl I -0.s,' f.o ill- fi, of 1 ve-nal Ur.ven.ia i.i p. No. I t'lll.sSM r s.r,-..an.l No I slrTII H-n ot. Full i.i--crlHloiis . f tne Ktaiup l.a .v In p..n i'o: iLrm IT-'--'" J1KIST CCLLFLTION IN THkl OHLDj CAltll, MFIII'. M, ANI IMI'KRIAL I'llOTOOHAlMI-, If-lO t;?iilH t I m, jii it ront;K -, Jjiru.rtt No. HOH I'HB NUT Hlreet. .... r Oenft. .... l " .... STVJ ' .... 40 " .... s;x .... 44 s. CURWEN 1T0DDART b BROTHER, Nus. IN, -114, and 4.14 M. 8B00N1) bTRKST, Above willow. SDMMKU S1IAWI.H. Motan.bliiue 81a. Ii II M to II. Llama Bhawlo 12 M to U. 1JLACK 1ACK l'OI.STKS, CLOSING OUT VKHV LOW. CURfvIN SlODDAbT & BROfSER, Vol. 430, 454, and 4, VI N. BECINO S'KEbr, jyltvn Aova WIU iw. )A1UH HA.NQINU81 11MMOVAL. jameh e. rionnrM, (I.atk or HOWELL A HaOTIIEU-S), llai Removed from No. 614 to No. 028 CtlESNUr 'Street, llavlnu parct.aai-d the stork of JAMKM BOItKK, Jr. (fo-nierly llelru-e's), whire he will offer te h t cuatomon and ll" public a larse and elegant attoitment of Di ooratious and Wall Papr-s Qt:nerally. lty nivlnn hl per.onal attention to the selling ar.d naag- l.ig ihereol. ba hopes lo continue to rouivj ihi liberal paltiuak'e of ilie public. (litleo. ai.d visitors are respectfully Invited vs examine tlie vaiu-ty oa hand. W lin mst C H EAT, C II K rriawaacia ''tt'Os. llarinnnl-.inik, an 1 1 Ji 1 I 'o t, li ring ili p tseni ft w M4ltnH'B MOiU; B1C C'HKfNUT Hires.'!. C H EAT, C If K A 1, C IIK AP ano Hemient. at 1 tsent dull aeasul.t at tOllt, Sit IVri j 30 it OFFICE OF AHMY CLOTHING AND fciulpagii. l'lill.sni r.nilA July W. lftGt. H, a led I't-tasoaali svwl ba jt.-eived at ti.l. .i.,-e until 1? n'c Ha fit ., ,n FltlliAY. Auvu.l &, f-.r .uppiylng the ttcliuvlfc II A.senal the IoHowiiiv aiticlea. via : A' my Hoot..-,, to be aesieU by I. and or uiaclilnerj but II hy uii'niiu-ry. .0 be dooble .oieii. without wei a fo be aluy all u 'aru In n'l ri-sps-i'ta. auu or Ibe lo..owtiK stat-'iai tliet to lie lo.) pal s. sit. : M pairs Nj. Ins; V ilih No. lis 1 1 pail. .So 12s ; t pair. Mo. 1J, and 1 pair .in is. I'a'k lllue Muclilne riin-ail, No. 70. Smart's. Tin i'aol. en., corr 11111111, ar nv ata .Ua'd. Knai six k., piiliitea and atrupj.ed comi'lHe. armv staa- darti. and tua.le ot .innig, pu e. f!a llaca; ooruesilc n aiioractute pn-ferriMt. A sample 01 the material must be lurwaiUeu with tin pinpoal. t'atitten Twine, ariny standard. Canteen Webbnik. armv alatidard. The Artnv HUndard .ample, of each of the above arti cles can be teen at thia oillco. to which dviivurlet uiuet Urutlv Oiitimn. Haiders must state 1b their proposals tho prtee. whtek fttuat be given In writing aa wall at lu ugurat, the uuantltv and timet of deilverr. tach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per- ton. wheae suoaturvt mum no apuenoea 10 tna guaiaa- tee. and oertlllml 10 as being good and sutncieut aecurity for the aiitount luvolved. by