The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 29, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    JULY 20, 18C4.
4 r
i -
(Owning Sclcgtapli
FRIDAT, JBLY 29, 1964.
- ' HV aROBOR W. niTHOkV.
Ball to the lOan-Ars-a, c-nlla of oak,
AmI vriile of ihi liiavinfl !
TTnil to hrr linns, whoo tliumlcr arok
Tb wa. ami at.riled with IKIHi'" stroke
The rani lima thai "huold M frv
1 ' H ill to hrr oapaln and f rear!
Kail to ber battMtr hint I .
Wail to her diwtoitva " I
Hull to bar granite name I
Batiphty Prfiannia lnr cu bo-t
7 hut tit rnlo- to o:rao wavr ;
II. r lam'- la '' "d ,w "'d ithost
Stalks dl rro fdon her chalky loam,
Idoikfrt ny To ajajbiA's bra.
Jlail to tku queen of tho c!
H ii il to Itic hopes of Itae free !
Hail to ttan navy that rp-.ka!
Hail to our bearu of oak !
Tke Tlrltish lion may ron,"e bis roar :
for bit darling privateer,
Ai tr a plratr, a. thief on attore,
Horn 1 ea a wreck oa (he octaai floor,
Mo longer a bnrrauter.
Hail to our Yankee tan !
Had to tlie atrip and nam!
II ml Win low , rhirf of tbe sea, !
Hail to bis victor; !
Cheers M'Two Nlne'y." the robher, Is dead !
And Srminci. the plate-in-rblf,
A awordlo coward, defamed, hat Hud,
yfrwlnff the curxi of tlie aet on hi head,
To England, tbe borne of the thief.
Hall to our lio'j emae!
Hail to onr eiial law !
Hud to onr pence to be !
Hall to nil nation free !
- - - -
ecxwKltv for trtft Adoption tf n I nlvrnnl
Cmi Hlnlory wl Orran NIsrtiNltnir Full
tlraerlpllau ol the Nw 'le Itttalicn of
Murine HiKnulk VbnrMrtrr of tbe New
I nifurtul Hyalem ( ultrtl A, l.w I ct Army
! H'tint Freoce ami tiuKlnntl are
Del A-n.
We published recently a very Important decrco
from the fcmpcror of the Frunch, in rclutlon to
a nnivorxai cvde of mnri;imc nignalK, for the iitu
' f all veraela, Irreapertive of natlmali'y and laa Tbe prompt anion of the Kmucror I de
aeryiug of ull priiife, and every Oovcrnment
ahould at once miter Into tbe compact to further
' thia arvat itr-p in mean communiciition. It is
valuable to humanity a well a to commerce,
Aid at time ol the Kreutcat vital Importance
Tbe precise date when tbe lyitom of cnmninni
atlon by tnrana ot tla,:a waa Ur-t Introduced la
aot known; but there i reason to believe ttmt
the aficlmu bad method, iuouko vory imper
' fe, by rnrnns of nlcli they could, comtnunic ite
. between their rudo vcstol n4 the shore, and
with each other at fca. Their signals must ne
cessarily have been very defective, but in time
the Bfenstty for a uniform code became matii
' feat, and from time to time code have been la
- ate, but not a uniform and univemul a cenid
be demred. The following list will show the
name! of the Inventor, und date of ibe pub
lished eodea which bare been urj from time to
time by tbe British navy a well aa our own
aaval vessels, and the merchant ehipa of both
eonnirks :
- V VAhlOlS CllUKS.
4i. JTamt.
S cr AdmVa'ty Coda
... 18.18
2 Lynn's Code
3. Squire's Coile
4. Adiniraliv Ccdo(reviied).... ..
5. fMllp.'l'oUo
c 6. Kbodcs' Code
7. IUper's Code
' 8. Admiralty Code (present code),
9. Walker's Code
. 10. WatMin's Code
11. Jtoi'Ker' Code (American)....
" 12. Key uoId' Code (t rencb)
13. Murrvati's Code
14. t'nittd Stutes Arm Code (Mvcrj' Codel.lSlil
15. n.8.ArmyandNavyCode(Mycrs'Codu) 1WI2
16. Code (new) 18G3-(i4
No. 14 and IS are private, and are only nscd
" by car armies la the Hold and our commUsioned
The design of these signal codes is to enable
hips at sea to bold conversation at a dUtanco.
- and alto to commnnlcaie with llght-houkes and
' viilot-siatlons wli bout endangering the satctv of
the vessel by running ber closo in shore, and for
thapurpoaeof the captuin communicating wi'.h
bis owners or conaignce, who llvo at a distance
Irom tteopen sea. A ship in distress In a short
r time can communicate ber precise position, the
iDjuries sbe ba surtained, and the character of
assistance the requires. Thousands of valuable
bvis Lnd millions of property biive been, and
are aermed to re, saved by means or this sys
tem. These Bi;rnal code are bated upon the
mineral system; is to say, the Hugs are
anmbrred from one to nino, wich a cipher (0)
Dec, and tbe signals are composed of one or mjre
n prcw ntlng numbers, which, by reference to the
signal-book, Indicate the name or sentence trans
Tbe great objection to the codes invented up to
tbe time of this one of Rodgers was thtit substi
tutes were employ ed,ind for ten numerals and
, tbrea rrpeatera, thia code gave only nine tbou
aand Bine hundred and nluety-nine signals, and
' the same number of numerals without tbe re
peaters would give only tire tbounand right hun
dred and Six'y rignnli. It If true, if tho number
f rrpenter bad been Increased, the scries could
have been multiplied; but to Inere.ise the number
of wna not only deemed expensive, but was
nrsniismctory, and rtndered signaling too com
plicated. Fn-m extended eitperi.'ne) and various
. xptnuienu, Uie uuinerlcul syoten as then
aavd waa found to be defective to such an extent
that all who used it felt the nocesHity for a
change, inasmuch, uUo, as it was found that tho
uyt em was not c.pable of making in a consecu
tive numerical series seventy thousand distinct
sienaih, without showing more ib in four fl.j.'s for
cuch Mfc-nul made.
thx' codk.
Tbe RodF""' alihabetical cole wss iu'roiliiced
, to obvlaie this Uilli culty. It was cornpo-ed of
eighteen flag, each n piencming a letter of the
a'phabct leaving out the vowels. This omission
of ihe vowel was made for this lemon, that tiy
introducing them every objectionable word com-
tiwtd of lour letters or h'ss, not on'y in oar own
ut in for!ign langnogc, would npp'Hr on the
ne in toe coursu of the permutation of tbe
cm of the ulpkabet. I'revious to the Ho-lycr,'
code the Mnrrvatt signal were in grmirai use,
and Kodgers endeavoud to adopt a tunny of
Murr)att'k tl'ags as bo could u a matter of
couomy. The KntillHli admiralty adopted these
signals After preparing a code to suit theii- a iu,
and the Ticnch fell iiuo their plan, yet thorn was
awantof unum to mal:e tho system it uiiivorsal
one. and, ulihough much bet er than some of it
pridece-;or-, it did not qinte uki up to the
demands of navigation. 1' was and is s'ill to
some extent used in onr nuvy, having been
fuhtiud u;m it by a chart bouse in this city, who
' had au lntcrcht in it p.tti'ni-r'f'ht. At the
time it waa Introduced fie Navy Dcpinmcut
was unable to supply their piiv.iie sinal and
telegraph books to the purchased Vessels, nor
was It deemed expedient to trust such aa ia
tenrely valuable book to persons who had no
true couo ption ot ita value ; for it must lu borne
in mind that tiie signal ,ooU of a man-of-war is
kept I'y the commander of the vessel, mid no one
ave the tigual odicer lias access to It, and he
sndcr certain restrictions. I pon such grounds
the Kodgers code was furnished our navy, and
lias been used to Ionic extent.
Tbe new universal code bears a stromr rea,iu
Hii nc to the American code, and is composed ut nugs joined two aud two, three mid
three, und four aud four, liy these flags there can
be ob'ained more than seventy-eight thousand
combinations a number more than sufficient to
express all the necesary communications at seu,
aud to signal the name of war vessel and the
merchantmen of all nations. For signaling at a
gro t distance an equully suflicient number of
combinations are obtained by means of three
balls aud two tiags. The ball system, if we tor
fret sot, is the invention of Commander Kdward
Jsimp-oii, I uited 8 tales Nary, and has been pre
pared by him for use in our monitor fleet.
H will probably be tome time before this new
t , vaniversal code can be put iu form for general
uUtiibutkm, but it is the duly of tho Governinout,
- well aa our marchauts, to see to this important
, mailer, and to uka measures to adopt and aid in
lierfrciing a i)wa w uiefui .Ud valuable to
naritime uses. -
. AIM BIAL rmn or Tllli VNiIE0 TAT:s.
a--. Tor army signaling, this countrvjj rar ahead
In its ysu.m, which u very stnii. v,h as full
M one cau well conceive, any r4n be
truusmltted ttrbattm f hteraUm, by u,u method
and in Home cases it won Id be servia auu, n M, .'
hut for the present lta value must teuuuu wiu
tbe Government, who own it. li U lm,xis8lbut
' civet estimate the value of marine signaling, and
it is the duty of every one interested in the sah.
joet to do all ia their power to saak it period,
A f Olwea Ttmt.
Captain John Hull wa the Mint Master Of
MMtarbaaftt and coined all the moniy that
was made. Ills was a new line of business ; for
In the faily days of the colony the current coln-
comipifd ol the gold and silver money of
Kngland, Vortngal.and ftpnln. Ihctcco ns being
scarce, the people wi re often forced to barter
thrlrii mmiiditie it s'eadof selling ihem. For In
stance, i a innn ann'ed t huv a con', he pcth ip
exchanerd a lnr skin for il ; if lie wi-bed a lunn I
of noli.s-r, be might pun base it lor a pile of
pilif-hoHid. Mn ktt-Oulls Here U't-'J in-bad of
fMriblTg. The Itidinn hnd n ort of nvmiy
ca'lt d wnipum, which wu ma te I cl am hell ;
and this strnrge suit of ntccic w hkewi-e taken
ill pu; mrnl ol li In lijr ihe Kngli" I sHiliers.
llai.k lillls had never Is-en heard of. There
was rot luopty enough of any kind, In many
nnrU ol the country, to pay their mini-tci ; so
Hint the) bad toiucuincs to take ipiintals of nib,
1 sti Is of corn, or corn of woml, insu a 1 of sil
ver and gold. As tho people grew more nume
rous aii'i their tiade Willi one uuother loiTea-cd,
Ibe want ol current money wa still more sensi
bly frit. To si pply the demand the g'neral
court f afe' a law o r csfa'il. slung a coin ign of
shillings and sixpence. Captain Hull wa np-
roiitnl lo tniinulai lure tins money, mid v.a.t to
aveabontone shilling out of evi rv twenty, to
par Mm for liis trouble in making thrm.
