ILL I i em. THE DAILY EVKXiyQTKLEOIUPH Pim.ADELPinA, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1804. .Ming elctrapli FRIDAT, Jl'l.Y 29. 1864. spirit or the sew igrk preso, lf(t1n; Editorial, from the Sew Torfc I'apt'rs This Morning. hie sr.w iti.nt.i.i.ioM. tromlke Triti. i The rumors of a Northwestern KrVllioa wlilih ) hare latrly horn flouting la the air, takn a certain shape Id a dc-pairh from !St. Louis, thin mornliiif printed, nmmrlltif: an account puhllMied. In the Mlmourl Drmmrnt of ycstenlny. TUnt p.tpcr liaa Ipcrelolore intimated that it was in poos!oi of Intelligence conceruinir a morcninit for a NonLchirrn Confidcrany, and nvist be pre fotnid niw to Ivc in lufi.rmatlon to the public In good faiih, though the telegraph supplh e no MM wlit ilur the niirr.illre l etiltori.iilyeoilone.l the Demount, Mionld it proe to . i ho i tinmen r ot journal entitles it to respectful cotialUcrittiun. lliHlk-ei-d Biihtantiallr that there I. an nr. gHiiizili.ii known a-i the "'Order of Arnorloiri Kniiiht"," when of the tncniiwra are roafodc tateU Kith the inmu ii'iio t ol em'Mrra.ainif lite Oii( riiini iii in us pro-erntinii of the wr, itnri who ii.e n cniiMiini or rt'Mililnif nnjcci ot getting np a KoruttfHUrii Cmti.der.icy. It I aeon (pinn y, honever, inu'tifoini in ruitnii'tur and en dfied i h a n n.itr' tt'ilo flcxihllity, a It crniprcl cniN the tiKintiers of a p irn- in New Yi.rk, ei.r-d ih- (ttuco lactinn in the VV t, ai.d nutr.lnil in ho t- under the tianner of a Kihel leader, S crl ng I'nce. Its nullification" pursue their devl ms wsy even to the Uelxi ii. pi la1 , when) the (treat V.ulan I'ixlii'm wns In-lulled Supreme ('"ininiinilrr of the N .ni e n aeclon, undertaking, in conn. lent, tiou of it,:, tilpiiitt , im Ii-sh a tank than t divide the Ka-t from the Wen. lit I mg dat. llame on the confines of Canada wai in further, ance of thl. sctiiine, and he there iiinght tho roun.-el of crrtuin gentlemen who are doicrihed, rprhnp rather nmlilriouslv, a "the Ividing spirit, of the North." l.est wo nli'iuM ho In doulit as to wiime spirit do in fa t lend u, we ar.- favored with the mm -s of William II. Iteed, of I'lnm dclptiia, years since pi liticaliy oeeea.ted ; of IVndiefun and l'lipta f Ohio, the lonin r of wlum w.n kuon n in the lu-t CotigrcM nmuily as s ivin dido to Mr. Cox, and the hut r of wiioin,' like -(il-n-dt'wer." did mnecd cull sp'ntif oiu the vn ty deep of Ohio I), in ii racy tj the n nn i r of t i hun dred thouMind and oeer, lor me lu-tHation of a 1 uuveinor no tiivn i-kvihI, tint nai cr yet to ou p I knowltdi- ix-mme hiuiH;lf a spine, much It'si . liatlli ft in e; Ktl'ilien, of Ht. Iviuib, aii'l Ntur if anil Mi-nick, t.t Clilc.fl.i, iiuuioit lu fiirtincan Governor no then nected, nut never yet to our a ry ,.n.,.i vui'Kn. milium lu iiiil mi! hii.i to lnie, m.d burely to uiot of onr readers, nn knoKn em It h uld bo supposed that this conspiracy had no wcll-deliuid tueaiia of nc-oinpli-dnu,' lis widr-nai ldng purpose, it is furthiT Mutud that at a consultation between the Supremo Com maoder Vail nuigham, 10 wit and liis imhor clinate i oinniiindere ut Windsor in Canada, a ' progmmuie" i airansed for tU J e ect.on of Mr. Vullaiidikhain us in legate to tho l)om -cra'le C'onvi iitinii at Chii ano,in order to m iko that amemhly the scene of u private, prominent, memo, to include n full de 'laratioii of the objects of the Order nt Aincilian Kr,ight, and to secure the utierai ee of the considerate or Vl luttdiKbiiiii that ihe exi ting Adiniiilstrttioii is wieidn g a u.uipeil poaeraud ounnt to Ik) ex pelled we Mippose hy siiiue power which would not lie iismpcd. For the rae d livery of this we hopo vro do not chiinicli rme it irreven n IvS'iiuip speech, each Grand CI mmandi r nit- lo have fully aruioil ana equipptd (hb the law cj rects ) a baly-gu ir I (perhaps McC.e Inn's) f ir the oe'enso of Me. V. pgaln-t tho niinioi s of Ihe lawless dcip it at Woliingtoti. Atthil point the plot was to thicken. The i-iim-hplii-re srowa kuddeulv and ominously lurid i an odor of burnt gunpowder steals upon the tensis; and there comes a sound of sach thunder es whs neier stolen from Jjhn DdunU or Dm iel Wihstcr. The of Mr. Valliindig'.Bm's body puuid, it whs ihoughi, would pr jeipl'afo tho ptople t f the Free tune- into an armed c m lict wheiht r I etweeu ihem.-olves or with the body guard there is a m8terious nncertninty whi.-u as to bo the s'giml for tho Kulghts or tho Anierirun Order to ki I or capture the civil and Dillltun umhoriiles. We puu-o there. The Imagination rofuscJ to penetrate further Into this dreadful future. Wo slnaoy see the body -guard ol Mr. ValUudlghim eei-ii g upon the torts of New Voik h irnor, cur rying by storm the def. nses of Wishiogton. ill ni In tore Wldcll the veterans nf K in. h.. jurt rit.reii, buridng tho cipi'al, swarming in transports down tie I'oiouiau lu pursuit of tho army of that Ilk ; moving in serried columns up the reniufula tor all McClellan men tbey woud t ke no other road leading to tne velKhboih od i f Richmond; and tiuiliy crosM lngitie Julius oh Oenernl Grunt's pontoons, fall ing upon thut unhappy commander in the midst of bis arn.y, uud piooubly sending his head and Mr. L'ncnli.'s i nd Getn ral Dut'Cr's us peaci of.e rings io Jillersou l)uis. Af:ur which we tbali it down eviry man under hi- on vine and tig tree with unlimited lilierty lo "larrup ourowa Dlpntrs" lor ever and a dav. " There is the must couvint ing evidence of lho truthfulness of this sta'emetit." It a-smuch. however, as this di.pAi iirii.i?n has been pitmatnrely disclosed, we suppose the actors in It Vallaudiiiham, lleed, l'eadloou, l'i(ib, and the half million othurs. Including en pedal I v the 200,000 McClellan initmtj men of Ni wYoik buve been arrested und sent to F'ri Lafu'ttie, or perbups alre,idy tried hy win. tsiy coinml stun and hanged or sent to Canada. Uut on reading fU'ther we And our mistake. 1 his gigantic eouspiruc.v not lo tie under mini d in the drk no nit sterious spiriting away of its leading spirits no cheating of just pupu- iw veuvennce vj rxecu'ious Wltnin pri.-on walls. wl Itwaaat In conception, tormidahie in num. fibers, and bel Igerant in purpose. It c mid not IT! e dealt with The Government at Wa-h-K ington, iheieforo, with due sen-e of the immense VI IK-ril which the Reouhlic his se u-d ut iim ns liendsof ibese ahsains, determined to exooso tbem I and it bus been done. 1 he biMory would not lie complete If wo omit ted all re eicnce to the celenruted letter of Mr. W. Mursbull AndiTvoa. l-.telv exoloited in thn toluinns i f the L.ndi.ii 7Vneit whence it was transferred hum the Colunuiu 7i ins. Itappears that Mr. AnderKin, like Ut. Vallnndigham, is weary of 'bis doiuiiiiion ar," and even carries , lit oi-;us i the exieur. of refusing an election 1itlHVtr, ' 'lesgo Cojventlon, to ait tin which wmS tte dur iuK o ject or Vidian ighum's amtii. tk. Y. M. Andorto i, in fact, docs not like war In gmerai nun (esi ours in particular. He do t aies: "l now ful'.y real.e and comprehend Hie niennliig of tl'.e erm 'horriHa M!i,' N jvv (hut 'raiuuuit vt.r has yoked ber red dragons to ber iron ar,' now that all humanity, all muir ' nuuimlj', is li-aiupled under H e', I feel Its full : force. Our Generals blush behind th hueljler of , Mars, while ti e Hie-devU IJelloua, with blazing tr u, lighth on our iirms to iijaouiluious vie toiv over woineo and i hllrtren." Aftir which nobody will be surprised th it ho ytta i ff to Uuuniual and tho Cartliageaiun. wlo exiimple he eomiuends to hi- fuiljw-Ujiu -crtt, ollik.s the Yuukif, Us u tUouiinl larr!t for ino "crown.'J yidaln," and .;' ni le fi ftiu.n ihings than we b ive pi -e i.