tome poblle funcilouary oi tno l.Blleo isiatea. Bids from defaultlag contractors, aad thoae that do not fuity cumpij istlA u rsymrsriefMS of thia advertisement, tril no 0 cunndtrtd. iilaiik forma for proposal, embracing tha terms of tho guarantv. rtxinlred oa eas b rdd, aan be had on application al Uiia oilice, and none other., watch 00 not embfare tint guarantee, will be considered; ner will anyprotosal be considered whleb Aoea not strictly aonfaru to tho re-julre- as-1) Is tiiefeut ttateo. mas racist be endorsed "rreooaaM for Army appuet. bid fur. o. II. CHOHMAV. jySO-M Atalatant Qaaiterniaatar tienarai,U.B.A. ataung aha partieuar axUcie I yfy. MONKY, TO ANY AMOUNT, f WA ksuti open blamcnde, Watehea, Jewelry, Oa liikw, kwuuni, au., ii jonVh a co.ft OLD KATAHLlllllEO LOAS DIITB, Coraei TU1KO and O Aa ILL Stroeto, tleiow trfiuDara B.1AM0HD,WA rclieH, JCWKLHT, 6V7N8, AO, Voa ttALM AT traibiiiiLvMWflklCM. tvlt-lat OLITSIMPROVKD 8TF.AM AND WAI JUt- iir.ATIN AFrAKATUH. lac tVarmmg aud Venuiattng F ah ut BiJliUati aad nt vast aasldauota. If ansjfaotnred by tho VhlUM aifcAM AND WATFH rTVjATWO OOUTJlVI 0 riULAllaVLPIUA. JAfOKIP. WOOB, Vo.41 H FOUHTIl BUsaat, 9, M. rXi.TWaU6aUMsssalt. TlHOTOfJIIAI no Jy.8-lhi.'2t II A.I.IttIIH, I SStktH to t .. I'ITCIIKR'8, No. H' H OIlBMSilJI Street MAOHS F.N Vr I.OPH M A N II r A fTTOH T AND I'AFF.II SlOltO, Si. :s 1st t'HBSNfl ill. Ftiven e Mainii coy Knv..pe il m ifaenry, Ktivi-loie MHI1.1I1.C or.. Ki.veioe M i,iu-j.ict , r.o ..II. a n. .1,11 s reel. r.o. i' ,.iib.ikii .i-r. k. ho.lllb Cli' io-nt i fus No tlf h.njt slreeu I'Al'EII ASll F.NVKIO.'KI. FMM h ANI F.NVKLtil'BS, Wholtsalt 11111I Ki -let , h e.ale anrl Btatl, rt h. k.al a d H. tn.l. Whole. aln and uetail, AT idri WWT l-KIC'KS, A 1 1 it P. l.nWB-r lKli'F,4. Al VAtlFK'H. Nn CCHEsNUT ntioel, between rtilrd ami ut'li .0.11.1 r 01 Mu.i.on. Jy .It ;w T NIll'.U SIATHSCUIlISriAM CUM- BtlrifslliN CASH ACKMt'OAI.KIHIVlKNTS FlIK 1 11 K Wt.K.K KNlllMI JVSK 9, litnt. ChrtKltsn (f mtulSlou, Dettoit, ter fc.O. WalSee, t;hlrn an IsonTi ft Fiill.Ai'KLI'illA United l-(1 a' t:hrillau l omuii-atoii of tar- AL K t borer : Tv.eltttiH.it-ett'On.ch Hi OS .b.i.7.iT n. -fl 'a fcl.'.oMi. Street Ho '' at) li.iiii atoii 00 .S3 01 at. J, l.n s tl N a., ill n !H Ut ht 1 am 1 o Km) 11. aio... lie d. Isl IS) 1 ,l,. t 1I0 1.1 V hp. li.i llar'lra -sir Church si llii..,l . Iiti-l do it' "t t.ni". M l' t do ! Ol Ti.lits e.g .hHtrext lo lo Ol Wbi ti. Hiit-ct ii M an ku c us no " tst t!a-l H is L;k1 Cf (! irlkllsnrnoinl.sl.m I'inst l'r sbrien UI 1 l.liri h k"iMi'kt 11. -nll; o'ia La.11,1. t. rltiiaii ti, mun. s. .-iiir-n t.ax'ea 8 its-. I r,-.l. riim t'l .ii'-l. Il.11 llooi e. ,v Co., ail-.ni..j,..l i,Mlt . 1 t r.. iSai, iTHnitikat.il. Kim it, nid 1 ri o.y er aa i.litirc.'. i nl.s. It. II. Mcivmli-y, 'Inn in Aiiii.