Hereupon, nil the old si ver in the colony wa
bai drl imr lo V'nptAin Hull. 1 ho Oat ere I silver
cans and tankards, 1 sup aise, ami silver lim klcs
ard I roken spoons, snd silver lnltsof nword
Hint fguird at court, all such curious old ai 1 1 I . ,
wiri' doubt es throan into inn meltniEr pot 'O
petber. I'n-In rar the gre itcsi pnit of lie silver
onil'cdof bullion t inn tlie mine of S inili
America, whnh the Kng iili hue ane ts (-mo
were little less than pirates) had lakeu from the
Spaniards imd liroughi lo M .s-ai hu-el's.
All this old and new silver b lug molted down
and coined, tl.e result wa an Immense amo'inr of
splimlhi siiilir gs, sixpence, and three, a nee.
Fsch had tho tla'c of l'i.VJ on ono S'de, and the
figure of a pire tree on ihe other side. Heme
thi y were tilled pine trie shli iiiir. And for
every twintv shlll ngi Hint he coined, you ill
ri member, ('np'nin John II u I win entitled to
put one slid irnf in bis pocket. ' hp ",ngi.-rates
scon began to suspect that the Mint Master would
have Ihe best of the huignn. They oilcre'l linn
a laige sum of money if hcwoiil.l give up Unit
tweniiilh shilling wiii-h wh con'lnii illy drop
ping Into bis pocket. Hut Captain Hull declared
thai he ii perfectly snilMicd el h the shilling.
And well be might' be, for so diligently did ho
labor, that in a l'i w j eiirs, his pockets, his money
bugs, and bis strong Ikx were overflowing with
pli.e tn e sbil ings. This was probably the caso
whin he came li to possession ol hisgrand'a'.hcr's
chnlr ; mid s he woiketl so h nd at theM
wns rcrtainly proper that he should havo a com
fortable or e t n st himself on.
Whin the Mint M-isicr was grown very rich, a
young man, Samuel - ewull by name, came court
ing bis oiily (lauiilit. r. Hi daughter, hme
name 1 do BOt know, hut we will call bur Hntsy,
was n line, beany damsel, by no means u
slender as mnie yonng laoicsof our own days.
On iliti contrary, having alwsvs fed heartily on
pumpkin pics, doughnuts, Indian pudding, and
("her t'uiitan t.l"inUer, slit) us rouiid and
flump as pudding. V iih this rojml, rosy Mi
llitsy did Suniuil Sewcll fill in love. A he
was a oung man of good chars, ter, indHstrious
in busitirss, and a member of church, the Mint
Master very readily gave his coni-ent.
"Yes, jou may Uiko her," said be, in bis ronijh
way, "and yon will find her a heavy burden
em ugh."
On the wedding day we may suppose honest
John Hull dressed in a plain coat.all the button
Of which weie made of pine tree shillings. The
but one of bis waistcoat were sixpences, and the
knees of bis small clothes were bnttoned with
silver threepences. Thus attired be sat with
great d gniiy en his grand lather's chair; and
bcii g a porily old gentleman, he completely
filled it from elbow to elbuw. On tbe oppose
side of tbe room, between her bridesmaids, sat
bis Tictey. Hie wa blu-hing with all her
might, and looked like a full-Mown pconv, a
great red apple, or any round and scarlet object.
There, too, wns the bridegroom, dressed in a
fine purple coat and a gold luce waiitcout, with
as much other finery as the Puritan laws and cus
toms would ullcw Ibem to put on. Hi hair cropt
close to his head, because Governor Kndicolt bad
forhhldin any man to wear It below li s ears.
But be was a very personable young man; and
so thought the biidcsmaids, and Miss Betsy her
self. The Mint Master wa alto pleased with his
new son. in-law, especially as he had said no'hing
t all about her portion. Ko when the marriage
ceremony was over Captain Hull whispered n
word or two to his nt w servants, who immedi
ately went out and returned lugging in a pair of
scales. Tbey were such a pair a wholesale
merchants used lor weighing; a bully conunodl'y
wns now to be weighed in them.
"Daughter Be sy," said the Mint Master, "go one side of tbe scales."
Miss Iieisy or Jirs. Newell, os we must now
call ber did ns she was bid, like a dit il'iil chi d,
without any question of why or w herefore, lint
whut her fat lit r could me m, unle-sit w is to make
her husbund pay for her by the pound (in which
case sbe would have boen a dear bargiin), alio
hud no' the least Men.
"And now," said b nest John Hull to his ser
vants, "bring me Unit box hither."
The box t. which the M ni Ma-tcr p runted wax
a huge, square. Iron bonnd i a'l chest : it was big
enough, my cnilditti, for ull you four to play
nine una seen in.
1 be servnnt tugged with might and main, but
conld not lift this enormous receptacle, and wore
finally obliged to drag it across the floor.
laptain Hull then took a key out or bis girdle,
nnloekcd the chest, und lifted Its ponderous lid.
Behold, It was full to tho brim of bright pioo
tree shillings, trei-b from the Mint, and .Samuel
Ktwcll thought that bis father-in-law had got
possession of ull tho money in tho Massachusetts
treasury, lint it was tho Mint Master's honost
share ol tbe coinage.
Then the servants, at Captain Hull's command,
heaped double bamltfuls of shillings into one
sice of the scuhs. while Betsy remuined in the
other. Jingle, jingle went the shillings, handful
after hamllul was thrown in. till plump and pou
dcrous as sbe was, they weighed the young lady
from the floor. "There, son Nowell," cried tho
honest Mint Master, resuming Im seat la bis
giamifuthcr's chair, "take these shillings for my
daughter's portion. Use her kindly, and thauk
Heaven for htr, for it ia not every who that's
worth ber weight in silver."
The children laughed be Tilly nt this legend,
and would hardly bo convinced thut giundlu her
had made it ont f bis head. He assured thorn
faithfully, however, that he found it in the p .igcj
of a grave historian and merely tried to tull It in
a somewhat funnier style.
Tho Kcw Jlrtti;miiti.
Calcraft, tho voce famous English hangman,
now superannuated, has been succeeded in his
liiilcons position by ono Askeru, who ia thus
described In the Edinburgh ('owant.
"Askcm, the hnngtmin, is u man about fortv
yeas of age, tall, dark coinplexioiied, well I innej,
and with Inrpo whiskeisnud uiou-tactiios. Not
loss than six feet in hulcht, und u little bent, as it
wilb care; he is ptopi r.ioii.ihly stout, and u nun
of apparent lirintic.ts ui;d detei uilnatiuu. He is a
person of coiishleniblo Intelligence, poscsslng a
good know U ilgc of current evetu. He has
a soldier, and seen much of the world. Dove,
tbe poisoner, was the tirst person on whom he
jierfoinied the lut olliccs ot iho law.
"When Jlove was Sentenced to be executed at
York Castle, AsLern, who bud been unfoituii ito,
and wns at that time an insolvent debtor, im
prison d by his creditors in the (,'a,tle, made
ofler of liis services for Iho occasion which tho
York iiuriFtiat. s, faun their l.nou ledgo of bis
churacter und skill, did not hesitate to accept,
lie expresses himself strongly on tho ignorance
displayed by Ihe uiob In almost nlwavs hi-sing
iho bangiunn when he appears on the sc illold.
He takes the somewhat broad view that the
fiuikber of tbe law bus no more right to be con
demned than the judge who has pronounced the
"Askern, who belongs to Yorkshire, arrhed In
Edinburgh on Sunday morning, and during a
fiortlon of that day and Monday he walked aliout
u company with one of the city oillcers in plain
clothes, but was, of course, quite unknown.
Hitherto bis practice as a hangman has not been
very extensive, but he is uot unlikely to succeed
Caluaft, who is now upwards of seventy years of
ago. Askemspi ni me nignt ot Monday in tne
county building.--, without going tolled, and occa
sionally going out to aeo the progress the
scartola was making, to ascertain the work
ing of the drop, tbe measure of the rope,
and .other particulars. Notwithstanding that
be conducted himself with the greatest cool
ness, it waa observed, at he came down
fir.iii the Bcaffold, that tears were trickling
down bis cheeks. After the unenviable office
was fulfilled, he entered into a room in tbe county
buildings and burst iuto crying, exclaiming
that be hoped the Iard would forelve him, aud
then remarked that he bad only boen discharg
ing a kok run duly. Aakern's foe wa twenty
guineas and traveling charges. Before he left
town he received the expression of the magis-
L tiate's satisfaction with tbe way in which he had
performed bis task, ibe executioner lett for
Yor,k by tbe 10-13 train on Tuesday night. He
occupied tbe compartment of a third-ciass car
riage alone, and shortly after taking Ida seat was
recognized. Tbe intelligence sooa spread among
thos on the platform, and till Ibe train started
the carriage was surrounded by a curious crowd.
A-.krrn, however) sat with his back to) the window
dunnt; th whole time, and appoarvd iacliutid, if
Jrosmule, to shuo obsorTUkiou.''
Ia tbe notes to S mlbcj's "Don KooVrirk,"
ti er ia a letter relaiive to tbe Jews so remark
able and so mrVm thai 1 have attempted a trans
lation, althnngb the original Is In quite old
Xpsnisb, diddling a muih from modern Cai
tioan as the Knglish of our days does from the
Kngbsh ot Chaucer's.
Mr. Houihe? prefaces this letter In tho folio.
Irg ords : "When Toledo wa recovered from
the Moon bj Monro V 1, the Jc if th i! cl y
w sited on tl r i-onr;!!-ror, anrl aisuv d him t'i y
wire pan ol the ten tiiocswhom N. Inn hailii
hail Ir.iLS) oiti cl Inn, not dei end nit
of Jirii'ftlrni Jew who ha. I crucified ( hri--t.