(linie. lie is ot cone,licnce on y us one olner advocuo f ihv Nor bwexiern Cul.rcutfrHry, Judged it ilu J nuts, und especially hy i lie vCrarioUJ New York forrccpoiidei lot timi Journal, woithyof Kuropein botice. 6o he may take nis placa w.lh the rcWt. ktltl t. APPEAHAM KH DKli'irt l f. from Ui4 Ttmtt, ' "A friend who Is In official communication With both aides In the American civil war, and yho hut almost nnequaled opportunities for .svomlng to a sound conclusion, speaks ot the dmlcrlties of tie South as far greater than ar allowed to appear on the turf act." So writes the iLondon correspond! nt of tke Manchester Uur- Siem, a paper whose sympathies have always been Ardtnt for the Ilebelllon. We do not make sufficient account of the fact that the Kelwl situation is tor the most part kept bidden. From the beginning the Keliellion has freen Inrthen" mora by secrecy than anything else. It was itched hi the dark. Had the light of day shone in upon it, so that the country could have known what it was, it never would have been suffered to draw second breath. Th (Southern people were made to believe it com paratively harmless thing called peaceable sec, aion. The .Northern people imagined it a mora make-believe, deslgaed to frighten simpletons. The conspirators sprang it upon the unprepared -country, and thus gained for it a foothold. Ever aince it has succeeded mainly by working In the Urk. The National Oortrmment has had no sec re to. Ita situations and ha doings have been open to i the world. The Northern mind has always been . eager for the entire publicity of public affairs and the Northern press has never beeu more ttctlve In gratifying that desire than siooe this war commenced. Little or no ree'raiut has been put even upon the maiicloiuly-dlspo-ed portion f the piess. They have constantly indulged la mUrcpiewutattobs of the character of the ettuse, asd or lu resources, and of ita prospects. Kvery tanfaverable point va tii nation lid has not only been expofd bnt made th worst of. It would not be difltrtilt for any Ron'heni PebeltTmake np frum our Copperhead news papers a pietnre of the dilHrttliice which are be. wuing our Oovernnw ot, and of the calamities that are threatening the North, that wonld fiaufy bis fondest boij or his rankest malice, n the South, geticrullv, the pros has ni such ptfvilepe of putting tho Kobcl cans In an im tevoiahle lie tit. All truths tending to dlseonragcment it mnt eitl er conceal or penert. Upon single acts of the Omernmcnt of minor Importance "there mar be ftee rilticlsm; hut on no occasion Is there i vr wen n ficc exposition of Hie aciinl stnngth and rcscurces.or tlui aetnul trials and dilH -u tlcs, of the ()oernnietit. The universal business of Ihe 11 ti hern press is to mal.e things look i-lc-tnnt, so Inr as cs-enti ils ;;o. In iest t to ti e iiumls?r of mon nmlor arms in 11m Tonfcdi r rr," for Ii stunce, not a hint is v. r given. We' know that the Richmond Con gress lest year decresd a universal conscription of nil nlilc-liod.ed men, but no returns hve ever apptnred rcspe. tit g the rultof that conserip. t on, either in nny sinele State or in the nitirre. pete. If the Keiiel War Hepirtinent has ever n nde any tef ort on tho sul iei t, wlih-h is very d nbifnl, it wa received hy the Congress in secret sission, and kept suppn-sed In the Fcdcnl s rvice, Ilic soldii rs me raised by ilntinito nnmc rial n iiusitions, and tho qiu'itu actually sc. ctued are othciiiliy published, without theslight-e-t res, rve. No stub mert or Intimation hue len elven hv the Hebel Trea-ury I)partm"nt at least, not within Ihe hot yeer or two concerning the Con fidence indchtedno-p. Tt:e world knows that the Hi biliiies must have beeu piled mountain hith, I tit t.o man is allowed ! kn wits measinc. n.ent. On the i ther hand, the National Govern ment pnhli-hes weekly exhibits of every class of its debts. Ihe i tnnie S'-crery which Is tlins trnlntilned by ihe Hchi l Com rnmeiit t-oneernlng its ,tet'tl romliiion In respect to its two mo t vital lie.-e-si ies, foldiers and n oney, can liavn no oiher object than to hido consi iuus weukne-s. It is en y enough fur us hcie In the North, with the rcnstik ntmns of 1S ,i) in our bunds, to draw gi ncral conclusions respoeiing the resources of the firntes in rebellion, and the time nccsary for il, eir exhaustion under the dr mauds of this tpn.i minus war. Hut yet, calculate as eloselv as we may, we can only rnnuhiy approximate the real truth. We can only Im pjsitivo that the Contedcra.e power of resistance has already jes-rd lis niHMtnnm, mid that at no di.'ant period It mu-t cae to be etlectucl. The Con fed ia'e niithoritics cou'd give us more detind! Imoi miction npon this vitil point if ther would; but they tuke the utmost piins to keep tho woild in an uli-olutc ir-a unie e respecting it, he cui'sc they know that tne ckui light would dis sipate the last paitiele of confidence in their suc cess. lint the truth will only come out in the shape of i-si-tu nl usti!!-:. The growing weakness of the lit bel bin will be seen alow; In the feebler bl' ivn with which It defends it-ilf. N ) nimlc n. ent of lis high pretenses need be expec'nd no fore the very moment of Its linul submission. No disclosure ol its rial estremitr will l,o ma lo or al'owid. l'robably, us at 'icklurg. the pn testutions that ibvrewlll be no suriendcr, will nrver be so loud us just i revious to tho surrender. The effort will lie to make np iu assumption whut is lurking lu power. Ot course, nil such bravo tnlk w!ll more or le:s Impose upon the people of ihe (Jid Worldwhii, at l est, huvo but a slender knowledge of any. thing iclulive to wiial they cull oar ' civil wui." Tuey may read, as in this ease, mi a n-wspipjr syniputh i;iig with the lleb li on, that "thn difficulties of the South uro far irrea er than are ul owi-d lo appear on the mrfare, and yet fail to sic untitling significant in the ml ids-nm. It is enough tor ihcm that the " Confederacy" sf ll coMitiiits to show what seems to be a st uit front. l'tit the Northern people, who have i ervc.l, from tho higiuiiing, how the uiunngiPi or ihe llchel ion have nuuie coneei.lincnt their stan ling pmicy, shcu d avoid the comnion error of luugui f ing and cndiell shlng the unknown. Whu ever oit'icuities ixts iieiiccd by our Nutioual Gov ernment are uic to l.e bruited, and made to pro duce ibo woist impression ptwsih'c. But we mav be assund that tho diilieul'ics of the H -bels, whh b are not "nllowed to appear on ihe surface," are vastly greater, and should be prepare! t hour any day thut they at last exceed the p owcr of human endurance. TllR iNTKKMATIONAr. TcinllllM-it t fv, vn AHOOk UlVI'H. Till, dh-ect.ira r.f thm ,ul. fM..I. i.u'j ,juK cnuiiereu iiuea ve-seis to t.