-n t. Vii.iti-. wldlilonal l.a. ll ti ll t Mi 1 on 11, 1st.) , F rtt I'roe -y- t- r an l.iir. it. l.nriii.ntowit Tit 1 a II .Iw-rt I'tittiki.o, tloln.tr biU4,.llti ua... Lail i-s I'hrihtitti, O .11 m h.io.i, Tlsi 're.oy- trti 1. C nr. 1 niid.iloiia. Hi-. 11 1:01 11, 1'y V a tt-r K )ln..ii a Mix. Jhii ek ttlill e I.AOK-H tii l-ln cominl.eloii, First Hap 1st tltu'ri h. neilltl t'S: Mill 1 lll.A-sl'F.tS l'KN-MYi;V Nl. (1 lietrtion l. vt ckl tlheti r. p.-r W. rj Ha.-a..r, IT a.nrt'r CharlekU,v.'u 1 lil .li Assoo.ail n, t'lu-kier Co.... Htlin'lIKU NhlV JK.lfSKV I nthernti f?fmr' Ii r'rce.fVire, Nainji u.oinly moll J. Wi.li.m-, . 11. (1,1111. i Mrs uai.n.ib i u.iie and oiners I -a) Am tint arktiowlcdaod OAawhere In religloua nOAapapui. - lute at i' at 1 1 174 St bt lit U M 1 Ot 4 0t t 'Ik Ot t It M Ot 11 u MM C I.: ot i Amount preslously Arkntmicdral Total , .. .. I.IM ( f7. . at , 1M A (1 A I N BHIlt IiaHI'FR I lel.lK IfOhrY ttNTNFN 1 Al , I.aDY a FltlF.NH.... rh.i.iiHu tvth.it M 0F.rTT3. Ki) " it Ii s. Ii I'l CrtKK'4, Ho. mi ClltaiUl nlroat. 11 EAL KSTATK. KRAL ESTATK. ItFAl ISTAfH. BEAI. F. TATF,. HF.AL FHTsTB. UKAL KSTS.TB. ltBL F.HTA1 R. KK.lL KSTATK. KF.AL EST.lTP;. llF.AL t.HTATK. K1.J.L fclHTATK. HEAL ESI ATF- HKAL ESTATB. KF.AL KATai-B. KKtl. KftrtTO, E VL KSTArE. ItBAf. KfsTATK. RP. ,L 8STS.TK. KF.AL ESTATE. UKAL KSrAI'K. KK.A'. K sTATB. UKAL KsrAru. ItKAL ESTA rB. ItKAL K STATE. I ASM M Jilisbl'M l-Al'l hits It. 1 re, jrer. The rnl'i-d stisles ff-rlsti .0 tvLnr-klori bt:s leiveto kV-Vnowledetlieri-ci-ii ol th,, 1'mi.v.I g hj,,ttal up to Jul W, l-a4 . PUIL..iKul'llU. I bund 'e."T. T. W.1 . I na. kate Faiiiin- lilair. 1 paoi a. e, F.;t!i Ita tl.i Ohnreh. 1 b..a, W. t . t.h.iroh Ki.nsniKt"n. 3 h xca. '.pilnii liarden Tree lylerlw flhiin-h. 1 1 111111I.-. Mis. 1 . Ii 0.I11 1. 1 1 bot, Aun-rlefln K,-ll I'nbllca loe n- 'r. is lU I IIKASI KItN t'KNSVLAlil. I uHlvll I box. Holilli ra Alii ..cu'lj. 1 lilt a la.xes. L.dte' Aid Soct-tv. 1 anraiei- taie., I'atrtjt llaahters.,s lelsware county uorih-v bane s, Ahl .4 eotv. 'As IOk-j, ba-ti Is. 1 no oilier packages acknowledged at letu-tlt in tl a rtllvlou. papers. Oor l'nei.0. are ri m ndrUoftheoontintied lliorea-e oi tba d n-ainlfc nin ns We are gr.tefol tna' ihesdi not er -p,t In I l-lr k uipathlee, r ets, and tM-m-I.e lia..sta iKitili s 1. ess.lio ar- e pardlng aa I .aentlciag al ief Ilk. t'.n we no too mi.cn tor il.oui'r A lare oroe el 4 ilo pntek I-bi ash g t o Uttiikumtarr neat to minute to sar l.rs-U.rei tn flu m Ui. Inert Is an eulii-.t i sl. for hoosr. v.tsa and ci'tnlort bkit.'s. I ai,. d as tie e lUdran k er how to tlii lin in. and iufct such li-tiera in them aa the oali divn know how to wrl'e Qh.UUUb. II. SIUAMT, tjhalrrntn. No 11 II NK tstreer. POSTOFFfCE, PHILADKI.PHIA. PiLr' JilLV 'ill. Itf kft. A nis II will lo despatched from tnls Ofnci- for Uaeaoa, Maiu w 1 close at rt v. n, CD 11 fsAV, Allll.li, J t V, A, Ws'.a.'tttrt. Fostia aster, Ua5 I FOR SAl.K.