11 cir ancestors, thev said, were eiitrrelv innocent
of the ciucifixinr ; lor when ( al 'pin', the hi.'h
pthsf.hatl written to tint I'olcilan stnagignts
lo nslt tbclr ndMcc repc. ting the. person lio
olid Iniioell Ihe MiSMiih, and whether he
should he slain, the I oh dans reiurncl for
sn-wer that, in their jiiiigmcut, the prophecies
Minnd fulfd'ed in ihis person, un l the efore n
ought not, by any incuts, he put to ileaib. I ni
u ply Ihty tin, due-d in the ori iiial llelire v,
snd in Ard -. a it had b en liani te( t,y ,-om-niand
of King (Jalnrc. A Ihikh gave car to thu
stiirv.lad tlie leoer frati-'icl int., I.a n and
f'nstilian, and t! p sit-d cm-nig tne ar hln s of
Tohdo. 1 he latter vi rslon is thus rendered Dv
lloio follows the letter In the old Ca-i'lli m
tonruc, nf whii h the lollonlng is a translation :
' l.i vi. Chii f of the s nngosnes, and Sminel
nnd Jose) h, horii ruhle im ti and of good repirt
in the ci io. li gal ion of Tnli-ilo, lo l ilejiar
Nngatd, High l'riet, and to Sainiiel t'aund, and
tn Ann und Ca'uph is. good and noble men of
the i io'm irei o i ot the II Jy I. anil, health in
lit lit il til Israel. Your me-etixer, Aarm, a
tniiitinil the law, has brought u your h 'ter,
b V Iih h J on Infoiin us of tin: sign ami ict. of
the propbtt of Miiarclii. A certain person, of
the ni mc of fSi iniicl, the son of Aina ia, lately
psssid through this city, ami he rulated iiiany
gioddi edsol this prophet; tint ill In c unlu it
he isvetymcek ai d liumhle, Irei-lv c unur.-in;,'
with tlie ml-ctulilo, tloing good even to Ids eno
mhs. while he does it jury to no ono. To i lie
proud and w icked he is liny it Idlng ; an I hu-iktis-
he tells yon your sins to y air f ices, y
art his i tit-inlcs, ai d 1 1 nr h:m lli-wlll. We in
riniietlof Ibe imin the y. ar, uioiith, anil day of
I'll (Ihe prophet's) l.irih, end we rciic-mlicr
llintun the day of his tiauvtv three suns ao
pearid here In the boaven, whinh by littlo and
lilt e (orrnetl thctuselies into one; and wh- ti our
futl cis In held this sign they were a-t niistie I,
laving to the, 'Messiah will soon he
born, or rrnvhap, he ha already coino iino t tie
world.' Biwui'c, therefore, Inctluen, le t he
(Mo-tiali ) he come,nrid JO dnl not recog,ii.e him.
Mtrtover, tlie same man told us o in of
1,1 slupbtnla said Hint abou tho tunc of lbs
liii tiv it y cirtnin Mngl, men of gieni wisdom,
Clinic lo the Holy Land, inquiring the place of
the holy chin's birth; and also that llorol,
joor kng, was iisu nisl e I, und sent for the
wi'C n en of tlie city, asking them whe c tlie
child shoiilJ Iw born. They Inquired of the
Magi, and fliy said In Bethlehem of .T ulah.
The Mngl said tl ai n s'nr of great brilliuuy
If d thi ni fur lo tbe Holy Land, fice now if tnc
proplei'y bo not fullibd wfiich sjy 'King-i
shall Icloid, and shall walk iu tho h Igh l ess
ol hi' nativity,' B ware lest you pcr-e. u e him
whi in on Aught to teceivo with plea ur,1 and
bold in In nor. But do whatsoever lo you shall
appesr risht, l or our p rts. neither by our ad
vice, neuhei by our will, slull thi mau he put
to lit in b . for should we do sin h a thing, in us
niigbtbe fu filled the pi ophecy which says:
'They gathered themselves with one i-ui'int
against the Lord, and uain-t hi Mossiahs.'
And allhougb you hi' iii"ii of much wisdom in
such mutters, this advice wo give you, lest tho
Godot Israel he anttry with you, knit destroy
yourbniple n second lime ; and know this lor a
certainty that it will soou bo th s.iuycd. ihis is
the reason why onr forefathers csenped from tho
Babylonish cuptivity. I'yrro, being their cap
tain, empowered by Kiug Cyrus, lulen with
much riches, in the sixty-ninth year of bis cup
llvity, dwelt at Toledo, lieing tlicie received by
the (Jeiililc; and not willing to return to Jeru
nilcrn to build the temple, which wa ic'am to lie
destroyed, they built one in Toledo."
The Boston Advertiser ha a singular statistical
article, showing that Massachusetts has ordina
rily had more than hcrsbare of womon; aud that
now, through tho withdrawal of men into tho
army, there must 1k in that Stuto one hundred
llionsand more women than men. This rouurk
uble surplus is regarded as unfavorable to the
morals of tbe community, ns woll as unloi ttinato
tor those sections of the country where tho mnn
are in such a mujoiity us to stiller from tho la,:k
of wives, cooks, und boiinistressos. Tho Adcertiser
l o speak diroctly of the first and clilct ea-iso of
thoie d flicullicti is to repeat tho figures presented
in the census. At this moment are iu .Mas
sachusetts nearly one hundred thousand more
won cu than ilieie are men. In lS'jil tho excess
ot the number of women of all ages above that of
men w as .'i(i,!i70. Since that tunc, tho war and the
Hi aity surplus of the cmigintion of mules must
have ( from us sixty or seventy thou -aud
n.ore men these, also, it must be observed, of
tlie niuii'ingeiihlo ages leaving a surplus hero of
ono hundred thousand women. B tween ttio
ages of IS and li the population of worn n in
Musaehuctts is about HI2.000. The o,uilaii in
of men of Iho samo ot'.o does not prohahlv exceed
".42.000 at tho pi t tent time.
This entire disproporioii, greater tliiin we re
member to have observed in tnc statis'ie of nnv
other country, may bo ascribed, to a considera
ble extent, to the wnr. But wo should mistake
greatly if we should consider tlie war as its only
cau-e. Bcforo the war cxi.ted, in Will, tho
excess of n.l ages was, ns wc have said, ;i',070.
Counting enly the population between tho ages
of lit teen and rilty, tho excess of women
within those limits was l!7,00d a surp ns much
too large to be overlooked in a caiciul s tnly of
Ihe ci line of tho community. The c irises are
evident. Young int n emigrate freely and largely.
1 bey emigrate in much greater proportion than
women do. Tbe emigration from Massachusetts
is much lurger than the immigration into it. The
coiiseqnence is that a lurge proponiun of uum ir
ricd womcB are kit by the ti le of emigration
wit kin onr borders.
We conceive tlie correction of this evil la tJ bo
fontid in the encouragement, by ull proper meu is,
ol the emigration of women fiom Massachusetts
Into tbe regions whore they are needed, and of
s) stcmutic emigra'ion of nicu from Kuropo into
our Huto. Merely sellisli considerations of u
temporary lack in the suppiy of workmen ought
not to stand u moment in tho way of the rectify
ing a gross disproportion, which, of necessity,
seriously endanger- the morals of tnc community,
and the very foundations of civil society.
It must bo remembered that tho Western
States, particularly those of the l'uclfic, arc sinter
ing under the couiitur-dilliculty. Tho census of
Oirgon shows a surplus of W.IKH) men to mutch
oursiirplusot women. Trustworthy letters bcforo
us, as wc wiite, state tu .t tho luoor of laboring
women in Oregon is p: id a dollar u day ia gold,
with board besides, 'ihe grazing districts of that
Mute arc not litly developed tor wuut of women
to iiiako butter ; tlie schools ure noi litly taught
for w ant of women toi- ui h; the mm are com
pelled lo tlo houeewoik lor want of women to
wash und to sew.
Otanting, lor ultra t'ciicucy's sake, that the
people ol Otegan must not tay thut they want
wive- for their men and matrons lor their future,
they mutt say they need womeu lor every pur
pose, 'lhelr best men mako the mo t impressive
appeals, therefore, fur a a organized oiuigiu'.loo of
women. Wo niiihrstaud some steps have been
taken in New ling anil looking towards such an
organla'ion. tjuitu iiiilc)s'tident!y of ii, wc do
not bcsiiute to s.i.n that u iy woman who lias her
living lo tain, and is willing to earn il, wiil iIj
wi'Ciy h invesl iig two bundled dohaisiii upas
f ngc to l'c-rt.aiid, ia Oregon.
ttalklna; I.covta of Austritll.
Almost everybody has heard of tho walking
loaves of Australia, l or a long time alter iho
discovery ol thut island many people really be.
lieved that the leaves of a certain tree which
flourished thero could walk about the ground.
This story arose In this way. Some Knglish sailors
landed upon tbe const ono day, nnd alter roam
ing about until tbey were tired, they sat down
uudcr a tree to rest 'themselves. A puff of wind
came along and blew oil a shower of leaves,
which after turning over aud over in the air, as
leaves generally do, liuauy rested upon the
As it was midkun-iucr and everything appearad
quite green, the circumstance pu..lod ihe sailors
considerably. But their surprise was much
greater, as you may well suppose, when attar a
abort time liter saw tbe leaves craw ling ulongtue
ground towards tho irunk of the tree. They ran
at once for the vessel, w ithout stopping to exam
ine into fie mutter at all, and set sail from the
land where everything seemed bewitched. One
of tbe men suid he "expected every moment to
see tite trees set to and dance a jig."
late explorations of Australia have taught ns
that these wulking leaves are insects.
Thev live upou the trees. Their bodies are
vety thin and Hat, thoir wings forming largo leaf
like organs. hen they are disturbed thoir legs
are folded away tirder their laxlies, leaving the
thupe exactly liar a leaf, with its atm and all
conrplete. 1 bey are of a bright gtyen color ia
the summer, Vat tbey graduully Change in the
fall, with tbe .'eaves, into the brown of a frost
bitten vegetation. When shaken from the true,
tieyliefora tew moments ujion the jmnind as
tiiougb (bey -were dead, but presently (hey begin
Iu crawl along towards the tree, which they akcvtid
Auain. 1 hev rarelv use tutor wine nlil k
the arc rcU wvU wi'idicd ia tuts itoucst. "
riisu ai, joTnwtJst.