-ansport construction mat rials, by way of Cape II rn, to the Held of their operations on the northern rsciflc const. The polos und wires ou tlio United Stntet portion ot tho lino liuve beon put up nevly to Virginia City, Idaho; and tho princip d "dhf. gingB" of that tenitory will soon he in comma iiicmion with New York. The dbectors bom to hnve the whole line built, and tho Old WortJ talking with tho New, in a couple of years. WANTS. AUTIIXKUY AND CAVALRY UOUUKd AnnlttTAST QC'AltT)'tMtTrit-4l:?HrlAI.' OVTI' H, I'Mil AI'KII IIIA. J-uy 7, lrv.4. IIirsod naltiiitl fur tho Anil ery ami ('Matr Jtrrvic wfU b" i urrimM i the iiiiiiPtm In opfn mnrk., m a .dlr pitcv. F;jwh jtmuiMt lu i. cub w uhI i'i Ute usujHkiru Dii'tit lnjrction tH ttirc b. hiki accoi'?(. llirei to l.fl i1ivt-ri-I io th l.nitiri Stln ttiTvrtff. nt tr.f IVI M t t SS 1KITKL, AIAKKaI Strctl, bo. twi f-D t ilfhth uin Nil Hi Mr-f Im. Hy ricr 01 I'oi.nn-i ururti n. Crobtutu, Aj Is Lint Quori;ii;itor-Gijcri U, 8. A. (.kor(;k b ohmi:. Jj.'T-lOt C'aptMla nd A. WANTKD FOR TIIK UNITKI) STATRS Manno Corp im vr.rl'rt ttiu) nxcitlnf lift) hy ( i tl (nil , three huntlrtxl ll. billed man, to rd in rh tifi ol a nolilier At i-ur Niw ini. mii.i iiHi-d ifnitoJ hutM war un foruln i'tinnH. Itttiar com pi-mat ion tfmii tbe irmr. A ship-of-war la a cmnlertuble In me. The Marin Com I ih ntit luircrdt'orp In Um' sMvtre, Tni Money In 4butiJn:e. 'IIIK LOCAL KOI'NTIKsl I'All IO bKCUL Hrt. 1'or ah other InitTmallon aipl-Oalty at the Urui log Rri-ixutti, No. .HI H. FKOM' Htrcet, beJoir Spruce, Letnetu Die bourn of nlmi and tlirne o t avk JaMKH LK V!", Captain ami Kt-jruHln; Oillrvr, tayH No 'Ml H, A'HUN'i' Stn-et. K A M 8 X K R S WANTED. Vnih.r QlTAHTI'RI vTVR'.l Ofl tCt?, WAtfllMilttM llrtl'tiT, W.i.i(ivor.. C. Jul . V. onre. TliKhK. IHINKKKU TC, Olil KK, each iavtb ot drlvluK with tilnle liue, and intmt(fiu ix Dinlr tt-anis. To mich who art fompt in to penrrm thodutv, the pa) rn. .mb Hill hp tt.iny d..t ai, wiiii o.t ratn pet nay, ttnd bopt'Hi nvlt i:ajat Including Uie bt ti UK-lka! atiei tiimcM li n ilex. Alp.j to JUtn f'H 9. H TOMPKINS. A. Q.M.,0. B. A (Miiner of IHtNi i -sa CSlUiitl i. .sumi, Va-b-lDJftOD, 1. U. !. H. liTCKKH, IrlBdlor -CvQi-ral and Chki tjuartc nnatw, J1Mm lnpotwi Hbh iiiiu. FOa SAF.IVD TO LET. fTi rtl.AWaKK VKACII FMIM KOK 3J..n!v I'en tin i. lie itct-i. ou v.hiih 1, n'w r.romu aTirKC erup t-l I'i bi hes, iniiwim tilt h me iIm i.l!i.ivlni( xm Witt, :- 'Tt-i fcuily v't'U," ' r.nriv ie'k." "t.-o'o f ly,""lil,l Mis la." "IK'' White." -W.r.f. bin.1 ''. t'lii's," n3 rtlir vAletto.. alt of whlrhwlll bs r It 'T 'he umrkut In lew ! . 'I'lie funii In ni-Artbi ltnllr, s.l Nr. i ion. nun I'pn lie lorwuril-J tbe Hined tf tlie tr nsltirlwil 10 nmrkel V, U bn Pr illf l're.eriy. or M.ltt on e.iiv tf rmi, An lf-loiV.1 '! !,.. ( TO I.KT-TIIH V7II0I.K OU ANY I'OH iitloii hi iti, Coiniiiirjkwc iiltH llnlnlii n. No.. Sil luidtill lii tlillt.lunt . Tii'K. H. l.'ONNKf.l.. AunUnii lL.a. .-( J I). J.Mie A riun, f o.d ror fiKKicH iifti.i),T)Ow; f l '.I i ... 1 1, r.l To l.el. -lie !,. eh.ll.h ..,! r.U .ior i-, tlli.i vi nil 'i v n'.oul .1. .in-, i.w.-r. ,. 'i 'ii: a i oiiNfir,, Ci eiil u, II. ue i.f I.-. i. J.mi,. s i, .;.'. -Nu. LMJ ( lli;.l l Miroi t. 2 ELI7IN TUB JE-STOfl Y jJ EBIOK DWELLINGS, WITH ilACIv JUJILDINCIS, OAS AND BATH.. Apply t J. H. 3lli,iMC, No 110 S. TEIED 6T.1EET, Jrtl-lJt 0, No. SOT 8. rOCUTU PTBMT, TO nENTHANDBOMK STORE, WITH n. COUNTRY S RAT FOR fiAT.RAvll irjItBaUi Ooamrv Kuluu..!.!. . u - T .1 ...... - - - .rn.iiu. aa . iuiw irua ma. m Su.r., d sdtKliii ft. .n mn.m & unt Ir i" TU ? scrlo. by OMUllors. Kulrod aid talMirftsa wrUila ui,.. minuim( riam An. lyl.U.H.fAlFlVllor W. B. 1 J"5!l 3 Wis CFOR BALK. f 60,000 WOKTiFlNOOD Diium, larm ul MaaU, tm lams ta tu oarzhm. uliu with or whbn lacianbfuM.ror ldT-J UmHi. liwnlrt,rr.mllolIloc4.1iT TMQj JjLfLj) VI MAW. Wo. 'Ml g. rOI'B'Wr ttntl, IOSTCUnTlVICATll NO. 13, DatBD J Jmtj M.Vwa. Iiom ihv of U Coptul dto ui HorelM SJUl Taid mrtoti foaMDow KAJIw.v Ooinpaar tm liw Halle. Ai auplkratlon has lM.a uaZ U tba Coaipanj far 4 Mw (!, tha fluiiaf Witt l.a riarn im saa l 16a affica or ma L'ompaar. ov la "V K1L0W I'lNJS TIM UKA AND FLOOrLnO 1 hnatda. j neaias. 11 it let. Hwui raratma T.tVow ias Tuabar and M.MS raa' Yaikiw fiaa Klooima Bootda, to arrtv sar otaaouar 'Ihais,' (WssBaaareitTil. C.IW "la bv fc. A. aorncB co.. u pi rro u i a kmi- VCi ra'and tlu r. If daalrl, f r svary !t V fbirU whica rail la aaj raatvM. FINR PHIBTH, trr lk jtuwi or aiiiui Kids of S'W Ton MUls Mailtn, and rtny Una tJnaa Itotoma. Or.l7l 79. li.aal prtr rfl'OO. WIU.iniivMlaKllli Mntll.1, ant noa Lima Besoms, 0u7tTi vsna p ice OENTI.I'.MKN'S FURNISITINO OOOD9. HMITH ifc .IACOIIH, tnv-i Ha. JtlMC CHFHKtT Rtraet. !.) t llt.MNtT Hlt.vfT. Ta atl'm! n of I ATitF1 ViH.T;r Tna fn , or loi,atiit 1.KAV1N1 11 ..r "iva'er. Ii 4 I .ac., ' or .'iht 1 .t.a'rv,' 1. rainivMiullr I.'!.'! t lh rt-nni M. k of Mliiis r.'H'I'S inhatila .r HI'HMKK HMK for VOlllfc Kdl.ltti. MHHM.Su HKAPI'KKit, Ac. A 1 ...t.rjive a.arTrtn.nt t. oflrt in t.ara ar.rt Vt i rk' l.Ovtiu. and ln.rr;l..K. H.a ' I oliari, ..i..ri., nn.i in pUip S' O taney M.M. rtir1 '.ii. a. in t 'tfiiro ' Wi,.rt d.-.,'. AT r.til'l't, Kit II I KLUV TlUil I't'tLM m .11. at.i li"1 I'Mota,: I. n.t, aml.rlc Ilras..,l. HO pieces l'.il')J. luvacd, an,Aiiilp J Mil ait. t r. N'i:i:it.i:r. 15 iT 101 1 f iir.Bni.T ("tv. vr. I'OO HUOi' SKIUTS. I'OO 1J k.r'l'wl'.rj, ho US Alt. .1 Htr.!, Atiova itd ncrt, l't Ma. Wolaal. an. R..I.M. 'P'.mo.t Mini.'. , n....i.,, nt .,r 1 , i'-i. fi...', and ctnnian'i ll,p hsnta In thr city, in i ..f r"M-oct flnn c'a.i. llrti i.t in 'a, npliii,oinai il:t-, a-iu tUeapnc -i. hav. po c.t'l In tli. marWrt. tiktnt uade Uiurdoi, alared, rrvai. hi lv v. v 1 KIH'KISa. ATLANTIC CITY. JOHN MMTCK, rhorniRTOB. Til favorite hou.e. wtleh Is m.-.,t d'UeUiu'l, near ihe benth. firs n.wly ri.p.i cie.1, i. tinlMl. and tl irounrly reiai.erat. d, iin.t I. cvi"i l""f the rccvton of hu.m. ctn-nnit th. oomforia ef a u.' with an tit luxuries of tbe aeanon. Tormi n.ederata. )yS-1m 'ON&IIKKS HAI.I., ATi.ANilC CI V ' 1 wonut r.ip.. .lutljr 'mori.i 11.. 1. . 'd. aii.i i'i. pel.Hr 1 1 At I 1'i.if UiHin'..Mi1 I' 'ii.ri'. H . I. I'll, h.itia ii'.-it.lrd yi ar, mul ta v ty in'- mra-i., 1 !.r tl.. e.n lee e ht nit onni; . nl'ir. tl. reeiol' l i.l, m w nrmtwe.ihe cmOtN'ii l'lfi p't s I..J.-. ,t. .. . unit Will a. r- leieoila'e fmir lini.ilr. il gi r,t.. vu will rlnil n hi.'i.r t.lae'- Hi. 11 1 oiia;-f,. llntl. In, 11.41"t I i tne ecnin ef itnv ot the 'nrne 11 i(..,-h hi .V i .nllr I 'l'y. t b-n otic ll iiOioiI J aril, froin 'l.e I" m I', tliu prei'intln H elf hit aU ni .'ii.. lo Hie 1 ul'l r. 'llerr (..ii'ii't t-e p.v'oi bitli Mtir I) an at Aliunde this iinnnii.i . I he.ttn't ai thtt hi. Mu-h h c cm I'li. I'l-ck lant c n li. ..1 li.-t a ...v. ,u at. av bv tl e Mwh 11 ei .-I mil wlr tt'i , 1.1 ronw Koi li' lu b .t btitt'.li'K tutf on the Atinnt'e .. a b"Artl. 'Ilieif 1. an ext'cllt nr Hit' .1 of Mm.Ji' eiirtu'C'l. Aiii'i hod u a iplvuijid litillaitl K'hmii. lel.i II it. W. HINkI.i;. j rv x. x: t a ohm i;. ATLANTIC CITY, t3i:. J. Ii:NlS, l'n.i.rlotor. (Loi'K arc! faTrralit-. kr-i-T-r n l-.Al , si vi 11 tot cii;- "t (. OTfTrs rttnn.) 