-l,i,mK),000 WORTH OF Xkl' alld tcr p Ions i.fclty property, a I to be f.mnl on 11. reulat r a 11 In a new mouthly cata oguo just out tor gru ulioui. dlu Ihutlon. , M ADNlFK'KNr DOUHLK MVNdf')N L on W et L'hesuui 1 roet. Ei.liteon rooms, l'rice VKHY SUPERIOR UU.T BROWN tonefiont four-kiiirv dwelling on rsp ncu, west of '1 1111th .feel. Frtcelll UHk, f VERY SPLENDID NF.W LAROI eVililwil I - In West riillu.l. li.liis Hill t onliri ly of 1, ov torn Flfti tn rouuik. Finished ole;aii.ly. Fiiee ' rrf- A MFKIINOOF TIIF. SrOCKlIOLB ' eikol' llIK i VHOUril ASI)Wli,Kasvitl KAI1RH1I AM. llllll.lIK 0 LMI'A sf, ' l r ail aleotiao, 11 fsti.co-B and lllrmiiin, will be htod at No Ins fLi Ft H It i li ktrt-ts.oii Wt.DMtsiiAY.tli- lutii 01 Aa,a.t,ai two o ci vk I-. M Kli.iMjla 11 s.,:i), I'l.lla , Ji ly 1HC4,-lyimliktusit t-or.tr. I ts, a I. SO TWO OTHERS (NEW). IN EX-'tl.t-iit i.K-.ulni's anl having gjod lou. Prices . .AO ai u rsul. NEAT DWF.I.LlNO ON CIIKSNUP t 01 HLkueutli. Lot tu by l. Filco fit N1 JLl'tieit, i 1,110. GNEAT SIDE YARD DWl'.I.tlNO ON onh aisle al rlrme, weal ofTeuth ItroeU Lot by t. l kuu G SPLENDID FOUR-STORY BROWN stoi.e ir nt ileeliiug, en west Logan ai.are. Lot :ri l.j lit Price gii),iu. , ELEGANT AND WELL-BUILT FOUR- ' . siers urs.wn stone f-on' dwelling, oa Vino t.ra.-t, east 1 1 1 Inline-th. Fru-e 1i,0hC. 1 VERY NEAT FOUR-SIORY DWKLL Mlu lOir.wl.lle luari-le uu tne llrat klory,on Vlue .t.o-rt v-e-t ot H veli'eiqih. Fru e ll..Vk). VERY LA ROE FOURS I'JHY DWELL- aie street; nlleeu rootut. Lot ii by at-. VERY U Lilng, No. I .118 h KoT l'ilce!wj. aoah BESIDES HUNDREDS OF OTHEIU. Kveiy peraon 111 iuett 01 Ileal Kslau-, ahouid call ess nr.ottoKC. Miu.-R. Practical Real Kstate Ageut and !tr..r, he. l.-i N. hlAl W HUeet. FOR SALE. SPLENDID DWELLING, I : iulh side 01 Hummer street, west of nlxteentii. Lot Z itet ftunt by 111 fret de, p 10 fspriuu .ir.et; eltgaul gar den. Ac. ail.li u. lumieillate po.-tion. SIX OF TH. tllllCATK.fr Hti'KIFICBi OF TIIE AliK, consisting of luur-story aew DweUlnas oa Hroad street, north of Jertereou.elgS-eeo rooms; k.li H ni a las t trout by .Ml leet deep Vt street. il)uo 10 u,wu cl.. isow .btpty. , .M , Jlfnte hoars fioT.- M. uniu 10 F. M. CTO REAl F.STATE OWNERS. EXE cuters.admiklstratert, and others, really anxious to stii, should no hstl to call on aue at once, as 1 havethe grvate.t demand Unagluablo ftf all desarlptioaa ol 0I17 property, at -mr prhet. Filly ant-ciask IiweUrdus wanted for cash, at prices ranging torn lisfOtl to t-'sUJUO. located particularly toulh of V Use ad west ot Ttath ttivel. (1BOKOH O. MILLER, Practical Heal Ftate Operator, Do. 144 N. SIX 1 11 Slreot. 1) A T R I O T I C M B D A It 8. PATRIOTIC MEDALS. Aa aeoaptable O taring to tiu7 Patriot. Tba only corres-t and authorued SJAIUM LN8-&3 or PREBrDUNT IJNfXlI.K. tMKAL UKOHtlB) WABIIINOTOW. tTKNANT OttNt IIAL OB-ANT, OKNtkAL UfcOKil- B. 