A rbornl fe'tlvat ha lately been given iu
Bnrcelona. rspaln, in which two thousand chorus
signers and an orchestra ot three hundred players
took part. (
Kn rr.ollrl I about lo t'ring an action sciinst
f'ulado, formerly director ol the 1'arU Italian
Opera, bhc claims bock pay amotiutiiig Pi 7,0 H3
The Birfc Sairt Martin Theatro at Tari-i,
fo in 1 1 v ill v. t-i! to rnolo-iJ i .; mas ami su-'i-lio-iil
( cu t. s, i-a' on- to he changed to a Ivric
tli---'iir. at w'd h I tlli tragic and comic opc,-a
w ill he i ii n. 'I hi A-ill make live opera houtit
(Jiat d t'psrn, Opt , a (' iniqtie. The itro l.vri pie, lo In its, and I'o '-Saint Martin in Pari.
Ma.. 'I e A't i has ici pcir d i'l 1,-m Inn, in
I)oiii tti's ' 'hihl f the li'tnmrn'. with sti-cc
i qit il to tteil o' sim a-; in the mum p irt. U nl
c lit 'i i lie "Kiiipim." Art. it is ii'sn t.i -oig
ih. u it l ' Malu r la" in luint, i'a ti liu-ling
it loo fu inning to her voice to ing it entry
t p. ia iiif-ht.
A Last of Mcyril.ccr, by M. Dantan, i to I e
pl: ci t in the I'.iii ottnerrutuire ,- at Meyer
1 1 eis l.onsc, at I'.eili'i, hi survivors tiro sefing
spin t it loom, -.nil put i ie to c II. -c. and pre
si r.- li tre ali (he oOjee wh'di he preferred and
maoV use of when ho wa ut homo. Tiicscorc
of his work. '.'"( unii Xii'.ure, is in the Con-siivi.n-ry
ot Music at I'l'tguc.
l lotow's opca .1rtvuirrt) Strmte'ln mcc
with all sorts of liamh ircatmetit In on tho
I.iiMlmi ci i ii s, w ho think that, as compared to
Sloitha, it is p tir nrnl paltry. It w.n reived lor
Wacbiel, the (iennan tenor, and lioneui.l
one ot the robber. It best pei I ir n im-ii in
Ni w 'oi k was sevcinl se'iiorrs ago, wh-Mi M ir
it.ek rrouiiccd i- ut the Winter () irden wph
M ge In as ".Sti.clcll i" nnd Talihri as tin heroine.
The ("'Here of Organists, numls-rim; on" inil to.ty men. ber-, li'cly he'd it lirst
lie I Ml ill l.onil in, n itli the v n raii .Sir Oeorg.!
Snout in the i hair. Ninety-thre-i co'ti iiHirio.i
wi ic piesi nt. d In competition, for the t vo
t-lli it if by the council. Thero was a dinner mi l
iii ulr giil s nging In inemOer of vunotis liml n
clious. One oli.icitof tho association It ti ad
vance a mutual good understanding h 'i.vccn the
orgt.iilsts iitnl the clergy a phase of chiirc'i rcla
t. ns as lucking in this city as in I.oml in,
.Ictiiiv I.ind, w In u she first v i- it. tl l. itulou.
rcet ive.i lint ru g alii ntions iron the l',n'flili
in hnitv , and the gn at lli.kc of Wellington once
im in d her to his country scat, promi-ing that,
music sht-uld form no part ol the conversation.
But Mr. Burnley, in his new booh, says mm me
sh puma com. a ii-vurl.ilily preferred tho lu'l
nn cv f n choici' pi ivate circle, and was glad to
II- e the fluttering iiicenso sought to he b stoiee I
upi n I i r by esi npu g to the eountry-iioii-o of a
p rsciinl liu Int. 1 Here she would hea' t:ty enjii
a ride or tur il rauitile ; or, scutetl iiiiiong wild
Inn-, ai d shaded by ancient beech-iroi s, sho
would stnily her new parts, the score laid open
on htr lap.
At Barcelona, on the 31 -t of May, them wa
a lyric r pit senmtion conimcnvrative of Mcyer
I cer. Hi lnt hud I fen self, ted, and a lull, put
into mr timing, b cu; lit together nlinost at a mo
ment's warning ahout four thoti-und persons.
The parts ere tatfti by I'eneo, llar.lout, liarti,
Cap' llo, YiaVtti. At the third act thi im-
o.'ir g vi tivo i cr mor,v lieuan wdh a I'antasiic
symphony l.y M. Sanchc.. Then tho curtain
rose ami displayed a beautiful funereal in Min
imi t, unrounded t y ull the a fists belonging to
Ihe theu're. Nine of tlu se, each beaiing a letter
ol tlie name Mejerbccr set in wreath of immor
trllt, arrn' gctf iht sc letttrs on the ni inutnetit.
Thin- already had be n deposited the thtco grtut
scores of the lllti-ti master, which wire
ciowned by the nriists, Buttesiiii, tho viol ncel
iist, umong the number. The march wns played
In in .c I'riipheU , und whito doves, with bin tit
iihlion collars, were loosed on tho stao.
The Boston folks arc Bti!! "harping on my
daughter." The, big organ Is their ctin-tam thcuio
of self-congratu'at on. They have bl-wckly
noon cone. rt, in the orgau Thayer, Vilcox,
1 .urn.', l'uine, Mrs. Froho.'k, and Morgan playing.
Ol com sc. tiio programme are strictly classical,
and Im inld's Ji umal is ecstatic ovor "that decn,
lul', iu. xbaiisiihie fantasia by Bach, in (t," played
by Mr. Lang; Mr. Dwight also, iu a mild rap
ture, suggi stive alike ut l'ickwick aud ttivivcllcr,
thus adds :
' the yittic oru-in makes the only muslr of these hot nti.l
.try iiiiihiiiiiimir Uas. Aiirl wist, it.i t wa"t t,t-ttir'r
Wlut car' he iu,.re ki.iioI'hI ami rslresh vft. riioio traiKiutl
i.'lih: lo the .verity Sir.t, Uuui Iu reti it tothcca'.l s is le
of the II in 1c Hal at intd- tiny .111 i Wuaussilsy -ir a H.tinr
Un.i , leaving lit., city's lietilnil yon. sad Iho hm the
K'unit ssieet si'tl ll itranaer niiisle ol thtt sreat lint" u
nicnl nil ou with ln-aveit..v pi-sc. rniiiurhut avviiv fur at
leant one hourthe Iu-ay .oustii .uniiens -f
war? These ai-iint'liul 'n'onin.' cia-en-il n-,t hv ttio
si. inter let il ot Tityrui or Mclili'itiH, hut lyt'n ru-ilaaisn
nt Hwiiliiii fur mure in.ruieii, like It.icli ami llainlel, Men.
itrlssnlin und Heoioen are th -y not ej.y jirlvll.--o
whKh ini;hi a:ui"Mt Jeate sumhore and luuuntaiu tu
5ansoud IK l'ltii.AUEi.i'iu. Colonel Sum
Kiint'urii,the veteran sercnAder, 1 11111 llulilliiK forth nuhliy
with his Star Troupe at the Walunt Htreet 1'heatr.t. lie
tiiis roni'i all the w7 fmrn New Orlenti ti reital't us
ilurlrnr tfii'it. waan evenlns's with til rofreshhisly coal
unil Iniiiifutile iokt-s, and renerulty mirth prov.iMn;
hiins st'.t cioriliivson l all ions. I'tie h-ui.e l.t woll
vrtalhiterl. Rial thi-lieur frotu t'u-it is ia mire-1 it f 1 1' ly e ir- isd
en, a avian tlie amlhuiluiii as etad us cm h exp s-te-l.
J-.M-r,tiM!,- et'euidlly ail ol Hum's oltl fne iihi tiriiilii
1:11 to ihe Walnut, anil Kn'ft the rotarat-d velurau once
a, iiin.
Okovi:ii'h New Ciiksnvt Stheki' The vthl.
the (rrunil areetaelc of AlnJtin drew a trrtmeudutis
anditnee tRSln lust nitiht, ttie exlro lie
tipprr-Htiveiiess of Uie heat, ludtiej, such a irnat a
Aladdin, At Uie Cbesnut, is, in every particular, ciunot
fail lo find ravor wilh alt. Tha sveuery Is grand, and at
the same tune rationally rorroct ; the scenic effects ara Iu
tanrnneoiis, and cxclihiK, and pleasing. The CbliiL-He
processions and dancts are tlie hilleit, best, and baud
soiiiesttver (rotten up In Ihfe rllv. Of the east, which 1
f-xeelli-nl tlir.ius'liout, we cannot ipuk ni In ue all.
Mtss s:m a itemion I an liniri.hle "Alu.lihn ;" Mr. tftoue.
st the llsrlsiiuiu "llasrac,'' Is a ier;oct w under of aomr Kiod fomlc anil pantomimic acting. Mad l.e Ttierete
Vt'oorl. a lormer I'hilu.le'phi tn, is as haadouie a .d pl.-Mt-Intt
In hsr beatttlliil lirptlehorean elcaioi a. ever. Mit
Lizzie Price, Air, ltaker. Mr. Hherrr.and other of lti
cast wire received wi-h areat lavor. Indo-d, Uie wltete
psrlorninni-e lar evceinit wa a deieelable huceens, and
tin- last i. ene is the crow iihis Mltiry of PUiludclplila iceuk
acbievement and mechanism.
State op Thbihiomktkb To-bat. Six A, M,
71. Noon,!)l. 11'. M92. Wind.N. W.
1-KrTKK KllOM TltF. PllKalDKNT. It will be
remembered that Mr. S. E. Roberts, of Trenton,
pre-tntcd to the Philadelphia Sanitary !''alr a
cano made from tho wood of tho Arch of Wel
come under which Washington passed on hi
way to New York to assume the Presidency.