1 panl.i a. roriW'ilai.o wiir ii..r. 1 : . n. ' ir..a; .Ac. I an inn lu t'ie h..u oary it. .1 ui .hUj. . J-U f-XCHANGK HOI V.1 AH.ANilC CITV. li 'it., .ufi.erlbt'i. ;.rallul '.,- .,t u.toti. temiri ll anK u. hi. puivr,, a,r.l lh. 1 eb l.' f ,r r.-- hrti.'irrui cue torn iTv.rj luni, arj hoii-t to lay rl-.rti l, It now ooee for tio leii.i.n. and rc.ey u nclve U.jr.'. ra. r.triu .n'i,; and tr.iikiint. un Uic n oa' m nlorii e t t i.i. 'Ih.l-awib alititti. hi .iii. 11.1i ni i ,r....t v I.ju r.fid ciKar., i,i.d nivicrlorciil aie. T:i iao! ' .ul be let witr the bt.:t It e ujrkct anoiv.i. tlat.m liii.a nd arUe always cnturd olaiite on it. pit m'.ft.'. All tli.C',cit:oru t,f a liott.a caa "Vi.i 1 futnl t the Bxcli.n. GSOV.'.-E HAYI-AY, Jc ti fru.iisir. (JOLTJM1IIA IIOIJHE, ATLANTIC CITY, Si.W JEHhP.Y. fclTCATE ON KKN71CKY A7JENUB, Oi-PuSITB THE 8l'gr 11'JfSB. EDWAIO UDYLi; rro!.. T.rmj tciu.i the Can. J. l-tf s K A - E A T II I N 05 h A -1' AT fl I N' li. STATJONAI. IIAI L, CAJ'K Isumi, ( art. 5!A . X. J. riitl-'rin li y.r of a.f .n.l -.'vie 1. nilfprtot. hui'vnor ai'. i.ii nin'a'if n ncl ai'ipi. r o-n tuk two tn si ttn i Ki:i''vs )eil-:'n A A It N iAKKK'inu. Proprietor. rl UK AI.IlAMtliA, ATI.AN 1 10 CITY, N. J.. 1 1. now o..n fi r vi. n r.i Vne fn -111, and laoia are iiiimiP'.... 4 t) any on ih. Itland. '01. ro .t.'r..ia. jro-lu. I'l'l'oMij ,v. Vol-.M. rpii-ruton. Q O N -W A. Y ' M OYGTEE BAY SALOON. . vr. cjitKEit or 8KC0ND AKD CHESNUT STKEETS, Jy lia FIIILAT'I IPUiA. Qlll.XJANS IIl7Wli, No. 531 CHKSNUT HTUEET, PH!LAbLrilIA. Tlil ftona kepi oil th. Firitpao Plan , tha Renins ar convMiieni md ava-ll v .iitilat. 1 b? It. vturant oif.-ia all luittmv. 1.1 lh taa..on. ;i in JuH. bTl.f'l A'.'liKTt Proprietor. TKLSh6. UKaOKd 0., kliniUt ad'ti'id In H. SKKllLKR.oor. .1 V. 1.1 TH and r..n' .-.uawe. La4lM' I 1 -t "I'O I f j : L t Mi"i-1 hj 'a.11. lWH.fTII Mueol rlr.t 'rx.r hla kaoa. Ti l onuel cocu'l.w v.rii-d ati.:fc . a han-1 con..ttia. in pan. cf 'i:h... , M-i'j nr.ora, MruMildor t . r. c ., F.l i'a., Kiauin llra, hyl-.ii-a, Artlcieifor Nnrswy.i'ict. Ko.c, lift u. I H1I.AI) 1 1 VV. 1 A S VJKO RONS' I'A.M'At.r. INslUUT., 0. 14 nortk SIM M atrect i ... Mmt. Kul.iura raou-niiy cured by B. 1 . a-VKkfyT' l..iu:iiro Paiaut uta. i.r.urii ; ri-iun im... fviiik h .aaUS aoflea. Trit'er ... Ac. l.a.llca attoaC ' by Y, n. b. c. ht I tf. I T. mjrie-la i -.iu:"'i-i liventar .. ..uniit.uiiurtf ot (hs X K I I I I C I A 1, A r. X, Api-rovd and si fted liv Till. Bl BOroy-C'lN-EBj 1 (K IIIK UNITED BTATM, f ir Moldi.'i. Has perDiUllint'y locate-, til. Orli.-e and raetorr nt No. tit . Kol'ltlH fcntiet. ai ioet, bekn fb ad j. -v on lil,AS l it S L W I N CI M i l l i ;h v. J H I N E fa. Till. UKHT l ifij ap No. 730 CHF.flNUT H. . WANTED TO PKLL OK EXCUANGB, Clllpilo 8Vwlni jlauhuia. 1 ha I .11... Jk l.ku ...In., . . MwaieKCT 00, nrlt-,rK',?.l,,',5,.wlfl All .uralihed rrom Uioir petbcipal ofllcaa. KA'J',J!uJ!!o,,'o,'''.II'u,,, MaobjLi,ax Bu, uj I.t .VVVI A v.r.rirkrw S: 10S M. K.klllTIi atreit, L... . ,M., . (OvertevawlUioiiHfrt..) 41es tartt lo operate. Jelt-aa if ITll OOXXAOE OilUANS, ' . . y ajj.a. mn u autiLI.Hll II Hntl 9' fad Fuwar, V..imaal aapetaJly tor I Wca-VanS alhdWllal Kilt sVdaau4 la U I ) 1 . , . . . . n. if. HutrrB. ii5. 1.1 " " -vwl ' od EXPU10N8.-I.BT XVKHT 14AH WUO aw a. a oiuun tuau road uua aouao Atjaroft a Low Water tMouo, mvw lam to aire fro ene-hair U two aeura' warolaw, a delra4, Iku uia water is saaltM low B Ik batter, aad uu, daounrll aa reacknts. Iko ktsuoHMd ratairoa a eon, aad la wal. luted la m Djetanoa. Alao, auaaa and Water auas, wKk Beoloa sites Sboae, tall eiaanaf pauna-cocai. Ate. Swad tor straaiM aocni.lrr Pailadarpklo letiera aad Stiejlata. - AUwCsrt'-l . BATTLED. tro-lta a. S4N ni 4iraai. 1 II. DIXON, No. VI I BJ'IHTH atraei. Pai an in riM i ai TuiurvoooM, raaa,Hearr;."a"i """"n, '""A Jewelry, LeeAoec Ooooa, wjutm. a. . v era atoao. vss OCT Y07B COAL AT COST. tuh ErrzciUAt riAn or cnEAfHHiKJ coal To Nnt ra f tismarltit prlro, ornvrd bf Uta BROAD MOUNTAIN MA1TM0TE VIHT COAL OOMPAlTr, No. 121 S. TIIIUD 6TUHKT, s i. f il'y pripci.inj, to In MM, ipecil, tail t lnmpli. ant contiimmaiion. Tha ureal woraaof the Ctmr.n-. n. arTerooM Vhnvl. fctll cenntt . are NKARI.T COM I'I tl I l, md wll sopply a.i "UAlil' itn rtom October net, with the ben s rilloflOAL, AT TUB PB1MF. COST. ls I Tv.0 lleavj Tom oa Eaoh Share Every Yea? , for Twenty-five Years. Trj rr'f'o' inch M a e In the pr.e. nt a.n.. Ii lt-.') paj at ic Mil on lubicnttloa ai.d t ail on Auiuitld na.i. (ai d lit ll r n"t IV ft lerlri It will be 1. Hid $."i. The SlARb r.l ruif'K c a hiavy n S fr.'"i B.l.) M CV al It new $1! ? Th? ri:!VKron ritltE ofthe iam. at pre.nt ra (Juljl I.: For mit in. or.pi.!rit, royalty, and ir.n.iaj l' ntcs t n Tran.r"',ni'"n uvcr Uarcn al ;t4 Trar .n :iatij:i o.r ra.lroati 10 l"itla- dt'iuhia 10 Triin.i-onatu a l: tn op.ii n. y ttd 10 art! ripen..- 2i (rti'it frol arA 10 H! arcl iMrr'i hoin... fJ) Totti ro... or unit, ton delivered at Uif home in rhi.aoelphln . h-ni ItliT. r.l.c-- hi-'wi cn a .rl.t pr're atl fo.t price, f .-nj Tri max-.! a lavir-f on t toi.i P.r ea.ti share of lll-in. fhonld ihe ma.-ltrt price he huh. r, the lavine- will tta anil tr.-a'cr aril rhotild Die innrk.'t pru-e he lower, th'-n the ccst prl. e wll n. propi.rtt.e a-e.y Unt tt a i, r"t all. The I'. mpany tavin viry taro er. and INK..!! i H Till I K fOAl. Ht.lH, flVK llt:.a IN til mm. much more mal than It aniiuii y rt' i'jir,' 1 r..r in.- at".'th' itlt.n. All 11.. ao'iiu, coal hr irld at thl- nilli.c niriStl rale., and ALL 1 II K. plnut n oill be nunbdlcrt every li ru "iitM si l l. ll I1MI)' s . ati.t "i, l! a HI r.; of. .call It rt nft-'ei.tiy , tp.vit'C tl ey will realne av.ry ) ar from V. te c) per cei. t. on their iiivr.uacnn, anei the Hnl year, la aitoltlt n t" the lavlntis en tlieir Coal. IM Itlil.l seeoae 1 I I'HIVX MINIMI An 11VI.K1. Iili.h'i t to-a 'iii.r rr of a ccuta-y i5'i yean) intrtof oi.o rli ;.. ,t 1..1I la rtcnuyl.ill c unt., c..rti rlsina tbe Mitiun otit V em, the hla.k ti.aih, Primroie. t-ai lei, ami other i in,. The coal ot the Ma a n i ii . t:i la u tut.. Akb; tf tt ol Uie other Vcmi partly White A.-h.ianly H.d Aah. DIItfCTOUS. wii.i tAM Mii v 1 1. i.t:, P'fu.uat Kl'IU hi 1'. hi.. I., niiMtv m mm. 1 1'.. Ai.n::i(T n j Aiti K.-r. WILLIAM H)l:lj. Hcci-fHry, l-'it furil rr irforn-A'.-tii, find h r tharei (ar II. S, pay oelf In ll en mL.ciil'.i ij ei..'. t .il ou Anoint '1, next ej.!y a', tho OrriCE, NO 121 E. THIRD STREET, CI Km IK llli: i,IBltl l ,N a;. Tot l'V.i;.l?fl ai t viclully, tie Hon. JOdKl'H 8 Hti H(. Hr.ier of hradli.ii. I a. ait pte.! IheAitCity ol ILe havir. ier.;,n.iiy viii'tnt a id .'i.m In. .1 tiir mil e ai tl nlTa r o the i'.m,'ai.. ri;e t-l..u. of l.:i.d. :j an." vii.nli; tt'li apply InioroattM aad it at. t: ll . M i.Cit s l't .'ll L.nt R. ilin. Ihe co.t price ol a trim it o ol loal ai i: a.iirw. de tlv:r at iht- he e. of a tnan r.ltler. la at pr.,ent ran notour i ai. whllo tha maitct trice auouuti to mjee than (ont'ie .hat .u.n, 1 HON ICY SOU M (10 1 s K, yAJNCK HTKWAllT it o e 1C I I, .? 1 M i A IV V. Incorporated June 29. 