'Tsisr Mannthrtarad ta SlarUng Uvf and Oouier eiw orto MeUl. Baai.lt sent by uukil -at of ehaiiie o n rjeelpt of lo cent Agia w-ujl Xomet. acaoturod o. IM AJK-U V W- KST TO THE FI1YSICIANS OK PHILAi- w-- drlphla t.eutlenieor Ihu Facul'y 1 tiavlng oen ttri.iit'd an nptinratuk t lit- .tr.i and onl) on. ev. r broaht Iteoia il:e mislhtfl nrolekklnnl thai ma be 'tsed wl. ii per-, tics saiety as a itierai.nuuoal a. em In ma tta mailt of lleali stkk, thr, ai li.eae-. ami t. ali aileciioiis of toe all ; Pnk.akie; and a. it la well knuwn to you and tna puo ' tltul 1 have yeurfc tied tne Lu-ue.l rac Ice of any Ou i gi,.nlnihi-t mild states ill tlie trcatiu lit ol tlieae ma. 1 ilki,, ar.d. iNin-eii.ei.tw, I t-avehad uiiii'iaiitnpuortunliii I cl ti-mltu. he rldai-y of my a..ni a 11., 1. 1' eiai.e, for tb 1 t, he ol ths proirie.. of on ilii-.l -ciei o-. tnvlte you lo nt' 1 i.illce. to n.ake a -rsonal esaiii.tli a of Its wiirH. p.OH-r-ti'k urit ad.pllliiiUv to he cure 01 those illseaie am I lutlliaraiicc tt mcdli-al .c eiire. 1 F. A. VON M03CI1.I1KFR, af. D . lituli-t and Aur'at. lyiH-tf No. 10.1 WAi MJT ftrasst. '. arj DEAFNESS AND bLlNI) ESt. 4. S Itaac. at li.. I'-olMk-if ol tne Kse .d treata ; all disease, aiipertalnlnit b.' llieahovt-nami-dmniaf-ork with , the U' moat .ut-cesa. 1 entlnioniaia treat the m.iei iOliab tourck. 'Ii tne ells and CO ntr, can he seer, al bit tl:hoa.I Nn. iiiiFiNi. airoei artinciaj n.ae innenoa witoout ua. Noeraiaes made tor examination Omce hot from g to 11AM ilP M No ll riKB traet -el aaa MILITARY NOTlCtS. a, WAJM I ELI Y ft Alar in l Corp. (a 1 yr land), tbrio buad Aa duties of a toidl WANTED FOR TUB UNITED STATES varied and exciting lire by aaa and dreti able- ooi led men. lo oertorm u.a toldier at our Navy Ya.d. and aboard If nlted Htataa thlpa-of-war on foreign atnUons. . belter couipeu.atiua than the army. A ehlp-of-war Is a comronalJlo boma. The Marine Corns la Use beat k equipped Corps la tha service. Frtis Mousy In ahua- inH IXK'AL B0UNTIa PAID TO BEOH0ITH. Far all other tnlormallon apply dally at tha Recruiting Bendcavona, No. Ml H. FRONT tHreet, below Spruoe.bo tweoa tha hoara of itiaa and threo o'ekrek. 1 . t. ... a r aw,. Captain and Recruiting Oittoer, , BiyS-tf No. M B. PKOhT Streot. pUBL0UQnS-rDEL0UQHfl. HWO IIDH, Ana onu MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, Alt la-vrrat) to thi axrawaiva MAlTUrACrUKtNO 8TABLiaT t OS s OEOBOH W. HIMON8 A DXIO. BAN SO M STREET HALL, RANSOM Street, abort . TRE8ENTATION SWORDS Made to ortW tr thoruitnoliot. whict for rShrasta Aral k.aAeiao ehaltenao oompatltloa. no other hoaaa In tao oountrr oomblai tho MANCFACTUKINa JKWKUUI ) WITH Tlt FKACTIOAL SWOHO MAXB. OIL CLOTHS OF EVKRY VARLBXY. aiaa afoetured st for i.t. hr JyHav aiKi laV sal' ' it W "f iVin a. MA