Through the exertions of C. C Haven, E-iq.,
this tunc wa purchased, and by him presented
to tbe President nt the Pair, Juno Id. Too follow,
iitg letter of acknowledgment was toceivol from
the President a few days alnco :
1's.s. l nvi: Mansion, Wasminutom. July 'I. 114 To
n.fl.ej..i i.udh..r ir nios. N.J :-At ihu Ptilndelaii
liar,i,ti.ait lie- loiilit'e of lust mo-ith. very p tty c ta-i
Willi hallowed Asso.lalliai. wa r -snntea lo 'no on vaar
hithsli liyaw'iruiy rus-n-i-uit lealiun... s-m imjt-t.I
lt.---r.-l to av, I i-uopiil Dow icnitnnoor. Pltaie -:tmiiii
Rineirn l hanks, v. hieh, m uiy iua.iy Uiclet, I navu uul
found tinic lo tea.h-r si oosr.
lour oliedlcut servant, A. LINODLV.
Tmk O.nk HiNiiiiKD Dat' Mti.-Notwlth-standing
tho recent announcement of tho Prov.xst
Mar.-huI-Ocneial that the bund-ed da ' men nro
not exempt from tho draft, there yet aapcar to
be c .nsiderald'! doubt upon the siitijoct, und tba
opinions of very eminent men Dave been s-.ilLitcd.
Judge Whiting, of Washington, deel.lo that
liim.hei! days' men who in iv t ectii.iuv in th'J
service at tho time the draft takes place aril
exempt from thut draft; bat that tn no abo may
cot he in such service at the ibnn tru lUme.
These were not enlisted for one hundred days,
but lor a period not exceeding thut limo, aud
should they be mustered out by tho Government
before (he day set for the draft they then uro
regarded as liable.
A Moi-m. Ca ui' .Doubtless many citlzeus are
not aware that a view of tho daily routiue of a
soldier's life Is afTorded them by a visit to t'aptaiu
C. F. Magutre's Camp, near Gray's Ferry. The
men under his comniuud are veterans, aud fully
posted up in the duties of a soldier, and tbey
appreciate the honor which has been conferred
upon them, by being stationed at tbe import tut
post w hich they bold. Tlie location Is desirable,
and (he improvements and accommodations which
have been made for both the men under bis com
mand and the visitors to thee imp are admirable ;
and the Captain and his First Lieutenant McKwea
deserve credit fur the manner in which they have
contributed to tho general welfare of ail who
should visit the camp, which is accessible by the
Spruce and Pino btrctt Hallway.
Tub Acoi bt Llectioh. Lait evening a meet
lug of the citizens of the Twenty-fourth Ward
was held in the Hall of the National t'uioa A,
social ion, for the puruosc of favoring the pro.
post d amendments to tbe State Constitution gtv.
ing tlie soldier the right to vote, tspecchos were
made by James Miller, Esq., Colonel Mont,
gomtry, of Vicksburg, Professor Khuad.-;, aud
others, in favor of grunilug tbe privilege of
voting to the soldiers.
CoMrniTBD. The Philadelphia and Erie Rail,
road Telegraph line is now completed, and we
have direct communication between Philadelphia,
aud inc. The first message was received over
Ike wires on Tueduy.
CoitoFf.n'a Vrsm.jT. Yes's-rday arternooti
the jury (mpanneled by Coroner Taylor In the
A'mthoaie case closed ha sitting aud rendered
the following verdict
In a rrtaner with your Olrettlona, your tury hart
ear tull) eaaiuint-d thtt hutiiliug knuwu as tho inn ma
d (ar mini of tho lllockler A-m.ltousv., Ih sc.-int or
ihe aU terr.b a disaster, vt nave heard the im'i
n onv ol tho wt!ticc prsspiited, anil hnre brnn :ht
t.ui btt Jttrivmei.t to tiit cni.tidrrAtinn or the cute,
ann art pr. ared to render a verdict, flrsi rlvin
a nintrtiiciii 01 nit leti'lcic.t in u. rait ol lots in.
rtiiuotin. r etiipicd by Iho in tne, i tl.roti s'tci in
i' eiy ht in ii i in a-t tic ttnry. I he rnoiiui on ench stor v
en al t tit I wont -one icct by furli-citit .ect in ilf
f tear,'d In the centre by p-cra on cac i iilo and
tie In the icriie, iho cntte in. r fsi'i .-alinut snrcn
Ii et wttle, with t ehtnil.ev stack ah-iut live .e "x
iirl.isv. cctuiltin v.lh th" pier, tornnn-. lo "-ttir
a t.r ptli o. tLrett trt-t four Incho. with arches thrown
from ccrtiti lo side pier. Ihe wa are fitult oa
tl i sc auht to uie Ito. ii above, anu upon th.-.c wah
(l.e fo..r ol n i-tH rctts. Ilia wtiote 0 originally
sill ..lien h. the l.rtscitii-ct lo a ro I.I 'Va.l
In the year it !a a eotlOa -t Via li-ade with Mestrt.
PiitKisntss:, I noTTVii A Ma itis to con t art n
I ci-tin apr arsiu. In fierri rniiiig tin work in tin)
I I rt nu 1 1. iii.i.i r i he centre pier at d elutniicys w re I. t roui'h, a wi.'ili hi tlx i t, I avin -. i7 ii
im l,t cn oi.e suit, and lour indict on the other in
nj taut ilieinerahovti.
Ih. fotteloc ri nt Pie well nndcr tho piers hid not
l:e. n M fnsd i.ntil wlihin llu Ian three wts-ks, wlieii
voikiitn cie engaged in making a d'H.-r'ut ar
rui H ipci.i lor h.ann.r. A soon a It wa not afil,
ni sunn i to cuq. loved to strcuir lien iho loiiinla
tioi.i., and '-iii so et.Hcil on the il ly rvtii tin f (ha
a.eiieiil, and a liltuoraiv wooden uiaiiht Wit
I plhie.i under the pier Inst If II, and preparation werti to hiiti. I a sohd wh in tho Im-em-Mil
ni oc r in s pier, l Here n no iiouiit whatever in Die
in. rni ol th. ji.rv tlal the cutunr aar ahovn ins
t red vias II. i cause ol the wa i roving- wav. it . pot
s t,lc, tim. ever, that tno iirepaiaiiiuit made the d iy
I.e. cm rt sv havo l.asioi.ed the catusl npnn. Iu len-n.
i en. ol this, ,l(,r niu.t soon liuvu riven way. at
tliojuri i ctire.1 a tctiling it the tloort opposite a I
tl.e aei mi. Jar to the o'lf that loll, It i only a
iiiaticr cl siirou.'e it rihl not happen long latlorit.
1 l.e tut v cannot, hue cotmciiui In tho stro'icr.t
b ruis the ri tku r.s manlier ,u winch ti.u alti ratotit
wirt inailo in l-4(t. o cure v. Ii..'.cver anp.urt to
have hicn no en to cxatiilno into and presorvn the
sirctgth imv-fsiiry lo support thi weight ot tin)
wail-.p.ers and ..hove. Iho jury think it
utii ieesstiiv lo snv auviii.uir in r iali in to (in re
nti'tliic p.ution id ihe la;llniii, a llm lPsti-d of
(.niiiiltst s l u.e taken measures lo have t Jin whole
cstai lisl incut l.y cotmu fiiit prrsuns. nnd
have tno l.tnliliii. .ii. in a conn, lei- and memo
snip, n, i h I., niotil iu tmiiin any po.iiihio'.y of
aim In t tin h ci.' lie. i ii- ilisasl r.
It is propi i- to lat" llm'. every (ability hvi hen
alloidul I v tho K.iiiil of ( in tnrnis ilng
w-ili esM-s us lie,!!. rcl, und their litmk ol uunm.'
have h"i n lit il 1 cor" the Jurv. nnlin r u all in llicir
lower lo aiilic at a jti I umI correct view ot tic
croc hcioro i r
lliu.ic. inu,:,' this slulotnent of ficta, wo tlioiofore
rt-l.tler l.i" o.ilov.'iiir verdict; Unit on IhcU'ittl tiny
ol .Inly, IHC). iho iet on ul iho disnsl t csiiio to their
deaths by it m mi i l ii Jin ; iitliried tiv t ic failing ol
Ihu Oivisinn wills ii'ii-ariv nolc;l. to .,-t)i r Willi iJc
Hi ois ii sI.iil on -aid wnl s; tho niimary caue Isaii
the tatei' S,t itianner in which tfio wails under luo
c.-i. lie pu r v-c.c cut away iu const rnctinT am! iutro
llllcili" l.cuti .... upna atits in Iho your 1KP.
(Sb-mi'l .Iais;h III ti-iiisson, Kureiuin.
S. IV ll.l.lAMaON,
Assai it mi tiATTenv Casks. This morn
ing Nathan I humbcr, au old c ilored in in, agod
BO cars, re - aiing at l-'ighth and He lfoid streets,
wns cominittcl to prison by Altlerm in Carter,
upon the charce of beating hi wife. Nathan
aud bis wife u.o a situ'ihir cjiiplc, bo;.i living a
regular I'.og-eTi.l-cal lif.j. Thu husband iia been
commiitcd lo (iiison about si times on an average
for the lust ten veins. As b joii as ho get his
liberty he reft i s a i barge against his wife, and
she in turn is incarcerated for a short period. Tfu
only tunc when tiioy may bj said tn enjoy true
happiness 1- w hen one or the other is in pris-m.
A promising young man. named Willi ml ti.
Can', was la lor". A hiernian Mco-e this morning,
npon the cl.nrcc of cruelly beating bis old fuller,
rcsinlug nt No. 017 1. nihard stioet. When told
he stood comm. fed, be threatened to sot tire to
his hull, r's house as "0n 'ns released. The ac
cused Is a bin customer, unl well known ti tins
police, having, been in thoir hands on several oc
casions. Saii Act itiFST. A lad named Thomas Cun
ningham was instantly killed atShcrmuu's L) lild
irig, und C'hurry street, tiuJer tho fol
lowing circumstance : The father of the U l was
engaged in the printing ofllce of Mr. Strong,
located in the building, and tho lad wa playing
on tbe hoisting machine. When the mtchitic
comi'icnccd to uacend the boy remained on It, and
laid down, with his bead at the rjgo. As) tho
platform reached tbe ceiling ot thu rjora .1 . iva
Ihe head of the lad wus caught beta-ecu the jots-a
and tbo plulfotm of tho hois lug machine. ' The
head was severed from tho body, and death was
Almost instantaneous.