1864, Capital, S O 0,0 OO, SOiJi nil ABF.f A bllAKK-rAR. P'ilrcr;; on 91 ncti sliarr to crUiial ubcnbr for TO Oto 1et 'HnHc tl cnt dewn o n fr'!b-ar.ttiK,and tuotlitt hi.t i.ait nu ut 1 cichoi aal'le ou ihv i;ui Juij TEN THOUSAND SHARES .Swim ed fvr iIi.ePr Company, lho l.i.J. jnrhh-ed 12 it-t Vncj (frai't ilock Oil On 1 nj roiiiiiii. tte hu;u na ca h. :y one cir. m ti - ib e u tJ.i. i1 i (vgxi .t im tii uiia tliiioiiuii- tljiu mW. iit itu ud it Al tahi a rittr, la i. m'tuiry 1. 1 , ( xif-ilir k a fin. u.irtbtf itaicf t.p .41 t, 14 ili-k tl ID-Lowd Two il. Itun.uuin uoiily ii.iuj V-o r latia Id ii, o'lij-i u ruius I t itivi Kranklia n Wtia'itfo y -um . lViKiavl at i. Tit a(icn Kicr Tnrrl ory 1 y ai. Lui Uen 1 aix. (t i ui nt. iii i.aie 4 u a.rl Ji. i ijuail y ut oil, iti I'uuuru". wtilU Loidurl ik 4ik. pruuui ti oil w.iti tu kuai (ftbaitir rct-ulari.7 Uian Uia irveiia HK'i.e OH CrMt. ll lt iiflirttl I t- tlt.w ui OH briow trrborvut;0 offraak Un.on ih AiUhni thei, will (trutftiy Lfvar m aklMiii)iMJ. Iu(ur i he tra iifjat.oii, oi v.-li viio ln-up t, D nt rwk illu. lu a loiiUiH it anil; dlrrVtloui ihhh. gutntl) U.e Ihw vt oil oul be utiaitTUit uritri i tna Dtar tito, - or OU crefta, aiid well would rtuire to t biitd jttt v riii i Tt.tKTUi'ij l rriiuu u ner wiia, h(wv-r, there a iAitd Iim;.si H bt lho until .anaAiMiit, a iia a lunuQ K'l a'vr uiply iuit u,HTiiiciiiuofi. NUur kit e f OU It tk viTtoin Uia1 c Tfi wtlia h i tat iinr. In tt.4? Ijimttl a vi li it) ol tins ImJ, h c nUniwf'J ra di OTK dun i tlit pmi Uirc O' four joar .i uuwavtfr ug ajid tm.) dai it d t.t oil Aliiaorat Im nmp tn d ni or at rate tli tact Ut I. tr Iwu eMi Km and Oti ( rttva it ou the iaaa dti d 'riait .if In (li e, id u (Jl-iant. un cw tn. brVrV't l't tff vitfieui tan,r j njt u-tm wi itj r i,a c( tail froui oa b otlitr aio it ihiio mJi ar ri In ti ClM1!' ttit atii d.u lioiie It would, 'liwtiu ltt trm. rdlnarj , n l ftavrinu wt-n- ou ibu tra t aauiH' M di-tih i4 ttbp viht nuilrta and till let, tl Ov Oomianj'- w u.ny u f-nl 'how cf tJ Crrmk m tltlr rui'i'llcr ut laii-or oi til t'a.-ivi- ti oil uahv au i-iiD Hi it ofl i Kim A Uhu bn tba fjnniml nt;U to ti ittiMI'.hu iTt-rta VI ti C4tQiluT. Or tl'l- pnrM'iilf iriu-t . I i d ttiura I) .rn iet ort Ufar-e lor t-i)tt tt ar. a l wif rbininni kr 0 . j,oa 0U&Oil,aiilV'nr,rill(if-)tli.t N.rvu cfi"Ml-iaI u,ma i tl cit-iii o tiiau a a laj-yti t t, 1 utir tJ tlltl ou .i n .. H . ou.;,, : i-rX:' )., . " ".Hi t : K','V;irr.,k,..,.toh: Ht' at ..nee Inur. (u the ti,-V.ii!U-' i'"v. .1" '"o other w lie ,i. . ...die.' not yl t ihcil.h.n In L V , .i-r.eau ' ..iMrr.'la lay can ...oraliy T , out ol li eu., and l.e di no' i to !' -Hal V ' t'- P'OVe losrly i.uj tl 0' h.n Uored a rra..aiatile d.pth Anihi-r .eil I. h.lf b.rej. and pn.ii.t..'. a .atl.l.vlorr cl Hkinp'. a if On prict.rou lr. ni in.-.- wclii can ne ie.'n at the . (l oecl li p Compitiiy, N . . M .M, I' slreel Its fee ot tine vo u.le oil la..d.ot.uii;rUi:i. tM.e hua di. eel! thl ty oi e acrea. mc.iiiil"s ill. royal'y f dm fee oor,v of oil ! r ! . tea.e ' w li. iooc i hini...;. ami the .m i. ria.'oi "e . i . ...j ... ni, 1.1. Ml to io oco. ua 'lul O'lay si.. , ub.. i Ipt ous wl.f no r Bliyihajte. ....,. e.,,b. Hi..., ft.tiin.. n, ..! by i A Cn"..,Hr' 'e u U.r.d,utia. lnr. are .. on.a.i fee )H 1:. II. ui .ot ) enti ii.edcoi.1,.1 c. n.tarln lr,e. Ill prhe it m w Sly per karrri ai Uie we.i. nj. oia.iw ait. ..i a.i. - '.llah tK. t..lH,..H W..J...II. Lanjewe a will dt ubie.1 be .truck at the cteplB . r ar1 I r.i, e. . to raac. .he mrd ni,tl i.,i.e Kota f m..w.n.,wri..iBiii. .i.pio f.riit ... uncut MNtleet In im. iciiiiiy Ii n. pipo.m to h..ra tweinr aeileea iht. pi. a.i. ili rliatle ... ..n .ear i r one hi uuie.1 ..i.. A p.rl.ei l.I.e, of ail lociaa. laeouaamitJj M.urtd Ui tie Oupaay. tln of snbierlptloa are bow opea nutL At 5u.v0 ihares at eutiicribed. pay able f 1 per share, to thorir of Alder- manAKEa McCAHN,tUeTrea.uror of the Cerapsrey. o. 406 WAIJ1DT Bu-eet, or at No. W WALN VI enroot. or at tk office, of the Company, No. 213 VAULT Street. The public are Invited to can for a pro.pMtoa. JrO-tf J)AIIVTIINCJII 1AINTINQ Io. 47 & THIRD BTEEET, ABOVB OBUMUT, rhnadalphia. FAIIY tft HHOTHEK, BOUU, tlwS, iuVO OsUTAiUUrTAI, rAINTERS. ralaiBf, OlaaUm, UUeJaasoa Ulaas, BTslr"'-'n. raaes Taraiaaiaa, at. aoIS r JjDMUMD A. SOUSES 4 00, COMMISSION M EIIO II A N TS, ANP BH1P AJfS STEAMBOAT AOEXTS, JHXJK. HTRKKT WHARF, anirmiw a. arxroia aac-wiaaLB aarrv, aiaiaaa 1. aoinvsa. lat-sf OEslOVAL. - THOMAS M: PLOWMAN, IX. Oarpenaer aad IHK, bas rem. re 1 ala Ik. a rroal o. a Bmoberry ebeet lo Mo. msCAwilOt Ottaet aa loinuif ue old Poet Biuidina . ti.vme taoraoMi bl aaeerra t atmaiewaaaral IIUIlha,4 h uirit'iiiiij u ot.fwoj ...v w Oit-0. -ra inc. 01 1:f7 '"' " MU' "" "r,w. a at ui. hoiiM. al paid.. olluihr. 5 )iir."T.. w.llpav ca.n lor in. land In lull, and B.IHIW..II . .I 1''" ,I'S C.ipilM iillhaia, ? '" few monin : arran.e mj iw ,p hi. ri'U otuer FINANCtAL. QOLD, UOXiUs UOLU, SILVER AM) BAKK NOTRS WANTED. DE EATEN BBOTEEB, jatr- r No. iso i. rnrno grsitirr. HANK1CIIH, No. JO 8. THIRD 8THKKT, sot iso iaix OOtJ), SILVM, AMD bOVERNMBtrr SKCUIUTI EH. H T O O K H noronT at Soi.n on coMannHriiw. (mhtt Q L A It K H () N ec CO., IJANIiintH, Ho. 121 8. THIRD 8TRRKT, PHlI.AI'KLrlllA. Oe"rrm.nt RecLrttlei nf all laiuee Poroha.e.1 and for Rale. Rtocka, Honda, and Uold Itousht aod Moid oa Oom niiaaioa. tSTEREHT AI.IOWBI) ON DHI'OSITH. Collections Pioinptly Made. fe5-tf TiiW X.OA.IV. 1NLJW lt-VN. U. S. 1(M0' JAY C(M)K1! c CH., OflKR KOB SALE TUB NEW GOVEKNMEJtJT LOAN, PFAWTKO MVS lErl CVJTT. ITTrr.Rr.ST IN COIN, rec'trnirhlr any t oie an TI N YKAKS, at the pleatiira ol tl e Uovernmeut, aad payahie Foitrir VSAtta after dale. BDTH COUPON AVO RFOISTEItrtn B0I8 an s.r.iHi inr this Loan, of lane denomin.non aa the S ra. Theintereat on Mi't and SIK'I pa. aie yearly son al aenomlnotlrna, half yearly. The IO-4ti boutls are d,ted Match t. IMT4. Th half yearly Intereal tallies duo rtrptrn her lat and atan h lit of eecfe yean until In nop teoihei . the accraed interest fr.m lit of Uaroh .a ieu.ulr.-4 u. he p.lit by panche.era In cm or In LtuaL ouaaasuv. atldlns ll'ty pee cent, for premium, until rorther notice. Al LOT II KB (.OVLKNMKNT 8BCUIUT1K.H B0U13I1T kSU bOl.l). JAY 000XE & 00., ml.-) tf No. 114 it. TUIltD MTRHKT. j JO V JO H afc HA II M, BAKKIES AND EXCHANGE BflOKERS, tto. a'i 8. TiiikD STitur. bai sae la fil'IXIB, BANK NOTKS, AND 00VKUN M1.NT SKCUHITIKS. Htocks Roocht and Sold on Commlaaloa. CollecUoas lr..n.ptiy otaoe. apJU-tf VTOCIIH AM) fKCUHITlES EOCGUT AA'D SOLD N COMMISSION, DE HAVEN 4 BEOTHER, M tf No. ilO 8. Tilt ICO NTREKT. MIT II fc IlANUOIilMI, No. 16 S. THIRD 6TRRKT, HANKlilta AND liHOKKIlS. Specie. ntocka.QuartenxaKm'Teoohen and Checti.and all uovarBiaent Hoconties Boast aad Hold, nihil S1 UCIAJ NOTICE TO TBI IIOLDKIIH OF TUB Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notes. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, or ins BKbOMiNATioNS or CO'h A.JND lOO's, CAN NOW BB CONVERTED JH FONTS OF TEE L0A.N OF 1881, r THB ASlti l.'K.NOMIMATlOlf . T.t loiiB,ailcB. PP'J st the otllca yf JAI COOEE & 00., if lot HANHKRH, Pio. 114. If. TIIIHO Mtroet. gEVENTII NATIONAL BANK, Mo. BIO MAIIKKT HT11EET, (C0KNE OP bTaAWIlKllKt.) Capital $125,000. To le Increased to $500,000. uii;i-.CTtHa. T O. hfORKIM i f Mome, Taaker A Co , Faecal Iroa Vi'orki. fifiA aoa raebereta. BKNk (j.CUiolf, ol fuye soeblt. SuUders, tfa, Ms ll Head street CBACLU . u.vTON, M.nulaoiurer af VToolea Ooodj, Ut!? at- itaaayuhb. , ... TVBb, of WatarB A Co., VTHolaaais . A, f. Of.xsere.Ho. 1 Marbot suaot, w. Beat Ketat bio. MM M. Thirtoe tte rallad'a aad Cew Tort Eiproes H. P. tXYPB, aji. B H9 u DoUwaie Av. " 'viuree of CarpeUuci, Ko. US UKOWOE W. BILL, Mama. . TEBV u and 8 hoes, He. 808 . V. BOUDEB, Whoioaale boa Martet atreea. Vaodloa, Aa., ITob. 1. Z. PBU A VEJf , Importer Vflnee. V .ra a.vco. UOandWrt eiwv . ua Dau imai aoea oury aaueraiww w njOW yr. baalaeas aiidw lbs NaUuaal Cbrooo A . bnaaa. sand to receive DUKtmn. BtaaetViUooUottr BotBfteiwraJ BANaUNO BUHUiEAw. t Dlaaowul bars oa TVKWAr aa rBUU.l, woak. J. Z. OTHATEN, JVaaiii-.' K. R. HALL. OeMhtosw ran aarMi. Juo an, labs, Mlaf Ji. PeHIPCAITAlVMSAKDOW.Ny.RS. . " 1 aadorslgaed bavla eaie4 Ut. a nU IHINvt TT7a nca-aw iKb. ben to laA. aa. mmi m tao bi.k.Ual bo b, aeeai4 wlib tea reaa larbinea lo aeooeaoaeaaio Iboae be.lnV'veeeale looo rwMd or rt bab-ed, aad brta a bnuwoal vbv-earaeaaa ' caall.r, wll aNe ae.eoaJ alteoUoa1 Ju" ab T liwTl S mf tia.i.dlohiaiKirrea T Ca a. I. oe, oal-rarpMll.M,eta4 bliitib ba.ii s .aeMie ta rapaw. o.aaaitarwd m l-k Ha.lna tbeaeeney lor the laMnf "WeiMdiiedta' Pal MeiaMa Compoellioo," or Oaaoer Paua. IW Via irMte IM.OOI aa.el.' bouoma, he this oly, I ' rrr( m to rAiVis kt hi., n n.uain. aVaaalaurtoa aoref. immW. BjVslSBHSjvieiai.aaiil iieeiw. aaraaaf Wktt-N FINANCIAL. N M w NATIONAL LOAN A.X 1' Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money. coui'onh A'lrAoiir.n, AS INTEREST PAYAULB RACIT SIX M0XTHS. The prit. ipal Is payable In law nil money, at the end of Ihioexan. Or, lbs kyUer bai the r1M to deaaand at that liaa Tie 5-20 Bontla at Far Instead of the Oaih. Tint pmrUoe la vataablo.u thee -M Bondi are oar inoit nepniar Loan, aad are Bow leUlns at eijhl per coat, art ra ara. flubacrlptlona reoehTd In the aiual maaner, an4 the arpesl sad of the ftteretarrof the Treaaurr, tec.tbir v. fare our Clmu'an, and si Decenary Inibrma lon, will hefbrnlibed oa appli. alios at our oillco. JAY COOKE & 00., JJ17-UH No. Ill 8. TIIIKD Htrvw.t. 1. W 11 I U It T a CJO.e Nt. 142 S. T II I K D STREET, OrrOMTB 1MB R.CI1AM,K. IValera In Government and atalo aerarltlee. Quarter aiaaleie' CUeobi and Vojobors, and CortlHoatae of todebt atlMai. Oiders for tbo onrvhaa an lialeof Stoeki and Txieas roroptly excootod. faj-wfol tf PRESIDENTIAL 0AMPAIQH. F li A O H , BASHERS AND TRANSPARENCIES. WM. 1. MCIIi;ilIII3. No. S. THIRD STliKET, Above Vheinut, ruUadelpkla. UANurACTviitB or PIJ.OS, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. Political Campaign Clubs fitted out wltk Lanterns. Badaee, Banners, and Plana at reasonable rataa. ef) ra fOR THE ARMY AND HAVI J'J V A IV H A llAHHAtiL. MIIaITAIIV KUHNIHHtiKa. No. 41R ARCH H I'RKKT, PIU L A DRI.P HI A . Butsn, Swlmnttu an Oompanj riarv, Rworik, HfcHlMa, BiU, rjnnU, KptuUU, Htvta. Cftp. CftntttUU, aTTBtv-tt. Cftmp ftiu. rwU.1 i)iavfM, 8 par-, uxl Y9fj tbin (worttOniiig to Ua ootnpitU oaUH of Armj tva4 Surf OOtcttrtw jkVJfberaJ fiicoouct aVUowd to th trtvl ttrl9-Sia ( UEKK'S 0FFICE,C)MM0XC0imcilI V. fh'laot'iLiliia. Juf ft. tn arrontancsp with retwtnttoo AiiopiaU by th Con mot Coi'iit ll f ilif i itv f I'll HdnpM. on ( Uio jvm day tl Juot-, lhCl, tl tnn.fn bill, ontlUea "At oki-ina srit TO At'TPOMF AN AfX'l l lNAL LOH TO MFFT TH K KXI'KhhK.' 1t'II)KST TO i IIM !KKNBH OK TIIK CilY. A Nil I-OK OTHKIC PUurO it.&," li lien. I, piiblULtHi it-r pubUo liiftraiMiloii. Clerk of t'oiumou UvuuclL AH OKNAHl? TO AtmiOni.K aN AlUIITlOVATd tOATf TO fcRKl THK KXI'W.NHBi 1NOIOKNT TO THH PKf KM3 OK lUU CITY, AND K OftiKU I'UK- hrrttiiol Th Relrcl ind Onmmns Cminclli of th CU? tr I blJA J-lfhi& da urdstiu, 1 Ut the Mayor la hn-oy u Umrctd Ui tx rnm no lent ttin pr, on h omdlt ot llu cui p"ratlnn, t.cli fcumwoi monat mj ba rmiuirrt. b iit 4 y IriAHiircr, f'om tiins to Umt to pro v id for th fern ih ul vi'iuiita-ra rrom Uiacl'yot PnlUtlnlpa la tiii wiTUffi lha l iiifd Httvic anl fir tlie tfoa W tha city, not txffMtllfK in hole the turn of fl-e huailred tbtitiHtstitl d l.Hie. fi.rwhlih liitirtiiot rnaxoed Uie rttta ol ui cni . i er Atmutn ihatll he pld half erir, oa tl.oi.rti di of Januauv mud July, at tiia uillua of tna Cltf TrcstHtiinr. Ilif iilnrlpai of ts said loan aht'l be payable and pi4 at W rxits loo of thirty ycr ircoi the iUu of t ie kamn. ami f t I ei It 1 out iht coi ient of bolder tnroft ud c r'li(t f- thiff r, in Ihr o.oai fonn of auch crt ncau oirit r nhfali heliii.uio in Mich Mtuoiint ai th lndf n may iwiu rf , bu uol lor an) fracti r aJ pait of $ltX, or If rvi.ultcd. In im'un a of do h und rod r one thajnatwl dol!ni. and It .im I be eiLprt'tiKfMl la nald oartinRatfi tbat tit -aid han the rlq mentin ed and Uie Uiteivt tbaraof ar- i)abl f( e fri.m li tuxa. He t iu-i. Whem-T-t ny Mn ahall b made by rlrtoe) fcertM-f thre aha'l ht, b rca rf ttili ordinance, anao alJ -ptrojiita'fd out vt th1 Income of theoorpirAeettawa, aid f- m tl e Bum rai.-tl by tutt-on. a Bum uitlol-nt to ay he mtrre nt on h<l centflcatei; andth rtner auia oi tlitee-ttniha ot oiie ur centum on tbe pa- value of aacb certiiuait, tto lirad, sinKU oa aporoprta'ed quarterly out of Oe iiinumr and tait'i toaalnklrn fund w Mrh rtind, and It a ecn Mutation, aia befeny evpeolaiy pledged toe Kh latliiupuyu aud parnunt of aJd ocrtulca.ea. REflOl irTfOM A0TU0KlZla TH CLKUK TO rUBUflH TUB Olt DINAM K. KeaorrcMl. Thai the Cri of Common Council ba aQthor lt(d to publUh lb it lally newKpapem In Una city, daOjr fr ft ut etki, tt.t ordiuui pre.entrd to 'Vtmnma Ooun cil, at a maieu meeilng tuereof, bold on tba aXHii day of Ji'Le, lHe4, euiiUd 'An Ord aanca to Author.! a an Additional TdAan to tnrat tb r,af mcldeutto tha de'enen ot tba C'it,aoi tor Uh-i i)urioc." And die aald Clerk, at Ua tarnd meettaf of Ounclla after tha emplratia oi four erivtka trm ilia ft rut da; 4 atttd auol oar Jon, ihali prevent to thte Council on of each Mid of wpaprt for every dav tn which the aena apail hare been tnda rl-4w 'IXUK'B OjVFICK. COMMON COUXCll V ' PHiLA.oHLfHia, July a, lt64. Ia aocordance with a reaolu'ton adop'tNi bv tne ( onmon CotiM-M of Hi Cit of riii'attolpMa.en Tbnraday. UiaknA dar otJuua. the annexed bii.en'lUod "AS UKI'INAV t. TO AVTHOhlK A LOAN KUK 6CIIOOL PUB- la her t by puMiahed for puma iaforvation. M- f. 8MtsL, Clerk of Cvtnnioa OunndL AX ORWMANCK TO A' TH".tlK A LOAN KOk NCIIOOL P I' K POM rl. rWtlon 1, 1 h pelct.1 and Conunon Couuctl of tba City f 1'hiiaoeiphia do ttrdnin Tl at it: Mavt r ib reieoy aotliorlie to borrow at not ka parcn the craolt of the corpora Ion. tha ama ol oiie DiiU'oa dollara tn pnT.d lor uie erccU'tB. ektcn ntAii. ai.d c mt-lt-t on of buiUltntf- fr ioiiotl pnno In Iht- Fir-t hchool llf trlciol l'minalvanla. forwMcb Ut ruat, not to xe i d the rata of jIs pr centum vr annum, ohall be pttid haif-vroiriy on th rtr-t daya ot tlauuar ai"l thn on w of tne City Treasurer. The pHiKipi vl Hies 'id loan aall m paynble anfl paid al t)e tpiiation ul the f'"C ibe da e of tha ame. and iki be'oro wttl.outhe cnient Of Ihe bolder. t'irMLf: aid tin-ccrMtVaiuo tht-relor. In tie