AiiussT or DtsKitTKns. The police returns
dully exhibit tbo arrest of ten or twelve decrters
or bounty jumpers. In ordor to f militate this
business tbo War Department has issued tho fol
lowicg circular:
'lo larihtiite tlie urn'St of destriers I'altii.l ti.'"
(iui.eiul linspitiil i ai.d estali;lsii.'d uilhtary i m:s, Hit. Hnr
S'u. lis In ch irso ul tiosihulN and pusi uainiers, as
I'uii as a eestr-ioii Is aseuriala. a, will ru,. irt t-iu I ict
dio-rr (witticiiov et'ileo rlaov h,t. Hellitiit forth liiu li.ll
paiticulsrs) to thu I'rsivoit tl vtthl ol' ,he district Iu vhi'ih
th liisiliHl or tist is located and to iit.-li other I'lovast
Alarsliu, as luiiv he al.le te slve lrum"diit'u aid 11 inatvlni;
llm aires:!. This, in aif llllotl to rite re.-aUr m-inliily re-
rsatsolilese.-o-iss.'nl to tnu Protest iMrsliai-ttouural it
lurt-ail anil lo ihis othue fiolu bulIi fci-ueral Uospuali and
eMt.'blh ht d iuiiic ry post.
8TAitm.N(i Ai FAiu. This morning, about four
o'clock, two men got int) a light at I'ourtii and
Miippm sliiits, dining which, one of tlicin,
named Jer.nilih O'Klynn, tlrow a h'lifo aud
stabbed the other, Jubn Mor'-it, in tho leg. inflict
ing a serious and diiugerous wound. It scums
that thtio was a sort of general light between
some soldier and tailtr-. The wounded mau
was convejed to tho liospttii. OTIyiiu
wus niri-stul and held to await the result of
Mollis' it.jii'ii s.
A Bolii Assai I.T. Thi morning Olll.'cr Suit
was f'uiiding nt the cimcrof Second and Cal
lowhill sttci t-, couversiug w th it icn Ictnan in
regard to a woman w'm'ii h" had arrested lor
keeping a oisortlerly house. Wti lc t ng'igcd iu
t nvri sati in, a riitliun, named KjIk). t .Shuppard,
stent cd up, Hnd wi'iiout suing a slui'lti word,
s'tuek ti e oUicrr a vio en". blor on tin f"u.
TI r ot ly cu-e that c iiiM In Hiiga.-d was
Fheppud was a f-and of the -oin in w ho had
lain at rested. Ho was commuted for trial I iy
Aidctnisn Toland.
Laucf-sit Cha'le Roberts wis arresnl at
Second and 8pruce streets yc-tcrdi.y afternoon,
charged with V.i larceny of a iva ch. It ;cem
that the . i.ed went inn a hi l)i-:! street
and took the wa'eh from a coat w uica was lung,
lnr up. Tho owner of the coiu wi'.ucasod the
theft and went al' cr tho thief, w'.o had (ho lui'oh
sicreted i.ti.n r hi arm. fie Mas ttken "i'o cu
totly, utiil coiimrtti d in du au t of t, til by
Alderman Mci'alicii to uiis.v.a'.
Accibfc.NTAi. hitooiTNo W id'rtin Oi'Tsr, it
co'ored S'Vtier, wa uf Idi utiilly stint ut t'le
detK t, Ihon.l i,iul Pi inie streets, I'. r. c.tis h i II 1 1
purchased n pi ml and had bunded it t one of
ihe Biinrd for ci tininiitioti, wn-iti the wea n a
win aceioiniiy discharged. I he n.ti ento -cd
Cer'ir'f jaw, iniilctir.g a very cveic w.i.nitl. if ',
wa ifi) ovtvi lo the Ciiizmra ViCtiiKoer 11 t-jilr ii,
wlieie bis wound was dressed.
Math km. William DulTj had a hei. trtg before
AhlriDiuD llut.-hiiisou yoslcr.lay afernoon, n;i in
the chartze of may hem. llu was ai rusted upnu u
w aim Tit lor an o:tepBe romruitt'd sis wvli u,'..
It steins tt'ut he got inio an ti'icrc itioti wuli
l'.'tncs t'..'n'lil-.l. ami bit the liuper lip of t'n
lattir coinpletj-ly i U. Too uccjsod wa couiiiui
led to stand It in1..
BiHOUiii:iaY llorsz. U)Ki a warrant issued
by tbe Major jesterduy the police niado a
descent on a disorderly bouse kept by ouc Kate
I'rease, at No. i)13 Darien stroct. Three of tho
lady b -ardcis were also arrested, and tho whole
party arruignod before Alderman Boith-r. Kate
was held to answer at Court, while her coin
pun ions w ere held to keep tbe peace.
Uii'AHnuK or thb Coat. Reoimknt. This
morning the Third Coal Regiment, recruited for
one hundred days, left Camp t'adwalader, tnd
took their departure for tbe scat of war. Tbe
regiment nnnibered 900 men, 6U0 of whom are
veterans. 'J'lilu organkatiou was tilled in the
remarkably short space of eight days.
Acoiiikntai. Shooting. William Porter,
who belonged to a squad of colored soldiers,
Waiting to be transported south, was shot in the
neck Inst night by the accidental dischargo of a
pistol in the hands of oue of his comrades. The
wound is a severe one. Porter was formerly a
slave at Yickkburg.'
Recbvitivo. Yesterday, Mayor ITenry drsw
warrants in favor of ninety three years" recruits,
const of whom were substitutes. The sum re
quired for the payment of their bounties was
New MAr or Getttsbubo We hare received
from John J. Kromer, No. 403 Chesuut street,
Elliott's new map of the Gettysburg battle-field
and Its environs. It is the best that has yot been,
MoilB VOLUHTBKBa to Arrive. The StA
Massachusetts Regiment, numbering 9U1 men, loft
Now York thia 0 A.M., and will arrive at Wash
ington itrevt whorl at 6 o'clock this afternoon. ,
Campfh ArrAina. Rocrnlting I propreei ig
satlsfa. toil y, and no douh; exists but tna' the
quota will be full by the .llh of rteptembcr with
at recralt'ng la the rebellions State. Governor
Tarker declines to send agents for that purpose,
lint will ci rntnlaiion persons appointed by ran.
nielp I ntithorltie. The City Council latorcn.
irg resolved not to appoint eirents to rsruit la
other Hilton. The B ard of ('lessen Frecb'i d
ers, at Ihor mectirg vsterdav, fixed the C mniT
b. n my at and Mo ir .iiio un i three yo .rs'
v o untteis and sub t tui-s. Tlds will give voiun
terrs enlist. ng In Camden $'i'M, iinlcpen IctT- of
the dovei nini ni bounty and staui pav, uniotint
Ii g in all lo about I HKl. I hi, it' nothiug elc.
gvf the assiirur.iti oft p. civ eiili-tmeiii, t,d it
tela i,ly pa-s b.-'tir than su'initute. Tuo en
roled men held a m.itmg hi t e.ening, but
nt thing of l;n;ortaince transpired, snva th it tho
Werd Commitui rco'irted suoscrip'.ious fjr tho
wick, amounting lo ."0-0.
IstroiiTAhT 10 Vol.' STF.KitR. An order has
jutt larcn issued from the Adjutaiit-Ocieral's
otllce, stating that on and after this d ito voluu
lecrs soivlr.g In tbrco year' organla'lon, who
nnv havo at tbe of ro-eniistinent bsi thin
tl) dajs to serve, may re-enlis in tuc regi
ments or coinpatnc to wiio h thev h'longf.irone,
two, or three years, at liny may in ea Ii case
The ncv term will commence from 'ho date of
re-enlistmcnt ; ami all men rc-enlis:lng w ill oc
etit tleii M die houiity provided liv tho act of
July', halm ly : for one year, SI1), for two
)e nrs, SliK), end for thn e ycart, S too.
To the im n rc-cnlisting a herein provided, no
furloughs will bi piontl-cd, and comtnisrnr e of
Biusttr anil their assistant will be hel l rcspoa
rilile that this condition isdistiuctly uulcrsioid
by all parlies concerned.
Pi nnsvi.vanian in Was tt i kotox. A meet
ing of the loyal Penrisylvaiilans in Washington
was held In that city s.n Wednesday cvcn'ng for
ci'iiiillut;oti in refcrenco to tho appro idling
cliTtiiin , this Stat". The Importances of In
ducing ea ninny to go ns practicable w is fully
Tt' en tul and cndmscl. Tlie railroid couina
t lis, I' is said, would sell round lickc's for half
ptiee. A lai go tnimber of 1'eniisy hannnn will no
doubt innil thcniselviH of tho ofp inunity thus
ollercd lo be present with ns on Tuesd y next..
SoLinhB Plkkci-.h. Kvery friv days, soidlcrs
whe have just been paid their boitu I ia urn In
vilglcd Into dome low den. and there rohlicd of
everything. Lust night Hosanna McKlroy en
cm.iilered a young s ildier, and took him to her
home, in t lie classic region of Seventh and lie 1
tt.rd streets. During the n'gnt he w ts r iti'io l of
all Lis nu ncy, and tlii.t morning turned into
tlie street pcniii e-. Rosanua w am; 'e l, ami
held by Alderman McMubin to answer the
charfcoof ctiinmitiing the theft.
Tin: Vinous. Tho base-bull eoutost between
the resolute Club, of New York, aud tho Ath
letics of thi city, result' d yesterday in favor of
the Athletics. The game occupied three hours
and forty minutes. A lar; o number of ladies
wcro ptesi-nt at tho play.
AHiiKarr.ii. U.irrott Saudcr, an escaped inur
fkn r from New York, who was about to bo com
ntlticd to Sing Sing, was arrested in thi.- city yc.
tertluy afternoon.
Wr. rtAvr. bv i ah the largest stock and host
assoriineiit of Clothing in Philadelphia, com
prising all dislnible styles of gaud, from
medium price to superline. Kvery otio can lo
accurately lilted at once from our" t toe's, what
ever be his si.o or prupor'ious, In garments e pial
in all lespccts to w I'l k-niaiic to mcasur.;, at inwh
Inner one. For those who prefer, wc have
a so a cumplcto assortment of piece goods, which
will bo made up to measure In a stylo smp tss -d
by none. & Co.,
TowKit II vt I,, No. .1lS Market street.
A Kfcnrit-r i.t'lt Astlittm on ltieniMHikei
I .iy, Bti a Ih Itumoil by Keel-..
Tho steamer giugttoi:, belonging to tbo Chosu-
Iieuko Towboat Company, was run aground by
ier piiot about three o'clock Sunday morning, a
tew miles below tho mouth of ilie Potomac river,
on tho shore of Northumberland county, Vir
ginia, Hint stuck fust. Tho oiliccrs and crew,
luoi teen in number, remained on bo ud all d iy
Sunday, but ut iiigbltbe Rebels were seen coming
down on tbo hooch and putting oil for the
in inner.
The crew then took to (heir bouts, and loft tbo
steamer. Tbo Robs came oil' to tho sioainor, dis
mantled her ut what property they could c.onvu
nictitly convey, and then set her on lire und de
stroyed Iter. The Kinqi-ton was a powerful sido
wbccl and doublc-emler, aud was worth from
filly to sixty thousaud dollars.
The pilot, a Baltlinoienn, was snspoctcd of fonl
play iu tho matter, und has been taken to Phila
delphia lor examination.
Jrmi.ANT. It will interest nil pater familial
to leuru that the following application of Nor
istiiii Doanc, an Indiana Volunteer, which was
received In this cify yesterday, and tlna'ly ro
fernd by the Medical Diic.'tor in this depart
ment to the Surgeon In charge of tho hospital
where tho patient was conliued, bus been granted :
JCDlCtAUV H'.lClRa IlO-Selrtl,, WAIIlllo.f'
WasIII M; I OS ClTV, 1. f '., .1 HOC V I, 1K''.
TlearWir: Tin bn'on is .a e l. liurraul
! Make room in Ahrahatb's hascm !
t' Aty wito has Iw Ins. Iloial.'iysl
Do pti ast- srani me a ruriouirh .or twenty or thd-ty ilsvg
to S'llO Sort ft . Bit. II. 1.. to christen '. iu it c a id Audy,
and. be, Ides, 1 would lire lo kt.osr ii they lo k il'tte.
I am not so slot aow. A lew dav ui tiouie will tlo ma
mure K'M-d than tlx vaoilh in tho liosfa'nl. Kbai'd any
rel.-ii n. I,-. reouiridon Dattl a.sta btut puh lo "ervlces t..fax ; on dotnesoc rvl.nlous. Mrs loanc.
Hours respt-c fully, N'ocutis it., ask.
Private, "lencd C .rpirtl I', a. A.
I, fl The If tdi prsst'ois ncct's: ary up n such u:eac..n
rued mil he sent lul after the 4tti of March noxr. wliea
Au.'y wl i he prosi at i. K. 1.
Spnln, with ail hex nppnro-.t prospt-rity, is
In a necessitous condiiion, and wants money
J J j : M 11 V A. ! 1 I- AJ,
ISO. lOX W. WATKH ftrcct,
Iltluw Walnut struct,
luiltu'.ii.n thitiCy au.i Wine Casks, and all k(ed sf
H ..rk madu ut Olc aud New Hiurr always ou hand or
nude tu order.
All kloiur of Truuiain.- piuicitiAllr attended lo. iyl-lia
j 31 ! II T 11 J W I N B 8,
IlliANDllS, liTC.
The si.Usel Cier Itu'erin- the puhttr tKt he isct-poitna af
s I. ii' st'd will ti-!aoid stood ol
AN1 Jl.VDKlKA wixi:a,
At ! tii-l. ssle talce These are ir.euthe old ttis-kon hand,
(''oc ,. a ..- wi i. supun.ii' anielu for private ut
vo-Ci. it.- m l locaU ut
Wholetuii- Vt'iue and Lliiuor btora,
No. U'. N. Hi:ttllSI) Sinner, below Hue,
Jvh lm
I 'l iu- t-..i..rria-rt hip herelol ire esiflliu between the
on..-rmi li.-O, i.ailer th rkui nt(i. A.MtlCli: A"1'0 , is tlii
on i 01--.1I1 t il 1, . Minim! cai" III.
II,. hi hiers of the late llrm t. ill tss sellie.l hyflKOKUK
1'. Sal IIVIANN.ul tint uld phiec ul business, Xo. Uoi
l lll.'sM J Mriel.
lil SI'M I S AN'liltl-'.
t lit'lli.t. J.. BAtKIANK.
I'l, raif.-lpbiu, July 20, l-if..
1'he iinderslued huve Uils day P-rrucd a eopartnrship,
to tiiiiifein-t b'l.iut'SM un.U-r the name ot u. AMiUK at
CO., tlu- privilege of asliiif tt e liauie bcins crauti .1 to us,
in writuig, by ihe lutunbcrs al ll:e Uriu this day dls-
C.r.OllfiK V. SAI'ttMASX.
t It AMlin A. NOKlli.
I'lillailflpya, July'."., ltSsl. Jy27-wfm St
M 'Hli'fiU B scri b krs HAVK ASS0C1ATKD
X tnsniselvii V'tft-thtr nudcr the flrra of UOl.CONT,
MR S.MAN A CO.. aud wli conlimis Uie Car BaSMiuf
isiiuit.i .. o o vinni.uci, at t. wu t.L.iiiuwuA,
Ooiuer, TWE-MT-FlJiMT aad HAMILTON atrevtt.
JiisiS.I'II K. bOI.'lUh,
Ot'lHOt: It. litkClLUI
Jyl-lm O W. (1111 Os
1 A T K I O T I C M K D A L S.
An asri' onerins to every FsalH.
The only oorroct end authorized
AllJJ.VLi.luX UKSLsiuS
or v
Pukbibrnt i.incot.n,
Uh.StKSl, (irVjkllE WAP-,nyr,TOV1
cmmAi, oi.oiti.E b. M.arHLi AsT,
itaniifaetured tn SnarUiir silver and Copper and Whit
H.sul. fcampte urn bvuall r of charxe on reoeiptof
auocuU. AseuU waat-d. K. nPhHcs'H,
Jioi Mat Ptdtadclpiua Pmi Oiltca.
llanaracttinst at " ABC tl Miraet. jvi-lia
jour o x xj bi i, i
' ' . . 'm tol" 8TBFET.
. A Iak fores of kaUUn uecluuiee of aU iaticld
al a s ftaoo. aut-waiaraa
160 boxen Keyntono tftate betertit't) btu.
V-O UOXC IJOtfll HoftD.
i'.'h tKiXt'tf Aneriran (lst!l.
40 buiei f rn h Cr,tiltt.
All or any ni yi' wUlcli i veil nder mrrtmt rati .
J. I'llU'Hti i
V, t-'lU'c,
No. 110 Market Btref-t
c. w ui,nr. r. n. HinDtix.
DUUOG18TH, I" II Y 8 I C I A N fl,
Ctn .r1 nt nm !, tihnicnt af ilt nfKinnwnt rt Tmnrtti
prVrsan .vi (rpalnf flnt-fUM n 'an b iol.
fnt I'rrfpitlonrit.ln (till sv1t). nrl of lh bi rraartty.
Cmuiircal, lief M Ird (., Mii-Ktrr, i'ot A b, CulNwr. 1
H'wi A-f,, Ah n,Ol of Vt. rtol. nnatto. Copm, Kiict
of loirwood, c, roil P. HUM' u-e, always OB Lud, fc
luwcu nt cth rr'fr.
Oroiin xpriiy for our -aVt. ami to wnlcii wa tavltatt
ant ution nf v om in 1flt .f ri w a. Urirg.
Alw. JMUiO ATAHCli, MUSTARD, f.f of rtr
Or.urf by niaJ). or city pout, wil tntrX wMr prompt at
ti-pttoti.ornp'ejui qontaMont win be rumlshod wba r-
JalMy No. in M aKKKT Htrtct. Vm Tranl.
mkam kmsink and ituu.Ka
f ti' tttrra,, Mmriji'Mn, I '.oil r-maKet, hint ktmitlia iV
Kiitihilcrh. hnvir'n lor ihbh i-hr- fx1- n In ui i'ifult(ora 1
i.t ii. rn; lit'-n 'M inMTr-ij fu n (iirt n iniiiiiii mi r'pnir-1
lny M ..rlr and lMvr h.t )t i t ftt low pm-mire, I rm
lii th m. Wait-r Irtfk. I'ioi 0".rt, -trc p tNi-pimily
r.llcr Mit-lr ate-ivlr in ih- li'ibl.ti as tmwg fiillr to
MtHTact ir I it-lm-N dfiil Mann , Rir.-r.anl Hta-
Uni an ; t ninK 1 "f iitit rftit nf tn!ufm sizt't, arc ore
I'liii . u ri"iit' uifirai -ttli tjiiii-h -n-cii . f.vtry dv
r'l'tmti of pnttfrifhi4tcinir v ail .it ' U .morifct none.
H .yh aiiH lf. itcMaurit riiit.Tiilfiiit ,anfl i'tIIikUt BolUnrn,
ot the- br.t I iitiavtvnn a charctial tr-ti. Kotnimn, of all
lytr- a no a I tic ; mi' atid lTAt Cittinti of i (lncrlD
tlntf ; Htiii-turri'i', Nrmw cnti't.R, and all oU)r work oon
D'( td with ti.' ah live ha lrti nt,
irHwti..n tun) ki fiili'ntloi.f" (tif nil work tjin at thlf
eHit) iriiirfit m i' nt chirgc. and nrn uuaf. hlmiI.
1 hi- ftiiia-cTii'fru htvt aii'i'l" ia'l 'iiH-r. nt-no ftr nv
(iatr f himtai, a-hfrf th v nm h pprtct aipt v, att'l ara
Kr..ri,tf) l.n nioHrt.. bucta, fuU, tftc. Ac, tt ralaUiA
avv and Jlf,ht alY.U.
j con v., vKnn,
)aJ tt HKAf'II ai.'i 1'AIaMKK Htreeta.