uaual form ol the c-ittti( ei ot City Loan, ahuii be laanfd In aut:h aniciHslo ua tho leniea my require but not 'r any fro trfxel fun of oiif huftfrrd d:ian, or. If re'iuliad.ln an oini oi flve htrtt!rt-d or one thou-and do.laia; uid it ahtsjt Ih mrrea-fd In aatd oertflraB lit the vald loan the c o bifi iiuiii-d. am. ( a litrvat Uwreot, art payable Sa ftl'b all UlfB, Ht-.iM fiv Ihr fi.otiniofBB.tirbanhaA.beapproniatMl. dli'iDDfd. m.u .b!ii.Did l'..r (U ),flT' iu aa (.t.ria r k- It m I. 1 olhMev.rat Kitol aectirni nlnd faiuidrej all 4 thn tv -lour ttx-u -a i d nvr hut fliro d iUr., aa lolwwt r rat Ka ka. I rty .hou i d dolixra ; 8w i ti i h ctk n, 'htriy , ih -u and doilart; ' hlirt hrt on. thirty (houa d doilare ; u'th avctloD, tmm-tivdj Uiou-hd doslarij ritih bt(tti.,h''y thoubaiid dcllara; fiutb Hectn o.iUlrtv Utouiar.d dnllarat (-ever ih Aeciion, t1tythtae thousand dollar ( tbtb Htull ll tiri-ittbttbouBand dotbua: Jsiuilt HM-lh d, forty tliouHand dollar ; Temb beet hm, iwtuty Ave thou. und doilare; :.fvenU. fteciion, Uilriy-L.ut tbooaaud flra hudra4 dollar : Twelfth Section. Ihtriy-fonr thou aaud dntlarti Thlr arnUi ttectkw, lklny-tuxht theuaand dellara; Kourtcehib bctlou fifty tboufeand doliarai Kilt rent h hctitn, twenty-dvtf thouiuid d'llart Hutrenth Hectlon, twenty t boat and dollar : Hevvuled'iiUi Miction, lorty-tlva ibouaaud doUara jt.iKhienili Pection, Uilrty-flve ibouaand dliaxa lnfleaith Ht-eilon, twent thouaand doilart; Tweuiitrth Heciloa, seventy-Ave tbouaead doalara Twenty-flrat Hectkn. twenty tbouaand dollar! Tweiuy-avobud heutlon, oleven ihonaand doilare; Tweny-third Heinton, fbn teen thousand doiiara : Twenl.v-ff'iinh Hm-Uoti. alxiy-eivht tttounaud doliarai Twoty-firth Hoctlon, twenty-three thousand dllaa Twrniy-wUtb Hectlon, tweive tbouaand cWliara. lieu 'i To rvin burae tha City Treaaury, tor epproprtav tlona am ady naoe, ehnrrabie to tfala loan, tomj'Wkx) thooaHnd blue hu)ded and viKht dolUre. Item a. r ur ounurireiacivs, tLfueA UsvuaeAaftre bua4ra4 and ninety tw o doslars. ttrvtivn t. fvhneaff aayloan inUeafaada bytiffoa bcrroi. tlwra shall be, by foree of AU ordlnauos, annually we.iwK.v.ivi tuf iiHAiun vi oorraM astatea, -ha anfli lathrt) by taxation, d ansa aoAclant to pay ?. erestotl aernnatt-a i and; tba further ana ef ,.r ulhiOfn-.prctthjmo iba par value ef hcI MtittMtai. ahU ta apft bWiated aoan.fty out of aaid aueaTS abivvlO aliiAe fund, wblcb fuad and tta acmaoulartena are K?reby eperflalry ieyeu for Ui re 0a aud aaaMOt tf aald aeniitcaiea, aiy.ROLLTlOy tro rTTBuffM a i.oAir iru Foal Pl BLK'nCMiHUA ufcl KWatred. That tba Curb ba auibnaaa ia ptablieh ht twodaUy nawaaaiMra at tatf aity y weaka, Um Toadiiuince pealed ta Uoiunn ifewuKil on Itisuaday. Jan s-.-"- ORMXAWrB TO AVTBORliB A LJA lOa. ftCBOM. rUaV Aad tba aaid Oerk, at tha a ewtd' meeting of ODoneita nftaa? tkv expiration of four waaba rVoaa tba flrai da ar said bubUcatkba. ihailptaaent to this Conneil on of aacbgsf Uid nawspapar tVr PVarj ia U wa0c4 iba) law ah Walwaaiab U PROPOSALS. 8BUTANT QtAUTliRM A8TSII- vwhtsu a umca. VJV'.r1"" -hi f ..Btil'l Inch. All the tools for actual aa tc. a are toeaeaeary aa tie wltb tbr K slue when It U at wrrk.such a .pntrt, fcan1 and am aw w rrnchA, laefc Mnws,Ae. lamne and woswt baaer- lobe atieohed ; iruatM for atam ni watav pi t tn e filled so aa to nee tna Jonas noueiluira. wt rb ar to la at ached to suction hoe, and all aHbot nnHfr niHtMirj tn tl work mo of the Kn ha. Iti.i.Vfr. will also aUta tha prlte In thflr proMala, wale) Tut he ffrrn In wrltine? aa well aa In wWur, aad tba) ta rntaib'a time tha Knalne can ha detlr.rxi la. il r1' rarved to r!ct ail bHfi a read loa twfad4 bt1 flvn 11 tfefoaJ(n tt"t Ht aw fcach IW nu-t he snarantaeil by two resnonalhla aa. soua. braa ains'aea mo-i ba apuenJd-d totheata-aaiwa. and oert're- te ai batri enod end snfllciont Bwnr.ty nr tha amnm t invotrt, by aome public functionary of tna United uiZiTl&l? H-Crasman, Aa.l.U.tQaar. Jy77 Caatain and A. W. at. CUHSLSTKNOK OFPICR, UNITKD STATUS O Aruiy, HosWftOUTH Kmc, Pealed Praal. in wm 9lt!H- U tU"4 MUUt WaUl0 lIlrtaS rorit TTTorRAVD fnrio) np.An op oat. Tl R oo the tof, deHrered at the 8Ut Cattle iaalea as UnJdmote, Md., lo lota of l4) one ttHHtaaad eaab srr ( It ua das ; to be weighed within one and a aairaays a'ae arrival, at tbe epaae of the contractor. Thut amas. averana about thirteen hundred pound t er weight : ad lalllnn short of (liWiiona tbouaand peaaa rrisa weiaht, Itulis, hUg, Oxen, Cows, UolAra, na4 tirnlae t a tlr will be reueied. a fiodueilon of lea (lti pounds win ba made frara Oaf we, ht of ear Hteer aoc. pi t-d under this ooatraac. ecex llcd tha anln al do not stand in the pen two anl ana tan l otirM infi re bciiif weinhed, or ta not welabad 'imr lilitrly altar removal trrnn the car. Ulank forms lor pn p.iaals can b had on anaHeaw th n at Uil oAlca, either tn person, by .nail, of taia vriipb. The OVtrernment will claim tha rlirht of weUhtitf atey rne amoal e arete, It Ita appnai tnoe (jt'iraatee Uan wi-Uht tl an the uilmmam maiMlonod abare tha an nnaeof welrfhliuj will ba paid by Uia part errta In iadaw neit. Karh bid, to aecora oonsldarntlon, mnst eootaha ft written auaruuea oi tiro responsible persona, aa IbA. ..w- Wa , of tna Crmnty of . Rtata of do rrttf narantee that - I (or are) able to fulfil n eof;tra-Tt tn arc. nnre wltb tha terras of his (of Ui'r) propsMtatatk, and shonld his (or tneO) propoeltion ha acoepad, he (os they) wiil at once enlr Into n oon tract m acoontaea tlit n . hh. and are nreiarrd to beo um hi atirUdBau ilTinr iKd a i.1 atiihcteiit boul ftr It 1 l.e rw-pooalM'ity of tba Biiarantora muat ba shown bw tba rtfnc'al certificate of the Clerk of the nrest fMSriat ouTt,or of the I'i i led a faux iiatrlot AUoruay, to oa ee-Co-ed alth Uiehld. itiosit r must be present to manond tn tnatr Mda, nndl prepared to give bonds and si Ue oontrnot bafocn ksav. It tha oflica. The ikvramat reaervas 1a flsMf the rtfttt to rajact ban or ail bids conihlrnsl ntiraonabia. t'am4iUto be made aitar each detiverr la aaoh I aa ninT ne ou hand ; If nuue on band, to be made aa aa ircenin. l'ro,-onU mnnt ba erdored distinctly MPR0P04AXS Ti'h nKfcr CATTLR." and aldr.tatd to i(Cap Uia f . aU f.Jl.ftlAN.C. tte t niore. Man land 1( a bid la In the name ut a urm, tha'r names nnI ibaay pc-at oiiioc ndilress tuust appear, vr they wtU aot ba cjoa aldi red. Kach person or evay member 0 Ann 04ertnr n f)ra EchkI n.nt accmpen It with an oath of allegiance to Um nitcd males Uwurnniact. li he has not already bled one) at iMh ofV.ce. Alt ft"0 nor onini'i'ifiiT ntrictly trtiA thi term atAii naV r HK-mttu vtti b rfjfttti, J. H. OrtHAW, jyIS-13t CnptAla and 0. S.. U aV A -jjKorosA ronlTonTArrfl H ft 1 1!3 Oft-rn a, Wak DsrABTUairr, ft W41IUKQTO. Jul At l4l, Peaked rroponftU will be ree-Ued a thl e nntt WOMiAV. (he 1st day cf An.nt, l-M, for $ INOH N"at 1AB MUKl iw deJl.e-rd i'i tha f" 'rr iifnilt-f at the unir- named Arsenals, rls. At n a-ertowu Araenal. Maaaa-iiusft, V00, Al Water l ft Ara ual. New York, 10,uiil. At Naw York ArsenaJ, Oorarnor a IsiandL IToW TarR, SWe' . At Alleftbeajr Arenal, Plttsbnry. 