: Pti. KltONT HTItllBTt
We lire rreriared lt fl'J onlera to tnv extent far mip
knita n
in, ii .iliik .... n.i,iiv,rnipjis ui vmuiiik, rspinjiuif,
nfl i-iis Inv
He ,n lie Uie attention ot manuracturen to oaraataav.
'lill i! ' Al.VKI T .IKNKS A ROT.
12 IN It V M I M 1ST He
OlUc, No. BSI Nt VV MAUKKT Htretvt,
And Factory, euruer of .
AQ and err ry kin.1 at
ami iiMitr.K wtir.r.ia, anap'twi at, Araiv. Hoad, ouuarr
or F'actA'len purtinst'it Ah work warranted.
tf-Orilere ur.impUr attan.Md lo. M-tf
luU'lt TltJ ItAK KtlAII. lOU lt
Prilr.H AUH.v.NtlKMRtT.
Tlliltjl nil IN TWO ItOt'Kfiftl
Four irah dal j tu Allantle City.
rn ai'rl bCimf Ml 1VI ia V' .Inlv 4. tra.ttB Iabw VlneatrtstA
Kfrry um fi.ilt.Hk :
lean, .'Ull A.M. ,
Kweht. 'th iianenuer cur artached. O IS A. M.
l'xir.-s t'hrouaii lii'. houii rru r. M.
A ilan'lc Ace iiiiutliit!..n, 4 16 I'. M.
Junction A. -cm. in uiailen, fciW p. M.
Accomnua'ailiin ( Atlantic; i l A. at.
f xineHi,, ii x M.
Kri-hhr. Il'.'.u A. Al. '
Alull, -H 1', M.
Juniaii a Accmmndatlon. ?3 A.M.
Fare in aiIiiii ic, 6?'t. Hound T rui Tlrkat (roMoarf
for the day unit rralu cn whlrn tltey arc lia-l) $;100.
T.aave Vit.e i,n,.t lli-lr, A It tr 1 leu U
Leave lladdonflela 1-4.'. 1' M. andi 4o P. At.
Mall train C.r Ailai.tlc leave Vhie street V SO A.M.
Leave Allanlio 4 tK 1'. Al .
Wiii-if JOHN O. BRYANT, Aitenf.
T'I' har which . a made taut year ban eulirelv dltap
peari d. leaving thu beach oris ot the ntuat UellgUU'iU on
the cuait. , i
MAt ill ClII'Ms, lla.l.hlO.N, V,!.Umt:, aud
StilVF.rt AHWANtinMKSr.
Cn and aft. r MiMi.W , .tunc I t. Ini-I. 1'asser.irer Train
vtllMehVf l lit- Jiim lii-iuu. 'I 111 111) Struct, atmve Thouip
nn tlit-et, I hiUdcptita, ilacy (.Htinday excepted), as
luili.v. .
7 A At. (Esfrets) for rteihiehem, Allcmown, Mauct
I I ui k, H i kt ti.arro, Wlllliins.ri. v
1' I-'. A A . (A.c.n lu .tat'.-l ) f. r Ooylestown.
ltcA. I ( Ai-ci' i for Fort Washington.
lll'.Al. (A. eoii niiulaiar) tor liovk'stown.
U'l.'. P. M. (. p-t-st.) t..r Itt-thlehcni,l-Aauin, Ac.
4'l' I. M. Mal) tor ilit.' Icslowu.
6-1-t P M. (Aeci.uiuiudatlunj far Bethlehem, Allvntowa,
ana Murh t hunk
tt'l-'i I' M. ( A. centmodallnn) for I.ansdale.
llf.M t'iiiiKln..ti) lor K.irr WuetilnKlon.
Tt.AINS Kt'lt Plill.Allt'.LI'IIIA.
I.enre lle' at UtK) A M ,1111.1 M , and A07 P. Bf.
tttleil. wn alii id A.M., a 4a P. At.,aud 7 1'. At.
Lamoille at Ii A. M
tun ahluijtiin at II i. A.M. and IP. M.
pt i'ofleipi ta for ru i'iteiicni at a A. i.
I'liiluili iplila lor IxiylcMiwn at A I. M.
lu.y Icslovi u lor I'lnlaih-lphia ai 7 iO A. M.
tlttlilihiu tor l'rn adclphia at t P. M.
Ltlllman'i. rlMi-iraK a.ri-s vtltl ca.i for and drlyear has.
irauc i.t lliu dcaot. Uru.rt may he left at ko. llu 8. llilKl
Jul a K1XIH Cl ARK, Agent. I
( Alll.fch AMI AMItllY UMLIlOADCD.slPAMtnJ
Horn E Ji
On ai d after ilnNDA January 4, lid4. the Trains
Jitv oik. 1uIiik Kensi nii.n liepat, Ptilladelprila, at
.I'l A M (Mvht), anu :m c. M , and the train leavla'.
.v. iv Y.ak ai A M. and 7:0 p. 11.. ill hereafter be taj I. r ire United statin Maila and rtet YorC
ami t'ir.on 1'aat.tiUk't.rH. and will nut take ui nor Wu
out at pa, 3i-ni.t-rt ticlc-n i..iia cult.
1 ho Id A. M. aad 12 Miunlshl I. li es f nm New York U
Washiiii..u, mid ihu ft Mi A si end P. U. Line rroi
Washir.alun ro New V. rk. will I'miiiuu. a at preent, aut
cuny i atm-rut re M and from the li.t.irinodlata ilatlona aud
HhIiiii ore. tt thlni.'toti, a"n Nev York. j
MiW VollK. i
Lltivs leave Phllailti'p'iia. fnuii Ku'minaton Depot, al
11-1.'. A. M ,1 Hii. nnd n r. P. M.,and It M inldnkht, aad
fiom Walnut Htif-l Wliarl' (via Camden), at ii audSA.i
XI.. 1.' M.,4 ardiiP M-. lor Nuw York. J
A nd leave New Yoik, from of Courtlandt treet,.
at 7 A. M . Il A M . Vi M . und ll P. U , and at VI mld
nli hi, und Iruiu luutof llarcluv atnsut at l A. M.,audS
I'.M. Wat. A. UAIZMtll,
.liiu-tf AKent.
pool tui't liMik! at iiiet'iiHt wn, Cork Harbor,-
-'liu' ihi1 Kuttwn Mranirn ol ttie .lrion, NewY-irk!
iit.a I'UiiBfii ijn.ia oK'nutf iup uiuptiy ara tnteadad Uj
mil a m Ii'lNin f
F.M HH:( Wiiinrtlav. July
1 It V lf W AHUINU I'O N. rial nrtliif, A'-Krisl fl.
Cri V Ot1 MASrllKM KU. KaturdV. AuwtAl IS
Aixl eu-rv Mitsct'i-dliih Haiuiday, at hjod. i'.imb PLar ii:
4i hsiti)' Livm,
HA N'S OK p HS.f'K.
ra aMt" in ( iti'd, ur IU uul aini tn ( 'nrreut-y :
im I'-i-in ff-'i hi.-frtt..o WVfO
l'lr-tf ( ritiiit In l.onilull UO St, trje tu IiUiietmi, M W
J 1 irM t Ji :n tn I'arif... f.'. H vvnio Paria 4(mW
I Itrtttt iil'iii tollmniinri-'iirW M'H iat.tto llaiiihiifc.. Oft
ta-h uvr rt' u).1-' rrwurUfl In llvrn, linsmvu. Hot-.
' ti n .tm Ai'iuerp. Ar . ut t'liiaMv ralrt. .
Jrl U. ni l.i.n-fifl nr iviii'cnatnTvii Kirst Cabin, 7h
Ukf. MiPt'ruf.c (mm llv(iriool uA gufougtowu,,
1 hfe who w Inh In brnU Tor Uiuir ft ivuda can bay ilcaeti
bare at theft rittca.
Fur tuitiicr iuiui nifttlon applvat the Compaay'a otttcaa.
JAS i. l.Ait Ag.-rit,
Kg. Ill WAf.Nt T flirttit, fJuUJttljjhia. '
wFi u Hii-aiustils I.lui, aulling from aacU poit oa
b.i 1 LKl'AV. from nn (Hhurf aiwv FINK btrtMjf.l'hlla -Ut-ipli
a, aid Look Wbaif, IWmod. 'roia ftr( Wtaait
aiitrW IMS L Nattirdav. July SO.
Tlie fcieinuiiiipBAXON. MatUicwa, will aail frtmi PhMflW
dfluhla fur It.ifctuii.on Htiiiuray, JuIt , at lit o cluck A
W ; anrl the ateaunhip NOKMAN. laXer,trouBuatoBial
ftulailultiliia, un naine day, at 4 V. H.
l'tttie new aiiU iti(nUat sU-aiuihto form a regular
line, ka'lina lVom each port punctually on Haturtiaya. )
lii.oQrancet tilecUJ at oue-hail Uie jrenUuui ciiiut.'d tu
U ie Yt fttelt.
TrvU ht taken al fair re'i-e.
Bhipfni are n'Ui(tU to head IHp ftucefpti and Bllb
Ladiiiu with their jfood. t
Jir i-iaiuUturFaahage (hartnjf fine ao-mniodatlaas
apply to HK.NuY WlSHt'K 4 CO.. '
jai-ii inv. .. b. itrA.&vs akk Avenue.
Itallroad Ihe eleuajit utw aiamUlu UOL.
Lbi liirK.vtill leave
ON WKKNKHnAT. July 87, at noon.
Lowett rale, ut paaa lUrotujh flum PhUa.tetphta t
Ban 'raiiciaco. V
....... ... mr nlunr
PV ta
M lu
Fo.T WAf.
eJuecaiotuUand Swilnure l.tne,, rla Delaware and
Luiuiui t ..iToT 1 h teami'r or these Una aie learina ,
dallv at li o'clock Al., and A o'clock P. at., from third pit
aliot Walnut .treat.
k'ot helfht. which IU be taken accotnmodittlnr
. . . ' 1.U1I11111 u tiAiiiri it ,v. ,.T,
r.irvm a,.uT w ;.u9. ,
.Af,,,.1,001- ATcaiAY1!'
ri.ii.nV,v.r - '"'Vmui,
fur freight 01 aaiaapt. apply te '
lUHAlAM Kltf'lf AMtl.CikT sv