10,000. At Vt aaliinnton Arsnal, I) C W9. These ot otfcuie ate to I a made of tha kind of metal. inspcteu arer ti.a nuea ud aewn in tha imin Manual ; the lonMie strenitth of the iron to ba not teas 14 it poantu ier aiuare toco. lrav.iiius oan ba seea nt any of tba United dtatnn Ananaia. 1 'e pio'ecifles are to ba Inspected at thalbnndrr cufi.anu are to te aonert a at tna Araeiiala true of for ireiiaponanan or nav'iiuia;. Uiddora will aula Uia rata at which tbay vtl An il v-r. Kallnrea to nttka dr live lie at n aoeclfled tftna wlfl aaW Joet the conti actor to a torteliura of tba bunur naff tan io oei'ver at tnt time. lilddra will aiata epl'cltly tha Araenal or Araanakt whete tt cy propose to deliver, and Uta number of aw- jcctllea th.y propose to deUvarat each plaoo, tf lor rava annu ui. ISn hi 1a will ba ecmsMered from part lea other tbaa reffu ax founders or p-oprleiors of work, who am knewa totiilfc I'epaitment to ba capable of execaiiu tba wertt piO(!oed for. Hht'Uldau nartTobtalntntra enntra t offer shell otba tlian thBe cam tn hi own ftnmdry. they wtU ba rJeete4. ana mis entrant renuereu puu ana votu. r'orui of bid can ba obiaaned at tha ahevaarnadl Arieoa's. Proposal not aiAda out on Uila form will nX ba ociifeldorud. ODARARTKB. Tha blddar will be requuwl to acvotnpany bis piwrrton with a guaiautoe slantd by iwo tfponslble peraoas, duab aacaaenia aio is soespia, ne w ii at exeowrs ann rowiractfor tha same, with aod and i'iHletit saxeisae., In a sunt equal to ti.a amount ot tne eowireoi. ee Aa !? tlea'(lcla proposed. In cotiirtrmltv wi h txeterois of tbss advertiatmettt; ana In cae be said bidder bould fad an enter mt the oont act. they o make jo-l tha dffyenan ttwentheoiTerof sad olddTand the next rapoa ( bh'der.orilie person to whoea ibeoontract mjr beawanledk. Ilia rer.poorll.lHiy of tba sua antorsrau t ba shows by thaofticlnl ccrunrstecf tbeCicrk. of the nearest Dlatrtaf CoO't. or of the tridtad Mtatca DUtrlet Attorney. bond in a sun iuaJ to tba ameint of tha aontraa. alffind b the contractor and Itotb iff hi aoarat tore, rt be required of Uie aucceaaiiu biddor or bidUers npon sidrav Itia tha contract. PORM Or OnaRAlfTRB. Wa tha nnderlKU-d( resdoi f , la tha eaejnty of . ann rtta'e of , beraby Jointly and eevrraJljr ecvabant with tie United Statre, and tuarantre. tn one the lotMolnT bid of ba ncaepbd, thai, ba tarer will at once execute the earniraoi fur the eara, wi4 awadi atd kUllW-tent anntttea. In n aura aiaal to the aevmnt at tie onntraot. to lmlrh ihe a? tic lee potxaad In eomformiry whh tba term of this advertisement daiad July 9, la unrer which ta bid was made; and in ease tba aid -shall tall to enter ante a contract as aioread. w trunraav taa ta uiaka itood tlia dtnrMa aatwaen tha afar of ttn said - " and the next loweat ra-poaslble bidder. Of Vba) person to whom tha eofttratft avar be awar ad. I (ilvtn noderaur hand and seeja watneaa i J thia da of . U-. fsau.1 I Ta thl pTunrantea mnat ba appended thn offloial cartlfl aatts above meu'l nA, Kach party obtaininff n aontraot wll ba ohlljtad an awtar into bonda, with appro vvd eureUee, for It faasaafnt Up. a iba award balnt wiada, anooaeafal bidders wll ha) tilAd and ninsalbsMl tvllb Bimi o Ouatraart end sod. The Uapartnent marva the rtabt to re.ooi aatf ar aa. hid tf deHDej auaaitonBeiary aa any account. I'mpoaais wtu ba addreawMl a 1 Bmi -dter wiener ni Geoive 1). Ram ary. Chief of Ordn nos, WAjhlnrton, I C, And wih ba eosiMsed "Piopoaale n U-'acb atonar U-JL OKORI1R l. RAwHAt. jyll vwflAH Brhja4Jer-Geaai. (Jbiaf of OtUaaaa. AJVLNT BK80LUTI0N PROPOr-INQ CB tatu AmtTdment to the Conatratloau lie It reatulved hy the boofta and H.e of Renreseata tlvts et the Cr of Paanaylvanln la Ueoarnl AwmUiy suet.liiat Uta fijlowlntt am'-ndtmsnts ba p re posed to the Cuofttliuil.snuf ieOMEitntwwealtb.ln aaaairaV anc- wTin vr pro ns of the tenth anlcle there f i Thero -ball he an additional aactlon to the third artlekn of tba ( oitsiiiuiion, to Ua eleai-iAa.ed aa aevtaWn tVnr, an follows "fectlon 4. Whenever any of tha otmHAed eleebnw af Oil Con monv.ea'th shall ba In nny auiual mliltre aa VHf, uiitivra rviuUltlon froui te frekldeot of tbe Ual tad Btatra.orby the auihurlty of this tv.tnmonweAith. ses. elax tora ana exiirolse the rlnut ol suilraite la all etoaioaa by the ciUzfns, oimIut such n-tulaH n aa are, or aha I ha, presci vlrtd by law. aa fuaiy as ii Uwy ware proseut at thabr tiauai plat-e ol eleottoa " hvction I. Tl are aha'l no two additional aeotiona to thn ekv(jthnrthlucf te Contituwtu. to ha donated aa aecth n atffbt ard nine, a follow i MoUUsbAli bf bAUed bv tha Ul.latnra, HrietiiMik taora Uimi oaa suhct. whfch shall ba olaarly 0AptchNu in the title, axpt a.opr atlou bills.'' "HfrotlonK. No h U'hall be iiaasnd by the lK.shUutw firnnttuir any powe, or prlvlUitea. tn any case where th authoiitj to s-su.t. uoh powar. or privtuwea, has haaa, or sntiy I serf falter ba, ouoierrod upon the onaru of Uils V Tt.AnavBiallh 11 ' a ieojker of i ItoH.e 6f Repr-.ira l. orncB on tub stcw'oi V H I H, IUrkuibbo, April ti, UWi, rryifSTtTiwia, . , , I , 1 do l.eee reriirvnat tftl braoinir Is a ; Ita.! reoa, ai d eurt. ef ol I0e ihV '.I J".mI Hoauhi tu.tii4 Iba l.raarnl a.Mtuiiily, eiiuiled A iuiut Hts4utiuB Druooolrta siIS Arr.doenle 10 ttm CouaU lu.loii " a. rt.. .Bi. reauaMl SO 0 0 la true urBoo In tmuaon. wlienw. I ne ben-unioaei i?tmm& aad earned tbe al i ibe aeonriax'S oiiiva I H Uef aa aud yeac abveo wrluoa. j . ReerotajTs' fhefucrAi.Bwoalik. "Hi. above 1 a. Im beaa agraot. 10 by a ui..tit flbemeuilioreOKaeb Uoww, al Iwo sueoeMlve seaiui olIbeUeaeialbuesuMjus' ibla ('ooaaoawealtb.tbo pew. boi.d aaaaDdmeana will be auboUltad to Um oaoule kw ibe advatloB or rakseUoo, oe tbo Brat Tveedaj of Aeiraot, Hi Ihe ear our Uird oa. iboaiaaHl oiawt buaidred aJ ,uir Biur.liiaooerOaroawHbiiieBraelalunaoi lie leucb anus ol Uie Cuatuutltia. ajul Uie act, aertUbje) "Aa Aol re.urlb fci( Ibo liana ajid uannw of aubinittlna to (be peupie. or t'rr annruTal and rallnealKu or rweltoil, tbe eroia ameiitlmeirta to Ute Ouoaa'atiw , apenrred the Iweaif. third djtj ot Arrll, one Uiuuaad obibt baetdrad and eUU. bvar. , t.U HUKKU, ao77-fUBl BoereUrr of tho CoawauoiwoarUa. li Bo t. SBVJUIXfl arreet. aurrBBaajM, auvtJiX38KrL f Hair. P.Uo, bueaielnr, aad Baek, " fBAlbrlt riEJ'M, AWO ULLOWB. WtKlil AAA IbiiH bKliaraVAIaa. BrKIMw BKIJS AND OOTB. 3. BaiiiJUt aad raaOT.Mnc attended ba wltb aaaa doaaan. S t. mtTBBTB aieaot. tabea anOVBTY. TEA Vf AREHOUSX-KSTA-J taenia at lprw paid txalae m a-l Wia-Uoweea, Cbolee Haeaaa Ctxare. Cnm A BUasrwairs MoUsa bbA Basaaa XasaBrfeJowUAAMaaAt'ener. . U m n wirb oUJfthUl B. BtODtfD rewMt 1T ... ,. JONHUi a. Ct'l'rrrr. pARPKTB, MATIINOS. OlLCLarilS ANA v wmwew aoaaee, reoai now (orb atoeu.a aa.w. t"iiti w.. ateieu.. Miiu, ll'IA aad l t Iknltmhta llrn...).. , V wale.M. Iwaod Huauil , i aod it tU tleatate vrbxa i iBtkeetal Larpiet Bl tl lo SI IS luaralu, Ireui S veule le e. latj VMeuea. It.nie, floai II H Se It ete ear y.r.t , at huiMt aeeortaieal ire Wervd M ra0.i.l Wftaiulfil al ae .w mt A . u a . (SitraMrl aihlwa.) be: 1.7 a. tci-Q Let eooa cAon W aaaua, eojaias IXa . 3 Tn Mrtjr ; M-a. j-t jnp, 4 S n TuxTTm Zn I' in.: welshr.Htnib. , e.,m ffkM or.artmn h.a.ia twi Irnstha, l hV a-i and ntraJner, wlta brettea a4aa and A B(7ftlea. one of U. two off V. on r U Zm li!